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Regd. Mf.

: 403, Kane PI-, Mind Space, Off Link Road, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400 084, India.
lei.: 2876 9986 Fax: 4003 3979 Website: Email:, info@pa~ofhares,com

09th February, 2017

rate Relationship Department,
loor, Rotupda 'Buildin&
400 001.

SSE Sjerlpt Code: 532911

Sub: Submission of U n - n the

r and Nine -4 on .r-13 2016 alone with
d Review &port u w to w o n 33 of S D

Dear Sir,
As scheduled, at the fifth meeting of the Board of Directors of the company for the
Financial Year 2016-17held on Thursday, 9th February, 2017 at the registered
ofice of the company, the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for third
quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016 along with Limited Review
Report was approved and adopted pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI [Listing
Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.Meeting commenced at
05.00 p.m. and conduded at 06.30 p.m. A copy of the same is enclosed herewith for
your kind perusal and record. The said Financial Results will be released for
publishing in the Newspapers and same will be uploaded on the website of the
Company. i

Kindly take the above information on your records.

Thanking you,
SOFTWARE LIMITED ct~l~ o , U ~ ~ T ~ M I I ~ ~ ! J ~ ~ L C O I ~ L ~
REGD OFPICE : 403, Kane Plam, Mind Space. OtT Link Road. Malad (W), Mmbai-400 064.
Tt.1 Nu. 28769986.40033979, Fax: 4a033979. Email:parle,sofiwarc@pail.~o~n,
it~ro@parlcugfiwares.wm,Webile: w.parlesoftrvares mm
( Laklis except per Strare Uala)
Particulars Quarter Quarter Quarter Nine Months Nine Months Year
ended ended ended ended cnded ended
31.12.2016 30.09.2016 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.20I5 31.03.2016
Clnaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudttcd Unaudiled Audited
II -(a) Net Salcsl h o m c from Opcralions
0.76 15.69 5.68 21.63 17.34 24.19

I Total Income
2 E.upendin~rz
(a) Cost o f material consumed
0.76 I5.69 5.b8 21.63 17.34 24.19

(b) Purchase of stwk m trade

(c) Changes in invmtorics of finished goods. wip &
s t ~ ink trade
I ( d ) Employee benefits expenses 2.83 2.17 2.37 7.04 7.47 10.07

I ( e )Depreciation and amonisation expenses

(0O l l l n cxpenses

3. Profit (+) / Loss I-) from Opcrafim before other

Incomc, lntcrcst and Exceptional Items (1-2) (4.72) 10.30 0.37 5.94 1.01 134
4 Olllcr Incmne
5. Profir (t)1 I.oss f-) hetort. Interesl and
Exccptionnl item ( 3 4 ) (4.72) 1030 0.37 5.94 1.01 1-34
6.lnrerest ppppp
0,05 0.05
7. Profit ( + ) ILoss (-) aftcr lnfcrest and E~cepIionnI
item ($6) (4-773 10.25 0.37 5.89 1.01 1.34
S Excepbond itens
9.Pmfit (+I t Luss (-) from Ordinary Activitim
behrc Tax (7+8) (4.72) 10.25 0.37 5.89 1.01 134
ppppp -0.45

(4.72) 10.25 0.37 5.89 1.01 0.89

12 Eimaordinary items (nct of taw eKpense Rs.NL)
13.Net Profit(+) / Loss(-) aflcr Extra-ordinary item
(11-12) (4.72) 10.25 0.37 5.89
14,Paid-up quity share capital ( Face Value Rs.101-
per Share) 1.400.00 1.400.00 1.400.00 1.400.00 1.400.00 1.400.00
15 Rcscrvcs excluding RevaluationKmerves as per
balance sheet of pxvious year 571.35
lb.Ewnil>gsPer Share (EPS)
a) Basic a11d diluted EPS beforc Exhurdinary items
for the per~od,for thc ?car lo dale and for the previo~ls
ycar (1101to be m u a l i d ) (0.03) 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.01

I b) Basic and tlrlulcd t F S Alter t ~ r r a o r di t~~ im~sfvr

Ihc peritd, for the year to date and for Ihc previous yea

(0.03) 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.0 1 0.01

\.The above Unaudired fimincial resulls were reviewed by the Audit Committm and taken m record by Board oTDlrcctors a1 ~hcirmeeting held on Februaty 09,2017 d i s subject to
Iin~itedreview by st~tutoryAuditors.
2. Thc Colqpmy operate in a singlc business segment of 'Infraslruciurc and Rcal Estalc.

3. Provision Tor Cunent 'lad Deferredtax liability for tbc quarla cndod 31.12.2016 has no1 been provided & will he a c c w r e d 011 Annual Audited A c c w ~ t s in
22 or\ " Accow~rinpfor T ~ ConYIncome' .
Pier~iousyear fiptrcs are re-gro~rped,re-classifid and re-stated wherevernecessary to confirm tn the classificatinn adopled in the c m n t quMer.
. accordance with AS
By order of rhc Bomrd of Directors
For Parle Software Limited
Place : Mumbai
Date : Februav 09. 2017
Din No:00404946
(&) 6"R. l"-1 -1.
Chartered Accountants
Irt floor,Pddar Road Malad 0,
Mumhi 400097.
Tel No.91-ZL-28m4274 28819304
Fax No. 9l-n-28819304.
Emall : accw~modicwrruHo~y.wm


The Board of Directors of
Parle Sohare Limited,

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of un-audited financial results of MIS.

ParIe Software Limited ('the Company') for the Third quarter ended December 31,
2016C'the Statement'') being submitted by the Company pursmt to the requirements of
Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirmats)
Regulations, 2015, read with SEBI Circular No. CWCFDLFAC/62/2016 dated July 05,

This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's management and has been
approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on tbe
Statement based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the standards generally accepted in India.
Those standards require that we pIan and perfom the review to obtain moderate
assurance as to whether the statement is b e of material misstatement. A review is
limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and an d y t i c a l procedure applied
to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed
an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that c a w us
to believe that the accompanying -mat, prepared in ~~with the applicable in
the applicable Indian Accounting Standards and other accounting principles generally
accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of
Regulations 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regdations,
20 15, read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/FACI62/2016 dated July 05,20 16 including
the manner in which it is ta be disclossd, or t h t it contains any material misstatement.

For G. R Modi k Con

Chartered Accountants

Membership No.15240

Place: Mumbai
Dated: 09' Febmary, 20 17

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