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Veriant tiesiogin kalb netiesiogin, angl kalboje keiiasi sakinio odi tvarka ir
veiksmaodi laikai.

- Jei autoriaus odiai pavartoti esamuoju laiku, veiksmaodio laikai nesikeiia, e. g.

He says, I love Jane He says (that) he loves Jane.
I io pavyzdio matyti, kad autoriaus odiai yra esamuoju laiku (says), todl ir atpasakojant
love ilieka esamajame laike (galn s gauna todl, kad he yra vns. 3 asmuo). Anglai labai
danai praleidia that.
- Taiau jei autoriaus odiai duoti btuoju laiku, keiiasi veiksmaodio laikas (bet ne autoriaus
odi!), e. g.
He said, I love Jane He said he loved Jane.

Veiksmaodi laik pokyiai

Jei autoriaus odiai duoti past simple (he said) laiku, o veiksmaodis, nusakantis pagrindin
veiksm yra esamajame laike (present), tai esamasis laikas keisis btj, e. g.
He said, I am a student He said he was a student.
He said, He writes books He said he wrote books.
He said, I am writing the letter now He said he was writing the letter then.
Jei ir autoriaus odiai, ir pagrindinis veiksmaodis duoti btuoju laiku (past), tada pagrindinis
veiksmaodis virsta past perfect laiku, e. g.
He said, I liked fishing He said he had liked fishing.
He said, I was very happy then He said he had been very happy then.
He said, I went to the cinema with my friend He said he had gone to the cinema
with his friend.
Jei autoriaus odiai duoti btuoju laiku, o pagrindinis veiksmaodis present perfect laiku, tai
present perfect taip pat virsta past perfect laiku, e. g.
He said, I have never been to Paris He said that he had never been to Paris.
He said, I have lost my umbrella He said he had lost his umbrella.
Jei autoriaus odiai duoti btuoju laiku, o tiesioginje kalboje yra will / shall, tada jie keiiasi
would, e. g.
He said, They will meet on Monday too He said they would meet on Monday too.
(jei autorius atpasakoja savo paties, o ne kito asmens odius, shall galima versti
should: He said, I/we will meet on Monday too He said they would meet on Monday
Nereals isireikimai su wish, would rather/sooner nereikalauja joki laik pokyi, e. g.
We wish we didnt have to take exams (nortume, kad egzamin visai nebt, said the
children The children said they wished they didnt have to take exams.
Be to, perfrazuojant autoriaus odius say vengiant pasikartojimo danai keiiamas :
complain, explain, object, point out, protest, add, admit, answer, argue, deny, object,
observe, remark, remind, shout, whisper, reply, e. g.
He said, I got stuck into traffic jam when I was going home He complained that he
had got stuck into traffic jam when he had been going home.
Tai, kur veiksmaod parinkti vietoj say, priklauso nuo sakinio prasms.
Autoriaus odiuose galima sakyti ne tik say, bet ir tell, tik tell daugiau reikia pasakojim ir
reikalauja objekto, e. g. tell him, tell Jim. Su say onjekto nereikia.
Apibendrinant galima pasakyti, kad pats pirmas veiksmaodis (says/said ir t. t.
niekada nekeiiamas, o jei jis duotas btuoju laiku, tada veiksmaodis keiiamas vienu laiku
atgal: go went; went had gone;has gone had gone.
Klausimai netiesioginje kalboje

Klausime laikai keiiasi taip pat kaip ir paprastame sakinyje, tik odi tvarka i klausimo
atsiveria teigiamo sakinio odi tvark, t. y. veiksnys, o po jo tarinys ir dingsta visi
pagalbiniai odiai (do/does/did), e. g.
He says, Where is Jane? He asks where Jane is.
He asks, Where does she live? He asks where she lives.
He says, When did she leave? He asks when she left.
He says, What will she do? He asks what she will do (will ia ilieka todl, kad jis
sudaro bsimj laik, o jo nereikia keisti would, nes autoriaus odiai esamajame
laike; do iuo atveju ne pagalbinis odis jis reikia daryti, o will do reikia darys.
He said, Where is Jane? He asked where Jane was.
He asked, Where does she live? He asked where she lived.
He said, When did she leave? He asked when she had left.
He said, What will she do? He asked what she would do.
Jei reikia perfrazuoti klausim be klausiamj odi (tik ar), tada naudojamas if (truput
reiau whether). Tinka visos anksiau pamintos taisykls (keiiasi laikai ir odi tvarka
atsikeiia paprasto sakinio), e. g.
He says, Is she at home? He asks if she is at home.
He said, Is she at home? He asked if she was at home.
Kai perfrazuojamas klausimas, say/said keiiami ask/asked, wonder/wondered, want to
know/wanted to know, inquire/inquired, e. g.
He says, Where are you? He wants to know where you are.
He said, Where are you? He wanted to know where you were.
Klausim veriant netiesiogin kalb, klaustuko, aiku, nereikia.

