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Natalie, Yahaira, Jennifer

Grid for 4 Week Thematic Unit (20 lessons)

ESC 766-763

1. Unit Theme: Fractions

Unit Content Area: Mathematics (Grade 5)

2. Needs Analysis of ELLs: All ELLs are fifth grade mainstream bilingual students with 8
entering students, 2 emerging students, 2 transitioning students, 8 expanding students, and 2
commanding students. There will be special scaffolding for newcomers and entering students -
perhaps more visual and kinesthetic - use of manipulatives. Also, some scaffolding in providing
students with previous grades lessons on fractions, in order to clarify any misconceptions, and
to make sure all newcomers are on the same page as the other ELLs.

3. STANDARDS in Mathematics (+ ELA literacy standards for Mathematics) to be


Mathematics Standards


Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned
into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size


Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number

line diagram.


Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning

about their size.


Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n a)/(n b) by using visual

fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even
though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize
and generate equivalent fractions.


Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by
creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction
such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to
the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify
the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.


Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.


Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by
replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an
equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4
= 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)


Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the
same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction
models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number
sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For
example, recognize an incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7, by observing that 3/7 < 1/2.


Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator ( a/b = a b).

Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form
of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to
represent the problem. For example, interpret 3/4 as the result of dividing 3 by 4, noting
that 3/4 multiplied by 4 equals 3, and that when 3 wholes are shared equally among 4
people each person has a share of size 3/4. If 9 people want to share a 50-pound sack
of rice equally by weight, how many pounds of rice should each person get? Between
what two whole numbers does your answer lie?

Interpret the product (a/b) q as a parts of a partition of q into b equal parts;

equivalently, as the result of a sequence of operations a q b. For example, use a
visual fraction model to show (2/3) 4 = 8/3, and create a story context for this
equation. Do the same with (2/3) (4/5) = 8/15. (In general, (a/b) (c/d) = ac/bd.)


Comparing the size of a product to the size of one factor on the basis of the size of the
other factor, without performing the indicated multiplication.


Explaining why multiplying a given number by a fraction greater than 1 results in a

product greater than the given number (recognizing multiplication by whole numbers
greater than 1 as a familiar case); explaining why multiplying a given number by a
fraction less than 1 results in a product smaller than the given number; and relating the
principle of fraction equivalence a/b = (n a)/(n b) to the effect of multiplying a/b by


Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g.,
by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.


Interpret division of a unit fraction by a non-zero whole number, and compute such
quotients. For example, create a story context for (1/3) 4, and use a visual fraction
model to show the quotient. Use the relationship between multiplication and division to
explain that (1/3) 4 = 1/12 because (1/12) 4 = 1/3.


Interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction, and compute such quotients.For
example, create a story context for 4 (1/5), and use a visual fraction model to show
the quotient. Use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that 4
(1/5) = 20 because 20 (1/5) = 4.

Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers
and division of whole numbers by unit fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models
and equations to represent the problem. For example, how much chocolate will each
person get if 3 people share 1/2 lb of chocolate equally? How many 1/3-cup servings are
in 2 cups of raisins?

Reading Standards:


Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a
text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.

Writing Standards for Literacy:


Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and

teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas
and expressing their own clearly.


Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, using formal English when appropriate to
task and situation. (See grade 5 Language standards 1 and 3 here for specific


Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage

when writing or speaking.


Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.


Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific

words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical
relationships (e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).

Grade 5: Operations with Fractions

Students will understand that fractions are numbers less than one by
comparing them and using the operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, through the use of manipulatives, models,
and/or the number line.
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas):
1. Fractions are all numbers that are less than one.
2. Fractions come in different sizes (amounts).
3. Some fractions have equivalent fractions.
4. Fractions can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, and compared in computations
and word problems.

Essential Questions:
1. How can you show/explain that fractions are less than one?
2. Why do we compare fractions to one another? How does this help us understand
3. What steps do you take to add and subtract fractions?
4. What steps do you take to multiply fractions?
5. What steps do you take to divide fractions?
6. How can you compare fractions using manipulatives, models, and/or the number line?
7. How can you show addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division of fractions using
8. How can addition/subtraction of fractions be represented by objects, actions, words, and
9. What do the parts of a fraction tell us about its numerator and denominator?

4. Modifications for Special Needs Learners (identify the special needs of the children you
are working with and general modifications in instruction, materials, and assessment)
Student with ADHD can use manipulatives to show his understanding of the fractions
lessons. The Kahoot assessment is interactive,
which will keep him engaged.
Low-Level ELLs will receive materials and instruction in Spanish. Assessment will be in
Spanish and English.

