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Antigravity Hills Are Visual Illusions

Author(s): Paola Bressan, Luigi Garlaschelli and Monica Barracano

Source: Psychological Science, Vol. 14, No. 5 (Sep., 2003), pp. 441-449
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of the Association for Psychological Science
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Research Article
Paola Bressan,1Luigi Garlaschelli,2and Monica Barracano1
'Universitadi Padova, Padova, Italy, and2Universitadi Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Abstract- Antigravityhills, also known as spook hills or magnetic effects are visible even on nonmagneticmaterials,such as plastic balls
hills, are naturalplaces where cars put into neutral are seen to move or water pouredon the ground.The other favoriteexplanationis that
uphillon a slightly sloping road,apparentlydefying the law of gravity. in these locations the force of gravityis not directedtowardthe earth's
Weshow that these effects,popularlyattributedto gravitationalanom- center,but slightly tilted, for some unknownreason. However,the in-
alies, are in fact visual illusions. Were-createdall the knowntypes of clination of several such roads has been measuredusing spirit levels,
antigravityspots in our laboratoryusing tabletopmodels; the number and the actual slope has always been found to be opposite to the ap-
of visible stretchesof road, their slant, and the height of the visible ho-
parent one. To prevent the objection that gravitational anomalies
rizon weresystematicallyvaried infour experiments.Weconclude that would influencethe level as well, in at least one case (Montagnaga,It-
antigravity-hilleffectsfollow from a misperceptionof the eye level rel- aly) researchersalso took measurementsfrom a distance (i.e., away
ative to gravity,caused by thepresence of either contextualinclines or from the spooky stretchof road)by using a professionalsurveyor'sin-
a false horizonline. strument,a theodolite (Polidoro & Garlaschelli,2001). The parallel-
ism between a plumb line hanging within the critical area and another
outside it was first checked; then, height quotes were taken on gradu-
Antigravityhills (also known as gravity hills, spook hills, or mag- ated
netic hills) are naturalplaces where cars put into neutralare seen to yardsticks.The real slope was calculatedto be about 1%and op-
posite in directionto the apparentslope.
move uphill on a slightly sloping road, apparentlydefying the law of
The most economical explanationfor antigravityhills is that they
gravity.Typically,the "spooky"stretchof road is rathershort (50-90 are visual illusions in the naturalenvironment.In this
article, we re-
m), only a few meters wide, and surroundedby a naturalhill land- four experiments showing that these phenomena can be repro-
scape, withoutnearbybuildings. duced in the laboratory,and suggest that they are due to the visual
Such places are foundin severalcountriesall aroundthe world,1and
of the spooky surface to a gravity-relativeeye level whose
have been touristattractionsfor decades.They should not be confused anchoring
directionis biased by the sloping surrounds.
with the "mysteryspots"foundin amusementparks.These aregenerally perceived
tiltedcabins,purposelybuilt as such;a personwalkinginside feels dis-
oriented,getting a very strongimpressionof standingat an angle in a EXPERIMENT 1
perfectlynormalroom(Gregory,1998;Shimamura& Prinzmetal,1999). In Experiment 1, we used a tabletop model with three hinged
The effects experiencedon spook hills are so impressivethat peo-
moveable boardsto investigatethe case in which the critical spot is a
ple account for them by appealing to physical (magnetic or gravita-
sloping stretchof roadbetween two other stretchesthatboth runeither
tional)anomalies;these are indeed the only explanationsofferedto the or downhill (as one moves forwardfrom the observationpoint
touristson site. Magnetic causes can be ruled out easily, because the uphill
at one end). Because our model was 2.40 m long, devoid of visible
texture, and viewed monocularly through a reduction screen, most
depth cues (aerial perspective, texture gradients, and binocular cues
such as disparityand convergence)were absent.
Address correspondence to Paola Bressan, Dipartimento di Psicologia
Generale, Universitadi Padova, Via Venezia 8, 35131 Padova, Italy; e-mail:
1. We are aware of antigravity hills at the following locations. United The tabletop model is schematically shown in Figure 1, and de-
States: Confusion Hill, Idelwild Park, Ligonier, Pennsylvania;Gravity Hill,
scribed in detail in the appendix. We used five different inclinations
northwestBaltimoreCounty,Maryland;GravityHill, State Route 42, Moores-
for the boards, relative to the observer's viewpoint: horizontal, 1.5%
ville, Indiana; Gravity Hill, State Route 96, south of New Paris, Bedford
County, Pennsylvania;GravityHill, White's Hill, Rennick Road, La Fayette uphill (a rise of 3 cm over 2 m), 3% uphill (a rise of 6 cm over 2 m),
County,Wisconsin; GravityRoad, Ewing Road, Route 208, FranklinLakes,
1.5%downhill (a negativerise of 3 cm over 2 m), and 3% downhill (a
Washington;MysteryHill, Highway 321, Blowing Rock, NorthCarolina;Mys- negative rise of 6 cm over 2 m). In every trial, board B (the middle
tery Spot, Putney Road, Benzie County, Michigan; Spook Hill, North Wales one) was given one of these five rises, and boardsA (the closest to the
Drive, North Avenue, Lake Wales, Florida;Spook Hill, Gapland Road, Bur- observer) and C (the farthest away) were both given the same rise.
kittsville,FrederickCounty,Maryland. Thus, there were 25 (5 X 5) possible conditions, or combinationsof
Canada:GravityHill, McKee Road, Ledgeview Golf Course, Abbotsford, slants.
British Columbia; Magnetic Hill, Neepawa, Manitoba;Magnetic Mountain,
Sixty undergraduatestudents (30 females and 30 males) partici-
CanadaHighway,Moncton,New Brunswick.
pated as subjects.They were divided into three groups of 20 subjects
Europe:Ariccia, Rome, Italy; Electric Brae, A719, Croy Bay, Ayr, Aye-
each; each group saw 2 or 3 of 8 conditions. For completeness,the re-
shire, Scotland; Malveira da Serra, Road N247, Lisbon, Portugal;Martina
Franca,Taranto,Italy;Montagnaga,Trento,Italy;MountPenteli, Mount Pen- maining 17 conditions were shown to a differentsample of 6 observ-
teli, Athens, Greece. ers. All subjects were unawareof the actual setup and of the purpose
Othercountries:Anti-GravityHill, StrawsLane Road,Wood-End,Victoria, of the experiment.
Australia;MorganLewis Hill, St. Andrew,Barbados;Mount Halla, Cheju Do Observerssat, one at a time, in front of screen I. They were asked
Island,South Korea. to look into hole L, describe what they saw, and then assess the slope

VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003 Copyright 2003 AmericanPsychological Society 441

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Antigravity Hills Are Visual Illusions

Fig. 1. Schematic illustrationof the tabletop model used in Experi-

ment 1. See the appendixfor details.

of the three stretchesA, B, and C on a 5-point scale, where - 2 =

strongly downhill, -1 = slightly downhill, 0 = horizontal, 1 =
slightly uphill, and 2 = strongly uphill. Each trial was followed by a
break of about 1 min, during which the hole was occluded and the
model modified.

Slants are underestimated
Three stretcheswith the same slant were seen as horizontalby all
subjects, whetherthey were truly horizontal, 1.5% downhill, or 1.5%
uphill. However, three 3%-downhillor 3%-uphill stretches were al-
ways perceived,respectively,as (slightly) downhill and (slightly) up-
Perceivedslant dependson contextualinclines

Figure 2 shows how the apparentslope of the middle stretch was

affected by the inclines that preceded and followed it. A slightly
downhill stretchbetween two strongly downhill inclines was seen as
illusorily uphill by 16 subjects out of 20, and as illusorily horizontal
by the other 4 (top panel, left-most filled symbol); this condition re-
producedthe naturalcase of GravityHill in Pennsylvania.However,a Fig. 2. Results from Experiment 1. Perceived slant (mean rating on
slightly uphill stretch between two strongly uphill inclines (i.e., the the 5-point scale) of the middle stretch(boardB; see Fig. 1) is graphed
as a function of the physical slant of the nearerand fartherstretches
physically symmetricalcondition) was seen by all subjects as level,
not as downhill (bottom panel, right-mostopen symbol). This result (boardsA and C, respectively),for four differentphysical slants of B:
horizontaland 1.5%downhill (top panel) and 1.5%uphill and 3% up-
implies that inducing an illusory downhill is not nearly as easy as in- hill (bottompanel). Bars indicatethe standarderrorof the mean.
ducing an illusory uphill. (Experiment 2 showed that it requires
steeper inducing slopes.) A horizontal stretch between two downhill
inclines was always seen as illusorily uphill (top panel, two left-most
open symbols), whereasuphill inclines failed to make it appeardown-
hill (two right-most open symbols). Also, a 3%-downhill middle This asymmetry between uphill and downhill stretches was also
stretch,althoughit neverreversedin slope, could be made to look hor- apparentin the way the apparentslopes of the first and thirdstretches
izontal when accompaniedby any nondownhillstretch(13, 7, and 7 of (which always had the same inclination)were modulatedby the mid-
20 responses were "horizontal"for the horizontal,slightly uphill, and dle incline. Two horizontalstretches appeareduphill when separated
strongly uphill contextual stretches, respectively), but a 3%-uphill by a downhill slope (72 of 80 responses were "uphill";20 subjects
middle stretchappeareduphill to all subjectsin all conditions. across two stretches and two conditions), but failed to look downhill

