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Hunter (htpsimww-geekpsychalogy:comtagintuton/) + Ne = Gunstinger (hitp:iwwn.geekpsychology.comvne-dwart-hunter) + Ni Sentinel (hipshwww-geekpsychology.comiNiet-hunter) + Mage (itp siwww.geekpsychology.comitagthinking) + Te ~ Geomancer (hpi geekpsychology comte-dwart:mage!) — Arcanist (hipswan.geekpsychology.comt-el-mage/) + Haaar (tp: geakpeychalogy.comftagteetng) + Fo ~Clre hitp:iwn.ceekaeycology.comife-dwartheaer) + Fi Pris (ntti goekpsyenology conte neaer + MBTI Profle (hto:vwm.geekosychlogy.comicategoryiraes) + Eves (tpn + ISFP (http:/www.geekpsychology.comiistpl) + ISTP (htp:hww geekosychology comis + 1SFd(tpstmna.geekpayehlony.comis) + 1ST (ntpilmnagsekpayehlony.comft) + INTS (tpi goekpsychology coming) + INTP (npiivun.goekpeycology.comsn) + INFP (tpisivun.qoekpsycholoy.comin) + NFU (tps geeknsychology coming) + Dwarves ( + ESFP (http:/iwww.geekpsychology.comiesfp!) + ESTP (http:/iwww.geekpsychology.comiestp!) + ESF (hlto.!www.geexpsychology.comiesti/) + ESTS hip swa geekpsychology comes) + ENT htpitinww gekpsychology conven) «+ ENTP (htipzwww.geekpsycholagy.comfenta/) ‘+ ENFP (http:/ + ENFJ (ntpiew.geekpsychology-comfent) + How to Type People (tp ww. geokpsychology.comicategorytuorialtyping!) oople-part--fanguager) + Language (ntp:lwww.geokpsycrology.comhow-to-yp + RPG Profession (nitp/ww.geekpsychology.comitype-people-part-2-rpg-profession) + Energy And Element (ntip:lwen.geekpsychology convhow-to-ype-people-part3-energy-and-elemert) + Visual Idetiction (htpsluwu:geekpsychology.comfype-people-part-4-vsual-dentiicaton)) + NLP & Personal Growth (itp:iwew.geekpsychology comcategoryin/) + Level up (mtpstwww + Goats (htp:siwera.geekpsychology comfcategoryithoughts!goats) + Questing (htp:www geskpsychology comcategoryithoughts/auesting/) + About Me (htipiiwww geokpsychology-comfabout-mel) + Contact (hte iwww.geekpsychology.comicontact) + Extra (hipstheww.geokosychology.comieategorythoughts) + Hero's Journey (htp:twor geokpsychology.comMagheros journey!) + Resources (!) + This Stuff Realy Works! (ntpsiwww-geekpsycnology.comigesk:psychalogy-praise!) Get the free guide. Raise your charisma. Be a BOSS. Gear up like Hero to build instant rapport by speaking their language instead of awkwardly pushing people away like anoob Character Name Email Start INTJ — Sentinel of Effectiveness INT boss-moa INTJ INTs are typically thought of as, Deep Reserved + Intllectual + Independent Intense Future-focused Driven + Tenacious + Direct + Private Your 4-member party model (Ni This posts dane in the 4-member paty system. It pls each of your cognit ‘advonturing party’ that you have with you as you take an He's dragons and quests Your “stack” (N-Te-F-s unctios inte @ character within your mental wing. Thnk of it as your 0) essentially the development lovel ofthe characters In your group. The dominant function is the Hero. Level 30. It's you and your heroic abilities. ‘The ausilary function isthe Companion, Almost level 30 I's your “best buddy” and the one thal carry you to greatness when you can't walk, “The tertary function i the Newbie, Level 10, Dont get too dlstracted by ts playful and tempting allure, You need to balance the power between the Companion and the Newbie ~ifyou dont, youl miss out on powerful tactics. “The inferior aspirational unction isthe Escort. Level 3 Al. Help ish ts quosts for eple rewards. “This page uses information and backstories ‘rom the characters. You may want to read those before continuing, I link below on each character's name, share the Hero's story, and also summarize the other stores. Ni — Nisirai the Sentinel It you are an INTJ, your ablty to tink deeply about the underying patterns and relationships of things is wha leads you. You love the festing of grasping and expressing how tings are connected at the core. You get visions of how things wil pan out and you are often rght. You seek underlying ignifcance In events, Your Ni side is the Hera, You area sentinel - an Et hunter For those of us who are not INTJ, Nisrai Augain(hitp:www.geekpsychology.comin-el-hunter), the Elf hunter, is the Hero, Being the Hero, he generally has the most influence on the direction and style of the group, Nisra was bor into @ clan of hunters. At young age, he learned how to lve off he land, strengthen his spirtval bon to nalure, track, and