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It comprises employees, management and the shared organizational culture.

is of the internal environment allows top management to assess the weaknesses an
d strengths of the organization. This assessment has implications for human reso
urce management policy, procedure, employee training and development, and implic
ations on efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in general.
Organizational culture is one aspect of internal environment. It is a system of
shared values assumptions, beliefs and norms that unite the members of an organi
zation. 4The way things are done in an organization". It is important in an orga
nization because as individuals act on shared values and other aspects of organi
zational culture, their behaviors can have significant impact on organizational
effectiveness. Cultures that develop reflect the drive and imagination of the in
dividuals involved. Accordingly, the internal environment of the school system i
s its school culture and school climate.
School culture is the shared beliefs and attitudes that characterize the distric
t-wide organization
(wereda) and establish boundaries for its constituent units. It reflects the s
hared ideas -
assumptions, values, and beliefs - that give the school its identity and standar
d for expected
behaviors. These ideas are deeply imbedded in the organization and, to a great e
xtent, operate
unconsciously. They are so ingrained that they arc often taken for granted. Unde
shared by teachers, staff, and students structure their responses to demands mad
e from outside
(e.g., by parents and the community), and from inside (e.g., by the central admi
nistration and its
communication of directions from the school board and state and federal governme
nts). School
culture is based on past experience which provides a pattern (template) for futu
re action based on
how all school stakeholders do things in the school organization (Best Practice
Briefs, 2004).
bi thoit, the purpose of external environmental analysis is to achieve the follo
wing objectives:
To develop a finite list of opportunities that could benefit a firm & threat
s that should be avoided;
To develop a clear mission, vision and goals
To design strategies to achieve goals/long-term objectives
To develop policies to achieve annual objectives
To identify critical success factors.
How these resources positively or negatively influence the student's development
will be the focus of our discussion here. You may start first with physical dev
elopment of the students.
T*e ashool should provide students with a stimulating environment that offers fa for physical activities and development. The school should set aside pe
nods for training during which the students feci free to engage in acti
vities of their choice; their limbs are well developed as result of such physica
l activities.

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