442 VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003

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Paola Bressan, Luigi Garlaschelli, and Monica Barracano

Fig. 3. MagneticHill (Canada).The nearerstretchof road is misperceivedas runningdownhill.

when separatedby an uphill slope (24 of 24 responses were "horizon-

tal"; 6 subjects across two stretches and two conditions). A slightly
downhill fartherstretchprecededby a steeperdownhill could look up-
hill (out of 20 responses, 8 were "uphill"and 11 were "downhill"),but
a slightly uphill fartherstretchprecededby a steeper uphill appeared
level to all subjects,and never downhill.
In summary,then, Experiment1 showed that small slant angles are
underestimatedrelative to the horizontal plane, and that horizontal
stretches,or slight downhills, can appearuphill when accompaniedby

In Experiment2, we studied the special case in which there are
two, ratherthan three, visible stretches of road. Most popular spots,
such as Spook Hill (Florida),MagneticHill (Canada,shown in Fig. 3),
and Ariccia (Italy), belong to this class. In these places, stopped cars
that are put into neutralon the apparentdownhill stretchof road that
precedes the uphill one roll backwardsas thoughrepelledby a myste-
rious force (described, at Spook Hill, as "the curse of the Indian

The tabletop model was similar to the one used in Experiment 1,
but two rather than three boards were used. The boards measured Fig. 4. Results from Experiment2. Perceivedslant (meanratingon the
100 X 120 cm each, and were hinged to each other so as to give a 5-point scale) of nearerand fartherstretchesis graphedas a function
plane of 100 X 240 cm. They could be lifted or loweredindependently of the physical slant of the fartherstretch.The nearerstretch was al-
by two lab jacks. ways 1.5%uphill. Bars indicatethe standarderrorof the mean.

VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003 443

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\ntigravity Hills Are Visual Illusions

Fig. 5. Ariccia (Italy). The "standard"view is shown in the bottom photograph.From this viewpoint, the far-
ther stretchof road is misperceivedas runninguphill. The top photographshows the view from the opposite
end of the road. Fromthis viewpoint, the nearerstretchof road is misperceivedas runningdownhill.

Eight different conditions were presented in random order. In second stretch was either horizontal or slightly downhill
four conditions, the first stretch ran slightly uphill (1.5%), and (1.5%).
the second stretch was horizontal or uphill (3%, 6%, or 9%). In Eight undergraduateand graduate students who had not partici-
the other four, the first stretch was downhill (3% or 6%), and the patedin the previousexperimentserved as subjects.

444 VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003

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Paola Bressan,Luigi Garlaschelli,and Monica Barracano

Fig. 6. Montagnaga(Italy). The road on the right is misperceivedas runninguphill.

