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Trigger Points and Central Modulation—A New Hypothesis

Mark J. L. Hocking, BVSc
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

ABSTRACT. Objective: A new hypothesis is proposed to explain the pathogenesis, symptoma-

tology, and treatment of the trigger points [TrPs], which define the myofascial pain syndrome
Hypothesis: TrPs are formed due to sustained α-motoneuron plateau depolarization, which
is maintained by one of two different central nervous system [CNS] mechanisms. “Antecedent”
TrPs are formed in withdrawal reflex agonist muscles due to central sensitization of the C fiber
nociceptive withdrawal reflex [NWR], visceromotor reflex [VMR], or nociceptive jaw-opening
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reflex [NJOR]. “Consequent” TrPs result in withdrawal reflex antagonist muscles due to compen-
satory reticulospinal or reticulo-trigeminal motor facilitation. Afferent nociceptive signals arise
from both latent and active TrPs. However, latent TrPs are not spontaneously painful, because of
complete inhibition of nociceptive transmission at the spinal cord or trigeminal nucleus [SC/TN]
levels. Marked SC/TN sensitization [especially with a reduced antinociceptive functional reserve]
may overwhelm the brainstem antinociceptive mechanism, going beyond the MPS into the gen-
eralized allodynia of the fibromyalgia syndrome [FMS]. The principal brainstem nuclei involved
in TrP sensory and motor modulation have other diverse homeostatic roles; therefore TrP-induced
brainstem dysfunction may contribute to the pathogenesis of a variety of sensory, motor, and au-
tonomic disorders. Treatment involves noxious stimulus-induced transient inhibition of the CNS
mechanisms that sustain TrPs. This allows stretching of the contractured muscle fibers to resolve
the TrP local energy crisis, and to reverse muscle nociceptor and CNS sensitization.
Conclusion: This hypothesis proposes that TrPs result in the muscles due to sustained α-
motoneuron plateau depolarization. Descending inhibition normally ensures that most TrPs remain
latent, but FMS may result if this inhibitory mechanism is overwhelmed.

KEYWORDS. Myofascial pain syndrome, trigger points, central sensitization, ventromedial

medulla, descending modulation

INTRODUCTION a veterinarian who frequently treats the TrPs of

dogs, I cannot reconcile some of my clinical ob-
In this paper I propose a new hypothesis for servations with current TrP hypotheses. These
the pathophysiology of trigger points [TrPs]. As observations include the following: first, the

Mark J. L. Hocking, BVSc, Gladesville Veterinary Hospital, Gladesville NSW, Australia.

Address correspondence to: Mark J. L. Hocking, BVSc, Gladesville Veterinary Hospital, 449 Victoria Road,
Gladesville NSW 2111, Australia. E-mail:
Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, Vol. 18(2), 2010
Available online at

C 2010 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
186 doi: 10.3109/10582452.2010.483964
Hocking 187

most clinically relevant TrPs [those that restrict ifests electrically as endplate noise, which can be
stride and distort posture] are found predomi- recorded by needle electromyogram at the active
nantly in flexor muscles. Second, after treatment locus of a TrP.
of all TrPs in a lame limb, the lameness will I propose that centrally maintained α-
sometimes shift to another limb. Third, despite motoneuron plateau depolarization, rather than
it being obvious that not all canine TrPs are ac- an intrinsic disorder of the motor endplate, is
tive [multiple TrPs are usually found in the lame the fundamental pathophysiological mechanism
limb and TrPs are also typically found in the which perpetuates the local muscle contracture
non-lame limbs], it is normally impossible to associated with a TrP. Warm up of α-motoneuron
determine which TrPs in a lame limb are active plateau depolarization is maintained by one
and which are latent. All TrPs feel similar, pal- of two different central nervous system [CNS]
pation elicits similar pain reactions, and appro- mechanisms, resulting in two essentially differ-
priate stimulation induces a similar local twitch ent types of TrPs, which I call “antecedent” and
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

response. “consequent” TrPs. Antecedent TrPs are sus-

I have brought together relevant information tained by central sensitization of the C fiber
from numerous sources in an effort to explain my polysynaptic withdrawal reflexes: the NWR,
observations. These sources include the human the VMR, and the NJOR. Antecedent TrPs are
TrP literature [readers are referred to Travell and formed in withdrawal reflex agonist muscles,
Simons (1) and Mense and Simons (2) for a com- which are generally, but not exclusively, flexor
prehensive TrP review] and published pain and muscles. Consequent TrPs are sustained by tonic
other neurophysiological experimental research. reticulospinal or reticulo-trigeminal facilitation
My hypothesis attempts to explain the pathogen- of plateau potentials in withdrawal reflex an-
esis, symptomatology, and treatment of TrPs in tagonist α-motoneurons. Consequent TrPs are
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both humans and other vertebrates. It may also formed in withdrawal reflex antagonist muscles,
help to solve the larger puzzle of pain and pro- which are generally, but not exclusively, exten-
vide insight into the pathogenesis of a variety of sor muscles.
other incompletely understood sensory, motor,
and autonomic disorders.
Pathophysiology of Antecedent Trigger Points
Fundamental Trigger Point
Pathophysiological Mechanism The withdrawal reflexes are complex polysy-
naptic reflexes, mediated by spinal cord or
I propose that TrPs do not form due to a criti- trigeminal nucleus [SC/TN] neural circuitry that
cal abnormality of neuromuscular function at the facilitate either rapid withdrawal from a poten-
motor endplate of an extrafusal skeletal mus- tially damaging acute stimulus or ongoing im-
cle fiber (3), but are the result of the chronic mobilization of an injured area to prevent further
expression of an intrinsic α-motoneuron prop- damage and allow healing. Activation of the
erty, the plateau potential. A plateau potential NWR typically results in simultaneous contrac-
is a sustained partial depolarization of an α- tion of ipsilateral limb flexor muscles and re-
motoneuron that may persist for at least several ciprocal inhibition of ipsilateral limb extensor
seconds after synaptic excitation has reduced muscles to effect the withdrawal. Simultaneous
or ceased (4). α-Motoneurons may exhibit the in- contraction of contralateral limb extensors and
trinsic membrane property of bistability, where reciprocal inhibition of contralateral limb flexors
they are stable at either of two different mem- may also result via the interconnected crossed
brane potentials: a less excitable, more hyper- extensor reflex mechanism to prevent the animal
polarized state and a more excitable, partially from overbalancing. The VMR is another spinal
depolarized plateau state (5, 6). Repeated plateau reflex that may also cause contraction of skele-
potential activation leads to α-motoneuron tal muscles but as a result of visceral afferent,
warm-up, where there is a decreased threshold rather than somatic or cutaneous afferent nox-
for, and increased duration of, plateau poten- ious input. The NJOR leads to contraction of
tials (7). Sustained partial depolarization of the jaw opening muscles and reciprocal inhibition
α-motoneuron increases the release of acetyl- of jaw closing muscles as a result of orofacial
choline packets at the motor endplate. This man- noxious input.

