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The present experiment was made to identify the initial velocity and/or final velocity, the time taken
and possible height that a tennis ball can achieve in different situations (toss up, throw down and let
go, with positive initial velocity, negative initial velocity and 0 velocity respectively). This had as an
objective to apply the theory of vertical motion without air resistance in reality (applied physics), in
order to comprehend how physics differ from theory and reality.

Experimental Designs:
For making this experiment, we needed some materials/tools and a place for taking out the
measurement. In the following list, are mentionated this materials/place:
I) 1 Measure Tape
II) 1 Tennis ball
III) 1 Stop watch
IV) 1 Pencil
V) 1 Notebook
It was also needed the "Patio de Banderas" in Saint George's School to perform the experiment.

There were some steps we had to follow in order to do this experiment:
1. We were told the place where we were going to take the measurements ("Patio de Banderas")
2. We took the tape measure, the tennis ball, and the stopwatch and went to the "Patio de
3. Two of us went to the hallway of systems, while the other two of us stayed at the "Patio de
4. The ones on top took both the tennis ball and the measuring tape. The first thing we did on
top, was to use the measuring tape to measure the distance between the floor of the "patio de
banderas" and where the tennis ball was going to be released. Then, we did 4 more attempts to
have a more accurate result, in which we let go the ball and the time was measured by the
ones on the bottom (using the stopwatch).
5. Then, we did various attempts, to be more specific 4, in which we threw down the ball (wit an
undetermined force) and the time was measured by the ones on the bottom (using the
6. The ball was then handed to the ones on the bottom for them to throw it up.
7. Again, we did 4 attempts in which the ball was thrown up to the determined height, and the
time was taken.
8. All the results were recorded in the notebook.

We didnt take into account air resistance.

Human error, it was an error, as the coordination human/stopwatch/ball, needed to be very
precise, and is very difficult to had the 3 aspects perfectly coordinated.
The force that the person made when they toss it up was a mistake, as we needed to have a
very specific force for the ball to get just to the level of the wall.
The movement the hand did at the toss up, was crucial, as it needed to be almost perfectly
perpendicular for it to be good. Meaning that no the initial height wasn't always the same.


1) "Toss up"

1.1 Position (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)

Note: The blue segments denote the expected results from theory. The red segments (denoted g & h) are the actual results
recorded from the experiment [This results are affected by previously described errors]. The black segment (denoted f) is the
initial height [as the ball was thrown from a hand and not from the floor]. The green point (denoted A) shows the maximum
height reached by the ball.
1.2 Velocity (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)
Note: The graph shows the velocity of the theorical results from 1.1 (the blue segments). The initial velocity (denoted A) was
6.64 m/s.

1.3 Acceleration (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)

2) "Let Go"

2.1 Position (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)

2.2 Velocity (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)
2.3 Acceleration (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)
3) "Throw Down"
3.1 Position (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)
3.2 Velocity (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)
3.3 Acceleration (y-axis) vs Time (x-axis)
Interpretation of Results:

In the "Let go" situation, it was required to calculate the height based on the fact that the ball's initial
velocity was 0 m/s^2 and the time it took the ball to reach the floor was 1.40s. Therefore,

Y = Yi + (Vi)(t) - (G)(t^2)
0 = Yi + 0 (4.9m/s^2)(1.0816s^2)
-Yi = -5.29984m
Yi = 5.30m

In the "Toss up" situation, it was required to calculate the initial velocity of the ball based on the fact
that the initial position was 1.4m, the final position was 1.4m and the time it took to come back was
1.36s. Therefore,

Y = Yi + (Vi)(t) - (G)(t^2)
1.4m = 1.4m + Vi(1.36s) - (9.8m/s^2)(1.8496s^2)
0 = Vi(1.36s) - 9.06304m
9.06304m = Vi(1.36s)
Vi = 6.66m/s

In the "Throw down" situation, it was required to calculate the initial velocity and the final velocity of
the ball based on the fact that the initial position was 5.674m, the final position was 0m and the time it
took to reach the floor was 0.290s. Therefore,

Y = Yi + (Vi)(t) - (G)(t^2)
0m = 5.764m + (Vi)(0.290s) - (9.8m/s^2)(0.0841s^2)
0 = 5.764m + Vi(0.290s) - 0.41209m
-5.35191m = Vi(0.290s)
Vi = -18.5 m/s

Vy = Vi - (G)t
Vy = -18.5 m/s -(9.8m/s^2)(0.290s)
Vy = -18.5 m/s - 2.842 m/s
Vy = -21.3 m/s
From these results, it can be concluded that, as this experiment of "free fall" is considered as a
situation with motion with constant acceleration, then all graphs of acceleration should be a constant
function described as f: y = -9.8. Therefore, it can be infered that velocity vs time graphs should
always show linear funcitons of the form g: y = mx + b and position vs time graphs should always be
conic and cuadratic funcitons of the form h: y = Ax^2 + Bx + C. It can also be concluded that, in toss
up situations, the initial velocity will be positive, in let go situations the initial velocity will be 0 and
in throw down situations the initial velocity will be negative.

Note: Take into consideration Figure 1.1. The idea of showing the difference between the theorical results and the real
measures has the objective of showing how the previously described errors [See Errors section] can affect the experiment.

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