The apparentslope of a slightly uphill first stretchwas a function In Experiment3, we studiedthe case in which two roads with dif-
of the physical slope of the second, x2(3, N = 8) = 16.9, p = .0007 ferent slopes depart from a crossing on a hillside. One such case
(Friedmantwo-way analysis of variance),as can be seen in Figure 4. (Montagnaga,Italy) is shown in Figure 6.
Although it was always actually uphill, the first stretch was seen as
such only when the second stretchwas horizontal.As the slope of the
second stretch increased, the first stretch was viewed first as level
(thusreplicatingthe lack of slope reversalin the comparablecondition A sloping landscape similar to a hillside was created on a large
of Experiment1, in which a 1.5%-uphillstretchbetweentwo 3%-uphill level table, by fitting a thin green cloth on a numberof aligned sup-
inclines was always seen as horizontal) and then as increasingly porting blocks of decreasing sizes (Fig. 7). Relative to the observer,
downhill. The most extreme condition (right-most filled symbol in the terrainwas high on the left, and sloped down towardthe right bor-
Fig. 4) reproducedvery well the illusions seen at Spook Hill and Mag- der of the model at an angle of about 15.
netic Hill, and the illusion seen at Ariccia when one watches the criti- The roads were constructedwith two triangularboards, each 7 X
cal spot from the viewpoint opposite the standardone (see Fig. 5, top 200 cm, covered with tan-coloredtextureless paper.These roads de-
panel). The stretch of road in the backgroundis veridically seen as parted from nearby positions at the same height, as they were both
strongly uphill, and the stretch of road in the foregroundis errone- resting on a single block placed just below the observationhole, and
ously seen as downhill. were seen as convergingon the sloping horizon line of the "hillside."
A horizontalstretchprecededby a downhill was perceived as up- The far ends of the two boards could be lifted or lowered indepen-
hill by all subjects;a 1.5% downhill precededby a 3% downhill was dently.
also reportedas uphill by all subjects.The latterconditionreproduced A rectangularpiece (100 X 40 cm) of brown cardboardcould be
exactly the illusion seen at Ariccia when the spooky spot (whose phys- interposedbetween the "hill"and the "sky"to simulate a farawayho-
ical slope is about 1%) is watched from the standardviewpoint. The rizon. The cardboardcould be lifted to differentpositions, so that sub-
stretchof road in the foregroundis seen as sloping downhill very gen- jects could see the horizon at five different heights: lower than both
tly (but it is in fact steeply downhill), and the stretch of road in the roads (i.e., not visible to the viewer), higher thanboth roads, in an in-
backgroundis erroneouslyseen as uphill (but it is actually downhill; termediateposition, at the vanishingpoint of the right (lower) road, or
see Fig. 5, bottompanel). at the vanishing point of the left (higher) road. The reduction screen
Thus, Experiment2 showed not only that illusory slope reversal and the sky backgroundwere the same as in Experiment1. The proce-
also occurs in a two-stretchcondition, but also that slight uphills can durewas also identical.
turn into perceptual downhills, too- provided they are followed by Eleven differentconditionswere obtainedby changingthe slopes of
much steeperuphills. the two roads;each conditionwas shown with each of the five horizon

VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003 445

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AntigravityHills Are Visual Illusions

Fig. 7. Schematic illustrationof the tabletop model used in Experi-

ment 3.

heights, for a total of 55 trials,presentedin randomorder.Eight mem-

bers of the Universityof Padova(Italy)community,none of whom had
participatedin the previousexperiments,servedas observers.

Figure 8 shows the results for 24 (those deriving from the combi-
nation of eight slope pairings and three horizon conditions) of the 55

No horizon
A horizontalroad was always seen as such when accompaniedby
an uphill; but when accompaniedby a downhill, it was seen as uphill
by 6 subjects out of 8. A downhill road flankedby a steeper downhill
road was seen as uphill by 7 subjects out of 8 (Fig. 8, top panel, left-
most point; for the 8th subject,the illusion went in the same direction
but was smaller,so thathe reportedthe 3% downhill as slightly down-
hill, ratherthanhorizontal,and the 1.5%downhill as horizontal,rather
than uphill). This condition reproducedthe illusion found at Montag-
naga (Fig. 6). Actually, the slope of road that illusorily reverses at
Montagnagais about 1%(ratherthan 1.5%as in our experiment),and
the accompanyingroad is 10% (much steeper than our 3%), which
makes the illusion absolutelycompelling.

Horizonon the road

When the vanishing point of a road was seen on the horizon line,
the road itself tended to appearlevel (as shown by the clustering of
data points aroundthe dashed line in the middle panel of Fig. 8). In
this case, the perceivedslant of the roadnearbychanged as thoughthe
two roads were solidly hinged. For example, a downhill road whose Fig. 8. Results from Experiment3. Perceived slant (mean rating on
the 5-point scale) of the test road is graphedas a functionof the phys-
edges were seen to convergeat the horizonbecame horizontal,and the ical slant of the flankingroad,for three differentphysical slants of the
flankinghorizontalroadwas reportedas uphill (7 subjectsout of 8; the test road. Results are shown for three differenthorizonconditions:no
8th saw no illusion). Especially interestingis the case in which both horizon (top panel), horizon on the test road (middle panel), and hori-
roads were uphill (Fig. 8, middle panel, right-mostpoint):The gentler zon on the flankingroad(bottompanel). Bars indicatethe standarder-
incline was seen as horizontalby 7 observers,and as downhill by 1. rorof the mean.

