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Astronomy —Test Namet _- Date: Directions: For numbers 1-4, match the too! with its description by writing the correct letter in the space provided. A. Atool used to determine the height of an 1. ___Compass object in the sky. 2 Astrolabe B. Atool used to make far away objects 3 Sextant appear closer and bigger. 4 Telescope C. A tool used to determine latitude and longitude at sea, -D. Ato! used for finding direction that uses 2 magnetic needle. Directions: For questions 5-40, circle the correct letter, 5. The word navigate means a. To plan to move from one country to another due to a new job placement. b, To make an instrument that helps to see far down into the ocean, ¢. To plan and direct a route or course of some form-of transportation especially by using instruments or tools. d. To make a detailed map of the ocean. 6. Which answer lists the correct cardinal directions? a. West, North, Southeast, Northeast b, Southwest, Northwest, West, and North ¢. South, Southwest, Southeast, and East d. North, South, East, and West Mrs. Holmes class is writing an essay on sailing to the Caribbean Islands. Which tool Would the students use to find the latitude and longitude at sea? a. Telescope b. Sextant ©. Astrolabe d. Compass Constellations ~ Test Name: Date: For questions 1-5, choose the best answer from the box. Usva Major Star Orion Ursa Minor ___ Constellation LA is a group of visible stars that form a pattern when viewed from Earth. 2, is best known because it contains the big dipper, which looks like a ladle, It is one of the largest constellations and is easily visible in the spring sky. 3. is also known as the little dipper and contains the North Star. Its name means “Little Bear” in Latin. 4, is one of the easiest constellations to spot. It has some of the brightest stars and is scen during winter nights, 5 is a giant ball of hot gases that release energy. For questions 6-16, circle the correct answer. 6. Why can't you see some constellations all the time? a. It is too bright to see them. b. as the Earth orbits the sun different constellations become visible. ¢. The sun blocks them. d. The constellations are moving around in space. 7. Orion is named after Ob OTOH Subject: Year 4 Maths Sheer: Compass drection Look at the compass and the grid and answer the questions below: Where will you be when you finish each instruction? & Stattat, 1.Go NW through 2 squares.Go N4 squares. where ara you? bb Stéreat 6 2,Go NW through 2 squares. GoW 2 squates. GON 2 squares, Whereare you?, © Startat 4,6.Go $ 3 squares, Go NE through 2 squares.Go E 1 square, Where are you? d Stattat 2,6.Go SW thiough 3 squares. Go W 2 squares. Whereare you? &. Start at2, 5.Go SEthrough 2 juss, Gok 2 squares, Whereare you? £ Startat 6,2.Go N 5 squares. Go Sw through 3 squares. Where are your, g Startat?, 5. Go $3 squaias.Go NE through 4 squares. Whereare you? © Primngy Lange. 2009 swmesimaryleapeauk + Primary Resources Name: _ Earth’s Seasons - Test see Date: eee 1, The time of year that we have is when the sun is not very high in the sky. a. Summer b. Winter ¢. Sunlight d. Night 2. The main reason that Earth has seasons is because of Earth's a. Almopshere b. Amount of water c. Four hemispheres d. Tiled axis 3. One way that the Earth moves is by spinning around, making a completed spin within 24 hours. What do we calll this movement? a. Tuming b. Rotating c. Revolving d. Bending 4. Another way that the Earth moves is by orbiting around the sun, making a complete orbit in 365 days. What do we call this movement? @, Tuming b. Rotating cc, Revolving d. Bending 5. When the sun is high in the sky, itis his is because the higher the sun gets. the more it can warm Earth. . Summer Winter . Night time . Too high to see 6. The is halway between the North Pole and the South Pole, |. Border line . Hemipshere . Equator sun 7. Al the equator there are no__. This is because the sun Is always high in the sky, making it warm. a. Seasons b. Summers c. Movements d. Equators eaooe paoge 8. The equator is an line that is equal distances from both poles (north and south} and divides Earth into the Northern and Southem hemipsheres. a, Perminant b. Imaginary c. Temporary d. Curved 9. The lime of year when we have the sun does not get very high in the sky. This makes it more difficult to warm the Earth. a. Summer b. Winter ©. Night time d. Day time 10.Countires in the Northen hemisphere have the same seasons times as countries in the Souther hemisphere. So, when it is summer in America, it is summer in Brazzil a. True b, False 11. The Earth moves in two ways; rotation and revolution. a. Tue b. False 12, Ibis because of Earth atmopshere that we have seasons. a, Tue b. False 13. The four seasons that we have on Earth are Spring, Summer, Winier, and Fall. a. True b. False 14.1! takes about 18 houts for the Earth fo make a complete rotation. a. True b. False 15. It takes about 365 days for Earth to make a complete revolution. a. True b. False

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