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Six Sigma Work Shop

Case Study.
Disk Drive Parato Analysis

Your are the Quality Engineer responsible for a diskette drive that is used in the assembly of a
personal computer. You receive a report listing the error code of each unit rejected by the
manufacturing process for the first five days of production. This is shown below. Based on the report
you decide that the defect level must be reduced. To understand what is causing the problems with
the diskette drives, analyse this report using parato Diagrams and recommend what must be done to
improve the diskette drive quality

Thursday, June 8 Monday, June12

Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code
412 410 413 410 410 440 465 465 841 410
410 413 465 465 465 218 413 413 413 218
440 412 410 410 412
410 410 410 412 410 Tuesday, June 13
410 218 440 841 218 Code Code Code Code Code
412 413 841 410 440 841 465 440 410 440
413 841 413 413 410 888 413 412 412 413
465 410 465 410 413 112 440 218 465 181

Friday, June 9
Code Code Code Code Code Wednesday, June 14
410 410 841 413 841 Code Code Code Code Code
413 412 410 410 412 440 841 413 412 465
410 413 218 410 410 410 465 412 413 440
465 218 410 412 218 465 413
413 465 465 410 465

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