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1. Music and Magic

At the beginning of human culture there is the nations called primitive peoples or nations
Natur. Early emergence of art music is not known with certainty because there is no
historical relic which could be used as a guide, but experts argued that there were
similarities between primitive music with music that is on the tribes that still exist in
modern times, for example, like Aborigines in Australia, American Indian tribes or tribes
in Irian Jaya and Africa.

Music primitive is not the kind of music that stands alone but has to do with Magic,
religious ceremonies or rituals that aim to summon spirits. Their music is very closely
related trust called Animism, they believe that music can be used as an intermediary
between the caller that there are spirits in bodies such as the sacred lance, spear, a large
stone and places sacred. They believe that music can be an intermediary in the control
and influence spirits and gods.

Music magic used by primitive peoples for various purposes such as:

• Healing
• Bewitch enemies
• Bewitched animals to be easily captured
• Worship ceremony

In summoning spirits and the gods they always use a mask while dancing and singing
voices imitating what they believe to be the voice of the Spirit, Satan, Jin, or even a
god's voice. Kekuata songs in the magic of music words, music and dance together in the
same rhythm. Establish in the ritual ceremonies of primitive peoples focused on how to
do it, mistakes in running the ritual will result in failure to achieve the desired objective,
primitive people always try to force the spirits or gods to grant their petition, unless the
aforementioned functions primitive societies use music as a encouragement of work, such
as in a regular line up, planting rice, pulling heavy objects and so on. The essence of
music is the rhythm of work that plays an important role as a regulator of movement so
that people can work simultaneously and in a long time., But the music did not work out
of the elements of magic and summoning spirits to give strength and endurance.

Except as magic and religion can actually stand on its own as a freelance art suata of the
two elements of it, this is already begun since the development of Greek art and widely
developed since the Renaissance.

2. Tools Primitive Music Nation

Development of Primitive Music accompanied by the development of musical
instruments. The origin of the instrument development begins with the way they play
music, the way the oldest music is by:

• Clapping
• Patting parts of the body by hand
• Whistle
• Singing or voice imitating the voices and other

As for musical instruments of the oldest and simplest is:

Types of musical instruments at The first to develop a series of bracelets made from
shells or dried fruit. How to use is by tying the hands or feet, and with movable. Others
are struck with wooden sticks wooden pole or the other a hollow tree trunk, and now
developed into rafters. The development of the primitive musical instrument
accompanied by an increase and improvement of culture, for example: Xylophon from the
Greek word which means wooden musical instrument consisting of wooden trunks are
not the same hardware and are tuned length. Xylophon is the first musical instrument that
had barrel or pitched.
Type wind instrument This instrument is developed after the instrument at (percussion).
The first wind instrument that emerges is made of seashell (bamboo) which in certain
places was given to blow the hole and made a sound. Another tool is made of bone or
bamboo called Panpipes. This device consists of a series of different vessels in length, at
the closed end while the other end open. Each vessel took only one vote.
Type stringed musical instrument according to Curt Sachs stringed musical instrument of
the youngest is Dawai (string) and the oldest is Siter Land. This instrument is shaped a
ground pit covered with a piece of board and above were given Dawai (string), a piece of
wood used as a Thurs or continue Bregde vibration on board metal cover. Way to be
picked, this instrument evolved into the form of Lyra, Lute, Harp, Guitar and others.
Types of musical instruments is very important in the development of voice systems.

Development of Music in East Countries

China: One of the nation's oldest nation. Level we can learn music and theory. China is
the oldest music was not played again, scales used is the type of pentatonic scales. China
the majority of songs sung with musical instruments Siter as the most important tool.
Instrument is regarded as the beginning of the harmonium is Sheng, which consists of
boxes and vessels, angina, blown way.

