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Le t To the le t o body (not your le t, the s ubje cts ) The s tom ach is to the le t o the live r.
Right To the right o the body or s tructure be ing s tudie d The right kidney is dam age d.
Late ral Toward the s ide ; away rom the m ids agittal plane The eye s are late ral to the nos e .
Me dial Toward the m ids agittal plane ; away rom the s ide The eye s are m e dial to the e ars .
Ante rior Toward the ront o the body The bre as tbone (s te rnum ) is ante rior to the he art.
Pos te rior Toward the back (re ar) o the body The he art is pos te rior to the bre as tbone (s te rnum ).
Supe rior Toward the top o the body The s houlde rs are s upe rior to the hips .
In e rior Toward the bottom o the body The s tom ach is in e rior to the he art.
Dors al Along (or toward) the ve rte bral s ur ace o the body He r s car is along the dors al s ur ace .
Ve ntral Along (toward) the be lly s ur ace o the body The nave l is on the ve ntral s ur ace .
Caudad (caudal) Toward the tail The ne ck is caudad to the s kull.
Ce phalad Toward the he ad The ne ck is ce phalad to the tail.
Proxim al Toward the trunk (de s cribe s re lative pos ition in a lim b The joint is proxim al to the toe nail.
or othe r appe ndage )
Dis tal Away rom the trunk or point o attachm e nt The hand is dis tal to the e lbow.
Vis ce ral Toward an inte rnal organ; away rom the oute r wall This organ is cove re d w ith the vis ce ral laye r o the
(de s cribe s pos itions ins ide a body cavity) m e m brane .
Parie tal Toward the wall; away rom the inte rnal s tructure s The abdom inal cavity is line d w ith the parie tal
pe ritone al m e m brane .
De e p Toward the ins ide o a part; away rom the s ur ace The thigh m us cle s are de e p to the s kin.
Supe rf cial Toward the s ur ace o a part; away rom the ins ide The s kin is a s upe rf cial organ.
Me dullary Re e rs to an inne r re gion, or m e dulla The m e dullary portion contains ne rve tis s ue .
Cortical Re e rs to an oute r re gion, or cortex The cortical are a produce s horm one s .

S upe rior
o make the reading o anatomica f gures a itt e easier, an
anatomica compass is used throughout this book. On many
f gures, you wi notice a sma compass rosette simi ar to those
on geographica maps. Rather than being abe ed N, S, E, and
Pos te rior Ante rior
W, the anatomica rosette is abe ed with abbreviated anatom-
P roxima l ica directions.
Tra ns ve rs e
pla ne

Dis ta l R L

e ra l I
La t

e ra l
La t
P roxima l A Ante rior P (oppos ite A) Pos te rior
D Dis tal P (oppos ite D) Proxim al
S a g itta l
Dis ta l l I In e rior S Supe rior
r o n ta p la n e
F ne
p la l L (oppos ite M) Late ral M Me dial
d ia
a l L (oppos ite R) Le t R Right
Infe rior M
1 Introduction to the Body, 2
2 Chemistry o Li e, 24
3 Cells, 42
4 Tissues, 70
5 Organ Systems, 92
6 Mechanisms o Disease, 112
7 Skin and Membranes, 144
8 Skeletal System, 174
9 Muscular System, 218
10 Nervous System, 248
11 Senses, 290
12 Endocrine System, 318
13 Blood, 348
14 Heart, 378
15 Circulation o Blood, 402
16 Lymphatic System and Immunity, 428
17 Respiratory System, 458
18 Digestive System, 492
19 Nutrition and Metabolism, 532
20 Urinary System, 554
21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, 582
22 Acid-Base Balance, 600
23 Reproductive Systems, 616
24 Growth, Development, and Aging, 652
25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases, 678

Ap p e n d ixe s
A Examples o Pathological Conditions, e1
B Medical Terminology; Hints or Learning and Using Medical Terms, e12
C Clinical and Laboratory Values; Conversion Factors
to International System o Units, e19
Glossary, 700
Evolve Student Resources for Patton/Thibodeau: The Human Body in
Health & Disease, 7 th Edition, include the following:
Active Concept Maps: Animated concept maps called out in the text break complex concepts
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AnimationDirect: Animations called out in the text help bring new A&P concepts to li e.
Appendixes: Material on pathological conditions,
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values provide supplemental details to students
needing more in ormation.
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chapter summaries on compatible devices or study
or review.
Audio Glossary: Listen to and practice def nitions and
pronunciations or more than 6 0 0 terms.
Body Spectrum Electronic Coloring Book: With more than
7 0 illustrations that you can color online or o ine, this
provides a un and e ective way to rein orce elements o
anatomy rom the text.
Connect It!: More than 5 5 supplemental articles re erenced throughout the textbook provide
you with bonus materials on topics beyond the basic A&P coverage.
Frequently Asked Questions: Common questions related to the material covered in the textbook
with answers rom the authors guide you through di f cult A&P topics.
Matching Exercises: Interactive matching exercises with answers provided help you review the
important terms covered in the text.
Self-Test Questions: Multiple-choice questions with instant eedback help you review important
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7th Edition
Ke v in T. P a t t o n , P h D
Fo u n d in g Pro fe s s o r o f Life S cie n ce ,
Em e ritu s Fa cu lt y
S t. Charle s Co m m unity Co lle ge
Co ttle ville , Mis s o uri
Pro fe s s o r o f Hu m a n An a to m y a n d
Phys io lo gy In s t ru ct io n
Ne w Yo rk Chiro practic Co lle ge
S e ne ca Falls , Ne w Yo rk

G a ry A . Th ib o d e a u , P h D
Ch a n ce llo r Em e ritu s a n d Pro fe s s o r
Em e ritu s o f Bio lo gy
Unive rs ity o Wis co ns inRive r Falls
Rive r Falls , Wis co ns in
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043

H E H UMAN BO DY IN H EAL H & DISEASE, ISBN: 978-0-323-40211-8 (So tcover)

SEVEN H EDI ION ISBN: 978-0-323-40210-1 (H ardcover)

Copyright 2018 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Know edge and best practice in this f e d are constant y changing. As new research and experience broaden
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Practitioners and researchers must a ways re y on their own experience and know edge in eva uating and
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Previous editions copyrighted 2014, 2010, 2005, 2002, 1997, and 1992.

Library o Congress Cataloging-in-Publication D ata

Names: Patton, Kevin ., author. | T ibodeau, Gary A., 1938- author.

it e: T e human body in hea th & disease / Kevin . Patton, Gary A.
T ibodeau.
O ther tit es: H uman body in hea th and disease
Description: 7th edition. | St. Louis, Missouri : E sevier, [2018] | Inc udes
bib iographica re erences and index.
Identif ers: LCCN 2016050640| ISBN 9780323402118 (pbk. : a k. paper) | ISBN
9780323402101 (hardcover : a k. paper)
Subjects: | MESH : Physio ogica Phenomena | Anatomy | Patho ogic Processes
C assif cation: LCC QP34.5 | NLM Q 104 | DDC 612--dc23 LC record avai ab e at
https:// ccn.

Executive Content Strategist: Ke ie W hite

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Printed in Canada
Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Ke vin Patto n has taught anatomy Gary Thibo de au has been teach-
and physio ogy to high schoo , com- ing anatomy and physio ogy or more
munity co ege, university, and gradu- than three decades. T is new edition
ate students rom various backgrounds o T e Human Body in Health & Disease
or more than three decades. H e has is a ogica extension o his interest
earned severa citations or teaching and commitment to education. Garys
anatomy and physio ogy (A&P), in- teaching sty e encourages active inter-
c uding the Missouri Governors action with students using a variety o
Award or Exce ence in eaching. H is teaching methodo ogies. H e is consid-
teaching experience has he ped him ered a pioneer in the introduction o
produce a text that wi be easier to co aborative earning strategies to the
understand or a students. One thing Ive earned, says teaching o anatomy and physio ogy.
Kevin, is that most o us earn scientif c concepts more easi y Gary has been active in numerous pro essiona organiza-
when we can see whats going on. H is ta ent or using imag- tions, inc uding the H uman Anatomy and Physio ogy Society
ery to teach is evident throughout this edition, with its im- (H APS), the American Association o Anatomists, the Amer-
proved i ustration program. ican Association o C inica Anatomists, the American Phar-
Kevin ound that the work that ed him to a PhD in ver- maceutica Association, the American Society or Reproduc-
tebrate anatomy and physio ogy insti ed in him an apprecia- tive Medicine (ASRM), and the American Association or the
tion or the big picture o human structure and unction. H e Advancement o Science (AAAS). H is biography is inc uded
a so has a keen interest in the science o earning, which is in numerous pub ications, inc uding Whos Who in America,
re ected in the enhanced pedagogica design o this edition. Whos Who in American Education, Outstanding Educators in
Kevins interest in promoting exce ence in teaching anat- America, American M en and Women o Science, and Whos Who in
omy and physio ogy has ed him to take an active ro e in the M edicine and Healthcare.
H uman Anatomy and Physio ogy Society (H APS). H e serves W hi e earning masters degrees in both zoo ogy and phar-
as H APS President Emeritus and was the ounding Director maco ogy, and a PhD in physio ogy, Gary says that he became
o H APS Institute (H APS-I), a pro essiona continuing edu- ascinated by the connectedness o the i e sciences. T at
cation program or anatomy and physio ogy teachers. As a ascination has ed to this editions uni ying themes, which
ounding acu ty member o a Master o Science in Anatomy ocus on how each concept f ts into the big picture o the
& Physio ogy Instruction, he current y mentors those who are human body.
preparing to teach A&P or improve their ski s. Kevin a so
produces severa on ine resources or A&P students and o my parents, M .A. T ibodeau and Florence T ibodeau, who
teachers, inc uding and theAPpro had a deep respect or education at all levels and who truly believed
Kevin is a so a eader among textbook authors, serving that you never give up being a student.
many ro es in the extbook & Academic Authors Association o my wi e, Emogene, an ever-generous and uncommonly
( AA) and mentoring other textbook authors in a variety o discerning critic, or her love, support, and encouragement over the
discip ines. In 2016, AA recognized Kevins service to the years.
pro ession with the Norma H ood Award. o my children, Douglas and Beth, or making it all
o my amily and riends, who never let me orget the joys o o my grandchildren, Allan Gary Foster and Johanna Lorraine
discovery, adventure, and good humor. Foster, or proving to me that you really can learn something new
o the many teachers who taught me more by who they were every day.
than by what they said. Gary A. T ibodeau
o my students, who help me keep the joy o learning resh and
Kevin . Patton

Le a d C o n t r ib u t o r s C o n t r ib u t o r s
Rhonda J. Gamble, PhD Ed Calcaterra, BS, MEd
Pro essor o Physio ogy and Li e Sciences Instructor
Minera Area Co ege DeSmet Jesuit H igh Schoo
Park H i s, Missouri Creve Coeur, Missouri

Linda Swisher, RN, EdD Jef Kingsbury, MD

Suncoast echnica Co ege Pro essor, Li e Sciences
Chair o H ea th Sciences Division (retired) Mohave Community Co ege
Advanced rauma Li e Support Associate Pro essor, Department o Bio ogica Sciences
Instructor Northern Arizona University
Course Educator or the American Co ege o Surgeons F agsta , Arizona
Sarasota, F orida
D aniel J. Matusiak, Ed D
Li e Science Instructor
St. Dominic H igh Schoo
OFa on, Missouri
Adjunct Pro essor
St. Char es Community Co ege
Cott evi e, Missouri

Amy L. Way, PhD

Pro essor o H ea th Science
Lock H aven University o Pennsy vania
C earf e d, Pennsy vania

Re v ie w e r s o C u r r e n t Ed it io n Re v ie w e r s o P r e v io u s Ed it io n s
Frank Bell, D C, MSHAPI Bert Atsma
SUNY Adirondack Union County Co ege
Q ueensbury, New York Cran ord, New Jersey
Angela Erickson, MSN, RN Janis A. Baker
Minera Area Co ege Schoo o Vocationa Nursing
Park H i s, Missouri H ar ingen, exas
Elizabeth G. F. Granier, PhD Rachel Venn Beecham
St. Louis Community Co ege Mississippi Va ey State University
St. Louis, Missouri Itta Bena, Mississippi
Heiko Heisermann, PhD Christi A. Blair
W inona State University H o mes Community Co ege
W inona, Minnesota Goodman, Mississippi
Ann L. Henninger, PhD Andrew Case
Wartburg Co ege Southeast Community Co ege
Waver y, Iowa Linco n, Nebraska
Virginia Johnson, MSHAPI, RN, LM D eborah Cipale
Stark State Co ege Des Moines Area Community Co ege
North Canton, Ohio Ankeny, Iowa
Fiona A. Murray, PhD, BSc (hons) Erin Clason
Swedish Institute Spokane Community Co ege
New York, New York Spokane, Washington
ina K. Putman, CS , CRS Virginia Clevenger
Lord Fair ax Community Co ege Mercer County Vocationa Schoo
Midd etown, Virginia renton, New Jersey
Paula D. Silver, BS, PharmD Mentor D avid
ECPI University Barton County Community Co ege
Newport News, Virginia Great Bend, Kansas
Jenni er Swann, PhD Leslie D ay
Lehigh University Northeastern University
Beth ehem, Pennsy vania Boston, Massachusetts
Barbara L. Westrick, AAS, CPC, CMA (AAMA) Judith D iehl
Ross Medica Education Center Reid State echnica Campus
Brighton, Michigan Atmore, A abama
Peggie Williamson, MS, MSHAPI Paul Ellis
Centra exas Co ege St. Louis Co ege o H ea th Careers
Ki een, exas Saint Louis, Missouri
D awn Zuidgeest-Cra t, RN Judy Fair
Grand Rapids Community Co ege Sandusky Schoo o Practica Nursing
Grand Rapids, Michigan Sandusky, Ohio


John Finnegan Caleb Makukutu

Cortiva Institute Kingwood Junior Co ege
Somerset, New Jersey Kingwood, exas
Beth A. Forshee Susan Caley Opsal
Freeman H ea th System I inois Va ey Community Co ege
Jop in, Missouri Og esby, I inois
Linda Fulton D arrell Pietarila
North H i s Schoo o H ea th Occupations F int H i s echnica Schoo
Pittsburgh, Pennsy vania Emporia, Kansas
Christy Gee Henry M. Seidel
South Co ege T e Johns H opkins University Schoo o Medicine
Ashevi e, North Caro ina Ba timore, Mary and
Natalie Greene D onna Silsbee
Macoupin County H ea th Department SUNY Institute o echno ogy
Car invi e, I inois Utica, New York
Sharon Harris-Pelliccia, BS, RPA Gerry Silverstein
Mi dred E ey Co ege University o Vermont
A bany, New York Bur ington, Vermont
Beulah Hof man Greg K. Sitorius
Indiana Vocationa echnica Co ege Minden H igh Schoo
erre H aute, Indiana Minden, Nebraska
Rita Hoots Sharon Spalding
Yuba Co ege Mary Ba dwin Co ege
Wood and, Ca i ornia Staunton, Virginia
Marilyn Hunter William Sproat
Daytona Beach Community Co ege Wa ters State Community Co ege
Daytona Beach, F orida Morristown, ennessee
Jon-Phillippe Hyatt D eborah Sulkowski
Georgetown University Pittsburg echnica Institute
Washington, D C Oakda e, Pennsy vania
Pablo Irusta Karen vedten
Georgetown University Schoo o Radio ogic echno ogy
Washington, D C Madison, W isconsin
anys Gene James Patricia A. West
North Centra exas Co ege Independent A&P and Massage T erapy Consu tant
Gainesvi e, exas Watervi e, Ohio
Michelle Kennedy Rebecca S. Wiggins
Morgan County H igh Schoo West F orida H igh Schoo o Advanced echno ogy
Madison, Georgia Pensaco a, F orida
Brian H. Kipp Shirley Yeargin
Grand Va ey State University Rend Lake Co ege
A enda e, Michigan Ina, I inois
Kathy Korona Nina Zanetti
Community Co ege o A egheny County Siena Co ege
West Mi in, Pennsy vania Loudonvi e, New York
Anne Lilly
Santa Rosa Junior Co ege
Santa Rosa, Ca i ornia
This book about the human body represents the atest
and best in ormation avai ab e. T e Human Body
in Health & Disease is a guide or uture hea th pro essiona s
students to integrate otherwise iso ated actua in ormation
into a cohesive and understandab e who e. T e breakdown o
norma integration o orm and unction is identif ed as the
who are just beginning their exp oration o the comp ex hu- basis or many disease processes.
man organism. It not on y presents introductory materia on T e integrating princip e o homeostasis is used to show
the e egance and e ciency o the hea thy human body but a so how norma structure and unction are maintained by dy-
shows what happens when things go wrong. o tru y under- namic counterba ancing o orces within the body. Fai ures o
stand the human body, one must appreciate both norma and homeostasis are shown as basic mechanisms o diseasea
abnorma structure and unction. concept that rein orces understanding o the regu atory sys-
As we prepared this newest edition, each decision regard- tems o the human body.
ing how concepts were to be presented in our book was eva u- T e Human Body in Health & Disease is dominated by two
ated by teachers actua y working in the f e dteachers cur- uni ying pedagogica themes: the language o science and medi-
rent y he ping students earn about human structure, unction, cine and a multisensory approach to earning.
and disease or the f rst time. We a so consu ted c ose y with o success u y earn and app y the concepts o human
working hea th pro essiona s and medica writers to ensure science, students must f rst master the comp ex termino ogy
that our re erences to disease processes and re ated topics are and usage o scientif c anguage. T is edition again eatures
current, accurate, and c ear y summarized. We a so paid care- expanded word ists that start at the beginning o each chap-
u attention to what research te s us about how the brain ter to assist both native speakers and Eng ish anguage
reads, processes, and earns new in ormation, enab ing us to earners. Embedded hints encourage students to read and
present in ormation in a way the promotes student success. say new terms out oud be ore encountering them in the
T e resu t is a text that students wi read with enthusiasm context o earning conceptsa proven reading strategy
one designed to he p the teacher teach and the student earn. based on how we natura y earn new anguage and process
T is book is particu ar y suited to introductory courses reading in the brain. Inc uded pronunciation guides he p
about the human body in re ation to various hea th pro essions. students get it right without guessing and inc uded trans-
T e Human Body in Health & Disease emphasizes concepts that ations o word parts he p students see how scientif c an-
are required know edge or entry into more advanced courses, guage is constructed. O n ine audio chapter summaries and
comp etion o pro essiona icensing examinations, and success an audio g ossary add an auditory dimension to the proper
in a practica , work-re ated environment. pronunciation and usage o essentia scientif c anguage,
whi e the suggested saying terms out oud provides a he p-
u kinesthetic/motor experience.
In s t r u c t io n a l D e s ig n O ur mu tisensory approach is urther enhanced by the
many intriguing visua e ements such as detai ed drawings,
U n i y in g Th e m e s
photographs, medica imaging, and ow charts that he p stu-
Anatomy, physio ogy, and introductory patho ogy encompass dents picture the concepts described in the text. Unique
a body o know edge that, because o its sheer magnitude, can anatomica compass rosettes he p students deve op a sense o
easi y discourage and overwhe m the new student. T ere is no anatomica direction. Expanded egends and embedded steps
question, however, that competency in these f e ds is essentia provide a wa kthrough o key diagrams that rein orce es-
or student success in a most every hea th-re ated or science sentia concepts o each chapter. T e digita co oring activities
curricu um. I a textbook is to be success u as a teaching too on the Evo ve website rein orce visua earning with kines-
in such a comp ex and important earning environment, it thetic experiences.
must he p uni y in ormation, stimu ate critica thinking, and
motivate students to master a new vocabu ary as they earn
about the beauty and connectedness o human structure and
O r g a n iz a t io n a n d C o n t e n t
unction and the disjointedness o human disease. T e 25 chapters o T e Human Body in Health & Disease pre-
T e Human Body in Health & Disease is dominated by two sent the core materia o anatomy, physio ogy, and patho ogy
uni ying conceptua themes: the complementarity o normal most important or introductory students.
structure and unction and homeostasis. In every chapter o the T e sequence o chapters in the book o ows that most
book the student is shown how organized anatomica struc- common y used in courses taught at the undergraduate eve .
tures o a particu ar size, shape, orm, or p acement serve Basic concepts o human bio ogyanatomy, physio ogy, bio-
specif c unctions. Emphasis o this princip e encourages chemistry, cyto ogy, histo ogy, and patho ogyare presented


in Chapters 1 through 6. Chapters 7 through 25 present ma-

teria on more specia ized topics, such as individua organs or
C le a r Vie w o t h e Hu m a n Bo d y
systems, the senses (Chapter 11), immunity (Chapter 16), and Uppe r Arm - Trans ve rs e Se c tio n

genetics and genetic diseases (Chapter 25). Because each b.

Po s te rio r Vie w

Cranial region (upper skull) b


chapter is se -contained, instructors are given the exibi ity

c. Facial region 2
1 D
d. Pinna of ear d
e. Cervical (neck) region c 1 4
f. Axilla (armpit) A
i. Brachial region (arm) e L R
j. Antebrachial region (forearm)
k. Carpal region (wrist)

to a ter the sequence o materia to f t persona teaching pre -

154 155
m. Digital or phalangeal region (fingers) A. Biceps brachii m.
t. Femoral region (thigh) 155 121 B. Brachialis m.
u. Crural region (leg) 156
C. Humerus
v. Tarsal region (ankle) 156 D. Triceps brachii m., medial
31 121
157 E. Triceps brachii m., lateral
w. Olecranal (back of elbow) 157
x. Dorsal region (back) f 158

erences or the specia content or time constraints o their

y. Gluteal region (buttock) f 158
z. Popliteal region (back of knee) 160 162a
162a 160 Po s te rio r Vie w
aa. Plantar region (sole) i
127 161 127
162 162
161 1. Epicranius m.
x x 2. Temporalis m.
w 15 15
w 4. Masseter m.

159 15. Abdominal oblique m., external
166 159 31. Deltoid m.
166 167
j 167 163
121. Trapezius m.
j 168
168 163 164 127. Triceps m.
164 171 163
163 153. Platysma m.
171 172
154. Splenius capitis m.

In this edition, we continue deve oping our popu ar con-

164 164 173
155. Levator scapulae m.
169 175 169 156. Rhomboideus m.
k 170 174
y 175 176 170 157. Infraspinatus m.
y 176 158. Teres major m.
165 165 159. Lumbodorsal fascia
165 165 160. Erector spinae m.
m m
161. Serratus post. inf. m.

versationa sty e o narrative with additiona chunking o

162. Latissimus dorsi m.
S t S 162a. Latissimus dorsi m. (cut)
L R t L R 163. Gluteus medius m.
177 177
I 164. Gluteus maximus m.
177 177 165. Iliotibial tract
166. Flexor carpi ulnaris m.

content or better comprehension. We broke apart onger

167. Extensor carpi ulnaris m.
168. Extensor digitorum m.
z 169. Carpal ligament, dorsal
170. Interosseous m.
171. Gluteus minimus m.
172. Piriformis m.
178 178 173. Gemellus sup. m.

sentences and paragraphs and abe ed subtopics with addi-

178 178
u u 174. Obturator internus m.
175. Gemellus inf. m.
176. Quadratus femoris m.
177. Biceps femoris m.
178. Gastrocnemius m.
179 179 179. Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon

tiona descriptive headings.

179 179 180. Calcaneus bone
v v 180

aa aa

An equa y important goa or us in designing this text is

to present in ormation using a conceptua ramework on
which the student can bui d an understanding o the human
body. Rather than simp y isting a set o acts, each chapter A u -co or, semitransparent mode o the body ca ed the
out ines the broad concepts that a ow students to re ate the Clear View o the Human Body is ocated between Chapters 3
acts to one another in a meaning u way. For examp e, rather and 4 in the textbook. T is revised eature provides a handy
than presenting diseases in a disjointed scattering o def ni- a ways on virtua dissection o ma e and ema e human bod-
tions or descriptions typica y seen in other texts, we exp ain ies a ong severa di erent p anes. A student avorite, this too
disease conditions within a ramework o patterns that aci i- he ps earners use both visua and kinesthetic experiences to
tates a more comp ete understanding o the process o disease assimi ate their know edge o the comp ex, three-dimensiona
and a ows the student to compare and contrast re ated dis- nature o the human body. It a so he ps students visua ize hu-
orders easi y. man anatomy in the manner o todays c inica and ath etic
Instructors who teach courses with ess emphasis on con- body-imaging techno ogy.
cepts o patho ogy may wish to examine an a ternate text with
a simi ar instructiona design: Structure & Function o the Body,
a so avai ab e rom E sevier.
Em b e d d e d Le a r n in g To o ls
T e Human Body in Health & Disease is a student-oriented
text. Written in a riend y sty e accessib e to both expert and
Illu s t r a t io n s a n d P a g e D e s ig n cha enged students, it has many earning aids within the text
A major strength o T e Human Body in Health & Disease is that maintain interest and motivation. Every chapter contains
the exceptiona qua ity, accuracy, and beauty o the i ustration the o owing e ements, each o which aci itates teaching and
program and page design. Many i ustrations have been re- earning.
vised or updated and severa new i ustrations have been
added. We have continued to use a consistent co or scheme Hints: H ints embedded within earning aids
and i ustration sty e to enhance student understanding. marked with a bo d iconhigh ight strategies in
O ur popu ar directiona rosettes appear inconspicuous y in using the provided earning too s e ective y. T ese hints are
a anatomica i ustrations. T ese rosettes, ike the compass based on strategies recommended by earning and reading
rosettes ound on a modern maps, orient the user, pointing experts.
which way is e t and which way is rightdirections that in
anatomy may appear backward to the beginning student. Chapter Outline: An overview out ine introduces each chapter
Many i ustrations eature expanded egends and embedded and enab es the student to preview the content and ow o the
steps that provide a he p u wa k through describing the chapter at the major concept eve be ore embarking on the
concepts represented and pointing out important e ements o detai ed reading.
the i ustration.
Advancing an approach to page design f rst attempted in Chapter Objectives: Each chapter opening page contains sev-
the previous two editions, we have made additiona improve- era measurab e earning objectives. Each c ear y identif es or
ments in our intuitive interna design that integrates the i - the student, be ore he or she reads the chapter, what the key
ustrations and other earning too s more c ose y with the goa s shou d be and what concepts shou d be mastered.
text narrative. Summary tab es are used extensive y to visu-
a y organize concepts in a way that he p students compare Language o Science and Medicine: Key terms (bo d ace in
and contrast them to better understand the re ationships the text) are isted starting at the beginning o each chapter so
among structures and unctions o the body. T is has pro- that students can say them out oud using the provided pro-
duced a more usab e and more attractive p at orm or stu- nunciation guidesa strategy based on how the brain pro-
dent earning. cesses reading and recommended by reading experts. Word

parts that orm each term are identif ed and trans ated to he p avai ab e on ine at T ese artic es stimu ate
students s ow y bui d a oundation in understanding the thinking, satis y the natura curiosity o students, and he p
structure o scientif c anguage and medica termino ogy. integrate concepts, so that each student better understands
the big picture o human structure, unction, and disease.
Quick Check questions: Brie sets o QUICK CHECK
questions appearing at interva s through- AnimationDirect: Each chapter has sma boxes that point the
out each chapter encourage students to pause and re ect on reader to animations o important princip es. T ese are avai -
what they just read. T is strategy improves reading compre- ab e in AnimationDirect, which is inc uded on Evo ve. T e
hension and retention by practicing the retrieva o recent y brie animated sequences are designed to demonstrate con-
earned in ormation and ideasa so preparing them or an cepts that are not easi y i ustrated in static diagrams. In e ect
eventua end-o -chapter retrieva practice. Answers to a they he p put a students understanding in motion and thus
Q uick Check questions are on Evo ve. he p so idi y earning using a mu tisensory approach.

Active Concept Maps: New to this edition are animated, Outline Summaries: Many students are ow structure bui d-
narrated ow charts o se ected concepts that many students ers, meaning they have troub e bui ding a comp ex concep-
f nd di cu t to understand are now avai ab e at the Evo ve tua ramework on their own. Extensive and detai ed end-o -
website. Ca ed out at appropriate ocations within the chap- chapter summaries in out ine ormat provide exce ent guides
ters, they use sight and sound to virtua y wa k students or students as they bui d the conceptua structures needed to
through conceptua re ationships. understand the content o each chapter. T ey a so he p review
the text materia s when preparing or examinations. Many
Boxed sidebars: Brie boxed sidebars appear in every chapter. students a so f nd these detai ed guides to be use u as a chap-
T ese boxes inc ude in ormation ranging rom c inica app i- ter previewthe conceptua b ueprintin conjunction with
cations o the in ormation to high ights o recent research or the chapter out ine.
re ated topics to re evant discussions o exercise and f tness.
Patho ogica conditions are sometimes exp ained in essay or- Audio Chapter Summary boxes: Found at the Evo ve website
mat to he p students better understand the re ationship be- and ca ed out with an icon at the start o each chap-
tween norma structure and unction. A sidebars are high- ter out ine summary, brie audio (mp3) summaries
ighted with an easi y recognized symbo so that students can can be p ayed on a variety o digita devices. T ese
see at a g ance whether the box contains we ness, c inica , summaries are use u or both previews and reviews o chapter
research, or science app ication in ormation. In this edition, content, enab ing students to use mu tip e sensory moda ities
the eatured boxes cover our categories: in their earning.

Health & Well-Being boxes contain Active Learning tools: A comp ete set o end-o -chapter cha -
in ormation about we ness, f tness and enges a ow students to test their own earning to f nd weak
exercise, ath etics, pub ic hea th, and re- spots that require additiona study and provide opportunities
ated issues and prob ems. to try their hand at ana yzing and eva uating questions and
Clinical Application boxes emphasize cases to app y the concepts they have earned.
interesting acts and trends re ated to dis-
ease processes and therapies. Study ips. A ist o specif c active study strategies
Research, Issues, & rends sidebars to most e ective y study the concepts presented in
i ustrate the dynamic nature o human the chapter. By participating in suggested study
science today, as we as the importance activities, students not on y master the concepts o
o ethica and ega issues in app ying a specif c chapter but a so bui d their overa com-
new research in ormation. petence as se -directed earners.
Science Applications boxes summa- Review Questions. Subjective review questions at
rize a ew o the pro essions that make use o the end o each chapter a ow students to use a nar-
the concepts in the chapter to improve our rative ormat to discuss concepts and a so serve to
qua ity o i e. T ese essays a so eature sig- synthesize important chapter in ormation that can
nif cant individua s who have contributed to then be reviewed to assess comprehension o the
human science and medicine. T us they he p p ace materia .
the study o the human body in a historica , g oba , Critical T inking Questions. Review questions that en-
and socia context. courage students to use critica thinking ski s are high-
ighted at the end o the Review Q uestions section.
Connect It! online articles: New to this edition are a co ec- Chapter ests. O bjective-type Chapter est questions
tion o brie artic es that i ustrate, c ari y, and app y concepts inc uded at the end o each chapter serve as se -tests
encountered in the text. Embedded within the text narrative, or the reca and mastery o important subject matter.
sma boxes connect students with specif c i ustrated artic es T ey a so provide practice needed to increase the re-

tention o in ormation and bui d conf dence be ore O n lin e Re s o u r c e s o r In s t r u c t o r s

an in-c ass quiz or test.
TEAC H In s t r u c t o r Re s o u r c e M a n u a l
Case Studies. Each chapter ends with a ew case stud-
ies that ask students to practice their ski s o ana ysis, EACH has been updated and revised or this edition.
eva uation, and app ication by so ving specif c, practi- T e EACH esson p ans he p instructors prepare or c ass
ca prob ems. and make u use o the rich array o anci aries and re-
Answers or a Active Learning sections are on the sources that come with the textbook. T e content covered
Evo ve website. in each textbook chapter is divided across one or more
esson p ans, each designed to occupy 50 minutes o
Glossary: An extensive isting o key terms, pronunciations, c ass time. Lesson p ans are organized into easi y under-
and def nitions serves as a handy re erence or students as they standab e sections that are each tied to the chapter earning
progress through the course. objectives:
Instructor Preparation: T is section provides a
Index: A comprehensive index aids in ocating in ormation check ist o a the things you need to do to prepare
anywhere in the book quick y and easi y. or c ass, inc uding a ist o a the items that you
need to bring to c ass to per orm any activity or
demonstration inc uded in the esson p an, and a
D ig it a l Le a r n in g To o ls pertinent key terms covered in that esson.
A wide variety o mu tisensory earning too s are avai ab e at Student Preparation: extbook readings, study ibodeau/humanbody: guide exercises, on ine activities, and other app i-
Audio chapter summaries or each chapter in the cab e homework assignments or each esson are
book are a student avorite. T ese concise, narrated provided here a ong with an overa estimated
overviews are ca ed out at the start o each chapter comp etion time.
O ut ine Summary and can be accessed on the T e 50-Minute Lesson Plan: A ecture out ine
Evo ve website. Some students f nd that these audio that re ects the chapter ecture s ides that come as
reviews improve their retention o chapter concepts part o EACH is inc uded, as we as c assroom
when used immediate y a ter reading the chapter. activities and on ine activities, one or more critica
Active thinking questions, and time estimates or the
Concept Map and AnimationD irect eatures that c assroom ecture and activities.
are ound on Evo ve. T ese provide audio and visua Assessment Plan: o ensure that your students
coverage o a wide range o topics and body systems. have mastered a the objectives, the new EACH
Connect It! artic es, which are ca ed out through- inc udes a separate Assessment P an section. An
out the text, expand on topics in the text to stimu- easy-to-use tab e maps each assessment too to the
ate thinking beyond the coverage o the textbook. esson p ans and chapter objectives so you can see
Body Spectrum Electronic Anatomy Coloring a your assessment optionsby chapter, by esson,
Book is one o our most popu ar interactive eatures and by objectiveand choose according y.
on Evo ve. Using a visua -kinesthetic approach, this
too simp if es the way students earn anatomy and
Te s t Ba n k
medica termino ogy by o ering more than 70 de-
tai ed anatomy i ustrations that can be co ored on- An e ectronic test bank o more than 3,600 questions with
ine or printed out to co or and study o ine. answersrevised and updated or this editiongives
instructors an easy way to test students comprehension
proper pronunciation with the Audio Glossary! o text materia and create comprehensive exams or stu-
FAQsFrequent y Asked Q uestionsby stu- dents. T e test bank questions are avai ab e on the Evo ve
dents, a ong with answers rom the authors. website.
Sel - est and Matching Exercises activities
on Evo ve a ow or interactive practice with im-
mediate eedback, providing an exce ent too or
Im a g e C o lle c t io n
gauging comprehension. T e image co ection inc udes more than 500 anatomy and
Appendixes that were ormer y in the print book physio ogy images rom the text, avai ab e in jpeg and
have been moved to the Evo ve site or easier re er- PowerPoint ormats, with and without abe s and with
ence on ine. T ese provide detai ed in ormation on and without ead ines. Use these images to enhance the
se ected patho ogica conditions, medica termino - visua e ements o your ectures, discussions, case studies,
ogy, and c inica and aboratory va ues and conver- quizzes, tests, handouts, and more. T e image co ection is
sion actors. avai ab e on the Evo ve website.

chunking and reorganization o sec-

U p d a t e G u id e tions, paragraphs, and sentences to improve read-
Compi ed by the ead author during the revision process ing comprehension.
o this textbook, the Changes to the 7th Edition document is Active Concept M aps have
a detai ed ist inc uding updates in the textbook since the been added to the Evo ve website resources and
ast edition. T ese inc ude g oba , chapter-by-chapter, and ca ed out where appropriate in each chapter
section-by-section changes. T is document wi he p in Language o Science and Language o M edicine word
p anning as you upgrade rom the 6th edition to the new ists now start on each chapter-opener page, then
7th edition o T e Human Body in Health & Disease. Updates continue in the end-o -chapter resources. Each
and teaching tips are a so posted at bo d ace term rom the text narrative is isted with
a pronunciation guide and word parts (with itera
trans ations).
S u p p le m e n t s
T e supp ements package has been care u y p anned and de- ists. Most y words that a ready appear in the
ve oped to assist instructors and to enhance their use o the book, the additions to the word ists ensure that
text. Each supp ement has been thorough y reviewed by many students have immediate access to pronunciation
o the same instructors who reviewed the text. guides and trans ation o word parts.
Study Guide. Written by Linda Swisher, it provides -
students with additiona se -study aids, inc uding ing he p with standard vocabu ary that may be
chapter overviews, topic reviews, and app ication cha enging to Eng ish anguage earners and
and abe ing exercises (such as matching, crossword underprepared students. Pronunciations or un-
puzz es, f in the b ank, and mu tip e choice), as usua p ura s orms have a so been added.
we as answers in the back o the guide. Clear View o the Human
Anatomy and Physiology Online or T e Human Body in Body and to the appendixes on Evo ve have been
Health & Disease. T is optiona too is a 24-modu e embedded in the text to assist student earning
on ine course that brings A&P to i e and he ps you Hints throughout each chapter te
understand the most important concepts presented students how best to use the inc uded earning
in T e Human Body in Health & Disease. It inc udes too s have been c arif ed or ease o use.
over 125 animations, 300 interactive exercises, and Science Appli-
quizzes and exams to assess student comprehension. cations boxes are now emphasized in bo d ace or
Avai ab e at the Evo ve website. ita ic and have been added to the word ists, a ong
Elsevier Adaptive Learning (EAL). T is persona - with pronunciations and word part trans ations;
ized and interactive too enab es students to earn photographs o hea th pro essiona s in action a so
aster and remember onger. Its un; its engaging; have been added to some boxes.
and its constant y tracking student per ormance
and adapting to de iver content precise y when its previous i ustrations
needed to ensure in ormation is trans ormed into -
asting know edge. vised to inc ude exp anatory step boxes, o ten
Survival Guide or Anatomy & Physiology. An en- with matching numera s embedded within an
tertaining and easy-to-read set o tips, shortcuts, i ustrations detai , he p wa k students through
and advice, this surviva kit he ps students achieve comp ex concepts.
success in anatomy and physio ogy.
c arity.
Clear View o the Human Body has additiona
S u m m a ry o C h a n g e s new ayers. Some existing ayers have additiona
structures abe ed.
t o t h e S e ve n t h Ed it io n microbiomean emerging concept o
A comprehensive detai ed ist o changes appears in the Changes rapid y growing importance in hea th careis now
to 7th Edition guide. Look or it in the Instructor Resources on introduced in Chapter 1 and integrated into many
Evo ve. A ew se ected revisions or this edition are isted here. o the remaining chapters.

or c arity with the more precise terms orearm and arm.

Connect It! boxes embedded in the text point
students to i ustration artic es that he p them inte- and osmosis) has been reorganized and osmosis
grate and app y concepts. def nition c arif ed to distinguish it rom di usion.

For this edition, we wou d ike to thank the o owing ex-

students better understand the ske eton. perts or their contributions: Rhonda Gamb e, or contribut-
- ing many o the Connect It! artic es and editing a o them.
c es move joints. Linda Swisher, who he ped us improve the earning opportu-
nities in every chapter o the bookas we as producing a
and revised. very use u Study Guide. Janie Corbitt, Virginia Johnson, and
Ange a Pa mier or their exce ent work reviewing and updat-
- ing earning too s on the Evo ve website; Jenni er Bertucci or
tion system revised or c arity. the EACH Instructor Resource M anual; Dan Matusiak
or reviewing and revising the on ine course; and Peggie
ow o any uid is a pressure gradient. W i iamson or updating the test bank on Evo ve. We are
grate u or the prior contributions o Ed Ca caterra, Je
better rame the discussion o the ro e o b ood pres- Kingsbury, and Amy Way.
sure in b ood circu ation. At E sevier, thanks are due to a on the ta ented and cre-
ative team that produced this 7th edition. We wish especia y
(ABGs) to i ustrate how acid/base ba ance can be to acknow edge the support, e ort, and occasiona crisis man-
assessed. agement o Ke ie W hite, executive content strategist; Karen
urner and H eather Bays, content deve opment specia ists;
intake. Je rey Patterson, pub ishing services manager; Caro
OConne , book production specia ist; Doris Cadd, copy edi-
tor; and Ash ey Miner, book designer, a o whom were in-
A Wo r d o Th a n k s strumenta in bringing this edition to success u comp etion.
Many peop e have contributed to the deve opment and suc- We a so wish to thank a the many others o the E sevier
cess o T e Human Body in Health & Disease. We extend our ami y who support our ongoing e orts, rom animation cre-
thanks and deep appreciation to the various students and ation, to on ine resource creation and support, to the hard-
c assroom instructors who have provided us with he p u sug- working marketing and sa es pro essiona s.
gestions o owing their use o the ear ier editions o this text. Kevin . Patton
Gary A. T ibodeau
You might think that it s obvious how to use a
textbookyou just open it up and read it! But
that wont get you very ar in your earning. You need a
important step to success. As you say each term a oud,
use the provided pronunciation guideso you wont
trip over comp ex terms when you read the chapter.
textbook strategy to make the best use o this too . H ere, we ake a moment to g ance at the word parts that make
out ine a three-step p an that you can adapt to your own up each term. T is he ps you start recognizing how
earning goa s and study pre erences. scientif c termino ogy worksthere ore, it he ps you
earn additiona new terms aster and more accurate y.
More than one pass at this step works even better.
1. G e t Yo u r He a d In t o It Read the chapter. Read each section separate y,
Regularly think about how you learn bestand skimming the subheadings be ore you begin your
notice what is working or you and what is not. readingto he p you bui d your menta ramework o
Learning coaches ca this metacognition, a term that concepts. By reading in sections, it wont matter that
means thinking about your thinking. Surprising y, you cant read the who e chapter in one sitting.
this a one wi improve your success! T e many Hints Answer the embedded Quick Check questions be-
embedded in each chapter wi he p you ocus on how ore you move ahead in your reading. T is he ps you
you are thinking about your reading. make sure you have paused to think about what
Avoid distractions while your use your book. T is youve read. And it he ps you see i you have rea y
means a quiet environment and no interruptions. T is understood the main ideas. I you cant correct y an-
inc udes turning of your music. Even i you think its swer the Quick Check, consider reading that part o
he ping you, research shows that istening to music the chapter again, so you get it be ore moving to the
near y a ways reduces your abi ity to ocus u y on next section.
what you are reading. Use the embedded resources to help you understand
Realize that deep learning takes time and ef ort. the text narrative. ake the time to study the i ustra-
T is recommended strategy wi not work i you dont tions ca ed out in the reading. I there are Animation-
put signif cant work into it. So make sure youve Direct videos or Active Concept M aps, watch and isten
schedu ed a ot o short study sessions (20-45 min- to them. Read a the re ated Connect It! artic es and
utes) to get it a done. Space out your study sessions, boxed sidebars.
interspersing other activities between them, or your
study time wi be wasted.
3 . S e e k M a s t e ry
Move beyond amiliarity to mastery. Many students
2 . G a in Fa m ilia r it y dont rea ize that amiliaritywhich is incomp ete
Familiarity is recognition o the terminology and and easi y orgottenis not the same as mastery.
basic ideas in each chapter. T is is on y the f rst step Mastery is a more comp ete understanding o the
to earning, but its the necessary oundation or ater concepts, how they re ate to one another, and how
mastery o the content. they can be app ied to rea wor d situations. Mastery
First, take a look at the Chapter O bjectives. T is is something that stays with you or yearswhen you
te s you what you need to master by the time youve rea y need itrather than being orgotten in a ew
f nished earning the chapter. T at wi he p you ocus days or weeks.
on the big ideas as you read. Review the O utline Summary. Start thinking about
T en slowly read through the Chapter Outline at the how it a f ts together and consider how ami iar you
beginning o each chapter to get your brain ami iar are with each major idea. You may need to go back
with how the story o the chapter is aid out. T is and review a section that you have orgotten.
he ps you sort out the ideas in a chapter as you read Work through the Active Learning process. Work
and bui d a menta ramework o new concepts. through the Review Questions, then Critical T inking
Next, read each term in the Language o Science and items, the Chapter est, and Case Studies at the end o
Language o Medicine out loud. T is book has as the chapter. Write out your answersdont just an-
many new words as a oreign- anguage textbook, so swer them in your head. Check your answers and
recognizing that you must learn a new language is an correct any weaknesses be ore moving on to the next


set o items. T en do this again in a ew days. Combine this textbook strategy with the other
You have orgotten some things, but thats ex- course components. Your instructor has care u y
pectedand thats why continuing, spaced repetition p anned a who e course around the textbookso this
o know edge-retrieva practice is so important! strategy is just a part o what you must be doing to
Use your Evolve Resources or additional retrieval earn and master a the essentia concepts. Make sure
practice. Your Evo ve resources inc ude practice you participate ully in your course and use e ective
questions in the Prepare or Exams section. study strategies to maximize your earning.
1 Introduction to the Body, 2 4 Tissues, 70
S cie ntif c Me tho d, 4 Intro ductio n to Tis s ue s , 71
Le ve ls o Organizatio n, 6 Tis s u e Typ e s , 71
Anato m ical Po s itio n, 7 Ma trix, 72
Anato m ical Dire ctio ns , 7 Epithe lial Tis s ue s , 72
Plane s o the Bo dy, 8 In tro d u ctio n to Ep ith e lia l Tis s u e s , 72
Bo dy Cavitie s , 9 S q u a m o u s Ep ith e liu m , 73
Bo dy Re g io ns , 11 Cu b o id a l Ep ith e liu m , 75
Balance o Bo dy Functio ns , 14 S im p le Co lu m n a r Ep ith e liu m , 75
Ps e u d o s tra tif e d Ep ith e liu m , 76

2 Tra n s itio n a l Ep ith e liu m , 76

Chemistry o Li e, 24 Co nne ctive Tis s ue , 76
In tro d u ctio n to Co n n e ctive Tis s u e , 76
Le ve ls o Che m ical Organizatio n, 25 Fib ro u s Co n n e ctive Tis s u e , 78
Ato m s , 25 Bo n e , 80
Ele m e n ts , Mo le cu le s , a n d Co m p o u n d s , 26 Ca rtila g e , 80
Che m ical Bo nding , 27 Ep ith e lia l Tis s u e , 73
Io n ic Bo n d s , 27 Blo o d Tis s u e , 80
Cova le n t Bo n d s , 27 He m a to p o ie tic Tis s u e , 81
Hyd ro g e n Bo n d s , 28 Mus cle Tis s ue , 81
Ino rganic Che m is try, 29 In tro d u ctio n to Mu s cle Tis s u e , 81
Wa te r, 29 S ke le ta l Mu s cle Tis s u e , 81
Acid s , Ba s e s , a n d Sa lts , 30 Ca rd ia c Mu s cle Tis s u e , 82
Organic Che m is try, 31 S m o o th Mu s cle Tis s u e , 82
Ca rb o hyd ra te s , 31 Ne rvo us Tis s ue , 83
Lip id s , 31 Tis s ue Re pair, 83
Pro te in s , 33
Nu cle ic Acid s , 35
Clinical Applicatio ns o Che m is try, 35 5 Organ Systems, 92

3 Organ Sys te m s o the Bo dy, 93

Cells, 42 In te g u m e n ta ry Sys te m , 93
S ke le ta l Sys te m , 94
Ove rvie w o Ce lls , 43 Mu s cu la r Sys te m , 94
S ize a n d S h a p e , 43 Ne rvo u s Sys te m , 95
Co m p o s itio n , 44 En d o crin e Sys te m , 96
Pa rts o th e Ce ll, 44 Ca rd iova s cu la r Sys te m , 96
Re latio ns hip o Ce ll S tructure and Functio n, 50 Lym p h a tic a n d Im m u n e Sys te m s , 97
Move m e nt o S ubs tance s Thro ug h Ce ll Re s p ira to ry Sys te m , 98
Me m brane s , 50 Dig e s tive Sys te m , 98
Typ e s o Me m b ra n e Tra n s p o rt, 50 Urin a ry Sys te m , 99
Pa s s ive Tra n s p o rt Pro ce s s e s , 51 Re p ro d u ctive Sys te m s , 99
Active Tra n s p o rt Pro ce s s e s , 53 Bo dy as a Who le , 101
Ce ll Tra n s p o rt a n d Dis e a s e , 55 Ho m e o s ta s is , 101
Ce ll Grow th and Re pro ductio n, 56 Ap p lyin g Orga n Sys te m Co n ce p ts , 101
Ce ll Gro w th , 56 Organ Re place m e nt, 101
Ce ll Re p ro d u ctio n , 59 Vita l a n d No nvita l Orga n s , 101
Ch a n g e s in Ce ll Gro w th a n d Re p ro d u ctio n , 60 Artif cia l Orga n s , 101
Orga n Tra n s p la n ta tio n , 104


6 Mechanisms o Disease, 112 8 Skeletal System, 174

S tudying Dis e as e , 113 Functio ns o the S ke le tal Sys te m , 175
Dis e a s e Te rm in o lo g y, 113 S u p p o rt, 175
Pa tte rn s o Dis e a s e , 114 Pro te ctio n , 176
Patho phys io lo gy, 115 Move m e n t, 176
Me ch a n is m s o Dis e a s e , 115 S to ra g e , 176
Ris k Fa cto rs , 117 He m a to p o ie s is , 176
Patho ge nic Organis m s and Particle s , 117 Gro s s S tructure o Bo ne s , 176
Viru s e s , 118 Typ e s o Bo n e s , 176
Prio n s , 120 S tru ctu re o Lo n g Bo n e s , 176
Ba cte ria , 120 S tru ctu re o Fla t Bo n e s , 177
Fu n g i, 123 Micro s co pic S tructure o Bo ne , 177
Pro to zo a , 123 Bo n e Tis s u e S tru ctu re , 177
Pa th o g e n ic An im a ls , 124 Ca rtila g e Tis s u e S tru ctu re , 177
Pre ve ntio n and Co ntro l, 124 Bo ne De ve lo pm e nt, 177
Me ch a n is m s o Tra n s m is s io n , 125 Ma kin g a n d Re m o d e lin g Bo n e , 177
Pre ve n tio n a n d Tre a tm e n t S tra te g ie s , 126 En d o ch o n d ra l Os s if ca tio n , 179
Dru g Th e ra p y, 127 In tra m e m b ra n o u s Os s if ca tio n , 179
Tum o rs and Cance r, 128 Axial S ke le to n, 180
Ne o p la s m s , 128 S ku ll, 181
Ca u s e s o Ca n ce r, 130 Hyo id Bo n e , 185
Pa th o g e n e s is o Ca n ce r, 131 Ve te b ra l Co lu m n (S p in e ), 186
In am m atio n, 134 Th o ra x, 189
In a m m a to ry Re s p o n s e , 134 Appe ndicular S ke le to n, 190
In a m m a to ry Dis e a s e , 135 Up p e r Extre m ity, 190
Lo w e r Extre m ity, 191

S ke le to n Variatio ns , 194
Skin and Membranes, 144 Ma le -Fe m a le S ke le ta l Di e re n ce s , 194
Ag e Di e re n ce s , 195
Bo dy Me m brane s , 145 Enviro n m e n ta l Fa cto rs , 195
Cla s s if ca tio n o Me m b ra n e s , 145 Jo ints , 196
Ep ith e lia l Me m b ra n e s , 146 Articu la tio n o Bo n e s , 196
Co n n e ctive Tis s u e Me m b ra n e s , 147 Kin d s o J o in t, 196
S kin S tructure , 148 Syn a rth ro s e s , 196
Ove rvie w o S kin S tru ctu re , 148 Am p h ia rth ro s e s , 196
Ep id e rm is , 149 Dia rth ro s e s , 197
De rm is , 150 S ke le tal Dis o rde rs , 200
S u b cu ta n e o u s Tis s u e , 151 Tu m o rs , 200
Ha ir, Na ils , a n d S kin Re ce p to rs , 151 Me ta b o lic Bo n e Dis e a s e s , 201
S kin Gla n d s , 154 Bo n e In e ctio n , 202
Functio ns o the S kin, 155 Bo n e Fra ctu re s , 203
Pro te ctio n , 155 J o in t Dis o rd e rs , 204
Te m p e ra tu re Re g u la tio n , 155
Se n s a tio n , 156
Excre tio n , 156
Syn th e s is o Vita m in D, 156
9 Muscular System, 218
Dis o rde rs o the S kin, 156 Mus cle Tis s ue , 220
S kin Le s io n s , 156 S ke le ta l Mu s cle , 220
Bu rn s , 157 Ca rd ia c Mu s cle , 220
S kin In e ctio n s , 161 S m o o th Mu s cle , 220
Va s cu la r a n d In a m m a to ry S kin Dis o rd e rs , 161 S tructure o S ke le tal Mus cle , 220
S kin Ca n ce r, 163 Mu s cle Orga n s , 220
Mu s cle Fib e rs , 221

Functio n o S ke le tal Mus cle , 222

Move m e n t, 223
11 Senses, 290
Po s tu re , 224 Clas s if catio n o S e ns e s , 291
He a t Pro d u ctio n , 224 Ge n e ra l Se n s e s , 291
Fa tig u e , 224 S p e cia l Se n s e s , 292
Mo to r Unit, 225 Se n s o ry Re ce p to r Typ e s , 292
Mus cle S tim ulus , 225 S e ns o ry Pathw ays , 293
Type s o Mus cle Co ntractio n, 225 Ge ne ral S e ns e s , 293
Tw itch a n d Te ta n ic Co n tra ctio n s , 225 Dis trib u tio n o Ge n e ra l Se n s e Re ce p to rs , 293
Is o to n ic Co n tra ctio n , 26 Mo d e s o Se n s a tio n , 293
Is o m e tric Co n tra ctio n , 226 Dis o rd e rs Invo lvin g Ge n e ra l Se n s e s , 294
E e cts o Exe rcis e o n S ke le tal Mus cle s , 226 S pe cial S e ns e s , 294
Move m e nts Pro duce d by Mus cle s , 228 Vis io n , 294
An g u la r Mo ve m e n ts , 228 Dis o rd e rs o Vis io n , 297
Circu la r Move m e n ts , 228 He a rin g a n d Eq u ilib riu m , 302
S p e cia l Mo ve m e n ts , 229 He a rin g a n d Eq u ilib riu m Dis o rd e rs , 307
S ke le tal Mus cle Gro ups , 230 Ta s te , 307
Mu s cle s o th e He a d a n d Ne ck, 232 S m e ll, 308
Mu s cle s o th e Up p e r Extre m itie s , 232 Inte g ratio n o S e ns e s , 309
Mu s cle s o th e Tru n k, 232

Mu s cle s o th e Lo w e r Extre m itie s , 234
Mus cular Dis o rde rs , 235 Endocrine System, 318
Mu s cle In ju ry, 235
Mu s cle In e ctio n s , 235 Endo crine Glands , 320
Mu s cu la r Dys tro p hy, 236 Me chanis m s o Ho rm o ne Actio n, 320
Mya s th e n ia Gra vis , 237 No n s te ro id Ho rm o n e s , 320
S te ro id Ho rm o n e s , 321
Re g ulatio n o Ho rm o ne S e cre tio n, 324
10 Nervous System, 248 Ne ga tive Fe e d b a ck, 324
Po s itive Fe e d b a ck, 324
Organs and Divis io ns o the Ne rvo us Sys te m , 249 Le ve ls o Re g u la tio n , 324
Ce lls o the Ne rvo us Sys te m , 250 Me chanis m s o Endo crine Dis e as e , 325
Ne u ro n s , 250 Pro s tag landins , 325
Glia , 250 Pituitary Gland, 326
Dis o rd e rs o Ne rve Tis s u e , 252 S tru ctu re o th e Pitu ita ry Gla n d , 326
Ne rve s and Tracts , 253 An te rio r Pitu ita ry Gla n d Ho rm o n e s , 326
Ne rve S ig nals , 253 Po s te rio r Pitu ita ry Gla n d Ho rm o n e s , 328
Re e x Arcs , 253 Hypo thalam us , 328
Ne rve Im p u ls e s , 255 Thyro id Gland, 329
Syn a p s e s , 256 Thyro id Ho rm o n e , 329
Ce ntral Ne rvo us Sys te m , 259 Ca lcito n in , 330
Bra in , 260 Parathyro id Glands , 331
Bra in Dis o rd e rs , 264 Adre nal Glands , 331
S p in a l Co rd , 266 Lo ca tio n o Ad re n a l Gla n d s , 331
Cove rin g s a n d Flu id S p a ce s , 268 Ad re n a l Co rte x, 331
Pe riphe ral Ne rvo us Sys te m , 270 Ad re n a l Me d u lla , 333
Cra n ia l Ne rve s , 270 Ad re n a l Ab n o rm a litie s , 334
S p in a l Ne rve s , 270 Pancre atic Is le ts , 334
Pe rip h e ra l Ne rve Dis o rd e rs , 273 S e x Glands , 336
Auto no m ic Ne rvo us Sys te m , 274 Fe m a le Se x Gla n d s , 336
Ove rvie w, 274 Fe m a le Se x Gla n d s , 336
Fu n ctio n a l An a to m y, 275 Thym us , 337
Au to n o m ic Co n d u ctio n Pa th s , 276 Place nta, 337
Sym p a th e tic Divis io n , 276 Pine al Gland, 338
Pa ra s ym p a th e tic Divis io n , 277 Endo crine Functio ns Thro ug ho ut the Bo dy, 338
Au to n o m ic Ne u ro tra n s m itte rs , 277 Oth e r En d o crin e S tru ctu re s , 338
Au to n o m ic Ne rvo u s Sys te m a s a Wh o le , 278 Ho rm o n e Actio n s in Eve ry Orga n , 339
Dis o rd e rs o th e Au to n o m ic Ne rvo u s Sys te m , 278

13 Blood, 348 15 Circulation o Blood, 402

Blo o d Co m po s itio n, 349 Blo o d Ve s s e ls , 403
Blo o d Tis s u e , 349 Typ e s , 403
Blo o d Pla s m a , 350 S tru ctu re , 404
Fo rm e d Ele m e n ts , 351 Fu n ctio n s , 405
He m a to p o ie s is , 352 Dis o rde rs o Blo o d Ve s s e ls , 406
Me chanis m s o Blo o d Dis e as e , 352 Dis o rd e rs o Arte rie s , 406
Re d Blo o d Ce lls , 352 Dis o rd e rs o Ve in s , 408
RBC S tru ctu re a n d Fu n ctio n , 352 Ro ute s o Circulatio n, 408
RBC Co u n t, 353 Sys te m ic a n d Pu lm o n a ry Circu la tio n , 408
He m o g lo b in , 354 He p a tic Po rta l Circu la tio n , 409
RBC Ab n o rm a litie s , 354 Fe ta l Circu la tio n , 412
Blo o d Typ e s , 355 He m o dynam ics , 414
Re d Blo o d Ce ll Dis o rde rs , 358 De f n in g Blo o d Pre s s u re , 414
Po lycyth e m ia , 358 Fa cto rs Th a t In u e n ce Blo o d Pre s s u re , 414
An e m ia , 358 Flu ctu a tio n s in Arte ria l Blo o d Pre s s u re , 417
White Blo o d Ce lls , 361 Puls e , 419
In tro d u ctio n to WBCs , 361 Hype rte ns io n, 419
WBC Co u n t, 362 De f n itio n , 419
WBC Typ e s , 362 Ris k Fa cto rs , 420
White Blo o d Ce ll Dis o rde rs , 363 Circulato ry S ho ck, 421
Mu ltip le Mye lo m a , 363 Ca rd io g e n ic S h o ck, 421
Le u ke m ia , 363 Hyp ovo le m ic S h o ck, 421
In e ctio u s Mo n o n u cle o s is , 364 Ne u ro g e n ic S h o ck, 421
Plate le ts and Blo o d Clo tting , 365 An a p hyla ctic S h o ck, 421
Pla te le ts , 365 Se p tic S h o ck, 421
Blo o d Clo ttin g , 365

Clo tting Dis o rde rs , 365
Ab n o rm a l Blo o d Clo ts , 365 Lymphatic System and Immunity, 428
He m o p h ilia , 366
Th ro m b o cyto p e n ia , 368 Lym phatic Sys te m , 429
Vita m in K De f cie n cy, 368 Orga n iza tio n o th e Lym p h a tic Sys te m , 429
Lym p h , 430
Lym p h a tic Ve s s e ls , 431
14 Heart, 378 Lym p h e d e m a , 432
Lym p h o id Orga n s , 432
Lo catio n o the He art, 389 Im m une Sys te m , 436
Functio nal Anato my o the He art, 380 Fu n ctio n o th e Im m u n e Sys te m , 436
He a rt Ch a m b e rs , 380 In n a te Im m u n ity, 436
Pe rica rd iu m , 381 Ad a p tive Im m u n ity, 437
He a rt Actio n , 383 Im m une Sys te m Mo le cule s , 438
He a rt Va lve s , 383 Cyto kin e s , 438
He art S o unds , 384 An tib o d ie s , 439
Blo o d Flow Thro ug h the He art, 384 Co m p le m e n t Pro te in s , 440
Blo o d S upply to He art Mus cle , 385 Im m une Sys te m Ce lls , 440
Cardiac Cycle , 387 Ph a g o cyte s , 440
Ele ctrical Activity o the He art, 388 Lym p h o cyte s , 441
Co n d u ctio n Sys te m , 388 Hype rs e ns itivity o the Im m une Sys te m , 444
Ele ctro ca rd io g ra p hy, 388 Alle rg y, 445
Ca rd ia c Dys rhyth m ia , 389 Au to im m u n ity, 445
Cardiac Output, 392 Allo im m u n ity, 446
De f n itio n o Ca rd ia c Ou tp u t, 392 Im m une Sys te m De f cie ncy, 447
He a rt Ra te , 393 Co n g e n ita l Im m u n e De f cie n cy, 447
S tro ke Vo lu m e , 393 Acq u ire d Im m u n e De f cie n cy, 448
He art Failure , 394

17 Respiratory System, 458 Live r and Gallbladde r, 509

S tru ctu re , 509
S tructural Plan, 460 Fu n ctio n , 509
Ove rvie w, 460 Dis o rd e rs o th e Live r a n d Ga llb la d d e r, 509
Re s p ira to ry Tra ct, 460 Pancre as , 511
Re s p ira to ry Mu co s a , 461 S tru ctu re a n d Fu n ctio n , 511
Uppe r Re s pirato ry Tract, 462 Dis o rd e rs o th e Pa n cre a s , 511
No s e , 462 Large Inte s tine , 512
Ph a ryn x, 462 S tru ctu re , 512
La ryn x, 464 Fu n ctio n , 513
Dis o rd e rs o th e Up p e r Re s p ira to ry Tra ct, 464 Dis o rd e rs o th e La rg e In te s tin e , 514
Low e r Re s pirato ry Tract, 466 Appe ndix and Appe ndicitis , 515
Tra ch e a , 466 S tru ctu re a n d Fu n ctio n , 515
Bro n ch ia l Tre e , 466 Ap p e n d icitis , 516
Alve o li, 467 Pe rito ne um , 516
Re s p ira to ry Dis tre s s , 468 Lo ca tio n , 516
Lu n g s , 469 Exte n s io n s , 516
Ple u ra e , 469 Pe rito n itis , 517
Dis o rd e rs o th e Lo w e r Re s p ira to ry Tra ct, 470 As cite s , 517
Re s piratio n, 473 Dige s tio n, 517
Pulm o nary Ve ntilatio n, 473 Ove rvie w o Dig e s tio n s , 517
Me ch a n ics o Bre a th in g , 473 En zym e s a n d Ch e m ica l Dig e s tio n , 517
Pu lm o n a ry Vo lu m e s , 473 Ca rb o hyd ra te Dig e s tio n , 518
Re g u la tio n o Ve n tila tio n , 475 Pro te in Dig e s tio n , 518
Bre a th in g Pa tte rn s , 477 Pro te in Dig e s tio n , 518
Gas Exchange and Trans po rt, 478 Lip id Dig e s tio n , 519
Pu lm o n a ry Ga s Exch a n g e , 478 En d Pro d u cts o Dig e s tio n , 519
Sys te m ic Ga s Exch a n g e , 480 Abs o rptio n, 519
Blo o d Tra n s p o rta tio n o Ga s e s , 480 Me ch a n is m s o Ab s o rp tio n , 519
S u r a ce Are a a n d Ab s o rp tio n , 520

18 Digestive System, 492

19 Nutrition and Metabolism, 532
Ove rvie w o Dige s tio n, 494
Wall o the Dige s tive Tract, 495 Macro nutrie nts , 534
Mo uth, 496 Die ta ry So u rce s o Nu trie n ts , 534
S tru ctu re o th e Ora l Ca vity, 496 Ca rb o hyd ra te Me ta b o lis m , 535
Te e th , 497 Fa t Me ta b o lis m , 537
Sa liva ry Gla n d s , 498 Pro te in Me ta b o lis m , 538
Dis o rd e rs o th e Mo u th , 499 Micro nutrie nts , 538
Pharynx, 497 Vita m in s , 538
S tru ctu re , 501 Min e ra ls , 540
Fu n ctio n , 502 Re g ulating Fo o d Intake , 541
Es o phag us , 502 Me tabo lic Rate s , 541
S tru ctu re a n d Fu n ctio n , 502 Me tabo lic and Eating Dis o rde rs , 542
Re u x, 503 Me ta b o lic Im b a la n ce s , 542
S to m ach, 504 Ea tin g Dis o rd e rs , 543
S tru ctu re , 504 Bo dy Te m pe rature , 544
Fu n ctio n , 505 Th e rm o re g u la tio n , 544
Dis o rd e rs o th e S to m a ch , 505 Ab n o rm a l Bo d y Te m p e ra tu re , 545
Ca n ce r, 506
S m all Inte s tine , 506
S tru ctu re , 506
Fu n ctio n , 508
Dis o rd e rs o th e S m a ll In te s tin e , 508

20 Urinary System, 544 22 Acid-Base Balance, 600

Kidneys , 556 pH o Bo dy Fluids , 601
Lo ca tio n o th e Kid n e ys , 556 Us in g th e p H Sca le , 601
Gro s s S tru ctu re o th e Kid n e y, 556 Th e p H Un it, 602
Micro s co p ic S tru ctu re o th e Kid n e y, 557 Me chanis m s That Co ntro l pH o Bo dy Fluids , 602
Ove rvie w o Kid n e y Fu n ctio n , 559 Ove rvie w o p H Co n tro l Me ch a n is m s , 602
Fo rm atio n o Urine , 560 In te g ra tio n o p H Co n tro l, 603
Filtra tio n , 560 Bu e rs , 603
Re a b s o rp tio n , 561 Re s p ira to ry Me ch a n is m o p H Co n tro l, 606
Se cre tio n , 562 Urin a ry Me ch a n is m o p H Co n tro l, 606
S u m m a ry o Urin e Fo rm a tio n , 562 pH Im balance s , 607
Co ntro l o Urine Vo lum e , 563 Acid o s is a n d Alka lo s is , 607
An tid iu re tic Ho rm o n e , 563 Me ta b o lic a n d Re s p ira to ry Dis tu rb a n ce s , 607
Ald o s te ro n e , 563 Co m p e n s a tio n o p H Im b a la n ce s , 609
Atria l Na triu re tic Ho rm o n e , 563

Ab n o rm a litie s o Urin e Vo lu m e , 563
Elim inatio n o Urine , 564 Reproductive Systems, 616
Ure te rs , 564
Urin a ry Bla d d e r, 565 S e xual Re pro ductio n, 617
Ure th ra , 565 Pro d u cin g O s p rin g , 617
Mictu ritio n , 565 Ma le a n d Fe m a le Sys te m s , 618
Ab n o rm a litie s o Urin e Ou tp u t, 566 Ma le Re p ro d u ctive Sys te m , 618
Urinalys is , 567 S tru ctu ra l Pla n , 618
Re nal and Urinary Dis o rde rs , 567 Te s te s , 619
Ob s tru ctive Dis o rd e rs , 567 Re p ro d u ctive Du cts , 622
Urin a ry Tra ct In e ctio n s , 569 Acce s s o ry Gla n d s , 623
Glo m e ru la r Dis o rd e rs , 570 Exte rn a l Ge n ita ls , 623
Kid n e y Fa ilu re , 571 Dis o rde rs o the Male Re pro ductive Sys te m , 624
In e rtility a n d S te rility, 624
Dis o rd e rs o th e Te s te s , 625
21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, 584 Dis o rd e rs o th e Pro s ta te , 625
Dis o rd e rs o th e Pe n is a n d Scro tu m , 625
Bo dy Fluid Co m partm e nts , 584 Fe m ale Re pro ductive Sys te m , 627
Extra ce llu la r Flu id , 585 S tru ctu ra l Pla n , 627
In tra ce llu la r Flu id , 585 Ova rie s , 627
Me chanis m s That Maintain Fluid Balance , 585 Re p ro d u ctive Du cts , 630
Ove rvie w o Flu id Ba la n ce , 585 Acce s s o ry Gla n d s , 631
Re g u la tio n o Flu id Ou tp u t, 586 Exte rn a l Ge n ita ls , 632
Re g u la tio n o Flu id In ta ke , 587 Me n s tru a l Cycle , 633
Exch a n g e o Flu id s b y Blo o d , 588 Dis o rde rs o the Fe m ale Re pro ductive Sys te m , 635
Fluid Im balance s , 588 Ho rm o n a l a n d Me n s tru a l Dis o rd e rs , 635
De hyd ra tio n , 588 In e ctio n a n d In a m m a tio n , 636
Ove rhyd ra tio n , 589 Tu m o rs a n d Re la te d Co n d itio n s , 637
Im po rtance o Ele ctro lyte s in Bo dy Fluids , 589 In e rtility, 638
Ele ctro lyte s , 589 S um m ary o Male and Fe m ale Re pro ductive
Io n s , 589 Sys te m s , 639
Ele ctro lyte Fu n ctio n s , 589 S e xually Trans m itte d Dis e as e s , 639
Ele ctro lyte Im balance s , 591
Ho m e o s ta s is o Ele ctro lyte s , 591
So d iu m Im b a la n ce , 592
Po ta s s iu m Im b a la n ce , 592
Ca lciu m Im b a la n ce , 592

24 Growth, Development, and Aging, 652 Ge ne Expre s s io n, 682

He re d ita ry Tra its , 682
Pre natal Pe rio d, 654 Se x-Lin ke d Tra its , 683
Fe rtiliza tio n to Im p la n ta tio n , 654 Ge n e tic Mu ta tio n s , 684
Am n io tic Ca vity a n d Pla ce n ta , 654 Ge ne tic Dis e as e s , 684
Pe rio d s o De ve lo p m e n t, 656 Me ch a n is m s o Ge n e tic Dis e a s e , 684
Fo rm a tio n o th e Prim a ry Ge rm La ye rs , 657 S in g le -Ge n e Dis e a s e s , 686
His to g e n e s is a n d Orga n o g e n e s is , 658 Ep ig e n e tic Co n d itio n s , 688
Birth, 658 Ch ro m o s o m a l Dis e a s e s , 688
Pa rtu ritio n , 658 Pre ve ntio n and Tre atm e nt o Ge ne tic Dis e as e s , 689
S ta g e s o La b o r, 661 Ge n e tic Co u n s e lin g , 689
Mu ltip le Birth s , 661 Tre a tin g Ge n e tic Dis e a s e s , 692
Dis o rd e rs o Pre g n a n cy, 662
Im p la n ta tio n Dis o rd e rs , 662
Pre e cla m p s ia , 662 Glossary, 700
Ge s ta tio n a l Dia b e te s , 662
Fe ta l De a th , 662
Birth De e cts , 663
Po s tp a rtu m Dis o rd e rs , 663 Appendixes (only available on Evolve)
Po s tnatal Pe rio d, 664
Appe ndix A
Gro w th , De ve lo p m e n t, a n d Ag in g , 664
Exa m p le s o Pa th o lo g ica l Co n d itio n s
In a n cy, 665
Appe ndix B
Ch ild h o o d , 666
Me d ica l Te rm in o lo g y
Ad o le s ce n ce , 666
Hin ts o r Le a rn in g a n d Us in g Me d ica l Te rm s
Ad u lth o o d , 666
Appe ndix C
Old e r Ad u lth o o d , 667
Clin ica l a n d La b o ra to ry Va lu e s
Ag ing , 667
Co nve rs io n Fa cto rs to In te rn a tio n a l Sys te m o Un its
Me ch a n is m s o Ag in g , 667
(S I Un its )
E e cts o Ag in g , 668

25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases, 678 Index, I-1

Ge ne tics and Hum an Dis e as e , 679

Chro m o s o m e s and Ge ne s , 680
Me ch a n is m s o Ge n e Fu n ctio n , 680
Hu m a n Ge n o m e , 680
Dis trib u tio n o Ch ro m o s o m e s to O s p rin g , 681
This pa ge inte ntiona lly le ft bla nk

Introduction to the Body
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Scientif c Method, 4 Body Regions, 11

Levels o Organization, 4 Balance o Body Functions, 14
Anatomical Position, 7 Homeostasis, 14
Anatomical Directions, 7 Feedback Control, 14
Directional Terms, 7 Negative Feedback, 15
,8 Positive Feedback, 15
Planes o the Body, 8 Normal Fluctuations, 16
Body Cavities, 9
Dorsal Cavities, 9
Ventral Cavities, 9

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 6. Do the ollowing related to body cavities
should be able to: and body regions:
anatomy, physiology,
and pathology. the body and the subdivisions o
- each.

the body.
anatomical position,
supine, and prone. anatomical regions in each area.
7. Do the ollowing related to the balance
o body unctions:
Th e r e are many wonders in our wor d, but none is more wondrous than LANGUAGE OF
the human body. T is is a textbook about that incomparab e structure. It dea s S C IEN C E
with two very distinct and yet interre ated sciences: anatomy and physiology.
Be o re re ading the
As a science, anatomy is o ten def ned as the study
chapte r, s ay e ach o
o the structure o an organism and the re ation- the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
ships o its parts. T e word anatomy is derived he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
rom two word parts that mean cutting the m as yo u re ad.
apart. Anatomists earn about the structure
o the human body by cutting it apart. T is
process, ca ed dissection, is sti the principa
technique used to iso ate and study the structura [abdomin- belly, -al relating to]
components or parts o the human body. abdominal cavity

Physio ogy, on the other hand, is the study o the unctions o [abdomin- belly, -al relating to,
iving organisms and their parts. Physio ogists use scientif c ex- cav- hollow, -ity state]
perimentation to tease out how each activity o the body works, how abdominopelvic cavity
it is regu ated, and how it f ts into the comp ex, coordinated operation
o the who e human organism.
[abdomin- belly, -pelv- basin,
In the chapters that o ow, you wi see again and again that anatomica parts cav- hollow, -ity state]
have structures exact y suited to per orm specif c unctions. Each has a particu- abdominopelvic quadrant
ar size, shape, orm, or position in the body re ated direct y to its abi ity to
per orm a unique and specia ized activity. T is princip ethat structure ts
unctionis the key to understanding a o human bio ogy. [abdomin- belly, -pelv- basin,
quadran- ourth part]

A though an understanding o the norma structure and unction o the body is abdominopelvic region
important, it is a so important to know the mechanisms o disease. Disease
[abdomin- belly, -pelv- basin,
conditions resu t rom abnorma ities o body structure or unction that prevent
-ic relating to]
the body rom maintaining the interna stabi ity that keeps us a ive and hea thy.
anatomical position
Pathology, the scientif c study o disease, uses princip es o anatomy and physi-
o ogy to determine the nature o particu ar diseases. T e term pathology comes [ana- apart, -tom- cut, -ical- relating
rom pathos, the Greek word or disease. Chapter 6 provides an overview o to, posit- place, -tion state]
the basic mechanisms o disease, such as in ection and cancer. anatomist

T roughout the rest o this textbook, exp anations o norma structure and [ana- apart, -tom- cut, -ist agent]
unction are supp emented by discussions o re ated disease processes. By anatomy
knowing the structure and unction o the hea thy body, you wi be
better prepared to understand what can go wrong to cause [ana- apart, -tom- cut, -y action]
disease. At the same time, having know edge o antebrachial
disease states wi enhance your under-
standing o norma structure and [ante- ront -brachi- arm,
unction. -al relating to]

[ante- ront, -er- more, -or quality]

Continued on p. 17

4 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

S c ie n t if c M e t h o d
W hat we o ten ca the scienti c method is mere y a system- RES EA RC H, IS S U ES ,
1 atic approach to discovery. A though there is no sing e
method or scientif c discovery, some scientists o ow the
steps out ined in Figure 1-1 to discover the concepts o human METRIC SYSTEM
bio ogy discussed in this textbook. Scie ntis ts , m any gove rnm e nt age ncie s , and incre as ing
First, one makes a tentative exp anation, ca ed a hypothesis. num be rs o Am e rican indus trie s are us ing or m oving to-
A hypothesis is a reasonab e guess based on previous in orma ward the conve rs ion o our s ys te m o Englis h m e as ure -
observations or on previous y tested exp anations. m e nts to the m e tric s ys te m . The m e tric s ys te m is a de ci-
A ter a hypothesis has been proposed, it must be testeda m al s ys te m in w hich m e as ure m e nt o le ngth is bas e d on
process ca ed experimentation. Scientif c experiments are the m e te r (39.37 inche s ) and we ight or m as s is bas e d
designed to be as simp e as possib e to avoid the possibi ity o on the gram (about 454 gram s e qual a pound).
errors. O ten, experimental controls are used to ensure that A m icrom e te r is one m illionth o a m e te r. (Micron is
the test situation itse is not a ecting the resu ts. anothe r nam e or m icrom e te r.) In the m e tric s ys te m s , the
For examp e, i a new cancer drug is being tested, ha the units o le ngth are as ollow s :
test subjects wi get the drug and ha the subjects wi be 1 kilom e te r 1000 m e te rs
given a harm ess substitute. T e group getting the drug is 1 m e te r (m ) 39.37 inche s
ca ed the test group, and the group getting the substitute is 1 ce ntim e te r (cm ) 1/100 m
ca ed the control group. I both groups improve, or i on y the 1 m illim e te r (m m ) 1/1000 m
contro group improves, the drugs e ectiveness has not been 1 m icrom e te r ( m ) or m icron ( ) 1/1,000,000 m
1 nanom e te r (nm ) 1/1,000,000,000 m
demonstrated. I the test group improves, but the contro
1 Angs trom () 1/10,000,000,000 m
group does not, the hypothesis that the drug works is tenta-
tive y accepted as true. Experimentation requires accurate Approxim ate ly e qual to 1 inch:
measurement and recording o data.
I the resu ts o experimentation support the origina hy-
pothesis, it is tentative y accepted as true, and the researcher m
moves on to the next step. I the data do not support the hy-
pothesis, the researcher tentative y rejects the hypothesis.

Obs e rva tions a nd previous expe rime nts Knowing which hypotheses are incorrect is as va uab e as
P ropos e a lte rna te knowing which hypotheses are va id. Scientists can thus ocus
hypothe s is on the ideas shown to have merit and avoid wasting time with
P ropos e hypothe s is
disproven hypotheses.
Re de s ign
expe rime nt Initia experimenta resu ts are pub ished in scientif c jour-
De s ign expe rime nt na s so that other researchers can benef t rom them and veri y
them. I experimenta resu ts cannot be reproduced by other
scientists, then the hypothesis is not wide y accepted. I a
Colle ct a nd a na lyze da ta hypothesis withstands this rigorous retesting, the eve o con-
f dence in the hypothesis increases. A hypothesis that has
YES gained a high eve o conf dence is ca ed a theory or law.
De te rmine whe the r da ta a re bia s e d
W hy is it important to know the steps o experimentation
NO and deve oping theories i your main interest is a career in sci-
Re fine hypothe s is ence app icationssuch as a hea th career? I you do not un-
Re s ults not derstand how concepts are discovered and how they can change
re pe a ta ble a ter additiona experimentation, it is hard to u y grasp them.
Re pe a t expe rime nts T e acts presented in this textbook are among the atest
If re s ults a re cons is te nt theories o how the body is bui t and how it unctions. As
methods o imaging the body and measuring unctiona pro-
Ac c e pt as the o ry
cesses improve, we f nd new data that cause us to rep ace o d
If unus ua lly high leve l of confide nce theories with newer ones.
Ac c e pt as law

FIGURE 1-1 Scientif c method. In this classic example, initial observa- Le ve ls o O r g a n iz a t io n

tions or results rom other experiments may lead to ormation o a new hy- Be ore you begin the study o the structure and unction o
pothesis. As more testing is done to ensure that outside inf uences and bi-
ases are eliminated, results become more consistent and scientists begin to the human body and its many parts, it is important to think
have more con dence in the tested principle, which can then be called a about how those parts are organized and how they might
theory or law. ogica y f t together into a unctioning who e.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 5

Examine Figure 1-2. It i ustrates the di ering levels o Organization is one o the most important characteristics
organization that in uence body structure and unction. o body structure. Even the word organism, used to denote a
Note that the eve s o organization progress rom the east iving thing, imp ies organization. 1
comp ex (chemica eve ) to the most comp ex (organism A though the body itse is considered a sing e structure, it is
eve ). made up o tri ions o sma er structures. Atoms and mo ecu es
Because you a ready know that structure f ts unction, it are o ten re erred to as the chemical level o organization. T e
shou d not surprise you that the high y comp ex and coordi- existence o i e depends on the proper eve s and proportions
nated unctions o the who e body can be understood by dis- o many chemica substances in the ce s o the body.
covering the many basic processes that occur in the sma er Many o the physica and chemica phenomena that p ay
parts, such as organs, tissues, and ce s. important ro es in the i e process are reviewed in Chapter 2.

Mole cule
Ve s icle s
Ne uron
Che mic al leve l Group of ne urons
(Chapte r 2) a nd s upport ce lls
Org ane lle le ve ls
(Chapte r 3)

Ce llular le ve l
(Chapte r 3)

Inte gume nta ry Tis s ue leve l

(Chapte rs 4, 13)
S ke le ta l
Mus cula r Org an leve l
Org an s ys te m leve l (Chapte r 5) Bra in
(Chapte rs 5-23) Ca rdiova s cula r

Re productive

Urina ry

Dige s tive Ne rvous

Re s pira tory
Org anis m leve l
(Chapte rs 19, Lympha tic/Immune
21, 22, 24, 25)

FIGURE 1-2 Levels o organization in the body. Atoms, molecules, and cells ordinarily can be seen only
with a microscope, but the gross (large) structures o tissues, organs, systems, and the whole organism can be
seen easily with the unaided eye.
6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

Such in ormation provides an understanding o the physica T e body as a whole the human organismis a the at-
basis or i e and or the study o the remaining eve s o orga- oms, mo ecu es, ce s, tissues, organs, and systems that you wi
1 nization that are so important in the study o anatomy and study in subsequent chapters o this text. A though capab e o
physio ogyce s, tissues, organs, and systems. being dissected or broken down into many parts, the body is
Cells are considered to be the sma est iving units o a unif ed and comp ex assemb y o structura y and unction-
structure and unction in our bodies. A though ong recog- a y interactive components, each working together to ensure
nized as the simp est units o iving matter, ce s are ar rom hea thy surviva .
simp e. T ey are extreme y comp ex, a act you wi discover in
Chapter 3. microbial systems
issues are somewhat more comp ex than ce s. By def ni- o the body, or human microbiome, have come
tion a tissue is an organization o many ce s that act together
to per orm a common unction. T e ce s o a tissue may be o
severa types, but a work together in some way to produce in our body with each other, and with our own
the structura and unctiona qua ities o the tissue. Ce s o a
tissue are o ten he d together and surrounded by varying critical to maintaining normal structure and unc-
amounts and varieties o g ue ike, non iving interce u ar sub- tion o the body. To learn more, check out the
stances. T e varied properties o di erent tissues are exp ored article The Human Microbiome at Connect It! at
in Chapter 4.
Organs are arger and even more comp ex than tissues. An
organ is a group o severa di erent kinds o tissues arranged
in a way that a ows them to act together as a unit to per orm For a brie 3-D tour o each o the bodys
a specia unction. For instance, the brain shown in Figure 1-2 organ systems, go to AnimationDirect at
is an examp e o organization at the organ eve . Un ike mi-
croscopic mo ecu es and ce s, some tissues and most organs
are gross ( arge) structures that can be seen easi y without a
microscope. QUICK CHECK
Systems are the most comp ex units that make up the 1. Wh a t is a n a to m y? Wh a t is p hys io lo g y? Wh a t is p a th o lo g y?
body. A system is an organization o varying numbers and 2. Wh a t a re th e ch a ra cte ris tic s te p s o th e s cie n tif c m e th o d ?
kinds o organs arranged in ways that a ow them to work 3. Wh a t a re th e m a jo r le ve ls o o rga n iza tio n in th e b o d y?
together to per orm comp ex unctions or the body. T e or- 4. Ho w d o e s a tis s u e d i e r ro m a n o rga n ?
5. Ho w d o e s th e p rin cip le s tru ctu re f ts u n ctio n re la te to
gans o the nervous system shown in Figure 1-2 unction to
th e b o d y?
monitor and regu ate the overa unctioning o the body.

Anato m is ts s tudy the s tructure o
the hum an body. Mode rn anatomy
Mus cle
s tarte d during the Re nais s ance in
Europe w ith the Fle m is h s cie ntis t
Andre as Ve s alius (s how n at le t)
and his conte m porarie s . Ve s alius
was the f rs t to apply a s cie ntif c Fa t
m e thod (s e e p. 4) to the s tudy o
the hum an body. Bone
Most anatomis ts still disse ct ca-
Andreas Vesalius dave rs (pre s erve d human re mains).
(15141564) Howeve r, today m any anatom ists
also use im aging te chnologie s s uch Horizontal section o the human arm

digitized photographs o thin s lice s o the body as you can s e e Applications o m ode rn anatomy are als o ound in the f e lds
in the f gure at right rom the National Library o Me dicines Vis - o o re ns ic s cie nce , anthro po lo gy, m e dicine and allie d
ible Human Project. Such digitize d image s can be re constructe d he alth pro e s s io ns , he alth e ducation, s ports and athle tics ,
into dis se ctible , thre e -dim ens ional body view s by com pute rs. dance , and eve n art and com pute rize d anim ation.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 7

A n a t o m ic a l P o s it io n A n a t o m ic a l D ir e c t io n s
Discussions about the body, the way it moves, its posture, or
the re ationship o one area to another assume that the body
D ir e c t io n a l Te r m s 1
as a who e is in a specif c position ca ed the anatomical W hen studying the body, it is o ten he p u to know where an
position. In this re erence position (Figure 1-3), the body is in organ is in re ation to other structures. T e o owing direc-
an erect, or standing, posture with the arms at the sides and tiona terms are used in describing re ative positions o body
pa ms turned orward. T e head a so points orward, as do the parts. o he p you understand them better, they are isted here
eet, which are a igned at the toe and set s ight y apart. in sets o opposite pairs:
T e broken ine a ong the midd e, or median, o the body
demonstrates that the body has externa bilateral symmetry 1. Superior and in erior (Figure 1-4). Superior means
that is, the e t and right sides o the body rough y mirror toward the head, and in erior means toward the
each other. eet. Superior a so means upper or above, and
T e anatomica position is a re erence position that gives in erior means ower or be ow. For examp e, the
meaning to the directiona terms used to describe the body ungs are ocated superior to the diaphragm, whereas
parts and regions. In other words, you need to know the ana- the stomach is ocated in erior to the diaphragm
tomica position so that you know how to app y directional (re er to Figure 1-8 i you are not sure where these
terms correct y regard ess o the particu ar position o the organs are ocated). T e simp e terms upper and lower
body being described. are sometimes used in pro essiona anguage as we .
Supine and prone are terms used to describe the position For examp e, the term upper respiratory tract and
o the body when it is not in the anatomica position. In the ower gastrointestina tract are used common y by
supine position the body is ying ace upward, and in the anatomists and hea th pro essiona s.
prone position the body is ying ace downward. 2. Anterior and posterior (see Figure 1-4). Anterior
means ront or in ront o . Posterior means back
FIGURE 1-3 Anatomical
t mical position. or in back o . In humans, who wa k in an upright
The body is in an erect or standing position, ventral (toward the be y) can be used in
posture with the arms
rms at the sides p ace o anterior, and dorsal (toward the back) can be
and the palms orward.
rd. The head and used or posterior. For examp e, the nose is on the
eet also point orward.
ard. The dashe
dashed anterior sur ace o the body, and the shou der b ades
median line shows the axis o the
bodys external bilateral
ateral sym- are on its posterior sur ace.
metry, in which the right and 3. Medial and lateral (see Figure 1-4). M edial means
le t sides o the body are toward the mid ine o the body. Lateral means to-
mirror images o eachch other. ward the side o the body or away rom its mid ine.
The anatomical compass
pass ro- For examp e, the great toe is at the media side o the
sette is explained in a later
section o this chapter.
ter. oot, and the itt e toe is at its atera side. T e heart
ies media to the ungs, and the ungs ie atera to
the heart.
4. Proximal and distal (see Figure 1-4). Proximal means
toward or nearest the trunk o the body, or nearest
the point o origin o one o its parts. Distal means
away rom or arthest rom the trunk or the point
o origin o a body part. For examp e, the e bow
ies at the proxima end o the orearm, whereas the
hand ies at its dista end. Likewise, the dista por-
tion o a kidney tubu e is more distant rom the
tubu e origin than is the proxima part o the kid-
ney tubu e.
5. Super cial and deep. Super cial means nearer the
sur ace. Deep means arther away rom the body sur-
ace. For examp e, the skin o the arm is superf cia to
the musc es be ow it, and the bone o the arm is deep
to the musc es that surround and cover it.

Anatomical Directions at
8 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

S upe rior

Pos te rior Ante rior

P roxima l

Mids a gitta l

S a gitta l pla ne s Fronta l pla ne s

Dis ta l

e ra
La t

te ra l
P roxima l

Dis ta l n ta
l L
r o
F ne R
p la
d ia
P A e
Infe rior ia
I M Tra ns ve rs e pla ne s Oblique pla ne s

FIGURE 1-4 Directions and planes o the body. The arrows show anatomical directions and the blue
plates show examples o body planes along which cuts or sections are made in visualizing the structure o
the body.

A n a t o m ic a l C o m p a s s Ro s e t t e QUICK CHECK
o make the reading o anatomica f gures a itt e easier or 1. Wh a t is th e a n a to m ica l p o s itio n ?
you, we have used an anatomica compass rosette throughout 2. Wh a t is b ila te ra l s ym m e try?
this book. O n many f gures, you wi see a sma compass ro- 3. Wh a t a re tw o te rm s th a t a re u s e d to d e s crib e th e b o d y
w h e n lyin g d o w n ?
sette ike you might see on a geographica map. Instead o 4. Why a re th e a n a to m ica l d ire ctio n s lis te d in p a irs ?
being abe ed N, S, E, or W, the anatomica compass rosette
is abe ed with abbreviated anatomica directions.
For examp e, in Figure 1-3 (p. 7), the rosette is abe ed S
( or superior) on top and I ( or in erior) on the bottom. Notice
P la n e s o t h e Bo d y
that in Figure 1-3 the rosette shows R (right) on the subjects o aci itate the study o individua organs or the body as a
rightnot your right. Now ook at the rosettes in Figure 1-4 who e, it is o ten use u to f rst subdivide or cut it into
and compare them to the body positions shown. sma er segments. T is can be done with actua cuts in a
H ere are the directiona abbreviations used with the ro- dissection, or it can be done virtua y, as in medica imaging
settes in this book: in sonography (ultrasound images), computed tomography (C )
A Anterior scans, or magnetic resonance imaging (M RI) scans (see M edi-
D Dista cal Imaging o the Body in Chapter 6 on p. 132). o under-
I In erior stand such a cuta so ca ed a sectionone must imagine
(opposite R) L Le t a body being divided by an imaginary at p ate ca ed a
(opposite M) L Latera p ane.
M Media Because many anatomica sections, cut a ong specif c
(opposite A) P Posterior p anes o the body, are used in anatomica studies and medica
(opposite D) P Proxima imaging, we describe them here. As you read the o owing
R Right descriptions, identi y each type o p ane in Figure 1-4.
S Superior T is chapter continues on p. 10, ollowing the Clear View insert.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 9

1. Sagittal planea sagitta cut or section that runs a ong a S

engthwise p ane running rom anterior to posterior. It Cra nia l

divides the body or any o its parts into right and e t cavity
sides. T e midsagittal plane shown in Figure 1-4 is a
unique type o sagitta p ane that divides the body into
S pina l
two equal halves. cavity
2. Frontal planea ronta p ane (coronal plane) is a ength-
Thora cic
wise p ane running rom side to side. As you can see in cavity
Figure 1-4, a ronta p ane divides the body or any o its parts
into anterior and posterior ( ront and back) portions. P le ura l
3. ransverse planea transverse p ane is a crosswise or hori- cavitie s
zontal plane. Such a p ane (see Figure 1-4) divides the body Me dia s tinum
or any o its parts into superior and in erior portions.
Dia phra gm
Understanding p anes o the body is essentia to being ab e to
interpret medica images. Abdomina l
Sometimes it is he p u to make a cut a ong a p ane that is
not para e to the p anes we have a ready mentioned. Such Abdominope lvic
diagona cuts are made a ong oblique planes, which you can cavity
see i ustrated in Figure 1-4.
Pe lvic
Besides using p anes to cut the body into various sections, cavity
we sometimes use p anes to describe movement. For examp e,
one rotates the head in a transverse p ane, and one can move
a f nger a ong both a sagitta p ane and a ong a ronta p ane. Dors a l body cavitie s
Ve ntra l body cavitie s
Exp ore the Clear View o the Human Body insert ocated A P

just prior to this page. Note that the arger transparency im- I
ages show the body and its organs sectioned a ong ronta
p anes. H owever, the sma er images in the margins show FIGURE 1-5 Body cavities. Location and subdivisions o the dorsal and
ventral body cavities as viewed rom the ront (anterior) and rom the side
transverse sections at specif c ocations in the body. (lateral).

images that use sectional views o the body, Th o r a c ic a n d A b d o m in o p e lv ic C a v it ie s

see the article Medical Imaging o the Body at T e upper ventra cavities inc ude the thoracic cavity, a space
Connect It! at that you may think o as your chest cavity. Its midportion is a
subdivision o the thoracic cavity, ca ed the mediastinum.
T e atera subdivisions o the thoracic cavity are ca ed the
Bo d y C a v it ie s right and e t pleural cavities.
Contrary to its externa appearance, the body is not a so id T e ower ventra cavities in Figure 1-5 inc ude an abdominal
structure. It is made up o open spaces or cavities that in turn cavity and a pelvic cavity. Actua y, they orm on y one cavity,
contain compact, we -ordered arrangements o interna or- the abdominopelvic cavity, because no physica partition sepa-
gans. T e major body cavities are categorized as the rates them. In Figure 1-5 a aint ine shows the approximate point
dorsal body cavities and ventral body cavities. T e ocation o separation between the abdomina and pe vic subdivisions.
and out ines o the major body cavities are i ustrated in Notice, however, that an actua physica partition separates the
Figure 1-5. thoracic cavity above rom the abdominope vic cavity be ow.
T is muscu ar sheet is the diaphragm. It is dome-shaped and is
the most important musc e or breathing.
D o r s a l C a v it ie s
T e dorsa cavities shown in Figure 1-5 inc ude the space inside A b d o m in o p e lv ic Q u a d r a n t s a n d Re g io n s
the sku that contains the brain. It is ca ed the cranial cavity. Abdominopelvic Quadrants
T e space inside the spina co umn is ca ed the spinal cavity. o make it easier to ocate organs in the arge abdominope vic
It contains the spina cord. T e crania and spina cavities are cavity, anatomists have divided the abdominope vic cavity into
dorsal cavities because they are located in a dorsal position in the our abdominopelvic quadrants:
1. Right upper quadrant or RUQ (right superior
Ve n t r a l C a v it ie s 2. Right lower quadrant or RLQ (right in erior quadrant)
T e ventral cavities are ocated in a ventra position in the 3. Le t upper quadrant or LUQ ( e t superior quadrant)
body. 4. Le t lower quadrant or LLQ ( e t in erior quadrant)
10 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

Rig ht Le ft
hypo c ho ndriac hypo c ho ndriac
re i n
re g io n re g io n
Rig ht uppe r Le ft uppe r
quadrant quadrant
Rig ht lumbar Le ft lumbar
(flank) Umbilic al (flank)
re g io n re g io n re g io n

Rig ht lowe r Le ft lo we r
quadrant quadrant Rig ht iliac Hypo g as tric Le ft iliac
(RLQ) (LLQ) (ing uinal) (pubic ) (ing uinal)
re g io n re g io n re g io n




FIGURE 1-6 Abdominopelvic quadrants. Diagram showing location o FIGURE 1-7 Abdominopelvic regions. The most super cial organs are
internal organs within our abdominal quadrants. shown. Look at Figure 1-8 (p. ***)can you identi y the deeper structures
in each region?

As you can see in Figure 1-6, the midsagitta and transverse 3. Lower abdominopelvic regionsthe right iliac region,
p anes, which were described in the previous section, pass le t iliac region (a so ca ed inguinal regions), and
through the nave (umbi icus) and divide the abdominope vic the hypogastric region ie be ow an imaginary ine
region into the our quadrants. T is method o subdividing across the abdomen at the eve o the top o the hip
the abdominope vic cavity is requent y used by hea th pro es- bones.
siona s and is use u or ocating the origin o pain or describ-
ing the ocation o a tumor or other abnorma ity. Some o the organs in the argest body cavities are visib e
You may notice that terms ike upper and lower are o ten in Figure 1-8 and are isted in Table 1-1. Find each body cavity
used to name quadrants, which may seem over y in orma in a mode o the human body i you have access to one. ry
compared with the more technica terms superior and in erior.
H owever, this practice re ects the usage ound in many c ini-
ca environments, where one common y encounters a mix o
in orma and orma termino ogy. TABLE 1-1 Body Cavities
Abdominopelvic Regions
Do rs al Bo dy Cavitie s
Another and perhaps more precise way to divide the abdomi-
Cranial cavity Brain
nope vic cavity is shown in Figure 1-7. H ere, the abdominope -
vic cavity is subdivided into nine abdominopelvic regions Spinal cavity Spinal cord
def ned as o ows: Ve ntral Bo dy Cavitie s
Th o ra cic Ca vity
1. Upper abdominopelvic regionsthe right hypochon- Me dias tinum He art, trache a, e s ophagus , thym us ,
driac region, le t hypochondriac region, and the blood ve s s e ls
epigastric region ie above an imaginary ine across Ple ural cavitie s Lungs
the abdomen at the eve o the ninth rib carti ages.
Ab d o m in o p e lvic Ca vity
2. M iddle abdominopelvic regionsthe right lumbar
region, le t lumbar region, and the umbilical Abdom inal cavity Live r, gallbladde r, s tom ach, s ple e n,
region ie be ow an imaginary ine across the abdo- pancre as , s m all inte s tine , parts o
large inte s tine
men at the eve o the ninth rib carti ages and above
an imaginary ine across the abdomen at the top o Pe lvic cavity Lowe r (s igm oid) colon, re ctum , urinary
bladde r, re productive organs
the hip bones.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 11

to identi y the organs in each cavity, and try to visua ize their
Bo d y Re g io n s
ocations in your own body. Study Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-8 and o recognize an object, you usua y f rst notice its overa
exp ore the ayers o the Clear View o the Human Body insert structure and orm. For examp e, a car is recognized as a car 1
ocated in this book a ter p. 8. be ore the specif c detai s o its tires, gri , or whee covers are
noted. Recognition o the human orm a so occurs as you f rst
identi y overa shape and basic out ine. H owever, or more
QUICK CHECK specif c identif cation to occur, detai s o size, shape, and ap-
1. Wh a t is m e a n t b y a s e ctio n o th e b o d y? pearance o individua body areas must be described. Indi-
2. Wh a t a re th e tw o m a jo r s e ts o ca vitie s o th e b o d y? vidua s di er in overa appearance because specif c body areas
3. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n th e a b d o m in a l ca vity a n d such as the ace or torso have unique identi ying characteris-
th e a b d o m in o p e lvic ca vity?
4. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n rig h t u p p e r q u a d ra n t a n d
tics. Detai ed descriptions o the human orm require that
rig h t s u p e rio r q u a d ra n t? specif c regions be identif ed and appropriate terms be used to
describe them.
T e abi ity to identi y and correct y describe specif c body
areas is particu ar y important in the hea th sciences. For a
S pina l cord patient to comp ain o pain in the head is not as specif c, and
Bra in there ore not as use u to a hea th pro essiona , as a more
specif c and oca ized description wou d be. Saying that the
Es opha gus pain is acia provides additiona in ormation and he ps to
more specif ca y identi y the area o pain. By using correct
Lung La rynx anatomica terms such as orehead, cheek, or chin to describe
the area o pain, attention can be ocused even more quick y
Tra che a on the specif c anatomica area that may need attention.
He a rt
Fami iarize yourse with the more common terms
Live r used to describe
de specif c body regions identif ed
Dia phra gm in Figur
Figure 1-9 and isted in Table 1-2. Exp ore the
Ga llbla dde r
Clear View o the Human Body insert ocated
Kidney S ple en (be hind stomach) in this book a ter p. 8 to f nd the major
(be hind live r) body regions.
S toma ch
Pa ncre a s Kidney (be hind stoma ch)

S ma ll inte s tine S
Ure te r
(be hind s ma ll inte s tine ) La rge inte s tine R L

Urina ry bla dde r I

A Ure thra Pos te rior

S pinal c avity
Ve rte bra S pina l cord

Ple ural c avity

Right lung
Le ft lung
Prima ry bronchus
P le ura l me mbra ne s
Pulmona ry a rte ry

Pulmona ry ve in Intra ple ura l s pa ce


Pulmona ry trunk

He a rt
S te rnum

Me dias tinum A

B Ante rior

FIGURE 1-8 Organs o the major body cavities. A, A view rom the ront. B, Transverse section viewed rom above.
12 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body


Know le dge o hum an anatomy is im portant in conducting an be gins . It is a m icros copic exam ination o tis s ue s colle cte d
auto ps y or pos tm orte m exam ination. The te rm autops y is built during the f rs t two phas e s . Te s ts to analyze the che m ical con-
rom the words auto (m e aning s e l ) and ops is (m e aning te nt o body uids or to de te rm ine the pre s e nce o in e ctious
view ). Autops ie s are proce dure s in w hich a hum an body is organis m s als o m ay be pe r orm e d.
exam ine d a te r de ath to accurate ly de te rm ine the caus e o
de ath, to conf rm the accuracy o diagnos tic te s ts , to dis cove r
previous ly unde te cte d proble m s , and to as s e s s the e e ctive -
ne s s o s urge rie s or othe r tre atm e nts . Me dical and allie d
he alth s tude nts o te n atte nd autops ie s to im prove the ir know l-
e dge o hum an anatomy and pathology.
Autops ie s are us ually pe r orm e d in thre e s tage s . In the f rs t
s tage , the exte rior o the body is exam ine d or abnorm alitie s
s uch as wounds or s cars rom injurie s or s urge rie s . In the
s e cond s tage , the ve ntral body cavity is ope ne d by a de e p,
Y-s hape d incis ion. The arm s o the Y s tart at the ante rior s ur-
ace o the s houlde rs and join at the in e rior point o the bre as t-
bone (s te rnum ) to orm a s ingle cut that exte nds to the pubic
are a. A te r the rib cage is s aw n through, the walls o the tho-
racic and abdom inope lvic cavitie s can be ope ne d like hinge d
doors to expos e the inte rnal organs .
The s e cond s tage o the autops y include s care ul dis s e c-
tion o m any or all o the inte rnal organs . I the brain is to be
exam ine d, a portion o the s kull m us t be re m ove d. The ace ,
arm s , and le gs are us ually not dis s e cte d unle s s the re is a s pe -
cif c re as on or doing s o.
A te r the organs are re turne d to the ir re s pe ctive body cavi-
tie s , and the body is s ew n up, the third phas e o the autops y

Abdo m inal re g io n Ante rior tors o be low diaphragm Mam m ary re g io n Bre as t
Ante brachial re g io n Fore arm Nas al re g io n Nos e
Axillary re g io n Arm pit Occipital re g io n Back o lowe r s kull
Brachial re g io n Arm Ole cranal re g io n Back o e lbow
Buccal re g io n Che e k Oral re g io n Mouth
Carpal re g io n Wris t Orbital re g io n or Eye s
Ce phalic re g io n He ad o phthalm ic re g io n

Ce rvical re g io n Ne ck Palm ar re g io n Palm o hand

Cranial re g io n Skull Pe dal re g io n Foot

Crural re g io n Le g Pe lvic re g io n Lowe r portion o tors o

Cubital re g io n* Elbow Pe rine al re g io n Are a (pe rine um ) be twe e n anus and

ge nitals
Cutane o us Skin (or body s ur ace )
Plantar re g io n Sole o oot
Dig ital re g io n Finge rs or toe s
Po plite al re g io n Are a be hind kne e
Do rs al re g io n Back
S upraclavicular re g io n Are a above clavicle (collar bone )
Facial re g io n Face
Tars al re g io n Ankle
Fe m o ral re g io n Thigh
Te m po ral re g io n Side o s kull
Fro ntal re g io n Fore he ad
Tho racic re g io n Entire che s t
Glute al re g io n Buttock
Um bilical re g io n Are a around nave l or um bilicus
Ing uinal re g io n Groin
Vo lar re g io n Palm or s ole
Lum bar re g io n Lowe r back be twe e n ribs and pe lvis
Zygo m atic re g io n Uppe r che e k
*The te rm cubital m ay als o re e r to the ore arm .
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 13

Fronta l (fore he a d)
Cra nia l Orbita l (eye ba ll)
Ce pha lic
(he a d)
(uppe r s kull)
Na s a l (nos e )
Te mpora l
(s ide of s kull) Ce pha lic (he a d) 1
Fa cia l (fa ce ) Zygoma tic (uppe r che e k)
Bucca l (lowe r che e k)
S upra clavicula r Ora l (mouth) Ce rvica l (ne ck)
(a re a a bove clavicle )
Axilla ry (a rmpit)
Ma mma ry (bre a s t) Thora cic Dors a l (ba ck)
Bra chia l (a rm) (che s t)
Ole cra na l
Cubita l (e lbow) (ba ck of e lbow)

Abdomina l Trunk Fla nk Uppe r

(a bdome n) (la te ra l re gion) extre mity
Umbilica l (nave l)
Lumba r (loin)
Ante bra chia l
Pe lvic
(fore a rm)
(pe lvis ) Glute a l
Ca rpa l (wris t)
Digita l or
pha la nge a l Pa lma r or vola r
(finge rs ) (a nte rior s urfa ce
of ha nd)
Fe mora l (thigh) Inguina l (groin)
Poplite a l
(ba ck of kne e ) Lowe r
extre mity

Crura l (le g)
Axia l s ke le ton
Appe ndicula r s ke le ton

Ta rs a l (a nkle )
P la nta r
Digita l (toe ) Pe da l (foot) (s ole of foot)

FIGURE 1-9 Axial and appendicular divisions o the body. Speci c body regions are labeled (examples
in parentheses). For example, the cephalic region includes the head. Notice how the axial and appendicular
regions o the body rame are distinguished by contrasting colors.

T e body as a who e can be subdivided into two major por- with the reduced activity o the body as one advances through
tions or components: axial and appendicular. T e axia por- o der adu thood, body organs and tissues decrease in size and
tion o the body consists o the head, neck, and torso or trunk. there ore change in their unctions. A degenerative process
T e appendicu ar portion consists o the upper and ower ex- that resu ts rom disuse is ca ed atrophy. In many cases, atro-
tremities (or imbs). Each major axia and appendicu ar area is phy can be reversed with therapy. Some tissues simp y ose
subdivided as shown in Figure 1-9. Note, or examp e, that the their e asticity or abi ity to regenerate as we get o der. Near y
torso is composed o thoracic, abdomina , and pe vic areas, every chapter o this book re ers to a ew o the changes that
and the upper extremity is divided into arm, orearm, wrist, occur through the i e cyc e.
and hand components. Be ore moving ahead, we pause to consider what seems
A though most terms used to describe gross body regions ike an overwhe ming number o scientif c terms introduced
are we understood, misuse is common. T e word leg is a good in the preceding sections. It is important to know that such
examp e: it re ers to the area o the ower extremity between termino ogy is a new anguage that you must earn as you
the knee and ank e and not to the entire ower extremity. continue your studies. Now is a good time to review the intro-
T e structure o each persons body is unique. Even identi- duction to this new anguage in Appendix B at evolve.elsevier
ca twins have some variations in the size, shape, and texture .com. T en, in upcoming chapters, make it a habit to read
o various tissues and organs. through the new terms in the chapter word istspausing
T e structure o the body a so changes in many ways and to pronounce each term out oud and g ance at its word
at varying rates during a i etime. Be ore young adu thood, the partsbe ore starting your reading. Such a strategy wi he p
body deve ops and grows. A ter young adu thood, the body you s ow y and com ortab y bui d a mastery o scientif c
gradua y undergoes changes re ated to aging. For examp e, anguage.
14 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

QUICK CHECK ca the relative constancy o the interna environment. T e

ce s o the body ive in an interna environment made up
1 1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n th e a xia l p o rtio n o th e
b o d y a n d th e a p p e n d icu la r p o rtio n o th e b o d y? most y o water combined with sa ts and other disso ved
2. Wh a t a re s o m e o th e re g io n s o th e u p p e r e xtre m ity a n d substances.
lo w e r e xtre m ity? Like f sh in a f shbow , the ce s are ab e to survive on y i
3. Wh a t is m e a n t b y th e te rm a tro p hy? the conditions o their watery environment remain re ative y
stab ethat is, on y i conditions stay within a narrow range.
T e temperature, sa t content, acid eve (pH ), uid vo ume
Ba la n c e o Bo d y Fu n c t io n s and pressure, oxygen concentration, and other vita conditions
must remain within acceptab e imits. o maintain a narrow
Ho m e o s t a s is range o water conditions in a f shbow , one may add a heater,
A though structura y di erent rom one another, a iving an air pump, and f ters. Likewise, the body has mechanisms
organisms maintain mechanisms that ensure surviva o the that act as heaters, air pumps, and the ike to maintain the
body and success in propagating its genes through its re ative y stab e conditions o its interna uid environment
o spring. (Figure 1-10).
Surviva depends on maintaining re ative y constant con- Because externa disturbances and the activities o ce s
ditions within the body. H omeostasis is what physio ogists themse ves cause requent uctuations inside the body, condi-
tions are continuous y dri ting away rom homeostasis. T ere-
Nutrie nts ore, the body must constant y work to maintain or re-
S a lts store stabi ity, or homeostasis. For examp e, the heat
Wa te r O2 CO 2
Exte rnal generated by musc e activity during exercise may cause
S kin
e nviro nme nt the bodys temperature to rise above norma . T e body
must then re ease sweat, which evaporates and coo s the
Inte rnal body back to a norma temperature.
e nviro nme nt
Re s pirato ry
s ys te m
Fe e d b a c k C o n t ro l
Dig e s tive
s ys te m
o accomp ish such se -regu ation, a high y comp ex and
integrated communication contro system is required. T e
basic type o contro system in the body is ca ed a
Ce ll eedback loop.
T e idea o a eedback oop is borrowed rom engi-
He a rt neering. Figure 1-11, A, shows how an engineer wou d
describe the eedback oop that maintains stabi ity o
temperature in a bui ding. Co d winds outside a bui ding
Cardiovas c ular
s ys te m
may cause the bui ding temperature to drop be ow nor-
Blood ma . A sensor, in this case a thermometer, detects the
(ce lls a nd pla s ma ) change in temperature. In ormation rom the sensor eeds
Inte rs titia l
fluid back to a control centera thermostat in this examp e
that compares the actua temperature to the norma
temperature and responds by activating the bui dings
Urinary urnace. T e urnace is ca ed an ef ector because it has an
s ys te m
e ect on the contro ed condition (temperature). Because
the sensor continua y eeds in ormation back to the con-
tro center, the urnace wi be automatica y shut o
when the temperature has returned to norma .
As you can see in Figure 1-11, B, the body uses a simi ar
eedback oop to restore body temperature when we be-
Una bs orbe d S a lts come chi ed. Nerve endings that act as temperature sen-
ma tte r Wa te r sors eed in ormation to a contro center in the brain that
Orga nic wa s te Nitroge nous wa s te
compares actua body temperature to norma body tem-
FIGURE 1-10 Diagram o the bodys internal environment. The human body perature. In response to a chi , the brain sends nerve
is like a bag o f uid separated rom the external environment. Tubes, such as the signa s to musc es that cause rapid y repeated contrac-
digestive tract and respiratory tract, bring the external environment to deeper parts tions. T is shivering produces heat that increases our
o the bag where substances can be absorbed into the internal f uid environment or
excreted into the external environment. All the organs and systems somehow help body temperature. We stop shivering when eedback in-
maintain a constant environment inside the bag that allows survival o the cells that ormation te s the brain that body temperature has in-
live there. creased to norma .
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 15

Dis turbanc e Feedback Dis turbanc e

Co ld Ro o m Co ld Bo dy
wind te mpe rature wind te mpe rature
de c re as e s de c re as e s

Te mpe rta ure Te mpe ra ture

De te cte d by De te cte d by
incre a s e s incre a s e s
Co ntro lle d Co ntro lle d
c o nditio n c o nditio n

Mus cle s Cold

Furna ce The rmome te r (s hive r) re ce ptors
Effe c to r S e ns o r Effe c to r S e ns o r

Corre ction Fe e ds Corre ction Fe e ds

s igna ls ba ck to s igna ls ba ck to

Norma l room The rmo s tat Actua l room Norma l body Brain Actua l body
te mpe ra ture Inte g rato r te mpe ra ture te mpe ra ture Inte g rato r te mpe ra ture

FIGURE 1-11 Negative eedback loops. A, An engineers diagram showing how relatively constant room
temperature (controlled condition) can be maintained. A thermostat (control center) receives eedback in orma-
tion rom a thermometer (sensor) and responds by counteracting change rom normal by activating a urnace
(e ector). B, A physiologists diagram showing how a relatively constant body temperature (controlled condi-
tion) can be maintained. The brain (control center) receives eedback in ormation rom nerve endings called cold
receptors (sensors) and responds by counteracting a change rom normal by activating shivering by muscles
(e ectors).

N e g a t ive Fe e d b a c k an increase in breathing rate that brings the b ood CO 2 eve

Feedback oops such as those shown in Figure 1-11 are ca ed back down toward norma .
negative eedback oops because they oppose, or negate, a An additiona examp e is the excretion o arger than usua
change in a contro ed condition. M ost homeostatic contro vo umes o urine when the vo ume o uid in the body is
oops in the body invo ve negative eedback because revers- greater than the norma , idea amount.
ing changes back toward a norma va ue tends to stabi ize
conditionsexact y what homeostasis is a about.
P o s it ive Fe e d b a c k
T ink about the opposite circumstance o that shown in
Figure 1-11, as when we become overheated during hot weather. A though not common, positive eedback oops do exist in
emperature receptors detect a body temperature higher than the body and are sometimes a so invo ved in norma unction.
norma , and the brain sends signa s to the sweat g ands to coo Positive eedback contro oops are stimu atory. Instead o op-
us down through evaporation. T us the conditions are re- posing a change in the interna environment and causing a
versed and ba ance is restored. return to norma , positive eedback oops temporari y am-
Another examp e o a negative eedback oop occurs dur- p i y or rein orce the change that is occurring. T is type o
ing exercise. As musc es contract, they produce additiona eedback oop causes an ever-increasing rate o events to occur
CO 2 that is transported by b ood. T is increase in b ood CO 2 unti something stops the process. An examp e o a positive
eve s is detected by sensory receptors that transmit the in or- eedback oop inc udes the events that cause rapid increases in
mation to respiratory contro centers in the brain. T is triggers uterine contractions be ore the birth o a baby (Figure 1-12).
16 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

Variable Un ortunate y, this increases the oss o b ood, which causes a

Feedback urther drop in b ood pressure and an even aster heart rate.
1 loop S tre tch T e response is acce erated, and the amp if cation o
incre a s e
b ood oss caused by this positive eedback oop can
rapid y turn dead y. App ying pressure to the
S tre tch wound can stop or s ow the oss o b ood and
De te cte d by
incre a s e stop the positive eedback oop.

Fe tus move s
into birth ca na l N o r m a l Flu c t u a t io n s
S tronge r, more fre que nt
la bor contra ctions S tre tch re ce ptors It is important to rea ize that norma homeo-
static contro mechanisms can maintain on y
a relative constancy. A homeostatica y con-
tro ed conditions in the body do not remain
Ute rine abso ute y constant. Rather, conditions nor-
mus cle ma y uctuate near a norma , idea va ue.
T us body temperature, or examp e, rare y
Effe c to r S e ns o r remains exact y the same or very ong
Hypotha la mus instead it uctuates up and down near a per-
P ituita ry
sons norma body temperature.
ake a moment to scan Appendix C at
Fe e ds informa tion It ists some o the norma
Corre ction via ne rve fibe rs
s igna ls via oxytocin ba ck to bra in ranges o physio ogica variab es o ten mea-
sured when assessing a patients hea th. Notice
that near y every norma va ue isted is shown
as a range instead o a sing e number. Ranges
are used because di erent peop e may have
Norma l Inte g rato r S tre tche d s ight y di erent set points, some set points
FIGURE 1-12 Positive eedback loop. An example o positive eedback occurs when a baby change under di erent circumstances, and the
is born. As the baby is pushed rom the womb (uterus) into the birth canal (vagina), stretch recep- va ues norma y uctuate c ose to (but not ex-
tors detect the movement o the baby. Stretch in ormation is ed back to the brain, triggering the act y at) the set point va ue.
pituitary gland to secrete a hormone called oxytocin (OT). OT travels through the bloodstream to Because a organs unction to he p main-
the uterus, where it stimulates stronger contractions. Stronger contractions push the baby arther tain homeostatic ba ance, we discuss negative
along the birth canal, thereby increasing stretch and stimulating the release o more OT. Uterine
contractions quickly get stronger and stronger until the baby is pushed out o the body, and the and positive eedback mechanisms o ten
positive eedback loop is broken. OT also can be injected therapeutically by a physician to stimu- throughout the remaining chapters o this
late labor contractions. book.
Be ore eaving this brie introduction to
physio ogy, we must pause to state an im-
Another examp e o norma positive eedback regu ation in portant princip e: the abi ity to maintain the ba ance o
the body is the activity o b ood ce s ca ed platelets, which body unctions is re ated to age. D uring chi dhood, homeo-
become increasing y sticky in response to damage to a b ood static unctions gradua y become more and more e cient
vesse . Circu ating p ate ets rapid y c ing to the damaged area and e ective. T ey operate with maximum e ciency and
and re ease chemica s that attract additiona p ate ets that ac- e ectiveness during young adu thood. D uring ate adu t-
cumu ate at the site o damage to orm a b ood c ot. T e b ood hood and o d age, they gradua y become ess and ess e -
c ot orms to contro b eeding. cient and e ective.
In each o these cases, the process rapid y increases unti Changes and unctions occurring during the ear y years are
the positive eedback oop is stopped sudden y by the birth o ca ed developmental processes. Changes occurring a ter young
a baby or the ormation o a c ot. In the ong run, such norma adu thood are ca ed aging processes. In genera , deve opmenta
positive eedback events a so he p maintain constancy o the processes improve e ciency o unctions. Aging processes, on
interna environment. the other hand, o ten diminish e ciency o body unctions.
H owever, negative eedback can abnorma y turn into posi-
tive eedback, possib y causing a dead y shi t in body unction. QUICK CHECK
For examp e, consider the ro e o b ood pressure and the e - 1. Why is h o m e o s ta s is a ls o ca lle d b a la n ce o b o d y
ect that severe b eeding may have on b ood pressure. A norma u n ctio n ?
b ood pressure is necessary to ensure that b ood ows through 2. Wh a t is a e e d b a ck lo o p a n d h o w d o e s it w o rk?
b ood vesse s at an appropriate rate. W hen b ood is ost, as oc- 3. Ho w d o e s n e ga tive e e d b a ck d i e r ro m p o s itive e e d b a ck?
curs with severe b eeding, b ood pressure drops. o compensate, 4. Ho w ca n n e ga tive e e d b a ck a b n o rm a lly tu rn in to p o s itive
e e d b a ck?
the heart beats aster to try to restore norma pressure.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 17

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 3)

anthropology cubital rontal plane

[anthropo- human, -log- words (study o ), [cubit- elbow, -al relating to] [ ront- orehead, -al relating to, plan- at
-y activity] cutaneous sur ace]
appendicular gluteal
[cut- skin, -aneous relating to]
[append- hang upon, -ic- relating to, -ul- little, deep [glut- buttocks, -al relating to]
-ar relating to] diaphragm homeostasis
[dia- across, -phrag- enclose] [homeo- same or equal, -stasis standing still]
[axi- axis, -al relating to] hypochondriac region
[digit- f nger or toe, -al relating to] [hypo- under or below, -chondr- cartilage, -ac
[axilla- wing, -ary relating to] relating to]
directional term
bilateral symmetry hypogastric region
[bi- two, -later- side, -al relating to, sym- [hypo- under or below, gastr- stomach, -ic
together, -metr- measure, -ry condition o ] relating to]
[dis- apart, -sect- cut, -tion process]
brachial distal hypothesis

[brachi- arm, -al relating to] [dist- distance, -al relating to]
buccal dorsal
[hypo- under or below, -thesis placing or
[bucca- cheek, -al relating to] proposition]
[dors- back, -al relating to]
carpal iliac region
dorsal cavity

[carp- wrist, -al relating to] [ilia- loin or gut (ileum), -ac relating to]
[dors- back, -al relating to, cav- hollow, -ity
cavity state] in erior
e ector
[cav- hollow, -ity state] [in er- lower, -or quality]
cell [e ect- accomplish, -or agent] inguinal
epigastric region
[cell storeroom] [inguin- groin, -al relating to]
cephalic [epi- upon, gastr- stomach, -ic relating to] lateral
experimental control
[cephal- head, -ic relating to] [later- side, -al relating to]
cervical [ex- out o , -peri- tested, -ment- thing, -al law
relating to] levels o organization
[cervic- neck, -al relating to] experimentation
chemical level lumbar
[ex- out o , -peri- tested, -ment- thing, -tion
[chem- alchemy, -ical relating to] process] [lumb- loin, -ar relating to]
control center acial lumbar region

cranial [ aci- ace, -al relating to] [lumb- loin, -ar relating to]
eedback loop mammary
[crani- skull, -al relating to]
cranial cavity emoral [mamma- breast, -ry relating to]
[crani- skull, -al relating to, cav- hollow, -ity [ emor- thigh, -al relating to]
state] [media- middle, -al relating to]
crural mediastinum
[ ront- orehead, -al relating to]
[crur- leg, -al relating to] [mediastin- midway, -um thing]

Continued on p. 18
18 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 17)

microbiome physiology supine

[micro- small, -bio- li e, -ome entire collection] [physio- nature ( unction), -o- combining vowel, [supin- lying on the back]
midsagittal plane -log- words (study o ), -y activity] supraclavicular
[mid- middle, -sagitta- arrow, -al relating to] [supra- above or over, -clavi- key, -ul- little, -ar
nasal [plan- at sur ace] relating to]
plantar system
[nas- nose, -al relating to]
negative eedback [planta- sole o oot, -ar relating to] [sy(n)- together, -stem standing]
pleural tarsal
[nega- deny, -tive relating to]
oblique plane [pleura- rib, -al relating to] [tars- ankle, -al relating to]
pleural cavity temporal
[obliq- slanted, plan- at sur ace]
occipital [pleura- rib, -al relating to, cav- hollow, -ity [tempora- temple (o head), -al relating to]
state] theory
[occipit- back o head, -al relating to] popliteal
olecranal [theor- look at, -y act o ]
[poplit- back o knee, -al relating to] thoracic
[olecran- elbow, -al relating to] positive eedback
ophthalmic [thorac- chest (thorax), -ic relating to]
[posit- to place or ampli y, -tive relating to] thoracic cavity
[oph- eye or vision, -thalm- inner chamber, -ic posterior
relating to] [thorac- chest (thorax), -ic relating to, cav-
oral [poster- behind, -or quality] hollow, -ity state]
prone tissue
[or- mouth, -al relating to] [prone lying ace down]
orbital proximal [tissu- abric]
transverse plane
[orbi- circle, -al relating to] [proxima- near, -al relating to]
organ sagittal plane [trans- across or through, -vers turn, plan- at
sur ace]
[organ tool or instrument] [sagitta- arrow, -al relating to, plan- at umbilical
organism sur ace]
scientif c method [umbilic- navel, -al relating to]
[organ- instrument, -ism condition] ventral
palmar section
[ventr- belly, -al relating to]
[palm- palm o hand, -ar relating to] [sect- cut, -ion process or state] ventral cavity
pedal sensor
[ventr- belly, -al relating to, cav- hollow, -ity
[ped- oot, -al relating to] [sens- eel, -or relating to] state]
pelvic spinal cavity volar

[pelvi- basin, -ic relating to] [spin- backbone, -al relating to, cav- hollow, -ity [vola- hollow o hand, -ar relating to]
pelvic cavity state] zygomatic
superf cial
[pelvi- basin, -ic relating to, cav- hollow, -ity [zygo- union or yoke, -ic relating to]
state] [super- over or above, -f ci- ace, -al relating to]
perineal superior

[peri- around, -ine- excrete (perineum), -al [super- over or above, -or quality]
relating to]
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 19

allied health pro essions disease medicine

atrophy [dis- without, -ease com ort] [med- heal, -ic- relating to, -ine o or like]
orensic science pathology
[a- without, -troph- nourishment, -y state]
autopsy [ orens- public orum, -ic relating to, scienc- [patho- disease, -o- combining vowel, -log-
knowledge] words (study o ), -y activity]
[auto- sel , -ops- view, -y procedure]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary 6. O rganismorganization o a systems together,
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r orming a who e body
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . C. Microbiomeset o interacting communities o bacteria
and other microorganisms that inhabit the human body;
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to in uences norma body unction
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s
or be ore a te s t.
Anato m ical Po s itio n
A. Re erence position in which the body is standing erect
with the eet s ight y apart and arms at the sides with
S cie ntif c Me tho d pa ms turned orward (Figure 1-3)
A. Science invo ves ogica inquiry based on experimenta- B. Anatomica position gives meaning to directiona terms
tion and can use a variety o methods (Figure 1-1) C. erms that describe the body not in anatomica position
1. H ypothesisidea or princip e to be tested in 1. Supine ying ace upward
experiments 2. Prone ying ace downward
2. Experimentseries o tests o a hypothesis; a con-
tro ed experiment e iminates biases or outside
in uences
Anato m ical Dire ctio ns
3. T eory or awa hypothesis that has been supported A. Common y used directiona terms
by experiments and thus shown to have a high degree 1. Superiortoward the head, upper, above
o conf dence 2. In eriortoward the eet, ower, be ow
B. T e process o science is active and changing as new 3. Anterior ront, in ront o (same as ventra in
experiments add new know edge humans)
4. Posteriorback, in back o (same as dorsa in
Le ve ls o Organizatio n 5. Media toward the mid ine o a structure
A. O rganization is the most important characteristic o 6. Latera away rom the mid ine or toward the side
body structure o a structure
B. T e body as a who e (organism) is a unit constructed o 7. Proxima toward or nearest the trunk, or nearest
the o owing sma er units (Figure 1-2): the point o origin o a structure
1. Atoms and mo ecu eschemica eve 8. Dista away rom or arthest rom the trunk, or
2. Ce sthe sma est structura units; organizations o arthest rom a structures point o origin
various chemica s 9. Superf cia nearer the body sur ace
3. issuesorganizations o simi ar ce s 10. Deep arther away rom the body sur ace
4. O rgansorganizations o di erent kinds o tissues B. Anatomica compass rosetteindicator o anatomica
5. Systemsorganizations o many di erent kinds o directions in an i ustration that uses abbreviated direc-
organs tiona terms
20 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

Plane s o the Bo dy (Figure 1-4) Bo dy Re g io ns (Figure 1-9, Table 1-2)

1 A. Sagitta p ane engthwise p ane that divides a structure A. Axia regionhead, neck, and torso or trunk
into right and e t sections B. Appendicu ar regionupper and ower extremities
B. Midsagitta sagitta p ane that divides the body into ( imbs)
two equa ha ves C. Body structure and unction vary among individua s and
C. Fronta (corona ) p ane engthwise p ane that divides a a so throughout an individua s i espan; atrophy
structure into anterior and posterior sections (decrease in size) occurs when an organ is not used
D. ransverse p anehorizonta p ane that divides a struc-
ture into upper and ower sections
E. O b ique p aneany p ane that is not para e to any o
Balance o Bo dy Functio ns
the p anes isted above, thus producing a s anted section A. Surviva o the individua and o the genes that make up
the body is o the utmost importance
B. Surviva depends on the maintenance or restoration o
Bo dy Cavitie s (Figure 1-5, Table 1-1)
homeostasis (re ative constancy o the interna
A. Dorsa cavities environment)
1. Crania cavity contains brain 1. T e interna environment is a uid that must be kept
2. Spina cavity contains spina cord stab e by the operation o various organ systems
B. Ventra cavities (Figure 1-10)
1. T oracic cavity 2. T e body uses stabi izing negative eedback oops
a. Mediastinummidportion o thoracic cavity; heart (Figure 1-11) and, ess o ten, amp i ying positive eed-
and trachea ocated in mediastinum back oops (Figure 1-12) to maintain or restore
b. P eura cavitiesright ung ocated in right p eura homeostasis
cavity, e t ung in e t p eura cavity 3. Feedback oops invo ve a sensor, a contro center, and
2. Abdominope vic cavity an e ector
a. Abdomina cavity contains stomach, intestines, 4. Negative eedback oops can turn into positive eed-
iver, ga b adder, pancreas, and sp een back oops during injury or disease, possib y causing a
b. Pe vic cavity contains reproductive organs, urinary dead y shi t in body unction
b adder, and owest part o intestine C. A organs unction to maintain homeostasis
c. Abdominope vic subdivisions D. Abi ity to maintain ba ance o body unctions is re ated
(1) Four abdominope vic quadrants (Figure 1-6) to age; peak e ciency occurs during young adu thood,
(2) Nine abdominope vic regions (Figure 1-7) diminishing e ciency occurs a ter young adu thood
C. O rgans o the major body cavities can be seen in
Figure 1-8 and are a so re erenced in ab e 1.1
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 21

STUDY TIPS various disease processes are exp ained in ater chapters,
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in notice how many o these processes cause ai ure at the
m e e ting your le arning goals . chemica or ce u ar eve and how this ai ure a ects
organs, systems, and even the body as a who e.
1. A number o topics are introduced in this chapter that 5. Become ami iar with the directiona termsyou wi see
wi be important throughout the rest o the course. them in a most every diagram in the text. T e terms a so
2. One o your f rst steps shou d be mastering the new ter- are used in naming severa body structures ( or examp e,
mino ogy o each chapter. Read the new terms isted at superior vena cava, dista convo uted tubu e). T e terms
the beginning o each chapter out oud be ore attempting are air y easy to earn because they are presented in
to read or earn each new topic. Use the pronunciation opposite pairs, so i you earn one term, you a most a ways
guides provided, saying each term severa times to get it automatica y know its opposite. F ash cards wi he p you
into your working memory. Pay attention to word parts, earn them. (For more on using ash cards e ective y, see
toothey he p you master the termino ogy o science See or more tips on
and medicine more quick y. (For more termino ogy tips, earning directions.)
see sboS2.) 6. Table 1-2 and Appendix B (at are
3. T e most important concept is probab y homeostasis. he p u resources to keep in mind when you see an un a-
T e word itse te s you what it means: homeo means mi iar term.
the same, stasis means staying. H omeostasis is the 7. In your study group, try to come up with examp es o
ba ance the body tries to maintain by making sure its negative eedback oops that he p maintain a ba ance. Be
interna environment stays the same. M ake sure you creativeand try to use something other than the urnace
understand this concept. (For more tips on homeostasis, examp e. Go over your directiona -term ash cards or
see photocopy Figure 1-4 and then b acken out the terms so
4. Another important topic introduced in this chapter is the you and your e ow students can use the i ustration to
structura eve s o organization. T e ower eve s are the quiz each other. Go over the questions at the end o the
bui ding b ocks on which the upper eve s depend. As chapter and discuss possib e test questions.

Re vie w Que s tio ns 7. List two organs o the mediastinum, two organs o the
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r abdomina cavity, and two organs o the pe vic cavity.
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r 8. List the nine regions o the abdominope vic cavity,
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r beginning at the upper e t region and ending at the
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch ower right region.
o your new le arning. 9. Name the main areas o the axia ske eton.
10. Name the two subdivisions o the dorsa cavity. W hat
1. Def ne anatomy, physio ogy, and patho ogy. structure does each contain?
2. Disease resu ts rom what genera conditions in the 11. Exp ain the di erence between the terms ower extrem-
body? ity, thigh, and eg.
3. Describe the process used to orm scientif c theories. 12. List our conditions in the ce that must be kept in
4. List and exp ain the eve s o organization in the human homeostatic ba ance.
body. 13. List the three parts o a negative eedback oop and give
5. Describe the anatomica position. the unction o each.
6. Name and describe the three p anes or sections o the
22 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body

13. ________ is the term used to describe the act that the
Critical Thinking e t and right sides o the body appear a ike or mirror
1 A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out each other.
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to 14. An ________ p ane is an imaginary at p ane that runs
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to diagona y to an axis o the body or one o its parts, pro-
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts ducing a s anted section or cut.
that you f nd di f cult. 15. T e two major cavities o the body are the:
a. thoracic and abdomina
14. Identi y a structure that is in erior to the heart, superior b. abdomina and pe vic
to the heart, anterior to the heart, posterior to the heart, c. dorsa and ventra
and atera to the heart. d. anterior and posterior
15. T e maintenance o body temperature and the birth o a 16. T e structure that divides the thoracic cavity rom the
baby are two body unctions that are regu ated by eed- abdomina cavity is the:
back oops. Exp ain the di erent eedback oops that a. mediastinum
regu ate each process. b. diaphragm
16. I a person comp ained o pain in the epigastric region, c. ungs
what organs cou d be invo ved? d. stomach
17. Give an examp e o a negative eedback oop that occurs 17. T e epigastric region o the abdominope vic cavity is:
during exercise. Exp ain the physio ogy invo ved during a. in erior to the umbi ica region
the process. b. atera to the umbi ica region
c. media to the umbi ica region
d. none o the above
Chapte r Te s t 18. T e hypogastric region o the abdominope vic cavity is:
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by a. in erior to the umbi ica region
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m b. atera to the e t i iac region
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . c. media to the right i iac region
d. both a and c
1. ________ is a term derived rom two Greek words 19. W hich o the o owing is an examp e o a positive eed-
meaning cutting apart. back oop?
2. ________ means the study o the unction o iving a. Maintaining a constant body temperature
organisms and their parts. b. Contractions o the uterus during chi dbirth
3. ________ is the scientif c study o disease. c. Maintaining a constant vo ume o water in the body
4. A hypothesis that has been rigorous y tested and has d. Both a and c
gained a high eve o conf dence is ca ed a ________ or 20. W hich o the o owing is an examp e o a negative
________. eedback oop?
5. ________, ________, ________, ________, and a. Maintaining a constant body temperature
________ are the f ve eve s o organization in a iving b. Contractions o the uterus during chi dbirth
thing. c. Maintaining a constant vo ume o water in the body
6. ________ and ________ are terms used to describe the d. Both a and c
body position when it is not in anatomica position.
7. A ________ section cuts the body or any o its parts Match each directional term in column B with its opposite term
into upper and ower portions. in column A.
8. A ________ section cuts the body or any o its parts
into ront and back portions. Column A Column B
9. A ________ section cuts the body or any o its parts 21. ________ superior a. posterior
into e t and right portions. 22. ________ dista b. superf cia
10. I the body is cut into equa right and e t sides, the cut 23. ________ anterior c. media
is ca ed a ________ section or p ane. 24. ________ atera d. proxima
11. T e body portion that consists o the head, neck, and 25. ________ deep e. in erior
torso is ca ed the ________ portion.
12. T e body portion that consists o the upper and ower
extremities is ca ed the ________ portion.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Body 23

the injured tissue, his b ood pressure dropped. H is heart

Cas e S tudie s then pumped aster to restore norma pressure. W hat
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to e ect wou d this response have on Mr. Sanchezs homeo- 1
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- stasis? Wou d such a response be an examp e o negative
book, and othe r re s ource s . or positive eedback?
3. Mrs. ipps is a high schoo a gebra teacher who thinks
1. Mrs. Mi er was re erred to the c inic by her regu ar phy- that she might have high b ood pressure (hypertension).
sician to have a mo e on her skin examined. T e re erra She a so thinks that it might be stress re ated. She experi-
orm states that the mo e is on the e t upper quadrant o ences symptoms such as a ushing o her ace and head-
her abdomen. Give a more detai ed description o its aches at certain times during the day. She notices them
ocation. In preparing Mrs. Mi er or the examination, particu ar y during her f th period c ass, which has been
how wou d you position her? Shou d you ask her to particu ar y cha enging. She a so seems to be symptom
assume a supine or prone position? D uring the examina- ree on the weekends. She has a regu ar appointment
tion, the physician notices that the re erra orm states a ready schedu ed with her doctor in 3 weeks. W hat data
that Mrs. Mi er has a simi ar mo e in the occipita region. cou d she take with her that might he p her doctor with a
W hat position shou d she assume so that the physician diagnosis and possib y a rm her thinking?
can examine that mo e?
2. Mr. Sanchez has just severed the dista tip o the ourth Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
digit on his upper extremity. Describe in aymans terms at
which body part he has injured. As b ood poured out o
Chemistry o Li e
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Levels o Chemical Organization, 25

Atoms, 25
Elements, Molecules, and Compounds, 26
Chemical Bonding, 27
Ionic Bonds, 27
Covalent Bonds, 27
Hydrogen Bonds, 28
Inorganic Chemistry, 29
Water, 29
Acids, Bases, and Salts, 30
Organic Chemistry, 31
Carbohydrates, 31
Lipids, 31
Proteins, 33
Nucleic Acids, 35
Clinical Applications o Chemistry, 35

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Describe the structure o an atom.
2. Def ne and discuss the terms element, molecule, and
3. Compare and contrast the major types o chemical
4. Do the ollowing related to inorganic chemistry:
cal compounds.

5. Discuss the structure and unction o the ollowing

types o organic molecules: carbohydrate, lipid,
protein, and nucleic acid.
Li e is u o chemistry and the more we earn about chemica s and their LANGUAGE OF
structures, the better we can understand chemica processes in the human body. S C IEN C E
T e digestion o ood, the ormation o bone tissue, and the contraction o a
musc e are a chemica processes. T us the basic princip es o anatomy and
Be o re re ading the
physio ogy are u timate y based on princip es o chemistry. A who e f e d o
chapte r, s ay e ach o
science, biochemistry, is devoted to studying the chemica aspects o i e. o the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
tru y understand the human body, it is important to understand a ew basic he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
acts about biochemistry, the chemistry o i e. T e best p ace to begin is with the m as yo u re ad.
the bui ding b ocks o matter.
Le ve ls o C h e m ic a l O r g a n iz a t io n (AS-id)
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Biochemists c assi y (AD-eh-neen)
matter into severa eve s o organization or easier study. T e sma est [aden- gland]
unit o matter is the atom. Atoms are used to bui d more com- adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
p icated substances in the body. In the body, most chemi- (ah-DEN-oh-seen dye-FAHS- ayt
ca s are in the orm o mo ecu es. Molecules are [ay dee pee])
partic es o matter that are composed o one [adenos- shortened rom adenine-
or more atoms. Atoms are considered to ribose, -ine chemical, di- two,
be the basic units o matter. So a good -phosph- phosphorus, -ate oxygen]
p ace to start is with the atom. adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
(ah-DEN-oh-seen try-FOS- ayt
[ay tee pee])
At o m s [adenos- shortened rom adenine-
Atoms are so sma they can be observed on y ribose, -ine chemical, tri- three,
-phosph- phosphorus, -ate oxygen]
with very sophisticated equipment. For exam-
p e, tunneling microscopes and atomic orce micro- alkaline
scopes (AFM ) can produce pictures o individua
[alkal- ashes, -ine relating to]
atoms (Figure 2-1). Atoms are composed o severa
amino acid
kinds o subatomic particles: protons, electrons, and
(ah-MEE-no AS-id)
[amino NH2, acid sour]
At the core o each atom is a nucleus composed o
aqueous solution
positive y charged protons and uncharged neutrons. T e
(AY-kwee-us suh-LOO-shun)
number o protons in the nuc eus is an atoms atomic number. [aqu- water, -ous relating to,
T e number o protons and neutrons combined is the atoms solut- dissolved, -ion process]
atomic mass. atom
Negative y charged e ectrons surround the nuc eus at a dis- (AT-om)
tance. I an atom is neutra (carries no e ectrica charge), there is [atom indivisible unit]
one e ectron or every proton. E ectrons do not stay sti . Instead, atomic mass
e ectrons keep darting about within certain imits ca ed orbitals. (ah-TOM-ik mas)
Each orbita can ho d two e ectrons. Even though atomic mode s and [atom- indivisible unit, -ic relating to]
the name orbita imp y that e ectrons move around in conf ned e iptica atomic number
orbits, e ectrons actua y move about in chaotic, unpredictab e paths. (ah-TOM-ik NUM-ber)
O rbita s are arranged into energy levels (she s), depending on [atom- indivisible unit, -ic relating to]
their distance rom the nuc eus. T e arther an orbita extends base
rom the nuc eus, the higher its energy eve . T e energy eve (bays)
[base oundation]

Continued on p. 36

26 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

FIGURE 2-1 Atoms. A group o cloudlike Ene rgy

Nucle us Ele ctron leve ls
atoms in a crystal as pictured by atomic
(s he lls )
orce microscopy (AFM). Added colors high-
light di erent kinds o atoms.

c osest to the nuc eus has one or-

bita , so it can ho d two e ectrons.
T e next energy eve has up to our
orbita s, so it can ho d eight e ectrons.
Figure 2-2 shows a carbon (C) atom. Notice that the f rst
energy eve (the innermost she ) contains two e ectrons, and
the outer energy eve contains our e ectrons. T e outer en-
ergy eve o a carbon atom cou d ho d up to our more e ec- FIGURE 2-2 A model o the atom. The nucleusprotons ( ) and
2 trons ( or a tota o eight). T e number o e ectrons in the neutronsis at the core. Electrons inhabit outer regions called energy lev-
outer energy eve o an atom determines how it behaves els. This is a carbon atom, a act that is determined by the number o its
chemica y (that is, how it might interact with other atoms). protons. All carbon atoms (and only carbon atoms) have six protons. Be-
cause there are only our electrons in the outer energy level, which can hold
T is behavior, ca ed chemical bonding, is discussed ater. up to eight electrons, this carbon atom will share electrons with other atoms
so that its outer energy level becomes ull. (One proton and two neutrons in
the nucleus are not visible in this illustration.)
Ele m e n t s , M o le c u le s , a n d C o m p o u n d s
Substances can be c assif ed as elements or compounds. E e- e ements in the body and a so gives their universa chemica
ments are pure substances, composed o on y one o more symbolsthe abbreviations used by chemists wor dwide.
than a hundred types o atoms that exist in nature. On y our Atoms usua y unite with each other to orm arger chemi-
kinds o atoms (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen) ca units ca ed molecules. Some mo ecu es are made o severa
make up about 96% o the human body. T ere are traces o atoms o the same e ement. Compounds are substances
about 20 other e ements in the body. Table 2-1 ists some o the whose mo ecu es have more than one e ement in them.


Each e le m e nt is unique be caus e o the num be r o protons it (125 I) that is put into the body and the n take n up by the thyroid
has . In s hort, e ach e le m e nt has its ow n atom ic num be r. How- gland give s o radiation that can be e as ily m e as ure d. Thus the
eve r, atom s o the s am e e le m e nt can have di e re nt num be rs rate o thyroid activity can be de te rm ine d us ing this m e thod.
o ne utrons . Two atom s that have the s am e atom ic num be r but Im age s o inte rnal organs can be cre ate d by radiation s can-
di e re nt atom ic m as s e s are is o to pe s o the s am e e le m e nt. ne rs that plot out the location o inje cte d or inge s te d radioac-
An exam ple is hydroge n. Hydroge n has thre e is otope s : 1 H tive is otope s . For exam ple , radioactive te chne tium (99 Tc) is
(the m os t com m on is otope ), 2 H, and 3 H. The accom panying com m only us e d to im age the live r and s ple e n. The radioactive
f gure s how s that e ach di e re nt is otope has only one proton is otope s 13 N, 15 O, and 11 C are o te n us e d to s tudy the brain by
but di e re nt num be rs o ne utrons . way o a te chnique calle d the PET (pos itron e m is s ion tom ogra-
Som e is otope s have uns table nucle i that radiate (give o ) phy) s can.
particle s . Radiation particle s include protons , ne utrons , e le c- Radiation can dam age ce lls . Expos ure to high leve ls o radia-
trons , and alte re d ve rs ions o the s e norm al s ubatom ic parti- tion m ay caus e ce lls to deve lop into cance r ce lls . Highe r leve ls
cle s . An is otope that e m its radiation is calle d a radio active o radiation com ple te ly de s troy tis s ue s , caus ing radiatio n
is o to pe . s ickne s s . Low dos e s o radioactive s ubs tance s are s om e tim e s
Radioactive is otope s o com m on e le m e nts are s om e tim e s give n to cance r patie nts to de s troy cance r ce lls . The s ide e -
us e d to evaluate the unction o body parts . Radioactive iodine e cts o the s e tre atm e nts re s ult rom the unavoidable de s truc-
tion o norm al ce lls along w ith the cance r ce lls .

To learn more about the health applications

o nuclear radiation and to see medical images
; made with radiation techniques check out
; : ; : :
the articles Radiation, Medical Imaging o
the Body, and Bone Scans at Connect It! at
1H 2H 3H
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 27

wou d be as an atom. T is is an examp e o

TABLE 2-1 Important Elements in the Human Body
how atoms bond to orm mo ecu es. O ther
NUMBER OF NUMBER OF atoms may instead donate or borrow e ectrons
PROTONS IN ELECTRONS IN unti the outermost energy eve is u and
Majo r Ele m e nts (Gre ate r Than 96% o Bo dy We ig ht)
Oxyge n O 8 6
Io n ic b o n d s
Carbon C 6 4
Hydroge n H 1 1 One common way in which atoms make their
outermost energy eve u is to orm ionic
Nitroge n N 7 5
bonds with other atoms. Such a bond orms
Trace Ele m e nts (Exam ple s o Mo re Than 20 Trace Ele m e nts Fo und in between an atom that has on y one or two
the Bo dy)
e ectrons in the outermost eve (which wou d
Calcium Ca 20 2 norma y ho d eight) and an atom that needs 2
Phos phorus P 15 5 on y one or two e ectrons to f its outer eve .
Sodium (Latin natrium ) Na 11 1 T e atom with one or two e ectrons simp y
Potas s ium (Latin kalium ) K 19 1 donates its outer she e ectrons to the one
Chlorine Cl 17 7 that needs one or two.
For examp e, as you can see in Table 2-1, the
Iodine I 53 7
sodium (Na) atom has one e ectron in its outer
*Maxim um is e ight, exce pt or hydroge n. The m axim um or that e le m e nt is two. eve and the ch orine (C ) atom has seven.
Both need to have eight e ectrons to f their
In order to describe which atoms are present in a com- outer she . Figure 2-3 shows how sodium and ch orine orm an
pound, a chemica ormula is used. T e ormu a or a com- ionic bond when sodium donates the e ectron in its outer
pound contains symbo s that represent each e ement in the she to ch orine. Now both atoms have u outer she s (a -
mo ecu e. T e number o atoms o each e ement in the mo - though sodiums outer she is now one energy eve ower).
ecu e is expressed as a subscript a ter the e ementa symbo . Because the sodium atom ost an e ectron, it now has one
For examp e, each mo ecu e o the compound carbon dioxide more proton than it has e ectrons. T is makes it a positive ion,
has one carbon (C) atom and two oxygen (O) atomsthus its an e ectrica y charged atom. Ch orine has borrowed an
mo ecu ar ormu a is CO 2. e ectron to become a negative ion ca ed the chloride ion. Be-
cause opposite y charged partic es attract one another, the
To learn more about molecule ormation, go to sodium and ch oride ions are drawn together to orm a so-
AnimationDirect at dium ch oride (NaC ) crysta common tab e sa t (Figure 2-3, B).
T e crysta is he d together by ionic bonds.
Ionic compounds usua y disso ve easi y in water because
QUICK CHECK water mo ecu es are attracted to ions and wedge between the
1. Wh a t a re th e th re e m a in s u b a to m ic p a rticle s o a n a to m ? ionsthus orcing them apart. W hen this happens, we say
2. Wh a t is m a tte r? the compounds dissociate to orm ree ions. Compounds that
3. De s crib e a n e n e rg y le ve l. orm ions when disso ved in water are ca ed electrolytes.
4. Wh a t is a co m p o u n d ? An e le m e n t? A m o le cu le ?
T e ormu a o an ion a ways shows its charge by a or
superscript a ter the chemica symbo . T us the sodium
ion is Na , and the ch oride ion is C . Ca cium (Ca) atoms
C h e m ic a l Bo n d in g ose two e ectrons when they orm ions, so the ca cium ion is
Chemica bonds orm to make atoms more stab e. An atom is written as Ca .
said to be chemica y stab e when its outer energy eve is u Because the bodys interna environment is most y water, we
(that is, when its energy she s have the maximum number o f nd many disso ved ions in the body. Specif c ions have impor-
e ectrons they can ho d). A but a hand u o atoms have tant ro es to p ay in musc e contraction, nerve signa ing, and
room or more e ectrons in their outermost energy eve . A other vita unctions. Table 2-2 ists some o the more important
basic chemica princip e states that atoms react with one an- ions present in body uids. Many o these ions are discussed in
other in ways that make their outermost energy eve u . o ater chapters. Chapter 21 describes mechanisms that maintain
create this u energy eve , atoms can share, donate, or borrow the homeostasis o the e ectro ytes throughout the body.
e ectrons.
For examp e, a hydrogen atom has one e ectron and one
C o va le n t Bo n d s
proton. Its sing e energy she has one e ectron but can ho d
twoso it is not u . I two hydrogen atoms share their Atoms a so may f their energy eve s by sharing e ectrons
sing e e ectrons with each other, then both wi have u en- rather than donating or receiving them. W hen atoms share
ergy she s, making them more stab e as a molecule than either e ectrons, a covalent bond orms. Figure 2-4 shows how two
28 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

TABLE 2-2 Important Ions in Body Fluids

Sodium (Latin natrium ) Na
11 17
Chloride Cl
Potas s ium (Latin kalium ) K
Calcium Ca
Hydroge n H
S odium a tom (Na ) Chlorine a tom (Cl)
Magne s ium Mg
Hydroxide OH
Phos phate PO 4 q

2 Bicarbonate HCO 3

11 17
hydrogen atoms may move to-
gether c ose y so that their energy
eve s over ap. Each energy eve
contributes its one e ectron to the
S odium ion (Na ) Chloride ion (Cl ) sharing re ationship. T at way, both
Na +
outer eve s have access to both
Cl e ectrons.
Ionic bond Because atoms invo ved in a
cova ent bond must stay c ose to
each other, it is not surprising that
cova ent bonds are not easi y bro-
11 17
ken. Cova ent bonds norma y do
not break apart in water.
Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and
hydrogen a most a ways share
A S odium chloride (Na Cl) B e ectrons to orm cova ent bonds,
making this type o bonding im-
FIGURE 2-3 Ionic bonding. A, The sodium atom donates the single electron in its outer energy level to a
chlorine atom having seven electrons in its outer level. Then both have eight electrons in their outer shells. portant in the human body. Cova-
Because the electron/proton ratio changes, the sodium atom becomes a positive sodium ion. The chlorine atom ent bonding is used to orm a
becomes a negative chloride ion. The positive-negative attraction between these oppositely charged ions is o the major organic compounds
called an ionic bond. B, A cube-shaped crystal o sodium chloride (table salt). ound in the body.

Hyd ro g e n Bo n d s

: ; ; A kind o weak attraction that he ps ho d your bodys sub-

stance together is the hydrogen bond. S ight e ectrica charges
may deve op in di erent regions o a mo ecu e when tiny hy-
Hydroge n Hydroge n
drogen atoms are not ab e to equa y share their e ectrons in a
a tom (H) a tom (H) cova ent bond. Opposite y charged ends o various mo ecu es
then e ectrica y attract one another (Figure 2-5).
Cova le nt H ydrogen bonds do not orm new mo ecu es, but instead
bond provide subt e orces that he p a arge mo ecu e stay in a par-
ticu ar shape. T ey a so may he p ho d together neighboring
mo ecu es. For examp e, hydrogen bonds he p maintain the
; : ; comp ex o ded shapes o proteins (see Figure 2-12 on p. 34).
H ydrogen bonds a so keep water mo ecu es oose y joined
togethergiving water a weak g ue ike qua ity that he ps ho d
Hydroge n your body together (see Figure 2-5).
mole cule (H2 )

FIGURE 2-4 Covalent bonding. Two hydrogen atoms move together, To learn more about chemical bonding, go to
overlapping their energy levels. Although neither gains nor loses an elec- AnimationDirect at
tron, the atoms share the electrons, thereby orming a covalent bond.
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 29

Wa t e r
Wa te r T ough water is an inorganic compound, it is
mole cule essentia to i e. Found in and around each ce ,
water is the most abundant compound in the
Hydroge n body. Its s ight y g ue ike properties he p ho d
Oxyge n the tissues o the body together.
Hydroge n
bonds S o lu t io n s
Water is the solvent in which most other com-
pounds or solutes are disso ved. W hen water is
the so vent or a mixture (a b end o two or
more kinds o mo ecu es), the mixture is ca ed
an aqueous solution.
FIGURE 2-5 Hydrogen bonds. Because the tiny hydrogen atoms in water cannot share their An aqueous so ution containing common 2
electrons equally with a large oxygen atom, the water molecule develops slightly di erent sa t (NaC ) and other mo ecu es orms the
charges at each end. Like weak magnets, the water molecules orm temporary attachments
(hydrogen bonds) that give liquid water its slightly gluelike properties.
interna sea o the body. Water mo ecu es not
on y compose the basic interna environment
o the body but a so participate in many im-
portant chemical reactions. Chemica reactions
QUICK CHECK are interactions among mo ecu es in which atoms regroup
into new combinations.
1. Wh a t is a n io n ic b o n d ? Wh a t is a cova le n t b o n d ?
2. Wh a t is m e a n t b y a n e le ctro lyte d is s o cia tin g in wa te r?
3. Ho w d o e s hyd ro g e n b o n d in g d i e r ro m io n ic a n d cova -
Wa t e r C h e m is t ry
le n t b o n d in g ? D ehydration synthesis is a common type o chemica reac-
4. Why is th e s ym b o l o r ca lciu m e xp re s s e d C ? tion in the body. In any kind o synthesis reaction, the
reactants combine to orm a arger product. In dehydration
synthesis, reactants combine on y a ter hydrogen (H ) and oxy-
In o r g a n ic C h e m is t ry gen (O) atoms are removed. T ese removed H and O atoms
A compounds in iving organisms can be c assif ed as either combine to orm H 2O, or water. As Figure 2-6 shows, the resu t
organic or inorganic. O rganic compounds are composed o o a dehydration synthesis reaction is both the arge product
mo ecu es that contain carbon-carbon (C O C) cova ent bonds mo ecu e and a water mo ecu e.
or carbon-hydrogen (C O H ) cova ent bondsor both kinds Just as dehydration o a ce is a oss o water rom the ce
o bonds. Few inorganic compounds have carbon atoms in and dehydration o the body is oss o uid rom the entire
them and none have C O C or C O H bonds. O rganic mo e- interna environment, dehydration synthesis is a reaction in
cu es are genera y arger and more comp ex than inorganic which water is ost rom the reactants.
mo ecu es. T e human body has both kinds o compounds Hydrolysis is another common reaction in the body that
because both are equa y important to the chemistry o i e. invo ves water. In this reaction, water (hydro) disrupts the
We wi discuss the chemistry o inorganic compounds f rst, bonds in arge mo ecu es, breaking them down into sma er
and then move on to some o the important types o organic mo ecu es (lysis). H ydro ysis is virtua y the reverse o dehy-
compounds. dration synthesis, as Figure 2-6 shows.

Polyme r Polyme r

De hydratio n H2 O Hydro lys is H2 O

s ynthe s is


FIGURE 2-6 Water-based chemistry. Dehydration synthesis (on the le t) is a reaction in which small
molecules are assembled into large molecules by removing water (H and O atoms). Hydrolysis (on the right)
operates in the reverse directionH and O rom water are added as large molecules are broken down into
small molecules.
30 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

Not on y is water the medium in which a major types o reactions in the body, and as such are c ose y regu ated. As
organic compounds are ormed and broken down; it is a so a exp ained in more detai at the beginning o Chapter 22, a ew
product (dehydration synthesis) or reactant (hydro ysis) in water mo ecu es dissociate to orm the H and the OH
these types o reactions. C ear y, water is an important sub- (hydroxide ion):
stance in the body!
Chemica reactions a ways invo ve energy trans ers. En- H 2O H OH
ergy is required to bui d the mo ecu es. Some o that energy
is stored as potentia energy in the chemica bonds. T e stored Ac id s
energy can then be re eased when the chemica bonds in the In pure water, the ba ance o H and OH is equa . H owever,
mo ecu e are ater broken apart. For examp e, a mo ecu e when an acid such as hydroch oric acid (H C ) dissociates into
ca ed adenosine triphosphate (A P) breaks apart in the musc e H and C , it shi ts this ba ance in avor o excess H ions.
ce s to yie d the energy needed or musc e contraction (see In the b ood, carbon dioxide (CO 2) orms carbonic acid
Figure 2-15 on p. 35). (H 2CO 3) when it disso ves in water. Some o the carbonic
2 Chemists o ten use a chemical equation to represent a acid then dissociates to orm H ions and H CO 3 (bicarbon-
chemica reaction. In a chemica equation, the reactants are ate) ions, producing an excess o H ions in the b ood. T us
separated rom the products by an arrow () showing the high CO 2 eve s in the b ood make the b ood more acidic.
direction o the reaction. Reactants are separated rom each
other, and products are separated rom each other by addition, Ba s e s
or p us, signs ( ). T us the reaction potassium and chloride Bases, or alkaline compounds, on the other hand, shi t the
combined to orm potassium chloride can be expressed as the o - ba ance in the opposite direction. For examp e, sodium hy-
owing equation: droxide (NaOH ) is a base that orms OH but not H .
Looking at it simp y, acids are compounds that produce an
K C KC excess o H ions, and bases are compounds that produce an
excess o OH . Since O H can bind to H , bases actua y
T e sing e arrow is used or equations that occur in on y decrease H concentration o a so ution.
one direction. For examp e, when hydroch oric acid (H C ) is
disso ved in water, a o it dissociates to orm H and C . pH
T e re ative H concentration is a measure o how acidic or
HC H C basic a so ution is. T e H concentration is usua y expressed
in units o pH. T e ormu a used to ca cu ate pH units assigns
T e doub e arrow is used or reactions that happen in a va ue o 7 to pure water. A higher pH va ue indicates a ow
both directions at the same time. W hen carbonic acid re ative concentration o H a base. A ower pH va ue indi-
(H 2CO 3) disso ves in water, some o it dissociates into H cates a higher H concentrationan acid.
(hydrogen ion) and H CO 3 (bicarbonate), but not a o it. As Figure 2-7 shows a sca e o pH rom 0 to 14. Notice that
additiona ions dissociate, previous y dissociated ions bond when the pH o a so ution is ess than 7, the sca e tips toward
together again, orming H 2CO 3. the side marked high H . W hen the pH is more than 7, the
sca e tips toward the side marked ow H . pH units increase
H 2CO 3 H H CO 3 or decrease by actors o 10. T us a pH 5 so ution has 10 times
the H concentration o a pH 6 so ution. A pH 4 so ution has
In short, the doub e arrow indicates that at any instant in 100 times the H concentration o a pH 6 so ution.
time both reactants and products are present in the so ution A strong acid is an acid that comp ete y, or a most com-
at the same time. p ete y, dissociates to orm H ions. Strong acids are indicated
by very ow pH va ues ar be ow pH 7. A weak acid, on the
Ac id s , Ba s e s , a n d S a lt s
Besides water, many other inorganic Acidic Ba s ic
compounds are important in the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
chemistry o i e. For examp e,
acids and bases are compounds
that pro ound y a ect chemica High H Low H
(High OH )
Cytopla s m
S toma ch Va gina l Milk of
s e cre tions 7.0 Ma gne s ia
a cid
0.8 4.1 10.5
FIGURE 2-7 The pH scale. The H concentra- Urine Blood
tion is balanced with the OH concentration at pH 7. 6.0 7.4
At values above 7 (low H ), the scale tips in the basic direc- Ora nge Bla ck Pa ncre a tic Hous e hold
tion. At values below 7 (high H ), the scale tips toward the juice coffe e S e me n juice a mmonia
acidic side. Examples given are normal, average values. 2.8 5.0 7.8 8.0 11.9
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 31

other hand, dissociates very itt e and there ore produces ew A our o these organic compounds are ormed by dehy-
excess H ions in so ution. Weak acids have a pH va ue just dration synthesis reactions. Converse y, their bonds can be
be ow 7. broken by hydro ysis.
Likewise, strong bases produce a very ow re ative H con-
centration and have a very high pH va ue ar above 7. Weak
C a r b o h yd r a t e s
bases produce a H concentration a bit ower than pure water
and thus have a pH va ue just a bit higher than 7. T e name carbohydrate itera y means carbon (C) and water
(H 2O), signi ying the types o atoms that orm carbohydrate
To better understand this concept, use the Active mo ecu es.
Concept Map Concept o pH at T e basic unit o many carbohydrate mo ecu es is ca ed a
monosaccharide (Figure 2-8). G ucose (dextrose) is an impor-
tant monosaccharide in the bodyce s use it as their primary
S a lt s source o energy (see Chapter 19).
W hen a strong acid and a strong base mix, excess H may A mo ecu e made o two saccharide units is a doub e sugar, 2
combine with the excess OH to orm water. T at is, they or disaccharide. T e disaccharides sucrose (tab e sugar) and
may neutralize each other. T e remaining ions usua y orm actose (mi k sugar) are important dietary carbohydrates. A -
neutra ionic compounds ca ed salts. For examp e: ter they are eaten, the body breaks them down, or digests
them, to orm monosaccharides that can be used as ce u ar
H Cl NaOH H Cl Na OH H 2O NaCl ue .
acid base w ater salt Many saccharide units joined together orm poly-
saccharides. Examp es o po ysaccharides are glycogen and
Ho m e o s t a s is o p H starch. G ycogen is the po ysaccharide o g ucose that the hu-
T e pH o body uids a ects body chemistry so great y that man body stores. P ants store g ucose as starch. Each g ycogen
norma body unction can be maintained on y within a narrow mo ecu e is a chain o g ucose mo ecu es joined together.
range o pH o about 7.35 to 7.45. Acidosis ( ow b ood pH ) W hen there is excess g ucose in the b ood, iver ce s and
and alkalosis (high b ood pH ) are equa y dangerous and musc e ce s pu g ucose out o the b ood and store it as g y-
thank u y rare y occur because o the homeostatic mecha- cogen or ater use. W hen we eat p ants, we can break apart
nisms o the body. their starch mo ecu es to get g ucose.
T e body can remove excess H ions by excreting them in Carbohydrates have potentia energy stored in their bonds.
the urine (see Chapter 22). Another way to remove acid is by W hen the bonds are broken in ce s, they re ease energy that
increasing the oss o CO 2 (an acid) by way o the respiratory can then be used to do work. Chapter 19 exp ains more about
system (see Chapter 17). the process by which the body extracts energy rom carbohy-
A third way to adjust the bodys pH is by using buf ers drates and other nutrient mo ecu es.
chemica s in the b ood that maintain pH . Bu ers maintain pH
ba ance by preventing sudden changes in the H ion concentra-
To better understand this concept, use the Active
tion. Bu ers do this by orming a chemica system that neutra -
Concept Map Metabolism o Glucose to Generate
izes acids and bases as they are added to a so ution.
ATP at
T e mechanisms by which the body maintains pH homeo-
stasis, or acid-base ba ance, are discussed urther in Chapter 22.

1. De f n e a n o rga n ic co m p o u n d . CH2 OH
2. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n d e hyd ra tio n s yn th e s is a n d
hyd ro lys is ? C O
Monos a ccha ride H H
3. Wh a t d e te rm in e s w h e th e r a s o lu tio n is a n a cid , a b a s e , o r
n e u tra l? C C
4. Ho w d o b u e rs a d ju s t th e b o d ys p H? OH H
5. Wh a t a re th e ch e m ica l ch a ra cte ris tics o wa te r? OH OH
Dis a ccha ride
O r g a n ic C h e m is t ry H OH

O rganic compounds are much more comp ex than inorganic

compounds. In this section, we describe the basic structure and
unction o each major type o organic compound ound in the Polys a ccha ride
body: carbohydrates, lipids ( ats), proteins, and nucleic acids.
FIGURE 2-8 Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides are single carbohydrate
Table 2-3 summarizes the structure and the unction o each units joined by dehydration synthesis to orm disaccharides and polysac-
major type o organic compound in the body. Re er to this charides. The detailed chemical structure o the monosaccharide glucose is
tab e as you read through the descriptions that o ow. shown in the inset.
32 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

TABLE 2-3 Major Types o Organic Compounds

Carbo hydrate
Monos accharide (glucos e , galactos e , Single m onos accharide unit Us e d as s ource o e ne rgy
ructos e ) Unit us e d to build othe r carbohydrate s
Dis accharide (s ucros e , lactos e , m altos e ) Two m onos accharide units Can be broke n into m onos accharide s
Polys accharide (glycoge n, s tarch) Many m onos accharide units Us e d to s tore m onos accharide s (thus to s tore
e ne rgy)
Triglyce ride One glyce rol he ad, thre e atty acid tails Store s e ne rgy
Provide s prote ctive or s tructural padding
2 Phos pholipid One glyce rol/phos phate he ad, two atty
acid tails
Form s ce ll m e m brane s

Ste roid Four carbon rings at core Stabilize s ce ll m e m brane s

Cate gory o horm one s
Pro te in
Structural prote ins (f be rs ) Am ino acids Form s tructure s o the body
Functional prote ins (e nzym e s , horm one s ) Am ino acids Facilitate che m ical re actions
Carry s ignals
Re gulate unctions
Nucle ic Acid
De oxyribonucle ic acid (DNA) Nucle otide s (contain de oxyribos e ) Contains in orm ation (ge ne tic code ) or m aking
prote ins
Ribonucle ic acid (RNA) Nucle otide s (contain ribos e ) Se rve s as a copy o a portion o the ge ne tic code
during prote in s ynthe s is
Ade nos ine triphos phate (ATP) Modif e d nucle otide (ribos e , ade nine , and Trans e rs e ne rgy rom nutrie nt m ole cule s to powe r
thre e phos phate s ) work in the ce ll

(Figure 2-9). T e atty acid components can be c assif ed as

saturated or unsaturated. Saturated atty acids tend to be so id
at room temperature and are ound in butter and ard. Un-
Glyce rol
saturated atty acids tend to be iquids and are ound in oi s
Fa tty ike corn oi and o ive oi .
a cids Like carbohydrates, the bonds in trig ycerides can be bro-
ken to yie d energy (see Chapter 19). T us trig ycerides are
use u in storing energy in ce s or ater use.
rig ycerides stored in at tissue a so provide he p u pad-
FIGURE 2-9 Triglyceride. Each triglyc- ding around organs and under the skin to stabi ize and pro-
eride is composed o three atty acid units tect body structures.
attached to a glycerol unit.
P h o s p h o lip id s
Phospholipids are simi ar in structure to trig ycerides but
instead o having three atty acid chains attached to a g ycero ,
Lip id s they have two atty acid chains and a phosphorus-containing
Lipids inc ude a diverse group o at-so ub e mo ecu es that unit ca ed a phosphate attached to a g ycero . T e phosphate at
inc ude triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids. T e most the base o the g ycero head attracts water. T e two atty
abundant ipids in the body are the trig yceridesthe ipids acid tai s repe water.
that we common y re er to as ats. T e o owing sections Figure 2-10, A shows the head and tai o the phospho ipid
provide more detai s about the three major groups o ipids. mo ecu e. T is structure a ows them to orm a stab e doub e
ayera bilayerin water. A phospho ipid bi ayer orms the
Tr ig lyc e r id e s oundation or the ce membrane. In Figure 2-10, B the water-
riglycerides, or ats, are ipid mo ecu es ormed by a attracting heads ace the water and the water-repe ing tai s
glycerol unit or head joined to three atty acid tai s ace away rom the water (and toward each other).
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 33

Glyce rol


A lipid s uch as chole s te rol can trave l in the blood only a te r
it attache s to triglyce ride s and is w rappe d w ith a laye r o
He a d
(a ttra cts phos pholipids s tudde d w ith prote in m ole cule s (s e e f gure ).
wa te r) This large , com plex lipo pro te in caps ule thus be com e s a
trans port ve hicle or chole s te rol in the blood.
Som e o the s e lipoprote in s tructure s are calle d high-
de ns ity lipoprote ins (HDLs ) be caus e they have a high de n-
Ta il Fa tty s ity o prote in (m ore prote in than lipid). Anothe r type o
A (re pe ls wa te r) a cids m ole cule contains le s s prote in (and m ore lipid), s o it is
calle d low-de ns ity lipoprote in (LDL).
LDL carrie s chole s te rol to ce lls , including the ce lls that
line blood ve s s e ls . I a large am ount o chole s te rol builds up
in arte ry walls , a condition calle d athe ro s cle ro s is m ay de -
ve lop. Athe ros cle ros is m ay progre s s to li e -thre ate ning ar-
te rial blockage s , e s pe cially w he n they occur in the he art or
brain (s e e Figure 15-5 on p. 407).
HDL, on the othe r hand, carrie s chole s te rol away rom
Wa te r Wa te r ce lls and toward the live r or e lim ination rom the body. A
high proportion o HDL in the blood is as s ociate d w ith a low
ris k o deve loping athe ros cle ros is and m ay eve n re duce
exis ting buildup o chole s te rol in arte rial walls .
Factors s uch as cigare tte s m oking de cre as e HDL leve ls
and thus contribute to the ris k o athe ros cle ros is . Factors
s uch as exe rcis e incre as e HDL leve ls and thus de cre as e
the ris k o athe ros cle ros is .
FIGURE 2-10 Phospholipids. A, Each phospholipid molecule has a
phosphorus-containing head that attracts water and a lipid tail that re- Triglyce ride s
pels water. B, Because the tails repel water, phospholipid molecules o ten
arrange themselves so that their tails ace away rom water. The stable
P rote in
structure that results is a bilayer sheet orming a small bubble. The mem-
brane around each cell o the body is ormed o such a structure.
P hos pholipids

S t e ro id s
Fre e chole s te rol
Steroid mo ecu es have mu tip e-ring structures, as shown in
Figure 2-11. Chole s te rol bound
Cholesterol is an important steroid ipid that per orms to fa tty a cids
severa critica unctions in the body. For examp e, it is embed-
ded within the ce s to he p stabi ize its bi ayer structure. As
Chapter 12 exp ains, the body a so uses cho estero as a start-
ing point in making steroid hormones such as estrogen, testos-
terone, and cortisone.
P ro t e in s
CH2 OH Proteins are very arge mo ecu es composed o basic units
CH3 ca ed amino acids. In addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxy-
CH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH C O gen, a amino acids contain nitrogen (N). Many di erent
CH3 HO OH amino acids are inked together in a particu ar sequence to
CH3 CH3 orm a o the proteins in ce s. T e process that joins amino
acids by peptide bonds is u y discussed in Chapter 3.
O Attractions between positive y charged and negative y
Chole s te rol Cortis ol charged regions a ong the ong amino acid chain cause it to
(a s te roid hormone ) o d over on itse and maintain its unique shape. T e comp ex,
FIGURE 2-11 Steroids. Cholesterol (le t) has a steroid structure, repre- three-dimensiona mo ecu e that resu ts is a protein mo ecu e
sented here as our colored rings. Changes to the side groups can convert (Figure 2-12). T e o ded shape o a protein mo ecu e deter-
cholesterol to cortisol (shown) or other steroid hormones. mines its ro e in body chemistry.
34 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

Structural proteins have shapes that a ow them to orm

Primary (firs t leve l)
Prote in s tructure is a s e que nce of a mino a cids in a cha in. essentia structures o the body. Co agen, a protein with a f -
ber shape, ho ds most o the body tissues together. Keratin,
R another structura protein, orms a network o waterproo f -
One a mino a cid bers in the outer ayer o the skin.
Functional proteins have o ded shapes that a ow them to
participate in chemica processes o the body. Functiona pro-
teins inc ude some o the hormones, growth actors, ce
membrane channe s and receptors, and enzymes.
Enzymes are chemica cata ysts. T is means that they
he p a chemica reaction occur but are not reactants or
Amino a cid cha in
products themse ves. T ey participate in chemica reactions
but are not changed by the reactions. Enzymes are vita to
2 body chemistry. No reaction in the body occurs ast enough
S e c o ndary (s e c o nd leve l) un ess the specif c enzymes needed or that reaction are
Prote in s tructure is forme d by folding a nd twis ting of a mino
a cid cha in. present.
Figure 2-13 i ustrates how enzyme unction depends on
enzyme shape. Each enzyme has a shape that f ts the specif c
substrate mo ecu es it works on, much as a key f ts specif c
ocks. T is exp anation o enzyme action is sometimes ca ed
the lock-and-key model. Notice that, un ike most keys, the
enzyme is dynamic, so it changes shape to ensure a better f t
when it encounters one or more substrates.
Proteins can bond with other organic compounds and
Folde d s he e t Twis te d he lix orm mixed mo ecu es. For examp e, glycoproteins (de-
scribed in Chapter 3) embedded in ce membranes and
proteoglycans between ce s (described in Chapter 4) are
Te rtiary (third leve l) proteins with sugars attached. Lipoproteins are ipid-protein
Prote in s tructure is forme d whe n the
twis ts a nd folds of the s e conda ry combinations, as described in the C inica App ication box
s tructure fold a ga in to form a la rge r on p. 33.
3-dime ns iona l s tructure.

Mole cule B Mole cule A

Folde d s he e t

Twis te d he lix

Quate rnary (fo urth leve l)
Prote in s tructure is a prote in +
cons is ting of more tha n one
folde d a mino a cid cha in.


FIGURE 2-12 Protein. Protein New mole cule AB

molecules are large, complex mole- +
cules ormed by one or more strands o
amino acids. Each amino acid is connected +
to the next by a type o covalent bond called a peptide bond. Additional
weak orces between atoms o the larger molecule then cause the strand to
twist or old into a secondary (second-level) protein structure. New relation- FIGURE 2-13 Enzyme action. Enzymes are unctional proteins whose
ships among the atoms then cause the molecule to old again on itsel to molecular shape and ability to alter shape allow them to catalyze chemical
orm a three-dimensional tertiary (third-level) protein structure. Several ter- reactions. Substrate molecules A and B are brought together by the enzyme
tiary proteins may join to orm a quaternary ( ourth-level) protein structure. to orm a larger molecule, AB.
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 35

Each nuc eotide consists o a phosphate unit, a sugar (ribose

TABLE 2-4 Components o Nucleotides
or deoxyribose), and a nitrogen base. DNA nuc eotide bases
NUCLEOTIDE DNA RNA inc ude adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. RNA uses
Sugar De oxyribos e Ribos e the same set o bases, except or the substitution o uracil or
Phos phate Phos phate Phos phate thymine (Table 2-4).
Nitroge n bas e Cytos ine Cytos ine Nuc eotides bind to one another to orm strands or other
structures. In the DNA mo ecu e, nuc eotides are arranged in
Guanine Guanine
a twisted, doub e strand ca ed a double helix (Figure 2-14).
Ade nine Ade nine
T e sequence o di erent nuc eotides a ong the DNA
Thym ine Uracil doub e he ix is the master code or assemb ing proteins and
other nuc eic acids. M essenger RNA (mRNA) mo ecu es have
a sequence that orms a temporary working copy o a por-
N u c le ic Ac id s tion o the DNA code ca ed a gene. T e genetic code in
T e two orms o nucleic acid are deoxyribonucleic acid nuc eic acids u timate y directs the entire symphony o iv- 2
(D NA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). As out ined in Chap- ing chemistry.
ter 3, the basic bui ding b ocks o nuc eic acids are ca ed A modif ed nuc eotide ca ed adenosine triphosphate
nucleotides. (A P) p ays an important energy-trans er ro e in the body.
As Figure 2-15 shows, adenosine (a base and a sugar) has not
Nucle otide Ade nine (A) Cytos ine (C) just one phosphate, as in a standard nuc eotide, but instead
P hos pha te
has three phosphates. T e extra phosphates are attached to
Nitroge n P Gua nine (G) Thymine (T)
the mo ecu e with unstab e high-energy bonds that require
ba s e A DNA a great amount o energy ( rom nutrients) to orm. T ere-
5-Ca rbon s uga r
ore, they re ease a arge amount o energy when broken.
(de oxyribos e [D]) W hen a phosphate breaks o o A P orming adenosine
diphosphate (AD P)the energy re eased is used to do
work in ce s.
P T A A P thus acts as a sort o energy-trans er battery that
D picks up energy rom nutrients and then quick y makes the
P energy avai ab e to ce u ar processes. Chapter 19 out ines
G detai s o how A P works in the ce s.
D Hydroge n D
To learn more about how energy in the body is

content o ood and the energy cost o common

FIGURE 2-14 DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), like all nucleic acids, activities, check out the article Measuring Energy
is composed o units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide has a phosphate, a at Connect It! at
sugar, and a nitrogen base. In DNA, the nucleotides are arranged in a double
helix ormation.

P hos pha te FIGURE 2-15 ATP. A, Structure o adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Because the adenosine
Ade nos ine groups group is made up o a sugar (ribose) and a base (adenine), ATP is really a nucleotide with
added phosphates. B, The role o ATP in trans erring energy rom nutrient molecules to cel-
ATP A P P P lular processes. ADP, Adenosine diphosphate.

A High-e ne rgy bonds


Ene rgy High-e ne rgy bonds Ene rgy

From A P P P To
nutrie nt ce llula r
B bre a kdown proce s s e s
36 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

C lin ic a l A p p lic a t io n s
S C IEN C E APPLICATIONS o C h e m is t ry
BIOCHEMISTRY In addition to the c inica app ications a ready mentioned in
Britis h s cie ntis t Ros alind Frank- this chaptersuch as pH imba ancesthere are many yet to
lin was one o the le ading come as we move through each remaining chapter. ake a
bio che m is ts o the m ode rn moment to scan through Appendix C (at,
age . Franklin us e d x-rays to cas t which ists norma concentrations o various chemica s ound in
s hadow s through DNA to ana- the b ood, urine, or other body uids o a hea thy person. You
lyze its s tructure . Whe n s he was can see that our bodies are, in a way, chemica systems where
only 32 ye ars old, s he dis cov- each chemica must be maintained in a hea thy ba ance.
e re d the unus ual he lical (s piral)
Continue to watch or the important ro es p ayed by water,
s tructure o the DNA m ole cule
oxygen, carbon dioxide, ions, pH , carbohydrates, ipids, pro-
2 Rosalind Franklin
and how the s ugars and phos -
phate s orm an oute r backbone
teins, and nuc eic acids as you progress through your course.
(19201958) or the m ole cule (Figure 2-14). T is wi he p you understand the big picture o human
He r bre akthrough he lpe d structure and unction. Do not hesitate to return to this chap-
Jam e s Wats on, Francis Crick, ter ater on in your studies when you need a quick re resher
and Maurice Wilkins to f nally work out the s tructure and on one o these chemistry topics.
unction o DNA in 1953 and thus crack the code o li e .
The thre e m e n re ce ive d a Nobe l Prize or the ir achieve m e nt To learn how principles o chemistry are involved
in 1962, but Franklins e arly de ath rom cance r in 1958 pre - in human nutrition, check out the articles Func-
ve nte d he r rom s haring in the cre dit or one o the gre ate s t tional Foods and Measuring Energy at Connect It!
dis cove rie s o all tim e .
Bioche m is ts continue to m ake im portant dis cove rie s
that incre as e our unde rs tanding o hum an s tructure and
unction. Aide d by labo rato ry te chnicians and lab as s is -
tants , bioche m is ts als o f nd ways to he lp othe r pro e s s ion- QUICK CHECK
als apply bioche m is try to s olve eve ryday proble m s . For ex- 1. Wh ich typ e s o o rga n ic m o le cu le s d o th e o llo w in g s u b -
am ple , clinical labo rato ry te chnicians analyze s am ple s u n its o rm : Mo n o s a cch a rid e s ? Fa tty a cid s ? Am in o a cid s ?
rom the bodie s o patie nts or s igns o he alth or dis e as e . Nu cle o tid e s ?
Othe rs w ho us e bioche m is try as a bas is or the ir work in- 2. Why is th e s tru ctu re o a p ro te in m o le cu le im p o rta n t?
clude nucle ar m e dicine te chno lo g is ts , pharm acis ts and 3. Wh a t a re e n zym e s a n d h o w d o th e y u n ctio n in th e b o d y?
pharm acy te chnicians , die titians , ore ns ic inve s tigators , 4. Wh a t is a s u b s tra te ?
ge ne tic co uns e lo rs , and eve n s cie nce journalis ts . 5. Wh a t is th e ro le o DNA in th e b o d y?
6. Wh a t is th e ro le o ATP in th e b o d y?

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 25)

bilayer carbon dehydration synthesis

(BYE-lay-er) (KAR-bun) (dee-hye-DRAY-shun SIN-the-sis)
[bi- two, layer] [carbon coal] [de- rom, -hydrat- water, -tion process,
biochemist carbon dioxide (CO2) synthesis putting together]
(bye-oh-KEM-ist) (KAR-bun dye-AHK-syde [see oh too]) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
[bio- li e, -chem- alchemy, -ist agent] [carbon coal, di- two, -ox- sharp (oxygen), (dee-ok-see-rye-boh-nook-lay-ik AS-id
biochemistry -ide chemical] [dee en ay])
(bye-oh-KEM-is-tree) cholesterol [de- removed, -oxy- oxygen, -ribo- ribose
[bio- li e, -chem- alchemy, -ist agent, (koh-LES-ter-ol) (sugar), -nucle- nucleus (kernel), -ic relating
-ry practice o ] [chole- bile, -stero- solid, -ol oil] to, acid sour]

bond compound disaccharide

[bond band] (KOM-pound) (dye-SAK-ah-ryde)
[compound put together] [di- two, -sacchar- sugar, -ide chemical]
bu er
(BUF-er) covalent bond dissociate
[bu e- cushion, -er actor] (koh-VAYL-ent) (dih-SOH-see-ayt)
[co- with, -valen power, bond band] [dis- apart, -socia- unite, -ate action]
(kar-boh-HYE-drayt) cytosine
[carbo- carbon, -hydr- hydrogen, -ate oxygen] (SYE-toh-seen)
[cyto- cell, -os- sugar, -ine like]
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 37

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 36)

double helix ionic bond pH

(aye-ON-ik bond) (pee aych)
pl., helices [ion to go, -ic- relating to, bond band] [abbreviation or potenz power, hydrogen
(HEE-lis-eez) isotope hydrogen]
[helix spiral] (AYE-soh-tohp) phospholipid
electrolyte [iso- equal, -tope place] ( oys- oh-LIP-id)
(eh-LEK-troh-lyte) lipid [phospho- phosphorus, -lip- at, -id orm]
[electro- electricity, -lyt loosening] (LIP-id) polysaccharide
electron [lip- at, -id orm] (pahl-ee-SAK-ah-ryde)
[electr- electric, -on unit]
[poly- many, -sacchar- sugar, -ide chemical]
element [lipo- at, prote- primary, -in substance] (PROD-ukt)
(EL-eh-ment) lock-and-key model protein
[element f rst principle] (lok and kee MAHD-el) (PROH-teen)
energy level matter [prote- primary, -in substance]
(EN-er-gee LEV-el) (MAT-er) proton
[en- in, -erg- work, -y state] [matter something rom which something is (PROH-ton)
enzyme made] [proto- f rst, -on unit]
(EN-zyme) molecule radioactive isotope
[en- in, -zyme erment] (MOL-eh-kyool) (ray-dee-oh-AK-tiv AYE-soh-tohp)
atty acid [mole- mass, -cul small] [radio- send out rays, iso- equal, -tope place]
(FAT-tee AS-id) monosaccharide reactant
[ at- at, -ty state, acid sour] (mon-oh-SAK-ah-ryde) (ree-AK-tant)
ormula [mono- one, -sacchar- sugar, -ide chemical] [re- again, -act- act, -ant agent]
(FOR-myoo-lah) neutron ribonucleic acid (RNA)
[ orm- orm, -ula little] (NOO-tron) (rye-boh-noo-KLAY-ik AS-id [ar en ay])
unctional protein [neuter- neither, -on unit] [ribo- ribose (sugar), -nucle- nucleus,
(FUNK-shen-al PROH-teen) nitrogen -ic relating to, acid sour]
[ unction- per orm, -al relating to, (NYE-troh-jen) salt
prote- primary, -in substance] [nitro- soda, -gen produce] (sawlt)
glycerol nucleic acid solute
(GLIS-er-ol) (noo-KLAY-ik AS-id) (SOL-yoot)
[glyce- sweet, -ol alcohol] [nucle- kernel, -ic relating to, acid sour] [solut dissolved]
glycogen nucleotide solvent
(GLYE-koh-jen) (NOO-klee-oh-tyde) (SOL-vent)
[glyco- sweet, -gen produce] [nucleo- nut or kernel, -ide chemical] [solv- dissolve, -ent agent]
guanine nucleus steroid
(GWAH-neen) (NOO-klee-us) (STAYR-oid)
[guan- guano, -ine like] pl., nuclei [ster- sterol, -oid like]
hydrogen (NOO-klee-aye) structural protein
(HYE-droh-jen) [nucleus kernel] (STRUK-shur-al PROH-teen)
[hydro- water, -gen produce] orbital [structura- arrangement, -al relating to,
hydrogen bond (OR-bih-tal) prote- primary, -in substance]
(HYE-droh-jen bond) [orb- circle, disk ring, -al relating to] thymine
[hydro- water, -gen produce, bond band] organic compound (THYE-meen)
hydrolysis (or-GAN-ik KOM-pownd) [thym- thymus, -ine like]
(hye-DROHL-ih-sis) [organ- tool or instrument, -ic relating to, triglyceride
[hydro- water, -lysis loosening] compound to assemble] (try-GLIH-ser-ayed)
inorganic compound oxygen (O2) [tri- three, -glycer- sweet, -ide chemical]
(in-or-GAN-ik KOM-pownd) (AHK-sih-jen [oh too]) uracil
[in- not, -organic natural, compound to [oxy- sharp, -gen produce] (YOOR-ah-sil)
assemble] peptide bond [ura- urea, -il chemical]
ion (PEP-tyde) water
(AYE-on) [pept- digest, -ide chemical, bond band] (WAyT-er)
[ion to go]
38 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e


acidosis dietitian pharmacist

(as-ih-DOH-sis) (dye-eh-TISH-en) (FAR-mah-sist)
[acid- sour, -osis condition] [diet- way o living, -itian practitioner] [pharmac- drug, -ist agent]
alkalosis genetic counselor pharmacy technician
(al-kah-LOH-sis) (jeh-NET-ik KOWN-se-ler) (FAR-mah-see tek-NISH-en)
[alkal- ashes, -osis condition] [gene- produce, -ic relating to, counsel- advise [pharmac- drug, -y location o activity,
atherosclerosis or plan, -or agent] techn- art or skill, -ic relating to,
(ath-er-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) laboratory technician -ian practitioner]
[ather- porridge, -sclero- harden, (LAB-rah-tor-ee tek-NISH-en) radiation sickness

2 -osis condition]
clinical laboratory technician
[labor- work, -tory place o activity, techn- art
or skill, -ic relating to, -ian practitioner]
(ray-dee-AY-shun SIK-nes)
[radiat- send out rays, -ion process]
(KLIN-ih-kal LAB-rah-tor-ee tek-NISH-en) nuclear medicine technologist
[clin- sickbed, -ic relating to, -al relating to, (NOO-klee-ar MED-ih-sin tek-NOL-oh-jist)
labor- work, -tory place o activity, [nucle- nut or kernel, -ar relating to,
techn- art or skill, -ic relating to, techn- art or skill, -log- words (study o ),
-ian practitioner] -ist agent]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
Che m ical Bo nding
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . A. Chemica bonds orm to make atoms more stab e
1. Atoms react with one another in ways that make their
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to outermost energy eve u
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 2. Atoms may share e ectrons or donate or borrow them
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s to become stab e
or be ore a te s t. B. Ionic bonds (Figure 2-3)
1. Ions orm when an atom gains or oses e ectrons in its
outer energy eve to become stab e
Le ve ls o Che m ical Organizatio n a. Positive ionhas ost e ectrons; indicated by super-
A. Atoms (Figures 2-1 and 2-2) script positive sign(s), as in Na or Ca
1. Nuc euscentra core o atom b. Negative ionhas gained e ectrons; indicated by
a. Protonpositive y charged partic e in nuc eus superscript negative sign(s), as in C
b. Neutronuncharged partic e in nuc eus 2. Ionic bonds orm when positive and negative (oppo-
c. Atomic numbernumber o protons in nuc eus site y charged) ions attract each other
d. Atomic massnumber o protons and neutrons 3. E ectro ytecompound that dissociates (breaks apart)
combined in water to orm individua ions; an ionic compound
2. Energy eve sorbita regions surrounding atomic C. Cova ent bonds (Figure 2-4)
nuc eus that contain e ectrons 1. Cova ent bonds orm when atoms try to comp ete
a. E ectronnegative y charged partic e their outer energy eve s by sharing e ectrons
b. May contain up to eight e ectrons in each eve 2. Cova ent bonds do not easi y dissociate in water
c. Energy eve increases the arther it is rom the 3. Cova ent bonding is used to orm a o the major
nuc eus organic compounds ound in the body
B. E ements, mo ecu es, and compounds D. H ydrogen bonds (Figure 2-5)
1. E ementa pure substance; made up o on y one kind 1. H ydrogen bonds are re ative y weak bonds that do not
o atom create new mo ecu es
2. Mo ecu ea group o atoms bound together in a 2. H ydrogen bonds orm when partia y charged regions
group o neighboring mo ecu es attract one another
3. Compoundsubstances whose mo ecu es have more 3. H ydrogen bonds are present in water, DNA, and
than one kind o atom proteins
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 39

B. Lipidsdiverse group o at-so ub e mo ecu es

Ino rganic Che m is try 1. rig ycerides (Figure 2-9)
A. Organic mo ecu es contain carbon-carbon cova ent bonds a. Formed by a g ycero unit joined to three atty acids
and/or carbon-hydrogen cova ent bonds; inorganic mo e- (1) Saturated atty acids are usua y so id at room
cu es do not temperature
B. O rganic mo ecu es are genera y arger and more comp ex (2) Unsaturated atty acids are usua y iquid at
than inorganic mo ecu es room temperature
C. Water b. Store energy or ater use
1. Water is essentia to i e c. Provide padding around organs and under the skin
2. Water is a so vent ( iquid in which so utes are dis- 2. Phospho ipids
so ved), orming aqueous so utions in the body a. Simi ar to trig yceride structure, but have
3. Water is invo ved in chemica reactions (Figure 2-6) phosphorus-containing unitseach with a head
a. Dehydration synthesischemica reaction in which and two tai s (Figure 2-10)
water is removed rom sma mo ecu es so they can b. T e head attracts water and the doub e tai does 2
be strung together to orm a arger mo ecu e not, thus orming stab e doub e ayers (bi ayers) in
b. H ydro ysischemica reaction in which water is water
added to a arge mo ecu e to break it into sma er c. Form membranes o ce s
mo ecu es 3. Steroids
c. A the major organic mo ecu es are ormed through a. Mo ecu es have a structure made up o mu tip e
dehydration synthesis and broken apart by hydro ysis rings (Figure 2-11)
d. Chemica reactions a ways invo ve energy trans ers, b. Cho estero is an important steroid
as when energy is used to bui d A P mo ecu es c. Cho estero stabi izes the phospho ipid tai s in ce -
e. Chemica equations show how reactants interact to u ar membranes and is a so converted into steroid
orm products; arrows separate the reactants rom hormones by the body
the products C. Proteins
D. Acids, bases, and sa ts 1. Very arge mo ecu es made up o amino acids he d
1. Water mo ecu es dissociate to orm equa amounts o together in ong, o ded chains by peptide bonds
H (hydrogen ion) and OH (hydroxide ion) (Figure 2-12)
2. Acidsubstance that shi ts the H /OH ba ance in 2. Structura proteins
avor o H ; opposite o base a. Form various structures o the body
3. Basesubstance that shi ts the H /OH ba ance (1) Co agen is a f brous protein that ho ds many
against H ; a so known as an alkaline; opposite o acid tissues together
4. pH mathematica expression o re ative H concen- (2) Keratin orms tough, waterproo f bers in the
tration in an aqueous so ution (Figure 2-7) outer ayer o the skin
a. A pH va ue o 7 is neutra (neither acid nor base) 3. Functiona proteins
b. pH va ues above 7 are basic; pH va ues be ow 7 are a. Participate in chemica processes o the body
acidic b. Examp es inc ude hormones, ce membrane chan-
5. Neutra ization occurs when acids and bases mix and ne s and receptors, and enzymes
orm sa ts 4. Enzymeschemica cata ysts
6. pH imba ance occurs when b ood pH is too high a. H e p chemica reactions occur
(a ka osis) or too ow (acidosis); homeostasis restores b. Enzyme action sometimes ca ed ock-and-key
and maintains pH ba ance in the body mode because enzymes f t their substrates much
7. Bu ers orm chemica systems that neutra ize excess ike a key f ts into a ock (Figure 2-13)
acids or bases and thus maintain a re ative y stab e pH 5. Proteins can combine with other organic mo ecu es to
orm mixed mo ecu es such as g ycoproteins or
Organic Che m is try D. Nuc eic acids
A. Carbohydratessugars and comp ex carbohydrates 1. Made up o nuc eotides that inc ude:
(Figure 2-8) a. A phosphate unit
1. Contain carbon (C), hydrogen (H ), oxygen (O ) b. A sugar (ribose or deoxyribose)
2. Monosaccharidebasic unit o carbohydrate mo e- c. A nitrogen base (adenine [A], thymine [ ] or
cu es (e.g., g ucose) uraci [U], guanine [G], cytosine [C])
3. Disaccharidedoub e sugar made up o two mono- 2. DNA (deoxyribonuc eic acid)
saccharide units (e.g., sucrose, actose) a. Used as the ce s master code or assemb ing
4. Po ysaccharidecomp ex carbohydrate made up o proteins
many monosaccharide units (e.g., g ycogen; stored by b. Uses deoxyribose as the sugar and A, (not U), C,
the body) and G as bases
5. Function o carbohydrates is to store energy or ater use c. Forms a doub e he ix shape (Figure 2-14)
40 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e

3. RNA (ribonuc eic acid) processes, thus acting as an energy-trans er battery

a. Used as a temporary working copy o a gene (Figure 2-15)
(portion o the DNA code)
b. Uses ribose as the sugar and A, U (not ), C, and
G as bases
Clinical Applicatio ns o Che m is try
4. By directing the ormation o structura and unc- A. Appendix C (at i ustrates the norma
tiona proteins, nuc eic acids u timate y direct overa va ues o various chemica s in the body
body structure and unction B. T e human body is a chemica system in which a
5. A P (adenosine triphosphate) is a modif ed nuc eo- chemica s must remain in a hea thy ba ance
tide used to trans er energy rom nutrients to ce u ar

STUDY TIPS a so many on ine resources that i ustrate the parts o the
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in atom. Using mu tip e senses wi he p you earn and
m e e ting your le arning goals . remember the in ormation.
3. It is important that you earn the concept o pH va ue,
This chapte r introduce s you to s om e bas ic che m ical conce pts which wi be an integra part o ater discussions.
that are us e d late r in othe r chapte rs to de s cribe s tructure s and Deve op a -chart that ists the pH va ues (1 to 14) and
unctions o the body. Firs t o all, it is im portant that you can give examp es (besides those isted in your text) o sub-
re ad and unde rs tand a hand ul o im portant che m ical s ym bols stances and their appropriate pH va ue. ( o earn about
and e quations . -charts, go to
4. Table 2-3 summarizes some important concepts o the
1. Practice by putting the chemica symbo s ound in Tables 2-1 structure and unction o the major organic compounds
and 2-2 on ash cards, and then pair up with a c assmate that you wi be using ater in the course. Make your own
and quiz each other on what the symbo s stand or. A so version o the tab e on a poster-sized piece o paper and
earn to identi y whether each one is or is not an ion. add simp e pictures o the di erent mo ecu es. T en make
2. I your instructor requires you to know the parts o the ash cards or use on ine ash cards and practice identi y-
atom, make your own abe ed diagram o an atom or ing which category di erent mo ecu es be ong to: protein,
make a three-dimensiona mode out o househo d items carbohydrate, ipid, or nuc eic acid. Practice identi ying
such as marshma ows, toothpicks, and string. T ere are which unction each compound per orms.

Re vie w Que s tio ns 11. Brie y describe the structure o each o the o owing:
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r protein, ipid, carbohydrate, nuc eic acid.
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r 12. Brie y state the principa unctions o each o the o -
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r owing: carbohydrate, protein, ipid, nuc eic acid.
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch 13. W hat are the three main parts o nuc eotides?
o your new le arning. 14. W hat is a ka osis?
15. W hat organic compound is associated with
1. Def ne the terms element, compound, atom, and molecule. atherosc erosis?
2. Name and def ne three kinds o partic es within an 16. Describe atherosc erosis and give an examp e o a habit
atom. that may increase and one that can decrease your risk o
3. W hat is an energy eve ? deve oping atherosc erosis.
4. W hat is a chemica bond? 17. W hat is an aqueous so ution?
5. W hat are the major types o chemica bonds?
6. W hat is an e ectro yte? An ion?
7. Def ne the terms organic compound and inorganic
Critical Thinking
compound. A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
8. W hat is a so vent? A so ute? the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
9. Exp ain the concept o pH . he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
10. W hat is an acid? A base? s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
that you f nd di f cult.
CHAPTER 2 Chemistry o Li e 41

18. Compare and contrast how ionic bonds and cova ent 21. An ion is ormed when:
bonds so ve the prob em o achieving stabi ity in atoms. a. e ectrons are shared
19. A particu ar protein mo ecu e is hydro yzed by an b. e ectrons remain in p ace
enzyme. H ow wou d you exp ain that process to c. e ectrons are gained or ost
someone un ami iar with chemica termino ogy? d. neutrons are added to the nuc eus
20. Your b ood norma y has a pH o around 7.4. Is your 22. In the equation H 2O CO 2 H H CO 3 , which
b ood a ka ine, acid, or neutra ? o the compounds is a reactant?
21. I a new y discovered protein was ound to regu ate how a. CO 2
hormones in uence the unctions o ce s in the body, b. H CO 3
wou d the protein be a structura protein or a unctiona c. O 2
protein? d.
22. Describe how DNA regu ates a o the bodys structures 23. W hich o these chemica subunits is ound in DNA?
and unctions? a. Uraci
23. H ow wou d you exp ain the di erence between 1H , 2H , b. Ribose 2
and 3H ? c. Amino acid
d. Deoxyribose
24. W hich o these va ues represents an acid?
Chapte r Te s t a. pH 7.5
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by b. pH 6.1
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m c. pH 9.0
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . d. pH 7.0
25. Steroid hormones are:
1. ________ is anything that occupies space and has mass. a. carbohydrates
2. Mo ecu es are made up o partic es ca ed ________. b. proteins
3. Positive y charged partic es within the nuc eus o an c. ipids
atom are ca ed ________. d. nuc eic acids
4. E ectrons inhabit regions o the atoms ca ed ________
eve s.
5. Substances with mo ecu es having more than one kind
Cas e S tudie s
o atom are ca ed ________. To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to
6. A(n) ________ chemica bond occurs when atoms share the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text-
e ectrons. book, and othe r re s ource s .
7. T e symbo K represents the potassium ________.
8. A compound that dissociates in water to orm ions is 1. Grania knows that the pH o b ood is norma y 7.35 to
ca ed a(n) ________. 7.45. She sees that her b ood test resu ts show 7.57 as her
9. Mo ecu es that have a carbon-carbon bond in them are b ood p asma pH . Is Granias b ood too acid or too
c assif ed as ________ compounds. a ka ineor is her b ood pH within norma range?
10. In sa t water, sa t is the so ute and water is the 2. Baraka has adopted a high carb dieting strategy to he p
________. him prepare or an upcoming ath etic event. W hat cate-
11. W hen water is used to bui d up sma mo ecu es into gory o organic compound wi Baraka be eating in higher
arger mo ecu es, the process is ca ed ________. proportions than usua ? W hat are some examp es o this
12. ________ are so utions that have an excess o hydrogen type o compound that might be ound in Barakas ood?
ions. W hat ro e does this type o organic compound p ay in
13. T e b ood contains chemica s ca ed ________ that Barakas body? W hy might this be an advantage in an
maintain a stab e pH . ath etic event?
3. Sineads husband, Shane OShaunessey, just received the
Match each term in column B with its related term in column A. resu ts rom his annua physica examination. Shane
sheepish y reported to Sinead that his H DL cho estero
Column A Column B eve s have increased signif cant y. Sinead smi ed and to d
14. ________ g ycogen a. sa t Shane not to worry. W hy wou d Sinead not be troub ed
15. ________ co agen b. acid by this increase in Shanes H DL eve ?
16. ________ RNA c. base
17. ________ cho estero d. carbohydrate Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
18. ________ NaC e. ipid at
19. ________ NaOH . protein
20. ________ H C g. nuc eic acid
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Overview o Cells, 43
Size and Shape, 43
Composition, 44
Parts o the Cell, 44
Relationship o Cell Structure and Function, 50
Movement o Substances Through Cell Membranes, 50
Types o Membrane Transport, 50
Passive Transport Processes, 51
Active Transport Processes, 53
Cell Transport and Disease, 55
Cell Growth and Reproduction, 56
Cell Growth, 56
Cell Reproduction, 59
Changes in Cell Growth and Reproduction, 60

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Identi y three major components o a cell and discuss
the basic structure and unction o the plasma mem-
brane and cytoplasm.
2. List and brie y discuss the unctions o the primary
cellular organelles.
3. Discuss the basic structure and unction o the
4. Compare the major passive and active transport pro-
cesses that act to move substances through cell
membranes, as well as discuss the relationship o
cell transport to diseases.
5. Compare and discuss DNA and RNA and their unc-
tions in protein synthesis.
6. Discuss the stages o mitotic cell division and explain
the importance o normal cellular reproduction.
7. Explain how changes in cell growth and reproduction
allow the cell to adapt to its ever-changing
Ab o u t 350 years ago, Robert H ooke ooked through his microscope LANGUAGE OF
one o the very ear y, somewhat primitive onesat some p ant materia . W hat S C IEN C E
he saw must have surprised him. Instead o a sing e magnif ed piece o p ant
materia , he saw many sma pieces. Because they reminded him o miniature
Be o re re ading the
monastery ce s, that is what he ca ed themce s. Since H ookes time, thou-
chapte r, s ay e ach o
sands o individua s have examined thousands o p ant and anima specimens the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
and ound them a , without exception, to be composed o ce s. he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the m as yo u re ad.
T is act, that ce s are the sma est structura units o iving things, has become
the oundation o modern bio ogy. Many iving things are so simp e that they
active transport
consist o just one ce . T e human body, however, is so comp ex that it (AK-tiv TRANZ-port)
consists not o a ew thousand or mi ions or even bi ions o ce s [act- move, -ive relating to,
but o many tri ions o them. T is chapter exp ores the struc- trans- across, -port carry]
ture and unction o ce s. adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
(ah-DEN-oh-seen try-FOS- ayt
[ay tee pee])
O ve r v ie w o C e lls [adenos- shortened rom adenine-
ribose, -ine chemical, tri- three,
S ize a n d S h a p e -phosph- phosphorus, -ate oxygen]
H uman ce s are microscopic in size anaphase
that is, they can be seen on y when (AN-ah- ayz)
magnif ed by a microscope. H ow- [ana- apart, -phase stage]
ever, the di erent types o hu- apoptosis
man ce s vary considerab y in (ap-oh-TOH-sis or ap-op-TOH-sis)
[apo- away, -ptosis alling]
[centr- center, -ole small]
[centr- center, -mere part]
[centr- center, -som body]
[chrom- color, -id structure or body]
chromatin granule
(KROH-mah-tin GRAN-yool)
[chrom- color, -in substance,
gran- grain, -ule little]
[chrom- color, -som- body]
pl., cilia
[cili- eyelid, -um thing]

Continued on p. 63

44 CHAPTER 3 Cells

size. An ovum ( ema e sex ce ), or examp e, has a diameter o

P a r t s o t h e C e ll
about 150 micrometers, but red b ood ce s have a diameter o
on y 7.5 micrometers. T e three main parts o a ce are
Ce s di er even more notab y in shape than in size. Some
1. P asma membrane
are at, some are brick shaped, some are thread ike, and some
2. Cytop asm
have irregu ar shapes.
3. Nuc eus
Advanced microscopes can picture human cells T e p asma membrane surrounds the entire ce , orming its
and their internal structures with detail never outer boundary. T e cytop asm is a the iving materia in-
be ore possible. Check out these methods and side the ce (except the nuc eus). T e nuc eus is a arge,
the dramatic images they produce in the article membrane-bound structure in most ce s that contains the
Tools o Microscopic Anatomy at Connect It! at genetic code.
P la s m a M e m b r a n e
As the name suggests, the plasma membrane is the mem-
brane that enc oses the cytop asm and orms the outer bound-
C o m p o s it io n ary o the ce . It is an incredib y de icate structureon y
Ce s contain cytoplasmthe iving substance that exists about 7 nm (nanometers) or 3/10,000,000 o an inch thick!
on y in ce s. T e term cyto- is a word part that means ce . Yet it has a precise, order y structure (Figure 3-1).
Each ce in the body is surrounded by a thin membrane, the wo ayers o phosphate-containing ipid mo ecu es ca ed
plasma membrane. T is membrane separates the ce con- phospholipids orm a uid ramework or the p asma mem-
tents rom the sa ty so ution ca ed interstitial uid (IF), or brane. Another kind o ipid mo ecu e ca ed cholesterol is a so
simp y tissue uid, that bathes every ce in the body. Numer- a component o the p asma membrane. Cho estero he ps
ous specia ized structures ca ed organelles, which are de- stabi ize the phospho ipid mo ecu es to prevent breakage o
3 scribed in subsequent sections, are contained within the cyto- the p asma membrane.
p asm o each ce . A sma , circu ar body ca ed the nucleus is Note in Figure 3-1 that protein mo ecu es dot the sur aces
a so inside the ce . o the membrane. Some proteins extend a the way through
Important in ormation re ated to body composition is in- the phospho ipid ramework and others do not. T ese mem-
c uded in Chapter 2. You are encouraged to review this mate- brane proteins have a variety o unctions in transport, signa -
ria , which inc udes a discussion o the chemica e ements and ing, se -identif cation, anchoring o f bers, chemica process-
compounds important to body structure and unction. ing (enzymes), and more.

Ca rbohydra te
cha ins

P hos pholipid
bilaye r

Chole s te rol
P rote ins

FIGURE 3-1 Structure o the plasma membrane. Note that protein molecules may penetrate completely
through the two layers o phospholipid molecules.
CHAPTER 3 Cells 45

Nucle us Nucle a r Nucle olus

e nve lope Nucle opla s m Nucle a r pore

Fla ge llum Microtubule s Chroma tin gra nule s

Rough e ndopla s mic
re ticulum
Ribos ome (a tta che d)

Cytopla s m

Microfila ments


S mooth
re ticulum

Lys os ome
P la s ma 3
me mbra ne
Fre e ribos ome s
Ce ntriole s (ins ide ce ll)

Ce ntros ome
Golgi a ppa ra tus

FIGURE 3-2 Structure o the cell. Sketch o typical cell structure shows simpli ed drawings o major organelles. Some o these
structures, such as a f agellum or groups o cilia, are present only in certain types o cells.

Despite its seeming ragi ity, the p asma rom duct ess g ands) bind to membrane receptors, and a change
membrane is strong enough to keep the ce in ce unctions o ows. We might there ore think o such hor-
who e and intact and a so per orms other mones as carriers o chemica messages that are communicated
i e-preserving unctions or the ce . It serves to ce s by way o binding to their receptors in the membrane.
as a we -guarded gateway between the uid T e p asma membrane a so identif es a ce as being part o
inside the ce and the uid around it. Certain one particu ar individua . Some o the sur ace proteins serve
substances can move through the membrane as positive identif cation tags because they occur on y in the
by way o transporter channe s and carriers, but ce s o that individua . Carbohydrate chains and hybrid mo -
other substances are barred rom entry. ecu es attached to the sur ace o ce s a so may p ay a ro e in
T e p asma membrane even unctions as a the identif cation o ce types. A practica app ication o this
communication mechanism. In what way, you act is made in tissue typing, a procedure per ormed be ore an
may wonder? Some o the proteins on the mem- organ rom one individua is transp anted into another.
branes outer sur ace serve as receptors or certain
other mo ecu es when these other mo ecu es con- Cy t o p la s m
tact the proteins. In other words, certain mo ecu es Cytop asm is the interna iving materia o ce s. It f s the
bind to certain receptor proteins. For examp e, space between the p asma membrane and the nuc eus, which
some hormones (chemica s secreted into b ood can be seen in Figure 3-2 as a round or spherica structure in
46 CHAPTER 3 Cells

the center o the ce . Numerous sma structures are part o cytoske eton. W hen a ce movesor when organe es within
the cytop asm, a ong with the uid that serves as the interior a ce moveparts o the cytoske eton are actua y pu ing or
environment o each ce . As a group, the sma structures pushing membranes and organe es.
that make up much o the cytop asm are ca ed organelles. Look again at Figure 3-2. Notice how many di erent kinds
T is name means itt e organs, an appropriate name be- o structures you can see in the cytop asm o this ce . A itt e
cause they unction or the ce ike organs unction or the more than a generation ago, a most a o these organe es
body. were unknown. T ey are so sma that they are sti invisib e
Another unction o membrane proteins is as transporters even when magnif ed 1000 times by a ight microscope. T e
that move various substances across the membrane. Such advent o e ectron microscopes in the midd e o the twentieth
movement across ce u ar membranes is discussed in detai century f na y brought them into view by magni ying them
ater in this chapter (see p. 50). many thousands o times.
In Figure 3-2 you can see sma thread ike structures scat- Next we brie y discuss the o owing organe es, a o
tered around in the cytop asm. You can see on y a ew o the which are ound in cytop asm (Table 3-1):
very many threads that make up the cytoskeleton or ce
ske eton. T in thread ike f aments in this ramework are 1. Ribosomes
ca ed microf aments. iny, ho ow tubes ca ed microtubu es 2. Endop asmic reticu um
a so are important. 3. Go gi apparatus
Like the bodys ramework o bones and musc es, the cyto- 4. Mitochondria
ske eton provides support and movement. T e various organ- 5. Lysosomes
e es are not just oating around random y. Instead, they are 6. Centrosome
he d (or moved) by the f bers and mo ecu ar motors o the 7. Ce extensions

3 TABLE 3-1 Structures and Function o Some Major Cell Parts

Plas m a m e m brane Phos pholipid bilaye r s tudde d w ith prote ins Se rve s as the boundary o the ce ll
Prote in and carbohydrate m ole cule s on oute r s ur ace o
plas m a m e m brane pe r orm various unctions or exam ple ,
they s e rve as m arke rs that ide nti y ce lls as be ing rom a
particular individual, re ce ptor m ole cule s or ce rtain hor-
m one s , or trans porte rs to m ove s ubs tance s through the
m e m brane
Ribos om e s Tiny particle s , e ach m ade up o rRNA s ubunits Synthe s ize prote ins a ce lls prote in actorie s
Endoplas m ic Me m branous ne twork o inte rconne cte d canals and Rough ER re ce ive s and trans ports s ynthe s ize d prote ins ( rom
re ticulum (ER) s acs , s om e w ith ribos om e s attache d (rough ER) ribos om e s )
and s om e w ithout attachm e nts (s m ooth ER) Sm ooth ER s ynthe s ize s lipids and ce rtain carbohydrate s
Golgi apparatus Stack o atte ne d, m e m branous s acs Che m ically proce s s e s , the n package s s ubs tance s rom the ER
Mitochondria Me m branous caps ule containing a large , olde d inte r- Ade nos ine triphos phate (ATP) s ynthe s is a ce lls powe r
nal m e m brane e m be dde d w ith e nzym e s ; contains plant or batte ry charge r
its ow n DNA m ole cule
Lys os om e Bubble o hydrolys is e nzym e s e ncas e d by A ce lls dige s tive bag, it bre aks apart large m ole cule s
m e m brane
Ce ntriole s Pair o hollow cylinde rs at right angle s to e ach othe r, He lp organize and m ove chrom os om e s during ce ll
e ach m ade up o tiny tubule s w ithin the re production
ce ntros om e
Cilia Hairlike ce ll s ur ace exte ns ions s upporte d by an Se ns ory ante nnae to de te ct conditions outs ide the ce ll;
inte rnal cylinde r m ade o m icrotubule s (longe r s om e cilia als o m ove s ubs tance s ove r s ur ace o the ce ll
than m icrovilli)
Flage lla Long w hiplike proje ction on the s pe rm ; s im ilar to a The only exam ple in hum ans is the tail o a s pe rm ce ll, pro-
cilium but m uch longe r pe lling the s pe rm through uids
Nucle us Double -m e m brane d, s phe rical e nve lope containing Contains DNA, w hich dictate s prote in s ynthe s is , the re by
DNA s trands playing an e s s e ntial role in othe r ce ll activitie s s uch as
trans port, m e tabolis m , grow th, and he re dity
Nucle olus De ns e re gion o the nucle us Make s s ubunits that orm ribos om e s

rDNA, Ribos om al RNA.

CHAPTER 3 Cells 47

Ribosomes An examp e o a Go gi apparatus product is the s ippery

O rgane es ca ed ribosomes, shown as dots in Figure 3-2, are substance ca ed mucus. I we wanted to nickname the Go gi
very tiny partic es ound throughout the ce . T ey are each apparatus, we might ca it the ce s chemica processing and
made up o two tiny subunits constructed most y o a specia packaging center.
kind o RNA ca ed ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
Some ribosomes are ound temporari y attached to a net- Mitochondria
work o membranous cana s ca ed endoplasmic reticulum (ER). T e mitochondrion is another kind o organe e ound in a
Ribosomes a so may be ree- oating in the cytop asm. Ribo- ce s except red b ood ce s. Mitochondria are so tiny that a
somes per orm a very comp ex unctionthey make enzymes ineup o 15,000 or more o them wou d f a space on y about
and other protein compounds. T us they are apt y nicknamed 2.5 cm (1 inch) ong.
protein actories. wo membranous sacs, one o ded tight y inside the other,
compose a sing e mitochondrion. T e o ds o the inner mem-
Endoplasmic Reticulum brane ook ike incomp ete partitions. W ithin a mitochon-
An endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system o membranes drions ragi e membranes, comp ex, energy-re easing chemi-
orming a network o connecting sacs and cana s that wind back ca reactions occur continuous y. Because these reactions
and orth through a ce s cytop asm. T e ER extends rom the supp y most o the power or ce u ar work, mitochondria have
nuc eus a most to the p asma membrane. T e tubu ar passage- been nicknamed the ce s power p ants.
ways or cana s in the ER carry proteins and other substances Enzymes (mo ecu es that promote specif c chemica reac-
through the cytop asm o the ce rom one area to another. tions), ound in mitochondria membranes and the mito-
T ere are two types o ER: rough and smooth. chondria uids, break down products o g ucose and other
Rough ER gets its name rom the many ribosomes that are nutrients to re ease energy. T e mitochondrion uses this re-
attached to its outer sur ace, which gives it a rough texture eased energy to recharge A P (adenosine triphosphate)
simi ar to sandpaper. As they make their proteins, some ribo- mo ecu esthe batteries required or ce u ar work. T is
somes attach to the rough ER and insert the protein into the process, which requires oxygen and re eases carbon dioxide,
interior o the ER. is ca ed cellular respiration. 3
As the proteins begin o ding insides, the ER transports Each mitochondrion has its own tiny, ring-shaped DNA mo -
them to areas where chemica processing takes p ace. T ese ecu e, sometimes ca ed a mitochondrial chromosome, that contains
areas o the ER are so u o enzymes and other mo ecu es in ormation or bui ding and running the mitochondrion.
that ribosomes have no room into which they can pass their
proteins, and so they do not attach. T e absence o attached To better understand this concept, use the Active
ribosomes gives this type o ER a smooth texture. Fats, carbo- Concept Map Metabolism o Glucose to Generate
hydrates, and proteins that make up ce u ar membrane mate- ATP at
ria are manu actured in smooth ER. T us the smooth ER
makes new membrane or the ce .
o sum up: rough ER receives, o ds, and transports new y To learn more about how energy in the body is
made proteins, and smooth ER manu actures new membrane. measured, including examples o the energy
content o ood and the energy cost o common
Golgi Apparatus activities, review the article Measuring Energy at
T e Golgi apparatus consists o tiny, attened sacs stacked on Connect It! at
one another near the nuc eus. Litt e bubb es, or sacs, pinch o
the ER and carry new proteins and other compounds to the
sacs o the Go gi apparatus (Figure 3-3). T ese itt e sacs, a so Lysosomes
ca ed vesicles, use with the Go gi sacs and a ow the con- T e lysosomes are membrane-wa ed organe es that in their
tents o both to ming e. active stage ook ike sma sacs, o ten with tiny partic es in
T e Go gi apparatus chemica y processes the mo ecu es them (see Figure 3-2). Because ysosomes contain enzymes that
rom the ER by urther o ding, sorting, and modi ying pro- promote hydro ysis, they can break apart (digest) arge nutrient
teins and combining them with other mo ecu es to orm mo ecu es. T ere ore, they have the nickname digestive bags.
quaternary proteins (see Figure 2-12 on p. 34) or combinations Lysosoma enzymes can a so digest substances other than
such as g ycoproteins (carbohydrate/protein mo ecu es). nutrients. For examp e, they can digest and thereby destroy
T e Go gi apparatus then packages the processed mo e- microbes that invade the ce . T us ysosomes can protect ce s
cu es into new itt e vesic es that pinch o and pu away rom against destruction by microbes.
the Go gi apparatus, moving s ow y outward to the p asma Former y, scientists thought ysosomes were invo ved in
membrane. Each vesic e then uses with the p asma mem- programmed ce death. Now, however, we know a di erent
brane, opens to the outside o the ce , and re eases its con- set o mechanisms is responsib e or ce suicide,or apoptosis,
tents. T e wa o each vesic e then becomes incorporated into which makes space or newer ce s. W hen apoptosis does not
the p asma membranea mechanism or adding new mem- occur norma y, the ce may remain and cause overgrowth o
brane components. the tissuepossib y producing a tumor.
48 CHAPTER 3 Cells

T ey are arranged so that they ie at right ang es to each other

Why learn about organelles and their unctions? In
(see Figure 3-2). Each centrio e is composed o microtubu es that
addition to helping us learn about normal body
orm a tapered ramework or spind e that moves chromo-
structure and unction, these concepts help us
somes during ce division, as we sha see ater in this chapter.
understand disease mechanisms that involve
T e centrosome a so p ays a ro e in orming and organizing
organelles. To learn about some o these diseases,
the ce s cytoske eton, inc uding some o a ce s outward
check out the article Organelle Diseases at
Connect It! at
Cell Extensions
Centrosome Most ce s have various indentations and extensions that serve
T e centrosome is a region o cytop asm near the nuc eus o many di erent unctions. H ere we describe three o the major
each ce . It serves as the microtubule-organizing center o the types o ce extensions (Figure 3-4).
ce , thus p aying an important ro e in organizing and moving
the structures within the ce . Microvilli
Centrioles are paired organe es ound within the centro- Microvilli are sma , f nger ike projections o the p asma
some. wo o these rod-shaped structures exist in every ce . membrane o some ce s (Figure 3-4, A). T ese projections

FIGURE 3-3 The cells protein export system. The Golgi apparatus processes and packages protein molecules delivered rom the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) by small vesicles. Some vesicles migrate to the plasma membrane to secrete the nal products, and other vesicles remain inside the cell or a time and
serve as storage vessels or the substance to be secreted.

P rote ins a s s e mble d by ribos ome s
3 a re folde d in the ER a nd pinch off in
me mbra ne ve s icle s.

Nucle us
ER ve s icle s move to the Golgi
a ppa ra tus for proce s s ing a nd 3
pa cka ging.
Ente ring the Golgi cha mbe r, a
prote in unde rgoe s che mica l
modifica tions a nd move s by a
ve s icle from cha mbe r to
3 chamber for further proce ssing.

cha mbe rs
P roce s s e d mole cule s a re
Ribos ome s pa cka ge d in a me mbra nous
ve s icle tha t pinche s off a nd is
pulle d to the s urface of the cell.

Endopla s mic 2
P rote ins
re ticulum S e cre tory
ve s icle
Ve s icle
4 5
The ve s icle pops ope n a t
the ce ll s urfa ce to re le a s e
Cytopla s m Golgi its conte nts into the s pa ce
a ppa ra tus Ve s icle conta ining pla s ma outs ide the ce ll.
me mbra ne compone nts

P la s ma Me mbra ne
me mbra ne prote ins
CHAPTER 3 Cells 49

Cilia Microvilli Fla ge llum taste buds o the mouth can detect di erent chemica s dis-
so ved in sa iva.
Some ce s have hundreds o ci ia capab e o moving to-
gether in a wave ike ashion over the sur ace o a ce
(Figure 3-5). By moving as a group in one direction, they prope
mucus over the ce s that ine the respiratory or reproductive

Cilia make one o the most important mechanisms

helping protect the delicate tissues o the bodys
airways. To preview these strategies, check out
the article Protective Strategies o the Respiratory
Tract at Connect It! at

A agellum is a sing e projection extending rom the ce
sur ace. F age a are structura y simi ar to ci ia but much on-
A B ger. Like ci ia, age a can move. T e cy inder o microtubu es
FIGURE 3-4 Cell extensions. A, Microvilli (light blue) are small, nger- inside the age um moves in a way that whips the age um
like extensions o the plasma membrane that increase the sur ace area or around a owing it to act ike a prope er that pushes the ce
absorption. Cilia (darker blue) are longer than microvilli and move back and orward (see Figure 3-5).
orth, pushing f uids along the sur ace. B, The tail-like f agellum that propels In the human, the on y examp e o a age um is the tai
each sperm cell is so long that it does not t into the photograph at this o the ma e sperm ce (see Figure 3-4, B). W igg ing move-
magni cation.
ments o the age um make it possib e or sperm to swim or 3
move toward the ovum a ter they are deposited in the ema e
increase the sur ace area o the ce and thus increase its abi ity reproductive tract.
to absorb substances. For examp e, ce s that ine the sma
intestine are covered with microvi i that increase the absorp- N u c le u s
tion rate o nutrients into the b ood. Microvi i have microf a- Central Structure o a Cell
ments inside them that produce wobb y movement and thus Viewed under a ight microscope, the nuc eus o a ce ooks
make absorption more e cient. ike a very simp e structurejust a sma sphere usua y near
the center o the ce . In certain specia ized ce s, the nuc eus
Cilia may be pushed to one side and perhaps s ight y compressed
Cilia are extreme y f ne, hair ike extensions on the exposed or into a more attened shape.
ree sur aces o ce s (see Figure 3-4, A). Ci ia are arger than H owever, its simp e appearance be ies the comp ex and
microvi i and possess inner microtubu es that support and critica ro e the nuc eus p ays in ce unction. T e nuc eus
enab e them to move. Every ce has at east one ci ium. contains most o the ce s genetic in ormation, which u ti-
A ci ia act ike an insects antennae, a owing the ce to mate y contro s every organe e in the cytop asm. It a so con-
sense its surroundings. For examp e, the hair ike ci ia in the tro s the comp ex process o ce reproduction. In other words,

Cilia ry motion
Effe ctive
s troke

Extra ce llula r
Ce ll
move me nt

Fla ge lla r
Re cove ry motion
s troke
Ce ll
Ce ll
Cilium Cilia Flag e llum

FIGURE 3-5 Movement patterns. In humans, cilia (le t and middle) ound in groups on stationary cells beat
in a coordinated oarlike pattern to push f uid and particles in the extracellular f uid along the outer cell sur ace.
A f agellum (right) produces wavelike movements, which propels a sperm cell orwardlike the tail o an eel.
50 CHAPTER 3 Cells

the nuc eus must unction proper y or a ce to accomp ish its T e sperms age um prope s it through the reproductive tract
norma activities and be ab e to dup icate itse . o the ema e, thus increasing the chances o success u
Note that the ce nuc eus in Figure 3-2 is surrounded by erti ization.
a nuclear envelope, a structure made up o two separate T is is how and why organizationa structure at the ce -
membranes. T e nuc ear enve ope has many tiny openings u ar eve is so important or unction in iving organisms.
ca ed nuclear pores that permit arge mo ecu es to move Examp es in every chapter o the text i ustrate how structure
into and out o the nuc eus. T e nuc ear enve ope enc oses and unction are intimate y re ated at every eve o body
a specia type o ce materia within the nuc eus ca ed organization.
Nuc eop asm contains a number o structures. wo o the QUICK CHECK
most important structures are the nucleolus and the chromatin 1. Wh a t a re th e th re e m a jo r co m p o n e n ts o a ce ll?
granules both pictured in Figure 3-2. 2. Wh a t is th e m o le cu la r s tru ctu re o th e ce ll p la s m a
m e m b ra n e ?
Nucleolus 3. Wh a t is cyto p la s m ? Ho w d o e s it s e rve th e b o d y?
T e nucleolus is a dense region o the nuc ear materia that is 4. Wh a t a re th e p rim a ry o rga n e lle s o th e ce ll? Wh a t a re th e
u n ctio n s o th e s e o rga n e lle s ?
critica in protein ormation because it is where the ce makes 5. Wh ich tw o ce ll s tru ctu re s co n ta in DNA?
the subunits that orm ribosomes. T e ribosome subunits then
migrate through the pores o the nuc ear enve ope into the
cytop asm o the ce where they assemb e into ribosomes, the
protein-making machinery o the ce .
M o ve m e n t o S u b s t a n c e s
Th ro u g h C e ll M e m b r a n e s
Chromatin and Chromosomes
Ty p e s o M e m b r a n e Tr a n s p o r t
Chromatin granules in the nuc eus are made o proteins
around which are wound segments o the ong, thread ike T e p asma membrane in every hea thy ce separates the
3 mo ecu es ca ed D NA, or deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is contents o the ce rom the tissue uid that surrounds it. At
the genetic materia o ten described as the chemica cook- the same time, the membrane must permit certain substances
book o the body. Because it contains the code or bui ding to enter the ce and a ow others to eave. H eavy tra c
both structura proteins and unctiona proteins, DNA deter- moves continuous y in both directions through ce mem-
mines everything rom gender and metabo ic rate to body branes. Mo ecu es o water, nutrients, gases, wastes, and many
bui d and hair co or in every human being. other substances stream in and out o a ce s in end ess
D uring ce division, DNA mo ecu es become tight y procession.
coi ed. T ey then ook ike short, rod ike structures and are A number o di erent transport processes a ow this mass
ca ed chromosomes. movement o substances into and out o ce s. T ese transport
Each ce o the body contains a tota o 46 di erent DNA processes are c assif ed under two genera headings:
mo ecu es in its nuc eus and one copy o a 47th DNA mo e-
1. Passive transport processes
cu e in each o its mitochondria. T e importance and unction
2. Active transport processes
o DNA are exp ained in greater detai in the section on ce
reproduction ater in this chapter. As imp ied by the name, active transport processes require
the expenditure o energy by the ce , and passive transport
processes do not. T e energy required or active transport
Re la t io n s h ip o C e ll S t r u c t u r e processes is obtained rom A P. A P is produced by the ce
using energy rom nutrients and is capab e o re easing that
a n d Fu n c t io n energy to do work in the ce . For active transport processes to
Every human ce per orms certain unctionssome maintain occur, the breakdown o A P and the use o the re eased en-
the ce s surviva , and others he p maintain the bodys surviva . ergy are required.
In many instances, the number and type o organe es within T e detai s o active and passive transport o substances
ce s cause ce s to di er dramatica y in terms o their specia - across ce membranes are much easier to understand i you
ized unctions. keep in mind the o owing two key acts:
For examp e, ce s that contain arge numbers o mitochon-
dria, such as heart musc e ce s, are capab e o sustained work. 1. In passive transport processes, no ce u ar energy is
W hy? Because the numerous mitochondria ound in these required to move substances rom a high concentra-
ce s supp y the necessary energy required or rhythmic and tion to a ow concentration.
ongoing contractions o the heart. 2. In active transport processes, ce u ar energy is re-
Movement o the age um o a sperm ce is another ex- quired to move substances rom a ow concentration
amp e o how each type o organe e has a particu ar unction. to a high concentration.
CHAPTER 3 Cells 51

P a s s ive Tr a n s p o r t P ro c e s s e s Lump
of s uga r
T e primary passive transport processes that move sub-
stances through the ce membranes inc ude the o owing:
1. Di usion
2. Osmosis
3. Dia ysis
4. Fi tration
Scientists describe the movement o substances in passive
systems as going down a concentration gradient.T is means Time
that substances in passive systems move rom a region o high
concentration to a region o ow concentration unti they FIGURE 3-6 Di usion. The molecules o a lump o sugar are very
densely packed when they enter the water. As sugar molecules collide re-
reach equa proportions on both sides o the membrane. As quently in the area o high concentration, they gradually spread away rom
you read the next ew paragraphs, re er to Table 3-2, which each othertoward the area o lower concentration. Eventually, the sugar
summarizes important in ormation about passive transport molecules become evenly distributed.

D i u s io n o demonstrate di usion o partic es throughout a uid,

D if usiona good examp e o a passive transport processis per orm this simp e experiment the next time you pour your-
the process by which substances scatter themse ves even y se a cup o co ee or tea (Figure 3-6). P ace some sugar on a
throughout an avai ab e space. T e system does not require teaspoon and ower it gent y to the bottom o the cup. Let it
additiona energy or this movement. Di usion can thus be stand or 2 or 3 minutes, and then, ho ding the cup steady,
described as a trend o movement o partic es down a concen- take a sip o the top. It wi taste sweet. W hy? Because some
tration gradientthat is, net movement rom an area o high o the sugar mo ecu es wi have di used rom the area o high
concentration toward an area o ower concentration. concentration near the mound o sugar at the bottom o the 3
TABLE 3-2 Passive Transport
Di us ion Move m e nt o particle s through a m e m - Move m e nt o carbon dioxide out o all ce lls ;
brane rom an are a o high conce ntration m ove m e nt o s odium ions into ne rve
to an are a o low conce ntrationthat is , ce lls as they conduct an im puls e
dow n the conce ntration gradie nt

Os m os is Pas s ive m ove m e nt o wate r through a Move m e nt o wate r into and out o ce lls to
s e le ctive ly pe rm e able m e m brane in the corre ct im balance s in wate r
pre s e nce o at le as t one nonpe ne trating conce ntration
s olute

Filtration Move m e nt o wate r and s m all s olute parti- In the kidney, wate r and s m all s olute s
cle s , but not large r particle s , through a m ove rom blood ve s s e ls but blood pro-
f ltration m e m brane ; m ove m e nt occurs te ins and blood ce lls do not, thus be gin-
rom are a o high pre s s ure to are a o ning the orm ation o urine
low pre s s ure

High Low
pre s s ure pre s s ure
52 CHAPTER 3 Cells

cup to the area o ow concentration at the top o the

cupthus sweetening the entire so ution.
Assume that the tea is brewed using a tea bag made o Me mbra ne 7.5%
5% 10% (pe rme a ble a lbumin
shredded tea eaves inside a pouch o porous f ter paper.. a lbumin a lbumin to H2 O, 7.5%
One can easi y watch the di usion o dark pigment parti- not a lbumin) a lbumin
c es rom a concentrated area inside the tea bag to the esss
concentrated area in the water outside the tea bag. T us,, H 2O H 2O
the pigment partic es moved through a membrane (the
paper) by di usionthe tendency to spread out and create
a uni orm concentration or equilibrium.
T e key to di usion across a membrane is the presence Ne t os mos is Equilibrium
o pores big enough or the partic es to pass through. In Time
ce membranes, most mo ecu es cannot pass through the
membrane un ess there are gateways that permit it. Various FIGURE 3-8 Osmosis. The solute albumin cannot cross the semipermeable
membrane, but water can. The resulting movement o water (only) produces
protein channe s act as gated doorways that permit certain
equilibration o the solutions, as water moves away rom the side where it is
mo ecu es to di use through them. O ther protein struc- most abundant and toward the solution with more solute particles. Osmosis also
tures act as carriers that bind to the partic es and carry causes a shi t in f uid volume and pressure (osmotic pressure).
them through to the other side o the membrane. W ithout
these transporters, most solutes (substances disso ved in
the water) cou d not di use through ce membranes. mo ecu es. T is necessary property permits some substances,
T e process o di usion is shown in Figure 3-7. Note that such as nutrients, to gain entrance to the ce whi e exc uding
both substances di use rapid y through the porous membrane others.
in both directions. H owever, as indicated by the purp e arrows,
more o the so ute (disso ved substance) moves out o the 20% O s m o s is
3 so ution, where the concentration is higher, into the 10% so u- Osmosis is a specia case o passive transport. It is in many
tion, where the concentration is ower, than in the opposite ways simi ar to di usion, but is thought to invo ve unique
direction. T is is an examp e o movement down a concentra- mechanisms at the pores o ce membranes.
tion gradient. Osmosis is the passive movement o water molecules
T e resu t? Equilibration or ba ancing o the concentra- through water channe s in a se ective y permeab e membrane
tions o the two so utions a ter an interva o time. A ter this when some o the solute cannot cross the membrane (because
equi ibrium is reached, equa amounts o so ute wi di use in there are no open channe s or carriers or that so ute).
both directions. Figure 3-8 shows that osmosis moves water in a direction that
T e p asma membrane o a ce is said to be selectively per- resu ts in di ution o so ution to a type o equi ibrium ca ed
meable because it permits the passage o certain substances but osmotic balance.
not others. Put another way, the membrane has specif c chan- In osmosis, because water moves into a space but there is
nels and carriers to a ow di usion o specif c kinds o no exchange o so utes, a change in uid pressure may resu t.
Such uid pressure is ca ed osmotic pressure.
Me mbra ne
(pe rme a ble to H2 O a nd s olute )
D ia ly s is
In a process ca ed dialysis, some so utes move across a
se ective y permeab e membrane by di usion and other
10% s olute 20% s olute 15% s olute 15% s olute so utes do not (Figure 3-9). T us, dia ysis resu ts in an un-
even distribution o various so utes.
S olute S olute Dia ysis is o ten used as a medica procedure in which
b oood is pumped through membranous tubing bathed in a
H2 O
so ution that mimics norma body uids. Because the
H2 O
sma waste mo ecu es norma y removed by the kidney
di use into the bath so ution, but the arger proteins in the
Diffus ion Equilibrium b ood cannot di use, such dia ysis can sa e y c ean the
b ood o waste.
Time Another strategy is to instead pump the bath so ution
into the uid space o the abdominope vic cavity to accept
FIGURE 3-7 Di usion through a membrane. Note that the membrane is the b oods wastes by dia ysis. A ter some time, the dirty
permeable to solute and water and that it separates a 10% solution o solute
particles rom a 20% solution. The container on the le t shows the two solutions so ution is then pumped back out o the body.
separated by the membrane at the start o di usion. The container on the right T ese dia ysis procedures can be used when the kidney
shows the result o di usion a ter some time has passed. is not unctioning e cient y.
CHAPTER 3 Cells 53


The inte rnal uid e nvironm e nt o the body is m os tly a we ak
s olution o s alts s uch as NaCl and othe r s olute s as is the H2 O
s olution ins ide e ach ce ll o the body. Os m otic balance is m ain-
taine d through hom e os tas is . Howeve r, dis ruptions o hom e o-
s tas is can caus e pote ntially dange rous m ove m e nt o wate r
and re s ulting s hi ts in pre s s ure . He re , we explore exam ple s o
w hat can go w rong.
A NaCl solution is said to be isotonic (iso equal) i it con- Hypotonic s olution
tains the same concentration o salt normally ound in a living red (ce lls lys e )
blood cell, which measures 0.9% NaCl. Salt particles (Na and
Cl ions) do not cross the plasma membrane easily, so salt solu-
tions that di er in concentration rom the cells uid will promote
the osmosis o water one way or the other. A solution that con- Is otonic s olution
tains a higher level o salt than the cell (above 0.9% ) is said to be
hypertonic (hyper above) to the cell and one containing less
(below 0.9% ) is hypotonic (hypo below) to the cell. the surrounding salty solutionand
With w hat you now know about f ltration, di us ion, and the ce lls s hrink. This proce ss is called
os m os is , can you pre dict w hat would occur i re d blood ce lls crenatio n be cause unde r a micros cope ,
Hype rtonic s olution
we re place d in is otonic, hypotonic, and hype rtonic s olutions ? the se shrive le d ce lls appear to have a (ce lls cre na te )
Examine the f gure s. Note that re d blood ce lls place d in iso- cre nate d (scallope d) borde r.
tonic solution rem ain unchange d be caus e the re is no e ective The oppos ite occurs i re d ce lls are
di ere nce in s alt or wate r conce ntrations . The movem e nt o
water into and out o the ce lls is about e qual. This is not the case
place d in a hypotonic s olutionthe ce lls s we ll as wate r e nte rs
rom the s urrounding dilute s olution. Eve ntually the ce lls bre ak
w hen red ce lls are place d in hype rtonic salt solution. In this or lys e , and the he m oglobin they contain is re le as e d into the
case , the ce lls imm ediate ly lose wate r rom their cytoplas m into s urrounding s olution.

Filt r a t io n A princip e concerning f tration that is o great physio og-

Filtration is the movement o water and so utes through a ica importance is that it a ways occurs down a hydrostatic
membrane as a resu t o a pushing orce that is greater on one pressure gradient. T is means that when two uids have un-
side o the membrane than on the other side. T e orce is equa hydrostatic pressures and are separated by a membrane,
ca ed hydrostatic pressure, which is simp y the orce or weight water and di usib e so utes or partic es (those to which the
o a uid pushing against some sur ace (an examp e is b ood membrane is permeab e) wi f ter out o the so ution that has
pressure, in which b ood pushes against vesse wa s). the higher hydrostatic pressure into the so ution that has the
ower hydrostatic pressure.
Fi tration is part y responsib e or moving water and sma
so utes rom b ood into the uid spaces o the bodys tissues.
Fi tration is one o the processes responsib e or urine orma-
tion in the kidney. Disso ved waste partic es are f tered out o
Dia lys is the b ood into the kidney tubu es because o a di erence in
ba g
Glucos e
hydrostatic pressure.
Wa te r Ac t ive Tr a n s p o r t P ro c e s s e s
Active transport is the uphi movement o a substance
through a iving ce membrane. Uphill means up a concen-
Time tration gradient (that is, rom a ower to a higher concentra-
tion). T e energy required or this movement is obtained
FIGURE 3-9 Dialysis. A membrane bag containing glucose, water, and rom A P. Because the ormation and breakdown o A P
albumin (protein) molecules is suspended in pure water. Over time, the smaller
solute molecules (glucose) di use out o the bag. The larger solute molecules require ce activity, active transport mechanisms occur on y
(albumin) remain trapped in the bag because the bag is impermeable to them. through iving membranes. Table 3-3 summarizes active trans-
Thus dialysis results in separation o small and large solute particles. port processes.
54 CHAPTER 3 Cells

TABLE 3-3 Active Transport Processes

Ion pum p Move m e nt o s olute particle s rom an are a o In m us cle ce lls , pum ping o ne arly all
low conce ntration to an are a o high conce n- calcium ions to s pe cial com partm e nts
tration (up the conce ntration gradie nt) by or out o the ce ll
m e ans o a carrie r prote in s tructure


Phagocytos is Move m e nt o a ce ll or othe r large particle into a Trapping o bacte rial ce lls by phagocytic
ce ll by trapping it in a s e ction o plas m a m e m - w hite blood ce lls
brane that pinche s o ins ide the ce ll

Pinocytos is Move m e nt o uid and dis s olve d m ole cule s into Trapping o large prote in m ole cule s by s om e
a ce ll by trapping the m in a s e ction o plas m a body ce lls
m e m brane that pinche s o ins ide the ce ll

3 Io n P u m p s Greek word meaning to eat.T e word is appropriate because

A comp ex membrane component ca ed the ion pump makes this process permits a ce to engu and itera y eat re ative y
possib e a number o active transport mechanisms. An ion arge partic es.
pump is a protein structure in the ce membrane ca ed a Certain white b ood ce s can use phagocytosis to destroy
carrier. T e ion pump uses energy rom A P to active y move invading bacteria and chunks o debris rom tissue damage.
ions across ce membranes against their concentration gradi- D uring this process the cytoske eton extends the ce s p asma
ents. Pump is an appropriate term because it suggests that membrane to orm a pocket around the partic es to be moved
active transport moves a substance in an uphi direction just
as a water pump does, that is, moves water uphi . Extrac e llular
An ion pump is specif c to one particu ar ion. T ere ore, S odium-pota s s ium K; K;
di erent ion pumps are required to move di erent types o ATP a s e
ions. For examp e, sodium pumps move sodium ions on y.
Likewise, ca cium pumps move ca cium ions and potassium
pumps move potassium ions.
Some ion pumps are coup ed to one another so that two
or more di erent substances may be moved through the ce ATP
Na+ P
membrane at one time. For examp e, the sodium-potassium Na+ Na+ ADP
Intrac e llular
pump shown in Figure 3-10 pumps sodium ions out o a ce
whi e it pumps potassium ions into the ce . Because both ions
are moved against their concentration gradients, this pump
Na+ Na+
creates a high sodium concentration outside the ce and a
high potassium concentration inside the ce . Such a pump is Na+
required to remove sodium rom the inside o a nerve ce a ter
it has rushed in as a resu t o the passage o a nerve impu se.
Some ion pumps are coup ed with other specif c carriers
that transport g ucose, amino acids, and other substances.
H owever, there are no transporter pumps or moving water P
it can move on y passive y by osmosis.

P h a g o c y t o s is FIGURE 3-10 Sodium-potassium pump. Three sodium ions (Na ) are

pumped out o the cell and two potassium ions (K ) are pumped into the cell
Phagocytosis is another examp e o how a ce can active y during one pumping cycle o this carrier molecule. Adenosine triphosphate
move an object or substance through the p asma membrane (ATP) is broken down in the process so that the energy reed rom ATP can
and into the cytop asm. T e term phagocytosis comes rom a be used to pump the ions. ADP, Adenosine diphosphate.
CHAPTER 3 Cells 55

a ppa ra tus

Pa rticle

Me mbra ne -
ve s icle

Lys os ome
Fus ion of FIGURE 3-11 Phagocytosis. Phagocytosis
ve s icle with is an active transport mechanism that requires
lys os ome expenditure o energy. Note how an extension o
cytoplasm envelops the particles, which are drawn
through the cell membrane and into the cytoplasm,
where they are digested.
Dige s tion
by e nzyme s

transport o C out o ce s resu ts in the re ease o water as
we . In CF, the mucus and other watery secretions o ce s get
very thick because they contain very itt e water. In the ungs,
this thick mucus impairs norma breathing and requent y
into the ce and thus enc oses the materia in a vesic e. Move- eads to recurring ung in ections.
ments o the cytoske eton pu the vesic e deeper into the ce . Figure 3-12 shows a newborn with severe CF. Because o the
Once inside the cytop asm, the phagocytic vesic e uses di cu ty with breathing and digestion and other prob ems
with a ysosome containing digestive enzymes and the parti- caused by the disease, the a ected chi d has not deve oped
c es are broken apart (Figure 3-11). norma y and has a b oated ab-
domen. Digestion is compro-
P in o c y t o s is mised by thick pancreatic secre-
Pinocytosis is an active transport mechanism used to incor- tions that may p ug the duct
porate uids or disso ved substances into ce s by trapping eading rom the pancreas and
them in a pocket o p asma membrane that pinches o inside thereby prevent important di-
the ce . Again, the term is appropriate because the word part gestive juices rom owing into
pino comes rom the Greek word meaning drink. the intestines. T ickened mucus
Because the cytoske eton uses energy rom A P to pro- can a so cause intestina b ock-
duce the movements o both pinocytosis and phagocytosis, age and disrupt norma absorp-
these processes are active transport mechanisms. tion o nutrients.

C e ll Tr a n s p o r t a n d D is e a s e FIGURE 3-12 Cystic f brosis. In

Considering the importance o active and passive transport cystic brosis (CF), the absence o chlo-
ride ion pumps causes thickening o
processes to ce surviva , you can imagine the prob ems that watery secretions in the body. Because
arise when one o these processes ai s. Severa very severe thickened secretions block airways, in-
diseases resu t rom damage to ce transport processes. testines, and digestive ducts, children
Cystic brosis (CF), or examp e, is an inherited condition born with this disease o ten become
in which ch oride ion (C ) pumps in the p asma membrane weakened and bloatedand, without
treatment, may die be ore adulthood.
are mis o ded and not unctioning proper y. Movement o Recent availability o advanced CF ther- R L
negative C ions attracts positive sodium ions (Na ), which apies has increased the quality and
in turn osmotica y attract water mo ecu es. T ere ore, length o li e in CF patients. I
56 CHAPTER 3 Cells

Advances in treatment o CF have great y improved sur-

Ea ch DNA mole cule
vivabi ity and qua ity o i e in many CF patients. As our un-
derstanding o CFs ce u ar mechanisms increases, there is
Ma de up of
rea hope or even more improvements in the near uture
perhaps inc uding gene therapy (see Chapter 25).
Cholera is a bacteria in ection that causes ce s ining the Ge ne s
intestines to eak C . In cho era, water o ows C out o the
ce s by osmosis, causing severe diarrhea and the resu ting oss Copie d a s RNA tra ns cripts
o water by the body. Death can occur in a ew hours i treat- (tra ns cription)
ment is not received.
As you can see, a working know edge o ce transport is
needed to understand the mechanisms o a number o medica
conditions. Coding RNA Noncoding RNA

(tra ns la tion)
Dicta te s prote in
1. Wh a t a re th e d i e re n ce s b e tw e e n p a s s ive a n d a ctive s ynthe s is, S upports
tra n s p o rt p ro ce s s e s ? which de te rmine s or re gula te s
2. Wh a t is d i u s io n ? Wh a t is o s m o s is ? s tructure of
3. Ho w d o e s a n io n p u m p w o rk? Ho w d o a u lty io n p u m p s
ca u s e d is e a s e ?
4. Ho w d o p h a g o cyto s is a n d p in o cyto s is d i e r?

S tructura l Functiona l
prote ins of ce ll prote ins of ce ll

C e ll G ro w t h a n d Re p ro d u c t io n
3 C e ll G ro w t h
De te rmine De te rmine

For norma growth and maintenance, the ce must continu-

S tructure of ce ll Functions of ce ll
a y produce the many diverse structura and unctiona pro-
teins needed or human i e. T e unctiona proteins then
synthesize carbohydrates and ipids and he p regu ate a ce FIGURE 3-13 Function o genes. Genes copied rom deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) are copied to ribonucleic acid (RNA) in a process called transcrip-
unctions. tion. The RNA transcripts are then used in a process called translation, in
T e two nucleic acids deoxyribonucleic acid (D NA) and which a code that determines the sequence o amino acids is translated to
ribonucleic acid (RNA) p ay crucia ro es in directing protein orm a protein. The structure o the resulting protein determines the role o
synthesis in each ce . We start our story o ce growth and the protein in body structure and unctionand ultimately, the structure and
reproduction with these amazing mo ecu es. unction o the body.

DNA As you can see in Figure 2-14 (p. 35), each step in the
Chromosomes, which are composed arge y o DNA, contain D NA adder consists o a pair o bases. O n y two combina-
the in ormation needed to make a the proteins o the ce s tions o bases occur, and the same two bases always pair o
the in ormation that a ows a ce to ive and unction nor- with each other in a D NA mo ecu e. Adenine a ways binds
ma y. T e genetic code contained in segments o the DNA to thymine, and cytosine a ways binds to guanine. T is
mo ecu es that are ca ed genes u timate y determines the characteristic o D NA structure is ca ed complementary
structure and unction o a ce s (Figure 3-13). T is coded in- base pairing.
ormation can be transmitted to generations o ce s and A gene is a specif c segment o base pairs in a chromosome.
eventua y to o spring. A though the types o base pairs in a chromosomes are the
Structura y, the DNA mo ecu e resemb es a ong, narrow same, the order or sequence o base pairs is not the same. T is
adder made o a p iab e materia . It is twisted round and act has tremendous unctiona importance because it is the
round its axis, taking on the shape o a doub e he ix (see sequence o base pairs in each gene o each chromosome that
Figure 2-14, p. 35). determines the genetic code.
Each DNA mo ecu e is made o many sma er units ca ed Most genes direct the synthesis o at east one kind o
nucleotides. Each nuc eotide is made up o a sugar, a phosphate, protein mo ecu e. Each protein may unction, or examp e, as
and a base (see Table 2-4 on p. 35). T e bases are adenine, an enzyme, a structura component o a ce , or a specif c hor-
thymine, guanine, and cytosine. T ese nitrogen-containing mone. O r it may combine with other protein mo ecu esor
chemica s are ca ed bases because by themse ves they have a even with carbohydrates or ipidsto orm any number o
high pH and chemica s with a high pH are ca ed bases (see arge, comp ex mo ecu es such as quaternary proteins, g yco-
p. 30 or a discussion o acids and bases). proteins, proteog ycans, or ipoproteins.
CHAPTER 3 Cells 57

T e enzymes and other unctiona mo ecu es produced by component. In RNA nuc eotide subunits, the base uraci
protein synthesis aci itate and regu ate ce u ar chemica reac- substitutes or the base thymine. T e types o RNA discussed
tions that drive a the unctions o ce sand thereby a the here are a sing e-stranded mo ecu esnot doub e-stranded
unctions o the body. ike DNA. H owever, short doub e-stranded RNA mo ecu es
In humans having 46 nuc ear chromosomes and one kind a so exist in nature.
o mitochondria chromosome in each body ce , DNA has a Table 3-4 ists the major types o RNA invo ved in protein
content o genetic in ormation tota ing about 3 billion base synthesis.
pairs in perhaps 19,000 or so protein-coding genes. Sections
o DNA that do not code or protein structure have other P ro t e in S y n t h e s is
unctions, which inc ude regu ation o turning genes on and T e process o trans erring genetic in ormation rom the nu-
o and regu ating protein synthesis. T is means that over a c eus into the cytop asm, where proteins are actua y pro-
bi ion bits o in ormation are inherited rom each o our two duced, requires comp etion o two steps ca ed transcription
bio ogica parents. Is it any wonder, then, with a o this ge- and translation.
netic in ormation packed into each o our ce s, that we are
such comp ex organisms? Transcription
D uring transcription the doub e-stranded DNA mo ecu e
RN A separates or unwinds, and a specia type o RNA ca ed
T e genetic in ormation contained in protein-coding genes is messenger RNA (mRNA) is ormed (Figure 3-14, Step 1).
capab e o directing the synthesis o a specif c protein. Some Each strand o mRNA is a comp ementary copy o a particu-
genes instead contain in ormation needed to bui d regu atory ar gene sequence a ong one o the new y separated DNA
types o RNA mo ecu es. spira s. T e messenger RNA is said to have been transcribed
Regu atory RNA mo ecu es act as unctiona mo ecu es that or copied rom its DNA mo d or temp ate. T e mRNA then
a ect some o the chemica processes in a ce . For examp e, unctions as a temporary working copy o the genetic in or-
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) mo ecu es orm most o the ribosomes mation in a gene rom DNA.
protein-synthesizing structure and other RNA mo ecu es that T e mRNA transcripts pass rom the nuc eus to the cyto- 3
serve as temporary working copies o genetic code. p asm to direct protein synthesis in the ribosomes (Figure 3-14,
Most o the DNA, with its genetic code that dictates di- Step 2).
rections or protein synthesis, is contained in the nuc eus o
the ce . T e actua process o protein synthesis, however, oc- Translation
curs at ribosomes in the cytop asm and on ER. Another nu- ranslation is the process o trans ating the genetic code in
c eic acid, RNA, copies this genetic in ormation rom the the mRNA transcript to synthesize a protein. rans ation oc-
nuc eus and carries it to the cytop asm. RNA a so may be an curs within ribosomes, which attach around the mRNA
end product ormed in the nuc eus using the DNA code and strands in the cytop asm. T e ribosomes move a ong the
transported out to the cytop asm, where it regu ates various mRNA transcript and read the in ormation encoded there
unctions o the ce . to direct the choice and sequencing o the appropriate chemi-
Both RNA and DNA are composed o nuc eotide sub- ca bui ding b ocks ca ed amino acids.
units made up o a sugar, a phosphate, and one o our bases. First, the two subunits o a ribosome attach at the begin-
RNA subunits, however, contain a di erent sugar and base ning o the mRNA mo ecu e (Figure 3-14, Step 3). Reca that
ribosomes are themse ves made most y o
RNAribosoma RNA (rRNA). T e ribo-
TABLE 3-4 Types o RNA* some then moves down the mRNA strand
ROLE IN CELL as amino acids are assemb ed into their
ACRONYM NAME DES CRIPTION FUNCTION proper sequence (Figure 3-14, Step 4).
m RNA Me s s e nge r Single , un olde d s trand Se rve s as working copy o rans er RNA (tRNA) mo ecu es assist
RNA o nucle otide s one prote in-coding ge ne the process by bringing specif c amino acids
rRNA Ribos om al Single , olde d s trand Com pone nt o the ribos om e in to dockat each codon a ong the mRNA
RNA o nucle otide s (along w ith prote ins ); strand. A codon is a series o three nuc eo-
attache s to m RNA and tide basesa trip etthat acts as a code
participate s in trans lation representing a specif c amino acid. Each
tRNA Trans e r Single , olde d s trand Carrie s a s pe cif c am ino gene encoded in the mRNA is made up o
RNA o nucle otide s ; has acid to a s pe cif c codon a series o codons that te the ce the se-
an anticodon at one o m RNA at the ribos om e quence o amino acids to string together to
e nd and an am ino during trans lation orm a protein strand. Each tRNA inc udes
acidbinding s ite at an anticodon segment at one end, which is
the othe r e nd a comp ementary sequence o three bases
*Ce lls contain othe r type s o RNA that pe r orm com plex unctions beyond the s cope o this book. that a ows the tRNA to recognize the
58 CHAPTER 3 Cells

1 particu ar codon or the type o amino

P rote in s ynthe s is be gins with acid carried by that tRNA mo ecu e (see

Nucle us transcription, a process in which an

Figure 3-14, inset).

(s ite of 1 mRNA mole cule forms a long one

T e strand o amino acids ormed

tra ns cription) gene se que nce of a DNA molecule

within the ce lls nucle us. As it is during trans ation then o ds on itse

mRNA forme d, the mRNA mole cule
DNA and perhaps even combines with another
s e pa ra te s from the DNA mole cule.
strand to orm a comp ete protein mo -
ecu e (see Figure 2-12, p. 34). T e specif c,
2 Nucle a r e nve lope
comp ex shape o each type o protein
The mRNA tra ns cript the n mo ecu e a ows the mo ecu e to per orm
le ave s the nucle us through 2 specif c unctions in the ce . It is c ear
the la rge nucle a r pore s. mRNA tra ns porte d that because DNA directs the shape o

out of nucle us

each protein, DNA a so directs the unc-

3 tion o each protein in a ce (see

S ma ll

Figure 3-13).

ribos ome
Nucle a r unit
pore s Protein Synthesis and Disease
3 Many diseases have a ce u ar basis. T at
La rge ribos ome unit
Outs ide the
nucle us, ribos ome
is, they are basica y ce prob ems even
Growing s ubunits a tta ch to though they may a ect the entire body.
polype ptide cha in the be ginning of Because individua ce s are members o
the mRNA
mole cule a nd
an interacting community o ce s, it is
Anticodon be gin the proce s s no wonder that a prob em in just a ew
(mRNA binding s ite ) of tra ns la tion. ce s can have a ripp e e ect that in u-
3 Pe ptide
bonds ences the entire body. Most o these ce
prob ems can be traced to abnorma ities
Cytopla s m
(s ite of tra ns la tion) in the DNA itse or in the process by
Amino a cid which DNA in ormation is transcribed

tRNA binding s ite


and trans ated into proteins.


In individua s with inherited diseases,


4 abnorma DNA rom one or both par-

Pe ptide ents may cause production o dys unc-


tiona proteins in certain ce s or prevent



a vita protein rom being synthesized.



Amino For examp e, DNA may contain a mis-


a cids

take in its genetic code that prevents


production o norma b ood-c otting

proteins. Def ciency o these essentia


A proteins resu ts in excessive, uncontro -

ab e b eedinga condition ca ed hemo-

Dire ction of
philia (see Chapters 13 and 25).

ribos ome
a dva nce

4 Chemica or mechanica irritants, ra-


In tra ns la tion, tRNA mole cule s diation, bacteria, viruses, and other actors

bring s pe cific a mino a cids, C

e ncode d by e a ch mRNA codon, U can direct y damage DNA mo ecu es and
into pla ce a t the ribos ome s ite . As U
thus disrupt a ce s norma unction. For
the a mino a cids a re brought into examp e, the human immunode ciency vi-
the prope r s e que nce, they a re
joine d toge the r by pe ptide bonds
rus (HIV) eventua y inserts its own ge-
to form long s tra nds ca lle d netic codes into the DNA o certain ce s.
polype ptide s. T e vira codes trigger synthesis o vira
mo ecu es, detouring raw materia s in-
tended or use in bui ding norma human
products. T is does two things: it prevents
FIGURE 3-14 Protein synthesis. Steps show transcription o the DNA code to mRNA and subse-
quent translation o the mRNA at the ribosome to assemble a polypeptide. Several polypeptide chains human white b ood ce s rom per orm-
may be needed to make a complete protein molecule. DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid; mRNA, messenger ing their norma unctions, and it pro-
RNA (ribonucleic acid); tRNA, trans er RNA. vides a mechanism by which the virus can
CHAPTER 3 Cells 59


The s um total o all o the DNA in e ach ce ll o the body is calle d With the hum an ge nom e alre ady m appe d, m any s cie ntis ts
the ge no m e . Inte ns e , coordinate d e orts by s cie ntis ts re - are working now to f ll in the de tails conce rning the m any
ce ntly m appe d all o the ge ne locations in the hum an ge nom e . ge ne s and ge ne variants ound in the hum an ge nom e . An o -
E orts at re ading the di e re nt ge ne tic code s pos s ible at e ach s hoot o the HGP is ENCODE, The Encyclope dia o DNA Ele -
location are s till unde rway. m e nts . ENCODE s cie ntis ts have m appe d large re gions o DNA
Much o the work o m apping the hum an ge nom e was be twe e n the ge ne s that contain a rich and com plex as s ort-
done as part o the Hum an Ge nom e Proje ct (HGP), w hich was m e nt o s w itche s that re gulate ge ne activity.
s tarte d in 1990. Be s ide s producing a hum an ge ne tic m ap and Many s cie ntis ts are als o working in the e m e rging f e ld o
deve loping tools o ge ne tic m apping, a f e ld calle d ge nom ics , prote om ics the s tudy o all the prote ins e ncode d by e ach o
the HGP als o addre s s e s the e thical, le gal, and s ocial is s ue s the ge ne s o the hum an ge nom e .
that m ay aris e a notable f rs t or s uch a m as s ive s cie ntif c
re s e arch e ort.

reproduce itse and spread to other ce s. W hen enough ce s o W hen a DNA mo ecu e is not rep icating, it has the shape
the human immune system are a ected, they can no onger o a tight y coi ed doub e he ix. As it begins rep ication, short
protect us rom in ections and cancera condition that may segments o the DNA mo ecu e uncoi and the two strands o
eventua y ead to death. the mo ecu e pu apart between their base pairs. T e sepa-
T e genetic basis or disease discussed brie y in Chapter 6 rated strands there ore contain unpaired bases.
is more u y exp ained in Chapter 25. Each unpaired base in each o the two separated strands
attracts its comp ementary base (in the nuc eop asm) and 3
binds to it. Specif ca y, each adenine attracts and binds to a
C e ll Re p ro d u c t io n
thymine, and each cytosine attracts and binds to a guanine.
C e ll Li e Cyc le T ese steps are repeated over and over throughout the ength
T e process o ce reproduction is one part o the ce s i e o the DNA mo ecu e. T us each ha o a DNA mo ecu e
cyc e. It invo ves the division o the ce into two genetica y becomes a who e DNA mo ecu e identica to the origina
identica daughter ce s. Ce reproduction thus requires divi- DNA mo ecu e.
sion o the nuc eusa process ca ed mitosisand division o A ter DNA rep ication is comp ete, the ce continues to
the cytop asm. grow unti it is ready or the f rst phase o mitosis.
As you can see in Figure 3-15, when a ce is not dividing, but
instead going about its usua unctions, it is in a period o its M it o s is
i e cyc e ca ed interphase. Mitosis is the process o dividing the rep icated genetic
Interphase inc udes the initia growing stages o a new y materia the DNAo the nuc eus in an order y way so that
ormed ce , in which a ce is busy with protein synthesis and each resu ting daughter ce has a comp ete identica set.
other growth and maintenance unctions. T is initia growth
period o interphase is o owed by a period during which the Prophase
ce prepares or possib e ce division. Look at Figure 3-15 and note the changes that identi y the f rst
D uring interphase, the ce is said to be resting. H owever, stage o mitosis, prophase. T e chromatin becomes orga-
it is resting on y rom the standpoint o active ce division. In nized. Chromosomes in the nuc eus have ormed two strands
a other aspects it is exceeding y active. D uring interphase ca ed chromatids. Note that the two chromatids are he d
and just be ore mitosis begins, the DNA o each chromosome together by a bead ike structure ca ed the centromere. In the
makes an identica copy o itse . T e ce then enters another cytop asm the centrio es are moving away rom each other as
growth period o interphase be ore it begins to active y a network o tubu es ca ed spindle bers orms between
divide. them. T ese spind e f bers serve as guidewires and assist the
chromosomes to move toward opposite ends o the ce ater
D N A Re p lic a t io n in mitosis.
D NA mo ecu es are somewhat unusua in that, un ike most
mo ecu es in nature, they can make identica copies o Metaphase
themse vesa process ca ed D NA replication. Be ore a By the time metaphase begins, the nuc ear enve ope and nu-
ce divides to orm two new ce s, each D NA mo ecu e in c eo us have disappeared. Note in Figure 3-15 that the chromo-
its nuc eus orms another D NA mo ecu e just ike itse . somes have a igned themse ves across the center o the ce .
60 CHAPTER 3 Cells

1 Nucle olus
INTERPHAS E Mitochondrion
Ce ll growth Nucle us Chroma tin PROPHAS E
Re plica tion of chromos ome s
Ce ll not a ctive ly dividing Ce ntriole The chromatin
Golgi condenses into visible
a ppa ra tus chromos ome s
Nucle olus Chromos ome s Chroma tids become
1 a tta che d a t the
ce ntrome re
S pindle fibe rs a ppe a r
Ce ntrome re The nucle olus a nd
(Early) nucle a r e nve lope
dis a ppe a r
Daug hte r c e lls
5 Chroma tids
The nucle a r (Late )
e nve lope a nd both Ce ntriole S pindle
nucle i a ppe a r be rs
The cytopla s m a nd
orga ne lle s divide
e qua lly
Cle ava ge
The proce s s of ce ll
divis ion is furrow 4
comple te d Ce ntriole
Chromos ome s

S pindle fibe rs
3 S pindle fibe rs a tta ch to e a ch
chroma tid
4 Chromos ome s a lign a cros s
FIGURE 3-15 Cell li e cycle. Inter- the ce nte r of the ce ll
phase is ollowed by the our phases o
Ce ntrome re s bre a k a pa rt
mitosis, at the end o which the result- Chromos ome s move away
ing daughter cells enter interphase. For from the ce nte r of the ce ll
simplicity, only our chromosomes per The cle ava ge furrow a ppe a rs
cell are shown in the diagram.

A so, the centrio es have migrated to opposite ends o the ce , having identica genetic characteristics, are ormed. Each
and spind e f bers are attached to each chromatid. daughter ce is now in interphase, is u y unctiona , and wi
perhaps itse undergo mitotic ce division (ce reproduction)
Anaphase in the uture.
As anaphase begins, the bead ike centromeres, which were Now is a good time to review again the stages o mitosis
ho ding the paired chromatids together, break apart. As a re- summarized in Figure 3-15.
su t, the individua chromatids, identif ed once again as chro-
mosomes, move away rom the center o the ce . Movement Re s u lt s o C e ll D iv is io n
o chromosomes occurs a ong spind e f bers toward the cen- Mitotic ce division resu ts in the production o identica
trio es. Note in Figure 3-15 that chromosomes are being pu ed new ce s. D uring deve opmenta years, the addition o ce s
to opposite ends o the ce . he ps tissues and organs grow in size. D uring such periods o
A cleavage urrow that begins to divide the ce into two body growth, mitosis a so a ows groups o simi ar ce s to
daughter ce s can be seen or the f rst time at the end o dif erentiate or deve op into di erent tissues. T e next chap-
anaphase. ter exp ores the major types o tissues in the human body that
resu t rom di erentiation.
Telophase In the adu t, mitosis rep aces ce s that have become ost or
D uring telophase, ce division is comp eted. wo nuc ei ap- ess unctiona with age, as we as ce s damaged or destroyed
pear, and chromosomes become ess distinct and appear to by i ness or injury.
break up. As the nuc ear enve ope orms around the chroma-
tin, the c eavage urrow comp ete y divides the ce into two
parts. T e division o the p asma membrane and cytop asm
C h a n g e s in C e ll G ro w t h
surrounding the nuc eus is ca ed cytokinesis.
a n d Re p ro d u c t io n
Be ore division is comp ete, each nuc eus is surrounded by Ce s have the abi ity to adapt to changing conditions.
cytop asm in which organe es have been equa y distributed. Ce s may a ter their size, reproductive rate, or other char-
By the end o te ophase, two separate daughter ce s, each acteristics to adapt to changes in the interna environment.
CHAPTER 3 Cells 61


Scie ntis ts all ove r the world are curre ntly e n- S te m Adult s te m ce lls are undi e re ntiate d ce lls ound s cat-
gage d in inte ns ive re s e arch e orts to unrave l the ce ll te re d w ithin m ature tis s ue s throughout the body. Curre nt
biological s e cre ts o a s pe cial kind o undi e re nti- re s e arch s ugge s ts that all adult tis s ue s have s om e o
ate d ce ll calle d a s te m ce ll. As the illus tration the s e undi e re ntiate d ce lls that are capable o
s how s , s te m ce lls produce daughte r ce lls w ith producing any o the s pe cialize d ce ll
s pe cif c characte ris tics during the proce s s o type s w ithin its particular tis s ue .
di e re ntiatio n. Ste m ce lls m ay als o pro- Diffe re ntia tion Inje cting adult bone m arrow
duce additional daughte r s te m ce lls , s te m ce lls is a the rapy now be -
w hich m ay the n late r produce di e re nti- ing us e d to tre at patie nts w ith
ate d daughte r ce lls . le uke m ia or bone m arrow dam -
Em bryonic s te m ce lls , w hich are ob- Da ughte r age d by toxins or high-dos e
s te m ce lls Diffe re ntia te d
taine d rom a deve loping e m bryo, can be da ughte r ce lls x-ray. Curre nt re s e arch s ugge s ts
is olate d and culture d in the laboratory. Us ing that s om e adult s te m ce lls , like
com plex re s e arch m e thods , the s e prim itive ce lls e m bryonic s te m ce lls , can be
can the n be s tim ulate d to produce additional s te m ce lls or be coaxe d into producing a varie ty o di -
dire cte d to produce m any di e re nt kinds o di e re ntiate d e re nt type s o ce lls .
daughte r ce ll type s including ne rve , blood, m us cle , and vari- We w ill revis it the role o s te m ce lls in the body
ous type s o glandular tis s ue . and in the rapyin late r chapte rs .

Such adaptations usua y a ow ce s to work more e - period, musc es that move the arm o ten atrophy. Because the
cient y. H owever, sometimes ce s a ter their characteristics musc es are temporari y out o use, musc e ce s decrease in 3
abnorma ydecreasing their e ciency and threatening size. Atrophy a so may occur in tissues whose nutrient or oxy-
the hea th o the body. gen supp y is diminished.
Common types o changes in ce growth and reproduction Sometimes ce s respond to changes in the interna envi-
are summarized in Figure 3-16, and in Table 3-5. ronment by increasing their rate o reproductiona process
Ce s may respond to changes in unction, hormone sig- ca ed hyperplasia. T e word part -plasia comes rom a Greek
na s, or avai abi ity o nutrients by increasing or decreasing in word that means ormationre erring to ormation o new
size. T e term hypertrophy re ers to an increase in ce size, ce s. Because hyper means excessive, hyperplasia means ex-
and the term atrophy re ers to a decrease in ce size. cessive ce reproduction.
Either hypertrophy or atrophy can occur easi y in musc e
tissue. W hen a person continua y uses musc e ce s to pu
against heavy resistance, as in weight training, the ce s re-
spond by increasing in size. Bodybui ders thus increase the Alterations in Cell Growth and
size o their musc es by hypertrophyincreasing the size o TABLE 3-5
musc e ce s.
Atrophy o ten occurs in underused musc e ce s. For ex-
amp e, when a broken arm is immobi ized in a cast or a ong Change s in Grow th o Individual Ce lls
Hype rtrophy Incre as e in s ize o Stre ngth training s tim u-
individual ce lls late s incre as e in s ize o
Nucle us s ke le tal m us cle f be rs
Atrophy De cre as e in s ize o Im m obility o lim bs
Ba s e me nt me mbra ne
Norma l individual ce lls caus e s s ke le tal
m us cle s that m ove
lim bs to de cre as e in
s ize
Change s in Ce ll Re pro ductio n
Atrophy Hype rpla s ia
Hype rplas ia Incre as e in ce ll Skin tum or caus e s thick-
re production e ning o s kin by ove r-
production o s kin ce lls
Anaplas ia Production o abnor- Lung cance r caus e s pro-
m al, undi e re nti- duction o abnorm al
Hype rtrophy Ana pla s ia
ate d ce lls ce lls that do not unc-
tion prope rly
FIGURE 3-16 Alterations in cell growth and reproduction.
62 CHAPTER 3 Cells

FIGURE 3-17 Cancer. This depic- Like hypertrophy, hyperp asia causes an increase in the
tion o an abnormal mass o proli - size o a tissue or organ. H owever, hyperp asia is an increase
erating cells in the lining o lung in the number o cells rather than an increase in the size o
airways is a malignant tumor
lung cancer. Notice how some each ce . A common examp e o hyperp asia occurs in the
cancer cells are leaving the mi k-producing g ands o the ema e breast during preg-
tumor and entering the blood nancy. In response to hormone signa s, the g andu ar ce s
and lymph vessels. reproduce rapid y, preparing the breast or nursing.
I the body oses its abi ity to contro the ce i e cyc ece
growth, reproduction, di erentiation, and deathabnorma
hyperp asia may occur. T e new mass o ce s thus ormed is a
tumor or neoplasm.
Many neop asms a so exhibit a characteristic ca ed
anaplasia. Anap asia is a condition in which ce s change in
orientation to each other and ai to mature norma ythat is,
they ai to di erentiate into a specia ized ce type and appear
Re s pira tory e pithe lium Lung disorganized.
(ps e udos tra tifie d cilia te d) ca nce r Neop asms may be re ative y harm ess growths ca ed
benign tumors. I tumor ce s can break away and trave
through the b ood or ymphatic vesse s to other parts o the
body (Figure 3-17), the neop asm is a malignant tumor or
cancer. Neop asms are discussed urther in Chapter 6.

3 1. Ho w d o g e n e s d e te rm in e th e s tru ctu re a n d u n ctio n o th e
b o d y?
2. Wh a t a re th e m a in s te p s in m a kin g p ro te in s in th e ce ll?
3. Wh a t a re th e o u r p h a s e s o m ito tic ce ll d ivis io n ?
4. De s crib e hyp e rtro p hy, hyp e rp la s ia , a n d a tro p hy.

S mooth Conne ctive Blood Ca nce r Lympha tic

mus cle tis s ue ve s s e l ce lls ve s s e l

Re cognize d as a biologis t o un- ce ll divis ion, they provide clue s to the preve ntion and tre at-
us ual s kill and ge nius in the de - m e nt o dis e as e . For exam ple , pharm aco lo g is ts s tudy the
s ign o expe rim e nts , A rican- role o m e m brane re ce ptors that re gulate ce ll unctions and
Am e rican Erne s t Eve re tt Jus t was us e that in orm ation to de s ign drugs that can s tim ulate , block,
a pione e r in dis cove ring the role o or othe rw is e in ue nce the re ce ptors and the re by a e ct ce ll
the ce ll m e m brane in ce ll divis ion, unction. The s tudy o o nco lo gy (cance r biology) involve s ana-
e rtilization, and othe r deve lopm e n- lyzing the proce s s e s o m itotic ce ll divis ion that o te n ail to
tal proce s s e s . For exam ple , he was unction prope rly in cance r. Pro e s s ionals w ho s pe cialize in
the f rs t to de m ons trate that the m e dical ge ne tics he lp s ort out the m e chanis m s o cance r and
point w he re a s pe rm e nte rs an e gg m any othe r dis orde rs by s tudying how ge ne s in the nucle us
Ernest Everett Just ce ll be com e s the cle avage point and m itochondria a e ct ce ll s tructure and unction.
(1883-1941) obs e rve d as the e rtilize d e gg s plits The holis tic view o biology cham pione d a ce ntury ago by
during cytokine s is . One o the f rs t Dr. Jus t re cognize d eve n the n that ne arly eve ry unction we
re s e arche rs to s ucce s s ully s tudy groups o living and deve lop- s tudy and tre at in the he alth pro e s s ions is ce ll unction. Thus ,
ing ce lls not jus t s ingle , is olate d ce lls Jus t laid the ground- ne arly eve ry he alth pro e s s ion dire ctly or indire ctly re lie s on
work or uture bre akthroughs in cyto lo gy (the s tudy o ce lls ). unde rs tanding the bas ic principle s o ce ll biology.
As todays s cie ntis ts continue to work out the m any com -
plex role s o the plas m a m e m brane and the m e chanis m s o
CHAPTER 3 Cells 63

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 43)

cleavage urrow agellum mitosis

(KLEE-vij FUR-oh) ( ah-J EL-um) (my-TOH-sis)
[cleav- split, -age state, urrow trench] pl., agella [mitos- thread, -osis process]
codon ( ah-J EL-ah) nuclear envelope
(KOH-don) [ agellum whip] (NOO-klee-ar)
[cod- book, -on thing] gene [nucle- nucleus (kernel), -ar relating to]
complementary base pairing (jeen) nucleolus
(kom-pleh-MEN-tah-ree bays PAYR-ing) [gen- produce or generate] (noo-KLEE-oh-lus)
[comple- complete, -ment- process, genetics [nucleo- nucleus (kernel), -olus little]
-ary relating to] (jeh-NET-iks) nucleoplasm
cytokinesis [gene- produce, -ic relating to] (NOO-klee-oh-plaz-em)
(sye-toh-kin-EE-sis) genome [nucleo- nucleus (kernel), -plasm substance]
[cyto- cell, -kinesis movement] (J EE-nohm) nucleus
cytology [gen- produce (gene), -ome entire collection] (NOO-klee-us)
(sye-TOL-oh-jee) Golgi apparatus [nucleus kernel]
[cyto- cell, -log- words (study o ), -y activity] (GOL-jee ap-ah-RA-tus) organelle
cytoplasm [Camillo Golgi Italian histologist] (or-gah-NELL)
(SYE-toh-plaz-em) hypertonic [organ- tool or instrument, -elle small]
[cyto- cell, -plasm to mold] (hye-per-TON-ik) osmosis
cytoskeleton [hyper- excessive, -ton- tension, -ic relating to] (os-MOH-sis)
(sye-toh-SKEL-eh-ton) hypotonic [osmos- push, -osis process]
[cyto- cell, -skeleto- dried body] (hye-poh-TON-ik) passive transport 3
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) [hypo- under or below, -ton- tension, (PAS-iv TRANZ-port)
(dee-ok-see-rye-boh-nook-lay-ik AS-id -ic relating to] [pass- submit, -ive relating to, trans- across,
[dee en ay]) interphase -port carry]
[de- removed, -oxy- oxygen, -nucle- nucleus (IN-ter- ayz) phagocytosis
(kernel), -ic relating to, acid sour] [inter- between, -phase stage] ( ag-oh-sye-TOH-sis)
dialysis interstitial uid [phago- eat, -cyte- cell, -osis process]
(dye-AL-ih-sis) (in-ter-STISH-al FLOO-id) phospholipid
[dia- apart, -lysis loosening] [inter- between, -stit- stand, -al relating to] ( os- oh-LIP-id)
di erentiate isotonic [phospho- phosphorus, -lip- at, -id orm]
(di -er-EN-shee-ayt) (aye-soh-TON-ik) pinocytosis
[di erent- di erence, -ate action] [iso- equal, -ton- tension, -ic relating to] (pin-oh-sye-TOH-sis)
di erentiation lyse [pino- drink, -cyto- cell, -osis process]
(di -er-EN-shee-AY-shun) (lyze) plasma membrane
[di erent- di erence, -ation process] [lysis loosening] (PLAZ-mah MEM-brayn)
di usion lysosome [plasma substance, membrane thin skin]
(dih-FYOO-zhun) (LYE-soh-sohm) prophase
[dis- apart, - us- ow, -tion process] [lyso- dissolution, -som body] (PROH- ayz)
DNA replication messenger RNA (mRNA) [pro- f rst, -phase stage]
(D N A rep-lih-KAY-shun) (MES-en-jer ar en ay [em ar en ay]) ribonucleic acid (RNA)
[re- again, -plic- old, -ation process] [RNA- ribonucleic acid] (rye-boh-noo-KLAY-ik AS-id [ar en ay])
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) metaphase [ribo- ribose (sugar), nucle- nucleus, -ic relating
(en-doh-PLAZ-mik reh-TIK-yoo-lum [ee ar]) (MET-ah- ayz) to, acid sour]
[endo- inward or within, -plasm- to mold, [meta- change (place), -phase stage] ribosome
-ic relating to, ret- net, -ic- relating to, microvillus (RYE-boh-sohm)
-ul- little, -um thing] (my-kroh-VIL-us) [ribo- ribose or RNA, -som- body]
equilibrium pl., microvilli sodium-potassium pump
(ee-kwih-LIB-ree-um) (my-kroh-VIL-aye or my-kroh-VIL-ee) (SOH-dee-um poh-TAS-ee-um)
[equi- equal, -libr- balance, -um, thing] [micro- small, -villus shaggy hair] [sod- soda, -um thing or substance,
f ltration mitochondrion potas- potash, -um thing or substance]
(f l-TRAY-shun) (my-toh-KON-dree-on)
[f ltr- strain, -ation process] pl., mitochondria
[mito- thread, -chondrion granule] Continued on p. 64
64 CHAPTER 3 Cells

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 63)

solute tissue translation

(SOL-yoot) (TISH-yoo) (trans-LAY-shun)
[solut dissolved] [tissu abric] [translat- bring over, -tion process]
spindle f ber transcription transport process
(SPIN-dul FYE-ber) (trans-KRIP-shun) (TRANS-port PROH-ses)
stem cell [trans- across, -script- write, -tion process] [trans- across, -port carry]
(stem sel) trans er RNA (tRNA) vesicle
[stem tree trunk, cell storeroom] (TRANS- er ar en ay [tee ar en ay]) (VES-ih-kul)
telophase [RNA- ribonucleic acid] [vesic- blister, -cle little]
(TEL-oh- ayz or TEE-loh- ayz)
[telo- end, -phase stage]


anaplasia cholera neoplasm

(an-ah-PLAY-zhah) (KAHL-er-ah) (NEE-oh-plaz-em)
[ana- without, -plasia shape] [chole- bile, -a state] [neo- new, -plasm ormation]
3 atrophy crenation oncology
(AT-roh- ee) (kreh-NAY-shun) (ong-KAHL-oh-jee)
[a- without, -troph- nourishment, -y state] [crenat- scalloped or notched, -ation process] [onco- tumor, -log- words (study o ), -y activity]
benign tumor hyperplasia pharmacologist
(bee-NYNE TOO-mer) (hye-per-PLAY-zhah) ( ar-mah-KAHL-oh-jist)
[benign kind] [hyper- excessive, -plasia shape] [pharmaco- drug, -log- words (study o ),
cancer malignant tumor -ist agent]
(KAN-ser) (mah-LIG-nant TOO-mer)
[cancer crab or malignant tumor] [malign bad, -ant state; tumor swelling]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary B. Composition
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r 1. Ce s contain cytop asmsubstance ound on y in
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . ce s
2. O rgane es are specia ized structures within the
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to cytop asm
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 3. Ce interior is surrounded by a p asma membrane
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s C. Parts o the ce
or be ore a te s t. 1. P asma membrane (Figure 3-1)
a. Forms outer boundary o ce
b. Composed o a thin, two- ayered membrane o
Ce lls phospho ipids containing proteins
A. Size and shape c. Proteins and other mo ecu es embedded in mem-
1. H uman ce s vary considerab y in size brane can unction in transport, signa ing, se -
2. A are microscopic identif cation, anchoring o f bers, chemica
3. Ce s di er notab y in shape processing (enzymes), and more
CHAPTER 3 Cells 65

2. Cytop asm (Figure 3-2)interna ce uid and numer- (3) ai s o sperm ce s on y examp e o age a
ous organe es in humans
a. Ribosomes 3. Nuc eus
(1) Made o two tiny subunits o most y ribosoma a. Contro s ce because it contains DNA, the genetic
RNA codeinstructions or making proteins, which in
(2) May attach to rough ER or ie ree in turn determine ce structure and unction
cytop asm b. Component structures inc ude nuc ear enve ope,
(3) Manu acture enzymes and other protein nuc eop asm, nuc eo us, and chromatin granu es
compounds c. DNA mo ecu es become tight y coi ed chromo-
(4) O ten ca ed protein actories somes during ce division
b. Endop asmic reticu um (ER) d. Each ce has 46 chromosomes in the nuc eus
(1) Network o connecting sacs and cana s D. Re ationship o ce structure and unction
(2) Carry substances through uid cytop asm 1. Every human ce has a designated unctionsome
(3) wo typesrough and smooth he p maintain the ce ; others regu ate i e processes o
(4) Rough ER co ects, o ds, and transports pro- the body itse
teins made by ribosomes 2. Specia ized unctions o a ce di er depending on
(5) Smooth ER synthesizes chemica s; makes new number and type o organe es
c. Go gi apparatus (Figure 3-3) Move m e nts o S ubs tance s Thro ug h
(1) Group o attened sacs near nuc eus
(2) Co ect chemica s into vesic es that move rom
Ce ll Me m brane s
the smooth ER outward to p asma membrane A. ypes o membrane transport
(3) Ca ed the chemical processing and packaging 1. ransport processes move substances into and out o
center ce s
d. Mitochondria 2. ypes o transport 3
(1) Composed o inner and outer membranous a. Passive transportdoes not require the ce to
sacs expend energy
(2) Invo ved with energy-re easing chemica b. Active transportrequires the ce to expend
reactions energy ( rom A P)
(3) O ten ca ed power plants o the ce B. Passive transport processes
(4) Contain one DNA mo ecu e 1. Passive transport processes do not require added
e. Lysosomes energy and resu t in movement down a concentration
(1) Membranous-wa ed organe es gradient
(2) Contain digestive enzymes 2. Di usion
(3) H ave protective unction (engu and destroy a. Substances scatter themse ves even y throughout an
microbes) avai ab e space, the partic es moving rom high to
. Centrio es ow concentration (Figure 3-6)
(1) Paired organe es that ie at right ang es to each b. So ute partic es may thus move through channe s
other near the nuc eus or carriers in a membrane to reach an equi ibrium
(2) Function in ce reproduction (equa ity o concentration) o so ution on both
g. Microvi i (Figure 3-4) sides o the membrane (Figure 3-7)
(1) Sma , f nger ike extensions o the p asma c. Passive processit is unnecessary to add energy to
membrane the system
(2) Increase absorptive sur ace area o the ce 3. O smosis (Figure 3-8)
h. Ci ia (Figure 3-4) a. Passive movement o water mo ecu es when some
(1) Fine, hair ike extensions ound on ree or so utes cannot cross the membrane
exposed sur aces o some ce s b. Simi ar to di usion, water moves in a direction that
(2) Some are ound in groups and capab e o produces an equi ibrium
moving in unison in a wave ike ashion c. Because water moves, but not a the so utes,
(Figure 3-5) osmotic pressure may change across the membrane
(3) Sing e, nonmoving ci ia in some ce s serve 4. Dia ysissome so utes move across a se ective y per-
sensory unctions meab e membrane by di usion and other so utes do
i. F age a (Figure 3-4) not, thus resu ting in uneven distribution o so ute
(1) Sing e projections extending rom ce sur ace; types (Figure 3-9)
much arger than ci ia 5. Fi trationmovement o water and so utes caused by
(2) Prope a ce through its uid environment hydrostatic pressure on one side o membrane
(Figure 3-5)
66 CHAPTER 3 Cells

C. Active transport processes c. RNA subunits are made up o nuc eotides, but have
1. Active transport processes occur on y in iving ce s; ribose as their sugar and have the base uraci
movement o substances is up the concentration gra- instead o thymine
dient; requires energy rom A P (1) mRNAmessenger RNA; transcribed working
2. Ion pumps (Figure 3-10) copy o one gene
a. An ion pump is protein comp ex in ce membrane (2) rRNAribosoma RNA; component o
b. Ion pumps use energy rom A P to move sub- ribosome
stances across ce membranes against their concen- (3) tRNAtrans er RNA; carries specif c amino
tration gradients acid to its ocation on a ribosome during
c. Examp es: sodium-potassium pump; ca cium pump trans ation
d. Some ion pumps work with other carriers so that 5. Protein synthesisoccurs in cytop asm; thus genetic
g ucose or amino acids are transported a ong with in ormation must pass rom the nuc eus to the cyto-
ions p asm (Figure 3-14)
3. Phagocytosis and pinocytosis a. ranscription
a. Both are active transport mechanisms because they (1) Doub e-stranded DNA separates, and one
require ce energy strand copied to orm messenger RNA
b. Phagocytosis is a protective mechanism o ten used (mRNA)
to destroy bacteria (Figure 3-11) (2) Each strand o mRNA is a copy (transcript) o
c. Pinocytosis is used to incorporate uids or dis- a particu ar gene (base-pair sequence) rom a
so ved substances into ce s segment o DNA
D. Ce transport and disease b. mRNA mo ecu es pass rom the nuc eus to the
1. Cystic f brosis, characterized by abnorma y thick cytop asm where they direct protein synthesis in
secretions in the airways and digestive ducts, resu ts ribosomes and ER
rom ai ed C transport (Figure 3-12) c. rans ation
3 2. Cho era is a bacteria in ection that causes C and (1) rans ation o code in mRNA transcript a ows
water to eak rom ce s ining the intestines, resu ting ribosomes to synthesize proteins
in severe diarrhea and water oss (2) Codona series o three nuc eotide bases in
mRNA that acts as a code or a specif c amino
Ce ll Grow th and Re pro ductio n (3) tRNAcarries a specif c amino acid and has
A. Ce growth an anticodon, which is a three-base sequence
1. Proteins determine the structure and unction o ce s that comp ements the mRNA codon that sig-
2. Protein synthesis is directed by two nuc eic acids: nif es that amino acid
deoxyribonuc eic acid (DNA) and ribonuc eic acid (4) tRNA brings amino acids into p ace a ong the
(RNA) mRNA strand where it is he d by a ribosome,
3. DNA thus orming a strand o amino acids
a. Make up 46 chromosomes contained in ce B. Protein synthesis and disease
nuc eus 1. Abnorma DNA that is inherited or that resu ts rom
b. Large mo ecu e shaped ike a spira staircase; sugar damage is o ten the basis o disease
(deoxyribose) and phosphate units compose sides 2. Factors that cause damage to DNA mo ecu es inc ude
o the mo ecu e; base pairs (adenine-thymine or chemica or mechanica irritants, radiation, bacteria,
guanine-cytosine) compose steps (see Figure 2-14, and viruses
p. 35) C. Ce reproduction
c. Base pairings a ways the same (comp ementary 1. Ce i e cyc einc udes reproduction o ce invo ving
base pairing), but the sequence o base pairs di ers division o the nuc eus (mitosis) and the cytop asm
in di erent DNA mo ecu e (Figure 3-15)
d. A gene is a specif c sequence o base pairs within a a. wo daughter ce s resu t rom the division
DNA mo ecu e b. Interphaseperiod o i e cyc e when the ce is
e. Genes dictate ormation o enzymes and other pro- not active y dividing
teins by ribosomes, thereby indirect y determining a 2. DNA rep icationprocess by which each ha o a
ce s structure and unctions (Figure 3-13) DNA mo ecu e becomes a who e mo ecu e identica to
4. RNA (Table 3-4) the origina DNA mo ecu e; precedes mitosis
a. RNA mo ecu es are made rom genes that do not
code direct y or proteins
b. RNA mo ecu es regu ate ce processes, such as
protein synthesis
CHAPTER 3 Cells 67

3. Mitosisprocess in ce division that distributes iden- (3) Nuc ear enve ope and nuc eo i appear
tica nuc ear chromosomes (DNA mo ecu es) to each (4) Cytop asm is divided (cytokinesis)
new ce ormed when the origina ce divides e. Mitosis ends as daughter ce s become u y unc-
(Figure 3-15) tiona and enter interphase
a. Prophasef rst stage 4. Resu ts o ce division
(1) Chromatin granu es become organized a. wo identica ce s resu t rom ce division,
(2) Chromosomes (pairs o inked chromatids) growing tissues or rep acing o d or damaged ce s
appear b. Di erentiationprocess by which daughter ce s
(3) Centrio es move away rom nuc eus can specia ize and orm di erent kinds o tissue
(4) Nuc ear enve ope disappears, reeing genetic D. Changes in ce growth and reproduction (Figure 3-16 and
materia Table 3-5)
(5) Spind e f bers appear 1. H ypertrophyincrease in size o individua ce s;
b. Metaphasesecond stage increasing size o tissue
(1) Chromosomes a ign across center o ce 2. Atrophydecrease in size o individua ce s; decreas-
(2) Spind e f bers attach themse ves to each ing size o tissue
chromatid 3. H yperp asiaincrease in ce reproduction, increasing
c. Anaphasethird stage size o tissue
(1) Centromeres break apart 4. Anap asiaproduction o abnorma , undi erentiated
(2) Separated chromatids now ca ed chromosomes ce s
(3) Chromosomes are pu ed to opposite ends o 5. Uncontro ed ce reproduction resu ts in ormation o
ce a benign or ma ignant neop asm (tumor) (Figure 3-17)
(4) C eavage urrow deve ops at end o anaphase
d. e ophase ourth stage
(1) Ce division is comp eted
(2) Nuc ei appear in daughter ce s 3

STUDY TIPS 5. W hen studying protein synthesis, keep the goa o the
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in process in mind. T e ce wants a protein made, the
m e e ting your le arning goals . DNA has the p ans, but the ribosome is the actory. T e
DNA needs to te the ribosome what to bui d (tran-
Chapte r 3 s hould be a review o your ge ne ral biology cours e scription), and the actory needs to put the protein
m os t o w hat is in this chapte r s hould be am iliar. together in the correct order (trans ation).
6. Use ash cards to study the phases o mitosisremember
1. T e section on ce structure begins with the p asma that the phases are based on what is happening to the
membrane. It is made up most y o phospho ipids, but chromosomes. T ere are many on ine resources that i us-
the most important part o the membrane structure is trate the phases o mitosis. T ese resources inc ude anima-
the proteins embedded in the phospho ipids. T ey p ay tions that can he p you better understand what occurs in
important ro es in a number o systems in the body such each phase o mitosis.
as the nervous and endocrine systems. 7. Make and use ash cards to earn the terms used to
2. T e organe es may seem to have strange-sounding describe changes in ce growth and reproduction.
names. Use the vocabu ary ist with the word origins in 8. Link the diseases or conditions described in the chapter
this chapter to he p you determine the meaning o each by constructing a -chart with the ce structure or unc-
organe e name. F ash cards wou d be he p u in earning tion that is abnorma .
these new terms. 9. In your study group, review the ash cards or the
3. T e transport processes o osmosis and dia ysis are organe es, mitosis, and changes in ce growth and
specia cases o di usionosmosis with water and dia y- reproduction. Be sure to discuss steps in protein synthe-
sis with so utes. Fi tration uses a pressure rather than a sis and the ce transport processes. Go over the ques-
concentration di erence to move substances. tions at the end o the chapter and discuss possib e test
4. Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are descriptions o what questions.
the ce is doing. Phago means to eat, pino means to 10. Check or the atest tips on studying
drink, cyto means ce , and -sis means condition. ce s.
68 CHAPTER 3 Cells

Re vie w Que s tio ns Chapte r Te s t

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch
o your new le arning. 1. ________ and ________ are two ipid-based mo ecu es
that make up part o the structure o the p asma
1. Describe the structure o the p asma membrane, cyto- membrane.
p asm, and nuc eus. 2. ________ is a term that re ers to sma structures inside
2. List the unctions o the p asma membrane, cytop asm, the ce it means itt e organs.
and nuc eus. 3. ________ is the movement o substances across a ce
3. List the unctions o each o the o owing organe es: membrane using ce energy, whereas ________ is the
ribosome, endop asmic reticu um, Go gi apparatus, mito- movement o substances across a ce membrane without
chondria, ysosome, centrosome, centrio es, microvi i, using ce energy.
ci ia, and age a. 4. ________ re ers to the movement o uids or disso ved
4. Exp ain the unction o the nuc eus and nuc eo us. mo ecu es into the ce by trapping them in the p asma
5. Exp ain the di erence between chromatin and membrane.
chromosomes. 5. ________ is a disease caused by the inabi ity o ce s to
6. Describe the processes o di usion and f tration. transport C ions.
7. Describe the unctioning o the ion pump. 6. ________ occurs when enzymes in the mitochondria use
8. Exp ain the process o phagocytosis. oxygen to break down g ucose and other nutrients to
9. Describe the process o transcription. re ease energy needed or ce u ar work.
3 10. Describe the process o trans ation. 7. ________ is the process in protein synthesis that orms
11. List the our stages in active ce division (mitosis) and the mRNA mo ecu e.
brie y describe what occurs in each stage. 8. A ________ is a segment o base pairs in a chromosome.
12. W hat important event in mitosis occurs during 9. ________ is the tota genetic in ormation packaged in a
interphase? ce .
10. rans ation occurs within the ________.
11. Another name or ce suicide is ________.
Critical Thinking 12. T e disease caused by an inherited mistake in the
genetic code that prevents production o norma b ood
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out c otting proteins is:
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to a. cystic f brosis
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to b. hemophi ia
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts c. D uchenne muscu ar dystrophy
that you f nd di f cult. d. AIDS
13. T e synthesis o a protein by ribosomes begins with:
13. Exp ain what wou d happen i a ce containing 97% a. trans ation
water were p aced in a 10% sa t so ution. b. transcription
14. I one side o a DNA mo ecu e had the o owing base c. trans er RNA
sequence: adenine-adenine-guanine cytosine-thymine- d. comp ementary base pairing
cytosine-thymine, what wou d the sequence o bases on 14. D uring what stage o mitosis do the chromosomes move
the opposite side o the mo ecu e be? away rom the center o the ce ?
15. I a mo ecu e o mRNA was made rom the DNA base a. Interphase
sequence in question 14, what wou d the sequence o b. Metaphase
bases be in the RNA? c. Anaphase
16. I an intravenous so ution contains 1.1% sa t, wou d it be d. e ophase
hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic to ce s? 15. Atrophy re ers to a(n):
a. increase in ce size
b. decrease in ce size
c. increase in use
d. condition that resu ts rom overextending a musc e
CHAPTER 3 Cells 69

16. D uring what stage o mitosis do the chromosomes a ign 19. W hich o the o owing terms re ers to an increase in
in the center o the ce ? ce size?
a. Interphase a. H yperp asia
b. Metaphase b. H ypertrophy
c. Prophase c. Anap asia
d. e ophase d. Atrophy
17. D uring what stage o mitosis does the chromatin con- 20. W hich o the o owing terms does not be ong?
dense into chromosomes? a. Sugar
a. Interphase b. Phosphate
b. Metaphase c. Nitrogen base
c. Prophase d. Lipid
d. e ophase
18. D uring what stage o mitosis do the nuc ear enve ope
and nuc ei reappear?
a. Interphase
b. Prophase
c. Anaphase
d. e ophase

Match the cell structure in column A with its corresponding description in column B.