5-11. Using the grid below, create 20 individual lesson outlines, one per row of the
Handouts, Materials, and other Documents cited here will be attached below the grid.
Lesson Topic Content Language Language Key Vocab. Procedures, Activities, Scaffolds & Materials Assesst related to Objectives
Objectives Objectives Structure Focus
Lesson 1: Students will 1.s will listen to Ss will review denominator, The Hersheys Milk Chocolate Fraction Book. 1. Exit Slip: Groups of 3 fill out
What is a understand The Hersheys complete numerator, Hersheys Chocolate Bars. a frayer model chart on a
fraction? what a Milk Chocolate sentences and part, whole, Sentence Frames: fraction.
3.NF.A.1 fraction is. Fraction Book sentence order fraction, __ is part of a whole.
5.NF.B.3 read aloud. using the manipulative, divided
2. Teacher checklist for
RI.5.4 2. Ss will discuss following by
Ss will mix, pair, share into groups of three. One student will objectives (status of the
SL.5.1, 6 how a fraction is sentence, but (draw attention to have a picture, the second the standard form, and third the class), Group Self-Check:
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 part of a whole. the words will cognates)
word form. (picture and standard form given to lower-level Answers to fractions and
3. Ss will write be mixed up.
ELLs) Ss will share out with their triad what a fraction is and sentence order in an
what a fraction is Students will different ways to represent it. This way, ss will identify the envelope.
using a Frayer order the
three ways to represent a fraction. Ss will complete the
Model. words and the frayer model (exit slip) as a triad.

