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TitleAstr ologerN am e

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Addr essLine2
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M obile:M obile
Em ail:Astr ologerEm ail w eb:Astr ologerW ebSite
BirthChartR eport
Na m e pg.10 6

G en der Fem a le

Fa ther'sNa m e N/A

M other'sNa m e N/A

G otra N/A

K ula deva ta N/A

B irthP la ce B a n ga lore,K a rn a ta ka ,In dia ,77:36 :0 E,23:16 :0 N,TZ on e:

Tim eZ on e 5.5

D STC orrection 0

O therTim eC orrection 0

B irthD a tea n dTim e Thursda ySeptem ber221932 0 6 :24:26 A M

A ddress N/A

E-m a il N/A

M obile N/A

PanchangaD etails
Paksha Krishnapaksha
Tithi KrishnaSaptam i[42.25% rem aining]
V asara(w eekd ay) Brihaspativ asara
N akshatra M rigashira[1 ]
Yoga Sidd hi[1 8.36% rem aining]
Karana Bav a[84.50% rem aining]
L agna Kanya
R asi V rishabha
Su nR iseTim e Thu rsd aySeptem ber221 932 06:08:1 3AM
Su nSetTim e Thu rsd aySeptem ber221 932 06:1 6:1 5PM
R aahu Kaalam 1 3:43:1 4 To 1 5:1 4:1 4
G u likaKaalam 09:1 0:1 3 To 1 0:41 :1 3
Yam agand aKaalam 06:08:1 3 To 07:39:1 3
VII8:54:34 VIII7:46 :43 IX8:8:39 X8:54:25 II7:46 :43 M e29:47:0
M o24:54:29 K e23:25:35
Ju16 :11:25
XII10 :8:18
7 5
La gn a 8:54:34
III8:8:39 Su5:58:40
8 4 XI9:43:12
M a 7:54:44
IV8:54:25 6 X8:54
9 3
Sa [R]5:23:9
V9:43:12 VII8:54:34
10 2
11 1
VI10 :8:18 VIII7:46 :43
II7:46 :43 M e29:47:0
K e23:25:35
Ju16 :11:25
XII10 :8:18
7 5
La gn a 8:54:34
III8:8:39 Su5:58:40
8 4 XI9:43:12
Ra 23:25:35 M a 7:54:44 M a 7:54:44
VI10 :8:18 XI9:43:12 IV8:54:25 6 X8:54
Ve20 :36 :50 9 3
pg.1 06 Sa [R]5:23:9
22-Sep-1 93206:24:26AM Bangalore V9:43:12 VII8:54:34
77:36:0E,23:1 6:0N TZone:5.5 IX8:8:39
V9:43:12 KP(O riginal)Ayanam sha XII10 :8:18 10 2
Sa [R]5:23:9 22:49:25 Ju16 :11:25 11 1
K e23:25:35 VI10 :8:18 VIII7:46 :43
M e29:47:0 Ra 23:25:35