Column A Column B
21. ________ ribosome a. ong ce projections used to prope sperm ce s
22. ________ endop asmic reticu um b. bags o digestive enzymes in the ce 3
23. ________ Go gi apparatus c. tube ike passages that carry substances throughout the ce
24. ________ mitochondria d. short hair ike structures on the ree sur aces o some ce s
25. ________ ysosomes e. chemica y processes and packages substances rom the endop asmic reticu um
26. ________ age a . directs protein synthesis, contains DNAthe brain o the ce
27. ________ ci ia g. protein actories in the ce , made o RNA
28. ________ nuc eus h. sma structure in the nuc eus that he ps in the ormation o ribosomes
29. ________ nuc eo us i. powerhouse o the ce where most o the ce s A P is ormed

cancer ce s. wo such drugs, vincristine su ate and vin-

Cas e S tudie s b astine su ate, inter ere with the ormation o spind e
f bers. H ow cou d this action ha t mitosis? Antibiotics
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to such as mitomycin C and inorganic compounds such as
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- cis-p atinum a so can be used to stop the growth o
book, and othe r re s ource s . tumors. T ese drugs inter ere with D NA synthesis in
treated ce s. H ow cou d this action ha t mitosis?
1. O ne orm o the inherited condition glycogen storage 3. Lauren is a 2-year-o d gir with cystic f brosis (CF).
diseasea orm ca ed Pompe diseaseresu ts in accumu a- Because Lauren has this condition, her mother requent y
tion o excessive g ycogen in ce s o the heart, iver, and turns her over, cups her hand, and quick y but f rm y pats
other organs. T e accumu ation o g ycogen can disrupt her sharp y on the back between the shou der b ades.
ce unction, causing heart and other prob ems that can H ow cou d this he p Laurens condition?
progress to death. G ycogen is a arge carbohydrate mo e- 4. E izabeth is a senior in high schoo and has se ected the
cu e ormed by inking numerous g ucose mo ecu es into a f e d o proteomics to study when she enters co ege. She
branched chain (see Chapter 2). G ycogen ormation is has been accepted at a prestigious institution and has
norma in the a ected ce s. T e accumu ation o excessive even received scho arship money. You are excited or her
g ycogen resu ts rom the ai ure o enzymes that are sup- and are p anning to contact her and congratu ate her on
posed to break apart the g ycogen so that the ce can use her choice. W hen discussing E izabeths se ection and
the g ucose subunits. In what organe e wou d you expect good ortune with your parents, they ask you questions
to f nd these g ycogen-digesting enzymes? Exp ain how such as: W hat is the f e d o proteomics? W hat are
the presence o non unctiona enzymes cou d have been ENCODE scientists? H ow do you answer them?
2. M a ignant tumors are sometimes treated with drugs Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
that ha t mitosis, and thus stop the production o new at
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Introduction to Tissues, 71
Tissue Types, 71
Matrix, 72
Epithelial Tissue, 72
Introduction to Epithelial Tissues, 72
Squamous Epithelium, 73
Cuboidal Epithelium, 75
Simple Columnar Epithelium, 75
Pseudostratif ed Epithelium, 76
Transitional Epithelium, 76
Connective Tissue, 76
Introduction to Connective Tissue, 76
Fibrous Connective Tissue, 78
Bone, 80
Cartilage, 80
Blood Tissue, 80
Hematopoietic Tissue, 81
Muscle Tissue, 81
Introduction to Muscle Tissue, 81
Skeletal Muscle Tissue, 81
Cardiac Muscle Tissue, 82
Smooth Muscle Tissue, 82
Nervous Tissue, 83
Tissue Repair, 83

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Explain how epithelial tissue is grouped according to
shape and arrangement o cells.
2. List and brie y discuss the major types o connective
and muscle tissue.
3. Discuss nervous tissue and list the three structural
components o a neuron.
4. Describe how injured tissues regenerate in each o
the our major types o tissue.
We exp ored ce s in the previous chapter and now LANGUAGE OF
we turn our attention to the various groups o ce s S C IEN C E
ca ed tissues. T e arrangement o ce s in one tissue
may orm a thin sheet on y one ce deep, whereas the
Be o re re ading the
ce s o another tissue may orm huge masses con-
chapte r, s ay e ach o
taining mi ions o ce s. issues are the abric o the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
the body, and ike the various abrics that make up a he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
garment, each tissue o an organ specia izes in per- the m as yo u re ad.
orming unique unctions that he p the organ do its
job. T is co aborative unctioning o tissues within
our bodys organs maintains homeostatic ba ance and (AD-ih-pohs)
thus is vita to our surviva . [adipo- at, -ose ull o ]
In this chapter, we brie y survey the major kinds o tis- (AN-tih-jen)
sues that orm the organs o the body. As we progress [anti- against, -gen produce]
through ater chapters, we wi revisit each o these tissue areolar tissue
types and exp ore more detai about their ocations, struc- (ah-REE-oh-lar TISH-yoo)
tures, and unctions. [are- open space, -ola- little,
-ar relating to, tissue abric]
In t ro d u c t io n t o Tis s u e s (AK-son)
[axon axle]
Tis s u e Ty p e s
basement membrane
issues di er rom each other in the size and shape o their [base- base, -ment thing,
ce s, in the amount and kind o materia between the ce s, membrane thin skin]
and in the specia unctions they per orm to he p maintain the blood
bodys surviva . In Tables 4-1 through Table 4-3, you wi f nd a (blud)
isting o the our major tissues and the various subtypes o bone
each. T e tab es a so inc ude the structure o each subtype a ong (bohn)
with examp es o the ocation o the tissues and a primary unc- cardiac muscle tissue
tion o each tissue type. (KAR-dee-ak MUS-el TISH-yoo)
T e our main kinds o tissues that compose the bodys many [cardi- heart, -ac relating to,
organs o ow: mus- mouse, -cle small,
tissue abric]
1. Epithe ia tissue orms sheets that cover or ine the cell body
body (sel BOD-ee)
2. Connective tissueprovides structura and unctiona [cell storeroom, body body]
support chondrocyte
3. Musc e tissuecontracts to produce movement (KON-droh-syte)
4. Nervous tissuesenses, conducts, and processes [chondro- cartilage, -cyte cell]
in ormation collagen
To learn more about how the various body tissues [colla- glue, -gen produce]
develop, check out the article Embryonic Develop- columnar
ment o Tissues at Connect It! at (koh-LUM-nar)
[column- column, -ar relating to]

Continued on p. 85

72 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

TABLE 4-1 Epithelial Tissues

Sim ple s quam ous Single laye r o atte ne d ce lls Alve oli o lungs Di us ion o re s piratory gas e s
Lining o blood and lym phatic ve s s e ls be twe e n alve olar air and blood
Di us ion, f ltration, and os m os is
Stratif e d s quam ous Many laye rs ; oute rm os t laye r(s ) is Sur ace o lining o m outh and e s ophagus Prote ction
atte ne d ce lls
Sim ple cuboidal Single laye r o ce lls that are as tall Glands ; kidney tubule s Se cre tion, abs orption
as they are w ide Sur ace o s kin (e pide rm is ) Prote ction
Sim ple colum nar Single laye r o tall, narrow ce lls Sur ace laye r o lining o s tom ach, inte s - Prote ction; s e cre tion; trans port
tine s , parts o re s piratory tract; lining (abs orption)
o ute rine ( allopian) tube s
Ps e udos tratif e d Single laye r o tall ce lls that we dge Lining o portions o the re s piratory tract; Prote ction
toge the r to appe ar as i the re portion o the m ale re productive tract
are two or m ore laye rs
Stratif e d trans itional Many laye rs o varying s hape s , Urinary bladde r Prote ction
capable o s tre tching

M a t r ix
the ce s are so c ose y connected to each other. Connective
Reca rom Chapter 1 that a centra princip e o human physi- tissues, on the other hand, are most y matrixwith the ce s
o ogy is homeostasisthe re ative constancy o the interna ew and ar between.
uid environment. T is uid environment f s the spaces be- Matrix is ike je y, made up o most y water with various
tween the ce s o the body. issues di er in the amount and inter ocking f bers that thicken it (Figure 4-1). T e kinds and
kind o uid materia between the ce sthe matrix. It is a so amounts o f bers can produce a variety o matrix typesa
ca ed the extracellular matrix (ECM ) to emphasize its ocation with di erent unctions.
between ce s. T e thin watery matrix o b oodp asmahas no f bers at
T e matrix varies in amount and composition among the a (except when orming a b ood c ot), which a ows it to re-
various tissueswhich re ects the variety o unctions among main ree- owing. T e tissue o tendons and igaments is dense
tissue types. Epithe ia tissues have very itt e matrix because with strong, twisted f bers that give the matrix a thick, rope ike
qua ity. Bones matrix f bers are encrusted with minera crysta s
to give it the characteristics o rein orced concrete.
P rote oglyca ns
Colla ge n fibrils Polys a ccha ride Collagen is a protein that orms microscopic twisted ropes
ba ckbone within the matrix o many tissues. Co agen gives a tissue ex-
4 ib e strength. Elastin is present in some tissues, and its rub-
bery qua ity gives tissues the abi ity to stretch and rebound
easi y.
T e matrix contains various polysaccharides and proteoglycans
that provide tissues with specia ized properties. For examp e,
these mo ecu es ink ce s, absorb shock, regu ate unction, and
o er ubrication.

Ep it h e lia l Tis s u e
In t ro d u c t io n t o Ep it h e lia l Tis s u e s
O ve r v ie w
Epithelial tissue orms sheets that cover the body and many
FIGURE 4-1 Extracellular matrix. The matrix is outside o cells, orm- o its parts (Table 4-1). It a so ines various parts o the body
ing a connecting gel that contributes to the overall unction o the tissue. and orms ducts or tubes.
This example illustrates thick, ropelike collagen brils interspersed with Protein connectors in the p asma membranes o adjacent
proteoglycan (protein-carbohydrate) structures attached to polysaccharide ce s f rm y ho d epithe ia ce s together. Because epithe ia
backbonesall surrounded by water. The collagen gives tissue strength,
and the polysaccharide-proteoglycan structures absorb shocks. (Collagen is ce s are packed c ose together with itt e or no interstitial
naturally white, but is o ten stained pink to make it more visible in micro- uid or other matrix between them, they orm continuous
scopic studies.) sheets that contain no b ood vesse s.
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 73


S qua mous
(S imple
s qua mous )

(S tra tifie d s qua mous )

Cuboida l (S imple
cuboida l)

(S imple
Cilia (Tra ns itiona l, re la xe d)
columna r)
Columna r

Ba s e me nt
me mbra ne

Conne ctive tis s ue

(P s e udos tra tifie d) (Tra ns itiona l, s tre tche d)

FIGURE 4-2 Classif cation o epithelial tissues. The tissues are classi ed according to the shape and
arrangement o cells.

Because epithe ium acks b ood vesse s, epithe ia ce s

The translucent, microscopic structures that dis-
must get their oxygen and nutrients rom nearby b ood vesse s
tinguish di erent types o epithelial tissue are
in the connective tissue that a ways under ies sheets o epithe-
visible in light microscopes only when stained.
ia ce s. A g ue ike ayer ca ed the basement membrane
Many o the pink and purple colors in many o the
connects epithe ia tissue to its connective tissue oundation.
micrographs in this chapter re ect common stains
Examine Figure 4-2. It i ustrates how this arge group o
tissues can be subdivided according to the shape and arrange-
used to visualize tissues. For more on microscopic 4
tools, review the article Tools o Microscopic
ment o the ce s ound in each type.
Anatomy at Connect It! at
S h a p e o C e lls
I c assif ed according to shape, epithe ia ce s are identi- S q u a m o u s Ep it h e liu m
f ed as: S im p le S q u a m o u s Ep it h e liu m
1. Squamous at and sca e ike Simple squamous epithelium consists o a sing e ayer o
2. Cuboidalcube-shaped very thin and irregu ar y shaped ce s. Because o its structure,
3. Columnarta er than they are wide substances can readi y pass through simp e squamous epithe-
4. ransitionalvarying shapes that can stretch ia tissue, making transport its specia unction. Absorption o
oxygen into the b ood, or examp e, takes p ace through the
A r r a n g e m e n t o C e lls simp e squamous epithe ium that orms the tiny air sacs in the
I c assif ed according to arrangement o ce s, epithe ia tissue ungs (Figure 4-3).
can be abe ed as one o the o owing:
S t r a t if e d S q u a m o u s Ep it h e liu m
1. Simplea sing e ayer o ce s o the same shape
Strati ed squamous epithelium (Figure 4-4) consists o severa
2. Strati edmany ayers o ce s, named or the
ayers o c ose y packed ce s, an arrangement that makes this
shape o ce s in the outer ayer
tissue especia y adept at protection. For instance, stratif ed
Severa types o epithe ium are described in the paragraphs squamous epithe ia tissue protects the body against invasion
that o ow and are i ustrated in Figures 4-2 to 4-8. by microorganisms. Most microbes cannot work their way
74 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

S imple s qua mous S imple cuboida l Ba s e me nt

e pithe lia l ce ll e pithe lia l ce ll me mbra ne

Fre e
e dge

Nucle us

FIGURE 4-3 Simple squamous and simple cuboidal epithelium. A, Photomicrograph shows thin simple
squamous epithelium orming some tubules (arrows) and simple cuboidal epithelium orming the walls o other
tubules. B, Sketch o photomicrograph.

through a barrier o stratif ed squamous tissue such as that

Knowledge o the tissues that make up the skin is
composing the sur ace o skin and o mucous membranes.
critical to understanding the di erent types o skin
One way o preventing in ections, there ore, is to take good
cancer. Check out the article Skin Cancer at
care o your skin. Prevent it rom becoming cracked rom
Connect It! at
chapping, and guard against cuts and scratches.

S upe rficia l s qua mous Ba s a l Ba s e me nt

e pithe lia l ce ll e pithe lia l ce ll me mbra ne
FIGURE 4-4 Stratif ed squamous epithelium. A, Photomicrograph. B, Sketch o the photomicrograph.
Note the many layers o epithelial cells and the f attened (squamous) cells in the outer layers.
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 75

C u b o id a l Ep it h e liu m
Simple cuboidal epithelium is a sing e ayer o ce s that are
typica y about as ta as they are widethus resemb ing a
cube shape. T is tissue does not orm protective coverings.
Instead, it orms tubu es or other groupings adapted or secre-
tory activity (Figure 4-5), which is why they appear to orm
ring ike arrangements in cross section (see Figure 4-3). T ese
secretory cuboida ce s usua y unction in tubes or c usters o
secretory ce s common y ca ed glands.
G ands o the body may be c assif ed as exocrine i they
re ease their secretion through a duct or as endocrine i they
re ease their secretion direct y by di usion into the b ood-
stream. Examp es o g andu ar secretions inc ude sa iva, diges-
tive juices, sweat, and hormones such as those secreted by the
pituitary or thyroid g ands. Simp e cuboida epithe ium a so
orms the tubu es that orm urine in the kidneys.
In some g ands, cuboida epithe ium occurs in more than
one ayer. Such strati ed cuboidal epithelium may be ound in
the sweat g and ducts.

S im p le C o lu m n a r Ep it h e liu m
Simple columnar epithelium can be ound ining the inner
Tubula r gla nd Cuboida l ce lls
sur ace o the stomach, intestines, and some areas o the res-
forming wa ll piratory and reproductive tracts. In Figure 4-6 the simp e co-
of gla nd umnar ce s are arranged in a sing e ayer ining the inner
sur ace o the co on or arge intestine. T ese epithe ia ce s are
FIGURE 4-5 Simple cuboidal epithelium. This scanning electron mi-
crograph shows how a single layer o cuboidal cells can orm glands. The ta er than they are wide, and the nuc ei are ocated toward the
secreting cells arrange themselves into single or branched tubules that open bottom o each ce . T e open spaces seen among the ce s
onto a sur acethe lining o the stomach in this case. are specia ized goblet cells that produce mucus. T e regu ar
co umnar-shaped ce s specia ize in absorption.

Columna r
Goble t ce ll e pithe lia l ce lls

FIGURE 4-6 Simple columnar epithelium. A, Photomicrograph. B, Sketch o the photomicrograph. Note
the oblong nuclei in all the cells and the goblet or mucus-producing cells that are present.
76 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

P s e u d o s t r a t if e d Ep it h e liu m
In the wa o the urinary b adder, the abi ity o transitiona
Pseudostrati ed epithelium, i ustrated in Figures 4-2 and 4-7, epithe ium to stretch easi y without damage keeps the b adder
is typica o that which ines the trachea or windpipe. Look wa rom tearing as urine f s the space inside. Stratif ed
care u y at the i ustrations. Note that each ce actua y transitiona epithe ium is shown in Figures 4-2 and 4-8.
touches the g ue ike basement membrane that ies under a
epithe ia tissues. A though the epithe ium in Figure 4-7 ap- QUICK CHECK
pears to be severa ce ayers thick, it is not. T is is the reason 1. Lis t th e o u r m a in typ e s o tis s u e s o u n d in th e b o d y.
it is ca ed pseudo (or a se) stratif ed epithe ium. 2. Wh a t is m a trix?
T e ci ia that extend rom the ce s are capab e o moving 3. Na m e th e typ e s o e p ith e lia l tis s u e a cco rd in g to th e ir
in unison (see Figure 3-5, p. 49). As they do so, they move mu- 4. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n s im p le e p ith e liu m a n d
cus a ong the ining o the trachea, thus protecting the ungs s tra tif e d e p ith e liu m ?
against entry o dust or other oreign partic es. 5. Wh ich typ e o e p ith e lia l tis s u e is o u n d in th e wa ll o th e
u rin a ry b la d d e r?

Tr a n s it io n a l Ep it h e liu m
Strati ed transitional epithelium is typica y ound in body C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e
areas subjected to stress and must be ab e to stretch. An ex- In t ro d u c t io n t o C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e
amp e wou d be the ining o the urinary b adder. In many
instances, up to 10 ayers o di erent y shaped ce s o varying O ve r v ie w
sizes are present when the tissue is not stretched. W hen Connective tissue is the most abundant and wide y distributed
stretching occurs, the epithe ia sheet expands, the number o tissue in the body. It a so exists in more varied orms than any
ce ayers decreases, and ce shape changes rom rough y cu- o the other tissue types. It is ound in skin, membranes, mus-
boida to near y squamous ( at) in appearance. c es, bones, nerves, and a interna organs. Connective tissue

Until the very hour o his death in rie ty o pro e s s ions have ound practical applications or m i-
1723, the Dutch drapery merchant cros copy. Mos t he alth pro e s s ionals us e m icros cope s , or the
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (le t) im age s produce d w ith m icros cope s , to pe r orm routine dutie s .
spent most o his 91 years pursuing For exam ple , clinical laboratory te chnicians and patho lo g is ts
adventures w ith the hundreds o us e m icros cope s to as s e s s the he alth o hum an ce lls and tis -
4 microscopes he had built or col-
lected. Using what were, even then,
s ue s . Outs ide o the he alth s cie nce s , pro e s s ionals s uch as
law e n orce m e nt inve s tigators , archae ologis ts , anthropolo-
very simple lenses or combinations gis ts , and pale o nto lo g is ts o te n us e m icros cope s to urthe r
o lenses, van Leeuwenhoek discov- the ir s tudy o hum an and anim al tis s ue s .
ere d a whole world o tiny struc-
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek tures he called animalcules in
(1632-1723) body uids. Although scientists a
century later would declare that Lig ht mic ro s c o pe
Ocula r le ns
all living organisms are made up o cells, van Leeuwenhoek Eye
was the f rst to see and describe human blood cells (see Ocula r Obje ctive
le ns le ns
Figure 4-15 on p. 81), human sperm cells (see Figure 3-4, B),
S pe cime n
and many other cells and tissues o the body. He was also the (on s lide )
f rst to observe many microscopic organisms that live on or
Obje ctive S ta ge
in the human bodymany o which are capable o producing le ns
disease. Conde ns e r
S pe cime n le ns
Scie ntis ts today us e light m icros cope s that are m uch m ore
Conde ns e r Conde ns e r le ns
advance d than thos e o van Le e uwe nhoe ks tim e . Som e o the
le ns focus
m os t m ode rn m icros cope s , calle d e le ctron m icros cope s , us e Coa rs e focus
e le ctron be am s ins te ad o light to produce im age s o ve ry Fine focus
high m agnif cation (s e e Figure 3-4). Both ce ll biologis ts and Light
his to lo g is ts (tis s ue biologis ts ) us e m icros cope s to re s e arch s ource
the f ne s tructure and unction o the hum an body. A w ide va- Modern compound light microscope.
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 77

Columna r ce lls Goble t ce lls Cilia

A B Ba s e me nt me mbra ne

FIGURE 4-7 Pseudostratif ed columnar epithelium. A, Photomicrograph. The arrangement o nuclei

makes this specimen seem strati ed, but it is not because each cell reaches the basement membrane, thus
orming just one layer. B, Sketch o the micrograph. Note the presence o goblet cells and cilia.

exists as de icate, paper-thin webs that ho d interna organs and orms a supporting ramework or the body as a who e
together and give them shape. It a so exists as strong and tough and or its individua organs. As b ood, it transports sub-
cords, rigid bones, and even in the orm o a uidb ood. stances throughout the body. Severa other kinds o connec-
T e unctions o connective tissue are as varied as its tive tissue unction to de end us against microbes and other
structure and appearance. It connects tissues to each other invaders.

Ba s e me nt Binucle a te S tra tifie d tra ns itiona l

me mbra ne ce ll e pithe lia l ce lls

Conne ctive tis s ue

FIGURE 4-8 Stratif ed transitional epithelium. A, Photomicrograph o tissue lining the urinary bladder
wall. B, Sketch o the photomicrograph. Note the many layers o epithelial cells o various shapes in this re-
laxed (unstretched) specimen.
78 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

C e lls a n d M a t r ix Fib ro u s C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e

Connective tissue di ers rom epithe ia tissue in the arrange- Lo o s e Fib ro u s C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e (A r e o la r )
ment and variety o its ce s and in the amount and kinds o Loose brous connective tissue is the most wide y distrib-
interce u ar materia , or matrix, ound between its ce s. In uted o a connective tissue types. It is the g ue that he ps
addition to the re ative y ew ce s embedded in the matrix o keep the organs o the body together. A so ca ed areolar tissue,
most types o connective tissue, varying numbers and kinds o it consists o webs o f bers and o a variety o ce s embedded
f bers are a so present. in a oose matrix o so t, sticky ge (Figure 4-9).
T e structura qua ity and appearance o the matrix and Some o the f bers are made o collagen, a strong but ex-
f bers determine the qua ities o each type o connective tissue. ib e f brous protein. Some are stretchy f bers made o rubbery
T e matrix o b ood, or examp e, is a iquid, but other types elastin proteins. T ese elastic bers he p tissues return to
o connective tissue, such as carti age, have the consistency o their origina ength a ter having been stretched.
f rm rubber. T e matrix o bone is hard and rigid, whi e the T e ascia o the body is primari y composed o areo ar
matrix o connective tissues such as tendons and igaments is tissue. Fascia is the f brous materia that he ps bind the skin,
strong and exib e. musc es, bones, and other organs o the body together.

Ty p e s o C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e Ad ip o s e Tis s u e

T e o owing ist identif es severa major types o connective W hen it begins to store ipids, areo ar tissue can deve op into
tissue in the body. Notice that the ist is organized by category. adipose tissue, or at tissue. In Figure 4-10, numerous vesic es
Photomicrographs o representative types are provided in the have ormed inside the adipose ce s where arge quantities o
o owing pages. trig yceride ipids accumu ate. T ese c ear ipid-storage vesi-
c es scatter ight ike so many snow akes, giving ordinary adi-
A. Fibrous (connective tissue proper) pose tissue a whitish appearance. T is is why it is sometimes
1. Loose f brous (areo ar) ca ed white at. Excess trig ycerides move into storage a ter a
2. Adipose ( at) mea and out o storage as energy-producing nutrients are
a. W hite needed by other tissues.
b. Brown A specia kind o adipose tissue ca ed brown at actua y
3. Reticu ar burns its ue when the body is co d to produce heat. T is heat,
4. Dense f brous a ong with shivering by musc es, he ps restore homeostasis o
a. Regu ar body temperature (see Figure 1-11, p. 15).
b. Irregu ar A types o adipose tissue a so secrete hormones that he p
B. Bone regu ate metabo ism and ue storage in the body.
1. Compact
2. Cance ous Re t ic u la r Tis s u e
C. Carti age Another type o f brous connective tissue ca ed reticular tissue
1. H ya ine has thin, de icate webs o co agen f bers ca ed reticular bers.
4 2. Fibrocarti age T e word reticular means net ike, and it apt y describes the
3. E astic net ike structure o this tissue, as you can see in Figure 4-11.
D. B ood Reticu ar tissue is ound in bone marrow, or examp e, where
E. H ematopoietic tissue it he ps support ce s o the b ood- orming hematopoietic tissue.

Colla ge nous
Ela s tic fibe rs bundle s S tora ge P la s ma
a re a for fa t me mbra ne

Ca pilla ry Ma s t ce lls

FIGURE 4-9 Loose f brous (areolar) connective tissue. Notice how Nucle us of a dipos e ce ll
the staining used renders the bundles o collagen pink and the elastin bers
dark purple. Compare the loose arrangement o bers here with those in FIGURE 4-10 Adipose tissue. Photomicrograph showing the large lipid
Figure 4-12. storage spaces inside the adipose cells o white at.
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 79

TABLE 4-2 Connective Tissues

Loos e f brous Loos e arrange m e nt o collage n Are a be twe e n othe r tis s ue s and organs Conne ction
(are olar) f be rs , e las tic f be rs , and ce lls ( as cia)
Adipos e (w hite and Ce lls contain triglyce ride ve s icle s White Fat
brow n at) Are a unde r s kin; padding at various Prote ction, ins ulation, s upport,
points nutrie nt re s e rve , re gulation
Brow n Fat
Pocke ts w ithin w hite at o ne ck and He at production, re gulation
tors o
Re ticular Ne twork o f ne collage n (re ticular) Bone m arrow, s ple e n, lym ph node s , can- Supports blood-producing ce lls
f be rs ce llous bone cavitie s and im m une ce lls
De ns e f brous (re gular De ns e arrange m e nt o collage n f be r Te ndons , ligam e nts , s kin (de e p laye r), Flexible but s trong conne ction
and irre gular) bundle s orm ing s traps or s he e ts as cia, s car tis s ue
Bone (com pact and Hard, calcif e d m atrix arrange d in Ske le ton Support, prote ction
cance llous ) os te ons (com pact) or ne twork o
be am s (cance llous )
Cartilage (hyaline , Hard but s om ew hat exible ge l Hyaline
f brocartilage , and m atrix w ith e m be dde d Part o nas al s e ptum , are a cove ring s ur- Firm but exible s upport
e las tic) chondrocyte s ace s o bone s at joints , larynx wall,
rings in trache a, and bronchi
Fibro cartilage
Disks betwe en vertebrae and in kne e joint Withs tands pre s s ure
Elas tic
Exte rnal e ar Flexible s upport
Blood Liquid m atrix w ith ow ing re d and Blood ve s s e ls Trans portation
w hite ce lls
He m atopoie tic Liquid m atrix w ith de ns e arrange - Re d bone m arrow Blood ce ll orm ation
m e nt o blood ce llproducing ce lls

It is a so ound in the sp een and ymph nodes, where it sup- together. A ew f ber-producing ce s are scattered among the
ports deve oping ce s o the immune system. bund es.
Regular dense brous connective tissue has its co agen f ber 4
D e n s e Fib ro u s C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e bund es arranged in rough y para e rows (Figure 4-12). T is
D ense brous connective tissue consists main y o thick type o connective tissue makes up tendonsthe strong straps
bund es o strong, white collagen f bers that are packed c ose y that connect musc e to bone. It provides great strength and

Blood-forming cells Re ticula r fibe rs Nucle i of Bundle s of

fibe r-producing ce lls colla ge nous fibe rs

FIGURE 4-11 Reticular connective tissue. The supportive ramework

o reticular bers is stained black in this section o a lymph node. Note also FIGURE 4-12 Dense f brous connective tissue. Bundles o wavy col-
the aint blood cells and blood- orming (hematopoietic) cells within the lagen bers are roughly parallel to one another in dense regular tissue. Dark
network o bers. nuclei o ber-producing cells are also visible in this sample rom a tendon.
80 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

exibi ity, but it cannot stretch. Such characteristics are idea Ma trix Chondrocyte
or these structures that anchor our musc es to our bones. in a la cuna
Irregular dense brous connective tissue has its co agen ar-
ranged in a chaotic swir o tang ed bund es. T is type o tis-
sue orms the tough sheets in the deepest ayer o the skin. It
orms a tough, exib e support to the epithe ia superf cia
ayer o the skin. A though the swir ed pattern o f ber bun-
d es a ows the skin to stretch a itt e, overstretching the skin
o ten causes tears in the irregu ar f brous tissue ca ed stretch

Bo n e
T e matrix o bone is hard because it has a dense packing o
co agen bund es encrusted with minera crysta s containing
ca cium. Bones are a storage area or ca cium and provide sup- FIGURE 4-14 Cartilage. Photomicrograph showing the chondrocytes
port and protection or the body. distributed throughout the gel-like matrix o hyaline cartilage.
Compact bone is the so id orm o bone that makes up the
outer wa s o bones in the ske eton. Compact bone is made
up o numerous structura bui ding b ocks ca ed osteons or
C a r t ila g e
haversian systems. W hen compact bone is viewed under a
microscope, we can see these circu ar arrangements o ca ci- O ve r v ie w
f ed matrix and ce s that give bone its characteristic appear- Un ike bone, the co agen bund es o the carti age matrix are
ance (Figure 4-13). not encrusted with hard minera s. Instead, carti age matrix has
Inside each bone is a type o tissue ca ed cancellous bone or the consistency o a f rm p astic or a grist e ike ge . Carti age
spongy bone. T e term cancellous re ers to something that is ce s, which are ca ed chondrocytes, are ocated in many tiny
made up o a attice. T e term app ies to this bone type be- spaces distributed throughout the matrixgiving this tissue
cause it is a chaotic attice o branching beams. Like a bath the appearance o Swiss cheese (Figure 4-14). T ere are three
sponge, the attice orms many, interconnected ho ow major types o carti age.
spacesgiving this bone type the name spongy. T ese beams
are near y as hard as compact bone, but spongy bone cannot Hya lin e C a r t ila g e
be compressed ike a wet bath sponge. In act, the crisscross- Hyaline cartilage has on y a moderate amount o co agen in
ing pattern o the bony attice adds rigidityjust ike the its ge matrix, giving it a trans ucent, g ass ike appearance. T e
crossed beams that o ten support roo s o bui dings. name hyaline means g assy.T is is the most common type o
T e spaces within cance ous bone are f ed with b ood- carti age in the body. It is ound in the support rings o the
4 orming hematopoietic tissue or adipose tissue. respiratory tubes and covering the ends o bones that orm
movab e joints.

Fib ro c a r t ila g e
Os te on Fibrocartilage is the strongest and most durab e type o car-
ti age. T e matrix is rigid and f ed with a dense packing o
strong co agen f bers. Fibrocarti age disks serve as shock ab-
sorbers between adjacent vertebrae and in the knee joint.

Ela s t ic C a r t ila g e
Elastic cartilage contains ew co agen f bers but arge num-
bers o very f ne e astic f bers that give the matrix materia a
high degree o exibi ity. T is type o carti age is ound in the
externa ear and in one o the components o the voice box, or

Blo o d Tis s u e
B ood is perhaps the most unusua orm o connective tissue
FIGURE 4-13 Bone tissue. Photomicrograph o a chip o compact bone. because its matrixb ood plasmais iquid. It has transpor-
A cylindrical structural unit o bone, known as an osteon (haversian system), tation and protective unctions in the body. B ood contains red
is seen in this cross section. blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (Figure 4-15).
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 81

Ma trix White Re d QUICK CHECK

(liquid) blood ce ll blood ce lls
1. Wh a t a re th e u n ctio n s o co n n e ctive tis s u e ?
2. Lis t th e f ve m a jo r cla s s if ca tio n s o co n n e ctive tis s u e .
3. Wh ich typ e o co n n e ctive tis s u e co m p o s e s te n d o n s ?
4. Ho w d o e s ca rtila g e d i e r ro m b o n e ?

M u s c le Tis s u e
In t ro d u c t io n t o M u s c le Tis s u e
Musc e ce s are the movement specia ists o the body. T ey have
a higher degree o contracti ity (abi ity to generate orce or con-
tract) than any other tissue ce s. Besides producing movement,
musc e tissue can a so provide stabi ityand even produce body
heat. Un ortunate y, injured musc e ce s are sometimes s ow to
FIGURE 4-15 Blood. Photomicrograph o a human blood smear. This hea and o ten rep aced by f brous scar tissue i injured.
smear shows a white blood cell surrounded by a number o smaller red blood T ere are three kinds o musc e tissue: ske eta musc e tis-
cells and tiny platelets. The liquid matrix o this tissue is also called plasma. sue, cardiac musc e tissue, and smooth musc e tissue (Table 4-3).

He m a t o p o ie t ic Tis s u e S k e le t a l M u s c le Tis s u e
Hematopoietic tissue is the b ood ike connective tissue Skeletal muscle or striated muscle is ca ed vo untary because
ound in the red marrow cavities o bones and in organs such wi ed or voluntary contro o ske eta musc e contractions is
as the sp een, tonsi s, and ymph nodes (see Figure 4-11). T is possib e. Note in Figure 4-16 that, when viewed under a micro-
type o tissue is responsib e or the ormation o b ood ce s scope, ske eta musc e is characterized by many cross striations
and ymphatic system ce s important in our de ense against and many nuc ei per ce . Individua ce s are ong and thread-
disease (Table 4-2). ike and are o ten ca ed bers.


Tis s ue typing is a s cre e ning proce s s in w hich ce ll m arke rs in ne tworks to m onitor availability o organs w ith s pe cif c ce ll
a donate d organ or tis s ue are ide ntif e d s o that they can be m arke rs . Such high-s pe e d com pute r ne tworks allow phys i-
m atche d to re cipie nts w ith s im ilar ce ll m arke rs . Ce ll m arke rs cians to im m e diate ly locate organs or tis s ue s or e m e rge ncy 4
are s pe cif c prote in m ole cule s (calle d antige ns [s e e Chapte r trans plants or trans us ions .
16]) on the s ur ace o plas m a m e m brane s . I the ce ll m arke rs Anothe r proce dure us e d to s cre e n pote ntial donor organs
in donate d tis s ue are di e re nt rom thos e in the re cipie nts and tis s ue s involve s che cking or the pre s e nce o in e ctious
norm al tis s ue , the re cipie nts im m une s ys te m w ill re cognize age nts , e s pe cially virus e s . Be caus e virus e s are di f cult to f nd,
the tis s ue as ore ign. Whe n the im m une s ys te m m ounts a m os t s cre e ning te s ts s cre e n or the pre s e nce o s pe cif c anti-
s ignif cant attack agains t the donate d tis s ue , a re je ctio n re actio n bodie s . Antibodie s are prote in m ole cule s produce d by s om e
occurs . The in am m ation and tis s ue de s truction that occur in w hite blood ce lls upon expos ure to a virus or othe r in e ctious
a re je ction re action not only de s troy or re je ct the donate d age nt. Each type o virus trigge rs production o a s pe cif c kind
tis s ue but als o m ay thre ate n the li e o the re cipie nt. Although o antibody, s o the pre s e nce o a s pe cif c antibody type m e ans
drugs s uch as cyclos porine can be us e d to inhibit the im m une that the tis s ue m ay have the corre s ponding virus . For exam ple ,
s ys te m s attack agains t donate d tis s ue , cros s m atching o tis - a te s t calle d ELISA (e nzym e -linke d im m unos orbe nt as s ay) is
s ue s by the ir ce ll m arke rs is the prim ary m e thod o preve nting us e d to te s t or the pre s e nce o antibodie s produce d in re -
re je ction re actions . s pons e to HIV (hum an im m unode f cie ncy virus ). HIV m ay
I you know your blood type , you alre ady know s om e o progre s s to acquire d im m unode f cie ncy s yndrom e (AIDS), a
your tis s ue m arke rs . In the ABO s ys te m (s e e Chapte r 13), type atal dis e as e that can be trans m itte d through HIV-contam inate d
A blood has the A m arke r, type B blood has the B m arke r, type tis s ue s or body uids . Routine s cre e ning or viral he patitis an-
AB blood has both A and B m arke rs , and type O blood has tige ns and othe r viral antibodie s is als o done by m os t tis s ue
ne ithe r A nor B m arke rs . It is im portant to type and cros s - and blood banks . Be caus e the re is s om e lag tim e be twe e n
m atch blood be ore a blood trans us ion take s place to preve nt in e ction by a virus and the re s ulting production o antibodie s ,
a re je ction re action that could kill the re cipie nt. The Am e rican s uch s cre e ning te s ts m ay ail to ide nti y a virus -contam inate d
Re d Cros s and othe r age ncie s that coordinate procure m e nt o tis s ue rom a re ce ntly in e cte d donor.
organs and tis s ue s or trans plantation are deve loping com pute r
82 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

TABLE 4-3 Muscle and Nervous Tissue

Ske le tal (s triate d Long, thre adlike ce lls w ith m ulti- Mus cle s that attach to bone s Mainte nance o pos ture ; m ove m e nt
voluntary) ple nucle i and s triations Eye ball m us cle s o bone s ; produce s body he at
Uppe r third o e s ophagus Eye m ove m e nts
Involve d in f rs t part o s wallow ing
Cardiac (s triate d Branching, inte rconne cte d cylin- Wall o he art Contraction o he art
involuntary) de rs w ith aint s triations
Sm ooth (nons triate d Thre adlike ce lls w ith s ingle Walls o tubular vis ce ra o dige s tive , Move m e nt o s ubs tance s along
involuntary or vis ce ral) nucle i and no s triations re s piratory, and ge nitourinary re s pe ctive tracts
tracts Changing o diam e te r o ve s s e ls
Walls o blood ve s s e ls and large lym - Move m e nt o s ubs tance s along
phatic ve s s e ls ducts
Ducts o glands Changing o diam e te r o pupils and
Intrins ic eye m us cle s (iris and ciliary s hape o le ns
body) Ere ction o hairs (goos e pim ple s )
Arre ctor m us cle s o hairs
Ne rve ce lls w ith large ce ll bodie s Brain; s pinal cord; ne rve s Irritability; conduction
and thin f be rlike exte ns ions ;
s upportive glial ce lls als o
pre s e nt

Ske eta musc es are common y attached to bones and, inter ocking mass o contracti e tissue. ube ike membrane
when contracted, can produce vo untary and contro ed body proteins ink the musc e f bers end-to-end and thus a ow
movements. them to unction as i they are one arge unit. T is arrange-
ment a ows the impu se that triggers contraction to move
a ong a the f bers quick yproducing a near y simu tane-
C a r d ia c M u s c le Tis s u e ous contraction in the wa o heart chambers.
Cardiac muscle orms the wa s o the heart, and the regu ar
but invo untary contractions o cardiac musc e produce the
heartbeat. Under the ight microscope (Figure 4-17), cardiac
S m o o t h M u s c le Tis s u e
musc e f bers have aint cross striations ( ike ske eta musc e) Smooth muscle (visceral muscle) is said to be invo untary
4 and thicker dark bands ca ed intercalated disks. because it is not under conscious or wi u contro . Under a
Cardiac musc e f bers branch and connect to various microscope (Figure 4-18), smooth musc e ce s are seen as
other cardiac f ber branches to produce a three-dimensiona , ong, narrow f bers but not near y as ong as ske eta f bers.

S tria tions

A B Nucle i of mus cle fibe rs Mus cle fibe r

FIGURE 4-16 Skeletal muscle. A, Photomicrograph. B, Sketch o the photomicrograph. Note the striations
o the muscle cell bers seen in this longitudinal section.
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 83

Nucle us of mus cle ce ll

A B Inte rca la te d dis ks

FIGURE 4-17 Cardiac muscle. A, Photomicrograph. B, Sketch o the photomicrograph. Note the branched,
lightly striated bers. The darker bands, called intercalated disks, which are characteristic o cardiac muscle,
are easily identi ed in this tissue section.

S mooth mus cle ce lls Nucle i of s mooth mus cle ce lls

FIGURE 4-18 Smooth muscle. A, Photomicrograph. B, Sketch o the photomicrograph. Note the central 4
placement o nuclei in the spindle-shaped smooth muscle bers in this longitudinal section.

Individua smooth musc e ce s appear smooth (that is, with-

N e r vo u s Tis s u e
out cross striations) and have on y one nuc eus per f ber. Nervous tissue contro s body unctions and coordinates rapid
Smooth musc e he ps orm the wa s o b ood vesse s and communication between body structures (see Table 4-3). Ner-
ho ow organs such as the intestines and other tube-shaped vous tissue consists o two kinds o ce s: neurons are the
structures in the body. Contractions o smooth (viscera ) impu se conducting units o the system, whi e glia or neuroglia
musc e prope materia through the digestive tract and he p are specia connecting and supporting ce s.
regu ate the diameter o b ood vesse s. Contraction o smooth A neurons are characterized by a cell body and two types
musc e in the tubes o the respiratory system, such as the o processes: (1) one axon, which transmits a nerve impu se
bronchio es in the ungs, can impair breathing and resu t in away rom the ce body, and (2) one or more dendrites, which
asthma attacks and abored respiration. carry impu ses toward the ce body. T e arge neurons in
Figure 4-19 have many dendrites extending rom the ce body.

1. Na m e th e th re e m a jo r cla s s if ca tio n s o m u s cle tis s u e .
Tis s u e Re p a ir
2. Wh ich typ e s o m u s cle tis s u e a re u n d e r invo lu n ta ry W hen damaged by mechanica or other injuries, tissues have
co n tro l?
a varying capacity to repair themse ves. Damaged tissue wi
3. Wh e re w o u ld yo u f n d s m o o th m u s cle tis s u e in th e b o d y?
either regenerate or be rep aced by tissue known as scars.
84 CHAPTER 4 Tissues


Achieving and m aintaining an ide al body we ight is a he alth-cons cious goal. Howeve r, a be tte r
indicator o he alth and f tne s s is body com pos ition. Exe rcis e phys iologis ts as s e s s body com -
pos ition to ide nti y the pe rce ntage o the body m ade o le an tis s ue and the pe rce ntage m ade
o at. Body- at pe rce ntage is o te n de te rm ine d by us ing calipe rs to m e as ure the thickne s s o
s kin olds at ce rtain place s on the body (s e e f gure ).
A pe rs on w ith low body we ight m ay s till have a high ratio o at to m us cle , an unhe althy
condition. In this cas e the individual is unde rwe ight but ove r at. In othe r words , f tne s s
de pe nds m ore on the pe rce ntage and ratio o s pe cif c tis s ue type s than the ove rall am ount
o tis s ue pre s e nt.
One goal o a good f tne s s program is a de s irable body- at pe rce ntage . For m e n, the ide al
is 12% to 18% , and or wom e n, the ide al is 18% to 24% . The s e range s can vary as a re s ult
o various othe r he alth actors and s hould be dis cus s e d w ith a phys ician.
Be caus e at contains s tore d e ne rgy (m e as ure d in calorie s ), a low at pe rce ntage m e ans a
low e ne rgy re s e rve . High body- at pe rce ntage s are as s ociate d w ith s eve ral li e -thre ate ning
conditions , including diabe te s and cardiovas cular dis e as e . A balance d die t and an exe rcis e
program can e ns ure that the ratio o at to m us cle tis s ue s tays at a leve l appropriate or m ain-
taining hom e os tas is .

Ne rve ce ll body

De ndrite s Axon Glia l ce lls

FIGURE 4-19 Nervous tissue. Photomicrograph o neurons and glia in

a smear o the spinal cord. The neurons in this slide display characteristic
cell bodies and multiple cell processes. Nuclei o glia are visible as dark dots
surrounding the neuron.

D uring repair, phagocytic ce s remove dead or injured ce s

and a ow new tissue ce s to f in the gaps that are e t. T is
growth o new tissue is ca ed regeneration. FIGURE 4-20 Keloid. Keloids are thick scars that orm in the lower layer
o the skin in predisposed individuals.
Epithe ia and connective tissues have the greatest capacity
to regenerate. W hen a break in an epithe ia membrane oc-
curs, as in a cut, ce s quick y divide to orm daughter ce s that
f the wound. extensive, it may remain a dense f brous mass ca ed a scar. An
In connective tissues, ce s that orm co agen f bers be- unusua y thick scar that deve ops in the ower ayer o the
come active a ter an injury and f in a gap with an unusua y skin, such as that shown in Figure 4-20, is ca ed a keloid.
dense mass o f brous connective tissue. I this dense mass o Ske eta musc e tissue o ten regenerates itse when in-
f brous tissue is sma , it may be rep aced by norma tissue jured. Cardiac and smooth musc e seem to have ess abi ity to
ater. I the mass is deep or arge, or i ce damage was regenerateespecia y when the damage is severe.
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 85

occurs i certain neurog ia are present to pave the way. In the

Crushing injuries o skeletal muscle can release
norma adu t brain and spina cord, neurons may not a ways
massive amounts o intracellular substances into
grow back when injured. T us brain and spina cord injuries
the bloodstream that can have li e-threatening
o ten resu t in permanent damage. Fortunate y, the discovery
consequences. Learn more in the article Rhabdo-
o nerve growth actors produced by neurog ia o ers the prom-
myolysis at Connect It! at
ise o treating brain damage by stimu ating re ease o these
Nerve tissue had been viewed as having a imited capacity
to regenerate, but accumu ating evidence shows that these
imitations are not as great as once thought. QUICK CHECK
Neurons outside the brain and spina cord can sometimes 1. Wh a t a re th e tw o m a in ce ll typ e s o u n d in n e rvo u s tis s u e ?
regenerate on their own, but the process is very s ow and on y 2. Wh a t is m e a n t b y th e te rm re g e n e ra tio n o tis s u e ?

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 71)

connective tissue gland neuron

(koh-NEK-tiv TISH-yoo) (gland) (NOO-ron)
[con- together, -nect- bind, -ive relating to, [gland acorn] [neur- string or nerve, -on unit]
tissue abric] glia osteon
cuboidal (GLEE-ah) (AHS-tee-on)
(KYOO-boyd-al) [glia glue] [osteo- bone, -on unit]
[cub- cube, -oid like, -al relating to] goblet cell proteoglycan
dendrite (GOB-let sel) (PRO-tee-oh-GLYE-kan)
(DEN-dryte) [goblet small bowl, cell storeroom] [proteo- protein, -glycan polysaccharide
[dendr- tree, -ite part (branch) o ] haversian system ( rom -glyc- sweet)]
dense f brous connective tissue (hah-VER-zhun or HAV-er-zhun SIS-tem) pseudostratif ed epithelium
(dens FYE-brus koh-NEK-tiv TISH-yoo) [Clopton Havers English physician, (SOOD-oh-STRAT-ih- yed ep-ih-THEE-
[dense thick, f bro- f ber, -ous relating to, -ian relating to] lee-um)
con- together, -nect- bind, -ive relating to, hematopoietic tissue [pseudo- alse, -strati- layer, -f ed made,
tissue abric] (hee-mah-toh-poy-ET-ik TISH yoo) epi- on or upon, theli- nipple, -um thing]
elastic cartilage [hema- blood, -poie- to make, -ic relating to, reticular tissue
(eh-LAS-tik KAR-tih-lij) tissue abric] (reh-TIK-yoo-lar TISH-yoo)
[elast- drive or propel, -ic relating to, hyaline cartilage [ret- net, -ic- relating to, -ul- little,
cartilag- cartilage] (HYE-ah-lin KAR-tih-lij) -ar characterized by, tissue abric] 4
elastin [hyal- glass, -ine o or like, cartilag- cartilage] simple
(e-LAS-tin) interstitial (SIM-pel)
[elast- strike or beat out, -in substance] (in-ter-STISH-al) [simple not mixed]
endocrine [inter- between, -stit- stand, -al relating to] simple columnar epithelium
(EN-doh-krin) loose f brous connective tissue (SIM-pel koh-LUM-nar ep-ih-THEE-lee-um)
[endo- within, -crin secrete] (LOOS FYE-brus kon-NEK-tiv TISH-yoo) [simple not mixed, column- column, -ar relating
epithelial tissue [f br- thread or f ber, -ous relating to, to, epi- on, -theli- nipple, -um thing]
(ep-ih-THEE-lee-al TISH-yoo) con- together, -nect- bind, -ive relating to, simple cuboidal epithelium
[epi- on or upon, -theli- nipple, -al relating to, tissu- abric] (SIM-pel KYOO-boyd-al ep-ih-THEE-
tissue abric] matrix lee-um)
exocrine (MAY-triks) [simple not mixed, cub- cube, -oid like,
(EK-soh-krin) [matrix womb] -al relating to, epi- on, -theli- nipple,
[exo- outside or outward, -crin secrete] -um thing]
nervous tissue
ascia (NER-vus TISH-yoo) simple squamous epithelium
(FASH-ee-ah) [nerv- nerves, -ous relating to, tissue abric] (SIM-pel SKWAY-mus ep-ih-THEE-lee-um)
[ ascia band or bundle] [simple not mixed, squam- scale,
(noo-ROG-lee-ah or noo-roh-GLEE-ah) -ous characterized by, epi- on, -theli- nipple,
at tissue
( at TISH-yoo) sing., neuroglial cell -um thing]
[tissue abric] (noo-ROG-lee-al or noo-roh-GLEE-al sel) skeletal muscle tissue
f brocartilage [neuro- nerve, -glia glue] (SKEL-et-tal MUS-el TISH-yoo)
( ye-broh-KAR-tih-lij) [skelet- dried body, -al relating to, mus- mouse,
-cle small, tissue abric]
[f br- thread or f ber, -cartilag- cartilage]
Continued on p. 86
86 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 85)

smooth muscle tissue stratif ed squamous epithelium tissue

(smoothe MUS-el TISH-yoo) (STRAT-ih- yde SKWAY-mus (TISH-yoo)
[smooth smooth, mus- mouse, -cle small, ep-ih-THEE-lee-um) [tissue abric]
tissue abric] [strati- layer, -f ed made, squam- scale, transitional
squamous -ous characterized by, epi- on, -theli- nipple, (tranz-IH-shen-al)
(SKWAY-mus) -um thing] [trans- across, -tion- process, -al relating to]
[squam- scale, -ous characterized by] stratif ed transitional epithelium
stratif ed (STRAT-ih- yde tran-ZISH-en-al ep-ih-
(STRAT-ih- yde) THEE-lee-um)
[strati- layer, -f ed made] [strati- layer, -f ed made, trans- across,
-tion- process, -al relating to, epi- on,
-theli- nipple, -um thing]


histologist pathologist rhabdomyolysis

(hih-STOL-oh-jist) (pah-THOL-oh-jist) (RAB-doh-mye-OL-ih-sis)
[histo- tissue, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent] [patho- disease, -log- words (study o ), [rabdo- rod, -myo- muscle, -lysis loosening]
keloid -ist agent] scar
(KEE-loyd) regeneration (skahr)
[kel- claw, -oid like] (ree-jen-er-AY-shun) [scar scab]
paleontologist [re- again, generat- produce, -tion process] tissue typing
(pay-lee-un-TOL-oh-jist) rejection reaction (TISH-yoo TYE-ping)
[paleo- ancient, -onto- being, -log- words (reh-J EK-shun ree-AK-shun) [tissue abric, type- kind]
(study o ), -ist agent] [re- again, -ject to throw, -tion process o ,
re- again, -act- to do, -tion process o ]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary 3. Musc e tissuecontracts to produce movement
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r 4. Nervous tissuesenses, conducts, and processes
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . in ormation
B. Matrixa so ca ed extrace u ar matrix (ECM)
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to 1. Interna uid environment o the body, surrounding
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e ce s o each tissue
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s 2. Most y water, but a so o ten contains f bers and other
or be ore a te s t. substances that give it thick, je y ike consistency
(Figure 4-1)
a. Co agenprotein that orms twisted rope ike
Intro ductio n to Tis s ue s f bers that provide exib e strength to tissue
A. Four main tissue types b. E astinrubbery protein that provides e astic
1. Epithe ia tissue orms sheets that cover or ine the stretch and recoi in tissues
body c. Po ysaccharides and proteog ycans he p ink ce s,
2. Connective tissueprovides structura and unctiona absorb shock, regu ate unction, and ubricate
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 87

b. Bonecompact and cance ous (spongy)

Epithe lial Tis s ue c. Carti agehya ine, f brocarti age, e astic
A. Introduction to epithe ia tissue (Table 4-1) d. B ood
1. Covers body and ines body cavities; orms tubes and e. H ematopoietic tissue
ducts B. Fibrous connective tissue
2. Strong y connected ce s are packed c ose y together 1. Loose f brous connective tissue (areo ar)f brous g ue
with itt e matrix; contains no b ood vesse s ( ascia) that ho ds organs together; co agenous and
3. G ue ike basement membrane ho ds epithe ium to e astic f bers, p us a variety o ce types (Figure 4-9)
under ying connective tissue 2. Adipose ( at) tissuewhite at stores ipids (trig ycer-
4. C assif ed by shape o ce s (Figure 4-2) ides); brown at produces heat; both types regu ate
a. Squamous at and sca e ike metabo ism (Figure 4-10)
b. Cuboida cube-shaped 3. Reticu ar tissuede icate net o co agen f bers, as in
c. Co umnarta er than they are wide bone marrow (Figure 4-11)
d. ransitiona varying shapes that can stretch 4. Dense f brous tissuebund es o strong co agen
5. A so c assif ed by arrangement o ce s into one or f bers, dense y packed
more ayers: simp e or stratif ed a. Regu arpara e co agen bund es; examp e is
B. Squamous epithe ium tendon (Figure 4-12)
1. Simp e squamous epithe iumsing e ayer o sca e ike b. Irregu archaotic, swir ing co agen bund es;
ce s adapted or transport (e.g., absorption) examp e is deep ayer o skin
(Figure 4-3) C. Bone tissuematrix is co agen bund es encrusted with
2. Stratif ed squamous epithe iumsevera ayers o ca cium minera crysta s
c ose y packed ce s specia izing in protection 1. Compact bonemade up o cy indrica osteons
(Figure 4-4) (haversian systems); orms outer wa s o bones
C. Cuboida epithe ium 2. Cance ous bonemade up o thin, crisscrossing
1. Simp e cuboida epithe iumsing e ayer o cube ike beams o bone; ound inside bones; a so ca ed spongy
ce s o ten specia ized or secretory activity; may bone
secrete into ducts, direct y into b ood, and on body 3. Bone unctions in support and protection (Figure 4-13)
sur ace (Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-5) D. Carti age tissuematrix has consistency o grist e ike
2. Stratif ed cuboida epithe iumtwo or more ayers o ge ; chondrocyte is ce type (Figure 4-14)
cube ike ce s, sometimes ound in sweat g ands and 1. H ya ine carti agemoderate amount o co agen in
other ocations matrix; orms a exib e ge
D. Co umnar epithe ium 2. Fibrocarti agematrix is very dense with co agen;
1. Simp e co umnar epithe iumta , co umn ike ce s orms very tough, hard ge
arranged in a sing e ayer; contain mucus-producing 3. E astic carti agematrix has some co agen with
gob et ce s; specia ized or absorption (Figure 4-6) e astin; orms a so t, e astic ge
2. Pseudostratif ed epithe iumsing e ayer o distorted E. B ood tissuematrix is uid p asma; contains red b ood 4
co umnar ce s; each ce touches basement membrane ce s, white b ood ce s, and p ate ets; unctions are trans-
(Figure 4-7) portation and protection (Figure 4-15)
E. ransitiona epithe ium F. H ematopoietic tissueb ood- orming tissue with a
1. Stratif ed transitiona epithe iumup to 10 ayers o iquid matrix
rough y cuboida ce s that distort to squamous shape
when stretched (Figure 4-8)
2. Found in body areas that stretch, such as urinary
Mus cle Tis s ue
b adder A. Musc e tissue contracts to provide movement or stabi ity;
produces body heat (Table 4-3)
B. Ske eta musc e tissueattaches to bones; a so ca ed
Co nne ctive Tis s ue striated or voluntary; contro is vo untary; striations
A. Introduction to connective tissue (Table 4-2) apparent when viewed under a microscope (Figure 4-16)
1. Most abundant and wide y distributed tissue in body, C. Cardiac musc e tissuea so ca ed striated involuntary;
with many di erent types, appearances, and unctions composes heart wa ; ordinari y cannot contro contrac-
2. Re ative y ew ce s in extrace u ar matrix between tions (Figure 4-17)
tissue ce s D. Smooth musc e tissuea so ca ed nonstriated (visceral)
3. ypes or involuntary; no cross striations; ound in b ood vesse s
a. Fibrous oose f brous (areo ar), adipose ( at), and other tube-shaped organs (Figure 4-18)
reticu ar, dense f brous
88 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

Ne rvo us Tis s ue Tis s ue Re pair

A. Functionrapid communication between body struc- A. Usua y accomp ished by means o regeneration o tissue
tures and contro o body unctions (Table 4-3) B. Epithe ia and connective tissues have greatest capacity
B. Neurons (Figure 4-19) or se -repair
1. Conduction ce s 1. Scardense f brous mass sometimes orms i damage
2. A neurons have ce body and two types o processes: was extensive
axon and dendrite 2. Ke oid scars are unusua y thick (Figure 4-20)
a. Axon (one) carries nerve impu se away rom ce C. Musc e and nervous tissue can regenerate under avor-
body ab e conditions
b. Dendrites (one or more) carry nerve impu se
toward the ce body
C. G ia (neurog ia)supportive and connecting ce s

STUDY TIPS Table 4-1 and inc ude the ocations o these tissues in the
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in body.
m e e ting your le arning goals . 5. W hen c assi ying connective tissues, pay c ose attention
to the matrix. Identi y whether the matrix is f brous
1. issue identif cation may seem a bit overwhe ming at f rst protein, protein that is ground substance, or uid. Use
g ance. But i you ook or key characteristics as you avai ab e resources (textbook, ab manua , at as, or Internet
study each one, it becomes easier. See sources) to ami iarize yourse with the di erence among
or advice. these matrices. Deve op a concept map that depicts the di -
2. issue types are additiona topics that cou d be earned erent connective tissues. Use Table 4-2 and inc ude the
using ash cards. It may be he p u to remember that epi- ocations o these tissues in the body. ( o earn about
the ia tissues are covering and protective tissues, and the concept mapping, go to ExHC .)
important thing about connective tissue is the matrix sur- 6. Fami iarize yourse with the unique characteristics that
rounding the ce s. def ne each type o musc e tissue. Re er to Table 4-3. Con-
3. o understand the shape o epithe ia ce s, you can use a struct a -chart that ists the di erent musc e tissues and
soda can ana ogy. Imagine a soda can that has been com- their ocations.
p ete y smashed. T is wou d represent a squamous-shaped 7. T e use o ash cards or review cards is an exce ent strat-
4 ce . A soda can that has on y been smashed ha way egy to earn the various types o tissues. T ere are many
wou d represent a cuboida -shaped ce . A soda can that on ine sources that have tissue images. O btain photos or
has not been smashed wou d represent a co umnar-shaped i ustrations o the di erent types o tissues. P ace the
ce . Fina y, soda cans arranged in a o these shapes photo or i ustration on one side o an index card. On the
wou d represent stratif ed transitiona epithe ium. opposite side o the card, put the name o the tissue. You
4. Because membranous epithe ium covers the body or ines can a so add additiona in ormation such as unique char-
a cavity, there is a ways an exposed space. A ter you have acteristics or ocation in the body.
identif ed the exposed space, c assi y the shape (squamous, 8. Check out the o owing websites or interactive strategies
cuboida , or co umnar) o the ce s. T en determine the that wi enhance your understanding o the di erent
number o ayers (simp e or stratif ed). Deve op a concept tissues: 3p3 and
map that depicts the di erent epithe ia tissues. Use
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 89

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Def ne the term tissue and identi y the our principa 25. Exp ain what is meant by tissue typing. W hy has this
tissue types. become so important in recent years?
2. Name and describe three epithe ia tissues. 26. You are working in a patho ogy ab and have been given
3. C assi y epithe ium according to the ayers o ce s an epithe ia tissue samp e to identi y. W hat steps wou d
present. you take to determine what type o epithe ia tissue you
4. W here can stratif ed squamous ce s be ound? are examining?
5. W hat is the specia unction o simp e co umnar 27. I a sma , but deep cut invo ving skin and musc e occurs,
epithe ium? predict which tissue wi probab y hea f rst and which
6. H ow does pseudostratif ed epithe ium di er rom strati- wi hea more comp ete y. Exp ain your answer.
f ed epithe ium? 28. Compare and contrast tissue repair in epithe ia , connec-
7. W hat are some examp es o substances secreted through tive, musc e, and nervous tissue.
g ands or tubu es made up o simp e cuboida epithe ia
ce s?
8. Name and describe three connective tissues.
Chapte r Te s t
9. W here is connective tissue ound? A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
10. W hat type o connective tissue is the most wide y dis- re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
tributed throughout the body? w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
11. W hat type o connective tissue provides great strength
and exibi ity, but no stretch? 1. ________, ________, ________, and ________ are the
12. W hat is the unction o hematopoietic tissue? our main tissues in the body.
13. Name and describe two musc e tissues. 2. ________ tissue covers the body and many o its parts.
14. Describe the structure and distinctive traits o ske eta 3. Epithe ia ce s that vary in shape that can stretch are
musc e. c assif ed as ________ epithe ium.
15. Give some examp es o smooth musc e tissue. 4. T e open spaces seen among epithe ia ce s are specia -
16. Name the two types o nervous tissue. W hich is unc- ized ________ ce s that produce mucus.
tiona nerve tissue and which is support tissue? 5. T e most abundant and wide y distributed tissue in the
17. Give a genera description o a neuron. body is ________ tissue.
18. W hat is the unction o an axon? H ow do dendrites 6. Connective tissue di ers rom epithe ia tissue in the 4
serve the nervous system? arrangement and variety o its ce s and in the amount
19. W hat tissues have the greatest capacity to regenerate? and kinds o interce u ar materia , ca ed ________.
20. Name the tissues that do not regenerate. 7. Cardiac musc e f bers have aint cross striations and
21. W hat is the uid materia between ce s? thicker dark bands ca ed ________.
22. W hat is brown at? 8. A neurons are characterized by a ________ ________
23. W hat is cance ous bone? and two processes: one ________ and one or more
24. Name three types o carti age. ________.
9. T e growth o new tissue is ca ed ________.
10. An unusua y thick scar that deve ops in the ower ayer
o the skin is ca ed a ________.
90 CHAPTER 4 Tissues

11. Epithe ia tissue that contains ce s that are at and 16. endons are examp es o which connective tissue type?
sca e ike are c assif ed as: a. Dense f brous
a. stratif ed transitiona b. Areo ar
b. squamous c. Adipose
c. cuboida d. Reticu ar
d. co umnar 17. W hich o the musc e tissue types are invo untary?
12. T e type o epithe ia tissue that protects the body rom a. Ske eta
invasion by microorganisms is: b. Smooth
a. simp e squamous c. Cardiac
b. stratif ed squamous d. Both b and c
c. pseudostratif ed 18. T is type o musc e tissue can be ound in the wa s o
d. simp e co umnar b ood vesse s and intestines.
e. stratif ed transitiona a. Ske eta
13. W hich epithe ia tissue orms tubu es or other groupings b. Smooth
or secretory activity? c. Cardiac
a. Simp e squamous d. Both a and b
b. Pseudostratif ed 19. A neuron process that carries the impu se away rom the
c. Stratif ed transitiona ce body is ca ed a(n):
d. Cuboida a. axon
14. W hat are the unctions o connective tissue? b. dendrite
a. Connects tissue to each other c. g ia
b. Forms a supporting ramework or the body d. neurog ia
c. ransports substances throughout the body 20. W hich tissue is east ike y to regenerate itse ?
d. A o these choices are correct a. Simp e squamous epithe ium
15. W hat type o tissue is the most wide y distributed o a b. Dense f brous connective tissue
connective tissue? c. Smooth musc e tissue
a. Areo ar d. Stratif ed squamous epithe ium
b. Adipose
c. Dense f brous
d. Reticu ar

Match the tissue type in column A with its corresponding description in column B.

Column A Column B
4 21. ________ Simp e squamous epithe ium a. Found in the wa s o the intestines
22. ________ Pseudostratif ed epithe ium b. G ia ce s
23. ________ Dense f brous connective tissue c. Absorption o oxygen into the b ood
24. ________ Carti age d. Interca ated disks
25. ________ Adipose e. Lines the trachea
26. ________ Reticu ar . Composes tendons
27. ________ Ske eta musc e tissue g. Fat tissue
28. ________ Smooth musc e tissue h. De icate webs o co agen f bers
29. ________ Cardiac musc e tissue i. Chondrocytes
30. ________ Nervous tissue j. Striated, vo untary
CHAPTER 4 Tissues 91

2. Lauren is a bodybui der who is obsessed with her phy-

Cas e S tudie s sique. She exercises dai y and eats a very ow- at diet. H er
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to sister E en is a persona f tness trainer and she assessed
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- Laurens body at at 12%. Determine whether Lauren is
book, and othe r re s ource s . too ean or too at. Exp ain the re ationship between her
body- at percentage and i esty e.
1. Faye was brought to the hea th c inic by her granddaugh- 3. Dennis is a sedentary, midd e-aged smoker who is com-
ter. Faye sustained a burn on her right oot rom burning p aining o chest pain. U timate y, he is diagnosed with
trash. T e area is b istered, swo en, hot, and tender to the ung cancer. W hat type o tissues wou d be invo ved?
touch. T e area surrounding the burn has an increased
redness. Based on the structure and unction o types o Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
tissue, what type o injury do you suspect Faye has sus- at
tained? Because the basement membrane was not com-
p ete y destroyed in Fayes injury, what type o tissue
repair wou d you expect to occur?

Organ Systems
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Organ Systems o the Body, 93

Integumentary System, 93
Skeletal System, 94
Muscular System, 94
Nervous System, 95
Endocrine System, 96
Cardiovascular System, 96
Lymphatic and Immune Systems, 97
Respiratory System, 98
Digestive System, 98
Urinary System, 99
Reproductive Systems, 99
Body as a Whole, 101
Homeostasis, 101
Applying Organ System Concepts, 101
Organ Replacement, 101
Vital and Nonvital Organs, 101
Artif cial Organs, 101
Organ Transplantation, 104

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Def ne and contrast the terms organ and organ
2. Identi y and locate the major organs o the integu-
mentary, skeletal, and muscular systems, and brie y
describe their major unctions.
3. Identi y and locate the major organs o the nervous,
endocrine, and cardiovascular systems, and brie y
describe their major unctions.
4. Identi y and locate the major organs o the lymphatic
and immune, respiratory, digestive, and urinary
systems, and brie y describe their major unctions.
5. Identi y and locate the major organs and subdivisions
o the male and emale reproductive systems, and
brie y describe their major unctions.
6. Describe the body as a whole, including listing the
major organ systems o the body, discussing homeo-
stasis, and applying organ system concepts.
7. Describe current approaches to organ replacement.

Be o re re ading the
chapte r, s ay e ach o
the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the m as yo u re ad.
A t e r exp oring ce s and
tissues in the previous chapters,
adrenal gland
we are ready to ook at the organs (ah-DREE-nal gland)
and systems o the body. An organ is [ad- toward, -ren- kidney, -al relating
a structure made up o two or more kinds to, gland acorn]
o tissue and is organized to per orm a alimentary canal
more comp ex unction compared to a sing e (al-eh-MEN-tar-ee kah-NAL)
tissue. A system is a group o organs that [aliment- nourishment, -ary relating
together per orm a more comp ex unction than to, canal channel]
does one organ. T is chapter gives a brie overview o alveolus
the major organ systems o the body. (al-VEE-oh-lus)
pl., alveoli
An overview o body systems provides the oundation needed to (al-VEE-oh-lye)
see the big picture o human structure and unction as we ater revea [alve- hollow, -olus little]
the detai s o each system. As you progress through your detai ed study o the antibody
major organ systems in the chapters that o ow, it wi be possib e to view the (AN-tih-bod-ee)
body not just as an assemb y o individua parts but as an integrated and unc- [anti- against, -body body]
tioning who e. artery
[arteri vessel]

O r g a n S y s t e m s o t h e Bo d y bronchus
In t e g u m e n t a ry S y s t e m pl., bronchi
T e integumentary system inc udes on y one organ: the skin (Figure 5-1). In [bronchus windpipe]
most adu ts, the skin a one weighs 20 pounds or moreaccounting or about
16% o tota body weight and making it the bodys heaviest organ. (KAP-ih-layr-ee)
A though the integumentary system has on y one organ, that one organ, the [capill- hair, -ary relating to]
skin or integument, has many mi ions o appendages (structures attached to a cardiac muscle
main part) and g ands. T ese skin structures inc ude the hair, nai s, and sweat- (KAR-dee-ak MUS-el)
and oi -producing g ands. T e skin inc udes many microscopic sense receptors, [cardi- heart, -ic relating to,
making it the argest sensory organ o the body. Skin sense receptors permit the mus- mouse, -cle little]
body to respond to pain, pressure, touch, texture, vibration, and changes in cardiovascular system
temperature. (kar-dee-oh-VAS-kyoo-lar
[cardio- heart, -vas- vessel,
-ular relating to, system organized

Continued on p. 106

94 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

Ha ir
Pa rie ta l bone Fronta l bone

Occipita l bone
Ma xilla
Ve rte bra Ma ndible

S ca pula
S kin
S te rnum
Hume rus

Cos ta l
ca rtila ge Ve rte bra e
(coxa l)
Ra dius

Ca rpa l bone s
Me ta ca rpa l
bone s
P ha la nge s

Fe mur

Na ils

Pa te lla

S Tibia

FIGURE 5-1 Integumentary system. Ta rs a l bone s

Me ta ta rs a l
T e integumentary system is crucia to surviva . Its primary bone s R L
unction is protection. T e skin protects under ying tissue
against invasion by harm u bacteria, bars entry o most I
chemica s, and minimizes the chances o mechanica injury to
FIGURE 5-2 Skeletal system.
under ying structures. In addition, the skin regu ates body
temperature by sweating and by contro ing b ood ow and
there ore heat oss at the body sur ace. T e skin a so synthe- Ligaments are bands o f brous connective tissue that he p
sizes important chemica s, such as vitamin D, and unctions as ho d bones together. Connections between two or more bones
a sophisticated sense organ or temperature, touch, pressure, are ca ed joints. T e moveab e joints between bones make
pain, vibration, and more. various movements o individua body parts possib e. W ithout
movab e joints, our bodies wou d be rigid, immobi e hu ks.
T e ske eton provides protection and a supporting rame-
5 S k e le t a l S y s t e m
work or the brain and other interna organs. Bones a so serve
Bones are the primary organs o the ske eta system. Figure 5-2 as storage areas or important minera s such as ca cium and
shows examp es o the 206 individua y named bones ound in phosphorus.
the skeletal system. Each individua a so has some variab e T e ormation o b ood ce s in the red marrow o certain
bones that di er rom person to person and do not have spe- bones is another crucia unction o the ske eta system.
cif c names.
T e ske eta system inc udes not on y bone but a so re ated
tissues such as carti age. Carti age can cushion bones that are
M u s c u la r S y s t e m
inked together and can act as the connection between one S k e le t a l M u s c le s
bone and another. Look at the arge carti age bands (costa Individua ske eta musc es are the organs o the muscular
carti age) that connect the ribs to the sternum in Figure 5-2. system. Musc es are made up o most y skeletal muscle
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 95

tissue. A so ca ed voluntary muscle, this tissue has the abi ity are attached to bones and the way bones articu ate (join) with
to contract when stimu ated by conscious nerve regu ation. one another in joints. Sometimes it is use u to think o this
A though movement o the body is the primary unction o cooperative unctioning o the bones and musc es as the skel-
the muscu ar system, it a so maintains stabi ity o our posture etomuscular system or musculoskeletal system.
(body position) and provides heat to maintain our body
temperature. M u s c le s o O t h e r S y s t e m s
A tendon is a dense strap or sheet o regu ar dense f brous In addition to organs o the muscu ar system, the body con-
connective tissue. A tendon is part o a musc e organ that at- tains other types o musc e tissue that orm parts o organs in
taches the musc e to a bone (or to another musc e). T e ante- other body systems.
rior tibia is tendon o the eg abe ed in Figure 5-3 shows how For examp e, smooth muscle tissue is ound in the wa s o
tendons attach musc es to bones. ho ow organs such as the stomach and sma intestine.
W hen stimu ated by a nervous impu se, ske eta musc e Smooth musc es he p move uids through organs and o ten
tissue shortens or contracts. Vo untary movement occurs orm va ves that regu ate when uids may move rom one sec-
when ske eta musc es shortena unction o the way musc es tion o a ho ow organ to another.
A third type o musc e tissue is the cardiac muscle in the
wa o the heart. By contracting, it pumps b ood through the
circu atory system. Some cardiac musc e ce s in the heart
generate the rhythm o the heartbeat.
Smooth and cardiac musc e tissues are involuntary be-
cause they are regu ated by subconscious mechanisms.

S te rnocle idoma s toid N e r vo u s S y s t e m

De ltoid T e brain, spina cord, and nerves are the organs o the
nervous system (Figure 5-4). T e brain and spina cord make
Pe ctora lis up the central nervous system (CNS). T ese two organs
ma jor provide the centra contro o the who e nervous system.
Bice ps T e cranial nerves extend rom the brain and the spinal
bra chii
nerves extend rom the spina cord. T e crania and spina
Exte rna l nerves, and a their branches, make up the peripheral
a bdomina l nervous system (PNS). T e word peripheral means around
the boundary, an apt term or the nerve branches that extend
Re ctus a the way to the arthest boundaries o the body.
a bdominis T e extensive networking o the components o the ner-
vous system makes it possib e or this comp ex system to
per orm its primary unctions. T ese inc ude the o owing:
1. Communication between body organs
2. Integration o body unctions
S a rtorius 3. Contro o body unctions
Re ctus fe moris
4. Recognition o sensory stimu i
T ese unctions are per ormed by signa s ca ed nerve
impulses. In genera , the unctions o the nervous system
resu t in rapid activity that asts usua y or a short duration.
For examp e, we can chew our ood norma y, wa k, and per-
orm coordinated muscu ar movements on y i our nervous
Tibia lis a nte rior
system unctions proper y. T e nerve impu ses permit the 5
rapid and precise contro o diverse body unctions. O ther
types o nerve impu ses cause g ands to secrete hormones or
Tibia lis a nte rior te ndon other uids.
S In addition, e ements o the periphera nervous system
can recognize certain stimuli, such as heat, ight, sound,
pressure, or temperature, that a ect the body. W hen stimu-
I ated, these sense organs (discussed in Chapter 11) generate
nerve impu ses that trave to the brain or spina cord where
ana ysis or re ay occurs and, i needed, appropriate action is
FIGURE 5-3 Muscular system. initiated.
96 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

Bra in
P ine a l Hypotha la mus
(s e ns e orga n) P ituita ry
Cra nia l ne rve s Pa ra thyroids
S pina l cord Thyroid

S pina l
ne rve s Thymus

Adre na ls

Pa ncre a tic
is le ts

Ova rie s
(fe ma le )
Te s te s
(ma le )


Centra l nervous FIGURE 5-5 Endocrine system.

s yste m (CNS)
Pe riphe ra l ne rvous In addition to contro ing growth, hormones are the main
system (P NS ) regu ators o metabo ism, reproduction, and other body activi-
S ties. T ey p ay important ro es in uid and e ectro yte ba ance
and acid-base ba ance. T e various ro es o major hormones are
R L integrated into discussions throughout the rest o this book.
I As you can see in Figure 5-5, endocrine g ands are wide y
distributed throughout the body. But this is not the comp ete
FIGURE 5-4 Nervous system. pictureendocrine g ands are ar more numerous and wide-
spread than is shown here. We consider just a ew o the major
endocrine g ands.
En d o c r in e S y s t e m T e pituitary gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus are
T e endocrine system is composed o g ands that secrete ocated in the sku . T e thyroid gland and parathyroid glands
chemica s known as hormones direct y into the b ood. are in the neck, and the thymus gland is in the thoracic cavity,
Sometimes ca ed ductless glands, the organs o the endo- specif ca y in the mediastinum (see Figure 1-5, p. 9). T e
crine system per orm the same genera unctions as the adrenal glands and pancreas are ound in the abdomina
5 nervous system: communication, integration, and contro . cavity.
T e nervous system provides rapid, brie contro by ast- Note in Figure 5-5 that some reproductive organs (ovaries in
trave ing nerve impu ses. T e endocrine system provides the ema e and the testes in the ma e) a so unction as endo-
s ower but onger- asting contro by hormone secretion. For crine g ands.
examp e, secretion o growth hormone contro s the rate o
deve opment over ong periods o gradua growth.
C a r d io va s c u la r S y s t e m
Because o their in uence over activities throughout the
body, it is no wonder that the nervous and endocrine systems T e cardiovascular system consists o the heart and a c osed
are sometimes thought o as one arge regu atory systemthe system o vesse s made up o arteries, veins, and capillaries
neuroendocrine system. (Figure 5-6). As the name imp ies, b ood contained in this
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 97

1. Wh a t is th e in te g u m e n t, a n d w h a t a re its u n ctio n s ?
2. Give e xa m p le s o o rga n s o th e s ke le ta l s ys te m .
S upe rior ve na 3. Wh a t a re th e m a jo r u n ctio n s o th e n e rvo u s s ys te m ?
cava (ve in) 4. Wh a t o rga n s m a ke u p th e ca rd iova s cu la r s ys te m ?
S ubclavia n ve in
S ubclavia n
a rte ry Aorta (a rte ry)
P ulmona ry Ly m p h a t ic a n d Im m u n e S y s t e m s
a rte ry
T e two systems we describe next work as partners to provide
He a rt de ense o the bodys interna environment against harm u
Infe rior ve na agents such as pathogens and cancer.
cava (ve in)
Ly m p h a t ic S y s t e m
T e lymphatic system is composed o lymphatic vessels to-
gether with other ymphatic organs made up o masses o
ilia c a rte ry
de ensive ce s o ten ca ed lymphoid tissue. T ese ymphoid
organs inc ude the lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus gland, and
spleen (Figure 5-7). Note that the thymus unctions as an en-
docrine g and and as a ymphatic organ. A though it is part o
the ske eta system, red bone marrow is a so o ten considered
to be a ymphoid structure.
Fe mora l ve in Instead o containing b ood, the ymphatic vesse s are f ed
with lymph, a watery uid that contains ymphocytes, pro-
Fe mora l a rte ry
teins, and some atty mo ecu es, but no red b ood ce s. T e
ymph is ormed rom the uid around the body ce s that
di uses into the ymph vesse s.
Poplite a l a rte ry
Un ike b ood, ymph does not circu ate repeated y through
a c osed circuit, or oop, o vesse s. Instead, ymph owing
through ymphatic vesse s eventua y enters the cardiovascu ar,
or circu atory, system by passing through arge ducts, such as
the thoracic duct, which in turn connect with veins in the
upper thoracic cavity. Many bio ogists consider the ymphatic
system to be part o the cardiovascu ar system.
S T e unctions o the ymphatic system inc ude moving
interstitia uids and sma partic es back into b ood vesse s
and transporting ats absorbed rom the digestive tract to the
I b ood.
FIGURE 5-6 Cardiovascular system. Lymph nodes and other ymphoid structures act as sma
f ters that trap and destroy bacteria ce s, cancerous ce s, and
other debris that are carried by the ymph uid as it ows
system is pumped by the heart around a c osed circ e, or cir- through the tissues. As such, the organs o the ymphatic sys-
cuit, o vesse s as it passes through the body. T e cardiovascu- tem p ay a ro e in immunity. Because o this over ap o unc-
ar system is sometimes ca ed the circulatory system. tions, the ymphatic system and immune system are o ten
T e primary unction o the cardiovascu ar or circu atory discussed together.
system is transportation. T e need or an e cient transporta- Figure 5-7 shows groupings o ymph nodes in the axi ary
tion system in the body is critica . ransportation needs in- (armpit) and in the inguina (groin) areas o the body.
c ude continuous movement o oxygen (O 2) and carbon diox- 5
ide (CO 2), nutrients, hormones, and other important Im m u n e S y s t e m
substances. Wastes produced by the ce s are re eased into the A o the bodys de ense systems together make up the
b oodstream on an ongoing basis and are transported by the immune system. It protects us rom disease-causing microor-
b ood to the excretory organs. ganisms, harm u toxins, transp anted tissue ce s, and any o
T e cardiovascu ar system a so he ps regu ate body tempera- our own ce s that have turned ma ignant or cancerous.
ture by distributing heat throughout the body and by assisting T e immune system is composed o protective ce s (such
in retaining or re easing heat rom the body by regu ating b ood as phagocytes) and various types o de ensive protein mo e-
ow near the body sur ace. Some ce s o the cardiovascu ar cu es (produced by secretory immune ce s). Some immune
system a so unction in de ense by way o immunity. system ce s have the abi ity to attack, engu , and destroy
98 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

Na s a l cavity
(nos e )
Tons ils
P ha rynx (throa t) Ora l cavity

Bronchi La rynx
Right (voice box)
lympha tic duct
Tra che a
Thymus (wind pipe )

Thora cic duct


S ple e n Dia phra gm



Re d bone FIGURE 5-8 Respiratory system.

ma rrow
In the a veo i, oxygen rom the air is exchanged or un-
needed CO 2. CO 2 is carried to the ungs by the b ood so it can
be e iminated rom the body. Figure 5-8 a so shows the
diaphragm, which is a sheet o musc e that p ays a major ro e
Lymph ve s s e ls
in in ating the ungs during breathing.
T e organs o the respiratory system per orm a number o
Lymph node
unctions in addition to permitting movement o air into the
a veo i. For examp e, i you ive in a co d or dry environment,
incoming air can be warmed and humidif ed as it passes over
the ining o the respiratory air passages. In addition, inha ed
irritants such as po en or dust passing through the respira-
tory tubes can be trapped in the sticky mucus that covers the
I ining o many respiratory passages and then e iminated rom
the body.
T e respiratory system a so is invo ved in regu ating the
acid-base ba ance o the bodya unction that is discussed in
Chapter 22.

To protect the delicate, vital alveoli deep inside

FIGURE 5-7 Lymphatic and immune systems.
the lungs, the respiratory tract has many complex
mechanisms that guard against injury and disease.
harm u bacteria direct y by phagocytosis. O ther more numer- Check out the article Protective Strategies o
ous immune system ce s secrete protein compounds ca ed the Respiratory Tract at Connect It! at
antibodies and complements. T ese substances produce
chemica reactions that he p protect the body rom many
harm u agents.
D ig e s t ive S y s t e m
T e ymphatic and immune systems, which are inked to
5 each other and to the cardiovascu ar system, are discussed in T e organs o the digestive system (Figure 5-9) are o ten sepa-
Chapter 16. rated into two groups: the primary organs and the secondary or
accessory organs. T ey work together to ensure proper digestion
and absorption o nutrientsand e imination o waste.
Re s p ir a t o ry S y s t e m T e primary organs o digestion orm the digestive tract.
T e major organs o the respiratory system inc ude the nose, T ey inc ude the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, sma
pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), intestine, arge intestine, rectum, and ana cana . T e accessory
bronchi, and lungs (Figure 5-8). ogether these organs aci i- organs o digestion may attach to the digestive tract (or be
tate the movement o air into the tiny, thin-wa ed sacs o the inside it). Accessory digestive organs inc ude the teeth, sa ivary
ungs ca ed alveoli. g ands, tongue, iver, ga b adder, pancreas, and appendix.
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 99

S a liva ry gla nd Mouth
P ha rynx (throa t)
S a liva ry gla nds

Es opha gus

Live r

S toma ch
Ga llbla dde r Kidney
Pa ncre a s
Ure te r
La rge
inte s tine
S ma ll
inte s tine

Re ctum Urina ry bla dde r

Ure thra
Appe ndix Anus

FIGURE 5-9 Digestive system.

T e digestive tract is a tube, open at both ends. It is a so

ca ed the alimentary canal, a major part o which is the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Food that enters the a imentary
cana is digested, its nutrients are absorbed, and the undi- FIGURE 5-10 Urinary system.
gested residue is e iminated rom the body as waste materia
ca ed eces.
In addition to the organs o the urinary system, other or-
gans a so he p e iminate body wastes. Undigested ood resi-
U r in a ry S y s t e m
dues and metabo ic wastes are e iminated rom the intestina
T e organs o the urinary system inc ude the kidneys, tract as eces, and the ungs rid the body o carbon dioxide.
ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. T e skin a so serves an excretory unction by e iminating wa-
T e kidneys (Figure 5-10) f ter out, or c ear, the b ood o ter and some sa ts in sweat.
the waste products continua y produced by the metabo ism o
nutrients in the body ce s. T e kidneys a so p ay an important
Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m s
ro e in maintaining the e ectro yte, water, and acid-base ba -
ances in the body. Hu m a n Re p ro d u c t io n
T e waste product produced by the kidneys is ca ed urine. T e norma unction o the reproductive system is di erent 5
A ter it is produced by the kidneys, urine ows out o the rom the norma unction o other organ systems o the body.
kidneys, through the ureters, and into the urinary b adder T e proper unctioning o the reproductive systems ensures
where it is temporari y stored. Urine passes rom the b adder surviva , not o the individua but o the genes. In addition,
to the outside o the body through the urethra. production o the hormones that permit the deve opment o
In the ma e the urethra passes through the penis and has a sexua characteristics a so a ects other structures and unc-
doub e unctionit transports both urine and semen (semina tions o the body.
uid). T ere ore it has urinary and reproductive purposes. In H umans reproduce sexua y (two-parent reproduction) so
the ema e the urinary and reproductive passages are comp ete y the ma e and the ema e reproductive systems must work to-
separate, so the urethra per orms on y a urinary unction. gether to produce o spring. Both systems have gonads that
100 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

produce sex ce s and hormones necessary or producing o - mammary glands, which produce mi k to nurture o spring.
spring and regu ation o reproductive unctions. T ey are present in both ma es and ema es, but norma y on y
produce mi k in ema es. Because o their ro e in supporting
M a le Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m deve opment o o spring, mammary g ands usua y are c assi-
T e ma e reproductive structures shown in Figure 5-11 inc ude f ed as accessory sex organs, rather than as skin g ands.
the testes, which produce the sex ce s and thus serve as the T e reproductive organs in the ema e unction to
ma e gonads. T e testes produce sperm as we as the ma e
hormone testosterone. A tube ca ed the vas de erens extends
rom each testis and eads to the urethra. Surrounding the
upper urethra is the prostate, which is an exocrine g and or
the uterus
ducted g and.
T e penis and scrotum are externa structures and to-
o o spring
gether are known as the externa genitalia. T e urethra, which
is identif ed in Figure 5-10 as part o the urinary system, passes
through the penis. It carries sperm to the exterior and acts as
a passageway or the e imination o urine. 1. Wh a t a re th e u n ctio n s o th e lym p h a tic s ys te m ?
2. Wh a t a re th re e wa ys th a t th e im m u n e s ys te m f g h ts
Functioning together, the ma e reproductive structures
d is e a s e -ca u s in g m icro o rga n is m s ?
produce sperm and introduce them into the ema e repro- 3. Wh a t u n ctio n s b e s id e s ga s e xch a n g e a re p e r o rm e d b y
ductive tract, where erti ization can occur. Sperm produced th e re s p ira to ry s ys te m ?
by the testes trave through a number o ducts, inc uding the 4. Wh a t a re s o m e o th e a cce s s o ry o rga n s o th e d ig e s tive
vas de erens, to exit the body. T e prostate and other acces- s ys te m ?
5. Wh a t o rga n in m a le s is s h a re d b y b o th th e u rin a ry s ys te m
sory organs, which add uid and nutrients to the sex ce s as
a n d th e re p ro d u ctive s ys te m ?
they pass through the ducts and the supporting structures
(especia y the penis), aci itate trans er o
sex ce s into the ema e reproductive

Fe m a le Re p ro d u c t ive
S ys t e m
T e ema e gonads are the
ovaries. O ther reproductive Bre a s ts
organs shown in Figure 5-12 (ma mma ry
gla nds )
inc ude the uterus, uterine
tubes or allopian tubes,
and the vagina. In the e-
ma e the term vulva is used
to describe the externa
genita ia. Va s
Eggs, or ova, are sex de fe re ns
ce s produced by the ova- Ute rine
P ros ta te tube
ries. O va trave through
the uterine tubes, where
they may be erti ized by
Ova ry
sperm. As the o spring
ormed by the union o Ute rus
sperm and ovum matures, it
5 moves down the uterine tube
Te s tis
Ure thra
S crotum Exte rna l
Pe nis ge nita lia
to the uterus, where it im- Va gina Vulva
p ants and orms a connection (exte rna l
ge nita lia )
with the mothers b ood vesse s.
A ter about 9 months, the o - S
spring is de ivered through the R L
cervix (neck) o the uterus and I
through the vagina.
T e breasts are atty exten-
sions o the skin that house the FIGURE 5-11 Male reproductive system. FIGURE 5-12 Female reproductive system.
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 101


Know le dge o the s tructure and unction o the organ s ys te m s Likew is e , aware ne s s o norm al ne rvous s ys te m unctions
is a critically im portant f rs t s te p in unde rs tanding and us ing can ale rt a pe rs on o a pos s ible brain tum or w he n expe rie ncing
in orm ation that e m powe rs us to be com e m ore s ophis ticate d unexplaine d he adache s or change s in vis ion or othe r s e ns e s .
guardians o our ow n he alth and we ll-be ing. Unus ual im m une s ys te m unctions , s uch as night s we ats , als o
For example, a better understanding o the reproductive sys- can ale rt phys icians to the pos s ibility o cance r.
tem helps individuals participate in a more direct and personal In orm ation on cance r s cre e ning is available rom the
way in cancer screening. Breast and testicular sel -examinations Am e rican Cance r Socie ty and rom m os t hos pitals , clinics , and
to detect cancer are two important ways that women and men he alth care provide rs .
can participate directly in protecting their own health.

Bo d y a s a Wh o le thinking o the ske eta and muscu ar systems separate y. T e

As you study the structure and unction o the various organ nervous system is so comp ex that o ten it is easier to under-
systems in the chapters that o ow, it is important that you stand i it is sp it into central and peripheral nervous systems.
ocus on how each system and its component organs re ate to Notice a so in the tab e that some organs be ong to more
other systems and to the body as a who e. than one system. For examp e, the hypotha amus is part o the
brain and there ore is in the nervous system, but it a so se-
cretes hormones, so it is in the endocrine system as we .
Ho m e o s t a s is
Table 5-1 ists major organs o each system and identif es the
unction o each system in the context o homeostasis. T e O r g a n Re p la c e m e n t
concept o homeostasis, introduced in Chapter 1, exp ains
Vit a l a n d N o n v it a l O r g a n s
how the body maintains or is ab e to restore re ative constancy
to its interna environment even when aced with changing As we a know, disease and injury are sometimes unavoidab e.
externa surroundings or interna needs. T ere ore it is common to su er damage that renders an or-
For examp e, musc e contraction can produce a specif c gan incapab e o proper unction.
body movement on y i it is attached appropriate y to a bone By def nition, a nonvita organ is not required or i e to
in the ske eta system. In order or contraction to begin, continuea vita organ is. I a nonvital organ is damaged, a
musc es must f rst be stimu ated by nerve impu ses generated persons hea th may be in some peri , but even permanent oss
in the nervous system. T en, in order to continue contracting, o that organ wi not resu t in death. For examp e, we can
musc es must receive both oxygen rom the respiratory system survive easi y without the use o our sp een, appendix, and
and nutrients absorbed rom the digestive system. Numerous tonsi s. We can a so survive, a though ess easi y, without the
wastes produced by contracting musc es must be e iminated use o our eyes, arms, and egs. H owever, i the unctions o a
by the urinary and respiratory systems. T e cardiovascu ar vital organ are ost, we are in immediate danger o dying. For
system provides transportation or the respiratory gases, nu- examp e, when the heart or brain ceases to unction, death wi
trients, and waste products o metabo ism. resu t.
No one body system unctions entire y independent y o O ver the past ew decades, hea th science pro essiona s
other systems. Instead, you wi f nd that they are structura y have made great advances in the abi ity to rep ace or repair
and unctiona y interre ated and interdependent. H omeosta- ost or damaged organs. In the case o nonvita organs, these
sis can be maintained on y by the coordinated and care u y techniques have improved the qua ity o i e or many pa-
regu ated unctioning o a body organ systems. tients. In the case o vita organs, these techniques have saved
and extended i e. 5
A p p ly in g O r g a n S y s t e m C o n c e p t s
A r t if c ia l O r g a n s
Notice that Table 5-1 groups the major organ systems into arger
systems or divides some o them into sma er systems. We N o n v it a l O r g a n Re p la c e m e n t
group or sp it the major organ systems when it makes a particu- A nonvita organ is o ten success u y rep aced or enhanced by
ar situation easier to understandor in certain c inica app i- an artif cia organ or prosthesis. T e term prosthesis, in the
cations where it he ps c ari y pro essiona communication. broadest sense, re ers to any device used to rep ace a body part
For examp e, physica therapists sometimes f nd it most or improve its unction. Figure 5-13 shows examp es o many
use u to use the concept o a skeletomuscular system rather than types o prostheses now in use.
102 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

TABLE 5-1 Organ Systems o the Body

Ske le tom us cular Inte gum e ntary Se parate s inte rnal e nvironm e nt Skin (include s hair, nails , glands )
(m us culo- (7) rom exte rnal e nvironm e nt
s ke le tal) Ske le tal Supports , prote cts , and m ove s Axial Bone s o s kull, Ligam e nts and joints
(8) body s pine , thorax o s kull, s pine ,
Store s m ine rals (m any) thorax (m any)
Appe ndicular Bone s o extre m itie s Ligam e nts and joints
(m any) o extre m itie s
(m any)
Mus cular Powe rs and dire cts s ke le tal Mus cle s (m any)
(9) m ove m e nt
Stabilize s the s ke le ton to m ain-
tain pos ture
Ge ne rate s he at
Ne uroe ndocrine Ne rvous Major re gulatory s ys te m o the Ce ntral Brain Spinal cord
(10, 11) inte rnal e nvironm e nt Pe riphe ral Cranial ne rve s (and Se ns e organs (m any)
Se ns e s change s , inte grate s in or- branche s )
m ation, and s e nds s ignals to Pe riphe ral ne rve s
e e ctors (m us cular organs , (and branche s )
glands )
Endocrine Re gulate s inte rnal e nvironm e nt Pituitary gland Pancre atic is le ts
(12) by s e cre ting horm one s that Pine al gland Ovarie s
trave l through bloods tre am to Hypothalam us Te s te s
targe t are as Thyroid gland Othe r glands
Adre nal glands
Circulatory Cardiovas cular Trans ports nutrie nts , wate r, He art Ve ins (m any)
(13-15) oxyge n, horm one s , was te s , Arte rie s (m any) Capillarie s (m any)
and othe r m ate rials w ithin the
inte rnal e nvironm e nt
Lym phatic/im m une Drains exce s s uid rom tis s ue s , Lym phatic Lym ph node s Sple e n
(16) cle ans it, and re turns it to the Lym ph ve s s e ls Tons ils
blood Thym us
De e nds inte rnal e nvironm e nt Im m une Lym ph node s All othe r lym phoid
rom injury by abnorm al ce lls , organs
ore ign particle s , and othe r
Re s piratory Exchange s O 2 and CO 2 be twe e n Nos e Trache a
(17) the inte rnal and exte rnal Pharynx Bronchi
e nvironm e nt Larynx Lungs
Dige s tive Bre aks apart nutrie nts rom the PRIMARY ACCESSORY
(18, 19) exte rnal e nvironm e nt and Mouth Te e th
abs orbs the m into the inte rnal Pharynx Salivary glands
e nvironm e nt Es ophagus Tongue

5 Stom ach
Sm all inte s tine
Live r
Gallbladde r
Large inte s tine Pancre as
Re ctum Appe ndix
Anal canal
*Som e s ys te m s are groupe d or s plit into othe r s ys te m s w he n ne e de d; a ew exam ple s are give n he re .
Num e rals in pare nthe s e s a te r e ach s ys te m nam e re e r to the chapte r num be rs w he re that s ys te m is dis cus s e d.
The ne rvous s ys te m o te n is s plit in othe r ways , s uch as s e ns ory/m otor or s om atic/autonom ic.
The lym phatic s ys te m include s both lym phoid organs and an exte ns ive ne twork o lym ph ve s s e ls , w he re as the im m une s ys te m include s only lym phoid
organs w ith de e ns ive unctions .
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 103

TABLE 5-1 Organ Systems o the Bodycont'd

Uroge nital Urinary Adjus ts inte rnal e nvironm e nt by Kidneys Urinary bladde r
(20-22) excre ting exce s s wate r, s alt, Ure te rs Ure thra
was te s , acids , and othe r
s ubs tance s
Re productive Produce s s ex ce lls that orm o - Male Te s te s (gonads ) Pros tate
(23-25) s pring, e ns uring s urvival o Vas de e re ns Pe nis
ge ne s Ure thra Scrotum
Fe m ale s ys te m is als o s ite o e r- Fe m ale Ovarie s (gonads ) Vagina
tilization and e arly o s pring Ute rus Vulva
deve lopm e nt Ute rine ( allopian) Mam m ary glands
tube s (bre as ts )

FIGURE 5-13 Examples o prostheses. Damaged organs or

tissues o ten can be replaced or repaired by using arti cial materi-
als or devices.

Crude artif cia imbs have been

used or centuries, but the avai abi -
ity o new materia s and advanced Cochle a r impla nt Conta ct le ns
engineering have made more e - (a rtificia l e a r)
cient types possib e. For examp e,
new computer-assisted arm and
hand rep acements can manipu-
ate sma objects with amazing
dexterity. Artif cia sense organs
have even been ab e to restore Artificia l a rm a nd ha nd Pa ce ma ke r
sight to the b ind and hearing to
the dea .
For examp e, many peop e su -
ering rom dea ness have had
their hearing partia y restored by
artif cia ears ca ed
cochlear implants. In coch ear
imp ants, a miniature microphone
is surgica y imp anted under the Dia lys is ma chine Artificia l he a rt
skin near the outer ear and wired to (a rtificia l kidney) pumps
an e ectrode in the inner ear, or cochlea.
Sound picked up by the microphone is S
converted to e ectrica signa s that are re ayed
direct y to the auditory nerve in the coch ea.
I you would like to see diagrams that show Artificia l joint Ins ulin infus ion device
how cochlear implants work, check out the (hip) (a rtificia l pa ncre a s )
article Cochlear Implants at Connect It! at rep ace vita organs or to augment their unctions is occurring
more and more requent y in modern medica practice.

Vit a l O r g a n Re p la c e m e n t Medical Machines

T e use o artif cia materia stransp anted anima or human One o the ear iest devices to augment vita unctions was
tissues or mechanica devicesto partia y or comp ete y the artif cia kidney, or dialysis machine (see Chapter 20).
104 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

O r g a n Tr a n s p la n t a t io n
FIGURE 5-14 Tissue-engineered human
ear cartilage. Photo showing cartilage tis- S u r g ic a l Tr a n s p la n t s
sue grown rom human cells on an engineered One approach that o ers the hope o
rame in a lab.
a permanent so ution to oss o vita
organ unction is organ transplanta-
Kidney dialysis machines pump tion. In this technique, a norma iv-
b ood through permeab e tubes in an ing organ rom a donor is surgica y
externa apparatus, a owing waste transp anted into the recipient. Kid-
products to di use out o the b ood ney, iver, pancreas, ung, sma intes-
and into a sa t-water type o e ectro- tine, and heart transp ants are now
yte uid that surrounds the semi- done at many hospita s throughout
the wor d.
with kidney ai ure must be hooked W hen a new organ is trans-
up to the machine, genera y or 2- S
p anted into the body, the o d organ
to 4-hour periods 2 or 3 times each may or may not be removed. For
M L examp e, ai ed kidneys are o ten e t
week. A though ongoing machine-
based dia ysis treatments can extend I in p ace at the posterior o the ven-
the ives o kidney ai ure patients tra body cavity. As Figure 5-15 shows,
or ong periods, this process is gen- the new kidney is nest ed in erior
era y considered an interim so ution whi e awaiting kidney to the o d kidneyin the curve o the pe vic bone, where it
transp antation. is attached to major b ood vesse s and to the b adder. Using
T e f rst permanent artif cia heart was imp anted in a hu- this strategy, the trauma o removing the damaged kidneys is
man in 1982. Since that time, great progress has been made in avoided and the transp anted kidney can sti process b ood
the deve opment o sma er and much more e cient e ectro- e cient y.
mechanica devices that he p keep b ood pumping in patients
su ering rom end-stage heart disease. A number o these Im m u n e Re je c t io n o Tr a n s p la n t s
devices, ca ed le t ventricular assist systems (LVAS), are im- Despite its many successes, organ transp antation sti has
p anted in the abdomen and connected to the heart. T ey are some prob ems. One is that a recipients immune system o ten
regu ated and contro ed by a battery pack. LVAS devices have rejects a transp anted organ. T e immune response may be re a-
been used by patients wor dwide or extended periods unti a tive y minor, but can become i e-threatening in some cases.
heart transp ant becomes possib e. Some immunosuppressive drugs that suppress the im-
Un ortunate y, because o the critica shortage o donor mune system and inhibit rejection reactions a so increase
organs, on y about 2500 heart transp ants occur in the United the risk o severe in ection. Cyc osporine is an immunosup-
States each year, a though the need is much greater. In addi- pressive drug that so ves this prob em to some degree by
tion to LVAS devices, cardiovascu ar surgeons have a wide
array o heart va ve rep acement and repair products avai ab e.
Some cardiac rep acement va ves are tota y mechanica ,
whereas others are abricated rom porcine (pig), bovine Re na l
(cow), or human tissues. Dis e a s e d a rte ry
kidney Re na l
Engineered Tissues and Organs ve in
Exciting advances in the abi ity to grow human tissues and Infe rior Re cipie nt
organs in a ab using ce -cu turing techniques is rapid y in- ve na kidneys
cava Aorta
creasing medica options or rep acing both vita and nonvita
For examp e, Figure 5-14 shows carti age tissue grown on an
5 engineered rame in a ab. Various techniques or growing
Inte rna l
ilia c
skin, membranes, organs, and parts o organs rom human ilia c ve in
a rte ry
ce s have been deve oped. W hen grown rom a patients own
Ure te rs
ce s, these engineered tissues and organs have a better chance Inte rna l
ilia c S
o success than structures received rom donors. a rte ry
A though new materia s and bioengineering advances are R L
encouraging, many cha enges remain or success u , ong- I
term transp antation o many organs. ota artif cia rep ace-
ment or vital organs, i possib e at a , is genera y emp oyed FIGURE 5-15 Kidney transplantation. In kidney transplantations, the
on y to ensure surviva unti a more permanent so ution (most diseased organs are le t in place, and the donated organ is nestled in an-
o ten organ transp antation) can occur. other part o the body.
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 105

suppressing rejection reactions without severe y inhibiting or reduce the need or human donors. Researchers are now
in ection contro . working on a variety o methods by which new organs or tis-
In addition, better tissue-typing procedures, continued sues can be grown in a tissue cu ture or in a patients body.
deve opment o new and more e ective antirejection drugs, For examp e, it is hoped that one day, norma iver ce s can be
and the possibi ity o using a patients own ce s to bui d an sa e y removed rom a hea thy donor and imp anted in a p as-
engineered organ, a so o er hope o reducing organ-rejection tic sponge that wi be p aced in the recipients body. T e
prob ems. transp anted ce s may then reproduce and orm a mass ca-
Another way to so ve the rejection prob em is to bui d pab e o per orming some iver unction. Researchers are a so
new organs rom a patients own tissues. For examp e, in a cu turing co onies o hea thy nervous tissue in aboratory
method ca ed ree- ap surgery, pieces o tissue rom one part dishes in the hope that it can someday be used to repair dam-
o the body are surgica y remode ed and then gra ted to a aged sections o the brain or spina cord.
new part o the body.
A ter cancerous breasts are removed, new breasts can be
ormed rom skin and musc e tissue taken rom the thighs, QUICK CHECK
1. Ho w is a n o nvita l o rga n o te n re p la ce d ?
repair the urinary b adder. oes can even be transp anted to 2. Wh a t a re tw o e xa m p le s o m e d ica l m a ch in e s th a t a re u s e d
the hand to rep ace missing f ngers. T e advantage o using a w h e n o rga n tra n s p la n ta tio n is n o t a va ila b le o r a n o p tio n ?
patients own tissues is that the possibi ity o rejection is 3. Wh a t is th e g re a te s t co n ce rn re ga rd in g o rga n tra n s p la n ta -
great y reduced. tio n ? Wh a t a re s o m e p o s s ib le o p tio n s to a vo id th is
p ro b le m ?
Another major prob em with organ transp ants is the im-
4. Wh a t is re e - a p s u rg e ry?
ited avai abi ity o donor organs. O ne so ution is to e iminate

In 1895, the Ge rm an phys icis t abs orbs x-rays ) can be introduce d into the colon to m ake it
Wilhe lm Rntge n (RENT-gun) m ade m ore vis ible in a radiograph.
one o the m os t im portant m e dical Today, m any variations o Rntge ns inve ntion are us e d to
dis cove rie s o the m ode rn age : ra- s tudy inte rnal organs w ithout having to cut into the body.
diographic im aging o the body. For exam ple , com pute d tom ography (CT) s canning is a m od-
Radio g raphy, or x-ray photogra- e rn, com pute rize d type o x-ray photography. Radio lo g ical
phy, e arne d Rntge n a Nobe l Prize te chno lo g is ts are he alth pro e s s ionals w hos e chie re s pons i-
and is the olde s t and m os t w ide ly bility is to m ake radiographs , and radio lo g is ts are re s pons ible
us e d m e thod o noninvas ive im ag- or inte rpre ting the s e im age s . Many m e dical, ve te rinary, and
ing o inte rnal body. While s tudying de ntal pro e s s ionals re ly on the s e im age s and inte rpre tations
Wilhelm Rntgen the e e cts o e le ctricity pas s ing in the ir diagnos is , as s e s s m e nt, and tre atm e nt o patie nts . In
(18451923) through gas unde r low pre s s ure s , addition, radiography is us e d in m any indus trial and inve s tiga-
Rntge n accide ntally dis cove re d tive s e ttings eve n by archae ologis ts s tudying m um m ie s .
x-rays w he n they caus e d a plate coate d w ith s pe cial che m icals
P hotogra phic film or
to glow. Not long a te r that, he s howe d that they could pro- phos phore s ce nt s cre e n
duce s hadow s o inte rnal organs s uch as bone s on photo-
graphic f lm . His f rs t, and m os t am ous , radiograph was o his
w i e Be rthas hand. Although a little uzzy, it cle arly s howe d
Be rthas f nge r bone s and the outline o he r ring. Whe n this 5
radiograph was publis he d by a Vie nna new s pape r, the e ntire
world be cam e ins tantly aware o his bre akthrough dis cove ry.
The f gure at the right s how s how radiography works . A X-ray
s ource
s ource o wave s in the x band o the radiation s pe ctrum be am s
the x-rays through a body and to a pie ce o photographic f lm
or phos phore s ce nt s cre e n. The re s ulting im age s how s the
outline s o bone s and othe r de ns e s tructure s that abs orb the
x-rays . As the f gure s how s , one way to m ake s o t, hollow
s tructure s s uch as dige s tive organs m ore vis ible is to us e radi-
opaque contras t m ate rial. For exam ple , barium s ul ate (w hich Radiography
106 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 93)

central nervous system (CNS) integumentary system ovary

(SEN-tral NER-vus SIS-tem [see en es]) (in-teg-yoo-MEN-tar-ee SIS-tem) (OH-var-ee)
[centr- center, -al relating to, nerv- nerves, [in- on, -teg- cover, -ment- result o action, [ov- egg, -ar- relating to, -y location o process]
-ous relating to, system organized whole] -ary relating to, system organized whole] ovum
circulatory system involuntary (smooth) muscle (OH-vum)
(SER-kyoo-lah-tor-ee SIS-tem) (in-VOL-un-tayr-ee MUS-el) pl., ova
[circulat- go around, -ory relating to, [in- not, volunt- will, mus- mouse, -cle little] (OH-vah)
system organized whole] joint [ovum egg]
complement (joynt) pancreas
(KOM-pleh-ment) kidney (PAN-kree-as)
[comple- complete, -ment result o action] (KID-nee) [pan- all, -creas esh]
diaphragm [kidney womb (shape)] parathyroid gland
(DYE-ah- ram) larynx (payr-ah-THYE-royd gland)
[dia- across, -phrag- enclose, -(u)m thing] (LAYR-inks) [para- beside, -thyr- shield, -oid like,
digestive system [larynx voice box] gland acorn]
(dye-J ES-tiv SIS-tem) ligament penis
[digest- break apart, -tive relating to] (LIG-ah-ment) (PEE-nis)
endocrine system [liga- bind, -ment result o action] [penis male sex organ]
(EN-doh-krin SIS-tem) lung peripheral nervous system (PNS)
[endo- inward or within, -crin secrete, (lung) (peh-RIF-er-al NER-vus SIS-tem
system organized whole] lymph [pee en es])
allopian tube (lim ) [peri- around, -phera- boundary, -al relating to,
( al-LOH-pee-an toob) nerv- nerves, -ous relating to,
[lymph water]
[Gabriele Fallopio Italian anatomist] system organized whole]
lymph node
eces (lim nohd) pharynx
(FEE-seez) [lymph water, nod knot]
[ eces waste] [pharynx throat]
lymphatic system
gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) (lim-FAT-ik SIS-tem) pineal gland
(gas-troh-in-TES-tih-nal trakt [lymph- water, -atic relating to,
(PIN-ee-al gland)
[jee aye trakt]) [pine- pine, -al relating to, gland acorn]
system organized whole]
[gastr- stomach, -intestin- intestine, -al relating lymphatic vessel pituitary gland
to, tract trail] (lim-FAT-ik VES-el) (pih-TOO-ih-tayr-ee gland)
genitalia [pituit- phlegm, -ary relating to, gland acorn]
[lymph- water, -atic relating to,
(jen-ih-TAYL-yah) vessel container] prostate (gland)
sing., genital mammary gland (PROS-tayt gland)
(J EN-ih-tul) (MAM-mah-ree gland) [pro- be ore, -stat- set or place, gland acorn]
[gen- produce, -al relating to] [mamma- breast, -ry relating to, gland acorn] reproductive system
gonad muscular system (ree-proh-DUK-tiv SIS-tem)
(GOH-nad) (MUS-kyoo-lar SIS-tem) [re- again, -produc- bring orth, -tive relating to,
[gon- o spring, -ad relating to] system organized whole]
[mus- mouse, -cul- little, -ar relating to,
hormone system organized whole] respiratory system
(HOR-mohn) nerve impulse (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee SIS-tem)
[hormon excite] (nerv IM-puls) [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
hypothalamus system organized whole]
5 (hye-poh-THAL-ah-mus)
[nervus nerve, impulse to drive]
nervous system scrotum
[hypo- under or below, -thalamus inner (NER-vus SIS-tem) (SKROH-tum)
chamber] [scrotum bag]
[nerv- nerves, -ous relating to, system organized
immune system whole] sense organ
(ih-MYOON SIS-tem) nose (sens OR-gan)
[immun ree (immunity), system organized (nohz) [organ tool or instrument]
whole] [nose something obvious] skeletal system
integument organ (SKEL-eh-tal SIS-tem)
(in-TEG-yoo-ment) (OR-gan) [skeleto- dried body, -al relating to, system
[in- on, -teg- cover, -ment result o action] organized whole]
[organ tool or instrument]
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 107

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 106)

smooth muscle thymus gland urine

(smoothe MUS-el) (THY-mus gland) (YOOR-in)
[smooth smooth, mus- mouse, -cle small] [thymus thyme ower, gland acorn] [ur- urine, -ine chemical]
sperm thyroid gland uterine tube
(spurm) (THY-royd gland) (YOO-ter-in toob)
[sperm seed] [thyro- shield, -oid like, gland acorn] [uter- womb, -ine relating to, tube pipe]
spleen tissue uterus
(spleen) (TISH-yoo) (YOO-ter-us)
stem cell [tissue abric] [uterus womb]
(stem sel) tonsil vagina
[stem tree trunk, cell storeroom] (TAHN-sil) (vah-J YE-nah)
stimulus [tons- goiter, -il little] [vagina sheath]
(STIM-yoo-lus) trachea vas de erens
pl., stimuli (TRAY-kee-ah) (vas DEF-er-enz)
(STIM-yoo-lye) [trachea rough duct] pl., vasa de erentia
[stimulus incitement] ureter (VAS-ah de -er-EN-chah)
system (YOOR-eh-ter) [vas duct or vessel, de erens carrying away]
(SIS-tem) [ure- urine, -ter agent or channel] vein
[system organized whole] urethra (vayn)
tendon (yoo-REE-thrah) [vena blood vessel]
(TEN-don) [ure- urine, -thr- agent or channel] voluntary (skeletal) muscle
[tend- pulled tight, -on unit] urinary bladder (VOL-un-tayr-ee MUS-el)
testis (YOOR-ih-nayr-ee BLAD-er) [volunt- will, mus- mouse, -cle little]
(TES-tis) [urin- urine, -ary relating to, bladder blister, vulva
pl., testes pimple] (VUL-vah)
(TES-teez) urinary system [vulva wrapper]
[testis witness (male gonad)] (YOOR-ih-nayr-ee SIS-tem)
thoracic duct [urin- urine, -ary relating to, system organized
(thoh-RAS-ik dukt) whole]
[thorac- chest (thorax), -ic relating to,
duct to lead]


cochlear implant kidney dialysis radiological technologist

(KOHK-lee-ar IM-plant) (KID-nee dye-AL-ih-sis) (ray-dee-oh-LOJ -ih-kul tek-NOL-oh-jist)
[cochlea- snail shell, -ar relating to, im- into, [dia- apart, -lysis loosening] [radi(at)- emit rays, -log- words (study o ),
-plant plant] radiography -ic- relating to, -al relating to, techn- art or
immunosuppressive drug (ray-dee-OG-rah- ee) skill, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent]
(ih-myoo-noh-soo-PRES-iv drug) [radio- ray, requency, -graphy drawing] radiologist 5
[immuno- ree (immunity), -suppress- press (ray-dee-AHL-oh-jist)
down, -ive relating to] [radi(at)- emit rays, -log- words (study o ),
-ist agent]
108 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary d. Storage o minera s
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r e. Formation o b ood ce s
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . C. Muscu ar system (Figure 5-3)
1. Structure
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to a. Musc es are the primary organs
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e (1) Vo untary or striated ske eta musc e
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s (2) Invo untary or smooth musc e tissue in wa s o
or be ore a te s t. some organs
(3) Cardiac musc e in wa o the heart
2. Functions
De f nitio ns and Co nce pts a. Movement
A. O rgana structure made up o two or more kinds o b. Maintenance o body posture
tissues that can together per orm a more comp ex unc-
tion than a sing e tissue 3. Ske etomuscu ar systemcombination o the ske eta
B. O rgan systema group o organs that per orm a more and muscu ar systems; a so ca ed musculoskeletal system
comp ex unction than can any organ a one D. Nervous system (Figure 5-4)
C. Know edge o individua organs and how they are orga- 1. Structure
nized into groups improves the understanding o how a a. Centra nervous system (CNS)
particu ar organ system unctions as a who e (1) Brain
(2) Spina cord
Organ Sys te m s o the Bo dy (1) Crania nerves and their branches
A. Integumentary system (Figure 5-1) (2) Spina nerves and their branches
1. Structure (3) Sense organs
a. O n y one organ, the skin, but has many appendages 2. Functions
(attached structures) a. Communication between body organs
b. Skin appendages b. Integration o body unctions
(1) H air c. Contro o body unctions
(2) Nai s d. Recognition o sensory stimu i
(3) Microscopic sense receptors E. Endocrine system (Figure 5-5)
(4) Sweat g ands 1. Structureduct ess g ands that secrete signa ing hor-
(5) O i g ands mones direct y into the b ood
2. Functions 2. Functions
a. Same as nervous systemcommunication, integra-
b. Regu ation o body temperature tion, contro
c. Synthesis o chemica s b. Contro is s ow and o ong duration
d. Sense organ c. Neuroendocrine systemcombination o nervous
B. Ske eta system (Figure 5-2) and endocrine systems
1. Structure d. Examp es o unctions regu ated by hormones
a. Bonesorgans o the ske eta system (1) Growth
(1) 206 named bones in the ske eton (2) Metabo ism
5 (2) Additiona variab e bones occur in each (3) Reproduction
individua (4) F uid and e ectro yte ba ance
b. Carti age connects and cushions joined bones F. Cardiovascu ar system (a so ca ed circulatory system)
c. Ligamentsbands o f brous tissue that ho d bones (Figure 5-6)
together 1. Structure
d. Jointsconnections between bones that make a. H eart
movement possib e b. B ood vesse s
2. Functions 2. Functions
a. Supporting ramework or entire body a. ransportation o substances throughout the body
b. Regu ation o body temperature
c. Movement (with joints and musc es) c. Immunity (body de ense)
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 109

G. Lymphatic and immune systems (Figure 5-7) c. Urinary b adder

1. Lymphatic system d. Urethra (part o both urinary and reproductive
a. Structure systems in ma es)
(1) Lymphatic vesse s 2. Functions
(2) Lymph nodes and tonsi s a. C earing, or c eaning, b ood o waste products
(3) T ymus excreted rom the body as urine
(4) Sp een b. E ectro yte ba ance
b. Functions c. Water ba ance
(1) ransportation o ymph d. Acid-base ba ance
(2) Immunity K. Reproductive systems
2. Immune system 1. Structure
a. Structure a. Ma e (Figure 5-11)
(1) Unique ce s (1) Gonadstestes
(2) O ther structuresvas de erens, urethra, pros-
(b) Secretory ce s tate, externa genita ia (penis and scrotum)
(2) De ensive protein compounds b. Fema e (Figure 5-12)
(a) Antibodies (1) Gonadsovaries
(b) Comp ements (2) O ther structuresuterus, uterine ( a opian)
b. Functions tubes, vagina, externa genita ia (vu va),
mammary g ands (breasts)
(2) Chemica reactions that provide protection 2. Functions
rom harm u agents a. Surviva o genes
H . Respiratory system (Figure 5-8)
1. Structure c. rans er and erti ization o sex ce s
a. Nose d. Deve opment and birth o o spring
e. Nourishment o o spring
c. Larynx
d. rachea
e. Bronchi
. Lungs
Bo dy as a Who le
2. Functions A. H omeostasis
a. Exchange o waste gas (carbon dioxide or CO 2) or 1. No one body system unctions entire y independent y
oxygen (O 2) in the a veo i o the ungs o other systems (Table 5-1)
b. Fi tration o irritants rom inspired air 2. A body systems are structura y and unctiona y
c. Regu ation o acid-base ba ance interre ated and interdependent
I. Digestive system (Figure 5-9) B. App ying organ system concepts
1. Structure 1. Systems can be grouped or sp it or better understand-
ing (Table 5-1)
(1) Form a tube ca ed the a imentary cana , or GI a. Ske etomuscu ar system made up o both ske eta
tract and muscu ar systems
(2) Inc ude mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, b. Nervous system can be sp it into centra and
sma intestine, arge intestine, rectum, ana periphera nervous systems
cana 2. Some organs, such as the hypotha amus, can be in
b. Accessory organs more than one system
(1) Assist the digestive process
(2) Inc ude teeth, sa ivary g ands, tongue, iver,
ga b adder, pancreas, appendix
Organ Re place m e nt 5
2. Functions A. Vita and nonvita organs
a. Mechanica and chemica breakdown (digestion) o 1. Loss o unction in nonvita organs is not immediate y
nutrients i e-threatening
b. Absorption o nutrients 2. Loss o unction in vita organs is immediate y
c. E imination o undigested waste productre erred i e-threatening
to as eces 3. Loss o unction in organs can be treated by organ
J. Urinary system (Figure 5-10) rep acement
1. Structure
a. Kidneys
b. Ureters
110 CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems

B. Artif cia organs (Figure 5-13) C. O rgan transp antation

1. Nonvita organ rep acement 1. Surgica transp antsorgans rom donors are surgi-
ca y trans erred to a recipient; sometimes the origina
improves its unction is e t in p ace (Figure 5-15)
b. Examp ecoch ear imp ant to improve hearing 2. Immune rejection o transp ants is sometimes treated
2. Vita organ rep acement with immunosuppressive drugs; new organs engi-
a. Medica machines or examp e, kidney dia ysis neered with compatib e ce s may avoid rejection
(artif cia kidney) machine, artif cia heart pumps
b. Engineered tissues and organs or examp e,
trachea (windpipe) grown rom cu tured human
ce s (Figure 5-14)

STUDY TIPS 4. In your study group, review the body system ash cards
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in you have made. Discuss how severa systems need to be
m e e ting your le arning goals . invo ved in accomp ishing one unction in the body, such
as getting nutrients or oxygen to the ce s. Go over the
Chapte r 5 is the big picture chapte r. It is a preview o the questions at the back o the chapter and discuss possib e
s ys te m s dis cus s e d in the re m aining chapte rs . test questions.
5. Consider starting some running concept lists or each o
the systems and organs that you wi encounter in this
and the unctions o the systems and their organs on the course. T en, each time you earn something new about
other side. Notice how each organ contributes to the each one, you can add your new know edge to the appro-
unctioning o the system. Use Table 5-1 as a resource. priate concept ist. See to earn more
2. Review the various types o artif cia organs, transp ants, about how to use running concept lists.
and some o the prob ems in transp antation. 6. Make use o the many on ine resources that provide an
3. Be ore you begin the chapter dea ing with a particu ar overview o the bodys systems. Examp es inc ude:
system, it wou d be he p u to get an overview o that kpi,, and
system by reviewing the synopsis o that system in this
chapter. T at wi give you a quick ook at its major unc-
tions and the organs in that system.

Re vie w Que s tio ns 7. Name the organs that he p rid the body o waste. W hat
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r type o waste does each organ remove?
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r 8. W ith the exception o bone, what other types o tissue
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r are inc uded in the ske eta system, and what unction do
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch they serve or the body?
o your new le arning. 9. List the e even organ systems discussed in this chapter.
10. Most o the organ systems have more than one unction.
1. Def ne organ and organ system. List two unctions or the o owing systems: integu-
5 2. W hat is the unction o skin sense receptors? mentary, ske eta , muscu ar, ymphatic and immune, res-
3. H ow is the skin ab e to assist in the bodys abi ity to piratory, and urinary.
regu ate temperature? 11. W hat is unique about the reproductive system?
4. W hat is the costa carti age? 12. Name three artif cia organs or prostheses. W hat organs
5. W hat is a tendon and describe what unction it serves. do they rep ace or assist?
6. W hat structure is part o the ske eta system, but is o ten 13. W hat is the ro e o drugs such as cyc osporine in organ
considered to a so be a ymphoid structure? transp antation?
CHAPTER 5 Organ Systems 111

Critical Thinking Chapte r Te s t

A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
that you f nd di f cult. 1. T e primary organs o the digestive system make up a
ong tube ca ed the ________.
14. Exp ain the di erence between the nervous and endo- 2. ________ is another name or vo untary musc e.
crine systems. Inc ude what types o unctions are regu- 3. ________ is another name or invo untary musc e.
ated and the message carriers or each system. 4. T e nervous system can generate specia e ectrochemica
15. T e term balance is used throughout this chapter. T is is signa s ca ed ________.
another term or homeostasis. Review the unctions o the 5. T e ________, ________, and ________ are ca ed
body systems and ist the homeostatic unctions o each. accessory structures o the skin.
16. W hat exp anation wou d you give to a riend who has 6. T e ________ g and is part o both the ymphatic and
recent y had a kidney transp antation but cant be ieve it endocrine systems.
when a nurse to d him that his o d kidneys were e t in 7. T e ________ is part o both the ma e reproductive
p ace? system and urinary system.
17. Exp ain how the use o stem ce s wi have a pro ound 8. T e gonads or the ma e reproductive system are the
impact on human hea th. ________; the gonads or the ema e reproductive
system are the ________.
9. T e ske eta system is composed o bone and what two
re ated tissues: ________ and ________.
10. A ________ is an artif cia ear used to improve hearing.
11. ________ are undi erentiated ce s taken rom embry-
onic tissue or cord b ood and can be used in organ

Match each system in column A with its corresponding unction in column B.

Column A Column B
12. ________ integumentary
13. ________ ske eta b. Uses hormones to regu ate body unction
14. ________ muscu ar c. ransports atty nutrients rom the digestive system into the b ood
15. ________ nervous d. Causes physica and chemica changes in nutrients so they can be absorbed into the b ood
16. ________ endocrine e. C eans the b ood o metabo ic waste and regu ates water and e ectro yte ba ance
17. ________ cardiovascu ar
18. ________ ymphatic g. Responsib e or the transport o substances rom one part o the body to another
19. ________ respiratory h. Ensures the surviva o the species rather than the individua
20. ________ digestive i. Uses e ectrochemica signa s to integrate and contro body unctions
21. ________ urinary j. Exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide and he ps regu ate acid-base ba ance
22. ________ reproductive

3. om comp ained o pain in his abdomen one night and

Cas e S tudie s decided to go to the emergency department. H is b ood
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to work was negative and a at screen x-ray o his abdomen 5
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- revea ed nothing abnorma . T e doctor, however, sti sug-
book, and othe r re s ource s . gested that om be admitted to the hospita . H e advised
om that he wou d be ordering some additiona tests and
1. ommy has been diagnosed as having irreversib e kidney x-rays. W hat are some x-ray options that the doctor
ai ure. W hich system o the body is invo ved in this con- might order, and what are the individua advantages o
dition? W hat unctions has ommy ost? W hat options these x-rays?
do his physicians have in treating ommys condition?
2. Mr. Davidson was re erred to a uro ogist or diagnosis and Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
treatment o an obstruction in his urethra. W hat bodi y at
unctions may be a ected by Mr. Davidsons conditions?
Mechanisms o Disease
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Studying Disease, 113

Disease Terminology, 113
Patterns o Disease, 114
Pathophysiology, 115
Mechanisms o Disease, 115
Risk Factors, 117
Pathogenic Organisms and Particles, 117
Viruses, 118
Prions, 120
Bacteria, 120
Fungi, 123
Protozoa, 123
Pathogenic Animals, 124
Prevention and Control, 125
Mechanisms o Transmission, 125
Prevention and Treatment Strategies, 126
Drug Therapy, 127
Tumors and Cancer, 128
Neoplasms, 128
Causes o Cancer, 130
Pathogenesis o Cancer, 131
In ammation, 134
In ammatory Response, 134
In ammatory Disease, 135

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Explain the study o disease, including disease termi-
nology and patterns o disease.
2. List and describe the basic mechanisms o disease
and risk actors associated with disease.
3. List and describe six categories o pathogenic organ-
isms and explain how they cause disease.
4. List and describe the ways pathogens can be spread,
as well as prevention and control measures.
5. Do the ollowing related to tumors and cancer:
benign and

6. Outline the events o the in ammatory response and

explain its role in disease.
Th e tit e o this book uses the words health and disease. We use these words LANGUAGE OF
a the time, but what do they rea y mean? In scientif c study, hea th is def ned S C IEN C E
as physica , menta , and socia we -beingnot mere y the absence o disease.
Disease can be described itera y as ack o ease, or a physio ogica distur-
Be o re re ading the
bance that threatens we -being. A named disease is a specif c set o structura
chapte r, s ay e ach o
or unctiona abnorma ities, as def ned by characteristic signs and symptoms. the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
In this chapter we exp ore these basic ideas about disease and how disease he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
disrupts norma unction. the m as yo u re ad.

S t u d y in g D is e a s e age
D is e a s e Te r m in o lo g y ameba
S ig n s , S y m p t o m s ,
pl., amebas or amebae
a n d D is e a s e (ah-MEE-bahz or ah-MEE-bee)
Pathology is the study o disease. [amoeba change]
Researchers want to know the archaea
scientif c basis o abnorma (ARK-ee-ah)
conditions. H ea th practitio- sing., archaeon
ners want to know how to (ARK-ee-ahn)
prevent and treat a wide vari- [archae ancient]
ety o diseases. W hen we su - arthropod
er rom the inevitab e co d (AR-throh-pod)
or something more serious, we [arthro- jointed, -pod oot]
a want to know what is going autoimmunity
on and how best to dea with it. (aw-toh-ih-MYOO-nih-tee)
Patho ogy has its own termi- [auto- sel , -immun- ree, -ity state]
no ogy, as in any specia ized f e d. bacillus
Most o these terms are de- (bah-SIL-us)
pl., bacilli
rived rom Latin and
Greek word parts.
[bac- sta , -ill- small, -us thing]
pl., bak-TEER-ee-ah
[bacter- rod, -ium thing]
[chemo- chemical, -taxis movement
or reaction]
[cili- eyelid, -ate o or like]
pl., cocci
(KOK-sye or KOK-see)
[coccus grain, berry]

Continued on p. 136

114 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

For examp e, patho- comes rom the Greek word or disease undetermined causes are said to be idiopathic. Communicable,
(pathos) and is used to orm many terms, inc uding pathology or in ectious, diseases can be transmitted rom one individua
6 itse . I you are un ami iar with word parts common y used in to another.
medica science, re er to Appendix B at T e term etiology re ers to the theory o a diseases cause,
Many disease-causing organisms are known by their scien- but the actua mechanism o a diseases deve opment is ca ed
tif c names, which are Latin names that are o ten ita icized to its pathogenesis. T e common co d, or examp e, begins with
show that they are non-Eng ish terms. a latent, or hidden, stage during which the co d virus estab-
Disease conditions are usua y diagnosed or identif ed by ishes itse in the patient. No signs o the co d are yet evident
signs and symptoms. Signs are objective abnorma ities that at this stage. In in ectious diseases, the atent stage is a so
can be seen or measured by someone other than the patient, ca ed incubation. A ter incubating, the co d may then mani-
whereas symptoms are the subjective abnorma ities e t on y est itse as a mi d nasa drip, triggering a ew sneezes. It then
by the patient. progresses to its u ury and continues or a ew days. A ter
A though sign and symptom are distinct terms, we o ten use the co d has run its course, convalescence, or recovery, occurs.
them interchangeab y. A syndrome is a co ection o di erent D uring this stage, body unctions return to norma .
signs and symptoms, usua y with a common cause that pre- T ose who deve op a chronic disease such as cancer may
sents a distinct picture o a patho ogica condition. T e condi- exhibit a temporary reversa o signs and symptoms that
tion or syndrome, as def ned by a characteristic set o signs seems to be a recovery. Such reversa o a chronic disease is
and symptoms, is what we common y re er to as a disease. ca ed a remission. I a remission is comp ete and permanent,
we say that the person is cured.
D is e a s e P ro g r e s s io n
W hen signs and symptoms appear sudden y, persist or a
P a t t e r n s o D is e a s e
short time, then disappear, we say that the disease is acute.
In t ro d u c t io n t o Ep id e m io lo g y
On the other hand, diseases that deve op s ow y and ast or a
ong time (perhaps or i e) are abe ed chronic diseases. T e
Epidemiology is the study o the occurrence, distribution,
term subacute re ers to diseases with characteristics some-
and transmission o diseases in humans. Epidemio ogists are
where between acute and chronic. physicians or medica scientists who study patterns o disease
T e study o a actors invo ved in causing a disease is re-
occurrence in specif c groups o peop e. For examp e, a hospi-
erred to as etiology. T e etio ogy (causes or origin) o a skin
ta may emp oy a sta epidemio ogist who is responsib e or
in ection o ten invo ves a cut or abrasion and subsequent inva-
in ection-contro programs within the hospita . Many gov-
sion and growth o a bacteria popu ation. Diseases with ernments and other agencies emp oy epidemio ogists who
track the spread o disease through
a oca community or even the wor d
at arge.
RES EA RC H, IS S U ES , AND TREN D S A disease that is native to a oca
CENTERS FOR DIS EAS E CONTROL AND PREVENTION region is ca ed an endemic disease.
I the disease spreads to many indi-
Epide m iology is a m ajor conce rn o the vidua s at the same time within a
Ce nte rs or Dis e as e Control and Pre - def ned geographic region, the situ-
ve ntion (CDC). Scie ntis ts and he alth
ation is ca ed an epidemic.
pro e s s ionals at CDC he adquarte rs
Pandemics are epidemics that
in Atlanta, Ge orgia, and around the
world continually track the incide nce spread throughout the wor d. H IV
and s pre ad o dis e as e in this country (human immunodef ciency virus) is
and w orldw ide . now considered a pandemic because
Much o the CDCs tracking in orm a- it is ound wor dwide. Because o
tion is publis he d in the Morbidity and the speed and avai abi ity o modern
Mortality We e kly Re port (MMWR). air trave , pandemics are more com-
Available to phys icians and othe r he alth mon than they once were. A most
pro e s s ionals , this re port provide s re - every u season, we see a new strain
ce nt in orm ation on dis e as e rate s in o in uenza virus quick y spreading
s pe cif c populations (m o rbidity) and
rom continent to continent.
the num be rs o de aths caus e d by s pe -
cif c dis e as e s (m o rtality). Tr a c k in g D is e a s e
Much o the in orm ation in the
MMWR conce rns notif able dis e as e s racking the cause o a disease and
dis e as e s that phys icians m us t re port its pattern o spread through a pop-
cas e s o to the U.S. Public He alth Se rvice . Gonorrhe a, m e as le s , HIV, Zika virus , Lym e u ation can be very di cu t. O ne
dis e as e , anthrax, tube rculos is , and te tanus are exam ple s o notif able dis e as e s . reason is that there are so many di -
erent actors invo ved in the spread
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 115

o disease. Nutrition, age, gender, sanitation FIGURE 6-1 The last smallpox patient. Ali Maow
practices, and socioeconomic conditions may Maalin o Somalia contracted the last known naturally
p ay a ro e in the spread o disease. occurring case o smallpox in 1977. Success ul disease
prevention techniques completely eradicated natural
In ectious agents, or examp e, can spread outbreaks o this disease that once killed millions world-
quick y and easi y through an unsanitary wa- wide and dramatically a ected human history. The
ter supp y. Likewise, accumu ation o un- World Health Organization (WHO) considers naturally
treated sewage or garbage can harbor disease- occurring cases to be eradicatedthus the vaccine or
causing organisms or chemica s. In ectious smallpox is no longer required in the United States. Un-
ortunately, the potential o smallpox being used as a
agents or other contaminants in ood a so biological weapon remains a threat.
may spread disease to a arge number o
peop e. Crowded conditions may o ten p ay a
ro e in spreading disease because more peop e history because o success u prevention strat-
come in c ose contact with one another. In egies such as wor dwide vaccination and edu-
crowded regions with poor sanitation and cation (Figure 6-1).
ood-hand ing practices, disease may spread Un ortunate y, sma pox and other patho-
quick y. gens that rare y i ever now produce natura
T e pattern o a diseases spread may be outbreaks o disease may nonethe ess become
di cu t to exp ain because o the di erent avai ab e or use as weapons. Such bio ogica
kinds o agents that can cause disease. For weapons cou d produce epidemics in oca
examp e, imagine that the majority o students in your c ass regions and wou d thus not on y generate a arm but a so
became i with headaches and nausea (upset stomach) at wou d severe y burden pub ic hea th resources. See the Re-
about the same time. One wou d have to investigate many search, Issues, and rends box on the acing page.
possib e causes and modes o transmission be ore an exp ana-
tion cou d be o ered. Is it ood poisoning? Is it an outbreak o QUICK CHECK
the u or another virus? Is the water supp y or the drinking 1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a s ig n a n d a s ym p to m ?
ountain contaminated? Is there a eak o toxic umes in the 2. Ho w d o e s a n a cu te d is e a s e d i e r ro m a ch ro n ic d is e a s e ?
bui ding? Is there radioactive materia nearby? Because any o 3. De f n e p a th o g e n e s is . Wh a t a re th e s ta g e s o a co ld viru s ?
4. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a n e p id e m ic a n d a
these can cause the situation that is described, a thorough p a n d e m ic?
investigation is needed to distinguish the causal re ationships 5. Ho w d o m o rb id ity a n d m o rta lity d i e r?
rom the coincidental re ationships. 6. Wh a t a re th e tw o p rim a ry s tra te g ie s o r co m b a tin g
Causa re ationships estab ish the cause o a disease out- d is e a s e ?
break (any o the possibi ities isted in the previous paragraph
are potentia y causa ). Coincidenta re ationships are events
that coincide by chance. Using the examp e above, the pro es-
sor may have worn a particu ar y unattractive sweater on the P a t h o p h y s io lo g y
day the students became i . H owever, it is much more ike y M e c h a n is m s o D is e a s e
that is a coincidenta re ationship, than a causa one. On y
when a possib e causa actors have been investigated can a D is t u r b a n c e s o Ho m e o s t a s is
reasonab e answer be proposed that wou d exp ain the etio - Pathophysiology is the study o the under ying physio ogica
ogy o the disease outbreak. processes associated with disease. Pathophysio ogy is a branch
o patho ogy, the genera study o disease. Pathophysio ogists
S t o p p in g t h e S p r e a d o D is e a s e attempt to understand the mechanisms o a disease and its
Epidemio ogists study the spread o disease so that ways o pathogenesis. A though pathophysio ogists uncover in orma-
stopping it can be ound. T e two most obvious strategies or tion that eads to the discovery o strategies o prevention and
combating disease are prevention and therapy. treatment, deve oping and app ying these strategies is e t to
T erapy or treatment o diseases was perhaps the f rst other pro essiona s.
strategy used by humans to f ght disease. T e continued Many diseases are best understood as disturbances o ho-
search or therapeutic treatments or a most a known dis- meostasis, the re ative constancy o the bodys interna envi-
eases is evidence that we sti va ue this strategy. ronment. Under norma physio ogica conditions, i homeo-
H owever, we have a ways known that an even more e ec- stasis is disturbed, a variety o eedback mechanisms returns
tive disease-f ghting strategy is prevention. On y recent y have the body to norma . Negative and positive eedback, or eed-
we understood many diseases we enough to know how to back oops, were introduced in Chapter 1. W hen a distur-
prevent them. bance o homeostasis goes beyond norma uctuations, a dis-
A though the war on human disease wi probab y never ease condition exists.
end, we have had some dramatic successes. T e o ten ata In acute conditions, the body recovers its homeostatic ba -
vira in ection, smallpox, once caused catastrophic epidemics, ance quick y. In chronic diseases, a norma state o ba ance
but natura outbreaks have been e iminated at this point in may never be restored. I the disturbance keeps the bodys
116 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

Some o the major pathogenic organisms are isted ater in

Dis turba nce Dis turba nce this chapter and in Appendix A at
Neoplastic Mechanisms
A neoplastic mechanism occurs when abnorma tissue growths
or neoplasms deve op. Neop asms such as benign tumors or
cancers (ma ignant) can cause a variety o physio ogica distur-
bances. Many such mechanisms are described ater in this

Traumatic Mechanisms
A traumatic mechanism invo ves injury by physica or chemi-
ca agents such as toxic or destructive chemica s, extreme heat
or co d, mechanica injury (trauma), or radiation that can a -
ect the norma homeostasis o the body.
Examp es o patho ogica conditions caused by physica
agents are summarized in Appendix A at
T ese conditions inc ude injuries such as ractures and acera-
tions caused by physica trauma or poisoning caused by chemi-
De a th Abnorma l Ide a l norma l va lue Abnorma l De a th ca agents.

FIGURE 6-2 Model o homeostatic balance. Movement o the param- Trauma to skeletal musclesespecially crushing
eter in question, away rom the ideal normal value, is depicted as normal
f uctuations. Sometimes a physiological disturbance pushes the body be-
injuriescan have catastrophic bodywide e ects.
yond its capacity to maintain homeostasis and into the abnormal range or Review the article Rhabdomyolysis at Connect It!
a given physiological parametera disordered condition. Disturbances in at
the extreme range may result in death.

Metabolic Mechanisms
interna environment too ar rom norma or too ong, death Metabolic mechanisms inc ude ma nutrition or endocrine
may resu t (Figure 6-2). imba ances that cause insu cient or imba anced intake o
Disturbance o homeostasis and the bodys responses to nutrients.
that disturbance are the basic mechanisms o disease. Because A variety o diseases caused by metabo ic mechanisms are
o the variety o disease mechanisms, they are easier to study out ined in Chapters 12, 19, 22, and other chapters. Some are
i categorized as in the o owing subsections. a so described in Appendix A at

Ty p e s o D is e a s e M e c h a n is m s Inf ammatory Mechanisms

Genetic Mechanisms In ammatory mechanisms are common y occurring disease
A genetic mechanism occurs when a tered or mutated genes mechanisms that can be invo ved a ong with other mechanisms
cause production o abnorma proteins. T ese abnorma pro- to produce diseaseor it may be the primary mechanism o a
teins o ten simp y do not per orm their origina y intended disease. In ammation re ers to the set o reactions o the im-
unction, resu ting in the absence o an essentia unction. On mune system that o ten inc udes pain, redness, swe ing, and
the other hand, such proteins may per orm an abnorma , dis- warmth. It is a common response o the body to disturbances.
ruptive unction instead. Either case may be a threat to the T e in ammatory response is a norma mechanism that usu-
constancy o the bodys interna environment. a y speeds recovery rom an in ection or injury. H owever,
T e basis or genetic diseases is discussed in Chapter 25, when the in ammatory response occurs at inappropriate
and important genetic conditions are summarized in Ap- times or is abnorma y pro onged or severe, norma tissues
pendix A at may be damaged. T us some disease symptoms are caused by
the in ammatory response.
In ectious Mechanisms Autoimmunity is a au ty response or overreaction o the
An in ectious mechanism occurs when pathogenic (disease- immune system that causes it to attack the body. Autoimmunity,
causing) organisms or partic es damage the body in some way. itera y se -immunity, is discussed in Chapter 16 a ong with
An organism that ives in or on another organism to obtain other immune system disturbances. Examp es o autoimmune
its nutrients is ca ed a parasite. T e presence o microscopic- conditions are isted in Appendix A at
size or arger parasites may inter ere with norma body unc-
tions o the host and thereby cause disease. O rganisms other Degeneration
than parasites can poison or otherwise damage the human Breaking apart, or degeneration, o tissues occurs by means
body to cause disease. o many sti unknown processes. A though an expected
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 117

consequence o aging, degeneration o one or more tissues Conditions caused by psycho ogica actors are sometimes
resu ting rom disease can occur at any time. T e degeneration ca ed psychogenic (mind-caused) disorders.
o tissues associated with aging is discussed in Chapter 24. 6
Environmental Factors
A though environmental actors such as c imate and po u-
Ris k Fa c t o r s
tion can cause injury or disease, some environmenta situa-
Other than direct causes or disease mechanisms, certain predis- tions simp y put us at greater risk or getting certain diseases.
posing conditions may make the deve opment o a disease more For examp e, because some parasites survive on y in tropica
ike y to occur. Usua y ca ed risk actors, they o ten do not ac- environments, we are at risk or diseases caused by those par-
tua y cause a disease but may put one at risk or deve oping it. ticu ar organisms on y i we ive in or trave to that c imate.

Ty p e s o Ris k Fa c t o r s Preexisting Conditions

T ere are many di erent types o risk actors. We describe some A preexisting condition, such as an in ection, can adverse y
o the major categories o risk actors in the o owing sections. a ect our capacity to de end ourse ves against urther attack.
T us a primary (preexisting) condition can put a person at risk
Genetic Factors o deve oping a secondary condition. For examp e, b isters rom
T ere are severa types o genetic actors that increase risk o a preexisting burn may break open and thus increase the risk
certain diseases. In such a case, an inherited trait puts a person o a bacteria in ection o the skin.
at a greater-than-norma risk or deve oping a specif c disease.
For examp e, ight-skinned peop e are more at risk or de- C o m b in e d Ris k Fa c t o r s
ve oping certain orms o skin cancer than are dark-skinned Combined risk actors can increase a persons chances o de-
peop e. T is occurs because ight-skinned peop e have ess ve oping a specif c disease even more. For examp e, a ight-
pigment in their skin to protect them rom cancer-causing skinned person can add to the genetic risk o deve oping skin
u travio et radiation (see Chapter 7). cancer by spending a ong time in the sun without skin
Membership in a certain ethnic group or gene pool invo ves protectiona i esty e risk added to a genetic risk.
the risk o inheriting a disease-causing gene that is common As you may have guessed, many o these categories o risk
in that gene poo . For examp e, certain A ricans and their actors over ap. For examp e, stress can be a component o
descendants are at a greater-than-average risk o inheriting i esty e, or it cou d be considered a preexisting condition.
sickle cell anemiaa dead y b ood disorder (see Chapter 13). Sometimes a high-risk group is identif ed by epidemio ogists,
but the exact mechanism that puts them at high risk may be
Age uncertain. For examp e, a high incidence o heart disease in a
A persons age can be a risk actor or certain diseases. Bio- sma ethnic group may point to a genetic risk actor but a so
ogica and behaviora variations inherent during di erent cou d resu t rom some aspect o a shared i esty e.
phases o the human i e cyc e put us at greater risk or deve -
oping certain diseases at certain times in i e. Avo id in g Ris k o D is e a s e
For examp e, midd e ear in ections are more common in Risk actors or many dead y diseases can be reduced or
in ants than in adu ts because o the di erence in ear structure avoided. For examp e, risk o heart disease, diabetes, cancer,
at di erent ages. A person is at a higher risk or certain types in ections, and other types o disease can be decreased by
o arthritis and bone ractures during the ater adu t years. making in ormed choices about i esty e and persona hea th
management. Such choices may in uence diet and exercise,
Li estyle stress management, the environment, and treatment o preex-
T e way we ive and workour li estylecan put us at risk isting conditions.
or some diseases. For examp e, peop e whose work or persona
activity puts them in direct sun ight or ong periods have a QUICK CHECK
greater chance o deve oping skin cancer because they experi- 1. De f n e p a th o p hys io lo g y.
ence more exposure to u travio et radiation rom the sun. 2. Lis t s e ve n g e n e ra l m e ch a n is m s th a t m a y ca u s e d is e a s e .
Research has shown that the high- at, ow-f ber diet com- 3. Lis t s ix ris k a cto rs th a t m a y ca u s e d is e a s e .
4. Ho w d o e s a p rim a ry co n d itio n d i e r ro m a s e co n d a ry
mon among peop e in deve oped nations increases their risk o
co n d itio n ?
deve oping certain cancers such as co on cancer. O besity is
another risk actor or disease and has been shown to ead to
increased incidence in type 2 diabetes and high b ood pressure.
Using tobacco is another important risk actor or disease. P a t h o g e n ic O r g a n is m s
Stress a n d P a r t ic le s
Physica , psycho ogica , or emotiona stress can put one at risk Many kinds o organisms and partic es can cause disease in
o deve oping prob ems such as headaches, chronic high b ood humans. Even humans can cause human disease through ac-
pressure (hypertension), depression, heart disease, and cancer. cidenta or intentiona injury to themse ves or others. In
118 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

pathophysio ogy, the pathogenic organisms most o ten stud- T e symptoms o vira in ections may not appear right
ied are microscopic or just bare y visib e to the unaided eye. away. T e vira genetic code may not become active or some
6 Microscopic organisms, a so ca ed microbes, inc ude bacteria, time, or vira mu tip ication may not immediate y cause sig-
ungi, and protozoa. Larger organisms, the pathogenic ani- nif cant ce u ar damage. In any case, the e ects o the intra-
mals, are a so medica y important. ce u ar vira parasite may eventua y take their to and thus
T e sma est o a pathogens, microscopic non iving par- produce symptoms o disease.
tic es ca ed viruses and prions, ead our ist o important Viruses are a very diverse group, as i ustrated in Figure 6-4.
disease-causing agents. T ey are usua y c assif ed according to their shape, DNA or
RNA content, and their method o mu tip ying. Some exam-
p es o medica y important viruses are isted in Table 6-1.
Vir u s e s Many o these and some other vira diseases are discussed in
In t ro d u c t io n t o Vir u s e s detai in ater chapters.
Viruses are intrace u ar parasites that consist o a nuc eic acid
(DNA or RNA) core surrounded by a protein coat and some- Ex a m p le s o Vir u s e s
times a ipoprotein enve ope. T ere are many types o viruses that in ect humansand
Bio ogists ho d that viruses are not technica y iving or- more are being discovered or are new y appearing in the hu-
ganisms because they are not made up o ce s. H owever, be- man popu ation a the time. H ere, we discuss just a ew o the
cause they in ect iving ce s and contain their own unique many interesting examp es o human viruses.
genetic code, they remain the subject o bio ogica study and
are c assif ed into groups as i they are organisms. Human Immunode ciency Virus
Virus partic es can mu tip ybut on y by using the mech- T e most discussed virus in recent history is human
anisms o their host ce . T ey invade ce s and insert their immunode ciency virus (HIV). H IV is an RNA-containing
own genetic code into the host ce s genetic processes, causing retrovirus. A retrovirus uses its RNA to transcribe backward
the host ce to produce vira DNA or RNA and protein coats.
T ey thus pirate the host ce s nutrients and organe es to
produce more virus partic es. T ese new y ormed viruses DNA
may eave the ce to in ect other ce s by way o vesic es or
by bursting the ce membrane (Figure 6-3).


FIGURE 6-3 HIV. The human immunode ciency virus, or HIV (blue in
this electron micrograph), is released rom in ected white blood cells and
soon spreads over neighboring cells, in ecting them in turn. The individ-
ual viruses are very smallmore than 200 million would t on the period Pa ra myxovirus
Va ccinia virus (mumps )
at the end o this sentence. (cowpox)
He rpe s
s implex virus
(feve r blis te r)

0.5 mm (micron)




Ade novirus
Rhinovirus (re s pira tory virus )
Poliovirus (common cold)

FIGURE 6-4 Diversity o pathogenic viruses. Some viruses are rela-

tively large; others are extremely tiny. A human hair would be 8 meters (over
26 eet) thick i drawn at the same scale as the particles depicted here.
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 119

TABLE 6-1 Examples o Pathogenic Viruses

DNA virus Hum an papillom avirus (HPV) Warts
He patitis B He patitis B (viral live r in e ction)
He rpe s s im plex 1 and 2 Feve r blis te rs and ge nital he rpe s
Eps te in-Barr virus (EBV) Mononucle os is
RNA virus In ue nza A, B, and C Various in ue nza in e ctions
Hum an im m unode f cie ncy virus (HIV) Acquire d im m unode f cie ncy s yndrom e (AIDS)
Flavivirus We s t Nile virus (WNV), ye llow eve r, de ngue , Zika, St. Louis e nce phalitis
Paramyxovirus Me as le s , m um ps , and parain ue nza
Rhinovirus Com m on cold and uppe r re s piratory in e ctions
Coronavirus (CoV) Re s piratory in e ctions , including com m on cold, s eve re acute re s piratory
s yndrom e (SARS), and Middle Eas t re s piratory s yndrom e (MERS)
He patitis A and C He patitis A and C (viral live r in e ctions )
Ebolavirus Ebola virus dis e as e (EVD or Ebola he m orrhagic eve r)

Se e Table 2 in Appe ndix A at evolve .e ls evie or a lis t o viral dis e as e s and the ir de s criptions .

to produce the viruss primary genetic code and insert it into H IV is primari y ound in the b ood, semen, or vagina
the hosts DNA genome. uid o an in ected person. H IV is transmitted in three main
H IV attacks the immune system, thus rendering the host ways:
organism susceptib e to a variety o in ections. T e immune
system gives our bodies the abi ity to f ght in ections. H IV
in ected with H IV
f nds and destroys a type o white b ood ce (a variety o
ce s ca ed CD4 ce s) that the immune system must have to
with H IV
f ght disease (see Figure 6-3). I untreated, an H IV in ection
may progress to stage 3, more common y known as acquired
during birth or through breast eeding
immunode ciency syndrome (AID S).
H IV in ection was f rst identif ed in the United States in
1981 a ter a number o homosexua men started getting sick Coronaviruses
with a rare type o cancer. It took severa years or scientists to Coronaviruses are RNA viruses characterized by a crown o
deve op a test or the virus, to understand how H IV was sur ace projections when viewed under an e ectron micro-
transmitted between humans, and to determine what peop e scope. T e word part corona- means crown. T ey use their
cou d do to protect themse ves against being in ected. D uring RNA in host ce s to produce their own vira enzymes and
the ear y 1980s, as many as 150,000 peop e became in ected structura proteins needed to rep icate.
with H IV each year in the United States. By the ear y 1990s, Coronaviruses are ound near y everywhere in our environ-
this rate had dropped to about 40,000 to 50,000 each year, ment and are the second eading cause o the common co d
where it remains today. a ter rhinoviruses (see Table 6-1). Coronavirus in ections are
T e spread o H IV in ection in regions o the wor d that spread when virus partic es are shed by an in ected body by
are economica y disadvantaged remains a major g oba hea th way o respiratory uids or other body uids, and these par-
concern. T is persists as a consequence o ack o education tic es then come in contact with another persons body uids.
about disease prevention and ack o resources needed to treat A person is most ike y to pick up shed viruses in the moist
the in ected individua s with antivira therapy. mucous membranes o the mouth, nose, eyes, or genita s.
It is a so important to note that antivira therapy prevents Some coronavirus in ections can be very serious. An ex-
the immune system co apse characteristic o AIDS, but does amp e is in ection by the SARS-associated coronavirus
not e iminate H IV rom the in ected individua , who thus (SARSCoV), the cause o severe acute respiratory syndrome
remains contagious. H IV is a ragi e virus, and cannot ive or (SARS).
very ong outside the body. T e virus is not transmitted
through day-to-day activities such as shaking hands, hugging, Flaviviruses
or a casua kiss. H IV is not spread rom a toi et seat, drinking Flaviviruses are RNA viruses that are transmitted ess di-
ountain, doorknob, dishes, drinking g asses, ood, or pets. rect y than coronaviruses. F aviviruses move rom an in ected
Un ike other in ections discussed ater, H IV in ection is not bird or other anima to a mosquito or other biting insect and
an arthropod-borne disease and cannot be spread by mosqui- then f na y to the human host. Such viruses cannot move
toes or other biting arthropods. direct y rom an in ected bird to a humanthey require the
120 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

insect to carry the virus to humans. T is ro e o anima s, in- unction (Figure 6-5, A). T e abnorma orm o the protein a so
c uding biting insects, in disease transmission is discussed may be inherited by o spring o an a ected person.
6 ater in this chapter. We do know that prions can a ect proteins in the ner-
Various types o aviviruses ( itera y ye ow viruses) cause vous system and cause diseases such as bovine spongi orm
yellow ever, dengue, West Nile virus (WNV) in ection, encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) and variant
Zika virus disease, and other potentia y serious in ections. Creutz eldt-Jakob disease (vCJD ) (Figure 6-5, B). Both o
T ere are many types o viruses that a ect humans. Review these diseases are very rare, ata conditions characterized by
Table 6-1 or more examp es. degeneration o brain tissue and progressive oss o nervous
system unction.
To learn more about virus replication, go to Many scientists be ieve that prions rom in ected catt e
AnimationDirect online at were consumed as bee by humans with these diseases, but
there are many unanswered questions about the exact mecha-
nisms o transmission o prion diseases.
P r io n s
T e word prion is a shortened orm o the phrase PRO tein-
Ba c t e r ia
aceous IN ectious partic e. Prions are pathogenic protein
mo ecu es that can cause mis o ding o other proteins in the A bacterium (pl., bacteria) is a tiny, primitive ce without a
in ected ce . Review norma protein o ding in Figure 2-12 nuc eus. Bacteria produce disease in a variety o ways. T ey can
on p. 34. secrete toxic substances that damage human tissues, they may
T e mis o ding induced by prions converts norma proteins become parasites inside human ce s, or they may orm popu a-
o the body into abnorma proteins, causing abnorma ities o tions in the host body that disrupt norma human unction.
Like viruses, bacteria a so are a diverse group o patho-
gens (disease-producers). T ere are severa ways to c as-
si y bacteria:
1. Growth requirementsBacteria can be catego-
rized according to whether they need oxygen to
grow. For examp e, they can be categorized as
aerobic (requiring oxygen or their metabo ism)
or anaerobic (requiring an absence o oxygen).
2. Staining propertiesBacteria stain di erent y,
FIGURE 6-5 Prion. A, This depending on the compounds in their wa s. For
oddly olded protein particle is examp e, gram-positive bacteria are stained pur-
the pathogen that causes variant p e by the Gram staining technique, whereas
Creutz eldt-Jakob disease (vCJD),
a degenerative, atal condition o
the brain. B, Photomicrograph o a slice
o brain rom an individual with Variant Creutz eldt-
Jakob disease (vCJD). Arrows show where abnor-
mal, tangled proteins have built up in the brain
tissue. Later in the disease, these areas will de-
velop open spaces in the brain.

CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 121

TABLE 6-2 Examples o Pathogenic Bacteria

Bacillus (rod) Gram -pos itive Bacillus organis m s Anthrax and gas troe nte ritis
Gram -pos itive Clos tridium organis m s Botulis m , te tanus , and s o t tis s ue in e ctions
Gram -ne gative Ente robacte riace ae Salm one lla dis e as e s and gas troe nte ritis
organis m s
Gram -ne gative Ps e udom onas organis m s Exte rnal otitis (s w im m e rs e ar), e ndocarditis , and pulm o-
nary in e ctions

Coccus (s phe re ) Gram -pos itive Staphylococcus organis m s Staphylococci in e ctions , ood pois oning, urinary tract
in e ctions , and toxic s hock s yndrom e
Gram -pos itive Stre ptococcus organis m s Throat in e ctions , pne um onia, s inus itis , otitis m e dia, rhe u-
m atic eve r, and de ntal carie s
Gram -ne gative Ne is s e ria organis m s Me ningitis , gonorrhe a, and pe lvic in am m atory dis e as e

Curve d or s piral rod Gram -ne gative Vibrio organis m s Chole ra, gas troe nte ritis , and wound in e ctions
Gram -ne gative Cam pylobacte r organis m s Diarrhe a
Gram -ne gative Spiroche te s Syphilis and Lym e dis e as e

Sm all bacte rium Gram -ne gative Ricke tts ia organis m s Rocky Mountain s potte d eve r and Q eve r
Gram -ne gative Chlamydia organis m s Ge nital in e ctions , lym phogranulom a ve ne re um , pe lvic
in am m atory dis e as e , conjunctivitis , and parrot eve r

gram-negative bacteria are not (see C inica App ica-

tion box on p. 122).
3. Shape and sizeBacteria are most common y c assi-
f ed by their varied shapes (Table 6-2). Medica y sig-
nif cant bacteria range in size rom ess than 0.5 m
to more than 5 m, making size a use u characteristic
or c assif cation. T e abbreviation m represents
micrometers or microns, one mi ionth o a meter. Some
major groupings based on shape and size o ow:
a. Bacilli arge, rod-shaped ce s ound sing y or in
b. Cocci arge, round bacteria ound sing y, in
pairs (diplococci), in strings (streptococci) as shown
in Figure 6-6, or in c usters (staphylococci).
c. Curved or spira rodscurved rods arranged
sing y or in strands, or arge curved or spira ce s
arranged sing y or in ce co onies.
d. Sma bacteriaround or ova bacteria that are
so sma that some o them were once thought to
be viruses. T ey can reproduce on y inside other
iving ce s, so they are sometimes ca ed obligate FIGURE 6-6 Bacteria. As the scanning electron micrograph and draw-
intracellular parasites. Rickettsia and Chlamydia ing show, individual spherical bacteria (cocci) may adhere to each other to
are two types o sma bacteria. orm chains.
122 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease


O te n the evide nt s igns or s ym ptom s o a dis e as e caus e d by us ing the Gram m e thod. The s taining prope rtie s , s hape , and
bacte ria or othe r pathoge ns provide e nough in orm ation or a s ize o a pathoge n are a ew o the characte ris tics s om e tim e s
he alth pro e s s ional to m ake a diagnos is . To be s ure that the us e d to ide nti y pathoge ns in s pe cim e n s am ple s .
corre ct cours e o tre atm e nt is give n, laboratory te s ts are o te n Pathoge ns are s om e tim e s ide ntif e d by culture s (propaga-
re quire d to pos itive ly ide nti y a pathoge n. tion o m icroorganis m s in s pe cial m e dia conducive to the ir
Som e tim e s pathoge ns can be obs e rve d in s pe cim e ns o grow th) that originate rom s pe cim e ns take n rom a patie nt.
blood, e ce s (s tool), ce re bros pinal uid (CSF), m ucus , urine , or The s e populations o bacte ria can be grow n only on ce rtain
othe r s ubs tance s rom the body. To view a m icros copic patho- m e dia (liquid or agar ge lcontaining nutrie nts ). Thus patho-
ge n, a portion o the colle cte d s pe cim e n is s m e are d on a m i- ge nic bacte ria are o te n ide ntif e d by the type o m e dium in
cros cope s lide and the n s taine d to e nhance vis ibility. w hich they grow be s t.
Ce rtain s tains color only ce rtain type s o ce lls . For exam ple , For exam ple , m ucus s wabbe d rom a s ore throat and
only gram -pos itive bacte ria re tain the viole t s tain us e d in the place d in a m e dium that contains blood m ay produce pinpoint-
Gram s taining te chnique (Figure s A and B). Gram -ne gative s ize d colonie s o pathoge nic s tre ptococci bacte ria. The s tre p-
bacte ria do not re tain the viole t s tain; they re tain only a re d tococci bacte ria that caus e s tre p throat typically have a dis -
counte rs tain (Figure s C and D). Thus gram -pos itive (viole t) tinct, trans pare nt ring around e ach colony. The rings re s ult
bacte ria can be dis tinguis he d rom gram -ne gative (re d) bacte ria rom he m olys is burs ting o re d blood ce lls in the s urrounding
m e dium . A ew virus e s als o can be cultivate d but only
w ithin living ce lls .
Gra m-pos itive (Lis te ria ) Gra m-pos itive (S tre ptoccus ) Som e in e ctions can be diagnos e d on the bas is o im -
m unological te s ts that che ck or antibodie s agains t a par-
ticular pathoge n. I antibodie s are ound, it is as s um e d
that the patie nt has be e n expos e d to a pathoge n; a large
num be r o antibodie s us ually indicate s an active in e ction.
An exam ple is the te s t or anti-HIV antibodie s us e d to
ide nti y HIV in e ctions . Re call rom Chapte r 5 that s uch
te s ts are o te n us e d to s cre e n donate d tis s ue s and organs
or pathoge nic organis m s .
Eve n new e r te s ts us e rapid biological s e ns ors that bor-
row the re cognition m e chanis m s rom im m une ce lls
A B s e ns itive to particular pathoge ns and link the m to s pe cial
Gra m-ne ga tive (E. coli) Gra m-ne ga tive (Ne is s e ria )
prote ins rom je llyf s h that caus e the s e ns or to glow
w he n the pathoge n is pre s e nt. A w ide varie ty o di e re nt
im m unological te s ts are now available or bacte rial and
viral in e ctions and othe r new te chnologie s are on the
The re ce nt explos ion o know le dge in ge ne tics and
ge nom ics (s e e Chapte r 25) has le d to m any newe r m e th-
ods o rapidly and accurate ly ide nti ying a varie ty o patho-
ge ns . For exam ple , patte rns o DNA or RNA code that are
unique to a particular virus , bacte rium , or othe r pathoge n
C D can be de te cte d by s pe cial s e ns ors or laboratory te s ts .

Table 6-2 summarizes bacteria types and some o the diseases makeup and metabo ism. A so, un ike bacteria, many archaea
each group causes. thrive in extreme y harsh environments that are very hot, very
Some bacteria can deve op into resistant dormant orms acid, or very sa ty. A though archaea are ound as norma resi-
ca ed spores when subjected to adverse environmenta con- dents in the human body, in the mouth or examp e, none
ditions. Spores are resistant to chemica s, heat, and dry have yet been proven to cause disease. H owever, they may p ay
conditions. W hen environmenta conditions become more an important ro e in the human microbiome.
suitab e or i e processes such as reproduction, the spores
revert back to the active orm o bacterium. A though ad-
The presence o bacteria and other microorgan-
vantageous or the bacterium, this trans ormation abi ity
isms in and on the body is normal and necessary
o ten makes it di cu t or humans to destroy pathogenic
or normal unction. To learn more, review the
article The Human Microbiome at Connect It! at
Microbes o another type that are simi ar to bacteria are
the archaea. T ey di er rom bacteria in their chemica
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 123

TABLE 6-3 Examples o Pathogenic Fungi

Ye a s t Mold
Candida organis m s Thrus h and m ucous m e m brane
in e ctions (including vaginal
ye as t in e ctions )
Epide rm ophyton and Tine a in e ctions : ringworm , jock
Micros porum organis m s itch, and athle tes oot
His toplas m a organis m s His toplas m os is
As pe rgillus organis m s As pe rgillos is and pne um onia
Coccidioide s organis m s Coccidioidomycos is (San Joaquin
eve r)
Se e Table 4 in Appe ndix A at evolve .e ls evie or a lis t o mycotic dis -
e as e s and the ir de s criptions .

FIGURE 6-7 Examples o pathogenic ungi. Electron

micrographs and drawings. A, Scanning electron micrograph TABLE 6-4 Examples o Pathogenic Protozoa
o yeast cells. Yeasts commonly in ect the urinary and repro-
ductive tracts. B, This electron micrograph shows Aspergillus CLAS S IFICATION PROTOZOAN DIS EAS ES CAUS ED
organisms, a mold that can in ect di erent parts o the body Am e ba Entam oe ba organis m s Diarrhe a, am e bic dys e n-
where it orms characteristic ungus balls. te ry, and live r and lung
in e ctions
Nae gle ria ow le ri Brain in e ctions
Fu n g i
Fungi (sing., ungus) are simp e organisms that
are simi ar to p ants but without ch orophy Flage llate Giardia organis m s Giardias is , diarrhe a, and
(green pigment). W ithout ch orophy , pathogenic m alabs orption s yndrom e
ungi cannot produce their own ood, so they must Trichom onas organis m s Trichom onias is , vaginitis ,
consume or parasitize other organisms. and urinary tract
Most pathogenic ungi parasitize tissue on or in e ctions
near the skin or mucous membranes, as in ath-
etes oot and vagina yeast in ections. A ew
Ciliate Balantidium organis m s Gas trointe s tinal dis tur-
systemic (body-wide) unga in ections, such as
bance s , including pain,
San Joaquin ever, can disrupt the entire body.
naus e a, and anorexia
Figure 6-7 shows that yeasts are sma , sing e-
ce ed ungi and molds are arge, mu tice u ar
ungi. Funga in ections, or mycotic in ections,
o ten resist treatment, so they can become a quite
serious hea th prob em. Table 6-3 ists some o the
important pathogenic ungi and the diseases that
Sporozoan (coccidium ) Is os pora organis m s Is os porias is in e ction o
they cause. gas trointe s tinal tract,
diarrhe a, and m alabs orp-
P ro t o zo a tion s yndrom e
Plas m odium organis m s Malaria
Protozoa are protists, one-ce ed organisms that
Toxoplas m a organis m s Toxoplas m os is and conge n-
are arger than bacteria and whose DNA is orga- ital dam age to e tus
nized in a nuc eus. Table 6-4 i ustrates some o the
pathogenic protozoa. Protozoa can in ect human Se e Table 5 in Appe ndix A at evolve .e ls evie or a lis t o dis e as e s caus e d by protozoa.

uids and cause disease by parasitizing ce s or

direct y destroying them (Figure 6-8). 2. Flagellatesprotozoa that are simi ar to amebas but
Some major groups o pathogenic protozoa inc ude the move by wigg ing ong, whip ike extensions ca ed
o owing: agella.
3. Ciliatesprotozoa that move by means o many
1. Amebas arge ce s o changing shape; amebas ex- short, hair ike projections ca ed ci ia.
tend their membranes to orm pseudopodia ( a se 4. Sporozoaprotozoa with unusua organe es at their
eet) that pu themse ves a ong. tips that a ow them to enter host ce s; a so ca ed
124 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

Table 6-5 i ustrates some anima s that cause disease. T e

major groups o pathogenic anima s inc ude the o owing:
6 1. Nematodes arge parasites, a so ca ed roundworms,
that in est a variety o di erent human tissues. T ey
are o ten transmitted by ood or by ies that bite.
2. Platyhelminths arge parasites, otherwise known
as atworms and ukes, that can in est severa di er-
ent human organs. T e Schistosoma ukes shown in
Figure 6-9 cause snai ever, or schistosomiasis.
3. Arthropodsgroup o parasites that inc ude mites,
ticks, lice, and eas. A so inc uded are biting or sting-
ing wasps, bees, mosquitoes, and spiders. A are capab e
o causing injury or in estation themse ves but a so
FIGURE 6-8 Pathogenic amebas. The Naegleria owleri organism
seen in this light micrograph is an emerging pathogen in the southern United can carry other pathogenic organisms. An organism
States. It is an ameba ound in warm, resh-water ponds, lakes, streams, that spreads disease to other organisms is ca ed a
and warm springs. The organism enters the body by swimming up the nose vector o the disease.
and invading the brain through the thin ethmoid bone. It can cause a atal
central nervous system in ection. Table 6-5 summarizes some o the major hea th prob ems as-
sociated with se ected pathogenic anima s.

coccidia. T ey o ten osci ate between two di erent QUICK CHECK

hosts, having two di erent stages in their i e cyc e.
1. Na m e a d is e a s e ca u s e d b y a viru s a n d a d is e a s e ca u s e d
T e sporozoa that cause ma aria exhibit this pattern.
b y a p rio n .
2. Wh a t is a re troviru s ? Na m e a d is e a s e th a t is ca u s e d b y a
re tro viru s .
P a t h o g e n ic A n im a ls 3. Ho w d o b a cte ria ca u s e d is e a s e ?
Pathogenic anima s sometimes ca ed metazoa are arge, mu - 4. Na m e a co m m o n u n ga l in e ctio n .
5. Wh a t a re p ro to zo a , a n d h o w d o th e y ca u s e d is e a s e ?
tice u ar organisms. Anima s can cause disease by parasitizing
6. Lis t th e m a jo r g ro u p s o p a th o g e n ic a n im a ls .
humans or causing injury in some other way.

TABLE 6-5 Examples o Pathogenic Animals

Ne m atode As caris organis m s Inte s tinal roundworm in e s tation, gas trointe s tinal obs truction, and bronchial dam age
Ente robius organis m s Pinworm in e s tation o the lowe r gas trointe s tinal tract, itching around the anus , and
ins om nia
Trichine lla organis m s Trichinos is , eve r, and m us cle pain

Platyhe lm inth Schis tos om a organis m s Schis tos om ias is (s nail eve r)
Fas ciola organis m s Live r uke in e s tation
Tae nia organis m s Pork and be e tapeworm in e s tation

Arthropod Arachnida organis m s In e s tation by m ite s and ticks ; toxic bite s by s pide rs , s corpions ; and trans m is s ion o
othe r pathoge ns
Ins e cta In e s tation by e as and lice ; toxic bite s by was ps , m os quitoe s , and be e s ; and trans m is -
s ion o othe r pathoge ns ; ticks (Lym e dis e as e )

Se e Table 6 in Appe ndix A at evolve .e ls evie or a lis t o dis e as e s caus e d by pathoge nic anim als .
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 125

FIGURE 6-9 Pathogenic animals. This light taken when using aseptic
micrograph shows both male and emale technique.
Schistosoma f ukes mating in the human
bloodstream (the male is the larger o
En v iro n m e n t a l
the two). Co n t a c t
Many pathogens are ound
throughout the oca envi-
P r e ve n t io n ronmentin ood, water,
soi , and on assorted sur-
a n d C o n t ro l aces. Under norma condi-
T e key to preventing many diseases caused by tions, these pathogens in ect
pathogenic organisms is stopping them rom on y individua s who happen
entering the human body. T is sounds simp e to come across them or
enough but is o ten very di cu t to accomp ish. who are a ready weakened by
some other condition. I im-
proper sanitation practices create an environment that pro-
M e c h a n is m s o Tr a n s m is s io n motes increased growth and spread o pathogens, an epidemic
A key to stopping pathogens is to understand the mecha- cou d resu t.
nisms by which they spreadmechanisms that potentia y Disease caused by environmenta pathogens can o ten be
can be disrupted. T e o owing sections can be used as a prevented by avoiding contact with certain materia s and by
partia ist o the ways in which pathogens can spread. maintaining sa e sanitation practices.

P e r s o n -t o -P e r s o n C o n t a c t O p p o r t u n is t ic In va s io n
Sma pathogens o ten can be carried in the air rom one Some potentia y pathogenic organisms are ound on the skin
person to another. A so, direct contact with an in ected person and mucous membranes o near y everyone. H owever, they do
or with contaminated materia s hand ed by the in ected per- not cause disease unti they have the opportunity. T at is, they
son is a common mode o transmission. T e rhinoviruses and do not create a prob em unti and un ess conditions change or
coronaviruses that cause the common co d are o ten transmit- they enter the bodys interna environment.
ted in these ways. For examp e, the ungi that cause ath etes oot are o ten
Some viruses, such as those that cause hepatitis B, present on the skin o peop e who do not have symptoms o
hepatitis C, and AIDS, are instead transmitted when in- this in ection. On y when the skin is kept warm and moist or
ected b ood, semen, or another body uid enters a persons pro onged periods can the ungus reproduce and create an
b oodstream. in ection.
Preventing the spread o these diseases o ten invo ves edu- Preventing opportunistic in ection invo ves avoiding con-
cating peop e about avoiding certain types o contact with ditions that cou d promote in ections. Changes in the pH
individua s known or suspected o carrying the disease. An- (acidity), moisture, temperature, or other characteristics o
other strategy, ca ed aseptic technique, invo ves ki ing or skin and mucous membranes o ten promote opportunistic
disab ing pathogens on sur aces be ore they can spread to in ections. C eansing and aseptic treatment o accidenta or
other peop e. Table 6-6 summarizes the major approaches surgica wounds a so can prevent these in ections.

TABLE 6-6 Common Aseptic Methods That Prevent the Spread o Pathogens*
Ste rilization De s truction o all living organis m s ; doe s not Pre s s urize d s te am bath, extre m e te m pe rature , gas (e thyle ne oxide ), or radia-
us ually a e ct prions tion us e d to s te rilize s urgical ins trum e nts and garm e nts or othe r s ur ace s
Dis in e ction De s truction o m os t or all pathoge ns on Che m icals s uch as iodine , chlorine , alcohol, phe nol, and s oaps
inanim ate obje cts but not ne ce s s arily all
harm le s s m icrobe s
Antis e ps is Inhibition or inactivation o pathoge ns Che m icals s uch as alcohol, iodine , quate rnary am m onium com pounds
(quats ), and dye s
Is olation Se paration o pote ntially in e ctious pe ople or Quarantine o a e cte d patie nts ; prote ctive appare l worn w hile giving tre at-
m ate rials rom nonin e cte d pe ople m e nts ; and s anitary trans port, s torage , and dis pos al o body uids ,
tis s ue s , and othe r m ate rials

*Spore s (s pe cial bacte rial orm s ) m ay re s is t m e thods that would ordinarily kill active bacte rial ce lls .
126 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

Robe rt Koch as tounde d his pare nts that a e ct the hum an population, and re s e arche rs he lp de -
w he n, at the age o 5 (in 1848), he ve lop e e ctive preve ntion and tre atm e nt.
s howe d his pare nts that he had Many public he alth advis ors , e nviro nm e ntal he alth
taught him s e l to re ad. His de te r- s cie ntis ts , and public he alth activis ts work to he lp us unde r-
m ination and his m e thodical us e o s tand and re s olve is s ue s re late d to expos ure to pollutants , the
new s pape rs in his hom e not only e e cts o our li e s tyle , te chnological advance s , and s ocial
he lpe d young Robe rt te ach him s e l choice s that a e ct our he alth. Public he alth adm inis trators and
to re ad, it als o ore s hadowe d a s ta , including volunte e rs , he lp organize and s upport the
brilliant care e r as an inve s tigative worldw ide e ort to prom ote public he alth. The photo s how s a
s cie ntis t. nurs e in the com m is s ione d corps o the Unite d State s Public
Robert Koch (18431910) Koch be cam e a phys ician, and He alth Se rvice (USPHS) as s e s s ing a patie nt.
w hile s till a young m an, he prove d
that the anthrax bacillus (bacte rium ) caus e s the anthrax in e c-
tion (s e e Dis e as e as a We apon box, p. 128). Thus he was the
f rs t to prove that s pe cif c bacte ria caus e s pe cif c dis e as e s . He
late r we nt on to do s im ilar ground-bre aking work w ith wound
in e ctions , tube rculos is , chole ra, and m any othe r in e ctions .
Pe rhaps m ore im portantly, he laid the groundwork or the labo-
ratory s tudy o bacte ria and the control o individual in e ctions
as we ll as e pide m ics . In s o doing, Robe rt Koch laid the ground-
work or m ode rn public he alth, the f e ld that s trive s to pre -
ve nt and control dis e as e and prom ote good he alth in the hu-
m an population.
Public he alth is a f e ld that include s m any di e re nt e nde av-
ors , all aim e d at prom oting the he alth and we llne s s o us all.
For exam ple , m e dical and allie d he alth pro e s s ionals tre at dis -
e as e and work to preve nt and control e pide m ics . Pathologis ts
and laboratory te chnicians he lp us be tte r unde rs tand dis e as e s

Tr a n s m is s io n b y a Ve c t o r P r e ve n t io n a n d Tr e a t m e n t S t r a t e g ie s
As stated previous y, a vector such as an arthropod acts as a Va c c in a t io n
carrier o a pathogenic organism. For examp e, the spirochete A prevention strategy that has worked with some bacteria
bacterium that causes Lyme disease is not usua y transmitted and vira pathogens has been the vaccine. A vaccine is a ki ed
direct y rom human to human. Instead, a vector such as the or attenuated (weakened) pathogen or part o a pathogen that
deer tick carries it rom one person to another or between ani- is given to a person to stimu ate immunity. Vaccination is a
ma s and humans. Table 6-7 gives examp es o severa tick- preventive method that stimu ates a persons own immune
borne i nesses. system in a way that promotes deve opment o resistance to a
T e most e ective way to stop vector-borne diseases rom particu ar pathogen.
spreading is a combination o reducing the popu ation o vectors A though vaccines are very sa e, they can cause mi d side
and reducing the number o contacts with vectors. Malaria, sti e ects such as temporary u- ike symptoms, mi d pain, and
a major ki er in some parts o the wor d, was virtua y e imi- ainting; they rare y cause more severe side e ects such as a -
nated rom North America in this way. Many mosquitoes that ergic reactions or ebri e seizures. T orough research has
transmit the ma aria organism were destroyed with pesticides, disproven a wide y he d be ie that chi dhood vaccines (in-
and at the same time, peop e were educated about ways to pre- c uding preservatives) causes autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a
vent mosquito bites. Consistent use o both strategies resu ted in di erence in brain unction. T is dangerous myth sti persists,
the co apse o the pathogen popu ation in the vector and host. however, reducing vaccination rates and increasing the inci-
T e act that sporadic cases o ma aria sti occur in dence o dangerous chi dhood diseases such as measles, mumps,
North Americaand the emergence o other vector-borne rubella, whooping cough, and polio.
diseasesdemonstrates the need or ongoing monitoring o More discussion o vaccination and other immune system
vector popu ations and the incidence o each disease. strategies o disease prevention is ound in Chapter 16.
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 127

this occurs as a natura consequence o bacteria adaptation.

To learn more about vaccination, go to
H owever, we acce erate this process by prescribing antibiotics
AnimationDirect online at
or diseases that are not o bacteria etio ogy or by using the 6
medications inappropriate y a ter they are prescribed.
D r u g Th e r a p y New antibiotics are needed when bacteria deve op resis-
A ter an in ection has begun, there are severa ways to treat tance to the drug or when the drug treatment cyc e is di cu t
the patient and attempt to gain contro o the disease. One to comp ete. A bacteria disease ca ed tubercu osis ( B) gives
common approach is the use o drug therapy to destroy us an examp e o both o these issues. Current B drugs are
pathogens or inhibit their growth. taken over a 6- to 9-month period, and there are strains o the
B bacteria that have become resistant to those drugs.
A n t ib io t ic D r u g s Severa new drug combinations to treat B are current y in
Antibiotics are compounds produced by certain iving organ- c inica tria s. Adding one o the newer anti- B drugs to the
isms or in a aboratory that ki or inhibit bacteria pathogens. standard therapy may reduce the usua treatment time re-
Penicillinproduced by a ungusand streptomycinproduced quired by current B antibiotics and may be ab e to ki drug-
by a bacteriumare we -known antibiotics. A ew synthetic resistant strains o B.
chemica s are now a so used to treat bacteria in ections. T e Wor d H ea th O rganization (W H O) estimates that
Antibiotic resistance is an important consideration in the around one f th o the wor ds popu ation is in ected with
treatment o in ectious diseases today. As we continue to use Band that 1.5 mi ion peop e died o the disease in 2014.
antibiotics to treat bacteria disease, new generations o bacte- T e good news is that this is an 18% reduction in B morta -
ria eventua y deve op resistance to antibiotic drugs. Some o ity rate since the start o this century.

TABLE 6-7 Examples o Tick-Borne Diseases

Ehrlichia ew ingii (Ehrlichios is or Am blyom m a am e ricanum Feve r, he adache , m us cle pain, naus e a, and vom iting
hum an granulocytic e hrlichios is ) (Lone Star tick) Ras h is rare
Low w hite blood ce ll count, low plate le t count, ane m ia, e levate d
live r e nzym e s , kidney ailure , and re s piratory ins u f cie ncy

Borre lia burgdor e ri Ixode s s capularis (de e r tick or Feve r, he adache , m us cle pain, joint pain (arthritis ), and s wolle n
(Lym e dis e as e ) blackle gge d tick) lym ph node s
Re d, expanding ras h calle d e rythe m a m igrans (EM) or bulls eye
ras h in about 70% o cas e s
Arthritis (pain and s we lling) in the large joints (s uch as kne e s )

Bulls eye ras h.

Ricke tts ia ricke tts ii De rm ace ntor variabilis Feve r, he adache , m us cle pain, naus e a, vom iting, and los s o appe tite
(Rocky Mountain s potte d eve r) (Am e rican dog tick) Ras h a te r eve r in 50% o adults and 90% o childre n
Ras h m ay involve palm s and s ole s

*Sym ptom s vary am ong individual patie nts .

128 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

(ACV) or treating herpes in ections, and e avirenz or treat-

Antibiotic resistance occurs when some patho-
ing H IV in ections.
6 genic bacteria in our microbiome survive antibiotic
therapy and then reproduce. Over time, this shi ts
Antivira agents used against H IVespecia y when used
in care u y ormu ated combinations ca ed drug cocktai s
the ecological balance in avor o antibiotic-
may inhibit vira activity enough to s ow or prevent H IV in-
resistant strains. In a person with a well-
ection rom progressing to stage 3 (AIDS).
unctioning microbiome, antibiotic use can also
cause short-term imbalances o pathogenic and QUICK CHECK
nonpathogenic organisms that disrupt our micro-
1. Wh a t a re o u r wa ys th a t a d is e a s e ca n b e tra n s m itte d ?
bial ecosystem and cause some o the side
2. Wh a t is a s e p tic te ch n iq u e ?
e ects o antibiotics, including indigestion, 3. Ho w is a n a n tib io tic d ru g d i e re n t ro m a n a n tivira l d ru g ?
opportunistic in ection, and in ammation. Please 4. Why a re n e w a n tib io tics o te n n e e d e d in th e tre a tm e n t o
review the article The Human Microbiome at b a cte ria l d is e a s e ?
Connect It! at

Tu m o r s a n d C a n c e r
A n t iv ir a l D r u g s
N e o p la s m s
Antiviral drugs, especia y when used in care u y ormu ated
combinations (o ten ca ed drug cocktai s), do not stop vira Be n ig n a n d M a lig n a n t Tu m o r s
in ections entire y. Instead, they inhibit vira reproduction and T e term neoplasm itera y means new matter and re ers to
thus s ow down the progression o vira in ections. T is strat- an abnorma growth o ce s. Neop asms, a so ca ed tumors,
egy may reduce acute episodes o some virus in ections or can take the orm o distinct umps o abnorma ce s or, in
prevent the deve opment o serious, perhaps i e-threatening, b ood tissue, can be di use.
vira disease and other comp ications. Neop asms are o ten c assif ed as benign or malignant
Among the growing ist o synthetic antivira agents are (Table 6-8). Benign tumors remain oca ized within the tissue
oseltamivir ( ami u) or treating in uenza A and B, acyclovir rom which they arose. Ma ignant tumors tend to spread to


World eve nts have s how n us that the inte ntional trans m is s ion ce lls o the hos t, the n punching a hole in the ce lls m e m brane ,
o dis e as e can be us e d as a we apon o te rror. Anthrax, a bac- and ins e rting a portion o the toxin calle d le thal actor that
te rial in e ction caus e d by Bacillus anthracis , is an exam ple o a de s troys prote ins in the ce ll and kills it.
pathoge n that has be e n inte ntionally dis tribute d to othe rw is e I the in e ction is dis cove re d be ore the anthrax bacte ria
he althy pe ople in acts o bio te rro ris m . have tim e to m ake large am ounts o toxin, antibiotics s uch as
The anthrax bacte rium ordinarily a e cts m ainly plant-e ating doxycycline and cipro oxacin can cure anthrax. Scie ntis ts als o
anim als s uch as s he e p, cattle , and goats , o te n re s ulting in are working to pe r e ct drugs that im itate the ce lls re ce ptors
the ir de ath. and would thus gum up the toxin on ake re ce ptors be ore
The anthrax bacte rium can as s um e the orm o a s po re that it can attack ce lls . Vaccine s are available , but the s e m us t be
is re s is tant to he at, drying, and che m i- give n long be ore pos s ible expos ure to
cals and the n late r be com e s active to the s pore s .
caus e in e ction. Rare ly, hum ans inhale Anthrax spores have bee n re f ned or
s om e anthrax s pore s or ge t the s pore s in military purpose s, eve n though this is
an ope n cut w he n handling in e cte d ani- outlawe d by various global tre atie s , and
m als or the ir hide s . The inhale d orm m ay have be e n use d by te rrorists to atte mpt to
be atal i not tre ate d quickly w ith antibi- intimidate or disrupt civilian populations .
otics . The cutane ous (s kin) orm is le s s Such a situation occurred in the Unite d
s e rious , characte rize d by a re ddis h brow n State s w he n anthrax-contaminated pack-
patch on the s kin that ulce rate s and the n age s we re se nt through the mail in the
orm s a dark, ne arly black s cab (s e e f g- all o 2001.
ure ), ollowe d by m us cle pain, inte rnal Othe r bacte ria s uch as Ye rs inia pe s tis
he m orrhage (ble e ding), he adache , eve r, (plague ), virus e s s uch as s m allpox, and a
naus e a, and vom iting. varie ty o ge ne tically e ngine e re d orm s o
Anthrax caus e s dis e as e by re le as ing a know n pathoge ns continue to be adde d
toxin that latche s onto re ce ptors on the Cutaneous anthrax to the pote ntial ars e nal o te rroris ts .
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 129

other regions o the body. Cancer is

TABLE 6-8 Comparison o Benign and Malignant Tumors
another term or a ma ignant tumor.
cause they do not spread to other tissues Rate o grow th Slow Rapid
and they usua y grow very s ow y. T eir Structure Encaps ulate d None ncaps ulate d (inf ltrate s
ce s are o ten we di erentiated, un ike s urrounding tis s ue )
the undi erentiated ce s typica o ma- Patte rn o grow th Expanding but not s pre ading to Me tas tas izing (s pre ading) to
ignant tumors. Ce s in a benign tumor othe r tis s ue s othe r tis s ue s
tend to stay together, and they are o ten Ce ll type We ll di e re ntiate d (s im ilar to Undi e re ntiate d (abnorm al in
surrounded by a capsu e o dense tissue. norm al tis s ue ce lls ) s tructure and unction)
Benign tumors are usua y not i e Mortality rate Low High i condition re m ains
threatening but can be i they disrupt untre ate d
the norma unction o a vita organ
(Figure 6-10).
Ma ignant tumors, on the other
hand, are not encapsu ated and do not
stay in one p ace. T eir ce s tend to a
Be nign Ma ligna nt
away rom the origina neop asm and
may start new tumors in other parts o
the body. For examp e, ce s rom ma ig-
nant breast tumors usua y orm new
(secondary) tumors in bone, brain, and
ung tissues. T e ce s migrate by way o
ymphatic or b ood vesse s. T is manner
o spreading is ca ed metastasis. Ce s
that do not metastasize sti can spread,
but in another way: they grow rapid y A B
and extend the tumor into nearby tis-
FIGURE 6-10 Types o neoplasms. A, Benign neoplasms (tumors) are usually encapsulated and
sues. Ma ignant tumors may rep ace part grow slowly. B, Malignant neoplasms or cancers are not encapsulated. They grow rapidly, extending into
o a vita organ with abnorma , undi - surrounding tissues. Some cells metastasize, that is, they all away rom the original tumor and orm
erentiated tissuea i e-threatening tumors in other parts o the body.
situation (Figures 6-10 and 6-11).

3. Ma ignant tumors that arise rom epithe ia tissues,

For more about process o metastasis, see the
genera y ca ed carcinomas
illustrated article Metastasis at Connect It! at
a. Melanomaa type o cancer that invo ves me a-
nocytes, the pigment-producing ce s o the skin
b. Adenocarcinomathe genera term or ma ig-
nant tumor o g andu ar epithe ium
Ty p e s o Tu m o r s 4. Ma ignant tumors that arise rom connective tissues,
Benign and ma ignant neop asms are c assif ed into sub- genera y ca ed sarcomas
groups, depending on appearance and the ocation where they a. Lymphomaa term used to describe a cancer o
originate. Benign and ma ignant tumors can be divided into ymphatic tissue
three typesepithe ia tissue, connective tissue, and misce - b. Osteosarcomaa term that re ers to a ma ignant
aneous tumors. Some examp es o each o ow: tumor o bone tissue
c. Myelomaa type o ma ignant bone marrow
1. Benign tumors that arise rom epithe ia tissues tumor
a. Papillomaa type o tumor that orms a f nger- d. Fibrosarcomaa genera term used to describe
ike projection, as in a wart cancers invo ving f brous connective tissues.
b. Adenomaa genera term or benign tumors
o g andu ar epithe ium Misce aneous tumors do not f t any o the other categories. For
c. Nevusa variety o sma , pigmented tumors o examp e, an adeno broma is a benign neop asm ormed by epi-
the skin, such as mo es the ia and connective tissues.Another examp e is neuroblastoma,
2. Benign tumors that arise rom connective tissues a ma ignant tumor that arises rom nerve tissue.
a. Lipomaa tumor arising rom adipose ( at) tissue Cancers can be urther c assif ed by their ocation. For ex-
b. Osteomaa tumor that invo ves bone tissues amp e, ma ignant tumors may be abe ed skin cancer, stomach
c. Chondromaa tumor o carti age tissue cancer, or lung cancer according to the ocation o the a ected
130 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

Origina l tumor
TABLE 6-9 Common Forms o Cancer*
TYPE (by lo catio n) (pe r ye ar) (pe r ye ar)
Lung 224,390 158,080
Colore ctal 134,490 49,190
Pancre atic 53,070 41,780
Bre as t 249,260 40,890
Fe m ale 246,660 40,450
Male 2,600 440
Pros tate 180,890 26,120
Le uke m ia (blood cance r) 60,140 24,400
Non-Hodgkin lym phom a 72,580 20,150
(lym phoid tis s ue cance r)
Me ta s ta s is Bladde r 76,960 16,390
ve s s e l Kidney 62,700 14,240
Endom e trial (ute rus ) 60,050 10,470
Me lanom a (s kin) 76,380 10,130
Thyroid 64,300 1,980

*2016 annual e s tim ate s in the Unite d State s , lis te d in orde r o de ath rate .

Ma ligna nt ce lls G e n e t ic Fa c t o r s
re produce to
form new tumors More than a dozen orms o cancer are known to be direct y
inherited, perhaps invo ving abnorma cancer genes ca ed
oncogenes. T e way in which every known oncogene works
Lympha tic is not yet c ear y understood and is ike y to invo ve a number
ve s s e l
o di erent mechanisms.
FIGURE 6-11 Metastasis. Abnormal cells rom malignant tumors all O ther cancers may deve op primari y in those peop e with
away rom the original neoplasm and travel along lymphatic vessels, genetic predispositions to specif c orms o cancer. Cancers
through which they can enter and exit easily. Malignant cells also can travel
through the bloodstream and burrow through a blood vessel wall to invade
with known genetic risk actors inc ude basal cell carcinoma (a
other tissues. type o skin cancer), breast cancer, and neuroblastoma (a cancer
o nerve tissue). T ese cancers probab y require a combination
o the at risk version o a gene p us one or more environmen-
tissues. T e more common cancer types (by ocation) in the ta actors.
United States are isted in Table 6-9 and are described in ater
chapters. C a r c in o g e n s
Carcinogens (cancer makers) are chemica s that a ect genetic
activity in some way, causing abnorma ce reproduction. Some
Ca u s e s o Ca n c e r carcinogens are mutagens (mutation makers). Mutagens cause
A b n o r m a l C e ll D iv is io n changes in a ce s DNA structure. A though many industria
T e etio ogies o various orms o cancer puzz e researchers no products such as benzene are known to be carcinogens, a wide
ess today than they did 100 years ago. T e more we know variety o natura vegetab e and anima materia s are a so carci-
about how cancer deve ops, the more questions we have. Cur- nogenic. obacco, or examp e, contains carcinogens.
rent y, the best answer to the question W hat causes cancer?
is Many di erent things. Ag e
We know that cancer is a type o neop asm, which means Certain cancers are ound primari y in young peop e ( or ex-
that it invo ves uncontro ed ce division. A process ca ed amp e, eukemia) and others primari y in o der adu ts ( or
hyperplasia produces too many ce s. A so, abnorma , undi - examp e, co on cancer). T e age actor may resu t rom
erentiated tumor ce s are o ten produced by a process ca ed changes in the genetic activity o ce s over time or rom ac-
anaplasia. T us the mechanism o a cancers is a mistake or cumu ated e ects o ce damage.
prob em in ce division. H owever, science remains uncertain
o a the possib e triggers o the abnorma ce division. En v iro n m e n t
Current y, the actors isted in the o owing sections are Exposure to damaging types o radiation or chronic mechani-
known to p ay a ro e. ca injury can cause cancer. For examp e, sun ight can cause
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 131

and the deve opment o secondary tumors has begun, cancer

TABLE 6-10 The Warning Signs o Cancer*
is most treatab e. Some methods current y used to detect the
Sore s that do not he al presence o cancer inc ude those described in the o owing 6
Unus ual ble e ding sections.
A change in a wart or m ole
A lum p or thicke ning in any tis s ue
Sel -Examination
Pe rs is te nt hoars e ne s s or cough Examining ones se or the ear y signs o cancer is a surpris-
ing y e ective method o detection. For examp e, women are
Chronic indige s tion or di f culty s wallow ing
encouraged to per orm a month y breast se -examination.
A change in bowe l or bladde r unction
Likewise, men are encouraged to per orm a month y testicu ar
Bone pain that wake s one at night and is locate d on only one s ide se -examination. Se -examination o the skin and other
*Any chronic change in body s tructure or unction could be a s ign o cance r accessib e organs or tissues is a so recommended by cancer
and s hould be inve s tigate d by a phys ician. specia ists.
I an abnorma ity is ound, it can be urther investigated
skin cancer, and breathing asbestos f bers can cause ung can- with one o the methods described ater.
cer. A so, exposure to high concentrations o certain meta s
such as nicke or chromium can cause tumors to deve op. Diagnostic Imaging
A variety o methods are avai ab e or orming images o
Vir u s e s interna body organs to detect tumors without exp oratory
Severa cancers have now been identif ed as having a vira ori- surgery.
gin. T is makes sense because we know that viruses o ten Radiography is the o dest and sti the most wide y used
change the genetic machinery o in ected ce s. For examp e, method o noninvasive imaging o interna body structures.
human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been ound to have a Radiography is the use o x-rays to orm a sti or moving
causa re ationship in some cases o cervica cancer in women picture o some o the interna tissues o the body. A mam-
and peni e cancer in men. T us, H PV vaccines can prevent mogram, or examp e, is an x-ray photograph o a breast. Po-
both the vira in ections and the resu ting cancers. tentia y cancerous umps show up as sma , white areas on the
mammogram (Figure 6-12, A).
Computed tomography (C ) scanning is a type o radi-
P a t h o g e n e s is o C a n c e r ography in which x-rays produce a cross-sectiona image o
D e t e c t in g C a n c e r body regions (Figure 6-12, B).
Signs o cancer inc ude those a person wou d expect o a ma- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type o scanning
ignant neop asmthe appearance o abnorma , rapid y that uses a magnetic f e d to induce tissues to emit radio
growing tissue. Cancer specia ists, or oncologists, have sum- waves. Di erent tissues can be distinguished because each
marized some major signs o ear y stages o cancer. T ese emits di erent signa s. W ith MRI, tumors can then be visua -
signs are isted in Table 6-10. ized on a computer screen in cross sections simi ar to those
Ear y detection o cancer is important because in the ear y produced in C scanning (Figure 6-12, C). MRI is a so some-
stages o deve opment o primary tumors, be ore metastasis times ca ed nuclear magnetic resonance (NM R) imaging.

X-ray ima ge (ma mmogra m) CT s ca n MRI S onogram




FIGURE 6-12 Medical images o tumors. A, A mammogram (x-ray image) showing carcinoma o a breast
duct. B, CTscan o the brain showing a tumor in the le t hemisphere. C, MRimage o the brain showing a tumor
in the le t hemisphere. D, Sonogram showing a transverse view o an abdominal tumor. L, Le t; R, right; IVC,
in erior vena cava; L, liver; M, mass; RK, right kidney.
132 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

In ultrasonography, high- requency sound waves can be or through a need e sometimes revea s whether the tissue is
re ected o interna tissues to produce images, or sonograms, ma ignant or benign.
6 o tumors (Figure 6-12, D). For more detai ed in ormation re- A very simp e, noninvasive type o biopsy used to detect
garding medica imaging, re er to the C inica App ication some types o cancer invo ves simp y scraping or brushing
box be ow. ce s rom an exposed sur ace and smearing them on a g ass
microscope s ide. For examp e, the Papanicolaou test or
Review additional in ormation and examples o Pap smear is a common screening procedure in which ce s
medical images in the article Medical Imaging o rom the neck o the uterus (cervix) are examined (see
the Body at Connect It! at Chapter 23).

To see an example o a needle biopsy, see

Biopsy the article Kidney Biopsy at Connect It! at
A ter a neop asm has been identif ed with one o the previ-
ous y mentioned techniques, a biopsy o the tumor may be
done. Biopsy o an accessib e tumor may precede or even
e iminate the need or extensive medica imaging. Blood Test
A biopsy is the remova and examination o iving tissue. Changes in the concentration o norma b ood components,
Microscopic examination o tumor tissue removed surgica y such as ions or enzymes, sometimes can indicate cancer.


Cadave rs (pre s e rve d hum an bodie s us e d or s cie ntif c s tudy) bone s and othe r de ns e s tructure s that partially abs orb the
can be cut into s agittal, rontal, or trans ve rs e s e ctions or e as y x-rays .
view ing o inte rnal s tructure s , but living bodie s , o cours e , can- In uoros copy, a phos phore s ce nt s cre e n s e ns itive to x-rays
not. This lim itation has ham pe re d m e dical pro e s s ionals w ho is us e d ins te ad o photographic f lm . A vis ible im age is orm e d
s trive to de te rm ine w he the r inte rnal organs are injure d or dis - on the s cre e n as x-rays pas s ing through the s ubje ct caus e the
e as e d. In s om e cas e s , the only s ure way to de te ct a le s ion or s cre e n to glow. Fluoros copy allow s a m e dical pro e s s ional to
variation rom norm al is by pe r orm ing exte ns ive exploratory view the inte rnal s tructure s o the s ubje cts body in re al tim e
s urge ry. Fortunate ly, advance s in m e dical im aging allow phys i- as it m ove s .
cians to vis ualize inte rnal s tructure s o the body w ithout ris king Without e nhance m e nt aids , radiography works be s t as a
the traum a or othe r com plications as s ociate d w ith exte ns ive tool to view s olid obje cts s uch as bone s . One way to m ake
s urge ry. Som e o the m ore w ide ly us e d te chnique s are brie y s o t, hollow s tructure s s uch as blood ve s s e ls or dige s tive or-
de s cribe d he re . gans m ore vis ible is to us e radiopaque contras t m e dia. Sub-
s tance s s uch as barium s ul ate that abs orb x-rays are inje cte d
Radiography into or s wallowe d by the patie nt to f ll the hollow organ o in-
Radio g raphy, or x-ray photography, is the olde s t and s till m os t te re s t. As the s cre e n in Figure A s how s , the hollow organ the n
w ide ly us e d m e thod o noninvas ive im aging o inte rnal body s how s up as dis tinctly as a de ns e bone .
s tructure s . The boxe d e s s ay Radiography on p. 105 dis cus s e s
the origins o radiography. Computed Tomography
With this m e thod, e ne rgy in the x band o the radiation A variation o traditional x-ray photography is co m pute d
s pe ctrum is be am e d through the body and onto photographic to m o g raphy (CT) or com pute d axial tom ography (CAT) s can-
f lm (Figure A). The x-ray photograph s how s the outline s o the ning. In this m e thod, a device w ith an x-ray s ource on one s ide

P hotogra phic film or

phosphorescent X-ray s ource
s cre e n

Pa th of


x-rays t

s ource X- ra y e tec

Compute r

Vide o monitor

CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 133

Cancer ce s a so may produce or trigger production o ab- syndrome invo ving oss o appetite, severe weight oss, and
norma substancessubstances o ten re erred to as tumor mark- genera weakness. T e cause o cachexia in cancer patients is
ers. For examp e, bone cancer and some other ma ignancies can uncertain. A variety o anatomica or unctiona abnorma ities 6
e evate the b ood concentration o ca cium ions (Ca ) above may arise as a resu t o damage to particu ar organs. T e u timate
norma eve s. B ood tests to he p detect tumor markers o pros- causes o death in cancer patients inc ude secondary in ection by
tate and other cancers are being deve oped and introduced. pathogenic microbes, organ ai ure, hemorrhage (b ood oss),
and in some cases, undetermined actors.
S t a g e s a n d Gra d e s o Ca n c e r
T e in ormation gained rom these and other techniques can C a n c e r Tr e a t m e n t
be used to stage and grade ma ignant tumors. Staging invo ves O course, a ter cancer has been identif ed, staged, and graded,
c assi ying a tumor based on its size and the extent o its every e ort is made to treat it and thus prevent or de ay its
spread. Grading is an assessment o what the tumor is ike y to deve opment.
do, based on the degree o ce abnorma ity. Grading is a use u Surgical removal o cancerous tumors is pre erab e; a -
basis or making a prognosis, or statement o the probab e though or anatomic reasons, that is not a ways possib e. Even
outcome o the disease. with surgica remova , the possibi ity that ma ignant ce s have
W ithout treatment, cancer may resu t in death. T e progress been e t behind must be addressed.
o a particu ar type o cancer depends on the type o cancer Chemotherapy, or chemica therapy, using cytotoxic
and its ocation. Many cancer patients su er rom cachexia, a (ce -ki ing) compounds or antineoplastic drugs can be used

o the body and an x-ray de te ctor on the othe r s ide is rotate d Di e re nt tis s ue s can be dis tinguis he d rom e ach othe r be -
around a ce ntral axis o the s ubje cts body (Figure B). In orm a- caus e e ach e m its di e re nt radio s ignals . MRI, als o calle d nu-
tion rom the x-ray de te ctors is inte rpre te d by a com pute r, cle ar m agne tic re s onance (NMR) im aging, avoids the us e o
w hich ge ne rate s a vide o im age o the body as i it we re cut pote ntially harm ul x radiation and o te n produce s s harpe r im -
into anatom ical s e ctions . age s o s o t tis s ue s than othe r im aging m e thods .
The te rm com pute d tom ography lite rally m e ans picturing
a cut us ing a com pute r. Be caus e CT s canning and othe r re - Ultrasonography
ce nt advance s in diagnos tic im aging produce im age s o the During ultras o no g raphy, high- re que ncy (ultras onic) wave s
body as i it we re actually cut into s e ctions , it has be com e are re e cte d o inte rnal tis s ue s to produce an im age calle d a
e s pe cially im portant or s tude nts o the he alth s cie nce s to s onogram (Figure D).
be com e am iliar w ith s e ctional anatomy, w hich is the s tudy o Be caus e it doe s not involve x radiation, and be caus e it is
the s tructural re lations hips vis ible in anatom ical s e ctions . Find re lative ly inexpe ns ive and e as y to us e , ultras onography has
exam ple s o s e ctional anatomy in m argins o the Cle ar View o be e n us e d exte ns ive lye s pe cially in s tudying m ate rnal or e -
the Hum an Body ( ollow s p. 8). tal s tructure s in pre gnant wom e n. Howeve r, the im age pro-
duce d is not as cle ar or s harp as thos e produce d by MRI, CT
Magnetic Resonance Imaging s canning, or traditional radiography.
Mag ne tic re s o nance im ag ing (MRI) is a type o s canning Variations o the s e and othe r te chnological advance s that
that us e s a m agne tic f e ld to induce tis s ue s to e m it radio re - have im prove d the ability to s tudy the s tructure and unctions
que ncy (RF) wave s . An RF de te ctor coil s e ns e s the wave s and o the hum an body are dis cus s e d m ore in late r chapte rs .
s e nds the in orm ation to a com pute r that cons tructs s e ctional
im age s s im ilar to thos e produce d in CT s canning (Figure C).

Ma gne t (ma gne tic fie ld)

(purple Ultra s ound Ultra s ound
a rrows ) s ource de te ctor
Ra dio-
fre que ncy
(gre e n
a rrows )
de te ctor
Compute r

Vide o monitor Vide o monitor

134 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

a ter surgery to destroy any remaining ma ignant ce s. A injuries such as cuts and burns or damage caused by many
more recent approach is the use o rational drugs in chemo- other irritants such as chemica s, radiation, or toxins re eased
6 therapy. Rationa drugs are those that target on y specif c by bacteria. T e processes o in ammation eventua y e imi-
mo ecu es, enzymes, or receptors unique to cancer ce s or nate the irritant, a ter which tissue repair can begin.
tumor growth, thereby a ecting on y the cancer and sparing As you earned in Chapter 4, tissue repair is the rep ace-
the norma ce s. Rationa drugs thus increase the e ciency o ment o dead ce s with iving ce s. In a type o tissue repair
chemotherapy and reduce its side e ects. ca ed regeneration, the new ce s are simi ar to those that they
Radiation therapy, a so ca ed radiotherapy, using destruc- rep ace. Another type o tissue repair is replacement. In re-
tive x-ray or gamma radiation may be used a one or with p acement, the new ce s are di erent rom those that they
chemotherapy to destroy remaining cancer ce s. Chemo- rep ace, resu ting in a scar. O ten, brous tissue rep aces the o d
therapy and radiation therapy may have severe side e ects tissue, a condition ca ed brosis. Most tissue repairs are a
because norma ce s are o ten ki ed a ong with the cancer combination o regeneration and rep acement.
ce s. In ammation a so may accompany specif c immune sys-
Laser therapy, in which an intense beam o ight destroys tem reactions (which are discussed in Chapter 16). First de-
a tumor, is a so sometimes per ormed in addition to chemo- scribed by a Roman physician a most 2000 years ago, the in-
therapy or radiation therapy. ammatory response has our primary signsredness, heat,
Immunotherapy, a newer type o cancer treatment, bo - swe ing, and pain. T ese signs are indicators o a comp ex
sters the bodys own de enses against cancer ce s. Because process that is summarized in the o owing paragraphs and in
viruses cause some types o cancer, onco ogists hope that vac- Figures 6-13 and 6-14.
cines against certain orms o cancer wi be deve oped.
T ere has been some success with the treatment o peop e M e c h a n is m s o In a m m a t io n
with cancers such as advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia As tissue ce s are damaged, they re ease in ammation
(CLL) by using genetica y engineered versions o their own mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins (PGs), and
ce s. T e new y programmed ce s have been shown to compounds ca ed kinins.
remove specia y targeted cancerous ce s throughout the pa-
tients bodies or severa months. Genetic engineering o the
host immune system is hoped to provide ongoing protection Irrita nt e nte rs tis s ue
against recurrence o severa types o cancers.
A though new and di erent approaches to cancer treat- Ce ll da ma ge occurs
ment are being investigated, many researchers are concentrat-
ing on improving existing methods and promoting cancer
prevention. Despite progress in reducing cancers in deve oped Infla mma tion me dia tors a re re le a s e d
countries, the steep rise in smoking in deve oping regions
threatens to make cancer the major ki er wor dwide.
Blood ve s s e ls Incre a s e d
Che mota xis
dila te, incre a s ing pe rme a bility of
loca l blood flow blood ve s s e l wa lls
1. Wh a t is m e ta s ta s is ?
2. Give e xa m p le s o b e n ig n a n d m a lig n a n t
tu m o rs th a t a ris e ro m e p ith e lia l tis s u e a n d Ede ma Blood prote ins
Re dne s s He a t
(swe lling) form fibrous
b e n ig n a n d m a lig n a n t tu m o rs th a t a ris e ro m
ca ps ule a round
co n n e ctive tis s u e . injury s ite
3. Na m e f ve g e n e ra l ca u s e s o ca n ce r.
4. Wh a t a re o u r m e th o d s th a t a re u s e d to d e te ct Pa in
ca n ce r?
5. Ho w is ca n ce r tre a te d ?
6. De s crib e th e u s e o g e n e tica lly e n g in e e re d Incre a s e d numbe r of
ve rs io n s o T ce lls in th e tre a tm e n t o ca n ce r. white blood ce lls a t
injury s ite

In a m m a t io n P ha gocytos is of irrita nt
(for exa mple, ba cte ria
a nd da ma ge d ce lls )
In a m m a t o ry Re s p o n s e
In t ro d u c t io n t o In a m m a t io n
T e in ammatory response is a combination o
processes that attempts to minimize injury to tis- FIGURE 6-13 In ammatory response. Starting at the top, ollow the
sues, thus maintaining homeostasis. In ammation may occur typical progression o inf ammation. The photo shows the redness and
as a response to any tissue injury, inc uding mechanica swelling o inf ammation in the skin o the ear.
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 135

S plinte r In ammatory exudate is s ow y removed by ymphatic ves-

Ba cte ria
Epide rmis se s and is carried to ymph nodes, which act as f ters. Bacte-
introduce d De rmis ria and damaged ce s trapped in the ymph nodes are acted 6
on by white b ood ce s in each ymph node. In some cases,
ymph nodes en arge when they are processing a arge amount
o in ectious materia .
In ammation mediators a so can act as signa s that attract
white b ood ce s to the injury site. T e movement o white
b ood ce s in response to chemica attractants is ca ed
ve s s e l
Once in the a ected tissue, white b ood ce s o ten con-
A sume damaged ce s and pathogenic bacteria by means o
phagocytosis. W hen the in ammatory exudate becomes thick
with the accumu ation o white b ood ce s, dead tissue and
Ba cte ria bacteria ce s, and other debris, pus is ormed.
prolife ra ting Occasiona y, the in ammatory response is more intense or
pro onged than desirab e. In such a case, in ammation can be
suppressed by drugs such as antihistamines or aspirin.
Antihistamines b ock the action o histamine, as their name
imp ies. Aspirin disrupts the bodys synthesis o PGs, a group
o in ammation mediators.

To learn more about the in ammatory response,

check out the article In ammation at Connect It!

White blood ce ll White blood ce ll To learn more about acute in ammatory
migra ting through pha gocytizing response, go to AnimationDirect online at
blood ve s s e l wa ll ba cte ria
FIGURE 6-14 Typical in ammatory response to a mechanical in-
jury. A, A splinter damages tissue and carries bacteria into the body. Blood
vessels dilate and begin leaking f uids, causing swelling and redness. In a m m a t o ry D is e a s e
B, White blood cells are attracted to the injury site and begin to consume Lo c a l a n d S y s t e m ic In a m m a t io n
bacteria and damaged tissue cells. A brous capsule separates the injury
site rom surrounding tissue. A though many in ammation events are local, some a ect the
entire body, producing systemic in ammation. Loca in am-
mation occurs when damage caused by an irritant remains
iso ated in a imited area, as in a sma cut that becomes in-
Some in ammation mediators cause b ood vesse s to di ate ected. Systemic in ammation occurs when the irritant
(widen), increasing b ood vo ume in the tissue. Increased spreads wide y throughout the body or when in ammation
b ood vo ume produces the redness and heat o in ammation. mediators cause changes throughout the body.
T is response is important because it a ows immune system
ce s (white b ood ce s) in the b ood to trave quick y and eas- Fe ve r
i y to the site o injury. One examp e o a systemic (body-wide) mani estation o the
Some in ammation mediators increase the permeabi ity o in ammatory response is a ever. T e irritant or in ammation
b ood vesse wa s. T is a ows immune system ce s and other mediators can cause the thermostat o the brain to reset at a
b ood components to move out o the b ood vesse s easi y higher temperature. Instead o the norma body temperature,
where they can dea direct y with injured tissue. As water eaks the body achieves and maintains a new, higher temperature.
out o the vesse , tissue swe ing, or edema, resu ts. T e pres- Increased temperature o ten ki s or inhibits pathogenic
sure caused by edema triggers pain receptors, conscious y microbes. Some pathophysio ogists a so be ieve that the
a erting an individua o the damage. T e excess uid o ten higher temperature enhances the activity o the immune sys-
has the benef cia e ect o di uting the irritant. tem. Fevers usua y subside or break a ter the irritant has
T e uid that accumu ates in in amed tissue is ca ed been e iminated. Fevers a so can be reduced by drugs that
in ammatory exudate. B ood proteins that eak into tissue b ock the ever-producing agents.
spaces begin to c ot within a ew minutes. T e c ot orms a T e ever response in chi dren and in the e der y o ten di -
f brous capsu e around the injury site, preventing the irritant ers rom that in the norma adu t. Young chi dren o ten de-
rom spreading to nearby tissues. ve op very high temperatures in response to mi d in ections as
136 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

compared with adu ts, sometimes causing ebrile seizures Conditions invo ving chronic in ammation are c assif ed
abnorma brain activity caused by ever. as in ammatory diseases. A though some in ammatory dis-
6 E der y peop e o ten have reduced or absent ever re- eases are caused by known pathogens or by an abnorma im-
sponses during in ections, which may reduce their abi ity to mune response (a ergy or autoimmunity), the causes o many
resist the in ectious agent. o them are uncertain. In ammatory conditions such as ar-
thritis, asthma, eczema, and chronic bronchitis are among the
Ac u t e a n d C h ro n ic In a m m a t io n most common chronic diseases in the wor d.
Acute in ammation is an immediate, protective response that
promotes e imination o an irritant and subsequent tissue re-
pair. See the photo inset in Figure 6-13.
O ccasiona y, chronic in ammatory conditions occur. 1. Wh a t a re th e o u r p rin cip a l s ig n s o in a m m a tio n ?
2. Wh a t is th e ro le o a n in a m m a tio n m e d ia to r?
Chronic in ammation, whether oca or systemic, is a ways
3. Wh a t h a p p e n s in th e b o d y to ca u s e a e ve r?
damaging to a ected tissues.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 113)

coronavirus in ammatory response prion

(koh-ROHN-ah-vye-rus) (in-FLAM-ah-toh-ree ree-SPONS) (PREE-ahn)
[corona- crown, -virus poison] [in am- set af re, -ory relating to, re- back, [condensed rom proteinaceous in ectious
epidemiology -sponse answer] particle]
(EP-ih-dee-mee-OL-oh-jee) kinin prostaglandin (PG)
[epi- upon, -dem- people, -log- words (study o ), (KYE-nin) (pros-tah-GLAN-din)
-y activity] [kin- move, -in substance] [pro- be ore, -stat- set or place (prostate),
agellate metabolic -gland- acorn (gland), -in substance]
(FLAJ -eh-lat) (met-ah-BOL-ik) protozoan
[ agell- whip, -ate o or like] [meta- over, -bol- throw, -ic relating to] (proh-toh-ZOH-an)
agellum metazoan pl., protozoa
( ah-J EL-um) (met-uh-ZOH-an) (proh-toh-ZOH-ah)
pl., agella pl., metazoa [proto- f rst, -zoan animal]
( ah-J EL-ah) (met-uh -ZOH-ah) psychogenic
[ agellum whip] [meta- over, -zoan animal] (sye-koh-J EN-ik)
avivirus microbe [psycho- the mind, -gen- production,
(FLAY-vih-vye-rus) (MY-krobe) -ic relating to]
[ av- yellow, -virus poison] [micro- small, -b(io) li e] pus
ungus nematode (pus)
(FUNG-gus) (NEM-ah-tohd) [pus rotten]
pl., ungi or unguses [nema- thread, -ode like] retrovirus
(FUN-jye or FUN-gye or FUN-gus-ez) oncogene (ret-roh-VYE-rus)
[ ungus mushroom] (ON-koh-jeen) [retro- backward, -virus poison]
Gram staining technique [onco- swelling or mass (cancer), risk actor
(gram STAYN-ing tek-NEEK) -gen- produce or generate] (risk FAK-tor)
[Hans Christian J oachim Gram Danish parasite [risk run into danger, actor agent]
pathologist] (PAYR-ah-syte) spore
histamine [para- beside, -site ood] (spor)
(HIS-tah-meen) pathogenesis [spore seed]
[hist- tissue, -amine ammonia compound] (path-oh-J EN-e-sis) sporozoan
in ammation [patho- disease, -genesis origin] (spor-oh-ZOH-an)
(in- ah-MAY-shun) pathophysiology pl., sporozoa
[in am- set af re, -tion process] (path-oh-f z-ee-OL-oh-jee) (spor-oh-ZOH-ah)
in ammation mediator [patho- disease, -physio- nature ( unction), [spor- seed, -zoan animal]
(in- ah-MAY-shun MEE-dee-ay-tor) -log- words (study o ), -y activity] vector
[in am- set af re, -tion process, platyhelminth (VEK-tor)
mediat- intervene, -or condition] (plat-ih-HEL-minth) [vector carrier]
in ammatory exudate [platy- broad, at, -helminth worm] virus
(in-FLAM-ah-toh-ree EK-soo-dayt) (VYE-rus)
[in am- set af re, -ory relating to, exud- sweat [virus poison]
out, -ate thing]
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 137

acquired immune def ciency syndrome cachexia environmental health
(AIDS) (kah-KEKS-ee-ah) (en-VYE-ron-ment-al helth)
(ah-KWY-erd ih-MYOON deh-FISH-en-see [cache- bad, -(h)exia state] [environ- surround, -ment- condition,
SIN-drohm [aydz]) cancer -al relating to]
[immun- ree, -de- down, -f c- per orm, (KAN-ser) epidemic
-ency state, syn- together, -drome running or [cancer crab or malignant tumor] (ep-ih-DEM-ik)
(race) course] [epi- upon, -dem- people, -ic relating to]
acute (kar-SIN-oh-jen) etiology
(ah-KYOOT) [carcino- cancer, -gen produce] (ee-tee-AHL-oh-jee)
[acut- sharp] [eti- cause, -o- combining vowel, -log- words
adenocarcinoma (kar-sih-NOH-mah) (study o ), -y activity]
(ad-eh-noh-kar-sih-NOH-mah) [carcin- cancer, -oma tumor] ebrile seizure
[adeno- gland, -carcin- cancer, -oma tumor] (FEB-ril SEE-zhur)
adenof broma (kee-moh-THAYR-ah-pee) [ ebri- ever, -ile characterized by, seiz- grasp
(ad-eh-noh- ye-BROH-mah) [chemo- chemical, -therapy treatment] suddenly, -ure action]
[adeno- gland, -f br- f ber, -oma tumor] ever
adenoma (klah-MID-ee-ah) (FEE-ver)
(ad-eh-NOH-mah) [chlamyd- short mantle, -ia condition] [ ev- heat]
[adeno- gland, -oma tumor] f brosarcoma
anaplasia (kon-DROH-mah) ( ye-broh-sar-KOH-mah)
(an-ah-PLAY-zhah or an-ah-PLAY-zee-ah) [chondr- cartilage, -oma tumor] [f bro- f ber, -sarco- esh, -oma tumor]
[ana- without, -plasia shape] f brosis
anthrax (KRON-ik) ( ye-BROH-sis)
(AN-thraks) [chron- time, -ic relating to] [f br- f ber, -osis condition]
[anthrax boil] genetic
antibiotic (kom-MYOO-nih-kah-bil) (jeh-NET-iks)
(an-tih-by-OT-ik) [communic- share, -able capacity] [gene- produce, -ic relating to]
[anti- against, -bio li e, -ic relating to] human immunodef ciency virus (HIV)
computed tomography (CT)
antihistamine (kom-PYOO-ted toh-MOG-rah- ee (HYOO-mon ih-myoo-noh-deh-FISH-en-see
(an-tih-HIS-tah-meen) [see tee]) VYE-rus [aych aye vee])
[anti- against, -histo- tissue, [com- together, -pute- think, tomo- cut, [immuno- ree (immunity), -de- down,
-amine ammonia compound] -graph- draw, -y process] -f c- per orm, -ency state, virus poison]
antiviral drug culture hyperplasia
(an-tee-VYE-ral [or an-tih-VYE-ral] drug) (KULT-chur) (hye-per-PLAY-zhah or
[anti- against, -vir- poison, -al relating to] [cultur- till land] hye-per-PLAY-zee-ah)
aseptic technique [hyper- excessive, -plasia shape]
(ay-SEP-tik tek-NEEK) (dih-jen-uh-RAY-shun) idiopathic
[a- without, -septi- putrid, -ic relating to, [de- down, -generat- produce, -tion condition] (id-ee-oh-PATH-ik)
techn- method] [idio- peculiar, -path- disease, -ic relating to]
benign (DENG-gay or DENG-gee) immunotherapy
(bee-NYNE) [dengue seizure or cramp] (im-yoo-noh-THAYR-ah-pee)
[benign kind] [immuno- ree, -therapy treatment]
biopsy (dih-ZEEZ) incubation
(BYE-op-see) [dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] (in-kyoo-BAY-shun)
[bio- li e, -ops- view, -y act o ] [in- in or on, -cubat- lie, -tion process]
bioterrorism (eh-DEE-mah) in ectious
(bye-oh-TAYR-or-iz-em) [edema swelling] (in-FEK-shus)
[bio- li e, -terror- ear, -ism condition] [in ect- stain, -ous relating to]
bovine spongi orm encephalopathy (BSE) (en-DEM-ik) in ammatory
(BOH-vyne SPUN-jeh- orm [en- in, -dem- people, -ic relating to] (in-FLAM-ah-toh-ree)
en-se -uh-LOP-uh-thee [bee es ee]) environmental actor [in am- set af re, -ory relating to]
[bovi- ox or cow, -ine o or like, spongi- sponge, (en-VYE-ron-ment-al FAK-tor)
- orm shape, -en- within, -cephalo- head, [environ- surround, -ment- condition,
-path- disease, -y state] -al relating to, actor agent]
Continued on p. 138
138 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 137)

laser therapy nevus SARS-associated coronavirus (SARSCoV)
(LAY-zer THAYR-ah-pee) (NEE-vus) (SARZ-as-ohs-ee-AYT-ed
[laser acronym or light amplif cation by [nevus birthmark] koh-ROHN-ah-vye-us [sarz koh vee])
stimulated emission o radiation] osteoma [SARS- severe acute respiratory syndrome,
li estyle (os-tee-OH-mah) associa- unite, -ate- process, corona- crown,
(LYFE-style) [oste- bone, -oma tumor] -virus poison]
lipoma osteosarcoma severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
(lih-POH-mah) (os-tee-oh-sar-KOH-mah) (seh-VEER ah-KYOOT res-pir-ah-TOR-ee
[lip- at, -oma tumor] [osteo- bone, -sarc- esh, -oma tumor] SIN-drohm [sarz])
[acut- sharp, re- again, -spir- breathe,
lymphoma pandemic
-tory relating to, syn- together,
(lim-FOH-mah) (pan-DEM-ik)
-drome running or (race) course]
[lymph- water, -oma tumor] [pan- all, -dem- people, -ic relating to]
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Papanicolaou test sign
(mag-NET-ik REZ-ah-nens IM-ah-jing (pah-peh-nik-oh-LAH-oo) (syne)
[em ar aye]) [George N. Papanicolaou Greek physician] stress
[magnet- lodestone, -ic relating to, re- again, papilloma (stres)
-sona- sound, -ance state] [stress tighten]
malignant [papill- nipple, -oma tumor] symptom
(mah-LIG-nant) preexisting condition (SIMP-tum)
[malign- bad -ant state] [sym- together, -tom all]
(pree-ig-ZIST-ing kon-DISH-un)
melanoma [pre- be ore, -existing being] syndrome
(mel-ah-NOH-mah) prognosis (SIN-drohm)
[melan- black, -oma tumor] [syn- together, -drome running or (race) course]
metastasis [pro- be ore, -gnosis knowledge] traumatic
(meh-TAS-tah-sis) pathology (truh-MAT-ik)
[meta- change, -stasis standing] [trauma- wound, -atic relating to]
morbidity [patho- disease, -o- combining vowel, tumor
(mor-BID-ih-tee) -log- words (study o ), -y activity] (TOO-mer)
[morbid- sick, -ity condition] [tumor swelling]
mortality (sye-koh-J EN-ik) ultrasonography
(mor-TAL-ih-tee) [psycho- the mind, -gen- production, (ul-trah-son-OG-rah- ee)
[mortal- subject to death, -ity condition] -ic relating to] [ultra- beyond, -sono- sound, -graph- draw,
-y process]
mutagen public health
(MYOO-tah-jen) (PUB-lik helth) vaccine
[mutat- change, -gen producer] radiation therapy (VAK-seen)
[vaccin- cow (cowpox), -ine relating to]
mycotic in ection (ray-dee-AY-shun THAYR-ah-pee)
(my-KOT-ik in-FEK-shun) [radiat- send out rays, -ion process, variant Creutz eldt-J akob disease (vCJ D)
[myco- ungus, -ic relating to, in ect- stain, therapy treatment] (VAYR-ee-ant KROYTS- elt YAH-kohb
-tion process] radiography dih-ZEEZ)
[Hans G. Creutz eldt German neurologist,
myeloma (ray-dee-OG-rah- ee)
Al ons M. J akob German neurologist,
(my-eh-LOH-mah) [radi- rays, requency, -graphy drawing]
dis- opposite o , -ease com ort]
[myel- marrow, -oma tumor] remission
neoplasm (ree-MISH-un) West Nile virus (WNV)
(NEE-oh-plaz-em) [re- back or again, -miss- send, (west nyle VY-rus [DUB-el-yoo en vee])
[West Nile region o A rica, virus poison]
[neo- new, -plasm ormation] -sion condition o ]
neoplastic Rickettsia yellow ever
(nee-oh-PLAS-tik) (rih-KET-see-ah) (YEL-oh FEE-ver)
[ ev- heat]
[neo- new, -plas(m)- ormation, -ic relating to] [H.T. Ricketts U.S. pathologist, -ia condition]
neuroblastoma sarcoma Zika virus
(noo-roh-blas-TOH-mah) (SAR-koh-mah) (ZEE-kah VYE-rus)
[Zika orest in Uganda, virus poison]
[neuro- nerve, -blast- germ, -oma tumor] [sarco- esh, -oma tumor]
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 139

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary c. Li esty e
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r d. Stress
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . e. Environmenta actors
. Preexisting conditions
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to 2. Some risk actors can combine or over ap
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 3. Risk can be managed in some cases
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s
or be ore a te s t.
Patho ge nic Organis m s and Particle s
A. Viruses (Table 6-1 and Figure 6-4)
S tudying Dis e as e 1. Introduction
A. Disease termino ogy a. Not a ive because they are not made o ce s, but
1. H ea thphysica , menta , and socia we -beingnot are sti studied by bio ogists because they in ect
mere y the absence o disease ce s and have a genetic code; viruses are c assif ed
2. Diseasean abnorma ity in body unction that into groups ike iving organisms
threatens hea th b. Virus partic es are microscopic, intrace u ar para-
3. Etio ogythe study o the actors that cause a disease sites that consist o a nuc eic acid core with a
4. Idiopathicre ers to a disease with an unknown cause protein coat
5. Signs and symptomsthe objective and subjective c. Invade host ce s and pirate organe es and raw
abnorma ities associated with a disease materia s
6. Pathogenesisthe pattern o a diseases deve opment d. May be transmitted direct y rom human to
B. Patterns o disease human, or may be transmitted indirect y through a
1. Epidemio ogy is the study o occurrence, distribution, biting insect
and transmission o diseases in human popu ations e. C assif ed by shape, nuc eic acid type, and method
2. Endemic diseases are native to a oca region o reproduction
3. Epidemics occur when a disease a ects many peop e 2. Examp es o viruses
at the same time a. H uman immunodef ciency virus (H IV) (Figure 6-3)
4. Pandemics are widespread, perhaps g oba , epidemics (1) Retrovirus that can transcribe its RNA back-
5. Discovering the cause o a disease is di cu t because wards to produce DNA that becomes part o
many actors a ect disease transmission the host ce s genome
6. Disease can be ought through prevention and therapy (2) I untreated, can progress to acquired immune
(treatment) (Figure 6-1) def ciency syndrome (AIDS)
b. Coronaviruses
(1) RNA viruses that have a crown o sur ace
Patho phys io lo gy projections and make their own proteins inside
A. Mechanisms o disease the host ce
1. Pathophysio ogythe study o under ying physio ogi- (2) Found everywhere; second- eading (a ter rhi-
ca aspects o disease noviruses) cause o common co d
2. Many diseases are best understood as disturbances o (3) Some can cause serious in ections such as
homeostasis (Figure 6-2) severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
3. Genetic mechanism c. F aviviruses
4. In ectious mechanism (pathogenic organisms and (1) RNA viruses transmitted by mosquitoes
partic es) (2) Cause ye ow ever, dengue, West Ni e virus
5. Neop astic mechanism (tumors and cancer) (W NV) in ection, Z ika virus disease, and other
6. raumatic mechanism (physica and chemica agents) potentia y serious in ections
7. Metabo ic mechanism (endocrine imba ances or B. Prions (Figure 6-5)
ma nutrition) 1. Pathogenic protein mo ecu es
8. In ammatory mechanism 2. Convert norma proteins to abnorma proteins by
a. In ammation inducing mis o ding, causing abnorma unctions that
b. Autoimmunity produce disease; may be passed on to o spring
9. Degeneration 3. Cause rare, degenerative disorders o the nervous
B. Risk actors (predisposing conditions) system such as BSE (bovine spongi orm encepha opa-
1. ypes thy) and vCJD (variant Creutz e dt-Jakob disease)
a. Genetic actors
b. Age
140 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

C. Bacteria (Table 6-2 and Figure 6-6) 2. Environmenta contact

1. iny ce s without nuc ei a. Can be prevented by avoiding contact
6 2. Secrete toxins, parasitize host ce s, or orm co onies b. Can be prevented by sa e sanitation practices
3. C assif cation 3. O pportunistic invasion
a. By growth requirements a. Can be prevented by avoiding changes in skin and
(1) Aerobicrequire oxygen mucous membranes
(2) Anaerobicrequire no oxygen b. Can be prevented by c eansing o wounds
b. By staining properties (depend on composition o 4. ransmission by a vector
ce wa ) a. Can be prevented by reducing the popu ation o
(1) Gram-positive vectors and reducing contact with vectors
(2) Gram-negative B. Prevention and treatment strategies
c. By shape and size 1. Vaccinationstimu ates immunity; may produce mi d
(1) Baci irod-shaped ce s side e ects, but does not cause autism (ASD)
(2) Cocciround ce s 2. Drug therapydestroy or inhibit pathogens
(3) Curved or spira rods a. Antibioticsnatura compounds derived rom
(4) Sma bacteriaob igate parasites iving organisms; synthetic antibacteria drugs are
d. Sporesnonreproducing orms o bacteria that a so avai ab e
resist un avorab e environmenta conditions b. Antivira drugssynthetic compounds such as
e. Archaea are simi ar to bacteria but have a di erent ami u, ACV, and e avirenz; s ow progression o
chemica makeup and di erent metabo ism (a ow- vira in ections, but do not cure them; may be given
ing them to survive harsh conditions); none ound in combination (drug cocktai s)
that in ect humans, but are nonpathogenic resi-
dents ound in the human body
D. Fungi (Table 6-3 and Figure 6-7)
Tum o rs and Cance r
1. Simp e organisms simi ar to p ants but acking A. Neop asms (tumors)abnorma growths o ce s
ch orophy (Table 6-8 and Figure 6-10)
2. Yeastssma , sing e-ce ed ungi 1. Benign tumors remain oca ized
3. Mo ds arge, mu tice u ar ungi 2. Ma ignant tumors spread, orming secondary tumors
4. Mycotic in ectionso ten resist treatment 3. Metastasisce s eave a primary tumor and start a
E. Protozoa (Table 6-4 and Figure 6-8) secondary tumor at a new ocation (Figure 6-11)
1. Large, one-ce ed organisms having organized nuc ei 4. C assif cation o tumors
2. May in est human uids and parasitize or destroy ce s a. Benign, epithe ia tumors
3. Major groups (1) Papi omaf nger ike projection
a. Amebaspossess pseudopodia (2) Adenomag andu ar tumor
b. F age atespossess age a (3) Nevussma , pigmented tumor
c. Ci iatespossess ci ia b. Benign, connective tissue tumors
d. Sporozoa (coccidia)enter ce s during one phase (1) Lipomaadipose ( at) tumor
o a two-part i e cyc e; borne by vectors (transmit- (2) Osteomabone tumor
ters) during the other phase (3) Chondromacarti age tumor
F. Pathogenic anima s (Table 6-5) c. Carcinomas (ma ignant epithe ia tumors)
1. Large, comp ex mu tice u ar organisms (1) Me anomainvo ves me anocytes
2. Parasitize or otherwise damage human tissues or organs (2) Adenocarcinomag andu ar cancer
3. Major groups d. Sarcomas (connective tissue cancers)
a. Nematodesroundworms (1) Lymphoma ymphatic cancer
b. P atyhe minths atworms and ukes (Figure 6-9) (2) Osteosarcomabone cancer
c. Arthropods (3) Mye omabone marrow tumor
(1) Parasitic mites, ticks, ice, eas (4) Fibrosarcomacancer o f brous tissue
(2) Biting or stinging wasps, bees, mosquitoes, e. Can a so be c assif ed by ocation in the body
spiders (Table 6-9)
(3) Are o ten vectors o disease (Table 6-7) B. Causes o cancervaried and sti not c ear y understood
1. Cancer invo ves hyperp asia (growth o too many ce s)
and anap asia (deve opment o undi erentiated ce s)
Pre ve ntio n and Co ntro l 2. Factors known to p ay a ro e in causing cancer
A. Mechanisms o transmission a. Genetic actors ( or examp e, oncogenescancer
1. Person-to-person contact genes)
a. Can be prevented by education b. Carcinogenschemica s that a ter genetic activity
b. Can be prevented by using aseptic technique c. Agechanges in ce activity over time or accumu-
(Table 6-6) ated e ects o ce damage
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 141

d. Environmentchronic exposure to damaging

In am m atio n
e. Virusescause change in genetic machinery A. In ammatory responsereduces injury to tissues, thus 6
C. Pathogenesis o cancer maintaining homeostasis (Figures 6-13 and 6-14)
1. Signs o cancer (Table 6-10) 1. Signsredness, heat, swe ing, and pain
2. Methods o detecting cancers (Figure 6-12) 2. In ammation mediators (histamine, prostag andins,
a. Se -examination and kinins)
b. Diagnostic imagingradiography ( or examp e, a. Some cause b ood vesse s to di ate, increasing b ood
mammogram and C scan), magnetic resonance vo ume (redness and heat)white b ood ce s trave
imaging (MRI), u trasonography quick y to injury site
c. Biopsy ( or examp e, Pap smear) b. Some increase b ood vesse permeabi ity (causing
d. B ood tests swe ing, or edema, and pain)white b ood ce s
3. Stagingc assi ying tumors by size and extent o move easi y out o vesse s, irritant is di uted, and
spread exudate accumu ates
4. Gradingassessing the ike y pattern o a tumors c. Some attract white b ood ce s to injury site
deve opment (chemotaxis)
5. Cachexiasyndrome inc uding appetite oss, weight B. In ammatory diseases
oss, and genera weakness 1. In ammation can be oca or systemic (body-wide)
6. Causes o death by cancersecondary in ections, 2. Feverhigh body temperature caused by a resetting
organ ai ure, hemorrhage, and undetermined actors o the bodys thermostatdestroys pathogens and
7. reatments enhances immunity
a. Surgery 3. Acute in ammation is an immediate response that
b. Chemotherapy (chemica therapy) o ten rids the body o an irritant
c. Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) 4. Chronic in ammation can constitute a disease itse
d. Laser therapy because it causes damage to tissues
e. Immunotherapy
. New strategies ( or examp e, rationa drugs that
target specif c mo ecu es, enzymes, or receptors)

STUDY TIPS cancer section, be sure you understand the di erence
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in between a carcinoma and a sarcoma.
m e e ting your le arning goals . 4. Check out the Centers or Disease Control and Prevention
website: T is site contains in ormation on a
This is a ve ry challe nging chapte r. It pre s e nts a gre at de al o variety o diseases.
in orm ation, m uch o w hich m ay be new to you. 5. T e causes o cancer are a so se -exp anatory, as are the
methods o detection and types o treatment. W hen study-
1. Divide the chapter into parts: disease termino ogy, mech- ing the types o treatment, do not orget about surgery; it is
anisms and risk actors, pathogenic organisms, tumors and not in bo d type and there ore cou d be missed.
cancer, and in ammation. In each o these sections, go 6. As you study in ammation, make ash cards or the our
over the terms in bo d print. You may be surprised at how primary signs and their causes. Be sure you understand
many you a ready know. Put the ones you do not know on what chemotaxis is. Learn the positive e ects o ever and
ash cards. the di erent e ects ever has on the young and the e der y.
2. Use ash cards to earn the mechanisms o disease; most 7. Meet with your study group ear y and o ten. T is is not
o them are se -exp anatory. Divide the pathogenic materia you can master in one night. You may want to go
organisms into viruses, bacteria, ungi, protozoa, and over on y one or two parts o the chapter per session.
pathogenic anima s. Use ash cards or each group. Write Review def nitions, ash cards, major concepts, on ine
a brie description o each type o organism. resources, questions at the end o the chapter, and possib e
3. Methods o disease spread are air y se -exp anatory. test questions. Keep your study materia or this chapter
Make sure you know the distinction between prevention handy; you may wish to re er to it as you study uture
(e.g., vaccination) and treatment (e.g., antibiotic). In the chapters.
142 CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

6 Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Def ne or exp ain the o owing terms: etio ogy, idio- 28. T e doctor noticed a rash on a boys arm. T e boy com-
pathic, communicab e, and atent or incubation period. p ained that the rash itched. W hich o these was a sign?
2. W hat is the di erence between an epidemic and a pan- W hich was a symptom? W hat is the di erence between
demic? W hat actor makes pandemics increasing y the two?
common in modern times? 29. O the risk actors isted in the text, which can you
3. List our actors invo ved in the spread o disease. change, and which cant you change?
4. List seven mechanisms o disease. 30. W hy do bacteria that orm spores present a greater
5. W hat is a risk actor? hea th risk than those that do not orm spores?
6. List the six risk actors discussed in the chapter. 31. You have been given an antibiotic as a treatment or a
7. Describe a virus. H ow does a virus damage a ce ? disease. W hy were you not given a vaccine instead o the
8. Def ne a avivirus. List our examp es o aviviruses. antibiotic?
9. Brie y describe a bacterium. List the ways in which bac-
teria produce disease.
10. List three ways to c assi y bacteria.
Chapte r Te s t
11. Distinguish between anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
12. Name the shapes and sizes used to c assi y bacteria. re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
W hich o these inc ude the ob igate parasites? w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
13. Describe a spore.
14. Describe ungi. Distinguish between yeasts and mo ds. 1. ________ are objective abnorma ities that can be seen or
15. Describe protozoa. List the our major groups o measured.
protozoa. 2. ________ are subjective abnorma ities e t on y by the
16. Name and give an examp e o each o the pathogenic patient.
anima s. W hich o the arthropods are parasitic? W hat is 3. A disease with an undetermined cause is said to be
a vector? ________.
17. List the our ways disease can be spread. 4. A ________ a ects a arger geographica region than
18. Distinguish between malignant and benign tumors. does an epidemic.
19. List the three benign tumors that arise rom epithe ia 5. A ________ is an attenuated pathogen given to a person
tissue. to stimu ate immunity.
20. List the three benign tumors that arise rom connective 6. A ________ tumor tends to spread to other regions o
tissue. the body.
21. W hat are sarcomas? List the our sarcomas discussed in 7. ________ is a process by which cancer ce s are spread
the chapter. by ymphatic or b ood vesse s.
22. List the f ve actors that are known to p ay a ro e in the 8. ________ are ma ignant tumors that arise rom connec-
deve opment o cancer. W hat is a mutagen? tive tissue.
23. List the our methods used to detect the presence o 9. ________ are ma ignant tumors that arise rom epithe-
cancer. ia tissue.
24. List six methods o cancer treatment. 10. A ________ is a cause o cancer that damages or
25. W hat are the our primary signs o in ammation? W hat changes DNA structure.
causes each o them? 11. T e our primary signs o in ammation are ________,
26. W hat is chemotaxis? ________, ________, and ________.
27. W hat are two positive e ects o ever? 12. ________ are not technica y iving organisms because
they are not made up o ce s. T ey do, however, in ect
iving ce s.
13. Stage 3 H IV in ection is a so known as ________.
14. T e Zika virus is in a category o viruses known as
________ that move rom an in ected bird or other
anima to a mosquito or biting insect and then to a
CHAPTER 6 Mechanisms o Disease 143

15. W hich o the o owing is not a risk actor or disease?

a. Stress
Cas e S tudie s
b. Genetic actors To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to 6
c. Age the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text-
d. Autoimmunity book, and othe r re s ource s .
16. W hich o the o owing is not a means by which patho-
gens can spread? 1. W ithout warning, Mr. Lee begins to ee sick. H is most
a. Environmenta contact obvious symptom is a high ever. W ithin 24 hours, every-
b. Vectors one in the Lee househo d a so ee s sick and has a high
c. Person-to-person contact temperature. Be ore ong, nearby househo ds have the
d. A o the above can spread pathogens same experiencemany peop e in the community are
17. reatment or cancer inc udes everything except: now sick. T e oca hea th department wou d probab y ca
a. biopsy on what type o hea th pro essiona to investigate this sit-
b. surgery uation? Wou d the hea th pro essiona abe this situation
c. chemotherapy an epidemic or a pandemic? I the symptoms are caused
d. genetic engineering by a bacteria in ection, ist some ways the pathogen cou d
18. W hich o the o owing is not an in ammation have been transmitted to so many peop e within a short
mediator? span o time.
a. Prostag andins 2. Sandy is a nurse at the oca university hospita . One o
b. Edema her patients has a severe staphy ococca in ection. W hat
c. H istamine wou d the pathogen responsib e or this in ection ook
d. Kinins ike under a microscope? Sandys patient is taking a new y
deve oped antibiotic in the hope that it wi cure the
Match the descriptions in Column A with the corresponding in ection. Do you think that this drug is natura or
pathogenic organism in Column B. Some items in Column B synthetic?
will be used more than once. 3. Fred is a f rst-year medica student. H e received a minor
scrape during a basketba game on the parking ot
Column A Column B outside his dorm. H e has c eansed the wound and app ied
19. ________ intrace u ar parasites a. virus an antibiotic as a preventive measure. T e a ected area is
made up o DNA or b. bacteria red, swo en, and mi d y pain u . H ow do you exp ain
RNA and surrounded c. ungus these symptoms? Freds roommate suggested app ying an
by a protein coat d. protozoa anti-in ammatory drug to the wound, but Fred re uses.
20. ________ causes mycotic e. nematodes W hat advantage might Fred see in avoiding such
in ections . p atyhe minths treatment?
21. ________ roundworms g. arthropods 4. Lo a came home rom preschoo and was not ee ing we .
22. ________ can be gram-positive or She had not been ee ing we or the past ew days. H er
gram-negative mother noticed that she had not been s eeping we and
23. ________ causes ma aria she comp ained about itching in the region o her anus.
24. ________ vector or Lyme disease She was not eating we and cou d not even be tempted
25. ________ insert their genetic code with her avorite oods. H er mother took her to the pedi-
into the hosts genetic atrician who to d Mrs. Byers that it was possib e that
code Lo a had a round worm. W ith the in ormation that you
26. ________ one-ce ed organism have rom your text, cou d you be more specif c with that
with a nuc eus; can be a possib e diagnosis?
ci iate
27. ________ simi ar to p ants but Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
with no ch orophy at
28. ________ mites, ice, and eas
29. ________ tiny primitive ce s
without nuc ei; can be
rod shaped
30. ________ atworms and ukes
31. ________ can be baci i or cocci
Skin and Membranes
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Body Membranes, 145

Classif cation o Membranes, 145
Epithelial Membranes, 146
Connective Tissue Membranes, 147
Skin Structure, 148
Overview o Skin Structure, 148
Epidermis, 149
Dermis, 150
Subcutaneous Tissue, 151
Hair, Nails, and Skin Receptors, 151
Skin Glands, 154
Functions o the Skin, 155
Protection, 155
Temperature Regulation, 155
Sensation, 156
Excretion, 156
Synthesis o Vitamin D, 156
Disorders o the Skin, 156
Skin Lesions, 156
Burns, 157
Skin In ections, 161
Vascular and In ammatory Skin Disorders, 161
Skin Cancer, 163

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Classi y, compare the structure o , and give examples
o each type o body membrane.
2. Describe the structure and unction o the epidermis
and dermis.
3. List and brie y describe each accessory organ o the
4. List and discuss the f ve primary unctions o the skin.
5. Do the ollowing related to disorders o the skin:
ders, and give examples o each.

types o skin cancer.

In Chapter 1 the concept o progressive organization o body structures rom LANGUAGE OF
simp e to comp ex was estab ished. Comp exity in body structure and unction S C IEN C E
progresses rom ce s to tissues and then to organs and organ systems. T is
chapter discusses the skin and its appendagesthe hair, the nai s, and
Be o re re ading the
the skin g andsas an organ system. T is system is ca ed the
chapte r, s ay e ach o
integumentary system. Integument is another name or the skin, the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
and the skin itse is the principa organ o the integumentary he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
system. T e skin is one o a group o anatomica y simp e but the m as yo u re ad.
unctiona y important sheet ike structures ca ed membranes.
T is chapter begins with c assif cation and discussion o the
important body membranes. Study o the integument o ows (AP-oh-krin)
our f rst exp oration o how the structure and unction o a body [apo- rom, crin- secrete]
system are interre ated. apocrine sweat gland
(AP-oh-krin swet gland)
To get an overview o the integumentary system, go to [apo- rom, -crin- secrete, gland acorn]
AnimationDirect online at appendage

[append- hang upon, -age related to]

Bo d y M e m b r a n e s areola
C la s s if c a t io n o M e m b r a n e s
pl., areolae
T e term membrane re ers to a thin, sheet ike structure that may have (ah-REE-oh-lee)
many important unctions in the body. Membranes cover and protect [are- area or space, -ola little]
the body sur ace, ine body cavities, and cover the inner sur aces o arrector pili
the ho ow organs such as the digestive, reproductive, and respiratory (ah-REK-tor PYE-lye)
passageways. [arrector raiser, pili o hair]
Some membranes anchor organs to each other or to bones, and basement membrane
others cover the interna organs. In certain areas o the body, (BAYS-ment MEM-brayn)
membranes secrete ubricating uids that reduce ric- [base- base, -ment thing,
membrane thin skin]
tion during organ movements such as the
beating o the heart or ung expansion bursa
and contraction. M embrane u-
pl., bursae
bricants a so decrease riction
(BER-see or BER-say)
between bones in joints. [bursa purse]
connective tissue membrane
(kon-NEK-tiv TISH-yoo MEM-
[con- together, -nect- bind,
-ive relating to, tissu- abric,
membran- thin skin]
cutaneous membrane
(kyoo-TAYN-ee-us MEM-brayn)
[cut- skin, -aneous relating to,
membrane thin skin]
[cut- skin, -icle little]

Continued on p. 165

146 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

T ere are two major categories or types o body

Epithe lial
1. Epithelial membranes are composed o epithe ia me mbrane s
tissue and an under ying ayer o f brous connective Mucous
tissue me mbra ne s
2. Connective tissue membranes are composed exc u- Cuta ne ous
sive y o various types o connective tissue; no epi- me mbra ne Vis ce ra l ple ura
(s kin)
the ia ce s are present in this type o membrane
S e rous
Pa rie ta l ple ura
me mbra ne s
Ep it h e lia l M e m b r a n e s Pa rie ta l
Dia phra gm
laye r
Ty p e s o Ep it h e lia l M e m b r a n e
Vis ce ra l Vis ce ra l
7 T ere are three types o epithe ia tissue membranes in the
laye r pe ritone um

Pa rie ta l
1. Cutaneous membrane pe ritone um
2. Serous membranes
3. Mucous membranes

Cu t a n e o u s Me m b ra n e
Co nne c tive tis s ue
T e cutaneous membrane, or skin, is the primary organ o me mbrane s
the integumentary system. It is one o the most important and
one o the argest and most visib e organs o the body. In most
individua s the skin composes some 16% o the body weight.
T e skin u f s the requirements necessary or an epithe-
ia tissue membrane in that it has a superf cia ayer o epithe-
ia ce s and an under ying ayer o supportive connective
tissue. Its structure is unique y suited to its many unctions.
T e skin is discussed in depth ater in the chapter. B
S e ro u s M e m b r a n e s R L
S ynovia l
me mbra ne
Serous membranes are ound on y on sur aces within c osed
cavities. Like a epithe ia membranes, a serous membrane is
composed o two distinct ayers o tissue. T e epithe ia sheet FIGURE 7-1 Types o body membranes. A, Epithelial membranes, in-
is a thin ayer o simp e squamous epithe ium. T e connective cluding cutaneous membrane (skin), serous membranes (parietal and vis-
tissue ayer orms a very thin, g ue ike basement membrane ceral pleura and peritoneum), and mucous membranes. B, Connective tissue
that ho ds and supports the epithe ia ce s. membranes, including synovial membranes.
T e serous membrane that ines body cavities and covers
the sur aces o organs in those cavities is in rea ity a sing e,
continuous sheet o tissue covering two di erent sur aces. T is Serous membranes secrete a thin, watery uid that he ps
arrangement resu ts in two distinct ayers o serous mem- reduce riction and serves as a ubricant when organs rub
branes. One serous membrane ayer ines body cavities and the against one another and against the wa s o the cavities that
other ayer covers the organs within those cavities. contain them.
T e serous membrane ayer that ines the wa s o a body T e heart is surrounded by a f brous sac ined with a thin,
cavity, much ike wa paper covers the wa s o a room, is ca ed s ippery membrane that doub es back on itse to orm a u-
the parietal ayer. T e other serous membrane ayer instead bricating, uid-f ed pocket around the heart. Figure 7-2
o ds inward to cover the sur ace o organs ound within a shows how the serous membrane around the heartthe
body cavity and is ca ed the visceral ayer. pericardiumresemb es a water-f ed ba oon with a f st
wo serous membranes o the thoracic and abdomina thrust into it.
cavities are identif ed in Figure 7-1. In the thoracic cavity the Pleurisy or pleuritis is a very pain u patho ogica condition
serous membranes are ca ed pleura, and in the abdomina characterized by in ammation o a serous membrane (p eura)
cavity, they are ca ed peritoneum. that ines one side o the chest cavity and covers a ung. Pain
Look again at Figure 7-1 to note the p acement o the is caused by irritation rom riction as the viscera p eura on
parietal pleura and visceral pleura and the parietal the ungs rub against the parieta p eura ining the wa s o the
peritoneum and visceral peritoneum. In both cases the pa- chest cavity. T e parieta p eura is much more sensitive to pain
rieta ayer orms the ining o the body cavity, and the viscera than the viscera p eura. In severe cases the in amed sur aces
ayer covers the organs ound in that cavity. o the p eura use, and permanent damage may deve op.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 147

Oute r I
(pa rie ta l)
wa ll
Oute r Pa rie ta l
Inne r (pa rie ta l) pe rica rdium
(vis ce ra l) wa ll
wa ll Vis ce ra l
Inne r
Wa te r pe rica rdium
(vis ce ra l)
Fis t wa ll
Wa te r-fille d Pe rica rdia l
cavity cavity with
pe rica rdia l
A B fluid
FIGURE 7-2 Serous membranes. A, The analogy o a st thrust into a water- lled balloon demonstrates
how a serous membrane orms a double-walled structure containing a thin pocket o f uid. B, The heart is sur-
rounded by the serous pericardium, which orms a parietal and visceral layer lled with lubricating serous f uid
called pericardial f uid.

T e term peritonitis is used to describe in ammation o the epithe ium in mucous membranes is ca ed the lamina
the serous membranes in the abdomina cavity. Peritonitis is propria.
sometimes a serious comp ication o an in ected appendix. Note that the term mucous identif es the type o membrane
whi e mucus re ers to the secretion produced by that membrane.
To learn more about serous membranes, go to T e term mucocutaneous junction is used to describe the
AnimationDirect online at transitiona area that serves as a point o usion where skin
and mucous membranes meet. Such junctions ack accessory
organs such as hair or sweat g ands that characterize the skin.
Mu c o u s Me m b ra n e s T ese transitiona areas are genera y moistened by mucous
Mucous membranes are epithe ia membranes that contain g ands within the body orif ces, or openings, where these
both an epithe ia ayer and a f brous or connective tissue ayer. junctions are ocated. T e eye ids, ips, nasa openings, vu va,
T ese membranes ine body sur aces opening direct y to the and anus have mucocutaneous junctions that may become
exterior o the body. sites o in ection or irritation.
Examp es o mucous membranes inc ude those ining the
respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts. T e epi- To learn more about mucous membranes, go to
the ia component o a mucous membrane varies, depending AnimationDirect online at
on its ocation and unction. In most cases the ce composi-
tion is either stratif ed squamous, simp e co umnar, or pseu-
C o n n e c t ive Tis s u e M e m b r a n e s
dostratif ed epithe ia.
In the esophagus, or examp e, a tough, abrasion-resistant Un ike cutaneous, serous, and mucous membranes, connective
stratif ed squamous epithe ium is ound. T is is a good ex- tissue membranes do not contain epithe ia components. T e
amp e o the structure f ts unction princip e. W ithout the synovial membranes ining the joint capsu es that surround
protection o a tough epithe ia ining, ingested ood that is and attach the ends o articu ating bones in movab e joints are
coarse, ike popcorn, might cause injury to the esophagea wa c assif ed as connective tissue membranes (see Figure 7-1, B,
when swa owed, resu ting in irritation or even in ection and and Figure 8-28 on p. 198).
hemorrhage. T ese membranes are smooth and s ick and secrete a thick
A thin ayer o simp e co umnar epithe ium ines the wa s and co or ess ubricating uid ca ed synovial uid. T e
o the ower segments o the digestive tract. In the stomach membrane itse , with its uid that resemb es egg white, he ps
and sma intestine, ingested ood undergoes digestion and is reduce riction between the opposing sur aces o bones in
changed into a smooth, iquef ed materia that is no onger movab e joints. Synovia membranes a so ine the sma , cush-
abrasive. T e sing e ayer o ining epithe ia ce s in these seg- ion ike sacs ca ed bursae ound between moving body parts.
ments o the intestina tract is we suited to a primary unc-
tion: nutrient and water absorption.
To learn more about connective tissue and syno-
T e epithe ia ce s o most mucous membranes secrete a
vial membrane, go to AnimationDirect online at
thick, s imy materia ca ed mucus that keeps the membranes
moist and so t. T e f brous connective tissue under ying
148 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

QUICK CHECK sebaceous glands (oi g ands)

1. Wh a t a re th e o u r m a in typ e s o m e m b ra n e s in th e b o d y?
2. Wh ich o th e b o d ys m e m b ra n e s a re typ e s o e p ith e lia l
m e m b ra n e s ?
T e skin, or cutaneous membrane, is a sheet ike organ that
3. Wh a t u id s a re p ro d u ce d b y e a ch o th e o u r m a in m e m -
b ra n e typ e s ? Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o e a ch u id ? covers the body and acts as a barrier between the interna and
4. Ho w d o e s th e in n e r lin in g o th e e s o p h a g u s d i e r ro m externa environment. Find the major sur ace structures and
th e in n e r lin in g o th e s m a ll in te s tin e ? regions o the skin in the Clear View o the Human Body
( o ows p. 8).
T e skin is composed o two main ayers (Figure 7-3):
S k in S t r u c t u r e 1. T e epidermis is the superf cia , outermost ayer o
the skin. It is a re ative y thin sheet o stratif ed squa-
O ve r v ie w o S k in S t r u c t u r e mous epithe ium.
7 T e brie description o the skin in Chapter 5 (see p. 93) iden- 2. T e dermis is the deeper o the two ayers. It is
tif ed it as not on y the primary organ o the integumentary thicker than the epidermis and is made up most y o
system but a so as the argest and one o the most impor- connective tissue.
tant organs o the body. Architectura y, the skin is a
marve . Consider the incredib e number o structures
f tting into 1 square inch (6.5 cm 2) o skin:
FIGURE 7-3 Microscopic view
o the skin. The epidermis, shown
in longitudinal section, is raised at
one corner to reveal the ridges in
the dermis.

Ha ir s ha ft
De rma l pa pilla
S e ba ce ous
(oil) gla nd

S tra tum corne um

Epide rmis
S tra tum germina tivum
De rma l-e pide rma l

Ope nings of
De rmis swe a t ducts

S ubcuta ne ous
tis s ue

Swe a t gla nd

Ta ctile
(Me is s ne r) Cuta ne ous ne rve
corpus cle Arre ctor
pili mus cle
La me lla r
Ha ir follicle (Pa cini) Pa pilla of ha ir
corpus cle
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 149

As you can see in Figure 7-3, the ayers o the skin are sup- S k in P ig m e n t
ported by a thick ayer o oose connective tissue and adipose Melanin
tissue ca ed subcutaneous tissue, or the hypodermis. T e deepest ce ayer o the stratum germinativum identif ed
Fat in the adipose tissue o the subcutaneous ayer insu ates in Figure 7-3 is responsib e or the production o a pigment
the body rom extremes o heat and co d. It a so serves as a that gives co or to the skin. T e term pigment comes rom a
stored source o energy or the body and can be used as a Latin word meaning paint.
nutrient source i required. In addition, the subcutaneous tis- T e brown pigment melanin is produced by ce s in the
sue acts as a shock-absorbing pad and he ps protect under y- basa ayer ca ed melanocytes. Me anocytes package the
ing tissues rom injury caused by bumps and b ows to the me anin in vesic es and distribute it to the surrounding epi-
body sur ace. the ia ce s, making them a darker co or. T e higher the con-
centration o me anin distributed in the ayers o epithe ia
ce s, the deeper is the co or o skin. T e primary unction o
Ep id e r m is me anin is to absorb harm u u travio et (UV) radiation rom
Ep id e r m a l S t r u c t u r e sun ight be ore it reaches tissues be ow the outer ayers o the 7
T e tight y packed epithe ia ce s o the epidermis are ar- epidermis.
ranged in up to f ve distinct ayers.
T e basa ce s o the innermost ayer, ca ed the stratum Skin Color Changes
germinativum, undergo mitosis and reproduce themse ves T e amount and type o me anin in your skin depends f rst on
(see Figure 7-3). As new ce s are produced in the deep ayer o the skin co or genes you have inherited. T at is, heredity de-
the epidermis, they are pushed upward through additiona termines how dark or ight your basic skin co or is. H owever,
ayers, or strata, o ce s. other actors such as sun ight exposure can modi y this he-
As they approach the sur ace, the epiderma ce s die and reditary e ect. Pro onged exposure to sun ight in ight-
their cytop asm is rep aced by one o natures most unique skinned peop e darkens the exposed area because it eads to
proteins, a substance ca ed keratin. Keratin is a tough, water- increased me anin deposits in the epidermisa protective
proo materia that provides ce s in the outer ayer o the skin mechanism that keeps deeper tissues sa e rom UV radiation.
with a horny, abrasion-resistant, and protective qua ity. T e I the skin contains itt e me anin, as under the nai s where
tough, keratinized outer ayer o the epidermis is ca ed the there is no me anin at a , a change in co or can occur i the
stratum corneum. vo ume o b ood in the skin changes signif cant y or i the
In the photomicrograph o the skin shown in Figure 7-4, amount o oxygen in the b ood is increased or decreased. In
many o the sur ace ce s o the stratum corneum have been these individua s, increased b ood ow to the skin or increased
dis odged. T ese dry, dead ce s f ed with keratin ake o b ood oxygen eve s can cause a pink ush to appear. H owever,
by the thousands onto our c othes and bedding, into our bath- i b ood oxygen eve s decrease or i actua b ood ow is re-
water, and onto things we hand e. Mi ions o epithe ia ce s duced dramatica y, the skin turns a b ue-gray co ora condi-
reproduce dai y to rep ace the mi ions shedjust one exam- tion ca ed cyanosis.
p e o the work our bodies do without our know edge, even In genera , the ess abundant the me anin deposits in the
when we seem to be resting. skin are, the more visib e wi be the changes in co or caused
by the change in skin b ood vo ume or oxygen eve . Con-
verse y, the richer the skins pigmentation is, the ess notice-
ab e such changes wi be.
Fla ke d ce lls from T e term vitiligo is used to describe a condition character-
Epide rmis s tra tum corne um De rmis ized by patchy ooking areas o ight skin resu ting rom the
acquired oss o epiderma me anocytes. T e term vitiligo is
derived rom the Greek word or ca . Ear y physicians com-
pared the white spots caused by the oss o pigment to the
ight patches o ten seen on ca ves.
A though not as apparent in ight-skinned individua s,
viti igo may be very obvious in those with darker skin. About

period o years. T e hands, ace, genita ia, and body o ds, in-
c uding the axi ae are o ten invo ved (Figure 7-5).
Most cases o viti igo are apparent y genetic in origin and
occur in individua s who have no other associated f ndings.
Occasiona y, the condition is re ated to autoimmune- or
endocrine-re ated diseases, especia y thyroid disorders. Some
FIGURE 7-4 Photomicrograph o the skin. Many dead cells o the
stratum corneum have f aked o rom the sur ace o the epidermis. Note success has been achieved in darkening depigmented skin ar-
that the epidermis is very cellular. The dermis has ewer cells and more eas by using drugs and steroid hormones and by transp anta-
connective tissue. tion o skin epidermis containing me anocytes.
150 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

I the derma -epiderma junction is weakened or destroyed,

the skin a s apart. W hen this occurs over a imited area be-
cause o burns, riction injuries, or exposure to irritants,
blisters may resu t. Any widespread detachment o a arge area
o epidermis rom the dermis is an extreme y serious condition
that may resu t in overwhe ming in ection and death.

1. Wh a t a re th e tw o m a jo r la ye rs o th e s kin ?
2. Wh a t is ke ra tin a n d w h e re is it lo ca te d ?
3. Ho w is th e co n d itio n kn o w n a s vitilig o re la te d to m e la n in ?
4. Give tw o e xa m p le s e a ch o e le va te d , a t, a n d d e p re s s e d
s kin le s io n s .

7 5. Wh a t is th e d e rm a l-e p id e rm a l ju n ctio n ?
6. Wh a t is th e p rim a ry u n ctio n o m e la n in ?

FIGURE 7-5 Vitiligo. Note the patchy loss o pigment on the orehead.
D e r m is
O ve r v ie w o D e r m is
A hereditary condition ca ed albinism is characterized by T e dermis is the deeper o the two primary skin ayers and is
a partia or tota ack o me anin pigment in the skin and eyes much thicker than the epidermis.
(see Chapter 25, pp. 682683). A ected individua s are sub- T e mechanica strength o the skin is in the dermis. It is
ject to eye damage and sunburn i exposed to direct sun ight. composed arge y o connective tissue. Instead o ce s being
A norma increase in skin pigmentation caused by hor- crowded c ose together ike the epithe ia ce s o the epider-
mona changes is a most universa in pregnant women. It is mis, they are scattered ar apart, with many f bers in between.
most common in the genita area, nipp es, and the areola sur- Some o the f bers are tough and strong (co agen or white
- f bers), and others are stretchab e and e astic (e astic or ye ow
nant women deve op b otchy areas o brown pigmentation f bers).
over the orehead, cheeks, nose, upper ip, and chin. It is
sometimes ca ed the mask o pregnancy. T e pigmented P a p illa ry La ye r
areas gradua y ade a ter de ivery. Dermal Papillae
One common variant o norma skin pigmentation is the T e upper region, or papillary layer, o the dermis is character-
sma ight brown or red reckle ( ook ahead to Table 7-1 on ized by para e rows o peg ike projections ca ed dermal pa-
p. 158). Freck es are sma at macules that most o ten occur pillae, which are visib e in Figure 7-3. T e papi ary ayer takes
as a genetic trait in ight-skinned individua s and are usua y its name rom the papi ae on its sur ace.
conf ned to the ace, upper extremities, and back. T e papi ary ayer and its papi ae are composed essentia y
In chronica y sun-exposed areas o the skin, especia y in o oose connective tissue e ements and a f ne network o thin
o der adu ts, brown-co ored age spots are common. Incorrect y co agenous and e astic f bers. T e derma papi ae increase the
ca ed iver spots, these at, pigmented esions become more sur ace area o the g ue ike derma -epiderma junction that
numerous with advancing age. T ey may deve op into ma ig- he ps bind the skin ayers to each other. You may a ready know
nant esions and shou d be monitored care u y or changes in that g ue ho ds rough sur aces together much more strong y
size and appearance. than it binds smooth sur aces.
T e pa ms and so es (and pa mar sur aces o f ngers and
D e r m a l-Ep id e r m a l J u n c t io n toes) possess thick skin, which is a specia category o skin that
T e junction that exists between the thin epiderma ayer o is thick, hair ess, and deep y ridged (Figure 7-6, A). H owever,
skin above and the derma ayer be ow orms a type o base- most o the skin is thin skin, which has hair and irregu ar, sha -
ment membrane ca ed the dermal-epidermal junction. ow grooves (Figure 7-6, B).
T e deeper ce s o the epidermis are packed tight y to-
gether. T ey are he d f rm y to one another by ce u ar junctions Dermal Ridges
between the membranes o adjacent ce s, sometimes described T e thick skin on the pa ms and so es have arge, distinct rows
as spot we ds. T ey are a so he d f rm y to the dermis be ow o derma papi ae that he p orm the rough y para e riction
by a unique type o ge that serves to g ue the two ayers o ridges seen in Figure 7-6, A. Friction ridges he p us to wa k up-
the skin together. T e thick dermis is thus ab e to provide sup- right without s ipping and to make and ho d too s. T ese ridges
port or the thin epidermis attached to its upper sur ace. a so he p us sense textures on sur aces in our environment.
Sma nipp e ike bumps that project upward rom the der- You can observe these ridges on the tips o the f ngers and
mis into the epidermis, ca ed dermal papillaewhich are on the skin covering the pa ms o your hands. O bserve in
discussed in the next sectiona so p ay an important ro e in Figure 7-3 how the epidermis o ows the contours o the der-
stabi izing the derma -epiderma junction (see Figure 7-3). ma papi ae. T ese ridges deve op sometime be ore birth. Not
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 151

o di ated vesse s that may initia y appear as a bruise at birth

and then grow rapid y during the f rst year into a bright red
nodu e ca ed a strawberry hemangioma.
A majority o these birthmarks shrink, ade, and disappear

pigmented vascu ar birthmarks, such as the port-wine stain,

are permanent and do not ade with age. In these cases severa
types o aser-based therapy or use o opaque makeup can
o ten provide e ective cosmetic treatment.
Di ation o derma capi aries at the nape o the neck in a
baby that occur during deve opment resu ts in a birthmark
A Thick s kin B Thin s kin ca ed a stork bite
FIGURE 7-6 Thick and thin skin. A, Thick skin is hairless and has they o ten persist or i e, these birthmarks genera y are cov-
roughly parallel riction ridges. B, Thin skin has hairs and shallow, irregular ered by hair and are inconspicuous. 7

S u b c u t a n e o u s Tis s u e
on y is the pattern unique in each individua but a so it never
changes except to grow argertwo acts that exp ain why our T e subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) is o ten ca ed the
f ngerprints or ootprints positive y identi y us. Many hospita s super cial ascia by anatomists. It is not a ayer o the skin.
identi y newborn babies by ootprinting them soon a ter birth. Instead, it ies deep to the dermis and orms a connection
between the skin and the under ying structures o the body
Re t ic u la r La ye r such as musc e and bone.
Fibrous Network Loose f brous and adipose tissues are prominent in subcu-
T e deeper area, or reticular layer, o the dermis is f ed with taneous tissue, and in obese individua s, at content in this
a dense network o inter acing f bers. Most o the f bers in this
area are co agen that gives toughness to the skin. H owever, p. 84). T e oose, spongy nature o subcutaneous tissue a ows
e astic f bers are a so present. T ese make the skin stretchab e s iding movement o the skin over the musc es and bones as
and e astic (ab e to rebound). our body parts move. I not or this s iding, our skin wou d
D uring pregnancy, the skin over a womans abdomen may tear when we move our arms or egs.
stretch beyond the abi ity o the e astic and connective tissue Liquid medicines such as insu in are o ten administered by
e ements in the dermis to rebound. T e resu t is creation o subcutaneous injection with a hypodermic need e into this area
stretch marks ca ed striae. A though they ade a ter de iv- (see the C inica App ication box).
ery, they never comp ete y disappear (see Table 7-1 on p. 158).
As we age, the number o e astic f bers in the dermis de-
creases, and the amount o at stored in the subcutaneous
Ha ir, N a ils , a n d S k in Re c e p t o r s
tissue is reduced. Wrink es deve op as the skin oses e asticity, Ha ir
sags, and becomes ess so t and p iant. Location o Hair
In addition to connective tissue e ements, the dermis con- T e human body is covered with mi ions o hairs. Indeed, at
tains an extensive network o nerves and nerve endings to de- the time o birth most o the pocket ike ollicles that are re-
tect sensory in ormation such as pain, pressure, touch, and quired or hair growth are a ready present. T ey deve op ear y in
temperature. At various eve s o eta i e and by birth are present
the dermis, there are musc e f - in most parts o the skin.
bers, hair o ic es, sweat and oi T e hair o a newborn in ant
g ands, and many b ood vesse s. is extreme y f ne and so t; it is
ca ed lanugo rom the Latin
word meaning down. In pre-
D eve opmenta ma ormation mature in ants, anugo may be
o derma b ood vesse s can noticeab e over most o the
resu t in pigmented birthmarks body, but soon a ter birth the
in signif cant numbers o new- anugo is ost and rep aced by
borns. O ne o the most com- new hair that is stronger and
mon (Figure 7-7) is a co ection more pigmented.
A though on y a ew areas o
S the skin are hair essnotab y
FIGURE 7-7 Strawberry heman- the ips, the pa ms o the hands,
gioma. This birthmark resembles a and the so es o the eetmost
strawberry because o a mass o di- I body hair remains a most invis-
lated dermal blood vessels. ib e. H air is most denseand
152 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes


S ubcuta ne ous
S UBCUTANEOUS INJ ECTION inje ction Hypode rmic
s yringe
Although the s ubcutane ous laye r is not part o the s kin, it carrie s the m ajor 45
blood ve s s e ls and ne rve s that s upply the s kin above it. The rich blood s upply S kin
and loos e , s pongy texture o the s ubcutane ous laye r m ake it an ide al s ite or
S ubcuta ne ous
the rapid and re lative ly pain- re e abs orption o inje cte d m ate rial. Liquid m e di-
tis s ue (hypode rmis )
cine s s uch as ins ulin and pe lle te d im plant m ate rials s uch as s ynthe tic hor-
m one s are o te n adm inis te re d by s ubcutane o us inje ctio n into this s pongy Mus cle
and porous laye r be ne ath the s kin. Ne e dle s us e d to inje ct m ate rials into the
hypode rm is are calle d hypode rm ic ne e dle s .

there ore, most visib eon the sca p, eye ids, and eyebrows. ce s are pushed outward and become f ed with keratin
T e coarse hair that f rst appears in the pubic and axi ary producing a strong, keratinized cy inder o hair. T e type o
regions at the time o puberty deve ops in response to the keratin in hair is a bit more rigid than the so ter, more exib e
secretion o hormones. keratin o stratum corneum.
As ong as stem ce s in the papi a o the hair o ic e re-
Hair Growth main a ive, new hair wi rep ace any that is cut or p ucked.
H air growth begins when ce s o the epiderma ayer o the Contrary to popu ar be ie , requent cutting or shaving does
skin grow down into the dermis, orming a sma tube ca ed not make hair grow aster or become coarser. W hy? It is be-
the hair ollicle. T e re ationship o a hair o ic e and its re- cause neither process a ects the epithe ia growth ce s that
ated structures to the epiderma and derma ayers o the skin orm the hairs.
is shown in Figure 7-8. Note in Figure 7-8 that part o the hair,
name y the hair root, ies hidden in the o ic e. T e visib e part Hair Loss
o a hair is ca ed the sha t. H air oss o any kind is ca ed alopecia. Some orms o a ope-
H air growth begins rom a sma bump ca ed the hair cia, such as male pattern baldness, are not diseases but are
papilla, which is ocated at the base o the o ic e. T e papi a simp y inherited traits. A opecia a so may be a norma conse-
is nourished by derma b ood vesse s and covered with a orm quence o aging. Sudden oss o hair in round or ova exc a-
o stratum germinativumthe epiderma growth ayer. As in mation point patches on the sca p, such as that seen in
other areas o the skin, when new ce s are ormed, the o der Figure 7-9, is ca ed alopecia areata (AA). Areata means ba d
A opecia can occur without a known cause but is some-
FIGURE 7-8 Hair ollicle. Struc- times associated with certain metabo ic or endocrine diseases.
ture o a hair ollicle and its rela- Sca p in ections, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, severe
tionship to nearby structures. emotiona or physica stress, and reactions to various types o
Ha ir s ha ft drugs a so can cause rapid hair oss. In most cases, regrowth o
hair begins in 1 to 3 months, and the condition genera y
c ears comp ete y in 1 year without treatment.
Me dulla A signif cant number o women experience hair oss, espe-
Epide rmis cia y on the ront and sides o the sca p, 1 to 4 months a ter
De rma l-e pide rma l Cuticle
junction Ha ir root
De rmis
Arre ctor
pili mus cle
De rma l root
s he a th S e ba ce ous gla nd

Inte rna l e pithe lia l Exte rna l e pithe lia l

root s he a th root s he a th

Ge rmina l ma trix Ha ir bulb S

Pa pilla Ve in P A

Arte ry I

Fat FIGURE 7-9 Alopecia areata (AA). A sudden, abnormal loss

o a patch o hair, o ten o unknown cause.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 153

chi dbirth. T e condition is ca ed postpartum alopecia (post-, Fre e e dge

a ter; -partum, birth). As in a opecia areata, u regrowth o Na il body
hair genera y occurs in ess than a year.
O ccasiona y, and most o ten in young peop e, tota oss o Lunula D
sca p hair occurs without apparent cause and in the absence o Cuticle
Na il root L R
other f ndings. T e condition, ca ed alopecia totalis may be
accompanied by cyc es o partia hair regrowth and oss, but A P
the chances or signif cant ong-term regrowth are poor. Cuticle Na il body
Na il be d
Arrector Pili Muscle Na il
A tiny, smooth (invo untary) musc e can be seen in Figure 7-8. root Fre e e dge
It is ca ed an arrector pili musc e. It is attached to the base P
o a derma papi a above and to the side o a hair o ic e
be ow. Genera y, these musc es contract on y when we are P D 7
rightened or co d. A
W hen contraction occurs, each musc e simu taneous y pu s B
on its two points o attachment (that is, up on a hair o ic e FIGURE 7-10 Structure o nails. A, Posterior view o ngernail. B, Sag-
but down on a part o the skin). T is produces itt e raised ittal section o ngernail and associated structures.
p aces, ca ed goose pimples, between the depressed points o the
skin and at the same time pu s the hairs up unti they are more through the trans ucent nai bodies. I b ood oxygen eve s
or ess straight. T e name arrector pili describes the unction o drop and cyanosis deve ops, the nai bed wi turn b ue.
these musc es. It is Latin or erectors o the hair.
We subconscious y recognize these acts in expressions Variations in Nail Structure
such as I was so rightened my hair stood on end. Age and ethnicity can in uence the norma shape and appear-
ance o the nai s. For examp e, ongitudina ridges are com-
QUICK CHECK mon in those with ight skin o a ages and are especia y
1. Wh a t a re d e rm a l p a p illa e ? Why a re th e y im p o rta n t? prominent in the e der y, whereas pigmented bands are a
2. Wh a t a re b irth m a rks ? Lis t th re e typ e s . norma f nding in dark-skinned individua s (Figure 7-11).
3. Id e n ti y th e p ro m in e n t tis s u e s th a t co m p o s e s u b cu ta n e o u s Patho ogic changes in the appearance o the nai s o ten
tis s u e (s u p e rf cia l a s cia ).
4. Ho w is h a ir o rm e d ?
occur as a resu t o certain diseases and because o trauma. For
5. Wh a t is a lo p e cia ?
6. Wh a t ca u s e s g o o s e p im p le s ?

N a ils
Nail Growth and Structure
Nai s are c assif ed as accessory organs o the skin and are
produced by ce s in the epidermis. T ey deve op when epider-
ma ce s over the termina ends o the f ngers and toes f
with keratin and become hard and p ate ike.
T e components o a typica f ngernai and its associated
structures are shown in Figure 7-10. In this i ustration the
f ngernai o the index f nger is shown in a posterior view and
in a sagitta section. (Reca that a sagitta section divides a
body part into right and e t portions.) A
Look f rst at the posterior view o the nai in Figure 7-10, A.
T e visib e part o the nai is ca ed the nail body. T e rest o
the nai , name y, the root, ies in a groove and is hidden by a
o d o skin ca ed the cuticle. In the sagitta section you can
see the nai root rom the side and note its re ationship to the
cutic e, which is o ded back over its upper sur ace.
T e nai body nearest the root has a crescent-shaped white
area known as the lunula, or itt e moon. You shou d be ab e
to identi y this area easi y on your own nai s; it is most notice-
ab e on the thumbnai . B
Now ook at the sagitta section o the nai in Figure 7-10, B. FIGURE 7-11 Normal variations in nail structure. A, Longitudinal
Under the nai ies a ayer o epithe ium ca ed the nail bed. ridges in light-skinned people are common. B, Pigmented bands are a nor-
Because it contains abundant b ood vesse s, it appears pink mal nding in dark-skinned individuals.
154 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

Burn injuries, which are discussed ater in the chapter, de-

stroy skin receptors. By doing so, they a so may destroy the
abi ity o the burned skin to unction as a sense organ.

S k in G la n d s
T e skin g ands inc ude the two varieties o sweat glands and
the tiny sebaceous glands.

S w e a t G la n d s
Sweat g ands, a so ca ed sudori erous glands, are the most
A Onycholys is numerous o the skin g ands (see Figure 7-3). T ey can be c as-
sif ed into two groupseccrine and apocrinebased on type
7 o secretion and ocation.

Eccrine Glands
Eccrine sweat glands are by ar the more numerous, impor-
tant, and widespread sweat g ands in the body. T ey are quite
sma and, with ew exceptions, are distributed over the tota
body sur ace. T roughout i e they produce a transparent,
watery iquid ca ed perspiration, or sweat.
Sweat assists in the e imination o waste products such as
ammonia and uric acid. In addition to e imination o waste,
sweat p ays a critica ro e in he ping the body maintain a con-
B P itting
stant temperature.
FIGURE 7-12 Abnormal nail structure. A, Onycholysis. Separation o Anatomists estimate that a sing e square inch o skin on
nail rom the nail bed begins at the ree edge. B, Nail pitting. A common
nding in persons with psoriasis. g ands. W ith a magni ying g ass you can ocate the pinpoint-
size openings on the skin that you probab y ca pores. T e
examp e, even minor trauma to ong f ngernai s can some- pores are out ets o sma ducts rom the eccrine sweat g ands.
times resu t in a oosening o the nai rom the nai bed with
a resu ting separation that starts at the dista or ree edge o Apocrine Glands
the a ected nai (Figure 7-12, A). T e condition, ca ed Apocrine sweat glands are ound primari y in the skin o the
onycholysis, is common. Figure 7-12, B, shows pitting o the axi a (armpit) and in the pigmented skin areas around the
nai . Nai pitting o ten occurs in individua s with psoriasis, a genita s. T ey are arger than the eccrine g ands, and instead
skin disorder described ater in the chapter (see p. 162). o watery sweat, they secrete a thicker, mi ky secretion.
Cyanosis and nai pitting are examp es o how distinctive T e odor associated with apocrine g and secretion is not
changes in the appearance o the skin or its appendages can caused by the secretion itse . Instead, it is caused by the
point to disease in other areas o the body. Many o the patho- contamination and decomposition o the secretion by skin
ogic conditions isted in Appendix A at bacteria. Apocrine g ands en arge and begin to unction at
and described throughout the text, inc uding in ectious and puberty.
interna diseases, congenita syndromes, and tumors, have
symptoms that appear as changes in appearance o the integu- S e b a c e o u s G la n d s
mentary system and body membranes. Sebum
Sebaceous g ands secrete oi or the hair and skin. Oi g ands,
S k in Re c e p t o r s or sebaceous g ands, are ound where hairs grow. T eir tiny
Receptors in the skin make it possib e or the body sur ace to ducts open into hair o ic es (see Figure 7-3) so that their se-
act as a sense organ, re aying messages to the brain concerning cretion, ca ed sebum, ubricates the hair and skin. Someone
sensations such as touch, pain, temperature, and pressure. Sen- apt y described sebum as natures skin cream because it pre-
sory receptors, which di er in structure rom the high y com- vents drying and cracking o the skin.
p ex to the very simp e, are discussed in detai in Chapter 11. Sebum secretion increases during ado escence, stimu ated
wo skin receptors are visib e in Figure 7-3. O ne is a by the increased b ood eve s o the sex hormones. Frequent y
lamellar corpuscle (Pacini corpuscle), which detects pres- sebum accumu ates in and en arges some o the ducts o the
sure deep in the dermis. T e other is the more superf cia sebaceous g ands, orming white pimp es. T is sebum o ten
tactile corpuscle (Meissner corpuscle), which detects ight darkens, orming a blackhead or comedo. Sebum secretion
touch. O ther receptors mediate sensations such as crude decreases in ate adu thood, contributing to increased wrin-
touch, vibration, temperature, and pain. k ing and cracking o the skin.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 155

Bruis ing

Re le a s e of
re d blood ce lls

P ha gocytos is of
R L re d ce lls by
ma cropha ge s

FIGURE 7-13 Acne. Acne vulgaris results rom blocked sebaceous He mos ide rin Bile
glands that become inf amed or in ected. pigme nts

Acne FIGURE 7-14 Bruising. Color changes caused by the deoxygenation, clot-
ting, and breakdown o blood are easily seen in light-skinned individuals.
T e most common kind o acne, acne vulgaris (Figure 7-13),
occurs most requent y during ado escence. T is condition
resu ts rom the more than f ve o d increase in sebum secre- entry o harm u chemica s and protect against physica tears
and cuts. Because it is waterproo , keratin a so protects the
T e oversecretion o sebum resu ts in b ockage o the seba- body rom excessive uid oss. Me anin in the pigment ayer
ceous g and ducts with sebum, skin ce s, and bacteria. T e o the skin prevents the suns harm u UV rays rom penetrat-
in amed esions that resu t are ca ed papules. Pus-f ed ing the interior o the body.
pimp es ca ed pustules o ten deve op and then rupture, re- Physica damage can cause bruising o the skin when b ood
su ting in secondary in ections in the surrounding skin. vesse s in the skin break open (Figure 7-14). Re ease o red b ood
Formation o acne esions can be minimized by care u ce s initia y produces a reddish co or in the skin. It then be-
c eansing o the skin to remove sebaceous p ugs and to inhibit gins to darken and produce b uish co ors when hemog obin
anaerobic skin bacteria. oses oxygen. As the b ood c ots, it may begin to appear darker
Combinations o topica (externa ) medications are now b ue or even b ack. Ce s break down the hemog obin into
used to e ective y treat many types o acne. opica use o vi- iron-containing hemosiderin (a ye ow-brownish pigment) and
tamin A acid (tretinoin) speeds up mitosis in the hair o ic e, severa iron- ree bile pigments that are greenish and ye owish.
thus preventing sebum rom bui ding up as the hair moves Skin gra ts may be required to provide some degree o
quick y out o the o ic e. It is o ten combined with drying and protection to areas o the body that are no onger covered by
pee ing agents such as benzoy peroxide and externa y app ied skin because o burns or to rep ace skin destroyed by disease or
antibiotics. In addition, physicians or other trained hea th pro- trauma. Figure 7-15 shows a skin gra t covering a burned hand.
essiona s may use a specia surgica instrument ca ed an ex-
tractor to remove compacted sebum (b ackheads) and the
contents o acne pustu es (whiteheads) to hasten hea ing.
Te m p e r a t u r e Re g u la t io n
More severe cases o acne may require additiona treatment T e skin p ays a key ro e in regu ating the bodys temperature.
with ora antibiotics, which reduce in ection and in ammation. Incredib e as it seems, on a hot and humid day the skin can

Fu n c t io n s o t h e S k in
T e skin, or cutaneous membrane, serves many important
unctions that contribute to surviva . T e most important
unctions are as o ows:

1. Protection
2. emperature regu ation
3. Sense organ activity
4. Excretion
5. Synthesis o vitamin D

P ro t e c t io n D P

T e skin as a who e is o ten described as our f rst ine o
de ense against a mu titude o hazards. It protects us FIGURE 7-15 Skin gra t. Photograph shows a skin gra t covering a severe burn
against the dai y invasion o dead y microbes. T e tough, to the hand. Multiple slits allow the gra ted piece o skin to stretch over a larger
keratin-f ed ce s o the stratum corneum a so resist the area than would otherwise be possible.
156 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes


mus cle los s a cros s
Exce s s he at produce d by the s ke le tal m us cle s during exe rcis e controls e pide rmis S we a t
blood flow
incre as e s the core body te m pe rature ar beyond the norm al
range . Be caus e blood in ve s s e ls ne ar the s kins s ur ace dis s i-

pate s he at we ll, the bodys control ce nte rs adjus t blood ow s o

that m ore warm blood rom the bodys core is s e nt to the s kin

or cooling (s e e illus tration). During exe rcis e , blood ow in the

s kin can be s o high that the s kin take s on a re dde r coloration.
To he lp dis s ipate eve n m ore he at, s we at production in-
cre as e s to as high as 3 lite rs pe r hour during exe rcis e . Al-

though e ach s we at gland produce s ve ry little o this total,

m ore than 3 m illion individual s we at glands are ound through-

out the s kin.
Swe at evaporation is e s s e ntial to ke e ping body te m pe ra-
ture in balance , but exce s s ive s we ating can le ad to a dange r-
ous los s o uid. Be caus e norm al am ounts o drinking m ay not
re place the wate r los t through s we ating, it is im portant to in- Heat loss during exercise. Excess heat produced by working muscles
cre as e uid cons um ption during and a te r any type o exe rcis e can be lost rom blood through the skin to the air. Sweat on the skin can
to avoid de hydratio nexce s s ive wate r los s that dis rupts also absorb some o the heat and evaporatecooling the body urther.
hom e os tas is . These mechanisms help maintain homeostasis o body temperature.

S y n t h e s is o Vit a m in D
- Synthesis o vitamin D is another important unction o the
ter! It accomp ishes this eat by regu ating sweat secretion and skin. It occurs when the skin is exposed to UV lightusua y
by regu ating the ow o b ood c ose to the body sur ace. rom the sun. W hen UV ight penetrates the skin, a precursor
W hen sweat evaporates rom the body sur ace, heat is a so substance in skin ce s orms, then is transported to the iver
ost. T e princip e o heat oss through evaporation is basic to and kidneys where it is converted into an active orm o vita-
many coo ing systems. min D. Research shows that vitamin D a ects many di erent
W hen increased quantities o b ood are a owed to f the unctions in the body, thus emphasizing the importance o
vesse s c ose to the skin, heat is a so ost by radiation. B ood this skin unction.
supp y to the skin ar exceeds the amount needed by the skin.
T e overabundant b ood supp y primari y enab es the regu a- QUICK CHECK
tion o body temperature. 1. Id e n ti y th e s tru ctu ra l co m p o n e n ts o a n a il.
2. Ho w d o e ccrin e a n d a p o crin e s w e a t g la n d s d i e r?
3. Ho w is s e b a ce o u s g la n d u n ctio n re la te d to a cn e ?
S e n s a t io n 4. Lis t th e m a jo r u n ctio n s o th e s kin .

T e skin unctions as an enormous sense organ. Its mi ions

o nerve endings serve as antennas or receivers or the body,
keeping it in ormed o changes in its environment. T e sen-
D is o r d e r s o t h e S k in
sory receptor types shown in Figure 7-3 make it possib e or Any disorder o the skin can be ca ed a dermatosis, which
the body to detect sensations o ight touch (tacti e corpus- simp y means skin condition. Many dermatoses invo ve in-
c es) and pressures ( ame ar corpusc es). O ther receptors ammation o the skin, or dermatitis. On y a ew o the many
make it possib e or us to respond to the sensations o pain, disorders o the skin are discussed here.
heat, and co d.
Review concepts o the in ammatory response
in the article In ammation at Connect It! at
Exc r e t io n
T e term excretion re ers to any process in which the body rids
itse o waste or surp us substances. Excretion o substances
S k in Le s io n s
in sweat can in uence the amounts o certain ions (such as
sodium) and waste products (such as uric acid, ammonia, and A lesion is any measurab e variation rom the norma struc-
urea) that are present in the b ood. Excess vitamins, drugs, and ture o a tissue. Lesions are not necessari y signs o disease
even hormones in the b ood can a so be excreted onto the skin they instead may be benign, ordinary variations. For examp e,
by sweat. reck es are considered esions but are not signs o disease.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 157

A most a diseases a ecting the skin are discovered and sur ace. H owever, overexposure to UV ight (sunburn) or con-
diagnosed a ter observing the nature o the esions present. tact o the skin with an e ectric current or a harm u chemica
Lighting the skin rom the side with a pen ight is a method such as an acid a so can cause burns.
used to determine the category o a esion: e evated, at, or
depressed. E evated esions cast shadows outside their edges; S e ve r it y o Bu r n s
at esions do not cast shadows, and depressed esions cast T e seriousness o a burn injury, as we as appropriate treat-
shadows inside their edges. ment and the possibi ity or recovery, are determined by three
Important examp es o each type o esion are summarized major actors:
in Table 7-1.
1. Depth and number o tissue ayers invo ved
Lesions are o ten distinguished by abnorma density o
2. ota body sur ace area a ected
tissue or abnorma co oration. O vergrowth or def cient growth
3. ype o homeostatic mechanisms that are damaged
o skin ce s, ca cif cation, and edema can cause changes in
or destroyed, such as respiratory and b ood pressure
skin density. Disco oration can resu t rom overproduction or
underproduction o skin pigments such as the increase in
contro or uid and e ectro yte ba ance
me anin seen in a mo e. A decrease in b ood ow or oxygen T e age and genera state o hea th o the individua at the
content can give the skin a b uish cast (cyanosis), whereas an time o injury a so are important. A moderate y severe burn
increased b ood ow or oxygen content can give a red or in an otherwise hea thy young adu t may become a i e-
darker hue to the skin. Disco oration o the a ected area is threatening major burn in an in ant or an e der y individua
associated with most skin esions. with preexisting respiratory prob ems or heart disease.
Some o the most common esions resu t rom scrapes and
cuts that our skin o ten endures in its ro e o protection. D e p t h C la s s if c a t io n o Bu r n s
Figure 7-16 shows the way in which such injuries typica y Burns can be c assif ed in a variety o ways, inc uding how
repair themse ves. First, c otting o b ood stops b ood oss. deep y the tissues are damaged (Figure 7-17).
T en ce s o the stratum germinativum produce more epithe-
ia ce s to rebui d the epidermis as the c ot disso ves. At the First-degree Burns
same time, f ber-producing ce s o the dermis rep ace torn A rst-degree burn ( or examp e, a typica sunburn) causes
co agen f bers. minor discom ort and some reddening o the skin. A -
O ten, the f brous tissue rep aced during skin repair is though the sur ace ayers o the epidermis may pee in 1 to
denser than the origina tissueproviding extra strength in 3 days, no b istering occurs, and actua tissue destruction is
the case o urther injury but a so sometimes producing a scar. minima .

Second-degree Burns
Bu r n s A second-degree burn (Figure 7-18, A) invo ves the deep epi-
Burns constitute one o the most serious and requent prob- derma ayers and a ways causes injury to the upper ayers o
ems that a ect the skin. ypica y, we think o a burn as the dermis. A though deep second-degree burns damage
an injury caused by f re or by contact o the skin with a hot sweat g ands, hair o ic es, and sebaceous g ands, comp ete

1 2 4
Blood clots, quickly Ge rmina tivum ce lls grow Clot dis s olve s, le aving
s topping blood los s. la te ra lly to clos e the ga p re pa ire d e pide rmis a nd
a nd re s tore e pide rmis. thicke ne d de rmis.