______ is part
of a whole.

_____ divided
by ______ is a
proper fraction.
Lesson 2: Ss will 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Greater than, Fraction strips 1. Exit Slip: Pairs list 3 fractions
Comparing understand to a partner and apply signal less than, fractions, Signal words on index cards which are greater than and 3
Fractions how to which fractions words to fraction strips, Sentence Frames fractions that are less than .
4.NF.A.2 compare are greater or compare numerator,
RI.5.4 fractions. less than using fractions: same denominator 2. Teacher checklist for
as, similar, like, Ss will work in pairs and use fraction strips and their size to
SL.5.1, 6 fraction strips. (draw attention to objectives (status of the
in the same way, compare them. For example: is a larger fraction strip than
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 2. Ss will write cognates) class), Group Self-Check:
likewise (i.e is . In those same pairs, ss will use signal words to compare
which fractions They will check if they used
greater than , fractions. Lower-level ELLs will benefit from using fraction
are greater or the signal words properly, in
similar to that, strips as a manipulative.
less than others Ss will complete exit slip with a partner. terms of language and
is greater than
using a sentence mathematics.
Lesson 3: Ss will 1.Students will Students will Equivalent, fractions, Fraction strips 1. Exit Slip: Pairs list 3
Equivalent identify use fractions review and numerator, Signal words on index cards equivalent fractions to .
Fractions equivalent strips to explain apply signal denominator, fraction Sentence Frames
3.NF.A.3 fractions. equivalent words to show strips, least common 2. Teacher checklist for
4.NF.A.1 fractions. the cause and denominator,
Ss will multiply the same number to both the numerator and objectives (status of the
RI.5.4 effect of finding common multiple, the denominator, in order to find an equivalent fraction. class), Group Self-Check:
SL.5.1, 6 the common factors
Then, ss will apply signal words to their findings: is Use of transition words and if
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 multiple of (draw attention to
equivalent to 2/8, therefore, is equal to 3/12. Lower- strips match their sentence
equivalent cognates) level ELLs can use fraction strips to identify equivalent frame analysis.
fractions: so,
therefore, as a
result, etc.
Lesson 4: Students will 1. Students will Students will Greater than, less Ss will start the lesson by watching a BrainPOP video in 1. Exit Slip: Each pair will
Ordering order orally explain to review and than, fraction strips, English (and in Spanish for Lower-Level ELLs using classroom have to organize their
Fractions fractions their partners apply signal fractions, numerator, computer and headphones) BrainPOP video on Fractions fractions on a number line.
3.NF.A.2 from least to which fraction is words to show denominator, The students number line will
RI.5.4 greatest. least, second, the cause and equivalent tions/ be used as an assessment to
SL.5.1, 6 third, or greatest effect of finding Number lines see if they have understood
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 using a number the common (draw attention to es/fracciones/ how to order fractions.
line. multiple of cognates) Fraction strips 2. Teacher checklist for
2. Students will equivalent Number lines objectives (status of the
write the fractions: so, class), Group Self-Check: Use
fractions on a since, Student will work in pairs and order fractions on a number line (i.e. of signal words during
number line. therefore, , ,, , 1/12) using fractions on index cards. discussion.
consequently, Ss will discuss using signal words. For example, is less
etc. than , so it goes before it on the number line. Lower-level
ELLs will benefit from using a number line. Lower level ELLs
can use fraction strips to assist with completing their number
Lesson 5: Ss will 1.Ss will describe Ss will review Convert, mixed Ss will start the lesson by watching a BrainPOP video in 1. Exit Slip: Teacher will write
What are convert the procedure for that the prefix number, improper English (and in Spanish for Lower-Level ELLs using classroom a mixed number on the board
Mixed mixed converting a im- means fraction, numerator, computer and headphones) BrainPOP video on Mixed and students will
Numbers and numbers to mixed number not. denominator Numbers independently convert it into
Improper improper into a improper Therefore, any (Ss will review im- an improper fraction.
Fractions? fractions. fraction. word with the prefix, along with ednumbers/ 2. Teacher checklist for
4.NF.B.3 Ss will 2. Ss will explain prefix im- similar prefixes) objectives (status of the
RI.5.4 understand how mixed means not. (draw attention to es/numeros_mixtos/ class), Group Self-Check:
SL.5.1, 6 that a mixed number and Ss will be cognates) Anchor chart Using the correct steps to
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 number is a improper fraction introduced to Checklist convert mixed numbers and
number are equal prefixes un-, worksheet improper fractions.
greater than representations dis-, in-, anti-
1. of a fraction to mean not
Teacher will model how to convert mixed numbers into
greater than 1. as well. improper fraction using a step by step checklist.
The students will work in pairs, using their checklist, to guide
them to complete their worksheet.
Ss will discuss the prefix im- and how it means not, so
improper fractions are fractions that are not proper, which
means that the numerator is greater than the denominator,
instead of the other way around.
Lesson 6: Ss will find a 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Common Strips with steps and the sequence words. 1. Exit Slip: Ss will create their
Adding Proper common to a partner the sequence denominator, own fraction addition problem
Fractions with denominator process to use to words, such as: common multiple, and show their computation
Ss work in pairs and use the following steps: Find the
unlike to add rewrite a pair of first, second, factors, denominator, common denominator by finding the common multiple of and steps.
denominators proper fractions in order third, fourth, numerator, adding, 2. Teacher checklist for
both denominators. Then, multiply the same number to the
5.NF.A.1 fractions with to add proper then, next, multiplying objectives (status of the
numerator as they multiplied to get the common
RI.5.4 unlike fractions. after, last etc. (draw attention to class), Group Self-Check: Ss
denominator. After that, add the numerators, and keep the
SL.5.1, 6 denominator 2. Ss will write cognates) use quiz-quiz trade to review
denominators the same.
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 s. the steps they vocabulary. Review steps
After practicing this process with some examples, ss will be
took to answer checklist with a partner.
given random steps with separate random sequence words,
their problem
and they have to re-organize the steps.
using sequence
Lesson 7: Students will 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Mixed Number, 1. Exit Slip: Ss will write an
Adding mixed find a to a partner the sequence Improper Fraction, addition problem using mixed
Ss work in pairs and use the following steps: Find the
numbers and common process to use to words, such as: Common numbers. Ss will show their
improper denominator rewrite a pair of first, second, denominator, common denominator by finding the common multiple of computation and write the
fractions using to add mixed fractions in order third, fourth, common multiple, both denominators. Then, multiply the same number to the steps using the sequence
unlike numbers to add mixed then, next, factors, denominator, numerator as they multiplied to get the common words.
denominators with unlike numbers with after, last etc. numerator, adding, denominator. After that, add the numerators, and keep the 2. Teacher checklist for
5.NF.A.1 denominator unlike with their own multiplying (draw denominators the same. Lastly, add the mixed number. If the objectives (status of the
RI.5.4 s. denominators. problems to attention to cognates) answer is an improper fraction, they will convert into a mixed class), Group Self-Check:
SL.5.1, 6 2. Ss will write explain the number. Using the correct steps to add
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 the steps they steps they took After practicing this process with some examples, ss will be mixed numbers.
took to answer to solve it. given random steps with separate random sequence words,
their problem and they have to re-organize the steps.
using sequence
Lesson 8: Ss will find a 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Common Strips with steps and the sequence words. 1. Exit Slip: Ss will create their
Subtracting common to a partner the sequence denominator, own fraction subtraction
Proper denominator process to use to words, such as: common multiple, problem and show their
Ss work in pairs and use the following steps: Find the
Fractions with to subtract rewrite a pair of first, second, factors, denominator, computation and steps.
common denominator by finding the common multiple of
unlike proper fractions in order third, fourth, numerator, 2. Teacher checklist for
both denominators. Then, multiply the same number to the
denominators fractions with to subtract then, next subtracting, objectives (status of the
numerator as they multiplied to get the common
5.NF.A.1 unlike proper fractions. multiplying class), Group Self-Check: Ss
denominator. After that, subtract the numerators, and keep
RI.5.4 denominator 2. Ss will write (draw attention to use quiz-quiz trade to review
the denominators the same.
SL.5.1, 6 s. the steps they cognates) vocabulary. Review steps
After practicing this process with some examples, ss will be
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 took to answer checklist with a partner.
given random steps with separate random sequence words,
their problem
and they have to re-organize the steps.
using sequence
Lesson 9: Ss will find a Ss will review Mixed Number, Ss work in pairs and use the following steps: Find the 1. Exit Slip: Ss will create their
Subtracting common sequence Improper Fraction, common denominator by finding the common multiple of own fraction subtraction
mixed denominator words, such as: Common both denominators. Then, multiply the same number to the problem and show their
numbers and to subtract first, second, denominator, numerator as they multiplied to get the common computation and steps.
improper mixed third, fourth, common multiple, denominator. After that, subtract the numerators, and keep 2. Teacher checklist for
fractions using numbers then, next, factors, denominator, the denominators the same. Lastly, subtract the mixed objectives (status of the
unlike with unlike after, last etc. numerator, number. If the answer is an improper fraction, they will class), Group Self-Check: Ss
denominators denominator with their own subtracting, convert into a mixed number. use quiz-quiz trade to review
5.NF.A.1 s. problems to multiplying After practicing this process with some examples, ss will be vocabulary. Review steps
RI.5.4 explain the (draw attention to given random steps with separate random sequence words, checklist with a partner.
SL.5.1, 6 steps they took cognates) and they have to re-organize the steps.
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 to solve it.
Lesson 10: Ss will find a 1.Students will Ss will review Mixed Number, Using a layered-look book(foldable) students will work in 1.Exit Slip: Students will
Adding and common write the sequence Improper Fraction, pairs to demonstrate their understanding on adding and create their layered-look book,
Subtracting denominator solutions to their words, such as: Common subtracting fractions, mixed numbers, and improper share, and receive
fractions, to add and problems that first, second, denominator, fractions. Teacher will give a number of problems in each comments/feedback from
mixed subtract they chose on third, fourth, common multiple, category(adding a fraction,subtracting a fraction, converting other students as well as
numbers, and proper their foldables. then, next, factors, denominator, a mixed number to improper fraction,and improper fraction teacher.
improper fractions, 2.Students will after, last etc. numerator, adding, into a mixed number) and the students will pick one problem 2.Teacher will use the
fractions improper explain to their subtracting, to solve in their layered-look book. Students will present their layered-look book to check for
5.NF.A.1 fractions, partners as well multiplying problems using their foldables to other groups. understanding.
RI.5.4 and mixed as share to other (draw attention to 3. Teacher checklist for
SL.5.1, 6 numbers groups how they cognates) objectives (status of the
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 with unlike solved adding class), Group Self-Check:
denominator and Subtracting Using the correct steps to
s. fractions, mixed add/subtract fractions, mixed
numbers, and numbers, and improper
improper fractions.

