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Problem in Mathematics has been interpreted in various way by mathematics

educators.Problem in Mathematics is a task for which the person confronting it.It
needs the person wants or needs to find a solution for a question that has being
ask.In Mathematics problem,there has no readily available procedure for finding a
solution and must make an attempt to find a solution.Problem solving in Mathematics
is an important way to find the solution for the question given.It is the process of
applying previously acquired knowledge, skills, and understanding to new and
unfamiliar situations.In the other word,problem solving is the process used to find an
answer to a statement or a question. In our current context, mathematical ideas are
involved in the actions to resol ve the situation. Thus the four elements that must exist
before we are in a problem solving situation are:

1) a situation must exist involving an initial state and a goal state;

2) the situation must involve mathematics;

3) a person must desire a solution;

4) there must be some blockage between the initial and desired states.

Calculating the means of a set of numbers is an exercise or task, not a problem, for
7th graders. They know immediately how to proceed, having learned the skill in the
fifth grade according to our scope and sequence. There are three affective
considerations to problem solving:

1) You must desire a solution;

2) You must feel it is within your ability to solve;

3) you must believe that you can begin to work on the problem. This t hird
consideration comes from having experience in solving problems and from
having an understanding (explicit or intuitive) in the procedures and processes
that are usually involved in solving problems. The purpose of the math
curiculum is to give a person experience in solving a variety of problems

(where math is involved) and several procedures and a general process for
solving problems.

In Mathematics problem solving,there are two types which are routine and non -
routine problem.Routine problem are those that merely involved an arithmetic
operation with the characteristics presents a question to be answered, gives the facts
or number to be use and in can be solved by directly application of previously learned
algorithms and the basic task is to identify t he operation appropriate for solving the
problem.It stresses the use of sets of known or prescribed procedures (algorithms) to
solve problems.Routine problem is actually a type of mechanical mathematics
problem.It aimed at training pupils so that they are able to master basic skills
especially in arithmetic skills involving the four operations or direct application of
using mathematics formulae, laws, theorems or equations.

Non- routine problem occurs when an individual is confronted with an unusual

problem situation, and is not aware of a standard procedure for solving it.The
individual has to create a procedure.To make it the person must become familiar with
the problem situation, collect appropriate information, identify an efficient strategy,
and use the strategy to solve the problem. Non -routine stresses the use of
heuristics and often requires little to no use of algorithms. u  are procedures
or strategies that do not guarantee a solution to a problem but provide a more highly
probable method for discovering the solution to a problem.

Polya¶s model had been introduced to solve the problem solving.George Polya had
identified four steps in the problem solving process:
× Understanding the problem
× Devising a plan
× Carrying out the plan
× Looking back


× D You have to ©   the problem.

× What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?

× Is it possible to satisfy the condition? Is the condition sufficient to determine
the unknown? Or is it insufficient? Or redundant? Or contradictory?
× Draw a figure. Introduce suitable notation.
× Separate the various parts of the condition. Can you write them down?


× ÿ 
 Find the connection between the data and the unknown. You may
be obliged to consider auxiliary problems if an immediate connection
cannot be found. You should obtain eventually a d  of the solution.
× Have you seen it before? Or have you seen the same problem in a slightly
different form?
× ?  ©  d   Do you know a theorem that could be
× Ñ  ©  
And try to think of a familiar problem having the
same or a similar unknown.
× ud     ©     ©  ©©
Could you use its result? Could you use its method? Should you introduce
some auxiliary element in order to make its use possible?
× Could you restate the problem? Could you restate it still differently? Go
back to definitions.
× If you cannot solve the proposed problem try to solve first some related
problem. Could you imagine a more accessible related problem? A more
general problem? A more special problem? An analogous problem? Could
you solve a part of the problem? Keep only a part of the condition, drop the
other part; how far is the unknown then determined, ho w can it vary? Could
you derive something useful from the data? Could you think of other data
appropriate to determine the unknown? Could you change the unknown or
data, or both if necessary, so that the new unknown and the new data are
nearer to each other?
× Did you use all the data? Did you use the whole condition? Have you taken
into account all essential notions involved in the problem?