Blood clot S kin Clot Fre s hly he a le d e pithe lium

1 4

Conne ctive Epithe lium Fibrobla s ts Epithe lium New conne ctive tis s ue s ca r
tis s ue 3
Fibe r-producing ce lls in
FIGURE 7-16 Skin repair. A minor skin injury is ollowed de rmis re pa ir da ma ge d
by blood clotting and sel -repair o the damaged epidermis and ne twork of fibe rs.
158 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

TABLE 7-1 Common Skin Lesions

Ele vate d
Papule Firm , rais e d le s ion (le s s than 1 cm in Warts
diam e te r)

7 Plaque Large , rais e d le s ion (gre ate r than 1 cm in Plaque caus e d by

diam e te r) riction

Ve s icle Thin-walle d blis te r f lle d w ith uid that is Non-ge nital he rpe s
s m alle r than 1 cm (a ve s icle large r ve s icle s
than 1 cm is a bulla)

Pus tule Elevate d le s ion f lle d w ith pus Acne

Crus t Scab; are a w ith drie d blood or exudate Scab

Whe al (hive ) Firm , rais e d are a o irre gular s hape w ith Drug-s e ns itivity hive s
a light ce nte r
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 159

TABLE 7-1 Common Skin Lesionscont'd

Macule Are a dis tinguis he d rom s urrounding s kin Fre ckle
by color

Patch Macule s large r than 1 cm Vitiligo 7

De pre s s e d
Excoriation Are a in w hich e pide rm is is m is s ing, Scratch
expos ing the de rm is

Atrophy Skin leve l de pre s s e d, s how ing los s o Striae

tis s ue

Ulce r Crate rlike le s ion caus e d by dis inte gration Be ds ore or pre s s ure
o s kin s ore

Fis s ure Line ar crack or bre ak rom e pide rm is to Athle tes oot
de rm is
160 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

FIGURE 7-17 Depth classif cation o burns. First- and second-

degree burns are classi ed as partial-thickness burns and third- and
ourth-degree burns as ull-thickness burns.

Ca pilla ry
S e ba ce ous
gla nd

Epide rmis DEGREE
(pa rtia l THIRD
thickne s s ) DEGREE
thickne s s ) FOURTH

7 De rmis Ne rve e ndings DEGREE

thickne s s
re a ching
mus cle or
Ha ir follicle bone )
S ubcuta ne ous
tis s ue S we a t gla nd

Mus cle


Third-degree Burns
Blood ve s s e l
A third-degree burn is characterized by comp ete destruction
o the epidermis and dermis. In addition, tissue death extends
destruction o the dermis does not occur. B isters, severe pain, be ow the primary skin ayers into the subcutaneous tissue. A
genera ized swe ing, and uid oss characterize this type o third-degree burn is a type o ull-thickness burn.
burn. Scarring is common. One distinction between second- and third-degree burns is
First- and second-degree burns are ca ed partial-thickness that third-degree esions are insensitive to pain immediate y
burns. a ter injury because o the de-
struction o nerve endings. H ow-
FIGURE 7-18 Partial- and ull-thickness burns. A, Second- ever, intense pain occurs soon a -
degree (partial-thickness) burn showing a scald injury in a young ter the injury. T e uid oss that
child. B, Fourth-degree ( ull-thickness) high-voltage electrical burn resu ts rom third-degree burns is
resulting in underlying muscle and bone damage. a very serious prob em. Another
serious prob em with third-degree
burns is the great risk o in ection
because the protective unctions
o the skin are ost.

Fourth-Degree Burns
T e term ourth-degree burn
(Figure 7-18, B) is used to de-
scribe a u -thickness burn that
extends be ow the subcutaneous
tissue to reach musc e or bone.
Such injuries may occur as a re-
su t o high-vo tage e ectrica
P L burns or rom exposure to very
intense heat over time. reat-
ment may require extensive skin
gra ting and even amputation o
A B imbs.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 161

crusts (Figure 7-20, A). Occasiona y, impetigo becomes sys-

4.5% 4.5% temic (body-wide) and thus i e threatening.

Tin e a
inea is the genera name or many di erent mycoses ( unga
in ections) o the skin. Ringworm, jock itch, and ath etes oot
4.5% 4.5% 4.5% are c assif ed as tinea.
18% 18%
Signs o tinea inc ude erythema, sca ing, and crusting. Oc-
casiona y, ssures, or cracks, deve op at creases in the epider-
1% mis. Figure 7-20, B, shows a case o ringworm, a tinea in ection
that typica y orms a round rash that hea s in the center to
orm a ring.
Anti unga agents usua y stop the acute in ection. Recur-
rence can be avoided by keeping the skin dry because ungi 7
9% 9% 9% 9% require a moist environment to grow.
Wa r t s
Caused by a papi omavirus, warts are a type o benign neo-
I I p asm o the skin. H owever, some warts do trans orm and
FIGURE 7-19 Rule o nines. Dividing the adult body into 11 areas o 9% become ma ignant.
each helps in estimating the amount o skin sur ace burned in an adult. T e nipp e ike projections characteristic o this contagious
condition are shown in Table 7-1, p. 158. ransmission o warts
genera y occurs through direct contact with esions on the
Es t im a t in g Bo d y S u r a c e A r e a skin o an in ected person. Warts can be removed by reezing,
W hen burns invo ve arge areas o the skin, treatment and the drying, aser therapy, or app ication o chemica s.
possibi ity or recovery depend in arge part on the total area
involved and the severity o the burn. T e severity o a burn is Bo ils
determined by the depth o the injury, as we as by the A so ca ed uruncles, boi s are most o ten oca staphy ococ-
amount o body sur ace area a ected. ca in ections o hair o ic es and are characterized by arge,
T e rule o nines is one o the most requent y used in amed pustu es (Figure 7-20, C). A group o untreated boi s
methods o determining the extent o a burn injury in adu ts. may use into even arger pus-f ed esions ca ed carbuncles.
W ith this technique (Figure 7-19), the body is divided into
11 areas o 9% each, with the area around the genita s repre- S c a b ie s
senting the additiona 1% o body sur ace area. Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by the itch mite
As you can see in Figure 7-19, in the adu t 9% o the skin (Sarcoptes scabiei).
covers the head and each upper extremity, inc uding anterior ransmitted by skin-to-skin contact, as in sexua activity,
and posterior sur aces. wice as much, or 18%, o the tota the ema e mite digs under the hard stratum corneum and
skin area covers the anterior and posterior o the trunk and orms a short, winding burrow where she deposits her eggs
each ower extremity, inc uding a sur aces. (Figure 7-20, D). Young mites ca ed larvae hatch, orming tiny,
red papu es. A ter a month or so, a hypersensitivity reaction
To learn more about burns, go to AnimationDirect (see Chapter 16) may cause a rash characterized by erythema
online at and numerous papu es.
As the name o the cu prit indicates, in estation o the skin
by itch mites causes intense itching. Excoriation that resu ts
S k in In e c t io n s rom scratching the itchy in ested areas may ead to secondary
T e skin is the f rst ine o de ense against microbes that bacteria in ections.
might otherwise invade the bodys interna environment. So
the skin is a common site o in ection. Viruses, bacteria, ungi,
Va s c u la r a n d In a m m a t o ry
or arger parasites cause skin conditions such as those isted
S k in D is o r d e r s
here. Re er to Appendix A at or more in-
ormation on these and other skin in ections. Just a ew examp es o the many vascu ar and in ammatory
skin disorders are described in the o owing sections.
Im p e t ig o
Impetigo is a high y contagious condition that resu ts rom D e c u b it u s U lc e r s
staphy ococca or streptococca in ection and occurs most o - Every caregiver shou d be aware o the causes and nature o
ten in young chi dren. It starts as a reddish disco oration, or pressure sores or decubitus ulcers (Figure 7-21, A). Decubitus
erythema, but soon deve ops into vesic es and ye owish means ying down, a name that hints at a common cause o
162 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes




7 A Impe tigo B Tine a (ringworm)

C Furuncle (boil) D S ca bie s

FIGURE 7-20 Skin in ections.

pressure sores: ying in one position or ong periods. A so skin is a good description o the esions characteristic o sc ero-
ca ed bedsores, these esions appear a ter b ood ow to a oca derma. Sc eroderma begins as an area o mi d in ammation
area o skin s ows or is obstructed because o pressure on skin that ater deve ops into a patch o ye owish, hardened skin.
covering bony prominences such as the hee . U cers orm and Sc eroderma most common y remains a mi d, oca ized
in ections deve op because ack o b ood ow causes tissue condition. Very rare y, oca ized sc eroderma progresses to a
damage or death. systemic orm, a ecting arge areas o the skin and other or-
Frequent changes in body position and so t support cush- gans. Persons with advanced systemic sc eroderma seem to be
ions he p prevent decubitus u cers. wearing a mask because skin hardening prevents them rom
moving their mouths ree y. Both orms o sc eroderma occur
Hive s more common y in women than in men.
Hives, or urticaria, is a common condition characterized by
raised red esions ca ed wheals (Figure 7-21, B). Urticaria is P s o r ia s is
o ten associated with severe itching. H ives are genera y short Psoriasis is a common, chronic, and o ten i e ong skin dis-
ived, asting rom a ew hours to a ew weeks. ease that a ects 1% to 3% o the popu ation. It is character-
T e esions are caused by eakage o uid rom the skins ized by si very white, sca e ike plaques that may remain f xed
b ood vesse s. T ey change in size and shape over time; new on the skin or months (Figure 7-21, C).
esions erupt as o d ones disappear when uid in the raised Psoriasis is thought to have a genetic basis and tends to
whea s is reabsorbed by the body. H ypersensitivity or a ergic a ect skin on the e bows, knees, and sca p most o ten. Indi-
reactions to drugs or ood, physica irritants, and systemic vidua s with psoriasis o ten show pitting o the nai s (see
diseases are common causes o urticaria. Figure 7-12, B). T e sca es or p aques associated with the dis-
ease deve op rom an excessive rate o epithe ia ce growth.
S c le ro d e r m a
Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that a ects the b ood Ec ze m a
vesse s and connective tissues o the skin. Eczema is the most common in ammatory disorder o the
T e name scleroderma comes rom the word parts sclera, skin. T is condition is characterized by in ammation that is
which means hard, and derma, which means skin. H ard o ten accompanied by papu es, vesic es, and crusts.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 163


A De cubitus ulce r

C P s oria s is



B Hive s D Conta ct de rma titis

FIGURE 7-21 Vascular and in ammatory skin disorders.

Eczema is not a distinct disease but rather a sign or symp- Skin ce s have a natura abi ity to repair UV damage to the
tom o an under ying condition. For examp e, an a ergic reac- DNA, but in some peop e, this inherent mechanism may not be
tion ca ed contact dermatitis can progress to become eczema- ab e to dea with a massive amount o damage. Peop e with the
tous. T e b isters and marked redness on the arm shown in rare, inherited condition xeroderma pigmentosum cannot re-
Figure 7-21, D are the resu t o contact dermatitis caused by soap pair UV damage at a and a most a ways deve op skin cancer.
used in aundering a ong-s eeved shirt.

S k in C a n c e r
Ro le o U lt r a v io le t Ra d ia t io n
O the many types o skin cancer, the most
common are squamous cell carcinoma, Burns caus e d by expos ure to harm ul ultraviole t (UV) radiation in s unlight are com -
basal cell carcinoma, and ma ignant m only calle d s unburns . As w ith any burn, s e rious s unburns can caus e tis s ue
melanoma. dam age and le ad to s e condary in e ctions and uid los s . Cance r re s e arche rs have
re ce ntly the orize d that blis te ring (s e cond-de gre e ) s unburns during childhood m ay
A though genetic predisposition a so
trigge r the deve lopm e nt o m alignant m e lanom a late r in li e . Epide m iologic s tud-
p ays a ro e, many pathophysio ogists be- ie s now s how that adults w ho had m ore than two blis te ring s unburns be ore the
ieve that exposure to the suns UV radia- age o 20 have a m uch gre ate r ris k o deve loping m e lanom a than s om e one w ho
tion is the most important causa actor in expe rie nce d no s uch burns . This the ory he lps explain the dram atic incre as e in s kin
the three most common skin cancers. UV cance r rate s in the Unite d State s obs e rve d in re ce nt ye ars . Thos e w ho grew up
radiation damages the DNA in skin ce s, s unbathing and expe rie nce d s unburns in the ir youth are now, as olde r adults , ex-
causing the mistakes in mitosis that pro- hibiting m e lanom a at a m uch highe r rate than thos e in previous ge ne rations .
duce cancer.
164 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

7 A S qua mous ce ll ca rcinoma B Ba s a l ce ll ca rcinoma

C Ma ligna nt me la noma D Ka pos i s a rcoma

FIGURE 7-22 Examples o skin cancer lesions.

S q u a m o u s C e ll C a r c in o m a T is type o cancer sometimes deve ops rom a pigmented

Squamous cell carcinoma is a s ow-growing ma ignant tu- nevus (mole) and trans orms into a dark, spreading esion
mor o the epidermis. It is the most common type o skin (Figure 7-22, C). Benign mo es shou d be checked regu ar y or
cancer. Lesions typica o this orm o skin cancer are hard, warning signs o me anoma because ear y detection and re-
raised nodu es that are usua y pain ess (Figure 7-22, A). I not mova are essentia in treating this rapid y spreading cancer.
treated, squamous ce carcinoma wi metastasize, invading T e ABCDE ru e o se -examination o mo es is summa-
other organs. rized in Table 7-2.

Ba s a l C e ll C a r c in o m a
As its name imp ies, basal cell carcinoma be- TABLE 7-2 Warning Signs o Malignant Melanoma
gins in ce s at the base o the epidermis (the
basa ayer o stratum germinativum). Usua y
As ym m e try Be nign m ole s are us ually s ym m e trical; the ir halve s are m irror im age s
occurring on the upper ace, this type o skin
o e ach othe r. Me lanom a le s ions are as ym m e trical or lops ide d.
cancer is much ess ike y to metastasize than
other types. Basa ce carcinoma esions typi- Borde r Be nign m ole s are outline d by a dis tinct borde r, but m alignant m e la-
nom a le s ions are o te n irre gular or indis tinct in s hape .
ca y begin as papu es that erode in the center to
orm a b eeding, crusted crater (Figure 7-22, B). Color Be nign m ole s m ay be any s hade o brow n but are re lative ly eve nly
colore d; m e lanom a le s ions te nd to be uneve nly colore d, exhibiting
M e la n o m a a m ixture o s hade s or colors .

Ma ignant melanoma is the most serious Diam e te r By the tim e a m e lanom a le s ion exhibits characte ris tics A, B, and C, it
orm o skin cancer. Un ortunate y, the inci- als o is probably large r than 6 m m ( inch)
dence o me anoma in the U.S. popu ation is Evolving Mole s that continue to evolve , or change ove r tim e , m ay be cance r-
increasing. In the absence o ear y treatment, it ous . Be s ide s the change s note d above , m e lanom a le s ions m ay
be gin to itch, orm an ulce r, or ble e d.
causes death in about one in every our cases.
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 165

Ka p o s i S a r c o m a
For more in ormation, including additional
Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is caused by Kaposi sarcomaassociated
photographs, review the article Skin Cancer at
herpes virus (KSHV), a so known as human herpes virus 8
Connect It! at
(HHV8). Once associated main y with certain ethnic groups,
a orm o this cancer now a so appears in many cases o AIDS
and other immune def ciencies. QUICK CHECK
Kaposi sarcoma, f rst appearing as purp e papu es (Figure 7-22, 1. Ho w a re b u rn s cla s s if e d ?
D), quick y spreads to the ymph nodes and interna organs. 2. Ho w ca n th e s kin s u r a ce a re a d a m a g e d b y a b u rn b e
e s tim a te d ?
3. Id e n ti y f ve s kin in e ctio n s a n d o u r va s cu la r a n d in a m -
m a to ry s kin d is o rd e rs .
4. Lis t th e th re e m a jo r typ e s o s kin ca n ce r.
5. Wh a t a re th e wa rn in g s ig n s o m a lig n a n t m e la n o m a ?

The s kin is our m os t vis ible organ, othe r s kin, nail, and hair tre atm e nts . For exam ple , indus trial
s o it is no wonde r that obs e rving re s e arche rs , product deve lope rs , co s m e ticians , s pa s pe cial-
the s tructure and unction o s kin is ts , and hair s tylis ts all re quire s om e know le dge o curre nt
has ge ne rate d s parks that have lit s kin s cie nce to do the ir jobs e e ctive ly.
the f re s o s cie ntif c dis cove ry The photo s how s a phys ician and m e dical as s is tant us ing a
through the age s . The ancie nt Ro- m e dical las e r to re m ove a tattoo rom the s kin o a patie nt.
m ans outline d the proce s s o in-
am m ation in de tail a te r obs e rving
it f rs t in the s kin. In the twe ntie th
ce ntury, Jos e ph Murray (s e e f g-
Dr. Joseph E. Murray ure ) notice d that s kin he gra te d
(1919-2012) onto burne d s oldie rs he tre ate d
during World War II would eve ntu-
ally be re je cte d by the body (s e e Figure 7-15 on p. 155).
A te r the war, Murray trie d to unde rs tand the bodys im -
m une re actions to trans plante d tis s ue s and his work le d to the
f rs t s ucce s s ul kidney trans plants . His bre akthroughs in trans -
planting kidneys not only e arne d him a Nobe l Prize in 1990, it
als o pave d the way or all the di e re nt type s o tis s ue and or-
gan trans plantation that we s e e today.
Many s cie ntis ts continue to s tudy the s e cre ts o the s kin,
and m any phys icians and othe r he alth-care pro e s s ionals are
als o pione e rs in deve loping new m e thods o s kin care and
tre atm e nt in the f e lds o de rm ato lo gy, alle rgy, im m uno lo gy,
burn m e dicine , re co ns tructive s urge ry, and co s m e tic s urge ry.
Additional practical applications o s om e o this s kin s ci-
e nce are practice d by pe ople working w ith cos m e tics and

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 145)

dermal papilla dermal-epidermal junction eccrine

(DER-mal pah-PIL-ah) (DER-mal EP-ih-der-mal J UNK-shun) (EK-rin)
pl., papillae [derma- skin, -al relating to, epi- on or upon, [ec- out, -crin- secrete]
(pah-PIL-ee) -derma- skin, -al relating to, junc- join, eccrine sweat gland
[derma- skin, -al relating to, papilla nipple] -tion condition] (EK-rin swet gland)
dermis [ec- out, -crin- secrete, gland acorn]
[dermis skin] Continued on p. 166
166 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 165)

epidermis melanocyte root

(ep-ih-DER-mis) (MEL-ah-noh-syte) sebaceous gland
[epi- on or upon, -dermis skin] [melan- black, -cyte cell] (seh-BAY-shus gland)
epithelial membrane membrane [seb- tallow (hard animal at), -ous relating to,
(ep-ih-THEE-lee-al MEM-brayn) (MEM-brayn) gland acorn]
[epi- on or upon, -theli- nipple, -al relating to, [membran- thin skin] sebum
membran- thin skin] mucocutaneous junction (SEE-bum)
ollicle (myoo-koh-kyoo-TAY-nee-us J UNK-shun) [sebum grease]
(FOL-lih-kul) [muco- slime or mucus, -cut- skin, serous membrane
7 [ oll- bag, -icle little]
-aneous relating to, junc- join,
-tion condition]
(SEE-rus MEM-brayn)
[sero- watery body uid, -ous characterized by,
(FREK-uhl) mucous membrane membran- thin skin]
hair ollicle (MYOO-kus MEM-brayn) stratum corneum
(hayr FOL-lih-kul) [muc- slime, -ous characterized by, (STRAH-tum KOR-nee-um)
[ oll- bag, -icle little] membran- thin skin] [stratum layer, corneum horn]
hair papilla mucus stratum germinativum
(hayr pah-PIL-ah) (MYOO-kus)
[papilla nipple] [mucus slime] [stratum layer, germinativum something that
hypodermis nail body sprouts]
(hye-poh-DER-mis) (nayl BOD-ee) subcutaneous tissue
[hypo- under or below, -dermis skin] Pacini corpuscle (sub-kyoo-TAY-nee-us TISH-yoo)
integument (pah-CHEE-nee KOR-pus-ul) [sub- beneath, -cut- skin, -ous relating to,
(in-TEG-yoo-ment) [Filippo Pacini Italian anatomist, corpus- body, tissu- abric]
[in- on, -teg- cover, -ment result o action] -cle little] sudori erous gland
integumentary system parietal (soo-doh-RIF-er-us gland)
(in-teg-yoo-MEN-tar-ee SIS-tem) (pah-RYE-ih-tal) [sudo- sweat, - er- bear or carry, -ous relating
[in- on, -teg- cover, -ment- result o action, [pariet- wall, -al relating to] to, gland acorn]
-ary relating to] parietal peritoneum superf cial ascia
keratin (pah-RYE-ih-tal payr-ih-TOH-nee-um) (soo-per-FISH-al FAH-shah)
(KER-ah-tin) [parie- wall, -al relating to, peri- around, [super- over or above, -f ci- ace, -al relating to,
[kera- horn, -in substance] -tone- stretched, -um thing] ascia band]
lamellar corpuscle pericardium sweat gland
(lah-MEL-ar KOR-pus-ul) (pair-ih-KAR-dee-um) (swet gland)
[lam- plate, -ella- little, -ar relating to, pl., pericardia [gland acorn]
corpus- body, -cle little] (pair-ih-KAR-dee-ah) synovial uid
[peri- around, -cardi- heart, -um thing] (sih-NOH-vee-al FLOO-id)
lamina propria
(LAM-in-ah PROH-pree-ah) peritoneum [syn- together, -ovi- egg (white), -al relating to]
[lamina thin plate, propria proper] (payr-ih-toh-NEE-um) synovial membrane
[peri- around, -tone- stretched, -um thing] (sih-NOH-vee-al MEM-brayn)
(lah-NOO-go) perspiration (sweat) [syn- together, -ovi- egg (white), -al relating to,
[lanugo down] (per-spih-RAY-shun [swet]) membran- thin skin]
[per- through, -spire breathe, -ation process] tactile corpuscle
(LOO-nyoo-lah) pigment (TAK-tyle KOR-pus-ul)
[luna- moon, -ula small] (PIG-ment) [tact- touch, -ile relating to, corpus- body,
[pigment paint] -cle little]
Meissner corpuscle
(MYZ-ner KOR-pus-ul) pleura visceral
[George Meissner German physiologist, (PLOO-rah) (VIS-er-al)
corpus- body, -cle little] pl., pleurae [viscer- internal organ, -al relating to]
melanin (PLOO-ree) visceral peritoneum
(MEL-ah-nin) [pleura side o body (rib)] (VIS-er-al payr-ih-TOHN-ee um)
[melan- black, -in substance] pore [viscer- internal organ, -al relating to,
(por) peri- around, -tone- stretched, -um thing]
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 167


acne vulgaris dermatosis partial-thickness burn

(AK-nee vul-GAR-is) (der-mah-TOH-sis) (PAR-shal THIK-nis bern)
[acne point, vulgaris common] [derma- skin, -osis condition] peritonitis
albinism eczema (payr-ih-toh-NYE-tis)
(AL-bih-niz-em) (EK-zeh-mah) [peri- around, -ton- stretch (peritoneum),
[alb- white, -in- characterized by, -ism state] [eczema to boil over] -itis in ammation]
allergy erythema plaque
(er-ih-THEE-mah) (plak)
[all- other, -erg- work, -y state] [erythem- become red, -a condition] [plaque patch]
[alopec- ox, -ia condition] [ex- o , -cori- skin, -ation process] [pleur- side o body (rib), -isy condition]
basal cell carcinoma f rst-degree burn port-wine stain
(BAY-sal sel kar-sih-NOH-mah) ( urst dih-GREE bern) (port wyne stayn)
[bas- base, -al relating to, cell storeroom, f ssure [port wine type o dark red wine]
carcin- cancer, -oma tumor] (FISH-ur) psoriasis
blackhead [f ss- split, -ure thing] (soh-RYE-ah-sis)
(BLAK-hed) ourth-degree burn [psor- itching, -iasis condition]
blister ( ohrth dih-GREE bern) pustule
(BLIS-ter) ull-thickness burn (PUS-tyool)
burn ( ul THIK-nis bern) [pus- pus (rotten), -ule little]
(bern) uruncle (boil) reconstructive surgery
carbuncle (FUR-un-kul [boyl])
(KAR-bung-kul) [ ur- thie , -uncle little] [re- again, -con- with, -struct- build,
[carbun- coal, -cle little] -ive relating to, surger- hand, -y activity]
comedo rule o nines
(KOM-ee-doh) [immuno- ree (immunity), -logy study o ] (rool ov nahynz)
[comedo glutton (secretions resemble body- impetigo scabies
devouring worms)] (im-peh-TYE-go) (SKAY-beez)
cosmetic surgery [impet- attack] [scabies mange or itch]
kaposi sarcoma (KS) scleroderma
[cosmet- adorned, -ic relating to, surger- hand, (KAH-poh-see sar-KOH-mah [kay es]) (skleer-oh-DER-mah)
-y activity] [Moritz K. Kaposi Hungarian dermatologist, [sclero- hard, -derma skin]
cosmetician sarco- esh, -oma tumor] second-degree burn
(koz-meh-TISH-un) lesion (SEK-und dih-GREE bern)
[cosmet- adorned, -ic relating to] (LEE-zhun) skin gra t
crust [les- hurt, -ion condition] (skin grah t)
(krust) macule [gra t shoot inserted into another plant]
cyanosis (MAK-yool) squamous cell carcinoma
(sye-ah-NOH-sis) [macul(a)- spot] (SKWAY-mus sel kar-sih-NOH-mah)
[cyan- blue, -osis condition] melanoma [squam- scale, -ous characterized by,
decubitus ulcer (mel-ah-NOH-mah) cell storeroom, carcin- cancer, -oma tumor]
(deh-KYOO-bih-tus UL-ser) [melan- black, -oma tumor] stork bite
[decubitus lying-down position, ulcer sore] nevus (stork byte)
dehydration (NEE-vus) [stork large bird related to birth mythology]
(dee-hye-DRAY-shun) pl., nevi strawberry hemangioma
[de- remove, -hydro water, -ation process] (NEE-vye)
dermatitis [nevus birthmark] [hem- blood, -angi- vessel, -oma tumor]
(der-mah-TYE-tis) onycholysis striae
[derma- skin, -itis in ammation] (ahn-ik-oh-LYE-sis) (STRYE-ee)
dermatology [onycho- nail, -lysis loosen] sing., stria
papule (STRYE-ah)
[derma- skin, -log- words (study o ), -y activity] (PAP-yool) [stria- urrow or ute o a column]
[papul(a) pimple]
Continued on p. 168
168 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 167)

subcutaneous injection urticaria (hives) wheal

(sub-kyoo-TAY-nee-us in-J EK-shun) (er-tih-KAYR-ee-ah [hyvez]) (weel)
[sub- under, cut- skin, -aneous relating to, [urtica- nettle, -ia condition] [wheal welt or whip mark]
in- in, -ject- throw, -tion process] vitiligo xeroderma pigmentosum
third-degree burn (vit-ih-LYE-go) (zeer-oh-DER-mah pig-men-TOH-sum)
(third dih-GREE bern) [vitiligo blemish] [xero- dry, -derma skin, pigment- paint,
tinea wart -osum characterized by]
(TIN-ee-ah) (wort)
[tinea gnawing worm] [wart swelling]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary c. Diseases
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r (1) P eurisyin ammation o the serous mem-
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . branes that ine the chest cavity and cover the
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to (2) Peritonitisin ammation o the serous mem-
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e branes in the abdomina cavity that ine the
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s wa s and cover the abdomina organs
or be ore a te s t. 3. Mucous membranes
a. Line body sur aces that open direct y to the
Bo dy Me m brane s b. Produce mucus, a thick secretion that keeps the
A. C assif cation o body membranes (Figure 7-1) membranes so t and moist
1. Epithe ia membranescomposed o epithe ia tissue C. Connective tissue membranes
and an under ying ayer o connective tissue 1. Do not contain epithe ia components
2. Connective tissue membranescomposed exc usive y 2. Produce a ubricant ca ed synovial uid
o various types o connective tissue 3. Examp es are the synovia membranes in the spaces
B. Epithe ia membranes between joints and in the ining o the bursa sacs
1. Cutaneous membranethe skin
2. Serous membranessimp e squamous epithe ium on
a connective tissue basement membrane
S kin S tructure
a. Layers (Figure 7-2) A. O verview (Figure 7-3)two primary ayers
(1) Parieta ine wa s o body cavities 1. Epidermissuperf cia ayer
(2) Viscera cover organs ound in body cavities 2. Dermisdeep ayer
b. Examp es B. Epidermis
(1) P euraparieta and viscera ayers ine wa s o 1. Epiderma structure
thoracic cavity and cover the ungs a. O utermost and thinnest primary ayer o skin
(2) Peritoneumparieta and viscera ayers ine b. Composed o severa ayers o stratif ed squamous
wa s o abdomina cavity and cover the organs epithe ium
in that cavity c. Stratum germinativuminnermost (deepest) ayers
(3) Pericardiumparieta and viscera ayers ine a o ce s; basa ayer continua y reproduces, pushing
f brous sac around the heart and a viscera ayer o der ce s toward the sur ace
covers the heart wa d. As ce s approach the sur ace, they become f ed
with a tough, waterproo protein ca ed keratin and
eventua y ake o (Figure 7-4)
e. Stratum corneumoutermost ayer o keratin-
f ed ce s
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 169

2. Skin pigment d. Birthmarksma ormation o derma b ood vesse s

a. Me aninbrown skin pigment (1) Strawberry hemangioma (Figure 7-7)
(1) Basa ayer o stratum germinativum has (2) Port-wine stain
pigment-producing me anocyte ce s (3) Stork bite
(2) T e brown pigment me anin produced by E. Subcutaneous tissue
me anocytes is distributed to other epithe ia 1. A so ca ed hypodermis or super cial ascia
ce s, giving skin a darker co or 2. Most y oose f brous connective tissue and adipose
(3) Amount and type o me anin, determined by tissue
genes, he ps determine basic skin co or 3. Connecting ayer
b. Skin co or changes a. Deep to dermis, between the skin and the under y-
(1) Sun ight promotes additiona pigmentation ing structures such as bone and musc e
(2) Pink ush indicates increased b ood vo ume or b. Not part o the skin
increased b ood oxygen c. A ows s iding movement o skin as body parts
(3) Cyanosisb uish co or o skin indicates move 7
decreased b ood oxygen eve F. H air, nai s, and skin receptors
(4) Viti igopatchy ight skin areas resu ting rom 1. H air (Figure 7-8)
acquired oss o epiderma me anocytes a. Location o hair
(Figure 7-5) (1) H air grows rom pocket ike hair o ic es in the
(5) Increased skin pigmentation caused by hor- epidermis
mona changes in pregnant women (2) So t hair o etus and newborn ca ed lanugo
(6) Freck essma , at macu es; common norma (3) H air is distributed wide y (except ips, pa ms,
skin pigment variation so es) but varies in density and coarseness
C. Derma -epiderma junction b. H air growth
1. G ue ike ayer between the dermis and epidermis (1) H air growth occurs within the tube o the hair
2. Sma bumps ca ed dermal papillae he p stabi ize the o ic e
junction (2) H air- orming ce s reproduce on bump at the
3. B isterscaused by breakdown o union between ce s bottom o each o ic e ca ed the hair papilla
or primary ayers o skin (3) H air ce s become keratinized ike the epider-
D. Dermis mis, but in a cy inder orm and having a
1. Deeper and thicker o the two primary skin ayers; tougher type o keratin
composed arge y o connective tissue (4) H air root ies hidden in o ic e; visib e part o
2. Papi ary ayer hair ca ed sha t
a. Derma papi aepara e rows o tiny bumps that c. H air oss
characterize the upper area o dermis (1) A opecia (Figure 7-9)any type o hair oss
(1) T ick skin has para e riction ridges in dermis (2) Can resu t rom norma aging, various disorders
and no hairs (Figure 7-6) or treatments, pregnancy, or have unknown
(2) T in skin has irregu ar, sha ow grooves and causes
hair d. Arrector pi ismooth musc e o the skin that pro-
b. Derma ridges duces goose pimp es and causes hair to stand up
(1) Ridges and grooves in dermis orm pattern straight
unique to each individua 2. Nai s (Figure 7-10)
(2) Improves grip or too use and wa king; he ps a. Produced by epiderma ce s over termina ends o
in sensing textures on sur aces f ngers and toes
(3) Basis o f ngerprint identif cation b. Visib e part ca ed nail body
3. Reticu ar ayerdeeper area o dermis is f ed with c. Root ies in a groove and is hidden by cutic e
network o tough co agenous and stretchab e e astic d. Crescent-shaped area nearest root ca ed lunula
f bers e. Nai bed may change co or with change in b ood
a. Number o e astic f bers decreases with age and ow
contributes to wrink e ormation . Norma variations in nai structure (Figure 7-11)
b. Striaestretch marks; e ongated marks caused by (1) Longitudina ridges in ight-skinned
overstretching o skin individua s
c. Dermis a so contains nerve endings, musc e f bers, (2) Pigmented bands in dark-skinned individua s
hair o ic es, sweat and sebaceous g ands, and many g. Abnorma variations in nai structure (Figure 7-12)
b ood vesse s (1) O nycho ysisseparation o nai rom nai bed
(2) Pittingcommon in psoriasis
170 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

3. Receptors (Figure 7-3) D. Excretionsweat excretes waste products such as uric

a. Sensory nerve endingsmake it possib e or skin acid, ammonia, urea
to act as a sense organ E. Synthesis o vitamin D, which requires UV ight avai -
b. acti e (Meissner) corpusc ecapab e o detecting ab e in the skin
ight touch
c. Lame ar (Pacini) corpusc ecapab e o detecting
Dis o rde rs o the S kin
G. Skin g andstwo main types: sweat and sebaceous A. Skin esions (Table 7-1)any measurab e variation rom
g ands the norma structure
1. Sweat g ands; a so ca ed sudori erous glands 1. E evated esionscast a shadow outside their edges
a. Eccrine sweat g ands a. Papu esma , f rm raised esion
(1) Most numerous, important, and wide-spread o b. P aque arge raised esion
the sweat g ands c. Vesic eb ister
7 (2) Produce perspiration or sweat, which ows out d. Pustu epus-f ed esion
through pores on skin sur ace e. Crustscab
(3) Function throughout i e and assist in body . W hea (hive)raised, f rm esion with a ight
heat regu ation center
b. Apocrine sweat g ands 2. F at esionsdo not cast a shadow
(1) Found primari y in axi a and around genita ia a. Macu e at, disco ored region
(2) Secrete a thicker, mi ky secretion quite di erent 3. Depressed esions cast a shadow within their edges
rom eccrine perspiration a. Excoriationmissing epidermis, as in a scratch
(3) Breakdown o secretion by skin bacteria pro- wound
duces odor b. U cercrater ike esion
2. Sebaceous g ands c. Fissuredeep crack or break
a. Sebum 4. Some esions are produced by scrapes and cutsthe
(1) Oi y secretion or hair and skin, ubricates and skin can repair itse (Figure 7-16)
prevents drying, cracking B. Burns
(2) Leve o secretion increases during ado escence 1. reatment and recovery or surviva depends on tota
(3) Amount o secretion regu ated by sex area invo ved and severity or depth o the burn
hormones 2. Depth c assif cation o burns (Figure 7-17)
(4) Sebum in sebaceous g and ducts may darken to a. First-degree (partia -thickness) burnson y sur ace
orm a b ackhead (comedo) ayers o epidermis invo ved
(5) Acne vu garis (Figure 7-13)in ammation o b. Second-degree (partia -thickness) burnsinvo ve
sebaceous g and ducts the deep epiderma ayers and a ways cause injury
to the upper ayers o the dermis
c. T ird-degree ( u -thickness) burns (Figure 7-18)
Functio ns o the S kin characterized by comp ete destruction o the epi-
A. Protectionf rst ine o de ense dermis and dermis
1. Against in ection by microbes (1) Lesion is insensitive to pain because o
2. Against u travio et (UV) rays rom sun destruction o nerve endings immediate y a ter
3. Against harm u chemica s injuryintense pain is experienced a ter the
4. Against cuts and tears initia injury
5. Bruising can cause disco oration o skin as b ood (2) Risk o in ection is increased
re ease rom damaged vesse s breaks down (Figure 7-14) d. Fourth-degree burns u -thickness burns that
6. Skin gra ts may be needed to rep ace skin destroyed extend to musc e or bone
by disease or trauma (Figure 7-15) 3. Estimating body sur ace area using the ru e o nines
B. emperature regu ation (Figure 7-19) in adu ts
a. Body divided into 11 areas o 9% each
day b. Additiona 1% o body sur ace area around genita s
2. Mechanisms o temperature regu ation C. Skin in ections (Figure 7-20)
a. Regu ation o sweat secretion 1. Impetigohigh y contagious staphy ococca or strep-
b. Regu ation o ow o b ood c ose to the body tococca in ection
sur ace 2. inea unga in ection (mycosis) o the skin; severa
C. Sensation orms occur
1. Receptors serve as receivers or the body, keeping it 3. Wartsbenign neop asm caused by papi omavirus
in ormed o changes in its environment 4. Boi s urunc es; staphy ococca in ection in hair
a. Skin can detect sensations o ight touch, pressure, o ic es
pain, heat, and co or 5. Scabiesparasitic in ection
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 171

D. Vascu ar and in ammatory skin disorders (Figure 7-21) E. Skin cancer (Figure 7-22, Table 7-2)
1. Decubitus u cers (bedsores) deve op when pressure 1. T e most important causative actor in common skin
s ows down b ood ow to oca areas o the skin cancers is exposure to sun ight
2. Urticaria or hivesred esions caused by uid oss 2. T ree common types
rom b ood vesse s a. Squamous ce carcinomathe most common type,
3. Sc erodermadisorder o vesse s and connective characterized by hard, raised tumors
tissue characterized by hardening o the skin; two b. Basa ce carcinomacharacterized by papu es
types: oca ized and systemic with a centra crater; rare y spreads
4. Psoriasischronic in ammatory condition accompa- c. Me anomama ignancy in a nevus (mo e); the
nied by sca y p aques most serious type o skin cancer
5. Eczemacommon in ammatory condition character- 3. Kaposi sarcomacaused by a virus and characterized
ized by papu es, vesic es, and crusts; not a disease itse by purp e esions, is associated with certain ethnic
but a symptom o an under ying condition groups, as we as AIDS and other immune
def ciencies 7

STUDY TIPS scopic view o the skin, the hair, and the nai s. B acken
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in out the abe s on the photocopy and quiz each other in
m e e ting your le arning goals . your study group on the ocation and unction o various
1. T e body membranes are either epithe ia or connective. 6. Make a -chart o the di erent types o skin disorders.
T e epithe ia membranes cover or protect. T e di erence Your chart wi be most he p u i you organize it accord-
between mucous and serous membranes is their ocation ing to mechanisms. Group the diseases by pathogenic
in the body. I the membrane is exposed to the environ- organisms and by interna or externa conditions.
ment, it is a mucous membrane. Connective tissue mem-
branes cover joints. discuss possib e test questions with your study group. Use
2. T e skin is divided into two parts: epidermis and dermis. on ine resources that provide tutoria s and diagrams. One
Epi- means on, so the epidermis is on the dermis. T e examp e is T is is a ree on ine site that
job o the epidermis is protection. T e dermis contains a ows you to create ash cards, and down oad apps or a
most o the skin appendages: nai s, sense receptors, hair, academic discip ines. O ther ash card sites and tips are
and g ands. ound at
3. T e unctions o the skin are re ated to its ocation: pro- 8. Review the Language o Science and Language o Medi-
tection, sensation, heat regu ation, excretion, and synthesis cine terms and their word origins to he p you better
o vitamin. Deve op a concept map that detai s the spe- understand the meaning o the terms in this chapter.
cif c unctions o the skin. 9. Review the out ine at the end o this chapter. T is out ine
4. Burns are c assif ed by how much damage has been done provides an overview o the materia and wou d he p you
and how deep the damage goes. understand the genera concepts o the chapter.
5. ake a photocopy or use your mobi e phone to take a
photo o the i ustrations o the membranes, the micro-

Re vie w Que s tio ns 4. W hat is responsib e or the pigment o the skin?

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r 5. Exp ain the structure o a mucous membrane, inc uding
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r an exp anation o the mucocutaneous junction.
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r 6. Exp ain the structure o a synovia membrane. W hat is
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch the unction o synovia uid?
o your new le arning.
8. Exp ain the structure o the dermis.
1. Def ne membrane. 9. W hat is the structura advantage o the oose, spongy
2. List the two major categories o body membranes. nature o subcutaneous tissue?
3. Exp ain the structure o a serous membrane, inc uding
the di erence between the viscera and parieta the hair sha t.
membranes. 11. Exp ain what happens when the arrector pi i contracts.
172 CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes

12. Name two receptors o the skin. o what stimu i does

each respond?
Chapte r Te s t
13. Give the ocation o eccrine g ands, their unction, and A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
what type o uid they produce. re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
14. Give the ocation o apocrine g ands, their unction, and w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
what type o uid they produce.
15. Give the ocation o sebaceous g ands, their unction, 1. ________, ________, and ________ are the three types
and what type o uid they produce. o epithe ia membranes.
16. W hat is sebum? W hy is sebum sometimes described as 2. Epithe ia membranes are usua y composed o two dis-
natures skin cream? tinct ayers: the epithe ia ayer and a supportive ayer
ca ed the ________.
burns. W hich is considered a u -thickness burn? 3. T e membrane ining the interior o the chest wa is
18. List the three most common orms o skin cancer and ca ed the ________.
7 exp ain the actors invo ved in their deve opment. 4. T e membrane covering the organs o the abdomen is
19. List the f ve types o skin in ections and ist the cause as ca ed the ________.
vira , bacteria , unga , or arthropod. 5. T e connective tissue membrane that ines the space
between bone and joint capsu e is ca ed ________.
methods o prevention? 6. T e two main ayers o the epidermis o the skin are the
________ and the ________.
Critical Thinking cytop asm is rep aced by a unique waterproo protein
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out ca ed ________.
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to 8. T e upper region o the dermis orms projections ca ed
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to ________ that orm unique f ngerprints.
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts 9. T e ________ are the sweat g ands ound in armpits;
that you f nd di f cult. they produce a thicker secretion.
________ are the sweat g ands ound a over the
21. An individua running a marathon expends a great dea body; they produce a transparent, watery iquid.
o energy. Much o this energy generates heat. W hat is 11. Sebaceous g ands secrete an oi ca ed ________.
the ro e o the skin in ba ancing body temperature 12. ________, ________, ________, ________, and
during this strenuous exercise? ________ are the f ve primary unctions o the skin.
22. Concern about skin cancer is reducing the amount o 13. T e ru e o nines is used to estimate body sur ace
time peop e spend in the sun. I this caution is carried to invo ved in ________.
the extreme, how wou d you exp ain the impact on skin 14. ________ are pressure sores caused by reduced b ood
unction? ow to oca areas o the skin.
23. I a person burned a o his back, the posterior o his 15. T e most common type o skin cancer is ________
right arm, and the posterior o his right thigh, approxi- carcinoma.
mate y what percent o his body sur ace area wou d be 16. ________ o ten resu ts rom a f ve o d increase in sebum
invo ved? H ow did you determine this?
24. A coroner was discussing a recent autopsy and cause o
death to a group o students. H e re ated to the group
that the organ o trauma was ined with tough, abrasive-
resistant stratif ed squamous epithe ium that had been
destroyed in areas throughout the ining o the organ.
W hat most ike y was the organ? Can you suggest a pos-
sib e exp anation or the areas o destruction?
25. W hy are subcutaneous injections given by a hypodermic
need e?
CHAPTER 7 Skin and Membranes 173

19. T e f ne, so t hair o a newborn is re erred to as:

dermis are the: a. a opecia
a. Meissner corpusc es b. anugo
b. ame ar corpusc es c. viti igo
c. ree nerve endings d. striae
d. Krause end bu bs not a birthmark?
18. T e receptors in the skin that respond to ight touch are: a. Strawberry hemangioma
a. Meissner corpusc es b. Port wine stain
b. ame ar corpusc es c. inea
c. ree nerve endings d. Stork bite
d. Krause end bu bs

Match each structure in column A with its description o the part o the hair in column B. 7
Column A Column B
21. ________ hair o ic e a. the part o the hair hidden in the o ic e
22. ________ hair papi a b. the growth o the epiderma ce s into the dermis orming a sma tube
23. ________ hair root c. the part o the hair that is visib e
24. ________ hair sha t d. a bump at the base o the o ic e where hair growth begins

Match each skin condition in column A with its description in column B.

Column A Column B
25. ________ urunc e a. an autoimmune skin condition
26. ________ urticaria b. skin cancer that can deve op rom a mo e; the most serious orm o skin cancer
________ excoriation c. another name or hives
28. ________ me anoma d. skin esion caused by a sha ow scratch
29. ________ sc eroderma e. another name or a skin boi
________ Kaposi sarcoma . a virus-caused skin cancer that sometimes deve ops in immune-def cient individua s

Cas e S tudie s a papu e with an u cer in the center. W hat type o skin
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to cancer do you think Unc e Ed has? W hat do you know
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- about this type o cancer that may he p com ort Aunt
book, and othe r re s ource s . Gina?
3. D uring your shi t at the c inic, a young man arrives with
1. Dana is an intern who has just been assigned to the burn a red, sca y rash ormed into rings. W hat is this patients
unit at Mercy H ospita . One patient in the unit has burns diagnosis ike y to be? W hat causes this condition? H ow
covering the ower ha o each arm ( ront and back). can he avoid this rash in the uture?
W hat is Danas estimate o the tota percent o skin 4. Christy is at high risk or me anoma. She wants to be
sur ace area a ected by the burn? proactive. W hat measures wou d you suggest that she
2. Unc e Ed, a ight-skinned o der man, has just earned inc ude in her dai y routine?
rom his physician that the spot on his orehead is skin
cancer. O course, dark-skinned Aunt Gina is very upset. Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
Be ore Unc e Ed exp ains to the ami y what type o skin at
cancer he has, you examine the esion and notice that it is
Skeletal System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Functions o the Skeletal System, 175 Thorax, 189

Support, 175 Appendicular Skeleton, 190
Protection, 176 Upper Extremity, 190
Movement, 176 Lower Extremity, 191
Storage, 176 Skeletal Variations, 194
Hematopoiesis, 176 Male-Female Skeletal Di erences,
Gross Structure o Bones, 176 194
Types o Bones, 176 Age Di erences, 195
Structure o Long Bones, 176 Environmental Factors, 195
Structure o Flat Bones, 177 J oints, 196
Microscopic Structure o Bones, 177 Articulation o Bones, 196
Bone Tissue Structure, 177 Kinds o J oints, 196
Cartilage Tissue Structure, 177 Synarthroses, 196
Bone Development, 177 Amphiarthroses, 196
Making and Remodeling Bone, 177 Diarthroses, 197
Endochondral Ossif cation, 179 Skeletal Disorders, 200
Intramembranous Ossif cation, 179 Tumors, 200
Axial Skeleton, 180 Metabolic Bone Diseases, 201
Skull, 181 Bone In ection, 202
Hyoid Bone, 185 Bone Fractures, 203
Vertebral Column (Spine), 186 J oint Disorders, 204

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 6. Do the ollowing related to skeletal
should be able to: variations:
1. List and discuss the generalized unc- -
tions o the skeletal system. ences between a mans and a
2. Identi y the types o bones, the major womans skeleton.
anatomical structures ound in a typical -
long bone, and the structure o at mental actors.
bones. 7. List and compare the major types o
3. Discuss the microscopic structure o joints in the body and give an example
bone and cartilage, including the identi- o each.
f cation o specif c cell types and struc- 8. Name and describe major disorders o
tural eatures. bones and joints.
4. Explain how bones are ormed, how
they grow, and how they are remodeled.
5. Identi y the two major subdivisions o
the skeleton and list the bones ound in
each area.
Th e primary organs o the ske eta system, that is, bones, ie buried beneath LANGUAGE OF
the musc es and other so t tissues, providing a rigid ramework and support S C IEN C E
structure or the who e body. In this respect the ske eta system unctions ike
stee girders in a bui ding; however, un ike stee girders, bones can be moved.
Be o re re ading the
Bones are a so iving organs. T ey can change and he p the body respond to a
chapte r, s ay e ach o
changing environment. T is abi ity o bones to change a ows our bodies to the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
grow and change. he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the m as yo u re ad.
O ur study o the ske eta system begins with an overview o its unction. T e
bones are c assif ed by their structure and described by identi ying characteris-
tics o a typica bone. A ter discussing the microscopic structure o ske eta (ab-DUKT)
tissues, we brie y out ine bone growth and ormation. H aving this in ormation [ab- away, -duct lead]
makes the study o specif c bones and the way they are assemb ed in the ske - abduction
eton more meaning u . T e chapter ends with a discussion o ske eta variations (ab-DUK-shun)
and disorders and an overview o joints between bones. [ab- away, -duct- lead, -tion process]
An understanding o how bones articu ate with one another in joints and how (as-eh-TAB-yoo-lum)
they re ate to other body structures provides a basis or understanding the [acetabulum vinegar cup]
unctions o many other organ systems. Coordinated movement, or examp e, adduct
is possib e on y because o the way bones are joined to one another and because (ad-DUKT)
o the way musc es are attached to those bones. In addition, knowing where [ad- toward, -duct lead]
specif c bones are in the body wi assist you in ocating other body structures adduction
that are discussed in ater chapters. (ad-DUK-shun)
[ad- toward, -duct- lead,
-tion process]
Fu n c t io n s o t h e S k e le t a l S y s t e m amphiarthrosis
(am- ee-ar-THROH-sis)
Support pl., amphiarthroses
T e ske eton provides the interna ramework o the body much ike tent po es (am- ee-ar-THROH-seez)
[amphi- both sides, -arthr- joint,
he p maintain the structure o a tent. Ske eta musc es are attached to the
-osis condition]
bones, and interna organs are ound in the cavities surrounded by
appendicular skeleton
the bones and ske eta musc es. T e ske eta system can provide
(ah-pen-DIK-yoo-lar SKEL-eh-ton)
this support on y when the composition o the bone is strong
[append- hang upon, -ic- relating to,
enough to ho d the body weight and yet exib e enough to -ul- little, -ar relating to,
withstand twisting orces. skeleton dried body]
articular cartilage
(ar-TIK-yoo-lar KAR-tih-lij)
[artic- joint, -ul- little, -ar relating to,
cartilage gristle]
[artic- joint, -ul- little, -ation state]
athletic trainer
(ath-LET-ik TRAY-ner)
[athlet- prize contender,
-ic relating to]

Continued on p. 209

176 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Flat bones or examp e, ronta or sku bone

P ro t e c t io n Irregular bones or examp e, vertebrae or spina
T e ske eta system protects the so t tissues that are ocated bones
inside o bony cavities. T e sku protects the brain, and the
ribs and breastbone protect vita organs in the chest (heart Some scientists recognize an additiona category ca ed
and ungs). Bone a so protects the vita b ood ce orming sesamoid ( ike a sesame seed), or round, bones. T ese sma
tissue inside the bones themse ves. T e bones o the extremi- bones may deve op within a tendon. An examp e o a arge
ties can a so be moved and used in the de ense o the body sesamoid bone is the kneecap (pate a), which deve ops within
rom outside orces. the pate ar tendon.
Many important bones in the ske eton are c assif ed as ong
bones, and a have severa common characteristics. By study-
M o ve m e n t ing a typica ong bone, you can become ami iar with the
T e f rm attachments between bones and musc es make body structura eatures o the entire group o bones.
movement possib e. As musc es contract and shorten, they
pu on bones and thereby move them.
S t r u c t u r e o Lo n g Bo n e s
Figure 8-1 wi he p you earn the names o the main parts o a
S t o ra g e ong bone. Identi y each o the o owing:
Bones p ay an important part in maintaining homeostasis o
1. D iaphysis or sha tho ow tube made o hard com-
b ood ca cium, a vita substance required or norma nerve and
pact bone, hence a rigid and strong structure ight
musc e unction. T ey serve as a sa ety-deposit box or ca -
enough in weight to permit easy movement
cium. W hen the amount o ca cium in b ood increases above
norma , ca cium moves out o the b ood and into the bones or
storage. Converse y, when b ood ca cium decreases be ow nor-
8 ma , ca cium moves in the opposite direction. It comes out o
storage in bones and enters the b ood. Articula r ca rtila ge
T e ba ance o ca cium deposits and withdrawa s to and Epiphys is Ca nce llous (s pongy)
rom the ske eton is regu ated by a ba ance o hormones. For
Epiphys e a l line
examp e, calcitonin (C ) rom the thyroid g and increases
Re d ma rrow
minera ization o bone and thus reduces b ood ca cium. cavitie s
Parathyroid hormone (P H) rom the parathyroid glands
counterba ances the e ects o ca citonin by decreasing ca -
cium in the bone and thus increasing b ood ca cium.
Compa ct bone
T e medu ary cavities inside o ong bones a so store at.
Me dulla ry
He m a t o p o ie s is
T e term hematopoiesis is used to describe the process o
Endos te um
b ood ce ormation. It is a combination o two word parts:
hemato meaning b ood and poiesis meaning making. B ood
ce ormation is a vita process carried on in red bone marrow. Dia phys is Ye llow ma rrow
Red bone marrow is so t connective tissue surrounded by the
hard wa s o some bones that produces both red and white
b ood ce s.
Pe rios te um

To see exactly where in the skeleton hemato-

poiesis takes place, check out the images in
Sites o Hematopoiesis at Connect It! at

G ro s s S t r u c t u r e o Bo n e s
Ty p e s o Bo n e s P

T ere are our types o bones. T eir names suggest their shapes: L M
Epiphys is
Long bones or examp e, humerus or arm bone
Short bones or examp e, carpa s or wrist bones FIGURE 8-1 Long bone. Frontal section (partial) o a tibia.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 177

2. Medullary cavityho ow area in- FIGURE 8-2 Flat bone. Portion o a

side the diaphysis o a bone; con- skull bone. The outer layers o compact
tains so t, yellow bone marrow, bone surround the inner cancellous bone
called diploe.
an inactive, atty orm o mar- Compa ct
row ound in the adu t ske eton bone
3. Epiphysesthe ends o a ong
bone; red bone marrow f s in Ca nce llous bone
(diploe )
sma spaces in the spongy bone in-
side the epiphyses; some ye ow marrow
may appear as a person ages matrix is organized into numerous structura units ca ed
4. Articular cartilagethin ayer o hya ine carti age osteons or haversian systems. Each circu ar and tube ike os-
covering each epiphysis; unctions ike a thin, smooth teon is composed o ca cif ed matrix arranged in mu tip e ay-
rubber cushion wou d i it were p aced over the ends ers that resemb e the rings o an onion. Each ring is ca ed a
o bones where they orm a joint concentric lamella.
5. Periosteumstrong membrane o dense f brous tis- T e circu ar ame ae surround the central canal, or haver-
sue covering a ong bone everywhere except at joint sian canal, which contains b ood vesse s and nerves. T e cen-
sur aces, where it is covered by articu ar carti age tra cana s are connected to each other by transverse canals,
6. Endosteumthin membrane that ines the medu - sometimes ca ed Volkmann canals.
ary cavity Bones are not i e ess structures. W ithin their hard, seem-
ing y i e ess matrix are many iving bone ce s ca ed
QUICK CHECK osteocytes. Osteocytes are mature bone ce s that were or-
1. Na m e s o m e o th e o rga n s o th e s ke le ta l s ys te m . mer y active bone-making osteob ast ce s, but which have
2. Wh a t a re th e f ve m a jo r u n ctio n s o th e s ke le ta l s ys te m ? now become dormant. T ese osteocytes ie between the hard
3. Wh a t a re th e o u r ca te g o rie s o b o n e s in th e s ke le to n ? ayers o the ame ae in itt e spaces ca ed lacunae.
4. De s crib e th e m a in e a tu re s o a lo n g b o n e .
In Figure 8-3, B, and Figure 8-4, note that tiny passageways, 8
or cana s, ca ed canaliculi connect the acunae with one an-
other and with the centra cana in each osteon. Nutrients pass
S t r u c t u r e o Fla t Bo n e s a ong ce extensions o the osteocytes rom the b ood vesse
F at bones, such as the sternum (breastbone), the ribs, and in the centra cana through the cana icu i and are distributed
many o the sku bones have a simp er structure than most to a osteocytes o the osteon.
ong bones. As Figure 8-2 shows, at bones have a ayer o Note a so in Figure 8-3, B, that numerous b ood vesse s rom
cance ous bone between outer ayers o compact bone. T e the outer periosteum enter the bone and eventua y pass
cance ous bone ayer is ca ed the diploe. through transverse cana sand eventua y to centra cana s.

M ic ro s c o p ic S t r u c t u r e o Bo n e s C a r t ila g e Tis s u e S t r u c t u r e
T e bones o the ske eta system contain two major types o Cartilage both resemb es and di ers rom bone. As with
connective tissue: bone and cartilage. bone, it consists more o interce u ar substance than o ce s.
Innumerab e co agenous f bers rein orce the matrix o both
tissues. H owever, in carti age the f bers are embedded in a
Bo n e Tis s u e S t r u c t u r e f rm ge instead o in a ca cif ed cement substance ike they are
Bone tissue has di erent microscopic structures, depending in bone. As a resu t, carti age has the exibi ity o a f rm p as-
on its ocation and unction. In Figure 8-3, A, the outer ayer o tic rather than the rigidity o bone.
bone is hard and dense. Bone o this type is ca ed compact Carti age ce s, ca ed chondrocytes, as with the osteocytes
bone. Compact bone appears so id to the naked eye. T e po- o bone, are ocated in acunae (Figure 8-5). In carti age, acunae
rous bone tissue on the inside o individua bones is ca ed are suspended in the carti age matrix much ike air bubb es in
cancellous bone or spongy bone. a b ock o Swiss cheese. Because there are no b ood vesse s in
carti age, nutrients must di use through the matrix to reach
C a n c e llo u s Bo n e (S p o n g y Bo n e ) the ce s. Because o this ack o b ood vesse s, carti age re-
As the name imp ies, spongy bone contains many spaces bui ds itse very s ow y a ter an injury.
ike a bath sponge. T e cavities are f ed with red or ye ow
marrow. T e beams that orm the attice o spongy bone are
ca ed trabeculae. Figure 8-3, B, shows the microscopic appear- Bo n e D e ve lo p m e n t
ance o cance ous bone.
M a k in g a n d Re m o d e lin g Bo n e
C o m p a c t Bo n e W hen the ske eton begins to orm in a baby be ore its birth, it
As you can see in Figure 8-3 and Figure 8-4, compact bone does consists not o bones but o carti age and f brous structures
not contain a network o open spaces. Instead, the extrace u ar shaped ike bones. Gradua y these carti age mode s become
178 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Conce ntric la me lla e

Ce ntra l ca na l La cuna Blood ve s s e ls

a nd ne rve
in ce ntra l ca na l
Ca na liculi Os te ocyte in la cuna e
Pe rios te um

Os te on
Tra be cula e
Tra ns ve rs e
ca na l

Pe rfora ting
fibe rs

S pongy

Tra be cula e

8 A B

Os te ocyte s
in la cuna e
Compa ct
FIGURE 8-3 Microscopic structure o bone. The longitudinal section o a
long bone (A) shows the location o the microscopic section illustrated in B. Note P
that the compact bone orming the hard shell o the bone is constructed o cylindri- L M
cal units called osteons. Cancellous (spongy) bone is constructed o thin bony
branches called trabeculae. D

Os te on (have rs ia n s ys te m) Ca na liculi

Chondrocyte s (in la cuna e ) Ma trix

Ce ntra l
(have rs ia n)
ca na l
La cuna e
(conta ining
os te ocyte s )

FIGURE 8-4 Compact bone. Photomicrograph shows circular cross section o FIGURE 8-5 Cartilage tissue. Photomicrograph shows chondro-
a cylindrical osteon. cytes scattered around the tissue matrix in spaces called lacunae.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 179

ca cium ions are re eased rom bone tissue to di use into the
b oodstream.
T e combined breaking-bui ding actions o the osteo-
b asts and osteoc asts remode bones into their adu t shapes
(Figure 8-7). T e process o scu pting by the bone- orming
and bone-reabsorbing ce s a ows bones to respond to stress
or injury by changing size, shape, and density.
Os te ocla s ts dis s olve
exis ting bone tis s ue
W hen a bone is mechanica y stressed rom the pu o a
musc e, the osteob asts are stimu ated to strengthen the bone
at that ocation to resist the stress o pu ing musc e. For this
reason, ath etes or dancers may have denser, stronger bones
than ess active peop e.
Os te obla s ts form new bone
To learn more about bone remodeling, go to
AnimationDirect online at

En d o c h o n d r a l O s s if c a t io n
Many bones o the body are ormed rom carti age mode s, as
i ustrated in Figure 8-7 and Figure 8-8. T is process is ca ed
B endochondral ossi cation, meaning ormed in carti age.
As you can see in Figure 8-7, a ong bone grows and u ti-
mate y becomes ossif ed rom sma centers within a deve -
oping bone. T ese centers o ossif cation are ocated in the
New bone epiphyses at the ends o a ong bone and rom a arger center 8
ocated in the diaphysis (sha t) o the bone.
An area o carti age ca ed an epiphyseal plate or growth
p ate remains between the epiphyses and the diaphysis as
ong as growth continues. Growth ceases when a epiphysea
carti age is trans ormed into bone. A that remains is a aint
Os te ocyte s epiphyseal line that marks the ocation where the two centers
C o ossif cation have used together.
FIGURE 8-6 Bone remodeling. During remodeling o bone, bone- Physicians sometimes use concepts o bone deve opment to
dissolving osteoclasts remove the hard calcium salts in bone matrix (A). determine whether a chi d is going to grow any more. T ey
Osteoblasts then orm new bone matrix in the area (B) until they eventually have an x-ray study per ormed on the chi ds wrist. I it shows
become surrounded and trapped by hard bone and are then called osteo- a ayer o epiphysea carti age, they know that additiona growth
cytes (C).
wi occur. H owever, i it shows no epiphysea carti age, they
know that growth has stopped and that the individua has at-
tained adu t height.
trans ormed into rea bones when the carti age is rep aced with
ca cif ed bone matrix. T is process o constant y remode ing a
In t r a m e m b r a n o u s O s s if c a t io n
growing bone as it changes rom a sma carti age mode to the
characteristic shape and proportion o the adu t bone requires Some bones, such as the sku bones i ustrated in Figure 8-8,
continuous activity by bone- orming ce s ca ed osteoblasts and are ormed by ca cif cation o f brous membranes in a process
bone-disso ving ce s ca ed osteoclasts, both seen in Figure 8-6. ca ed intramembranous ossi cation.
T e aying down o bone matrix is an ongoing process. T e so t spots, or ontanels, on a newborn babys sku are
O steob asts f rst ay down organic co agen f bers i needed. areas o f brous membrane that have not yet u y ossif ed (see
T ey a so re ease a so ution o inorganic ca cium sa ts that Figure 8-8). As intramembranous ossif cation progresses, a hard
crysta ize on the f bers. T e f bers rein orce the matrix to bone p ate orms a comp ete at bone.
withstand twisting orces, and the minera crysta s ca ci y the
bone to make it as hard as bone. QUICK CHECK
W hen osteob asts eventua y become trapped between 1. Wh a t is th e b a s ic s tru ctu ra l u n it o co m p a ct b o n e tis s u e
ame ae o hard bone matrix, they stop orming bone and are ca lle d ?
ca ed osteocytes. Osteocytes resume their bone-making activity 2. Wh a t a re o s te o cyte s ? Wh e re w o u ld yo u f n d th e m in b o n e
when osteoc asts (or an injury) remove the surrounding bone. tis s u e ?
O steoc asts re ease acids that disso ve the ca cium crysta s. 3. Ho w d o e s ca rtila g e d i e r ro m b o n e ?
4. Wh a t is o s s if ca tio n ? Wh a t is th e ro le o th e o s te o b la s t?
T is has two e ects: the hard bone matrix is removed, and the
180 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Ca rtila ge P
Ca lcifie d ca rtila ge
Bone L M
Pe rios te um
Blood ve s s e l D

Os te obla s ts
Blood ve s s e ls ca lcify ca rtila ge
exte nd into a a nd os te ocla s ts
ca rtila ge be gin to hollow Bone grows a s
mode l to be gin out a ce ntra l expa nding ca rtila ge
os s ifica tion. cavity. be come s os s ifie d.


FIGURE 8-7 Endochondral ossif cation. As the cartilage o an immature long bone expands by normal
growth, it is invaded by blood vessels carrying bone cells. Osteoblasts calci y cartilage as it becomes avail-
able. As the bone grows, osteoclasts hollow out the medullary cavity. Eventually, ossi cation overtakes carti-
8 lage expansion and urther growth is not possible.

Parie tal bo ne To learn more about bone ormation and

Fonta ne ls
(s oft s pots ) growth, go to AnimationDirect online at
Oc c ipital bo ne

A x ia l S k e le t o n
Clavicle T e human ske eton has two divisions: the axial skeleton and
the appendicular skeleton. Go back to Figure 1-9 on p. 13 to
Hume rus S te rnum review the axia -appendicu ar division o body regions.
Bones o the center, or axis, o the body make up the axia
ske eton. T e bones o the sku , spine, and chest and the hyoid
Radius bone in the neck are a in the axia ske eton. T e bones o the
Ulna upper and ower extremities or appendages make up the ap-
pendicu ar ske eton. T e appendicu ar ske eton consists o the
bones o the upper extremities (shou der or pectora gird e,
arms, orearms, wrists, and hands) and the ower extremities
(hip or pe vic gird e, thighs, egs, ank es, and eet) (Table 8-1).
S ac rum Fe mur Locate the various parts o the axia ske eton and the ap-
pendicu ar ske eton in Figure 8-9.
Pe lvic Ilium
bone s Is chium Tibia To better understand this concept, use the
Pubis Fibula Active Concept Map Organization o the Skeleton

Bone R L
Ca rtila ge or FIGURE 8-8 Bone development in a newborn. An in ants skeleton has
me mbra ne I many bones that are not yet completely ossi ed.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 181

Epiphys e a l
Epiphys e a l line
pla te


Bone grows Ce nte rs of
in le ngth a nd os s ifica tion fus e ,
dia me te r a s s topping growth
os s ifica tion and leaving only a
continue s. faint epiphyseal line.


TABLE 8-1 Main Parts o the Skeleton (206 bones)

AXIAL S KELETON (80 bo ne s ) APPENDICULAR S KELETON (126 bo ne s )
Skull Uppe r extre m itie s
Cranial bone s Pe ctoral girdle
Ear bone s Arm and ore arm bone s
Face bone s Wris t bone s
Spine Hand bone s
Ve rte brae Lowe r extre m itie s
Thorax Pe lvic girdle
Ribs Thigh and le g bone s
Ste rnum Ankle bone s
Hyoid bone Foot bone s

S k u ll and ethmoid bones) have openings into the nose and thus are
Re g io n s o t h e S k u ll re erred to as paranasal sinuses (Figure 8-11).
T e skull consists o 8 bones that orm the cranium, 14 bones My sinuses give me so much troub e. H ave you ever
that orm the ace, and 6 tiny bones in the middle ear. You heard this comp aint or perhaps uttered it yourse ? Sinuses
can earn the names and ocations o these bones by studying cause troub e when the mucous membrane that ines them
Table 8-2. Find as many o them as you can on Figure 8-10. Fee becomes in amed, swo en, and pain u . For examp e, in am-
their out ines in your own body where possib e. Examine mation in the ronta sinus ( rontal sinusitis) o ten begins as a
them on a medica ske eton or sku mode i you have access resu t o a nasa in ection. T e word part -itis added to a word
to one. means in ammation o .
Mastoiditis, in ammation o the air spaces within the
S in u s e s mastoid portion o the temporal bone, can produce very seri-
Sinuses are spaces or cavities inside some o the crania bones. ous medica prob ems i not treated prompt y (Figure 8-12).
Four pairs o them (those in the rontal, maxilla, sphenoid, Locate the mastoid process in Figure 8-10, A.
182 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Fro ntal bo ne
Parie tal bo ne
Nas al bo ne
Oc c ipital bo ne
Zyg o matic Maxilla
bo ne
Mandible Ce rvic al ve rte brae (7)

Clavicle Clavicle
Gle no id
c avity

S te rnum S c apula S c apula

Co s tal c artilag e Tho rac ic
Ribs Ribs ve rte brae (12)

Hume rus Hume rus

Ve rte brae

Radius Lumbar
Ulna ve rte brae (5)

Ilium Radius

8 S ac rum

Me tac arpals
Co c c yx
Phalang e s

Is chium Ilium
Coxal Fe mur
P ubis bo ne Is chium
Fe mur
P ubis

Pate lla

Tibia Tibia

S Fibula S

I Axia l s ke le ton I
Tars als
Appe ndicula r
Tars als s ke le ton
Me tatars als Phalang e s
Me tatars al bo ne s
Phalang e s
A B Calc ane us
(a ta rs a l bone )

FIGURE 8-9 Human skeleton. The axial skeleton is distinguished by a blue tint. A, Anterior view. B, Pos-
terior view.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 183

TABLE 8-2 Bones o the Skull

Cranial Bo ne s
Frontal 1 Fore he ad bone ; als o orm s ront part o oor o cranium and m os t o uppe r part o eye s ocke ts ;
cavity ins ide bone above uppe r m argins o eye s ocke ts (orbits ) calle d rontal s inus ; line d w ith
m ucous m e m brane
Parie tal 2 Form bulging tops ide s o cranium
Te m poral 2 Form lowe r s ide s o cranium ; contain m iddle and inne r e ar s tructure s ; m as toid s inus e s are m ucos a-
line d s pace s in m as toid proce s s , the protube rance be hind e ar; exte rnal auditory canal is a tube
le ading into te m poral bone ; m us cle s attach to s tyloid proce s s
Occipital 1 Form s pos te rior o s kull; s pinal cord e nte rs cranium through large hole ( oram e n m agnum ) in occipital
Sphe noid 1 Form s ce ntral part o oor o cranium ; pituitary gland locate d in s m all de pre s s ion in s phe noid calle d
s e lla turcica (Turkis h s addle ); m us cle s attach to pte rygoid proce s s
Ethm oid 1 Com plicate d bone that he lps orm oor o cranium , s ide walls and roo o nos e and part o its m iddle
partition (nas al s e ptum m ade up o the e thm oids pe rpe ndicular plate and the vom e r bone ), and 8
part o orbit; contains honeycom blike s pace s , the e thm oid s inus e s ; s upe rior and m iddle conchae
are proje ctions o e thm oid bone ; orm le dge s alongs ide wall o e ach nas al cavity
Face Bo ne s
Nas al 2 Sm all bone s that orm uppe r part o bridge o nos e
Maxilla 2 Uppe r jaw bone s ; als o he lp orm roo o m outh, oor, and s ide walls o nas al cavity and oor o orbit;
large cavity in m axillary bone is m axillary s inus
Zygom atic 2 Che e k bone s ; als o he lp orm orbit
Mandible 1 Lowe r jaw bone articulate s w ith te m poral bone at condyloid proce s s ; s m all ante rior hole or pas s age
o ne rve s and ve s s e ls is the m e ntal oram e n
Lacrim al 2 Sm all bone s ; he lp orm m e dial wall o eye s ocke t and s ide wall o nas al cavity
Palatine 2 Form pos te rior part o roo o m outh and oor and s ide walls o nos e and part o oor o orbit
In e rior nas al concha 2 Form curve d le dge along ins ide o s ide wall o nos e , be low m iddle concha
Vom e r 1 Form s lowe r pos te rior part o nas al s e ptum
Ear Bo ne s
Malle us 2 Malle us , incus , and s tape s are tiny bone s in m iddle e ar cavity in te m poral bone ; m alle us m e ans
ham m e r s hape o bone
Incus 2 Incus m e ans anvil s hape o bone
Stape s 2 Stape s m e ans s tirrup s hape o bone
Hyo id Bo ne
Hyoid bone 1 U-s hape d bone in ne ck; not joine d to any othe r bone (not part o s kull); be twe e n m andible and uppe r
e dge o larynx
184 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

S qua mous s uture Corona l s uture

Fro ntal bo ne
Parie tal bo ne

La mbdoida l Nas al
s uture bo ne

Oc c ipital
bo ne Ethmo id
Exte rna l bo ne
auditory canal Lac rimal
bo ne
Parie tal
Condyloid S phe no id bo ne
proce s s of ma ndible bo ne
Te mpo ral
Te mpo ral bo ne Zyg o matic bo ne
Ma s toid proce s s bo ne
Middle concha
S tyloid proce s s of te mpora l of e thmoid
Pe rpe ndicula r
P te rygoid proce s s of s phe noid pla te of
P A Maxilla e thmoid
I Inferior
Mandible nas al
Me nta l fora me n Vo me r
of ma ndible
Cris ta ga lli of
e thmoid bone
8 Cribriform pla te Fro ntal bo ne I
Ethmo id bo ne B ANTERIOR VIEW
S upe rior
orbita l fis s ure
Le s s e r wing
Optic fora me n Gre a te r wing S phe no id
Foramen ovale S e lla turcica bo ne
Fora me n
la ce rum Te mpo ral bo ne
Fora me n Pe trous pa rt
s pinos um of te mpora l bone

Internal acoustic Parie tal bo ne

me a tus
Oc c ipital bo ne
Jugula r fora me n
Fora me n ma gnum

P Pa la tine proce s s
of ma xilla
Ha rd
Zygoma tic a rch
Horizonta l pla te pa la te
of pa la tine bone

Te mpo ral bo ne Vo me r
S tyloid proce s s
Jugula r fora me n
Fora me n ova le
Occipita l condyle
Ma s toid proce s s
Fora me n ma gnum
Oc c ipital bo ne
Parie tal bo ne

FIGURE 8-10 Skull. A, Right side. B, Anterior.
C, Floor o cranial cavity, as viewed rom above a - R L
ter the top o the skull is removed. D, Base o the
skull, as viewed rom below. D P
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 185

S phe noid Fronta l s inus S phe noid s inus

s inus
Ethmoid a ir ce lls
La crima l s a c

Na s a l S upe rior
concha e Middle
(turbina te s ) Infe rio r
Ma xilla ry s inus Ora l cavity




FIGURE 8-11 Paranasal sinuses. A, Lateral view o the ace shows the position o the paranasal sinuses.
B, Anterior view shows the relationship o the sinuses to each other and the nasal cavity.

Coronal suturejoins the anterior margins o parieta

bones with the posterior margin o the rontal bone
Sagittal suturejoins the media margins o the pa-
rieta margins to each other (not visib e in Figure 8-10)

You may be ami iar with the so t spots on a babys sku .

T e so t areas are six ontanels, or areas where intramembra- 8
nous ossif cation remains incomp ete at birth. You can see
them depicted in Figure 8-8. Fontane s a ow some compression
o the sku during birth without much risk o breaking the
S sku bones. T ey a so may be identif ed by a c inician as an
important diagnostic indication o the position o the babys
head be ore de ivery.
I T e ontane s use to orm sutures be ore a baby is 2 years o d.
FIGURE 8-12 Mastoiditis. Note the redness and swelling over the
mastoid process o the temporal bone behind the le t ear. Hyo id Bo n e
T e odd itt e hyoid bone resemb es the Greek etter upsi on
In ectious materia rom midd e ear in ections sometimes ( or ). Un ike other bones, it does not orm a joint with any
f nds its way into the mastoid air ce s. T ese air ce s do not other bone o the ske eton. As you can see in Figure 8-13, the
drain into the nose ike the paranasa sinuses do. T us in ec- hyoid bone is ocated in the neck, where it serves as an anchor
tious materia that accumu ates may damage the thin, bony or tongue musc es and he ps support the arynx (voice box).
partition that separates the air ce s rom the brain. I this
occurs, the in ection may spread to the brain or the mem-
branes covering the brain, a i e-threatening situation.
I antibiotic therapy ai s, chronic mastoiditis may be treated
by surgica y removing the a ected tissue, inc uding interna
parts o the earrendering the individua dea in the a ected ear.
S u t u r e s a n d Fo n t a n e ls
Note in Figure 8-10 that two parietal bones, which give shape
to the bu ging topside o the sku , orm immovab e joints I
ca ed sutures with severa bones.
Hyo id bo ne
Lambdoidal suturejoins posterior margins o pari-
La rynx (voice box)
eta bones to the occipital bone
Squamous sutures joins atera margin o each pari-
eta bone with the superior margin o the tempora FIGURE 8-13 Hyoid bone. The U-shaped hyoid bone is unique because
bone and to the atera part o the sphenoid bone it does not attach to any other bone o the skeleton.
186 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Ve r t e b r a l C o lu m n (S p in e )
vertebras ong, orked spinous process. T e seven cervica
Ve r t e b r a e vertebrae orm the supporting ramework o the neck.
T e term vertebral column may conjure up a menta picture o At the top o Figure 8-14, C, you can see that the f rst two
the spine as a sing e ong bone shaped ike a co umn in a cervica vertebrae have an unusua structure compared to the
bui ding, but this is ar rom true. T e vertebra co umn con- rest o the vertebrae. Figure 8-16 shows that the f rst cervica
sists o a series o 24 separate bones, or vertebrae, connected vertebraca ed the atlasis a ring made up o an anterior
in such a way that they orm a exib e curved rod (Figure 8-14). arch and posterior arch. T e superior articu ar processes join
Di erent sections o the vertebra co umn have di erent with the processes ca ed occipital condyles on the base o the
names: cervical region, thoracic region, and lumbar region. sku (see Figure 8-10, D).
A though individua vertebrae are sma bones that are ir- T e second cervica vertebra is the axis. T e axis has a
regu ar in shape, they have severa we -def ned parts. Note, pointed dens (meaning tooth) that extends up into the curve
or examp e, in Figure 8-15, the body o the umbar vertebra, its o the at ass anterior arch to act as pivot around which the
spinous process (or spine), its two transverse processes, and the at as (and the sku ) can swive e t and right. T is is yet an-
ho e in its center, ca ed the vertebral oramen. T e superior and other examp e o structure ts unction because rotation o the
in erior articular processes permit imited and contro ed move- neck wou d be very imited without this unique structure.
ment between adjacent vertebrae.
o ee the tip o the spinous process o one o your verte- S a c ru m a n d Co c c yx
brae, simp y bend your head orward and run your f ngers T e sacrum and coccyx are two additiona bones o the ver-
down the back o your neck unti you ee a projection o bone tebra co umn ocated just be ow the 24 vertebrae. In in ants,
at shou der eve . T is is the tip o the seventh cervica the sacrum exists as f ve separate vertebrae that start to use

Rig ht late ral view Ante rio r view Po s te rio r vie w

8 S
Atlas Axis S S

c u



Ce rvic al

er u

ve rte brae

(7 )


Tho rac ic

ve rte brae



Inte r-

ve rte bra l


fora mina
ve rte brae


S ac rum

A B Co c cyx C

FIGURE 8-14 The vertebral column.

CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 187

S upe rior S pinous proce s s Tra ns ve rs e S upe rior

a rticula r proce s s a rticula r
proce s s Ve rte bra l proce s s
fora me n
Tra ns ve rs e
proce s s Body

S pinous
proce s s

P Infe rior a rticula r S

proce s s


FIGURE 8-15 Typical vertebra. Third lumbar vertebra. A, From above (superior view). B, From the side
(lateral view).

Atlas and axis

S upe rior a rticula r together about age 18 and are comp ete y used by
s urfa ce (for De ns 25 to 33 years o age. Likewise, three to f ve tiny
occipita l condyle ) Pos te rior a rch
(of a tla s ) tai vertebrae use to orm a sing e coccyx by ear y 8
adu thood.
Atlas A 26 bones o the vertebra co umn are i us-
trated in Figure 8-14 and described in Table 8-3.
Ante rior a rch
(of a xis )
S p in a l C u r va t u r e s
H ave you ever noticed the our curves in your spine?
Axis Tra nsve rs e
proce s s e s Your neck and the sma o your back curve s ight y
P inward or orward, whereas the chest region o the
L spine and the owermost portion curve in the op-
R posite direction (see Figure 8-14).

FIGURE 8-16 Atlas and axis. The toothlike dens o the axis (second Convex and Concave Curvatures
cervical vertebra) extends along the inside o the anterior arch o the atlas W hen you ook at the spine rom the rear, you wi see the
( rst cervical vertebra) to act as a pivot. Because the atlas supports the en- thoracic and sacra curves, ca ed convex curvatures because
tire skull, this arrangement allows the head to rotate.
they round outward. T e cervica and umbar curves o
the spine are ca ed concave curvatures because they curve
TABLE 8-3 Bones o the Vertebral Column T is is not true, however, o a newborn babys spine. It orms
a continuous convex curveca ed the primary curvature
rom top to bottom (Figure 8-17). Gradua y, as the baby earns
Ce rvical 7 Uppe r 7 ve rte brae , in ne ck re gion;
to ho d up his or her head, a reverse or concave curve deve ops
f rs t ce rvical ve rte bra calle d
atlas ; s e cond, axis
in the neck (cervica region). Later, as the baby earns to stand,
the umbar region o his or her spine a so becomes concave. T e
Thoracic 12 Next 12 ve rte brae ; ribs attach to
concave cervica and umber curvatures are sometimes ca ed
ve rte brae the s e
secondary curvatures because they appear ater in deve opment
Lum bar 5 Next 5 ve rte brae ; in s m all o back
than the primary (convex) curvatures.
ve rte brae
T e norma curves o the spine have important unctions.
Sacrum 1 In child, 5 s e parate ve rte brae ; in T ey give it enough strength to support the weight o the rest
adult, us e d into one
o the body. T ese curves a so make it possib e to ba ance the
Coccyx 1 In child, 3 to 5 s e parate ve rte brae ; weight o the body, which is necessary or us to stand and
in adult, us e d into one wa k on two eet instead o having to craw on a ours. A
188 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

curved structure has more strength than a straight one o the
same size and materia s. (T e next time you pass a bridge, ook
A P to see whether or not its supports orm a curve.)
I C ear y the spine needs to be a strong structure. It supports
the head that is ba anced on top o it, the ribs and interna
organs that are suspended rom it in ront, and the hips and
egs that are attached to it be ow.

Abnormal Spinal Curvatures

Poor posture, genetics, or disease may cause abnorma curva-
tures (Figure 8-18) that inter ere with norma breathing and
other vita unctions. I the umbar curve is abnorma y exag-
gerated, the condition may be ca ed swayback or lordosis.
Abnorma thoracic curvature is kyphosis or hunchback.
T is termino ogy is not universa . Some re er to the norma
umbar curve as ordosis and to excessive curvature as hyper-
lordosis. Likewise, kyphosis may re er to the norma thoracic
curve and hyperkyphosis to excessive curvature.
Abnorma side-to-side curvature is scoliosis. Sco iosis is a
FIGURE 8-17 Spinal curvature o an in ant. The spine o the newborn re ative y common condition that appears be ore ado escence,
baby orms a continuous convex curve. usua y o unknown cause.


Ve rte bro plas ty is an orthope dic proce dure that involve s the A balloon is in ate d to re s tore the ve rte bras he ight; the n
inje ction o a s upe r glue type o bone ce m e nt to re pair bone ce m e nt is inje cte d by ne e dle into the are a o com pre s -
racture d and com pre s s e d (collaps e d) ve rte brae (s e e illus tra- s ion, w he re it quickly harde ns and thus s tabilize s and s e als
tion). In the s e patie nts the body o one or m ore ve rte brae the racture .
(ge ne rally lowe r thoracic and/or lum bar s e gm e nts ) has unde r- Ve rtebroplasty is cost e e ctive , has a short re cove ry pe riod,
gone a com pre s s ion racture due to os te o- and in many cas es may e liminate the ne e d or di f cult and ex-
poros is , traum a, tum ors , or prolonge d pe nsive spinal s urge ry. The procedure is not inte nded or tre at-
us e o s te roid drugs . me nt o herniate d dis ks and othe r type s o ve rte bral pathology.

Fra cture d
ve rte bra Ne e dle

Inje ction of bone ce me nt into fra cture

Re pa ire d
ve rte bra


CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 189

Lordos is Kyphos is S colios is S colios is Corre cte d s colios is


FIGURE 8-18 Abnormal spinal curvatures. A, Lordosis (hyperlordosis). B, Kyphosis (hyperkyphosis).

C, Scoliosis. D, An x-ray showing pronounced scoliosis and E, an x-ray o an 11-year-old girl a ter corrective
surgery or scoliosis.

Sco iosis treatments vary depending on the degree o atera Each o the 12 pairs o ribs is attached posterior y to a
curvature and resu ting de ormity o individua vertebrae. radi- vertebra. A so, a the ribs except the ower two pairs are at-
tiona treatments or sco iosis inc ude ong-term use o support- tached to the sternum and so have anterior and posterior 8
ive braces, transcutaneous (through-the-skin) musc e stimu a- anchors.
tion, and surgery. E ectrica stimu ation o musc es on one side Look c ose y at Figure 8-19 and you can see that the f rst
o the spine over time he ps pu the vertebrae into a more nor- seven pairs o ribs (sometimes re erred to as the true ribs) are
ma position. Surgica procedures to straighten the spine may attached to the sternum by costal cartilage. T e remaining ribs
invo ve bone gra ts and the insertion o interna meta rods. are ca ed alse ribs because they do not attach direct y to the
Fa se rib pairs 8, 9, and 10 attach to the carti ages o rib
Th o r a x pair 7. T e ast two pairs o a se ribs, in contrast, are not at-
we ve pairs o ribs, the sternum (breastbone), and the thoracic tached to any costa carti age but seem to oat ree in ront,
vertebrae orm the bony cage known as the thorax or chest. hence their descriptive name, oating ribs (Table 8-4).

Cos tos te rna l a rticula tion Clavicle

S te rnoclavicula r
2 joint
3 Ma nubrium
True ribs 4 Body S te rnum

5 Xiphoid
proce s s
Cos ta l
8 11 ca rtila ge
Fals e ribs 9 12 S
10 R L

Flo ating ribs I

FIGURE 8-19 Thorax. Rib pairs 1 through 7, the true ribs, are attached by cartilage to the sternum. Rib pairs
8 through 10, the alse ribs, are attached to the cartilage o the seventh pair. Rib pairs 11 and 12 are called
f oating ribs because they have no anterior cartilage attachments.
190 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

T e on y direct point o attachment between bones o the

TABLE 8-4 Bones o the Thorax
upper extremity and thorax occurs at the sternoclavicular
NAME NUMBER DES CRIPTION joint between the c avic e and the sternum or breastbone. As
True ribs 14 Uppe r s eve n pairs ; attache d to you can see in Figures 8-9 and 8-19, this joint is very sma .
s te rnum by cos tal cartilage s Because the upper extremity is capab e o a wide range o mo-
Fals e ribs 10 Lowe r f ve pairs ; lowe s t two pairs tion, great pressures can occur at or near the joint. As a resu t,
do not attach to s te rnum ; the re - ractures o the c avic e are very common.
ore , calle d oating ribs ; next T e humerus is the ong bone o the arm and the second
thre e pairs attache d to s te rnum ongest bone in the body. It is attached to the scapu a at its
by cos tal cartilage o s eve nth ribs proxima end, where it is he d in p ace and permitted to move
Ste rnum 1 Bre as tbone ; s hape d like a dagge r; primari y by a group o musc es that are together ca ed the
pie ce o cartilage at lowe r e nd o rotator cuf .
bone calle d xiphoid proce s s ; T e dista end o the humerus articu ates with the two
s upe rior portion calle d the
bones o the orearm at the e bow joint. T e bones o the
m anubrium
orearm are the radius and the ulna.
T e anatomy o the e bow is a good examp e o how struc-
ture is re ated to unction. Note in Figure 8-20 that the rounded
A p p e n d ic u la r S k e le t o n trochlea o the humerus f ts into the trochlear notch o the u na
O the 206 bones that orm the ske eton as a who e, 126 are to orm a hinge ike structure that a ows the e bow to bend
contained in the appendicu ar subdivision (see Figure 8-9). or ex.
Note that the bones in the shou der, or pectoral girdle, con- Notice a so that the arge bony process o the u na, ca ed
nect the bones o the arm, orearm, wrist, and hands to the the olecranon, f ts nice y into a arge depression on the pos-
axia ske eton o the thorax, and the hip, or pelvic girdle, con- terior sur ace o the humerus, ca ed the olecranon ossa. T is
nects the bones o the thigh, eg, ank e, and oot to the axia arrangement prevents the hinge o the e bow rom extend-
8 ske eton o the pe vis. ing beyond a straight-arm positiona stabi ity needed to
ho d objects e cient y.
QUICK CHECK T e radius and the u na o the orearm articu ate with each
other and with the dista end o the humerus at the e bow
1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n th e a xia l s ke le to n a n d th e
a p p e n d icu la r s ke le to n ? joint. In addition, they a so touch each another dista y where
2. Wh a t is a s u tu re ? A o n ta n e l? A s in u s ? they articu ate with the bones o the wrist. In the anatomica
3. Wh a t is th e hyo id b o n e a n d w h e re is it lo ca te d ? position, with the arm at the side and the pa m acing or-
4. Na m e th e s e ctio n s o th e ve rte b ra e ? Ho w m a ny b o n e s a re ward, the radius runs a ong the atera side o the orearm, and
in e a ch s e ctio n ? the u na is ocated a ong the media side o the orearm.
5. Ho w d o e s a a ls e rib d i e r ro m a tru e rib ?
T e wrist and the hand have more bones in them or their
size than any other part o the body8 carpal or wrist bones,
5 metacarpal bones that orm the support structure or the
U p p e r Ex t r e m it y pa m o the hand, and 14 phalanges, or f nger, bones
T e scapula, or shou der b ade, and the clavicle, or co ar 27 bones in a (Table 8-5). T is composition is very important
bone, compose the shoulder girdle, or pectoral girdle. T is structura y. T e presence o many sma bones in the hand
structure connects the upper extremity to the axia ske eton. and wrist and the many movab e joints between them makes

TABLE 8-5 Bones o the Upper Extremities

Clavicle 2 Collar bone s ; only joints be twe e n s houlde r girdle and axial s ke le ton are thos e be twe e n e ach clavicle and
s te rnum (s te rnoclavicular joints )
Scapula 2 Shoulde r blade s ; s capula plus clavicle orm s s houlde r girdle ; acrom ion proce s s tip o s houlde r that orm s
joint w ith clavicle ; gle noid cavityarm s ocke t
Hum e rus 2 Arm bone (m us cle s are attache d to the gre ate r tube rcle and to the m e dial and late ral e picondyle s ; the troch-
le a articulate s w ith the ulna; the s urgical ne ck is a com m on racture s ite )
Radius 2 Bone on thum b s ide o ore arm (m us cle s are attache d to the radial tube ros ity and to the s tyloid proce s s )
Ulna 2 Bone on little f nge r s ide o ore arm ; ole cranon proce s s proje ction o ulna know n as e lbow or unny bone
(m us cle s are attache d to the coronoid proce s s and to the s tyloid proce s s )
Carpal bone s 16 Irre gular bone s at uppe r e nd o hand; anatom ical w ris t
Me tacarpals 10 Form ram ework o palm o hand
Phalange s 28 Finge r bone s ; thre e in e ach f nge r, two in e ach thum b
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 191

Gre a te r He a d Trochle a r
tube rcle notch Ole cra non
Le s s e r proce s s
tube rcle He a d of Coronoid Hume rus
ra dius proce s s
Inte rtube rcula r Ra dia l
groove tube ros ity Ra dia l Coronoid
fos s a fos s a
De ltoid
tube ros ity Nutrie nt La te ra l
A Me dia l
fora me n e picondyle
C e picondyle
B Ca pitulum Trochle a
Radius Ulna
He a d of
Hume rus ra dius Coronoid
proce s s
fos s a Ulna
Ra dia l fos s a
La te ra l Me dia l
S tyloid VIEW
e picondyle e picondyle
S tyloid proce s s
proce s s of ulna
of ra dius S
Ca pitulum
Trochle a B L M

He a d
Gre a te r
tube rcle
Ole cra non
proce s s
He a d of ra dius Hume rus
proce s s
Ana tomica l
ne ck Ne ck
Ole cra non
Ra dia l Me dia l fos s a
S urgica l ne ck tube ros ity e picondyle La te ra l
D e picondyle
F Ole cra non
Coronoid proce s s
Ulna Radius E
Hume rus proce s s

Ole cra non Radius
fos s a La te ra l VIEW
e picondyle S tyloid F
S tyloid proce s s
proce s s of ra dius
Me dia l S
of ulna
e picondyle
Trochle a
D I FIGURE 8-20 Right arm and orearm.

the human hand high y maneuverab ea owing us to easi y the pe vis, attached in erior y to the sacrum o the vertebra
make and use too s. co umn. T is ring ike arrangement o bones provides a strong
Figure 8-21 shows the re ationships between the bones o base o support or the torso and connects the ower extremi-
the wrist and hand. ties to the axia ske eton.
In an in ants body, each coxa bone consists o three sepa-
rate bonesthe ilium, the ischium, and the pubis (see
Lo w e r Ex t r e m it y Figure 8-8). T ese bones grow together to become one bone in
T e hip girdle, or pelvic girdle, is the part o the ower ex- an adu t (see Figures 8-9 and 8-25 on pp. 182 and 195.
tremity that connects to the trunk. T e pe vic gird e as a who e Just as the humerus is the on y bone in the arm, the emur
consists o two arge coxal bones, one ocated on each side o is the on y bone in the thigh (Figure 8-22). It is the ongest bone
192 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Dis tal
II Middle

III IV V Proximal
I phalanx
V Me tac arpal
bo ne
II III IV Hamate
I Capitate
Trape zo id Trape zo id
Pis ifo rm Trique trum
Trape zium Trape zium
Capitate Lunate
S c apho id S c apho id
Trique trum
S tyloid proce s s
Lunate of ulna
S tyloid proce s s
of ra dius
Radius Ulna Ulna r he a d


FIGURE 8-21 Right hand and wrist. Note that the phalanges o each respective nger are designated with
8 a Roman numeral.


He alth pro e s s ionals o te n ide nti y exte rnally palpable bony land- Angle of ma ndible
m arks w he n de aling w ith the s ick and injure d. Palpable bony ony Acromion proce s s of s ca pula
landm arks are bone s that can be touche d and ide ntif e d through gh
the s kin. They s e rve as re e re nce points in ide nti ying othe r body
dy Clavicle
s tructure s .
Try to ide nti y as m any o the e xte rnally palpable bone s o
the s ke le ton as pos s ible on your ow n body. Us ing the s e ass La te ra l e picondyle of hume rus
points o re e re nce w ill m ake it e as ie r or you to vis ualize the Me dia l e picondyle of hume rus
place m e nt o othe r bone s that cannot be touche d or palpate d
through the s kin. Ilia c cre s t

S tyloid proce s s of ra dius

S tyloid proce s s of ulna

Pa te lla

Ante rior borde r of tibia

Me dia l ma lle olus of tibia S

La te ra l ma lle olus of fibula R L
Me ta ta rs a ls
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 193

Ne ck FIGURE 8-22 Right thigh, knee joint, and leg. A, B, and C are anterior views.
D is a posterior view.
He a d
Gre a te r
trocha nte r
Inte rtrocha nte ric

Le s s e r
trocha nte r Me dia l
e picondyle
Fe mur
Pate lla
La te ra l
Fe mur e picondyle
S Me dia l
L M La te ra l
condyle Tibia l
La te ra l I tube ros ity
e picondyle
Adductor He a d of
fibula Tibia
tube rcle
La te ra l
condyle Me dia l
Me dia l Fibula
e picondyle
B s urfa ce
of tibia
Pa te lla r S
s urfa ce Me dia l
A condyle L M

Inte rcondyla r Poplite a l

La te ra l e mine nce s urfa ce
condyle of fe mur
Me dia l La te ra l
condyle e picondyle

He a d of La te ra l condyle
fibula Tibia l
tube ros ity Me dia l
Inte rcondyla r fos s a
Cre s t
Me dia l La te ra l condyle
He a d of fibula
Pos te rior S
Pos te rior
s urfa ce
Tibia S D s urfa ce
Fibula of tibia
of fibula M L


A s ender, nonweight-bearing, and rather ragi e bone named

the bula ies a ong the outer or atera border o the eg.
La te ra l
ma lle olus Me dia l
oe bones have the same name as f nger bonesphalanges.
ma lle olus T ere is the same number o toe bones as f nger bones, a act
C that might surprise you because toes are shorter than f ngers.
Foot bones comparab e to the metacarpa s and carpa s o
in the body and articu ates proxima y (toward the hip) with the hand have s ight y di erent names. T ey are ca ed
the coxa bone in a deep, cup-shaped socket ca ed the metatarsals and tarsals in the oot (Figure 8-23). Just as each
acetabulum. T e articu ation o the head o the emur in the hand contains f ve metacarpa bones, each oot contains f ve
acetabu um is more stab e than the articu ation o the head o metatarsa bones. H owever, the oot has on y seven tarsa
the humerus with the scapu a in the upper extremity. As a re- bones, in contrast to the hands eight carpa s. T e argest tarsa
su t, dis ocation o the hip occurs ess o ten than does disar- bone is the calcaneus, or hee bone. T e talus is the second
ticu ation o the shou der. Dista y, the emur articu ates with argest tarsa bone and articu ates with the tibia at the ank e
the kneecap, or patella, and the tibia, or shinbone. T e tibia joint. T e bones o the ower extremities are summarized in
orms a rather sharp edge or crest a ong the anterior o the eg. Table 8-6.
194 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Dis tal phalanx You stand on your eet, so it is important that certain ea-
Middle phalanx tures o their structure make them ab e to support the bodys
weight. T e great toe, or examp e, is considerab y more so id
and ess mobi e than the thumb. T e oot bones are he d to-
Phalang e s gether in such a way as to orm springy engthwise and cross-
phalanx wise arches.
wo arches extend in a engthwise direction in the oot
(Figure 8-24, A). O ne ies on the inside part o the oot
and is ca ed the medial longitudinal arch. T e other ies
a ong the outer edge o the oot and is named the lateral
longitudinal arch. Another arch extends across the ba o
Me tatars als
the oot; this arch is ca ed the transverse arch, or metatarsal
arch (Figure 8-24, C).
II III T ese arches provide great supporting strength and a
V Cune ifo rm
high y stab e base. Strong igaments and eg musc e tendons
I II III bo ne s norma y ho d the oot bones f rm y in their arched positions.
Frequent y, however, the oot igaments and tendons weaken.
T e arches then atten, a condition appropriate y ca ed allen
Cubo id bo ne
arches or at eet (Figure 8-24, B).
Navic ular bo ne
Tars als
S k e le t a l Va r ia t io n s
Many di erent actors cause each individua s ske eton to vary
Talus P rom a other human ske etons. In this section, we exp ore a
8 Calc ane us bo ne ew o those actors.

M a le -Fe m a le S k e le t a l D i e r e n c e s
FIGURE 8-23 Right oot. Compare the names and numbers o oot
bones (viewed here rom above) with those o the hand bones shown in A mans ske eton and a womans ske eton di er in severa ways.
Figure 8-21. I you were to examine a ma e ske eton and a ema e ske eton
p aced side by side, you wou d
probab y f rst notice the di er-
TABLE 8-6 Bones o the Lower Extremities
ence in their sizes. Most ma e
NAME NUMBER DES CRIPTION ske etons have bones that are
Coxal bone 2 Hipbone s ; ilium uppe r aring part o pe lvic bone ; is chium lowe r arger, with more distinct bumps
pos te rior part; pubic bone lowe r ront part; ace tabulum hip and other markings, than most
s ocke t; s ym phys is pubis joint in m idline be twe e n two pubic ema e ske etons. T is di erence
bone s ; pe lvic inle tope ning into true pe lvis or pe lvic cavity; i resu ts part y rom the di erence
pe lvic inle t is m is s hape n or too s m all, in ant s kull cannot e nte r
in musc e tension on bonesthe
true pe lvis or natural birth
more tension on bone, the bigger
Fe m ur 2 Thigh bone s ; he ad o e m urball-s hape d uppe r e nd o bone ; f ts and denser the bone gets at the
into ace tabulum (m us cle s are attache d to the gre ate r and le s s e r
points o musc e attachment.
trochante rs and to the late ral and m e dial e picondyle s ; the late ral
T ese ma e- ema e distinc-
and m e dial condyle s orm articulations at the kne e )
tions are visib e in near y every
Pate lla 2 Kne e cap
bone o the body, so it is no
Tibia 2 Shinbone ; m e dial m alle olus rounde d proje ction at lowe r e nd o wonder that orensic scientists
tibia com m only calle d inne r ankle bone ; m us cle s are attache d to
can o ten accurate y determine
the tibial tube ros ity
the sex o human remains using
Fibula 2 Long s le nde r bone o late ral s ide o le g; late ral m alle olus rounde d just a ew bones. Sex di erences
proje ction at lowe r e nd o f bula com m only calle d oute r ankle bone
are a so important in sports
Tars al bone s 14 Form he e l and pos te rior part o oot; anatom ical ankle ; large s t is the physio ogy and medicine, where
calcane us it is use u in improving ath etic
Me tatars als 10 Form part o oot to w hich toe s are attache d; tars al and m e tatars al per ormance in some sports and
bone s arrange d s o that they orm thre e arche s in oot; m e dial in avoiding certain injuries.
(inne r) longitudinal arch and late ral (oute r) longitudinal arch, w hich Perhaps the most obvious o
exte nd rom ront to back o oot, and trans ve rs e or m e tatars al
the many structura di erences
arch, w hich exte nds acros s oot
between the ma e and ema e
Phalange s 28 Toe bone s ; thre e in e ach toe , two in e ach gre at toe ske etons are in the pelvic girdle
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 195

or pelvisthe ring ormed by the Me dia l longitudina l a rch

two coxa bones and sacrum. T e Tibia
La te ra l longitudina l a rch Fibula
word pelvis means basin.T e wide
structure o the ema e pe vis a ows Talus
the body o a etus to be crad ed in Navic ular
Tars al bo ne Cubo id bo ne
it be ore birth, and its wide opening bo ne s
Cune ifo rm
a ows the baby to pass through it A No rmal lo ng itudinal arc h bo ne Me tatars al
during birth. bo ne s
Calc ane us
A though the individua ma e Phalang e s
coxa bones are genera y arger than
the individua ema e coxa bones,
together the ma e coxa bones orm
a narrower structure than do the C Trans ve rs e arch
ema e coxa bones. A mans pe vis is
shaped more ike a unne than the B Flatfo o t
broad, sha ow basin o the ema e
pe vis (Figure 8-25). FIGURE 8-24 Arches o the oot. A, Medial and lateral longitudinal arches. (Arrows show direction o
orce.) B, Flat oot occurs when tendons and ligaments weaken and the arches all. C, Transverse arch.
You can a so see in Figure 8-25
that the openings rom the abdo-
men into and through the pe visthe pe vic in et and pe vic the ma e. T is e ect is part y because the ang e at the ront o
out etare both norma y much wider in the ema e than in the ema e pe vis where the two pubic bones join is wider than
in the ma e. Such an arrangement a ows more room or a
etuss head to move through during chi dbirth.
Find the major structures o the ske eta system in the Clear

View o the Human Body ( o ows p. 8) and compare the ma e 8
S acrum Pe lvic inle t and ema e structures, which are i ustrated side-by-side.
bo ne
S a cra l
Pe lvic Ag e D i e r e n c e s
inle t
Pe lvic As we earned ear ier in the chapter, during chi dhood and
outle t ado escence the bones o the ske eton en arge and become
Symphys is more ossif ed. T e human ske eton is considered to reach its
mature state around age 25. From then unti about age 50 or
so, the ske eton is in a state o active maintenance, continua y
Pubic a ngle remode ingdisso ving and rebui dingbone tissue.
Male A ter age 50, the density o bone o ten decreases s ow y
because o a shi t in the remode ing activity. An e der y per-
sons ske eton o ten weighs much ess than it did when they
were in their 30s.

Coxal S acrum En v iro n m e n t a l Fa c t o r s

bo ne
Among the many actors that can cause variations in ones
Pe lvic Pe lvic o utle t ske eton is nutrition. W ithout enough ca cium and vitamin D,
inle t especia y during the deve opmenta years, the ske eton may
Is chia l s pine
Pe lvic not reach its u potentia o growth or it may show signs o
outle t Co c cyx
ear y degeneration.
Symphys is
pubis Load-bearing, or mechanica stress, o using the ske eton
a ects how bone tissue is remode ed. Exercise has a pro ound
Pubic a ngle
e ect on the ske eton. An active o der person can reverse
Fe male R L much or a o the bone oss associated with aging. Scientists
can sometimes te a persons occupation by which bonesor
which parts o bonesare more deve oped. For examp e, a
person who works with heavy oads on their right arm every
day wi have denser bones in the right arm and shou der than
FIGURE 8-25 Comparison o the male and emale pelvis. Notice the in the e t arm.
narrower width o the male pelvis, giving it a more unnel-like shape than Breaks and repairs simi ar y cause individua variations in
the emale pelvis. The pubic angle is narrower in males than emales. the ske eton.
196 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System


(of fe mur)
The point o articulation be twe e n the e piphys is and diaphys is
o a grow ing long bone is s us ce ptible to injury i ove rs tre s s e d,
e s pe cially in the young child or pre adole s ce nt athle te . In the s e Epiphys e a l
fra cture
individuals the e piphys e al plate can be s e parate d rom the di-
aphys is or e piphys is , caus ing an e piphys e al racture . This x-ray
s tudy s how s s uch a racture in a young boy. Without s ucce s s ul Epiphys is
(of fe mur)
tre atm e nt, an e piphys e al racture m ay inhibit norm al grow th.
Stunte d bone grow th in turn m ay caus e the a e cte d lim b to be
Kne e joint
s horte r than the norm al lim b.
In addition to e piphys e al racture s , viole nt contraction or
ove rs tre tching o a m us cle in s ke le tally im m ature individuals P Epiphys e a l pla te
als o can caus e a ragm e nt o bone unde r the point o attach- M L Tibia
m e nt to bre ak away rom the bone as a w hole . The re s ult is
calle d an avuls io n racture (s e e p. 205). D Fibula

at the anatomy, do you understand why you cannot move your

To see images o skeletal variations, check out
arm at your e bow in near y as many directions as you can at
the article Skeletal Variations at Connect It! at
your shou der?
8 Kin d s o J o in t s
1. Na m e s o m e o th e b o n e s o th e u p p e r a n d lo w e r One method c assif es joints into three types according to the
e xtre m itie s . degree o movement they a ow:
2. Id e n ti y th e th re e b o n e s th a t u s e to g e th e r to o rm th e
coxa l b o n e o a n a d u lt. 1. Synarthrosesno movement
3. Na m e th e a rch e s th a t o rm th e o o t a n d e xp la in th e ir 2. Amphiarthrosess ight movement
s ig n if ca n ce . 3. Diarthroses ree movement
4. Ho w d o e s th e e m a le p e lvis d i e r ro m th e m a le p e lvis ?
Di erences in joint structure account or di erences in the
degree o movement that is possib e.
J o in t s
To better understand this concept, use the
A r t ic u la t io n o Bo n e s Active Concept Map Classif cation o J oints at
T e term joint is borrowed rom carpentry, where it re ers to
the structure ormed when pieces o wood are joined together.
In anatomy, a joint is the structure ormed when bones join
together. Joints are a so ca ed articulationsa term based on
S y n a r t h ro s e s
the word part arthro, which means joint. A synarthrosis is a joint in which no signif cant movement
Every bone in the body, except one, connects to at east one occurs. T is unctiona characteristic is produced by the f -
other bone. In other words, every bone but one orms a joint brous connective tissue ( igaments) between the articu ating
with some other bone. T e exception is the hyoid bone in the (joining) bones, ho ding them tight y together. T e joints be-
neck, to which the tongue anchors. Most o us probab y never tween crania bones are synarthroses, common y ca ed sutures
think much about our joints un ess something goes wrong (Figure 8-26, A).
with them, and they do not unction proper y. T en their tre-
mendous importance becomes pain u y c ear.
Joints ho d our bones together secure y and at the same
A m p h ia r t h ro s e s
time make it possib e or movement to occur between the An amphiarthrosis is a joint in which on y s ight movement
bonesbetween most o them, that is. W ithout joints we is possib e. Amphiarthroses are usua y made up o f brocarti-
cou d not move our arms, egs, or any other o our body parts. age, which joins the bones tight ybut o ten with s ight
O ur bodies wou d, in short, be rigid, immobi e hu ks. exibi ity.
ry, or examp e, to move your arm at your shou der joint T e symphysis pubis, the joint between the two pubic
in as many directions as you can. ry to do the same thing at bones, is an amphiarthrosis (Figure 8-26, B). It norma y on y
your e bow joint. Now examine the shape o the bones at each exes ate in pregnancy when movement o the pe vic gird e
o these joints on a ske eton or in Figures 8-9 and 8-20. Looking is he p u during de ivery o an in ant.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 197

SYNARTHROS IS FIGURE 8-26 J oints. Two o the three major classes o

joints. A, Synarthrotic joint. B, Amphiarthrotic joint.


Corona l
s uture

R L symphys is


Another examp e is the vertebral disk that connects each

vertebra body to the next in the spina co umn. Damage to a S t r u c t u r e o D ia r t h ro s e s 8
disk caused by the pressure o sudden exertion or injury may D iarthroses ( ree y movab e joints) are made a ike in certain
push its wa into the spina cana (Figure 8-27). Severe pain ways. A have a joint capsu e, a joint cavity, and a ayer o hya-
may resu t i the disk presses on the spina cord or spina ine carti age (articu ar carti age) over the ends o two joining
nerve. Popu ar y known as a slipped disk, this condition is bones (Figure 8-28).
known to hea th pro essiona s as a herniated disk. T e joint capsule is made o the bodys strongest and
toughest materia , f brous connective tissue, and is ined with
a smooth, s ippery synovia membrane. T e capsu e f ts over
D ia r t h ro s e s the ends o the two bones somewhat ike a s eeve. Because it
T e vast majority o our joints are diarthroses. Such joints a - attaches f rm y to the sha t o each bone to orm its covering
ow considerab e movement, sometimes in many directions (periosteum), the joint capsu e ho ds the bones secure y to-
and sometimes in on y one or two directions. gether but at the same time permits movement at the joint.

P re s s ure on P re s s ure
Ve rte bra l Cavity for Ve rte bra l s pina l cord (body we ight)
s pine s pina l cord body a nd ne rve

He rnia te d dis k
ca rtila ge Ve rte bra l
P ulpy dis k
tis s ue


FIGURE 8-27 Herniated disk. Sagittal section o vertebrae showing (A) normal and (B) herniated disks.
198 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

T e ayer o articular cartilage over the joint ends o bones

acts ike a rubber hee on a shoeit absorbs jo ts. T e articu ar
carti age a so provides a smooth sur ace that enab es the
bones o the joint to move with itt e riction. T e synovial
membrane secretes a ubricating uid (synovial uid) that
Pe rios te um a ows easier movement with ess riction.
In some joints, the synovia membrane orms a pocket ike
extension or a pouch f ed a ongside a joint. Ca ed a bursa,
Blood ve s s e l this pocket o uid acts as a shock-absorbing cushion around
Ne rve
the bones o the joint. Irritation, injury, or in ection o a bursa
can cause in ammationa condition ca ed bursitis.

Fu n c t io n o D ia r t h ro s e s
Articula r
ca rtila ge T ere are severa types o diarthroses: ball-and-socket, hinge,
J oint pivot, saddle, gliding, and condyloid joints (Figure 8-29). Because
cavity they di er in structure, they di er a so in their possib e range
J oint
o movement.
ca ps ule
Ball-and-Socket J oints
Articula r
ca rtila ge In a ball-and-socket joint, a ba -shaped head o one bone
f ts into a concave socket o another bone. Shou der and hip
S ynovia l
me mbra ne joints, or examp e, are ba -and-socket joints. O a the joints
in our bodies, these permit the widest range o movements.
T ink or a moment about how many ways you can move your
8 L M arms. You can move them orward, backward, away rom the
D sides o your body, and back down to your sides. You can a so
move them around so as to make a circ e in the air with your
FIGURE 8-28 Diarthrotic joint structure. Each diarthrosis has a joint hands.
capsule, a joint cavity, and a layer o cartilage over the ends o the joined bones.
Hinge J oints
T e structure o the joint capsu e, in other words, he ps make Hinge joints, ike the hinges on a door, a ow movements in
possib e the joints unction. on y two directions, name y, exion and extension. Flexion is
Ligaments (cords or bands made o the same strong f brous bending a joint; extension is straightening it out (Table 8-7).
connective tissue as the joint capsu e) a so grow out o the E bow and knee joints and the joints in the f ngers are hinge
periosteum and ash the two bones together even more f rm y. joints.


D De ns of a xis
B rota ting a ga ins t
a tla s
E Elbow joint He a d of ra dius
rota ting a ga ins t


F Ca rpome ta ca rpa l
joint of thumb Atla ntooccipita l


S houlde r joint Articula r

Hip joint proce s s e s
FIGURE 8-29 Diarthrotic joint types. Notice that the structure o be twe e n
each type indicates its unction (movement). The mechanical diagrams ve rte bra e
represent the type o action at the highlighted anatomical joints.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 199

TABLE 8-7 Types o J oint Movements

Fle xio n (to ex a joint) Flexion Exte ns io n (to exte nd a joint) Exte ns ion
Re duce s the angle o the joint, as in Incre as e s the angle o a joint, as in
be nding the e lbow s traighte ning a be nt e lbow

Abductio n (to abduct a joint) Adductio n (to adduct a joint) Adduction

Incre as e s the angle o a joint to De cre as e s the angle o a joint to
m ove a part away rom the m ove a part toward the m idline ,
m idline , as in m oving the arm to as in m oving the arm in and
the s ide and away rom the body dow n rom the s ide

Ro tatio n (to rotate a joint) Rota tion Circum ductio n (to circum duct a Circumduction
Spins one bone re lative to anothe r, joint)
as in rotating the he ad at the ne ck Move s the dis tal e nd o a bone in a
joint circle , w hile circum ducting a
joint, ke e ping the proxim al e nd
re lative ly s table , as in m oving
the arm in a circle and thus cir-
cum ducting the s houlde r joint

Pivot J oints W ithout the sadd e joints, we cou d not do simp e acts
Pivot joints are those in which a sma projection o one bone such as picking up a pin or grasping a penci between thumb
pivots in an arch o another bone. For examp e, reca rom and oref nger.
Figure 8-16 (on p. 187) that a projection o the axis (second
cervica vertebra) is a point around which an arch o the atlas Gliding J oints
(f rst cervica vertebra) can pivot. T is pivoting motion is re- Gliding joints are the east movab e diarthrotic joints. T eir
erred to as rotation. Because the sku rests on the at as, this at articu ating sur aces a ow imited g iding movements,
action rotates the head. such as that at the superior and in erior articu ating processes
between successive vertebrae.
Saddle J oints
On y one pair o saddle joints exists in the bodybetween the Condyloid J oints
metacarpa bone o each thumb and a carpa bone o the wrist Condyloid joints are those in which a condy e (an ova pro-
(the name o this carpa bone is the trapezium). Because the jection) f ts into an e iptica socket. An examp e is the f t o
articu ating sur aces o these bones are sadd e-shaped, they the dista end o the radius into depressions in the carpa
make possib e the human thumbs great mobi ity, a mobi ity no bones.
anima s thumb possesses. We can ex, extend, abduct, adduct,
and circumduct our thumbs, and most important o a , we can
To learn more about types o joint movement, go to
move our thumbs to touch the tip o any one o our f ngers.
AnimationDirect online at
(T is movement is ca ed opposing the thumb to the ngers.)
200 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System


Be caus e total hip re place m e nt (THR) is one o the m ore com m on ortho-
pe dic ope rations pe r orm e d on olde r pe rs ons (m ore than 300,000 pro-
ce dure s pe r ye ar in the Unite d State s ), hom e he alth care pro e s s ionals
o te n are e ngage d to work w ith patie nts re cove ring rom THR s urge ry. It
is a type o arthro plas tythat is , a proce dure that partially or totally
re place s a dis e as e d joint w ith an artif cial device (pros the s is ).
The THR proce dure involve s re place m e nt o the e m oral he ad by a
m e tal pros the s is and the ace tabular s ocke t by a polye thyle ne cup. The
pros the s is is us ually coate d w ith a porous m ate rial that allow s natural
grow th o bone to m e s h w ith the artif cial m ate rial. Such m e s hing o
tis s ue and pros the s is e ns ure s s tability o the parts w ithout the loos e n-
ing that the us e o glue s in the pas t o te n allowe d.
Firs t introduce d in 1953, THR te chnique has advance d to the s tate
that it is now one o the m os t s ucce s s ul s urgical proce dure s in adults .
As patie nts re cove r at hom e a te r THR s urge ry, they can expe ct to
progre s s through norm al s urgical he aling and re cove ry, w hich include s
s tabilization o the pros the s is as new tis s ue grow s into the porous coat-
ing that was applie d to the pros the s is . Typically, THR patie nts als o can
expe ct alm os t im m e diate pain re lie and to re gain s om e previous ly los t
unction in the a e cte d hipincluding im prove d we ight-be aring and
walking m ove m e nts .

QUICK CHECK T ese tumors are characterized by severe, unre enting pain.
reatment invo ves surgica remova o the tumor and both
1. Id e n ti y th e th re e m a jo r typ e s o jo in ts in th e s ke le to n .
Na m e a n e xa m p le o e a ch . presurgica and postsurgica chemotherapy.
2. Wh a t m e m b ra n e in a d ia rth ro tic jo in t p ro vid e s lu b rica tio n
o r m ove m e n t? C a r t ila g e Tu m o r s
3. Wh a t is a liga m e n t? Chondrosarcoma is cancer o ske eta hya ine carti age tissue
4. Na m e th re e e xa m p le s o a h in g e jo in t a n d d e s crib e th e
and is the second most common type o cancer a ecting bones.
m ove m e n t a h in g e jo in t a llo w s .

S k e le t a l D is o r d e r s L M

Tu m o r s P

wo o the most serious ske eta disorders invo ve ma ignant

tumors o bone tissue and carti age.

Bo n e Tu m o r s
T e most common and devastating ma ignant neop asm o
bone is ca ed osteosarcoma. wenty-f ve years ago near y a P
patients diagnosed with this disease died within 3 years. A -
though sti considered a very aggressive and destructive type
o cancer, ear ier diagnosis and newer treatment options are D
increasing surviva rates and decreasing the need or immedi- A Os te os a rcoma B Chondros a rcoma
ate and comp ete amputation o a ected imbs.
Osteosarcomas occur most o ten in the dista emur FIGURE 8-30 Tumors. Surgical specimens sectioned longitudinally.
A, Osteosarcoma o distal emur. The tumor has broken out o the medullary
(Figure 8-30, A) and proxima areas o the tibia and humerus. cavity and is growing on the sur ace o the bone. B, Chondrosarcoma o
Near y twice as many ma es are a ected as ema es and most proximal humerus. Note the glistening appearance o the hyaline cartilage
cases occur between 20 and 40 years o age. tumor in the medullary cavity.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 201

FIGURE 8-31 Osteoporosis. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) o

(A) normal bone and (B) bone with osteoporosis. Note the loss o tra-
beculae and appearance o enlarged spaces in the osteoporotic bone.

T e most common tumor sites invo ve the medu ary cavity

o the humerus, emur, ribs, and pe vic bones (Figure 8-30, B).
Chondrosarcomas occur most o ten in adu ts between
40 and 70 years o age. Incidence is s ight y higher in ma es.
Pain is a common but not a universa symptom and
when present is genera y ess severe than in osteosarcoma.
reatment is surgica remova o the esion. Chemotherapy
is not e ective in treating chondrosarcoma.

Tumors and cancers o bone and cartilage are

A Norma l B Os te oporos is
o ten di f cult to detect early. Medical imaging
can helpcheck out the article Bone Scans at
Connect It! at Rickets invo ves deminera ization o deve oping bones in
in ants and young chi dren be ore ske eta maturity. In osteo-
ma acia, minera content is ost rom bones that have a ready
M e t a b o lic Bo n e D is e a s e s
O s t e o p o ro s is In rickets, the ack o rigidity caused by deminera ization
Osteoporosis is the name o the disorder in which bones ose o deve oping bones resu ts in gross ske eta changes inc uding
minera s and become ess dense, as evidenced on scanning a c assic bowing o the egs symptom (Figure 8-32). T e
e ectron micrograph studies (Figure 8-31). It is one o the most
common and serious bone diseases. 8
A though the cause remains unknown, genetics p ay a part in
the etio ogy, as do ow estrogen eve s and postmenopausa status
in women. Certain drugs, a diet ow in ca cium-containing
oods, ack o weight-bearing exercise, and smoking are a so risk
actors. Osteoporosis occurs most o ten in e der y white women.
T e disease is characterized by excessive oss o ca cif ed
bone matrix. A reduction in the number o branching trabecu-
ae in spongy bone is particu ar y noticeab e. T e name osteopo-
rosis means condition o bone pores re erring to the ho es or
pores ormed as bone tissue is ost. Compare the appearance o
norma and osteoporotic bone specimens in Figure 8-31.
A progressive increase in bone porosity causes the bones in
peop e with osteoporosis to become britt e and easi y broken.
Fractures may be comp ete y spontaneous or occur with even
minor trauma or during routine activities. T e most common
racture sites are the wrists, hips, and vertebrae. Compression
ractures o the vertebrae resu t in a shortened stature and the
c assic kyphosis o the thoracic spine ca ed dowagers hump
in e der y women su ering rom the disease. S
reatment or preventive measures may inc ude drug ther-
apy, weight-bearing exercise, and dietary supp ements o ca - L R

cium and vitamin D to rep ace def ciencies or to o set intes- I

tina ma absorption.

Ric k e t s a n d O s t e o m a la c ia
Rickets in young chi dren and osteomalacia in adu ts are
metabo ic ske eta diseases that a ect signif cant numbers o
individua s wor dwide. Both diseases are characterized by
deminera ization, or oss o minera s, rom bone re ated to
vitamin D def ciency. Vitamin D he ps the intestines absorb
ca cium rom the diet. T e oss o minera s is coup ed to an FIGURE 8-32 Rickets. Bowing o legs in this toddler is due to poorly
increased production o unminera ized matrix. mineralized bones
202 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

deminera ization o bones in osteoma acia does not genera y bones may compress crania nerves causing dea ness, b ind-
a ect overa ske eta contours but does resu t in increased ness, headaches, and acia para ysis. Un ortunate y, areas o
susceptibi ity to ractures, especia y in the vertebra bodies diseased bone deve op into osteosarcomas in about 1% o a -
and emora necks. ected individua s.
Vitamin D is produced by the body when sun ight strikes Paget disease a ects about 3% o peop e over 50 years o
the skin and its production is reduced during winter months age. T e disease has a genetic tendency and may be triggered
where peop e wear warmer c othing that covers more o their by vira in ections. Disease treatment inc udes most y pain
bodies. Vitamin D is added to some oods (mi k and some contro and drugs that improve the strength o the bone.
juices) to he p reduce this def ciency.
O s t e o g e n e s is Im p e r e c t a
P a g e t D is e a s e Osteogenesis imper ecta is a genetic disease that can a ect
Paget disease o bone, a so ca ed osteitis de ormans, was 1 in 30,000 births and is a so ca ed brittle-bone disease. T e
f rst described by British surgeon Sir James Paget in 1882. H is bones are britt e as the resu t o a ack o production o the
remarkab y detai ed observations o a patient he treated re- f brous matrix o bone.
peated y over a 20-year period or a de orming bone disease T e f brous materia (most y co agen) in bone gives it
are considered c assic in the anna s o surgery. the abi ity to withstand twisting and compression orces
T e disease Paget described is characterized by oca ized, without breaking. T e same concept app ies to the practice
intermittent, and uncontro ed episodes o a most renzied o p acing meta rods inside o concrete in bridge or road
osteoc astic (bone resorbing) and osteob astic (bone orming) construction. A bridge without meta rods wou d not be
activity. T e au ty remode ing process resu ts in bones that are ab e to withstand the weight and vibration o tra c. Bones
de ormed, unstab e, and easi y ractured (Figure 8-33). without organic f brous materia are thus very ragi e and
Paget disease is o ten asymptomatic ear y in its course but easi y ractured.
becomes pain u as the weak but o ten thickened areas o T e diagnosis o osteogenesis imper ecta usua y o ows
de ective bone cause de ormity, arthritic symptoms, and rac- increased racture rates and a b ood test or the enzyme a ka-
8 ture injuries. T e disease may invo ve one or many bones. T e ine phosphatase. reatment may inc ude sp inting o the
spine, sku , pe vis, and ong bones o the extremities are com- bone to reduce racture during growth and treatment with
mon sites. drugs that decrease the activity o ce s that break down bone
In addition to pain, the ocation o the esion may produce (Figure 8-34).
additiona unique symptoms. For examp e, de ormity o sku
Bo n e In e c t io n
Osteomyelitis is the genera name or bacteria in ections o
bone and marrow tissue. Staphylococcus bacteria are the most
common pathogens ound in this condition. T ey may reach
bone via the b oodstream or rom an adjacent so t tissue in ec-
tion such as an abscess, or be introduced direct y into the bone
as a resu t o open ractures, penetrating wounds, or by awed
surgica aseptic techniques.
On rare occasions, in ections a so may occur a ter insertion
o in ected donor tissues into bones or joints or by contami-
nated joint prostheses. Besides bacteria in ections, bone tissue
is a so susceptib e to damage by viruses, ungi, and other
Any bone in ection is di cu t to treat because o the den-
sity o the bone and the s owness o the hea ing process com-
pared with that o other tissues. Osteomye itis produces per-
sistent and severe pain, musc e spasm, swe ing, and ever. Pus
co ecting in the conf ned space o the bone increases pressure,
P decreases b ood ow, and in time wi cause necrosis or death
o bone tissue. Figure 8-35 shows a segment o in ected bone in
a severe case o chronic osteomye itis.
D Severe cases o osteomye itis are o ten treated with inten-
sive and repeated drug therapy inc uding parenteralthat is,
FIGURE 8-33 Paget disease (osteitis de ormans). The uzzy, disorga- intravenous (IV)administration o antibiotics. Di cu t
nized appearance o this emur results rom weakened and irregular cancel- cases o osteomye itis may become chronic and reappear
lous bone overgrowth. months or years a ter an assumed cure.
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 203

QUICK CHECK pierce the skin and so do not pose an immediate danger o
bone in ection.
1. Na m e tw o typ e s o m a lig n a n t tu m o rs th a t a e ct b o n e s .
2. Wh a t m e ta b o lic b o n e d is e a s e is ch a ra cte rize d b y kyp h o s is In complete ractures the bone ragments separate com-
o th e th o ra cic s p in e ca lle d d o wa g e rs h u m p ? p ete y, whereas in incomp ete ractures the bone ragments
3. Id e n ti y th e m e ta b o lic b o n e d is e a s e ch a ra cte rize d b y lo s s are sti partia y joined. Incomplete ractures in which a
o b o n e m in e ra ls a n d vita m in D d e f cie n cy in ch ild re n . bone is bent but broken on y on the outer curve o the bend
Wh a t is th e d is e a s e ca lle d in a d u lts ?
are o ten ca ed greenstick ractures. Greenstick ractures, com-
4. Wh a t is th e g e n e ra l n a m e o r b a cte ria l in e ctio n s o b o n e
a n d m a rro w tis s u e ? mon in chi dren, usua y hea rapid y.

Bo n e Fr a c t u r e s
Excessive mechanica stress on bones can resu t in breaks or
ractures. Sometimes bone cancer or metabo ic bone disorders
weaken a bone to the point that it ractures with very itt e
stress. Figure 8-36 shows some o the major types o ractures
summarized in the o owing paragraphs.
Open ractures, or compound ractures, in which bone
pierces the skin, invite the possibi ity o in ection or osteomy-
e itis. Closed ractures, a so known as simple ractures, do not

FIGURE 8-34 Osteogenesis imper ecta. These x-ray studies S

show the progression o treatment o emurs in the same individual
with brittle-bone disease. A telescoping rod is inserted into each
medullary cavity to provide rigidity, lengthening as the individual I
grows. A, Shows original x-ray lm; B, same individual with the rods
in place; C, x-ray lm o the same person 4 years later. A

204 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

O blique racture racture ine is diagona to the

bones ong axis. I the ob ique racture ine seems to
spira around a bone ike the stripe on a candy cane,
the racture may be ca ed a spiral racture.
A ter a racture occurs, a bone usua y b eeds, becomes in-
amed, and then orms a bony ramework ca ed a callus
around the injury (Figure 8-37). T e ca us tissue stabi izes the
bone ragments and thus aids in the ong hea ing and remod-
e ing process.

X-rays are commonly used in diagnosing bone

ractures. To see examples and get a new visual
perspective on skeletal anatomy, check out the
article Skeletal Radiography at Connect It! at

To learn more about bone racture and repair, go

P to AnimationDirect online at

J o in t D is o r d e r s
Joint disorders can be c assif ed as nonin ammatory joint
8 FIGURE 8-35 Osteomyelitis. Segment o emur rom a patient with
chronic osteomyelitis showing extensive damage rom in ection.
disease or in ammatory joint disease.

N o n in a m m a t o ry J o in t D is e a s e
Nonin ammatory joint disease is distinguished rom other
Comminuted ractures are breaks that produce many
joint conditions because it does not invo ve in ammation o
ragments. Impacted ractures occur when bone ragments
the synovia membrane and does not produce systemic signs
are driven into each other.
or symptoms.
Sometimes the ang e o the racture ine or crack is used in
Osteoarthritis, known a so as degenerative joint disease
abe ing racture types:
(DJD), is the most common nonin ammatory disorder o
Linear racture racture ine is para e to the movab e joints. Abnorma ormation o new bone (bone spurs)
bones ong axis. at joint sur aces and degeneration o articu ar carti age are
ransverse racture racture ine is at a right ang e characteristic eatures o osteoarthritis. Weight-bearing joints,
to the bones ong axis. such as the hips, umbar spine, and knees are o ten invo ved.

Line a r

Clos e d Incomple te
Ope n Tra ns ve rs e

Comple te
P Oblique


FIGURE 8-36 Bone ractures. A, Open. B, Closed. C, Incomplete and complete. D, Linear, transverse, and
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 205

Afte r a fra cture, A bony fra mework Os te obla s ts a nd

ble e ding a nd ca lle d a ca llus os te ocla s ts
infla mma tion forms, s ta bilizing continue
deve lop in the the bone during re mode ling the
a ffe cte d a re a . re pa ir. tis s ue until a
re pa ir is a chieve d.


I Ca llus
Fra cture

Re pa ire d
Ble e ding


FIGURE 8-37 Bone repair. A ter a racture (A), there is bleeding and inf ammation around the a ected
area (B). Special tissue orms a bony ramework called a callus (C) that stabilizes the bone until the repair is
complete (D).

Loca ized tenderness over a ected joints, morning sti ness, bone itse or the union between its epiphysis and diaphysis.
and pain on movement are requent symptoms. In these cases, vio ent musc e contractions can cause an
Figure 8-38, A, shows another common sign o osteoarthritis avulsion racture (o ten near a joint), in which a piece o
at the interphalangeal joints o the f ngersthe joints be- bone is pu ed ree, or an epiphyseal racture between the
tween pha anges. T e f ngers o individua s with this orm o epiphysis and diaphysis o the invo ved bone (see box on
DJD o ten show bony bumps (nodes) at both the proxima p. 196).
interpha angea joints (Bouchard nodes) and the dista inter-
pha angea joints (Heberden nodes). In a m m a t o ry J o in t D is e a s e (A r t h r it is )
T e etio ogy o most cases o DJD is unknown, but ad- Arthritis is a genera name or many di erent in ammatory
vanced age, joint damage caused by wear and tear, and obe- joint diseases. Arthritis can be caused by a variety o actors,
sity are known risk actors. Advanced cases o osteoarthritis inc uding in ection, injury, genetic actors, and autoimmunity.
are the most common cause or partia or tota hip and knee We now exp ore a brie ist o major types o arthritis.
rep acements.
raumatic injury is o ten the cause o nonin ammatory Rheumatoid arthritis
joint prob ems. D islocation occurs when the articu ar sur- Be ieved to be a type o autoimmune disease, rheumatoid
aces o bones orming the joint are no onger in proper con- arthritis (RA), invo ves chronic in ammation o connective
tact with each other. A subluxation is a partia or minor dis- tissues. It begins in the synovia membrane and spreads to
ocation in which the bones are s ight y misa igned. A sprain carti age and other tissues, o ten causing severe cripp ing.
is an acute injury to the igaments around a joint. A common A characteristic de ormity o the hands in rheumatoid ar-
cause o sprains is a twisting or wrenching movement o ten thritis is ulnar deviation o the f ngers. As you can see in
associated with whip ash-type injuries. Figure 8-38, B u nar deviation invo ves an e bow- ike bending
T e term strain is used to describe an injury invo ving the o the f nger joints.
musculotendinous unit and may invo ve the musc e, the T e autoimmune nature o the disease may cause damage
tendon, and the junction between the two, as we as their at- to many body organs, such as the b ood vesse s, eyes, ungs,
tachments to bone. Most strains occur in musc e tissue, o ten and heart. Because it is a systemic disease, ever, anemia,
because o overstretching, or vio ent types o musc e contrac- weight oss, and pro ound atigue are common.
tion (see Chapter 9, p. 235). Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ( JRA) is usua y more se-
H owever, the portion o the muscu otendinous unit in- vere than the adu t orm but invo ves simi ar deterioration and
jured depends on which component is weakest. In preado- de ormity o joints. T e joint in ammatory process o ten de-
escent ath etes with incomp ete y ossif ed bones, the musc e stroys growth o carti age, and growth o ong bones is ar-
component o the unit or the point o attachment o the rested. T is orm begins during chi dhood and is more com-
musc e to the bone may be stronger than the deve oping mon in gir s.
206 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

A Os te oa rthritis B Rhe uma toid a rthritis C Gouty a rthritis

FIGURE 8-38 Types o arthritis. A, Osteoarthritis. Note the presence o nodes in the proximal interphalan-
geal joints (Bouchard nodes) and distal interphalangeal joints (Heberden nodes). B, Rheumatoid arthritis. Note
the marked ulnar (elbow-like) deviation o the wrists. C, Gouty arthritis. Note tophi (stones) containing sodium
urate crystals.

Gouty Arthritis Sometimes, gout f rst appears as nodu es ca ed tophi with or

Gouty arthritis is a chronic type o joint in ammation that without in ammation (Figure 8-38, C). T ese bumps are gritty
can progress rom gout. Gout is a metabo ic condition in accumu ations o urate crysta s in the so t tissues o a joint. T ese
which uric acid, a nitrogenous waste, increases in the b ood. crysta s can trigger occasiona , acute episodes o severe arthritis.
Excess uric acid is deposited as sodium urate crysta s in dista H owever, without treatment it may progress to the chronic in-
joints and other tissues, causing in ammation. ammation and tissue damage characteristic o gouty arthritis.

The kne e is the large s t m ovable joint in the bodybut als o
Pos te rior
one o the m os t vulne rable to injury. Be caus e the kne e is Fe mur
crucia te
ve ry m oblie , but als o o te n s ubje cte d to s udde n, s trong liga me nt
(P CL) Inte rcondyla r
orce s during athle tic activity, kne e injurie s are am ong the notch
m os t com m on type o athle tic injury.
Som e tim e s , the concave dis ks o articular cartilage Torn crucia te
liga me nts
calle d m e nis ci on the tibia te ar w he n the kne e tw is ts
w hile be aring we ight. The ligam e nts holding the tibia and Torn me nis cus
e m ur toge the r can als o be injure d in this way. liga me nts
Figure A s how s te ars in the late ral and m e dial liga-
m e nts outs ide the joint cavity, as we ll as te ars in the
cros s e d cruciate ligam e nts ins ide the joint. Kne e injurie s
m ay als o occur w he n a we ight-be aring kne e is hit by an-
othe r pe rs on or a m oving obje ct.
Ante rior
Wom e n have a highe r ris k o kne e injurie s than m e n. crucia te
The re have be e n s eve ral propos e d caus e s , including the P liga me nt
ollow ing: (ACL)
Tibia Fibula
toward the knee at a gre ate r angle , calle d the Q angle
(Figure B). This re sults in the pull on the pate lla (kne e cap) A
by ante rior late ral m uscle s o the thigh, w hich pulls the
patella out o alignme nt and may we ake n the kne e .
inte rcondylar notch o the e mur is narrow in e male s quadrice ps (ante rior thigh
compare d to the male s . This narrow notch m ay rub and m us cle s ) than ham s trings (pos te rior thigh m us cle s ). The
we ake n the ante rior cruciate ligame nt (ACL) that stabilize s ham s tring m us cle s ke e p the tibia in place in the kne e w he n
the knee . jum ping or m aking s udde n s tops .
In orde r to avoid injury to the kne e , it is re com m e nde d that
the ligam e nts to be m ore exible and m ore prone to ove r-
wom e n
s tre tching and rupturing. This m ay incre as e exibility o liga-
m e nts w he n e s troge n leve ls are highe r, as occurs during
ovulation or pre gnancy. kne e
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 207

Acute episodes o gout are o ten success u y treated with Another group o bacteria ca ed Ehrlichia is a so carried
nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibupro- by ticks and inc udes the agents that cause the various orms
en or naproxen. H owever, aspirin can make the gout worse by o ehrlichiosis. T is bacteria in ection has some o the same
changing uric acid eve s in the b ood. I the episodes become symptoms as Lyme disease, but is more preva ent than Lyme
requent, gout may be treated with allopurinol, which reduces arthritis in some parts o the United States. O ne orm o
the production o uric acid in the bodythus preventing or ehr ichiosis is more preva ent in the midwestern United
essening acute episodes. States and another orm is ound most y in the southern
United States.
Review the article In ammation at Connect It! at Both Lyme arthritis and ehr ichiosis are treated by the use o antibiotics. See Table 6-7, p. 127, or more on tick-borne
i ness.

In ectious Arthritis
A variety o pathogens can in ect synovia membrane and
1. Wh a t typ e o b o n e ra ctu re is m o s t like ly to re s u lt in in e c-
other joint tissues and thereby cause in ectious arthritis.
tio n o r o s te o m ye litis ?
One orm o in ectious arthritis, Lyme arthritis, or Lyme 2. Wh a t is th e m o s t co m m o n n o n in a m m a to ry d is o rd e r o
disease, has become a prob em throughout most o the United m ova b le jo in ts ?
States in on y the ast ew decades. Lyme disease was identif ed 3. Uln a r d e via tio n o th e f n g e rs is a co m m o n s ig n in w h a t
in O d Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975 and is caused by a spirochete typ e o in a m m a to ry jo in t d is e a s e ?
4. Wh a t o rm o a rth ritis is a m e ta b o lic co n d itio n ch a ra cte r-
bacterium carried by deer ticks (Figure 8-39). T is condition is
ize d b y a n in cre a s e in u ric a cid in th e b lo o d ?
characterized by in ammation in the knees or other joints ac-
companied by a variety o systemic signs and symptoms.


Q a ngle Q a ngle A
ave ra ge : ave ra ge :
18 13
de gre e s de gre e s


B Fe ma le Ma le

m us cle s
FIGURE 8-39 Lyme disease. A, Circular, expanding rash resembling a
the m how to land a te r jum ping and how to m ake quick bulls-eye target caused by the spirochete bacteria Borrelia burgdor eri.
turns w ithout tw is ting the kne e . B, Deer tick, vector or transmission o Lyme disease.
208 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

Ever s ince 400 B.C.E., w he n he alth. The photo s how s a s ports phys ician and athle tic traine r
Hippocrate s (the Gre ek physician as s e s s ing an injure d athle te on the f e ld.
o ten regarde d as a ounde r o the Radiographic te chnologis ts and radiologis ts are o te n calle d
m edical pro e s sion) f rs t de scribe d upon to m ake m e dical im age s o the bone s and joints and in-
tre atm e nts o human bone and joint te rpre t the m e aning o the s e im age s .
dis orde rs and injurie s, many ap-
proache s to tre ating the hum an
s keleton have be e n take n. Physical
therapis ts and occupatio nal ther-
apists he lp patie nts re gain move -
Hippocrates (460-377 BC) m ent in joints through phys ical exe r-
cises and ortho pe dic surge ons
he lp the ir patie nts by m e ans o s urgical ope rations.
Be caus e the s ke le ton, w ith its m any bone s and joints , is
the ram ework o the e ntire body, it is not s urpris ing to le arn
that m any di e re nt he alth pro e s s ionals work dire ctly w ith the
s ke le ton. Po diatris ts work w ith the bone s and joints o the
oot and ankle , athle tic traine rs and s po rts phys icians work
w ith m any parts o the s ke le ton, and chiro practo rs o te n work
to align the ve rte bral colum n and othe r bone s to m aintain


Arthro s co py is an im aging te chnique that allow s a phys ician through a ne e dle or cannula (tube ) to expand the volum e o the
to exam ine the inte rnal s tructure o a joint w ithout the us e o s ynovial s pace . This s pre ads the joint s tructure s and m ake s
exte ns ive s urge ry. The photos s how arthros copy o the le t view ing e as ie r (B).
kne e . As Figure A s how s , a narrow tube w ith le ns e s and a Although arthros copy is o te n us e d as a diagnos tic proce -
f be r-optic light s ource is ins e rte d into the joint s pace through dure , it als o can be us e d to pe r orm joint s urge ry. While the
a s m all puncture . Is otonic s aline (s alt) s olution is inje cte d s urge on view s the inte rnal s tructure o the joint through the
arthros cope or on an attache d vide o m onitor, ins trum e nts can
be ins e rte d through puncture hole s and us e d to re pair or re -
m ove dam age d tis s ue . Arthros copic s urge ry is m uch le s s
traum atic than previous m e thods in w hich the joint cavity was
com ple te ly ope ne d.

Articula r
ca rtila ge

Ante rior
Arthro s c o pe crucia te
liga me nt

Articula r
ca rtila ge

CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 209

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 175)

atlas clavicle epiphyseal line

(AT-lis) (KLAV-ih-kul) (ep-ih-FEEZ-ee-al lyne)
[Atlas, Greek mythical f gure who supports the [clavi- key, -cle little] [epi- upon, -phys- growth, -al relating to]
world] coccyx epiphyseal plate
axial skeleton (KOK-sis) (ep-ih-FEEZ-ee-al playt)
(AK-see-al SKEL-eh-ton) [coccyx cuckoo (beak)] [epi- upon, -phys- growth, -al relating to,
[axi- axis, -al relating to, skeleton dried body] compact bone plate at]
axis (kom-PAKT bohn) epiphysis
(AK-sis) concave curvature (eh-PIF-ih-sis)
pl., axes (kon-KAYV KUR-vah-chur) pl., epiphyses
(AK-seez) [con- together, -cave hollow, curvat- bend, (eh-PIF-ih-seez)
ball-and-socket joint -ure state] [epi- upon, -physis growth]
bursa concentric lamella ethmoid bone
(BER-sah) (kon-SEN-trik lah-MEL-ah) (ETH-moyd bohn)
pl., bursae pl., lamellae [ethmo- sieve, -oid like]
(BER-see or BER-say) (lah-MEL-ee) extend
[bursa purse] [con- together, -centr- center, -ic relating to, (ek-STEND)
calcaneus lam- plate, -ella little] [ex- outward, -tend- stretch]
(kal-KAY-nee-us) condyloid joint extension
[calcane- heel, -ous having to do with] (KON-dih-loyd joynt) (ek-STEN-shun)
calcitonin (CT) [condylo- knuckle, -oid like] [extend to stretch out, -ion process]
(kal-sih-TOH-nin) convex curvature ace 8
[calci- lime (calcium), -ton- tone, -in substance] (kon-VEKS KUR-vah-chur) ( ays)
canaliculus [con- together, -vex convey, curvat- bend, emur
(kan-ah-LIK-yoo-lus) -ure state] (FEE-mur)
pl., canaliculi coxal bone [ emur thigh]
(kan-ah-LIK-yoo-lye) (kok-SAL bohn) f bula
[canal- channel, -uculus little] [coxa- hip, -al relating to] (FIB-yoo-lah)
cancellous bone cranium [f bula clasp]
(KAN-seh-lus bohn) (KRAY-nee-um) ex
[cancel- lattice, -ous characterized by] [cranium skull] (FLEKS)
carpal cruciate ligament [ ex bend]
(KAR-pul) (KRU-shee-ayt) exion
[carp- wrist, -al relating to] [cruci- cross, -ate o or like] (FLEK-shun)
cartilage diaphysis [ ex- bend, -ion process]
(KAR-tih-lij) (dye-AF-ih-sis) ontanel
[cartilage gristle] pl., diaphyses (FON-tah-nel)
central canal (dye-AF-ih-seez) [ ontan- ountain or source, -el little]
(SEN-tral kah-NAL) [dia- through or apart, -physis growth] rontal bone
[centr- center, -al relating to, canal channel] diarthrosis (FRUNT-al bohn)
chest (dye-ar-THROH-sis) [ ront- orehead, -al relating to]
chiropractor pl., diarthroses gliding joint
(KYE-roh-prak-ter) (dye-ar-THROH-seez) (GLY-ding joynt)
[dia- between, -arthr- joint, -osis condition]
[chiro- hand, -pract- practical, -or agent] hematopoiesis
chondrocyte diploe (hee-mah-toh-poy-EE-sis)
(KON-droh-syte) (DIP-loh-EE) [hemo- blood, -poiesis making]
[diploe olded over (doubled)]
[chondro- cartilage, -cyte cell] hinge joint
circumduct endochondral ossif cation (hinj joynt)
(ser-kum-DUKT) (en-doh-KON-dral os-ih-f h-KAY-shun)
[endo- inward or within, -chondr- cartilage,
[circum- around, -duct lead] (HYOO-mer-us)
-al relating to, oss- bone, -f cation to make]
circumduction [humerus arm]
(ser-kum-DUK-shun) endosteum
hyoid bone
[circum- around, -duct- lead, -tion process]
(HYE-oyd bohn)
[endo- within, -osteum bone]
[hy- Greek letter upsilon ( or ), -oid like]

Continued on p. 210
210 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 209)

ilium middle ear pectoral girdle

(IL-ee-um) (MID-ul eer) (PEK-toh-ral GIRD-el)
[ilium ank] musculotendinous unit [pector- breast, -al relating to, girdle belt]
interphalangeal joint (mus-kyoo-loh-TEN-din-us YOO-nit) pelvic girdle
(in-ter- ah-LAN-jee-al joynt) [mus- mouse, -cul- little, -tend- pulled tight, (PEL-vic GIRD-el)
[inter- between, -phalang- rows o soldiers -in- unit, -ous relating to] [pelvi- basin, -ic relating to, girdle belt]
(f nger bones), -al relating to] occipital bone pelvis
intramembranous ossif cation (ok-SIP-it-al bohn) (PEL-vis)
(in-trah-MEM-brah-nus [occipit- back o head, -al relating to] pl., pelves or pelvises
os-ih-f h-KAY-shun) occupational therapist (PEL-veez or PEL-vis-ez)
[intra- within, -membran- thin skin, (ak-yoo-PAY-shun-al THAYR-ah-pist) [pelvis basin]
-ous characterized by, os- bone, -f c- make, [occup- occupy, -tion- process, -al relating to, periosteum
-ation process] therap- treatment, -ist agent] (payr-ee-OS-tee-um)
ischium olecranon [peri- around, -osteum bone]
(IS-kee-um) (oh-LEK-rah-nohn) phalanges
[ischium hip joint] [ole- elbow, -cran- head, -on unit] ( ah-LAN-jeez)
joint capsule olecranon ossa sing., phalanx
(joynt CAP-sool) (oh-LEK-rah-non FOS-ah) ( ah-LANKS)
lacuna [ole- elbow, -cran- head, -on unit, ossa ditch] [phalanx ormation o soldiers in rows]
(lah-KOO-nah) orthopedic surgeon physical therapist
pl., lacunae (or-thoh-PEE-dik SUR-jen) (FIS-ik-al THAYR-ah-pist)
8 (lah-KOO-nee) [ortho- straight or normal, -ped- eet, [physic- medicine, -al relating to,
[lacuna pit] -ic relating to, surg- hand, -eon practitioner] therap- treatment, -ist agent]
lateral longitudinal arch osteoblast pivot joint
(LAT-er-al lawnj-ih-TOOD-in-al) (OS-tee-oh-blast) (PIV-it joynt)
[later- side, -al relating to, longitud- length, [osteo- bone, -blast bud or sprout] podiatrist
-al relating to] (poh-DYE-ah-trist)
ligament (OS-tee-oh-klast) [pod- oot, -iatr- treatment, -ist agent]
(LIG-ah-ment) [osteo- bone, -clast break] pubis
[liga- bind, -ment result o action] (PYOO-bis)
maxilla (OS-tee-oh-syte) [pubis groin]
(mak-SIH-lah) [osteo- bone, -cyte cell] radius
pl., maxillae osteon (haversian system) (RAY-dee-us)
(mak-SIH-lee) (AHS-tee-on [hah-VER-zhun or [radius ray]
[maxilla upper jaw] HAV-er-zhun SIS-tem]) red bone marrow
medial longitudinal arch [osteo- bone, -on unit, Clopton Havers, English (red bohn MAR-oh)
(MEE-dee-al lon-jih-TOO-dih-nal) physician] rib
[medi- middle, -al relating to, longitud- length, palpable rotation
-al relating to] (PAL-pah-bul) (roh-TAY-shun)
medullary cavity [palp- touch gently, -able capable] [rot- turn, -ation process]
(MED-oo-lar-ee KAV-ih-tee) paranasal sinus sacrum
[medulla- marrow, -y related to, cav- hollow, (payr-ah-NAY-zal SYE-nus) (SAY-krum)
-ity state] [para- beside, -nas- nose, -al relating to, [sacr- holy, -um thing]
meniscus sinus hollow] saddle joint
(meh-NIS-kus) parathyroid hormone (PTH) (SAD-el joynt)
pl., menisci (pair-ah-THYE-royd HOR-mohn)
(meh-NIS-aye or meh-NIS-kye) scapula
[para- besides, -thyr- shield, -oid like, (SKAP-yoo-lah)
[meniscus crescent] hormon- excite] [scapula shoulder blade]
metacarpal parietal bone
(met-ah-KAR-pal) sha t
(pah-RYE-ih-tal bohn)
[meta- beyond, -carp- wrist, -al relating to] sinus
[parie- wall, -al relating to]
metatarsal (SYE-nus)
patella [sinus hollow]
(met-ah-TAR-sal) (pah-TEL-ah)
[meta- beyond, -tars- ankle, -al relating to] skull
[pat- dish, -ella small]
[skull head]
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 211

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 210)

sphenoid bone synarthrosis tibia

(SFEE-noyd bohn) (sin-ar-THROH-sis) (TIB-ee-ah)
[spheno- wedge, -oid like] pl., synarthroses [tibia shin bone]
spine (sin-ar-THROH-seez) trabecula
(spyne) [syn- together, -arthr- joint, -osis condition] (trah-BEK-yoo-lah)
[spine thorn] synovial uid pl., trabeculae
spongy bone (sih-NOH-vee-al FLOO-id) (trah-BEK-yoo-lee)
(SPUN-jee bohn) [syn- together, -ovi- egg (white), -al relating to] [trab- beam, -ula little]
[spong- sponge, -y characterized by] synovial membrane transverse arch (metatarsal arch)
sports physician (sih-NOH-vee-al MEM-brayn) (TRANS-vers arch [met-ah-TAR-sal])
(sports f h-ZISH-un) [syn- together, -ovi- egg (white), -al relating to, [trans- across or through, -vers- turn
[physic- medicine, -ian practitioner] membran- thin skin] (meta- beyond, -tars- ankle, -al relating to)]
sternoclavicular joint talus transverse canal (Volkmann canal)
(ster-noh-klah-VIK-yoo-lar joynt) (TAY-lus) (tranz-VERS kah-NAL [VOLK-man])
[sterno- breastbone (sternum), -clavi- key, pl., tali [trans- across, -vers- turn, Richard von
-ular relating to] (TAY-lye) Volkmann, German surgeon]
[talus ankle] ulna
(STER-num) tarsal (UHL-nah)
pl., sterna or sternums (TAR-sal) [ulna elbow]
(STER-nah or STER-numz) [tars- ankle, -al relating to] vertebra
[sternum breastbone] temporal bone (VER-teh-bra)
suture (TEM-poh-ral bohn) pl., vertebrae 8
(SOO-chur) [tempora- temple (o head), -al relating to] (VER-teh-bree or VER-teh-bray)
[suture seam] thorax [vertebra joint or turning part]
(THOR-aks) yellow bone marrow
[thorax chest] (YEL-oh bohn MAR-oh)


arthritis chondrosarcoma epiphyseal racture

(ar-THRY-tis) (KON-droh-sar-KOH-mah) (ep-ih-FEEZ-ee-al FRAK-chur)
[arthr- joint, -itis in ammation] [chondro- cartilage, -sarco- esh, -oma tumor] [epi- on, -phys- growth, -al relating to,
arthroplasty closed racture racture to break]
(AR-throh-plas-tee) (klohzd FRAK-chur) at eet
[arthr- joint, -plasty surgical repair] [ racture a breaking] ( at FEET)
arthroscopy comminuted racture gout
(ar-THROS-skah-pee) (kom-ih-NOO-ted FRAK-chur) (gowt)
[arthr- joint, -scop- see, -y activity] [commin- break into pieces, -ute per orm [gout drop]
avulsion racture action, racture a breaking] gouty arthritis
(ah-VUL-shun FRAK-chur) complete racture (gow-TEE ar-THRY-tis)
[avuls- pull away, -ion process, (kom-PLEET FRAK-chur) [gout- drop, -y o or like, arthr- joint,
racture a breaking] [ racture a breaking] -itis in ammation]
Bouchard node dislocation Heberden node
(boo-SHAR nohd) (dis-loh-KAY-shun) (HEB-er-den nohd)
[Charles J . Bouchard French physician, [dis- apart, -locat- locate, -tion condition] [William Heberden English physician, nod- knot]
nod- knot] dowagers hump herniated disk
bursitis (DOW-ah-jerz hump) (HER-nee-ayt-ed disk)
(ber-SYE-tis) [dowager widow with a dower (gi t or wealth)] [hernia- rupture, -ate act o ]
[burs- purse, -itis in ammation] ehrlichiosis impacted racture
callus (ur-lik-ee-OH-sis) (im-PAK-ted FRAK-chur)
(KAL-us) [Paul Ehrlich German microbiologist] [impact- push into, racture a breaking]
[callus hard skin]
Continued on p. 212
212 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 211)

incomplete racture open racture rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

(in-kom-PLEET FRAK-chur) (OH-pen FRAK-chur) (ROO-mah-toyd ar-THRY-tis [ar ay])
[ racture a breaking] [ racture a breaking] [rheuma- ow, -oid like, arthr- joint,
in ectious arthritis osteoarthritis -itis in ammation]
(in-FEK-shus ar-THRY-tis) (os-tee-oh-ar-THRY-tis) rickets
[in ect- stain, -ous relating to, arthr- joint, [osteo- bone, -arthr- joint, -itis in ammation] (RIK-ets)
-itis in ammation] osteogenesis imper ecta [unknown origin]
intravenous (os-tee-oh-J EN-eh-sis im-per-FEK-tah) scoliosis
(in-trah-VEE-nus) [osteo- bone, -gen- produce, -esis process, (skoh-lee-OH-sis)
[intra- within, -ven- vein, -ous relating to] im- not, -per ecta per ect] [scolio- twisted or crooked, -osis condition]
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (J RA) osteitis de ormans sprain
(J OO-veh-ney-el ROO-mah-toyd (os-tee-AYE-tis deh-FOR-manz) (sprayn)
ar-THRY-tis) [oste- bone, -itis in ammation, de ormans [unknown origin]
[juven- youth, -ile o or like, rheuma- ow, de orming] strain
-oid like, arthr- joint, -itis in ammation] osteomalacia (strayn)
kyphosis (os-tee-oh-mah-LAY-shah) [strain stretch]
(kye-FOH-sis) [osteo- bone, -malacia so tening] subluxation
[kypho- hump, -osis condition] osteomyelitis (sub-luks-AY-shun)
linear racture (os-tee-oh-my-eh-LYE-tis) [sub- below or near, -luxat- locate,
(LIN-ee-ar FRAK-chur) [osteo- bone, myel- marrow, -itis in ammation] -tion condition]
[linea- line, -ar relating to, racture a breaking] osteoporosis tophus
8 lordosis (os-tee-oh-poh-ROH-sis) (TOH- us)
(lor-DOH-sis) [osteo- bone, -poro- pore, -osis condition] pl., tophi
[lordos- bent backward, -osis condition] osteosarcoma (TOH- ye)
Lyme arthritis (os-tee-oh-sar-KOH-mah) [tophus porous rock]
(lyme ar-THRY-tis) [osteo- bone, -sarc- esh, -oma tumor] transverse racture
[Lyme city in Connecticut, arthr- joint, Paget disease (TRANS-vers FRAK-chur)
-itis in ammation] (PAJ -et dih-ZEEZ) [trans- across, -verse turn, racture a breaking]
mastoiditis [Sir J ames Paget British surgeon and ulnar deviation
(mas-toyd-AYE-tis) pathologist, dis- without, -ease com ort] (UL-nur dee-vee-AY-shun)
[mast- breast, -oid- like, -itis in ammation] parenteral [ulna- elbow, -ar relating to, de- out o ,
oblique racture (pah-REN-ter-al) -via- road or path, -ation process]
(oh-BLEEK FRAK-chur) [par- beside, -enter- intestine, -al relating to] vertebroplasty
[obliq- slanted, racture a breaking] (ver-tee-broh-PLAS-tee)
[vertebr- joint or backbone, -plasty surgical

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary Functio ns o the S ke le tal Sys te m
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
A. Provides interna ramework that supports and gives
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie .
shape to the body
B. Protects interna organs and tissues
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to
C. Makes movement possib e when bones at movab e joints
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e
are pu ed by musc es
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s
D. Storage o vita substances
or be ore a te s t.
1. Ca ciumhormones regu ate ca cium storage: ca cito-
nin (C ) increases storage and parathyroid hormone
(P H ) reduces stores o ca cium
2. Fatstored in cavities o some bones
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 213

E. H ematopoiesisb ood ce ormation in the red bone 3. O steoc asts disso ve bone, re easing ca cium ions or
marrow reabsorption into the b oodstream
4. Remode ing is a combined action o making and dis-
so ving bone matrix that eventua y scu pts bone into
Gro s s S tructure o Bo ne s the adu t shape
A. Four major types, according to overa shape o the bone B. Endochondra ossif cationcarti age mode s gradua y
1. Longexamp e: humerus (arm) rep aced by ca cif ed bone (Figure 8-7 and Figure 8-8)
2. Shortexamp e: carpa s (wrist) C. Intramembranous ossif cationf brous membranes are
3. F atexamp e: ronta (sku ) ossif ed into hard bone p ates; ontane s are so t, not-yet-
4. Irregu arexamp e: vertebrae (spina bones) ossif ed regions
5. Some a so recognize a sesamoid (round) bone
categoryexamp e: pate a (kneecap)
B. Structure o ong bones (Figure 8-1)
Axial S ke le to n
1. Diaphysis, or sha tho ow tube o hard compact bone A. Ske eton can be divided into centra axial and periphera
2. Medu ary cavityho ow space inside the diaphysis appendicular regions (Figure 8-9 and Table 8-1)
that contains ye ow marrow B. Axia ske eton inc udes 80 bones:
3. Epiphysesends o the bones made o spongy bone 1. Sku (Figure 8-10 and Table 8-2)
that contains red bone marrow a. Bones o the cranium (8), ace (14), and midd e
4. Articu ar carti agethin ayer o hya ine carti age that ear (6)
covers each epiphysis; provides a smooth cushion b. Inc udes spaces ca ed paranasal sinuses (Figure 8-11)
5. Periosteumstrong, f brous membrane covering bone c. Mastoiditis is in ammation o mastoid process o
everywhere except at joint sur aces tempora bone (Figure 8-12)
6. Endosteumthin membrane that ines medu ary 2. H yoid bone (Figure 8-13)
cavity 3. Vertebra co umn (spine) (Figure 8-14 and Table 8-3)
C. Structure o at bones (Figure 8-2) a. 24 vertebrae: cervica (7), thoracic (12), umbar (5), 8
1. Spongy bone ayer sandwiched between two compact sacrum, coccyx
bone ayers b. Vertebrae are irregu ar bones with we -def ned
2. Dip oespongy bone ayer o a at bone parts, such as body, spine, transverse process, verte-
bra oramen, and articu ar processes (Figure 8-15)
c. At as and axisf rst two cervica vertebrae orm a
Micro s co pic S tructure o Bo ne s unique pivoting structure (Figure 8-16)
A. Bone tissue structure (Figure 8-3) d. Spina curvatures support the body, but can become
1. Cance ous (spongy) bone abnorma y exaggerated (Figure 8-17 and Figure 8-18)
a. exture resu ts rom need e ike threads o bone 4. T oraxribs (24), sternum (Figure 8-19 and Table 8-4)
ca ed trabeculae surrounded by a network o open
b. Found in epiphyses o bones
Appe ndicular S ke le to n
c. Spaces contain red bone marrow A. Bones o the upper and ower extremities (126)
2. Compact bone B. Upper extremity (64) (Table 8-5)
a. Structura unit is an osteonca cif ed matrix 1. Pectora (shou der) gird escapu a (2), c avic e (2)
arranged in mu tip e ayers or rings ca ed concen- 2. Arm and orearmhumerus (2), radius (2), u na (2)
tric ame a (Figure 8-4) (Figure 8-20)
b. Bone ce s are ca ed osteocytes and are ound inside 3. Wrist and handcarpa bones (16), metacarpa bones
spaces ca ed lacunae, which are connected by tiny (10), pha anges (28) (Figure 8-21)
tubes ca ed canaliculi C. Lower extremity (62) (Table 8-6)
B. Carti age (Figure 8-5) 1. Pe vic (hip) gird ecoxa bone (2) (Figure 8-25)
1. Ce type ca ed chondrocyte 2. T igh and eg emur (2), pate a (2), tibia (2), f bu a
2. Matrix is ge - ike and acks b ood vesse s (2) (Figure 8-22)
3. Ank e and oot
a. arsa bones (14), metatarsa bones (10), pha anges
Bo ne De ve lo pm e nt (28) (Figure 8-23)
A. Making and remode ing bone tissue (Figure 8-6) b. Arched structure o oot provides dynamic support
1. Ear y bone deve opment (be ore birth) consists o car- or entire ske eton (Figure 8-24)
ti age and f brous structures
2. O steob asts
a. Form new bone matrix by encrusting co agen
f bers with ca cium crysta s
b. O steocytes are inactive osteob asts
214 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

S ke le tal Variatio ns S ke le tal Dis o rde rs

A. Ma e and ema e ske eta di erences A. umors
1. Sizema e ske eton genera y arger 1. Bone tumorsosteosarcoma (Figure 8-30, A)
2. Shape o pe visma e pe vis deep and narrow, ema e a. Most common and serious type o ma ignant bone
pe vis sha ow and broad neop asm
3. Size o pe vic in et ema e pe vic in et genera y b. Frequent sites inc ude dista emur and proxima
wider, norma y arge enough or babys head to pass tibia and humerus
through it (Figure 8-25) 2. Carti age tumorschondrosarcoma (Figure 8-30, B)
4. Pubic ang eang e between pubic bones o ema e a. Cancer o ske eta hya ine carti age
genera y wider b. Second most common cancer o ske eta tissues
B. Age di erences c. Frequent sites inc ude medu ary cavity o humerus,
1. Bones en arge and become more ossif ed unti matu- emur, ribs, and pe vic bones
rity at age 25 B. Metabo ic bone diseases
2. Bones active y remode (disso ve and rebui d) in 1. Osteoporosis (Figure 8-31)
midd e adu thood a. Characterized by oss o ca cif ed bone matrix and
3. Bones become ess dense during e der y years reduction in number o trabecu ae in spongy bone
C. Environmenta actors b. Bones racture easi yespecia y in wrists, hips, and
1. Nutrition a ects growth and maintenance o bone vertebrae
tissue c. reatment inc udes drug therapy, exercise, and
2. Mechanica stress, inc uding exercise, a ects bone dietary supp ements o ca cium and vitamin D
remode ing 2. Rickets and osteoma aciaboth diseases characterized
by oss o bone minera s re ated to vitamin D
def ciency
8 Jo ints a. Rickets (Figure 8-32)
A. Articu ationa joint between two or more bones (1) Loss o bone minera s occurs in in ants and
B. Every bone except the hyoid (which anchors the tongue) young chi dren be ore ske eta maturity
connects to at east one other bone. (2) Lack o bone rigidity causes gross ske eta
C. Kinds o joints changes (bowing o egs)
1. Synarthroses (no movement)f brous connective (3) reated with vitamin D
tissue ( igaments) grows between articu ating bones; b. O steoma acia
or examp e, sutures o sku (Figure 8-26) (1) Minera content is ost rom bones that have
2. Amphiarthroses (s ight movement) a ready matured
a. Fibrocarti age connects articu ating bones; or (2) Increases susceptibi ity to ractures
examp e, symphysis pubis (Figure 8-26) (3) reated with vitamin D
b. Another examp e is the vertebra disk orming each 3. Paget disease (osteitis de ormans) (Figure 8-33)
joint between vertebra bodies, which can become a. Fau ty remode ing resu ts in de ormed bones that
herniated (Figure 8-27) racture easi y
3. Diarthroses ( ree movement)most joints be ong to b. Cause may be genetic or triggered by vira
this c ass in ections
a. Structure (Figure 8-28) 4. Osteogenesis imper ecta (a so ca ed brittle-bone
(1) Structures o ree y movab e jointsjoint disease) (Figure 8-34)
capsu e and igaments ho d adjoining bones a. Bones are britt e because o a ack o organic
together but permit movement at joint matrix
(2) Articu ar carti agehya ine carti age covers b. reatment may inc ude sp inting to reduce racture
joint ends o bones where they orm joints with and drugs that decrease ce activity
other bones C. Bone in ection
(3) Synovia membrane ines joint capsu e and 1. O steomye itis (Figure 8-35)
secretes ubricating synovia uid a. Genera term or bacteria (usua y staphy ococca )
(4) Joint cavityspace between joint ends o bones in ection o bone
(5) Bursa uid-f ed pouch that absorbs shock; b. reatment may invo ve surgery, drainage o pus,
in ammation o bursa is ca ed bursitis and parentera (IV) antibiotic treatmento ten
b. Functions o ree y movab e jointsba -and-socket, over pro onged periods
hinge, pivot, sadd e, g iding, and condy oida ow D. Bone ractures (Figure 8-36)
di erent kinds o movements determined by the 1. Open (compound) ractures pierce the skin and c osed
structure o each joint (Figure 8-29 and Table 8-7) (simp e) ractures do not
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 215

2. Fracture types inc ude comp ete and incomp ete, (2) Sprainacute injury to ligaments around joints
inear, transverse, and ob ique (examp e: whip ash-type injuries)
3. Bone repairb eeding and in ammation, o owed by (3) Strainacute injury to any part o the musculo-
ormation o a ca us (supportive ramework), and tendinous unit (musc e, tendon, junction
f na y remode ing o bone (Figure 8-37) between the two, and attachments to bone)
E. Joint disorders 2. In ammatory joint disordersthe term arthritis is a
1. Nonin ammatory joint disordersdo not usua y genera name or severa types o in ammatory joint
invo ve in ammation o the synovia membrane; diseases that may be caused by in ection, injury,
symptoms tend to be oca and not systemic genetic actors, and autoimmunity. In ammation o
a. Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease (DJD) the synovia membrane occurs, o ten with systemic
(Figure 8-38, A) signs and symptoms.
(1) Most common nonin ammatory disorder o a. Rheumatoid arthritis (Figure 8-38, B)systemic
movab e jointso ten ca ed wear and tear autoimmune diseasechronic in ammation o
arthritis synovia membrane with invo vement o other
(2) Symptoms inc ude joint pain, morning sti - tissues such as b ood vesse s, eyes, heart, and ungs
ness, and appearance o Bouchard nodes (at b. Gouty arthritis (Figure 8-38, C)synovia in am-
proxima interpha angea joints) and H eberden mation caused by chronic gout, a condition in
nodes (at dista interpha angea joints) o the which sodium urate crysta s orm in joints and
f ngers other tissues, sometimes orming accumu ations
(3) Most common cause or partia and tota hip ca ed tophi
and knee rep acements c. In ectious arthritis (Figure 8-39)arthritis resu ting
b. raumatic injury rom in ection by a pathogen, as in Lyme arthritis
(1) Dis ocationarticu ar sur aces o bones in and ehr ichiosis, caused by two di erent types o
joint are no onger in proper contact; sublux- bacteria that are transmitted to humans by tick
ation is a minor dis ocation or misa ignment bites. 8

STUDY TIPS T is site has exce ent i ustrations, tutoria s, and quizzes.
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in Additiona on ine tips are ound at F.
m e e ting your le arning goals . 4. T e joints are named based on the amount o movement
they a ow (arthro means joint). T e joint capsu e is an
Be ore s tarting your s tudy o Chapte r 8, go back to Chapte r 5 examp e o a synovia membrane discussed in Chapter 7.
and review the s ynops is o the s ke le tal s ys te m . 5. In your study group you can use ash cards to earn the
terms in the bone structure and joints. Discuss the orma-
1. T ere are severa terms in this chapter that use pref xes or tion and structure o the osteon. A photocopy or a ce -
su xes that he p exp ain their meaning. T e pref xes epi- phone picture o the ske eton f gures with the abe s
(upon) and endo- (within) were discussed ear ier. Peri- b ackened out wi he p you earn the names and charac-
means around, osteo- or os- re ers to bone, chondro- re ers teristics o the bones. T ere is no rea shortcut to earning
to carti age, -cyte means ce , -blast means young ce or the names and ocations o the bones, it is simp y a mem-
bui ding ce , and -clast means to destroy. Knowing the orization task, but quizzing each other wi he p you earn
meaning o these pref xes or su xes makes most o the them aster.
terms se -exp anatory. 6. Construct a tab e to he p yourse earn the bone and joint
2. W hen studying the microscopic structure o the ske eta disorders. Again, as in previous chapters, it wou d be
system, remember that bone tissue hea s air y we , he p u to organize them by mechanism or cause. T e
whereas carti age does not. T is is because there are many bone cancers shou d be easy to remember because they
b ood vesse s throughout the bone; this is not so in carti- use the pref xes; osteo- or bone and chondro- or carti age.
age. T e ce s must have a way o receiving nutrients and 7. Review the Language o Science and Language o Medi-
oxygen and a way to get rid o waste products. T e struc- cine terms and their word origins to he p you better
ture o the osteon a ows this to occur. understand the meaning o the names o the bones.
3. Reviewing the f gures o the u ske eton and the sku 8. Review the out ine at the end o this chapter. T is out ine
may be the best way to earn the bones o the ske eton. provides an overview o the materia and wou d he p you
Use ash cards or on ine resources to supp ement the text understand the genera concepts to the chapter.
materia . One such on ine resource is:
216 CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System

25. Exp ain how pa pab e bony andmarks are used in the
Re vie w Que s tio ns medica pro essions.
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r
Chapte r Te s t
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
o your new le arning. re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
1. List and brie y describe the f ve unctions o the ske eta
system. 1. T e thin ayer o carti age on the ends o bones where
2. Describe the structure o the osteon. they orm joints is ca ed the ________.
3. Describe the structure o carti age. 2. T e ho ow area in the sha t o a ong bone where
4. Exp ain brie y the process o endochondra ossif cation, marrow is stored is ca ed the ________.
inc uding the unction o the osteob asts and osteoc asts. 3. T e need e ike threads o spongy bone are ca ed
5. Exp ain the importance o the epiphysea p ate. ________.
6. In genera , what bones are inc uded in the axia ske e- 4. T e structura units o compact bone are ca ed either
ton? T e appendicu ar ske eton? osteons or ________.
7. T e vertebra co umn is divided into f ve sections based 5. Osteocytes and chondrocytes ive in sma spaces in the
on ocation. Name the sections and give the number o matrix ca ed ________.
vertebrae in each section. 6. Bone-resorbing ce s are ca ed ________.
8. Distinguish between true, a se, and oating ribs. H ow 7. Bone- orming ce s are ca ed ________.
many o each is in the human body? 8. T e process o orming bone rom carti age is ca ed
9. Describe and give an examp e o a synarthrotic joint. ________.
10. Describe and give an examp e o an amphiarthrotic joint. 9. I an ________ remains between the epiphysis and
8 11. Describe and give two examp es o a diarthrotic joint. diaphysis, bone growth can continue.
12. Brie y describe a joint capsu e. 10. T e two major divisions o the human ske eton are the
13. Describe open, c osed, and comminuted ractures. ________ ske eton and the ________ ske eton.
14. Describe the three types o arthritis. 11. T e three types o joints, named or the amount o move-
15. Describe bursa and def ne bursitis. ment they a ow are ________, ________, and ________.
16. Describe an avu sion racture. 12. T e ________ are cords or bands made o strong con-
nective tissue that ho d bones together.
13. Abnorma side-to-side curvature o the vertebra co umn
Critical Thinking is ca ed ________.
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out 14. T e ske eta disorder, common in e der y white women
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to and characterized by excessive oss o ca cif ed matrix
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to and co agen f bers is ca ed ________.
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts 15. Microbia in ection o the bone is ca ed ________.
that you f nd di f cult. 16. A ________ racture invites the possibi ity o in ection
because the skin is pierced.
17. W hen a patient receives a bone marrow transp ant, what 17. Degenerative joint disease, or ________, invo ves
vita process is being restored? wearing away o articu ar carti age.
18. Exp ain how the cana icu i a ow bone to hea more e - 18. T e ________ bone serves as an anchor or tongue
cient y than carti age. musc es and he ps support the arynx.
19. Based upon what you know, what wou d happen to bone 19. T e cervica and umbar curves o the spine are ca ed
tissue i one o the three types o bone ce s were ________ curvatures.
missing, but the other types o bone ce s were present in 20. A ________ is an orthopedic procedure that invo ves the
the tissue? injection o a bone cement to repair ractured and com-
20. W hat e ect does the task o chi dbearing have on the pressed vertebrae or those who have experienced a com-
di erence between the ma e and ema e ske eton? pression racture due to osteoporosis, trauma, tumors, or
21. Exp ain why a bone racture a ong the epiphysea p ate may pro onged use o steroid drugs.
have serious imp ications in chi dren and young adu ts. 21. ophi are o ten the f rst indication o ________
22. Compare and contrast the causes and changes associated arthritis.
with osteoporosis, osteoma acia, and Paget disease. 22. W hich o the o owing is not a unction o the ske eton?
23. W hy is mastoiditis potentia y more dangerous than a a. Minera storage
paranasa sinus in ection? b. B ood ormation
24. Exp ain how the anatomy o the e bow is a good c. H eat production
examp e o how structure f ts unction. d. Protection
CHAPTER 8 Skeletal System 217

23. T e strong f brous membrane covering a o a ong bone Cas e S tudie s

except the joint is ca ed the:
a. endosteum To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to
b. periosteum the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text-
c. igament book, and othe r re s ource s .
d. tendon
24. T e f brous ining o the ho ow cavity in the ong bone 1. Andrew is a young boy who oves to c imb trees. W hi e
is ca ed the: attempting to c imb his avorite oak tree, Andrew e and
a. endosteum ractured his humerus. T e radio ogist described Andrews
b. periosteum injury as a greenstick racture. W hat does this abe te
c. medu ary cavity you about the appearance o the racture? I given proper
d. igament medica care, is the injury ike y to hea rapid y or s ow y?
25. T e end o a ong bone is ca ed the: 2. Christine is a young music student at the oca co ege.
a. endosteum One o her pro essors suggested that she ana yze her con-
b. periosteum ducting technique by videotaping herse as she conducts
c. diaphysis the choir. As she rep ays the tape, Christine notices that
d. epiphysis her hips and shou ders seem awkward y benteven when
26. T e sha t o a ong bone is ca ed the: she is in a orma standing position. W hat condition
a. endosteum might cause this abnorma curve o the trunk? W hat are
b. periosteum some ways o treating this condition?
c. diaphysis 3. Agnes is an e der y woman with osteoporosis. She
d. epiphysis recent y sustained a severe bone racture or no apparent
27. Cancer o the carti age is ca ed: reason (she did not a or otherwise injure herse ). T e
a. osteosarcoma racture was not treated or some time, and as a resu t,
b. chondrosarcoma Agnes deve oped osteomye itis. Based on what you know 8
c. f brosarcoma o osteoporosis, how do you exp ain her mysterious rac-
d. osteoma acia ture? H ow can a racture progress to osteomye itis?
28. T e in ammatory joint disease that is caused by an 4. A ice is 10 years o d and over the past ew years has had
increase o uric acid is: severa ractures even though she is not an active chi d. A
a. osteoarthritis recent b ood test indicated that her a ka ine phosphatase
b. rheumatoid arthritis eve was high y e evated. W hat diagnosis is possib e with
c. gouty arthritis her history and ab va ues? W hat are some treatment
d. in ectious arthritis options i your diagnosis is correct?

Match the bones in Column A with their locations in Column B. Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
Column A Column B
29. ________ u na a. sku
30. ________ mandib e b. upper extremity
31. ________ humerus (arm, orearm,
32. ________ metatarsa s wrist, and hand)
33. ________ tibia c. trunk
34. ________ rib d. ower extremity
35. ________ f bu a (thigh, eg, ank e,
36. ________ sternum and oot)
37. ________ scapu a
38. ________ emur
39. ________ metacarpa s
40. ________ ronta bone
41. ________ pate a
42. ________ zygomatic bone
43. ________ c avic e
44. ________ occipita bone
45. ________ carpa s
46. ________ maxi a
Muscular System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Muscle Tissue, 220 E ects o Exercise, 226

Skeletal Muscle, 220 Movements Produced by Muscles, 228
Cardiac Muscle, 220 Angular Movements, 228
Smooth Muscle, 220 Circular Movements, 228
Structure o Skeletal Muscle, 220 Special Movements, 229
Muscle Organs, 220 Skeletal Muscle Groups, 230
Muscle Fibers, 221 Muscles o the Head and Neck, 232
Function o Skeletal Muscle, 222 Muscles o the Upper Extremities,
Movement, 223 232
Posture, 224 Muscles o the Trunk, 233
Heat Production, 224 Muscles o the Lower Extremities,
Fatigue, 224 234
Integration with Other Body Systems, Muscular Disorders, 235
225 Muscle Injury, 235
Motor Unit, 225 Muscle In ections, 235
Muscle Stimulus, 225 Muscular Dystrophy, 236
Types o Muscle Contraction, 225 Myasthenia Gravis, 237
Twitch and Tetanic Contractions, 225
Isotonic Contraction, 226
Isometric Contraction, 226

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 5. Compare the major types o skeletal
should be able to: muscle contractions.
1. List, locate in the body, and compare 6. Describe the primary e ects o exercise
the structure and unction o the three on skeletal muscle.
major types o muscle tissue. 7. List and explain the most common types
2. Discuss the structure and unction o o movement produced by skeletal
skeletal muscle. muscles.
3. Describe the role o other body systems 8. Name, identi y on a model or diagram,
in movement. and give the unction o the major
4. Discuss the role o the motor unit in muscles o the body.
muscle stimulation and how a muscle 9. Name and describe the major disorders
f ber contracts. o skeletal muscles.
A lt h o u g h we initia y review three types o musc e tis- LANGUAGE OF
sue introduced ear ier (see Chapter 4), the p an or this chapter S C IEN C E
is to ocus on ske eta , or vo untary, musc ethose musc e
masses that attach to bones and actua y move them about
Be o re re ading the
when contraction or shortening o musc e ce s, or musc e
chapte r, s ay e ach o
f bers, occurs. the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
I you weigh 120 pounds, about 50 pounds o your weight the m as yo u re ad.
comes rom your ske eta musc es, the red meat o the body
that is attached to your bones. T e so t muscu ar tissue that
ies between your skin and your bones is o ten ca ed esh (ab-DUKT)
the site o injury in a esh wound. [ab- away, -duct lead]
Muscu ar movement occurs when chemica energy rom nutrient (ab-DUK-shun)
mo ecu es is trans erred to protein f aments in each musc e f ber and [ab- away, -duct- lead, -tion process]
converted to mechanica energy that shortens (contracts) the acetylcholine (ACh)
musc e. As the musc e f bers in a musc e contract, they pu on (as-ee-til-KOH-leen [ay see aych])
the bones to which they are attached and thus produce move- [acetyl- vinegar, -chole- bile,
ment o the body. -ine made o ]
Movements caused by ske eta musc e contraction vary in (AK-tin)
comp exity rom b inking an eye to the coordinated, pow- [act- act or do, -in substance]
er u , and uid movements o a gi ted ath ete. Not many o adduct
our body structures can c aim as great an importance or (ad-DUKT)
happy, active iving as can our vo untary musc es, and on y [ad- toward, -duct lead]
a ew can boast o greater importance or i e itse . O ur adduction
abi ity to survive o ten depends on our abi ity to adjust to (ad-DUK-shun)
the changing conditions o our environment to maintain [ad- toward, -duct- lead,
homeostasis. Movements requent y constitute a major -tion process]
part o this homeostatic adjustment. adductor muscle
(ad-DUK-tor MUS-el)
[ad- toward, -duct- lead,
-or condition, mus- mouse,
-cle small]
[ant- against, -agon- struggle,
-ist agent]
biceps brachii
(BYE-seps BRAY-kee-aye)
[bi- two, -cep head,
brachii related to the arm]
[brachi arm, -al- relating to, -is thing]

Continued on p. 238

220 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

M u s c le Tis s u e or striations, they are sometimes ca ed nonstriated musc e

ce s. T ey have a smooth, even appearance when viewed
S k e le t a l M u s c le through a microscope. T ey are ca ed involuntary because we
Under the microscope, thread ike and cy indrica skeletal norma y do not have contro over their contractions.
muscle ce s appear in bund es. T ey are characterized by Smooth, or invo untary, musc e orms an important part o
many crosswise stripes and mu tip e nuc ei (Figure 9-1, A). b ood vesse wa s and o many ho ow interna organs (vis-
Each f ne thread is a musc e ce usua y ca ed a muscle ber. cera) such as the gut, urethra, and ureters. Because o its oca-
T is type o musc e tissue has three names: skeletal muscle, tion in many viscera structures, it is sometimes a so ca ed
because it attaches to bone; striated muscle, because o its cross visceral muscle.
stripes or striations; and voluntary muscle, because its contrac- A though we cannot wi u y contro the action o smooth
tions can be contro ed vo untari y. musc e, its contractions are high y regu ated, which aci itates,
or examp e, the passage o nutrients through the digestive
tract or urine through the ureters into the b adder.
C a r d ia c M u s c le A three musc e ce typesske eta , cardiac, and smooth
In addition to ske eta musc e, the body a so contains two specia ize in contraction or shortening. Every movement we
other types o musc e tissue: cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. make is produced by contractions o ske eta musc e ce s.
Cardiac muscle composes the bu k o the heart. Ce s in Contractions o cardiac musc e ce s pump b ood through the
this type o musc e tissue are a so cy indrica , branch re- heart, and smooth musc e contractions he p pump b ood and
quent y (Figure 9-1, B), and then recombine into a continuous other substances through our other ho ow organs.
mass o interconnected tissue. As with ske eta musc e ce s,
they have cross striations. T ey a so have unique dark bands
ca ed intercalated disks where the p asma membranes o S t r u c t u r e o S k e le t a l M u s c le
adjacent cardiac f bers come in contact with each other.
M u s c le O r g a n s
Cardiac musc e tissue demonstrates the princip e that
structure f ts unction. T e interconnected nature o cardiac A ske eta musc e is an organ composed main y o ske eta
musc e f bers he ps the tissue contract as a unit and increases musc e f bers and connective tissue.
the e ciency o the heart musc e in pumping b ood. Fibrous connective tissue wraps around each individua
musc e f ber. T e tissue continues as it wraps around groups o
musc e f bers ca ed ascicles and f na y orms a wrapper
S m o o t h M u s c le around the entire musc e organ.
Smooth muscle f bers are tapered at each end and have a Fascia is the oose connective tissue outside the musc e
sing e nuc eus (Figure 9-1, C). Because they ack cross stripes, organs that orms a exib e, sticky packing materia between
musc es, bones, and the skin.
Most ske eta musc es attach to two bones that have a mov-
S ke le tal mus cle fibe rs
ab e joint between them. In other words, most musc es extend
9 S tria tions
rom one bone across one or more joints to another bone. A so,
one o the two bones is usua y more stationary during a given
movement than the other. T e musc es attachment to this
more stationary bone is ca ed its origin. Its attachment to the
Nucle i more movab e bone is ca ed the musc es insertion.
T e rest o the musc e (a except its two ends) is ca ed the
Cardiac mus cle fibe rs body o the musc e (Figure 9-2).
S tria tions endons anchor musc es f rm y to bones, being made o
dense, f brous connective tissue that extends rom the musc e
wrappers described ear ier. In the shape o heavy cords or
broad sheets, tendons have great strength. T ey do not tear or
pu away rom bone easi y. Yet any emergency room nurse or
Inte rca la te d
dis ks Nucle us physician sees many tendon injuriessevered tendons and
tendons torn oose rom bones.
S mo o th mus cle fibe rs
Sma uid-f ed sacs ca ed bursae ie between some ten-
dons and the bones beneath them. T ese sma sacs are made
o connective tissue and are ined with synovial membrane.
T e synovia membrane secretes a s ippery ubricating uid
synovial uidthat f s the bursa. Like a sma , exib e
cushion, a bursa makes it easier or a tendon to s ide over a
Nucle us bone when the tendons musc e shortens.
FIGURE 9-1 Muscle tissue.
A, Skeletal muscle. B, Cardiac endon sheaths enc ose some tendons. Because these
C muscle. C, Smooth muscle. tube-shaped structures are a so ined with synovia membrane
Origin CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 221
Te ndons

Mus cle
Te ndon
Ins e rtion
Fa s cia
Te ndon

Conne ctive
Fa s cicle s tis s ue
(bundle s of
mus cle fibe rs )

FIGURE 9-2 Attachments o

a skeletal muscle. A muscle MUS CLE
originates at a relatively stable part o FIBER
the skeleton (origin) and inserts at the skel-
etal part that is moved when the muscle con-
tracts (insertion).

and are moistened with synovia uid, they, ike the bursae, S a rcome re
aci itate body movement.

M u s c le Fib e r s
S t r u c t u r e o M u s c le Fib e r s
Thick myofila me nt (myos in)
Ske eta musc e tissue consists o e ongated contracti e ce s, Z line Z line
or musc e f bers, that ook ike ong, tapered cy inders. T eir A Thin myofila me nt (mos tly a ctin)
exib e connective tissue wrappings ho d them together in
para e groups, a owing the musc e f bers to a pu together
in the same directionas a team.
Thick fila me nts Thin fila me nts
Each ske eta musc e f ber has a very unique cytoske eton
structure. T e f bers interna ramework is organized into many
Re la xe d
ong cy inders, each made up o two kinds o thread ike micro-
f aments ca ed thick and thin myo laments. T e thick myo-
f aments are ormed rom a protein ca ed myosin, and the Z line Z line Z line
thin myof aments are composed main y o the protein actin. 9
Each sha t ike myosin mo ecu e has a head that sticks out Contra cte d
toward the actin mo ecu es. At rest, the actin is b ocked rom
connecting with the myosin heads by sma proteins attached
to the actin. D uring contraction, however, the b ocking pro-
Ma xima lly
teins re ease actin and the myosin heads connect to orm contra cte d
crossbridges between the thick and thin f aments.
Find the abe sarcomere in Figure 9-3. T ink o the sarco-
B S a rcome re
mere as the basic unctiona , or contractile, unit o ske eta
musc e. T e submicroscopic structure o a sarcomere consists
o numerous thick and thin myof aments arranged so that
when viewed under a microscope, dark and ight stripes or

FIGURE 9-3 Structure o skeletal muscle. A, Each muscle organ has

many muscle bers, each containing many bundles o thick and thin myo la-
ments. The diagrams show the overlapping thick and thin laments arranged
to orm adjacent segments called sarcomeres. B, During contraction, the
thin laments are pulled toward the center o each sarcomere, thereby
shortening the whole muscle. C, This electron micrograph shows that the
overlapping thick and thin laments within each sarcomere create a pattern
o dark striations in the muscle. The extreme magni cation allowed by
electron microscopy has revolutionized our concept o the structure and
unction o skeletal muscle and other tissues. C Z line S a rcome re Z line
222 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

striations are seen. T e repeating units, or sarcomeres, are sepa- Ca cium ion pumps in the membrane o the ER quick y
rated rom each other by dark bands ca ed Z lines or Z disks. pu most o the ree Ca back out o the cytop asm and back
A though the sarcomeres in the upper portions (Figure 9-3, B) into the ER. Because Ca are no onger avai ab e to bind to
and in the e ectron micrograph (EM) o Figure 9-3, C, are in a the thin f aments, the actin-myosin reactions stoprestoring
re axed state, the thick and thin myof aments, which are ying re axation in the musc e f ber.
para e to each other, sti over ap. Now ook at the diagrams in T e contraction process o a musc e ce requires energy.
the midd e portion o Figure 9-3, A. Note that contraction o the T is energy is supp ied by g ucose and other nutrients.
musc e causes the two types o myof aments to s ide toward T e energy must be trans erred to myosin heads by adenos-
each other and shorten the sarcomere, thus shortening the entire ine triphosphate (A P) mo ecu es, the energy-trans er mo e-
musc e. W hen the musc e re axes, the sarcomeres can return to cu es o the ce (see Figure 2-15 on p. 35). O xygen is required
resting ength, and the f aments resume their resting positions. to trans er energy rom g ucose to A P and make it avai ab e
to the myosin heads, so it is not surprising that many musc es
C o n t r a c t io n o M u s c le Fib e r s have high oxygen requirements.
An exp anation o how a ske eta musc e contracts is provided o supp ement the oxygen carried to musc e f bers by the
by the sliding lament model. According to this mode , dur- hemoglobin o b ood, musc e f bers contain myoglobina red,
ing contraction, the thick and thin myof aments in a musc e oxygen-storing pigment simi ar to hemog obin. D uring rest,
f ber f rst attach to one another by orming crossbridges that oxygen carried to musc es by hemog obin in the b ood is taken
then act as evers to ratchet or pu the myof aments past up by myog obin within musc e f bers. As oxygen is used up
each other. quick y during musc e contractions, oxygen rom myog obin
T e connecting bridges between the myof aments orm adds to the oxygen rom hemog obinthereby a owing maxi-
on y i ca cium is present. D uring the re axed state, ca cium mum recharging o energy-containing A P mo ecu es.
ions (Ca ) are stored within the endop asmic reticu um (ER) We discuss the processes o trans erring energy to A P to
in the musc e ce . W hen a nerve signa stimu ates the musc e ce u ar processes in Chapter 19.
f ber, Ca are re eased rom the ER into the cytop asm.
T ere, the Ca bind to the thin f aments and re ease
To learn more about how energy in the body is
actin to react with myosin. T e myosin heads connect to
measured, including examples the energy cost
actin, pu , re ease, and then pu again. T is ratcheting o
o common muscular activities, check out the
myosin heads thus pu s the thin f aments toward the cen-
article Measuring Energy at Connect It! at
ter o the sarcomereproducing the musc e contraction
(Figure 9-4).

FIGURE 9-4 Mechanism o 1. Wh a t a re th e th re e m a in typ e s
Ne rve impuls e P la s ma me mbra ne
muscle contraction.
Motor ne uron of mus cula r fibe r o m u s cle tis s u e ? Ho w d o th e y
Ne uromus cula r Ele ctrica l d i e r?
9 junction (NMJ ) impuls e 2. Dis tin g u is h b e tw e e n a s cicle s
a n d a s cia .
1 3. Wh a t is a m u s cles o rig in ? Its
A ne rve impuls e trave ls to a in s e rtio n ?
mus cle fibe r through a motor Ca 4. Ho w d o a m u s cles m yo f la -
ne uron, trigge ring a n m e n ts p rovid e th e m e ch a n is m
e le ctrica l impuls e tha t o r m ove m e n t?
trave ls a long the mus cle
fibe r me mbra ne.

To better understand
2 this concept, use the
The impuls e trigge rs the S mooth e ndopla s mic
re le a s e of ca lcium ions
Active Concept Map
re ticulum
(Ca ) from the Ca How a Skeletal Muscle
e ndopla s mic re ticulum a nd Fiber Contracts at
into the cytopla s m.

The Ca ions bind to thin Fu n c t io n o
fila me nts a nd pe rmit a ctin to
re a ct with myos in. Myos in S k e le t a l M u s c le
he a ds form ra tche ting
cros s bridge s with a ctin, T e unctions o the muscu ar sys-
which pull the thin fila me nts tem are many. Most obvious y, this
towa rd the middle of the
s a rcome rethus producing
system produces movement o the
Thick Cros s -
a contra ction. Z dis k fila me nt bridge Z dis k ske eton and permits us to move
Thin fila me nt Myos in he a ds our who e body, as we as our
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 223

teams, not individua y. Severa musc es contract whi e others

C LIN ICA L APPLICATION re ax to produce a most any movement that you can imagine.
O a the musc es contracting simu taneous y, the one that
RIGOR MORTIS is main y responsib e or producing a particu ar movement is
The te rm rigo r m o rtis is a Latin phras e that m e ans s ti - ca ed the prime mover or that movement. T e other musc es
ne s s o de ath. In a m e dical context, the te rm rigor m ortis that he p in producing the movement are ca ed synergists.
re e rs to the s ti ne s s o s ke le tal m us cle s s om e tim e s ob- As prime movers and synergist musc es at a joint contract,
s e rve d s hortly a te r de ath. other musc es, ca ed antagonists, re ax. W hen antagonist
What caus e s rigor m ortis ? At the tim e o de ath, s tim ula- musc es contract, they produce a movement opposite to that
tion o m us cle ce lls ce as e s . Howeve r, s om e m us cle f be rs o the prime movers and their synergist musc es.
m ay have be e n in m id-contraction at the tim e o de ath Locate the biceps brachii, brachia is, and triceps brachii
w he n the myos in-actin cros s bridge s are s till intact. ATP is
musc es in Figure 9-10 on p. 231. A o these musc es are in-
re quire d to re le as e the cros s bridge s and e ne rgize the m
vo ved in bending and straightening the orearm at the e bow
or the ir next attachm e nt. Be caus e the las t o a ce lls ATP
s upply is us e d up at the tim e it die s , m any cros s bridge s
joint. Each may p ay a di erent ro e, depending on the start-
m ay be le t s tuck in the contracte d pos ition. Thus m us - ing positions o the bones and rom which direction the oad
cle s in a de ad body m ay be s ti be caus e individual m us cle is resisting the movement.
f be rs ran out o the ATP re quire d to turn o a m us cle Imagine the e bow is s ight y exed and orearm is s ight y
contraction. twisted so that the hand is thumb up, as in ho ding a arge
bott e o water upright. T e biceps brachii may act as the
prime mover as you ex the e bow to i t the bott e to drink.
In this case, the brachia is may act as its he per or synergist
individua imbs. By producing continuous tension on the musc e.
ske etonmuscle tonethis system a so he ps maintain a I you instead i ted a heavy object rom a pa m-up posi-
stab e body position, or posture. As we earned in Chapter 1, tion, the brachia is and biceps brachii musc es wou d ike y
ske eta musc es a so produce heat and thus he p us maintain reverse ro es, with the brachia is becoming the prime mover.
homeostatic ba ance o body temperature. T is happens because the direction o the oad has changed
so musc e contro wi adapt according y.
M o ve m e n t
Musc es move bones by pu ing on them. Be-
cause the ength o a ske eta musc e becomes
shorter as its f bers contract, the bones to S C IEN C E APPLICATIONS
which the musc e attaches move c oser to-
gether. As a ru e, on y the insertion bone
moves. Look again at Figure 9-2. As the ba is The Britis h phys iologis t Andrew F. Huxley is large ly
i ted, the shortening o the musc e body pu s re s pons ible or explaining how m us cle f be rs con- 9
the insertion bone toward the origin bone. T e tract. A te r m aking pione e ring dis cove rie s in how
origin bone stays put, ho ding f rm, whi e the ne rve s conduct im puls e s , a e at or w hich he
insertion bone moves toward it. Remember s hare d the 1963 Nobe l Prize in Me dicine or Phys i-
ology, Huxley turne d his atte ntion to m us cle f be rs .
this simp e ru e: a musc es insertion bone
It was he w ho, in the 1950s , propos e d the s liding
moves toward its origin bone. It can he p you f lam e nt m ode l along w ith its m e chanical explana-
understand musc e actions. tion o m us cle contraction.
Shortening o a musc e is the primary ex- Today, e xe rcis e phys io lo g is ts and othe r re -
amp e o musc e action in this chapter, but it is Andrew Huxley s e arche rs continue to f nd out m ore about how
important to remember that musc es can a so (19172012) m us cle f be rs and m us cle organs work. The s e
produce tension as they extend. T is occurs dis cove rie s are be ing applie d in m any di e re nt
when musc es engthen under tension, as the pro e s s ions . For exam ple , nutritio nis ts us e this in orm ation in advis ing ath-
musc e insertion is pu ed by a oad away rom le te s and othe rs conce rning w hat and w he n to e at to m axim ize m us cular
the origin. For examp e, when you ower a s tre ngth and e ndurance . Athle te s the m s e lve s , along w ith the ir coache s and
heavy bow ing ba rom your shou der the athle tic traine rs , us e curre nt conce pts o m us cle s cie nce in he lping the m
im prove the ir pe r orm ance .
musc es in your arm produce tension as they
He alth pro e s s ionals s uch as phys icians , nurs e s , phys ical the rapis ts , and
engthen and a ow you to gent y ower it occupational the rapis ts us e in orm ation about m us cular proble m s s uch as
otherwise the ba wou d sudden y a and pos- myas the nia gravis and m us cular dys trophy to he lp clie nts im prove the ir m o-
sib y cause injury. ension during musc e bility and quality o li e . Many othe r pro e s s ions s uch as chiro practic,
engthening is o ten ca ed eccentric contraction. m as s age the rapy, e rgo no m ics , phys ical e ducatio n, f tne s s , dance , art,
Vo untary muscu ar movement is norma y and bio m e chanical e ng ine e ring als o re ly on up-to-date in orm ation on
smooth and ree o jerks and tremors because m us cle s tructure and unction or optim al pe r orm ance .
ske eta musc es genera y work in coordinated
224 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

In either case, when the biceps brachii and brachia is direction to overcome the orce o gravity and ho d the head
musc es i t the orearm, the triceps brachii re axes to a ow and trunk erect.
the movementthus acting as the antagonistic musc e.
W hen the orearm straightens, these three musc es con-
He a t P ro d u c t io n
tinue to work as a team. H owever, during straightening, the
triceps brachii becomes the prime mover and the biceps H ea thy surviva depends on our abi ity to maintain a con-
brachii and brachia is become the antagonistic musc es. T is stant body temperature. A ever, or e evation in body tempera-
combined and coordinated team ike activity is what makes ture, o on y a degree or two above 37 C (98.6 F) is a most
our muscu ar movements smooth and grace u . a ways a sign o i ness. Just as serious is a a in body tem-
perature. Any decrease be ow norma , a condition ca ed
To learn more about movement o the muscles, go hypothermia, drastica y a ects ce u ar activity and norma
to AnimationDirect online at body unction. T e contraction o musc e f bers produces most
o the heat required to maintain body temperature.
Energy required to produce a musc e contraction is ob-
Po s t u re tained rom A P. Some o the energy trans erred to A P and
We are ab e to maintain our body position because o a spe- re eased during a muscu ar contraction is used to shorten the
cif c type o ske eta musc e contraction ca ed muscle tone or musc e f bers; however, much o the energy is ost as heat dur-
tonic contraction. Because re ative y ew o a musc es f bers ing its trans er to A P. T is heat he ps us to maintain our
shorten at one time in a tonic contraction, the musc e as a body temperature at a constant eve .
who e does not shorten, and no movement occurs. Conse- Sometimes the heat rom generating A P during heavy
quent y, tonic contractions do not move any body parts. T ey musc e use can produce too much heat, and we have to sweat
do ho d musc es in position, however. In other words, musc e or shed ayers o c othing to coo back down to our setpoint
tone maintains posture. temperature.
Good posture is the def nition o body positioning that
avors best unctioning o a body parts. Such positioning
Fa t ig u e
ba ances the distribution o weight and there ore puts the
east strain on musc es, tendons, igaments, and bones. I musc e f bers are stimu ated repeated y without adequate
Ske eta musc e tone maintains posture by counteract- periods o rest, the strength o the musc e contraction de-
ing the pu o gravity. G ravity tends to pu the head and creases, resu ting in atigue. I repeated stimu ation occurs,
trunk downward and orward, but the tone in certain back the strength o the contraction continues to decrease, and
and neck musc es pu s just hard enough in the opposite eventua y the musc e oses its abi ity to contract.


Sports phys iologis ts know the re are thre e bas ic s ke le tal m us cle f be r type s in the
body: s low, as t, and inte rm e diate f be rs . Each type is be s t s uite d to a particular s tyle
o m us cular contractiona act that is us e ul w he n cons ide ring how di e re nt m us -
cle s are us e d in various athle tic activitie s .
Slow f be rs are als o calle d re d f be rs be caus e they have a high conte nt o
oxyge n-s toring m yoglobin (a re d pigm e nt s im ilar to he m oglobin). Slow f be rs are
be s t s uite d to e ndurance activitie s s uch as long-dis tance running (picture d) be -
caus e the y do not atigue e as ily. Mus cle s that m aintain body pos itionpos ture
have a high proportion o s low f be rs .
Fas t f be rs are als o calle d w hite f be rs be caus e they have a low re d myoglobin
conte nt. Fas t f be rs are be s t s uite d or quick, powe r ul contractions be caus e eve n
though they atigue quickly they can produce a gre at am ount o ATP ve ry quickly. Fas t
f be rs are we ll s uite d to s printing and we ight-li ting eve nts . Mus cle s that m ove the
f nge rs have a high proportion o as t f be rs a big he lp w he n playing com pute r
gam e s or m us ical ins trum e nts .
Inte rm e diate f be rs have characte ris tics be twe e n the extre m e s o s low and as t
f be rs . This m us cle type is ound in m us cle s s uch as the cal m us cle (gas trocne m ius )
that is us e d both or pos ture and occas ional brie , powe r ul contractions s uch as
jum ping.
Each m us cle o the body is a m ixture o varying proportions o s low, as t, and in-
te rm e diate f be rs .
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 225

D uring exercise, the stored A P required or musc e con-

traction becomes dep eted. Formation o more A P resu ts in
M o t o r U n it
rapid consumption o oxygen and nutrients, o ten outstripping Be ore a ske eta musc e can contract and pu on a bone to
the abi ity o the musc es b ood supp y to rep enish them. move it, the musc e must f rst be stimu ated by nerve impu ses.
W hen oxygen supp ies run ow, the musc e f bers switch to a Musc e ce s are stimu ated by a nerve f ber ca ed a motor
type o energy conversion that does not require oxygen. T is neuron (see Figures 9-4 and 9-5). T e junction between the
process produces actic acid that may contribute to a burning nerve ending and the musc e f ber is ca ed a neuromuscular
sensation in musc e during exercise. junction (NMJ).
T e simp e term oxygen debt describes the continued in- Signa chemica s ca ed neurotransmitters are re eased by
creased metabo ism that must occur in a ce to remove excess the motor neuron in response to a nervous impu se. T e type
actic acid that accumu ates during pro onged exercise. T us o neurotransmitter operating in each NMJ is ca ed
the dep eted energy reserves are rep aced. Labored breathing acetylcholine (ACh). T e re eased ACh di uses across a tiny
a ter the cessation o exercise is required to pay the debt o gap at the NMJ and triggers events within the musc e ce that
oxygen required or the metabo ic e ort. stimu ate the contraction process i ustrated in Figure 9-4. A
T e technica name or oxygen debt used by exercise physi- sing e motor neuron, with the musc e ce s it innervates, is
o ogists is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), a ca ed a motor unit (see Figure 9-5).
term that more direct y describes what happens a ter exercise.
T e oxygen debt mechanism is a good examp e o homeo-
stasis at work. T e body returns the ce s energy and oxygen
M u s c le S t im u lu s
reserves to norma , resting eve s. In a aboratory setting, a sing e musc e f ber can be iso ated
and subjected to stimu i o varying intensities so that it can be
Interested in learning more about EPOC? studied. Such experiments show that a musc e f ber does not
Check out the illustrated article Oxygen Debt at contract unti an app ied stimu us reaches a certain eve o
Connect It! at intensity. T e minima eve o stimu ation required to cause a
f ber to contract is ca ed the threshold stimulus.
A musc e is composed o many musc e ce s that are con-
In t e g r a t io n w it h O t h e r Bo d y S y s t e m s
tro ed by di erent motor units and that have di erent
Remember that musc es do not unction a one. O ther struc- thresho d-stimu us eve s. Consider a so that di erent num-
tures such as bones and joints must unction a ong with them. bers o motor units can be activated simu taneous y, thus a -
Most ske eta musc es cause movements by pu ing on bones ecting the overa strength o contraction. T is act has tre-
across movab e joints. mendous importance in everyday i e. It a ows you to pick up
H owever, the respiratory, cardiovascu ar, nervous, muscu ar, either a sma bott e o water or a two-ga on jug because
and ske eta systems a p ay essentia ro es in producing norma di erent numbers o motor units can be activated or di erent
movements. T is act has great practica importance. For ex- oads.
amp e, a person might have per ect y norma musc es and sti
not be ab e to move norma y. H e or she might have a nervous
Ty p e s o M u s c le C o n t r a c t io n 9
system disorder that shuts o impu ses to certain ske eta
musc es, which resu ts in paralysis. Multiple sclerosis (MS) cre- In addition to the tonic contraction o musc e that maintains
ates para ysis in this way, but so do some other conditions such musc e tone and posture, other types o contraction occur as
as a brain hemorrhage, a brain tumor, or a spina cord injury. we . T ese additiona types o musc e contraction inc ude the
Ske eta system disorders, especia y arthritis, have dis- o owing:
ab ing e ects on body movement.
Musc e unctioning, then, depends on the unctioning o 1. witch contraction
many other parts o the body. T is act i ustrates a princip e 2. etanic contraction
that is repeated o ten in this book. It can be simp y stated: 3. Isotonic contraction
Each part o the body is one o many components in a arge, 4. Isometric contraction
interactive system that maintains homeostasis. T e norma
unction o one part depends on the norma unction o the
other parts.
Tw it c h a n d Te t a n ic C o n t r a c t io n s
A twitch is a quick, jerky response to a stimu us. witch con-
QUICK CHECK tractions can be seen in iso ated musc es during research, but
they p ay a minima ro e in norma musc e activity. o accom-
1. Wh a t a re th e th re e p rim a ry u n ctio n s o th e m u s cu la r
s ys te m ? p ish the coordinated and uid muscu ar movements needed
2. Wh e n a p rim e m ove r m u s cle co n tra cts , w h a t d o e s its or most dai y tasks, musc es must contract in a smooth and
a n ta g o n is t d o ? sustained waynot in the jerky manner o a twitch.
3. Ho w w o u ld yo u d e f n e th e te rm p o s tu re ? A tetanic contraction is a more sustained and steady re-
4. Ho w d o e s m u s cle u n ctio n a e ct b o d y te m p e ra tu re ? sponse than a twitch. It is produced by a series o stimu i
5. Wh a t is oxyg e n d e b t?
bombarding the musc e in rapid succession. Contractions
226 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

Motor ne uron Ne uromus cula r

Mus cle fibe r junction

S chwa nn
ce ll
Mye lin s he a th

ne uron

Ne uromus cula r junction

Nucle us
Mus cle be rs
me t together to produce a sus-
tained contraction or tetanus. About Myo brils
30 stimu i per second, or examp e, evoke a B
tetanic contraction in certain types o ske eta
musc e. etanic contraction is not necessari y a maxima con-
traction in which each musc e f ber responds at the same time. S pina l cord
In most cases, on y a ew motor units undergo contractions at
any one time.

Is o t o n ic C o n t r a c t io n
In most cases, isotonic contraction o musc e produces
movement at a joint. W ith this type o contraction, the mus- Motor unit 1
c e changes ength, and the insertion end moves re ative to the Motor unit 2
point o origin (Figure 9-6, A). Motor unit 3
T ere are two types o isotonic contraction. One is C
9 concentric contraction, in which the musc e shortens. T e FIGURE 9-5 Motor unit. A, A motor unit consists o one motor neuron
other is eccentric contraction, in which the musc e engthens and the muscle bers supplied by its branches. B, Micrograph o a motor
but sti provides work. unit. C, Diagram o several motor units, each controlled by its own motor
For examp e, i ting this book requires concentric con- neuron.
traction o the biceps musc e that exes your e bow. Lower-
ing the book s ow y and sa e y requires eccentric contraction
o the biceps musc e. T us, what we ca musc e contraction
rea y means any pu ing o the musc e whether it shortens A though musc es do not shorten (and thus produce no
or not. movement) during isometric contractions, tension within
Wa king, running, breathing, i ting, twisting, and most them increases (Figure 9-6, B). Because o this, repeated iso-
body movements are examp es o isotonic contraction. metric contractions make musc es grow arger and stronger.
Pushing against a wa or other immovab e object is a good
examp e o isometric exercise. A though no movement occurs
Is o m e t r ic C o n t r a c t io n and the musc e does not shorten, its interna tension increases
Contraction o a ske eta musc e does not a ways produce dramatica y.
movement. Sometimes, it increases the tension within a mus-
c e but does not change the ength o the musc e. W hen the
musc e contracts and no movement resu ts, it is ca ed an
E e c t s o Exe r c is e
isometric contraction. T e word isometric comes rom Greek We know that exercise is good or us. Some o the benef ts o
words that mean equa measure. In other words, a musc es regu ar, proper y practiced exercise are great y improved mus-
ength during an isometric contraction and during re axation is c e tone, better posture, more e cient heart and ung unc-
about equa . tion, ess atigue, and ooking and ee ing better.
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 227

S a me te ns ion; cha nging le ngth S a me le ngth; cha nging te ns ion

Mus cle Re la xe d
le ngthe ns

Ec c e ntric c o ntrac tio n

Contra cting
Mus cle
s horte ns

Co nc e ntric c o ntrac tio n

FIGURE 9-6 Types o muscle contraction. A, In isotonic contraction the muscle changes length, produc-
ing movement either by eccentric contraction (muscle lengthens) or concentric contraction (muscle shortens).
B, In isometric contraction the muscle pulls orce ully against a load but does not shorten.


The m os t obvious and e e ctive way o incre as ing s ke le tal they do in act s tim ulate an incre as e in m us cle s ize and
m us cle s tre ngth is by s tre ngth training, that is , re gularly pulling s tre ngth, m aking the m dange rous ly attractive to coache s and
agains t he avy re s is tance . The m axim al am ount o m us cular athle te s wanting to w in the ir eve nts . Howeve r, us e o the s e
s tre ngth one can achieve is de te rm ine d m ainly by ge ne tics . horm one s can caus e s e rious , eve n li e -thre ate ning, horm onal
Howeve r, the re are a num be r o che m ical e nhance m e nts ath- im balance s . For this re as on, anabolic s te roids are s trictly
le te s have trie d ove r the ce nturie s to im prove s tre ngth. An banne d rom organize d s ports .
e arly ad am ong athle te s in the twe ntie th ce ntury was the Sports phys iologis ts are now inve s tigating a w hole varie ty
ove rus e o vitam in s upple m e nts . Although m ode rate vitam in o che m icals s uch as cre atine phos phate and various coe n-
s upple m e ntation w ill e ns ure ade quate intake o vitam ins ne c- zym e s (e nzym e he lpe rs ) that are re porte d to e nhance s tre ngth
e s s ary or good m us cle unction, ove rus e m ay le ad to hype rvi- or e ndurance . Always care ully review the late s t re s e arch f nd-
tam inos is and pos s ibly s e rious cons e que nce s . ings on s uch s ubs tance s w ith the he lp o your re e re nce librar-
Anothe r type o che m ical o te n abus e d by athle te s is ana- ian and dis cus s the m w ith your phys ician be ore us ing the m
bolic s te roids . Anabolic s te roids are us ually s ynthe tic de riva- yours e l , or you m ay s u e r s e rious he alth cons e que nce s .
tive s o the m ale horm one te s tos te rone . As w ith te s tos te rone ,
228 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

Ske eta musc es undergo changes that correspond to the

amount o work that they norma y do. D uring pro onged HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G
inactivity, musc es usua y shrink in mass, a condition ca ed
disuse atrophy. Exercise, on the other hand, may cause an MUS CLE MAS SAGE
increase in musc e size ca ed hypertrophy. Re s e arch s how s that m as s aging m us cle s a te r exe rcis e
Musc e hypertrophy can be enhanced by strength training, re duce s the in am m ation that can caus e s ore ne s s a te r a
which invo ves contracting musc es against heavy resistance. workout or athle tic com pe tition. Mas s aging m us cle s or
Isometric exercises and weight i ting are common strength- jus t 10 m inute s im m e diate ly a te r exe rcis e can de cre as e
training activities. T is type o training resu ts in increased the che m icals that trigge r the pain and s we lling that s om e -
numbers o myof aments in each musc e f ber. A though the tim e s ollow s vigorous us e o s ke le tal m us cle s . Mas s aging
number o musc e f bers stays the same, the increased number m us cle s als o incre as e s the num be r o m itochondria in e ach
m us cle f be rre s ulting in m ore e ne rgy be ing available or
o myof aments great y increases the mass o the musc e.
uture contractions .
Endurance training, o ten ca ed aerobic training, does
not usua y resu t in musc e hypertrophy. Instead, this type o
exercise program increases a musc es abi ity to sustain moder-
ate exercise over a ong period. Aerobic activities such as run-
ning, bicyc ing, or other primari y isotonic movements in-
crease the number o b ood vesse s in a musc e without
signif cant y increasing its size. T e increased b ood ow a -
ows a more e cient de ivery o oxygen and g ucose to musc e
f bers during exercise.
Aerobic training a so causes an increase in the number o
mitochondria in musc e f bers. T is a ows production o more
A P as a rapid energy source.

1. Wh a t is th e ro le o a ce tylch o lin e a t th e n e u ro m u s cu la r
ju n ctio n ?
2. Wh a t is a m o to r u n it?
3. Ho w d o e s a m u s cle p ro d u ce d i e re n t le ve ls o s tre n g th ?
4. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n is o to n ic a n d is o m e tric
are straightening or stretching movements rather than bend-
m u s cle co n tra ctio n ? ing movements. W hen you straighten your e bow or knee, you
5. Ho w d o e s s tre n g th tra in in g d i e r ro m e n d u ra n ce extend it.
tra in in g ? Figure 9-7 and Figure 9-9, A, show exion and extension o the
e bow. Figure 9-8 i ustrates exion and extension o the knee.
Abduction means moving a part away rom the mid ine o
9 M o ve m e n t s P ro d u c e d the body, such as moving your arm out to the side.
Adduction means moving a part toward the mid ine, such
b y M u s c le s as bringing your arms down to your sides rom an e evated
T e particu ar type o movement that may occur at any joint position. W hen you move your arm to the side to wave, you
depends on the musc es acting at that joint, on their origin abduct it. W hen you move your arm back toward your body,
and insertion points, on the shapes o the bones invo ved, and you adduct it. Figure 9-9, B, shows abduction and adduction.
the joint type (see Chapter 8). Musc es acting on some joints
produce movement in severa directions, whereas on y imited
C ir c u la r M o ve m e n t s
movement is possib e at other joints. T e terms most o ten
used to describe body movements are described in the o ow- Rotation is movement around a ongitudina axis. You rotate
ing sections. your head and neck by moving your sku rom side to side as
in shaking your head no (Figure 9-9, C).
Circumduction moves a part so that its dista end moves
A n g u la r M o ve m e n t s in a circ e (Figure 9-9, D). W hen a pitcher winds up to throw a
Flexion is a movement that makes the ang e between two ba , she circumducts her arm.
bones at their joint sma er than it was at the beginning o the Supination and pronation re er to hand positions that
movement. Most exions are movements common y de- resu t rom rotation o the orearm. (T e term prone re ers to
scribed as bending. I you bend your e bow or your knee, you the body as a who e ying ace down. Supine means ying ace
ex it. up.) Supination resu ts in a hand position with the pa m
Extension movements are the opposite o exions. T ey turned to the anterior position (as in the anatomica position)
make the ang e between two bones at their joint arger than it and pronation occurs when you turn the pa m o your hand so
was at the beginning o the movement. T ere ore, extensions that it aces posterior y (Figure 9-9, E).
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 229

Flexio n Exte ns io n
Flexio n
Bra chia lis a nd Bra chia lis a nd
bice ps bra chii bice ps bra chii
(contra cte d) S (re la xe d)
Exte ns io n

Trice ps bra chii Trice ps bra chii
(re la xe d) (contra cte d)

FIGURE 9-7 Flexion and extension o the orearm. A and B, When the orearm is f exed at the elbow,
the brachialis and biceps brachii contract while an antagonist, the triceps brachii, relaxes. B and C, When the
orearm is extended, the brachialis and biceps brachii relax while the triceps brachii contracts.

Qua drice ps fe moris group

Qua drice ps fe moris (contra cte d)
group (re la xe d)

Exte ns io n
Ha ms tring group Ha ms tring group S
(contra cte d) (re la xe d)
Flexio n
Flexio n Exte ns io n

FIGURE 9-8 Flexion and extension o the leg. A and B, When the leg f exes at the knee, muscles o the
hamstring group contract while their antagonists in the quadriceps emoris group relax. B and C, When the leg
extends, the hamstring muscles relax while the quadriceps emoris muscle contracts.

W hen you ask or change, you supinate as you twist the your oot when the so e moves inward. Eversion turns the
orearm outward and you pronate as you twist the orearm ank e in the opposite direction, so that the bottom o the oot
inward to put the change in your pocket. aces toward the side o the body (Figure 9-9, H). You evert
your oot when your so e moves outward.
S p e c ia l M o ve m e n t s As you study the i ustrations and earn to recognize the 9
musc es discussed in this chapter, you shou d attempt to group
Some body parts, such as the oot, are di cu t to describe them according to unction, as in Table 9-1. Some musc e
with ordinary terms, so specia terms are o ten used to de- names inc ude the type o movement the musc e produces,
scribe their unique movements. such as the musc e named adductor longus. You wi note,
D orsi exion and plantar exion re er to ank e movements. or examp e, that exors produce many o the movements
o dorsi ex the ank e, the dorsum or top o the oot is e evated used or wa king, sitting, swimming, typing, and many other
with the toes pointing
upwardas when stand-
ing on your hee . o TABLE 9-1 Muscles Grouped According to Function
plantar ex the ank e, the PART
rected downward so that Arm Pe ctoralis m ajor Latis s im us dors i De ltoid Pe ctoralis m ajor and latis s im us
you are in e ect standing dors i contracting toge the r
on your toes (Figure 9-9, F).
Fore arm Bice ps brachii Trice ps brachii None None
Inversion and eversion
Thigh Iliops oas Glute us m axim us Glute us m e dius Adductor group
are a so ank e movements.
Sartorius Ham s trings
Inversion moves turn the
Re ctus e m oris
ank e so that the bottom
Le g Ham s trings Quadrice ps group None None
o the oot aces toward
the mid ine o the body Foot Tibialis ante rior Gas trocne m ius Fibularis longus Tibialis ante rior
Sole us Fibularis brevis Fibularis te rtius
(Figure 9-9, G). You invert
230 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

ANGULAR activities. Extensors a so unction in these ac-

tivities but perhaps p ay their most important
ro e in maintaining an upright posture.

1. Ho w d o e s th e a n g le b e tw e e n tw o b o n e s

d i e r in e xio n a n d e xte n s io n ?

2. Wh a t h a p p e n s w h e n a p e rs o n a b d u cts h is
io n

n oi
e x o r h e r a rm ?
3. Ho w is d o rs i e xio n o th e o o t p e r o rm e d ?
4. Fle xo rs a n d e xte n s o rs u n ctio n in m a ny o
th e s a m e a ctivitie s ; h o w e ve r, th e e xte n s o rs


u p la y w h a t im p o rta n t ro le ?
io n

To learn more about movement pro-


duced by skeletal muscle contrac-


tions, go to AnimationDirect online


S k e le t a l M u s c le G ro u p s
I I In the paragraphs that o ow, representative
A B musc es rom the most important ske eta mus-
c e groups are discussed. Re er to Figure 9-10
o ten so that you wi be ab e to see a musc e as
CIRCULAR you read about its p acement on the body and
its unction.



o ta a tio
tio tr ot
n Le f





n oit

tio n Pr
i a


C D E n


Dors iflexion P
P la nta r flexion


A P FIGURE 9-9 Examples o body movements.

A, Flexion and extension. B, Adduction and abduc-
D tion. C, Rotation. D, Circumduction. E, Pronation
Inve rs ion Eve rs ion and supination. F, Dorsif exion and plantar f exion.
F G H G, Inversion. H, Eversion.
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 231

Table 9-2 through Table 9-5 identi y and group musc es ac-
Muscles o the body do not work as isolated
cording to unction and provide in ormation about musc e
engines o movement, but instead act in unctional
action and points o origin and insertion. Keep in mind that
teams to produce e ective movement. Check out
musc es move bones, and the bones that they move are their
the illustrated article Whole Body Muscle
insertion bones.
Mechanics at Connect It! at
As you study the major musc es o the body, try to f nd
them in the Clear View o the Human Body ( o ows p. 8).

FIGURE 9-10 Overview o muscles o the body. A, Anterior view. B, Posterior view. Both views show an
adult emale.
232 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

TABLE 9-2 Muscles o the Head and Neck

Frontal Rais e s eye brow Skin o eye brow Occipital bone
Orbicularis oculi Clos e s eye Maxilla and rontal bone Maxilla and rontal bone (e ncircle s eye )
Orbicularis oris Draw s lips toge the r Encircle s lips Encircle s lips
Zygom aticus Elevate s corne rs o m outh and lips Angle o m outh and uppe r lip Zygom atic
Mas s e te r Clos e s jaw s Mandible Zygom atic arch
Te m poral Clos e s jaw s Mandible Te m poral re gion o the s kull
Ste rnocle idom as toid Rotate s and exe s he ad and ne ck Mas toid proce s s Ste rnum and clavicle
Trape zius Exte nds he ad and ne ck Scapula Skull and uppe r ve rte brae
Move s or s tabilize s s capula

M u s c le s o t h e He a d a n d N e c k musc es are ocated on the anterior sur ace o the neck. T ey

T e muscles o acial expression (Figure 9-11) a ow us to com- originate on the sternum and then pass up and cross the neck
municate many di erent emotions nonverba y. Contraction to insert on the mastoid process o the sku . Working together,
o the rontal muscle, or examp e, a ows you to raise your they ex the head on the chest. I on y one contracts, the head
eyebrows in surprise and urrow the skin o your orehead into is both exed and ti ted to the opposite side.
a rown. T e orbicularis oris, ca ed the kissing muscle, puckers T e triangu ar-shaped trapezius musc es orm the ine
the ips. T e zygomaticus e evates the corners o the mouth rom each shou der to the neck on its posterior sur ace. T ey
and ips and has been ca ed the smiling muscle. have a wide ine o origin extending rom the base o the sku
T e musc es o mastication are responsib e or c osing the down the spina co umn to the ast thoracic vertebra. W hen
mouth and producing chewing movements. As a group, they contracted, the trapezius musc es he p e evate the shou ders
are among the strongest musc es in the body. T e two argest and extend the head backward.
musc es o the group, identif ed in Figure 9-11, are the masseter, Table 9-2 summarizes important acts about the major
which e evates the mandib e, and the temporal, which assists musc es o the head and neck.
the masseter in c osing the jaw.
T e sternocleidomastoid and trapezius musc es are easi y
identif ed in Figures 9-10 and 9-11. T e two sternoc eidomastoid
M u s c le s o t h e U p p e r Ex t r e m it ie s
T e upper extremity is attached to the thorax by the an-
shaped pectoralis major musc e, which covers the upper chest,
Te mpora l
and by the latissimus dorsi musc e, which takes its origin rom
structures over the ower back (see Figures 9-10 and 9-12). Both
9 Fronta l musc es insert on the humerus. T e pectora is major is a exor,
and the atissimus dorsi is an extensor o the arm.
T e deltoid musc e orms the thick, rounded prominence
Orbicula ris oculi over the shou der and arm (see Figure 9-10). T e musc e takes
its origin rom the scapu a and c avic e and inserts on the
humerus. It is a power u abductor o the arm.
Zygoma ticus minor
As the name imp ies, the biceps brachii is a two-headed
Zygoma ticus ma jor musc e. A ong with the brachialis musc e, it serves as a exor
Ma s s e te r
o the orearm (see Figure 9-10). It originates rom the bones o
Orbicula ris oris the shou der gird e and inserts on the radius in the orearm.
T e triceps brachii is on the posterior or back sur ace o
S te rnocle idoma s toid the arm. It has three heads o origin rom the shou der gird e
S and inserts into the o ecranon process o the u na. T e triceps
Tra pe zius is an extensor o the e bow and thus per orms a straightening
I Many o the musc es acting on the wrist and hand are o-
cated on the orearm. In most instances, the anterior orearm
FIGURE 9-11 Muscles o the head and neck. Muscles that produce musc es are exors and the posterior orearm musc es are ex-
most acial expressions surround the eyes, nose, and mouth. Large muscles
o mastication stretch rom the upper skull to the lower jaw. These power ul tensors (see Figure 9-10).
muscles produce chewing movements. The neck muscles connect the skull Table 9-3 summarizes important acts about musc es o the
to the trunk o the body, rotating the head or bending the neck. upper extremities.
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 233

Pe ctora lis ma jor Pe ctora lis ma jor

La tis s imus dors i
Re ctus a bdominis
Re ctus a bdominis
Re ctus a bdominis
(cove re d by s he a th)
Re ctus s he a th
Re ctus s he a th (cut)
(cut e dge s )
Tra ns ve rs us
a bdominis
Exte rna l oblique
Umbilicus Umbilicus
Inte rna l oblique

Inguina l ca na l

FIGURE 9-12 Muscles o the trunk. A, Anterior view showing super cial muscles. B, Anterior view show-
ing deeper muscles.

TABLE 9-3 Muscles o the Upper Extremities

Pe ctoralis m ajor Flexe s and he lps adduct arm Hum e rus Ste rnum , clavicle , and uppe r rib cartilage s
Latis s im us dors i Exte nds and he lps adduct arm Hum e rus Ve rte brae and ilium
De ltoid Abducts arm Hum e rus Clavicle and s capula
Brachialis Flexe s e lbow Hum e rus Ulna
Bice ps brachii Flexe s e lbow ; pronate s /s upinate s w ris t Radius Scapula
Trice ps brachii Exte nds e lbow Ulna Scapula and hum e rus

these sheet ike musc es, the band- or strap-shaped rectus

M u s c le s o t h e Tr u n k
abdominis musc e runs down the mid ine o the abdomen
T e musc es o the anterior, or ront, side o the abdomen are rom the thorax to the pubis. In addition to protecting the 9
arranged in three ayers, with the f bers in each ayer running abdomina viscera, the rectus abdominis exes the spina co -
in di erent directions much ike the ayers o wood in a sheet umn. T e musc es o the trunk can be seen in Figure 9-12.
o p ywood (Figure 9-12). T e resu t is a very strong gird e o T e respiratory muscles are discussed in Chapter 17.
musc e that covers and supports the abdomina cavity and its Intercostal muscles, ocated between the ribs, and the sheet-
interna organs. ike diaphragm separating the thoracic and abdomina cavi-
T e three ayers o musc e in the antero atera (side) ab- ties change the size and shape o the chest during breathing.
domina wa s are arranged as o ows: the outermost ayer or As a resu t, air is moved into or out o the ungs.
external oblique; a midd e ayer or internal oblique; and the Table 9-4 summarizes important acts about musc es o the
innermost ayer or transversus abdominis. In addition to trunk.

TABLE 9-4 Muscles o the Trunk

Exte rnal oblique Com pre s s e s abdom e n Midline o abdom e n Lowe r thoracic cage
Inte rnal oblique Com pre s s e s abdom e n Midline o abdom e n Pe lvis
Trans ve rs us abdom inis Com pre s s e s abdom e n Midline o abdom e n Ribs , ve rte brae , and pe lvis
Re ctus abdom inis Flexe s trunk Lowe r rib cage Pubis
Diaphragm Expands thoracic cavity during Circum e re nce o lowe r rib cage Fibrous tis s ue (ce ntral te ndon) at ce nte r
ins piration o diaphragm
234 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

M u s c le s o t h e Lo w e r Ex t r e m it ie s
emoris and is not visib e. Functiona y, the hamstrings ( ex-
T e iliopsoas originates rom deep within the pe vis and the ors) and quadriceps (extensors) act as power u antagonists in
ower vertebrae to insert on the esser trochanter o the emur movement o the eg.
and capsu e o the hip joint. It is genera y c assif ed as a exor T e tibialis anterior musc e (see Figure 9-10) is ocated on
o the thigh and an important postura musc e that stabi izes the anterior, or ront, sur ace o the eg. It dorsi exes the oot.
and keeps the trunk rom a ing over backward when you T e gastrocnemius is the primary ca musc e. Note in
stand. H owever, i the thigh is f xed so that it cannot move, the Figure 9-10 that it has two eshy components arising rom both
i iopsoas exes the trunk. An examp e wou d be doing sit-ups. sides o the emur. It inserts through the ca canea (Achi es)
T e gluteus maximus orms the outer contour and much tendon into the hee bone or ca caneus. T e gastrocnemius is
o the substance o the buttock. It is an important extensor o responsib e or p antar exion o the oot; because it is used to
the thigh (see Figure 9-10) and supports the torso in the erect stand on tiptoe, it is sometimes ca ed the toe dancers muscle.
position. A group o three musc es ca ed the bularis group or
T e adductor muscles originate on the bony pe vis and peroneus group (see Figure 9-10) is ound a ong the sides o
insert on the emur. T ey are ocated on the inner or media the eg. As a group, these musc es p antar ex the oot. A ong
side o the thighs. T ese musc es adduct or press the thighs tendon rom one component o the groupthe bularis lon-
together. gus musc e tendon orms a support arch or the oot (see
T e three hamstring muscles are ca ed the semimembra- Figure 8-24).
nosus, semitendinosus, and biceps emoris. Acting together, they Table 9-5 summarizes important acts about musc es o the
serve as power u exors o the eg and extensors o the thigh ower extremities.
(see Figure 9-10). T ey originate on the ischium and insert on
the tibia or f bu a. QUICK CHECK
T e quadriceps emoris musc e group covers the upper
1. Wh a t u n ctio n d o th e m u s cle s o m a s tica tio n m a ke
thigh. T e our thigh musc esthe rectus emoris and three p o s s ib le ?
vastus musc esextend the eg (see Figure 9-10 and Table 9-2). 2. Wh a t m u s cle s a re re s p o n s ib le o r ch a n g in g th e s ize a n d
O ne component o the quadriceps group has its origin on the s h a p e o th e ch e s t d u rin g b re a th in g ?
pe vis, and the remaining three originate on the emur; a our 3. Wh a t th re e m u s cle s co m p o s e th e a n te ro la te ra l (s id e )
a b d o m in a l wa lls ?
insert on the tibia. On y two o the vastus musc es are visib e
4. Wh a t a ctio n d o th e h a m s trin g m u s cle s p e r o rm ?
in Figure 9-10. T e vastus intermedius is covered by the rectus

TABLE 9-5 Muscles o the Lower Extremities

Iliops oas Flexe s thigh or trunk Fe m ur Ilium and ve rte brae
Sartorius Flexe s thigh and rotate s le g Tibia Ilium

9 Glute us m axim us
Adducto r Gro up
Exte nds thigh Fe m ur Ilium , s acrum , and coccyx

Adductor longus Adducts thigh Fe m ur Pubis

Gracilis Adducts thigh Tibia Pubis
Pe ctine us Adducts thigh Fe m ur Pubis
Ham s tring Gro up
Se m im e m branos us Flexe s kne e ; exte nds thigh Tibia Is chium
Se m ite ndinos us Flexe s kne e ; exte nds thigh Tibia Is chium
Bice ps e m oris Flexe s kne e ; exte nds thigh Fibula Is chium and e m ur
Quadrice ps Gro up
Re ctus e m oris Exte nds kne e Tibia Ilium
Vas tus late ralis Exte nd kne e Tibia Fe m ur
Vas tus inte rm e dius
Vas tus m e dialis
Tibialis ante rior Dors i exe s ankle Me tatars als ( oot) Tibia
Gas trocne m ius Plantar exe s ankle Calcane us (he e l) Fe m ur
Sole us Plantar exe s ankle Calcane us (he e l) Tibia and f bula
Fibularis Gro up
Fibularis longus Eve rts and plantar exe s ankle Tars al and m e tatars als Tibia and f bula
Fibularis brevis (te rtius dors i exe s ankle ) (ankle and oot)
Fibularis te rtius
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 235

can be i e threatening. For examp e, the reddish musc e pig-

ment myoglobin can accumu ate in the b ood and cause kidney
ai ure.

Review the article Rhabdomyolysis at Connect It!


Torn mus cle Stress-induced musc e tension can resu t in mya gia and
sti ness in the neck and back and is thought to be one cause
Bice ps bra chii
o stress headaches. H eadache and back-pain c inics use a
Bra chia lis variety o strategies to treat stress-induced musc e tension.
T ese treatments inc ude massage, bio eedback, and re ax-
ation training.
Trice ps
bra chii I
M u s c le In e c t io n s
Severa bacteria, viruses, and parasites are known to in ect
FIGURE 9-13 Muscle strain. Severe strain o the biceps brachii mus- musc e tissueo ten producing oca or widespread myositis.
cle. When a muscle is severely strained, it may break in two pieces, causing For examp e, in trichinosis (see Appendix A at evolve.elsevier
a visible gap in muscle tissue under the skin. Notice how the broken ends o
.com), widespread myositis is common. T e musc e pain and
the muscle ref exively contract (spasm) to orm a knot o tissue.
sti ness that sometimes accompany in uenza is another
examp e.
O nce a tragica y common disease, poliomyelitis is a
M u s c u la r D is o r d e r s vira in ection o the nerves that contro ske eta musc e
As you might expect, musc e disorders, or myopathies, gener- movement. A though the disease can be asymptomatic, it
a y disrupt the norma movement o the body. In mi d cases, o ten causes para ysis that may progress to death. E imi-
these disorders vary in degree o discom ort rom mere y in- nated in the United States as a resu t o a comprehensive
convenient to s ight y troub esome. Severe musc e disorders, vaccination program, it sti a ects individua s in other parts
however, can impair the musc es used in breathinga i e- o the wor d.
threatening situation. Another in ection that a ects musc e and is e ective y
prevented by vaccination is in ection by the Clostridium tetani
bacterium, which is ound near y everywhere in our environ-
M u s c le In ju ry ment. T is condition is o ten ca ed tetanus because the toxin
Injuries to ske eta musc es resu ting rom overexertion or re eased into the body by C. tetani bacteria can produce invo -
trauma usua y resu t in a muscle strain (Figure 9-13). Musc e untary, sustained (tetanic) contractions throughout the body
strains are characterized by musc e pain, or myalgia, and in- (Figure 9-14). I not success u y treated, tetanus in ections can 9
vo ve overstretching or tearing o musc e f bers. I an injury be ata . etanus vaccinations, usua y combined with other
occurs in the area o a joint and a igament is damaged, the vaccines, are recommended throughout ones i etime to re-
injury may be ca ed a sprain. main protected.
Any musc e in ammation, inc uding that caused by a
musc e strain, is termed myositis. I tendon in ammation
occurs with myositis, as when one experiences a charley horse,
the condition is termed bromyositis. A though in amma-
tion may subside in a ew hours or days, it usua y takes severa
weeks or damaged musc e f bers to repair themse ves. Some
damaged musc e ce s may be rep aced by f brous tissue, orm-
ing scars. Occasiona y, hard ca cium is deposited in the scar
Cramps are pain u musc e spasms (invo untary twitches).
Cramps o ten resu t rom mi d myositis or f bromyositis, but
can be a symptom o any irritation or o an ion and water
imba ance. S I
Minor trauma to the body, especia y a imb, may cause a P
musc e bruise or contusion. Musc e contusions invo ve oca
interna b eeding and in ammation. Severe trauma to a ske -
FIGURE 9-14 Tetanus in ection. Severe muscle cramping caused by
eta musc e may cause a crush injury. Crush injuries not on y the involuntary, sustained (tetanic) contractions caused by toxins released
great y damage the a ected musc e tissue but a so cause the into the body rom C. tetani bacteria can produce this tense, twisted body
re ease o musc e f ber contents into the b oodstream, which posture.
236 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System


Som e e pide m iologis ts s pe cialize in the f e ld o occupational m e dian ne rve , a condition calle d carpal tunne l s yndro m e
he alth, the s tudy o he alth m atte rs re late d to work or the work- m ay re s ult. Be caus e the m e dian ne rve conne cts to the palm
place . Many proble m s s e e n by occupational he alth expe rts are and radial s ide (thum b s ide ) o the hand, carpal tunne l s yn-
caus e d by re pe titive m otions o the w ris ts or othe r joints . drom e is characte rize d by we akne s s , pain, and tingling in that
Word proce s s ors (typis ts ) and m e at cutte rs , or exam ple , are part o the hand. The pain and tingling als o m ay radiate to the
at ris k o deve loping conditions caus e d by re pe titive m otion ore arm and s houlde r. The m e dian ne rve and m us cle s that ex
injurie s . the f nge rs pas s through a concavity calle d the carpal tunne l.
One com m on proble m o te n caus e d by s uch re pe titive m o- Prolonge d or s eve re cas e s o carpal tunne l s yndrom e m ay
tion is te no s ynovitis in am m ation o a te ndon s he ath. Te no- be re lieve d by inje ction o anti-in am m atory age nts . A pe rm a-
s ynovitis can be pain ul, and the s we lling characte ris tic o this ne nt cure is s om e tim e s accom plis he d by s urgically cutting the
condition can lim it m ove m e nt in a e cte d parts o the body. For f brous band calle d the exor re tinaculum e nclos ing the carpal
exam ple , s we lling o the te ndon s he ath around te ndons in an tunne lthus re lieving pre s s ure on the m e dian ne rve .
are a o the w ris t know n as the carpal tunne l can lim it m ove - Re pe titive m otion and othe r type s o traum a als o m ay
m e nt o the w ris t, hand, and f nge rs . caus e in am m ation o a burs a, know n as burs itis . For exam -
The f gure s how s the re lative pos itions o the te ndon ple , carpe t laye rs , roo e rs , and othe rs w ho work on the ir kne e s
s he ath and m e dian ne rve w ithin the carpal tunne l. I this s we ll- are prone to burs itis involving the kne e joints . Burs itis is m os t
ing, or any othe r le s ion in the carpal tunne l, pre s s e s on the o te n tre ate d w ith anti-in am m atory age nts .

Me dia n ne rve
Te ndons of
flexors of finge rs

re tina culum
Ca rpa l tunne l
Te ndon s he a th

re tina culum
Ca rpa l a rch

9 Ca rpa l tunne l


Te ndons of exte ns ors of finge rs

The median nerve and tendons o f exor muscles pass through a concavity called the carpal tunnel.

Severe respiratory or cardiac musc e weakness o ten occurs by

M u s c u la r D y s t ro p h y the time the patient is in their 20s.
Muscular dystrophy (MD ) is not a sing e disorder but a DMD is caused by a missing gene in the X chromosome.
group o genetic diseases characterized by atrophy (wasting) DMD occurs primari y in boys. Because gir s have two
o ske eta musc e tissues. Some, but not a , orms o muscu ar X chromosomes and boys on y one, genetic diseases invo ving
dystrophy can be ata . X chromosome abnorma ities are more ike y to occur in boys
T e most common orm o muscu ar dystrophy is D uchenne than in gir s.
muscular dystrophy (D MD ). T is orm o the disease is a so T is is true because gir s with one damaged X chromosome
ca ed pseudohypertrophy (meaning a se musc e growth) be- may not exhibit an X- inked disease i their other X chromo-
cause the atrophy o musc e is masked by excessive rep acement some is norma (see Chapter 25). T e missing gene codes or a
o musc e by at and f brous tissue. ce protein ca ed dystrophin. In DMD, dystrophin is missing
DMD is characterized by mi d eg musc e weakness that rom musc e ce s, which then become too weak to ho d to-
progresses rapid y to inc ude the shou der musc es. T e f rst gether during musc e contraction. Immune system responses
signs o DMD are apparent at about 3 years o age, and the may add to the damage. Gene therapy (see Chapter 25) is
stricken chi d is usua y severe y a ected within 10 to 12 years. now being tested or use in DMD patients, with the hope
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 237


Tra pe zius Acromion
of s ca pula
Many drugs are adm inis te re d by intram us cular inje ctio n
(IM)that is , into the s ke le tal m us cle tis s ue .
I the am ount to be inje cte d is 2 m L or le s s , the de l- De ltoid
toid m us cle is o te n s e le cte d as the s ite o inje ction. Note
in Figure A that the ne e dle is ins e rte d into the m us cle
about two f nge rs bre adth be low the acrom ion proce s s
o the s capula and late ral to the tip o the acrom ion.
I the am ount o m e dication to be inje cte d is 2 to 3 m L,
the glute al are a s how n in Figure B is o te n us e d. Inje ctions
are m ade into the glute us m e dius m us cle ne ar the ce nte r
o the uppe r oute r quadrants om e tim e s calle d the ve n- M L
troglute al (VG) s ite as s how n in the illus tration.
Anothe r te chnique o locating the VG s ite is to place
the bas e o the palm ove r the patie nts gre ate r trochante r
( e m ur) us ing your le t palm on the patie nts right thigh
(and vice ve rs a). The n e e l or the ante rior s upe rior iliac Ilia c cre s t Glute us
s pine at the e nd o the iliac cre s t w ith the tip o your in- Pos te rior s upe rior me dius
ilia c s pine
dex f nge r. Se parate your next f nge r to orm a V or
pe ace s ign and inje ct into the are a in the m iddle o the
V (s e e Figure B, photo ins e t). It is im portant that the s ci-
S upe rior glute a l
atic ne rve and the s upe rior glute al blood ve s s e ls be a rte ry a nd ve in Glute us
avoide d during the inje ction. Prope r te chnique re quire s ma ximus
know le dge o the unde rlying anatomy.
The vas tus late ralis m us cle o the thigh is anothe r S cia tic ne rve
Gre a te r
com m on s ite or IM inje ctions . trocha nte r
In addition to intram us cular inje ctions , w hich are ge n-
e rally adm inis te re d by a he alth care provide r in an ins titu-
tional s e tting, m any individuals m us t s e l -adm inis te r inje c-
tions o ne e de d m e dications on a re gular bas is in the ir M L
hom e s . Educating the s e patie nts or the ir care give rs on
how to corre ctly adm inis te r m e dication by inje ction is an
im portant is s ue in the de live ry o hom e he alth care s e r-
vice s . Topics that m us t be cove re d include ins truction on
prope r inje ction te chnique s , s e le ction o ne e dle le ngth
and gauge , ide ntif cation o im portant anatom ical land-
m arks w he n m aking inje ction s ite s e le ctions , and the
pre paration and rotation o s e le cte d inje ction s ite s . B

that the gene or dystrophin can be rep aced by ce s rom a NMJ (see Figure 9-4). Nerve impu ses rom motor neurons are
hea thy donor. then unab e to u y stimu ate the a ected musc e. reatment
is individua ized or each patient, but may inc ude drugs that
b ock the breakdown o ACh (so more is avai ab e at the
M ya s t h e n ia G r a v is NMJ) and immunosuppressant drugs that reduce the autoim-
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a chronic disease characterized by mune damage to the NMJ.
musc e weakness, especia y in the ace and throat. Most orms
o this disease begin with mi d weakness and chronic musc e
atigue in the ace, then progress to wider musc e invo vement. QUICK CHECK
W hen severe musc e weakness causes immobi ity in a 1. Ho w d o e s m yo s itis d i e r ro m f b ro m yo s itis ?
our imbs, a myasthenic crisis is said to have occurred. A 2. Wh a t is p o lio m ye litis a n d w h a t e e ct d o e s it h a ve o n s ke l-
person in myasthenic crisis is in danger o dying rom respira- e ta l m u s cle ?
tory ai ure because o weakness in the respiratory musc es. 3. Wh a t is th e ca u s e o Du ch e n n e m u s cu la r d ys tro p hy
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which the
4. De s crib e th e ch a ra cte ris tics o m ya s th e n ia g ra vis .
immune system attacks ACh receptors on musc e ce s at the
238 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 219)

bursa f bularis group isotonic contraction

(BER-sah) (f b-YOO-lay-ris groop) (aye-soh-TON-ik kon-TRAK-shun)
pl., bursae [f bula- clasp (f bula bone), -aris relating to] [iso- equal, -ton- tension, -ic relating to,
(BER-see or BER-say) ex con- together, -tract- drag or draw,
[bursa purse] ( eks) -tion process]
cardiac muscle [ ex bend] latissimus dorsi
(KAR-dee-ak MUS-el) exion (lah-TIS-ih-mus DOR-sye)
[cardi- heart, -ac relating to, mus- mouse, (FLEK-shun) [latissimus broadest, dorsi relating to back]
-cle small] [ ex- bend, -ion process] masseter
circumduct rontal muscle (mah-SEE-ter)
(SER-kum-DUKT) (FRUN-tal MUS-el) [masseter chewer]
[circum- around, -duct lead] [ ront- orehead, -al relating to, mus- mouse, mastication
circumduction -cle small] (mas-tih-KAY-shun)
(ser-kum-DUK-shun) gastrocnemius [mastica- chew, -ation process]
[circum- around, -duct- lead, -tion process] (GAS-trok-NEE-mee-us) motor neuron
concentric contraction [gastro- belly, -cnemius leg] (MOH-ter NOO-ron)
(kon-SEN-trik kon-TRAK-shun) gluteus maximus [mot- movement, -or agent, neuron nerve]
[con- together, -centr- center, -ic relating to, (GLOO-tee-us MAX-ih-mus) motor unit
con- together, -tract- drag or draw, [gluteus buttocks, maximus greatest] (MOH-ter YOO-nit)
-tion process] [mot- movement, -or agent, unit single]
hamstring muscle
deltoid (HAM-string MUS-el) muscle f ber
(DEL-toyd) [ham- hollow o knee, -string (tendon), (MUS-el FYE-ber)
[delta- triangle, -oid like] mus- mouse, -cle small] [mus- mouse, -cle little, f br- thread]
diaphragm hypertrophy muscle tone
(DYE-ah- ram) (hye-PER-troh- ee) (MUS-el tohn)
[dia- across, -phrag- enclose, -(u)m thing] [hyper- excessive, -troph- nourishment, -y state] [mus- mouse, -cle little, tone stretching]
dorsi ex iliopsoas myof lament
(dor-sih-FLEKS) (il-ee-oh-SOH-as) (my-oh-FIL-ah-ment)
[dorsi- back, - ex bend] [ilio- loin or gut, -psoas loin muscle] [myo- muscle, -f la- thread, -ment thing]
dorsi exion insertion myoglobin
(dor-sih-FLEK-shun) (in-SER-shun) (my-oh-GLOH-bin)
[dorsi- back, - ex- bend, -ion process] [in- in, -ser- join, -tion process] [myo- muscle, -glob- ball, -in substance]
9 eccentric contraction
(ek-SENT-rik kon-TRAK-shun)
intercalated disk
(in-TER-kah-lay-ted disk)
[ec- out o , -centr- center, -ic relating to, [inter- between, -cala- calendar, -ate act o ] [myos- muscle, -in substance]
con- together, -tract- drag or draw, intercostal muscle neuromuscular junction (NMJ )
-tion process] (in-ter-KOS-tal MUS-el) (noo-roh-MUS-kyoo-lar J UNK-shun
eversion [inter- between, -costa- rib, -al relating to, [en em jay])
(ee-VER-shun) mus- mouse, -cle small] [neuro- nerve, -mus- mouse, -cul- little,
[e(x)- outward, -ver- turn, -sion process] -ar relating to, -junc- join, -tion condition]
internal oblique muscle
evert (in-TER-nal oh-BLEEK MUS-el) orbicularis oris
(ee-VERT) [intern- inside, -al relating to, obliq- slanted, (or-bik-yoo-LAYR-is OR-is)
[e(x)- outward, -ver- turn] mus- mouse, -cle little] [orbi- circle, -cul- little, -aris relating to,
extend inversion oris relating to mouth]
(ek-STEND) (in-VER-shun) origin
[ex- outward, -ten stretch] [in- in, -ver- turn, -sion process] (OR-ih-jin)
extension invert [origin source]
(ek-STEN-shun) (in-VERT) oxygen debt
[ex- outward, -tens- stretch, -sion process] [in- in, -ver- turn] (AHK-sih-jen det)
external oblique isometric contraction [oxy- sharp, -gen produce, debt thing owed]
(eks-TER-nal oh-BLEEK) (aye-soh-MET-rik kon-TRAK-shun) pectoralis major
[extern- outside, -al relating to, obliq- slanted] [iso- equal, metric relating to measure, (pek-teh-RAH-liss MAY-jor)
atigue con- together, -tract- drag or draw, [pector- breast, -alis relating to, major greater]
( ah-TEEG) -tion process]
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 239

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 238)

peroneus group sarcomere tendon

(per-on-EE-uss groop) (SAR-koh-meer) (TEN-don)
[pero- boot, -us thing] [sarco- esh, -mere part] [tend- pulled tight, -on unit]
plantar ex skeletal muscle tendon sheath
(PLAN-tar eks) (SKEL-et-al MUS-el) (TEN-don sheeth)
[planta- sole, -ar relating to, ex bend] [skelet- dried body, -al relating to, mus- mouse, [tend- pulled tight, -on unit]
plantar exion -cle small] tetanic contraction
(PLAN-tar FLEK-shun) sliding f lament model (teh-TAN-ik kon-TRAK-shun)
[planta- sole, -ar relating to, ex- bend, (SLY-ding FIL-ah-ment MAH-del) [tetanus tension, -ic relating to, con- together,
-ion process] [slide- glide, -ing action, f la- thread, -tract- drag or draw, -tion process]
posture -ment thing, model standard] tetanus
(POS-chur) smooth muscle (TET-ah-nus)
[postur- position] (smoothe MUS-el) [tetanus tension]
prime mover [smooth smooth, mus- mouse, -cle small] threshold stimulus
(pryme MOO-ver) sternocleidomastoid (THRESH-hold STIM-yoo-lus)
[prime f rst order] (STERN-oh-KLYE-doh-MAS-toyd) [stimul- to excite, -us thing]
pronate [sterno- breastbone (sternum), -cleid- key tibialis anterior
(PROH-nayt) (clavicle), -masto- breast (mastoid process), (tib-ee-AL-is an-TEER-ee-or)
[prona- bend orward, -ate process] -oid like] [tibia- shinbone, -alis relating to, ante- ront,
pronation supinate -er- more, -or quality]
(PROH-nay-shun) (soo-pih-NAYT) tonic contraction
[prona- bend orward, -ation process] [supin- turned backward (belly up), (TAHN-ik kon-TRAK-shun)
-ate process] [ton- to stretch, -ic relating to, con- together,
quadriceps emoris
(KWOD-reh-seps eh-MOR-is) supination -tract- drag or draw, -tion process]
[quadri- our, -ceps head, emoris related to the (soo-pih-NAY-shun) transversus abdominis
thigh ( emur)] [supin- turned backward (belly up), (tranz-VERS-us ab-DAH-min-us)
-ation process] [trans- across, -vers- turn, abdomin- belly]
rectus abdominis
(REK-tus ab-DOM-ih-nus) synergist trapezius
[rectus straight, abdominis related to the (SIN-er-jist) (trah-PEE-zee-us)
abdomen] [syn- together, -erg- to work, -ist agent] [trapezius small table (irregular 4-sided shape)]
rigor mortis synovial uid triceps brachii
(RIG-or MOR-tis) (sih-NOH-vee-al FLOO-id) (TRY-seps BRAY-kee-aye)
[rigor sti ness, mortis o death]
[syn- together, -ovi- egg (white), -al relating to]
synovial membrane
[tri- three, -ceps head, brachii related to
the arm]
(roh-TAYT) (sih-NOH-vee-al MEM-brayn) twitch
[rot- turn, -ate process] [syn- together, -ovi- egg (white), -al relating to, (twich)
membran- thin skin] [twitch quick jerk]
(roh-TAY-shun) temporal zygomaticus
[rot- turn, -ation process] (TEM-poh-ral) (zye-goh-MAT-ik-us)
[tempora- temple (o head), -al relating to] [zygo- union or yoke, -ic- relating to, -us thing]


aerobic training bursitis chiropractic

(ayr-OH-bik TRAYN-ing) (ber-SYE-tis) (kye-roh-PRAK-tik)
[aer- air, -bi- li e, -ic relating to] [burs- purse, -itis in ammation] [chiro- hand, -practic practical]
biomechanical engineering carpal tunnel syndrome contusion
(bye-oh-meh-KAN-ik-al en-juh-NEER-ing) (KAR-pul TUN-el SIN-drohm) (kon-TOO-zhun)
[bio- li e, -mechan- machine, -ic- relating to, [carp- wrist, -al relating to, syn- together, [contus- bruise, -sion result]
-al relating to, engin- devise or design, -drome running or (race) course] cramps
-eer practitioner] (kramps)
Continued on p. 240
240 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 239)

disuse atrophy hypothermia nurse

(DIS-yoos AT-roh- ee) (hye-poh-THER-mee-ah) (nurs)
[dis- absence o , a- without, [hypo- under or below, -therm- heat, [nurs- nourish or nurture]
-troph- nourishment] -ia abnormal condition] nutritionist
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) massage therapy (noo-TRISH-en-ist)
(doo-SHEN MUS-kyoo-lar DIS-troh- ee) (mah-SAHJ THAYR-ah-pee) [nutri- nourish, -tion- process, -ist agent]
[Guillaume B.A. Duchenne de Boulogne French [mass- handle, -age process, therap- treatment, paralysis
neurologist, muscul- little mouse (muscle), -y activity] (pah-RAL-ih-sis)
-ar relating to, dys- bad, -troph- nourishment, muscle strain [para- beside, -lysis loosening]
-y state] (MUS-el strayn) physical education
endurance training [mus- mouse, -cle small, strain stretch] (FIS-ik-al ed-yoo-KAY-shun)
(en-DUR-ance TRAYN-ing) muscular dystrophy (MD) [physic- medicine, -al relating to]
[en- in, -dur- harden, -ance state] (MUS-kyoo-lar DIS-troh- ee [em dee]) physician
ergonomics [muscul- little mouse (muscle), -ar relating to, (f h-ZISH-en)
(er-go-NOM-iks) dys- bad, -troph- nourishment, -y state] [physic- medicine, -ian practitioner]
[ergo- work, -nom- arrangement, -ic relating to] myalgia poliomyelitis
exercise physiologist (my-AL-jee-ah) (pol-ee-oh-my-eh-LYE-tis)
(EK-ser-syze f z-ee-OL-oh-jist) [my- muscle, -algia pain] [polio- gray, -mye- marrow, -itis in ammation]
f bromyositis myasthenia gravis sprain
( ye-broh-my-oh-SYE-tis) (my-es-THEE-nee-ah GRAH-vis) (sprayn)
[f bro- f ber, -myos- muscle, -itis in ammation] [my- muscle, -asthenia weakness, strength training
intramuscular injection (IM) gravis severe] (strengkth TRAYN-ing)
(in-trah-MUS-kyoo-lar in-J EK-shun) myopathy [strength power, train- instruct, -ing action]
[intra- within, mus- mouse, -cle little, (my-OP-ah-thee) tenosynovitis
-ar relating to, in- in, -ject- throw, [myo- muscle, -path- disease, -y state] (ten-oh-sin-oh-VYE-tis)
-tion process] myositis [teno- pulled tight (tendon), -syn- together,
(my-oh-SYE-tis) -ovi- egg white (joint uid),
[myos- muscle, -itis in ammation] -itis in ammation]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
Intro ductio n
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . A. Muscu ar tissue enab es the body and its parts to move
1. Movement caused by abi ity o musc e ce s (ca ed
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to bers) to shorten or contract
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 2. Musc e ce s shorten by converting chemica energy
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s (obtained rom nutrients) into mechanica energy,
or be ore a te s t. which causes movement
3. T ree types o musc e tissue exist in the body (see
Chapter 4)
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 241

B. Musc e f bers (Figure 9-3)

Mus cle Tis s ue 1. Contracti e ce s, or musc e f bersgrouped into
A. Ske eta musc ea so ca ed striated or voluntary musc e bund es and intricate y arranged
(Figure 9-1, A) 2. Fibers o the cytoske eton orm cy inders made up o
1. Is 40% to 50% o body weight (red meat attached to myof aments
bones) a. T ick myof aments contain myosin
2. Microscope revea s crosswise stripes, or striations b. T in myof aments contain main y actin
3. Contractions can be vo untari y contro ed c. Basic unctiona (contracti e) units ca ed sarcomeres,
B. Cardiac musc ecomposes bu k o heart (Figure 9-1, B) separated rom each other by dark bands ca ed
1. Cardiac musc e ce s branch requent y Z lines
2. Characterized by unique dark bands ca ed intercalated 3. S iding f ament mode exp ains mechanism o musc e
disks f ber contraction
3. Interconnected nature o cardiac musc e ce s a ows a. T ick and thin myof aments s ide past each other
heart to contract e cient y as a unit as a musc e contracts
C. Smooth musc ea so ca ed nonstriated, involuntary, or b. Contraction requires ca cium and energy-rich A P
visceral musc e (Figure 9-1, C) mo ecu es (Figure 9-4)
1. Lacks cross stripes, or striations, when seen under a
microscope; appears smooth
2. Found in wa s o ho ow viscera structures such as
Functio n o S ke le tal Mus cle
digestive tract, b ood vesse s, and ureters A. Movement
3. Contractions not under vo untary contro ; movement 1. Musc es produce movement by pu ing on bones as a
caused by contraction is invo untary musc e contracts
D. Functiona musc e ce s specia ize in contraction a. T e insertion bone is pu ed c oser to the origin
(shortening) bone
b. Movement occurs at the joint between the origin
and the insertion
S tructure o S ke le tal Mus cle 2. Groups o musc es usua y contract to produce a sing e
A. Musc e organsmain y ske eta musc e ce s and connec- movement
tive tissue a. Prime movermusc e whose contraction is main y
1. Connective tissue orms wrappers around each responsib e or producing a given movement
musc e f ber, around ascic es (groups) o musc e f bers, b. Synergistmusc e whose contraction he ps the
and around the entire musc e; ascia surrounds musc e prime mover produce a given movement
organs and nearby structures c. Antagonistmusc e whose action opposes the
2. Most ske eta musc es extend rom one bone across a action o a prime mover in any given movement
joint to another bone B. Posture
3. Regions o a ske eta musc e (Figure 9-2) 1. A type o musc e contraction, ca ed tonic contraction, 9
a. O riginattachment to the bone that remains re a- enab es us to maintain body position
tive y stationary or f xed when movement at the a. In tonic contraction, on y a ew o a musc es f bers
joint occurs shorten at one time
b. Insertionpoint o attachment to the bone that b. onic contractions produce no movement o body
moves when a musc e contracts parts
c. Bodymain part o the musc e c. onic contractions maintain musc e tone ca ed
4. Musc es attach to bone by tendonsstrong cords o posture
f brous connective tissue; some tendons are enc osed 2. Good posture (optimum body positioning) avors best
in synovia - ined tubes and are ubricated by synovia body unctioning
uid; tubes are ca ed tendon sheaths 3. Ske eta musc e tone maintains posture by counteract-
5. Bursaesma synovia - ined sacs containing a sma ing the pu o gravity
amount o synovia uid; ocated between some
tendons and under ying bones
242 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

C. H eat production
1. Surviva depends on the bodys abi ity to maintain a
Mus cle S tim ulus
constant body temperature A. A musc e wi contract on y i an app ied stimu us
a. Feveran e evated body temperatureo ten a sign reaches a certain minima eve o intensityca ed a
o i ness threshold stimulus
b. H ypothermiabody temperature be ow norma B. Di erent musc e f bers in a musc e are contro ed by di -
2. Contraction o musc e f bers produces most o the erent motor units having di erent thresho d-stimu us
heat required to maintain norma body temperature eve s
D. Fatigue C. Di ering numbers o motor units can be activated simu -
1. Reduced strength o musc e contraction taneous y to execute contractions o graded orce
2. Caused by repeated musc e stimu ation without ade-
quate periods o rest
3. Repeated muscu ar contraction dep etes ce u ar A P
Type s o Mus cle Co ntractio n
stores and outstrips the abi ity o the b ood supp y to A. witch and tetanic contractions
rep enish oxygen and nutrients 1. witch contractionsquick, jerky responses to a
4. Contraction in the absence o adequate oxygen pro- stimu usare aboratory phenomena and do not p ay
duces actic acid, which contributes to musc e burning a signif cant ro e in norma muscu ar activity
5. Oxygen debtterm used to describe the metabo ic 2. etanic contractions are sustained and steady muscu-
e ort required to burn excess actic acid that may ar contractions caused by a series o stimu i bombard-
accumu ate during pro onged periods o exercise ing a musc e in rapid succession
a. Labored breathing a ter strenuous exercise is B. Isotonic contractions (Figure 9-6)
required to pay the debt 1. Contraction o a musc e that produces movement at a
b. T is increased metabo ism he ps restore energy and joint
oxygen reserves to pre-exercise eve s 2. D uring isotonic contractions, the musc e changes
E. Integration with other body systems ength, causing the insertion end o the musc e to
1. Musc e unctioning depends on the unctioning o move re ative to the point o origin
many other parts o the body 3. Concentric contractions shorten musc es
a. Most musc es cause movements by pu ing on 4. Eccentric contractions a ow musc es to increase in
bones across movab e joints ength
b. Respiratory, cardiovascu ar, nervous, muscu ar, and 5. Most types o body movements such as wa king and
ske eta systems p ay essentia ro es in producing running are caused by isotonic contractions
norma movements C. Isometric contractions (Figure 9-6)
2. Mu tip e sc erosis, brain hemorrhage, and spina cord 1. Isometric contractions are musc e contractions that do
injury are examp es o how patho ogica conditions in not produce movement; the musc e as a who e does
other body organ systems can dramatica y a ect not shorten
9 movement 2. A though no movement occurs during isometric con-
tractions, tension within the musc e increases
Mo to r Unit
A. Stimu ation o a musc e by a nerve impu se is required
E e cts o Exe rcis e
be ore a musc e can shorten and produce movement A. Exercise, i regu ar and proper y practiced, improves
B. A motor neuron is the nerve ce that transmits an musc e tone and posture, resu ts in more e cient heart
impu se to a musc e, causing contraction and ung unctioning, and reduces atigue
C. A neuromuscu ar junction (NMJ) B. Specif c e ects o exercise on ske eta musc es
1. Junction between a nerve ending and the musc e f ber 1. Musc es undergo changes re ated to the amount o
it innervates work they norma y do
2. Chemica s ca ed neurotransmitters cross a sma gap a. Pro onged inactivity causes disuse atrophy
at the NMJ to trigger contraction in the musc e b. Regu ar exercise increases musc e size, ca ed
3. Acety cho ine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter operat- hypertrophy
ing at each NMJ
D. Motor unitcombination o a motor neuron and the
musc e ce or ce s it innervates (Figure 9-5)
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 243

2. Strength training invo ves contraction o musc es B. Musc es o the upper extremities (Table 9-3)
against heavy resistance 1. Pectora is major exes arm
a. Strength training increases the numbers o myof a- 2. Latissimus dorsiextends arm
ments in each musc e f ber, and as a resu t, the tota 3. De toidabducts arm
mass o the musc e increases 4. Biceps brachii exes orearm at e bow
b. Strength training does not increase the number o 5. Brachia is exes orearm at e bow
musc e f bers 6. riceps brachiiextends orearm
3. Endurance training increases a musc es abi ity to 7. F exor musc es in orearm ex wrist and hand
sustain moderate exercise over a ong period; it is 8. Extensor musc es in orearmextend wrist and hand
sometimes ca ed aerobic training C. Musc es o the trunk (Figure 9-12 and Table 9-4)
a. Endurance training a ows more e cient de ivery 1. Abdomina musc es
o oxygen and nutrients to a musc e via increased a. Rectus abdominis
b ood ow b. Externa ob ique
b. Endurance training does not usua y resu t in c. Interna ob ique
musc e hypertrophy d. ransversus abdominis
2. Respiratory musc es
Move m e nts Pro duce d by Mus cle s a. Intercosta musc es
b. Diaphragm
(Figures 9-7 through 9-9)
D. Musc es o the ower extremities (Table 9-5)
A. Angu ar movements 1. I iopsoas exes thigh
1. F exiondecreases an ang e 2. G uteus maximusextends thigh
2. Extensionincreases an ang e 3. Adductor musc esadduct thighs
3. Abductionaway rom the mid ine 4. H amstring musc es ex eg and extend thigh
4. Adductiontoward the mid ine a. Semimembranosus
B. Circu ar movements b. Semitendinosus
1. Rotationaround an axis c. Biceps emoris
2. Circumductionmove dista end o a part in a circ e 5. Q uadriceps emoris groupextend eg
3. Supination and pronationhand positions that resu t a. Rectus emoris
rom twisting o the orearm b. Vastus musc es
C. Specia movementsthose not easi y described with 6. ibia is anteriordorsi exes oot
genera terms 7. Gastrocnemiusp antar exes oot
1. Dorsi exion and p antar exion oot movements 8. Fibu aris (peroneus) group exes oot
(upward and downward ank e movement)
2. Inversion and eversion oot movements (sideways)
D. Musc es can be named or grouped according to unction
Mus cular Dis o rde rs
(movement) (Table 9-1) A. Myopathiesmusc e disorders; can range rom mi d to 9
i e threatening
B. Musc e injury
S ke le tal Mus cle Gro ups (Table 9-2)
1. Straininjury rom overexertion or trauma; invo ves
A. Musc es o the head and neck (Figures 9-10 and 9-11; stretching or tearing o musc e f bers (Figure 9-13)
Table 9-2) a. O ten accompanied by mya gia (musc e pain)
1. Facia musc es b. May resu t in in ammation o musc e (myositis) or
a. O rbicu aris ocu i o musc e and tendon (f bromyositis)
b. O rbicu aris oris c. I injury is near a joint and invo ves igament
c. Zygomaticus damage, it may be ca ed a sprain
2. Musc es o mastication 2. Cramps are pain u musc e spasms (invo untary
a. Masseter twitches)
b. empora 3. Crush injuries resu t rom severe musc e trauma and
3. Sternoc eidomastoid exes head may re ease ce contents that u timate y cause kidney
4. rapeziuse evates shou ders and extends head ai ure
4. Stress-induced musc e tension can cause headaches
and back pain
244 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

C. Musc e in ections D. Muscu ar dystrophy (MD)

1. Severa bacteria, viruses, and parasites can in ect 1. A group o genetic disorders characterized by musc e
musc es atrophy
2. Po iomye itis is a vira in ection o motor nerves that 2. D uchenne muscu ar dystrophy (DMD) is the most
ranges rom mi d to i e threatening common type; a so ca ed pseudohypertrophic
3. etanus in ections are caused by C. tetani bacteria, a. Characterized by rapid progression o weakness
which are ound everywhere in our environment and and atrophy
re ease into the body a toxin that causes invo untary, b. X- inked inherited disease, a ecting most y boys
sustained (tetanic) musc e contractions; can be ata E. Myasthenia gravisautoimmune musc e disease charac-
(Figure 9-14) terized by weakness and chronic atigue

STUDY TIPS are earning the musc es, try to ook or meaning in the
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in musc e names. Review the Language o Science and Lan-
m e e ting your le arning goals . guage o Medicine terms and their word origins to he p
you better understand the meaning o the musc e names.
Go back to Chapte r 5 and review the s ynops is o the m us cular Check out tips on ine at 2U
s ys te m . The thre e type s o m us cle tis s ue we re cove re d in 4. Most o the terms or musc e movement are air y
Chapte r 4. straight orward. O ne way to remember the di erence
between supination and pronation is to picture your hand
1. T ere are two pref xes that re er to musc e. O ne is myo- ho ding a bow o soupthats supination (si y, but an
which means musc e and the other is sarco-, which e ective memory aid).
means esh (the so t muscu ar tissue between skin and 5. Draw a chart showing the mechanisms o muscu ar disor-
bone). Severa terms in this chapter have one or the other ders by type: injury, in ection, dystrophy, and myasthenia
o these pref xes. gravis.
2. Movement is one o the unctions o the muscu ar system. 6. Prepare ash cards and re er to on ine resources to he p
In order to create movement, musc e ce s must get you earn the terms in this chapter. Review them in your
shorter. T e sarcomere is the structure in the musc e that study group. A so discuss the process o contraction and
actua y shortens. T e s iding f ament mode exp ains atigue, and be sure you understand the movement terms.
how this shortening occurs. T e shortening o the sarco- I you are asked to earn the names and ocations o the
9 mere requires energy. A P supp ies this energy. Check musc es, a photocopy o the musc e f gures with the abe s
on ine resources with animations o musc e contraction. b ackened out can be used to quiz each other. T ere are
3. T e names o the musc es are probab y ess ami iar to many on ine abe ing exercises ( that you
you than the names o the bones. But musc e names can can use as tutoria s. I you are asked to earn the unction,
give you in ormation about the musc e. Musc es are origin, and insertion o the musc es, prepare and use ash
named or their shape: deltoid, trapezius. T ey are named cards a ong with the f gures.
or the number o origins they have: triceps brachii, their 7. Go over the questions at the end o the chapter and
points o attachment: sternocleidomastoid, their size: discuss possib e test questions in your study group.
g uteus maximus, and the direction o the musc e f bers: Review the out ine at the end o this chapter. T is out ine
rectus abdominis (rectus means the musc e has f bers provides an overview o the materia and wou d he p you
running para e to the mid ine o the body). W hen you understand the genera concepts to the chapter.
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 245

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Brie y describe the structure o cardiac musc e. 17. Exp ain the ro e o the biceps brachii and triceps brachii
2. Brie y describe the structure o smooth musc e. in terms o prime mover and antagonist in exion and
3. Describe the unction o tendons, bursae, and synovia extension.
membranes. 18. Exp ain the interaction o the prime mover, the syner-
4. Exp ain the s iding f ament mode o musc e gist, and the antagonist in e cient movement.
contraction. 19. Describe the condition that causes a musc e to deve op
5. Exp ain why it is necessary to maintain good posture. an oxygen debt. H ow is this debt paid o ?
6. Suggest an examp e o how two body systems other than 20. W hy can a spina cord injury be o owed by musc e
the muscu ar system contribute to the movement o the para ysis?
body. 21. Can a musc e contract very ong i its b ood supp y is
7. Exp ain twitch and tetanic contractions. shut o ? Give a reason or your answer.
8. Exp ain isotonic contractions. 22. Brie y exp ain changes that gradua y take p ace in
9. Exp ain isometric contractions. bones, joints, and musc es in a person who habitua y
10. Describe the o owing movements: exion, extension, gets too itt e exercise.
abduction, adduction, and rotation. 23. Using f ber types, describe a musc e best suited or a
11. Name two musc es in the head or neck and give the marathon runner and di erent musc e or a 100-meter-
origin, insertion, and unction o each. dash sprinter. Exp ain your choices.
12. Name two musc es that move the upper extremity and 24. Brie y exp ain the progression o D uchenne muscu ar
give the origin, insertion, and unction o each. dystrophy.
13. Name two musc es o the trunk and give the origin, 25. Exp ain the need or myog obin, in addition to hemo-
insertion, and unction o each. g obin, when oxygenating musc e f bers.
14. Name three musc es o the ower extremity and give the 26. Exp ain how cardiac tissue demonstrates the princip e
origin, insertion, and unction o each. that structure f ts unction.
15. W hat signs and symptoms are ike y to accompany a
moderate musc e strain?
16. W hat causes the signs and symptoms o myasthenia
246 CHAPTER 9 Muscular System

18. Excessive stretching or tearing o musc e f bers is ca ed

Chapte r Te s t ________.
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by 19. In ammation o musc e and tendon is termed
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m ________.
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . 20. ________ is a vira in ection o motor nerves that may
progress to i e-threatening para ysis o the respiratory
1. ________ is another name or musc e ce . musc es.
2. Cardiac musc e makes up the bu k o the tissue o the 21. ________ is a group o musc e disorders characterized
________. by musc e atrophy and that o ten progresses to death
3. T e musc e attachment to the more movab e bone is be ore age 21.
ca ed the ________. 22. ________ is an autoimmune musc e disease character-
4. T e musc e attachment to the more stationary bone is ized by weakness and chronic atigue.
ca ed the ________. 23. Ske eta musc es can a so be ca ed:
5. ________ is the protein that makes up the thin a. viscera musc e
myof ament. b. vo untary musc e
6. ________ is the protein that makes up the thick c. cardiac musc e
myof ament. d. a o the above
7. T e ________ is the basic unctiona unit o contraction 24. Smooth musc e can a so be ca ed:
in a ske eta musc e. a. viscera musc e
8. T e three unctions o the musc e system are ________, b. vo untary musc e
________, and ________. c. cardiac musc e
9. T e mo ecu e ________ supp ies energy or musc e d. a o the above
contraction. 25. W hat action does the hamstring group provide?
10. ________ is the waste product produced when the a. F exion
musc e must switch to an energy-supp ying process that b. Adduction
does not require oxygen. c. Abduction
11. A sing e motor neuron with a the musc e ce s it inner- d. Eversion
vates is ca ed a ________. 26. W hich o the o owing is not a type o musc e f ber?
12. ________ is the minima eve o stimu ation required to a. Red f bers
cause a musc e to contract. b. Fast f bers
13. ________ is a type o musc e contraction that produces c. W hite f bers
movement in a joint and a ows the musc e to shorten. d. Gray f bers
14. ________ is a type o musc e contraction that does not 27. Acety cho ine:
produce movement and does not a ow the musc e to a. stimu ates musc e ce contraction
shorten but increases musc e tension. b. a ows musc e ce s to re ax
9 15. ________ is a term that describes movement o a body c. is the uid within bursae
part away rom the mid ine o the body. d. is an oxygen-storing pigment simi ar to hemog obin
16. ________ is a term used to describe the movement that 28. Wa king, running, and breathing are examp es o :
is opposite inversion. a. isometric contraction
17. ________ describes the hand position when the body is b. isotonic contraction
in anatomica position. c. tetanic contraction
d. twitch contraction
CHAPTER 9 Muscular System 247

Match each muscle in Column A with its corresponding location egs is typica or this orm o muscu ar dystrophy. Can
or unction in Column B. you exp ain this apparent contradiction?
2. Your riend E ena is su ering rom a strain o her gas-
Column A Column B trocnemius musc e. W hat type o injury is this, and where
29. ________ tempora musc e a. musc es o the head in E enas body is it ocated? W hat symptoms are ike y to
30. ________ biceps brachii or neck accompany E enas injury? W hat movements shou d
31. ________ sartorius b. musc es that move E ena avoid to prevent urther injury to the gastrocne-
32. ________ masseter the upper extremity mius musc e?
33. ________ gastrocnemius c. musc es o the trunk 3. Robert has decided to improve his appearance by exercis-
34. ________ pectora is major d. musc es that move ing. H e wou d ike to bui d up his chest and shou der
35. ________ externa ob ique the ower extremity musc es so that he ooks better in the -shirts he is so
36. ________ g uteus maximus ond o wearing. H e has decided to p ay racquetba every
37. ________ sternoc eidomastoid day as his primary training program because he knows
38. ________ rectus abdominis that he uses his upper body musc es in this sport. A ter
39. ________ rectus emoris his f rst game o racquetba , you ask him how he ikes his
40. ________ triceps brachii new sport and he can hard y answer youhe seems out
o breath. Is Roberts p an ike y to he p him meet his
goa ? H ow do you exp ain his breathing di cu ties?
Cas e S tudie s 4. Jessica was in the hospita or an extended period with a
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to severe respiratory in ection. D uring that period she
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- received mu tip e IM injections and was discharged with
book, and othe r re s ource s . orders to continue the injections dai y unti the doctor
advised her to discontinue them. T e nursing sta had
1. Your 3-year-o d nephew, om, has just been diagnosed been injecting the medication into the g utea area, but
with pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy. H ow did he this area was becoming sore rom a o the prior injec-
get this disease? Is his twin sister, Geri, ike y to deve op tions. W hat options might she use or the uture to avoid
the same condition? Are you ike y to get this disease? pain in the area o the injections?
(H IN : See Chapter 25.) You know that muscu ar dys-
trophy typica y causes atrophy or wasting o musc e Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
tissue, yet oms eg musc es seem particu ar y we deve - at
oped. oms physician said that the appearance o oms

Nervous System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Organs and Divisions o the Nervous Peripheral Nervous System, 270

System, 249 Cranial Nerves, 270
Cells o the Nervous System, 250 Spinal Nerves, 270
Neurons, 250 Peripheral Nerve Disorders, 273
Glia, 250 Autonomic Nervous System, 274
Disorders o Nerve Tissue, 252 Overview, 274
Nerves and Tracts, 253 Functional Anatomy, 275
Nerve Signals, 253 Autonomic Conduction Paths, 276
Re ex Arcs, 253 Sympathetic Division, 276
Nerve Impulses, 255 Parasympathetic Division, 277
Synapses, 256 Autonomic Neurotransmitters, 277
Central Nervous System, 259 Autonomic Nervous System as a
Brain, 260 Whole, 278
Brain Disorders, 264 Disorders o the Autonomic Nervous
Spinal Cord, 266 System, 278
Coverings and Fluid Spaces, 268

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 5. Explain the mechanisms o transmission
should be able to: o a nerve impulse along a nerve f ber
1. List the organs and divisions o the and across a synapse.
nervous system and describe the gener- -
alized unctions o the nervous system cal components o the brain and spinal
as a whole. cord, their unctions, and brain
2. Do the ollowing related to the cells o disorders.
the nervous system: 7. Identi y and discuss the coverings and
uid spaces o the brain and spinal
the nervous system and discuss the cord.
unction o each. 8. Compare and contrast cranial nerves
and spinal nerves, and identi y periph-
shape o glia. eral nerve disorders.
9. Discuss the structure and unction o
tissue. the two divisions o the autonomic
3. Identi y the structure o a nerve. nervous system, and identi y disorders
4. Identi y the anatomical components o a o these two divisions.
re ex arc and explains its unction.
Th e human body must accomp ish a gigantic and enormous y comp ex LANGUAGE OF
jobkeeping itse a ive and hea thy. Each one o its tri ions o ce s per orms S C IEN C E
some activity that is a part o this unction. Contro o the bodys tri ions o
ce s is accomp ished main y by two communication systems: the nervous sys-
Be o re re ading the
tem and the endocrine system. Both systems transmit in ormation rom one
chapte r, s ay e ach o
part o the body to another, but they do it in di erent ways. T e nervous system the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
transmits in ormation very rapid y by nerve impu ses conducted rom one body he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
area to another. T e endocrine system transmits in ormation more s ow y by the m as yo u re ad.
chemica s secreted by duct ess g ands into the b oodstream and then circu ated
to other parts o the body.
acetylcholine (ACh)
(as-ee-til-KOH-leen [ay see aych])
Nerve impu ses and hormones communicate in ormation to body structures, [acetyl- vinegar, -chole- bile,
increasing or decreasing their activities as needed or hea thy surviva . In other -ine made o ]
words, the communication systems o the body are a so its contro and inte- action potential
grating systems. T ey combine the bodys hundreds o unctions into its one (AK-shun poh-TEN-shal)
overa unction o keeping itse a ive and hea thy. [act- moving, -ion condition,
poten- power, -ial relating to]
Reca that homeostasis is the ba anced and contro ed interna environment adrenergic f ber
o the body that is basic to i e itse . H omeostasis is possib e on y i our
physio ogica contro and integration systems unction proper y. O ur p an [ad- toward, -ren- kidney, -erg- work,
or this chapter is to name the ce s, organs, and divisions o the nervous -ic relating to, f br- thread]
system and then exp ain how these impu ses move between one area o the a erent neuron
body and another. We not on y discuss the (AF- er-ent NOO-ron)
major structures o the nervous system, such [a[d]- toward, - er- carry, -ent relating
as the brain, spina cord, and nerves, but to, neur- string or nerve, -on unit]
a so earn how they unction to maintain antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
and regu ate homeostasis. In Chapter 11,
mohn [ay dee aych])
we consider the senses.
[anti- against, -dia- through,
-uret- urination, -ic relating to,
hormon- excite]
O r g a n s a n d D iv is io n s arachnoid mater
o t h e N e r vo u s S y s t e m (ah-RAK-noyd MAH-ter)
[arachn- spider(web), -oid like,
T e organs o the nervous system as a who e inc ude the brain and mater mother]
spina cord, the numerous nerves o the body, the specia sense organs such astrocyte
as the eyes and ears, and the microscopic sense organs such as those ound in (AS-troh-syte)
the skin. T e system as a who e consists o two principa divisions: the centra [astro- star shaped, -cyte cell]
nervous system and the periphera nervous system (Figure 10-1). Because the autonomic e ector
brain and spina cord occupy a mid ine or centra ocation in the body, together
they are ca ed the central nervous system, or CNS. Simi ar y, the usua des- [auto- sel , -nom- rule, -ic relating to,
ignation or the nerves o the body is the peripheral nervous system, or PNS. e ect- accomplish, -or agent]
T e term peripheral is appropriate because nerves extend to out ying or periph- autonomic nervous system (ANS)
era parts o the body. A subdivision o the periphera nervous system, ca ed
the autonomic nervous system, or ANS, consists o structures that regu ate SIS-tem [ay en es])
the bodys automatic or invo untary unctions ( or examp e, the heart rate, the [auto- sel , -nom- rule, -ic relating to,
nerv- nerve, -ous, relating to]

Continued on p. 280

250 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System


around some axons outside the centra nervous system. Such
f bers are ca ed myelinated bers. In Figure 10-2, B, one such
axon has been en arged to show additiona detai . Nodes o
Bra in S pina l cord Ranvier are gaps between adjacent Schwann ce s.
T e outer wrapped ayer o a Schwann ce is ca ed the
neurilemma. It is c inica y signif cant that axons in the brain
PERIPHERAL NERVOUS S YS TEM and spina cord have no neuri emma, because neuri emma p ays
an essentia part in the regeneration o cut and injured axons.
T ere ore, the potentia or regeneration in the brain and spina
Cra nia l ne rve s S pina l ne rve s cord is ar ess than it is in the periphera nervous system.
Identi y each part on the neuron shown in Figure 10-2.
Autonomic (involunta ry) Dendrites are the processes or projections that carry impu ses
motor ne rve s to the neuron ce bodies, and axons are the processes that
carry impu ses away rom the neuron ce bodies.

S oma tic (volunta ry) Ty p e s o N e u ro n s

motor ne rve s T ere are three major types o neurons c assif ed according to
the direction in which they carry impu ses.

S e ns ory ne rve s Sensory Neurons

Sensory neurons carry impu ses to the spina cord and brain
rom a parts o the body. Sensory neurons are a so ca ed
af erent neurons.
FIGURE 10-1 Divisions o the nervous system.
Motor Neurons
Motor neurons carry impu ses in the opposite directionaway
contractions o the stomach and intestines, and the secretion rom the brain and spina cord. T ey do not conduct impu ses
o chemica compounds by g ands). to a parts o the bodyon y to two kinds o tissuemusc e
As you study the brain spina cord, and nerves, try to f nd and g andu ar epithe ia tissue. Motor neurons are a so ca ed
their ocation in the Clear View o the Human Body ( o ows ef erent neurons.
p. 8) and note their re ationships to surrounding structures.
To better understand this concept, use the Active Interneurons conduct impu ses rom sensory neurons to mo-
Concept Map Organization o the Nervous System tor neurons. T ey a so o ten connect with each other to orm
at comp ex, centra networks o nerve f bers. Interneurons are
sometimes ca ed central or connecting neurons.

To get an overview o the nervous system, go to

G lia
AnimationDirect online at
Fu n c t io n o G lia
G iaor neurogliado not specia ize in transmitting im-
C e lls o t h e N e r vo u s S y s t e m pu ses. Instead, they are specia types o supporting ce s. T eir
In Chapter 4, we earned that nervous tissue is the major name is appropriate because it is derived rom the Greek word
component o the nervous system. And we earned two major glia meaning g ue. One unction o g ia ce s is to ho d the
types o ce s are ound in nervous tissue: neurons or nerve unctioning neurons together and protect them.
ce s and glia, which are support ce s (see Figure 4-19 on p. 84). We now know that g ia per orm many di erent unctions,
10 Neurons conduct impu ses, whereas g ia support neurons. inc uding the regu ation o neuron unction. T ere ore, they
not on y act as g ue in the physica sense but a so he p bring
the various unctions o nervous tissue together into a coordi-
N e u ro n s nated who e.
N e u ro n S t r u c t u r e An important reason or discussing g ia is that one o the
Each neuron consists o three parts: a main part ca ed the most common types o brain tumorca ed gliomadeve ops
neuron cell body, one or more branching projections ca ed rom them.
dendrites, and one e ongated projection known as an axon.
T e axon shown in Figure 10-2, B, is surrounded by a seg- C e n t r a l G lia
mented wrapping o a materia ca ed myelin. Mye in is a G ia vary in size and shape (Figure 10-3). Some are re ative y arge
white, atty substance ormed by Schwann cells that wrap ce s that ook somewhat ike stars because o the thread ike
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 251

extensions that jut out rom their sur aces. T ese g ia ce s are
ca ed astrocytes, a word that means star ce s (see Figure 10-3,
De ndrite
A). T eir thread ike branches attach to neurons and to sma
b ood vesse s, ho ding these structures c ose to each other.
A ong with the wa s o the b ood vesse s, astrocyte
branches orm a two- ayer structure ca ed the blood-brain
Ce ll body barrier (BBB). As its name imp ies, the BBB separates the
b ood tissue and nervous tissue to protect vita brain tissue
rom harm u chemica s that might be in the b ood.
Microglia are sma er than astrocytes (see Figure 10-3, B).
T ey usua y remain stationary, but in in amed or degenerat-
Nucle us
ing brain tissue, they en arge, move about, and act as microbe-
eating scavengers. T ey surround the microbes, draw them
into their cytop asm, and digest them. T ey ikewise he p


Node of Ra nvie r
S chwa nn ce ll Nucle us of S chwa nn ce ll

Mye lin
s he a th


Ne urile mma
(s he a th of S chwa nn ce ll)
Ce ll me mbra ne
B of a xon

FIGURE 10-2 Structure o a neuron. A, Diagram o a typical neuron showing

dendrites, a cell body, and an axon. B, Segment o a myelinated axon cut to show detail
A o the concentric layers o the Schwann cell lled with myelin.


Foot Oligode ndrocyte

proce s s e s

Ca pilla ry As trocyte s

Ne rve be r
A B C Mye lin s he a th

FIGURE 10-3 Central glia. A, Astrocytes have extensions attached to blood vessels in the brain. B, Microglia
within the central nervous system can enlarge and consume microbes by phagocytosis. C, Oligodendrocytes have
extensions that orm myelin sheaths around axons in the central nervous system. Glia are not shown to scale.
252 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

No rmal mye lin Mye lin partially de s troye d by MS

Oligode ndrocyte ce ll Oligode ndrocyte ce ll

Mye lin Axon Mye lin De mye lina te d a xon

FIGURE 10-4 Myelin disorders. Diagram showing e ects o multiple sclerosis (MS). A, A normal myelin
sheath allows rapid conduction. B, In those with MS, the myelin sheath is damaged, disrupting normal nerve

c ean up ce damage resu ting rom injury or disease. Reca p aque ike esions rep ace the destroyed mye in, and a ected
rom Chapter 3 that phagocytosis is the scientif c name or areas are invaded by in ammatory ce s. As the mye in around
this important ce u ar process. the axons is ost, nerve conduction is impaired, potentia y re-
T e oligodendrocytes he p ho d nerve f bers together in su ting in weakness, incoordination, visua impairment, and
the CNS. T ey a so serve another and probab y more impor- speech disturbances. A though the disease occurs in both sexes
tant unction: they produce the atty mye in sheath that enve - and a age-groups, it is most common in women between the
ops nerve f bers ocated in the brain and spina cord. T e ages o 20 and 40 years.
mye in sheath in uences nerve conduction speed, which in T e cause o MS is thought to be re ated to autoimmunity
turn a ects the coordination and e ectiveness o nerve signa - and to vira in ections in some individua s. MS is characteris-
ing. We return to this concept ater in the chapter. tica y re apsing and chronic in nature, but some cases o acute
and unremitting disease have been reported. In most instances
P e r ip h e r a l G lia the disease is pro onged, with remissions and re apses occur-
Schwann cells are g ia ce s that a so orm mye in sheaths ring over many years.
but do so on y in the periphera nervous system. Notice in e evision persona ity and author Monte W i iams reports
Figure 10-3, C, that each o igodendrocyte can orm part o the that he ived with recurring episodes o MS or 20 years be ore
mye in sheath around severa axons but Schwann ce s wrap he rea ized that he has the condition. A though there is not yet
entire y around on y one axon.

QUICK CHECK FIGURE 10-5 Multiple neurof bromatosis. This photo shows multiple
1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n th e ce n tra l n e rvo u s s ys te m tumors o Schwann cells in the nerves o the skin that are characteristic o
a n d th e p e rip h e ra l n e rvo u s s ys te m ? this inherited condition.
2. Wh a t a re th e m a jo r e a tu re s o a n e u ro n ?
3. Na m e a n d d e s crib e th e th re e typ e s o n e u ro n s b a s e d
u p o n th e d ire ctio n th e y co nve y im p u ls e s .
4. Ho w a re g lia d i e re n t ro m n e u ro n s ?
5. Wh a t a re th re e typ e s o g lia ?

10 D is o r d e r s o N e r vo u s Tis s u e
M u lt ip le S c le ro s is
A number o diseases are associated with disorders o the
o igodendrocytes. Because these g ia ce s are invo ved in
mye in ormation, the diseases as a group are ca ed myelin
disorders. T e most common primary disease o the CNS is a
mye in disorder ca ed multiple sclerosis, or MS.
MS is an autoimmune condition characterized by mye in
oss and destruction accompanied by varying degrees o o igo-
dendrocyte injury and death (Figure 10-4). T e resu t is areas o
demye ination throughout the white matter o the CNS. H ard,
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 253

Epine urium FIGURE 10-6 Nerve. Each nerve contains axons

bundled into ascicles. A connective tissue epineu-
rium wraps the entire nerve. Perineurium surrounds
each ascicle and endoneurium surrounds each axon.
s pa ce

Fa t

Arte ry
a nd ve in

Fa s cicle

S chwa nn
ce ll
a cure or MS, ear y diag-
nosis and treatment can s ow
or stop its progression.

Tu m o r s
T e genera name or tumors arising in Pe rine urium Axon
nervous system structures is neuroma. umors
Endone urium
do not usua y deve op direct y rom neurons but instead
rom g ia, membrane tissues, and b ood vesse s.
As stated ear ier, a common type o brain tumor Figure 10-6 shows that each axon in a nerve is surrounded
gliomaoccurs in g ia. G iomas are usua y benign but may by a thin wrapping o f brous connective tissue ca ed the
sti be i e threatening. Patients usua y show def cits re ect- endoneurium. Groups o these wrapped axons are ca ed
ing damaged unction o the area in which the tumor is o- ascicles. Each ascic e is surrounded by a thin, f brous
cated (Figure 10-4, B). Because these tumors o ten deve op in perineurium. A tough, f brous sheath ca ed the epineurium
deep areas o the brain, they are di cu t to treat. Untreated covers the who e nerve.
g iomas may grow to a size that disrupts norma brain unc- Bund es o axons in the CNS, ca ed tracts, a so may be
tion, perhaps eading to death. mye inated and thus orm the white matter o the brain and
Multiple neuro bromatosis is an inherited disease char- cord. Brain and cord tissue composed o ce bodies and un-
acterized by numerous f brous neuromas throughout the mye inated axons and dendrites is ca ed gray matter because
body (Figure 10-5). T e tumors are benign, appearing f rst as o its characteristic gray appearance.
sma nodu es in the Schwann ce s o cutaneous nerves. In
some cases, invo vement spreads as arge, disf guring f brous
tumors appear in many areas o the body, inc uding musc es, N e r ve S ig n a ls
bones, and interna organs. Re e x A r c s
Most ma ignant tumors o g ia and other nervous tissues
do not originate there but instead are secondary tumors re- N e u ro n P a t h w a y s
su ting rom metastasis o cancer ce s rom the breast, ung, D uring every moment o our ives, nerve impu ses speed over
or other organs. neurons to and rom our spina cords and brains. I a impu se
conduction ceases, i e itse ceases.
QUICK CHECK On y neurons can provide the rapid communication be-
1. Wh a t is a m ye lin d is o rd e r? Ho w d o e s a m ye lin d is o rd e r tween ce s that is necessary or maintaining i e. H ormones
d is ru p t n e rvo u s s ys te m u n ctio n ? are the on y other kind o signa the body can send, and they
2. Wh a t is a n e u ro m a ?
3. Wh a t is a co m m o n d is o rd e r th a t is ch a ra cte rize d b y
trave much more s ow y than nerve signa s. H ormones can 10
m ye lin lo s s a n d d e s tru ctio n o va ryin g d e g re e s o th e
move rom one part o the body to another on y via circu ating
o lig o d e n d ro cyte s ? b ood. Compared with nerve impu se conduction, hormone
circu ation is a very s ow process.
Nerve impu ses, o ten ca ed action potentials, can trave
over tri ions o routesroutes made up o neurons because
N e r ve s a n d Tr a c t s they are the ce s that conduct impu ses. H ence the routes
A nerve is a group o periphera nerve f bers (axons) bund ed trave ed by nerve impu ses are sometimes spoken o as neuron
together ike the strands o a cab e. Periphera nerve f bers pathways.
usua y have a mye in sheath and because mye in is white, A basic type o neuron pathway, ca ed a re ex arc, is im-
periphera nerves o ten ook white. portant to nervous system unctioning. T e simp est kind o
254 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

FIGURE 10-7 Knee-jerk re ex. The neural pathway

Gray involved in the knee-jerk (patellar) ref ex.
ma tte r

Dors a l root ga nglion

S yna ps e S e ns ory ne uron

S tre tch re ce ptor
Te ndon
Pa te lla

S pinal c o rd

Motor ne uron

re ex arc is a two-neuron arc, so ca ed because it con- Pa te lla r liga me nt

Qua drice ps
sists o on y two neurons: one sensory neuron and one mus cle
motor neuron. T ree-neuron arcs are the next simp est (e ffe ctor)
kind. A three-neuron arc, o course, consists o a three P

kinds o neurons: a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a P A

motor neuron.

