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Batera III Woodcock-Muoz:

Pruebas de habilidades cognitivas

(Batera III COG)

Batera III Woodcock-Muoz:

Pruebas de aprovechamiento
(Batera III APROV)
Primary Authors

Dr. Ana Muoz-Sandoval Dr. Richard Woodcock


Dr. Kevin McGrew Dr. Nancy Mather

Dr. Frederick Schrank

General Features

n Measures cognitive and achievement

abilities in Spanish
n Equated to the WJ III to provide a
parallel Spanish version for use with
ages 2 - 90+
n WJ III COG and ACH co-normed
allowing for direct comparisons

General Features
n Includes scoring software with options to print a brief
summary report and/or plot and print age/grade and
standard score/percentile rank profiles

n Offers a computerized summary report in either English or


n Uses English abbreviations to lessen confusion

n Provides all test materials and manuals in Spanish

n Provides a supplement to the manuals written in English

with information specific to the Batera III for examiners
and administrators who want information about the
Batera III, but do not speak and read Spanish. 6
General Features
n Includes a Language Exposure and Use
Questionnaire that addresses:
n Native language
n Years and months exposed to the language of the test
n Degree of exposure and use in various settings

n Includes a Test Session Observations Checklist

that addresses:
n Conversational proficiency
n Level of Cooperation
n Level of activity
n Attention and concentration
n Self-confidence
n Care in responding, and
n Response to difficult tasks 7

Batera estndar
n Comprensin verbal
n Aprendizaje visual-auditivo
n Relaciones espaciales
n Integracin de sonidos
n Formacin de conceptos
n Pareo visual (incl. Des. T)
n Inversin de nmeros
n Palabras incompletas
n Memoria de trabajo auditiva
n Memoria diferida-Aprendizaje visual-auditivo
Batera extendida
n Informacin general
n Fluidez de recuperacin
n Reconocimiento de dibujos
n Atencin auditiva
n Anlisis-Sntesis
n Rapidez en la decisin
n Memoria para palabras
n Rapidez en la identificacin de dibujos
n Planeamiento
n Cancelacin de pares
Suplemento diagnstico
n Memoria para nombres
n Integracin visual
n Configuracin de sonidos- Vocalizada
n Series numricas
n Nmeros matrices
n Tachar
n Memoria para frases
n Rotacin de bloques
n Configuracin de sonidos- Musical
n Memoria diferida- Memoria para nombres
n Comprensin verbal bilinge 11
Batera III COG

10 Tests 10 Tests

12 Clusters 14 Clusters

11 Tests

13 Clusters

Selective Testing Table
Habilidades intelectuales
Measures of general intellectual ability (g)

Habilidad intelectual generalEscala

Estndar (GIA-Std) General Intellectual Ability Pruebas 1 a 7
Standard Scale

Habilidad intelectual generalEscala

Extendida (GIA-Ext) General Intellectual Ability Pruebas 1 a 7 y
Extended Scale 11 a 17
Habilidad intelectual generalDesarrollo
temprano (GIA-EDev) General Intellectual AbilityEarly Pruebas 1, 6, 8,
Development 21, 22, y 27

Habilidad intelectual generalEscala

bilinge (GIA-Bil) General Intellectual AbilityBilingual Pruebas 1, 3, 5, 6,
Scale 7, 21, 23, y 31

Habilidad intelectual breve (BIA) Brief Intellectual Pruebas 1, 5, y 6

Habilidad cognitiva ampliaVerbal reducida Pruebas 3, 5, 6, 7,
(BCA-LV) Broad Cognitive AbilityLow Verbal 21, y 23
Habilidades cognitivas
Measure of specific cognitive abilities:

n Compuestos CHC estrechos Narrow CHC Clusters

? Discernimiento de fonemas ? Percepcin fonmico 3
?Memoria de trabajo ? Razonamiento numrica
? Memoria asociativa ? Memoria diferidaMemoria asociativa
? Visualizacin ? Descriminacin de sonidos
? Alcance de la memoria auditiva

n Compuestos clnicos Clinical Clusters

? Atencin amplia ? Fluidez cognitiva
? Procesos de ejecucin ? Memoria diferida
? Conocimiento

