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Welcome 2017 David Holmes - Registered Investment Advisor Goats Reasonable Safety Focused 20% Goal-Gains Experienced Management $3.00 In view of market volatility and long-term gains using Indexed Funds, Trend Analysis & Longer-Term Management Methods with Quantitative markets analytical tools Monitored Market Direction Trusting the Creator-God’s mercy, grace and favor ... to His glory and for the blessing of His people « The included pages introduce you to my thinking and meaningful Christ focused Estate Building using actively managed index funds and limited Gold and Silver safety purchases. The Psalm 23 Stewardship Investment Program™ combined goal is reasonable safety, accelerated growth and significant income for long-term average annual gains of 20%. The program is an altemative to the more risky conventional-investing Buy-and-Hold approaches which have persisted in leaving savers to the ravages of periodic major-market-corrections, no planned loss contol, litle practical direction, gains always threatened with significant uncoordinated management, no target and deceptive losses by mere printed money. My minimum’ expectation/goal is 20% long-term average annual gains which will include temporary short-term declines, GOAL 20% Average Annual Returns Itistruly said, “Those who fail to invest to succeed, shall surely succeed to fail ... like the one Talent-steward.” "**5 "Like life, past performance does not assure of future performance and ther are no guarantees that goals and expectations can be met. However, {guarantees and safety promises do not buy groceries nor provide market returns, Please read the prospectus. 7/19/14 £ 9/9/14. 1/4/2016 What Does David Holmes Do? ‘August 3, 201440. Simply, it’s about making your money work for you, (A) to effectively save for retirement and/ or (B) to make your retirement or widow money both provide and last. As Christians, we are opposed to taking other people’s money by whatever popular redistribution means because the Bible teaches us that we are to work and provide for our own families. As people with vision we see, like our Christian forefathers, that we to save and build for the autumn years. Years and generations ago this was accomplished by having a family farm, owning a business or having other assets of value that would provide a living- income. In the 1930s, FDR promised that the government would do this for families. While Social Security does send checks, the Social Security checks fail the practicality test. The monthly checks are not sufficient. How is Holmes different from other investment advisors? Like many, he monitors the stock market and uses an Index Fund. But, up front Holmes states that arithmetically, savings have to have Average Annual Gains of 20% to ebuild a retirement in 20 years and/or reasonably expect savings to provide and leave an inheritance for the family. The 20% gains requirement is not a secret and is not an opinion. It is basic arithmetic with the conclusion that those who choose less than 20% gains assure their future hardship, dependence on welfare or gutting-out the Winter years. Because it’s God’s orderly world, savings don't ‘just happen’. With no set targets, any gains are mistakenly seen as good as any other, 5% and 5 stars accepted as good as 20% ... but, as the years pass, no workable godly estate is built. Harvest is past; Summer ended! '*"*7° To affordably accomplish this 20% Family Estate Goal, the Psalm 23 Program was established ... to have 20% Average Annual Gains and to focus on. (1) attaining that goal’, (2) teaching for understanding and applicability and (3) making it available to every American family. The mechanics of getting started with the Psalm 23 Program are simple and direct. Upon your request the required SEC forms, applications and paperwork are sent to you. Whether rolling over an IRA, starting one, etc. it is forthright and easy. Secondly, every month a detailed and informative Investment Report with the specifics of the earnings, my comments and reviews is sent. Additionally, once opened, you can always follow your savings and investment account/s 24/7 directly with the Fund Company via the internet. (This is true transparency.) '¥ The next step is yours to call. May I send you the forms? > past performance does not assure future performance and no promise of performance or safety can ever be made. trust God with a good understanding of His orderly world. and seek His kingdom and righteousness," David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX T6443 800/327-8963, Holmes’ Basic Freedom-Investment® Presuppositions Christians must have a basic understanding of why they are saving and how to best accomplish their specific, numerically identified and moral stewardship goal. The Scriptures clearly and strongly teach us that the man that does not make provisi for his own family has denied the faith and is worse than an unbelievers Additionally, this solemn stewardship task must be accomplished in faith, trusting our covenant, Rewarder-God'>.'! to bless as opposed to the world’s trust in things-only and government as rebuked by the Scriptures directing us to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto >> Matt.6:33 you. The world has many ideas, professional and personal, relating to retirement and estate building. The following 5 presuppositions identify my understanding of stewardship investing, why I am opposed to many ‘favorite’ plans and why I urge the persisting use of growth first, index mutual funds and my Trend Anal Program specifically. A major risk is running out of funds by empty-safety! © Every family needs to be building a productive retirement estate before they need a house! '*°***7 ¢ The minimum assets required is about 5 to 6 times one’s current annual income. © 1% to 6% gains will not and do not usually work. Do the simple arithmetic! © The advent of the Rydex/Guggenheim Dynamic funds demonstrates that the better gains are possible and available for long-term average annual gains of 20% for those that don’t quit. ¢ Every family needs a definitive budget and plan to responsibly and morally provide/live/arrive at elder-age responsibly in God’s orderly world. © With the announced renewed printing of more paper money, it is my firm conviction part of each family’s assets should be in Gold or Silver coins. It is my conviction and conclusion that with God-blessed management, every participating family can build the necessary retirement estate in 20 years with as little as 3% of their income growing 20% annually. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX. 76443 800/327-8963 3 Good News: Thus, even those age 55 and older still have reasonable expectation of building the necessary estate, if they will, under Christ. My on-going goal is to practically demonstrate that the Dynamic funds will likely and regularly produce minimum 20% average annual gains in both positive and negative markets using my designed unique trend analysis and daily management program developed and tweaked over the recent years. In conclusion, while adequate term life insurance is the usual excellent beginning to a dad’s moral, meaningful and loving Christian stewardship temporary provision for his family, a productive savings/retirement plan is the complimentary, necessary long-term part combined with moral self-government and conservative politics.’ For those starting at age 55 and above, my recommended Living Benefits policy term life insurance plan is a prudent provision until the identified sum has been built. Usually a minimum of $500,000. My recent discovery paper on personal FICA taxes (6%) is shocking: Had the 6% FICA taxes of an average wage ($25,000) been placed in a personal account with the SP500 over the 40 year period: 1974 thru 2013, the worker would have an account worth $444,000 to over $1 Million with dividends! The following papers explore/identify problems and illustrate my understanding and factual, prudent solutions. In America under God, Your personal Choices make the difference Fundamental Research of Financial Professionals By David Holmes Registred Investment Advisor February 5,2015A.D. Money There is no published definitive study that shows the choosing of Investment grade or US Bonds safety with interest returns of /% to 7% over periods of 5 to 30 years provide net-after-inflation-returns that satisfy the net-returns-required to build a Retirement/Family Estate that will likely and indefinitely provide the ‘ Be sure, those who discount God in all their thoughts are as astute as the child in the back seat who rolls the car window down and tells the policeman who has stopped his dad for speeding to ‘buzz off! My Point: Dismissing God doesn’t get rid of Him! David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX 76443 800/327-8963, 4 necessary family income-needs (85% of before-age 65 remuneration) for ages 65 thru 97. None! Not one! Not one study!!! Alarming Conclusion: Savers need Average