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(ea aye * Ghobat a Welcome to Merial {betpftwora merakeom) (/PressRsloases/Pages/defaut-aspx) PRODUCTS (cr x GA Home (/Poses/defoultaspx) > Poultry /Poultry/Pages/defoultaspx) > Products Products (@ Shake FR.) (http://www. —A-yAe (Petey Products Pages Stou as re ‘duct Information News & Events ((Poultry/Pages/news_events.aspx) GALLIMUNE RANGE A complete ange oiled ll emulian vaccine agaist val and bacterial eases, ulpment (UPoultry/Pages/equipment.aspx) Quick Lines ((Poultrylinks/Pagas/defaut-aspx) Vaxxitese ((Poultry/vaxsitek/Pages/vaxaitek 250%) Disease information ((Poultry/Pages/Disease- Information 3px) (yPoultry/PagesiAavian- Forum. 269%), ‘sed on 0.30 ml per doe formu eat oa ais “— Peseta er ao 20% om, Lesions oberved 5 weeks afer vacinatin of 3 wecks od chickens * cm dameter Granuloma > Granuoma andor fxnous depot between Sm and 20m ‘GALLIMUNE ND (1MOPEST) «= mactvatd vacine in ll acuvant aganst Newcastle Disease acmstred by parenteral route «ach dos of vacone contains: ND virus (strain User 20) at least 10 HU, Thiomersal at most 3049, Excplent and peswvant gs 0.3mL GALLIMUNE 180 (GUMBORIFFA) = Inatvates vaccine in ol suvant against 0 of poultry «ch dos of vacene contin: IBD vitus (tran VIO) inactivated, minsnum tite beer inactivation 5.7 og (CD50, Thomersl a ast 0.5m, Oi Excient gs. 03M CGALLIMUNE SE (VBPR R-63) + Inacvated vacine against Samana entertids infections of chickens adminetered ve the parenteral route «each dos of vacone contains: Salmonala enfants (strain L811) Inacated, minimum tire before activation 3.75 ¥109 CF, Thiomersal at mest 0.030mg, Olexcpent cs. 03M GALLIMUNE REO (VBPR R-796) + Instvated vane in ll asuvant against Avan Ura rts of poukryseministered vis parenteral ute | ch dot of vaccine contains: AVA reoveus (train $1423) inactivate, minimum tie belo inactvatin 107 ‘CI0S0, THomersl et mast 0.030m9, OlExepHent g 3. 0.3m HAEMOVAX (VBPR R-045) + ejuvante inactivated vacine spans Aan Haemophios (Infectious Coryza) «each dos of vaccne conta: Haemanhluscaraaalinaum srctype A & Cg. to obtaln a seroconversion Index of at east 0.6 1910 in chickens, Aluminum hydrox 0.63 + 0.1mg, Thometsal at mest 0.03, 0.154 Sedum Chbise GALLIMUNE 201 180 + REO (VBPR_R-917) + mactvated vacine in ol aguvantagatnstIfectous Bursal Disease and Avan AthreIs «ch dose of vaccine contains nacated vu, wth minimum te before netvtion: TBD vine (strain VNIO) 105-7 {ci050, AVA Reovrus (strain $1133) 107 CCIDSO,Thiomersal 3t most 0.030me, Ol Excpient 2s, 0.3m GALLIMUNE 203 ND + 18 (BINEWVAX) (VBPR R766) «ch dose of vacsne contains: inactvated HO vius (vain Uber 2C) 10 HU, activated 18 virus (strain Mass 41) 10 GALLIMUNE 204 ND + 180 (1 R923) + macnated vacine in oll aguvant against Newcastle Dsease and Infectious Bronchits ef pouty «ech dose of acon contins inactivated vs: NO vrs (Ulster 2C strain) 10 HY, IBD vis eran VNJO} 3.2 eg 310 SKU, Thlomersal t most 30us, Excplent and Adjuvant qs. 0.3m. GALLIMUNE 302 ND + 18 + EDS (BINEWVAXIDROP) (VBPR 5-038) «ach dose of vaccine contains nactvatad, minimum tre batore activation: I vius (aan Mas 41) 67 logto 1050, EDS virus (strain 127) 6.0 logO CCIOSD, ND ves (stan Uster 20) 8.0 bg10 EIDSO, Thornes at most 0.015mg, Ol Exeipent a. 0.3L GALLIMUNE 304 ND + 18 + 180 (BIGOPEST) (VBPR R-200) «ch dos of vacene contains nactated veus tating pelo to nactvation at east: 1 vus (stain Mass 41) 106.7 £1050, 180 vius (strain VNIO) 105.7CCIOS0, NO vrs (strain Ulster 2C) 108.0 E100, Thiomersl at mast 0. ‘GALLIMUNE 403 ND1184+18D1Reo (VBPR R-890) + Inactivated vane in ol acuvant against Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Infectious Sursl Disease and «20h aos of vacene contains nactvated veusLeatng prt te inactivation: ND vius (sain Ute 2C) 108 E1050, 18 ‘irs (arin Mass 41) 306.7 E1DS0, 16D veus (strain VAIO) 105.7 CCIDSO, AVA reovrs (erin $1133) 107 CCIDSO, Ramersl nt most 0.030mg, Ol Excbent a, 0.2m GALLIMUNE 407 ND + 18 + EDS + ART (OVO- 4) (/Poultry/Products/Pages/product_ove_4.25p%) + Inactvated vane in ol auvant against Neweasle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Eap rap Syndrome caused by «each dose o vacene contains nactvated veus: NCD veus (Uber 2C strain) 10 HL, I vrs (stain Mass 41) 10 IL, ART veus (strain VCO3) 60 TP, EDS vrs (£05 76) (arin VI27) 162 MIL, Theresa at most 30ys, GALLIMUNE 503 ND4IB+EDS+1C2 (VBPR RB61) (/ouIy/P/ocuctsTa925/o4uet_gallmune 505.2505) « inatvatd vaccine in ol aghvent against Newcale Disa, Infectious Bronchitis, E99 Ore Syndrome «each dos ot vacene contain vs wth minimum tre before nacvatin: NO us strain Ubter 20) 108 £1050, 18 ‘rus (aia Mass 41) 2087 E1050, £DS veus stan 127) 1000 UMA, Haemophilus paragatinarum(seotype ARC) AVINEW (BPR R258) /ol/*00ucs/Papesfprodues ayes) + tive vaccine against Newcastle Disease VG/GA strain «each dos ef acon contains :ND virus (stain VG/GA) atleast 105.5 EIDSO, Exeplnt qs 1 dose BIORAL (vBPRR-167) + froeze-ed modified ve vacene against Infectious Bronchts (stran 220) in poukry «etch dose of (eerie vaca contains: vius (strain #120) at last 3 lg 10 E1DS0, Freszearyng Excoent 4 BUR 706 (VBPRR-257) rast 104.0 C1050, Excipiont as, 1 dose «ch dose ofvacsne contin attenuated I vrs (strain $706) 3¢ BURCELL HVT +5 706 (VBPR-R-672) «each dos of vacone contains: IBD vis (strain $706) at ast 102.1 TCIDSO, Mark’ Disease vis stan FC-126) at leas 1418 pu, Bxoplent qs. 1 dose BURSABLEN M (VBPRR-190) | USDA Product Cade No, 1273.12 Infectious Burs Disease Vaccine for seministration va orl route be dose of reexe-eies veces contains: 1D virus (sein 2512 a least 2.0 og30 E1050, Exepent gs. 1 dose DbiFTOSeC (vBPR R-198) + treeze-ed ve vaccine against Fw! ox in clekens ane turkey adminstred Wa cutaneous route each doe contains Fowl ox vis (OCEP25 madd strain atleast 3 lop 10 OCIDSO,Exopient 28.1 dose, Geena solvent as. 0.01mL eatuivac i tivae_i068.aspx) (vnPR R-737) (/Poultry/Produets/Pages/product + froeze-

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