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M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

Instructions: Complete the following table as you conduct your Web scavenger hunt. Upload it to the Assignments
section when you are finished.

Question Your Answer Link Where You Found Your Answer

1. What do the
RTI= Response to Intervention
acronyms RTI,
PBIS= Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
MTSS= Multi-tiered Systems of Supports
stand for?

Tier 1= Universal Supports. These are supports that are

performed for everyone, the effectiveness should reach
80-90% of students.
Tier 2= Secondary Supports. These are supports that are
2. What are Tiers in
performed for some students, 5-10%, who are not
achieving success from Tier 1 supports alone.
Tier 3= Tertiary Supports. These are assessment based,
high intensity supports meant for each individual students.
1-5% of students will require this kind of support.

3. What are some Benefits to RTI includes universally screening all students
benefits of RTI? and identifying those who need extra support. When this
system is in place, an avenue towards achievement can
be much faster, verses the traditional model of wait-to-fail.

Also, when using this framework, students have access to

instructional supports they need to be successful. There is
also a collaborative team approach to discussing the
expectations and how to educate students who are in
need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 support measures. Also, another
benefit is integrating other aspects into this model, such
M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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as behavioral supports.
This framework is also based in problem solving.

When a student is falling behind their peers academically,

they then must play catch up at a higher rate, while
simultaneously attempting to keep up with peers. Often,
students who fall behind do not catch up. This is where
progress monitoring becomes very important. When
progress monitoring is performed at least once per week,
4. Why is progress in the Tier 2 or Tier 3 level, then there is real data to RTI.pdf
monitoring important support the effectiveness of the intervention or
in RTI/MTSS ineffectiveness. If an intervention is unsuccessful, based
models? on progress monitoring, then the intervention can be acemat_2015.pdf
changed quickly to get a student back on track and
making significant progress.

Progress monitoring can also provide clear focus,

timeframes, and tools to evaluate effectiveness of

5. What role do Evidenced based interventions are dependent on

evidence-based research. When implementing, with fidelity, an research RTI.pdf
interventions play in based intervention, then it takes the guesswork out of
RTI/MTSS? whether or not the intervention will be successful.
Progress monitoring can help analyze progress of the
intervention to help decide if the intervention is
appropriate or not.

RTI/ MTSS is designed to include a high quality education

M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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and by using an evidenced based intervention, then each

child is ensured a high quality education.

The RTI/ MTSS can serve as a foundation for thinking

about students with disabilities.

Also, special educators can help plan for research based

interventions and evaluate effectiveness of the
interventions for each student.
6. What roles do
special educators
The RTI framework can play a huge part in the LD
play in RTI/MTSS
identification process. When a child is in an intervention, a
comprehensive analysis is also taking place to ensure the
student is not lingering in ineffective instruction and falling
further behind. With increasing interventions, an LD
evaluation may be necessary and special educators can
help tp provide supports/ services once an evaluation
begins or is performed.

7. With whom do RTI/ MTSS models provides screening, progress

special educators monitoring, and data-based decision making within its
collaborate when framework. When assessing for students needs, a special
working under educator could analyze this data to help determine if their
RTI/MTSS models? current education is matching to their overall educational
plan and have the data to support if its effective or

Special educators will collaborate with MTSS leadership,

school leadership, psychologists, counslers, gen ed
M4: MTSS Web Scavenger Hunt Assignment Table

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teachers, intervention teachers, ELL and any interested

party on the MTSS/ RTI team.

Special educators should be apart of school wide teams

to help decide on interventions and/ or special education
placement for students who are identified as being at risk
or who is no longer at risk.
8. Why do special
Special educators can also use their expertise to help
educators have to
identify routes to special education. This is one area that RTI.pdf
collaborate with
is very challenging for me currently. Special education, in
multiple school
my current work experience, is a very challenging route to RTI.pdf
personnel in
navigate. Often, a child can be failing for 2-3 years before
RTI/MTSS models?
special education is considered. Parents are frustrated
trying to access help for their children and teachers are
frustrated by students not receiving the help they need.
This is one area I would like to learn more about and help
my school establish a clear route for identification.

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