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Woman and Man Relationship

There are many things that indicate woman and man relationship as we can find in
this movie. There are some part of this movie that indicates woman and man relationship.
Fatkhunaimah and umi (2014:117-122) explain that woman and man relationship can be
found in amny forms. The form are stereotype about man and woman, woman and
gender dicrimination, woman liberation and sexual revolution. The analysis of woman
and man relationship will be discussed in this part.

a. Sherry, Dre parkers mother, is a single parent since November, 13th 2007. It is
shown on the video that Dre write a mark on the wall when his fathers passed away.
b. A mother is more understand to her children. Sometimes she hugs her children to
show their love to the children. Sherry as Dres mother expresses her love to her
child when Dre go to school by saying I love you. That are the prove of the
relationship between mother and her child.
c. In the park Dre looks a girl. He tries to prove her that he can do the best on playing
tennis. It is one of the common stereotype that a man would not look weak in front
of a girl whom he love.
d. Dre fight with the boy (Cheng) when he knew the boy throw Meis paper. It is one of
the protections on a girl.
e. Dre wants to look strong in front of the girl (Mei), all of his friend and his mother
when he got injured. He tried to cover his wound with the makeup. Some boys
would probably keep their prestige in front of people especially when they got
injured. They wont look weak in front of their friend, mother and a girl whom he
f. When Mr. Han and Dres mother walk together in festival, she is very fussy and Mr.
Han is very quiet. Dres mother seems like domineering the conversation. American
woman is stereotyped as always domineering the man.
g. Dre gives something to the girl (Mei). It shows that man will give something to a
girl to indicate that he loves her. Dre swear by rab his little finger.
h. The girl (Mei) is forced by their parent to stay away with Dre. Realizing their
different status. That condition change Mei attitide toward Dre.
i. This is one of stereotype that chinese would not break their promises. It is stated by
Mei when Drei come to their house and in front of her father he make a promise.
j. This movie also shows us about gender stereotype that man/ boy is related to the
physical movement; kungfu, fight. Dres desire is joining kung fu club and Mei is
mastering on playing violin.

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