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May 23 2009

The Attorney General Wally Oppal is the "guardian of the public" interest in
the province of British Columbia

We the people ... the innumerable Me's of the Charter Democracy Force informed him by
e-mail May 11 2009 of the insanities and illegalities that have and are being administered
and enforced in Dawson Creek as Dolores Smith stood alone though fear runs sanely
rampant consistent with the realities of a town under siege by the Hells Angels with
RCMP presence and court preceding against Dolores Smith for standing her ground
conducive to her Charter rights attentive to the exposing of the obvious illegitimate
personnel of the government administers and enforcers that by the prodigious amount of
irrefutable evidence published on the web sites of the Charter Democracy Force under the authority of the Constitution declares they are of
no force or effect.

How obvious when murder, drugs and doped up younguns abound ... the people in shock
and sane fear ... as the charities work luxurious success... the Pope waves
his hand ... blessing it... the RCMP who have harassed and wronged Dolores Smith since
May 27 2005 whose upper echelon deviates under the authorities of the specialists ... the
Law Society of Upper Canada ... who have admitted ... stated or implied that their
members are not required to give a damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter
rights of equal protection and benefits further stating evidence against their members is
irrelevant with the entire government personnel of all departments, agencies and the
RCMP subscribing to the ideology

No doubt as the DOJ - Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada has
precedence as a bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada that has propagated
deviates of deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration since 1797 when
they granted themselves the monopoly and the opportunity to do it ... insanely frenzied
with natural progression of reason and thought have along with their counter parts world
wide have successfully ransacked society to the pitiful state it exists in these dire times
with the worse yet to come of present financial crisis under way.

We the people ... the Me's of the Charter Democracy Force having informed the Attorney
General May 11 2009 understand well why we have not yet heard from him ... a most
onerous and formidable challenge we have presented him.

Should he not be present at the court he presides over in Dawson Creek assuring
appropriate action is taken consistent with the Constitution conducive to every
individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits are indeed
guaranteed the people will take over the responsibility withholding the money extorted
through taxes that gives them the strength to force their will upon the people without
legitimate authority.
British Columbia Attorney General Wally Oppal will be sent a letter by REGISTERED
MAIL delivered by CANADA POST to make certain he is aware of these most serious
issues which he has the authority under the auspices of the Constitution financed by the
people to ensure the laws of British Columbia are administered and enforced fairly as
authorized for the express purpose of protecting every individual equally as guaranteed
ensuring they partake of equal benefits before and under the law.

The Law Society of Upper Canada adamantly stated their members only obligations are
to vigorously advance the interests of their clients.

We the people ... the Me's of the Charter Democracy Force who pay our appropriate share
of taxes to finance the entire government structure with the political arena of Canadian
personnel of the status of the presumption of innocence in absence of reasonable
evidence to suggest otherwise the authority to represent the people in "The Spirit of the
Law" that provided them the wherewithal to do it

With the same understanding of the entire legal system personnel advised by the BC
Attorney General Wally Oppal in the name of the Crown ... the "guardian of the public
interest" where every Canadian individual has a vested interested responsible to be in
compliance with "The Spirit of the Law" having no more authority than the Constitution
provides but an obligation to administer and enforce it, bound by their acceptance of
financial benefit to do so ... will do so or be found guilty of the most highest offense
possible, a consistency of treason, fraud, ransacking the people as the enemy under
disguise as not only spies as they use the data freely of that collected and financed by the
people for the benefit of society as a whole consistent with the Constitution where only
competent, responsible and irreproachable persons of fortitude and conviction to "The
Spirit of the Law" in defence and benefit of every individual as guaranteed under the
presumption of innocence in absence of evidence to suggest otherwise have clearance and
authorization to do so.

Their conspiracy has been successful with the aid of the deviate hierarchy of the RCMP
and the media who refuse to inform the people of the truth for obvious reason.

So the people will have to come to Dawson Creek just this once to see for themselves on
the day of the continuance of the court proceedings now in control of propagates of the
infamous nefarious bent of the hierarchy of the Law Society of Upper Canada

All the people need to know is we … the Me's of the Charter Democracy Force will put
the government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy down to put us...we the
people ... the Me's bound to "The Spirit of the Law" to put ourselves out of the misery
when they were up.

It is their foolish and selfish beliefs that they would have us believe and faithfully trust in
them with absolute disregard to reality ... so many willing due their honed skill of
deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration with no way to stop them clearly
demonstrated in their modus operandi... other than to inform them that we the
people ...the Me's of "The Spirit of the Charter Democracy Force that is
"The Spirit of the Law" that is the "Spirit of the Golden Rule" that is the
epitome of simplicity and sanity attested to by even the most dumbest of us
as we the people ...the Me's of "The Spirit of the Charter Democracy
Force" stand before them asserting our rights that is the promise of the
Constitution, the guarantee of the Charter and consistency to punishment
due for they who would mess with them.