I suggest that sustained stimulation of pe- rons may show graded responses to innocuous
ripheral nociceptors for cutaneous, somatic, or and noxious mechanical stimuli, noxious heat,
visceral C afferent neurons is a precondition noxious cold, and noxious muscle or visceral
for the formation of antecedent TrPs. Such stimuli (16). They respond to repetitive C fiber
sustained noxious stimulation may result from activation with a windup discharge [central sen-
traumatic injury, inflammatory disease, or sen- sitization] and are intercalated in the withdrawal
sitization of nociceptors in other TrPs. Only reflex pathway (16, 17).
ongoing C fiber-mediated nociceptive transmis- I propose that warm up of α-motoneuron
sion to the SC/TN leads to central sensitiza- plateau depolarization, which is maintained by
tion of the above-mentioned withdrawal reflex central sensitization of the C fiber withdrawal
mechanisms, resulting in sustained efferent α- reflexes, leads to an ongoing low-level increase
motoneuron activation of agonist muscles and in acetylcholine packet release at the motor
simultaneous inhibition of antagonist muscles. endplates of both active and latent antecedent
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

The reflex response to C nociceptor input is a TrPs. The axons of α-motoneurons in the plateau
low level of muscular contraction, compared to state exhibit a low-level increase in electroneu-
the reflex response to myelinated afferent input rogram activity, most visible when action poten-
that is monitored with most methods of behav- tials are blocked (6), which closely resembles
ioral observation or standard electromyographic recordings by needle electromyogram of end-
recording (8). plate noise from the active locus of a TrP. The
Central sensitization is a process that re- low-amplitude motor endplate potentials of end-
sults in an increase in efficiency of synaptic plate noise cause ongoing partial depolarization
transmission between neurons and an increased of the postjunctional membrane and subsequent
excitability and prolonged discharge [plateau de- focal sustained contractile activity of the mus-
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polarization] of postsynaptic neurons following cle sarcomeres in the immediate vicinity of the
certain forms of repeated or sustained synaptic motor endplate zone (18).
excitation. Prolonged noxious stimulation that Persistent contractile activity of these sarcom-
activates C afferent neurons leads to SC/TN cen- eres leads to a local energy crisis, as explained by
tral sensitization at the various synapses of the the current energy crisis hypothesis. This states
activated polysynaptic withdrawal reflex mech- that ongoing contraction squeezes shut the cap-
anism/s [e.g., in the SC, plateau potentials can illaries that supply the nutritional and oxygen
be evoked by primary sensory afferents in both needs of that region, which simultaneously has
dorsal horn [DH] neurons and motoneurons (9)] an increased metabolic demand (19). The se-
(10–12). Sustained application of an appropriate vere but local energy crisis leads to a failure
nociceptive conditioning stimulus, even at low of relaxation of the sarcomeres [a contracture]
levels, is sufficient to maintain DH central sen- due to an inadequate local supply of adeno-
sitization (13). Dorsal horn central sensitization sine triphosphate, which is required by the Ca2+
leads to an enhanced pain sensation [secondary pump that returns calcium ions to the sarcoplas-
hyperalgesia] and reduced pain threshold [allo- mic reticulum to terminate contractile activity
dynia]. The synaptic and postsynaptic mecha- (19). Histopathologically, the localized contrac-
nisms of central sensitization are complex, but it ture of a segment of muscle fiber around the mo-
is clear that they result in plateau depolarization tor endplate appears as a contraction knot (20).
of the postsynaptic neuron due to progressive ac- Each motoneuron controls between 300 muscle
tivation of L-type calcium channels (10, 12, 14). fibers and 1,500 muscle fibers in postural and
Facilitation of the C fiber withdrawal reflexes limb muscles (21), so central facilitation of α-
due to SC/TN central sensitization both predis- motoneuron discharge would predispose to the
poses to antecedent TrP formation and helps per- simultaneous formation of multiple contraction
petuate these TrPs. The NWR persists during knots. If contraction knots develop in enough
sleep (15), so ongoing activation of the NWR muscle fibers, a palpable nodule and restriction
may maintain antecedent TrPs indefinitely. in stretch range of motion of the muscle would
Lamina V wide dynamic range [WDR, con- result. I propose that sustained low-level mo-
vergent, multireceptive] SC/TN neurons are toneuronal activity is sufficient to maintain the
likely to be critically involved in the pathogen- TrP local energy crisis and muscle fiber contrac-
esis of antecedent TrPs. Lamina V WDR neu- ture for an indefinite period.
Hocking 189

The energy crisis and profound hypoxia that sensitization, and ascending nociceptive trans-
develop around the motor endplate zone of a mission. Only in the presence of sufficient de-
skeletal muscle containing a TrP lead to sen- scending facilitatory command does input from
sitization of local nociceptors, as nociceptive muscle or joint flexor reflex afferents activate
sensory nerves [and small blood vessels and α-motoneurons (27, 28).
postganglionic sympathetic nerves] are normally The activation of the NWR by noxious stim-
part of the same neurovascular bundle that in- ulation anywhere on a limb does not lead to
cludes the motor nerve (22). I propose that af- one stereotypical muscular response. The NWR
ferent nociceptive signals arise from sensitized mechanism has a modular organization [the cu-
local muscle nociceptors in both latent and active taneous receptive field for each limb muscle, or
TrPs. few synergistic muscles, corresponds to the skin
I suggest that concurrent alteration of local area withdrawn upon contraction of the effec-
sympathetic neuronal activity, which leads to tor muscle[s] when the limb is in the standing
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vasodilation in the vicinity of a TrP, is a mecha- position (29)], so ongoing noxious stimulation
nism that has evolved to counter the microvascu- of different areas would result in antecedent TrP
lar compromise and marked hypoxia that occur formation in different combinations of agonist
within a TrP. This altered sympathetic neuronal muscles. Noxious stimulation of some limb ar-
activity can explain both the adjacent thermo- eas results in the NWR-mediated contraction of
graphic hotspot and outer shell of increased oxy- ipsilateral extensor muscles (29).
gen tension associated with a TrP (23). Withdrawal reflex mechanisms develop in
As the sensitized type IV [C fiber] muscle utero. The reflex responses of neonates are exag-
nociceptors within antecedent TrPs contribute gerated compared to adults, and the NWR synap-
further to C fiber nociceptive afferent input and tic connections are fine-tuned over the postnatal
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induce further withdrawal reflex central sensiti- period, with a depression of the overall response
zation, antecedent TrPs may self-perpetuate long and an individuation and restriction of the re-
after the initiating noxious stimulus has ceased. sponse to an isolated withdrawal movement (30).
Muscle C fibers are more effective than cuta- The lamina V WDR neurons that are intercalated
neous C fibers at inducing prolonged facilita- in the withdrawal reflex pathway and are thought
tion of the NWR (24). By increasing the NWR to play a major role in pain are organized muscu-
central sensitization, antecedent TrPs may lead lotopically, rather than somatotopically, during
to the formation of other TrPs in synergistic development by movement-induced patterns of
[flexor] muscles and also cause ongoing recipro- primary afferent activity (16).
cal inhibition and motor dysfunction of antago-
nist [extensor] muscles. The involvement of the
sensitized NWR mechanism in the pathogene- Ascending Nociceptive Transmission
sis of antecedent TrPs can explain the reported
clinical observation of shortened, hyperexcitable At the SC/TN DH, nociceptive information
agonist, and functionally weakened antagonist from muscle is transmitted from primary af-
muscles [e.g., tight iliopsoas/tensor fasciae latae ferent neurons to second-order neurons, which
and weak gluteal muscles (25)]. then project to supraspinal centers (31). Almost
Sustained partial depolarization of the α- all postsynaptic projection neurons with input
motoneurons that supply affected muscle fibers from nociceptive muscle afferents also process
influences, but does not prevent, normal action information from other receptors in other tis-
potential stimulation of muscular contraction. sues (31). The WDR neurons, which may re-
Electromyographically, a muscle containing a spond to noxious or innocuous input from
TrP shows an absence of motor unit action po- cutaneous, somatic, or visceral receptors, in-
tentials at rest, but an increased responsiveness clude both neurons that project in ascending
when the muscle is voluntarily contracted and pathways and interneurons involved in polysy-
loaded (26). naptic reflexes (32). Within the SC DH, nocicep-
Supraspinal centers are critically involved tive information from the viscera, skin, and other
in descending modulation [a shifting balance organs is subject to extensive processing by a di-
between facilitation and inhibition] of the versity of mechanisms, which may enhance or
withdrawal reflex mechanisms, SC/TN central inhibit its transfer to higher centers (33).

