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Availability And Need Analysis of Power in 2017-2021 at PT. PLN (Persero)

Rayon Padang Panjang
Program Studi Teknik Elektro S1

The easy availability of electricity to meet the needs of the community and ensure the
quality of service, an important requirement to improve people's lives then it is necessary
for electricity in accordance with the needs of the Kota Padang Panjang, then one
business that can be done is that it needs an estimated growth of electrical energy that
would occur in PT.PLN (Persero) Rayon Padang Panjang 2021. This research was
conducted to obtain input rate of electric load growth that occurred in PT.PLN (Persero)
Rayon Padang Panjang from 2017 to 2021, based on data electricity load growth in the
past. According to data from PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Padang Panjang that in 2012 there
are 31.297,25 customers where the number of connected power amounting to 28.867.037,5
VA and the amount of electrical energy consumption by 4.311.642,5 kWH, as well as
population growth in the Central Bureau of Statistics 48.719 soul. Based on data analysis
and discussion results of the electrical load prediction from 2017 to 2021 using an
exponential equation method which has the smallest standard error values. Based on the
calculation result is expected later in the year 2021 the number of electricity customers as
much as 47.320,2 customers, the number of connected power 48.477.647,06 VA and the
amount of 6.377.297,21 kWH of electrical energy consumption, as well as population
growth 54733.24 soul.
Keywords :Customers, Connected Power, Energy consumption, Population growth


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