Lesson 11: Ss will solve 1. Ss will discuss Ss will review Mixed Number, Ss will start the lesson by watching a BrainPOP video in 1. Students will work in pairs
Adding and word and defend their problem and Improper Fraction, English (and in Spanish for Lower-Level ELLs using classroom or triads to solve a word
Subtracting problems by answers to the solution and Common computer and headphones) about Adding and Subtracting problem from Do These Add
proper and adding or word problem. description denominator, Fractions as a review. Up? Task from
improper subtracting 2. Ss will come to signal words. common multiple, https://www.illustrativemathe
Fractions and proper and a consensus factors, denominator, ngandsubtractingfractions/
mixed improper through the numerator, adding, standards/5/NF/A/2/tasks/481
numbers in fractions discussion, and subtracting, es/suma_y_resta_de_fracciones/ 2. Ss will create chart to show
Word and/or mixed chart their multiplying Chart Paper, Markers, Word Problems sheet their models and
Problems numbers. answer. (draw attention to mathematical thinking based
5.NF.A.2 3. Ss will show cognates) on the word problem they
Then, students are asked to read the problems with their
RI.5.4 their model and were given.
partner or group chorally, and find keywords: together, how
SL.5.1, 6 write their 3. Teacher checklist for
much, fraction of, the rest of, out of, and, etc. Then, they are
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 mathematical objectives (status of the
asked to find out if their individual problem can be
thinking using class), Group Self-Check:
represented by 2/5 + 3/10, and explain why or why not.
problem and Using the correct steps to
They can use problem and solution signal words during their
solution and/or add/subtract fractions, mixed
conversation to defend their point. For example, One reason
description signal numbers, and improper
why 2/5 + 3/10 cannot represent this problem is In
words as a basis. fractions.
addition, I think we should try using this instead
Afterwards, Ss create a chart with their model and
mathematical thinking behind it. They will present their
findings to the class.
Task word problems are translated into Spanish for Lower-
Level ELLs.

Lesson 12: Ss will 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Proper Fractions, Anchor Chart, Crayons, Paper 1.Exit Slip: Students will
Multiplying understand to a partner the sequence Factors, Area Model, create their own
Proper how to process to use to words, such as: Product, Numerator, representation of area model.
Ss will start the lesson by watching a youtube video - Rap
Fractions multiply multiply proper first, second, Denominator, 2.Teacher will use the
Song - Multiply Fractions
5.NF.B.4.A proper fractions. third, fourth, Multiplying, Simplify illustration to check for
RI.5.4 fractions by 2. Ss will write then, next, understanding.
SL.5.1, 6 using an the steps they after, last etc. 3. Teacher checklist for
area model. took to answer with their own Teacher will utilize students prior knowledge on multiplying objectives (status of the
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6
their problem problems to whole numbers using an array or area model to class), Group Self-Check:
using sequence explain the introduce multiplying fractions. Teacher will remind students Using the correct steps to
words. steps they took that we use multiplication to find groups of something. Then, multiply proper fractions.
to solve it. she will model how to multiply fractions using a step by step
anchor chart and area model.

