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What Your Aura Really Is

Patricia Troyer
Stone People Publishing Company
What Your Aura Really Is

By: Patricia Troyer

Edited by: Dawn Lovstad
Published by: Stone People Publishing Company

Cover Design By:

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ISBN: 978-1-885975-11-9

Copyright 2012 Patricia Troyer. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied in any form or by
any means without the prior permission obtained in writing from the author, except by a reviewer quoting brief passages in
a review written for inclusion in a blog, journal, magazine, newsletter, newspaper, or broadcast.

This book is an information/reference work based on the research and experience of the author.
Requests for permission:


Crystal Personalities: A Quick Reference to Special Forms of Quartz by Patricia Troyer, softcover, ISBN: 978-1-885975-00-
Letters From Home: A Guide to Symbols Awake or Dreaming by Patricia Troyer, softcover, ISBN: 978-1-885975-02-3


Crystal Personalities: A Quick Reference to Special Forms of Quartz, Patricia Troyer, E-book, ISBN: 978-1-885975-08-9
Why Your Affirmations Arent Working: And How to Reboot the System, Patricia Troyer, ISBN: 978-1-885975-09-6
Reconnecting and Tuning In: Recognizing Pure Intuition, Patricia Troyer, ISBN: 978-1-885975-13-3
The Subtle Invisible Worlds: How to Tell When Youre Not in Kansas Anymore, ISBN: 978-1-885975-01-0

Getting Down to Basics
Y our Soul-Mind and Y ou
Auras by Touch
Auras by Indirect Vision
Etiquette of Aura Viewing

Cut through all the theories, jargon, and hype, - and what is the Aura, really?

Short answer - think of your Aura as a blueprint, a battery of stored energy, and a
snapshot of who you are and what you have experienced up to this minute in time, and
you pretty much have the simple version.

Your Aura is always there, going where you go, soaking up all the experiences of life you
happen to stumble into. Where you go and what you do, at least temporarily,
becomes a part of your personal electromagnetic energy patterns, your Aura.

Just think about the implications of that for a minute. What if thats true?


Your Aura is three dimensional, oval-shaped, and moves out in layers that can extend to
about 15 to 20 feet, although for most of us that reach is 5 to 8 feet. But when you
realize that the Buddhas was said to extend a few hundred miles, you have some idea of
what youre really dealing with.

Electromagnetic energy (often called Rays in older texts) is continually entering you
through the pineal gland, and is then distributed throughout your body, largely through
your 7 primary Chakras. Your Aura shows what you are doing with this continuous
incoming energy as it is distributed and assimilated. Your future potentials are carried by
this incoming energy, and your Aura shows what you have and are doing with the
potentials and energies youve already received.

For people who can see such things, your Aura is an Infographic of your up-to-the-minute
state who you are and what you have experienced - translated into energy of varying
colors, densities, and ranges.

So your Aura is really a blend of (1) incoming energy, (2) your own natural energy, and
(3) the natural electromagnetic energy within your immediate environment. Thats an
important piece of information. File under Things To Ponder For Later Use.

This field of natural electromagnetic energy we label the Aura contributes to the
instructions that are absolutely vital to your overall growth and well-being, including
maintenance of cell structures. So even if you dont believe its there, this thing that is
sometimes felt but not so often seen is a tad important to you. Youre walking around
surrounded by it. You can rip it and deplete it, but you cant lose it. Sticks with you better
than your shadow.

Now get comfortable and hold on tight were about to take a quick spin through the
basic information you need to get the most from what youll learn here, which in true
human fashion gets a little complex sometimes. We humans do so love to complicate and
subdivide things.

Well be using standard, familiar, age-old terms here, but ones you probably dont use in
your normal Happy Hour conversations. Not to worry - just check the Glossary of Strange
Things at the back to help you stay plugged in.
Chapter 1


Creates your blueprint and pattern for physical existence.

Serves as a sort of energy battery.

Protects against natural radiations.

Provides trained diagnosticians with information about you its your personal up-
to-the-second body scan.

Acts as a shield for you when youre in the Etheric World.

Communicates with three dimensional animals and plants and all Etheric World
intelligences. All.

Provides a connection between you and your immediate environment at all times.
This connection occurs at links or junctions sometimes referred to as nodes,
which pretty much describes what they look like when you see them. These are
not the famous Chakras, but links and points of connection in addition to the
spinning vortex of light we label Chakra.

Now, please bow, and say Thank you to your Aura.

Chapter 2


An entity (thats you were talking about) automatically and continuously radiates its own
energy outward according to:

how fast its frequencies are moving at the time (its personal rate of vibration);

its present level of intelligence; and

its current level of personal awareness.