gains exceeding 15 to 20% annually ... or they will run out of money! Politicians, investment, savings or Insurance ‘professionals’ or organizations refuse to discuss the specifics of this moral, personal, family and national issue and any alternative than more government! Further, it is ridiculous to assume or imply that anyone could save 50 to 75% of income over a period of 20 to 30 years for such an elder-years income estate or that no such ‘estate’ is needed. Ridiculous! But, is the Democrat assumption and promises that the government can and will provide such above specified and ‘fair’ pensions honest, possible? Thirdly, most major corporations are or have terminated their pension and medical care provisions beyond 401ks. Likely, all will or will wish they had. Why? Should governments do likewise? Should the Military? What about FICA? What about Unions, Schools? Lastly, it is just as ridiculous and dishonest of families to expect to have such access to income in their elder years without specific personal assets being built. Note, for the dad averaging an annual income of $50,000, the 85% elder-year income requires assets that will yield $42,500 annually. with 5% $850,000; with 20% $212,000. Of course, using the Leftist BALD responses: Bluster-Arrogance-Lies-Denial, there is no problem, only deceit and hardship to be endured. All responsible and intellectually-honest individuals are interested in known, available, moral, understandable, affordable and working-needed elder-years, winter of life solutions! There are No Substitutes for 20% Gains, not magic, not good intentions, not anything! NONE! By David Holmes rev. 4/15/2015A.0. Most Americans seem to choose not to have the advantages of the training, education, experience and godly persevering faith of a financial professional with anticipated 20% Average Annual profits. They do not ‘care’ about the Market, but choose magic (retiring with 8% David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX 76443. 800/327-8963, 5 gains), Entitlements, FDIC Guarantees and more vain, unkeepable political promises like Social Security and ObamaCare. Nonetheless, the chart shows available choices and actual choice-consequences of 5 American funds market changes over the 5 year period. Iluminating truth in the present darkness and the necessity of management! Factually, $100,000 property in the market, changed as shown: $100,000 for bonds; $178,000 for the SP500; $218,000 for the NDX100 and over $362,000 for the Dynamic RYVYX. Each a choice. But truly, vastly different from what the media and screamers say and said! a = Price changes may not show actual net gains but market changes. wt ie steor Confidentially, my Trend Analysis Management Program is designed to significantly minimize declines like that of 2008 while capturing the longer term on-going gains. But, note how all the funds temporarily decline from time to time and RYVYX the most. That’s choice, knowledge, property and freedom in America and the changing market; it changes, sneezes and offers opportunities to whosoever will. My opinion: I believe that the two faithful and profitable stewards of the Parable of the Talents’ coaster and all. would be participating, sneezes, roller With my revised management program, I anticipate limiting periodic temporary declines to about 15 to 20% of the NDX. Of course it still is a lot and I never like even lesser temporary declines. But, keep focused: just look at the longer term. Even without management, the $100,000 still grew to $280,000. (The only savers who actually lst are those fearful, lost sheep who left) Since the March 2009 market trend change, all the unmanaged funds gained significantly and the RYVYX the most. Who could know? Who would dare? Who are shown to be wise and good stewards faithful to God and His instructions ... The just shall live by faith! R°™!!7 Since March 5, 2009, $100,000 invested in the RYVYX market change has changed to about $820,000! As | see it, this is the ongoing fruit of property, faithfulness, freedom, wisdom, the advantage of the marketplace, exercised faith in God’s orderly world and blessed by the Living God. Not luck but all the foregoing.4*!"* Americans and particularly freedom and truth loving Americans committed to Christ don’t need, shouldn’t want and can’t afford government programs. I have forensically demonstrated David Holmes - Registered Investment Advisor POBOX 117 Cros Plains TX 76443 80027-8963 6 that just with market chages, workers would be ‘rich’ with their FICA taxes in separate invested market accounts! Rich! But, hey! It’s 12% of their pay, forever gone not invested! Meanwhile, politicians, advisors, experts with many initials claim they feel for the average American and the poor! They lie! More of the same is cruel and unusual miseducation and misdirection assuring their failure and dependence. The 5 year chart of changes exposes why the faithless, slothful, fearful, Democrats and media slander the Market and every change! There are no substitutes for initiative, faith, private property and profits, Americans don’t need more government and handouts. Significant Profits are still a choice and more likely with a committed and experienced 20% Investment professional! Finally, there just are no substitutes for gains. None! Faces of the David Holmes Agency Team April 207 5A. David Holmes Agency Insurance, Investments, Estate Planning Not True! 8000327-8963 Americans Not ‘Saving’ Enough? .. By David Holmes, Registered Investment Advisor 4/23/15 .1.4.2016A. Holmes says again: Not saving enough’ is not the issue as ‘money and investment professionals’ continue to proclaim and as in the recent Breitbart report below. The actual issue is their acceptance of low Average Annual Price Returns. Note that 1 ial recommended 4-5% withdrawal is used. And, that & David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963 7 As I recently explained in the office to the staff, we know and can recognize low priced term life insurance rates from having a comprehensive listing of actual, available term life insurance rates as produced by Otherwise, we, or others are just blowing smoke. Likewise, we know and recognize available top Average Annual Price Changes from a chart or graph showing not only the bellwether SPS00 index but other top funds gleaned from the WSJ's service: Mutual Fund that analyses over 20,000 mutual funds. Otherwise, savers are left with the ‘usual 5% gains- smoke” of the media and Democrats and the claimed need of more savings, more government and more ‘government redistributions. Note: Saving an ‘allowed’ $5,500 annually in an IRA for 20 years could grow to a $1,232,000 account and provide over $209,000 of annual retirement income indefinitely. Who has to have a 401k? Even $1,200 annually would grow to an expected $268,000 in 20 years! Call Holmes for solutions ALMOST A THIRD OF THOSE-WITH-SAVINGS HAVE LESS THAN $1,000 FOR RETIREMENT 4/22/15 by Warmer Todd Huston Money Study after study shows that Americans are not saving for retirement lke they should, and a new survey finds that nearly one third of people who have some sort of savings plan have amassed less than $1,000 for retirement. The survey titled “Preparing for Retirement in America,” by Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald and Associates, finds that only 65 percent of workers have any savings for retirement, a number that fell below the 75 percent figure from 2009. But 28 percent of workers report that they have saved less than $1,000 for retirement, and almost 6 in 10 Americans say that their financial planning needs improvement. Additionally, 34 percent say they have made no effort at all to saving anything or make a retirement plan. Stil, most say that they intend to start saving at some point. But intentions may not be enough. “Intending one thing and doing ahother is human, but it’s an impulse we should all {fight hard to resist,” Rebekah Barsch, vice president of planning and sales at Northwestern Mutual, said in a press statement. “Intentions only get us so for. And when the stakes are high, It’s taking action that's critical.” Many say that the average person needs to save one million dollars for retirement, but a recent piece by David Marotta, president of Marotta Wealth Management in Charlottesville, VA, noted that a 20-year-old in 2015 may have to amass up to $7 milion to retire comfortably. “Someone retiring now in 2014 with $1 million at age 65 can safely withdraw (4.4%) $43,600 0 year,” Marotta wrote last May. "However, [because of inflation], today’s 20-year-olds will need over $7 million to have that same lifestyle when they retire. In 1970, they would only have needed $166,000 in retirement to have a similar purchasing power for the rest of their fe.” ‘Many Americans save for retirement using the 401K plans provided through their employer, but according to the federal government, around 50 million Americans don’t have the ability to enroll in such a savings plan. Build an Estate vs. Need Life Ins