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By Bernard Jaworski
and Katherine Jocz

uring the dot-com heyday, companies gave away
products and services while they were simulta-
neously investing staggering sums in infrastruc-
ture. In the online realm, any consumer or busi-
ness with access to a computer and a Web con-
nection could conveniently choose from a wealth of
discounted or free products and services, log on to tons of
information and free entertainment, and partake of new serv-
ices such as e-mail and chat rooms. For their part, customers
gave up personal information to marketers and permitted
Web sites to track their online behavior. Collectively they con-
stituted the coveted “eyeballs” sought after by marketers.
The benefits to customers have translated into consistent
and growing demand for online services, despite the shake-
out of Internet companies. In fact, a January 2002 report from

22 ❘ MM September/October 2002
Now that the dot-com dust
has settled, the big winner
is the customer.

the Customer

MM September/October 2002 ❘ 23
EXECUTIVE After the dot-com downfall, the new-economy mantras appear to have lost their luster. But to
dismiss Web marketers entirely is short-sighted. In the past few years, the Internet has qui-
briefing etly emerged as a potent marketing channel that few industries can afford to ignore. But, so
far, customers have reaped most of the benefits. The challenge now is to harness this channel, placing customer experience and
relationships at the center of strategy to create value for marketers as well as customers.

Nielsen/Net Ratings and Harris Interactive indicates that U.S. e- less relevant for commodity products with minimal brand dif-
commerce sales in November and December 2001 jumped more ferentiation and widespread offline availability.
than 15% from the previous year, with a record number of Despite these differences, all marketers must ask themselves
online buyers satisfied with their experiences. four key questions: (1) Does my segmentation reflect new cus-
But, for businesses, extracting profits from online customers tomer preferences and new ways of addressing customers? (2)
has proven to be a difficult and often deadly process. Triggered Which channels can most efficiently deliver each of my products
by giveaways, customers have adopted a bargain-seeking men- and services? (3) How can the customer experience I provide—
tality and have proven remarkably resistant to paying for value- across all channels—enrich the customer relationship? (4) Am I
added service., arguably one of the Internet’s using my customer data effectively?
greatest success stories, reduced already low prices in the third The following marketing principles can help companies
quarter of 2001. Company chairman Jeff Bezos was quoted in leverage the new technologies in the networked economy:
Publisher’s Weekly (October 24, 2001) as saying Amazon’s long- 1. Join market segmentation with individualization. The
term goal continues to be to lower prices as much as possible. hallmarks of the classical approach to marketing strategy are
Of course, some businesses, such as the travel industry, have segmentation, target market selection, and positioning. A firm
successfully used the Internet to fill excess capacity. But other such as Wal-Mart would first segment the market, then choose a
benefits have failed to materialize. Despite increased traffic, particular segment (e.g., a rural geographic area underserved by
online advertising revenue has plummeted. The Internet’s abili- traditional retailers) and position within the segment (e.g., low
ty to build brands remains unproven—ironically, brand building prices and brand names are key benefits). All individuals within
in the dot-com era benefited offline media far more than online a segment most likely would receive the same marketing com-
businesses. And if customers are occasionally uneasy about giv- munications and be offered the same products and services.
ing up personal information and the specter of Big Brother Then one-to-one marketing proponents like Don Peppers and
tracking their behavior online, companies have generally failed Martha Rogers said companies should do away with segmenta-
to leverage this information anyway. tion and treat every individual as a segment. They argued that
new technologies offer the tools and data to target individual
Amplify Customer Focus needs for a completely customized experience. However, indi-
Marketers lured by the Internet’s promise of immediacy, vidually targeted communications and individually customized
interactivity, availability, customization, and global reach need products have proven difficult to achieve. More important, even
to evaluate when it really pays to reach customers through the if one-to-one marketing could be implemented, it’s unlikely to
Internet and how the Internet best fits into overall marketing be the most profitable strategy. Why? Because different clusters
strategy. To do so, they need to pay even closer attention to cus - of customers vary significantly in their profitability for a partic-
tomers and rethink how to evaluate market opportunities, set ular firm.
marketing strategy, and deploy marketing programs. There is a middle ground. It’s possible to take a segment, say
And nearly every firm must reckon with changes the Internet one defined by common needs, and embed different levels of
has wrought in customers: Online experiences have changed individualization and interactivity within it. Information and
how customers learn about products, form competitive choice communications technologies have enabled firms to touch target
sets, shop for products, and purchase. Customers’ online experi- customers at the individual level with a dialogue of interaction
ences have colored their offline interactions—and vice versa. rather than broadcasting the same message to everyone.
Each firm in each industry will have to craft its own market- Customers participate in the customization process both active-
ing strategy, depending on its existing market position and ly—by supplying information on their preferences—and pas-
internal capabilities. The effects of the Internet are still cascading sively—through tracking systems. Using these data, marketers
through the economy, and the transformation will range from can refine and individualize their product offering.
small to large depending on the nature of the product or service Take American Airlines. It knows which travelers fly most
offered. While that transformation is significant and transparent frequently and rewards this preferred executive platinum travel-
in areas such as music, publishing, financial services, and travel er segment with one-to-one options both online and offline. This
services, where the core product is inherently “digitizable,” it’s segment has an exclusive phone number (which screens based