This is a process which is constantly arranging and rearranging the original primary
blueprint you came here with, including the things you wanted to learn, and, when all
systems are GO, increases or decreases your stored energy as needed. Well talk about
what happens when your systems are not humming so smoothly later on.
Your electromagnetic field (Aura) cannot exist without you, and you cannot hold yourself
together - literally - without it. You are a team. When it goes, you go, and vice versa. In
other words, your Aura doesnt hang around to scare puppies and small children after you
move on.

Your natural personal electromagnetic field (your Auric Field) incorporates the constant
downloading and inward-radiating frequencies from out there into the whole you -
creating your present form millisecond by millisecond. This is just one of many reasons
why some days you look fantastic and others not so much. Ha! And you thought it was all
the fun you had the night before.

So you not only are what you eat, you are in the continual process of becoming the
energies you take in and assimilate, your energetic nutrition. Thats why all the great
teachers since the year dot have stressed the need to pay attention to the company you
keep, the thoughts you think, the places you go, actions you take or dont take. They all
add up and stick to you like sticky notes.

It is your Aura that gives you the framework and rate of vibrational frequency for how to
behave within third dimensional matter, including how to interact with all other
electromagnetic fields you experience at any given time. Your Aura creates a framework
to build inside of, a gym to workout in.

By the way, the system of energy frequencies (vibrations, oscillations, whatever you
personally call them) at this level are the ones before sound or language kicks in, and is in
a constant state of give-and-take which partly accounts for how you feel and react
differently to the same situations at different times. And you dont actually consciously
think about any of this partly because its pre-language, no words to put it in, no neat
folder to slip it into. So during those times you feel off kilter, check your immediate
environment along with other things. What are you taking in, being influenced by, that
are just under your level of conscious awareness?
Your Aura receives negative polarity from your physical body (your Conscious-
Consciousness what you generally think of as Me), and positive polarity from your
Subconscious-Consciousness (often referred to by mystics as the Soul-Mind, a pretty apt
label actually.) And negative and positive in this context are just polarities, not labels of
good or bad.

An easy way to think of your Conscious-Consciousness is as the part of you that is aware
of itself and its surroundings at any given moment, the part of your vast inner network
that is on screen at any particular moment the part that roams around inside your head
convincing you that it is you. You know the part that never shuts up the one
muttering right now that this is all complete nonsense.

Your Subconscious-Consciousness is all the downloaded software and updates, programs,

platforms, plugins, bookmarks, blogs, even time in the Cloud all the rest of you from
now back to Forever.

Often called the Witness or the Watcher in older texts, this form of consciousness is
extra-ordinarily alert, aware, and conscious at all times, tucked away behind your
subconscious, running quietly in the background. Just one of the reasons why I keep
yammering that dreams and how you personally interpret them is so important to you.
Its one of the fun and easy ways to begin recognizing whos really running your shows,
and one of the few shortcuts we get.

Still with me? Well, hang on just a little longer because you will be before were finished.
Just keep referring back to these basics (and the Glossary) and give it time to soak in. If
you dont get a big instant Aha! dont worry about it. You will. And remember that there
are some kinds of information that simply cannot be put into words but that doesnt
mean you arent getting it. Pre-language, remember?

BOTTOM LINE: energy is flowing in and energy is flowing out all of the time, assisting in
the process of making you what you are at any given moment, helping you learn what you
came to learn, both consciously and subconsciously. (Yeah, I know, the intellect doesnt
like hearing that, but the way it is, is the way it is. Wait till it finds out its just a tool and
not the master of the universe.)
Chapter 3


The layer of the Aura closest to anything (including you) looks a little like glowing fuzz or
fur, no matter what kind of entity it is. This is often called the Etheric Double, Etheric
Counterpart, or Physical Aura, and usually looks like just one color, so dont expect those
famous rainbow spikey thingies. (Impressed by my technical jargon?)

It is the next layer out from this one that contains the patterns and colors most of us
think of when we think of an Aura. With just a little practice both these layers can be seen
by just about anyone with enough commitment to practice. And it can even sometimes
happen spontaneously, without consciously trying. We give you some fun (and safe)
exercises in Chapter 11 to learn how to do this if you want to try.
Chapter 4


Now down to the nuts and bolts. The human Aura is layered, and different systems give
the layers different labels - wouldnt you know? For our purposes here though well call
the two talked about most often the Physical Aura (the first layer out from the body the
fuzzy one), and the Soul-Mind Aura (the next layer out). So in order, they are:

1. PHYSICAL AURA - A narrow band surrounding all objects, sometimes called the
Aura-Mist, the fuzz about 2 to 3 inches from the surface of the physical form.
Since it does often look like a gray or bluish-gray mist, and sometimes like just a
tiny black space around an object, many of us toss it out as an optical illusion
when we do catch a flash of it. Happens more often than you think. Youve
probably seen a lot of them out of the corner of your eye without consciously
registering it. This is the part of the Aura most involved with your human
physiology - important data there.

