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Basilio Antonio Fergus conocido artsticamente como Basilio naci en la Ciudad

de Panam, 13 de octubre de 1947 y falleci el 11 de octubre de 2009 en
Miami,fue un cantante panameo, que tuvo mucho xito en las dcadas 1970 y
1980. Desarroll su carrera artstica en Espaa luego de haber ido a estudiar
medicina a Francia. En 1969 lanza su primer single No digas adis , El primer
amor, grabado en Londres, demostr sus buenas aptitudes.
En 1972 consigui el segundo premio en la primera edicin del Festival OTI
representando a Panam con la cancin Oh, Seor. Particip en numerosos
festivales y continu editando singles de mediana repercusin como Tal vez
maana, El tiempo vuela, Alguien entre otros.
En 1973 regres a Panam para representar a su pas en el festival de la OTI,
tras lo cual volvi a Espaa para casarse por primera vez (lo hara otra vez
ms). Abandon de nuevo el pas y regres en 1977, durante un breve periodo
de tiempo que coincidi con el enorme xito (el mayor de su carrera) de su
tema Cisne cuello negro.
Viaj nuevamente a Amrica y en 1983 su presentacin en Espaa de Como t
apenas tuvo repercusin. Ya en 1991 edit el lbum Si te hubiera conocido
ayer, que tampoco se vio premiado con el favor del pblico. Pese a ello, lejos
de retirarse, se mantuvo en activo y sigui actuando en galas y recitales,
especialmente por Latinoamrica.
Fallecido en ciudad de Miami en el ao 2009.
Basilio Antonio Fergus known artistically like Basilio was born in the City of
Panama, on October 13, 1947 and died on October 11, 2009 in Miami, he was a
Panamanian singer, that 1970 was very successful in the decades and 1980. It
developed its artistic career in Spain after having gone to study medicine to
France. In 1969 it throws its first single do not say good-bye, The first love
recorded in London, demonstrated its good aptitudes.
In 1972 it obtained the second award in the first edition of the Festival OTI
representing Panama with the song Oh, Gentleman took part in numerous
festivals and kept on editing singles of medium-sized aftereffect as Perhaps
tomorrow, The time flies, Someone between others.
In 1973 it returned to Panama to represent to its country in the festival of the
OTI, after which it returned to Spain to marry for the first time (it would do it
again more). It left again the country and returned in 1977, during a brief
period of time that Swan coincided with the enormous success (the biggest of
its career) of its topic black neck.
He traveled again to America and in 1983 its presentation in Spain of As you
scarcely it had aftereffect. Already in 1991 it edited the album If it had met you
yesterday, that did not turn out to be rewarded with the favor of the public
either. Despite it, far from moving back, it was supported in assets and kept on
acting in finery and recitals, especially for Latin America.

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