  © your plan.
× Carrying out your plan of the solution, 6 66 d. Can you see
clearly that the step is correct? Can you prove that it is correct?

4. Looking Back

× D è   the solution obtained.

× Can you 6 6 ©  Can you check the argument?
× Can you derive the solution differently? Can you see it at a gla nce?
× Can you use the result, or the method, for some other problem?

There are many strategies to solve problems in mathematics.These are the examples
of the strategies:

ü Making table
ü Working backwards
ü Drawing diagram
ü Guess and check
ü Acting out
ü Investigating all possibilities

Thus,problem solving can enable all students to build new mathematical knowledge
through problem solving, solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other
contexts, apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve prob lems, and
monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving.


Routine and non-routine are one type of problems that we learn in this
semester in Basic Mathematics. As we all know, a problem is a task for which the
person confronting it want or need to find a solution and must make an attempt to
find a solution.

From our discussion and previous lesson that we already learn in classroom,
we conclude that routine problem problems are those that merely involved an
arithmetic operation with the characteristics can be solved by direct application of
previously learned algorithms and the basic task is to identify the operation
appropriate for solving problem, gives the facts or numbers to use and presents a
question to be answered.

In other word, routine problem solving involves using at least one of four
arithmetic operations or ratio to solve problems that are practical in nature. Routine
problem solving concerns to a large degree the kind of problem solving that serves a
socially useful function that has immediate and future payoff. The critical matter
knows what arithmetic to do in the first place. Actually doing the arithmetic is
secondary to the matter.

For non-routine problem, it occurs when an individual is confronted with an

unusual problem situation, and is not aware of a standard procedure for solving it.
The individual has to create a procedure. To do so, we must become familiar with the
problem situation, collect appropriate information, identify an efficient strategy, and
use the strategy to solve the problem.

Non-routine problem are also those that call for th e use of processes far more
than those of routine problems with the characteristics use of strategies involving
some non-algorithmic approaches and can be solved in many distinct in many ways
requiring different thinking process.

This problem solving also serves a different purpose than routine problem
solving. While routine problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for
daily living (in the present or in the future), non -routine problem solving concerns that
only indirectly. Non-routine problem solving is mostly concerned with developing

students¶ mathematical reasoning power and fostering the understanding that
mathematics is a creative Endeavour. From the point of view of students, non -routine
problem solving can be challenging and intere sting.

It is important that we share how to solve problems so that our friends are
exposed to a variety of strategies as well as the idea that there may be more than
one way to reach a solution. It is unwise to force other people to use one particular
strategy for two important reasons. First, often more than one strategy can be applied
to solving a problem. Second, the goal is for students to search for and apply useful
strategies, not to train students to make use of a particular strategy.

Finally, non-routine problem solving should not be reserved for special

students such as those who finish the regular work early. All of us should participate
in and be encouraged to succeed at non -routine problem solving. All students can
benefit from the kinds of thinking that is involved in non -routine problem solving.



  1. Drill exercise 1. Process problem

  2. Simple translation 2. Applied problem

 3. Complex (or multiple-step) 3. Puzzles problem

   c  ?  6 c   6d  
Drill exercises provide Process problem lend them to
students with practice in exemplify the process inherent
using an algorithm and help in thinking through the solving of
maintain mastery of basic a problem.
computational skills. They serve to develop general
strategies for understanding,
  d     planning and solving problems,
 as well as evaluating attempts
Simple translation problem at solutions.
provide student with
experience in translating   dd d  
real world situation into
mathematical models. Applied problem provide an
opportunity for student to use a

  d   © d  d variety of mathematical skills,
    processes, concept and facts to
 solve realistic problems. They
Complex translation make student aware of the
problem provide student value of usefulness of
with the same experience mathematics in everyday
as simple translations problem situations.
problem, except that more 
than one operation may be
 © d  
Puzzle problem allow student
an opportunity to engage in
potentially enriching recreational
mathematics. They highlight the
importance of flexibility in
attaching a problem.