Their nefarious reign is over but for the

Who would not wish to be there?

Why wait for them to prevaricate ... they will not deceive us or please us...they will not
manipulate and orchestrate for us.

I have uploaded the GLIST of prominent government personnel e-mail addresses who
need to be informed
They need to hear that you know the truth

Allow them the opportunity to respond

Do not forget a change of pants or wear one of those new adult liners.

Download the GLIST Single Row


Like ducks in a row

Tell them ... You know what to say


That's all she wrote

We will have Justice in Dawson Creek

And then
The World

May 23 2009

Wally Oppal
Attorney General – British Columbia
Ministry of Attorney General
British Columbia
PO Box 9044
STN Prov. Govt
Victoria, BC

Re: Government Organized Crime Persistent cause of the “Struggle of Humankind”

Corruption and Conspiracy
Irrefutable evidence

Re: Dawson Creek Murders Natasha/Clayton

Re: Dolores Smith

Court File # 28306-2-C
RCMP File # nu08-2963

E-mail to you May 11 & 12 2009

Pertinent Information regarding Dawson Creek Murders

Immediate Protection of Pertinent Witnesses
They are scared innocent witnesses
Army to be called in to clean up Hells Angels
Dear BC Attorney General Wally Oppal

I am Frank Gallagher manager of the Charter Democracy Force created on behalf of the
Canadian people to provide them an agency that is irreproachable and truly independent
of federal and provincial governments.

The GLIST is a document

listing the e-mail addresses of prominent federal and provincial government personnel
who have been provided the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence published on our
sites that clearly demonstrates the entire governments are organized crime of corruption
and conspiracy against the people of the Lower Tier with their modus operandi well
documented absolutely 180 degrees adverse to the Constitution and every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits

The Charter

52 (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law
that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

On May 19 2009 I published a document “Democracy Now” that includes a copy of “the
Rule of Law” published by the Wikipedia, the Constitution Charter rights and the “Roles
and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” that was downloaded from the Ontario web
site still available today.

The “R & R of the AG” makes no reference of the Charter and throughout demonstrates a
consistent inconsistentency with the Constitution Act, 1982 and the Rule of Law,
however it clearly states the Attorney General is highly influential in the administering
and enforcing of the Constitution and is responsible as the “guardian of the public
interest” and is accountable to the people through the Legislature.

The Attorney General is the chief legal advisor of all government departments, agencies
and police and a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada who administers the law
Society Act as a bencher who appoints the Chair and 4 others and selects 5 from a list
provided by the Law Society.

It is due his extraordinary influential power that the government organized crime has
been persistently successful that has provided him the opportunity to structure the legal
system to the luxuriously success of the members of the Law Society and politicians,
often one and the same, and their affluent and influential friends of the corporate world
which they have infested and invested and are directly responsible along with their
counterparts word wide for the financial world wide crisis.

The evidence irrefutably proves the entire system including the purported to be
independent agencies such as the Ombudsman are published to be for the benefit of the
people to file complaints against improprieties of government personnel being consistent
with their charlatan ways of deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration of
the laws and minds of the people.

In fact when contacted they admit their extreme limitations, demonstrate their
incompetence and unwillingness to act in support of the people, whereas the entire
government personnel have clearly demonstrated that they are there to protect the
government organized crime.

This can be no surprise considering every position of authority in the legal system is held
by members of the Law Society.

In this document is correspondence with the law Society of Upper Canada where they
state or imply their members are not required to give a damn about every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights as reality attests.
They go on to state that their member’s only responsibility is to vigorously advance their
clients interest.

Obviously meaning they who can afford their services has a humongous advantage
precisely 180 degrees adverse to the Constitution and every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights.

As is the Legal Aid system a necessity due the deliberate incompetent government
organized crime refusal to fairly distribute the countries resources that creates the poverty
their industry advances into being pathetically absurd.

The ramifications of poverty are pathetically horrid with they forced into the cellars of
hopelessness and despair inherently responsible to provide for themselves with few
options and amoral inclination a natural advancing to criminal persuasion that they … the
creators humongously profit from and we the people pay the horrific price with our lives
in every which way … which ever role we are left to play.

Eradicate the creator of poverty … then what poverty would we be talking about, all
suffering now in one way or another where though ones adeptness of mind to acceptance
experiences less pain to the detriment of ones ultimate potential … no different than the
rest … only sane means can determine the best.

The law Society goes on to state they are not required to look at evidence when it is
against their members.

Well I could go on and on about these pathetic fools who have the nerve to bare their

But there comes a time when enough’s enough, a time to use what we know to be true for
sane purpose.
Reality is the proof that it will only be as sane as the people’s leaders who will only be as
sane as the people who permit them to lead.