Nociceptive signals may be transmitted to a ception of noxious stimuli (33). Activation of a

wide variety of supraspinal centers via multiple single supraspinal pain modulatory center may,
parallel ascending pathways (31, 34). Many pro- via contrasting mechanisms, simultaneously
jection pathways decussate at the ventral com- trigger both descending inhibition and facilita-
missure, before ascending on the contralateral tion of nociception (33). Ordinarily, the output
side of the SC (31, 34). It is likely that the of brainstem nociceptive inhibitory neurons is
properties and terminations of the nociceptive greater than the output of brainstem nociceptive
impulse-carrying ascending projections [i.e., the facilitatory neurons, but this balance is labile
fiber type, terminal topographic organization, (37) and may be shifted in either direction by
number of synapses crossed, and function of internal or external factors. Therefore, these
contacted postsynaptic neurons] help to decode centers usually maintain a resting level of
the character and physiological effects of pain. nociceptive inhibitory tone [reversible SC block
Muscle [TrP] pain is typically conducted slowly, typically results in an increased responsiveness
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

poorly localized, and may lead to considerable of nociceptive DH neurons (38, 39)]. However,
disruption of homeostasis (35). This is probably pain inhibitory mechanisms may be intensi-
because of substantial transmission through un- fied either endogenously, e.g., during sleep,
myelinated axons, less distinct topographic or- stress-induced analgesia, exercise-induced
ganization of terminals, polysynaptic projection analgesia, and attentional modulation of pain, or
to cerebral centers, and termination at diverse exogenously, e.g., during stimulation-induced
brainstem centers [which mediate the physio- analgesia and after pharmaceutical administra-
logical response to pain]. tion. The balance may be shifted under other
circumstances [injury, illness, stress, fatigue] to
facilitate ascending nociceptive transmission.
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Supraspinal Modulation I propose that afferent nociceptive signals

arise from both latent and active TrPs, but the
I propose that brainstem, especially signals from latent TrPs are completely inhibited
medullary, centers are integrally involved at the SC/TN DH by tonically active descending
in the pathophysiology of TrPs and now antinociceptive mechanisms mediated by these
consider these supraspinal mechanisms. A brainstem centers [so latent TrPs are clinically
highly interconnected complex of brainstem quiescent with respect to spontaneous pain, but
nuclei facilitates or inhibits ascending sensory may show all the other clinical characteristics of
[including nociceptive] and descending motor active TrPs (40)]. That is, despite the existence of
and autonomic transmission, predominantly via a continuum of nociceptor sensitization between
projections to the SC/TN. Supraspinal centers latent and active TrPs, only active TrPs are spon-
that are critically involved in the descending taneously painful because the signal from latent
modulation of pain include the brainstem nora- TrPs is actively blocked before reaching con-
drenergic nuclei [A5, locus ceruleus, A7 nuclei] sciousness [unless the latent TrP is palpated or
and the medullary reticular formation and raphe its nociceptive signal is otherwise augmented].
nuclei [especially the rostral ventromedial The level of descending antinociceptive tone is
medulla/ventromedial medulla [RVM/VMM] probably primarily regulated by the brainstem
and the caudal medullary subnucleus reticularis pain modulatory centers in direct response to the
dorsalis [SRD, dorsal reticular nucleus]] (33, intensity of the incoming ascending nociceptive
36). These brainstem centers project to the signal.
SC/TN DH, where the ascending nociceptive
signal may be enhanced or inhibited [bidirec-
tionally modulated]. These centers may also The Ventromedial Medulla
modulate pain-related responses via ascending
projections (36). The VMM contains an important cluster of
Under resting conditions, descending inhibi- nuclei that are involved in both the facilitation
tion dampens excessive sensitivity to noxious and inhibition of sensory [including nocicep-
stimulation (33). This role may be counter- tive], autonomic, and motor functions. These
balanced by descending facilitation, which nuclei include the midline raphe nuclei [nucleus
enhances the signal to noise ratio for the per- raphe magnus [NRM], nucleus raphe obscurus
Hocking 191

[NRO], and nucleus raphe pallidus [NRP]] and functions at the SC/TN level. Pharmacological
the adjacent reticular formation nuclei [nucleus or electrical stimulation of the RVM can pro-
reticularis gigantocellularis, nucleus reticularis duce either facilitation or suppression of no-
magnocellularis [NRMC, nucleus reticularis gi- ciception or motor activity, depending on the
gantocellularis pars alpha] and nucleus reticu- subgroups of neurons activated and the state of
laris paragigantocellularis lateralis] (33, 41–43). the sleep/wake cycle at the time of stimulation
I propose that the VMM is critically involved in (44). Several overlapping classification systems
both facilitation and inhibition of TrP formation of the RVM neurons have been described, which
and TrP nociception, as well as in the treatment depend on different in vivo/in vitro characteris-
of TrPs. tics. The RVM neurons can be broadly divided
Neurons in the VMM mostly provide di- into phasically active non-serotonergic neurons
rect descending projections to all levels of the and tonically active serotonergic neurons.
SC/TN, but those in different areas of the VMM The non-serotonergic RVM neurons include
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