   c  ?  6 c   6d  
280 x 74 A badminton club held a
tournament for its 25 members.
  d     If every member played one
 game against each other
Minah has 13 marbles and members, how many games
Fuad has 5 marbles. How were played?
many more marbles does
Minah as than Fuad?   dd d  

  d   ©  d How many papers of all kinds
    do your college uses in a
A chocolate box contain 60
chocolate. A carton holds 36
 © d  
packs. If a shop owner 
ordered 4320 chocolate, A ring is in a ³cup´ formed by
how many cartons that he four pencils. Try to get the ring
need to order? out of the cup by moving only
two pencils.


  ÿÊ ÿD  Ê 


Everyday starting from Monday to Friday,Shikin will stop for a while after coming
back from her school at a shop to buy a sweets for her sister.She buys 4 piece of
sweets on Monday.Each day after Monday till Friday,the number of sweet she buys is
twice as a day before.How many sweet s she buys on Friday and how is the total
sweets she buys for the 5 days?

 ÿÊ ÿ Ê ÿ



We know that on Monday she buys 4 piece of sweets.Then, for the next day the
number of sweets she buys is twice as a day before.Thus, how many of sweets she
buys on Friday and the total of sweets she buys?



How can we solve the problem?

We can make table to solve the problem.List the amount of sweets she buys for
everyday.Remember the number of sweets she buys is twice or double as a day

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Thus, on Friday she buys 64 pieces of sweets for her sister.

Total sweets she buys = 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64

= 124 sweets.


Monday = 4 sweets

Tuesday = 4 + 4 = 8 sweets

Wednesday = 8 + 8 = 16 sweets

Thursday = 16 + 16 = 32 sweets

Friday = 32 + 32 = 64 sweets

Total number of sweets = 124 sweets



We have to know that from Monday to Friday there are 5 days.On Monday she buys
4 piece of sweets.The next day till the Friday the number of sweets she buys is twice
as a day before.So,how many sweets she buys on Friday and the total of sweets for
the 5 days?



How to solve the problem?

We can find a pattern.Even only a day the number of sweets had been stated we still
can find a pattern.The new number is depend on the number before.


X2 x2 x2 x2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4 8 16 32 64 = 124 Sweets

When looking at the pattern above, we can see that the pattern are twice as a
number before or simply the pattern is time 2.

The pattern for the above question is constant that is x2.


Monday = 4 sweets

Tuesday = 4 x 2 = 8 sweets

Wednesday = 8 x 2 = 16 sweets

Thursday = 16 x 2 = 32 sweets

Friday = 32 x 2 = 64 sweets

Total number of sweets is 124.


For the above questions,we use a table and look for a pattern strategy.When we use
a table to solve the question the had been given it looks more simply and easy to
understand.This is good especially when being a te acher to teach the primary school
and the can understand easily so that they enjoy their study.

For the second strategy, we use look for a pattern.This is the best strategy that we
can use to teach the primary student.They can see the flow what the questio n need.


In a class 2 Bestari of Sekolah Kebangsaan Tok Jembal, the students are divided
into 4 different sports house,in conjuction with the sports day that will be held on 27
April 2010. 5 students are Jupiter house,4 students are Mars house,7 students are
Neptune house and the other Pluto house.If the class has 21 students,how many
students are Pluto house and what is the fraction for the Pluto house?

 ÿÊ ÿ Ê ÿ



Students are divided to 4 differents house

× 5 tudents are Jupiter house

× 4 students are Mars house
× 7 students are Neptune house
× The other are Pluto house
× Total students in the class is 21.



How can we solve the problem?

We can make a picture to differentiate the 4 house.Differentiate the pictures with

different colours.

Ê u 

Mars Neptune

Jupiter Pluto

Since Pluto are the green,thus the number of students which are Pluto huse are 5
students.The fraction for the Pluto house is 5/21.


