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CONGREGS . CHURCH OF ‘TDORA 650 NORTH DONELLY STREET - 352.383.2285 WEB SITE: CONGREGATIONALCHURCHNTDORA.WEEBLY.COM NEW CHURCH EMAIL: MTDORACC@GMAIL.COM LEG ee Aa THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. - MARCH 19, 2017 Ringing the Church Bell 10:30 & 10:45 a.m. - Lighting the Candles - Gathering Music| WELCOME TO OUR HISTORIC CHURCH - ORGANIZED DECEMBER 23, 1883 THE REVEREND GARY ALLEN MARSHALL, PASTOR SILENT MEDITATION What does love Look Like? [Love] has the hands to help others. [Love] has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. [Love has eyes to see misery and want. [Love] has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. [This] is what love looks like. St. Augustine - WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLE PRELUDE: *Denotes please stand all who are able *CALL TO WORSHIP: Pastor: The Lord is our strength and our might and has become our salvation. We hear the promise of a well that does not run dry. People: O Lord, we long for such a well. Pastor: We long for such a well, O Lord, because in this life everything eventually runs dry. People: Eventually, in this life, everything runs dry. Pastor: Lord, we hear Your promise of a life that does not run dry. ALL: We long for such a life, O Lord. We long for the life You offer. We love You and praise You. In Your steadfast love you have redeemed us, and so we come to worship You. Let us worship our Lord God! *HYMN OF PRAISE NO. 26 “A Mighty Fortress is our God” *PRAYER OF INVOCATION & CONFESSION (in unison): Loving God, Yours is a kingdom of love, justice, and peace. Your justice is mercy and your mercy abounds. We come to this place of worship, called by Your Spirit. We come empty-handed, unable to repay the debt we owe. But You, O Lord, are merciful, and where we would demand satisfaction, You offer forgiveness. Where we would demand debts to be settled, You offer mercy. In our worship this day, may we be caught up in Your life and become as merciful with one another as You have been with us, so that Your reign of justice and peace may come upon the earth through Christ our Lord. Amen. *THE GLORIA PATRI NO. 623 WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORD: Holy Scripture: Romans 5:1-11 - John 4:5-42 Leader: This is the Word of God! People: Thanks be to God! SPECIAL MUSIC BY JAY SERMON: “Trust God’s Love” — Reverend Gary A. Marshall, Pastor PRAYER HYMN NO. 381 “Open My Eyes, That I May See” CALL TO PRAYER: Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. MORNING PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (use debts/debtors) INVITATION TO THE OFFERING: God of Unity, bring to us the Spirit that joins our hearts in love. Help us see beyond ourselves, beyond these walls, and beyond our congregation to an understanding of our role in healing the brokenness of our world. Help us to seek Your way and the oneness You desire for us. Give us the courage to extend our hearts and hands to others through our commitments and our gifts this day and every day of our lives. THE OFFERTORY: *THE DOXOLOGY NO. 625 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION (in unison): Gracious and Loving God, Jesus showed He was the Messiah through His deeds, and we show we belong to Him through our offerings and services given for others. These gifts are but okens of our gratitude and also reminders to us that You are the Giver and Sustainer of all life. We ask You to use these offerings today so others may also know of Your Precious Son and His redeeming sacrifice. Amen. *CLOSING HYMN NO. 330 “Only Trust Him” *BENEDICTION: Pastor: May the nourishing Word of our Loving God go with you and sustain you always. People: We will use God’s Word today and every day to nourish our broken world and to remind others of His Everlasting Love. ALL: With the promise of life before us, O God, Your Grace beside us, and Your Love within us, we go into the world to live in faithfulness to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. CLOSING RESPONSE NO. 602 “God Be With You” POSTLUDE: BULL 3" SUNDAY IN LENT 3.19.17 This church is a member of the Florida and National Associations of Congregational Christian Churches. TRAN. Ni Ti PLEASE COME AGAIN AND JOIN US FOR COFFEE EVERY SUNDAY FOLLOWING MORNING WORSHIP We pray that you will be blessed with strength enough to see you on your way, Hope enough to get you through the day, And love enough to fill your heart, come what may. WHAT'S HAPPENING! TODAY! MARCH 19 ~ ST. PAT’S POT LUCK BRUNCH FOLLOWING MORNING WORSHIP — ALL ARE WELCOME Tuesday, March 21, NO BIBLE STUDY uesday, March 21, 11:30 a.m. Olive Branch Restaurant in Mount Dora - Congregational i Wednesday, March 22 - 6:30 p.m. Lenten service and meal r ALL ARE WELCOME = Thursday, March 23 - 6:30 p.m. - T. O. P. S. Friday, March 24 - 6:30 p.m. — Violin Class HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Gloria Johnson, 9 - Charles Barr II, 25 MARCH 2017: Perry Ledford, 25 - Harry Harnden, 31 PLEASE LIFT THESE LOVED ONES IN PRAYER: Departed: Eleanor Goodnow Stewart — Joyce Miller (Joanne’s sister) Illness: Avelyn Marie, Susan Elizabeth, Christ], Randy, George, Paul, Steve, Lisa Special Concerns: Bill Stewart & Family, Joanne Folder & family, Mary, Michaela, Arik, Mike, Gary, Maxi, Callie, Sylvia, Carlyle, Mindy, Christian & Anna & family, Glenn, Dale, our men & women in armed services, our president & family, our government, this congregation Travel: Bill & Sue, Greg & Perry CHURCH OFFICE 352.383.2285 FOR PASTOR CONSULTATION, ARRANGE A WEDDING, OR PRAYER FOR YOURSELF OR OTHERS.

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