S t r u c t u r e o Re e x A r c s
Re ex arcs are ike one-way streets; they a ow impu se con-
duction in on y one direction. T e next paragraph describes gap, and then the new impu se continues a ong the dendrites,
this direction in detai . Look requent y at Figure 10-7 as you ce body, and axon o the motor neuron.
read it. T e motor neuron axon orms a synapse with a structure
Impu se conduction norma y starts in receptors. Receptors ca ed an ef ector, an organ that puts nerve signa s into e -
are the beginnings o dendrites o sensory neurons. T ey are ect. E ectors are usua y musc es or g ands, and musc e
o ten ocated ar rom the spina cord (in tendons, skin, or contractions and g and secretion are the kinds o re exes op-
mucous membranes, or examp e). erated by these e ectors.
In Figure 10-7 the sensory receptors are ocated in the quad-
riceps musc e groupwhich acts to extend the eg. In the Re e x Re s p o n s e s
re ex that is i ustrated there, stretch receptors are stimu ated An invo untary response to impu se conduction over a re ex
when musc es are stretched as a resu t o a tap on the pate ar arc is ca ed a re ex. In short, impu se conduction by a re ex
igament rom a rubber hammer used by a physician to e icit arc causes a re ex to occur. In our examp e re ex, the nerve
a re ex during a physica examination. T e nerve impu se that impu ses that reach the quadriceps musc e (the e ector) resu t
is generated, its neuro ogica pathway, and its u timate knee- in the knee-jerk response.
jerk e ect provide an examp e o the simp est orm o a two- Some re exes invo ve three rather than two neurons. In
neuron re ex arc. these more comp ex types o responses, an interneuron, in ad-
In the knee-jerk re ex, on y sensory and motor neurons dition to the sensory and motor neurons, is invo ved. In three-
are invo ved. T e nerve impu se that is generated by stimu- neuron re exes, the end o the sensory neurons axon synapses
ation o the stretch receptors trave s a ong the ength o the f rst with an interneuron be ore chemica signa s are sent
sensory neurons dendrite to its ce body ocated in the across a second synapse, resu ting in conduction through the
dorsal root ganglion. A ganglion is a group o nerve-ce motor neuron.
10 bodies ocated in the PNS. T is gang ion is ocated near the For examp e, app ication o an irritating stimu us to the
spina cord. Each dorsa root gang ion contains not one skin o the thigh initiates a three-neuron re ex response that
sensory neuron ce body as shown in Figure 10-7, but hun- causes contraction o exor musc es to pu the eg away rom
dreds o them. the irritanta three-neuron arc reaction ca ed the withdrawal
T e axon o the sensory neuron trave s rom the ce body re ex.
in the dorsa root gang ion and ends near the dendrites o A interneurons ie entire y within the gray matter o the
another neuron ocated in the gray matter o the spina cord. brain or spina cord. Gray matter orms the H -shaped inner
A microscopic space separates the axon ending o one neuron core o the spina cord. Because o the presence o an inter-
rom the dendrites o another neuron. T is gap serves as a neuron, three-neuron re ex arcs have two synapses. A two-
junction between nerve ce s ca ed a synapse. T e nerve im- neuron re ex arc, however, has on y a sensory neuron and a
pu se stops at the synapse, chemica signa s are sent across the motor neuron with one synapse between them.
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 255

Identi y the motor neuron in Figure 10-7. O bserve that its N e r ve Im p u ls e s

dendrites and ce body, ike those o an interneuron, are o-
cated in the spina cords gray matter. T e axon o this motor D e f n it io n o a N e r ve Im p u ls e
neuron, however, runs through the ventra root o the spina W hat are nerve impu ses? H ere is one wide y accepted def ni-
nerve and terminates in a musc e. tion: a nerve impu se is a se -propagating wave o e ectrica
disturbance that trave s a ong the sur ace o a neurons p asma
To explore applications o neural pathway con- membrane. You might visua ize this as a tiny spark sizz ing its
Pain Control Areas at way a ong a use.
Connect It! at Nerve impu ses do not continua y race a ong every nerve
ce s sur ace. First they have to be initiated by a stimu us, a
change in the neurons environment. Pressure, temperature,
QUICK CHECK and chemica changes are the usua stimu i.
1. Ho w is w h ite m a tte r d i e re n t ro m g ra y m a tte r?
2. Ca n yo u e xp la in th e u n ctio n o a re e x a rc?
M e c h a n is m o a N e r ve Im p u ls e
3. Wh a t is a s e n s o ry re ce p to r? Ho w d o e s it re la te to th e Figure 10-8 depicts a simp if ed summary o the mechanism o
re e x a rc? a nerve impu se.
4. Wh a t is a n e e cto r? Ho w d o e s it re la te to th e re e x a rc? T e membrane o each resting neuron has a s ight positive
5. Wh a t is a ga n g lio n ?
charge on the outside and a negative charge on the inside, a state

Voltme te r
Sodium ion

Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+
An exce s s of
s odium ions (Na +)
on the outs ide of
the me mbra ne
pola rize s the a xon.

Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+
Pola rize d
(re s ting)

2 Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

S timula tion of the
me mbra ne trigge rs
inwa rd diffus ion of Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+
Na +, de pola rizing
the me mbra ne by Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+
ba la ncing the
cha rge d ions.
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+
De pola riza tion

Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

Me mbra ne Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+
Na+ Na+
re pola rize s a s
origina l s ta te is
a chieve d. Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

Re pola riza tion

FIGURE 10-8 Mechanism o the nerve impulse. A voltmeter (right) shows how the charge di erence
across the membrane f uctuates as the balance o positive ions (Na ) changes.
256 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

ca ed polarization. T is occurs because there is norma y an ex- T is binding can initiate an impu se in the postsynaptic neu-
cess o sodium ions (Na ) on the outside o the membrane. ron by opening ion channe s in the postsynaptic membrane.
W hen a section o the membrane is stimu ated, its Na A ter impu se conduction by postsynaptic neurons is initi-
channe s sudden y open, and Na ions rush inward. T e inside ated, neurotransmitter activity is rapid y terminated. Either
o the membrane temporari y becomes positive, and the out- one or both o two mechanisms cause this: reuptake or en-
side becomes negativea process ca ed depolarization. zyme breakdown.
T e depo arized section o the membrane then immedi- Some neurotransmitter mo ecu es are transported out o
ate y recoversa process ca ed repolarization. H owever, the the synaptic c e t and back into synaptic knobs in a process
depo arization has a ready stimu ated Na channe s in the ca ed reuptake. Like taking the key out o the ignition switch
next section o the membrane to open. and returning it to your pocket, the receptor stops unctioning
when the neurotransmitters are taken back. T ere, they are
C o n d u c t io n o N e r ve Im p u ls e s repackaged into vesic es to be used again atera mechanism
T e impu seor action potentialcannot go backward dur- ca ed recycling.
ing the brie moment o repo arization and recovery o the T e neurotransmitters may instead be broken apart by
previous section o membrane. T us a se -propagating wave o specif c enzymes in the extrace u ar matrix o the synaptic
e ectrica disturbancea nerve impu setrave s continuous y c e t. T e neurotransmitters may a so be transported into a
in one direction across the neurons sur ace (Figure 10-9, A).
Nerve impu ses are a so ca ed action potentials because
each one is a di erence in charge (ca ed e ectrica potentia )
that usua y triggers an action by the ce in this case, trans-
mission o the impu se itse .
I the trave ing impu se encounters a section o membrane THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER
covered with insu ating mye in, it simp y jumps around the As trocyte s have an im portant unction othe r than s upport-
mye in rom one gap to the next. Ca ed saltatory conduction, ing ne urons and blood ve s s e ls . Notice in the f gure that the
this type o impu se trave is much aster than is possib e in e e t o the as trocyte s orm a wall around the outs ide o
nonmye inated sections. Sa tatory conduction is i ustrated in blood ve s s e ls in the ne rvous s ys te m . This as trocyte wall,
Figure 10-9, B. along w ith the ve s s e l wall, orm s a s tructure know n as the
blo o d-brain barrie r (BBB).
To learn more about nerve impulses, go to The BBB allow s wate r, oxyge n, carbon dioxide , and a
AnimationDirect online at ew othe r s ubs tance s s uch as alcoholto m ove be twe e n
the blood and the tis s ue o the brain. Howeve r, m any toxins
and pathoge ns that can e nte r othe r tis s ue s through blood
Syn a p s e s ve s s e l walls cannot e nte r ne rvous tis s ue be caus e o this
S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n o a S y n a p s e barrie r. This adaptation e nhance s s urvival be caus e it pro-
te cts vital brain and ne rve tis s ue s rom dam age .
ransmission o signa s rom one neuron to the nextacross This prote ctive unction o the BBB has gre at clinical
the synapseis an important part o the nerve conduction s ignif cance . Drugs us e d in othe r parts o the body to tre at
process. By def nition, a synapse is the p ace where impu ses in e ctions , cance r, and othe r dis orde rs o te n cannot pas s
are transmitted rom one neuron, ca ed the presynaptic through the BBB. For exam ple , pe nicillin and othe r antibiot-
neuron, to another neuron, ca ed the postsynaptic neuron. ics cannot e nte r the inte rs titial uid o brain tis s ue rom the
T ree structures make up a synapse: a synaptic knob, a blood. Obvious ly, this m ake s deve lopm e nt o tre atm e nts
synaptic c e t, and the p asma membrane o a postsynaptic or brain dis orde rs s om e tim e s ve ry di f cult.
neuron. As dis cus s e d in the text (p. 259), parkins onis m re s ulting
A synaptic knob is a tiny bu ge at the end o a termina rom a lack o dopam ine in the brain cannot be tre ate d w ith
dopam ine be caus e it cannot cros s the BBB. Howeve r, the
branch o a presynaptic neurons axon (Figure 10-10). Each
dopam ine pre curs or L-dopa can cros s the BBB and be con-
synaptic knob contains many sma sacs or vesic es. Each ve rte d to dopam ine in the brain in s om e patie nts .
vesic e contains a very sma quantity o a chemica compound
10 ca ed a neurotransmitter. W hen a nerve impu se arrives at the
synaptic knob, neurotransmitter mo ecu es are re eased rom
the vesic es into the synaptic cle t.
T e synaptic cle t is the space between a synaptic knob Bra in inte rs titia l uid
and the p asma membrane o a postsynaptic neuron. It is an As trocyte
incredib y narrow spaceon y about two mi ionths o a cen-
timeter in width. T e synaptic c e t is f ed with extrace u ar Blood-bra in Wa ll of
matrix that ho ds the synaptic structure in p ace. Identi y the ba rrie r blood
Blood ve s s e l
synaptic c e t in Figure 10-10.
T e p asma membrane o a postsynaptic neuron has protein
mo ecu es embedded in it opposite each synaptic knob. T ese Wa te r Oxyge n L-Dopa Dopa mine
serve as receptors to which neurotransmitter mo ecu es bind.
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 257


A S timulus

Unmye lina te d pote ntia l
ne rve fibe r

Re cove ry
pe riod

FIGURE 10-9 Conduction o
nerve impulses. A, In an unmyelin-
ated ber, a nerve impulse (action
potential, shown with yellow glow) is
a continuous, sel -propagating wave
o electrical disturbance. The dark Mye lina te d
blue area o recovery during repo- ne rve fibe r
larization cannot be restimulated,
preventing backward conduction. 3
B, In a myelinated ber, the action
potential jumps around the insulat-
ing myelin in a rapid type o conduc-
tion called saltatory conduction.


+ + + +
+ + + +
Action pote ntia l

+ + + +
+ + + +
Re cove ry pe riod Action pote ntia l

+ + + +
+ + + +
nearby g ia ce and broken apart by enzymes there. In either stimu ate, or inhibit postsynaptic neurons. At east 30 di erent
case, the pieces e t a ter enzyme breakdown are returned to compounds have been identif ed as neurotransmitters. T ey are
the presynaptic neuron to be recyc ed into new neurotrans- not distributed random y through the spina cord and brain.
mitter mo ecu es. Instead, specif c neurotransmitters are oca ized in discrete
groups o neurons and re eased in specif c pathways.
N e u ro t r a n s m it t e r s a n d Re c e p t o r s For examp e, the substance named acetylcholine (ACh) is
Neurotransmitters re eased at some o the synapses in the spina cord and at neu-
Neurotransmitters are chemica s by which neurons commu- romuscu ar (nerve-musc e) junctions. O ther we -known neu-
nicate. As previous y noted, at tri ions o synapses in the rotransmitters inc ude norepinephrine (NE), dopamine, and
CNS, presynaptic neurons re ease neurotransmitters that assist, serotonin. T ese three neurotransmitters be ong to a group o
258 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

1 pain ki ers. Research shows that

Action pote ntia l conducte d Axon
a long a xon re a che s the
the re ease o endorphins in-
a xon knob creases during heavy exercise.
Norma y, pain is a warning signa
2 that ca s attention to injuries or
Action pote ntia l trigge rs re le a s e of dangerous circumstances. H ow-
P la s ma me mbra ne
ne urotra ns mitte rs from ve s icle s
1 of pre s yna ptic ne uron ever, it is better to inhibit moder-
ate pain i it wou d stop us rom
3 S yna ptic continuing an activity that may
Ne urotra ns mitte rs Ve s icle s conta ining
knob be necessary or surviva .
cros s s yna ptic ne urotra ns mitte r
cle ft a nd bind to S yna ptic mole cule s Very sma mo ecu es such as
pos ts yna ptic cle ft 2
re ce ptors
nitric oxide (NO) a so have an
important ro e as neurotransmit-
ters. Un ike most other neuro-
P la s ma transmitters, NO di uses direct y
Activa te d re ce ptors me mbra ne of
trigge r ope ning of ion 4 across the p asma membrane o
pos ts yna ptic Ne urotra ns mitte r
cha nne ls, initia ting a Ion cha nne ls
pos ts yna ptic impuls e
ne uron mole cule s neurons rather than being re-
with re ce ptors
eased rom vesic es.
NO is important during the
ma e sexua response in regu-
FIGURE 10-10 Synapse. Diagram shows synaptic knob or axon terminal o presynaptic neuron, the plasma ating smooth musc es in the
membrane o a postsynaptic neuron, and a synaptic cle t. Boxed steps summarize the process o synaptic transmis- b ood vesse s o the penis to
sion o a nerve signal. a ow or peni e erection. T e
drug si denaf (Viagra) treats
compounds ca ed catecholamines, which p ay a ro e in s eep, male erectile dys unction (M ED) by promoting the same re-
motor unction, mood, and p easure recognition. sponse in the penis as NO.
wo morphine ike neurotransmitters ca ed endorphins
and enkephalins are re eased at various spina cord and brain Receptors
synapses in the pain conduction pathway. T ese neurotrans- Look again at Figure 10-10 and ocate the receptors to which
mitters inhibit conduction o pain impu ses. T ey are natura neurotransmitters bind during synaptic transmission o a


Antide pre s s ant drugs are pre s cribe d w ide ly or outpatie nts type s o antide pre s s ants incre as e s e rotonin leve ls in othe r
s u e ring rom de pre s s ion as s ociate d w ith the ir ongoing ill- ways or a e ct othe r ne urotrans m itte rs , s uch as dopam ine or
ne s s . De pre s s ion als o can be a dis tinct m e ntal illne s s that can nore pine phrine , w hich are als o active in m ood
be caus e d by a varie ty o actors . pathways as s ociate d w ith de pre s s ion.
The exact m e chanis m s o s eve re de pre s s ion re m ain incom - Re se archers continue to study
ple te ly explaine d. A clas s ic explanation s tate s that a de f cit o othe r drugs, such as the an-
s e rotonin or anothe r ne urotrans m itte r exis ts at ce rtain s yn- es the tic ketamine , that
aps e s in parts o the brain that a e ct ones m ood. More re ce nt more rapidly e rase de -
explanations propos e that it is a lack o s u f cie nt s ynaptic con- pre ss ion by incre asing
ne ctions in the m ood pathways o the brain that are to blam e . synaptic com munica-
10 Som e o the m ore com m only us e d antide pre s s ants today tion am ong existing
are paroxe tine (Paxil), uoxe tine (Prozac), and s e rtraline (Zolo t). ne urons in the brains
The s e drugs produce the ir e e cts by blocking the uptake o mood pathways.
s e rotonin back into pre s ynaptic ne urons . Drugs in this clas s o
antide pre s s ants are calle d s e rotonin-s pe cif c re uptake inhibi-
tors (SSRIs ).
Se rotonin-uptake inhibition caus e s an incre as e in the
am ount o s e rotonin in the s ynaps e , the re by reve rs ing the
s e rotonin de f cit that m ay contribute to e e lings o de pre s s ion.
Howeve r, it m ay be the s e drugs ability to produce new ne u-
rons that produce s m os t o the antide pre s s ant e e ct. Othe r
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 259

nerve signa . Notice that those shown are a component o

the ion channe s that produce a postsynaptic impu se when
they open in response to activation o their receptors. Recep-
tors can a so be separate membrane structures that send a Forwa rd tilt
chemica signa to nearby ion channe s to trigger their of trunk
opening. Rigidity a nd
tre mbling of
Each type o neurotransmitter can bind on y to a receptor he a d
that chemica y f ts with it. T us dopamine can on y bind to
a dopamine receptor and not to an acety cho ine receptor.
H owever, there are s ight y di erent kinds o dopamine Re duce d a rm
receptorseach responding on y to dopamine. T e di erent
kinds o dopamine receptors are ound in di erent ocations
in the body.
T e characteristics o neurotransmitter and receptors a ow
or very precise contro o body unctions. T ey a so give an
opportunity or deve oping e ective drugs. For examp e, some
Rigidity a nd
asthma drugs target certain catecho amine receptors in the tre mbling of
airways o ung and trigger them to di ate and a ow a person extre mitie s
to breathe more easi y. H owever, such drugs can have un-
wanted side e ects in other parts o the body that a so have
catecho amine receptors. So researchers attempt to f nd a drug
that wi trigger just the specif c kind o catecho amine recep-
tors ound in the airwaysand thus have ewer unwanted
side e ects. S huffling ga it
with s hort s te ps
To learn more about synapses, go to
AnimationDirect online at FIGURE 10-11 Parkinsonism. Parkinsonism is a syndrome typically
ound in individuals with Parkinson disease (PD). The signs include (but are not
Parkinson Disease limited to) rigidity and trembling o the head and extremities, a orward tilt o
Parkinson disease (PD ) is a chronic, progressive nervous the trunk, and a shu f ing gait with short steps and reduced arm swinging.
disorder resu ting rom a def ciency o the neurotransmitter
dopamine in certain parts o the brain.
T e group o signs associated with this disorder, a syn- brains o individua s with PD. Another experimenta option
drome ca ed parkinsonism, inc udes rigidity and tremb ing is an artif cia imp ant that gives e ectrica stimu ation to the
o the head and extremities, a orward ti t o the trunk, and brain, causing it to produce more dopamine.
a shu ing manner o wa king (Figure 10-11). You may have
noticed these signs in ormer boxing champion M uhammad QUICK CHECK
A i, the actor M ichae J. Fox, or in others you may know
1. Why a re n e rve im p u ls e s o te n re e rre d to a s a ctio n
with PD. A o these characteristics resu t rom ack o p o te n tia ls ?
dopamine, eading to misin ormation in the parts o the 2. Ho w d o e s m ye lin in cre a s e th e s p e e d o n e rve im p u ls e
brain that norma y prevents the ske eta musc es rom be- co n d u ctio n ?
ing overstimu ated. 3. Ho w d o n e u ro tra n s m itte rs tra n s m it s ig n a ls a cro s s th e
s yn a p s e ?
Dopamine injections and dopamine pi s are not e ective
4. Wh a t a re th e ch a ra cte ris tics o p a rkin s o n is m ?
treatments or PD because dopamine cannot cross the b ood- 5. Ho w a re th e te rm s re u p ta ke a n d re cycle u s e d w h e n d is -
brain barrier (see box on p. 256). cu s s in g th e s yn a p s e ?
A breakthrough in the treatment o Parkinson disease
came when the drug levodopa or l -dopa (Sinemet) was ound 10
to increase the dopamine eve s in a icted patients. Neurons
use l -dopa, which can cross the b ood-brain barrier, to make
C e n t r a l N e r vo u s S y s t e m
dopamine. For some reason, l -dopa does not a ways have the T e CNS, as its name imp ies, is centra y ocated. Its two
desired e ects in individua patients or its e ect may wear o major structures, the brain and spina cord, are axia ound
over time, so a number o a ternative treatments have been in the centra axis o the body (Figure 10-12). T e brain is pro-
deve oped. For examp e, the drug apomorphine (Apokyn) has tected in the crania cavity o the sku , and the spina cord is
proved use u in treating individua s who no onger respond to surrounded in the spina cavity by the vertebra co umn. In
l -dopa. addition, the brain and spina cord are a so covered by protec-
A treatment option that has shown some success is surgica tive membranes ca ed meninges, which are discussed in a ater
gra ting o norma dopamine-secreting neurons into the section o the chapter.
260 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

III. Diencepha on
Bra in A. H ypotha amus
Eye B. T a amus
(s e ns e orga n) C. Pinea g and
Cra nia l ne rve s IV. Cerebrum
S pina l cord
O bserve in Figure 10-13 the ocation and re ative sizes o the
di erent divisions o the brain.
S pina l
ne rve s Br a in s t e m
T e owest part o the brainstem is the medu a ob ongata.
Immediate y above the medu a ies the pons and above that
the midbrain. ogether these three structures are ca ed the
brainstem (see Figure 10-13).
T e medulla oblongata is an en arged, upward extension
o the spina cord. It ies just inside the crania cavity above
the arge ho e in the occipita bone ca ed the oramen mag-
num. T e pons bu ges out a bit more than medu a, orming a
bridge to the narrower midbrain.
In the brainstem, sma bits o gray matter mix c ose y and
intricate y with white matter to orm the reticular ormation
(reticular means net ike). In the spina cord, gray and white
matter do not interming e; gray matter orms the interior core
o the cord, and white matter surrounds it.
A three parts o the brainstem unction as two-way con-
duction paths. Sensory f bers conduct impu ses up rom the
spina cord to other parts o the brain, and motor f bers con-
duct impu ses down rom the brain to the spina cord.
In addition, many important re ex centers ie in the brain-
stem. T e cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor centers (co ec-
Central ne rvous tive y ca ed the vital centers), or examp e, are ocated in the
sys tem (CNS )
medu a. Impu ses rom these centers contro heartbeat, respi-
Pe riphe ra l ne rvous rations, and b ood vesse diameter (which is important in
s ys te m (PNS)
regu ating b ood pressure).
C e r e b e llu m
I Look at Figure 10-13 to f nd the ocation, appearance, and size
o the cerebe um.
T e cerebellum is the second argest part o the human
FIGURE 10-12 Nervous system. The brain and spinal cord (highlighted brain. It ies under the occipita obe o the cerebrum. In the
green) constitute the central nervous system (CNS), and the nerves (yellow) cerebe um, o ded gray matter composes the thin outer ayer,
make up the peripheral nervous system (PNS). orming a arge sur ace area o nervous connections that a ow
or a huge amount o in ormation processing.
W hite matter tracts orm most o the interior. Notice that
these tracts branch in a tree ike pattern ca ed the arbor vitae
10 Br a in ( itera y, iving tree).
D iv is io n s o t h e Br a in
T e brain, one o our argest organs, consists o the o owing Function
major divisions, named in ascending order beginning with the Most o our previous know edge about cerebe ar unctions
most in erior part: has come rom observing patients who have some sort o
disease o the cerebe um and rom anima s that have had the
I. Brainstem cerebe um removed. From such observations, we know that
A. Medu a ob ongata the cerebe um p ays an essentia part in the production o
B. Pons norma movements.
C. Midbrain Perhaps a ew examp es wi make this c ear. A patient who
II. Cerebe um has a tumor o the cerebe um requent y oses his ba ance and
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 261

topp es over; he may ee ike a drunken man when he wa ks. D ie n c e p h a lo n

H e cannot coordinate his musc es norma y. H e may com- T e diencephalon is a sma but important part o the brain
p ain, or instance, that he is c umsy about everything he ocated between the midbrain be ow and the cerebrum above.
doesthat he cannot even drive a nai or draw a straight ine. It consists o three major structures: the hypotha amus, tha a-
W ith the oss o norma cerebe ar unctioning, he has ost the mus, and pinea g and. Find these structures in Figure 10-13
abi ity to make precise movements. be ore reading urther.
T e most obvious unctions o the cerebe um, then, are to
produce smooth coordinated movements, maintain equi ib- Hypothalamus
rium, and sustain norma postures. T e hypothalamus, as its name suggests, is ocated be ow the
Recent studies using new brain imaging methods show tha amus. T e posterior pituitary g and, the sta k that attaches
that the cerebe um may have ar more unctions than ear ier it to the undersur ace o the brain, and areas o gray matter
observed. T e cerebe um may assist the cerebrum and other ocated in the side wa s o a uid-f ed space ca ed the third
parts o the brain, perhaps having an overa coordinating ventricle are extensions o the hypotha amus. Identi y the pi-
unction or the who e brain. tuitary g and and the hypotha amus in Figure 10-13.

FIGURE 10-13 Central nervous

system. A, Sagittal section o the
brain and spinal cord. B, Sagittal sec-
Tha la mus tion o preserved brain.

Ce re bra l cortex Corpus

ca llos um
(of ce re brum)

S kull Ce re brum
Die nce pha lon
Hypotha la mus
P ine a l gla nd Midbra in
Arbor vita e Ce re be llum
(of ce re be llum) Me dulla
S pina l cord
Ce re be llum

Midbra in
P ituita ry gla nd
S pina l cord
Re ticula r forma tion
A Me dulla

Ce re bra l cortex

Tha la mus

Hypotha la mus
Corpus ca llos um
(of ce re brum) 10
P ine a l gla nd

Midbra in

Ce re be llum
Bra ins te m Pons
Arbor vita e
(of ce re be llum)
Me dulla

262 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

T e o d adage, Dont judge by appearances, app ies we 3. Regulates level o consciousness. It p ays a part in the
to appraising the importance o the hypotha amus. Measured so-ca ed arousal or a erting mechanism that keeps us
by size, it is one o the east signif cant parts o the brain, but awake.
measured by its contribution to hea thy surviva , it is one o 4. Participates in motor re exes. It p ays a ro e in mecha-
the most important brain structures. nisms that produce comp ex re ex movements.
Impu ses rom neurons whose dendrites and ce bodies ie
in the hypotha amus are conducted by their axons to neurons Pineal gland
ocated in the spina cord, and many o these impu ses are Posterior to the tha amus is a tiny mass protruding rom the
then re ayed to musc es and g ands a over the body. T us the back o the diencepha on ca ed the pineal gland or pineal
hypotha amus exerts major contro over virtua y a interna body. It resemb es a sma pine nut or kerne o corn.
organs. Among the vita unctions that it he ps contro are the T e pinea g and receives sensory in ormation about the
heartbeat, constriction and di ation o b ood vesse s, and con- strength o ight seen by the eyes and adjusts its output o the
tractions o the stomach and intestines. hormone melatonin. Me atonin is known as the timekeeping
Some neurons in the hypotha amus unction in a surprising hormone because it he ps keep the bodys c ock on time
way; they make the hormones that the posterior pituitary g and with the dai y, month y, and seasona cyc es o sun ight and
secretes into the b ood. Because one o these hormones moon ight.
antidiuretic hormone (AD H)a ects the vo ume o urine We return to this amazing itt e organ in Chapter 12
excreted, the hypotha amus p ays an essentia ro e in maintain- (p. 338).
ing the bodys water ba ance.
Some o the neurons in the hypotha amus unction as en- Ce re b ru m
docrine (duct ess) g ands. T eir axons secrete chemica s ca ed Structure o the Cerebrum
releasing hormones into the b ood, which then carries them to T e cerebrum is the argest and uppermost part o the brain.
the anterior pituitary g and. Re easing hormones, as their I you were to ook at the outer sur ace o the cerebrum, the
name suggests, contro the re ease o certain anterior pituitary f rst eatures you wou d notice might be its many ridges and
hormones. T ese in turn in uence the hormone secretion o grooves. T e ridges are ca ed convolutions, or gyri, and the
other endocrine g ands. T us the hypotha amus indirect y grooves are ca ed sulci.
he ps contro the unctioning o every ce in the body. T e deepest su ci are ca ed ssures. T e ongitudina f ssure
T e hypotha amus is a crucia part o the mechanism or divides the cerebrum into right and e t ha ves or hemi-
maintaining body temperature. T ere ore marked e evation in spheres. T ese ha ves are a most separate structures except or
body temperature in the absence o disease o ten characterizes an in erior centra band ca ed the corpus callosum, which is
injuries or other abnorma ities o the hypotha amus. In addi- made up o white matter tracts (see Figure 10-13).
tion, this important center is invo ved in unctions such as the wo deep su ci subdivide each cerebra hemisphere into
regu ation o water ba ance, s eep cyc es, and the contro o our major obes and each obe into numerous convo utions.
appetite and many emotions invo ved in p easure, ear, anger, T e obes are named or the bones that ie over them: the
sexua arousa , and pain. rontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the occipital
lobe. Identi y these in Figure 10-14, A. T ere is a so a hidden
Thalamus obe ca ed the insula (meaning is and) o ded behind the
Just above the hypotha amus is a dumbbe -shaped section o atera f ssure a ong the top o the tempora obe.
gray matter ca ed the thalamus. Each en arged end o the A thin ayer o gray matter ca ed the cerebral cortex is
dumbbe ies in a atera wa o the third ventricle. T e thin made up o neuron dendrites and ce bodies; this makes up
center section o the tha amus passes rom e t to right the sur ace o the cerebrum.
through the third ventric e, which we discuss in more detai W hite matter, made up o bund es o nerve f bers (tracts),
ater in this chapter. composes most o the interior o the cerebrum. W ithin this
T e tha amus is composed chie y o dendrites and ce white matter, however, are a ew is ands o gray matter known
bodies o neurons that have axons extending up toward the as the basal nuclei, or basal ganglia, whose unctioning is es-
sensory areas o the cerebrum. sentia or producing automatic movements and postures.
10 T e tha amus per orms the o owing primary unctions: Parkinson disease (PD) is a disease o the basa nuc ei.
Because shaking or tremors are common symptoms o PD, it
1. Relays sensory in ormation. Its neurons re ay im- has a so been ca ed shaking pa sy (see discussion on p. 259).
pu ses to the cerebra cortex rom the sense organs
o the body.
2. Associates sensations with emotions. A most a sen-
sations are accompanied by a ee ing o some de- Brain Wrinkles at Connect It! at
gree o p easantness or unp easantness. T e way
that these p easant and unp easant ee ings are Function o the Cerebrum
produced is unknown except that they seem to be W hat unctions does the cerebrum per orm? T is is a hard ques-
associated with the arriva o sensory impu ses in tion to answer brie y because the neurons o the cerebrum do
the tha amus. not unction a one. T ey unction with many other neurons in
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 263

Ce ntra l s ulcus FIGURE 10-14 Cerebrum. A, The lobes o the cere-

brum. The insula lobe is hidden rom view, as it olds
behind the lateral ssure. B, Functional regions o the
cerebral cortex. Association areas are so named be-
cause they put together (associate) in ormation rom
many di erent parts o the brain.

Fronta l lobe Pa rie ta l lobe

La te ra l Occipita l
s s ure lobe
Te mpora l lobe

Ce ntra l s ulcus P rima ry s oma tic

P re ce ntra l gyrus
s e ns ory a re a
(prima ry s oma tic motor a re a )
(body s e ns e pe rce ption)

P rima ry ta s te a re a
P re motor a re a
(mus cle coordina tion) S oma tic s e ns ory
a s s ocia tion a re a
(body s e ns e pe rce ption)
P re fronta l Vis ua l a s s ocia tion a re a
a s s ocia tion a re a
(cons cious thought)

Broca a re a Vis ua l cortex

(motor s pe e ch a re a )

We rnicke a re a
Auditory a s s ocia tion a re a (s e ns ory s pe e ch a re a )

P rima ry a uditory a re a


many other parts o the brain and in the spina cord. Neurons o cou d not remember anything that has ever happened to you.
these various structures continua y bring impu ses to cerebra You cou d not decide to make the sma est movement, nor cou d
neurons and a so continua y transmit impu ses away rom them. you make it. You wou d not see or hear. You cou d not experience
I a other neurons were unctioning norma y and on y ce- any o the sensations that make i e so rich and varied. Nothing
rebra neurons were not unctioning, here are some o the things wou d anger or righten you, and nothing wou d bring you joy
that you cou d not do: You cou d not think or use your wi . You or sorrow. You wou d, in short, be unconscious.
264 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

TABLE 10-1 Br a in D is o r d e r s
BRAIN AREA FUNCTION D e s t r u c t io n o Br a in
Tis s u e
Brains te m
Me dulla oblongata Two-way conduction pathway be twe e n the s pinal cord and highe r
Physical Injury
brain ce nte rs ; cardiac, re s piratory, and vas om otor control ce nte r Injury or disease can destroy neurons
Pons Two-way conduction pathway be twe e n are as o the brain and othe r in the brain. A common examp e is a
re gions o the body; in ue nce s re s piration concussion, a type o traumatic brain
Midbrain Two-way conduction pathway; re lay or vis ual and auditory im puls e s injury ( BI) resu ting rom a jo t to
Ce re be llum Mus cle coordination; m ainte nance o e quilibrium and pos ture ; as s is ts
the head that bends the brainstem and
ce re brum causes temporary chemica changes in
the brain. A concussion can be charac-
Die nce phalon
terized by changes in thinking or con-
Hypothalam us Re gulation o body te m pe rature , wate r balance , s le e p-cycle control,
centration; physica symptoms ike
appe tite , and s exual arous al
headache, nausea, or ight sensitivity; a
Thalam us Se ns ory re lay s tation rom various body are as to ce re bral cortex; change in mood; and/or changes in
e m otions and ale rting or arous al m e chanis m s
s eep. Sometimes symptoms appear
Pine al gland Adjus ts output o m e latonin in re s pons e to change s in exte rnal light, immediate y but sometimes they de-
to ke e p the bodys inte rnal clock on tim e
ve op over days or even months, as in
Ce re brum Se ns ory pe rce ption, e m otions , w ille d m ove m e nts , cons cious ne s s , postconcussion syndrome. I severe, or i
and m e m ory a second jo t occurs, b eeding or swe -
ing o brain a so may occur, which
may be i e-threatening.
T ese terms sum up the major cerebra unctions: con- Most concussions (and the symptoms) are re ative y mi d,
sciousness, thinking, memory, sensations, emotions, and wi ed however, and with rest and other precautions may eventua y
movements. Figure 10-14, B, shows the areas o the cerebra hea without permanent e ects. Studies show that the inci-
cortex essentia or wi ed movements, genera sensations, vi- dence o concussions can be great y reduced with appropriate
sion, hearing, and norma speech. head protection, such as sports he mets, and avoiding certain
It is important to understand that very specif c areas o the types o movements that put the head at risk.
cortex have very specif c unctions. For examp e, the tempora
obes auditory areas interpret incoming nervous signa s rom
the ear as very specif c sounds. T e visua area o the cortex in medical imaging used to assess brain damage and
the occipita obe he ps you identi y and understand specif c other disorders, see the article Brain Studies at
images. Connect It! at
T e localization o unction exp ains the very specif c
symptoms associated with an injury to oca ized areas o the
cerebra cortex a ter a stroke or traumatic injury to the head. Stroke
Table 10-1 summarizes the major components o the brain and Another common examp e is the destruction o neurons o the
their main unctions. motor area o the cerebrum that resu ts rom a cerebrovascular
accident (CVA). A CVA, or stroke, is a hemorrhage rom or
To explore how the two hemispheres o the cere- cessation o b ood ow through cerebra b ood vesse s. W hen
this happens, the oxygen supp y to portions o the brain is
article Specialization o Cerebral Hemispheres at disrupted, and neurons cease unctioning. I the ack o oxygen
Connect It! at is pro onged, the neurons die.
I the damage rom a CVA occurs in a motor contro area
o the brain (see Figure 10-14, B), the patient can no onger
10 To learn more about parts o the brain that control
body unctions, go to AnimationDirect online at
vo untari y move the parts o the body contro ed by the a -
ected areas. Because the paths o most motor neurons in the
cerebrum cross over in the brainstem, para ysis appears most y
on the side o the body opposite to the side o the brain on
QUICK CHECK which the CVA occurred.
1. Wh a t a re th e o u r m a in d ivis io n s o th e b ra in ? Cerebral Palsy
2. Wh a t re g io n s m a ke u p th e b ra in s te m ?
3. Wh a t is th e co rp u s ca llo s u m ? One o the most common cripp ing diseases that can appear
4. Wh a t s tru ctu re in th e d ie n ce p h a lo n co n tro ls th e h o rm o n e during chi dhood, cerebral palsy (CP), a so resu ts rom dam-
m e la to n in ? age to brain tissue. Cerebra pa sy invo ves permanent, non-
5. Why is th e hyp o th a la m u s s a id to b e a lin k b e tw e e n th e
progressive damage to motor contro areas o the brain, which
n e rvo u s s ys te m a n d th e e n d o crin e s ys te m ?
in turn causes abnorma musc e tension (spasticity) that
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 265

I para ysis may a ect most o one side o the body (hemiplegia),
both egs (paraplegia), both egs and one arm (triplegia), or
a our extremities (quadriplegia).

Degenerative Disease
A variety o degenerative diseases can resu t in destruction o
neurons in the brain. T is degeneration can progress to ad-
verse y a ect memory, attention span, inte ectua capacity,
persona ity, and motor contro . T e genera term or this syn-
drome is dementia.
Dementia is characteristic o Alzheimer disease (AD ). Its
characteristic esions deve op in the cortex during the midd e
to ate adu t years (Figure 10-16). Exact y what makes dementia-
causing esions deve op in the brains o individua s with AD is
not known. T ere is some evidence that this disease has a ge-
netic basisat east in some ami ies. O ther evidence indicates
that environmenta actors may p ay a ro e. T ese various trig-
gers apparent y cause accumu ation o improper y o ded pro-
teins in brain ce s, which in turn causes oss o unction.
FIGURE 10-15 Cerebral palsy (CP). This patient requires crutches to Once AD starts, the tang ed proteins are ab e to move to
walk because abnormal tension (spasticity) in muscles prevents normal nearby ce s and trigger protein mis o ding there. T is is simi ar
walking movements. to the way prions can spread their damaging properties to other
ce s in the brain (see Chapter 6, p. 120). Because a the vari-
hinders movement (Figure 10-15). Such damage is present at ous mechanisms o AD are sti not comp ete y known, deve -
birth or occurs short y a ter birth and remains throughout i e. opment o an e ective treatment has proved di cu t.
Possib e causes o brain damage inc ude prenata in ections Current y, peop e diagnosed with AD are o ten treated
or diseases o the mother; mechanica trauma to the head with drugs such as donepezi (Aricept) or mi d to moderate
be ore, during, or a ter birth; nerve-damaging poisons; and AD or with the drug memantine (Namenda) or moderate to
reduced oxygen supp y to the brain. T e resu ting impairment advanced AD. T ese drugs cause therapeutic shi ts in base ine
to vo untary musc e contro can mani est itse in a variety o neurotransmitter eve s at synapses in the brain. In addition,
ways. Many peop e with cerebra pa sy exhibit spastic treatment inc udes he ping patients maintain their remaining
paralysis, a type o para ysis characterized by invo untary menta abi ities and ooking a ter their hygiene, nutrition, and
contractions o a ected musc es. In cerebra pa sy, spastic other aspects o persona hea th management.

No rmal Alzhe ime r dis e as e



FIGURE 10-16 Alzheimer disease (AD). The CT scan on the le t shows a horizontal section o a normal
brain. In the CT scan on the right, however, you can see the dark patches in the cerebral cortex that show dam-
age to brain tissue typical o AD.
266 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

Norma l EEG S e izure



1 s e cond

FIGURE 10-17 Electroencephalography. A, Photograph o a person with voltage-sensitive electrodes at-
tached to his skull. In ormation rom these electrodes is used to produce a graphic recording o brain activityan
electroencephalogram (EEG). B, An EEG tracing showing activity in our di erent places in the brain (obtained
rom our sets o electrodes). Compare the moderate chaotic activity identi ed as normal with the explosive activ-
ity that occurs during a seizure.

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (C E) simi ar y in- traced to specif c causes such as tumors, trauma, or chemica
vo ves accumu ation o abnorma proteins in the brain and imba ances, most epi epsy is idiopathic (o unknown cause).
memory oss. H owever, it is a so characterized by parkinson- T ose with epi epsy are o ten treated with we -known
ism (see Figure 10-11 on p. 259), disordered thinking, and other anticonvu sive drugs such as phenobarbital, phenytoin (Dilan-
neuro ogica symptoms. As its name imp ies, C E resu ts tin), or valproic acid (Depakene) that b ock neurotransmitters
rom repeated trauma to the brain, inc uding BIs, as occurs in a ected areas o the brain. By thus b ocking synaptic trans-
in some sports, physica abuse, and those with seizure disor- mission, such drugs inhibit the exp osive bursts o neuron
ders or head-banging behavior. activity associated with seizures.
Huntington disease (H D ) is an inherited disease charac- Continuing research has resu ted in the re ease o severa
terized by chorea (invo untary, purpose ess movements) that new epi epsy drugs that have provided improved treatment
progresses to severe dementia and death. T e initia symp- options or many patients. Newer drugs inc ude gabapentin
toms o this disease f rst appear between ages 30 and 40, with (Neurontin) and amotrigine (Lamicta ). W ith proper medi-
death occurring by age 55. Now that the gene responsib e or cation, many peop e with epi epsy ead norma ives without
H untington disease has been ocated, researchers hope that the ear o experiencing uncontro ab e seizures.
an e ective treatment wi be ound (see Chapter 25). T e Diagnosis and eva uation o epi epsy or any seizure disor-
discovery o the H D gene poses an interesting question: i der o ten re y on a graphic representation o brain activity
you cou d earn ear y in i e that you wi get H D, wou d you ca ed an electroencephalogram (EEG). In Figure 10-17, B, a
want to know? norma EEG shows the chaotic rise and a o the e ectrica
T e human immunodef ciency virus (H IV) that causes activity in di erent parts o the brain as a series o wavy ines
acquired immunode ciency syndrome (AIDS) a so can cause de- (the so-ca ed brain waves). A seizure mani ests itse as an
mentia. T e immune def ciency characteristic o AIDS resu ts exp osive increase in the size and requency o wavesas seen
rom H IV in ection o white b ood ce s critica to the proper on the right side o Figure 10-17, B. C assif cations o epi epsy
unction o the immune system (see Chapter 16). H owever, are based on the ocations in the brain and the duration o
H IV a so in ects neurons and can cause progressive degenera- these changes in brain activity.
tion and shrinkage o the brain, resu ting in dementia.
10 S e iz u r e D is o r d e r s 1. Id e n ti y th e ch a ra cte ris tics o r s ym p to m s o a co n cu s s io n .
Some o the most common nervous system abnorma ities 2. Wh a t is a CVA? Ho w d o e s it a e ct th e b ra in ?
be ong to the group o conditions ca ed seizure disorders. 3. Wh a t d is o rd e rs a re ch a ra cte rize d b y d e m e n tia ?
4. Wh a t is e p ile p s y? Ho w is e p ile p s y d ia g n o s e d a n d
T ese disorders are characterized by seizuressudden bursts
e va lu a te d ?
o abnorma neuron activity that resu t in temporary changes
in brain unction. Seizures may be very mi d, causing subt e
changes in the eve o consciousness, motor contro , or sen-
S p in a l C o r d
sory perception. On the other hand, seizures may be quite
severe, resu ting in jerky, invo untary musc e contractions S t ru c t u re
ca ed convulsions or even unconsciousness. I you are o average height, your spina cord is about 42 cm to
Recurring or chronic seizure episodes constitute a condi- 45 cm (17 or 18 inches) ong (Figure 10-18). It ies inside the
tion ca ed epilepsy. A though some cases o epi epsy can be spina co umn in the spina cavity and extends rom the occipita
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 267

Pos te rior me dia n Dors a l roots of

s ulcus of s pina l cord C2, C3, a nd C4 ne rve s
Ce rvica l C3
ve rte bra e C4 C3
C5 C4

C6 Ce rvica l

C5 Inte rve rte bra l

C7 ne rve s

fora me n


T1 T1 S
Tra ns ve rs e
T2 T2 L R proce s s e s
T3 T3 of ve rte bra e
I (cut)
T4 T4
T5 T5
Thora cic T6 T6
ve rte bra e T7 Thora cic
ne rve s
T8 T8
T9 T9
T1 0 T1 0
T11 T11
T1 2 Dors a l root
T1 2
Dura ma te r ga nglion
Ca uda e quina
L1 L1
L2 L2
Lumba r
L3 L3
ve rte bra e Lumba r
ne rve s
L4 L4
L5 L5

S a crum

S a cra l
ne rve s
Coccyx S5 FIGURE 10-18 Spinal cord and spinal nerves.
The diagram shows that spinal nerves are named simi-
larly to vertebrae. Note that the spinal cord ends at
Coccyge a l
ne rve
about the level o vertebra T12 or L1. Inset is a dissec-
tion o the cervical segment o the spinal cord showing
emerging cervical nerves. The spinal cord is viewed
Filum te rmina le rom behind (posterior aspect).

bone down to the bottom o the f rst umbar vertebra. P ace your Spina cord tracts provide two-way conduction paths to
hands on your hips, and they wi ine up with your ourth um- and rom the brain. Ascending tracts conduct impu ses up the
bar vertebra. Your spina cord ends just above this eve . spina cord to the brain. Descending tracts conduct impu ses
Look now at Figure 10-19. Notice the H -shaped core o the down the spina cord rom the brain.
spina cord. It consists o gray matter and thus is composed racts are unctiona organizations in that a axons com-
main y o dendrites and ce bodies o neurons. T is part o the posing one tract serve one genera unction. For instance, f -
spina cord contains many synapses and interneurons, which bers o the spinotha amic tracts serve a sensory unction. T ey
enab e it to be invo ved in many important re ex arcs. carry impu ses that produce sensations o crude touch, pain,
Co umns o white matter orm the outer portion o the and temperature. O ther ascending tracts shown in Figure 10-19
spina cord, and bund es o mye inated nerve f bersthe inc ude the graci is and cuneatus tracts, which transmit sensa-
spinal tractsmake up the white co umns. tions o touch and pressure up to the brain, and the anterior
268 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

Gra cilis Dors a l root

Cune a tus ga nglion
Ce ntra l
ca na l

Pos te rior s pinoce re be lla r

La te ra l corticos pina l
La te ra l s pinotha la mic
Rubros pina l
Ante rior s pinoce re be lla r Gray ma tte r

S pinote cta l Ante rior corticos pina l

Ve ntra l s pinotha la mic Re ticulos pina l

Ve s tibulos pina l
As ce nding pa thways
De s ce nding pa thways

Ve ntra l root

Te ctos pina l R L
FIGURE 10-19 Spinal cord cross section. Cross section o the spinal
cord showing some o the major pathways. The ascending tracts are shown Ve ntra l corticos pina l A
in blue and the descending tracts are shown in red. You can also see the
gray matter in the center o the spinal cord (brown) and the nerve roots (yel-
low) attached to the spinal cord. impu ses to and rom the brain. Sensory impu ses trave up to
the brain in ascending tracts, and motor impu ses trave down
and posterior spinocerebe ar tracts, which transmit in orma- rom the brain in descending tracts.
tion about musc e ength to the cerebe um. I an injury cuts the spina cord a the way across, impu ses
Descending tracts inc ude the atera and ventra cortico- can no onger trave to the brain rom any part o the body
spina tracts, which carry impu ses contro ing many vo untary ocated be ow the injury, nor can they trave rom the brain
movements. down to these parts. In short, this kind o spina cord injury
produces a oss o sensation, which is ca ed anesthesia, and a
Fu n c t io n s oss o the abi ity to make vo untary movements, which is
o try to understand spina cord unctions, think about a hote ca ed paralysis.
te ephone switching system. Suppose a guest in Room 108
ca s the switching system and keys in the extension number
or Room 520, and in a second or so, someone in that room
C o ve r in g s a n d Flu id S p a c e s
answers. Very brie y, three events took p ace: a message trav- M e n in g e s a n d Bo n e
e ed into the switching system, the system routed the message Nervous tissue is not a sturdy tissue. Even moderate pressure
a ong the proper path, and the message trave ed out rom the can ki nerve ce s, so nature sa eguards the chie organs made
switching system toward Room 520. T e te ephone switching o this tissuethe spina cord and the brainby surrounding
system provided the network o connections that made pos- them with severa protective ayers.
sib e the comp etion o the ca . We might say that the switch- A tough, uid-cushioned set o membranes ca ed the
ing system trans erred the incoming ca to an outgoing ine. meninges make up the inner ayers o protection or the CNS.
T e spina cord unctions simi ar y. It contains the centers T e spina meninges orm a tube ike covering around the
or thousands and thousands o re ex arcs. Look back at spina cord and ine the bony vertebra oramen o the verte-
10 Figure 10-7. T e interneuron shown there is an examp e o a brae that surround the cord. Look at Figure 10-20, and you can
spina cord re ex center. It switches or trans ers incoming identi y the three ayers o the spina meninges. T ey are the
sensory impu ses to outgoing motor impu ses, thereby making dura mater, which is the tough outer ayer that ines the ver-
it possib e or a re ex to occur. tebra cana , the pia mater, which is the innermost membrane
Re exes that resu t rom conduction over arcs whose cen- covering the spina cord itse , and the arachnoid mater,
ters ie in the spina cord are ca ed spinal cord re exes. wo which is the membrane between the dura and the pia mater.
common kinds o spina cord re exes are withdrawal and jerk T e arachnoid mater resemb es a cobweb with uid in its
re exes. An examp e o a withdrawa re ex is pu ing ones spaces. T e word arachnoid means cobweb ike. It comes rom
hand away rom a hot sur ace. T e ami iar knee jerk is an arachne, the Greek word or spider.
examp e o a jerk re ex. T e meninges that orm the protective covering around the
In addition to unctioning as the primary re ex center o spina cord a so extend up and around the brain to enc ose it
the body, the spina cord tracts, as previous y noted, carry comp ete y (peek ahead to Figure 10-22).
Gray ma tte r Ce ntra l
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 269
White ma tte r ca na l Dors a l root
ga nglion
Ve ntra l root T e meninges are inner, so t coverings o the CNS. T ey
Dors a l root are, in turn, surrounded by the hard bone o the sku and
S pina l vertebrae orming a high y protective shie d rom injury.
ne rve
P ia ma te r C e r e b ro s p in a l Flu id S p a c e s
F uid f s the subarachnoid spaces between the pia mater and
arachnoid in the brain and spina cord. T is uid is ca ed
Ara chnoid S ympa the tic cerebrospinal uid (CSF).
ma te r ga nglion CSF a so f s spaces in the brain ca ed cerebra ventricles.
In Figure 10-21, you can see the irregu ar shapes o the ventri-
c es o the brain. T ese i ustrations a so can he p you visua ize
the ocation o the ventric es i you remember that these arge
Dura ma te r
spaces ie deep inside the brain and that there are two atera
ventric es. One ies inside the right ha o the cerebrum (the
argest part o the human brain), and the other ies inside the
e t ha .
CSF orms continua y rom uid f tering out o the b ood
in a network o brain capi aries known as the choroid plexus
and into the ventric es.
S CSF is one o the bodys circu ating uids. CSF seeps rom
L R the atera ventric es into the third ventric e and ows down
through the cerebra aqueduct (f nd this in Figures 10-21 and
10-22) into the ourth ventric e. Most o the CSF moves
FIGURE 10-20 Spinal cord and its coverings. The meninges, spinal through tiny openings rom the ourth ventric e into the sub-
nerves, and sympathetic trunk are all depicted in a posterior view. arachnoid space near the cerebe um. Some o it moves into
the sma , tube ike central canal o the spina cord and then out
In ection or in ammation o the meninges is termed into the subarachnoid spaces. T en CSF moves eisure y down
meningitis. T is condition is most common y caused by bac- and around the spina cord and up and around the brain (in
teria such as Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), Strepto- the subarachnoid spaces o their meninges) and returns to the
coccus pneumoniae, or Haemophilus in uenzae (see Appendix A b ood (in the veins o the brain).
at H owever, vira in ections, mycoses ( un- Remembering that this uid orms continua y rom b ood,
ga in ections), and tumors a so may cause in ammation o the circu ates, and is resorbed into b ood can be use u . It can he p
meninges. you understand certain abnorma ities. Suppose a person has a
Patients with meningitis usua y comp ain o severe head- brain tumor that presses on the cerebra aqueduct. T is b ocks
aches and neck pain. T ose experiencing symptoms shou d the way or the return o CSF to the b ood. Because the uid
seek immediate attention to get the prob em under contro . continues to orm but cannot drain away, it accumu ates in the
Depending on the primary cause, meningitis may be mi d ventric es or in the meninges, creating enough pressure to
and se - imiting or may progress to a severe, perhaps ata , damage or de orm the nearby so t nervous tissue.
condition. I on y the spina meninges are invo ved, the condi- O ther conditions can cause an accumu ation o CSF in the
tion is ca ed spinal meningitis. ventric es. An examp e is hydrocephalus, or water on the


Ce re bra l
I Ante rior he mis phe re P
horn of
la te ra l Pos te rior 10
ve ntricle horn
of la te ra l
Inte rve ntricula r ve ntricle
fora me n Ce re bra l
a que duct
Third ve ntricle
Infe rior horn of ve ntricle
la te ra l ve ntricle Pons Ce re be llum
A Ce ntra l ca na l of s pina l cord B

FIGURE 10-21 Fluid spaces o the brain. A, The ventricles are highlighted within the brain in a le t lateral
view. B, The ventricles shown rom above.
270 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

Ve nous blood
Ve nous blood

Choroid Ce re bra l
plexus of cortex
la te ra l ve ntricle
S uba ra chnoid Choroid
s pa ce plexus of Dura
third ve ntricle ma te r

A P Ce re bra l a que duct

P ia ma te r Ara chnoid
ma te r
S uba ra chnoid s pa ce
Choroid plexus of fourth ve ntricle (with ce re bros pina l fluid)

Ce ntra l ca na l of s pina l cord

Dura ma te r In addition, other structures in the autonomic nervous

system (ANS) are considered part o the PNS. T ese connect
the brain and spina cord to various g ands in the body and to
the cardiac and smooth musc e in the thorax and abdomen.
FIGURE 10-22 Flow o cerebrospinal uid (CSF). The fuid produced by
ltration o blood by the choroid plexus o each ventricle fows in eriorly C r a n ia l N e r ve s
through the lateral ventricles, interventricular oramen, third ventricle, cere-
bral aqueduct, ourth ventricle, and subarachnoid space and then to the blood. we ve pairs o cranial nerves (CN) emerge rom the under-
sur ace o the brain. Figure 10-24 shows the attachments o
these nerves to the brainstem and diencepha on. T eir f bers
conduct impu ses between the brain and structures in the
brain. O ne orm o treatment invo ves surgica p acement o head and neck and in the thoracic and abdomina cavities.
a ho ow tube or catheter through the b ocked channe so that For examp e, the second crania nerve (CN II or optic
CSF can drain into another ocation in the body (Figure 10-23). nerve) conducts impu ses rom the eye to the brain, where
these impu ses produce vision. T e third crania nerve (CN III
The uid spaces o the brain are better under- or oculomotor nerve) conducts impu ses rom the brain to
stood when one realizes that the CNS develops musc es in the eye, where they cause contractions that move
rom a uid-f lled tube during embryonic develop- the eye. T e tenth crania nerve (CN X or vagus nerve) con-
ment. To see a diagram and brie description o ducts impu ses between the medu a ob ongata and structures
Embryonic in the neck and thoracic and abdomina cavities.
Development o Tissues at Connect It! at T e names o each crania nerve and a brie description o their unctions are isted in Table 10-2.

To learn more about cranial nerves, go to

AnimationDirect online at
10 1. Wh a t a re th e m a jo r u n ctio n s o th e s p in a l co rd ?
2. Na m e th e th re e m e n in g e s th a t cove r th e b ra in a n d s p in a l
co rd . S p in a l N e r ve s
3. Wh a t is CS F? Wh a t is its u n ctio n ?
S t ru c t u re
T irty-one pairs o spinal nerves emerge rom the spina
cord in the o owing descending order:
P e r ip h e r a l N e r vo u s S y s t e m
T e nerves connecting the brain and spina cord to other parts
o the body constitute the periphera nervous system (PNS).
T is system inc udes cranial and spinal nerves that connect the
brain and spina cord, respective y, to periphera structures
such as the skin sur ace and the ske eta musc es.
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 271

Enla rge d
ve ntricle s

Ca the te r tip
in ve ntricle
Blocke d Va lve
a que duct
S hunt



Enla rge d Blocke d S

ve ntricle s a que duct S hunt

FIGURE 10-23 Hydrocephalus. A, Hydrocephalus is caused by narrowing or blockage o the pathways or
CSF, causing the retention o CSF in the ventricles. B, This condition can be treated by surgical placement o a
shunt or tube to drain the excess f uid. Notice in the cross sections o the brain how the ventricles and surround-
ing tissue return to their normal shapes and size a ter shunt placement.

TABLE 10-2 Cranial Nerves

I Ol actory From nos e to brain Se ns e o s m e ll
II Optic From eye to brain Vis ion
III Oculom otor From brain to eye m us cle s Eye m ove m e nts
IV Trochle ar From brain to exte rnal eye m us cle s Eye m ove m e nts
V Trige m inal From s kin and m ucous m e m brane o he ad and rom te e th Se ns ations o ace , s calp, and te e th; chew ing
to brain; als o rom brain to chew ing m us cle s m ove m e nts
VI Abduce ns From brain to exte rnal eye m us cle s Eye m ove m e nts
VII Facial From tas te buds o tongue to brain; rom brain to ace Se ns e o tas te ; contraction o m us cle s o acial
m us cle s expre s s ion
VIII Ve s tibulocochle ar From e ar to brain He aring; s e ns e o balance 10
IX Glos s opharynge al From throat and tas te buds o tongue to brain; als o rom Se ns ations o throat, tas te , s wallow ing m ove -
brain to throat m us cle s and s alivary glands m e nts , s e cre tion o s aliva
X Vagus From throat, larynx, and organs in thoracic and abdom inal Se ns ations o throat and larynx and o thoracic and
cavitie s to brain; als o rom brain to m us cle s o throat abdom inal organs ; s wallow ing, voice production,
and to organs in thoracic and abdom inal cavitie s s low ing o he artbe at, acce le ration o pe ris tals is
(gut m ove m e nts )
XI Acce s s ory From brain to ce rtain s houlde r and ne ck m us cle s Shoulde r m ove m e nts ; turning m ove m e nts o he ad
XII Hypoglos s al From brain to m us cle s o tongue Tongue m ove m e nts

* The f rs t le tte r o e ach word in the ollow ing s e nte nce corre s ponds to the f rs t le tte r o e ach o the cranial ne rve s , in as ce nding orde r rom I to XII. Many
anatomy s tude nts f nd that us ing this m e m ory aid, or one like it, he lps in m e m orizing the nam e s and num be rs o the cranial ne rve s . It is On Old Olym pus
Tiny Tops , A Frie ndly Viking Grew Vine s And Hops .
272 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

Trochle a r ne rve Olfa ctory ne rve

(CN IV) (CN I)

Optic ne rve (CN II)

Oculomotor ne rve
Abduce ns
ne rve (CN VI)
Trige mina l
ne rve (CN V)
Fa cia l ne rve

Ve s tibulocochle a r
ne rve (CN VIII)
Glos s opha rynge a l
ne rve (CN IX)

Va gus Acce s s ory

ne rve (CN X) ne rve (CN XI)

Hypoglos s a l
ne rve (CN XII)

FIGURE 10-24 Cranial nerves.

View o the undersur ace o the
brain shows attachments o the cra-
nial nerves.

Un ike crania nerves, spina nerves have no specia names. In Figure 10-18 the cervica area o the spine has been dis-
Instead, a etter and number identi y each one (see Figure 10-18). sected to show the emerging spina nerves in that area. A ter
C1, or examp e, indicates the pair o spina nerves attached to spina nerves exit rom the spina cord, they branch to orm
the f rst segment o the cervica part o the cord, and 8 indi- the many periphera nerves o the trunk and imbs.
cates nerves attached to the eighth segment o the thoracic part Sometimes, nerve f bers rom severa spina nerves are reor-
o the spina cord. ganized to orm a sing e periphera nerve. T is reorganization


The m e ninge s , the uid-containing m e m brane s s urrounding Placing an adult patie nt on his s ide and having him arch his
the brain and s pinal cord, exte nd beyond the s pinal cord, an back by draw ing the kne e s and che s t toge the r s e parate s the
anatom ical act that is m os t conve nie nt in re gard to be ing able ve rte brae s u f cie ntly to introduce the ne e dle .
to pe r orm lum bar puncture s w ithout putting the s pinal cord at Lum bar puncture s are o te n pe r orm ed w he n CSF is ne e ded
ris k o injury. A lum bar puncture , or s pinal tap, is the w ith- or analysis or w he n it is ne ces sary to re duce pre s sure caus ed
drawal o s om e ce re bros pinal uid (CSF) rom the s ubarach- by swe lling o the brain or spinal cord a te r injury or dise as e . The
noid s pace in the lum bar re gion o the s pinal cord. normal sam ple o CSF rom a lumbar puncture show n he re is
The phys ician ins e rts a ne e dle jus t above or be low the slightly ye llow ish and clear but the re d color in the abnormal
ourth lum bar ve rte bra, know ing that the s pinal cord e nds an sam ple indicates ble eding (in this cas e, a he m orrhage in the
inch or m ore above this leve l. The ourth lum bar ve rte bra can subarachnoid s pace ).
be e as ily locate d be caus e it lie s on a line w ith the iliac cre s t.
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 273

can be seen as a network o intersecting or braided branches neuralgia, or tic douloureux. T is condition is characterized
ca ed a plexus. Figure 10-18 shows severa p exuses. by recurring episodes o stabbing pain radiating rom the an-
g e o the jaw a ong a branch o the trigemina nerve. Neura -
Fu n c t io n s gia o one branch occurs over the orehead and around the
Spina nerves conduct impu ses between the spina cord and eyes. Pain a ong another branch is e t in the cheek, nose, and
the parts o the body not supp ied by crania nerves. T e spina upper ip. Neura gia o the third branch resu ts in stabbing
nerves shown in Figure 10-18 contain, as do a spina nerves, pains in the tongue and ower ip.
sensory and motor f bers. Spina nerves there ore unction to Compression, degeneration, or in ection o CN VII, the a-
make possib e a range o sensations and movements. A disease cial nerve, may resu t in Bell palsy. Be pa sy is characterized by
or injury that prevents conduction by a spina nerve thus re- para ysis o some or a o the acia eatures innervated by the
su ts in a oss o ee ing and a oss o movement in the part acia nerve, inc uding the eye ids and mouth. T is condition is
supp ied by that nerve. o ten temporary but in some cases is irreversib e. P astic surgery
Detai ed mapping o the skins sur ace revea s a c ose re a- is sometimes used to correct permanent disf gurement.
tionship between the source on the spina cord o each spina H erpes zoster, or shingles, is a unique vira in ection
nerve and the part o the body that it innervates (Figure 10-25). that a most a ways a ects the skin o a sing e dermatome
Know edge o the segmenta arrangement o spina nerves is (Figure 10-26). It is caused by a varice a zoster virus (VZV)
use u to physicians. For instance, a neuro ogist can identi y the o chickenpox. Near y 15% o the popu ation wi su er rom
site o a spina cord or nerve abnorma ity by determining which shing es at east once by the time they reach the age o 80.
area o the body is insensitive to a pinprick. Skin sur ace areas In most cases, shing es resu ts rom reactivation o the vari-
that are supp ied by a sing e spina nerve are ca ed dermatomes. ce a virus. T e virus probab y trave s through a cutaneous
A dermatome map o the body is shown in Figure 10-25. nerve and remains dormant in a dorsa root gang ion or years
a ter an episode o the chickenpox. I the bodys immuno ogi-
QUICK CHECK ca protective mechanism becomes diminished in the e der y,
1. Wh a t d ivis io n o th e n e rvo u s s ys te m in clu d e s th e cra n ia l a ter stress, or in individua s undergoing radiation therapy or
n e rve s a n d s p in a l n e rve s ? taking immunosuppressive drugs, the virus may reactivate. I
2. Wh ich cra n ia l n e rve co n d u cts im p u ls e s ro m th e b ra in to
m u s cle s in th e e ye ?
this occurs, the virus trave s over the sensory nerve to the skin
3. Wh a t is a s p in a l n e rve p le xu s ? o a sing e dermatome. T e resu t is a pain u eruption o red,
4. Wh a t is a d e rm a to m e ? Wh a t is th e im p o rta n ce o a d e rm a - swo en p aques or vesic es that eventua y rupture and crust
to m e m a p ? be ore c earing in 2 to 3 weeks.
In severe cases o shing es, extensive in ammation, hemor-
rhagic b isters, and secondary bacteria in ection may ead to
P e r ip h e r a l N e r ve D is o r d e r s permanent scarring. In most cases, the eruption o vesic es is
Many a ictions o periphera nerves, or their branches, invo ve preceded by 4 to 5 days o pre-eruptive pain, burning, and
in ammationor neuritis. You may know someone who su - itching in the a ected dermatome. A though an attack o
ers rom a orm o neuritis ca ed sciatica. T is is a pain u herpes zoster does not con er asting immunity, on y 5% o
in ammation o the spina nerve branch in the thigh ca ed the cases are recurrences.
sciatic nervethe argest nerve in the body. T is condition is Some hea th o cia s are concerned about a possib e shin-
characterized by nerve pain, or neuralgia. In some cases, this g es epidemic among adu ts caused by widespread use o
condition may ead to atrophy o the eg musc es. chickenpox vaccines in chi dren. Apparent y, adu ts who have
Compression or degeneration o the f th crania nerve, the not had occasiona immune-boosting exposures to chi dren
trigemina nerve, may resu t in a condition ca ed trigeminal with chickenpox have an increased risk o deve oping shing es.

Third S pina l
lumba r
ve rte bra
S pina l
ne rve
Hollow root
ne e dle (of ca uda
e quina )

S uba ra chnoid s pa ce Norma l Abnorma l

S (conta ins CS F) CS F CS F
Ne e dle ins e rtion s ite

I Clinic al applic atio n

lumbar punc ture
274 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

Ante rio r view Po s te rio r view

C2 S pina l cord
V1 s e gme nts C2
Trige mina l C3
C3 V2 cra nia l C1 C4
V3 ne rve (V) C2 C5
C4 C3 C6
C4 C7
T1 C5 C8 T1
T2 C6 T2
T3 T1 T3
C7 T2 T4
T4 C8 T5
T5 T3 T6
T6 T4 T7
C6 T1 T8
T7 C6 T5 C6
T6 T9
T8 T7 T10
T9 T8 T12
T10 C5 T9 L1
C5 T10
T11 L1 L2
T11 L3
T12 L2
T12 L4
S2 L1 L3
S3 L4 S1 S3
L5 C8 CX L5
L2 L2
C8 S3 C7 S4
S4 S1
S2 S5

L4 L4

L5 L5

S2 S
R L L R S2 S2
I I S1

FIGURE 10-25 Dermatomes. Segmental dermatome distribution o spinal nerves to the ront and
back o the body. C, Cervical segments; T, thoracic segments; L, lumbar segments; S, sacral segments;
CX, coccygeal segment.

A shing es vaccine is recommended or adu ts at risk, inc ud-

ing peop e 60 and o der who have had chickenpox.

1. Wh a t is n e u ra lg ia ?
2. Wh a t a re th e ch a ra cte ris tic s ym p to m s o Be ll p a ls y?
3. Wh a t ca u s e s s h in g le s ?
Au t o n o m ic N e r vo u s S y s t e m
O ve r v ie w
T e autonomic nervous system (ANS) consists o certain mo-
tor neurons that conduct impu ses rom the spina cord or
I brainstem to the o owing kinds o tissues:

1. Cardiac musc e tissue

FIGURE 10-26 Herpes zoster (shingles). Photograph o a 13-year-old 2. Smooth musc e tissue
boy with eruptions involving dermatome T4 (see Figure 10-25). 3. G andu ar epithe ia tissue
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 275

T e ANS inc udes the parts o the nervous system that brainstem. T eir axons extend rom these structures and termi-
regu ate invo untary unctions ( or examp e, the heartbeat, nate in periphera junction boxes ca ed ganglia. T ese auto-
contractions o the stomach and intestines, and secretions by nomic neurons are ca ed preganglionic neurons because they
g ands). On the other hand, motor nerves that contro the conduct impu ses between the spina cord and a gang ion.
vo untary actions o ske eta musc es are sometimes ca ed the In the autonomic gang ia, the axon endings o pregang i-
somatic nervous system (SNS). onic neurons synapse with the dendrites or ce bodies o
T e autonomic nervous system consists o two main divi- postgang ionic neurons. Postganglionic neurons, as their
sions: the sympathetic division and the parasympathetic name suggests, conduct impu ses rom a gang ion to cardiac
division (Figure 10-27). musc e, smooth musc e, or g andu ar epithe ia tissue.
Autonomic ef ectors, or visceral ef ectors, are the tissues
to which autonomic neurons conduct impu ses. Specif ca y, a
Fu n c t io n a l A n a t o m y
viscera e ector is cardiac musc e that makes up the wa o
Autonomic neurons are the motor neurons that make up the the heart, smooth musc e that partia y makes up the wa s o
ANS. T e dendrites and ce bodies o some autonomic neu- b ood vesse s and other ho ow interna organs, and g andu ar
rons are ocated in the gray matter o the spina cord or epithe ia tissue that makes up the secreting part o g ands.

FIGURE 10-27 Innervation o tar-

get organs by the autonomic ner-
vous system. The sympathetic path-
Cons trict
ways are highlighted with orange, and
the parasympathetic pathways are
Dila te highlighted with green.

S e cre te s a liva


S top s e cre tion


Cons trict
Dila te bronchiole s bronchiole s

S low down
he a rtbe a t
S pe e d up he a rtbe a t

S ympa the tic

ga nglion
S e cre te e pine phrine Adre na l
cha in Incre a s e
gla nd S toma ch
s e cre tion
De cre a s e s e cre tion

La rge inte s tine

Incre a s e
S ma ll
inte s tine
De cre a s e motility

Re ta in colon conte nts Empty
Bla dde r bla dde r
De lay e mptying
276 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

Au t o n o m ic C o n d u c t io n P a t h s
Look now at the right side o Figure 10-28, A. Fo ow the
Conduction paths to viscera and somatic e ectors rom the course o the axon o the sympathetic pregang ionic neuron
CNS (spina cord or brainstem) di er somewhat. Autonomic shown there. It eaves the spina cord in the anterior (ventra )
paths to viscera e ectors, as the right side o Figure 10-28, A root o a spina nerve. It next enters the spina nerve but soon
shows, consist o two-neuron re ays. Impu ses trave over pre- eaves it to extend to and through a sympathetic gang ion and
gang ionic neurons rom the spina cord or brainstem to auto- terminate in a co atera gang ion. T ere, it synapses with sev-
nomic gang ia. T ere, they are re ayed across synapses to era postgang ionic neurons whose axons extend to terminate
postgang ionic neurons, which then conduct the impu ses in viscera e ectors.
rom the gang ia to viscera e ectors. A so shown in Figure 10-28, A, branches o the pregang i-
Compare the autonomic conduction path with the somatic onic axon may ascend or descend to terminate in gang ia
conduction path i ustrated on the e t side o Figure 10-28, A. above and be ow their point o origin. A sympathetic pre-
A sing e somatic motor neuron, ike the one shown here, con- gang ionic axons there ore synapse with many postgang ionic
ducts impu ses a the way rom the spina cord or brainstem neurons, and these requent y terminate in wide y separated
to somatic e ectors, with no intervening synapses. organs. H ence sympathetic responses are usua y widespread,
invo ving many organs rather than just one.
To learn more about the di erence between auto- Sympathetic postganglionic neurons have dendrites and
nomic and somatic conduction paths, go to ce bodies in sympathetic gang ia. Sympathetic gang ia are
AnimationDirect online at ocated anterior to and at each side o the spina co umn. Be-
cause short f bers extend between the sympathetic gang ia,
they ook a itt e ike two chains o beads and are o ten re-
S y m p a t h e t ic D iv is io n
erred to as the sympathetic chain ganglia (Figure 10-28, B).
S t ru c t u re Axons o sympathetic postgang ionic neurons trave in
Sympathetic preganglionic neurons have dendrites and ce spina nerves to b ood vesse s, sweat g ands, and arrector hair
bodies in the gray matter o the thoracic and upper umbar musc es a over the body. Separate autonomic nerves distrib-
segments o the spina cord. For this reason, the sympathetic ute many sympathetic postgang ionic axons to various inter-
division a so has been re erred to as the thoracolumbar system. na organs.

Ce ll body of s oma tic S pina l cord Ce ll body of

motor ne uron pre ga nglionic ne uron
Middle ce rvica l
ga nglion
Ce rvicothora cic
ga nglion
Thora cic ca rdia c
bra nche s

Axon Pos tga nglionic

of s oma tic ne urons a xon
motor ne uron
Thora cic ga nglia
Axon of pre ga nglionic
s ympa the tic ne uron

Pos tga nglionic Gre a te r

ne uron's a xon s pla nchnic ne rve
S ympa the tic
ga nglion
To s o matic e ffe c to r
(s ke le tal mus cle )
To vis c e ral e ffe c to rs Colla te ra l De s ce nding a orta
10 (s mo o th mus cle ,
c ardiac mus cle , g lands )
ga nglion
Colla te ra l ga nglia

Re na l a rte ry


FIGURE 10-28 Autonomic conduction paths. A, One somatic motor neuron conducts impulses all the
way rom the spinal cord to a somatic e ector. Conduction rom the spinal cord to any visceral e ector, how-
ever, requires a relay o at least two autonomic motor neuronsa preganglionic and a postganglionic neuron.
B, Location o the sympathetic chain ganglia.
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 277

Fu n c t io n ocated in the head and in the thoracic and abdomina cavities

T e sympathetic division unctions as an emergency system. c ose to the viscera e ectors that they contro .
Impu ses over sympathetic f bers take contro o many inter- T e dendrites and ce bodies o parasympathetic post-
na organs when we exercise strenuous y and when strong ganglionic neurons ie in these out ying parasympathetic gan-
emotionsanger, ear, hate, anxietyare e icited. In short, g ia, and their short axons extend into the nearby structures.
when we must cope with stress o any kind, sympathetic im- T ere ore, each parasympathetic pregang ionic neuron synapses
pu ses increase to many viscera e ectors and rapid y produce on y with postgang ionic neurons to a sing e e ector.
widespread changes within our bodies. For this reason, parasympathetic stimu ation requent y
T e midd e co umn o Table 10-3 ists many o the possib e invo ves response by on y one organ. T is is in stark contrast
sympathetic responses. T e heart beats aster. Most b ood to sympathetic responses, which invo ve numerous organs.
vesse s constrict, causing b ood pressure to increase. B ood
vesse s in ske eta musc es di ate, supp ying the musc es with Fu n c t io n
more b ood. Sweat g ands and adrena g ands secrete more T e parasympathetic system dominates contro o many viscera
abundant y. Sa ivary and other digestive g ands secrete more e ectors under norma , everyday conditions. Impu ses carried by
sparing y. Digestive tract contractions (perista sis) become parasympathetic f bers, or examp e, tend to s ow heartbeat, in-
s uggish, hampering digestion. crease perista sis, and increase secretion o digestive juices and
ogether, a these varied sympathetic responses make us insu in (see Table 10-3). T us, we can think o parasympathetic
ready or strenuous muscu ar work. We need such physio ogi- unction as counterba ancing sympathetic unction.
ca preparation when acing a threatwe must be ready to
either resist (f ght) the threat or to avoid ( y rom) the threat. Recent evidence suggests that the sacral portion
T ere ore, this group o changes induced by sympathetic con- o the autonomic pathways may be sympathetic
tro is known as the ght-or- ight response. not parasympathetic as f rst described over a
century ago. Find out more at New Model o ANS
Pathways at Connect It! at
P a r a s y m p a t h e t ic D iv is io n
S t ru c t u re
Au t o n o m ic N e u ro t r a n s m it t e r s
T e dendrites and ce bodies o parasympathetic
preganglionic neurons are ocated in the gray matter o the urn your attention now to Figure 10-29. It i ustrates in orma-
brainstem and the sacra segments o the spina cord. For tion regarding autonomic neurotransmitters, the chemica
this reason, the parasympathetic division a so has been re- compounds re eased rom the axon termina s o autonomic
erred to as the craniosacral system. neurons.
T e parasympathetic pregang ionic axons extend some O bserve that three o the axons shown in Figure 10-29
distance be ore terminating in the parasympathetic gang ia the sympathetic pregang ionic axon, the parasympathetic

TABLE 10-3 Autonomic Functions

He art m us cle Acce le rate s he artbe at Slow s he artbe at
Sm ooth m us cle
O m os t blood ve s s e ls Cons tricts blood ve s s e ls None
O blood ve s s e ls in s ke le tal m us cle s Dilate s blood ve s s e ls None
O the dige s tive tract De cre as e s pe ris tals is ; inhibits de e cation Incre as e s pe ris tals is
O the anal s phincte r Stim ulate s clos e s s phincte r Inhibits ope ns s phincte r or de e cation
O the urinary bladde r Inhibits re laxe s bladde r Stim ulate s contracts bladde r
O the urinary s phincte rs Stim ulate s clos e s s phincte r Inhibits ope ns s phincte r or urination
O the eye
Iris Stim ulate s radial f be rs dilation o pupil Stim ulate s circular f be rs cons triction o pupil
Ciliary Inhibits accom m odation or ar vis ion ( atte n- Stim ulate s accom m odation or ne ar vis ion
ing o le ns ) (bulging o le ns )
O hairs (pilom otor m us cle s ) Stim ulate s goos e pim ple s No paras ym pathe tic f be rs
Adre nal m e dulla Incre as e s e pine phrine s e cre tion None
Swe at glands Incre as e s s we at s e cre tion None
Dige s tive glands De cre as e s s e cre tion o dige s tive juice s Incre as e s s e cre tion o dige s tive juice s
278 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

pregang ionic axon, and the parasympathetic postgang ionic antagonistic orces, determined by the ratio between the two
axonre ease acety cho ine. T ese axons are there ore c as- di erent autonomic neurotransmitters, determines the actua
sif ed as cholinergic bers. heart rate.
On y one type o autonomic axon re eases the neurotrans- T e term autonomic nervous system is something o a
mitter norepinephrine (noradrena ine). T is is the axon o a misnomer. Autonomy seems to imp y that this part o the
sympathetic postgang ionic neuron, and such neurons are nervous system is independent rom other parts. But this is
c assif ed as adrenergic bers. not true. D endrites and ce bodies o pregang ionic neu-
T at each division o the ANS signa s its e ectors with a rons are ocated, as observed in Figure 10-29, in the spina
di erent neurotransmitter exp ains how an organ can te cord and brainstem. T ey are continua y in uenced direct y
which division is stimu ating it. T e heart, or examp e, re- or indirect y by impu ses rom neurons ocated above them,
sponds to acety cho ine rom the parasympathetic division by notab y by some in the hypotha amus and in the parts o
s owing down. T e presence o norepinephrine in the heart, the cerebra cortex ca ed the limbic system, or emotional
on the other hand, is a signa rom the sympathetic division, brain. T rough conduction paths rom these areas, emo-
and the response is an increase in heart activity. tions can produce widespread changes in the automatic
unctions o our bodies, in cardiac and smooth musc e con-
tractions, and in secretion by g ands. Anger and ear, or
Au t o n o m ic N e r vo u s S y s t e m examp e, ead to increased sympathetic activity and the
a s a Wh o le f ght-or- ight response.
T e unction o the autonomic nervous system is to regu ate According to some physio ogists, the s ight y a tered state
the bodys automatic, invo untary unctions in ways that o consciousness known as meditation eads to decreased sym-
maintain or quick y restore homeostasis. pathetic activity and a group o changes opposite those o the
Many interna organs are dually innervated by the ANS. In f ght-or- ight response.
other words, they receive f bers rom parasympathetic and
sympathetic divisions. Parasympathetic and sympathetic im-
D is o r d e r s o t h e Au t o n o m ic
pu ses continua y bombard them and, as Table 10-3 indicates,
N e r vo u s S y s t e m
in uence their unction in opposite or antagonistic ways.
For examp e, the heart continua y receives sympathetic S t r e s s -In d u c e d D is e a s e
impu ses that make it beat aster and parasympathetic im- Considering the variety and number o e ectors innervated
pu ses that s ow it down. T e ratio between these two by the autonomic nervous system, it is no wonder that

S ympa the tic Cholinergic fibers

ga nglion Adrenergic fiber
S ympathe tic
Effe ctor

Pos tga nglionic

P re ga nglionic NE

Ce ntra l
ne rvous Pa ra s ympa the tic
s ys te m ga nglion

Paras ympathe tic

Effe ctor
Pos tga nglionic
P re ga nglionic

FIGURE 10-29 Autonomic neurotransmitters. Three o the our ber types are cholinergic, secreting the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) into a synapse. Only the sympathetic postganglionic ber is adrenergic,
secreting norepinephrine (NE) into a synapse.
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 279

autonomic disorders have varied and ar-reaching conse- 4. Spread o cancerT e chronica y e evated eve s o
quences. T is is especia y true o stress-induced diseases. norepinephrine caused by stress can speed up the ow
Pro onged or excessive physio ogica response to stress, the o cancer ce s out o tissues by way o the ymphatic
f ght-or- ight response, can disrupt norma unctioning system, possib y resu ting in metastasis (see Figure 6-11
throughout the body. on p. 130).
Stress has been cited as an indirect cause or an important
risk actor in a number o conditions. On y a ew o those are Because both the nervous system and endocrine system are
isted here. invo ved in stress disorders, they are usua y thought o as
neuroendocrine disorders.
1. Heart diseaseA though an extreme episode o
stress can precipitate heart ai ure even in hea thy N e u ro b la s t o m a
peop e, chronic stress is known to increase the risk o Neuroblastoma is a ma ignant tumor o the sympathetic divi-
certain heart disorders. One such condition is stress- sion. It most o ten occurs in the deve oping nervous systems
induced high b ood pressure, or hypertension, that o young chi dren and metastasizes rapid y to other parts o
can weaken the heart and b ood vesse s. the body. Symptoms o ten inc ude exaggerated or inappropri-
2. D igestive problemsColitis (co on in ammation) ate sympathetic e ects, inc uding increased heart rate, sweat-
and gastric u cers, or examp e, may be precipitated ing, and high b ood pressure. As with some other orms o
by the changes in digestive secretion and movement, cancer, spontaneous remissions may occur.
a ong with increased susceptibi ity to in ection, that
occur during pro onged or repeated stress responses. QUICK CHECK
3. Reduced resistance to diseaseH ormones ca ed 1. Wh a t a re th e tw o m a in d ivis io n s o th e ANS ?
glucocorticoids that are re eased by the adrena g ands 2. De s crib e th e u n ctio n o th e p a ra s ym p a th e tic n e rvo u s
during pro onged or repeated stress episodes depress d ivis io n .
the activity o the immune system. Depressed im- 3. Wh ich tw o n e u ro tra n s m itte rs a re u s e d b y th e a u to n o m ic
n e rve p a th wa ys ?
mune unction eads to increased risk o in ection
4. Wh a t p ro b le m s in th e b o d y a ris e ro m ANS m a l u n ctio n s ?
and cancer.

The Aus trian s cie ntis t Otto Loew i 1936. Not s urpris ingly, Loew i late r s pe nt s om e o his tim e
s tarte d his s tudie s in the hum ani- s tudying how dre am s m ay he lp us unde rs tand s ubcons cious
tie s , not s cie nce . Eve n a te r he did thoughts .
f nally be gin unive rs ity s tudie s in Many pro e s s ions de pe nd on ne uro s cie ntis ts like Otto
m e dicine , he o te n s kippe d his s ci- Loew i to provide in orm ation they ne e d to he lp us im prove
e nce clas s e s to atte nd le cture s in our live s . For e xam ple , ne uro lo g is ts , ps ychiatris ts , and
philos ophy ins te ad. But a te r Dr. othe r m e dical pro e s s ionals us e this in orm ation to tre at dis -
Loew i turne d his atte ntion to hu- orde rs o the ne rvous s ys te m . Pharm aco lo g is ts us e the s e
m an biology, his brilliance be cam e ide as to de ve lop drug tre atm e nts that a e ct the ne rvous
evide nt. In 1921, w hile working to s ys te m and pharm acis ts and pharm acy te chnicians s up-
Otto Loewi (18731961) de s ign an expe rim e nt that would ply the s e tre atm e nts .
unlock the mys te ry o how ne urons Me ntal he alth pro e s s ionals s uch as ps ycho lo g is ts and
com m unicate w ith othe r ce lls , he had a dre am in w hich the couns e lors us e conce pts de rive d rom ne uros cie nce to be tte r
ans we r was reve ale d to him . He rus he d to his lab and pe r-
orm e d a now am ous expe rim e nt in w hich he dis cove re d
unde rs tand hum an e m otions and be havior. Eve n pe ople w ho
s pe cialize in bus ine s s and m arke ting us e s om e o the ne uro- 10
w hat we know as ace tylcholine . s cie nce dis cove rie s the ir ocus is le arning how to e ntice
For his work that s howe d that it is ne urotrans m itte rs that buye rs to buy ce rtain products or, pe rhaps , to pre dict the be -
carry s ignals rom ne urons , Loew i s hare d a Nobe l Prize in havior o crowds .
280 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 249)

autonomic neuron cranial nerve (CN) gray matter

(gray MAT-ter)
[auto- sel , -nom- rule, -ic relating to, [crani- skull, -al relating to, nerv- string or gyri
neuron nerve] nerve]
axon dendrite sing., gyrus
(AK-son) (DEN-dryte)
[axon axle] [dendr- tree, -ite part (branch)] [gyrus circle]
basal nuclei (basal ganglia) dermatome hypothalamus
(DER-mah-tohm) (hye-poh-THAL-ah-mus)
sing., basal nucleus or ganglion [derma- skin, -tome cut (segment)] [hypo- under or below, -thalamus inner
diencephalon chamber]
[bas- oundation, -al relating to, nucle- nut or (dye-en-SEF-ah-lon) interneuron
kernel (ganglion knot)] [di- between, -en- within, -cephalon head] (in-ter-NOO-ron)
blood-brain barrier (BBB) dopamine [inter- between, -neuron nerve]
(DOH-pah-meen) limbic system
catecholamine [dopa- amino acid, -amine ammonia]
dura mater [limb- edge, -ic relating to]
[catech- melt, -ol- alcohol, -amine ammonia (DOO-rah MAH-ter) medulla oblongata
compound] [dura hard, mater mother] (meh-DUL-ah ob-long-GAH-tah)
cell body e ector [medulla marrow or pith, oblongata oblong]
(sell BOD-ee) (e -FEK-tor) meninges
[cell storeroom] [e ect- accomplish, -or agent]
central nervous system (CNS) e erent neuron sing., meninx
(SEN-tral NER-vus SIS-tem [see en es]) (EF- er-ent NOO-ron) (meh-NINKS)
[centr- center, -al relating to, nerv- nerve, [e- away, - er- carry, -ent relating to, [meninx membrane]
-ous relating to] neur- string or nerve, -on unit] microglia
cerebellum endoneurium (my-KROG-lee-ah)
(sayr-eh-BEL-um) (en-doh-NOO-ree-um) sing., microglial cell
pl., cerebella or cerebellums [endo- inward, -neuri- nerve, -um thing] (my-KROG-lee-al sel)
(sayr-eh-BEL-ah or sayr-eh-BEL-umz) endorphin [micro- small, -glia glue]
[cereb- brain, -ell- small, -um thing] (en-DOR-f n) midbrain
cerebral cortex [endo- within, -(m)orph- Morpheus (Roman god (MID-brayn)
o dreams), -in substance] [mid- middle, -brain skull]
[cerebr- brain (cerebrum), -al relating to, motor neuron
cortex bark] (en-KEF-ah-lin) (MOH-ter NOO-ron)
cerebrospinal uid (CSF) [en- within, -kephalo- head, -in substance] [mot- movement, -or agent, neuron nerve]
epineurium myelin
[cerebr- brain, -spin- backbone, -al relating to] (ep-ih-NOO-ree-um)
cerebrum [epi- upon, -neuri- nerve, -um thing] [myel- marrow, -in substance]
ascicle myelinated f ber
[cerebrum brain]
cholinergic f ber [ asci- band or bundle, -cle small] [myel- marrow, -in- substance, -ate act o ,
f br- thread]
f ght-or- ight response
[chole- bile, -erg- work, -ic relating to, nerve
10 f br- thread]
( yte or yte ree-SPAHNS)
ganglion (nerv)
choroid plexus (GANG-lee-on) [nerv- string or nerve]
(KOH-royd PLEK-sus) pl., ganglia neurilemma
pl., choroid plexuses (GANG-lee-ah) (noo-rih-LEM-mah)
(KOH-royd PLEK-sus-ez) [gangli- knot, -on unit] [neuri- neuron, -lemma sheath]
[chorio- skin, -oid like, plexus braid or network]
glia neuroglia
corpus callosum (GLEE-ah) (noo-ROH-glee-ah or noo-roh-GLEE-ah)
sing., glial cell sing., neuroglial cell
pl., corpora callosa (GLEE-al sel) (noo-ROH-glee-al sel)
[glia glue] [neur- nerve, -glia glue]
[corpus body, callosum callous or tough]
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 281

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 280)

neuron plexus spinal nerve

(NOO-ron) (PLEK-sus)
[neur- string or nerve, -on unit] [plexus braid or network] [spin- backbone, -al relating to, nerv- string or
neurotransmitter pl., plexuses nerve]
(noo-roh-trans-MIT-ter) (PLEK-sus-ez) spinal tract
[neuro- nerve, -trans- across, -mitt- send, pons
-er agent] (ponz) [spin- backbone, -al relating to, trac- course or
nitric oxide (NO) [pons bridge] trail]
postganglionic neuron sulci
[nitr- nitrogen, -ic relating to, ox- oxygen,
-ide chemical] [post- a ter, -ganglion- knot, -ic relating to, sing., sulcus
node o Ranvier neuron nerve] [sulcus urrow]
postsynaptic neuron sympathetic division
[nod- knot, Louis A. Ranvier French pathologist]
norepinephrine (NE) [post- a ter, -syn- together, -apt- join, [sym- together, -pathe- eel, -ic relating to]
(nor-ep-ih-NEF-rin [en ee]) -ic relating to, neuron nerve] sympathetic postganglionic neuron
[nor- chemical pref x (unbranched C chain), preganglionic neuron
-epi- upon, -nephr- kidney, -ine substance] NOO-ron)
oligodendrocyte [pre- be ore, -ganglion- knot, -ic relating to, [sym- together, -pathe- eel, -ic relating to,
(ohl-ih-goh-DEN-droh-syte) neuron nerve] post- a ter, -ganglion- knot, -ic relating to,
[oligo- ew, -dendr- part (branch) o , -cyte cell] presynaptic neuron neur- string or nerve, -on unit]
parasympathetic division sympathetic preganglionic neuron
[pre- be ore, -syn- together, -apt- join,
[para- beside, -sym- together, -pathe- eel, -ic relating to, neuron nerve] NOO-ron)
-ic relating to] receptor [sym- together, -pathe- eel, -ic relating to,
(ree-SEP-tor) pre- be ore, -ganglion- knot, -ic relating to,
parasympathetic postganglionic neuron
[recept- receive, -or agent] neur- string or nerve, -on unit]
re ex synapse
[para- beside, -sym- together, -pathe- eel, (SIN-aps)
-ic relating to, post- a ter, -ganglion- knot, [re- again, - ex bend] [syn- together, -aps- join]
-ic relating to, neur- string or nerve, -on unit] re ex arc synaptic cle t
parasympathetic preganglionic neuron
[re- back or again, - ex bend, arc curve] [syn- together, -apt- join, -ic relating to]
reticular ormation synaptic knob
[para- beside, -sym- together, -pathe- eel,
-ic relating to, pre- be ore, -ganglion- knot, [ret- net, -ic- relating to, -ul- little, [syn- together, -apt- join, -ic relating to]
-ic relating to, neur- string or nerve, -on unit] -ar characterized by, orm- shape, thalamus
perineurium -ation state] (THAL-ah-mus)
(payr-ih-NOO-ree-um) saltatory conduction [thalamus inner chamber]
[peri- around, -neur- nerve, -um thing] tract
peripheral nervous system (PNS) [salta- leap, -ory relating to, con- with,
(peh-RIF-er-al NER-vus SIS-tem -duct- lead, -ion process] [trac- course or trail]
[pee en es]) Schwann cell ventricle
[peri- around, -phera- boundary, -al relating to, (shwon or shvon sell)
nerv- nerve, -ous relating to,
system organized whole]
[Theodor Schwann German anatomist, [ventr- belly, -icle little] 10
cell storeroom] visceral e ector
pia mater sensory neuron
(PEE-ah MAH-ter) (SEN-sor-ee NOO-ron) [viscer- internal organ, -al relating to,
[pia tender, mater mother] [sens- eel, -ory relating to, neur- string or e ect- accomplish, -or agent]
pineal gland nerve, -on unit] white matter
(PIN-ee-al gland) serotonin withdrawal re ex
[pine- pine, -al relating to, gland acorn] (sayr-oh-TOH-nin)
[sero- watery body uid, -ton- tension, [with- away, -draw- draw, -al relating to,
-in substance] re- again, - ex bend]
282 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System


Alzheimer disease (AD) herpes zoster Parkinson disease (PD)

[Alois Alzheimer German neurologist, [herpe- creep, zoster belt or girdle] [J ames Parkinson English physician,
dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] Huntington disease (HD) dis- opposite o , -ease com ort]
anesthesia pharmacist
(an-es-THEE-zhah) [George S. Huntington American physician, (FAR-mah-sist)
[an- absence, -esthesia eeling] dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] [pharmac- drug, -ist agent]
antidepressant hydrocephalus pharmacologist
(an-tee-deh-PRESS-ant) (hye-droh-SEF-ah-lus)
[anti- against, -de- down, -press- press, [hydro- water, -cephalus head] [pharmaco- drug, -log- words (study o ),
-ant agent] lumbar puncture -ist agent]
Bell palsy (LUM-bar PUNK-chur) pharmacy technician
(bell PAWL-zee) [lumb- loin, -ar relating to]
[Charles Bell Scots anatomist, palsy paralysis] meningitis [pharmac- drug, -y location o activity,
cerebral palsy (CP) techn- art or skill, -ic relating to,
(seh-REE-bral PAWL-zee [see pee]) [mening- membrane, -itis in ammation] -ian practitioner]
[cerebr- brain, -al relating to, palsy paralysis] multiple neurof bromatosis psychiatrist
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (MUL-tih-pul noo-roh- ye-broh-
mah-TOH-sis) [psych- mind, -iatr- treatment, -ist agent]
AK-sih-dent [see vee ay]) [multi- many, -pl- old, neuro- nerve, -f br- f ber, psychologist
[cerebr- brain, -vas- vessel, -cul- little, -oma- tumor, -osis condition]
-ar relating to] multiple sclerosis (MS) [psych- mind, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent]
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) quadriplegia
[multi- many, -pl- old, scler- hard,
en-se -al-OP-path-ee [see tee ee]) -osis condition] [quadri- our old, -pleg- stricken, -ia condition]
[chron- time, -ic relating to, trauma- wound, neuralgia sciatica
-atic relating to, encephal- brain,
-pathy disease] [neur- nerve, -algia pain] [sciatica pain in the hip]
concussion neuritis seizure
[concuss- shake violently, -ion condition] [neur- nerve, -itis in ammation] shingles
dementia neuroblastoma (SHING-guls)
(de-MEN-shah) (noo-roh-blas-TOH-mah) [ rom cingulum belt or girdle]
[de- o , -ment- mind, -ia condition o ] [neuro- nerve, -blast germ, -oma tumor] spastic paralysis
electroencephalogram (EEG) neurologist
[spast- pull, -ic relating to, para- beyond,
[neuro- nerve, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent] -lysis loosening]
[electro- electricity, -en- within, -cephal- head, neuroma tic douloureux
-gram drawing] (noo-ROH-mah)
epilepsy [neur- nerve, -oma tumor] [tic spasm, douloureux pain ul spasm]
(EP-ih-lep-see) neuroscientist trigeminal neuralgia
[epi- upon, -leps- seizure, -y state]
glioma [neuro- nerve, -scien- knowledge, -ist agent] [tri- three, -gemina- twins or pair, -al relating to,
(glee-OH-mah) neur- nerve, -algia pain]
10 [gli- neuroglia, -oma tumor]
(pah-RAL-ih-sis) triplegia
hemiplegia [para- beyond, -lysis loosening]
paraplegia [tri- three, -pleg- stricken, -ia condition]
[hemi- hal , -pleg- stricken, -ia condition]
[para- beside, -pleg- stricken, -ia condition]
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 283

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary B. G ia (neurog ia)
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r 1. Functionsupport ce s, bringing the ce s o nervous
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . tissue together structura y and unctiona y
2. Centra g iathree main types o g ia ce s o the
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to CNS (Figure 10-3)
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e a. Astrocytesstar-shaped ce s that anchor sma
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s b ood vesse s to neurons
or be ore a te s t. b. Microg iasma ce s that move in in amed brain
tissue carrying on phagocytosis
c. O igodendrocytes orm mye in sheaths on axons
Intro ductio n in the CNS (Schwann ce s orm mye in sheaths in
A. Both the nervous system and the endocrine system PNS on y)
contro various unctions o the body by transmitting 3. Periphera g iaSchwann ce s orm mye in sheaths
in ormation on axons o the PNS (Figure 10-2)
B. H omeostasis is possib e on y i contro and integration C. Disorders o nervous tissue
systems unction proper y 1. Mu tip e sc erosischaracterized by mye in oss in
centra nerve f bers and resu ting conduction impair-
Organizatio n o the Ne rvo us Sys te m ments (Figure 10-4)
2. umors
(Figure 10-1)
a. Genera name or nervous system tumors is neuroma
A. Centra nervous system (CNS)brain and spina cord b. Most neuromas are g iomas (g ia tumors)
B. Periphera nervous system (PNS)a nerves c. Mu tip e neurof bromatosischaracterized by
C. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) numerous benign tumors (Figure 10-5)

Ce lls o the Ne rvo us Sys te m Ne rve s and Tracts

A. Neurons A. Nervebund e o periphera axons (Figure 10-6)
1. Neuron structure 1. Nerve coveringsf brous connective tissue
a. Consist o three main partsdendrites, ce body a. Endoneuriumsurrounds individua f bers within
o neuron, and axon (Figure 10-2) a nerve
b. Dendritesbranching projections that conduct b. Perineuriumsurrounds a group ( ascic e) o nerve
impu ses to ce body o neuron f bers
c. Axone ongated projection that conducts impu ses c. Epineuriumsurrounds the entire nerve
away rom ce body o neuron B. ractbund e o centra axons
(1) Mye inwhite, atty substance ormed by g ia, 1. W hite mattertissue composed primari y o mye in-
surrounding some axons as a sheath ated axons (tracts)
(2) Nodes o Ranviergaps in the mye in sheath 2. Gray mattercomposed primari y o ce bodies and
(3) Neuri emmaouter ayer o mye in sheath unmye inated f bers
needed or repair o damaged axons
2. Neuron types are c assif ed according to unction
a. Sensory neurons: conduct impu ses to the spina
Ne rve S ig nals
cord and brain; a so ca ed af erent neurons A. Re ex Arcs 10
b. Motor neurons: conduct impu ses away rom brain 1. Nerve impu ses are conducted rom receptors to e ec-
and spina cord to musc es and g ands; a so ca ed tors over neuron pathways or re ex arcs; conduction
ef erent neurons by a re ex arc resu ts in a re ex (that is, contraction by
c. Interneurons: conduct impu ses rom sensory a musc e or secretion by a g and)
neurons to motor neurons or among a network o 2. T e simp est re ex arcs are two-neuron arcs
interneurons; a so ca ed central or connecting consisting o sensory neurons synapsing in the spina
neurons cord with motor neurons
3. T ree-neuron arcs consist o sensory neurons synaps-
ing in the spina cord with interneurons that synapse
with motor neurons (Figure 10-7)
284 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

B. Nerve Impu ses

1. Def nitionse -propagating wave o e ectrica distur-
Ce ntral Ne rvo us Sys te m
bance that trave s a ong the sur ace o a neuron mem- A. CNS is made up o the brain and spina cord; centra
brane (o ten ca ed action potentials) axis ocation; protected by hard bones and so t meninges
2. Mechanism (Figure 10-8) (Figure 10-12)
a. At rest, the neurons membrane is s ight y positive B. Brain (Figure 10-13 and Table 10-1)
on the outsidepo arized rom a s ight excess o 1. Brainstem
Na on the outside a. Consists o , named in ascending order, the medu a
b. A stimu us triggers the opening o Na channe s in ob ongata, pons, and midbrain
the p asma membrane o the neuron b. Structurewhite matter with bits o gray matter
c. Inward movement o Na depo arizes the mem- scattered through it
brane by making the inside more positive than the c. Functions
outside at the stimu ated point; this depo arization (1) A three parts o brainstem are two-way con-
is a nerve impu se (action potentia ) duction paths
3. Conduction o nerve impu ses (Figure 10-9) (a) Sensory tracts in the brainstem conduct
a. Continuous conductionthe stimu ated section o impu ses to the higher parts o the brain
membrane immediate y repo arizes, but by that (b) Motor tracts conduct rom the higher parts
time the depo arization has a ready triggered the o the brain to the spina cord
next section o membrane to depo arize, thus prop- (2) Gray matter areas in the brainstem unction as
agating a wave o e ectrica disturbances (depo ar- important re ex centers
izations) a the way down the membrane 2. Cerebe um
b. Sa tatory conductionin mye inated f bers, con- a. Structure
duction can jump rom gap to gap and thus (1) Second argest part o the human brain
great y speed up the rate o conduction (2) Gray matter outer ayer is thin but high y
C. T e Synapse o ded, orming a arge sur ace area or process-
1. Def nitionthe p ace where impu ses are transmitted ing in ormation
rom one neuron to another (the postsynaptic neuron) (3) Arbor vitaeinterna , tree ike network o
(Figure 10-10) white matter tracts
2. Synapse made o three structuressynaptic knob, b. Function
synaptic c e t, and p asma membrane (1) H e ps contro musc e contractions to produce
3. Neurotransmitters bind to specif c receptor mo ecu es coordinated movements so that we can main-
in the membrane o a postsynaptic neuron, opening tain ba ance, move smooth y, and sustain
ion channe s and thereby stimu ating impu se conduc- norma postures
tion by the membrane (2) Variety o additiona coordinating e ects, assist-
4. ransmission stops when neurotransmitters are ing the cerebrum and other regions o the brain
removed rom receptors 3. Diencepha on
a. Reuptake o neurotransmitters into presynaptic a. H ypotha amus
neurons, with repackaging and recyc ing or ater (1) Consists main y o the posterior pituitary
use g and, pituitary sta k, and gray matter
b. Breakdown o neurotransmitters in extrace u ar (2) Acts as the major center or contro ing the
matrix (ECM) o synaptic c e t ANS; there ore he ps contro the unctioning
c. G ia may break down neurotransmitters and return o most interna organs
pieces to the presynaptic neuron or recyc ing (3) Contro s hormone secretion by anterior and
5. Examp es o neurotransmittersacety cho ine, cate- posterior pituitary g ands; there ore it indirect y
cho amines (norepinephrine, dopamine, and sero- he ps contro hormone secretion by most other
tonin), endorphins, enkepha ins, nitric oxide (NO), endocrine g ands
10 and other compounds (4) Contains centers or contro ing appetite,
6. Receptorsspecif c to a particu ar neurotransmitter; wake u ness, p easure, etc.
possib e to have severa versions o receptors or a b. T a amus
sing e neurotransmitter, each ound in a di erent body (1) D umbbe -shaped mass o gray matter extend-
ocation ing toward each cerebra hemisphere
7. Parkinson disease (PD)characterized by abnorma y (2) Primary unctions:
ow eve s o dopamine in motor contro areas o the (a) Re ays sensory impu ses to cerebra cortex
brain; patients usua y exhibit invo untary tremb ing sensory areas
and musc e rigidity (parkinsonism; Figure 10-11) (b) In some way produces the emotions o
p easantness or unp easantness associated
with sensations
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 285

(c) H e ps regu ate eve o consciousness by 3. Seizure disorders

participating in arousa mechanism a. Seizuresudden burst o abnorma neuron activity
(d) P ays a ro e in comp ex re ex movements that resu ts in temporary changes in brain unction
c. Pinea g and (pinea body) b. Epi epsymany orms, a characterized by recur-
(1) Sma body resemb ing pine nut behind the ring seizures
tha amus c. E ectroencepha ogramgraphic representation o
(2) Adjusts output o timekeeping hormone me - vo tage changes in the brain used to eva uate brain
atonin in response to changing eve s o exter- activity (Figure 10-17)
na ight (sun ight and moon ight) D. Spina cord (Figure 10-18)
4. Cerebrum (Figure 10-14) 1. Co umns o white matter, composed o bund es o
a. Largest part o the human brain mye inated nerve f bers, orm the outer portion o the
b. O uter ayer o gray matter is the cerebra cortex; H -shaped core o the spina cord; bund es o axons
made up o obes; composed main y o dendrites ca ed tracts
and ce bodies o neurons 2. Interior composed o gray matter made up main y o
c. Interior o the cerebrum composed main y o white neuron dendrites and ce bodies (Figure 10-19)
matter 3. Spina cord tracts provide two-way conduction
(1) ractsnerve f bers arranged in bund es pathsascending and descending
(2) Basa nuc eiis ands o gray matter regu ate 4. Spina cord unctions as the primary center or a
automatic movements and postures spina cord re exes; sensory tracts conduct impu ses to
d. Functions o the cerebrummenta processes o a the brain, and motor tracts conduct impu ses rom the
types, inc uding sensations, consciousness, memory, brain
and vo untary contro o movements; many unc- E. Coverings and uid spaces o the brain and spina cord
tions are oca ized to specif c areas o cortex 1. Meninges and bone (Figure 10-20)
C. Brain disorders a. Cerebra and spina meninges
1. Damage to brain tissue (1) D ura matertough outer membrane
a. Concussiontype o traumatic brain injury ( BI) (2) Arachnoid matercobweb ike midd e ayer
caused by a jo t to the head and resu ting changes (3) Pia materde icate inner ayer; adheres to
in brain chemica s (or even b eeding or swe ing) CNS tissue
and characterized by changes in thinking, physica b. Crania bones and vertebrae orm hard outer
symptoms such as nausea, and mood or s eep covering
changes; symptoms may deve op months a ter an 2. Cerebrospina uid (CSF) spaces (Figures 10-21 and
injury (postconcussion syndrome) 10-22)
b. Cerebrovascu ar accident (CVA)hemorrhage a. Subarachnoid spaces o meninges
rom or cessation o b ood ow through cerebra b. Centra cana inside cord
b ood vesse s; a stroke c. Ventric es in brain
c. Cerebra pa sy (CP)condition in which damage d. H ydrocepha us can resu t rom b ocked CSF circu-
to motor contro areas o the brain be ore, during, ation (Figure 10-23)
or short y a ter birth causes para ysis (usua y
spastic) o one or more imbs (Figure 10-15)
2. Dementiasyndrome that inc udes progressive oss o
Pe riphe ral Ne rvo us Sys te m
memory, shortened attention span, persona ity A. Crania nerves (Figure 10-24 and Table 10-2)
changes, reduced inte ectua capacity, and motor 1. we ve pairsattached to undersur ace o the brain
contro def cit 2. Connect brain with the neck and structures in the
a. A zheimer disease (AD)brain disorder o the thorax and abdomen
midd e and ate adu t years characterized by B. Spina nerves
dementia (Figure 10-16) 1. T irty-one pairscontain dendrites o sensory
b. Chronic traumatic encepha opathy (C E)resu ts neurons and axons o motor neurons 10
rom repeated head trauma and characterized by 2. Conduct impu ses necessary or sensations and vo un-
memory oss, parkinsonism, disordered thinking tary movements
c. H untington disease (H D)inherited disorder 3. Dermatomeskin sur ace area supp ied by a sing e
characterized by chorea (purpose ess movement) crania or spina nerve (Figure 10-25)
progressing to severe dementia
d. H IV (a so causes AIDS) can in ect neurons and
thus cause dementia
286 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

C. Periphera nerve disorders 2. Axons eave the spina cord in the ventra roots o
1. Neuritisgenera term re erring to nerve spina nerves, extend to sympathetic, or co atera ,
in ammation gang ia and synapse with severa postgang ionic
a. Sciaticain ammation o the sciatic nerve that neurons whose axons extend to spina or autonomic
innervates the egs nerves to terminate in viscera e ectors
b. Neura gia, or musc e pain, o ten accompanies 3. A chain o sympathetic gang ia is in anterior and at
neuritis each side o the spina co umn
2. rigemina neura giarecurring episodes o stabbing 4. Functions o the sympathetic division
pain a ong one or more branches o the trigemina a. Serves as the emergency or stress system, contro -
(f th crania ) nerve in the head ing viscera e ectors during strenuous exercise and
3. Be pa sypara ysis o acia eatures resu ting rom when strong emotions (anger, ear, hate, or anxiety)
damage to the acia (seventh crania ) nerve are triggered
4. H erpes zoster, or shing es (Figure 10-26) b. Group o changes induced by sympathetic contro
a. Vira in ection caused by chickenpox virus that has is ca ed the ght-or- ight response
invaded the dorsa root gang ion and remained D. Parasympathetic division
dormant unti stress or reduced immunity precipi- 1. Structure
tates an episode o shing es a. Parasympathetic pregang ionic neurons have den-
b. Usua y a ects a sing e dermatome, producing drites and ce bodies in the gray matter o the
characteristic pain u p aques or vesic es brainstem and the sacra segments o the spina
b. Parasympathetic pregang ionic neurons terminate
Auto no m ic Ne rvo us Sys te m in parasympathetic gang ia ocated in the head and
A. Functiona anatomy the thoracic and abdomina cavities c ose to viscera
1. Autonomic nervous system e ectors
a. Motor neurons that conduct impu ses rom the c. Each parasympathetic pregang ionic neuron syn-
CNS to cardiac musc e, smooth musc e, and g an- apses with postgang ionic neurons to on y one
du ar epithe ia tissue e ector
b. Regu ates the bodys automatic, or invo untary, 2. Functiondominates contro o many viscera e ec-
unctions (Figure 10-27) tors under norma , everyday conditions; counterba -
c. Distinct rom the somatic nervous system, which ances sympathetic unction
instead regu ates vo untary somatic e ectors (ske e- E. Autonomic neurotransmitters (Figure 10-29)
ta musc es) 1. Cho inergic f berspregang ionic axons o parasym-
2. Autonomic neuronspregang ionic autonomic pathetic and sympathetic systems and parasympathetic
neurons conduct rom spina cord or brainstem to an postgang ionic axons re ease acety cho ine
autonomic gang ion; postgang ionic neurons conduct 2. Adrenergic f bersaxons o sympathetic postgang i-
rom autonomic gang ia to cardiac musc e, smooth onic neurons re ease norepinephrine (noradrena ine)
musc e, and g andu ar epithe ia tissue F. Autonomic nervous system as a who e
3. Autonomic or viscera e ectorstissues to which 1. Regu ates the bodys automatic unctions in ways that
autonomic neurons conduct impu ses (that is, cardiac maintain or quick y restore homeostasis
and smooth musc e and g andu ar epithe ia tissue) 2. Many viscera e ectors are doub y innervated (that is,
4. Composed o two divisionsthe sympathetic system they receive f bers rom parasympathetic and sympa-
and the parasympathetic system thetic divisions and are in uenced in opposite ways by
B. Autonomic conduction paths (Figure 10-28) the two divisions)
1. Consist o two-neuron re ays (that is, pregang ionic G. Disorders o the autonomic nervous system
neurons rom the CNS to autonomic gang ia, syn- 1. Stress-induced disease
apses, postgang ionic neurons rom gang ia to viscera a. Pro onged or excessive response to stress can
10 e ectors) disrupt norma unctioning throughout the body
2. In contrast, somatic motor neurons conduct a the b. Examp es o stress-induced conditions inc ude
way rom the CNS to somatic e ectors with no inter- heart disease, digestive prob ems, reduced resistance
vening synapses to disease, and spread o cancer
C. Sympathetic division 2. Neurob astomahigh y ma ignant tumor o the sym-
1. Dendrites and ce bodies o sympathetic pregang i- pathetic division, primari y a ecting young chi dren
onic neurons are ocated in the gray matter o the tho-
racic and upper umbar segments o the spina cord
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 287

STUDY TIPS 3. T e materia on the centra nervous system can be earned
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in best by using ash cards that match up the structure and
m e e ting your le arning goals . unction. Use on ine resources that provide tutoria s and
animations ( or examp e,
Review the s ynops is o the ne rvous s ys te m in Chapte r 5. The 4. Make a chart showing the disorders o the nervous
am ount o m ate rial pre s e nte d in Chapte r 10 m ay be ove r- system. O rganize them by type: mye in disorder, brain
w he lm ing at f rs t, but it can be s om ew hat e as ie r to le arn i you disorder, etc. Describe the damage done by the disorder
divide the chapte r into thre e parts : the m icros copic s tructure and the e ect it has on the body.
and unction o the ne rvous s ys te m , the ce ntral ne rvous s ys - 5. In your study group, you shou d go over the terms pre-
te m , and the pe riphe ral ne rvous s ys te m . sented in the f rst part o the chapter. Review the Lan-
guage o Science and Language o Medicine terms and
1. Keep in mind that the nervous system unctions as one their word origins to he p you better understand the
organized system. T e unction o the nervous system is meaning o the nervous system terms. Discuss the pro-
accomp ished by two processes: conduction o nerve cesses o nerve impu se transmission and what occurs at
impu ses and passing o the nerve impu se across a the synapse. Review the ash cards with the names and
synapse. Nerve impu ses are an exchange o ions between unctions o the parts o the centra nervous system.
the interior and exterior o the neuron. Remember that most o the structures in the centra
2. T e synapse requires the production, re ease, and deacti- nervous system have more than one unction. Go over the
vation o neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters unction disorder chart. I you remember the genera unctions o
by stimu ating receptors in the neuron on the other side the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, the spe-
o the synapse. cif c e ects wi be easier to remember. A so review the
questions and out ine summary at the end o the chapter.

Re vie w Que s tio ns 10. Exp ain what occurs at a synapse. W hat are the two
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r ways that neurotransmitter activity is terminated?
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r 11. W hat is the cause o Parkinson disease? W hat are some
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r treatment options?
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch 12. Def ne dementia.
o your new le arning. 13. W hat is a seizure?
14. List two possib e causes o A zheimer disease.
1. List the three types o neurons c assif ed according to 15. List and describe the unctions o the medu a ob ongata.
the direction in which the impu se is being transmitted. 16. List and describe the unctions o the hypotha amus.
Def ne or exp ain each o them. 17. List and describe the unctions o the tha amus.
2. Def ne or exp ain the o owing terms: mye in, nodes o 18. Describe the unction o the pinea g and (body).
Ranvier, and neuri emma. 19. List and describe the unctions o the cerebe um.
3. List and give the unction o the three types o g ia ce s. 20. List the genera unctions o the cerebrum. W hat are the
4. W hat occurs at the ce u ar eve in mu tip e sc erosis? specif c unctions o the occipita and tempora obes?
W hat e ect does this have on the body? 21. W hat is a concussion? Describe its symptoms.
5. Neuromas usua y deve op rom what type o ce s or 22. List and describe the unctions o the spina cord.
tissues? 23. List and exp ain the three ayers o the meninges. 10
6. Def ne or exp ain the o owing terms: epineurium, peri- 24. W hat is the unction o cerebrospina uid? W here and
neurium, and endoneurium. how is cerebrospina uid produced?
7. W hat causes gray matter to be gray and white matter to 25. H ow many nerve pairs are generated rom the spina
be white? cord? H ow many nerve pairs are generated rom each
8. Exp ain how a re ex arc unctions. W hat are two types section o the spina cord? H ow are these nerves named?
o re ex arcs? W hat is a p exus?
9. Exp ain what occurs during a nerve impu se. W hat is 26. Def ne neuritis and neura gia.
sa tatory conduction?
288 CHAPTER 10 Nervous System

27. W hat is the cause o tic dou oureux? W hat is the cause 3. A group o periphera axons bund ed together in an epi-
o Be pa sy? neurium is ca ed a ________.
28. Exp ain the structure and unction o the sympathetic 4. T e two types o ce s ound in the nervous system are
nervous division. ________ and ________.
29. Exp ain the structure and unction o the parasympa- 5. T e knee-jerk re ex is a type o neura pathway ca ed a
thetic nervous division. ________.
30. W here is the hidden obe ocated on the brain? 6. A ________ is a se -propagating wave o e ectrica dis-
turbance that trave s a ong the sur ace o a neurons
p asma membrane.
Critical Thinking 7. ________ conduction is the term that describes the
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out impu se as it jumps around the mye in.
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to 8. T e ________ is a p ace where impu ses are passed rom
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to one neuron to another.
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts 9. Acety cho ine and dopamine are examp es o ________,
that you f nd di f cult. which are chemica s used by neurons to communicate.
10. ________, ________, and ________ are the three mem-
31. Can you e aborate on why po ice o cers use sobriety branes that make up the meninges.
tests such as wa king a ong a straight ine, touching the 11. W hen too much CSF accumu ates in the ventric es, it
tip o the nose with one f nger, or maintaining ba ance may ead to a condition ca ed ________ or water on
with the eyes c osed? the brain.
32. H ow wou d you exp ain why a person is more ike y to 12. T e two hemispheres o the brain are a most separate
survive damage to the cerebrum than damage to the structures except or their ower midportions, which are
brainstem? connected by a structure ca ed the ________ ________.
33. T ere is a type o medication that inhibits the unction- 13. T ere are ________ pairs o crania nerves and
ing o acety cho inesterase (the enzyme that deactivates ________ pairs o nerves that come rom the spina
acety cho ine). Exp ain the e ect this medication wou d cord.
have on the viscera e ectors. 14. ________ are skin sur ace areas supp ied by a sing e
34. T e body conserves everything it possib y can or ater spina nerve.
use. Each system attempts to be prudent with its 15. ________ is the part o the autonomic nervous system
resources. Can you give an examp e o how the nervous that regu ates e ectors during nonstress conditions.
system demonstrates this concept with neurotransmitter 16. ________ is the part o the autonomic nervous system
mo ecu es? that regu ates e ectors during the f ght-or- ight
17. T e pregang ionic axons o the parasympathetic nervous
Chapte r Te s t system re ease the neurotransmitter ________. T e post-
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by gang ionic axons re ease ________.
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m 18. T e pregang ionic axons o the sympathetic nervous
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . system re ease the neurotransmitter ________. T e post-
gang ionic axons re ease ________.
1. ________ is the name o the nervous system division 19. A ter impu se conduction by postsynaptic neurons is ini-
that inc udes the nerves that extend to the out ying parts tiated, neurotransmitter activity is rapid y terminated.
o the body. wo mechanisms that cause this are ________ and
2. ________ is the name o the nervous system division ________.
that inc udes the brain and spina cord. 20. T e cerebrum has many ridges and grooves. T e grooves
are ca ed ________.

Match each term in Column A with its corresponding unction or description in Column B.

Column A Column B
21. ________ dendrite a. ce s that make mye in or axons outside the CNS
22. ________ axon b. g ia ce s that he p orm the b ood-brain barrier
23. ________ mye in c. a sing e projection that carries nerve impu ses away rom the ce body
24. ________ Schwann ce s d. ce s that make mye in or axons inside the CNS
25. ________ astrocyte e. a white atty substance that surrounds and insu ates the axon
26. ________ microg ia . ce s that act as microbe-eating scavengers in the CNS
27. ________ o igodendrocyte g. a high y branched part o the neuron that carries impu ses toward the ce body
CHAPTER 10 Nervous System 289

Match each part o the central nervous system in Column A with its corresponding unction in Column B.

Column A Column B
28. ________ medu a ob ongata a. part o the brainstem that is a conduction pathway between the brain and body;
29. ________ pons in uences respiration
30. ________ midbrain b. sensory re ay station rom various body areas to the cerebra cortex; a so invo ved
31. ________ hypotha amus with emotion and a erting and arousa mechanisms
32. ________ tha amus c. carries messages to and rom the brain and the rest o the body; a so mediates
33. ________ cerebe um re exes
34. ________ cerebrum d. part o the brainstem that contains cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor centers
35. ________ spina cord e. sensory perception, wi ed movements, consciousness, and memory are mediated
. regu ates body temperature, water ba ance, s eep-wake cyc e, and sexua arousa
g. regu ates musc e coordination, maintenance o equi ibrium and posture
h. part o the brainstem that contains re ays or visua and auditory impu ses

Match each disorder or disease in Column A with its description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
36. ________ mu tip e sc erosis a. inherited condition causing mu tip e benign tumors
37. ________ neuroma b. cessation o b ood ow to the brain; a stroke
38. ________ mu tip e neurof bromatosis c. syndrome that inc udes memory oss, short attention span, and reduced
39. ________ Parkinson disease inte ectua capacity
40. ________ CVA d. recurring or chronic seizure disorder
41. ________ dementia e. compression or degeneration o the seventh crania nerve
42. ________ epi epsy . disorder caused by the oss o mye in
43. ________ meningitis g. a ma ignant tumor o the sympathetic nervous division
44. ________ tic dou oureux h. compression or degeneration o the f th crania nerve
45. ________ Be pa sy i. in ection or in ammation o the meninges
46. ________ neurob astoma j. genera term or a tumor in the nervous system
k. disease characterized by an abnorma y ow eve o dopamine

3. Baraka oves to dance. H owever, he and his riends notice

Cas e S tudie s that he misses easy steps more and more o ten. In act,
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to Baraka a most seems intoxicated because his coordination
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- is so bad y a ected. Barakas physicians te him that he
book, and othe r re s ource s . has a mye in disorder. H ow wou d such a disorder cause
Barakas symptoms? Name a specif c mye in disorder and
1. onys teachers describe him as a daydreamer. T e teach- exp ain how this disease causes simi ar prob ems.
ers o ten f nd him staring o into space when they are 4. Matt has just returned home rom his doctors o ce. H e
trying to get his attention. W hen onys parents men- has a kidney in ection and his doctor has prescribed med-
tioned this to their ami y physician, the physician brings ication or it. Matt was concerned that he might not be
up the possibi ity o epi epsy. Cou d onys daydreaming ab e to drive whi e taking the medication, but his doctor
be a sign o epi epsy? W hat test cou d he p conf rm such reassured him that it wou d not a ect his brain. W hat
a diagnosis? W hat signs wou d one ook or in such a test did the doctor mean by that remark? Can you o er a
i epi epsy is present? more comp ete exp anation? 10
2. O ver the ast ew years, your riend Ange a has deve oped
f brous nodu es in many areas o her skin. She recent y Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
conf ded that she has an inherited disorder o the nervous at
system that causes these bumps. W hat disease might
Ange a have? H ow can a nervous disorder cause skin
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Classif cation o Senses, 291

General Senses, 291
Special Senses, 292
Sensory Receptor Types, 292
Sensory Pathways, 293
General Senses, 293
Distribution o General Sense Receptors, 293
Modes o Sensation, 293
Disorders Involving General Senses, 294
Special Senses, 294
Vision, 294
Disorders o Vision, 297
Hearing and Equilibrium, 302
Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders, 307
Taste, 307
Smell, 308
Integration o Senses, 309

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Classi y sense organs as general or special and
explain the basic di erences between the two
2. Discuss how a stimulus is converted into a sensa-
tion, as well as disorders involving general senses.
3. Discuss the general sense organs and their
4. Describe the structure o the eye and the unctions
o its components.
5. Name and describe the major visual disorders.
6. Discuss the anatomy o the ear and its sensory unc-
tion in hearing and equilibrium.
7. Name and describe the major orms o hearing
8. Describe the anatomy o the tongue and its sensory
unction in taste.
9. Describe the anatomy o the nasal cavity and its
sensory unction in smell.
10. Discuss how senses are integrated in the brain.
I you were asked to name the sense organs, what organs wou d you LANGUAGE OF
name? Can you think o any besides the eyes, ears, nose, and taste S C IEN C E
buds? Actua y there are mi ions o other sense organs through-
out the body in our skin, interna organs, and musc es. T ey
Be o re re ading the
constitute the many sensory receptors that a ow us to respond
chapte r, s ay e ach o
to stimu i such as touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. T ese the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
microscopic receptors are ocated at the tips o dendrites o he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
sensory neurons. the m as yo u re ad.

O ur abi ity to detect changes in our externa and interna

environments is a requirement or maintaining homeostasis (ad-ap-TAY-shun)
and or surviva itse . We can initiate protective re exes impor- [adapt- f t to, -tion process]
tant to homeostasis on y i we can sense a change or danger. aqueous humor
(AY-kwee-us HYOO-mor)
Externa dangers may be detected by sight or hearing. I the danger is [aqu- water, -ous relating to,
interna , such as overstretching a musc e, detecting an increase in body humor body uid]
temperature ( ever), or sensing the pain caused by an u cer, we have other auditory tube
receptors that make us aware o the prob em, which makes it possib e or us (AW-dih-toh-ree toob)
to then take appropriate action to maintain homeostasis. [audit- hear, -ory relating to]
C la s s if c a t io n o S e n s e s [auri- ear, -icle little]
T e senses are o ten c assif ed as either general senses or special senses. bony labyrinth
(BOHN-ee LAB-eh-rinth)
[labyrinth maze]
Ge n e ra l S e n s e s cerumen
T e general senses are those detected by rather simp e, microscopic recep- (seh-ROO-men)
tors that are wide y distributed throughout the body in the skin, [cer(a)- wax, -men ormed o ]
musc es, tendons, joints, and other interna organs o the ceruminous gland
body. T ey are responsib e or such sensations as (seh-ROO-mih-nus gland)
pain, temperature, touch, pressure, and [cer(a)- wax, -min- ormed o ,
-ous relating to, gland acorn]
body position.
[chemo- chemical, -recept- receive,
-or agent]
[chor- skin, -oid like]
ciliary muscle
[ciliary eyelids or eyelashes,
mus- mouse, -cle little]

Continued on p. 310

292 CHAPTER 11 Senses

S p e c ia l S e n s e s
Sensory receptor ce s are a so c assif ed unctiona y by the
T e specia senses are those detected by receptors that are types, or modes, o stimu i that activate them:
11 grouped in specif c areas and associated with comp ex struc-
1. Photoreceptorssensitive to change in intensity or
tures that aci itate these senses. T e senses o sme , taste,
co or o ight, as in vision
vision, hearing, and equi ibrium are considered specia senses
2. Chemoreceptorssensitive to presence o certain
because their receptors are grouped within distinct structures
chemica s, as in taste or sme
that enhance their unction.
3. Pain receptorssensitive to physica injury
4. T ermoreceptorssensitive to changes in
S e n s o ry Re c e p t o r Ty p e s temperature
5. Mechanoreceptorssensitive to mechanica stimu i
Individua receptor ce s are o ten identif ed structura y ac-
that change their position or shape
cording to whether they are encapsulated or unencapsulated,
that is, whether they are covered by some sort o capsu e or are Table 11-1 identif es the genera sense organs as either ree
ree or naked o any such covering. nerve endings or one o the six types o encapsu ated nerve

TABLE 11-1 General Sense Organs

Fre e Ne rve Ending s
Nake d ne rve e nding Skin and m ucos a (e pithe lial laye rs ) Pain, dis crim inative touch, tickle , and
(s eve ral type s te m pe rature
exis t)

Encaps ulate d Ne rve Ending s

Bulboid corpus cle Skin (de rm al laye r), s ubcutane ous tis s ue , Touch and pos s ibly cold
(Kraus e corpus cle ) m ucos a o lips and eye lids , and exte rnal
ge nitals

Lam e llar corpus cle Subcutane ous , s ubm ucous , and s ubs e rous Pre s s ure and high- re que ncy vibration
(Pacini corpus cle ) tis s ue s ; around joints ; in m am m ary glands
and exte rnal ge nitals o both s exe s

Tactile corpus cle Skin (in papillae o de rm is ) and f nge rtips and Fine touch and low- re que ncy vibration
(Me is s ne r lips (num e rous )
corpus cle )

Bulbous corpus cle s Skin (de rm al laye r) and s ubcutane ous tis s ue o Touch and pre s s ure
(Ru f ni corpus cle ) f nge rs

Golgi te ndon organ Ne ar junction o te ndons and m us cle s Proprioce ption (s e ns e o m us cle te ns ion)

Mus cle s pindle Intra fus a l Ske le tal m us cle s Proprioce ption (s e ns e o m us cle le ngth)
fibe rs
CHAPTER 11 Senses 293

whether the abi ity to ee the two separate

TABLE 11-2 Special Sense Organs
stimu i is present. T e skin over di erent
S ENS E TYPE OF parts o the body wi respond di erent y 11
ORGAN S PECIFIC RECEPTOR RECEPTOR S ENS E because o the di ering numbers o touch
Eye Rods and cone s Photore ce ptor Vis ion receptors that are present.
Ear Organ o Corti (s piral organ) Me chanore ce ptor He aring ouch receptors are distributed c ose y
Cris tae am pullare s Me chanore ce ptor Dynam ic e quilibrium together over the f ngertips (2 to 8 mm
Maculae Me chanore ce ptor Static e quilibrium apart), re ative y c ose together over the
pa ms (8 to 12 mm), and quite ar apart over
Nos e Ol actory ce lls Che m ore ce ptor Sm e ll
the back o the torso (40 to 60 mm). Lesions
Tas te buds Gus tatory ce lls Che m ore ce ptor Tas te
to the parieta obe o the brain wi impair
two-point discrimination.

endings, whereas Table 11-2 identif es the type o receptor ce s

M o d e s o S e n s a t io n
in the specia sense organs that are stimu ated by specif c types
o stimu i. Stimu ation o genera sensory receptors can ead to a variety
o sensations. T e di erence in what kind o stimu i is de-
tected is ca ed the mode o the sensation. Di erent genera
S e n s o ry P a t h w a y s sensory receptors can detect vibration, deep pressure, ight
A sense organs, regard ess o size, type, or ocation, have in pressure, pain, stretch, or temperature.
common some important unctiona characteristics. First, they Examp es o genera sensory receptors o various modes are
must be ab e to sense or detect a stimu us or a change in the isted in Table 11-1 and i ustrated in Figure 11-1.
qua ity or intensity o a particu ar stimu us in their environment. Some genera sensory receptors ound near the point o
Next, detection o a stimu us must be converted into a nerve junction between tendons and musc es and others ound deep
impu se. T is signa is then conducted over a nervous system within ske eta musc e tissue are ca ed proprioceptors. W hen
pathway to the brain, where the incoming in ormation is f - stimu ated by stretch, these mechanoreceptors provide us with
tered and sortedo ten comparing it to in ormation coming in in ormation concerning the position or movement o the di -
a ong other sensory pathways. On y a ter a o this processing erent parts o the body as we as the ength and the extent o
o in ormation is the sensation actua y perceived in the brain. contraction o our musc es.
T e sensory pathway or the genera senses typica y in- T e Go gi tendon receptors and musc e spind es identif ed
vo ves conduction o action potentia s generated in the recep- in Table 11-1 are important proprioceptors.
tors through the spina cord to the tha amus (cutaneous or Many genera sensory receptors are ound in the skin, but
skin receptors) or cerebe um (proprioceptors) where they some are present deep in the body. For examp e, there are
synapse, and impu ses are then re ayed to specif c areas o the stretch receptors in your stomach that signa you when it is
cerebra cortex or conscious sensory interpretation.
T e sensory pathways or the specia senses are varied, but
a so u timate y end in specif c sensory areas o the cerebra
Fre e ne rve
e ndings
Ge n e ra l S e n s e s
D is t r ib u t io n o G e n e r a l
S e n s e Re c e p t o r s (Kra us e )
Ta ctile
(Me is s ne r)
corpus cle corpus cle
Microscopic genera sense organ receptors are ound in a most
every part o the body, but they are most concentrated in the La me lla r
skin (Figure 11-1). H owever, these receptors are not even y (Pa cini)
distributed over the body sur ace or in the interna organs. corpus cle
A so, they do not a respond to the same type o stimu us. o (Ruf ni)
demonstrate this, try touching any point o your skin on a corpus cle
f ngertip with the tip o a toothpick. You can hard y miss
stimu ating at east one receptor and a most instantaneous y
experiencing a sensation o touch.
T e abi ity to distinguish one touch stimu us rom two is
ca ed two-point discrimination. A neuro ogica test that mea-
sures this unction invo ves simu taneous y touching two FIGURE 11-1 General sense receptors. This section o skin shows the
points on the skin over one area o the body to determine placement o some o the receptors described in Table 11-1.
294 CHAPTER 11 Senses

u . T ere are a so stretch (pressure) receptors in most other b ood ow returns, reactivation o the sense organs may pro-
ho ow organs such as the stomach and intestines, arteries, duce a ting ing sensation.
11 vagina (birth cana ), and urinary b adder that enab e the nor- Disruption in the unctioning o the genera sense organs
ma unctioning o those organs. a so can occur as a resu t o diabetes, cardiovascu ar disease,
T ere are a so important chemoreceptors in the aorta and stroke, and spina cord or brain injury or disease.
other arteries that detect changes in pH and carbon dioxide
eve s in the b oodimportant in ormation or regu ating QUICK CHECK
breathing and heart rate. 1. Wh a t a re tw o ca te g o rie s th a t th e s e n s e s a re o te n cla s s i-
f e d in to w h e n d is cu s s in g th e s tru ctu re a n d u n ctio n o th e
s ys te m ?
D is o r d e r s In vo lv in g G e n e r a l S e n s e s 2. De s crib e th e s e n s o ry p a th wa y o th e g e n e ra l s e n s e
o rga n s .
Disruption o genera sense organs can occur by means o a 3. Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o a p ro p rio ce p to r?
variety o mechanisms. For examp e, third-degree burns can 4. Wh a t is tw o -p o in t d is crim in a tio n ?
comp ete y destroy genera sense receptors throughout the
a ected arearesu ting in oss o pain and touch sensations.
emporary impairment o genera sense receptors occurs S p e c ia l S e n s e s
when the b ood ow to them is s owed. T is common y occurs
Vis io n
when you put your egs in a position (such as crossing them
above the knee or o ding a eg under yourse as you sit) that Vision detects the co or and intensity o ight in our externa
causes pressure to be app ied to your egs in a way that reduces environment. But when ocused by the eyes and processed by
b ood ow. W hen you try to stand up, you cannot ee your the brain, it can do much more. For examp e, we can recognize
egs because the genera sense organs are temporari y im- the out ines and depth o objects, ana yze movement, and
paired. You may not even be ab e to wa k at f rst because you determine distances. In this section, we discuss that comp ex
cannot te where your egs are without ooking at them. As and amazing too o visionthe eye.

Vis ua l (optic) a xis Ante rior cha mbe r (conta ins a que ous humor)
Corne a P upil
(tra ns pa re nt)
Le ns

Lowe r lid
La crima l ca runcle

Cilia ry mus cle

S cle ra
Inne r
Re tina Va s cula r Laye rs

Pos te rior cha mbe r

(conta ins vitre ous humor)
Optic dis k
Ce ntra l a rte ry
a nd ve in
Optic ne rve
Fove a Ma cula

FIGURE 11-2 Eye. This transverse (horizontal) section through the le t eyeball is shown as i viewed rom
CHAPTER 11 Senses 295

S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n o t h e Eye Severa invo untary musc es make up the anterior part o

W hen you ook at a persons eye, you see on y a sma part o the choroid. Some are in the iris, the co ored structure seen
the who e eye. As you can see in Figure 11-2, the eyeba is a through the cornea. T e iris may appear b ue, green, brown, 11
uid-f ed sphere having a wa o three ayers: gray, or some combination o these co ors when seen through
the transparent cornea because o the pigments in this ayer o
1. Fibrous ayer the eyeba .
T e b ack center o the iris is rea y a ho e in this doughnut-
shaped musc eit is the pupil o the eye. Some o the f bers
2. Vascu ar ayer o the iris are arranged ike spokes in a whee . W hen they
contract, the pupi s di ate, etting in more ight rays. O ther
f bers are circu ar. W hen they contract, the pupi s constrict,
etting in ewer ight rays. Norma y, the pupi s constrict in
bright ight and di ate in dim ight. Figure 11-3 shows how these
3. Inner ayer musc es work under the contro o autonomic nerves.
T e lens o the eye ies direct y behind the pupi . It is he d
in p ace by a igament attached to an invo untary musc e
ca ed the ciliary muscle (see Figure 11-2) W hen we ook at
distant objects, the ci iary musc e is re axed, and the ens has
Fibrous Layer
T e brous layer o the eyeba consists o tough f brous Dim light
T e white o the eye is part o the f brous ayer ca ed the Pos tga nglionic
sclera. T e sc era, made white by its dense bund es o co agen s ympa the tic
f bers, orms most o the f brous ayer. fibe r
T e transparent circ e on the anterior o the f brous ayer is
ca ed the cornea. T e cornea is sometimes spoken o as the
From s upe rior
window o the eye because o its transparency. ce rvica l ga nglion
In ammation o the cornea is ca ed keratitis. In addition to
possib e oss o transparency that may resu t rom in amma-
tion, any change in the shape o the cornea can dramatica y
change the abi ity o the eye to ocus an image on the retina.
T e act that the shape o the cornea a ects the eyes ocus Norma l light
exp ains the popu arity o surgica procedures that use asers Ra dia l s mooth
or other specia ty instruments to scu pt and change the mus cle
shape o the cornea. T e resu t is improvement o many visua Circula r s mooth
prob ems without the use o eyeg asses or contact enses. mus cle
A mucous membrane known as the conjunctiva ines the P upil
eye ids and covers the f brous ayer in ront. T e b ood vesse s
you see on the sur ace o the sc era actua y be ong to the
conjunctiva. T e conjunctiva is kept moist by tears secreted by Iris
the lacrimal gland.

Several strategies are available or replacing Bright light

Bright light
damaged corneas, as described in the
article Corneal Transplants at Connect It! Cilia ry ga nglion

Vascular Layer
T e midd e ayer o the eyeba is ca ed the vascular layer be- Pos tga nglionic
cause it has a dense network o tiny b ood vesse s. pa ra s ympa the tic
Most o the vascu ar ayer is made up o the choroid, fibe r
which contains a arge amount o the dark pigment melanin.
T is a most-b ack ayer absorbs ight and thus he ps prevent FIGURE 11-3 Control o pupil. This diagram o the muscular parts o
the scattering o incoming ight rays, which cou d make it the iris shows autonomic nerves stimulating radial muscles to dilate the
hard or the eye to ocus an image. pupil (top) and stimulating circular muscle to constrict the pupil (bottom).
296 CHAPTER 11 Senses

on y a s ight y curved shape. o ocus on near objects, the ci i- but can a so be seen using a common medica device ca ed
ary musc e must contract. As it contracts, it pu s the choroid an ophthalmoscope, shown in Figure 11-5.
11 coat orward toward the ens, thus causing the ens to bu ge In good ight, greater visua acuity, or sharpness o visua
and curve even more. perception, can be obtained i we ook direct y at an object and
ocus the image on the ovea. But in dim ight or darkness, we
Inner Layer see an object better i we ook s ight y to the side o it, thereby
T e retina makes up most o the inner layer o the eyeba . It ocusing the image nearer the periphery o the retina, where
contains microscopic photoreceptor ce s to detect ight the rods are more p enti u .
(Figure 11-4). Most o these receptor ce s are ca ed rods and Figure 11-4 a so shows ganglion cells, which are a so sensi-
cones because o their shapes. Dim ight o various wave- tive to ight. Gang ion ce s, ike rods, are sensitive to various
engthsor co orscan stimu ate the rods, giving us mono- wave engths (co ors) o ight, but they are not used to orm
chrome (co or ess) vision when ighting is ow. H owever, air y visua images. Instead, in ormation rom gang ion ce s he ps
bright ight is necessary to stimu ate the cones. In other the body determine whether it is day or night, as we as the
words, rods are the receptors or night vision and cones are eve o moon ight (month y phases). T is he ps our bodys
the receptors or daytime vision. internal clock mechanisms synchronize themse ves to the dai y,
T ere are three kinds o cones; each is sensitive to a di er- month y, and seasona rhythms o our externa environment.
ent co or: red, green, or b ue. Scattered throughout the centra
portion o the retina, these three types o cones a ow us to Fluids o the Eyeball
distinguish between di erent co orsbut on y in bright ight. F uids f the ho ow spaces inside the eyeba . T ey maintain
T ere is a ye owish area near the center o the retina the norma shape o the eyeba and he p re ract ight rays;
ca ed the macula luteaa term that means ye ow spot. It that is, the uids bend ight rays to bring them to ocus on the
surrounds a sma depression, ca ed the ovea centralis, retina.
which contains the greatest concentration o cones o any Aqueous humor is the name o the watery uid in ront o
area o the retina. T ese structures are identif ed in Figure 11-2 the ens (in the anterior chamber o the eye), and vitreous


The stim ulation o pain re ce ptors in de e p s tructures m ay be e lt s ur ace o the le t arm . Part A o the f gure s how s the pri-
as pain in the skin that lie s ove r the a e cte d organ or in an are a m ary s e ns ory f be rs rom both the s kin and he art conve rging
o skin on the body sur ace ar re move d rom the site o dise as e in the s pinal cord. Se ns ory im puls e s rom both the s e are as
or injury. Re e rre d pain is the term or this phenom enon. trave l to the brain ove r a com m on pathw aythe s e condary
The caus e o re e rre d pain is re - s e ns ory f be r. Thus the brain m ay locate the pain o a he art
late d to a conve rge nce o s e ns ory attack in the s houlde r or arm (part B o the f gure ).
ne rve im puls e s rom both the Mis inte rpre tation in the brain in re gard to the
dis e as e d organ and the s kin in S kin in which true location o s e ns ory ne urons be ing s tim u-
the are a o re e rre d pain. For ex- pa in is late d caus e s re e rre d pain. In clinical m e dicine ,
pe rce ive d
am ple , pain originating in an or- an unde rs tanding o re e rre d pain can be an im -
gan de e p in the abdom inal cavity
is o te n inte rpre te d as com ing
rom an are a o s kin w hos e s e n-
s ory f be rs e nte r the s am e s e g-
m e nt o the s pinal cord as the To bra in
s e ns ory f be rs rom the de e p
s tructure .
A clas s ic e xam ple is the re - P rima ry
e rre d pain o te n as s ociate d pa in fibe r
w ith a he art attack. Se ns ory f -
be rs rom the s kin on the che s t
ove r the he art and rom the tis -
s ue o the he art its e l e nte r the
S ite of
f rs t to the f th thoracic s pinal injury
cord s e gm e nts and s o do s e n- S e conda ry
s ory f be rs rom the s kin are as pa in fibe r
ove r the le t s houlde r and inne r A
CHAPTER 11 Senses 297

humor is the name o the je y ike uid behind the ens (in the
posterior chamber). Aqueous humor is constant y being C LIN ICA L APPLICATION
ormed, drained, and rep aced in the anterior chamber. I 11
drainage is b ocked or any reason, the interna pressure FINDING YOUR BLIND S POT
within the eye wi increase, and damage that cou d ead to You can de m ons trate the location o the blind s pot in your
b indness wi occur. T is condition is ca ed glaucoma, which vis ual f e ld by cove ring your le t eye and looking at the ob-
we discuss ater in this chapter. je cts be low. Be gin by pos itioning your ace about 35 cm
(12 in) away rom this page . Cove r your le t eye and s tare
QUICK CHECK continuous ly at the s quare w ith your right eye w hile s low ly
1. Id e n ti y th e th re e la ye rs o tis s u e s th a t o rm th e e ye b a ll. bringing your ace clos e r and clos e r to the im age . At one
2. Ho w d o e s th e iris re g u la te th e s ize o th e p u p il? point, the circle w ill s e e m to dis appe ar be caus e its im age
3. Wh a t is th e w in d o w o th e e ye ? has alle n on the blind s pot.
4. Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o m e la n in in th e e ye ? Wh e re is it
lo ca te d ?
5. Wh a t a re th e h u m o rs o th e e ye ? De s crib e th e u n ctio n o
th e h u m o rs .
6. Ho w a re ro d s a n d co n e s u s e d in vis io n ?

To learn more about the structures o the eye, go

to AnimationDirect online at

Vis u a l P a t h w a y detecting intensity (brightness) and wave ength (co or) o

Light is the stimu us that resu ts in vision (that is, our abi ity ight, we can a so perceive images and their movements.
to see objects as they exist in our environment). Besides Light enters the eye through the pupi and is re racted, or
bent, so that it is ocused on the retina. Re raction occurs as
ight passes through the cornea, the aqueous humor, the ens,
and the vitreous humor on its way to the retina.
T e innermost ayer o the retina contains the rods and
cones, which are the photoreceptor cells o the eye (see
Figure 11-4). T ey respond to a ight stimu us by producing a
portant de te rm inant in w he the r the corre ct diagnos is o nervous impu se. T e rod and cone photoreceptor ce s synapse
dis e as e is m ade (s e e f gure ). with neurons in the bipo ar and gang ionic ayers o the retina.
Nervous signa s eventua y eave the retina and exit the eye
These concepts also relate to those through the optic nerve on the posterior sur ace o the eyeba .
explored in the article Pain Control Areas at No rods or cones are present in the area o the retina where
Connect It! at the optic nerve f bers exit. T e resu t is a b ind spot known
as the optic disk (see Figure 11-2).
A ter eaving the eye, the optic nerves enter the brain and
trave to the visua cortex o the occipita obe (Figure 11-6).
Eventua y, visual interpretation o the nervous impu ses gen-
erated by ight striking the retina resu ts in seeing.
He a rt

D is o r d e r s o Vis io n
S toma ch H ea thy vision requires three basic processes: ormation o an
Live r a nd image on the retina (re raction), stimu ation o rods and cones,
ga llbla dde r and conduction o nerve impu ses to the brain. Ma unction
Appe ndix a nd o any o these processes can disrupt this chain o processes,
s ma ll inte s tine producing a visua disorder.
Right a nd le ft
kidneys Re r a c t io n D is o r d e r s
Colon Common Focusing Problems
Ure te r S
Focusing a c ear image on the retina is essentia or good vi-
sion. In the norma eye, ight rays enter the eye and are ocused
B I into a c ear, upside-down image on the retina (Figure 11-7, A).
T e brain can easi y right the upside-down image in our
298 CHAPTER 11 Senses Rods

Pig me nte d
re tina
P hotore ce ptor
ce lls

Bipola r
ce lls S e ns o ry
re tina

Ga nglion
ce lls

Fibe rs to
optic ne rve

S urfac e o f re tina

FIGURE 11-4 Cells o the retina. Photoreceptors called rods

and cones (notice their shapes) detect changes in light and relay
the in ormation to bipolar neurons. The bipolar cells, in turn,
conduct the in ormation to ganglion cells. The in ormation leaves
the eye by way o the optic nerve.


Vis ual acuity is the cle arne s s or s harpne s s o vis ual pe rce ption. Acuity is
a e cte d by our ocus ing ability, the e f cie ncy o the re tina, and the
prope r unction o the vis ual pathway and proce s s ing ce nte rs in the
One com m on way to m e as ure vis ual acuity is to us e the am iliar
te s t chart on w hich le tte rs or othe r obje cts o various s ize s and s hape s
are printe d. The s ubje ct is as ke d to ide nti y the s m alle s t obje ct that he
or s he can s e e rom a dis tance o 20 e e t (6.1 m ). The re s ulting de te rm i-
nation o vis ual acuity is expre s s e d as a double num be r s uch as 20-20.
The f rs t num be r re pre s e nts the dis tance (in e e t) be twe e n the s ubje ct
and the te s t chartthe s tandard be ing 20. The s e cond num be r re pre s e nts
the num be r o e e t a pe rs on w ith norm al acuity would have to s tand away
rom the chart to s e e the s am e obje cts cle arly.
Thus a f nding o 20-20 is norm al be caus e the s ubje ct can s e e at 20 e e t w hat
a pe rs on w ith norm al acuity can s e e at 20 e e t. A pe rs on w ith 20-100 vis ion can s e e
obje cts at 20 e e t that a pe rs on w ith norm al vis ion can s e e at 100 e e t away.
Pe ople w hos e acuity is wors e than 20-200 a te r corre ction are cons ide re d to be
le gally blind. Le gal blindne s s is the de s ignation us e d to ide nti y the s eve rity o a w ide
varie ty o vis ual dis orde rs s o that law s that involve vis ual acuity can be e n orce d. For
exam ple , law s that gove rn the awarding o driving lice ns e s re quire that drive rs have a
m inim um leve l o vis ual acuity.
Sm alle r charts , s uch as the one s how n in the f gure , can be us e d to te s t ne ar vis ion
CHAPTER 11 Senses 299

FIGURE 11-5 Examining the eye. A, Using Optic dis k Fove a ce ntra lis
an ophthalmoscope to view the retina. B, Oph-
thalmoscopic view o the retina, as seen through
the pupil. C, A case o retinal tear and detach-
L M 11
ment. D, Diabetes can produce abnormal blood I
vessels and bleeding o the retina.

conscious perception but cannot correct

an image that is not sharp y ocused.
I our eyeba s are e ongated, the im-
age ocuses somewhere in ront o the M L
retina rather than direct y on it. T e I
retina receives on y a uzzy image. T is Re tina l blood Ma cula lute a
ve s s e ls
condition, ca ed myopia or nearsighted- A B
ness, can be corrected by re ractive eye Re tina l blood Optic
Torn e dge s He morrha ge ve s s e l dis k
surgery or by using contact enses or
g asses (Figure 11-7, B and C).
I our eyeba s are shorter (as mea-
sured rom anterior to posterior) than
norma , the image ocuses behind the
retina, a so producing a uzzy image.
T is condition, ca ed hyperopia or
arsightedness, a so can be corrected by
eye surgery or enses (Figure 11-7, D
and E).
An irregu arity (unequa curvature)
in the cornea or ens, a condition ca ed
astigmatism that distorts vision, a so
can be corrected with g asses or contact Re tina l te a r a nd de ta chme nt Dia be tic re tinopa thy

For brie descriptions o some surgical options to

treat re raction issues, such as radial keratotomy LEFT EYE RIGHT EYE
(RK) and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
(LASIK), see the article Re ractive Eye Surgery at Optic
Connect It! at ne rve

Fronta l
In most young peop e, the ens is both transparent and Optic lobe
somewhat e astic, making it capab e o easi y changing shape. chia s ma
As we grow o der, however, most o us become more ar- Optic
sighted as we ose the abi ity to ocus on c ose objects because tra ct
our enses ose their e asticity and can no onger bu ge enough Te mpora l
to bring near objects into ocus. Presbyopia, itera y o d- lobe
sightedness, is the name or this condition. O der individua s

La te ra l
Optic ge nicula te
ra dia tion body
FIGURE 11-6 The visual pathway. Transverse section o the brain and A
eyes (in erior view). Note that the pathway rom the retina o the le t eye is
color-coded blue and the pathway rom the right eye is color-coded green. R L Occipita l
Identi y the point at which hal the in ormation rom each eye crosses over P
to the other side o the brain. Vis ua l cortex
300 CHAPTER 11 Senses




MYOPIA FIGURE 11-9 Conjunctivitis. In this case o acute
bacterial in ection, notice the discharge o mucous I
Unc o rre c te d Co rre c te d
pus characteristic o this highly contagious in ection
o the conjunctiva.

ight cannot pass through the c oudy spots the way some
brighter ight can. T is act accounts or the troub e many
o der adu ts have with their night vision.
B C T e tendency to deve op cataracts is inherited. Formation
o cataracts may occur in one or both eyes, tends to be pro-
HYPEROPIA gressive, and may eventua y resu t in b indness. Cataracts can
Unc o rre c te d Co rre c te d be removed surgica y and the de ective ens rep aced with an
artif cia imp ant.

A variety o other conditions can prevent the ormation o a
c ear image on the retina. For examp e, in ections o the eye
and its associated structures a so have the potentia to impair
D E vision, sometimes permanent y.
M ost eye in ections start out in the conjunctiva, produc-
FIGURE 11-7 Re raction. A, Shows how light is re racted in the normal ing an in ammation response known as pink eye or
eye to orm a well- ocused image on the retina. B and C, The abnormal and
corrected re raction observed in patients with myopia, or nearsightedness. conjunctivitis. You may reca rom Chapter 6 that a variety
D and E, Abnormal and corrected re raction in patients with hyperopia, or o di erent pathogens can cause conjunctivitis. For examp e,
arsightedness. the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis that common y in ects
the reproductive tract can cause a chronic in ection ca ed
chlamydial conjunctivitis or trachoma. Because ch amydia
can compensate or presbyopia by using reading g asses and other pathogens o ten inhabit the birth cana , antibiot-
when near vision is needed. ics are routine y app ied to the eyes o newborns to prevent
Cataracts H igh y contagious acute bacterial conjunctivitis, characterized
Un ortunate y, in some individua s, ongtime exposure to u - by drainage o a mucous pus (Figure 11-9), is most common y
travio et (UV) radiation in sun ight may cause the ens to caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus and Haemophilus.
become hard, ose its transparency, and have regions that be- Conjunctivitis may produce esions on the inside o the eye-
come mi ky in appearance.T is condition is ca ed a cataract id that can damage the cornea and thus impair vision. Occa-
(Figure 11-8). Cataracts o ten inter ere with ocusing. Cataracts siona y in ections o the conjunctiva spread to the tissues o the
are especia y troub esome in dim ight because weak beams o eye proper and cause permanent injuryeven tota b indness.
In addition to in ection, conjunctivitis a so may be caused
by a ergies. T e red, itchy, watery eyes common y associated
with a ergic reactions to po en and other substances resu t
rom an a ergic in ammation response o the conjunctiva.
A ergy and hypersensitivity reactions are discussed urther in
S Chapter 16. rauma to the eye may cause b eeding be ow the
R L conjunctiva resu ting in a subconjunctival hemorrhage.

I Strabismus
FIGURE 11-8 Cataract. Notice the cloudiness o the le t eye character- Yet another manner in which re raction can be disrupted oc-
istic o advanced cataracts. The normal right eye is not cloudy. curs when one eye does not ocus on the same object as the
CHAPTER 11 Senses 301

sporting injury. Common warning signs inc ude the sudden

appearance o oating spots that may decrease over a period
o weeks and odd ashes o ight that appear when the eye 11
moves. I e t untreated, the retina may detach comp ete y and
S cause tota b indness in the a ected eye.
R L A number o treatments are avai ab e or correcting retina
detachment. A traditiona approach is the use o aser therapy.
Another approach invo ves p acing a tight co ar around the
FIGURE 11-10 Strabismus. This child exhibits convergent le t eye eyeba to increase pressure within the eye. T e high pressure
strabismus. o the je y ike vitreous humor ho ds the retina in p ace against
the rear o the eyeba .

other eye. Norma y, we use binocular (two-eyed) vision in Diabetic Retinopathy

which both eyes aim toward the same object at the same time. Diabetes mellitus, a disorder invo ving the hormone insu in,
Because the eyes are separated by a short distance, the images may cause a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. In this
ormed in each eye do not match exact ya act that a ows disorder, diabetes causes sma hemorrhages in retina b ood
depth perception. vesse s that disrupt the oxygen supp y to the photoreceptors
I the positioning o the eyes cannot be coordinated, a (see Figure 11-5, D). T e eye responds by bui ding new but
condition ca ed strabismus or squint resu ts. In some cases, abnorma vesse s that b ock vision and may cause detachment
the eyes may diverge outward to the side, a condition ca ed o the retina.
divergent squint. I one or both eyes converge toward the nose, Diabetic retinopathy is considered one o the eading
the condition is ca ed convergent squint or cross-eye. T e causes o b indness in the United States. Fortunate y, treat-
photo in Figure 11-10 shows a chi d with convergent e t eye ments deve oped over the ast two decades have improved the
strabismus. out ook in this regard. For examp e, a type o aser therapy in
Usua y the brain compensates or missing or unusua e e- which aser beams are used to sea o hemorrhaging retina
ments in the visua f e d. H owever, in severe cases o strabis- vesse s has been used success u y in many cases.
mus, the eyes may be so ar o in their center o ocus that the
brain cannot mesh the two resu ting images into a sing e Glaucoma
picture. Another common condition that can damage the retina is
Strabismus is usua y caused by para ysis, weakness, or an- glaucoma. intraocular
other abnorma ity a ecting the externa musc es o the eye. pressure caused by abnorma accumu ation o aqueous humor.
W hatever the cause, strabismus o ten can be corrected by As uid pressure against the retina increases above norma ,
treatment in ear y chi dhood that orces the eyes to ocus to-
gether, by means o therapeutic training, corrective enses, or causes degeneration o the retina and thus a oss o vision.
by corrective surgery. I e t untreated, by about 6 years o age A though acute orms o g aucoma can occur, most cases
the visua centers in the brain wi earn to ignore in ormation deve op s ow y over a period o years. T is chronic orm may
rom one eyecausing a decrease in visua acuity and perma- not produce symptoms, especia y in its ear y stages. For this
nent b indness in the a ected eye. reason, routine eye examinations typica y inc ude a screening
test or g aucoma.
QUICK CHECK As chronic g aucoma progresses, damage f rst appears at
1. Ho w d o m yo p ia a n d hyp e ro p ia d i e r in te rm s o o cu s in g the edges o the retina, causing a gradua oss o periphera
a n im a g e o n th e re tin a ? vision resu ting in a condition known common y as tunne
2. Wh a t is s tra b is m u s ? Ho w is it tre a te d ? vision. B urred vision and headaches a so may occur. As the
3. Wh a t is p in k e ye ?
4. Wh a t p a rt o th e e ye is a e cte d w h e n a n in d ivid u a l h a s
damage becomes more extensive, ha os are seen around
ca ta ra cts ? bright ights. I untreated, g aucoma eventua y produces tota ,
permanent b indness.

D is o r d e r s o t h e Re t in a Retinal Degeneration
Damage to the retina impairs vision because even a we - Degeneration o the retina can cause di cu ty seeing at night
ocused image cannot be perceived i some or a o the ight or in dim ight. T is condition is ca ed nyctalopia or night
receptors do not unction proper y. b indness.
Nycta opia a so can be caused by a def ciency o vitamin A.
Retinal Detachment Vitamin A is needed to make photopigment in rod ce s.
For examp e, in a condition ca ed retinal detachment, part o Photopigment is a ight-sensitive chemica that triggers
the retina a s away rom the tissue supporting it (see stimu ation o the visua nerve pathway. A ack o vitamin A
Figure 11-5, C). T is condition o ten resu ts rom norma aging, may resu t in a ack o photopigment in rods, a condition that
eye tumors, or rom sudden b ows to the headas in a impairs dim- ight vision.
302 CHAPTER 11 Senses

T e eading cause o permanent b indness in the e der y QUICK CHECK

is progressive degeneration o the centra part o the retina.
11 Ca ed age-related macular degeneration (AMD ), this
1. Ho w d o th e va rio u s typ e s o re ra cto ry e ye s u rg e ry
im p rove e ye s ig h t? Wh a t is LAS IK?
condition a ects the part o the retina that is most essentia 2. Ho w d o e s g la u co m a h a rm th e re tin a ?
to good visionthe centra region ca ed the macula. T e 3. Wh a t is nycta lo p ia ? Wh a t typ e o vita m in d e f cie n cy is
exact cause o the degeneration is unknown, but the risk or a s s o cia te d w ith th is co n d itio n ?
deve oping this condition increases with age a ter reaching
50. O ther known risk actors inc ude cigarette smoking and
a ami y history o the disorder. D is o r d e r s o t h e Vis u a l P a t h w a y
Damage or degeneration in the optic nerve, the brain, or any
Learn more about wet and dry orms o AMD part o the visua pathway between them can impair vision
and how lasers or injections may be used to treat (see Figure 11-6). For examp e, the pressure associated with
them in the article Therapy or Macular Degenera- g aucoma a so can damage the optic nerve. Diabetes, a ready
tion at Connect It! at cited as a cause o retina damage, a so can cause degeneration
o the optic nerve.
Damage to the visua pathway does not a ways resu t in
Color Blindness tota oss o sight. Depending on where the damage occurs,
on y a part o the visua f e d may be a ected. For examp e, a
color blindness are caused by genes on the X chromosome certain orm o neuritis o ten associated with mu tip e sc ero-
that produce abnorma photopigments in the cones. Each o sis can cause oss o on y the center o the visua f e da
three photopigments in cones is sensitive to one o the pri- condition ca ed scotoma.
mary co ors o ight: green, b ue, and red. In many co or-b ind A cerebrovascu ar accident (CVA), or stroke, can cause vi-
individua s, the green-sensitive photopigment is missing or sion impairment when the resu ting tissue damage occurs in
def cient; at other times, the red-sensitive photopigment is one o the regions o the brain that process visua in ormation
abnorma . Def ciency o the b ue-sensitive photopigment is (see Figure 10-14). For examp e, damage to an area that pro-
very rare. cesses in ormation about co ors may resu t in a rare condition
Co or-b ind individua s see co ors, but they cannot distin- ca ed acquired cortical color blindness. T is condition is charac-
guish among a o them norma y. Because co or b indness is terized by di cu ty in distinguishing any co ornot just one
an X- inked genetic trait, more men than women have this or two co ors as in the more common inherited orms o reti-
condition (see Chapter 25). A though co or b indness is an na co or b indness.
abnorma ity, it is not usua y considered a c inica disease.
Co ored f gures are o ten used to screen individua s or
He a r in g a n d Eq u ilib r iu m
co or b indness (Figure 11-11). A person with red-green co or
b indness cannot see the number 74 in Figure 11-11, A, whereas In addition to its ro e in hearing, the ear a so unctions as the
a person with norma co or vision can. sense organ o ba ance, or equilibrium. T e stimu ation, or
o determine which photopigment is def cient, red or trigger, that activates receptors invo ved with hearing and
green, a co or-b ind person may be eva uated using a f gure equi ibrium is mechanica , and the receptors themse ves are
simi ar to Figure 11-11, B. Persons with a def ciency o red- ca ed mechanoreceptors. In hearing, sound vibrations trig-
sensitive photopigment can distinguish on y the number 2; ger nervous impu ses that are eventua y perceived in the brain
those def cient in green-sensitive photopigment can see on y as sound. In equi ibrium, changes in position or movement o
the number 4. the body trigger impu ses that ead to sensations o ba ance.

Ea r
T e ear is more than an appendage on the side o the head. A
arge part o the ear and its most important part ie hidden
rom view deep inside the tempora bone. T e ear is divided
into the o owing anatomica areas (Figure 11-12):
1. Externa ear
2. Midd e ear
3. Inner (interna ) ear

External Ear
T e externa ear has two parts: the auricle, or pinna, and the
FIGURE 11-11 Color vision screening. A, People with normal color external acoustic canal. T e auric e is the appendage on the
vision can see 74 in this mosaic; people with red-green color blindness can-
not. B, This mosaic is used to classi y the type o red-green color blindness side o the head surrounding the opening o the externa
a patient has. I the patient sees only the 2, the red-sensitive cones are acoustic cana . A number o the anatomica andmarks o the
abnormal. I only the 4 is seen, the green-sensitive cones are abnormal. externa ear are identif ed in Figure 11-12.
CHAPTER 11 Senses 303

Exte rnal e ar e ar Inne r e ar

(Not to s ca le ) 11
Auditory os s icle s
Auricle S e micircula r ca na ls
(pinna ) Ma lle us Ova l window
Te mpora l Incus
bone Fa cia l ne rve
S ta pe s
Ve s tibula r
ne rve
Ve s tibulo-
cochle a r
He lix Cochle a r
ne rve
ne rve
Antihe lix
Ve s tibule
Tra gus

Cochle a

Exte rna l Tympa nic

a cous tic me mbra ne
ca na l
Antitra gus
Lobule (e a rlobe )
FIGURE 11-12 Ear. External, middle, and inner
ear structures. Structures not shown to scale.

Because it ies exposed against the bony sur ace o the In peop e who su er rom gout, sma nodu es made up o
sku , the auric e is requent y injured by b unt trauma. Bruis- urate crysta s and ca ed tophi, o ten appear on the upper
ing may then cause an accumu ation o b ood and tissue uid edge o the helix. Another type o nodu e that may appear on
between the skin and under ying carti age. I e t untreated, the he ix is ca ed a Darwin tubercle. It is considered a varia-
the c assic swe ing o cau i ower ear may deve op and be- tion o norma and requires no treatment.
come permanent. T e skin behind the ear is rich in sebaceous A though controversia , there is some evidence to suggest
g ands. And, i they become in ected, pain u cysts deve op that the presence o ob ique ear obe creases (Franks sign) in
that must be drained. individua s over the age o 50 may be re ated to coronary ar-
tery disease.
Note in Figure 11-12 that the tragus o the auric e ies just
anterior to the opening to the acoustic cana . T e cana itse is
HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G a curving tube about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in ength. It extends into
the tempora bone and ends at the tympanic membrane, or
S WIMMERS EAR eardrum, which is a partition between the externa and mid-
Exte rnal otitis , or s w im m e rs e ar, is a com m on in e ction o d e ear. Sound waves trave ing through the externa acoustic
the exte rnal e ar in athle te s . It can be bacte rial or cana strike the tympanic membrane and cause it to vibrate.
ungal in origin and is us ually as s ociate d T e skin o the acoustic cana , especia y in its outer one
w ith prolonge d expos ure to wate r. The third, contains many short hairs and ceruminous glands that
in e ction ge ne rally involve s , at le as t produce a waxy substance ca ed cerumen. Cerumen, or
to s om e exte nt, the acous tic canal earwax, he ps keep the cana s skin rom drying and
and auricle . The e ar as a w hole is aking. It a so traps dust that enters the cana and is
te nde r, re d, and s wolle n. Tre at-
then carried toward the exterior as the epithe ium
m e nt o s w im m e rs e ar us ually
grows outward rom the inner cana . H owever, ceru-
involve s antibiotic the rapy and
pre s cription analge s ics . men may co ect in excess and impair hearing by ab-
sorbing or b ocking the passage o sound waves.
S Just as an ophtha moscope is used to view the in-
terior o the eyeba and examine the retina, a ighted
instrument ca ed an otoscope is used to examine the
I externa ear cana and outer sur ace o the tympanic
304 CHAPTER 11 Senses

S Ha ndle of ma lle us
(s e e n through me mbra ne ) S we lling Ce rume n
11 A


Tympa nic me mbra ne

FIGURE 11-13 Examining the external ear. A, Using a lighted otoscope to view the external ear canal
and tympanic membrane. B, Note the translucent, pearly-gray appearance o a normal tympanic membrane
(with a bit o white glare rom the otoscope light in the lower right). The handle o the malleus can be seen
attaching near the center o the inner sur ace o the membrane. C, Acute otitis media. Note the red, thickened,
and bulging tympanic membrane. D, Cerumen (earwax) in ear canal.

membrane (Figure 11-13, A and B). Changes in the appearance W hen air pressures are unequa , the tympanic membrane may
o the ear cana and tympanic membrane can provide a ski ed remain stretchedsometimes becoming quite pain u and
observer with a great dea o in ormation. reducing its abi ity to vibrate.
For examp e, midd e ear in ections cause the eardrum to
become red and in amed and to bu ge outward into the ear Inner Ear
cana as pus and other uids accumu ate in the midd e ear Anatomica y, the inner ear consists o three spaces in the
(Figure 11-13, C). Foreign objects or excess cerumen in the tempora bone, assemb ed in a comp ex maze ca ed the bony
ear cana , in ammation o the ining o the cana caused by labyrinth. T is odd-shaped bony space is f ed with a watery
pro onged exposure to moisture or bacteria in ection (swim- uid ca ed perilymph and is divided into the o owing parts:
mers ear), and per oration o the eardrum itse are a so easi y vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. T e vestibu e is
observed using an otoscope (Figure 11-13, D). adjacent to the ova window between the semicircu ar cana s
and the coch ea (Figure 11-14).
Middle Ear Note in Figure 11-14 that a ba oon ike membranous sac is
T e midd e ear is a tiny and very thin epithe ium- ined cavity suspended in the peri ymph and o ows the shape o the bony
ho owed out o the tempora bone (Figure 11-12). It is an air- abyrinth much ike a tube within a tube. T is is the
f ed space housing three very sma bones. T e names o membranous labyrinth, and it is f ed with a thicker uid
these ear bones, ca ed ossicles, describe their shapes ca ed endolymph.
malleus (hammer), incus (anvi ), and stapes (stirrup).
T e hand e o the ma eus attaches to the inside o the He a r in g
tympanic membrane, and the head attaches to the incus (see H earing is the sensation o the intensity and requency (tone)
Figure 11-13, B). T e incus attaches to the stapes, and the stapes o sounds in our environment.
presses against a membrane that covers a sma opening, the Sound waves are simp y pressure waves in the air. Such
oval window. T e ova window separates the midd e ear rom waves can be unne ed by the auric e into the externa acoustic
the inner ear. cana and strike the tympanic membrane. Sound waves cause
W hen sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, that the eardrum to vibrate, and that movement is then transmit-
movement is transmitted and amp if ed by the ear ossic es as it ted and amp if ed by the ear ossic es as it passes through the
passes through the midd e ear. Movement o the stapes against midd e ear. Movement o the stapes against the ova window
the ova window causes movement o uid in the inner ear. causes movement o peri ymph uid in the inner ear, which in
A point worth mentioning, because it exp ains the requent turn triggers vibrations o the endo ymph.
spread o in ection rom the throat to the ear, is that a tube T e vibration waves now trave through the uid o the
the auditory tube, or eustachian tubeconnects the throat inner ear to the organ o hearingthe organ o Corti
with the midd e ear. T e epithe ia ining o the midd e ears, which ies within the cur ing, snai -shaped coch ea. A so
auditory tubes, and throat are extensions o one continuous ca ed the spiral organ, it is surrounded by endo ymph, f ing
membrane. Consequent y, in ection causing a sore throat may the membranous abyrinth, which is the membranous tube
spread to produce a midd e ear in ection ca ed otitis media within the bony coch ea. Ci iated hair ce s on the organ o
(see Figure 11-13, C). Corti generate nerve impu ses when they are bent by the
T e unction o a hea thy auditory tube is to equa ize air movement o endo ymph set in motion by sound waves (see
pressure between the midd e ear and the outside environment. Figure 11-14 and Figure 11-15).
CHAPTER 11 Senses 305

S e micircula r Pe rilymph s pa ce
ca na ls
Endolymph s pa ce
(within me mbra ne ) 11
Ve s tibulocochle a r ne rve
(cra nia l ne rve VIII)

Ve s tibula r
ne rve

Cochle a r
ne rve

Ve s tibule

Ova l window

S e ns ory Orga n of Corti
Cochle a I ha ir ce lls
FIGURE 11-14 Inner ear. A, The bony labyrinth is the hard outer wall o the entire inner ear and includes semicir-
cular canals, vestibule, and cochlea. Within the bony labyrinth is the membranous labyrinth (purple), which is sur-
rounded by perilymph and lled with endolymph. Each ampulla in the vestibule contains a crista ampullaris that detects
changes in head position and sends sensory impulses through the vestibular nerve to the brain. B, The inset shows a
section o the membranous cochlea. Hair cells in the organ o Corti detect sound and send the in ormation through the
cochlear nerve. The vestibular and cochlear nerves join to orm the vestibulocochlear nerve, or cranial nerve VIII.

Ma lle us
Cochle a r ne rve
Tympa nic S ta pe s Cochle a r
me mbra ne duct

Exte rna l
a cous tic
ca na l

Ha ir ce lls on
Ova l window orga n of Corti
(s pira l orga n)

Auditory tube
Ba s ila r me mbra ne
(s pira l me mbra ne ) I

FIGURE 11-15 E ect o sound waves in the ear. Sound waves strike the tympanic membrane and cause it to
vibrate. This vibration causes the membrane o the oval window to vibrate. Vibration o the oval window causes the
perilymph in the bony labyrinth o the cochlea to move, which causes the endolymph in the membranous labyrinth o
the cochlea or cochlear duct to move. This movement o endolymph stimulates hair cells on the organ o Corti (spiral
organ) to generate a nerve impulse. The nerve impulse travels over the cochlear nerve, which becomes a part o cranial
nerve VIII. Eventually, nerve impulses reach the auditory cortex and are interpreted as sound.
306 CHAPTER 11 Senses

11 S e micircula r
Ampulla e

Ma cula e Ve s tibula r
ne rve
Ve s tibule

Cris ta a mpulla ris

S a nd cupula S

L M Ve s tibula r ne rve L M
A bra nch


Ma cula

FIGURE 11-16 Static equilibrium. A, Structure o vestibule showing

placement o the maculae, which have mechanoreceptors that detect our B Cris ta C
sense o gravity or static equilibrium. B, Macula stationary in upright posi-
tion. C, Macula displaced by gravity as person bends over. FIGURE 11-17 Dynamic equilibrium. A, Semicircular ducts showing
location o the crista ampullaris and cupula in ampullae. B, When a person
is at rest, the crista ampullaris and cupula do not move. C, As a person be-
T is activation o mechanoreceptors in the organ o Corti gins to spin, the cupula bends and the crista ampullaris is displaced by the
inside the coch ea o the inner ear generates nervous impu ses endolymph in a direction opposite to the direction o spin. This produces the
that trave through the cochlear nerve to the brain and resu ts sensation o dynamic equilibrium.
in hearing.

I you would like to learn how cochlear T e three semicircu ar cana s are ha -circ es oriented at
implants or artif cial ears work, check out right ang es to one another (Figure 11-17). W ithin each cana is
the article Cochlear Implants at Connect It! at a di ated area ca ed the ampulla that contains a sensory struc- ture ca ed a crista ampullaris, which generates a nerve im-
pu se when the speed or direction o movement o your head
changes. T is sense o motionis ca ed dynamic equilibrium.
To better understand this concept, use the
T e sensory ce s in the cristae ampu ares have hair ike
Active Concept Map Mechanism o Hearing
ci ia that are embedded in a ap ike cupula, which sways back
and orth within the endo ymph. T e sensory ce s are stimu-
ated when a change in movement o the head causes the
Eq u ilib r iu m endo ymph to move di erent y, thus causing the crista ampu -
T e mechanoreceptors or our sense o ba ance, or equilibrium, aris to sway with more or ess orce. Because each semicircu-
are ocated in the sac ike vestibu e and the three semicircu ar ar cana is ang ed in a di erent p ane o the body, the brain
cana s o the inner ear. can compare in ormation rom each crista ampu aris to de-
W ithin the vestibu e are two structures, each made up o a termine direction o movement.
patch o sensory hairs coated with a thick g ob o heavy ge . Nerves rom mechanoreceptors in the vestibu e join those
Each o these structures is ca ed a macula. W hen you bend rom the semicircu ar cana s to orm the vestibular nerve. T e
your head, gravity acts on the heavy ge to pu it one way or vestibu ar nerve then joins with the coch ear nerve to orm the
the other (Figure 11-16). T is, in turn, bends the ci ia o the hair vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) (see Figure 11-12). Eventua y,
ce s and thus produces a nerve signa . T is signa is interpreted nervous impu ses passing through this nerve reach the cerebe -
by the brain as our sense o gravity or static equilibrium. um and medu au timate y reaching the cerebra cortex.
CHAPTER 11 Senses 307

QUICK CHECK stimu ated by high- requency sounds. T us the inabi ity to
hear high-pitched sounds is common among the e der y.
1. Wh a t s tru ctu re in th e e a r vib ra te s w h e n s o u n d wa ve s
tra ve l th ro u g h th e a co u s tic ca n a l? W hether a person is young or o d, research shows that 11
2. Why d o e s a n in e ctio n o th e th ro a t o te n s p re a d a n d protecting onese rom oud noises and constant noises can
ca u s e a m id d le e a r in e ctio n ca lle d o titis m e d ia ? reduce hearing oss over time.
3. Wh a t u id f lls th e m e m b ra n o u s la b yrin th ? th e o rga n o
Co rti? Eq u ilib r iu m D is o r d e r s
4. Wh e re a re th e m e ch a n o re ce p to rs o r b a la n ce a n d e q u ilib -
riu m lo ca te d ? Equi ibrium disorders are o ten characterized by vertigo
(sensation o spinning), disorientation, a ing (or ee ing o
a ing), dizziness, and/or ightheadedness. Some anxiety dis-
orders can a so cause these symptoms, but are not true equi-
To learn more about the process o hearing, go to
ibrium disorders.
AnimationDirect online at
Some equi ibrium disorders are caused by in ection or in-
ammation o the inner ear, others by head injuries, nerve
damage, or unknown causes. emporary equi ibrium impair-
He a r in g a n d Eq u ilib r iu m D is o r d e r s
ment sometimes occurs when the brain receives con icting
He a r in g D is o r d e r s sensory in ormation about body movement rom mu tip e
H earing prob ems can be divided into two basic categories: senses (vision, ba ance, proprioception, etc.)as in motion
conduction impairment and nerve impairment. Conduction sickness.
impairment re ers to the b ocking o sound waves as they Mnire disease is a chronic inner ear disease o unknown
trave through the externa and midd e ear to the sensory re- cause. Mnire disease is characterized by tinnitus, progressive
ceptors o the inner ear (the conduction pathway). Nerve nerve dea ness, and vertigo.
impairment resu ts in insensitivity to sound because o inher-
ited or acquired nerve damage. QUICK CHECK
T e most obvious cause o conduction impairment is 1. Wh a t is tin n itu s ?
b ockage o the externa auditory cana . Waxy bui dup o ceru- 2. Wh a t is th e p ro g re s s ive h e a rin g lo s s ca u s e d b y n e rve
men common y b ocks conduction o sound toward the tym- im p a irm e n t th a t is co m m o n in th e e ld e rly?
3. Wh a t a re th e tw o b a s ic ca te g o rie s o h e a rin g p ro b le m s ?
panic membrane (see Figure 11-13, D). Foreign objects, tumors,
and other matter can b ock conduction in the externa or
midd e ear.
An inherited bone disorder ca ed otosclerosis impairs
Ta s t e
conduction by causing structura irregu arities in the stapes. O ur sense o tasteor gustationa ows us to chemica y
O tosc erosis usua y f rst appears during chi dhood or ear y ana yze ood be ore we bite or swa ow it.
adu thood as tinnitus, or ringing in the ear. T e taste buds are the sense organs o taste. T ey contain
emporary conduction impairment o ten resu ts rom ear both supporting ce s and chemoreceptors ca ed gustatory
in ection, or otitis. As stated ear ier, the structure o the audi- cells. T ese ce s generate the nervous impu ses u timate y
tory tube makes the midd e ear prone to bacteria or vira otitis interpreted by the brain as taste (Figure 11-18).
media. O titis media o ten produces swe ing and pus orma- Nervous impu ses that are generated by stimu ation o taste
tion that b ocks the conduction o sound through the midd e buds trave primari y through two crania nerves (CN VII and
ear. Permanent damage to structures o the midd e ear occa- CN IX) to end in the taste area o the cerebra cortex.
siona y occurs in severe cases. In ectious organisms rom a A though a ew taste buds are ocated in the ining o the
midd e ear in ection that invade the mastoid bone are o ten mouth and on the so t pa ate, most are ocated on the sides o
di cu t to treat (see discussion in Chapter 8 on p. 185). T ey much arger and di ering shaped bumps scattered across the
cause redness, in ammation, and swe ing o the mastoid pro- tongue ca ed papillae. About 10 to 15 arge circumvallate
cess that may push the auric e away rom the sku . H earing papillae orm an inverted V pattern at the back o the
oss may be a comp ication in severe cases. tongue and contain the most taste buds.
H earing oss caused by nerve impairment is common in Each taste bud, as you can see in Figure 11-18, C, opens
the e der y. Ca ed presbycusis, this progressive hearing oss through an opening into a trench ike moat that surrounds the
associated with aging resu ts rom degeneration o nerve tis- papi a and is f ed with sa iva. Chemica s disso ved in the
sue in the ear and the vestibu ococh ear nerve. sa iva stimu ate the chemoreceptor gustatory ce s. A tastes
A simi ar type o hearing oss occurs a ter chronic exposure can be detected in a areas o the tongue that contain taste
to oud noises that damages receptors in the organ o Corti. buds.
Because di erent sound requencies (tones) stimu ate di erent Physio ogists origina y counted on y our primary taste
regions o the organ o Corti, hearing impairment is imited sensationssweet, sour, bitter, and saltythat permit us to
to on y requencies associated with the damaged portion o detect sugars, acids, a ka ines, and sodium ions disso ved in our
the organ o Corti. For examp e, the portion o the organ sa iva. H owever, the ist o primary taste sensations has ex-
o Corti that degenerates f rst in presbycusis is norma y panded to inc ude severa others present in most individua s.
308 CHAPTER 11 Senses

Pa la tine Circumva lla te Lingua l tons il FIGURE 11-18 Tongue. A, Dorsal sur ace o the tongue. B, Section
tons il pa pilla e through a papilla with taste buds on the side. C, Enlarged view o a section
11 through a taste bud.

Ne rve Gus ta tory Gus ta tory

fibe rs ce ll ha irs
Ta s te buds Ora l S upporting
e pithe lium ce ll

Folia te
pa pilla e

Ta s te

pa pilla e



S m e ll
Current y, metallic taste (to detect meta ions) and a sa-
vory, meaty taste ca ed umami (to detect the amino acid T e chemoreceptors responsib e or sme or ol action are
g utamate) have been added to the ist o primary tastes. T e ocated in a sma area o epithe ia tissue in the upper part o
ist continues to grow. O course, some individua s are ab e to the nasa cavity (Figure 11-19). T e ocation o the ol actory
sense a arger number o tastes than others. Notab e examp es receptors is somewhat hidden, and we o ten have to orce u y
inc ude experts and supertasters who, it is said, can detect sni air to sme de icate odors.
itera y dozens o discrete and di erent tastes in wine, co ee, Each o actory ce has a number o sensory ci ia that detect
tea, and other oods and beverages. di erent chemica s and cause the ce to respond by generating

Olfa ctory Olfa ctory Olfa ctory Olfa ctory Olfa ctory Olfa ctory Tha la mic
e pithe lium bulb ne rve s tra ct bulb tra ct ce nte r

Olfa ctory
e pithe lium
Na s a l


Na s a l cavity I

Odor Olfa ctory Olfa ctory

mole cule s cilia ce lls

FIGURE 11-19 Ol actory structures. Gas molecules

stimulate ol actory cells in the nasal epithelium. Sensory
in ormation is then conducted along nerves in the ol ac-
tory bulb and ol actory tract to sensory processing cen-
ters in the brain.
CHAPTER 11 Senses 309

a nervous impu se. o be detected by o actory receptors, For examp e, most o what we think o as avor sensations
chemica s must be disso ved in the watery mucus that ines the resu t rom a combination o sensory stimu i detected by gus-
nasa cavity. tatory ce s, o actory receptors, and even touch and pain re- 11
T e o actory receptors are extreme y sensitive and respond ceptors. In other words, the myriad unique avors we recog-
quick y to even very s ight odors. H owever, they are a so easi y nize are not just tastes a one but are a combined sensation
atigueda act that exp ains why odors that are at f rst very based on tastes, odors, touch, temperature, and pain.
noticeab e are not sensed at a a ter a short time. T is de- For this reason, severe nasa congestion can inter ere with
crease in receptor sensitivity is ca ed adaptation. the stimu ation o the o actory receptors by odors rom oods
A ter the o actory ce s are stimu ated by odor-causing in the mouth, which can marked y du avor sensations (see
chemica s, the resu ting nerve impu se trave s through the o ac- Figure 11-19). Some oods seem to have a di erent avor i they
tory nerves in the o actory bu b and tract and then enters the are crispy or warm or co d. And some spicy oods stimu ate
tha amic and o actory centers o the brain, where the nervous pain or temperature receptors to produce a hot avor. Some
impu ses are interpreted as specif c odors. T e pathways taken by mints can produce a sensation o coo ness that adds to our
o actory nerve impu ses and the areas where these impu ses are experience o avor.
interpreted are c ose y associated with areas o the brain impor- Sme sensations, even more than other modes o sensa-
tant in memory and emotion. For this reason, we may retain tion, are o ten power u triggers o memory. Yet a sensations
vivid and ong- asting memories o particu ar sme s and odors. are compared to our earned memories, which he p us accu-
rate y interpret what we are sensing at any one moment.
QUICK CHECK We o ten combine the senses o equi ibrium with vision and
1. Id e n ti y th e p rim a ry ta s te s th a t h u m a n s ca n p e rce ive . proprioception to maintain our posture and ba ancethus
2. Why a re o d o rs th a t a re ve ry n o tice a b le a t f rs t, n o t s e n s e d maintaining a sa e body position under changing circumstances.
a t a ll a te r a s h o rt tim e ? We shou d a so remind ourse ves that some sensory in or-
3. Tra ce th e p a th wa y o s m e ll ro m th e o l a cto ry ce lls to th e
b ra in .
mation is processed and perceived subconscious y. You cannot
ee your b ood pH go up or down, but your brain is con-
stant y aware o such changes. Likewise, you cannot state your
To learn more about how the brain interprets odors, current b ood oxygen saturationbut your subconscious
go to AnimationDirect online at mind is aware o the precise eve .
W ith a the senses, advancing age o ten brings a structura
degeneration that resu ts in reduced unction. Mechanorecep-
In t e g r a t io n o S e n s e s tors in our ears become ess sensitive, our enses become ess
Looking at the big picture o sensation, we shou d remind ab e to adjust our visua ocus, and we s ow y ose taste and
ourse ves that sensations are a perceived in the brainnot at sme unction. T is may exp ain why some oods just dont
the individua receptors scattered throughout the body. Some taste the same as they did when we were younger. It is no
sensory signa s never get to the brain, others are amp if ed or wonder that some o der adu ts become iso ated and depressed
mu ed in the brain. A incoming signa s are integrated with when their contact with the outside wor d, through the senses,
other sensory signa s and even memories to produce our per- is gradua y ost. Caring hea th pro essiona s recognize these
ceptions, which are rea y a combined sensation o our wor d signs o aging and provide assistance needed by their aged
at that moment. patients to once again enjoy i e.

Santiago Ramn y Cajal is consid- The s tudy o the s e ns ory as pe ct o the ne rvous s ys te m and
ered by many to be the originator o its re lations hips w ith the re s t o the body is us e ul in m any
the modern view o the nervous di e re nt f e lds . For exam ple , the ide as us e d by o pto m e tris ts
systems organization. He not only and o phthalm o lo g is ts , o to lo g is ts and audio lo g is ts , and
uncovered much about sensory cen- othe r pro e s s ionals w ho as s e s s and tre at s e ns ory dis orde rs
ters o the cortex and the structure are bas e d on ne uros cie nce .
o the retina but also made impor- Many othe r f e lds m ake indire ct us e o ne uros cie nce as
tant discoveries about nearly every we ll. For exam ple , artis ts us e w hat we know o vis ual pe rce p-
part o the nervous system. Most o tion in cre ating the ir works , m us icians and archite cts m ake us e
this Spanish researchers ideas o our know le dge o s ound pe rce ption w he n pe r orm ing in or
Santiago Ramn y Cajal about the nervous system are intact de s igning conce rt halls , and ae ros pace pro e s s ionals can us e
(1852-1934) today. Although Santiago wanted to w hat we know o e quilibrium and how it is pe rce ive d in the
be an artist, his ather convinced brain to unde rs tand s patial orie ntation and m otion s ickne s s .
him to ollow in his ootsteps and become an anatomista
choice that led to his receiving a Nobel Prize in 1906.
310 CHAPTER 11 Senses

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 291)

circumvallate papilla ganglion cell mode
(ser-kum-VAL-ayt pah-PIL-ah) (GANG-lee-on sell) (mohd)
pl., papillae [gangli- knot, -on unit, cell storeroom] ol action
(pah-PIL-ee) general senses (ohl-FAK-shun)
[circum- around, -vall- post or stake, (J EN-er-al SEN-sez) [ol act- smell, -ion process]
-ate relating to, papilla nipple] gustation ol actory receptor
cochlea (GUS-tay-shun) (ohl-FAK-tor-ee ree-SEP-tor)
(KOHK-lee-ah) [gusta- taste, -tion process] [ol act- smell, -ory relating to, recept- receive,
[cochlea snail shell] -or agent]
gustatory cell
cochlear duct (GUS-tah-tor-ee sell) optic disk
(KOHK-lee-ar dukt) [gusta- taste, -ory relating to, cell storeroom] (OP-tic disk)
[cochlea- snail shell, -ar relating to] [opti- vision, -ic relating to]
cochlear nerve (HEE-liks) organ o Corti
(KOHK-lee-ar nerv) pl., helices (OR-gan ov KOR-tee)
[cochlea- snail shell, -ar relating to, (HEE-lis-eez) [organ tool or instrument, Al onso Corti Italian
nerv- string or nerve] [helix spiral] anatomist]
cone incus ossicle
(cohn) (IN-kus) (OS-sih-kul)
conjunctiva [incus anvil] [os- bone, -icle little]
(kon-junk-TIH-vah) intraocular pressure pain receptor
[con- together, -junct join] (in-trah-OK-yoo-lar PRESH-ur) (payn ree-SEP-tor)
cornea [intra- within, -ocul- eye, -ar relating to] [recept- receive, -or agent]
(KOR-nee-ah) iris papilla
[corn- horn, -a thing] (AYE-ris) (pah-PIL-ah)
crista ampullaris [iris rainbow] pl., papillae
(KRIS-tah am-pyoo-LAYR-is) lacrimal gland (pah-PIL-ee)
[crista ridge, ampu- ask, -ulla- little, (LAK-rih-mal gland) [papilla nipple]
-aris relating to] [lacrima- tear, -al relating to, gland- acorn] perilymph
cupula lens (PAYR-ih-lim )
(KYOO-pyoo-lah) (lenz) [peri- around, -lymph water]
pl., cupulae [lens lentil] photopigment
(KYOO-pyoo-lee) macula ( oh-toh-PIG-ment)
[cup- tub, -ula little] (MAK-yoo-lah) [photo- light, -pigment paint]
dynamic equilibrium pl., maculae or maculas photoreceptor
(dye-NAM-ik ee-kwi-LIB-ree-um) (MAK-yoo-lee or MAK-yoo-lahz) (FOH-toh-ree-sep-tor)
[dynam- moving orce, -ic relating to, [macula spot] [photo- light, -recept- receive, -or agent]
equi- equal, -libr- balance] macula lutea pinna
eardrum (MAK-yoo-lah LOO-tee-ah) (PIN-nah)
(EAR-drum) [macula spot, lutea yellow] [pinna wing or f n]
endolymph malleus proprioceptor
(EN-doh-lim ) (MAL-ee-us) (proh-pree-oh-SEP-tor)
[endo- within, -lymph water] [malleus hammer] [propri- ones own, -(re)cept- receive, -or agent]
eustachian tube mechanoreceptor pupil
(yoo-STAY-shun) (mek-an-oh-ree-SEP-tor) (PYOO-pill)
[Bartolomeo Eustachio Italian anatomist, [mechano- machine (mechanical), [pup- doll, -il little]
-an relating to] -recept- receive, -or agent] re erred pain
external acoustic canal membranous labyrinth (re-FERD payn)
(eks-TER-nal ah-KOO-stik kah-NAL) (MEM-brah-nus LAB-eh-rinth) re raction
[extern- outside, -al relating to, acoust- hearing, [membran- thin skin, -ous characterized by, (ree-FRAK-shun)
-ic relating to] labyrinth maze] [re- back or again, - ract- break, -tion process]
ovea centralis metallic retina
(FOH-vee-ah sen-TRAL-is) (meh-TAL-ik) (RET-ih-nah)
[ ovea pit, centralis in the center] [metal- metal, -ic relating to] [ret- net, -ina relating to]
CHAPTER 11 Senses 311

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 310)

rod stapes tympanic membrane
(rod) (STAY-peez) (tim-PAN-ik MEM-brayn)
sclera [stapes stirrup] [tympan- drum, -ic relating to,
(SKLEH-rah) static equilibrium membran- thin skin]
[sclera hard] (ee-kwih-LIB-ree-um) umami
semicircular canal [stat- stand, -ic relating to, equi- equal, (oo-MAH-mee)
(sem-ih-SIR-kyoo-lar kah-nal) -libr- balance] [umami savory]
[semi- hal , -circul-circle, -ar relating to] taste bud vestibular nerve
sensory receptor (tayst bud) (ves-TIB-yoo-lar nerv)
(SEN-soh-ree ree-sep-tohr) thermoreceptor [vestibul- entrance hall, -ar relating to,
[sens- eel, -ory relating to, recept- receive, (ther-moh-ree-SEP-tor) nerv- string or nerve]
-or agent] [thermo- heat, -cept- receive, -or agent] vestibule
special senses tragus (VES-tih-byool)
(SPESH-ul SEN-sez) (TRAY-gus) [vestibul- entrance hall]
spiral organ [tragus male goat] vitreous humor
(SPY-rel OR-gun) (VIT-ree-us HYOO-mer)
[spir- coiled, -al relating to, organ tool or [vitre- glassy, -ous o or like, humor uid]


age-related macular degeneration (AMD) hyperopia optometrist

(ayj ree-LAYT-ed MAK-yoo-lar (hye-per-OH-pee-ah) (op-TOM-eh-trist)
dih-jen-uh-RAY-shun) [hyper- excessive or above, -op- vision, [opti- vision, -metr- measure, -ist agent]
[macula- spot, -ar relating to, de- down, -ia condition] otitis
-generat- produce, -tion condition] laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) (oh-TYE-tis)
astigmatism (LAY-zer ah-SIS-ted in- SYE-too [ot- ear, -itis in ammation]
(ah-STIG-mah-tiz-em) kayr-at-oh-mil-YOO-sis) otitis media
[a- not, -stigma- point, -ism condition] [laser- shortened light amplif cation by (oh-TYE-tis MEE-dee-ah)
audiologist stimulated emission o radiation, in in, [ot- ear, -itis in ammation, media middle]
(aw-dee-OL-oh-jist) situ place, kera- horn, -mileusis carving] otosclerosis
[audio- hear, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent] Mnire disease (oh-toh-skleh-ROH-sis)
cataract (men-ee-AYR dih-ZEEZ) [oto- ear, -sclero- hard, -sis condition]
(KAT-ah-rakt) [Prosper Mnire French physician, otologist
[cataract broken water] dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] (oh-TOL-o-jist)
color blindness myopia [oto- ear, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent]
(KUL-or BLIND-nes) (my-OH-pee-ah) otoscope
[my- shut, -op- vision, -ia condition]
conjunctivitis (OH-toh-skohp)
(kon-junk-tih-VYE-tis) nyctalopia [oto- ear, -scop- see]
[con- together, -junct- join, -iv- relating to, (nik-tah-LOH-pee-ah) presbycusis
-itis in ammation] [nyct- night, -op- vision, -ia condition] (pres-bih-KYOO-sis)
diabetic retinopathy ophthalmologist [presby- elderly, -cusis hearing]
(dye-ah-BET-ik ret-in-AH-path-ee) (o -thal-MOL-eh-jist) presbyopia
[diabet- siphon (diabetes), -ic relating to, [oph- eye or vision, -thalm- inner chamber, (pres-bee-OH-pee-ah)
ret- net, -in- relating to, -path- disease, -o- combining vowel, -log- words (study o ), [presby- aging, -op- vision, -ia condition]
-y state] -ist agent]
radial keratotomy (RK)
glaucoma ophthalmoscope (RAY-dee-al KAR-ah-tah-toh-mee)
(glaw-KOH-mah) (o -THAL-mah-skohp) [radi- ray, -al relating to, kera- horn, -tom- cut,
[glauco- gray or silver, -oma tumor (growth)] [oph- eye or vision, -thalmo- inner chamber, -y action]
-scop- see]
312 CHAPTER 11 Senses

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 311)

retinal detachment tinnitus trachoma
(RET-in-al deh-TACH-ment) (tih-NYE-tus or TIN-nit-us) (trah-KOH-mah)
[ret- net, -in- relating to, -al relating to, [tinnitis ringing or tinkling] [trach- rough, -oma tumor]
de- remove, -tach- attach, -ment condition] tophus vertigo
scotoma (TOH- us) (VER-tih-go)
(skoh-TOH-mah) pl., tophi [vertigo turning]
[scoto- darkness, -oma tumor] (TOH- ye)
strabismus [tophus porous rock]
[strab- squinting, -ismus condition]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
S e ns o ry Pathw ays
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . A. A sense organs have common unctiona characteristics
1. A are ab e to detect a particu ar stimu us
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to 2. A stimu us resu ts in generation o a nerve impu se
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 3. A nerve impu se is processed and perceived as a sensa-
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s tion in the centra nervous system
or be ore a te s t.

Ge ne ral S e ns e s
Clas s if catio n o S e ns e s A. Distribution is widespread; sing e-ce receptors are
A. Genera senses common
1. Detected by sensory organs that exist as individua B. Modethe kind o stimu us or change a receptor or
ce s or receptor units (Table 11-1) sense is ab e to detect
2. W ide y distributed throughout the body C. Examp es o genera sensory receptors and their modes
B. Specia senses (Table 11-2) (Figure 11-1, Table 11-1)
1. Detected by arge and comp ex organs, or oca ized 1. Skin receptors
grouping o sensory receptors a. Free nerve endings (severa types)pain, discrimi-
C. Sensory receptor types native touch, tick e, and temperature
1. C assif ed by presence or absence o covering capsu e b. acti e (Meissner) corpusc ef ne touch and
a. Encapsu ated vibration
b. Unencapsu ated ( ree or naked)
2. C assif ed by type o stimu i (mode) required to acti- d. Lame ar (Pacini) corpusc epressure and
vate receptors vibration
a. Photoreceptors ( ight) e. Bu boid (Krause) corpusc etouch
b. Chemoreceptors (chemica s) 2. Musc e receptors
c. Pain receptors (injury) a. Go gi tendon receptorproprioception
d. T ermoreceptors (temperature change) b. Musc e spind eproprioception
e. Mechanoreceptors (movement or shape change) 3. Deep receptors
a. Stretch (pressure) receptors in ho ow organs
b. Chemica receptorsdetect pH , carbon dioxide,
other chemica s
CHAPTER 11 Senses 313

S pe cial S e ns e s B. Visua disorders

A. Vision a. Common ocusing prob ems (Figure 11-7) 11

1. Eye (Figure 11-2) (1) Myopia (nearsightedness) is o ten caused by
a. Layers o eyeba e ongation o the eyeba
(1) Fibrous ayertough outer coat (2) H yperopia ( arsightedness) is o ten caused by a
(a) Sc erawhite o eye shortened eyeba
(b) Corneatransparent part over iris (3) Astigmatism is distortion caused by an irregu-
(c) Conjunctivamucous membrane that arity o the cornea or ens
covers ront o f brous ayer and extends to (4) Presbyopia is arsightedness that occurs in ate
inside o eye ids adu thood due to reduced e asticity
(d) Lacrima g andsecretes tears that b. Cataracts i etime exposure to UV radiation can
moisten conjunctiva trigger ormation o hard, mi ky spots in the ens
(2) Vascu ar ayerhas dense network o b ood (Figure 11-8)
vesse s c. Conjunctivitis (in ammation o the conjunctiva)
(a) Choroidpigmented, me anin-rich ayer can inter ere with re raction
prevents scattering o ight (1) rachomachronic ch amydia in ection
(b) Iristhe co ored part o the eye; the pupi (2) Acute bacteria conjunctivitishigh y conta-
is the ho e in the center o the iris; con- gious in ection that produces a discharge o
traction o smooth musc e di ates or con- mucous pus (Figure 11-9)
stricts pupi (Figure 11-3) (3) Conjunctivitis can be caused by a ergies
(c) Lenstransparent body behind the pupi ; d. Strabismusimproper a ignment o eyes
ocuses or re racts ight rays on the retina (Figure 11-10)
(d) Ci iary musc enear ront o vascu ar (1) Eyes can converge (cross) or diverge
ayer, just outside the edge o the iris; con- (2) I not corrected, can cause b indness
traction a ects shape o ens just behind 2. Disorders o the retina
the iris, thus a tering ocus or near objects
(3) Inner ayerinnermost sensory ayer eye tumors, or head trauma
- b. Diabetic retinopathydamage to retina rom hem-
ceptors (Figure 11-4 and Figure 11-5) orrhages and growth o abnorma vesse s associated
with diabetes me itus
periphera vision c. G aucomaincreased intraocu ar pressure
ii. Conesreceptors or day vision and decreases b ood ow in retina and thus causes
co or vision retina degeneration
iii. Gang ion ce sreceptors or changing d. Nycta opia (night b indness) or the inabi ity to see
ight patterns o days, months, seasons in dim ight is caused by retina degeneration or
b. Eye uids ack o vitamin A
(1) Aqueous humorin the anterior chamber in e. Macu ar degenerationprogressive degeneration o
ront o the ens centra part o retina; eading cause o permanent
(2) Vitreous humorin the posterior chamber b indness in e der y
behind the ens
2. Visua pathway condition invo ving the inabi ity to perceive certain
a. Vision detects intensity (brightness) and wave- co ors; it is caused by an abnorma ity in the cones
ength (co or) o ight, as we as images and photopigments (Figure 11-11)
motion 3. Disorders o the visua pathway
b. Light must be re racted ( ocused) by the eye to a. Degeneration o the optic nerve resu ting rom dia-
orm a detectab e image betes, g aucoma, and other causes can impair vision
c. Innermost ayer o retina contains rods and cones b. Scotoma is the oss o on y the centra visua f e d
d. Impu se trave s rom the rods and cones through when on y certain nerve pathways are damaged
the bipo ar and gang ionic ayers o retina c. Cerebrovascu ar accidents (CVAs) can damage
(Figure 11-4) visua processing centers; examp e is acquired corti-
e. Nerve impu se eaves the eye at the optic disk and ca co or b indness
continues through the optic nerve; the point o exit C. H earing and Equi ibrium
(optic disk) is ree o receptors and is there ore a so 1. T e ear unctions in hearing and in equi ibrium using
ca ed a blind spot (Figure 11-5) receptors ca ed mechanoreceptors
. Visua interpretation occurs in the visua cortex o
the cerebrum (Figure 11-6)
314 CHAPTER 11 Senses

2. Ear (Figure 11-12) D. H earing and equi ibrium disorders

a. Externa ear 1. H earing Disorders
11 (1) Auric e (pinna) a. Conduction impairment
(2) Externa acoustic cana (1) Can be caused by b ockage o the externa or
(a) Curving cana 2.5 cm (1 inch) in ength midd e ear ( or examp e, by cerumen and
(b) Contains ceruminous g ands tumors)
(c) Ends at the tympanic membrane (2) O tosc erosisinherited bone disorder invo ving
(Figure 11-13) irregu arity o the stapes; it f rst appears as tin-
b. Midd e ear nitus (ringing), then progresses to hearing oss
(1) H ouses ear ossic esma eus, incus, and stapes (3) O titisear in ammation caused by in ection;
(2) Ends in the ova window can produce swe ing and uids that b ock
(3) T e auditory (eustachian) tube connects the sound conduction
midd e ear to the throat b. Nerve impairment
(4) In ammation ca ed otitis media (1) Presbycusisprogressive nerve dea ness associ-
c. Inner ear (Figure 11-14) ated with aging
(1) Bony abyrinth f ed with peri ymph (2) Progressive nerve dea ness a so can resu t rom
(2) Subdivided into the vestibu e, semicircu ar chronic exposure to oud noise
cana s, and coch ea 2. Equi ibrium disorders
(3) Membranous abyrinth f ed with endo ymph a. Characterized by vertigo, disorientation, a ing (or
3. H earing (Figure 11-15) a ing ee ing), dizziness, and/or ightheadedness
a. H earing detects changes in intensity and requency b. Motion sicknesstemporary equi ibrium prob em
(tone) o sound waves, which are pressure waves caused by mismatch o senses in the brain regard-
b. Sound waves unne ed by auric e into externa ing body movement
acoustic cana and vibrate the tympanic membrane c. Mnire diseasechronic inner ear disorder o
c. Vibrations o tympanic membrane are amp if ed by unknown cause; characterized by tinnitus, nerve
auditory ossic es and transmitted to the ova window dea ness, and vertigo
d. Vibrations o the ova window trigger vibrations o E. aste
peri ymph, which in turn vibrates the endo ymph 1. Sense o taste is a so ca ed gustation
e. Sensory hair ce s on the organ o Corti (spira
organ) respond when bent by the movement o sur- ocated in taste buds (Figure 11-18)
rounding endo ymph set in motion by sound waves; 3. Crania nerves VII and IX carry gustatory impu ses
can become damaged by chronic exposure to oud 4. Primary taste modes
noise a. Sweetdetects sugars
4. Equi ibriumtwo types o ba ance: static and b. Sourdetects acids
dynamic c. Bitterdetects a ka ine so utions
a. Static equi ibriumsense o gravity (Figure 11-16) d. Sa tydetects sodium ions
(1) Detected by ci iated hair ce s (mechanorecep- e. Meta icdetects meta ions
tors) o the two macu ae in the vestibu e . Umami (savory)detects g utamate (an amino acid)
(2) W hen the head ti ts, gravity pu s the heavy ge F. Sme (o action)
o each macu a, bending the sensory ci ia and 1. O actory receptorssensory f bers o o actory or
producing a nerve signa crania nerve I ie in o actory mucosa o nasa cavity
b. D ynamic equi ibriumsense o speed and direc- (Figure 11-19)
tion o movement (Figure 11-17) 2. O actory receptors are extreme y sensitive but easi y
(1) Detected by ci iated hair ce s (mechanorecep- adapt (become atigued)
tors) o the crista ampu aris (with ap ike 3. Odor-causing chemica s initiate a nervous signa that
cupu a) in the ampu a o each semicircu ar cana is interpreted as a specif c odor by the brain
(2) W hen speed or direction o movement o head 4. O action has a strong re ationship with emotions and
changes, the ow o endo ymph in semicircu ar memory
cana s is a tered, which causes change in bending
o sensory ci ia (producing a nerve signa )
c. Vestibu ar nerve carries nerve impu ses rom the
equi ibrium receptors o the vestibu e; joins with
coch ear nerve to orm vestibu ococh ear nerve
CHAPTER 11 Senses 315

(2) Nasa congestion inter eres with stimu ation o

Inte g ratio n o S e ns e s o actory receptors and thereby du s avor
1. A senses are processed and f na y perceived in the sensations 11
brain (not receptors) b. Posture and ba anceboth senses o equi ibrium
2. Sensory in ormation is combined to orm an overa with vision and proprioceptioncombine to he p
sensory perception o our wor d us maintain a sa e body position
a. F avor 3. Some sensory in ormation is processed subconscious y
(1) Combination o gustatory and o actory senses; 4. O ur senses may dec ine as we age
can be a ected by other senses, such as touch,
pain, or temperature

STUDY TIPS sensory system to their cause or mechanism. In the eye,
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in these are re raction, retina damage, or pathway damage.
m e e ting your le arning goals . In the ear, conduction, in ection, or nerve damage may
cause disorders. A chart may be the best way to organize
Each o the bodys s e ns e s m us t go through the ollow ing pro- this in ormation.
ce s s e s to pe r orm its unction: (1) de te ct the phys ical s tim ulus 2. In your study group, discuss how each o the sensory
to w hich it re s ponds and (2) conve rt that s tim ulus into a ne rve systems detect and respond to a stimu us. Photocopy the
im puls e . For exam ple , the eye m us t le t light in and ocus it on f gures o the sense organs, b acken out the abe s, and
a s pe cif c point; the re ce ptors conve rt that s tim ulus into a quiz each other on the name, ocation, and unction o
ne rve im puls e and s e nd it to the brain. each structure. Use on ine abe ing exercises (www as a resource.
1. W hen you study structures and their specif c unction in a -
sensory system, ocus on how they contribute to one o
these two processes. Use ash cards and other on ine the end o the chapter and discuss possib e test questions
resources to earn the specif c structures and their unc- in your study group.
tions in each sensory system. Link the disorders in the

Re vie w Que s tio ns 8. Def ne g aucoma and exp ain the cause o this condition.
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r 9. W hat are cataracts? W hat causes cataracts and how can
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r they be prevented?
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r 10. W hat is meant by the visual pathway? W here is the
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch blind spot and what causes it?
o your new le arning. 11. Exp ain how the disorder strabismus a ects vision.
12. W hat causes diabetic retinopathy?
1. Name the genera senses ound in the skin or subcutane- 13. Brie y exp ain the structure o the externa ear.
ous tissue and ist the type o stimu i to which each o 14. Exp ain how sound waves are transmitted through the
them responds. midd e ear.
2. List the two genera senses o proprioception and give 15. Exp ain how sound waves are converted to an auditory
the ocation o each. impu se.
3. W ith what type o in ormation do proprioceptors 16. Exp ain how the structures in the inner ear he p main-
provide us? tain ba ance or equi ibrium.
4. Describe how the iris changes the size o the pupi . 17. W hat is Mnire disease?
5. Exp ain how the ci iary musc es a ow the eye to ocus 18. W here are the gustatory ce s ocated, and to what
on near and ar objects. primary tastes do they respond?
6. W hat is presbyopia and what is its cause? 19. Exp ain how the sense o sme is stimu ated.
7. List the three types o receptor ce s in the retina. 20. Describe how gang ion ce s di er rom rods and cones
Exp ain the di erences between the three receptors.
316 CHAPTER 11 Senses

Critical Thinking Chapte r Te s t

11 A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
that you f nd di f cult. 1. T e eye can be c assif ed as a photoreceptor. aste and
sme can be c assif ed as ________, and Go gi tendon
21. Exp ain why ood oses some o its taste when you have receptors and musc e spind es can be c assif ed as
a bad co d or stu y nose. ________.
22. Exp ain why the onger you are in a new y painted room 2. T e specif c mechanoreceptor or ba ance is the
the ess ab e you are to sme the paint. ________.
23. Exp ain why the sme o a doctors o ce or the sme 3. T e gustatory ce s are invo ved with the sense o
o turkey cooking on T anksgiving can easi y generate ________.
an emotiona response? 4. T e our primary taste sensations that resu t rom the
24. H ow is sensory response re ated to age? stimu ation o the taste buds are ________, ________,
________, and ________.
high- requency tones; exp ain how this can happen. 5. aste buds can be ound on much arger structures on
the tongue ca ed ________.
6. T e chemoreceptors responsib e or the sense o sme
are the ________.
7. ________ is the gradua reduction in sensitivity to an
odor a ter initia contact.
8. T e ________ is a so known as the blind spot.
9. ________ keeps the acoustic cana rom drying and
10. ________ is used to examine the externa ear cana and
tympanic membrane

Match each structure o the eye in Column A with its corresponding unction or description in Column B.

Column A Column B
11. ________ sc era a. g and in which tears are ormed
12. ________ cornea b. ho e in the eye that ets ight in
13. ________ iris c. receptors or night vision or dim ight
14. ________ pupi d. thick je y ike uid o the eye
15. ________ acrima e. tough, white outer ayer o the eye
16. ________ ens . receptors or red, b ue, and green co or vision
17. ________ rods g. structure on which ci iary musc es pu to he p the eye ocus
18. ________ cones h. dark pigmented midd e ayer o the eye that prevents the scattering o incoming ight
19. ________ choroid coat i. transparent part o the sc era, the window o the eye
20. ________ vitreous body j. co ored part o the anterior o the eye
21. ________ aqueous humor k. thin, watery uid o the eye
CHAPTER 11 Senses 317

Match each structure o the ear in Column A with its corresponding unction or description in Column B.

Column A Column B 11
22. ________ tympanic membrane a. tube connecting the midd e ear and the throat
23. ________ ossic es b. watery uid that f s the bony abyrinth
24. ________ auditory tube c. snai -shaped structure in the inner ear
25. ________ peri ymph d. organ o hearing
26. ________ endo ymph e. thick uid in the membranous abyrinth
27. ________ coch ea . another term or eardrum
28. ________ organ o Corti g. co ective name or the incus, ma eus, and stapes

Match each disorder in Column A with its description in Column B.

Column A Column B
29. ________ myopia a. caused by increased uid pressure in the eye
30. ________ astigmatism b. an in ammation o the conjunctiva, pink eye
31. ________ conjunctivitis c. progressive degeneration o the centra part o the retina
32. ________ strabismus d. nearsightedness caused by the e ongation o the eyeba
33. ________ diabetic retinopathy e. an in ection o the midd e ear
34. ________ g aucoma . an improper a ignment o the eyes; can cause them to converge (cross)
35. ________ age-re ated macu ar g. chronic inner ear disorder o unknown cause; characterized by tinnitus, dea ness,
degeneration and vertigo
36. ________ co or b indness h. an X- inked genetic condition invo ving inabi ity to perceive some co ors
37. ________ otitis media i. damage to the retina caused by hemorrhage and abnorma vesse growth
38. ________ Mnire disease j. distortion o the image in the eye caused by irregu arities o the cornea or ens

b ack and white movie. She cannot distinguish ye ows,

Cas e S tudie s oranges, b ues, greens, reds, or any other co ors. W hat
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to might have caused Mrs. Starks prob ems?
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- 3. You have just been diagnosed with otitis media. Describe
book, and othe r re s ource s . what has happened to your body to produce this condi-
tion. I e t untreated, what are the possib e outcomes o
- this condition?
cation o diabetes me itus. Can you describe what struc- 4. Sharon went to the doctor comp aining o abdomina
pain in the right i iac region. A ter examination, the
As you were he ping him cross the street, a e ow pedes- doctor advised Sharon that he suspected a spina cord
trian sudden y stumb ed into your path. W ithout any prob em. H e re erred her to a neuro ogist and ordered
pre iminary tests o the spine to be sent to the doctors
o ce in preparation or her visit. Sharon is con used. H er
this way? pain is in her abdomen. W hy is he sending her to a
2. As a chi d, Mrs. Stark was tested or co or b indness and neuro ogist?
to d that she had norma co or vision. She never had any
prob ems distinguishing co ors unti short y a ter her Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
retirement, when sudden y she ost her sense o co or. She at
describes her perception o the wor d as being ike a
Endocrine System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Endocrine Glands, 320 Parathyroid Glands, 331

Mechanisms o Hormone Action, 320 Adrenal Glands, 331
Nonsteroid Hormones, 320 Location o Adrenal Glands, 331
Steroid Hormones, 321 Adrenal Cortex, 331
Regulation o Hormone Secretion, 324 Adrenal Medulla, 333
Negative Feedback, 324 Adrenal Abnormalities, 334
Positive Feedback, 324 Pancreatic Islets, 334
Levels o Regulation, 324 Sex Glands, 336
Mechanisms o Endocrine Disease, 325 Female Sex Glands, 336
Prostaglandins, 325 Male Sex Glands, 336
Pituitary Gland, 326 Thymus, 337
Structure o the Pituitary Gland, 326 Placenta, 337
Anterior Pituitary Gland Hormones, Pineal Gland, 338
326 Endocrine Functions Throughout the Body,
Posterior Pituitary Gland Hormones, 338
328 Other Endocrine Structures, 338
Hypothalamus, 328 Hormone Actions in Every Organ, 339
Thyroid Gland, 329
Thyroid Hormone, 329
Calcitonin, 330

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you -

should be able to: back mechanisms regulate the secre-
1. Do the ollowing related to endocrine tion o endocrine hormones.
endocrine disorders.
exocrine glands.
each major endocrine hormone and crine glands, list the major hormones
describe the conditions that may
- disorders o the endocrine system.
2. Describe the mechanisms o steroid and
nonsteroid hormone action.
Ha ve you ever known anyone with thyroid prob- LANGUAGE OF
ems or diabetes? Sure y you have seen the dramatic S C IEN C E
changes that happen to a persons body as he or she
goes through puberty. T ese are a proo o the
Be o re re ading the
importance o the endocrine system in norma
chapte r, s ay e ach o
deve opment and hea th. the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
T e endocrine system per orms the same genera the m as yo u re ad.
unctions as the nervous system: communication
and contro . T e nervous system provides rapid,
brie contro by way o ast-trave ing nerve im-
pu ses. T e endocrine system provides s ower but [adeno- gland, -hypo- under or below,
onger- asting contro by way o hormones (chem- -physis growth]
ica s) secreted into and circu ated by the b ood. adrenal cortex

T e main organs o the endocrine system are ocated in [ad- toward, -ren- kidney, -al relating
wide y separated parts o the body, as you can see in to, cortex bark]
Figure 12-1. adrenal medulla

In this chapter you wi read about the unctions o the main [ad- toward, -ren- kidney, -al relating
endocrine g ands and discover why their importance is a most im- to, medulla marrow or pith]
possib e to exaggerate. H ormones are the main regu ators o adrenocorticotropic hormone
metabo ism, growth and deve opment, reproduction, and (ACTH)
many other body activities. T ey p ay important
ro es in maintaining homeostasis uid and
e ectro yte, acid-base, and energy ba ances,
[adreno- gland, -cortic- bark,
or examp e. H ormones make the
-trop- nourish, -ic relating to,
di erence between norma cy and hormon- excite]

[aldo- aldehyde, -stero- solid or

steroid derivative, -one chemical]
anabolic steroid

[anabol- build up, -ic relating to,

stero- solid, -oid like]

[anabol- build up, -ism action]


[andro- male, -gen produce]

Continued on p. 339

320 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

names, ocations, and unctions o the we -known endocrine

Hypotha la mus
g ands are given in Figure 12-1 and Table 12-1.
P ituita ry
P ine a l
To get an overview o the endocrine system, go to
AnimationDirect online at
Pa ra thyroids

Thyroid M e c h a n is m s o Ho r m o n e Ac t io n
A hormone causes its target ce s to respond in particu ar
ways; this has been the subject o intense interest and research.
T e two major c asses o hormonesnonsteroid hormones
and steroid hormonesdi er in the mechanisms by which
Adre na ls they in uence target ce s.
Pa ncre a tic Hormones at
is le ts

N o n s t e ro id Ho r m o n e s
Nonsteroid hormones are who e proteins, shorter chains o
amino acids, or simp y versions o sing e amino acids. Nonste-
roid hormones typica y work according to the second-
messenger mechanism. According to this concept, a nonste-
roid protein hormone, such as thyroid-stimu ating hormone,
Ova rie s S acts as a f rst messenger (that is, it de ivers its chemica mes-
(fe ma le )
R L sage rom the ce s o an endocrine g and to high y specif c
Te s te s
(ma le ) I

FIGURE 12-1 Location o endocrine glands. Some o the major endo-

crine structures are shown. Thymus gland is shown at maximum size at RES EA RC H, IS S U ES ,
many kinds o abnorma ities such as dwarf sm, gigantism, and Rapid and revolutionary dis cove rie s about how nons te roid
steri ity. T ey are important not on y or the hea thy surviva o horm one s act on the ir targe t ce lls be gan w ith the pione e r-
each one o us but a so or the surviva o the human species. ing work o Earl Suthe rland, w ho re ce ive d the 1971 Nobe l
Prize or orm ulating the s e cond-m e s s e nge r hypothe s is ,
and new dis cove rie s continue to be m ade eve n today.
En d o c r in e G la n d s Late r, the im portant role o the s o-calle d G pro te in in
ge tting the s ignal rom the re ce ptor to the e nzym e that
A organs o the endocrine system are g ands, but not a orm s cyclic AMP (cAMP) was dis cove re d. Look or the G
g ands are organs o the endocrine system. O the two types prote in in Figure 12-2. More re ce ntly, the role o nitric oxide
o g ands in the bodyexocrine glands and endocrine (NO) in s e cond-m e s s e nge r s ys te m s has be e n worke d out.
glandson y endocrine g ands be ong to this system. All o these discoveries resulted in Nobel Prizes, which
You may reca rom Chapters 4 and 5 that exocrine g ands shows the importance the scientif c community has placed
secrete their products into ducts that empty onto a sur ace or on them. Why? By working out the details o how hormones
into a cavity. For examp e, sweat g ands produce a watery secre- work, we can more clearly understand how and why things
tion that empties onto the sur ace o the skin. Sa ivary g ands are can go wrong that a ect endocrine disorders. Perhaps we
a so exocrine g ands, secreting sa iva that ows into the mouth. may even gain new know ledge about disorders that we pre-
Endocrine g ands, on the other hand, are duct ess g ands. viously did not even know involved hormone mechanisms.
Once the proce s s e s o dis e as e m e chanis m s are f gure d
T ey secrete chemica s known as hormones into interce u ar
out, we hope s cie ntis ts w ill be able to de s ign te s ts that can
spaces. From there, the hormones di use direct y into the s cre e n or s uch proble m s . Or pe rhaps they can deve lop
b ood and are carried throughout the body. Each hormone drugs that w ill f x the broke n m e chanis m s and cure the
mo ecu e may then bind to a ce that has specif c receptors or dis e as e . A te r re ading this chapte r, you w ill dis cove r that
that hormone, triggering a reaction in the ce . Such a ce is unde rs tanding how horm one s act on targe t ce lls the con-
ca ed a target cell. ce pt o s ig nal trans ductio nw ill pre pare you or the revo-
T e ist o endocrine g ands and the organs in which their lution in m e dicine that is now upon us .
target ce s are ound (target organs) continues to grow. T e
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 321

membrane receptor sites on the

P rote in hormone
ce s o a target organ). T is inter- Firs t me s s e ng e r
action between a hormone and its
specif c receptor site on the ce
membrane o a target ce is o ten
compared to the f tting o a unique
key into a ock. T is idea is the lock-
and-key model o chemica activity.
G Enzyme
A ter the hormone attaches to
its specif c receptor site, a number Me mbra ne
re ce ptor
S e c o nd
o chemica reactions occur. T ese cAMP
me s s e ng e r
reactions activate mo ecu es within GTP
the ce ca ed second messengers.
One examp e o this mechanism
Activa te s
othe r e nzyme s 12
occurs when the hormone-receptor Targ e t c e ll
interaction changes energy-rich Re gula te s ce llula r a ctivity
A P mo ecu es inside the ce into
cyclic AMP (adenosine mono-
FIGURE 12-2 Mechanism o protein hormone action. The hormone acts as rst messenger, delivering
phosphate). Cyc ic AMP serves as its message via the bloodstream to a membrane receptor in the target cell much like a key ts into a lock. The
the second messenger, de ivering second messenger is cyclic AMP (cAMP), which orms in response to the rst messengers signaling actions.
in ormation inside the ce that cAMP causes the cell to respond and per orm the unction triggered by the hormone. Variations o this mecha-
regu ates the ce s activity. For ex- nism also exist.
amp e, cyc ic AMP causes thyroid
ce s to respond to thyroid-stimu ating hormone by secreting a Figure 12-3 summarizes this mechanism o steroid hormone
thyroid hormone such as thyroxine. Cyc ic AMP is on y one o action. Because it takes some time to accomp ish a o the
severa second messengers that have been discovered. steps i ustrated in the diagram, steroid hormone responses
In summary, nonsteroid hormones serve as f rst messen- typica y are s ow compared with responses triggered by non-
gers, providing communication between endocrine g ands steroid hormones.
and target organs. Another mo ecu e, such as cyc ic AMP, Besides the primary e ects o steroids produced by the
then acts as the second messenger, providing communication DNA-triggering mechanism just described, steroid hormones
within a hormones target ce s. Figure 12-2 summarizes the a so may trigger membrane receptors to produce a variety o
mechanism o nonsteroid hormone action. secondary e ects. T ese secondary e ects usua y appear much
more rapid y than do the primary steroid e ects.
S t e ro id Ho r m o n e s
T e primary actions o sma , ipid-so ub e steroid hormones
such as estrogen do not occur by the second-messenger
mechanism. Because they are ipid so ub e, steroid hormones
can pass intact direct y through the ce membrane o the
target ce .
Once inside the ce , steroid hormones pass through the Blood
cytop asm and enter the nuc eus, where they bind with a recep- ve s s e l
tor (according to the ock-and-key mode ) to orm a hormone-
receptor comp ex. T is comp ex acts on DNA, which u ti- Ta rge t ce ll
mate y causes the ormation o a new protein in the
cytop asm that then produces specif c e ects in S te roid
the target ce . In the case o estrogen, or ex- hormone
Re ce ptor (e s troge n)
amp e, that e ect might be breast deve op-
ment in the ema e ado escent.
Hormone -
re ce ptor
FIGURE 12-3 Mechanism o steroid hor- Newly forme d prote in
mone action. Steroid hormones pass through produce s s pe cific
the plasma membrane and enter the nucleus to e ffe cts in ta rge t ce ll
orm a hormone receptor complex that acts on
P la s ma me mbra ne
DNA. As a result, a new protein is ormed in the
cytoplasm that produces speci c e ects in the Nucle us Cyto plas m Extrac e llular fluid
target cell.
322 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

TABLE 12-1 Endocrine Glands, Hormones, and Their Functions

Ante rio r Pituitary
Thyroid-s tim ulating Tropic horm one Hype rs e cre tion: ove rs tim ulation o thyroid
horm one (TSH) Stim ulate s s e cre tion o thyroid horm one s Hypos e cre tion: unde rs tim ulation o thyroid
Adre nocorticotropic Tropic horm one Hype rs e cre tion: ove rs tim ulation o adre nal cortex
horm one (ACTH) Stim ulate s s e cre tion o adre nal cortex horm one s
Follicle -s tim ulating Tropic horm one Hypos e cre tion: unde rs tim ulation o adre nal cortex
horm one (FSH) Fe m ale : s tim ulate s deve lopm e nt o ovarian ollicle s and horm one s
s e cre tion o e s troge ns Hypos e cre tion: lack o s exual deve lopm e nt and
Male : s tim ulate s s e m ini e rous tubule s o te s te s to s te rility
grow and produce s pe rm
12 Lute inizing horm one (LH) Tropic horm one Hypos e cre tion: lack o s exual deve lopm e nt and
Fe m ale : s tim ulate s m aturation o ovarian ollicle and s te rility
ovum ; s tim ulate s s e cre tion o e s troge n; trigge rs ovu-
lation; s tim ulate s deve lopm e nt o corpus lute um
(lute inization)
Male : s tim ulate s inte rs titial ce lls o the te s te s to
s e cre te te s tos te rone
Grow th horm one (GH) Stim ulate s grow th in all organs ; m obilize s nutrie nt m ol- Hype rs e cre tion: gigantis m (pre -adult); acrom e galy
e cule s , caus ing an incre as e in blood glucos e (m ature adult)
conce ntration Hypos e cre tion: dwarf s m (pre -adult)
Prolactin (PRL or lactoge nic Stim ulate s bre as t deve lopm e nt during pre gnancy and Hype rs e cre tion: inappropriate lactation in m e n or
horm one ) m ilk s e cre tion (m ilk le tdow n) a te r pre gnancy non-nurs ing wom e n
Hypos e cre tion: ins u f cie nt lactation in nurs ing
wom e n
Po s te rio r Pituitary
Antidiure tic horm one Stim ulate s re te ntion o wate r by the kidneys Hype rs e cre tion: abnorm al wate r re te ntion
(ADH) Hypos e cre tion: diabe te s ins ipidus
Oxytocin (OT) Stim ulate s ute rine contractions at the e nd o pre g- Hype rs e cre tion: inappropriate e je ction o m ilk in
nancy; s tim ulate s the re le as e o m ilk into the bre as t lactating wom e n
ducts Hypos e cre tion: prolonge d or di f cult labor and
de live ry (unce rtain)
Hypo thalam us
Re le as ing horm one s (RHs ) Stim ulate the ante rior pituitary to re le as e horm one s Hype rs e cre tion: hype rs e cre tion by ante rior
(s eve ral) pituitary
Hypos e cre tion: hypos e cre tion by ante rior pituitary
Inhibiting horm one s (IHs ) Inhibit the ante rior pituitarys s e cre tion o horm one s Hype rs e cre tion: hypos e cre tion by ante rior pituitary
(s eve ral) Hypos e cre tion: hype rs e cre tion by ante rior pituitary
Thyro id
Thyroxine (T4 ) and Stim ulate the e ne rgy m e tabolis m o all ce lls Hype rs e cre tion: hype rthyroidis m , Grave s dis e as e
triiodothyronine (T3 ) Hypos e cre tion: hypothyroidis m , cre tinis m (pre -
adult); myxe de m a (adult); goite r
Calcitonin (CT) Inhibits the bre akdow n o bone ; caus e s a de cre as e in Hype rs e cre tion: pos s ible hypocalce m ia
blood calcium conce ntration Hypos e cre tion: pos s ible hype rcalce m ia
Parathyro id
Parathyroid horm one (PTH) Stim ulate s the bre akdow n o bone ; caus e s an incre as e Hype rs e cre tion: pos s ible hype rcalce m ia
in blood calcium conce ntration Hypos e cre tion: pos s ible hypocalce m ia
*In s om e cas e s , s igns o hypos e cre tion re s ult rom targe t ce ll abnorm ality rathe r than rom actual hypos e cre tion o a horm one .

Pos te rior pituitary horm one s are s ynthe s ize d in the hypothalam us but re le as e d rom axon te rm inals in the pos te rior pituitary.
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 323

TABLE 12-1 Endocrine Glands, Hormones, and Their Functionscont'd

Adre nal Co rte x
Mine ralocorticoids : Re gulate e le ctrolyte and uid hom e os tas is Hype rs e cre tion: incre as e d wate r re te ntion
aldos te rone Hypos e cre tion: abnorm al wate r los s (de hydration)
Glucocorticoids : Stim ulate glucone oge ne s is , caus ing an incre as e in blood Hype rs e cre tion: Cus hing s yndrom e
cortis ol (hydrocortis one ) glucos e conce ntration; als o have anti-in am m atory, Hypos e cre tion: Addis on dis e as e
anti-im m unity, and antialle rgy e e cts
Androge ns Stim ulate s exual drive in the e m ale but have ne gligible Hype rs e cre tion: pre m ature s exual (androge ns )
e e cts in the m ale deve lopm e nt; m as culinization o e m ale
Hypos e cre tion: no s ignif cant e e ct
Adre nal/ Me dulla
Epine phrine (Epi) and Prolong and inte ns i y the s ym pathe tic ne rvous Hype rs e cre tion: s tre s s e e cts (adre naline )
nore pine phrine (NE) re s pons e during s tre s s Hypos e cre tion: no s ignif cant e e ct
Pancre atic Is le ts
Glucagon Stim ulate s glycoge nolys is in live r, caus ing an incre as e (Unce rtain)
in blood glucos e conce ntration
Ins ulin Prom ote s glucos e e ntry into all ce lls , caus ing a Hype rs e cre tion: s eve re hypoglyce m ia (ins ulin
de cre as e in blood glucos e conce ntration s hock)
Hypos e cre tion: diabe te s m e llitus
Es troge ns Prom ote deve lopm e nt and m ainte nance o e m ale Hype rs e cre tion: pre m ature s exual deve lopm e nt
s exual characte ris tics (s e e Chapte r 23) ( e m ale ) and in e rtility
Hypos e cre tion: lack o s exual deve lopm e nt
( e m ale ), in e rtility, and os te oporos is
Proge s te rone Prom ote s conditions re quire d or pre gnancy (s e e Hypos e cre tion: s te rility
Chapte r 23)
Te s tis
Te s tos te rone Prom ote s deve lopm e nt and m ainte nance o m ale Hype rs e cre tion: pre m ature s exual deve lopm e nt
s exual characte ris tics (m ale ); m us cle hype rtrophy
Hypos e cre tion: lack o s exual deve lopm e nt (m ale )
Thym us
Thym os in Prom ote s deve lopm e nt o im m une -s ys te m ce lls Hypos e cre tion: de pre s s ion o im m une s ys te m
Place nta
Chorionic gonadotropin, Prom ote conditions re quire d during e arly pre gnancy Hypos e cre tion: s pontane ous abortion (m is carriage )
e s troge ns , proge s te rone
Pine al
Me latonin Inhibits tropic horm one s that a e ct the ovarie s ; he lps Hype rs e cre tion: w inte r de pre s s ion, s le e p dis or-
re gulate the bodys inte rnal clock and s le e p cycle s de rs , and othe r pos s ible e e cts
He art (Atria)
Atrial natriure tic horm one Re gulate s uid and e le ctrolyte hom e os tas is Hypos e cre tion: uid or e le ctrolyte im balance s ;
(ANH) pos s ible blood pre s s ure proble m s
Gas tro inte s tinal (GI) Tract
Ghre lin A e cts e ne rgy balance (m e tabolis m ) Hype rs e cre tion: incre as e in hunge r and s uppre s -
s ion o at utilization; pos s ible obe s ity
Fat-S to ring Ce lls
Le ptin Controls how hungry or ull we e e l Hypos e cre tion: pos s ible obe s ity, othe r m e tabolic
dis orde rs
324 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

QUICK CHECK As b ood g ucose concentration drops, the endocrine ce s

in the pancreas s ow their production and re ease o insu in.
1. Wh a t is th e ch e m ica l m e s s e n g e r u s e d b y th e e n d o crin e
s ys te m ? T ese responses are negative because they reverse the direction o
2. Ho w d o n o n s te ro id h o rm o n e s a n d s te ro id h o rm o n e s a disturbance to the stability o the internal environment o the
d i e r? body. T ere ore, this homeostatic mechanism is ca ed a nega-
3. Wh a t is a s e co n d -m e s s e n g e r s ys te m ? tive eedback control mechanism because it reverses the change
in b ood g ucose (Figure 12-4).
Re g u la t io n o Ho r m o n e
P o s it ive Fe e d b a c k
S e c r e t io n
Positive eedback mechanisms, which are uncommon, am-
N e g a t ive Fe e d b a c k p i y changes rather than reverse them. Usua y, such amp if -
Regu ation o hormone eve s in the b ood depends on a ho- cation threatens homeostasis, but in some situations it can
12 meostatic mechanism ca ed negative eedbacka concept f rst he p the body maintain its stabi ity.
introduced in Chapter 1. For examp e, during abor, the musc e contractions that push
T e princip e o negative eedback in the endocrine sys- the baby through the birth cana become stronger and stronger
tem can be i ustrated by using the hormone insu in as an by means o a positive eedback mechanism that regu ates se-
examp e. W hen re eased rom endocrine ce s in the pan- cretion o the hormone oxytocin (see Figure 1-12 on p. 16).
creas, insu in owers b ood sugar eve s or g ucose
concentration in the b ood. Norma y, e evated
Le ve ls o Re g u la t io n
b ood g ucose occurs a ter a mea , a ter the ab-
sorption o g ucose rom the digestive tract T e endocrine system provides a good examp e o
takes p ace. T e e evated b ood g ucose stimu- the concept o di erent eve s o homeostatic regu-
ates the re ease o insu in rom the pancreas. ation. Regu ating the secretion o a particu ar
Insu in then assists in the trans er o g ucose hormone is one eve o contro , but that in turn
rom the b ood into ce s, causing b ood g ucose regu ates specif c unctions in the target ce s, which
to drop back toward the norma set point. in turn changes some particu ar unction o the body.

Inte s tine s a bs orb

glucos e a fte r a me a l
Glucos e
Inc re as ing
loop g luc o s e leve l

Pa ncre a s
re s ponds to
high glucos e
leve l by
NORMAL s e cre ting ins ulin

Ins ulin

Ho me o s tas is
re s to re d
Ins ulin ca us e s
live r, s ke le ta l mus cle,
a nd othe r tis s ue s to Glucos e
ta ke up more glucos e
Bloods tre a m

FIGURE 12-4 Negative eedback. The secretion o most hormones is regulated by negative eedback
mechanisms that tend to reverse any deviations rom normal. In this example, an increase in blood glucose
triggers secretion o insulin. Because insulin promotes glucose uptake by cells, the blood glucose level is re-
stored to its lower, normal level.
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 325


Som e s te roid horm one s are calle d anabo lic s te ro ids be - Un ortunate ly, s te roid abus e has othe r cons e que nce s that
caus e they s tim ulate the building o large m ole cule s (anabo- are not de s irable . It dis rupts the norm al ne gative e e dback
lis m ). Spe cif cally, they s tim ulate the building o prote ins in control o horm one s throughout the body and m ay re s ult in
m us cle and bone . Ste roids s uch as te s tos te rone and its s yn- tis s ue dam age , s te rility, m e ntal im balance , and m any li e -
the tic de rivative s are o te n abus e d by athle te s and othe rs thre ate ning m e tabolic proble m s . Abus e o s te roids , othe r
w ho want to incre as e the ir athle tic pe r orm ance . The anabolic pe r orm ance -e nhancing drugs , or blood products in athle tics is
e e cts o the horm one s incre as e the m as s and s tre ngth o calle d doping. Such practice s are outlawe d in s ports world-
s ke le tal m us cle s . w ide (s e e als o the box Blood Doping on p. 354).

ypica y, additiona eve s o contro are invo ved in main- Another common strategy is the use o pharmaco ogica
taining homeostasis. For examp e, eedback may trigger the preparations o hormones. For examp e, insu in injections are
secretion o a re easing hormone that targets another g and used in treating some orms o diabetes me itus.
and triggers the secretion o that second g ands hormone. T e avai abi ity o synthetic hormones produced with ge-
Feedback may instead trigger autonomic nervous stimu a- netic engineering techno ogy has revo utionized the treat-
tion o a g and, which then secretes a re easing hormone. In ment o many endocrine disorders. Synthetic hormones are
turn, the re easing hormone triggers the re ease o another cheaper and more wide y avai ab e than natura human hor-
hormone that regu ates its target ce s, which change their mones, and they do not carry the same risk o possib e con-
unctions to produce an e ect that changes a variab e to move tamination with viruses or other dangerous substances (see
back toward its set point. box on p. 354).
O ten, all the eve s o contro are receiving and reacting to Table 12-1 summarizes some o the major disorders o the
eedbackthus providing extra e ciency and precision to the endocrine system. Re er to this tab e o ten as you study the
homeostatic contro o body unction. individua g ands and hormones o the endocrine system. You
may a so want to re er to Appendix A at,
which a so contains a tab e isting major endocrine disorders.
M e c h a n is m s o En d o c r in e
D is e a s e P ro s t a g la n d in s
Diseases o the endocrine system are numerous, varied, and Prostaglandins (PGs), or tissue hormones, are important and
sometimes catastrophic. umors or other abnorma ities re- extreme y power u substances ound in a wide variety o tis-
quent y cause the g ands to secrete too much or too itt e o sues. PGs are modif ed versions o atty acids. PGs p ay an
their hormones. Production o too much hormone by a dis- important ro e in communication and in the contro o many
eased g and is ca ed hypersecretion. I too itt e hormone is body unctions but do not meet the def nition o a typica
produced, the condition is ca ed hyposecretion. hormone.
A variety o endocrine disorders that appear to resu t T e term tissue hormone is appropriate because in many
rom hyposecretion are actua y caused by a prob em in the instances a prostag andin is produced in a tissue and then di -
target ce s. I the usua target ce s o a particu ar hormone uses on y a short distance to act on ce s within that tissue.
have damaged receptors, too ew receptors, or some other ypica hormones in uence and contro activities o wide y
abnorma ity, they wi not respond to that hormone proper y. separated organs; typica PGs in uence activities o neighbor-
In other words, ack o target ce response cou d be a sign o ing ce s.
hyposecretion or a sign o target ce insensitivity. Diabetes PGs, a ong with severa other tissue hormones such as
mellitus (DM ), or examp e, can resu t rom insu in hypose- leukotrienes and thromboxane, are sometimes ca ed paracrine
cretion or rom the target ce s insensitivity to insu in agents. T e term paracrine itera y means secrete besidean
or both. apt description or a regu atory agent re eased right next to its
Imba ances o one type o hormone o ten a ect other hor- target ce .
mones as we . Disorders that resu t rom the hypersecretion T e prostag andins in the body can be divided into severa
or hyposecretion o severa hormones are o ten ca ed groups. T ree c asses o prostag andinsprostaglandin A
polyendocrine disorders. (PGA), prostaglandin E (PGE), and prostaglandin F (PGF)
Endocrinologists, scientists who specia ize in endocrine are among the best known.
unction, or endocrinology, have deve oped a variety o strat- PGs have pro ound e ects on many body unctions. T ey
egies or treating endocrine disorders. Surgica or chemica in uence respiration, b ood pressure, gastrointestina secre-
treatment o tumors or damaged tissue is use u in some cases. tions, in ammation, and the reproductive system. Researchers
326 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

A n t e r io r P it u it a ry G la n d
Ho r m o n e s
T e anterior pituitary g and secretes severa
major hormones. Each o the our hor-
Although much research is yet to be done, prostaglandins are already playing an mones isted as a tropic hormone in
important role in the treatment o diverse conditions such as glaucoma, high blood Table 12-1 stimu ates another endocrine
pressure, asthma, and ulcers. Because some prostaglandins have local muscle- g and to grow and secrete its hormones.
relaxing e ects, they can relax muscles in the walls o blood vessels to reduce Because the anterior pituitary g and ex-
blood pressure. In asthma, prostaglandins administered in a nebulizer (mist applica-
erts this tropic contro over the structure
tor) relax the muscles that constrict air ow during an asthma attack. Some gastric
ulcers can be treated with prostaglandins that decrease stomach acid secretion.
and unction o the thyroid g and, the adre-
Pharm acologis ts , s cie ntis ts w ho s tudy drug actions , or pharm aco lo gy, have na cortex, the ovarian o ic es, and the
dis cove re d that pros taglandins are involve d in s om e traditional the rapie s . For corpus uteum, in the past it was sometimes
exam ple , as pirin and its de rivative s (s alicylate s ) produce s om e o the ir e e cts by ca ed the master gland. H owever, because
12 blocking pros taglandins involve d in the in am m ation re s pons e . its secretions are in turn contro ed by the
hypotha amus and other mechanisms, the
anterior pituitary is hard y the master o
body unction it was once thought to be.
be ieve that most PGs regu ate ce s by in uencing the pro-
duction o cyc ic AMP. Th y ro id -s t im u la t in g Ho r m o n e
PGs are a ready p aying an important ro e in the treat- T yroid-stimulating hormone ( SH) acts on the thyroid
ment o conditions such as g aucoma, high b ood pressure, g and. As its name suggests, it stimu ates the thyroid g and to
asthma, and u cersas described in the box above. In act, increase secretion o thyroid hormone.
many common treatments such as aspirin create their e ects
by a tering the unctions o PGs in the body. Ad r e n o c o r t ic o t ro p ic Ho r m o n e
T e adrenocorticotropic hormone (AC H) acts on the ad-
QUICK CHECK rena cortex. It stimu ates the adrena cortex to increase in size
1. Ho w d o e s n e ga tive e e d b a ck a e ct h o rm o n e le ve ls in th e and to secrete arger amounts o its hormones, especia y
b lo o d ? arger amounts o cortiso (hydrocortisone).
2. Wh a t m a y o ccu r i th e u s u a l ta rg e t ce lls o a p a rticu la r
h o rm o n e h a ve d a m a g e d re ce p to rs , to o e w re ce p to rs , o r Fo llic le -s t im u la t in g Ho r m o n e
s o m e o th e r a b n o rm a lity?
3. Id e n ti y th e s tra te g ie s in tre a tin g e n d o crin e d is o rd e rs . Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimu ates the primary
4. Why a re p ro s ta g la n d in s ca lle d tis s u e h o rm o n e s ? ovarian o ic es in an ovary to start growing and to continue
deve oping to maturity (that is, to the point o ovu ation).
FSH a so stimu ates o ic e ce s to secrete estrogens. In the
P it u it a ry G la n d ma e, FSH stimu ates the semini erous tubu es to grow and
orm sperm.
S t r u c t u r e o t h e P it u it a ry G la n d
T e pituitary gland is a sma but mighty structure. A - Lu t e in iz in g Ho r m o n e
though no arger than a pea, it is rea y two endocrine g ands. Luteinizing hormone (LH) acts with FSH to per orm sev-
O ne is ca ed the anterior pituitary g and or adenohypophysis, era unctions. It stimu ates a o ic e and ovum to comp ete
and the other is ca ed the posterior pituitary g and or their growth to maturity, it stimu ates o ic e ce s to secrete
neurohypophysis. estrogens, and it causes ovu ation (rupturing o the mature
Di erences between the two g ands are indicated by their o ic e with expu sion o its ripe ovum). Because o this unc-
namesadeno means g and, and neuro means nervous. tion, LH is sometimes ca ed the ovulating hormone.
T e adenohypophysis has the structure o an endocrine LH a so stimu ates the ormation o a go den body, the
g and, whereas the neurohypophysis has the structure o corpus uteum, rom the ruptured o ic e. T is processca ed
nervous tissue. H ormones secreted by the adenohypophysis luteinization is the one that earned LH its tit e o luteiniz-
serve very di erent unctions rom those re eased rom the ing hormone. As it promotes uteinization, LH stimu ates the
neurohypophysis. corpus uteum to produce the hormone progesterone.
T e protected ocation o this dua g and suggests its im- T e ma e pituitary g and a so secretes LH . In ma es, LH
portance. T e pituitary g and ies buried deep in the crania stimu ates interstitia ce s in the testes to deve op and secrete
cavity, in a we -protected ocation. It sits secure y within a testosterone, the ma e sex hormone.
seat ca ed the sella turcica ormed by two bony projections
at the top o the sphenoid bone (see Figure 8-10, C, on p. 184). G ro w t h Ho r m o n e
A stem- ike structure, the pituitary stalk, attaches the g and Another important hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary
to the undersur ace o the brain. More specif ca y, the sta k g and is growth hormone (GH). GH speeds up the movement
attaches the pituitary body to the hypotha amus. o digested proteins (amino acids) out o the b ood and into the
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 327

ce s, and this acce erates the ce s anabolism (bui ding up) o and an overgrown mandib e. Figure 12-5 i ustrates the major
amino acids to orm tissue proteins (see Chapter 19). T is ana- characteristics o gigantism and acromega y.
bo ic action promotes norma growth. H yposecretion o growth hormone during the growth
Growth hormone a so a ects at and carbohydrate me- years o ten produces pituitary dwar sm. Peop e with this
tabo ism. It acce erates at catabo ism (breakdown) but s ows condition usua y have a body rame o norma proportions
g ucose catabo ism. T is means that ess g ucose eaves the but are much sma er in overa size. D warf sm caused by
b ood to enter ce s, and there ore the amount o g ucose in other conditions may produce an odd y proportioned body
the b ood increases. rame. Pituitary dwarf sm can be treated with injections o
T us growth hormone and insu in have opposite e ects on synthetic growth hormone as the ske eton deve ops.
b ood g ucose. Insu in decreases b ood g ucose, and growth
hormone increases it. oo much insu in in the b ood produces P ro la c t in
hypoglycemia ( ower than norma b ood g ucose concentra- T e anterior pituitary g and a so secretes prolactin (PRL), or
tion). oo much growth hormone produces hyperglycemia lactogenic hormone. D uring pregnancy, PRL stimu ates the
(higher than norma b ood g ucose concentration). breast deve opment necessary or eventua actation (mi k se- 12
A so ca ed human growth hormone (hGH), this hormone is cretion). A so, soon a ter de ivery o a baby, PRL stimu ates
used by some peop e to keep themse ves youth u or to boost the breasts to start secreting mi k, a unction suggested by
ath etic per ormance. T ese unapproved uses can have dan- pro actins other name, lactogenic hormone.
gerous side e ects by disrupting norma hormone ba ances in One o the most common types o pituitary tumor is
the body. prolactinoma, a noncancerous adenoma that produces hyper-
H ypersecretion o growth hormone during the ear y years secretion o PRL. Most pro actinomas are sma and occur
o i e produces a condition ca ed gigantism. T e name sug- most y in women. A patient may have symptoms typica o
gests the obvious characteristics o this condition. T e chi d crania tumors, such as headache, vision and other sensory
grows to a giant size. changes, ethargy, and nausea. T e excess PRL can cause
I the anterior pituitary g and secretes too much growth changes in reproductive unction inc uding breast tenderness
hormone a ter the norma growth years, the disease ca ed or en argement, abnorma mi k production, in erti ity, and oss
acromegaly deve ops. Characteristics o this disease are en- o sexua interest or unction.
argement o the bones o the hands, eet, jaws, and cheeks. For those who need treatment or pro actinoma, medica-
T e acia appearance that is typica o acromega y resu ts tions are usua y e ective. H owever, sometimes radiation
rom the combination o bone and so t tissue overgrowth. A therapy or surgery is required.
prominent orehead and arge nose are characteristic. In addi- For a brie summary o anterior pituitary hormone target
tion, patients with acromega y may have en arged skin pores organs and unctions, see Figure 12-6.

FIGURE 12-5 Growth hormone abnormalities.

A, The 22-year-old man on the le t with gigantism is
much taller than his identical twin on the right. B, Ac-
romegaly. Notice the large head, exaggerated projec-
tion o the lower jaw, and protrusion o the ridge above
the eye orbits.




328 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

Hypotha la mic S
ne uros e cre tory ce ll

Bone I Kidney
tubule s
Ante rior pituita ry
Growth Pos te rior
Adre na l pituita ry
cortex hormone (GH)
Antidiure tic
Adre nocorticotropic (ADH)
hormone (ACTH)

12 Thyroid
gla nd
s timula ting
hormone (TS H)

P rola ctin (OT) Ute rus
Gona dotropic s mooth
hormone s (P RL)
mus cle
(FS H a nd LH)

Te s tis

Ova ry Ma mma ry
gla nds
Ma mma ry gla nds

FIGURE 12-6 Pituitary hormones. Principal anterior and posterior pituitary hormones and their target

P o s t e r io r P it u it a ry G la n d Ho r m o n e s
O xytocin stimu ates contraction o the smooth musc e o the
T e posterior pituitary g and stores and re eases two pregnant uterus and is be ieved to initiate and maintain abor.
hormonesantidiuretic hormone and oxytocin. Both hor- T is is why physicians sometimes prescribe oxytocin injec-
mones are produced in ce bodies that are ocated in the tions to induce or increase abor.
hypotha amus but are re eased rom the ends o axons that O xytocin a so per orms a unction important to a newborn
are ocated in the posterior pituitary. baby. It causes the g andu ar ce s o the breast to re ease mi k
into ducts rom which a baby can obtain it by sucking. In
A n t id iu r e t ic Ho r m o n e short, oxytocin stimu ates mi k etdown.
Antidiuretic hormone (AD H) is a major regu ator o uid O xytocin is a so thought to enhance socia bondinga
ba ance in the human body. ADH acce erates the reabsorp- unction he p u in supporting the mother-in ant bond.
tion o water rom urine in kidney tubu es back into the b ood T e right side o Figure 12-6 summarizes posterior pituitary
when the body needs to conserve water. W ith more water unctions. Disorders o the anterior and posterior pituitary are
moving out o the tubu es into the b ood, ess water remains summarized in Table 12-1.
in the tubu es, and there ore ess urine eaves the body.
T e term antidiuretic is appropriate because anti- means
against and diuretic means increasing the vo ume o urine
Hy p o t h a la m u s
excreted. T ere ore, antidiuretic means acting against an in- In discussing ADH and oxytocin, we noted that these hor-
crease in urine vo umein other words, ADH acts to de- mones were released rom the posterior obe o the pituitary.
crease urine vo umeand thus prevent dehydration. As we a so stated, actua production o these two hormones
H yposecretion o ADH resu ts in diabetes insipidus, a occurs in the hypotha amus. wo groups o secretory neurons
condition in which arge vo umes o urine are ormed. Dehy- in the hypotha amus synthesize the posterior pituitary hor-
dration and e ectro yte imba ances may cause serious prob- mones, which then pass down a ong axons into the pituitary
ems. A though increased water intake can re ieve mi d symp- g and. Re ease o ADH and oxytocin into the b ood is con-
toms, many cases a so require administering a synthetic orm tro ed by nervous stimu ation.
o ADH . In addition to oxytocin and ADH , the hypotha amus a so
produces substances ca ed releasing hormones (RHs) and
O x y t o c in inhibiting hormones (IHs). T ese substances are produced in
T e posterior pituitary hormone oxytocin (O ) is secreted at the hypotha amus and then re eased direct y into a connected
high eve s by a womans body be ore and a ter she has a baby. b ood capi ary system. T is system carries the hormones to the
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 329

anterior pituitary g and, where they stimu ate or inhibit the

re ease o anterior pituitary hormones into the genera b ood
circu ation. Thyroid
T e combined nervous and endocrine unctions o the follicle
hypotha amus a ow the nervous system to in uence many
endocrine unctions. T ere ore, the hypotha amus p ays a
dominant ro e in the regu ation o many body unctions re-
ated to homeostasis. Examp es inc ude the regu ation o body
temperature, appetite, and thirst.

1. Ho w a re th e a n te rio r p itu ita ry a n d p o s te rio r p itu ita ry d i - Colloid
e re n t? Ho w a re th e y a like ? in follicle
2. Wh a t m a ke s a h o rm o n e a tro p ic h o rm o n e ?
3. Wh a t a re th e e e cts o a p ro la ctin o m a ?
4. Ho w d o e s th e hyp o th a la m u s co n tro l th e p itu ita ry g la n d ? CT ce ll

FIGURE 12-8 Thyroid gland tissue. Thyroid hormone is produced by

Th y ro id G la n d ollicular cells in the walls o the thyroid ollicles. Note that each o the
ollicles is lled with colloida f uid with ne, suspended particles. The
T e thyroid g and ies in the neck just be ow the arynx colloid serves as a storage medium or the thyroid hormones. Another type
(Figure 12-7). T e thyroid g and secretes two thyroid hormones o thyroid gland cells, called CT cells, are outside the ollicles and secrete
and the hormone calcitonin (C ). calcitonin (CT).
As Figure 12-8 shows, thyroid tissue is organized into many
chambers ca ed thyroid ollicles. Each thyroid o ic e is
f ed with a thick uid having many f ne, suspended partic es O the two thyroid hormones, 4 is the more abundant.
ca ed colloid. H owever, 3 is the more potent and is considered by physi-
o ogists to be the principa thyroid hormone. One mo ecu e o
4 contains our atoms o iodine, and one mo ecu e o 3, as
Th y ro id Ho r m o n e its name suggests, contains three iodine atoms. For thyroid
W hat was once thought o as a sing e thyroid hormone is hormones to be produced in adequate amounts, the diet must
actua y two simi ar hormones: triiodothyronine ( 3) and contain su cient iodine.
thyroxine ( 4). Most endocrine g ands do not store their hormones but
instead secrete them direct y into the b ood as they are pro-
Epiglottis duced. T e thyroid g and is di erent in that it stores consider-
ab e amounts o the thyroid hormones in the
orm o mo ecu es suspended in a uid as a
Hyoid bone co oid, as seen in Figure 12-8. T e co oid
materia is stored in the o ic es o the
g and, and when the thyroid hormones are
needed, they are re eased rom the co oid
La rynx and secreted into the b ood.
(thyroid ca rtila ge )
4 and 3 are sma , nonsteroid hor-

S upe rior
mones that are ab e to enter their target
pa ra thyroid gla nd ce to f nd their receptors. T is is an
exception to the genera mode o non-
steroid action requiring an interna
Thyroid gla nd
second messenger.
4 and 3 in uence every one o
the tri ions o ce s in our bodies.
Infe rior
pa ra thyroid gla nd T ey make them speed up their
re ease o energy rom nutrients.
In other words, these thyroid hor-
Tra che a mones stimu ate ce u ar metabo-
I I ism. T is has ar-reaching e ects.
Because a body unctions de-
A B pend on a norma supp y o en-
FIGURE 12-7 Thyroid and parathyroid glands. Note their relationship to each other and to the larynx ergy, they a depend on norma
(voice box) and trachea. A, Anterior view. B, Posterior view. thyroid secretion. Even norma
330 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

12 S
FIGURE 12-9 Hyperthyroidism. Note the prominent, protruding eyes
(exophthalmos) o this woman with Graves disease. FIGURE 12-11 Myxedema. This condition results rom hyposecretion o
the thyroid gland during the adult years. Note the edema around the eyes,
menta and physica growth and deve opment depend on acial pu ness, prominent tongue, coarse hair, and dull yellowish skin.
norma thyroid unctioning.
Hyperthyroidism, or oversecretion o the thyroid hor-
mones, dramatica y increases the metabo ic rate. Nutrients Hypothyroidism, or undersecretion o thyroid hormones,
are consumed by the ce s at an excessive rate, and individua s can be caused by and resu t in a number o di erent condi-
who su er rom this condition ose weight, have an increased tions. Low dietary intake o iodine causes a pain ess en arge-
appetite, and show signs o nervous irritabi ity. T ey appear ment o the thyroid g and ca ed a simple goiter, shown in
rest ess, jumpy, and excessive y active. Figure 12-10.
M any patients with hyperthyroidism a so have very T is condition was once common in areas o the United
prominent, a most protruding eyesa condition ca ed States where the iodine content o the soi and water was in-
exophthalmos (Figure 12-9). H yperthyroidism with exoph- adequate. T e use o iodized sa t has dramatica y reduced the
tha mos is characteristic o Graves disease, an inherited incidence o goiters caused by ow iodine intake. o produce a
autoimmune condition that occurs f ve times more re- goiter, the g and en arges in an attempt to compensate or the
quent y in women than in men. ack o iodine in the diet necessary or the synthesis o thyroid
H yposecretion o thyroid hormones during the ormative
years eads to a condition ca ed cretinism. It is characterized
by a ow metabo ic rate, retarded growth and sexua deve op-
ment, and o ten, menta retardation. Fortunate y, hea th
screening or ow thyroid unction can ead to treatment be-
ore cretinism deve ops.
Later in i e, def cient thyroid hormone secretion pro-
duces the disease ca ed myxedema. T e ow metabo ic rate
that characterizes myxedema eads to essened menta and
physica vigor, weight gain, dry and sca y skin, oss o hair,
and an accumu ation o thick, mucus ike uid in the subcu-
taneous tissue that is o ten most noticeab e around the ace
(Figure 12-11).
Disorders o thyroid hormone secretion are summarized in
Table 12-1.

R L C a lc it o n in
I Calcitonin (C ) is secreted by thyroid g and ce ssometimes
FIGURE 12-10 Goiter. The enlarged thyroid gland appears as a swelling ca ed C cellsthat ie outside the thyroid o ic es.
o the neck. This conditiona simple goiterresults rom a low dietary Ca citonin decreases the concentration o ca cium in the
intake o iodine. b ood by f rst acting on bone to inhibit its breakdown. W ith
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 331

ess bone being resorbed, ess ca cium moves out o bone into
b ood, and, as a resu t, the concentration o ca cium in b ood Feedback
decreases. loop
An increase in ca citonin secretion quick y o ows any
increase in b ood ca cium concentration, even i it is a s ight
one. T is causes b ood ca cium concentration to decrease to Pa ra thyroids
its norma eve . Ca citonin thus he ps maintain homeosta- High blood Low blood
sis o b ood ca cium. It prevents a harm u excess o ca cium ca lcium leve l ca lcium leve l
in the b ood, a condition ca ed hypercalcemia, rom
deve oping.
Ca lcitonin Pa ra thyroid
P a r a t h y ro id G la n d s s e cre tion
(from thyroid)
s e cre tion
T e parathyroid glands are sma umps o g andu ar epithe- incre a s e s
incre a s e s 12
ium. T ere are usua y our o them, and they are ound on the
posterior sur ace o the thyroid g and (see Figure 12-7).
T e parathyroid g ands secrete parathyroid hormone Bre a kdown of Bre a kdown of
(P H). bone ma trix bone ma trix
P H increases the concentration o ca cium in the b ood de cre a s e s incre a s e s
the opposite e ect o the thyroid g ands ca citonin. W hereas
ca citonin acts to decrease the amount o ca cium being dis-
so ved and reabsorped rom bone, P H acts to increase it.
P H stimu ates minera -disso ving osteoc ast ce s in bone Ca ++ leve l Bone Ca ++ leve l
in blood conta ining Ca ++ in blood
tissue to increase their breakdown o bones hard matrix, a
de cre a s e s ris e s
process that rees the ca cium stored in the matrix. T e re-
eased ca cium then moves out o bone into b ood, and this in
turn increases the b oods ca cium concentration. P H a so
promotes absorption o ca cium rom ood and reduces oss o
ca cium in the urine.
Norma l blood
Figure 12-12 provides a summary o the antagonistic e ects ca lcium leve l
o ca citonin and parathyroid hormone. T is ca cium-contro
mechanism is a matter o i e-and-death importance because
our ce s are extreme y sensitive to changing amounts o b ood FIGURE 12-12 Regulation o blood calcium levels. Calcitonin and
ca cium. T ey cannot unction norma y with either too much parathyroid hormones have antagonistic (opposite) e ects on calcium con-
centration in the blood. Both are negative eedback e ects because they
or too itt e ca cium. reverse a trend away rom normal blood calcium levels.
For examp e, with too much b ood ca cium, brain ce s
and heart ce s soon do not unction norma y; a person be-
comes menta y disturbed, and the heart may stop a together. Ad r e n a l G la n d s
H owever, with too itt e b ood ca cium, nerve ce s become
overactive, sometimes to such a degree that they bombard
Lo c a t io n o Ad r e n a l G la n d s
musc es with so many impu ses that the musc es go into As you can see in Figure 12-1 and Figure 12-13, an adrena g and
spasms. curves over the superior sur ace o each kidney.
Disorders o parathyroid secretion are summarized in From the sur ace an adrena g and appears to be on y one
Table 12-1. organ, but it is actua y two separate endocrine g ands: the
adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla. Does this two-g ands-
in-one structure remind you o another endocrine organ? (See
glands, go to AnimationDirect online at evolve p. 326.) T e adrena cortex is the outer part o an adrena g and and
is made up o g andu ar epithe ium. T e adrena medu a is the
inner part and it is made up o secretory nervous tissuemuch
ike the secretory nervous tissue o the posterior pituitary. Each
QUICK CHECK part re eases a di erent set o hormones, as you might expect.
1. Wh e re a re th e thyro id a n d p a ra thyro id g la n d s lo ca te d ?
2. Wh a t is th e d a n g e r o a hyp o s e cre tio n o thyro id h o r- Ad r e n a l C o r t e x
m o n e s d u rin g th e o rm a tive ye a rs ?
3. Wh a t is a g o ite r a n d h o w d o e s it d e ve lo p ? T ree di erent zones or ayers o ce s make up the adrenal
4. Ca lcito n in a n d p a ra thyro id h o rm o n e b o th re g u la te th e cortex as you can see in Figure 12-13. Fo ow this diagram
b lo o d co n ce n tra tio n o w h a t im p o rta n t io n ?
care u y as you read the o owing paragraph, and you wi
332 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

FIGURE 12-13 Adrenal gland. The three cell layers o the adrenal cortex are easily seen
here. The outer zone cells secrete mineralocorticoids (aldosterone). The middle zone cells Ca ps ule
secrete glucocorticoids (cortisol). The inner zone cells secrete sex hormones (androgens).
Oute r zone

Adre na l Ca ps ule
gla nd Middle zone
Me dulla

S Inne r zone
Kidney Me dulla

easi y see the specia unction o each ayer o the adrena hydrocortisone when used as medica therapyis the chie
cortex. g ucocorticoid produced by the adrena cortex.
Cortiso and other g ucocorticoids increase gluco-
Zo n e s o Ad r e n a l C o r t e x neogenesis, a process in iver ce s that converts amino acids
H ormones secreted by the three ce ayers, or zones, o the or g ycero to g ucose. G ucocorticoids act in severa ways to
adrena cortex are ca ed corticoids, a o which are steroid increase g uconeogenesis. T ey promote the breakdown o tis-
hormones. sue proteins to amino acids, especia y in musc e ce s. Amino
T e outer zone o adrena cortex ce s secretes hormones acids thus ormed move out o the tissue ce s into b ood and
ca ed mineralocorticoids (MCs). T e main minera ocorti- circu ate to the iver. Liver ce s then change them to g ucose
coid is the hormone aldosterone. by the process o g uconeogenesis. T e new y ormed g ucose
T e midd e zone secretes glucocorticoids (GCs). Cortisol eaves the iver ce s and enters the b ood. T is action increases
is the chie g ucocorticoid. b ood g ucose concentration.
T e innermost or deepest zone o the cortex secretes sma In addition to per orming unctionswhich are neces-
amounts o sex hormones. Sex hormones secreted by the sary or maintaining norma b ood g ucose concentration
adrena cortex resemb e testosterone and are c assif ed as an- g ucocorticoids such as cortiso a so p ay an essentia part in
drogens (ma e sex hormones). maintaining norma b ood pressure. T ey act in a comp i-
We now discuss brie y the unctions o the main cortica cated way to make it possib e or two other hormones se-
hormones. creted by the adrena medu a to partia y constrict b ood
vesse s, a condition necessary or maintaining norma b ood
A ld o s t e ro n e pressure.
As their name suggests, mineralocorticoids he p contro the A so, g ucocorticoids act with these hormones rom the
amount o certain minera sa ts (main y sodium ch oride) in adrena medu a to produce an anti-in ammatory e ect. T ey
the b ood. bring about a norma recovery rom in ammations produced
Aldosterone is the chie minera ocorticoid. Remember its by many kinds o agents. T e use o hydrocortisone to re ieve
main unctionsto increase the amount o sodium and de- skin rashes, or examp e, is based on the anti-in ammatory
crease the amount o potassium in the b oodbecause these e ect o g ucocorticoids.
changes ead to other pro ound changes.
A dosterone increases b ood sodium and decreases b ood
potassium by in uencing the kidney tubu es. It causes the In ammation at
kidney tubu es to speed up their reabsorption o sodium back at
into the b ood so that ess o it wi be ost in the urine. At the
same time, a dosterone causes the tubu es to increase their Another e ect produced by g ucocorticoids is ca ed their
secretion o potassium so that more o this minera wi be ost anti-immunity, antiallergy ef ect. G ucocorticoids bring about
in the urine. T e e ects o a dosterone speed up kidney reab- a decrease in the number o certain ce s that produce anti-
sorption o water. bodies, substances that make us immune to some actors and
a ergic to others.
C o r t is o l W hen extreme stimu i act on the body, they produce an
An important unction o g ucocorticoids is to he p main- interna state or condition known as stress. Surgery, hemor-
tain norma b ood g ucose concentration. Cortisolca ed rhage, in ections, severe burns, and intense emotions are
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 333

Ad r e n a l M e d u lla
examp es o extreme stimu i that bring on stress. T e norma
adrena cortex responds to the condition o stress by quick y T e adrenal medulla, or inner portion o the adrena g and
increasing its secretion o g ucocorticoids. shown in Figure 12-13, secretes the hormones epinephrine
Increased g ucocorticoid secretion is on y one o many (Epi) and norepinephrine (NE). Epinephrine is a so known
ways in which the body responds to stress. H owever, it is one as adrenaline.
o the f rst stress responses and it brings about many o the O ur bodies have many ways to de end themse ves against
other stress responses. Examine Figure 12-14 to discover some enemies that threaten their we -being. A physio ogist might
o the e ects o g ucocorticoids in the b ood. say that the body resists stress by producing a coordinated set
W hen resisting (or avoiding) a threat, the increased b ood o stress responses. We have just discussed increased g ucocor-
g ucose can he p improve our ske eta musc e unction. Re- ticoid secretion. An even aster-acting stress response is in-
duced in ammation may he p keep us ess swo enand thus creased hormone secretion by the adrena medu a.
more mobi ewhi e we dea with the threat. Decreased im- T e adrena medu a responds very rapid y to stress because
munity may he p us ocus a our resources on the more im- nerve impu ses conducted by sympathetic nerve f bers stimu-
mediate threat. Immunity resumes a ter a threatening en- ate the adrena medu a. W hen stimu ated, it itera y squirts 12
counter to dea with any damage. epinephrine and norepinephrine into the b ood. As with g u-
Frequent or pro onged stress responses cou d cause meta- cocorticoids, these hormones may he p the body resist or
bo ic prob ems by disturbing norma mechanisms keeping avoid stress. In other words, these hormones produce the
b ood g ucose and stored ats in ba ance. Chronic stress may bodys f ght-or- ight response to danger (stress).
a so increase our susceptibi ity to cancer and in ections by Suppose you sudden y ace some threatening situation.
reducing our immunity. Pro onging the anti-in ammatory Imagine encountering a arge anima that is threatening you
e ects may cause constriction o b ood vesse spossib y rais- with bared teeth. A most instant y, the medu a o each adre-
ing our b ood pressure. na g and wou d be thrust into everish activity. T ey wou d
quick y secrete arge amounts o epinephrine (adrena ine) into
Ad r e n a l S e x Ho r m o n e s your b ood. Many o your body unctions wou d seem to be
T e sex hormones that are secreted by the inner zone o the supercharged. Your heart wou d beat aster, your b ood pres-
adrena cortex are ma e hormonesandrogenssimi ar to sure wou d rise, more b ood wou d be pumped to your ske eta
testosterone. T ese hormones are secreted in very sma musc es, your b ood wou d contain increased g ucose or more
amounts in both adu t ma es and adu t ema es. H owever, they energy, and so on. In short, you wou d be geared or strenuous
p ay an ear y ro e in the deve opment o reproductive organs. activity to either resist or avoid the anima attackthus the
In women, these androgens may stimu ate the ema e sexua phrase, f ght or ight.
drive. In men, so much testosterone is secreted by the testes that Epinephrine pro ongs and intensif es changes in body
adrena androgens are usua y not very important in adu ts. unction brought about by the stimu ation o the sympathetic

High blood glucocorticoid conce ntra tion

Incre a s e d mobiliza tion Atrophy Inhibite d

of fa ts a nd tis s ue of thymus infla mma tory
prote ins re s pons e

Incre a s e d live r glucone oge ne s is De cre a s e d De cre a s e d Acce le ra te d

from mobilize d fa ts a nd numbe r of numbe r of re cove ry
prote ins ; a ls o de cre a s e d glucos e lymphocyte s e os inophils from
ca ta bolis m but incre a s e d fa t infla mma tion
ca ta bolis m

(te nd to produce )

Hype rglyce mia De cre a s e d De cre a s e d

immunity a lle rgic re s pons e s

FIGURE 12-14 Stress responses. Stress may trigger elevated secretion o glucocorticoids (GCs) into the
blood. This f ow chart shows the possible e ects induced by high blood GC concentration.
334 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

subdivision o the autonomic nervous system. Reca rom

Chapter 10 that sympathetic, or adrenergic, f bers re ease epi-
nephrine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters.
T e c ose unctiona re ationship between the nervous and
the endocrine systems is perhaps most noticeab e in the bodys
response to stress. In stress conditions, the hypotha amus acts
on the anterior pituitary g and to cause the re ease o AC H ,
which stimu ates the adrena cortex to secrete g ucocorticoids.
At the same time, the sympathetic subdivision o the auto-
nomic nervous system is stimu ated with the adrena medu a,
so the re ease o epinephrine and norepinephrine occurs to
assist the body in responding to the stress u stimu us.

12 To learn more about adrenal unction, go to

AnimationDirect online at S


Ad r e n a l A b n o r m a lit ie s I

Injury, disease states, or ma unction o the adrena g ands can

FIGURE 12-16 Addison disease. Addison disease may produce excess
resu t in hypersecretion or hyposecretion o severa di erent pigmentation o the skin and mucous membranes, as in the buccal (cheek)
hormones. sur ace shown here.
umors o the adrena cortex ocated in the midd e zone
o ten resu t in the production o abnorma y arge amounts o
g ucocorticoids. T e medica name or the co ection o symp- characteristics such as beard growth, deve opment o body
toms that characterize hypersecretion o g ucocorticoids is hair, and increased musc e mass. I these mascu inizing
Cushing syndrome. symptoms appear in a woman, the cause is requent y a
For some reason more women than men deve op Cushing virilizing tumor o the adrena cortex. T e term virile is
syndrome. Its most noticeab e eatures are the so-ca ed moon rom the Latin word virilis meaning ma e or mascu ine.
ace (Figure 12-15) and the buf alo hump on the upper back that Def ciency or hyposecretion o adrena cortex hormones
deve op because o the redistribution o body at. Individua s resu ts in a condition ca ed Addison disease. President John
with Cushing syndrome a so have e evated b ood g ucose F. Kennedy su ered rom Addison disease, which causes re-
eve s and su er requent in ections. Surgica remova o a duced cortica hormone eve s that resu t in musc e weakness,
g ucocorticoid-producing tumor may resu t in dramatic im- reduced b ood g ucose, nausea, oss o appetite, and weight
provement o the moon- ace symptom within on y 4 months. oss. Increased skin and mucous membrane pigmentation
umors that a ect the inner zone o the adrena cortex sometimes characterizes Addison disease (Figure 12-16).
o ten produce androgens. As a resu t, the symptoms o Disorders o adrena secretion are summarized in Table 12-1.
hypersecretion o ten resemb e the ma e secondary sexua
1. Why is th e a d re n a l g la n d o te n th o u g h t o a s tw o s e p a ra te
g la n d s ?
2. Na m e th e h o rm o n e s p ro d u ce d b y th e a d re n a l g la n d .
3. Ho w d o e s th e p itu ita ry g la n d in u e n ce a d re n a l u n ctio n ?
4. Ad d is o n d is e a s e is ca u s e d b y hyp o s e cre tio n o w h ich
h o rm o n e ?

P a n c r e a t ic Is le t s
A the endocrine g ands discussed so ar are big enough
S to be seen without a magni ying g ass. T e pancreatic
R L islets, or islets o Langerhans, in contrast, are too tiny
to be seen without a microscope. T ese g ands are mere y
itt e c umps o ce s scattered ike is ands in a sea among
A B the pancreatic ce s that secrete the pancreatic digestive
juice (Figure 12-17).
FIGURE 12-15 Cushing syndrome. This condition results rom hypersecretion
o glucocorticoid hormone by a tumor o the middle zone o the adrenal cortex. wo o the most important kinds o ce s in the pan-
A, Photo taken when patient was rst diagnosed with Cushing syndrome. B, Taken creatic is ets are the alpha cells (or A cells) and beta cells (or
4 months a ter treatment. B cells). A pha ce s secrete a hormone ca ed glucagon,
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 335

Common bile duct

S ma ll inte s tine

FIGURE 12-17 Pancreas. Location and

structure o the pancreas (cut open). Inset
shows a pancreatic islet (o Langerhans) Pa ncre a tic duct
in cross section, showing the glucagon- S
producing alpha cells and insulin-producing
beta cells. Notice the many exocrine cells R L
surrounding the endocrine pancreatic islet.
Be ta ce lls
Alpha ce lls (s e cre te ins ulin)
(s e cre te gluca gon)
whereas beta ce s secrete one
o the most we -known o a
hormones, insulin.
G ucagon acce erates a pro- Pa ncre a tic
cess ca ed glycogenolysis in is le t
the iver. G ycogeno ysis is a
chemica process by which the
g ucose stored in the iver ce s Exocrine ce lls
in the orm o g ycogen is con- Ve in (s e cre te e nzyme s )
Pa ncre a tic duct
verted to g ucose. T is g ucose (to duode num)
then eaves the iver ce s and
enters the b ood. G ucagon
there ore increases b ood g ucose concentration. mechanism, preventing the norma e ects o insu in on its
Insu in and g ucagon are antagonists. In other words, insu- target ce s and thus a so raising b ood g ucose eve s.
in decreases b ood g ucose concentration; g ucagon increases Screening tests or a types o diabetes mellitus (D M)
it. Insu in is the on y hormone that can decrease b ood g ucose are based on the act that the b ood g ucose eve is e evated
concentration. Severa hormones, however, increase g ucose in this condition. oday, most screening is done with a
concentration, inc uding g ucocorticoids, growth hormone, simp e test that requires on y a drop o b ood. Subjects with
and g ucagon. Insu in decreases b ood g ucose by acce erating a high b ood g ucose eve are suspected o having diabetes
its movement out o the b ood, through ce membranes, and me itus.
into ce s. As g ucose enters the ce s at a aster rate, the ce s
increase their metabo ism o g ucose.
Brie y then, insu in decreases b ood g ucose and increases
g ucose metabo ism. HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G
I the pancreatic is ets secrete a norma amount o insu in,
g ucose enters the ce s easi y, and a norma amount o g ucose EXERCIS E AND DIABETES MELLITUS
stays behind in the b ood. Norma b ood g ucose is about Type 1 diabe te s m e llitus is characte rize d by high blood glu-
70-100 mg o g ucose in every 100 mL (one deci iter or dL) cos e conce ntration be caus e the lack o s u f cie nt ins ulin
o b ood during asting. preve nts glucos e rom e nte ring ce lls . Howeve r, exe rcis e
I the pancreatic is ets secrete too much insu in, as they phys iologis ts have ound that ae robic training incre as e s the
rare y do when a person has a tumor o the pancreas, more num be r o ins ulin re ce ptors in targe t ce lls and the ins ulin
a f nity (attraction) o the re ce ptors . Such training allow s a
g ucose than usua eaves the b ood to enter the ce s, and
s m all am ount o ins ulin to have a gre ate r e e ct than it
b ood g ucose decreases. would have othe rw is e had. Thus exe rcis e re duce s the s e -
I the pancreatic is ets secrete too itt e insu in, as they do ve rity o the diabe tic condition.
in type 1 diabetes mellitus, ess g ucose eaves the b ood to All orm s o diabe te s be ne f t rom prope rly planne d ex-
enter the ce s, so the b ood g ucose increases, sometimes to e rcis e the rapy. Not only is this orm o tre atm e nt natural
even three or more times the norma amount. and cos t-e e ctive , but it als o he lps re duce or preve nt othe r
Most cases o type 2 diabetes mellitus resu t rom an proble m s s uch as obe s ity and he art dis e as e .
abnorma ity o the insu in receptors or their signa ing
336 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System


Advance s in biote chnology and ge ne tic e ngine e ring have Re s e arche rs als o have deve lope d ins ulin pills that could
m ade s eve ral type s o s ynthe tic hum an ins ulin available or dram atically im prove diabe te s care or m illions i in the long
tre atm e nt o diabe te s . run they prove to be s a e and e e ctive .
Ge ne tically e ngine e re d hum an ins ulin was one o the f rs t S ubcuta ne ous
artif cial horm one s deve lope d or us e in clinical m e dicine . S kin tis s ue
Be ore its re le as e , pork and be e pancre as e s we re harve s te d Indwe lling
rom anim als to produce the only orm o ins ulin available or Ins ulin s ubcuta ne ous
hum an us e . This orm o ins ulin is s till w ide ly us e d. Howeve r, pump ne e dle
in s om e individuals , s m all but im portant di e re nce s in the
12 che m ical m ake up o anim al and hum an ins ulin (one to thre e
am ino acids ) re s ults in im m une s ys te m or alle rgic re actions .
For the s e individuals , deve lopm e nt o s ynthe tic hum an ins ulin
was a m ajor m e dical bre akthrough.
Today, s ynthe tic ins ulin is adm inis te re d in di e re nt ways ,
de pe nding on individual circum s tance s . For exam ple , it can be
inje cte d w ith s m all ne e dle s in various orm s , s uch as in a s m all
s yringe pe n. Or it can be inje cte d through an im plante d
ne e dle by a tim e d, exte rnal ins ulin pum p (picture d).
Othe r m e thods o ins ulin de live ry als o are available or be ing L M
inve s tigate d. For exam ple , s o-calle d s m art patche s contain-
ing ins ulin m ay be us e d to abs orb ins ulin through the s kin.

esting or g ucose in the urine is another common screen-

ing procedure. In diabetes me itus, excess g ucose is f tered
out o the b ood by the kidneys and ost in the urine, produc-
ing the condition glycosuria. O varian ollicles are itt e pockets in which egg ce s,
Figure 12-18 summarizes some o the many prob ems that or ova, deve op. O varian o ic es a so secrete estrogen,
can be caused by diabetes me itus. A quick ook at these the eminizing hormone. Estrogen is invo ved in the de-
prob ems underscores the importance o insu in and insu in ve opment and maturation o the breasts and externa geni-
receptors in hea thy bodies. ta s. T is hormone is a so responsib e or deve opment o
Disorders o pancreatic is et secretion are summarized in adu t ema e body contours and initiation o the menstrua
Table 12-1. cyc e.
T e corpus luteum chie y secretes progesterone but a so
some estrogen.
in the article Diabetes Mellitus at at We sha save our discussion o the structure o these en- docrine g ands and the unctions o their hormones or
Chapter 23.
To learn more about insulin unction, go to
AnimationDirect online at M a le S e x G la n d s
Some o the ce s o the testes produce the ma e sex ce s
QUICK CHECK ca ed sperm. O ther ce s in the testes, ma e reproductive
1. Na m e th e tw o p rim a ry h o rm o n e s o th e p a n cre a tic is le ts . ducts, and g ands produce the iquid portion o the ma e re-
2. Wh a t e e ct d o e s in s u lin h a ve o n th e b lo o d s g lu co s e productive uid ca ed semen. T e interstitia ce s in the
co n ce n tra tio n ? testes secrete the ma e sex hormone ca ed testosterone di-
3. Ho w d o e s typ e 1 d ia b e te s d i e r ro m typ e 2 d ia b e te s ? rect y into the b ood. T ese ce s o the testes are there ore the
ma e endocrine g ands.
S e x G la n d s estosterone is the mascu inizing hormone. It is respon-
sib e or the maturation o the externa genita s, beard growth,
Fe m a le S e x G la n d s changes in voice at puberty, and or the muscu ar deve opment
A womans primary sex g ands are her two ovaries. Each ovary and body contours typica o the ma e.
contains two di erent kinds o g andu ar structures: the ovar- Chapter 23 contains more in ormation about the structure
ian ollicles and the corpus luteum. o the testes and the unctions o testosterone.
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 337

Hypos e cre tion Ma lfunction of

Undis cove re d
of hormone s igna l
me cha nis ms
ins ulin in ta rge t ce lls

De cre a s e d
ins ulin
e ffe cts

Incre a s e d De cre a s e d
blood glucos e glucos e ava ila ble
leve l for ce llula r
(hype rglyce mia ) re s pira tion

Incre a s e d Kidneys Ne urons S hift from us ing
glucos e in a bility to s ta rve ca rbohydra te s
inte rs titia l cons e rve glucos e to us ing fa t
fluid is exce e de d

Coma Ne rve
dis e a s e s

Incre a s e d Wa te r
urine glucos e follows glucos e
P rovide s leve l into urine P roduction We ight Incre a s e d
nutrie nts for (glycos uria ) by os mos is of los s blood lipid
microorga nis ms ke tone bodie s leve ls
(hype rlipide mia )

Incre a s e d Incre a s e d Ne t Acidos is Ca rdiova s cula r Ga lls tone s

s us ce ptibility volume of wa te r los s dis orde rs
to infe ction urine from body
(polyuria )

Thirs t He a rt Ulce rs Kidney Eye (re tina )

(polydips ia ) dis e a s e a nd da ma ge da ma ge
ga ngre ne

Blindne s s

FIGURE 12-18 Diabetes mellitus. The signs and symptoms o this disorder (highlighted in yellow) all re-
sult rom decreased insulin e ects. Although this diagram may seem overwhelming at rst glance, it is easy to
ollow i you trace each o the pathways step-by-step through to the end. By doing so, you will begin to appreci-
ate how one event o ten triggers another in human physiology.