Habilidades cognitivas
Measure of specific cognitive abilities:

n Compuestos del modelo de rendimiento cognitivo

Cognitive Performance Model Cluster
n Habilidad verbalEstndar y Extendida
n Habilidad de pensarEstndar y Extendida
n Eficiencia cognitivaEstndar y Extendida

n Compuestos CHC amplios Broad CHC Clusters

? Comprensin-conocimiento (Gc) ? Recuperacin a largo plazo (Glr)
? Percepcin visual-espacial (Gv) ? Procesamiento auditivo (Ga)
? Razonamiento fluido (Gf) ? Rapidez en el procesamiento (Gs)
? Memoria de corto plazo (Gsm)
Measure of predicted achievement:
n Lectura

n Matemticas

n Lenguaje escrito
Written Language

n Lenguaje oral
Oral Language

n Conocimientos
Academic Knowledge


n Identificacin de letras y palabras

n Fluidez en la lectura
n Rememoracin de cuentos
n Comprensin de indicaciones
n Clculo
n Fluidez en matemticas
n Ortografa
n Fluidez en la escritura
n Comprensin de textos
n Problemas aplicados
n Muestras de redaccin
n Memoria diferida- Rememoracin de cuentos
n Escritura a mano 19

n Anlisis de palabras
n Vocabulario sobre dibujos
n Comprensin oral
n Correccin de textos
n Vocabulario de lectura
n Conceptos cuantitativos
n Conocimeientos acadmicos
n Anlisis de sonidos
n Discernimiento de sonidos
n Puntuacin y maysculas
Selective Testing Table

12 Tests
10 Tests

10 Clusters
9 Clusters

Academic Clusters
n Lectura
Amplia lectura
Destrezas bsicas en lectura
Comprensin de lectura
n Lenguaje oral
Lenguaje oral--Std or Ext
Comprensin auditiva
Expresin oral
n Matemticas
Amplias matemticas
Destrezas en clculos matemticas
Razonamiento en matemticas
Academic Clusters
Lenguaje escrito
Amplio lenguaje escrito
Destrezas bsicas en escritura
Expresin escrita
Otros compuestos
Conocimientos acadmicos
Conocimiento de fonemas y grafemas
Destrezas acadmicas
Fluidez acadmica
Aplicaciones acadmicas
Aprovechamiento total
Destrezas preacadmicasEst
Conocimientos y destrezas preacadmicos--Ext 24
CHC Theory

Theoretical Foundation

Two major empirically derived sources of

research on the structure of human
cognitive abilities informed the Batera
n Psychometric factor-analytic studies of Raymond
Cattell and John Horn known as the Gf-Gc theory

n Extant factor-analytic research by John Carroll

known as Carrolls three-stratum theory
Gf-Gc Theory
n Gf-Gc is an acronym for fluid (Gf) and
crystallized (Gc) intellectual abilities. Gf and Gc
can be traced to Cattell (1941, 1943, 1950).
n Horn (1965) later provided evidence for short-
term memory (Gsm), long-term retrieval (Glr),
processing speed (Gs), and visual-spatial
thinking (Gv).
n Horn and Stankov (1982) added auditory
processing (Ga) to the nomenclature.
n Horn included quantitative ability (Gq) in 1988
and Woodcock (1998) added reading-writing
ability (Grw). 27
Three Stratum Theory
Carroll re-factor-analyzed 461 data sets of independent-
source structural research on human cognitive abilities.
Using exploratory factor analysis, Carroll identified 69
specific or narrow abilities (Stratum I). These narrow
abilities are grouped into eight broad categories of cognitive
ability (Stratum II) combining together into a general factor
which Carroll referred to as General Intelligence, or g
(Stratum III)
The eight broad categories identified are: Fluid Intelligence,
Crystallized Intelligence, General Memory & Learning, Broad
Visual Perception, Broad Auditory Perception, Broad
Retrieval Ability, Broad Cognitive Speediness, and Processing
CHC Theory
n Similaries between Gf-Gc and Carrolls three stratum
theories provide support for the combined CHC theory.
n CHC stands for Cattell, Horn, Carroll
n CHC provides the blueprint for the WJ III and Batera
n For most factors, each broad CHC factor in the WJ III
and Batera III are comprised of two qualitatively
different narrow, or Stratum I, abilities.
n CHC factors (Stratum II) measuring a broad spectrum
of cognitive abilities provide a first-principal
component measure of general intelligence, or g
(Stratum III)
General Intellectual Ability
CHC Theory