446 2003

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Paola Bressan,Luigi Garlaschelli,and Monica Barracano

Horizonon nearby road part of the low-horizon condition (the Electric Brae viewed from the
opposite side), thereare no low farawayhills at all, and the roadmeets
Comparisonbetween the top and bottom panels of Figure 8 shows a sky background,makingfor an even strongerillusion.
that the presence of a horizon at the vanishing point of the flanking
road had virtually no effect on the test road when the flanking road
was a downhill (datapoints in the left half of each graph),whereasthe GENERAL DISCUSSION
horizon made an obvious difference when the flanking road was an
Three of our results have a clear bearingon the issue of antigravity
uphill (datapoints in the right halves of the graphs).The simplest in- hills. First,slopes were underestimated,to the point thatslight inclines
terpretationof this resultis thatthe perceivedslope of the test roadde- were always perceivedas horizontal(Experiment1). Underestimation
pendedon the relativeposition of the horizon. The horizon's position of slopes has also been reportedby McDougall (1903).2Second, per-
was, of course, lower than the test road when the flankingroad was a
ceived slope was an inverse function of the height of the visible hori-
downhill,and higherthan the test road when the flankingroad was an
zon (Experiments3 and 4). Third, perceived slant was affected by
uphill. Horizonslower than the vanishingpoint of the test road would other slants: When accompanied by downhills, horizontal stretches
push it uphill- but the test road appeareduphill already,by virtue of were perceived as uphill, and slightly downhill slopes could also be
the flankingdownhill. In contrast,horizons higher than the vanishing
seen as uphill (Experiments1, 2, and 3). Underestimationwas weaker
point of the test road clearly pushed it downhill, somethingthe flank- for uphill than for downhill slopes, a result consistent with McDou-
ing uphill could not do on its own (as shown by the no-horizoncondi-
gall's (1903) data;however, slight uphills could be seen as horizontal
when accompanied by much steeper uphills, and as increasingly
When the vanishingpoint of a steep uphill flankingroad was seen
downhill as the inclinationof the accompanyingslope increased(Ex-
on the horizon line, this road seemed level to 7 subjects out of 8, and
the gentler uphill stretch appearedclearly downhill (Fig. 8, bottom periment2).
Assessment of slant is made relativeto the eye level normalto the
panel, right-mostpoint; the 8th subject saw a weaker illusion in the direction of gravity (GREL, or gravity-referencedeye level), which
same direction, reportingthe 3% uphill as slightly uphill, and the
1.5%uphill as horizontal).This reversalreproducedthe illusion found normally coincides with the geographical ("true")horizon plane. A
at MartinaFranca(Italy), where a moderatelyuphill highway points plane is perceived as horizontalwhen it is parallel to GREL, and as
slantedotherwise.In unclutteredconditions (e.g., in frontof the sea or
towarda far hilly landscape,and a slightly uphill short stretchdepart-
flat land), the judged eye level coincides with the visible horizon line.
ing from the highway is erroneouslyperceivedas downhill. When the vanishingpoint of a road (the point where its bordersseem
to meet) viewed frontally is at GREL, the road will be perceived as
EXPERIMENT 4 horizontal;when the vanishing point lies below or above GREL, the
road will be judged as runningdownhill or uphill, respectively.
In Experiment4, we studied the case in which the spooky road
However,the vestibularand posturalinformationon which GREL
consists of a single uphill stretch whose borders converge below a is based can be contaminated visual cues. It has been shown
by (for a
raisedhorizonline createdby farawayhills. The road seems to be run- brief
review, see Stoper & Cohen, 1989) that GREL is not always as-
ning downhill. The best-known site of this type, Electric Brae, is in sessed veridically;it becomes biased in the directionof the eye level
Scotland. It has been suggested (Ross, 1974), but never experimen-
parallel to the ground plane (SREL, or surface-referencedeye level)
tally tested, thatthe illusion is due to the height of the visible horizon. wheneverthe two do not coincide, as in frontof a slope. This is a large
effect: Judged GREL is typically shifted approximatelyhalf of the
Method way towardSREL, but much largerbiases, up to 88%, have been re-
ported(Asch & Witkin, 1948). We suggest thatthis compromisecould
The stimulus materialsconsisted of three 16-cm X 10-cm gray- account
parsimoniouslyfor all our findings.
scale images, computer-generatedstarting from a digitized photo-
First, a shift of judged GREL towardSREL will decrease the per-
graphand printedon separatepapersheets. The firstwas a photograph ceived angle of any incline relative to GREL, and hence the incline's
of the Electric Brae; the other two were generatedby modifying this
apparentslant (explaining why slopes are underestimated).For small
image with a computer graphics program so as to obtain different physical slopes, a shift of the reportedmagnitudewould be enough to
heights for the horizonline (see Fig. 9 for details). bring perceived slant under threshold (explaining why our 1.5% in-
The threeimages were presentedin the frontalplane, in randomor-
der, to a new sample of 24 observers.They were asked to assess the
slope of the road in each image on the same 5-point scale used in the
previousexperiments. 2. It has also been reportedthat the slant of inclines tends to be overesti-
mated, ratherthan underestimated,relative to the horizontal plane- both in
outdoor conditions, where hills look steeper than they are (Proffitt, Bhalla,
Results Gossweiler, & Midgett, 1995; Proffitt,Creem, & Zosh, 2001), and in the labo-
In the firstcase, slant angles were much largerthan
The mean ratingsfor the threeconditions were significantlydiffer- ratory(see Perrone,1982).
= = = ours, and whetherthey slanted up versus down was unambiguous.In the sec-
ent from each other, x2(2, N 24) 14.15, p .0008 (Friedman
ond case, stimuli were either geometric figureson a homogeneousbackground
two-way analysis of variance).The high-horizonroadappeareddown- or textured surfaces seen through a hole. It has been suggested that in these
hill (M = -0.59), the mid-horizonroad appearedapproximatelylevel conditions, the observer'sperceivedstraight-aheaddirectionwould deviate to-
(M = 0.08), and the low-horizonroad looked uphill (M = 0.67). The ward the nearestpartof the surface, alteringthe derivedpitch angle (Perrone,
high-horizoncondition portraysthe truly uphill view of the Electric 1982). Incidentally,in these experiments,surfaces were typically slanted0 to
Brae, which runs into a mountainbackground.In the naturalcounter- 90, and could neverrepresenta downhill plane.

VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003 447

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AntigravityHills Are Visual Illusions

Fig. 9. The stimuli used in Experiment4. The high-horizonroad, shown in the

top panel, is the original Electric Brae (after Ross, 1974). The road seems to be
runningdownhill,below a raisedhorizon line createdby hills in the background.
The mid-horizonroad, shown in the middle panel, was obtained by combining
the Electric Brae viewed from the opposite end of the road (after Ross, 1974)
with the horizon in the top photograph.The low-horizonroad, shown in the bot-
tom panel, was obtainedby lowering the horizonline of the top photograph.

448 VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003

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Paola Bressan,Luigi Garlaschelli,and Monica Barracano

clines appeared horizontal). Second, SREL does not require proprio REFERENCES
ceptive information, but is specified by optical information alone -
whenever possible, directly by the visible horizon (i.e., the line be- Asch, S.E., & Witkin, H.A. (1948). Studies in space orientation: I. Perception of the
upright with displaced visual fields. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38,
tween the ground plane and the sky; Gibson, 1950; Sedgwick, 1980). 325-337.
This accounts for our finding that perceived slope depends on the Gibson, J.J. (1950). Theperceptionof the visual world. Boston: HoughtonMifflin.
Gregory,R. (1998). Mysteryspots [Editorial].Perception,27, 503-504.
height of the visible horizon. In the presence of a raised horizon line, McDougall, R. (1903). The subjectivehorizon.Psychological ReviewMonographSupple-
such as that created by distant hills at Electric Brae and Martina ments,^ 145-166.
Perrone, J.A. (1982). Visual slant underestimation:A general model. Perception, 11,
Franca, SREL will pitch up from the horizontal, shifting judged 641-654.
GREL in the same direction and making a slightly uphill road appear Polidoro,M., & Garlaschelli,L. (2001). Investigatoridell'occulto. Rome:Avverbi.
downhill. Proffitt,D.R., Bhalla, M, Gossweiler, R., & Midgett, J. (1995). Perceiving geographical
slant. PsychonomicBulletin & Review,2, 409^428.
Likewise, by pitching SREL up or down, the presence of a steeper Proffitt,D.R., Creem, S.H., & Zosh, W.D. (2001). Seeing mountainsin mole hills: Geo-
slope will bias judged GREL in the same direction, flattening or re- graphical-slantperception.Psychological Science, 12, 418-423.
Ross, H.E. (1974). Behaviourand perception in strange environments.London:Allen &
versing the accompanying gentler slope, and explaining the depen- Unwin.
dence of perceived slant on contextual inclines. Our data suggest a Sedgwick, H.A. (1980). The geometry of spatial layout in pictorialrepresentation.In M.
bias approximating 50% when SREL is pitched up from the horizontal Hagen (Ed.), Theperceptionof pictures (pp. 33-38). New York:Academic Press.
Shimamura,A.P., & Pnnzmetal, W. (1999). The Mystery Spot illusion and its relationto
(1.5% uphills accompanied by 3% uphills became horizontal), and other visual illusions. Psychological Science, 10, 501-507.
larger than 50% when SREL is pitched down from the horizontal Stoper,A.E., & Cohen, M.M. (1989). Effect of structuredvisual environmentson apparent
(1.5% downhills accompanied by 3% downhills became uphills). eye level. Perception& Psychophysics,46, 469-475.
(Received 1/29/02; Revision accepted 11/15/02)