A though this structure is sma it weighs about

Th y m u s 20 gramsit p ays a critica part in the bodys de enses
T e thymus is ocated in the mediastinum (see Figure 12-1), against in ections and cancer.
and in in ants it may extend up into the neck as ar as the
ower edge o the thyroid g and. Like the adrena g and, the
thymus has a cortex and medu a. Both portions are composed
P la c e n t a
arge y o ymphocytes (white b ood ce s). T e p acenta unctions as a temporary endocrine g and.
T e thymus is the ocation where many o the bodys ce s D uring pregnancy, it produces chorionic gonadotropins,
o immunity deve op. T e hormone thymosin is actua y a so ca ed because they are tropic hormones secreted by ce s o
group o severa hormones that together p ay an important the chorion, the outermost membrane that surrounds the
ro e in regu ating the deve opment and unction o ce s embryo and etus during deve opment in the uterus. In addi-
an important category o immunity agents in the body. T e tion to chorionic gonadotropins, the p acenta a so produces
unction o ce s is discussed in detai in Chapter 16. estrogen and progesterone.
338 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

D uring the ear iest weeks o pregnancy, the kidneys excrete Abnorma secretion o or sensitivity to me atonin is imp i-
arge amounts o chorionic gonadotropins in the urine. T is cated in a number o disorders. One dramatic examp e is sea-
act, discovered near y a century ago, ed to the deve opment sonal af ective disorder (SAD). Patients with this condition
o early pregnancy tests that are sti in common use today. exhibit signs o c inica depression on y during the winter
months, when nights are ong. Apparent y, unusua y high
me atonin eve s associated with ong winter nights cause
P in e a l G la n d psycho ogica e ects in these patients.
T e pinea g and is a sma g and near the roo o the third A treatment that has been success u in some cases o this
ventric e o the brain (see Figure 10-13). It is named pinea winter depression invo ves the use o bright ights in the
because it resemb es the pine nut (which ooks ike a sma persons indoor environment or a ew hours each day a ter
kerne o corn). T e pinea g and is easi y ocated in a chi d but sundown. T e pinea g and seems to be tricked into respond-
becomes f brous and encrusted with ca cium deposits as a ing as i the patient were experiencing a ong summer day,
person ages. thus secreting ess me atonin (see Table 12-1).
12 T e pinea g and produces a number o hormones in very E ectronic screensmost o which have the b uish cast
sma quantities, with melatonin being the most signif cant. that triggers retina gang ion ce so ten have the unwanted
Me atonin inhibits the tropic hormones that a ect the ova- e ect o disrupting s eep patterns when used ate at night.
ries, and it is thought to be invo ved in regu ating the onset o W hen treating insomnia, many physicians suggest re raining
puberty and the menstrua cyc e in women. rom using such devices or at east an hour or so be ore
Because the pinea g and receives and responds to sensory bedtime.
in ormation rom the ight-sensitive gang ion ce s o the eyes
retina, it is sometimes ca ed the third eye. T e pinea g and
uses in ormation regarding changing ight eve s to adjust its
En d o c r in e Fu n c t io n s Th ro u g h o u t
output o me atonin; me atonin eve s increase during the t h e Bo d y
night and decrease during the day. T is cyc ic variation is an
O t h e r En d o c r in e S t r u c t u r e s
important timekeeping mechanism or the bodys interna
c ock and s eep cyc e. Continuing research into the endocrine system has shown that
Me atonin supp ements are now wide y used as an aid to near y every organ and system has an endocrine unction.
induce s eep or to reprogram the s eep cyc e as a treatment issues in the kidneys, stomach, intestines, and other or-
or jet ag. gans secrete hormones that regu ate a variety o essentia

The undis pute d he roe s o e ndo- progre s s in unde rs tanding and
crinology are Canadian s urge on tre ating e ndocrine dis orde rs .
Fre de rick Banting and his as s is tant Be caus e horm one s a e ct s o
Charle s Be s t. Until the e arly tw e n- m any di e re nt body unctions ,
tie th ce ntury, childre n w ith type 1 ne arly eve ry kind o he alth pro e s -
diabe te s m e llitus die d a s low, hor- s ional, rom m e dical doctors to
rible de ath as a re s ult o the ir ce lls nurs e s to die titians , ne e ds to be
lite rally s tarving to de ath rom lack aware o the ir unctions . O cours e ,
o glucos e . Acting on Bantings horm one s and che m icals that in u-
ide a or re m oving ins ulin rom e nce horm one actions are o te n
Frederick Banting the pancre atic is le ts o dogs , the us e d in tre atm e nts , s o pharm acol- Charles Best
(18911941) tw o w e re the f rs t to s ucce s s ully ogis ts and pharm acis ts als o m us t (18991978)
is olate this im portant horm one . have an exce lle nt know le dge o
Che m is t Jam e s Collip w as able to puri y the ins ulin s u f - e ndocrinology.
cie ntly s o that in 1921 the ir colle ague , Scots phys iologis t Som e s cie ntis ts have applie d principle s o e ndocrinology in
J ohn Macle od, could adm inis te r the ins ulin to a 14-ye ar-old a varie ty o unexpe cte d ways , including the deve lopm e nt o
boy w ith diabe te s . It w orke d! The tre atm e nt not only re lieve d e arly pre gnancy te s t kits and ovulation te s t kits , to the us e o
the boys s u e ring, but it als o gave him a he althy, long li e . s ynthe tic horm one s in he althy pe ople to he lp the m control
The ir bre akthrough, or w hich Banting and Macle od re - the ir e rtility.
ce ive d the 1923 Nobe l Prize , was the s tart o a ce ntury o rapid
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 339

Ho r m o n e Ac t io n s in Eve ry O r g a n
human unctions. For examp e, ghrelin is secreted by epithe-
ia ce s ining the stomach and boosts appetite, s ows me- T is chapter has inc uded a ist o endocrine g ands and hor-
tabo ism, and reduces at burning. Ghre in may, there ore, be mones that may have seemed end ess. Yet it is on y a sma
invo ved in the deve opment o obesity. raction o the known hormones and hormone-producing ce s.
Another examp e is atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH), We have mentioned the actions o hormones in previous
which is secreted by ce s in the wa o the hearts atria (upper chapters, and we wi continue to discuss near y a the hor-
chambers). ANH is an important regu ator o uid and e ec- mones identif ed in this chapter as we proceed through the
tro yte homeostasis. ANH is an antagonist to a dosterone. rest o this book. W hy? H ormone actions are important regu-
A dosterone stimu ates the kidney to retain sodium ions and ators o homeostasis throughout the body. T ey p ay critica
water, whereas ANH stimu ates oss o sodium ions and ro es in the unction o every organ o the body.
water. As you move orward in your course, a ways be on the ook-
A more recent y discovered hormone is leptin, which is out or the regu atory and coordinating ro es o hormones. By
secreted by at-storing ce s throughout the body. Leptin doing so, you wi have a more comp ete picture o who e-body
seems to regu ate how hungry or u we ee and how at is unctiona view that wi serve you we in the uture. 12
metabo ized by the body. Researchers are now ooking at how
eptin works with other hormones in the hopes o f nding QUICK CHECK
ways to treat patients with obesity, diabetes me itus, and 1. Wh ich h o rm o n e s a re p ro d u ce d b y th e m a le a n d e m a le
other disorders invo ving at storage. s e x g la n d s ?
In the Clear View o the Human Body ( o ows p. 8), try to 2. Why is th e p la ce n ta co n s id e re d to b e a g la n d ?
f nd as many endocrine organs as you can and note their posi- 3. Why is th e p in e a l g la n d s o m e tim e s ca lle d th e tim e -
ke e p e r o th e b o d y?
tions re ative to other structures o the body.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 319)

antidiuretic hormone (ADH) cortisol ollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

[cortis- cortex (bark), -ol alcohol]

[anti- against, -dia- through, -uret- urination, cyclic AMP (cAMP) [ oll- bag, -icle little, stimulate- urge,
-ic relating to, hormon- excite] -ing action, hormon- excite]
atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) [cycl- circle, -ic relating to] G protein
endocrine gland
[G or guanine-nucleotide binding,
[atria- entrance courtyard (atrium o heart), [endo- inward or within, -crin- secrete, prote- f rst rank, -in substance]
-al relating to, natri- natrium (sodium), gland acorn] ghrelin
-uret- urination, -ic relating to, endocrine system
hormon- excite] [ghrel- grow (also acronym or growth
calcitonin (CT) [endo- inward or within, -crin- secrete, hormone releasing), -in substance]
system organized whole] glucagon
[calci- lime (calcium), -ton- tone, -in substance] endocrinology
chorion [gluca- sweet (glucose), -agon lead or bring]
[endo- within, -crin- secrete, -o- combining glucocorticoid (GC)
[chorion skin] vowel, -log- words (study o ), -y activity]
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) epinephrine (Epi) [gluco- sweet (glucose), -cortic- cortex (bark),
-oid like]
[epi- upon, -nephr- kidney, -ine substance] gluconeogenesis
[chorion- skin, -ic relating to, gon- o spring, estrogen
-ad- relating to, -trop- nourish, -in substance] [gluco- sweet (glucose), -neo- new,
corpus luteum [estro- renzy, -gen produce] -gen- produce, -esis process]
exocrine gland glycogenolysis
[exo- outside or outward, -crin- secrete, [glyco- sweet (glucose), -gen- produce,
[corpus body, lute- yellow, -um thing] gland acorn] -o- combining vowel, -lysis loosening]
corticoid growth hormone (GH or hGH)

[cortic- cortex (bark), -oid like] [hormon- excite]

Continued on p. 340
340 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 339)

hormone oxytocin (OT) sex hormone

[hormon- excite] [oxy- sharp or quick, -toc- birth, -in substance] [hormon- excite]
inhibiting hormone (IH) pancreatic islet (islet o Langerhans) signal transduction

[inhib- restrain, -ing action, hormon- excite] [trans- across, -duc- trans er, -tion process]
insulin [pan- all, -creat- esh, -ic relating to, isl- island, sperm
-et little] [Paul Langerhans German
[insul- island, -in substance] pathologist] pl.,

12 leptin paracrine [sperm seed]

steroid hormone
[lept- thin, -in substance] [para- beside, -crin- secrete]
leukotriene parathyroid gland [ster- sterol, -oid like, hormon- excite]
[leuko- white, -tri- three, -ene chemical] [para- beside, -thyr- shield, -oid like,
gland acorn] [stress tighten]
parathyroid hormone (PTH) target cell
[lute- yellow, -ization process]
luteinizing hormone (LH) [cell storeroom]
[para- besides, -thyr- shield, -oid like, testosterone
hormon- excite]
[lute- yellow, -izing process, hormon- excite]
melatonin pituitary gland [testo- witness (testis), -stero- solid or steroid
derivative, -one chemical]
[pituit- phlegm, -ary relating to, gland acorn]
[mela- black, -ton- tone, -in substance] thromboxane
mineralocorticoid (MC) positive eedback
[thrombo- clot, -oxa- oxygen, -ane chemical]
[posit- put or place, -ive relating to,
[mineral- mine, -cortic- cortex (bark), -oid like] thymosin
eedback in ormation about the results o
negative eedback
a process] [thymos- thyme ower (thymus gland),
[negat- deny, -ive relating to, eedback progesterone -in substance]
in ormation about the results o a process] thyroid ollicle
[pro- be ore, -gester- bearing pregnancy
-stero- solid or steroid derivative, [thyro- shield thyroid gland -oid like, oll- bag,
-one chemical]
[neuro- nerve, -hypo- under or below, -icle little]
-physis growth] prolactin (PRL) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
nonsteroid hormone
[pro- be ore, -lact- milk, -in substance]

[non- not, -stero- solid, -oid like, prostaglandin (PG) [thyro- shield, -oid like, stimulate- urge,
hormon- excite] -ing action, hormon- excite]
[pro- be ore, -stat- set or place (prostate),
norepinephrine (NE) thyroxine (T4)
-gland- acorn (gland), -in substance]

[nor- chemical pref x (unbranched C chain), releasing hormone (RH) [thyro- shield (thyroid gland), -ox- oxygen,
-epi- upon, -nephr- kidney, -ine substance] -ine chemical]
[hormon- excite]
ova triiodothyronine (T3)
second-messenger mechanism
sing., ovum [tri- three, -iodo- violet (iodine), -thyro- shield
sella turcica (thyroid gland), -nine chemical]
[ovum egg] tropic hormone
[sella saddle or seat, turcica Turkish]
ovarian ollicle
semen [trop- turn or change, -ic relating to,
[ov- egg, -arian relating to, oll- bag, -icle little] hormon- excite]
[semen seed]
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 341


acromegaly gigantism hyposecretion

[acro- extremities, -mega- great, -aly state] [gigant- great, -ism condition] [hypo- under or below, -secret- separate,
Addison disease glycosuria -tion process]
[Thomas Addison English physician, [glyco- sweet (glucose), -ur- urine,
dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] -ia condition] [hypo- under or below, -thyr- shield (thyroid
cretinism goiter gland), -oid- like, -ism condition]
[cretin- idiot, -ism condition]
Cushing syndrome
[goiter throat]
Graves disease [myx- mucus, -edema swelling] 12
[Harvey W. Cushing American neurosurgeon, [Robert J . Graves Irish physician, dis- opposite
syn- together, -drome running or (race) o , -ease com ort] [pharmaco- medicine or poison, -log- words
course] hydrocortisone (study o ), -y activity]
diabetes insipidus polyendocrine disorder
[hydro- water, -cortisone cortex o adrenal
[diabetes siphon, insipidus without zest] gland] [poly- many, -endo- inward or within,
diabetes mellitus (DM) hypercalcemia -crin- secrete, dis- lack o ,
-order arrangement]
[diabetes pass-through or siphon, [hyper- excessive, calc- lime (calcium), prolactinoma
mellitus honey-sweet] -emia blood condition]
diuretic hyperglycemia [pro- be ore, -lact- milk, -in- substance,
-oma tumor]
[dia- through, -ure- urine, -ic relating to] [hyper- excessive, -glyc- sweet (glucose), simple goiter
dwarf sm -emia blood condition]
hypersecretion [goiter throat]
[dwar - something tiny, -ism condition] type 1 diabetes mellitus
endocrinologist [hyper- excessive, -secret- separate,
-tion process] [diabetes siphon, mellitus honey sweet]
[endo- within, -crin- secrete, -o- combining hyperthyroidism type 2 diabetes mellitus
vowel, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent]
exophthalmos [hyper- excessive, -thyr- shield (thyroid gland), [diabetes siphon, mellitus honey sweet]
-oid- like, -ism condition] virilizing tumor
[ex- outward, -oph- eye, -thalm- inner chamber, hypoglycemia
-os state] [viril- male or masculine, -izing making,
[hypo- under or below, -glyc- sweet (glucose), tumor swelling]
-emia blood condition]
342 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary Me chanis m s o Endo crine
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie .
Dis e as e (Table 12-1)
A. H ypersecretionexcess hormone secretion
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to B. H yposecretioninsu cient hormone secretion
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e C. Po yendocrine disordershyper- or hyposecretion o
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s more than one hormone
or be ore a te s t. D. arget ce insensitivity produces resu ts simi ar to
12 Endo crine Glands E. Endocrino ogists have deve oped many di erent strategies
or treatment ( or examp e, surgery and hormone therapy)
A. Exocrine g ands are ducted g ands and are not inc uded
in the endocrine system
B. Endocrine g ands are duct ess g ands that secrete chemi-
Pro s tag landins
ca s (hormones) into the b ood (see Table 12-1) A. Prostag andins (PGs) are power u ipid substances ound
1. arget ce ce that has specif c receptors or a par- in a wide variety o body tissues; PGs are modif ed atty
ticu ar hormone acids
2. Endocrine g ands are numerous and widespread in the B. PGs are typica y produced in a tissue and di use on y a
body (Figure 12-1) short distance to act on ce s in that tissue; o ten ca ed
tissue hormones or paracrine agents
C. Severa c asses o PGs inc ude prostag andin A (PGA),
Me chanis m s o Ho rm o ne Actio n prostag andin E (PGE), and prostag andin F (PGF)
A. Endocrine g ands secrete chemica s (hormones) into the D. PGs in uence many body unctions, inc uding respiration,
b ood (Figure 12-1) b ood pressure, gastrointestina secretions, and reproduction
B. H ormones per orm genera unctions o communication
and contro but a s ower, onger- asting type o contro
than that provided by nerve impu ses
Pituitary Gland
C. Ce s that respond to hormones are ca ed target cells A. Structure o the pituitary g and (Figure 12-6)
ound within target organs 1. Anterior pituitarya so ca ed adenohypophysis; made
D. Nonsteroid hormones (f rst messengers) bind to recep- up o g andu ar epithe ium
tors on the target ce membrane, triggering intrace u ar 2. Posterior pituitarya so ca ed neurohypophysis; made
second messengers such as cyc ic AMP to a ect the ce s up o nervous tissue
activities (Figure 12-2) 3. Locationin bony depression (se a turcica) o sphe-
E. Steroid hormones noid bone in sku ; connected to the hypotha amus by
1. Primary e ects produced by binding to receptors a pituitary sta k
within the target ce nuc eus and in uence ce activ- B. Anterior pituitary g and (adenohypophysis)
ity by acting on DNAa s ower process than nonste- 1. Names o major hormones
roid action (Figure 12-3) a. T yroid-stimu ating hormone ( SH )
2. Secondary e ects may occur when steroid hormones b. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (AC H )
bind to membrane receptors to rapid y trigger unc- c. Fo ic e-stimu ating hormone (FSH )
tiona changes in the target ce d. Luteinizing hormone (LH )
e. Growth hormone (GH )
. Pro actin ( actogenic hormone)
Re g ulatio n o Ho rm o ne S e cre tio n 2. Functions o major hormones
A. H ormone secretion is contro ed by homeostatic a. SH stimu ates growth o the thyroid g and; a so
eedback stimu ates it to secrete thyroid hormone
B. Negative eedbackmechanisms that reverse the direc- b. AC H stimu ates growth o the adrena cortex
tion o a change in a physio ogica system (Figure 12-4) and stimu ates it to secrete g ucocorticoids (main y
C. Positive eedback(uncommon) mechanisms that cortiso )
amp i y physio ogica changes c. FSH initiates growth o ovarian o ic es each
D. Leve s o regu ationendocrine regu ation o body unc- month in the ovary and stimu ates one or more o i-
tion usua y operates at mu tip e eve s o contro at the c es to deve op to the stage o maturity and ovu ation;
same time or better e ciency and precision FSH a so stimu ates estrogen secretion by deve oping
o ic es; stimu ates sperm production in the ma e
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 343

d. LH acts with FSH to stimu ate estrogen secre- B. issue made up o thyroid o ic es f ed with co oid
tion and o ic e growth to maturity; causes ovu a- (Figure 12-8)
tion; causes uteinization o the ruptured o ic e C. Names o hormones
and stimu ates progesterone secretion by corpus 1. T yroid hormonesthyroxine ( 4) and triiodothyro-
uteum; causes interstitia ce s in the testes to nine ( 3); produced by o ic e ce s and stored in
secrete testosterone in the ma e co oid o o ic es
e. GH stimu ates growth by acce erating protein 2. Ca citonin (C )made by C ce s outside the o i-
anabo ism; a so acce erates at catabo ism and s ows c e wa s
g ucose catabo ism; by s owing g ucose catabo ism, D. Functions o hormones
tends to increase b ood g ucose to higher than 1. T yroid hormonesacce erate catabo ism and energy
norma eve (hyperg ycemia) production (increasing the bodys metabo ic rate)
(1) H ypersecretion during chi dhood resu ts in 2. C decreases the b ood ca cium concentration by
gigantism and during adu thood resu ts in inhibiting breakdown o bone, which wou d re ease
acromega y (Figure 12-5) ca cium into the b ood 12
(2) H yposecretion during chi dhood resu ts in E. H yperthyroidism (hypersecretion o thyroid hormones)
pituitary dwarf sm increases metabo ic rate
. Pro actin (PRL) or actogenic hormonestimu ates 1. Characterized by rest essness and exophtha mos (pro-
breast deve opment during pregnancy and secretion truding eyes) (Figure 12-9)
o mi k a ter the de ivery o the baby 2. Graves disease is an inherited orm o
(1) Pro actinomabenign adenoma causing hyper- hyperthyroidism
secretion o PRL; occurs most requent y in F. H ypothyroidism (hyposecretion o thyroid hormones)
ema es 1. May resu t rom di erent conditions
C. Posterior pituitary g and (neurohypophysis) (Figure 12-6) 2. Simp e goiterpain ess en argement o thyroid
1. Names o hormones caused by dietary def ciency o iodine (Figure 12-10)
a. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH ) 3. H yposecretion during ear y deve opment may resu t in
(1) H yposecretion causes diabetes insipidus, char- cretinism (retardation) and during adu thood in myx-
acterized by excessive vo ume o urine edema (characterized by edema, dry skin, and s ug-
b. O xytocin (O ) gishness; Figure 12-11)
2. Functions o hormones
a. ADH acce erates water reabsorption rom urine
in the kidney tubu es into the b ood, thereby
Parathyro id Glands
decreasing urine secretion A. Sma umps o g andu ar tissue ocated on the posterior
b. O xytocinstimu ates the pregnant uterus to con- sur ace o the thyroid g and (Figure 12-7)
tract; may initiate abor; causes g andu ar ce s o B. Name o hormoneparathyroid hormone (P H )
the breast to re ease mi k into ducts 1. Increases b ood ca cium concentration by increasing
the breakdown o bone with the re ease o ca cium
into the b ood; a so promotes ca cium absorption rom
Hypo thalam us ood and reduces ca cium oss in the urine
A. Produces posterior pituitary hormones 2. P H and C have antagonistic e ects that he p
1. Actua production o ADH and oxytocin occurs in the maintain stab e b ood ca cium concentrations needed
hypotha amus or good hea th (Figure 12-12)
2. A ter production in the hypotha amus, hormones pass
a ong axons into the pituitary g and
3. T e secretion and re ease o posterior pituitary hor-
Adre nal Glands
mones are contro ed by nervous stimu ation A. Located on the superior end o each kidney; outer region
B. Regu ates anterior pituitary secretion is g andu ar and inner region is secretory nervous tissue
1. Re easing hormones (RH s) and inhibiting hormones (Figure 12-13)
(IH s) contro secretion by anterior pituitary B. Adrena cortex
2. RH s and IH s reach anterior pituitary through a direct 1. Names o hormones (corticoids)
capi ary connection a. G ucocorticoids (GCs)chie y cortiso
C. T e hypotha amus contro s many body unctions re ated (hydrocortisone)
to homeostasis (temperature, appetite, and thirst) b. Minera ocorticoids (MCs)chie y a dosterone
c. Sex hormonessma amounts o ma e hormones
(androgens) secreted by adrena cortex o both sexes
Thyro id Gland 2. T ree ce ayers (zones)
A. Located in the neck, just in erior to the arynx a. O uter ayersecretes minera ocorticoids
(Figure 12-7) b. Midd e ayersecretes g ucocorticoids
c. Inner ayersecretes sex hormones
344 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

3. Minera ocorticoidsincrease b ood sodium and B. Names o hormones

decrease body potassium concentrations by acce erat- 1. G ucagonsecreted by a pha ce s
ing kidney tubu e reabsorption o sodium and excre- 2. Insu insecreted by beta ce s
tion o potassium C. Functions o hormones
4. Functions o g ucocorticoids 1. G ucagon increases the b ood g ucose eve by acce er-
a. H e p maintain norma b ood g ucose concentration ating g ycogeno ysis in iver (conversion o g ycogen to
by increasing g uconeogenesisthe ormation o g ucose)
new g ucose rom amino acids produced by the 2. Insu in decreases the b ood g ucose by acce erating the
breakdown o proteins, main y those in musc e movement o g ucose out o the b ood into ce s,
tissue ce s; a so the conversion to g ucose o atty which increases g ucose metabo ism by ce s
acids produced by the breakdown o ats stored in D. Diabetes me itus (Figure 12-18)
adipose tissue ce s 1. ype 1 resu ts rom hyposecretion o insu in
b. P ay an essentia part in maintaining norma b ood 2. ype 2 resu ts rom target ce insensitivity to insu in
12 pressuremake it possib e or epinephrine and 3. G ucose cannot enter ce s and thus b ood g ucose
norepinephrine to maintain a norma degree o eve s rise, producing g ycosuria (g ucose in the urine)
vasoconstriction, a condition necessary or main-
taining norma b ood pressure
c. Act with epinephrine and norepinephrine to produce
S e x Glands
an anti-in ammatory e ect, to bring about norma A. Fema e sex g ands
recovery rom in ammations o various kinds 1. T e ovaries contain two structures that secrete
d. Produce anti-immunity, antia ergy e ect; bring hormonesthe ovarian o ic es and the corpus
about a decrease in the number o ymphocytes and uteum; see Chapter 23
p asma ce s and there ore a decrease in the amount 2. E ects o estrogen ( eminizing hormone)
o antibodies ormed a. Deve opment and maturation o breasts and exter-
e. Secretion o g ucocorticoid quick y increases when na genita s
the body is thrown into a condition o stress; high b. Deve opment o adu t ema e body contours
b ood concentration o g ucocorticoids, in turn, brings c. Initiation o menstrua cyc e
about many other stress responses (Figure 12-14) B. Ma e sex g ands
. Chronic stress can disturb the bodys ba ance o 1. T e interstitia ce s o testes secrete the ma e
metabo ic and immune unctions hormone testosterone; see Chapter 23
5. Sex hormonesma e androgens simi ar to testoster- 2. E ects o testosterone (mascu inizing hormone)
one are produced in both sexes; have a ro e in repro- a. Maturation o externa genita s
ductive deve opment b. Beard growth
C. Adrena medu a c. Voice changes at puberty
1. Names o hormonesepinephrine (Epi), or adrena- d. Deve opment o muscu ature and body contours
ine, and norepinephrine (NE) typica o the ma e
2. Functions o hormoneshe p the body resist stress by
intensi ying and pro onging the e ects o sympathetic
stimu ation; increased epinephrine secretion is the f rst
Thym us
endocrine response to stress A. Name o hormonethymosin
D. Adrena abnorma ities B. Function o hormonep ays an important ro e in the
1. H ypersecretion o g ucocorticoids causes Cushing deve opment and unction o ce s (agents o the bodys
syndrome: moon ace, hump on back, e evated b ood immune system)
g ucose eve s, requent in ections (Figure 12-15)
2. H ypersecretion o adrena androgens may resu t rom
a viri izing tumor and cause mascu inization o
Place nta
a ected women A. Name o hormoneschorionic gonadotropins, estrogens,
3. H yposecretion o cortica hormones may resu t in and progesterone
Addison disease: increased pigmentation in skin and B. Functions o hormonesmaintain the corpus uteum
mucous membranes, musc e weakness, reduced b ood during pregnancy
g ucose, nausea, oss o appetite, and weight oss
(Figure 12-16)
Pine al Gland
A. A sma g and near the roo o the third ventric e o the
Pancre atic Is le ts brain
A. Is ands o endocrine tissue scattered within the exocrine 1. G andu ar tissue predominates in chi dren and young
tissue o the pancreas, a digestive g and near the junction adu ts
o the stomach and sma intestine (Figure 12-17) 2. Becomes f brous and ca cif ed with age
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 345

B. Ca ed third eye because its in uence on secretory activity Endo crine Functio ns
is re ated to the amount o ight entering the eyes
C. Secretes me atonin, which
Thro ug ho ut the Bo dy
1. Inhibits ovarian activity A. Many organs ( or examp e, the stomach, intestines, and
2. Regu ates the bodys interna c ock kidneys) produce endocrine hormones
D. Abnorma secretion o (or sensitivity to) me atonin may 1. Stomach ining produces ghre in, which a ects appe-
produce seasona a ective disorder (SAD) or winter tite and metabo ism
depression, a orm o depression that occurs when expo- 2. T e atria wa o the heart secretes atria natriuretic
sure to sun ight is ow and me atonin eve s are high hormone (ANH ), which stimu ates sodium oss rom
the kidneys
3. Fat-storing ce s secrete eptin, which contro s how
u or hungry we ee
B. H ormone actions occur in every organ o the body and
are addressed throughout the rest o this book 12

STUDY TIPS o the g ands that produce them. Deve op a concept map
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in that inc udes the g and, hormones, and their unctions.
m e e ting your le arning goals . 3. Remember that hormones re eased by the posterior pitu-
itary g and are made in the hypotha amus.
Review the s ynops is o the e ndocrine s ys te m in Chapte r 5. 4. W hen studying the disorders o the endocrine system,
The unction o the e ndocrine s ys te m is the s am e as that o make a chart that identif es the disorders as a hyposecre-
the ne rvous s ys te m . The di e re nce s are in the m e thods us e d tion or hypersecretion o a specif c g and. T is may be
and the exte nt o the ir e e cts . The e ndocrine s ys te m us e s more di cu t than you think because many o the disor-
che m icals in the blood (horm one s ) rathe r than ne rve im - ders are named a ter peop e, so the names themse ves are
puls e s . Horm one s can have a dire ct e e ct on alm os t eve ry not he p u in exp aining the disorders. Usua y, i you
ce ll in the body, an im pos s ible tas k or the ne rvous s ys te m . know the norma unction o the hormone, you shou d be
Ste roid horm one s can act dire ctly be caus e they can e nte r ab e to f gure out what e ect on the body hyposecretion
the ce ll; prote in horm one s cannot, s o they ne e d a s e cond- or hypersecretion wou d have.
m e s s e nge r s ys te m . 5. In your study group, discuss the hormone mechanisms
and negative eedback oops invo ved in hormone regu a-
1. Reviewing materia rom ear ier chapters such as receptor tion. Review the hormone ash cards. Use your e ectronic
proteins in the ce membrane, A P, homeostasis, and device to photocopy Table 12-1. T e photocopy and the
negative eedback oops wi he p you understand the chapter out ine summary at the end o the chapter wou d
materia in this chapter. be a good way to organize a most a the in ormation in
2. Use ash cards and on ine resources to earn the names o the chapter. Go over the chart o endocrine disorders and
the hormones, what they do, and the names and ocations the questions at the end o the chapter, and discuss possi-
b e test questions.

Re vie w Que s tio ns 5. Exp ain and give an examp e o a negative eedback oop
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r or the regu ation o hormone secretion.
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r 6. Exp ain and give an examp e o a positive eedback oop
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r or the regu ation o hormone secretion.
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch 7. Exp ain the di erence between prostag andins and hor-
o your new le arning. mones. List some o the body unctions that can be
in uenced by prostag andins.
1. Di erentiate between endocrine and exocrine g ands. 8. Describe the structure o the pituitary g and and where
2. Def ne or exp ain the o owing terms: hormone, target it is ocated.
organ, hypersecretion, and hyposecretion. 9. Name the our tropic hormones re eased by the anterior
3. Exp ain the mechanism o action o nonsteroid pituitary g and and brie y exp ain their unctions.
hormones. 10. Exp ain the unction o growth hormone.
4. Exp ain the mechanism o action o steroid hormones.
346 CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System

11. Gigantism and acromega y have the same cause. W hat is 3. T e two major c asses o hormones are ________ and
the cause o these two endocrine disorders and how do ________.
they di er? 4. A ce or body organ that has receptors or a hormone
12. Exp ain the unction o ADH . that triggers a reaction is ca ed a ________.
13. W hat is the cause o diabetes insipidus? W hat are the 5. O ne examp e o a second-messenger system invo ves the
signs and symptoms o the condition? conversion o A P into ________.
14. Exp ain the unction o pro actin and oxytocin. 6. T e hormone receptors or a nonsteroid hormone are
15. Exp ain the unction o the hypotha amus in the endo- ocated in the ________, whereas the receptors or a
crine system. steroid hormone are ocated in the ________.
16. Exp ain the di erence between 3 and 4. W hat is 7. issue hormones is another name or ________.
unique about the thyroid g and? 8. W hat part o the pituitary g and is made o nervous
17. Describe the antagonistic e ects o ca citonin and para- tissue? ________
thyroid hormone in the regu ation o ca cium. 9. W hat part o the pituitary g and is made o g andu ar
12 18. Distinguish between cretinism and myxedema. tissue? ________
19. Name the hormones produced by the zones or areas o 10. T e hormone oxytocin is re eased by the ________ but
the adrena cortex. is made in the ________.
20. W hat are the signs and symptoms o Cushing syn- 11. T e hormone hGH is a synonym or the________.
drome? O Addison disease? 12. T e ________ enters target ce s and does not require a
21. Exp ain the unction o a dosterone. second-messenger action. It is an exception to the
22. Exp ain the unction o g ucocorticoids. genera mode o nonsteroid action requiring an interna
second messenger.
13. Patients with ________ exhibit signs o c inica depres-
Critical Thinking sion on y during the winter months, when nights are
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out ong.
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to 14. A tropic hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to g and is:
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts a. thyroid-stimu ating hormone
that you f nd di f cult. b. adrenocorticotropic hormone
c. uteinizing hormone
23. Exp ain why a secondary messenger system is needed or d. a o the above
nonsteroid hormones but not or steroid hormones. 15. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH ):
24. W hy is the ba ance o b ood ca cium eve s signif cant to a. is made in the posterior pituitary g and
homeostasis? b. acce erates water reabsorption in the kidney
25. W hy is a goiter usua y more o a dietary prob em rather c. in high concentration causes diabetes insipidus
than an endocrine prob em? d. a o the above
26. A doctor discovered a patient had very ow eve s o thy- 16. W hich o the o owing hormones is re eased by the
roxine by noting high eve s o SH . Is the patients anterior pituitary g and and stimu ates breast deve op-
prob em in the thyroid g and or the pituitary g and? ment during pregnancy necessary or eventua mi k
Exp ain your answer. production?
27. I a person diagnosed with diabetes me itus were ound a. Estrogen
to be producing a norma amount o insu in, what other b. O xytocin
cause cou d exp ain the diabetes? c. Pro actin
28. W hy is a program o regu ar exercise so important to a d. Progesterone
diabetic patient; especia y someone with a diagnosis o 17. W hich hormone re eased by the posterior pituitary
type 1 diabetes? g and stimu ates the contraction o the pregnant uterus?
a. Estrogen
b. O xytocin
Chapte r Te s t c. Pro actin
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by d. Progesterone
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m 18. A benign adenoma that causes a hypersecretion o pro-
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . actin (PRL) is ca ed:
a. viri izing tumor
1. ________ g ands secrete their products into ducts that b. exophtha mos
empty onto a sur ace or into a cavity. c. pro actinoma
2. ________ g ands are duct ess and secrete their products, d. myxedema
ca ed ________, into interce u ar space, where they
di use into the b ood.
CHAPTER 12 Endocrine System 347

19. W hat is the chemica process by which the g ucose 20. W hich o the o owing is not a paracrine?
stored in the iver ce s in the orm o g ycogen is con- a. Prostag andin
verted to g ucose? b. Leukotriene
a. G yco ysis c. T romboxane
b. G uconeogenesis d. Ghre in
c. Second-messenger mechanism
d. G ycogeno ysis

Match each hormone in Column A with its unction or source in Column B.

Column A Column B
21. ________ parathyroid hormone a. re eased by the adrena medu a; pro ongs the e ect o the sympathetic
22. ________ minera ocorticoids nervous system
23. ________ g ucocorticoids b. made in the heart; he ps regu ate b ood sodium 12
24. ________ epinephrine c. made in the pancreatic is ets; decreases b ood g ucose eve s
25. ________ g ucagon d. has the opposite e ect o ca citonin in the b ood
26. ________ insu in e. made by the a pha ce s in the pancreatic is ets
27. ________ chorionic gonadotropins . made in the outermost ayer o the adrena cortex
28. ________ me atonin g. the most signif cant hormone re eased by the pinea g and
29. ________ atria natriuretic hormone h. the hormone made in the p acenta and detected by home pregnancy tests
i. made by the midd e ayer o the adrena cortex

Match each description or signs and symptoms in Column B with its corresponding endocrine disorder in Column A.

Column A Column B
30. ________ gigantism a. an inherited hyperthyroidism with exophtha mos
31. ________ acromega y b. hyposecretion o thyroid hormone in ater i e eading to essened physica and
32. ________ diabetes insipidus menta vigor
33. ________ Graves disease c. hyposecretion o insu in causing an increased b ood g ucose eve
34. ________ myxedema d. hypersecretion o growth hormone a ter the norma growth years
35. ________ goiter e. an en arged thyroid g and as a resu t o dietary def ciency o iodine
36. ________ cretinism . a condition caused by a hypersecretion o g ucocorticoids
37. ________ Cushing syndrome g. hypersecretion o growth hormone in the ear y years o i e
38. ________ diabetes me itus h. hyposecretion o thyroid hormone in the ormative years resu ting in physica ,
39. ________ seasona a ective menta , and sexua retardation
disorder i. a condition caused by high secretions o me atonin, causing depression in winter
j. hyposecretion o ADH , causing the production o a arge vo ume o urine

Cas e S tudie s 2. In Georges case (see preceding case study), the attending
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to physicians chose to surgica y remove part o the thyroid
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- in an attempt to contro Georges hyperthyroidism. W hat
book, and othe r re s ource s . precautions ought Georges surgeons take in removing
this tissue? (H IN : W hat anatomica structures in the
1. George, the chie executive o cer o a major institution, thyroid area shou d they avoid cutting or removing?)
was jogging around his summer home when he became 3. Your riend Lynn has type 1 diabetes me itus. W hat
distressed at what seemed to be an irregu arity o his therapy is ike y to he p her regain contro o her metabo-
heart rhythm. H is assistants immediate y rushed George ism and thus avoid possib e tissue or organ damage?
to a hospita , where he was diagnosed as having atria Lynn has to d you that her condition, i untreated, resu ts
f bri ation (uncoordinated contractions o the upper heart in starvation o ce s in her body. T is condition is char-
chambers). George was even more distressed to hear that acterized by hyperg ycemia (e evated b ood g ucose), so
he had a specif c heart condition, earing it might disrupt you might wonder how the ce s cou d starve i they have
his very active i esty e. H is physicians in ormed him that an excess o nutrients avai ab e. W hat is the exp anation
the overactivity o his heartand perhaps other organs or this seeming y contradictory act?
was caused by hyperthyroidism. Exp ain how hyperthy-
roidism cou d cause Georges prob ems. W hat strategies Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
might his physicians have avai ab e or treating him? at
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Blood Composition, 349 White Blood Cell Disorders, 363

Blood Tissue, 349 Multiple Myeloma, 363
Blood Plasma, 350 Leukemia, 363
Formed Elements, 351 In ectious Mononucleosis, 364
Hematopoiesis, 352 Platelets and Blood Clotting, 365
Mechanisms o Blood Disease, 352 Platelets, 365
Red Blood Cells, 352 Blood Clotting, 365
RBC Structure and Function, 352 Clotting Disorders, 365
RBC Count, 353 Abnormal Blood Clots, 365
Hemoglobin, 354 Hemophilia, 366
RBC Abnormalities, 354 Thrombocytopenia, 368
Blood Types, 355 Vitamin K Def ciency, 368
Red Blood Cell Disorders, 358
Polycythemia, 358
Anemia, 358
White Blood Cells, 361
Introduction to WBCs, 361
WBC Count, 362
WBC Types, 362

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 4. Describe ABO and Rh systems or blood
should be able to: typing.
1. Describe the primary unctions and 5. Identi y and discuss common red blood
composition o blood, including the cell disorders.
characteristics o blood tissue and 6. Describe the structure and unction o
plasma, and identi y the most important white blood cells.
unction o each o the ormed elements 7. State the purpose o per orming a WBC
o blood. count, and identi y WBC types.
2. Explain the mechanisms o blood 8. Identi y and discuss common white
disease. blood cell disorders.
3. Explain the structure and unction o red 9. Explain the steps involved in blood clot-
blood cells, the purpose o an RBC ting and describe clotting disorders.
count, the unction o hemoglobin, and
list RBC abnormalities.
Th e next ew chapters dea with transportation LANGUAGE OF
and protection, two o the bodys most important S C IEN C E
unctions. H ave you ever thought o what wou d
happen i the transportation ceased in your
Be o re re ading the
city or town? Or what wou d happen i the po ice,
chapte r, s ay e ach o
f ref ghters, and armed services stopped doing the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
their jobs? Food wou d become scarce, garbage he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
wou d pi e up, and no one wou d protect you the m as yo u re ad.
or your property. Stretch your imagina-
tion just a itt e, and you can imagine
ABO system
many disastrous resu ts. Simi ar y, (ay bee oh SIS-tem)
ack o transportation and protec-
tion or the ce sthe individu- (ah-GLOO-tin-ayt)
a s o the bodythreatens the [agglutin- glue, -ate process]
homeostasis o the body. T e agranular leukocyte
systems that provide these (ah-GRAN-yoo-lar LOO-koh-syte)
vita services or the body [a- without, -gran- grain, -ul- little,
are the cardiovascular system -ar relating to, leuko- white,
(circulatory system), lymphatic -cyte cell]
system, and immune system. albumin
In this chapter, we discuss the primary [alb- white, -in substance]
transportation uidb ood. B ood not antibody
on y per orms vita pickup and de ivery (AN-tih-bod-ee)
services but a so provides much o the [anti- against, -body main part]
protection necessary to withstand oreign antigen
invaders.T e heart and b ood vesse s are (AN-tih-jen)
discussed in Chapters 14 and 15. T e ym- [anti- against, -gen produce]
phatic system and immunity are discussed basophil
in Chapter 16. (BAY-soh-f l)
[bas- base (high pH), -phil love]
bu y coat
Blo o d C o m p o s it io n (BUF-ee koht)
[bu - leather, -y characterized by]
Blo o d Tis s u e carbaminohemoglobin (HbCO2)
B ood is a uid tissue that has many kinds
GLOH-bin [aych bee see
o chemica s disso ved in it and mi ions
oh too])
upon mi ions o ce s oating in it [carb- coal (carbon),
(Figure 13-1). T e iquid (extrace u ar) part -amino- ammonia compound
is ca ed plasma. Suspended in the p asma (amino acid), -hemo- blood,
are many di erent types o ce s and ce -glob- ball, -in substance]
ragments that make up the ormed elements cardiovascular system
o b ood. (kar-dee-oh-VAS-kyoo-lar
Many peop e are curious about just how SIS-tem)
much b ood they have. T e amount varies with [cardi- heart, -vas- vessel,
-ular relating to]

Continued on p. 368

350 CHAPTER 13 Blood

(pe rce nta ge by we ight)
WHOLE BLOOD Albumins 57%
(pe rce nta ge P rote ins
by volume ) 7% Globulins 38%
Fibrinoge n 4%
Ce ntrifuge d P rothrombin 1%
Blood 8% s a mple
of blood
ood Wa te r OTHER S OLUTES
Nutrie nts
55% Wa s te products
Othe r s olute s
2% Ga s e s
Othe r fluids
a nd tis s ue s Re gula tory s ubs ta nce s
92% Buffy coa t P la te le ts
ELEMENTS Le ukocyte s
50009000 Ne utrophils 60%70%

Erythrocyte s Lymphocyte s 20%25%

4.26.2 millio n
Monocyte s 3%8%

13 Eos inophils 2%4%

Ba s ophils 0.5%1%
FIGURE 13-1 Blood components. Approximate values FORMED ELEMENTS
or the components o blood in a normal adult. (numbe r pe r cubic mm)

Blo o d P la s m a
how big they are and whether they are ma e or ema e. A big
person has more b ood than a sma person, and a man has B ood p asma is the iquid part o the b ood, or b ood minus
more b ood than a woman. But as a genera ru e, most adu ts its ormed e ements. It consists o water with many substances
probab y have between 4 and 6 L o b ood. It norma y ac- disso ved in it. A o the chemica s needed by ce s to stay
counts or about 7% to 9% o the tota body weight. a ivenutrients, oxygen, and sa ts, or examp ehave to be
T e vo ume o the p asma part o b ood is usua y a itt e brought to them by the b ood.
more than ha the entire vo ume o who e b ood. An examp e Nutrients and sa ts are disso ved in p asma. About 1.5% o
o norma b ood vo umes or a person o ows: the tota amount o oxygen (O2) transported in the b ood is
a so disso ved in p asma. Wastes that ce s must get rid o are
Plasma 2.6 L disso ved in p asma and transported to the excretory organs.
Formed elements 2.4 L Approximate y 10% o the tota amount o the waste product
W hole blood 5.0 L carbon dioxide (CO2) that is carried in the b ood is disso ved in
the p asma.
B ood is s ight y a ka ine, with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45 In addition to the re ative y sma amounts o O 2 and
a ways staying just above the chemica y neutra point o 7.00 CO 2 disso ved in p asma, other mechanisms are invo ved in
(see Chapter 2). I the a ka inity o your b ood decreases to- the transportation o these important gases in the b ood and
ward neutra , you are a very sick person; in act, you have are described ater. T e hormones and other regu atory
acidosis. But even in this condition, b ood a most never be- chemica s that he p contro ce s activities are a so disso ved
comes the east bit acid; it just becomes ess a ka ine than in p asma.
norma . As Figure 13-1 shows, the most abundant type o so ute in
the p asma is a group o plasma proteins that together make
up about 7% o the p asma by weight. T ese proteins inc ude
albumins, which he p retain water in the b ood by osmosis.
Globulins, which inc ude the antibodies that he p protect us
1. Na m e th e liq u id (e xtra ce llu la r) ra ctio n o w h o le b lo o d . rom in ections, circu ate in the p asma. T e p asma a so carries
2. Blo o d a cco u n ts o r w h a t p e rce n t (%) o to ta l b o d y w e ig h t? brinogen and prothrombin, which are necessary or b ood
3. Wh a t is th e n o rm a l b lo o d p H?
c otting.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 351

Intravenous administration o
albumin is sometimes used as a C LIN ICA L APPLICATION
plasma volume expander in peo-
ple with abnormally low blood CARDIAC BLOOD TESTS
volume. T e injected albumin Som e tim e s blood plas m a contains exce s s e s o norm al
will draw about three to our s ubs tance s or low am ounts o abnorm al s ubs tance s
times its volume o f uid into the that m ay indicate dis e as e . For exam ple , w he n the he art
blood through the process o os- m us cle is dam age d, e nzym e s containe d w ithin the
mosis. T e result is an expansion m us cle ce lls are re le as e d into the bloods tre am , caus ing
o blood volume that can be li e- incre as e d plas m a leve ls o the s e e nzym e s .
saving in cases o hemorrhage, Blood te s ts or a num be r o cardiac e nzym e s , includ-
ing cre atine kinas e (CK), lactic de hydroge nas e (LD), and
severe burns, or kidney disease.
s e rum glutam ic-oxaloace tic trans am inas e (SGOT), are
Blood serum is plasma minus
us e ul in conf rm ing a myocardial in arction (MI), or
its clotting actors, such as brin- he art attack.
ogen and prothrombin. Serum is The troponins te s t is anothe r ve ry valuable diagnos tic
obtained rom whole blood by aid. Rathe r than m aking an e nzym atic de te rm ination, it
allowing the blood to rst clot in ide ntif e s a s pe cif c bioche m ical m arke r pre s e nt in car-
the bottom o a tube; then the diac dis e as e . The pre s e nce o cardiac troponins is par-
liquid serum that remains at the ticularly us e ul in di e re ntiating cardiac rom noncardiac
top is poured o . Serum still con- che s t pain.
tains antibodies, so it can be used
to treat patients who have a need
or speci c antibodies.

Fo r m e d Ele m e n t s
T ere are three main types and several subtypes o ormed TABLE 13-1 Classes o Blood Cells
Erythrocyte Oxyge n and carbon dioxide
1. Red blood cells (RBCs), or erythrocytes
trans port
2. W hite blood cells (W BCs), or leukocytes
a. Granular leukocytes (have stained granules in
their cytoplasm)
Ne utrophil Im m une de e ns e (phagocytos is )
(1) Neutrophils
(2) Eosinophils
(3) Basophils
b. Agranular leukocytes (do not have stained gran-
ules in their cytoplasm) Eos inophil De e ns e agains t paras ite s
(1) Lymphocytes
(2) Monocytes
3. Platelets or thrombocytes
Bas ophil In am m atory re s pons e and
Figure 13-1 shows the breakdown o numbers and percent- he parin s e cre tion
ages o the ormed elements. Table 13-1 lists the unctions o
these ormed elements and shows what each looks like under
the microscope. B lym phocyte Antibody production (pre curs or
It is di cult to believe just how many blood cells and cell o plas m a ce lls )
ragments are in the human body. For instance, 5,000,000
RBCs, 7500 W BCs, and 300,000 platelets in 1 cubic milli-
T lym phocyte Ce llular im m une re s pons e
meter (mm3) o blood (a tiny raction o a drop) would be
considered normal counts. Because RBCs, W BCs, and plate-
lets are continually being destroyed, the body also must con-
tinually make new ones to take their place at a really stagger- Monocyte Im m une de e ns e s
ing rate; a ew million RBCs are manu actured each second! (phagocytos is )

To learn more about the types o blood cells, go to Throm bocyte Blood clotting
AnimationDirect online at
352 CHAPTER 13 Blood

He m a t o p o ie s is
Recall rom our previous discussion o bones in Chapter 8
that ormation o new blood cells is called hematopoiesis.
wo kinds o connective tissuemyeloid tissue and lymphoid
tissuemake blood cells or the body.
Myeloid tissue is better known as red bone marrow. In the
adult, it is ound chief y in the sternum, ribs, and coxal (hip)
bones. A ew other bones such as the vertebrae, clavicles, and
cranial bones also contain small amounts o this important
Red bone marrow orms all types o blood cells except
lymphocytes, which are ormed in lymphoid tissue. Lymphoid
tissue is ound as white masses located chief y in the lymph
nodes, thymus, and spleen.
As blood cells mature, they move into the circulatory ves-
sels. Erythrocytes circulate up to 4 months be ore they break
apart and their components are removed rom the blood-
stream by the spleen and liver. Granular leukocytes o ten have
a li e span o only a ew days, but agranular leukocytes may
live or more than 6 months.
FIGURE 13-2 Red blood cells (RBCs). Color-enhanced scanning elec-
To see exactly where in the body hematopoiesis tron micrograph shows the detailed structure o normal RBCs. Note the bi-
takes place, review the images in Sites o Hemato- concave shape o each RBC.
poiesis at Connect It! at
13 I the recipients immune system does not reject the new
tissue or stem cells, always a danger in transplant procedures,
a new colony o healthy tissue may become established in the
1. Wh a t is th e m o s t a b u n d a n t typ e o s o lu te in p la s m a ? bone marrow. As a result, myeloid tissue destroyed by disease,
Na m e s o m e e xa m p le s .
2. Id e n ti y th e o rm e d e le m e n ts o b lo o d .
high-dose irradiation, or chemotherapy will be replaced and
3. Na m e th e tw o typ e s o co n n e ctive tis s u e th a t m a ke b lo o d begin again to produce normal, unctioning blood cells.
ce lls o r th e b o d y.
1. Ho w d o e s th e p ro ce d u re ca lle d a s p ira tio n b io p s y cyto lo g y
(ABC) d i e r ro m a b o n e m a rro w tra n s p la n t?
M e c h a n is m s o Blo o d D is e a s e 2. Wh a t typ e o ce ll is invo lve d in a b o n e m a rro w tra n s p la n t?
Most blood diseases are disorders o the ormed elements.
T us it is not surprising that the basic mechanism o many
blood diseases is the ailure o the blood-producing myeloid Re d Blo o d C e lls
and lymphoid tissues to orm blood cells properly. In many
RBC S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n
cases, this ailure is the result o damage by toxic chemicals or
radiation. In other cases, it results rom an inherited de ect, T e red blood cell (RBC) is an elegant example o how struc-
viral in ection, de ciency o nutrients, or even cancer. tural adaptation can impact biological unction. Note in
I bone marrow ailure is the suspected cause o a particular Figure 13-2 that the RBC, which is surrounded by a tough and
blood disorder, a sample o myeloid tissue may be drawn into f exible plasma membrane, is caved in on both sides so that
a syringe rom inside the pelvic bone (iliac crest) or the ster- each one has a thin center and thicker edges. T is biconcave
num. T is procedure, called aspiration biopsy cytology disk shape provides a large sur ace area or moving dissolved
(ABC), allows examination o the tissue that may help con- blood gases (O 2 and CO 2) and other solutes quickly in or out
rm or reject a tentative diagnosis. o the blood cell. It also helps keep the RBCs rom spinning
I the bone marrow is severely damaged, the choice o a wildly as they f ow through the bloodstream.
bone marrow transplant may be o ered to the patient. In this Mature RBCs have no nucleus or cytoplasmic organelles.
procedure, myeloid tissue rom a compatible donor is intro- Because o this they are unable to reproduce themselves or
duced into the recipient intravenously. replace lost or damaged cellular components. T e result is a
ransplantation also may involve in usion o hematopoietic relatively short li e span o about 80 to 120 days.
stem cells. T ese blood- orming cells are harvested rom the H owever, the additional intracellular space that becomes
individual being treated, rom a compatible donor, or rom available in each cell when the nucleus and cytoplasmic organ-
umbilical cord blood (see box on p. 659). elles are lost is lled to capacity with an important red pigment
CHAPTER 13 Blood 353

called hemoglobin (H b). T e unique chemical No rmal Hc t Low Hc t Hig h Hc t Ce ntrifug e

properties o hemoglobin permit the RBC to per-
orm several critically important unctions required
or maintenance o homeostasis, such as carrying
oxygen and bu ering blood. Because RBCs are al-
most completely lled with hemoglobin, they are
o ten called erythrocytes (literally, red cells).
D uring hematopoiesis, RBCs lose their mito-
P la s ma
chondria. T us, any oxygen carried in RBCs by H b
is not used up by mitochondria to gen-
erate adenosine triphosphate (A P). WBCs
D uring its short li e span, each RBC coa t a nd
travels around the entire cardiovascular pla te le ts
system more than 100,000 times! It is
the f exible plasma membrane that per- RBCs
mits each cell to de orm and undergo
drastic changes in shape as it repeatedly
passes through capillaries whose lumen
is smaller than the RBC cells diameter. A B C D
Because o the large numbers o RBCs
FIGURE 13-3 Hematocrit (Hct). Note the bu y coat located between the packed RBCs and the
and their unique biconcave shape, the plasma. A, Normal blood with the typical percent o RBCs. B, Anemia (a low percent o RBCs). C, Poly-
total sur ace area available or them cythemia (a high percent o RBCs). D, Centri uge that spins tubes o blood, causing RBCs to become
to per orm their biological unctions is densely packed into the bottom o the tubes.
hemorrhaging, or other circumstances that a ect the RBC
RBC C o u n t
ratio. Normally about 45% o the blood volume consists o
T e CBC, or complete blood cell count, is a battery o tests RBCs (see Figure 13-1).
used to measure the amounts or levels o many blood con-
stituents and is o ten ordered as a routine part o the physical Another commonly used blood test ocusing on
examination (see box on this page). RBCs is summarized in the article Erythrocyte Sedi-
Measuring the numbers o circulating RBCs per unit o blood mentation Rate at Connect It! at
volume is a valuable part o the CBC. Values listed in CBC re-
sults as normal will vary slightly between di erent laboratories
and re erence texts. For RBCs, a range o 4.2 to 6.2 million per
cubic millimeter o blood (mm3), with males generally having a 1. Ho w d o e s th e b ico n ca ve d is k s h a p e o th e re d b lo o d ce ll
a llo w th e re d b lo o d ce ll to ca rry o u t its u n ctio n s ?
higher number than emales, is common. Normal deviations 2. Wh a t is th e CBC, o r co m p le te b lo o d ce ll co u n t?
rom average ranges o ten occur with age di erences, level o 3. Wh a t is th e im p o rta n ce o a h e m a to crit te s t?
hydration, altitude o residence, and other variables.
O riginally RBC counts were done with a hemocytometer, a
microscope slide with a counting grid etched on it. T e cur-
rent practice is to use a aster, more accurate automated blood
T e hematocrit (Hct) component o the CBC provides COMPLETE BLOOD CELL COUNT
in ormation about the volume o RBCs in a blood sample. I
whole blood is placed in a special centri uge tube and then One o the m os t us e ul and re que ntly pe r orm e d clinical
spun down, the heavier ormed elements will quickly settle blood te s ts is calle d the com ple te blood ce ll count, or s im -
to the bottom o the tube. ply the CBC. The CBC is a colle ction o te s ts w hos e re s ults ,
w he n inte rpre te d as a w hole , can yie ld an e norm ous
D uring the procedure, RBCs are orced to the bottom o the
am ount o in orm ation re garding a pe rs ons he alth. Stan-
tube rst. T e WBCs and platelets then settle out in a light- dard RBC, WBC, and throm bocyte counts , the di e re ntial
colored layer called the buf y coat. In Figure 13-3 the bu y coat WBC count, he m atocrit, he m oglobin conte nt, and othe r
can be seen between the packed RBCs on the bottom o the characte ris tics o the orm e d e le m e nts are us ually include d
hematocrit tube and the liquid layer o plasma above. in this batte ry o te s ts . Norm al range s or blood value s in-
T e hematocrit testalso called packed-cell volume (PCV) clude d in m os t CBC te s ts are ound in Appe ndix C at
testgives an estimate o the proportion o RBCs to whole evolve .e ls evie .
blood. Such in ormation could help screen or dehydration,
354 CHAPTER 13 Blood

Be ta ( ) polype ptide cha ins O xyhemoglobin makes possible the e cient transport o
98.5% o all o the oxygen required or the body cells (1.5% is
dissolved in plasma).
Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient needed to give hemoglo-
bin its oxygen-carrying ability. Vitamin B12 and olate (also a
B vitamin) are also among the critical nutrients needed by the
red bone marrow to manu acture enough hemoglobin to
maintain survival.
Iron-conta ining Carbon dioxide (CO 2) may attach to the amino acids
he me groups within hemoglobins alpha and beta chains to orm
carbaminohemoglobin (H bCO 2). T is molecule transports
CO 2 about 20% o the carbon dioxide produced as a waste product
o cellular metabolism to the lungs or disposal into the exter-
nal environment. Recall that about 10% o CO 2 is transported
in the blood dissolved in plasma. T e majority o CO 2 (70%)
carried in the blood is converted in RBCs to bicarbonate or
Alpha ( ) polype ptide cha ins its journey to the lungs or excretion (see Chapter 17).
FIGURE 13-4 Hemoglobin (Hb). This large molecule is composed o
our polypeptide subunitsthe alpha ( ) and beta ( ) chains. Carbon diox- To better understand these concepts, use the
ide may be carried on the amino acids o these chains. Each olded chain Active Concept Map Transport o Oxygen and
holds an iron-containing chemical group (red) at its core. The iron (Fe) gives Carbon Dioxide in the Blood at
hemoglobin its oxygen-carrying capacity.

RBC A b n o r m a lit ie s
13 He m o g lo b in In peripheral blood smears, an RBC o normal size is about
7 to 9 m in diameter and is called a normocytic RBC (normo-
T e hemoglobin molecules that ll the millions o RBCs are normal, -cyte cell). A normocytic RBC is approximately the
critical in the transport and exchange o oxygen and carbon same size as the nucleus o a small lymphocyte (Figure 13-5).
dioxide between the blood and the bodys cells. T ey also play Abnormally small RBCs are called microcytes (micro- small,
a key role in maintenance o acid-base balance in the body. -cyte cell) and larger RBCs are called macrocytes (macro- large,
H emoglobin is a quaternary protein made up o our -cyte cell).
olded polypeptide chains, two alpha ( ) chains and two beta Figure 13-5 also compares the appearance o RBCs with
( ) chains. As you can see in Figure 13-4, there is a chemical normal amounts o the red pigment hemoglobin, called
structure called a heme group embedded within each olded normochromic RBCs (normo- normal, -chromic color) with those
chain. An iron (Fe) atom within each heme group attracts that are de cient in hemoglobin, called hypochromic RBCs (hypo-
oxygen molecules to unite with hemoglobin and thus orm an low, -chromic color), and those that have an excess o hemoglo-
oxygen-hemoglobin complex called oxyhemoglobin (H bO 2). bin, called hyperchromic RBCs (hyper- high, -chromic color).


A num be r o athle te s have re porte dly im prove d the ir pe r or- w ith s ynthe tic drugs that have s im ilar biological e e cts
m ance by a practice calle d blood boos ting or blo o d do ping . s uch as Epoge n and Procritcan re s ult in devas tating m e di-
A ew we e ks be ore an im portant eve nt, an athle te has cal outcom e s .
s om e blood draw n. The RBCs in this s am ple are s e parate d and Blood doping is judge d to be an un air and unw is e practice
roze n. Jus t be ore com pe tition, the RBCs are thawe d and in- in athle tics . Be s ide s the s ignif cant he alth ris ks com pare d w ith
je cte d back into the athle te . The incre as e d he m atocrit (Hct) only s light im prove m e nt in pe r orm ance , the re are the pe rs onal
that re s ults s lightly im prove s the oxyge n-carrying capacity o and pro e s s ional ris ks o che ating. Wide ly re porte d blood dop-
the blood, w hich the ore tically im prove s pe r orm ance . How- ing s candals in pro e s s ional cycling com pe titions and Olym pic
eve r, in practice the e e cts are s light. s ports atte s t to the devas tating e e cts o s uch s candal.
In addition to blood trans us ions , inje ction o s ubs tance s An alte rnative to blood doping is high-altitude training. Ath-
s uch as horm one s that incre as e RBC leve ls in an atte m pt to le te s w ho train at m ode rate ly high altitude s us ually at a re -
im prove athle tic pe r orm ance als o has be e n conde m ne d by duce d inte ns ityw ill naturally build up a s lightly highe r Hct in
le ading authoritie s in the are a o s ports m e dicine and by ath- a ne gative - e e dback re s pons e to the lowe r O 2 available in the
le tic organizations around the w orld. Doping w ith e ithe r atm os phe re at thos e altitude s . This type o training m us t be
the naturally occurring horm one e rythro po ie tin (EPO) or m anage d care ully to avoid the ris ks as s ociate d w ith high Hct.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 355


Hypochromic RBCs Normochromic RBCs Hype rchromic RBCs

Microcytic RBCs Normocytic RBCs Ma crocytic RBCs

FIGURE 13-5 RBC abnormalities. Micrographs showing normal red blood cells (RBCs) in a smear com-
pared to abnormal RBCs. The cells with a large, dark nucleus shown in some o the images are lymphocytesa
type o white blood cell similar in size to an RBC.

Production o macrocytic hyperchromic RBCs during periods to stimulation by an antigen. De ned according to its unc-
o chronic blood loss is a good example o a negative eedback tions, an antibody is a substance that reacts with the antigen
response that helps maintain homeostasis. Because the body that stimulated its ormation.
is unable to produce adequate numbers o RBCs with normal Many antibodies react with their antigens to cause
levels o hemoglobin in each cell to replace those lost by hem- clumpingthat is, they agglutinate the antigens. In other
orrhage, the body increases the size and amount o hemoglo- words, the antibodies cause their targeted antigens to stick
bin in those cells it can produce to help restore and maintain together in little clusters, which disrupts the unctions o ag-
the oxygen-carrying capacity o the blood. glutinated cells and makes them easy targets or the bodys
immune responses.
Blo o d Ty p e s A BO S y s t e m
S y s t e m s o Blo o d Ty p in g Every persons blood is one o the ollowing blood types in the
Blood is o ten identi ed as a speci c type by using the ABO ABO system o typing:
system and Rh system o classi cation. O ther blood types
1. ype A
also occur, but usually do not have the signi cant clinical ap-
2. ype B
plications o the ABO and Rh systems.
3. ype AB
Blood types are identi ed by certain antigens on the sur-
4. ype O
aces o RBCs (Figure 13-6). An antigen is a substance that can
stimulate the body to make antibodies. Almost all substances Suppose that you have type A blood (as do about 41% o
that act as antigens are oreign proteins. T at is, they are not Americans). T e letter A stands or a certain type o antigen
the bodys own natural proteins but instead are proteins that in the plasma membrane o your RBCs that has been present
have entered the body rom the outside by means o in ection, since birth. Because you were born with type A antigen, your
trans usion, or some other method. body does not orm antibodies to react with it. In other words,
T e word antibody can be de ned in terms o what causes your blood plasma contains no anti-A antibodies. It does,
its ormation or in terms o how it unctions. De ned the rst however, contain anti-B antibodies. For some unknown rea-
way, an antibody is a substance made by the body in response son, these antibodies are present naturally in type A blood
356 CHAPTER 13 Blood

Re c ipie nts blo o d Re ac tio ns with do no rs blo o d

RBC P la s ma Donor type Donor type Donor type Donor type

a ntige ns a ntibodie s O A B AB

None Anti-A
(Type O) Anti-B

(Type A)

(Type B)

(None )
(Type AB)

FIGURE 13-6 ABO blood typing. The le t columns show the re-
cipients blood characteristics and the top row shows the donors blood
type. Inset, Photo showing samples o agglutinated and nonaggluti-
nated blood. Norma l blood Agglutina te d blood

plasma. T e body did not orm them in response to the pres- In Rh-negative blood, the RBCs do not have the Rh an-
ence o the B antigenthey are simply part o the bodys tigens on their sur aces. Plasma never naturally contains anti-
genetic makeup. Rh antibodies. But i Rh-positive blood cells are introduced
In summary, in type A blood the RBCs contain type A into an Rh-negative persons body, anti-Rh antibodies soon
antigen and the plasma contains anti-B antibodies. appear in the recipients blood plasma.
Similarly, in type B blood, the RBCs contain type B anti- W ithout appropriate precautions, there could be some
gen, and the plasma contains anti-A antibodies. In type AB danger or o spring born to an Rh-negative mother and an
blood, as its name indicates, the RBCs contain both type A Rh-positive ather. I the o spring inherits the Rh-positive
and type B antigens, and the plasma contains neither anti-A trait rom his ather, the Rh actor on his RBCs may stimulate
nor anti-B antibodies. the mothers body to orm anti-Rh antibodies. T en, i she
T e opposite is true o type O bloodits RBCs contain later carries another Rh-positive etus, it may develop a type o
neither type A nor type B antigens, and its plasma contains hemolytic anemia called erythroblastosis etalis, caused by the
both anti-A and anti-B antibodies. mothers Rh antibodies reacting with the babys Rh-positive
Figure 13-6 shows the results o di erent combinations o cells (Figure 13-7).
donor and recipient blood. All Rh-negative mothers who carry an Rh-positive o -
spring should be treated with an immunoglobulin (antibody)
Rh S y s t e m serum, widely marketed under the brand name RhoGAM.
You may be amiliar with the term Rh-positive blood. It RhoGAM stops the mothers body rom orming anti-Rh
means that the RBCs o this blood type contain an antigen antibodies and thus prevents the possibility o harm to the
called the Rh actor. I , or example, a person has type AB, next Rh-positive o spring.
Rh-positive blood, his red blood cells contain type A antigen, Likewise, a person with Rh-negative blood who receives a
type B antigen, and the Rh actor antigen. T e term Rh is used trans usion o Rh-positive blood will also develop anti-Rh
because this important blood cell antigen was rst discovered antibodies and be at risk o an immune reaction i exposed to
in the blood o Rhesus monkeys. Rh-positive blood again later.
1 CHAPTER 13 Blood 357
Rh-pos itive blood ce lls
e nte r the mothe rs
bloods tre a m during Ma te rna l circula tion
de live ry of a n Rh- 1
pos itive ba by. If not Ma te rna l Rh-ne ga tive
tre a te d, the mothe rs re d blood ce lls
body will produce a nti-
Rh a ntibodie s .
Fe ta l Rh-pos itive re d
blood ce ll e nte rs ma te rna l
Rh-pos itive re d blood ce lls circula tion a t birth

Earlie r o ffs pring

Rh-po s itive
2 3
A la te r pre gna ncy A la te r pre gna ncy involving
involving a n Rh-ne ga tive a n Rh-pos itive ba by ma y
ba by is norma l be ca us e re s ult in e rythrobla s tos is fe ta lis .
the re a re no Rh A Anti-Rh a ntibodie s e nte r the
a ntige ns in the ba bys ba bys blood s ypply a nd ca us e
blood. a gglutina tion of RBCs with the
Rh a ntige n.

Fe ta l Rh-ne ga tive
re d blood ce lls

Ma te rna l circula tion Ma te rna l

circula tion
Ma te rna l Rh-ne ga tive
re d blood ce lls
2 Anti-Rh a ntibodie s a ntibodie s
3 cros s the
pla ce nta

Agglutina tion of fe ta l
Rh-pos itive re d blood
ce lls le a ds to
e rythrobla s tos is fe ta lis

Late r o ffs pring Late r o ffs pring

Rh-ne g ative Rh-po s itive

FIGURE 13-7 Erythroblastosis etalis. Under certain conditions, anti-Rh antibodies may enter the o -
springs blood supply and cause agglutination o RBCs with the Rh antigen.

C o m b in e d A BO -Rh S y s t e m
Both the ABO and Rh systems are o ten used in combination I a donors RBCs do not contain any A, B, or Rh antigen,
to identi y a persons blood type, as you can see in Table 13-2. they cannot be clumped by anti-A, anti-B, or anti-Rh anti-
For example, the blood type AB re ers to the ABO type bodies. For this reason, the type o blood that contains no A,
AB and the Rh-positive type. Likewise, O identi es the B, or Rh antigens, which is type O , can be used in an emer-
blood type o a person with the O version o ABO type and gency as donor blood. W ith type O , there is no danger o
the Rh-negative version o Rh type. anti-A, anti-B, or anti-Rh antibodies clumping its RBCs.
Knowing ones blood type can be li esaving in a medical ype O blood has there ore been called universal donor
emergency or during surgery, when a blood trans usion may be blood.
needed to maintain the total blood volume. H arm ul e ects or Similarly, blood type AB has been called universal
even death can result rom a blood trans usion reaction i the recipient blood because it contains no anti-A, anti-B, or anti-
donors RBCs become agglutinated by antibodies in the recipi- Rh antibodies in its plasma. T ere ore, type AB blood does
ents plasma. not clump any donors RBCs containing A, B, or Rh antigens.
358 CHAPTER 13 Blood

moving through vessels. T is high pressure can

TABLE 13-2 Blood Typing
cause dangerous stretching (distention) o
PERCENT OF blood vessels and even hemorrhaging when the
BLOOD TYPE ANTIGENS ANTIBODIES GENERAL pressure causes a vessel to rupture.
(ABO and Rh) PRES ENT* PRES ENT* POPULATION T e dense crowding o RBCs also can trig-
O Rh anti-A, anti-B 35% ger abnormal blood clots. T ese conditions
O None anti-A, anti-B, anti-Rh? 7% may put a person at risk or heart attack or
(unive rs al donor) stroke.
A A, Rh anti-B 35% In polycythemia, the hematocrit (RBC %)
A A anti-B, anti-Rh? 7% may reach 60%way above the normal 45%
average (see Figure 13-3, C). reatment involves
B B, Rh anti-A 8%
blood removal (bleeding), irradiation o bone
B B anti-A, anti-Rh? 2%
marrow, or chemotherapy treatment to sup-
AB A, B, Rh None 4% press RBC production.
(unive rs al re cipie nt)
AB A, B anti-Rh? 2%
A n e m ia
*Anti-Rh antibodie s m ay be pre s e nt, de pe nding on expos ure to Rh antige ns .
Adapte d rom Pagana KD, Pagana TJ : Mos bys m anual o diagnos tic and laboratory te s ts , e d 5, Anemia can result rom inadequate numbers
St Louis , 2014, Mos by.
o RBCs (see Figure 13-3, B), a de ciency in the
production o normal hemoglobin, or produc-
In a normal clinical setting, however, all blood intended or tion o hemoglobin that is in some way de ective. T us anemia
trans usion is not only matched care ully to the blood o the can occur i the hemoglobin in RBCs is inadequate or de ec-
recipient or ABO and Rh compatibility but also tested ur- tive, even i adequate numbers o RBCs are present.
ther in a process called crossmatching or a variety o so-called Many o the clinical signs and symptoms o anemia, regard-
13 minor antigens that may also cause certain types o trans u- less o type or cause, are related to low tissue oxygen levels.
sion reactions. Anemic individuals o ten eel atigued or tired all the time,
Review Figure 13-6, which shows the results o di erent and su er rom weakness, skin pallor, headache, and aintness.
combinations o donor and recipient blood in the ABO Some symptoms o anemia are caused by the bodys at-
system. tempts to increase or compensate or low tissue oxygen
levels by speeding up the heart and respiratory rates. T ese
Explore the illustrated article Blood Trans usions negative eedback mechanisms are examples o homeostasis
at Connect It! at at workthe body attempting to return tissue oxygen levels
to normal despite the low oxygen-carrying capacity o the
blood in anemia.
A number o the more common types o anemia are de-
1. Wh a t b lo o d typ e is ca lle d u n ive rs a l d o n o r b lo o d ? Wh a t scribed in the ollowing sections and in Table 13-3.
typ e b lo o d is th e u n ive rs a l re cip ie n t?
2. Why s h o u ld a ll m o th e rs w h o a re Rh p o s itive b e tre a te d
w ith Rh o Ga m ? To learn more about the clinical mani estations
o anemias, go to AnimationDirect online at
Re d Blo o d C e ll D is o r d e r s
RBC disorders most o ten involve either overproduction o He m o r r h a g ic A n e m ia
RBCs (polycythemia) or a condition that results in low oxygen- Hemorrhagic anemia is caused by an actual decrease in the
carrying capacity o the blood (anemia). number o circulating RBCs because o hemorrhage or bleed-
ing. It is re erred to as either acute blood-loss anemia resulting,
or example, rom extensive surgery or sudden trauma, or
P o lyc y t h e m ia chronic blood-loss anemia caused by slow but continuous loss o
Polycythemia is a serious blood disorder characterized by blood over time rom diseases such as cancer or ulcers.
dramatic increases in RBC numbers. One cause o this disor- As noted earlier, although ewer RBCs are present in
der is cancer o cells in the red bone marrow. Blood doping circulating blood because o the hemorrhage, those RBCs
also can cause temporary polycythemia (see box on p. 354). that are produced during this time are both macrocytic
In polycythemia, RBC counts may reach 10 million/mm3 and hyperchromican attempt to restore homeostasis by
or higher. Such high numbers o RBCs thicken the blood. compensating or the low oxygen-carrying capacity caused
T icker than normal blood resists f owjust as thicker than by the hemorrhagic anemia. O nce the actual bleeding is
normal ketchup resists f ow out o the bottle. T is increased stopped, trans usion o whole blood or red cells and suc-
f ow resistance (viscosity) o ten causes hypertension (high blood cess ul treatment o the underlying reason or chronic blood
pressure) because more pressure is needed to keep thick blood loss are curative.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 359

A p la s t ic A n e m ia Vitamin B12 de ciency impairs the bone marrow and re-

Aplastic anemia is characterized by abnormally low RBC sults in decreased RBC production, as well as a reduction in
counts and destruction o bone marrow. T e cause is o ten W BC and platelet numbers. T e reduced number o red cells
related to high-dose exposure to certain toxic chemicals such that do enter the circulation are macrocytes and are much
as benzene or mercury; irradiation; and in susceptible indi- larger than normal RBCs.
viduals, certain drugs including chloramphenicol. In addition to the classic symptoms o anemia caused by
Acute cases o aplastic anemia are very serious, with death low oxygen delivery to tissues, patients with pernicious anemia
rates reaching 70% at 3 or 4 months a ter diagnosis. Bone develop numerous nervous system problems such as numbness,
marrow or stem cell transplants provide the most e ective tingling, and burning in the eet and hands. Mental impair-
treatment. ment, delusions, irritability, and depression are also common.
Pernicious anemia is success ully treated by repeated injec-
D e f c ie n c y A n e m ia s tions o vitamin B12.
Reduction o Normal Hemoglobin
De ciency anemias are caused by an inadequate supply o Folate De ciency Anemia
some substance, such as vitamin B12 or iron, required or red Folate de ciency anemia is similar to pernicious anemia be-
blood cell or hemoglobin production. In addition to adequate cause it also causes a decrease in the RBC count resulting
numbers o normally unctioning RBCs, the amount and rom a vitamin de ciency. In this condition, it is olic acid
quality o hemoglobin are critical actors in maintaining the (vitamin B9) that is de cient.
oxygen-carrying capacity o the blood. Folic acid de ciencies are common among individuals with
Normal hemoglobin ranges rom 12 to 14 grams per alcoholism and other malnourished individuals. reatment or
100 milliliters (g/100 mL) o whole blood or adult emales acute olate de ciency anemia involves taking vitamin supple-
and rom 14 to 17 g/100 mL or adult males. A hemoglobin ments until a balanced diet can be restored.
value less than 9 g/100 mL indicates anemia.
Figure 13-4 shows the relationship o the our iron-containing Iron De ciency Anemia
groups and our protein subunits or chains in the hemoglobin Iron de ciency anemia, as the name suggests, is caused by a 13
molecule. Chemical changes in the hemoglobin molecule can de ciency o iron, which is required or hemoglobin synthesis.
result in development o de ective hemoglobin and red cells and Although the body care ully protects its iron reserves, they
thus impair the ability o the blood to deliver adequate oxygen may be depleted through hemorrhage, increased requirements
to the body tissues. such as wound healing or pregnancy, or by low intake.
Un ortunately, iron de ciency is the most common nutri-
Pernicious Anemia tional de ciency in the world. T e tragic result is that an esti-
Pernicious anemia results rom a dietary de ciency o vita- mated 10% o the population in some developed countries
min B12 or rom the ailure o the stomach lining to produce and up to 50% in developing countries su er rom iron de -
intrinsic actorthe substance that allows vitamin B12 to be ciency anemia.
absorbed. In most cases o iron de ciency anemia, the RBC numbers
G enetics plays a role in development o pernicious ane- are only slightly below normal. H owever, the cells are small
mia, and research evidence suggests that it is an autoimmune (microcytic) and appear pale due to the reduction in hemo-
disease. globin content (Figure 13-8).

TABLE 13-3 Laboratory Results or Types o Anemia

Aplas tic ane m ia Norm al Low to norm al Low to norm al High Norm al to Norm al
s lightly high
Pe rnicious ane m ia Norm al Low Low High High Low
He m orrhagic ane m ia
Acute blood-los s Norm al Low to norm al Low to norm al Norm al Slightly low Norm al
ane m ia
Chronic blood-los s Norm al Low Low Low Low to norm al Norm al
ane m ia
Folate de f cie ncy Low Low Low High High Norm al
ane m ia
Iron de f cie ncy ane m ia Norm al Low Low Low Low Norm al
He m olytic ane m ia Norm al Low Low Norm al to high Norm al to high Norm al
(s ickle ce ll ane m ia
and thalas s e m ia)
360 CHAPTER 13 Blood

gallstone ormation are also common. Some symptoms are

unique to a particular type o hemolytic anemia, as discussed

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that results in the or-
mation o limited amounts o an abnormal type o hemoglo-
bin called sickle hemoglobin, or hemoglobin S (HbS). T e genetic
de ect produces an amino acid substitution in one o the beta
( ) polypeptide chains (see Figure 13-4), causing the resulting
H bS to be less stable and less soluble than normal hemoglo-
bin. T e de ective hemoglobin orms crystals and causes the
red cell to become ragile and assume a sickle (crescent) shape
when the blood oxygen level is low (Figure 13-9).
A person who inherits only one de ective gene develops
only a small amount o H bS and has a orm o the disease
FIGURE 13-8 Iron def ciency anemia. Note the small (microcytic), called sickle cell trait. T ose with sickle cell trait most o ten
pale (hypochromic) red blood cells (RBCs). Lack o adequate color in the have no symptoms at all. H owever, in some stress ul or high-
RBCs is due to reduced hemoglobin content. Compare to RBCs in Figure 13-5 exertion situations, a person with sickle cell trait could be-
on p. 355. come ill.
I two de ective genes are inherited (one rom each parent),
A low hematocrit value is common in iron de ciency ane- then more H bS is produced and a much more severe condition
mia. Can you explain how this can be i the RBC numbers are called sickle cell disease develops. In addition to RBC sickling
near normal? T e reason is that the size o the RBCs is small and rupture, high levels o H bS may cause reduction in blood
13 (microcytic) so the red cell volume and there ore the hemato- f ow; blood clotting; and in episodes o crisis, severe pooling
crit value are both decreased. o red cells, particularly in the spleen, causing sudden death.
O ral administration o iron-containing compounds, such reatment is primarily supportive because no e ective
as errous sul ate or errous gluconate, is very e ective in treat- anti-sickling drugs are currently available. H owever, patient
ing the basic iron de ciency seen in the disease. T e probabil- education, early diagnosis, preventive measures to reduce de-
ity o a complete cure is excellent i , in addition to administra- hydration and in ection, and limited use o blood trans usions
tion o iron, any underlying causes such as chronic bleeding or to treat episodes o crisis are improving survival rates.
iron malabsorption problems are corrected. Sickle cell anemia is ound almost entirely in those o black
A rican descent, and in the United States nearly 1 in every
Excess availability o iron in the blood can 600 A rican-American newborns is a ected with sickle cell
also cause health problems, as in cases o trait or disease.
hemochromatosis or iron storage disease. Explore
this condition in the article Hemochromatosis at Check out the brie , illustrated article Sickle Cell
Connect It! at Anemia at Connect It! at

He m o ly t ic A n e m ia s Thalassemia
RBC Destruction T alassemia re ers to a group o inherited hemolytic anemias.
Hemolytic anemias as a group are all associated with a de- T e most common type, which occurs most o ten in individu-
creased RBC li e span caused by an increased rate o destruc- als o Mediterranean descent, is characterized by production o
tion. Frequently, an abnormal hemoglobin will cause red abnormal hemoglobin and inadequate numbers o small (mi-
blood cells to become distorted and easily broken. crocytic) and o ten oddly shaped RBCs that are short lived.
T e hemolytic anemias have some distinguishing symp- T alassemia, like sickle cell anemia, occurs in two orms,
toms in addition to those expected because o low oxygen de- mild and severe. In both orms, f awed protein synthesis in the
livery to tissues. Many are related to the RBCs results in de ective hemoglobin
act that the body retains many o the production and early hemolysis, or death,
breakdown products o the excess numbers o de ective red cells.
o RBCs that are destroyed, including iron T alassemia minor, or thalassemia trait,
and pigments. T e result may be jaundice, occurs when only one de ective gene is
a yellowing o skin and other tissues caused
by the breakdown o red hemoglobin into
yellowish bilirubin in the liver.
Swelling o the spleen, problems as- FIGURE 13-9 Sickle cell. A sickle-shaped red
sociated with excess iron storage, and blood cell typical o sickle cell anemia.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 361

inherited and is characterized by mild anemia, minimal RBC

To learn more about hemolytic disease o the
changes, and ew symptoms.
newborn, go to AnimationDirect online at
T alassemia major, which occurs when two de ective genes
are inherited, is a very serious and li e-threatening hemolytic
anemia. Red cells are quickly destroyed, hemoglobin levels
o ten all below 7 g/100 mL o blood, low blood and tissue
oxygen levels cause multiple problems, bone marrow mass Wh it e Blo o d C e lls
expands causing crippling and skeletal de ormities, and swell-
In t ro d u c t io n t o WBC s
ing o the spleen and liver occurs.
I adequate and ongoing treatment is not initiated, iron Recall rom the listing o ormed elements ound in the blood
released as a result o RBC hemolysis accumulates in patho- (see p. 351) that the white blood cells (WBCs) are also called
logical tissue deposits throughout the body. leukocytes.
Bone marrow and stem cell transplantation and experimen- T e W BC, when stained on a microscope slide, shows a
tal gene manipulation initiatives hold the most promise or prominent and sometimes oddly shaped nucleus ar di er-
long-term treatment success. Because thalassemia is a geneti- ent in appearance than the RBC, which has no nucleus.
cally transmitted disease, genetic counseling is appropriate. WBCs have no hemoglobin and thus are translucent when
unstained. A mass o W BCs looks whitish in appearance be-
Hemolytic Disease o the Newborn cause o the di usion o light, much as clear snowf akes ap-
Hemolytic disease o the newborn (H D N) begins during pear white when ound in a mass.
pregnancy i etal RBCs o a di erent blood type (see p. 356) Di erent types o WBCs are categorized by the presence
than the mother cross the placenta and enter the mothers or absence o stained granules in their cytoplasm. Granular
circulation. leukocytes (granulocytes) have stained granules and agranular
T e most common H DN is called etal-maternal ABO in- leukocytes (agranulocytes) do not. T e granulocytes include
compatibility. T is can start during delivery as blood cells leak the neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils (Figure 13-10 A, B,
rom the placenta as it pulls away rom the lining o the uterus and C). T e lymphocytes and monocytes (Figure 13-10, D and E) 13
(womb). I this should occur, antibodies against them will be are agranulocytes.
ormed because antigens on the etal RBCs are oreign to
the mother. Problems or the etus begin i the maternal anti-
bodies against the oreign etal RBCs cross the placental
barrier and enter the etal circulation. I this occurs, the ma-
ternal antibodies will attack and destroy the etuss red cells, GRANULAR LEUKOCYTES
causing a hemolytic anemia to develop.
Rh incompatibility between an Rh-positive etus and its
Rh-negative mother results in hemolytic anemia called
erythroblastosis etalis. Review Figure 13-7 on p. 357.
Rh actor incompatibility is clinically more important than
ABO incompatibility because the hemolytic response, although A
it occurs less requently, is generally more severe. Fortunately, Ne utrophil
in ant mortality caused by Rh incompatibility has been drasti-
cally reduced ollowing introduction and widespread use o a
product called RhoGAM in Rh-negative mothers (see p. 356).
H DN caused by either ABO or Rh incompatibility may
occur early in pregnancy or become apparent only at birth.
Red cell numbers and hemoglobin levels decline. Jaundice,
intravascular coagulation, heart and lung damage, and swell- B C
ing o the liver and spleen are common. I problems are de- Eos inophil Ba s ophil
tected by laboratory tests o amniotic f uid or rom etal or
maternal blood sampling be ore birth, in utero exchange
trans usions and early delivery may be needed to save the li e
o the in ant.

1. Ho w d o e s p o lycyth e m ia d i e r ro m a n e m ia ?
2. De s crib e th e clin ica l s ig n s a n d s ym p to m s o a n e m ia .
3. Give e xa m p le s o h e m o rrh a g ic, d e f cie n cy, a n d h e m o lytic Lymphocyte Monocyte
typ e s o a n e m ia s .
4. Wh a t is h e m o lytic d is e a s e o th e n e w b o rn ? Why d o e s it
d e ve lo p ? Ho w ca n it b e p re ve n te d ? FIGURE 13-10 Leukocytes. A-E, Each light micrograph shows a di er-
ent type o stained WBC.
362 CHAPTER 13 Blood
White blood ce ll

All o the W BCs are involved in immunity. H owever, each 1

Cytos ke le ton of ne utrophil
type and subtype o W BC has its own unique roles to play in forms a n e xte ns ion tha t
immunity, such as phagocytosis o oreign particles or virus- tra ps a ba cte ria l ce ll.
in ected cells. Details o the roles o some W BCs are ound in
Chapter 16. Ba cte ria

WBC C o u n t
Normally, the total number o W BCs per cubic millimeter o
whole blood (mm3) ranges between 5000 and 10,000. Us ing mole cula r motors ,
T e term leukopenia is used to describe an abnormally low the cytos ke le ton pulls the
W BC count (less than 5000 W BCs/mm3 o blood). Leuko- e xte ns ion inwa rd, a ls o
pulling the tra ppe d
penia does not occur o ten. H owever, mal unction o blood- ba cte ria l ce ll.
orming tissues and cells and some diseases a ecting the im-
mune system, such as AIDS (discussed in Chapter 16), may
lower W BC numbers.
Leukocytosis re ers to an abnormally high W BC count
(that is, more than 10,000 W BCs/mm3 o blood). It is a much
more common problem than leukopenia and almost always 3
The ba cte ria l ce ll
accompanies bacterial in ections. In addition, leukocytosis is be come s comple te ly
also seen in many orms o blood cancer (described later), e ngulfe d within the
which are o ten diagnosed when tremendous increases in ne utrophil, whe re it will be
de s troye d by lys os ome s .
W BC numbers are detected in blood tests.
A special type o white blood cell count called a dif erential
13 WBC count reveals more in ormation than simply count-
ing the total number o all o the di erent types o W BCs
in a blood sample. In a di erential W BC count, a compo- FIGURE 13-11 Phagocytosis. Diagrammatic representation o phago-
nent test in the CBC (see box, p. 353), the proportions o cytosis by a neutrophil (note the multilobed nucleus). Extension o cytoplasm
each type o white blood cell are reported as percentages o envelopes the bacteria, which are drawn through the cell membrane and
the total W BC count. Normal percentages are shown in into the cytoplasm. (also see Figure 16-13).
Figure 13-1.
Because all disorders do not a ect each W BC type the
same way, the di erential W BC count is a valuable diagnostic Ag r a n u la r le u k o c y t e s
tool. For example, although some parasite in estations do not Monocytes are the largest leukocytes. Like neutrophils, they
cause an increase in the total W BC count, they o ten do cause are aggressive phagocytes. Because o their size, they are ca-
an increase in the proportion o eosinophils that are present. pable o engul ng larger bacterial organisms and cancerous
T e reason? T is type o W BC specializes in de ending cells. Macrophages (meaning large eater) are monocytes
against parasites (see Table 13-1). that have grown to several times their original size a ter mi-
grating out o the bloodstream. T ey are discussed urther in
Chapter 16.
WBC Ty p e s Lymphocytes help protect us against in ections, but they
G r a n u la r Le u k o c y t e s do it by a process di erent rom phagocytosis. Lymphocytes
Neutrophils are the most numerous o the active WBCs, unction in the immune mechanism, the complex process that
called phagocytes, that protect the body rom invading micro- makes us immune to in ectious diseases.
organisms by actually taking them into their own cell bodies Lymphocytes called B lymphocytes develop within several
and digesting them in the process o phagocytosis (Figure 13-11). lymphoid organs o the body. B lymphocytes (B cells) secrete
Eosinophils also serve as weak phagocytes. Perhaps one o plasma proteins called antibodies that attach to speci c mole-
their most important unctions, as noted, involves protection cules related to bacteria, viruses, chemical toxins, or other
against in ections caused by certain parasites and parasitic oreign substances. Active B lymphocytes, called plasma cells,
worms. T ey also are involved in regulating allergic reactions, are ormed in unusually large numbers in a type o bone mar-
including asthma. row cancer called multiple myeloma, which is described later.
Basophils, in peripheral blood, and related mast cells O ther lymphocytes, called lymphocytes, develop in the
ound in the tissues, both secrete the chemical histamine, thymus. T ey do not secrete antibodies but instead protect us
which is released during inf ammatory reactions. Basophils by directly attacking bacteria, virus-in ected cells, or cancer
also produce a potent anticoagulant called heparin, which cells.
helps prevent blood rom clotting as it f ows through the Details o the role o lymphocytes in the immune system
blood vessels o the body. are discussed in Chapter 16.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 363


FIGURE 13-13 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Periph-
eral blood smear showing large numbers o diseased B lymphocytes.
FIGURE 13-12 Multiple myeloma. A, X-ray lm o skull showing hon-
eycomb or punched-out bone de ects caused by diseased antibody rom Leukocyte counts in excess o 100,000/mm 3 in circulating
plasma cells. B, Malignant plasma cell. Vacuoles (arrowheads) contain de-
ective antibodies. blood are common.
T e di erent types o leukemia are identi ed as either acute
or chronic, based on how quickly symptoms appear a ter the
disease begins. Leukemias also can be identi ed as lymphocytic
or myeloid depending on the cell type involved.
Wh it e Blo o d C e ll D is o r d e r s Four o the most common leukemias are brief y described 13
wo major groups o disease conditions constitute a majority subsequently.
o W BC and blood-related cancers, or neoplasms. Lymphoid
neoplasms arise rom lymphoid precursor cells that normally C h ro n ic Ly m p h o c y t ic Le u k e m ia
produce B lymphocytes, lymphocytes, or their descendant Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) most o ten a ects older
cell types. Myeloid neoplasms appear as a result o malignant adults and is rare in individuals younger than 30 years o age.
trans ormation o myeloid precursor cells that normally pro- Average age o onset is about 65 years, appearing more o ten in
duce granulocytic W BCs, monocytes, RBCs, and platelets men than in women. In those with CLL, malignant precursor
(see Table 13-1). B lymphocytes are produced in great numbers (Figure 13-13).
T ey are long lived but do not produce normal antibodies
and, as a result, some increase in in ections may occur. H ow-
M u lt ip le M ye lo m a ever, early in the disease ew symptoms are apparent, and
Multiple myeloma is cancer o mature, antibody-secreting B many patients are diagnosed inadvertently as part o routine
lymphocytes called plasma cells (Figure 13-12). It is the most physical examinations when results o blood tests become
common and one o the most deadly orms o blood-related available. W hen symptoms do appear, they are o ten quite
cancers in people older than 65 years o age. mild. Anemia, atigue, and development o enlarged but gen-
T e cancerous trans ormation o plasma cells results in im- erally painless lymph nodes are common.
pairment o bone marrow unction, production o de ective Many patients with CLL live many years a ter diagnosis
antibodies, recurrent in ections, anemia, and the pain ul de- with little or no treatment. More severe cases o ten bene t
struction and racture o bones in the skull, vertebrae, and rom chemotherapy and irradiation.
throughout the skeletal system. T e x-ray photo in Figure 13-12
shows typical honeycomb- or punched-outappearing de- Ac u t e Ly m p h o c y t ic Le u k e m ia
ects in skull bones caused by the de ective myeloma antibody. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is primarily a disease o
reatment may lengthen li e and help relieve symptoms children and constitutes the most common orm o blood
but does not cure the disease. Chemotherapy, marrow and cancer in children between 3 and 7 years o age (Figure 13-14).
stem cell transplantation, and certain drug and antibody treat- Fully 80% o children who develop leukemia have this orm
ments are being used with varying degrees o success. o the disease. Although always a serious condition, it is
highly curable in children but less so when it occurs in adults.
Onset o ALL is sudden and o ten marked by ever, bone
Le u k e m ia pain, and increased rates o in ection. Cancerous cells crowd out
Leukemia is the term used to describe a number o blood other bone marrow cells and decrease the production o RBCs,
cancers a ecting the W BCs. In almost every orm o leuke- platelets, and other nonmalignant lymphocyte precursor cells,
mia, marked leukocytosis, or elevated W BC levels, occur. thereby producing anemia. As cancerous trans ormation o
364 CHAPTER 13 Blood

new type o rational drug called Gleevec was a major ad-

vance in treatment o CM L. It speci cally seeks out and
blocks the f awed signals in CM L cancer cells that cause
runaway proli eration.

Ac u t e M ye lo id Le u k e m ia
T e pathological trans ormation o myeloid stem cells result-
ing in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) accounts or 80% o
all cases o acute leukemia in adults and 20% o acute leuke-
mia in children.
As the name suggests, onset is sudden, and once symptoms
appear, the disease progresses rapidly. Patients most o ten seek
help because o atigue, bone and joint pain, spongy bleeding
gums, symptoms o anemia, and recurrent in ections.
T e prognosis in AML is poor, with only about 50% o
FIGURE 13-14 Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Appearance o children and 30% o adults achieving long-term survival. Ad-
B lymphocytes in acute lymphocytic leukemia. vances in bone marrow and stem cell transplantation have
increased cure rates in selected patients.
B lymphocytes continues, their numbers increase in circulating
blood and swelling o ten occurs in lymph nodes, spleen, and
In e c t io u s M o n o n u c le o s is
reatment may involve chemotherapy, irradiation, and In ectious mononucleosis is a common noncancerous W BC
bone marrow or stem cell transplants. disorder appearing most o ten in adolescents and young
adults between 15 and 25 years o age.
13 C h ro n ic M ye lo id Le u k e m ia T e disease is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) accounts or about 20% (EBV), ound in the saliva o in ected individuals. Mono can
o all cases o leukemia and occurs most o ten in adults be- be spread by kissing or any other direct contact with an in-
tween 25 and 60 years o age. CML results rom cancerous ected persons saliva, such as sharing a straw, toothbrush, or
trans ormation o granulocytic (neutrophil, eosinophil, and eating utensil.
basophil) precursor cells in the bone marrow. Leukocytosis is common early in the disease, with total
Onset o CML is slow and early symptoms, such as a- WBC counts averaging between 12,000 to 18,000/mm3. More
tigue, weakness, and weight loss, tend to be nonspeci c. Once than 60% o the leukocytes can be identi ed in a di erential
established, the disease progresses slowly. Diagnosis is o ten WBC count as large, atypical (abnormal) lymphocytes that have
made by discovery o marked elevations o granulocytic abundant cytoplasm and a large nucleus (Figure 13-16).
W BCs in peripheral blood (Figure 13-15) and by extreme Symptoms o mono vary greatly but, in addition to the
spleen enlargement. leukocytosis and atypical lymphocytes seen in peripheral
Bone marrow transplants produce a cure in up to 70% o blood, ever, sore throat, rash, severe atigue, and enlargement
cases. At the beginning o this century, introduction o a o lymph nodes and the spleen are common ndings.

FIGURE 13-16 In ectious mononucleosis. The cell on the le t is a

typical small lymphocyte with its nucleus almost lling the cell. O ten seen
FIGURE 13-15 Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Severe granulo- in in ectious mononucleosis is the larger atypical lymphocyte on the right,
cytic leukocytosis typical o CML. which has much more cytoplasm and a larger nucleus.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 365

In ectious mononucleosis is generally sel -limited and re- In the last step, thrombin reacts with brinogen (a normal
solves without complications in about 4 to 6 weeks, although plasma protein) to change it to a brous gel called brin.
atigue may last or longer periods. Occasionally, severe com- Under the microscope, brin looks like a tangle o ne threads
plications a ecting almost any body organ system may occur with RBCs caught in the tangle. Figure 13-17 illustrates the
in individuals with weakened immune systems. steps in the blood-clotting mechanism.
T e clotting mechanism contains clues or ways to stop
QUICK CHECK bleeding by speeding up blood clotting. For example, you
1. Wh a t a re th e tw o ca te g o rie s o w h ite b lo o d ce lls ? Wh a t might simply apply gauze to a bleeding sur ace. Its slight
d e te rm in e s h o w th e w h ite b lo o d ce lls a re ca te g o rize d ? roughness would cause more platelets to stick together and
2. De f n e th e te rm s le u ko p e n ia a n d le u ko cyto s is . release more clotting actors. T ese additional actors would
3. Na m e o n e u n ctio n o r e a ch o th e le u ko cyte ce ll typ e s .
4. Ho w d o B lym p h o cyte s d i e r ro m T lym p h o cyte s ?
then make the blood clot more quickly.
5. Wh a t typ e o le u ke m ia is p rim a rily a d is e a s e o ch ild re n ? Physicians sometimes prescribe vitamin K be ore surgery
O o ld e r a d u lts ? to make sure that the patients blood will clot ast enough to
prevent hemorrhage. Vitamin K stimulates liver cells to in-
crease the synthesis o prothrombin. More prothrombin in
P la t e le t s a n d Blo o d C lo t t in g blood allows aster production o thrombin during clotting
and thus aster clot ormation.
P la t e le t s
T e platelet, the third main type o ormed element, plays an To learn more about hemostasis, go to
essential part in blood clotting or coagulation. Your li e might AnimationDirect online at
someday be saved just because your blood can clot. A clot
plugs up torn or cut vessels and stops bleeding that otherwise
might prove atal. Platelets also are called thrombocytes rom C lo t t in g D is o r d e r s
thrombus meaning clot. A b n o r m a l Blo o d C lo t s
Much smaller than RBCs, platelets are tiny cell ragments 13
that have broken away rom a much larger precursor cell. Each Ty p e s o A b n o r m a l C lo t s
tiny platelet is lled with chemicals necessary or triggering Un ortunately, clots sometimes orm in unbroken blood ves-
the ormation o a blood clot. sels o the heart, brain, lungs, or some other organa dreaded
thing because clots may produce sudden death by shutting o
the blood supply to a vital organ. W hen a clot stays in the
Blo o d C lo t t in g place where it ormed, it is called a thrombus and the condi-
T e story o how we stop bleeding when an injury occursa tion is spoken o as thrombosis.
process called hemostasisis the story o a chain o rapid- I part o the clot dislodges and circulates through the
re reactions. All these reactions culminate in the ormation bloodstream, the dislodged part is then called an embolus,
o a blood clot. and the condition is called an embolism. For example, a clot
W hen an injury occurs, smooth muscles around the wall o ragment that lodges in the lung is called a pulmonary
the vessel may ref exively contract and thereby constrict the embolisma situation that may prove atal (Figure 13-18).
diameter o the vessela process called vasoconstriction. Suppose that your doctor told you that you had a clot in
T e resulting pressure helps temporarily close any gaps in the one o your coronary arteries. W hich diagnosis would she
vessel wall and reduces local blood f ow until other measures makecoronary thrombosis or coronary embolismi she
come into play. Pressure applied rom outside the wound by a thought that the clot had ormed originally in the coronary
rst responder o ten enhances this e ect. artery as a result o the accumulation o atty material in the
As vessels constrict, damaged tissue cells release various vessel wall?
clotting actors into the plasma. T ese actors rapidly react
with other actors already present in the plasma to orm Crushing injuries o skeletal muscle can
prothrombin activator. cause widespread abnormal clotting. Review
Normally the lining o blood vessels is extremely smooth, the article Rhabdomyolysis at Connect It! at
but an injury makes a rough spot with exposed collagen
bers. T is attracts platelets to the site, which become sticky
at the point o injury and rapidly accumulate near the break
in the blood vessel, orming a so t, temporary platelet plug. A n t ic o a g u la n t Th e r a p y
As the platelets accumulate, they release additional clotting A number o drugs are now available to help dissolve abnor-
actors, orming even more prothrombin activatora kind o mal clots. Streptokinase and recombinant tissue plasminogen
sel -ampli ying, positive- eedback response. activator ( PA or tPA) are drugs requently used in a variety
I the normal amount o blood calcium is present, pro- o conditions, including treatment o clot-induced strokes,
thrombin activator triggers the next step o clotting by con- heart attacks, and other thrombus-induced and embolus-
verting prothrombin (a protein in normal blood) to thrombin. induced medical emergencies.
366 CHAPTER 13 Blood

FIGURE 13-17 Blood clotting. A, The extremely complex clotting mechanism can be distilled into three 2
basic steps outlined in the boxes. B, Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph shows RBCs and WBCs
S e rie s of che mica l re a ctions
entrapped in a brin (yellow) mesh during clot ormation (platelets are blue).
tha t eve ntua lly re s ult in the
forma tion of thrombin.

Da ma ge d tis s ue ce lls
P rothrombin

Ve s s e l cons tricts, P rothrombin

he lping to Clotting a ctiva tor
clos e ga ps fa ctors
Ca lcium


Fibrinoge n
A 1

1 S ticky pla te le ts
Re le a s e of clotting fa ctors from both
injure d tis s ue ce lls a nd s ticky pla te le ts a t

13 the injury s ite (which form a te mpora ry

pla te le t plug).
Plate le t plug

T e anticoagulant Coumadin (war arin sodium) acts

by inhibiting the synthesis o prothrombin and other vita-
min Kdependent clotting actors. By doing so, Coumadin
decreases the ability o blood to clot and is e ective in pre- A patient prothrombin time in excess o the standard control
venting repeat thromboses a ter a heart attack or the orma- value (11 to 12.5 seconds) indicates the level o anticoagulant
tion o clots a ter surgical replacement o heart valves. e ect caused by the administered drug.
H eparin can also be used to prevent excessive blood clot- Un ortunately, P test results may vary among di erent
ting. H eparin inhibits the conversion o prothrombin to clinical laboratories. Variability is o ten caused by di ering
thrombin, thus preventing ormation o a thrombus. techniques or di erences in the sensitivity o reagents used.
T e most widely used anticoagulant is low-dose (81-mg) o minimize the e ects o these and other variables and
aspirin. T is readily available drug inhibits the ormation o standardize the results o anticoagulation testing, a system
tiny platelet plugs and the subsequent ormation o emboli, called the INR (abbreviation or International Normalized
which may cause blockage o small blood vessels in the brain Ratio) has been developed. P is reported in seconds. T e
and lead to a stroke. INR is a mathematical calculation and is reported as a num-
A laboratory test called the prothrombin time (P ) is ber. An INR o 0.8 to 1.2 is considered normal. In regulating
o ten used to regulate dosage o anticoagulant drugs. In this anticoagulant therapy, keeping the INR between 1.5 and 3
test, thromboplastin (a blood clotting actor) will help ensure the prevention o unwanted
and calcium are added simultaneously to a tube blood coagulation in at risk individuals. By
o the patients plasma and a tube containing a monitoring changes in the INR, a physician can
normal control solution, and the time required adjust the dose o anticoagulant drug needed to
or clot ormation in both tubes is determined. maintain an appropriate level o anticoagulant
e ect.

He m o p h ilia
FIGURE 13-18 Pulmonary embolism. An
embolus (clot ragment) that ormed in the leg Hemophilia is an X-linked inherited disorder
but broke away and now lodged in a branch o (see Chapter 25, pp. 683-684) that a ects more
the pulmonary artery within the lung. Arrow- S
head shows the embolus blocking the artery,
than 300,000 people around the world. ypi-
thus drastically reducing gas exchange be- cally, it is transmitted rom a symptom- ree car-
tween air and blood in the a ected lung. I rier mother to an a ected son. H emophilia is a
CHAPTER 13 Blood 367
RBCs e nme s he d in fibrin

Forma tion of fibrin a nd
tra pping of RBCs a nd
pla te le ts to form a clot.

Blo o d clo t

Fibrin me s h (blood clot)


reatment o hemophilia involves initiation o li estyle

changes that help prevent injury, prompt response to bleeding
episodes, avoiding drugs such as aspirin that alter the clotting 13
mechanism, and administration o actor VIII.
H istorically, only small amounts o actor VIII could be
bleeding disorder that results rom a ailure to produce one obtained rom large quantities o plasma obtained rom many
or more plasma proteins responsible or blood clottinga donors. Given the shortage o donated blood, this method
process illustrated in Figure 13-17. could not meet demand as physicians prescribed more actor
T e most common orm o the disease, called hemophilia A, VIII to prevent as well as treat bleeding episodes.
is caused by absence o normal actor VIIIone o the many Further, even with new and more e ective blood banking
clotting actors needed to orm prothrombin activator. T is seri- sa ety precautions, puri cation methods and diagnostic tests,
ous coagulation disorder has plagued the royal amilies o Eu- pooling and ractionating donated blood and plasma still in-
rope or hundreds o years and, as a result, its signs and symp- volve some risk o disease transmissionespecially H IV and
toms and the genetics o its transmission are well known. Simply viral hepatitis. Currently, recombinant methods eliminate
stated, people with hemophilia are
relatively unable to orm blood clots.
Because minor blood vessel inju-
ries are common in ordinary li e, he- S C IEN C E APPLICATIONS
mophilia can be a li e-threatening
condition. Mild orms may not be HEMATOLOGY
apparent until the individual is sub- A rican-Am e rican phys ician Charle s Richard Drew was a pio-
jected to surgery or trauma, whereas ne e r in he m ato lo gy, the s tudy o blood. During World War
more severe cases may result in re- II, he deve lope d the ide a o blood banks and re s e arche d the
quent and even spontaneous episodes be s t way to s tore blood or trans us ions to wounde d s ol-
o extensive bleeding. die rs . In New York, he s e t up the f rs t blood bank eve r, in
T e most common signs o the 1941. This blood bank s e rve d as the m ode l or a ne twork o
disease include easy bruising, deep blood banks ope ne d by the Am e rican Re d Cros s .
Many he m atologis ts continue in Drew s oots te ps , re f n-
muscle hemorrhage, nosebleeds, blood
ing and pe r e cting the practice o blood s cie nce . Many pro-
in the urine, and in severe cases, even e s s ions be ne f t rom this re s e arch. Phle bo to m is ts colle ct
bleeding into the brain. Perhaps the blood or te s ting or s torage , clinical laboratory te chnicians
Charles Richard Drew
most characteristic sign is repeated (19041950) analyze blood s am ple s , and m any di e re nt he alth pro e s -
episodes o bleeding into the joints s ionals us e blood analys is and blood trans us ions to he lp
especially the elbows, knees, and an- the ir patie nts . O cours e , m ilitary m e dics s till re ly on blood banking te chnology to pro-
kles. T e result is chronic pain and vide im m e diate aid to wounde d com bat and te rroris m victim s .
progressive joint de ormity.
368 CHAPTER 13 Blood

these risks and are used to produce enough recombinant anti- Active treatment options include administration o corti-
hemophilic actor VIII (rAHF) to meet the needs o the worlds costeroid-type drugs, which increase platelet production,
hemophiliac population. trans usion o platelets, and in severe cases, removal o the
spleen, which is a major site o platelet destruction.
Th ro m b o c y t o p e n ia
Vit a m in K D e f c ie n c y
A more common type o clotting disorder results rom a de-
crease in the platelet counta condition called thrombo- Vitamin K is needed by the body to produce several impor-
cytopenia. T is condition is characterized by bleeding rom tant clotting actors. T us, a de ciency o this vitamin may
many small blood vessels throughout the body, most visibly as lead to impairment o the clotting mechanism.
purpurapurple splotches in the skin and mucous mem- Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria living in the intes-
branes. I the number o thrombocytes alls to 20,000/mm3 or tines, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. As long as an
less (normal range is 150,000 to 400,000/mm3), catastrophic adults gastrointestinal (GI) tract is healthy, there is usually
bleeding may occur. enough vitamin K available or normal clotting. H owever,
A number o di erent mechanisms can result in thrombo- in ants sometimes have clotting problems because their intes-
cytopenia. For example, platelet numbers below 50,000/mm 3 tinal bacteria have not yet established themselves and started
may result rom mechanical destruction as blood passes over producing vitamin K.
arti cial heart valves.
T e usual cause, however, is bone marrow destruction by QUICK CHECK
drugs, chemicals, radiation, or cancer. Reduced platelet counts
1. Ho w d o e s a p la te le t d i e r ro m th e o th e r o rm e d
are also common in immune system diseases such as lupus e le m e n ts ?
and H IV/AIDS, in which a reduction in platelets occurs early 2. Wh a t is th e ro le o p ro th ro m b in , th ro m b in , f b rin o g e n , a n d
in the course o in ection. f b rin in th e b lo o d clo ttin g m e ch a n is m ?
Some drugs, such as aspirin, may cause thrombocytopenia 3. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a th ro m b u s a n d a n
13 as a side e ect. In such cases, stopping the use o the drug e m b o lu s ?
4. Id e n ti y tw o typ e s o clo ttin g d is o rd e rs .
usually solves the problem.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 349)

eosinophil granular leukocyte intrinsic actor

(ee-oh-SIN-oh-f l) (GRAN-yoo-lar LOO-koh-syte) (in-TRIN-sik)
[eos- dawn (red), -in- substance, -phil love] [gran- grain, -ul- little, -ar relating to, [intr- inside or within, -insic beside]
erythrocyte leuko- white, -cyte cell] leukocyte
(eh-RITH-roh-syte) hematology (LOO-koh-syte)
[erythro- red, -cyte cell] (hee-mah-TOL-oh-jee) [leuko- white, -cyte cell]
erythropoietin (EPO) [hema- blood, -to- combining syllable, lymphatic system
(eh-RITH-roh-POY-eh-tin [ee pee oh]) -log- words (study o ), -y activity] (lim-FAT-ik SIS-tem)
[erythro- red, -poiet- make, -in substance] hematopoiesis [lymph- water, -atic relating to]
actor VIII (hee-mat-oh-poy-EE-sis) lymphocyte
(FAK-ter ayt) [hemo- blood, -poiesis making] (LIM- oh-syte)
[VIII Roman numeral eight] hemoglobin (Hb) [lymph- water (lymphatic system), -cyte cell]
f brin (hee-moh-GLOH-bin [aych bee]) lymphoid tissue
(FYE-brin) [hemo- blood, -glob- ball, -in substance] (LIM- oyd TISH-yoo)
[f br- f ber, -in substance] hemostasis [lymph- water (lymphatic system), -oid like,
f brinogen (hee-moh-STAY-sis) tissu abric]
( ye-BRIN-oh-jen) [hemo- blood, -stasis standing] macrophage
[f br- f ber, -in- substance, -gen produce] heparin (MAK-roh- ayj)
ormed element (HEP-ah-rin) [macro- large, -phag- eat]
( ormd EL-eh-ment) [hepar- liver, -in substance] mast cell
globulin histamine (mast sel)
(GLOB-yoo-lin) (HIS-tah-meen) [mast attening, cell storeroom]
[glob- ball, -ul- little, -in substance] [hist- tissue, -amine ammonia compound] monocyte
immune system (MON-oh-syte)
(ih-MYOON SIS-tem) [mono- single, -cyte cell]
[immun- ree]
CHAPTER 13 Blood 369

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 368)

myeloid tissue plasma protein Rh system

(MY-eh-loyd TISH-yoo) (PLAZ-mah PROH-teen) (R H SIS-tem)
[myel- marrow, -oid o or like, tissu abric] [plasma something molded or created (blood [Rh short or rhesus monkey]
neutrophil plasma), prote- primary, -in substance] serum
(NOO-troh-f l) platelet (SEER-um)
[neutr- neither, -phil love] (PLAYT-let) [serum watery body uid]
oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) [plate- at, -let small] thrombin
(ahk-see-hee-moh-GLOH-bin platelet plug (THROM-bin)
[aych bee oh too]) (PLAYT-let plug) [thromb- clot, -in substance]
[oxy- sharp (oxygen), -hemo- blood, -glob- ball, [plate- at, -let small] thrombocyte
-in substance] prothrombin (THROM-boh-syte)
phagocyte (proh-THROM-bin) [thromb- clot, -cyte cell]
(FAG-oh-syte) [pro- be ore, -thromb- clot, -in substance] vasoconstriction
[phago- eat, -cyte cell] prothrombin activator (vay-soh-kon-STRIK-shun)
plasma (proh-THROM-bin AK-tih-vay-tor) [vas- vessel, -constrict- draw tight, -tion state]
(PLAZ-mah) [pro- be ore, -thromb- clot, -in substance, white blood cell (WBC)
[plasma something molded or created] act- per orm, -iv- relating to, -at- process, (whyte blud sel [DUB-el-yoo bee see])
plasma cell -or condition] [cell storeroom]
(PLAZ-mah sel) red blood cell (RBC)
[plasma something molded or created (blood (red blud sel [ar bee see])
plasma), cell storeroom] [cell storeroom]


acidosis aspiration biopsy cytology (ABC) complete blood cell count (CBC)
(as-ih-DOH-sis) (as-pih-RAY-shun BYE-op-see (kom-PLEET blud sel kount [see bee see])
[acid- sour, -osis condition] sye-TOL-oh-jee [ay bee see]) [cell storeroom]
acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) [a- act o , -spir- breathe, -ation process, di erential WBC count
(ah-KYOOT LIM- oh-sit-ik loo-KEE-mee-ah bio- li e, -ops- view, -y act o , cyt- cell, (di -er-EN-shal DUB-el-yoo bee see kownt)
[ay el el]) -o- combining orm, -log- words (study o ), [di erent- di erence, -al relating to, WBC white
[acu- sharp, lymph- water (lymphatic system), -y activity] blood cell]
-cyt- cell, -ic relating to, leuk- white, blood doping embolism
-emia blood condition] (blud DOH-ping) (EM-boh-liz-em)
acute myeloid leukemia (AML) [dop- thick liquid (opium)] [embol- plug, -ism condition]
(ah-KYOOT MY-eh-loyd loo-KEE-mee-ah bone marrow transplant embolus
[ay em el]) (bohn MAYR-oh TRANS-plant) (EM-boh-lus)
[acu- sharp, myel- marrow, -oid o or like, [trans- across, -plant sprout] [embolus plug]
leuk- white, -emia blood condition] chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) erythroblastosis etalis
anemia (KRON-ik LIM- oh-sit-ik loo-KEE-mee-ah (eh-rith-roh-blas-TOH-sis eh-TAL-is)
(ah-NEE-mee-ah) [see el el]) [erythro- red, -blast- bud or sprout,
[an- without, -emia blood condition] [chron- time, -ic relating to, lymph- water -osis condition]
anticoagulant (lymphatic system), -cyte cell, -ic relating to, olate def ciency anemia
(an-tee-koh-AG-yoo-lant) leuk- white, -emia blood condition] (FOH-layt deh-FISH-en-see
[anti- against, -coagul- curdle, -ant agent] chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) ah-NEE-mee-ah)
aplastic anemia (KRON-ik MY-eh-loyd loo-KEE-mee-ah [ ol- lea , -ate relating to, de- down,
(a-PLAS-tik ah-NEE-mee-ah) [see em el]) -f c- per orm, -ency state, an- without,
[a- without, -plast- orm, -ic relating to, [chron- time, -ic relating to, myel- marrow, -emia blood condition]
an- without, -emia blood condition] -oid like, leuk- white, -emia blood condition] hematocrit (Hct)
(hee-MAT-oh-krit [aych see tee])
[hemato- blood, -crit separate]
370 CHAPTER 13 Blood

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 369)

hemochromatosis lymphoid neoplasm Rh-positive

(hee-moh-kroh-mah-TOH-sis) (LIM- oyd NEE-oh-plaz-em) (R H POZ-ih-tiv)
[hemo- blood, -chroma- color, -osis condition] [lymph- water (lymphatic system), -oid like, [Rh short or rhesus monkey, posit- put or
hemolytic anemia neo- new, -plasm something molded or place, -ive relating to]
(hee-moh-LIT-ik ah-NEE-mee-ah) created] sickle cell anemia
[hemo- blood, -lyt- loosen, -ic relating to, medic (SIK-ul sel ah-NEE-mee-ah)
an- without, -emia blood condition] (MED-ik) [sickle crescent-shaped tool, cell storeroom,
hemolytic disease o the newborn (HDN) [med- heal, -ic- relating to] an- without, -emia blood condition]
(hee-moh-LIT-ik dih-ZEEZ ov thuh multiple myeloma sickle cell trait
NOO-born) (MUL-tih-pul my-LOH-mah) (SIK-ul sel trayt)
[hemo- blood, -lyt- loosen, -ic relating to, [multi- many, -pl- old, myel- marrow, [sickle crescent, cell storeroom]
dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] -oma tumor] thalassemia
hemophilia myeloid neoplasm (thal-ah-SEE-mee-ah)
(hee-moh-FIL-ee-ah) (MY-eh-loyd NEE-oh-plaz-em) [thalas- sea, -emia blood condition]
[hemo- blood, -phil- love, -ia condition] [myel- marrow, -oid like, neo- new, thrombocytopenia
hemorrhagic anemia -plasm something molded or created] (throm-boh-sye-toh-PEE-nee-ah)
(HEM-oh-raj-ick ah-NEE-mee-ah) pernicious anemia [thrombo- clot, -cyto- cell, -penia lack]
[hemo- blood, -rrh(e)a- ow, -ag(e)- process or (per-NISH-us ah-NEE-mee-ah) thrombosis
state, -ic relating to, an- without, -emia blood [pernici- destruction, -ous relating to, (throm-BOH-sis)
condition] an- without, -emia blood condition] [thrombo- clot, -osis condition]
in ectious mononucleosis phlebotomist thrombus
13 (in-FEK-shuss mah-noh-noo-klee-OH-sis) ( eh-BOT-uh-mist) (THROM-bus)
[in ect- stain, -ous relating to, mono- single, [phleb- vein, -tom- cut, -ist agent] [thrombus clot]
-nucle- nut, -osis condition] polycythemia tissue plasminogen activator (TPA or tPA)
INR (international normalized ratio) (pahl-ee-sye-THEE-mee-ah) (TISH-yoo plaz-MIN-oh-jen AK-tih-vay-tor)
(aye en ar [in-ter-NASH-en-ul [poly- many, -cyt- cell, -emia blood condition] [tissu abric, plasm- something molded or
NOR-mah-lyzed RAY-shee-oh]) prothrombin time (PT) created (plasma), -in- substance,
iron def ciency anemia (proh-THROM-bin tyme) -gen produce, act- per orm, -ive relating to,
(AYE-ern deh-FISH-en-see [pro- be ore, -thromb- clot, -in substance] -or agent]
ah-NEE-mee-ah) purpura universal donor blood
[iron element 26, de- down, -f c- per orm, (PUR-pah-rah) (yoo-neh-ver-sal DOH-nor blud)
-ency state, an- without, -emia blood [purpura purple] [uni- one, -vers- turn (into), -al relating to,
condition] don- give, -or agent]
leukemia (R H NEG-ah-tiv) universal recipient blood
(loo-KEE-mee-ah) [Rh short or rhesus monkey, negat- deny, (yoo-neh-ver-sal REE-sip-ee-ahnt blud)
[leuk- white, -emia blood condition] -ive relating to] [uni- one, -vers- turn (into), -al relating to,
leukocytosis RhoGAM recip- take, -ent agent]
(loo-koh-SYE-toh-sis) (ROH-gam)
[leuko- white, -cyt- cell, -osis condition] [brand name derived rom Rho 17th letter o
leukopenia Greek alphabet (re ers to Rh antigen), GAM
(loo-koh-PEE-nee-ah) rom gamma-globulin (Rh antibody)]
[leuko- white, -penia lack]
CHAPTER 13 Blood 371

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary 2. Number
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r a. RBCs4.2 to 6.2 million/mm 3 o blood
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . b. W BCs5000 to 10,000/mm3 o blood
c. Platelets150,000 to 400,000/mm 3 o blood
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to D. H ematopoiesis ormation o new blood cells
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 1. Myeloid tissue (red bone marrow) orms all blood
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s cells except some lymphocytes; ound within bones
or be ore a te s t. 2. Lymphoid tissue orms additional white blood cells
in the lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen
3. RBCs live about 4 months; W BCs live or a ew days
Blo o d Co m po s itio n (granular) to over 6 months (agranular)
A. Blood tissue
1. Blood tissue components
a. Liquid raction o whole blood (extracellular part)
Me chanis m s o Blo o d Dis e as e
called plasma (Figure 13-1) A. Most blood diseases result rom ailure o myeloid and
b. Cellular components suspended in the plasma lymphoid tissues
make up the ormed elements B. Causes include toxic chemicals, radiation, inherited
2. Normal volumes o blood de ects, nutritional de ciencies and cancers, including
a. Plasma2.6 L leukemia
b. Formed elements2.4 L C. Aspiration biopsy cytology (ABC) permits examination
c. W hole blood4 to 6 L average or 7% to 9% o o blood- orming tissues to assist in diagnosis o blood 13
total body weight diseases
3. Blood pH D. Bone marrow, cord blood, and hematopoietic stem cell
a. Blood is alkalinepH 7.35 to pH 7.45 transplants may be used to replace diseased or destroyed
b. Blood pH decreased toward neutral creates a con- blood- orming tissues
dition called acidosis
B. Blood plasma
1. Liquid raction o whole blood minus ormed ele-
Re d Blo o d Ce lls
ments (Figure 13-1) A. RBC structure and unction
2. Compositionwater containing many dissolved sub- 1. RBC o ers excellent example o how structural adap-
stances including: tation a ects biological unction
a. Nutrients, salts 2. ough and f exible plasma membrane de orms easily
b. About 1.5% o total O 2 transported in blood allowing RBCs to pass through small-diameter
c. About 10% o total CO 2 capillaries
d. Most abundant solutes dissolved in plasma are 3. Biconcave disk shape (thin center and thicker edges)
plasma proteins results in large cellular sur ace area (Figure 13-2)
(1) Albumins 4. Absence o nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles
(2) Globulins a. Limits RBC li e span to about 120 days
(3) Fibrinogen b. Provides more cellular space or hemoglobin (H b)
(4) Prothrombin 5. ransport o respiratory gases (O 2 and CO 2)
3. Plasma minus clotting actors is called serum B. RBC count
a. Serum is liquid remaining a ter whole blood clots 1. Complete blood cell count (CBC)battery o labora-
b. Serum contains antibodies tory tests used to measure the amounts or levels o
C. Formed elements many blood constituents
1. ypes (Figure 13-1 and Table 13-1) 2. H ematocrit (H ct)
a. Red blood cell; also called RBC or erythrocyte a. Also called packed cell volume (PCV)
b. W hite blood cell; also called W BC or leukocyte b. H ct expressed as the percentage o whole blood
(1) Granular leukocytesneutrophils, eosinophils, that is RBCs (Figure 13-3)
and basophils C. H emoglobin (H b)
(2) Agranular leukocyteslymphocytes and 1. Q uaternary protein made up o our polypeptide
monocytes chains, each with an oxygen-attracting heme group at
c. Platelet; also called thrombocyte center (Figure 13-4)
372 CHAPTER 13 Blood

2. Iron (Fe), olate (a B vitamin), and vitamin B12 are Re d Blo o d Ce ll Dis o rde rs
among the critical nutrients needed to manu acture
Hb A. Most o ten related to either overproduction o RBCs
3. ransport o respiratory gases (O 2 and CO 2) called polycythemia; or to low oxygen-carrying capacity o
a. Combined with hemoglobin bloodcalled anemia
(1) O xyhemoglobin (H b O 2) B. Polycythemia
(2) Carbaminohemoglobin (H b CO 2) 1. Cause is generally cancerous trans ormation o red
b. CO 2 converted to bicarbonate by the RBCs bone marrow
4. Important role in homeostasis o acid-base balance 2. D ramatic increase in RBC numberso ten in excess
D. RBC abnormalities (Figure 13-5) o 10 million/mm3 o blood; hematocrit may reach
1. Named according to size 60%
a. Normocytesnormal size (about 8 to 9 m in 3. Signs and symptoms include:
diameter) a. Increased blood viscosity or thickness
b. Microcyticsmall size b. Slow blood f ow and coagulation problems
c. Macrocyticlarge size c. Frequent hemorrhages
2. Named according to hemoglobin content o cell d. Distention o blood vessels and hypertension
a. Normochromicnormal H b content 4. reatment may include:
b. H ypochromiclow H b content a. Blood removal
c. H yperchromichigh H b content b. Irradiation and chemotherapy to suppress RBC
E. Blood ypes (Table 13-2) production
1. ABO system (Figure 13-6) C. Anemia (Table 13-3)
a. Antigensubstance that can activate immune 1. Caused by low numbers or abnormal RBCs or by low
system levels or de ective types o hemoglobin
b. Antibodysubstance made by body in response to a. Normal H b levels 12 to 14 g/100 mL o blood
13 stimulation by an antigen b. Low H b level (below 9 g/100 mL o blood) classi-
c. ABO blood types ed as anemia
(1) ype A bloodtype A sel -antigens in RBCs; 2. Majority o clinical signs o anemia related to low
antiB type antibodies in plasma tissue oxygen levels
(2) ype B bloodtype B sel -antigens in RBCs; a. Fatigue; skin pallor
antiA type antibodies in plasma b. Weakness; aintness; headache
(3) ype AB bloodtype A and type B sel - c. Compensation results in increased heart and respi-
antigens in RBCs; no anti-A or anti-B anti- ratory rates
bodies in plasma 3. H emorrhagic anemia
(4) ype O bloodno type A or type B sel - a. Acuteblood loss is immediate ( or example,
antigens in RBCs; both anti-A and anti-B surgery or trauma)
antibodies in plasma b. Chronicblood loss occurs over time ( or example,
2. Rh system ulcers or cancer)
a. Rh-positive bloodRh actor antigen present in 4. Aplastic anemia
RBCs a. Characterized by low RBC numbers and destruc-
b. Rh-negative bloodno Rh actor present in RBCs; tion o bone marrow
no anti-Rh antibodies present naturally in plasma; b. O ten caused by toxic chemicals, irradiation, or
anti-Rh antibodies, however, appear in the plasma certain drugs
o Rh-negative persons i Rh-positive RBCs have 5. De ciency anemiascaused by inadequate supply o
been introduced into their bodies; an RH -negative some substance needed or RBC or hemoglobin
person can generate anti-Rh antibodies ollowing production
exposure to the Rh antigen a. Pernicious anemia
c. Erythroblastosis etalismay occur when (1) Caused by vitamin B12 de ciency
Rh-negative mother carries a second Rh-positive (2) Genetic-related autoimmune disease
etus; caused by mothers Rh antibodies reacting (3) Decreased RBC, W BC, and platelet numbers
with the etuss Rh-positive cells (Figure 13-7) (4) RBCs are macrocytic
3. Combined ABO-Rh system (5) Classic symptoms o anemia coupled with
a. Both systems commonly used together central nervous system (CNS) impairment
b. ype O : universal donor blood (6) reatment is repeated vitamin B12 injections
c. ype AB : universal recipient blood b. Folate de ciency anemia
(1) Caused by olate (vitamin B9) de ciency
(2) Decreased RBC count
(3) Common in alcoholism and malnutrition
CHAPTER 13 Blood 373

c. Iron de ciency anemia White Blo o d Ce lls

(1) Caused by de ciency o or inability to absorb
iron needed or H b synthesis (dietary iron de - A. Introduction to W BCs
ciency is common worldwide) 1. Categorized by presence o stained nuclei and gran-
(2) RBCs are microcytic and hypochromic ules in translucent cytoplasm (Figure 13-10)
(Figure 13-8) a. Granulocytespossess granules that stain
(3) H ematocrit is decreased b. Agranulocytesabsence o stained granules
(4) reatment is oral administration o iron 2. W BCs are all involved in immunity
compounds B. W BC count
6. H emolytic anemias 1. Complete W BC countnormal range is 5000 to
a. Caused by decreased RBC li e span or increased 10,000/mm3 o blood
RBC rate o destruction 2. Leukopeniaabnormally low W BC count (below
b. Symptomssuch as jaundice, swelling o spleen, 5000/mm3 o blood)
gallstone ormation, and tissue iron depositsare a. Occurs in requently
related to retention o RBC breakdown products b. May occur with mal unction o blood- orming
c. Sickle cell anemia (Figure 13-9) tissues or diseases a ecting immune system, such as
(1) Genetic disease resulting in ormation o AIDS
abnormal hemoglobin (H bS); primarily ound 3. Leukocytosisabnormally high W BC count (over
in A rican-American people 10,000/mm3 o blood)
(2) RBCs become ragile and assume sickled shape a. Frequent nding in bacterial in ections
when blood oxygen levels decrease b. Classic sign in blood cancers (leukemia)
(3) Sickle cell traitresult o one de ective gene; 4. Di erential WBC countcomponent test in CBC;
usually mild or no symptoms at all measures proportions o each type o W BC in blood
(4) Sickle cell diseaseresult o two de ective sample (Figures 13-1 and 13-10)
genes; more severe; causes blood stasis, clotting, C. W BC types 13
and crises that may be atal 1. Granular leukocytes (granulocytes)
(5) A ects 1 in every 600 A rican-American a. Neutrophils
newborns (1) Most numerous type o phagocyte
d. T alassemia (2) Numbers increase in bacterial in ections
(1) Group o inherited hemolytic anemias occur- b. Eosinophils
ring primarily in people o Mediterranean (1) Weak phagocyte
descent (2) Active against parasites and parasitic worms
(2) RBCs microcytic and short lived (3) Involved in allergic reactions
(3) Present as mild thalassemia trait and severe c. Basophils
thalassemia major (1) Related to mast cells in tissue spaces
(4) H b levels o ten all below 7 g/100 mL o blood (2) Both mast cells and basophils secrete histamine
in thalassemia major (related to inf ammation)
(5) Classic symptoms o anemia coupled with skel- (3) Basophils also secrete heparin (an
etal de ormities and swelling o spleen and liver anticoagulant)
e. H emolytic disease o the newborn (H DN) 2. Agranular leukocytes (agranulocytes)
(1) Caused by blood ABO or Rh actor incompati- a. Monocytes
bility during pregnancy between developing (1) Largest leukocyte
o spring and mother (2) Aggressive phagocytecapable o engul ng
(2) Maternal antibodies against etal RBCs o di - larger bacteria and cancer cells (Figure 13-11)
erent blood type can cross placenta, enter the (3) Develop into much larger cells called macro-
etal circulation, and destroy some o the etuss phages a ter leaving blood to enter tissue spaces
red cellsas in erythroblastosis etalis b. Lymphocytes
(Figure 13-7) (1) B lymphocytes involved in immunity against
(3) Symptoms in developing etus related to disease by secretion o antibodies
decline in RBC numbers and H b levels; jaun- (2) Mature B lymphocytes called plasma cells
dice, intravascular coagulation, and heart and (3) lymphocytes involved in direct attack on
lung damage are common bacteria or cancer cells (not antibody
(4) reatment may include in utero blood trans u- production)
sions and premature delivery o the o spring
(5) Prevention o Rh actor incompatibility now
possible by administration o RhoGAM to Rh-
negative mothers
374 CHAPTER 13 Blood

White Blo o d Ce ll Dis o rde rs d. O nset and progression o disease is slow with
symptoms o atigue, weight loss, and weakness
A. wo major types o W BC cancers or neoplasms e. Diagnosis o ten made by discovery o marked
1. Lymphoid neoplasmsresult rom B and lympho- granulocytic leukocytosis and extreme spleen
cyte precursor cells or their descendant cell types enlargement
2. Myeloid neoplasmsresult rom malignant trans or- . reatment by new designer drug Gleevec or bone
mation o precursor cells o granulocytic W BCs, marrow transplantation is curative in more than
monocytes, RBCs, and platelets 70% o cases
B. Multiple myeloma (Figure 13-12) 6. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
1. Cancer o B lymphocytes called plasma cells a. Accounts or 80% o all cases o acute leukemia in
2. Most deadly blood cancer in people older than age 65 adults and 20% o acute leukemia in children
3. Causes bone marrow dys unction and production o b. Characterized by sudden onset and rapid
de ective antibodies progression
4. Characterized by: c. Symptoms include leukocytosis, atigue, bone and
a. Recurrent in ections and anemia joint pain, spongy bleeding gums, anemia, and
b. Destruction and racture o bones recurrent in ections
5. reatment includes chemotherapy, drug and antibody d. Prognosis is poor with only about 50% o children
therapy, and marrow and stem cell transplantation and 30% o adults achieving long-term survival
C. LeukemiasW BC-related blood cancers e. Bone marrow and stem cell transplantation has
1. Characterized by marked leukocytosis increased cure rates in selected patients
2. Identi ed as: D. In ectious mononucleosis (Figure 13-16)
a. Acute or chronicbased on timing o pathogenesis 1. Noncancerous W BC disorder
(1) Acuterapid development o symptoms 2. H ighest incidence between 15 and 25 years o age
(2) Chronicslow development o symptoms 3. Caused by virus present in saliva o in ected
13 b. Lymphocytic or myeloidbased on origin tissue o individuals
involved cells 4. Leukocytosis o atypical lymphocytes with abundant
(1) Lymphocytica ects lymphocytes cytoplasm and large nuclei
(2) Myeloida ects granular leukocytes as they 5. Symptoms include ever, severe atigue, sore throat,
develop in the red bone marrow rash, and enlargement o lymph nodes and spleen
3. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (Figure 13-13) 6. Generally sel -limited and resolves without complica-
a. Average age at onset is 65; rare be ore age 30 tions in about 4 to 6 weeks
b. More common in men than in women
c. O ten diagnosed unexpectedly in routine physical
exams with discovery o marked B lymphocytic Plate le ts and Blo o d Clo tting
leukocytosis A. Plateletsalso called thrombocytes
d. Generally mild symptoms include anemia, atigue, 1. iny cell ragments lled with clot-triggering
and enlargedo ten painlesslymph nodes chemicals
e. Most patients live many years ollowing diagnosis 2. Play essential role in blood clotting
. reatment o severe cases involves chemotherapy B. Blood clotting mechanism (Figure 13-17)
and irradiation 1. Vasoconstriction o blood vessels helps close gaps in
4. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) (Figure 13-14) blood vessel wall and reduces local blood f ow
a. Primarily a disease o children between 3 and 2. Blood vessel damage releases clotting actors that react
7 years o age; 80% o children who develop leuke- with plasma actors to orm prothrombin activator
mia have this orm o the disease 3. At the same time, platelets adhere to the break and
b. H ighly curable in children but less so in adults orm a platelet plug and release additional clotting
c. Onset is suddenmarked by ever, leukocytosis, actors promoting ormation o prothrombin activator
bone pain, and increases in in ections 4. Prothrombin activator and calcium convert prothrom-
d. Lymph node, spleen, and liver enlargement is bin to thrombin
common 5. T rombin reacts with brinogen to orm brin
e. reatment includes chemotherapy, irradiation, and 6. Fibrin threads orm a tangle to trap RBCs (and other
bone marrow or stem cell transplantation ormed elements) to produce a blood clot
5. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) (Figure 13-15) C. Altering the blood clotting mechanism
a. Accounts or about 20% o all cases o leukemia 1. Application o gauze (rough sur ace) to wound causes
b. O ccurs most o ten in adults between 25 and 60 platelet aggregation and release o clotting actors
years o age 2. Administration o vitamin K will increase synthesis o
c. Caused by cancerous trans ormation o granulo- prothrombin
cytic precursor cells in the bone marrow
CHAPTER 13 Blood 375

Clo tting Dis o rde rs 2. Characterized by easy bruising, deep muscle hemor-
rhage, blood in urine, and repeated episodes o bleed-
A. Abnormal blood clots ing into joints causing pain and de ormity
1. ypes o abnormal clots 3. reatment includes administration o actor VIII,
a. T rombusstationary blood clot injury prevention, and avoiding drugs such as aspirin
b. Emboluscirculating blood clot (Figure 13-18) that alter the clotting mechanism
2. Anticoagulant therapy C. T rombocytopeniacaused by reduced platelet counts
a. Drug called tissue plasminogen activator [ PA or 1. Characterized by bleeding rom small blood vessels,
tPA] used to dissolve clots that have already ormed most visibly as purpura (purplish spots) in the skin
b. Drug war arin sodium will delay clotting by inhib- and mucous membranes
iting prothrombin synthesis 2. Platelet count below 20,000/mm 3 may cause cata-
c. H eparin delays clotting by inhibiting conversion o strophic bleeding (normal platelet count 150,000 to
prothrombin to thrombin 400,000/mm3)
d. Laboratory tests used to monitor e ectiveness o 3. Most common cause is bone marrow destruction by
anticoagulant therapy include: drugs; chemicals; radiation; and diseases such as
(1) Prothrombin timereported in seconds (7 to cancer, lupus, and H IV/AIDS
10 seconds is normal) 4. reatment may involve trans usion o platelets,
(2) INR (International Normalized Ratio)a cal- corticosteroid-type drugs, or removal o the spleen
culated value reported as a number (0.8 to D. Vitamin K de ciencycan result in abnormally reduced
1.2 is normal) clotting
B. H emophiliaX-linked inherited disorder that results
rom inability to produce actor VIII (a plasma protein)
responsible or blood clotting
1. Most serious bleeding disease worldwide; hemo-
philia A most common orm 13

STUDY TIPS 3. In order to understand the terminology, review the Lan-
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in guage o Science and Language o Medicine terms.
m e e ting your le arning goals . 4. W hen studying the blood disorders, make a chart that
identi es the type o disorder: red blood cell, white blood
Blood cons is ts o a liquid portion, the plas m a, and orm e d e le - cell, or clotting disorder. List the name and the speci c
m e nts : re d blood ce lls , w hite blood ce lls , and plate le ts . The cause o each disorder.
unction o the blood is to carry s ubs tance s rom one part o 5. As you study the ABO blood typing system, be sure you
the body to anothe r. Many trans porte d m ate rials are dis s olve d give extra attention to learning what antigens are on the
in the plas m a, s o the com pos ition o the plas m a varie s bas e d red blood cells and what antibodies are in the plasma. T e
on w hat is going on in the body. Be caus e o its unction, the antigens give a blood type its name, that is, type A blood
blood plays an im portant role in a num be r o othe r s ys te m s has A antigens. Antibodies are the opposite o the blood
s uch as the re s piratory, dige s tive , urinary, and im m une s ys - type. ype A blood has anti-B antibodies. ype O has no
te m s . The m ate rial in this chapte r s how s up again in late r antigens and both antibodies; type AB has both antigens
chapte rs . and no antibodies.
6. In your study group, review the f ash cards you made and
1. Flash cards and online tutorials will help you learn the online resources or studying the unction o the blood
names and unctions o the various blood cells. Check out cells. Discuss the process o blood clot ormation. Go over or tutorials and animations that the blood disorder chart. Review the antigens and anti-
illustrate a white blood cell di erential test and blood bodies o the various blood types. Go over the questions
typing. and the outline summary at the end o the chapter and
2. T e process o blood clot ormation is important, and it is discuss possible test questions.
necessary that you know and understand the correct
sequence o events. Develop a concept map that illustrates
the sequence o the events that lead to a blood clot.
376 CHAPTER 13 Blood

Re vie w Que s tio ns Chapte r Te s t

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch
o your new le arning. 1. T e liquid part o the blood is called ________.
2. T ree important plasma proteins are ________,
1. Name several substances ound in blood plasma. ________, and ________.
2. Explain the unction o albumins, globulins, and 3. Blood plasma without the clotting actors is called
brinogen. ________.
3. W hat is the di erence between serum and plasma? 4. T e three ormed elements o the blood are ________,
4. W hat two types o connective tissue orm blood cells? ________, and ________.
W here are they ound and what do each o them orm? 5. T e two types o connective tissue that make blood cells
5. Describe the structure o a red blood cell. W hat advan- are ________ and ________.
tage does this unique shape give the red blood cell that 6. T e red pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen is
helps it per orm its unction? called ________.
6. Explain how type A blood di ers rom type B blood. 7. An ________ is a oreign substance that can cause the
7. Explain the cause o erythroblastosis etalis. body to produce an antibody.
8. Both aplastic anemia and pernicious anemia are charac- 8. A person with type AB blood has ________ antigens on
terized by a low red blood cell count. H ow does the the blood cell and ________ antibodies in the plasma.
cause o each disease condition di er? 9. A person with type B blood has ________ antigens on
9. W hat is the bu y coat? the blood cell and ________ antibodies in the plasma.
10. Explain the unction o neutrophils and monocytes. 10. ype ________ blood is considered the universal donor.
13 11. Explain the unction o lymphocytes. 11. ype ________ blood is considered the universal
12. Explain the unction o eosinophils and basophils. recipient.
13. Distinguish between leukopenia and leukocytosis. 12. A condition called ________ can develop i an Rh-
14. H ow is hemophilia transmitted? W hat blood clotting negative mother produces antibodies against the blood
actors can be a ected? o an Rh-positive etus.
15. Explain the process o blood clot ormation. 13. T e term ________ is used to describe a number o
16. Di erentiate between a thrombus and an embolus. disease conditions caused by the inability o red blood
cells to carry a su cient amount o oxygen.
14. I the body produces an excess o red blood cells, the
Critical Thinking condition is called ________.
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out 15. W hich white blood cells are the most numerous o the
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to phagocytes? ________
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to 16. W hich white blood cells produce antibodies to ght
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts microbes? ________
that you f nd di f cult. 17. Prothrombin activator and the mineral ________ in the
blood convert prothrombin into thrombin in the orma-
17. W hen a patient is being prepped or surgery, a physician tion o a blood clot.
will o ten prescribe vitamin K. W hat is the signi cance 18. T rombin converts the inactive plasma protein
o administering vitamin K be ore surgery? ________ into a brous gel called ________.
18. Explain how heparin inhibits blood clot ormation. 19. Vitamin ________ stimulates the liver to increase syn-
19. You are a medical examiner, and a body is brought to thesis o prothrombin.
you to determine the cause o death. You nd a very 20. A ________ is a pathological rather than curative blood
large agglutination (not a clot) in a major vein. W hat clot that stays in the place where it was ormed.
judgment would you make regarding the cause o death? 21. I a part o a blood clot is dislodged and circulates
20. W hy is the rst Rh-positive baby born to an Rh- through the bloodstream, it is called a/an ________.
negative mother usually una ected? 22. T e ________ provides in ormation about the volume o
21. Some athletes, seeking a competitive edge, may resort to red blood cells in a blood sample. It is an estimate o the
blood doping. H ow would you explain blood doping? proportion o red blood cells to whole blood.
W hat in ormation would you use to discourage athletes 23. T e ________ are the largest o the leukocytes and are
rom participating in the practice o blood doping? very aggressive phagocytes.
22. H ow do red blood cells con rm that structure ts 24. A ________ provides the proportions o each type o
unction? white blood cell as percentages o the total white blood
cell count. It is a valuable diagnostic tool.
CHAPTER 13 Blood 377

Match each blood disorder in Column A with its corresponding description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
25. ________ pernicious anemia a. a type o inherited anemia that produces abnormal hemoglobin and red blood cell
26. ________ sickle cell anemia de ormities
27. ________ thalassemia b. an abnormally low white blood cell count
28. ________ hemophilia c. an inherited disorder in which a small amount o hemoglobin is produced; can be
29. ________ thrombocytopenia major or minor
30. ________ leukocytosis d. an inherited inability to orm some blood clotting actors
31. ________ leukopenia e. an abnormally low number o platelets
32. ________ aplastic anemia . a low number o red blood cells because o a lack o vitamin B12
g. a low number o red blood cells related to destruction o bone marrow
h. an abnormally high white blood cell count

Cas e S tudie s 3. Your brother has just been diagnosed as having anemia,
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to but your mother cannot seem to remember the speci c
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- type. She shows you a copy o your young brothers CBC
book, and othe r re s ource s . results, but no diagnosis is stated. Based on the results
given below, what would you guess is your brothers con-
1. Angelas physician suspects that Angela has just su ered a dition? (H IN : see Table 13-3.) Are you likely to develop
myocardial in arction, or heart attack. She tells Angela that this condition?
she is going to take a blood sample so that the hospital Folate content: normal
lab can per orm a test to con rm her diagnosis. W hat H ematocrit: low 13
in ormation can Angelas blood yield to help the H emoglobin content: low
physician? Iron content: slightly high
2. Yvonne has just been told that she has a condition called RBC size (mean corpuscular volume): high
pernicious anemia. She looked up the de nition o this Vitamin B12 content: normal
disease in a dictionary and learned that it is caused by a
decreased availability o vitamin B12 needed or manu ac- Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
turing RBCs. Yvonne promptly went to the local phar- at
macy to buy some vitamin B12 tablets to help her
overcome this condition. Is this a wise course o action?
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Location o the Heart, 379

Functional Anatomy o the Heart, 380
Heart Chambers, 380
Pericardium, 381
Heart Action, 383
Heart Valves, 383
Heart Sounds, 384
Blood Flow Through the Heart, 384
Blood Supply to Heart Muscle, 385
Cardiac Cycle, 387
Electrical Activity o the Heart, 388
Conduction System, 388
Electrocardiography, 388
Cardiac Dysrhythmia, 389
Cardiac Output, 392
Def nition o Cardiac Output, 392
Heart Rate, 393
Stroke Volume, 393
Heart Failure, 394

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Discuss the location, size, and position o the heart in
the thoracic cavity.
2. Identi y and discuss the heart chambers, pericar-
dium, heart valves, and major valve disorders.
3. Discuss the normal heart sounds and identi y
common abnormal heart sounds.
4. Trace blood through the heart, compare the unctions
o the heart chambers on the right and le t sides, and
explain how a myocardial in arction might occur.
5. Explain the cardiac cycle.
6. List the anatomical components o the heart conduc-
tion system and discuss the eatures o the normal
7. Describe the major types o cardiac dysrhythmia.
8. Explain how heart rate and stroke volume a ect
cardiac output.
9. List and describe the possible causes o heart ailure.
R 14
Th e system that supplies our bodys transportation needs is the cardiovascular LANGUAGE OF
system. We need such a system to make sure that each cell is surrounded by f uid S C IEN C E
that is constantly replenished with oxygen, water, and nutrients as they are used
up by a cell. In addition, we need the waste products in extracellular f uid to be
Be o re re ading the
continually removed as they are released rom cells.
chapte r, s ay e ach o
the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
A circulating stream o blood can pick up substances rom various parts o he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the body and deliver them to othersthus allowing our body to move the m as yo u re ad.
substances around in a way that helps us maintain a relatively constant
internal environment. Clearly, circulation o the blood is critical to main-
taining the homeostatic balance o your body. (ay-OR-tah)
[aort- li ted, -a thing]
We begin the study o the cardiovascular system in this chapter with the aortic semilunar valve
heartthe pump that keeps blood moving through a closed circuit o blood (ay-OR-tik sem-ih-LOO-nar valv)
vessels. Details related to heart structure will be ollowed by a discussion o [aort- li ted, -ic relating to, semi- hal ,
how the heart unctions. Chapter 15 then continues our story with a study o -luna moon, -ar relating to]
the vessels through which blood f ows as a result o the pumping action o the apex
heart. (AY-peks)
pl., apices
Lo c a t io n o t h e He a r t [apex tip]
No one needs to be told where the heart is or atrioventricular bundle (AV bundle)
what it does. Everyone knows that the (ay-tree-oh-ven-TRIK-yoo-lar
heart is in the chest, that it beats night BUN-del [ay vee BUN-del])
and day to keep the blood f owing, and [atrio- entrance courtyard,
-ventr- belly, -icul- little,
that i it stops, li e stops.
-ar relating to]
Most o us probably think o the
atrioventricular node (AV node)
heart as being located on the le t side
o the body. As you can see in
nohd [ay vee nohd])
Figure 14-1, the heart is located be- [atrio- entrance courtyard,
tween the lungs in the lower por- -ventr- belly, -icul- little,
tion o the mediastinum. Draw an -ar relating to, nod- knot]
imaginary line through the middle atrioventricular valve (AV valve)
o the trachea in Figure 14-1 and (ay-tree-oh-ven-TRIK-yoo-lar
continue the line down through valv [ay vee valv])
the thoracic cavity to divide it [atrio- entrance courtyard,
into right and le t halves. Note -ventr- belly, -icul- little,
that about two-thirds o the mass -ar relating to]
o the heart is to the le t o this atrium
line and one-third is to the right. (AY-tree-um)
T e heart is o ten described pl., atria
as a triangular organ, shaped (AY-tree-ah)
[atrium entrance courtyard]
and sized roughly like a closed
st. In Figure 14-1 you can see that auricle
[auri- ear, -icle little]

Continued on p. 395

380 CHAPTER 14 Heart

Le ft common ca rotid a rte ry

Le ft s ubclavia n a rte ry
Bra chioce pha lic trunk
Arch of a orta
S upe rior ve na cava Le ft pulmona ry a rte ry

P ulmona ry trunk
Right pulmona ry a rte ry
Auricle of le ft a trium
As ce nding a orta
Le ft pulmona ry ve ins
Right pulmona ry (bra nche d)
ve ins (bra nche d)
Gre a t ca rdia c ve in
Auricle of right a trium
Circumflex a rte ry
Right corona ry a rte ry
a nd ca rdia c ve in
Bra nche s of le ft
corona ry a rte ry
S a nd ca rdia c ve in

I Le ft ve ntricle

Right ve ntricle
Infe rior ve na cava

De s ce nding a orta

Tra che a

Arch of a orta


Dia phra gm
14 S

FIGURE 14-1 External view o heart. Anterior view
(with location in thorax).

the apex, or blunt point, o the lower edge o the heart lies on called cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), can be
the diaphragm, pointing toward the le t. li esaving.
Physicians and nurses o ten listen to the heart sounds by T e exact procedures or CPR change requently as new
placing a stethoscope on the chest wall directly over the apex research data become available, so it is important or individu-
o the heart. Sounds o the so-called apical heart beat are als certi ed in CPR to recerti y on a regular basis.
easily heard in this area (that is, in the space between the th Locate the heart and surrounding structures in the Clear
and sixth ribs on a line even with the midpoint o the le t View o the Human Body ( ollows p. 8).
T e heart is positioned in the thoracic cavity between the
sternum in ront and the bodies o the thoracic vertebrae Fu n c t io n a l A n a t o m y o t h e He a r t
behind. Because o this placement, it can be compressed or
squeezed by application o pressure to the lower portion o
He a r t C h a m b e r s
the body o the sternum using the heel o the hand. Rhyth- I you cut open a heart, you can see many o its main structural
mic compression o the heart in this way can maintain eatures (Figure 14-2). T is organ is hollow, not solid. A partition
blood f ow in cases o cardiac arrest and, i combined divides it into right and le t sides. T e heart contains our cavi-
with e ective arti cial respiration, the resulting procedure, ties, or hollow chambers. T e two upper chambers are called
CHAPTER 14 Heart 381

Pa rie ta l pe rica rdium FIGURE 14-2 Internal view o heart. Anterior view
Pe rica rdia l s pa ce
Fa tty conne ctive o rontal section. The inset shows a cross section o the
tis s ue Vis ce ra l pe rica rdium (e pica rdium) heart wall, including the pericardium.
Myoca rdium
Corona ry
ve s s e ls
Endoca rdium



S upe rior P ulmona ry

ve na cava trunk
P ulmona ry
Right pulmona ry a rte rie s
ve ins
Le ft pulmona ry
P ulmona ry ve ins
s e miluna r va lve

Right a trium
Le ft a trium
Right a triove ntricula r
(tricus pid) va lve Aortic s e miluna r
va lve

Le ft a triove ntricula r
(bicus pid) va lve

atria (singular, atrium), and the two lower Chorda e

chambers are called ventricles. te ndine a e
T e atria are smaller than the ventri- Right ve ntricle Le ft ve ntricle
cles, and their walls are thinner and less
muscular. Both atria orm an earlike out- Pa pilla ry mus cle
Inte rve ntricula r
pouching, called an auricle, as you can s e ptum S
see in Figure 14-1.
Atria are o ten called receiving chambers
because blood enters the heart through veins that open into I
these upper cavities. Eventually, blood is pumped rom the
heart into arteries that exit rom the ventricles. T e ventricles
P e r ic a r d iu m
are there ore sometimes re erred to as the discharging chambers C o ve r in g s o t h e He a r t
o the heart. T e heart s coveringthe pericardiumconsists o two 14
Each heart chamber is named according to its location. layers o brous tissue with a small space in between them.
T us there are right and le t atrial chambers above and right T e inner layer o the pericardium is called the visceral
and le t ventricular chambers below. pericardium, or epicardium. It covers the heart the way an
T e wall o each heart chamber is composed o cardiac apple skin covers an apple. T e outer layer o pericardium is
muscle tissue usually re erred to as the myocardium. T e called the parietal pericardium. It ts around the heart like
septum between the atrial chambers is called the interatrial a loose- tting sack, allowing enough room or the heart to
septum. T e interventricular septum separates the ventricles. beat.
Each chamber o the heart is lined by a thin layer o very It is easy to remember the di erence between the endocar-
smooth tissue called the endocardium (see Figure 14-2). In- dium, which lines the heart chambers, and the epicardium,
f ammation o this lining is re erred to as endocarditis. I which covers the sur ace o the heart (see Figure 14-2), i you
inf amed, the endocardial lining can become rough and abra- understand the meaning o the pre xes endo- and epi-. Endo-
sive to RBCs passing over its sur ace. Blood f owing over a comes rom the Greek word meaning inside or within, and
rough sur ace is subject to clotting, and a thrombus, or clot, epi- comes rom the Greek word meaning upon or on.
may orm (see Chapter 13). T e two pericardial layers slide over each other without
Un ortunately, rough spots caused by endocarditis or inju- riction when the heart beats because these are serous mem-
ries to blood vessel walls o ten cause the release o platelet branes with moist, slippery, sur aces. A thin lm o pericardial
actors. T e result is o ten the ormation o a atal blood clot. f uid provides the lubricating moistness between the heart and
its enveloping pericardial sac.
To learn more about the interior anatomy o P e r ic a r d it is
the heart, go to AnimationDirect online at
I the pericardium becomes inf amed, a condition called
pericarditis results. Pericarditis may be caused by a variety o
382 CHAPTER 14 Heart

actors: trauma, viral or bacterial in ection, tumors, and other QUICK CHECK
1. Wh a t a re th e u n ctio n s o th e a tria a n d ve n tricle s o th e
T e pericardial edema that characterizes pericarditis o ten h e a rt?
causes the visceral and parietal pericardia to rub together 2. Wh a t co ve rin g s d o e s th e h e a rt h a ve ? Wh a t is th e h e a rts
causing severe chest pain. Pericardial f uid, pus, or blood (in the lin in g ca lle d ?
case o an injury) may accumulate in the space between the two 3. Wh e n th e h e a rt b e a ts , h o w d o th e tw o p e rica rd ia l la ye rs
s lid e a ga in s t e a ch o th e r w ith o u t rictio n ?
pericardial layers and impair the pumping action o the heart.
Called pericardial ef usion, this condition may develop into a
serious compression o the heart called cardiac tamponade.


S e miluna r S e miluna r
va lve s clos e d va lve s ope n
Atriove ntricula r Atriove ntricula r
va lve ope n va lve clos e d


I S upe rior
Le ft
ve na cava Le ft atrium

Rig ht Rig ht
atrium atrium
Rig ht Le ft
ve ntricle ve ntricle
Le ft
ve ntricle
Atriove ntricula r
va lve ope n Rig ht
ve ntricle Atriove ntricula r
Infe rior va lve clos e d
ve na cava

Right AV Le ft AV Right AV Le ft AV
(tricus pid) (mitra l) va lve ope n (tricus pid) (mitra l) va lve clos e d
va lve ope n va lve clos e d


Aortic (S L) va lve
(clos e d) (ope n)

(clos e d) P ulmona ry (S L) va lve (ope n)


FIGURE 14-3 Heart action. A, During atrial systole (contraction), cardiac muscle in the atrial wall con-
tracts, orcing blood through the atrioventricular (AV) valves and into the ventricles. Bottom illustration shows
superior view o all our valves, with semilunar (SL) valves closed and AV valves open. B, During ventricular
systole that ollows, the AVvalves close, and blood is orced out o the ventricles through the semilunar valves
and into the arteries. Bottom illustration shows superior view o SLvalves open and AVvalves closed.
CHAPTER 14 Heart 383

He a r t Ac t io n
FIGURE 14-4 Mitral valve steno-
T e heart serves as a muscular sis. Stenosed valves are valves that
pumping device or distributing are narrower than normal when open,
slowing blood f ow rom a heart
blood to all parts o the body. chamber. Compare this valve (arrow)
Contraction o the heart is with the normal open valve shown in
called systole, and relaxation is Figure 14-3, A.
called diastole.
W hen the heart beats (that
is, when it contracts), the atria
contract rst (atrial systole),
orcing blood that has not yet
leaked into the ventricles toward
the ventricles. Once lled, the
two ventricles contract (ventric-
ular systole) and orce blood out o the heart (Figure 14-3). Rheumatic heart disease is cardiac damage resulting rom
For the heart to be e cient in its pumping action, more a delayed inf ammatory response to streptococcal in ection
than just the rhythmical contraction o its muscular bers is that occurs most o ten in children. A ew weeks a ter an
required. T e direction o blood f ow must be directed and untreated or improperly treated streptococcal in ection, the
controlled. T is is accomplished by our sets o valves located cardiac valves and other tissues in the body may become
at the entrance and near the exit o the ventricles. inf ameda condition called rheumatic ever. I severe, the
inf ammation can result in stenosis or other de ormities o the
valves, chordae tendineae, or myocardium.
He a r t Va lve s
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP), a condition a ecting the
Va lve S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n le t AV valve (mitral valve) has a genetic basis in some cases
T e two valves that separate the atrial chambers above rom but can result rom rheumatic ever or other actors. A pro-
the ventricles below are called AV valves, or atrioventricular lapsed mitral valve is one whose f aps extend back into the
valves. T e le t AV valve is also known as the bicuspid valve, le t atrium, causing incompetence (leaking) o the valve
or mitral valve. It is located between the le t atrium and ven- (Figure 14-5). T is condition was once thought to be common,
tricle. T e right AV valve is also known as the tricuspid valve. but recent studies show that many patients previously diag-
It is located between the right atrium and ventricle. nosed with MVP have normal heart unction.
T e AV valves prevent backf ow o blood into the atria Damaged or de ective cardiac valves o ten can be replaced
when the ventricles contract. Locate the AV valves in surgically. Animal valves and arti cial valves made rom
Figures 14-2 and 14-3. Note that a number o stringlike struc- synthetic materials are commonly used in valve replacement
tures called chordae tendineae attach edges o the leaf ets or procedures.
f aps o the AV valves to ngerlike projections o cardiac
muscle in the wall o the ventricles. 14
T e SL valves, or semilunar valves, are located between
each ventricular chamber and its large artery that carries
blood away rom the heart when contraction occurs (see
Figure 14-3). T e ventricles, like the atria, contract together. R L
T ere ore, the two semilunar valves open and close at the I
same time.
T e pulmonary semilunar valve is located at the begin-
ning o the pulmonary artery and allows blood going to the Le ft Le ft
a trium a trium
lungs to f ow out o the right ventricle during systole but
prevents it rom f owing back into the ventricle during dias-
tole. T e aortic semilunar valve is located at the beginning o
the aorta and allows blood to f ow out o the le t ventricle up Le ft Le ft
into the aorta but prevents backf ow into this ventricle. ve ntricle ve ntricle

Va lve D is o r d e r s
Disorders o the cardiac valves can have several e ects. For ex- Norma l mitra l va lve P rola ps e d mitra l va lve
ample, a congenital de ect in valve structure can result in mild
to severe pumping ine ciency. Incompetent valves leak, al- FIGURE 14-5 Mitral valve prolapse (MVP). The normal mitral valve
(upper le t) prevents backf ow o blood rom the le t ventricle into the le t
lowing some blood to f ow back into the chamber rom which atrium during ventricular systole (contraction). The prolapsed mitral valve
it came. Stenosed valves are valves that are narrower than (right) permits leakage because the valve f aps billow backward, parting
normal, slowing blood f ow rom a heart chamber (Figure 14-4). slightly.
384 CHAPTER 14 Heart

T e pause between this rst sound and the dup, or second

C LIN ICA L APPLICATION sound, is shorter than that a ter the second sound and the lub
dup o the next systole.
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY T e second heart sound is caused by the closing o both the
Although the s te thos cope is s till the bas ic tool o the semilunar valves when the ventricles undergo diastole (relax)
cardio lo g is t, or he art s pe cialis t, m ore s ophis ticate d m e th- (see Figure 14-3).
ods or de te cting abnorm alitie s in he art valve unction are Abnormal heart sounds called heart murmurs are o ten
available . One w ide ly us e d te chnique is e cho cardio g raphy. caused by disorders o the valves. For example, incompetent
Ultras ound (extre m e ly high-pitche d s ound) dire cte d toward valves may cause a swishing sound as a lub or dup ends.
the he art is re e cte d back (e choe d) by the tis s ue s (s e e the Stenosed valves, on the other hand, o ten cause swishing
box Me dical Im aging o the Body on p. 132 and the Cardiol- sounds just be ore a lub or dup.
ogy box on p. 392).
Later in the chapter, when you get to Figure 14-10 (p. 388),
Like an airports radar, a de te ctor picks up the e choe d
you will get the chance to compare the timing o the heart
ultras ound and produce s an im age s how ing di e re nt re -
gions o blood and he art tis s ue s . As the valve s and othe r
sounds to other events o the cardiac pumping cycle. T is will
s tructure s m ove during a s e rie s o he artbe ats , the im age urther clari y the clinical importance o heart sounds as indi-
change s . A cardiologis t can exam ine a continuous vide o/ cators o heart unction.
audio re cording calle d an e cho cardio g ram (picture d) and
de te rm ine the nature o a valve proble m or othe r he art
dis orde r.
Blo o d Flo w Th ro u g h t h e He a r t
W hen the heart beats, rst the atria contract simultaneously.
To see a diagram that explains the concept T is is atrial systole. A ter the ventricles ll with blood, they
o echocardiography, and additional contract together during ventricular systole. Although the atria
echocardiogram examples, check out the contract as a unit ollowed by the ventricles below, the right
article Echocardiography at Connect It! at and le t sides o the heart act as separate pumps. As we study the blood f ow through the heart, the separate unctions o the
two pumps will become clearer.
Note in Figure 14-6 that blood enters the right atrium
through two large veins called the superior vena cava and
in erior vena cava. T e right heart pump receives oxygen-
poor blood rom the veins. A ter entering the right atrium, it
f ows through the right AV, or tricuspid, valve and enters the
right ventricle. W hen the ventricles contract, blood in the
right ventricle is pumped through the pulmonary semilunar
valve into the pulmonary artery and eventually to the lungs,
where oxygen is added and carbon dioxide is lost.
14 As you can see in Figure 14-6, oxygen-rich blood returns to
the le t atrium o the heart through our pulmonary veins. It
then passes through the le t AV, or bicuspid, valve into the le t
ventricle. W hen the le t ventricle contracts, blood is orced
Echocardiogram. This image shows a mitral valve prolapse (MVP) through the aortic semilunar valve into the aorta and is dis-
where the leaf ets (f aps) o the mitral valve (white) bulge noticeably. tributed to the body as a whole.
Compare this image to Figure 14-5 on p. 383. RV, Right ventricle; As you can tell rom Figure 14-6, the two sides o the heart
AO, aorta; LA, le t atrium; LV, le t ventricle.
actually pump blood through two separate circulations and
unction as two separate pumps:
Pulmonary circulationf ow o blood rom the
He a r t S o u n d s right ventricle to the lungs and back to the le t
atrium (shaded with blue in Figure 14-6)
I a stethoscope is placed on the anterior chest wall, two dis-
Systemic circulationf ow o blood rom the le t
tinct sounds can be heard. T ey are rhythmical and repetitive
ventricle throughout the body and back to the right
sounds that are o ten described as lub dup. Disorders o the
atrium (shaded with yellow in Figure 14-6)
cardiac valves are o ten diagnosed by detecting changes in
these normal valve sounds o the heart. T e vessels o the pulmonary and systemic circulations are
T e rst, or lub, sound is caused by the vibration and discussed in Chapter 15.
abrupt closure o the AV valves as the ventricles contract. O ne o the classic challenges o ten given to beginning
Closure o the AV valves prevents blood rom rushing back up students is to trace the path that a blood cell would take as it
into the atria during contraction o the ventricles. T is rst f ows rom the right atrium, all the way through both major
sound is o longer duration and lower pitch than the second. circulatory routes, and back to the right atrium. Learning that
CHAPTER 14 Heart 385

FIGURE 14-6 Blood ow through

the cardiovascular system. In the S ys te mic Circula tion
pulmonary circulatory route (blue), ca pilla rie s to tis s ue s
blood is pumped rom the right side o of he a d a nd
the heart to the gas-exchange tissues S upe rior uppe r body
o the lungs. In the systemic circula- ve na cava
tion (yellow), blood is pumped rom CO 2 O2
the le t side o the heart to all other
tissues o the body. P ulmona ry
a rte ry

Lung Lung

CO 2 CO 2

P ulmona ry P ulmona ry
ca pilla rie s ve in

O2 O2

Pulmo nary
c irc ulatio n

S CO 2 O2
P ulmona ry
R L s e miluna r Circula tion
va lve to tis s ue s of
I lowe r body
Infe rior
ve na cava

S ys te mic c irc ulatio n

pathway will help in many o your uture learning and clinical arteries are the aortas rst branches, as you can see in
experiences. Figure 14-7, A.
Figure 14-7, B, shows that the openings into these small ves-
To better understand this concept, use the Active sels lie behind the f aps o the aortic semilunar valves. D uring 14
Concept Map Blood Flow Through the Heart at ventricular systole, the myocardium is contracting and putting pressure on the coronary arteries, so little blood can enter
them. H owever, during ventricular diastole, blood that backs
up behind the aortic SL valve can f ow easily into the coro-
Need help tracing the ow o blood through the nary arteries.
major circulatory routes? Check out the article In both coronary thrombosis and coronary embolism, a
How to Trace the Flow o Blood at Connect It! at blood clot occludes or plugs up some part o a coronary artery. Blood cannot pass through the occluded vessel and so cannot
reach the heart muscle cells it normally supplies. Deprived o
oxygen, these cells soon become damaged. In medical terms,
Blo o d S u p p ly t o He a r t M u s c le myocardial in arction (MI), or tissue death, occurs.
o sustain li e, the heart must pump blood throughout the An M I, also re erred to as a heart attack, is a common
body on a regular and ongoing basis. As a result, the heart cause o death during middle and late adulthood. Recovery
muscle or myocardium requires a constant supply o blood rom a myocardial in arction is possible i the amount o
containing nutrients and oxygen to unction e ectively. T e heart tissue damaged was small enough so that the remain-
delivery o oxygen and nutrient-rich arterial blood to cardiac ing undamaged heart muscle can still pump blood e ectively
muscle tissue and the return o oxygen-poor blood rom this enough to supply the needs o the rest o the heart and the
active tissue to the venous system is called the coronary body.
circulation (Figure 14-7, A). Coronary arteries also may become blocked as a result o
Blood f ows into the heart muscle by way o two small atherosclerosis, a type o hardening o the arteries in which
vesselsthe right and le t coronary arteries. T e coronary lipids and other substances build up on the inside wall o
386 CHAPTER 14 Heart


A s pe cial type o radiography calle d ang io g raphy is o te n us e d
to vis ualize arte rie s . A radiopaque dye a s ubs tance that can-
not be pe ne trate d by x-rays is inje cte d into an arte ry to be tte r
vis ualize ve s s e ls that would othe rw is e be invis ible in a radio-
graph. This dye is o te n calle d contras t m e dium .
Som e tim e s the dye is re le as e d through a long, thin tube
calle d a cathe te ra proce dure calle d cathe te rizatio n. The S
cathe te r can be pus he d through arte rie s until its tip is in jus t R L
the right location to re le as e the dye . As the dye be gins to cir-
culate , an ang io g ram (radiograph) w ill s how the outline o the I
arte rie s as cle arly as i they we re m ade o bone or othe r de ns e Coronary arteriogram. This angiogram o the coronary arteries shows
m ate rial (s e e f gure ). a narrowing (arrow) o the channel in the anterior ventricular (le t ante-
An angiogram o an arte ry is o te n calle d an arte riogram . An rior descending or LAD) artery o the heart. Narrowing o this artery is
angiogram o ve ins can be calle d a ve nogram or phle bogram . sometimes called the widow maker because when it becomes in-
f amed and blocked by a blood clot, a massive heart attack and sudden
death may resulto ten occurring in men in their 50s and 60s.

blood vessels. Mechanisms o atherosclerosis are discussed adequate oxygen. It is o ten a warning that the coronary arter-
urther in Chapter 15. ies are no longer able to supply enough blood and oxygen to
Coronary atherosclerosis has increased dramatically over the the heart muscle.
last ew decades to become a leading cause o death in western Coronary bypass surgery is a common treatment or those
countries. Many pathophysiologists believe this increase results who su er rom severely restricted coronary artery blood f ow.
rom a change in li estyle. T ey cite several important risk ac- In this procedure, veins or other vessels are harvested or re-
tors associated with coronary atherosclerosis: physical inactivity, moved rom other areas o the body and used to bypass partial
cigarette smoking, high- at and high-cholesterol diets, obesity, blockages in coronary arteries (Figure 14-8).
hypertension (high blood pressure), and diabetes. A therapy called coronary angioplasty, a less invasive pro-
T e term angina pectoris is used to describe the severe cedure, is o ten attempted rst to treat blockages to coronary
chest pain that occurs when the myocardium is deprived o blood f ow. Angioplasty, in which a device is inserted into a
blocked artery to orce open a channel or blood f ow, is de-
scribed in greater detail in Chapter 15, pp. 406-407.

14 S upe rior
ve na cava
P ulmona ry (a ortic va lve ope n) (a ortic va lve clos e d)
s e miluna r trunk Blood flow Ba ckflow of blood clos e s va lve
va lve Le ft corona ry a nd fills corona ry a rte rie s
a rte ry (LCA) Aortic va lve Aortic va lve
a trium Le ft a trium
Circum ex
a rte ry
corona ry
a rte ry Le ft ma rgina l
(RCA) a rte ry
Ante rior
Pos te rior inte rve ntricula r
inte rve ntricula r a rte ry
a rte ry
Le ft ve ntricle
Right ma rgina l S Right corona ry Le ft corona ry To myoca rdium
a rte ry a rte ry a rte ry
Right ve ntricle
FIGURE 14-7 Coronary arteries. A, Diagram showing the major coronary arteries (anterior view). Clini-
cians o ten re er to the interventricular arteries as descending arteries. Thus a cardiologist would re er to the
le t anterior descending (LAD) artery and an anatomist would re er to the same vessel as the anterior interven-
tricular branch or artery. B, The unusual placement o the coronary artery opening behind the leaf ets o the
aortic valve allows the coronary arteries to ll during ventricular relaxation.
CHAPTER 14 Heart 387

Le ft
s ubclavia n
a rte ry
Le ft inte rna l
ma mma ry Ve in gra fts
a rte ry (gra ft) from the le g Le ft
corona ry
a rte ry
Le ft
corona ry
corona ry
a rte ry
a rte ry

Obs truction
Obs truction


S ing le bypas s Triple bypas s

FIGURE 14-8 Coronary bypass. In coronary bypass surgery, blood vessels are harvested rom other parts
o the body and used to construct detours around blocked coronary arteries. Arti cial vessels also can be used.

A ter blood has passed through the capillary beds in the

myocardium, it f ows into cardiac veins, which empty into
C a r d ia c Cyc le
the coronary sinus and nally into the right atrium. Figure 14-9 T e beating o the heart is a regular and rhythmical process
shows how venous blood rom the coronary circulation enters what an engineer would call a pumping cycle. Each complete
the right atrium through this secret passage rather than heartbeat is called a cardiac cycle and includes the contrac-
through the usual pathway through the superior or in erior tion (systole) and relaxation (diastole) o atria and ventricles.
vena cava. Each cycle takes about 0.8 second to complete i the heart
is beating at an average resting rate o about 72 beats per
Figure 14-10 summarizes some o the important events o
Aorta the cardiac pumping cycle. Although it looks overly compli- 14
cated at rst, a ew minutes exploring this set o graphs can
S upe rior help make sense o all the processes you are learning about the
ve na cava
rhythm o the hearts pumping cycle. For example, note that
P ulmona ry trunk
most o the atrial blood moves into the ventricles be ore the
Le ft a trium atria have a chance to contract.
Another oddity is that there is a brie period at the be-
Gre a t ca rdia c ve in
ginning o ventricular contraction where there is no change
a trium Corona ry s inus
in volume. T is occurs because it takes a moment or the
ventricular pressure to overcome the orce needed to open
Middle ca rdia c
ve in
the semilunar valves. You also can see there is another pe-
riod o constant volume as the ventricles begin to relax
Ante rior
S ma ll ca rdia c inte rve ntricula r be ore the mitral valves open and blood gushes rapidly in
ve in bra nch rom the atria.
Le ft ve ntricle
Right ve ntricle
R L 1. Wh a t a re s ys to le a n d d ia s to le o th e h e a rt?
2. Wh a t a re th e tw o m a jo r circu la tio n s o th e b o d y?
I 3. Wh a t ca u s e s e a ch o th e tw o m a jo r h e a rt s o u n d s ?
4. Why is th e re a b rie p e rio d a t th e b e g in n in g o ve n tricu la r
FIGURE 14-9 Coronary veins. Diagram showing the major veins o the co n tra ctio n w h e re th e re is n o ch a n g e in vo lu m e ?
coronary circulation (anterior view). Vessels near the anterior sur ace are more 5. Wh a t is a n g in a p e cto ris ?
darkly colored than vessels o the posterior sur ace seen through the heart.
388 CHAPTER 14 Heart

Atria l s ys tole Ve ntricula r s ys tole Dia s tole Although the rate o the cardiac muscles rhythm can be
sped up or slowed down by autonomic nerve signals, the heart
has its own built-in conduction system or generating action
potentials spontaneously and coordinating contractions dur-
ing the cardiac cycle (Figure 14-11).
T e most important thing to realize about this conduction
system is that all o the cardiac muscle bers in each region o
the heart are electrically linked together. T e intercalated disks
that were rst introduced in Chapter 4 (see Figure 4-17, p. 83)
are actually connections that electrically join muscle bers
into a single unit that can conduct an impulse through the
entire wall o a heart chamber without stopping. T us both
atrial walls will contract at about the same time because all
their bers are electrically linked. Likewise, both ventricular
5 walls will contract at about the same time.
Four structures embedded in the wall o the heart special-
ize in generating strong action potentials and conducting
them rapidly to certain regions o the heart wall. T us they
2 make sure that the atria contract and then the ventricles con-
Aortic va lve
va lve
clos e s tract in an e cient manner. T e main structures that make up
1 ope ns
this conduction system o the heart are as ollows:
1. Sinoatrial node, also called the SA node or the
125 pacemaker
Mitra l
2. Atrioventricular node, or AV node
va lve
3. AV bundle, or bundle o His
clos e s
4. Subendocardial branches, also called Purkinje bers
Impulse conduction normally starts as a spontaneous ac-
tion potential in the hearts pacemaker, namely, the SA node.
Mitra l va lve From there, it spreads, as you can see in Figure 14-11, in all di-
50 ope ns rections through the atria. Although each myocardial ber
1 2 can generate its own action potentials, because they are elec-
trically linked together, they normally match the activity o
the bers that make up the conduction system. W hen the
R myocardial bers do not ollow the impulses o the conduc-
tion system, however, a cardiac rhythm disorder may result.
W hen impulses reach the AV node, it is triggered to relay
its own impulses by way o the AV bundle and subendocardial
S Ve ntricula r
branches to the ventricular myocardium, causing the ventri-
s ys tole
cles to contract. Normally, there ore, a ventricular beat ollows
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 each atrial beat.
Time (s e c )
To learn more about the electrical conduction o
FIGURE 14-10 Composite chart o heart unction. This chart is a
composite o several diagrams o heart unction during rest (72 beats/min).
the heart, go to AnimationDirect online at evolve.
Along the top, S represents systole and D represents diastole o each heart
chamber. Below that, details o the cardiac pumping cycle, aortic blood f ow,
ventricular volume, valve actions, heart sounds, and ECG are all adjusted to
the same time scale. Although it appears daunting at rst glance, this stack Ele c t ro c a r d io g r a p h y
o graphs will be a valuable re erence tool as you proceed through the rest
o this chapter and try to put it all together.
T e hearts conduction system generates tiny electrical cur-
rents that spread through surrounding tissues and eventually
to the sur ace o the body. T is act is o great clinical signi -
Ele c t r ic a l Ac t iv it y o t h e He a r t cance because these electrical signals can be picked up rom
the body sur ace and trans ormed into visible tracings by an
C o n d u c t io n S y s t e m instrument called an electrocardiograph.
Cardiac muscle bers can contract rhythmically on their own. T e electrocardiogram is the graphic record o the hearts
H owever, they must be coordinated by electrical signals (im- electrical activity obtained using an electrocardiograph ap-
pulses) i the heart is to pump e ectively. paratus. T is graphic chart is also called an ECGor EKG
CHAPTER 14 Heart 389

Atriove ntric ular Inte ratrial bundle

(AV) no de S ino atrial (S A) no de and fibe rs
(pa ce ma ke r)

Inte rno dal

Right a trium and fibe rs Le ft a trium
(RA) (LA)

Inte ratrial bundle

Atriove ntric ular
(AV) no de
S ino atrial S ube ndo c ardial be rs
(S A) no de (P urkinje fibe rs ) Atriove ntric ular (AV) bundle
(pa ce ma ke r) LA
Inte rno dal Rig ht and le ft S ube ndo c ardial S ube ndo c ardial
bundle s RA branc he s o f AV bundle branc he s branc he s
Rig ht and le ft
(bundle o f His )
AV bundle
LV (P urkinje fibe rs ) branc he s (P urkinje fibe rs )
S e ptum
AV bundle RV La te ra l ve ntricula r
(of His )
wa ll S e ptum S e ptum
S La te ra l La te ra l
wa ll wa ll
Rig ht ve ntricle (RV) Le ft ve ntricle (LV)

FIGURE 14-11 Conduction system o the heart. Specialized cardiac muscle cells (red) in the wall o the
heart rapidly conduct an electrical impulse throughout the myocardium. The signal is initiated by the sinoatrial
(SA) node (pacemaker) and spreads to the rest o the atrial myocardium and to the atrioventricular (AV) node.
The AV node then initiates a signal that is conducted through the ventricular myocardium by way o the AV
bundle (o His) and Purkinje bers. Labels or parts o the hearts conduction system are highlighted in bold ont.

when spoken aloud. Skilled interpretation o these ECG

Check out the illustrated article Electrocardiogra-
records may sometimes make the di erence between li e and
phy at Connect It! at
death. A normal ECG tracing is shown in Figure 14-12.
A normal ECG tracing has three very characteristic def ec-
To learn more about the electrocardiogram, go to
tions, or waves, called the P wave, the QRS complex, and the
AnimationDirect online at
wave. T ese def ections represent the electrical activity that
regulates the contraction or relaxation o the atria or ventricles.
T e term depolarization describes the electrical activity that QUICK CHECK
triggers contraction o the heart muscle. Repolarization begins 1. Lis t th e s tru ctu re s th a t m a ke u p th e co n d u ctio n s ys te m o 14
just be ore the relaxation phase o cardiac muscle activity. th e h e a rt.
In the normal ECG shown in Figure 14-12, the small P wave 2. Wh e re d o e s th e im p u ls e co n d u ctio n in th e h e a rt b e g in ?
3. Wh a t in o rm a tio n is in a n e le ctro ca rd io g ra m ?
occurs with depolarization o the atria. T e QRS complex oc- 4. Na m e th e th re e ch a ra cte ris tic d e e ctio n s o r wa ve s o
curs as a result o depolarization o the ventricles, and the a n ECG.
wave results rom electrical activity generated by repolariza-
tion o the ventricles. You may wonder why no visible record
o atrial repolarization is noted in a normal ECG. T e reason
C a r d ia c D y s r h y t h m ia
is simply that the def ection is very small and is hidden by the Various conditions such as endocarditis or myocardial in arc-
large QRS complex that occurs at the same time. tion can damage the hearts conduction system and thereby
Now is a good time to go back and review Figure 14-10 and disturb the rhythmic beating o the heart. T e term dysrhythmia
explore the relationship between the ECG and other events o re ers to an abnormality o heart rhythm. T e term arrhythmia
the cardiac cycle. By looking at changes in blood f ow and vol- is still sometimes used to re er to rhythm abnormalities.
ume, or example, you will discover that ECG def ections occur
be ore myocardial contractionsnot during these contractions. He a r t Blo c k
T is occurs because depolarizations trigger contractions and a O ne kind o dysrhythmia is called a heart block. In AV node
trigger always comes be ore the event that is triggered. block, impulses are blocked rom getting through to the ven-
Damage to cardiac muscle tissue that is caused by a myo- tricular myocardium, resulting in the ventricles contracting at
cardial in arction or disease a ecting the hearts conduction a much slower rate than normal. O n an ECG , there may be
system results in distinctive changes in the ECG. T ere ore a large distance between the P wave and the R peak o the
ECG tracings are extremely valuable in the diagnosis and QRS complex. Complete heart block occurs when the P waves
treatment o heart disease. do not match up with the QRS complexes at allas in an
390 CHAPTER 14 Heart

1 2 3
The he a rt wa ll is P wave occurs Atria l wa lls a re
comple te ly re la xe d, a s the AV node comple te ly
with no cha nge in a nd a tria l wa lls de pola rize d, a nd
e le ctrica l a ctivity, de pola rize. thus no cha nge is
s o the ECG re corde d in the
re ma ins cons ta nt. ECG.

De pola riza tion

Re pola riza tion


FIGURE 14-12 Events represented by the electrocardiogram (ECG). It is nearly impossible to illustrate
the invisible, dynamic events o heart conduction in a ew cartoon panels or snapshots, but the sketches here
give you an idea o what is happening in the heart as an ECG is recorded.

ECG that shows two or more P waves or every QRS com- during inspiration and decreases during expiration. T e causes
plex (Figure 14-13, A). o sinus dysrhythmia are not clear. T is phenomenon is com-
A physician may treat heart block by implanting in the mon in young people and does not require treatment.
heart an arti cial pacemaker, a battery-operated device im-
planted under the skin and connected by thin wires to the P r e m a t u r e C o n t r a c t io n s
myocardium (Figure 14-14). T is device stimulates the myocar- Premature contractions, or extrasystoles, are contractions that
dium with timed electrical impulses that cause ventricular occur be ore the next expected contraction in a series o car-
contractions at a rate ast enough to maintain an adequate diac cycles. For example, premature atrial contractions (PACs)
circulation o blood. may occur shortly a ter the ventricles contractan early P
wave on the ECG. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
To learn more about artif cial pacemaker insertion, occur when the electrical signal begins in the ventricle rather
go to AnimationDirect online at than in the SA node (Figure 14-13, E).
Premature contractions o ten occur with lack o sleep,
Br a d yc a r d ia anxiety, cold medications, too much ca eine or nicotine, alco-
14 Bradycardia is a slow heart rhythmless than 60 beats per holism, or heart damage. PVCs can occur in otherwise healthy
minute (Figure 14-13, B). Slight bradycardia is normal during newborns, young children, and adult athletes ollowing in-
sleep and in conditioned athletes while they are awake (but at tense activity.
rest). Abnormal bradycardia can result rom improper auto-
nomic nervous control o the heart or rom a damaged SA node. Fib r illa t io n
I the problem is severe, arti cial pacemakers can be used Frequent premature contractions can lead to brillation, a
to increase the heart rate by taking the place o the SA node. condition in which cardiac muscle bers contract out o step
For example, demand pacemakers take over SA node unction with each other. T is event can be seen in an ECG as the
only when the heart rate alls below a level programmed into absence o regular P waves or abnormal QRS and waves. In
the pacemaker by the physician. brillation, the a ected heart chambers do not e ectively
pump blood.
Ta c h yc a r d ia Atrial brillation (AF or A- b) occurs commonly in mi-
achycardia is a rapid heart rhythmmore than 100 beats tral stenosis, rheumatic heart disease, and in arction o the
per minute (Figure 14-13, C). atrial myocardium. Figure 14-13, F, shows an example o atrial
achycardia is normal during and a ter exercise and during brillation in an ECG strip.
the stress response. Abnormal tachycardia can result rom Ventricular brillation (VF or V- b) is an immediately
improper autonomic control o the heart, blood loss or shock, li e-threatening condition in which the lack o ventricular
the action o drugs and toxins, ever, and other actors. pumping suddenly stops the f ow o blood to vital tissues. Un-
less ventricular brillation is corrected immediately by de -
S in u s D y s r h y t h m ia brillation or some other method, death may occur within
Sinus dysrhythmia is a variation in heart rate during the minutes. Figure 14-13, G, shows an example o ventricular -
breathing cycle (Figure 14-13, D). ypically, the rate increases brillation in an ECG strip.
CHAPTER 14 Heart 391

4 5 6 7
The QRS complex The a tria l wa lls a re now The T wave Once the ve ntricle s a re
occurs a s the a tria comple te ly re pola rize d, a ppe a rs on the comple te ly re pola rize d,
re pola rize a nd the the ve ntricula r wa lls a re ECG a s the we a re ba ck a t the
ve ntricula r wa lls now comple te ly ve ntricula r wa lls ba s e line of the
de pola rize . de pola rize d, a nd thus re pola rize . ECGe s s e ntia lly ba ck
no cha nge is s e e n whe re we be ga n.
in the ECG.

R QRS complex QRS complex

P wave T wave P wave T wave



A Comple te he a rt block

B Bra dyca rdia C Ta chyca rdia


D S inus dys rhythmia E P re ma ture ve ntricula r contra ctions (P VCs )

F Atria l fibrilla tion G Ve ntricula r fibrilla tion

FIGURE 14-13 Dysrhythmia. Examples o di erent types o dysrhythmia are shown as they would appear
in an electrocardiogram (ECG strip recording).
392 CHAPTER 14 Heart

pressure (and blood f ow) enough to make de brillation

success ul. I initial de brillation is unsuccess ul, then drugs
that help reduce dysrhythmia also may be injected into the
Automatic external de brillators (AED s) are becoming
increasingly available in public places. AEDs are small, light-
weight devices that detect a persons heart rhythm using small
electrode pads placed on the torso. I ventricular brillation is
detected, then a nonmedical rescuer will be talked through
some simple steps to de brillate the patient.
Internal de brillators called implantable cardioverter-
de brillators (ICD s) can be implanted much like a pace-
maker in patients prone to cardiac brillation or tachycardia.
ICDs automatically monitor or brillation, then produce a
de brillating shock without any external intervention.
Atrial ablation is the intentional destruction o heart
muscle in a speci c location to treat atrial brillation by elimi-
nating the pathway o abnormal electrical signals. Atrial
S utter (AFL)a rapid and irregular atrial rhythm o ten trig-
gered by abnormal electrical signals rom the nearby pulmo-
nary veinsalso can be treated with ablation o tissue where
I the atrial wall meets these veins.

FIGURE 14-14 Artif cial pacemaker. This x-ray photograph shows the Check out the illustrated article Artif cial Cardiac
stimulus generator in the subcutaneous tissue o the chest wall. Thin, f ex- Pacemakers at Connect It! at
ible wires extend through veins to the heart, where timed electrical im-
pulses stimulate the myocardium.

C a r d ia c O u t p u t
Fibrillation may be treated immediately by de brillation
application o an electric shock to orce cardiac muscle -
D e f n it io n o C a r d ia c O u t p u t
bers to once again contract in rhythm. In atrial brillation, Cardiac output (CO) is the volume o blood pumped by one
a drug such as digoxin (digitalis) may be used to prevent ventricle per minute. It averages about 5 L in a normal, resting
ventricular involvement. In ventricular brillation, epineph- adult. Figure 14-15 shows the distribution o the hearts output
rine may be injected into the bloodstream to increase blood to some o the major organs o the body.

Cardio lo gy, the s tudy and tre at- w he re they could be re corde d and analyze da te chnique now
m e nt o the he art, owe s m uch calle d te le m e try. His de taile d s tudie s o ECG re cordings
to Dutch phys iologis t Wille m change d the practice o he art m e dicine oreve r. In act, his in-
Einthove n and his inve ntion o ve ntion was late r applie d to the s tudy o ne rve im puls e s and
the m ode rn e le ctrocardiograph in le d to bre akthrough dis cove rie s in the ne uros cie nce s .
1903. Einthove ns f rs t m ajor con- Cardio lo g is ts today s till us e m ode rn ve rs ions o Einthove ns
tribution w as the inve ntion o a m achine to diagnos e he art dis orde rs . O cours e , biom e dical
m achine that could re cord e le ctro- e ngine e rs continue to deve lop re f ne m e nts to e le ctrocardio-
cardiogram s (ECGs or EKGs ) w ith graph e quipm e nt and to inve nt new m achine s to m onitor he art
ar gre ate r s e ns itivity than the unction. The photo s how s a diag no s tic m e dical s o no g raphe r
Willem Einthoven crude m achine s o the nine te e nth pe r orm ing an e chocardiogram (s e e box on p. 384).
(18601927) ce ntury. The n, w ith the he lp o Biom e dical e ngine e rs and de s igne rs have worke d w ith
Britis h phys ician Lew is Thom as , cardiologis ts to deve lop artif cial he art valve s , artif cial pace -
Einthove n de m ons trate d and nam e d the P, Q, R, S, and m ake rs , and eve n artif cial he arts ! With all o this m e dical
T wave s and prove d that the s e wave s pre cis e ly re cord the e quipm e nt be ing us e d in cardiology, and in m e dicine in ge n-
e le ctrical activity o the he art (s e e Figure 14-12). e ral, the re are als o m any te chnicians working to ke e p it all in
In 1905, Einthove n eve n inve nte d a way that ECG data could good re pair.
be s e nt rom a patie nt ove r the te le phone line to his laboratory
CHAPTER 14 Heart 393

FIGURE 14-15 Cardiac output. This diagram shows 5000 mL/min 5000 mL/min
that a typical resting cardiac output (CO) o 5000 mL/min Lungs
(or 5 L/min) is distributed among the various systems and
organs o the body. GI, Gastrointestinal. 15 mm Hg Pulmo nary 5 mm Hg

Right Le ft
T e cardiac output is determined mainly by he a rt he a rt
the heart rate (H R) and stroke volume (SV). Ve nous re turn Ca rdia c output
Heart rate re ers to the number o heart beats
(cardiac cycles) per minute. T e term stroke vol- 700 S ys te mic 700
mL/min mL/min

ume re ers to the volume o blood ejected rom

Bra in

the ventricle during each beat. T e relationship

is illustrated by this simple equation: 225 225

mL/min mL/min

Corona ry

circula tion

beat volume volume
HR SV CO 1000 1000
min beat min mL/min mL/min
T e heart rate is determined mostly by the 1250 1250
natural rhythm o the heart created by the 4 mm Hg mL/min mL/min 104 mm Hg
GI s ys te m
hearts own conduction system (see Figure 14-11
on p. 389). Abnormally decreased CO can result 1450 1450
in atigue or, with a signi cant drop in CO, even mL/min S ke le ta l mL/min
death. mus cle
375 375
mL/min mL/min
He a r t Ra t e S kin

As you learned in Chapter 10, the autonomic nervous system

(ANS) may alter the hearts rhythm to increase or decrease
H R. Figure 10-27 on p. 275 shows that the sympathetic division T e same gure also shows that the parasympathetic divi-
o the ANS increases H R. Neurons o the sympathetic cardiac sion o the ANS slows down H R. T is happens when neurons
nerve release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (NE), which o the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) release acetylcholine (ACh)
causes the SA node to increase its usual pace and thereby in- to decrease the pace o the SA node.
crease H R. T e balance between the antagonistic inf uence o sympa-
thetic and parasympathetic signals to the heart is tilted by a
variety o actors. W hen blood CO 2 levels rise during exercise, 14
or example, there is a ref exive rise in H R. T is is an attempt
by the body to restore homeostasis o blood gases.
A sudden drop in blood pressure can trigger a ref exive
increase in H R as the body attempts to restore normal blood
f ow out o the heart. Stressthe recognition o a threat to
homeostatic balancealso can cause a sudden increase in H R
so that skeletal muscles will be ready to resist or avoid the
Various dysrhythmias may a ect H R by disrupting the
normal rhythm o the heart.

S t ro k e Vo lu m e
T e volume o blood ejected by the ventricles is determined
by the volume o blood returned to the heart by the veins, or
venous return (see Figure 14-15). Generally, the higher the
venous return, the higher the SV.
Venous return can change when the volume o the blood
changes, as in dehydration or blood loss due to hemorrhage.
Various hormones, many o which will be discussed in later
chapters, can inf uence total blood volume and thus also a ect
394 CHAPTER 14 Heart


Num e rous drugs are us e d in the tre atm e nt o he art dis e as e
both in the critical care unit and in hom e he alth care . He re
are a ew exam ple s o the bas ic pharm acological tools o
cardiac care .
Antico ag ulants and antiplate le t age nts The s e drugs
preve nt clot orm ation in patie nts w ith valve dam age or w ho
have expe rie nce d a myocardial in arction. War arin (Coum a-
din), he parin, dalte parin, and danaparoid are exam ple s o
com m only us e d anticoagulants age nts that dis rupt or
block the blood clotting m e chanis m . Antiplate le t age nts
preve nt plate le ts rom s ticking toge the r to produce a blood
clot. Exam ple s o antiplate le t drugs are ace tyls alicylic acid
(as pirin), clopidogre l (Plavix), and ticlopidine (Ticlid).
Tis s ue plas m ino ge n activato r (TPA or tPA)Us ually a
s ynthe tic ve rs ion o a naturally occurring s ubs tance rom
the walls o blood ve s s e ls , TPA activate s a s ubs tance in the
blood calle d plas m inoge n, w hich dis s olve s clots that m ay
be blocking coronary arte rie s . Anothe r pre paration calle d
s tre ptokinas e , an e nzym e produce d by Stre ptococcus bac-
te ria, has s im ilar e e cts .
Be ta-adre ne rg ic blo cke rs O te n re e rre d to as be ta
blocke rs , the s e drugs block nore pine phrine re ce ptors in S
cardiac m us cle and thus re duce the rate and s tre ngth o FIGURE 14-16 Cor pulmonale. When pulmo-
nary blood backs up into the right side o the heart R L
the he artbe at. Such drugs can he lp corre ct ce rtain dys -
during right heart ailure, it may stretch the right I
rhythm ias , as we ll as re duce the am ount o oxyge n re - ventricle. Note in this photograph how large the right
quire d by the myocardium . Propranolol (Inde ral) and re late d ventricle is in comparison with the le t ventricle.
drugs are be ta-adre ne rgic blocke rs .
Calcium -channe l blo cke rs The s e drugs block the
ow o calcium ions (Ca ) into cardiac m us cle ce lls , w hich
contribute to de polarization. Blocking Ca in ow thus re - He a r t Fa ilu r e
duce s he art contractions . Calcium -channe l blocke rs m ay be Heart ailure is the inability the heart t pump en ugh
us e d in tre ating ce rtain dys rhythm ias and coronary he art
bl d t sustain li e. Put an ther way, heart ailure is a signi -
dis e as e . Som e exam ple s include diltiaze m , ve rapam il, and
ant dr p in ardia utput.
14 ni e dipine .
Dig italis This drug s low s and incre as e s the s tre ngth
H eart ailure an be the result many di erent heart dis-
o cardiac contractions . It plays an im portant part in the eases. Valve dis rders an redu e the pumping e ien y
tre atm e nt o conge s tive he art ailure and ce rtain dys rhyth- the heart en ugh t ause heart ailure. Cardiomyopathy, r
m ias . Digoxin is one o s eve ral com m only us e d digitalis disease the my ardial tissue, may redu e pumping e e -
pre parations . tiveness. A spe i event, su h as my ardial in ar ti n, an
Nitro g lyce rinThis drug dilate s (w ide ns ) coronary result in my ardial damage that auses heart ailure. D ys-
blood ve s s e ls , thus incre as ing the ow o oxyge nate d rhythmias, su h as mplete heart bl k r ventri ular bril-
blood to the myocardium . Nitroglyce rin is o te n us e d to lati n, als an impair the pumping e e tiveness the heart
preve nt or re lieve angina pe ctoris . and thus ause heart ailure. Stress als an trigger temp rary
ardi my pathy, ten alled stress cardiomyopathy r br ken
heart syndr me.
Failure the right side the heart, r right heart ailure,
SV. M vement skeletal mus les, in luding breathing, inf u- a unts r ab ut ne- urth all ases heart ailure.
en es pressure n veinswhi h in reases ven us bl d f w Right heart ailure ten results r m the pr gressi n dis-
and thus in reases the rate ven us return. ease that begins in the le t side the heart. Failure the le t
T e strength my ardial ntra ti n als helps deter- side the heart results in redu ed pumping bl d return-
mine SV. I n imbalan es an a e t mus le ber un ti n ing r m the lungs. Bl d ba ks up int the pulm nary ir u-
and thus impair ntra ti nthus als de reasing SV. Valve lati n, then int the right heart ausing an in rease in pres-
dis rders, r nary artery bl kage, r my ardial in ar ti n sure that the right side the heart simply ann t ver me.
an all de rease str ke v lume and thus may de rease ardia Right heart ailure als an be aused by lung dis rders
utput. that bstru t n rmal pulm nary bl d f w and thus verl ad
CHAPTER 14 Heart 395

the right side the hearta nditi n alled cor pulmonale

(Figure 14-16).
Congestive heart ailure (CH F), r simply le t heart ail-
ure, is the inability the le t ventri le t pump bl d e e -
tively. M st ten, su h ailure results r m my ardial in ar -
ti n aused by r nary artery disease. It is alled congestive
heart ailure be ause it de reases pumping pressure in the
systemi ir ulati n, whi h in turn auses the b dy t retain
f uids. P rti ns the systemi ir ulati n thus be me n-
gested with extra f uid.
As stated ab ve, le t heart ailure als auses ngesti n
bl d in the pulm nary ir ulati n, termed pulmonary edema
p ssibly leading t right heart ailure.
Patients in danger death be ause heart ailure may be
andidates r heart transplants r heart implants. H eart trans-
plants are surgi al pr edures in whi h healthy hearts r m re-
ently de eased d n rs repla e the hearts patients with heart S

disease (Figure 14-17). Un rtunately, a ntinuing pr blem with FIGURE 14-17 Heart transplant. Human heart
prepared or transplantation into a patient.
this pr edure is the tenden y the b dys immune system t
reje t the new heart as a reign tissue. M re details ab ut the
reje ti n transplanted tissues are und in Chapter 16.
H eart implants are arti ial hearts that are made bi - QUICK CHECK
l gi ally inert syntheti materials. A ter de ades alse starts 1. Wh a t d o e s th e te rm d ys rhyth m ia m e a n ?
and umbers me implants with external pumps, the era the 2. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n ta chyca rd ia a n d
arti ial heart seems t have nally arrived. Alth ugh still b ra d yca rd ia ?
n t widely used, a number small internal pumps have been 3. Ho w is f b rilla tio n co rre cte d ?
4. Wh a t is a tria l a b la tio n ? In w h a t in s ta n ce is it u s e d ?
su ess ully implanted in patients t take ver the pumping
5. Wh a t is ca rd ia c o u tp u t a n d h o w is it d e te rm in e d ?
duties the heart.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 379)

bicuspid valve coronary artery heart rate (HR)

(bye-KUS-pid valv) (KOHR-oh-nayr-ee AR-ter-ee) (hart rayt [aych ar])
[bi- double, -cusp- point, -id characterized by] [corona- crown, -ary relating to, arteri- vessel] in erior vena cava
bundle o His coronary circulation (in-FEER-ee-or VEE-nah KAY-vah)
(BUN-del o his) (KOHR-oh-nayr-ee ser-kyoo-LAY-shun) pl., venae cavae
[Wilhelm His, J r. Swiss cardiologist] [corona- crown, -ary relating to, circulat- go (VEE-nee KAY-vee)
cardiac cycle around, -tion process] [in er- lower, -or quality, vena vein,
(KAR-dee-ak SYE-kul) coronary sinus cava hollow]
[cardi- heart, -ac relating to, cycl- circle] (KOR-oh-nayr-ee SYE-nus) mitral valve
cardiac output (CO) [corona- crown, -ary relating to, sinus hollow] (MY-tral valv)
(KAR-dee-ak OUT-put [see oh]) depolarization [mitr- bishops hat, -al relating to]
[cardi- heart, -ac relating to] (dee-poh-lar-ih-ZAY-shun) myocardium
cardiac vein [de- opposite, -pol- pole, -ar- relating to, (my-oh-KAR-dee-um)
(KAR-dee-ak vayn) -ization process] [myo- muscle, -cardi- heart, -um thing]
[cardi- heart, -ac relating to, cycle circle, diastole P wave
vena blood vessel] (dye-AS-toh-lee) (pee wave)
cardiovascular system [dia- through, -stole contraction] [named or letter o Roman alphabet]
(kar-dee-oh-VAS-kyoo-lar SIS-tem) endocardium pacemaker
[cardi- heart, -vas- vessel, -ular relating to] (en-doh-KAR-dee-um) (PAYS-may-ker)
chordae tendineae [endo- within, -cardi- heart, -um thing] parietal pericardium
(KOR-dee ten-DIN-ee) epicardium (pah-RYE-ih-tal payr-ih-KAR-dee-um)
[chorda string or cord, tendinea pulled tight] (ep-ih-KAR-dee-um) [pariet- wall, -al relating to, peri- around,
[epi- on or upon, -cardi- heart, -um thing] -cardi- heart, -um thing]

Continued on p. 396
396 CHAPTER 14 Heart

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 395)

pericardium QRS complex systemic circulation

(payr-ih-KAR-dee-um) (kyoo ar es KOM-pleks) (sis-TEM-ik ser-kyoo-LAY-shun)
[peri- around, -cardi- heart, -um thing] [named or letters o Roman alphabet] [system- body systems, -ic relating to,
pulmonary artery semilunar valve (SL valve) circulat- go around, -tion process]
(PUL-moh-nayr-ee AR-ter-ee) (sem-ih-LOO-nar valv [es el valv]) systole
[pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, arteri- vessel] [semi- hal , -luna moon, -ar relating to] (SIS-toh-lee)
pulmonary circulation sinoatrial node (SA node) [systole contraction]
(PUL-moh-nayr-ee ser-kyoo-LAY-shun) (sye-noh-AY-tree-al nohd [es ay nohd]) T wave
[pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, circulat- go [sin- hollow (sinus), -atri- entrance courtyard, (tee wave)
around, -tion process] -al relating to, nod- knot] [named or letter o Roman alphabet]
pulmonary semilunar valve stroke volume (SV) tricuspid valve
(PUL-moh-nayr-ee sem-ee-LOO-nar valv) (strohk VOL-yoom [es vee]) (try-KUS-pid valv)
[pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, semi- hal , [stroke a striking] [tri- three, -cusp- point, -id characterized by]
-luna moon, -ar relating to] subendocardial branch venous return
pulmonary vein (sub-en-doh-KAR-dee-al) (VEE-nus reh-TURN)
(PUL-moh-nayr-ee vayn) [sub- under, -endo- within, -cardi- heart, [ven- vein, -ous relating to]
[pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, vena blood -al relating to] ventricle
vessel] superior vena cava (VEN-trih-kul)
Purkinje f ber (soo-PEER-ee-or VEE-nah KAY-vah) [ventr- belly, -icle little]
(pur-KIN-jee FYE-ber) pl., venae cavae visceral pericardium
[J ohannes E. Purkinje Czech physiologist, (VEE-nee KAY-vee) (VIS-er-al payr-ih-KAR-dee-um)
f ber thread] [super- over or above, -or quality, vena vein, [viscer- internal organ, -al relating to,
cava hollow] peri- around, -cardi- heart, -um thing]


ablation atrial f brillation (AF or A-f b) cardiologist

(ab-LAY-shun) (AY-tree-al f b-ril-LAY-shun (kar-dee-AH-loh-jist)
14 [ablat- take away, -tion process] [ay e or AY-f b]) [cardi- heart, -o- combining vowel, -log- words
angina pectoris [atri- entrance courtyard, -al relating to, (study o ), -ist agent]
(an-J YE-nah PEK-tor-is) f br- thread or f ber, -illa- little, cardiology
[angina strangling, pect-breast, -ation process] (kar-dee-AHL-uh-jee)
-oris relating to] atrial utter (AFL) [cardio- heart, -log- words (study o ), -y activity]
angiogram (AY-tree-al FLUT-er [ay e el]) cardiomyopathy
(AN-jee-oh-gram) [atri- entrance courtyard, -al relating to] (kar-dee-oh-my-OP-ah-thee)
[angi- vessel, -gram drawing] automatic external def brillator (AED) [cardi- heart, -myo- muscle, -path- disease,
angiography (aw-toh-MAT-ik eks-TERN-al -y state]
(an-jee-AH-gra -ee) dee-FIB-rih-lay-tor [ay ee dee]) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
[angi- vessel, -graph- draw, -y process] [auto- sel , -mat- act, -ic relating to, (kar-dee-oh-PUL-moh-nayr-ree
extern- outside, -al relating to, de- o , ree-sus-ih-TAY-shun [see pee ar])
apical heart beat
-f br- thread, -illa- little, -at- process, [cardio- heart, -pulmon- lung, -ary relating to,
(AY-pik-al hart beet)
-or agent] resuscitat- revive, -tion process]
[apic- tip, -al relating to]
artif cial pacemaker bradycardia catheterization
(ar-tih-FISH-al PAYS-may-ker) (bray-dee-KAR-dee-ah) (kath-eh-ter-ih-ZAY-shun)
[brady- slow, -cardi- heart, -ia condition] [cathe- send down, -er agent, -tion process]
(ath-er-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) cardiac tamponade congestive heart ailure (CHF)
[ather- porridge, -sclero- harden, (KAR-dee-ak tam-poh-NOD) (kon-J ES-tiv hart FAYL-yoor [see aych e ])
[cardi- heart, -ac relating to, tampon- plug, [congest- crowd, -ive relating to]
-osis condition]
-ade condition] cor pulmonale
(kohr pul-mah-NAL-ee)
[cor- heart, pulmon- lung, -ale relating to]
CHAPTER 14 Heart 397

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 396)

coronary angioplasty endocarditis pericardial e usion

(KOHR-oh-nayr-ee AN-jee-oh-plas-tee) (en-doh-kar-DYE-tis) (payr-ih-KAR-dee-al e -FYOO-zhen)
[corona- crown, -ary relating to, angio- vessel, [endo- within, -cardi- heart, -itis in ammation] [peri- around, -cardi- heart, -al relating to,
-plasty surgical repair] f brillation e(x)- outside, - us- pour, -sion process]
coronary bypass surgery (f b-rih-LAY-shun) pericarditis
(KOHR-oh-nayr-ee BYE-pass SER-jer-ee) [f br- f ber, -illa- little, -ation process] (payr-ih-kar-DYE-tis)
[corona- crown, -ary relating to] heart block [peri- around, -cardi- heart, -itis in ammation]
diagnostic medical sonographer (hart blok) premature contraction
(dye-ag-NOS-tik MED-ih-kul heart disease (pree-mah-TUR kon-TRAK-shun)
son-AH-gra -er) (hart dih-ZEEZ) [pre- be ore, -mature ripen, con- together,
[dia- through, -gnos- knowledge, -ic relating to, [dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] -tract- draw, -tion process]
medic- heal, -al relating to, sono- sound, rheumatic heart disease
heart ailure
-graph- draw, -er agent] (roo-MAT-ik hart dih-ZEEZ)
(hart FAYL-yoor)
dysrhythmia heart murmur [rheuma- ow, -ic relating to, dis- opposite o ,
(dis-RITH-mee-ah) (hart MUR-mur) -ease com ort]
[dys- disordered, -rhythm- rhythm, -ia condition] sinus dysrhythmia
[murmur mutter]
echocardiogram incompetent valve (SYE-nus dis-RITH-mee-ah)
(ek-oh-KAR-dee-oh-gram) (in-KOM-peh-tent valv) [sinus hollow, dys- disordered, -rhythm- rhythm,
[echo- re ect sound, -cardi- heart, -ia condition]
[in- not, -compet- coincide or f t, -ent state]
-gram drawing] stenosed valve
implantable cardioverter-def brillator (ICD)
echocardiography (im-PLAN-tah-bel KAR-dee-oh-vert-er (steh-NOSD valv)
(ek-oh-kar-dee-OG-rah- ee) dee-FIB-rih-lay-tor [aye see dee]) [stenos- narrow]
[echo- re ect sound, -cardi- heart, tachycardia
[im- in, -planta- set or place, -able capable,
-graph- draw, -y activity] (tak-ih-KAR-dee-ah)
cardio- heart, -vert- turn, -er agent, de- o ,
electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) -f br- thread, -illa- little, -at- process, [tachy- rapid, -cardi- heart, -ia condition]
(eh-lek-troh-KAR-dee-oh-gram -or agent] thrombus
[ee see jee or ee kay jee]) mitral valve prolapse (MVP) (THROM-bus)
[electro- electricity, -cardio- heart, [thrombus clot]
(MY-tral valv PROH-laps [em vee pee])
-gram drawing] [mitr- bishops hat, -al relating to, pro- orward, ventricular f brillation (VF or V-f b)
electrocardiograph -laps- all] (ven-TRIK-yoo-lar f b-ril-LAY-shun
(eh-lek-troh-KAR-dee-oh-gra ) myocardial in arction (MI) [vee e or VEE-f b])
[electro- electricity, -cardio- heart, [ventr- belly, -icul- little, -ar relating to,
(my-oh-KAR-dee-al in-FARK-shun
-graph draw]
[em aye])
[myo- muscle, -cardi- heart, -al relating to,
f br- thread or f ber, -illa- little,
-ation process] 14
(EM-boh-liz-em) in- in, - arc- stu , -tion process]
[embol- plug, -ism condition]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
Lo catio n o the He art
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . A. riangular rgan l ated in mediastinum with tw -thirds
the mass t the le t the b dy midline and ne-third
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to t the right; the apex is n the diaphragm; shape and
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e size a l sed st (Figure 14-1)
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s B. Cardi pulm nary resus itati n (CPR)heart lies
or be ore a te s t. between the sternum in r nt and the b dies the th -
ra i vertebrae behind; rhythmi mpressi n the
heart between the sternum and vertebrae an maintain
bl d f w during ardia arrest; when mbined with an
arti ial respirati n pr edure, CPR an be li esaving
398 CHAPTER 14 Heart

Functio nal Anato my o the He art He art S o unds

A. H eart hambers (Figure 14-2) A. w distin t heart s unds in every heartbeat, r y le
1. w upper hambers are alled atria (re eiving lub-dup (Figure 14-10)
hambers)right and le t atria B. First s und (lub) is aused by the vibrati n and l sure
2. w l wer hambers are alled ventricles (dis harging AV valves during ntra ti n the ventri les
hambers)right and le t ventri les C. Se nd s und (dup) is aused by the l sure the semi-
3. Wall ea h heart hamber is mp sed ardia lunar valves during relaxati n the ventri les
mus le tissue alled myocardium D. H eart murmursabn rmal heart s unds ten aused by
4. End ardiumsm th lining heart hambers abn rmal valves
a. Inf ammati n end ardium is alled endocarditis
b. Inf amed end ardium an be me r ugh and
abrasive and thereby ause a thr mbus
Blo o d Flow Thro ug h the He art
B. T e peri ardium and peri arditis A. H eart a ts as tw separate pumpsthe right atrium and
1. Peri ardiuma tw -layered br us sa with a lubri- ventri le per rming di erent un ti ns r m the le t
ated spa e between the tw layers atrium and ventri le (Figure 14-6)
a. Inner layer is alled vis eral peri ardium, r B. Sequen e bl d f w
epi ardium 1. Systemi ven us bl d enters the right atrium
b. O uter layer is alled parietal peri ardium thr ugh the superi r and in eri r venae avaepasses
2. Peri arditisinf ammati n the peri ardium r m the right atrium thr ugh the tri uspid valve t
3. Cardia tamp nade mpressi n the heart aused the right ventri le
by f uid building up between the vis eral peri ardium 2. Fr m the right ventri le thr ugh the pulm nary semi-
and parietal peri ardium lunar valve t the pulm nary artery t the lungs
C. H eart a ti n 3. Bl d r m the lungs thr ugh pulm nary veins t the
1. C ntra ti n the heart is alled systole le t atrium, passing thr ugh the bi uspid (mitral) valve
2. Relaxati n the heart is alled diastole t le t ventri le
D. H eart valves and valve dis rders (Figure 14-3) 4. Bl d in the le t ventri le is pumped thr ugh the
1. Valves keep bl d f wing thr ugh the heart; prevent a rti semilunar valve int the a rta and is distributed
ba kf w t the b dy as a wh le
2. Atri ventri ular (AV) valves
a. ri uspid valveat the pening the right atrium
int the ventri le
Blo o d S upply to He art Mus cle
b. Bi uspid (mitral) valveat the pening the le t A. Bl d, whi h supplies xygen and nutrients t the my -
atrium int the ventri le ardium the heart, f ws thr ugh the right and le t
. Ch rdae tendineaestringlike stru tures that r nary arteries (Figure 14-7)
14 an h r the edges AV valve leaf ets t ngerlike 1. Bl kage bl d f w thr ugh the r nary arteries
pr je ti ns mus le in the heart wall an ause my ardial in ar ti n (heart atta k)
3. Semilunar (SL) valves 2. Ather s ler sis
a. Pulm nary semilunar valveat the beginning a. ype hardening arteries in whi h lipids
the pulm nary artery build up n the inside wall bl d vessels; an
b. A rti semilunar valveat the beginning the partially r t tally bl k r nary bl d f w
a rta b. Bl ked areas may be pened with angi plasty r
4. Valve dis rders heart bypass surgery (Figure 14-8)
a. In mpetent valves leak, all wing s me bl d t 3. Angina pe t ris hest pain aused by inadequate
f w ba kward int the hamber r m whi h it xygen t the heart
ame B. Systemi ven us bl d r m the my ardium is returned
b. Sten sed valves are narr wer than n rmal, redu ing t the right atrium thr ugh a ba k d r by way the
bl d f w (Figure 14-4) ardia sinus (n t by way either vena ava) (Figure 14-9)
. Rheumati heart disease ardia damage resulting
r m a delayed inf ammat ry resp nse t strept -
al in e ti n
Cardiac Cycle
d. Mitral valve pr lapse (MVP)in mpeten e A. H eartbeat is regular and rhythmi alea h mplete beat
mitral valve aused by its edges extending ba k int alled a cardiac cycleaverage is ab ut 72 beats per minute
the le t atrium when the le t ventri le ntra ts B. Ea h y le, ab ut 0.8 se nd l ng, subdivided int
(Figure 14-5) syst le ( ntra ti n phase) and diast le (relaxati n phase)
C. Events the ardia y le an be rrelated with heart
s unds, hanges in bl d f w and v lume, and ele tri al
a tivity the heart (Figure 14-10)
CHAPTER 14 Heart 399

Ele ctrical Activity o the He art . De brillati n (ele tri al sh k) r ablati n

(destru ti n my ardial tissue) are pti ns r
A. C ndu ti n system the heart (Figure 14-11) treating brillati n
1. Inter alated disks ele tri ally nne t all the ardia
mus le bers in a regi n t gether s that they re eive
impulses (a ti n p tentials), and thus ntra t, at Cardiac Output
ab ut the same time A. Cardia utput (CO)
2. Spe ialized ndu ti n system stru tures generate and 1. Am unt bl d that ne ventri le an pump ea h
transmit the ele tri al impulses that result in ntra - minuteaverage is ab ut 5 L per minute at rest
ti n the heart (Figure 14-15)
a. SA (sin atrial) n de, the pa emakerl ated in 2. Cardia utput is determined by heart rate (H R) and
the wall the right atrium near the pening the str ke v lume (SV)CO H R SV
superi r vena ava a. H eart rate is the number beats ( ardia y les)
b. AV (atri ventri ular) n del ated in the right per minute
atrium al ng the l wer part the interatrial b. Str ke v lume is the v lume bl d eje ted r m
septum ne ventri le with ea h beat ( y le)
. AV bundle (bundle H is)l ated in the septum . Any a t r that a e ts H R r SV may thus als
the ventri le a e t CO
d. Subend ardial bran hes (Purkinje bers)l ated B. Fa t rs that a e t heart rate
in the walls the ventri les 1. H R determined mainly by hearts pa emaker
B. Ele tr ardi graphy (Figure 14-12) 2. Aut n mi nerv us system (ANS) an inf uen e
1. T e tiny ele tri al impulses traveling thr ugh the pa emaker
hearts ndu ti n system an be pi ked up n the a. Sympatheti ardia nerve releases n repinephrine
sur a e the b dy and trans rmed int visible tra - (NE) t in rease H R
ings by a ma hine alled an electrocardiograph b. Parasympatheti vagus nerve ( ranial nerve X)
2. T e visible tra ing these ele tri al signals is alled releases a etyl h line (ACh) t de rease H R
an electrocardiogram, r ECG r EKG . Exer ise, hange in bl d pressure, stress, and dys-
3. T e n rmal ECG has three def e ti ns, r waves rhythmias an ause hanges in H R
a. P waveass iated with dep larizati n the atria C. Fa t rs that a e t str ke v lume
b. QRS mplexass iated with dep larizati n 1. Ven us returnv lume bl d returned t the heart
the ventri les by veins (Figure 14-15)
. waveass iated with rep larizati n the a. A high ven us return results in a high SV
ventri les b. A e ted by t tal bl d v lume, whi h in turn an
C. Cardia dysrhythmiaabn rmality heart rhythm be a e ted by dehydrati n, hem rrhage, vari us
(Figure 14-13) h rm nes, a tivity skeletal mus les
1. H eart bl k ndu ti n impulses is bl ked 2. Strength my ardial ntra ti n 14
a. C mplete heart bl kimpaired AV n de ndu - a. Impaired ntra ti ns redu e SV
ti n, pr du ing mplete diss iati n P waves b. Can be inf uen ed by i n imbalan es, valve dis r-
r m QRS mplexes ders, r nary artery bl kage, r MI
b. Can be treated by implanting an arti ial pa e-
maker (Figure 14-14)
2. Brady ardiasl w heart rate (less than 60 beats/min) He art Failure
3. a hy ardiarapid heart rate (m re than 100 beats/ A. H eart ailureinability t pump en ugh returned bl d
min) t sustain li e an be aused by many di erent heart
4. Sinus dysrhythmiavariati n in heart rate during diseases
breathing y le 1. Right heart ailure ailure the right side the
5. Premature ntra ti n (extrasyst le) ntra ti n that heart t pump bl d, usually be ause the le t side
urs s ner than expe ted in a n rmal rhythm the heart is n t pumping e e tively (Figure 14-16)
6. Fibrillati n nditi n in whi h ardia mus le bers 2. Le t heart ailure ( ngestive heart ailure, CH F)
are ut step, pr du ing n e e tive pumping inability the le t ventri le t pump e e tively,
a ti n resulting in ngesti n the systemi and pulm nary
a. Atrial brillati n (AF r A- b) brillati n in the ir ulati ns
atrial my ardium B. Diseased hearts an be repla ed by d nated living hearts
b. Ventri ular brillati n (VF r V- b) brillati n (transplants) r by arti ial hearts (implants), alth ugh
in the ventri ular my ardium b th pr edures have yet t be per e ted (Figure 14-17)
400 CHAPTER 14 Heart

STUDY TIPS r m the t p d wn, but ventri les must ntra t r m the
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in b tt m up s the ele tri al impulse r ntra ti n must
m e e ting your le arning goals . be arried t the b tt m the ventri les be re they start
ntra ting. 4 ers a tut rial n the
Review the s ynops is o the cardiovas cular s ys te m in Chapte r 5. ele tri al ndu ti n pathways the heart. T e letters r
Chapte r 14 de als w ith the he art, the pump that move s the the ECG waves d n t stand r anything; they are arbi-
blood through the blood ve s s e ls . trary, but they d indi ate a sequen e events (that is,
the P tra ing mes be re the QRS mplex). Che k ut
1. Make f ash ards and he k ut nline res ur es t help r a tut rial n ECG. Find additi nal
y u learn the stru tures the heart. Review the Lan- nline tips at
guage S ien e and Language Medi ine terms. 4. Make a hart the dis rders the heart. O rganizing
2. T e l ati n the semilunar valves sh uld be easy t them based n their s ur e w uld be use ul: the peri ar-
remember be ause their names tell y u where they are. It dium, the heart mus le, the heart valves, the ndu ti n
is harder t remember where the tri uspid and mitral system, r general heart ailure.
valves are be ause their names d n t give any lues t 5. Bring ph t pies heart illustrati ns ( r example,
their l ati ns. An easier way t remember them is t use Figures 14-1, 14-2, and 14-11) t y ur study gr up. Bla ken
their ther names, the right and le t atri ventri ular ut the labels and use them as t ls r learning the
valves. T ese names tell y u exa tly where they are, stru tures the heart.
between the atria and ventri les n the right r le t side. 6. In y ur study gr up, dis uss the f w bl d thr ugh the
3. Bl d m ves thr ugh the heart in ne dire ti n: r m the heart, the ndu ti n system, the parts the ECG, and
right heart, t the lungs, t the le t heart, and ut the the hart the dis rders the heart. G ver the ques-
a rta. Ele tri al ndu ti n thr ugh the heart wall may ti ns and the utline summary at the end the hapter
make m re sense i y u remember that atria ntra t and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
14 o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Des ribe the heart and its p siti n in the b dy. 17. Explain h w the tra ings n an ECG relate t the ele -
2. List the ur hambers the heart. tri al a tivity the heart.
3. W hat is the myocardium? W hat is the endocardium? 18. Explain h w right heart ailure is usually aused by le t
4. Des ribe the tw layers the peri ardium. W hat is the heart ailure.
un ti n peri ardial f uid? 19. It has been determined that Danny has a heart rate
5. De ne r explain pericarditis and pericardial ef usion. 72 beats per minute. H is str ke v lume is 70 mL. Cal-
6. W hat is systole? W hat is diastole? ulate his ardia utput.
7. List the ur heart valves; identi y where they are l ated. 20. H w d es an angi graphy di er r m a n rmal radi -
8. Explain what is meant by a mitral valve pr lapse. graphi (x-ray) pr edure?
9. Explain what urs in a my ardial in ar ti n. 21. Explain h w bl d that has pr vided xygen and nutri-
10. ra e the f w bl d r m the superi r vena ava t ents t the heart mus le returns t the right atrium.
the a rta.
11. De ne angina pectoris.
12. ra e the path and name the stru tures inv lved in the
Chapte r Te s t
ndu ti n system the heart. A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
13. W hat is heart block? W hat is bradycardia? W hat is re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
tachycardia? w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
14. W hat is brillation? W hi h is m re danger us, atrial
brillati n r ventri ular brillati n? 1. ________ are the thi ker hambers the heart, s me-
15. Identi y the a t rs that a e t heart rate and stroke volume. times alled the dis harging hambers.
16. Di erentiate between stroke volume and cardiac output.
CHAPTER 14 Heart 401

2. ________ are the thinner hambers the heart, s me- 16. T e delivery xygen and nutrient-ri h arterial bl d
times alled the re eiving hambers. t ardia mus le tissue and the return xygen-p r
3. Cardia mus le tissue als may be alled ________. bl d r m this a tive tissue t the ven us system is
4. T e ventri les the heart are separated int right and alled ________.
le t sides by a wall alled the ________. 17. T e rst bran hes the a rta are the ________.
5. T e thin layer tissue lining the interi r ea h the 18. T e buildup lipids and ther substan es n the inside
heart hambers is alled the ________. wall bl d vessels is kn wn as ________.
6. I the peri ardium be mes inf amed, a nditi n alled 19. C ntra ti ns that ur be re the next expe ted ntra -
________ results. ti n in a series ardia y les is kn wn as ________.
7. W hen the heart is ntra ting, it is said t be in ________. 20. An ________ dete ts a pers ns heart rhythm and
8. A number stringlike stru tures alled ________ enables n nmedi al res uers t de brillate a patient.
________ atta h the AV valves t the walls the 21. An alternative t an AED, whi h is implanted in the
ventri les. patient and delivers a de brillating sh k with ut exter-
9. T e heart valve l ated between the right atrium and nal interventi n, is a(n) ________.
right ventri le is alled the ________ valve. 22. Pla e the ll wing stru tures in their pr per rder in rela-
10. T e ________ is the pa emaker the heart and begins ti n t bl d f w thr ugh the heart. Put a 1 in r nt
the ntra ti n the atria. the rst stru ture the bl d w uld pass thr ugh and a 10
11. T e ________ are extensi ns the atri ventri ular in r nt the last stru ture the bl d w uld pass thr ugh.
bers and ause the ntra ti n the ventri les. ________ a. le t atrium
12. T e ECG tra ing that urs when the ventri les are ________ b. tri uspid valve (right atri ventri ular valve)
dep larizing is alled the ________. ________ . right ventri le
13. T e term ________ re ers t the v lume bl d ________ d. pulm nary veins
eje ted r m the ventri le during ea h beat. ________ e. a rti semilunar valve
14. T e am unt bl d that 1 ventri le an pump in ________ . mitral valve (le t atri ventri ular valve)
1 minute is alled the ________ ________. ________ g. le t ventri le
15. Bl d returns r m the lungs t the le t ventri le ________ h. pulm nary artery
thr ugh ________ pulm nary veins. H IN : H w many? ________ i. right atrium
________ j. pulm nary semilunar valve

Match each heart disorder in Column A with its corresponding description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
23. ________ peri arditis a. damage t the heart ells due t a la k bl d f w
24. ________ mitral valve pr lapse b. sl w heart rhythm
25. ________ my ardial in ar ti n . a nditi n in whi h the ardia mus les ntra t ut step with ea h ther
26. ________ angina pe t ris d. rapid heart rhythm 14
27. ________ heart bl k e. als alled le t heart ailure
28. ________ brady ardia . inf ammati n the peri ardium
29. ________ ta hy ardia g. a nditi n in whi h ntra ti n impulses are prevented r m getting thr ugh
30. ________ brillati n t the ventri les
31. ________ ngestive heart ailure h. severe hest pain that urs when the heart mus le is deprived xygen
i. a nditi n that all ws bl d t leak ba k int the le t atrium when the le t
ventri le ntra ts

abn rmality and its p ssible e e ts n heart un ti n.

Cas e S tudie s Drawing n the in rmati n in y ur text, nsider what
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to might have aused her nditi n and s me medi al
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- pti ns r Vivian.
book, and othe r re s ource s . 3. Un le J hn is ab ut t underg r nary bypass surgery.
H is surge n explained Un le J hns nditi n and the
1. Y u are visiting a riend in the h spital. Beside her bed is a surgi al pr edure t rre t it, but y ur un le was t
vide m nit r that displays y ur riends ECG. She asks y u upset t pay l se attenti n. N w that he is almer, he
what the large spikes represent an y u tell her? Suddenly realizes that he has very little idea what triple bypass
the ECG line be mes mpletely dis rganized, with n surgery is all ab ut. Des ribe t y ur un le the pr bable
dis ernible P, QRS, r waves. W hat may have happened? nditi n his heart and explain the planned surgery.
W hat uld be d ne r her? Or is treatment ne essary?
2. Y ur lassmate Vivian t ld y u during lun htime that she Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
has been diagn sed with MVP. Des ribe this stru tural at
Circulation o Blood
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Blood Vessels, 403 Fluctuations in Arterial Blood

Types, 403 Pressure, 417
Structure, 404 Central Venous Blood Pressure, 418
Functions, 405 Pulse, 419
Disorders o Blood Vessels, 406 Hypertension, 419
Disorders o Arteries, 406 Def nition, 419
Disorders o Veins, 408 Risk Factors, 420
Routes o Circulation, 408 Circulatory Shock, 421
Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation, Cardiogenic Shock, 421
408 Hypovolemic Shock, 421
Hepatic Portal Circulation, 409 Neurogenic Shock, 421
Fetal Circulation, 412 Anaphylactic Shock, 421
Hemodynamics, 414 Septic Shock, 421
Def ning Blood Pressure, 414
Factors That In uence Blood
Pressure, 414

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 4. Def ne hemodynamics, and identi y and
should be able to: discuss the actors involved in the gen-
1. Describe the structure and unction o eration o blood pressure and how they
each major type o blood vessel: artery, relate to each other.
vein, and capillary. 5. Def ne pulse and locate the major pulse
2. List the major disorders o blood vessels points on the body.
and explain how they develop. 6. Def ne hypertension and its associated
3. Trace the path o blood through the sys- risk actors and complications.
temic, pulmonary, hepatic portal, and 7. Explain what is meant by the term circu-
etal circulations. latory shock and describe the major
In the previ us hapter we dis ussed the basi stru ture and un ti n the LANGUAGE OF
ir ulat ry systems pump: the heart. In this hapter, we ntinue ur explana- S C IEN C E
ti n h w bl d ir ulates thr ugh the internal envir nment the b dy.
Be o re re ading the
First, the stru ture bl d vessels is dis ussed in s me detail.
chapte r, s ay e ach o
Next, we expl re the un ti ns the vessels in trans- the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
p rting vital substan es and ex hanging them with he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the b dys tissues and the external envir nment. the m as yo u re ad.
T en, we dis uss h w the vessels t t gether int
r utes r the ndu ti n bl d. T e last part
this hapter deals with the driving r e (ar-TEER-ee-ohl)
bl d ir ulati nbl d pressure. [arteri- vessel, -ole little]
At every pp rtunity we als dis uss maj r (AR-ter-ee)
ir ulat ry dis rders t help lari y what [arter- vessel, -y thing]
happens when n rmal un ti n ails. blood pressure
(blud PRESH-ur)
blood pressure gradient
Blo o d Ve s s e ls (blud PRESH-ur GRAY-dee-ent)
[gradi- step, -ent state]
Ty p e s
Arterial bl d is pumped r m the heart (KAP-ih-layr-ee)
thr ugh a series large distributi n [capill- hair o head, -ary relating to]
vesselsthe arteries. T e largest cardiac output (CO)
(KAR-dee-ak OUT-put [see oh])
[cardi- heart, -ac relating to]
central venous pressure
(SEN-tral VEE-nus PRESH-ur)
[centr- center, -al relating to,
ven- vein, -ous relating to]
diastolic blood pressure
(dye-ah-STOL-ik blud PRESH-ur)
[dia- apart, -stol- position,
-ic relating to]
ductus arteriosus
(DUK-tus ar-teer-ee-OH-sus)
[ductus duct, arteri- vessel,
-osus relating to]
ductus venosus
(DUK-tus veh-NOH-sus)
[ductus duct, ven- vessel (vein),
-osus relating to]
[endo- within, -theli- nipple,
-um thing]

Continued on p. 421

404 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

artery in the b dy is the a rta. Arteries subdivide int vessels T is uter layer is made nne tive tissue bers that
that be me pr gressively smaller and nally be me tiny rein r e the wall the vessel s that it will n t burst under
arterioles that ntr l the f w int mi r s pi ex hange pressure. T e nne tive bers als nne t t the extra ellu-
vessels alled capillaries. lar matrix surr unding tissues t help h ld the vessel in
In the s - alled capillary beds, the ex hange nutrients pla e.
and respirat ry gases urs between the bl d and tissue
f uid ar und the ells. M id d le La ye r
Bl d exits, r is drained, r m the apillary beds and then Figure 15-1 sh ws that sm th mus le tissue is und in the
enters the small venules, whi h j in with ther venules and middle layer, r tunica media, arteries and veins. T e term
in rease in size, be ming veins. T e largest veins, ten tunica media means middle at.
alled sinuses, are the superi r vena ava and the in eri r vena T is mus le layer is mu h thi ker in arteries than it is in
ava. veins. W hy is this imp rtant? Be ause the thi ker mus le
As n ted in Chapter 14, arteries arry bl d away r m the layer in the artery wall is able t resist great pressures gener-
heart and t ward apillaries. Veins arry bl d t ward the ated by ventri ular syst le. In arteries, the tuni a media plays
heart and away r m apillaries, and apillaries arry bl d a riti al r le in maintaining bl d pressure and ntr lling
r m the tiny arteri les int tiny venules. T e a rta arries bl d distributi n.
bl d ut the le t ventri le the heart, and the venae avae T e tuni a media ten simply alled the mediais
return bl d t the right atrium a ter the bl d has ir ulated m stly sm th mus le, s it is ntr lled by the aut n mi
thr ugh the b dy. nerv us system. T e tuni a media als s metimes in ludes a
thin layer elasti br us tissue.
Sm th mus le ells al ng the wall arteri les are s me-
S t ru c t u re
times alled precapillary sphincters. T ey en ir le the arteri-
Arteries, veins, and apillaries di er in stru ture. T ree ats le walls and by ntra ting r relaxing, they regulate h w
r layers are und in b th arteries and veins (Figure 15-1). mu h bl d will f w int a apillary bed, as y u an see in
Figure 15-2.
O u t e r La ye r
T e uterm st layer is alled the tunica externa ( r tunica In n e r La ye r
adventitia). T e w rd tunica means at and externa means An inner layer end thelial ells alled the tunica intima
utside. (innerm st at) lines arteries and veins.

FIGURE 15-1 Artery and vein. Schematic drawings o an artery and a vein show comparative thicknesses
o the three layers: the outer layer or tunica externa, the muscle layer or tunica media, and the tunica intima
made o endothelium. Note that the muscle and outer layers are much thinner in veins than in arteries and that
veins have valves.


Tunic a intima


Tunic a me dia
ye r

ie s
e ins

Tunic a exte rna

ie s
Thi y
e ins
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 405

From he a rt stru tural eature apillaries is their extreme thinness nly

Arte rio le
ne layer f at, end thelial ells mp ses the apillary
membrane. Instead three layers r ats, the apillary wall
Endothe lium
is mp sed nly nethe tuni a intima. Substan es su h
S mooth as glu se, xygen, arb n di xide, h rm nes, and wastes an
mus cle fibe r
P re ca pilla ry qui kly pass thr ugh it n their way t r r m ells.
s phincte rs (re la xe d)

Fu n c t io n s
be d
gether, arteries, apillaries, and veins all ndu t bl d
Capillary ar und the b dys ir ulat ry r utes. H wever, ea h has its
wn unique r les t play.
Thoroughfa re cha nne l A r t e r ie s a n d A r t e r io le s
Arteries and arteri les distribute bl d r m the heart t ap-
illaries in all parts the b dy.
Endothe lium In additi n, by nstri ting r dilating, arteri les help
maintain arterial bl d pressure at a n rmal level. As we dis-
Ve nule
uss later in this hapter, arterial pressure is a maj r r e in
keeping bl d f wing.
To he a rt
C a p illa ry Exc h a n g e
FIGURE 15-2 Capillaries. Capillaries are microscopic, thin-walled ves-
sels that orm networks joining arterioles to venules. Smooth muscle bers Capillaries un ti n as ex hange vesselsthus arrying ut a
(precapillary sphincters) around the arterioles can regulate how much blood entral un ti n the ardi vas ular system. F r example,
f ows into a capillary bed. Occasionally, these bers wrap around the en- glu se and xygen m ve ut the bl d in apillaries int
trances to capillaries to more precisely control local blood f ow.
interstitial f uid and then n int ells. Carb n di xide and
ther substan es m ve in the pp site dire ti n (that is, int
T e tuni a intima is a tually a single layer squam us the apillary bl d r m the ells). Fluid is als ex hanged
epithelial ells alled endothelium that lines the inner sur a e between apillary bl d and interstitial f uid (see Chapter 21).
the entire ardi vas ular system. T is single layer ells Figure 15-4 illustrates the n ept that tw pp sing r es
pr vides a very sm th lining that prevents the a idental inf uen e apillary ex hange. T ese r es in lude sm sis and
rmati n bl d l ts. T e tuni a intima als s metimes ltrati n. Re all r m Chapter 3 that osmosis is passive m ve-
in ludes a thin layer elasti br us tissue. ment water when s me s lutes ann t r ss the membrane
As y u an see in Figure 15-1, many veins have a unique and ltration is passive m vement f uid resulting r m a
stru tural eature n t present in arteries. A veins tuni a intima hydr stati pressure gradient (see p. 51).
is equipped with p kets that a t as ne-way valves. T ese Figure 15-4 sh ws that the apillary ex hange r es vary,
valves prevent the ba k-f w bl dthus keeping bl d depending n l ati n. At the arterial end a apillary, the
f wing in ne dire ti n, ba k t ward the heart. utwardly dire ted r es are d minant and tend t m ve
T ese ven us valves als all w veins t a t as supplemental
pumps that help maintain venous return bl d t the
heart. Figure 15-3 sh ws h w asi nal a tivity skeletal MUS CLES RELAXED MUS CLES CONTRACTED
mus les surr unding the veins the b dy reates pressure
n bl d that drives these ven us pumps. T is explains Low
why stret hing, walking, and ther a tivities help impr ve pre s s ure
bl d ir ulati n and prevent the rmati n thr mbi
(abn rmal l ts) in the veins.
W hen a surge n uts int the b dy, nly arteries, arte-
pre s s ure 15
ri les, veins, and venules an be seen. Capillaries ann t be
seen be ause they are mi r s pi . T e m st imp rtant

pre s s ure
FIGURE 15-3 Venous valve unction. Normal skeletal muscle con-
tractions push on the walls o veins, which have one-way valves that
Va lve
allow the veins to act as pumps that push blood back toward the heart. High clos e s
This is similar to the action o the myocardium and heart valves acting pre s s ure
together as a pumpexcept that this venous pump mechanism is not
continuous and rhythmic. A B
406 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

10% volume to lympha tics stay ree bstru ti n; therwise they ann t deliver their
a nd eve ntua lly re turne d to bl d t the apillary beds (and thus the tissues they serve).
ve nous blood
A r t e r io s c le ro s is
Outwardly 90% volume re turns
A mm n type vas ular disease that ludes (bl ks)
dire c te d fo rc e : to ca pilla ry arteries and weakens arterial walls is alled arteriosclerosis,
Filtra tion
(hydros ta tic
r hardening o the arteries. Arteri s ler sis is hara terized by
Inwardly dire c te d
pre s s ure ) fo rc e : thi kening arterial walls that pr gresses t hardening as
Inwardly Os mos is al ium dep sits rm. T e thi kening and al i ati n re-
dire c te d du e the f w bl d t the tissues.
fo rc e : Outwardly I the bl d f w sl ws d wn t mu h, ischemia results.
Os mos is dire c te d fo rc e :
Filtra tion Is hemia, r de reased bl d supply t a tissue, inv lves the
(hydros ta tic gradual death ells and may lead t mplete tissue death
Blood ow Ca pilla ry pre s s ure ) a nditi n alled necrosis. I a large se ti n tissue be-
mes ne r ti , it may begin t de ay. Ne r sis that has pr -
Arte rial e nd Ve no us e nd gressed this ar is alled gangrene.
FIGURE 15-4 Capillary exchange. Osmosis (osmotic pressure) and Be ause the p tential tissue damage inv lved, arteri -
ltration (hydrostatic pressure) are major orces that drive capillary ex- s ler sis may be n t nly pain ulit may be li e-threatening
change, tending to move f uids out o the capillary at the arterial end and as well. F r example, is hemia heart mus le an lead t
into the capillary at the venous end. Excess tissue f uid can be collected by myocardial in arction (M I) (see Chapter 14).
lymphatic vessels to be returned to the venous blood. T ere are several types arteri s ler sis, but perhaps the
m st well-kn wn is atherosclerosis, des ribed in Chapter 14 as
f uids r m bl d t tissue. At the ven us end a apillary, the bl kage arteries by lipids and ther matter (Figure 15-5).
the inwardly dire ted r es are greater and thus tend t m ve Eventually, the atty dep sits in the arterial walls be me -
f uids r m tissue t bl d. Ex ess tissue f uids n t m ved int br us and perhaps al i edresulting in s ler sis (hardening).
the bl d are lle ted by the lymphati system t be eventu- H igh bl d levels trigly erides and h lester l, whi h may be
ally returned t ven us bl d (see Chapter 16). aused by a high- at, high- h lester l diet, sm king, and a ge-
Fa t rs that a e t sm ti pressure (su h as plasma albumin neti predisp siti n, are ass iated with ather s ler sis. (See
levels) r the hydr stati pressure (su h as bl d pressure) that Chapter 2 r a dis ussi n trigly erides and h lester l.)
drives ltrati n an disrupt apillary ex hangeperhaps result- In general, arteri s ler sis devel ps with advan ed age, dia-
ing in dehydrati n r verhydrati n tissue (see Chapter 21). betes, high- at and high- h lester l diets, hypertensi n (high
bl d pressure), and sm king. Arteri s ler sis an be treated by
Ve in s a n d Ve n u le s drugs alled vasodilators that trigger the sm th mus les the
Venules and veins lle t bl d r m apillaries and return it arterial walls t relax, thus ausing the arteries t dilate (widen).
t the heart. S me ases ather s ler sis are treated by me hani ally
T e larger veins als serve as bl d reserv irs be ause they pening the a e ted area an artery, a type pr edure alled
arry bl d under l wer pressure (than arteries) and an ex- angioplasty. In ne su h pr edure, a def ated ball n atta hed
pand t h ld a larger v lume bl d r nstri t t h ld a t a l ng tube alled a catheter is inserted int a partially
mu h smaller am unt. As n ted previ usly, external pressure bl ked artery and then inf ated (Figure 15-6). As the ball n
an turn veins, whi h have ne-way valves, int pumps that inf ates, the plaque ( atty dep sits and tissue) is pushed ut-
help return bl d t the heart. ward, and the artery widens t all w near-n rmal bl d f w.
In a similar pr edure, metal springs r mesh tubes alled
QUICK CHECK stents are inserted in a e ted arteries t h ld them pen.
1. Wh a t a re th e m a in typ e s o b lo o d ve s s e ls in th e b o d y? O ther types angi plasty use lasers, drills, r spinning l ps
Ho w a re th e y d i e re n t ro m e a ch o th e r? wire t lear the way r n rmal bl d f w. Severely a -
2. Why is th e tu n ica m e d ia m u ch th icke r in a rte rie s th a n in e ted arteries als an be surgi ally bypassed r repla ed, as
15 ve in s ?
3. Wh a t is th e ro le o p re ca p illa ry s p h in cte rs ?
dis ussed in Chapter 14.
4. Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o ca p illa rie s ?
To learn more about altherosclerosis and
angioplasty, go to AnimationDirect online at
D is o r d e r s o Blo o d Ve s s e ls
D is o r d e r s o A r t e r ie s
As y u may have gathered r m the previ us dis ussi n, arter- A n e u ry s m
ies ntain bl d that is maintained at a relatively high pres- Damage t arterial walls aused by arteri s ler sis r ther
sure. T is means the arterial walls must be able t withstand a a t rs may lead t the rmati n an aneurysm. An aneu-
great deal r e, r they will burst. T e arteries must als rysm is a se ti n an artery that has be me abn rmally
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 407

FIGURE 15-5 Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaque develops rom the deposition

o ats and other substances in the wall o the artery. The inset is a photograph showing a
cross section o an artery partially blocked by plaque.

Endothe lium
widened be ause a weakening the arterial wall. An-
eurysms s metimes rm a sa like extensi n the arte-
rial wall.
One reas n aneurysms are danger us is be ause they,
like ather s ler ti plaques, pr m te the rmati n
thr mbi (abn rmal l ts). A thr mbus may P la que Lume n
ause an emb lism (bl kage) in the heart r
s me ther vital tissue. An ther reas n an-
eurysms are danger us is their tenden y t
burst, ausing severe hem rrhaging that
Athe ros cle rotic
may result in death. pla que
A brain aneurysm may lead t a stroke,
r cerebrovascular accident (CVA). A
str ke results r m is hemia brain tissue
aused by an emb lism r ruptured aneurysm.
Depending n the am unt tissue a e ted and
the pla e in the brain the CVA urs, e e ts a str ke
may range r m hardly n ti eable t rippling t atal.

Check out the article Aneurysm at Connect It! at


FIGURE 15-6 Balloon angioplasty. A, A catheter is inserted into the vessel until it reaches the a ected
region. B, A probe with a metal tip is pushed out the end o the catheter into the blocked region o the vessel.
C, The balloon is inf ated, pushing the walls o the vessel outward. Sometimes metal coils or tubes (stents) are
inserted to keep the vessel open.
408 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

D is o r d e r s o Ve in s
rmati n than arteries be ause ven us bl d m ves m re
Va r ic o s e Ve in s sl wly and is under less pressure. T r mb phlebitis is hara -
Varicose veins are veins in whi h bl d tends t p l rather terized by pain and dis l rati n the surr unding tissue.
than ntinue n t ward the heart. Vari sities, als alled I a pie e a l t breaks ree, it may ause an emb lism
varices (singular, varix), m st mm nly ur in super cial when it bl ks a bl d vessel. Pulmonary embolism, r ex-
veins near the sur a e the b dy (Figure 15-7). ample, uld result when an emb lus l dges in the ir ulati n
T e large super ial veins the leg ten be me vari se the lung (see Figure 13-18 n p. 366). Pulm nary emb lism
in pe ple wh stand r l ng peri ds (see Figure 15-7). T e an lead t death qui kly i t mu h bl d f w is bl ked.
r e gravity sl ws the return ven us bl d t the heart
in su h ases, ausing bl d-eng rged veins t dilate. As the QUICK CHECK
veins dilate, the distan e between the f aps ven us valves 1. Wh a t is th e m e d ica l te rm o r h a rd e n in g o th e a rte rie s ?
widens, eventually making them in mpetent (leaky). In m- De s crib e th is co n d itio n .
peten e valves auses even m re p ling in a e ted veins 2. Wh a t is a n a n e u rys m ?
3. Wh a t ca u s e s va rico s e ve in s ?
an abn rmal p sitive- eedba k phen men n.
Hemorrhoids, r piles, are vari se veins in the re tum r
anus. Ex essive straining during de e ati n an reate pres-
sures that ause hem rrh ids. T e unusual pressures arry-
Ro u t e s o C ir c u la t io n
ing a hild during pregnan y predisp se expe tant m thers t T e term blood circulation is sel -explanat ry, meaning that
hem rrh ids and ther vari sities. bl d f ws thr ugh vessels that mprise a mplete ir uit
Vari se veins an be treated by supp rting the dilated r ir ular pattern. A route o circulation is a parti ular set
veins r m the utside. F r example, supp rt st kings an ir ular pathwayssu h as r m the heart t the lungs and
redu e bl d p ling in the great saphen us vein. Surgi al ba k r r m the heart t a parti ular rgan and ba k.
rem val vari se veins an be per rmed in severe ases.
Advan ed ases hem rrh ids are ten treated this way.
S y s t e m ic a n d P u lm o n a ry C ir c u la t io n
Sympt ms milder ases an be relieved by rem ving the
pressure that aused the nditi n and ther meth ds. Bl d f w r m the le t ventri le the heart thr ugh bl d
vessels t all parts the b dy and ba k t the right atrium
P h le b it is the heart was des ribed in Chapter 14 as the systemic
A number a t rs an ause phlebitis, r vein inf amma- circulation.
ti n. Irritati n by an intraven us atheter, r example, is a Starting ur st ry at the le t ventri le, bl d is pushed int
mm n ause vein inf ammati n. the a rta. Fr m there, it f ws int arteries that arry it int
T rombophlebitis is a ute phlebitis aused by l t (thr m- the tissues and rgans the b dy. As sh wn by the n ept
bus) rmati n. Veins are m re likely sites thr mbus map in Figure 15-8, bl d m ves r m arteries t arteri les t
apillaries systemi tissues. T ere, the vital tw -way ex-
hange substan es urs between bl d and ells.
Next, bl d f ws ut ea h rgans apillary beds by way
its venules and then its veins t drain eventually int the
in eri r r superi r vena ava. T ese tw great veins return
ven us bl d t the right atrium the heart.
At that p int, the bl d is sh rt ming ull ir le ba k
Norma l ve in
t its starting p int in the le t ventri le. rea h the le t ven-
tri le and start n its way again, it must rst f w thr ugh
an ther ir uit, re erred t in Chapter 14 as the pulmonary
F ll wing al ng in Figure 15-8, bserve that ven us bl d
Norma l ve nous va lve m ves r m the right atrium t the right ventri le and then t
15 Va ricos e ve in the pulm nary artery t pulm nary arteri les and apillaries.
T ere, the ex hange gases between the bl d and air takes
pla e, nverting the deep rims n l r typi al de xygen-
P A ated bl d t the bright s arlet l r xygenated bl d.
T is xygenated bl d then f ws thr ugh lung venules int
Incompe te nt (le a ky) ur pulm nary veins and returns t the le t atrium the
ve nous va lve heart. Fr m the le t atrium, it enters the le t ventri le, r m
A B whi h it will n e again be pumped thr ugh ut the b dy in
FIGURE 15-7 Varicose veins. A, Veins near the sur ace o the body the systemi ir ulati n.
especially in the legsmay bulge and cause venous valves to leak. B, Photo- Study Figure 15-9 and Table 15-1 t learn the names the
graph showing varicose veins on the sur ace o the leg. main systemi and pulm nary arteries the b dy. Likewise,
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 409


Right a trium Le ft a trium

Right AV va lve Le ft AV va lve

Right ve ntricle Le ft ve ntricle

P ulmona ry Aortic
S L va lve S L va lve

Ve na P ulmona ry P ulmona ry
Arte rie s Aorta
cava a rte ry ve ins

Arte riole s

Ve ins of Arte rie s of

e a ch orga n Ca pilla rie s e a ch orga n

Ve nule s

Ve nule s of Arte riole s of

e a ch orga n Ve ins e a ch orga n

Ca pilla rie s of e a ch orga n

FIGURE 15-8 Diagram o blood ow in the cardiovascular system. Blood leaves the heart through
arteries, then travels through arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins be ore returning to the opposite side o
the heart. AV, Atrioventricular; SL, semilunar.

study Figure 15-10 and Table 15-2 r the names the main passes thr ugh the apillary beds and ven us spa es the
systemi and pulm nary veins. Expl re the Clear View o the liver be re it reenters the m re dire t ven us return pathway
Human Body ( ll ws p. 8) t see the l ati ns s me the t the heart. Bl d leaves the liver by way the hepati veins,
maj r bl d vessels relative t ther rgans. whi h drain int the in eri r vena ava.
As n ted in Figure 15-8, m st the bl d f ws r m arter-
To learn more about pulmonary circulation and ies t arteri les t apillaries t venules t veins and ba k t the
systemic circulation, go to AnimationDirect online heart. Bl d f w that is diverted t the hepati p rtal ir ula-
at ti n, h wever, d es n t ll w this dire t r ute. T e diverted
ven us bl d, instead returning dire tly t the heart, is sent
To better understand these concepts, use the instead thr ugh a se nd apillary bed in the liver. T e hepati
Active Concept Map Blood Flow Through the p rtal vein sh wn in Figure 15-11 is l ated between tw apil-
Heart at lary beds ne l ated in the digestive rgans and the ther in
the liver.
He p a t ic P o r t a l C ir c u la t io n On e bl d exits r m the liver apillary beds, it returns t 15
the systemi bl d pathway, returning t the right atrium
T e term hepatic portal circulation re ers t the r ute the heart.
bl d f w t and thr ugh the liver. T e term portal means T e det ur ven us bl d thr ugh a se nd apillary
d rway and re ers t a systemi ir ulat ry r ute that is a bed in the liver be re its return t the heart serves s me
d rway t a se nd set systemi tissues. valuable purp ses. F r example, when nutrients r m a meal
Veins r m the spleen, st ma h, pan reas, gallbladder, and are being abs rbed, the bl d in the p rtal vein ntains a
intestines d n t p ur their bl d dire tly int the in eri r higher-than-n rmal n entrati n glu se. Re all r m
vena ava as d the veins r m ther abd minal rgans. In- Chapter 12 (see Figure 12-4 n p. 324) that su h high glu se
stead, bl d f w r m these rgans is det ured t the liver by levels trigger the se reti n insulin r m pan reati islets.
means the hepati p rtal vein (Figure 15-11). T e bl d then Inf uen ed by insulin, liver ells rem ve the ex ess glu se
410 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

The Major Systemic

TABLE 15-1
Occipita l Arteries
Inte rna l ca rotid
He ad and Ne ck
Exte rna l ca rotid
Occipital Pos te rior he ad and ne ck
Right common ca rotid Le ft common ca rotid
Facial Mouth, pharynx, and ace
Le ft s ubclavia n
Right s ubclavia n Inte rnal carotid Ante rior brain and
Arch of a orta
Bra chioce pha lic m e ninge s
P ulmona ry
Exte rnal carotid Supe rf cial ne ck, ace ,
Right corona ry Le ft corona ry eye s , and larynx
Axilla ry Thora cic a orta Com m on carotid He ad and ne ck

S ple nic Ve rte bral Brain and m e ninge s

Bra chia l
Tho rax
Re na l
S upe rior me s e nte ric Le t s ubclavian Le t uppe r extre m ity
Ce lia c
Brachioce phalic He ad and arm
Abdomina l a orta Infe rior
me s e nte ric Arch o aorta Branche s to he ad, ne ck,
Common ilia c and uppe r extre m itie s
Ra dia l
Inte rna l ilia c Coronary He art m us cle
Ulna r
Exte rna l ilia c Abdo m e n
Ce liac Stom ach, s ple e n, and live r
Sple nic Sple e n
Re nal Kidneys
Supe rior Sm all inte s tine ; uppe r hal
m e s e nte ric o the large inte s tine
In e rior m e s e nte ric Lowe r hal o the large
De e p fe mora l inte s tine
Fe mora l Uppe r Extre m ity
Axillary Axilla (arm pit)
Brachial Arm
Poplite a l
Radial Late ral s ide o the hand
Ulnar Me dial s ide o the hand
Low e r Extre m ity
Inte rnal iliac Pe lvic s tructure s : vis ce ra,
ge nitalia, and re ctum
Ante rior tibia l
Exte rnal iliac Lowe r trunk and lowe r
extre m itie s
De e p e m oral De e p thigh m us cle s

S Fe m oral Thigh
Poplite al Kne e and le g
Ante rior tibial and Le g
I pos te rior tibial
FIGURE 15-9 Principal arteries o the body.

and st re it as gly gen. T ere re, bl d leaving the liver T e hepati p rtal system is an ex ellent example
usually has a l wer bl d glu se n entrati n than bl d h w stru ture ts un ti n in helping the b dy maintain
entering the liver. h me stasis.
Liver ells als rem ve and det xi y vari us p is n us
substan es that may be present in the bl d. T e hepati p r-
To learn more about hepatic portal circulation, go
tal ir ulati n brings any new t xins abs rbed r m d di-
to AnimationDirect online at
re tly t the liver where they an be det xi ed.
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 411

The Major Systemic Occipita l

TABLE 15-2
Veins Right bra chioce pha lic Fa cia l
Right s ubclavia n Exte rna l jugula r
He ad and Ne ck
Supe rior s agittal s inus Brain S upe rior Inte rna l jugula r
Facial and ante rior Ante rior and s upe rf cial ve na cava
Le ft bra chioce pha lic
acial ace
Exte rnal jugular Supe rf cial tis s ue s o the pulmona ry Le ft s ubclavia n
he ad and ne ck Axilla ry
S ma ll ca rdia c
Inte rnal jugular Sinus e s o the brain Ce pha lic
Tho rax Infe rior Gre a t ca rdia c
ve na cava
Brachioce phalic He ad, ne ck, and uppe r
Ba s ilic
extre m itie s He pa tic
Bra chia l ve ins
Subclavian Uppe r extre m itie s
He pa tic porta l
Supe rior ve na cava He ad, ne ck, and uppe r Long thora cic
extre m itie s S upe rior
S ple nic
me s e nte ric
Right and le t coronary He art
Re na l
In e rior ve na cava Lowe r body Me dia n
cubita l Infe rior
Abdo m e n me s e nte ric
He patic Live r ilia c Ra dia l ve in
Long thoracic Abdom inal and thoracic Ulna r
m us cle s ve in
He patic portal Inte s tine s and ne arby
inte rnal organs Exte rna l
ilia c Digita l
Sple nic Sple e n ve ins
Supe rior m e s e nte ric Sm all inte s tine and m os t Common ilia c
o the colon Fe mora l
Inte rna l ilia c
In e rior m e s e nte ric De s ce nding colon and Gre a t
re ctum s a phe nous Fe mora l
Uppe r Extre m ity
Poplite a l
Ce phalic Late ral arm
Axillary Axilla and arm
Bas ilic Me dial arm Fibula r
(pe rone a l)
Me dian cubital Ce phalic ve in (to bas ilic
ve in) Ante rior tibia l
Radial Late ral ore arm
Pos te rior tibia l
Ulnar Me dial ore arm
Low e r Extre m ity
Inte rnal iliac Pe lvic s tructure s : vis ce ra,
ge nitals , re ctum I
Exte rnal iliac Lowe r lim b
Fe m oral Thigh 15
Gre at s aphe nous Lowe r extre m ity FIGURE 15-10 Principal veins o the body.
Sm all s aphe nous Foot
Poplite al Le g
Fibular (pe rone al) Foot
Ante rior tibial De e p ante rior le g and
dors al oot
Pos te rior tibial De e p pos te rior le g and
plantar as pe ct
412 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

Infe rior ve na cava

He pa tic ve ins

S toma ch

Live r Ga s tric ve in

S ple e n
He pa tic porta l ve in

Pa ncre a tic ve ins

Duode num
S ple nic ve in

Ga s troe piploic ve in
Pa ncre a s

De s ce nding colon

S upe rior me s e nte ric ve in

Infe rior me s e nte ric ve in

S ma ll inte s tine
As ce nding colon

Appe ndix

FIGURE 15-11 Hepatic portal circulation. In this very unusual circulation, a vein is located between two
capillary beds. The hepatic portal circulation collects blood rom capillaries in visceral structures located in the
abdomen and delivers it to the liver through the hepatic portal vein. The blood leaves the liver through hepatic
veins, which deliver it to the in erior vena cava. (Organs are not drawn to scale here.)

Fe t a l C ir c u la t io n bl d, and the umbili al arteries arry xygen-p r bl d.

Cir ulati n in the b dy be re birth di ers r m ir ulati n Remember that arteries are vessels that arry bl d away r m
a ter birth be ause the etus must se ure xygen and nutrients the heart, whereas veins arry bl d t ward the heart, regard-
15 r m maternal bl d instead r m its wn lungs and diges- less the xygen ntent these vessels may have.
tive rgans.
F r the ex hange nutrients and xygen t ur between Umbilical hernia, which occurs when intestines
etal and maternal bl d, bl d vessels must arry the etal protrude through the umbilical opening in the
bl d t the placenta, where the ex hange urs, and then abdomen, are common in newborn in ants. Review
return it t the etal b dy. T ree vessels (sh wn in Figure 15-12 Hernias at Connect It! at
as part the umbilical cord) a mplish this purp se. T ey
are the tw small umbilical arteries and a single, mu h larger An ther stru ture unique t etal ir ulati n is alled the
umbilical vein. ductus venosus. As y u an see in Figure 15-12, it is a tually a
T e m vement bl d in the umbili al vessels may seem ntinuati n the umbili al vein. It serves as a shunt, all w-
unusual at rst in that the umbili al vein arries xygenated ing m st the bl d returning r m the pla enta t bypass
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 413

1 Duc tus arte rio s us
Be fore birth, s ubs ta nce s
P ulmona ry trunk
a re e xcha nge d with the
ma te rna l circula tion Aortic
through the pla ce nta . As ce nding a orta a rch

2 S upe rior ve na cava

Blood the n flows Le ft
into the fe ta l 4 lung
a bdome n through
the umbilica l ve in. Fo rame n ovale

Blood e nte rs the live r a nd conne cts
to the infe rior ve na ca va by wa y of
the ductus ve nos us .

Live r
Abdomina l a orta
Infe rior ve na cava
3 Duc tus ve no s us
He pa tic porta l ve in
Mate rna l
1 s ide
Plac e nta
Fe ta l 2
s ide
4 Umbilic al
ve in
Blood ma y bypa s s the
pulmona ry loop by moving
from the R a trium through
the fora me n ova le to the
L a trium. Fe ta l Common ilia c a rte ry
5 Umbilic al
Blood ma y a ls o bypa s s arte rie s Inte rna l
the pulmona ry loop a t ilia c
the pulmona ry trunk 6
a rte rie s S
through the ductus
a rte rios us into the a orta . R L

Umbilic al I
6 c o rd
Blood is re turne d to
the pla ce nta through FIGURE 15-12 Fetal circulation.
umbilica l a rte rie s ,
which bra nch from
the inte rna l ilia c
a rte rie s .

Several ngenital dis rders result r m the ailure the

ardi vas ular system t shi t r m the etal r ute bl d
the immature liver the devel ping etus and empty dire tly f w at the time birth. T e du tus arteri sus may ail t
int the in eri r vena ava. l se, r example, and all w de xygenated bl d t bypass
w ther stru tures in the devel ping etus all w m st the lungs. 15
the bl d t bypass the devel ping lungs, whi h remain l- Similarly, the ramen vale may ail t l se and remain
lapsed until birth. T e oramen ovale shunts bl d r m the as a s - alled hole in the heart that all ws bl d t bypass the
right atrium dire tly int the le t atrium, and the ductus pulm nary ir ulati n. De e ts in the septum between atria
arteriosus nne ts the pulm nary artery t the a rta. r between ventri les an als pr du e h le-in-the-heart
At birth, the in ants umbili al bl d vessels and shunts nditi ns. Many pe ple with small h les d n t even kn w
must be rendered n n un ti nal. W hen the newb rn in ant they have them, living relatively n rmal, healthy lives. In
takes its rst deep breaths, the ardi vas ular system is sub- m derate t severe ases, h wever, a light-skinned baby may
je ted t in reased pressure. T e result is l sure the ra- appear bluish be ause the la k xygen in the systemi
men vale and rapid llapse the umbili al bl d vessels, arterial bl d. T is nditi n bluish tissue l rati n is
the du tus ven sus, and du tus arteri sus. alled cyanosis.
414 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

the entire systemi ir ulati n is the di eren e between the

To learn more about patent (open) ductus arteri-
average r mean bl d pressure in the a rta and the bl d
ous or oramen ovale, check out the article
pressure at the terminati n the venae avae where they j in
Congenital Heart De ects at Connect It! at
the right atrium the heart. T e mean bl d pressure in the
a rta, given in Figure 15-13, is 100 mm mer ury (mm H g),
and the pressure at the terminati n the venae avae is 0.
QUICK CHECK T ere re, with these typi al n rmal gures, the systemi
1. Ho w d o s ys te m ic a n d p u lm o n a ry circu la tio n s d i e r? bl d pressure gradient is 100 mm H g (100 minus 0).
2. Wh a t is th e h e p a tic p o rta l circu la tio n ? W hy is it imp rtant t understand h w bl d pressure
3. Ho w is e ta l circu la tio n d i e re n t ro m a d u lt circu la tio n ? un ti ns? T e bl d pressure gradient is vitally inv lved in
4. Wh a t is cya n o s is ?
keeping the bl d f wing. W hen a bl d pressure gradient is
present, bl d ir ulates; nversely, when a bl d pressure
To learn more about etal circulation, go to gradient is n t present, bl d d es n t ir ulate.
AnimationDirect online at F r example, supp se that the bl d pressure in the arteries
were t de rease t a p int at whi h it be ame equal t the
average pressure in arteri les. T e result w uld be n bl d
He m o d y n a m ic s pressure gradient between arteries and arteri les, and there-
T e term hemodynamics re ers t the set pr esses that re n r e w uld be available t m ve bl d ut arteries
inf uen e the f w bl d. As we shall see, the main r e int arteri les. Cir ulati n w uld st p, in ther w rds, and
that drives the ntinu us f w bl d thr ugh its ir ula- very s n li e itsel w uld ease. T at is why when arterial
t ry r utes is blood pressure. bl d pressure is bserved t be alling rapidly, whether dur-
ing surgery r in s me ther ir umstan e, emergen y mea-
sures must be started qui kly t try t reverse this atal trend.
D e f n in g Blo o d P r e s s u r e
W hat we have just said may start y u w ndering ab ut
A g d way t explain bl d pressure might be t rst answer why high bl d pressure (meaning, urse, high arterial
a ew questi ns ab ut it. W hat is bl d pressure? Just what bl d pressure) and l w bl d pressure are bad r ir ulati n.
the w rds indi ateblood pressure is the pressure r push H igh bl d pressure, r hypertension (H N), is bad r
bl d as it f ws thr ugh the ardi vas ular system. several reas ns. F r ne thing, i bl d pressure be mes t
W here d es bl d pressure exist? It exists in all bl d ves- high, it may ause the rupture ne r m re bl d vessels
sels, but it is highest in the arteries and l west in the veins. In ( r example, in the brain, as happens in a str ke). Chr ni
a t, i we list bl d vessels in rder a rding t the am unt H N an als in rease the l ad n the heart, ausing abn r-
bl d pressure in them and draw a graph, as in Figure 15-13, mal thi kening the my ardiumand perhaps eventually
the graph l ks like a hill, with a rti bl d pressure at the lead t heart ailure.
t p and vena aval pressure at the b tt m. T is bl d pressure But l w bl d pressure an be danger us t . I arterial
hill is sp ken as the blood pressure gradient. pressure alls l w en ugh, then bl d will n t f w thr ugh, r
M re pre isely, the bl d pressure gradient is the di eren e per use, the vital rgans the b dy. Cir ulati n bl d and
between tw bl d pressures. T e bl d pressure gradient r thus li e will ease. Massive hem rrhage, whi h dramati ally
redu es bl d pressure, kills in this way.

Fa c t o r s Th a t In u e n c e
C LIN ICA L APPLICATION Blo o d P r e s s u r e
RAYNAUD PHENOMENON W hat auses bl d pressure, and what
A dis orde r characterize d by sudde n de cre as es in circulation in the digits (f nge rs or makes bl d pressure hange r m time
toe s), o te n in re s ponse to s tres s or te mpe rature change , is calle d Raynaud t time? Fa t rs su h as bl d v lume,
phe no m e non. The decrease d blood ow o te n cause s pale discoloration o the a - the strength ea h heart ntra ti n,
15 ected digits (s ee f gure ), ollowe d by num bne s s and cyanos is (blue discoloration) heart rate, the thi kness bl d, and
as oxyge n leve ls drop. As blood ow re turns to the digits, they m ay be com e dark resistan e t bl d f w are all part the
and re dde ro te n s we lling and answers t these questi ns. We explain
throbbing w ith pain. Symptoms urther in the paragraphs that ll w.
range rom mild to seve re .
The re is no know n caus e Blo o d Vo lu m e
o Raynaud phe nom e non, but
s om e cas e s have be e n as s oci- T e dire t ause bl d pressure is the
ate d w ith in am m atory condi- volume bl d in the vessels. T e larger
tions s uch as s cle rode rm a, the v lume bl d in the arteries, r
rhe um atoid arthritis , and lupus example, the m re pressure the bl d
e rythe m atos us . exerts n the walls the arteries, r the
higher the arterial bl d pressure.
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 415

Driving force
100 mm Hg
S ys tolic pre s s ure 100 mm Hg
Flow ra te =
120 100 mm Hg/L/min

100 mm Hg
Flow ra te = 1 L/min
100 Re s is ta nce = 100 mm Hg/L/min

0 mm Hg
85 mm
Dia s tolic
pre s s ure
Aorta La rge S ma ll Arte riole s 35 mm Ve nule s S ma ll La rge Ve na e
a rte rie s a rte rie s ve ins ve ins cava e

20 15 mm
6 mm
Ca pilla rie s 2 mm
1 mm

FIGURE 15-13 Pressure gradient that drives blood ow. Blood f ows down a blood pressure hill
rom arteries, where blood pressure is highest, into arterioles, where it is somewhat lower, into capillaries,
where it is lower still, and so on. All numbers on the graph indicate blood pressure measured in millimeters
o mercury.

C nversely, the less bl d in the arteries, the l wer the the m re bl d it pumps int the a rta and arteriesthat is,
bl d pressure tends t be. the SV is higher. C nversely, the weaker that ea h ntra ti n
H em rrhage dem nstrates this relati nship between bl d is, the less bl d it pumpsand the l wer the str ke v lume.
v lume and bl d pressure. H em rrhage is a pr n un ed l ss Supp se that ne ntra ti n the le t ventri le pumps
bl d, and this de rease in the v lume bl d auses 70 mL bl d int the a rta, and supp se that the heart
bl d pressure t dr p. In a t, the maj r sign hem rrhage beats 70 times a minute; 70 mL/beat 70 beats/min equals
is a rapidly alling bl d pressure. 4900 mL/min. Alm st 5 L bl d w uld enter the a rta and
An ther example is the a t that diureticsdrugs that arteries every minute (the CO).
pr m te water l ss by in reasing urine utputare ten used N w supp se that the heartbeat were t be me weaker
t treat hypertensi n (high bl d pressure). As water is l st and that ea h ntra ti n the le t ventri le pumps nly
r m the b dy, bl d v lume de reases, and thus bl d pres- 50 mL instead 70 mL bl d int the a rta. I the heart
sure de reases t a l wer level. still ntra ts just 70 times a minute, it will bvi usly pump
T e v lume bl d in the arteries is determined by h w mu h less bl d int the a rta nly 3500 mL/min instead
mu h bl d the heart pumps int the arteries and h w mu h the m re n rmal 4900 mL/min. T is de rease in the hearts
bl d the arteri les drain ut them. T e diameter the CO de reases the v lume bl d in the arteries, and the
arteri les plays an imp rtant r le in determining h w mu h de reased arterial bl d v lume de reases arterial bl d
bl d drains ut arteries int arteri les. pressure.
Figure 15-14 summarizes s me the maj r a t rs that a - In summary, the strength the heartbeat a e ts bl d 15
e t arterial bl d v lume, whi h inf uen es arterial bl d pressure in this way: a str nger heartbeat in reases bl d pres-
pressure, whi h is in turn the main a t r driving ntinued sure, and a weaker beat de reases it.
bl d f w in the b dy.
He a r t Ra t e
S t r e n g t h o He a r t C o n t r a c t io n s T e heart rate (H R) als may a e t arterial bl d pressure.
In the previ us hapter, we dis ussed that the strength and the Y u might reas n that when the heart beats aster, m re bl d
rate the heartbeat a e t cardiac output (CO) and there re enters the a rta, and there re the arterial bl d v lume and
bl d pressure. bl d pressure w uld in rease.
Ea h time the le t ventri le ntra ts, it squeezes a ertain T is is true nly i the str ke v lume d es n t de rease
v lume bl d (the stroke volume [SV]) int the a rta and sharply when the heart rate in reases. O ten, h wever, when
n int ther arteries. T e str nger that ea h ntra ti n is, the heart beats aster, ea h ntra ti n the le t ventri le
416 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

S troke volume He a rt ra te Blood vis cos ity Dia me te r of a rte riole s

Ca rdia c output pe r minute Pe riphe ra l re s is ta nce

Volume of blood e nte ring Volume of blood le aving a rte rie s

a rte rie s pe r minute pe r minute, the a rte riole runoff

Arte ria l blood volume

Arte rial blo o d pre s s ure

FIGURE 15-14 Factors a ecting blood pressure. Arterial blood pressure is directly proportional to arte-
rial blood volume. Cardiac output (CO) and peripheral resistance (PR) are directly proportional to arterial blood
volume, but or opposite reasons: CO a ects blood entering the arteries, and PR a ects blood leaving the arter-
ies. I CO increases, the amount o blood entering the arteries increases and tends to increase the volume o
blood in the arteries. I PR increases, it decreases the amount o blood leaving the arteries, which tends to in-
crease the amount o blood le t in them. Thus an increase in either CO or PR results in an increase in arterial
blood volume, which increases arterial blood pressure.

takes pla e s rapidly that it has little time t ll with bl d In a nditi n alled polycythemia, dis ussed brief y in
and there re squeezes ut mu h less bl d than usual int Chapter 13 (see Figure 13-3 n p. 353), the number red
the a rta. bl d ells (RBCs) in reases bey nd n rmal and thus in-
F r example, supp se that the heart rate speeded up r m reases bl d vis sity. T is in turn in reases bl d pressure.
70 t 100 times per minute and that at the same time its An elevated RBC unt als an ur when xygen levels in
str ke v lume de reased r m 70 mL t 40 mL. Instead the air de rease and the b dy attempts t in rease its ability
a CO 70 70, r 4900 mL/min, the ardia utput t attra t xygen t the bl das happens when w rking at
w uld have hanged t 100 40 r 4000 mL/min. Arterial high altitude.
bl d v lume de reases under these nditi ns, and there-
re bl d pressure als de reases, even th ugh the heart Re s is t a n c e t o Blo o d Flo w
rate has in reased. A a t r that has a huge impa t n l al bl d pressure gradi-
W hat generalizati n, then, an we make? We an say nly ents, and thus n bl d f w, is any a t r that hanges the re-
that an in rease in the rate the heartbeat in reases bl d sistan e t bl d f w. T e term peripheral resistance (PR)
pressure, and a de rease in the rate de reases bl d pressure. des ribes any r e that a ts against the f w bl d in a bl d
But whether a hange in the heart rate a tually pr du es a vessel. Vis sity bl d, r example, a e ts PR by inf uen ing
similar hange in bl d pressure depends n whether the the ease with whi h bl d f ws thr ugh bl d vessels.
str ke v lume als hanges and in whi h dire ti n. An ther a t r that a e ts PR is the tensi n in sm th
mus les the bl d vessel wall (Figure 15-15). W hen these
Blo o d Vis c o s it y mus les are relaxed, resistan e is l w and there re bl d pres-
An ther a t r that needs t be menti ned in nne ti n with sure is l wthus bl d may f w easily d wn its pressure
bl d pressure is the viscosity bl d, r in plainer language, gradient and int the vessel. W hen vessel wall mus les are
its thi kness. T e thi ker the bl d, the m re resistan e t ntra ted, h wever, resistan e in reases and there re s d es
15 f w there isand the m re bl d pressure will build up. the bl d pressurethus the pressure gradient is redu ed and
I bl d be mes less vis us than n rmal, bl d pressure bl d will n t f w s easily int the vessel.
de reases. N ti e als in Figure 15-15 that relatively min r hanges in
F r example, i a pers n su ers a hem rrhage, f uid m ves vessel diameter ause dramati hanges in bl d f w. T is
int the bl d r m the interstitial f uid. T is dilutes the bl d a t means that with very slight adjustments mus le tensi n
and de reases its vis sity, and bl d pressure then alls be- in bl d vessels, a wide range di erent rates bl d f w
ause the de reased vis sity. A ter hem rrhage, trans u- an be a hieved.
si n wh le bl d r plasma is pre erred t in usi n saline Su h adjustment mus le tensi n in vessel walls t n-
s luti n. T e reas n is that saline s luti n is n t a vis us tr l bl d pressure, and there re bl d f w, is ten alled
liquid and s ann t keep bl d pressure at a n rmal level. the vasomotor mechanism.
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 417

De c re as e d re s is tanc e FIGURE 15-15 Vasomotor mechanism. Changes in smooth muscle tension in the wall o
an arteriole inf uence the resistance o the vessel to blood f ow. Relaxation o muscle results in
decreased resistance; contraction o muscle results in increased resistance.

Inc re as e d re s is tanc e

S mooth
mus cle
Dia me te r = 2 ce ll Dia me te r = 1
Flow = 256 mL/min Flow =
16 mL/min

Dia me te r = 1/2
Flow = 1 mL/min

S mo o th mus cle re laxatio n No rmal re s ting to ne S mo o th mus cle c o ntrac tio n

n rmal, but the in reased bl d pressure serves a g d pur-

Flu c t u a t io n s in A r t e r ia l
p se. It in reases ir ulati n t bring m re bl d t mus les
Blo o d P r e s s u r e
ea h minute and thus supplies them with m re xygen and
N nes bl d pressure stays the same all the time. It f u tu- nutrients r m re energy.
ates, even in a per e tly healthy individual. F r example, it A n rmal, resting arterial bl d pressure is bel w 120/80,
g es up when a pers n exer ises strenu usly. N t nly is this r 120 mm H g syst li pressure (maximum pressure) and


Not only doe s the ove rall rate o blood ow incre as e during change s ? One re as on is that glucos e and oxyge n leve ls drop
exe rcis e , but als o the re lative blood ow through the di e re nt rapidly in m us cle s as they us e up the s e s ubs tance s to produce
organs o the body change s . During exe rcis e , blood is route d e ne rgy or exe rcis ing. Incre as e d blood ow re s tore s norm al
away rom the kidneys and dige s tive organs and toward the leve ls o glucos e and oxyge n m ore rapidly. Blood that has be e n
s ke le tal m us cle s , cardiac m us cle , and s kin. Re routing o blood warm e d up in active m us cle s ow s to the s kin or cooling. This
is accom plis he d by contracting pre capillary s phincte rs in s om e he lps ke e p the body te m pe rature rom ge tting too high. Can
tis s ue s (thus re ducing blood ow ) w hile re laxing pre capillary you think o othe r ways this change in blood ow he lps m ain-
s phincte rs in othe r tis s ue s (thus incre as ing blood ow ). How tain hom e os tas is ?
can hom e os tas is be be tte r m aintaine d as a re s ult o the s e

12 At re s t
11 During exe rcis e
Bra in Ca rdia c S ke le ta l S kin Abdomina l Kidneys Othe r
mus cle mus cle orga ns
418 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

80 mm H g diast li pressure (minimum pressure). Remem- At least ve me hanisms help t keep ven us bl d m v-
ber, h wever, that what is n rmal varies s mewhat am ng ing ba k thr ugh the ardi vas ular system and ba k t the
individuals and als varies with age. right atrium. T ey in lude the ll wing:
1. C ntinued beating the heart, whi h pumps bl d
C e n t r a l Ve n o u s Blo o d P r e s s u r e thr ugh the entire ardi vas ular system
2. Adequate bl d pressure in the arteries, t push
T e ven us bl d pressure, as y u an see in Figure 15-13, is
bl d t and thr ugh the veins
very l w in the large veins and alls alm st t 0 by the time
3. Ven us valves that ensure ntinued bl d f w in
bl d leaves the venae avae and enters the right atrium. T e
ne dire ti nt ward the heart
ven us bl d pressure within the right atrium is alled the
4. C ntra ti n skeletal mus les, whi h squeeze veins,
central venous pressure. T e entral ven us pressure repre-
pr du ing a kind pumping a ti n
sents the l w end the pressure gradient needed t drive
5. Changing pressures in the hest avity during
bl d f w all the way ba k t the heart.
breathing that pr du e a kind pumping a ti n in
T e entral ven us pressure level is imp rtant be ause it
the veins in the th rax
inf uen es the pressure that exists in the large peripheral veins.
I the heart beats str ngly, the entral ven us pressure is l w
as bl d enters and leaves the heart hambers e iently. QUICK CHECK
I the heart is weakened, h wever, entral ven us pressure 1. Ho w d o e s th e b lo o d p re s s u re g ra d ie n t e xp la in w h a t
in reases, and the f w bl d int the right atrium is m a ke s b lo o d o w ?
sl wed. As a result, a pers n su ering heart ailure, wh is 2. Na m e o u r a cto rs th a t in u e n ce b lo o d p re s s u re .
3. Do e s a p e rs o ns b lo o d p re s s u re s ta y th e s a m e a ll th e
sitting at rest in a hair, ten has distended external jugular
tim e ? Exp la in w hy th is is s o .
veins as bl d ba ks up in the ven us netw rk.


A device calle d a s phyg m o m ano m e te r is o te n us e d to m e a- nom e te rs have be e n re place d in m any clinical s e ttings by
s ure blood pre s s ure s in both clinical and hom e he alth-care nonm e rcury device s that s im ilarly m e as ure the m axim um and
s ituations . The traditional s phygm om anom e te r is an inve rte d m inim um arte rial blood pre s s ure s in m m Hg units . In hom e
tube o m e rcury (Hg) w ith a balloonlike air cu attache d via an he alth-care s e ttings , patie nts can o te n le arn to m onitor the ir
air hos e . ow n blood pre s s ure .
The air cu is place d around a lim b, us ually the s ub-
je cts arm as s how n in the f gure . A s te thos cope s e ns or
is place d ove r a m ajor arte ry (the brachial arte ry in the
f gure ) to lis te n or the arte rial puls e . A hand-ope rate d
S o und
pum p f lls the air cu , incre as ing the air pre s s ure and firs t
pus hing the colum n o m e rcury highe r. he ard
While lis te ning through the s te thos cope , the ope ra-
tor ope ns the air cu s outle t valve and s low ly re duce s S o und
s o und
the air pre s s ure around the lim b. Loud, tapping Korot- las t
he ard
ko s ounds s udde nly be gin w he n the cu pre s s ure
m e as ure d by the m e rcury colum n e quals the s ys tolic
pre s s ure o te n be low 120 m m . As the air pre s s ure 120 mm Hg
s urrounding the arm continue s to de cre as e pas t the P re s s ure
m inim um arte rial pre s s ure , the Korotko s ounds dis ap- cuff
15 pe ar. The pre s s ure m e as ure m e nt at w hich the s ounds
dis appe ar is e qual to the dias tolic pre s s ure o te n 70 to Korotkoff
80 m m . s ounds
The s ubje cts blood pre s s ure is the n expre s s e d as
s ys to lic blo o d pre s s ure (the m axim um arte rial pre s -
s ure during e ach cardiac cycle ) ove r the dias to lic blo o d 80 mm Hg
pre s s ure (the m inim um arte rial pre s s ure ), s uch as
120/80 (re ad one -twe nty ove r e ighty ).
The f nal re ading can the n be com pare d to the ex- s o und
pe cte d value (Figure 15-17 on p. 420), patie nts age , and Elbow
various othe r individual actors . Me rcury s phygm om a-
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 419

P u ls e
W hat y u eel when y u take a pulse is an artery expanding
and then re iling alternately. T e m ving wave expansi n/ S upe rficia l
re il results r m the hanging arterial bl d pressures that te mpora l a rte ry
ur during the ardia y le. W hen the le t ventri le eje ts
bl d during ntra ti n, expansi n the arterial wall re-
sults. W hen the a rti semilunar valve l ses, and eje ti n Fa cia l a rte ry
eases r a m ment, the elasti arterial wall re ils.
eel a pulse, y u must pla e y ur ngertips ver an ar- Ca rotid a rte ry
tery that lies near the sur a e the b dy and ver a b ne r
ther rm base. T e pulse is a valuable lini al sign. It an
pr vide in rmati n, r example, ab ut the rate, strength, and
rhythmi ity the heartbeat. It als an pr vide in rmati n
ab ut bl d pressure.
Pulse is easily determined with little r n danger r dis-
m rt. T e maj r pulse p ints are named a ter the arteries
ver whi h they are elt. L ate ea h pulse p int n Figure 15-16
and n y ur wn b dy.
T ree pulse p ints are l ated n ea h side the head and
ne k: Bra chia l a rte ry

edge the stern leid mast id mus le

a p int bel w the rner the m uth

Ra dia l a rte ry
A pulse is als dete ted at three p ints in the upper limb:

inner r medial margin the bi eps bra hii mus le

T e s - alled radial pulse is the m st requently m nit red Fe mora l a rte ry

and easily a essible in the b dy.
T e pulse als an be elt at ur l ati ns in the l wer
Poplite a l
(pos te rior
to kne e )

lus (inner bump the ankle)

just bel w the bend the ankle j int

Hy p e r t e n s io n
D e f n it io n
Pos te rior tibia l
M re visits t a physi ians e are related t hypertension I
(H N), r high bl d pressure, than any ther a t r. M re Dors a lis pe dis
than 60 milli n ases H N have been diagn sed in the
United States. T is nditi n urs when the r e bl d
exerted by the arterial bl d vessel ex eeds a bl d pressure
140/90 mm H g.
FIGURE 15-16 Pulse points. Each pulse point is named a ter the artery
Ninety per ent H N ases are lassi ed as primary es- with which it is associated. External pressure applied to a pulse point can
sential, r idi pathi , with n single kn wn ausative eti l gy. be used by rst responders to slow bleeding rom an injury distal to the
An ther lassi ati n, se ndary H N, is aused by kidney pulse point or pressure point.
420 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

Blo o d Pre s s ure (BP) Clas s ific atio n s heme emphasize the belie that there is n pre ise distin ti n
between n rmal and abn rmal valuesthus even th se in the
Clas s ific atio n S ys to lic BP Dias to lic BP high-n rmal range r the prehypertensi n range may be treated
as having H N.
No rmal le s s tha n a nd le s s tha n
120 80
Ris k Fa c t o r s
Pre hype rte ns io n 120-139 or 80-89
Many risk a t rs have been identi ed in the devel pment
H N. Geneti a t rs play a large r le. T ere is an in reased
Hig h blo o d pre s s ure
sus eptibility r predisp siti n with a amily hist ry H N.
Men experien e higher rates H N at an earlier age than
S tag e 1 140-159 or 90-99 w men, and H N in A ri an-Ameri ans ar ex eeds that
hype rte ns io n Cau asians in the United States.
gre a te r tha n or gre a te r tha n or T ere is als a dire t relati nship between age and high
S tag e 2 e qua l to or e qua l to
hype rte ns io n 160 100 bl d pressure. T is is be ause as age advan es, the bl d ves-
sels be me less mpliant and there is a higher in iden e
ather s ler ti plaque buildup. T e h rm ne und in ral
FIGURE 15-17 Classif cation o hypertension. A ter age 50, the sys-
tolic pressure becomes more signi cant than diastolic pressure in assessing
ntra eptives an als ause H N. Risk a t rs in lude high
high blood pressure and associated risk o cardiovascular and renal disease. stress levels, besity, al ium de ien ies, high levels al -
h l and a eine intake, sm king, and la k exer ise.
Untreated H N has many p tential mpli ati ns in lud-
disease r h rm nal pr blems r indu ed by ral ntra ep- ing is hemi heart disease and heart ailure, kidney ailure,
tives, pregnan y, r ther auses. and str ke. As many as 400,000 pe ple per year experien e a
An ther way lassi ying hypertensi n is illustrated in the str ke. Be ause H N mani ests minimal r n vert signs, it
a mpanying hart (Figure 15-17). T is system uses syst li and is kn wn as the silent killer. H eada hes, dizziness, and aint-
diast li bl d pressure values t lassi y hypertensi n int ing have been rep rted but are n t always sympt mati
stages a rding t severity. T e guidelines that a mpany this H N. Regular s reenings at the w rksite and s reening

The Englis h phys ician William Harvey was the f rs t to prove that
blood circulate s . Until Harveys tim e , s cie ntis ts be lieve d that
the blood o the arte rie s was s e parate rom the blood o the
ve ins e ach having di e re nt unctions in the body. Howeve r,
Harveys obs e rvations o the body, including his dis cove ry that
ve ins pos s e s s one -way valve s , le d him to dis cove r that blood
m ove s in a com ple te circle .
Although he did not dire ctly obse rve the capillarie s (even
though m icroscope s became available in his day), Harvey prove d
that they must exis t by me ans o a se rie s o cleve r expe rime nts.
William Harvey Harvey not only com ple te ly changed the way we think o the
(15781657) body, he also prove d his point w ith logical experim e nts .
William Harveys work provide s the conce ptual bas is or a
15 varie ty o m ode rn ide as and m e thods . For exam ple , toxico lo g is ts (s cie ntis ts w ho s tudy
the e e cts o pois ons ) know that the rapid s pre ad o pois ons in the body is explaine d by
Harveys m ode l o circulation.
Phle bo to m is ts , te chnicians w ho draw blood or m e dical te s ts , know w hich ve s s e ls w ill
work be s t or draw ing blood (picture d). Nurs e s and IV te chnicians that s pe cialize in intra-
ve nous the rapy m us t know how the blood circulate s in orde r to e e ctive ly add the rape utic
uids to the ir patie nts bloods tre am .
Radiologis ts and radiological te chnologis ts m us t know w hich way blood ow s in di e re nt ve s s e ls s o that contras t dye s can be
adde d to the bloods tre am to he lp vis ualize s tructure s o the body in an x-ray f lm .
Many di e re nt he alth pro e s s ionals re ly on the ir am iliarity w ith the bodys blood ow circuit w he n they m e as ure blood pre s s ure ,
inje ct intrave nous drugs , pe r orm s urge rie s , take puls e s , atte m pt to s top ble e ding a te r traum a to the body, and in m any othe r m e di-
cal proce dure s .
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 421

N e u ro g e n ic S h o c k
b ths in malls and in h spitals ten help identi y asymp-
t mati H N. Neurogenic shock results r m widespread dilati n bl d
vessels aused by an imbalan e in aut n mi stimulati n
sm th mus les in vessel walls. T e term neurogenic literally
C ir c u la t o ry S h o c k means pr du ed by nerves.
T e term circulatory shock re ers t the ailure the ir u- Y u may re all r m Chapter 10 that aut n mi e e t rs
lat ry system t adequately deliver xygen t the tissues, su h as sm th mus le tissues are ntr lled by a balan e
resulting in the impairment ell un ti n thr ugh ut the stimulati n r m the sympatheti and parasympatheti divi-
b dy. si ns the aut n mi nerv us system. N rmally, sympa-
T e b dy has a number me hanisms that mpensate theti stimulati n maintains the mus le t ne that keeps bl d
r the hanges that ur during sh k. H wever, these vessels at their usual diameter. I sympatheti stimulati n is
me hanisms may ail t mpensate r hanges that ur in disrupted by an injury t the spinal rd r medulla, depres-
severe ases. I le t untreated, ir ulat ry sh k may lead t sive drugs, em ti nal stress, r s me ther a t r, bl d vessels
death. dilate signi antly. W idespread vas dilati n redu es bl d
Cir ulat ry ailure has a variety auses, all whi h in pressure, thus redu ing bl d f w.
s me way redu e the f w bl d thr ugh the bl d vessels
the b dy. Be ause the variety auses, ir ulat ry sh k
A n a p h y la c t ic S h o c k
is ten lassi ed as des ribed in the ll wing se ti ns.
Anaphylactic shock results r m an a ute allergi rea ti n
alled anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis auses the same kind bl d
C a r d io g e n ic S h o c k vessel dilati n hara teristi neur geni sh k.
Cardiogenic shock results r m any type heart ailure, su h
as that a ter severe my ardial in ar ti n (heart atta k), heart
S e p t ic S h o c k
in e ti ns, and ther heart nditi ns. T e term cardiogenic
literally means pr du ed by the heart. Septic shock results r m mpli ati ns septicemia, a
Be ause the heart an n l nger pump bl d e e tively nditi n in whi h in e ti us agents release t xins int the
during heart ailure, bl d f w t the tissues the b dy de- bl d. T e t xins inv lved in septi emia ten dilate bl d
reases r st ps. vessels, thereby ausing sh k.
T e situati n is usually made w rse by the damaging e -
e ts the t xins n tissues mbined with the in reased ell
Hy p o vo le m ic S h o c k a tivity aused by the a mpanying ever.
Hypovolemic shock results r m the l ss bl d v lume in One type septi sh k is toxic shock syndrome ( SS),
the bl d vessels. T e term hypovolemia means nditi n whi h usually results r m staphyl al in e ti ns that be-
l w bl d v lume. gin in the vagina menstruating w men and spread t the
Redu ed bl d v lume results in l w bl d pressure and bl d (see Appendix A at
redu ed f w bl d t tissues. H em rrhage is a mm n
ause bl d v lume l ss leading t hyp v lemi sh k. QUICK CHECK
H yp v lemia als an be aused by l ss interstitial f uid, 1. Wh e re a re th e p la ce s o n yo u r b o d y th a t yo u ca n like ly e e l
ausing bl d plasma t drain ut the vessels and int the yo u r p u ls e ?
tissue spa es. L ss interstitial f uid is mm n in hr ni 2. As o n e g e ts o ld e r, w hy is th e in cid e n ce o hyp e rte n s io n
g re a te r?
diarrhea r v miting, dehydrati n, intestinal bl kage, severe
3. De s crib e o u r d i e re n t ca u s e s o circu la to ry a ilu re .
r extensive burns, and s me ther nditi ns.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 403) 15

oramen ovale hepatic portal circulation peripheral resistance (PR)
( oh-RAY-men oh-VAL-ee) (heh-PAT-ik POR-tall ser-kyoo-LAY-shun) (peh-RIF-er-al rih-ZIS-tens [pee ar])
[ oramen opening, ovale egg shaped] [hepa- liver, -ic relating to, port- doorway, [peri- around, -pher- boundary, -al relating to,
heart rate (HR) -al relating to, circulat- go around, re- against, -sist- take a stand, -ance state]
(hart rayt [aych ar]) -tion process] placenta
hemodynamics per use (plah-SEN-tah)
(hee-moh-dye-NAM-iks) (per-FYOOZ) [placenta at cake]
[hemo- blood, -dynam- moving orce, [per- through, - us- pour]
Continued on p. 422
-ic relating to]
422 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 421)

precapillary sphincter systolic blood pressure umbilical cord

(pree-CAP-pih-layr-ee SFINGK-ter) (sis-TOL-ik blud PRESH-ur) (um-BIL-ih-kul)
[pre- be ore, -capill- hair o head, -ary relating [sy(n)- together, -stol- position, -ic relating to] [umbilic- navel, -al relating to]
to, sphincter tight band] tunica externa umbilical vein
pulmonary circulation (TOO-nih-kah ex-TER-nah) (um-BIL-ih-kul)
(PUL-moh-nayr-ee ser-kyoo-LAY-shun) [tunica tunic or coat, extern- outside] [umbilic- navel, -al relating to, vein blood
[pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, circulat- go tunica intima vessel]
around, -tion process] (TOO-nih-kah IN-tih-mah) vasomotor mechanism
pulse [tunica tunic or coat, intima innermost] (vay-soh-MOH-tor MEK-ah-niz-em)
(puls) tunica media [vas- vessel, -motor move]
stroke volume (SV) (TOO-nih-kah MEE-dee-ah) vein
(strowk VOL-yoom [es vee]) [tunica tunic or coat, media middle] (vayn)
[stroke a striking] umbilical artery [vein blood vessel]
systemic circulation (um-BIL-ih-kul AR-ter-ee) venule
(sis-TEM-ik ser-kyoo-LAY-shun) [umbilic- navel, -al relating to, arteri- vessel, (VEN-yool)
[system- organized whole (body system), -y thing] [ven- vessel (vein), -ule little]
-ic relating to, circulat- go around,
-tion process]


anaphylactic shock diuretic neurogenic shock

(an-ah-f h-LAK-tik shok) (dye-yoo-RET-ik) (noo-roh-J EN-ik shok)
[ana- without, -phylact- protection, -ic relating [dia- through, -ure- urine, -ic relating to] [neuro- nerve, -gen- produce, -ic relating to,
to, shock jolt] gangrene shock jolt]
aneurysm (GANG-green) phlebitis
(AN-yoo-riz-em) [gangren- gnawing sore] ( eh-BYE-tis)
[aneurysm widening] hemorrhoid [phleb- vein, -itis in ammation]
angioplasty (HEM-eh-royd) phlebotomist
(AN-jee-oh-plas-tee) [hema- blood, -rrh- ow, -oid o or like] ( eh-BOT-uh-mist)
[angio- vessel, -plasty surgical repair] hypertension (HTN) [phlebo- vein, -tom- cut, -ist agent]
arteriosclerosis (hye-per-TEN-shun [aych tee en]) plaque
(ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) [hyper- excessive, -tens- stretch or pull tight, (plak)
[arteri- vessel (artery), -sclero- harden, -sion state] [plaque patch]
-osis condition] hypovolemic shock polycythemia
cardiogenic shock (hye-poh-voh-LEE-mik shok) (pahl-ee-sye-THEE-mee-ah)
(kar-dee-oh-J EN-ik shok) [hypo- under or below, -volem- volume, [poly- many, -cyt- cell, -emia blood condition]
[cardi- heart, -gen- produce, -ic relating to, -ic relating to, shock jolt] pulmonary embolism
shock jolt] IV (intravenous) technician (PUL-moh-nayr-ee EM-boh-liz-em)
15 cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (aye-vee [in-trah-VEE-nus] tek-NISH-en) [pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, embol- plug,
(SAYR-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar) [intra- within, -ven- vein, -ous relating to, -ism condition]
[cerebr- brain, -vas- vessel, -cul- little, techn- art or skill, -ic relating to, Raynaud phenomenon
-ar relating to] -ian practitioner] (ray-NO f h-NOM-eh-nohn)
circulatory shock ischemia [Maurice Raynaud French physician,
(SER-kyoo-lah-tor-ee shok) (is-KEE-mee-ah) phenomenon appearance]
[circulat- go around, -ory relating to, shock jolt] [ische- hold back, -emia blood condition] septic shock
cyanosis necrosis (SEP-tik shok)
(sye-ah-NOH-sis) (neh-KROH-sis) [septi- putrid, -ic relating to, shock jolt]
[cyan- blue, -osis condition] [necr- death, -osis condition]
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 423

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 422)

septicemia thrombophlebitis varicose vein

(sep-tih-SEE-mee-ah) (throm-boh- eh-BYE-tis) (VAYR-ih-kohs vayn)
[septic- putrid, -(h)em- blood, -ia condition] [thrombo- clot, -phleb- vein, -itis in ammation] [varic- swollen vein, -ose characterized by,
stent toxicologist vein blood vessel]
(stent) (tok-sih-KOL-uh-jist) vasodilator
[Charles Stent English dentist] [toxic- poison, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent] (vay-so-DYE-lay-tor)
sphygmomanometer varice [vaso- vessel or duct, -dilat- widen, -or agent]
(sf g-moh-mah-NOM-eh-ter) (VAYR-ih-seez)
[sphygmo- pulse, -mano- thin, -meter measure] sing., varix
[varic- swollen vein]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary . uni a externaheavy layer br us nne tive
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r tissue in many veins
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . C. Fun ti ns
1. Arteries and arteri lesdistribute nutrients, gases,
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to et ., arried in the bl d by way high pressure;
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e assist in maintaining the arterial bl d pressure and
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s thus maintain bl d f w
or be ore a te s t. 2. Capillariesserve as ex hange vessels r nutrients,
wastes, gases, h rm nes, and f uids (a entral ardi -
vas ular un ti n)
Blo o d Ve s s e ls a. Osm sis and ltrati n are maj r r es that drive
A. ypes apillary ex hange (Figure 15-4)
1. Arteries and arteri les arry bl d away r m the b. O utwardly dire ted r es are greater at arterial
heart and t ward apillaries end apillary, m ving f uid r m bl d t tissue
2. Capillaries arry bl d r m the arteri les t the . Inwardly dire ted r es are greater at ven us end
venules apillary, m ving f uid r m tissue t bl d
3. Veins and venules arry bl d t ward the heart and d. Ex ess tissue f uid n t returned t bl d is l-
away r m apillaries le ted by lymphati system (see Chapter 16)
B. Stru ture (Figure 15-1) 3. Veins and venules lle t bl d r return t the
1. Arteries heart; l w-pressure f w bl d ( mpared t arter-
a. uni a intimainner layer end thelial ells ies); serve as bl d reserv irs
b. uni a mediasm th mus le, thi k in arteries;
s me elasti tissue; imp rtant in bl d pressure
regulati n
Dis o rde rs o Blo o d Ve s s e ls 15
. uni a externa uter layer br us nne tive A. Dis rders arteriesarteries must withstand high pres-
elasti tissue, may have s me elasti tissue sure and remain ree bl kage
2. Capillariesmi r s pi vessels (Figure 15-2) 1. Arteri s ler sishardening arteries aused by al-
a. O nly ne layer thi kthe tuni a intima i ati n atty dep sits n arterial walls (Figure 15-5)
b. Pre apillary sphin ters in arteri les determine h w a. T i kening and al i ati n arterial walls redu e
mu h bl d will f w int ea h bed apillaries f w bl d, p ssibly ausing is hemia
3. Veins (Figure 15-1) b. Is hemia may pr gress t ne r sis (tissue death)
a. uni a intimainner layer; ven us valves prevent and then gangrene
retr grade m vement bl d (Figure 15-3)
b. uni a mediasm th mus le; thin in veins
424 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

. H igh bl d levels trigly erides and h lester l, d. Failure etal ir ulati n t shi t t usual p st-
sm king, hypertensi n, advan ed age, and geneti birth ir ulati n may result in yan sis aused by
predisp siti n are ass iated a t rs la k xygen
d. May be rre ted by vas dilat rs (vessel-relaxing
drugs) r angi plasty (me hani al widening
vessels, see Figure 15-6) r surgi al repla ement
He m o dynam ics
2. Aneurysmabn rmal widening arterial wall A. De ning bl d pressurepush, r r e, bl d in the
a. Pr m tes rmati n thr mbi that may bstru t bl d vessels
bl d f w t vital tissues 1. H ighest in arteries, l west in veins (Figure 15-13)
b. Arterial walls may burst, resulting in li e-threatening 2. Bl d pressure gradient auses bl d t ir ulate
hem rrhaging liquids an f w nly r m areas high pressure t
. Cerebr vas ular a ident (CVA), r str ke areas l w pressure
is hemia brain tissue aused by emb lism r 3. Abn rmally l w bl d pressure results in redu ed
hem rrhage bl d f w t tissues
B. Dis rders veinsl w-pressure vessels 4. H ypertensi n (H N)high bl d pressure
1. Vari se veins (vari es)enlarged veins in whi h a. Can ause vessels t rupture
bl d p ls (Figure 15-7) b. Can in rease w rkl ad heart, ausing abn rmally
a. H em rrh idsvari se veins in the re tum thi kening my ardium
b. reatments in lude supp rting a e ted veins r B. Fa t rs that inf uen e bl d pressure (Figure 15-14)
surgi al rem val veins 1. Bl d v lume
2. Phlebitisvein inf ammati n; thr mb phlebitis is a. T e larger the v lume, the m re pressure is exerted
a mpanied by l t (thr mbus) rmati n; may result n vessel walls
in atal pulm nary emb lism b. Diureti sdrugs that pr m te water l ss and thus
l ss t tal bl d v lume
2. Strength heart ntra ti nsa e ts str ke v lume
Ro ute s o Circulatio n (SV), whi h in turn a e ts ardia utput (CO);
A. Systemi and pulm nary ir ulati n (Figure 15-8) str nger heartbeat in reases pressure; weaker beat
1. Bl d ir ulati nre ers t the f w bl d thr ugh de reases it
all the vessels, whi h are arranged in a mplete 3. H eart rate (H R)in reased rate in reases pressure;
ir uit r ir ular pattern; spe i pathway t / r m an de reased rate de reases pressure
rgan alled a route o circulation 4. Bl d vis sity (thi kness)
2. Systemi ir ulati n a. Less-than-n rmal vis sity de reases pressure,
a. Carries bl d thr ugh ut the b dy m re-than-n rmal vis sity in reases pressure
b. Path g es r m le t ventri le thr ugh a rta, smaller b. P ly ythemiaabn rmally high hemat rit, whi h
arteries, arteri les, apillaries, venules, venae avae, in reases bl d vis sity and thus in reases bl d
t right atrium pressure
3. Pulm nary ir ulati n 5. Resistan e t bl d f w (peripheral resistan e
a. Carries bl d t and r m the lungs [PR])a e ted by many a t rs, in luding the
b. Arteries deliver de xygenated bl d t the lungs vas m t r me hanism (vessel mus le ntra ti n/
r gas ex hange relaxati n) (Figure 15-15)
. Path g es r m right ventri le thr ugh pulm nary C. Flu tuati ns in arterial bl d pressure
arteries, lungs, pulm nary veins, t le t atrium 1. Bl d pressure varies within n rmal range
4. Names main arteriessee Figure 15-9 and Table 15-1 2. N rmal systemi arterial bl d pressure is bel w
5. Names main veinssee Figure 15-10 and Table 15-2 120/80 at rest
B. Spe ial ir ulat ry r utes D. Central ven us pressure
1. H epati p rtal ir ulati n (Figure 15-11) 1. Ven us bl d pressure within right atrium, the l w
15 a. Unique bl d r ute thr ugh the liver end the pressure gradient that drives bl d f w
b. Vein (hepati p rtal vein) exists between tw apil- 2. Ven us return bl d t the heart depends n at
lary beds least ve me hanisms:
. Assists with h me stasis bl d glu se levels a. A str ngly beating heart
2. Fetal ir ulati n (Figure 15-12) b. An adequate arterial bl d pressure
a. Re ers t ir ulati n be re birth . Valves in the veins
b. M di ati ns required r etus t e iently d. Pumping a ti n skeletal mus les as they ntra t
se ure xygen and nutrients r m the maternal e. Changing pressures in the hest avity aused by
bl d breathing
. Unique stru tures in lude the pla enta, umbili al
arteries and vein, du tus ven sus, du tus arteri sus,
and ramen vale
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 425

Puls e Circulato ry S ho ck
A. De niti nalternate expansi n and re il the bl d A. Cir ulat ry sh k ailure the ir ulat ry system t
vessel wall deliver xygen t the tissues adequately, resulting in ell
B. Maj r pulse p ints named a ter arteries ver whi h they impairment
are elt (Figure 15-16) B. W hen the ause is kn wn, sh k an be lassi ed as
ll ws:
1. Cardi geni sh k aused by heart ailure
Hype rte ns io n (HTN ) 2. H yp v lemi sh k aused by a dr p in bl d
A. O urs when bl d pressure ex eeds 140/90 mm H g v lume that auses bl d pressure (and bl d f w) t
(Figure 15-17) dr p
B. Ninety per ent H N ases are primary essential (idi - 3. Neur geni sh k aused by nerve nditi n that
pathi ); se ndary H N an be aused by kidney disease relaxes (dilates) bl d vessels and thus redu es bl d
r ther auses f w
C. Many risk a t rs r H N, in luding geneti s, age, 4. Anaphyla ti sh k aused by a severe allergi rea -
stress, besity, and m re ti n hara terized by bl d vessel dilati n
D. Untreated H N may ntribute t heart disease, kidney 5. Septi sh kresults r m mpli ati ns septi e-
ailure, and str ke mia (t xins in bl d resulting r m in e ti n)

STUDY TIPS 3. Fetal ir ulati n will make sense t y u i y u nsider
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in the envir nment in whi h the etus is living. T e bl d
m e e ting your le arning goals . sent t the etus is already xygenated and ull digested
nutrients, s it d es n t have t g t the lungs r liver.
The arte rie s and ve ins are com pos e d o thre e di e re nt tis s ue Figure 15-12 pr vides a visual that will help y u remember
laye rs . The re is a di e re nce in thickne s s in the s e laye rs be - the ir ulati n r ute.
caus e arte rie s carry blood unde r highe r pre s s ure . Arte rie s and 4. A liquid always m ves r m a higher pressure t a l wer
ve ins carry blood in oppos ite dire ctions : arte rie s away rom pressure, s pressure w uld be highest leaving the heart
the he art and ve ins toward the he art. Capillarie s are the m os t and l west in the vena ava. Make a hart with the dis r-
im portant blood ve s s e ls in the s ys te m . The exchange o s ub- ders the vessels. It helps t rganize them by whether
s tance s (e .g., O 2 , CO 2 , glucos e ) be twe e n the blood and the they are arterial dis rders r ven us dis rders.
tis s ue s , the unction o the cardiovas cular s ys te m , occurs in 5. Review the des ripti ns ir ulat ry sh k und in the
the capillarie s . Be caus e o this , the walls o the capillarie s hapter.
m us t be ve ry thin. 6. In y ur study gr up, review the stru ture the bl d
vessels and try t relate it t its un ti n. Dis uss hepati
1. I y u are asked t learn the names and l ati ns spe- p rtal ir ulati n and etal ir ulati n in terms their
i bl d vessels, make f ash ards, use nline res ur es, advantages r e ien ies. G ver the a t rs inf uen ing
and use the gures in this hapter as learning t ls. bl d pressure and the l ati n pla es where a pulse
2. T e hepati p rtal system makes m re sense i y u see it an be taken.
as a h me stati me hanism. T e liver helps keep the 7. Re er t the Language S ien e and Language Medi-
bl d leaving the digestive system r m having t high a ine terms and review the questi ns and the utline
n entrati n vari us nutrients, su h as glu se. It als summary at the end the hapter and dis uss p ssible
has a pr te tive un ti n: det xi ying the bl d. test questi ns. 15
426 CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood

Re vie w Que s tio ns 16. Explain the di eren es between n rmal p stnatal ir u-
lati n and etal ir ulati n. Based n the envir nment
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r the etus, explain h w these di eren es make etal ir u-
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r lati n m re e ient.
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r 17. Explain the relati nship between the entral ven us
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch pressure and the pressure gradient.
o your new le arning.

