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University of Port Said Second Semester Examination

Faculty of Engineering 3rd Year, June 2010

Dept. of Naval Arch. & Marine engineering Time allowed 3.0 Hr.
Answer All Questions !

1. a- A ship has a speed of 14 Kn. , works in a wake of 4.0 Kn. , the thrust deduction is 0.2 ,
engine torque is 1200 Kp.m and the engine speed is 1800 RPM , reduction ratio of gear
box is 4.5:1 If the relative rotative efficiency is 0.98 , the transmission losses are 2%
and the quasi propulsive efficiency is 0.70 , Calculate the thrust and efficiency of such
propeller . [10 degrees]

b- Explain what is meant by wake? , what are its components ? , Draw a typical wake
distribution on a propeller disc for a single screw ship and for a twin screw ship .
[10 degrees]
2. a. What is meant by slip of propellers ? differentiate between true slip and apparent slip ,
illustrate your answer by drawing . [8 degrees]

b. For the blade element at 0.8R of a 2.5m diam. propeller of constant pitch , the pitch ratio
H/D = 0.90 , Speed of advance = 4.0 m/s , axial induced velocity (ca) = 0.5 m/s ,
propeller speed = 125 rpm , and circumferential induced speed (cu) = 0.5m/s .
Determine :
1- Resultant speed 2- Pitch angle for that blade element
3- hydrodynamic pitch angle 4- Geometrical angle of attack
5- Effective angle of attack 6- Blade element efficiency
Explain your answer by drawing the speeds polygon by a suitable scale.
[ 12 degrees]

3.a- What are the tests carried out on propeller models ?,explain how a self propulsion test is
conducted on a propeller model . [10 degrees]
b- In self propulsion test , a ship's model 6m long corresponding to a ship 156 m long is
tested in fresh water at 20oC . The wetted surface of the ship was 3500m2 and the ship's
speed ranges from 10 to 15 kn. and the ship operates in salt water at average
temperature of 20oC . Determine and draw the relation between friction correction ( Ra )
and ship's speed. ( Kin. visc. of s.water at 20oC = 1.05E-6 m2/sec , and for fresh water
=1.0066E-6 m2/sec ) , Take speed interval =1.0 kn , use ITTC equation . [15 degrees]


4. The propellers of a twin screw tug are B4.550 and designed for free running speed of 14.0
knots ,given that the wake fraction for the design condition is 0.25 and thrust deduction is
0.22 , the resistance at this speed is 6810 kp. and the height of propeller apertures is 2.25m .
a- Determine the characteristics of optimum propeller for such design condition . [9 degrees]
b- Determine the bollard pull for such tug utilizing full power if the thrust deduction for
bollard pull condition is 0.04 . [8 degrees]
c- What will be the tow rope pull at 5.0 knots speed of the tug if its resistance at this speed is
660 kp. and assuming the thrust deduction and wake fraction as given in the design
condition. [8 degrees]
N.B. Propeller Design Charts and Cavitation Charts are allowed !
Prof.Dr. Galal Younis
Solutions of the Exam .

Solution of Q.1a.

Given : Vs = 14.0 Kn t = 0.2 M = 1200 Kp.m N(Engine) = 1800

Reduction ratio 4.5:1 R = 0.98 t = 0.98 D = 0.70

Required S , o

Solution :

W = 0.2857

H = 1-t /1-w = 0.8 / 0.71429 = 1.12

D = 0.70 = o x H x R = o x 1.12 x 0.98

o = 0.6377 = S Ve /(M 2.0 n )

n = 1800/(60 x 4.5) = 6.67 rps

S = o x M 2.0 n / Ve

= 0.6377 x 1200 x 2.0 6.67 / 10.0 x 0.514

S = 6236.28 Kp
Solution of Q.1.b
The wake phenomenon :

The wake is the phenomenon of dead water behind the ship . The wake speed is the difference between
the ship speed Vs and the speed of advance Va.

The wake components:

The wake can be split up into three components :-

1- Potential wake :
It is the wake obtained if the ship moves in an ideal fluid without friction and wave
making .It is influenced by form of stern ( full , U shaped ), increased pressure
and decreased speed.

2 - Wave wake :
It is the wake component origination from the movement of the water particles in
the gravity waves .The orbital motion may be added or reduced from the wave
depending on whether a crest or trough of wave is existing .

