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STATE OF MICHIGAN SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT. MARK GRABOW, Plaintift, vs. Case No. 2017-732-CZ MACOMB TOWNSHIP, Defendant. S i zon OPINION AND ORDER Peete eeeeet 7 ao ie This matter is before the Court on defendant’s motion for summary disp. stant te—y = Ww MER 2.116(CX10). 3 I. Background Plaintiff alleges that on December 21, 2016, defendant’s Board of Trustees (the Board) held a closed session during which it created a new in-house counsel position, He alleges that the closed session was in violation of the Open Meetings Act (OMA). Further, he alleges that the Board failed to take a roll call vote when it voted to convene in a closed session, and never gave public notice that it was going to deliberate on the creation of the new position, He also alleges that the subject employment agreement is in violation of public policy because it effectively offers lifetime employment, among other things. Accordingly, plaintiff has brought the following claims: Count I, violation of the OMA; and Count I, violation of public policy. Defendant filed the instant motion in lieu of filing an answer to the complaint. It is

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