have preferential projections through different on-, off-, and neutral-cells. These neurons
spinal funiculi and preferential laminar desti- have an irregular discharge pattern and/or a
nations. Cells in the rostrally located NRM, high mean discharge rate (41). The RVM on-
NRMC, and nucleus reticularis paragigantocel- and off-cells have been shown to phasically
lularis lateralis [RVM] tend to project through modulate nociceptive transmission in opposite
the dorsolateral funiculus to target the DH, those directions in the anesthetized rat. The on-cells
in the rostral part of the NRP/NRO project via facilitate nociceptive transmission, are directly
the lateral funiculus to target the intermediate inhibited by µ-opioids, and their activity is
horn [including the intermediolateral cell col- thought to be facilitatory [or in fact obligatory]
umn], and those in the caudal NRP/NRO project for certain types of persistent pain (46). The
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through the ventrolateral and ventral funiculi to off-cells are thought to have a net inhibitory ef-
target the ventral horn (43). fect on ascending nociceptive transmission and
I suggest that the primary function of the are indirectly activated by µ-opioids (45). In
VMM is to regulate SC/TN neuronal and reflex the anesthetized rat, on- and off-cells discharge
excitability. By altering the excitability of neu- in bursts that are timed reciprocally (43). The
rons at the SC/TN level, neurons in the VMM RVM on- and off-cells are likely to rapidly en-
may simultaneously facilitate and inhibit as- hance and inhibit, respectively, the nocifensive
cending noxious and innocuous sensory trans- reflex responses to repeated noxious stimulation
mission and facilitate and inhibit descending (47, 48).
autonomic and motor activity. Because of this Most studies report that a minority of
bidirectional influence on the excitability of neu- spinally projecting VMM neurons is serotoner-
rons at all segmental levels and in all laminae of gic (43, 49). Morphologically distinct serotoner-
the SC/TN [and at brainstem somatic and au- gic VMM neurons are typically active in a tonic
tonomic motor nuclei], the VMM has been re- manner [they have a slow and steady, but not nec-
ported to be involved in the regulation of very essarily regular discharge] (41, 50). The seroton-
diverse bodily functions. Reported functions of ergic RVM cells are not likely to play a role in
the VMM include nociceptive and innocuous phasic nociceptive modulation, but instead are
sensory modulation; modulation of locomotion likely to serve a tonic function, perhaps mod-
and basal muscle tone; modulation of auto- ulating nociceptive transmission in accordance
nomic activity [heart rate, blood pressure, respi- with changing behavioral or social states (50).
ration, thermoregulation, digestion, micturition, As with the RVM non-serotonergic neurons, dif-
and sexual function]; regulation of cortical ferent subclasses of the RVM serotonergic neu-
arousal and sleep; control of SC/TN central rons may facilitate or inhibit nociceptive trans-
sensitization and reflex activity [including the mission at the SC/TN DH (50, 51). The NRM
NWR]; and supply of neurotransmitters to spinal and NRMC serotonergic neurons are the major
and supraspinal sites (42–45). source of serotonin in the SC/TN DH (50).
The VMM contains a mixed population of I propose that an inhibitory subclass of the
neurons that have either phasic or tonic and RVM serotonergic neurons is the cell type pri-
facilitatory or inhibitory effects on sensory marily responsible for the complete inhibition
[including nociceptive], autonomic, and motor of nociceptive signals that arise from latent

TrPs, although RVM off-cells, SRD neurons, and The Ventromedial Medulla and Sleep
brainstem noradrenergic neurons may also in-
hibit TrP pain. As TrPs accumulate and as- Some VMM neurons might aid in the produc-
cending nociceptive transmission intensifies, the tion of a coherent behavioral state, such as wak-
“tonic” inhibitory activity of these serotonergic ing, slow wave sleep [SWS], or paradoxical sleep
neurons increases, and as TrPs are treated, this [PS], rapid eye movement sleep], by specifically
antinociceptive activity reduces so that only the reconfiguring the sensitivity of spinal circuits to
most sensitized TrPs are consciously perceived external and internal stimuli (43). The VMM
to be painful [active]. neurons are involved in the modulation of many
Descending pathways may modulate sleep-related functions, including sensory mod-
nociceptive transmission at the DH via an inter- ulation [including antinociception], PS muscle
action with primary afferent terminals, ascend- tone suppression [atonia], visceral and somatic
ing projection neurons, intrinsic excitatory and reflex modulation, and cortical arousal control.
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inhibitory interneurons, and the terminals of The spontaneous activity of the RVM neurons
other descending pathways (33). alters across the sleep–wake cycle [most nox-
The VMM may suppress [or in some circum- ious on-, neutral- and unclassified neurons are
stances facilitate] both the NWRs [including the wake-active, having a higher discharge rate dur-
C fiber NWR (52) and the VMR (53)] and SC/TN ing waking than in SWS, whereas most off-cells
central sensitization, and therefore inhibit [or are SWS-active, showing a higher firing rate in
facilitate] the formation of antecedent TrPs. The SWS than during waking (56)]. The off-cell ac-
VMM may modulate the C fiber withdrawal tivity during sleep has been proposed to suppress
reflexes by acting on sensory, interneuronal, and the alerting reaction evoked by external stimu-
motor components of the SC/TN reflex arcs. The lation, thereby allowing an animal to maintain
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RVM is involved in inhibitory feedback mecha- the sleep state (45). The serotonergic NRM neu-
nisms that counteract the windup [central sensi- rons discharge at their highest rates during ac-
tization] phenomenon and trigger long periods of tive waking, at progressively decreasing rates
inhibition (52). Transection of the ipsilateral dor- during quiet waking, and SWS, and are almost
solateral funiculus removes the RVM-mediated silent during PS (57). Lower levels of the VMM-
descending inhibition of multireceptive [WDR] derived serotonin in the SC/TN during SWS [in
spinal neurons and disproportionately prolongs comparison to waking] would explain the dis-
the after-discharge [sensitization] component of inhibition of motor withdrawals from noxious
their response to noxious stimulation (39). The stimulation during SWS [rats have an enhanced
RVM may also facilitate the development and paw withdrawal from noxious heat during SWS
maintenance of SC/TN sensitization [SC tran- compared with waking] (15, 43). During PS,
section or inactivation of the RVM attenuates RVM neuronal activity contributes to muscle
secondary hyperalgesia and central sensitization atonia by causing hyperpolarization of the cra-
in several models of persistent pain (54)]. nial and spinal motoneurons (44, 58). Conserva-
The VMM receives projections from suprab- tion and replenishment of brainstem serotonin is
ulbar motor facilitatory and inhibitory areas, and likely to be an essential role of sleep [especially
plays an important role in the modulation of pha- PS, when brainstem serotonergic neuronal activ-
sic [locomotion] and tonic [basal muscle tone] ity is the lowest].
motor activity (44).
The RVM facilitates and inhibits visceral
nociceptive transmission at the DH (55). The Sensory Gating
VMM might facilitate or inhibit most autonomic
functions by modulating descending output The VMM may modulate [facilitate or in-
as well as somatovisceral and viscerosomatic hibit] ascending transmission of innocuous tac-
reflexes [including the VMR]. This modulation tile and thermal, as well as noxious, sen-
of autonomic function is possible because the sory information at the SC/TN DH level
VMM projects, via monosynaptic and disy- (45). The activity of the SC/TN WDR neu-
naptic routes, to preganglionic sympathetic and rons [which have cutaneous, somatic, and vis-
parasympathetic neurons that, after synapsing, ceral receptive fields] is profoundly influenced
target most autonomic tissues (43). by the RVM descending modulation (59). I
Hocking 193