After teacher has modeled, ss will solve a multiplication

expression and represent it using area model. For example,
to represent X 2/3 , ss will first fold paper into 4ths and
then unfold and color in 3 of the 4 sections. After that, they
will fold the same paper the other direction into 3rds and
then unfold and color in 2 of the 3 new sections. In addition,
they will explain and write step by step how to compute the

Lesson 13: Ss will 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Mixed Number, Ss will start the lesson by watching a youtube video - Rap 1. Exit Slip: Teacher will write
Multiplying understand to a partner how sequence Improper Fractions, Song - Multiply Fractions a multiplication expression
Mixed how to to multiply mixed words, such as: Area Model, Product, and have students solve it on
Numbers and multiply numbers. first, second, Factors, Numerator, their own.
Improper mixed 2. Ss will write third, fourth, Denominator, 2. Teacher checklist for
Ss work in pairs and use the following steps: Convert the
Fractions numbers by the steps they then, next, Multiplying, Convert objectives (status of the
mixed numbers into improper fractions. Then, multiply the
5.NF.B.4.A converting to took to answer after, last etc. class), Group Self-Check:
numerator from one factor to the numerator from other
RI.5.4 improper their problem with their own Using the correct steps to
factor.After that, convert improper fraction into mixed
SL.5.1, 6 fractions. using sequence problems to multiply mixed numbers.
number if necessary.
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 words. explain the
steps they took
to solve it. After practicing this process with some examples, ss will be
given random steps with separate random sequence words,
and they have to re-organize the steps.

Lesson 14: Ss will 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Proper Fraction, Ss will start the lesson by watching a youtube video by 1. Exit Slip: Teacher will write
Dividing understand to a partner the sequence Dividend, Divisor, Flocabulary - Rap Song - Keep, Change, Flip a division expression and have
Proper how to divide process to use to words, such as: Quotient, Numerator, students solve it on their own.
Fractions proper divide fractions first, second, Denominator,
5.NF.B.7.A fractions. 2. Ss will write third, fourth, Reciprocal, Invert,
Ss work in pairs and use the following steps to divide 2. Teacher checklist for
RI.5.4 the steps they then, next, Flip fraction: First, change the operation from division to objectives (status of the
SL.5.1, 6 took to answer after, last etc.
Ss will create multiplication. Second, flip the second factor (Process called class), Group Self-Check:
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 their problem with their own
a number reciprocal). Then, multiply numerator with numerator and Using the correct steps to
using sequence problems to
line model denominator with denominator. Lastly, simply if needed. divide fractions.
words. explain the
steps they took
to solve it. In addition, they will create a number line to represent the
dividing expressions.

Lesson 15: Ss will solve 1.Students will Ss will review Mixed number, Ss will start the lesson by watching a youtube video by 1.Exit Slip: Students will
Dividing Mixed dividing write the sequence improper Flocabulary - Rap Song - Keep, Change, Flip create their Three-tab book,
Numbers and mixed solutions to their words, such as: fraction,numerator, share, and receive
Improper numbers and problems that first, second, denominator, comments/feedback from
Fractions improper they chose on third, fourth, reciprocal, flip other students as well as
Using a Three-Tab Book(foldable) students will work in pairs
5.NF.B.7.A fractions. their foldables. then, next, teacher.
to demonstrate their understanding on dividing mixed
RI.5.4 2.Students will after, last etc. 2.Teacher will use the three-
numbers, and improper fractions. Students will make their
SL.5.1, 6 explain to their with their own tab book to check for
Ss will create Three-Tab book. The first tab will saykeep,
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 partners as well problems to understanding.
their own secondchange, and thirdflip. Teacher will give a number
dividing as share to other explain the of problems on the board and they will choose three 3. Teacher checklist for
groups how they steps they took objectives (status of the
fractions problems to solve using the steps given to them to find the
solved dividing to solve it. class), Group Self-Check:
foldable. answers. Students will present their problems using their
mixed numbers foldables to other groups. Using the correct steps to
and improper Divide mixed numbers and
fractions. improper fractions.

