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Greeting Good Afternoon everyone.

Introduction group We are from 39 group.

1. Oskar Humambi
2. Rosrida Samaloisa
3. Merry Putri
4. Michael Garry
5. Ratih Tri Anjani

During Presentation

Opening What do you know about Stress?

1. Attention Grabber
2. Introduction Now, we want to talk and share about stress.
Stress is the feeling of being under too much
mental or emotional pressure.
3. Starting the key points We have divided our presentation into 4 parts.
First, we will talk about the
We will talk about managing
We will talk recognizing stress
We will talk how to cope stress

Body Stress is the feeling of being under too much

mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns
1st Point into stress when you feel unable to cope.

2st point You can figure out ways of coping and save
you from adopting unhealthy coping methods,
such as drinking or smoking.
You can do to manage stress more effectively,
such as learning how to relax, taking regular
exercise and adopting good time management
3st point Thing you might want to write down include:
The date,time and place of a stressful
What you were doing
How you felt emotionally
What you were thinking
A stress felt physically a stress rating
You can use the diary to:
Work out what triggers you stress
Work out how you operate under
Develop better coping mechanism
4st Sport
Listen Music
Positif Thinking
Playing Games


Conclusion In conclusion, Stress has positive and negative

effects. Depending on how we cope in every
day life. We also need to deal with stress as the
above steps are. Try to be someone who is
always positive minded. So, stress could be
positive or negative, depending on how we
handle in our daily lives.

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