propose that a tonic level of descending in- predisposes to consequent TrP formation. This
hibition helps regulate the differential percep- tonic activity may change in magnitude or direc-
tion of cutaneous, somatic, and visceral sensory tion under certain circumstances [injury, illness,
input. Wide dynamic-range neurons are likely stress, fatigue, and sleep], which would disin-
to be preferentially activated by cutaneous in- hibit flexor motor activity and predispose to an-
put, with lesser sensitivity to somatic input tecedent TrP formation.
and least to visceral input. Tonically active Microstimulation of different sites in the
descending inhibition more strongly inhibits medullary reticular formation predominantly
DH WDR neuronal responses to deep somatic leads to ipsilateral limb flexion, contralateral
[muscle, tendon, joint] input in comparison limb extension, and ipsilateral head turning (62).
to cutaneous input (60). Different spinal I propose that these asymmetric motor effects
projection patterns of C fibers arising from dif- counteract contralateral noxious stimulation-
ferent peripheral tissues would be a factor in this induced spinal reflexes [NWR and crossed ex-
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

variable WDR neuronal activation and also con- tensor reflex] and thus help to maintain posture.
tribute to the difficulty in localizing muscle and Descending facilitation of motor activity may
visceral pain. Cutaneous fibers have the most lead to reciprocal effects on ipsilateral flexor
focused and dense spinal projections, visceral and extensor muscles, and opposite reciprocal
afferents have the most wide-ranging and dif- effects on contralateral flexor and extensor mus-
fuse projections, and those innervating muscles cles by acting on segmental [including commis-
are intermediate in their spinal projections (61). sural] spinal interneuron circuits.
Therefore, the RVM descending modula- The tonically active VMM serotonergic neu-
tion usually allows cutaneous sensation, some rons, which project to the SC, facilitate postural
somatic, and no visceral sensation. However, muscle tone (63). Rats with denervation of de-
For personal use only.

changes in the RVM descending inhibition or fa- scending serotonergic and noradrenergic path-
cilitation of [or central sensitization of] the WDR ways do not show impairment of general motor
neuronal activity can alter the perception of nox- ability but show a tendency to less erect posture
ious or innocuous sensation from these sources. (64). Fatigue may have a prominent CNS compo-
nent, reflecting a disfacilitation of motor output
Pathophysiology of Consequent Trigger Points [the activity of medullary [NRO, NRP] seroton-
ergic neurons decreases steadily as a cat fatigues
Having considered the pathophysiology of an- during prolonged treadmill locomotion] (65). In
tecedent TrPs, I now consider the pathophysiol- the case of the NJOR, the jaw closing muscles
ogy of consequent TrPs. I propose that conse- are the antagonists that would be reciprocally
quent TrPs are formed due to tonic reticulospinal inhibited during sensitization of the reflex and
or reticulo-trigeminal facilitation of plateau po- so reticulo-trigeminal motor facilitation would
tentials in the withdrawal reflex antagonist α- predispose to consequent TrP formation in these
motoneurons. Consequent TrPs develop in with- muscles.
drawal reflex antagonist muscles, which are gen- Serotonin of supraspinal origin [of which the
erally, but not exclusively, extensor muscles. I VMM is the major source] shifts α-motoneurons
suggest that this facilitatory mechanism evolved from the stable hyperpolarized state, with little or
to augment posture, counteract C fiber with- no neuronal activity, to the stable partially depo-
drawal reflex reciprocal inhibition of antago- larized plateau state, with tonic neuronal activity
nist muscles, and counteract postural changes (6). After acute SC transection [when brainstem-
induced by antecedent TrPs. derived neuromodulators are lost], motoneurons
As with sensory transmission at the DH, it is caudal to the injury lose [albeit temporarily] their
likely that different subclasses of the VMM neu- ability to produce plateau potentials (66).
rons mediate either phasic or tonic and facilita-
tory or inhibitory modulation of α-motoneuron Brainstem Pain Modulatory Center
activity at the ventral horn. I propose that Sensitization and Dysfunction
tonic activity of the VMM serotonergic neu-
rons, which typically facilitates extensor mo- I propose that as TrPs accumulate and
tor activity [and extensor α-motoneuron plateau the level of DH central sensitization and as-
depolarization] and suppresses flexor activity, cending nociceptive transmission increase, the

activity of the brainstem pain modulatory cen- eralized pain disorders and disorders of sleep,
ters increases concurrently, so that pain from mood, development, and motor and autonomic
only the most sensitized TrPs is perceived [active functions.
TrPs], while most, if not all, TrPs remain latent. There is wide acceptance that individual mus-
Long-term noxious stimulation is characterized cle active TrPs commonly contribute to a vari-
by a progressive reinforcement in mechanisms of ety of local or referred, chronic or episodic pain
descending inhibition, reflecting the recruitment disorders. As any skeletal muscle can develop
of descending pathways originating in the RVM TrPs (67), TrPs may cause pain to be perceived
and noradrenergic nuclei, and this enhancement almost anywhere in the body. Pain may arise di-
of descending inhibitory “tone” counterbalances rectly from sensitized nociceptors within TrPs,
excessive nociceptive input and mitigates pain from nerves entrapped by TrP taut bands, and
(33). from nociceptors in other nonmuscular tissues
It has been suggested that “[d]ue to the affected by TrP-induced muscular tension [in-
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

progressive exhaustion or dysregulation of cluding enthesopathy].

descending inhibition, to its limited efficacy, TrPs, instead of occurring singly or randomly,
or to a loss of responsiveness of downstream are normally found in patterned regional or gen-
mechanisms mediating its effects, descending eralized groupings [with active TrPs far less
inhibition may be unable to combat long-term common than latent TrPs (67)]. A regional my-
painful states” (33). I propose that the formation ofascial pain syndrome [MPS] typically involves
of large numbers of TrPs may overwhelm the one [or up to a few] active TrPs, as well as
anti-nociceptive reserve of the brainstem pain multiple latent TrPs, in the affected region [as
modulatory centers. This is especially likely well as latent TrPs in other regions]. Regional
when the simultaneous formation of many TrPs pain disorders in which TrPs may play a fun-
For personal use only.

[through generalized noxious stimulation and damental role include tension-type headache,
immobility] leaves less time for pain modula- frozen shoulder, and nonspecific neck and low
tory center functional adaptation. Any genetic back pain [currently up to 90 percent of human
weakness, nutritional deficiency, or metabolic low back pain cases are labeled as nonspecific,
disturbance affecting relevant neurotransmitter in which no specific pathophysiological mech-
or neuronal activity would lessen the brainstem anism can be identified (68)]. In addition, TrPs
pain modulatory center functional reserve and may act as a factor in the etiology of osteoarthri-
lower the threshold for, and increase the severity tis by increasing mechanical joint wear due to
of, dysfunction-related symptoms. Because joint compression [if TrPs occur in transarticu-
many, often co-localized, neurotransmitters and lar muscles] and postural change, as well as by
receptor types are probably involved in TrP altering regional sympathetic reflex activity. The
antinociception, the neurotransmitter/receptor MPS would be accompanied by central sensiti-
couple with the least functional reserve [the zation at both SC/TN and brainstem pain modu-
“weakest link”] would fail first. Failure of latory center levels, although in most cases any
different neurotransmitter/receptor couples, resulting brainstem dysfunction would be com-
with differing actions, could manifest as a paratively mild.
variety of overlapping sensory, motor, and The formation of large numbers of TrPs [se-
autonomic disorders with associated myalgia. quentially or more particularly simultaneously],
especially when there is a lesser brainstem
antinociceptive reserve, may overwhelm the
Disorders brainstem’s capacity for descending nociceptive
inhibition and lead to generalized pain disorders,
I consider it likely that TrP formation, TrP- including fibromyalgia syndrome [FMS]. Gen-
maintained SC/TN central sensitization, and eralized TrP pain disorders involve not only pain
subsequent sensitization and disequilibration of arising directly from TrPs but also generalized
VMM and other supraspinal pain modulatory hyperalgesia and allodynia, due to the resulting
center functions are important factors in the SC/TN central sensitization and overwhelmed
pathogenesis of a wide variety of idiopathic or descending antinociceptive mechanism. Gener-
incompletely understood disorders. These disor- alized TrP pain disorders are typically more
ders could include localized, regional, and gen- prevalent in females than males [adult women
Hocking 195