Total number of students are 21.

Mars = 4 students Jupiter = 5 students Neptune = 7 students

Thus, Pluto = 21 ± (4 + 5 + 7)

= 21 -16

= 5 students, and the fraction is 5/21.



Students are divided to 4 differents house

× 5 tudents are Jupiter house

× 4 students are Mars house
× 7 students are Neptune house
× The other are Pluto house
× Total students in the class is 21.



How can we solve the problem?

We can make a table to find the number of students which are Pluto house.Make a 4
column table and fill up with the information that had been given.

Ê u 

Mars Jupiter Neptune Pluto

Total number of students = 21

Thus, Pluto has = 5 students

Thus,the fraction of Pluto students is 5/21


Total number of students are 21.

Mars = 4 students Jupiter = 5 students Neptune = 7 students

Thus, Pluto = 21 ± (4 + 5 + 7)

= 21 -16

= 5 students, and the fraction is 5/21


For the question number 2,we use a diagram and a table to solve the question.When
we use the diagram especially with the colour we can see clearly what the question
want and we easily solve it.Primary student surely easy to understand when we use
colour because our brain are focusing more at the things that have colour.

The second strategy we use is make a table just lke strategy for question 1.The table
can make us more understand and easily to interpreted the data that had been given
in the question.


We can conclude that there are many type of problem solving that can be

used in solving daily problem. In Question 1, we decide to solve our created probl em

by using table and look for a pattern method . This method helps us discover

relationships and patterns among data. It encourages us to organize information in a

logical way and to look critically at the data to find patterns and develop a solution.

Drawing a diagram is the most common problem solving strategy. We use the

strategy of drawing a diagram again and again as we show in Qu estion 2. First we

need to learn how to interpret a problem and draw a useful diagram. Very often, we

need to draw a diagram just to understand the meaning of the problem. The diagram

represents the problem in a way we can ³see´ it, understand it, and th ink about it

while we look for the next step.

Problem solving using tables might seem complicated, but it is easily mastered

with some instruction. Not all of the types of question need us to construct a table. It

depends on the question. For question nu mber 2,besides using drawing a picture,we

also make a table.When using a table we can see clearly what the question need.We

can straight found the answer.In addition, we use a table so that we can solve the

problem easily.

Even that, the selection strategy that we had select of course have

advantages and disadvantages.For the above question, we can see that this strategy

make us or the person more understand about what the question need.When we

doing step by step we can easily found the answer.However,the s trategy that we

used need more time than usual and it will take time especially during the

examination.This strategy also need more spaces to do.

In conclusion, we realize that there are many strateg ies that we can use in

solving a problem.We can used either guess and check, working backward, draw a

diagram, look for a pattern, make a table, simplify the problem,identify the sub -goal,

act out the situation, use concrete object/ model and investigate all possibilities.But,

we have to understand first the question and use the appropriate strategy. . All of

these strategies can be stretched when combined with other strategies such as

looking for patterns or drawing a picture. By combining this strategy with others, we

can analyze the data that is given to fi nd more complex relationships.

 D Ê 

Name: Mohd Amin Bin Jamal Abdul Nasir

Unit: PPISMP science/BI/BM 1 semester 2 July intake

Matrix no.:122934

Ic no: 901115-02-5119

This is my reflection on the basic mathematics KKP. Along completing this

task, I gain a lot of information on problem solving and polya¶s model. This task has
expose me a lot on problem solving which has teach me on the two types of problem
solving which are routine and non routine problems.

The strength in this task is th at it helps me to understand more deeply on

problem solving. It also help me to understand the 4 solving step that was introduces
by polya.the four steps are understand the problem, devising a plan, carry out the
plan and looking back. This step is very us eful in solving the mathematical problems.
The information for this task is also a lot available on the internet but me and my
friend also get some information from books.

For the weakness of this task is that it is the time given in completing this task
is seems short. I also see that this task can be completed by two person only rather
than doing in groups of three.

