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I intended to show a personal process related with Catholicism. This theme was stronger in
my first works because it was connected with my past: how i was introduced to religion Therefore I
worked with didactic images of Jesus Christ influenced by artists such as Claudio Baldrich, and
visits to ArteBA and Arte Espacio. I used simple patterns and saturated colors to create a
composition that would show religion through the eyes of a child.
For my future works I wanted to express the doubts which appeared as I grew. In Crucify
of the Redentor I used many mdf, to represent that Jesus was no longer the figure which lightened
my faith. I found that figure, which could unite us under one same belief, when Pope Francisco was
chosen. The things he pointed out from society, like selfishness and materialism, were the causes
for my disconnection with religion. I wanted to bring down to Earth my thoughts by creating more
personal Works and the idea came alone. I related the Catholic Pope with the Pope of pop art:
Warhol; and therefore with consumerism: the need in our society to have every product NOW. I
chose a credit card to represent the immediate false satisfaction our -far from God- hearts need to
be satisfied. Influenced by my culture, after visiting La Boca (Buenos Aires), I started working with
Alfredo Genoveses fileteado porteo. Such calligraphy could only be coped with plasticine. The
neo-pop artist, Elisa Insua, also influenced my work since she revalues objects people trash away
As I thought about my attitudes, i realized I was acting like someone I am not; then who am
I? With all the pressure I felt for not being like in the past: the innocent perfect girl; but facing
deceives, not being connected to God but being materialistic and not knowing what i want, a more
challenging question appeared: who will I be?

319 words

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