are four to seven times more likely to have FMS The VMM serotonergic neuronal sensitiza-
than adult men (69)]. This is likely due to a tion and subsequent dysfunction, due to over-
lower rate of serotonin synthesis in the female whelming TrP nociception, may also be a factor
brain [the mean rate of serotonin synthesis in in the etiology of certain mood disorders that are
the human brain has been found to be 52 percent associated with low serotonin levels and somati-
higher in normal males than in normal females zation. Although somatic changes are generally
(70)]. In most patients, chronic localized or re- considered to be a consequence of psychiatric
gional muscle pain precedes the development of illness, it is possible that in some cases bodily
FMS, which is associated with longstanding or changes actually precede and contribute to the
permanent central sensitization of the DH WDR neuronal dysregulation that leads to mood dis-
neurons and disinhibition of pain due to impaired orders, such as clinical depression and anxiety.
endogenous descending pain modulation (71). The nociception-induced brainstem pain modu-
There are measurable alterations in the NWR in latory center dysfunction could then amplify the
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

headache (72), FMS (73), and other pain disor- somatization through disequilibration of sen-
ders. sory, motor, and autonomic functions. It is well
Central sensitization of the NWR, maintained established that depression occurs more fre-
by afferent input from TrPs, would result in on- quently in individuals with a variety of chronic
going reflex inhibition of antagonist [extensor] pain syndromes [including FMS, chronic mus-
motor activity and reflex facilitation of agonist culoskeletal pain, and headache] than in those
[flexor] motor activity. This motor disturbance without pain (76, 77). Patients with major
and associated postural change lead to an aug- depression have increased sensitivity to deep
mentation of compensatory reticulospinal facil- somatic pain and reduced sensitivity to pha-
itation of extensor motor activity and inhibition sic cutaneous pain (77). The VMM seroton-
For personal use only.

of flexor activity. Marked sensitization and sub- ergic neuronal dysfunction and compensatory
sequent dysfunction of brainstem motor modu- enhanced phasic antinociceptive mechanisms
latory centers, due to overwhelming numbers of could explain these abnormal sensitivities.
TrPs, would lead to a weakening of this com- Ontogenetically, TrPs may arise when the
pensatory mechanism and a worsening of pos- neural and reflexive mechanisms underlying
ture. The resulting disfacilitation of motor output their development are sufficiently organized.
would also contribute to fatigue. This is likely to occur in utero. Perinatal de-
I have suggested that altered sympathetic velopment of a generalized MPS would result
neuronal activity in the vicinity of a hypoxic TrP in SC/TN central sensitization [including α-
results in compensatory vasodilation. A regional motoneuron plateau depolarization], significant
or generalized MPS could result in sufficient changes in muscle tone, and interference with
vasodilation to alter thermoregulation and ther- the normal postnatal tuning of reflexes and mat-
mal tolerance. TrPs may directly induce visceral uration of motor control. Appropriate postna-
disturbance and dysfunctions by somatovisceral tal tuning of the NWR system also depends on
[reflexive] mechanisms (74). Dysfunction of the normal functioning of supraspinal centers
brainstem pain modulatory centers due to [neonatal SC transection results in the persis-
overwhelming TrP nociception may contribute tence of neonatal reflex patterns in adult rats]
to the development of other [often concomitant] (78). It is possible that the developmental mo-
autonomic disturbances, including alterations to tor dysfunction of spastic cerebral palsy may
heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, micturi- result from the perinatal development of gener-
tion, sexual function, and thermoregulation. alized [or significant regional] MPS, as well as
Most patients with persistent TrP pain have from perinatal damage to supraspinal reflex tun-
difficulty in sleeping and show abnormal sleep ing centers. If the generalized MPS arose later
patterns when monitored in a sleep laboratory in infancy when reflexes were already tuned and
(75). The pain of active TrPs may lead to at- the motor cortices were organized, such devel-
tentional disruption of sleep. In addition, TrP opmental disturbance of motor function would
nociception-induced VMM neuronal dysfunc- not result. It could be that TrP formation in ju-
tion may contribute to insomnia, nonrestorative veniles may be an important etiological factor
sleep, and attenuation of sleep muscle atonia. in the development of later osteoarthritis due to

the susceptibility of rapidly growing joints to input (6). The brainstem-mediated inhibition of
disturbance. SC/TN neuronal activity involves several mech-
anisms, including hyperpolarization of the post-
synaptic neuronal membrane (58, 83, 84). Strong
Treatment of Trigger Points activation of descending inhibition would tem-
porarily reduce α-motoneuron activity by shift-
I propose that most of the generally accepted ing the motoneuron membrane potential from
treatments for TrPs in fact involve the strong the more excitable, partially depolarized plateau
and transient inhibition of the CNS mechanisms state to the less excitable, hyperpolarized state.
that sustain the α-motoneuron plateau depolar- Temporary hyperpolarization of previously
ization, which perpetuates TrPs. This inhibition partially depolarized α-motoneurons removes
of the centrally sensitized C fiber withdrawal the low-grade efferent stimulus that helps per-
reflexes or reticulospinal/reticulo-trigeminal petuate both antecedent and consequent TrPs.
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motor facilitation is predominantly mediated by Although contractured muscle is highly resistant

brainstem centers and is induced by a variety of to stretch, this temporary suppression of neural
noxious counter-stimulation techniques. mechanisms that maintain the TrP local energy
Noxious stimulus-induced suppression of the crisis causes interruption of the actin–myosin in-
C fiber withdrawal reflexes involves activa- teraction, which allows stretching of the contrac-
tion of descending inhibitory mechanisms medi- tured muscle fibers to full length. At full stretch
ated by various brainstem nuclei [primarily the range of motion, overlap between myofibril actin
nuclei of the VMM but also other centers, in- and myosin molecules is greatly reduced, which
cluding the SRD]. Sham-operated rats [with an reduces muscle contractile activity and energy
intact neuraxis] show a strong noxious stimulus- consumption to almost zero and restores blood
For personal use only.