2. SOUL-MIND AURA - The colorful patterned Aura surrounding the form, the one
most of us picture when we think about an Aura. This second layer then
subdivides into yet more layers, reaching outward literally into Infinity, which is
why the title of this book.

There really arent just two layers of the Aura, but most of us only need to begin working
with these two to eventually get to the rest. But just so you know, the Soul-Mind Aura
contains: the Emotional Aura; Mental Aura; Superconscious Aura; Causal Aura; and
Spiritual Auras, plural. Quite a load.

The whole enchilada can extend 15 to 20 feet from an entity, but in most cases only 5 to 8,
no spiritual deficiencies implied. It is three dimensional and extends outward from the
form in all directions.

Explain some of the odd feelings you get standing or sitting close to someone at times?
When you are within three feet of anyone you begin to exchange energy with them
literally. Sobering thought, that. We often think of that feeling as invading my personal
space - which of course it is. And now you know why, and that it isnt just you being all
snobby about it.
Chapter 5


Auric Energy is generally defined as a dense ethereal substance forming a sideways figure
8 over the solar plexus, the 3rd Chakra, aka your Second Mind. The word etheric just
means that which is refined. No magic or woo-woo in sight.

This etheric energy pattern varies in its color, rhythm, tone, and vibrational frequencies,
and changes with the moods and emotions of the individual. Think of it as a giant mood
ring. It is actually detectable with physical instruments. Now arent you glad you sat
through those science classes?

Rapidly recurring energy waves (i.e., frequencies) radiate naturally from every living thing
- and even some non-living things - and blend with the natural electromagnetism that is
within that particular things immediate vicinity. This blend is what actually creates the
electromagnetic field of an entity, aka its Auric Field. Just keep in mind this field is a
blend and not just your energies alone.
Chapter 6


The word etheric is used as a catch-all for what are essentially the hundreds of invisible
layers of vibrational frequencies, of energy as it becomes finer moving outward. It is a
level of energy made up of infinitely fine matter and is the level where sound and
ordinary currents of electricity are transmitted.

Ether is generally defined as a very fine substance or matter that is believed to support
the Earth and the atoms of the air; an energy necessary for all life since the Big Bang.
And real scientists do use the word ether, not just us outside-the-box people.

The densest of the four substances that compose the Etheric World are:





Note that atomic, subatomic, and sub-subatomic are still considered dense within this

The Etheric Worlds (yes, plural) are made up of semi-physical waves continually
sweeping over the surface of Earth and our Universe. And this energy is totally available
for our use.

For example, all Chakras are really just Etheric Energy centers, vortices where Etheric
Energy enters and leaves. And this same energy is available for use for other things, like
prayers, affirmations, visualizations. Another Fact To File For Later Use.
Chapter 7


The Etheric Double, the Etheric Counterpart, the Physical Aura pick your favorite label -
is an invisible electromagnetic field surrounding and interpenetrating each and every
thing in our entire physical Universe. It is this electromagnetic field that gives energy to
every entitys electrical system and also serves as a sort of energy storage battery.

This electromagnetic field we call the Double absorbs emissions that are continually
coming and going from the form it belongs to (including yours), creating a pattern or
blueprint for the future. It can be seen as very colorful, having neutral colors, or as
resembling colorful glowing fuzzy fur around the form they are all the Double.

Interestingly enough, it is generally believed that it is the Etheric Double that is the
energy field picked up in Kirlian photographs. How fun is that? (Check out Books And
Things Of Interest at the back for a book that tells you how to build your own camera.)

The Etheric Double completely envelops you and actually interpenetrates your physical
body with a faster vibrational frequency than that of your physical body. So note that the
physical bodys energies are always moving at a slower rate than the energies of the
Double. Just one of the reasons healing takes time. Matter is always moving slower than
the other frequencies. Simple, really.

The main functions of the Etheric Double are to:

1. Serve as the battery for the health and stamina of your physical body.

2. House the Chakras, which in turn take in energy through the pineal gland,
assimilate it, send it throughout your physical nervous system, and then back out

3. Break down your thought patterns, good and not so much, into the elements of
your physical body. This includes the patterns of your current lifestyle choices.
Never thought of your current lifestyle as an energy pattern? Well, guess what?

The Double makes no judgments about any of this energy is energy to your
Etheric Double and all energy is equal. Bottom line: what you do now definitely
impacts your future at a deeper level than you suspect. It all accumulates, and
eventually does matter. And as they say, Payback Is A B----!
4. Serve as the pattern for a future lifestyle in both your present and future lives,
including patterns for your emotions, moods, attitudes, thoughts, character traits,
and actions. This pattern is easily changed or broken up by strong thought
patterns - just one of the reasons why the thoughts rattling around inside your
skull are so very, very, very critical, whether you say them out loud or not. Some
parts of you are always listening and responding to your instructions. And
thoughts follow feelings, not necessarily logic, or what you thought you said.

