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Lesson Plan

Date: March 15th 2017

Subject: Wellness 10 Grade: Ten
Topic: Essential Question (from unit, if applicable): not applicable

Materials: Power point, Nutrition labels explained, label work sheet, student
brought nutritional labels

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?

Students will understand how food labels work and what the main ideas are behind the
various things labelled on them. Students will also be able to use mathematics to
evaluate various food labels to determine whether foods contain healthy amounts of
various vitamins, nutrients and minerals.


Outcome: W11
Make informed decisions regarding personal healthy eating practices based on connections to wellness
Examine the various nutrients (e.g., protein, fibre, calcium, omega-3 fat, vitamins) that should be considered for
optimal well-being.
Examine and evaluate several different food guides or healthy eating recommendations related to personal eating

PGP Goals:
1.4 a commitment to service and the capacity to be reflective, lifelong learners and
2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically, and appropriately
2.5 knowledge of several subjects taught in Saskatchewan schools
(disciplinary/interdisciplinary knowledge); and

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.

Students will bring various food labels from home, they will be asked to identify the
meaning behind the various entries on the food labels.
Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate
what they have learned.

Work Sheet will be taken in and marked to see of the students have been able to
understand the food label.

Stage 3- Procedures:

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

I will begin by getting the kids to discuss (table talk) what labels they have
brought at home. 5 minutes will give the students time to talk about their
various labels, this will create excitement.

Main Procedures/Strategies:

20-25 minutes go over the power point and the nutritional facts sheet.

20-25 minutes to do the worksheet.

Closing of lesson:

5 minutes - Brief group discussion to see of student learned anything about food labels,
and what they are actually eating.

Personal Reflection:
1) Concerned about how long power point is going to take.
2) Whether students will engage with the fact that this will inform them about the food
they are eating.
3) Do students even care about healthy eating patterns?
After Lesson:
Lesson went very well. Students were very receptive to information. This was an IB class
which allowed me to go further into the material than I otherwise would have. I could
relate many of the concepts back to person point health choices. The students worked
diligently on the questions sheet. I believe the sheet allowed them to understand the
nutrition label better by being able to break it down and figure out, things like; portion
size, caloric content, percent of various constituent parts and so on. The lesson time was
excellent and I was not rushing to finish. The students mostly finished the worksheet, they
were assigned it for homework for the following class. It seemed to me that these students
did care about the food that they are eating.

*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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