Gsm Gv
Gv Ga
Ga Glr
GfGf Gc
Gc Gs

General Broad
Broad Broad
Broad Broad
Fluid Crystallized
Crystallized Memory & Cognitive
Intelligence Intelligence Memory & Visual
Visual Auditory
Auditory Retrieval
Retrieval Speediness
Intelligence Intelligence Learning Perception Perception Ability Speediness
Learning Perception Perception Ability

Narrow Abilities

Bilingual Testing
Using the Batera

Special Features for
Bilingual Testing
n Test batteries in two languages that are parallel
and equated allow comparisons of abilities and
skills between those two languages.
n Batera III COG is statistically equated to the WJ III
n Batera III APROV is statistically equated to the WJ III

EXAMPLE: The Oral languageExtended cluster in

English and Spanish can be directed compared to
determine language dominance.
Special Features for
Bilingual Testing
n Administering the Test 1/31 combination of the
WJ III COG yields a bilingual verbal
comprehension score. (English to Spanish

n Administering the Prueba 1/31 combination of

the Batera III yields a comprensin verbal
bilinge score. (Spanish to English testing)

Bilingual verbal comprehension measures oral

language in the combination of the subjects two
languages and credits knowledge regardless of
language specificity. 33
Special Features for
Bilingual Testing
n Responses in other languages are accepted
on five tests of the WJ III COG and Batera
n Prueba 1: Comprensin verbal
n Prueba 11: Informacin general
n Prueba 12: Fluidez de recuperacin
n Prueba 18: Rapidez en la identificacin de
n Prueba 22: Integracin visual
n Tests requiring responses of letters or
numbers can be in any language 34
Escala Bilinge con Pruebas 1 y 31
n Prueba 1: Comprensin verbal
n Prueba 31: Comprensin verbal bilinge

n Prueba 21: Memoria para nombres

n Prueba 3: Relaciones espaciales
n Prueba 23: Configuracin de sonidos-Vocalizada
n Prueba 5: Formacin de conceptos
n Prueba 6: Pareo visual (incl. Des. T.)
n Prueba 7: Inversin de nmeros
Bilingual Scale using Test 1 & 31
n Test 1: Verbal Comprehension
n Test 31: Bilingual Verbal Comp.

n Test 21: Memory for Names

n Test 3: Spatial Relations
n Test 23: Sound Patterns- Voice
n Test 5: Concept Formation
n Test 6: Visual Matching
n Test 7: Numbers Reversed 36
Bilingual Scale with BVAT

n Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests (BVAT)

n Test 21: Memory for Names

n Test 3: Spatial Relations
n Test 23: Sound Patterns- Voice
n Test 5: Concept Formation
n Test 6: Visual Matching
n Test 7: Numbers Reversed

Scores Available

n Raw Scores
n Age and/or Grade Equivalents
n RPIs (0/90 to 100/90)
n CALP levels (1 - 5)
n Comparative Language Index
n Standard Scores (Mean = 100, SD = 15
SS Range = 0 - 200+)
n Percentile Rank (PR=0.1 to 99.9)
n Discrepancy Scores (SD)
Technical Qualities

The Batera III tests are equated,

using Rasch model technology, to
like levels of performance of the
8,818 norming subjects on parallel
tasks on the Woodcock-Johnson
Tests 3rd Edition (WJ III)

U.S. Equated Norms

n Batera III standardization data are equated to the WJ

III norms. This means that tasks underlying each Batera
III test are scaled according to their empirical difficulty
on the parallel WJ III test.

n Equated U.S. norms allow meaningful comparisons

between an individuals performance on WJ III and
Batera III.

