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Name: Katie

Directions: Using the template below, describe how students could use a blog, wiki, or other website-
creation tool to learn required learning
WEBSITE AND standards
CLASSROOMin your content
BLOGarea: For an A grade
CREATION TOOLSprovide an idea that
reaches a Level of Technology Implementation of 4 or above. Remember higher levels (4-6) require that
students assume adult/professional roles; engage in higher-order thinking; and use technology
create/publish original content for their classmates and/or others beyond their school/classroom. The
learning activities and products should be engaging and meaningful to the students and to others who will
view/use/benefit from students work. Review your handouts on Engaged Learning, Authenticity, and LoTi.
Grade Level: 9th or 10th
Content Area: Geometry
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Blog Wiki Other Website Creation Tool (list): Edublog
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
Equiangular: The property of a polygon whose angles are all congruent.
Equilateral: The property of a polygon whose sides are all congruent
Regular Polygon: A polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular
MGSE9-12.G.GPE.7 Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and areas of
triangles and rectangles, e.g., using the distance formula.
MGSE9-12.G.GMD.1 Give informal arguments for geometric formulas.
Brief Description of Learning Experience: What learning standards will be addressed? What will
students and teachers do? What products will students create? How will the project be introduced? How
long will it take to complete? What audience will use/care about the product(s) students are creating? How
broad is this audience?
The learning standard for the properties of regular polygons such as area and perimeter will be addressed in
class. The Blog is a way for absentee students or parents to keep up with the daily and weekly work. The
students will be able to review the content of the blog to aid with homework or review for quizzes and tests.
On top of that, the students will be able to keep in touch with current events and news updates for class
events as a way to instill procedural efficiency, class norms and sense of community through multiple
avenues of support.
Students will also be safe to browse the site and review all recommended outside sources. The blog is
designed who the students safety as the number one priority. The students will look to the blog for their
homework and their daily tasks. There is a couple of posts and a video file to achieve this hign level of
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Student Engagement/Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): What LoTi would this lesson be and
This is only a level 2 of Loti. The teacher is still directing all of the content to the students, but the students
are able to review at their own pace and use it as a tool to complete their class work, as well as stay
informed about classroom events.

Importance of technology: Why is using a website-creation tool critical to the project? Could the project
be completed without this technology? What would be lost without using it? What other types of
technology, if any, are going to be used in the learning experience?
This could not be done be done anywhere except a blog host site. The effiectiveness of this tool is that it is
accessible anywhere, both inside and outside of the classroom. The only other ways to communicate with
parents and students outside of the classroom, would be more personalized such as mail, email or phone.
This is a quick and easy way to stay on touch and deliver content to students and it is only possible through
sources like edublogs.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding Internet safety and
student privacy that could arise while implementing this learning experience and explain how you would 1
(1) minimize risks to students/yourself; (2) alleviate any fears by parents/administrators, and (3) follow
common Internet Safety/Acceptable Use Policies.

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