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Seminar Write Up 1

Recently I attended a seminar given by Sen Wang, Towards Truly

Intelligent Autonomous Robots. The seminar described advances in
technology leading towards robots capable of self-piloting. Wang began by
describing the possible applications of autonomous robotics, in particular,
self-driving cars, and emergency robots, capable of rescuing humans,
defusing explosives, and much more.

Following on from this, he described the methods robots can use to self-
guide. Visual odometry allows a robot to determine its location and
surroundings through analysis of live feed camera images. However there
are issues with this technology., in particular, fast movement and texture-
less walls. Fast movement requires particularly fast image analysis, and
thus powerful hardware and texture-less walls offer no frame of reference
for the camera. Nevertheless, the field is very versatile and constantly
evolving. Utilising this method, Wang presented a live system capable of
running at 30hz on consumer level hardware. Wang went on to outline
dynamic planning algorithms whereby robots analysed and identified the
best route around complex terrains. A particular application of this is for
motorised wheelchairs and other non-holomic methods of transport,
whereby the vehicle can only move when moving forward, without the
ability to move directly left or right, an issue for getting through doors.
Wang was able to program robots to overcome this issue.

Wang went on to describe more complex methods of self-control.

Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) is a system whereby a
robot utilises a nearby beacon, along with video feedback. While this
method is highly accurate, it is costly, and can only be used in a limited
area. SLAM systems are also usable underwater.

Development of these methods is very important due as they are highly

applicable in everyday life. Work such as that done by Wang is a key step
in developing real world applications of autonomous technology that will
help save lives.

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