For example, if a 10 year old individual obtains a percentile

rank of 87 on a Spanish test, his performance in Spanish is
equivalent to 10 year olds in the US who fall at the 87th
percentile on the corresponding English test.
Equating Procedures

Banks of items for the WJ III tests developed and Rasch-calibrated

Data gathered to norm the WJ III tests, clusters, and scales
Items selected for final version of WJ III & Rasch scoring tables

For tests that were not direct translations:

Potential equating items selected from WJ III and translated into
Spanish (Linking item example: authority--autoridad). Linking items
spaced across full range of ability.
Banks of new Spanish items developed. Linking itemsinterspersed.
Calibration data collected and Rasch-calibrated.
Linking items calibrated difficulties plotted. Extreme outliers
excluded. New Spanish items fell between remaining linking items
Means and standard deviations computed
Batera III item difficulties adjusted to the WJ III item difficulties
using transformation equation.
Batera III items selected and Rasch scoring tables computed.
Development &
All Batera III tests are either translations
or adaptations of the parallel WJ III tests.
Translated when all items remained the same
Adapted when translation was not possible

For example, Spatial Relations is one test that was

translated because the items remained the same.
The directions are also exactly parallel.
Auditory Attention is one test that was adapted, with
all new items and pictures.
Comparison of WJ III and
Batera III Picture Vocabulary

1 ____ tenedor 1 fork

5 ____ cuchara 8 spoon
15 ____ martillo 9 hammer
19 ____ canguro 18 kangaroo
20 ____ pulpo 17 octopus
21 ____ seta 14 mushroom
26 ____ microscopio 16 microscope
30 ____ armnica 25 harmonica
31 ____ frica 30 Africa
37 ____ Partenn 37 Parthenon

Batera III Standardization
& Calibration Sample
International Sample U.S. Sample
n = 1,413 n = 279

Argentina Arizona
Colombia California
Costa Rica Colorado
Mexico Florida
Panama Georgia
Puerto Rico New Mexico
Spain New York
Country of OriginU.S.
Examiners and Subjects
U.S. Examiners U.S. Subjects
Argentina Argentina Peru
Colombia Chile Puerto Rico
Cuba Colombia Uruguay
Dominican Republic Costa Rica U.S.
Mexico Cuba Venezuela
Puerto Rico Dominican Republic
Spain Ecuador
Venezuela Guatemala
Because the Batera III calibration data is
equated to the WJ III norms, the underlying
psychometric characteristics of the WJ III
apply to the Batera III

Reliability Goals

n Goal for clusters set at .90 or higher

n Goal for tests set at .80 or higher

Reliability for
Cognitive Clusters
WJ III Standard Battery Clusters WJ III Extended Battery Clusters
General Intellectual Ability .97 General Intellectual Ability .98
Verbal Ability .95
Brief Intellectual Ability .95
Thinking Ability .96
Verbal Ability .92 Cognitive Efficiency .93
Comprehension-Knowledge .95
Thinking Ability .95 Long-Term Retrieval .88
Visual-Spatial Thinking .81
Cognitive Efficiency .92
Auditory Processing .91
Phonemic Awareness .90 Fluid Reasoning .95
Processing Speed .93
Working Memory .91 Short-Term Memory .88