One may wonder why I go to the insane for help and I do not mind telling you why.

If I were to ask them if they were insane they would adamantly state no and the obviously
insane would believe them, but I would state yes but who knows best … the epitome of
simplicity and sanity … the “Spirit of the Golden Rule” the benchmark to consistently
measure by for it has forever blown in the wind within the reach of quadriplegics easily
seen by the blind well understood by us at 5 years old prior to our first day of school.

It is this grasp of sanity that we can definitely state when a crook is suspected you can not
expect them to admit it … remaining persistent to consistence we can extrapolate that if
the crook was requested to investigate themselves they would gladly oblige and their
conclusion among many would be the requester obviously insane.

Where such serious factors as quality and existence of life is at stake with every
individual of equal vested interest they assigned to judge must be exemplary of qualities
to do it.

I dare say I put my competence to display for all the rest when I state that I filed on
November 8 2007 with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for
refusing to investigate organized crime of corruption and conspiracy and the evidence
irrefutably proves the RCMP Commissioner is on the conspiracy with all the rest and
they are assigned to do the investigation one could state it is conjecture that they would
invariably find themselves innocent of refusing to investigate organized crime of
corruption and conspiracy for it is impossible to investigate something that ain’t unless it

When one exists in an insane world how can you possibly answer sanely unless insanely?

If one were to answer sanely who would understand…thought he was on third…perhaps

second but first I dunno.

I do know the Attorney General is responsible to be the “guardian of the public interest”
states so on the Ontario Government web site in the “Roles and Responsibilities of the
Attorney General” obviously most influential in the legal scheme of things.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of
Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament
including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in
respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each

Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

The Attorney General has a unique role to play as a Minister.

One part of the Attorney General's role is that of a Cabinet Minister. In this capacity the
Minister is responsible for representing the interests and perspectives of the Ministry at
Cabinet, while simultaneously representing the interests and perspectives of Cabinet and
consequently the Government to the Ministry and the Ministry's communities of interest.

The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. The
responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member.
The role has been referred to as "judicial-like" and as the "guardian of the public

Much has been written on the subject of ministerial responsibilities and the unique role of
the Attorney General.

There are various components of the Attorney General's role. The Attorney General has
unique responsibilities to the Crown, the courts, the Legislature and the executive branch
of government. While there are different emphases and nuances attached to these there is
a general theme throughout all the various aspects of the Attorney General's
responsibilities that the office has a constitutional and traditional responsibility beyond
that of a political minister.

The statutory responsibilities of the office are found in section 5 of the Ministry of the
Attorney General Act. Section 5 states:

The Attorney General,

(a) is the Law Officer of the Executive Council;
(b) shall see that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with the law;
(c) shall superintend all matters connected with the administration of justice in Ontario;
(d) shall perform the duties and have the powers that belong to the Attorney General and
Solicitor General of England by law and usage, so far as those powers and duties are
applicable to Ontario, and also shall perform the duties and powers that, until the
Constitution Act, 1867 came into effect, belonged to the offices of the Attorney General
and Solicitor General in the provinces of Canada and Upper Canada and which, under the
provisions of that Act, are within the scope of the powers of the Legislature;
(e) shall advise the Government upon all matters of law connected with legislative
enactments and upon all matters of law referred to him or her by the Government;
(f) shall advise the Government upon all matters of a legislative nature and superintend
all Government measures of a legislative nature;
(g) shall advise the heads of ministries and agencies of Government upon all matters of
law connected with such ministries and agency;
(h) shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the Crown or any ministry or
agency of government in respect of any subject within the authority or jurisdiction of the
(i) shall superintend all matters connected with judicial offices;
(j) shall perform such other functions as are assigned to him or her by the Legislature or
by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. "

What follows is an overview of the various components of the Attorney General's roles
and responsibilities, primarily as outlined in the Act.

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

The role of chief law officer might be referred to as the Attorney General's overall
responsibility as the independent legal advisor to the Cabinet - and some have even
suggested that the role possibly extends to the Legislature as well. The importance of the
independence of the role is fundamental to the position and well established in common
law, statutes and tradition.
As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian
of that most elusive concept - the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal
principle, but hard to easily define. It is the rule of law that protects individuals, and
society as a whole, from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties.

The Attorney General has a special role to play in advising Cabinet to ensure the rule of
law is maintained and that Cabinet actions are legally and constitutionally valid.

In providing such advice it is important to keep in mind the distinction between the
Attorney General's policy advice and preference and the legal advice being presented to
Cabinet. The Attorney General's legal advice or constitutional advice should not be
lightly disregarded. The Attorney General's policy advice has the same weight as that of
other ministers.

