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Plant can be found in every place we go in this earth whether under the sea, or high
on the mountain. Plants are very important to organisms and it have many different uses.
Plants are multicellular eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. Green plants have cell walls with
cellulose and obtain most of their energy from sunlight by photosynthesis. Plant physiology
is the study of how plants live and function. Physiological system of plants include plant
morphology (structure of plants), plant ecology (interactions with the environment),
photochemistry (biochemistry of plants), cell biology, genetics, biophysics and molecular
biology. Plants undergo many process such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and
seed germination in which every process have a different purpose.

Photosynthesis is the process where plants use the energy from sunlight to produce
glucose from carbon dioxide and water. This glucose can be converted into pyruvate which
release adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by cellular respiration. Oxygen is also formed during
photosynthesis. Photosynthesis help in maintaining a balanced level of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis can be considered as the ultimate source of life
for nearly all plants and animals by providing the source of energy that drives all their
metabolic processes.

Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant. Transpiration is

essentially evaporation of water from plant leaves. Transpiration also includes a process
called guttation, which is the loss of water form from uninjured leaf or stem of the plant,
principally through water stomata. Transpiration have two main functions, cooling the plant
and pumping water and minerals to the leaves for photosynthesis. When temperature are
too high, metabolic system of plants become slows, and growth and flowering become slows
or even stops. In extreme heat, plant can die. Transpiration is an evaporation cooling system
that brings down the temperature of plants, but must be accurately regulated.

There are many importance of plants. Much of human nutrition depends on plants,
either directly through foods and beverages consumed by people, or indirectly as feed for
animals or the flavouring of foods. Besides, plants are the source of natural products such as
essential oil, natural dyes and cork. Products that derived from plants include soaps,
shampoos, perfumes, cosmetics, paint and rubber. So, it shows that plants are very
important to our lives.


To study the physiological system of plant.


What is the physiological system of plant and its importance?


Iodine solution, distilled water, hibiscus flower and onion.


Forceps, scalpel, scissor, magnifier glass, glass slide, microscope, filter paper, knife and


A. The Outer Parts of A Flower

1. The sepals of hibiscus flower that located under the petals is observed and
2. The number of sepals is recorded.
3. The petals is observed and counted.
4. The number of petals is recorded.

B. The Male Parts of A Flower

1. The petals are carefully pulled off by using forceps to examine the male parts
of the flower.
2. The number of stamens (anther and filament) is counted.
3. The length of the stamens is measured in mm.
4. The result is recorded.

C. The Female Parts of Flower

1. The pistil is cut away from the rest of the flower by using scalpel.
2. The height of the pistil is measured in mm.
3. Stigma, style, ovary and ovule of the pistil are identified.
4. The results are recorded.

D. The Plants Cell

1. The thin inner skin from one of the layer of an onion is peeled by using the
2. Small piece (about 1 cm2) of this onion skin is tore off and placed on a slide
with a drop of water an iodine.
3. The cell structure of onion cell is observed by using microscope.
4. The observation is recorded.


During the experiment, all of the observations and results are recorded.

A. The Outer Parts of A Flower

Sepals Petals


Number of sepals : 3

B. The Male Parts of A Flower Number of petals : 5


Number of stamens : 86

Length of stamen : 7 mm

C. The Female Parts of A Flower



Ovary Ovule
Length of pistil : 70 mm

D. The Plant Cell


During practical, we have to observe and identify the outer part of plant, the female
and male part of plant, and the cell of plant. So, the outer part of plants are sepals and
petals. Function on petals is helping the flower to get fertilized through insect. Because of its

nice appearance, insects will attracted to the flower. This helps for the sexual reproduction.
Then function of sepals are protecting the petals at early of development stage.

Then, male parts of plants are anther and filament. The function of filament is to
support the anther. Function of anther is to produce and bear the pollen of the flower. The
anthers contain microsporangia, tiny sacs in which pollen is formed. After its formation, the
pollen rests on the anther, from which it is carried by wind or the actions of various insects,
such as bees.

Besides, the female part of plant contains ovary, ovule, pistil and stigma. Ovaries are
the protective casing that contains one or more ovules. Ovules carry an embryo sac, which
contains an egg and two specialized cells called polar nuclei. A flower's ovary is located in its
base, below the pistil. The flower's ovule, or ovules, are tucked inside the ovary. Stigma
located at the top of pistil. The function of the stigma in a flower is a pollen receptor. Pollen
will lands at the stigma. The style is the long part of a pistil will provide protection for the
pollen tube that emerges from the pollen grain and grows down the inside of the pistil into

The cell of plant contains cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall, chloroplast
and vacuole. Cell membrane is the thin layer that surrounds the cell, but it is inside the cell
wall. Cell membrane control the movement of molecules or substance through cells. Cell
wall is a thick membrane that surround a plant cell. Cell wall give the support to the cell
structure and shape. Chloroplast is functioning in photosynthesis. Cytoplasm is the jellylike
material outside the cell in which the organelles are located. The nucleus controls most of
the function of the cell and vacuole is a large space within the cell that is filled fluid.


As the conclusion, every part of plant are important and have their own different function.


Charlie L, Jacqueline R.S & (2010). STPM Text Biology. Selangor: Oxford Fajar.

Ching, L. (2011). Pre-U Text STPM Biology Volume2. Selangor: Pearson Malaysia Sdn

Kamaludin Rashid, Kamariah Haron, Mahanom Jalil & Azlina Aziz. (2012). College Biology.
Shah Alam, Selangor: IPTA Publications Sdn. Bhd.


Figures above shows petals are carefully pulled off.

Figure above shows the thin inner skin from one of the layer of an onion is peeled.


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