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BIP Rationale

As an educator, one obstacle I will face is working with students with challenging

behaviors. The purpose of this assignment was to identify a student with behavior concerns,

determine the function of the behavior via observation and data collection, and then develop a

plan to address the behavior by utilizing positive behavior supports. I began by observing the

student for three days to collect data that I could analyze to hypothesize the function of the

students behavior. Next, I identified the desired replacement behavior and three positive

behavior supports. Then, I planned how and when I could teach the replacement behavior to the

student to encourage him to avoid the undesired behavior. In order for me to prepare an adequate

plan, I needed to consider many factors as outlined in the following Council for Exceptional

Children (CEC) standards: 1: Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences, 2:

Learning Environments, and 7: Collaboration. I implemented the plan for 13 days and took data

to document my efforts.

The completion of this artifact allowed me to focus on the specific needs of one student. I

considered the development and individual learning differences (CEC Standard 1) of the student

as I reviewed options for the supports I would use. I also needed to think about his preferred

learning style and how I could best teach the skills I wanted him to acquire. An important part of

planning instruction and intervention is knowing the student you are working with. I was able to

use my knowledge of the students strengths and needs to individualize instruction and afford

him the greatest opportunity for success.

I worked with the student in two different learning environments (CEC Standard 2) to

determine if the environment itself was a contributing factor to the difficulties he was facing. I

was able to observe and teach the replacement strategies in the general education classroom as

LaShell Wallace
BIP Rationale

well as outside of the general education classroom in a small group. I wanted the student to apply

the skills he was learning to different environments, so it was important for me to work with him

in multiple settings. My goal was to give the student some strategies he can use so that he could

participate more actively in his education. Additionally, his behavior was disruptive to the class

at times and I was hoping that by reinforcing the replacement behavior this would have a positive

impact on his social relationships with his peers. I learned that with consistency, the student can

be successful and apply the strategies across a variety of settings.

Collaboration (CEC Standard 7) was one of the factors that made this project a success. If

I had not been able to consult the teachers, related service providers and other faculty members

that work with the student, this BIP would not have been as impactful. I was able to interview

them, get ideas about strategies they have tried that work and share the ideas that I had to get

their opinions. Regardless of the persons role in the students education (teacher, speech

therapist, etc.), we need to have one common goal: to provide the best education so that the

student can thrive and reach his or her full potential. This goal can only be achieved by working

as a team.

Since completing this artifact, I have noticed that this student has made significant

progress toward eradicating the undesired behavior. He is more willing to participate in lessons

and is encouraged by his peers when he does. He has benefited from consistent positive support

and his family is pleased with the changes he is making. Having the opportunity to collaborate

with others, examine a students development and learning differences and implement a plan

across settings, has taught me new ways of interacting with and working with students. I now

have skills that I didnt have before and I have this experience as a point of reference for the

LaShell Wallace
BIP Rationale

future work I will do as an educator. In that regard, the mastery of the CEC standards mentioned

above have not only helped this student, but it will be beneficial to the students I will work with

in the future.

LaShell Wallace

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