Wave Crest

Wave Trough
3 - Frictional wake :
It is the wake created due to friction . It depends on the thickness of boundary layer
and speed distribution through it . The loss of kinetic energy of water particles resists
the homogeneity of flow behind the ship .

The wake fraction w :

The wake speed ( Vs - Va ) as a fraction of ship's speed is called the wake fraction .

w = ( Vs - Va ) / Vs
Va = Vs ( 1 - w )
w is called Taylor's wake fraction .
Froude expressed the wake speed as a fraction of speed of advance .
wf = ( Vs - Va ) / Va
Va = Vs / ( 1 + wf )

The more popular wake fraction is Taylor's ( w ) .

Directional inequalities of wake :
1 - Circumferential inequality of wake .
2 - Radial inequality of wake .
3 - Axial inequality of wake .

The circumferential and radial components are the important ones ,they are measured by Pitot tubes
located in the screw disc .
If the measuring devices located in absence of propeller ,the measured wake will be the Nominal wake ,
while if in presence of propeller it will be the Effective wake . The distribution of wake speed after
being measured , integrated throughout the disc area and divided by the area , gives the mean effective
wake .
The propeller design depends primarily on the wake distribution in the disk of propeller .
The open water charts of propeller series were made on the basis of the homogeneous wake distribution
( w = constant ) .
The determination of (w) for preliminary design purposes may be performed using approximate
formulae .
Solution of Q.2.a.
Slip of propellers :

The forward motion of propeller can be considered as a screw , the distance moved after one revolution
is the pitch .

However , because the water is accelerated after the propeller the actual distance becomes less than the
pitch , the difference is the measure of ship .

Where ;
Slip Velocity = n.H - Va
n r.p.m
H pitch Va
Va speed of advance .


Vs Ss n H


Sw n H

True slip Sw = ( n.H - Va ) / ( n.H ) = 1 - Va / n.H

If the speed of advance not known , the slip is often based on ship's speed , and called apparent slip .

Ss = ( n.H - Vs ) / n.H = 1 - Vs / n.H

( 1 - Sw ) / ( 1 - Ss ) = Va / Vs = 1 - w

w = wake fraction
Solution of Q.2.b
Given :

Blade element at 0.8 R , D = 2.5 m, H/D = 0.9, Va = 4.0 m/s , Ca = 0.50 m/s
, n = 125 r.p.m. , Cu = 0.50
Req : Vr , , , , ,
i bi
Sol :
1) Resultant speed (Vr) :
2 2
V= (V + C /2 ) + (r C /2)
r a a u
= 2n = 2 * 125/60 = 13.08997 rad. / sec.

r = 0.8 R = 0.8 * 2.5/2 = 1.0 m

2 2
Vr = ( 4.0 + 0.5/2 ) + (13.08997*1.0 0.5/2 ) = 13.525 m / sec.

2) Pitch angle for blade element () :

= tan (n.H) / ( r)
H/D = 0.9
H = 0.9 * 2.5 = 2.25 m.
= tan (125/60 * 2.25) / (13.08997 * 1.25 ) = 15.986 deg.

3) Hydrodynamic pitch angle () :

-1 -1
= tan Va / ( r) = tan 4.0 / (13.08997 * 1.25) = 13.7372 deg.

4) Geometrical angle of attack () :

= = 15.986 13.7372 = 2.2488 deg.

5) Effective angle of attack (i ) :

i i
= tan (Va + Ca/2) / ( r Cu/2)
= tan (4.0 + 0.5/2) / ( 13.08997*1.25 0.5/2) = 14.776 deg.
= 15.986 14.776 = 1.209 deg.
6) Blade element efficiency (bi ) :

= Ca/Cu * Va / ( r) = 0.5/0.5 * 4.0/ (13.08997*1.25) = 0.244

Solution of Q.3.a
For conducting these model experiments the following four principal types of model tests are
distinguished .

a. The Open Water Screw Test

b. The Model Self-Propulsion Test ( ship model + screw at different speeds )
c. The Over Load test ( ship model + screw at constant speed but with different tow rope forces ).
d. The Screw Test in Cavitation Tunnel .

The Model Self Propulsion Test of Propeller .