The Etheric Double is believed to stay with your physical body at death until the body is
completely gone. It is interesting that some cultures both past and present say that we
have two souls one staying with the body while the body itself still exists, the other one
moving on at death. What do you think?

The Double is also affected by external radiations, like energies in the cycles of the moon,
magnetic solar storms and other cosmic events, even in the energies in storms, and light
and darkness - energies we usually ignore as being maybe kinda interesting but not really
important to us personally. Wrong again, Spanky.

But because of the effects of these outside radiations on your Etheric Double, any and all
of these forces can be controlled and used by you for your own benefit.

Another Fact to File these forces are already a part of you and your current energy
patterns and therefore are usable and lawful energy. Think Merlin.
Chapter 8


Life forms that live in the Etheric World are of various shapes, sizes, and constructions of
Etheric Energy that float, swim, move, pop in and out, and otherwise live in the Ether.
Theyre thought to be constructed from liquids, gases, and/or solid state substances that
often seem to glow.

These forms are usually not visible with our physical eyes, but can be seen clairvoyantly,
and occasionally even show up on film and register on high quality electronic equipment.

Its common for Etheric life forms when we do get a quick glimpse to be interpreted by us
as geometric shapes, machines of some kind, even life forms from other universes. All of
these almost always have a high intelligence pattern, vary in speed, color, size, and shape,
and can and often do change shape rapidly, not being bound by limiting 3-D rules.

As you have guessed, many ancient cultures often called these Etheric life forms gods and
angels when they saw them. The Ether is home for these energy patterns just as Earth is
home for our energy patterns.
Chapter 9


Believe it or not, any damage to your Aura usually starts with a wobbly Chakra. Your
Chakra centers are always taking in and dispersing energy, spinning clockwise,
functioning like a vortex where Etheric Energy comes and goes - all of which makes them
exceptionally good targets for energy fluctuations and imbalances.

So to help prevent dangerous loss of critical energy, there is a natural fine net or web
over the outside of the vortex of each Chakra acting as an automatic shield against the
amount of energy that can be projected outward from that Chakra, limiting how much
energy you can lose through it. As long as this net is undamaged, everything does what
its designed to do right on cue.

But if the net has been damaged for any reason, we end up with rips or tears in the Aura,
auric wounds.

So how can this happen? What happens if a net gets torn, if a Chakra gets the wobbles?

1. Certain meditation practices have been known to cause this kind of damage for
instance if you meditate for too long too often were talking hours here, lots of
hours, at one time.

2. Or if youre tempted to try metaphysical loop-the-loops while practicing deep

meditation before your energy is able to handle the very real consequences of
being out there. This energy is quite real, so treat it that way or expect some
serious bruising - or worse.

3. But the most common and surest way to deplete and tear a sizable chunk out of
your energy net is by the continual overuse of alcohol, drugs, dark games and
rituals, and consistent and repeated violent thoughts or actions.

It is likely that this is at least in part responsible for the ancient belief that evil must be
invited in. At some point, you tipped your hat to something you didnt really mean to, and
it took that as an invitation, a way in.

Think of a rip in your Aura as the equivalent of scraping off layers of skin. The potential
for infections is every bit as real. All kinds of bad can sneak in unnoticed until you get
sick, or worse. Just like a scratch from a rusty nail can leave your whole body open to
infection, auric wounds can eventually weaken Chakras, and then the rest of you.

And, yes, once you have a rip somewhere, all sorts of energy instantly and automatically
pours in to fill that gap much like water rushing into a hole dug in the sand on a beach.
So if your Aura has been torn for any reason at all, you will automatically and without any
conscious decision to do it begin to suck in energy from the nearest source available at
the timegood, bad, and OMG! And, yes, there are people who fully understand this and
can take advantage of it.

But for most of us, all things being equal, our etheric web just putts along shielding us
and functioning as a barrier against outside influences and foreign energies, much like
Earths magnetic field shields us from solar radiations.
Chapter 10


So if you suspect your Aura needs a tune-up, where do you go? Believe it or not, trees are
one of the safest, best, and cheapest sources of stored energy, energy that can be used to
fill in and recharge your own - anytime, anywhere - especially pine, fir, oak, and redwood.