Forever If dad has a lion in productive assets, does he need life insurance? $10 million? ‘By David Holmes December 5, 0134.0. As a conservative, some castigate me as narrow-minded and opinionated. And, it is true in part. Too bad Adam wasn’t. Considering purposed family stewardship, | David Holmes Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963, 8 focus on the very typical Christian, middle class finances: married with children, many working 50 hours a week, some self- “employed, ages 30 to 75, eschewing welfare and seeking to faithfully serve God a A recent life insurance flyer pushing life insurance forever caught my eye. Basically it proposes a 35 year old dad buy a $500,000 Whole Life policy with a premium of $4,700 annually for 25 years plus and additional $2,000 for 22 of the 25 years for more paid-up insurance. The idea, he will likely build cash values and with paid up dividends and additions will have adequate ‘no-cash-cost’ $600,000+ of insurance plus some savings after 25 years as shown. My question, is this clear thinking and good stewardship? Why not build an estate! If dad has $Imillion does he need life insurance? Why plan on life insurance ‘forever’? So, let’s look at real and meaningful choices: A.His: Have $600,000 no-cash cost life insurance after 25 years. B.Holmes: Buy 30 year level term insurance and productively invest the difference in the $P500 or Psalm 23. Which makes better sense, now and later? I am persuaded, like M. Luther, that a tabular forensic approach of the differences in types, costs and cash values is a factual, direct and conclusive analysis and thus, will answer the questions. The annual life insurance cost difference is $6,234! (CSV is Cash Surrender Value). [Age | Yr [WL Prem [WL esv | WL Ins 30 yr Term | Cost | | Sav@ 1% | | Sav @ 20% [35 71 [6780 17.948 [509.199 | 600.000 | 546 6,234 | 6,234 40_| 5 [6,780 [25,015 [544.946 | | 600,000 | 546 43,094 | | 535,669 45_ [10 | 6,780 [73,572 [604.239 | | 600,000 _| 546 115,711 | [194,191 50_| 15 [6,780 | 124,083 [637.700 | | 600,000 _| $46 238,076 | | 538,880 55_[ 20] 6,780 | 196,483 [701,152 | [600,000 | 546 444.266 | | 1,396,575 | [60 | 25] 6.780 [288,869 | 779,807 [ [600,000 | 546 791,710 | | 3.530,796 | 65 [30] 0 | 368,940 | *807,755 | [600,000* [546 | | 1377172 | 8,ea1a19 | Notes and discussion: *The term policy expires at the end of the 30" year. With Whole life, if he dies, he forfeits the esv! Additionally, only the face amounts of both life insurance policies are guaranteed. Thus, the cash values, dividends and savings are not guaranteed nor promised. But, these are based on responsible assumptions and estimates of the past. Also, SEC rules require that each buyer be advised that past performance is no guarantee and no assurance of like future performance and that loss of principal may be experienced ... and this is true. However, it is also true in God’s orderly world, the past provides insight and guidance for the future to responsible men of faith and knowledge. (To build a $1 million estate in 30 years would require $705 annually with 20% AAG.) It is truly David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963, 9 said, “Those who fail to invest-to-succeed, shall surely succeed to fail” ... with the fearful talent-steward.™"7> Further, well-taught and informed Christian men do not trust nor teach governments to provide for them. The greatness of the American Constitution is the government is chained and limited, thus acknowledging God-given freedoms to men not for provisions taken from neighbors! These men know and understand that government, by whatever names or types, have never been good managers of money and that governments can only take from and redistribute other men’s property. These, by whatever names, are great evils. Those who ignore the market and the time and market values of money are not wise! My point, godly men by grace and guided by Revelation, truth, morals, duty and knowledge make their personal and family choices from among competing products based on likely successful outcomes. Thus, my confidence and recommendations, offers and tabular forensic analysis, as above. | Remember and consider, the mutual fund market is an active property auction reflecting wide and varying economic conditions and the changing management and personal choices and needs of ions of buyers and sellers. Depending on the fui That’s why we read and ponder the prospectus as well as the price changes in view of our future needs goal. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963 10 Psalm 23 Stewardship Investment & Estate Services A special investment program under the full-time direction of David Holmes Available Family & Estate Solutions for 2017A.D. Long-Term Growth for More Available Income More Growth and Flexibility More Income with Growth More Powerful Savings With planned major-market-loss avoidance 20% long-term average annual Price returns‘ for necessary income and/or Longer Term Gains WHY Consider These Potentials =: e Widows/retirees could withdraw up to $1,250 monthly for every s100,000 invested © Savers: $100 monthly could grow to over $268,000 in 20 years * $50,000 savings now could grow to over $124,000 in 5 years Available for Rollovers*, Life Insurance Proceeds, Savings &Investments *IRAs, 401ks, 403b, SEPs, Annuity-Conversions Minimums may apply * Like life, past performance does not assure future performance. There are no guarantees nor promises that goals with investments or Gold and Silver will be met. We seek 20% long-term Average Annual Price Returns, as James exhorts, If the Lord wills. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBOX 117 Cross Plains TX T6443 800/827-8963, 1 Bonds are not Stocks By David Holmes Vour Independent Registered Investment Adviser 9/8/1440. Expected differences between Stocks and Bonds and CDs. see This 5 year chart ws records the actual RYVYX Our Dynamic Mutual Stock Fund IZ. Performance and Significant market price changes. son nature of the above “z= funds. Most vex investors fail to {22 realize that stock tem — funds are for making == money with oR American businesses while v= Bond like CDs, are "=" for stability and do not make large returns. The Dynamic fund is a specialty fund using leverage. Its managers use swaps, futures and options to enhance gains significantly. Examine the differences, °° Pees During the above 5 years period the funds had Average Annual Market Price Changes of 37.1% (RYVYX), 20.1%(NDX), 14.3%(SP500) and ©%(PMTPX) ... all quite as would be comparatively expected by informed savers who know and understand the different natures of stocks and bonds. Stocks are not bonds and bonds are not stocks. Black is not white; up is not down and dogs do not have to be taught to bark. It is their nature to bark. For whatever reason, it seems that many seek or want to think that bonds can be used for stocks and thus avoid the usual volatility of stocks but still have the desired gains of stocks. The SP5S00 is a known bellwether for stocks. Examine the chart and gain understanding. Thave selected the combined use of the NDX index fund and the RYVYX because the NDX is an index and has exceptional market price changes as a mutual stock fund; the RYVYX leveraged management seeks to enhance the NDX’s performance by advanced technical methods ... and my added experience and daily management which are quite successfull as can be seen. Our goal is not to ‘beat the market’. The market is an auction, Like with my well-bred, well- fed and very well cared for Angus cattle, when I bring them to the auction, I get a top price. Prices vary day by day for numerous reasons. My goal is to have the best stock and get the best. price of the auction. And, we are doing it ... as can be seen from the chart. Consider owners are part-owners of 100 of the top companies in America! ** "YY "= There are no guarantees. But, because of God’s orderly world, mercies and blessings, I anticipate David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963 2 continued significant success in the range of better than 20% Average Annual Market Price changes as opposed to fear, ‘low expectations’ and failures. Light in the Darkness By Dovid Holmes, Registored Investment Advisor Life Insurance, Investment AEstate Services «.1/4/2016A0. 