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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Circle Time Calendar, Weather, Calendar, Weather, Calendar, Weather, Weekly Calendar, Weather, Weekly Calendar, Weather, Weekly
Weekly Concepts, Weekly Concepts, Books, Concepts, Books, Music, Theme Concepts, Books, Music, Theme Concepts, Books, Music, Theme
Books, Music, Theme Music, Theme Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion
Art Make Your own wild Tigers Fish Peacock Snakes
animal Add black and orange Children will use droppers to Children glue colored feathers Have children paint using
Crayons, markers, color to shaving cream on color a coffee filter. Once they to half of a paper plate then bubble wrap and green paint on
buttons, scraps of paper. Let children play dry add tails and eyes to make glue blue cut out of a peacocks a paper plate.
paper feathers, to make with it then wipe access a fish. body and have children add the Teacher- when dry, cut into a
any imaginative animal shaving cream away pieces to make the face. spiral and let children add eyes
making tiger stripes. and a tongue.
Easel Zoo Board Pet and Wild Board Myself as a Lion Secret letters Number matching
Children will build an Children will distinguish Children will take a paper plate Children will get a white crayon Children will place the number
animal on the board what animals are pets cut out and glue on a piece of on white paper then using water next to the amount of dots
using the laminated and what animals we only yellow, orange, and brown colors see what they created. they see.
pieces. see at the zoo and put paper. Then glue a popsicle
them in their places. stick to the bottom to make
them look like a lion.
Small Group Play Dough cage Air, Water, and Land Chain Snake Animal Puzzle Dice and Giraffe spots
Child will use play Place the sheets of paper Using two to three colors of Give the children the animal Match the number you rolled to
dough and popsicle with the labels in front of the childs choice make a snake pieces and see if they can work the spots on the giraffe.
sticks to make a cage the children. Give each out of construction paper together to put together the
and place and animal child a few animals and pieces. Make two circles and animals.
into the cage they see if they can place them then connect them. Have child
created. in the proper areas. help with what colors to use
when patterning.
Books/Music Book Book Book Book Book
If I Ran the Zoo Dear Zoo The Under-Pants Zoo Felicity Floo Visits the Zoo Put Me in the Zoo
Song Song Song Song Song
Little Monkeys Jumping Ducks went out to Play Little Monkeys Swinging from a Mary had a Little Lamb I am Bringing Home a Baby
on the Bed Tree Bumble Bee

Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WEMELS):

I. Heath and Physical Development:

C. Sensory Organization Performance Standard: C. EL. 1 Uses senses to take in, experience, integrate, and regulate responses to the

II. Social emotional Development:

B. Self-concept Performance Standard: B.EL. 1 Develops positive self-esteem
C. Social competence (continued) Performance Standard: C.EL. 3 Demonstrates understanding of rules and social expectations
C. Social competence (continued) Performance Standard: C.EL.4 Engages in social problem solving behavior and learns to resolve

III. Language Development and Communication:

A. Listening and Understanding (continued) Performance Standard: A. EL.2 Listens and responds to communication with others

IV. Approaches to Leering:

A. Curiosity, Engagement, and Persistence Performance Standard: A. EL.1 Displays curiosity, risk- taking and willingness to engage in
new experiences
B. Creativity and imagination Performance Standard: B. EL. 1 Engages in imaginative play and inventive thinking through interactions
with people, materials, and the environment

V. Cognition and General Knowledge:

B. Mathematical Thinking (Continued) Performance Standard: B. EL. 4 Uses the attributes of objects for comparison and pattering

Monday- Friday

Dramatic Play Camping at the Zoo Tent, 2 camping chairs, paper plates, Zoo cage with stuffed animals

Sensory Table Wood shavings and animals

Science - Matching baby animals to their parents


Planning Changes to the Environment
Week of: 4/24-4/28 Study/Project: Zoo
Classroom: Orioles

Blocks Dramatic Play Toys/Games Early Learning Standards

Animals will be put with the block area so children can Camping at the Zoo Addressed this Week
build cages for the animals. Tent, with chairs and a cooler Matching the baby animals to
their mothers

Art Library/Literacy Discovery

Glue, buttons, pipe cleaners, scrap paper to create and Some soft animals, pillows What animals belong where?
explore their imaginations and design their own animal If I Ran the Zoo Land, air, water
Dear Zoo
The Underpants Zoo
Felicity Floo Visits the Zoo
Put Me in the Zoo

Sand/Water Music/Movement Cooking

5 Little monkeys jumping on the Introduce measuring cups and
Wood shavings and animals bed discuss their uses. Make Chex mix
5 Ducks went out to play for children to bring home and
5 Little monkeys swinging from a discuss with kids what animals eat.
Merry had a little lam
I am bringing home a baby
bumble bee

Computers Outdoor Play Family & Community Involvement

N/A Acting like animals Bring Chex Mix home for family to try Crawl like a bear, jump like a frog,
waddle like a penguin

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