1. Just sit or stand with your back against a tree and breathe. How hard is that?
Dont need to think about it, just breathe. Fifteen minutes is generally enough to
recharge depleted auric energies, but stay as long as you like. Naps there are
good and what a great excuse. Challenge anyone questioning your snoozing to
prove you arent just recharging your Aura. That should get them to leave you

The tree not only doesnt mind you siphoning off energy, it generally likes this
exchange. By the way, not all trees do like us, one of the most notable being elm
not too fond of us, those elms. Theres a reason why Freddie picked Elm Street
and not Redwood Circle. Cypress would also not be a very good choice has all
that grief and strife thing going on.

2. Crystals and other minerals are superior at recharging depleted and damaged
auric energies. Labradorite (also called Spectrolite, depending on where it comes
from) is specifically recommended for mending any rips in the Aura. Lapis Lazuli,
Lazurite, Quartz Crystal, Smoky Quartz Crystal, Rutilated Quartz Crystal,
Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal, Tourmalines, Hematite, Pyrite, Agates - just pick a
mineral that feels good to you at the time.

And pay attention to any nudges your body gives you about where it would
like the stone to be. Dont think about it, just let it wander where it wants. Again,
fifteen minutes will usually do it, and in many instances it takes much less time.

3. For the same reasons, gem elixirs are a great choice.

4. Essential oils can do the job and are especially effective when rubbed into the
areas of the body related to the seven primary Chakras. And have the added
advantage that they can be charged and stored for just this type of repair.

5. Any form of magnetic healing also works, including acupressure, acupuncture,

Reiki, and therapeutic massage.

6. Animals may or may not be a good source, depending of course on the animal and
its own energy state at the time.

7. And the Earth herself fills in energy gaps. Just be sure you feel completely
comfortable on the spot of ground you pick to recharge. Choose it much the same
way you would a mineral. If it instantly feels Ahhh! youve found your spot. If it
gives you the Euwws! move - quick!
Chapter 11


You will probably rarely see any Aura by looking straight at it. But this has more to do
with the physiological structure of the human eye than your level of consciousness or
spiritual development.

Auras are seen with the rods not the cones, and rods are at the sides of your eyes. Just
one reason why you sometimes almost catch something interesting out of the corner of
your eye but cant quite see it. And when you try looking straight at it, nothing appears to
be there. Those cones just cant catch and translate what it is.

Your physical eyes are really more like cameras than windows. They are highly specialized
instruments for sending the electronic images that is your world back to the brain. Your
eyes sense whats out there, convert that information, transmit that converted data
through nerve impulses, your brain does its translation thing, and then your mind gets
involved in interpretation. And all of this takes place faster than a superhero flies, and
totally unconsciously. Its a miracle we ever see anything at all, all things considered.

So if you believe Auras dont exist, or that even if they might, you cant see them, your
mind blocks any incoming data that says you are seeing one. Simple, really.

To help you move around your information road blocks, here are some basic exercises to
practice with to get you started experiencing Auras, practice being the keyword here.
Takes time, so be patient. Your mind has to get used to adding information to its Things
That Can Be Experienced index your personal registry has to get updated.
You can learn to read Auras just by touch you dont need to actually see them. First,
grab a willing friend and have your hapless victim sit in a straight-backed chair or lie flat
on a table, straight spine being one of the keys here. You can even practice on yourself
with this one. Just keep your intellect out of it. Good luck on that one by the way.

1. Focus your attention on the tips of your fingers, not your palms.

2. Pass your hands, fingertips first, slowly downwards over the body about 2 to 3
inches from the surface. Never actually touch the physical body that will
essentially prevent you from sensing the Aura. Another good clue to how this
energy works. Its so, so, so subtle.

3. Begin at the head (or top of an object) about 8 or 9 inches from the body. As you
slowly move your hands downward notice any differences in the sensations in
your fingertips. Dont categorize, just notice.

4. Now bring your hands back to about 2 inches from the body. Note any differences
in sensation in your fingertips.

5. Typically what youll feel is warmth or cold, sometimes a kind of movement, or a

slight drag in movement.

6. Once youve reeducated your fingertips to experience the difference in the various
feelings over the parts of the body, youll then be able to experiment with how far
from the body you can still detect these subtle energies.

Dont be discouraged if it takes a few practice sessions before you begin to recognize any
sensations in your fingertips or can tell the difference in sensations. This is almost always
just because youve never really spent any time paying attention to the feelings in your
fingertips, and you first need to learn to separate these subtle energy sensations from any
other kind you experience through your fingertips.

Your occupation can also make a difference. It took me awhile because Ive been typing
since the year dot, which toughened up my finger pads.