2540725-714) Gains are first, Then program choice/s! Trad’l IRAs, Tax-sheltered Annuities, ... If you’re not making 20% Your retirement is going nowhere! Application: eye ° e Avoiding Taxes is tricky A.Do traditional IRAs now and invest 100% of allowed $5,500 Ignorantly choose 5% gains, no taxes now and pay no tax on withdrawals. B.Don't do Roth IRAs, invest more grow vastly bigger estate. WHY? It is prudent because your estate is so much bigger! The fearfulness and poverty twins are to be avoided! Don’t be fooled: Unlike fiat paper money, the stock market is based on ownership-value of ongoing businesses. Holmes exhorts aiming at the right target as we seek His will! “*“°%? By grace and with heavenly light, we seek not the impossible but the godly and necessary!"t?31#30 Davia Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBOX 117 Cross Pains TX 76413 800/327-8963 3 Seeking to Tell it Straight (vs. Democrat/Media lies and deceptions) By David Holmes. r.1/4/2016A.D. Socialism is a destructive moral, spiritual and economic theory threatening and facing America. Consider the devastation of the European Union. Meanwhile the Democrats plan adversarial and disruptive intrusions into businesses as banks are nationalized, favorite losing businesses bailed out and talk radio dissenters threatened. The media and many others seem enamored by Obama’s contradictory speeches and emphases on hope in enacting and exceeding old FDR draconian methods. Mr. Reagan was correct; our biggest enemy is our own government. Not surprisingly while both Democrat and Republican politicians dither, economists and actuaries of Life Insurance companies and the Investment professionals remain publicly silent to Socialism’s evils and shamelessly recommend the same old paper dollar frauds! Adding to the confusion, a recent investment publication, claimedly seeking to assist and give understanding to investors, insists that how little Americans save is a major factor in their tepid retirement programs. > The lack of adequate continuing Average Annual Returns, sound money and over-taxations are the major issues, not just saving more! . Both! Consider, over a 20 year period, the gigantic difference between 4% and 20% annual price Annual$ | Period | Change | For Retirement 4% $37,163 20 yrs_ | 4% $185,815 change® for a family estate! 20 yrs |20% | $268,830 Check the table! Even 5x the annual $1,200 saved does not approach compounded growth at 20%. It’s the rate of return and worth of the money not the amount saved! Use a Traditional IRA and be able to save more. You pay more taxes in retirement but your estate is much larger! (ROTH tax-free retirement withdrawals misses the main issue of growing the family estate.) * Investments do not guarantee any rate of return. Likewise, every investment has an element of risk; part or all of the funds could be lost. Price charts may not necessarily equal net gains. Additionally, past performance does not guarantee future like returns, good or bad but they are the best known indicators. Thus, goals are not and cannot be assured. But, thoughtful estimates, standards and market understanding are valuable and useful for planning. and perception. David Holmes ~ Revistered fnyestnent Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76143. 800/327-8963 4 > Effective investor thinking must be simple and practical. Not the usual many words but (1)what’s the goal, (2)what has to be done, (3)what’s it going to take, (4)by when? What age? Any less rigorous thinking and specifics are just more smoke and mirrors and license for numerous ‘advisors’ to be like politicians, more self-serving, deceptive rhetoric but no likely improvements! Finally, since it does not appear that the present politicians are going to be making any meaningful changes to avoid the financial crunches of (1) later eligibility retirements, (2)reduced payments, (3) much higher taxes and (4)more inflation for Social Security and healthcare bailouts anymore than the investment and insurance industries will correct their blind misdirection, it is only prudent to encourage personal family savings changes that seek 20% returns, now, today. Three fruitful concepts to grasp with 20% returns: a. $200,000 in the Psalm 23 Program I estimate could provide up to $2,660 of i aud/contianing income! REMEMBER: Investments without b, $5,000 to start and $100/month for 20 years, | Average Annual Price Gains of 20% do I estimate could build a $460,518+/- for | not build sufficiently and will soon run retirement. out of funds/money when withdrawn, c. 3% of income will/cab/may built a replacement estate in 20 years. itial mo. Investment Answer Elephant-in-the-Room By David Holmes Regittered Investment Advisor 8008325-8963, fos= | Investment-Answer Elephant ae $100,000 during and after 5 Years i RVWx $375,000 30.3% Nox $218,000 16.9% BRKA $182,000 12.7% sP500 $173,000 11.6% PMTPX $96,000 1.20% With experienced daily management, you can see which fund will be best and most likely meet Family-Estate duty and expectations! It is obvious. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963, 15 Rejection of Christian Conservative Principles/values Some time ago, I sadly mentioned the reported suicide of a 15 year old Cheerleader who had embarrassed herself with ‘internet-sex-flashing’. Over a three year period of her sin being persistently shown to her schools and friends and having rejected Christ, repentance and His salvation, she was discovered dead. I sadly commented that this is and was a known consequence of reaping according to what is sown.** /°" >" Such is not primarily the evil and power of darkness but the surety of God’s holiness, righteousness and consequence of rejection of His offered love and redemption through Jesus. Good News! It is such sinners that our God saves with grace, mercy and peace, and such were we. Now, with the November 2012 Electoral rejection of Christian Conservative values and principles by a plurality of voting Americans, I am reassessing my approach to the market. Why? The most likely consequence is a continuing paralysis or stagnation of much of America’s industry and economy because of the anti-energy, anti-job, lawless, military and anti-Christian policies and the pro-spending, pro- debt and Islamist deeds. Such adverse consequences are more frankly and better identified as economic destruction by government. This is the known historic fruit of Socialism’s radical command-economy management not unlike the Obama Solyndra investment with great loss and more financial disasters. Because of this and other announced Socialist acts, my methodology has changed. Thus, rather than frequent trading seeking to avoid most dips, (see following chart) to maintain a hoped for constant rise as desired and briefly accomplished from 11/1/09 to 10/31/10, I now prayerfully seek to maintain a usual constant presence in a chosen index-group using the prevailing trend and the Dynamic funds for both longer term cycles and hoped for persistent gains ... ready to avoid the major but still temporary market adjustments like those of 2000 and 2008. I sincerely pray that our God will greatly bless us and I believe He will. But, be assured, there will be dips as well as rises. Those who leave in a dip will have a loss. Do examine the RYVYX line (Guggenheim NASDAQ 100 2x fund). Truly, past performance does not assure of future like performance. However, in God’s orderly world, we can learn from the past. [ cannot assure or promise any of gains. But, I believe with the continued and increasing volatility that this is fhe prudent course. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/827-8963, 16 Finally, Ged doesn’t change and won't. Principles and character don’t! Right is right, but sodomy, abortion, covetousness, murder, envy, sloth, slander, theft ... are clear evils with God’s wrath pending when repentance is rejected. Our gracious God teaches us to provide for our families; this I earnestly seek to so assist. Itis truly said, “Those who fail to invest-to-succeed, shall surely succeed to fail” ... with the fearful talent-steward.*5 Prices, Price Changes, Gains and Net Gains Clients, prospective and current, are alerted to be aware that most charts and tables show Market Prices and thus, market price changes. Such usually do not take into account any dividends, interest or reinvestment thereof that would/could change the net effect. Also, such do not reflect the subtractive effect of different current or future intemal or external taxes, fees and other expenses. However, at the end of the day and year, the bottom line is: the investor's net fund value is reported in the Guggenheim or Jefferson National quarterly report period/s with: Opening Balance plus deposits, Reinvested Distributions less Withdrawals and or Fees and any Withholding with the Change in Market Value and the Closing Balance. Further, the David Holmes Monthly Report to each client not only displays the foregoing but also the Total Weighted Return on Investment both before and after fees with Net Profit % for the period, In view that David Holmes seeks market gains equal to in greater than 20% Average Annual Price Gains and most funds do not have such gains, it remains my opinion, such widely available and revealing market price charts best informedly reflect the usual daily and on-going price changes of potential opportunities and varying risks in the market and economy for initial and ongoing comparison, contrasts and perspective contemplations. In my judgment, the biggest risk to investors is government and politics gone astray from the Constitution and Rule of Law. David Holmes — Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX. 76443 800/327-8963 17 Understandable Adult-Savings