Best model in respect of resistance and best open water screw don't give the best combination . Due to
this fact , the self propulsion tests are performed using ship model and propeller model fitted with
electromotor for propulsion of the tested configuration .
In this condition , there is no deviation from Froude's law .
nm = npL
The ship model is propelled by its own screw which has a constant number of revolutions during a
measuring run .
The towing carriage keeps running over the model at the same speed , then the thrust S , Torque M ,
number of revolutions n and V are measured .
The self propulsion tests are generally consist in carrying out a number of measuring runs within a
specified speed range during which for each speed a corresponding tow rope force Ra is acting in the
direction of motion and provided to compensate for the relative difference in frictional resistance
between model and ship .

Rtm = Rfm + Rrm

Rts = Rfs + Rrs Dividing by L3

Rts / L3 = Rfs / L3 + Rrs / L3 Rrs / L3 = Rrm

Rtm - Rts / L3 = Rfm - Rfs / L3 = Ra
( Rfm - Ra ) L3 = Rfs
Ra = Rfm - ( Rfs / L 3 )
Ra = ( Cfm - Cfs ) / 2 Vm2 Wsm

Ra = The friction correction

Rfm = Frictional resistance of model
Rfs = Frictional resistance of ship,
Wsm = Wetted surface of model

The values of torque , thrust , number of revolutions , and speed can be determined for the actual ship
using the scale factors as follows :

M m ( Torque ) x L4 = ( Torque )s S m ( Thrust ) x L3 = ( Thrust )s

nm ( Rps ) / L = ( Rps )s Va ( Speed ) x L = ( Speed )s
Solution 0f Q.3.b
Given : Ls = 156.0 m
Lm = 6.00 m L = 26

Ws (s) = 3500.0 m2
Speed Range 10.0 to 15.0 knots
( s.w) = 1.05E-6

( f.w) = 1.0066E-6

Solution :

Ws(m) = 5.1775 m2

Vm = Vs/ L0.5

Rn = V .L/ & Cf = 0.075 /(lg Rn 2)2

Ra = 0.5 Vm2 Ws(m) ( (m) Cf(m) - (s) Cf(s) )

Vs Vs m/s Vm m/s Rn(s) 106 Rn(m) 106 Cf(m) 10-3 Cf(s) 10-3 Ra
10 5.14 1.008 763.6571 6.02 3.283 1.58 0.4453
11 5.66 1.110 840.9200 6.62 3.230 1.57 0.526
12 6.17 1.210 916.6900 7.21 3.180 1.55 0.614
13 6.67 1.308 990.9700 7.80 3.130 1.53 0.706
14 7.20 1.412 1069.720 8.41 3.092 1.52 0.803
15 7.72 1.514 1146.970 9.06 3.052 1.51 0.916
Solution of Q.4.
Given : B.455 propeller , Vs = 14.0 kn , w = 0.25 t = 0.22 R = 6810.0 kp h = 2.25 m

a. Optimum Characteristics of Propeller

S = R/(1-t) , S (One propeller) = 3405.0 /(1.0- 0.22) = 4365.385 kp

D = h /1.25 = 1.80 m Ve = 14.0 x 0.75 x 0.514 = 5.397 m/s

1 S 1 4365.385
Td = = = 0.6644
D.Ve 1.80 x5.397 104.8

Intersection of Td with max. efficiency line at Td constant ,

= 0.715 Km = 0.04 H/D = 1.11

n = Ve / D = 4.193 rps

Nw = Km 2 n2 D5 = 0.04 x 2 x 104.8 x 4.1933 1.805 = 36689.2 kp.m/sec

Pd = 489.189 Hp


b. Bollard Pull :

From Charts B.455 , at = 0 , and H/D = 1.11 Km = 0.074 , Ks = 0.454

n = 3 = 3.415rps
2 x3.14 x104.8x18.8956x0.074

S = 0.454 x 104.8 x 3.4152 1.84 = 5824.90 /Propeller

Pollard pull = 2 S (1-t) = 11183.808 kp


c. Tow Rope Pull

1 36689.2
Pd = = 1.5496 , Intersection with H/D = 1.11
1.8 x1.9275 2 x3.14 x104.8 x1.9275

Ks = 0.36 = 0.28 n = 1.9275/1.8 x 0.28 = 3.824 rps

S = 0.36 x 104.8 x 3.8242 x 1.84 = 5791.48 kp/ prop

Tow rope pull = 2 S (1-t) R = 2 x 5791.48 x 0.78 - 660 = 8374.709 kp


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