Lesson 16: Ss will solve 1.Students will Ss will review Mixed number, Ss will start the lesson by watching a youtube video - Rap 1.Exit Slip: Students will
Multiplying multiplying write the sequence improper Song - Multiply Fractions & Flocabulary Division create their Three-Tab book,
and Dividing and dividing solutions to their words, such as: fraction,numerator, share, and receive
fractions, fractions, problems that first, second, denominator, Flocabulary - Rap Song - Keep, Change, Flip comments/feedback from
mixed mixed they chose on third, fourth, reciprocal, flip other students as well as
numbers, and numbers, their foldables. then, next, teacher.
improper and improper 2.Students will after, last etc. 2.Teacher will use the three-
Using a Three-Tab Book(foldable) students will work in pairs
fractions fractions. explain to their with their own tab book to check for
to demonstrate their understanding on multiplying and
5.NF.B.4.A partners as well problems to understanding.
dividing fractions, mixed numbers, and improper fractions.
5.NF.B.7.A as share to other explain the 3. Teacher checklist for
RI.5.4 Ss will create groups how they steps they took Students will make their Three-Tab book. The first tab will objectives (status of the
SL.5.1, 6 their own solved to solve it. sayStep 1, secondStep 2, and thirdStep 3. Teacher will class), Group Self-Check:
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 multiplying multiplying and give a number of problems on the board and they will choose Using the correct steps to
and dividing dividing fractions, three problems to solve using the steps given to them to find multiply and divide fractions,
fractions mixed numbers, the answers. Students will present their problems using their mixed numbers, and improper
foldable. and improper foldables to other groups. fractions.
Lesson 17: Ss will solve 1. Ss will discuss Ss will review Mixed Number, Ss will start the lesson by watching a BrainPOP video in 1. Students will work in pairs
Multiplying word and defend their problem and Improper Fraction, English (and in Spanish for Lower-Level ELLs using classroom or triads to solve a word
and Dividing problems by answers to the solution and Common computer and headphones) about Multiplying and Dividing problem from Painting a
proper and multiplying word problem. description denominator, Fractions as a review. Wall or How Many Marbles
improper or dividing 2. Ss will come to signal words. common multiple, Task from
Fractions and proper and a consensus factors, denominator, tiplyinganddividingfractions/ https://www.illustrativemathe
mixed improper through the numerator,
numbers in fractions discussion, and multiplying, dividing, es/multiplicando_y_dividiendo_fracciones/ standards/5/NF/B/tasks/882
Word and/or mixed chart their reciprocal, flip, Chart Paper, Markers, Word Problems sheet https://www.illustrativemathe
Problems numbers. answer. simplify
5.NF.B.6 3. Ss will show (draw attention to standards/5/NF/B/7/tasks/112
Then, students are asked to read the problems with their
5.NF.B.7.C their model and cognates) 0
partner or group chorally, and find keywords: together, how
RI.5.4 write their 2. Ss will create chart to show
much, fraction of, the rest of, out of, of, and, etc. Then, they
SL.5.1, 6 mathematical their models and
are asked to find out if their individual problem can be solved
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 thinking using mathematical thinking based
using multiplication and division and explain why or why not.
problem and on the word problem they
They can use problem and solution signal words during their
solution and/or were given.
conversation to defend their point. For example, One reason
description signal 3. Teacher checklist for
why this problem can be solved using In addition, I think
words as a basis. objectives (status of the
we can show a model of this by Afterwards, Ss create a
class), Group Self-Check:
chart with their model and mathematical thinking behind it.
Using the correct steps to
They will present their findings to the class.
add/subtract fractions, mixed
Task word problems are translated into Spanish for Lower-
numbers, and improper
Level ELLs.
Lesson 18: Ss will 1. Ss will explain Ss will review Mixed Number, Ss will create a shutter fold(foldable) to write the steps to 1. Exit Slip: Teacher will write
Add, Subtract, understand to a partner the problem and Improper Fraction, add, subtract, multiply/divide fractions and mixed numbers a division expression and have
Multiply, how to add, process to use to solution and Common by whole numbers. This will be used to assist the students in students solve it on their own.
and/or Divide subtract, add, subtract, description denominator, completing their worksheet that will be given in the
Fractions and multiply/divid multiply/divide signal words. common multiple, classroom. They will complete the worksheet in groups of
2. Teacher checklist for
Mixed e fractions fractions and factors, denominator, four and will refer back to their shutterfold when solving the
objectives (status of the
Numbers by and mixed mixed numbers numerator, adding, problem.
class), Group Self-Check:
Whole numbers by by whole subtracting,
Using the correct steps to
Numbers whole numbers. multiplying Add, Subtract, Multiply, and/or
5.NF.A.1 numbers. 2. Ss will write (draw attention to
Divide Fractions and Mixed
5.NF.B.4.A the steps they cognates) Numbers by Whole Numbers.
5.NF.B.7.A took to answer
RI.5.4 their problem
SL.5.1, 6 using sequence
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 words
Lesson 19: Ss will solve 1. Ss will discuss Ss will review Mixed Number, Ss will start the lesson by watching a BrainPOP video in 1. Students will work in pairs
Add, Subtract, word and defend their problem and Improper Fraction, English (and in Spanish for Lower-Level ELLs using classroom or triads to solve a word
Multiply, problems by answers to the solution and Common computer and headphones) about Word Problems as a problem from Making
and/or Divide adding, word problem. description denominator, review. Smores or How Many
Fractions in subtracting, 2. Ss will come to signal words. common multiple, Servings of Oatmeal? Task
Word multiplying, a consensus factors, denominator, / from
Problems and dividing through the numerator, adding, https://www.illustrativemathe
5.NF.A.2 proper and discussion, and subtracting, blemas_de_matematicas/
5.NF.B.6 improper chart their multiplying, dividing, Chart Paper, Markers, Word Problems sheet standards/5/NF/A/1/tasks/861
5.NF.B.7.C fractions, answer. reciprocal, flip, https://www.illustrativemathe
RI.5.4 whole 3. Ss will show simplify
Then, students are asked to read the problems with their
SL.5.1, 6 numbers, their model and (draw attention to standards/5/NF/B/7/tasks/829
partner or group chorally, and find keywords: together, how
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 and/or mixed write their cognates) 2. Ss will create chart to show
much, fraction of, the rest of, out of, of, and, etc. Then, they
numbers. mathematical their models and
will get both problems and find out if each problem can be
thinking using mathematical thinking based
solved using addition or subtraction and multiplication or
problem and on the word problem they
division, and after, explain why or why not. They can use
solution and/or were given.
problem and solution signal words during their conversation
description signal 3. Teacher checklist for
to defend their point. For example, One reason why this
words as a basis. objectives (status of the
problem can be solved using In addition, I think we can
class), Group Self-Check:
show a model of this by Afterwards, Ss create a chart with
Using the correct steps to
their model and mathematical thinking behind it. They will
add/subtract fractions, mixed
present their findings to the class.
numbers, and improper
Task word problems are translated into Spanish for Lower-
Level ELLs.
Lesson 20: Ss will solve 1. Ss will discuss Ss will review Mixed Number, Chart Paper, Markers, Word Problems sheet 1. Students will work in pairs
Review All multi-step and defend their problem and Improper Fraction, or triads to solve a word
Fraction word answers to the solution and Common problem from Egyptian
Then, students are asked to read the problems with their
Operations in problems by word problem. description denominator, Fractions or Sharing
partner or group chorally, and find keywords: together, how
Multi-Step adding, 2. Ss will come to signal words. common multiple, Lunches Task from
much, fraction of, the rest of, out of, of, and, etc. Then, they
Word subtracting, a consensus factors, denominator, https://www.illustrativemathe
will get one multi-step problem and find out if the problem
Problems multiplying, through the numerator, adding,
can be solved using addition or subtraction and multiplication
5.NF.A.2 and dividing discussion, and subtracting, standards/5/NF/A/1/tasks/839
or division, and after, explain why or why not. They can use
5.NF.B.6 proper and chart their multiplying, dividing, https://www.illustrativemathe
problem and solution signal words during their conversation
5.NF.B.7.C improper answer. reciprocal, flip,
to defend their point. For example, One reason why this
fractions, 3. Ss will show simplify standards/5/NF/A/2/tasks/207
RI.5.4 problem can be solved using In addition, I think we can
whole their model and (draw attention to 4
SL.5.1, 6 show a model of this by Afterwards, Ss create a chart with
numbers, write their cognates) 2. Ss will create chart to show
L.5.1, 3, 4, 6 each of the steps, their model, and mathematical thinking
and/or mixed mathematical their models and
behind it. They will present their findings to the class.
numbers. thinking using mathematical thinking based
Task word problems are translated into Spanish for Lower-
problem and on the word problem they
Level ELLs.
solution and/or were given.
description signal 3. Teacher checklist for
words as a basis. objectives (status of the
class), Group Self-Check:
Using the correct steps to
add/subtract fractions, mixed
numbers, and improper