24 ❘ MM September/October 2002
on flyer number) and receives a range of services, prices, and The resulting maps reveal competitive opportunities and dif-
convenience that aren’t available to all customers. Moreover, this ferences. Take Wal-Mart again. Given its infrastructure, online
segment always gets preferred, white-glove service—even if it’s clothing sales are unprofitable. On the other hand, Lands’ End,
at the expense of other customers. Online the executive plat- as an established catalog retailer, has the needed operational
inum traveler has a range of Web-based services such as special capabilities plus a significant number of customers who are
fares and services, all justified by this customer’s profitability. already online. On the Web, Wal-Mart does best by selling dis-
2. Recalibrate where marketplace exchanges should occur counted goods to a mass audience while Target aims to build
with the customer. The Internet can be an effective marketing brand awareness among the upscale portion of its shoppers.
channel—but not for all companies and not for all products and High-consideration products, such as automobiles, real
services. Each combination of product and market segment estate, and prescription drugs, or entertainment products are
must be scrutinized to see where profitable exchanges with the good examples of cases where an online presence has significant
customer should take place. potential to affect offline sales by aiding the search process.
Consider, for example, Wal-Mart. According to a New York Branded products (e.g., consumer packaged goods, fast foods,
Times article (Bob Tedeschi, September 26, 2001, “Discount and over-the-counter drugs) may create an opportunity to
Giants Learn Online Lessons: Film, Yes; Shampoo, No”), the dis - increase brand equity. For commodity products with good
count giant started its online business selling much of the same offline distribution, there’s likely to be no marketing impact
merchandise it did in stores, from shampoo to televisions. It from an online presence.
quickly learned that handling and shipping costs ate up any Once the decision is made to use the Web as a distribution or
margin on the bulkier low-priced items or even apparel. On the communications channel, the next step is to decide where on the
other hand, high-priced electronic goods such as laptop comput- Internet consumers will find your products or services. An
ers that were difficult to display in stores and easy prey for increasing share of transactions will occur outside traditional
thieves were ideal for online sales. industry channels.
In Exhibit 1 we show a simple framework for mapping out Book sales are a good example. In addition to online book-
when to use the Internet as a sales channel, when to use it as a sellers like Amazon that are analogous to bricks-and-mortar
trigger for offline sales, when to use it to build brands, and stores, we see a growing number of book-selling sites way
when not to use it. The trick is to simultaneously consider cus- beyond what could have been predicted five years ago. These
tomers and products: Which products do you have or can you include affiliates, portals, search engines, aggregators, and
build the infrastructure to sell at a profit online? Is there a sig- lifestyle sites. In short, there are many more ways for customers
nificant segment or sub-segment of your target customers for to search for, shop for, and purchase books.
this product that’s offered online? Moreover, consumers are going to demand that book sales

■ Exhibit 1
Which product/market segments can benefit most from Internet channels?

Product/Market Segments

Is segment online and can
The Internet can be a
product be delivered
significant sales channel

If No:

Is segment online and does The Internet has the potential

product require significant to materially impact
consideration? offline sales

If No:

Is segment online and is The Internet can build brand

the product a highly equity and marginally
branded good? lift sales

If No:

Internet will likely have small Use only traditional

marketing impact marketing channels

MM September/October 2002 ❘ 25
■ Exhibit 2 tomers, engaging in transactions, engendering trust, and creat-
Marketspace matrix for eBay (1995) ing satisfaction. To this end, all components of the marketing
plan must be integrated to deliver a unified, positive customer
experience. There are real perils in not doing this: According to a
March 2001 report from Jupiter Media Metrix, 70% of online
buyers say poor online service from a retailer will cause them to
spend less money at that merchant’s offline store.
The marketspace matrix shown in Exhibit 2 is an approach to
creating an integrated marketing plan that begins with customer
relationships. Each cell of the matrix depicts what a particular
marketing tool is used for at each relationship stage.
The marketing-mix levers in the marketspace matrix are the
familiar ones of product, price, communication, and distribution
plus a new one—community. Communities have flourished as
the new online media have allowed people to connect with one
another. And the Internet can give a powerful boost to each of
the other levers as it facilitates individual, personalized
exchanges between businesses and customers.
As Kevin Lane Keller points out in his book Strategic Brand
Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity
(Prentice-Hall, 1998), the marketing mix, when properly
deployed, will have two outcomes. It will move customers
through awareness and exploration to the commitment stage. It
will also build the brand to create long-lasting, positive, and dif-
ferentiated associations.
Depending on the customer segment, the customer relation-
ship stages that are relevant for the targeted customers, and the
occur in settings that make sense from their perspective. If I’m marketing mix tools that are available, some cells of the matrix
visiting to look for recipes, I also want to be able to will have low or no priority. Looking at the eBay matrix, not all
buy books on cooking. If I’m visiting a camping site, I want books mix elements are used at all stages of the customer relationship.
on national parks. Marketing managers must be similarly creative Neither will all stages be addressed at a given time. In fact, the
about where to place their products, locating them in context-spe- matrix for eBay in 1995 looks quite different from the one in
cific locations where the customers will be most receptive. 2000. (See Exhibit 3.)
3. Focus on developing relationships. Because supply out- 4. Act on customer data. If nothing else, the Internet is a
strips demand for products, competition based on product fea- data-rich environment. Market research, customer-relationship
tures and functionality is giving way to competition based on management, and marketing metrics all have at their disposal
product enhancement (e.g., through branding and service) as a unprecedented levels of information to allow marketers to make
way to encourage lifelong relationships. Loyal, committed cus- smart and fast decisions.
tomers are more profitable because they purchase more, are less Firms that can collect deep rich data on the buying and
price sensitive, and are less expensive to serve. usage habits of their most profitable customer segments and
As relationships grow in importance, individualized market- translate these data into better services (e.g., preferred telephone
ing within chosen segments becomes even more powerful, par- access) will be able to reap short-term advantages over the com-
ticularly when it’s understood that customers within these seg- petition. Additional short-term advantages can come from shift-
ments are each at a different relationship stage with the compa- ing less profitable segments toward lower-cost service options,
ny. Managing customer relationships runs the gamut from mov- as the banking industry has done in moving customers from
ing customers through the initial stages of awareness and explo- tellers to ATMs. Many of these short-term advantages can collec-
ration to the commitment stage of the relationship to managing tively add up to significant competitive strength.
the dissolution stage in a way that keeps customers satisfied. Two barriers stand in the way. First, very few marketing
Relationships are formed based on the total customer experi- organizations are set up to gain a holistic view of the customer,
ence—all the encounters and points of contact a customer has one that integrates data of different types—qualitative and quan-
with the firm, whether product, service, television commercials, titative—and from many different sources—online and offline.
billboards, or Web sites. Smart companies are learning to man - Second, few marketing organizations are designed for rapid
age all these multiple experiences to create strong, positive expe- and effective redesign of the marketing mix. Having an organi-
riences and brand perceptions. zation respond to marketplace events often takes months (or
Establishing committed relationships requires attracting cus- years), not days. In order to reach customers more quickly and

26 ❘ MM September/October 2002
■ Exhibit 3
Marketspace matrix for eBay (2000-present)

more effectively than competitors, businesses will need to build iors of customers as they interact with new technologies require
new structures, systems, and processes to act on the information. companies to monitor and adjust to these changes. For another,
So how should we think about enabling organizations to act easy access to information and handouts from marketers has tilt-
on information? Anumber of organizations are developing special ed the balance of power in favor of the customer.
units to address the most important segments. This has been true Anew emphasis on relationships has emerged, along with
for years—national account structures, market-manager struc- new interactive tools to strengthen those relationships. Marketers
tures, and skunk works. What’s new is that this form of organiza- now have more means of implementing customer-centric market-
tion will be required of the entire marketing organization. ing—by using traditional marketing-mix tools as well as the
The need for better and quicker decision making will help Internet. To help marketers plan and organize in this new envi-
transform the way organizations are structured. We anticipate a ronment, we have created simple tools for calibrating use of the
shift away from product-centric or function-centric organiza- Internet as a marketing channel and for planning the marketing
tions to more process-oriented structures, which will largely be mix. By making information-based decisions and coordinating
built on specific market segments. In effect, more market-based customer touch points, marketers can make the most of the
organization structures will emerge. Why? Because decision opportunities that the networked economy provides. ■
making will foster tighter ties between departments, more effi-
cient organizational structures, better processes, and more risk About the Authors
taking on the part of marketing personnel. Bernard Jaworski is managing director, research and develop-
ment, and founding member of Marketspace, a Monitor Group
Marketing Reinvigorated company. He may be reached at bjaworski@marketspace
What have we learned so far? One lesson is that there’s a Katherine Jocz is in the marketspaceU group at
greater need than ever for a customer-centric approach to mar- Marketspace, a Monitor Group company. She may be reached at
keting. For one thing, the evolving needs, attitudes, and behav-

MM September/October 2002 ❘ 27

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