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

One of the most publicly scrutinized aspects of the Attorney General's role is the
responsibility for criminal prosecutions encompassed in section 5 (d) and s. 92 of the
Constitution Act, 1867. Section 92 gives the provinces authority to legislate in matters
related to the administration of criminal justice and thereby gives the provincial Attorney
General authority to prosecute offences under the Criminal Code.

The Attorney General does not, however, direct or cause charges to be laid. While the
Attorney General and the Attorney General's agents may provide legal advice to the
police, the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. Once the
charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed, and in what
manner, is for the Attorney General and the Crown Attorney.

It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorney General
must carry out the Minister's criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of Cabinet
and of any partisan political pressures. The Attorney General's responsibility for
individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken - and seen to be undertaken - on
strictly objective and legal criteria, free of any political considerations. Whether to
initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy. This
responsibility has been characterized as a matter of the Attorney General acting as the
Queen's Attorney - not as a Minister of the government of the day.

This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a
complete vacuum. A wide range of policy considerations may be weighed in executing
this responsibility, and the Attorney General may choose to consult the Cabinet on some
of these considerations. However any decisions relating to the conduct of individual
prosecutions must be the Attorney General's alone and independent of the traditional
Cabinet decision making process. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, these
decisions are made by the Attorney General's agents, the Crown Attorneys.

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility in
conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the
public interest - which includes not only the community as a whole and the victim, but
also the accused. The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the
credible evidence available.

The responsibility is to present the case fairly - not necessarily to convict. This is a
fundamental precept of criminal law, even if it is not a particularly well-understood
concept among the general public. One of the Attorney General's responsibilities in
fostering public respect for the rule of law, is to assist the public in understanding the
nature and limits of the prosecutorial function.

Ultimately the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the
Legislature, for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only
occur, of course, once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been
made not to prosecute. The sub judicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the
courts that is likely to influence the matter. The sub judicae rule strictly prohibits the
Attorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. Given the
stature of the Attorney General's position, any public comment coming from the office
would be seen as an attempt to influence the case.

Although the Attorney general can become involved in decision-making in relation to

individual criminal cases, such a practice would leave the Minister vulnerable to
accusations of political interference. Accordingly, it is traditional to leave the day-to-day
decision-making in the hands of the Attorney General's agents, the Crown Attorneys,
except in cases of exceptional importance where the public would expect the Attorney
General to be briefed.

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

The Attorney General has broad responsibilities associated with Government legislation.
These responsibilities have been described as twofold. One is to oversee that all
legislative enactments are in accordance with principles of natural justice and civil rights
(see also s. 5(b) above). This is obviously an important and broad area of responsibility.
The second aspect of this responsibility is to advise on the constitutionality and legality
of legislation.

The Attorney General's legislative responsibilities are played out in a variety roles. The
Office of Legislative Counsel reports to the Attorney General. Legislative Counsel plays
a key role in ensuring the legal integrity of Government legislation. Although the
Legislative Counsel's reporting relationship to the Attorney General does allow the
Attorney General to provide guidance and set standards, individual pieces of legislation
are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not within the sole control of
Legislative Counsel or the Attorney General. It should also be noted that Legislative
Counsel also has a direct responsibility to the Legislature as the Office also drafts all
private member's bills.

The Attorney General has a further role to play as part of whatever Cabinet Committee is
formed to review legislation and regulations. Here the Minister has an opportunity to
comment on the technical issues related to legislation and regulations prior to Cabinet

The Attorney General's role on legislative matters is as an adviser to the Cabinet.

Although unlikely, Cabinet could, in theory, receive the Attorney General's legal opinion
on legislation and choose to disregard it. The Attorney General's role is not independent
of Cabinet decision making as in the area of criminal prosecutions. As was noted earlier,
the Attorney General must make careful distinctions about the legal opinions and policy
or political preferences being offered about legislation.

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct civil litigation on behalf of the
Government and its agencies (s. 5(h)), the Attorney General has broader litigation
responsibilities flowing from the historical powers of the Attorney General referred to in
s. 5(d) of the Act. These powers are based on the Crown's parens patriae (parental)
authority. The Attorney General's authority, therefore, is not only to conduct litigation in
cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases where
there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake.

This has been characterized as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the public
interest is well and independently represented. It may involve interventions in private
litigation or Charter challenges to legislation, even if the arguments conclude that the
legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights.

Responsibility for Court Administration (s. 5(c))

A key component of the Attorney General's responsibilities to ensure the administration

of justice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the
responsibility for maintaining liaison with the judiciary.
Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the judiciary, the responsibility
for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue. Great care and
respect for the principles of judicial independence must be exercised in this area.

As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian
of that most elusive concept - the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal
principle, but hard to easily define. It is the rule of law that protects individuals, and
society as a whole, from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties.

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