Arithmetic Some pictures are worth more than a thousand words; such are these 2 charts. Most financial advisors and insurance people agree and teach that AAPRs will not or cannot exceed 4 to 9%. Thus, this first table shows the factual sums required to Principal produce the Annual Required Required needed Income | To produce | To produce | To produce amount of | Goal __| @4% Return | @10% Return | @15% return inoume: with [$45,000 | $1,125,000 | $450,000 $300,000 | $225,000 specific rates of return. Dividing $45,000 by 4% identifies the needed $1,125,000 Principal. So far, no problem, just a matter of known arithmetic like putting a 5 hole Ford spare tire on the 5 studded Ford axle. eCheck what annual Savings are required to build these necessary and identified Estate Provisions: Even without this second picture, most already realize $1,125,000 | $450,000 | $300,000 | $225,000 | that the required $450,000 to $1,125,000 are @4% $36,326 unaffordable savings. The @10% | $7,142 | table just shows the specific @15% $2,546 annual savings _ details. @ 0% | $1004 | However, returns of 15 to 20% do give a glimmer of hope. So, the question: is 15 to 20% possible? But clearly, saving $36,000 annually isn’t affordable! Nor is saving $7,000 annually affordable for families with $40,000 to $50,000 annual incomes. From extensive study and years of experience and development efforts, I believe 20% gains are likely. Yes! Not a promise, not a guarantee, but likely. Factually, not 5% of Americans are like Limbaugh with millions. They and Limbaugh may ‘afford’ 4% returns since they already have, say, $20 million or so in savings’. @ 4%, $20 million will provide a nice $800,000 of annual income. And $1,125,000 * The $20 million is my illustration and guess. I factually don’t know how much Mr. Limbaugh has. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963 18 with 4% returns will provide the needed annual $45,000 before taxes and inflation. Pity the family ignoring the benefits of 20% long-term AARs! Check and ponder the 4% figures again. Responsible, probable and likely arriving is impossible; such low return compounded saving is factually futile. Hopefully accepting the worldly experts with many letters after their names, their 4 to 9% maximum gains, usual flashy brochures and products, emotional assurances and thetoric, the factual reality and future of the usual middle class family is still dependence, more government and the need for more ineffective, coercive, redistributing Socialism! But, if you have property... Read on. Thus, just as I do not sell $50,000 of whole life insurance for a dad to provide for a family ($50,000 won’t work and it is too expensive), I recommend minimums of $250,000 to $500,000 of affordable 10 to 30 year term. Neither do I usually recommend savings that are not likely to produce at least 20% of annual return. Believing that 20% is likely, | proceed to develop my Trend Analysis Program seeking to avoid and minimize major declines and gain minimums of 20% annually. As with all investments, no promises, but at least you are not trying to put a 6 hole Chevy wheel on your 5 stud Ford that will never work! David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963, 19 My Investment Review of 10 Years Vs. usual Liberal Slanders of the Stock Market The Liberal’s line remains, we can trust government and we need more of it. However, the Election issues have largely avoided substantive comments on the Free Market and the Stock Market. When mentioned, the comments have largely been slanderously negative with avoidance of the issues of the increasingly great loss of our money’s buying power, the missing $3 Trillion of Social Security Trust Fund money, the pending demise of Medicare except significant changes are made, the grave dangers of continued spending, the increasing National Debt and the claimed loss-dangers of the stock market. The Big Lie Conclusion: only the government can safely handle and secure our retirement money and future. I address the falsity of the s/anderously alleged failures and loss-dangers of the stock market over the last 10 years beginning with January 2003 thru October 2012. (Please remember our Presidents, Representatives and Senators have misappropriated the $3Trillion of Social Security Trust Funds money to fund their many other promises to avoid directly raising taxes!) Thave listed the net price performance year by year for the last business day of each year for the NASDAQ 100 Fund, Symbol NDX. Conclusion: It is very obvious from these report-figures that the usual and continual slanderous claims of the loss-dangers of the stock market are just that, slander and shox Be11y— Light of 10 Year Review — aaa Cie AS ecTO> Tim ZeaeT IE 2 vs, Ma aosion wrens Soon sate se oe =o Palen Bic ChesTeseem 2 os misdirection. Of course no fund manager or Registered Investment Advisor can David Holmes Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains 1X 76443, 800/327-8963, 20 assure, promise or guarantee any investor of profits. And, neither does past performance assure, guarantee or promise any of future like performance... though I consider them the best indicators. And, yes, there assuredly will be varying periods of varying temporary declines with loss of value and loss of investment if sold in a declining market. But, look at the figures; look at and comprehend what the chart is reporting. Including the 2008 decline, it averaged about 10.2% annually while our Social Security accounts are empty! Do recognize What and Who are perils to our futures! Meanwhile remember, by legalizing fiat money since FDR and Nixon, our liberal politicians are devaluing our work, our contracts owned and our property! At least once it was pointed out in a debate by Mr. Romney, that during Mr. Obama’s tenure, the price of gas had more than doubled in less than four years! Put more accurately, the value of our paper money has declined more than 50%! According to the facts, President Obama and his ilk are not trustworthy guys and these programs are not to be trusted with our futures and retirements. My conclusions are several. (1). Politicians cannot be trusted with our retirement funds. (2).The NDX and Dynamic Funds are quite satisfactory for long term saving _ and investing ... and more so if we can return to sound Lee 34.7% money. (3).Social Security, like Medicare, must be changed [Cat vr. 2004 to individual accounts with other changes. (4).By making a | Cal ¥r- 2005 major current change to my Trend Analysis Program allowing larger swings and limited use of the Dynamic ‘Yr. 2008 Funds, the Psalm 23 program should now exceed the NDX [Ca-¥r2009 year after year but with temporary declines. My goal is a |a!¥#2010 longer term average annual return of 20% but not less than aa the NDX. I do seek to grow to a $100 million dollar fund in [Carve 203 10 years. (5).Heeding Luke 18:1 as we go, I pray for and [Cal Yr 2014 expect a brighter tomorrow under Christ. a + ae Remember the usual required alerts: Like life, past performance does not assure future like-performance but are good indications of the future; Goals and purposes are not promises; Again, like life, there is risk: money, capital and principal can be lost as we seek responsible gains. But, unlike with 1 to 6% average annual gains, failure and government dependence are not assured with 20% market investment goals! David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX. 76443 800/327-8963, 21 Problem: Clueless Struggling to Retr on $1 Million ‘Financi Avice fora Tift Couple ’ Onererpoved toa Few Stocks; Planning Catng Past Pf Bonds An informative, timely and revealing WSJ article even though this is from 2003! Many suppose a million dollars is the answer not realizing that 30+ more elder years is | a huge responsibility particularly when you are past 60. Consider this couple in their early 60s and their clueless situation ... in light of 30+ more years. nan eeetenescies | hebaate oon! Though Jim has wisely and profitably avoided bonds in the past, he now is being urged by each of the 3 experts to put 40% in bonds! Should he? The situation: (1) They don’t know how much it takes to retire, (2) They aren’t sure they will outlive their assets, (3) They don’t know if they should work longer and save more (4) They worry that medical care can be destructive (5) They don’t know if they should begin Social Security now at 62 or later at 65 or 70 and (6) Should they have Roth or Traditional IRAs and why? One thing they know: they want to remain members in the local country club at $12,000 annually. So, ... More disturbing, in the larger article, 5 basics are ignored or treated by silence. Shaaban © Nothing is said about life expectancy now into the 90s, ¢ No Long Term Care insurance is mentioned to temporarily offset the minimum of $36,000 additional individual annual expenses estimated to be faced by 50% of the people, S* 0" p23 ¢ No step-aside Reserve or Stop-Loss point is identified if the market has a significant slide like 2000 