vardiai ir kt.
Paprastai pirmas ir antras asmenys keiiasi trei asmen, iskyrus tuos atvejus, kai autorius
atpasakoja savo odius, e. g.
He told, I have lost my umbrella. He told he had lost his umbrella.
Daniausi pokyiai duodami lentelje:
Tiesiogin kalba Netiesiogin kalba
this (kai kalbama apie laik) that
this/that (kai jie nereikia laiko) the
today that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days time
next week/year, etc. the following week/year, etc.
last week/year, etc. the previous week/year, etc.
a year ago, etc. a year before/the previous year
now at that time/then
here there (bet tik tada, kai aiku, kas tai per vieta)

Liepimai ir praymai
Liepimuose ir praymuose veiksmaodi laik keisti negalima. Reikia palikti t pat
veiksmaod, tik prie j pridti dalelyt to. Autoriaus odius i say reikia keisti tell (kai
liepiama) ir ask (kai praoma), tai pat advise, ask, beg, encourage, command, forbid,
invite, order, recommend, urge, warn, etc., e. g.
He says to them, Come back later. He tells them to come back later (liepimas, todl
He said, Wake Jack up. He asked me to wake Jack up (praymas, todl ask).

Kvietimas su lets perfrazuojamas su suggest, e. g.
He said, Lets leave the case at the station He suggested leaving the case at the
station/He suggested that they should leave the case at the station.
Yes ir no perfrazuojami su pagal prasm tinkaniu veiksmaodiu, o antr kart kartoti
yes/no nereikia, e. g.
He said, Can you swim? and I said No He asked (me) if I could swim and I said I

Present Simple Past Continuous
I run/ he runs I ran (-ed/2 forma; didnt)
Present Continuous Past Continuous
I am running I was running
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
I have run I had run
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I have been running I had been running
Past Simple Past Perfect Simple
I ran I had run (had + 3 forma)
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I was running I had been running
Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous niek nesikeiia; taip pat nesikeiia if antras ir treias tipai.
Nesikeiia ir pastovios tiesos, net jei ir said/told yra btajame laike.
Klausimai / instrukcijos
this (kai kalbama apie laik)/ these that/ those
this/that (kai jie nereikia laiko) the
today that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days time
next week/year, etc. the following week/year, etc.
last week/year, etc. the previous week/year, etc.
a year ago, etc. a year before/the previous year
now at that time/then
here there (bet tik tada, kai aiku, kas tai per vieta)
go come


Present Simple Past Continuous
I run/ he runs I ran (-ed/2 forma; didnt)
Present Continuous Past Continuous
I am running I was running
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
I have run I had run
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I have been running I had been running
Past Simple Past Perfect Simple
I ran I had run (had + 3 forma)
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I was running I had been running
Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous niek nesikeiia; taip pat nesikeiia if antras ir treias tipai.
Nesikeiia ir pastovios tiesos, net jei ir said/told yra btajame laike.
Klausimai / instrukcijos
this (kai kalbama apie laik)/ these that/ those
this/that (kai jie nereikia laiko) the
today that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days time
next week/year, etc. the following week/year, etc.
last week/year, etc. the previous week/year, etc.
a year ago, etc. a year before/the previous year
now at that time/then
here there (bet tik tada, kai aiku, kas tai per vieta)
go come
Present Simple Past Continuous
I run/ he runs I ran (-ed/2 forma; didnt)
Present Continuous Past Continuous
I am running I was running
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
I have run I had run
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I have been running I had been running
Past Simple Past Perfect Simple
I ran I had run (had + 3 forma)
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I was running I had been running
Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous niek nesikeiia; taip pat nesikeiia if antras ir treias tipai.
Nesikeiia ir pastovios tiesos, net jei ir said/told yra btajame laike.
Klausimai / instrukcijos
this (kai kalbama apie laik)/ these that/ those
this/that (kai jie nereikia laiko) the
today that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days time
next week/year, etc. the following week/year, etc.
last week/year, etc. the previous week/year, etc.
a year ago, etc. a year before/the previous year
now at that time/then
here there (bet tik tada, kai aiku, kas tai per vieta)
go come


Present Simple Past Continuous
I run/ he runs I ran (-ed/2 forma; didnt)
Present Continuous Past Continuous
I am running I was running
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
I have run I had run
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I have been running I had been running
Past Simple Past Perfect Simple
I ran I had run (had + 3 forma)
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I was running I had been running
Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous niek nesikeiia; taip pat nesikeiia if antras ir treias tipai.
Nesikeiia ir pastovios tiesos, net jei ir said/told yra btajame laike.
Klausimai / instrukcijos
this (kai kalbama apie laik)/ these that/ those
this/that (kai jie nereikia laiko) the
today that day
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days time
next week/year, etc. the following week/year, etc.
last week/year, etc. the previous week/year, etc.
a year ago, etc. a year before/the previous year
now at that time/then
here there (bet tik tada, kai aiku, kas tai per vieta)
go come

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