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April 20, 2017 ‘To Whom It May Concem, Kaylie Quimby is an outstanding teacher, one of the most talented and conscientious that | have ever mentored. Almost immediately after her internship year began in the fall, Kaylie's mentor teacher ‘experienced a sudden health crisis and was absent for a period of two weeks. Kaylie stepped into the challenge of becoming lead teacher in an elementary resource room with remarkable skill and composure. Although a substitute teacher was also assigned to the classroom during the mentor's absence, it was Kaylie who took on the bulk of responsibility as head teacher during that time. Her strong teaching and organizational skills helped ensure that the resource room operated smoothly until her mentor returned. Kaylie's exceptional professionalism, her dedication to her students, and her willingness to put in a lot of extra work during that period truly distinguished her. Kaylie has a firm yet gentle style of classroom management, and students in both the resource room and the 4th grade double-sized classroom where she is currently team teaching have loved having her as their teacher. Kaylie's approach to behavior management is based on forming caring relationships with students, providing them with frequent feedback in the form of positive, specific praise and using solid, tested strategies to teach them. During the course of this internship year, Kaylie has developed a strong teaching skill set. She is adept in using 'think-alouds' to help students learn how to organize their thoughts, and she excels in her use of active participation strategies to keep students engaged. As she teaches Kaylie is conscientious about reinforcing new terms with her students, and she checks frequently for understanding. Kaylie demonstrates strong over all awareness of her classroom and what students are doing at all times. She teaches subject matter using multiple approaches, and her lesson plans identify various accommodations and alternate strategies she is prepared to implement. Ihave absolute confidence in Kaylie Quimby's teaching ability, and | cannot recommend her more highly. Kaylie simply puts her best into everything she does, and she will be a tremendous asset to any school fortunate enough to have her on their staff. Sincerely, Copitboc Saris Cynthia P. Servis Field Instructor College of Education Michigan State University (817) 505-2730

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