Egypt: The Egyptian music from the gods and regarded as the creator god of music is:
the god Isis, the god Osiris, the god Thot. Music Egypt is considered as something that is
used in sacred ceremonies keagamaa, so that the nature of the music is very quiet, great
and profound. The instrument used for accompaniment is Harp, flute, and Doeble Oboe.
After the occupation of Egypt became the most important tool is SyrianLyra and Double
Oboe. While wind instruments adalh Panpipes (a type of flute), which is an early form of
wind Orgel (accordion) who first discovered by a Hiraulos Alexandria. This biased
views of relief there. Scales used were the Anhemitonis pentatonic scales of 5 tones and
there is no distance ½.

Hinduism: Hindu Music younger than China, but has a higher value. Hindi music
emerged about 1500 BC. Music is still pure, not influenced by foreign music. Scales are
used Sagrama and Magrama. In addition to these scales are still used sports mumpunyai
sacred values of bias manifest certain desires. Musical instruments used are drums and

Indonesia: Nearly all the islands in Indonesia have a kind and his own musical
instruments., Ranging from simple / primitive (Irian Jaya) to the type of higher level such
as the from gamelan Java and Bali. Music culture in Indonesia comes from the Malays
and Polynesians kebuddayaan influenced by Hinduism, Islam and Europe. In Java and
Bali there are two scales used are Pelog and Slendro used in Gamelan music is original
made in Indonesia, Java and Bali especially. Gamelan consists of five groups each have
their own tasks. Fifth Gamelan groups are: 1. Core plays gamelan music: Saron and
Bonang 2. Gamelan which explains the composition of music period: Gong, kenong and
kethuk 3. The instrument plays and songs decoration: Gender, Gambang and siter 4. The
instrument plays a counter melody: Rebab and flute 5. Tool that determines the rhythm,
tempo, and drum: Gong, kenong and kethuk.

Arabs: From the 7th century is the emergence of Islam in Arabic, the music has an
important meaning to reach the top of the 8th century in the reign of Harun al Rosyid
(786-809) was signed in mid-century. Popular music scholars at the time was Al-Farabi.
Arabic music theory, including pure music theory based on ancient Greek music theory.
In Arabic music and sports are also known to the Arabs magic of music has value.
According to Sachs Crut most important instrument is the Lute (a guitar) and violin in
Indonesia Arab became Rebab.

Jewish: Music is extremely important because of the Jewish music Gregorian music is
arising is the foundation of modern music theory. Jewish sacred music is called the
pioneered by Baitul Mukadas ,King Sulaiman (970-943 BC). According to an expert
Flafius Jofifus Jewish history, the music is sacred so women must not sing because her
voice is a temptation, and would interfere with concentration dalamberibadah. In the
Jewish music there are several ways in singing worship songs: 1. Solo / Single 2.
Chorus / together 3. Responsorial / Solo met with the Chorus 4. Antoponal / choir group
sang together and answer each other.

Greece: The Greeks, including the basic centers of the music that until now still in use,
namely by constructing a scale in one octave, which came in very influential in the
development of the use of scales that we use until now, the function of music in the
Greek is: 1. Accompaniment of religious ceremonies 2. royal ceremony 3. Accompanist
festive entertainment or 4. Accompaniment of war. In the period before 1100 BC, which
is also the gods of the Greeks thought that art comes from the gods, and gods of music in
the shade was the god Polyhymnia. In its development between the years 675-338 BC
Greek culture is based in Athens. Name a famous person when it is Phytagoras
originating from the island of Samos. Besides as a mathematician in the world of music
he found Tetracord (arrangement of four tones) and the arrangement of scales on one
string instrument Dawai. Another famous person is Plato, he was a student Sucrates.
Besides a philosopher he discusses a lot of music in his book Timaios. Aristoxenos an
expert in a variety of theories of different disciplines to share Greek musicians in several
groups. When the center of the music moved to Alexandria developed into decline and
most only imitate and continue the previous period.

Rome: the development of music in this period very little attention, very little is known
and generally only continue the culture of Greek music. In the instrument developed
instrument is Corno and Syrinx. The most important type of art is the kind Pantomime
dances accompanied by the Chorus.

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