And for the skeptics, scientists at Duke Medicine have recently pinpointed specific
neurons that regulate perception neurons that, depending on their volume, determine a
cells sensitivity to force - in other words to touch, to feeling. So practice, practice,
This one you have to practice on someone or something else, although I do know people
who have been successful practicing on themselves by looking in a mirror. Most of us find
it unsettling if we begin seeing unexpected things around us when we look in a mirror
though, startling enough to break concentration. And remember that mirrors reverse

Its helpful if the person or object youre practicing with is against a dark background,
preferably in a north light (north being the most physically magnetic direction on our
planet.) If your subject is a person, its best if he or she wears body-fitting clothes, not
loose ones. Plants also make good practice subjects, pets not always being agreeable to
sitting still.

1. Look at the person from the sides of your eyes, not at them directly. Put your eyes
just slightly out of focus by looking about 8 to 9 inches beyond the subject. The
object youre looking at will be only vaguely defined, although the general outline
will be clear. Sounds strange till you do it.

2. Since the first layer of the Aura is the easiest to see, you may see only a faint misty
or cloudlike flow. It will be approximately 2 to 3 inches from the body. And
remember that you need to look to the side, not directly at the form. Looking
directly at it will cause you to lose what youre trying to see the Aura.

By the way, any yellow or golden flashes or outlines you see at first are almost
always caused by eye fatigue, so dont get excited by that and lose concentration.

3. When youve mastered the technique of refocusing your eyes, youll probably first
begin to see a misty or fuzzy grayish glow which seems to extend from the body
of what youre viewing. Note any peculiar formations or bulges or gaps inside this
gray mist. Notice how far from the body or object it is. Just notice, dont try to
interpret anything at the time.

What usually happens at this point by the way is that youll get so excited at
seeing something at all youll lose your concentration. But with practice youll
learn to control your emotions and be able to just watch what is unfolding in
front of you, like a trained investigator. Yet another advantage from doing these

4. Make line drawings of the object youre going to practice with before you start, and
then later write or draw what you saw or any impressions you had, images or
words that popped into your head. This would also give you a good record of your
progress in reading Auras and how you interpret what you experience.

Dont try to interpret whats going on while its going on. That only gets the intellect
involved and it can wait till youre finished with the exercise.

Again, dont be discouraged if it takes time to master this one. Headache and eye strain
are not the object here. Honing a skill is.
You may begin to see images or symbols in your mind during sessions. These images are
meant for your information, not necessarily for the person being scanned. Even if all you
see are colors, these are potent symbols all on their own - each color has its own impact
and multiple meanings.

Understanding your personal symbol language before sharing with someone else can
enormously boost your understanding of what youre seeing. A good way to start this
process is to begin your own color and symbol notebook, one noting just your thoughts
and reactions about a color or symbol. Just like your dreams, how you see something is
only your interpretation of what youre experiencing, making your note-taking doubly

Remember that while youre learning, anything you see is first of all for your training and
growth, not necessarily that of the person being scanned. Its okay to discuss the exercise
with your subject, but keep in mind that when you begin to experience things others do
not, they will unconsciously begin thinking of you as knowing more than they do without
being aware thats what theyre doing. You become an instant authority, and your words
will begin to carry weight so choose them carefully.
Chapter 12


A fun and easy way to get the hang of this Aura-watching thing is to practice with trees
and other large plants. Theyre generally less confusing in their energy frequency
emissions than people and we have fewer emotional assumptions tied to them, which lets
the mind be comfortably less involved.

1. Go outside just at sunset and look at a tree at about the 12:00 oclock position.

2. Now move your focus to about the 1:00 oclock position, while still watching the
12:00 position from the sides of your eyes.

3. With practice and patience you should be able to see a slight movement rising
from the tree toward the setting sun.

While these are actually heat waves leaving the tree, it will give you the general idea of
what to expect when you begin to see Auras, and is a great way to practice. Fun, too. Quite
astonishing when you see it. Its been there all the time and youve just never noticed.
Chapter 13


What humans have for thousands of years called the Aura does in fact exist. Everything
on our planet has one, including our planet.

Learning to be aware of your own is just another way to take care of your well-being, one
more tool to keep you healthy, vibrant, balanced, sane, and heading in the direction you
chose before you first landed here. And from that better balanced foundation you can
then begin to truly be of service to your fellow travelers and our planet and her place in
the universe.

So pick your object, get calm and focused, and begin the magical journey to seeing in a
whole new way. You will gain a connection and appreciation for life impossible to put into
words. And it will change you, very much for the better.

Travel well, my friends.


These definitions are by no means the only ones for these terms, but they are the ones we chose out of those available
to help clarify things for you without getting too wordy or complicated. Feel free to agree or disagree with our definitions -
research and discussion are one of the purposes for - well, for just about any learning, progress, and growth. After reading
through the definitions, youll be reminded of why this kind of information is so hard to cage with words, so hard to
communicate verbally.

