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Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the artefact / document and Describe how the artefact /
descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result on document
document reflects teaching and/ or student learning meet the standard descriptors you
have identified.

Standard 4 Create and This artefact is a set This artefact is a set of class rules This artefact raises
maintain supportive and of class rules that where all the students in the class awareness of school policies
safe learning students agreed came together to make a classroom in place put into the students
environments upon during my agreement. During this process own words. This is achieved
practicum in 2016, students brainstormed and came up through the students
Stage 3, Year 6. with a list of rules that they thought contribution of making their
4.4 Maintain student safety would be important in their classroom, classroom rules to ensure
this was then narrowed down by the their safety, welfare and a
Describe strategies that students to be the top seven rules. It is safe learning environment
support students wellbeing important that students have a role in (APST 4.4).
and safety working within creating their classroom rules as
school and/or system, students create and modify their Students are made aware of
curriculum and legislative identity, behaviour, and values the computer usage as part
requirements. through their peer relationships of their class rules that they
(Farmer, 2000, p.300). signed. Therefore they are
conscious of safe, responsible
4.5 Use ICT safely, Once each rule was established each and ethical use of ICT as they
responsibly and ethically student signed their name to could have a random
acknowledge that they understood inspection of their computer
Demonstrate an each rule and agreed to abide by them at any time (APST 4.5).
understanding of the relevant as a condition of entry into the
issues and the strategies classroom. The rules are then placed
available to support the safe, on the door as a reminder as students
responsible and ethical use of walked in the classroom.
ICT in learning and teaching.
At this school each student has access
to their own computer therefore it is
vital that there was a computer usage
agreement. Each student agreed when
they signed the classroom rules to
have a random computer inspection to
see if they have been on task and
using the computer in a responsible
and safe way.


Farmer, T. W. (2000). The social dynamics of aggressive and disruptive behaviour in school: implications for behaviour
consolation. Retrieved from ==

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