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Jonathan D.


Dr. Rubens

ENGL 308

10 February 2017

Email Request

The students who received the survey were told explicitly in the email that the survey

results were to be brief and anonymous, so that they would not feel the need to alter their

responses. This hopefully lead to honest results, which will help in genuine interpretation of their

answers. For this reason, the email shown below has the names all the students whited out to

preserve integrity of anonymity.

RU Student Habits Survey Report and Appendix


Due to the fact that the students of Radford University can differ in their habits when

classes arent held, this survey will hopefully help staff and faculty of RU to understand common

students studying habits. This anonymous survey asks five questions to students of Radford

University about their studying habits. The questions revolved around the students habits that

most faculty or professors wouldnt see, so that they can get a better understanding of the how

students usually study and perform assignments.

Survey Questions

To add to the context, the results include eight respondents, which means that there is a

small pool of answers to draw from, but the answers can be nonetheless surprising.

Question #1

Question number one was During all day on Saturdays and Sundays and weekdays after

5:00 PM, which days do you typically spend the most amount of time studying? The format of

answers for this one was a multiple-choice list that allowed the respondents to select more than

one day of the week. The results are as follow:

- Sunday 25%

- Monday 50%

- Tuesday 50%

- Wednesday 37.5%

- Thursday 50%

- Friday 0%

- Saturday 25%

The illustration that no one surveyed studies on Friday suggests that most people are probably

less inclined to do schoolwork when they have done it all week. Also, the fact that half or close

to half of the people who took the survey were more inclined to study Monday through Thursday

suggests the greater necessity. That being said, only half do study Monday through Thursday,

perhaps suggesting, on the other hand, that the other half is less inclined either due to a lack of

work from classes or the overwhelming load that makes the less desirous of doing the school in

the first place.

Question #2

Question number two was a simple multiple-choice that is as follows: All day on

weekends and after 5:00 PM on weekdays, approximately how many times do you check D2L

and your school email? This question should be able to help professors know how often the

online resources that the school provides are used in times that arent during class periods. While

the question ins broad, the answers seemed very informative.

- 37.5% said they checked it 3-4 times

- 12.5% answered that they checked it 5-6 times

- 50% said they checked it 7 or more times

These numbers can help in understanding how vital it is to the general population of RU students

to check their D2L and student emails on average. This information may also help professors to

see how up-to-date the students are on these online resources.

Question #3

The third question was a simple multiple-choice with the ability to write in an alternative

answer. The question was Where do you normally study? Perhaps the results will help the

campus in providing these places much more openly. Here are the results:

- 12.5% said that they preferred the library

- 12.5% preferred Starbucks

- 50% said they desired to study at home

- 25% said their preference was to study elsewhere on campus (CHBS and Young Hall)
Question #4

The next question consisted of What context do you typically study in? The idea was to

see how often they studied with distractions around them. The results are as follows:

- 12.5% liked studying in public with friends

- 12.5% preferred studying in private with friends

- 12.5% preferred studying in public, alone

- 62.5% were inclined to study in private while being alone

In short, it doesnt seem that many people study with distractions such as friends or public

annoyances around them.

Question #5

The final question was as follows: According to when a school assignment is due, how

quickly do you normally try to accomplish it? The aim of this question was to acquire how

responsive students were to activities and assignments that professors gave. This may give

faculty at RU an idea of productivity and what to expect from RU students. Here are the results:

- 12.5% said they didnt do the activities until it was necessary

- 25% try to do their activities a day before the necessary time

- 37.5% stated they waited until a few days before it was due

- 12.5% were ambitious enough to say they did it one to two weeks before being due

- And another 12.5% said they did it more than two weeks prior to the due date

Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
Question #4
Question #5

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