Guiding Questions for Each Lesson

Lesson 1
1. Define a fraction.
2. Is a fraction part of a whole?
3. Is a fraction less than or greater than one? How do you know?

Lesson 2
1. Why are fractions with smaller denominators greater than fractions with a
higher denominator?
2. What are some ways or manipulatives that can help you compare fractions?
Lesson 3
1. Define equivalent fractions.
2. How can we find the equivalent fractions to a fraction?
3. How can we find the equivalent fractions to a whole number?
4. What is the connection between equivalent fractions?
5. How do fraction strips help us find equivalent fractions?

Lesson 4

1. How can we use a number line to order fractions from least to greatest?
2. How can we use a number line to order fractions from greatest to least?
3. What can we discover by ordering fractions?

Lesson 5
1. What is a mixed number?
2. What is an improper fraction?
3. How do we convert a mixed number to an improper fraction?
4. How do we convert an improper fraction to a mixed number?
5. Are mixed numbers and improper fractions greater or less than one? How do
we know?

Lesson 6
1. How do we find the common denominator?
2. Why do we need to find the common multiple in order to find the common
3. Why do we need common denominators in order to add fractions?
4. When we add fractions, is your answer getting larger or smaller? How do you

Lesson 7
1. How is adding mixed numbers similar to adding proper fractions?
2. How do we add mixed numbers with unlike denominators?
3. Why do we need the find the common multiple in order to find the common
4. Is the fraction getting larger or smaller when you find the common
denominator? How do you know?

Lesson 8
1. How do we find the common denominator?
2. Why do we need the find the common multiple in order to find the common
3. Why do we need common denominators in order to subtract fractions?
4. When we subtract fractions, is your answer getting larger or smaller? How do
you know?

Lesson 9
1. How is subtracting mixed numbers similar to subtracting proper fractions?
2. How do we subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators?
3. Why do we need the find the common multiple in order to find the common
4. Is the fraction getting larger or smaller when you find the common
denominator? How do we know?

Lesson 10
1. How can we add and subtract mixed numbers?
2. How can we add and subtract proper fractions?
3. How can we add and subtract improper fraction?
4. How do we change an improper fraction into a mixed number?
5. Why should we choose the lowest common denominator, instead of any
common denominator?

Lesson 11
1. How do we add and subtract proper fractions in a word problem?
2. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to subtract?
3. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to add?

Lesson 12
1. How do we multiply fractions?
2. How can we multiply fractions using an area model?
3. How do we know when to simplify the product?
4. What happens to the product when multiplying the factors? Does it increase
or decrease compared to the factors?

Lesson 13
1. Why do we have to convert a mixed number into an improper fraction in order
to multiply them?
2. How do we multiply mixed numbers?
3. How do we simplify our product?

Lesson 14
1. How do we divide proper fractions?
2. How can we use a number line to divide proper fractions?
Lesson 15
1. How do we divide mixed numbers and proper fractions?
2. How can you write the reciprocal of a fraction?

Lesson 16
1. What is a reciprocal?
2. What are the steps to multiply and divide proper fractions?
3. What are the steps to multiply and divide mixed numbers and improper

Lesson 17
1. How do we multiply and divide proper fractions in a word problem?
2. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to multiply?
3. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to divide?