We found that perceived slope depends on the height of the visible
Three plywood boards, A, B, and C, each 100 X 80 cm, were hinged to
horizon; that surface slant tends to be underestimated relative to the
each other,producinga plane of 100 X 240 cm. The boardswere accuratelyset
horizontal plane; and that when preceded, followed, or flanked by a
horizontalon a large table F by means of a spirit level. Board B could be tilted
steep downhill slope, a slightly downhill stretch is perceived as uphill. by insertingsmall blocks (G, G') of the requiredthicknessunderthe timbersE.
The visual (and psychological!) effects obtained in our experiments BoardsA and C could then be lifted or lowered independentlyby two labjacks
were in all respects analogous to those experienced on site. After each beneath them. By adjustingthe height of blocks G and G' and that of the lab
observer's task was concluded, we placed a small roll of tape on the jacks, we could set the rises of the single stretches precisely; each rise was
misperceived slope, and the tape appeared to move against the law of measuredby a ruler placed vertically on the table surface, and touching the
gravity- producing surprise and, on occasion, reverential fear. edge of the board.
The more than 20 natural cases of antigravity hills reported to date The model was hiddenby curtains,runningalong its sides, and illuminated
are all variations on a single theme. Our study shows that the phenom- by two fluorescentlamps producinga diffuse light, and no noticeableshadows.
An opaque screen I, with a hole L (a tube, 4.5 cm in diameter),was placed in
enon can be re-created artificially, with no intervention whatsoever of
front of the model, 30 cm from the nearestedge. In each condition, the view-
magnetic, antigravitational, or otherwise mysterious forces. The
point was 34 cm above the nearestpoint of the road, and allowed only monoc-
spooky effects experienced at these sites are the outcome of a visual il- ular vision, with no parallaxinformation;the model's edges were invisible.
lusion due to the inclination of a surface being judged relative to an es- A light-blue screen H was hung behind the model to simulate the sky. At
timated eye level that is mistakenly regarded as normal to the direction the far end of boardC, we arrangeda few small model trees, to add to the real-
of gravity. Using miniature or even life-size reproductions of our ta- ism of the scenery. The boards were covered with thick, smooth, textureless,
bletop models, it should now be easy to re-create the fascination of green paddedfelt; on top of the felt, we laid a "road"M, cut out from tan-col-
this challenge to gravity in amusement parks and, for twice the bene- ored texturelesspaper.In real life, the edges of a level road, viewed frontally,
fit, science museums anywhere. are seen to converge at a vanishing point on the horizon, which is located by
definitionat the observer'seye level. Such convergencewas simulatedby cut-
ting the paper in the shape of a long isosceles triangle (30 X 240 cm). These
Acknowledgments- We are gratefulto Bruce Bridgeman,Dennis Proffitt, measures were decided after preliminaryobservationsof a real road using a
Dave Rose, and an anonymous reviewer for their critical reading of the
protractor,which enabledus to measurethe angle by which the edges of a 3-m-
manuscript. wide road are seen to convergeat the horizon.

VOL. 14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER2003 449

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