IV8:54:25 III8:8:39 II7:46 :43 Su5:58:40

La gn a 8:54:34

Planet Pos. O w ns O cc. N ak. SgL
Su * V i 5:58:40 1 2 1 2 U.Phalgu ni[3] Me
M o# Ta 24:54:29 11 9 M rigashira[1 ] Ve
Ma Cn 7:54:44 38 1 0 Pu shya[2] Mo
Me L e 29:47:0 11 0 1 2 U.Phalgu ni[1 ] Su
Ju L e 1 6:1 1 :25 47 1 2 P.Phalgu ni[1 ] Su
V e+ Cn 20:36:50 29 11 Ashlesha[2] Mo
Sa[R ] Cp 5:23:9 56 4 U.Aashad a[3] Sa
R a# Aq 23:25:35 -- 6 P.Bhaad ra[2] Sa
Ke# L e 23:25:35 -- 1 2 P.Phalgu ni[4] Su
C usps
Cu sp Pos. N ak. SgL StL
L agna[e] V i:8:54:34 U.Phalgu ni[4] Me Su
II[e] L i:7:46:43 Sw ati[1 ] Ve R a
III[e] Sc:8:8:39 Anu rad ha[2] Ma Sa
IV Sg:8:54:25 M oola[3] Ju Ke
V [e] Cp:9:43:1 2 U.Aashad a[4] Sa Su
VI Aq:1 0:8:1 8 Shatabhisha[2] Sa R a
V II[e] Pi:8:54:34 U.Bhaad ra[2] Ju Sa
V III[e] Ar:7:46:43 Ashw ini[3] Ma Ke
IX Ta:8:8:39 Krittika[4] Ve Su
X G e:8:54:25 Aard ra[1 ] Me R a
XI Cn:9:43:1 2 Pu shya[2] Mo Sa
XII L e:1 0:8:1 8 M agha[4] Su Ke
*:InO w nStar |# :N oPlanetsinStars
+:InO w nSu b|[e]:Em ptycu sp R ahu isagentfor:M eM aJu Sa Ketu isagentfor:V eSu
Vim shottar iD asha:M ar sM ahadashaB alance:6year s/2m onths/3days
M ars[age:0y] R ahu [age:6y/2m ] Ju piter [age:24y/2m ]
R ahu 22-Apr-1 932 R ahu 25-N ov -1 938 Ju piter
Ju piter 1 0-M ay-1 933 Ju piter 07-Au g-1 941 Satu rn
Satu rn 1 6-Apr-1 934 Satu rn 31 -Dec-1 943 M ercu ry
M ercu ry 26-M ay-1 935 M ercu ry 06-N ov -1 946 Ketu
Ketu 22-M ay-1 936 Ketu 26-M ay-1 949 V enu s
V enu s 1 9-O ct-1 936 V enu s 1 3-Ju n-1 950 Su n
Su n 1 9-Dec-1 937 Su n 1 3-Ju n-1 953 M oon
M oon 26-Apr-1 938 M oon 08-M ay-1 954 M ars
M ars 07-N ov -1 955 R ahu
Satu rn [age:40y/2m ] M ercu ry [age:59y/2m ] Ketu [age:76y/2m ]
Satu rn 24-N ov -1 972 M ercu ry 25-N ov -1 991 Ketu
M ercu ry 28-N ov -1 975 Ketu 22-Apr-1 994 V enu s
Ketu 07-Au g-1 978 V enu s 20-Apr-1 995 Su n
V enu s 1 6-Sep-1 979 Su n 1 8-Feb-1 998 M oon
Su n 1 5-N ov -1 982 M oon 25-Dec-1 998 M ars
M oon 28-O ct-1 983 M ars 25-M ay-2000 R ahu
M ars 29-M ay-1 985 R ahu 23-M ay-2001 Ju piter
R ahu 08-Ju l-1 986 Ju piter 1 0-Dec-2003 Satu rn
Ju piter 1 4-M ay-1 989 Satu rn 1 7-M ar-2006 M ercu ry
V enu s [age:83y/2m ] Su n [age:1 03y/2m ] M oon [age:1 09y/2m ]
V enu s 25-N ov -201 5 Su n 25-N ov -2035 M oon
Su n 26-M ar-201 9 M oon 1 3-M ar-2036 M ars
M oon 26-M ar-2020 M ars 1 2-Sep-2036 R ahu
M ars 24-N ov -2021 R ahu 1 8-Jan-2037 Ju piter
R ahu 24-Jan-2023 Ju piter 1 3-Dec-2037 Satu rn
Ju piter 24-Jan-2026 Satu rn 01 -O ct-2038 M ercu ry
Satu rn 24-Sep-2028 M ercu ry 1 3-Sep-2039 Ketu
M ercu ry 25-N ov -2031 Ketu 1 9-Ju l-2040 V enu s
Ketu 25-Sep-2034 V enu s 24-N ov -2040 Su n
B ir thTim eR Ps C astingTim eR Ps

