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Jaime Sichmeller

3-day Minilesson
Grade: 4th
Persuasive Writing
Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1 - Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a
point of view with reasons and information.

Day 1: Review good types of writing and review persuasive writing

I can use my knowledge about good writers to make sure I am writing my short essay properly.

Talking about different pieces of persuasive writing in the weeks before the lesson would be
insightful to students when asking for examples. When starting off the lesson, I think it would be
a very good idea to review on what persuasive writing is. First asking questions about what
persuasive writing is, why authors might use it, and how do authors make it work. First making a
list and then recording it on chart paper.

Telling students, the next 3 days we are going to work on our persuasive writing lesson. At the
end of this lesson you will be writing your own persuasive piece. The subject will be I believe
the best animal is. explain that the students can pick the animal they want. After discussing
the weekly plan I will ask the students, What is persuasive writing? Using the turn and talk
method I will ask them to talk about it with their partners. Once they are done discussing it with
each other I will ask them to share their answers. After hearing and writing down their answers I
will give them the definition I have, A type of writing that tries to convince a reader of an
opinion or a belief.

Next I will ask the students to turn and talk with their neighbor about why authors try to persuade
their readers. Once they are done talking with their neighbors we will create a list like:

- To change their minds

- To keep readers
- For money
- To support a special cause
- To buy a product
- To convince them to be on their team
- Etc.

Followed by the question how authors persuade readers. Also making a list:

- Free things
- Humor
- Peer pressure
- Tug at emotions
- Scare them
- Using celebrities or well-known characters

Once these questions are answered we will review them as a class and add in any that we
may have missed. We will more than likely leave them visible for the remainder of the
lessons. To make sure students are able to remind themselves of what their end goal would


- Large paper to create lists with

- Markers
- Amazing Animal Facts by Jacqui Bailey
- 1,000 Awesomely Gross & Disgusting Facts by Discovery Kids
- National Geographical Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and
More by Lucy Spelman
- Laptops, Computer lab (Based on what the school has)

Differentiation: Kids who struggle to grasp the concept and students who excel may be put in
groups together so that they may give others a better insight on how persuasive writers work.

Also if students are having trouble coming up with animals I can helpStudents may not have
the same animal as others so this will add variety to the short essays.

Day 2: OREO

I can use OREO to add more depth to my persuasive short essay.

We begin the lesson with going over what persuasive writing is and our lists on why authors
write persuasive pieces, and how they do it. Next we talk about our topic, animals. The
students must pick an animal they believe is the best and write a short piece on why they
believe this while trying to persuade the reader to think the same.

Before they pick their topic I produce the OREO acronym. I start by showing them a
premade chart on what all the letters stand for.

Opinion- explain and tell how you feel about your chosen animal.

Reasons- tell some reasons or information that support your opinion.

Example- Use examples and details that support your opinions.

Opinion- Restate your opinion again with feeling.

Then I will reinstate this by giving an example:

Opinion: I think sloths are the best animal in the world.

Reason: Sloths have very long, strong, and sharp claws on their two or three toes (depending
on the sloth).

Example: These claws help protect them against predators such as snakes and jaguars. Also
helping them to climb down trees when they have to go to the bathroom, which they only do
once a week.

Opinion: Sloths are the best animals in the world because they have so many interesting facts
about them.

Be sure to have students take notice that the more reasons and examples they have the
better their argument will be.

Next we will have students pick their animals. I am giving them the choice to pick them on
their own, but if problems were to occur possibly having them pick their animal out of a hat.
Once the animals are picked they will be allowed time to explore their animal more on
preapproved websites and preapproved books.

Amazing Animal Facts by Jacqui Bailey

1,000 Awesomely Gross & Disgusting Facts by Discovery Kids

National Geographical Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and More
by Lucy Spelman

Once they have begun to gather facts they are able to begin their short essay. Having a
requirement of at least 5 different facts to back up their opinion. They will spend the rest of
the time researching their animals and beginning their short essay. Give everyone in class an
OREO cookie, just to add a nice surprise to the lesson!


- OREO cookies
- Colored construction paper
- Plain white paper
- Pencils
- Markers
- Amazing Animal Facts by Jacqui Bailey
- 1,000 Awesomely Gross & Disgusting Facts by Discovery Kids
- National Geographical Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and
More by Lucy Spelman
- Laptops, Computer lab (Based on what the school has)

Differentiation: If a student finishes researching their animal they may choose to help another
student or begin writing their short essay. If a student is running behind or not being able to
find information on their animal they may choose a different one.

Day 3: Revisit, Revise, Draw

I can use persuasive writing techniques to ensure persuade my audience that my animal is
the best.

Day 3 begins with revisiting the questions from the first day as well as OREO. A brief lesson
to recall what we have learned. Next they will be given work time to finish their short essays,
after about 15 minutes I will have them split into partners. I will do this for them randomly,
and we will begin peer feedback. The students will go through each others short essays and
give them feedback on what to improve. The essays will be stapled to a colored piece of
construction paper.

Once they have received their essays back they will revise them and begin to draw a picture
of their animal on the paper.

This is IF they have extra time. Adding color is encouraged.

They will then be called on randomly to come up to the front of the class and present their
short essay. Once they are finished presenting I will have all of the students, besides the one
presenting, place their heads on the desk.

I will then ask the students to raise their hand if they felt that the facts the student presenting
persuaded them to agree with the writers opinion. This way the student will know how the
writing went but the other students will not know how the student did and will not copy their
neighbors answer. This will not affect their grade if I felt it was persuasive.

After the students have finished presenting we will talk about the pros and cons we heard of
persuasive writing throughout our short essays presentations. To wrap up the lesson we will
take all of the animal essays and create a classroom book titled: I believe that the best animal


- Colored construction paper

- Plain white paper
- Pencils
- Markers
- Color crayons
- Colored pencils
- Amazing Animal Facts by Jacqui Bailey
- 1,000 Awesomely Gross & Disgusting Facts by Discovery Kids
- National Geographical Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and
More by Lucy Spelman
- Laptops, Computer lab (Based on what the school has)

Differentiation: Students who finish early will be asked to add color and detail to their picture of
their animal. If a student is struggling to finish, they may be asked to go last as long as they keep
their listening ears on to hear the other presentations, giving them time to finish. Also if need be
they can present the next day.

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