induced inhibition of the C fiber NWR, which perfusion and oxygenation via decompression of
lasts about 20 minutes (52). Spinalization or cau- the local capillary bed (85). This normalization
dal medullary transection prevents the noxious of local perfusion reverses the TrP local energy
stimulus-induced inhibition of the NWR and in- crisis and muscle nociceptor sensitization.
stead leads to a long-lasting facilitation of the Reversal of TrP muscle nociceptor sensitiza-
reflex (79). This indicates that supraspinal cen- tion reduces withdrawal reflex afferent activity,
ters mediate the noxious inhibitory control [al- which helps to reverse central sensitization of
though the inhibition is effected at SC level]. the SC/TN [including withdrawal reflex central
Inactivation of the entire RVM profoundly re- sensitization]. By diminishing NWR sensitiza-
duces the noxious stimulus-induced inhibition tion, appropriate treatment of antecedent TrPs
of the C fiber NWR but does not block this in- counters further facilitation of withdrawal reflex
hibition completely (52). This indicates that the agonist muscle activity, which limits TrP recur-
RVM and other supraspinal centers mediate the rence in the treated muscle and propagation of
NWR inhibition. TrPs to synergistic muscles. Treatment of an-
The SRD mediates diffuse noxious inhibitory tecedent TrPs also reverses NWR reciprocal in-
controls, a mechanism in which most WDR and hibition of antagonist extensor muscles. For ex-
some nociceptive-specific neurons, at all seg- ample, treatment of TrPs in the hip flexors often
mental levels of the SC/TN DH, can be strongly improves the strength and reduces the inhibition
inhibited by noxious stimulation of any part of of the antagonist gluteal muscles (25). However,
the body [apart from the excitatory receptive inappropriate treatment of the more frequently
field of the inhibited neuron] (32, 80, 81). It painful consequent TrPs alone [and not the an-
has been shown that diffuse noxious inhibitory tecedent TrPs] exacerbates the main antecedent
controls operate in normal human subjects, with TrP problem and postural disturbance. Subse-
painful heterotopic conditioning stimuli induc- quent pain relief is not long-lasting, because
ing simultaneous depression of the sensation of compensatory reticulospinal motor facilitation
pain and the NWR evoked by electrical stimula- persists.
tion of the sural nerve (82). Treatment of the most sensitized TrPs in the
Neurons that exhibit bistable behavior can be body [active TrPs] decreases ascending nocicep-
switched between the two stable levels of ex- tive transmission, which lowers the pain thresh-
citability by short-lasting excitatory or inhibitory old by reducing brainstem pain modulatory
Hocking 197

center descending antinociceptive tone. This fre- volves CNS mechanisms and does not neces-
quently causes the next most sensitized latent sitate physical damage to the affected area of
TrP to become painful [become active]. When muscle.
an active “TrP has been successfully eliminated, Less efficacious counter-stimulation tech-
the pain pattern may shift to that of an earlier, niques may treat some TrPs, but their main effect
key TrP which also must be inactivated” (86). on TrPs involves the activation of descending
As TrPs are sequentially treated, there is a grad- antinociceptive mechanisms that help to control
ual reduction in the modulatory output from the pain. Traditional noxious counter-stimulation
VMM and other brainstem pain modulatory cen- techniques involve the application of noxious
ters, lessening the central sensitization of these temperature [thermal pools, saunas, moxibus-
nuclei and allowing a gradual normalization tion], massage [many cultures have their own
of any central sensitization-related dysfunction. form], and needle insertion [acupuncture]. More
Because of the sensory, motor, and autonomic recently devised counter-stimulation techniques
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

modulatory roles of the nuclei involved in TrP include spinal manipulation [chiropractic], soft
antinociception, treatment of TrPs may lead to tissue manipulation [osteopathy], conventional
an improvement in a variety of sensory, motor, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, me-
and autonomic dysfunctions. Systematic treat- chanical vibration, and therapeutic ultrasound.
ment of active and latent TrPs may therefore Injection of botulinum A toxin [Botox] into
lead to an amelioration, or in some cases cure, TrPs is an effective treatment but at the expense
of a variety of pain disorders and some disor- of post-injection muscle function. Botox injec-
ders where pain is not prominent, by causing a tion into TrP-active loci totally destroys endplate
shift toward homeostasis of brainstem pain mod- function, effectively denervating those muscle
ulatory center, SC/TN, muscle nociceptor, and fibers (87). No other pharmaceuticals are re-
For personal use only.

muscular function. ported to be useful in the treatment of TrPs,

There are a wide variety of traditional and although a variety of pharmaceuticals can re-
modern techniques that have been used [know- duce the peripheral and central sensitization that
ingly or unknowingly] to prevent or treat TrPs predispose to TrP formation and provide some
in humans. Preventative techniques usually in- TrP pain relief.
volve regular stretching of the muscles and most Because full lengthening of a muscle mar-
treatment methods involve noxious counter- kedly reduces energy consumption and restores
stimulation [with increased effect if immediately perfusion, stretching also plays a crucial role in
followed by stretching]. the prevention of TrPs. In the incipient stage of
Noxious counter-stimulation techniques used energy deficit prior to contracture or after a TrP
to treat and control the pain of TrPs involve is treated, regular stretching of the muscle should
stimulation of nociceptors that are usually lo- prevent a TrP from forming or reforming. Daily
cal [within the TrP or the overlying skin] but are passive stretch exercise (88) protects against the
sometimes well distant to the TrP. It is likely that formation of TrPs and maintains flexibility. The
strong segmental noxious stimulation causes the prevention of TrPs helps to explain the utility
most profound inhibition of the CNS mecha- of traditional systematic stretching techniques,
nisms that perpetuate TrPs. Such noxious stim- such as yoga and tai chi, as well as regular exer-
ulation often induces a spinal reflex-mediated cise. Lack of stretching during prolonged immo-
local twitch response of the muscle containing bility, accompanied by ongoing noxious stimu-
the TrP during treatment. lation, strongly predisposes to TrP formation.
Noxious counter-stimulation techniques are
of variable efficacy. The most efficacious
counter-stimulation techniques used to treat TrPs Evolutionary Development
include pressure release, superficial and deep
dry needling, TrP injection, vapocoolant skin The neural mechanisms responsible for TrP
stimulation, and low-frequency transcutaneous formation, nociception, and antinociception are
electrical nerve stimulation [over the TrP]. The primitive and are likely to occur, with varying
efficacy of cutaneous counter-stimulation tech- degrees of complexity, in all vertebrate species.
niques [superficial dry needling and vapocoolant In many cases the same neurotransmitter act-
application] indicates that TrP treatment in- ing on the same receptor type exhibits opposite

effects on nociception at brainstem and SC level, are involved in the way I propose would re-
which suggests that brainstem pain modulatory quire considerable research effort. Some appro-
mechanisms may have started to develop at the priate further investigations could include the
earliest differentiation of the neuraxis into brain following:
and SC. There would presumably be a strong
evolutionary selection pressure acting to refine • Investigating whether plateau depolariza-
these neural mechanisms to provide the optimum tion of α-motoneurons is responsible for the
balance between nociception and antinocicep- endplate noise detectable at the active lo-
tion, so that only the most relevant [severe] pain cus of a TrP, by making concurrent electro-
signals are perceived and the rest inhibited be- physiological recordings at axon and motor
fore reaching consciousness. Over the course of endplate levels.
evolution, an ever more complex and finely tuned • If so, testing whether these partially depo-
nociceptive control system has presumably de- larized α-motoneurons become hyperpolar-
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

veloped to give animals the greatest chance of ized during the treatment of a TrP by mak-
survival to reproductive age. Now there are a ing similar electrophysiological recordings
multitude of neurotransmitters and other media- during the treatment.
tors involved in the transmission and modulation • Investigating whether two main types of
of nociceptive processing in the DH and higher TrPs [antecedent and consequent] exist,
centers (33). e.g., by comparing the efficacy of treating
The development of an upright stance dur- TrPs in anterior flexor muscles versus pos-
ing human evolution would have required an terior extensor muscles in human nonspe-
augmentation of the reticulospinal motor mod- cific neck or low back pain.
ulatory mechanisms that maintain posture and • Testing whether central sensitization of the
For personal use only.