hunt, Nii passed thraugh his trials from chidhood to manhoad an was given a bow. Whispersong, The legendary bow is Beleved to be able lofi its mark even ‘without a trained hunter behind Given to a skied hunter tke Nisa, tis even more powertul Wile he was exploring, there was a sudden, glant fissure in the land, When he came back to his home, there was nothing but rubble let. Nisial was forced to move to the main ty of Gelesthem. His bow and his memories ae al that he has from his old Ie. READ ESFP - Berserker of Authenticity ( Due to the unique traditions of his clan, he often foes isolated even amongst other Elves. One day he ventured of into the woods. While exploring, he noticed a peculiar bear Following the bear he was led on a long journey fo an uncharted cave. As he ventured further, he saw the cave was filed with treasures ofa past ewilzaton, Ho grabbed a handful of small tikes to take back the iy, Smiling, he Sai, “Everything happens fora reason,” Several visions then stuck Nisa These visions, however, were more than Images. They were premonitons of the future ofthe Elves. Struggling to understand the signifcance of his journey, he decided to set off on another adventure, His thoughts are now flooded by ideas ofa spirtual connection to force greater than himself. Kis goal now sto uncover the past and it elation to wnat wil come, In summary, Nsval on feels ke the only one of his kind, lost inthe strange world of his own race. He recently discovered the runs ofan anclent race. (On his way back tothe cy, he had several premontions. Now, he wants to understand the underying meaning behind his journey. To do ths, he seeks to uncover the past ciztion and what it could mean tothe future ofthe work For INTs, a8 a sentinl, you're great a faking your surroundings and breaking down the abstract ideas within them into condensed parts. When ‘youve tracked and understood that essence, you move to related ideas to see how they fit together. I's nat a random process and isnot expansive ike Nes’ style. You eliminate ideas until they have ful clay. That cary, the essence ofthe beast you's tracking, shows you how fo proceed Te — Tel the Geomancer But you cant do it alone. You need support. You need a push to get ut into the world and actually adventure. Your geomancer (Owarf mage) Companion is Tel (ntpiiwan.geckpsychology.comite-dwart- mage. Tels adept at putting things into action in an effactive and logical fashion. He uses runestanes to adjust the environment to fit his needs — giving him measurable, tangible results. Despite being a duo, you and Tel naturally work towards quite diferent goals. Yeu're subjective and abstract in your approach to understanding the work. You take in ideas, analyze thom, and grasp the entire concept. Te is objective and detailed. He takes clear action and uses his environment to reach a goal READ ISFP - Priest of Prosence (!) You can use Tel oinvluence the world. With him, you don't have te walt for things te happen. Tel can take your theories and ensure thal they blossom through proper care and stop-by-stop nurturing. Wahout a way to make an impact on the world, you'd be stuck in your visions with no way to act on them, Findion (hitp://www.geekpsychology.comifi-elf-healer/) is the Newbie for INTJ. Being Elves, you two have a lot in common. You both start al a distance and use your past experiences to gude you to act. Introspection Is the key t finding the tuth behind facades, To you both, the mast rusted and stable ideas come from within from what your past has taught you “This may sound tke everyone Ives this way, but not everyone prefers the subjective realm over the objective real world, Dwarves use agreed upon values (0), veritable detals (Se), testable hypotheses (Ne), and measurable resuts (Te). To Tel, it cant be empirically understood through checks and contrls, i's unstable and can't be usted, Findion isa healer who wants to find the unique potential hidden in each individual. He is individualistic and driven by authentic. Findion views things as Fight ar wrong. And he loatnes using people as unfeeling objects to tina large, cold madel— unless it's for @universaly moral goal. To him, everyone has ther own unique talents and so should not be blured into one group, |When Tel grabs the wheel for al the decision-making, itl be hard for you to gel past his “ronclad” demeanor and identiy with people. Findion searches for an empathetic reason to bond with people, but Tel often views people as resources to reach “the correct" goal, Findian takes people-based action using emotional data to compliment Tel's objective, gical approach. I's a bale of conscience versus evidence. “Through traning the Newbie, Findion wil teach you toto identify with people more easly. This helps you gather a diferent set of data from involving others ina wider range of experiences. On top of this, Fingion willbe abe to give you an even stronger gense of purpose. Unt induting and training Findon, your goals had tt sel- significance. You saw visions and observed as they unfolded, or you chose to act on thom strategialy. Now, you want sell-actuaization on top of selt-mastery. You want to push the mits of what you can be. With Findion leveled up, your goal has complete clay and wil uel you even more to succeed in your W's quest READ ISTJ - Guardian of Effectiveness. (ntoztwn.geokpsyenology.comst/) Se ~ Segrim the Berserker Ef hunters are used to tracking, huning, and exploring on thei own — and most people just seem tobe a litle diferent, You naturally take time to ‘withdraw from the real world to colect insights and realize diferent perspectives. You're comfortable with embracing the flow of te without causing ropes. You'd often rather not physically immerse yourself inthe sensory realm This is where Segrim (hitpiwww.geokpsychology.comise-dwar-warrior), the berserker (Owarf warrior), comes in fo completely ruin your stable world ‘Sgt acts on things as they arise and loves to be inthe bale, "Go and do,” Segrim thinks. Wat, no, he sereams as he runs in forthe next attack. ‘How ‘se can you experience tho real work around you and grow f you don'tjump right in? \Wihen you get overwhelmed by this style of Me, you might give the leader role to Segrim, In these moments, the INT! group stops contemplating on what might be possible. They leave the abstract and give into the senses. The other Dwarf, Tel, s more than happy to join this. Ignoring subjective insight and people's indvidualty, they aggressively put tings ino place. However, when you help Segrim on his quest, he teaches you to embrace the present realty. He helps you let loose, In turn, you get verfiable detalls that ‘yu can use to influence your actions. INTJ ‘You want depth of insight. Tel seeks real, empirical resus. Findon pushes for authenticity and emotional understanding. Segrim embraces althat the senses can pick up. \with proper management, Se can turn dawn the dal on Nis cautious nature, Ths allows you toda things on a whim and have fun withthe real, tangible ‘Worl, Also, immersion info the physical werd can improve your understanding of deep, underlying patterns, Niand Te work tagether to farm an independent duo with a long-range vision and an effective plan to make it realty Figivas a personalized purpose and a connection tothe emotional aspects of ife. Te INTs, emotions are usualy seen as more troublesome than they are beneficial. Bul tobe a better leader and realize your ful potential its important to not ignore Fi ‘Algo, check out the sole model! \¥ (pstewegoskgeychlagycontol/7hararbilernbst) Rj (hips geckeycalogycominsharestacebook&nbst) G+ (stun gekosyehologyconny7ehare=googe-pus-18nb=*), Roll Call An Easy Technique for Insane Stackin’ Functions - Your Paty ESFP- Berserker of Authenticty Personal Growth (npn. (tip.!) (nto geokpsyerology.comirol-ca) funetions-your-party) 27,2 January 20, 201 se 19, 201 Berserker ‘Author: Sherman (http iwww geokpsychology-comiauthor/sharman!) on Apr 19, 2016 Catagories: Ni- if Hunter (tip:twew-goekpsychology concategoryichoose-your-charactern-althunter!), Profiles (, Sentinel (htp:IMww.geekpsychology.comicategorytutoalimin-boss/sentnel) “Tags: 4 member system (ntpswww.geekpsychology.comitagi«-member-system), INTJ (hip/twww geekpsychology.comtagini),IntrovertedINtultion (ntt:tiwn.geokpsycnology com/agintroverted-ntltion!) Other posts ENTP~ Gunsinger of Accuracy (ntpitann.geekpsyenology.cony nip) «» ENT ~ Geomancer of Vision (hitp:lunw.geekpsychology.comient) Comment: ‘So emply here. eave a comment! Leave a Reply Your email addrss will not be published. Required folds are marked * Comment Name" Email® Webste & Lot Me Join The Gul! 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