To overcome the weaknesses that I have mentioned above the time for
completing this task should be longer. Reducing the number of group membe rs in
each group can ensure that everyone do their work and not just copying from others.

To conclude, this task should be continues for the coming student because it
can helps the student to increase their understanding on the problem solving and the
polya¶s model.

 D Ê 


I/C NO : 910913-07-5377

MATRIC/NO : 122929



Assalamualaikum w.b.t«Alhamdulillah and very proud to Allah with His blessing I

and my friends can finish up the Mathemathics short assignment for the topic
Problem Solving.Thousand of thanks are wishes to all Mathematic lecturers
especially En.Mazlan our Mathematics lecturer.Thruthly, for the first action when
adapted this assignment we feel it is so tough for me and friends to finish it.But, when
we struggle finding the information about the task it is become easier and more
easy.Honestly, this assignment give a new experience for me and other friends.

As we know, in doing such assignment surely we have several obstacles but

Alhamdulillah with the aid from lecturers and friends our group can through it softly.In
doing such assignment there are several obstacle whether in commerce, time or
other parts.The most problem that we face is to find the information about the routine
and non-routine.Even,there is an internet but not all information are there.But, we are
not give up easily besides using an internet we find the information in the books.
Alhamdulillah we found many questions and information about the task and we are
not straight copying from the books but we changed shortly.

Besides that, the much problem that we face is time.As we know, besides
mathematics,we have other subject assignment like physics,and chemistry.But,it
does not mean that we can¶t do that.We were tried our best to make it completely and
make the best.Alhamdulillah we still can encounter the problem.In doing that,we
managed our time kindly by divided the time to other subject too.We were not
focused at all for one subject,we done it slowly and at the same time we still can do
for the other assignment.

Strength is an essential things which is need in doing any job.Without strength
we can easily give up.During doing this assignment Alhamdulillah we got a firm
strength.Even,there is a little bit problem we can settle it.This is the advantages when
we doing an assignment by group.Actually, doing something activity by grouping
have a lot of advantages.We can helping each other and advised when someone do
something wrong.We also can detect if someone make a mistake about his duty.In
addition,when we are lack of ideas, the other friends can hel us.We can share our
ideas and yhe task will be more interesting.The most important actually in doing
something by grouping is cooperation among the partner.

As a student all the weaknesses that we face during the first task will not be
repeat to the other task.We have to think how to overcome the problem that we face
and repaired during the other task.Like us,first we were lack of information about the
routine and non-routine problem.We had settle by find it to the other sources like a
book.We were not focused only at the internet.Besi des we also use the note that had
been given by the lecturer.So, we can mixed the information from the sources that we
got and it will be more interesting.

As a conclusion the task for the topic Problem Solving give more knowledge to
me and my friends,Before, we just learn how to answer the Mathematics question,
we didn¶t learn the way or strategies to answer the question.It is important to me as
well for being a teacher for the coming soon.I can application it during become a
teacher and it can make my student become more interesting and easier in answer
the Mathematics question.At last,truthly this is the new knowledge for me and I hope
thai Ican application it along in my life especially when being a teacher.Thank You.

 D   ÿ

Polya.G.(1957)´u   ,´ 2 nd ed,Princeton University Press,

vv on 16 April

         , .

Retrieved on 16 April 2010

Schloeglmann.W.(2004), ©    ©        6

/proceedings/PME28/RR/RR126_Schloeglmann.pdf ,

Johannes Kepler University Linz,Ausria. Retrieved on 10 April 2010.

Pantziara.M,Gagatsis.A,Pitta-Pantazri.D. (2004).

The Use of Diagram in Solving non -routine Problems,

/proceedings/PME28/RR/RR126_Schloeglmann.pdf ,

Department of Education, University of Cyprus. Retrieved on 13 April 2010.

Bernard H. Gundlach,    6,

Published by Laidlaw Brothers A Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc

River Forest, Illinois.


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