1. List and des ribe the main types bl d vessels in the Chapte r Te s t
b dy. A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
2. Name the three tissue layers that make up arteries and re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
veins. w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
3. W hat is arteri s ler sis?
4. De ne is hemia and gangrene. 1. T e ________ are bl d vessels that arry bl d ba k t
5. Des ribe the ways in whi h arteri s ler sis an be the heart.
treated. 2. T e ________ are mi r s pi bl d vessels where sub-
6. De ne phlebitis. stan es are ex hanged between the bl d and the tissues.
7. Des ribe b th systemi and pulm nary ir ulati n. 3. T e innerm st tissue layer in an artery is alled the
8. Explain what w uld ur i the ramen vale ailed t ________.
l se at the time birth. 4. A (an) ________ is a se ti n an artery that has
9. Name and brief y explain the ur a t rs that inf uen e be me abn rmally widened be ause a weakening
bl d pressure. the arterial wall.
10. Identi y where y u uld nd a sinus in the bl d 5. Systemi ir ulati n inv lves m ving bl d thr ugh ut
vessels. the b dy; ________ ir ulati n inv lves m ving bl d
11. List ve me hanisms that keep ven us bl d m ving t the lungs and ba k.
t ward the right atrium. 6. Medi ati ns that trigger sm th mus les the arterial
12. W hat is ir ulat ry sh k? List the ve types ir ula- walls t relax and widen are alled ________.
t ry sh k. 7. T e tw stru tures in the etus that all w m st the
bl d t bypass the lungs are the ________ and the
Critical Thinking
8. T e strength the heart ntra ti n and bl d v lume
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out are tw a t rs that inf uen e bl d pressure. w ther
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to a t rs are ________ and ________.
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to 9. w pp sing r es inf uen e apillary ex hange. T ey
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts are ________ and ________.
that you f nd di f cult. 10. Vari se veins the re tum are ________.
11. T e term ________ re ers t a systemi ir ulat ry r ute
13. Explain h w the rmati n vari se veins is an that is a d rway t a se nd set systemi tissues.
example a p sitive eedba k me hanism. 12. O ther than the systemi and pulm nary ir ulati n,
14. Explain hepati p rtal ir ulati n. H w is it di erent name an example a ir ulati n that n rms the
r m n rmal ir ulati n, and what advantages are gained statement stru ture ts un ti n.
r m this type ir ulati n?
15. W hen nutrients r m a meal are being abs rbed, the
bl d in the p rtal vein ntains a higher than n rmal
n entrati n glu se. W hy d es the bl d, a ter it
leaves the liver, usually have a s mewhat n rmal bl d
15 glu se n entrati n?
CHAPTER 15 Circulation o Blood 427

Match each disorder in Column A with its corresponding description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
13. ________ arteri s ler sis a. ell death aused by is hemia
14. ________ ne r sis b. dilated, bl d-eng rged veins, usually und in the legs
15. ________ aneurysm . ir ulat ry sh k aused by heart ailure
16. ________ vari se veins d. ir ulat ry sh k that is a mpli ati n septi emia
17. ________ hem dynami s e. ir ulat ry sh k aused by an a ute allergi rea ti n
18. ________ ardi geni sh k . als alled hardening the arteries
19. ________ hyp v lemi sh k g. ir ulat ry sh k aused by aut n mi stimulati n the sm th mus les in the
20. ________ septi sh k bl d vessels
21. ________ anaphyla ti sh k h. ir ulat ry sh k due t l ss bl d v lume
22. ________ neur geni sh k i. set pr esses that inf uen e the f w bl d
23. ________ arterial pressure j. a se ti n an artery that has widened due t a weakening the arterial wall
k. maj r r e in keeping bl d f wing

Cas e S tudie s might Le s physi ian re mmend t rre t this

To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to pr blem? Explain h w ea h will impr ve Le s nditi n.
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- 3. I ball n angi plasty is used t rre t mitral valve ste-
book, and othe r re s ource s . n sis (see Chapter 14), what r ute must the atheter
travel i it enters at the em ral artery?
1. Kevin has just learned that he has hyper h lester lemia 4. Jane is pregnant. H er last app intment with her bstetri-
(high bl d h lester l). O n the advi e his physi ian, ian was stress ul. T e d t r n ted that her babys devel-
he is starting a regular exer ise pr gram. H w might this pment was bel w average and it did n t seem very a tive
a e t Kevins h lester l pr blem? (H IN : See Appen- in the w mb. H e advised Jane that they were g ing t
dix A at W hat vas ular dis rder have t in rease the nutrients and xygen in the umbili al
might Kevin devel p i he is n t able t rre t his vein t ensure that her baby was re eiving an adequate
hyper h lester lemia? supply. Jane is n used. She th ught that arteries n t
2. Le is a middle-aged man wh has re ently been experi- veins arried nutrients and xygen. C uld her d t r have
en ing pain in his legs, espe ially when he walks r even been mistaken?
m derate distan es. H is physi ian tells him that he has
ather s ler sis in a maj r artery in the a e ted leg. W hy Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
d es this ause pain when Le walks? W hat treatments at

Lymphatic System and Immunity
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Lymphatic System, 429 Immune System Cells, 440

Organization o the Lymphatic Phagocytes, 440
System, 429 Lymphocytes, 441
Lymph, 430 Hypersensitivity o the Immune System,
Lymphatic Vessels, 431 444
Lymphedema, 432 Allergy, 445
Lymphoid Organs, 432 Autoimmunity, 445
Immune System, 436 Alloimmunity, 446
Function o the Immune System, 436 Immune System Def ciency, 447
Innate Immunity, 436 Congenital Immune Def ciency, 447
Adaptive Immunity, 437 Acquired Immune Def ciency, 448
Immune System Molecules, 438
Cytokines, 438
Antibodies, 439
Complement Proteins, 440

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 4. Do the ollowing related to immune
should be able to: system cells:
1. Describe general unctions o the lym-
phatic system and list the main lym- cells o the immune systems, as well
phatic structures. as types o each.
2. Compare innate and adaptive, inherited -
and acquired, and active and passive ment and unctions o B and T cells.
immunity. 5. Describe the mechanisms o allergy,
3. Discuss the major types o immune autoimmunity, and alloimmunity.
system molecules and indicate how 6. List the major types o immune def cien-
antibodies and complement proteins cies and explain their causes.
A ll us live in a h stile and danger us envir nment. Ea h day LANGUAGE OF
we are a ed with p tentially harm ul t xins, disease- ausing ba - S C IEN C E
teria, viruses, and even ells r m ur wn b dies that have been
trans rmed int an er us invaders. F rtunately, we are
Be o re re ading the
pr te ted r m this staggering variety bi l gi al enemies
chapte r, s ay e ach o
by a remarkable set de ense me hanisms. We re er t this the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
pr te tive sa ety net as the immune system. he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the m as yo u re ad.
T is system in ludes a set xed stru tural mp nents,
the lymphati rgans, al ng with a m bile gr up de en-
adaptive immunity
sive ells and m le ules that pr te t us r m in e ti n and (ah-DAP-tiv ih-MYOO-nih-tee)
disease. T is hapter begins with an verview the lym- [adapt- f t to, -ive relating to,
phati system, dis ussing a netw rk vessels that helps immun- ree, -ity state]
maintain f uid balan e and lymph id tissues that help de- a erent lymphatic vessel
end the internal envir nment. (AF- er-ent lim-FAT-ik VES-el)
[a[d]- toward, - er- carry, -ent relating
We then dis uss the basi prin iples immunity and the to, lymph- water, -atic relating to]
ways that highly spe ialized ells and m le ules pr vide us agglutinate
with e e tive and very spe i resistan e t disease. (ah-GLOO-tin-ayt)
[agglutin- glue, -ate process]
Ly m p h a t ic S y s t e m
[anti- against]
O r g a n iz a t io n o t h e Ly m p h a t ic S y s t e m antibody-mediated immunity
Maintaining the nstan y the f uid ar und ea h b dy ell is p s-
sible nly i numer us h me stati me hanisms un ti n t gether ih-MYOO-nih-tee)
e e tively in a ntr lled and integrated resp nse t hanging ndi- [anti- against, -medi- middle,
-ate process, immun- ree,
ti ns. We kn w r m Chapter 13 that the ardi vas ular system plays
-ity state]
a key r le in bringing needed substan es t ells and then rem ving the
waste pr du ts that a umulate as a result metab lism. T is ex-
hange substan es between bl d and tissue f uid urs in
[anti- against, -gen produce]
apillary beds. Many additi nal substan es that ann t enter
antigen-presenting cell (APC)
r return thr ugh the apillary walls, in luding ex ess
f uid and pr tein m le ules, are returned t the [ay pee see])
bl d as lymph. [anti- against, -gen produce,
present- place be ore, -ing action,
cell storeroom]
B cell
(bee sel)
[B bursa-equivalent tissue,
cell storeroom]
B lymphocyte
(bee LIM- oh-syte)
[B bursa-equivalent tissue,
lympho- water (lymphatic system),
-cyte cell]

Continued on p. 449

430 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

Lymph is the ex ess f uid le t behind by apillary ex hange as the thymus and spleen (Figure 16-1). Su h lymphati stru tures
that drains r m tissue spa es and is transp rted by way help t lter the b dys f uids, rem ving harm ul parti les be re
16 lymphatic vessels t eventually reenter the bl dstream. T us they an ause signi ant damage t ther parts the b dy.
the lymphati system is an imp rtant partner the cardiovas-
cular systemb th vital mp nents the circulatory system. To learn more about the lymphatic system, go to
In additi n t lymph and the lymphati vessels, the lym- AnimationDirect online at
phati system in ludes lymph n des and lymph id rgans su h
Ly m p h
Lymph rms in this way: bl d plasma lters ut the ap-
Tons ils illaries int the mi r s pi spa es between tissue ells be-
Ce rvica l
S ubma ndibula r
ause the hydr stati pressure generated by the pumping
lymph node s
node s

lympha tic
duct Axilla ry Le ft inte rna l
Right inte rna l jugula r ve in
lymph jugula r ve in
node s Tho rac ic
duc t
Pa ra s te rna l s ubclavia n
lymph node s ve in

Thora cic Rig ht

duct lymphatic duc t Le ft
s ubclavia n
S ple e n Right ve in
bra chioce pha lic ve in
Le ft bra chioce pha lic
Cis te rna ve in
S upe rior ve na cava
chyli B

Inguina l
Re d bone lymph node s
ma rrow

Poplite a l
lymph node s

ve s s e ls


Dra ine d by thora cic duct
A C Dra ine d by right lympha tic duct

FIGURE 16-1 Lymphatic system. A, Principal organs o the lymphatic system. B, Inset showing the major
lymphatic ducts draining lymphatic f uid into veins, just be ore systemic blood is returned to the heart. C, Lymph
drainage. The right lymphatic duct drains lymph rom the upper right quarter o the body into the right subcla-
vian vein at its junction with the internal jugular vein. The thoracic duct drains lymph rom the rest o the body
into the le t subclavian vein at its junction with the internal jugular vein.
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 431

a ti n the heart (see Figure 15-4 n p. 406). T ere, the liquid rm bl d apillaries, h wever, t tightly t gether s that
is alled interstitial uid (IF), r tissue f uid. Mu h the large m le ules ann t easily enter r exit r m the vessel. T e
interstitial f uid g es ba k int the bl d by the same r ute it t between end thelial ells rming the lymphati apillar- 16
ame ut (that is, thr ugh the apillary membrane). T e re- ies is n t as tight. As a result, they are m re p r us and all w
mainder the interstitial f uid enters the lymphati system larger m le ules, in luding pr teins and ther substan es, as
be re it returns t the bl d. well as the f uid itsel , t enter the vessel and eventually return
T e f uid, alled lymph at this p int, enters a netw rk t the general ir ulati n.
tiny blind-ended tubes distributed in the tissue spa es. T ese T e m vement lymph in the lymphati vessels is ne
tiny vessels, alled lymphatic capillaries, permit ex ess tissue way. Unlike bl d, lymph d es n t f w ver and ver again
f uid al ng with s me ther substan es su h as diss lved pr - thr ugh vessels that rm a ir ular r ute. T e lymphati ves-
tein m le ules t leave the tissue spa es. Figure 16-2 sh ws h w sels ten have a beaded appearan e resulting r m the pres-
lymph rms as part the pr ess that maintains f uid h - en e valves that assist in maintaining a ne-way f w
me stasis in the tissues the b dy. lymph. T ese valves, similar t th se in veins, s metimes ause
lymph t ba k up behind them and ause swellings that l k
like beads.
Ly m p h a t ic Ve s s e ls Lymph f wing thr ugh the lymphati apillaries next
Lymphati and bl d apillaries are similar in many ways. m ves int su essively larger and larger vessels s metimes
B th types vessels are mi r s pi and b th are rmed alled lymphatic venules and lymphatic veins. T ese lymphati
r m sheets nsisting a thin layer simple squam us epi- vessels eventually empty int ne tw terminal vessels
thelium alled endothelium. T e f attened end thelial ells that alled the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct, whi h

P ulmona ry ca pilla ry ne twork

Tis s ue ce ll
Lympha tic ca pilla rie s
Anchoring fibe rs
Lympha tic fluid

Inte rs titia l fluid (IF)

Lymph node
Lymph flo w

Lympha tic ca pilla ry Blood ca pilla ry

Lympha tic ve s s e ls

Blo o d flow


Effe re nt Lympha tic ca pilla rie s

lympha tic
ve s s e l
S ys te mic ca pilla ry
ne twork
Inte rs titia l fluid (IF)
Va lve

S inus
(lymphoid tis s ue )
FIGURE 16-2 Role o lymphatic system in uid homeostasis.
Affe re nt lympha tic ve s s e l Fluid ltered rom blood plasma that is not reabsorbed by blood vessels
Lymph flow drains into lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic drainage prevents accumula-
tion o too much tissue f uid. Lymph nodes and other lymphoid struc-
tures lter the lymphatic f uid be ore it is returned to the bloodstream.
432 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

return their lymph int the bl d in large veins the ne k FIGURE 16-4 Lymphangitis.
regi n. This condition is characterized by
16 Lymph r m ab ut three- urths the b dy eventually inf amed lymphatic vessels that
appear as red streaks (highlighted
drains int the th ra i du t, whi h is the largest lymphati by arrows) radiating rom the
vessel in the b dy. Lymph r m the right upper extremity and source o in ection.
r m the right side the head, ne k, and upper t rs f ws
int the right lymphati du t (see Figure 16-1).
N te in Figure 16-1 that the th ra i du t in the abd men
has an enlarged p u hlike stru ture alled the cisterna chyli
that serves as a temp rary h lding area r lymph m ving
t ward its p int entry int the veins.
Lymphati apillaries in the wall the small intestine are
given the spe ial name lacteals. T ey transp rt ats b-
tained r m digested d t the bl dstream and are dis-
ussed urther in Chapter 18.

Lym p h e d e m a
Lymphedema is an abn rmal nditi n in whi h tissues ex- P
hibit swelling (edema) be ause the a umulati n lymph. P A
Lymph may a umulate in tissue when the lymphati vessels
are partially bl ked (Figure 16-3). T is may result r m a n- D

genital abn rmality r a spe i injury r bl kage lym-

phati drainage.
Lymphedema als may result r m lymphangitis, that is,
Ly m p h o id O r g a n s
lymphati vessel inf ammati n. Lymphangitis is hara terized
by thin, red streaks extending r m an in e ted regi n. T e Lymph n des, the thymus, t nsils, and spleen are nsidered
in e ti us agent that auses lymphangitis may eventually lymphoid organs be ause they ntain lymphoid tissue. Lym-
spread t the bl dstream, ausing septi emia (bl d p is n- ph id tissue is a mass devel ping lymph ytes and related
ing) and p ssibly death r m septi sh k (Figure 16-4). ells supp rted in a ne mesh reti ular bersmaking it a
Rarely, lymphedema may be aused by small parasiti type reti ular tissue (review Figure 4-11 n p. 79).
w rms that in est the lymphati vessels. W hen su h in esta- Lymph id rgans are imp rtant stru tural mp nents
ti n bl ks the f w lymph, edema the tissues drained by the immune system be ause they pr vide immune de ense
the a e ted vessels urs. In severe ases, as y u an see in and devel pment immune ells.
Figure 16-5, the tissues swell s mu h that the limbs l k as i
they bel ng t an elephant! F r this reas n, the nditi n is
ten alled elephantiasisliterally nditi n being like P
an elephant.


FIGURE 16-3 Lymphedema. Notice the signi cant swelling in the sub- FIGURE 16-5 Elephantiasis. Lymphedema caused by prolonged in es-
jects right leg and oot. tation by Filaria worms produces elephant-like limbs.
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 433

Bi l gi al ltrati n ba teria and ther abn rmal ells by

To see an image o lymphoid tissue that includes
phag yt sis helps prevent l al in e ti ns r m spreading.
the reticular f bers and developing lymphocytes in
a lymph node, review Sites o Hematopoiesis at
Figure 16-2 sh ws that lymph enters the n de thr ugh ne 16
r m re af erent lymphatic vessels. T e term af erent is r m
Connect It! at
the Latin term r arry t ward. T ese vessels deliver lymph
t the n de.
Ly m p h N o d e s On e lymph enters the n de, it per lates sl wly thr ugh
Location spa es alled sinuses that surr und nodules und in the uter
As lymph travels r m its rigin in the tissue spa es t ward ( rtex) and inner (medullary) areas the n de (see
the th ra i r right lymphati du ts and then int the ven us Figure 16-2). At the re ea h n dule is a germinal center
bl d, it is ltered by way tri kling thr ugh lymph nodes, where new immune ells are pr du ed.
whi h are l ated in lusters al ng the pathway lymphati Lymph exits r m the n de thr ugh ne r m re ef erent
vessels. S me these n des may be as small as a pinhead, and lymphatic vessels. Ef erent is r m the Latin term r arry
thers may be as large as a lima bean. away r m.
W ith the ex epti n a relatively ew single n des, m st In passing thr ugh the n de, lymph is ltered s that ba -
the larger lymph n des ur in gr ups r lusters in er- teria, an er ells, virus-in e ted ells, and damaged tissue
tain areas. Figure 16-1 sh ws the l ati ns the lusters ells are rem ved and prevented r m entering the bl d and
greatest lini al imp rtan e. ir ulating all ver the b dy (see Figure 16-6). Lymph n des
Figure 16-2 sh ws the stru ture a typi al lymph n de. a mplish this by a tw -step pr ess. First, debris is trapped
T is stru tural pattern a h ll w apsule with n dules by the web reti ular bers that suspend the lymph n dules.
lymph id tissue suspended by reti ular bers is repeated in all Next, immune ells destr y and break apart the debris by
the lymph id rgans. phag yt sis and ther bi l gi al pr esses.
Clusters lymph n des all w a very e e tive bi l gi al
To learn more about lymphatic vessels and ltrati n lymph f wing r m spe i b dy areas. Figure 16-7
lymph nodes, go to AnimationDirect online at sh ws an x-ray image alled a lymphangiogram. A spe ial dye was inje ted int the s t tissues that drain the part the
lymphati netw rk that appears in the image. Y u an see that
the dyed lymph appears in the vessels and n des the ingui-
Biological Filtration nal and pelvi regi ns.
In Figure 16-6 a small n de l ated next t an in e ted Kn wledge lymph n de l ati n and un ti n is im-
hair lli le is sh wn ltering ba teria p rtant in lini al medi ine. F r example, a s h l nurse
r m lymph. Lymph n des per rm m nit ring the pr gress a hild with an in e ted nger will
bi l gi al ltrati n, a pr ess in wat h the elb w and axillary regi ns r swelling and tender-
whi h ells (phag yti ells in ness the lymph n desa nditi n alled lymphadenitis.
this ase) alter the ntents
the ltered f uid.

Pe lvic
De a d a nd dying node s
ce lls (pus )

Ba cte ria
Affe re nt lymph
ve s s e l Inguina l
Lymph node node s Lymph
ve s s e ls
Effe re nt lymph
ve s s e l


FIGURE 16-6 Lymph node unction. Section o skin in which an in ec- FIGURE 16-7 Lymphangiogram. A special dye that is opaque to x-rays
tion surrounds a hair ollicle. The yellow areas around the hair represent dead is injected into the tissue f uids that drain into the inguinal and pelvic lym-
and dying cells (pus). The black dots around the yellow areas represent bac- phatic pathways. Thus the outlines o the lymphatic vessels and lymph
teria. Bacteria entering the node via the a erent lymphatics are ltered out. nodes can be visualized.
434 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

FIGURE 16-8 Lymphatic drainage o breast. Note the extensive network o

lymph nodes that receive lymph rom the breast. It is not necessary to learn all these
16 structuresthey are shown to emphasize the many pathways by which f uids, in ec-
tions, and cancer cells can travel to other parts o the body. S upra clavicula r node s

Mida xilla ry node s S ubclavicula r node s

Inte rpe ctora l (Rotte r) node s

Pe ctora lis ma jor mus cle

La te ra l a xillary (bra chia l) node s

Pa ra s te rna l node s

Pe ctora lis minor mus cle

S ubs ca pula r node s

Ante rior a xilla ry (pe ctora l) node s
Axilla ry ta il

Pa ra ma mma ry node s Cros s -ma mma ry pa thways

S to oppos ite bre a s t

Pa thways to s ubdia phra gma tic
I node s a nd live r

T ese n des lter lymph returning r m the hand and may

For more about metastasis by way o the lym-
be me in e ted by the ba teria they trap. As menti ned in
phatic system, see the article Metastasis at
the b x Lymphedema A ter Breast Surgery, a surge n uses
Connect It! at
kn wledge lymph n de un ti n when rem ving lymph
n des under the arms (axillary n des) and in ther nearby
areas during an perati n r breast an er (Figure 16-8). T ese QUICK CHECK
n des may ntain an er ells ltered ut the lymph
1. Ho w d o e s th e lym p h a tic s ys te m re tu rn u id to th e b lo o d ?
drained r m the breast. 2. Wh a t is th e ro le o lym p h n o d e s in th e b o d y?
Can er the breast is ne the m st mm n types 3. De s crib e th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a n a e re n t lym p h a tic
an er in w men. Un rtunately, an er ells r m a single ve s s e l a n d a n e e re n t lym p h a tic ve s s e l.
tum r us gr wth in the breast ten spread t ther areas
the b dy thr ugh the lymphati system during the pr ess
metastasis (see Figure 6-11 n p. 130). Th y m u s
As y u an see in Figure 16-1, the
thymus is a small lymph id rgan
l ated in the mediastinum, ex-
C LIN ICA L APPLICATION tending upward t ward the midline
LYMPHEDEMA AFTER BREAST S URGERY the ne k. It is mp sed lym-
ph ytes in a meshlike ramew rk
Surgical proce dure s calle d m as te cto m ie s , in w hich s om e or all o the bre as t tis s ue s are reti ular bers. T e thymus, als
re m ove d, are s om e tim e s done to tre at bre as t cance r. Be caus e cance r ce lls can s pre ad
alled the thymus gland, is largest
s o e as ily through the exte ns ive ne twork o lym phatic ve s s e ls as s ociate d w ith the bre as t
(s e e Figure 16-8), the lym phatic ve s s e ls and the ir node s are s om e tim e s als o re m ove d.
at puberty and even then weighs
Occas ionally, s uch proce dure s inte r e re w ith the norm al ow o lym ph rom the arm . nly ab ut 35 r 40 ga little m re
Whe n this happe ns , tis s ue uid m ay accum ulate in the arm re s ulting in lym phe de m a. than an un e.
In hom e he alth-care s ituations , the a e cte d arm m ay be exe rcis e d and m as s age d to Alth ugh small in size, the
re duce s we lling and e ncourage the grow th o new lym phatic ve s s e ls . Som e wom e n thymus plays a entral and riti al
we ar an e las tic s le eve that has a s im ilar e e ct. r le in the b dys vital immunity
me hanism. First, it is a s ur e
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 435

lymph ytes be re birth and is then espe ially imp rtant S p le e n

in the maturati n r devel pment a type lymph yte T e spleen is the largest lymph id rgan in the b dy. As y u
that then leaves the thymus and ir ulates t the spleen, an see in Figure 16-1 and Figure 1-6 (p. 10), it is l ated high in 16
t nsils, lymph n des, and ther lymph id tissues. the upper le t quadrant the abd men lateral t the st ma h.
T ese lymphocytes, r cells, are riti al t the un - Alth ugh the spleen is pr te ted by the l wer ribs, it an be
ti ning the immune system and are dis ussed in m re de- injured by abd minal trauma.
tail later. A gr up h rm nes se reted by the thymus, alled T e spleen has a very large netw rk reserv ir veins and
thymosins, inf uen es the devel pment ells. may ntain m re than 500 mL (ab ut 1 pint) bl d.
T e thymus appears t mplete mu h its w rk early T e spleen serves as a reserv ir r bl d that an be re-
in hildh d, rea hing its maximum size at puberty. T e turned t the ardi vas ular system when needed. I the
thymus tissue is then gradually repla ed by at and nne - spleen is damaged and bleeding, a surgi al rem val alled a
tive tissue, a pr ess alled involution. By age 60, the lym- splenectomy may be required t st p the l ss bl d and
ph id tissue is ab ut hal its maximum size and is virtually ensure survival.
g ne by age 80 r s . A ter entering the spleen, bl d f ws thr ugh white, pulp-
like a umulati ns lymph id tissue. As bl d f ws thr ugh
To n s ils this white pulp, the spleen rem ves ba teria and ther debris
Masses lymph id tissue alled tonsils are l ated in a pr - by me hani al and bi l gi al ltrati n. T e spleen als de-
te tive ring under the mu us membranes in the m uth and str ys w rn ut red bl d ells (RBCs), whi h ten all apart
thr at (Figure 16-9). T ey help pr te t us against ba teria that when passing thr ugh the spleens meshw rk, and salvages the
may invade tissues in the area ar und the penings between ir n und in hem gl bin r uture use.
the nasal and ral avities. T e white pulp the spleen als serves as a reserv ir r
T e palatine tonsils are l ated n ea h side the thr at. m n ytes, whi h an qui kly leave the spleen t help repair
T e pharyngeal tonsils, kn wn as adenoids when they be- damaged tissue anywhere in the b dy during an emergen y.
me sw llen, lie near the p steri r pening the nasal av- Splenomegaly, r abn rmal spleen enlargement, is b-
ity. A third type t nsil, the lingual tonsils, is und near served in a variety dis rders. F r example, in e ti us ndi-
the base the t ngue. ti ns su h as s arlet ever, syphilis, and typh id ever are
T e t nsils serve as the rst line de ense r m the exte- hara terized by splen megaly. Spleen enlargement s me-
ri r and as su h are subje t t hr ni in e ti n, r tonsillitis. times a mpanies hypertensi n. Splen megaly als a m-
T ey may have t be rem ved surgi ally i antibi ti therapy panies s me rms hem lyti anemia in whi h red bl d
is n t su ess ul at treating the hr ni in e ti n r i swelling ells appear t be br ken apart at an abn rmally ast rate.
impairs breathing r swall wing. Surgi al rem val the spleen ten ures su h ases.
Alth ugh the spleen pr vides use ul un ti ns in main-
The protective lymphoid ring ormed by the tonsils taining the healthy stability the b dy, we an survive with-
is one o many mechanisms that help protect the ut it i surgi al rem val is required t preserve ur verall
delicate tissues o the bodys airways. To preview health.
these strategies, check out the article Protective
Strategies o the Respiratory Tract at Connect It! Ly m p h o m a
at As y u may re all r m Chapter 6, lymphoma is a term that
re ers t lymphati tum rs. Lymph mas are m st ten
malignant but in rare ases an be benign. T e tw prin ipal
ateg ries lymph ma are H odgkin disease and non-
H odgkin lymphoma.
All types lymph ma hara teristi ally ause painless
enlargements the lymph n des in the ne k and ther re-
Pa la te (cut away)
gi ns. T is rst sign is ll wed by anemia, weight l ss, weak-
ness, ever, and spread t ther lymph id tissues. In later
P ha rynge a l tons il
stages, the lymph ma spreads t many ther areas the b dy.
Pa la tine tons il

Lingua l tons il (be hind

root of tongue )


I FIGURE 16-9 Location o tonsils. Small segments o the roo and f oor o the mouth have
been removed to show the protective ring o tonsils (lymphoid tissue) around the internal open-
ing o the nose and throat.
436 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

W hen dis vered early, lymph ma an be su ess ully t resp nd but have additi nal, mplex strategies t help
treated with intensive radiati n and hem therapy. Lym- eliminate the threat.
16 ph ma urs m re ten in men than in w men. T ere are many types n nspe i immune de enses in
the b dy, as y u an see by s anning Table 16-2. T e skin and
QUICK CHECK mu us membranes, r example, are n nspe i me hani al
barriers that prevent r sl w entry int the b dy ba teria
1. Why is th e thym u s im p o rta n t o r im m u n ity?
2. Wh a t a re to n s ils ? Wh a t is th e ir u n ctio n ?
and many ther substan es su h as t xins and harm ul hemi-
3. Wh a t is th e ro le o th e s p le e n ? als. ears and mu us als ntribute t n nspe i immunity.
4. Id e n ti y th e tw o p rin cip a l ca te g o rie s o lym p h o m a . ears wash harm ul substan es r m the eyes, and mu us traps
reign material that may enter thr ugh the vari us tra ts
the b dy. Phag yt sis ba teria by W BCs is als a n nspe-
Im m u n e S y s t e m i rm immunity.
Fu n c t io n o t h e Im m u n e S y s t e m To better understand the concept o innate immu-
T e b dys de ense me hanisms pr te t us r m disease- nity, use the Active Concept Map Nonspecif c
ausing mi r rganisms that invade ur b dies, r m reign Immunity at
tissue ells that may have been transplanted int ur b dies,
and r m ur wn ells when they have turned malignant r
an er us. T e b dys verall de ense system is alled the im- In a m m a t o ry Re s p o n s e
mune system. T e immune system makes us immunethat is, T e in ammatory response is a set innate resp nses that
able t either resist these threats t ur health r ree urselves ten urs in the b dy. In the example sh wn in Figure 16-10,
r m them. ba teria ause tissue damage that, in turn, triggers the release
In the lymphati system, we have seen many rgans that hemi al mediat rs r m any a variety immune ells.
help pr vide de ense: lymph n des, t nsils, thymus, and Su h signal m le ules sent by ells are ten alled cytokines.
spleen. T e immune system is n t simply a small gr up S me the yt kines attra t W BCs t the area in the pr ess
rgans w rking t gether. Instead, it is an intera tive netw rk chemotaxis. gether, these a t rs pr du e the hara ter-
many rgans and billi ns reely m ving ells and trilli ns isti signs inf ammati n: heat, redness, pain, and swelling.
ree-f ating m le ules in many di erent areas the b dy. T ese signs inf ammati n are aused by in reased bl d
Be re m ving n, it is wise t remind urselves that leuko- f w (resulting in heat and redness) and vas ular permeability
cytes, r white blood cells (WBCs), d mu h the w rk the (resulting in tissue swelling and the pain that it auses) in the
immune system. ake a m ment t g ba k and review W BC a e ted regi n. Su h hanges help phag yti W BCs and
ell types in Figure 13-1 n p. 350. bene ial pr teins rea h the general area and enter the a -
e ted tissue.
Besides l al inf ammati n, systemi inf ammati n may
In n a t e Im m u n it y ur when the inf ammati n mediat rs yt kines and
O ve r v ie w ther hemi al signalstrigger resp nses that ur n a
Innate immunity is maintained by me hanisms that atta k b dy-wide basis. A systemi (b dy-wide) inf ammat ry re-
any irritant r abn rmal substan e that threatens the internal sp nse may be mani ested by a evera state abn rmally
envir nment. T is type immunity is alled innate be ause high b dy temperature. T e elevated temperature al w
we are b rn with these de enses,
whi h d n t require pri r exp sure
t a harm ul substan e r threaten- TABLE 16-1 Innate and Adaptive Immunity
ing rganism. Innate immunity is INNATE IMMUNITY ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY
als s metimes alled nonspeci c
Synonym s Nons pe cif c im m unity, native im m unity, Spe cif c im m unity, acquire d
immunity be ause it n ers gen-
ge ne tic im m unity im m unity
eral pr te ti n rather than pr te -
Spe cif city Not s pe cif cre cognize s varie ty o Spe cif cre cognize s only s pe cif c
ti n r m spe i kinds threat-
nons e l or abnorm al ce lls and particle s antige ns on ce rtain ce lls or
ening ells r hemi als. particle s
As y u an see in Table 16-1, the
Spe e d o Rapidim m e diate up to s eve ral hours Slowe rs eve ral hours to s eve ral
innate, n nspe i immune re-
re action days
sp nses are m re rapid than adap-
Me m ory None s am e re s pons e to re pe ate d expo- Ye s e nhance d re s pons e to re pe ate d
tive, spe i immune resp nsess
s ure s to s am e antige n expos ure s to s am e antige n
they are ten the rst resp nders
when threats ur in the b dy. Che m icals Com ple m e nt prote ins , inte r e rons , othe rs Antibodie s , various s ignaling
che m icals
Many the innate immune me ha-
nisms als trigger the spe i im- Ce lls Phagocyte s (ne utrophils , m acrophage s , Lym phocyte s (B ce lls and T ce lls )
de ndritic ce lls )
mune me hanisms, whi h are sl wer
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 437

t m derate ever may a ilitate s me immune rea ti ns in ludes pr te tive me hanisms that n er very spe i pr -
and may als inhibit the repr du ti n s me ba teria. te ti n against spe i types threatening mi r rganisms
H wever, s me immun l gists still debate the r le ever r ther t xi materials. Adaptive immunity in ludes a l ng- 16
in pr te ting the b dy. term pr te tive un ti n alled immune memory, whi h all ws
A lass enzymes in bl d plasma alled complement an the immune system t e e tively st p a se nd atta k by the
trigger a as ade hemi al rea ti ns that literally pun h h les same spe i path gen.
in abn rmal ells and regulate ther immune me hanisms. In adaptive immunity, when the b dy is rst atta ked by
C mplement an be triggered in damaged r in e ted tissues by parti ular ba teria r viruses, disease sympt ms may ur
b th innate, n nspe i me hanisms and by adaptive, spe i as the b dy ghts t destr y the threatening rganism.
immune me hanismsas we dis uss later in this hapter. H wever, i the b dy is exp sed a se nd
time t the same threatening rganism,
n seri us sympt ms ur be ause
Ad a p t ive Im m u n it y Feedback
O ve r v ie w loop
Adaptive immunity is able t adapt t newly en untered
enemies. It is als alled speci c immunity be ause it He a lthy tis s ue

TABLE 16-2 Mechanisms o Innate De ense

Ba cte ria e nte r tis s ue (for exa mple )
Me chanical and Phys ical im pe dim e nts to the e ntry o
che m ical barrie rs ore ign ce lls or s ubs tance s
Skin and m ucous Form s a continuous wall that s e parate s Tis s ue da ma ge occurs
m e m brane s the inte rnal e nvironm e nt rom the
exte rnal e nvironm e nt, preve nting the
e ntry o pathoge ns
Se cre tions Se cre tions s uch as s e bum , m ucus , acids , Infla mma tion me dia tors a re re le a s e d
and e nzym e s che m ically inhibit the
activity o pathoge ns
In am m ation The in am matory response isolate s the
pathogens and stim ulates the speedy
arrival o large numbers o imm une cells
Incre a s e d
Incre a s e d
Feve r Feve r m ay e nhance im m une re actions Che mota xis va s cula r
blood ow
and inhibit pathoge ns pe rme a bility
Phagocytos is Inge s tion and de s truction o pathoge ns by
phagocytic ce lls
Ne utrophils Granular le ukocyte s that are us ually the
Incre a s e d numbe rs of
f rs t phagocytic ce ll to arrive at the
le ukocyte s a nd me dia tors
s ce ne o an in am m atory re s pons e a t s ite of tis s ue da ma ge
Macrophage s Monocyte s that have e nlarge d to be com e
giant phagocytic ce lls capable o con-
s um ing m any pathoge ns ; o te n calle d
by m ore s pe cif c nam e s w he n ound in
s pe cif c tis s ue s o the body Ba cte ria a re conta ine d,
de s troye d, a nd pha gocytize d
Natural kille r (NK) Type o lym phocyte s that kills any ce ll
ce lls lacking a norm al s e l -antige n
Com ple m e nt Group o plas m a prote ins (inactive
e nzym e s ) that produce a cas cade o
che m ical re actions that ultim ate ly
No ba cte ria re ma in Ba cte ria re ma in
caus e s lys is (rupture ) o a ore ign ce ll;
the com ple m e nt cas cade can be trig-
ge re d by adaptive or innate im m une
m e chanis m s
Tis s ue re pa ir Additiona l me dia tors
Inte r e ron (IF) Prote in produce d by ce lls a te r they
a ctiva te d
be com e in e cte d by a virus ; inhibits the
s pre ad or urthe r deve lopm e nt o a viral
FIGURE 16-10 In ammatory response. In this example, bacterial in ec-
in e ction (s e e box on p. 446) tion triggers a set o responses that tend to inhibit or destroy the bacteria.
438 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

the rganism is destr yed qui klythe pers n is

said t be immune t that parti ular rganism. Su h
16 immunity is said t be spe i be ause pr te ti n
against ne type disease- ausing ba teria r virus EFFECTS OF EXERCIS E ON IMMUNITY
d es n t pr te t the b dy against thers. Exe rcis e phys iologis ts have ound that
As Table 16-1 sh ws, adaptive immune resp nses are m ode rate exe rcis e incre as e s the num be r
sl w mpared t innate immune resp nses. H wever, o w hite blood ce lls (WBCs ), s pe cif cally
adaptive immune resp nses have immune mem ry granular le ukocyte s and lym phocyte s . Not
the ability t pr du e a str nger, aster resp nse t only is the num be r o circulating im m une
repeated exp sure t the same antigen. Table 16-1 sum- ce lls highe r a te r exe rcis e , but the activity
marizes ther imp rtant eatures b th types im- o activate d T ce lls is als o incre as e d. On
munity, s me whi h are dis ussed later in this the othe r hand, re s e arch als o s how s that
s tre nuous exe rcis e m ay actually inhibit im -
m une unction. Neve rthe le s s , m ode rate
exe rcis e s uch as walking, w he n e ngage d
To better understand the concept o adap- in im m e diate ly a te r a traum a s uch as s ur-
tive immunity, use the Active Concept Map ge ry, is o te n e ncourage d be caus e o its
Specif c Immunity at im m unity-s tre ngthe ning e e cts .

Ty p e s o Ad a p t ive Im m u n it y
Spe i immunity may be lassi ed as either natural
r arti ial depending n h w the b dy is exp sed
t the harm ul agent (Table 16-3). Natural exp sure is
n t deliberate and urs in the urse everyday living. We Table 16-3 lists the vari us rms spe i immunity and
are naturally exp sed t many disease- ausing agents n a gives examples ea h.
regular basis. Arti ial exp sure is alled immunization and
is the deliberate exp sure the b dy t a p tentially harm ul QUICK CHECK
agent. 1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a d a p tive im m u n ity a n d
Natural and arti ial immunity may be a tive r passive. in n a te im m u n ity?
2. Ou tlin e th e ch a n g e s th a t o ccu r in th e b o d ys in a m m a to ry
re s p o n s e .
immune system resp nds t an agent that pr du es 3. De s crib e th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a ctive im m u n ity a n d
an immune resp nse, regardless whether that p a s s ive im m u n ity.
agent was naturally r arti ially en untered.

that has devel ped in an ther individual r animal is Im m u n e S y s t e m M o le c u le s

trans erred t an individual wh was n t previ usly
T e immune system un ti ns be ause adequate am unts
immune. F r example, antib dies in a m thers milk
de ensive pr tein m le ules and pr te tive ells. T e pr -
n er passive immunity t her nursing in ant.
tein m le ules riti al t immune system un ti ning in lude
cytokines, antibodies, and complement pr teins.
munity. Alth ugh passive immunity is temp rary, it
pr vides immediate pr te ti n.
Cy t o k in e s
As menti ned earlier in this hapter, yt -
TABLE 16-3 Types o Adaptive Immunity kines are hemi als released r m ells t a t
TYPE EXAMPLE as dire t agents innate, n nspe i immu-
Natural im m unity Expos ure to the caus ative age nt is not de libe rate nity. T ey an als trigger r regulate many
innate and adaptive immune resp nses. O ten
Active im m unity A child deve lops m e as le s and acquire s an im m unity to a s ub-
s e que nt in e ction
yt kines are riti al t the ell-t - ell m-
muni ati n that is needed t rdinate the
Pas s ive im m unity A e tus re ce ive s prote ction rom the m othe r through the pla-
mbined innate and adaptive a ti ns that are
ce nta, or an in ant re ce ive s prote ction via its m othe rs m ilk
unleashed during any immune resp nse.
Artif cial im m unity Expos ure to the caus ative age nt is de libe rate
Many the yt kines are pr teins alled
Active im m unity Inte ntional expos ure to the caus ative age nt, s uch as a vacci- interleukins (ILs). T is name is apt r a
nation agains t polio, activate s the im m une s ys te m and substan e used by W BCs t mmuni ate
thus con e rs im m unity
between ells, be ause inter- means be-
Pas s ive im m unity Inje ction o prote ctive m ate rial (antibodie s ) that was deve l- tween, -leuk- re ers t leuk ytes, and -in
ope d by anothe r individuals im m une s ys te m means substan e. ILs are ten inv lved in
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 439

signaling in b th innate and adaptive immune me hanisms. Fu n c t io n s

F r example, ILs are inv lved in pr du ing a ever and in In general, antib dies pr du e humoral immunity, r
a tivating the ells adaptive, spe i immunity. antibody-mediated immunity, by a e ting the antigens in a 16
way that prevents them r m harming the b dy (Figure 16-11).
d this, an antib dy must rst bind t its spe i antigen.
A n t ib o d ie s T is rms an antigen-antibody complex. T e antigen-
D e f n it io n antib dy mplex then a ts in ne r m re ways t make
Antibodies are pr tein mp unds that are n rmally present the antigen, r the ell n whi h it is present, harmless.
in the b dy. A de ning hara teristi an antib dy m le ule F r example, i the antigen is a t xin, a substan e p is n-
is the uniquely shaped n ave regi ns alled combining sites us t b dy ells, the t xin is neutralized r made n np is n-
n its sur a e. An ther de ning hara teristi is the ability us by be ming part an antigen-antib dy mplex. O r i
an antib dy m le ule t mbine with a spe i m le ule antigens are m le ules in the sur a e membranes threaten-
alled an antigen. ing ells, when antib dies mbine with them, the resulting
All antigens are m le ules that have small regi ns n their antigen-antib dy mplexes may agglutinate the enemy ells
sur a es that are uniquely shaped t t int the mbining (that is, make them sti k t gether in lumps). T en ma r -
sites a spe i antib dy m le ule as pre isely as a key ts phages r the ther phag ytes an rapidly destr y them by
int a spe i l k. Antigens are ten pr tein m le ules im- ingesting and digesting large numbers them at ne time.
bedded in the sur a e membranes threatening r diseased An ther imp rtant un ti n antib dies is pr m ti n
ells su h as mi r rganisms r an er ells. and enhan ement phag yt sis. Certain antib dy ra ti ns
help pr m te the atta hment phag yti ells t the bje t
they will engul . As a result, the nta t between the phag -
Antibodies are also called immunoglobulins (Igs)
yti ell and its target is enhan ed, and the bje t is m re
and are grouped into classes named or letters o
easily ingested. T is pr ess ntributes t the e ien y
the alphabet, such as IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM.
immune system phag yti ells, whi h is des ribed n p. 440.
For more discussion about immunoglobulin
Pr bably the m st imp rtant way in whi h antib dies a t
classes, see the article Immunoglobulins at
is a pr ess alled the complement cascade. O ten, when
Connect It! at
antigens that are m le ules n an antigeni r reign ells

Antige n
Ac tivate s
Inac tivate s c o mple me nt
antig e n c as c ade

Comple me nt
ca s ca de

Infla mma tion

Attra ction of WBCs
Ce ll de s truction

antig e ns
to g e the r
(clumping ) Immune
s ys te m ce lls

Initiate s
re le as e o f
Fac ilitate s inflammato ry
phag o c yto s is c he mic als

FIGURE 16-11 Antibody unction. Antibodies produce humoral immunity by binding to speci c antigens to Infla mma tion
orm antigen-antibody complexes. These complexes produce a variety o changes that inactivate or kill threat-
ening cells. WBCs, White blood cells.
440 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

P h a g o cyt e s
sur a e mbine with antib dy m le ules, they hange the
shape the antib dy m le ule slightly, just en ugh t exp se Phag yti W BCs are an imp rtant part the immune
16 tw previ usly hidden regi ns. T ese are alled complement- system. In Chapter 13, phag ytes were des ribed as b ne
binding sites. T eir exp sure initiates a series events that marr wderived ells that arry n phag yt sis, r ingesti n
eventually kill the ell. T e next se ti n des ribes these events. and digesti n, reign ells r parti les (Figure 16-13).
Antib dy m le ules that bind t and at ertain reign
Biologists can produce large quantities o pure parti les help ma r phages un ti n e e tively. T ey serve as
and very specif c antibodies called monoclonal f ags that alert the ma r phage t the presen e reign
antibodies. For details on how this medical material, in e ti us ba teria, r ellular debris. T ey als help
advance works, see the article Monoclonal Anti- bind the phag yte t the reign material s that it an be
bodies at Connect It! at engul ed m re e e tively.
w imp rtant phag ytes are neutr phils and m n ytes
To learn more about antibodies and antigens, go to (see Figure 13-10, p. 361). T ese bl d phag ytes migrate ut
AnimationDirect online at the bl d and int the tissues in resp nse t an in e ti n.
Neutr phils are the m st abundant immune ell in the
b dy. Be ause neutr phils are needed nly temp rarily as
C o m p le m e n t P ro t e in s phag ytes, they are sh rt-lived in the tissues. T e pus und
Complement is the name used t des ribe a gr up pr tein at s me in e ti n sites is m stly dead neutr phils.
enzymes n rmally present in an ina tive state in bl d. T ese On e in the tissues, m n ytes devel p int phag yti
pr teins may be a tivated by several triggers, in luding exp - ells alled macrophages. M st ma r phages then wander
sure mplement-binding sites n antib dies when they thr ugh ut the tissues t engul ba teria wherever they nd
atta h t antigens. T e result is rmati n highly spe ialized them.
pr tein m le ules that target reign ells r destru ti n. An ther type phag yti ell is alled the dendritic cell
Re all that this pr ess is a rapid- re as ade r sequen e (D C). T ese highly bran hed (dendrite bran h) ells are
events lle tively alled the complement cascade. T e end pr du ed in b ne marr w and are released int the bl d-
result this pr ess is that d ughnut-shaped pr tein rings stream (Figure 16-14). S me remain in the bl d but many
( mplete with a h le in the middle) are rmed and literally migrate t tissues in nta t with the external envir nment
b re h les in the reign ell! the skin, respirat ry lining, digestive lining, and s n. Resi-
At rst, the tiny h les all w s dium t rapidly di use int dent DCs in these barrier regi ns help pr te t us r m threat-
the ell. Next, water ll ws s dium thr ugh the pr ess ening parti les and ells.
sm sis. T e ell literally bursts as the internal sm ti pres- Antib dy m le ules that bind t and at ertain reign
sure in reases (Figure 16-12). parti les help ma r phages un ti n e e tively. T ey serve as
C mplement pr teins als serve ther r les in the immune f ags that alert the ma r phage t the presen e reign
system, su h as attra ting immune ells t a site in e ti n, material, in e ti us ba teria, r ellular debris. T ey als help
a tivating immune ells, marking reign ells r
destru ti n, and in reasing permeability bl d FIGURE 16-12 Complement cascade. A, Comple-
vessels. C mplement pr teins als play a vital Comple me nt ment molecules activated by antibodies orm doughnut-
r le in pr du ing the inf ammat ry resp nse. shaped complexes in a bacteriums plasma membrane.
B, Holes in the complement complex allow sodium (Na )
and then water (H2O) to di use into the bacterium. C, A ter
QUICK CHECK enough water has entered, the swollen bacterium bursts.
1. Wh a t a re a n tib o d ie s ? Ho w d o th e y w o rk?
2. Wh a t a re co m p le m e n t p ro te in s ? Ho w d o H 2O
th e y w o rk?
3. Co m p le m e n t p ro te in s s e rve w h a t ro le s in
th e im m u n e s ys te m . Na+
4. Wh a t a re cyto kin e s ? Na+
Ba cte ria l
A ce ll

Im m u n e S y s t e m C e lls
T e primary ells the immune system in lude
the ll wing:
B Na+
1. Phag ytes 2. Lymph ytes Na+
a. Neutr phils a. Natural killer
b. M n ytes (NK) ells
H 2O
. Ma r phages b. lymph ytes
d. Dendriti ells . B lymph ytes
(DCs) C
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 441

Ba cte ria
Ma cropha ge
Lys os ome

Nucle us
re pe a ts

5 Re le a s e
of e nd
products 2
(exocytos is ) Atta chme nt by
nons pe cific
re ce ptors

Cytos ke le ton exte nds

pla s ma me mbra ne

Re le a s e of
4 e nzyme from
lys os ome 3
P ha gocytos is
Dige s tive be gins
ve s icle (e ndocytos is )

FIGURE 16-13 Phagocytosis. Drawing shows sequence o steps in phagocytosis o bacteria. The plasma
membrane extends toward the bacterial cells, then envelops them. Once trapped, they are engul ed by the cell
and destroyed by lysosomal enzymes.

bind the phag yte t the reign material s that it an be

Ly m p h o c y t e s
engul ed m re e e tively (see Figure 16-13).
Ma r phages and D Cs per rm an ther imp rtant im- T e m st numer us ells the immune system a ter neutr -
mune un ti n besides destru ti n threatening ells and phils are the lymph ytes (Figure 16-15).
parti les. T ey als a t as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Lymph ytes are resp nsible r antib dy pr du ti n and
Ma r phages and D Cs ingest a ell r parti le, rem ve its ther immune me hanisms. Lymph ytes ir ulate in the
antigens, and display s me b dys f uids. H uge numbers
them n their ell sur a es. them wander vigilantly thr ugh-
T e displayed antigens an then ut m st its tissues. Several
be presented t ther immune milli n str ng, lymph ytes n-
ells t trigger additi nal, adap- tinually patr l the b dy, sear hing
tive immune resp nses. ut any enemy ells that may have
entered r threatening virus-
in e ted ells and an er ells.
Devel ping and reserve lym-
ph ytes densely p pulate the
b dys widely s attered lymph
n des and its ther lymph id
FIGURE 16-14 Dendritic cell (DC). tissues, espe ially the thymus
Scanning electron micrograph showing gland in the hest and the spleen
the detail o projections o the plasma
membrane. DCs are phagocytic antigen- and liver in the abd men.
presenting cells (APCs) that are ound in We dis uss three maj r types
many areas o the body. lymph ytes here. One is the
442 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

Lymphocyte Re d blood P la te le t ell, then the killing a ti n is turned . T us, nly abn r-
ce ll mal ells that la k n rmal sel -antigens are killed.
16 NK ells use several di erent killing meth ds, m st
whi h hemi ally trigger ap pt sis (pr grammed ell death)
in the target ell.

B C e lls
Development o B Cells
All lymph ytes that ir ulate in the tissues arise r m stem
cells in the b ne marr w and g thr ugh tw stages devel-
pment. T e rst stage B- ell devel pment, trans rmati n
stem ells int immature B ells, urs in the liver and
b ne marr w be re birth but nly in the b ne marr w in
adults. Be ause this pr ess was rst dis vered in a bird r-
gan alled the bursa, these ells were named B ells.
Immature B ells are small lymph ytes that have ea h
synthesized and inserted int their yt plasmi membranes
numer us m le ules ne spe i kind antib dy
FIGURE 16-15 Lymphocytes. Color-enhanced scanning electron micro- (Figure 16-16).
graph showing lymphocytes in yellow, red blood cells in red, and platelets A ter they mature, B ells eventually leave the tissue where
in green. they were rmed. Ea h mature, but still ina tive, B ell arries
a di erent type antib dy. T e vari us B ells then enter the
bl d and are transp rted t their new pla e residen e,
s - alled natural killer ells inv lved in innate immunity. T e hief y the lymph n des.
ther tw , s metimes designated as B lymphocytes and T e se nd stage B- ell devel pment hanges a mature,
lymphocytes r simply B cells and cellsare agents ina tive B ell int an a tivated B ell. N t all B ells underg
adaptive immunity. Ea h type lymph yte has the same this hange. T ey d s nly i an ina tive B ell mes int
appearan e, but ea h has a di erent set r les t play in nta t with ertain n nsel r abn rmal m le ulesantigens
immunity. wh se shape ts the shape the B ells sur a e antib dy m l-
e ules. I this happens, the antib dies l k nt the antigens and
N a t u r a l Kille r C e lls by s d ing hange the ina tive B ell int an a tivated B ell.
T e natural killer (NK) cell is a type lymph yte that kills B- ell a tivati n als requires a hemi al signal ( yt kine) r m
many types tum r ells and ells in e ted by di erent kinds an ther immune ella type ell.
viruses. Be ause they have br ad a ti n, and d n t require T en the a tivated B ell, by dividing rapidly and repeat-
pri r exp sure t an antigen, NK ells quali y as agents in- edly, devel ps int gr ups r l nes many identi al ells
nate, n nspe i immunity. all having the same type antib dy. A clone is a amily
NK ells re gnize abn rmal ells by using tw di erent many identi al ells, all des ended r m ne ell.
re gniti n re ept rs. One re ept r a ts as a kill-a tivating Ea h l ne B ells is made up tw kinds ells,
re ept r and binds t any several mm n sur a e m le- plasma cells (als alled ef ector cells) and memory cells, as
ules und n ells. T us, it uld p tentially kill any ell in y u an see in Figure 16-16. Plasma ells se rete huge am unts
the b dy. H wever, the ther re ept r is the kill-inhibiting antib dy int the bl drep rtedly 2000 antib dy m le-
re ept r. I it binds t a sel antigen n a n rmal, healthy ules per se nd by ea h plasma ell r every se nd the

S te m Immature B c e lls
c e lls S ma ll lymphocyte s with
a ntibody mole cule s in
Ma ture B ce lls migra te to lymph node s, live r,
Deve lop s hortly cytopla smic me mbra ne s
a nd s ple e n; binding of a ntige n to a ntibody on
be fore a nd a fte r
s urfa ce s of ina ctive B ce lls a nd che mica l
birth into
s igna l from T ce lls cha nge s the m into

FIGURE 16-16 B-cell development. B-cell development takes place in two stages. First stage: Shortly
be ore and a ter birth, stem cells develop into immature B cells, which then mature into inactive B cells that
migrate to lymphoid organs. Second stage (occurs only when inactive B cell contacts its speci c antigen): inac-
tive B cell develops into activated B cell, which divides rapidly and repeatedly to orm a clone o plasma cells
and a clone o memory cells. Plasma cells secrete antibodies capable o combining with speci c antigen that
began the process. Stem cells maintain a constant population o newly di erentiating inactive B cells.
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 443

ew days that it lives. Antib dies ir ulating in the bl d T e se nd stage - ell devel pment takes pla e when
nstitute an en rm us, m bile, ever- n-duty army. and i a ell mes int nta t with its spe i antigen. I
Mem ry ells an se rete antib dies but d n t immedi- this happens, the antigen binds t the pr tein n the ells 16
ately d s . T ey remain in reserve in the lymph n des until sur a e, thereby hanging the ell int an a tivated ell
they are nta ted by the same antigen that led t their r- (Figure 16-17).
mati n. T en, the mem ry ells very qui kly divide t pr du e As with B ells, ells must als re eive a hemi al signal
l nes plasma ellsand m re mem ry ells. T e plasma ( yt kine) r m an ther ell t be me a tivated. Likewise,
ells se rete large am unts antib dy. Mem ry ells, in e - a tivated ells als pr du e a l ne identi al ells, all able
e t, seem t remember their an est r a tivated-B ells en- t rea t with the same antigen.
unter with its appr priate antigen. T ey stand ready, at a And as with B ells, ells rm a gr up ef ector cells
m ments n ti e, t pr du e m re plasma ells t release an- al ng with memory cells. T e e e t r ells immediately en-
tib dies that will mbine with this antigen. gage in immune resp nses, whereas the mem ry ells d
n t. Later, i m re e e t r ells are needed, the mem ry
Function o B Cells ells divide rapidly t pr du e additi nal l nes that in-
B ells un ti n indire tly t pr du e hum ral immunity. lude m re e e t r ells.
Re all that humoral immunity is resistan e t disease rgan-
isms pr du ed by the a ti ns antib dies binding t spe i Functions o T Cells
antigens while ir ulating in b dy f uids. A tivated B ells A tivated ells pr du e ell-mediated immunity. As the
devel p int plasma ells. Plasma ells se rete antib dies int name suggests, cell-mediated immunity is resistan e t disease
the bl dthus serving as the antib dy a t ries the rganisms resulting r m the a ti ns ells hief y a tivated
b dy. T ese antib dies, like ther pr teins manu a tured r ells. One gr up a tivated ells kills in e ted ells and
extra ellular use, are rmed in the end plasmi reti ulum tum r ells dire tly. W hen b und t antigens n the abn rmal
the ell. ells sur a e, these cytotoxic cells release a substan e that a ts
as a spe i and lethal p is n against the abn rmal ell.
T C e lls A tivated ells alled helper cells pr du e their deadly
Development o T Cells e e ts indire tly by means hemi al signals that they re-
ells are lymph ytes that have underg ne their rst stage lease int the area ar und enemy ells. Am ng these is a
devel pment in the thymus gland. Stem ells r m the b ne substan e that attra ts ma r phages int the neighb rh d
marr w seed the thymus, and sh rtly be re and a ter birth, the enemy ells. T e assembled ma r phages then destr y the
they devel p int ells. T e newly rmed ells stream ut ells by phag yt sing (ingesting and digesting) them
the thymus int the bl d and migrate hief y t the lymph (Figure 16-18). H elper ells als release the yt kines needed
n des, where they take up residen e. t help trigger the a tivati n B ells.
Embedded in ea h ells yt plasmi membrane are pr - A third gr up ells alled regulatory cells helps shut
tein m le ules shaped t t nly ne spe i kind antigen d wn an immune rea ti n a ter the antigens have been de-
m le ule. str yed and als helps prevent inappr priate immune rea ti ns.

Me mo ry c e lls
S tore d in lymph node s ;
s ubs e que nt expos ure to
a ntige n trigge rs me mory
ce lls to ra pidly divide
a nd form

Ac tivate d B c e lls
Divide ra pidly a nd
re pe a te dly to form
clone s of

Plas ma c e lls

Antibo die s

S e cre te
444 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

FIGURE 16-17 T-cell development. The rst stage takes place in the thymus gland shortly be ore and a ter
birth. Stem cells maintain a constant population o newly di erentiating cells as they are needed. The second
16 stage occurs only when a T cell contacts antigen, which combines with certain proteins on the T cells sur ace.

S te m T c e lls Migra te to lymph node s, live r, Ac tivate d T c e lls

c e lls a nd s ple e n; binding of a ntige ns
Deve lop in thymus
gla nd s hortly be fore to prote ins on s urfa ce s of T ce lls
a nd a fte r birth into a nd che mica l s igna ls from othe r
T ce lls cha nge s the m into

QUICK CHECK Hy p e r s e n s it iv it y o t h e Im m u n e
Wh a t
Wh a t
a re p h a g o cyte s ? Ho w d o th e y w o rk?
a re n a tu ra l kille r (NK) ce lls ?
Sys t e m
3. Wh a t is th e ro le o B ce lls in im m u n ity? Hypersensitivity is an inappr priate r ex essive resp nse
4. Wh a t is th e ro le o T ce lls in im m u n ity? the immune system. T ere are three types: allergy, aut im-
5. Wh a t a re m e m o ry ce lls ? De s crib e th e ir u n ctio n .
munity, and all immunity.

Activa te d T ce lls

Cytotoxic He lpe r Re gula tory

T ce lls T ce lls T ce lls

Re le a s e Re le a s e Re le a s e

Compounds Compounds Compounds

tha t a ct tha t a ct tha t a ct
dire ctly indire ctly indire ctly

Ce ll po is o n B c e ll Attrac ting Mac ro phag e Inflammation Re g ulato ry fac to rs

Kills infe cte d ac tivato rs fac to rs ac tivating me diato rs Alte r functions
or tumor ce ll He lp a ctiva te He lp draw fac to rs of othe r
bound to B ce lls ma cropha ge s S pe e d up immune ce lls
a ctiva te d T ce ll towa rd pha gocytos is
thre a te ning P romote
P roduce ce lls

P romote S uppre s s e s
Infla mma tory
Antibodie s immune
re s pons e
re s pons e s
P ha gocytos is

Re duce s

FIGURE 16-18 T-cell unction. Activated T cells produce cell-

Antige n-be a ring mediated immunity by releasing various compounds in the vicinity o
pa thoge ns in ected or tumor cells. Some compounds act directly, and some act
indirectly, on these cells.
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 445

Me mo ry c e lls vessels, and irregular heart rhythms that an pr gress t a

li e-threatening nditi n alled anaphylactic shock (see
Chapter 15). D rugs alled antihistamines are s metimes used 16
t relieve the sympt ms this type allergy. Epinephrine
(Epi), s metimes administered with a penlike inje t r arried
by sus eptible individuals, an als redu e severe allergi
S ubs e que nt expos ure to a ntige n rea ti ns.
trigge rs me mory ce lls to
ra pidly divide a nd form Delayed allergi resp nses, n the ther hand, inv lve ell-
mediated immunity. In contact dermatitis, r example,
Kill infe cte d ce lls ells trigger events that lead t l al skin inf ammati n a
Effe c to r c e lls a nd tumor ce lls ; ew h urs r days a ter initial exp sure t an antigen. Exp -
trigge r B a nd sure t p is n ivy, s aps, and ertain smeti s may ause
T-ce ll a ctiva tion;
re gula te va rious nta t dermatitis in this manner (Figure 16-19). H ypersensi-
immune functions tive individuals may use hypoallergenic pr du ts (pr du ts
with ut mm n allergens) t av id su h allergi rea ti ns.

Au t o im m u n it y
A lle r g y Autoimmunity is an inappr priate and ex essive resp nse t
T e term allergy is used t des ribe hypersensitivity the sel -antigens. Dis rders that result r m aut immune resp nses
immune system t relatively harmless envir nmental antigens. are alled autoimmune diseases. Examples aut immune dis-
Antigens that trigger an allergi resp nse are ten alled eases are given in able 9 Appendix A at
allergens. One in six Ameri ans has a geneti predisp siti n Sel -antigens are m le ules that are native t a pers ns
t exhibiting an allergy s me kind. b dy and that are used by the immune system t identi y
Immediate allergi resp nses inv lve antigen-antib dy rea - mp nents sel . Sel -antigens an als be segments a
ti ns. Be re su h a rea ti n urs, a sus eptible pers n must pers ns geneti material (DNA r RNA) r ertain pr teins
be exp sed t an allergen repeatedlytriggering the pr du - r ther hemi als made in the b dy. In aut immunity, the
ti n antib dies. A ter a pers n is thus sensitized, exp sure t immune system inappr priately atta ks these antigens.
an allergen auses antigen-antib dy rea ti ns that trigger the A mm n aut immune disease is systemic lupus
release histamine, kinins, and ther inf ammat ry substan es. erythematosus (SLE), r simply lupus. Lupus is a hr ni
T ese resp nses usually ause typi al allergy sympt ms su h as inf ammat ry disease that a e ts many tissues in the b dy:
runny n se, njun tivitis, and urticaria (hives). j ints, bl d vessels, kidneys, nerv us system, and skin. T e
In s me ases allergy, h wever, exp sure t allergens name lupus erythematosus re ers t the red rash that s metimes
may ause nstri ti n the airways, relaxati n bl d devel ps n the a e th se a i ted with SLE (Figure 16-20).


The m ucos al im m une s ys te m is a com plex s ys te m o de e ns e reveal new strate gie s o imm u-
dis tinct rom the s ys te m ic (inte rnal) im m une s ys te m that we nization. For exam ple, re s earch-
have be e n dis cus s ing in m os t o this chapte r. It is an innate e rs have ound that imm unizing
(nons pe cif c) and adaptive (s pe cif c) s ys te m that is ound through the bloodstream acti-
w ithin the m ucous barrie rs o the body: dige s tive tract, urinary/ vate s only the inte rnal (sys-
re productive tracts , re s piratory tract, exocrine ducts , conjunc- te m ic) B cells and T ce lls. Thus a
tiva (eye cove ring), m iddle e ar, and s o on. The im m une ce lls pathoge n would have to actually
that m ake up the m ucos al im m une s ys te m are locate d m ainly e nte r the inte rnal environme nt
in or ne ar m ucos a-as s ociate d lym phoid tis s ue (MALT). be ore this type o adaptive im munity could prote ct us. Im mu-
The m ain unctions o the m ucos al im m une s ys te m involve nization o the mucos al lymphocyte s, however, can activate
preve nting pathoge ns rom colonizing the m ucous s ur ace s o both mucosal and syste m ic lym phocyte sproviding a more
the body, preve nting the accide ntal abs orption o antige ns thorough type o prote ction.
rom outs ide the body, and preve nting inappropriate or inte ns e Anothe r advantage o m ucos al im m unization is that it is
re s pons e s o the s ys te m ic im m une s ys te m to the s e exte rnal e as ie r to adm inis te r to patie nts than im m unizations inje cte d
antige ns . unde r the s kin or into the bloods tre am . For exam ple , im m uni-
Unde rstanding the m ucosal im mune syste m and its coop- zation can be de live re d by nas al s prays or drops ins te ad o
eration w ith the syste mic (internal) imm une syste m promis e s to s hots .
446 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity



FIGURE 16-20 Lupus erythematosus. A red butterf y rash on the

ace is sometimes seen in cases o systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

FIGURE 16-19 Contact dermatitis. Dermatitis, or skin inf ammation, D uring pregnan y, antigens r m the etus may enter the
can result rom contact with allergenssubstances that trigger allergic m thers bl d supply and sensitize her immune system. An-
responses in hypersensitive individuals. tib dies that are rmed as a result this sensitizati n may
enter the etal ir ulati n and ause an inappr priate immune
rea ti n. One example, erythr blast sis etalis, was dis ussed
T e systemi part the name mes r m the a t that in Chapter 13.
the disease a e ts many systems thr ugh ut the b dy. T e O ther path l gi al nditi ns als may be aused by dam-
systemi nature SLE results r m the pr du ti n anti- age t devel ping etal tissues resulting r m atta k by the
b dies against many di erent sel -antigens. m thers immune system. Examples in lude ngenital heart
de e ts, Graves disease, and myasthenia gravis.
issue r rgan transplants are medi al pr edures in
A llo im m u n it y
whi h tissue r m a d n r is surgi ally gra ted int the b dy. F r
Alloimmunity is ex essive rea ti n the immune system t example, skin gra ts are ten d ne t repair damage aused by
antigens r m a di erent individual the same spe ies. It is burns. D nated wh le bl d tissue is ten trans used int a
imp rtant in relati n t pregnan y and tissue transplants. Al- re ipient a ter massive hem rrhaging. A kidney is s metimes
l immunity is als s metimes alled isoimmunity. rem ved r m a living d n r and gra ted int a pers n su ering


Inte r e ro ns (IFs ) are s m all prote ins produce d m os t o te n by e npox, m e as le s , and he patitis . IF als o s how s prom is e as an
body ce lls in re s pons e to viral in e ctions . IFs play a s ignif cant anticance r age nt. It has be e n s how n to be e e ctive in tre ating
role in producing innate (nons pe cif c) im m unity to m any vi- bre as t, s kin, and othe r orm s o cance r.
rus e s . Groups o IFs de s ignate d as alphas , be tas , gam m as ,
and om e gas all have unique biological activ-
ity and are be ing us e d m ore and m ore o te n
in clinical m e dicine .
One IF is produce d by T ce lls w ithin
hours a te r they have be e n in e cte d by a vi-
rus . This IF, w he n re le as e d rom the T ce lls ,
prote cts othe r ce lls by inte r e ring w ith the
ability o the virus to re produce as it m ove s
rom ce ll to ce ll. In the pas t, thous ands o
pints o blood had to be proce s s e d to har-
ve s t tiny quantitie s o le ukocyte (T ce ll) IF
or s tudy.
Curre ntly, di e re nt s ynthe tic type s o S
both hum an and non-naturally occurring IFs
are be ing m anu acture d in bacte ria as a M L
re s ult o ge ne -s plicing te chnique s and are
available in quantitie s s u f cie nt or clinical
us e . Synthe tic IF de cre as e s the s eve rity o Inter eron treatment. A, Cancerous skin tumors o Kaposi sarcoma (KS). B, A ter treatment
m any virus -re late d dis e as e s including chick- with alpha inter eron, the KS tumors have been reduced.
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 447


S e cond va ccina tion

IMMUNIZATION Initia l (boos te r)

va ccina tion
S e conda ry

Active imm unity can be e stablishe d artif cially by using a te ch-

re s pons e

nique calle d vaccination. The original vaccine was a live cow pox

virus that was injecte d into he althy pe ople to cause a mild cow-

pox in e ction. The te rm vaccine literally m e ans cow sub-

stance . Be cause the cow pox virus is sim ilar to the de adly

P rima ry

smallpox virus, vaccinate d individuals deve lope d antibodie s that

re s pons e

imparte d im munity agains t both cow pox and smallpox viruse s.

Mode rn vaccine s work on a similar principle ; substance s

that trigger the ormation o antibodie s against s pecif c patho-
gens are introduce d orally or by inje ction. Som e o the s e vac-
cine s are kille d pathogens ; some are live, atte nuate d (we ak-
e ne d) pathoge ns . Such pathoge ns s till have the ir spe cif c ke e p the antibody tite r high or to rais e it to a leve l that is m ore
antigens intact, so they can trigge r orm ation o the prope r anti- like ly to preve nt in e ction.
bodie s, but they are no longe r virule nt (able to cause dis e ase ). The s e condary re s pons e is m ore inte ns e than the prim ary
Although it is rare , the se vaccine s s om e time s backf re and actu- re s pons e be caus e m e m ory B ce lls are s tanding re ady to pro-
ally cause an in e ction. Many o the newe r vaccine s get around duce a large num be r o antibodie s at a m om e nts notice . A
this pote ntial problem by us ing only the part o the pathoge n late r accide ntal expos ure to the pathoge n w ill trigge r an eve n
that contains antige ns . Be cause the dise ase -causing portion is m ore inte ns e re s pons e thus preve nting in e ction.
miss ing, such vaccine s cannot caus e in e ction. Rigorous studie s Toxoids are s im ilar to vaccine s but us e an alte re d orm o a
have show n that vaccine s are ge ne rally sa e and e e ctive . bacte rial toxin (pois onous che m ical) to s tim ulate production o
The curre nt re com m e nde d s che dule s or childre n and antibodie s . Inje ction o toxoids im parts prote ction agains t tox-
adults are available at /VaccSche d ins , w he re as adm inis tration o vaccine s im parts prote ction
The am ount o antibodie s in a pe rs ons blood produce d in agains t pathoge nic organis m s and virus e s .
re s pons e to vaccination or an actual in e ction is calle d the an-
tibody tite r. As you can s e e in the graph, the initial inje ction o To learn more about vaccination, go to
vaccine trigge rs a ris e in the antibody tite r that gradually dim in-
AnimationDirect online at
is he s . O te n, a boos te r s hot, or s e cond inje ction, is give n to

r m kidney ailure. Un rtunately, the immune system s me-

times rea ts against reign antigens present in the gra ted tis-
Im m u n e S y s t e m D e f c ie n c y
sue, ausing what is ten alled a rejection syndrome. Immune de ciency, r immunode ciency, is the ailure im-
T e antigens m st mm nly inv lved in transplant reje - mune system me hanisms in de ending against path gens.
ti n are alled human lymphocyte antigens (H LAs). Immune system ailure usually results r m disrupti n
Reje ti n gra ted tissues an ur in tw ways. One is lymph yte (B r ell) un ti n.
alled host-versus-gra t rejection be ause the re ipients immune T e hie hara teristi immune de ien y is the devel-
system re gnizes reign H LAs and atta ks them, destr ying pment unusual r re urring severe in e ti ns r an er.
the d nated tissue. T e ther is gra t-versus-host rejection be- Alth ugh immune de ien y by itsel d es n t ause death,
ause the d nated tissue ( r example, b ne marr w) atta ks the resulting in e ti ns r an er an.
the re ipients H LAs, destr ying tissue thr ugh ut the re ipi- T ere are tw br ad ateg ries immune de ien ies,
ents b dy. Gra t-versus-h st reje ti n may lead t death. based n the me hanism lymph yte dys un ti n: congeni-
T ere are tw ways t prevent reje ti n syndr me. One tal and acquired.
strategy is alled tissue typing, in whi h H LAs and ther an-
tigens a p tential d n r and re ipient are identi ed. I they
mat h, tissue reje ti n is unlikely t ur. An ther strategy is
C o n g e n it a l Im m u n e D e f c ie n c y
the use immunosuppressive drugs in the re ipient. Im- C ngenital immune de ien y, whi h is rare, results r m
mun suppressive drugs su h as cyclosporine and prednisone impr per lymph yte devel pment be re birth. Depending
suppress the immune systems ability t atta k the reign n the stage devel pment stem ells (B r ells) during
antigens in the d nated tissue. whi h the de e t urs, di erent diseases an result.
F r example, impr per B- ell devel pment an ause in-
QUICK CHECK su ien y r absen e antib dies in the bl d. I stem ells
1. Wh a t is a n a lle rg e n ? Ho w d o e s it a e ct th e im m u n e are disrupted, a nditi n alled severe combined immune
s ys te m ? de ciency (SCID ) results. In m st rms SCID, hum ral
2. Why is lu p u s ca lle d a n a u to im m u n e d is o rd e r ? immunity and ell-mediated immunity are de e tive.
3. Why a re im m u n o s u p p re s s ive d ru g s g ive n to o rga n tra n s - emp rary immunity an be imparted t hildren with
p la n t re cip ie n ts ?
SCID by inje ting them with a preparati n antib dies
448 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

(gamma gl bulin). B ne marr w transplants, whi h repla e A ter in e ti n with H IV, an untreated pers n may n t
the de e tive stem ells with healthy d n r ells, have pr ved sh w signs AIDS r m nths r years. T is is be ause the
16 e e tive in treating s me ases SCID. Advan es in using immune system an h ld the in e ti n at bay r a l ng time
gene therapy als have been made in treating SCID patients be re nally su umbing t it.
(see dis ussi n gene therapy n pp. 692693 in Chapter 25). H IV in e ti n has rea hed epidemi pr p rti ns in many
untries, thus quali ying as a pandemic. T ere are several
strategies r preventing the devel pment AIDS. Many
Ac q u ir e d Im m u n e D e f c ie n c y agen ies are trying t sl w the spread AIDS by edu ating
A quired immune de ien y devel ps a ter birth and is n t pe ple ab ut h w t av id nta t with the H IV retr virus.
related t geneti de e ts. A number a t rs an ntribute H IV is spread by means dire t nta t b dy f uids, s
t a quired immune de ien y: nutriti nal de ien ies, im- preventing su h nta t redu es H IV transmissi n. Sexual
mun suppressive drugs r ther medi al treatments, trauma, relati ns, ntaminated bl d trans usi ns, and intraven us
stress, and viral in e ti n. use ntaminated needles are mm n m des H IV
One the best kn wn examples a quired immune de- transmissi n. H IV an als be a perinatal in ection, that is,
ien y is acquired immunode ciency syndrome (AID S). an in e ti n passing r m m ther t in ant during birth.
T is syndr me ( lle ti n sympt ms) is aused by the Many resear hers are w rking n H IV va ines. Like
human immunode ciency virus, r H IV. many viruses, su h as th se that ause the mm n ld, H IV
H IV, a retr virus, ntains RNA that underg es reverse hanges rapidly en ugh t make devel pment a va ine
trans ripti n inside a e ted ells t rm its wn DNA. T e di ult at best.
viral DNA ten be mes part the ells DNA. W hen the An ther way t inhibit the pr gress an H IV in e ti n is
viral DNA is a tivated, it dire ts the synthesis its wn RNA by means hemi als su h as azid thymidine (AZ ) and
and pr tein at, thus stealing raw materials r m the ell. rit navir (N rvir) that bl k H IVs ability t repr du e
W hen this urs in ertain ells, the ell is destr yed and within in e ted ells. A ktail several antiviral drugs
immunity is impaired. As the ell dies, it releases new ret- w rking t gether greatly redu es the number virus parti les
r viruses that an spread the H IV in e ti n. in a patients bl dthus redu ing the e e ts H IV in e -
Alth ugh H IV an invade several types ells, it has its ti n. M re than a hundred su h mp unds in vari us m-
m st bvi us e e ts in a ertain type ell alled a CD4 binati ns are being evaluated r use in halting the pr gress
ell. W hen - ell un ti n is impaired, in e ti us rgan- H IV in e ti ns.
isms and an er ells an gr w and spread mu h m re easily.
Unusual nditi ns, su h as pneumocystosis (a pr t z an in e - QUICK CHECK
ti n) and Kaposi sarcoma, r KS (a type skin an er aused 1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n co n g e n ita l a n d a cq u ire d
by a herpes virus), als may appear. Be ause their immune im m u n e d e f cie n cy?
systems are de ient, AIDS patients may eventually die r m 2. Wh a t ca u s e s AIDS ?
3. Ho w ca n th e p ro g re s s o HIV in e ctio n b e in h ib ite d ?
ne these in e ti ns r an ers.

Englis h s urge on Edward Je nne r nologis ts are at work im proving on this im portant vaccine to
change d the world oreve r in 1789 prote ct pe ople agains t s uch we apons . They als o continue to
w he n he inoculate d his young s on work on vaccine s or othe r in e ctious dis e as e s s uch as HIV
and two othe rs agains t the te rrible in e ction, new s trains o in ue nza, Ebola, Zika, and eve n dis or-
viral dis e as e , s m allpox. Us ing m a- de rs s uch as he art dis e as e and cance r.
te rial rom the blis te rs o a patie nt Many he alth pro e s s ionals us e vaccine s in the ir practice , o
w ith the m ilde r dis e as e s w ine pox, cours e , to boos t the im m une s ys te m s o the ir clie nts . Re -
he was able to trigge r im m unity to ce ntly, m is conce ptions about the s a e ty o vaccine s thre ate n
s m allpoxthe worlds f rs t vaccina- public he alth by re ducing the num be r o childre n prote cte d by
tion. Late r, in 1796, he ound that vaccine s that s ave d a w hole ge ne ration rom the devas tating
Edward Jenner vaccination w ith m ate rial rom cow- e e cts o m e as le s , polio, s m allpox, diphthe ria, and m ore .
(17491823) pox blis te rs worke d eve n be tte r in Many phys icians als o tre at dis orde rs o the im m une s ys -
prote cting pe ople rom s m allpox. te m its e l . For exam ple , im m une de f cie ncie s s uch as AIDS,
A dis e as e that had orm e rly kille d m illions upon m illions o alle rgie s s uch as hay eve r, and autoim m une dis orde rs s uch
pe ople worldw ide eve ntually dis appe are d rom the hum an as lupus and rhe um atoid arthritis , are tre ate d eve ry day by
population in the twe ntie th ce ntury be caus e o Je nne rs pio- phys icians and othe r he alth pro e s s ionals .
ne e ring e orts .
In this ce ntury, inte re s t in s m allpox vaccinations has re s ur-
ace d be caus e o the thre at o s m allpox as a we apon. Im m u-
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 449

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 429)

cell-mediated immunity in ammatory response nonspecif c immunity
(sel-MEE-dee-ayt-ed ih-MYOO-nih-tee) (non-speh-SIF-ik ih-MYOO-nih-tee)
[cell storeroom, -medi- middle, -ate process, [in am- set af re, -ory relating to] [non- not, -spec- orm or kind, -if c relating to,
immun- ree, -ity state] innate immunity immun- ree, -ity state]
chemotaxis palatine tonsil
(kee-moh-TAK-sis) [innat- inborn, immun- ree, -ity state]
[chemo- chemical, -taxis movement or reaction] inter eron (IF) [palat- palate, -ine relating to, tons- goiter,
cisterna chyli (in-ter-FEER-on [aye e ]) -il little]
(sis-TER-nah KYE-lee or KYE-lye) [inter- between, - er- strike, -on substance] pharyngeal tonsil
[cisterna vessel, chyli o juice] interleukin (IL)
clone (in-ter-LOO-kin [aye el]) [pharyng- throat, -al relating to, tons- goiter,
(klohn) [inter- between, -leuk- white (blood cell), -il little]
[clon- plant cutting] -in substance] plasma cell (e ector B cell)
combining site interstitial uid (IF)
(in-ter-STISH-al FLOO-id [aye e ]) [plasma something molded (blood plasma),
complement [inter- between, -stit- stand, -al relating to] cell storeroom (e ect- accomplish, -or agent,
(KOM-pleh-ment) B bursa- equivalent tissue)]
[comple- complete, -ment result o action] (LAK-tee-al) right lymphatic duct
complement-binding site [lact- milk, -al relating to] (ryte lim-FAT-ik dukt)
[lymph- water, -atic relating to, duct lead]
lingual tonsil
[comple- complete, -ment result o action] specif c immunity
complement cascade [lingua- tongue, -al relating to, tons- goiter, (speh-SIF-ik ih-MYOO-nih-tee)
(KOM-pleh-ment kas-KAYD) -il little] [spec- orm or kind, -if c relating to,
immun- ree, -ity state]
[comple- complete, -ment result o action, lymph
cascade water all] (lim ) T cell
cytokine [lymph water] (T sel)
(SYE-toh-kyne) [T thymus gland, cell]
lymphatic capillary
[cyto- cell, -kine movement] (lim-FAT-ik KAP-ih-layr-ee) T lymphocyte
dendritic cell (DC) [lymph- water, -atic relating to, capill- hair, (tee LIM- oh-syte)
-ary relating to] [T thymus gland, lymph- water (lymphatic
system), -cyte cell]
[dendrit- tree branch, -ic relating to, lymphatic vessel
cell storeroom] (lim-FAT-ik) thoracic duct
e ector cell [lymph- water, -atic relating to] (thoh-RAS-ik)
(e -FEK-tor sel) [thorac- chest (thorax), -ic relating to,
lymph node
(lim nohd) duct lead]
[e ect- accomplish, -or agent, cell storeroom]
e erent lymphatic vessel [lymph water, nod- knot] thymosin
(EF- er-ent lim-FAT-ik VES-el) lymphoid tissue (THY-moh-sin)
(LIM- oyd) [thymos- thyme ower (thymus gland),
[e- away, - er- carry, -ent relating to,
-in substance]
lymph- water, -atic relating to] [lymph- water (lymphatic system), -oid like,
humoral immunity tissu abric] thymus
(HYOO-mor-al ih-MYOO-nih-tee) macrophage (THY-mus)
[humor- liquid, -al relating to, immun- ree, (MAK-roh- ayj) pl., thymuses or thymi
-ity state] [macro- large, -phag- eat]
(THY-mus-ez or THY-mye)
[thymus thyme ower]
immune system memory cell
(MEM-oh-ree sel)
[immun- ree (immunity)] [cell storeroom]
immunoglobulin (Ig) natural killer cell (NK cell)
(ih-myoo-noh-GLOB-yoo-lin [aye jee])
[immuno- ree (immunity), -glob- ball, -ul- small, [cell storeroom]
-in substance]
450 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

acquired immunodef ciency syndrome (AIDS) human immunodef ciency virus (HIV) monoclonal antibody
(ah-KWYERD IM-yoo-noh-deh-FISH-en-see (ih-myoo-no-deh-FISH-en-see
[aych aye vee]) [mono- single, -clon- plant cutting, -al relating
[immuno- ree, -def ci- ail, -y state, [immuno- ree (immunity), -de- down, to, anti- against]
syn- together, -drome running or (race) -f c- per orm, -ency state, virus poison] non-Hodgkin lymphoma
course] human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) (non-HOJ -kin lim-FOH-mah)
adenoid [non- not, Thomas Hodgkin English physician,
(AD-eh-noyd) [aych el ay]) lymph- water (lymphatic system),
[adeno- gland, -oid like] [lymph- water (lymphatic system), -cyte cell, -oma tumor]
allergen anti- against, -gen produce] perinatal in ection
(AL-er-jen) hypersensitivity
[all- other, -erg- work, -gen produce] [peri- around, -nat- birth or origin, -al relating
allergy [hyper- excessive, sensitiv- able to eel, to, in ect- stain, -ion condition]
(AL-er-jee) -ity state] severe combined immune def ciency (SCID)
[all- other, -erg- work, -y state] immune def ciency
alloimmunity deh-FISH-en-see [skid])
(al-oh-ih-MYOO-nih-tee) [immun- ree (immunity), -def ci- ail, -y state] [immun- ree (immunity), -def ci- ail, -y state]
[allo- another or di erent, -immun- ree, immunization splenectomy
-ity state]
anaphylactic shock [immun- ree (immunity), -tion process] [splen- spleen, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action]
(an-ah-f h-LAK-tik) immunosuppressive drug splenomegaly
[ana- without, -phylact- protection, (ih-myoo-noh-soo-PRES-iv drug) (spleh-noh-MEG-ah-lee)
-ic relating to] [immuno- ree (immunity), -suppress- press [splen- spleen, -mega large, -ly relating to]
autoimmunity down, -ive relating to, drug medicine] systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
(aw-toh-ih-MYOO-nih-tee) isoimmunity (sis-TEM-ik LOO-pus er-ih-them-ah-
[auto- sel , -immun- ree, -ity state] (aye-soh-ih-MYOO-nih-tee) TOH-sus [es el ee])
contact dermatitis [iso- equal, -immun- ree, -ity state] [system- organized whole, -ic relating to,
lymphadenitis lupus wol , erythema- redness,
[derma- skin, -itis in ammation] (lim-FAD-in-aye-tis) -osus condition]
elephantiasis [lymph- water, -aden- gland, -itis in ammation] tonsillitis
(el-eh- an-TYE-ah-sis) lymphangiogram (tahn-sih-LYE-tis)
[elephant- elephant, -iasis condition] [tonsil- tonsil, -itis in ammation]
ever [lymph- water, -angi- vessel, -gram drawing] transplant
(FEE-ver) lymphangitis
[ ev- heat] (lim- an-J YE-tis) [trans- across, -plant set or place]
Hodgkin disease [lymph- water, -angi- vessel, -itis in ammation] vaccine
lymphedema (VAK-seen)
[Thomas Hodgkin English physician, (lim- ah-DEE-mah) [vaccin- cow (cowpox)]
dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] [lymph- water, -edema swelling]
[mast- breast, -ectomy surgical removal]
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 451

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary E. Lymph id rganshave masses devel ping W BCs
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r (lymph id tissue) and un ti ns that in lude de ense and
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . W BC rmati n
1. Lymph n des
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to a. Filter lymph (Figure 16-6)
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e b. L ated in lusters al ng the pathway lymphati
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s vessels (Figures 16-7 and 16-8)
or be ore a te s t. . Lymph id tissuemass lymph ytes and related
ells inside a lymph id rgan; pr vides immune
un ti n and devel pment immune ells
Lym phatic Sys te m d. Fl w lymph: t n de via several a erent lym-
A. O rganizati n the lymphati systemlymphati f uid phati vessels and drained r m n de by a single
(lymph), lymphati vessels, and many lymph rgans e erent lymphati vessel
make up this system (Figure 16-1) e. Lymphadenitisswelling and tenderness lymph
B. Lymphex ess f uid le t behind by apillary ex hange n des
that drains r m tissue spa es and is transp rted by lym- . Can er ells an easily m ve thr ugh lymphati
phatic vessels ba k t the bl dstream vessels t ther parts the b dy in a pr ess alled
C. Lymphati vesselspermit nly ne-way m vement metastasis
lymph 2. T ymus
1. Lymphati apillariestiny blind-ended tubes dis- a. Lymph id tissue rgan l ated in mediastinum
tributed in tissue spa es (Figure 16-2) b. tal weight ab ut 35 t 40 ga little m re
a. Mi r s pi in size than an un e
b. Sheets nsisting ne ell layer simple squa- . Plays a vital and entral r le in immunity
m us epithelium d. Pr du es lymph ytes, r ells
. P r t between adja ent ells results in p r us e. Se retes h rm ne alled thymosins, whi h inf uen e
walls ell devel pment
d. Called lacteals in the intestinal wall ( at transp rta- . Lymph id tissue is eventually repla ed by at
ti n int bl dstream) (during hildh d) in the pr ess alled involution
2. Right lymphati du t 3. nsils (Figure 16-9)
a. D rains lymph r m the right upper extremity and a. C mp sed three masses lymph id tissue
right side head, ne k, and upper t rs ar und the penings the m uth and thr at
3. T ra i du t (1) Palatine t nsils (the t nsils)
a. Largest lymphati vessel (2) Pharyngeal t nsils (als kn wn as adenoids)
b. H as an enlarged p u h al ng its urse, alled cis- (3) Lingual t nsils
terna chyli b. Subje t t hr ni in e ti n
. D rains lymph r m ab ut three- urths the b dy . Enlargement pharyngeal t nsils may impair
D. Lymphedemaswelling (edema) tissues aused by breathing
bl kage lymphati vessels (Figure 16-3) 4. Spleen
1. Lymphangitisinf ammati n lymphati vessels; a. Stru ture
may pr gress t septi emia (bl d in e ti n) (1) Largest lymph id rgan in b dy
(Figure 16-4) (2) L ated in upper le t quadrant abd men
2. Elephantiasissevere lymphedema limbs resulting (3) O ten injured by trauma t abd men
r m parasite in estati n lymphati vessels (4) Surgi al rem val alled splenectomy
(Figure 16-5) b. Fun ti ns
(1) Phag yt sis ba teria and ld RBCs
(2) Reserv ir m n ytes, whi h are released r
emergen y tissue repairs elsewhere in the b dy
(3) A ts as a bl d reserv ir
. Splen megalyenlargement the spleen
452 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

5. Lymph mamalignant tum r lymph n des 3. ypes adaptive immunity (Table 16-3)
a. w prin ipal types: H dgkin disease and n n- a. Natural immunityexp sure t ausative agent is
16 H dgkin lymph ma n t deliberate
b. All types ause painless enlargement lymph (1) A tivea tive disease pr du es immunity
n des (2) Passiveimmunity passes r m m ther t etus
. Can spread t many ther areas the b dy thr ugh pla enta r r m m ther t hild
thr ugh m thers milk
b. Arti ial immunityexp sure t ausative agent is
Im m une Sys te m deliberate
A. Pr te ts b dy r m path l gi al ba teria, reign tissue (1) A tiveva inati n results in a tivati n
ells, and an er us ells immune system and l ng-term pr te ti n
B. Made up de ensive ells and m le ules (2) Passivepr te tive material devel ped in
C. w main strategiesinnate (n nspe i ) de enses and an ther individuals immune system and given
adaptive (spe i ) de enses (Table 16-1) t previ usly n nimmune individual, giving
D. Innate immunity sh rt-term pr te ti n
1. Called innate be ause we are b rn with it (n pri r
exp sure needed)
2. Als alled nonspeci c immunity be ause it in ludes
Im m une Sys te m Mo le cule s
me hanisms that a t generally against any type A. Cyt kines
damage r threatening agent 1. Cyt kines are pr tein m le ules that mmuni ate
3. Many types innate immunity ur in the b dy am ng ells, rdinating immune resp nses
(Table 16-2) 2. Interleukins (ILs) are an example yt kines
a. N nspe i immunity is the rapid rst resp nse B. Antib dies (Figure 16-11)
and ten triggers sl wer spe i resp nses 1. Pr tein m le ules with spe i mbining sites
b. Inv lves a variety signaling hemi als alled 2. C mbining sites atta h antib dies t spe i antigens
yt kines ( reign pr teins), rming an antigen-antib dy
4. Skinme hani al barrier t ba teria and ther mplexthis pr vides humoral immunity (antibody-
harm ul agents mediated immunity)
5. ears and mu uswash eyes and trap and kill 3. Antigen-antib dy mplexes may:
ba teria a. Neutralize t xins
6. Inf ammati n b. Clump r agglutinate enemy ells
a. Inf ammat ry resp nseattra ts immune ells t . Pr m te phag yt sis
site injury, in reases l al bl d f w, in reases C. C mplement pr teins
vas ular permeability; pr m tes m vement 1. Gr up pr teins n rmally present in bl d in ina -
W BCs t site injury r in e ti n (Figure 16-10) tive state
b. Feversystemi e e t in reased b dy tempera- 2. C mplement as ade
ture; may in rease immune e ien y r inhibit a. Imp rtant me hanism a ti n r antib dies
in e ti us agents (1) C mplement-binding sites n antib dy are
7. C mplement lass enzymes in bl d plasma that exp sed a ter atta hing t antigen
an trigger a variety immune resp nses; als (2) C mplement triggers a series ( as ade) rea -
inv lved in adaptive (spe i ) me hanisms ti ns that pr du e tiny pr tein rings that reate
E. Adaptive immunity (Table 16-1) h les in the sur a e a reign ell
1. Adaptive be ause its ability t re gnize, resp nd b. Ultimately auses ell lysis by permitting entry
t , and remember harm ul substan es r ba teria water thr ugh a de e t reated in the plasma mem-
2. Als alled speci c immunity be ause it resp nds t brane the reign ell (Figure 16-12)
parti ular antigens t whi h is has been exp sed 3. Als helps per rm ther un ti nsexamples:
attra ting immune ells t a site in e ti n, a tivat-
ing immune ells, marking reign ells r destru -
ti n, in reasing permeability bl d vessels, the
inf ammat ry resp nse
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 453

Im m une Sys te m Ce lls ( ) Plasma ells se rete antib dies int bl d;

mem ry ells are st red in lymph n des
A. Phag ytes (d) I subsequent exp sure t the spe i 16
1. ypes antigen that a tivated the B ell urs,
a. Neutr philssh rt-lived phag yti ells; m st mem ry ells be me plasma ells and
abundant type immune ell se rete antib dies in large quantity
b. M n ytesdevel p int phag yti ma r phages b. Fun ti n B ellsindire tly, B ells pr du e
and migrate t tissues hum ral immunity
. Dendriti ells (DCs) ten und at r near (1) A tivated B ells devel p int plasma ells
external sur a es (Figure 16-14) (2) Plasma ells se rete antib dies int the bl d
2. Ingest and destr y reign ells r ther harm ul sub- (3) Cir ulating antib dies pr du e hum ral immu-
stan es via phag yt sis (Figure 16-13) nity (Figure 16-16)
3. Ma r phages and DCs a t as antigen-presenting ells 4. ells ( lymph ytes)agents adaptive
(APCs) by displaying ingested antigens n their uter immunity
sur a e t trigger spe i immune ells a. Devel pment ellsstem ells r m b ne
B. Lymph ytes marr w migrate t thymus gland (Figure 16-17)
1. Se nd m st numer us immune system ells, a ter (1) First stagestem ells devel p int ells
neutr phils; in lude NK ells, B ells, and ells (a) ells mature in the thymus during ew
(Figure 16-15) m nths be re and a ter birth
2. Natural killer (NK) ellsagents innate immunity (b) Mature ells migrate hief y t lymph
a. Can atta h t any ell, but nly kill ells la king n des
n rmal sel -antigens (2) Se nd stage ells devel p int a tivated
b. Usually kill by triggering ap pt sis (pr grammed ells
ell death) (a) O urs when, and i , antigen binds t
3. B ells (B lymph ytes)agents adaptive ells sur a e pr teins and a yt kine
immunity ( hemi al signal) is re eived r m an ther
a. Devel pment B ellsprimitive stem ells ell
migrate r m b ne marr w and g thr ugh tw (b) As with B ells, l nes made up e e t r
stages devel pment (Figure 16-16) ells and mem ry ells are rmed
(1) First stagestem ells devel p int immature b. Fun ti ns ellspr du e ell-mediated
B ells immunity (Figure 16-18)
(a) akes pla e in the liver and b ne marr w (1) Cyt t xi ellskill in e ted r tum r ells
be re birth and in the b ne marr w nly by releasing a substan e that p is ns in e ted
in adults r tum r ells
(b) B ells are small lymph ytes with anti- (2) H elper ellsrelease yt kines that attra t
b dy m le ules (whi h they have synthe- and a tivate ma r phages t kill ells by
sized) in their plasma membranes phag yt sis; pr du e yt kines that help a ti-
( ) A ter they mature, ina tive B ells migrate vate B ells
hief y t lymph n des (3) Regulat ry ellsrelease yt kines t sup-
(2) Se nd stageina tive B ell devel ps int press immune resp nses
a tivated B ell
(a) Initiated by ina tive B ells nta t with
antigens, whi h bind t its sur a e antib d-
ies, plus yt kines (signal hemi als) r m
(b) A tivated B ell, by dividing repeatedly,
rms tw l nes ellsplasma (e e -
t r) ells and mem ry ells
454 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

Hype rs e ns itivity o the Im m une D. All immunity (is immunity)ex essive rea ti n t anti-
gens r m an ther human
16 Sys te m 1. May ur between m ther and etus during
A. H ypersensitivityinappr priate r ex essive immune pregnan y
resp nse (Figure 16-19) 2. May ur in tissue transplants ( ausing reje ti n
B. Allergyhypersensitivity t harmless envir nmental syndr me)
antigens (allergens)
1. Immediate allergi resp nses usually inv lve hum ral Im m une Sys te m De f cie ncy
2. Delayed allergi resp nses usually inv lve ell- A. C ngenital immune de ien y, r immun de ien y
mediated immunity (rare)
C. Aut immunityinappr priate, ex essive resp nse t 1. Results r m impr per lymph yte devel pment
sel -antigens be re birth
1. Causes aut immune diseases 2. Severe mbined immune de ien y (SCID) aused
2. Systemi lupus erythemat sus (SLE) hr ni by disrupti n stem ell devel pment
inf ammat ry disease aused by numer us antib dies B. A quired immune de ien y
atta king a variety tissues (Figure 16-20) 1. Devel ps a ter birth
2. A quired immun de ien y syndr me (AIDS)
aused by H IV in e ti n ells

STUDY TIPS 4. T e natural, a tive immune resp nse is divided int
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in hum ral immunity and ell-mediated immunity. H um ral
m e e ting your le arning goals . immunity is mediated by the B lymph ytes, r B ells.
T ey stay in the lymph n de and se rete antib dies int
Review the s ynops is o the lym phatic s ys te m in Chapte r 5. the bl d (humor means b dy f uid). T ey als rm
The lym phatic s ys te m is partly a s ewe r s ys te m o the body. mem ry ells, whi h give li el ng immunity. lymph -
Plas m a is pus he d out o the capillarie s and was he s ove r the ytes, r ells, pr vide ell-mediated immunity. T ey
tis s ue ce lls . The inte rs titial uid (IF) carrie s bacte ria and othe r leave the lymph n de and a tively engage the antigen.
ce llular de bris , along w ith prote ins and lipids , into blind-e nde d 5. T e best way t learn the dis rders the immune system
capillarie s in the lym phatic s ys te m . The uid is the n calle d is t make a hart rganized by the me hanism r ause
lym ph. It is carrie d to the lym ph node , w he re it is f lte re d, the dis rder: allergi rea ti n, aut immunity, all im-
cle ane d, and the n carrie d by ducts back to the blood. Ke e p munity, and immune de ien ies.
this proce s s in m ind w he n you s tudy the s tructure s o the 6. In y ur study gr up, use f ash ards r nline res ur es t
lym phatic s ys te m . quiz ea h ther n the terms and stru tures the lym-
phati and immune systems. Dis uss the pr ess h w
1. T ere are several spe i rgans in the lymphati system. lymph is rmed, ltered, and returned t the bl d.
Flash ards and nline res ur es that in lude their names, Dis uss innate immunity, espe ially the inf ammati n
l ati ns, and un ti ns will help y u learn them. resp nse. Dis uss the di erent types adaptive immu-
2. A mplex n ept t understand is the inf ammat ry nity. Dis uss the steps in hum ral and ell-mediated
resp nse. Use Figure 16-10 r devel p y ur wn n ept immunity.
map t help y u understand the steps in the inf amma- 7. Re er t the Language S ien e and Language Medi-
t ry resp nse. ine terms and review the dis rder hart, hapter utline
3. Adaptive immunity an be lassi ed as natural r arti ial summary, and the questi ns at the end the hapter and
depending n h w the b dy was exp sed t the spe i dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
antigen, and a tive r passive depending n h w inv lved
the b dys immune system was in devel ping the resp nse.
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 455

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out 16
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. De ne lymph and explain its un ti n. 22. Di erentiate between lymphati apillaries and bl d
2. Name the tw maj r lymphati du ts and the areas apillaries. Explain h w the di erent stru tures relate t
the b dy ea h them drains. their un ti n.
3. Des ribe the stru ture a lymph n de. 23. Explain the r le the lymph n de in the spread
4. W hat is lymphedema? W hat is the ause an er.
elephantiasis? 24. Explain the di eren e in me hanisms in the devel p-
5. Explain the de ense un ti n the lymph n de. ment the allergi rea ti n runny n se and hives,
6. W here is the thymus gland? W hat are the un ti ns and the allergi rea ti n t p is n ivy.
the thymus gland?
7. Name the three pairs t nsils and give the l ati n
ea h.
8. Name the l ati n and un ti n the spleen.
9. Explain the types innate immunity.
10. Name and di erentiate the ur types adaptive
11. W hat are antib dies? W hat are antigens?
12. Explain the r le mplement in the immune system.
13. Explain the r le the ma r phage in the immune
14. Explain the devel pment and un ti ning B ells.
15. Explain the devel pment and un ti ning ells.
16. W hat is an allergy?
17. W hat is aut immunity? Name an example an aut -
immune disease.
18. W hat is all immunity? Name an example an all im-
munity dis rder.
19. W hat are H LAs? H w are they related t tissue typing?
20. W hat is SCID? W hat is its ause?
21. List three auses a quired immun de ien y
syndr me.
456 CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity

18. An attempt t identi y and mat h H LAs between the

Chapte r Te s t rgan d n r and the re ipient is alled ________.
16 A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by 19. A ngenital immune de ien y in whi h b th hum ral
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m and ellular immunity are de e tive is alled ________.
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . 20. T e ause AIDS is ________.
21. Adaptive immunity is als kn wn as ________.
1. ________ is the f uid that leaves the bl d apillaries 22. T e ________ the spleen serves as a reserv ir r
and is n t dire tly returned t the bl d. m n ytes that an qui kly leave the spleen t help
2. Lymph r m ab ut three- urths the b dy drains int repair damaged tissue anywhere in the b dy during an
the ________. emergen y.
3. Lymph r m the right upper extremity and the right 23. ________ are released r m ells t a t as dire t agents
side the head drains int the ________. innate, n nspe i immunity.
4. An abn rmal nditi n in whi h tissue swells be ause 24. ________ is s metimes administered with a penlike
a umulati n lymph is alled ________. inje t r t redu e allergi rea ti ns.
5. T e enlarged, p u hlike stru ture in the abd men that 25. ________ ells re gnize abn rmal ells by using tw
serves as a st rage area r lymph is alled the ________. di erent re gniti n re ept rs; a kill activating re ept r
6. T e un ti n the ________ is t lter and lean the and a kill inhibiting re ept r.
lymph. 26. T e immunity that devel ps against p li a ter re eiving
7. T e many lymphati vessels that enter the lymph n de a p li va inati n is an example :
are alled ________ vessels; the single vessel leaving the a. a tive natural immunity
lymph n de is alled the ________ vessel. b. passive natural immunity
8. T e ________ are white bl d ells that mature in the . a tive arti ial immunity
thymus. T e thymus als pr du es a h rm ne alled d. passive arti ial immunity
________. 27. T e immunity that is given t the etus r newb rn by
9. T e three pairs t nsils are the ________, ________, the immune system the m ther is an example :
and ________. a. a tive natural immunity
10. T e largest lymph id rgan is the ________. b. passive natural immunity
11. T e signs ________ are heat, redness, pain, and . a tive arti ial immunity
swelling. d. passive arti ial immunity
12. ________ kills target ells by drilling h les in their 28. T e immunity that mes r m the inje ti n antib d-
plasma membrane, whi h disrupts the s dium and water ies made by an ther individuals immune system is an
balan e. example :
13. Ma r phages were ________ riginally that migrated a. a tive natural immunity
int the tissues. b. passive natural immunity
14. A hypersensitivity the immune system t a harmless . a tive arti ial immunity
envir nmental antigen is alled a (an) ________. d. passive arti ial immunity
15. An extreme allergi rea ti n ausing li e-threatening 29. T e immunity that devel ps a ter a pers n has had a
sympt ms is alled ________. disease is an example :
16. An inappr priate and ex essive resp nse t sel -antigen a. a tive natural immunity
is alled ________. b. passive natural immunity
17. Erythr blast sis is an example what ex essive . a tive arti ial immunity
immune rea ti n? ________ d. passive arti ial immunity
CHAPTER 16 Lymphatic System and Immunity 457

For each o the ollowing phrases, write a B in ront o it i it

describes the development or unctioning o a B cell or write a
Cas e S tudie s
T in ront o it i it describes the development or unctioning o To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to 16
a T cell. the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text-
book, and othe r re s ource s .
30. ________ pr du es antib dies
31. ________ s me devel p int plasma ells 1. A ter having an in e ti n in the gr in, a y ung b y m-
32. ________ the main ell inv lved in ell-mediated plains pain ul swelling in his leg. On examinati n, y u
immunity see that the entire leg is sw llen, but the pp site leg is
33. ________ the main ell inv lved in hum ral immunity ne. T e attending physi ian explains that this is a m-
34. ________ devel ps in the thymus gland pli ati n the re ent gr in in e ti n, whi h inv lved the
35. ________ m ves t the site the antigen and releases lymph n des in that area. Can y u explain h w this may
ell p is n have aused the b ys leg t swell? W hy isnt the ther leg
36. ________ divides rapidly int l nes n e it is a tivated a e ted?
37. ________ releases a substan e that attra ts ma r phages 2. Keith was sledding in the sn w with his riends when he
38. ________ s me di erentiate int mem ry ells a identally hit a tree. A ter examining Keith, the emer-
39. ________ mediates the nta t dermatitis allergi gen y r m physi ian n luded that he had ruptured his
resp nse spleen in the a ident. H w might a ruptured spleen be
treated? W hat might happen i Keiths amily r physi-
ian delays this treatment? D es Keith need his spleen t
3. Many years ag there was a am us ase a b y b rn
with severe mbined immune de ien y (SCID). H is
physi ians pla ed him in a path gen- ree hamber that
resembled a giant glass bubble. W hat purp se was served
by d ing this? W hat treatments are available t day that
might have helped this b y?
4. Merrily re ently had a maste t my. W hen she was dis-
harged, her d t r en uraged her t take a daily walk
30 minutes and t swing her arms in an upward m ti n.
W hy did he add these rders t his dis harge
instru ti ns?

Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online

Respiratory System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Structural Plan, 460 Lungs, 469

Overview, 460 Pleurae, 469
Respiratory Tract, 460 Disorders o the Lower Respiratory
Respiratory Mucosa, 461 Tract, 470
Upper Respiratory Tract, 462 Respiration, 473
Nose, 462 Pulmonary Ventilation, 473
Pharynx, 462 Mechanics o Breathing, 473
Larynx, 464 Pulmonary Volumes, 474
Disorders o the Upper Respiratory Regulation o Ventilation, 475
Tract, 464 Breathing Patterns, 477
Lower Respiratory Tract, 466 Gas Exchange and Transport, 478
Trachea, 466 Pulmonary Gas Exchange, 478
Bronchial Tree, 466 Systemic Gas Exchange, 480
Alveoli, 467 Blood Transportation o Gases, 480
Respiratory Distress, 468

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 4. Discuss respiration and pulmonary ven-
should be able to: tilation, including the mechanics o
1. List the major organs o the respiratory breathing and pulmonary volumes.
system and describe the unction o 5. Describe the regulation o ventilation,
each organ in relation to the major unc- and identi y breathing patterns.
tions o the respiratory system. 6. Compare, contrast, and explain the
2. Discuss the structures included in the mechanism responsible or the
upper respiratory tract, as well as iden- exchange o gases that occurs during
ti y and describe the major disorders o external and internal respiration.
the upper respiratory tract. 7. Describe the transport o gases by
3. Discuss the structures included in the blood.
lower respiratory tract, as well as iden-
ti y and describe the major disorders o
the lower respiratory tract.
No ne needs t be t ld h w imp rtant the respiratory system is. T e res- LANGUAGE OF
pirat ry system serves the b dy mu h as a li eline t an air pump serves a S C IEN C E
deep-sea diver. T ink h w pani ked y u w uld eel i suddenly y ur li eline
be ame bl kedi y u uld n t breathe r a ew se nds!
Be o re re ading the
chapte r, s ay e ach o
O all the substan es that ells, and there re the b dy as a wh le, must have the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
t survive, xygen is by ar the m st ru ial. A pers n an live a ew weeks he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
with ut d, a ew days with ut water, but nly a ew the m as yo u re ad.
minutes with ut xygen. C nstant rem val ar-
b n di xide r m the b dy is just as imp rtant
alveolar duct
r survival as a nstant supply xygen. (al-VEE-oh-lar dukt)
[alve- hollow, -ol- little,
-ar relating to]
alveolar sac
(al-VEE-oh-lar sak)
[alve- hollow, -ol- little,
-ar relating to]
sing., alveolus
[alve- hollow, -olus little]
aortic body
T e respirat ry system ensures that xygen (ay-OR-tik BOD-ee)
is supplied t and arb n di xide (a waste [aort- li ted, -ic relating to]
pr du t) is rem ved r m the b dys ells. auditory tube
T e pr ess respirati n there re is a vital (AW-dih-toh-ree toob)
[audit- listen, -or- agent,
homeostatic mechanism. By nstantly supply-
-y relating to]
ing adequate xygen and by rem ving arb n di x-
bicarbonate ion
ide as it rms, the respirat ry system helps maintain a
nstant internal envir nment that enables ur b dy
[bi- two, -carbon- coal (carbon),
ells t un ti n e e tively. -ate oxygen compound]
a mplish its un ti ns, the respirat ry system als e e - (BRONG-kye)
tively lters, warms, and humidi es the air we breathe. Respirat ry sing., bronchus
rgans su h as v al rds, sinuses, and spe ialized epithelium, (BRONG-kus)
als help pr du e spee h and make p ssible the sense smell, r [bronchus windpipe]
ol action. Even the primary un ti n gas ex hange has a se ndary bronchiole
e e tthe rem val ex ess a id r m the b dy. T is pH -balan ing un ti n (BRONG-kee-ohl)
the respirat ry system is dis ussed urther in Chapter 22. [bronch- windpipe, -ol- little]
carbaminohemoglobin (HbCO2)
Further dis ussi n that relates t dis rders the upper and l wer respirat ry (kar-bah-MEE-noh-hee-moh-
tra ts emphasizes h w disrupti ns in respirat ry system h me stasis lead t GLOH-bin [aych be see oh too])
b th anat mi al and physi l gi al mani estati ns disease. [carb- coal (carbon),
-amino- ammonia compound
(amino acid), -hemo- blood,
-glob- ball, -in substance]

Continued on p. 482

460 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

S t r u c t u r a l P la n want t review the dis ussi n di usi n n pp. 5152 be re

y u study the me hanism gas ex hange that urs in the
O ve r v ie w
lungs and b dy tissues.
Respirat ry rgans in lude the nose, pharynx (throat), larynx
(voice box), trachea (windpipe), bronchi (branches), and lungs. To learn more about respiratory system, go to
T e basi stru tural s heme this rgan system is that a AnimationDirect online at
tube with many bran hes ending in milli ns extremely tiny,
very thin-walled sa s alled alveoli. Figure 17-1 sh ws the ex-
Re s p ir a t o ry Tr a c t
tensive bran hing the respirat ry tree in b th lungs. T ink
this air distributi n system as an upside-d wn tree. T e respirat ry tra tthe pathway air f wis ten di-
T e tra hea r windpipe then be mes the trunk and the vided int upper and l wer tra ts, r divisi ns, t assist in the
br n hial tubes the bran hes. T is idea is devel ped urther des ripti n sympt ms ass iated with mm n respirat ry
when the types br n hi and the alve li are studied in m re pr blems su h as a ld. T e rgans the upper respirat ry
17 detail later in the hapter. tra t are l ated utside the th rax r hest avity, whereas
A netw rk apillaries ts like a hairnet ar und ea h mi- th se in the l wer tra t, r divisi n, are l ated alm st entirely
r s pi alve lus. In identally, this is a g d pla e r us t within it.
think again ab ut a prin iple already menti ned several times, T e upper respiratory tract is mp sed the n se, phar-
namely, that stru ture and un ti n are intimately related. T e ynx, and larynx. T e lower respiratory tract, r divisi n,
un ti n alve liin a t, the un ti n the entire respira- nsists the tra hea, all segments the br n hial tree, and
t ry systemis t distribute air l se en ugh t the lungs.
bl d r a gas ex hange t take pla e between T e designati n upper respiratory in ection
air and bl d. T e passive transp rt pr ess (URI) is ten used by medi al pr essi nals
dif usion, whi h was des ribed in Chapter 3, t des ribe what many us all a head
is the m de r the ex hange gases that ld. ypi ally, the sympt ms an upper
urs in the respirat ry system. Y u may respirat ry in e ti n inv lve the sinuses,

Na s a l cavity
Na s opha rynx
Oropha rynx P ha rynx
Uppe r re s pira tory tra ct La ryngopha rynx

La rynx

Tra che a

Le ft a nd right
prima ry bronchi

Lowe r re s pira tory tra ct

Alve ola r
duct Alve oli

Bronchiole s
Bronchiole s Ca pilla ry S

FIGURE 17-1 Structural plan o the respiratory system. The respira-
tory tract includes the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and I
lungs. The inset shows the alveolar sacs where the interchange o oxygen Alve ola r s a c
and carbon dioxide takes place through the walls o the grapelike, hollow
alveoli. Capillaries surround the alveoli.
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 461

nasal avity, pharynx, and/ r larynx, whereas the sympt ms 3-5 n p. 49 t see the stru ture these tiny ell pr je ti ns
what is ten re erred t as a hest ld are similar t pneu- and h w they an m ve f uids al ng the sur a es a layer
m nia and inv lve the rgans the l wer respirat ry tra t. ells. Figure 17-2 als sh ws the presen e goblet cells, whi h
Find the maj r stru tures the respirat ry tra t in the an pr du e and release huge am unts mucus. Mu us var-
Clear View o the Human Body ( ll ws p. 8), n ting their l a- ies in mp siti n r m very watery t very thi k and sti ky,
ti ns relative t ther nearby b dy stru tures. depending n the spe i l ati n the mu sa.
Alth ugh m st the respirat ry passages are lined with
To learn more about respiratory mucosa, go to iliated pseud strati ed epithelium, there are a ew areas lined
AnimationDirect online at with ther tissues. F r example, pr te tive strati ed squamous
epithelium is und just inside the n strils, vering the v al
lds the larynx, and lining the pharynx. L k ba k at
Re s p ir a t o ry M u c o s a Figure 4-4 n p. 74 t see the many layers this thi ker type
S t ru c t u re epithelium.
Be re beginning the study individual rgans in the respi- Simple squamous epitheliuman extremely thin tissue 17
rat ry system, it is imp rtant t review the hist l gy, r mi- lines the alve li the lungs where gas ex hange urs. L k
r s pi anat my, the respiratory mucosathe mem- ba k at Figure 4-3 n p. 74 t see the thinness this type
brane that lines m st the air distributi n tubes in the epithelium.
Respirat ry mu sa is typi ally ciliated pseudostrati ed epi- Fu n c t io n
thelium, as y u an see in Figure 17-2. As its name implies, this Re all that in additi n t serving as air distributi n passage-
type tissue is vered with cilia. L k ba k at Figures 3-4 and ways r gas ex hange sur a es, the stru tures the respirat ry
tra t and lungs leanse, warm, and humidi y inspired air. Air
entering the n se is generally ntaminated with ne r m re
Motile cilia mm n irritants; examples in lude s me types hemi al
Goble t ce lls air p llutants, dust, p llen, ba terial rganisms, and even in-
se ts. A remarkably e e tive air puri ati n me hanism re-
m ves alm st every rm ntaminant be re inspired air
rea hes the alve li, r terminal air sa s, in the lungs.
A layer pr te tive mu us, alled a mucous blanket, vers
nearly the entire iliated pseud strati ed epithelial lining
the air distributi n tubes in the respirat ry tree (see Figure 17-2).
M re than 125 mL respirat ry mu us is pr du ed daily. It
serves as the m st imp rtant air puri ati n me hanism. Air
is puri ed when ntaminants su h as dust, p llen, and sm ke
parti les sti k t the mu us and be me trapped.
N rmally, the leansing layer mu us ntaining inhaled
S ubmucos a Ba s e me nt ntaminants m ves upward t the pharynx r m the l wer
A me mbra ne
p rti ns the br n hial tree n the milli ns hairlike ilia
Motile cilia Goble t ce ll
that beat r m ve nly in ne dire ti n. T is me hanism is
ten alled the ciliary escalator.
Cigarette sm ke and ther irritants are dete ted by the
ilia, whi h beat rapidly in resp nsean attempt t lear ut
the ntaminants m re e iently. Pr l nged exp sure t
igarette sm ke b th in reases pr du ti n mu us and even-
tually paralyzes ilia, thus ausing a umulati ns ntami-
nated mu us t build up and remain in the respirat ry pas-
sageways r l nger peri ds time. T e result is a typi al
sm kers ugh, whi h is the b dys e rt t lear these large
quantities ntaminated mu us.

1. Wh a t a re th e p rim a ry u n ctio n s o th e re s p ira to ry s ys te m ?
B 2. De s crib e th e ch a ra cte ris tics o th e a lve o li th a t e n a b le th e m
to p e r o rm th e ir u n ctio n o ga s e xch a n g e .
FIGURE 17-2 Respiratory mucosa. A, Light micrograph ( 200) and 3. Wh a t d is tin g u is h e s th e u p p e r re s p ira to ry tra ct ro m th e
B, scanning electron micrograph ( 2000) o the ciliated pseudostrati ed lo w e r re s p ira to ry tra ct?
epithelium typical o the respiratory lining. Note the numerous motile (mov- 4. Wh a t is th e ro le o th e re s p ira to ry m u co s a ?
ing) cilia and the mucus-producing goblet cells.
462 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

U p p e r Re s p ir a t o ry Tr a c t n hae are s metimes alled nasal turbinates. T e mu sa-

vered n hae greatly in rease the sur a e ver whi h air
No s e
must f w as it passes thr ugh the nasal avity. As air m ves
Air enters the respirat ry tra t thr ugh the external nares, r ver the n hae and thr ugh the nasal avities, it is warmed
n strils. It then f ws int the right and le t nasal cavities, and humidi ed. T is helps explain why breathing thr ugh the
whi h are lined by respirat ry mu sa. A partiti n alled the n se is m re e e tive in humidi ying inspired air than is
nasal septum separates these tw avities. breathing thr ugh the m uth.
T e sur a e the nasal avities is m ist r m mu us and I an individual wh is ill requires supplemental xygen, it
warm r m bl d f wing just under the epithelium. Nerve is rst bubbled thr ugh water t redu e the am unt m is-
endings resp nsible r the sense smell ( l a t ry re ept rs) ture that w uld therwise have t be rem ved r m the lining
are als l ated in the nasal mu sa. the respirat ry tree t humidi y it. Administrati n dry
Nasal polyps are painless, n n an er us tissue gr wths xygen pulls water r m the mu sa and results in respirat ry
that may pr je t r m the nasal mu sa. T ey are requently dis m rt and irritati n.
17 ass iated with hr ni hay ever. O ver time, nasal p lyps may
gr w in size, partially bstru t the nasal passage, and impair
P h a ry n x
breathing. In severe ases, surgi al rem val may be required.
F ur paranasal sinuses rontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and T e pharynx is the stru ture that many us all the thr at.
ethmoidaldrain int the nasal avities (Figure 17-3). T e para- It is ab ut 12.5 m (5 in hes) l ng and an be divided int
nasal sinuses are lined with a mu us membrane that assists in three p rti ns (Figure 17-4). T e upperm st part the tube
the pr du ti n mu us r the respirat ry tra t. In additi n, just behind the nasal avities is alled the nasopharynx. T e
these h ll w spa es help t lighten the skull b nes and serve p rti n behind the m uth is alled the oropharynx. T e third
as res nant hambers that enhan e the pr du ti n s und. r l west segment is alled the laryngopharynx.
Be ause the mu sa that lines the sinuses is ntinu us T e pharynx as a wh le serves a similar purp se r the
with the mu sa that lines the n se, sinus in e ti ns, alled respirat ry and digestive tra ts that a hallway serves r a
sinusitis, ten devel p r m lds in whi h the nasal mu sa h use. Air and d pass thr ugh the pharynx n their way t
is inf amed. Sympt ms sinusitis ten in lude pressure; the lungs and the st ma h, respe tively. Air enters the phar-
pain; heada he; and external tenderness, swelling, and redness. ynx r m the tw nasal avities r the ral avity and leaves it
In hr ni ases, in e ti n may spread t adja ent b ne r int by way the larynx. F d enters it r m the m uth and leaves
the ranial avity inf aming meninges r brain tissue. reat- it by way the es phagus.
ment in ludes de ngestants, analgesi s, antibi ti sand in T e right and le t auditory tubes, r eustachian tubes,
rare ases, surgery t impr ve drainage. pen int the nas pharynx; they nne t the middle ears with
w du ts r m the lacrimal sacs als drain int the nasal the nas pharynx (see Figure 17-4). T is nne ti n permits
avity, as Figure 17-3 sh ws. T e la rimal sa s lle t tears r m equalizati n air pressure between the middle ear and the
the rner ea h eyelid and drain them int the nasal avity. exteri r ear. T e lining the audit ry tubes is ntinu us
T is arrangement explains why y ur n se may drip a ter pr - with the lining the nas pharynx and middle ear. T us just
du ing ex ess tears, as in rying, allergies, r eye irritati n. as sinus in e ti ns an devel p r m lds in whi h the nasal
N te in Figure 17-3 that three shelf ike stru tures alled mu sa is inf amed, middle ear in e ti ns an devel p r m
conchae pr trude int the nasal avity n ea h side. T e nasal inf ammati n the nas pharynx.

S phe noid
s inus Fronta l s inus S phe noid s inus

Ethmoid a ir ce lls
La crima l s a c
S upe rior concha e
Middle concha e
Infe rior concha e

Ma xilla ry s inus Ora l cavity




FIGURE 17-3 Paranasal sinuses. A, Lateral view o the position o the sinuses in adults. B, The anterior
view shows the anatomical relationship o the paranasal sinuses to each other and to the nasal cavity.
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 463

Cribriform pla te Cra nia l cavity

of e thmoid bone
Fronta l s inus S phe noid s inus

Na s a l bone
S upe rior na s a l
P ha rynge a l tons il
concha of e thmoid
(a de noids )
Middle na s a l
concha of e thmoid Pos te rior na ris
Ope ning of a uditory
Infe rior concha (e us ta chia n) tube
Na s opha rynx
Ante rior na ris
S oft pa la te
Ha rd pa la te

Pa la tine tons il
Lingua l tons il
Oropha rynx
Hyoid bone
Thyroid ca rtila ge (pa rt of la rynx)
(pa rt of la rynx)
La rynx La ryngopha rynx
Voca l cords
(pa rt of la rynx)
Tra che a Es opha gus

FIGURE 17-4 Head and neck. Sagittal section. The nasal septum has been removed, exposing the A P
right lateral wall o the nasal cavity so that the nasal conchae can be seen. Note also the divisions o the
pharynx and the position o the tonsils.

Masses lymph id tissue alled tonsils are embedded in

the mu us membrane the pharynx. Re all the l ati n
the t nsils r m the previ us hapter (see p. 435). T e lingual
tonsils and palatine tonsils are l ated in the r pharynx and
the pharyngeal tonsils, als alled the adenoids when sw l- Pa la te
len, are l ated in the nas pharynx.
As y u read in Chapter 16, these t nsils rm a ring Uvula
lymph id tissue in the thr at that pr vides immune pr te -
ti n at a riti al b undary with the external envir nment.
Alth ugh the t nsils usually pr te t us, they an als be-
me in e ted and inf amed themselvesa nditi n alled S wolle n
pa la tine
tonsillitis (Figure 17-5). tons ils
Swelling the pharyngeal t nsils aused by in e ti ns
may make it di ult r imp ssible r air t travel r m the
n se int the thr at. In these ases the individual is r ed t
breathe thr ugh the m uth.
In a tonsillectomy b th t nsils are generally rem ved by a R L
surge n. On e a very mm n surgi al pr edure, t nsille - I
t my, with its p tentially seri us mpli ati nsin luding
severe hem rrhageis n w per rmed nly a ter ther p- FIGURE 17-5 Tonsillitis. Enlarged palatine tonsils can be seen nearly
ti ns have been exhausted. Physi ians n w re gnize the meeting at the midline o the pharynx.
464 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

value lymph id tissue in the b dys de ense me hanism and l sing the larynx during swall wing and preventing d
delay rem val the t nsilseven in ases inf ammati n and liquids r m entering the tra hea.
(t nsillitis). T e risk laryngeal cancer in reases signi antly with
Alth ugh surgi al rem val may eventually be ne essary in sm king and al h l abuse. It urs m st ten in men ver
ases repeated in e ti ns, swelling, r when n nsurgi al age 50 and is ten diagn sed be ause persistent h arseness
treatments su h as intensive antibi ti therapy pr ve ine e - and di ulty in swall wing. A number therapeuti treat-
tive, the number t nsille t mies per rmed ea h year n- ments in luding surgery, radiati n, and hem therapy an be
tinues t de rease. urative but ab ut ne-third th se a e ted will die the
disease. I treatment inv lves surgi al rem val the larynx,
To protect the delicate gas-exchange tissues deep the individual must learn es phageal spee h r use an ele -
inside the lungs, the respiratory tract has many tr ni arti cial larynx t speak.
complex mechanisms that guard against injury
and disease. Check out the article Protective
17 Strategies o the Respiratory Tract at Connect It!
D is o r d e r s o t h e U p p e r
Re s p ir a t o ry Tr a c t
U p p e r Re s p ir a t o ry In e c t io n
Any in e ti n l alized in the mu sa the upper respirat ry
La ry n x tra t (n se, pharynx, and larynx) an be alled an upper respi-
T e larynx, r v i e b x, is l ated just bel w the pharynx. It is ratory in ection (URI). Alth ugh the general designati n URI
mp sed nine pie es artilage. Y u kn w the largest is ten used, su h in e ti ns are s metimes named r the
these (the thyroid cartilage) as the Adams apple (Figure 17-6). spe i stru ture inv lved.
w sh rt br us bands, the vocal cords, stret h a r ss the Rhinitis, r m the Greek rhinos, n se,is inf ammati n and
interi r the larynx. Mus les that atta h t the larynx arti- swelling the nasal mu sa. A red, it hy, runny n se and
lages an pull n these rds in su h a way that they be me partially bstru ted breathing are universally re gnized as
tense r relaxed. W hen they are tense, the v i e is high sympt ms in ectious rhinitis. M st ases in e ti us rhinitis
pit hed; when they are relaxed, it is l w pit hed. T e spa e are aused by viruses resp nsible r the mm n ld (rhin -
between the v al rds that hanges shape as we speak is the viruses) r the f u (inf uenza viruses). Alth ugh p tentially
An ther pie e artilage,
alled the epiglottis, partially Ba s e
vers the pening the lar- of tongue
ynx (see Figure 17-6). T e epi-
gl ttis a ts like a trapd r, To ng ue

Voca l
Tra che a
Hyoid bone
Voca l cord Inte ra ryte noid
La rynx ca rtila ge A
(Ada ms
a pple ) L R

ca rtila ge

Lume n of
tra che a

Ca rtila ge s
S of tra che a
A P Thyroid gla nd
FIGURE 17-6 Larynx. A, Sagittal section o the larynx. B, Superior view o the larynx. C, Photograph o the
larynx taken with an endoscope (optical device) inserted through the mouth and pharynx to the epiglottis.
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 465


O te n a tube is place d through the mouth, pharynx, and larynx inte raryte no id no tch (Figure 17-6, B) can he lp guide the
into the trache a w he n patients ne ed bre athing supportes pe- prope r ins e rtion o the tube .
cially w he n the airway m ay collapse or be obs tructe d. This pro- Anothe r proce dure done re que ntly in todays m ode rn hos -
ce dure is calle d endo trache al intubatio n. The purpose o the pitals is a trache o s to my. This proce dure involve s the cutting o
tube is to ens ure an open airway (se e part A o the f gure ). an ope ning into the trache a (part B o the f gure ). A s urge on
To e ns ure that the tube e nte rs the trache a rathe r than the m ay pe r orm this proce dure s o that a s uction device can be
ne arby e s ophagus (w hich le ads to the s tom ach), anatom ical ins e rte d to re m ove s e cre tions rom the bronchial tre e or s o
landm arks s uch as the vocal olds are us e d. Likew is e , the that an inte rm itte nt pos itive -pre s s ure bre athing (IPPB) m a-
dis tinct e e l o the V-s hape d pos te rior groove calle d the chine can be us e d to im prove ve ntilation o the lungs .

Tra che a
Tra che os tomy Tra che os tomy
tube in pla ce tube
Tube for
A B in a ting cuff

seri us in sus eptible individuals, m st ases in e ti us rhi- T e term croup is used t des ribe a n nli e-threatening
nitis res lve with ( r with ut!) supp rtive treatment a ter ab ut type laryngitis generally seen in hildren y unger than age
7 t 10 days misery. 3. It is aused by the parainf uenza viruses. Sympt ms in lude
T e term allergic rhinitis, r hay ever, is used t des ribe a harsh barklike ugh and lab red inspirati n. A e ted hil-
hypersensitivity-type rea ti ns t many types nasal irritants dren ten devel p sympt ms a ter g ing t sleep and awaken
and airb rne allergens in luding animal dander and plant p l- rightened and ughing but with ut a ever.
lens. Sympt ms similar t in e ti us rhinitis may be me URIs are rather mm n, urring several times a year in
hr ni and result in rmati n nasal p lyps and se ndary m st individuals, be ause the upper respirat ry tra t is easily
in e ti ns. a essible t mm n airb rne path gens. Be ause the upper
Pharyngitis, r sore throat, is inf ammati n r in e ti n respirat ry mu sa is ntinu us with the mu us lining
the pharynx (thr at). Pain, redness, and di ulty in swall wing the sinuses, the eusta hian tube and middle ear, and l wer
are hara teristi pharyngitis. Pharyngitis may be aused by respirat ry tra t, URIs have an un rtunate tenden y t
any several path gens, in luding the strept al ba teria spread. It is n t unusual there re t see a mm n ld pr g-
that ause strep thr at (see Appendix A at ress t be me sinusitis r otitis media (middle ear in e ti n).
Laryngitis is inf ammati n the mu us lining the
larynx. T e inf ammati n is a mpanied by edema the A n a t o m ic a l D is o r d e r s
laryngeal stru tures. I swelling the v al rds urs, D eviated septum is a nditi n in whi h the nasal septum
h arseness r l ss v i e results. T e nditi n may be strays r m the midline the nasal avity.
aused by ba teria, viruses, exp sure t allergens, veruse N b dys nasal septum is exactly n the midsagittal plane,
the v i e, sm king, r ther a t rs. Even a m derate am unt but m st are airly l se. S me pe ple, h wever, are b rn with
laryngeal swelling r edema, espe ially in a y ung hild, an a ngenital de e t the septum that results in s me degree
bstru t air f w and result in asphyxiati n. bl kage t ne r b th sides the nasal avity. O thers
Epiglottitis is a li e-threatening nditi n aused by Hae- a quire a deviated septum a ter birth as a result damage
mophilus in uenzae type B (Hib) in e ti n. H ib ten stru k r m an injury r in e ti n. In either ase, surgi al rre ti n
hildren between 3 and 7 years age a generati n ag . H w- the anat mi al abn rmality ten results in n rmal breath-
ever, intr du ti n H ib va ines at the end the twentieth ing thr ugh the n se.
entury pr du ed a 99% dr p in the in iden e this in e - Injury t the n se urs relatively ten be ause the n se
ti n, making this type epigl ttitis rare in ur day. pr je ts s me distan e r m the r nt the head. Usually,
466 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

mm n bumps and ther injuries ause little i any seri us Despite the stru tural sa eguard artilage rings, bl kage
damage. O asi nally, epistaxis, r n sebleed, urs. T e the tra hea s metimes urs. A tum r r an in e ti n may
m st mm n ause n sebleed is a str ng bump r bl w, enlarge the lymph n des the ne k s mu h that they
but it an result r m severe inf ammati n r rubbing (as in squeeze the tra hea shut, r a pers n may aspirate (breathe in)
rhinitis), hypertensi n, r even brain injury. Be ause the ri h a pie e d r s mething else that bl ks the windpipe.
bl d supply l se t the inside sur a e the nasal avity, even Be ause air has n ther way t get t the lungs, mplete
min r n sebleeds an pr du e a great deal bl d ausing tra heal bstru ti n auses death in a matter minutes.
them t appear t be a m re seri us injury than they are. Su ati n r m all auses, in luding h king n d
and ther substan es aught in the tra hea, kills m re than
4000 pe ple ea h yearmaking it the th maj r ause
Lo w e r Re s p ir a t o ry Tr a c t a idental deaths in the United States. M any experts re m-
mend the ve-and- ve meth d (des ribed in the b x n
Tr a c h e a p. 467 t ree the tra hea ingested d r ther reign
17 T e trachea r windpipe is a tube ab ut 11 m (4.5 in) l ng bje ts that w uld therwise bl k the airway and ause
and 2.5 m (1 in) wide. It extends r m the larynx in the ne k death in h king ases.
t the br n hi in the hest avity (see Figures 17-1 and 17-7).
T e tra hea per rms a simple but vital un ti n: it pr - QUICK CHECK
vides part the pen passageway thr ugh whi h air an rea h 1. Na m e th e o u r p a ra n a s a l s in u s e s .
the lungs r m the utside. 2. Lis t th e th re e d ivis io n s o th e p h a ryn x.
T e tra hea is lined by typi al respirat ry mu sa. Mu us 3. Wh a t is th e co m m o n n a m e o r in e ctio u s rh in itis ?
4. Wh a t d is o rd e r o th e u p p e r re s p ira to ry tra ct is co n s id e re d
glands p ssessing many g blet ells help pr du e the blanket li e th re a te n in g ?
mu us that ntinually m ves upward t ward the pharynx. 5. Wh a t ke e p s th e tra ch e a ro m co lla p s in g ?
By pushing with y ur ngers against y ur thr at ab ut an
in h ab ve the sternum, y u an eel the shape the tra hea
r windpipe. Nature has taken pre auti ns t keep this li eline
Bro n c h ia l Tr e e
pen. Its ramew rk is made an alm st n n llapsible
material15 t 20 C-shaped rings artilage pla ed ne Re all that ne way t pi ture the th usands air passages
ab ve the ther with nly a little s t tissue between them. that make up the lungs is t think an upside-d wn tree. T e
Figure 17-7, B, sh ws h w the in mplete artilage rings tra hea is the main trunk this tree; the right br n hus
permit easy swall wing by all wing the es phagus ( d tube) (the tube leading int the right lung) and the le t br n hus
t stret h within the narr w spa e in the ne k between the (the tube leading int the le t lung) are the tra heas rst
tra hea and the vertebrae. bran hes r primary bronchi.

Lume n of Po s te rio r view

tra che a
Tra che a Adve ntitia

P rima ry Mucous coa t

S e conda ry Bre a thing S wa llowing
bronchi Mucous
gla nd

Tra che a

Hya line ca rtila ge (tra che a l ring)

S mooth mus cle (tra che a lis )
Annula r tra che a l liga me nt Es opha gus

S Ce rvica l
ve rte bra



FIGURE 17-7 Trachea. A, Structure o trachea shown in a posterior view. Inset at top shows rom where
the transverse section was cut. B, Incomplete cartilage rings and elasticity o posterior tracheal wall allow the
esophagus to expand during swallowing.
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 467


Choking o te n occurs w he n s om e thing be com e s lodge d in the include s a pe rs ons nam e ), that is , He im lich m ane uve r, is drop-
larynx and cannot be dis lodge d by norm al coughing. Many ping rom com m on us e and the te chnique is now o te n calle d
expe rts re com m e nd that a pe rs on w ho is choking s hould re - s im ply abdo m inal thrus ts .
ce ive the f ve -and-f ve re s cue m e thod. Five blow s to the back The abdom inal thrus t m ane uve r, i the pe rs on is s tanding,
(be twe e n the s capulae ) w ith the he e l o the hand (Figure A) cons is ts o the re s cue r gras ping the pe rs on w ith both arm s
m ay be ollowe d by f ve abdom inal thrus t m ane uve rs (Fig- around the pe rs ons wais t jus t be low the rib cage and above
ure B). I ne e de d, this s e que nce m ay be re pe ate d until the the nave l (Figure B). The re s cue r m ake s a f s t w ith one hand,
obje ct is dis lodge d. gras ps it w ith the othe r, and the n de live rs an upward thrus t
Mos t accide ntal airway obs tructions re s ult rom pie ce s o agains t the diaphragm jus t be low the xiphoid proce s s o the
ood as pirate d during a m e althe condition is s om e tim e s re -
e rre d to as ca coronary. Othe r obje cts s uch as chew ing
s te rnum . Air trappe d in the lungs is pre s s urize d, hope ully orc-
ing the obje ct that is choking the pe rs on out o the airway.
gum or balloons are re que ntly the caus e o obs tructions in
childre n. Individuals traine d in e m e rge ncy proce dure s m us t be
able to te ll the di e re nce be twe e n airway obs truction and
othe r conditions that produce s im ilar s ym ptom s , s uch as he art
attacks . The key que s tion they m us t as k the pe rs on w ho
appe ars to be choking is , Can you talk? A pe rs on w ith
an obs tructe d airway w ill not be able to s pe ak, eve n w hile
cons cious .
In the f ve -and-f ve re s cue , the f ve back blow s he lp dis -
lodge ore ign m ate rial rom the larynx. The abdom inal thrus t
m ane uve r us e s air alre ady pre s e nt in the lungs to expe l the
obje ct obs tructing the airway.
The abdom inal thrus t m ane uve r was orm e rly nam e d a te r
the phys ician w ho he lpe d popularize it or ge ne ral us e in the
1970s , He nry He im lich. More re ce ntly, the e ponym (te rm that A B

T e right primary br n hus is m re verti al and in line ea h alve lar sa is made up numer us alveoli, ea h
with the terminal tra hea than is the le t. As a result, aspirated whi h resembles a single, h ll w grape. N ti e in the se ti ned
bje ts that enter the tra hea tend t enter and l dge in the part Figure 17-8 that s me the alve li are inter nne ted
right primary br n hus r lung m re ten than the le t. with ea h ther. T is anat mi al eature all ws m re e ien y
In ea h lung, the primary br n hi bran h int smaller in ventilating all the alve li equallysupp rting the n ept
secondary bronchi. Cartilage rings in the wall ea h se nd- that structure ts unction.
ary br n hus, like th se the tra hea
and primary br n hi, keep the air pas- Bronchiole
sages pen. T e se ndary br n hi di-
A lve o li
P ulmona ry a rte riole
vide int smaller and smaller tubes, ulti- P ulmona ry ve nule Alve li are very e e tive in pr m ting the rapid
mately bran hing int tiny tubes wh se and e e tive ex hange xygen and arb n
walls ntain nly sm th mus len di xide between bl d ir ulating thr ugh the
artilage rings. T ese very small passage- lung apillaries and alve lar air.
ways are alled bronchioles. Te rmina l bronchiole On e again, stru ture and un ti n are
T e br n hi les subdivide int l sely related. w aspe ts the stru -
mi r s pi tubes alled alveolar Alve ola r s a c ture alve li assist in di usi n and
ducts, whi h resemble the main stem make them able t per rm this
a bun h grapes (Figure 17-8). un ti n admirably.
Ea h alve lar du t ends in several First, the wall ea h alve lus is
Alve oli
alveolar sacs, ea h whi h resem- made up m stly a single layer
bles a luster grapes, and the wall simple squam us epithelial ells alled
Alve ola r duct
type I cells. T e walls the apillaries
that surr und and lie in nta t with
FIGURE 17-8 Bronchioles and alveoli. Bronchioles subdi- them are als made thin, f at end the-
vide to orm tiny tubes called alveolar ducts, which end in clusters lial ells. T is means that, between the
o alveoli called alveolar sacs. bl d in the apillaries and the air in ea h
468 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

Re s p ir a t o ry D is t r e s s
alve lus, there is a barrier less than 1 mi r n thi k. T is ex-
tremely thin barrier is alled the respiratory membrane Respirat ry distress results r m the b dys relative inability t
(Figure 17-9). inf ate the alve li the lungs n rmally. Respiratory distress
Se nd, there are milli ns alve li. T is means that t - syndrome (RD S) is a nditi n m st ten aused by absen e
gether they reate an en rm us sur a e r gas ex hange. T e r impairment the sur a tant in the f uid that lines the
t tal sur a e area all alve li t gether is appr ximately 84 alve li.
square meters (915 square eet)ab ut the size a small
h mes f r plan. T is huge sur a e area all ws large am unts In a n t Re s p ir a t o ry D is t r e s s
xygen and arb n di xide t be rapidly ex hanged. In ant respiratory distress syndrome (IRD S) is a very seri-
T e sur a e the respirat ry membrane inside ea h alve - us, li e-threatening nditi n that ten a e ts premature
lus is vered by a substan e alled sur actant. Sur a tant in ants less than 37 weeks gestati n r th se wh weigh
helps redu e sur ace tension r sti kiness the watery mu us less than 2.2 kg (5 lb) at birth. IRDS is the leading ause
lining the alve likeeping the alve li r m llapsing as air death am ng premature in ants in the United States, laiming
17 m ves in and ut during respirati n. N te the di eren e in m re than 5000 premature babies ea h year. T e disease, har-
appearan e between the sur a tant-pr du ing ells alled a terized by a la k sur a tant in the alve lar air sa s, a e ts
type II cellsand the f attened type I cells sh wn in Figure 17-9. 50,000 babies annually.
D n t n use the respiratory membrane that separates air Sur a tant redu es the sur a e tensi n the water f uid n
in the alve li r m bl d in the surr unding pulm nary apil- the ree sur a e the alve lar walls and permits easy m ve-
laries with the respiratory mucosa (see Figure 17-2) that lines the ment air int and ut the lungs. T e ability the b dy
tubes the respirat ry tree. t manu a ture this imp rtant substan e is n t ully devel-
ped until sh rtly be re birthn rmally ab ut 40 weeks
a ter n epti n.
To learn more about respiratory membrane, go to
In newb rn in ants wh are unable t manu a ture sur a -
AnimationDirect online at
tant, many air sa s llapse during expirati n be ause the

S urfa cta nt-producing Fluid conta ining Ba s e me nt Re d

(type II) ce ll s urfa cta nt la yer me mbra ne s blood ce ll

Ma cropha ge

Alve olus Fluid Ca pilla ry

conta ining e ndothe lium
s urfa cta nt

Alve ola r RBC

e pithe lium
O2 O2
Type II O2
Ca pilla rie s ce ll Type I
ce ll Ca pilla ry Inte rs titia l s pa ce CO 2 CO 2
Alve ola r CO 2
e pithe lium
Ba s e me nt Ba s e me nt
me mbra ne me mbra ne
FIGURE 17-9 Alveolus. Each alveolus is continually ventilated with resh air. The inset
shows a magni ed view o the respiratory membrane composed o the alveolar wall (sur actant,
epithelial cells, and basement membrane), interstitial f uid, and the wall o a pulmonary capillary Alve olus Ca pilla ry
(basement membrane and endothelial cells). The gases, CO2 (carbon dioxide) and O2 (oxygen),
di use across the respiratory membrane. RBC, Red blood cell. Re s pira tory me mbra ne
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 469

in reased sur a e tensi n. T e e rt required t reinf ate these Figure 17-10 sh ws the relati nship the lungs t the rib
llapsed alve li is mu h greater than that needed t reinf ate age at the end a n rmal expirati n. T e narr w, superi r
n rmal alve li with adequate sur a tant. T e baby s n devel- p rti n ea h lung, up under the llarb ne, is the apex. T e
ps lab red breathing, and sympt ms respirat ry distress br ad, in eri r p rti n resting n the diaphragm is the base.
appear sh rtly a ter birth. Ea h lung is made up all the elements the br n hial
Current treatment IRDS usually inv lves delivering air tree, alve li, and pulm nary bl d vesselsal ng with n-
under pressure and applying prepared sur a tant dire tly int ne tive tissues, lymphati vessels, and nerves. Ea h lung,
the babys airways by means a tube. there re, is a mbinati n several kinds stru tures that
rm a unit r respirati n.
Ad u lt Re s p ir a t o ry D is t r e s s
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARD S) is aused by
P le u r a e
impairment r rem val sur a tant in the alve li. F r ex-
ample, a idental inhalati n reign substan es su h as A pleura is a ser us membrane that vers the uter sur a e
water, v mit, sm ke, r hemi al umes an ause ARDS. ea h lung and lines the inner sur a e the rib age. T e 17
Edema the alve lar tissue an impair sur a tant and redu e pleura resembles ther ser us membranes in relati n t its
the alve lis ability t stret h, ausing respirat ry distress. stru ture and un ti n. Like the perit neum r peri ardium,
ARDS an be treated with supplemental xygen supplied the pleura is an extensive, thin, m ist, slippery membrane. It
by nasal pr ngs r, in s me ases, end tra heal intubati n and lines a large, l sed avity the b dy and vers the rgans
a me hani al ventilat r. T e underlying ause the nditi n l ated within it.
is then assessed and treated. T e parietal pleura lines the walls the th ra i avity. T e
visceral pleura vers the lungs, and the intrapleural spa e lies
between the tw pleural membranes (Figure 17-11).
Lu n g s N rmally the intrapleural spa e ntains just en ugh pleu-
T e lungs are airly large rgans. T ey devel p t ll m st ral f uid t make b th p rti ns the pleura m ist and slip-
the th ra i avity, leaving a small entral spa ethe pery and able t glide easily against ea h ther as the lungs
mediastinum r the heart, large bl d vessels, thymus, expand and def ate with ea h breath.
and es phagus. N te in Figure 17-10 that deep
gr ves alled ssures subdivide ea h lung
int l bes. T e right lung has three
l bes and the le t lung has tw . Tra che a

Firs t rib S te rnum

(ma nubrium)

Right s upe rior lobe Le ft s upe rior lobe

Right prima ry bronchus Le ft prima ry bronchus

Horizonta l fis s ure

Body of s te rnum
Right middle lobe

Oblique fis s ure Oblique fis s ure

S eve nth rib

Right infe rior lobe Le ft infe rior lobe

S te rnum S
FIGURE 17-10 Lungs. The tra- (xiphoid proce s s )
chea is an airway that branches to R L
orm a treelike ormation o bronchi I
and bronchioles. Note that the right
lung has three lobes and the le t lung
has two lobes. The rib cage is shown
semitransparent so that lung struc-
tures are easily visible.
470 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

Ve rte bra

Right lung
Le ft lung

P rima ry bronchus Pa rie ta l ple ura

P ulmona ry a rte ry Vis ce ra l ple ura

P ulmona ry ve in Intra ple ura l s pa ce

17 Vis ce ra l ple ura P ulmona ry trunk

Pa rie ta l ple ura
He a rt
Intra ple ura l s pa ce
S te rnum

FIGURE 17-11 Lungs and pleura. The inset shows where the body was cut to show this transverse section
o the thorax. A serous membrane lines the thoracic wall (parietal pleura) and then olds inward near the bron-
chi to cover the lung (visceral pleura). The intrapleural space contains a small amount o serous pleural f uid.

Pleurisy is an inf ammati n the parietal pleura, hara - T e pleural spa e may als ll with ther substan es, whi h
terized by di ulty in breathing and stabbing pain. T e dis- in reases the pressure n the lung's uter sur a e ausing the
m rt and restri ti n n rmal breathing ass iated with lung t llapse. C llapse ( r in mplete expansi n) the lung
pleurisy are aused by the nstant rubbing ba k and rth r any reas n is alled atelectasis. W hile llapsed, the lung
the vis eral and parietal pleurae during breathing. Pleurisy an ann t be easily ventilated, making the a e ted lung virtually
be aused by tum rs, in e ti ns (su h as pneum nia and tu- useless in breathing.
ber ul sis), and ther a t rs. F r example, a pun ture w und t the hest wall r a
rupture the vis eral pleura may ause pneumothorax
Norma l lung
(Figure 17-12). Pneum th rax (literally air in the th rax) is the
Che s t wa ll
presen e air in the pleural spa e n ne side the hest. An
P le ura l
s pa ce
injury r disease als may ause hemothorax, the presen e
Outs ide a ir rus he s
in due to dis ruption bl d in the pleural spa e. B th nditi ns are p tentially li e
of che s t wa ll a nd threatening unless medi al treatment is re eived.
pa rie ta l ple ura

1. Wh a t lu n g s tru ctu re s s e rve to d is trib u te a ir, a n d w h ich
Lung a ir rus he s out s tru ctu re s s e rve a s ga s e xch a n g e rs ?
due to dis ruption of
2. De s crib e th e u n ctio n o s u r a cta n t.
vis ce ra l ple ura
3. Wh a t is th e re s p ira to ry m e m b ra n e ?
4. Wh a t ca u s e s p le u ris y?
5. Ho w d o e s a p n e u m o th o ra x d i e r ro m a h e m o th o ra x?


I D is o r d e r s o t h e Lo w e r
Dia phra gm Me dia s tinum Re s p ir a t o ry Tr a c t
FIGURE 17-12 Pneumothorax. Air may accumulate in the pleural Lo w e r Re s p ir a t o ry In e c t io n
space i the visceral pleura ruptures and air rom the lung rushes out or A ute bronchitis is a mm n nditi n hara terized by
when atmospheric air rushes in through a wound in the chest wall and pa-
rietal pleura. In either case, the lung collapses and normal respiration is a ute inf ammati n the br n hi, m st mm nly aused by
impaired. I blood accumulates in the pleural space, the condition is called in e ti n. Be ause the tra hea is ten als inv lved, the n-
hemothorax. diti n may be alled tracheobronchitis. T is nditi n is ten
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 471

pre eded by a URI that seems t m ve d wn int the tra hea Early stages B are hara terized by atigue, hest pain,
and br n hi a ter several days. pleurisy, weight l ss, and ever. As the disease pr gresses, lung
A ute br n hitis ten starts with a n npr du tive ugh hem rrhage and dyspnea may devel p.
that pr gresses t a deep ugh that pr du es sputum n- T e name tuberculosis literally means nditi n having
taining mu us and pus. tuber les, whi h des ribes the pr te tive apsules the b dy
Pneumonia is an a ute inf ammati n the lungs in whi h rms ar und l nies B ba illi. Su ess ul treatment re-
the alve li and br n hi be me plugged with thi k f uid quires a mbinati n drugs and ther therapies r an ex-
(exudate). tended peri dusually l nger than a year. B a e ts up t a
T e vast maj rity pneum nia ases results r m in e - third the w rlds p pulati n and is a maj r ause death
ti n by Streptococcus pneumoniae ba teria, but it an be aused in many p r, densely p pulated regi ns the w rld. It has
by several ther ba teria, viruses, and ungi (see Appendix A re ently reemerged as a seri us health pr blem in s me maj r
at U.S. ities.
Pneum nia is hara terized by a high ever, severe hills, Any lung in e ti n is usually treated primarily with antibi-
heada he, ugh, and hest pain. T e a t that ea h day m re ti therapy dire ted at the spe i type path gen sus- 17
than 10,000 liters p tentially ntaminated air enters the pe ted as the ause. Supp rtive therapy t maintain bl d
respirat ry system helps explain why pneum nia is su h a xygen n entrati n and minimize patient dis m rt is
mm n illnessespe ially in individuals with l wered resis- used al ngside antibi ti therapy.
tan e r impaired immune systems.
ypes pneum nia in lude lobar pneumonia, whi h typi- Re s t r ic t ive P u lm o n a ry D is o r d e r s
ally a e ts an entire l be the lung, and bronchopneumonia Restrictive pulm nary dis rders inv lve restri ti n (redu ed
in whi h pat hes in e ti n are s attered al ng p rti ns stret h) the alve li, as the name implies. Be ause inspira-
the br n hial tree (Figure 17-13). T e term aspiration pneumo- ti n requires that the lungs have the ability t stret ha
nia des ribes lung in e ti ns aused by inhalati n v mit r pr perty alled compliancerestri tive dis rders redu e a
ther in e tive material. It is mm n in a ute al h l int xi- pers ns ability t inhale n rmally. H w su h hanges in
ati n and as a result anesthesia. pulm nary v lumes are measured is des ribed in a later
uberculosis ( B) is a hr ni ba illus in e ti n aused by se ti n.
M ycobacterium tuberculosis (see Appendix A at evolve.elsevier S me restri tive dis rders arise in nne tive tissue the
.com). B is a highly ntagi us disease transmitted thr ugh lung itsel . F r example, inf ammati n r brosis (s arring)
inhalati n r swall wing dr plets ntaminated with the lung tissue aused by exp sure t asbest s, al, r sili n dust
B ba illus. It usually a e ts the lungs and surr unding tis- an redu e mplian e and thus restri t alve li. Restri ti n
sues but an invade any ther tissue r rgan as well. breathing als an be aused by the pain that a mpanies
pleurisy r me hani al injuries, su h as rib ra tures.
An ther type restri tive dis rder is cystic brosis (CF),
whi h was des ribed in Chapter 3 (see p. 55). Re all that CF
is hara terized by thi kened f uids in the lungs, whi h re-
stri ts mplian e.
S upe rior lobe
O b s t r u c t ive P u lm o n a ry D is o r d e r s
A number di erent nditi ns may ause bstru ti n
Oblique fis s ure the airways. F r example, exp sure t igarette sm ke and
ther mm n air p llutants an trigger a ref exive nstri -
ti n br n hial airways. O bstru tive dis rders may bstru t
inspiration and expiration, whereas restri tive dis rders mainly
restri t inspiration. In bstru tive dis rders, the t tal lung
apa ity may be n rmal, r even high, but the time it takes t
Infe rior lobe
inhale r exhale maximally is signi antly in reased.
S me maj r bstru tive dis rders are summarized here
and in Figure 17-14.
A ute bstru ti n the airways, as when a pie e d
bl ks air f w, requires immediate a ti n t av id death r m
S su ati n (see the b x n p. 467).
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ) is a
br ad term used t des ribe nditi ns pr gressive irrevers-
I ible bstru ti n expirat ry air f w. Pe ple with COPD
FIGURE 17-13 Lobar pneumonia. Exudate lls many o the alveoli and have hr ni di ulties with breathing, mainly emptying
ducts o a single lobe o the le t lung. Note the di erence in texture and their lungs, and have visibly hyperinf ated hests. T se with
color o the a ected in erior lobe. See Figure 17-10. COPD ten have a pr du tive ugh and int leran e
472 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System


S ubmucos a l Enla rge d
gla nd s ubmucos a l gla nd
Air tube s na rrow a s Infla mma tion
a re s ult of swolle n of e pithe lium
S mooth mus cle tis s ue s a nd exce s s ive
mucus production.

Re s pira tory a ccumula tion
Epithe lium
17 Alve oli Hype rinfla tion
of a lve oli



Ede ma of re s pira tory

S mooth
mucos a a nd exce s s ive
mus cle Enla rge me nt
mucus production
cons triction a nd de s truction
obs truct a irways.
of a lve ola r wa lls


Wa lls of a lve oli a re torn

Mucus a nd ca nnot be re pa ire d.
plug Alve oli fus e into la rge
Hype rinfla tion a ir s pa ce s.
of a lve oli
FIGURE 17-14 Major obstructive pulmonary disorders.

a tivity. T e maj r dis rders bserved in pe ple with COPD ugh deeply as they try t disl dge the a umulating mu us.
are hr ni br n hitis and emphysema. T e maj r ause hr ni br n hitis is igarette sm king r
In N rth Ameri a, t ba use is the primary ause exp sure t igarette sm ke. Exp sure t ther air p llutants
COPD, but air p lluti n, asthma, and respirat ry in e ti ns als may ause hr ni br n hitis.
als play a r le. COPD is a leading ause death, and the Emphysema may result r m the pr gressi n hr ni
death rate r m COPD is increasing! Until a ew years ag , br n hitis r ther nditi ns as air be mes trapped within
m re men had COPD than w men. H wever, the in rease alve li and auses them t enlarge. As the alve li enlarge, their
sm king am ng w men is th ught t a unt r the a t that walls rupture and then use int large irregular spa es. T e
the urren e rate r emale COPD is gr wing rapidly. rupture alve li redu es the t tal sur a e area the lung,
A ute respirat ry ailure an ur when any the dis r- making breathing di ult. Emphysema patients ten devel p
ders that pr du e COPD be me intense. H eart ailure re- hypoxia, r xygen de ien y, in the internal envir nment.
sulting r m the vas ular resistan e that devel ps with COPD
is an ther p ssible ut me. Alth ugh there is n ure r Severe lung damage caused by emphysema is
hr ni bstru tive respirat ry nditi ns, limiting sympt ms sometimes treated surgically. For micrographs
an impr ve quality li e. Br n h dilat rs and rti ste- showing emphysema damage and a description o
r ids have been used t relieve s me the airway bstru ti n surgical options, see the article Lung Volume Reduc-
inv lved in COPD. tion Surgery at Connect It! at
Chronic bronchitis is a hr ni inf ammati n the br n-
hi and br n hi les. It is hara terized by edema and ex es- Asthma is an bstru tive dis rder hara terized by re ur-
sive mu us pr du ti n, whi h bl k air passages. Pe ple with ring spasms the sm th mus le in the walls the br n hi-
hr ni br n hitis have di ulty with exhaling and ten les. T e mus le ntra ti ns narr w the airways, making
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 473

breathing di ult. Inf ammati n (edema and ex essive mu us relatively nstant setp int n entrati n these bl d gases
pr du ti n) usually a mpanies the spasms, urther bstru t- is required r survival, there are mplex regulat ry me ha-
ing the airways. Asthma an be triggered by stress, heavy ex- nisms that ntr l them.
er ise, in e ti n, r inhaling allergens r ther irritants. Figure 17-15 summarizes the maj r n epts respirat ry
physi l gy, and we use it as the basis dis ussi n in the re-
Lu n g C a n c e r maining se ti ns this hapter. Re er t this gure a ter
Lung an er is a malignan y pulm nary tissue that n t reading ea h se ti n t help y u put y ur new learning int a
nly destr ys the vital gas-ex hange tissues the lungs but, use ul big pi ture and deepen y ur understanding.
like ther an ers, als may invade ther parts the b dy
Surgery is the m st e e tive treatment r lung an er P u lm o n a ry Ve n t ila t io n
kn wn, but nly hal the pers ns diagn sed as having lung
M e c h a n ic s o Br e a t h in g
an er are g d andidates r surgery be ause extensive
spread the disease (metastasis) at the time diagn sis. In Pulm nary ventilati n, r breathing, has tw phases. 17
a lobectomy, nly the a e ted l be a lung is rem ved. Inspiration, r inhalation, m ves air int the lungs, and
Pneumonectomy is the surgi al rem val an entire lung. expiration, r exhalation, m ves air ut the lungs.
T e lungs are en l sed within the th ra i avity. T us
Review the article Metastasis at Connect It! at hanges in the shape and size the th ra i avity result in hanges in the air pressure within that avity and in the lungs.
T is di eren e in air pressure is the driving r e m ve-
ment air int and ut the lungs. Air m ves r m an area
where pressure is high t an area where pressure is l wer.
1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n b ro n ch o p n e u m o n ia a n d
Anything that f wswhether it is bl d, lymph, r air
lo b a r p n e u m o n ia ?
2. Do re s trictive p u lm o n a ry d is o rd e rs re s trict m a in ly in s p ira - ll ws this primary prin iple: a f uid always f ws d wn a
tio n o r e xp ira tio n ? pressure gradient.
3. Give tw o e xa m p le s o ch ro n ic o b s tru ctive p u lm o n a ry F r ventilati n t ur, the tissues the th rax and lungs
d is e a s e (COPD). must remain b th compliant (able t stret h) and elastic (able
4. Why is s u rg e ry a n e e ctive tre a tm e n t o r o n ly h a l o th e
t re il a ter stret h). Respirat ry mus les are resp nsible r
p e rs o n s d ia g n o s e d w ith lu n g ca n ce r?
the hanges in the shape the th ra i avity that hange the
internal air pressures inv lved in breathing.
Re s p ir a t io n In s p ir a t io n
Respiration means ex hange gases ( xygen and arb n Inspirati n urs when the hest avity enlarges. As the th -
di xide) between a living rganism and its envir nment. I the rax enlarges, the lungs expand al ng with it, and air rushes
rganism nsists nly ne ell, gases an m ve dire tly int them and d wn int the alve li. T is happens be ause
between it and the envir nment. I , h wever, the rganism a very imp rtant law physi s: the v lume and pressure a
nsists billi ns ells, as d ur b dies, m st its ells gas are inversely pr p rti nal. T at means that when the v l-
are t ar rem ved r m the air s ur e r a dire t ex hange ume a gas g es up, as it d es when we expand the th rax,
gases t ur. ver me this bsta le, a pair rgans then the pressure g es d wn. T us, air pressure in the lungs
the lungspr vides a pla e where air and a ir ulating f uid de reases during inspirati n. W hen air pressure in the lungs is
(bl d) an me l se en ugh t ea h ther r xygen t less than atm spheri air pressure, air rushes d wn its pressure
m ve ut the air int the bl d while arb n di xide m ves gradient int the lungs.
ut the bl d int the air. Mus les that in rease the v lume the th rax are lassi-
Breathing, r pulmonary ventilation, is the pr ess that ed as inspiratory muscles. T ese in lude the diaphragm and
m ves air int and ut the lungs. It makes p ssible the the external intercostal muscles.
ex hange gases between air in the lungs and in the bl d. T e diaphragm is the d me-shaped mus le separating the
gether, these pr esses are ten alled external respiration. abd minal avity r m the th ra i avity. T e diaphragm
In additi n, ex hange gases urs between the bl d f attens ut when it ntra ts during inspirati n. Instead
and the ells the systemi tissues the b dy, whi h then use pr truding up int the hest avity, as it d es at rest, it m ves
the xygen in the bi hemi al pathways that trans er energy d wn t ward the abd minal avity as it ntra ts. T us the
r m nutrient m le ules t aden sine triph sphate (A P). ntra ti n r f attening the diaphragm makes the hest
gether, these pr esses are alled internal respiration. avity l nger r m t p t b tt m. T e diaphragm is the m st
T e term cellular respiration re ers t the use xygen by imp rtant mus le inspirati n. Nerve impulses passing
ells in the pr ess metab lism, whi h is dis ussed urther thr ugh b th phrenic nerves stimulate the diaphragm t
in Chapter 19. ntra t.
All these respirat ry pr esses require transp rt gases T e external inter stal mus les are l ated between the
( xygen and arb n di xide) by the bl d. And be ause a ribs. W hen they ntra t, they pull the ribs upward and
474 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

Re gula tion of bre a thing

Alve oli
P ulmona ry
ve ntila tion
Exte rna l
re s pira tion Re s pira tory
control ce nte rs

P ulmona ry
ga s O2
CO 2
excha nge

Motor output
P ulmona ry to re s pira tory
circula tion mus cle s

Tra ns port O 2 s e ns or
S ys te mic circula tion CO 2 s e ns or
pH s e ns or

I S ys te mic
tis s ue ga s CO 2
excha nge
Inte rna l
re s pira tion Ce llula r Ce ll
re s pira tion

FIGURE 17-15 Overview o respiration. This chapter is organized around the principle that respiratory
unction includes external respiration (ventilation and pulmonary gas exchange), transport o gases by blood,
and internal respiration (systemic tissue gas exchange and cellular respiration). Cellular respiration is discussed
separately (see Chapter 19). Regulatory mechanisms centered in the brainstem use eedback rom blood gas
sensors to regulate ventilation.

utward. T is enlarges the th rax by in reasing the size the D uring m re r e ul expirati n, the expiratory muscles (in-
avity r m anteri r t p steri r and r m side t side. ternal inter stals and several abd minal mus les) ntra t.
C ntra ti n the inspirat ry mus les in reases the v lume W hen ntra ted, the internal inter stal mus les pull the
the th ra i avity and redu es lung air pressure bel w atm - rib age inward and de rease the r nt-t -ba k size
spheri air pressure, drawing air int the lungs (Figure 17-16). the th rax. C ntra ti n the abd minal mus les pushes the
abd minal rgans against the underside the diaphragm,
Ex p ir a t io n pushing it arther upward int the th ra i avity. As the
Q uiet, resting expirati n is rdinarily a passive pr ess that th ra i avity de reases in size, the air pressure within it
begins when the inspirat ry mus les relax and return t in reases ab ve atm spheri air pressure and air f ws ut
their resting length. T e th ra i avity then returns t its the lungs (see Figure 17-16).
smaller size. T e elasti nature th ra i and lung tissue
als auses these rgans t re il and de rease in size. To learn more about pulmonary ventilation, go to
Be ause v lume and pressure are inversely pr p rti nal AnimationDirect online at
( ne g es up as the ther g es d wn), as lung v lume de-
reases, the lung air pressure in reases. As the lung air pres-
P u lm o n a ry Vo lu m e s
sure rises ab ve atm spheri air pressure, air f ws d wn its
pressure gradient and utward thr ugh the respirat ry A spe ial devi e alled a spirometer is used t measure the
passageways. am unt air ex hanged in breathing. Figure 17-17 illustrates
W hen we speak, sing, r d heavy w rk, we may need m re the vari us pulm nary v lumes that an be measured as a
r e ul expirati n t in rease the rate and depth ventilati n. subje t breathes int a spir meter.
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 475




Lungs Dia phra gm Lungs

expa nd re coil

Dia phra gm Dia phra gm

contra cts re la xe s
FIGURE 17-16 Mechanics o breathing. During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts, increasing the vol-
ume o the thoracic cavity. This increase in volume results in a decrease in pressure, which causes air to rush
into the lungs. During expiration, the diaphragm returns to an upward position, reducing the volume in the tho-
racic cavity. Air pressure increases then, orcing air out o the lungs. The insets show the classic model in which
a jar represents the rib cage, a rubber sheet represents the diaphragm, and a balloon represents the lungs.

We take appr ximately 500 mL (ab ut a pint) air int ur

Re g u la t io n o Ve n t ila t io n
lungs with ea h n rmal inspirati n and expel it with ea h n r-
mal expirati n. Be ause this am unt mes and g es regularly Ho m e o s t a s is o Blo o d G a s e s
like the tides the sea, it is re erred t as the tidal volume ( V). Alth ugh we may take nly 12 t 18 breaths a minute at rest,
T e largest am unt air that we an breathe ut in ne we take nsiderably m re than this when we are exer ising.
expirati nby inhaling as deeply as p ssible, then exhaling N t nly d we take m re breaths, but ur tidal v lume als
ullyis kn wn as the vital capacity (VC). In n rmal y ung in reases with physi al a tivity.
men, this is ab ut 4800 mL. N rmal ranges r VC vary with T e reas n ur respirat ry rate hanges is be ause ur
age, gender, b dy size, tness, and ther variables. b dy attempts t maintain a high setp int level xygen
idal v lume and vital apa ity are requently measured in and a l w setp int level arb n di xide in ur bl d.
patients with lung r heart disease, nditi ns that ten lead t W hen ur ells use up xygen qui kly during exer ise, they
abn rmal v lumes air being m ved in and ut the lungs. draw m re xygen r m the bl dredu ing bl d xygen
O bserve the area in Figure 17-17 that represents the n entrati n bel w its set p int. Likewise, ells release
expiratory reserve volume (ERV). T is is the am unt air waste arb n di xide int the bl d m re rapidly during
that an be r ibly exhaled a ter expiring the tidal v lume. exer isethus raising the bl d arb n di xide n entra-
C mpare this with the area in Figure 17-17 that represents the ti n ab ve its set p int.
inspiratory reserve volume (IRV). T e IRV is the am unt Vari us regulat ry me hanisms resp nd t these hanges
air that an be r ibly inspired ver and ab ve a n rmal in- thr ugh negative eedba k l ps that reverse bl d gas n-
spirati n. As the tidal v lume in reases, the ERV and IRV entrati ns ba k t ward their setp int valuesby hanging
de rease. ur respirat ry rate and depth breathing.
Residual volume (RV) is simply the air that remains in
the lungs a ter the m st r e ul expirati n. Br a in s t e m C o n t ro l o Re s p ir a t io n
N te in Figure 17-17 that vital apa ity is the t tal tidal Changes in respirati n depend n pr per un ti ning the
v lume, inspirat ry reserve v lume, and expirat ry reserve mus les respirati n. T ese mus les are stimulated by ner-
v lume r expressed in an ther way: VC V IRV v us impulses that riginate in respiratory control centers
ERV. In pulm nary termin l gy, a capacity is a mbinati n l ated in the brainstem.
tw r m re pulm nary v lumes. T e brainstem enters are inf uen ed by input r m a num-
Clini ally use ul pulm nary v lumes and are des ribed in ber sens ry re ept rs l ated in di erent areas the b dy.
Table 17-1. T ese re ept rs an sense the need r hanging the rate r
depth respirati ns t maintain h me stasis. Certain re ep-
QUICK CHECK t rs sense arb n di xide r xygen levels, whereas thers
1. Wh a t is in te rn a l re s p ira tio n ? sense bl d a id levels r the am unt stret h in lung
2. Ho w d o e s th e d ia p h ra g m o p e ra te d u rin g in s p ira tio n ? tissues.
Du rin g e xp ira tio n ? A gr up ntr l enters in the medullathe medul-
3. Wh a t n e rve s s tim u la te th e d ia p h ra g m to co n tra ct? lary rhythmicity areaseem t pr du e the basi rhythm
4. Wh a t is th e vita l ca p a city? Ho w is it m e a s u re d ?
breathing. A n rmal resting breathing rate is ab ut 12 t 18
476 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

breaths a minute. T e tw m st imp rtant ntr l enters in

Gre ate r ac tivity the medulla r regulating breathing rhythm are alled the
Re s ting s tate (force ful ins pira tion ventral respiratory group (VRG) and the dorsal respiratory
(norma l bre a thing) plus force ful expira tion) group (DRG). T e VRG pr vides the basi rhythm genera-

t r r breathing. D RG adjusts the breathing rhythm when

Re s pira tory

re s e rve bl d pH r arb n di xide levels hangeas they w uld


during exer ise.

Ins pirato ry diminis he s

Several ntr l enters in the p nsthe pontine respiratory

re s e rve vo lume (IRV)

group (PRG)seem t pr vide input t the DRG and thus

(3000-3300 mL)

help t m dulate the basi rhythm as needed under a variety

hanging nditi ns in the b dy.

T e depth and rate respirati n an be inf uen ed by

many inputs t the respirat ry ntr l enters r m ther

Tidal volume (TV) (500 mL) (Volume of


exhaled air after normal ins pira tion)

areas the brain r r m sens ry re ept rs l ated utside

Expirato ry

the entral nerv us system (Figure 17-18).

re s e rve vo lume (ERV)

reserve volume

(1000-1200 mL)


C e r e b r a l C o r t e x C o n t ro l o Re s p ir a t io n
Re s idual vo lume (RV)
(1200 mL) t
T e erebral rtex an inf uen e respirati n by sending nerve
signals that a e t the un ti n the respirat ry enters the
Time brainstem. In ther w rds, an individual may v luntarily ver-
ride the aut mati brainstem rhythm breathing and speed
A up r sl w d wn the breathing rate r greatly hange the
pattern respirati n during a tivities. T is ability permits us
Re s idua l volume t hange respirat ry patterns and even t h ld ur breath r
sh rt peri ds t a mm date a tivities su h as speaking, eat-
Expira tory ing, r swimming under water.
re s e rve volume Tota l lung
ca pa city T is v luntary ntr l respirati n has limits. As indi-
Tida l volume Vita l ated in a later se ti n, ther a t rs su h as bl d arb n
ca pa city di xide levels are mu h m re p wer ul in ntr lling respira-
Ins pira tory
B re s e rve volume ti n than ns i us ntr l. Regardless erebral intent t
the ntrary, we resume breathing when ur b dies sense the
FIGURE 17-17 Pulmonary ventilation volumes. The chart in A shows need r m re xygen r i arb n di xide levels in rease t
a tracing like that produced with a spirometer. The diagram in B shows the
pulmonary volumes as relative proportions o an inf ated balloon (see ertain levels.
Figure 17-16). During normal, quiet breathing, about 500 mLo air is moved
into and out o the respiratory tract, an amount called the tidal volume. Dur- Re s p ir a t o ry Re e xe s
ing orce ul breathing (like that during and a ter heavy exercise), an extra Chemoref exes
3300 mL can be inspired (the inspiratory reserve volume), and an extra Chemoreceptors l ated in the carotid and aortic bodies are
1000 mL or so can be expired (the expiratory reserve volume). The largest
volume o air that can be moved in and out during ventilation is called the sens ry re ept rs that are sensitive t in reases in bl d ar-
vital capacity. Air that remains in the respiratory tract a ter a orce ul expira- b n di xide level and de reases in bl d xygen levelb th
tion is called the residual volume. See Table 17-1. whi h ur as ells d m re w rk.

TABLE 17-1 Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities

Tidal volum e Volum e m ove d into or out o the 500 m L (0.5 L) Vital capacity (VC) TV IRV ERV 4500-5000 m L
(TV) re s piratory tract during a norm al (4.5-5.0 L)
re s piratory cycle
Ins piratory Maxim um volum e that can be 3000-3300 m L Ins piratory capac- TV IRV 3500-3800 m L
re s e rve m ove d into the re s piratory tract (3.0-3.3 L) ity (IC) (3.5-3.8 L)
volum e (IRV) a te r a norm al ins piration
Expiratory Maxim um volum e that can be 1000-1200 m L Functional re s idual ERV RV 2200-2400 m L
re s e rve m ove d out o the re s piratory (1.0-1.2 L) capacity (FRC) (2.2-2.4 L)
volum e (ERV) tract a te r a norm al expiration
Re s idual Volum e re m aining in the re s pira- 1200 m L (1.2 L) Total lung capacity TV IRV ERV 5700-6200 m L
volum e (RV) tory tract a te r m axim um (TLC) RV (5.7-6.2 L)
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 477

Corte x Ca rotid che more ce ptors

(volunta ry control) a nd ba rore ce ptors

Aortic che more ce ptors

a nd ba rore ce ptors

Limbic s ys te m
(e motiona l re s pons e s )


Apne us tic ce nte r 17

P ons
Ce ntra l che more ce ptors S tre tch re ce ptors
in lungs a nd
thora x

Me dulla ry DRG
S a re a Re s pira tory
mus cle s
Me dulla

FIGURE 17-18 Regulation o respiration. Respiratory control centers in the brainstem control the basic
rate and depth o breathing. The brainstem also receives input rom other parts o the body; in ormation rom
chemoreceptors and stretch receptors can alter the basic breathing pattern, as can emotional and sensory input.
Despite these controls, the cerebral cortex can override the automatic control o breathing to some extent to
accomplish activities such as singing or blowing up a balloon. Green arrows show the f ow o regulatory in or-
mation as it f ows into the respiratory control centers. The purple arrow shows the f ow o regulatory in orma-
tion rom the control centers to the respiratory muscles that provide the power needed or breathing. DRG,
Dorsal respiratory group; PRG, pontine respiratory group; VRG, ventral respiratory group.

Su h hem re ept rs als sense and resp nd t in reasing pattern breathing and pr te t the respirat ry system r m
bl d a id levels. Be ause arb n di xide rms an a id in ex ess stret hing aused by harm ul verinf ati n.
the bl d plasma, bl d pH g es d wn when w rkand thus W hen the tidal v lume air has been inspired, the lungs
bl d CO 2 levelsg up. are expanded en ugh t stimulate stret h re ept rs that then
T e ar tid b dy re ept rs are und at the p int where send inhibit ry impulses t the inspirat ry enter. Relax-
the mm n ar tid arteries divide, and the a rti b dies are ati n inspirat ry mus les urs, and expirati n ll ws.
small lusters hem sensitive ells that lie adja ent t the A ter expirati n, the lungs are su iently def ated t inhibit
a rti ar h near the heart (see Figure 17-18). the stret h re ept rs, and inspirati n is then all wed t start
W hen stimulated by in reasing levels bl d arb n di- again.
xide, de reasing xygen levels, r in reasing bl d a idity
(l wer plasma pH ), these re ept rs send nerve impulses t the
Br e a t h in g P a t t e r n s
respirat ry regulat ry enters. T is signal is interpreted as a
hange away r m the set p ints r these physi l gi al vari- A number lini al terms are used t des ribe breathing pat-
ables, s the ntr l enters (integrat rs) m di y respirat ry terns. Eupnea, r example, re ers t a n rmal respirat ry rate.
rates t bring them ba k t ward their set p ints. D uring eupnea, the need r xygen and arb n di xide ex-
T e bl d CO 2 level is the m st p wer ul stimulus driving hange is being met, and the individual is usually n t aware
respirati n. T at is, the respirat ry ntr l enters seem t their breathing pattern.
resp nd very qui kly t even min r shi ts in plasma CO 2. T e terms hyperventilation and hypoventilation de-
s ribe very rapid and deep r sl w and shall w respirati ns,
Pulmonary Stretch Ref exes respe tively. H yperventilati n s metimes results r m a
Stret h re ept rs in the lungs are l ated thr ugh ut the pul- ns i us v luntary e rt pre eding exerti n. O r it an re-
m nary airways and in the alve li (see Figure 17-18). Nerve sult r m psy h l gi al a t rsas in s - alled hysteri al
impulses generated by these re ept rs inf uen e the n rmal hyperventilati n.
478 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

TABLE 17-2 Examples o Breathing Patterns and Spirograms QUICK CHECK

1. Wh e re a re th e re s p ira to ry co n tro l
ce n te rs lo ca te d ?
Eupne a Norm al bre athing 2. Wh a t is a ch e m o re ce p to r? Ho w d o e s it
in u e n ce b re a th in g ?
3. Wh a t is th e m o s t p o w e r u l s tim u lu s
Hype rve ntilation Rapid, de e p re s pirations th a t in u e n ce s re s p ira tio n ?
4. Wh a t is hyp e rve n tila tio n ?
Hyp ove n tila tio n ?

Hypove ntilation Slow, s hallow re s pirations

G a s Exc h a n g e a n d
Apne a Ce s s ation o re s pirations
Tr a n s p o r t
17 P u lm o n a ry G a s Exc h a n g e
Cheyne -Stoke s Alte rnating apne a and
re s piration hype rve ntilation Bl d pumped r m the right ventri le
the heart enters the pulm nary artery and
eventually enters the lungs. It then f ws
thr ugh the th usands tiny pulm nary
apillaries that are in l se pr ximity t
the air- lled alve li (see Figure 17-9).
External respiration, r the ex hange
gases between the bl d and alve lar air,
C LIN ICA L APPLICATION urs by di usi n. Di usi n is a passive
S UDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME pr ess resulting in m vement d wn a n-
entrati n gradient (see Table 3-2 n p. 51).
S udde n in ant de ath s yndro m e (S IDS ) is the third-ranking caus e o in ant de ath
T at is, substan es m ve r m an area
and accounts or about 1 in 9 o the ne arly 30,000 in ant de aths re porte d e ach
high n entrati n t an area l wer n-
ye ar in the Unite d State s . Som e tim e s calle d crib de ath, SIDS occurs m os t re -
que ntly in babie s w ith no obvious m e dical proble m s w ho are younge r than
entrati n the di using substan e.
3 m onths o age . The exact caus e o de ath can s e ldom be de te rm ine d eve n a te r T e am unts r n entrati ns
exte ns ive te s ting and autops y. s me bl d substan es are measured in
SIDS occurs at a highe r rate in A rican-Am e rican and Native -Am e rican babie s terms weight. Rep rting h w many
than in w hite , His panic, or As ian in ants , although the re as ons re m ain a mys te ry. milligrams a parti ular substan e are
Re gardle s s o in ant e thnicity, re ce nt data s ugge s t that ce rtain pre cautions , s uch present in 100 mL bl d (mg/dL) is
as having babie s s le e p only on the ir backs and ke e ping cribs re e o pillow s or ne example. H wever, the n entrati n
plus h toys that m ight partially cove r the nos e or m outh, m ay re duce the incide nce a parti ular gas in air r within the
o SIDS. Als o im portant is the e lim ination o s m oking during pre gnancy and pro- bl d is expressed as the pressure exerted
te cting in ants rom expos ure to s e cond-hand cigare tte s m oke a te r birth.
by that gas and is rep rted in millimeters
Although the exact caus e o SIDS re m ains unknow n, abnorm alitie s in the
mer ury (mm H g). Re all r m Chap-
re gulatory ce nte rs o the brains te m that control bre athing m ay play a role in this
tragic proble m .
ter 15 that bl d pressure levels are als
rep rted in mm H g.
Several di erent gases are present in
b th air and bl d. T e t tal pressure all
gases present in an air r bl d sample is,
D yspnea re ers t lab red r di ult breathing and is ten urse, the sum the pressures exerted by ea h the gases
ass iated with hyp ventilati n. D yspnea that is relieved by present. Be ause the pressure the s - alled respiratory
m ving int an upright r sitting p siti n is alled orthopnea. gases xygen (O 2) and arb n di xide (CO 2)in air r
I breathing st ps mpletely r a brie peri d, regardless bl d nstitutes nly a part the t tal pressure present,
ause, it is alled apnea. their n entrati n is rep rted as a partial pressure (P). T e
A series y les alternating apnea and hyperventilati n symb l used t designate partial pressure is the apital letter
is alled Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR). CSR urs in P pre eding the hemi al symb l r the gas. F r respirat ry
riti al diseases su h as ngestive heart ailure, brain injuries, gases the symb ls PO2 and PCO2 are used.
r brain tum rs. CSR als may ur in the ase a drug Instead re erring dire tly t n entrati n, respirat ry
verd se. physi l gists state that bl d gas parti les di use r m an
Failure t resume breathing a ter a peri d apnea is alled area high partial pressure t an area l wer partial pressure.
respiratory arrest. Understanding the r le partial pressures bl d gases in
Examples breathing patterns are summarized in n rmal gas ex hange is imp rtant in the diagn sis and treat-
Table 17-2. ment many disease nditi ns.
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 479

O 2 is ntinually rem ved r m the bl d and used by the Di usi n arb n di xide als urs between bl d in
b dy ells. By the time bl d f ws int the pulm nary apil- pulm nary apillaries and alve lar air. Bl d f wing thr ugh
laries, it has a Po 2 ab ut 40 mm H g. Be ause alve lar air the pulm nary apillaries is high in CO 2, having a Pco 2
is ri h in xygen (Po 2 100 mm H g), di usi n auses m ve- 46 mm H g. T e Pco 2 alve lar air is ab ut 40 mm H g. T ere-
ment xygen r m the area high partial pressure (alve - re, di usi n arb n di xide results in its m vement r m an
lar air) t the area l wer partial pressure ( apillary bl d). area high partial pressure in the pulm nary apillaries t an
Put an ther way, xygen di uses d wn its partial pressure area l wer partial pressure in alve lar air. T en r m the al-
gradient. ve li, arb n di xide leaves the b dy in expired air (Figure 17-19).


Ins pire d Expire d

Carbo n dioxide (CO2 ) a ir a ir Oxyg e n (O2 )
Alve olus P O 2 100 mm Hg
P CO 2 40 mm Hg
Alve ola r a ir Alve olus
CO 2 O2

P CO 2 46 mm Hg
Alve olus P O 2 40 mm Hg
H2 O
P la s ma CO 2 P la s ma
H2 CO 3 O2
H+ HCO 3 CO 2 Hb
CO 2 O2

P ulmona ry a rte ry P ulmona ry ve in

Ca rbon dioxide (CO 2 ) dis s ocia te s from O 2 diffus e s out of a lve ola r a ir into blood
bica rbona te ions (HCO 3 ) a nd he moglobin a nd binds with he moglobin (Hb) in re d
a nd diffus e s out of blood into a lve ola r a ir. blood ce lls (RBCs ) to form oxyhe moglobin.


S ys te mic ve ins S ys te mic a rte rie s

Carbo n dioxide (CO2 ) Oxyg e n (O2 )
H+ HCO 3 He a rt
H2 CO 3 RBC Hb
H2 O CO 2 O2 RBC
CO 2
P la s ma
P O 2 100 mm Hg
P CO 2 40 mm Hg CO 2 O2
P la s ma
CO 2 O 2
CO 2 O2
Tis s ue ce ll Tis s ue ce ll
P CO 2 46 mm Hg Ce lls
P O 2 40 mm Hg

CO 2 diffus e s into blood a nd s ome of it binds to Hb in Oxyhe moglobin dis s ocia te s, re le a s ing O 2 ,
RBCs to form ca rba minohe moglobin. Mos t CO 2 combine s which diffus e s from RBCs a nd a cros s the
with wa te r to form ca rbonic a cid (H2 CO 3 ), which ca pilla ry wa ll to tis s ue ce lls.
dis s ocia te s to form H+ a nd HCO 3 (bica rbona te ) ions.

FIGURE 17-19 Exchange and transport o gases. The top panel o the diagram shows pulmonary gas
exchange and the bottom panel shows systemic gas exchange. In each, the le t inset shows the transport and
movement o carbon dioxide (CO2) and the right inset shows the transport and movement o oxygen (O2).
480 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

S y s t e m ic G a s Exc h a n g e high partial pressure in the ells (Pco 2 46 mm H g) t an

T e ex hange gases that urs between bl d in systemi area l wer partial pressure (Pco 2 43 mm H g) in the sys-
apillaries and the b dy ells is alled internal respiration. temi apillaries.
As y u w uld expe t, the dire ti n m vement xygen Simply stated, during internal respirati n xygenated
and arb n di xide during internal respirati n is just the p- bl d enters systemi apillaries and is hanged int de xy-
p site that n ted in the ex hange that urs during exter- genated bl d as it f ws thr ugh them. In the pr ess
nal respirati n when gases are ex hanged between the bl d l sing xygen, the waste pr du t arb n di xide is pi ked up
in the pulm nary apillaries and the air in alve li. and transp rted t the lungs r rem val r m the b dy.
D uring the pr ess internal respirati n xygen m le ules
m ve rapidly ut the bl d thr ugh the systemi apillary
Blo o d Tr a n s p o r t a t io n o G a s e s
membrane int the interstitial f uid and n int the ells that
make up the tissues. At the same time, arb n di xide m le- Bl d transp rts the respirat ry gases, xygen and arb n
ules leave the ells, di use thr ugh the interstitial f uid and di xide, in a diss lved state, either as a single substan e r
17 then enter the systemi apillaries, eventually being transp rted mbined with ther hemi als.
t the lungs r eliminati n r m the b dy. T e xygen is used Immediately up n entering the bl d, b th xygen and
by the ells in their metab li a tivities. ra e these m vements arb n di xide diss lve in the plasma, but be ause f uids an
bl d gases r y ursel in Figure 17-19, bottom panel. h ld nly small am unts gas in s luti n, m st the xygen
D i usi n results in the m vement xygen r m an and arb n di xide rapidly rm a hemi al uni n with hem -
area high partial pressure in the systemi apillaries gl bin r water. On e gas m le ules are b und t an ther
(Po 2 100 mm H g) t an area l wer partial pressure m le ule, their plasma n entrati n (partial pressure) de-
(Po 2 40 mm H g) in the ells where it is needed. D i usi n reases and m re gas an di use int the plasma. In this way,
is als resp nsible r the m vement CO 2 r m an area mparatively large v lumes the gases an be transp rted.


Exe rcis e phys iologis ts us e m axim um oxyge n cons um ption by bubbling the re le as e d gas through wate r, to preve nt dam -
(VO 2 m ax) as a pre dictor o a pe rs ons capacity to do ae robic age to the re s piratory tract. Supple m e ntal oxyge n is de live re d
exe rcis e . An individuals VO 2 m ax re pre s e nts the am ount o oxy- through a m as k or tube s that le ad into the nas al pas s age (na-
ge n take n up by the lungs , trans porte d to the tis s ue s , and s al prongs ).
us e d to do work. VO 2 m ax is de te rm ine d large ly by he re ditary Supple m e ntal (and ge ne rally ve ry expe ns ive ) oxyge n is
actors , but ae robic (e ndurance ) training can incre as e it by as now be ing dis pe ns e d or re cre ational purpos e s at tre ndy oxy-
m uch as 35% . Many e ndurance athle te s are now us ing VO 2 m ax ge n bars . De live ry is at low ow leve ls and, although cons id-
m e as ure m e nts to he lp the m de te rm ine and the n m aintain e re d s a e or he althy individuals , has m ore ps ychological than
the ir pe ak condition. m e as urable phys iological e e cts .
Bre athing s upple m e ntal oxyge n or s hort pe riods a te r
Oxygen Supplements s tre nuous exe rcis e is anothe r nonm e dical application o oxy-
Oxyge n the rapy is the adm inis tration o oxy- ge n the rapy. Although it m ay s horte n re cove ry tim e s or s om e
ge n to individuals s u e ring rom hypoxia athle te s , it s e ldom provide s m ore than trans itory be ne f ts .
an ins u f cie nt oxyge n s upply to the tis - Som e e ndurance athle te s , s uch as cyclis ts and long-dis tance
s ue s . Clinically, hypoxia is diagnos e d runne rs w ho pe r orm at high altitude s , have us e d oxyge n
w he n the oxyge n s aturation o arte rial te nts or bags to provide lowe r O 2 leve ls ove r longe r
blood plas m a drops be low 80% . Indi- pe riods o s le e p or re s t to im prove
viduals w ith ce rtain re s piratory prob- pe r orm ance or re duce the ne e d
le m s , s uch as e m phys e m a, m ay re - or high altitude training be ore
quire s upple m e ntal oxyge n in orde r com pe tition.
to m aintain a norm al li e s tyle . Mos t s port-s anctioning groups
Oxyge n (O 2 ) in the orm o com - have now que s tione d the e thics o
pre s s e d gas is com m only s tore d in and this longe r-te rm us e o s upple m e n-
dis pe ns e d rom s m all, gre e n, m e tal cyl- tal oxyge n or have banne d the prac-
inde rs or tanks (s e e the f gure ). Be - tice outright as a orm o doping
caus e the oxyge n dis pe ns e d rom s uch (s e e box p. 354).
tanks is o te n cold and dry, it m ay ne e d
to be warm e d and m ois te ne d, ge ne rally
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 481

Tr a n s p o r t o O x yg e n Carbon Dioxide
Only very limited am unts xygen an be diss lved in the Ab ut 10% the t tal am unt arb n di xide in bl d is
bl d. O the t tal am unt xygen that bl d an trans- arried in the dissolved orm. It is this diss lved CO 2 that pr -
p rt, ab ut 20.4 mL in 100 mL bl d, nly ab ut 1.5% r du es the Pco 2 bl d plasma. H wever, all CO 2 in the bl d
0.3 mL is a tually diss lved. Many times that am unt, ab ut must pass thr ugh the diss lved state be re m ving int r
21.1 mL, mbines with the hem gl bin (H b) in 100 mL ut any the states des ribed in the ll wing se ti ns.
bl d t rm oxyhemoglobin (H bO 2) s that it an be ar-
ried t the tissues and used by the b dy ells. Carbaminohemoglobin
mbine with hem gl bin, xygen must rst di use Ab ut 20% the t tal CO 2 transp rted in the bl d is in the
int the red bl d ells t rm xyhem gl bin. H em gl bin rm carbaminohemoglobin (H bCO 2). H bCO 2 is rmed
m le ules are large pr teins that ntain ur ir n- ntaining by the binding arb n di xide t hem gl bin.
heme mp nents, ea h whi h is apable mbining T e rmati n this mp und is a elerated by an in-
with an xygen m le ule. rease in Pco 2as the extra diss lved CO 2 binds t hem -
In many ways ea h hem gl bin m le ule a ts as the ulti- gl bin. Likewise, rmati n H bCO 2 is sl wed r even 17
mate xygen sp nge. O xygen ass iates with hem gl bin reversedby a de rease in Pco 2.
rapidlys rapidly, in a t, that ab ut 97% the bl ds
hem gl bin has united with xygen, and be me xygenated Bicarbonate
bl d, by the time it leaves the pulm nary apillaries t re- Ab ut 70% the t tal CO 2 transp rted in the bl d is ar-
turn t the heart. ried in the rm bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 ).
O xygenated bl d is und in the pulm nary veins and W hen CO 2 diss lves in water (as in bl d plasma), s me
systemi arteries. N rmally, xygenated bl d is 97% satu- the CO 2 m le ules ass iate with water (H 2O) t rm
rated. S - alled de xygenated bl d, und in the systemi carbonic acid (H 2CO3). O n e rmed, s me the H 2CO 3
veins and pulm nary arteries, is ab ut 75% saturated with m le ules diss iate t rm hydr gen (H ) and bi arb nate
xygen. T e di eren e in xygen saturati n results r m the (H CO 3 ) i ns. T e speed this pr ess is quite sl w when it
release xygen r m xyhem gl bin t supply the b dy urs in the plasma, but the rate rea ti n in reases dra-
ells. T ere re, the hemi al mbinati n xygen and he- mati ally within RBCs be ause the presen e an enzyme
m gl bin is said t be reversible with xyhem gl bin r- alled carbonic anhydrase (CA). T e rea ti n is summarized
mati n r xygen release dependent n the partial pressure by the ll wing hemi al equati n:
xygen driving the rea ti n.
Summing up, we an say that xygen travels in tw rms: CO 2 H 2O u v H 2CO 3 u v H H CO 3
(1) as simply diss lved O 2 in the plasma and (2) as a mbina- Carbon Water Carbonic H yd rogen Bicarbonate
ti n O 2 and hem gl bin ( xyhem gl bin). O these tw d ioxid e acid ion ion
rms transp rt, xyhem gl bin is the arrier the vast
maj rity the t tal xygen transp rted by the bl d. N te that the arr ws g in b th dire ti ns. T is indi ates
that the rea ti n is reversibleit an g in either dire ti n. I
Un ortunately, other gases can also bind to hemo- bi arb nate is being rmed, CO 2 m le ules entering int
globin, perhaps rendering the Hb incapable o plasma are ntinually rem ved r m the bl d and travel t
transporting oxygen. For a common example o the lungs as bi arb nate. And, when the pr ess is reversed in
this, see the article Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at the lungs, CO 2 an be released r m bi arb nate t enter the
Connect It! at alve lar air and then be exhaled.
Tr a n s p o r t o C a r b o n D io x id e 1. Wh e n re e rrin g to re s p ira to ry ga s e s , e xp la in th e u s e o
Carb n di xide is a by-pr du t ellular metab lism and p a rtia l p re s s u re (P).
plays an imp rtant and ne essary r le in regulating the pH 2. Exp la in th e p ro ce s s o in te rn a l re s p ira tio n .
3. In w h a t o rm d o e s oxyg e n tra ve l in th e b lo o d ? Wh a t o rm
b dy f uids. H wever, i it a umulates in the b dy bey nd
d o e s ca rb o n d ioxid e tra ve l in th e b lo o d ?
n rmal limits (40 t 50 mm H g in ven us bl d), it an
qui kly be me t xi . Eliminati n ex ess CO 2 r m the
b dy urs when it enters the alve li and is expelled during
To better understand these concepts, use the
expirati n. F r this t ur, CO 2 must be transp rted in the
Active Concept Map Transport o Oxygen and
bl d t the lungs in ne three rms, as des ribed in the
Carbon Dioxide in the Blood at
ll wing se ti ns.
482 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

The Danis h phys ician Chris tian Bohrs m os t am ous dis cove ry was the act that a de cre as e
Bohr le t a le gacy o achieve m e nt in plas m a pH or an incre as e in P CO 2 w ill de cre as e he m oglobins
in s cie nce in m ore ways than one . binding a f nity w ith oxyge n. Calle d the Bohr e e ct, this phe -
His s on Nie ls Bohr (cre ator o the nom e non explains how he m oglobin s o e as ily give s up its oxy-
Bohr m ode l o the atom s e e n in ge n in ve ry active tis s ue s like m us cle s during exe rcis e w he re
Figure 2-2 on p. 26) and his grand- an incre as e in CO 2 and the accom panying acidity re e cts the
s on Aage Bohr both won Nobe l am ount o ce llular work and thus an incre as e d us e o oxyge n.
Prize s in s cie nce , as did his s tude nt The contributions o Bohr and m any othe rs to todays un-
Augus t Krogh. Chris tian Bohrs de rs tanding o the re lations hip o re s piration, blood gas e s , and
17 contributions to unde rs tanding re s -
Christian Bohr (18551911) piration, howeve r, have als o le t a
pH continue to play a ce ntral role in he alth care . Today, count-
le s s phys icians , nurs e s , re s pirato ry the rapis ts , e m e rge ncy
las ting m ark on re s piratory phys iol- m e dical te chnicians (EMTs ), and param e dics , continue to
ogy and m e dicine re s ulting in thre e Nobe l Prize nom inations be ne f t rom an unde rs tanding o the s e undam e ntal principle s
o his ow n. o phys iology.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 459)

carbonic anhydrase (CA) di usion heme

(kar-BON-ik an-HYE-drayz [see ay]) (dih-FYOO-zhen) (heem)
[carbo- coal, -ic relating to, a- without, [di us- spread out, -sion process] [hem- blood]
-hydr- water, -ase enzyme] epiglottis homeostatic mechanism
carotid body (ep-ih-GLOT-is) (hoh-mee-oh-STAT-ik MEK-ah-niz-em)
(kah-ROT-id BOD-ee] [epi- upon, -glottis mouth o windpipe] [homeo- same or equal, -static relating to
[caro- heavy sleep, -id relating to] eustachian tube standing still]
cellular respiration (yoo-STAY-shun toob) inspiration (inhalation)
(SEL-yoo-lar res-pih-RAY-shun) [Bartolomeo Eustachio, Italian anatomist, (in-spih-RAY-shun [in-huh-LAY-shun])
[cell storeroom, -ular relating to, re- again, -an relating to] [in- in, -spir- breathe, -ation process]
-spir- breathe, -ation process] expiration (exhalation) inspiratory muscle
chemoreceptor (eks-pih-RAY-shun [eks-huh-LAY-shun]) (in-SPY-rah-tor-ee MUS-el)
(kee-moh-ree-SEP-tor) [ex- out, -pir- breathe, -ation process (ex- out, [in- in, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
[chemo- chemical, -recept- receive, -or agent] -hal- breathe, -ation process)] mus- mouse, -cle little]
chemore ex expiratory muscle inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
(kee-moh-REE- eks) (eks-PYE-rah-tor-ee MUS-el) (in-SPY-rah-tor-ee ree-SERV VOL-yoom
[chemo- chemical, -re- back or again, [ex- out o , -[s]pir- breathe, -tory relating to, [aye ar vee])
- ex bend] musc- mouse, -cle little] [in- in, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to]
ciliary escalator expiratory reserve volume (ERV) interarytenoid notch
(SIL-ee-ayr-ee ES-kuh-lay-ter) (eks-PYE-rah-tor-ee ree-ZERV VOL-yoom (IN-ter-ar-ih-tee-noyd notch)
[cili- eyelash, -ary relating to, escalat- scale, [ee ar vee]) [inter- among, -aryten- ladle, -oid like]
-or agent] [ex- out o , -[s]pir- breathe, -tory relating to] internal respiration
compliance external nares (in-TER-nal res-pih-RAY-shun)
(kom-PLY-ans) (eks-TER-nal NAY-reez) [intern- inside, -al relating to, re- again,
[compli- f ll up, -ance act o ] sing., naris -spir- breathe, -ation process]
conchae (NAY-ris) lacrimal sac
(KONG-kee or KONG-kay) [extern- outside, -al relating to, naris nostril] (LAK-rih-mal sak)
sing., concha external respiration [lacrima- tear, -al relating to]
(KONG-kah) (eks-TER-nal res-pih-RAY-shun) laryngopharynx
[concha sea shell] [extern- outside, -al relating to, re- again, (lah-ring-goh-FAYR-inks)
diaphragm -spir- breathe, -ation process o ] [laryng- voice box (larynx), -pharynx throat]
(DYE-ah- ram) glottis larynx
[dia- across, -phrag- enclose, -(u)m thing] (GLOT-is) (LAYR-inks)
[glottis mouth o windpipe] [larynx voice box]
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 483

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 482)

lingual tonsil partial pressure (P) respiratory mucosa

(LING-gwal TAHN-sil) (PAR-shal PRESH-ur [pee]) (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee myoo-KOH-sah)
[ling- tongue, -al relating to, tons- goiter, pharyngeal tonsil [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
-il little] ( ah-RIN-jee-al TAHN-sil) mucus slime]
lower respiratory tract [pharyng- throat, -al relating to, tons- goiter, respiratory system
(LOW-er RES-pih-rah-tor-ee trakt) -il little] (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee SIS-tem)
[re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to, pharynx [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to]
tract trail] (FAYR-inks) secondary bronchi
lung [pharynx throat] (SEK-on-dayr-ee BRONG-kye)
phrenic nerve
sing., bronchus
(BRONG-kus) 17
[mucus slime] [phren- mind, -ic relating to] [second- second, -ary relating to,
bronchus windpipe]
nasal cavity pleura
(NAY-zal KAV-ih-tee) (PLOO-rah) sur actant
[nas- nose, -al relating to, cav- hollow, pl., pleurae (sur-FAK-tant)
-ity state] (PLOO-ree) [combination o sur (ace) act(ive) a(ge)nt]
nasal septum [pleura side o body (rib)] tidal volume (TV)
(NAY-zal SEP-tum) primary bronchi (TYE-dal VOL-yoom [tee vee])
[nas- nose, -al relating to, septum wall] (PRYE-mayr-ee BRONG-kye) [tid- time, -al relating to]
nasopharynx sing., bronchus tonsils
(nay-zoh-FAYR-inks) (BRONG-kus) (TAHN-silz)
[naso- nose, -pharynx throat] [prim- f rst, -ary relating to, bronchus windpipe] [tons- goiter, -il little]
nose pulmonary ventilation trachea
ol action (PUL-moh-nayr-ee ven-tih-LAY-shun) (TRAY-kee-ah)
(ohl-FAK-shun) [pulmon- lung, -ary relating to, vent- an or [trachea rough duct]
create wind, -tion process] turbinate
[ol act- smell, -tion condition]
oropharynx residual volume (RV) (TUR-bih-nayt)
(or-oh-FAYR-inks) (reh-ZID-yoo-al VOL-yoom [ar vee]) [turbin- top (spinning toy), -ate o or like]
[residu- remainder, -al relating to] upper respiratory tract
[oro- mouth, -pharynx throat]
oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) respiration (UP-er RES-pih-rah-tor-ee trakt)
(ahk-see-hee-moh-GLOH-bin [aych bee (res-pih-RAY-shun) [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
oh too]) [re- again, -spir- breathe, -ation process] tract trail]
[oxy- sharp, -hemo- blood, -glob- ball, respiratory control center vital capacity (VC)
-in substance] (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee kon-TROL SEN-ter) (VYE-tal kah-PAS-ih-tee [vee see])
[re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to] [vita- li e, -al relating to, capac- hold, -ity state]
palatine tonsil
(PAL-ah-tine TAHN-sil) respiratory membrane vocal cords
[palat- palate, -ine relating to, tons- goiter, (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee MEM-brayn) (VOH-kull kordz)
-il little] [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to, [voca- voice, -al relating to, cord- string]
membran- thin skin]
paranasal sinus
(payr-ah-NAY-zal SYE-nus)
[para- beside, -nas- nose, -al relating to,
sinus hollow]


abdominal thrust adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) apnea

(ab-DOM-ih-nal thrust) (ah-DULT RES-pih-rah-tor-ee dis-TRESS (AP-nee-ah)
[abdomin- belly, -al relating to] SIN-drohm [ardz or ay ar dee es]) [a- not, -pne- breathe, -a condition]
adenoid [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to, asthma
(AD-eh-noyd) syn- together, -drome running or (race) (AZ-mah)
[adeno- gland, -oid like] course] [asthma panting]
484 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 483)

atelectasis eupnea pneumonia

(at-eh-LEK-tay-sis) (YOOP-nee-ah) (noo-MOH-nee-ah)
[atele- incomplete, -ectasis extension] [eu- easily, -pne- breathe, -a condition] [pneumon- lung, -ia condition]
bronchitis hemothorax pneumothorax
(brong-KYE-tis) (hee-moh-THOH-raks) (noo-moh-THOH-raks)
[bronch- windpipe, -itis in ammation] [hemo- blood, -thorax chest] [pneumo- air or wind, -thorax chest]
chemoreceptor hyperventilation respiratory arrest
(kee-moh-ree-SEP-tor) (hye-per-ven-tih-LAY-shun) (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee ah-REST)
[chemo- chemical, -recept- receive, -or agent] [hyper- excessive, -vent- an or create wind, [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to]

17 Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR)

(chain stokes res-pih-RAY-shun
-tion process]
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
(RES-pih-rah-tor-ee dih-STRESS
[see es ar]) (hye-poh-ven-tih-LAY-shun) SIN-drohm [ar dee es])
[J ohn Cheyne Scots physician, William [hypo- under or below, -vent- an or create [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
Stokes Irish physician, re- again, wind, -tion process] syn- together, -drome running or (race)
-spir- breathe, -ation process o ] hypoxia course]
chronic bronchitis (hye-POK-see-ah) rhinitis
(KRON-ik brong-KYE-tis) [hypo- under or below, -ox- oxygen, -ia (rye-NYE-tis)
[chron- time, -ic relating to, bronch- windpipe, condition] [rhin- nose, -itis in ammation]
-itis in ammation] in ant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) respiratory therapist
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (IN- ant RES-pih-rah-toh-ree dih-STRESS (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee THAYR-ah-pist)
(COPD) SIN-drohm [irdz or aye ar dee es]) [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
(KRON-ik ob-STRUK-tiv PUL-moh-nayr-ee [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to, therap- treatment, -ist agent]
dih-ZEEZ [see oh pee dee]) syn- together, -drome course] sinusitis
[chron- time, -ic relating to, obstruct- block, laryngeal cancer (sye-nyoo-SYE-tis)
-ive relating to, pulmon- lung, -ary relating (lah-RIN-jee-al or lar-in-J EE-al KAN-ser) [sinus- hollow, -itis in ammation]
to, dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] [laryng- voice box (larynx), -al relating to, spirometer
croup cancer crab or malignant tumor] (spye-ROM-eh-ter)
(kroop) laryngitis [spir- breathe, -meter measure]
[croup croak] (lar-in-J YE-tis) sputum
deviated septum [laryng- voice box (larynx), -itis in ammation] (SPYOO-tum)
(DEE-vee-ay-ted SEP-tum) lobectomy [sputum spit]
[devia- turn aside, -ate process, (loh-BEK-toh-mee) sudden in ant death syndrome (SIDS)
septum partition] [lob- lobe, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action] (SUD-den IN- ant deth SIN-drohm [sidz])
dyspnea nasal polyp [syn- together, -drome running or (race) course]
(DISP-nee-ah) (NAY-zal PAH-lip) tonsillectomy
[dys- pain ul, -pne- breathe, -a condition] [nas- nose, -al relating to, polyp cuttlef sh] (tahn-sih-LEK-toh-mee)
emergency medical technician (EMT) orthopnea [tonsil- tonsil, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action]
(eh-MER-jen-see MED-ih-kal tek-NISH-en (or-THOP-nee-ah) tonsillitis
[ee em tee]) [ortho- straight or upright, -pne- breathe, (tahn-sih-LYE-tis)
[medic- heal, -al relating to, techn- art or skill, -a condition] [tonsil- tonsil, -itis in ammation]
-ic relating to, -ian practitioner] paramedic tracheostomy
emphysema (payr-ah-MED-ik) (tray-kee-OS-toh-mee)
(em-f h-SEE-mah) [para- beside, -med- heal, -ic- relating to] [trache- rough duct (trachea), -os- mouth or
[em- in, -physema blowing or pu f ng up] pharyngitis opening, -tom- cut, -y action]
endotracheal intubation ( ayr-in-J YE-tis) tuberculosis (TB)
(en-doh-TRAY-kee-al in-too-BAY-shun) [pharyng- throat (pharynx), -itis in ammation] (too-ber-kyoo-LOH-sis [tee bee])
[endo- within, -trache- rough duct, -al relating pleurisy [tuber- swelling, -cul- little, -osis condition]
to, in- within, -tub- tube, -ation process] (PLOOR-ih-see) upper respiratory in ection (URI)
epiglottitis [pleur- side o body (rib), -itis in ammation] (UP-er RES-pih-rah-tor-ee in-FEK-shun
(ep-ih-glot-AYE-tis) pneumonectomy [yoo ar aye])
[epi- upon, -glotti- mouth o windpipe, (noo-moh-NEK-toh-mee) [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
-itis in ammation ] [pneumon- lung, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action] in ec- stain, -tion process]
[epi- upon, -staxis drip]
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 485

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary d. Fr ntal, maxillary, sphen id, and ethm id sinuses
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r drain int n se (Figure 17-3)
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . 2. Fun ti ns
a. Warms and m istens inhaled air
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to b. C ntains sense rgans smell ( l a t ry re ept rs)
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e B. Pharynx
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s 1. Stru ture (Figure 17-4)
or be ore a te s t. a. Pharynx (thr at) ab ut 12.5 m (5 in hes) l ng
b. Divided int nas pharynx, r pharynx, and 17
laryng pharynx
S tructural Plan . w nasal avities, m uth, es phagus, larynx, and
A. O verview audit ry tubes all have penings int pharynx
1. Basi plan respirat ry system w uld be similar t d. nsils rm ring lymph id tissue ar und
an inverted tree i it were h ll w; leaves the tree thr at
w uld be mparable t alve li, with the mi r s pi (1) Pharyngeal t nsils and penings audit ry
sa s en l sed by netw rks apillaries (Figure 17-1) tubes pen int nas pharynx
2. Di usi n is the m de r gas ex hange that urs in (2) Lingual and palatine t nsils und in
the respirat ry me hanism r pharynx
B. Divided int upper and l wer t better des ribe l a- (3) nsillitisinf ammati n t nsils; t nsille -
ti ns in the air pathway the respirat ry system t my is surgi al rem val t nsils (Figure 17-5)
1. Upper respirat ry tra tn se, pharynx, and larynx e. Mu us membrane lines pharynx
2. L wer respirat ry tra ttra hea, br n hial tree, and 2. Fun ti ns
lungs a. Passageway r d and liquids
C. Respirat ry mu sa b. Air distributi n; passageway r air
1. Stru ture . nsilspr vide immune pr te ti n
a. Mu us membrane that lines the air distributi n C. Larynx
tubes in the respirat ry tree (Figure 17-2) 1. Stru ture (Figure 17-6)
b. Ciliated pseud strati ed epitheliumlines m st a. L ated just bel w pharynx; als re erred t as the
tra t; pr du es mu us v i eb x
. Strati ed squam us epitheliumlines n strils, b. Nine pie es artilage rm ramew rk
v al lds, pharynx; pr te tive un ti n (1) T yr id artilage (Adams apple) is largest
d. Simple squam us epitheliumlines alve li; a ili- (2) Epigl ttis partially vers pening int larynx
tates gas ex hange . Mu us lining
2. Fun ti n d. V al rds stret h a r ss interi r larynx; spa e
a. M re than 125 mL mu us pr du ed ea h day between rds is the gl ttis
rms a mu us blanket ver mu h the respira- 2. Fun ti ns
t ry mu sa a. Air distributi n; passageway r air t m ve t and
b. Mu us serves as an air puri ati n me hanism by r m lungs
trapping inspired irritants su h as dust and p llen b. V i e pr du ti n
. Ciliary es alat r ilia n mu sal ells beat in 3. Laryngeal an er
nly ne dire ti n, m ving mu us upward t a. In iden e in reases with age and al h l abuse
pharynx r rem val b. O urs m st ten in men ver age 50
. I larynx rem ved, es phageal spee h r ele tri
arti ial larynx needed r spee h
Uppe r Re s pirato ry Tract D. Dis rders the upper respirat ry tra t
A. N se 1. Upper respirat ry in e ti n (URI)
1. Stru ture a. Rhinitisnasal inf ammati n, as in a ld, inf u-
a. Nasal septum separates interi r n se int tw enza, r allergy
avities (1) In e ti us rhinitis mm n ld
b. Mu us membrane lines n se (2) Allergi rhinitishay ever
. Nasal p lypsn n an er us gr wths that pr je t b. Pharyngitis (s re thr at)inf ammati n r in e -
r m nasal mu sa (ass iated with hr ni hay ti n the pharynx
486 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

. Laryngitisinf ammati n the larynx resulting D. Respirat ry distressrelative inability t inf ate the
r m in e ti n r irritati n alve li
(1) Epigl ttitisli e-threatening 1. In ant respirat ry distress syndr me (IRDS)leading
(2) Cr upn nli e-threatening ause death in premature in ants, resulting r m
2. Anat mi al dis rders la k sur a tant pr du ti n in alve li
a. Deviated septumseptum that is abn rmally ar 2. Adult respirat ry distress syndr me (ARDS)
r m the midsagittal plane ( ngenital r a quired) impairment sur a tant by inhalati n reign sub-
b. Epistaxis (bl dy n se) an result r m me hani al stan es r ther nditi ns
injuries t the n se, hypertensi n, r ther a t rs E. Lungs
1. Stru ture (Figure 17-10)
a. Sizelarge en ugh t ll the th ra i avity,
Low e r Re s pirato ry Tract ex ept r middle spa e (mediastinum) upied by
A. ra hea heart, large bl d vessels, thymus, and es phagus
17 1. Stru ture (Figure 17-7) b. Apexnarr w upper part ea h lung, under
a. ube (windpipe) ab ut 11 m (4.5 in hes) l ng llarb ne
that extends r m larynx int the th ra i avity . Basebr ad l wer part ea h lung; rests n
b. Mu us lining diaphragm
. C-shaped rings artilage h ld tra hea pen, but 2. Fun ti nbreathing (pulm nary ventilati n)
all w r swall wing F. Plurae
2. Fun ti npassageway r air t m ve t and r m 1. T in membrane that lines th ra i avity (parietal
lungs pleura) and vers uter sur a e lungs (vis eral
3. O bstru ti n pleura)
a. Bl kage tra hea ludes the airway, and i 2. M ist, sm th, slippery ser us membrane redu es
mplete, auses death in minutes ri ti n between the lungs and hest wall during
b. ra heal bstru ti n auses m re than 4000 deaths breathing (Figure 17-11)
annually in the United States 3. Pleurisyinf ammati n the pleura
. Five-and- ve maneuver is a li esaving te hnique 4. Atele tasis llapse r in mplete expansi n the
used t ree the tra hea bstru ti ns; als see lung (alve li) (Figure 17-12); an be aused by:
abdominal thrusts in b x n p. 467 a. Pneum th raxpresen e air in the pleural spa e
d. ra he st mysurgi al pr edure in whi h a tube b. H em th raxpresen e bl d in the pleural
is inserted int an in isi n in the tra hea s that a spa e
pers n with a bl ked airway an breathe G. Dis rders the l wer respirat ry tra t
B. Br n hial tree 1. L wer respirat ry in e ti n
1. Stru ture a. A ute br n hitis, r tra he br n hitisinf amma-
a. ra hea bran hes int right and le t br n hi ti n the br n hi r br n hi and tra hea aused
(1) Right primary br n hus m re verti al than le t by in e ti n (usually resulting r m the spread a
(2) Aspirated bje ts m st ten l dge in right URI)
primary br n hus r right lung b. Pneum nia (Figure 17-13)a ute inf ammati n
b. Ea h br n hus bran hes int smaller and smaller (in e ti n) in whi h lung airways be me bl ked
tubes (se ndary br n hi), eventually leading t with thi k exudates
br n hi les (1) L bar pneum niaa e ts entire l be lung
. Br n hi les end in lusters mi r s pi alve lar (2) Br n h pneum niain e ti n s attered al ng
sa s, the walls whi h are made up alve li br n hial tree
(Figure 17-8) . uber ul sis ( B) hr ni , highly ntagi us
2. Fun ti nair distributi n; passageway r air t m ve lung in e ti n hara terized by tuber les in the
t and r m alve li lung; an pr gress t inv lve tissues utside
C. Alve li (Figure 17-9) the lungs and pleura
1. Respirat ry membranethin wall that separates pul- 2. Restri tive pulm nary dis rders redu e mplian e
m nary bl d r m alve lar air, all wing di usi n (the ability lung tissues t stret h), parti ularly
gases; f at type I ells rm single, thin layer during inspirati n
2. Fun ti nex hange gases between air and bl d a. Fa t rs inside the lungs, su h as br sis (s arring)
3. Sur a tantsubstan e released by type II ells int r inf ammati n, may restri t breathing
alve li t redu e sur a e tensi n and thus prevent l- b. Fa t rs utside the lungs, su h as pain r m injury
lapse alve li r pleurisy, may restri t breathing
. T e thi kened f uid in the lungs urring in ysti
br sis als restri ts lung mplian e
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 487

3. O bstru tive pulm nary dis rders . In rease in size the th ra i avity redu es pres-
a. O bstru t airways, thus bstru ting inspirati n and sure within it; air then enters the lungs by m ving
expirati n d wn its pressure gradient
b. A ute bstru ti n an be immediately 3. Expirati n (exhalati n)
li e-threatening a. Q uiet expirati n is rdinarily a passive pr ess
. Chr ni bstru tive pulm nary disease (COPD) b. D uring expirati n, th rax returns t its resting size
an devel p r m pre-existing bstru tive ndi- and shape
ti ns (Figure 17-14) . Elasti re il lung tissues aids in expirati n
d. Chr ni br n hitis hr ni inf ammati n the d. Expirat ry mus les used in r e ul expirati n are
br n hial tree internal inter stals and abd minal mus les
e. Emphysemaredu ed sur a e area lungs aused (1) Internal inter stals ntra ti n depresses the
by rupture r ther damage t alve li rib age and de reases the size the th rax
. Asthmare urring spasms the airways a m- r m r nt t ba k
panied by edema and mu us pr du ti n (2) C ntra ti n abd minal mus les elevates the 17
4. Lung an ermalignant tum r the lungs, a- diaphragm, thus de reasing size the th ra i
si nally treatable with surgery, hem therapy, and avity r m t p t b tt m
radiati n e. Redu ti n in the size the th ra i avity
de reases its v lume and thus in reases its pressure,
s air m ves d wn the pressure gradient and leaves
Re s piratio n the lungs
A. Respirati n inv lves several pr esses and me hanisms B. Pulm nary v lumes (Figure 17-17 and Table 17-1)
1. External respirati npulm nary ventilati n (breath- 1. V lumes air ex hanged (int and ut b dy) in
ing) and pulm nary gas ex hange breathing an be measured with a spir meter
2. ransp rt gases by bl d and regulati n setp int 2. idal v lume ( V)am unt n rmally breathed in r
levels bl d gases ut with ea h breath
3. Internal respirati nsystemi gas ex hange and ellu- 3. Vital apa ity (VC)largest am unt air that ne
lar respirati n an breathe ut in ne expirati n
B. Figure 17-15 summarizes all these pr esses and thus 4. Expirat ry reserve v lume (ERV)am unt air that
serves as a big pi ture view respirati n an be r ibly exhaled a ter expiring the tidal v lume
5. Inspirat ry reserve v lume (IRV)am unt air that
an be r ibly inhaled a ter a n rmal inspirati n
Pulm o nary Ve ntilatio n 6. Residual v lume (RV)air that remains in the lungs
A. Me hani s breathing (Figure 17-16) a ter the m st r e ul expirati n
1. Basi prin iples C. Regulati n ventilati n
a. Pulm nary ventilati n in ludes tw phases alled 1. Regulati n respirati n permits the b dy t adjust t
inspiration (m vement air int lungs) and expi- varying demands r xygen supply and arb n
ration (m vement air ut lungs) di xide rem val by maintaining setp int n entra-
b. Changes in size and shape th rax ause hanges ti ns bl d gases
in air pressure within that avity and in the lungs 2. Brainstem ntr l respirati n (Figure 17-18)
be ause as v lume hanges, pressure hanges in the a. M st imp rtant entral regulat ry enters in brain-
pp site dire ti n stem are alled respiratory control centers
. Pressure di eren es (gradients) ause air t m ve b. Medullary entersunder resting nditi ns, the
int r ut lungs; air m ves r m high air pres- medullary rhythmi ity area pr du es a n rmal rate
sure t ward l w air pressure and depth respirati ns (12 t 18 per minute)
d. T rax and lungs must remain: . P ntine entersas nditi ns in the b dy vary,
(1) C mpliantable t stret h these enters in the p ns an alter the a tivity
(2) Elasti able t re il a ter stret h the medullary rhythmi ity area, thus adjusting
2. Inspirati n (inhalati n) breathing rhythm
a. A tive pr essair m ves int lungs d. Brainstem enters are inf uen ed by in rmati n
b. Inspirat ry mus les in lude diaphragm and exter- r m ther parts the brain and r m sens ry
nal inter stals re ept rs l ated in ther b dy regi ns
(1) Diaphragm f attens when stimulated by 3. Cerebral rtexv luntary (but limited) ntr l
phreni nerves during inspirati nin reases respirat ry a tivity
t p-t -b tt m length th rax 4. Respirat ry ref exes
(2) External inter stal mus les ntra t and a. Chem ref exes hem re ept rs resp nd t hanges
elevate the ribsin reases the size the in arb n di xide, xygen, and bl d a id levels
th rax r m r nt t ba k and r m side t side re ept rs l ated in ar tid and a rti b dies
488 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

b. Pulm nary stret h ref exesresp nd t the stret h 3. O xygen m ves r m alve li int lung apillaries
re ept rs in lungs, thus pr te ting respirat ry 4. H em gl bin mbines with xygen, pr du ing
rgans r m verinf ati n xyhem gl bin
D. Breathing patterns (Table 17-2) B. Systemi gas ex hangeex hange gases in tissues
1. Eupnean rmal breathing (Figure 17-19)
2. H yperventilati nrapid and deep respirati ns 1. O xyhem gl bin breaks d wn int xygen and
3. H yp ventilati nsl w and shall w respirati ns hem gl bin
4. D yspnealab red r di ult respirati ns 2. O xygen m ves ut tissue apillary bl d int tissue
5. O rth pneadyspnea relieved by m ving int an ells
upright r sitting p siti n 3. Carb n di xide m ves r m tissue ells int tissue
6. Apneast pped respirati n apillary bl d
7. Cheyne-St kes respirati n (CSR) y les alternat- 4. H em gl bin mbines with arb n di xide, rming
ing apnea and hyperventilati n ass iated with riti al arbamin hem gl bin
17 nditi ns C. Bl d transp rtati n gases
8. Respirat ry arrest ailure t resume breathing a ter a 1. ransp rt xygen
peri d apnea a. Only small am unts xygen (O 2) an be dis-
s lved in bl d
b. M st xygen mbines with hem gl bin t rm
Gas Exchange and Trans po rt xyhem gl bin (H bO 2) t be arried in bl d
A. Pulm nary gas ex hangeex hange gases in lungs 2. ransp rt arb n di xide
(Figure 17-19) a. Diss lved arb n di xide (CO 2)10%
1. Carbamin hem gl bin breaks d wn int arb n b. Carbamin hem gl bin (H bCO 2)20%
di xide and hem gl bin . Bi arb nate i ns (H CO 3 )70%
2. Carb n di xide m ves ut lung apillary bl d int
alve lar air and ut b dy in expired air

STUDY TIPS tissue, it gives up the xygen and takes n arb n di xide.
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in T e bl d arries arb n di xide as bi arb nate i n r by
m e e ting your le arning goals . mbining it with hem gl bin. W hen the bl d gets t
the lung, the arb n di xide diss iates and is exhaled.
Review the s ynops is o the re s piratory s ys te m in Chapte r 5. Figure 17-19 sh ws CO 2 leaving the bl d.
The s tructure s o the re s piratory s ys te m can be de s cribe d as 4. Review the Language S ien e and Language Medi-
tube s and bags . All the s tructure s exce pt the alve oli are tube s . ine terms. Che k ut 0GBpB r respirat ry
The ir job is to ge t air to and rom the alve oli, w he re oxyge n system tut rials.
and carbon dioxide are exchange d in the blood. 5. T e dis rders the respirat ry system an be learned by
making a hart the vari us dis rders. O rganize the
1. Flash ards and nline res ur es an be used t learn the hart by me hanism r ause: upper respirat ry in e ti ns,
names, l ati ns, and un ti ns the stru tures the l wer respirat ry in e ti ns, restri tive dis rders, and
respirat ry system. bstru tive dis rders.
2. Lungs are passive rgans. Remember that in rder r air 6. In y ur study gr up, g ver the f ash ards the stru -
t be m ved in and ut the lung, the pressure the tures the respirat ry system and pulm nary v lumes.
hest avity must be raised r l wered. l wer the pres- Dis uss the pr esses inspirati n, expirati n, and regu-
sure, the v lume must in rease (B yles law); this is d ne lati n respirati n. Dis uss external and internal respira-
by ntra ting the diaphragm, whi h auses air t enter ti n. G ver the respirat ry dis rders hart, hapter
the lung. W hen the diaphragm relaxes, the v lume the utline summary, and the questi ns at the end the
hest avity de reases, the pressure g es up, and the air is hapter, and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
pushed ut the lung.
3. W hen xygen gets t the lung, it rms a weak b nd with
hem gl bin in the bl d. W hen the bl d gets t the
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 489

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Di erentiate between the respirat ry membrane and the 28. Explain the e e t sm king has n the b dys ability t
respirat ry mu sa. m ve material trapped in the respirat ry mu sa.
2. Des ribe the iliary es alat r. 29. A ter strenu us exer ise, inexperien ed athletes will
3. List the un ti ns the paranasal sinuses. quite ten attempt t re ver and resume n rmal
4. W hat is the un ti n the audit ry tube? breathing by bending ver r sitting d wn. Using the
5. W hat is the un ti n the epigl ttis? me hani s ventilati n, h w w uld y u m di y the 17
6. Des ribe, in de reasing rder size, the air tubes the re very pra ti es these athletes?
lung. 30. Cal ulate y ur vital apa ity and t tal lung apa ity i
7. W hat nstitutes an upper respirat ry in e ti n? y ur pulm nary ventilati n v lumes were as ll ws:
8. Des ribe rhinitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. tidal v lume500 mL; inspirat ry reserve v lume
9. W hat is IRDS? W hat substan e is missing r m the 3200 mL; expirat ry reserve v lume1100 mL; and
lung that auses IRDS? residual v lume1150 mL.
10. Des ribe the pleura. W hat is the un ti n pleural
f uid?
11. W hat is atele tasis?
12. H w is tuber ul sis transmitted r m pers n t pers n?
W hat is the path gen that auses tuber ul sis?
13. W hat urs t restri t breathing in asthma?
14. W hat is br n hitis?
15. W hat pr ess in emphysema auses the redu ti n in
lung sur a e area?
16. Distinguish between l bar pneum nia, br n h pneum -
nia, and aspirati n pneum nia.
17. De ne pulm nary mplian e.
18. Name and explain the v lumes that make up vital
apa ity.
19. Di erentiate between external, internal, and ellular
respirati n.
20. Explain the me hani al pr ess inspirati n.
21. Explain the me hani al pr ess expirati n.
22. Explain the un ti n hem re ept rs in regulating
23. Explain the un ti n stret h re ept rs in regulating
24. Identi y the tw m st imp rtant ntr l enters in the
medulla r regulating breathing rhythm.
25. Explain h w the Po 2 and the Pco 2 impa ts h w gas is
ex hanged between the lung and the bl d, and the
bl d and the tissues.
26. W hat is a spir meter?
27. Des ribe Cheyne-St kes respirati n.
490 CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System

Chapte r Te s t 15. T e right lung is made up ________ l bes, and the

le t lung is made up ________ l bes.
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by 16. A llapse the lung r any reas n is alled ________.
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m 17. Air in the pleural spa e is alled a ________.
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . 18. A series y les alternating apnea and hyperventila-
ti n is alled ________ respirati n.
1. T e rgans the respirat ry system are designed t 19. T e ex hange gases between the bl d and the tissues
per rm tw basi un ti ns: ________ and ________. is alled ________.
2. T e upper respirat ry tra t nsists the ________, the 20. T e ________ is the m st imp rtant mus le in
________, and the ________. respirati n.
3. T e membrane that separates the air in the alve li r m 21. T e ex hange gases by di usi n is a mplished by
the bl d in the surr unding apillaries is alled the way di usi n d wn their ________ ________
________. gradient.
17 4. T e membrane that lines m st the air distributi n 22. O xygen is arried in the bl d as ________.
tubes the respirat ry system is alled the ________. 23. Carb n di xide is arried in the bl d as the ________
5. Nerve endings resp nsible r the sense ________ are i n r mbines with hem gl bin as ________.
l ated in the nasal mu sa. 24. T e basi respirat ry rhythm enters are l ated in the
6. T e r ntal, maxillary, sphen idal, and ethm idal avities ________ the brain.
make up the ________. 25. ________ are the sens ry re ept rs that help keep the
7. T e ________ sa s drain tears int the nasal avity. lung r m verexpanding.
8. T e ________ pr trude int the nasal avities and un - 26. ________ are the sens ry re ept rs that help m di y
ti n t warm and humidi y the air. respirat ry rates by dete ting the am unt arb n
9. T e ________ is the stru ture that an als be alled the di xide, xygen, r a id levels in the bl d.
throat. 27. T e am unt air that is m ved in and ut the lung
10. T e ________ is als alled the voice box. during n rmal, quiet breathing is alled ________
11. T e ________ is the large air tube in the ne k. v lume.
12. T e ur pr gressively smaller air tubes that nne t the 28. T e three v lumes that make up vital apa ity are
tra hea and the alve li are the ________, ________, ________, ________, and ________.
________, and ________. 29. T e v lume in luded in t tal lung apa ity, but n t vital
13. Ex rine mu us glands p ssessing many ________ apa ity, is ________ v lume.
ells help pr du e mu us.
14. ________ is a substan e made by the lung t redu e the
sur a e tensi n water in the alve li.

Match each disorder in Column A with its description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
30. ________ rhinitis a. n sebleed
31. ________ pharyngitis b. a nditi n in whi h the nasal septum strays r m the midline the nasal avity
32. ________ laryngitis . a hr ni ba illus in e ti n that usually a e ts the lung and is aused by a
33. ________ deviated septum my ba terium
34. ________ epistaxis d. an inf ammati n the mu us lining the larynx
35. ________ IRDS e. a nditi n in whi h ruptured alve li redu e the sur a e area the lung, making
36. ________ pneum nia breathing di ult
37. ________ tuber ul sis . an inf ammati n the nasal mu sa
38. ________ emphysema g. an bstru tive dis rder hara terized by re urring spasms the sm th mus les
39. ________ asthma the br n hi
h. an a ute inf ammati n the lungs
i. an inf ammati n r in e ti n the pharynx
j. a disease hara terized by a la k sur a tant in the alve li; usually urs in
premature in ants
CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 491

Cas e S tudie s 3. W hile y u are hatting with y ur riend at an expensive

restaurant, she suddenly st ps in midswall w and l ks
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to pani ked. W hen y u ask what is wr ng, she indi ates that
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- she ant speak and runs t ward the restr m. W hat
book, and othe r re s ource s . sh uld y u d ? Assume that y ur rst aid d es n t
w rkwhat pr edure might emergen y medi al pers n-
1. Curtis was having un al ngside a neighb rh d swim- nel use t help y ur riend?
ming p l when he was a identally pushed int the p l. 4. m was an enduran e runner. H e was an average m-
Alth ugh he is a g d swimmer, the suddenness the petit r but was h pe ul that i he stu k with it, he might
all aught him guard and he inhaled s me water impr ve en ugh t earn a s h larship at a university.
be re he was able t gain ntr l the situati n. A ter a year n the team, he was dis uraged be ause his
Lu kily, a nearby swimmer assisted Curtis t the edge per rman e did n t impr ve en ugh t even be nsid-
the p l, but Curtis ntinued t have great di ulty in ered r any type distan e athleti s. A ter talking t his
breathing. Can y u name the syndr me that Curtis must a h, he was tempted t see an exer ise physi l gist t 17
be exhibiting? Explain what has happened t Curtiss determine his maximum xygen nsumpti n (VO 2 max).
lungs t ause his breathing di ulty. W hat type in rmati n w uld this test pr vide t help
2. Walter has aspergill sis in his lungs. T is disease has m with uture de isi ns regarding running r his high
aused a partial bl kage b th his br n hi. D es s h l team?
Walter have a restri tive r bstru tive nditi n? W hat
signs w uld y u l k r t n rm y ur diagn sis i Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
Walter uses a spir meter t test his breathing? W hat type at
path geni rganism aused Walters pr blem? (H IN :
See Appendix A at
Digestive System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Overview o Digestion, 494 Pancreas, 511

Wall o the Digestive Tract, 495 Structure and Function, 511
Mouth, 496 Disorders o the Pancreas, 511
Structure o the Oral Cavity, 496 Large Intestine, 512
Teeth and Salivary Glands, 497 Structure, 512
Disorders, 499 Function, 513
Pharynx, 501 Disorders o the Large Intestine, 514
Structure, 501 Appendix, 515
Function, 502 Structure and Function, 515
Esophagus, 502 Appendicitis, 516
Structure and Function, 502 Peritoneum, 516
Re ux, 503 Location, 516
Stomach, 504 Extensions, 516
Structure, 504 Peritonitis, 517
Function, 505 Ascites, 517
Disorders, 505 Digestion, 517
Small Intestine, 506 Overview o Digestions, 517
Structure, 506 Enzymes and Chemical Digestion, 517
Function, 508 Carbohydrate Digestion, 518
Disorders, 508 Protein Digestion, 518
Liver and Gallbladder, 509 Lipid Digestion, 519
Structure, 509 End Products o Digestion, 519
Function, 509 Absorption, 519
Disorders, 509 Mechanisms o Absorption, 519
Sur ace Area and Absorption, 520

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 6. Discuss the structure, unction, and
should be able to: disorders o the liver, gallbladder, and
1. List the main and accessory organs o pancreas.
the digestive system and discuss 7. Discuss the structure, unction, and
primary mechanisms o the digestive disorders o the large intestine, appen-
system. dix, and peritoneum.
2. List and describe the our layers o the 8. Def ne and contrast mechanical and
digestive tract wall, and discuss the value chemical digestion.
o each layer to the digestive organs. 9. Discuss the basics o carbohydrate,
3. Discuss the structures o the mouth: the protein, and lipid digestion and give the
oral cavity, teeth, and salivary glands, end-products o each process.
as well as the disorders o the mouth. 10. Describe the process o absorption
4. Discuss the structure and unction o and how structural adaptations o the
the pharynx, esophagus, and stomach, digestive tube a ect the rate and e f -
as well as the disorders o the stomach. ciency o nutrient absorption.
5. Discuss the structure, unction, and dis-
orders o the small intestine.
A ll us enj y a g d meal! F d pre eren es di er widely LANGUAGE OF
am ng ultures and individuals, but there is n d ubt that the S C IEN C E
sight, smell, taste, texture, and espe ially the nutrient ntent
the ds we eat ntribute in many ways t ur
Be o re re ading the
quality li e. Alth ugh we d n t live t eat, we
chapte r, s ay e ach o
ertainly must eat t live. the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
T e ingesti n d is the rst step in an the m as yo u re ad.
imp rtant and mplex bi l gi al pr ess that
begins when we nsume a meal. Nutrients un-
derg three rms pr essing in the b dy: (ab-SORP-shun)
digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Di- [absorp- swallow, -tion process]
gesti n and abs rpti n are per rmed by the alimentary canal
rgans the digestive system. Metab lism, n (al-eh-MEN-tar-ee kah-NAL)
the ther hand, is per rmed by all b dy ells. T is [aliment- nourishment,
hapter des ribes digestive rgans, ass iated dis- -ary relating to]
ease states, and the pr esses digesti n and amylase
abs rpti n. T e metab lism nutrients (AM-eh-lays)
a ter they have been abs rbed is dis- [amyl- starch, -ase enzyme]
ussed in Chapter 19. anal canal
(AY-nal kah-NAL)
[an- ring (anus), -al relating to]
[anus ring]
ascending colon
(ah-SEND-ing KOH-lon)
[a[d]- toward, -scend- climb,
colon large intestine]
[bi- double, -cusp- point,
-id characterized by]
[bil- liver secretion]
[body main part]
[bolus lump]
[can- dog, -ine relating to]

Continued on p. 520

494 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

R L Cys tic he pa tic
Pa rotid gla nd duct duct S ple e n
S ubma ndibula r Tongue
s a liva ry gla nd
S ublingua l Live r
P ha rynx s a liva ry gla nd
La rynx S to m a c h

Tra che a
Es opha gus
Ga llbla dde r Pa ncre a s
Dia phra gm Duode num

Tra ns ve rs e Live r
S toma ch
He pa tic S ple e n TABLE 18-1 Organs o the Digestive System
of colon flexure
of colon Mouth Te e th and tongue
As ce nding
Salivary glands
colon De s ce nding
Ile um colon
Ce cum Subm andibular
S igmoid Sublingual
Ve rmiform colon
a ppe ndix Pharynx (throat) Tons ils
Ana l
18 Re ctum ca na l Es ophagus
Stom ach
Sm all inte s tine Live r
Duode num Gallbladde r
FIGURE 18-1 Digestive system. Je junum Pancre as
Ile um

Many the maj r stru tures the digestive tra t are sh wn in Large inte s tine Ve rm i orm appe ndix
the layers the Clear View o the Human Body ( ll ws p. 8), Ce cum
whi h sh ws their relati nships t ther b dy stru tures.
As ce nding colon
Trans ve rs e colon
O ve r v ie w o D ig e s t io n De s ce nding colon
Sigm oid colon
As y u an see in Figure 18-1, the main rgans the digestive Re ctum
system rm a ntinu us mus ular tube varying widths Anal canal
and pen at b th ends. T is l ng, winding tube is alled the
alimentary canal. T e term gastrointestinal (GI) tract te h-
ni ally re ers nly t the p rti n the alimentary anal that a mplish the un ti n making nutrients available
in ludes the st ma h and intestines, but it is ten used t t ea h ell the b dy, the digestive system uses vari us
designate the entire digestive tract. me hanisms (Table 18-2).
In the adult, this h ll w digestive tube is ab ut 9 meters First, mplex ds must be taken int the GI tra t in a
(29 eet) l ng. T ink the tube as a passageway that extends pr ess alled ingestion.
thr ugh the b dy like a hallway thr ugh a building. T us the T en, the ingested d material must be br ken d wn
d we eat and even the nutrient materials released by the int simpler nutrients in the pr ess that gives this system its
digestive pr ess are n t truly part the b dy until they name: digestion. T e breakd wn, r digesti n, d mate-
have been abs rbed thr ugh the wall the GI tra t and enter rial is b th mechanical and chemical in nature.
ur b dys internal envir nment. T e teeth are used t physi ally break d wn large hunks
Table 18-1 lists the rgans the digestive system. T e main d be re it is swall wed. T e hurning material in the
organs digesti n are th se that make up the alimentary a- st ma h then ntinues the me hani al digestive pr ess.
nal. T e accessory organs digesti n are n t segments the physi ally break d wn large hunks d matter int
tube, but are either within r surr unding the tube. F r ex- smaller bits and t m ve it al ng the tra t, m vement r
ample, the teeth and t ngue are inside the m uth and the vari- motility the GI wall is required.
us digestive glands surr und the tra t and pass their se re- In hemi al digesti n, large nutrient m le ules are redu ed
ti ns thr ugh du ts int the lumen the alimentary anal. t smaller m le ules. T is pr ess requires secretion
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 495

TABLE 18-2 Primary Mechanisms o the Digestive System

Inge s tion Proce s s o taking ood into the m outh, s tarting it on its journey through the dige s tive tract
Dige s tion A group o proce s s e s that bre ak com plex nutrie nts into s im ple r one s , thus acilitating the ir abs orption; m e chanical
dige s tion phys ically bre aks large chunks into s m all bits ; che m ical dige s tion bre aks m ole cule s apart
Motility Move m e nt by the m us cular com pone nts o the dige s tive tube , including proce s s e s o m e chanical dige s tion; exam ple s
include pe ris tals is and s e gm e ntation
Se cre tion Re le as e o dige s tive juice s (containing e nzym e s , acids , bas e s , m ucus , bile , or othe r products that acilitate dige s tion);
s om e dige s tive organs als o s e cre te e ndocrine horm one s that re gulate dige s tion or m e tabolis m o nutrie nts
Abs orption Move m e nt o dige s te d nutrie nts through the gas trointe s tinal (GI) m ucos a and into the inte rnal e nvironm e nt
Elim ination Excre tion o the re s idue s o the dige s tive proce s s ( e ce s ) rom the re ctum , through the anus ; de e cation
Re gulation Coordination o dige s tive activity (m otility, s e cre tion, othe r dige s tive proce s s e s )

digestive enzymes and ther pr du ts int the lumen the

Wa ll o t h e D ig e s t ive Tr a c t
GI tra t. A ter the digestive pr esses have altered the physi- T e digestive tra t has been des ribed as a mus ular tube that
al and hemi al mp siti n ingested d, the resulting extends r m the m uth t the anus. T e wall this digestive
nutrients are ready r the pr ess absorption, r m ve- tube is ashi ned ur layers tissue (Figure 18-2). T e in-
ment thr ugh the GI mu sa int the internal envir nment. side, r h ll w spa e within the tube, is alled the lumen. T e
Part the digestive system, the large intestine, als serves ur layers, named r m the inside at t the utside the
as an rgan elimination, ridding the b dy waste mate- tube, are as ll ws:
rial, r eces, resulting r m the digestive pr ess. 18
1. Mu sa r mu us membrane
2. Submu sa
To get an overview o the digestive system, go to
3. Mus ularis
AnimationDirect online at
4. Ser sa

Me s e nte ry Ne rve
S e ro s a
ve s s e ls Conne ctive tis s ue laye r

Pe ritone um

S ubmuc o s a

Gla nd in s ubmucos a

Duct from gla nd

Muc o s a

Lymph nodule
Mus c ularis

Circula r mus cle laye r

FIGURE 18-2 Wall o digestive tract. Segment
Longitudina l mus cle o the small intestine represents the general structure
laye r o the gastrointestinal (GI) wall. The our layers include
the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa.
496 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

Alth ugh the same ur tissue ats Contra ction Bolus 1

rm every rgan the alimentary tra t, A ring of contra ction occurs
their stru ture varies r m rgan t whe re the GI wa ll is s tre tche d,
rgan. T e mucosa the es phagus, a nd the bolus is pus he d forwa rd.
r example, is mp sed t ugh and A
abrasi n-resistant strati ed epithelium.
T e mu sa the remainder the tra t 2
The moving bolus trigge rs a ring
is a deli ate layer simple lumnar of contra ction in the ne xt re gion
epithelium stru tured r abs rpti n and tha t pus he s the bolus e ve n
se reti n. T e mu us pr du ed by either B fa rthe r a long.
type epithelium ats the lining the
alimentary anal.
T e submucosa, as the name im- 3
The ring of contra ction move s
plies, is a nne tive tissue layer that like a wa ve a long the GI tra ct to
lies just bel w the mu sa. It ntains pus h the bolus forwa rd.
many bl d vessels, lymphati vessels,
and nerves. FIGURE 18-3 Peristalsis. Peristalsis is a progressive type o movement in which material is pro-
w r three layers mus le tissue pelled rom point to point along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Here, a ball or bolus o material is pro-
make up the muscularis (see Figure 18-2). pelled by ringlike waves o smooth muscle contractions that produce peristalsis.
T ese mus le layers have an imp rtant
r le t play in pr du ing motility r m vement the GI tra t
To learn more about intestinal motility, go to
during the digestive pr ess.
AnimationDirect online at
Peristalsis is a rhythmi , wavelike ntra ti n the gut
wall aused by repeating waves ringlike ntra ti n al ng
18 the ir ular mus le layer in the mus ularis. T is type se- Mo u t h
quen ed ntra ti n squeezes and pushes ingested d mate-
rial rward thr ugh the digestive tubes internal pathway
S t r u c t u r e o t h e O r a l C a v it y
similar t h w y u might squeeze t thpaste ut its tube T e mouth, r oral cavity, is a h ll w hamber with a r , a
(Figure 18-3). f r, and walls. F d enters, r is ingested, int the digestive
In additi n t peristalti ntra ti ns that ause material tra t thr ugh the m uth, and the pr ess digesti n begins
t m ve rward, alternating ntra ti n bers the mus- immediately. Like the remainder the digestive tra t, the
ularis within a single regi n, r segment, the G I tra t als m uth is lined with mu us membrane.
pr du es a ba k-and- rth r swishing type intestinal T er the m uth is rmed by the hard palate and
m tility alled segmentation (Figure 18-4). As peristalti so t palate (Figure 18-5). T e hard palate is a b ny stru ture in
m vement pushes material d wn the G I tra t, segmentati n the anteri r r r nt p rti n the m uth, rmed by parts
ntra ti ns assist in mixing nutrients with digestive jui es the palatine and maxillary b nes. T e s t palate is l ated
and helps ntinue the me-
hani al breakd wn larger 1
Contra ction Bolus Ringlike re gions of contra ction
parti les.
occur a t inte rva ls a long the GI
Peristalsis and segmentati n tra ct.
an ur in an alternating se-
quen e. W hen this happens, A
material is hurned and mixed 2
as it sl wly pr gresses al ng the P re vious ly contra cte d re gions
re la x a nd a dja ce nt re gions now
GI tra t in l se nta t with contra ct, e ffe ctive ly chopping
the intestinal mu sa, whi h a- the conte nts of e a ch s e gme nt
ilitates abs rpti n nutrients. into s ma lle r chunks .
T e serosa is the uterm st
vering r at the digestive
tube. In the abd minal avity, The loca tion of the contra cte d
this ser sa vering is alled the re gions continue s to a lte rna te
visceral peritoneum. T e l ps ba ck a nd forth, chopping a nd
the digestive tra t are an h red C mixing the conte nts of the GI
lume n.
t the p steri r wall the ab-
d minal avity by a large d uble
ld perit neal tissue alled FIGURE 18-4 Segmentation. Segmentation is a back-and- orth action that breaks apart chunks o ood and
the mesentery. mixes in digestive juices. GI, Gastrointestinal.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 497

P hiltrum
Ce ntra l incis or
Uppe r lip
La te ra l incis or
Ha rd pa la te
Ca nine (cus pid)
S oft pa la te
P re mola rs
Mola rs
Pa la tine
tons il
Fre nulum
Root of
tongue Wis dom tooth
(third mola r)
Body of
tongue S ix-ye a r mola r
(firs t mola r)
Tip of S
tongue S ublingua l ducts
R L S ublingua l gla nd
Lowe r lip (unde r the mucous
I me mbra ne )
S ubma ndibula r duct
A B Gum (gingiva )

FIGURE 18-5 Mouth. A, Mouth cavity showing hard and so t palates, tongue sur ace, and uvula. B, Under-
sur ace o tongue showing renulum, sublingual gland, and opening o sublingual duct. GI, Gastrointestinal.

ab ve the p steri r r rear p rti n the m uth. It is s t T e incisors are ten alled the r nt teeth. In is rs have
be ause it nsists hief y mus le. a sharp utting edge (Figure 18-6) used t bite r ut d 18
H anging d wn r m the enter the s t palate is an el n- int manageable p rti ns t begin the pr ess mastication,
gated pr ess alled the uvula. T e uvula and the s t palate r hewing d.
prevent any d and liquid r m entering the nasal avities T e canine teeth, s metimes alled cuspids, are usually
ab ve the m uth and als assist in spee h and swall wing. m re el ngated and p inted in appearan e and un ti n t
T e f r the m uth nsists the t ngue and its pier e r tear the d that is being eaten int smaller shreds.
mus les. T e t ngue is made skeletal mus le vered with T is t th type is parti ularly large in meat-eating mammals
mu us membrane. It is an h red t b nes in the skull and t su h as d gs r ats.
the hy id b ne in the ne k. T e teeth re erred t as premolars are als alled bicuspids
A thin membrane alled the renulum atta hes the t ngue and are l ated just p steri r t the anine teeth. T ey have
t the f r the m uth. O asi nally the renulum is t tw p ints alled usps that an saw thr ugh t ugh, br us
sh rt t all w ree m vements the t ngue and must be ut despe ially when m ved rward and ba kward against
r surgi ally repaired t all w n rmal spee h and swall wing. the prem lars in the pp sing jaw.
N te in Figure 18-5, A, that the t ngue an be divided int Behind the prem lars are the molars, r tricuspids. T e
a blunt rear p rti n alled the root, a p inted tip, and a entral m lars have mparatively larger sur a e areas with three
body. grinding r rushing usps n the sur a e.
T e many small bumps n the sur a e the t ngue are T e hewing made p ssible by the teeth begins the me-
alled papillae. Re all r m Chapter 11 that taste buds, whi h hani al breakd wn d r digesti n. A ter d has been
ntain sens ry re ept rs, are l ated n the sides these hewed, it is rmed int a small r unded mass alled a bolus
papillae and hemi ally analyze d that may be swall wed. s that it an be swall wed.
Figure 11-18 n p. 308 sh ws the detailed stru ture these By the time a baby is 2 years ld, he r she pr bably has a
papillae. ull set 20 baby teeth the primary r deciduous teeth. By
the time a y ung adult is s mewhere between 17 and 24 years
ld, a ull set 32 permanent teeth is generally present.
Te e t h T e average age r utting the rst t th (erupti n
Ty p e s o Te e t h t th thr ugh the gum) is ab ut 6 m nths, and the average
T e shape and pla ement the teeth assist them in their age r l sing the rst baby t th and starting t ut the per-
un ti ns and are lassi ed as ne ur types: manent teeth is ab ut 6 years. Figure 18-6 gives the names
the teeth and sh ws whi h nes are la king in the de idu us,
1. In is r r baby, set teeth.
2. Canine I an individual d es n t rm wisd m teeth (third m lars),
3. Prem lar then the number adult teeth w uld be nly 28. T is is n-
4. M lar sidered a n rmal variati n and urs m st ten in Asians
498 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

De c iduo us (primary) te e th Adult te e th

Eruptio n Ce ntra l incis or
(mo nths )
La te ra l incis or
Ce ntra l incis or 6-8 Ca nine
La te ra l incis or 7-12 Firs t pre mola r
Ca nine A S e cond
Firs t pre mola r
mola r 12-16 Firs t mola r
S e cond P Uppe r jaw
Uppe r jaw S e cond
mola r 20-30 mola r
Third mola r
(wis dom

Eruptio n
18-22 (ye ars )
Lowe r jaw
P 17-24
14-18 R L
7-9 A Lowe r jaw
A 6-8 5-8

FIGURE 18-6 Types o teeth. In the deciduous (primary) set, also called 9-13
baby teeth, there are no premolars and only two pairs o molars in each 9-14
jaw. Generally, the lower teeth erupt be ore the corresponding upper teeth.
18 B

(30%), less requently in Cau asians and Native Ameri ans

(ab ut 12%), and nly rarely in A ri an-Ameri ans (1% t 2%).

QUICK CHECK S a liva ry G la n d s

1. De f n e th e a lim e n ta ry ca n a l a n d n a m e th e o u r la ye rs o T ree pairs salivary glandsthe par tids, submandibulars,
th e a lim e n ta ry ca n a l. and sublingualsse rete m st (ab ut 1 L) the watery saliva
2. Wh a t th re e kin d s o p ro ce s s in g d o n u trie n ts u n d e rg o in pr du ed ea h day in the adult.
th e b o d y?
3. De s crib e th e in te rio r o th e m o u th in clu d in g th e h a rd a n d
s o t p a la te , u vu la , re n u lu m , to n g u e a n d p a p illa e .
4. Lis t th e o u r m a jo r typ e s o te e th . Cus p

Ena me l
Ty p ic a l To o t h De ntin
A typi al t th an be divided int three main parts: r wn, P ulp cavity
ne k, and r t (Figure 18-7). with ne rve s
T e crown is the p rti n that is exp sed and visible in the a nd ve s s e ls
m uth. It is largely made a b nelike material alled dentin Ne ck Gingiva
that is vered by enamel. Enamel is the hardest material
made by the b dy and is ideally suited t withstand the grind- Root ca na l
ing that urs during the hewing hard and brittle ds. Pe riodonta l
T e r t and ne k ea h t th are vered by cementum. liga me nt
T e enter the t th ntains a pulp avity nsisting Root
Pe riodonta l
nne tive tissue, bl d and lymphati vessels, and sens ry me mbra ne
nerves. Ce me ntum
T e neck a t th is the narr w p rti n surr unded by
the pinkish gingiva r gum. T e ne k j ins the r wn the
t th t the r t.
T e root the t th ts int a s ket the upper r
FIGURE 18-7 Typical tooth. A molar is sectioned here to show its bony
l wer jaw b nethe maxilla r mandible (see Figure 8-10 n socket and details o its three main parts: crown, neck, and root. Enamel
p. 184). A br us periodontal membrane lines ea h t th (over the crown) and cementum (over the neck and root) surround the dentin
s ket and an h rs the t th t the b ne. layer. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 499


Malo cclus io n o the te e th occurs w he n m is s ing te e th cre ate De ntal m alocclus ion m ay caus e s ignif cant proble m s and
w ide s pace s in the de ntition, w he n te e th ove rlap, or w he n chronic pain in the unctioning o the te m porom andibular joint,
m alpos ition o one or m ore te e th preve nts corre ct alignm e nt contribute to the ge ne ration o he adache s , or com plicate rou-
o the m axillary and m andibular de ntal arche s (Figure s A and tine m as tication o ood. Fortunate ly, eve n s eve re m alocclu-
B). Malocclus ion that re s ults in protrus ion o the uppe r ante rior s ion proble m s can be corre cte d by the us e o brace s and othe r
te e th caus ing the m to hang ove r the lowe r ante rior te e th is de ntal appliance s . Ortho do ntics is that branch o de ntis try
calle d ove rbite (Figure A), w he re as the pos itioning o the lowe r that de als w ith the preve ntion and corre ction o pos itioning ir-
te e th outs ide the uppe r te e th is calle d unde rbite (Figure B). re gularitie s o the te e th and m alocclus ion.


T e salivary glands (Figure 18-8) are typi al the a ess ry penings the par tid du ts an be und by l king in a 18
glands ass iated with the digestive system be ause they are mirr r at the insides the heeks and next t the se nd
l ated utside the digestive tube itsel and must nvey their m lar t th n either side the upper jaw.
se reti ns by way du ts int the tra t. Be ause they have T e du ts the submandibular glands pen int the
se ret ry du ts, they are nsidered exocrine glands. m uth n either side the lingual renulum (Figure 18-5, B).
T e parotid glands, largest the salivary glands, lie just T e du ts the sublingual glands pen int the f r the
in eri r and anteri r t ea h ear at the angle the jaw. T e m uth.
par tid gland se retes a s luti n ntaining sodium bicarbonate Saliva als ntains mu us and a digestive enzyme alled
(NaHCO3), a base that helps neutralize ba terial a ids. T e salivary amylase, whi h begins the pr ess breaking d wn
mplex arb hydrates. Water and mu us m isten and lubri-
ate the hewed d, all wing it t pass with less ri ti n
thr ugh the es phagus and n int the st ma h.

D is o r d e r s o t h e M o u t h
In e ti ns, an er, ngenital de e ts, and ther dis rders
the m uth and teeth an result in a variety seri us mpli-
ati ns. Su h nditi ns may ause pain r even damage t
the m uth and teeth that makes hewing and swall wing
di ultperhaps ausing a pers n t redu e the intake
d, thereby resulting in malnutriti n. M uth in e ti ns r
Pa rotid duct an er may spread t nearby tissues: the nasal avity (then n
Pa rotid gla nd t the sinuses, middle ear, and brain) r thr at (and n t the
es phagus, larynx, and th ra i rgans).
S ubma ndibula r gla nd

S ubma ndibula r duct Ca n c e r

Can er the m uth may result r m exp sure t ar in gens
S ublingua l gla nd
A P und in t ba sm ke r in s - alled sm keless t ba
( hewing t ba ), espe ially in mbinati n with heavy al -
h l nsumpti n. Sm kers may devel p white pat hes, r
leukoplakia, whi h may devel p int malignant tum rs.
FIGURE 18-8 Salivary glands. The salivary glands and their associated Leuk plakia ten devel ps in the ld between heek
ducts. and gum in users sm keless t ba (Figure 18-9, A). T e
500 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System


Mum ps is an acute viral dis e as e characte rize d by s we lling o the parotid s ali-
vary glands , as you can s e e in the photo. Mos t o us think o m um ps as a
childhood dis e as e be caus e it m os t o te n a e cts childre n be twe e n the age s o
5 and 15 ye ars o age . Howeve r, it can occur in adults o te n producing a m ore
s eve re in e ction.
The m um ps in e ction can a e ct othe r tis s ue s in addition to the parotid
gland, including the joints , pancre as , myocardium , and kidneys . In about 25%
o in e cte d m e n, m um ps caus e s in am m ation o the te s te s , or orchitis . Orchi-
tis re s ulting rom m um ps ve ry rare ly caus e s e nough dam age to re nde r a m an
s te rile .
Mum ps is uncom m on in deve lope d countrie s be caus e o the MMR S
(m um ps -m e as le s -rube lla) vaccine give n to m os t childre n. Howeve r, the re are R L
occas ional outbre aks e s pe cially in crowde d e nvironm e nts . The re has be e n a
99% de cre as e in m um ps cas e s due to MMR vaccination. I

nditi n, alled snuf dippers pouch, may lead t t th dentin, and ementum teeth that results in the rmati n
and gum diseases and ral an er. a permanent de e t alled a cavity (Figure 18-9, C).
Lip an er may result r m the ar in geni e e ts sun- Many pe ple living in the United States, Canada, and
light, whi h an be av ided by the use lip balms ntaining Eur pe are a e ted by the disease. De ay urs n t th
18 suns reen. T e m st mm n rm m uth an er is squa- sur a es where d debris, a id-se reting ba teria, and plaque
m us ell ar in ma (Figure 18-9, B). a umulate. Sugar is the main ingredient in d that all ws
ba teria t pr du e the a id that damages the pr te tive t th
D e n t a l C o n d it io n s enamel.
th de ay, r dental caries, is ne the m st mm n I the disease g es untreated, t th de ay results in in e -
diseases in the devel ped w rld. It is a disease the enamel, ti n, l ss teeth, and inf ammati n the s t tissues in the

A S nuff dippe r's pouch B S qua mous ce ll ca rcinoma C De nta l ca rie s


D De nta l impla nts E Ora l thrus h

FIGURE 18-9 Mouth disorders. A, Snu dippers pouch. This individual has developed leukoplakia in the
area between cheek and gum used or placement o chewing tobacco. B, Squamous cell carcinoma o lip. Exces-
sive long-term exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) such as in sunlight increases the risk o skin cancer.
C, Dental caries. These permanent de ects, or cavities, are lled with decayed dental tissues. D, Dental implant.
A permanent dental prosthesis will be a xed to the anchor a ter bone grows and healing has occurred. E, Oral
thrush (Candida albicans). Inf amed mucous membrane is covered with patches o creamy-white exudates.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 501

FIGURE 18-10 Congenital de ects o

the mouth. A, Bilateral cle t lip in an in-
ant. B, Cle t palate.

m uth. Ba teria als may

invade the paranasal sinuses
r extend t the sur a e
the a e and ne k r enter
the bl dstream, ausing
seri us mpli ati ns. R L
Dental aries are treated I
by rem val the de ayed
p rti n the t th l- A B
l wed by repair and lling
the de e t using a variety materials in luding p r elain C o n g e n it a l D e e c t s
and metal all ys. Cle t lip and cle t palate (Figure 18-10) represent the m st
I l st be ause disease r trauma, teeth an be repla ed mm n rms ngenital de e t a e ting the m uth. T ey
with dental appliances, whi h in lude rem vable dentures and may ur al ne r t gether and are aused by a ailure
permanently xed r implanted teeth. S alled dental im- stru tures in the upper lip r palate t use r l se pr perly
plants are an h rs s rewed int h les that have been drilled during embry ni devel pment. T e nditi n may be inher-
int a jawb ne t supp rt an arti ial t th r denture. Ab ut ited r be a sp ntane us abn rmality.
6 m nths a ter inserti n, new b ne will have used with and Cle t lip, whi h may ur n ne r b th sides, is gener-
stabilized the an h r, permitting the atta hment the arti - ally repaired s n a ter birth. Surgi al repair le t palate is 18
ial t th r dental applian e (Figure 18-9, D). usually d ne later in the rst year li e. M dern re nstru -
Gingivitis is the general term r inf ammati n r in e - tive surgery te hniques help minimize p ssible l ng-term
ti n the gums. M st ases gingivitis result r m p r mpli ati ns that uld in lude s arring, spee h impairment,
dental hygieneinadequate brushing and n f ssing. Gingi- dental pr blems, and p tential em ti nal maladjustment.
vitis als may be a mpli ati n ther nditi ns su h as
diabetes mellitus, vitamin de ien y, r pregnan y.
Periodontitis is the inf ammati n the peri d ntal QUICK CHECK
membrane, r periodontal ligament, whi h an h rs the t th 1. Wh a t a re th e th re e m a in p a rts o a typ ica l to o th ?
t the b ne the jaw. Peri d ntitis is ten a mpli ati n 2. Wh a t a re th e th re e p a irs o s a liva ry g la n d s ?
advan ed r untreated gingivitis and may spread t the sur- 3. Wh a t is s n u d ip p e rs p o u ch ?
4. Dis tin g u is h b e tw e e n d e n ta l ca rie s , g in g ivitis , a n d
r unding b ny tissue. Destru ti n peri d ntal membrane p e rio d o n titis .
and b ne results in l sening and eventually mplete l ss 5. Na m e th e tw o m o s t co m m o n o rm s o co n g e n ita l d e e ct
teeth. Peri d ntitis is the leading ause t th l ss am ng a e ctin g th e m o u th .

In e c t io n
T rush, r oral candidiasis, is a m uth in e ti n aused by a P h a ry n x
type yeast kn wn as Candida (see Figure 6-7 n p. 123).
S t ru c t u re
Candidiasis auses ream- l red heesy pat hes exudate
t appear n an inf amed t ngue and ral mu sa (Figure 18-9, T e pharynx is a tubelike stru ture made mus le and lined
E). T e in e ti n usually extends int the oropharynxthe with mu us membrane. N te its l ati n in Figure 18-11. Be-
regi n the thr at nearest the m uth. ause its l ati n behind the nasal avities and m uth, it
T rush is s metimes bserved in therwise healthy hildren un ti ns as part b th the respirat ry and digestive systems.
but is m st ten seen in adults wh are immun suppressed, Air must pass thr ugh the pharynx n its way t the lungs,
su h as AIDS patients, r in individuals wh have been n and a mass hewed d must pass thr ugh it n its way t
antibi ti therapy. T e bene ial ba teria that are n rmal in- the st ma h.
habitants the mi r bi me the m uth usually prevent the Re all that the pharynx as a wh le is subdivided int three
yeast p pulati n r m expanding int an in e ti n. anat mi al mp nents: nasopharynx, oropharynx, and
laryngopharynx. Als re all that the pr te tive lymph id
ring rmed by the three maj r pairs tonsils in the pharynx
Review the article The Human Microbiome at
guards against in e ti ns the respirat ry and digestive
Connect It! at
tra ts.
502 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

Cra nia l cavity

P ha rynge a l tons il
(a de noids )
Ha rd pa la te
Nas o pharynx
S oft pa la te

Pa la tine tons il
Oro pharynx
Lingua l tons il

Hyoid bone
Laryng o pharynx

Voca l cords

18 Tra che a

Es opha gus

FIGURE 18-11 Pharynx. This midsagittal section o the S

head and neck shows the pharynx and related structures. The
green dotted lines mark the approximate boundaries o the re- A P
gions o the pharynx. Notice that the esophagus runs in eriorly I
rom the pharynx, behind the trachea.

Review Protective Strategies o the Respiratory To learn more about the pharynx and swallowing,
Tract at Connect It! at go to AnimationDirect online at

Fu n c t io n Es o p h a g u s
O the three anat mi al divisi ns, the r pharynx is a tively
S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n
and m st dire tly inv lved in the digestive pr ess be ause
its imp rtant r le in a spe ialized and rdinated type GI T e esophagus is a llapsible, mus ular, mu us-lined tube
tra t m tility inv lved in swall wing. T e swall wing a ab ut 25 m (10 in hes) l ng that extends r m the pharynx
mass hewed d is alled deglutition. t the st ma h. It is the rst segment the digestive tube
First, masti ati n inv lves v luntary m vements that result pr per, and the ur layers that rm the wall the GI tra t
in rmati n a ball r bolus d in the m uth that is an be easily identi ed when it is se ti ned. Its mus ular walls
then m ved inv luntarily thr ugh the r pharynx and int make it a dynami passageway able t push d t ward the
the es phagus and, nally, int the st ma h. st ma h.
Swall wing is a mplex pr ess requiring the rdina- Ea h end the es phagus is guarded by a mus ular
ti n pharyngeal mus les and ther mus les and stru tures sphincter. Sphin ters are valvelike rings mus le tissue that
in the head and ne k. Regulation v luntary swall wing ten surr und tubular stru tures r b dy penings. In the GI
m vements is dependent n nerv us impulses riginating in tra t they n rmally a t t keep ingested material m ving in
the m t r rtex the erebrum. Inv luntary m vements are ne dire ti n d wn the tube. T e upper esophageal sphincter
regulated by impulses riginating in the swall wing r deglu- (UES) helps prevent air r m entering the tube during respi-
titi n enter l ated in the medulla and p ns the brain- rati n, and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) n rmally
stem (see Figure 10-13 n p. 261). prevents ba kf w a idi st ma h ntents.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 503

Es opha gus

Dia phra gm

Lowe r
e s opha ge a l
s phincte r


Fluid in S A
s toma ch
FIGURE 18-13 Esophageal in ammation. Chronic inf ammation o
I the esophagus is characteristic o GERD (gastroesophageal ref ux disease).
Arrows show reddened, inf amed areas about midway along esophagus.
FIGURE 18-12 Re ux. In gastroesophageal ref ux disease (GERD), ref ux This damage is caused by the requent splashing back o acids rom the
(backf ow) o gastric acid up into the esophagus causes irritation o the lin- stomach.
ing o the esophagus.

Re u x mu sa hanges r m a pink t a reddish salm n l r, indi- 18

ating ellular hanges that are aused by ntinual exp sure
T e terms heartburn and acid indigestion are ten used t the es phagus t st ma h a id. A sample the lining
des ribe a number unpleasant sympt ms experien ed by the es phagus is rem ved and viewed under the mi r s pe
m re than 60 milli n Ameri ans ea h m nth. Ba kward f w t make the diagn sis Barrett es phagus.
st ma h a id up int the es phagus auses these sympt ms O ther than heartburn, sympt ms Barretts may in lude
(Figure 18-12), whi h typi ally in lude burning and pressure tr uble swall wing, v miting bl d, and weight l ss that re-
behind the breastb ne. T e term gastroesophageal re ux sults be ause eating is pain ul. reatment may in lude medi-
disease (GERD ) is used t better des ribe this very mm n ati ns that redu e st ma h a id pr du ti n and li estyle
and s metimes seri us medi al nditi n. hanges aimed at preventing the ref ux a id int the
In its simplest rm, GERD sympt ms are mild and ur es phagus. T ese hanges in lude:
nly in requently (twi e a week r less). In these ases, av id-
ing pr blem ds r beverages, st pping sm king, r l sing
weight i needed may s lve the pr blem. Additi nal treatment
with ver-the- unter anta ids r n n-pres ripti n-strength
ing sleep
a id-bl king medi ati ns als may be help ul.
M re severe and requent epis des GERD an trigger
a eine, ni tine, and al h l
asthma atta ks, ause severe hest pain, result in bleeding, r
pr m te a narr wing (stri ture) r hr ni irritati n the
n the st ma h
es phagus (Figure 18-13). In these ases, m re p wer ul inhibit rs
st ma h a id pr du ti n may be pres ribed. Other drugs that
strengthen the LES and thus redu e ba kf w st ma h a id Hia t a l He r n ia
are als used in m derate t severe ases GERD. GERD is a mm n sympt m hiatal hernia. A hernia re-
Several minimally invasive surgi al pr edures r treating sults r m an rgan being pushed thr ugh a wall that n rmally
seri us ases GERD are als available. In su h pr edures, a ts as a barrier. In hiatal hernia, the st ma h pushes thr ugh
whi h are d ne n an utpatient basis, a f exible tube alled an the gap, r hiatus, in the diaphragm that all ws the es phagus
endoscope is used t insert and then rem ve the ne essary t pass thr ugh it (Figure 18-14). O ten the l wer es phagus
medi al devi es required r treatment. I GERD is le t un- be mes enlarged, all wing a idi st ma h ntents t bypass
treated, seri us path l gi al (pre an er us) hanges in the the LES and f w upward int the es phagus.
es phageal lining may devel pa nditi n alled Barrett
Check out the illustrated article Hernias at
A sign Barrett es phagus is evident when the es phagus
Connect It! at
is viewed with an end s pe. T e l r the es phageal
504 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

S t ru c t u re
T e three divisi ns the st ma h sh wn in Figure 18-15 are
the undus, body, and pylorus. T e undus is the enlarged
R L p rti n t the le t and ab ve the pening the es phagus
int the st ma h. T e b dy is the large entral regi n the
Es opha gus
st ma h, and the pyl rus is the l wer narr w se ti n, whi h
He rnia te d
portion of j ins with the rst part the small intestine. T e upper right
s toma ch b rder the st ma h is kn wn as the lesser curvature, and the
LES l wer le t b rder is alled the greater curvature.
T e st ma h l ks small when it is empty, n t mu h bigger
than a large sausage, but it expands nsiderably a ter a large
meal. H ave y u ever elt s un m rtably ull a ter eating that
y u uld n t take a deep breath? I s , it pr bably meant that
Dia phra gm y ur st ma h was s ull material that it upied m re
spa e than usual and was pushed up against the diaphragm.
T is made it hard r the diaphragm t ntra t and m ve
d wnward as mu h as ne essary r y u t take a deep breath.
In ntrast t ther regi ns the digestive tra t, there are
three layers sm th mus le in the st ma h wall (see
Figure 18-15). T e mus le bers that run lengthwise, ar und,
and bliquely make the st ma h ne the str ngest internal
rganswell able t break up hunks ingested d int
tiny parti les and t mix them th r ughly with gastri jui e t
S toma ch rm a semis lid mixture alled chyme. St ma h mus le n-
18 tra ti ns als result in peristalsis, whi h pr pels hyme d wn
FIGURE 18-14 Hiatal hernia. Note herniated portion o stomach pushed the digestive tra t.
through diaphragm. LES, Lower esophageal sphincter.
Mu us membrane lines the st ma h, rming the gastric
mucosa. It ntains th usands mi r s pi gastric glands
that se rete gastric juice int the st ma h. Cells in the st ma h
als se rete a hemi al alled intrinsic actor that pr te ts vita-
S t o m a ch min B12 and saves it r its later abs rpti n in the distal small
T e stomach (Figure 18-15) lies in the upper part the ab- intestine. S me individuals may require vitamin B12 inje ti ns
d minal avity just under the diaphragm. It serves as a large a ter s me st ma h surgeries.
p u h that ingested material enters a ter it has been hewed, W hen the st ma h is empty, its lining lies in lds alled
swall wed, and passed thr ugh the es phagus. rugae.

Es opha gus Fundus FIGURE 18-15 Stomach. A portion o the anterior wall
has been cut away to reveal the three muscle layers o the
stomach wall. Notice that the mucosa lining the stomach
Ga s troe s opha ge a l ope ning
orms olds called rugae.
Lowe r e s opha ge a l
s phincte r (LES )
Body of s toma ch

S e ros a
P yloric
s phincte r P ylorus Longitudina l mus cle laye r
Duode na l


Circula r mus cle laye r


u Mus cula ris

Le s s e r c
Oblique mus cle laye r

S ubmucos a

Mucos a
t ur
r va R L
c u
a te r
G re I
Duode num Ruga e
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 505

Fu n c t io n
whi h are brief y des ribed in this se ti n. Many these
A ter material has entered the st ma h by passing thr ugh dis rders are hara terized by ne r m re these signs and
the mus ular LES at the distal end the es phagus, the di- sympt ms:
gestive pr ess ntinues.
1. Gastritisst ma h inf ammati n
C ntra ti n the st ma hs mus ular walls mixes the
2. Anorexia hr ni l ss appetite
swall wed material th r ughly with the gastri jui e and
3. Nauseaunpleasant eeling that ten leads t
breaks it d wn int hyme, whi h eventually be mes m re
v miting
and m re lique ed. T is lique a ti n pr ess is a ntinuati n
4. Emesisv miting
the me hani al digesti n that begins in the m uth.
M stly water, gastri jui e als ntains hydrochloric acid
(HCl) that un lds pr teins by breaking hydr gen b nds. P y lo r ic C o n d it io n s
T en, enzymes als present in the gastri jui e break apart T e pyl ri sphin ter is lini al imp rtan e be ause
s me the peptide b nds within pr tein m le ulesall part pylorospasm is a airly mm n nditi n in in ants. T e
hemi al digesti n. pyl ri mus le bers d n t relax n rmally in in ants with this
Partial digesti n pr teins urs a ter hyme is held in nditi n. As a result, hyme is n t able t leave the st ma h,
the st ma h r s me time by the pyloric sphincter mus le. and the in ant v mits nutrients instead digesting and ab-
T e sm th mus le bers the sphin ter stay ntra ted s rbing them. T e nditi n is relieved by the administrati n
m st the time and thereby l se the pening the a drug that relaxes sm th mus les.
pyl rus int the small intestine. A ter hyme has been mixed An ther abn rmality the pyl ri sphin ter is alled
in the st ma h and pr tein digesti n gets under way, it begins pyloric stenosisan bstru tive narr wing its pening.
its passage thr ugh the pyl ri sphin ter int the rst part T is nditi n an be rre ted surgi ally in in an y.
the small intestine.
G a s t r ic U lc e r
An ulcer is a raterlike w und r s re in a membrane aused
QUICK CHECK by tissue destru ti n. Current statisti s sh w that ab ut 1 in 18
1. Wh a t a re th e th re e a n a to m ica l co m p o n e n ts o th e 10 individuals in the United States will su er r m either a
p h a ryn x? gastri (st ma h) r du denal ul er in his r her li etime
2. Wh a t is a h ia ta l h e rn ia ? (Figure 18-16, A).
3. Wh a t is GERD?
Ul ers ause disintegrati n, l ss, and death tissue as they
4. Na m e th e th re e d ivis io n s o th e s to m a ch .
er de the layers the wall the st ma h r du denum.
T ese raterlike lesi ns ause gnawing r burning pain and
may ultimately result in hem rrhage, per rati n, widespread
To learn more about the stomach, go to inf ammati n, s arring, and ther very seri us medi al m-
AnimationDirect online at pli ati ns. Usually per rati n d es n t ur, but small, re-
peated hem rrhages ver l ng peri ds an ause anemia.
Ex essive a id se reti n was th ught r many years t be
D is o r d e r s o t h e S t o m a c h
the primary ause ul ers. It is n w kn wn that m st gastri
S ig n s a n d S y m p t o m s and du denal ul ers result r m in e ti n with the Helico-
Gastroenterology is the study (ology) the st ma h (gastro) bacter pylori (H. pylori) ba terium (Figure 18-16, B). T is is es-
and intestines (entero) and their diseases. T e st ma h is the pe ially s i the in e ted individual has a geneti predisp si-
p tential site numer us diseases and nditi ns, s me ti n t ul er devel pment. T e ba terium burr ws thr ugh the
pr te tive mu us lining the GI tra t and
when it makes nta t with the epithe-
FIGURE 18-16 Disorders o the stomach. A, Gastric ulcer. lium, it triggers immune rea ti ns that
Epithe lium
B, Helicobacter pylori may in ect the stomach mucosa and trig- in lude the inf ammat ry resp nse.
ger immune responses that reduce the acid-protective mucus
that lines the stomach. T ese resp nses impair the gastri lin-
H. pylori
ings ability t pr du e a id-pr te tive
Ruga e mu us. H. pylori in e ti n is diagn sed
by bi psy, breath, r bl d antib dy tests.
L ng-term use ertain pain medi-
ati ns su h as aspirin and ibupr en,
alled nonsteroidal antiin ammatory
Ulce r drugs (NSAIDs) als an ause ul ers
be ause they t de rease the se reti n
mu us. NSAID-indu ed ul ers an
be treated by st pping NSAID use and
taking a id-redu ing drugs until the ul-
B er heals.
506 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System


The uppe r GI (UGI) s tudy cons is ts o a s e rie s o x-rays o the lowe r
e s ophagus , s tom ach, and duode num , produce d w ith the aid o a con-
tras t m e dium , us ually barium s ul ate . The te s t is us e d to de te ct ulce r-
ations , tum ors , in am m ations , or anatom ical m alpos itions s uch as hia-
tal he rnia (protrus ion o the s tom ach through the diaphragm ).
Obs truction o the uppe r GI tract is als o e as ily de te cte d w ith the UGI
s e rie s .
Firs t the patie nt drinks a avore d liquid containing barium s ul ate .
The n x-rays are take n pe riodically as the contras t m e dium trave ls
through the s ys te m the lowe r e s ophagus , gas tric wall, pyloric chan-
ne l, and duode num ; e ach s tructure is evaluate d or de e cts .
Be nign pe ptic ulce r is a com m on pathological condition that m ay
a e ct the s e GI are as . Tum ors , cys ts , or e nlarge d organs ne ar the s tom -
ach can als o be ide ntif e d w he n the re is an anatom ical dis tortion o the
outline o the uppe r GI tract.
Com pare the x-ray im age s how n he re w ith the s tom ach s tructure s
de picte d in Figure 18-15. Ide nti y as m any o the s e s tructure s as you
can in the x-ray. Can you locate the gre ate r and le s s e r curvature s ?
Fundus , body, and pyloric are as ? Location o the pyloric s phincte r?
Note that although a m ajority o the barium contras t m ate rial has
poole d in the s tom ach, s om e has pas s e d through the pyloric s phincte r, S

18 the re by outlining the duode num . R L

T e dis very that m st ul ers are aused by a ba terial S m a ll In t e s t in e

rganism led t devel pment a number newer treatment
pr grams. T ese treatments were designed t eradi ate the
S t ru c t u re
ba teria by use antibi ti s while simultane usly bl king r T e small intestine is r ughly 7 meters (20 eet) l ng. H w-
redu ing st ma h a id se reti n. ever, it is n ti eably smaller in diameter than the large intes-
Currently, the standard antibi ti -based treatment used tine, s in this respe t its name is appr priate (Figure 18-17).
m st ten t b th heal ul ers and prevent re urren es is Di erent names identi y three di erent se ti ns the small
alled triple therapy. It requires that three medi ati ns be intestine: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
taken n urrently r ab ut 2 weeks. M re than ne y le a mm date su h a l ng tube within the relatively
may be required. riple therapy mbines a st ma h-lining sh rt abd minal avity, it must be iled int many l ps. In
pr te t r su h as bismuth subsali ylate (Pept -Bism l) and/ this way, a small b dy avity an ntain a very l ng tube with
r an a id redu er with tw di erent antibi ti s. a large sur a e area.
M st the hemi al digesti n urs in the rst regi n
S t o m a ch Ca n c e r the small intestine, the du denum. T e du denum is C-shaped
Stomach cancer has been linked t ex essive al h l nsump- and urves ar und the head the pan reas (Figure 18-18).
ti n, use hewing t ba , eating sm ked r heavily pre- A idi hyme enters the bulb the du denum r m the
served d, and t H. pylori in e ti n. st ma h. T is area is the site requent ul erati n (du denal
Un rtunately, there is n pra ti al way t s reen the gen- ul ers).
eral p pulati n r st ma h an er in its earliest stages. M st T e middle third the du denum ntains the penings
st ma h an ers, usually aden ar in mas, have already me- du ts that empty pan reati jui e and bile r m the liver int the
tastasized be re they are und be ause patients treat them- small intestine. As y u an see in Figure 18-18, the tw penings
selves r the early warning signs heartburn, bel hing, and are l ated at tw bumps alled the minor duodenal papilla and
nausea. Later warning signs st ma h an er in lude hr ni major duodenal papilla. O asi nally a gallst ne bl ks du ts
indigesti n, v miting, an rexia, st ma h pain, and bl d in that drain thr ugh the maj r du denal papilla, ausing symp-
the e es. t ms su h as severe pain, jaundi e, and digestive pr blems.
Surgi al rem val the malignant tum rs has been the Sm th mus le in the wall the small intestine n-
m st su ess ul meth d treating st ma h an er. tra ts t pr du e peristalsis, the wavelike ntra ti n that
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 507

Longitudina l mus cle

Circula r mus cle Mus cula ris
S e ros a

Me s e nte ry S ubmucos a

Mucos a

P lica (fold)

Mag nific atio n o f je junal

muc o s al wall

Lymph nodule
S e g me nt
o f je junum Epithe lium

S ingle villus


Muc o s al villi

Epithe lium

Epithe lia l ce ll Mucos a

La cte a l (lymph ca pilla ry)

Arte ry a nd ve in
Two c e lls o f the villus e pithe lium
s ho wing brus h bo rde r (mic rovilli)

FIGURE 18-17 Small intestine. A, Note the our

tissue coats or layers and the presence o villi and micro-
villi, which increases the area available or absorption.
B, X-ray study showing small intestine lled with con-
trast medium to outline it clearly. C, Laparoscopic view o
abdominopelvic cavity, with loops o small intestine
B C visible.
508 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

Corpus (body)
of ga llbla dde r

Right a nd le ft
X he pa tic ducts
Ne ck of
ga llbla dde r
Common he pa tic duct

Common bile duct

Cys tic duct

Pa ncre a s
Live r

Minor duode na l pa pilla Pa ncre a tic

Ma jor duode na l pa pilla

Duode num R L
S upe rior me s e nte ric
a rte ry a nd ve in
18 S phincte r mus cle s

FIGURE 18-18 Gallbladder and bile ducts. X marks the locations where gallstone blockages commonly
occur. Obstruction o the hepatic or common bile duct by stone or spasm blocks the exit o bile rom the liver,
where it is ormed, and prevents bile rom being ejected into the duodenum (choledocholithiasis).

m ves hyme thr ugh the G I tra t and eventually t the M illi ns and milli ns villi jut inward r m the mu us
large intestine. lining. T is large abs rptive sur a e area all ws r aster
abs rpti n nutrients r m the intestine int the bl d and
lymphyet an ther ase structure ts unction.
Fu n c t io n In additi n t the milli ns villi that in rease sur a e area
T e main un ti ns the small intestine are digestion and in the small intestine, ea h villus is itsel vered by epithelial
absorption. Nearly all the hemi al digesti n and abs rpti n ells, whi h ea h have a brushlike b rder mp sed
the digestive system urs in the small intestine. microvilli. T e mi r villi urther in rease the sur a e area
T e mu us lining the small intestine, as with that ea h villus r abs rpti n nutrients.
the st ma h, ntains th usands mi r s pi glands. T ese Sm th mus le in the wall the small intestine ntra ts
intestinal glands se rete the intestinal jui e that is ri h in a t pr du e peristalsis, the wavelike ntra ti n that m ves
variety enzymes as well as water and i ns. T e pan reas hyme thr ugh the intestinal tra t and t the large intestine
se retes bi arb nate int the lumen (h ll w interi r) the (see Figure 18-3 n p. 496). Segmentati n a tivity helps mix the
du denum t neutralize the st ma h a id and als adds en- digestive jui es with hyme and als makes abs rpti n m re
zymes t digest ats, pr teins, and arb hydrates that are ab- e ient (see Figure 18-4 n p. 496).
s rbed by the intestine.
Several stru tural eatures the lining the small in-
testine make it espe ially well-suited t abs rpti n nutri-
D is o r d e r s o t h e S m a ll In t e s t in e
ents and water. T e m st bvi us eature is multiple ir ular Many dis rders the small intestine inv lve inf ammati n, a
lds alled plicae (see Figure 18-17). T ese lds are them- nditi n termed enteritis. I the st ma h is als inf amed,
selves vered with th usands tiny ngers alled villi. the nditi n is termed gastroenteritis.
Under the mi r s pe, the villi an be seen pr je ting int Ba terial t xins r ther irritants in the hyme, in luding
the lumen the intestine. Inside ea h villus lies a ri h net- st ma h a id, an ause enteritis. Irritati n r inf ammati n in
w rk bl d apillaries that abs rb the pr du ts arb - the du denum an pr du e a eeling nausea that leads t
hydrate and pr tein digesti n (sugars and amin a ids). T e emesis (v miting). Be ause the du denum may be emptied
villi als ntain lymphati apillaries alled lacteals that al ng with the st ma h during v miting, it is mm n t
abs rb ats. bserve yell wish r br wnish bile in the v mit.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 509

X-ray studies the small intestine, as well as dire t view- L k again at Figure 18-18. First, identi y the hepatic ducts.
ing either the inside lumen r exteri r sur a e using an T ey drain bile ut the liver, a a t suggested by the name
end s pe, are use ul t ls in b th diagn sis and treatment hepati , whi h mes r m the Greek w rd r liver (hepar).
intestinal disease. Next, n ti e the du t that drains bile int the small intestine
Malabsorption syndrome is a general term re erring t a (du denum), the common bile duct.
gr up sympt ms resulting r m the ailure the small T e liver ntinu usly se retes bile. I there is n hyme
intestine t abs rb nutrients pr perly. T ese sympt ms in- in the du denum, then ir ular sphin ter mus les within
lude an rexia, weight l ss, abd minal bl ating, ramps, ane- the du denal papillae remain l sedand the bile ba ks up
mia, and atigue. A number underlying nditi ns an the mm n bile du t int the cystic duct that leads t the
ause malabs rpti n syndr me, in luding mu sal hanges gallbladder. T e lded lining the gallbladder all ws it t
due t surgery, bl d f w hanges, r disease. expand and thus a t as an verf w reserv ir r bile. T e
An ther dis rder alled maldigestion inv lves a de it gallbladder als n entrates st red bile by reabs rbing
digestive enzymes r bile salts. T is redu es digesti n water r m bile ba k int the bl d.
and thereby redu es the am unt nutrients available r
abs rpti n. To learn more about bile ducts, go to
AnimationDirect at

Live r a n d G a llb la d d e r Fu n c t io n
S t ru c t u re Chemi ally, bile ntains signi ant quantities h lester l
T e liver is s large that it lls the entire upper right p rti n and substan es (bile salts) that a t as detergents t me hani-
the abd minal avity and even extends partway int the le t ally break up, r emulsi y, ats. Be ause ats rm large gl b-
side (see Figure 18-1 and review Figure 1-6 n p. 10). ules, they must be br ken d wn, r emulsi ed, int smaller
Be ause its ells se rete a substan e alled bile int du ts, parti les t in rease the sur a e area t aid digesti n.
the liver is lassi ed as an ex rine gland. In a t, the liver is In additi n t emulsi ati n ats, bile that is eliminated 18
the largest gland in the b dy. Bile ntains a mixture sub- r m the b dy in the e es serves as a me hanism r ex reting
stan es, s me whi h have dire t digestive un ti ns de- h lester l r m the b dy. B th emulsi ati n ats and
s ribed in the next se ti n. eliminati n h lester l r m the b dy are primary un -
T e liver als serves an ex ret ry r le, as it rem ves yell w- ti ns bile.
ish bile pigments rmed by the breakd wn hem gl bin W hen hyme ntaining lipid r at enters the du denum,
r m ld RBCs and puts them int the bile r eliminati n it initiates a me hanism that ntra ts the gallbladder and
r m the b dy. T e liver has a wide variety ther metab li r es bile int the small intestine. Fats in hyme trigger the
un ti ns that are dis ussed later in Chapter 19. se reti n the h rm ne cholecystokinin (CCK) r m the
intestinal mu sa the du denum. T is h rm ne then trav-
els thr ugh the bl dstream and pr m tes ntra ti n the
gallbladderand nsequently bile f ws int the du denum.
HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G Se reti n CCK is a g d example a h rm ne a ting t
EXERCIS E AND FLUID UPTAKE regulate GI m tility.
Replacement o uids lost during exercise, primarily through QUICK CHECK
sweating, is essential or maintaining homeostasis. Nearly
1. Wh a t b a cte riu m is a s s o cia te d w ith u lce rs ?
everyone increases his or her intake o uids during and a ter
2. Id e n ti y th e d i e re n t s e ctio n s o th e s m a ll in te s tin e in th e
exercise. The main limitation to e f cient uid replacement is o rd e r in w h ich chym e p a s s e s th ro u g h th e m .
how quickly uid can be absorbed, rather than how much a 3. Wh a t is ga s tro e n te ritis ?
person drinks. Very little water is absorbed until it reaches the 4. Wh a t is th e ga llb la d d e r? Wh e re is b ile o rm e d , a n d w h a t is
intestines, where it is absorbed almost immediately. Thus the its u n ctio n ?
rate o gastric emptying into the intestine is critical.
Large volum e s o uid le ave the s tom ach and e nte r the
inte s tine s m ore rapidly than s m all volum e s . Howeve r, large D is o r d e r s o t h e Live r a n d G a llb la d d e r
volum e s m ay cre ate an uncom ortable e e ling during exe r- G a lls t o n e s a n d J a u n d ic e
cis e . Cool uids (8 C to 13 C) e m pty m ore quickly than Gallstones are s lid lumps material (m stly h lester l)
warm uids . Fluids w ith a high s olute conce ntration e m pty
that rm in the gallbladder in 1 in 10 Ameri ans. S me gall-
s low ly and m ay caus e naus e a or s tom ach cram ps . Thus
large am ounts o cool, dilute , or is otonic uids are be s t or
st nes never ause pr blems and are alled silent gallstones,
re placing uids quickly during exe rcis e . whereas thers pr du e pain ul sympt ms r ther medi al
The duration o exe rcis e doe s not a e ct gas tric e m pty- mpli ati ns and are alled symptomatic gallstones.
ing, but the inte ns ity can. Stre nuous exe rcis e practically Cholelithiasis literally means nditi n having bile
s huts dow n gas tric e m ptying. Thus the harde r you work, (gall) st nes and ten urs in the presen e gallbladder
the harde r it is to re place los t uids . inf ammati n, r cholecystitis.
510 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

Gallst nes ten rm when the h lester l n entrati n the liver, it is abs rbed int the bl d. Bile is n t abs rbed
in bile be mes ex essive, ausing rystallizati n r pre ipita- r m the gallbladder s n jaundi e urs i nly the ysti
ti n t ur (Figure 18-19). St ne rmati n is mu h m re du t is bl ked.
likely t ur i the gallbladder d es n t empty regularly and T e relati nship dieting and weight l ss t gallst ne
hemi ally imbalan ed r h lester l-laden bile remains in rmati n is under intense s rutiny. Physi ians have kn wn
the gallbladder r l ng peri ds time. r years that in severely bese individuals (b dy mass index
W hen a gallst ne bl ks the mm n bile du ta ndi- [BMI] ver 40) the liver pr du es higher levels h lester l
ti n alled choledocholithiasisbile is n t able t drain int and the risk devel ping gallst nes is in reased. H wever,
the du denum (see Figure 18-18). In su h a ase, e es then nly re ently have s ientists established with ertainty that
appear gray-white be ause the pigments r m bile that n r- signi ant and rapid weight l ss greatly in reases the risk
mally give e es its hara teristi l r are absent. O ten, pain sympt mati gallst ne rmati n that may require surgerya
a mpanies this nditi n. T e pain is alled biliary colic. pr edure alled cholecystectomy.
Furtherm re, be ause bile ann t be released int the di-
gestive tra t, ex essive am unts bile pigments are instead Check out the article Gallstones and Weight Loss
abs rbed int the bl d. A yell wish skin dis l rati n alled at Connect It! at
jaundice results. O bstru ti n the mm n hepati du t
als leads t jaundi e be ause when bile ann t drain ut Bariatrics ( r m G reek baros, weight) is a spe ialized
eld medi ine that deals with treatment besity. S -
alled bariatric surgical procedures used r pr du ing weight
l ss, su h as the Lap Band Adjustable Gastric Banding System,
the m re traditi nal restri tive gastri banding pr edure
(verti al-banded gastr plasty), r m re extensive bypass p-
erati ns (RGB, r Roux-en-Y gastric bypass), all redu e the
size the st ma h and alm st always result in rapid p st-
18 surgi al weight l ss, but m re than ne-third these pa-
tients devel p gallst nes.
Un rtunately, individuals wh h se n nsurgi al ap-
pr a hes t a hieve signi ant and rapid weight l ss, su h as
veryl w- al rie, ultral w- at r arb hydrate diets, als
experien e higher rates gallst ne rmati n. In these ases,
st ne rmati n is related t imbalan es in bile hemistry and
delayed emptying r in mplete gallbladder ntra ti ns.
I surgery is required r rem val sympt mati gall-
st nes, lapar s pi te hniques have made the need r pen
A abd minal surgi al pr edures less mm n (Figure 18-19, B).
Gallst nes an s metimes be treated (diss lved) ver time r
prevented r m devel ping in individuals experien ing rapid
R L weight l ss by ral administrati n a naturally urring bile
nstituent alled ursodeoxycholic acid (A tigall).