Dateand Tim e:Thu rsd ay22Septem ber1 93206:24:26AM Dateand Tim e:M ond ay09Septem ber201 31 0:21 :48AM
Place:Bangalore,Karnataka,Ind ia,77:36:0E,23:1 6:0N , TZone:5.5 Place:Bangalore,Karnataka,Ind ia,77:35:0E,1 2:59:0N ,
L agna:M e Su V e Ju [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] M oon:V e M a R a Sa L agna:V e Ju Sa R a [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] M oon:V e
[Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] DayL ord :Ju [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] DayL ord :M o
R u lingPlanetsinStarofR etrograd ePlanetsare:M a R u lingPlanetsinStarofR etrograd ePlanetsare:N one
R u lingPlanetsinSu bofR etrograd ePlanetsare:R a R u lingPlanetsinSu bofR etrograd ePlanetsare:N on
Su n:M e Su M e M o [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] R ahu :Sa Ju Sa R a Su n:Su V e Sa V e [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ]
[Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] Ketu :Su V e Sa R a [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] R ahu :V e R a V e R a [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] Ketu :M
[Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ]

Significator s-PlanetsView
Planet TypeA TypeB TypeC TypeD
Su * 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
M o# 1 0 9 38 11
Ma 4 1 0 56 38
Me 1 2 1 2 1 2 11 0
Ju 11 1 2 29 47
V e+ 1 2 11 11 0 29
Sa 1 2 4 1 2 56
R a# 1 2 6 47 --
Ke# 11 1 2 29 --
Significator s-C uspsView
Cu sp TypeA TypeB TypeC TypeD
L agna[e] -- -- Ve Me
II[e] -- -- Ju Ke Ve
III[e] -- -- Mo Ma
IV Ma Sa R a Ju
V [e] -- -- Ma Sa
VI -- R a Ma Sa
V II[e] -- -- R a Ju
V III[e] -- -- Mo Ma
IX -- Mo Ju Ke Ve
X Mo Ma Ve Me
XI Ju Ke Ve -- Mo
XII Su M eV eSaR a Su M eJu Ke Su M eSa Su
TypeA:InStarofoccu pant/s TypeB:O ccu pant/s TypeC:InStarofow ner/s TypeD:O w ner TypeE:Connected toA,B,CorD
*:InO w nStar
# :N oPlanetsinStars
+:InO w nSu b
[e]:Em ptycu sp
R ahu isagentfor:M eM aJu Sa
Ketu isagentfor:V eSu
Traditionallyvedicaspectshavebeencom putedbasedonthesignsinwhichplanetsarelocated.Thereisnoconsiderationforthedegreeoccupiedby
Evenifaplanetoccupiesthelastdegreeinasign,itisstillconsideredsim ilartoaplanetoccupyingthethem iddleofthesignoreventheinitialdegreeof thesign.
C onjunctionshavealsobeendefinedthisway-signbased.
Inhis4steptheoryS hri.S unilG ondhalekarjihasdem onstratedthatvedicaspectscanbebetterjudgediftheaspectsandconjunctionsareconsidered aftertakingintoacco
H encetofacilitatethisthinkingandtohelpyou( ifyouwanttofollowthism ethod),wehavegiventwotablesforvedicaspects.O neaccordingtothe traditionalschooloftho
Planet PlanetsAspected PlanetsAspecting PlanetsConj. Cu spsAspected
Su * 7[7]
M o# 3[7]
Ma Sa[7] R a[8] Sa 2[4] 5[7] 6[8]
Me R a[7] R a 6[7]
Ju R a[7] R a 4[5] 6[7] 8[9]
V e+ Sa[7] Sa 5[7]
Sa[R ] V e[7] M a[7] Ve Ma 2[1 0] 7[3] 1 1 [7]
R a# M e[7] Ju [7] M e M a Ju 1 2[7]
Ke# 6[7]
Vedic Aspects- As per orb of 4-Step theory (3.3333 degrees)
Planet Planets Aspected Planets Aspecting Planets Conj. Cusps Aspected
Su* 7[7]
Ma Sa[7] Sa 2[4] 5[7] 6[8]
Sa[R] Ma[7] Ma 2[10]
Astrologer: Title Astrologer Name, Mobile, Astrologer Email
A strologer:TitleA strologerNa m e,M obile,A strologerEm a il
,77:36 :0 E,23:16 :0 N,TZ on e:5.5