An invisible substance interpenetrating the physical body while the entity is still living,
extending anywhere from 5 to 8 inches from the physical body. All living things have one.
Some authorities hold that this astral substance does not live under Earth-principle
frequencies, but is itself learning and being influenced by the physical existence of the
body it belongs to, while it in turn contributes to the physical existence of its physical

The Astral Body is capable of separating from the physical body, consciously and
unconsciously, and if seen by others will look identical to the body as it is at that moment
in time. Astral Body, Subtle Energy Body, Soul Body, Emotional Energy Body, and Dream
Body are often used interchangeably by mystics, so dont let that confuse you. Theyre all
talking about the same thing - the Astral Body. The Aura is not the same thing as the
Astral Body.

A field of electromagnetic energy completely and totally surrounding you at all times. In
effect, the Aura is both a battery of stored energy and a blueprint for your physical
existence. It is a blend of an entitys natural electromagnetic energy, the electromagnetic
energy within its immediate environment, and of incoming energies. The Aura contributes
to the instructions critical to an entitys overall well-being and growth, including the
maintenance of physical cell structures. All living things and some non-living ones have an
Aura. The Aura is not the same thing as the Astral Body.

Literally, it is the range of the Aura, the range of the frequencies that completely
surround and envelop any entity. Your auric field is your personal electromagnetic field of

A narrow band surrounding all objects, most often resembling a sort of fuzz about 2 to 3
inches from the surface of the physical form. The aura mist is most often these days
called the Mental Aura. And since it does often look like a gray mist or fuzz, many of us
toss it aside as an optical illusion when we catch a glimpse of it. Youve probably seen a
lot of them out of the corner of your eye.
There is a natural fine net or web covering the outside of each Chakra vortex which acts
as a shield against the amount of energy that can be projected outward from the Chakra.
So it is the Chakra that takes the hit to your Aura. Certain human practices can rip or tear
this net, and this is what the older texts call an auric wound. Think of a rip in your Aura
as scraping off layers of skin. The potential for infection is just as real and all sorts of
unpleasant things gain access, eventually causing all sorts of problems.

Chakras are centers of consciousness, symbolically represented by the emotions housed
in and controlled by the individual Chakra. They are individualized memory centers,
storing both physical and soul memories, including memories from past and parallel lives.

An ancient Sanskrit word most often translated as whirling vortex or wheel of light,
Chakras are literally energy dynamos, centers through which pure energy is taken in and
dispersed. There are estimated to be about 360 Chakras, half of which are in the Subtle
Energy Body (aka Astral Body.) But for practical purposes, most people are referring to
the 7 Primary Chakras of the physical body when they talk about Chakras.

The collection of everything you think of as Me, your physical existence, sometimes
referred to as the secondary self, false self, or commanding self. The part of you that is
on screen at any given moment and thinks its choosing and running all of your


A term used by mystics synonymously with Astral Body, Subtle Energy Body, et al. An
invisible substance interpenetrating the physical body while the entity is still living,
extending anywhere from 5 to 8 inches from the physical body. All living things have an
Emotional Energy Body. Some authorities hold that this astral substance does not live
under Earth-principle frequencies, but is itself learning and being influenced by the
physical existence of the body it belongs to, while it in turn contributes to the physical
existence of its physical entity (you.)

The term ethereal means that which is refined and is often used to refer to celestial and
heavenly domains. In general, the Etheric is a very fine invisible substance composed of
airy, translucent matter. It is the vibrational frequency where sound and ordinary
electrical currents are transmitted. The closest equivalence in our current understanding
of physics would be atomic, subatomic, and sub-subatomic particles.

Also called the Etheric Counterpart, Etheric Double, and Physical Aura is an invisible
electromagnetic field surrounding and interpenetrating each living thing in our Universe.
It is the field giving energy to every forms electrical system and also serves as a sort of
battery to store energy.

This electromagnetic field absorbs emissions that are constantly coming and going from
its own specific form or entity (e.g., you), creating a pattern or blueprint for future
existence. It will look very colorful, have neutral colors, or just resemble glowing fur
around a form.


In general, a collective label used by mystics to describe any living thing that can be
perceived within the Etheric World. Whoever or whatever it is moves around while there
in its Etheric Energy Body. The Etheric Energy Body contains both the Subtle Energy Body
and the Mental Energy Body.

In general, the atmosphere that contains the many levels of energy closest to Earth. The
Etheric World forms in layers of energy (often called Planes in older texts) which
interpenetrate each other. Each layer has different characteristics and functions.

In effect, the Etheric World is the atoms and the even smaller particles in space vibrating
everywhere, but vibrating much faster than the human eye can register. The term
ethereal means that which is refined and is often used to describe celestial and heavenly
domains or levels of existence.