Lesson 18
1. Why do we have to place a denominator of 1 under any whole number in
order to multiply or divide?
2. Why do we have to place a denominator of 1 under any whole number in
order to add or subtract?
3. Compare and contrast the steps to add and subtract versus multiply and

Lesson 19
1. How do we add, subtract, multiply, and divide proper fractions in a word
2. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to add?
3. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to subtract?
4. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to multiply?
5. What are some keywords in a word problem that tell you when to divide?

Lesson 20
1. What does sum, in all, altogether, or total represent in a word
2. What does difference, less than, fewer, left over, how many more,
or remain represent in a word problem?
3. What does of, times, in all, each, product, and factor represent in
a word problem?
4. What does equal parts, half, quotient, distribute, cut up, split, or
separate represent in a word problem?
Materials and Assessments: Append a copy of materials for each lesson (numbered to
correspond with the lesson), including handouts, exit slips, assessments, and internet links
to web-based materials.
Modifications: Translate all of these materials into Spanish. Ss sit with a higher-level
buddy to promote progress and to serve as a translator, if necessary. Ss can also
answer in home language, since math mostly consists of concrete numbers and
Internet Links are included within the chart of the unit plan.

Modification: Translate this self-assessment into Spanish. It also has visual
emotions to guide the lower-level ELLs.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Steps Procedure Example On Your Own
Pasos Procedimiento Ejemplo Por su cuenta

St First, make sure the bottom numbers Ex. 4/5 + 2/10

ep 1 (the denominators) are the same.
Paso 1 The denominators
are not the same.

Los denominadores
Primero,aAsegrese de que los nmeros no son los mismos
de abajo ( los denominadores) son los
St Then, if denominators are different then Ex. 4/5 + 2/10
ep 2 find a common denominator. Do this by
Paso 1 finding a "multiple" of the two 5,10,15,20,25
denominators. 10,20,30,40,50

10 is a common
Despues, si los denominadores son
diferentes y luego encontrar un
denominador comn . Para ello, la
bsqueda de un "mltiple" de los dos 10 es un mltiplo
denominadores comn.

St 4/5 + 2/10
After that, re-write equivalent fraction
ep 3
using the common denominator from step
Paso 3 3. 4/5 X 2/2= 8/10

8/10 + 2/10

A continuacin, volver a escribir fraccin

equivalente usando el denominador comn
del paso 3

St Lastly, add the numerator; denominators 8/10 + 2/10= 10/10

ep 4 stay the same.
Paso 4

Finalmente, aadir el numerador;

denominadores permanecen igual.
Lesson 7
Steps Procedure Example On Your Own
Pasos Procedimiento Ejemplo Por su cuenta

St First, make sure the bottom numbers Ex. 2 4/5 + 1 2/10

ep 1 (the denominators) are the same.
Paso 1 The denominators
are not the same.

Los denominadores
Primero,aAsegrese de que los nmeros no son los mismos
de abajo ( los denominadores) son los
St Then, if denominators are different then Ex.2 4/5 + 1 2/10
ep 2 find a common denominator. Do this by
Paso 1 finding a "multiple" of the two 5,10,15,20,25
denominators. 10,20,30,40,50

10 is a common
Despues, si los denominadores son
diferentes y luego encontrar un
denominador comn . Para ello, la
bsqueda de un "mltiple" de los dos 10 es un mltiplo
denominadores comn.

St 2 4/5 +1 2/10
After that, re-write equivalent fraction
ep 3
using the common denominator from step
Paso 3 3. 2 4/5 X 2/2= 8/10

2 8/10 + 1 2/10

A continuacin, volver a escribir fraccin

equivalente usando el denominador comn 3 10/10 = 4
del paso 3

St Lastly, add the mixed number and 8/10 + 2/10= 10/10

ep 4 numerator; denominators stay the same.
Paso 4

Finalmente, aadir el numerador;

denominadores permanecen igual.
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Steps Procedure Example On Your Own
Pasos Procedimiento Ejemplo Por su cuenta

St First, change the operation from Ex. 2/5 5/8

ep 1 division to multiplication.
Paso 1
2/5 X 5/8
Primero, cambiar el funcionamiento
de la divisin a la multiplicacin.

St Second, flip the second factor Ex. 2/5 X 5/8

ep 2 around. (A process called reciprocal)
Paso 1
2/5 x 8/5
Segundo, dar la vuelta al segundo
factor. (Un proceso llamado

St 2/5 X 8/5
Then, multiply numerator with
ep 3
Paso 3 numerator and denominator with
Numerator: 2 and 8
Denominator: 5 and

Despues, multiplica el numerador con 16/25

numerador y denominador con

St Lastly, simply if needed. 16/25

ep 4
Paso 4

Dividing Proper Fractions La divisin de fracciones propias

Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Final Project-Based Authentic Assessment:
Kahoot quiz with student-created review questions in English and in Spanish (catering to ALL
levels), where they will immediately self-assess their responses. Teacher can access results data
afterwards, in order to determine who understood the big ideas of the unit.
Field Trip to Museum of Mathematics to culminate the unit.

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