He p a t it is
Hepatitis is a general term re erring t inf ammati n the
liver. H epatitis is hara terized by jaundi e, liver enlargement,
an rexia, abd minal dis m rt, gray-white e es, and dark
A number di erent nditi ns an pr du e hepatitis.
Al h l, drugs, r ther t xins may ause hepatitis. It may
ur as a mpli ati n ba terial r viral in e ti n r para-
site in estati n. Hepatitis A, r example, results r m in e ti n
by a virus that may be und in ntaminated d.
An ther viral hepatitis, hepatitis B, is m re severe. It was
hist ri ally alled serum hepatitis be ause it is ten transmit-
ted by ntaminated bl d serum. Impr perly sterilized tat-
B t ing needles ntaminated with even tra e am unts
FIGURE 18-19 Gallstones. A, Inf amed gallbladder lled with yellow hepatitis Bin e ted bl d (0.004 mL), will ause disease.
cholesterol gallstones. B, View o the gallbladder be ore removal using a T ere are va ines t prevent in e ti n with b th hepatitis A
laparoscope (viewing tube) inserted into the abdomen during surgery. and hepatitis B viruses.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 511

Azygos ve in
R L Es opha ge a l va rice s

FIGURE 18-20 Liver damage. A, Alcoholic cirrhosis where liver sur ace
is hard and covered with nodules that look like pebbles. B, Varicose veins S upe rior
me s e nte ric ve in He pa tic porta l ve in
(varices) o the esophagus caused by reduction o blood f ow through liver
with cirrhosis. B

Hepatitis C is a rm liver inf ammati n aused by Pa n c re a s

in e ti n with the hepatitis C virus (H CV). It is m st -
S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n
ten ass iated with trans usi n ntaminated bl d r
intraven us drug abuse. T e disease may be me hr ni T e pan reas lies behind the st ma h in the n avity pr -
and result in irrh sis (see later se ti n) r liver an er du ed by the C shape the du denum (see Figure 18-18).
many m nths r even years a ter exp sure. O ral drugs are It is an ex rine gland that se retes pancreatic juice int 18
n w available that have a ure rate nearly 100% when du ts and als an end rine gland that se retes h rm nes
taken r 3 m nths. Va ines r hepatitis C are als being int the bl d. L ate the pan reas and nearby stru tures in
devel ped. Figure 18-21, whi h sh ws a transverse se ti n a human
C ir r h o s is Pan reati jui e se reted int the du denum ntains en-
H epatitis, hr ni al h l abuse, malnutriti n, r in e ti n zymes that digest all three maj r kinds energy-yielding
may lead t a degenerative liver nditi n kn wn as cirrhosis. nutrients arb hydrates, pr teins, and lipids. It als ntains
T e liver has a remarkable ability t regenerate its damaged s dium bi arb nate, an alkaline substan e that neutralizes the
tissue, but this pr ess has its limits. F r example, when the hydr hl ri a id in the a idi hyme that enters the intes-
t xi e e ts al h l a umulate aster than the liver an tines r m the st ma h.
regenerate itsel , damaged tissue is repla ed with a n dular, Pan reati jui e enters the du denum the small intestine
pebble-like br us r atty tissue instead n rmal tissue at the same pla e that bile enters be ause b th the mm n
(Figure 18-20, A). bile and pan reati du ts pen int the du denum at the ma-
N matter what the ause liver irrh sis, the sympt ms j r du denal papilla (see Figure 18-18).
are the same: nausea, an rexia, gray-white st ls, weakness, Between the ells that se rete pan reati jui e int du ts lie
and pain. I the ause irrh sis is rem ved and high-pr tein lusters ells that have n nta t with any du ts. T ese are
ds are eaten, the liver may be able t repair itsel given the pancreatic islets (islets o Langerhans), whi h se rete
en ugh time. I the damage is extensive, a liver transplant may the h rm nes the pan reasmainly insulin and glucagon
be the nly h pe saving s me ne with irrh sis the liver. des ribed in Chapter 12.
A ute r hr ni liver dis rders su h as hepatitis r ir-
rh sis an bl k the f w bl d thr ugh the liver, thus
To learn more about pancreatic ducts, go to
ausing it t ba k up int the hepatic portal circulation
AnimationDirect at
(Figure 15-11 n p. 412. As a result, the bl d pressure in the
hepati ir ulati n in reases abn rmallya nditi n alled
portal hypertension.
D is o r d e r s o t h e P a n c r e a s
relieve the pressure p rtal hypertensi n, the b dy
rms additi nal new veins that nne t t the exiting systemi Dis rders the pan reas in lude diabetes mellitus (D M), in
veins (Figure 18-20, B). T is ten auses the veins lining the th se ases DM inv lving the inability the islet ells t
es phagus, st ma h, and ther rgans t widen and be me make insulin.
vari se. I these vari sities rupture a ter er si n by st ma h An ther pan reati dis rder is pancreatitis, whi h is
a id, v miting bl d urs. T is an lead t massive bleed- inf ammati n the pan reas. Acute pancreatitis may result
ing that may result in death. r m bl kage the mm n bile du t. T e bl kage auses
512 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

Infe rior ve na cava Abdomina l a orta S toma ch Pa ncre a s

Live r Inte s tine

Ve rte bra l
bone Pe ritone a l
s pa ce

Le ft

18 P

FIGURE 18-21 Abdominal organs. The photograph o a transverse section o a cadaver shows the relative
position o some o the major digestive organs o the abdomen. Such a view is typical in imaging methods such
as computed tomography (CT) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

pan reati enzymes t ba k up int the pan reas and digest T e subdivisi ns the large intestine are listed bel w in
it. T is is a very seri us and p tentially atal nditi n. the rder in whi h hyme r e es passes thr ugh them.
An ther nditi n that bl ks the f w pan reati en-
1. Ce um
zymes is cystic brosis (CF), whi h is an inherited dis rder
2. As ending l n
that disrupts ell membrane transp rt and auses ex rine
3. ransverse l n
glands t pr du e ex essively thi k se reti ns. T i k pan reati
4. Des ending l n
se reti ns may build up and bl k pan reati du ts, disrupting
5. Sigm id l n
the f w pan reati enzymes and damaging the pan reas.
6. Re tum
An ther seri us pan reati dis rder is pancreatic cancer. Usu-
7. Anal anal
ally a rm adenocarcinoma, advan ed pan reati an er laims
the lives nearly all its patients within 5 years a ter diagn sis. N te in Figure 18-22 that the ile e al valve pens int a
p u hlike area alled the cecum. T e pening itsel is ab ut
5 r 6 m (2 in hes) ab ve the beginning the large intes-
La r g e In t e s t in e tine. Material in the e um f ws upward t a regi n the
large intestine alled the colon. e hni ally the l n d es n t
S t ru c t u re in lude the entire large intestine, but ten the terms colon
T e large intestine is nly ab ut 1.5 meters (5 eet) in length. and large intestine are used inter hangeably. T e l n is di-
It has a mu h larger diameter than the small intestine and vided int three segments: ascending, transverse, and descend-
rms the l wer r terminal p rti n the digestive tra t. ing l n.
Chyme ntaining undigested and unabs rbed material Material m ves int the l n n the right side the
r m ingested d enters the large intestine a ter passing b dyint the ascending colon. T e hepatic exure r
thr ugh a sphin ter alled the ileocecal valve (Figure 18-22). right colic exure is the bend between the as ending l n
Chyme, whi h has the nsisten y s up, sl wly hanges t and the transverse colon, whi h extends a r ss the r nt
the m re s lid nsisten y e al matter as water and salts the abd men r m right t le t. T e splenic exure r le t
are reabs rbed during its passage thr ugh the small intestine. colic exure marks the p int where the descending colon
It is this pastelike material that passes thr ugh the valve int turns d wnward n the le t side the abd men. T e sigmoid
the large intestine. colon is the S-shaped segment that terminates in the rectum.
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 513

He pa tic porta l ve in Aorta Tra ns ve rs e

Infe rior ve na cava S ple nic colon S ple nic (le ft colic)
ve in flexure
S upe rior me s e nte ric a rte ry
He pa tic
(right colic) Ta e nia e coli

Infe rior me s e nte ric

a rte ry a nd ve in

Fa tty a ppe nda ge

As ce nding colon

De s ce nding colon

Me s e nte ry
Ile oce ca l va lve S igmoid a rte ry
Ile um
a nd ve in

Ce cum Ha us tra

Ve rmiform a ppe ndix

Re ctum
S igmoid colon
S upe rior re cta l
Exte rna l a na l a rte ry a nd ve in R L
s phincte r mus cle
A Anus

No rmal Dive rtic ulo s is Appe ndic itis

FIGURE 18-22 Large intestine. A, Artists drawing o the large intestine. B, X-ray o large intestine and ter-
minal ileum lled with barium contrast material (barium enema). C, X-ray o a barium enema showing diverticulosis
(arrowheads). D, Acute appendicitis. Appendix is gangrenous and showing signs o ischemia and putre action.

T e terminal p rti n the re tum is alled the anal canal, nutrients may be released r m ellul se and ther bers and
whi h ends at the external pening, r anus. abs rbed.
In additi n t their digestive r le, ba teria in the large in-
testine have ther imp rtant un ti ns. T ey are resp nsible
Fu n c t io n r the synthesis vitamin K needed r n rmal bl d l t-
D uring its m vement thr ugh the large intestine, material ting and r the pr du ti n s me the B- mplex vita-
that remains a ter digesti n in the small intestine is a ted n mins. A ter they are rmed, these vitamins are abs rbed r m
by bene ial ba terial mmunities alled the intestinal the large intestine and enter the bl d. T e intestinal mi r -
microbiome r ora. As a result ba terial a ti n, additi nal bi me als plays a r le in supp rting immune un ti ns that
514 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

pr te t us r m many intestinal diseases,

s me whi h may be li e-threatening. C LIN ICA L APPLICATION
S me ba teria als pr du e gases that
es ape r m the l n thr ugh the anus INFANT DIARRHEA
a phen men n alled f atulen e r atus. Seve re diarrhe a caus e d by a rotavirus , an inte s tinal in e ction, kills m ore than
500,000 in ants and young childre n worldw ide e ach ye ar. De ath can re s ult rom
Review The Human s eve re de hydration caus e d by 20 or m ore e pis ode s o diarrhe a in a s ingle day.
Microbiome at Connect It! Curre ntly, m ore than 3 m illion U.S. childre n s u e r s ym ptom s o rotavirus inte s tinal
at in e ction annually and 55,000 re quire hos pitalization.
Good m e dical care has lim ite d the num be r o U.S. in ant de aths caus e d by the
Alth ugh s me additi nal abs rpti n dis e as e e ach ye ar to jus t a ew. In deve lope d countrie s , re lative ly new and prom is -
ing vaccine s provide good prote ction agains t the virus . Un ortunate ly, in deve lop-
water, salts, and vitamins urs in the large
ing countrie s , rotavirus -induce d diarrhe a re m ains one o the le ading caus e s o
intestine, this segment the digestive tube
in ant m ortality.
is n t as well suited r abs rpti n as is the Until rotavirus vaccine s can be m ore w ide ly dis tribute d and adm inis te re d, one
small intestine. N villi are present in the o the be s t tre atm e nt options available in m any are as o the world involve s oral
mu sa the large intestine. As a result, adm inis tration o libe ral dos e s o a s im ple , e as ily pre pare d s olution containing
mu h less sur a e area is available r ab- s ugar and s alt. The s alt-s ugar s olution us e d in this o ral re hydratio n the rapy (ORT)
s rpti n. Salts, espe ially s dium, are ab- re place s nutrie nts and e le ctrolyte s los t in diarrhe al uid. Be caus e the re place m e nt
s rbed by a tive transp rt, and water is uid can be pre pare d rom re adily available and inexpe ns ive ingre die nts , it is par-
m ved int the bl d by sm sis. ticularly valuable in the tre atm e nt o in ant diarrhe a in deve loping countrie s .
T e e ien y and speed abs rpti n
substan es thr ugh the wall the large
intestine are l wer than in the small intes-
tine. N rmal passage material al ng the lumen the large T e high water ntent l se st ls an be aused by
18 intestine takes ab ut 3 t 5 days. high m tility, whi h de reases the time the intestines have t
w sphin ter mus les stay ntra ted t keep the anus reabs rb water r m the e es. Watery st ls als may result
l sed ex ept during de ecationthe eliminati n e es. r m the a ti n t xins that auses ells in the intestinal lin-
Sm th r inv luntary mus le mp ses the internal anal ing t m ve water int the GI tra t rather than ut the
sphincter, but v luntary skeletal mus le rms the external anal tra t. Be ause the water l ss inv lved, untreated diarrhea
sphincter. T is anat mi al a t s metimes be mes highly may qui kly lead t dehydrati nand p ssibly nvulsi ns r
imp rtant r m a pra ti al standp int. F r example, ten death (see b x n in ant diarrhea, ab ve).
a ter a pers n has had a str ke, the v luntary anal sphin ter at Constipation results r m de reased intestinal m tility. I
rst be mes paralyzed. T is means, urse, that the indi- passage e es thr ugh the large intestine is pr l nged be-
vidual has n ntr l at that time ver b wel m vements. y nd 5 days, the e es l se v lume and be me m re s lid
be ause ex essive water reabs rpti n. T is redu ti n in
v lume de reases stimulati n the b wel-emptying ref ex,
D is o r d e r s o t h e La r g e In t e s t in e resulting in retenti n e esa p sitive- eedba k a e t that
M st the mm n dis rders the large intestine relate t makes the nditi n even w rse.
in ammation r abnormal motility, r rate m vement the A ute nstipati n ten results r m intestinal bl kage,
intestinal ntents. Abn rmally rapid m tility thr ugh the l w- ber diets, tum rs, r diverticulitis. reatment a ute
large intestine may result in diarrhea, and abn rmally sl w nstipati n usually inv lves treatment the underlying ause.
m tility may result in constipation. T ese and ther nditi ns
are brief y des ribed in this se ti n. In a m m a t o ry C o n d it io n s
D iverticulitis is an inf ammati n abn rmal sa like p u hes
M o t ilit y D is o r d e r s the intestinal wall alled diverticula (Figure 18-22, C). Diver-
D iarrhea usually urs when the intestinal ntents m ve s ti ula ten devel p in adults lder than 50 years age wh
qui kly that the resulting e es are m re f uid than n rmal. eat a l w- ber diet. As previ usly menti ned, diverti ulitis
Diarrhea is hara terized by requent passing watery e es. an be a ause nstipati n.
In inf ammat ry nditi ns su h as dysentery, the watery Colitis re ers t any inf ammat ry nditi n the large
e es als may ntain mu us, bl d, r pus. Diarrhea is ten intestine. I present r pr l nged peri ds time, inf amma-
a mpanied by abd minal rampsa sympt m aused by t ry b wel disease be mes a signi ant risk a t r r
ex essive ntra ti ns the intestinal mus les. l re tal an er. Sympt ms litis in lude diarrhea and
T e in reased intestinal m tility that auses diarrhea ten abd minal ramps r nstipati n. S me rms litis als
results r m the presen e ba terial t xins, parasites, r ther may pr du e bleeding and intestinal ul ers.
irritants. T e intestines ref exively speed up, a me hanism C litis may be a result em ti nal stress, as in irritable
that qui kly disp ses the irritant. bowel syndrome. It als may result r m an aut immune
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 515

disease, as in ulcerative colitis. An ther type aut immune absen e an er ells in regi nal lymph n des r distant
litis is Crohn disease, whi h ten als a e ts the small b dy l ati ns (metastases).
intestine. Early warning signs this mm n type an er in-
I m re nservative treatments ail, litis may be r- lude hanges in b wel habits ( nstipati n r diarrhea),
re ted by surgi al rem val the a e ted p rti ns the de reased st l diameter, re tal bleeding that may be bvi us
l n. (gr ss r visible) r hidden ( ult r mi r s pi ), abd mi-
nal pain, unexplained anemia, weight l ss, and atigue. Large
To learn more about a common medical imaging b wel bstru ti n is the m st mm n mpli ati n l n
procedure used to assess the structure o the an er.
colon, check out the article Barium Enema Study reatment requiring surgi al rem val a tum r in the
at Connect It! at distal re tum als may require the reati n a colostomy
(see b x bel w). In additi n t surgery, b th re tal and l n
an er are ten treated by use hem therapy. Radiati n
C o lo r e c t a l C a n c e r therapy is seld m used in treatment l n an er but has
Colorectal cancer is a malignan y, usually adenocarcinoma, an imp rtant r le in treatment re tal malignan y.
the lumnar epithelium that lines the lumen the l n
and/ r re tum. M st l re tal an ers riginate r m n n-
malignant colonic polyps that gradually underg malignant A p p e n d ix
trans rmati n. C l re tal an er urs m st ten a ter age
S t r u c t u r e a n d Fu n c t io n
50 and in reases in in iden e dramati ally a ter age 75. T e
disease is slightly m re mm n in men than in w men and T e vermi orm appendix ( r m vermis w rm and orm
nstitutes the se nd leading ause death r m an er in shape) is, as the name implies, a w rmlike, tubular stru ture.
the United States and the urth m st mm n type an er N te in Figure 18-22 that the appendix is dire tly atta hed t
diagn sed a ter pr state, breast, and lung malignan y. the ba k the e um. T e appendix ntains a blind, tubelike
Diagn sis l re tal an er is made during a digital interi r lumen that mmuni ates with the lumen the large 18
re tal examinati n r as a result dire t visualizati n the intestine 3 m (1 in h) bel w the pening the ile e al
re tum and l wer l n during sigmoidoscopy, r the en- valve int the e um.
tire l n during a colonoscopy. O ther diagn sti t ls in- T e appendix serves as a s rt in ubat r r breeding
lude the use barium enemas, ultras und, vari us x-ray gr und r the n npath geni intestinal ba teria n rmally
based te hniques, and magneti res nan e imaging. residing in the l n. Maintaining a n rmal intestinal mi r -
Certain dietary habits, espe ially a high saturated at in- bi me helps prevent path geni ba teria r m be ming es-
take, and geneti predisp siti n are kn wn risk a t rs. T e tablished. W hen the n rmal mi r bi me the gut is dis-
pr gn sis r re very r m l re tal an er is based n a rupted, r example by in e ti n r antibi ti s, bene ial
number a t rs, in luding the degree penetrati n (i any) ba teria hidden away in the appendix an easily migrate int
the tum r thr ugh the b wel wall, and the presen e r the l n t rest re the n rmal e l gi al balan e.


Co lo s to my is a s urgical proce dure in w hich an artif cial anus is cre ate d on
the abdom inal wall by cutting the colon and bringing the cut e nd or e nds
out to the s ur ace to orm an ope ning calle d a s to m a (s e e f gure ). This
m ay be done during a s urge ry to re m ove a tum or or a s e ction o the co-
lon. A te r he aling o the colon, the colos tomy m ay be s urgically reve rs e d
(re m ove d). S toma
He alth-care worke rs he lp colos tomy patie nts le arn to acce pt the
change in body im age , w hich m ay caus e e m otional dis com ort. The pa-
tie nt or care give r is als o traine d in the re gular changing o the dis pos able
Exte rna l
bag, including how to cle an the s tom a and how to preve nt irritation, colle ction ba g
chapping, or in e ction. Irrigation o the colon w ith is otonic s olutions is
s om e tim e s ne ce s s ary. De odorants m ay be adde d to the re s h bag to
preve nt unple as ant odors . Patie nts are als o taught to m anage the ir die t
to include low-re s idue ood and to avoid oods that produce gas or
caus e diarrhe a. Fluid intake a te r colos tomy is als o care ully m anage d.
516 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System Pe ritone um Re trope ritone a l s pa ce
Intra pe ritone a l s pa ce Lume n of hollow orga ns

Review The Human Microbiome at Connect It! at
I Live r

A p p e n d ic it is Le s s e r
ome ntum
Inf ammati n the appendix, r appendicitis, is a mm n Vis ce ra l S toma ch
and p tentially very seri us medi al pr blem (Figure 18-22, D). pe ritone um
T e pening between the lumen the appendix and the Pe ritone a l s pa ce Pa ncre a s
(re trope ritone a l)
e um is quite large in hildren and y ung adultsa a t Pa rie ta l
great lini al signi an e be ause undigested hunks r e al pe ritone um Duode num
material trapped in the appendix may irritate and inf ame its (re trope ritone a l)
Gre a te r
mu us lining, ausing appendi itis. T e pening between the ome ntum Tra ns ve rs e
appendix and the e um is ten mpletely bliterated in colon
S ma ll inte s tine
elderly pers ns, whi h explains the l w in iden e appendi- Me s e nte ry
itis in this p pulati n. Urina ry bla dde r
(re trope ritone a l) Re ctum
A site n the sur a e the anteri r abd minal wall is - (re trope ritone a l)
ten used t help in the diagn sis appendi itis and t esti-
mate the l ati n the appendix internally. It is alled the Anus
M cBurney point and is l ated in the right l wer quadrant A
the abd men ab ut a third the way al ng a line r m the
right anteri r superi r ilia spine t the umbili us. Extreme S
sensitivity and pain are mm n when the abd men per- R L
s ns with a ute appendi itis is palpated ver this p int.
Gre a te r
18 I in e ti us material be mes trapped in an inf amed ap-
pendix, the appendix may rupture and release the material
ome ntum
Tra ns ve rs e Tra ns ve rs e
int the abd minal avity. In e ti n the perit neum and colon me s ocolon
ther abd minal rgans an be li e threatening. Appendi itis J e junum
is the m st mm n the a ute abd minal nditi ns that Pa ncre a s
require surgery. It a e ts 7% t 12% the p pulati n, gener-
ally be re age 30. Me s e nte ry De s ce nding

Ile um
1. Wh a t is ch o le lith ia s is ? S igmoid
2. Wh a t is h e p a titis C? Wh a t a re co m m o n ca u s e s o h e p a ti- colon
tis C?
3. Na m e th e s e ve n s u b d ivis io n s o th e la rg e in te s tin e .
4. Wh a t is th e m o s t co m m o n a cu te a b d o m in a l co n d itio n B
re q u irin g s u rg e ry?
FIGURE 18-23 Peritoneum. A, The parietal layer o the peritoneum
lines the abdominopelvic cavity and then extends as a series o mesenteries
to orm the visceral layer that covers abdominal organs. B, The transverse
P e r it o n e u m colon and greater omentum are raised and the small intestine is pulled to
the side to show the mesentery.
Lo c a t io n
T e peritoneum is a large, m ist, slippery sheet serous
Ex t e n s io n s
membrane that lines the abd minal avity and vers the r-
gans l ated in it, in luding m st the digestive rgans. T e T e tw m st pr minent extensi ns the perit neum are the
parietal layer the perit neum lines the abd minal avity. mesentery and the greater mentum.
T e vis eral layer the perit neum rms the uter, r ver- T e mesentery (Figure 18-23, B), an extensi n between the
ing, layer ea h abd minal rgan. parietal and vis eral layers the perit neum, is shaped like a
T e small spa e between the parietal and vis eral layers is giant, pleated an. Its smaller edge atta hes t the lumbar re-
alled the peritoneal space. It ntains just en ugh perit neal gi n the p steri r abd minal wall, and its l ng, l se uter
f uid t keep b th layers the perit neum m ist and able t edge en l ses m st the small intestine, an h ring it t the
slide reely against ea h ther during breathing, digestive m ve- p steri r abd minal wall.
ments, and twisting r bending the t rs (Figure 18-23, A). T e greater omentum is a p u hlike extensi n the vis-
O rgans utside the parietal perit neum, su h as the kid- eral perit neum r m the l wer edge the st ma h, part
neys, are said t be retroperitoneal. the du denum, and the transverse l n. Shaped like a large
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 517

apr n, it hangs d wn ver the intestines, and be ause sp tty Pe ritone um Re trope ritone a l s pa ce
dep sits at give it a la y appearan e, it has been ni knamed Intra pe ritone a l s pa ce Lume n of hollow orga ns
the lace apron. It may envel p a badly inf amed appendix, wall-
ing the appendix r m the rest the abd minal rgans.

P e r it o n it is
Peritonitis is the inf ammati n the perit neum resulting S ubphre nic
r m a ba terial in e ti n r an ther irritating nditi n. re ce s s
Perit nitis m st mm nly results r m an in e ti n that Vis ce ra l Live r
pe ritone um
urs a ter the rupture the appendix r ther abd min -
Pa rie ta l
pelvi rgan. It is hara terized by abd minal distenti n, pain, pe ritone um
S toma ch
nausea, v miting, ta hy ardia (rapid heart rate), ever, dehy- Pe ritone a l
drati n, and ther signs and sympt ms. Cir ulat ry sh k s pa ce Pa ncre a s
pr gressing t heart ailure may result. (re trope ritone a l)
Gre a te r
Duode num
ome ntum
(re trope ritone a l)
A s c it e s Tra ns ve rs e colon
S ma ll
Ascites is the abn rmal a umulati n f uid in the perit - inte s tine Me s e nte ry
neal spa e (Figure 18-24).
Urina ry bla dde r Re ctum
Fluid enters the perit neal spa e r m the bl d be ause (re trope ritone a l)
(re trope ritone a l)
l al hypertensi n (high bl d pressure) r an sm ti imbal-
an e in the plasma (l w plasma pr tein levels). T is nditi n Anus S
may be a mpanied by abd minal swelling and de reased
urinary utput. It mm nly urs as a mpli ati n ir-
rh sis, ngestive heart ailure, kidney disease, perit nitis, A I

an er, r malnutriti n.

D ig e s t io n
O ve r v ie w o D ig e s t io n s
D igestion, a mplex pr ess that urs in the alimentary
anal, nsists physi al and hemi al hanges that prepare
nutrients r abs rpti n.
M echanical digestion breaks ingested d int tiny parti-
les, mixes them with digestive jui es, m ves them al ng the A
alimentary anal, and nally eliminates the digestive wastes S I
r m the b dy. Chewing (masti ati n), swall wing (degluti-
ti n), peristalsis, and de e ati n are nsidered pr esses B P

me hani al digesti n (see Figure 18-3 and Figure 18-4).

FIGURE 18-24 Ascites. Ascites results rom an accumulation o f uid in
Chemical digestion breaks d wn large, n nabs rbable nutri- the peritoneal space. A, The arrows indicate water ltering out o the peri-
ent m le ules int smaller, abs rbable m le ulesm le ules toneal blood vessels, resulting rom hypertension, or di using out o the
that are able t pass easily thr ugh the intestinal mu sa int vessels because o an osmotic imbalance in the blood. B, Abdominal bloat-
bl d and lymph. Chemi al digesti n nsists numer us ing in ascites.
hemi al rea ti ns atalyzed by enzymes in saliva, gastri
jui e, pan reati jui e, and intestinal jui e.
and n thers. Enzymes resp nsible r speeding up the
breakd wn ats, r example, have n e e t n arb hy-
En z y m e s a n d C h e m ic a l D ig e s t io n drates r pr teins.
Enzymes are un ti nal pr tein m le ules that a t as catalysts. T e breakd wn pr ess a ilitated by digestive enzymes is
T at is, they speed up spe i hemi al rea ti ns with ut alled hydrolysisan imp rtant type hemi al rea ti n
themselves being hanged r nsumed during the rea ti n rst dis ussed in Chapter 2. Re all that during hydr lysis,
pr ess. enzymes speed up rea ti ns that add water (hydro) t hemi-
D uring hemi al digesti n, ertain enzymes very sele - ally break up r split (lysis) larger m le ules int smaller
tively speed up the breakd wn spe i nutrient m le ules m le ules (see Figure 2-6 n p. 29).
518 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

T e names many enzymes end with the su x -ase m- digests sucrose ( rdinary ane r table sugar), and lactase di-
bined with the w rd that des ribes the type substan e in- gests lactose (milk sugar).
v lved in the hemi al rea ti n. Lipase, r example, is a at- M any adults and s me hildren pr du e a l w am unt
digesting enzyme that a ts n lipids ( ats) and protease la tase and there re have di ulty digesting la t se
enzymes serve t break d wn pr tein nutrients int smaller espe ially when nsumed in large am unts, as in eating
m le ules. All the digestive enzymes an be lassi ed as hy- dairy pr du ts. T is nditi n is alled lactose intolerance
drolases be ause they atalyze hydr lysis rea ti ns. and may pr du e digestive sympt ms su h as gas, bl ating,
ramps, r diarrhea. La t se int leran e an be managed by
To better understand this concept, use the Active av iding ds high in la t se and/ r taking a la tase sup-
Concept Map Digestion o Carbohydrates, Pro- plement when eating dairy pr du ts.
teins, and Fats at T e end pr du ts arb hydrate digesti n are m n sa -
harides, whi h the m st abundant is glu se.
C a r b o h yd r a t e D ig e s t io n
P ro t e in D ig e s t io n
Very little digesti n arb hydrates (star hes and sugars)
urs be re they rea h the small intestine. Salivary Pr tein digesti n starts in the st ma h. Hydrochloric acid
amylase usually has little time t d its w rk be ause s (HCl) in gastri jui e helps un ld the large, mplex pr tein
many us swall w ur d s ast. G astri jui e ntains shapes (see Figure 2-12 n p. 34). T is un lding all ws diges-
n arb hydrate-digesting enzymes. tive enzymes t rea h the peptide bonds that h ld the amino
A ter the arb hydrates rea h the small intestine, pan re- acids t gether.
ati and intestinal enzymes digest the star hes and sugars. A Pepsinogen, a pr tein in gastri jui e, is nverted int
pan reati enzyme (pan reati amylase) starts the pr ess by a tive pepsin enzyme by the H Cl. Pepsin then begins break-
breaking star hes d wn int d uble sugars, r disaccharides ing peptide b nds t rm sh rter and sh rter hains
(see Figure 2-8 n p. 32). amin a ids.
18 T ree intestinal enzymesmaltase, sucrase, and lactase In the intestine, ther enzymestrypsin in pan reati
digest disa harides by hanging them int monosaccharides jui e and peptidases in intestinal jui e nish the j b
(simple sugars). M altase digests maltose (malt sugar), sucrase pr tein digesti n.

TABLE 18-3 Chemical Digestion

S aliva
Salivary amylas e Starch (polys accharide ) Maltos e (a double s ugar, or
dis accharide )
S a liva
Gas tric Juice
Prote as e (pe ps in) plus Prote ins Partially dige s te d prote ins
hydrochloric acid
Pancre atic Juice
Prote as e s (e .g., tryps in) Prote ins (intact or partially Pe ptide s and am ino acids
dige s te d)
Ga s tric
Lipas e s Fats e m uls if e d by bile Fatty acids , m o no g lyce ride s ,
and g lyce ro l
Pa ncre a tic
Pancre atic amylas e Starch Maltos e
Inte s tinal Enzym e s
Pe ptidas e s Pe ptide s Am ino acids
Sucras e Sucros e (cane s ugar) Gluco s e and ructo s e (s im ple
s ugars , or m onos accharide s )
Lactas e Lactos e (m ilk s ugar) Gluco s e and galacto s e (s im ple
Inte s tina l s ugars )
Maltas e e nzyme s Maltos e (m alt s ugar) Gluco s e

*Subs tance s in bold ace type are e nd products o dige s tion (that is , com ple te ly dige s te d nutrie nts re ady or abs orption).

Se cre te d in inactive orm (tryps inoge n); activate d by e nte rokinas e , an e nzym e in the inte s tinal brus h borde r.

Brus h-borde r e nzym e s .

Glucos e is als o calle d dextros e ; ructos e is als o calle d levulos e .
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 519

W hen the pr tease enzymes have nally split up the large W hen arb hydrate digesti n has been mpleted, star hes
pr tein m le ules int individual amin a ids, pr tein diges- (p lysa harides) and d uble sugars (disa harides) have been
ti n is mpleted. H en e the end pr du t pr tein digesti n hanged mainly t glu se, a simple sugar (m n sa haride).
is amin a ids. T e end pr du ts pr tein digesti n, n the ther hand, are
amin a ids. Fatty a id and gly er l are the end pr du ts
at digesti n.
Lip id D ig e s t io n
Just as with arb hydrates, very little at and il digesti n -
urs be re they rea h the small intestine. M st lipids are A b s o r p t io n
undigested until a ter being emulsi ed int tiny dr plets by
M e c h a n is m s o A b s o r p t io n
bile in the du denum.
A ter the lipids are trapped inside tiny dr plets, pan reati A ter d is digested, the resulting nutrients are abs rbed
lipase splits them int their mp nents. rigly erides and and m ve thr ugh the mu us membrane lining the small
ther large lipid m le ules are thus br ken d wn int atty intestine int the bl d and lymph (see Figure 18-25). In ther
acids and glycerol (see Figure 2-9 n p. 32), the end pr du ts w rds, nutrient absorption is the pr ess by whi h m le ules
at digesti n. amin a ids, glu se, atty a ids, and gly er l g r m the
lumen the intestines int the ir ulating f uids the b dy.
Abs rpti n nutrients is just as essential as digesti n
En d P ro d u c t s o D ig e s t io n
ds. T e reas n is airly bvi us. As l ng as d stays in the
Table 18-3 and Figure 18-25 summarize s me key a ts ab ut intestines, it ann t n urish the milli ns ells that mp se
hemi al digesti n. all ther parts the b dy. T eir lives depend n the abs rpti n

FIGURE 18-25 Digestion and absorption. Concept map summarizing how the digestive system breaks down
major nutrients and moves them into the internal environment, where they can be used or metabolic unction.
Polys a ccha ride s Fa ts

Dig e s tio n Emuls ific atio n

Dis a ccha ride s P rote ins Fa t drople ts

Dig e s tio n Dig e s tio n Dig e s tio n

Fa tty a cids,
Mine ra l ions Wa te r Monos a ccha ride s Amino a cids glyce rol

Ac tive Ac tive Ac tive

trans po rt Os mo s is trans po rt trans po rt Diffus io n

Ac tive Os mo s is Diffus io n Diffus io n S e c re tio n

trans po rt

To live r

Blood ca pilla ry La cte a l

(lymph ca pilla ry)
To thora cic duct
520 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System
digested d and its transp rtati n t them by the ir ulat- GASTROENTEROLOGY
ing bl d. The word g as tro e nte ro lo gy
Many imp rtant minerals, su h as s dium, are a tively te lls you by its parts that it is
transp rted thr ugh the intestinal mu sa. Water ll ws by the s tudy (-ology) o the s tom -
sm sis. O ther nutrients, su h as m n sa harides and amin ach (gas tro-) and the inte s tine s
a ids, are als a tively transp rted thr ugh the intestinal mu- (-e nte ro-).
sa and then di use int the bl d apillaries in the intes- One o the pioneering gastro-
tinal villi. enterologists was the American
Fatty a ids and gly er l di use int the abs rptive ells physician William Beaumont. In
1822, the young Qubcois trap-
the GI tra t and then are reassembled int trigly erides. T e
per Alexis St. Martin was shot
trigly erides are then repa kaged int ph sph lipid- ated
William Beaumont with a musket near the Army
spheres and se reted int the la teals within intestinal villi. (17851853) hospital in Michigan where Beau-
A ter eventually entering and traveling thr ugh the bl d- mont was working. Beaumont
stream, the trigly erides are br ken d wn again in adip se and treated his woundalthough expecting St. Martin to die rom
mus le tissue. the injury. However, St. Martin recovered and lived a long li e
T e water-s luble vitamins (vitamin C and the B vita- even though the wound did not heal properly. For his entire
mins) are diss lved in water and abs rbed primarily r m the li e therea ter, an open hole remained in his abdomen that led
small intestine. T e at-s luble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, directly into the stomach. Being grate ul or his spared li e and
and K) are abs rbed al ng with the end pr du ts at diges- in need o income, St. Martin reluctantly allowed Beaumont
ti n in the small intestine and then pass int the la teals. to study gastric secretion through the opening.
Ove r m any ye ars , Be aum ont m ade care ul obs e rva-
Ba terial a ti n in the l n als pr du es s me vitamin K
tions about how the s tom ach w orks . Many o his conclu-
that is abs rbed thr ugh the lining the large intestine. s ions are s till valid and s e rve as the oundation or m ode rn
gas troe nte rology.

18 S u r a c e A r e a a n d A b s o r p t io n Be caus e o the com plexity and im portance o dige s tive

proce s s e s , m any phys icians and nurs e s s pe cialize in gas -
Stru tural adaptati ns the digestive tube, in luding lds in troe nte rology today. Howeve r, othe r he alth-care provide rs
the lining mu sa, villi, and mi r villi, in rease the abs rptive s uch as patie nt care te chnicians and nurs ing as s is tants
sur a e and the e ien y and speed abs rpti n and trans er s till ne e d a bas ic know le dge o dige s tive s tructure and
materials r m the intestinal lumen t b dy f uids. unction in orde r to care or patie nts e e ctive ly. Eve n work-
Bi l gists s metimes apply the prin iples the eld e rs in the f e lds o die te tics , nutrition, and ood s e rvice
study alled ractal geometry t human anat my. S ientists be ne f t rom know le dge o the principle s o dige s tion.
w rking in this eld study sur a es alled ra tal sur a es
with a seemingly in nite area, su h as the lining the small
intestine. Fra tal sur a es have bumps that have bumps that QUICK CHECK
have bumps, and s n.
1. Na m e th e tw o m o s t p ro m in e n t e xte n s io n s o th e
T e ra tal-like nature the intestinal lining is repre- p e rito n e u m .
sented in Figure 18-17. T e pli ae ( lds) have villi, the villi have 2. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n m e ch a n ica l d ig e s tio n a n d
mi r villi, and even the mi r villi have bumps that ann t be ch e m ica l d ig e s tio n ?
seen in the gure. T us the abs rptive sur a e area the small 3. De s crib e th e ro le o e n zym e s in ch e m ica l d ig e s tio n .
4. Wh a t a re th e e n d p ro d u cts o ca rb o hyd ra te d ig e s tio n ? Fa t
intestine is alm st limitless, making the abs rptive apability
d ig e s tio n ? Pro te in d ig e s tio n ?
the human GI tra t truly remarkable.

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 493)

catalyst cholecystokinin (CCK) common bile duct

(KAT-ah-list) (koh-lee-sis-toh-KYE-nin [see see kay]) (KOM-on byle dukt)
[cata- lower, -lys- loosen, -st agent] [chole- bile, -cyst- bag, -kin- movement, [duct path]
cecum -in substance] crown
(SEE-kum) chyme (krown)
[cec- blind or hidden, -um thing] (kyme) cuspid
cementum [chym- juice] (KUS-pid)
(see-MEN-tum) colic exure [cusp- point, -id characterized by]
[cement- mortar, -um thing or substance] (KOHL-ik FLEK-shur) cystic duct
[col- colon, -ic relating to, ex- bend, (SIS-tik dukt)
-ure action] [cyst- sac, -ic relating to, duct path]
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 521

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 520)

deciduous teeth undus lactase

(deh-SID-yoo-us teeth) (FUN-dus) (LAK-tayz)
[decid- all o , -ous relating to] [ undus bottom] [lact- milk, -ase enzyme]
de ecation gallbladder lacteal
(de -eh-KAY-shun) (GAWL-blad-er) (LAK-tee-al)
[de- remove, - eca- waste ( eces), [gall- bile] [lact- milk, -al relating to]
-tion process] gastric gland lactose
deglutition (GAS-trik gland) (LAK-tohs)
(deg-loo-TISH-un) [gastr- stomach, -ic relating to, gland acorn] [lact- milk, -ose carbohydrate (sugar)]
[deglut- swallow, -tion process] gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) large intestine
dentin (gas-troh-in-TES-tih-nul trakt [jee aye (larj in-TES-tin)
(DEN-tin) trakt]) laryngopharynx
[dent- tooth, -in substance] [gastr- stomach, -intestin- intestine, -al relating (lah-ring-go-FAYR-inks)
descending colon to, tract trail] [laryng- voice box (larynx), -pharynx throat]
(dih-SEND-ing KOH-lon) gingiva lipase
[de- down, -scend- climb, colon large intestine] (J IN-jih-vah) (LYE-payz or LIP-ayz)
digestion [gingiva gum] [lip- at, -ase enzyme]
(dye-J ES-chun) greater omentum liver
[digest- break apart, -tion process] (GRAYT-er oh-MEN-tum) (LIV-er)
digestive system [omentum membrane covering intestines] lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
(dye-J ES-tiv SIS-tem) hard palate (LOH-er eh-so -eh-J EE-al SFINGK-ter
[digest- break apart, -tive relating to] (hard PAL-et) [el ee es]) 18
duodenum hepatic duct [eso- carry, -phag- ood, -al relating to,
(doo-oh-DEE-num) (heh-PAT-ik dukt) sphinc- bind tight, -er agent]
[duodeni- 12 f ngers, shortened rom [hepa- liver, -ic relating to, duct path] lumen
intestinum duodenum digitorum intestine o hepatic exure (LOO-men)
12 f nger-widths] (heh-PAT-ik FLEK-sher) [lumen light or window]
elimination [hepa- liver, -ic relating to, ex- that may be major duodenal papilla
(eh-lim-uh-NAY-shun) bent, -ure action] (MAY-jer doo-oh-DEE-nul
[e- out, -limen- threshold, -ation process] hydrochloric acid (HCl) [or doo-AH-de-nul] pah-PIL-ah)
emulsi y (hye-droh-KLOR-ik AS-id [aych see el]) [major larger, duoden- 12 f ngers, shortened
(eh-MUL-seh- ye) [hydro- water, -chlor- green (chlorine), rom intestinum duodenum digitorum
[e- out, -muls- milk, -i- combining vowel, -ic relating to, acid sour] intestine o 12 f nger-widths, -al relating to,
- y process] hydrolysis papilla nipple]
enamel (hye-DROHL-ih-sis) maltase
(ih-NA-mel) [hydro- water, -lysis loosening] (MAWL -tayz)
[en- in, -amel melt] ileocecal valve [malt- grain, -ase enzyme]
enzyme (il-ee-oh-SEE-kal valv) maltose
(EN-zyme) [ileum groin or ank, cec- blind or hidden, (MAWL-tohs)
[en- in, -zyme erment] -al relating to] [malt- grain, -ose carbohydrate (sugar)]
esophagus ileum mastication
(ee-SOF-ah-gus) (IL-ee-um) (mas-tih-KAY-shun)
[eso- carry, -phagus ood] [ileum groin or ank] [mastica- chew, -ation process]
eces incisor mesentery
(FEE-seez) (in-SYE-zer) (MEZ-en-tayr-ee)
[ eces waste] [in- into, -cis- cut, -or agent] [mes- middle, -enter- intestine, -y thing]
ractal geometry ingestion metabolism
(FRAK-tal jee-OM-eh-tree) (in-J ES-chun) (meh-TAB-oh-liz-im)
[ ract- break, -al relating to, geo- land, [in- within, -gest- carry, -tion process] [meta- over, -bol- throw, -ism action]
-metr- measure, -y activity] intestinal gland microbiome
renulum (in-TES-tih-nal gland) (my-kroh-BYE-ohm)
(FREN-yoo-lum) [intestin- intestine, -al relating to, gland acorn] [micro- small, -bio- li e, -ome entire collection]
[ ren- bridle, -ul- little, -um thing] jejunum
(jeh-J OO-num)
[jejun- empty, -um thing] Continued on p. 522
522 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 521)

microvilli periodontal membrane retroperitoneal

(my-kroh-VIL-ee) (payr-ee-oh-DON-tull MEM-brayn) (reh-troh-pair-ih-toh-NEE-al)
sing., microvillus [peri- around, -dont- tooth, -al relating to, [retro- backward, peri- around,
(my-kroh-VIL-us) membrane thin skin] -tone- stretched, -al relating to]
[micro- small, -villi shaggy hairs] pepsin root
minor duodenal papilla (PEP-sin) rugae
(MYE-ner doo-oh-DEE-nul [peps- digestion, -in substance] (ROO-gee)
[or doo-AH-de-nul] pah-PIL-ah) pepsinogen sing., ruga
[minor smaller, duoden- 12 f ngers, shortened (pep-SIN-oh-jen) [ruga wrinkle]
rom intestinum duodenum digitorum [peps- digestion, -in substance, -o- combining secretion
intestine o 12 f nger-widths, -al relating to, orm, -gen produce] (seh-KREE-shun)
papilla nipple] peptidase [secret- separate, -tion process]
molar (PEP-tyd-ayz) segmentation
(MOHL-ar) [pept- digestion, -ide chemical, -ase enzyme] (seg-men-TAY-shun)
[mol- millstone, -ar relating to] peristalsis [segment- cut section, -ation process]
motility (payr-ih-STAL-sis) serosa
(moh-TIL-ih-tee) [peri- around, -stalsis contraction] (see-ROH-sah)
[mot- move, -il- relating to, -ity state] peritoneal space [ser- watery uid, -os- relating to, -a thing]
mouth (payr-ih-toh-NEE-al) serous
mucosa [peri- around, -tone- stretched, -al relating to] (SEE-rus)
(myoo-KOH-sah) peritoneum [ser- watery uid, -ous relating to]
18 pl., mucosae (payr-ih-toh-NEE-um) sigmoid colon
(myoo-KOH-see) [peri- around, -tone- stretched, -um thing] (SIG-moyd KOH-lon)
[muc- slime, -os- relating to, -a thing] permanent teeth [sigm- sigma ( or ) 18th letter o Greek
muscularis (PER-mah-nent teeth) alphabet (Roman S), -oid like, colon large
(mus-kyoo-LAYR-is) pharynx intestine]
[mus- mouse, -cul- little, -ar- relating to, (FAYR-inks) small intestine
-is thing] (smahl in-TEST-in)
[pharynx throat]
nasopharynx plica so t palate
(nay-zoh-FAYR-inks) (PLYE-kah) (PAL-et)
[naso- nose, -pharynx throat] pl., plicae [palat- roo o mouth]
neck (PLYE-kee) sphincter
(nek) [plica old] (SFINGK-ter)
oral cavity premolar [sphinc- bind tight, -er agent]
(OR-al KAV-ih-tee) (pree-MOHL-ar) splenic exure
[or- mouth, -al relating to, cav- hollow, [pre- be ore, -mola- millstone, -ar relating to] (SPLEN-ik FLEK-shur)
-ity state] protease [splen- spleen, -ic relating to, ex- bend,
oropharynx (PROH-tee-ayz) -ure action]
(or-oh-FAYR-inks) [prote- protein, -ase enzyme] stomach
[oro- mouth, -pharynx throat] (STUM-uk)
pyloric sphincter
pancreatic islet (islet o Langerhans) (pye-LOR-ik SFINGK-ter) [stomach mouth]
(pan-kree-AT-ik aye-let) (AYE-let o [pyl- gate, -or- to guard, -ic relating to, sublingual gland
LAHN-ger-hans) sphinc- bind tight, -er agent] (sub-LING-gwall gland)
[pan- all, -creat- esh, -ic relating to, isl- island, pylorus [sub- under, -lingua- tongue, -al relating to,
-et little] [Paul Langerhans German (pye-LOR-us) gland acorn]
pathologist] [pyl- gate, -orus guard] submandibular gland
papilla rectum (sub-man-DIB-yoo-lar gland)
(pah-PIL-ah) (REK-tum) [sub- under, -mandibul- chew (mandible or
pl., papillae [rect- straight, -um thing] jawbone), -ar relating to, gland acorn]
regulation submucosa
[papilla nipple]
(reg-yoo-LAY-shun) (sub-myoo-KOH-sah)
parotid gland [regula- rule, -tion process] [sub- under, -muc- slime, -os- relating to,
(per-AH-tid gland) -a thing]
[par- beside, -ot- ear, -id relating to,
gland acorn]
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 523

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 522)

sucrase trypsin vermi orm appendix

(SOO-krayz) (TRIP-sin) (VERM-ih- orm ah-PEN-diks)
[sucr- sugar, -ase enzyme] [tryps- pound, -in substance] [vermi- worm, - orm shape, append- hang upon,
sucrose upper esophageal sphincter (UES) -ix thing]
(SOO-krohs) (UP-er eh-so -eh-J EE-al SFINGK-ter villus
[sucr- sugar, -ose carbohydrate (sugar)] [yoo ee es]) (VIL-us)
transverse colon [eso- carry, -phag- ood (eat), -al relating to, pl., villi
(tranz-VERS KOH-len) sphinc- bind tight, -er agent] (VIL-aye)
[trans- across, -vers- turn, colon large intestine] uvula [villus shaggy hair]
tricuspid (YOO-vyoo-lah)
(try-KUS-pid) [uva- grape (or bunch o grapes), -ula little]
[tri- three, -cusp- point, -id characterized by]


anorexia cirrhosis dental caries

(an-oh-REK-see-ah) (sih-ROH-sis) (DENT-al KAYR-ees)
[an- without, -orex- appetite, -ia condition] [cirrhos- yellow-orange, -osis condition] [dent- tooth, -al relating to, caries decay] 18
appendicitis cle t lip diabetes mellitus (DM)
(ah-pen-dih-SYE-tis) (kle t lip) (dye-ah-BEE-teez MELL-ih-tus) [dee em]
[appendic- hang upon, -itis in ammation] [cle t split] [diabetes pass-through or siphon,
ascites cle t palate mellitus honey-sweet]
(ah-SYE-tees) (kle t PAL-et) diarrhea
[ascit- bag, -es condition] [cle t split, palate roo o mouth] (dye-ah-REE-ah)
bariatrics colitis [dia- through, -rrhea ow]
(bayr-ee-AT-riks) (koh-LYE-tis) diverticulitis
[bari- weight, -iatr- physician, -ic relating to] [col- colon, -itis in ammation] (dye-ver-tik-yoo-LYE-tis)
Barrett esophagus colonoscopy [diverticul- bypath, -itis in ammation]
(BAHR-ett ee-SOF-ah-gus) (koh-lon-AH-skah-pee) dysentery
[Norman R. Barrett English surgeon, eso- carry, [colon large intestine, -scop- see, -y activity] (DIS-en-tayr-ee)
-phag- ood (eat)] colorectal cancer [dys- ill, -enter- intestines, -y activity]
biliary colic (koh-loh-REK-tal KAN-ser) emesis
(BIL-yah-ree KOL-ik) [colo- colon, -rect- straight, -al relating to, (EM-eh-sis)
[bil- bile, -ary relating to, col- colon, cancer crab or malignant tumor] [emesis vomit]
-ic relating to] colostomy endoscope
cholecystectomy (kah-LAH-stoh-mee) (EN-doh-skohp)
(kohl-eh-sis-TEK-toh-mee) [colo- large intestine, -stom- mouth (opening), [endo- within, -scop- see]
[chole- bile, -cyst- bag, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y activity] enteritis
-y action] constipation (en-ter-AYE-tis)
cholecystitis (kon-stih-PAY-shun) [enter- intestine, -itis in ammation]
(koh-leh-sis-TYE-tis) [constipa- crowd together, -ation process] gallstone
[chole- bile, -cyst- bag, -itis in ammation] Crohn disease (GAWL-stohn)
choledocholithiasis (krohn dih-ZEEZ) [gall- bile]
(koh-LED-uh-koh-lih-THY-ah-sis) [Burrill B. Crohn American physician, gastritis
[chole- bile, -doch- containing, -lith- stone, dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] (gas-TRY-tis)
-iasis condition] cystic f brosis (CF) [gastr- stomach, -itis in ammation]
cholelithiasis (SIS-tik ye-BROH-sis (see e )) gastroenteritis
(koh-leh-lih-THY-ah-sis or [cyst- sac, -ic relating to, f br- f ber, (gas-troh-en-ter-AYE-tis)
koh-leh-lih-THEE-ah-sis) -osis condition] [gastr- stomach, -enter- intestine,
[chole- bile, -lith- stone, -iasis condition] -itis in ammation]

Continued on p. 524
524 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 523)

gastroenterology malabsorption syndrome peritonitis

(gas-troh-en-ter-AHL-oh-jee) (mal-ab-SORP-shun SIN-drohm) (payr-ih-toh-NYE-tis)
[gastr- stomach, -entero- intestine, [mal- bad, -ab- rom, -sorp- suck, -tion process, [peri- around, -ton- stretch (peritoneum),
-o- combining vowel, -log- words (study o ), syn- together, -drome running or (race) -itis in ammation]
-y activity] course] portal hypertension
gastroesophageal re ux disease (GERD) maldigestion (PORT-al hye-per-TEN-shun)
(gas-troh-eh-so -eh-J EE-al REE- uks (mal-dye-J ES-chun) [port- doorway, -al relating to,
dih-ZEEZ [gerd]) (mal- bad, -digest- break apart, -tion process] hyper- excessive, -tens- stretch or pull
[gastro- stomach, -eso- carry, -phag- ood (eat), malocclusion tight, -sion state]
-al relating to, re- again or back, - ux ow, (mal-oh-CLEW-zhun) pyloric stenosis
dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] [mal- bad, -oc- against, -clu- shut or close, (pye-LOR-ik steh-NOH-sis)
gingivitis -sion state] [pyl- gate, -or- guard, -ic relating to,
(jin-jih-VYE-tis) nausea stenos- narrow, -osis condition]
[gingiv- gum, -itis in ammation] (NAW-zee-ah) pylorospasm
heartburn [naus- ship, -ea condition] (pye-LOHR-oh-spaz-um)
(hart-burn) nursing assistant [pyl- gate, -or- guard, -spasm twitch or
Helicobacter pylori (NURS-ing ah-SIS-tent) involuntary contraction]
(HEEL-ih-koh-BAK-ter pye-LOH-ree) [nurs- nourish or nurture, assist- help, sigmoidoscopy
[Helic- helix, -bacter rod (bacterium), pyl- gate, -ant agent] (SIG-moyd-os-koh-pee)
-or- guard, -i o the] oral candidiasis [sigm- sigma ( or ) 18th letter o Greek
hepatitis (OR-al kan-dih-DYE-eh-sis) alphabet (Roman S), -oid- like, -scop- see,
18 (hep-ah-TYE-tis)
[hepat- liver, -itis in ammation]
[or- mouth, -al relating to, candid- white,
-iasis condition]
-y activity]
snu dippers pouch
hepatitis C virus (HCV) oral rehydration therapy (ORT) (snu DIP-erz powch)
(hep-ah-TYE-tis see VYE-rus (OR-al ree-hye-DRAY-shun THAYR-ah-pee) [snu powered tobacco]
[aych see vee]) [or- mouth, -al relating to, re- back again, stoma
[hepat- liver, -itis in ammation, C letter o -hydra- water, -ation process, (STOH-mah)
Roman alphabet, virus poison] therapy treatment] pl., stomata
hiatal hernia orthodontics (STOH-mah-tuh or stoh-MAH-tuh)
(hye-AY-tal HER-nee-ah) (or-thoh-DON-tiks) [stoma mouth]
[hiat- gap, -al relating to, hernia rupture] [ortho- straight or upright, -odont- tooth, thrush
jaundice -ic relating to] (thruhsh)
(J AWN-dis) pancreatitis [thrush throat]
[jaun- yellow, -ice state] (pan-kree-ah-TYE-tis) triple therapy
lactose intolerance [pan- all, -creat- esh, -itis in ammation] (TRIP-pul THAYR-ah-pee)
(LAK-tohs in-TOL-er-ans) patient care technician [tri- three, -pl- plus or added, therapy treatment]
[lact- milk, -ose carbohydrate (sugar), in- not, (PAY-shent kayr tek-NISH-en) ulcer
-toler- bear, -ance state] [techn- art or skill, -ic relating to, (UL-ser)
leukoplakia -ian practitioner] [ulcer sore]
(loo-koh-PLAY-kee-ah) periodontitis upper GI (UGI)
[leuko- white, -plak- at area (tongue), (payr-ee-oh-don-TYE-tis) (upper jee aye [yoo jee aye])
-ia condition] [peri- around, -odont- tooth, -itis in ammation] [GI gastrointestinal]
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 525

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary 3. Mus ularis ir ular, l ngitudinal, and blique (in
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r st ma h) layers sm th mus le imp rtant in GI
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . m tility
a. Peristalsiswavelike m vement pushes d
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to d wn the tra t (Figure 18-3)
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e b. Segmentati nba k-and- rth mixing m ve-
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s ment (Figure 18-4)
or be ore a te s t. 4. Ser saser us membrane that vers the utside
abd minal rgans; it atta hes the digestive tra t t the
wall the abd min pelvi avity by rming lds
Ove rvie w o Dige s tio n alled mesenteries
A. Alimentary anal, digestive tra t, r gastr intestinal (GI)
tra t (Figure 18-1)
1. Extends r m m uth t anus9 meters (29 eet) in
Mo uth
length A. Stru ture ral avity
2. Inv lved in digesti n and abs rpti n nutrients 1. R rmed by hard palate (parts maxillary and
3. Main rgans are part the tra t and a ess ry rgans palatine b nes) and s t palate, an ar h-shaped mus le
are inside r surr unding the tra t (Table 18-1) separating m uth r m pharynx; uvula, a d wnward
B. Primary me hanisms the digestive system pr je ti n s t palate helps in spee h and swall w-
1. T e digestive system uses many me hanisms ing (deglutiti n) 18
(Table 18-2) 2. Fl r rmed by t ngue and its mus les, lingual
2. Ingesti n mplex ds taken int the GI tra t renulum ( ld mu sa that helps an h r t ngue)
3. Digesti ngr up pr esses that break mplex (Figure 18-5)
nutrients int simpler nes B. eeth
a. Me hani al digesti nbreakup large hunks 1. ypes teethin is rs, anines ( uspids), prem lars
d int smaller bits (bi uspids), and m lars (tri uspids)
b. Chemi al digesti nbreaks large m le ules int a. wenty teeth in de idu us r baby set; average age
smaller nes r utting rst t th ab ut 6 m nths; set mplete
4. M tilitya number GI m vements resulting r m at ab ut 30 m nths age
mus ular ntra ti n b. T irty-tw teeth in permanent set; 6 years ab ut
5. Se reti nrelease digestive jui es and h rm nes average age r starting t ut rst permanent
that a ilitate digesti n t th; set mplete usually between ages 17 and
6. Abs rpti nm vement digested nutrients int the 24 years (Figure 18-6)
internal envir nment the b dy 2. ypi al t th (Figure 18-7)
7. Eliminati nm vement residues digesti n ut a. T ree main parts r wn, ne k, and r t
alimentary anal b. Enamel, whi h vers the r wn, is hardest tissue
8. Regulati nneural, h rm nal, and ther me hanisms in b dy
that regulate digestive a tivity C. Salivary glands (Figure 18-8)
1. Saliva
a. Ex rine gland se reti n f ws thr ugh salivary
Wall o the Dige s tive Tract du ts int the m uth
A. Digestive tra t des ribed as mus ular tube that extends b. Watery mixture ntains enzymes (salivary amylase),
r m m uth t anus; the inner h ll w spa e is alled the s dium bi arb nate (NaH CO 3), and mu us
lumen (1) Begins digesti n arb hydrates
B. Wall the digestive tube is rmed by ur layers (2) Lubri ates d during masti ati n
(Figure 18-2) (3) Neutralizes ba terial a ids in m uth
1. Mu satype varies depending n GI l ati n 2. Par tid glands
(t ugh and strati ed r deli ate and simple epithe- a. Largest salivary glands
lium); mu us pr du ti n b. Pr du es saliva ntaining NaH CO 3
2. Submu sa nne tive tissue layer 3. Submandibular glandsdu ts pen n either side
lingual renulum
4. Sublingual glandsmultiple du ts pen int f r
m uth
526 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

D. Dis rders the M uth

1. In e ti ns, an er, ngenital de e ts, and ther dis r-
Es o phag us
ders an ause seri us mpli ati ns in luding malnu- A. Mus ular, mu us-lined tube ab ut 25 m (10 in hes)
triti n; in e ti ns and an er an spread t ther l ng
stru tures B. C nne ts pharynx t st ma h
2. Can er C. D ynami passageway r dmus ular walls help push
a. Leuk plakiapre an er us nditi n m uth b lus t ward st ma h
tissue D. Sphin ters at ea h end es phagus help keep ingested
(1) Snu dippers p u h aused by use material m ving in ne dire ti n d wn the tube
hewing t ba (Figure 18-9, A) 1. Upper es phageal sphin ter (UES)
(2) Squam us ell ar in mam st mm n 2. L wer es phageal sphin ter (LES)
rm m uth an er (Figure 18-9, B) E. Ref ux
3. Dental nditi ns 1. Gastr es phageal ref ux disease (GERD)
a. Dental aries (Figure 18-9, C) a. Ba kf w a idi st ma h ntents int es pha-
(1) th disease resulting in permanent de e t gus auses sympt ms heartburn and indigesti n
alled a avity b. M ild sympt ms treated by n nsurgi al measures
(2) In e ti n may spread t ther adja ent tissues in lude dietary hanges, weight l ss, a id bl king
r t bl d r bu ering medi ati ns, and drugs that
(3) L st r diseased teeth may be repla ed by den- strengthen LES
tures r implants (Figure 18-9, D) . Severe and requent epis des GERD an trigger
b. Gingivitisgum inf ammati n r in e ti n asthma atta ks, ause severe hest pain, bleeding, r
(1) M st ases result r m p r ral hygiene narr wing and hr ni irritati n es phagus
(2) Can be a mpli ati n diabetes, vitamin (Figure 18-12)
de ien y, r pregnan y d. Untreated GERD may result in a pre an er us
18 . Peri d ntitisinf ammati n peri d ntal nditi n alled Barrett es phagus (Figure 18-13)
membrane 2. H iatal hernia
(1) O ten a mpli ati n advan ed r untreated a. St ma h pushes thr ugh hiatus in the diaphragm
gingivitis (Figure 18-14)
(2) Leading ause t th l ss am ng adults b. Chara terized by ref ux (GERD); all ws st ma h
4. In e ti n a id t bypass LES
a. T rush, r ral andidiasis
(1) Caused by yeast rganisms the Candida
gr up
S to m ach
(2) Pat hes heesy-l king exudate rm ver A. Stru ture
an inf amed t ngue and ral mu sa, whi h 1. Divisi ns undus (r unded base), b dy (main part),
it hes and bleeds easily (Figure 18-9, E) pyl rus (apex)
(3) C mm n in immun suppressed individuals 2. Sizeexpands a ter large meal; ab ut size large
(with AIDS) r a ter antibi ti therapy sausage when empty (Figure 18-15)
5. C ngenital de e ts 3. Mus ularismany sm th mus le bers in three
a. Cle t lip and le t palatem st mm n ngeni- layers; ntra ti ns pr du e hurning m vements
tal de e ts the m uth (Figure 18-10) (peristalsis)
(1) May ur al ne r t gether 4. Mu sa
(2) Caused by ailure m uth stru tures t use a. Many mi r s pi gastri glands se rete gastri
during embry ni devel pment jui e ntaining enzymes, hydr hl ri a id, and
intrinsi a t r int st ma h
b. Mu us membrane lies in lds (rugae) when
Pharynx st ma h is empty
A. Stru ture 5. Pyl ri sphin ter mus le l ses pening between
1. T ree divisi ns: nas pharynx, r pharynx, laryng - pyl rus (l wer part st ma h) and du denum
pharynx (Figure 18-11) B. Fun ti n
2. nsils rm lymph id ring that prevents digestive 1. F d enters st ma h thr ugh LES and digestive
tra t in e ti n pr ess ntinues
B. Fun ti ndeglutiti n (swall wing) 2. Partial digesti n pr teins urs a ter hyme is held
1. O r pharynx pharyngeal segment m st inv lved in in the st ma h r s me time
deglutiti n C. Dis rders the st ma h
2. Deglutiti n m vements regulated by m t r rtex 1. Signs and sympt ms
erebrum (v luntary) and deglutiti n enter a. Gastr enter l gystudy st ma h and intestines
brainstem (inv luntary) and their diseases
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 527

b. St ma h is site numer us p ssible diseases and b. Segmentati n mixes digestive jui es with hyme
nditi ns and helps with abs rpti n
. Gastri diseases ten exhibit these signs r symp- C. Dis rders the small intestine
t ms: gastritis (inf ammati n), an rexia (appetite 1. Enteritisintestinal inf ammati n
l ss), nausea (upset st ma h), and emesis (v miting) 2. Gastr enteritisinf ammati n st ma h and
2. Pyl r spasmabn rmal spasms the pyl ri intestines
sphin ter 3. Malabs rpti n syndr megr up sympt ms result-
a. C mm n nditi n in in ants ing r m ailure t abs rb nutrients pr perly (e.g.,
b. Pyl ri sten sis is similar abn rmality bstru tive an rexia, weight l ss, abd minal bl ating, ramps,
narr wing the pyl ri pening anemia, and atigue)
3. Ul er pen w und aused by a id in gastri jui e
(Figure 18-16)
a. O ten urs in du denum r st ma h
Live r and Gallbladde r
b. Ass iated with in e ti n by the ba terium Helico- A. Stru ture (Figure 18-18)
bacter pylori and use NSAIDs 1. Liver
. Current treatment inv lves triple therapy a. Largest ex rine gland
4. St ma h an er b. Fills upper right se ti n abd minal avity and
a. In reased risk with nsumpti n al h l, pre- extends ver int le t side (Figure 18-1)
served d, use hewing t ba , and in e ti n . Se retes bile, a mixture hemi als in water
by H. pylori d. Ex ret ry r ute r yell wish bile pigments r m
b. N pra ti al way t s reen r early stages bl d ( r m breakd wn ld RBCs)
e. Many ther metab li un ti ns (dis ussed in
Chapter 19)
S m all Inte s tine 2. Gallbladder
A. Stru ture a. L ati nundersur a e the liver, sa with 18
1. Sizeab ut 7 meters (20 eet) l ng but nly 2 m r lded interi r
s in diameter (Figure 18-17) b. Fun ti n n entrates and st res bile pr du ed in
2. Divisi ns the liver
a. D u denum 3. D u ts (Figure 18-18)
b. Jejunum a. H epati drains bile r m liver
. Ileum b. Cysti du t by whi h bile enters and leaves
3. Many iled l ps a mm date a l ng tube within gallbladder
the sh rt abd minal avity . C mm n bile rmed by uni n hepati and
4. D u denum is site mu h hemi al digesti n ysti du ts; drains bile r m hepati r ysti du ts
a. D u ts r m pan reas and liver enter tra t here int du denum
b. Maj r and min r du denal papillae are bumps B. Fun ti n
where the se reti ns enter 1. Bile ntains bile salts that emulsi y the ats in hyme
B. Fun ti n 2. Bile ntains h lester l that an be eliminated r m
1. Main un ti nsdigesti n and abs rpti n; small the b dy
intestine d es m st these un ti ns r the digestive 3. CCK ( h le yst kinin) is a h rm ne triggered by at
system in hyme; CCK auses the gallbladder t ntra t and
2. Intestinal se reti ns and digesti ns push st red bile int du ts leading t du denum
a. Intestinal glandsmany mi r s pi glands se rete C. Dis rders the liver and gallbladder
intestinal jui e (water, enzymes, i ns) 1. Gallst neshard lumps made h lester l, rystal-
b. Pan reati and liver se reti ns lized bile pigments, and al ium salts
. M st hemi al digesti n urs in du denum a. Ch lelithiasis nditi n having gallst nes
3. Abs rpti n (Figure 18-19)
a. H uge abs rptive sur a e area b. Ch le ystitisinf ammati n the gallbladder;
(1) Cir ular lds (pli ae) may a mpany h lelithiasis
(2) Intestinal villi and mi r villimi r s pi . St nes an bstru t bile analsa nditi n alled
nger-shaped pr je ti ns h led h lithiasis ausing jaundi e
(3) Bl d apillaries abs rb arb hydrate and 2. H epatitisliver inf ammati n
pr tein pr du ts (sugars; amin a ids) a. Chara terized by liver enlargement, jaundi e,
(4) La teals (lymph apillaries) abs rb ats an rexia, dis m rt, gray-white e es, and dark urine
4. M tilitysm th mus le bers ntra t t pr du e b. Caused by a variety a t rs: t xins; ba teria;
m vements viruses; hepatitis A, B, and C; and parasites
a. Peristalsis pushes hyme al ng, t ward large
528 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

3. Cirrh sisdegenerati n liver tissue inv lving b. C nstipati nresults r m de reased intestinal
repla ement n rmal (but damaged) tissue with m tility
br us and atty tissue (Figure 18-20, A) 2. Inf ammat ry nditi ns
4. P rtal hypertensi nhigh bl d pressure in the a. Diverti ulitis (inf ammati n abn rmal p u hes
hepati p rtal veins aused by bstru ti n bl d alled diverticula)may ause nstipati n
f w in a diseased liver; may ause vari sities sur- (Figure 18-22, C)
r unding systemi veins (Figure 18-20, B) b. C litisgeneral name r any inf ammat ry ndi-
ti n the large intestine
3. C l re tal an era mm n malignan y the
Pancre as l n and re tum ass iated with l ni p lyps; risk
A. Ex rine and end rine gland that lies behind st ma h a t rs in lude advan ed age, l w- ber and high- at
(Figure 18-18 and Figure 18-21) diets, and geneti predisp siti n
B. Ex rine pan reati ells se rete pan reati jui e
1. M st imp rtant digestive jui e, ntaining enzymes t
digest arb hydrates, pr teins, lipids; ntains s dium
Appe ndix
bi arb nate that neutralizes st ma h a id in hyme A. Blind, w rm-shaped tube e um (Figure 18-22)
2. Se reted int pan reati du ts; main du t empties int B. Fun ti ns as an in ubat r r ba teria the intestinal
du denum mi r bi me
C. Pan reati islets (islets Langerhans)end rine ells C. Appendi itisinf ammati n r in e ti n appendix
n t nne ted with pan reati du ts; se rete h rm nes 1. I appendix ruptures, in e ti us material may spread t
glu ag n and insulin int the bl d ther rgans (Figure 18-22, D)
D. Pan reati dis rders 2. M st mm n a ute abd minal nditi n requiring
1. Diabetes mellitus (DM)s me ases DM result surgery
r m ailure pan reati islets t se rete su ient 3. A e ts 7% t 12% p pulati n y unger than
18 insulin 30 years
2. Pan reatitisinf ammati n pan reas
a. A ute pan reatitis results r m bl ked du ts that
r e pan reati jui e t ba kf w
Pe rito ne um
b. Pan reati enzymes digest the gland A. L ati n and des ripti nlarge sheet ser us mem-
3. Cysti br sisthi k se reti ns bl k f w pan re- brane (Figure 18-23)
ati jui e 1. Parietal layer perit neum lines abd minal avity
4. Pan reati an ervery seri us; atal in the maj rity 2. Vis eral layer perit neum vers abd minal rgans
ases 3. Perit neal spa elies between parietal and vis eral
layers; pr du es lubri ating perit neal (ser us) f uid
4. Retr perit nealdes ribes stru tures utside the
Large Inte s tine parietal perit neum, su h as kidneys
A. Stru ture (Figure 18-22) B. Extensi ns perit neumlargest are the mesentery
1. Ce umblind-end p u h at beginning large intes- and greater mentum (Figure 18-23, B)
tine; hyme enters e um thr ugh ile e al valve 1. Mesenteryextensi n parietal perit neum, whi h
2. C l nas ending, transverse, des ending, and atta hes m st small intestine t p steri r abd mi-
sigm id segments nal wall
3. Re tumempties e es thr ugh anal anal and exter- 2. Greater mentum (la e apr n)hangs d wn r m
nal pening alled anus l wer edge st ma h and transverse l n in r nt
B. Fun ti n intestines
1. Mi r bi me (f ra)mi r rganisms that help digest C. Perit nitisinf ammati n perit neum resulting r m
nutrients, pr du e vitamins, and supp rt immune pr - in e ti n r ther irritant; ten a mpli ati n rup-
te ti n; pr du e gases (f atulen e r f atus) tured appendix
2. Abs rpti n water, salts, vitamins D. As itesabn rmal a umulati n f uid in perit neal
3. In reased m tility may pr du e diarrhea and spa e; ten auses bl ating abd men (Figure 18-24)
de reased m tility may result in nstipati n
4. De e ati neliminati n e es; regulated by v lun-
tary and inv luntary anal sphin ters
Dige s tio n
C. Dis rders the large intestine ten relate t abn rmal A. De niti npr ess that trans rms nutrients int a
m tility (rate m vement ntents) rm that an be abs rbed and used by ells (Table 18-2)
1. M tility dis rders 1. Me hani al digesti n hewing, swall wing, and
a. Diarrhearesults r m abn rmally in reased intes- peristalsis break ingested material int tiny parti les,
tinal m tility; may result in dehydrati n r mix them well with digestive jui es, and m ve them
nvulsi ns al ng the digestive tra t
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 529

2. Chemi al digesti nbreaks up large nutrient m le- 4. Intestinal peptidases break apart peptides int indi-
ules int smaller m le ules that an be easily vidual amin a ids
abs rbed; br ught ab ut by digestive enzymes E. Fat digesti n
B. Enzymes and hemi al digesti n (Table 18-3 and 1. Bile ntains n enzymes but emulsi es ats (breaks
Figure 18-25) at dr plets int very small dr plets)
1. Enzymespr tein m le ules that a t as atalysts, 2. Pan reati lipase breaks d wn emulsi ed ats t atty
speeding up hemi al rea ti ns a ids and gly er l in small intestine
2. Chemi al digesti nspe i enzymes speed up
breakd wn spe i m le ules and n thers
3. H ydr lysisenzymati rea ti ns that add water t
Abs o rptio n
break large m le ules int smaller m le ules A. Me hanisms abs rpti n
C. Carb hydrate digesti nmainly in small intestine 1. De niti npr ess by whi h digested nutrients m ve
1. Pan reati amylasebreaks star hes d wn int r m intestine int bl d r lymph
disa harides 2. Me hanisms in lude di usi n, sm sis, and a tive
2. Intestinal jui e enzymes transp rt (Figure 18-25)
a. Maltasedigests malt se 3. Nutrients and m st water, minerals, and vitamins are
b. Su rasedigests su r se abs rbed r m small intestine; s me water and
. La tasedigests la t se; de ien y is alled lactose vitamin K als abs rbed r m large intestine
intolerance B. Sur a e area and abs rpti n
D. Pr tein digesti nstarts in st ma h; mpleted in small 1. Stru tural adaptati ns in rease abs rptive sur a e area
intestine 2. Fra tal ge metrystudy irregular ragmented
1. H ydr hl ri a id in gastri jui es un lds large pr - ge metri shapes su h as th se in lining intestine
teins and nverts pepsin gen t a tive pepsin that have alm st unlimited sur a e area
2. Gastri jui e enzyme pepsin partially digests pr teins
3. Pan reati enzyme trypsin digests pr teins int 18
smaller peptides

STUDY TIPS 4. T e pr ess digesti n is explained in terms what
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in type nutrient is being digested: arb hydrates, ats, r
m e e ting your le arning goals . pr teins. T e hemi al pr ess digesti n uses s me su -
xes that an make the pr esses easier t learn. T e su x
Review the s ynops is o the dige s tive s ys te m in Chapte r 5. The -ose indi ates that the substan e is a arb hydrate. T e
s tructure s o the dige s tive s ys te m can be divide d into two su x -ase indi ates the substan e is an enzyme. In many
parts : the tube calle d the gas trointe s tinal tract and the acce s - ases, the rst part the enzymes name tells y u what
s ory organs (organs that are not part o the tube ). In m os t substan e is being digested. Maltose is digested by the
cas e s , the acce s s ory organs produce s ubs tance s that are re - enzyme maltase. I y u kn w this general rule, remember-
le as e d into the tube . The tube is com pos e d o our laye rs o ing what digests what be mes a l t easier. T e pr tein
tis s ue . The actual proce s s o dige s tion occurs ins ide this tube . enzymes pepsin and trypsin are ex epti ns t this rule.
5. F r a better understanding the terms, re er t the Lan-
1. Make f ash ards and he k nline res ur es t help y u guage S ien e and the Language Medi ine se ti ns.
learn the name, l ati n, and un ti n the rgans 6. In y ur study gr up, review y ur f ash ards the stru -
the gastr intestinal tra t and the a ess ry rgans. tures the digestive system and y ur hart the dis r-
2. Devel p a n ept map t utline the r ute nutrients take ders the digestive system. Use Table 18-3 t quiz ea h
thr ugh the digestive system. In lude the enzymes ther n the enzymes, the substan es they digest, and the
present in ea h rgan where appli able. Y u als may end pr du ts they pr du e. Review the hapter utline
wish t in lude what nutrients are digested and/ r summary and the questi ns at the ba k the hapter,
abs rbed in ea h rgan. and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
3. Make a hart the dis rders the digestive system.
Gr up them by the rgan that is a e ted and the me ha-
nism r ause the dis rder.
530 CHAPTER 18 Digestive System

28. S me pe ple are la t se int lerant. T is means they are

Re vie w Que s tio ns less able t ully digest la t se sugar. W hat enzyme is
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r pr bably n t un ti ning pr perly and what type
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r nutrients sh uld these pe ple try t av id?
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch
o your new le arning.
Chapte r Te s t
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
1. Name and des ribe the ur layers the wall the gas- re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
tr intestinal tra t. w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
2. Name the un ti n the uvula and s t palate.
3. Identi y the un ti n the di erent types teeth. 1. Nutrients underg three kinds pr essing in the b dy.
4. Des ribe the three main parts the t th. All ells per rm metab lism, but ________ and
5. W hat is leuk plakia? W hat uld devel p r m it? ________ are per rmed by the digestive system.
6. Distinguish between gingivitis and peri d ntitis. 2. A thin membrane alled the ________ atta hes the
7. Name the three pairs salivary glands and des ribe t ngue t the f r the m uth.
where the du t r m ea h enters the m uth. 3. T e ________ and ________ prevent d and liquids
8. Identi y where arb hydrate digesti n begins. r m entering the nasal avity ab ve the m uth when
9. De ne deglutiti n. d is swall wed.
10. W hat is the un ti n the upper and l wer es phageal 4. T e three main parts the t th are ________,
sphin ter mus les? ________, and ________.
11. De ne peristalsis. 5. T e three salivary glands are the ________, ________,
12. Name the three parts the triple therapy used t treat and ________.
ul ers? 6. T e ________ layer the wall the gastr intestinal
18 13. Explain h w bile r m the liver and gallbladder rea hes tra t ntains bl d vessels and nerves.
the small intestine. W hat is the un ti n 7. T e ________ is the innerm st layer the wall the
h le yst kinin? gastr intestinal tra t.
14. W hat is the relati nship between b dy weight and the 8. T e tube nne ting the m uth and st ma h is the
rmati n gallst nes? ________.
15. De ne hepatitis. W hat are the signs and sympt ms 9. T e three divisi ns the st ma h are the ________,
hepatitis? ________, and ________.
16. W hat is ntained in pan reati jui e? 10. Gastri jui e is mp sed ________ and ________.
17. W hat d the ba teria in the large intestine ntribute t 11. A ter the st ma h mixes the swall wed b lus th r ughly
the b dy? with the gastri jui e, the nutrients leave the st ma h in
18. List the seven subdivisi ns the large intestine. a semis lid mixture alled ________.
19. Des ribe the mesentery and the greater mentum. 12. A nditi n during in an y when the pyl ri bers d
20. De ne the terms peritonitis and ascites. n t relax n rmally is alled ________.
21. Di erentiate between me hani al digesti n and hemi- 13. T e three divisi ns the small intestines are the
al digesti n. ________, ________, and ________.
22. Brief y des ribe the pr ess arb hydrate digesti n. 14. T e tiny ngerlike pr je ti ns vering the pli ae the
23. Brief y des ribe the pr ess at digesti n. small intestines are alled ________.
24. Brief y des ribe the pr ess pr tein digesti n. 15. T e lymphati vessels in the villi are alled the ________.
25. Explain the pr ess abs rpti n. W hat un ti n d the 16. T e mm n bile du t is rmed by the uni n the
la teals have in abs rpti n? ________ r m the liver and the ________ r m the
17. T e pan reas se retes ________ ________ whi h neu-
Critical Thinking tralizes the hydr hl ri a id in the gastri jui e that
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out enters the small intestines.
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to 18. T e part the large intestine between the as ending
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to and des ending l n is the ________.
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts 19. T e tw m st pr minent extensi ns the perit neum
that you f nd di f cult. are the ________ and the ________.
20. T e pr ess by whi h digested nutrients are m ved r m
26. W hat w uld happen i the small intestine had n pli ae, the digestive system t the ir ulating f uids is alled
villi, r mi r villi? ________.
27. Bile d es n t ause a hemi al hange; what is the e e t
bile n at, and why d es this make at digesti n m re
e ient?
CHAPTER 18 Digestive System 531

Match each term in Column A with its corresponding statement in Column B.

Column A Column B
21. ________ emulsi ati n a. enzyme that is made in the pan reas and digests at
22. ________ amylase b. enzyme that is made in the small intestine and digests pr tein
23. ________ pepsin . gland that pr du es bile
24. ________ h le yst kinin d. the nal end pr du t pr tein digesti n
25. ________ peptidase e. e e t bile has n at dr plets
26. ________ ysti . the rm that d takes in the m uth s that it an be swall wed easily
27. ________ b lus g. the nal end pr du t arb hydrate digesti n
28. ________ simple sugars h. ne the nal end pr du ts at digesti n
29. ________ amin a id i. enzyme that is made in b th the salivary glands and the pan reas and digests star h
30. ________ liver j. enzyme that is made in the st ma h and digests pr tein
31. ________ lipase k. h rm ne that stimulates the ntra ti n the gallbladder
32. ________ gly er l l. du t that nne ts the gallbladder t the mm n bile du t

Match each disorder in Column A with its cause or description in Column B.

Column A Column B
33. ________ gingivitis a. inf ammati n the st ma h and intestines
34. ________ peri d ntitis b. a liver inf ammati n; B type is m re seri us than A type
35. ________ gastr enteritis . inf ammati n abn rmal utp u hings in the large intestine
36. ________ ul er d. inf ammati n the peri d ntal membrane
37. ________ h le ystitis e. abn rmal a umulati n f uid in the perit neal spa e
38. ________ hepatitis . a general term r the inf ammati n the large intestine 18
39. ________ diverti ulitis g. a general term r gum inf ammati n r in e ti n
40. ________ litis h. inf ammati n the perit neum
41. ________ perit nitis i. inf ammati n the gallbladder
42. ________ as ites j. pen w unds aused by gastri a id, ten ass iated with Helicobacter pylori

when he lies d wn in bed. H is physi ian believes Fred

Cas e S tudie s may have a hiatal hernia. n rm this diagn sis, she
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to has s heduled Fred r a barium swall w. In this test, a
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- barium- ntaining f uid that bl ks x-rays is swall wed s
book, and othe r re s ource s . that the st ma h appears as a bright mass in a radi graph.
I Fred has a hiatal hernia, what sh uld the radi l gist see
1. Be ause Alyse has ailed t regularly brush r f ss her n the radi graph? Can y u explain what aused the
teeth, she has been in rmed that she may eventually l se sympt ms that br ught Fred in t see his physi ian?
s me her teeth. Give the sequen e events in whi h a 4. Jim wants t begin an exer ise pr gram. H e is 25 and has
ailure t brush and f ss the teeth w uld lead t l ss n t been a tive in the past be ause he be mes dehy-
teeth. drated s rapidly and be mes ill. H is d t r has ered
2. Y u have been diagn sed as having a gastri ul er. Y ur s me suggesti ns that might help. Cir le what y u w uld
physi ian pres ribed the drug am tidine (Pep id). T is suggest and then er a reas n r his requent
drug has an a ti n similar t imetidine, but it is mu h dehydrati n.
m re p tent. H w will am tidine help y ur ul er? Y ur a. Drink (large r small) v lumes water
br ther als has an ul er, but his physi ian has pres ribed b. Drink ( l r warm) liquids
su ral ate (Cara ate), a medi ati n that has an antipepsin . Drink f uids with (high r l w) s lute n entrati n
a ti n and tends t adhere t membrane injuries. Explain d. (Mild r intense) exer ise is best
h w su ral ate might help y ur br thers ul er.
3. Fred has been experien ing re urring epis des heart- Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
burn, espe ially when he bends ver t la e his sh es r at
Nutrition and Metabolism
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Metabolic Function o the Liver, 534

Macronutrients, 534
Dietary Sources o Nutrients, 534
Carbohydrate Metabolism, 535
Fat Metabolism, 537
Protein Metabolism, 538
Micronutrients, 538
Vitamins, 538
Minerals, 540
Regulating Food Intake, 541
Metabolic Rates, 541
Metabolic and Eating Disorders, 542
Metabolic Imbalances, 542
Eating Disorders, 543
Body Temperature, 544
Thermoregulation, 544
Abnormal Body Temperature, 545

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Describe the role o the liver in metabolism.
2. Describe the metabolic roles o carbohydrates, ats,
proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
3. Describe mechanisms that regulate ood intake, and
def ne basal metabolic rate, as well as list some
actors that a ect it.
4. List and describe three disorders associated with
eating or metabolism.
5. Discuss the physiological mechanisms that regulate
body temperature.
N u t r it io n and metab lism are w rds that are ten used t getherbut LANGUAGE OF
what d they mean? Nutrition is a term that re ers t the ds that we eat S C IEN C E
and the nutrients they ntain. Pr per nutriti n requires a balan e the three
basi types energy-yielding nutrientscarbohydrates, ats, and proteins plus
Be o re re ading the
essential vitamins and minerals. Malnutriti n is a de ien y r imbalan e in
chapte r, s ay e ach o
the nsumpti n nutrients. the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
pr m te g d health, the United States, Canada, and ther g vernments the m as yo u re ad.
and rganizati ns pr vide individualized nline d guides that help a pers n
determine the pr per am unts and balan e nutrients (Figure 19-1).
acetyl CoA
(ah-SEET-il koh ay)
A g d phrase t remember in nne ti n with the w rd metabolism is use [acetyl vinegar, CoA coenxyme A]
nutrients be ause basi ally this is what metab lism isthe use the b dy aerobic
makes nutrients a ter they have been digested, abs rbed, and ir ulated t (ayr-OH-bik)
ells. It uses them in tw ways: as an energy s ur e and as building [aer- air, -bi- li e, -ic relating to]
bl ks r making mplex hemi al mp unds. agricultural scientist
(ag-rih-KUL-cher-al SYE-en-tist)
Be re they an be used in these tw ways, nutrients [agr- f eld, -cultur- tilling, -al relating
have t be assimilated. Assimilation urs when to, scien- knowledge, -ist agent]
nutrient m le ules enter ells and underg many amino acid
hemi al hanges there. All the hemi al rea - (ah-MEE-no AS-id)
ti ns that release energy r m nutrient m le- [amino NH2, acid sour]
ules make up the pr ess catabolism, a anabolism
vital pr ess be ause it is the nly way that (ah-NAB-oh-liz-em)
the b dy has supplying itsel with energy [ana- up, -bol- throw (build),
r d ing any w rk. Catab lism breaks nu- -ism action]
trient m le ules d wn int smaller m le- anaerobic
ules and releases energy in the pr ess. (an-ayr-OH-bik)
T e many hemi al rea ti ns that build [an- without, -aer- air, -bi- li e,
-ic relating to]
these smaller nutrient m le ules int
m re mplex hemi al mp unds antioxidant
nstitute the pr ess anabolism.
[anti- against, -oxi- sharp (oxygen),
-ant agent]
Catab lism and anab lism t gether
appetite center
make up the pr ess metab lism.
(AP-ah-tyte SEN-ter)
Metab lism is the ng ing rem d- [a(d)- toward, -pet- seek out,
eling and maintenan ebreaking -ite relating to]
and buildingthat hara terizes assimilation
all li e. (ah-sim-ih-LAY-shun)
[assimila- make alike, -tion process]
T is hapter expl res many basal metabolic rate (BMR)
the basi ideas ab ut why ertain (BAY-sal met-ah-BAHL-ik rayt
nutrients are ne essary r sur- [bee em ar])
vival, h w they are used by the [bas- basis, -al relating to,
b dy, and what an g wr ng in meta- over, -bol- throw,
metab li and eating dis rders. -ic relating to]

Continued on p. 546

534 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

M e t a b o lic Fu n c t io n o t h e Live r
As we dis ussed in Chapter 18, the liver plays an imp rtant
r le in me hani al digesti n lipids be ause it se retes bile.
Re all that bile breaks large at gl bules int smaller dr plets
at that are m re easily digested by the enzyme lipase.
In additi n, the liver per rms many ther un ti ns ne es-
sary r healthy survival. T e liver plays a maj r r le in the
metab lism all three main types nutrients.
F r example, the liver helps maintain a n rmal bl d glu-
se n entrati n r a ew h urs a ter a meal by st ring
glu se when it is verly abundant then releasing the glu se
int the bl d as needed. Many mplex hemi al rea ti ns,
regulated by many di erent h rm nes, assist in these st rage
and release pr esses.
Liver ells als arry ut the rst steps pr tein and at
metab lism. Liver ells als synthesize several kinds pr - FIGURE 19-1 Food guide. Canada, the United States, and many other
teins. T ese pr teins, when released int bl d, are alled the countries provide online, individualized ood guides that help people deter-
mine proper amounts and a healthy balance o nutrients. The website
blood proteins, r plasma proteins. Pr thr mbin and brin - is hosted by the U.S. Department o Agriculture (USDA).
gen, plasma pr teins rmed by liver ells, play essential parts
in bl d l tting (see p. 365). An ther plasma pr tein made
by liver ells, albumin, helps maintain n rmal bl d v lume. QUICK CHECK
T e liver an als det xi y the b dy t xi substan es
1. Wh a t a re th e th re e b a s ic n u trie n t typ e s ?
su h as ba terial pr du ts and ertain drugs. On e det xi ed, 2. Wh a t is m e ta b o lis m ?
these hemi als are ten easier t ex rete r m the b dy. T e 3. De s crib e a t le a s t th re e u n ctio n s o th e live r.
liver an als st re several substan es, n tably ir n and vita-
mins A and D.
T e liver is assisted by an interesting and unique stru tural M a c ro n u t r ie n t s
pattern the bl d vessels that supply it. Re all r m Chap-
D ie t a ry S o u r c e s o N u t r ie n t s
ter 15 that the hepati p rtal vein delivers bl d dire tly r m
the gastr intestinal tra t t the liver (see Figure 15-11). T is Put simply, the mp nents ds that are digested and ab-
arrangement all ws bl d that has just abs rbed nutrients and s rbed by the b dy are alled nutrients. T e big threenutrients
ther substan es t be pr essed by the liver be re being in ur diets are arb hydrates ( arbs), lipids ( ats and ils),
distributed thr ugh ut the b dy. T us ex ess nutrients and and pr teins. Be ause they rm the bulk ur diet, these
vitamins an be st red and t xins an be rem ved e iently three nutrients are s metimes alled macronutrients. Vitamins
r m bl d arriving r m the GI tra tbe re the bl d and minerals, by ntrast, are alled micronutrients be ause
19 rea hes ther areas the b dy. they are needed in nly very small quantities in ur diet.

TABLE 19-1 Major Macronutrients

Carbo hydrate
Monos accharide (glucos e , Fruit, honey, corn s yrup Us e d as a s ource o e ne rgy; us e d to build othe r carbohydrate s
galactos e , ructos e )
Dis accharide (s ucros e , lactos e , Sugar, ruit, dairy, m alte d Source o m onos accharide s ( or e ne rgy)
m altos e ) grain products
Polys accharide (s tarch, die tary Grains , ve ge table s , nuts , Source o m onos accharide s ( or e ne rgy); die tary f be r prom ote s e f cie nt
f be r) ruits dige s tive unction
Fat (Lipid)
Triglyce ride (abs orbe d as atty Me at, ve ge table oils Provide e ne rgy
acids , glyce rol) Structural padding
Chole s te rol Me at, e ggs , dairy Trans ports lipids ; s tabilize s ce ll m e m brane s ; is bas is o s te roid horm one s
Pro te in
Many type s (abs orbe d as indi- Me at, e ggs , dairy, ve ge ta- Form s tructure s o the body (f be rs s uch as ke ratin and collage n)
vidual am ino acids ) ble s , nuts Facilitate che m ical re actions (e nzym e s )
Se nd s ignals and re gulate unctions (ne urotrans m itte rs , nons te roid horm one s )
Produce m ove m e nt (myof lam e nts )
May be us e d or e ne rgy
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 535

Table 19-1 summarizes the three ma r nutrients, their prin- S TORAGE

(in live r and mus c le c e lls )
ipal s ur es in ur d, and their main un ti ns in ur
b dy. T e ll wing se ti ns expl re s me these un ti ns Glycoge n
m re deeply.
Glucos e Glucos e Glucos e Glucos e Glucos e
C6 C6 C6 C6 C6
C a r b o h yd r a t e M e t a b o lis m
Glycoge ne s is Glycoge nolys is
Carb hydrates are the pre erred energy nutrient the b dy. (a na bolis m) (ca ta bolis m)
T e larger arb hydrate m le ules are mp sed smaller ANAEROBIC
building bl ks, primarily glucose (see Chapter 2). H uman (in c yto plas m)
ells atab lize (break d wn) glu se rather than ther sub- Glucos e
stan es as l ng as en ugh glu se enters them t supply their C6
energy needs.
G lu c o s e C a t a b o lis m
Glu se atab lism inv lves three series hemi al rea ti ns 2 ATP
alled metab li pathways, that ur in a pre ise sequen e:
1. Gly lysis
2. Citri a id y le ( r Krebs y le) P yruvic a cid P yruvic a cid
C3 C3
3. Ele tr n transp rt system (E S)
Glycolysis, the rst step glu se atab lism, urs in AEROBIC
(in mito c ho ndrio n)
the yt plasm ea h ell the b dy. As Figure 19-2 sh ws,
gly lysis breaks d wn glu se (a six- arb n m le ule) int Ca rbon Ca rbon
tw pyruvic acids (three arb n m le ules). Gly lysis re- dioxide dioxide
leases a small am unt energyen ugh t generate tw Ace tyl CoA Ace tyl CoA
aden sine triph sphate (A P) m le ulesbut requires n C2 C2 Ca rbon
xygen t d s . We thus say that it is an anaerobic pr ess. dioxide
Ca rbon
dioxide C
Ea h pyruvi a id m le ule may then m ve int a mito-
C Citric Citric
chondrion ne the ells tiny battery hargers that trans- a cid a cid
ers mu h m re the nutrient energy t A P (see Figure 3-2 cycle cycle Ca rbon
n p. 45). A ter pyruvi a id is br ken d wn int the 2- arb n e- e- dioxide
Ca rbon C
a etyl m le ule, a coenzyme A (CoA) then es rts it int the dioxide
C Ele ctron Tra ns port S ys te m
citric acid cycle r Krebs cycle as a m le ule alled acetyl
CoA. T e itri a id y le releases high-energy ele tr ns as it
breaks d wn the a etyl C A (tw arb ns) int tw arb n
di xides (ea h having nly ne arb n) using enzymes l ated
inside the mit h ndri n. FIGURE 19-2 Metabolism o glucose. Glucose can be stored as sub-
T e hemi al rea ti ns gly lysis and the itri a id y- units o glycogen in liver and muscle cells until needed to make adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). A ter glycogen is split apart, each individual glucose
le release energy st red in the glu se m le ule. M re than
molecule undergoes glycolysis in the cytoplasm. Glycolysis splits one mol-
hal the released energy is in the rm high-energy ele - ecule o glucose (six carbon atoms) into two molecules o pyruvic acid (three
tr ns. T e electron transport system, embedded in the inner carbon atoms each) and produces enough energy to generate two ATPs.
lds the mit h ndri n, trans ers the energy r m these Each pyruvic acid is converted to the two-carbon acetyl molecule, which is
ele tr ns t m le ules A P. escorted by coenzyme A (CoA) into the citric acid cycle in the mitochondrion
as acetyl CoA. The citric acid cycle breaks apart each pyruvic acid molecule
Up t 36 m le ules A P an be generated in the mit -
into three carbon dioxide molecules (one carbon atom each) and many high-
h ndri n r every riginal glu se m le ule that enters this energy electrons. The electron transport system (also in the mitochondrion)
metab li pathway. T e rest the energy riginally st red in uses energy rom these electrons to generate up to 36 ATPs in the presence
the glu se m le ule is released as heat, whi h ntributes t o oxygen (O2). ADP, Adenosine diphosphate.
a pers ns b dy temperature.
T e metab li pathway inside the mit h ndri n is, in
ntrast t gly lysis, an xygen-using r aerobic pr ess. A ATP
ell ann t perate the itri a id y le r ele tr n transp rt A P serves as the dire t s ur e energy r d ing ellular w rk
systemwhere m st the energy glu se is released in all kinds living rganisms r m ne- ell plants t trilli n-
with ut xygen. ell animals, in luding humans. Am ng bi l gi al mp unds,
there re, A P ranks as ne the m st imp rtant.
To better understand these concepts, use the
T e energy trans erred t A P m le ules di ers in tw
Active Concept Map Metabolism o Glucose to
ways r m the energy st red in nutrient m le ules: (1) the
Generate ATP at
energy in A P m le ules is n t st red but is released alm st
536 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

P hos pha te FIGURE 19-3 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). A, The structure o ATP. A single adenos-
Ade nos ine groups ine group (A) has three attached phosphate groups (P). The high-energy bonds between the
phosphate groups can release chemical energy to do cellular work. B, ATP energy cycle. ATP
ATP A P P P stores energy in its last high-energy phosphate bond. When that bond is later broken, energy
is released to do cellular work. The adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate groups that
High-e ne rgy bonds result can be resynthesized into ATP, capturing additional energy rom nutrient catabolism.


Ene rgy High-e ne rgy bonds Ene rgy

From A P P P To
nutrie nt ce llula r
B ca ta bolis m proce s s e s

instantane usly, and (2) it an be used dire tly t d ellular As Figure 19-3 sh ws, A P is made up an aden sine
w rk. gr up and three ph sphate gr ups. T e apa ity A P t
Release the energy st red in nutrient m le ules urs release large am unts energy is und in the high-energy
mu h m re sl wly be ause atab lism nutrients must ur b nds that h ld the ph sphate gr ups (P) t gether, repre-
rst. Energy released r m nutrient m le ules ann t be used sented as urvy lines. W hen a ph sphate gr up breaks
dire tly r d ing ellular w rk. It must rst be trans erred t the m le ule, an adenosine diphosphate (ADP) m le ule and
A P m le ules and then be suddenly released r m them. ree ph sphate gr up result. Energy that had been h lding the
ph sphate b nd t gether is reed t d ellular w rkmus le
ber ntra ti ns, r example.
As y u an see in Figure 19-3, the ADP and ph sphate are
reunited by the energy pr du ed by arb hydrate atab lism,
making A P a reusable energy-st rage m le ule. Only
HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G en ugh A P r immediate ellular requirements is made at
CARBOHYDRATE LOADING any ne time. New A P is nstantly being made t meet
hanging ellular demands. Glu se that is n t needed im-
A num be r o athle te s and othe rs w ho m us t occas ionally
s us tain e ndurance exe rcis e or a s ignif cant pe riod practice
mediately r A P pr du ti n is built up (by anab li pr -
carbo hydrate lo ading , or g lyco ge n lo ading . As w ith live r esses) int larger m le ules that are st red r later use.
ce lls , s om e s ke le tal m us cle f be rs can take up and s tore
19 glucos e in the orm o glycoge n. By ce as ing inte ns e exe r-
A n a b o lis m
cis e and s w itching to a die t high in carbohydrate s 2 or Glu se anab lism is alled glycogenesis. Carried n hief y
3 days be ore an e ndurance eve nt, an athle te can caus e the by liver and mus le ells, gly genesis nsists a series
s ke le tal m us cle s to s tore alm os t tw ice as m uch glycoge n rea ti ns that j in glu se m le ules t gether, like many
as us ual. This allow s the m us cle s to s us tain ae robic exe r- beads in a ne kla e, t rm glycogen, a mp und s me-
cis e or up to 50% longe r than us ual. The conce pt o carbo- times alled animal starch.
hydrate loading has be e n us e d to prom ote the us e o e n-
Later, when the glu se st red as gly gen is needed t
e rgy bar s port s nacks and s om e s ports or e ne rgy drinks .
make A P, a pr ess alled glycogenolysis breaks d wn gly-
gen in the liver r mus le ells t release individual glu se
m le ules. Gly gen lysis is an example atab lism.

Re g u la t io n o C a r b o h yd r a t e M e t a b o lis m
S mething w rth n ting is that the am unt glu se and
ther nutrients in the bl d n rmally d es n t hange very
mu h, n t even when we g with ut d r many h urs,
when we exer ise and use a l t nutrients r energy, r when
we sleep and use ew nutrients r energy. T e am unt
glu se in ur bl d, r example, usually stays at ab ut 80 t
110 mg in 100 mL bl d when we are asting between
Several h rm nes help regulate arb hydrate metab lism t
keep bl d glu se at a n rmal level. Insulin is ne the m st
300 150 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 537
Ins ulin
Glucos e

200 100



Low-carbohydrate die ts have be com e incre as ingly popular
am ong thos e atte m pting we ight los s . Whe n carbohydrate
0 0
catabolis m e quals e ne rgy ne e ds , ats are not take n out o
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
s torage and catabolize d. Low-carbohydrate die ts are bas e d
Time (hr)
on the rationale that w he n the body is not s upplie d w ith
FIGURE 19-4 Role o insulin. Insulin operates in a negative eedback exce s s am ounts o carbohydrate s to m e e t its e ne rgy
loop that prevents blood glucose concentration rom increasing too ar ne e ds , it w ill not conve rt the s urplus carbohydrate s to at
above the normal range. A ter a meal, intestinal absorption rises and he- and s tore it. Ins te ad, the body re lie s on at m e tabolis m to
patic portal blood glucose concentration increasesas shown by the blue s upply e ne rgy ne e ds be twe e n m e als . This eve ntually re -
line in the graph. Insulin secretion by the pancreatic islets increases in re- duce s ove rall triglyce ride s tore s in the body, and as a re s ult,
sponse (orange line). Insulin promotes uptake o glucose (out o the blood) the pe rs on los e s the ir exce s s we ight. In addition, s om e
by liver cells. As blood glucose decreases to its setpoint level, eedback to
re s e arch s tudie s on the s e die ts have de m ons trate d an im -
the pancreatic islets reduces insulin secretionthus maintaining normal
blood glucose concentration. One expects to see a sharp rise in blood insulin prove d plas m a lipid prof le .
levels shortly a ter a meal high in carbohydrates. Howeve r, the re is s till m uch controve rs y re garding the
m any type s o low-carbohydrate die ts and w hich are m os t
s a e and e e ctive or thos e s truggling w ith obe s ity, diabe -
imp rtant these. Alth ugh the exa t details its me hanism te s , and othe r dis orde rs . Ultim ate ly, the m os t s ucce s s ul
a ti n are still being w rked ut, insulin is kn wn t a eler- we ight-re ducing die t m ay be the one that e ach pe rs on can
ate glu se transp rt thr ugh ell membranes. As insulin se re- s tick to or the longe s t duration and produce s the be s t long-
ti n in reases, m re glu se leaves the bl d and enters the te rm he alth e e cts .
ellsparti ularly the liver ells (see Figure 12-4 n p. 324 and
Figure 19-4).
little insulin se reti n r resistan e t insulin e e ts, anteri r pituitary gland, cortisone se reted by the adrenal
su h as urs in pe ple with vari us rms diabetes mellitus rtex, epinephrine se reted by the adrenal medulla, and
(DM ), pr du es the pp site e e ts. Less glu se leaves the glucagon se reted by the pan reati islets are ur the
bl d and enters ells. M re glu se there re remains in the m st imp rtant h rm nes that in rease bl d glu se.
bl d, and less glu se is metab lized by ells. In ther w rds, M re in rmati n ab ut these h rm nes an be und in
high bl d glu se (hypergly emia) and a l w rate glu se Chapter 12.
metab lism hara terize insulin de ien y r resistan e.
Insulin is the nly h rm ne that signi antly l wers the To learn more about the citric acid cycle, go to
bl d glu se level. Several ther h rm nes, n the ther AnimationDirect online at
hand, an in rease it. Growth hormone se reted by the
Fa t M e t a b o lis m
Lipids, like arb hydrates, are primar-
ily energy nutrients. As ells begin t
RES EA RC H, IS S U ES , AND TREN D S run l w n adequate am unts glu-
MEAS URING ENERGY se t atab lize a ew h urs a ter a
Phys iologis ts s tudying m e tabolis m m us t be able to expre s s a quantity o e ne rgy in meal, they immediately shi t t the
m athe m atical te rm s . The unit o e ne rgy m e as ure m e nt m os t o te n us e d is the calorie atab lism trigly erides at r
(cal). A calo rie is the am ount o e ne rgy ne e de d to rais e the te m pe rature o 1 g o energy.
wate r 1 C. Be caus e phys iologis ts o te n de al w ith ve ry large am ounts o e ne rgy, the Fats are rst br ken d wn int atty
large r unit, kilo calo rie (kcal) or Calo rie (notice the uppe rcas e C), is us e d. The re are a ids and gly er l in adip se tissue and
1000 cal in 1 kcal or Calorie . Nutritionis ts in the Unite d State s pre e r to us e Calorie released int the bl d stream. In ells,
w he n they expre s s the am ount o e ne rgy s tore d in a nutrie nt. atty a ids are br ken d wn t rm
Mos t phys iologis ts in the Unite d State s and m os t nutritionis ts outs ide the Unite d a etyl C A, whi h then pr eeds
State s pre e r to us e the m e tric unit jo ule (J) or kilojoule (kJ ) ins te ad o calorie -bas e d
thr ugh the itri a id y le (see
units . A s im ple way to conve rt kilocalorie s to kilojoule s is kcal 4.2 kJ.
Figure 19-2). Gly er l is nverted t a
mp und that an enter the gly lysis
To learn more about measuring energy, including examples o the
pathway in a pr ess is kn wn as
energy content o macronutrients and the energy cost o common
activities, review the article Measuring Energy at Connect It! at
Glu ne genesis, dis ussed in Chap-
ter 12, is a pr ess that is per rmed
mainly by liver ells. By nverting the
538 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

mp nents at int m le ules that enter the pathway r

TABLE 19-2 Amino Acids
glu se atab lism, this pr ess all ws energy t be trans erred
r m a nutrient t A Pwhi h an be used dire tly r w rk ES S ENTIAL NONES S ENTIAL
in the ells the b dy. (INDIS PENS ABLE) (DIS PENS ABLE)
Fat atab lism happens n rmally when a pers n g es His tidine * Alanine
with ut arb hydrates r a ew h urs. It happens abn rmally Is ole ucine Arginine
in individuals with untreated DM. Be ause an insulin de - Le ucine As paragine
Lys ine As partic acid
ien y, t little glu se enters the ells a diabeti pers n t
Me thionine Cys te ine
supply all energy needs. T e result is that the ells atab lize
Phe nylalanine Glutam ic acid
ats t make up the di eren e (Figure 19-5). Thre onine Glutam ine
In all pers ns, ats n t needed r atab lism are instead Tryptophan Glycine
anab lized (built up) t rm trigly erides and then are st red Valine Proline
in adip se tissue, whi h ntributes t weight gain. Se rine
Tyros ine

P ro t e in M e t a b o lis m *Es s e ntial in in ants and, pe rhaps , adult m ale s .

Can be s ynthe s ize d rom phe nylalanine ; the re ore , is none s s e ntial as long
In a healthy pers n, pr teins are atab lized t release energy as phe nylalanine is in the die t.
nly t a very small extent. W hen at reserves are l w, as they
are in the starvati n that a mpanies ertain eating dis rders are th se that must be in the diet. Nonessential amino acids an
su h as an rexia nerv sa, the b dy an start t use m re its be missing r m the diet be ause they an be made by the b dy
pr tein m le ules as an energy s ur e. Ex ess pr teins in the (Table 19-2).
diet an als be used r energy.
Spe i ally, the amino acids that make up pr teins are
ea h br ken apart. T e nitr gen gr up amine is rem ved by QUICK CHECK
the liver and nverted t the waste pr du t urea. T e rest 1. Na m e th re e m a cro n u trie n ts a n d tw o m icro n u trie n ts .
the m le ule is nverted by glu ne genesis t a rm that 2. Id e n ti y th e s e rie s o ch e m ica l re a ctio n s th a t m a ke u p th e
an enter the itri a id y leand thus release energy t p ro ce s s o g lu co s e m e ta b o lis m .
3. Ho w is e n e rg y tra n s e rre d ro m g lu co s e to ATP?
harge up A P (see Figure 19-5). 4. Ho w a re p ro te in s u s e d o n ce th e y a re a b s o rb e d in to th e
A ter a shi t t relian e n pr tein atab lism as a maj r b o d y?
energy s ur e urs, death may qui kly ll w be ause vital 5. Wh a t a re e s s e n tia l a m in o a cid s ?
pr teins in the mus les and nerves are atab lized.
A m re mm n situati n in n rmal b dies is pr -
tein anab lism, the pr ess by whi h the b dy M ic ro n u t r ie n t s
builds amin a ids int mplex pr tein m- Ca rbohydra te s Vit a m in s
p unds ( r example, enzymes and pr teins that
19 rm the stru ture the ell). Pr teins are assem- O ve r v ie w o Vit a m in s
bled r m a p l at least 20 di erent kinds One glan e at the label any pa kaged d pr d-
amin a ids. I any ne type amin a id is de ient, u t reveals the imp rtan e we pla e n vitamins
vital pr teins ann t be synthesizeda Glucos e and minerals. We kn w that arb hydrates,
seri us health threat. ats, and pr teins are used by ur b dies
One way y ur b dy maintains t build imp rtant m le ules and t
a nstant supply amin a ids pr vide energy. S why d we need vi-
is by making them r m ther Fa tty a cids Amino tamins and minerals?
Fa ts Glyce rol a cids P rote ins
mp unds already present First, lets dis uss the imp rtan e
in the b dy. Only ab ut hal vitamins. Vitamins are rgani m le-
the required 20 types ules needed in small quantities r n rmal
amin a ids an be made Ene rgy
Citric metab lism thr ugh ut the b dy.
by the b dy, h wever. T e a cid M st vitamin m le ules atta h t enzymes r
remaining types amin cycle coenzymes (m le ules that assist enzymes) and help
a ids must be supplied in them w rk pr perly. Many enzymes are t tally use-
the diet. Essential amino acids less with ut the appr priate vitamins t a tivate them.
S me vitamins play ther imp rtant r les in the
b dy. F r example, a rm vitamin A plays an imp r-
tant r le in dete ting light in the sens ry ells the retina.
FIGURE 19-5 Catabolism o nutrients. Fats, carbohydrates,
and proteins can be converted to products that enter the citric Vitamin D an be nverted t a h rm ne that helps
CO 2 regulate al ium h me stasis in the b dy, and vitamin E
acid cycle to yield energy that is trans erred to adenosine tri-
phosphate (ATP). a ts as an antioxidant that prevents highly rea tive xygen
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 539

m le ules alled ree radicals r m

damaging DNA and m le ules in C LIN ICA L APPLICATION
ell membranes.
M st vitamins ann t be made CHOLESTEROL
by the b dy, s we must eat them Cho le s te ro l is a type o lipid that has m any us e s in the body (s e e Chapte r 2). The body
in ur d. T e b dy an st re at- de rive s s te roid horm one s rom chole s te rol (s e e Chapte r 12) and us e s chole s te rol to s ta-
s luble vitaminsA, D, E, and bilize the phos pholipid bilaye r that orm s the plas m a m e m brane and m e m branous organ-
Kin the liver r later use. Be- e lle s o all ce lls (s e e Chapte r 3).
ause the b dy ann t st re water- So w hy doe s s uch a us e ul s ubs tance have s uch a bad re putation? The re as on lie s in
s luble vitamins su h as B vitamins the act that an exce s s o chole s te rol in the blood, a condition calle d hype rcho le s te ro le m ia,
and vitamin C, they must be n- incre as e s the ris k o deve loping athe ros cle ros is (s e e arrow in f gure ). You m ay re call rom
Chapte r 14 that athe ros cle ros is deve lops into a type o arte rios cle ros is , or hard-
tinually supplied in the diet. Vita-
e ning o the arte rie s , that can le ad to he art dis e as e , s troke , and othe r
min de ien ies an lead t severe
proble m s .
metab li pr blems. Table 19-3 lists Hype rchole s te role m ia occurs m os t o te n in pe ople w ith a ge ne tic
s me the m re well-kn wn vita- pre dis pos ition but is ce rtainly als o a e cte d by othe r actors s uch
mins, their s ur es, un ti ns, and as die t and exe rcis e . Pe ople w ith hype rchole s te role m ia are
sympt ms de ien y. e ncourage d to s w itch to die ts low in chole s te rol and s atu-
rate d ats and to participate in ae robic exe rcis e , both o
Vit a m in Im b a la n c e s w hich te nd to lowe r blood chole s te rol leve ls . Drugs
Vitamin de ien y, r avitamin- s uch as s tatins are o te n us e d to control blood
osis, an lead t severe metab li chole s te rol w he n exe rcis ing and die t are not
pr blems. F r example, avitamino- s u f cie nt.
Chapte r 2 dis cus s e s di e re nt type s o cho- Athe ros cle rotic
sis C (vitamin C de ien y) an
le s te rol and the ir role s in he alth and dis e as e . pla que
lead t scurvy (Figure 19-6). S urvy
results r m the inability the
b dy t manu a ture and maintain
llagen bers. As y u may have
gathered r m y ur studies thus ar, llagen bers are riti al vitamin A are nsumed daily ver a peri d 3 m nths r
in many the nne tive tissues that h ld the b dy t gether. m re. T is nditi n rst mani ests itsel with dry skin, hair
In s urvy, the b dy alls apart in the same way that a negle ted l ss, an rexia (appetite l ss), and v miting, but may pr gress
h use eventually alls apart. t severe heada hes and mental disturban es, liver enlarge-
M re details ab ut s urvy and ther types avitamin sis ment, and asi nally irrh sis. A ute hypervitamin sis A,
are given in Appendix A at hara terized by v miting, abd minal pain, and heada he, an
S me rms hypervitaminosis r vitamin ex ess ur i a massive verd se is ingested.
an be just as seri us as a de ien y vitamins. F r example, Ex esses the at-s luble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are
hr ni hypervitaminosis A an ur i very large am unts generally m re seri us than ex esses the water-s luble 19

At the daw n o the twe ntie th ce n- (s we e t potatoe s ), and hundre ds m ore rom othe r plants native
tury, one f gure loom e d large in the to the s outhe rn Unite d State s . Deve lopm e nt o the s e new
world o o o d s cie nce Ge orge products he lpe d poor arm e rs s urvive by allow ing the m to
Was hington Carve r. Born a s lave m ake m oney rom a varie ty o crops that thrive d on the ir land.
on a Mis s ouri plantation during the Today, bre akthroughs continue to be m ade in the world o
Civil War, Carve r ove rcam e gre at agriculture and ood s cie nce . Farm e rs and ranche rs work
obs tacle s to be com e one o the clos e ly w ith ag ricultural s cie ntis ts and te chnicians to im -
m os t adm ire d Am e rican s cie ntis ts prove ood crops and to im prove m e thods o rais ing live s tock.
o his e ra. Although tale nte d in As did Carve r, they s trive to work in ways that be ne f t the land
m us ic and art, it was his knack or and pe ople . O cours e , nutritionis ts , die titians , che s , and ood
George Washington Carver agriculture that le d him to a long pre pare rs all play a role in ge tting the s e crops to our table in a
(18641943) and s ucce s s ul care e r as a pro e s - he althy and appe tizing way.
s or, re s e arche r, and inve ntor in the Food s cie ntis ts and othe r indus trial s cie ntis ts work to de -
agriculture de partm e nt o Alabam as Tus ke ge e Ins titute . ve lop te chnologie s and m e thods or pre paring, pre s e rving,
At Tus ke ge e , his work re s ulte d in the cre ation o 325 prod- s toring, and packaging oods .
ucts m ade rom pe anuts , ne arly 200 products rom yam s
540 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

TABLE 19-3 Major Vitamins

Vitam in A Gre e n and ye llow ve ge table s , Maintains e pithe lial tis s ue and pro- Night blindne s s and aking s kin
dairy products , and live r duce s vis ual pigm e nts
B-com plex vitam ins
B1 (thiam ine ) Grains , m e at, and le gum e s He lps e nzym e s in the citric acid cycle Ne rve proble m s (be ribe ri), he art
m us cle we akne s s , and e de m a
B2 (ribo avin) Gre e n ve ge table s , organ m e at, Aids e nzym e s in the citric acid cycle In am m ation o s kin and eye s
e ggs , and dairy products
B3 (niacin) Me at and grains He lps e nzym e s in the citric acid cycle Pe llagra (s caly de rm atitis and
m e ntal dis turbance s ) and
ne rvous dis orde rs
B5 (pantothe nic acid) Organ m e at, e ggs , and live r Aids e nzym e s that conne ct at and car- Los s o coordination; de cre as e d
bohydrate m e tabolis m pe ris tals is (rare )
B6 (pyridoxine ) Ve ge table s , m e at, and grains He lps e nzym e s that catabolize am ino Convuls ions , irritability, and ane m ia
B9 ( olic acid) Ve ge table s Aids e nzym e s in am ino acid catabolis m Dige s tive dis orde rs and ane m ia;
and blood ne ural de e cts in e m bryo or
e tus
B12 (cyanocobalam in) Me at and dairy products Involve d in blood production and othe r Pe rnicious ane m ia
proce s s e s
Biotin (vitam in H) Ve ge table s , m e at, and e ggs He lps e nzym e s in am ino acid catabo- Me ntal and m us cle proble m s (rare )
lis m and at and glycoge n s ynthe s is
Vitam in C (as corbic acid) Fruits and gre e n ve ge table s He lps in m anu acture o collage n f be rs Scurvy and de ge ne ration o s kin,
bone , and blood ve s s e ls
Vitam in D (calci e rol) Dairy products and f s h live r oil Aids in calcium abs orption Ricke ts and s ke le tal de orm ity
Vitam in E (tocophe rol) Gre e n ve ge table s and s e e ds Prote cts ce ll m e m brane s rom oxidation Mus cle and re productive dis orde rs
dam age (rare )
Vitam in K (group) Mos tly rom inte s tinal bacte ria Ne e de d to produce s om e clotting Clotting dis orde rs (m os t o te n in
Als o s pinach, othe r ve ge table s , actors in ants )
and m e at/dairy products

vitamins (B mplex and C) be ause at-s luble vitamins are
st red, whereas ex ess water-s luble vitamins an be ex reted.

M in e r a ls
Minerals are just as essential r health as vitamins. Minerals
are in rgani elements r salts und naturally in the earth
and in many ds. As with vitamins, mineral i ns an bind
t enzymes and help them w rk e e tively.
Minerals als un ti n in a variety ther vital hemi al
rea ti ns. F r example, s dium, al ium, and ther minerals
are required r nerve ndu ti n and r ntra ti n in
mus le bers. W ith ut these minerals, the brain, heart, and
respirat ry mus les w uld ease t un ti n.
In rmati n ab ut s me the m re imp rtant minerals is
summarized in Table 19-4.
Like vitamins, minerals are bene ial nly when taken in
the pr per am unts. Many the minerals listed in Table 19-4
FIGURE 19-6 Scurvy. In scurvy, lack o vitamin C impairs the normal
maintenance o collagen-containing connective tissues, causing bleeding are required nly in tra e am unts. Any intake su h miner-
and ulceration o the skin, gums, and other tissues, as these lesions on the als bey nd the re mmended tra e am unt may be me
skin show. t xi perhaps even li e threatening.
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 541

TABLE 19-4 Major Minerals

Calcium (Ca) Dairy products , le gum e s , and He lps blood clotting, bone orm ation, and Bone de ge ne ration and ne rve and
ve ge table s ne rve and m us cle unction m us cle m al unction
Chlorine (Cl) Salty oods Aids in s tom ach acid production and acid- Acid-bas e im balance
bas e balance
Cobalt (Co) Me at He lps vitam in B12 in blood ce ll production Pe rnicious ane m ia
Coppe r (Cu) Se a ood, organ m e ats , and Involve d in extracting e ne rgy rom the citric Fatigue and ane m ia
le gum e s acid cycle and in blood production
Iodine (I) Se a ood and iodize d s alt Aids in thyroid horm one s ynthe s is Goite r (thyroid e nlarge m e nt) and
de cre as e o m e tabolic rate
Iron (Fe ) Me at, e ggs , ve ge table s , and Involve d in extracting e ne rgy rom the citric Fatigue and ane m ia
le gum e s acid cycle and in blood production
Magne s ium (Mg) Ve ge table s and grains He lps m any e nzym e s Ne rve dis orde rs , blood ve s s e l dilation,
and he art rhythm proble m s
Mangane s e (Mn) Ve ge table s , le gum e s , and grains He lps m any e nzym e s Mus cle and ne rve dis orde rs
Phos phorus (P) Dairy products and m e at Aids in bone orm ation and is us e d to Bone de ge ne ration and m e tabolic
m ake ATP, DNA, RNA, and phos pholipids proble m s
Potas s ium (K) Se a ood, m ilk, ruit, and m e at He lps m us cle and ne rve unction Mus cle we akne s s , he art proble m s ,
and ne rve proble m s
Sodium (Na) Salty oods Aids in m us cle and ne rve unction and uid We akne s s and dige s tive ups e t
Zinc (Zn) Many oods He lps m any e nzym e s Me tabolic proble m s

Foods that go beyond simply providing the nutri- M e t a b o lic Ra t e s

ents needed or health and wellness because they
T e basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate at whi h nutri-
have specif c characteristics that prevent disease
ents are atab lized under basal nditi ns (that is, when
are o ten called unctional oods. To learn more
the individual is resting but awake, is n t digesting d,
about this concept, review the article Functional
and is n t adjusting t a ld external temperature). O r,
Foods at Connect It! at
stated di erently, the BM R is the energy (measured in
al ries) that must be pr du ed per h ur by atab li rea - 19
ti ns just t keep the b dy alive, awake, and m rtably
Re g u la t in g Fo o d In t a k e warm.
Me hanisms r regulating d intake are still n t learly pr vide energy r mus ular w rk, as well as digesti n
underst d. T at the hypothalamus in the dien ephal n the and abs rpti n nutrients, an additi nal am unt energy
brain plays a part in these me hanisms, h wever, seems er- must be pr du ed by atab lism nutrients. T e am unt
tain. T ere appears t be b th an appetite center that pr - additi nal energy r m nutrients needed depends mainly n
m tes the eeling hunger and a satiety center that pr - h w mu h w rk the individual d es. T e m re a tive he r she
m tes the eeling that we are satis ed r ull in the is, the m re nutrients the b dy must atab lize and the higher
hyp thalamus. T e balan e a tivity between these tw the t tal metab li rate will be. T e total metabolic rate
enters appears t be the entral me hanism that regulates ( MR) is the t tal am unt energy used by the b dy per
d intake. day (Figure 19-7).
T ere are many a t rs that inf uen e these hyp thalami W hen the number al ries in y ur d intake equals
enters and there re inf uen e the regulati n d intake. y ur MR, y ur weight remains nstant (ex ept r p ssible
Am ng the many a t rs identi ed in a e ting appetite are sh rt-term variati ns resulting r m water retenti n r water
h rm nes, neur transmitters, em ti ns, envir nmental ues, l ss). W hen y ur d intake pr vides m re al ries than y ur
d sensati ns, habits, and m re. S me examples a t rs MR, y u gain weight; when y ur d intake pr vides ewer
that a e t the appetite-regulating enters the hyp thala- al ries than y ur MR, y u l se weight. Nature d es n t
mus are listed in Table 19-5. It is n t imp rtant t mem rize rget t unt al ries. A redu ing diet must make use this
all these a t rs, but reading thr ugh them will help y u un- kn wledge. T e diet must in lude ewer al ries than the
derstand the mplexity ur b dys regulati n d MR the individual eating the diet, r n weight l ss will
intake. be a hieved.
542 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

TABLE 19-5 Factors That In uence Appetite*

Endoge nous opioid pe ptide s (EOP) Alpha-m e lanocyte s tim ulating horm one ( -MSH) Hypothalam us
Gam m a-am inobutyric acid (GABA) Cocaine - and am phe tam ine -re gulate d trans cript (CART)
Ne urope ptide Y (NPY) Corticotropin-re le as ing horm one (CRH)
Nore pine phrine (NE)
Em otions Em otions Ne rvous s ys te m (outs ide
Environm e ntal s tim uli Environm e ntal s tim uli hypothalam us )
Food s e ns ations (e .g., tas te , s m e ll, texture ) Food s e ns ations (e .g., tas te , s m e ll)
Inte rnal s tim uli (e .g., blood te m pe rature , glucos e ) Inte rnal s tim uli (e .g., blood te m pe rature , glucos e )
Li e s tyle choice s and habits Li e s tyle choice s and habits
Cortis ol Adre nal cortex
Ghre lin (GHRL) Chole cys tokinin (CCK) Gas trointe s tinal (GI) tract
Glucagon-like pe ptide -1 (GLP-1)
Le ptin Adipos e tis s ue
Inte rle ukin 18 (IL-18)
Glucos e Live r
Ins ulin Pancre as
Pancre atic polype ptide (PP)

*Factors that a e ct appe tite -re gulating ce nte rs in the hypothalam us .

Rapid, signif cant weight loss carries a risk o

M e t a b o lic a n d Ea t in g D is o r d e r s
health risks. One such risk is outlined in the article M e t a b o lic Im b a la n c e s
Gallstones and Weight Loss at Connect It! at
Dis rders hara terized by a disrupti n r imbalan e n r-
mal metab lism an be aused by several di erent a t rs.
F r example, inborn errors o metabolism are a gr up ge-
To learn more about the actors that in uence neti nditi ns inv lving a de ien y r absen e a parti u-
metabolic rate, go to AnimationDirect online at lar enzyme. Spe i enzymes are required by ells t arry ut ea h step every metab li rea ti n. Alth ugh an abn rmal
geneti de may a e t the pr du ti n nly a single en-
zyme, the resulting abn rmal metab lism may have wide-
1. Wh a t is th e ove ra ll jo b o vita m in s in th e b o d y?
spread e e ts. Spe i diseases resulting r m inb rn err rs
2. Wh a t is a n o th e r n a m e o r th e ra te a t w h ich n u trie n ts a re metab lism, su h as phenylketonuria (PKU), are dis ussed in
ca ta b o lize d u n d e r re s tin g co n d itio n s ? Chapter 25.
3. Ho w d o e s th e n u m b e r o ca lo rie s co n s u m e d re la te to a A number metab li dis rders are mpli ati ns ther
p e rs o ns b o d y w e ig h t? nditi ns. F r example, y u may re all r m Chapter 12
4. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n th e a p p e tite ce n te r a n d th e that b th hyperthyr idism and hyp thyr idism have pr und
s a tie ty ce n te r? Wh e re a re th e s e ce n te rs lo ca te d ?
e e ts n the BMR. Diabetes mellitus a e ts metab lism

S ize Sex Body compos ition Age Amount of Mis ce lla ne ous
(s urfa ce a re a ) (le a n/fa t ra tio) thyroid hormone (fe ve r, drugs , e motions )

Bas al me tabo lic Exe rcis e a nd a ll Food inta ke Environme nta l

rate kinds of mus cula r (the rmic te mpe ra ture
a ctivity e ffe ct of food)

To tal me tabo lic


FIGURE 19-7 Factors that determine the basal and total metabolic rates.
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 543

thr ugh ut the b dy when an insulin de ien y limits the hr ni li e-threatening diseases, in luding diabetes melli-
am unt glu se available r use by the ells. tus, many rms an er, and heart disease.

P ro t e in -C a lo r ie M a ln u t r it io n
Ea t in g D is o r d e r s Protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) is an abn rmal ndi-
S me metab li dis rders result r m disrupti ns n rmal ti n resulting r m a de ien y al ries in general and
me hanisms in the b dy that maintain h me stasis. F r ex- pr tein in parti ular. PCM is likely t result r m redu ed
ample, the b dy has several me hanisms that maintain a rela- intake d but may als be aused by in reased nutrient
tively nstant level glu se in the bl dglu se that is l ss r in reased use nutrients by the b dy. Table 19-6 sum-
required by ells r li e-sustaining atab lism. As menti ned marizes a ew the wide variety nditi ns that may lead
earlier in this hapter, during starvation r in ertain eating t PCM.
disorders, these me hanisms may be me unbalan ed as they Mild ases PCM ur requently during illness. As
attempt t maintain bl d glu se h me stasis. many as ne in ve patients admitted t the h spital is signi -
A ew the m re well-kn wn eating and nutriti n dis r- antly maln urished. M re severe ases PCM are likely t
ders are brief y des ribed in the ll wing se ti ns. ur in parts the w rld where d, espe ially pr tein-ri h
d, is relatively unavailable.
A n o r e x ia N e r vo s a T ere are tw rms advan ed PCM: marasmus and
A behavi ral dis rder hara terized by hr ni re usal t eat, kwashiorkor (Figure 19-8).
anorexia nervosa ten results r m an abn rmal ear be m- Marasmus results r m an verall la k al ries and pr -
ing bese. T is nditi n is m st mm nly seen in teenage girls teins, su h as when su ient quantities d are n t avail-
and y ung adult w men and is ten linked t em ti nal stress. able. Marasmus is hara terized by pr gressive wasting
reatment plans are usually dire ted at s lving the result- mus le and sub utane us tissue a mpanied by f uid and
ing nutriti nal de it, while at the same time dealing with the ele tr lyte imbalan es.
underlying behavi ral pr blem.

Bu lim ia
TABLE 19-6 Some Causes o Protein-Calorie Malnutrition
Bulimia is a behavi ral dis rder CONDITION IMPACT ON NUTRIENTS
hara terized by insatiable rav- Co nditio ns That Re duce Nutrie nt Intake
ing r d alternating with peri- Anorexia Abs e nce o appe tite ; re duce d m otivation to e at
ds sel -deprivati n. T e sel - Cachexia Syndrom e as s ociate d w ith cance r involve s appe tite los s , s eve re
deprivati n that ll ws a d we ight los s , and we akne s s
binge is ten a mpanied by Dys phagia Di f culty in s wallow ing; inhibition o norm al e ating
depressi n. Gas trointe s tinal obs truction Inability o ood to be dige s te d or abs orbe d
Pe ple with a rm this dis-
Naus e a Ups e t s tom ach; dis com ort, w hich inhibits appe tite
rder alled bulimarexia pur-
p sely indu e the v miting ref ex Pain Dis com ort, w hich dis courage s e ating 19
t purge themselves d they Pove rty Inability to acquire prope r nutrie nts
just ate. Ex essive v miting in this Social is olation Abs e nce o s ocial cue s or m otivation or e ating
way an have a variety nse- Subs tance abus e Re duction or re place m e nt o the m otivation to e at
quen es, in luding damage t the Tooth proble m s Di f culty in chew ing, w hich dis courage s or preve nts e ating
es phagus, pharynx, m uth, and
Co nditio ns That Incre as e Lo s s o Nutrie nts
teeth by st ma h a id.
Diarrhe a Incre as e d inte s tinal m otility, w hich re duce s abs orption o nutrie nts
O b e s it y Glycos uria Los s o glucos e in the urine
O besity is n t an eating dis rder He m orrhage Los s o blood and the nutrie nts it contains
itsel but may be a result hr ni Malabs orption Failure to prope rly abs orb nutrie nts , w hich caus e s nutrie nts to
vereating behavi r. Like an rexia pas s through the body unabs orbe d
nerv sa and bulimia, eating dis r- Co nditio ns That Incre as e the Us e o Nutrie nts by the Bo dy
ders hara terized by hr ni Burns Los s o nutrie nts rom dam age d tis s ue s
vereating usually have an under-
Feve r Incre as e d te m pe rature and m e tabolic rate , w hich incre as e rate o
lying em ti nal ause. nutrie nt catabolis m
O besity is de ned as an abn r-
In e ction Incre as e d im m une activity and tis s ue re pair, w hich incre as e the
mal in rease in the pr p rti n
rate o nutrie nt us e
at in the b dy. M st the ex ess
Traum a and s urge ry Incre as e d im m une activity, tis s ue re pair, and hom e os tatic-com -
at is st red in the sub utane us
pe ns ating m e chanis m s , w hich incre as e the rate o nutrie nt us e
tissue and ar und the vis era.
Tum ors Incre as e d tis s ue grow th, w hich incre as e s the rate o nutrie nt us e
O besity is a risk a t r r a variety
544 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

FIGURE 19-8 Protein-calorie malnu-

trition (PCM). A, Marasmus results rom
starvation. B, Kwashiorkor results rom a
diet su cient in calories but de cient in
protein. Note the abdominal bloating typi-
cal in kwashiorkor.

Kwashi rk r results r m a diet

that has su ient al ries, but is
de ient in pr teinas when a
hild is weaned r m milk t l w-
pr tein ds. Kwashi rk r als
auses wasting tissues, but un-
like marasmus, it is a mpanied
by pr n un ed as ites (abd minal
bl ating) and f aking dermatitis.
T e as ites results r m a de -
ien y plasma pr teins, whi h A B
hanges the sm ti balan e the
bl d and thus pr m tes sm sis water r m the bl d me hanisms that keep b dy temperature in its n rmal range
int the perit neal spa e (see Figure 18-24). (36.2 C t 37.6 C, r 97 F t 100 F).
Nutriti n dis rders, in luding many spe i de ien y T e skin is ten inv lved in negative- eedba k l ps that
diseases, are summarized in Appendix A at maintain b dy temperature. W hen the b dy is verheated,
bl d f w t the skin in reases (see the b x Exercise and the
Skin n p. 156). Warm bl d r m the b dys re an then be
1. Ho w d o a n o re xia n e rvo s a a n d b u lim ia d i e r? Ho w a re led by the skin, whi h a ts as a radiat r. At the skin, heat
th e s e co n d itio n s a like ?
an be l st r m bl d by the ll wing me hanisms, whi h
2. Ob e s ity is a ris k a cto r o r w h ich li e -th re a te n in g d is e a s e s ?
3. Na m e a t le a s t e ig h t ca u s e s o p ro te in -ca lo rie m a ln u tritio n . are als illustrated in Figure 19-9:
1. Radiationf w heat waves r m the bl d and
Bo d y Te m p e r a t u r e 2. Conductiontrans er heat energy t the skin
Th e r m o r e g u la t io n and then t ler external envir nment
3. Convectiontrans er heat energy t ler air
C nsidering that m re than 60% the energy released
19 r m nutrient m le ules during atab lism is nverted t
that is ntinually f wing away r m the skin
4. Evaporationabs rpti n heat r m bl d and
heat rather than being trans erred t A P, it is n w nder
skin by water (sweat) vap rizati n
that maintaining a nstant b dy temperature an be a
hallenge. M aintaining h me stasis b dy temperature, r W hen ne essary, heat an be nserved by redu ing bl d
thermoregulation, is the un ti n the hyp thalamus. f w in the skin, as illustrated in Chapter 7 (see the b x n
T e hyp thalamus perates a variety negative- eedba k p. 156). H eat an als be nserved by redu ing any the


A Flow of he a t wave s away B Tra ns fe r of he a t e ne rgy C Tra ns fe r of he a t e ne rgy D Abs orption of he a t from
from the blood a nd s kin to the s kin a nd the n to to coole r a ir tha t is blood a nd s kin by wa te r
coole r exte rna l continua lly flowing away (swe a t) va poriza tion
e nvironme nt from the s kin

FIGURE 19-9 Mechanisms o heat loss. Heat can be lost rom the blood and skin by means o radiation,
conduction, convection, and evaporation. Heat can be conserved by altering blood f ow in the skin or wearing
warm clothing to block the mechanisms shown here.
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 545

ur me hanisms des ribed. F r example, warm l thing an Fe ve r

t tally r partially bl k any these me hanisms. FeverA ever r ebrile state is an unusually high b dy
A number ther me hanisms an be alled n t temperature ass iated with a systemi inf ammati n re-
help maintain the h me stasis b dy temperature. H eat- sp nse. In the ase in e ti ns, hemi als alled pyrogens
generating mus le a tivity su h as shivering (sh rt-term) (literally, re-makers) ause the therm stati ntr l enters
and se reti n metab lism-regulating h rm nes (l ng- the hyp thalamus t pr du e a ever. Be ause the b dys
term) are tw the b dys pr esses that an be altered t therm stat is reset t a higher setting, a pers n eels a need
adjust the b dys temperature (Figure 19-10, A). C nversely, t warm up t this new temperature and ten experien es
an elevated b dy temperature an be redu ed by in reasing hills as the ebrile state begins.
bl d f w and sweating in the skin (Figure 19-10, B). T e T e high b dy temperature ass iated with in e ti us ever
n ept using eedba k ntr l l ps in h me stati is th ught t enhan e the b dys immune resp nses, helping
me hanisms was rst intr du ed in Chapter 1. t eliminate the path gen. Strategies aimed at redu ing the
temperature a ebrile pers n are m st ten n rmally un-
tera ted by the b dys heat-generating me hanisms and thus
A b n o r m a l Bo d y Te m p e r a t u r e have the e e t urther weakening the in e ted pers n.
Maintenan e b dy temperature within a narr w range is Under rdinary ir umstan es, it is best t let the ever break
ne essary r the n rmal un ti ning the b dy. As n its wn a ter the path gen is destr yed.
Figure 19-11 sh ws, straying t ar ut the n rmal range
b dy temperatures an have very seri us physi l gi al nse- M a lig n a n t Hy p e r t h e r m ia
quen es. T e ll wing se ti ns identi y a ew these imp r- Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an inherited nditi n
tant nditi ns related t b dy temperature. hara terized by an abn rmally in reased b dy temperature

Exe rcis e
Dis turbanc e Feedback
Co ld Bo dy
wind te mpe rature
de c re as e s

Incre a s e s

Te mpe ra ture
De te cte d by Te mpe ra ture 37 C De te cte d by
incre a s e s
Co ntro lle d de cre a s e s 19
c o nditio n
Ra dia tion Blood
Mus cle s Cold Conduction te mpe ra ture Te mpe ra ture
(s hive r) re ce ptors Conve ction Variable re ce ptors
Effe c to r S e ns o r Ra dia tion
S e ns o r
Effe c to rs
S we a t Blood
gla nds ve s s e ls S kin
Fe e ds (s e cre te ) (dila te )
S igna ls
ba ck to

S e tpoint Actua l S e ns ory

S kin
te mpe ra ture Te mpe ra ture ne rve
be rs

Corre ction
s igna ls via 37C 38C
ne rve be rs
S e tpoint body Brain Actua l body Fe e ds informa tion
te mpe ra ture Inte g rato r te mpe ra ture via ne rve be rs
A B Hypotha la mus Inte g rato r ba ck to

FIGURE 19-10 Feedback control o thermoregulation. A, When body temperature drops below its set-
point value, integrators in the hypothalamus o the brain trigger shivering o skeletal muscle e ectors, which
produces heat that raises body temperature back toward its set point. B, When body temperature rises above
its setpoint value, the bodys response is to increase sweating and blood f ow to the skin, which acilitates loss
o heat by several mechanismsand brings the body temperature down toward its set point.
546 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

happens when envir nmental temperatures are high. Alth ugh

a n rmal b dy temperature is maintained, the l ss water and
ele tr lytes an ause weakness, vertig , nausea, and p ssible
122 50 l ss ns i usness. H eat exhausti n may als be a mpa-
104 40
nied by skeletal mus le ramps that are ten alled heat
n cramps. H eat exhausti n is treated with rest (in a l envir n-
113 45 ment) a mpanied by f uid repla ement.

He a t s t ro k e
104 40 Als alled sunstroke, heatstroke is a severe, s metimes
atal nditi n resulting r m the inability t maintain a
n rmal b dy temperature in an extremely warm envir n-
95 35 ment. Su h therm regulat ry ailure may result r m a -
t rs su h as ld age, disease, drugs that impair therm regu-
lati n, r simply be aused by verwhelming elevated
envir nmental temperatures.
86 30
H eatstr ke is hara terized by b dy temperatures 41 C
(105 F) r higher; ta hy ardia; heada he; and h t, dry skin.
77 25
C n usi n, nvulsi ns, r l ss ns i usness may ur.
95 35 Unless the b dy is led and b dy f uids are repla ed im-
mediately, death may result.
F Hy p o t h e r m ia
Hypothermia is the inability t maintain a n rmal b dy tem-
perature in extremely ld envir nments. H yp thermia is
hara terized by b dy temperatures l wer than 35 C (95 F);
shall w and sl w respirati ns; and a aint, sl w pulse. H yp -
thermia is usually treated by sl wly warming the a e ted
pers ns b dy.

Fro s t b it e
FIGURE 19-11 Body temperature range. This diagram, modeled a ter
a thermometer, shows some o the physiological consequences o abnormal Frostbite is l al damage t tissues aused by extremely l w
body temperature. The normal range o body temperature under a variety o temperatures. Damage t tissues results r m rmati n i e
conditions is shown in the inset. rystals a mpanied by a redu ti n in l al bl d f w.
Necrosis (tissue death) and even gangrene (de ay dead tis-
19 (hyperthermia) and mus le rigidity when exp sed t ertain sue) an result r m r stbite.
anestheti s. T e drug dantrolene (Dantrium), whi h inhibits
heat-pr du ing mus le ntra ti ns, has been used t prevent QUICK CHECK
r relieve e e ts this nditi n. 1. De s crib e th e o u r m a in wa ys th a t h e a t le a ve s th e b o d y.
2. Why w o u ld a e ve r b e a n o rm a l re s p o n s e to in ju ry o r
He a t Ex h a u s t io n in e ctio n ?
3. Wh a t ca n h a p p e n to th e b o d y w ith e xce s s ive e xp o s u re to
Heat exhaustion urs when the b dy l ses a large am unt
h e a t?
f uid resulting r m heat-l ss me hanisms. T is usually

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 533)

calorie cholesterol conduction

(KAL-or-ee) (koh-LES-ter-ol) (kon-DUK-shun)
[calor- heat, -ie ull o ] [chole- bile, -stero- solid, -ol alcohol] [con- with, duct- lead, -tion process]
carbohydrate loading citric acid cycle convection
(kar-boh-HYE-drayt LOHD-ing) (SIT-rik AS-id SYE-kul) (kon-VEK-shun)
[carbo- carbon, -hydr- hydrogen, -ate oxygen] [citr- lemon, -ic relating to, acid sour, [con- together, -vect- carry, -tion process]
catabolism cycle circle]
[cata- against, -bol- throw, -ism condition]
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 547

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 546)

electron transport system (ETS) glycolysis plasma protein

(eh-LEK-tron TRANZ-port SIS-tem (glye-KAHL-ih-sis) (PLAZ-mah PROH-teen)
[ee tee es]) [glyco- sweet (glucose), -o- combining vowel, [plasma substance, prote- primary,
[electr- electricity, -on subatomic particle, -lysis loosening] -in substance]
trans- across, -port carry] insulin pyrogen
evaporation (IN-suh-lin) (PYE-roh-jen)
(ee-vap-oh-RAY-shun) [insul- island, -in substance] [pyro- heat, -gen produce]
[e- out rom, -vapor steam, -ation process] joule (J or j) pyruvic acid
ood science (jool) (pye-ROO-vik AS-id)
( ood SYE-ens) [J ames Prescott J oule English physicist] [pyr- heat, -uv- grape, -ic relating to]
[scienc- knowledge] kilocalorie (kcal; also calorie) radiation
ree radical (KIL-oh-kal-oh-ree) (ray-dee-AY-shun)
( ree RAD-ih-kal) [kilo- one thousand, -calor- heat, -ie ull o ] [radiat- send out rays, -ion process]
[radic- root, -al relating to] Krebs cycle satiety center
gluconeogenesis (krebz SYE-kul) (sah-TYE-eh-tee SEN-ter)
(gloo-koh-nee-oh-J EN-eh-sis) [Sir Hans Adol Krebs British biochemist, [sati- enough or ull, -ety state]
[gluco- sweet (glucose), -neo- new, cycl- circle] thermoregulation
-gen- produce, -esis process] macronutrient (ther-moh-reg-yoo-LAY-shun)
glycogen (MAK-roh-NOO-tree-ent) [therm- heat, -o- combining vowel,
(GLYE-koh-jen) [macro- large, -nutri- nourish, -ent agent] -regula- rule, -ation process]
[glyco- sweet, -gen produce] metabolism total metabolic rate (TMR)
glycogen loading (meh-TAB-oh-liz-em) (TOH-tal met-ah-BOL-ik rayt [tee em ar])
(GLYE-koh-jen LOHD-ing) [meta- over, -bol- throw, -ism action] [meta- over, -bol- throw, -ic relating to]
[glyco- sweet (glucose), -gen produce] micronutrient urea
glycogenesis (MY-kroh-NOO-tree-ent) (yoo-REE-ah)
(glye-koh-J EN-eh-sis) [micro- small, -nutri- nourish, -ent agent] [urea urine]
[glyco- sweet (glucose), -gen- produce, nutrition vitamin
-esis process] (noo-TRIH-shun) (VYE-tah-min)
glycogenolysis [nutri- nourish, -tion process] [vita- li e, -amin ammonia compound]
[glyco- sweet (glucose), -gen- produce,
-o- combining vowel, -lysis loosening]



anorexia nervosa ever hypervitaminosis

(an-oh-REK-see-ah ner-VOH-sah) (FEE-ver) (hye-per-vye-tah-mih-NOH-sis)
[an- without, -orex- appetite, -ia condition, rostbite [hyper- excessive, -vita- li e, -amin- ammonia
nerv- nerve, -osa relating to] (FROST-byte) compound, -osis condition]
avitaminosis heat exhaustion hypothermia
(ay-vye-tah-mih-NOH-sis) (heet eg-ZAWS-chun) (hye-poh-THER-mee-ah)
[a- without, -vita- li e, -amin- ammonia heatstroke [hypo- under or below, -therm- heat,
compound, -osis condition] (HEET-strohk) -ia abnormal condition]
bulimarexia [stroke strike] kwashiorkor
(boo-lee-mah-REK-see-ah) hypercholesterolemia (kwah-shee-OR-kor)
[bu- ox, -lim- hunger, -orex- appetite, [kwashiorkor one who is displaced ( rom the
-ia condition] breast)]
[hyper- excessive, -chole- bile, -stero- solid,
bulimia -ol- alcohol, -emia blood condition] malignant hyperthermia (MH)
(boo-LEE-mee-ah) (mah-LIG-nant hye-per-THERM-ee-ah
[bu- ox, -lim- hunger, -ia condition] [em aych])
[malign- bad, -ant state, hyper- excessive,
-therm- heat, -ia abnormal condition]

Continued on p. 548
548 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 547)

marasmus phenylketonuria (PKU) scurvy

(mah-RAZ-mus) ( en-il-kee-toh-NOO-ree-ah) (SKER-vee)
[marasmus a wasting] [phen- shining (phenol), -yl- chemical, [scur- sour milk, -vy a swelling]
obesity -keton- acetone, -ur- urine, -ia condition] statin
(oh-BEES-ih-tee) protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) (STAT-in)
[ob- over, -es- eat, -ity state] (PROH-teen-KAL-or-ee mal-noo-TRISH-un [stat- stand, -in substance]
[pee see em])
[prote- primary, -in substance, calor- heat,
-ie ull o , mal- bad, -nutri- nourish,
-tion process]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
Macro nutrie nts
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r A. Dietary s ur es nutrients
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . 1. Nutrients d mp nents digested and abs rbed
by the b dy
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to 2. Ma r nutrientsnutrients needed in large daily
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e quantities ( arb hydrates, ats, pr teins) (Table 19-1)
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s 3. Mi r nutrientsnutrients needed in tiny daily quanti-
or be ore a te s t. ties (vitamins and minerals) (Table 19-3 and Table 19-4)
B. Carb hydrate metab lism
1. Carb hydrates are the pre erred energy nutrient the
De f nitio ns b dy
A. Nutriti nenergy-yielding nutrients, vitamins, and min- 2. T ree series hemi al rea ti ns that ur in a
erals that are ingested and assimilated int the b dy pre ise sequen e make up the pr ess glu se
19 (Figure 19-1) metab lism (Figure 19-2)
B. Metab lismpr ess using nutrient m le ules as a. Gly lysis urs in yt plasm the ell
energy s ur es and as building bl ks r ur wn (1) Anaer bi pr ess (uses n xygen)
m le ules (2) Changes glu se t pyruvi a id, whi h is then
C. Catab lismpr ess that breaks nutrient m le ules nverted int a etyl C A
d wn, releasing their st red energy; xygen used in (3) Yields small am unt energy (trans erred t
atab lism A P)
D. Anab lismpr ess that builds nutrient m le ules int b. Citri a id y le (Krebs y le) urs in the
mplex hemi al mp unds mit h ndria
(1) Aer bi pr ess (requires xygen)
(2) Changes a etyl C A t arb n di xide
Me tabo lic Functio n o the Live r (3) M st energy leaving the itri a id y le is in
A. Se retes bile t help me hani ally digest lipids by emul- the rm high-energy ele tr ns
si ying them . Ele tr n transp rt system (E S) urs in the
B. Pr esses bl d immediately a ter it leaves the gastr in- mit h ndria
testinal tra t (1) rans ers energy r m high-energy ele tr ns
1. H elps maintain n rmal bl d glu se n entrati n ( r m itri a id y le) t A P m le ules
2. Site pr tein, arb hydrate, and at metab lism (2) A P serves as dire t s ur e energy r ells
3. Rem ves t xins r m the bl d (Figure 19-3)
C. Synthesizes several kinds plasma pr teins, in luding 3. Aden sine triph sphate (A P)energy trans erred t
albumins, brin gen, l tting a t rs, et . A P di ers r m energy in nutrient m le ules
D. St res use ul substan es, in luding gly gen, lipids, a. N t st red; released alm st instantly
ertain vitamins b. Can be used dire tly t d ellular w rk
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 549

4. Anab lism and st rage glu se B. Mineralsin rgani m le ules und naturally in the
a. Glu se that is n t needed immediately r making earth
A P is st red as gly gen (a l ng hain glu se 1. Required by the b dy r n rmal un ti n, in luding
subunits) in liver and mus le ells nerve ndu ti n (Table 19-4)
b. Gly genesisanab li pr ess j ining glu se 2. May atta h t enzymes t a ilitate their w rk
m le ules t gether in a hain t rm gly gen
(st ring glu se r later use)
. Gly gen lysis atab li pr ess breaking
Re g ulating Fo o d Intake
apart gly gen hains, releasing individual glu se A. Regulat ry enters in the hyp thalamus play a primary
m le ules r use in making A P r le in ntr lling d intake
5. Bl d glu se level n entrati n glu se in 1. Appetite enterpr du es eelings hunger
bl d 2. Satiety enterpr du es eelings satis a ti n
a. N rmally maintained between ab ut 80 and B. F d intake regulati n results r m balan e between
110 mg per 100 mL bl d during asting hyp thalami ntr l enters
b. Insulin a elerates the m vement glu se ut C. Many diverse a t rs inf uen e the hyp thalami ntr l
the bl d int ells, there re de reasing bl d enters (Table 19-5)
glu se and in reasing glu se atab lism
(Figure 19-4)
C. Fat metab lism
Me tabo lic Rate s
1. Fats (trigly erides) are primarily an energy nutrient A. Basal metab li rate (BMR)rate metab lism when a
2. Fatty a ids and gly er l nverted t rms glu se pers n is lying d wn but awake, n t digesting d, and
by glu ne genesis t be atab lized and energy when the envir nment is m rtably warm
trans erred t A P (Figure 19-5) B. tal metab li rate ( MR)the t tal am unts
3. Ex ess atty a ids are anab lized t rm trigly erides energy, expressed in al ries, used by the b dy per day
that are st red in adip se tissue (Figure 19-7)
D. Pr tein metab lism
1. Pr teins are atab lized r energy nly a ter arb hy-
drate and at st res are depleted; ex ess dietary pr -
Me tabo lic and Eating Dis o rde rs
teins an als be atab lized r energy A. Disrupti n r imbalan e n rmal metab lism an be
2. Glu ne genesis breaks apart amin a ids t nvert aused by several di erent a t rs
them t a rm that enters the itri a id y le t 1. Inb rn err rs metab lismgeneti nditi ns
pr du e A P; the nitr gen us waste pr du t alled inv lving de ient r abn rmal metab li enzymes
urea is rmed in this pr ess (Figure 19-5) 2. S me metab li dis rders are mpli ati ns ther
3. Essential amino acids are th se that must be in the diet nditi ns
be ause the b dy ann t make them (Table 19-2) a. H rm nal imbalan es and eating dis rders
B. Eating dis rders 19
1. An rexia nerv sa hara terized by hr ni re usal
Micro nutrie nts t eat
A. Vitamins 2. Bulimiaan alternating pattern raving d
1. O rgani m le ules that are needed in small am unts ll wed by a peri d sel -denial; in bulimarexia, the
r n rmal metab lism (Table 19-3) sel -denial triggers sel -indu ed v miting
a. May bind t enzymes and enzymes t help them 3. O besityabn rmally high pr p rti n b dy at;
w rk e e tively may be a sympt m an eating dis rder; risk a t r
b. Vitamin A has r le in visi n r many hr ni diseases
. Vitamin D nverts t a h rm ne that regulates 4. Pr tein- al rie malnutriti n (PCM)results r m a
al ium h me stasis de ien y al ries in general and pr teins in parti -
d. Vitamin E is an anti xidant that pr te ts against ular; examples are marasmus and kwashi rk r
ree radi als (Figure 19-8 and Table 19-6)
2. Vitamin imbalan es
a. Avitamin sisde ien y a vitamin
(1) Can lead t severe metab li pr blems
Bo dy Te m pe rature
(2) Avitamin sis C an lead t s urvy (Figure 19-6) A. T erm regulati n
b. H ypervitamin sisex ess a vitamin 1. H yp thalamusregulates the h me stasis b dy
(1) Can be just as seri us as avitamin sis temperature (therm regulati n) thr ugh a variety
(2) May be hr ni r a ute pr esses
2. Bl d f w t the skin in reases when b dy is
550 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

3. H eat is l st thr ugh the skin by several me hanisms B. Abn rmal b dy temperature an have seri us physi l gi-
(Figure 19-9) al nsequen es (Figure 19-11)
a. Radiati nf w heat waves r m the bl d and 1. Fever ( ebrile state)unusually high b dy tempera-
skin ture ass iated with systemi inf ammati n resp nse
b. C ndu ti ntrans er heat energy t the skin 2. Malignant hyperthermia (MH )inherited nditi n
and then t ler external envir nment that auses in reased b dy temperature (hyperthermia)
. C nve ti ntrans er heat energy t ler air and mus le rigidity when exp sed t ertain anestheti s
that is ntinually f wing away r m the skin 3. H eat exhausti nresults r m l ss f uid as the
d. Evap rati nabs rpti n heat r m bl d and b dy tries t l itsel ; may be a mpanied by heat
skin by water (sweat) vap rizati n ramps
4. T e b dy an generate heat t maintain h me stasis 4. H eatstr ke (sunstr ke) verheating b dy resulting
ver the sh rt term (shivering) r the l ng term r m ailure therm regulat ry me hanisms in a
( hanges in metab li rates) warm envir nment
5. H eating and ling b dy is ntr lled by eedba k 5. H yp thermiaredu ed b dy temperature resulting
l ps that maintain a stable b dy temperature r m ailure therm regulat ry me hanisms in a
(Figure 19-10) ld envir nment
6. Fr stbitel al tissue damage aused by extreme
ld; may result in ne r sis r gangrene

STUDY TIPS 4. Vitamins and minerals assist in enzyme un ti n. Y u an
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in learn the names and un ti ns the vitamins and miner-
m e e ting your le arning goals . als r m the tables in the text r by making f ash ards
and he king nline res ur es. better understand the
This chapte r be gins by explaining the unctions o the live r and terms in this hapter, re er t the Language S ien e
the im portance o the portal s ys te m , both o w hich we re dis - and the Language Medi ine se ti ns.
cus s e d in e arlie r chapte rs . 5. Metab li rates des ribe h w qui kly y ur b dy is using
nutrients. T e basal metab li rate (BMR) is the am unt
1. T e pr ess metab lism re ers t the b dys use nutrients y u burn just t stay alive and awake. Y ur
nutrients. Fats and arb hydrates are used primarily r t tal metab li rate ( MR) depends n h w a tive y u
energy. are. Che k ut this website that all ws y u t al ulate
19 2. Gly lysis urs in the yt plasm the ell; it requires y ur BMR:
n xygen but pr du es very little energy. T e end pr d- 6. Make a hart t help y u learn the metab li dis rders.
u ts gly lysis enter the itri a id ( r Krebs) y le, O rganize the hart based n the me hanism r ause
whi h urs in the mit h ndria. T is pr ess requires ea h dis rder: de ien y r ex ess vitamins, nutriti n
xygen and pr du es mu h m re energy. S me the end dis rders, and dis rders temperature regulati n.
pr du ts the itri a id y le are high-energy m le ules 7. In y ur study gr up, review the f ash ards r the vita-
that are used t nvert ADP int A P; this is d ne in mins and minerals r Tables 19-2 and 19-3. Dis uss the
the ele tr n transp rt system. Energy st red between the pr esses arb hydrate, pr tein, and at metab lism.
ph sphates the A P m le ules an be used r the Dis uss what nstitutes basal and t tal metab li rates
needs the ell. Fat and pr tein m le ules an be m di- and the ways heat an be l st r m the b dy. Review the
ed s they an enter the itri a id y le. metab li dis rders hart, hapter utline summary and
3. T e term nonessential amino acids is s mewhat misleading; the questi ns at the end the hapter, and dis uss p ssi-
it d es n t mean y ur b dy d es n t need themit ble test questi ns.
means that they an be made r m ther amin a ids.
CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 551

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. De ne anab lism and atab lism. 24. Di erentiate between abs rpti n and assimilati n.
2. Explain the un ti n the liver. 25. Explain the advantage the b dy gains by having the
3. C mpare ma r nutrients and mi r nutrients bl d g thr ugh the hepati p rtal system.
4. Brief y explain the pr ess gly lysis. 26. Diagram the A P-ADP y le. In lude where the energy
5. Brief y explain the itri a id y le. is added and where the energy is released.
6. W hat is the un ti n the ele tr n transp rt system? 27. A man went n a 10-day va ati n. H is t tal metab li
7. Explain the ways in whi h energy st red in A P is di - rate was 2600 al ries a day. H is t tal al rie intake was
erent r m energy st red in nutrient m le ules. 3300 al ries a day. H e began the trip weighing
8. List the primary h rm nes that tend t in rease the 178 p unds. W hat did he weigh when he g t ba k r m
am unt sugar in the bl d. va ati n? (3500 ex ess al ries 1 p und)
9. Identi y when at atab lism usually urs. 28. Supp se y ur diet nsisted nly pr tein. Is it p ssible
10. Identi y when pr tein atab lism usually urs. r a pers n t keep r m gaining weight by eating nly
11. Explain what is meant by a n nessential amin a id. pr tein? Explain.
12. Explain the use statin drugs. 29. Explain the pr ess glu ne genesis and its un ti n
13. Name three water-s luble and three at-s luble vitamins. in at metab lism.
14. De ne avitamin sis. Name a dis rder aused by avita-
min sis. W hat vitamin de ien y auses this dis rder?
15. Name the signs and sympt ms vitamin A
hypervitamin sis.
16. Name three minerals needed by the b dy.
17. Brief y explain the un ti n vitamins and minerals in
the b dy.
18. L ate the satiety enter.
19. Di erentiate between basal and t tal metab li rate.
20. Distinguish between marasmus and kwashi rk r.
21. Name and explain ur ways heat an be l st thr ugh
the skin.
22. Explain the ause and sympt ms malignant 19
23. Distinguish between heat exhausti n and heatstr ke in
terms a pers ns b dy temperature.
552 CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism

8. ________ is the number al ries that must be used

Chapte r Te s t just t keep the b dy alive, awake, and m rtably
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by warm.
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m 9. In rder t l se weight, y ur t tal al ri intake must be
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . less than y ur ________.
10. One way heat an be l st by the skin is ________, whi h
1. T e pr ess ________ urs when nutrient m le- is the trans er heat t the air that is ntinually
ules enter the ell and underg hemi al hange. f wing away r m the skin.
2. ________ is the term used t des ribe all the hemi al 11. One way heat an be l st by the skin is ________, whi h
pr esses that release energy r m nutrients. is the abs rpti n heat by water (sweat) vap rizati n.
3. T e plasma pr teins ________ and ________ are made 12. ________ is the pr ess used by the b dy as the se nd
in the liver and are imp rtant in bl d l t rmati n. h i e energy metab lism.
4. T e vitamins ________ and ________ an be st red in 13. In the healthy b dy, ________ is used alm st ex lusively
the liver. r anab lism rather than atab lism.
5. T e h rm ne ________ is kn wn t a elerate glu se 14. ________ are amin a ids needed by the b dy, but they
transp rt thr ugh ell membranes. an be made r m ther amin a ids i they are n t sup-
6. An ex ess am unt h lester l in the bl d results in a plied dire tly by the diet.
nditi n alled ________.
7. T e B vitamins are ________ s luble, whereas vitamins
K and E are ________ s luble.

Match each term in Column A with its corresponding description in Column B.

Column A Column B
15. ________ gly lysis a. part the ell in whi h gly lysis urs
16. ________ glu ne genesis b. the part arb hydrate metab lism that d es n t require xygen
17. ________ ele tr n transp rt . pr ess that nverts high-energy m le ules r m the itri a id y le int A P
system d. pr ess that nverts gly er l int a mp und that an enter the gly lysis
18. ________ mit h ndria pathway
19. ________ yt plasm e. the b dys dire t s ur e energy
20. ________ A P . m le ule that results when aden sine triph sphate l ses a ph sphate gr up
21. ________ gly genesis g. the part the ell in whi h the itri a id y le takes pla e
22. ________ ADP h. glu se anab lism

CHAPTER 19 Nutrition and Metabolism 553

Match each disorder in Column A with its corresponding description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
23. ________ avitamin sis a. behavi ral dis rder hara terized by a hr ni re usal t eat
24. ________ hypervitamin sis b. in reased b dy temperature aused by exp sure t anestheti s
25. ________ an rexia nerv sa . type malnutriti n that results r m an verall la k al ries
26. ________ bulimia d. an verheating pr blem in whi h the b dy is dehydrated but the b dy temperature
27. ________ marasmus is n rmal
28. ________ kwashi rk r e. l al tissue damage aused by i e rystals rming in the ells
29. ________ malignant . nditi n that results in the devel pment s urvy
hyperthermia g. behavi ral dis rder hara terized by insatiable raving r d alternating with
30. ________ heat exhausti n sel -deprivati n; may in lude d binges
31. ________ heatstr ke h. a b dy temperature l wer than 95 F
32. ________ hyp thermia i. verheating pr blem in whi h the b dy temperature an be as high as 105 F;
33. ________ r stbite p tentially li e-threatening
j. type malnutriti n that results r m a la k pr tein with su ient t tal al ries
k. a vitamin ex ess, usually inv lving at-s luble vitamins

Cas e S tudie s replies that he su ered r m s urvy as a mer hant marine

To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to and l st all his teeth as a result. Is this p ssible? Can y u
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- explain h w s urvy an ause the l ss teeth?
book, and othe r re s ource s . 3. Andrea is planning t ad pt a t tally vegetarian dieta
diet that in ludes n meats r animal pr du ts. H er
1. A riend y urs is helping y u h p rew d n a h t riends have v i ed s me n ern that her new diet may
day. She mplains mus le ramps and nausea but has n t ntain ertain essential amin a ids. W hat is an
a n rmal b dy temperature. W hat has happened t her? essential amin a id? W hy must her diet ntain these
H w w uld y u help y ur riend? nutrients?
2. W hile l king thr ugh an ld amily album, y u ant
help but n ti e that y ur great-great-great-grand athers Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
smile reveals that he has n teeth. W hen asked why this at
an est r l st his teeth at an early age, y ur grandm ther

Urinary System
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Kidneys, 556 Elimination o Urine, 564

Location o the Kidneys, 556 Ureters, 564
Gross Structure o the Kidney, 556 Urinary Bladder, 565
Microscopic Structure o the Kidney, Urethra, 565
557 Micturition, 565
Overview o Kidney Function, 559 Abnormalities o Urine Output, 566
Formation o Urine, 560 Urinalysis, 567
Filtration, 560 Renal and Urinary Disorders, 567
Reabsorption, 561 Obstructive Disorders, 567
Secretion, 562 Urinary Tract In ections, 569
Summary o Urine Formation, 562 Glomerular Disorders, 570
Control o Urine Volume, 563 Kidney Failure, 571
Antidiuretic Hormone, 563
Aldosterone, 563
Atrial Natriuretic Hormone, 563
Abnormalities o Urine Volume, 563

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 3. Discuss the mechanisms that control
should be able to: urine volume.
1. Do the ollowing related to the kidneys: 4. Describe the structure and unction o
the ureters, urinary bladder, and
o the kidneys and explain how they urethra.
act as vital organs in maintaining ho- 5. Describe the process o micturition and
meostasis. the control problems that requently
occur with this process.
describe the role each component 6. Explain the purpose and importance o
plays in the balancing o blood and urinalysis.
ormation o urine. 7. List the major renal and urinary disor-
2. Explain the importance o f ltration, ders and explain the mechanism o
tubular reabsorption, and tubular secre- each disorder.
tion in renal physiology.
TER 20
As y u might guess r m its name, the urinary LANGUAGE OF
system per rms the un ti ns pr du ing and S C IEN C E
ex reting urine r m the b dy. W hat y u might n t
guess s easily is h w essential these un ti ns are r
Be o re re ading the
the maintenan e h me stasis and healthy sur-
chapte r, s ay e ach o
vival. T e nstan y b dy f uid v lumes and the the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
levels many imp rtant hemi als depend n he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
n rmal urinary system un ti n. W ith ut a ully the m as yo u re ad.
un ti nal urinary system, the n rmal mp si-
ti n bl d ann t be maintained r l ng, and
seri us nsequen es s n ll w. (AL-doh-steh-rohn or
T e urinary system is mp sed tw kidneys, [aldo- aldehyde, -stero- solid or
tw ureters, ne bladder, and ne urethra steroid derivative, -one chemical]
(Figure 20-1). Find the maj r stru tures the antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
urinary system in the Clear View o the Human (an-tee-dye-yoo-RET-ik
Body ( ll ws p. 8). HOR-mohn [ay dee aych])
[anti- against, -dia- through,
We begin ur dis ussi n with the -uret- urination, -ic relating to,
kidneys. T e kidneys lear r hormon- excite]
lean the bl d the many waste atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH)
pr du ts ntinually pr du ed as a (AY-tree-al nay-tree-yoo-RET-ik
result metab lism nutrients in HOR-mohn [ay en aych])
[atria- entrance courtyard (atrium
b dy ells. As nutrients are burned r energy,
o heart), -al relating to,
the waste pr du ts pr du ed must be rem ved
natri- natrium (sodium),
r m the bl d, r they qui kly a umulate -uret- urination, -ic relating to,
t t xi levelsa nditi n alled uremia r hormon- excite]
uremic poisoning. Bowman capsule
(BOH-men KAP-sul)
T e kidneys als play a vital r le in maintaining [William Bowman English anatomist,
ele tr lyte, water, and a id-base balan es in the caps- box, -ule little]
b dy. In this hapter, we dis uss the stru ture calyx
and un ti n ea h rgan the urinary sys- (KAY-liks)
tem. We als dis uss disease nditi ns pr - pl., calyces
du ed by abn rmal un ti ning the urinary (KAY-lih-seez)
system. In the ll wing hapters, we ntinue [calyx seed pod or cup]
the st ry by expl ring f uid and ele tr lyte collecting duct (CD)
balan e in Chapter 21 and a id-base balan e (koh-LEK-ting dukt [see dee])
in Chapter 22. [duct a leading]
cortical nephron
For an introduction to the urinary (KOHR-tih-kal NEF-ron)
system, go to AnimationDirect [cortic- bark (cortex), -al relating to,
nephro- kidney, -on unit]
online at
countercurrent mechanism
(KON-ter-ker-rent MEK-a-niz-em)
[counter- against, -current ow]

Continued on p. 574

556 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

Kid n e y s A heavy ushi n atthe renal at padn rmally en-

ases ea h kidney and helps h ld it in pla e.
Lo c a t io n o t h e Kid n e y s
N te the relatively large diameter the renal arteries in
l ate the kidneys n y ur wn b dy, stand ere t and put y ur Figure 20-1, A. N rmally, a little m re than 20% the t tal
hands n y ur hips with y ur thumbs meeting ver y ur ba k- bl d pumped by the heart ea h minute enters the kidneys.
b ne. W hen y u are in this p siti n, y ur kidneys lie ab ve y ur T e rate bl d f w thr ugh this rgan is am ng the high-
thumbs n either side y ur spinal lumn, but their pla ement est in the b dy. T is is understandable be ause ne the
is higher than y u might think. N te in Figure 20-1 that the right main un ti ns the kidney is t rem ve waste pr du ts
kidney, whi h t u hes the liver, is l wer than the le t. r m the bl d. Maintenan e a high rate bl d f w and
B th kidneys are pr te ted a bit by the l wer, p steri r n rmal bl d pressure in the kidneys is essential r the r-
part the rib age. T ey are l ated under the mus les the mati n urine.
ba k and behind ( utside) the parietal perit neumthe mem-
brane that lines the abd minal avity (see Figure 20-1, C). Be-
G ro s s S t r u c t u r e o t h e Kid n e y
ause this retroperitoneal l ati n, a surge n an perate
n a kidney r m behind with ut utting thr ugh the parietal Ex t e r n a l A n a t o m y
perit neum. On e the perit neum has been ut r pened, the T e kidneys resemble lima beans in shape, that is, r ughly val
p tential r spread in e ti n thr ugh ut the entire ab- with a medial indentati n (see Figure 20-1, A). T e medial in-
d minal avity in reases. dentati n, alled the hilum, is where vessels, nerves, and the

S pinous
Adre na l S
S ple e n proce s s of
gla nd
Lowe r e dge firs t lumba r L R
Live r Re na l a rte ry of ple ura ve rte bra
Le ft kidne y I
Re na l ve in
Twe lfth rib
Le ft kidne y Ele ve nth rib
kidne y Twe lfth rib
Abdomina l
Right kidne y
a orta
Ure te r
Infe rior
ve na ca va S pinous proce s s
Urina ry of fourth lumba r
bla dde r ve rte bra
ilia c a rte ry B
a nd ve in

I Ure thra Kidney

Re na l pe lvis
Infe rior
ve na ca va

P e ritone um Re na l fa t pa d

P e ritone a l
20 Re na l
ve in
ca vity Re na l a rte ry
Ure te r
Le ft kidne y
Urina ry bla dde r
S pinous
Abdomina l Mus cle proce s s D R L
a orta
C of ve rte bra
FIGURE 20-1 Urinary system. A, Anterior view o urinary organs. B, Sur ace markings o the kidneys,
eleventh and twel th ribs, spinous processes o L1 to L4, and lower edge o pleura viewed rom behind. C, Hori-
zontal (transverse) section o the abdomen showing the retroperitoneal position o the kidneys. D, X-ray lm o
the urinary organs.
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 557

Inte rlobula r
Ca ps ule (fibrous )
a rte rie s

Re na l
column Corte x Re na l
Re na l pa pilla of
s inus pyra mid
Minor ca lyce s

Ma jor ca lyce s
Hilum Fa t Hilum Re na l
pe lvis
Re na l
pe lvis
Re na l
pa pilla of
pyra mid Ure te r Re na l
Me dulla ry column
Me dulla pyra mid
S Me dulla ry
pyra mid
Ure te r M L

FIGURE 20-2 Kidney. Internal structure. A, Artists rendering o a coronal section o the kidney. B, Photo-
graph o coronal section o a preserved human kidney.

ureter nne t with the kidney. An average-sized kidney mea- pr du ing urine. It l ks a little like a tiny unnel with a
sures appr ximately 11 7 3 m (4.3 2.7 1.2 in). very l ng stem, but it is an unusual stem in that it is highly
T ere is a t ugh br us capsule that rms the exteri r wall nv lutedthat is, it has many bends in it.
the kidney. T e nephr n is mp sed tw prin ipal mp nents: the
renal corpuscle and the renal tubule. T e renal rpus le an be
In t e r n a l A n a t o m y subdivided still urther int tw parts and the renal tubule int
I y u were t sli e thr ugh a kidney r m side t side and ur regi ns r segments. Identi y ea h part the renal r-
pen it like the pages a b k ( alled a coronal section), y u pus le and renal tubule des ribed in Figure 20-4 and Figure 20-5.
w uld see the stru tures sh wn in Figure 20-2. Identi y ea h
the ll wing parts: A. Renal corpuscle
1. Glomerular capsulethe up-shaped t p a
1. Renal cortexthe uter part the kidney (the nephr n. T e h ll w, sa like gl merular apsule
w rd cortex mes r m the Latin w rd r bark, s surr unds the gl merulus. Als alled Bowman
the rtex an rgan is its uter layer). capsule.
2. Renal medullathe inner p rti n the kidney. 2. Glomerulusa netw rk bl d apillaries
3. Renal pyramidsthe triangular divisi ns the tu ked int the gl merular apsule. N te in
medulla the kidney. Extensi ns rti al tissue Figure 20-4, B that the small artery (af erent arteriole)
that dip d wn int the medulla between the renal that delivers bl d t the gl merulus is larger in
pyramids are alled renal columns. diameter than the ef erent arteriole that drains
4. Renal papilla (pl. papillae)narr w, innerm st end bl d r m the gl merulus and that it is relatively
a pyramid. sh rt. T is partly explains the high bl d pressure
5. Renal pelvis(als alled the kidney pelvis) an ex- that exists in the gl merular apillaries. T is high 20
pansi n the upper end a ureter (the tube that pressure is required t lter wastes r m the bl d.
drains urine int the bladder). B. Renal tubule
6. Calyx (pl. calyces)a divisi n the renal pelvis (the 1. Proximal convoluted tubule (PC )the rst
papilla a pyramid pens int ea h alyx). segment a renal tubule. T e PC is alled
proximal be ause it lies nearest the tubules rigin
r m the gl merular apsule, and it is alled con-
M ic ro s c o p ic S t r u c t u r e o t h e Kid n e y voluted be ause it has several bends.
M re than a milli n mi r s pi units alled nephrons make 2. Nephron loop (Henle loop)the extensi n
up ea h kidneys interi r (Figure 20-3). T e shape a nephr n the pr ximal tubule int the renal medulla. O b-
is unique, unmistakable, and admirably suited t its un ti n serve that the nephr n l p nsists a straight
558 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

Glome rulus cove re d by Cortica l Juxta me dulla ry

glome rula r ca ps ule ne phron ne phron
Me dulla
Re na l ca ps ule
Pa pilla
Re na l Dis ta l convolute d tubule (DCT)
pe lvis
Ca lyx P roxima l convolute d tubule (P CT)
Ure te r
Arte riole
Glome rulus
S Re na l corpus cle
Glome rula r
L M ca ps ule
As ce nding limb of ne phron loop

De s ce nding limb of ne phron loop

FIGURE 20-3 Location o nephrons. Magni ed
wedge cut rom a kidney shows an example o a corti-
cal nephron and a juxtamedullary nephron. The blood
vessels surrounding each nephron are not shown so that
the nephrons are seen clearly (compare to Figure 20-5).

Colle cting duct (CD)

Ne phron loop
descending limb, a hairpin turn, and a
straight ascending limb.
3. D istal convoluted tubule (D C )the
part the tubule distal t the as ending
limb the nephr n l p. T e DC ex- Urine r m the lle ting du ts exits r m the pyramid
tends r m the as ending limb t the lle t- thr ugh the papilla and enters the alyx and renal pelvis be-
ing du t. re f wing int the ureter.
4. Collecting duct (CD )a straight (that is, n t L k again at Figure 20-3. N ti e the di ering l ati ns
nv luted) part a renal tubule. Distal tubules the tw nephr ns in the illustrati n. One is l ated high in
several nephr ns j in t rm a single lle t- the rtex and is typi al ab ut 85% all nephr ns. Neph-
ing du t. r ns in this gr up are l ated alm st entirely in the renal

Affe re nt a rte riole

Affe re nt
a rte riole
Glome rula r
ca ps ule

Dis ta l tubule Glome rula r-

ca ps ula r
me mbra ne

20 Glome rulus

Effe re nt
a rte riole Glome rula r
ca pilla rie s
Juxta glome rula r (J G) ce lls
Effe re nt a rte riole
A P roxima l tubule B
FIGURE 20-4 Renal corpuscle. A, Schematic showing relationship o glomerulus to glomerular capsule
(Bowman capsule)together called the renal corpuscleand adjacent structures. B, Scanning electron micro-
graph showing several glomeruli and their associated blood vessels. The di erence in diameters o a erent and
e erent arterioles is clearly visible.
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 559

rtex and are alled cortical nephrons. T e remainder, alled eliminating wastes and adjusting f uid and ele tr lyte bal-
juxtamedullary nephrons, have their renal rpus les near an e, the kidneys play an essential part in maintaining h -
the jun ti n (juxta) betweevn the rtex and medullary layers. me stasis the wh le b dy.
T ese nephr ns have nephr n l ps that dip ar int the me- H me stasis ann t be maintainedn r an li e itsel i
dulla. Juxtamedullary nephr ns have an imp rtant r le in the kidneys ail and the nditi n is n t s n rre ted. Ni-
n entrating urine. tr gen us waste pr du ts a umulate as a result pr tein
breakd wn and qui kly rea h t xi levels i n t ex reted. I
kidney un ti n is greatly redu ed be ause aging, injury, r
O ve r v ie w o Kid n e y Fu n c t io n
disease, li e an be maintained by using an arti ial kidney t
T e kidneys are vital rgans. T e un ti n they per rm, that leanse the bl d wastes.
rming urine, is essential r h me stasis and mainte- Ex reti n t xins and nitr gen- ntaining waste
nan e li e. Early in the pr ess urine rmati n, f uid, pr du ts su h as urea and amm nia represents nly ne the
ele tr lytes, and wastes r m metab lism are ltered r m the imp rtant resp nsibilities the kidney. T e kidneys als play
bl d and enter the nephr n. Additi nal wastes may be se- a key r le in regulating the levels many hemi al substan es
reted int the tubules the nephr n while substan es use ul in the bl d su h as hl ride, s dium, p tassium, and bi ar-
t the b dy are reabs rbed int the bl d. b nate. T e kidneys als regulate the pr per balan e between
N rmally the kidneys balan e the am unt many sub- b dy water ntent and salt by sele tively retaining r ex ret-
stan es entering and leaving the bl d ver time s that ing b th substan es as requirements demand.
n rmal n entrati ns an be maintained. In sh rt, the kid- In additi n, the ells the juxtaglomerular ( JG) apparatus
neys adjust their utput t equal the intake the b dy. By (see Figure 20-4, A, and Figure 20-5) als un ti n in bl d v lume

Glome rula r ca ps ule

Re na l corpus cle
Glome rulus

P roxima l convolute d
tubule (P CT)
Effe re nt a rte riole

Juxta glome rula r (J G) a ppa ra tus

Affe re nt a rte riole

Pe ritubula r ca pilla rie s

Dis ta l convolute d tubule (DCT)

FIGURE 20-5 Nephron structure. Cross sec-

tions rom the our segments o the renal tubule
are shown. The di erences in appearance in tu-
bular cells seen in a cross section ref ect the di -
ering unctions o each nephron segment. A gap
in the nephron loop represents additional length
that cannot be shown in the allotted space.
Arte ry a nd ve in

Pe ritubula r ca pilla rie s
Colle cting duct (CD)

As ce nding limb of ne phron loop

De s ce nding limb of ne phron loop

560 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System Glome rulus P e ritubula r ca pilla rie s
Dis ta l
and bl d pressure regulati n. W hen bl d pressure is l w, Na (DCT)
whi h ten urs when bl d plasma v lume is l w, these JG
ells se rete an enzyme that triggers a system (dis ussed later in H 2O
this hapter) t help rest re n rmal bl d v lume and pressure.
Yet an ther imp rtant un ti n the kidney is se reti n
lome rula r P roxima l
the h rm ne erythropoietin (EPO). As a resp nse t hy- ca ps ule tubule (P CT)
poxia, a de ien y xygen in the b dy, erythr p ietin is
K H 2O
released int the bl dstream. EPO travels in the bl dstream Glucos e
t the red b ne marr w, where it stimulates the pr du ti n NH 3
additi nal erythr ytes (red bl d ells). T e additi nal eryth- NH 3
r ytes in rease the ability the bl d t abs rb and trans-
p rt xygen t xygen-starved tissues. H
EPO is s metimes used as a drug ( ne brand is Pr rit) t
treat anemia aused by riti al illness su h as an er. EPO is
s metimes abused by athletes attempting t impr ve their Ne phron loop Colle cting
athleti per rman e by b sting hemat ritthus in reasing duct (CD)
the xygen- arrying apa ity their bl d. (See Blood Dop-
ing on p. 354.) FIGURE 20-6 Formation o urine. Dia-
Filtra tion
As y u pr bably guessed, kidney disease an ause anemia gram shows examples o the steps in urine
Re a bs orption
by redu ing the b dys ability t pr du e EPO when needed. ormation in successive parts o a nephron:
S e cre tion
W ith all these vital un ti ns, it is easy t understand why ltration, reabsorption, and secretion.
the kidneys are ten nsidered t be am ng the m st im-
p rtant h me stati rgans in the b dy.
Filt r a t io n
To learn more about the kidney, go to Urine rmati n begins with the pr ess ltration, whi h
AnimationDirect at g es n ntinually in the renal rpus les (gl merular ap-
sules plus their en ased gl meruli). Bl d f wing thr ugh the
QUICK CHECK gl meruli exerts pressure, and this gl merular bl d pressure is
1. Na m e s ix g ro s s s tru ctu re s o th e kid n e y. high en ugh t push water and diss lved substan es thr ugh
2. Wh a t a re th e p rim a ry s tru ctu re s o a n e p h ro n ? the glomerular-capsular membrane int the gl merular ap-
3. Wh a t is th e re la tio n s h ip o th e g lo m e ru la r ca p s u le w h e n sule. I the gl merular bl d pressure were t dr p bel w a
d is cu s s in g th e s e g m e n ts o th e re n a l tu b u le a n d th e d ire c- ertain level, ltrati n and urine rmati n w uld ease. H em-
tio n a l te rm s p roxim a l a n d d is ta l ? rrhage, r example, may ause a pre ipit us dr p in bl d
4. Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o th e h o rm o n e e ryth ro p o ie tin ?
pressure ll wed by kidney ailure.

Fo r m a t io n o U r in e
T e kidneys tw milli n r m re nephr ns
balan e the mp siti n the bl d plasma, C LIN ICA L APPLICATION
thus helping maintain a h me stati n-
stan y r the internal envir nment the THE AGING KIDNEY
wh le b dy. In per rming this riti al un - As w ith othe r body organs , the kidneys unde rgo both age -re late d s tructural
ti n, the kidneys nephr ns must f ush ut change s and de cre as ing unctional capacity. Adults olde r than 35 ye ars o age
ex ess r waste m le ules by ex reting urine. gradually los e unctional ne phron units , and kidney we ight actually de cre as e s .
T e nephr ns rm urine by way a m- By approxim ate ly 80 to 85 ye ars o age , m os t individuals w ill have expe rie nce d
binati n three pr esses: a 30% re duction in total kidney m as s .
20 1. Filtrati n
In s pite o a num e rical re duction in actual kidney ne phron units and a de -
cre as e in the m e tabolic activity o re m aining tubular ce lls , m os t o the s e indi-
2. Reabs rpti n viduals continue to exhibit norm al kidney unction. This is pos s ible be caus e
3. Se reti n olde r pe rs ons ge ne rally have a lowe r ove rall le an body m as s and the re ore a
re duce d production o was te products that m us t be excre te d rom the body.
Figure 20-6 summarizes these three pr esses.
Howeve r, the m argin o s a e ty is als o re duce d, and any s tre s s on the re m ain-
ing unctional ne phrons , s uch as a s ys te m ic in e ction or a re duction in kidney
To better understand this blood ow, can produce alm os t im m e diate s ym ptom s o kidney ailure .
concept, use the Active Concept Marginal kidney unction in old age m ay m ake it di f cult to excre te drugs
that are e as ily cle are d rom the blood o younge r pe rs ons , and dos age s o m any
Map Formation o Urine at
m e dications have to be adjus te d accordingly or olde r patie nts .
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 561

Gl merular ltrati n n rmally urs at the rate (Cl ). F r the m st part, s dium i ns are a tively trans-
125 mL per minute. T is is equivalent t ab ut 180 L (nearly p rted ba k int bl d r m the tubular f uid in all segments
50 gall ns) glomerular ltrate being pr du ed by the kid- the kidney tubule ex ept the lle ting du ts.
neys every day. S dium reabs rpti n in the nephr n l p is a spe ial ase.
O bvi usly n ne ever ex retes anywhere near 180 L T e nephr n l p and its surr unding peritubular apillaries
urine per day. W hy? Be ause m st the f uid that leaves the dip ar int the medulla and then return ba k up in what is
bl d by gl merular ltrati n, the rst pr ess in urine rma- alled countercurrent f w (see Figure 20-5 n p. 559). T is un-
ti n, returns t the bl d by the se nd pr essreabsorption. ter urrent f wf w in pp site dire ti ns ltrate ba k
up the nephr n l p permits transp rt large am unts s -
dium and hl ride int the interstitial f uid the medulla. T is
Re a b s o r p t io n makes the medulla very salty r hyperosmotic. H yper s-
Reabsorption is the m vement substan es ut the renal m ti s luti ns are s named be ause they generally pr m te
tubules int the bl d apillaries l ated ar und the tubules sm sis water (int them), as d hypert ni s luti ns.
(peritubular apillaries). Water, glu se, and ther nutrients, In additi n, the unter urrent f w bl d in the peritu-
as well as s dium and ther i ns, are substan es that are reab- bular apillaries surr unding the nephr n l p ails t rem ve
s rbed. Reabs rpti n begins in the pr ximal nv luted tu- all the ex ess s dium and hl ride r m the renal medulla.
bules and ntinues in the nephr n l p, distal nv luted gether, these countercurrent mechanisms maintain
tubules, and lle ting du ts. hyper sm ti nditi ns in the medulla. By maintaining a
Large am unts waterappr ximately 120 L per day hyper sm ti medulla, the kidney is able t n entrate urine
are reabs rbed by sm sis r m the pr ximal tubules. In ther by reabs rbing m re water by sm sis than therwise p ssi-
w rds, r ughly tw -thirds the 180 L water that leaves ble. H w the kidney thus regulates urine v lume is vered
the bl d ea h day by gl merular ltrati n returns t the subsequently.
bl d by pr ximal tubule reabs rpti n. T e pr ximal tubules T e am unt s dium reabs rbed depends largely n the
als reabs rb ab ut tw -thirds m st i ns, as well as nearly b dys intake. In general the greater the am unt s dium
all the small rgani m le ules. intake, the less the am unt reabs rbed and the greater the
Smaller am unts water and i ns are later reabs rbed in am unt ex reted in the urine. Als , the less s dium intake, the
the nephr n l ps, distal tubules, and lle ting du ts. greater the reabs rpti n r m kidney tubules and the less ex-
C mm n table salt (NaCl) nsumed in the diet r in- reted in the urine.
tr du ed by intraven us (IV) in usi n n rmal saline Rather than being a tively reabs rbed r m renal tubules
(0.9% NaCl) r ther NaCl- as are s dium i ns (Na ), hl ride i ns (Cl ) passively m ve
ntaining f uids, pr vides int bl d be ause they arry a negative ele tri al harge. T e
the b dy with s dium i ns p sitively harged s dium i ns that have been reabs rbed and
(Na ) and hl ride i ns m ved int the bl d attra t the negatively harged hl ride
i ns r m the tubule f uid int the peritubular apillaries.
Figure 20-7 explains the details h w s dium, hl ride, and
water are reabs rbed a r ss the tubule wall and int the peri-
tubular bl d. ake a ew minutes t review ea h step in the

Lume n of Wa ll of Inte rs titia l P e ritubula r

tubule tubule s pa ce ca pilla ry
FIGURE 20-7 Reabsorption o ions and
water. 1 Sodium ions (Na ) are pumped rom
the tubule cell to interstitial f uid (IF), thereby
increasing the interstitial Na concentration to
Na Na
a level that drives di usion o Na into blood.
1 Na Na
As Na is pumped out o the cell, more Na 20
passively di uses in rom the ltrate to maintain
ATP an equilibrium o concentration. Enough Na
2 Cl Cl ADP moves out o the tubule and into blood that an
electrical gradient is established (blood is posi-
Cl Cl tive relative to the ltrate). 2 Electrical attrac-
3 H 2O H 2O tion between oppositely charged particles
drives di usion o negative ions in the ltrate,
such as chloride (Cl ), into blood. 3 When the
H 2O H 2O ion concentration in blood increases, osmosis o
water rom the tubule occurs. Thus active trans-
Filtrate Epithe lial c e ll IF Blo o d port o sodium creates a situation that promotes
passive transport o negative ions and water.
562 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System Lume n of Wa ll of Inte rs titia l P e ritubula r
tubule tubule s pa ce ca pilla ry

All the ltered glu se is n rmally reabs rbed r m the

G Glucos e
pr ximal tubules int peritubular apillary bl d. N ne this
valuable nutrient is wasted by being l st in the urine. Figure 20-8 G Na+ Na+
sh ws h w s dium-glu se arriers in the tubule wall all w
glu se m le ules t passively tag al ng as s dium is a tively Na+ Na+
reabs rbed ba k int the bl d. G ATP
T e transport maximum ( max)the largest am unt Na+
any substan e that an be reabs rbed at ne timeis deter-
mined mainly by the number available transp rters that Epithe lial
substan e. T e transp rt maximum any substan e helps G c e ll Blo o d
determine the renal thresholdthe am unt substan e in Filtrate c apillary
the bl d ab ve whi h the kidney ex retes the ex ess sub-
stan e in the urine.
FIGURE 20-8 Reabsorption o glucose. The presence o sodium
Un rtunately, s metimes n t all the glu se in the tubule glucose transporters provides a way or the active transport o sodium to
ltrate is re vered by the bl d. F r example, in diabetes mel- also passively transport glucose across tubule cells and eventually back into
litus (DM ), i bl d glu se n entrati n in reases ab ve the the blood. The availability o these transporters may limit how much glucose
renal thresh ld, tubular ltrate then ntains m re glu se can be reabsorbed at one time.
than kidney tubule ells an reabs rb. T ere are n t en ugh
s dium-glu se transp rters t handle the ex ess glu se im- Many substan es that are se reted r m peritubular bl d
mediately. S me the glu se there re remains behind in enter the ltrate primarily in the pr ximal tubule and, t a
the urine. Glu se in the urineglycosuriais a well-kn wn lesser extent, the distal nv luted tubule and lle ting du ts.
sign DM. T e maj r ex epti n t this rule thumb is p tassium
Retaining glu se in the urine als pr m tes ther lassi i n, whi h is se reted primarily int the lle ting du ts in an
sympt ms DM. F r example, high glu se n entrati n in ex hange with s dium. Urine v lume p tassium i ns (K )
the tubular ltrate means that less water will leave the tubules varies greatly with diet. S me diuretic drugs, whi h stimulate
by sm sis. T us urine is dilute and has a higher than n rmal the pr du ti n urine (see the b x n p. 591), are said t be
v lumeresulting in the ex essive urinati n (polyuria) typi al p tassium wasting be ause they in rease secretion p tas-
untreated DM. T is in reased l ss water r m the b dy, sium int tubular f uid and thus its ex reti n in the urine.
in turn, triggers thirst alled polydipsiaals a lassi indi- In the distal nv luted tubules and lle ting du ts, s -
at r DM. N w is a g d time t review the DM n ept dium se reti n is dependent n h rm nes that are als im-
map sh wn in Figure 12-18 n p. 337. p rtant in regulating urine v lume, as dis ussed bel w. Am-
m nia is se reted passively by di usi n.
Kidney tubule se reti n plays a ru ial r le in maintaining
S e c r e t io n the b dys f uid, ele tr lyte, and a id-base balan e dis ussed in
Secretion is the pr ess by whi h substan es m ve int urine Chapters 21 and 22.
in the distal and lle ting du ts r m bl d in the apillaries
ar und these tubules. In this respe t, se reti n is reabs rpti n
in reverse. W hereas reabs rpti n m ves substan es ut the
S u m m a ry o U r in e Fo r m a t io n
urine int the bl d, se reti n m ves substan es ut the In summary, the ll wing pr esses urring in su essive
bl d int the urine. p rti ns the nephr n a mplish the un ti n urine
ubular se reti n serves an imp rtant un ti n by help- rmati n (Table 20-1):
ing t rem ve r lear the bl d ex ess p tassium and
hydr gen i ns, ertain drugs in luding peni illin and phen - 1. Filtration water and diss lved substan es ut
barbital, and numer us wastes su h as urea, uri a id, and the bl d in the gl meruli int the gl merular
reatinine. apsule.

TABLE 20-1 Functions o Parts o Nephron in Urine Formation
Glom e rulus and glom e rular Filtration Wate r and s olute s ( or exam ple , s odium and othe r ions , glucos e and othe r nutri-
caps ule e nts f lte ring out o glom e ruli into glom e rular caps ule s )
Proxim al tubule Re abs orption Wate r and s olute s (glucos e , am ino acids , Na )
Se cre tion Nitroge nous was te s , s om e drugs
Ne phron loop Re abs orption Sodium and chloride ions
Dis tal and colle cting tubule s Re abs orption Wate r, s odium , and chloride ions
Se cre tion Am m onia, potas s ium ions , hydroge n ions , and s om e drugs
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 563

2. Reabsorption water and diss lved substan es reabs rb s dium at a aster rate. Se ndarily, ald ster ne als
ut kidney tubules ba k int bl d. T is prevents in reases tubular water reabs rpti n be ause water always
substan es needed by the b dy r m being l st in ll ws s dium by sm sis whenever p ssible. T e term salt-
urine. Usually, up t 99% water, s dium, and hl - and water-retaining hormone there re is an apt des riptive
ride ltered ut gl merular bl d is retrieved r m ni kname r ald ster ne. Like ADH , ald ster ne redu es
tubulesal ng with 100% glu se and ther urine v lume.
small rgani m le ules. T e kidney itsel is resp nsible r triggering ald ster ne
3. Secretion hydr gen i ns, p tassium i ns, and se reti n, a a t that illustrates the imp rtan e the kidney
ertain drugs r m bl d int kidney tubules. in regulating verall f uid v lume and bl d pressure in the
b dy. W hen bl d v lume and pressure dr p bel w n rmal,
To learn more about urine ormation, go to this is sensed by ells in the JG apparatus. JG ells then release
AnimationDirect at an enzyme alled renin that initiates the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system (RAAS). T e RAAS eventually pr du es
QUICK CHECK nstri ti n bl d vessels and by d ing s , raises bl d
pressure. T e RAAS als triggers adrenal gland se reti n
1. Wh a t a re th e th re e b a s ic p ro ce s s e s th a t o ccu r in th e
n e p h ro n ? ald ster ne, whi h pr m tes water retenti n and thus in-
2. Wh e re d o e s f ltra tio n o ccu r in th e n e p h ro n ? reases t tal bl d v lumethus als ntributing t a rise in
3. Wh e re d o e s re a b s o rp tio n o ccu r in th e n e p h ro n ? bl d pressure. Figure 20-9 illustrates the main events the
RAAS and h w it a ts t rest re n rmal plasma v lume and
bl d pressure. Ald ster ne me hanisms are als dis ussed in
the next hapter.
C o n t ro l o U r in e Vo lu m e
T e b dy has ways t ntr l the am unt and mp siti n
A t r ia l N a t r iu r e t ic Ho r m o n e
the urine that it ex retes. It d es this mainly by ntr lling the
am unt water and diss lved substan es that are reabs rbed An ther h rm ne, atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) se-
by the kidney tubules. reted r m the hearts atrial wall, has the pp site e e t
ald ster ne. ANH is the primary atrial natriuretic peptide
(ANP) h rm ne in humans. ANH stimulates kidney tubules
A n t id iu r e t ic Ho r m o n e t se rete m re s dium and thus l se m re water. ANH is
An example regulating water reabs rpti n in kidney tubules a salt- and water-losing hormone. T us ANH in reases urine
inv lves a h rm ne alled antidiuretic hormone (AD H) se- v lume while redu ing bl d v lume.
reted r m the p steri r pituitary gland. ADH de reases the T e b dy se retes ADH , ald ster ne, and ANH in di er-
am unt urine by making lle ting du ts (CDs) permeable ent am unts, depending n the h me stati balan e b dy
t water. f uids at any parti ular m ment.
I n ADH is present, the CDs are pra ti ally imperme-
able t water, s little r n water is reabs rbed r m them.
W hen ADH appears in the bl d, CDs be me permeable t
A b n o r m a lit ie s o U r in e Vo lu m e
water and water is reabs rbed r m them. As a result, less S metimes the kidneys d n t ex rete n rmal am unts
water is l st r m the b dy as urine, and thus m re water is urine as a result kidney disease, end rine imbalan es, ar-
retained by the b dythink it in whi hever way y u nd di vas ular disease, stress, r a variety ther nditi ns.
it easier t remember. At any rate, r this reas n ADH an H ere are s me terms ass iated with abn rmal am unts
a urately be des ribed as the water-retaining h rm ne r urine:
the urine-de reasing h rm ne.
1. Anuriaabsen e urine
Re all that the unter urrent me hanisms the nephr n
2. O ligurias anty am unt urine
l p and its apillaries maintain a hyper sm ti (salty) me-
3. Polyuriaunusually large am unt urine
dulla. W hen ltrate m ves d wn the lle ting du ts, the a -
ti n ADH all ws sm sis water t equilibrate with the Be ause a hange in urine v lume r utput is a signi ant 20
hyper sm ti interstitial f uid the medullathus rem ving indi at r many types f uid alterati ns and diseases, mea-
m re water r m the ltrate than w uld therwise be p ssible. surement b th f uid intake and f uid utput (urine v lume)
Maintaining a salty r hyper sm ti medulla all ws ADH t ver a spe i ed peri d time, ten abbreviated as I & O, is
have a pr n un ed e e t in n entrating urine, thereby n- a mm n pra ti e in lini al medi ine. T e n rmal adult
serving the b dys valuable water. urine utput is ab ut 1500 t 1600 mL per day.

A ld o s t e ro n e QUICK CHECK
T e h rm ne aldosterone, se reted by the adrenal rtex, 1. Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o ANH?
2. Ho w d o ADH a n d a ld o s te ro n e a e ct u rin e o u tp u t?
plays an imp rtant part in ntr lling the kidney tubules re-
3. Ho w d o a n u ria a n d p o lyu ria d i e r?
abs rpti n s dium. Primarily, it stimulates the tubules t
564 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

Norma l Norma l Elim in a t io n o U r in e

blood pla s ma
pre s s ure volume On e urine is rmed by the kidneys, it must be eliminated r m
the b dy. O ur dis ussi n n w returns t a us n anat my as
we dis uss the plumbing needed t drain the urine away.
S ome fa ctor S ome fa ctor

Ure t e rs
Urine drains ut the lle ting tubules ea h kidney int
Low Low
blood pla s ma the renal pelvis and d wn the ureter int the urinary bladder
pre s s ure volume (see Figure 20-1). T e renal pelvis is the basinlike upper end
the ureter l ated inside the kidney. Ureters are narr w tubes
1 less than 6 millimeters (mm) ( in h) wide and 25 t 30 en-
timeters ( m) (10 t 12 in hes) l ng.
Juxta glome rula r Mu us membranes eaturing easily stret hable transi-
a ppa ra tus
re le a s e s re nin
tional epithelium line b th ureters and ea h renal pelvis. N te
Re s tore s Re s tore s
in Figure 20-10 that the ureter has a thi k, mus ular wall. C n-
tra ti n the mus ular at pr du es peristalti -type m ve-
ments that assist in m ving urine d wn the ureters int the
bladder. T e lining membrane the ureters is ri hly supplied
Re nin conve rts a ngiote ns inoge n
in pla s ma to a ngiote ns in I with sens ry nerve endings.
Epis des renal colicpain aused by the passage a
kidney st nehave been des ribed in medi al writings sin e
antiquity. Kidney st nes ause intense pain i they have sharp
Angiote ns in-conve rting e nzyme edges r are large en ugh t distend the walls r ut the lining
(ACE) conve rts a ngiote ns in I to the ureters r urethra as they pass r m the kidneys t the
a ngiote ns in II
exteri r the b dy. S me the pain is aused by tearing r
3 stret hing the urinary liningal ng with the a mpany-
4 ing inf ammati n. H wever, mu h the pain is ass iated
with ramping mus les that attempt t push a kidney st ne
Angiote ns in II Angiote ns in II rward. T e term li is used be ause its similarity t
promote s promote s a dre na l
va s ocons triction gla nd s e cre tion
of a rte riole s of a ldos te rone
Lume n Tra ns itiona l e pithe lium

Aldos te rone
promote s wa te r
re a bs orption by

FIGURE 20-9 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS).

1 Low plasma volume reduces blood pressure below normal, which is
detected by juxtaglomerular (JG) cells in the juxtaglomerular apparatus o
the kidney.
2 This triggers JG cells to release the enzyme renin, which converts an-
giotensinogen into angiotensin I.
3 The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) ( ound in various tissues)
20 then converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
4 Angiotensin II stimulates constriction o arteriolar smooth muscles,
increasing blood pressure back toward normal.
5 Angiotensin II also triggers adrenal gland secretion o aldosterone,
which promotes water retention by the kidney and thus restoration o
normal blood volume and pressure.
Adipos e Conne ctive tis s ue S mooth
tis s ue (la mina propria ) mus cle

FIGURE 20-10 Ureter cross section. Note the many olds o the mucous
lining (transitional epithelium) that permit stretching as urine passes through
the tube. A thick muscular layer o smooth muscle helps pump urine toward
the bladder. On its outer sur ace the ureter is covered by a tough brous connec-
tive tissue coat.
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 565

pain ul ramps s metimes experien ed in the mus le layers Ure te r Cut e dge of
the l n. Urina ry pe ritone um
mucos a
Medical imaging techniques can clearly outline (tra ns itiona l
e pithe lium) S mooth
the segments o the urinary tract to show possible mus cle
abnormalities. To see examples, check out the
article Visualizing the Urinary Tract at Connect It! Trigone
at Ope ning
of ure te r Ope ning
of ure te r
U r in a ry Bla d d e r Ruga e

T e empty urinary bladder lies in the pelvis just behind the

Inte rna l
pubi symphysis. W hen ull urine, it pr je ts upward int
P ros ta te urina ry
the l wer p rti n the abd minal avity. In w men it sits in s phincte r
gla nd
r nt the uterus, whereas in men, it rests n the pr state.
Exte rna l P ros ta tic ure thra
Elasti bers and inv luntary mus le bers in the wall
urina ry
the urinary bladder make it well suited r expanding t h ld s phincte r Bulboure thra l
variable am unts urine and then ntra ting t empty it- gla nd S
sel . Mu us membrane ntaining transiti nal epithelium
lines the urinary bladder (Figure 20-11). T e lining is l sely
atta hed t the deeper mus ular layer s that the bladder is A I
very wrinkled and lies in lds alled rugae when it is empty.
W hen the bladder is lled, its inner sur a e may stret h until
it is sm th. Kidne y
N te in Figure 20-11, A, that ne triangular area n the ba k
r p steri r sur a e the bladder is ree rugae. T is area, S
Ure te r
alled the trigone, is always sm th. T ere, the lining mem- P A A P
brane is tightly xed t the deeper mus le at. T e trig ne Bla dde r
extends between the penings the tw ureters ab ve and P ubic
the p int exit the urethra bel w. s ymphys is
Re ctum Ure thra Re ctum
Ure t h ra P e nis
Urina ry
leave the b dy, urine passes r m the bladder, d wn the me a tus
urethra, and ut its external pening, the urinary meatus. B Ute rus Va gina P ros ta te gla nd
In ther w rds, the urethra is the l west and last part the FIGURE 20-11 Urinary bladder. A, Frontal view o a ully distended
urinary tra t. male bladder dissected to show the interior. Note the relationship o the
T e same sheet mu us membrane that lines ea h renal prostate gland, which surrounds the urethra as it exits the bladder. This re-
pelvis, the ureters, and the bladder extends d wn int the lationship is discussed in Chapter 23. B, Sagittal section o the emale uri-
urethra, t . It is w rth n ting the ntinuity the urinary nary system (le t) and the male urinary system (right) showing relationship
o the bladder to other anatomical structures.
mu us lining be ause it a unts r the a t that an in e -
ti n the urethra may spread upward thr ugh the urinary
tra t t ause cystitis (bladder in e ti n).
T e urethra is a narr w tube; it is nly ab ut 4 m urethral sphincter is l ated at the bladder exit, and the external
(1 in hes) l ng in a w man, but it is ab ut 20 m (8 in hes) urethral sphincter ir les the urethra just bel w the ne k the
l ng in a man. In a man, the urethra has tw un ti ns: (1) it bladder (see Figure 20-11). W hen ntra ted, b th sphin ters
is the terminal p rti n the urinary tra t, and (2) it is the seal the bladder and all w urine t a umulate with ut 20
passageway r m vement the repr du tive f uid (semen) leaking t the exteri r. T e internal urethral sphin ter is inv l-
r m the b dy. In a w man, the urethra is a part nly the untary, and the external urethral sphin ter is mp sed
urinary tra t. striated mus le and is under v luntary ntr l.
T e mus ular wall the bladder permits this rgan t
a mm date a nsiderable v lume urine with very little
M ic t u r it io n in rease in pressure until a v lume 300 t 400 mL is
T e terms micturition, urination, and voiding all re er t the rea hed. As the v lume urine in reases, the need t v id
passage urine r m the b dy r the emptying the bladder. may be n ti ed at v lumes 150 mL, but mi turiti n in
w sphincters (rings mus le tissue) a t as valves that adults d es n t n rmally ur mu h bel w v lumes
guard the pathway leading r m the bladder. T e internal 350 mL.
566 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

As the bladder wall stret hes, nerve impulses are transmit- Mi turiti n is a mplex b dy un ti n. It requires ntr l
ted t the se nd, third, and urth sa ral segments the and integrati n b th v luntary and inv luntary nerv us
spinal rd, and an emptying re ex is initiated. T e ref ex system mp nents a ting n a variety anat mi stru tures.
auses ntra ti n the mus le the bladder wall and re- Un rtunately, h me stati ntr l pr blems ur quite re-
laxati n the internal sphin ter. Urine then enters the ure- quently in this mplex system. In additi n t the 15% t 20%
thra. I the external sphin ter, whi h is under v luntary n- hildren wh experien e s me degree enuresis, v iding
tr l, is relaxed, mi turiti n urs. V luntary ntra ti n dys un ti n a e ts nearly 15 milli n adult Ameri ans. Pe ple
the external sphin ter an suppress the emptying ref ex until ver 60 are espe ially at risk, with elderly w men a e ted al-
the bladder is lled t apa ity, when l ss ntr l urs. m st twi e as ten as men.
C ntra ti n this p wer ul sphin ter an als abruptly ter- Urinary incontinence r enuresis re ers t inv luntary
minate urinati n v luntarily. v iding r l ss urine in an lder hild r adult. Urge incon-
H igher enters in the brain als un ti n in mi turiti n by tinence is ass iated with sm th mus le vera tivity in the
integrating bladder ntra ti n and internal and external bladder wall. T e term stress incontinence is ten used t de-
sphin ter relaxati n, with the perative ntra ti n pel- s ribe the type urine l ss ass iated with laughing, ugh-
vi and abd minal mus les. ing, r heavy li ting. It is a mm n pr blem in w men with
weakened pelvi f r mus les ll wing pregnan y. S - alled
over ow incontinence is hara terized by intermittent dribbling
A b n o r m a lit ie s o U r in e O u t p u t urine. It results r m urinary retenti n and an verdistended
Urinary retention is a nditi n in whi h n urine is v ided. bladdera mm n pr blem in men with an enlarged pr s-
T e kidneys pr du e urine, but the bladder, r ne reas n r tate gland (see Chapter 23).
an ther, ann t empty itsel . In urinary suppression the p- Re ex incontinence urs in the absen e any sens ry
p site is true. T e kidneys d n t pr du e any urine, but the warning r awareness. It is mm n in nerv us system dis r-
bladder retains the ability t empty itsel . ders su h as str ke, parkins nism, r spinal rd injury. I


Urinary cathe te rizatio n is the pas s age or ins e rtion o a hollow the urinary s ys te m . Clinical s tudie s have prove d that im prope r
tube or cathe te r through the ure thra into the bladde r or the cathe te rization te chnique s caus e bladde r in e ctions a condi-
w ithdrawal o urine (s e e f gure ). It is a m e dical proce dure com - tion calle d cys titis and point out the ne e d or exte ns ive train-
m only pe r orm e d on patie nts w ho unde rgo prolonge d s urgical ing o he alth pro e s s ionals w ho pe r orm cathe te rizations . To
or diagnos tic proce dure s or w ho expe rie nce proble m s w ith m inim ize the ris k o in e ction, s om e acilitie s now us e ultra-
urinary re te ntion. s ound im aging o the bladde r to de te rm ine w he the r urine is
Corre ct cathe te rization proce dure s re quire as e ptic te ch- be ing involuntarily re taine d in the bladde rre placing the or-
nique s to preve nt the introduction o in e ctious bacte ria into m e r practice o cathe te rizing a patie nt at tim e d inte rvals .





A Fe male B Male
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 567

t tally ut r m spinal innervati n, the bladder mus ulature

a quires s me aut mati a ti n, and peri di but unpredi t-
Re n a l a n d U r in a ry D is o r d e r s
able v iding ursa nditi n alled neurogenic bladder. Y u may have experien ed the dis m rt and pain ul, burn-
Bed wetting at night (nocturnal enuresis) ten urs in a ing urinati n, alled dysuria, ass iated with a bladder in e -
hild wh is bey nd the age when v luntary bladder ntr l ti n r kn w s me ne wh has. Bladder in e ti n is the m st
is expe ted. In iden e is higher in b ys than in girls and is mm n urinary dis rder, but it usually is n t seri us i
ten due t maturati nal delay the mplex urinary re- pr mptly treated. A number renal and urinary dis rders are
f exes needed r v luntary ntr l mi turiti n. very seri us, h wever. Any dis rder that signi antly redu es
the e e tiveness the kidneys is immediately li e threaten-
QUICK CHECK ing. In this se ti n, we dis uss s me li e-threatening kidney
1. Th ro u g h w h a t tu b e d o e s u rin e le a ve th e kid n e y?
diseases, as well as a ew the less seri us but m re mm n
2. Wh a t s tru ctu ra l ch a ra cte ris tics o th e b la d d e r a llo w it to dis rders.
e xp a n d to h o ld u rin e ?
3. Th ro u g h w h a t s tru ctu re d o e s u rin e p a s s ro m th e b la d d e r
to th e o u ts id e o th e b o d y? O b s t r u c t ive D is o r d e r s
4. Wh a t is ove r o w in co n tin e n ce ?
O bstru tive urinary dis rders are abn rmalities that inter ere
with n rmal urine f w anywhere in the urinary tra t. T e
severity bstru tive dis rders depends n the l ati n
U r in a ly s is the inter eren e and the degree t whi h the f w urine is
T e physi al, hemi al, and mi r s pi examinati n urine impaired. O bstru ti n urine f w usually results in ba king
is termed urinalysis. Like bl d, urine is a f uid wh se study up the urine, perhaps all the way t the kidney itsel .
an reveal mu h ab ut the n rmal and abn rmal un ti ning T e term hydronephrosis is used t des ribe path l gi al
the b dy. Changes in the n rmal hara teristi s urine r swelling r enlargement the renal pelvis and aly es aused
the appearan e abn rmal urine hara teristi s may be a by bl kage urine utf w. T e nditi n may be the result
sign disease. Table 20-2 lists b th the n rmal and abn rmal ngenital pr blems r be aused by bl kage aused by st nes,
hara teristi s urine. tum rs, r inf ammati n. Regardless ause, i le t untreated,
In lini al and lab rat ry situati ns, a standard urinalysis is mu h the internal stru ture the kidney is l st as the rtex
ten re erred t as a r utine and mi r s pi urinalysis, r thins and medullary tissue is destr yed (Figure 20-12).
simply an R and M. T e r utine p rti n is a series S me the m re imp rtant bstru tive nditi ns are
physi al and hemi al tests, whereas the mi r s pi part summarized in the ll wing paragraphs.
re ers t the study urine sediment with a mi r s pe. T is
series lab rat ry tests pr vides the variety in rmati n Re n a l C a lc u li
ten ne essary r a physi ian t make a diagn sis. Renal calculi, r kidney stones, are rystallized mineral hunks
that devel p in the renal pelvis r aly es (Figure 20-13). Cal uli
devel p when al ium and ther minerals, su h as uri a id,
Crushing injuries o skeletal muscle release intra-
rystallize n the renal papillae, then break int the urine.
cellular contents into the bloodstream, which
Staghorn calculi are large, bran hed st nes that rm in, and
puts a heavy burden on the kidneys. Review the
take the shape , the pelvis and bran hed aly es.
article Rhabdomyolysis and how it can be
I the st nes are small en ugh, they will simply f w
detected through urinalysis at Connect It! at
thr ugh the ureters and eventually be v ided with the urine.
Larger st nes may bstru t the ureters, ausing an intense
pain alled renal colic as rhythmi mus le ntra -
ti ns the ureter attempt t disl dge the st nes.
H ydr nephr sis may ur i the st ne d es n t
HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G m ve r m its bstru ting p siti n.
Pro te inuria is the pre s e nce o plas m a prote ins in the urine . Prote inuria is um rs the urinary system typi ally bstru t
probably the m os t im portant indicator o re nal dis e as e (ne phro pathy) urine f w, p ssibly ausing hydr nephr sis in ne
be caus e only dam age d ne phrons cons is te ntly allow plas m a prote in m ol-
r b th kidneys. M st kidney tum rs are malig-
e cule s to le ave the blood. Howeve r, inte ns e exe rcis e caus e s te m porary
nant ne plasms alled renal cell carcinomas. T ey
prote inuria in m any individuals . Som e exe rcis e phys iologis ts be lieve d that
inte ns e athle tic activitie s caus e kidney dam age , but s ubs e que nt re s e arch
usually ur nly in ne kidney. Renal ell ar i-
has rule d out that explanation. One curre nt hypothe s is is that horm onal n ma metastasizes m st ten t the lungs and
change s during s tre nuous exe rcis e incre as e the pe rm e ability o the ne ph- b ne tissue. Bladder cancer urs ab ut as re-
rons f ltration m e m brane , allow ing s om e plas m a prote ins to e nte r the quently as renal an er (ea h a unts r ab ut
f ltrate . Som e pos texe rcis e prote inuria is us ually cons ide re d norm al. tw in every hundred an er ases) and is ten
und in ass iati n with bladder st nes.
568 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

TABLE 20-2 Characteristics o Urine

Co lo r and Clarity
Norm al urine : Should be cle ar; color varie s w ith s pe cif c gravity Abnorm ally colore d urine m ay re s ult rom : (1) pathological conditions ,
(Occas ionally, norm al urine m ay be cloudy be caus e o high (2) ce rtain oods , and (3) num e rous drugs :
die tary leve ls o at or phos phate .) 1. Pathological conditions (exam ple s ):
Dilute urine : Light ye llow to ye llow Kidney cance r (he m orrhage )re d (RBCs )
Conce ntrate d urine : Dark ye llow to dark am be r Bile duct obs truction (galls tone s )orange /ye llow (bilirubin)
Ps e udom onas in e ctiongre e n (bacte rial toxins )

Rhabdomyolys is brow n



2. Foods (exam ple s ):




Be e ts re d




Rhubarbbrow n


Carrots dark ye llow

Vitam in s upple m e nts bright ye llow
3. Drugs (exam ple s ):
Pyridium (urinary tract analge s ic)orange
Dilantin (anticonvuls ant)pink/re d brow n
Dyre nium (diure tic)pale blue
Cloudy urine m ay re s ult rom (exam ple s ):
1. Bacte riaactive in e ction o urinary s ys te m organs
2. Blood ce lls
RBCs he m orrhage rom kidney cance r
WBCs pus rom urinary tract in e ction (UTI)
3. Cas ts various type s o tube like clum ps (blood ce ll, e pithe lial,
hyaline , waxy, e tc.) that orm in dis e as e d re nal tube s
4. Prote inuria(prote inus ually album in) in urine
5. Crys tals us ually uric acid or phos phate /calcium oxalate in con-
ce ntrate d urine
Co m po unds
Mine ral ions ( or exam ple , Na , Cl , K ) Ke tone s ge ne rally ace tone
Nitroge nous was te s : Am m onia, cre atinine , ure a, uric acid Prote inge ne rally album in
Urine pigm e nt: Urochrom e (product o bilirubin m e tabolis m ) Glucos e
Crys tals ge ne rally uric acid and phos phate or calcium oxalate
Pigm e nts abnorm al leve ls o bilirubin m e tabolite s
Odo r
Slight arom atic Strong, s we e t, ruity (ace tone ) odoruncontrolle d diabe te s m e llitus
Som e oods produce a characte ris tic odor (as paragus ) Foul odorurinary tract in e ctions (UTIs )
Am m onialike odor on s tanding m ay re s ult rom de com pos ition in Mus ty odorphe nylke tonuria
s tore d urine Maple s yrup odorconge nital de e ct in prote in m e tabolis m
4.6-8.0 (ave rage 6.0) High pH during alkalos is kidneys com pe ns ate by excre ting exce s s
Toward Low Norm al: Som e oods (m e at and cranbe rrie s ) and drugs bas e
(chlorothiazide diure tics ) Low pH during acidos is kidneys com pe ns ate by excre ting exce s s H
Toward High Norm al: Som e oods (citrus ruits , dairy products ) and
drugs (bicarbonate antacids )

20 S pe cif c Gravity
Adult: 1.005-1.030 (us ually, 1.010-1.025) Above norm al lim its glycos uria, prote inuria, de hydration, high s olute
Elde rly: Value s de cre as e w ith age load (m ay re s ult in pre cipitation o s olute s and kidney s tone
New born: 1.001-1.020 orm ation)
Be low norm al lim its chronic re nal dis e as e s (inability to conce ntrate
urine ), ove rhydration

Renal and bladder an er have ew sympt ms early in their thr ugh the urethra and int the bladder permits dire t inspe -
devel pment, ther than tra es bl d in the urine, r ti n, bi psy, and surgi al rem val r treatment bladder and
hematuria. As the an er devel ps, pelvi pain and sympt ms ther urinary tra t lesi ns (Figure 20-14, A). T e h ll w tube al-
urinary bstru ti n may ur. Inserti n a cystoscope l ws passage light, a viewing lens, and vari us atheters and
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 569


FIGURE 20-13 Renal calculi. Coronal ( rontal) section o kidney, par-

tially cut and opened like a book, showing a large stone (arrow) in the renal

U r e t h r it is
Urethritis is inf ammati n the urethra that mm nly results
I r m ba terial in e ti n, ten gonorrhea (see Appendix A at
FIGURE 20-12 Hydronephrosis. Note the dramatic enlargement o the N ng n al urethritis is usually aused
renal pelvis and calyces caused by blockage and backing up o urine. by chlamydial in e ti n (see Appendix A). Males (parti ularly
in ants) su er r m urethritis m re ten than d emales.
perative devi es. Figure 20-14, B sh ws the appearan e a
malignant tum r n the bladder wall be re its rem val during Cy s t it is
a surgi al yst s pi pr edure. Cystitis is a term that re ers t an inf ammati n the blad-
der. Cystitis m st mm nly urs as a result in e ti n but
Renal tumors may require a biopsy to determine als an a mpany al uli, tum rs, r ther nditi ns. Ba -
i they are cancerous. To learn more about how teria usually enter the bladder thr ugh the urethra. Cystitis
a needle biopsy can be used or this purpose, urs m re ten in w men than in men be ause the emale
see the article Kidney Biopsy at Connect It! at urethra is sh rter and l ser t the anus (a s ur e ba teria) than in the male. Bladder in e ti ns are hara terized by pel-
vi pain, an urge t urinate requently, pain ul urinati n (dys-
uria), and bl d in the urine (hematuria).
U r in a ry Tr a c t In e c t io n s I ystitis aused by ba terial in e ti n be mes severe and
M st urinary tract in ections (U Is) are aused by ba teria, hr ni , the bladder epithelium may be me ul erated and
m st ten gram-negative types. U Is an inv lve the ure- vered with exudate. Extensi n the in e ti n may then in-
thra, bladder, ureter, and kidneys. C mm n types urinary f ame the ureters, renal pelvis, and kidney tissues. One mm n
tra t in e ti ns are summarized in the ll wing paragraphs. rm n nba terial ystitis is urethral syndrome. Urethral


Statis tics s ugge s t that approxim ate ly 1 in eve ry 1000 adults in always accom pany m ajor m e dical proce dure s , s urgical re - 20
the Unite d State s s u e rs rom kidney s tone s , or re nal calculi, m oval o s tone s rom the kidneys re que ntly re quire s rathe r
at s om e point in his or he r li e . Although s ym ptom s o excruci- exte ns ive hos pital and hom e re cove ry pe riods , las ting 6 we e ks
ating pain are com m on, m any kidney s tone s are s m all e nough or m ore .
to pas s s pontane ous ly out o the urinary s ys te m . I this is pos - A te chnique that us e s ultras ound to pulve rize the s tone s s o
s ible , no the rapy is re quire d othe r than tre atm e nt or pain and that they can be us he d out o the urinary tract w ithout s ur-
antibiotics i the calculi are as s ociate d w ith in e ction. Large r ge ry is now us e d in hos pitals acros s the Unite d State s . The
s tone s , howeve r, m ay obs truct the ow o urine and the re ore s pe cially de s igne d ultras ound ge ne rator re quire d or the pro-
are m uch m ore s e rious and di f cult to tre at. ce dure is calle d a litho tripto r. Us ing a lithotriptor, phys icians
Form e rly, only traditional s urgical proce dure s we re e e c- bre ak up the s tone s w ith ultras ound wave s in a proce s s
tive in re m oving re lative ly large s tone s that orm e d in the caly- calle d litho trips yw ithout m aking an incis ion. Re cove ry tim e
ce s and re nal pe lvis o the kidney. In addition to the ris ks that is m inim al, and both patie nt ris k and cos ts are re duce d.
570 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

Pa pilla ry tumor Cys tos cope

in bla dde r wa ll in ure thra

FIGURE 20-14 Imaging o bladder cancer. A, Cystoscope in male bladder. B, Cystoscopic view o a
cancerous growth (a transitional cell carcinoma) on the bladder wall.

syndr me, whi h urs m st mm nly in y ung w men, has in e ti ns. W ith ut su ess ul treatment, gl merular dis r-
unkn wn auses but ten devel ps int a ba terial in e ti n. ders an pr gress t kidney ailure.
T e term overactive bladder re ers t the need r re-
quent urinati n. T e am unts v ided are generally small, and N e p h ro t ic S y n d ro m e
eelings extreme urgen y and pain (dysuria) are mm n. Nephrotic syndrome is a lle ti n signs and sympt ms
T e nditi n is alled interstitial cystitis and is treated with that a mpany vari us gl merular dis rders. T is syndr me
drugs t de rease nerv us stimulati n and with physi al dis- is hara terized by the ll wing:
tenti n the bladder with f uid t in rease apa ity. T e
1. Proteinuriapresen e pr teins (espe ially albu-
nditi n is an ther type n nba terial ystitis be ause
min) in the urine. Pr tein, n rmally absent r m urine,
sympt ms ur with ut eviden e ba terial in e ti n. S me
lters thr ugh damaged gl merular- apsular mem-
lini ians believe it is aut immune in rigin be ause it is ten
branes and is n t reabs rbed by the kidney tubules.
ass iated with lupus (see Chapter 16).
2. Hypoalbuminemial w albumin n entrati n in
P ye lo n e p h r it is the bl d, resulting r m the l ss albumin r m
the bl d thr ugh h les in the damaged gl meruli.
Nephritis is a general term re erring t kidney disease, espe-
Albumin is the m st abundant plasma pr tein. Be-
ially inf ammat ry nditi ns. Pyelonephritis is literally
ause it n rmally ann t leave the bl d vessels, it
pelvis nephritis and re ers t inf ammati n the renal
usually remains as a permanents lute in the plasma.
pelvis and nne tive tissues the kidney. As with ystitis,
T is keeps plasma water n entrati n l w and thus
pyel nephritis is usually aused by ba terial in e ti n but als
prevents sm sis large am unts water ut
an result r m viral in e ti n, my sis, al uli, tum rs, preg-
the bl d and int tissue spa es. (Review the dis us-
nan y, and ther nditi ns.
si n sm sis in Chapter 3 t help y u understand
Acute pyelonephritis devel ps rapidly and is hara terized by
this pr ess.) In hyp albuminemia, this sm ti
ever, hills, pain in the sides (f ank), nausea, and an urge t
un ti n is l st, and f uid leaks ut bl d vessels
urinate requently. It ten results r m the spread in e ti n
thr ugh ut the b dy and int tissue spa es, ausing
r m the l wer urinary tra t r thr ugh the bl d r m ther
widespread edema.
rgans. Chronic pyelonephritis may be an aut immune disease
3. Edemageneral tissue swelling aused by a umu-
but is ten pre eded by a ba terial in e ti n r urinary
20 bl kage.
lati n f uids in the tissue spa es. Edema ass iated
with nephr ti syndr me is aused by l ss plasma
pr tein (albumin) and the resulting sm sis f uid
Review the nature o the in ammatory response
r m the bl d.
in the article In ammation at Connect It! at N te that hematuria (bl d in the urine) is n t a eature
nephr ti syndr me.
G lo m e r u la r D is o r d e r s Ac u t e G lo m e r u lo n e p h r it is
Glomerulonephritis is a gr up dis rders that result r m A ute gl merul nephritis is the m st mm n rm kid-
damage t the gl merular- apsular membrane. T is damage ney disease. It is aused by a delayed immune resp nse t
an be aused by immune me hanisms, heredity, r ba terial strept al in e ti nthe same me hanism that auses
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 571

Un ortunate ly, the s tructure o the re s is t com m on antibiotics . UTIs and othe r type s o in e ctions
urinary tract puts it at ris k or in e c- now re quire m ore powe r ul antibiotics and othe r s pe cial te ch-
tion by bacte ria and othe r m icroor- nique s to s top the m . Unle s s curre nt e orts to reve rs e this
ganis m s . Be caus e it is ope n to the tre nd be com e e e ctive , s om e s cie ntis ts e ar that the e ra o
exte rnal e nvironm e nt, bacte ria can s im ple antibiotic the rapy m ay be ne aring an e nd.
e nte r e as ily. In wom e n, the s hort Many pro e s s ions are involve d in the f ght agains t in e ction.
le ngth o the ure thra and its loca- Me dical s upply te chnicians e ns ure that device s s uch as ure -
tion clos e to the anus m ay urthe r thral cathe te rs are s te rile ( re e o m icroorganis m s ) be ore they
incre as e the ris k o bacte ria ge tting are package d and s e nt to hos pitals and clinics (picture d).
to the urinary bladde r. Anothe r ris k Phys icians , nurs e s , and othe rs w ho de al dire ctly w ith pa-
Alexander Fleming actor is poor te chnique by he alth- tie nts ne e d to le arn prope r s te rile te chnique to e ns ure that
(18811955) care worke rs w he n they ins e rt in e ctions are not introduce d by m e dical proce dure s . To he lp in
cathe te rs (tube s ) into the ure thras this e ort, m os t organizations de s ignate an in e ctio n co ntro l
o patie nts w ho ne e d he lp voiding the ir bladde rs o urine . m anage ra he alth pro e s s ional w ith the re s pons ibility o pre -
A bre akthrough in the tre atm e nt o urinary tract in e ctio ns ve nting no s o co m ial in e ctio ns (in e ctions that be gin in the
(UTIs ) cam e in 1928 in the laboratory o Scots re s e arche r hos pital). Com m unity he alth expe rts including e pide m io lo g is ts
Alexande r Fle m ing. Som e m old s pore s accide ntally contam i- and he alth s e rvice o f ce rs rom the U.S. gove rnm e nts Ce nte rs
nate d one o the dis he s in w hich Fle m ing was grow ing bacte - or Dis e as e Control and Preve ntion (CDC) als o he lp preve nt the
ria. He m arve le d at the act that no bacte ria could grow ne ar s pre ad o in e ction in local com m unitie s and worldw ide . O
the colony o m old. He is olate d a s ubs tance rom the m old cours e , pharm acology re s e arche rs , m icro bio lo g is ts , and oth-
that was re s pons ible or this antibacte rial e e ct and nam e d it e rs continue in the que s t to f nd newe r and be tte r tre atm e nts
pe nicillin. or UTIs and othe r in e ctions that thre ate n hum an he alth.
Earlie r Fle m ing had dis cove re d anothe r natural antibiotic
(lys ozym e ) that e e ctive ly attacke d bacte ria that did not o te n
caus e dis e as e , s o this conce pt was not totally new to him .
Howeve r, through urthe r expe rim e nts , Fle m ing s howe d that
pe nicillin was e e ctive agains t a varie ty o bacte ria that do
caus e s e rious in e ctions in hum ans , w hich m ade it an invalu-
able the rape utic tool.
Pe nicillin was toute d as the f rst miracle drug and rapidly
be came the tool o choice in f ghting bacte ria. In 1943 another
bre akthrough came w he n laboratory worke r Mary Hunt brought
a m oldy cantaloupe to work and res e arche rs ound that the new
type o m old produce d e nough pe nicillin to m ake com me rcial
production o the antibiotic possible .
Although orm s o pe nicillin and othe r antibiotics de rive d
rom natural s ource s are s till the we apon o choice in battling
m any in e ctions , m any bacte ria are evolving into s trains that

valve damage in rheumati heart disease (see Chapter 14). F r devel p. Immune me hanisms are believed t be the maj r
this reas n, it is s metimes alled postin ectious glomerulone- auses hr ni gl merul nephritis.
phritis. O urring 1 t 6 weeks a ter a strept al in e ti n,
this dis rder is hara terized by hematuria, liguria, pr tein-
uria, and edema.
Kid n e y Fa ilu r e 20
Antibi ti therapy and bed rest are the usual treatments r Kidney ailure, r renal ailure, is simply the ailure the
a ute gl merul nephritis. Re very is ten mplete but may kidney t pr perly pr ess bl d and rm urine. Renal ailure
pr gress t a hr ni rm gl merul nephritis. an be lassi ed as either acute r chronic.

C h ro n ic G lo m e r u lo n e p h r it is Ac u t e Re n a l Fa ilu r e
Chronic glomerulonephritis is the general name r a variety A ute renal ailure is an abrupt redu ti n in kidney un ti n
n nin e ti us gl merular dis rders hara terized by pr gres- hara terized by liguria and a sharp rise in nitr gen us m-
sive kidney damage leading t renal ailure. Early stages p unds in the bl d. T e nitr gen- ntaining substan es re-
hr ni gl merul nephritis are asympt mati . As this dis r- sult r m the breakd wn amin a ids used r energy in
der pr gresses, hematuria, pr teinuria, liguria, and edema ellular respirati n.
572 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

T e n entrati n nitr gen us wastes in the bl d is C h ro n ic Re n a l Fa ilu r e

ten assessed by the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test. A high Chr ni renal ailure is a sl w, pr gressive nditi n resulting
BUN result may indi ate ailure the kidneys t rem ve urea r m the gradual l ss nephr ns. T ere are d zens dis-
r m the bl d. eases that may result in the gradual l ss nephr n un ti n,
A ute renal ailure an be aused by a variety a t rs that in luding diabetes, in e ti ns, gl merul nephritis, tum rs,
alter bl d pressure r therwise a e t gl merular ltrati n. systemi aut immune dis rders, and bstru tive dis rders.
F r example, hem rrhage, severe burns, a ute gl merul ne- Polycystic kidney disease (PKD ) is ne the m st m-
phritis r pyel nephritis, r bstru ti n the l wer urinary m n geneti dis rders in humans. In PKD, large f uid- lled
tra t may pr gress t kidney ailure. I the underlying ause p kets ( ysts) devel p in the epithelium the kidney tu-
a ute renal ailure is su ess ully treated, re very is usually bules. In this nditi n, primary cilia (n nm ving ilia) n the
rapid and mplete. epithelial ells that rm kidney tubules ail t d their n rmal


The artif cial kidney is a m e chanical device that us e s the prin- New and dram atic advance s in both tre atm e nt te chnique s and
ciple o dialys is to re m ove or s e parate was te products rom the e quipm e nt are expe cte d in the uture . Although m os t he m odi-
blood. In the eve nt o kidney ailure , the proce s s , appropriate ly alys is tre atm e nts are adm inis te re d in hos pital or clinical s e t-
calle d he m o dialys is (he m o blood and lys is s e parate ), is tings , e quipm e nt de s igne d or us e in the hom e is available and
im ple m e nte d as a li e -s aving inte rve ntion or the patie nt. is appropriate or m any individuals . Patie nts and the ir am ilie s
During a he m odialys is tre atm e nt, a s e m ipe rm e able m e m - us ing this e quipm e nt are initially ins tructe d in its us e and the n
brane is us e d to s e parate large (nondi us ible ) particle s s uch as m onitore d and s upporte d on an ongoing bas is by hom e he alth-
blood ce lls rom s m all (di us ible ) one s s uch as ure a and othe r care pro e s s ionals .
was te s . Figure A s how s blood rom the radial arte ry pas s ing Anothe r te chnique us e d in the tre atm e nt o re nal ailure is
through a porous (s e m ipe rm e able ) ce llophane tube that is calle d co ntinuo us am bulato ry pe rito ne al dialys is (CAPD).
hous e d in a tanklike containe r. The tube is s urrounde d by a In this proce dure , 1 to 3 L o s te rile dialys is uid is introduce d
bath or dialyzing s olution containing varying conce ntrations o dire ctly into the pe ritone al cavity through an ope ning in the
e le ctrolyte s and othe r che m icals . The pore s in the m e m brane abdom inal wall (Figure B). Pe ritone al m e m brane s in the ab-
are s m all and allow only ve ry s m all m ole cule s , s uch as ure a, to dom inal cavity trans e r was te products rom the blood into the
e s cape into the s urrounding uid. Large r m ole cule s and blood dialys is uid, w hich is the n draine d back into a plas tic containe r
ce lls cannot e s cape and are re turne d through the tube to re e n- a te r about 2 hours . This te chnique is le s s expe ns ive than he -
te r the patie nt via a w ris t ve in. m odialys is and doe s not re quire the us e o com plex e quip-
By cons tantly re placing the bath s olution in the dialys is tank m e nt. CAPD is the m ore re que ntly us e d hom e -bas e d dialys is
w ith re s hly m ixe d s olution, was te m ate rials in the blood can tre atm e nt or patie nts w ith chronic re nal ailure . CAPD is not
be re duce d to low leve ls . As a re s ult, was te s s uch as ure a in practical or all patie nts , howeve r, and s ucce s s ul long-te rm
the blood rapidly pas s into the s urrounding was h s olution. tre atm e nt is gre atly e nhance d by s upport rom pro e s s ionals
For a patie nt w ith com ple te kidney ailure , two or thre e traine d in hom e he alth-care s e rvice s .
he m odialys is tre atm e nts a we e k are re quire d. The s e dialys is
tre atm e nts are now be ing m onitore d and controlle d by s ophis - To learn more about dialysis, go to
ticate d com pute r com pone nts and s o tware that have be e n AnimationDirect online at
inte grate d into the m os t curre nt he m odialys is e quipm e nt.

From artery

Dia lys is uid

20 Blood pump
Diffus ion
of wa s te
To Bubble products
ve in tra p s uch a s
Dia lys is ure a
me mbra ne Abdomina l
ca vity

Compre s s e d Fre s h dia lys is Cons ta nt Us e d dia lys is

A CO 2 a nd a ir uid te mpe ra ture ba th uid B
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 573









Norma l BUN le ve l

100 75 50 25 0
FIGURE 20-15 Polycystic kidney disease. A, Ex- M L Glo me rular ltratio n rate (GFR)
(Pe rc e ntag e o f no rmal)
ternal view shows characteristic cysts. B, Lateral view I
o a kidney partially cut along a rontal plane and then
opened like a book to view the cysts inside the kidney.
FIGURE 20-16 The three stages o chronic renal ailure. Stage 1: As
nephrons are lost (indicated by decreasing GFR), the remaining healthy neph-
rons compensatekeeping BUN values within the normal range. Stage 2: As
j b regulating ell gr wth. T e epithelial ells then ver- more than 75% o kidney unction is lost, BUN levels begin to climb. Stage 3:
p pulate and bstru t the kidney tubules. T e bstru ti ns Uremia (elevated BUN) results rom massive loss o kidney unction.
result in p kets ba ked-up urine alled cysts. Eventually,
PKD leads t kidney ailure.
One the m st mm n rms PKD is alled adult levels limb dramati ally. Be ause the kidneys ability
polycystic kidney disease. It is hereditary and appears in 1 in 500 t n entrate urine is impaired, p lyuria and dehy-
t 1000 pers ns. Sympt ms the disease, whi h in lude drati n may ur.
f ank pain and hematuria, generally appear a ter age 40 and 3. Stage 3T e nal stage hr ni renal ailure is
pr gress sl wly. Eventually, the kidneys a hieve en rm us size alled uremia r uremic syndrome. Uremia literally
as they ll with gr wing numbers ysts (Figure 20-15). De- means high bl d urea and is hara terized by a
stru ti n tissue results in pr gressive renal ailure. very high BUN value aused by l ss kidney un -
As kidney un ti n is l st, the gl merular ltrati n rate ti n. D uring this stage, l w GFR auses l w urine
(GFR) de reases, ausing the bl d urea nitr gen (BUN) and pr du ti n and liguria. Be ause f uids are retained
reatinine levels t limb. Chr ni renal ailure an be des ribed by the b dy rather than being eliminated by the
as pr gressing thr ugh the three stages sh wn in Figure 20-16 kidneys, edema and hypertensi n ten ur. T e
and des ribed here: uremi syndr me in ludes a l ng list ther symp-
t ms aused dire tly r indire tly by the l ss kid-
1. Stage 1D uring the rst stage, s me nephr ns are ney un ti n. Unless an arti ial kidney is used r a
l st but the remaining healthy nephr ns mpensate new kidney is transplanted, the pr gressive l ss
by enlarging and taking ver the un ti n the l st kidney un ti n eventually auses death.
nephr ns. T is stage is ten asympt mati and may
last r years, depending n the underlying ause.
2. Stage 2T e se nd stage is ten alled renal insu -
ciency. D uring this stage, the kidney an n l nger 1. Ho w d o re n a l ca lcu li d e ve lo p ?
adapt t the l ss nephr ns. T e remaining healthy 2. De f n e n e p h ro tic s yn d ro m e a n d lis t its ch a ra cte ris tics .
3. Wh a t is a cu te re n a l a ilu re ? Ho w is it a s s e s s e d ?
nephr ns ann t handle the urea l ad, and BUN
574 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 555)

distal convoluted tubule (DCT) micturition renin

(DIS-tall KON-voh-LOO-ted TOO-byool (mik-too-RISH-un) (REE-nin)
[dee see tee]) [mictur- urinate, -tion process] [ren- kidney, -in substance]
[dist- distance, -al relating to, con- together, nephron renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
-volut- roll, tub- tube, -ule little] (NEF-ron) (RAAS)
emptying re ex [nephro- kidney, -on unit] (REE-ninan-jee-oh-TEN-sin
(EMP-tee-ing REE- eks) nephron loop al-DAH-stayr-ohn SYS-tem [ar ay ay es])
[re- again, - ex bend] (NEF-ron loop) [ren- kidney, -in substance, angio- vessel,
erythropoietin (EPO) [nephro- kidney, -on unit] -tens- pressure or stretch, -in substance,
(eh-RITH-roh-POY-eh-tin [ee pee oh]) aldo- aldehyde, -stero- solid or steroid
proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
[erythro- red, -poiet- make, -in substance] (PROK-sih-mal KON-voh-LOO-ted derivative, -one chemical]
f ltration TOO-byool [pee see tee]) retroperitoneal
(f l-TRAY-shun) [proxima- near, -al relating to, con- together, (reh-troh-payr-ih-toh-NEE-al)
[f ltr- strain, -ation process] -volut- roll, tub- tube, -ule little] [retro- backward, -peri- around,
-tone- stretched, -al relating to]
glomerular-capsular membrane reabsorption
(gloh-MER-yoo-lar KAP-sul-er (ree-ab-SORP-shun) rugae
MEM-brayne) [re- back again, -ab- rom, -sorp- suck, (ROO-gee)
[glomer- ball, -ul- little, -ar relating to, -tion process] sing., ruga
caps- box, -ul- little, -ar relating to, [ruga wrinkle]
renal column
membrane thin skin] (REE-nall KOWL-um) secretion
glomerular capsule [ren- kidney, -al relating to] (seh-KREE-shun)
(gloh-MER-yoo-lar KAP-sul) [secret- separate, -tion process]
renal corpuscle
[glomer- ball, -ul- little, -ar relating to, (REE-nal KOR-pus-ul) sphincter
caps- box, -ule little] [ren- kidney, -al relating to, corpus- body, (SFINGK-ter)
glomerular f ltrate -cle little] [sphinc- bind tight, -er agent]
(gloh-MER-yoo-lar f l-TRAYT) renal cortex transport maximum (Tmax)
[glomer- ball, -ul- little, -ar relating to, (REE-nal KOR-teks) (TRANZ-port MAKS-im-um)
f ltr- strain, -ate result] [ren- kidney, -al relating to, cortex bark] [trans- across, -port carry, maximum greatest]
glomerulus renal medulla trigone
(gloh-MAYR-yoo-lus) (REE-nal meh-DUL-ah) (TRY-gohn)
pl., glomeruli [ren- kidney, -al relating to, medulla middle] [tri- three, -gon- corner]
(gloh-MAYR-yoo-lye) renal papilla ureter
[glomer- ball, -ul- little, -us thing] (REE-nal pah-PIL-uh) (yoo-REE-ter or YOOR-eh-ter)
Henle loop pl., papillae [ure- urine, -ter agent or channel]
(HEN-lee loop) (pah-PIL-ee) urethra
[Friedrich Gustave Henle German anatomist] [ren- kidney, -al relating to, papilla nipple] (yoo-REE-thrah)
hilum renal pelvis [ure- urine, -thr- agent or channel]
(HYE-lum) (REE-nal PEL-vis) urinary meatus
pl., hila pl., pelves (YOOR-ih-nayr-ee mee-AY-tus)
(HYE-lah) (PEL-veez) [urin- urine, -ary relating to, meatus passage]
[hilum least bit] [ren- kidney, -al relating to, pelvis basin] urinary system
hyperosmotic renal pyramid (YOOR-ih-nayr-ee SYS-tem)
(hye-per-os-MOT-ik) (REE-nal PIR-ah-mid) [urin- urine, -ary relating to]
[hyper- excessive or above, -osmo- push, [ren- kidney, -al relating to] urination
20 -ic relating to] renal threshold (yoor-ih-NAY-shun)
juxtaglomerular (J G) apparatus (REE-nal THRESH-old) [urin- urine, -ation process]
(juks-tah-gloh-MER-yoo-lar [jay jee] [ren- kidney, -al relating to] voiding
ap-ah-RAT-us) renal tubule (VOYD-ing)
[juxta- near or adjoining, -glomer- ball, (REE-nal TOOB-yool) [void- empty, -ing action]
-ul- little, -ar relating to, apparatus tool] [ren- kidney, -al relating to, tub- pipe,
juxtamedullary nephron -ule small]
(jux-tah-MED-oo-lar-ee NEF-ron)
[juxta- near or adjoining, -medulla- middle,
-ary relating to, nephro- kidney, -on unit]
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 575


anuria hydronephrosis penicillin

(ah-NOO-ree-ah) (hye-droh-neh-FROH-sis) (pen-ih-SIL-in)
[a- not, -ur- urine, -ia condition] [hydro- water, -nephr- kidney, -osis condition] [penicill- brush (Penicillum mold),
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test hypoalbuminemia -in substance]
(blud yoo-REE-ah NYE-troh-jen [bun] test) (hye-poh-al-byoo-min-EE-mee-ah) polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
[urea urine, nitro- soda, -gen produce] [hypo- under or below, -alb- white, -emia blood (pahl-ee-SIS-tik KID-nee dih-ZEEZ
catheterization condition] [pee kay dee])
(kath-eh-ter-ih-ZAY-shun) I &O [poly- many, -cyst- bag, -ic relating to,
[cathe- send down, -er agent, -tion process o ] (aye and oh) dis- opposite o , -ease com ort]
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [I input, & and, O output] polydipsia
(CAPD) in ection control (pahl-ee-DIP-see-ah)
(kon-TIN-yoo-us AM-byoo-lah-tor-ee (in-FEK-shun KON-trol) [poly- many, -dips- thirst, -ia condition]
payr-ih-toh-NEE-al dye-AL-ih-sis [in ect- stain, -ion state] polyuria
[see ay pee dee]) interstitial cystitis (pahl-ee-YOO-ree-ah)
[ambulat- walk, -ory relating to, (in-ter-STISH-al sis-TYE-tis) [poly- many, -ur- urine, -ia condition]
peritone- peritoneum, -al relating to, [inter- between, -stit- stand, -al relating to, proteinuria
dia- through, -lysis loosening] cyst- bag, -itis in ammation] (proh-teen-YOO-ree-ah)
cystitis lithotripsy [prote- f rst rank, -in- substance, -ur- urine,
(sis-TYE-tis) (LITH-oh-trip-see) -ia condition]
[cyst- bag, -itis in ammation] [litho- stone, -trips- pound, -y action] pyelonephritis
cystoscope lithotriptor (pye-eh-loh-neh-FRY-tis)
(SIS-toh-skohp) (LITH-oh-trip-tor) [pyel- renal pelvis, -nephr- kidney,
[cyst- bag, -scop- see] [litho- stone, -trip- pound, -or agent] -itis in ammation]
diuretic drug microbiologist renal calculi
(dye-yoo-RET-ik drug) (my-kroh-bye-OL-uh-jist) (REE-nal KAL-kyoo-lye)
[dia- through, -ure- urine, -ic relating to] [micro- small, -bio- li e, -log- words (study o ), sing., calculus
dysuria -ist agent] (KAL-kyoo-lus)
(dis-YOO-ree-ah) [ren- kidney, -al relating to, calc- limestone,
needle biopsy
[dys- disordered, -ur- urine, -ia condition] -ul- little, -i things]
(NEE-dil BYE-op-see)
edema [bio- li e, -ops- view, -y action] renal colic
(eh-DEE-mah) nephritis (REE-nal KOL-ik)
[edema a swelling] [ren- kidney, -al relating to, col- colon,
-ic relating to]
enuresis [nephr- kidney, -itis in ammation]
(en-yoo-REE-sis) nephropathy renal ailure
[en- in, -uresis urinate] (neh-FROP-ah-thee) (REE-nal FAIL-yoor)
[ren- kidney, -al relating to]
epidemiologist [nephro- kidney, -path disease, -y state]
(ep-ih-dee-mee-OL-uh-jist) nephrotic syndrome uremia
[epi- upon, -dem- people, -log- words (study o ), (neh-FROT-ik SIN-drohm) (yoo-REE-mee-ah)
-ist agent] [ur- urine, -emia blood condition]
[nephr- kidney, -ic relating to, syn- together,
glomerulonephritis -drome running or (race) course] uremic poisoning
(gloh-mer-yoo-loh-neh-FRY-tis) neurogenic bladder (yoo-REE-mik POY-zun-ing)
[glomer- ball, -ul- little, -nephr- kidney, [ur- urine, -em- blood condition, -ic relating to]
(noor-oh-J EN-ik BLAD-der)
-itis in ammation] [neuro- nerves, -gen- produce, -ic relating to, urethritis
glycosuria bladder pimple] (yoo-reh-THRY-tis)
(glye-koh-SOO-ree-ah) nosocomial in ection [ure- urine, -thr- agent or channel (urethra), 20
[glyco- sweet (glucose), -ur- urine, -itis in ammation]
(no-zoh-KOHM-ee-al in-FEK-shun)
-ia condition] [noso- disease, -com- care, -al relating to, urinalysis
hematuria in- into, - ec- put, -tion process] (yoor-in-AL-is-is)
(hem-ah-TOO-ree-ah) [ur- urine, -in- chemical, -(an)a- apart,
[hema- blood, -ur- urine, -ia condition] -lysis loosen or break]
hemodialysis [olig- ew or little, -ur- urine, -ia condition] urinary incontinence
(hee-moh-dye-AL-ih-sis) overactive bladder (YOOR-ih-nayr-ee in-KON-tih-nens)
[hemo- blood, -dia- through or between, [urin- urine, -ary relating to, in- without,
(OH-ver-ak-tiv BLAD-der)
-lysis loosening] contin- contain, -ence ability]

Continued on p. 576
576 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 575)

urinary retention urinary suppression urinary tract in ection (UTI)

(YOOR-in-ayr-ee ree-TEN-shun) (YOOR-in-ayr-ee sup-PRESH-un) (YOOR-ih-nayr-ee trakt in-FEK-shun [yoo
[urin- urine, -ary relating to, re- back, [urin- urine, -ary relating to, sup- (sub-) down, tee aye])
-ten- hold, -tion condition] -press- press, -ion condition] [urin- urine, -ary relating to, tract trail,
in ect- stain, -tion condition]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary 2. Renal rpus le (Figure 20-4)
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r a. Gl merular apsule up-shaped t p nephr n;
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . als alled Bowman capsule
b. Gl merulusnetw rk bl d apillaries sur-
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to r unded by gl merular apsule
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e 3. Renal tubule (Figure 20-5)
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s a. Pr ximal nv luted tubule (PC ) rst segment
or be ore a te s t. b. Nephr n l p (H enle l p)extensi n pr ximal
tubule; nsists des ending limb, l p, and
as ending limb
Kidneys . Distal nv luted tubule (D C )extensi n
A. L ati nunder ba k mus les, behind parietal perit - as ending limb nephr n l p
neum, just ab ve waistline; right kidney usually a little d. C lle ting du t (CD)straight extensi n distal
l wer than le t (Figure 20-1) tubule
B. Gr ss stru ture (Figure 20-2) 4. L ati n nephr ns
1. External anat my a. C rti al nephr ns85% t tal; m st nephr n
a. Kidney resembles a lima bean that is 11 m is l ated in renal rtex
7 m 3 m b. Juxtamedullary nephr nshave imp rtant r le in
b. H ilummedial indentati n where vessels, nerves, n entrating urine; renal rpus les are l ated
ureter nne t near b undary between rtex and medulla
. Capsule br us uter wall D. Kidney un ti n
2. Internal anat my 1. Ex rete t xins and nitr gen us wastes
a. C rtex uter layer kidney tissue 2. Regulate levels many hemi als in bl d
b. Medullainner p rti n kidney 3. Maintain water balan e
. Pyramidstriangular divisi ns tissue within the 4. H elp regulate bl d pressure and v lume
renal medulla 5. Regulate red bl d ell pr du ti n by se reting eryth-
d. Papillanarr w, innerm st end a renal pyramid r p ietin (EPO)
e. Pelvisexpansi n upper end ureter; lies
inside kidney
20 . Caly esdivisi ns renal pelvis; ea h papilla
Fo rm atio n o Urine
a es a alyx A. Milli ns nephr ns balan e bl d and f ush the ex ess/
C. Mi r s pi stru ture the kidney wastes as urine in a pr ess that in ludes three un ti ns:
1. Interi r kidney mp sed m re than 1 milli n ltrati n, reabs rpti n, and se reti n (Figure 20-6 and
mi r s pi nephr n units (Figure 20-3) Table 20-1)
a. Unique shape nephr n well suited t un ti n
b. Prin ipal mp nents are renal rpus le and renal
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 577

B. Filtrati n
1. G es n ntinually in renal rpus les
Elim inatio n o Urine
2. Gl merular bl d pressure auses water and diss lved A. Ureters (Figure 20-10)
substan es t lter ut gl meruli int the gl meru- 1. Stru ture
lar apsulea r ss the gl merular- apsular membrane a. L ng, narr w mus ular tubes
3. N rmal gl merular ltrati n rate 125 mL per minute b. Lined with mu us membrane
C. Reabs rpti n . Expanded upper end rms renal pelvis l ated
1. M vement substan es ut renal tubules int inside kidney
bl d in peritubular apillaries 2. Fun ti ndrain urine r m renal pelvis t urinary
2. Water, nutrients, and i ns are reabs rbed (Figure 20-7) bladder
3. Water is reabs rbed by sm sis r m pr ximal tubules B. Bladder
4. C unter urrent me hanisms in the nephr n l p and 1. Stru ture (Figure 20-11)
surr unding peritubular apillaries n entrate s dium a. Elasti mus ular rgan, apable great expansi n
and hl ride t make the renal medulla hyper sm ti , b. Lined with mu us membrane arranged in rugae,
whi h helps n entrate urine (see Control o Urine as is st ma h mu sa
Volume subsequently). 2. Fun ti ns
5. ransp rt maximum ( max)largest am unt sub- a. St rage urine be re v iding
stan e that an be reabs rbed at ne time b. V iding
a. Determined by the number available transp rt- 3. Cystitisbladder in e ti n
ers the substan e C. Urethra
b. Determines the renal thresh ldab ve this level, 1. Stru ture (Figure 20-11)
the kidney rem ves the substan e r m bl d and a. Narr w tube r m urinary bladder t exteri r
ex retes in urine b. Lined with mu us membrane
6. All glu se is reabs rbed al ng with s dium, as l ng . O pening urethra t the exteri r alled urinary
as glu se levels remain within a n rmal range and meatus
there are en ugh s dium-glu se transp rters t 2. Fun ti ns
a mm date all the glu se (Figure 20-8) a. Passage urine r m bladder t exteri r the
D. Se reti n b dy
1. M vement substan es int urine in the distal b. Passage male repr du tive f uid (semen) r m
tubule and lle ting du ts r m bl d in peritubular the b dy
apillaries D. Mi turiti n
2. H ydr gen i ns, p tassium i ns, and ertain drugs are 1. Passage urine r m b dy (als alled urination r
se reted by a tive transp rt voiding)
3. Amm nia is se reted by di usi n 2. Regulat ry sphin ters
a. Internal urethral sphin ter (inv luntary)
b. External urethral sphin ter (v luntary)
Co ntro l o Urine Vo lum e 3. Bladder wall expansi n permits st rage urine with
A. Antidiureti h rm ne (ADH )se reted by p steri r little in rease in pressure
pituitary; pr m tes water reabs rpti n by lle ting 4. Emptying ref ex
du ts; redu es urine v lume a. Initiated by stret h ref ex in bladder wall
B. H yper sm ti (salty) nditi ns in the renal medulla b. Bladder wall ntra ts
help ADH n entrate urine and thus nserve the . Internal sphin ter (inv luntary) relaxes
b dys water d. External sphin ter (v luntary) relaxes and urinati n
C. Ald ster nese reted by adrenal gland, triggered by the urs
renin-angi tensin-ald ster ne system (RAAS); pr m tes e. Enuresisinv luntary urinati n in y ung hild
s dium and water reabs rpti n in nephr n; redu es urine 5. Urinary retenti nurine pr du ed but n t v ided
v lume (Figure 20-9) 6. Urinary suppressi nn urine pr du ed but bladder 20
D. Atrial natriureti h rm ne (ANH ) ne the peptide is n rmal
h rm nes (ANPs) se reted by atrial ells in heart; pr - 7. Urinary in ntinen e (enuresis)urine is v ided
m tes l ss s dium and water int kidney tubules; inv luntarily
in reases urine v lume a. Urge in ntinen eass iated with sm th mus le
E. Abn rmalities urine v lume vera tivity in the bladder wall
1. Anuriaabsen e urine b. Stress in ntinen eass iated with weakened
2. O ligurias anty am unt urine pelvi f r mus les
3. P lyuriaunusually large am unt urine . O verf w in ntinen eass iated with urinary
retenti n and verdistended bladder
578 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

d. Ref ex in ntinen e urs in absen e any C. G l merular dis rders result r m damage t the
sens ry warning r awareness mm n ll wing gl merular- apsular membrane the renal rpus les
a str ke r spinal rd injury 1. Nephr ti syndr me a mpanies many gl merular
e. N turnal enuresisnighttime bed wetting dis rders
. Neur geni bladderperi di but unpredi table a. Pr teinuriapr tein in the urine
v iding; related t paralysis r abn rmal un ti n b. H yp albuminemial w plasma pr tein (albumin)
the bladder level; aused by l ss pr teins t urine
. Edematissue swelling aused by l ss water
r m plasma as a result hyp albuminemia
Urinalys is 2. A ute gl merul nephritis is aused by delayed
A. Examinati n the physi al, hemi al, and mi r s pi immune resp nse t a strept al in e ti n
hara teristi s urine (Table 20-2) 3. Chr ni gl merul nephritis is a sl w inf ammat ry
B. May help determine the presen e and nature a path - nditi n aused by immune me hanisms and ten
l gi al nditi n leads t renal ailure
D. Kidney ailure, r renal ailure, urs when the kidney
ails t un ti n
Re nal and Urinary Dis o rde rs 1. A ute renal ailureabrupt redu ti n in kidney un -
A. O bstru tive dis rders inter ere with n rmal urine f w, ti n that is usually reversible
p ssibly ausing urine t ba k up and ause hydr ne- 2. Chr ni renal ailuresl w, pr gressive l ss neph-
phr sis r ther kidney damage r ns aused by a variety underlying diseases
1. H ydr nephr sisenlargement renal pelvis and a. P ly ysti kidney disease (PKD)numer us f uid-
aly es aused by bl kage urine f w (Figure 20-12) lled ysts destr y kidney tissue as they gr w;
2. Renal al uli (kidney st nes) rystallized mineral hereditary (Figure 20-15)
hunks in renal pelvis r aly es; may bl k ureters, b. Pr gressi n kidney ailure (Figure 20-16)
ausing intense pain alled renal colic (Figure 20-13) (1) Stage 1early in this dis rder, healthy neph-
3. um rsrenal ell ar in ma (kidney an er) and r ns ten mpensate r the l ss damaged
bladder an er (Figure 20-14); ten hara terized by nephr ns
hematuria (bl d in the urine) (2) Stage 2 ten alled renal insu ciency; l ss
B. Urinary tra t in e ti ns (U Is) are ten aused by kidney un ti n ultimately results in uremia
gram-negative ba teria (high BUN levels) and its li e-threatening
1. Urethritisinf ammati n the urethra nsequen es
2. Cystitisinf ammati n r in e ti n the urinary (3) Stage 3 alled uremia r uremic syndrome;
bladder mplete kidney ailure results in death unless
3. Pyel nephritisinf ammati n the renal pelvis and a new kidney is transplanted r an arti ial
nne tive tissues the kidney; may be a ute (in e - kidney substitute is used
ti us) r hr ni (aut immune)

STUDY TIPS 2. T e rmati n urine inv lves three pr esses: ltrati n,
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in reabs rpti n, and se reti n. Filtrati n was dis ussed in
m e e ting your le arning goals . Chapter 3. Reabs rpti n is the pr ess taking material
ut the urine and returning it t the bl d. Se reti n is
20 Review the s ynops is o the urinary s ys te m in Chapte r 5. The the pr ess taking material ut the bl d and
unction o the urinary s ys te m is to m aintain the hom e os tas is putting it int the urine.
o the blood plas m a. 3. Urine v lume is ntr lled by three h rm nes, ea h pr -
du ed by a di erent rgan. Remember that the b dy
1. T e names, l ati ns, and un ti ns the rgans the ann t dire tly m ve water; it must rst m ve s lute by
urinary system, the internal stru ture the kidney, and di usi n r a tive transp rt and then pull the water a ter
the mi r s pi stru tures the nephr n all an be it by sm sis. Make f ash ards r ea h the three h r-
learned using f ash ards and nline res ur es. F r a m nes; in lude the name the h rm ne, where it is
better understanding the terms in this hapter, re er t made, its me hanism a ti n, and its verall e e t n
the Language S ien e and Language Medi ine urine v lume.
se ti ns.
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 579

4. Make a hart the dis rders the urinary system. ph ne and make ph t pies the gures the rgans
O rganize it based n the me hanism r ause ea h dis- the urinary system, the internal stru ture the kidney,
rder: bstru tive dis rders, urinary tra t in e ti ns, gl - and the mi r s pi stru ture the nephr n. Dis uss
merular dis rders, and kidney ailure. h w the kidney rms urine and the h rm nes inv lved
5. T e anal gy a mbined waste-water treatment and in regulating urine v lume. Make sure y u kn w whether
garbage disp sal a ility linked t an in redibly e ient ea h the h rm nes will in rease r de rease urine
re y ling enter may help y u t understand the big v lume. G ver the pr ess mi turiti n, the hart
pi ture urinary system un ti n. dis rders the urinary system, hapter utline summary
6. In y ur study gr up, review the material in this hapter and the questi ns at the end the hapter; dis uss p ssi-
using the f ash ards and nline res ur es. Use y ur ell ble test questi ns.

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Des ribe the l ati n the kidneys. 24. Explain h w salt and water balan e is maintained by
2. Name and des ribe the internal stru tures the ald ster ne and ADH .
kidneys. 25. W hy is pr per bl d pressure ne essary r pr per
3. Name the prin ipal mp nents the renal rpus le kidney un ti n?
and the renal tubule. 26. I a pers n were d ing strenu us w rk n a h t day and
4. De ne ltrati n, reabs rpti n, and se reti n as they perspiring heavily, w uld there be a great deal ADH
apply t kidney un ti n. in the bl d r very little? Explain y ur answer.
5. Brief y explain the rmati n urine.
6. Name several substan es eliminated r regulated by the
7. Explain the un ti n the juxtagl merular apparatus.
8. Identi y the three h rm nes that regulate urine v lume.
9. Des ribe the stru ture the ureters.
10. Des ribe renal li .
11. Des ribe the stru ture the bladder. W hat is the
trig ne?
12. Des ribe the stru ture the urethra.
13. Brief y explain the pr ess mi turiti n.
14. Di erentiate between retenti n and suppressi n
15. De ne in ntinen e. W hat an ause in ntinen e?
16. Brief y explain what in rmati n a hemi al urinalysis
pr vides r medi al aregivers.
17. Explain what asts are and why they are s metimes
und in a urine sample. 20
18. De ne hydr nephr sis.
19. W hat is an ther term r renal al uli? W hat are they
usually made ?
20. Name the m st mm n urinary dis rder.
21. Brief y explain the ll wing dis rders: urethritis, ystitis,
and pyel nephritis.
22. De ne pr teinuria and hyp albuminemia.
23. Brief y des ribe the three stages hr ni renal ailure.
580 CHAPTER 20 Urinary System

Chapte r Te s t 11. T e nephr ns rm urine by way a mbinati n

three bl d-balan ing pr esses: ________, ________,
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by and ________.
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m 12. ________ me hanisms maintain hyper sm ti ndi-
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . ti ns in the medulla.
13. S me ________ drugs, whi h stimulate the pr du ti n
1. T e kidneys re eive ab ut ________% the t tal urine, are said t be p tassium wasting be ause they
am unt bl d pumped by the heart ea h minute. in rease se reti n p tassium.
2. T e renal rpus le is made up tw stru tures, the 14. T e h rm ne ________ is released r m the p steri r
________ and the ________. pituitary gland and redu es the am unt water l st in
3. T e tw parts the renal tubules that extend int the the urine.
medulla the kidney are the ________ and the 15. ________ is a h rm ne that is se reted by the adrenal
________. rtex and plays a r le in the reabs rpti n s dium.
4. T e tw parts the renal tubules that are in the rtex 16. Juxtagl merular ells release an enzyme that initiates the
the kidney are the ________ and the ________. ________ system.
5. A physi al, hemi al, and mi r s pi examinati n 17. T e ushi n that n rmally en ases ea h kidney is the
the urine is alled a ________. ________.
6. ________ are rystallized mineral hunks that devel p 18. T e medial indentati n n the kidney where vessels,
in the renal pelvis r aly es. nerves, and the ureter nne t with the kidney is the
7. T e inv luntary mus le, ________, is at the exit the ________.
bladder. 19. Appr ximately 85% all nephr ns are l ated alm st
8. ________ is a nditi n in whi h the bladder is able t entirely in the renal rtex and are alled rti al neph-
empty itsel but n urine is being pr du ed by the r ns. T e remainder the nephr ns are alled
kidneys. ________.
9. ________ is a nditi n in whi h a pers n v ids urine 20. ________ s luti ns pr m te sm sis water int them,
inv luntarily. just as d hypert ni s luti ns. An example is the un-
10. ________ is a nditi n in whi h the bladder is ull and ter urrent me hanisms that maintain the ________ n-
the kidney is pr du ing urine but the bladder is unable diti ns in the medulla.
t empty itsel .

Match each term in Column A with its corresponding description in Column B.

Column A Column B
21. ________ rtex a. inner layer the kidney
22. ________ medulla b. expansi n the ureter in the kidney
23. ________ pyramid . up-shaped part the nephr n that at hes ltrate
24. ________ pelvis d. tube leading r m the bladder t utside the b dy
25. ________ urethra e. netw rk apillaries nestled within the gl merular apsule
26. ________ bladder . sa like stru ture used t h ld urine until it is v ided
27. ________ ureter g. uter part the kidney
28. ________ trig ne h. an area the bladder that has penings r the tw ureters and the urethra
29. ________ gl merular apsule i. the part the renal tubules that is l ated between the pr ximal and distal
30. ________ gl merulus nv luted tubules
31. ________ nephr n l p j. tube nne ting the kidney and bladder
k. triangular divisi n in the medulla the kidney
CHAPTER 20 Urinary System 581

Match each disorder in Column A with its corresponding description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
32. ________ hydr nephr sis a. an inf ammati n the urethra that mm nly results r m a ba terial in e ti n
33. ________ renal al uli b. an ther term r a kidney st ne
34. ________ urethritis . pr tein, espe ially albumin, in the urine
35. ________ ystitis d. nditi n aused by urine ba king up int the kidney, ausing swelling the renal
36. ________ pyel nephritis pelvis and aly es
37. ________ hyp albuminemia e. an inf ammati n the bladder
38. ________ pr teinuria . l w albumin in the bl d due t l ss albumin thr ugh damaged gl meruli
g. inf ammati n the renal pelvis and nne tive tissue the kidney

Cas e S tudie s 3. H arriet is re eiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy-

To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to sis (CAPD). As y u may re all r m the b xed essay
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- earlier in this hapter, f uid is intr du ed int the perit -
book, and othe r re s ource s . neal avity and later withdrawn. D y u think that this
dialysis f uid is hypert ni , is t ni , r hyp t ni t
1. Sue has anorexia nervosa (see Chapter 19). H er b dy at n rmal bl d plasma? Give reas ns r y ur answer.
ntent has de reased t a level that is ar bel w n rmal. 4. Je has learned r m his ur l gist that his kidney disease
H w might the hanging stru ture the b dy a e t the has pr gressed t renal ailure and that he must in lude
p siti n Sues kidneys? H w an a hange in the p si- dialysis in his treatment plan. Be ause y u w rk n the
ti n ne r b th kidneys lead t kidney ailure? dialysis unit the h spital, Je has asked y u t explain
2. Drugs alled thiazide diuretics are s metimes pres ribed t h w the hem dialysis ma hine w rks. H e als asks i the
ntr l hypertensi n (high bl d pressure). T ese drugs unit is p rtable s that he an use it at h me, i ne essary.
a t n kidney tubules in a way that inhibits reabs rpti n W hat will y u tell Je ?
water. H w d es inhibiti n water reabs rpti n by
the kidney redu e high bl d pressure? W hat e e ts Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
w uld su h drugs have n the v lume urine utput? at

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Body Fluid Volumes, 584

Body Fluid Compartments, 584
Extracellular Fluid, 585
Intracellular Fluid, 585
Mechanisms That Maintain Fluid Balance, 585
Overview o Fluid Balance, 585
Regulation o Fluid Output, 586
Regulation o Fluid Intake, 587
Exchange o Fluids by Blood, 588
Fluid Imbalances, 588
Dehydration, 588
Overhydration, 589
Importance o Electrolytes in Body Fluids, 589
Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes, 589
Ions, 589
Electrolyte Functions, 589
Electrolyte Imbalances, 591
Homeostasis o Electrolytes, 591
Sodium Imbalance, 592
Potassium Imbalance, 592
Calcium Imbalance, 592

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Describe how body uid volumes relate to age,
gender, and body weight.
2. List, describe, and compare the body uid compart-
ments and their subdivisions.
3. Explain the mechanisms used by the body to maintain
uid balance, discussing the avenues by which water
enters and leaves the body and the orces that move
uids into and out o the blood.
4. Describe examples o common uid imbalances.
5. Discuss the nature and importance o electrolytes in
body uids.
6. Describe examples o common electrolyte
Ha ve y u ever w n- LANGUAGE OF
dered why y u s metimes S C IEN C E
ex rete great v lumes
urine and at ther
Be o re re ading the
times ex rete alm st
chapte r, s ay e ach o
n ne at all? W hy s me- the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
times y u eel s thirsty he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
that y u an hardly get en ugh the m as yo u re ad.
t drink and ther times y u want
n liquids at all? T ese nditi ns and
many m re relate t ne the b dys m st (AN-aye-on)
imp rtant un ti nsthat maintaining [ana- up, -ion to go (ion)]
its uid and electrolyte balance. cation
T e phrase uid balance implies h - [cat- down, -ion to go (ion)]
me stasis, r relative nstan y dissociate
b dy f uid levelsa nditi n re- (dih-SOH-see-ayt)
quired r healthy survival. It [dis- apart, -socia- unite, -ate action]
means that b th the t tal v l- electrolyte
ume and distributi n water (eh-LEK-troh-lyte)
in the b dy remain n rmal [electro- electricity, -lyt- loosening]
and relatively nstant. electrolyte balance
B dy input r intake (eh-LEK-troh-lyte BAL-ans)
water must be balan ed by [electro- electricity, -lyt- loosening]
utput. I water in ex- extracellular uid (ECF)
ess requirements en- (eks-trah-SEL-yoo-lar FLOO-id
ters the b dy, it must be [ee see e ])
eliminated, and, i ex ess [extra- outside, -cell- storeroom,
l sses ur, pr mpt re- -ular relating to]
pla ement is riti al. Be- uid balance
ause f uid balan e re ers t (FLOO-id BAL-ans)
n rmal h me stasis, f uid im- uid compartment
balan e means that the t tal v l- (FLOO-id kom-PART-ment)
ume water in the b dy r the am unts interstitial uid (IF)
in ne r m re its f uid mpartments have (in-ter-STISH-al FLOO-id [aye e ])
[inter- between, -stit- stand,
in reased r de reased bey nd n rmal limits.
-al relating to]
intracellular uid (ICF)
Electrolytes are substan es su h as salts that diss lve r break
(in-trah-SEL-yoo-lar FLOO-id
apart in water s luti n t rm ele tri ally harged at ms ( r
[aye see e ])
gr ups at ms) alled ions. Electrolyte balance re ers t [intra- occurring within,
h me stasis r relative nstan y n rmal ele tr lyte levels -cell- storeroom, -ular relating to]
in the b dy f uids. ion
T e vari us types b dy f uids serve di ering un ti ns in [ion to go]
di erent areas the b dy. d s , ea h type b dy f uid
must maintain di ering levels and types ele tr lytes

Continued on p. 594

584 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

FIGURE 21-1 Relative volumes o three body uids. Values repre- T e reas n f uid v lume values in re eren e tables
sent typical f uid distribution in a young adult male. are based n n n bese individuals is that adip se, r
21 at tissue, ntains the least am unt water any
b dy tissue. T e m re at present in the b dy, the
within a very narr w range n rmal. F r example, less the t tal water ntent per kil gram b dy
bl d, lymph, intra ellular f uid, interstitial f uid, weight. T ere re, regardless age, bese indi-
erebr spinal f uid, and j int and eye f uids all viduals, with their high b dy at ntent, have
depend n mplex h me stati me hanisms t less b dy water per kil gram weight than
adjust and maintain n rmal levels appr priate slender pe ple.
ele tr lytes required r that Alth ugh a n n bese male b dy typi ally
parti ular type b dy f uid t nsists ab ut 60% water, an bese male
un ti n as it sh uld. r
P la s ma 3L may nsist nly 50% water r even
less. T e emale b dy ntains slightly
H ealth and s metimes even less water per kil gram weight be-
survival itsel depend n main- ause n average it ntains slightly
Inte rs titia l
taining the pr per v lume and m re at than the male b dy.
fluid (IF) 12 L
distributi n b dy water and N te in Figure 21-2 that age, as well as
the appr priate levels and types gender, inf uen es the am unt water in the b dy.
ele tr lytes within it. In this Remember that b dy f uids are n t all in a single,
hapter y u will nd a dis us- Intra ce llula r ntinu us spa e in the b dybut ten un ti n
si n b dy f uids and ele tr - fluid (ICF) 25 L as i they are.
lytes, their n rmal values, the me h- In ants have m re water as mpared with b dy
anisms that perate t keep them n rmal, and s me weight than adults either sex. In a newb rn,
the m re mm n types f uid and ele tr lyte water may a unt r up t 80% t tal b dy
imbalan es. weight. T e per entage water is even higher in
premature in ants. T e need r a high water
ntent in the early stages li e is the reas n
Bo d y Flu id Vo lu m e s f uid imbalan es in in ants aused by diarrhea, r
O the hundreds mp unds present in y ur b dy, the m st example, an be s seri us.
abundant is water. Medi al re eren e tables ten re er t av- T e per entage b dy water de reases rapidly during the
erage f uid v lumes based n healthy n n bese y ung adults. rst 10 years li e and by ad les en e, adult values are
In su h tables, males weighing 70 kg (154 p unds) will have rea hed and gender di eren es, whi h a unt r ab ut a
n average ab ut 60% their b dy weight, nearly 40 L, as 10% variati n in b dy f uid v lumes between the sexes, have
water (Figure 21-1). Y ung emales average ab ut 50% water. devel ped.
In elderly individuals, the am unt water per kil gram
100 b dy weight de reases. One reas n is that ld age is ten a -
mpanied by a de rease in mus le mass (65% water) and an
in rease in at (20% water). Certain drugs r t xins may have
m re p tent e e ts in the elderly be ause they be me m re
n entrated in the smaller v lume water present in the
b dies s me elderly pe ple. O urse, su h drugs r t xins
may have a redu ed e e t when diluted in the larger relative
am unt water in a y ung pers ns b dy. In b th ases, the
key a t r is the per entage b dy weight represented by
Bo d y Flu id C o m p a r t m e n t s
F r the sake dis ussi n, the f uids the b dy are th ught
as being ntained in the reti al mpartments. Ea h
0 these uid compartments is a tually a gr up separated
Newborn Adult Adult spa es in the b dy that in many ways un ti n as i they are
infa nt ma le fe ma le all in ne mpartment. Using this n ept, t tal b dy f uid
(75%) (60%) (50%)
an be subdivided int tw maj r f uid mpartments alled
FIGURE 21-2 Water in the body. Proportion o body weight typically the extracellular and the intracellular f uid mpartments. Y u
made up o water in in ants, adult males, and adult emales. an see the maj r f uid mpartments illustrated in Figure 21-3.
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 585

34% Extra ce llula r uid compa rtme nt

Inte rs titia l uid

P la s ma

Tra ns ce llula r

66% Intra ce llula r uid compa rtme nt

FIGURE 21-3 Distribution o total body water. The f uids o the body are separated by membranes into
unctional compartments o the body. The intracellular f uid (ICF) compartment includes all the f uids inside
all the cells o the body. The extracellular f uid (ECF) compartment includes the interstitial f uid (IF) between cells
o most tissues and the plasma o the blood tissue. ECF also includes lymph and transcellular f uids.

Ex t r a c e llu la r Flu id In t r a c e llu la r Flu id

Extracellular uid (ECF) nsists mainly the liquid part T e term intracellular uid (ICF) re ers t the largest v l-
wh le bl d alled the plasma, und in the bl d vessels, ume b dy f uid by ar. It is l ated inside all the ells the
and the interstitial uid (IF) that surr unds the ells. b dy. Water has many un ti ns inside the ell but mainly
In additi n, a smaller v lume lymph and transcellular serves as a s lvent in whi h imp rtant hemi al rea ti ns
uids are part the extra ellular f uid mpartment. rans- the ell an ur.
ellular f uids in lude erebr spinal f uid (CSF), f uids the
eyeball, and the syn vial j int f uids. QUICK CHECK
Table 21-1 lists typi al per entage b dy weight values r 1. Wh a t a re e le ctro lyte s a n d w h a t is e le ctro lyte b a la n ce ?
the extra ellular f uid mpartments. Figure 21-3 sh ws the 2. Wh a t a re th e tw o m a in u id co m p a rtm e n ts o th e b o d y?
3. Wh a t is m e a n t b y th e te rm u id b a la n ce ?
distributi n f uids in the extra ellular f uid mpartment as
4. Wh a t is th e la rg e s t vo lu m e o b o d y u id ?
a per entage t tal b dy water.

TABLE 21-1 Volumes o Body Fluid Compartments*

M e c h a n is m s Th a t M a in t a in
ADULT ADULT Flu id Ba la n c e
BODY FLUID INFANT MALE FEMALE O ve r v ie w o Flu id Ba la n c e
Extrace llular Fluid
Under n rmal nditi ns, h me stasis the t tal v lume
Plas m a 4 4 4
water in the b dy is maintained r rest red primarily by
Inte rs titial uid, lym ph, and 26 16 11 devi es that adjust utput (by adjusting urine v lume) t
trans ce llular uids
intake and se ndarily by me hanisms that adjust f uid
Intrace llular Fluid 45 40 35 intake. T ere is n questi n ab ut whi h the tw me h-
TOTAL 75 60 50 anisms is m re imp rtant; the b dys hie me hanism, by
*Pe rce ntage o body we ight. Com pare to volum e in lite rs in Figure 21-1 and ar, r maintaining f uid balan e is that adjusting its
pe rce ntage o total body wate r in Figure 21-2. f uid utput s that it equals its f uid intake.
586 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

O bvi usly, as l ng as utput and intake are

TABLE 21-2 Typical Daily Water Input and Output*
equal, the t tal am unt water in the b dy
21 d es n t hange. Figure 21-4 sh ws the three INTAKE OUTPUT
main s ur es f uid intake: Wate r in oods 700 m L Lungs (wate r in expire d air) 350 m L
Inge s te d liquids 1500 m L Skin
1. Liquids we drink
2. Water in the ds we eat Wate r orm e d by catabolis m 200 m L By di us ion 350 m L
3. Water rmed by atab lism nutri- By s we at 100 m L
ents ( ellular respirati n) Kidneys (as urine ) 1400 m L

We als see in Figure 21-4 the main avenues Inte s tine s (in e ce s ) 200 m L
water utput by the b dy: TYPICAL DAILY TOTALS 2400 m L 2400 m L

1. Water vap r l st when we exhale *Am ounts vary w ide ly am ong individuals and w ithin the s am e individual, de pe nding on m any
actors .
2. Sweat that evap rates r m the skin
3. Urine utput by the kidney
4. Water l st in the e es Re g u la t io n o Flu id O u t p u t
Table 21-2 gives the n rmal v lumes ea h avenue water Ro u t e s o Flu id O u t p u t
input and utput. H wever, these an vary a great deal and Table 21-2 als indi ates that f uid utput r m the b dy urs
still be nsidered n rmal. thr ugh ur rgans: the kidneys, lungs, skin, and intestines.
A number a t rs a t as me hanisms r balan ing plasma, T e f uid utput that f u tuates the m st is that ex reted
IF, and ICF v lumes. T e three main a t rs are as ll ws: r m the kidneys. T e b dy maintains f uid balan e mainly by
hanging the v lume urine ex reted t mat h hanges in
1. Regulating f uid utput the v lume f uid intake. Every ne kn ws this r m experi-
2. Regulating f uid input en e. T e m re liquid ne drinks, the m re urine ne ex retes.
3. Ex hanging f uids between mpartments and r m C nversely, the less the f uid intake, the less the urine v lume.
pla e t pla e within the b dy H w hanges in urine v lume me ab ut was dis ussed


Wa te r in foods 1
Lungs (wa te r va por)

2 H 2O
Inge s te d liquids

S toma ch H 2O

Blood ve s s e l

H 2O

Inte s tine s
S kin (s we a t)

H 2O

Kidne y (urine )

Tis s ue ca ta bolis m

FIGURE 21-4 Fluid balance. Pri- La rge inte s tine (fe ce s )
mary mechanisms o f uid intake and
f uid output by the body.
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 587

n pp. 563-564. T is w uld be a g d time t review th se

To learn more about the aldosterone regulation
It is imp rtant t remember r m y ur study the urinary
mechanism, go to AnimationDirect online at
system that the rate water and salt res rpti n by the renal
tubules is the m st imp rtant a t r in determining urine
v lume. Urine v lume is regulated hief y by h rm nes that Re g u la t io n o Flu id In t a k e
a e t kidney tubule un ti n.
Physi l gists disagree ab ut the details the me hanism r
A D H M e c h a n is m ntr lling and regulating f uid intake t mpensate r a -
t rs that w uld lead t dehydrati n.
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release r m the p steri r pitu-
In general the me hanism r regulating f uid intake ap-
itary in reases as the ECF v lume the b dy de reases be-
pears t perate in the ll wing ways. W hen dehydrati n
l w n rmal. In Chapter 12, we learned that ADH pr m tes
starts t devel pthat is, when f uid l ss r m the b dy ex-
water reabs rpti n r m the kidney tubule ba k int the
eeds f uid intake hanges ur in the ECF. T e ECF v l-
bl d. T is redu es urine v lume by retaining m re water in
ume de reases and the s lute n entrati n ( sm ti pres-
the b dy. T us, ADH redu es water utput r m the b dy.
sure) the ECF in reases.
A ld o s t e ro n e M e c h a n is m Sens ry re ept rs in the brain and elsewhere in the b dy
dete t the hange in the v lume and n entrati n extra-
Aldosterone r m the adrenal rtex w rks with ADH t re-
ellular f uids aused by dehydrati n. T ey relay this in rma-
du e water utput even urther. Ald ster ne in reases Na
ti n t the thirst enters the hyp thalamus. Signals r m
reabs rpti n by the kidney tubules. Be ause water ll ws
the hyp thalamus ause water nservati n thr ugh ut the
s dium, water reabs rpti n int the bl d als in reases.
b dy, in luding a de rease in salivary se reti n. De reased
T us, the b dy retains water that w uld therwise be l st in
salivati n pr du es a dry-m uth eeling that enhan es a
the urine. T us we see that ADH and ald ster ne are water-
eeling thirst. T e dry m uth auses a pers n t eel
nserving h rm nes.
thirsty and t drink water. D rinking water in reases f uid
Figure 21-5 tra es the ald ster ne me hanism in m re de-
intake and thereby mpensates r previ us f uid l sses. T is
tail. Begin in the upper right the diagram and ll w, in
tends t rest re f uid balan e (Figure 21-6).
sequen e, ea h step t see h w the ald ster ne me hanism
I an individual takes n thing by m uth r days, an his
helps maintain a nstant v lume ECF in the b dy.
f uid utput de rease t zer ? T e answern be mes
A N H M e c h a n is m bvi us a ter reviewing the in rmati n in Table 21-2. Despite
Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) r m the
atrial wall the heart, n the ther hand,
in reases urine v lume. ANH is released Norma l ECF
when bl d v lume is higher than n rmal, volume (blood a nd
(ba ck towa rd) inte rs titia l fluid)
whi h stret hes the atrium. ANH pr m tes
S ome fa ctor
s dium l ss r m the bl d int kidney tu- (e .g., nothing by
bules. Be ause water ll ws s dium, water mouth for 24 hours )
is als l st r m the bl dthus in reasing
l ss water in the urine. T ere re, ANH Feedback
is a water-l ss h rm ne r diuretic loop De cre a s e s ECF
volume , including
h rm ne. de cre a s e d blood
Incre a s e s
Please review h rm nal ntr l ECF volume volume , which
urine v lume in Chapter 20
(pp. 563-564).
De cre a s e s De cre a s e s a rte ria l
urine blood pre s s ure

Trigge rs kidne y to
Incre a s e s Incre a s e s initia te the re nin-
FIGURE 21-5 Aldosterone mechanism. kidne y tubule tota l Na a ngiote ns ion-
Aldosterone restores normal extracellular re a bs orption conte nt a ldos te rone s ys te m
f uid (ECF) volume when such levels decrease of wa te r of body
below normal. Excess aldosterone, however,
leads to excess ECF volumethat is, excess
blood volume (hypervolemia) and excess in- Incre a s e s kidne y Adre na l corte x
terstitial f uid volume (edema)and also tubule re a bs orption incre a s e s its
leads to an excess o the total Na content of Na s e cre tion of
a ldos te rone
o the body.
588 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

pushed ltered ut bl d int the IF. T e e e t an

Feedback in rease in apillary bl d pressure, then, is t trans er f uid
21 loop r m bl d t IF. In turn, this uid shi t, as it is alled, hanges
bl d and IF v lumes. It de reases bl d v lume by in reas-
Norma l tota l ing IF v lume. I , n the ther hand, apillary bl d pressure
volume of body wa te r
de reases, less f uid lters ut bl d int IF.
Water ntinually m ves in b th dire ti ns thr ugh the
membran us walls apillaries (see Figure 21-4). T e am unt
Te nds to that m ves ut apillary bl d int IF depends largely n
re s tore
apillary bl d pressure, a water-pushing r e. T e am unt
S ome fa ctor that m ves in the pp site dire ti n (that is, int bl d r m
(e .g., e xce s s ive
s we a ting) IF) depends largely n the n entrati n pr teins in bl d
plasma. Review Figure 15-4 n p. 406 t re resh y ur kn wl-
edge these r es.
Plasma pr teins ntribute t sm ti pressure and thereby
a t as a water-pulling r water-h lding r e. T ey h ld water
Incre a s e s De cre a s e s tota l
volume of in the bl d and pull it int the bl d r m IF. I , r example,
uid inta ke
body wa te r the n entrati n pr teins in bl d de reases appre iably
as in pr tein de ien yless water m ves int bl d r m IF
by sm sis (see Figure 3-8 n p. 52). As a result, bl d v lume
de reases and IF v lume in reases ausing edema.
O the three main b dy f uids, IF v lume varies the m st.
Ca us e s dry De cre a s e s Plasma v lume usually f u tuates nly slightly and brief y. I a
mouth, thirs t s e cre tion
of s a liva pr n un ed hange in its v lume urs, adequate ir ulati n
ann t be maintained.

To learn more about uid shi t, go to

AnimationDirect online at
FIGURE 21-6 Thirst mechanism. A basic mechanism or adjusting in-
take to compensate or excess output o body f uid is diagrammed here.
Flu id Im b a la n c e s
every e rt h me stati me hanisms t mpensate r Fluid imbalan es are mm n ailments. T ey take several
zer intake, s me utput (l ss) f uid urs as l ng as li e rms and stem r m a variety auses, but they all share a
ntinues. Water is ntinually l st r m the b dy thr ugh mm n hara teristi that abn rmally l w r abn r-
expired air and di usi n thr ugh skin. mally high v lumes ne r m re b dy f uids.
Alth ugh the b dy adjusts f uid intake, a t rs that adjust
f uid utput, su h as ele tr lytes and bl d pr teins, are ar
m re imp rtant.
D e h yd r a t io n
Signi ant l ss water r m the b dy, r dehydration, is
QUICK CHECK the f uid imbalan e seen m st ten. Figure 21-7 sh ws h w
1. Wh ich d o e s th e b o d y p rim a rily a d ju s t, u id in ta ke o r u id h t weather r exer ise an ause dramati in reases in water
o u tp u t? utputmainly by sweating. Dehydrati n is a p tentially
2. Wh a t a re th e ch ie wa ys th a t u id le a ve s th e b o d y? danger us nditi n that an s n lead t death i a pers n
3. Ho w d o e s th e b o d y m a in ta in u id b a la n ce ?
4. Na m e th e h o rm o n e s th a t re g u la te u rin e vo lu m e .
is unable t rest re the b dys f uid v lume.
5. De s crib e th e m e ch a n is m th a t re g u la te s u id in ta ke . In severe dehydrati n, IF v lume de reases rst, but eventu-
ally, i treatment has n t been given, ICF and plasma v lumes
als de rease bel w n rmal levels. Either t small a f uid in-
take r t large a f uid utput auses dehydrati n. Pr l nged
Exc h a n g e o Flu id s b y Blo o d diarrhea r v miting may result in dehydrati n due t the l ss
Besides regulating input and utput f uids, the b dy helps b dy f uids. T is is parti ularly true in in ants where the t tal
maintain a nstan y internal f uid balan e by ex hanging f uid v lume is mu h smaller than it is in adults.
f uids between f uid mpartments. T e bl d plasma is the A lini al sign dehydrati n is a de rease in the skins
m bile medium that an m ve f uids ar und the b dy qui kly turgorthe expe ted resilien y skin due t the utward
t even ut any l al f uid imbalan es. pressure interstitial f uid (Figure 21-8). H wever, this sign is
Capillary bl d pressure is a water-pushing r e. less reliable in the extremities the elderly be ause a natu-
It pushes f uid ut the bl d in apillaries int the IF. ral l ss skin turg r due t aging. In aged patients, the skin
T ere re, i apillary bl d pressure in reases, m re f uid is ver the rehead r sternum an be he ked.
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 589

C rre ti n the neur l gi al impairment al ng with water
restri ti n an reverse the sympt ms.
Re s pira tion
S kin
Water int xi ati n an happen in n rmal individuals i 21
Fe ce s water intake is s rapid that the urinary me hanisms water
Urine l ss ann t keep up. Alth ugh this is unusual, it an happen
as witnessed by milli ns a ew years ag when a radi stati n
held a water drinking ra e n the air and a ntestant died
r m the e e ts severe water int xi ati n.
1. Ho w d o e s a n in cre a s e in ca p illa ry b lo o d p re s s u re ca u s e
1000 u id to m o ve in to th e IF?
2. Ho w d o p la s m a p ro te in s a e ct u id b a la n ce ?
0 3. Wh a t co n d itio n s m ig h t p ro d u ce d e hyd ra tio n ?
Norma l Hot P rolonge d 4. Wh a t is wa te r in toxica tio n ?
te mpe ra ture we a the r exe rcis e

FIGURE 21-7 Water output by the body under varying conditions.

Note that water loss rom sweating ( rom the skin) increases total water Im p o r t a n c e o Ele c t ro ly t e s
loss by the body when the weather is hot and during prolonged exercise.
in Bo d y Flu id s
Ele c t ro ly t e s a n d N o n e le c t ro ly t e s
O ve r h yd r a t io n T e b nds that h ld t gether the m le ules ertain rgani
T e nditi n having m re water in the b dy than needed substan es su h as glu se are su h that they d n t permit
r healthy survival is alled overhydration. Alth ugh verhy- the mp und t break up, r dissociate, in water s luti n.
drati n d es ur, it is less mm n than dehydrati nand Su h mp unds are alled nonelectrolytes. Crystals su h as
is usually untera ted by a rapid l ss water in the urine. rdinary table salt, r s dium hl ride (NaCl), that have ionic
One grave danger giving intraven us f uids t rapidly bonds that permit them t break up, r diss iate, in water
r in t large an am unt is verhydrati n, whi h an put s luti n int separate parti les (Na and Cl ) are electrolytes.
t heavy a burden n the heart by in reasing the v lume
bl d t be pumped.
Water intoxication may result r m rapidly drinking large
Io n s
v lumes water r giving hyp t ni s luti ns t pers ns un- T e diss iated parti les an ele tr lyte are alled ions and
able t dilute and ex rete urine n rmally. T is may ur in arry either a p sitive r negative ele tri al harge. As a gr up,
patients with kidney insu ien y r abn rmal thirst me ha- all p sitively harged i ns, su h as Na , are alled cations. All
nisms resulting r m neur l gi al dis rders. Water ntent is negatively harged i ns, su h as Cl , are alled anions. Ea h
elevated, and plasma s dium levels are diluted. Devel pment the b dy f uid mpartments ntains di ering levels
subtle mental hanges su h as n usi n and lethargy ur. many imp rtant i nsb th p sitively harged ati ns and
I int xi ati n is severe, stup r, seizures, and ma may result. negatively harged ani ns. S metimes the diss iated i ns are
themselves alled electrolytes.
Imp rtant ati ns in lude s dium (Na ), al ium (Ca ),
p tassium (K ), and magnesium (Mg ). Imp rtant ani ns
FIGURE 21-8 Testing or dehydration. A decrease o skin resiliency or in lude hl ride (Cl ), bi arb nate (H CO 3 ), ph sphates
turgor is a sign o dehydration. Skin that does not return quickly to its normal (H 2PO 4 and H PO 4 ), and many pr teins. Pr teins an be
shape a ter being pinched (or tented) indicates interstitial water loss. This ani ni when they ntain negatively harged amin a ids
sign is less reliable in the extremities o the elderly, who naturally experi- amin a id side gr ups that have gained ele tr ns t give
ence loss o turgor due to aging. them an ele tri al harge.
Figure 21-9 sh ws that alth ugh ECF ntains a number
imp rtant i ns, by ar the m st abundant are s dium (p si-
tive) and hl ride (negative). H wever, in the ICF, we nd
m stly p tassium (p sitive) and ani ni pr teins (negative).