Note: median reliabilities reported

Reliability for
Achievement Clusters

WJ III Standard Battery Clusters WJ III Extended Battery Clusters

Total Achievement .98 Oral Language-Ext. .92
Oral Language-Std. .87 Oral Expression .85
Broad Reading .94 Listening Comprehension .89
Broad Math .95 Basic Reading Skills .95
Broad Written Language .94 Reading Comprehension .92
Math Calculation Skills .91
Academic Skills .96
Math Reasoning .95
Academic Fluency .93
Basic Writing Skills .94
Academic Applications .95
Written Expression .91
Phoneme/Grapheme .90
Note: median reliabilities reported 51
Concurrent Validity:
Std Ext BIA
DAS .72 .74 .68
WPPSI-R .73 .74 .67
SBinet-4 .76 .71 .60
WISC-III .71 .76 .69
WAIS-III .67 --- .62
KAIT .75 --- .68
CAS --- --- .70
Concurrent Validity:
K-TEA Rdg. .76 .66 .81
Decoding .67 .66 .74
Comprehension .65 .44 .62
WIAT Reading .67 .82 .78
Basic .63 .82 .70
Comprehension .68 .68 .79
K-TEA Math .66 .60 .41
Calculation .65 .67 .49
Application .52 .40 .29
WIAT Math .70 .69 .56
Numerical OP .57 .59 .38
Reasoning .66 .60 .60
K-TEA Spelling .77 .57
WIAT Spelling .77 .42
Writ.Exp. .57 .31 53
Subject Selection for Spanish
Speakers in the United States

School age subjects -- must have been in

the US for 2 years or less
Picture Vocabulary Qualifying Test in English
and Spanish
Spanish W _____
English W -_____
Difference _____

Subject qualifies if difference is at least +45

Special for Preschool:

Age 2-difference at least +20
Age 3-difference at least +35 54
Learning Disabilities
7 IDEA Areas Batera III Tests
Oral Expression Story Recall, Picture Vocabulary

Listening Comprehension Understanding Directions, Oral

Written Expression Writing Fluency, Writing Samples

Basic Reading Skills Letter-Word Identification,

Word Attack

Reading Comprehension Passage Comprehension,

Reading Vocabulary
Mathematics Calculation Calculation, Math Fluency

Mathematics Reasoning Applied Problems,

Quantitative Concepts

Administration and scoring require proficiency and

literacy in Spanish, knowledge of each tests exact
administration and scoring procedures, and an
understanding of the importance of adhering to
standardized procedures.

Interpretation requires a higher level of knowledge and

experience than is required for test administration.
Competent interpretation requires graduate-level training
in cognitive ability, language, and academic achievement
assessment, knowledge of Spanish language development
(and, if appropriate to the subject, knowledge of the
impact of second-language acquisition), and a background
in diagnostic decision-making. 57
Basal/Ceiling Rules
n Provides guides for minimizing testing time
n Allows estimate of score as if all items had
been administered
n Basal: The lowest set of consecutive correct
responses specified, or Item 1
n Ceiling: The highest set of consecutive
incorrect responses specified, the last item,
or the time limit
n Noted in Test Book and Test Record
Complete Page Rule

n Test by complete pages when stimulus items

in the easel book are visible to the examinee.
n Complete the page even if it appears a ceiling
has been reached.
n If the examinee gets an item correct in the
process of completing the page, score the
item correct, and continue testing until a
ceiling is reached, or the last item has been

n Score the last response given.

n On Letter-Word Identification or Word
Attack, if you dont hear a response to an
item, finish the page, then repeat the entire
page. Score the one in question only.
n Follow all pointing, querying, and error or no
response directions in the test book.


Age- or
Grade-Based Norms
n Choose most appropriate reference group
n Grade norms: K-12, 2-year college, and 4-year college including first
year of graduate school
n Age norms: 2-90+

n Use same reference group when comparing results from different tests
(i.e., age to age, grade to grade)
n When examinees scores derived from age vs. grade norms are not
consistent, score results based on which norms most accurately reflects
the examinees background.
n For example, a student who has significant gaps in schooling and has been
placed in a grade level with other students who are generally younger, grade
norms may be more appropriate. Grade norms will not penalize this student
for those gaps in schooling.
n For a student who has had adequate schooling but has had difficulties with
the academic demands of school to the point that the student has been
retained, consider using age norms. To use grade norms would cancel out
the difficulties the student has experienced.
n AE/GE are not impacted by choice of norm group

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