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CITY OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR JAMES F. KENNEY 215 Cty Mayor Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 686-2181 FAX (215) 686-2180, March 17, 2017 Hon. Karen Murphy, Ph.D. Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Health 8th Floor West Health and Welfare Building 625 Forster Street Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Dr. Murphy, 1am writing this letter in support of the application submitted on behalf of Snider Health for a license to grow and process medical marijuana in accordance with Act 16, signed into law last year by Governor Tom Wolf. Act 16 is landmark legislation that reflects a forward-thinking approach to the regulated use of cannabis in Pennsylvania, a law that will help tens of thousands of our fellow citizens more effectively manage pain and treat other specified physical conditions in a safe and highly effective manner. As you know, I championed the decriminalization of marijuana in Philadelphia while I served on City Council, in part because the evidence made clear that many city residents were using cannabis to cope with physical ailments and to alleviate stress. 1 applaud the Governor’s leadership on this issue, and I am confident that under the guidance of the Department of Health, the development of the medical cannabis industry in Pennsylvania will generate tremendous health benefits for our citizens and our Commonwealth. 1am also convinced that medical cannabis will generate significant economic benefits for our city and region, both in terms of the major financial investment required to build a Grower/Processor facility such as the one proposed by Snider Health; and equally important, through the creation of great jobs that the industry will generate for our citizens. ‘The Sniders have long been one of Philadelphia’s best corporate citizens, having combined extraordinary business success with a dedicated commitment to philanthropy that has benefited thousands of children and young adults in the city through the Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation and the Snider Family Foundation. For these reasons, I support the effort to secure at least one Grower/Processor facility that will be located in Philadelphia, and I am pleased to endorse the application of Snider Health for this purpose. Sincerely, James F. losf Mayor of Philadelphia

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