and 2008, nor also very, very important: ¢ No expected/estimated annual investment return is identified. Lastly, about 25% of their savings is in a single stock because they’re worried about (then)15% Capital Gains and Dividend taxes (down from 35%). David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963 22 Frankly, given the same million and cluelessness multiplied by the static emptiness of the 3 ‘experts’, they and anybody should not only be nervous but looking for someone with rational, likely profit-expecting answers to their questions today. Lastly, consider the expected and likely consequences of average annual Price returns® of 3 major investment and Financial Planning approaches for every $100,000 for the immediate and next 10 years! Yes, different but real choices for whosoever will. There’s good news. The Psalm 23 program is focusing on earning average annual gains of 20%” over the long term. Today, with it, a $200,000 investment could pay up to $2,833 monthly checks and the retirement growing. That’s $34,000 annually now, not 20 years down inflation highway. Check the chart for vision-investing with $1,000 annually. Building a Chosen —_ Focused [Yr ]4% Annual | 11% Annual | 20% Annual | Gyowing- Retirement 1 | $1,248 $1,332 $1,440 A personal note 5] 6,759 8,295 | __ 10,715 ' 0 / 14,983 | 22,273 37,380 I have found that those who (15) 24,989 | 45,827 | 103,730 | regularly, thoughtfully and [201 37,163 85,518 | 268,830 prayerfully read the book of 25| 43,311 126,998 | 566,377 Proverbs have an excellent Christian grasp of life, duty, responsibility, diligence, growth and godly expectation of His favor much in contrast to the cynicism, darkness, sloth, atheism and rebellion to God of Socialists and their kind! Also study the Parable of the Talents. My earnest recommendation: annually read Proverbs. 8 Past performance does not assure future like returns; Goals and principal are not guaranteed, ° This is an investment. Investing has risks. Choosing the ‘of bonds and CDs usually assures one to lose significant buying power and likely run out of funds. It isa personal choiee. Choosing investing isa matter of faith hope and character. Past performance does not assure future like performance and no promises can be made to assure that goals are met. However, over 40+ years the unmanaged stock market has persisted in returning unmanaged gains exceeding, 11% annually. Using my choice of Dynamic index funds, Trend Analysis Program with my day management, | expect average annual price gains of 20 %. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963 2B Personal Pensions with 401k, IRA or TSA With the rapid decline in the availability and viability of company pensions, many seek workable alternatives. This is a good thing. 401ks, IRAs and Tax Sheltered Annuities are the technical names for these. Making provisions for one’s family and the later years of one’s life is a good natural tendency. In part, it is the long term side of term life insurance. Term Life insurance provides an immediate but temporary estate for a small sum. Building one’s pension is for the long haul from age 65 to 95+ and takes a minimum of 15 to 20 years ... with 20% average annual long term gains. The major personal shortcoming is the willingness and ability to understand the clear necessity of 20% average annual returns over the longer term. Many investment articles give the usual generalized information of alternatives but sadly lacks in specifics, particularly the necessity of knowing the rate of return and how to calculate what can be safely withdrawn for retirement. A lot of smoke! Holmes’ Excellent rules of thumb as tong as you are receiving the 20% Average Annual Price returns over the longer term’: 1. Maximize your use of Traditional IRAs for both you and your spouse. 2. Use my recommended Variable Annuity to minimize taxes on large payouts/sums. With my direction you won’t annuitize the annuity! You will simply take monthly or other withdrawals as the hoped for 20% returns are maintained. Excellent for home equity mortgage funds or shielding funds of sales of property from current taxes on gains! 3. Withdrawals should leave a minimum of 2 to 3% for growth and offset inflation. Thus if our returns are about 20% annually, we could periodically safely withdraw about 17% annually. So, with a $200,000 account, that allows an initial $35,000 annually or about a $3,000 monthly withdrawal. However, with the same $200,000 account, those fearful folks only making 4% annually may only safely withdraw $8,000 annually or $666 monthly. In my judgment, a Retirement sum is best calculated using your current income divided by 2/3 of your expected monthly return, Thus, if you are now living on $3,750 monthly and you expect 20% annually, you will need an initial minimum of $187,500 (3,750/.02). If you estimate a return of 4%, you will need over a million to start retirement! Come and investigate trend-managed investing and Holmes’ services. "© This ian investment. Is subject to dil and long-term variations. Past perfomance does ot assure lke future tums, Though investments do have declines, unlike bond, whose future os of purchasing power assure, David Holmes ~ Rezistered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963, 24 Family Provision and Retirement Truth This is a true story you need to read, know, do and share 49 year old pastor has an awakening He called asking, “what’s the bottom line? What must I do ... for a real retirement? What will it cost? Can I afford it? How? I know what the Bible says in Timothy about the man who does not make provisions for his family.” He admitted he’s getting older. He has Bible-revealed Christian responsibility. President Obama’s redistributing the wealth of others is theologically and personally offensive to him. But, that wasn’t all. About 10 to 12 years ago his church put $2,000 into a mutual fund for him (probably when he opted out of Social Security). The current report shows that the $2,000 has now ‘grown’ to $1,200! His home is nearly paid for and he makes $35,000 a year, but, he has no savings, no retirement ... even though he has been reading my papers for years. Further, he realizes time is very important. He asked again that I explain what he could do. I was clear, frank and factual. We conversed for about an hour. | related how I see the matter differently from 99% of insurance men and financial advisors, even those who are members in Christian churches. Thus, I stated what I believed we could and should do and how: (1)In retirement he needs an income equal to what he earns now just like if he died his wife would have the same need: $35,000 a year, or simply $3,000 monthly. That’s why he should now first have a minimum $150,000 of my recommended term Life insurance with a minimum 15 year level premium. First things first. (2)$3,000 monthly requires a minimum sum of $150,000 in productive investments. This means it is earning an average Annual Return of 20%. (3)Thinking that he likely has another 20 years to preach and earn an income, | recommended we be conservative and safer. Roll the $1,200 remaining into my recommended RethIRA and plan on saving $100 monthly for 15 years with my anticipated but never-guaranteed nor promised 20% annual price returns. All investing has risk, but no-investing is assured failure! We discussed the devastating, crippling and dishonest effects of President Obama’s and the Democrat’s Nationalization, tyrannical government and inflation on cash, cash savings, bonds, annuities, wages and the like. Thus, the urgent necessity of a God-blessed and prompt return to limited David Holmes Registered investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX 76443 800/327.9963, 25 government under the Constitution, sound money, each man doing righteously and we rightly expecting our elected officials doing and living righteously under God and His Revelation. The Democrat- Socialist revolution-racketeering redistribution by our present politicians is evil and to be exposed and opposed. Also, as usual, Socialism is not working! We likewise discussed that I did not recommend him refinancing his home to put a large fund into his new retirement plan. This was his thinking to jump-start his retirement. My position: he is too young. He has time and can build a retirement. He will have term life insurance. He needs a home. Thus, the added risk was unacceptable to me under his circumstances. I did say that those who are maybe 60 and older, no income except Social Security and have substantial but unproductive real estate: home, ranch, etc., could refinance 20% of the ‘value’ with the funds placed in my recommended fund for useable income and payment of the 30 year loan. eMy thinking and estimation (not guarantees or promises): Each $100,000 would be expected to earn up to a possible $20,000 of returns annually. This would thus provide spendable income of about $17,000 and $6,800 to pay the 5.5% annual loan payments. Thus, true hope with obedience and faith in God’s Word. Remember the 40 year record of the FICA tax fraud. The $P500 with its ups and downs would have provided a family fortune-estate ($444,000) vs. a small monthly Social Security check (about $900). David Holmes ~ Revistered investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX 76443. 