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Table 5.1 Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials, General Granular materials classification (35% or loss of total sample passing No. 200) a2 Group classification As Aa A258 A26 A27 Sieve analysis (percentage passing) No. 10 50 max. No. 40 30max. —SOmax. ST min, No. 200 1Smax. — 2Smax. — 10max, 35S max, -3Smax, 3S max, 35 max, Characteristics of fraction passing No. 40 Liquid limit 40max. 41min, 40 max. 4 min Plasticity index 6 max. NP WOmax, 10max, min, min, Usual types of significant ‘Stone fragments, Fine Silty or clayey gravel and sand, constituent materials ‘gravel, and sand sand General subgrade rating Excellent to good Silt-clay materials General classification [more than 35% of total sample passing No. 200) Ar ATS! Group classification A AS AS ATG Sieve analysis (percentage passing) No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 36 min. 36 min, 36 min 36 min, ‘Characteristics of fraction passing No, 40 Liguia limit 40 max. 41 min, 40 max. Al min, Plasticity index 10 max. 10 max, 1 min, 1 min, Usual types of significant constituent materials Silly soils Clayey soils General subgrade rating Fair to poor “For A-T-S, P= LL — 30 Plasticity index 5060 Liquid limit 70 80 «90 100

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