A narrow band surrounding all objects, sometimes called the Aura Mist a fuzz about 2
to 3 inches from the surface of the physical form. Since it does often look like a gray mist
or fuzz, many of us toss it aside as an optical illusion when we catch a glimpse of it.
Youve probably seen a lot of them out of the corner of your eye. Used in this context,
Mental means the entire mind, not just intellect.


A subtle ethereal energy field that interpenetrates the human physical body at about the
level of the hips and extends upward and outward. The Mental Energy Body controls the
cerebrospinal nervous system, and can bring information from higher levels through
intuition, inspirational thoughts, and gut feelings. Some religious and other spiritual
systems call this the Spiritual Body, and it does in fact handle cosmic energies more
easily and freely than the other Subtle Energy Bodies. In this context, Mental means the
entire mind and not just intellect.


Used synonymously in some systems with the Astral Body, the Soul Energy Body is an
ethereal substance which interpenetrates the physical body at and below the cellular
level. It extends outward from the physical body about 5 to 8 inches. It lives under the
principles of the Etheric World, not Earth-energy principles, and is influenced by and
learns from physical existence. It contributes continually to your physical existence in
terms and ways you dont normally notice. If seen in an out-of-body state, the Soul-
Energy Body looks identical to the physical body.

The Soul-Mind is the sum total of the level of mental experience and information obtained
by an entity up to a specific point, incorporating the knowledge of the Mental Energy
Body and the Soul Energy Body, together creating the Soul-Mind. It coordinates
information from the physical cerebrospinal nervous system with Subtle Energy for the
specific purpose of learning. The Soul-Mind interpenetrates the physical body. And the
Soul-Mind is also sometimes referred to as the Subconscious-Consciousness (cross-eyed

The colorful patterned second layer of the Aura surrounding a form, the one most of us
picture when we think about the Aura. This second layer then subdivides into yet more
energy layers, reaching outward literally into Infinity. So there really arent just two layers
of the Aura, but most of us only need to work with these two to eventually get to the

Another term for the Soul-Mind. The sum total of the level of mental experience and
information youve gained up to a certain point in your development. It incorporates the
knowledge and experience of both the Mental Energy Body and Soul Energy Body, which
together make up the Soul-Mind.

Not a contradiction in terms, the Subconscious-Consciousness is actually acutely

conscious and aware at all times, just running and watching quietly in the background.
That still, inner silence you sense in you is your Subconscious-Consciousness. It is non-
verbal in the way we think of words and yet communicates clearly all of the time. Listen
for it.


The Subtle Energy Body is an invisible substance interpenetrating the physical body while
the entity is still living, extending anywhere from 5 to 8 inches from the body. In one
sense, your physical body is the physical materialization of your Subtle Energy Body.

Some authorities hold that this astral or ethereal substance does not live under Earth-
principle frequencies, but is itself learning and being influenced by the physical existence
of the physical body it belongs to, while it in turn contributes to the physical existence of
its physical entity. It is capable of separating from the body, consciously and
unconsciously, and if seen by others will look like the real thing.

All living things have a Subtle Energy Body. Subtle Energy Body, Soul Energy Body, Astral
Body, Mental Energy Body, and Dream Body are often used interchangeably by mystics,
but they are talking about the same energy.

Chakra Chants, CD by Jonathan Goldman puts things back in tune

The Donner International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, June G. Bletzer, PhD

The Energetics of Healing CD, Caroline Myss doesnt get better than this

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy System, Barbara Ann Brennan

Harpers Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, Rosemary Ellen Guiley

How to Read the Aura, W.E. Butler

Human Energy Systems: A Way to Good Health Using Our Auric Fields, Jack Schwartz

Gem Water: How to Prepare and Use More Than 130 Crystal Waters for Therapeutic Treatments ; Michael Gienger,
Joachim Goebel

Meditation Music, Caroline Myss, music by Stevin McNamara

Mysticism: A study in the nature and development of Mans spiritual consciousness, Evelyn Underhill

Rainbows Of Life: The Promise of Kirlian Photography; Mikol Davis, Earle Lane (even tells you how to build a camera)

The Subtle Invisible Worlds: How to Tell When Youre Not in Kansas Anymore, E-book, Patricia Troyer

The Untethered Soul: the journey beyond yourself, Michael A. Singer

What Color Is Your Aura: Personality Spectrums for Understanding and Growth, Barbara Bowers, PhD

Where Spirit Meets Matter: The Chakra Book For Complete Beginners, E-book, ISBN: 978-
That Trick of Light We Call Color: How To Make It Work When You Need It Most, E-book, ISBN: 978-1-885975-20-1

Dreams As Allies: The Serious Business of Dreaming, E-book, ISBN: 978-1-885975-15-7

Quartz Crystal Companions Series
Stone Telling Series
Patricia Troyer
743 2nd Street SW
Mason City, Iowa 50401



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