800/327-8963 26 Long Term Care Insurance? I recommend it at Age 55 (sometimes with spousal discount, both insured) Because of the serious and daunting monthly expenses of Long Term Care, usually exceeding $3,000 monthly, a good number have called requesting Long Term Care insurance quotes for ages long before age 55. The table shows current affordable 35: $24.66 40: $26.27 45: $26.87 50: $28.19 SS: $31.06 60: $40.26 65: $59.61 70: $101.75 75: $181.95 Monthly premium examples (with spousal discount) for Preferred rating for excellent health, no tobacco, $100/day, 90 day elimination pe ‘other more expensive s available, Everybody doesn’t qualify for preferred. See chart page 23. (Without spousal discount price is markedly higher.) Prices will change. Call for current data. premiums at the shown ages for $3,000/month policies for pennies covering a 3 year period ... which I personally recommend and have. The usual response of most agents is to enthusiastically encourage the purchase, make the sale and take the commission. However, over a period of just 20 years, (say age 35 to age 55) $50 invested monthly could grow to a sum of $134,415 using the Psalm 23 Savers Program with daily management with anticipated average annual gains of 20%''! Such investing is an alternative use of funds for prudent stewards to consider and forthright advisors to show. It is a family choice, responsible and Conservative. An alternative could be simultaneously purchasing the long term insurance after age 65 and starting the investment program with the anticipation of maybe terminating the LTC insurance when over $400,000 is held in the fund. (The $400,000 is expected to provide up to $8,000 of monthly income while still continuing to grow.) Remember/consider, if the Long Term Care is required, the insured will not be able to continue earning income but the many, many monthly expenses will continue in addition to the Long Term Care huge expenses. We are happy to send your personal quotes for LTC insurance and will be likewise happy with your decision of which route to follow. Most of all, [ am happy to provide you with the best information and comprehensive perspective possible with which to make prudent family stewardship plans for the coming decades. “' Past performance does not assure future performance and goals cannot be guaranteed. Principal can be lost especially if sold during a market decline. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963 27 Finally, remember two things: (an owned, family investment of over $500,000 could be built in 15 to 20 years with about $200 monthly. This same $500,000 estate is expected to provide up to an estimated $7,000 of monthly income and still grow. (2) The Liberals are teaching and advocating Euthanasia for the elderly and sickly. They see this as a mere money matter helping keep their Socialist big government plans afloat. Hospice is a personal and family matter not for government bureaucrats. Truth to know and understand: Insurance is a free market, mutual- cooperative product to mi ize an existing risk at a small cost. Many investors are only seeking a ‘quick fix’ for their savings. Take Note! The Psalm 23 Program is very different. It is a distinctive, continuing education and long-term commitment to the comprehensive understanding and practice of Christian stewardship in a fallen world. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX. 76443 800/327-8963 28 TC BY THE NUMBERS + Those who wait Gime nbmiteay sente tog Long have the unpleasant consequences of all being equally dependent on | | 8.05M 325,000 ore aims paid by type of care LOVENMent and welfare — which S6B Liberals want all of us. to 180, 000 experience and ==" suieehydatyrevettaneus SHAE: However, $1.4M 85% unlike life Saari maar insurance, the insured does not have to die in order for the LTC _ insurance funds to begin paying the $3,000+ monthly.'? Thus, the importance and place of LTC insurance. Other pages demonstrate the vastly different earnings expected from 4%, 7%, 11% and 20% average annual returns. " Bach LTC insurance policy has different health qualification requirements for payments to begin in addition to the climination petiod. Policies also pay different sums for home health care under stated conditions. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963 29 My wife brought the recent NEWSWEEK front page to my attention. She said, “the BABY BOOMERS had better get their Assisted Living and Long Term Care in place. See chart. Fact! Granny is still helping the baby boomers out with their house down payments, daily living expenses, specials, etc. etc.! How can these children care for them as they age, their special needs, diapers, huge medical expenses? Now, more than ever, baby boomers need to plan for godly care at the end of their lives. Social Security and pensions won’t be enough. And, why do you think Obama and the Liberals are discussing and are favorable to Euthanasia? Because Assisted Living and Long Term Care costs are huge. Further, both Social Security and Medicare are factually already bankrupt even before including the illegals who are drawn and attracted to America’s planned ‘free’ healthcare! Thus, huge responsible personal changes are long overdue like productive investment, reduced taxes, later retirement, reduction in payments, euthanasia or a combination of all. Liberal not-so-silent solution: Death panels. Beware! Assisted Living at home can cost $1,000 to $3,000 monthly or more. Long Term Care costs from $3,000 to over $6,000 monthly! The average period of Long Term Care exceeds 3 years! Half of us will need this. (See chart) © Contrary to Obama and the liberals, (1) knowledgeable families can provide for their honorable needs and (2) insurance offers responsible families an affordable way to reduce existing risk that can overnight require in excess of $35,000 to $72,000 every year. Long Term Care is like buying a new Lexus every year with no trade in! See table on earlier page. I realize the new monthly insurance cost beginning at about $31.06 a month at age 55 is an additional burden especially in these times. However, the $31 monthly provides over $3,000 monthly if and when needed! I am licensed, experienced and recommend the best priced quality Assisted Living/Long Term Care insurance policies in America ... and I provide the best, forthright and knowledgeable guidance. It’s too late when you are on the way to the Nursing Home, don’t have family nor the funds available. The government-appointed caregiver is teaching, planning, encouraging and will be designating you for Hospice and/or ‘a pill’. So, let’s work together, otherwise .... David Holmes ~ Registered {nvestment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963 30 Rational Informed Withdrawing! By David Holmes, Registered Investment Advisor July 18, 20744. ‘Chott is from Dee. 1, 2012 they July 16, 2014 From examining the shown 4 funds, which fund and fund manager do you think would be most likely to rationally produce the most meaningful true, on-going stability by profits to your Retirement or Withdrawal circumstances over the next 12 months, 5 years, 10 and 30 years? As America’s Conservative Advisor, | persist in showing the rationality, morality, intellectual honesty and demonstrated long-term stability of comparing and using an established index fund base for maintaining an in-the-black, profitable American family wealth-estate ... using American businesses and David Holmes. The following shown 4 funds’ public price performance (of the current 19,179) do more than begin to demonstrate the political issues, advisor-angst, emotional- choice-contrasts and success of my approach as opposed to ignorance, luck, depending on FICA, welfare, food stamps and the costly ignoring of necessary required and anticipated Average Annual Gains of at least 20%. Whether $1,000, $10,000, $100,000 or $1 om ‘Million’, funds in the shown chart varied ond ovo ‘multiplied daily as shown. With the SP500, $100,000 grew by 23% to $140,000 while vn the RYVYX by 51% to $197,0 sor ‘stable’ PTTRX declined 7%. soa * This is using 175 of the 20% annual gains, thus leaving 3% for fees, inflation and market variations. While no fund and no investment advisor fauarantees or even promises returns and It's true that past performance does not assure such future retuens, the facts remain: those who ball out When the market 's down may well suffer loss and the past is the best known indicator of the future...Addltionaly, forensie arithmetic examination of investing shows that in order to build a retirement in 20 years or to maintain a retirement 20% Average Annual Gains are Fequited. Thus | have no intention of seeking anything less. Further, lam thankful for the 80% retutns fer 2013 and desire more ofthe same «no angst from me! Meanwhile, seek the maintain the minimum needed 20% Average Annual Gains goal. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pains TX 76443. 800/327-8963 31 Retired Americans with money cannot afford usual low returns and the consequences of less than 20% Average Annual Gains. Both arithmetic and experience demonstrate the unnecessary costly and embarrassing conditions of those guilty ... of whatever excuses. Many Americans endure years and years of small gains and great angst as they consume their principal, others just run out of money but a few are blessed! The saddest news, its not that they couldn’t have done so much better but that they ignored the available choices ... and now reap the known consequences; they pay the dire price. No money! A usual, issue of market-ignorance example is a 35 year old widow with 4 children or 70 year retiree, both with $500,000 of money without faith, wisdom, market understanding or prudence but full of fear. Like the fearful, evil steward of Matthew 25, they squirrel it away they hide it, they grasp it ... but clearly do not grow it nor expect to grow it. What to prudently do? What to expect? Are heirs considered? In less than 6 years, withdrawing $7,000 monthly, the money is gone! And, earning 5% won’t make much difference! ¢ Market Alternatives are available! Only a depraved, Socialist-at-heart would forget or overlook: had Americans been allowed to have their 6% FICA taxes in the 5P500 index (American businesses) for the last 40 years, each family would have in excess of $444,000 in their personal account for the families! ‘© With 5% withdrawals, they would have $22,200 annually (1,850/mo) and growing! © With my 20% AAG and 17% WD, they would receive $75,480 annually and growing! © With Socialist Social Security, they may receive $825 monthly or $9,900 annually. Also, they will ikely qualify for Obama’s food stamps! These truly are poor people, poor Americans! It appears to me that there is a strong connection to ignorance, fear and greed with PIMCO PTTRX being so big, chosen by so many but making so little and paying out less. Why? I don’t have a rational answer and I don’t believe there is one. I suppose the claimed up- front seemed safety draws many. However, the known, knowable, rational consequence is the steady losing! So sad, so bad, so destructive! More welfare and redistribution are not answers. As Mrs. Thatcher said, ‘the problem with Socialism is, it runs out of other people’s money!” Always does; always will. This is God’s orderly world. Fear and irrationalism will always destroy. Profits us. fearful-safety has advantages! It pleases our God. See Matthew 25 and the Parable of the Talents. And, look again at the chart, including the daily and usual dips and swings and potential American consequences. WOW! Give me the RYVYX gains and potential! In the Spring of 2014, a money-matter writer in none other than the well-known WSJ, wrote of the angst of major Pension fund managers receiving ‘disturbingly large returns’ from their ity i, S11/14Pension Funds Wrestle 5 ae = equity investments.’ Truly, to the Socialists, significant gains from private property (American businesses) leaves them feeling threatened and guilty! Almost as screwed-up as the convicted American traitor getting a ‘sex-change’ at taxpayer expense! My rational conclusion: my 20% Average Annual Price Gains program (Psalm 23) in American businesses largely using the RYVYX index fund and my Trend Analysis David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443. 800/327-8963, 32 Program is obviously the best, most practical and rational use of money for both the over 65 and youngsters. Poverty isn’t pretty and self-inflicted by elder-fear is even uglier. e It is an evil and twisted people that demand their neighbors be tax-slaves to pay their pension and healthcare bills. Yi3q.20 2013 using NASOAGAOO fund RYDEX’ Dynamic Fund A CLIENT CALLED: rightly concerned about the Democrats’ continuing talk to nationalize our private savings and investment assets under the guise of promising/assuring all the elderly ‘poor’ of a guaranteed retirement money-income. Being over 62, he wanted to be one step ahead by taking $17,000 out of his IRA to pay off his mortgage ... like some suggest. I disagreed ... for the time being. Itis truly said, Those who fail to invest-to-succeed shall surely succeed to fail .. like the fearful talent-steward. “25 Shown on the following page are the actual monthly rates as of 11/15/2012 "°" T™S2" for the monthly premiums for men each age except for Whole Life as of 1/12/12. Quotes are shown at Preferred Plus non- smoker rates (best health, best family health history, no tobacco for 5 years, no travel or avocation problems), Texas resident; term quotes shown are (1)Ohio National Life Assurance Company; (2)Banner Life Insurance Company, (3)American National Insurance Company; (4)North American Co for Life and Health; and (5)Pruco Life Insurance Company. (6)Protective Life Insurance Company. (7)The Whole Life Rates are life paid up at age 100 with Met Life Investors USA company. Quotes with other companies available. Rates shown to do not apply to other classes of risk or current tobacco use (Preferred, Standard, table rating, etc.) and not everyone will qualify at Preferred Plus. Underwriting ‘company rules govern and are subject to change without notice. Other policies and terms available. This is not an offer to sell; this is an indication of policies available to those who qualify. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76443 800/327-8963, 33 Living-Income Resource for Loved Wives and Children It is called [(BERHEEEMEnnIMENnInEnES anc it is affordable for all families. Look at the choices and low prices."*"™4S*" These prices are for males at shown ages with Preferred Plus health status and no tobacco. There are lowest prices available. But, the company underwriter may classify differently than as applied for. But these give you a factual perspective of the $300,000 size policies for different terms and ages. Examples of $300,000 coverage for Dad: [Ne Lapse ] 30 yr Level Universal Life Whole Life ASS Oy Ler Mem Le Yorm Term (UL) toage "(Por Info Only) (35 10.29! (12.37' 16.197 26.43": 108.30* | 296.00’ 45 18.60' 26.95? 34.83" 54.25° 166.50‘ 437.00’ 50 27.42' |39.81* | 5184* —83.20° | 205.30° | 548.00’ 55 43.77’ 60.55” 162.40? 272.10‘ 686.00’ 60 72.57' (99.93 229,03° 366.00‘ 866.00’ 65 127.59! 174.74* | 265.30° 368.02 486.00‘ 1,082.00" 70 216.21? 319.50° 500.76 nia_~——-669.14° 1,478.00" (10,15,20, & 30 year level term vs Universal Life & Whole Life; Monthly Rates shown I realize that 10 year level term is the most affordable today. However because health changes usually for the worse and it takes 20 years to build an affordable elder-estate, I frequently recommend the 20 year level policies if the family estate is going to be saved for. $300,000 is the sum I recommend and with long term 20% Average Annual Returns, is expected to usually provide the widow or retiree with up to $4,250 of monthly income and the principal to grow. David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX 76H43. 800/327-8963, 34 Nest Egg, Piggy Bank or Productive Long Term Savings According to the WSJ's Market Sereaner, over the last S years, as of 11/5/2015, Average Annual Price Returns with the ‘best’ one averaging 39%. This graph recorded the daily ebbs and flows of our choice: the RYVYX, the well known standard: $P500 and the popular bond fund: WBTLX which is like money in a bank fund or under the mattress. Consequences of Choices; Reaping according to personal sowing. Fund Start 5 yrs Average | | At5 years | | Possibly expected | Annual Gains in 10 years RYVYX | | $100,000 29.9% $370,000 ‘$1,368,000 $Ps00 | | $100,000 118% $170,000 $305,083 VBTLX | | $100,000 ae $100,000 | $100,000 Usual_| [$100,000 Maybe 5% $127,628 | $162,889 In America, under God, your personal choices make the difference! David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Pins TX 7643. 800/327-8963, 35 Holmes Investment & Estate Services Services You Can Believe in With looking-ahead vision ... In 5, 10, 20 & 30 years, the Lord willing, as James says. Available Investing Investments | Programs Tax- ‘Annual Limit/s Notes Sheltered es Straight ne | none ‘Annual capital Investment 7 |_| gains tax Trad IRA yes $5,500 under age 50. | | Before tax $ $6,500 ages0 and above |_| Only rom earings ROTHIRA yes Same as Trad IRA After tax$ | Loses huge Only romeamines | before tax § lod Ves None, min, $15,000 Variable yes Subject to qualified Subject to Annuity sums to R.O. qualified sums toRO. 401k yes —_| | Rollover Only In America, under God, faith and personal choices make the difference. Where there is no vision, the people perish Pro.29:18a, Psa.74 David Holmes ~ Registered Investment Advisor POBox 117 Cross Plains TX. 76443 800/327-8963

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