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The Study of Fascism: A Checklist

We can organise our study of fascism under the following headings. You will see that some
knowledge of the history of fascism will be necessary but obviously we shall be concentrating
mainly on the ideology of fascism and connecting these materials closely to the consideration
of past examination questions.

Part One

Introduction: the meaning of fascism

Listing the core elements of fascist ideology
Origins of fascist ideology
World War 1, the Russian Revolution, inter-war political instability and the rise of
Brief historical overviews of Mussolini and Italian Fascism and Hitler and German

Part Two: The Core Elements of Fascist Ideology

Fascism and Human nature: rationalism, irrationalism and the Enlightenment

Fascist criticism of existing societies
Anti-liberalism, anti-conservatism and anti- radical socialism.
Ultra-nationalism, colonialism, imperialism, racialism and anti-Semitism
Elite Theories
Social struggle, violence and war
Fascism, mass mobilisation and radical social change
National reconstruction and the new fascist man
Fascism and Totalitarianism
Corporatism and the Third Way
Fascism, modernity and tradition
Fascism, class, gender and youth
Comparing Italian Fascism and German Nazism.

Part Three

Fascism and other ideologies


Assuming we cover two or three topics per week we should finish Fascism quite comfortably
in a couple of months!
Introduction: the meaning of fascism
Listing the core elements of fascist ideology
Origins of fascist ideology
World War 1, the Russian Revolution, inter-war political instability and the rise of
Brief historical overviews of Mussolini and Italian Fascism and Hitler and German

Provocarea comunista a fascismului la autori precum : Nolte si Furet. Cat ii datoreaza

fascismul revolutiei bolsevice

Intrb : daca as analiza istori-ce surse sa folosesc

Fonduri istorice

Cat a influentat amenitarea socialista crwsterea miscarii fasciste ?

A existat un nucleu pregatit care oricum actiona?
Amenintarea socialista a determinat coagularea unor astfel de grupuri ?
Cum se manifestau ele fara sa fi existat amenintare revolutiei ?
Exemple de partide cu profil fascist inainte de 1917
Originile socialismului
1. Periodizare-
2. Orginie fascismului ca ideologie
3. Evenimente politice dupa razboi
4. Actiunea socialista dupa 1917
5. Captarea spaimelor antisocialiste si cresterea adeziunii
6. Obtinerea puterii

Recenzii la fascism si comunism

Cand a aparut
Analiza contextual dinamica propusa de salma cazacu
Contextul academic si jurnalistic
Pe ce s a contrat cu habermas nolte
Teza lui nolte
Teza lui furet

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