6 :24:26 A M

1 3AM
:1 5PM

M e29:47:0

Su5:58:40 Ve20 :36 :50

4 XI9:43:12

6 X8:54:25

FO27:50 :22
VII8:54:34 M o24:54:29

VIII7:46 :43
Me Su Me Mo
Ve Ma R a Sa
Mo Sa Ke Sa
Su Su R a Ju
Su Ve Su Ve
Mo Me Ve Ju
Sa Su Me Ke
Sa Ju Sa R a
Su Ve Sa R a

Su Ve Ju
R a R a Me
Sa Ve Ve
Ke Ju Mo
Su Ve Me
R a Ju Ma
Sa Ve R a
Ke Ju Ju
Su Ve Ve
R a Ju Sa
Sa Ve Sa
Ke Sa Ve

Ju piter [age:24y/2m ]
Ju piter 24-N ov -1 956
Satu rn 1 2-Jan-1 959
M ercu ry 26-Ju l-1 961
Ketu 31 -O ct-1 963
V enu s 06-O ct-1 964
Su n 07-Ju n-1 967
M oon 26-M ar-1 968
M ars 26-Ju l-1 969
R ahu 01 -Ju l-1 970
Ketu [age:76y/2m ]
Ketu 24-N ov -2008
V enu s 22-Apr-2009
Su n 22-Ju n-201 0
M oon 28-O ct-201 0
M ars 29-M ay-201 1
R ahu 25-O ct-201 1
Ju piter 1 2-N ov -201 2
Satu rn 1 9-O ct-201 3
M ercu ry 28-N ov -201 4
M oon [age:1 09y/2m ]
M oon 24-N ov -2041
M ars 25-Sep-2042
R ahu 26-Apr-2043
Ju piter 25-O ct-2044
Satu rn 24-Feb-2046
M ercu ry 25-Sep-2047
Ketu 23-Feb-2049
V enu s 24-Sep-2049
Su n 26-M ay-2051

ay09Septem ber201 31 0:21 :48AM

ataka,Ind ia,77:35:0E,1 2:59:0N , TZone:5.5
a [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] M oon:V e R a R a M e
ord :M o
rofR etrograd ePlanetsare:N one
bofR etrograd ePlanetsare:N one
Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ]
R a [Sgl,Stl,SL ,SSL ] Ketu :M a V e M o M a

TypeE SL For
17 --
-- --
1 1 21 2 --
647 --
68 4681 0
546 1 35791 1
271 1 1 3891 0 1 2
1 235891 01 1 2
6 --

TypeE SL
Su SaR a Ve
M aSaR a R a
SaR a Ve
M eV e Ju
V eR a Ve
M eV eJu Ke Ju
Su M eSa Ve
Ju SaR a Ju
SaR a Ve
SaR a Ju
M aSaR a Ve
Ma Sa

heinitialdegreeof thesign.

ctionsareconsidered aftertakingintoaccounttheorbofconjunction.
neaccordingtothe traditionalschoolofthoughtandtheothertakingtheorbasdefinedforthe4steptheory.

Cu spsAspected Cu spsConj.
7[7] 1
2[4] 5[7] 6[8] 11
4[5] 6[7] 8[9] 1 2
2[1 0] 7[3] 1 1 [7] 5
1 2[7]

Cusps Aspected Cusps Conj.

7[7] 1

2[4] 5[7] 6[8] 11


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