counter the NWR. This evolutionary adaptation C fiber withdrawal reflexes is involved in
would explain the frequent localization of ac- the pathogenesis of antecedent TrPs, by
tive TrPs on the posterior extensor aspect of the measuring a reduction in the amplitude of
human torso. the C fiber NWR several days after method-
ical treatment of antecedent TrPs.
• Verifying whether SC/TN and brainstem
Suggestions for Further Research pain modulatory center sensitization is as-
sociated with MPS and is reversible upon
Reliable localization or treatment of TrPs re- treatment of most TrPs, e.g., by measur-
quires cooperation and communication between ing sensitization indicators in cerebrospinal
the [human or companion animal] patient and the fluid or using advanced imaging tech-
practitioner. Although treatment of TrPs is possi- niques such as positron emission tomog-
ble under sedation or general anesthesia, reduced raphy [PET] or functional magnetic reso-
or absent vocal or gestural feedback makes it nance imaging [fMRI].
considerably more difficult to ascertain that a • Investigating whether TrP-induced CNS
TrP has been located and has responded appro- sensitization and dysfunction are involved
priately to treatment. Methodical treatment of in the pathogenesis of a variety of disorders,
most TrPs, as would be required to validate cer- including FMS and depression [this could
tain parts of this hypothesis, would be very dif- be done by comparing the response of a
ficult, if not impossible, with laboratory animals population of affected patients to methodi-
such as rodents and rabbits. The need for co- cal treatment of latent and antecedent TrPs
operation and communication is likely to make versus control treatments, e.g., treatment of
dogs and humans the most useful subjects for active TrPs only].
TrP research. • Investigating if brainstem-mediated
Many of the neuronal mechanisms that antinociceptive mechanisms completely
I suggest are involved in the pathogene- inhibit the nociceptive signals from la-
sis and treatment of TrPs have been indi- tent TrPs, so that only active TrPs are
vidually described through neurophysiological spontaneously painful, by systematically
research on humans or laboratory animals. treating human or canine TrPs in three
However, confirming that these mechanisms body quadrants and determining whether
Hocking 199

pain results in the nontreated quadrant such digital pressure constantly applied until the
[with lameness being an indicator of pain intensity rapidly diminishes [after approxi-
spontaneous pain in a dog]. mately one minute] and the treated muscle would
then be gently stretched to full length. During
each treatment session this process would be re-
Experimental Design peated on each TrP in the target flexor or extensor
muscles in the index or control groups, respec-
I now outline the design of a specific prospec- tively, until no further TrPs could be found in the
tive randomized controlled clinical trial that target muscles. In both index and control groups,
could be undertaken to test whether two main a treatment session would be given on weeks 1, 2,
types of TrPs [antecedent and consequent] exist. 4, and 8. Subjects would be blinded to the study
I hypothesize that in cases of human nonspecific hypothesis. Any concomitant therapy should be
low back pain, treatment of all TrPs in ante- avoided or minimized.
J Muscoskeletal Pain Downloaded from by University of Bristol on 07/19/10

rior lumbar and hip flexor muscles would pro- I propose that the outcomes to be evaluated
vide larger and more persistent improvements in shall include pain, back-specific health status,
measured pain and health status outcomes than generic health status, lost working days due to
treatment of all TrPs in posterior lumbar and hip back pain, and patient satisfaction (89). Vali-
extensor muscles. dated pain and health status measures that could
Adult patients [aged between 18 and 70 years] be used to evaluate primary outcomes include
with chronic [persisting for more than three a 100-point visual analog pain scale to assess
months] nonspecific low back pain [pain of the overall back pain and the Roland–Morris Dis-
low back, either with or without leg pain, which ability Questionnaire (90) to assess back-specific
is not associated with major trauma, spinal steno- health status. These measures would be as-
For personal use only.

sis, radiculopathy, or other specific cause] would sessed for each subject prior to each of the four
be eligible for inclusion in the trial. Patients treatment sessions and then at months 4, 6, 9,
having received any prior treatment would be and 12.
eligible for inclusion, but pregnant or obese pa- Whether each subject achieves a 30 percent
tients whose anterior lumbar muscle TrPs could minimal clinically important improvement (89)
not be safely or effectively treated would be in each pain or health status score, compared
excluded. to the baseline, would be calculated at each of
Patients would be randomly assigned to one the subsequent seven assessments. At each as-
of two treatment groups. Subjects in the in- sessment, any difference in the percentage of
dex group would receive treatment of all la- subjects in the index or control groups that make
tent and active TrPs in the lumbar and hip such an improvement in each outcome measure
flexor muscles [quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, would be analyzed for statistical significance. I
rectus abdominis, abdominal obliques, gluteus predict that a higher proportion of subjects in
medius/minimus anterior part, sartorius, rectus the index group will make minimal clinically
femoris, tensor fasciae latae, pectineus, adduc- important improvements in measured pain and
tor longus/brevis, and gracilis]. Subjects in the health status outcomes. I also predict that such
control group would receive treatment of all la- improvements in measured outcomes will per-
tent and active TrPs in the lumbar and hip exten- sist at more subsequent assessments of the index
sor muscles [longissimus thoracis, spinalis tho- group. The sample size required to achieve sta-
racis, iliocostalis lumborum, lumbar multifidi, tistical significance would be best determined
gluteus maximus, gluteus medius/minimus pos- through a pilot study, although I estimate that
terior part, biceps femoris long head, semitendi- a sample of 60 to 100 subjects in each group
nosus, semimembranosus, and adductor mag- would be sufficient.
nus posterior part]. Any localized tender spot
in a taut muscle band, with or without patient
pain recognition, which shows a slow crescendo CONCLUSION
and then rapid decrescendo in pain intensity
upon application of constant non-ischemic digi- In this paper I have proposed a new hypothesis
tal pressure, would be defined as a TrP. In both for the pathophysiology of TrPs, i.e., TrPs result
the groups, each TrP would be treated using from nociception-induced CNS plasticity, rather

than from an intrinsic disorder of the motor end- injury: A marker for neuronal plateau potentials? J Neu-
plate. If this hypothesis is correct, it will justify rophysiol 89(1): 416–426, 2003.
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Declaration of interest: The author reports anisms causing plateau potentials in spinal motoneu-
no conflict of interest. The author alone is re- rones. Adv Exp Med Biol 508: 219–226, 2002.
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