Ele c t ro ly t e Fu n c t io n s
A variety ele tr lytes have imp rtant nutrient r regulat ry
r les in the b dy. Many i ns are maj r r imp rtant tra e
elements in the b dy (see Appendix C at
590 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

h w ECF ele tr lyte n entrati n a e ts f uid v l-

150 P la s ma umes, remember this ne sh rt senten e: Where so-
150 142 145
21 Inte rs titia l
Intra ce llula r
dium goes, water soon ollows.
117 I , r example, the n entrati n s dium in
100 104 interstitial f uid spa es rises ab ve n rmal, the v l-
ume IF s n rea hes abn rmal levels t a
nditi n alled edema, whi h results in tissue
swelling (see b x bel w). Edema may ur in any
50 rgan r tissue the b dy. H wever, the lungs,
brain, and dependent b dy areas su h as the legs and
24 27
12 12 14 l wer ba k are a e ted m st ten. One the m st
4.3 4.4 5.04 .8 ~0 4
mm n areas r swelling t ur is in the sub u-
Na+ K+ Ca++ HCO3 Cl P rote in tane us tissues the ankle and t.
Alth ugh wide variati ns are p ssible, the aver-
Catio ns Anio ns age daily diet ntains ab ut 100 milliequivalents
FIGURE 21-9 Electrolytes ound in uid compartments o the body. Note that s dium. T e milliequivalent (mEq) is a unit mea-
sodium (Na ) is the dominant positive ion and chloride (Cl ) is the dominant negative ion surement related t i n rea tivity.
in the extracellular f uid compartments (plasma and interstitial f uid). However, in the in- In a healthy individual, s dium ex reti n r m
tracellular f uid compartment, potassium (K ) and anionic proteins dominate. mEq/L, mil- the b dy by the kidney is ab ut the same as intake.
liequivalent per liter. T e kidney a ts as the hie regulat r s dium
levels in b dy f uids. It is imp rtant t kn w that
Ir n, r example, is required r hem gl bin pr du ti n, and many ele tr lytes su h as s dium n t nly pass int and ut
i dine must be available r synthesis thyr id h rm nes. the b dy but als m ve ba k and rth between a number
Ele tr lytes als are required r many ellular a tivities su h b dy f uids during ea h 24-h ur peri d.
as nerve ndu ti n and mus le ntra ti n. Figure 21-10 sh ws the large v lumes s dium- ntaining
In additi n, ele tr lytes inf uen e the m vement water internal se reti ns pr du ed ea h day. D uring a 24-h ur pe-
am ng the three f uid mpartments the b dy. remember ri d, m re than 8 liters f uid ntaining 1000 t 1300 mEq


Ede m a m ay be de f ne d as the pre s e nce o abnorm ally large 3. A de cre as e in the co nce ntratio n o plas m a pro te ins .
am ounts o uid in the inte rs titial tis s ue s pace s o the body. This de cre as e can be caus e d by le akage into the inte r-
The te rm pitting e de m a is us e d to de s cribe de pre s s ions in s titial s pace s o prote ins norm ally re taine d in the blood.
s wolle n s ubcutane ous tis s ue that do not rapidly re f ll a te r an This m ay occur as a re s ult o incre as e d capillary pe rm e -
exam ine r has exe rte d f nge r pre s s ure (s e e photo). This type o ability caus e d by in e ction, burns , or s hock.
e de m a is o te n a s ym ptom in thos e w ith conge s tive he art
ailure .
The condition is a clas s ic exam ple o uid im balance and
m ay be caus e d by dis turbance s in any actor that gove rns the
inte rchange be twe e n blood plas m a and IF com partm e nts . Ex-
am ple s include the ollow ing:
1. Re te ntio n o e le ctro lyte s (e s pe cially Na ) in the
e xtrace llular uid. This can re s ult rom incre as e d aldo-
s te rone s e cre tion or can occur during s e rious kidney
dis e as e .
2. An incre as e in capillary blo o d pre s s ure . Norm ally,
uid is draw n rom the tis s ue s pace s into the ve nous
e nd o a tis s ue capillary be caus e o the low ve nous
pre s s ure and the re lative ly high wate r-pulling orce o
the plas m a prote ins . This balance is ups e t by anything
that incre as e s the capillary hydros tatic pre s s ure . The
ge ne ralize d ve nous conge s tion o he art ailure is the
m os t com m on caus e o w ide s pre ad e de m a. In patie nts
w ith this condition, blood cannot ow re e ly through the
capillary be ds , and the re ore the pre s s ure w ill incre as e Pitting edema. Note the ngertip-shaped depressions (arrows) that do
until ve nous re turn o blood im prove s . not rapidly re ll a ter an examiner has exerted pressure.
Inte rnal s e c re tio ns CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 591

S a liva
The word diure tic is rom the Gre e k word dioure tikos
m e aning caus ing urine . By de f nition a diure tic drug is a
Ga s tric s ubs tance that prom ote s or s tim ulate s the production o
s e cre tions urine . Re call that an incre as e in urine volum e re pre s e nts a
2500 mL los s o wate r rom the body.
As a group, diure tics are am ong the m os t com m only
us e d drugs in m e dicine . They are us e d be caus e o the ir role
P a ncre a tic in in ue ncing wate r and e le ctrolyte balance , e s pe cially s o-
s e cre tions dium , in the body. For exam ple , diure tics can be us e d to
500 mL re m ove uid rom the body to re duce blood pre s s ure in
patie nts w ith hype rte ns ion (HTN).
Bile Diure tics have the ir e e ct on tubular unction in the
500 mL ne phron, and the di e ring type s o diure tics are o te n clas -
s if e d according to the ir m ajor s ite o action. Exam ple s
would include (1) proxim al tubule diure tics s uch as ace tazol-
am ide (Diam ox), (2) ne phron loop diure tics s uch as e th-
acrynic acid (Ede crin) or uros e m ide (Las ix), and (3) dis tal
Inte s tina l tubule diure tics s uch as chlorothiazide (Diuril).
s e cre tions Ca e ine produce s its m ildly diure tic e e cts by inhibiting
3000 mL wate r re abs orption in the proxim al tubule s o the kidney.
Clas s if cation o diure tic drugs als o can be m ade accord-
ing to the e e ct the drug has on the leve l or conce ntration
o s odium (Na ), chloride (Cl ), potas s ium (K ), and bicar-
FIGURE 21-10 Sodium-containing internal secretions. The total bonate (HCO 3 ) ions in the tubular uid.
volume o these secretions may reach 8000 mLor more in 24 hours.
Alcohol is als o a diure tic. It re duce s s e cre tion o ADH,
w hich is a wate r-cons e rving horm one . Thus wate r that
s dium are p ured int the digestive system as part sa- would have othe rw is e be e n cons e rve d by the body is los t
liva, gastri se reti ns, bile, pan reati jui e, and IF se reti ns. unde r the in ue nce o alcohol.
T is s dium, al ng with m st that ntained in the diet, is Diure tics are s om e tim e s abus e d by athle te s to quickly
alm st mpletely reabs rbed in the intestines. Very little re duce the ir we ight jus t be ore an eve nt or we igh-in. Los s
s dium is l st in the e es. Pre ise regulati n and ntr l o wate r rom the body doe s in act re duce a pe rs ons
we ight, but it als o re duce s his or he r athle tic ability by cre -
s dium levels are required r survival.
ating the condition o de hydration. Diure tics (exce pt or le -
QUICK CHECK gitim ate the rape utic us e ) are include d on the Prohibite d
Lis t by the World Anti-Doping Age ncy.
1. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a n e le ctro lyte a n d a
n o n e le ctro lyte ?
Nurs ing im plications or care give rs m onitoring patie nts
2. Wh a t a re s o m e o th e m a jo r ro le s o io n s in th e b o d y? re ce iving diure tics both in hos pitals and in hom e he alth-
3. Id e n ti y th e u n ctio n s o e le ctro lyte s in th e b o d y. care e nvironm e nts include (1) ke e ping a care ul re cord o
body we ight and uid intake and output and (2) as s e s s ing
the patie nt or s igns and s ym ptom s o e le ctrolyte and wa-
Ele c t ro ly t e Im b a la n c e s te r im balance . For exam ple , diure tic-induce d de hydration
re s ulting in a los s o only 6% o initial body we ight w ill
Ho m e o s t a s is o Ele c t ro ly t e s caus e tingling in the extre m itie s , s tum bling gait, he adache ,
eve r, and an incre as e in both puls e and re s piratory rate s .
Ele tr lyte balan e, like f uid balan e, is related t intake and
utput spe i ele tr lytes. Als imp rtant is the abs rp-
ti n ele tr lytes that are ingested, their nal distributi n in
the b dy f uids, and their availability r use by the b dy ells.
ECF n rmally ntains di ering levels s me ele tr - Appendix C at lists the n rmal values
lytes than d es ICF. In rder t maintain di erent n entra- many imp rtant ele tr lytes and identi es disease states that
ti ns ele tr lytes in the di erent b dy f uids, di ering h - may result in variati ns ab ve r bel w n rmal levels. Ele tr -
me stati me hanisms that inf uen e intake, abs rpti n, lyte imbalan es inv lving s dium, p tassium, and al ium are
distributi n, and ex reti n these ele tr lytes are needed. mm n in lini al medi ine and are des ribed in the ll w-
Any disrupti n in a h me stati me hanism that ntr ls ing se ti ns.
the level r n rmal hemi al a tivity a parti ular ele tr -
lyte in any the di erent b dy f uids pr du es an electrolyte
Check out the article Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
imbalance. Su h imbalan es are widespread and ten very
at Connect It! at
seri us and s metimes atal mani estati ns disease.
592 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

TABLE 21-3 Electrolyte Imbalances

Sodium (Na ) Hype rnatre m ia 145 m Eq/L He adache ; con us ion; s e izure s
Hyponatre m ia 136 m Eq/L In s eve re cas e s : com a and de ath
Potas s ium (K ) Hype rkale m ia 5.1 m Eq/L We ake ning and paralys is o s ke le tal m us cle
Hypokale m ia 3.5 m Eq/L Cardiac dys rhythm ia or arre s t gas trointe s tinal (GI) m otility proble m s
Calcium (Ca ) Hype rcalce m ia 5.25 m Eq/L Fatigue , m us cle we akne s s , dim inis he d re exe s ; im paire d cardiac
Hypocalce m ia 4.2 m Eq/L Mus cle cram ping and tw itching o m us cle s , hype ractive re exe s ;
cardiac dys rhythm ia

dietary p tassium; abuse laxatives and ertain diureti s in

S o d iu m Im b a la n c e extreme weight l ss pr grams; r by l ss p tassium be ause
T e term natrium is the Latin w rd r s dium. T e pre xes diarrhea, v miting, r gastri su ti n. As with hyperkale-
hyper- and hypo- re er t ab ve and bel w, respe tively. mia, l w p tassium levels ause skeletal mus le weakness and
Kn wing this makes the terms hypernatremia and hyponatremia ardia pr blems. Figure 21-11 sh ws the e e ts l w p tas-
easier t understand and remember. Hypernatremia is used sium (2.2 mEq/L) in redu ing ventri ular mus le un ti n
t des ribe a bl d s dium level m re than 145 mEq/L. and thus ausing a pr l nged S segment in the ele tr ar-
Hyponatremia urs when bl d s dium level is bel w di gram (ECG).
136 mEq/L (see Appendix C at and Table 21-3). In additi n, sm th mus le in the gastr intestinal tra t
H ypernatremia may result r m veruse salt tablets, d es n t ntra t pr perly, ausing abd minal distenti n and
dehydrati n, r pr l nged diarrhea. Regardless ause, the diminished rate passage intestinal ntents.
nditi n is hara terized by a relative de it water t salt
in the ECF. H yp natremia urs when there is relatively t
C a lc iu m Im b a la n c e
mu h water in the ECF mpartment r the am unt s -
dium present. T is an ur i ex essive antidiureti h rm ne Cal ium is the m st abundant mineral in the b dy. It serves
is pr du ed r a ter massive in usi n IV f uids, su h as 5% as a basi stru tural building bl k in b ne and teeth. In ad-
dextr se in water, that d n t ntain s dium. diti n, it is essential r the maintenan e a n rmal heart-
H yp natremia als may be aused by ex essive salt l ss beat, r un ti ning nerves and mus les, and r the r le it
resulting r m burns r ertain diureti s. plays in metab lism, bl d agulati n, and in many ther
B th these nditi ns a e t entral nerv us system enzymati rea ti ns. Failure h me stati me hanisms that
(CNS) un ti ning and are hara terized by heada he; n u- regulate levels this imp rtant ele tr lyte an result in ata-
si n; seizures; and, in the m st severe ases, ma and death. str phi illness.
T e n rmal range r serum al ium is 8.4 t
10.5 mg/dL r 4.2 t 5.25 mEq/L (see Appendix C at
P o t a s s iu m Im b a la n c e and Table 21-3).
T e n rmal range r p tassium in bl d is 3.5 t 5.1 mEq/L Hypercalcemia urs when bl d al ium levels rise
(see Appendix C at Alth ugh m st the ab ve n rmal limits. T e nditi n may be aused by ex essive
t tal b dy p tassium is inside the ells, f u tuati ns r imbal- input r by in reased abs rpti n that may ur ll wing an
an e in the relatively small am unts present in the ECF will verd se vitamin D. Elevated levels als an result r m
ause seri us illness.
Hyperkalemia is the lini al term used t des ribe bl d
p tassium levels m re than 5.1 mEq/L. (Kalium is the V2
Latin w rd r p tassium.) Elevati n p tassium may be P rolonge d

related t in reased intake, a shi t r m the intra ellular f uid

int the bl d aused by tissue trauma r burns, r in ases P
renal ailure, by an inability the kidneys t ex rete ex ess
p tassium.
Many the lini al mani estati ns hyperkalemia are
related t mus le mal un ti n (see Table 21-3). As p tassium QRS
levels in rease, skeletal mus les weaken and paralysis devel-
FIGURE 21-11 Hypokalemia e ects on heart unction. Low potassium
ps. Severe hyperkalemia results in ardia arrest. levels (hypokalemia) can cause changes in heart unction, including a prolonged
Hypokalemia re ers t a l w bl d p tassium level (bel w ST segment caused by the presence o an extra wave called the U wave. Com-
3.5 mEq/L). It may be aused by asting; ad diets l w in pare to the normal ECG (electrocardiogram) in Figure 14-10 on p. 388.
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 593

shi ts al ium r m b ne int the ECF aused by Paget Clini al signs hyp al emia inv lve increased neur mus-
disease (see p. 202), ther b ne tum rs, r hyperparathyr id- ular ex itability, ramping and twit hing mus les, hyper-
ism bl d levels that will als in rease i the kidney ann t a tive ref exes, and abn rmal ardia rhythms hara terized by 21
n rmally ex rete ex ess al ium in the urinea side e e t impairment my ardial ntra tility. F r example, light
ertain diureti s. taps n the heek t stimulate the a ial nerve (CN VII) may
Regardless ause, hyper al emia de reases neur mus u- pr du e the Chvostek signan abn rmal spasm a ial
lar ability t be stimulatedresulting in atigue, mus le weak- mus lesin hyp al emi patients.
ness, diminished ref exes, and delayed atri ventri ular n-
du ti n in the heart.
Hypocalcemia may result r m dietary al ium de ien y,
de reased abs rpti n r availability, and as a result in-
reased al ium ex reti n. Diseases su h as pan reatitis, hyp - 1. Wh a t a re th e ca u s e s o hyp e rn a tre m ia ? Hyp o n a tre m ia ?
2. Hyp o ka le m ia m a y ca u s e w h a t co n d itio n s ?
parathyr idism, ri kets, and ste mala ia and hr ni renal
3. Why is ca lciu m a s ig n if ca n t m in e ra l in o u r b o d y?
insu ien y all l wer bl d al ium levels.

In 1834, a young Claude Be rnard Today, ne arly eve ry he alth-care pro e s s ional us e s conce pts
le t w hat he thought o at the tim e bas e d on Be rnards original ide a to he lp ke e p patie nts alive and
as his boring job as an appre n- he althy. Thos e w ho us e the s e ide as m os t dire ctly are the
tice apothe cary (druggis t) in Lyon, nurs e s , he alth te chnicians , IV te chnicians (picture d), and oth-
France , to m ake his ortune as a e rs w ho care or patie nts on an hour by hour bas is . It is the s e
playw right in Paris . His plays we re pro e s s ionals w ho m us t cons tantly as s e s s the uid balance o
not appre ciate d in Paris , but he patie nts and pos s ibly adm inis te r the rapie s to bring the ir uids
took a m e dical cours e w hile the re back into balance . Maintaining a he althy uid and e le ctrolyte
and ound that m any o the doc- balance is one o the key e le m e nts o s ucce s s ul patie nt care
tors appre ciate d his re s e arch s kills . in the m ode rn hos pital and clinic.
Claude Bernard Be rnard we nt on to be com e one o
(18131877) the m os t im portant f gure s in the
s tudy o hum an phys iology.
Be rnard m ade groundbre aking dis cove rie s in the unctions
o the pancre as and the live r, dis cove re d the exis te nce o
m us cle s that control blood ve s s e l dilation, and w rote a m an-
ual on expe rim e ntal m e dicine that s e t the s tandard in re -
s e arch practice or a ce ntury. Howeve r, one o the m os t un-
dam e ntal contributions he m ade to hum an phys iology is the
ide a that the body is m ade up o ce lls living in an inte rnal uid
e nvironm e nt.
Be rnard s tate d that the inte rnal uid e nvironm e nt o the
body is m aintaine d in a re lative ly cons tant s tate and thats
w hat e ns ure s the s urvival o the ce lls and the re ore als o e n-
s ure s the s urvival o the w hole body. Re call rom Chapte r 1
that we now call this conce pt hom e os tas is (s e e p. 14). It was
Be rnard w ho s howe d that the actions o horm one s and othe r
control m e chanis m s m aintain cons tant conditions in the bodys
inte rnal uid e nvironm e nt. And it was Be rnard w ho s howe d
that ne arly eve ry unction o the body s om e how re late s to the
s ucce s s o ke e ping body uids cons tant.
594 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 583)

nonelectrolyte plasma transcellular uid
(non-ee-LEK-troh-lyte) (PLAZ-mah) (tranz-SEL-yoo-lar)
[non- not, -electro- electricity, -lyt- loosening] [plasma substance] [trans- across, -cell- storeroom,
-ular relating to]


Chvostek sign hypernatremia IV (intravenous) technician

(ke-VOSH-tek syne) (hy-per-nah-TREE-mee-ah) (aye-vee [in-trah-VEE-nus] tek-NISH-en)
[Franz Chvostek Austrian surgeon] [hyper- excessive, -natri- natrium (sodium), [intra- within, -ven- vein, -ous relating to,
dehydration -emia blood condition] techn- art or skill, -ic relating to,
(dee-hye-DRAY-shun) hypocalcemia -ian practitioner]
[de- remove, -hydro water, -ation process] (hye-poh-kal-SEE-mee-ah) overhydration
diuretic [hypo- under or below, -calc- lime (calcium), (oh-ver-hye-DRAY-shun)
(dye-yoo-RET-ik) -emia blood condition] [over- above, -hydr- water, -ation process]
[dia- through, -ure- urine, -ic relating to] hypokalemia pitting edema
edema (hye-poh-kal-EE-mee-ah) (pit-ing eh-DEE-mah)
(eh-DEE-mah) [hypo- under or below, -kal- kalium (potassium), [edema swelling]
[edema swelling] -emia blood condition] turgor
hypercalcemia hyponatremia (TUR-ger)
(hye-per-kal-SEE-mee-ah) (hye-poh-nah-TREE-mee-ah) [turg- swell, -or condition]
[hyper- excessive, -calc- lime (calcium), [hypo- under or below, -natri- natrium (sodium), water intoxication
-emia blood condition] -emia blood condition] (WAH-ter in-TOK-sih-kay-shen)
hyperkalemia [in- in, -toxic- poison, -ation process]
[hyper- excessive, -kal- kalium (potassium),
-emia blood condition]
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 595


To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary C. Intra ellular f uid (ICF)largest f uid mpartment
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r 1. L ated inside ells
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . 2. Serves as s lvent t a ilitate intra ellular hemi al
rea ti ns
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e Me chanis m s That Maintain
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s
or be ore a te s t.
Fluid Balance
A. S ur es f uid intake (Figure 21-4 and Table 21-2)
1. Liquids we drink
Bo dy Fluid Vo lum e s 2. Water in d we eat
A. Water is the m st abundant b dy mp und 3. Metab li water ( r m ellular respirati n)
1. Re eren es t average b dy water v lume in re er- B. S ur es f uid utput (Figure 21-4 and Table 21-2)
en e tables are based n a healthy, n n bese, 70-kg 1. Water vap r (during respirati n)
male 2. Sweating ( r m skin)
2. V lume averages 40 L in a 70-kg male (Figure 21-1) 3. Urine ( r m kidney)
a. Plasma (3 L) 4. Water l st in the e es
b. Interstitial f uid (12 L) C. T ree main a t rs a e t plasma, IF, and ICF v lumes
. Intra ellular f uid (25 L) 1. Regulating f uid utput
3. Water is 80% b dy weight in newb rn in ants; 60% 2. Regulating f uid input
in adult males; 50% in adult emales (Figure 21-2) 3. Ex hanging f uid am ng mpartments and ar und
4. Variati n in t tal b dy water is related t : b dy
a. tal b dy weight individual D. Regulati n f uid utput
b. Fat ntent b dythe m re at in the b dy the 1. O rgans resp nsible r f uid utputlungs, skin,
less the t tal water ntent per kil gram b dy kidneys, and large intestine
weight (adip se tissue is l w in water ntent) 2. Fluid utput, mainly urine v lume, adjusts t f uid
. Gender emale b dy has ab ut 10% less than intake
male b dy (Figure 21-2) 3. Antidiureti h rm ne (ADH )
d. Agein a newb rn in ant, water may a unt r a. ADH released r m p steri r pituitary gland when
80% t tal b dy weight. In the elderly, water per ECF v lume is l w
kil gram weight de reases (mus le tissuehigh b. ADH pr m tes water reabs rpti n r m kidney
in waterrepla ed by at whi h is l wer in water) tubules int bl d
. Water is thus retained by b dy and less f uid is l st
in urine
Bo dy Fluid Co m partm e nts 4. Ald ster ne (Figure 21-5)
A. T e f uids the b dy are ntained within di erent a. Ald ster ne released r m adrenal rtex.
mpartments the b dy (Figure 21-3 and Table 21-1) b. Ald ster ne in reases kidney tubule reabs rpti n
B. Extra ellular f uid (ECF) alled internal envir nment s dium in kidney tubules
b dy; surr unds ells and transp rts substan es t and . Water ll ws s dium r m tubules int bl d
r m them d. Water is retained by ECF (and t tal b dy f uid) by
1. Plasmaliquid part wh le bl d de reasing urine v lume
2. Interstitial f uid (IF)surr unds the ells
3. rans ellularlymph; j int f uids; erebr spinal f uid;
eye hum rs
596 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

5. Atrial natriureti h rm ne (ANH ) 2. Ele tr lytes mp unds that break up r diss iate
a. ANH is released r m hearts atrial wall in resp nse in water s luti n int separate parti les alled i ns
21 t high bl d v lume (e.g., rdinary table salt r s dium hl ride)
b. ANH pr m tes s dium l ss r m bl d int B. I nsthe diss iated parti les an ele tr lyte that
kidney tubules arry an ele tri al harge
. Water ll ws s dium r m bl d, thus in reasing 1. Cati ns are p sitively harged i ns (e.g., p tassium
l ss water in urine [K ] and s dium [Na ])
E. Regulati n f uid intake (Figure 21-6) 2. Ani ns are negatively harged i ns (e.g., hl ride
1. Sens ry re ept rs dete t hange in v lume and ECF [Cl ], bi arb nate [H CO 3 ], ani ni pr teins)
n entrati n and send signals t the hyp thalamus C. Ele tr lyte mp siti n b dy f uids (Figure 21-9)
2. Signals r m hyp thalamus ause eeling thirst, 1. ECF d minated by s dium (p sitive) and hl ride
whi h triggers drinking f uids t rest re balan e (negative)
F. Ex hange f uids by bl d 2. ICF d minated by p tassium (p sitive) and ani ni
1. C nstan y internal f uid balan e als maintained by pr teins (negative)
ex hanging f uids between f uid mpartments D. Edemaswelling aused by high IF v lume
2. In reased apillary bl d pressure trans ers f uid r m E. S dium- ntaining internal se reti ns (Figure 21-10)
bl d t IFa f uid shi t
3. Bl d plasma pr tein n entrati n ntributes t
sm ti pressure, thus attra ting water and h lding it
Ele ctro lyte Im balance s (Table 21-3)
in the plasma A. Related t intake and utput ele tr lytes and als
abs rpti n and distributi n ele tr lytes in b dy f uids
and availability r use by b dy ells
Fluid Im balance s B. S dium imbalan e
A. Dehydrati nt tal v lume b dy f uids smaller than 1. H ypernatremiabl d s dium m re than 145 mEq/L
n rmal 2. Chara terized by relative de it water t salt in ECF
1. IF v lume shrinks rst, and then i treatment is n t 3. Causes in lude veruse salt tablets; dehydrati n;
given, ICF v lume and plasma v lume de rease and pr l nged diarrhea
2. Dehydrati n urs when f uid utput ex eeds intake 4. H yp natremiabl d s dium less than 136 mEq/L
r an extended peri d (Figure 21-7 and Figure 21-8) a. Results when there is relatively t mu h water in
B. O verhydrati nt tal v lume b dy f uids larger than the ECF r the am unt s dium present
n rmal b. Causes in lude ex essive se reti n antidiureti
1. Fluid intake ex eeds utput h rm ne; massive in usi n s dium- ree IV s lu-
2. Ex ess v lume burdens pumping a ti n heart ti n; burns; and pr l nged use ertain diureti s
C. Water int xi ati np ssibly li e-threatening neur l gi- . Sympt ms b th hyper- and hyp natremia are
al impairment aused by severe verhydrati n and related t CNS mal un ti n and in lude heada he,
a mpanying ele tr lyte imbalan e n usi n, seizures, and ma
C. P tassium imbalan e
Im po rtance o Ele ctro lyte s 1. H yperkalemiabl d p tassium m re than
5.1 mEq/L
in Bo dy Fluids a. Causes in lude in reased intake; shi t p tassium
A. Ele tr lytes and n nele tr lytes r m ICF t bl d aused by tissue trauma and
1. N nele tr lytes rgani substan es that d n t break burns; renal ailure
up r diss iate when pla ed in water s luti n (e.g.,
glu se)
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 597

b. Clini al signs hyperkalemia are related t mus le b. Clini al signs related t de reased neur mus ular
mal un ti n and in lude skeletal mus le weakness, a tivity atigue; mus le weakness; diminished
paralysis, and ardia arrest ref exes; ardia pr blems 21
2. H yp kalemiabl d p tassium less than 3.5 mEq/L 2. H yp al emiabl d al ium levels less than
a. Causes in lude asting; diets l w in p tassium; 8.4 mg/dL (4.2 mEq/L)
abuse laxatives and ertain diureti s; diarrhea; a. Caused by dietary de ien y, de reased abs rpti n
v miting; gastri su ti n r availability, in reased ex reti n, pan reatitis,
b. Clini al signs in lude skeletal mus le and ardia hyp parathyr idism, ri kets and ste mala ia, and
pr blems; sm th mus le weakness ausing renal insu ien y
abd minal distenti n; and sl w rate passage b. Clini al signs related t in reased neur mus ular
GI ntents (Figure 21-11) irritability ramping, mus le twit hing; hypera -
D. Cal ium imbalan e tive ref exes; and abn rmal ardia rhythms
1. H yper al emiabl d al ium levels m re than
10.5 mg/dL (5.25 mEq.L)
a. Caused by ex essive input; in reased abs rpti n;
shi ts al ium r m b ne t ECF; Paget disease
and ther b ne tum rs; hyperparathyr idism

STUDY TIPS 4. T e apillary pressure and bl d pr tein me hanism regu-
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in lates the m vement water between the bl d and
m e e ting your le arning goals . interstitial f uid. Bl d pressure determines the am unt
plasma that is pushed ut int the interstitial f uid, and
Chapte r 21 expands on s om e o the m ate rial rom Chapte r 20. plasma pr teins determine the am unt water that gets
A quick review o Chapte r 20 w ill be tte r pre pare you or this pulled ba k int the bl d.
chapte r. 5. In y ur study gr up, review the f ash ards with the terms.
Dis uss h w ele tr lytes un ti n in regulating water
1. Make f ash ards and he k nline res ur es t help y u m vement. G ver the ald ster ne me hanism (see
learn the terms in this hapter. Figure 21-5). Dis uss the plasma pr tein and apillary
2. F r a better understanding the terms in this hapter, bl d pressure me hanism r regulating the balan e
review the Language S ien e and Language Medi- between bl d plasma and interstitial f uid. Review the
ine se ti ns. questi ns and hapter utline summary at the end the
3. Ele tr lytes are harged parti les r i ns. One the hapter and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
un ti ns i ns is t ntr l water m vement. T e b dy
ann t dire tly ntr l water m vement s it must m ve
ele tr lytes and water will then ll w.
598 CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

21 Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Name and give the l ati n the three main f uid m- 17. Regarding f uid and ele tr lyte balan e, what w uld be
partments the b dy. W hi h these make up ECF? the nsequen es a large l ss skin (e.g., third-
2. Explain transcellular uids and list the transcellular uids degree burns r s raping injuries)?
in the b dy. 18. I a pers n rapidly drank a liter distilled water, h w
3. List the a t rs that inf uen e the per entage water in w uld their ICF be a e ted?
the b dy. Explain the e e t ea h a t r. 19. Al h l and a eine are b th diureti s. Explain h w
4. List the three s ur es water r the b dy. they a e t diuresis in the b dy.
5. Identi y the main a t rs that a t as me hanisms r bal-
an ing plasma, IF, and ICF v lumes.
6. List the ur rgans r m whi h f uid utput urs.
Chapte r Te s t
7. Explain h w ald ster ne inf uen es water m vement A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
between the kidney tubules and the bl d. re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
8. Explain why the b dy is unable t redu e its f uid utput w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
t zer n matter h w dehydrated it is.
9. Explain the r le apillary bl d pressure in water 1. T e extra ellular f uid mpartment is mp sed
m vement between the plasma and interstitial f uid. ________ and ________.
10. Explain the r le plasma pr teins in water m vement 2. T e largest v lume water in the human b dy is n-
between the plasma and interstitial f uid. tained in whi h f uid mpartment? ________
11. De ne dehydrati n and name a p ssible ause. 3. T e b dys hie me hanism r maintaining f uid
12. De ne verhydrati n and name a p ssible ause. balan e is t adjust its ________.
13. Di erentiate between an ele tr lyte and a 4. T e b dy has three s ur es f uid intake; the liquids we
n nele tr lyte. drink, the ds we eat, and ________.
14. Name three imp rtant ani ns. 5. T e ur rgans r m whi h f uid utput urs are the
15. Name three imp rtant ati ns. ________, ________, ________, and ________.
16. W hat are the lini al mani estati ns hyperkalemia? 6. Urine v lume is regulated by three h rm nes: ADH
released r m the pituitary gland, ________ released
r m the adrenal rtex, and ________ released r m the
7. W hen ele tr lytes diss iate in water, they rm harged
parti les alled ________.
8. T e m st abundant negatively harged parti le in the
bl d is ________.
9. T e m st abundant p sitively harged parti le in the
bl d is ________.
10. Depressi ns in sw llen sub utane us tissue that d n t
re ll a ter an examiner has exerted nger pressure is
re erred t as ________.
CHAPTER 21 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 599

Indicate whether each o the next f ve questions is true or alse:

Cas e S tudie s
11. ________ In general, an bese pers n has m re water To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to 21
per p und b dy weight than a slim pers n. the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text-
12. ________ In general, a man has less water per p und book, and othe r re s ource s .
b dy weight than a w man.
13. ________ In general, an in ant has less water per p und 1. Like m st pe ple in the United States, m ingests 20 t
b dy weight than an adult. 30 times m re s dium ea h day than he needs r sur-
14. ________ ANH is a diureti h rm ne. vival. H w d es ms b dy mpensate r this imbal-
15. ________ T e average diet ntains 100 mEq s dium. an e t rest re h me stasis?
16. W hen the bl d level ald ster ne in reases: 2. J has n t eaten anything all day but has nsumed an
a. s dium is m ved r m the bl d t the kidney ex essive am unt distilled water. W ill this a e t her
tubules urine utput? W hat unusual hara teristi s are likely t
b. s dium is m ved r m the kidney tubules t the appear in a urinalysis J s urine?
bl d 3. J is verhydrated (see Case Study number 2). T is
. m re urine is rmed hapter states that overhydration an pla e a danger usly
d. ANH is released heavy burden n the heart. Explain h w verhydrati n
17. Ald ster ne auses: an tax the heart.
a. an in rease in ICF 4. Liam and his riend l ve t sail in the gul . T ey stay ut
b. a de rease in ICF r l ng peri ds at a time and are ten n the b at r
. an in rease in ECF days. T ey try t nserve d and water when n trips
d. a de rease in ECF but d n t want t be lish and put their health at risk.
18. In reased apillary pressure: Can y u er a suggesti n that might help Liam and his
a. m ves f uid r m the intra ellular mpartment t the riend m nit r their hydrati n while n extended trips?
extra ellular mpartment
b. m ves f uid r m the plasma t the interstitial f uid Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
. m ves f uid r m the interstitial f uid t the plasma at
d. has n e e t n f uid m vement
19. Bl d plasma pr teins a t t :
a. m ve interstitial f uid int the plasma
b. m ve plasma int the interstitial f uid
. m ve extra ellular f uid int the intra ellular spa e
d. m ve interstitial f uid int the extra ellular spa e
20. Signs hyp al emia may be mani ested as a result :
a. pan reatitis
b. hyp parathyr idism
. ste mala ia
d. all the ab ve
Acid-Base Balance
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

pH o Body Fluids, 601

Using the pH Scale, 601
The pH Unit, 602
Mechanisms That Control pH o Body Fluids, 602
Overview o pH Control Mechanisms, 602
Integration o pH Control, 603
Bu ers, 603
Respiratory Mechanism o pH Control, 606
Urinary Mechanism o pH Control, 606
pH Imbalances, 607
Acidosis and Alkalosis, 607
Metabolic and Respiratory Disturbances, 607
Compensation or pH Imbalances, 609

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Discuss the concept o pH, including:

base and explain the di erence

between strong and weak acids.
2. Do the ollowing related to mechanisms that control
pH o body uids:


mechanisms o pH control.
3. Compare and contrast acidosis and alkalosis.
4. Discuss the two types o respiratory disturbances.
Ac id -b a s e balan e is ne the m st imp r- LANGUAGE OF
tant the b dys h me stati me hanisms. Main- S C IEN C E
taining acid-base balance means keeping the
n entrati n hydr gen i ns in b dy f u-
Be o re re ading the
ids relatively nstant. E e tive un ti n-
chapte r, s ay e ach o
ing many imp rtant b dy pr teins, the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
su h as ellular enzymes and hem gl - he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
bin, l sely depends n maintaining the m as yo u re ad.
pre ise regulati n hydr gen i n n-
entrati n. T is is vital imp rtan e. I
the hydr gen i n n entrati n veers (ah-SID-ik)
away r m n rmal even slightly, seri us [acid- sour, -ic relating to]
illness r even death may ur. H ealthy acid-base balance
survival depends n the ability the b dy t
maintain, r qui kly rest re, the a id-base bal- [acid sour, bas- oundation,
an e its f uids i imbalan es ur. bal- twice, -lanc- dish (two
A id-base regulati n requires a series rdinated alkaline
h me stati me hanisms that inv lve the bl d and
ther b dy f uids, the lungs, and the kidneys. Ultimately [alkal- ashes, -ine relating to]
all these me hanisms are based n hemi al pr esses. bu er
Re all that many imp rtant hemi al prin iples related t the (BUF-er)
li e pr ess were vered in Chapter 2. Y u may wish t re er ba k [bu e- cushion, -er agent]
t th se prin iples bi hemistry as y u study h w the b dy s bu er pair
pre isely regulates its a id-base balan e. (BUF-er payr)
[bu e- cushion, -er agent]
carbonic anhydrase (CA)
p H o Bo d y Flu id s (kar-BON-ik an-HYE-drays
As rst utlined in Chapter 2, water and all water s luti ns ntain [see ay])
[carbo- coal, -ic relating to,
hydrogen ions (H ) and hydroxide ions (OH ). pH is an a r nym r
an- without, -hydr- water,
p wer H . T e term pH ll wed by a number indi ates a s luti ns
-ase enzyme]
hydr gen i n n entrati n mpared with hydr xide n entrati n.
U s in g t h e p H S c a le [compens- balance, -tion process]
At pH 7.0 a s luti n ntains an equal n entrati n hydr gen and (hoh-mee-oh-STAY-sis)
hydr xide i ns. T ere re pH 7.0 als indi ates that a f uid is neutral in [homeo- same or equal,
rea ti n (that is, neither a idi n r alkaline) (Figure 22-1). T e pH pure -stasis standing still]
water, r example, is 7.0. hydrogen ion (H )
(HYE-droh-jen AYE-on)
[hydro- water, -gen produce,
ion to go]
hydroxide ion (OH )
(hye-DROK-side aye-on)
[hydr- water (hydrogen), -ox- sharp
(oxygen), -ide chemical, ion to go]

Continued on p. 611

602 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance

bl d, n the ther hand, is a bit l wer at 7.37but n rmally

n t bel w 7.35. In lini al pra ti e, the terms arterial and
ven us always re er t the systemi ir ulati nn t the
pulm nary ir ulati nunless stated therwise.
By applying the in rmati n given in the previ us para-
graph, y u an dedu e the answers t the ll wing questi ns.
Is arterial bl d slightly a idi r slightly alkaline? Is ven us
bl d slightly a idi r slightly alkaline?
Arterial and ven us bl d are b th slightly alkaline be-
ause b th have a pH slightly higher than 7.0. Ven us bl d,
h wever, is less alkaline than arterial bl d be ause ven us
bl ds pH ab ut 7.37 is slightly l wer than arterial bl ds
pH ab ut 7.4.
To better understand this concept, use the Active
Concept Map Concept o pH at

Th e p H U n it
L king at the le t side Figure 22-1, we see that the pH unit
is based n exp nents 10 r m ne unit t the next. T at
means that n the pH s ale m ving r m ne unit t the next
multiplies the relative H n entrati n by 10 times. T us the
di eren e between pH 7 and pH 6 is a ten old in rease in H .
M ving r m pH 7 t pH 5 is a hundred old in rease in H
n entrati n.
T is ten ld di eren e between pH units is imp rtant t
remember when we l k at the n rmal pH range bl d
plasmaa key f uid mpartment the b dy. W hat may
seem like a small hange in a idity at rst glan e is really
10 times bigger than it l ks!
A related mathemati al quirk the pH unit is that the
di eren e between any tw pH values bel w 7.4 is larger than
it w uld be ab ve 7.4.
FIGURE 22-1 The pH range. The overall pH range is expressed numeri-
cally on what is called a logarithmic scale o 1 to 14. This means that a M e c h a n is m s Th a t C o n t ro l
change o 1 pH unit represents a ten old di erence in actual concentration
o hydrogen ions. Note that as the concentration o H ions increases, the p H o Bo d y Flu id s
solution becomes increasingly acidic and the pH value decreases. As OH
concentration increases, the pH value also increases, and the solution be- O ve r v ie w o p H C o n t ro l M e c h a n is m s
comes more and more basic, or alkaline. A pH o 7 is neutral; a pH o 2 is
very acidic, and a pH o 13 is very basic. T e b dy has three me hanisms r regulating the pH its
f uids. T ey are
1. Bu er me hanism in bl d
2. Respirat ry me hanism
A pH higher than 7.0 indi ates an alkaline s luti n
3. Urinary me hanism
(that is, ne with a l wer n entrati n hydr gen than
hydr xide i ns). T e m re alkaline a s luti n, the higher gether, the listed pr esses nstitute the mplex pH h -
is its pH value. Alkaline s luti ns are als alled basic me stati me hanismthe ma hinery that n rmally keeps
s luti ns. bl d slightly alkaline with a pH that stays remarkably n-
A pH l wer than 7.0 indi ates an acidic s luti n (that is, stant. Its usual limits are very narr w, ab ut 7.35 t 7.45.
ne with a higher hydr gen i n n entrati n than hydr xide T e slightly l wer pH ven us bl d mpared with ar-
i n n entrati n). T e higher the hydr gen i n n entra- terial bl d results primarily r m arb n di xide (CO 2) en-
ti n, the l wer the pH and the m re a idi a s luti n is. tering ven us bl d as a waste pr du t ellular metab lism.
W ith a pH as l w as 1.6, gastri jui e is the m st a idi As arb n di xide enters the bl d, s me it mbines with
substan e in the b dy. Saliva ten has a pH 7.7, n the water (H 2O) and is nverted int arb ni a id by carbonic
alkaline side. N rmally, the pH arterial bl d is ab ut anhydrase (CA), an enzyme und in red bl d ells. T e l-
7.4with a n rmal upper limit 7.45. T e pH ven us l wing hemi al equati n represents this rea ti n. I y u need
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 603

Ke e ping the pH o the body s table w ith uid and e le ctrolyte balance , know le dge o the m e cha-
is but one as pe ct o m aintaining nis m s o acid-bas e balance is critical in dire ct patie nt care .
he alth. The Am e rican phys iologis t The re ore , m any phys icians , nurs e s , re s piratory the rapis ts
Walte r Cannon gave us a nam e or (picture d), IV te chnicians , f rs t re s ponde rs ( or exam ple , e m e r-
the principle o balance , or con- ge ncy m e dical te chnicians and param e dics ), and othe rs ne e d
s tancy, o the inte rnal uid e nviron- a bas ic know le dge o how the body m aintains a cons tancy o
m e nt o the bodyho m e o s tas is . pH in the blood.
In 1932, his popular book The Wis -
dom o the Body f nally gave a

Walter Brad ord Cannon

nam e to the conce pt f rs t ex-
plaine d by Claude Be rnard s eve n
(18711945) de cade s e arlie r (s e e p. 593). How-
eve r, Cannon did m ore than nam e
the conce pt. In his book, Cannon explaine d the incre dibly
com plex s e t o m e chanis m s that allow s our bodie s to adjus t
to tre m e ndous inte rnal and exte rnal uctuations that would
othe rw is e kill us .
Much o Cannons thought cam e rom his groundbre aking
dis cove rie s in how the body cope s w ith s tre s s . In exam ining
the f ght-or- ight re s pons e , the e e cts o e m otional s tim uli, the
m e chanis m s o cardiovas cular s hock, and in deve loping the
cas e s tudy approach to le arning about hum an he alth and
dis e as e , Walte r Cannon deve lope d a cle ar unde rs tanding o the
inte ractive nature o the organs o the body. It was Cannon w ho
le d s cie ntis ts to look at the ir work in this new ram ework that
explains the big picture o hum an body unction.
Cannons explanation o hom e os tas is revolutionize d the
way we look at the bodyand how we look at patie nt care . As

t review hemi al rmulas and equati ns, please re er t harm ul swings in pH when added a ids r bases enter b dy
Chapter 2. f uids. I this immediate-a ting hemi al ntr l me hanism
is unable t stabilize the pH , the lungs and kidneys an b th
arb ni
anhydrase pr vide a physiological pH control mechanism t halt and reverse
CO 2 H 2O 8888888n H 2CO 3 harm ul pH shi ts. T e lungs resp nd in 1 t 2 minutes when
the brainstem adjusts the respirat ry rate (see Figure 17-18) and
T e lungs rem ve the equivalent m re than 30 L thus the adjustment CO 2 is a mplished.
arb ni a id ea h day r m the ven us bl d by eliminati n I the respirat ry me hanism is unable t st p the pH
CO 2. T is alm st unbelievable quantity a id is s well shi t, p wer ul but sl wer-a ting renal me hanisms will be
bu ered that a liter ven us bl d ntains nly ab ut initiated within 24 h urs. Details ea h me hanism are dis-
1/100,000,000 grams m re H than d es 1 liter arterial ussed in the paragraphs that ll w.
bl d. W hat in redible nstan y! T e pH h me stati
me hanism d es indeed ntr l e e tivelyast nishingly s .
Bu ers
To better understand this concept, use the Active Buf ers are hemi al substan es that prevent a sharp hange
Concept Map Transport o Oxygen and Carbon in the pH a f uid when an a id r base is added t it. Str ng
Dioxide in the Blood at a ids and bases, i added t bl d, w uld diss iate alm st
mpletely and release large quantities H r O H i ns.
T e result w uld be drasti hanges in bl d pH . Survival
In t e g r a t io n o p H C o n t ro l itsel depends n pr te ting the b dy r m su h drasti pH
Integrati n the three h me stati me hanisms that a t t hanges.
maintain the pH b dy f uids is illustrated in Figure 22-2. M re a ids than bases are usually added t b dy f uids.
T ink the ir ulating bl d and RBCs as pr viding a T is is be ause atab lism, a pr ess that g es n ntinually
chemical pH control mechanism, whi h is based n bu ers (dis- in every ell the b dy, pr du es a ids that enter bl d as it
ussed later), and whi h a ts immediately t help prevent f ws thr ugh tissue apillaries. Alm st immediately, ne
604 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance

CIRCULATION is rdinary baking s da (s dium bi arb nate, r NaH CO 3)

and arb ni a id (H 2CO 3).
H 2O + CO 2 H 2CO 3 H + + HCO 3 Let us nsider, as a spe i example bu er a ti n,
Carbo nic
anhydras e h w the NaH CO 3H 2CO 3 system w rks with a str ng a id
r base.
I a str ng base, su h as s dium hydr xide (NaOH ), were
LUNGS KIDNEY added t this bu er system, the rea ti n sh wn in Figure 22-3
pH pH w uld take pla e. T e H H 2CO 3 3), the weak

Re s pira tory
a id the bu er pair, mbines with the OH the str ng
ce nte rs in base NaOH t rm H 2O. N te what this a mplishes. It
bra ins te m de reases the number OH i ns added t the s luti n, and
this in turn prevents the drasti rise in pH that w uld ur
with ut bu ering.
22 Re s pira tion ra te
a nd de pth Figure 22-4 sh ws h w a bu er system w rks with a str ng
a id. Alth ugh use ul in dem nstrating the prin iples bu -
er a ti n, H Cl r similar str ng a ids are never intr du ed
CO 2 give n off Ra te of H+ s e cre tion dire tly int b dy f uids under n rmal ir umstan es. Instead,
the NaH CO 3 bu er system is m st ten alled n t bu er
FIGURE 22-2 Integration o pH control mechanisms. Elevated CO2 a number weaker a ids pr du ed during atab lism. La ti
levels result in increased ormation o carbonic acid in red blood cells. The a id is a g d example. As a weak a id, it d es n t diss iate
resulting increase in hydrogen ions, coupled with elevated CO2 levels, as mpletely as H Cl. In mplete diss iati n la ti a id
causes an increase in respiratory rate and secretion o hydrogen ions by the results in ewer hydr gen i ns being added t the bl d and a
kidneys, thus helping to regulate the pH o body f uids. less drasti l wering bl d pH than w uld ur i H Cl
were added in an equal am unt.
the salts present in bl da bu er, that isrea ts with these W ith ut bu ering, h wever, la ti a id buildup results in
relatively str ng a ids t hange them int weaker a ids. T e signi ant H a umulati n ver time. T e resulting de rease
weaker a ids de rease bl d pH nly slightly, whereas the pH an pr du e seri us a id sis. O rdinary baking s da
str nger a ids rmed by atab lism w uld have de reased it (s dium bi arb nate, r NaH CO 3) is ne the main bu ers
greatly i they were n t bu ered. the n rmally urring xed a ids in bl d. La ti a id is
Bu ers nsist tw kinds substan es and are there re ne the m st abundant the xed a ids (a ids that d
ten alled buf er pairs. O ne the main bl d bu er pairs n t break d wn t rm a gas).

Buffe r pa ir

S odium Ca rbonic S odium Wa te r

hydroxide a cid Na + a nd H+ bica rbona te
Na OH H HCO 3 switch pla ce s Na HCO 3 H OH

Dis s ocia te s a lmos t comple te ly Dis s ocia te s ve ry little

(ma ny OH a dde d to s olution) (few OH a dde d to s olution)

H 2O H + H 2O H 2O
Na+ OH OH Na+

Na+ Na+ OH Na+ H 2O H 2O OH H 2O

OH OH Na+ OH H 2O H 2O H 2O

FIGURE 22-3 Bu ering action o carbonic acid. Bu ering o base NaOH by H2CO3. As a result o bu er
action, the strong base (NaOH) is replaced by NaHCO3 and H2O. As a strong base, NaOH dissociates almost
completely and releases large quantities o OH . Dissociation o H2O is minimal. Bu ering decreases the
number o OH ions in the system.
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 605

Buffe r pa ir

Hydrochloric S odium Ca rbonic S odium

a cid bica rbona te H+ a nd Na + a cid chloride

H Cl Na HCO 3 switch pla ce s H HCO 3 Na Cl

Dis s ocia te s Dis s ocia te s

a lmos t comple te ly ve ry little
(few H a dde d to s olution)
(ma ny H+ a dde d to s olution)

H+ Cl Cl Cl
H 2CO 3 22
H 2CO 3
H 2CO 3
H+ H+ Cl Cl
H 2CO 3
Cl H+ H+ H+ HCO 3 H 2CO 3

FIGURE 22-4 Bu ering action o sodium bicarbonate. The acid HCl is bu ered by NaHCO3. As a result
Note that HCl, 3).
being a strong acid, dissociates almost completely and releases more H than H2CO3. Bu ering decreases
the number o H ions in the system.

Figure 22-5 sh ws the mp unds rmed by bu ering the newly rmed H 2CO 3. N rmal arterial bl d
la ti a id (a xed a id), pr du ed by n rmal atab lism. T e with a pH 7.45 ntains 20 times m re NaH CO 3
ll wing hanges in bl d result r m bu ering xed a ids than H 2CO 3. I this rati de reases, bl d pH de-
in tissue apillaries: reases bel w 7.45.
3. T e H n entrati n bl d in reases slightly.
1. T e am unt H 2CO 3 in bl d in reases slightly H 2CO 3 adds hydr gen i ns t bl d, but it adds
be ause an a id (su h as la ti a id) is nverted t ewer them than la ti a id w uld have be ause it
H 2CO 3. is a weaker a id than la ti a id. In ther w rds,
2. T e am unt bi arb nate in bl d the bu ering me hanisms d n t t tally prevent
(mainly NaH CO 3) de reases be ause Buffe r pa ir bl d hydr gen i n n entrati n r m in reas-
bi arb nate i ns be me part ing. It simply minimizes the in rease.

La ctic S odium Ca rbonic S odium

a cid bica rbona te H+ a nd Na + a cid la cta te
switch pla ce s
H Na HCO 3 H HCO 3 Na la cta te

Dis s ocia te s to s ome exte nt Dis s ocia te s ve ry little

la cta te H+ H H+ HCO 3 H 2CO 3

la cta te H+ H H 2CO 3 H 2CO 3

la cta te H+ H 2CO 3 H 2CO 3

FIGURE 22-5 Lactic acid bu ered by sodium bicarbonate.

acids are bu ered by NaHCO3 3, or H2CO3, a weaker acid than lactic acid)
replaces lactic acid. As a result, ewer H ions are added to blood than would be added i lactic acid were not
bu ered.
606 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance

4. Bl d pH de reases slightly be ause the small remains in the bl d leaving the lung apillaries, s less it
in rease in bl d H n entrati n. is available r mbining with water t rm H 2CO 3.
H en e a ter expirati n the bl d ntains less H 2CO 3, has
H 2CO 3 is the m st abundant a id in b dy f uids be ause it ewer hydr gen i ns, and has a higher pH (ab ut 7.4) than
is rmed by the bu ering xed a ids and als be ause CO 2 d es the de xygenated bl d entering the pulm nary ir u-
rms it by mbining with H 2O. Large am unts CO 2, an lati n (pH 7.37).
end pr du t atab lism, ntinually p ur int tissue apil- Let us nsider n w h w a hange in respirati ns an alter
lary bl d r m ells. Mu h the H 2CO 3 rmed in bl d bl d pH . Supp se y u were t pin h y ur n se shut and h ld
di uses int red bl d ells where it is bu ered by the p tas- y ur breath r a ull minute r a little l nger. O bvi usly, n
sium salt hem gl bin. CO 2 w uld leave y ur b dy by way expired air during that
S me the H 2CO 3 breaks d wn t rm the gas CO 2 and time, and the bl ds CO 2 ntent w uld nsequently in-
water (H 2O). T is takes pla e in the bl d as it m ves thr ugh rease. T is w uld in rease the am unt H 2CO 3 and the
the lung apillaries. T e next part ur dis ussi n explains hydr gen i n n entrati n bl d, whi h in turn w uld
22 h w this a e ts bl d pH . de rease bl d pH .
T e b dy has ther bu er pair systems that als ntribute H wever, this situati n w uld n t last r l ng. T e respi-
t the stability bl d pH . F r example, there is a phosphate rat ry ntr l enters in y ur brainstem dete t the dr pping
buf er system and protein buf er system. T e pr tein system in- pH and rising CO 2 in y ur bl d and resp nd str ngly by
ludes b th plasma pr teins and hem gl bin. r ing y u t inhale (see Chapter 17, pp. 475-478). T is sur-
vival me hanism explains why a pers n ann t h ld his r her
QUICK CHECK breath inde nitely. It als explains why during exer ise, a dr p
1. Wh a t th re e m e ch a n is m s d o e s th e b o d y h a ve o r re g u la t- in pH aused by in reased mus le pr du ti n CO 2 triggers
in g p H o b o d y u id s ? an in rease in breathing rate. O urse, the pp site is true as
2. Wh a t is p rim a rily re s p o n s ib le o r th e s lig h tly lo w e r p H in wellwhen bl d pH in reases t r ab ve n rmal, then the
ve n o u s b lo o d ?
3. Wh a t a re b u e rs ?
rate breathing sl ws.

U r in a ry M e c h a n is m o p H C o n t ro l
Re s p ir a t o ry M e c h a n is m o p H C o n t ro l M st pe ple kn w that the kidneys are vital rgans and that
Respirati ns play a vital part in ntr lling pH . W ith every li e s n ebbs away i they st p un ti ning. One reas n is that
expirati n, CO 2 and H 2O leave the b dy in the expired air. the kidneys are the b dys m st e e tive regulat rs bl d
T e CO 2 has di used ut the pulm nary bl d as it pH . T ey an eliminate mu h larger am unts a id than an
m ves thr ugh the lung apillaries. Less CO 2 there re the lungs and, i it be mes ne essary, they als an ex rete
ex ess base. T e lungs ann t.
In sh rt, the kidneys are the
b dys last and best de ense
HEA LTH AND WELL-BEIN G against wide variati ns in bl d
BICARBONATE LOADING pH . I they ail, h me stasis
pH a id-base balan e ails.
The buildup o lactic acid in the blood, released as
Be ause m re a ids than
a waste product rom working muscles, has been
blamed or the soreness and atigue that some- bases usually enter bl d, m re
times accompany strenuous exercise. Some ath- a ids than bases are usually ex-
letes have adopted a technique called bicarbonate reted by the kidneys. In ther
loading, ingesting large amounts o sodium bicar- w rds, m st the time the
bonate (NaHCO 3) to counteract the e ects o lactic kidneys a idi y urine; that is,
acid buildup. they ex rete en ugh a id t give
This practice is m os t popular or s ports involv- urine an a id pH , requently as
ing brie powe r ul m us cle contractions that re ly l w as 4.8. (H w d es this m-
on ae robic re s piration that produce s lactic acid pare with n rmal bl d pH ?)
quickly. The ir the ory is that atigue is avoide d be -
T e tubules the kidneys
caus e the NaHCO 3 , a bas e , bu e rs the lactic acid.
rid the bl d ex ess a id
However, bicarbonate loading does not work or
everyone. When it does, it is only under limited and at the same time nserve
conditions. Un ortunately, the diarrhea that o ten the base present in it by se ret-
results can trigger uid and electrolyte imbalances. ing H i ns int the urine
Long-term NaHCO 3 abuse can lead to disruption o while retaining H CO 3 in the
acid-base balance and its disastrous e ects. bl d. M u h the ex ess H
is mbined with the amine
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 607


An im portant part o hom e care or diabe tics involve s m onitor-
ing the leve l o glucos e in the blood and, e s pe cially or patie nts
taking ins ulin, care ully watching or the appe arance o ke to ne
bo die s in the urine .
Accum ulation o the s e acidic s ubs tance s in the blood re -
s ults rom the exce s s ive m e tabolis m o ats , m os t o te n in
thos e pe ople w ith uncontrolle d type 1 diabe te s . Som e type 2
diabe tics m ay als o deve lop ke toacidos is unde r s eve re condi-
tions . The s e individuals have trouble m e tabolizing carbohy-
drate s and ins te ad burn at as a prim ary e ne rgy s ource . Ke tone
bodie s are one way that the body trans ports the atty acids
rom s tore d at to othe r ce lls o the body.
The accum ulation o ke tone bodie s re s ults in a condition
calle d diabe tic ke to acido s is that caus e s the blood to be com e
dange rous ly acidic. As blood leve ls o ke tone s incre as e , they
s pill ove r into the urine and can be de te cte d by us e o ap- Ketonuria. Using a chemical test strip to check or the presence o
propriate re age nt s trips . Ke tone s als o m ay give a ruity odor ketone bodies in the urine o a diabetic patient.
to the bre ath and urine . As the body com pe ns ate s or the aci-
dos is , rapid bre athing m ay occur.

gr up (NH 2) an amin a id (glutami a id) t rm am- Fr m a lini al standp int, disturban es in a id-base bal-
m nia (NH 3) and amm nium i ns (NH 4 ) be re it is se- an e an be nsidered dependent n the relative quantities
reted int urine. (rati ) H 2CO 3 and NaH CO 3 in the bl d. C mp nents
this imp rtant bu er pair must be maintained at the
pr per rati (20 times m re NaH CO 3 than H 2CO 3) i a id-
base balan e is t remain n rmal. It is rtunate that the
1. Ho w ca n b re a th in g a e ct th e p H o b lo o d ?
b dy an regulate b th hemi als in the NaH CO 3H 2CO 3
2. By w h a t m e ch a n is m ca n th e kid n e y ch a n g e th e p H o th e
b lo o d ? bu er system. Bl d levels NaH CO 3 an be regulated by
3. Wh a t is th e th e o ry b e h in d b ica rb o n a te lo a d in g , a n d the kidneys and H 2CO 3 levels by the respirat ry system
w h a t is th e lo n g te rm e e ct o th is p ra ctice ? (lungs).

p H Im b a la n c e s M e t a b o lic a n d Re s p ir a t o ry
D is t u r b a n c e s
Ac id o s is a n d A lk a lo s is
w types disturban es, metab li and respirat ry, an alter
T e hemistry li e an perate nly within the range pH the pr per rati these mp nents. Metab li disturban es
6.8-8.0. T e range ptimal human un ti n is mu h nar- a e t the bi arb nate (NaH CO 3) element the bu er pair,
r wer than thatpH 7.35 t 7.45. Acidosis and alkalosis are and respirat ry disturban es a e t the H 2CO 3 element, as
the tw kinds pH r a id-base imbalan e that an threaten ll ws:
ur health and survival.
Alth ugh any pH value ab ve 7.0 is nsidered hemi ally 1. Metab li disturban es
basi , in lini al medi ine the term acidosis is used t des ribe a. Metabolic acidosis (bi arb nate de it). Patients
the nditi n that pr du es an arterial bl d pH less than in metab li a id sis with a bi arb nate de it
7.35 and alkalosis is used t des ribe the nditi n that pr - ten su er r m renal disease, un ntr lled dia-
du es an arterial bl d pH greater than 7.45. betes, pr l nged diarrhea, r have ingested t xi
In a id sis the bl d pH alls as H i n n entrati n hemi als su h as anti reeze (ethylene gly l) r
in reases r bases are l st. O nly rarely d es it all as l w as 7.0 w d al h l (methan l).
(neutrality), and alm st never d es it be me even slightly b. Metabolic alkalosis (bi arb nate ex ess). T e bi-
a idi , be ause death usually urs be re the pH dr ps this arb nate ex ess in metab li alkal sis an result
mu h. In alkal sis, whi h devel ps less ten than a id sis, the r m diureti therapy, l ss a id- ntaining
bl d pH is higher than n rmal be ause a l ss a ids r gastri f uid aused by v miting r su ti n, r
an a umulati n bases. r m ertain diseases su h as Cushing syndr me.
608 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance


Vom iting, s om e tim e s re e rre d to as e m e s is , is the orcible A vom iting ce nte r in the brains te m re gulate s the m any
e m ptying or expuls ion o gas tric and occas ionally inte s tinal coordinate d, but prim arily involuntary, s te ps involve d (s e e il-
conte nts through the m outh. It can occur as a re s ult o m any lus tration). The pe rnicious vom iting o pre gnancy and the s e -
s tim uli, including oul odors or tas te s , irritation o the s tom ach ve re and re pe titive (cyclic) vom iting that s om e tim e s occurs in
or inte s tinal m ucos a caus e d by ood pois oning, ce rtain bacte - childhood, e s pe cially w ith pyloric obs truction in in ants , can be
rial or viral in e ctions , and alcohol intoxication. li e thre ate ning be caus e o the uid, e le ctrolyte , and acid-bas e
im balance s that m ay re s ult.
One o the m os t re que nt and s e rious com plications o re -
pe titive vom iting that continue s ove r tim e is m e tabo lic
22 1 Me ta bolic ba la nce be fore
ons e t of a lka los is
alkalo s is . The bicarbonate exce s s o m e tabolic alkalos is re -
s ults indire ctly be caus e o the m as s ive los s o chloride . The
los t chloride , w hich is a com pone nt o hydrochloric acid (HCl)
in gas tric s e cre tions , is re place d by bicarbonate in the extrace l-
H 2CO 3 HCO 3 lular uid. The re s ult is m e tabolic alkalos is (s e e illus tration).
The body com pe ns ate s or the im balance by s uppre s s ing
re s pirations to incre as e blood CO 2 leve ls and, ultim ate ly, leve ls
o H2 CO 3 in the extrace llular uid. The kidneys als o as s is t in the
com pe ns ation proce s s by cons e rving H and e lim inating ad-
ditional HCO 3 in an alkaline urine .
2 Me ta bolic a lka los is The rapy to actually re s tore the bu e r pair (NaHCO 3 to
H2 CO 3 ) ratio to norm al include s intrave nous adm inis tration o
chloride -containing s olutions s uch as no rm al s aline (0.9%
H2 C HCO 3 incre a s e s
O3 NaCl). The chloride ions o the s olution re place the bicarbonate
HC be ca us e of los s
O3 ions and thus he lp re lieve the bicarbonate exce s s that is re -
of chloride ions
or exce s s inge s tion s pons ible or the im balance .
of s odium
bica rbona te
Review the article Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
at Connect It! at
3 Bodys compe ns a tion Alka line
H + + HCO 3
CO 2 + H 2O
CO 2 H2 C O H+
3 +
3 HCO 3 Hype rs a liva tion
CO 2 occurs
S oft pa la te ris e s
Bre a thing s uppre s s e d Kidneys cons e rve La rynx a nd
to hold CO 2 H+ ions a nd hyoid bone a re Epiglottis clos e s
e limina te HCO 3 drawn forwa rd
in a lka line urine
4 The ra py re quire d to re s tore
me ta bolic ba la nce
Dia phra gm
contra cts s ha rply
Chloride -
HCO 3 Cl conta ining
H 2CO 3 Fundus
s olution
Lowe r be come s fla ccid
e s opha ge a l S toma ch mus cle s a nd
HCO s phincte r a bdomina l mus cle s
3ions re pla ce d re la xe s contra ct s harply
A by Cl ions B

2. Respirat ry disturban es the bl d. Causes in lude depressi n the respi-

a. Respiratory acidosis (H 2CO 3 ex ess). T e in- rat ry enter by drugs r anesthesia r by pulm -
rease in H 2CO 3 hara teristi respirat ry a i- nary diseases su h as emphysema and pneum nia.
d sis is aused m st requently by sl w breathing Seri us respirat ry a id sis als ll ws re very
(hyp ventilati n), whi h results in ex ess CO 2 in r m ardia arrest.
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 609


A cascade o rapid-f re catastrophic homeostatic ailures 1
ollows cardiac arrestthe sudden cessation o blood Me ta bolic ba la nce
pumping by the heart. One such ailure involves almost be fore ca rdia c a rre s t
immediate development o respiratory acidosis (carbonic
acid excess) caused by retention o CO 2 in the body H 2CO 3 HCO 3
when respiration ceases and blood ow through the lung
capillaries stops. Even i emergency CPR (cardiopulmo-
nary resuscitation) measures can restore breathing and
start the heart beating again, respiratory acidosis must 2
Re s pira tory a cidos is
be success ully treated and normal blood pH levels re-
stored quickly in order to sustain li e.
whe n pulmona ry
blood flow s tops
As in othe r type s o pH im balance s , abs olute
change s in the am ount or ratio o the bicarbonate -
carbonic acid bu e r pair com pone nts is the f rs t line o CO 2
de e ns e to preve nt m as s ive change s in blood pH. The n, O3
CO 2 CO 3 HC
the body initiate s both re s piratory and re nal com pe ns a- H2
tory m e chanis m s to he lp de al w ith the carbonic acid CO 2
exce s s in s eve re re s piratory acidos is .
The m os t im portant re s piratory com pe ns atory
m e chanis m incre as e d bre athing rate doe s blow Bre a thing is s uppre s s e d,
o s om e additional CO 2 but cannot s ignif cantly lowe r holding CO 2 in body
the ve ry e levate d carbonic acid buildup that ollow s
cardiac arre s t and re m ains a te r the blood bu e rs have 3
Bodys compe ns a tion
be e n ove rw he lm e d.
H 2CO 3
Finally, re nal com pe ns atory m e chanis m s that s tabi-
CO 2 HCO 3
lize blood pH and he lp control m any orm s o re s pira-
tory acidos is are initiate d a te r cardiac arre s t. They in- HC O 3 HCO 3
H 2C O 3
clude (1) de cre as ing the e lim ination o bicarbonate ions CO 2 + H 2O +
(HCO 3 ) and (2) incre as ing the e lim ination o hydroge n H+ Acidic
ions (H ) in acidic urine . Although he lp ul in controlling urine
chronic orm s o re s piratory acidos is that deve lop Kidneys cons e rve
s low ly ove r tim e , the s e s low-acting hom e os tatic com - HCO 3 ions a nd
pe ns atory m e chanis m s are unable to ade quate ly ad- e limina te H+ ions
Blood flow a nd bre a thing in a cidic urine
dre s s the s e rious , acute -ons e t acidos is that ollow s re s tore d a nd blows
cardiac arre s t. Me dical inte rve ntion is re quire d. off CO 2
In the pas t, im m e diate intrave nous (IV) in us ion o
bicarbonate - or lactate -containing s olutions (lactate is 4
The ra py re quire d to
conve rte d to bicarbonate ions in the live r) was cons id- re s tore me ta bolic
e re d the e m e rge ncy tre atm e nt o choice in tre ating ba la nce
La cta te -
re s piratory acidos is a te r cardiac arre s tand the s e s o- H 2CO 3 HCO 3
Ve ntila tion Re duce s La cta te conta ining
lutions are s till us e d or that purpos e . Howeve r, clinical the ra py s olution
CO 2
s tudie s have s how n that aggre s s ive tre atm e nt e m ploy-
ing controlle d ve ntilation to dram atically incre as e CO 2
e lim ination rom the body m ay, in m any cas e s , be m ore La cta te s olution us e d
e e ctive in re s toring pH balance . in the ra py is conve rte d
to bica rbona te ions
in the live r

C o m p e n s a t io n o r p H Im b a la n c e s
b. Respiratory alkalosis (H 2CO 3 de it). H yper-
ventilati n leads t a H 2CO 3 de it aused by W hen a id sis r alkal sis urs in the b dy, ur vari us
ex essive l ss CO 2 in expired air. T e result is pH -balan ing me hanismsbu ers and the respirat ry and
respirat ry alkal sis. Anxiety (hyperventilati n urinary me hanismstry t rest re balan e as s n as p ssi-
syndr me), verventilati n patients n ventila- ble. We ten use the term compensation r this set pr -
t rs, r hepati ma an all redu e H 2CO 3 and esses be ause the b dy is using means that mpensate r
CO 2 t danger usly l w levels. the abn rmal shi t in pH .
610 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance

C mpensati n is a lini ally imp rtant n ept. Be ause

Crushing injuries o skeletal muscle can cause
mpensati n me hanisms in the b dy an qui kly untera t
metabolic acidosis. Review the article Rhabdo-
an abn rmal shi t in bl d pH , a pers n may have a seri us,
myolysis at Connect It! at
ng ing medi al nditi n and yet temp rarily have what ap-
pears t be a n rmal bl d pH .
F r example, a pers n uld have a metab li disease su h
as diabetes that auses a id sis, but is hyperventilating t m- QUICK CHECK
pensate r the dr p in pH . Su h a patient uld have a n rmal 1. Wh a t is a cid o s is ? Wh a t is a lka lo s is ?
arterial bl d pH . T e underlying nditi n, h wever, has n t 2. Wh a t a cto rs m a y ca u s e a m e ta b o lic d is tu rb a n ce in p H?
been res lved. T is ase w uld be labeled compensated metabolic 3. Wh a t s itu a tio n s m a y ca u s e a re s p ira to ry d is tu rb a n ce
acidosis. I the respirat ry system had n t yet mpensated r in p H?
4. Ho w d o e s vo m itin g s o m e tim e s cre a te a n a cid -b a s e
the dr p in pH resulting r m the metab li nditi n, then
im b a la n ce ?
we w uld label it a ase uncompensated metabolic acidosis.


Clinically, as s e s s m e nt o prim ary acid-bas e im balance s o te n To de te rm ine the prim ary s tatus , one next looks at the P CO 2
involve s an analys is o the arte rial blo o d gas e s (ABGs ). This re s ult. I the pH is low and P CO 2 is above 45 m m Hg, the pri-
is a laboratory te s t o blood take n rom a s ys te m ic arte ry (m os t m ary s tatus is re s piratory acidos is , and i pH is high and P CO 2
blood s am ple s are take n rom a s ys te m ic ve in). As the nam e is be low 35 m m Hg, the s tatus is re s piratory alkalos is .
s ugge s ts , this te s t s how s the key characte ris tics o blood re - Next, look at the HCO 3 re s ult. I pH is low and HCO 3 is
late d to re s piratory unction: be low 22 m Eq/L, the prim ary s tatus is m e tabolic acidos is . I
the pH is high and the HCO 3 is above 26 m Eq/L, the prim ary
1. Oxyge n partial pre s s ure or PO 2
s tatus is m e tabolic alkalos is .
2. Oxyge n s aturation o he m oglobin or % S O 2
One m ay the n try to de te rm ine w he the r com pe ns ation is
3. pH
occurring in the body. This can be done by looking at the pH-
4. Conce ntration o bicarbonate ions or HCO 3
balancing m e chanis m not dire ctly involve d in de te rm ining
5. Carbon dioxide partial pre s s ure or P CO 2
the prim ary s tatus to s e e i it has change d in a w ay that
Som e tim e s the s e value s are labe le d w ith an a to e m pha- counte rbalance s or com pe ns ate s orthe prim ary prob-
s ize that the s e are arte rial value s , as in Pa O 2 or Pa CO 2 . Note le m . For e xam ple , i the arte rial pH is low (acidotic) and the
that although not all the s e value s are actually gas e s , they are P CO 2 (acid) is high, as in re s piratory acidos is , the body m ay
a e cte d by blood gas e s . ABG te s t re s ults not only reve al a com pe ns ate by incre as ing the HCO 3 (bas e ). Like w is e , i the
patie nts re s piratory s tatus , the pH, P CO 2 , and HCO 3 com po- arte rial pH is high (alkalotic) and the HCO 3 (bas e ) is high, as
ne nts can als o give key in orm ation about s tatus o acid-bas e in m e tabolic alkalos is , the body m ay com pe ns ate by incre as -
hom e os tas is (s e e accom panying table ). ing the P CO 2 (acid).
pH is the f rs t re s ult to look at w he n as s e s s ing pH s tatus .
I the re s ult is be low 7.35, the re is acidos is , and i it is above
7.45, the re is alkalos is .

Arterial Blood Gas Analysis or Acid-Base Status

pH 7.35-7.45 7.35 7.35 7.45 7.45
P CO 2 35-45 m m Hg 45 Uncom pe ns ate d: 35 Uncom pe ns ate d:
35-45 35-45
Com pe ns ate d: Com pe ns ate d:
35 45
HCO 3 22-26 m Eq/L Uncom pe ns ate d: 22 Uncom pe ns ate d: 26
22-26 22-26
Com pe ns ate d: Com pe ns ate d:
26 22
, De cre as e ; , incre as e ; ABG, arte rial blood gas ; P CO 2 , carbon dioxide pre s s ure ; [HCO 3 ], bicarbonate conce ntration
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 611

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 601)

ketone body normal saline pH

(KEE-tohn BOD-ee) (NOR-mall SAY-leen) (pee aych)
[keto- acetone, -one chemical] [sal- salt, -ine relating to] [abbreviation or potenz power,
neutral hydrogen hydrogen]
[neutr- neither, -al relating to]


acidosis diabetic ketoacidosis metabolic alkalosis

(as-ih-DOH-sis) (dye-ah-BET-ik kee-toh-as-ih-DOH-sis)
[acid- sour, -osis condition] [diabet- siphon (diabetes mellitus), -ic relating [meta- over, -bol- throw, -ic relating to,
alkalosis to, keto- acetone, -acid- sour, -osis condition] alkal- ashes, -osis condition]
emesis respiratory acidosis
[alkal- ashes, -osis condition] (EM-eh-sis) (RES-pih-rah-tor-ee as-ih-DOH-sis)
arterial blood gas (ABG) [emesis vomiting] [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
(ar-TEER-ee-al blud gas) metabolic acidosis acid- sour, -osis condition]
[arteri- airpipe (artery), -al relating to] respiratory alkalosis
bicarbonate loading [meta- over, -bol- throw, -ic relating to,
acid- sour, -osis condition] [re- again, -spir- breathe, -tory relating to,
[bi- two, -carbon- coal (carbon), -ate oxygen] alkal- ashes, -osis condition]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary B. N rmal range bl d pH is appr ximately 7.35 t 7.45
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r 1. Arterial bl d pH ab ut 7.45
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . 2. Ven us bl d pH ab ut 7.35
C. pH s ale based n multiples 10
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to 1. H n entrati n hanges by 10 times r ea h pH
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e unit
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s 2. Large pH f u tuati ns may appear small
or be ore a te s t.
Me chanis m s that Co ntro l
pH o Bo dy Fluids pH o Bo dy Fluids
A. pH a number that indi ates the relative hydr gen i n A. pH h me stati me hanismthree rdinated h me -
(H ) n entrati n ( mpared with OH ) a f uid stati me hanisms a t t maintain the n rmal pH
(Figure 22-1) b dy f uids and prevent pH swings when ex ess a ids r
1. pH 7.0 indi ates neutrality (neutral s luti n) bases are present (Figure 22-2)
2. pH higher than 7.0 indi ates alkalinity (alkaline r 1. Chemi al pH ntr l me hanismbased n bu ers
basi s luti n; base) in bl d/RBCs/and b dy f uidsa t immediately
3. pH less than 7.0 indi ates a idity (a id s luti n)
612 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance

2. Physi l gi al pH ntr l me hanisms 2. Usually urine is a idi ed by way the distal tubules
a. Changes in pH regulated by hanges in respirat ry se reting hydr gen i ns int the urine r m bl d in
rate that result in hanges in bl d CO 2a t ex hange r H CO 3 being retained in the bl d;
within minutes mu h the ex ess H is se reted as amm nia (NH 3)
b. Changes in pH regulated by altered renal a tivity and amm nium i ns (NH 4 )
a t within h urs
B. Bu ers
1. De niti n hemi al substan es that prevent a sharp
pH Im balance s
hange in the pH a f uid when an a id r base is A. A id sis and alkal sis are the tw kinds pH , r a id-
added t it (Figure 22-3 and Figure 22-4) base, imbalan es
2. Bu ers usually in lude tw di erent hemi als 1. Disturban es in a id-base balan e depend n relative
alled a bu er pair quantities NaH CO 3 and H 2CO 3 in the bl d
3. Fixed a ids are bu ered mainly by s dium bi arb n- 2. B dy an regulate b th the mp nents the
22 ate (NaH CO 3) NaH CO 3H 2CO 3 bu er system
4. Changes in bl d pr du ed by bu ering xed a. Bl d levels NaH CO 3 are regulated by kidneys
a ids in the tissue apillaries (Figure 22-5) b. H 2CO 3 levels are regulated by lungs
a. Am unt arb ni a id (H 2CO 3) in bl d B. Metab li and respirat ry disturban esb th an alter
in reases slightly the n rmal 20:1 rati NaH CO 3 t H 2CO 3 in bl d
b. Am unt NaH CO 3 in bl d de reases; rati 1. Metab li disturban es a e t the NaH CO 3 levels in
am unt NaH CO 3 t the am unt H 2CO 3 bl d
d es n t n rmally hange; n rmal rati is 20:1 a. Metab li a id sisbi arb nate (NaH CO 3) de it
. H n entrati n bl d in reases slightly b. Metab li alkal sisbi arb nate (NaH CO 3)
d. Bl d pH de reases slightly bel w arterial level ex ess; mpli ati n severe v miting (see b x,
5. B dy has ther bu er pair systems p. 608)
a. Ph sphates 2. Respirat ry disturban es a e t the H 2CO 3 levels in
b. Pr teins (plasma pr teins and hem gl bin) bl d
C. Respirat ry me hanism pH ntr l a. Respirat ry a id sis (H 2CO 3 ex ess)
1. Respirati ns rem ve s me CO 2 r m bl d as bl d b. Respirat ry alkal sis (H 2CO 3 de it)
f ws thr ugh lung apillaries C. C mpensati n r pH imbalan es
2. Am unt H 2CO 3 in bl d is de reased and thereby 1. C mpensated a id sis r alkal sis urs when the
its H n entrati n is de reased; this in turn b dys pH -balan ing me hanisms temp rarily un-
in reases bl d pH tera t an abn rmal shi t in pH
3. Respirat ry ntr l enters in brainstem rea t t 2. Un mpensated a id sis r alkal sis urs when
dr pping pH and pr m te in reased respirati ns; the b dys me hanisms have n t yet n rmalized
when pH in reases, then breathing sl ws the pH
D. Urinary me hanism pH ntr l
1. Kidneys are the b dys m st e e tive regulat r
bl d pH
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 613

STUDY TIPS 3. Bl d arries arb n di xide as arb ni a id. W hen the
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in lungs exhale arb n di xide, there is less arb ni a id in
m e e ting your le arning goals . the bl d and s the pH the bl d rises. T e kidneys
use a similar bu er system t se rete hydr gen i ns.
Le arning the conce pts pre s e nte d in this chapte r w ill be e as ie r 4. T e bu er system in the bl d usually w rks well, but it
i you review a little bas ic che m is try. an be verwhelmed. A id sis is a nditi n in whi h the
bl d be mes t a idi , and alkal sis is a nditi n in
1. T e pH s ale, a ids, and bases are vered at the begin- whi h the bl d be mes t basi . Devel p a n ept
ning the hapter. I y u need m re an explanati n map the respirat ry and urinary me hanisms ntr l
than that presented here, review Chapter 2 r he k inv lved in maintaining n rmal pH b dy f uids. 22
nline res ur es. 5. I y u have di ulty with the hemistry in this hapter,
2. Bu er systems an be th ught as hydr gen r hydr x- dis uss it in y ur study gr up. S me ne in the gr up may
ide i n sp nges. T ey rem ve th se i ns s they will have have a str nger hemistry ba kgr und. Review the Lan-
less an e e t n the pH a s luti n, in this ase, the guage S ien e and Language Medi ine se ti ns.
bl d. In the NaH CO 3H 2CO 3 bu er system, the Dis uss the pH system. Care ully g ver the diagrams
s dium bi arb nate an abs rb hydr gen i ns by having the bl d and kidney bu er systems. Review the types
the hydr gen repla e the s dium. T e arb ni a id an a id sis and alkal sis and what auses ea h them. G
give up ne its hydr gen at ms that then an rea t ver the questi ns and the hapter utline summary at
with a hydr xide i n t rm water. In b th ases the pH the end the hapter and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
the s luti n will hange very little.

Re vie w Que s tio ns 5. Explain buf er pairs.

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r 6. Explain h w a bu er pair w uld rea t i m re hydr gen
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r i ns were added t the bl d.
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r 7. Explain h w a bu er pair w uld rea t i m re hydr xide
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch i ns were added t the bl d.
o your new le arning. 8. List the ur hanges that ur in the bl d as the
result bu ering xed a ids.
1. Explain the relati nship between pH and the relative 9. Explain the respirat ry me hanism pH ntr l.
n entrati n hydr gen and hydr xide i ns in a 10. Des ribe h w hanges in the respirati n rate an a e t
s luti n. bl d pH .
2. List the three primary me hanisms the b dy has r reg- 11. Explain h w the hemi al rea ti n that urs in the
ulating the pH its f uids. distal tubule the kidney using NaH 2PO 4 rem ves
3. Write ut the hemi al rea ti n rmula that nverts hydr gen i ns r m the bl d.
arb n di xide and water t arb ni a id. W hat 12. De ne acidosis and alkalosis.
enzyme atalyzes this rea ti n? 13. Explain metab li disturban es the bu er pair.
4. De ne bu er. 14. Explain respirat ry disturban es the bu er pair.
614 CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance

Critical Thinking Chapte r Te s t

A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
that you f nd di f cult. 1. T e enzyme that nverts arb n di xide and water int
arb ni a id is ________.
15. H w w uld y u explain pH in terms the i ns 2. ________ are hemi als that prevent sharp hanges in
inv lved? W hat w uld be the hydr gen i n n entra- pH when an a id r base is added t a s luti n.
ti n a s luti n with a pH 4? W ith a pH 6? 3. I a str ng a id su h as H Cl were added t the bu er
16. Explain h w ex essive v miting auses metab li pair NaH CO 3 and H 2CO 3, the NaH CO 3 w uld be me
alkal sis and explain why n rmal saline an be used t ________.
22 rre t it. 4. I a str ng base su h as NaOH were added t the bu er
17. W hat is the pr per rati NaH CO 3 and H 2CO 3 in a pair in questi n 3, the H 2CO 3 w uld be me ________.
bu er pair? Explain h w the b dy an use this rati t 5. T e part the nephr n that is imp rtant in regulati n
rre t un mpensated metab li a id sis. bl d pH is the ________.
18. T e h rm ne ald ster ne a e ts kidney tubule un ti n. 6. W hen Na2H PO 4 is used by the kidney t rem ve
O ne the e e ts is t in rease H se reti n by the hydr gen i ns r m the bl d, the end pr du t that
kidney tubules. W hat e e t d es this a ti n have n the leaves the b dy in the urine is ________.
pH the internal envir nment (bl d plasma)? W hat 7. W hen amm nia is used by the kidney t rem ve hydr -
might ur i there is hyperse reti n ald ster ne? gen i ns r m the bl d, the end pr du t that leaves the
H w w uld this hange i there is hyp se reti n b dy in the urine is ________.
ald ster ne? 8. T e kidney is m re e e tive in pH regulati n than the
lung be ause it an rem ve ex ess ________, whi h the
lung ann t.
9. T e nditi n in whi h the bl d pH is higher than
n rmal is alled ________.
10. T e nditi n in whi h the bl d pH is l wer than
n rmal is alled ________.
11. In rder r the bu er pair t un ti n rre tly, the
n entrati n NaH CO 3 must be ________ times
greater than the n entrati n H 2CO 3.
12. Metab li disturban es usually have an e e t n the
________ part the bu er pair.
13. Respirat ry disturban es usually have an e e t n the
________ part the bu er pair.
14. Severe v miting is a metab li disturban e that an
ause metab li ________.
CHAPTER 22 Acid-Base Balance 615

15. An a id s luti n has:

a. a pH greater than 7.0
Cas e S tudie s
b. a pH less than 7.0 To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to
. m re hydr xide i ns than hydr gen i ns the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text-
d. b th b and book, and othe r re s ource s .
16. An alkaline s luti n has:
a. a pH greater than 7.0 1. C mpensated respirat ry a id sis is mm nly und in
b. a pH less than 7.0 pers ns with hr ni br n hitis, an bstru tive respirat ry
. m re hydr gen i ns than hydr xide i ns dis rder dis ussed in Chapter 17. State what abn rmal
d. b th b and bl d values a pers n sh uld expe t in su h a ase, and
17. W hi h the ll wing statements is true? what a t rs pr du ed them.
a. A s luti n with a pH 5 has m re hydr gen i ns 2. Larry is a diabeti wh is su ering r m metab li a id -
than a s luti n with a pH 2. sis. H is breathing seems abn rmally rapid. Is there a n-
b. A s luti n with a pH 9 is a base. ne ti n between Larrys a id sis and his rapid breathing? 22
. T e pH value in reases as the number hydr gen I s , explain the nne ti n.
i ns in reases. 3. Elizabeth was advised by her d t r at her annual physi-
d. B th a and are true. al that her urine spe imen indi ated the presen e
18. Arterial bl d has a pH 7.45, and ven us bl d has a ket ne b dies thr ugh ut the spe imen. She asked what
pH 7.35; there re: ket ne b dies were and was t ld that they are a idi
a. arterial bl d is slightly m re a id than ven us bl d pr du ts at metab lism. H e wanted t ndu t s me
b. arterial bl d is slightly m re alkaline than ven us additi nal bl d w rk t investigate the p ssibility dia-
bl d betes. Elizabeth is n used. Isnt diabetes a dis rder
. ven us bl d is slightly m re alkaline than arterial inv lving arb hydrate metab lism? W hy is the d t r
bl d n erned ab ut at metab lism and n t n erned ab ut
d. b th a and sugars? Can y u help Elizabeth understand ket ne
F r questi ns 19 thr ugh 24, ll in the blank with either in- b dies, diabeti ket a id sis, and why the d t r will be
creases r decreases, as appr priate. ndu ting additi nal bl d w rk?

19. W hen a xed a id is bu ered in the bl d, the am unt Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
NaH CO 3 in the bl d ________. at
20. W hen a xed a id is bu ered in the bl d, the am unt
hydr gen i ns in the bl d ________.
21. W hen a xed a id is bu ered in the bl d, the am unt
H 2CO 3 in the bl d ________.
22. W hen a xed a id is bu ered in the bl d, the pH
the bl d ________.
23. Anything that auses an ex essive in rease in the respi-
rati n rate auses the pH the bl d t ________.
24. Anything that auses an appre iable de rease in the res-
pirati n rate auses the pH the bl d t ________.
25. IV n rmal saline is given t patients with severe emesis.
T is is d ne t repla e the ________ i ns and t rest re
h me stasis.
Reproductive Systems
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Sexual Reproduction, 617 Reproductive Ducts, 630

Producing O spring, 617 Accessory Glands, 631
Male and Female Systems, 618 External Genitals, 632
Male Reproductive System, 618 Menstrual Cycle, 633
Structural Plan, 618 Disorders o the Female Reproductive
Testes, 619 System, 635
Reproductive Ducts, 622 Hormonal and Menstrual Disorders,
Accessory Glands, 623 635
External Genitals, 623 In ection and In ammation, 636
Disorders o the Male Reproductive Tumors and Related Conditions, 637
System, 624 In ertility, 638
In ertility and Sterility, 624 Summary o Male and Female
Disorders o the Testes, 625 Reproductive Systems, 639
Disorders o the Prostate, 625 Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 639
Disorders o the Penis and Scrotum,
Female Reproductive System, 627
Structural Plan, 627
Ovaries, 627

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 4. Describe the structure and unction o
should be able to: the emale reproductive system, includ-
1. Discuss the process o sexual repro- ing the gross and microscopic structure
duction, and describe the common o the gonads and the unctions o the
structural and unctional characteristics sex hormones. Also identi y and discuss
between the male and emale systems. the phases o the endometrial or men-
2. Describe the structure and unction o strual cycle and correlate each phase
the male reproductive system, including with its occurrence in a typical 28-day
the gross and microscopic structure cycle.
o the gonads, the developmental steps 5. List the major disorders o the emale
in spermatogenesis, and the primary reproductive system and brie y
unctions o the sex hormones. describe each.
3. List the major disorders o the male 6. Def ne the term sexually transmitted
reproductive system and brie y disease and describe the major types.
describe each.
R 23
Th e imp rtan e repr du tive system un ti n is n tably di erent r m LANGUAGE OF
that any ther rgan system the b dy. O rdinarily, systems un ti n t S C IEN C E
maintain the relative stability and survival the individual rganism. T e
repr du tive system, n the ther hand, ensures survival n t the indi-
Be o re re ading the
vidual but the genes that hara terize the human spe ies. In b th sexes,
chapte r, s ay e ach o
rgans the repr du tive system are adapted r the spe i sequen e the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
un ti ns that are n erned primarily with trans erring genes t a he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
new generati n spring. the m as yo u re ad.

T is hapter expl res the n rmal and path l gi al anat my and

accessory organ
physi l gy the repr du tive systems in b th sexes and ends (ak-SES-oh-ree OR-gun)
with a dis ussi n sexually transmitted diseases. A ter study [access- extra, -ory relating to,
the repr du tive system in b th sexes, in Chapter 24 y u organ instrument]
will learn m re ab ut the t pi human devel pmenta acrosome
pr ess extending r m ertilizati n t death. Chapter 25 (AK-roh-sohm)
wraps up the st ry the human b dy by examining [acro- top or tip, -some body]
the basi prin iples geneti s. andropause
[andro- male, -paus- cease]
S e x u a l Re p ro d u c t io n antrum
P ro d u c in g O s p r in g [antrum cave]
Sexual reproduction requires tw parent areola
rganisms, a male and emale, ea h (ah-REE-oh-lah)
whi h ntributes hal the nu lear [are- area or space, -ola little]
hr m s mes needed t rm the rst Bartholin gland
ell an spring rganism. Asexual (BAR-tul-in or bar-TOH-lin gland)
reproduction, n the ther hand, requires [Caspar Bartholin Danish physician,
nly ne parent wh pr du es an - gland acorn]
spring geneti ally identi al t itsel . body
An advantage sexual repr - (BOD-ee)
[body main part]
du ti n is that a new mixture
genes in ea h spring breast
in reases the variety ge-
neti hara teristi s in the bulbourethral gland
(BUL-boh-yoo-REE-thral gland)
p pulati n. T is variety
[bulb- swollen root, -ure- urine,
hara teristi s makes
-thr- agent or channel (urethra),
it m re likely that in the -al relating to, gland acorn]
ase envir nmental
hanges su h as disease, (SER-viks)
natural disaster, r shi t- pl., cervices or cervixes
ing limati nditi ns, (SER-vis-eez or SER-viks-ez)
there will be at least s me [cervix neck]
individuals likely t survive clitoris
and arry n the repr du - (KLIT-oh-ris)
tive line. [clitoris small key or latch]

Continued on p. 641

618 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

T e repr du tive system ea h parent pr du es the sex r r devel pment the se ndary sexual hara teristi s but
repr du tive ells alled gametes needed t rm the - als r n rmal repr du tive un ti ns in b th sexes.
spring. T ese gametes, alled an ovum ( r m the emale par-
ent) and a sperm ( r m the male parent), use during the QUICK CHECK
pr ess ertilizati n. T e new spring ell that results is 1. What a re ga m e te s ?
alled the zygote. A ter many mpli ated and amazing de- 2. When do sexual m aturity and the ability to reproduce occur?
3. What is the ultim ate unctio n o the re productive s ys te m s?
vel pmental stages, the zyg te ultimately devel ps int the
new individual.
Ea h repr du tive system als pr du es h rm nes that To learn more about the reproductive systems, go
regulate devel pment the se ndary sex hara teristi s that to AnimationDirect online at
pr m te su ess ul repr du ti n. F r example, h rm nes reate
stru tural and behavi ral di eren es in the sexes that permit
adults t re gnize and rm sexual attra ti ns with the pp - M a le Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m
site sex. Repr du tive h rm nes and ther regulat ry me ha-
nisms give us the urge t have sex, whi h is ten rein r ed
S t r u c t u r a l P la n
with the pleasant sensati ns that sexual a tivity an pr du e. Re p ro d u c t ive Tr a c t
T is sex drive is essential t su ess in pr du ing spring. Y u may re all r m Chapter 20 (see p. 565) that in males the
Sexual maturity and the ability t repr du e are a hieved urethra has a dual un ti n. It serves as a passageway r both
by the end puberty. T e male repr du tive system nsists urine and semen r m the b dy. T e term urogenital tract is
rgans wh se un ti ns are t pr du e, trans er, and ulti- s metimes used in pla e reproductive tract t des ribe this
mately intr du e mature sperm int the emale repr du tive dual urinary and repr du tive un ti n.
tra t, where the nu lear hr m s mes r m ea h parent an S many rgans make up the male repr du tive system
unite t rm a new spring. that we need t l k rst at the stru tural plan the system
as a wh le. Repr du tive rgans an be lassi ed as essential
23 M a le a n d Fe m a le S y s t e m s r accessory.

Alth ugh the rgans and spe i un ti ns the male and Es s e n t ia l O r g a n s

emale repr du tive systems are dis ussed separately, it is im- T e essential organs repr du ti n in men and w men are
p rtant t understand that a mm n general stru ture and alled the gonads. T e g nads men nsist a pair
un ti n an be identi ed between the systems in b th sexes main sex glands alled the testes. We intr du ed the term sex
and that b th sexes ntribute in uniquely imp rtant ways t gland in Chapter 12 (End rine System) t emphasize their
verall repr du tive su ess. r le in pr du ing sex hormones. T e testes pr du e the male
In b th men and w men, the rgans the repr du tive sex h rm ne testosterone. H wever, g nads have additi nal
system are adapted r the spe i sequen e un ti ns that primary un ti ns. T e testes, r example, als pr du e the
permit devel pment sperm r va ll wed by su ess ul male sex ellsthe sperm r spermatozoa.
ertilizati n and then the n rmal devel pment and birth a
baby. In additi n, pr du ti n h rm nes that permit devel- Ac c e s s o ry O r g a n s
pment se ndary sex hara teristi s, su h as breast devel- T e accessory organs repr du ti n in men nsist the
pment in w men and beard gr wth in men, urs as a result ll wing stru tures:
n rmal repr du tive system a tivity.
1. A series passageways r du ts that arry the sperm
As y u study the spe i s ea h system, keep in mind
r m the testes t the exteri r
that the male rgans un ti n t pr du e, st re, and ulti-
2. Additi nal sex glands that pr vide se reti ns that
mately intr du e mature sperm int the emale repr du -
pr te t and nurture sperm
tive tra t and that the emale system is stru tured t pr -
3. T e external repr du tive rgans alled the external
du e va, re eive the sperm, and permit ertilizati n. In
additi n, the emale repr -
du tive system permits the Table 23-1 lists the names
ertilized vum t devel p TABLE 23-1 Male Reproductive Organs the essential and a ess ry
and mature until birth. ES S ENTIAL ORGANS ACCES S ORY ORGANS rgans repr du ti n in
T e mplex and y li Gonads : te s te s (right te s tis Ducts : e pididym is (two), vas de - men, and Figure 23-1 sh ws
ntr l repr du tive un - and le t te s tis ) e re ns (two), e jaculatory duct the l ati n m st them.
ti ns in b th men and (two), and ure thra T e table and the illustrati n
w men are parti ularly ru- Supportive s ex glands : s e m inal are in luded very early in the
ial t verall repr du tive ve s icle s (two), bulboure thral hapter t pr vide a prelimi-
su ess in humans. T e pr - (Cow pe r) glands (two), and nary but imp rtant verview.
du ti n sex h rm nes pros tate gland Re er ba k t this table and
ultimately ntr lled by the Exte rnal ge nitals : s crotum and illustrati n requently as y u
brainis required n t nly pe nis
learn ab ut ea h rgan in the
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 619

Ure te r

S e mina l ve s icle

Urina ry bla dde r

Eja cula tory duct

P ros ta te gla nd Va s (ductus )

de fe re ns

Re ctum

Bulboure thra l Ure thra

(Cowpe r) gla nd

Anus Pe nis
Fore s kin
Te s tis
(pre puce )
S crotum S
FIGURE 23-1 Male reproductive sys-
tem. Sagittal section o pelvis showing lo-
cations o male reproductive organs.
Exte rna l
urina ry
me a tus

pages that ll w. Als nd the maj r stru tures the male Te s t is Fu n c t io n s

repr du tive system in the Clear View o the Human Body Spermatogenesis
( ll ws p. 8). Sperm pr du ti n is als alled spermatogenesis. Fr m pu-
berty n, the semini er us tubules ntinu usly rm sperma-
t z a, r sperm. Alth ugh the number sperm pr du ed
Te s t e s ea h day diminish with in reasing age, m st men ntinue t
S t r u c t u r e a n d Lo c a t io n pr du e signi ant numbers thr ugh ut li e.
T e paired testes are the g nads in males. T ey are l ated in T e testes prepare r sperm pr du ti n be re puberty by
the p u hlike scrotum, whi h is suspended utside the in reasing the numbers sperm pre urs r (stem) ells alled
b dy avity behind the penis as y u an see in Figure 23-1. T is spermatogonia. T ese ells are l ated near the uter edge
exp sed l ati n pr vides an envir nment ab ut 1 C t 3 C ea h semini er us tubule (Figure 23-4, A). Be re puberty, sper-
ler than n rmal re b dy temperature, an imp rtant re- mat g nia in rease in number by the pr ess mit ti ell
quirement r the n rmal pr du ti n and survival sperm. divisi n, whi h was des ribed in Chapter 3. Re all that mit -
Ea h testis is a small, val gland ab ut 3.8 m (1.5 in hes) sis results in the divisi n a parent ell int tw daughter
l ng and 2.5 m (1 in h) wide. T e testis is shaped like an egg ells, ea h identi al t the parent and ea h ntaining a m-
that has been f attened slightly r m side t side. N te in plete py the geneti material represented in the n rmal
Figure 23-2 that ea h testis is surr unded by a t ugh, whitish number 46 hr m s mes.
membrane alled the tunica albuginea. T is membrane v- T e hyp thalamus is a small but un ti nally imp rtant
ers the testis and then enters the gland t rm the many septa stru ture l ated near the base the brain. One its many
that divide it int se ti ns r l bules. un ti ns, in b th males and emales, is t se rete gonadotropin-
As y u an see in Figure 23-2, ea h l bule nsists a nar- releasing hormone (GnRH), whi h then stimulates the ante-
r w but l ng and iled semini erous tubule. T ese iled ri r pituitary t se rete the g nad tr pins ollicle-stimulating
stru tures rm the bulk the testi ular tissue mass. Small hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). A gonadotro-
end rine ells lying near the septa that separate the l bules pin is a h rm ne that has a stimulating e e t n the gonadsthe
an be seen in Figure 23-3. T ese are the interstitial cells the testes and varies.
testes that se rete the male sex h rm ne testosterone. Y u may want t review these r les the hyp thalamus
Ea h semini er us tubule is a l ng du t with a entral lu- and pituitary gland in Chapter 10 (p. 261) and Chapter 12
men r passageway (see Figure 23-3). Sperm devel p in the (p. 326). Als , peek ahead t Figure 23-16, where y u will see
walls the tubule and are then released int the lumen and the hyp thalamus and pituitary depi ted at the t p the
begin their j urney t the exteri r the b dy. diagram.
620 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

Va s (ductus )
de fe re ns Epididymis Te s tis Ne rve s a nd blood ve s s e ls Epididymis
in the s pe rma tic cord

S e minife rous
tubule s
Te s tis

Va s (ductus )
de fe re ns


S e ptum Lobule a lbugine a
FIGURE 23-2 Tubules o the testis and epididymis. The ducts and tubules are exaggerated in size. In the
photograph, the testis is the egg-shaped mass in the center; note that the comma-shaped epididymis, seen on
23 the le t, is continuous with the vas (ductus) de erens.

W hen a b y enters puberty, ir ulating levels FSH ause spermat g nium and the ther rms an ther type ell
a spermat g nium t underg a unique series ell divisi ns alled a primary spermatocyte. T ese primary spermat ytes
t pr du e sperm ells. W hen the spermat g nium underg es then underg an ther type ell divisi n hara terized by
ell divisi n and mit sis under the inf uen e FSH , it pr - meiosis, whi h ultimately results in sperm rmati n.
du es tw daughter ells. One these ells remains as a N te in Figure 23-4, B, that in mei sis tw ell divisi ns
ur (n t ne as in mit sis) and that ur daughter ells (n t
tw as in mit sis) are rmed. T e daughter ells are alled
Tunica Inte rs titia l S e minife rous S pe rma toge nic spermatids. Unlike the tw daughter ells that result r m
a lbugine a ce lls tubule ce lls
mit sis, the ur spermatids ea h have nly hal the geneti
material in its nu leus and hal the nu lear hr m s mes
(23) ther b dy ells. T ese spermatids then devel p int
spermat z a.
L k again at the diagram mei sis in Figure 23-4, B. It
sh ws that ea h primary spermat yte ultimately pr du es
ur sperm ells. N te that, in the p rti n a semini er us
tubule sh wn in Figure 23-4, spermat g nia are und at the
uter sur a e the tubule, primary and se ndary spermat -
ytes lie deeper in the tubule wall, and mature but imm tile
sperm are seen ab ut t enter the lumen the tube and begin
their j urney thr ugh the repr du tive du ts t the exteri r
the b dy.

To learn more about spermatogenesis, go to

AnimationDirect online at

Sperm are am ng the smallest and m st unusual ells in the
b dy (Figure 23-5, A). T e term sperm mes r m Latin sper-
FIGURE 23-3 Testis tissue. Several semini erous tubules surrounded matozoan meaning seed animal. T is is be ause, s mewhat
by septa containing interstitial cells are shown. like a seed, ea h sperm ell is part the repr du tive pr ess.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 621

And ea h sperm ell has a tail and m ves independently pr vide energy r the tail m vements required t pr pel the
s mewhat like a mi r s pi animal. sperm and all w them t swim r relatively l ng distan es
All the hara teristi s that a baby will inherit r m its thr ugh the emale repr du tive du ts. T e tail is a tually a
ather at ertilizati n are ntained in the nu lear hr m - agellum, previ usly des ribed in Chapter 3see Figure 3-4
s mes und in ea h sperm head. H wever, this geneti in r- and Figure 3-5 (p. 49).
mati n r m the ather will unite with hr m s mes n-
tained in the m thers vum nly i su ess ul ertilizati n Production o Testosterone
urs. In additi n t spermat genesis, the ther un ti n the
T e r e ul eje ti n f uid ntaining sperm, r testes is t se rete the male h rm ne testosterone. T is un -
ejaculation, int the emale vagina during sexual inter- ti n is arried n by the interstitial cells the testes, n t by
urse is nly ne step in the l ng j urney that these sex their semini er us tubules. T e g nad tr pin LH stimulates
ells must make be re they an meet and ertilize an vum. interstitial ells t devel p and pr du e test ster ne.
a mplish their task, these tiny pa kages geneti in- est ster ne serves the ll wing general un ti ns:
rmati n are equipped with tails r m tility and enzymes
t penetrate the uter membrane the vum when nta t 1. est ster ne mas ulinizes. T e vari us hara teristi s
urs with it. that we think as maledevel p be ause test ster-
T e stru ture a mature sperm is diagrammed in nes inf uen e. F r instan e, when a y ung b ys v i e
Figure 23-5, B. N te the sperm head ntaining the nu leus hanges, it is test ster ne that brings this ab ut.
with its geneti material r m the ather. T e sperm head is
vered by the acrosomea aplike stru ture ntaining
enzymes that enable the sperm t break d wn the vering B
the vum and permit entry i nta t urs.
In additi n t the head with its vering a r s me, ea h S pe rma togonia
(ge rm ce lls )
sperm has a midpiece and an el ngated tail. Mit h ndria in
the midpie e release aden sine triph sphate (A P) t
Mitotic divis ion

Da ughte r ce ll

P rima ry
s pe rma tocyte
S pe rma tocyte
S pe rma tids Me ios is I

S e conda ry
Ba s e me nt s pe rma tocyte s
23 23
me mbra ne

S pe rma togonia Me ios is II

S pe rma tids 23 23 23 23

Ma ture
s pe rm ce ll
S pe rma tids 23 23 23 23
be coming
A S us te nta cula r s pe rm ce lls
ce ll

Lume n of
s e minife rous
FIGURE 23-4 Spermatogenesis. A, Cross section o semini erous tu- 23 23
bule shows layers o cells undergoing the process o spermatogenesis. 23
B, Diagram o spermatogenesis, including the role o meiosis in producing S pe rm ce lls
daughter sperm cells with hal the number o nuclear chromosomes ound in
typical body cells.
622 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

Acros ome

Nucle us
He a d


Midpie ce
Ta il

Ta il

FIGURE 23-5 Human sperm. A, Micrograph shows the heads and long, slender tails o many spermatozoa.
B, Illustration shows the components o a mature sperm cell and an enlargement o a sperm head and midpiece.

2. est ster ne pr m tes and maintains the devel p- Sperm are rmed within the walls the semini er us
ment the male a ess ry rgans (pr state gland, tubules the testes. W hen they exit r m these tubules
seminal vesi les, and s n). within the testis, they enter and then pass, in sequen e,
3. est ster ne has a stimulating e e t n pr tein thr ugh the epididymis, vas de erens (du tus de erens), eja u-
anab lismit is an anabolic steroid h rm ne. est s- lat ry du t, and the urethra n their j urney ut the b dy.
ter ne thus is resp nsible r the greater average
mus ular devel pment and strength the male. Ep id id y m is
Ea h epididymis nsists a single and very tightly iled
A g d way t remember test ster nes un ti ns is t think tube ab ut 6 m (20 eet) in length. It is a mma-shaped
it as the mas ulinizing h rm ne and the anab li h r- stru ture (see Figure 23-2) that lies al ng the t p and behind
m ne.G ba k and review the b x Enhancing M uscle Strength the testes inside the s r tum. Sperm mature and devel p
in Chapter 9 (p. 227), whi h dis usses the abuse anab li their ability t m ve, r swim, as they pass thr ugh the
ster ids by s me athletes. epididymis.
Cells lining the epididymis se rete nutrients r devel ping
sperm and als rem ve substantial am unts ex ess testi u-
QUICK CHECK lar f uid as the devel ping sex ells enter and eventually pass
1. Lis t th e a cce s s o ry o rga n s o re p ro d u ctio n in m e n . thr ugh the lumen this highly iled tube.
2. In w h a t s p e cif c s tru ctu re s o th e g o n a d a re th e s p e rm Epididymitis is a pain ul inf ammati n the epididymis.
p ro d u ce d ? (Re all that the su x -itis signi es inf ammati n .) Epi-
3. Wh a t is a g o n a d o tro p in ? didymitis ten urs in ass iati n with sexually transmit-
4. S u m m a rize th e g e n e ra l u n ctio n s o te s to s te ro n e .
ted diseases, r S Ds (see Table 23-4). T e nset pain is
upled with redness and swelling the verlying s r tum,
ever, and the appearan e white bl d ells (W BCs) in the
Re p ro d u c t ive D u c t s
O ve r v ie w Va s D e e r e n s
T e du ts thr ugh whi h sperm must pass a ter exiting r m T e vas de erens, r ductus de erens, is the tube that permits
the testes until they rea h the exteri r the b dy are imp r- sperm t exit r m the epididymis and pass r m the s r tal
tant mp nents the a ess ry repr du tive stru tures. T e sa upward int the pelvi avity (see Figure 23-1). Ea h vas
ther tw mp nents in luded in the listing a ess ry de erens is a thi k, sm th, very mus ular, and m vable tube
rgans repr du ti n in the malethe supp rtive sex glands that an easily be elt r palpated thr ugh the thin skin
and external genitalsare dis ussed separately here. the s r tal wall. It passes thr ugh the inguinal anal int the
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 623

se reti ns t the gelatin us f uid part

C LIN ICA L APPLICATION the semen, in lude the tw seminal
vesi les, ne pr state gland, and tw
VAS ECTOMY bulb urethral (C wper) glands. In ad-
Seve ring or clam ping o the vas de e re ns that is , a vas e cto my, us ually done diti n t the pr du ti n sperm, the
through an incis ion in the s crotum m ake s a m an s te rile . Why? Be caus e it inte rrupts semini er us tubules the testes n-
the route to the exte rior rom the e pididym is . To le ave the body, s pe rm m us t journey tribute s mewhat less than 5% the
in s ucce s s ion through the e pididym is , vas de e re ns , e jaculatory duct, and ure thra. seminal f uid v lume.
Usually 3 t 5 mL (ab ut 1 tea-
Vasectomy is one o many types o reproductive planning called sp n) semen is eja ulated at ne
contraception. For more strategies, and how they help illustrate how time, and ea h milliliter n rmally n-
reproduction unctions, see the article Contraception at Connect It! tains ab ut 20 milli n t 100 milli n
at sperm. T ese numbers vary nsider-
ably in healthy men, even r m day t
day. Semen is slightly alkaline and
pr te ts sperm r m the a idi envi-
pelvi avity as part the spermatic cord, a nne tive tissue r nment the emale repr du tive tra t.
sheath that als en l ses bl d vessels and nerves.
S e m in a l Ve s ic le s
Eja c u la t o ry D u c t a n d U r e t h r a T e paired seminal vesicles (see Figure 23-1) are p u hlike
On e in the pelvi avity, the vas de erens extends ver the t p glands that ntribute ab ut 60% the seminal f uid v lume.
and d wn the p steri r sur a e the bladder, where it j ins T eir se reti ns are yell wish, thi k, and ri h in the sugar
the du t r m the seminal vesi le t rm the ejaculatory duct ru t se. T is ra ti n the seminal f uid helps pr vide a
(Figure 23-6). s ur e energy r the highly m tile sperm.
N te in Figure 23-1 and Figure 23-6 that the eja ulat ry du t 23
passes thr ugh the substan e the pr state gland and per- P ro s t a t e G la n d
mits sperm t empty int the urethra, whi h eventually T e prostate gland lies just bel w the bladder and is shaped
passes thr ugh the penis and pens t the exteri r at the like a d ughnut. T e urethra passes thr ugh the enter the
external urinary meatus. pr state be re traversing the penis t end at the external
urinary ri e.
T e pr state se retes a thin, milk- l red f uid that nsti-
Ac c e s s o ry G la n d s tutes ab ut 30% the t tal seminal f uid v lume. T is p r-
T e term semen, r seminal uid, is used t des ribe the ti n the eja ulate helps t a tivate the sperm and maintain
mixture sex ells r sperm pr du ed by the testes and their m tility.
the se reti ns the a ess ry r supp rtive sex glands. T e
a ess ry glands, whi h ntribute m re than 95% the Bu lb o u r e t h r a l G la n d s
Ea h the tw bulbourethral glands (als alled Cowper
glands) resembles a pea in size and shape. T ey are l ated
just bel w the pr state gland and empty their se reti ns int
Ba s e of the penile p rti n the urethra. Be ause this f uid is ten
bla dde r released just be re the rest the semen is eja ulated, it is
Va s (ductus ) alled "pre-eja ulate."
S de fe re ns
T e mu uslike se reti ns the bulb urethral glands serve
L R Ure te r several un ti ns. T ey neutralize any residue sperm
damaging a idi urine in the urethra. T ey als lubri ate the
S e mina l urethra t pr te t sperm r m ri ti n damage and add t the
ve s icle
external lubri ati n the penis needed r inter urse.
Le ft
T e bulb urethral glands ntribute less than 5% the
e ja cula tory seminal f uid v lume eja ulated r m the urethra.

Pos te rior Ex t e r n a l G e n it a ls
s urfa ce of
pros ta te T e penis and s r tum nstitute the external repr du tive
rganss metimes alled the genitals r genitalia.
FIGURE 23-6 Male accessory glands. Dissection photo showing blad- T e penis (Figure 23-7) is the rgan that, when made sti
der, prostate, vas de erens, le t ejaculatory duct, and seminal vesicles rom and ere t by the lling its sp ngy, r ere tile, tissue mp -
behind. nents with bl d during sexual ar usal, an enter and dep sit
624 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems


Bla dde r
In re ce nt de cade s , the re has be e n dis agre e m e nt am ong
P ros ta te Ope nings of m e dical pro e s s ionals re garding w he the r routine circum ci-
e ja cula tory ducts
s ion is jus tif e d in all m ale in ants . Ce rtainly, circum cis ion
m ay be re quire d i the ore s kin f ts s o tightly ove r the glans
Bulboure thra l that it cannot be re tracte d, a condition calle d phim o s is .
gla nd Als o, i the ore s kin cannot be re place d to its us ual pos i-
tion a te r it has be e n re tracte d be hind the glans , a condition
Crus pe nis
calle d paraphim o s is , circum cis ion m ay be re quire d.
Ope ning A te r a ew ye ars o w ithholding the re com m e ndation,
of bulboure thra l m os t he alth expe rts are again re com m e nding routine cir-
gla nds cum cis ion to re duce the s pre ad o hum an im m unode f -
cie ncy virus (HIV) and othe r s exually trans m itte d in e ctions
Corpus (STIs ) bas e d on exte ns ive re s e arch f ndings . Howeve r, the re
ca ve rnos um are ris ks to circum cis ion, including los s o its norm al prote c-
Ure thra tive and s e ns ory role , and m any que s tion the e thics o a
s urge ry in w hich the patie nt cannot give in orm e d cons e nt.
De e p a rte ry s pongios um
At the distal end the sha t the penis is the enlarged
Gla ns pe nis glans penis, r m re simply glans. T e glans is dense with
sens ry re ept rs that help stimulate the male sexual resp nse.
23 Fore s kin T e external urinary meatus is the pening the urethra at
(pre puce ) the tip the glans.
T e skin the distal end the penis is lded d ubly t
A Exte rna l urina ry rm a l se- tting retra table, llar ar und the glans alled
me a tus S the oreskin, r prepuce. Besides pr te ting the glans r m
abrasi n, the reskin is als dense with sens ry re ept rs.
Surgi al rem val the reskin is alled circumcision (see
I Clini al Appli ati n b x ab ve).
Corpus Dors a l blood
T e scrotum is a skin- vered p u h suspended r m the
ca ve rnos um ve s s e ls of pe nis gr in. Internally, it is divided int tw sa s by a septum; ea h
sa ntains a testis, epididymis, the l wer part the vas
de erens, and the beginning the spermati rds.

D is o r d e r s o t h e M a le
Corpus Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m
s pongios um
Ure thra D
In e r t ilit y a n d S t e r ilit y
R L Several dis rders the male repr du tive system ause
in ertility. In ertility is an abn rmally l w ability t repr -
du e. I there is a mplete inability t repr du e, the ndi-
FIGURE 23-7 Penis. A, In this sagittal section o the penis viewed rom ti n is alled sterility.
above, the urethra is exposed throughout its length and can be seen exiting In ertility r sterility inv lves an abn rmally redu ed a-
rom the bladder and passing through the prostate gland be ore entering the pa ity t deliver healthy sperm t the emale repr du tive
penis to end at the external urinary meatus. B, Photograph o a cross section tra t. Redu ed repr du tive apa ity may result r m a t rs
o the sha t o the penis showing the three columns o erectile or cavernous
tissue. Note the urethra within the substance o the corpus spongiosum. su h as a de rease in the testespr du ti n sperm, stru tural
abn rmalities in the sperm, r bstru ti n the repr du tive
du ts.
sperm in the vagina during inter urse. T e penis has three Males in general d n t have a well-de ned andropause,
separate lumns ere tile tissue in its sha t: ne corpus r essati n ertility, in late adulth d that l sely parallels
spongiosum, whi h surr unds the urethra, and tw corpora emale men pause. H wever, sensitivity the testis t LH
cavernosa, whi h lie d rsally. T e sp ngy nature ere tile may begin t de line a ter age 50, ausing test ster ne levels
tissue is apparent in Figure 23-7. t dr p. I it is a signi ant dr p, it may be alled l w . L w
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 625

test ster ne pr du ti n an ause sperm pr du ti n t als result in s me tenderness but sh uld n t be pain ul. Any lump
de line s mewhat. Even s , many men remain ertile thr ugh- r hange in texture sh uld be rep rted t a physi ian r
ut li e. urther assessment.

D is o r d e r s o t h e Te s t e s D is o r d e r s o t h e P ro s t a t e
Re d u c e d S p e r m P ro d u c t io n Be n ig n P ro s t a t ic Hy p e r t ro p h y
Disrupti n the sperm-pr du ing un ti n the semini er- A n n an er us nditi n alled benign prostatic hypertrophy
us tubules an result in de reased sperm pr du ti n, a ndi- (BPH) is a mm n pr blem in lder men. T e nditi n is
ti n alled oligospermia. I the sperm count is t l w, in ertil- hara terized by an enlargement r hypertr phy the pr state
ity may result. A large number sperm is needed t ensure gland. BPH is s mm n in late adulth dm re than 90%
that many sperm will rea h the vum and diss lve its ating, men ver 80that it is nsidered a usual part aging.
all wing a single sperm t unite with the vum. T e a t that the urethra passes thr ugh the enter the
O lig spermia an result r m a t rs su h as in e ti n, e- pr state a ter exiting r m the bladder is a matter nsider-
ver, radiati n, malnutriti n, and high temperature in the testes. able lini al signi an e in this nditi n. As the pr state en-
In s me ases, lig spermia is temp raryas in s me a ute larges, it squeezes the urethra, p ssibly l sing it s mpletely
in e ti ns. O lig spermia is a leading ause in ertility. O that urinati n be mes very di ult r even imp ssible.
urse, t tal absen e sperm pr du ti n results in sterility. In severe ases nly, surgi al rem val a part the gland
r the entire gland, a pr edure alled prostatectomy, may
C ry p t o r c h id is m be me ne essary.
Early in etal li e the testes are l ated in the abd min pelvi
avity near the kidneys but n rmally des end int the s r tum P ro s t a t e C a n c e r
ab ut 2 m nths be re birth. O asi nally a baby is b rn with Prostate cancer is the se nd leading ause an er deaths
undes ended testes, a nditi n alled cryptorchidism, whi h in men. M st are aden ar in mas the glandular tissue.
is readily dete ted by palpati n the s r tum at delivery. T e Early diagn sis is riti al r survival (see the Clini al Ap- 23
w rd cryptorchidism is r m the Greek w rds kryptikos (hid- pli ati n b x n page 626).
den) and orchis (testis). On e an er is n rmed, treatment depends n the stage
Failure the testes t des end may be aused by h rm nal an er and the age and health the patient. Wat h ul wait-
imbalan es in the devel ping etus r by a physi al de ien y ing is mm nly re mmended r s me early stage pr state
r bstru ti n. Regardless ause, in the rypt r hid in ant, an ers, but m re advan ed ases may require pr state t my
the testes remain hidden in the abd min pelvi avity. ten in mbinati n with ther therapies. Opti ns in lude
Be ause the higher temperature inside the b dy avity in- systemi hem therapy, ry therapy ( reezing) pr stati
hibits spermat genesis, measures must be taken t bring the tissue, mi r wave therapy, h rm nal therapy, and vari us types
testes d wn int the s r tum t prevent permanent sterility. external beam x-ray radiati n treatments.
Early treatment rypt r hidism by inje ti n test ster- One treatment pr t l inv lves pla ing small radi a tive
ne, whi h stimulates the testes t des end, may result in seeds dire tly int the pr state tum r, where they give
n rmal testi ular and sexual devel pment. T e nditi n may very l alized an er- elldestr ying radiati n r ab ut a
als be rre ted surgi ally. year. T e treatment is alled brachytherapy r m the Greek
term brachymeaning sh rt distan e. T e radiati n is lim-
Te s t ic u la r C a n c e r ited t a sh rt distan e be ause the radi a tive seeds are
M st testicular tumors are an er us and arise r m sperm- pla ed in r near the tum r itsel , thus redu ing any radiati n
pr du ing ells the semini er us tubules. Externally, they exp sure t surr unding healthy tissue.
m st ten appear as a n ntender mass xed n the testis.
Malignan ies the testes are m st mm n am ng men
D is o r d e r s o t h e P e n is a n d S c ro t u m
15 t 30 years ld. In additi n t age gr up, this type an er
is ass iated with geneti predisp siti n, trauma r in e ti n P e n is D is o r d e r s
the testis, and rypt r hidism. In ection, Cancer, and Structural Disorders
reatment testi ular an er is m st e e tive when the T e penis is subje t t cancerous tumors and is a e ted by numer-
diagn sis is made early in the devel pment the tum r. us sexually transmitted diseases, r S D s (see Table 23-4).
Many physi ians en urage male patients t per rm m nthly Devel pment herpes vesi les; genital warts; and vari us le-
sel -examinati n their testes, espe ially i they are in a si ns the reskin, glans, and penile sha t are mm n.
high-risk gr up. T e sel -examinati n inv lves palpating ea h Structural abnormalities su h as phimosis and paraphimosis,
testispre erably a ter a warm sh wer when the s r tum is dis ussed in the b x n the pp site page, an bstru t the
relaxed and the testes are des ended and a essible. Ea h f w urine r result in urinary tra t in e ti ns.
testis sh uld be palpated thr ugh the s r tal wall between the T e term hypospadias des ribes a ngenital nditi n
thumb and the index and middle ngers. T ey sh uld eel that is hara terized by the pening the urethral meatus n
rm, sm th, and rubbery but n t hard. T e examinati n may the underside the glans r penile sha t. Surgi al rre ti n
626 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems


Many o the 32,000 m e n w ho die e ach ye ar rom pros tate cance rthe S e mina l ve s icle
m os t com m on nons kin orm o cance r in Am e rican m e n and a le ading P ros ta te gla nd
caus e o cance r de aths in m e n ove r 50could be s ave d i the cance rs
we re de te cte d e arly e nough to allow e e ctive tre atm e nt. Seve ral s cre e n-
ing te s ts are now available or e arly de te ction o pros tate cance r.
For exam ple , phys icians can s om e tim e s de te ct pros tate cance r e arly
by palpating the pros tate through the wall o the re ctum us ing a glove d,
lubricate d f nge r. This is calle d a digital re ctal exam .
The pros tate -s pe cif c antige n (PSA) te s t is a blood te s t that as s e s s e s
the leve l o a blood prote in that m ay incre as e in pros tate cance r. Although
controve rs ial w he n us e d alone or cance r s cre e ning be caus e o pote ntially
m is le ading re s ults , it re m ains a valuable te s t or m onitoring pros tate
he alth.
Be caus e o the prevale nce o pros tate cance r, adult m e n are e ncour- I S
age d to have re gular pros tate exam inations and to re port any urinary or
s exual di f culty to the ir phys icians .

is per rmed i the de e t is likely t ause ur l gi al r repr - A drug alled Muse (alpr stadil) is available as a tiny s t
du tive pr blems. pellet that is inserted int the urethra using a small appli at r.
T e term epispadias re ers t a mu h less mm n n- A similar drug available in s luti n, Caverje t, is inje ted di-
genital de e t that inv lves the pening the urethral meatus re tly int the penis.
n the d rsal r t p sur a e the glans r penile sha t. As a result multiple pti ns, even m derate t severe
ere tile dys un ti n urring in sexually a tive men an be
Erectile Dys unction treated with nsiderable su ess.
Failure t a hieve r maintain an ere ti n the penis ade-
quate en ugh t permit sexual inter urse is alled erectile S c ro t u m D is o r d e r s
dys unction (ED ) r impotence. ED a e ts men all ages but Swelling the s r tum an be aused by a variety ndi-
is experien ed m st ten a ter age 65. Imp ten e d es n t ti ns. One the m st mm n auses s r tal swelling is
a e t sperm pr du ti n but in ertility ten results be ause an a umulati n f uid alled a hydrocele. H ydr eles may
n rmal inter urse may n t be p ssible. be ngenital, resulting r m stru tural abn rmalities present
In the past, psy h l gi al pr blems su h as anxiety, depres- at birth.
si n, and stress were ten ited as the m st imp rtant auses In adults, hydr ele ten urs when f uid pr du ed by
imp ten e in sexually a tive men. T ere is n d ubt that the ser us membrane lining the s r tum is n t abs rbed
su h nditi ns ntribute t ED. H wever, urrent resear h pr perly. T e ause adult hydr ele is n t always kn wn,
suggests that purely psy h l gi al pr blems pr bably a unt but in s me ases, it an be linked t trauma r in e ti n.
r ar ewer ases imp ten e than previ usly th ught. Swelling the s r tum may als ur when the intestines
We n w kn w that ED is requently aused by medi al push thr ugh the weak area the abd minal wall that sepa-
pr blems related t abn rmal vas ular r neural ntr l rates the abd min pelvi avity r m the s r tum. T is ndi-
penile bl d f w. Arteri s ler sis, diabetes, al h l abuse, ti n is a rm inguinal hernia. I the intestines pr trude
numer us medi ati ns, radiati n therapy, tum rs, spinal rd t ar int the s r tum, the digestive tra t may be me b-
trauma, and surgery, espe ially i pelvi rgans su h as the stru ted, resulting in death.
pr state are inv lved, may all ntribute t ED. In adults, inguinal hernia ten urs while li ting heavy
reatment pti ns r ED in lude use drugs that in- bje ts, be ause the high internal pressure generated by the
rease bl d f w t the sp ngy avern us tissue the penis ntra ti n abd minal mus les. Inguinal herniati n als
ausing it t sti en and be me ere t. O ral medi ati ns su h may be ngenital (Figure 23-8).
as Viagra (sildena l), Levitra (vardena l), Cialis (tadala l), Small inguinal hernias may be treated with external sup-
and Uprima (ap m rphine) are generally pre erred by men p rts that prevent rgans r m pr truding int the s r tum;
wh d n t have medi al nditi ns that pre lude their use. m re seri us hernias must be repaired surgi ally.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 627

Pe ritone um

Norma l

S Inte s tine S
R L into s crotum A P

Ing uinal he rnia I No rmal Co ng e nital ing uinal I

he rnia

FIGURE 23-8 Inguinal hernia. Congenital inguinal hernia in in ant male.

read ab ut ea h stru ture in the pages that ll w. Als nd

Although less common, inguinal hernias also
the maj r stru tures the emale repr du tive system in the
occur in emales. Review the article Hernias at
Clear View o the Human Body ( ll ws p. 8).
Connect It! at

QUICK CHECK O va r ie s 23
1. Wh a t d u ct le a d s ro m th e e p id id ym is ? S t r u c t u r e a n d Lo c a t io n
2. Wh ich o rga n s p ro d u ce th e u id in s e m e n ? T e paired varies are the g nads emales. T ey have a
3. Wh a t is th e u n ctio n o th e e re ctile tis s u e ? pu kered, uneven sur a e; ea h weighs ab ut 3 g. T e varies
4. Id e n ti y th e tre a tm e n ts o r b e n ig n p ro s ta tic hyp e rtro p hy.
resemble large alm nds in size and shape. T ey are atta hed
t ligaments in the pelvi avity n ea h side the uterus.
Embedded in a nne tive tissue matrix just bel w the
Fe m a le Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m uter layer ea h vary in a newb rn baby girl are ab ut hal
a milli n ovarian ollicles. Ea h lli le ntains an oocyte,
S t r u c t u r a l P la n an immature stage the emale sex ell.
T e stru tural plan the repr du tive system in b th sexes is By the time a girl rea hes puberty, h wever, urther devel-
similar in that rgans are hara terized as essential r accessory. pment has resulted in the rmati n a redu ed number
(ab ut 400,000) what are then alled primary ollicles.
Es s e n t ia l O r g a n s Ea h primary lli le has a layer granulosa cells ar und the
T e essential rgans repr du ti n in w men, the gonads, yte.
are the paired ovaries. T e emale sex ells, r ova, are pr - T e pr gressi n devel pment r m primary lli le t
du ed in the varies. T e varies als pr du e the h rm nes vulati n is sh wn in Figure 23-10. As the thi kness the
estr gen and pr gester ne. granul sa ell layer ar und the yte in reases, a h ll w
hamber alled an antrum appears, and a secondary ollicle is
Ac c e s s o ry O r g a n s rmed.
T e a ess ry rgans repr du ti n in w men nsist the D uring the repr du tive li etime m st w men, nly
ll wing stru tures: ab ut 350 t 500 these primary lli les ully devel p int
1. A series du ts r m di ed du t stru tures that
extend r m near the varies t the exteri r TABLE 23-2 Female Reproductive Organs
2. Additi nal sex glands, in luding the mammary glands,
whi h have an imp rtant repr du tive un ti n nly
Gonads : ovarie s (right ovary Ducts : ute rine tube s (two),
in w men
and le t ovary) ute rus , vagina
3. T e external repr du tive rgans r external genitals Acce s s ory s ex glands : ve s tibular
Table 23-2 lists the names
the essential and a ess ry emale glands (two pairs ), bre as ts
rgans repr du ti n, and Figure 23-9 sh ws the l ati n (two)
Exte rnal ge nitals : vulva
m st them. Re er ba k t this table and illustrati n as y u
628 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

Ova ry
Ute rine (fa llopia n) tube
Body of ute rus

Ure te r Fundus of ute rus

Ce rvix
Urina ry bla dde r

Re ctum
S ymphys is pubis

Anus Ure thra

Va gina
La bium minus

La bium ma jus

FIGURE 23-9 Female reproductive sys- P A

23 tem. Sagittal section o pelvis showing loca-
tions o emale reproductive organs.

mature ollicles. It is the mature lli le that releases an vum A ter vulati n, the ruptured lli le is trans rmed int a
r p tential ertilizati na pr ess alled ovulation. F lli- h rm ne-se reting glandular stru ture alled the corpus
les that d n t mature degenerate and are reabs rbed int luteum, whi h is des ribed later. Corpus luteum is a Latin
the varian tissue. phrase meaning yell w b dyan appr priate name t de-
T e sa ntaining a mature vum is the mature ovarian s ribe the yell w appearan e this glandular stru ture.
ollicle ten alled a graa an ollicle, in h n r the
D ut h anat mist Regnier de Graa wh dis vered it s me O va ry Fu n c t io n s
300 years ag . Oogenesis
T e pr du ti n emale gametes, r sex ells, is alled
Ovula tion Corpus Blood T e unusual rm ell divisi n that results in
lute um ve s s e ls sperm rmati n, mei sis, is als resp nsible r devel-
pment va. D uring the devel pmental phases expe-
rien ed by the emale sex ell r m its earliest stage t
De ge ne ra ting just a ter ertilizati n, tw mei ti ell divisi ns ur.
corpus lute um
Oocyte As a result mei sis in the emale sex ell, the
number hr m s mes is redu ed equally in ea h
Ma ture
follicle daughter ell t hal the number (23) und in ther
(gra a fia n b dy ells (46).
follicle ) H wever, the am unt yt plasm is divided un-
equally am ng the daughter ells, as y u an see in
Figure 23-11. T e result is rmati n ne large
vum and small daughter ells alled polar bodies
Antrum that degenerate. T e vum, with its large supply
Gra nulos a S e conda ry Gra nulos a P rima ry
yt plasm, is ne the b dys largest ells and is
ce lls follicle ce lls follicle s A uniquely stru tured t pr vide nutrients r rapid devel-
pment the embry until implantati n in the uterus
FIGURE 23-10 Ovary. Cross section o ovary shows successive L M
stages o ovarian ollicle and ovum development. Begin with the rst urs.
stage (primary ollicle) and ollow around clockwise to the nal state P At ertilizati n, the nal phase mei ti ell divisi n
(degenerating corpus luteum). in the vum mpletes, and the last p lar b dy is released.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 629

FIGURE 23-11 Oogenesis. Production o

a mature ovum and subsequent ertilization
are shown as a series o cell divisions. Notice
that meiosis pauses in meiosis I be ore birth, Oogonium OOCYTE 46
then resumes in some primary oocytes begin-
ning at puberty. Meiosis II does not complete
until ertilization occurs. Mitos is

P rima ry 46
T e sex ells r m b th parents unite
ully and the n rmal hr m s me Me ios is be gins
number (46) is a hieved in the zyg te (growth)
that is rmed. Me ios is s tops a t propha s e I

Production o Estrogen CHILDHOOD

and Progesterone
T e se nd maj r un ti n the P rima ry
46 (ina ctive )
vary, in additi n t genesis, is
se reti n the sex h rm nes, estro-
gen and progesterone. H rm ne pr - REPRODUCTIVE YEARS
du ti n in the vary begins at pu-
berty with the y li devel pment
and maturati n the vum. T e
granul sa ells ar und the yte in P rima ry
the gr wing and mature lli le se-
rete estr gen. T e rpus luteum,
whi h devel ps a ter vulati n,
hief y se retes pr gester ne but als
s me estr gen. Me ios is re s ume s
Estrogen is the sex h rm ne that
auses the devel pment and mainte- P rima ry
nan e the emale secondary sex oocyte
characteristics and stimulates gr wth
the epithelial ells lining the
uterus. S me the a ti ns estr - Me ios is
gen in lude the ll wing: S e conda ry s tops a t Firs t pola r
23 body
oocyte me ta pha s e II
1. Devel pment and matura-
ti n emale repr du tive Fe rtiliza tion
Me ios is re s ume s
rgans, in luding the exter-
nal genitals
2. Appearan e pubi hair 23
and breast devel pment
3. Devel pment emale
b dy nt urs by dep si- Me ios is comple te d
ti n at bel w the skin
sur a e and in the breasts
and hip regi n Zygote
23 23 23
4. Initiati n the rst men- 23
strual y le S e cond Pola r
pola r body bodie s
Progesterone is pr du ed by the
rpus luteum, whi h is a glandular
stru ture that devel ps r m a lli le that has just released uterus and a ts with estr gen t initiate the menstrual y le
an vum. I stimulated by the appr priate anteri r pituitary in girls entering puberty.
h rm ne, the rpus luteum pr du es pr gester ne r T e surgi al term oophorectomy is used t des ribe re-
ab ut 11 days a ter vulati n. Pr gester ne stimulates pr - m val the varies. I b th varies are rem ved, sterility re-
li erati n and vas ularizati n the epithelial lining the sults and men pause ll ws.
630 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

unique repr du tive un ti ns in mind as

C LIN ICA L APPLICATION we n w learn h w structure ts unction in
the emale repr du tive tra t.
Horm one re place m e nt the rapy (HRT) us ing e s troge n alone or in com bination w ith U t e r in e Tu b e s
proge s tin (s ynthe tic proge s te rone ) is s om e tim e s us e d to re duce m ode rate to T e tw uterine tubes, als alled
s eve re s ym ptom s o m e nopaus e s uch as hot as he s . The s e s ym ptom s re s ult allopian tubes r oviducts, serve as
rom the drop in e s troge n that characte rize s m e nopaus e . Although HRT m ay have du ts r the varies, even th ugh they
s om e be ne f ts in re ducing or preve nting chronic dis orde rs s uch as os te oporos is , are n t atta hed t them. T e uter end
de m e ntia, or he art dis e as e , the re are pote ntially s e rious he alth ris ks as we ll.
ea h tube terminates in an expanded,
The re ore HRT is us e d only or the m ore s e rious m e nopaus e cas e s and not to
unnel-shaped stru ture that has ringe-
preve nt chronic dis e as e . To ke e p the ris ks low, HRT re quire s care ul analys is o an
individuals s ituation and de te rm ination o the lowe s t pos s ible e e ctive dos e in
like pr je ti ns alled mbriae al ng its
the s horte s t pos s ible tre atm e nt pe riod. Alte rnative drug the rapie s m ay be jus t as edge. T is part the tube urves ver
e e ctive as HRT in s om e cas e s . the t p ea h vary (Figure 23-12) and
pens int the pelvi avity. T e inner
end ea h uterine tube atta hes t the
uterus, and the avity inside the tube
QUICK CHECK pens int the avity in the uterus. Ea h tube is ab ut
10 m (4 in hes) in length.
1. Id e n ti y th e e s s e n tia l o rga n s o re p ro d u ctio n in w o m e n .
2. Wh e re a re th e e m a le g la n d s lo ca te d ? A ter vulati n, the dis harged vum rst enters the pelvi
3. Wh a t is o o g e n e s is ? avity and then enters the uterine tube assisted by the wave-
4. Wh ich e m a le s e x h o rm o n e ca u s e s th e d e ve lo p m e n t a n d like m vement the mbriae and the beating the ilia n
m a in te n a n ce o th e e m a le s e co n d a ry s e x ch a ra cte ris tics ? their sur a e. On e in the tube, the vum begins its j urney t
the uterus. S me va never nd their way int the vidu t and
23 remain in the pelvi avity where they are reabs rbed. In
Chapter 24 the details ertilizati n, whi h n rmally urs
Re p ro d u c t ive D u c t s
in the uter ne-third the uterine tube, are dis ussed.
O ve r v ie w T e mu sal lining the uterine tubes is dire tly ntinu-
T e repr du tive du ts in the male and emale repr du tive us with the lining the pelvi avity n ne end and with
tra t are similar in s me undamental ways. First, b th sets the lining the uterus and vagina n the ther. T is is
du ts lead r m ea h the paired g nads, then j in int a great lini al signi an e be ause in e ti ns the vagina r
single passage that leads ut the b dy. Se nd, b th male uterus su h as g n rrhea may pass int the abd min pelvi
and emale du ts arry gametes away r m the g nads. avity, where they may be me li e threatening.
H wever, be ause humans are pla ental mammals, the e-
male repr du tive du ts als have entral r les in re eiving Ut e ru s
sperm r m the male, ertilizati n, and prenatal devel pment T e uterus is a small rgan nly ab ut the size a
un ti ns n t needed in the male repr du tive tra t. Keep these pearbut it is extremely str ng. It is alm st all mus le, r

Ute rine (fa llopia n) tube Fundus

Body of ute rus

Ova ry

Fimbria e Endome trium

Wa ll of ute rus Pe rime trium

Myome trium Ute rine a rte ry a nd ve in

Ce rvix
Ce rvica l ca na l
FIGURE 23-12 Uterus. Sectioned view shows muscle L R
layers o the uterus and its relationship to the ovaries and Va gina (cut)
vagina. I
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 631

myometrium, with nly a small avity inside. D uring preg- repeat themselves, they are sp ken as the menstrual cycle
nan y the uterus gr ws many times larger s that it be mes (see pp. 633-635).
big en ugh t h ld a ull-term etus and a nsiderable I ertilizati n urs, pregnan y begins, and the end me-
am unt f uid. trium remains inta t. T e events pregnan y are dis ussed in
T e uterus is mp sed several maj r regi ns. T e up- Chapter 24.
per p rti n the uterus is the body. Just ab ve the level Menstruati n rst urs during puberty, ten ar und the
where the uterine tubes atta h t the b dy the uterus, it age 12 t 13 years but s metimes even earlier. N rmally it
r unds ut t rm a bulging pr minen e alled the undus repeats itsel ab ut every 28 days r 13 times a year r s me
(see Figure 23-12). T e l wer, narr w ne k se ti n is alled the 30 t 40 years be re it eases at the time menopause,
cervix. when a w man is s mewhere ar und the age 50 years.
Ex ept during pregnan y, the uterus lies in the pelvi avity
just behind the urinary bladder. By the end pregnan y, it Va g in a
has be me large en ugh t extend up t the t p the ab- T e vagina is a distensible tube ab ut 10 m (4 in hes) l ng
d min pelvi avity. It then pushes the liver against the un- made mainly sm th mus le and lined with mu us mem-
derside the diaphragma a t that explains a mment brane. It lies in the pelvi avity between the urinary bladder
su h as I ant seem t take a deep breath sin e Ive g tten s and the re tum, as y u an see in Figure 23-9. As the part
big, made by many w men late in their pregnan ies. the emale repr du tive tra t that pens t the exteri r, the
Hysterectomy is surgi al rem val the uterus. It may be vagina is the rgan that re eives the penis during inter urse
ex ised and rem ved thr ugh a typi al in isi n in the abd - and thr ugh whi h sperm enter during their j urney t meet
men (abdominal hysterectomy), thr ugh the vagina (vaginal an vum.
hysterectomy), r lapar s pi ally (laparoscopic hysterectomy). In T e vagina is als the rgan r m whi h a baby emerges t
total hysterectomy b th the b dy and ervix are rem ved; in meet its new w rld, and s it is als alled the birth canal.
subtotal hysterectomy nly the b dy the uterus is rem ved,
sparing the ervix.
Ac c e s s o ry G la n d s 23
T e uterus un ti ns in three pr essesmenstruati n,
pregnan y, and lab r. T e rpus luteum st ps se reting pr - Ve s t ib u la r G la n d s
gester ne and de reases its se reti n estr gens ab ut w pairs ex rine glands lie imbedded in tissue t the le t
11 days a ter vulati n. Ab ut 3 days later, when the pr ges- and right the vaginal utlet and release mu us f uid int
ter ne and estr gen n entrati ns in the bl d are at their the vestibule the vulva (des ribed later in Figure 23-14).
l west, menstruati n starts. Small pie es the mu us mem- One pair these small glands are alled the greater
brane lining the uterus, r the endometrium pull l se, vestibular glands, and the ther pair are alled the lesser
leaving t rn bl d vessels underneath. Bl d and bits en- vestibular glands. T e greater vestibular glands are als alled
d metrium tri kle ut the uterus int the vagina and ut Bartholin glands, and the lesser vestibular glands may be
the b dy. alled Skene glands r emale prostate.
Immediately a ter menstruati n, the end metrium starts Mu us r m these glands may ntribute t lubri ati n
t repair itsel . It again gr ws thi k and be mes lavishly sup- during sexual inter urse.
plied with bl d in preparati n r pregnan y. T e vestibular glands have lini al imp rtan e be ause they
I ertilizati n d es n t take pla e, the uterus n e m re may be me in e ted. F r example, Neisseria gonorrhoeaethe
sheds the lining made ready r a pregnan y that did n t - ba teria that ause g n rrheaare ten hard t eliminate
ur. Be ause these hanges in the uterine lining ntinue t n e they in e t a vestibular gland (see Table 23-4).

Br e a s t s
T e breasts lie ver the pe t ral mus les
C LIN ICA L APPLICATION and are atta hed t them by brous suspen-
ECTOPIC PREGNANCY sory ligaments ( C per). Breast size is
determined m re by the am unt at
The te rm e cto pic pre g nancy is us e d to de s cribe a pre gnancy re s ulting rom the ar und the glandular (milk-se reting) tis-
im plantation o a e rtilize d ovum in any location othe r than the ute rus . Occas ion- sue than by the am unt glandular tissue
ally, be caus e the oute r e nds o the ute rine tube s ope n into the pe lvic cavity and itsel . H en e the size the breast has little
are not actually conne cte d to the ovarie s , an ovum doe s not e nte r an oviduct but
t d with its ability t se rete adequate
be com e s e rtilize d and re m ains in the pe lvic cavity.
Although rare , i im plantation occurs on the s ur ace o an abdom inal organ or
am unts milk a ter the birth a baby.
on one o the m e s e nte rie s , deve lopm e nt m ay continue to te rm . In s uch cas e s , Ea h breast nsists 15 t 20 divi-
de live ry by ce s are an s e ction is re quire d. Mos t e ctopic pre gnancie s involve im plan- si ns r l bes that are arranged radially
tation in the ute rine tube and are the re ore calle d tubal pre gnancie s . I a tubal (Figure 23-13). Ea h l be nsists several
pre gnancy is not te rm inate d, catas trophic rupture o the ute rine tube and de ath o l bules, and ea h l bule nsists milk-
both e tus and m othe r is like ly to occur. se reting glandular ells. T e milk-se ret-
ing ells are arranged in grapelike lusters
632 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

Contra ctile Pe ctora lis minor mus cle
ce lls Inte rcos ta l mus cle

Fa s cia of pe ctora l mus cle s

Pe ctora lis ma jor mus cle
Alve olus
Milk-s e cre ting
e pithe lia l ce lls La ctife rous
La ctife rous
s inus
FIGURE 23-13 Female breast. Sagittal section shows the gland xed to the overly- Nipple
ing skin and the pectoral muscles by the suspensory ligaments (o Cooper). Each lobule pore s
o secretory tissue is drained by a lacti erous duct that opens through the nipple. The
inset (le t) shows one o the milk-producing alveoli o the mammary gland. Lobe s
Adipos e
tis s ue S
small h ll w hambers alled alveoli (see Figure 23-13, inset).
S us pe ns ory P A
Small ntra tile ells surr und the alve li and push milk int liga me nts
du ts when stimulated by oxytocin (O ) released r m the (of Coope r) I
p steri r pituitary glandan event alled milk let-d wn.
Small lacti erous ducts drain the alve li and nverge t - Can er us ells r m breast tum rs ten spread t ther
ward the nipple like the sp kes a wheel. Only ne la ti er- areas the b dy thr ugh the lymphati system. T is lym-
23 us du t leads r m ea h l be t an pening in the nipple. phati drainage is dis ussed in Chapter 16 (see als Figure 16-8).
Ea h la ti er us du t widens int a lacti erous sinus just be re
rea hing the nipple. Ea h sinus a ts like the bulb at the end Females and males both have breastsand
an eyedr pper, pumping milk ut the nipple as an in ant either can get breast cancer. For more in orma-
rhythmi ally squeezes its jaws as it nurses. tion on male and emale breast health, check out
T e l red sur a e area ar und the nipple is the areola. It the articles Male Breast Health and Breast Sel -
ntains many tiny bumps alled areolar glands. Are lar Examination at Connect It! at
glands are large seba e us glands that se rete skin ils that
nditi n the skin while nursing an in ant. T e are la als has
To learn more about breast structure, go to
a netw rk sm th mus les that ntra t t ause the nipple
AnimationDirect online at
t be me ere twhi h ten helps an in ant lat h n t the
breast at the m st e ient l ati n.
1. Wh a t is a n o th e r n a m e o r th e u te rin e tu b e s ?
2. Wh a t th re e m a jo r u n ctio n s d o e s th e u te ru s p e r o rm ?
3. Wh a t s u b s ta n ce is co n d u cte d th ro u g h la cti e ro u s d u cts ?
C LIN ICA L APPLICATION 4. De s crib e th e u n ctio n o th e a re o la r g la n d s .
The te rm s f bro cys tic dis e as e and m am m ary dys plas ia Ex t e r n a l G e n it a ls
are jus t two o the m any nam e s or a group o conditions
characte rize d by be nign lum ps in one or both bre as ts . It is T e external genitalia w men nsist several stru tures
com m on in adult wom e n be ore m e nopaus e , occurring in lle tively alled the vulva. T ese in lude:
hal o all wom e n at s om e tim e , and is cons ide re d the m os t
re que nt bre as t le s ion. 1. M ns pubis
The lum ps that characte rize f brocys tic dis e as e are o te n 2. Clit ris
pain ul, e s pe cially during the s e cre tory phas e o the re pro- 3. External urinary meatus
ductive cycle . Tre atm e nt is us ually aim e d at re lieving pain or 4. Labia min ra
te nde rne s s that m ay occur. Although it is com m only calle d 5. H ymen
a dis e as e , m os t expe rts agre e that f brocys tic dis e as e is 6. Openings vestibular gland du ts
s im ply a colle ction o norm al variations in bre as t tis s ue . 7. O ri e ( pening) vagina
Eve n though the lum ps as s ociate d w ith f brocys tic dis e as e 8. Labia maj ra
are be nign, any s us picious lum p or othe r change in bre as t
tis s ue s hould be re garde d as pos s ibly cance rous until de - T e mons pubis is a skin- vered pad at ver the sym-
te rm ine d othe rw is e by a phys ician. physis pubis. Pubi hair appears n this m und at at pu-
berty and persists thr ugh ut li e.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 633

Mons pubis

Fore s kin (pre puce ) La bium ma jus

Clitoris (gla ns )

La bium minus
Exte rna l urina ry me a tus Ope ning of le s s e r ve s tibula r
(S ke ne ) gla nd
Ve s tibule
Ve s tibula r Orifice of va gina
(clitora l) bulb Hyme n
Gre a te r ve s tibula r
(Ba rtholin) gla nd

Pe rine um

FIGURE 23-14 Vulva. External emale genitals and related structures, shown rom an in erior view.

Extending d wnward r m the elevated m ns pubis are the maj rity w men, these hanges ur with alm st pre ise
labia majora, literally large lips. T ese el ngated lds, regularity thr ugh ut their repr du tive years. T e rst indi- 23
whi h are mp sed mainly at and glands, are vered ati n hanges mes with the rst menstrual peri d. T e
with pigmented skin and pubi hair n the uter sur a e and rst menses r menstrual f w is re erred t as the menarche.
are sm th and ree r m hair n the inner sur a e. T e labia A typi al menstrual y le vers a peri d ab ut 28 days.
minoraliterally small lipsare nestled medially between H wever, the length the y le varies am ng w men. S me
the labia maj ra and are vered with thin skin. T ese tw w men, r example, may have a regular y le that vers
small lips j in anteri rly at the midline. ab ut 24 days. T e length the y le als varies within ne
T e spa e between the labia min ra is the vestibule w man. S me w men, r example, may have irregular y les
(Figure 23-14). Several genital stru tures are l ated in the ves- that range r m 21 t 28 days, whereas thers may be 2 t
tibule. T e glans r head the clitoris, whi h is mp sed 3 m nths l ng.
ere tile tissue similar t that und in the penis, is l ated just
behind the anteri r jun ti n the labia min ra. T e deeper DAYS 15
ere tile tissue the lit ris bran hes int tw bulbs, ne Me ns e s (me ns trual) pe rio d
whi h an be seen under a labium majus in the ut-away n S ma ll pa tche s of de a d ce lls
right side the spe imen in Figure 23-14. of ute rine lining s lough off,
le aving torn blood ve s s e ls ;
Situated between the glans lit ris and the vaginal pening me ns trua l ble e ding come s
is the external urinary meatus. from the s e torn ve s s e ls
T e vaginal ri e is b rdered by a thin ld mu us
DAYS 1528
membrane alled the hymen. O asi nally, the hymen par-
S e c re to ry phas e
tially bl ks the vaginal pening. T e du ts the vestibular Ute rine lining pre pa re s for
glands pen n either side the vaginal ri e, medial t the pre gna ncy (tha t is, impla nta tion
labia min ra. of fe rtilize d ovum) by growing DAYS 613
thicke r, s e cre ting, a nd Pro life rative phas e
T e term perineum is used t des ribe the area between deve loping gre a te r blood s upply; Epithe lia l ce lls
the vaginal pening and anus. T is area is s metimes ut in a on la s t day, blood s upply re produce, re pa iring
surgi al pr edure alled an episiotomy t prevent tearing de cre a s e s gre a tly, ca us ing s ome ute rine lining
lining ce lls to die
tissue during hildbirth.
DAY 14
Ovulatio n
M e n s t r u a l Cyc le Ovum is re le a s e d from ova ry
O ve r v ie w a nd move s into ute rine
(fa llopia n) tube for pos s ible
T e menstrual y le nsists many hanges in the uterus, fe rtiliza tion
varies, and breasts and in the hyp thalamus and anteri r
pituitary glands se reti n h rm nes (Figure 23-15). In the FIGURE 23-15 28-day menstrual cycle.
634 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems Hypotha la mus


P ituita ry gla nd

Gona dotropin
LH conce ntra tion
FS H conce ntra tion
Follicula r pha s e Lute a l pha s e

Ova ria n cycle

Deve loping Corpus Lute a l Corpus

follicle s Ovula tion lute um re gre s s ion a lbica ns

Es troge n conce ntra tion

Ova ria n
hormone cycle P roge s te rone conce ntra tion
Me ns trua l Me ns e s
Ute rine Ute rine gla nd
(e ndome tria l)
blood ve s s e ls

Me ns e s P rolife ra tive S e cre tory pha s e Me ns e s

pha s e

2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 days

Ovula tion

FIGURE 23-16 Female reproductive cycle. Diagram illustrates the interrelationship o pituitary, ovarian, and
uterine unctions throughout a typical 28-day cycle. Asharp increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels causes ovula-
tion, whereas menstruation (sloughing o o the endometrial lining) is initiated by lower levels o progesterone.
Phases T e secretory phase the menstrual y le begins at vu-
Ea h y le nsists three phases. T e three peri ds time lati n and lasts until the next menses begins. It is during this
in ea h y le are alled the menses, the proli erative phase, and phase the menstrual y le that the uterine lining rea hes its
the secretory phase. Re er ten t Figure 23-16 as y u read ab ut greatest thi kness and the vary se retes its highest levels
the events urring during ea h phase the y le in the pr gester ne.
hyp thalamus and pituitary gland, the vary, and in the
uterus. Be sure that y u d n t verl k the event that urs O v u la t io n
ar und day 14 a 28-day y le. As a general rule, during the 30 r 40 years that a w man has
T e menses is a peri d 4 r 5 days hara terized by peri ds, nly ne vum matures ea h y le. H wever, there
menstrual bleeding. T e rst day menstrual f w is nsid- are ex epti ns t this rule. S me y les, m re than ne ma-
ered day 1 the menstrual y le. tures, and s me y les n vum matures.
T e proli erative phase begins a ter the menstrual f w O vulati n urs 14 days be re the next menses begins. In
ends and lasts until vulati n. D uring this peri d the lli les a 28-day y le, this means that vulati n urs ar und day 14
mature, the uterine lining thi kens (pr li erates), and estr gen the y le, as sh wn in Figure 23-16. (Re all that the rst day
se reti n in reases t its highest level. the menses is nsidered the rst day the y le.) In a
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 635

30-day y le, h wever, vulati n w uld n t ur n the 14th

y le day, but instead n the 16th. And in a 25-day y le,
D is o r d e r s o t h e Fe m a le
vulati n w uld ur n the 11th y le day. Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m
T e time vulati n has great pra ti al imp rtan e
Ho r m o n a l a n d M e n s t r u a l
be ause the p ssibility ertilizati nthe usi n a
D is o r d e r s
sperm and egg an ur nly during a sh rt peri d
time during ea h menstrual y le. Alth ugh a ew super Dys m e n o rrh e a
sperm may remain viable r up t 5 days, m st sperm retain Menstrual cramps, r dysmenorrhea, are terms used t de-
their ertilizing p wer r nly 24 t 72 h urs a ter being s ribe the ramping, pain ul peri ds that a e t 75% t 80%
dep sited in the emale repr du tive tra t ll wing eja u- w men at s me time during their repr du tive years. F r
lati n. And, the yte remains viable and apable being signi ant numbers th se a e ted, severe l wer abd minal
ertilized r nly ab ut 12 t 24 h urs a ter vulati n. A ramping and ba k pain a mpanied by heada he, nausea,
w mans ertile peri d there re lasts nly a ew days ea h and v miting will disrupt their s h l, w rk, athleti , r ther
y le r m between 3 t 5 days be re, and n later than a tivities.
24 h urs a ter, vulati n. Primary dysmenorrhea is the m st mm n type urring
in ad les ents and y ung w men. Sympt ms, whi h an last
To learn more about ovulation, go to r m h urs t days and vary in severity r m y le t y le,
AnimationDirect online at are aused by verpr du ti n pr staglandins in the inner
lining the uterus. Pr staglandins ause spasms that de-
C o n t ro l o t h e M e n s t r u a l Cyc le rease bl d f w and xygen delivery t uterine mus le re-
T e anteri r pituitary gland plays a riti al r le in regulat- sulting in pain. F rtunately, primary dysmen rrhea is n t
ing the y li hanges that hara terize the un ti ns ass iated with pelvi disease, su h as an in e ti n r tum r,
the emale repr du tive system (see Chapter 12). As and generally an be treated e e tively with ver-the- unter
n ted earlier, se reti n G nRH r m the hyp thalamus anti-inf ammat ry drugs su h as ibupr en and napr xen,
stimulates the anteri r pituitary gland t se rete the g - whi h de rease pr staglandin pr du ti n. In severe ases a 23
nad tr pins FSH and LH . Fr m day 1 t ab ut day 7 the physi ian may pres ribe m re p wer ul anti-inf ammat ry
menstrual y le, G nRH sele tively stimulates the anteri r drugs r ertain h rm nes, in luding ral ntra eptives, t
pituitary gland t se rete in reasing am unts FSH . A alter menstrual y le a tivity.
high bl d n entrati n FSH stimulates several imma- Secondary dysmenorrhea re ers t menstrual-related pain
ture varian lli les t start gr wing and se reting estr gen aused by s me type pelvi path l gy. T e pr blem is gen-
(see Figure 23-16). erally a gyne l gi al pr blem a e ting ne r m re repr -
W rking t gether, in reasing levels estr gen and GnRH du tive rgan. reatment se ndary dysmen rrhea inv lves
in bl d stimulate the anteri r pituitary gland t release in- treating the underlying dis rder.
reasing am unts LH . LH auses maturing a lli le and
its vum, vulati n (rupturing mature lli le with eje ti n Am e n o rrh e a
vum), and luteinizati n ( rmati n a yell w b dy, the Amenorrhea is the absen e n rmal menstruati n.
rpus luteum, r m the ruptured lli le). Primary amenorrhea is the ailure menstrual y les t
W hi h h rm neFSH r LH w uld y u all the vu- begin and may be aused by a variety a t rs, su h as h r-
lating h rm ne? D y u think vulati n uld ur i the m ne imbalan es, geneti dis rders, brain lesi ns, r stru -
bl d n entrati n FSH remained l w thr ugh ut the tural de rmities the repr du tive rgans.
menstrual y le? I y u answered LH t the rst questi n and Secondary amenorrhea urs when a w man wh has pre-
n t the se nd, y u answered b th questi ns rre tly. O vu- vi usly menstruated sl ws t three r ewer y les per year.
lati n ann t ur i the bl d level FSH stays l w be- Se ndary amen rrhea may ur with weight l ss, preg-
ause a high n entrati n this h rm ne is essential t nan y, la tati n, men pause, r disease the repr du tive
stimulati n varian lli le gr wth and maturati n. W ith a rgans.
l w level FSH , n lli les start t gr w, and there re n ne reatment amen rrhea inv lves treating the underlying
be me ripe en ugh t vulate. O vulati n is aused by the dis rder r nditi n.
mbined a ti ns FSH and LH . Birth ntr l pills that
ntain estr gen substan es suppress FSH se reti n. T is in- D y s u n c t io n a l U t e r in e Ble e d in g
dire tly prevents vulati n. D ys unctional uterine bleeding (D UB) is irregular r ex es-
O vulati n urs, as we have said, be ause the mbined sive uterine bleeding that m st ten results r m either a
a ti ns the tw anteri r pituitary h rm nes, FSH and LH . h rm nal imbalan e r s me type stru tural pr blem that
T e next questi n is: what auses menstruati n? A brie an- auses a disrupti n bl d supply. DUB is a signi ant
swer is this: a sudden, sharp de rease in estr gen and pr ges- medi al pr blem a e ting nearly 2 milli n w men in the
ter ne se reti n t ward the end the se ret ry phase auses United States ea h year. Ex essive uterine bleeding ver time
the uterine lining t break d wn and an ther menstrual pe- an result in li e-threatening anemia be ause the hr ni
ri d t begin. l ss bl d.
636 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems


Failure to have a m e ns trual pe riod is calle d am e no rrhe a.
Am e norrhe a occurs in s om e e m ale athle te s , probably
re s ulting rom a body at com pos ition that is too low to
s us tain norm al re productive unction. Although it ke e ps
the he m atocrit (re d blood ce ll leve l) highe r than during
m e ns truation, it is not cons ide re d a de s irable condition.
Be s ide s in e rtility, am e norrhe a m ay caus e othe r prob-
le m s . For exam ple , the low blood leve ls o e s troge n
as s ociate d w ith long-te rm am e norrhe a m ay caus e os -
te oporos is (los s o bone m as s ).

diagn se the ause DUB, a physi ian may empl y

In e c t io n a n d In a m m a t io n
x-ray r ultras und studies t l k at the nt urs the uter-
ine avity, l k dire tly inside the uterus using a teles pe-like In e c t io n s
instrument inserted thr ugh the vagina and ervix r examine In e ti ns the emale repr du tive tra t are ten lassi ed
tissue btained by bi psy t ex lude an er. as exogenous r endogenous. Ex gen us in e ti ns result r m
I h rm nal imbalan e is the ause, it is the ex essive path geni rganisms transmitted r m an ther pers n, su h
23 gr wth and breakd wn deli ate end metrial tissue that as sexually transmitted diseases (S D s).
results in heavy bleeding. Stru tural pr blems, su h as gr wth Endogenous in ections result r m path gens that n r-
a uterine malignan y, p lyps, r br ids (dis ussed n mally inhabit the intestines, vulva, r vagina. Y u may re all
pp. 637638), als may ause DUB by ausing injury t the r m Chapter 6 that many areas the b dy are n rmally
bl d vessels the uterine wall r lining. inhabited by path geni mi r bes but that they ause in e -
reatment D UB generally begins with administrati n ti n nly when there is a hange in nditi ns, r they are
n nster idal anti-inf ammat ry drugs and h rm nal ma- m ved t a new area.
nipulati n using l w-d se birth ntr l pills. I nservative
treatment ails t st p the end metrial lining r m hem r- P e lv ic In a m m a t o ry D is e a s e
rhaging, hystere t my remains ne the m st e e tive Pelvic in ammatory disease (PID ) urs as either an a ute
urative pti ns. Currently, ab ut 20% hystere t mies r hr ni inf ammat ry nditi n that an be aused by sev-
per rmed ea h year are r treatment abn rmal uterine eral di erent path gens, whi h usually spread upward r m
bleeding. the vagina. PID is a maj r ause in ertility and sterility and
Less invasive pr edures, in luding endometrial ablation a e ts m re than 800,000 w men ea h year in the United
te hniques, are n w being used m re requently t destr y the States. It is a mm n mpli ati n ll wing in e ti n by
end metrial lining and halt the bleeding. In thermal ablation, g n al (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) and hlamydial mi r r-
a ball n is inserted int the uterus and lled with f uid. A ganisms (see Table 23-4).
heat pr be is then inserted int the ball n and the f uid is In PID any inf ammati n inv lving the uterus, uterine
heated t a temperature that will destr y the end metrium. In tubes, varies, and ther pelvi rgans ten results in devel-
radio requency ablation, a g ld-plated mesh abri is used t ll pment s ar tissue and adhesi ns. As a result, seri us m-
the uterine avity and is then harged with radi requen y pli ati ns, in luding in ertility resulting r m tubal bstru -
energy that destr ys the damaged and bleeding end metrial ti n r ther damage t the repr du tive tra t, may ur.
ells. B th pr edures arry less risk and have sh rter re very Uterine tube inf ammati n is termed salpingitis and inf am-
peri ds than d es a hystere t my. mati n the varies is alled oophoritis.
Lapar s pi examinati n is ten used t make a de nitive
P r e m e n s t r u a l S y n d ro m e diagn sis r t determine the severity the in e ti n and the
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a nditi n that inv lves a repr du tive rgans inv lved. Alth ugh s me hlamydial in-
lle ti n sympt ms that regularly ur in s me w men e ti ns may n t ause sympt ms, m st ases PID are a -
during the se ret ry phase their repr du tive y les. Symp- mpanied by ever, pelvi tenderness, and pain. Un rtunately,
t ms in lude irritability, atigue, nerv usness, depressi n, and be ause s arring and adhesi ns, pain may ntinue even
ther pr blems that are ten distressing en ugh t a e t a ter antibi ti therapy has eliminated the a tive in e ti n.
pers nal relati nships. Be ause the ause PMS is still un- I le t untreated, PID in e ti ns may spread t ther tis-
lear, urrent treatments us n relieving the sympt ms. sues, in luding the bl d, resulting in septi sh k and death.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 637

Va g in it is Luteal ysts are less mm n than lli ular ysts but tend
Vaginitis is inf ammati n r in e ti n the vaginal lining. t ause m re sympt ms, su h as pelvi pain and menstrual
Vaginitis m st ten results r m S Ds r r m a yeast irregularities. Rarely, rupture a large luteal yst will result in
in e ti n. Yeast in e ti ns are usually pp rtunisti in e ti ns internal bleeding that requires surgi al interventi n. T e vast
the ungus Candida albicans, pr du ing vaginal candidiasis maj rity all varian ysts will disappear within a ew
(see Appendix A at Candidiasis in e ti ns m nths their appearan e, m st within 60 days.
are hara terized by a whitish dis hargea sympt m kn wn Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a nditi n that
as leukorrhea. a e ts 10% repr du tive-age w men but als an a e t
girls as y ung as 11 years ld. It is hara terized by enlarged
varies that usually are studded with f uid- lled ysts ab ut
Tu m o r s a n d Re la t e d C o n d it io n s
0.5 t 1.5 m in diameter (Figure 23-17). T e ysts are und
Be n ig n U t e r in e Tu m o r s n b th varies and devel p r m mature lli les that ail t
T e terms broid, myoma, and bromyoma are all w rds rupture mpletely. C rp ra lutea are generally absent.
used t des ribe benign (n n an er us) tum rs uterine - W men with PCOS requently have numer us end rine
br us r sm th mus le tissue. abn rmalities, in luding high levels test ster ne, in re-
Individual br ids may ur but multiple gr wths are n t quent menstrual y les, and persistent an vulati n. PCOS is
unusual. Fibr ids are mm n in w men during their repr - the m st mm n ause emale in ertility.
du tive years and devel p m st ten in the my metrium
the uterine b dy and rarely in the ervix. T e a t that they are En d o m e t r io s is
seld m seen be re puberty, in rease in size during pregnan y, Endometriosis is the presen e un ti ning end metrial
and tend t shrink in p stmen pausal w men suggests that tissue utside the uterus. T e displa ed end metrial tissue an
age and estr gen levels may play a r le in their devel pment. ur in many di erent pla es thr ugh ut the b dy but is
Fibr ids range in size r m small asympt mati n dules t m st ten und in r n pelvi and abd minal rgans. T e
massive tum rs that may be pain ul and exert pressure n tissue rea ts t varian h rm nes in the same way as the n r-
ther pelvi rgans. Gr wth during pregnan y may result in mal end metriumexhibiting a y le gr wth and sl ugh- 23
pla ental hem rrhage r malpresentati n the etus, m- ing .
pli ating lab r and delivery. Sympt ms end metri sis may in lude unusual bleed-
In additi n t pain, sympt ms benign uterine tum rs ing, dysmen rrhea, and pain during inter urse. I sympt ms
will vary depending n the size and l ati n the tum r. F r are mild, pain medi ati ns are s metimes e e tive. O ral n-
example, i a large br id mpresses the bladder and re tum, tra eptives, whi h alter the h rm ne levels that pr du e en-
sympt ms urinary requen y and nstipati n may result. d metrial hanges during the menstrual y le, are e e tive in
Even small tum rs devel ping beneath the end metrium an redu ing the a tivity end metri sis.
ause severe hem rrhage (D UB).
um r size, l ati n, and severity sympt ms determine Ca n c e r
treatment pti ns. A relatively new te hnique, similar t a Malignancies repr du tive and related rgans, espe ially the
heart atheterizati n, alled uterine artery embolization inv lves breasts, a unt r the maj rity an er ases am ng w men.
snaking a small atheter thr ugh an artery in the gr in int the
arterial vessel supplying bl d t a br id. iny inert pellets are Breast Cancer
then inje ted int the artery, bl king the f w bl d. T e Ab ut 1 in 8 w men eventually get breast an er, ten a rm
pr edure results in dramati shrinkage the treated br id aden ar in ma. reatment breast an er is ten su -
and a redu ti n in sympt ms, in luding hem rrhage. ess ul i the an er us tum r is dete ted early. Be ause su h
Surgi al rem val individual br ids r, in m re severe tum rs are ten painless, m st physi ians re mmend regu-
ases, hystere t my may be indi ated. lar, requent sel -examinati n breast tissue, as well as an-
nual mamm grams r w men (see Chapter 6). reatments
O va r ia n Cy s t s ten inv lve surgery, hem therapy, and radiati n therapy.
O varian cysts are very mm n f uid- lled ysts that devel p Breast surgeries an be very nservative, as in a simple
either r m lli les that ail t rupture mpletely ( ol- lump rem val r lumpectomy. I metastasis t sur-
licular cysts) r r m rp ra lutea that ail t de- de r unding tissue is suspe ted, a m di ed
generate (luteal cysts). radical mastectomy may be per rmed.
M st w men devel p a number these hese this pr edure the entire breast, with
In th
ysts during their repr du tive years and nd nearby lymph n des, is rem ved.
their presen e d es n t represent a diagn -
sis p ly ysti vary syndr me. Alth ughh
varian ysts are ten multiple, they rarely
FIGURE 23-17 Polycystic ovary syn-
be me danger us. H wever, n asii n drome (PCOS). The ovary is studded with
they may be me quite large and pain ul and f uid- lled cysts developed rom ollicles that
be diagn sed by palpati n r ultras n graphy.
raphy. have ailed to rupture.
638 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems Brus h Ce rvix

Just as lumpe t my results in less trauma than m di ed

radi al maste t my, s alled limited- eld radiation an pr -
vide e e tive treatment r learly de ned early-stage an ers
that have n t spread. It d es s with sh rter treatment y les
and ewer side e e ts than wh le-breast radiati n.
In the past, a ter w men had mpleted their initial treat-
ment r breast an er they had ew pti ns available t lessen
the p ssibility re urren e. F r a number years the drug
tamoxi en has been used extensively t prevent the re urren e
breast an er ueled by estr gen. It d es s by bl king the S pe culum
estr gen re ept r sites n the an er ell membrane. Un rtu- A
nately, tam xi en e e tiveness is limited t ab ut 5 years.
Newer drugs lassi ed as aromatase inhibitors a tually
bl k estr gen pr du ti n, instead bl king estr gen re- A P
ept rs. T is type drug may repla e tam xi en r be pre-
s ribed r use a ter 5 years tam xi en therapy. O ther ra-
ti nal drugs and ther treatments are being devel ped t alter
r bl k ru ial metab li pathways in treating breast and
ther rms an er.

Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is an ther malignan y that a e ts 1 in
70 w men in Ameri a. Usually a type aden ar in ma,
varian an er is di ult t dete t early and is ten n t easily
23 apparent until it has gr wn int a large mass. Regular pelvi
examinati ns that in lude palpati n the varies may result
in earlier dete ti n.
Risk a t rs r varian an er in lude age ( ver 40), in er-
tility, hildlessness r ew hildren, a hist ry mis arriages,
and end metri sis.
O varian an er is ten treated by surgi al rem val the
varies mbined with radiati n therapy and hem therapy.

Uterine Cancer
Can er the uterus an a e t the b dy the uterus r the
Can ers the uterine b dy m st ten inv lve the end -
metrium (endometrial cancer) and m stly a e t w men be- C
y nd hildbearing years; a mm n sympt m is p stmen -
FIGURE 23-18 Papanicolaou (Pap) smear. A, Obtaining a Pap smear.
pausal uterine bleeding. Risk a t rs r this type an er B, Appearance o normal cervical epithelial cells in Pap smear. C, Appearance
in lude besity, pr l nged estr gen therapy, and in ertility. o cervical cancer cells in Pap smear. Note the reduction in cytoplasm and in-
Cervical cancer urs m st ten in w men between the creased prominence o the nuclei compared with normal epithelial cells.
ages 30 and 50.
Cervi al an er is ten diagn sed early, thr ugh s reening
tests su h as the Papanicolaou test, r Pap smear (Figure 23-18). have dr pped dramati ally ver the last ew de ades. Be ause
In this test, ells swabbed r m the ervix are smeared n a human papillomavirus (HPV) in e ti ns dramati ally in rease
glass slide, stained, and examined mi r s pi ally t deter- the risk devel ping ervi al an er, widespread use H PV
mine whether any abn rmalities exist. Current re mmenda- va ines in b th men and w men have already begun t re-
ti ns suggest tw Pap smears 1 year apart beginning at age 21. du e the spread H PVthus redu ing death rates r m this
I these tw Pap smears are negative (that is, revealing n type an er.
abn rmalities), subsequent Pap smears sh uld ur every 1 t
3 years therea ter.
In e r t ilit y
Be ause early r requent inter urse is a risk a t r r
ervi al an er, sexually a tive y ung w men sh uld have their Like in the male repr du tive system, vari us dis rders an
rst Pap smear mu h earlierand have ll w-ups d ne m re disrupt n rmal un ti n the emale repr du tive tra t s that
ten. su ess ul repr du ti n is unlikely (in ertility) r imp ssible
Be ause s reening tests and ther early dete ti n meth ds (sterility). In e ti ns, tum rs, h rm nal imbalan es, and ther
have been s su ess ul, the death rates r uterine an ers a t rs an ntribute t in ertility r sterility in w men.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 639

The s tudy o hum an re production, re late d conditions , and they traine d
and e s pe cially s exual unction, has the rapis ts rom around the world.
m any cultural im plications . So it is In addition to the broad f e lds o
no wonde r that Am e rican re s e arch- biology, m e dicine , ps ychology, and
e rs William Mas te rs and Virginia the be havioral s cie nce s , the pio-
Johns on e ncounte re d a gre at de al ne e ring work o Mas te rs and John-
o controve rs y during the ir de cade s s on pave d the way or advance s in
o pione e ring work in the f e ld o s uch dive rs e and s pe cialize d are as
hum an s ex and re production. They o know le dge as com parative ne u-
we re the f rs t to s tudy hum an s ex- ros cie nce and s ocial dynam ics .
William Masters ual phys iology in the laboratory. Today, the re are m any opportu- Virginia Johnson
(19152001) Dr. William Mas te rs was a nitie s to apply know le dge o re pro- (1925-2013)
gyne co lo g is t (phys ician s pe cializ- ductive s cie nce in a varie ty o pro-
ing in wom e ns he alth) and Virginia Johns on was traine d in e s s ions . Re productive he alth nurs e s , gyne cologis ts , and
ps ychology. In 1966, the ir book Hum an Sexual Re s pons e uro lo g is ts o te n provide prim ary re productive care to adult
cle arly explaine d the phys iology o s ex or the f rs t tim e . Be - m e n and w om e n. Re productive m e dicine clinical s ta he lp
s ide s m aking dis cove rie s in the phys iology o hum an s ex and couple s im prove e rtility. Ps ychologis ts and couns e lors he lp
re production, they als o deve lope d the rapie s or tre ating s ex- patie nts s truggling w ith various s e xual conce rns .

F r example, inf ammati n r in e ti n the uterine S u m m a ry o M a le a n d Fe m a le 23

tubes an result in s arring that bl ks sperm r m rea hing
the vum r prevents the vum r m traveling t the uterus.
Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m s
In e ti ns, an er, r h rm nal imbalan es may inhibit the T e repr du tive systems in b th sexes rev lve ar und the
emale repr du tive y le, preventing the pr du ti n and re- pr du ti n repr du tive ells, r gametes (sperm and va),
lease a healthy vum ea h y le. Su h nditi ns als may as well as me hanisms t ensure uni n these tw ells; the
inter ere with the devel pment the uterine lining that is usi n these ells enables trans er parental geneti in r-
essential r su ess ul pregnan y. mati n t the next generati n.
Be ause sexual repr du ti n requires n rmal un ti n Table 23-3 mpares several anal g us mp nents the
b th male and emale systems, in ertility a uple may re- repr du tive systems in b th sexes. Y u an see that men and
sult r m the in ertility either partner. A uple is nsid- w men have similar stru tures t a mplish mplementary
ered in ertile i a pregnan y d es n t ur a ter a year un ti ns. In additi n, the emale repr du tive system permits
reas nably requent sexual inter urse (with ut ntra ep- devel pment and birth the springthe rst subje t
ti n). W hen uples seek help r in ertility pr blems, ne ur next hapter.
the rst steps in diagn sis is t determine whether there is a
pr blem in the male partner r the emale partner r b th.
S e x u a lly Tr a n s m it t e d D is e a s e s
Sexually transmitted diseases (S D s), rmerly alled vene-
For in ormation on strategies available to couples
real diseases (VDs), are in e ti ns aused by mmuni able
to prevent pregnancy, see the article Contracep-
path gens su h as viruses, ba teria, ungi, r pr t z ans (see
tion at Connect It! at
Appendix A at

TABLE 23-3 Analogous* Features o the Reproductive Systems

Es s e ntial organs Ovarie s Te s te s
Sex ce lls Ova (e ggs ) Spe rm
Horm one s Es troge n and proge s te rone Te s tos te rone
Horm one -producing ce lls Granulos a ce lls and corpus lute um Inte rs titial ce lls
Duct s ys te m s Ute rine ( allopian) tube s , ute rus , and vagina Epididym is , vas de e re ns , and ure thra
Exte rnal ge nitals Clitoris and vulva Pe nis and s crotum

* Re s e m bling or s im ilar in s om e re s pe cts .

640 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

T e term sexually transmitted in ection (S I) is s me- by sexual nta t. T e term sexual contact re ers t sexual inter-
times used in pla e the term S D but d es n t have exa tly urse in additi n t any nta t between the genitals ne
the same meaning. An S I is an in e ti n that may r may pers n and the b dy an ther pers n.
n t ause sympt ms. An S D urs when an S I pr gresses Diseases lassi ed as S Ds an be transmitted sexually, but
t a tually pr du e sympt ms that make a pers n eel si k that is n t the nly way t transmit them. F r example, human
making S I a br ader term than S D. immunode ciency virus (HIV) in e ti n is a viral nditi n that
T e a t r that links all these in e ti ns r diseases and an be spread thr ugh sexual nta t but is als spread by
gives this ateg ry its name is the a t that they are transmitted trans usi n in e ted bl d and use ntaminated medi al

TABLE 23-4 Examples o Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Acquire d im m unode f - Virus : Hum an im m unode f - HIV is trans m itte d by dire ct contact o body uids , o te n during s exual contact.
cie ncy s yndrom e cie ncy virus (HIV) A te r a pe riod that s om e tim e s las ts m any ye ars , HIV in e ction produce s the con-
(AIDS) dition know n as AIDS. AIDS is characte rize d by dam age to lym phocyte s (T ce lls ),
re s ulting in im m une s ys te m im pairm e nt. De ath re s ults rom s e condary in e c-
tions or tum ors .
Candidias is Fungus : Candida albicans This ye as t in e ction is characte rize d by a w hite dis charge (le ukorrhe a), pe e ling o
s kin, and ble e ding. Although it can occur as an ordinary opportunis tic in e ction, it
m ay be trans m itte d s exually as we ll.
Chancroid Bacte rium : Hae m ophilus A highly contagious STI, chancroid is characte rize d by papule s on the s kin o the
ducreyi ge nitals that eve ntually ulce rate . About 90% o cas e s are re porte d by m e n.
Chlamydia Bacte rium : Chlamydia The m os t com m on STD, m os t in e cte d pe ople have no s ym ptom s ; s ym ptom s
trachom atis include burning pain and dis charge ; e as ily tre ate d w ith antibiotics ; i not tre ate d,
23 m ay progre s s to PID.
Ge nital he rpe s Virus : He rpe s s im plex virus HSV caus e s blis te rs on the s kin o the ge nitals . The blis te rs m ay dis appe ar te m po-
(HSV) rarily but m ay re appe ar occas ionally, e s pe cially as a re s ult o s tre s s .
Ge nital warts Virus : Hum an papillom avirus Ge nital warts are nipple like ne oplas m s o s kin cove ring the ge nitals . An e e ctive
(HPV-6, HPV-7) vaccination is available . HPV is know n to caus e ce rvical cance r.
Giardias is Protozoan: Giardia lam blia This inte s tinal in e ction m ay be s pre ad by s exual contact. Sym ptom s range rom
m ild diarrhe a to m alabs orption s yndrom e , w ith about hal o all cas e s be ing
as ym ptom atic.
Gonorrhe a Bacte rium : Ne is s e ria Gonorrhe a prim arily involve s the ge nital and urinary tracts but can a e ct the throat,
gonorrhoe ae conjunctiva, or lowe r inte s tine s . It m ay progre s s to PID.
He patitis Virus : He patitis B virus (HBV) This acute -ons e t live r in am m ation m ay deve lop into a s eve re chronic dis e as e ,
pe rhaps e nding in de ath.
Lym phogranulom a Bacte rium : Chlamydia This chronic STD is characte rize d by ge nital ulce rs , s wolle n lym ph node s , he ad-
ve ne re um (LGV) trachom atis ache , eve r, and m us cle pain. C. trachom atis in e ction m ay caus e a varie ty o
othe r s yndrom e s , including conjunctivitis , uroge nital in e ctions , and s ys te m ic
in e ctions . C. trachom atis in e ctions cons titute the m os t com m on STI in the
Unite d State s (nongonorrhe al ure thritis ) and o te n progre s s to PID.
Pubic (crab) lice Anim al: Phthirius pubis Characte rize d by itching and the pre s e nce o vis ible nits (lice e ggs on pubic hairs )
or craw ling lice , this in e s tation is tre ate d by m e dication, m anual re m oval o nits ,
and tre atm e nt o clothing, towe ls , be dding.
Scabie s Anim al: Sarcopte s s cabie i Scabie s is caus e d by in e s tation by the itch m ite , w hich burrow s into the s kin to lay
e ggs . About 2 to 4 m onths a te r initial contact, a hype rs e ns itivity re action
occurs , caus ing a ras h along e ach burrow that itche s inte ns e ly. Se condary bacte -
rial in e ction is pos s ible .
Syphilis Bacte rium : Tre pone m a Although trans m itte d s exually, s yphilis can a e ct any s ys te m . Prim ary s yphilis is
pallidum characte rize d by chancre s ore s on expos e d are as o the s kin. I the prim ary
in e ction goe s untre ate d, s e condary s yphilis m ay appe ar 2 m onths a te r chan-
cre s dis appe ar. The s e condary s tage occurs w he n the s piroche te has s pre ad
throughout the body, pre s e nting a varie ty o s ym ptom s , and it is s till highly
contagious eve n through kis s ing. Te rtiary s yphilis m ay appe ar ye ars late r, pos s i-
bly re s ulting in de ath.
Trichom onias is Protozoan: Trichom onas This urological in e ction is as ym ptom atic in m os t wom e n and ne arly all m e n. Vagini-
vaginalis tis m ay occur, characte rize d by itching or burning, and a oul-s m e lling dis charge .

AIDS, Acquire d im m unode f cie ncy s yndrom e ; HIV, hum an im m unode f cie ncy virus ; PID, pe lvic in am m atory dis e as e ; STI, s exually trans m itte d in e ction.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 641

instruments su h as intraven us needles and syringes. Candi- QUICK CHECK

diasis, r yeast in e ti n, is a mm n pp rtunisti in e ti n,
1. Wh ich e m a le s tru ctu re is m a d e o e re ctile tis s u e ?
but it als an be transmitted thr ugh sexual nta t. T e Z ika 2. Wh a t is a n o th e r te rm o r m e n s e s ?
virus is widely transmitted by m squit ve t rs, but an als be 3. Wh ich h o rm o n e re a ch e s a h ig h p e a k ju s t b e o re
transmitted thr ugh sexual nta t. ovu la tio n ?
Sexually transmitted diseases are the m st mm n all 4. Wo m e n w ith p o lycys tic ova ry s yn d ro m e re q u e n tly s u e r
ro m w h a t co n d itio n s ?
mmuni able diseases. Table 23-4 summarizes a ew the
prin ipal S Ds.

For more in ormation on STDs, including photo-

graphs o their typical signs, see the article
Sexually Transmitted Diseases at Connect It! at

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 617)

corpora cavernosa external urinary meatus gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

(KOHR-pohr-ah kav-er-NO-sah) (eks-TER-nal YOOR-ih-nayr-ee mee-AY-tus) (goh-nah-doh-TROH-pin ree-LEES-ing
sing., corpus cavernosum pl., meatus or meatuses HOR-mohn [jee en ar aych])
(KOHR-pus kav-er-NO-sum) (mee-AY-tus or mee-AY-tus-ez) [gon- o spring, -ad- relating to, -trop- nourish,
[corpus body, cavern- large hollow, [extern- outside, -al relating to, urin- urine, -in substance, hormon- excite]
-os- relating to, -um thing]
corpus luteum
-ary relating to, meatus channel or passage]
allopian tube
graaf an ollicle
(GRAH- ee-en FOL-lih-kul)
(KOHR-pus LOO-tee-um) ( al-LOH-pee-an toob) [Reijnier de Graa Dutch physician, -an relating
pl., corpora lutea [Gabriele Fallopio Italian anatomist] to, oll- bag, -icle little]
(KOHR-pohr-ah LOO-tee-ah) f mbria granulosa cell
[corpus body, lute- yellow, -um thing] (FIM-bree-ah) (gran-yoo-LOH-sah sel)
corpus spongiosum pl., f mbriae [gran- grain, -ul- little, -osa relating to,
[corpus body, spong- sponge, -os- relating (FIM-bree-yee) cell storeroom]
to, -um thing] [f mbria ringe] greater vestibular gland
(KOHR-pus spun-jee-OH-sum) ollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (GRAYT-er ves-TIB-yoo-lar gland)
Cowper gland (FOL-lih-kul-STIM-yoo-lay-ting HOR-mohn [vestibul- entrance hall, -ar relating to,
(KOW-per gland) [e es aych]) gland acorn]
[William Cowper English anatomist, [ oll- bag, -icle little, stimul- excite, -at- process, hymen
gland acorn] -ing action, hormon- excite] (HYE-men)
ductus de erens oreskin [hymen membrane]
(DUK-tus DEF-er-enz) (FORE-skin) interstitial cell
[ductus duct, de- away rom, - er- bear or carry] [ ore- ront, -skin a hide] (in-ter-STISH-al sel)
ejaculation undus [inter- between, -stit- stand, -al relating to,
(ee-jak-yoo-LAY-shun) (FUN-dus) cell storeroom]
[e- out or away, -jacula- throw, -ation process] [ undus bottom] labia majora
ejaculatory duct gamete (LAY-bee-ah mah-J OH-rah)
(ee-J AK-yoo-lah-toh-ree dukt) (GAM-eet) sing., labium majus
[e- out or away, -jacula- throw, -ory relating to, [gamet- sexual union or marriage partner] (LAY-bee-um MAY-jus)
duct a leading or path] [labia lips, majora large]
endometrium (J EN-ih-tal) labia minora
(en-doh-MEE-tree-um) pl., genitalia (LAY-bee-ah mih-NO-rah)
[endo- within, -metr- womb, -um thing] (jen-ih-TAYL-yah) sing., labium minus
epididymis [gen- produce, -al relating to] (LAY-bee-um MYE-nus)
(ep-ih-DID-ih-mis) glans [labia lips, minora small]
[epi- upon, -didymis pair] (glans) lacti erous duct
essential organ [glans acorn] (lak-TIF-er-us dukt)
(eh-SEN-shul OR-gun) gonad [lact- milk, - er- bear or carry, -ous having to do
[organ instrument] (GOH-nad) with, duct a leading or path]
estrogen [gon- o spring, -ad relating to]
[estro- renzy, -gen produce] Continued on p. 642
642 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 641)

lesser vestibular gland perineum sperm

(LES-er ves-TIB-yoo-lar gland) (payr-ih-NEE-um) (sperm)
[vestibul- entrance hall, -ar relating to, [peri- around or near, -ine- excrete or evacuate, pl., sperm
gland acorn] -um thing] [sperm seed]
luteinizing hormone (LH) polar body spermatid
(loo-tee-in-AYE-zing HOR-mohn [el aych]) (POH-lar BOD-ee) (SPER-mah-tid)
[lute- yellow, -izing process, hormon- excite] [pol- pole, -ar relating to] [sperm- seed, -id relating or belonging to]
meiosis prepuce spermatogenesis
(my-OH-sis) (PREE-pus) (sper-mah-toh-J EN-eh-sis)
[mei- smaller, -osis process] [pre- be ore, -puc- penis] [sperm- seed, -gen- produce, -esis process]
menarche primary ollicle spermatogonia
(meh-NAR-kee) (PRYE-mayr-ee FOL-ih-kul) (sper-mah-toh-GOH-nee-ah)
[men- month, -arche beginning] [prim- f rst, -ary state, olli- bag, -cle small] [sperm- seed, -gonia o spring]
menopause primary spermatocyte spermatozoon
(MEN-oh-pawz) (PRYE-mayr-ee SPER-mah-toh-syte) (sper-mah-tah-ZOH-on)
[men- month, -paus- cease] [prim- f rst, -ary state, sperm- seed, -cyte cell] pl., spermatozoa
menses progesterone (sper-mah-tah-ZOH-ah)
(MEN-seez) (proh-J ES-ter-ohn) [sperm- seed, -zoon animal]
[menses months] [pro- provide or, -gester- bearing (pregnancy), testis
menstrual cycle -stero- solid or steroid derivative, (TES-tis)
(MEN-stroo-al SYE-kul) -one chemical] pl., testes
23 [mens- month, -al relating to, cycle circle] proli erative phase (TES-teez)
(PROH-li -er-eh-tiv ayz) [testis witness (male gonad)]
mons pubis
(monz PYOO-bis) [proli- o spring, - er- bear or carry, -at- process, testosterone
[mons mountain, pubis groin] -ive relating to] (tes-TOS-teh-rohn)
prostate gland [testo- witness (testis), -stero- solid or steroid
(my-oh-MEE-tree-um) (PROS-tayt gland) derivative, -one chemical]
[myo- muscle, -metr- womb, -um thing] [pro- be ore, -stat- set or place, gland acorn] tunica albuginea
oocyte puberty (TOO-nih-kah al-byoo-J IN-ee-ah)
(OH-oh-syte) (PYOO-ber-tee) [tunica tunic or coat, albuginea white]
[oo- egg, -cyte cell] [pubert- age o maturity, -y state] urethra
oogenesis scrotum (yoo-REE-thrah)
(oh-oh-J EN-eh-sis) (SKROH-tum) [ure- urine, -thr- agent or channel]
[oo- egg, -gen- produce, -esis process] [scrotum bag] uterine tube
ovarian ollicle secretory phase (YOO-ter-in toob)
(oh-VAYR-ee-an FOL-ih-kul) (SEEK-reh-toh-ree ayz) [uter- womb, -ine relating to]
[ov- egg, -arian relating to, oll- bag, -icle little] [secret- separate, -ory relating to] uterus
ovary semen (YOO-ter-us)
(OH-var-ee) (SEE-men) [uterus womb]
[ov- egg, -ar- relating to, -y location o process] [semen seed] vagina
oviduct seminal uid (vah-J YE-nah)
(OH-vih-dukt) (SEM-ih-nal FLOO-id) [vagina sheath]
[ovi- egg, - duct a leading or path] [semin- seed, -al relating to] vas de erens
ovulation seminal vesicle (vas DEF-er-enz)
(ov-yoo-LAY-shun) (SEM-ih-nal VES-ih-kul) [vas duct or vessel, de- away rom, - er- bear or
[semin- seed, -al relating to, vesic- blister, carry]
[ov- egg, -ation process]
ovum -cle little] vestibule
(OH-vum) semini erous tubule (VES-tih-byool)
pl., ova (seh-mih-NIF-er-us TOOB-yool) [vestibul- entrance hall]
(OH-vah) [semin- seed, - er- bear or carry, -ous relating vulva
[ovum egg] to, tub- tube, -ul- little] (VUL-vah)
Skene gland [vulva wrapper]
(PEE-nis) (skeen gland) zygote
pl., penes or penises [Alexander J ohnston Chalmers Skene American (ZYE-goht)
[penis male sex organ] gynecologist, gland acorn] [zygot- union or yoke]
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 643


amenorrhea epispadias oligospermia

(ah-men-oh-REE-ah) (ep-is-PAY-dee-us) (ol-ih-goh-SPER-mee-ah)
[a- without, -men- month, -rrhea ow] [epi- on or above, -spad- rip or split, [oligo- ew or little, -sperm- seed, -ia condition]
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) -ias condition] oophorectomy
(be-NYNE proh-STAT-ik hye-PER-troh- ee erectile dys unction (ED) (oh-o -eh-REK-toh-mee)
[bee pee aych]) (eh-REK-tyle dis-FUNK-shun [ee dee]) [oophoro- ovary, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action]
[benign kind, pro- be ore, -stat- set or place, [erect- set up, -ile relating to, dys- bad or oophoritis
-ic relating to, hyper- excessive or above, pain ul, - unc- per orm, -tion process] (oh-o -eh-RYE-tis)
-troph- nourishment, -y state] allopian tube [oophoro- ovary, -itis in ammation]
brachytherapy ( al-LOH-pee-an toob) ovarian cyst
(BRAKE-ee-THAYR-ah-pee) [Gabriele Fallopio Italian anatomist] (oh-VAYR-ee-an SIST)
[brachy- short, -therapy curing] f broid [ov- egg, -arian relating to, cyst bag]
candidiasis (FYE-broyd) oviduct
(kan-dih-DYE-eh-sis) [f br- f ber, -oid o or like] (OH-vih-dukt)
[candid- white, -asis condition] f brocystic disease [ovi- egg, -duct a leading or path]
circumcision ( ye-broh-SIS-tik dih-ZEEZ) Papanicolaou (pap) test
(ser-kum-SIH-zhun) [f br- thread or f ber, cyst- sac, -ic relating to, (pah-peh-nik-oh-LAH-oo test)
[circum- around, -cision cutting] dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] [George N. Papanicolaou Greek physician]
contraception f bromyoma paraphimosis
(kon-trah-SEP-shun) ( ye-broh-my-OH-mah) (para-f h-MOH-sis)
[contra- against, -cept- receive (conceive), [f bro- f ber, -my- muscle, -oma tumor] [para- beside, -phim- muzzle, -osis condition]
-tion process] gynecologist pelvic in ammatory disease (PID) 23
cryptorchidism (gye-neh-KOL-oh-jist) (PEL-vik in-FLAM-ah-tor-ee dih-ZEEZ
(krip-TOR-kih-diz-em) [gyneco- woman or emale gender, -log- words [pee aye dee])
[crypt- hidden, -orchid- testis, -ism condition] (study o ), -ist agent] [pelv- basin, -ic relating to, in am- set af re,
dys unctional uterine bleeding (DUB) hydrocele -ory relating to, dis- opposite o ,
(dis-FUNK-shun-al YOO-ter-in BLEED-ing (HYE-droh-seel) -ease com ort]
[dee yoo bee]) [hydro- water, -cele tumor] phimosis
[dys- di f cult, - unction- per ormance, hypospadias (f h-MOH-sis)
-al relating to, uter- womb, -ine relating to] (hye-poh-SPAY-dee-us) [phim- muzzle, -osis condition]
dysmenorrhea [hypo- under or below, -spad- rip or split, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
(dis-men-oh-REE-ah) -ias condition] (pahl-ee-SIS-tik OH-var-ee SIN-drohm
[dys- pain ul, -men- month, -rhea ow] hysterectomy [pee see oh es])
ectopic pregnancy (his-teh-REK-toh-mee) [poly- many, -cyst- bag, -ic relating to, ov- egg,
(ek-TOP-ik PREG-nan-see) [hyster- uterus, -ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action] -ar- relating to, -y location o process,
[ec- out o , -top- place, -ic relating to] in ertility syn- together, -drome running or (race)
endogenous in ection (in- er-TIL-ih-tee) course]
(en-DOJ -en-us in-FEK-shun) [in- not, - ertil- ruit ul, -ity state] premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
[endo- within, -gen- produce, -ous relating to, inguinal hernia (pree-MEN-stroo-al SIN-drohm
in- into, - ec- put, -tion process] (ING-gwih-nal HER-nee-ah) [pee em es])
endometrial ablation [inguin- groin, -al relating to, hernia rupture] [pre- be ore, -mens- month, -al relating to,
(en-doh-MEE-tree-al ab-LAY-shun) syn- together, -drome running or (race)
[endo- within, -metr- womb, -al relating to, course]
ab- away rom, -lat- carry, -tion process] [leuko- white, -rrhea ow] prostate cancer
endometriosis mammary dysplasia (PROS-tayt KAN-ser)
(en-doh-mee-tree-OH-sis) [pro- be ore, -stat- set or place, cancer crab or
(MAM-mah-ree dis-PLAY-zhah)
[endo- within, -metr- womb, -osis condition] malignant tumor]
[mamma- breast, -ry relating to,
epididymitis dys- disordered, -plas(m)- substance or orm, prostatectomy
(ep-ih-did-ih-MY-tis) -ia condition] (pros-tah-TEK-toh-mee)
[epi- upon, -didymi- pair, -itis in ammation] [pro- be ore, -stat- set or place (prostate gland),
menstrual cramp
-ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action]
episiotomy (MEN-stroo-al kramp)
(eh-piz-ee-OT-oh-mee) [mens- month, -al relating to, cramp bent] radical mastectomy
[episio- pubic region, -tom- cut, -y action] myoma (RAD-ih-kal mas-TEK-toh-mee)
[radic- root, -al relating to, mast- breast,
-ec- out, -tom- cut, -y action]
[my- muscle, -oma tumor]
Continued on p. 644
644 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 643)

salpingitis sterility vaginitis

(sal-pin-J YE-tis) (steh-RIL-ih-tee) (vaj-ih-NYE-tis)
[salping- tube, -itis in ammation] [steril- barren, -ity state] [vagin- sheath (vagina), -itis in ammation]
sexually transmitted disease (STD) urologist vasectomy
(SEKS-yoo-al-ee trans-MIH-ted dih-ZEEZ (yoo-ROL-uh-jist) (va-SEK-toh-mee)
[es tee dee]) [uro- urine, -log- words (study o ), -ist agent] [vas- vessel (vas de erens), -ec- out, -tom- cut,
[dis- opposite o , -ease com ort] -y action]
sexually transmitted in ection (STI)
(SEKS-yoo-al-ee trans-MIH-ted
in-FEK-shun [es tee aye])
[in- into, - ec- put, -tion process]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
23 or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
Male Re pro ductive Sys te m
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . A. Stru tural plan the repr du tive tra t (als alled uro-
genital tract)
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to 1. O rgans lassi ed as essential r accessory (Figure 23-1
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e and Table 23-1)
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s 2. Essential rgans repr du ti n are the g nads (testes
or be ore a te s t. in men), whi h pr du e sex ells (spermat z a)
3. A ess ry rgans repr du ti n
a. D u tspassageways that arry sperm r m testes
S e xual Re pro ductio n t exteri r
A. Pr du ing spring b. Sex glandspr du e pr te tive and nutrient s lu-
1. Sexual repr du ti n inv lves tw parents (unlike ne- ti n r sperm
parent asexual repr du ti n); in reases variati n . External genitals
geneti traits am ng spring same parents B. estesthe g nads men
2. Gametessex ells that use at ertilizati n t rm a 1. Stru ture and l ati n (Figure 23-1 and Figure 23-2)
ne- elled zyg te, the rst ell the spring a. estes in s r tumtemperature is l wer than
a. Spermgamete r m the male parent inside b dy
b. O vumgamete r m the emale parent b. C vered by tuni a albuginea, whi h divides testis
3. Repr du tive h rm nes regulate sexual hara teristi s int l bules ntaining semini er us tubules
that pr m te su ess ul repr du ti n . Interstitial ells pr du e test ster ne (Figure 23-3)
4. Ability t repr du e begins at puberty 2. estis un ti ns
B. Male and emale systems a. Spermat genesis is pr ess sperm pr du ti n
1. C mm n general stru ture and un ti n an be iden- (Figure 23-4)
ti ed between the systems in b th sexes (1) FSH r m pituitary stimulates spermat genesis
2. Systems adapted r devel pment sperm r va l- (2) Sperm pre urs r ells alled spermatogonia
l wed by su ess ul ertilizati n, devel pment, and (3) Mei sis pr du es primary spermat yte, whi h
birth spring rms ur spermatids with 23 hr m s mes
3. Sex h rm nes in b th sexes are imp rtant in devel p- (4) Spermat z amale repr du tive ell
ment se ndary sexual hara teristi s and n rmal (Figure 23-5)
repr du tive system a tivity (a) Eja ulati n r e ul eje ti n ( r m the
penis) f uid ntaining sperm
(b) H ead ntains geneti material
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 645

( ) A r s me ntains enzymes t assist E. External genitalsals alled genitalia

sperm in penetrati n vum 1. Penis and s r tum (Figure 23-7)
(d) Mit h ndria pr vide energy r 2. Penis has three lumns ere tile tissue
m vement a. w d rsal lumns alled corpora cavernosa
b. Pr du ti n test ster ne by interstitial ells b. O ne ventral lumn surr unding urethra alled
(1) LH r m pituitary stimulates interstitial ells t corpus spongiosum
devel p and pr du e test ster ne 3. Glans penisdistal end penis
(2) est ster ne un ti n a. C vered by reskin (prepu e)
(a) est ster ne mas ulinizes and pr m tes b. Surgi al rem val reskin alled circumcision
devel pment male a ess ry rgans 4. S r tumskin- vered p u h suspended r m gr in
(b) Stimulates pr tein anab lism (anab li a. Divided int tw sa s by a septum
ster id) and devel pment mus le b. Ea h sa ntains a testis, epididymis, part vas
strength de erens, and beginning spermati rds
C. Repr du tive du tsdu ts thr ugh whi h sperm pass
a ter exiting testes until they exit r m the b dy Dis o rde rs o the Male
1. Epididymissingle, iled tube ab ut 6 m in length;
lies al ng the t p and behind ea h testis in the
Re pro ductive Sys te m
s r tum A. In ertility and sterility may result r m repr du tive
a. Sperm mature and devel p the apa ity r m tility dis rders
as they pass thr ugh the epididymis 1. In ertilityredu ed repr du tive ability
b. Epididymitispain ul inf ammati n 2. Sterilityt tal inability t repr du e
2. Vas de erensals alled ductus de erens 3. N distin t andr pause ( essati n ertility) in late
a. Re eives sperm r m the epididymis and transp rts adulth d, as in emale men pause
them r m s r tal sa thr ugh the pelvi avity a. est ster ne pr du ti n may de line (l w ) in
b. Passes thr ugh inguinal anal and then j ins du t late adulth d 23
seminal vesi le t rm the eja ulat ry du t b. L w may redu e ertility in s me men; many
(Figure 23-6) men remain ertile r their li etimes
D. A ess ry glandspr du e mp nents semen B. Dis rders the testes
1. Semenals alled seminal uid 1. O lig spermial w sperm pr du ti n
a. Mixture sperm and se reti ns a ess ry sex 2. Crypt r hidismundes ended testes
glands 3. esti ular an erm st mm n in males ages 15
b. Average 3 t 5 mL per eja ulati n, with ea h t 30
milliliter ntaining ab ut 20 milli n t 100 milli n C. Dis rders the pr state
sperm (highly variable, even day t day) 1. Benign pr stati hypertr phy (BPH )enlargement
2. Seminal vesi les pr state mm n in lder men
a. P u hlike glands that pr du e ab ut 60% 2. Pr state an ermalignan y pr state tissue
seminal f uid v lume a. Pr state t mysurgi al rem val part r all
b. Se reti n is yell wish, thi k, and ri h in ru t se t the pr state
pr vide energy needed by sperm r m tility b. Bra hytherapysmall radi a tive seeds pla ed in
3. Pr state gland pr state
a. Shaped like a d ughnut and l ated bel w bladder D. Dis rders the penis and s r tum
b. Urethra passes thr ugh the gland 1. Penis dis rders
. T in, milk- l red se reti n that represents 30% a. Phim sistight reskin ann t be retra ted ver
seminal f uid v lume glans (B x, p. 624)
d. A tivates sperm and is needed r ng ing sperm b. Paraphim sis reskin ann t be repla ed t usual
m tility p siti n a ter it has been retra ted behind the glans
4. Bulb urethral glandsals alled Cowper glands (B x, p. 624)
a. Resemble peas in size and shape . H yp spadiasurethra pens n underside glans
b. Se rete mu uslike f uid (less than 5% seminal r sha t
f uid v lume) that lubri ates terminal p rti n d. Epispadiasurethra pens n t p glans r sha t
urethra e. Ere tile dys un ti n (ED) ailure t a hieve r
maintain ere ti n the penis
646 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

2. S r tum dis rders C. Repr du tive du ts

a. H ydr elea umulati n watery f uid in the 1. B th male and emale repr du tive du ts arry
s r tum gametes r m ea h ( tw ) g nads, j in int a single
b. Inguinal herniapr trusi n abd min pelvi passage, and exit the b dy
rgans, p ssibly int the s r tum (Figure 23-8) 2. Only the emale du ts als un ti n in re eiving
sperm, ertilizati n, and prenatal devel pment
3. Uterine tubesals alled allopian tubes r oviducts
Fe m ale Re pro ductive Sys te m a. Extend ab ut 10 m r m uterus int pelvi avity
A. Stru tural plan rgans lassi ed as essential r a es- b. Expanded distal end surr unded by mbriae
s ry (Figure 23-9 and Table 23-2) . Mu sal lining tube is dire tly ntinu us with
1. Essential rgans are g nads ( varies), whi h pr du e lining pelvi avity
sex ells ( va) d. Surgi al rem val alled hysterectomy
2. A ess ry rgans repr du ti n 4. Uterus mp sed b dy, undus, and ervix
a. D u ts r m di ed du tsin luding vidu ts, (Figure 23-12)
uterus, and vagina a. Lies in pelvi avity just behind urinary bladder
b. Sex glandsin luding th se in the breasts b. My metrium is mus le layer
. External genitals . End metrium l st in menstruati n
B. O varies d. Men pauseend repetitive menstrual y les
1. Stru ture and l ati n (ab ut 45 t 50 years age)
a. Paired glands weighing ab ut 3 g ea h e. Surgi al rem val alled hysterectomy
b. Resemble large alm nds (1) Rem val may be abd minal, vaginal, r
. Atta hed t ligaments in pelvi avity n ea h side lapar s pi
uterus (2) tal hystere t myrem val b th b dy and
d. Mi r s pi stru ture (Figure 23-10) ervix uterus
23 (1) O varian lli les ntain yte, whi h is (3) Subt tal hystere t myrem val b dy
immature sex ell (ab ut hal a milli n at birth) uterus nly ( ervix remains)
(2) Primary lli lesab ut 400,000 at puberty 5. Vagina
are vered with granul sa ells a. Distensible tube ab ut 10 m l ng
(3) Ab ut 350 t 500 mature lli les vulate b. L ated between urinary bladder and re tum in the
during the repr du tive li etime m st pelvis
w mens metimes alled graa an ollicles . Re eives penis during sexual inter urse and is
(4) Se ndary lli les have h ll w hamber alled birth anal r n rmal delivery baby at end
antrum pregnan y
(5) C rpus luteum rms a ter vulati n D. A ess ry glands
2. O vary un ti ns 1. Greater and lesser vestibular glands
a. O genesis (Figure 23-11) a. Se rete mu us f uid that may lubri ate during
(1) Inv lves mei ti ell divisi n (mei sis) that sexual inter urse
pr du es daughter ells with equal hr m - b. D u ts pen int vestibule (between labia min ra)
s me numbers (23) but unequal yt plasm . Clini ally imp rtant when they be me in e ted
(2) O vum is large; p lar b dies are small and (e.g., Neisseria gonorrhoeae ba teria that ause
degenerate g n rrhea)
b. Pr du ti n estr gen and pr gester ne 2. Breasts (Figure 23-13)
(1) Granul sa ells surr unding the yte in the a. L ated ver pe t ral mus les th rax
mature and gr wing lli les pr du e estr gen b. Size determined by at quantity m re than am unt
(2) C rpus luteum pr du es pr gester ne glandular (milk-se reting) tissue
(3) Estr gen auses devel pment and maintenan e . La ti er us du ts drain at nipple, whi h is sur-
se ndary sex hara teristi s r unded by pigmented are la
(4) Pr gester ne stimulates se ret ry a tivity d. Lymphati drainage leads t spread an er ells
uterine epithelium and assists estr gen in initi- t ther b dy areas
ating menses E. External genitals (Figure 23-14)
3. Surgi al rem val alled oophorectomy 1. Vulva in ludes m ns pubis, lit ris, external urinary
meatus, penings vestibular glands, ri e
vagina, labia min ra and maj ra, and hymen
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 647

2. Perineum 3. Vaginitisin e ti n vaginal lining, it m st ten

a. Area between vaginal pening and anus results r m S Ds r yeast in e ti ns
b. Surgi al ut during birth alled episiotomy C. um rs and related nditi ns
F. Menstrual y leinv lves many hanges in the uterus, 1. Benign tum rs the uterusmy ma, br ids,
varies, vagina, and breasts (Figure 23-15 and Figure 23-16) br my ma
1. Lengthab ut 28 days, varies r m y le t y le 2. O varian ystsf uid- lled enlargements; usually
am ng individuals and in the same individual benign
2. Phases a. F lli ular ystsm st mm n
a. Mensesab ut the rst 4 r 5 days the y le, b. Luteal ystsm st sympt mati
varies s mewhat . M st res lve in 60 days
(1) Chara terized by sl ughing bits end me- 3. P ly ysti vary syndr me (PCOS)enlarged varies
trium (uterine lining) with bleeding with many f uid- lled ysts
(2) First day f w is day 1 menstrual y le a. A e ts 10% repr du tive-age w men
b. Pr li erative phasedays between the end b. M st mm n ause emale in ertility
menses and vulati n; varies in length (Figure 23-17)
(1) T e sh rter the y le, the sh rter the pr li era- 4. End metri sispresen e un ti ning end metrial
tive phase; the l nger the y le, the l nger the tissue utside the uterus
pr li erative phase 5. Breast an er is the m st mm n type an er in
(2) Chara terized by pr li erati n (repair) w men
end metrium 6. Cervi al an er is ten dete ted by a Papani la u
. Se ret ry phasedays between vulati n and test (Pap smear) (Figure 23-18)
beginning next menses D. In ertility an result r m a t rs su h as in e ti n and
(1) Chara terized by urther thi kening inf ammati n, tum rs, and h rm nal imbalan es
end metrium
(2) Se reti n by its glands in preparati n r S um m ary o Male and Fe m ale 23
implantati n ertilized vum
3. O vulati ntypi ally ne vum released per y le,
Re pro ductive Sys te m s
14 days be re next menses; timing vulati n is A. In men and w men the rgans the repr du tive
use ul in timing sexual inter urse t maximize system are adapted r the spe i sequen e un ti ns
ertility that permit devel pment sperm r va ll wed by the
4. C ntr l mbined a ti ns the anteri r pituitary su ess ul ertilizati n and then the n rmal devel pment
h rm nes FSH and LH ause vulati n; sudden and birth spring
sharp de rease in estr gens and pr gester ne bring n B. T e male rgans pr du e, st re, and ultimately intr du e
menstruati n i pregnan y d es n t ur mature sperm int the emale repr du tive tra t
C. T e emale system pr du es va, re eives the sperm, and
Dis o rde rs o the Fe m ale permits ertilizati n ll wed by etal devel pment and
birth, with la tati n a terward
Re pro ductive Sys te m D. Men and w men have anal g us repr du tive stru tures
A. H rm nal and menstrual dis rders (Table 23-3)
1. D ysmen rrhea (menstrual ramps)pain ul E. Pr du ti n sex h rm nes is required r devel pment
menstruati n se ndary sex hara teristi s and r n rmal repr du -
2. Amen rrheaabsen e n rmal menstruati n tive un ti ns in b th sexes
3. D ys un ti nal uterine bleeding (DUB)irregular r
ex essive bleeding resulting r m a h rm nal imbal-
an e r path l gy
S e xually Trans m itte d Dis e as e s
4. Premenstrual syndr me (PMS) lle ti n symp- A. Sexually transmitted in e ti ns (S Is) an pr gress int
t ms that ur in s me w men be re menstruati n S Ds
B. In e ti n and inf ammati n B. S Is/S Ds are transmitted sexually but an als be
1. Ex gen us in e ti ns are ten sexually transmitted; transmitted in ther ways
end gen us in e ti ns are aused by rganisms already C. S Ds are the m st mm n all mmuni able
in r n the b dy diseases
2. Pelvi inf ammat ry disease (PID)a ute inf amma- D. S Ds are aused by a variety rganisms (Table 23-4)
t ry nditi n the uterus, uterine tubes, r varies
aused by in e ti n
648 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

STUDY TIPS stimulating h rm ne d es exa tly what its name implies.
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in Luteinizing h rm ne helps stimulate vulati n that auses
m e e ting your le arning goals . the egg lli le t be me the rpus luteum. Estr gen
begins the initial preparati n the uterus. Pr gester ne
Review the s ynops is o the m ale and e m ale re productive prepares the uterus t re eive a ertilized egg. T ink
s ys te m s in Chapte r 5. pr gester ne as pr (in av r ) gester ne (gestati n);
this may help y u remember what it d es. C nstru t a
1. Mu h Chapter 23 deals with the names, l ati ns, and diagram that dem nstrates h rm nal integrati n in the
un ti ns the stru tures the male and emale repr - menstrual y le.
du tive systems. Make f ash ards and he k nline 6. T e dis rders the repr du tive system an be put n a
res ur es t help y u learn this material. Review the Lan- hart t help y u learn them. O rganize the dis rders
guage S ien e and Language Medi ine se ti ns. the male repr du tive system based n the spe i stru -
2. An e e tive way t understand the male repr du tive ture the male system that is a e ted. Dis rders the
du ts is t tra e sperm in sequen e r m p int rma- emale system an be rganized based n the spe i
ti n thr ugh the repr du tive du ts t eja ulati n. stru ture the emale repr du tive system r n men-
3. T e r le the male in repr du ti n is t pr du e as struati n dis rders.
many sperm as p ssible, s ur un ti nal sperm are pr - 7. In y ur study gr up, g ver the f ash ards the stru -
du ed r m mei sis. T e emales r le is the pr du ti n tures and ph t py gures t help y u learn the l a-
ne egg ntaining 23 hr m s mes; 69 the riginal ti ns. Dis uss the pr ess mei sis and the di eren es
92 hr m s mes need t be thr wn away. T is is the between spermat genesis and genesis. Dis uss the
23 un ti n the p lar b dies. repr du tive y le with emphasis n the un ti n the
4. T e resp nsibility the emale repr du tive system is t h rm nes. G ver the hart the dis rders, the hapter
pr du e an egg and prepare the b dy r a p ssible preg- utline summary, and the questi ns at the end the
nan y. T e repr du tive y le assists in d ing this. hapter, and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
5. T e repr du tive y le is regulated by ur h rm nes: tw
r m the pituitary gland and tw r m the vary. F lli le-

Re vie w Que s tio ns 8. Des ribe ir um isi n and list the advantages and disad-
Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r vantages ir um isi n.
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r 9. W hat is lig spermia? W hat is rypt r hidism?
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r 10. B th a hydr ele and an inguinal hernia will pr du e
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch swelling in the s r tum. Explain the di eren e between
o your new le arning. these tw nditi ns.
11. Des ribe the stru ture and l ati n the varies.
1. Des ribe the stru ture and l ati n the testes. 12. Explain the devel pment an varian lli le r m the
2. Des ribe the un ti n g nad tr pin-releasing primary lli le t the rpus luteum.
h rm ne. 13. List the un ti ns estr gen.
3. Des ribe the stru ture sperm. 14. List the un ti ns pr gester ne.
4. List the un ti ns test ster ne. 15. Des ribe the stru ture the uterine tubes.
5. List and brief y des ribe the repr du tive du ts the 16. Des ribe the stru ture the uterus.
male repr du tive system. 17. Des ribe the stru ture the vagina.
6. List and brief y des ribe the glands the male repr - 18. Des ribe the stru ture the breast.
du tive system. W hat d es ea h gland ntribute t the 19. Explain what urs during the pr li erative phase
seminal f uid? the repr du tive y le.
7. Distinguish between in ertility, sterility, and imp ten e.
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 649

20. Explain what urs during the se ret ry phase the 8. T e sperm ell ntains an ________, whi h ntains an
repr du tive y le. enzyme that an digest the vering the vum.
21. Name the ur h rm nes inv lved in the regulati n 9. T e ________ is a repr du tive du t that nsists a
the repr du tive y le. W here is ea h made, and what is tightly iled tube that lies al ng the t p and behind
the un ti n ea h? the testis.
22. W hat is dysmen rrhea? W hat is amen rrhea? 10. T e ________ is a repr du tive du t that permits the
23. Distinguish between salpingitis and ph ritis. sperm t m ve ut the s r tum upward int the
24. Des ribe end metri sis and identi y s me medi al treat- pelvi avity.
ment strategies r this mm n dis rder. 11. T e ________ is a gland that se retes a thin, milk-
25. Distinguish between ar matase inhibit rs and l red f uid that makes up ab ut 30% the seminal
tam xi en. f uid.
12. T e ________ are a pair glands that pr du e a thi k,
yell wish, ru t se-ri h f uid that makes up ab ut 60%
Critical Thinking the seminal f uid.
A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out 13. T e penis is mp sed three lumns ere tile
the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to tissue: ne is alled the rpus sp ngi sum, and the
he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to ther tw are alled the ________.
s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts 14. ________ is the term used r a baby wh is b rn with
that you f nd di f cult. an undes ended testi le.
15. T e essential rgans the emale repr du tive system
26. Di erentiate between spermat genesis and genesis. are the ________.
H w d these di eren es relate t the r le the male 16. An ther name r a mature varian lli le is a
and emale in repr du ti n? ________ lli le.
27. H w is the pr state gland related t the urethra? W hat 17. T e pr ess that pr du es the emale gamete is alled
pr blems an result r m this relati nship? ________. 23
28. W hy are the testes l ated utside the b dy avity in the 18. Mei sis in the emale pr du es ne large vum and
s r tum? three small daughter ells alled ________, whi h
29. Female athletes may experien e an undesirable nditi n degenerate.
alled amenorrhea. W hat eviden e an y u nd t 19. Mei sis is n t ully mplete in an vum until ________
supp rt this statement? urs.
30. Des ribe the hara teristi s benign pr stati hyper- 20. T e ________ are repr du tive tubes nne ting the
tr phy (BPH ) and an er the pr state. vary and the uterus.
21. T e mus le layer the uterus is alled the ________.
22. T e uterus is mp sed several regi ns: the narr w
Chapte r Te s t l wer part bel w the b dy is alled the ________.
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by 23. T e innerm st layer the uterus, whi h is shed during
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m menstruati n, is alled the ________.
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . 24. T e ________ is the part the emale repr du tive
system that pens t the exteri r.
1. T e essential rgans the male repr du tive system are 25. T e ________ glands are glands that se rete a mu us-
the ________. like f uid int the vestibule.
2. T e p u hlike sa where the male g nads are l ated is 26. T e milk-se reting glandular ells the breast are
alled the ________. arranged in grapelike stru tures alled ________. T ese
3. T e membrane that vers the testis and als divides the drain int ________ du ts that nverge t ward the
interi r int l bes is alled the ________. nipple.
4. T e ________ is a l ng du t in the testis where sperm 27. T e ________ is mp sed ere tile tissue, similar t
devel p. that und in the penis.
5. T e ________ are the ells in the testes that se rete 28. T e rst menses is kn wn as the ________.
test ster ne. 29. T e term ________ is used t des ribe a pregnan y
6. T e primary spermat yte devel ps r m a ell alled resulting r m the implantati n a ertilized vum in
the ________. any l ati n ther than the uterus.
7. T e primary spermat yte rms sperm ells by under-
g ing a type ell divisi n alled ________.
650 CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems

Match each disorder in Column A with its description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
30. ________ rypt r hidism a. a swelling the s r tum aused by the verpr du ti n ser us f uid
31. ________ benign pr stati b. the la k n rmal menstruati n
hypertr phy . used t s reen r ervi al an er
32. ________ hydr ele d. the presen e un ti nal end metrial tissue utside the uterus
33. ________ inguinal hernia e. the inf ammati n the uterine tubes
34. ________ dysmen rrhea . a sexually transmitted disease aused by a ba terium
35. ________ amen rrhea g. nditi n that urs when a testis ails t des end int the s r tum
36. ________ salpingitis h. pain ul menstruati n syndr me
37. ________ Pap smear i. swelling the s r tum aused by intestine pushing thr ugh a weak part the
38. ________ my ma abd minal wall
39. ________ end metri sis j. a sexually transmitted disease aused by a virus
40. ________ syphilis k. a n n an er us nditi n hara terized by enlargement the pr state
41. ________ genital herpes l. benign br id tum r the uterus

Match each term in Column A with its corresponding description in Column B.

Column A Column B
42. ________ FSH a. term r the egg lli le a ter vulati n
43. ________ menstruati n b. varian h rm ne that rea hes the highest n entrati n in the pr li erative phase
44. ________ rpus luteum . aused by a rapid dr p in the bl d levels estr gen and pr gester ne
45. ________ estr gen d. phase the repr du tive y le that begins a ter vulati n
23 46. ________ se ret ry phase e. varian h rm ne that rea hes its highest n entrati n during the se ret ry phase
47. ________ pr gester ne . term used t des ribe the egg being released r m the vary
48. ________ LH g. phase the repr du tive y le during whi h the uterine wall begins t thi ken
49. ________ pr li erative phase h. pituitary h rm ne that stimulates the rmati n an egg lli le
50. ________ vulati n i. pituitary h rm ne that an be alled the vulating h rm ne
CHAPTER 23 Reproductive Systems 651

Cas e S tudie s 2. Liz and Z eke have me t their physi ian with a
pr blem: a ter 2 years trying, they have n t been able
To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to t n eive. A rding t the te hni al de niti n, is this
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- uple in ertile? On examinati n, Liz has been und t
book, and othe r re s ource s . have pelvi inf ammat ry disease (PID). C uld this n-
diti n have aused in ertility?
1. As stated in the b x n p. 626, ne pr edure that has 3. H eather, age 22, brief y he ks her breasts every ew
been mm nly used t s reen r pr state an er is pal- m nths and has never dete ted anything abn rmal.
pati n the pr state thr ugh the wall the re tum. H wever, a r utine examinati n by her physi ian has
Explain why digital ( nger) palpati n the pr state is revealed s me small, tender lumps in b th breasts. D es
the nly way t examine this gland r m the utside she have breast an er? Can y u think any reas n that
with ut spe ial equipment. W hat ther pr state dis r- H eather did n t dete t this nditi n hersel ?
ders might be dete ted this way?
Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online

Growth, Development, and Aging
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the chapter,
as a preview o how the concepts are organized.

Prenatal Period, 654 Gestational Diabetes, 662

Fertilization to Implantation, 654 Fetal Death, 662
Amniotic Cavity and Placenta, 654 Birth De ects, 663
Periods o Development, 656 Postpartum Disorders, 663
Formation o the Primary Germ Postnatal Period, 664
Layers, 657 Growth, Development, and Aging, 664
Histogenesis and Organogenesis, 658 In ancy, 665
Birth, 658 Childhood, 666
Parturition, 658 Adolescence, 666
Stages o Labor, 661 Adulthood, 666
Multiple Births, 661 Older Adulthood, 667
Disorders o Pregnancy, 662 Aging, 667
Implantation Disorders, 662 Mechanisms o Aging, 667
Preeclampsia, 662 E ects o Aging, 668

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals or
your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you 5. Distinguish the di erences between
should be able to: monozygotic and dizygotic twins and
1. Discuss the concept o development as identi y treatments that increase the
a biological process characterized by likelihood o multiple births.
continuous modif cation and change. 6. Identi y and describe the major disor-
2. Discuss the major developmental ders associated with pregnancy.
changes characteristic o the prenatal 7. List and discuss the major developmen-
stage o li e rom ertilization to birth. tal changes characteristic o the f ve
3. Identi y the three primary germ layers postnatal periods o li e.
and several derivatives in the adult body 8. Discuss the e ects o aging on the
that develop rom each layer. major body organ systems.
4. Discuss the three stages o labor that
characterize a normal vaginal birth, and
the occurrence o multiple births.
Ma ny y ur ndest and m st vivid mem ries are LANGUAGE OF
pr bably ass iated with y ur birthdays. T e day S C IEN C E
birth is an imp rtant milest ne li e. M st pe ple
ntinue t remember their birthday in s me spe-
Be o re re ading the
ial way ea h year; birthdays serve as pleasant and
chapte r, s ay e ach o
nvenient re eren e p ints t mark peri ds the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
transiti n r hange in ur lives. T e a tual day he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
birth marks the end ne phase li e alled the m as yo u re ad.
the prenatal period and the beginning a
se nd alled the postnatal period. T e prena-
tal peri d begins at n epti n and ends at (ad-oh-LES-ens)
birth; the p stnatal peri d begins at birth and [adolesc- grow up, -ence state]
ntinues until death. adulthood
Alth ugh imp rtant peri ds in ur lives su h amniotic cavity
as hildh d and ad les en e are ten (am-nee-OT-ik KAV-ih-tee)
remembered as a series individual [amnio- etal membrane, -ic relating
and is lated events, they are in real- to, cav- hollow, -ity state]
ity part an ng ing and n- apoptosis
tinu us pr ess. In reviewing (ap-oh-TOH-sis or ap-op-TOH-sis)
the many hanges that ur [apo- away, -ptosis alling]
during the y le li e r m blastocyst
n epti n t death, it is (BLAS-toh-sist)
ten nvenient t is - [blasto- bud, -cyst pouch]
late ertain peri ds su h childhood
as in an y r adulth d (CHILD-hood)
r study. It is imp rtant chorion
t remember, h wever, (KOH-ree-on)
that li e is n t a series [chorion skin]
st p-and-start events r chorionic villi
individual and is lated (koh-ree-ON-ik VIL-aye)
peri ds time. Instead, [chorion- skin, -ic relating to]
[ecto- outside, -derm skin]
[em- in, -bryo f ll to bursting]
[em- in, -bryo- f ll to bursting,
-log- words (study o ), -y activity]
embryonic phase
(em-bree-ON-ik ayz)
[em- in, bryo f ll to bursting,
-ic relating to]

Continued on p. 671

654 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

Fe r t iliz a t io n t o Im p la n t a t io n
it is a bi l gi al pr ess that is hara terized by ntinu us
m di ati n and hange. A ter vulati n the dis harged vum rst enters the pelvi
avity and then nds its way int the uterine ( all pian) tubes.
T is hapter dis usses s me the events and hanges that Sperm ells swim up the uterine tube t ward the vum. L k
ur in the devel pment a human r m n epti n t at the relati nship the vary, the tw uterine tubes, and the
death. Study devel pment during the prenatal peri d is uterus in Figure 24-2. Re all r m Chapter 23 that ea h uterine
ll wed by a dis ussi n the birth pr ess and a review tube extends utward r m the uterus r ab ut 10 m. It then
hanges that ur during in an y and adulth d. Finally ends in the pelvi avity near the vary, as y u an see in
s me imp rtant hanges that ur in the individual rgan Figure 24-2, in an pening surr unded by ringelike pr esses,
systems the b dy as a result aging are dis ussed. the mbriae.
Sperm ells that are dep sited in the vagina must enter and
swim thr ugh the uterus and thr ugh the uterine tube t
P r e n a t a l P e r io d meet the vum. Fertilizati n m st ten urs in the uter
T e prenatal stage o development begins at the time n ep- ne-third the vidu t as sh wn in Figure 24-2.
ti n r ertilization (that is, at the m ment the emale vum T e ertilized vum, r zygote, is geneti ally mpleteit
and the male sperm ells unite) (Figure 24-1). T e peri d is a new single- elled spring. ime and n urishment are all
prenatal devel pment ntinues until the birth the hild that is needed r expressi n hara teristi s su h as sex,
ab ut 39 weeks later. T e s ien e the devel pment the b dy build, and skin l r that were determined at the time
spring be re birth is alled embryology. It is a st ry ertilizati n. As y u an see in the gure, the zyg te immedi-
bi l gi al marvels, des ribing the means by whi h a new hu- ately begins mit ti divisi n, and in ab ut 3 days a s lid mass
man li e is started and the steps by whi h a single mi r s pi ells alled a morula is rmed (see Figure 24-2). T e ells
ell is trans rmed int a mplex human being. the m rula ntinue t divide, and by the time the devel ping
embry rea hes the uterus, it is a h ll w ball ells alled a
D uring the 10 days r m the time ertilizati n t the
FIGURE 24-1 Fertilization. Fertilization is a speci c biological event. It time when the blast yst mpletes implantation in the uter-
occurs when the male and emale sex cells use. A ter union between a ine lining, ew nutrients r m the m ther are available. T e
sperm cell and the ovum has occurred, the cycle o li e begins. The scanning rapid ell divisi n taking pla e up t the blast yst stage -
electron micrograph shows spermatozoa attaching themselves to the sur- urs with n signi ant in rease in t tal mass mpared with
ace o an ovum. Only one will penetrate and ertilize the ovum. the zyg te (Figure 24-3). One the spe ializati ns the
Cytopla s m Ovum Nucle us S pe rm ce ll vum is its in redible st re nutrients that help supp rt this
embry ni devel pment until implantati n has urred.

A m n io t ic C a v it y a n d P la c e n t a
24 N te in Figure 24-4 that the blast yst nsists an uter layer
ells and an inner ell mass. As the blast yst devel ps, it
rms a stru ture with tw avities, the yolk sac and amniotic
T e y lk sa is m st imp rtant in animals, su h as birds,
that depend heavily n y lk as the s le s ur e nutrients r
the devel ping embry . In these animals the y lk sa digests
the y lk and pr vides the resulting nutrients t the embry .
Be ause uterine f uids pr vide nutrients t the devel ping hu-
man embry until the pla enta devel ps, the un ti n the
y lk sa is n t a nutritive ne. Instead, it has ther un ti ns,
in luding pr du ti n bl d ells and stem ells that later
rm gametes in the g nads.

The yolk sac is an important site o hematopoiesis

in early development. To see a diagram showing
the shi t in locations o blood-cell ormation over
the li e span, review the article Sites o Hemato-
poiesis at Connect It! at

T e amni ti avity be mes a f uid- lled, sh k-abs rbing

sa , s metimes alled the bag o waters, in whi h the embry
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 655

S pe rma tozoa
Divide d zygote

Fe rtilizatio n

Ute rine (fa llopia n) tube

Firs t
mitos is Morula

Dis cha rge d Ute rus


Bla s tocys t

Corpus lute um
Fimbria e
Ovulatio n

Implantatio n
Deve loping
follicle s

Ova ry
FIGURE 24-2 Fertilization and implantation. At ovulation,
an ovum is released rom the ovary and begins its journey through
the uterine tube. While in the tube, the ovum is ertilized by a I
sperm to orm the single-celled zygote. A ter a ew days o rapid
mitotic division, a ball o cells called a morula is ormed. A ter the
morula develops into a hollow ball called a blastocyst, implanta-
tion occurs.

f ats during devel pment. T e chorion, sh wn in Figure 24-4 nly as a stru tural an h r and nutritive bridge but als as an
and Figure 24-5, devel ps int an imp rtant etal membrane ex ret ry, respirat ry, and end rine rgan (see Figure 24-5).
in the placenta. T e chorionic villi sh wn in Figure 24-5 Pla ental tissue n rmally separates the maternal bl d,
nne t the bl d vessels the h ri n t the rest the whi h lls the la unae the pla enta, r m the etal bl d s
pla enta. T e pla enta (see Figure 24-5) an h rs the devel p- that n intermixing urs. T e very thin layer pla ental 24
ing etus t the uterus and pr vides a bridge r the ex- tissue that separates maternal and etal bl d als serves as an
hange nutrients and waste pr du ts between m ther and e e tive barrier that an pr te t the devel ping spring
spring. r m many harm ul substan es that may enter the m thers
T e pla enta is a unique stru ture that has a temp rary but bl dstream.
very imp rtant series un ti ns during pregnan y. It is Un rtunately, t xi substan es, su h as al h l and s me
mp sed tissues r m m ther and hild and un ti ns n t in e ti us rganisms, may n netheless penetrate this pr te tive

FIGURE 24-3 Early stages o development. A, Fertilized ovum or zygote. B to D, Early cell divisions
produce more and more cells. The solid mass o cells shown in D orms the morulaan early stage in embry-
onic development.
656 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

pla ental barrier and injure the FIGURE 24-4 Implantation and development.
devel ping spring. T e cyto- Trophobla s t The hollow blastocyst implants itsel in the uterine
megalovirus (CMV), the Z ika Impla nte d bla s tocys t
lining about 10 days a ter ovulation. Until the pla-
centa is unctional, nutrients are obtained by di usion
virus (Z V), r the ba terium Inne r ce ll ma s s rom uterine f uids. Notice the developing chorion and
that auses syphilis, r exam- how the blastocyst eventually orms a yolk sac and
ple, an easily pass thr ugh the amniotic cavity.
pla enta and ause tragi devel p-
mental de e ts in the etus.

To learn more about ertilization and implantation, Ute rine lining

go to AnimationDirect online at Yolk s a c
Ute rine gla nds a nd ve s s e ls

P e r io d s o D e ve lo p m e n t Amniotic cavity
T e length pregnan y (ab ut 39 weeks) alled the
gestation periodis divided int three 3-m nth segments
alled trimesters. A number terms are used t des ribe
devel pment during these peri ds kn wn as the rst, se nd,
and third trimesters pregnan y.
D uring the rst trimester, r 3 m nths, pregnan y, many
terms are used. Z ygote des ribes the vum just a ter ertiliza-
ti n by a sperm ell. A ter ab ut 3 days nstant ell divi-
si n, the s lid mass ells, identi ed earlier as the morula, Deve loping chorion
enters the uterus. C ntinued devel pment trans rms the Yolk s a c
m rula int the h ll w blastocyst, whi h then implants int Amniotic cavity
the uterine wall. Embryonic dis k
T e embryonic phase devel pment extends r m the
third week a ter ertilizati n until the end week 8
gestation. D uring this peri d in the rst trimester, the term
embryo is used t des ribe the devel ping spring. By day
35 gestati n (Figure 24-6, A), the heart is beating and, al-
th ugh the embry is nly 8 mm (ab ut 38 in h) l ng, the eyes Figure 24-6, C, sh ws the stage devel pment the etus
and s - alled limb buds, whi h ultimately rm the arms at the end the rst trimester gestati n. B dy size is ab ut
and legs, are learly visible. 7 t 8 m (3.2 in hes) l ng. T e a ial eatures the etus are
T e peri d devel pment extending r m week 9 t week apparent, the limbs are mplete, and gender an be identi-
24 39 is termed the etal phase. D uring this peri d, the term ed. By m nth 4 (Figure 24-6, D) all rgan systems are m-
embryo is repla ed by etus. plete and in pla e.

Ma te rna l ve nule Umbilica l a rte rie s

Umbilica l ve in
Ma te rna l a rte riole
Umbilica l cord

Endome trium

P la ce nta
Ma te rna l blood
Fe ta l ve nule
Fe ta l a rte riole Chorionic villi

FIGURE 24-5 Placenta. The close placement o the etal blood supply and the maternal blood in the pla-
centa permits di usion o nutrients and other substances. It also orms a thin barrier to prevent di usion o
most harm ul substances. No mixing o etal and maternal blood occurs. A, Diagram showing a cross section
o the placental structure. B, Photograph o a normal, ull-term placenta ( etal side) showing the branching o
the placental blood vessels.
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 657

Branc hial arc he s

He a rt
The Latin te rm in vitro m e ans , lite rally, w ithin a glas s . In
the cas e o in vitro e rtilization, it re e rs to the glas s labora-
tory dis h w he re an ovum and s pe rm are m ixe d and w he re
e rtilization occurs . Arm
In the clas s ic te chnique , the ovum is obtaine d rom the bud
Le g Limb
m othe r by f rs t ins e rting a f be r-optic view ing ins trum e nt buds
calle d a laparo s co pe through a ve ry s m all incis ion in the A
wom ans abdom e n. A te r it is in the pe lvic cavity, the device
allow s the phys ician to view the ovary and the n puncture
and s uck up an ovum rom a m ature ollicle . Ove r the
ye ars , re f ne m e nts to this te chnique have be e n m ade and
le s s invas ive proce dure s , s uch as the ins e rtion o a ne e dle
through the vaginal wall, are curre ntly be ing us e d. A te r the
ovum is harve s te d, it is m ixe d w ith s pe rm s o that e rtiliza-
tion occurs .
A te r about 2 days grow th in a te m pe rature -controlle d
e nvironm e nt, the deve loping zygote , w hich by the n has
re ache d the 8- or 16-ce ll s tage , is re turne d by the phys ician
to the m othe rs ute rus . I im plantation is s ucce s s ul, grow th B
w ill continue and the s ubs e que nt pre gnancy w ill progre s s .
In the m os t s ucce s s ul e rtility clinics in the Unite d State s ,
a norm al te rm birth w ill occur in about 30% o in vitro e r-
tilization atte m pts .
With the adve nt o ge nom ics (s e e Chapte r 25), we are
now able to che ck e m bryos or ge ne tic dis orde rs be ore
im planting the m . Howeve r, the controve rs ial practice o
s e le cting e m bryos or ge nde r has caus e d e thicis ts to de -
bate w he the r the s cre e ning o e m bryos is appropriate
m e dical practice .

To f nd out more about related assisted

reproductive technologies (ARTs), check out
the article In Vitro Fertilization at Connect It!
C 24

Fo r m a t io n o t h e P r im a ry G e r m La ye r s
At the very beginning the embry ni stage, all the ells are
stem cells. Stem ells are unspe ialized ells that repr du e t
rm spe i lines spe ialized ells. At this stage, they have
their highest stemness r p ten ythat is, they are apable
pr du ing many di erent kinds ells in the b dy.
Adult stem ells remain a ter early devel pment, but an nly D
pr du e a ew spe ialized kinds ells in a parti ular tissue. We
have already en untered these adult stem ells when we dis- FIGURE 24-6 Embryos and etuses. A, At 35 days. B, At 49 days. C, At
the end o the rst trimester. D, At 4 months.
ussed hematopoiesis rmati n red bl d ells (RBCs),
white bl d ells (WBCs), and plateletsin b ne marr w.
Other stem ells are und in the skin, many glands, mus les, su h as the skin, nerv us tissue, mus les, r digestive rgans.
nerve tissue, b ne, and the gastr intestinal (GI) tra t. Adult stem Table 24-1 lists a number stru tures derived r m ea h the
ells repla e the spe ialized ells in a tissue and thus ensure sta- three primary germ layers:
ble, un ti nal p pulati ns the ell types needed r survival.
Early in the rst trimester pregnan y, three layers 1. Endoderminside layer
stem ells devel p that embry l gists all the primary germ 2. Mesodermmiddle layer
layers (Table 24-1). Ea h layer gives rise t de nite stru tures 3. Ectoderm utside layer
658 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

TABLE 24-1 Primary Germ Layer Derivatives QUICK CHECK

1. Wh a t is th e p o s tn a ta l p e rio d ? Th e p re n a ta l p e rio d ?
Lung buds 2. Wh a t is a zyg o te ? Ho w is it d i e re n t ro m a m o ru la o r
b la s to cys t?
3. Na m e a n d d e s crib e th e th re e p rim a ry g e rm la ye rs .
Live r a nd P ha rynx
pa ncre a s 4. Wh a t a re s te m ce lls ?
He a rt 5. Wh a t is m e a n t b y th e te rm o rga n o g e n e s is ?
Bra in
Bir t h
Amnion P a r t u r it io n
Gut T e pr ess births metimes alled parturitionis the
p int transiti n between the prenatal and p stnatal peri ds
li e.
As pregnan y draws t a l se, the uterus be mes irrita-
ble and, ultimately, mus ular ntra ti ns begin and ause the
ECTODERM MES ODERM ENDODERM ervix t dilate r pen, thus permitting the etus t m ve
Epide rmis of s kin De rmis of s kin Lining of r m the uterus thr ugh the vagina, r birth anal, t the
Tooth e na me l Circula tory s ys te m ga s trointe s tina l tra ct exteri r. W hen ntra ti ns ur, the amni ti sa r bag
Le ns a nd corne a Ma ny gla nds Lining of lungs water ruptures, and lab r begins.
of eye Adre na l cortex Lining of he pa tic a nd T e pr ess n rmally begins with the etus taking a
Oute r e a r pa ncre a tic ducts head-d wn p siti n against the ervix (Figure 24-8, 1). A
Na s a l cavity Kidney ducts a nd breech birth is ne in whi h the etus ails t turn head
Gona ds bla dde r
Fa cia l bone s Mus cle d wnward and nsequently the eet are b rn rst. T is
Ante rior pituita ry gla nd
S ke le ta l mus cle s Bone s (a de nohypophys is ) nditi n usually requires the spring t be b rn by
in he a d (exce pt fa cia l) cesarean section. O ten alled simply a C-section, it is a
Thymus gla nd
Bra in a nd s pina l cord surgi al pr edure in whi h the newb rn is delivered
Thyroid gla nd
S e ns ory ne urons thr ugh an in isi n in the abd men and uterine wall. T e
Pa ra thyroid gla nd
Adre na l me dulla pr edure may be d ne when abn rmal nditi ns the
Tons ils
m ther r etus ( r b th) make n rmal vaginal delivery
hazard us r imp ssible.
His t o g e n e s is a n d O r g a n o g e n e s is
T e pr ess h w the primary germ layers devel p int To learn more about cesarean section, go to
many di erent kinds tissues is alled histogenesis. T e way AnimationDirect online at
in whi h th se tissues arrange themselves int rgans is alled
24 organogenesis.
T e as inating st ry hist genesis and rgan genesis in
human devel pment is l ng and mpli atedits telling be- RES EA RC H, IS S U ES ,
l ngs t the s ien e embryology. But r the beginning
student anat my and physi l gy, it seems su ient t ap-
pre iate that human devel pment begins when tw sex ells HOW LONG DOES PREGNANCY
unite t rm a single- elled zyg te. It is als ne essary t LAST?
understand that the springs b dy ev lves by a series This s e e m s like a s illy que s tion to m os t o us ; the ans we r
pr esses nsisting ell di erentiati n, multipli ati n, is 9 m onths , is nt it? Actually, the le ngth o ge s tation (the
gr wth, and rearrangement, all whi h take pla e in a de - am ount o tim e one is pre gnant) is de f ne d in di e re nt ways
nite, rderly sequen e (Figure 24-7). in di e re nt s ituations and can vary rom one pre gnancy to
Devel pment stru ture and un ti n g hand in hand, anothe r.
and r m 4 m nths gestati n, when every rgan system is The ave rage ges tation in hum ans is 266 days , starting at
mplete and in pla e, until term (ab ut 280 days), etal de- the day o conce ption. But phys icians inste ad usually count
vel pment is mainly a matter gr wth. Figure 24-8, step 1, rom the beginning o the womans last me nstrual pe riod, or
an ave rage o 280 days. But thes e are only ave rages . What
sh ws the n rmal intrauterine pla ement a etus just be re
is normal in one case can be di e re nt rom what is norm al in
birth in a ull-term pregnan y. anothe r case . In practice , any pregnancy o le ss than 37
we e ks (259 days ) is said to be pre mature , and any lasting
To learn more about how the various body more than 42 we e ks (294 days) is said to be pos tm ature.
tissues and organs develop, review the article So as w ith m any s tatis tics re garding hum an unction,
w hat is norm al can be s poke n o only in ge ne ralitie s and
Embryonic Development o Tissues at Connect It!
ave rage s .
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 659

1s t 2nd 3rd
trime s te r trime s te r trime s te r

P re -e mbryonic Embryonic Fe ta l pe riod

pe riod pe riod (we e k 9full-te rm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 20-36 38

1-ce lle d

Ce ntra l ne rvous s ys te m
He a rt

Uppe r limbs

Lowe r limbs
Bla s tocys t
Ea rs

Eye s

Te e th
Ma jor birth de fe cts Pa la te
S ponta ne ous Minor birth de fe cts
a bortion Exte rna l ge nita lia

FIGURE 24-7 Critical periods o neonatal development. The red areas show when teratogens are most
likely to cause major birth de ects, and the yellow areas show when minor de ects are more likely to arise.
Numbers re er to weeks o gestation.

The conce pt o de ve lopm e nt o blood ce lls rom re d bone Whe n the um bilical cord is cut a te r birth, the blood that
m arrow, a proce s s calle d he m ato po ie s is , w as introduce d in re m ains in the cord is s im ply draine d into a s te rile bag (s e e
Chapte r 13. Ultim ate ly, the pre s e nce o s te m ce lls is re - photo), roze n, and the n s tore d in liquid nitroge n in one o
quire d or bone m arrow to produce blood ce lls . The act that about a doze n cord-blood ce nte rs in the Unite d State s .
um bilical cord blood is rich in the s e s te m ce lls has gre at clini-
cal s ignif cance .
In the pas t, i the s te m ce lls in the bone m arrow o a child
we re de s troye d as a re s ult o le uke m ia or by che m othe rapy,
de ath would re s ult unle s s a bone m arrow trans plant was pos -
s ible . In us ion o s tore d um bilical cord blood obtaine d rom the
child at the tim e o birth is an attractive alte rnative . The blood
is rich in s te m ce lls and can be obtaine d w ithout ris k. This
proce dure is m uch m ore cos t-e e ctive than a bone m arrow
trans plant.
Re m oving and re e zing um bilical cord blood at the tim e o
birth m ay be com e a type o biological ins urance agains t s om e
type s o le uke m ia that m ay a e ct a child late r in li e . Cord
blood is re adily available at birth and is a be tte r s ource o s te m
ce lls than is bone m arrow.
660 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

P la ce nta P ubic s ymphys is

Urina ry bla dde r

Ure thra

Va gina
The re la tion Ce rvix
of the fe tus
to the mothe r. Re ctum

P la ce nta

Amniotic s a c Umbilica l cord
rupture s. Ce rvix
of ute rus dila te s.
Va gina
Amniotic s a c
Ce rvix

Dila tion of the
ce rvix is comple te.
Rupture in
a mniotic s a c
Rupture d a mniotic s a c
wide ns.

4 P la ce nta
24 The fe tus is
expe lle d from
the ute rus a nd
through the birth
ca na l.

The pla ce nta is Ute rus
expe lle d. Umbilica l cord
P la ce nta
(ma te rna l s ide ) A

P la ce nta
(fe ta l s ide ) P

FIGURE 24-8 Parturition.

CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 661

S t a g e s o La b o r
Ide ntica l Fra te rna l
Labor is the pr ess that results in the birth an in ant. It twins twins
has three stages (Figure 24-8, steps 2 to 5):
Stage oneperi d r m nset uterine ntra - Fe rtiliza tion
ti ns until dilati n the ervix is mplete.
Stage twoperi d r m the time maximal Divide d inne r Inne r
ervi al dilati n until the spring exits thr ugh ce ll ma s s Bla s tocys t
ce ll ma s s
the vagina. Trophobla s t s ta ge Trophobla s t
Stage threepr ess expulsi n the pla enta
thr ugh the vagina.
T e time required r n rmal vaginal birth varies P la ce nta
widely and may be inf uen ed by many variables, in luding Amnion
whether the w man has previ usly had a hild. In m st Fe ta l
ases, stage ne lab r lasts r m 6 t 24 h urs, and stage s ta ge P la ce nta s
tw lasts r m a ew minutes t an h ur. Delivery the Amniotic Amniotic
pla enta (stage three) n rmally urs within 15 minutes cavitie s cavitie s
a ter the birth the in ant.
Figure 1-12 n p. 16 illustrates the r le xyt in (O )
in pr m ting a rapid delivery. A syntheti versi n O is A B
s metimes given therapeuti ally i lab r be mes danger usly
FIGURE 24-9 Multiple births. A, Identical (monozygotic) twins develop
sl w. when embryonic tissue rom a single zygote splits to orm two individuals.
assess the general nditi n a newb rn, a system that Notice that the placenta and the part o the amnion separating the amniotic
evaluates ve health riteria is ten used. T e riteria are heart cavities are shared by the twins. B, Fraternal (dizygotic) twins develop when
rate (H R), respirati n, mus le t ne, skin l r, and resp nse t two ova are ertilized at about the same time, producing two separate zy-
stimuli. Ea h aspe t is s red as 0, 1, r 2depending n the gotes. Notice that each raternal twin has its own placenta and amnion.
nditi n the in ant. T e resulting t tal s re is alled the
Apgar score. T e Apgar s re in a mpletely healthy new- Fraternal twins result r m the ertilizati n tw di er-
b rn is 10. ent va by tw di erent spermat z aand are thus als
alled dizygotic twins (Figure 24-9, B). Dizyg ti twinning
To learn more about the three stages o birth, go to requires the pr du ti n m re than ne mature vum dur-
AnimationDirect online at ing a single menstrual y le, a trait that is ten inherited.
Multiple vulati ns als may ur in resp nse t ertain
ertility drugs, espe ially the g nad tr pin preparati ns.
M u lt ip le Bir t h s Fraternal twins are n m re l sely related geneti ally than
T e term multiple births re ers t the birth tw r m re in- any ther br ther-sister relati nship. Be ause tw separate 24
ants r m the same pregnan y. T e birth twins is m re ertilizati ns must ur, it is even p ssible r raternal twins
mm n than the birth triplets, quadruplets, r quintuplets. t have di erent bi l gi al athers. riplets, quadruplets, and
Multiple-birth spring are ten b rn prematurely, s ther multiple births may be identi al, raternal, r any
they are at a greater than n rmal risk mpli ati ns in in- mbinati n.
an y. H wever, premature in ants that have m dern medi al M re and m re ten, multiple births result r m medi al
are available have a mu h l wer risk mpli ati ns than treatments. F r example, ertility-enhan ing drugs s metimes
with ut su h are. in rease the number eggs released at vulati n and thus
winning, r d uble births, an result r m at least tw di - in rease the likelih d multiple births. In vitro ertilizati n
erent natural pr esses, des ribed in the ll wing paragraphs. and ther repr du tive medi al pr edures ten inv lve im-
Identical twins result r m the splitting embry ni tis- plantati n multiple embry sin reasing the dds su -
sue r m the same zyg te early in devel pment. F r this rea- ess ul repr du ti n while als in reasing the dds multiple
s n identi al twins are als alled monozygotic twins. As births (see the Resear h, Issues, and rends b x n p. 657).
Figure 24-9, A, sh ws, identi al twins usually share the same
pla enta but have separate umbili al rds. QUICK CHECK
Be ause they devel p r m the same ertilized egg, iden- 1. Ho w d o e s a b re e ch b irth d i e r ro m a n o rm a l b irth ?
ti al twins have the same geneti de. D espite this, identi- 2. Na m e a n d d e s crib e th e th re e s ta g e s o la b o r?
al twins are n t abs lutely identi al in terms stru ture 3. Ho w d o m u ltip le b irth s o ccu r?
and un ti n. D i erent envir nmental a t rs and pers nal 4. Id e n ti y th e p rim a ry d i e re n ce b e tw e e n id e n tica l a n d ra -
te rn a l tw in s .
experien es lead t individuality even in geneti ally identi al
5. Wh a t is a n Ap ga r s co re ?
662 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

D is o r d e r s o P r e g n a n c y severe hem rrhaging that ten results, s metimes hidden in

the uterus, may ause ir ulat ry sh k and death the
Im p la n t a t io n D is o r d e r s m ther within minutes. A esarean se ti n and perhaps als a
A pregnan y has the best han e a su ess ul ut me, the hystere t my must be per rmed immediately t prevent
birth a healthy baby, i the blast yst is implanted pr perly bl d l ss and death (Figure 24-10, B).
in the uterine wall. H wever, pr per implantati n d es n t
always ur. Many spring are l st be re implantati n -
P r e e c la m p s ia
urs, ten r unkn wn reas ns.
As menti ned in the previ us hapter, implantati n ut- Preeclampsia, als alled toxemia o pregnancy, is a seri us
side the uterus results in an e t pi pregnan y. I the blast - dis rder that urs in ab ut 1 in every 20 pregnan ies. T is
yst implants in a regi n end metri sis (abn rmally l - dis rder is hara terized by the nset a ute hypertensi n
ated end metrial tissue) r n rmal perit neal membrane, the a ter the twenty- urth week, a mpanied by pr teinuria and
pregnan y may be su ess ul i there is r m r the devel p- edema.
ing etus t gr w. E t pi pregnan ies that d su eed must T e auses pree lampsia are largely unkn wn, despite
be delivered by C-se ti n rather than by n rmal vaginal birth. intense resear h e rts. Pree lampsia an result in mpli a-
I an e t pi pregnan y urs in a uterine tube, whi h ann t ti ns su h as abrupti pla entae, str ke, hem rrhage, etal
stret h t a mm date the devel ping spring, the tube malnutriti n, and l w birth weight.
may rupture and ause li e-threatening hem rrhaging. S - Pree lampsia an pr gress t eclampsia, a li e-threatening
alled tubal pregnancies are the m st mm n type e t pi rm t xemia that auses severe nvulsi ns, ma, kidney
pregnan y. ailure, and perhaps death the etus and m ther.
O asi nally, the blast yst implants in the uterine wall
near the ervix. T is in itsel may present n pr blem, but i
G e s t a t io n a l D ia b e t e s
the pla enta gr ws t l sely t the ervi al pening a ndi-
ti n alled placenta previa results. T e n rmal dilati n and T e term gestational diabetes mellitus (GD M) is applied in
s tening the ervix that urs in the third trimester ten ases hypergly emia (high bl d glu se) that rst ur
auses painless bleeding as the pla enta near the ervix sepa- during pregnan y. S me ases diagn sed as GDM a tually
rates r m the uterine wall. T e massive bl d l ss that may may be previ usly undiagn sed ases type 1 DM r type 2
result an be li e threatening r b th m ther and spring DM . N w is a g d time t review DM in Chapter 12 n
(Figure 24-10, A). pp. 335-337.
Separati n the pla enta r m the uterine wall an ur T e nditi ns pregnan y pr m te insulin resistan e in
even when implantati n urs in the upper part the uterus. ells. I insulin resistan e is already an issue, then the insulin
W hen this urs in a pregnan y 20 weeks r m re, the resistan e is even m re a pr blem. GDM results r m the
nditi n is alled abruptio placentae. C mplete separati n ailure the pan reati islets t pr du e additi nal insulin t
the pla enta auses the immediate death the etus. T e mpensate r this in reased insulin resistan e.
As Figure 12-18 n p. 337 sh ws, the insulin resistan e that
24 urs in DM pr du es a wide variety hanges in b dy
P la ce nta He morrha ge P la ce nta un ti n. T ere re, impr perly managed GDM an have
health e e ts in either r b th the m ther and etus during
pregnan y.
F r example, high bl d glu se in the etus an lead t
weight gain, whi h results in delivery a large in anta risk
a t r r mpli ati ns during lab r and delivery. GDM an
als in rease the risk needing t deliver by C-se ti n, rather
than a vaginal delivery. GDM may in rease the risk hyper-
tensi n that may pr gress t pree lampsia.

Fe t a l D e a t h
Ce rvix S A miscarriage is the l ss an embry r etus be re the
twentieth week ( r a etus weighing less than 500 g r 1.1 lb).
A B e hni ally kn wn as a spontaneous abortion, the m st
I mm n ause su h a l ss is a stru tural r un ti nal de-
e t in the devel ping spring. Abn rmalities the m ther,
FIGURE 24-10 Implantation disorders. A, Placenta previa is the con-
dition where the placenta grows too closely to the cervical opening. B, Ab- su h as hypertensi n, uterine abn rmalities, and h rm nal
ruptio placentae is the condition where there is complete separation o the imbalan es, an als ause sp ntane us ab rti ns. A ter
placenta, causing the death o the etus. 20 weeks, delivery a li eless in ant is termed a stillbirth.
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 663

Bir t h D e e c t s
Umbilical hernia, which occurs when intestines pro-
Devel pmental pr blems present at birth are ten alled
trude through the umbilical opening in the abdomen,
birth de ects. Su h abn rmalities may be stru tural r un -
is common in newborn in ants. Review the article
ti nal, perhaps even inv lving behavi r and pers nality.
Hernias at Connect It! at
Birth de e ts may be aused by geneti a t rs su h as ab-
n rmal genes r inheritan e an abn rmal number hr -
m s mes. Birth de e ts als may be aused by exp sure t
envir nmental a t rs alled teratogensespe ially during
P o s t p a r t u m D is o r d e r s
rgan genesis. erat gens in lude: Puerperal ever, r childbed ever, is a syndr me p stpar-
tum m thers hara terized by ba terial in e ti n that pr -
gresses t septi emia (bl d in e ti n) and p ssibly death.
Until the 1930s, puerperal ever was the leading ause
r al h l
maternal death laiming the lives m re than 20% p st-
partum w men. M dern antisepti te hniques prevent m st
Zika virus, r yt megal virus
p stpartum in e ti ns n w. Puerperal in e ti ns that d ur
S me terat gens are als mutagens be ause they d their are usually treated su ess ully by an immediate and intensive
damage by hanging the geneti de in ells the devel p- pr gram antibi ti therapy.
ing embry . Nutriti nal de ien ies during pregnan y als A ter a hild is b rn, it needs the n urishment m thers
an lead t birth de e ts. milk t survive. H wever, a number dis rders la tati n
As Figure 24-7 sh ws, the peri d during the rst trimester (milk pr du ti n) may ur t prevent a m ther r m nurs-
when the tissues are beginning t di erentiate and the rgans ing her in ant. F r example, anemia, malnutriti n, em ti nal
are just starting t devel p is the time that terat gens are m st stress, and stru tural abn rmalities the breast an all inter-
likely t ause damage. In a t, terat gens an ause sp ntane- ere with n rmal la tati n.
us ab rti n (mis arriage) i signi ant damage urs during Mastitis, r breast inf ammati n, ten aused by in e -
the pre-embry ni stage. ti n, an result in la tati n pr blems r pr du ti n milk


Advance s in ante natal m e dicine or be ore -birth th the rapy Curre nt proce dure s us ing im age s provide d by ultras ound
now pe rm it exte ns ive diagnos is and tre atm e nt o dis e as e in e quipm e nt (s e e f gure s ) allow phys icians to pre pare or and
the e tus m uch like any othe r patie nt. This new dim e nns ion in
m e dicine be gan w ith te chnique s by w hich Rh e tus e s could
co be
pe r orm , be ore birth, corre ctive s urgical proce dure s s uch as
bladde r re pair. The s e proce dure s als o allow phys icians to m oni- 24
give n trans us ions be ore birth. tor the progre s s o othe r type s o tre atm e nt on a deve loping
e tus . Figure A s how s place m e nt o the ultras ound trans duce r
Ultra s ound on the abdom inal wall. The re s ulting im age is calle d an
tra ns duce r
ultras o no g ram . Figure s B and C s how two-dim e ns ional and
thre e -dim e ns ional type s o ultras onogram o a 20-we e k and
21-we e k e tus (re s pe ctive ly).


664 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging


Cons um ption o alcohol by the m othe r during pre gnancy can have tragic e e cts on a de -
ve loping e tus . Educational e orts to in orm pre gnant wom e n about the dange rs o alco- R L
hol are now re ce iving national atte ntion. Eve n ve ry lim ite d cons um ption o alcohol during
pre gnancy pos e s s ignif cant hazards to the deve loping e tus be caus e alcohol can e as ily
cros s the place ntal barrie r and e nte r the e tal bloods tre am .
Whe n alcohol e nte rs the e tal blood, the pote ntial re s ult, calle d e tal alco ho l s yndro m e (FAS ), can
caus e tragic co nge nital abnorm alitie s s uch as s m all he ad, or m icro ce phaly (s e e f gure ), low birth
we ight, deve lopm e ntal dis abilitie s s uch as m e ntal re tardation, and eve n e tal de ath.

ntaminated with path geni rganisms. In many ultures, P o s t n a t a l P e r io d

the availability ther nursing m thers r breast-milk sub-
G ro w t h , D e ve lo p m e n t , a n d Ag in g
stitutes all ws pr per n urishment the in ant when la ta-
ti n pr blems devel p. M st breast-milk substitutes are r- T e postnatal period begins at birth and lasts until death.
mulati ns milk r m an ther mammal, su h as a w. Alth ugh it is ten divided int maj r peri ds r study, we
In ants wh la k the enzyme lactase may n t be able t need t understand and appre iate that gr wth, devel pment,
digest the la t se present in human r animal milk, resulting and aging are ntinu us pr esses that ur thr ugh ut the
in a nditi n alled lactose intolerance. In ants with la t se li e y le.
int leran e are s metimes given a la t se- ree milk substitute Gradual hanges in the physi al appearan e the b dy as
made r m s y beans r ther plant pr du ts. a wh le and in the relative pr p rti ns the head, trunk, and
limbs are quite n ti eable between birth and ad les en e.
QUICK CHECK N te in Figure 24-11 the bvi us hanges in the size b nes
1. Wh a t d is o rd e rs ca n re s u lt ro m im p ro p e r im p la n ta tio n in and in the pr p rti nate sizes between di erent b nes and
th e u te rin e wa ll? b dy areas. T e head, r example, be mes pr p rti nately
2. Wh a t co m p lica tio n s m a y o ccu r a s a re s u lt o smaller. W hereas the in ant head is appr ximately ne- urth
p re e cla m p s ia ? the t tal height the b dy, the adult head is nly ab ut
3. Wh a t is a te ra to g e n ? Give s o m e e xa m p le s o te ra to g e n s . ne-eighth the t tal height. T e a ial b nes als sh w sev-
4. Wh a t is g e s ta tio n a l d ia b e te s ?
eral hanges between in an y and adulth d. In an in ant the


Newborn 2-ye a r-old 5-ye a r-old 13-ye a r-old Adult

FIGURE 24-11 Developmental changes in body proportions. Note the dramatic di erences in head
size. As the individual grows, there is a gradual change in the relative proportions o the head, trunk, and limbs.
The head becomes proportionately smaller, and the legs become proportionately longer and the trunk shorter.
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 665

TABLE 24-2 U.S. Population Projections by Age Group*

2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 CHANGE
Total population 334,503 359,402 380,219 398,328 416,795 25%
In ants and To ddle rs
0-4 ye ars 20,568 21,178 21,471 22,147 22,778 11%
Childre n
5-13 ye ars 36,824 38,322 39,087 39,887 41,193 12%
Ado le s ce nts
14-17 ye ars 16,737 16,773 17,627 17,854 18,338 10%
18-44 ye ars 120,073 126,589 128,669 132,370 136,310 14%
45-64 ye ars 83,861 82,434 91,021 98,074 100,013 19%
Olde r Adults
65 ye ars 56,441 74,107 82,344 87,996 98,164 74%
85 ye ars 6,727 9,132 14,634 18,972 19,724 193%
100 ye ars 89 138 193 387 604 579%
* Num be rs in thous ands ; li e s tage s are be s t f t to available s tatis tical age groups . (Source : U.S. Ce ns us Bure au.)

a e is ne-eighth the skull FIGURE 24-12 Neonate. The um-

sur a e, but in an adult the a e is bilical cord has been cut, separating
hal the skull sur a e. the neonate rom the placental blood
supply, which requires the in ant to
An ther hange in pr p rti n breathe to get the oxygen once sup-
inv lves the trunk and l wer ex- plied by the mother.
tremities. T e legs be me pr -
p rti nately l nger and the trunk
pr p rti nately sh rter. In addi- in dramati ally redu ed in ant
ti n, the th ra i and abd minal m rtality.
nt urs hange, r ughly speak- I S Many the hanges that
ing, r m r und t ellipti al. A
ur in the ardi vas ular and
Su h hanges are g d exam- respirat ry systems at birth are
ples the ever- hanging and n- ne essary r survival. W hereas 24
g ing nature gr wth, devel pment, and aging. It is un rtu- the etus t tally depends n the m ther r li e supp rt, the
nate that many the hanges that ur in the later years newb rn in ant must be me t tally sel -supp rting in terms
li e d n t result in in reased un ti n. T ese degenerative bl d ir ulati n and respirati n immediately a ter birth. A
hanges are ertainly imp rtant, h wever, and are dis ussed babys rst breath is deep and r e ul. T e stimulus t breathe
later in this hapter. T e ll wing are the m st mm n p st- results primarily r m the in reasing am unts arb n di x-
natal peri ds: (1) in ancy, (2) childhood, (3) adolescence, (4) adult- ide (CO 2) that a umulate in the bl d a ter the umbili al
hood, and (5) older adulthood. rd is ut ll wing delivery.
Table 24-2 illustrates pr je ted hanges in U.S. p pulati n Many devel pmental hanges ur between the end the
numbers in sele ted age-gr ups by de ade thr ugh the year ne natal peri d and 18 m nths age. Birth weight d ubles
2060. N ti e that the lder adulth d gr up is expe ted t during the rst 4 m nths and then triples by 1 year. T e baby
have the largest per entage gain. als in reases in length by 50% by the 12th m nth. T e baby
at that a umulated under the skin during the rst year be-
gins t de rease, and the plump in ant be mes leaner.
In a n c y Early in in an y the baby has nly ne spinal urvature
T e peri d in ancy begins abruptly at birth and lasts ab ut (Figure 24-13, A). T e lumbar urvature appears between 12 and
18 m nths. T e rst 4 weeks in an y are ten re erred t 18 m nths, and the n e-helpless in ant be mes a t ddler
as the neonatal period (Figure 24-12). D ramati hanges ur wh an stand (Figure 24-13, B).
at a rapid rate during this sh rt but riti al peri d. One the m st striking hanges t ur during in an y is
Neonatology is the medi al and nursing spe ialty n- the rapid devel pment the nerv us and mus ular systems.
erned with the diagn sis and treatment dis rders the T is permits the in ant t ll w a m ving bje t with the eyes
newb rn r neonate. Advan es in this area have resulted (2 m nths); li t the head and raise the hest (3 m nths); sit
666 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

FIGURE 24-13 Spinal curvatures. A, Normal rounded cur-

vature o the vertebral column in an in ant. B, Normal vertebral
curvature in a toddler. The dark shadow emphasizes the distinct
lumbar curvature that develops with the ability to walk. Com-
pare to adult curvatures in Figure 8-14, A, on p. 186.

the testi les, whi h begins between 10

and 13 years age.
B th sexes sh w a spurt in height dur-
ing ad les en e. In girls the spurt in
height begins between the ages 10 and
12 and is nearly mplete by age 14 r 15.
In b ys the peri d rapid gr wth begins
between 12 and 13 and is generally m-
plete by age 16. See Figure 24-14.
A P Ad u lt h o o d
I Many devel pmental hanges that begin
early in hildh d are n t mpleted until
A B the early r middle years adulthood.
Examples in lude the maturati n b ne,
when well supp rted (4 m nths); rawl (10 m nths); stand resulting in the ull l sure the gr wth plates, and hanges
al ne (12 m nths); and run, alth ugh a bit sti y (18 m nths). in the size and pla ement ther b dy mp nents su h as
the sinuses. Many b dy traits d n t be me apparent r years
C h ild h o o d
Childhood extends r m the end in an y t sexual matu- 23
rity r puberty12 t 14 years in girls and 14 t 16 years in 22
b ys. O verall, gr wth during early hildh d ntinues at a 21
rather rapid pa e, but m nth-t -m nth gains be me less 20 Girls
nsistent. 19 Boys
By the age 6 years, the hild appears m re like a pread - 18
les ent than an in ant r t ddler. T e hild be mes less 17
24 hubby, the p tbelly be mes f atter, and the a e l ses its 16
babyish l k. T e nerv us and mus ular systems ntinue t 15
devel p rapidly during the middle years hildh d; by
10 years age the hild has devel ped numer us m t r and
rdinati n skills. 12
T e deciduous teeth, whi h begin t appear at ab ut
6 m nths age, are l st during hildh d, beginning at ab ut
6 years age. T e permanent teeth, with the p ssible ex epti n
the third m lars, r wisd m teeth, all erupt by age 14. 8
Ad o le s c e n c e
T e average age range adolescence varies, but generally the 4
teenage years (13 t 19) are alled the ad les ent years. T is 3
peri d is marked by rapid and intense physi al gr wth, whi h 2
ultimately results in sexual maturity. 1
Many the devel pmental hanges that ur during this
peri d are ntr lled by the se reti n sex h rm nes and are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
lassi ed as secondary sex characteristics. Breast devel p- Ag e (yr)
ment is ten the rst sign appr a hing puberty in girls,
FIGURE 24-14 Growth in height. The gure shows typical patterns o
beginning ab ut age 10. M st girls begin t menstruate at 12 gain in height to adulthood or girls and boys. Notice the rapid gain in height
t 13 years age, whi h is ab ut 3 years earlier than a entury during the rst ew years, a period o slower growth, and then another burst
ag . In b ys the rst sign puberty is ten enlargement o growth during adolescence nally ending at the beginning o adulthood.
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 667

85% 65%
Ag in g
M e c h a n is m s o Ag in g
Older adulth d is hara terized by the pr esses senescence,
Ca rdia c
Bra in we ight
output a t re s t r degenerative aging. Un rtunately, the me hanisms and
auses aging are n t well underst d. A ew the m re likely
hyp theses are utlined here.
Citric 80% S me ger nt l gists believe that an imp rtant aging
a cid me hanism is the limit n ell repr du ti n. Lab rat ry
experiments have sh wn that many types human ells
Ba s a l Re s pira tory
ann t repr du e m re than 50 times, thus limiting the
me ta bolic ca pa city of maximum li e span. Cells die ntinually, in a pr ess alled
ra te lungs apoptosis, n matter what a pers ns age, but in lder adult-
h d many dead ells are n t repla ed, ausing degenerati n
50% 65% tissues.
Perhaps the ells are n t repla ed be ause the surr unding
ells have rea hed their limit repr du ti n. Perhaps di er-
Live r Kidney ma s s
en es in ea h individuals aging pr ess result r m di eren es
blood ow in the repr du tive apa ity ells.
T e ellular death me hanism seems t perate in indi-
85% viduals with progeria, a rare, geneti nditi n in whi h a
63% pers n appears t age rapidly.
Conduction A variety a t rs that a e t the rates ell death and
Live r ve locity of ell repr du ti n have been ited as auses aging. S me
we ight ne rve be r
ger nt l gists believe that nutriti n, injury, disease, and ther
FIGURE 24-15 Changes in older adulthood. Insets show proportion o envir nmental a t rs a e t the aging pr ess. A ew have
remaining unction in the organs o a person in late adulthood compared even pr p sed that aging results r m ellular hanges aused
with that o a 20-year-old. These are average numbers, so many individuals by sl w-a ting aging viruses und in all living ells. O ther
experience ar di erent situations.
ger nt l gists have pr p sed that aging is aused by aging
genesgenes in whi h aging is prepr grammed.
Yet an ther pr p sed ause aging is aut immunity. Y u
a ter birth. N rmal balding patterns, r example, are deter- may re all r m Chapter 16 that aut immunity urs when
mined at the time ertilizati n by heredity but d n t appear the immune system atta ks a pers ns wn tissues.
until maturity.
As a general rule, adulth d is hara -
terized by maintenan e existing b dy 24
tissues. W ith the passage years, the n-
g ing e rt maintenan e and repair
b dy tissues be mes m re and m re di - PROGERIA
ult. As a result, degenerati n begins. It is Proge ria, als o calle d Hutchins on-Gil ord proge ria
the pr ess aging, and it ulminates in s yndrom e , is a rare , atal condition in w hich chil-
death. dre n appe ar to age rapidly.
In proge ria, the re productive capacity o ce lls
s e e m s to be dim inis he d due to a toxic prote in
O ld e r Ad u lt h o o d calle d proge rin, w hich is als o ound in norm al ce lls
M st b dy systems are in peak nditi n at m uch lowe r leve ls and incre as e s as we age .
and un ti n at a high level e ien y Thus the tis s ue s o childre n w ith proge ria ail to
during the early years adulth d. As a m aintain or re pair the m s e lve s norm ally, and m any
o the de ge ne rative conditions m ore com m only
pers n gr ws lder, a gradual but ertain
s e e n in e lde rly individuals appe ar.
de line takes pla e in the un ti ning Som e o the s e conditions can be s e e n in this
every maj r rgan system in the b dy. T e photograph o a boy w ith proge ria: are as o tight-
study aging is alled gerontology. e ne d s kin w ith s tipple d coloration; hair los s ; los s
Many the bi l gi al hanges ass iated o s ubcutane ous at; and s ti , partially exe d
with advan ing age are sh wn in Figure 24-15. joints . Childre n w ith proge ria die o cardiovas cular
T e illustrati n highlights the pr p rti n dis e as e at an ave rage age o 14 ye ars .
remaining un ti n in a number rgans
in older adulthood when mpared with a
20-year- ld pers n.
668 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

Da ma ge d
Mitochondrion mitochondria
in he a lthy young ce ll AGING in old ce ll

Nutrie nts Mole cula r Nutrie nts

a nd O 2 complex a nd O 2

Ae robic
re s pira tion

Fre e ra dica ls
ATP Fre e -ra dica l
ATP production da ma ge incre a s e s
ATP ATP de cre a s e s ATP
Abunda nt ATP

FIGURE 24-16 Free-radical theory o aging. Free-radical production by cells, one o many possible
mechanisms o the aging processes, may increase as a person gets older, increasing the amount o cellular
damage. Free radicals are highly reactive orms o oxygen that are normal by-products o cellular respiration in
the mitochondria (shown) and other cell processes. As one ages, the number o ree radicals increases as cel-
lular e ciency decreases. Thus more cellular damage occurs, especially damage to cellular membranes, caus-
ing degeneration o the cell.

One p pular the ry aging states that xygen ree radicals S k in

play a maj r r le in ellular aging (Figure 24-16). Free radi als are T e skin (integumentary system) be mes dry, thin, and in-
highly rea tive rms xygen that n rmally result r m el- elasti with advan ing age. It sags n the b dy be ause
24 lular a tivities, but may damage the ell. As a pers ns ells in reased wrinkling and skin lds. Pigmentati n hanges and
pr du e m re and m re ree radi als during the later years, the thinning r l ss hair are als mm n nditi ns as-
m re damage urs t ellular stru tures and un ti ns. s iated with the aging pr ess.
Alth ugh the auses and basi me hanisms aging are yet
t be underst d, at least many the signs aging are bvi- S k e le t a l S y s t e m
us. T e remainder this hapter deals with a number the In lder adulth d, b nes underg hanges in texture, degree
m re mm n degenerative hanges that requently hara - al i ati n, and shape. Instead lean- ut margins, lder
terize pr esses aging. b nes devel p indistin t and shaggy-appearing margins with
spursa pr ess alled lipping. T is type degenerative
QUICK CHECK hange restri ts m vement be ause the piling up b ne
tissue ar und the j ints.
1. Do th e p ro p o rtio n s o th e h u m a n b o d y ch a n g e d u rin g
p o s tn a ta l d e ve lo p m e n t? W ith advan ing age, hanges in al i ati n may result in
2. Wh a t is th e n e o n a ta l p e rio d o d e ve lo p m e n t? redu ti n b ne size and in b nes that are p r us and sub-
3. Wh a t b io lo g ica l ch a n g e s h a p p e n d u rin g p u b e rty? je t t ra ture. T e l wer ervi al and th ra i vertebrae are
4. Wh a t is s e n e s ce n ce ? the sites requent ra tures. T e result is urvature the
5. Wh a t a re re e ra d ica ls , a n d w h a t ro le d o th e y h a ve in th e spine and the sh rtened stature s typi al late adulth d.
a g in g p ro ce s s ?
Degenerative j int diseases su h as osteoarthritis are als
mm n in elderly adults.
H wever, many the aging e e ts seen in the skelet n
E e c t s o Ag in g an be lessened by physi al a tivityespe ially i exer ise
Alth ugh advan ed age brings with it the higher risk many starts earlier in li e. L ss b ne mass and redu ed m bility
dis rders, it als brings s me bi l gi al advantages. We ex- an be av ided r redu ed by an ng ing pr gram physi al
pl re just a ew the hanges ass iated with aging here. a tivity upled with g d nutriti n.
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 669


In the pas t ew de cade s , the incre as e d availability o be tte r m ore f t but als o can de cre as e agings e e cts on the ne rvous
ood, s a e r s urroundings , and advance d m e dical care has ex- s ys te m , e ndocrine s ys te m , dige s tive s ys te m , and im m une
te nde d quality living or m any around the world. But eve n s ys te m the lis t s e e m s e ndle s s .
s im ple change s in li e s tyle , re gardle s s o m ode rn m e dical And las t, eve n ancie nt and s im ple te chnique s o s tre s s
wonde rs , can ke e p the e e cts o aging rom cre e ping up too m anage m e nt s uch as m e ditation and tai chi have be e n s how n
s oon. Pe rhaps the thre e m os t im portant low te ch m e thods to he lp re duce the e e cts o aging and the dis e as e s that o te n
or im proving the quality o li e as you age are he alth ul die t, accom pany aging s uch as he art dis e as e and s troke s .
exe rcis e , and s tre s s m anage m e nt. In s hort, we can us ually s tay young longe r i we e at right,
A he alth ul die t is not available to s om e individuals , but it is exe rcis e , and re lax.
available to m os t o us . We are le arning m ore eve ry day about
w hat kind o die t is be s t, eve n to the point o be ing able to What roles do genes play in how long we live?
m anage s pe cif c dis e as e s through die t.
Check out the article Genes and Longevity at
Exe rcis e pe r orm e d on a re gular bas is , eve n i light or m od-
Connect It! at
e rate , cannot only ke e p our s ke le tal and m us cular s ys te m s

C e n t r a l N e r vo u s S y s t e m t transmit me hani al s und waves. S me degree hearing

Advan ing age brings with it the risk dementiathe l ss impairment is universally present in the lder adult.
mem ry and ther un ti ns ns i us thinkingand T e senses smell and taste are als de reased. T e result-
ther degenerative nditi ns that a e t the entral nerv us ing l ss appetite may be aused partly by the repla ement
system. F r m st us, h wever, ur mem ries remain m stly taste buds with nne tive tissue ells. Only ab ut 40%
inta t and have helped us devel p a mature ability t reas n the taste buds present at age 30 remain in an individual at
and make de isi ns. Alth ugh s me elderly individuals su er age 75.
r m depressi n, espe ially when they be me ill r separated
r m amily, the average elderly pers n is happier than during C a r d io va s c u la r S y s t e m
early and middle adulth d. Degenerative heart and bl d vessel disease are am ng the
m st mm n and seri us e e ts aging. Fatty dep sits
S p e c ia l S e n s e s build up in bl d vessel walls and narr w the passageway r
T e sense rgans, as a gr up, all sh w a gradual de line in the m vement bl d, mu h as the build-up s ale in a
per rman e and apa ity as a pers n ages. water pipe de reases f w and pressure. T e resulting ndi-
M st pe ple are arsighted by age 65 be ause eye lenses ti n, alled atherosclerosis, ten leads t eventual bl kage 24
be me hardened and l se elasti ity; the lenses ann t be the r nary arteries and a heart atta k (my ardial in-
urved t a mm date r near visi n. T is hardening the ar ti n [MI]).
lens is alled presbyopia, whi h means ld eye. Many indi- I atty a umulati ns r ther substan es in bl d vessels
viduals rst n ti e the hange at ab ut 40 r 45 years age, al i y, a tual hardening the arteries, r arteriosclerosis
when it be mes di ult t d l se-up w rk r read with ut urs. Rupture a hardened vessel in the brain (str ke r
h lding printed material at arms length. T is explains the erebr vas ular a ident [CVA]) is a requent ause seri us
in reased need, with advan ing age, r bi als, r glasses that disability r death in the lder adult.
in rp rate tw lenses, t assist the eye in a mm dating r Hypertension (H N), r high bl d pressure, is als
near and distant visi n. m re mm n. H ardening arteries redu es their elasti ity,
L ss transparen y the lens r its vering apsule is whi h an ntribute t abn rmally high arterial pressure.
an ther mm n age-related eye hange. I the lens a tually
be mes l udy and signi antly impairs visi n, it is alled a Re s p ir a t o ry S y s t e m
cataract and must be rem ved surgi ally. In lder adulth d the stal artilages that nne t the ribs
T e in iden e glaucoma, the m st seri us age-related t the sternum be me hardened r al i ed. T is makes it
eye dis rder, in reases with age. Glau ma auses an in rease di ult r the rib age t expand and ntra t as it n rmally
in the pressure within the eyeball and, unless treated, ten d es during inspirati n and expirati n. In time the ribs gradu-
results in blindness. T e risk retinal degenerati n r de- ally be me xed t the sternum, and hest m vements be-
ta hment als in reases with age. me di ult. W hen this urs the rib age remains in a
In many elderly pe ple a very signi ant l ss hair ells m re expanded p siti n, respirat ry e ien y de reases, and
in the spiral rgan the inner ear auses a seri us de line in a nditi n alled barrel hest results.
the ability t hear ertain requen ies. In additi n, the ear- W ith advan ing years, a generalized atr phy r wasting
drum and atta hed ssi les be me m re xed and less able mus le tissue takes pla e as the ntra tile mus le ells are
670 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

Rita Levi-Montalcini had jus t f n- the 1986 Nobe l Prize . He r dis cove ry o a che m ical that re gu-
is he d a m e dical de gre e in he r na- late s the grow th o new ne rve s during e arly brain deve lopm e nt
tive Italy w he n in 1938 the Fas cis t has le d to m any di e re nt paths o inve s tigation. For exam ple ,
gove rnm e nt unde r Mus s olini barre d by le arning m ore about grow th re gulators , we now know m ore
all non-Aryans rom working in about how the ne rvous s ys te m deve lops , as we ll as othe r tis -
acade m ic and pro e s s ional care e rs . s ue s , organs , and s ys te m s o the body.
Be ing Jew is h, Levi-Montalcini was Today, m any pro e s s ions m ake us e o the dis cove rie s o
orce d to m ove to Be lgium to work. e m bryo lo gythe s tudy o e arly deve lopm e nt. Not only are
But w he n Be lgium was about to be the s e dis cove rie s im portant or he alth pro e s s ionals s uch as
invade d by the Nazis , s he de cide d o bs te tricians , o bs te tric nurs e s , and othe rs involve d in pre na-
Rita Levi-Montalcini to re turn hom e to Italy and work in tal he alth care , but they are als o im portant in unde rs tanding
(19092012) s e cre t. adult m e dicine m ore ully. In act, eve n ge ro nto lo gy (s tudy o
He r hom e laboratory was ve ry aging) and ge riatrics (tre atm e nt o the age d) have be ne f te d
crude , but in it s he m ade s om e im portant dis cove rie s about rom e m bryological re s e arch. How ? By providing ins ights on
how the ne rvous s ys te m deve lops during e m bryonic deve lop- how tis s ue deve lopm e nt is re gulate d in the e m bryo, s cie ntis ts
m e nt. A te r World War II, s he was invite d to Was hington Uni- can be tte r unde rs tand how to pos s ibly s tim ulate dam age d tis -
ve rs ity in St. Louis to work. The re , s he dis cove re d the exis - s ue in olde r adults to re pair or re ge ne rate its e l .
te nce o ne rve grow th actor (NGF), or w hich s he late r won

repla ed by nne tive tissue. T is l ss mus le ells de- li e. H wever, in additi n t the essati n menstrual y les,
reases the strength the mus les ass iated with inspirati n the de rease in bl d estr gen levels during this peri d a -
and expirati n. unts r a number mm n and ten tr ubling sympt ms
whi h in lude h t f ashes, sleep disturban es, and dryness and
U r in a ry S y s t e m thinning the vaginal wall in many w men.
T e number nephr n units in the kidney de reases by al- In the past, these men pause-related sympt ms resulting
m st 50% between the ages 30 and 75. Als , be ause less r m l w estr gen levels were alm st always treated with es-
bl d f ws thr ugh the kidneys as an individual ages, there is tr gen given as h rm ne repla ement therapy (H R ) r m re
a redu ti n in verall un ti n and ex ret ry apa ity r the simply, h rm ne therapy (H ). In re ent years this pra ti e
ability t pr du e urine. In the bladder, signi ant age-related has been used m re are ully be ause the in reased risk
pr blems ten ur be ause diminished mus le t ne. s me rms an er, str ke, bl d l tting dis rders, and
Mus le atr phy (wasting) in the bladder wall results in de- ther seri us side e e ts in s me lder w men wh had been
24 reased apa ity and inability t empty r v id mpletely. using H R r l ng peri ds r had begun H R well a ter the
nset men pause. H R ntinues t be used in many
Re p ro d u c t ive S y s t e m s y unger w men when they rst enter men pause.
Alth ugh m st men and w men remain sexually a tive F rtunately, medi ati ns ther than estr gen are als avail-
thr ugh ut their later years, me hanisms the sexual re- able t e e tively treat r prevent m st men pausal sympt ms
sp nse may hange, and ertility de lines. In men, ere ti n and ther health pr blems, su h as l ss b ne mass, r ste -
may be m re di ult t a hieve and maintain. Urgen y r p r sis (see Chapter 8), and heart disease, that in rease in re-
sex may de lineperhaps r m redu ed test ster ne r quen y in lder w men wh have l wer bl d estr gen levels.
l w . In w men, lubri ati n the vagina may de rease. As with any therapy, treatment r men pause-related symp-
Men an ntinue t pr du e gametes as they age, but - t ms requires are ul, individualized risk-bene t analysis.
asi nally they exhibit a de line in test ster ne severe en ugh
t ause in ertilitya pr ess s metimes alled andropause. QUICK CHECK
W men experien e a essati n repr du tive y ling be- 1. Wh a t a re s o m e ch a n g e s th a t o ccu r in th e s ke le to n a s o n e
tween the ages 45 and 60menopause. Men pause re- ages?
sults r m a de rease in estr gen bel w that needed t sustain 2. Ho w d o e s o n es e ye s ig h t ch a n g e d u rin g la te a d u lth o o d ?
repr du ti n. 3. Wh a t ch a n g e s in th e ca rd io va s cu la r s ys te m o ccu r in o ld e r
T e pr ess men pause is n t a disease nditi n and is a d u lts ?
4. Ho w is kid n e y u n ctio n a e cte d d u rin g o ld a g e ?
nsidered a natural peri d bi l gi al transiti n in a w mans
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 671

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 653)

endoderm in ancy postnatal period

(EN-doh-derm) (IN- an-see) (POST-nay-tal PEER-ee-id)
[endo- within, -derm skin] [in- not, - anc- speak, -y state] [post- a ter, -nat- birth, -al relating to]
ertilization labor prenatal period
(FER-tih-lih-ZAY-shun) (LAY-ber) (PREE-nay-tal PEER-ee-id)
[ ertil- ruit ul, -ization process] mesoderm [pre- be ore, -nat- birth, -al relating to]
etal phase (MEZ-oh-derm) primary germ layer
(FEE-tal ayz) [meso- middle, -derm skin] (PRYE-mayr-ee jerm LAY-er)
[ et- o spring, -al relating to] morula [prim- f rst, -ary state, germ sprout]
etus (MOR-yoo-lah) secondary sex characteristic
(FEE-tus) [mor- mulberry, -ula little] (SEK-on-dayr-ee sex kayr-ak-ter-IS-tik)
[ etus o spring] neonatal period [second- second, -ary relating to]
ree radical (nee-oh-NAY-tal PEER-ee-id) senescence
( ree RAD-ih-kal) [neo- new, -nat- birth, -al relating to] (seh-NES-enz)
[radic- root, -al relating to] neonate [senesc- grow old, -ence state]
gestation (NEE-oh-nayt) stem cell
(jes-TAY-shun) [neo- new, -nat- born] [stem stem o plant, cell storeroom]
[gesta- bear, -tion process] older adulthood trimester
gestation period (OLD-er ah-DULT-hood) (TRY-mes-ter)
(jes-TAY-shun PEER-ee-id) organogenesis [tri- three, -me(n)s- month, -ster thing]
[gesta- bear, -tion process] (or-gah-noh-J EN-eh-sis) yolk sac
hematopoiesis [organ- instrument (organ), -gen- produce, (yohk sak)
(hee-mat-oh-poy-EE-sis) -esis process] [yolk yellow part]
[hemo- blood, -poiesis making] parturition zygote
histogenesis (pahr-too-RIH-shun) (ZYE-goht)
(his-toh-J EN-eh-sis) [parturi- give birth, -tion process] [zygot- union or yoke]
[histo- tissue, -gen- produce, -esis process] placenta
implantation (plah-SEN-tah)
(im-plan-TAY-shun) [placenta at cake]
[im- in, -plant- set or place, -ation process]


abruptio placentae assisted reproductive technology (ART) cesarean section

(ab-RUP-shee-oh plah-SEN-tay) (ah-SIS-ted ree-proh-DUK-tiv (seh-SAYR-ee-an SEK-shun)
[ab- away rom, -ruptio rupture, placentae o at tek-NOL-oh-jee [ay ar tee]) [J ulius Caesar Roman emperor, -ean relating to,
cake (placenta)] [re- again, -pro- orward, -duct- bring or carry, sect- cut, -ion condition]
antenatal medicine -ive relating to, techn- art or skill, congenital
(an-tee-NAY-tal MED-ih-sin) -log- words (study o ), -y activity] (kon-J EN-ih-tall)
[ante- be ore, -nat- birth, -al relating to] atherosclerosis [con- with, -genit- born, -al relating to]
Apgar score (ath-er-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) dementia
(AP-gar skor) [ather- porridge, -sclero- harden, (de-MEN-shah)
[Virginia Apgar American physician] -osis condition] [de- o , -mens- mind, -ia condition o ]
arteriosclerosis birth de ect dizygotic twins
(ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) (berth DEE- ekt) (dye-zye-GOT-ik twinz)
[arteri- vessel (artery), -sclero- harden, cataract [di- two, zygot- union or yoke, -ic relating to,
-osis condition] (KAT-ah-rakt) twin two old]
[cataract broken water] eclampsia
[ec- out, -lamp- shine, -sia condition]

Continued on p. 672
672 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

LANGUAGE OF M ED IC IN E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 671)

etal alcohol syndrome (FAS) lactose intolerance osteoarthritis

(FEE-tal AL-koh-hol SIN-drohm [e ay es]) (LAK-tohs in-TOL-er-ans) (os-tee-oh-ar-THRY-tis)
[ et- o spring, -al relating to, syn- together, [lact- milk, -ose carbohydrate (sugar), in- not, [osteo- bone, -arthr- joint, -itis in ammation]
-drome running or (race) course] -toler- bear, -ance state] placenta previa
raternal twins laparoscope (plah-SEN-tah PREE-vee-ah)
( rah-TERN-al twinz) (LAP-ah-roh-skope) [placenta at cake, previa gone be ore]
[ rater- brother, -al relating to, twin two old] [laparo- abdomen, -scop- see] preeclampsia
geriatrics mastitis (pree-ee-KLAMP-see-ah)
(jayr-ee-A-triks) (mas-TYE-tis) [pre- be ore, -ec- out, -lamp- shine,
[ger- old, -iatr- treatment, -ic relating to] [mast- breast, -itis in ammation] -sia condition]
gerontology menopause presbyopia
(jayr-on-TOL-uh-jee) (MEN-oh-pawz) (pres-bee-OH-pee-ah)
[ger- old, -onto- age, -log- words (study o ), [men- month, -paus- cease] [presby- aging, -op- vision, -ia condition]
-y activity] microcephaly progeria
gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (my-kroh-SEF-ah-lee) (proh-J EER-ee-ah)
(jes-TAY-shun-al dye-ah-BEE-teez [micro- small, -ceph- head, -al relating to, [pro- early, -ger- old age, -ia condition]
MELL-ih-tus) -y state] puerperal ever
[gesta- bear, -tion- process, -al relating to, monozygotic twins (pyoo-ER-per-al FEE-ver)
diabetes pass-through or siphon, (mahn-oh-zye-GOT-ik twinz) [puerp- childbirth, -al relating to]
mellitus honey-sweet] [mono- one, zygot- union or yoke, -ic relating to, spontaneous abortion
glaucoma twin two old] (spon-TAY-nee-us ah-BOR-shun)
(glaw-KOH-mah) neonatology [sponte- willingly, -ous relating to, ab- away
[glauco- gray or silver, -oma tumor (growth)] (nee-oh-nay-TOL-oh-jee) rom or amiss, -or- be born, -tion process]
hypertension (HTN) [neo- new, -nat- born, -log- words (study o ), stillbirth
(hye-per-TEN-shun [aych tee en]) -y activity] (STIL-berth)
[hyper- excessive, -tens- stretch or pull tight, obstetric nurse teratogen
-sion state] (ob-STET-rik nurs) (TER-ah-toh-jen)
identical twins [ob- in ront, -stet- stand, -tric(s) emale agent, [terato- monster, -gen produce]
(aye-DEN-tih-kal twinz) nurs- nourish or nurture] ultrasonogram
[identic- sameness, -al relating to, twin two old] obstetrician (ul-trah-SON-uh-gram)
(ob-steh-TRISH-an) [ultra- beyond, -sono- sound, -gram drawing]
[ob- in ront, -stet- stand, -tric(s) emale agent,

24 -ian practitioner]

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r
Pre natal Pe rio d
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . A. Prenatal peri d begins at n epti n and ntinues until
birth (ab ut 39 weeks) (Figure 24-1)
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to B. S ien e etal gr wth and devel pment is alled
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e embryology
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s C. Fertilizati n t implantati n requires ab ut 10 days
or be ore a te s t. 1. Fertilizati n n rmally urs in uter third vidu t
(uterine r all pian tube) (Figure 24-2)
2. Fertilized vum alled a zygote; zyg te is geneti ally
mpleteall that is needed r expressi n heredi-
tary traits is time and n urishment
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 673

3. A ter 3 days ell divisi n, the zyg te has devel ped 5. Apgar s re assesses general nditi n a newb rn
int a s lid ell mass alled a morula (Figure 24-3) in ant
4. C ntinued ell divisi ns the m rula pr du e a 6. Cesarean se ti n (C-se ti n)surgi al delivery,
h ll w ball ells alled a blastocyst usually thr ugh an in isi n in the abd men and
5. Blast yst implants in the uterine wall ab ut 10 days uterine wall
a ter ertilizati n C. Multiple birthstw r m re in ants r m the same
6. Blast yst rms the amni ti avity and h ri n pregnan y (Figure 24-9)
the pla enta (Figure 24-4) 1. Identi al siblings result r m the splitting tissue
7. Pla enta pr vides r ex hange nutrients between r m the same zyg te, making them geneti ally
the m ther and etus (Figure 24-5) identi al
D. Peri ds devel pment 2. Fraternal siblings devel p r m di erent va that are
1. Length pregnan y r gestati n peri d is ab ut ertilized separately
39 weeks
2. Embry ni phase extends r m the third week a ter
ertilizati n t the end week 8 gestati n
Dis o rde rs o Pre g nancy
3. Fetal phase extends r m week 8 t week 39 A. Implantati n dis rders (Figure 24-10)
gestati n 1. E t pi pregnan yimplantati n utside the uterus
4. All rgan systems are rmed and un ti ning by (e.g., tubal pregnan y)
m nth 4 gestati n (Figure 24-6) 2. Pla enta previagr wth the pla enta at r near
E. Stem ellsunspe ialized ells that repr du e t rm ervi al pening, ten resulting in separati n the
spe i lines spe ialized ells pla enta r m the uterine wall
F. T ree primary germ layersappear in the devel ping 3. Abrupti pla entaeseparati n a n rmally pla ed
embry a ter implantati n the blast yst (Table 24-1): pla enta r m the uterine wall
1. End derminside layer B. Pree lampsia (t xemia pregnan y)
2. Mes dermmiddle layer 1. Syndr me pregnan y that in ludes hypertensi n,
3. E t derm utside layer pr teinuria, and edema
G. H ist genesis and rgan genesis (Figure 24-7) 2. May pr gress t e lampsia, a severe t xemia that may
1. F rmati n new rgans ( rgan genesis) and tissues result in death
(hist genesis) urs r m spe i devel pment the C. Gestati nal diabetes mellitus (GDM)
primary germ layers 1. Insulin resistan e in reases during pregnan y, and i
2. Ea h primary germ layer gives rise t de nite stru - the pan reati islets ail t mpensate by in reasing
tures su h as the skin and mus les se reti n insulin, then GDM may result
3. Gr wth pr esses in lude ell di erentiati n, multi- 2. May ause health issues in m ther and/ r etus,
pli ati n, gr wth, and rearrangement in luding hypertensi n/pree lampsia, abn rmal etal
4. Fr m 4 m nths gestati n until delivery, the devel- weight gain (lab r/delivery risk), and in reased risk r
pment the spring is mainly a matter gr wth C-se ti n delivery 24
D. Fetal death
1. Sp ntane us ab rti n (mis arriage)l ss be re week
Birth 20 ( r 500 g)
A. Pr ess birth alled parturition (Figure 24-8) 2. Stillbirthl ss a ter 20 weeks
1. At the end week 39 gestati n, the uterus E. Birth de e ts
be mes irritable 1. May be inherited (congenital abnormalities) r a quired
2. Fetus takes head-d wn p siti n against the ervix 2. A quired de e ts are aused by terat gens (agents that
3. Mus ular ntra ti ns begin, and lab r is initiated disrupt n rmal devel pment)
4. Amni ti sa (bag waters) ruptures F. P stpartum dis rders
5. Cervix dilates 1. Puerperal ever is aused by ba terial in e ti n that
6. Fetus m ves thr ugh vagina t exteri r may pr gress t septi emia and death; urs in
B. Stages lab r m thers a ter delivery (p stpartum)
1. Stage neperi d r m nset uterine ntra ti ns 2. La tati n and thus in ant nutriti n an be disrupted
until dilati n the ervix is mplete by anemia, malnutriti n, and ther a t rs
2. Stage tw peri d r m the time maximal ervi al a. Mastitisinf ammati n r in e ti n the breast
dilati n until the spring exits thr ugh the vagina b. Milk an be supplied by an ther nursing m ther r
3. Stage threepr ess expulsi n the pla enta by breast-milk substitutes
thr ugh the vagina . La t se int leran e results r m an in ants inabil-
4. Clini ians s metimes re er t the re very peri d ity t digest la t se present in human r animal
immediately ll wing delivery the pla enta as the milk
urth stage lab r
674 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

Po s tnatal Pe rio d H . Adulth d

1. Gr wth plates ully l se in adult; ther stru tures
A. P stnatal peri d begins at birth and lasts until death su h as the sinuses a quire adult pla ement
B. Divisi ns p stnatal peri d int is lated time rames 2. Adulth d hara terized by maintenan e existing
an be misleading; li e is a ntinu us pr ess; gr wth b dy tissues
and devel pment are ntinu us (Table 24-2) 3. Degenerati n b dy tissue begins in adulth d
C. O bvi us hanges in the physi al appearan e the I. O lder adulth d
b dyin wh le and in pr p rti n ur between birth 1. Degenerative hanges hara terize lder adulth d, r
and maturity (Figure 24-11) aging (Figure 24-15)
D. Divisi ns p stnatal peri d 2. Ger nt l gythe study aging
1. In an y 3. Every rgan system the b dy underg es degenera-
2. Childh d tive hanges, eventually ulminating in death
3. Ad les en e and adulth d
4. O lder adulth d
E. In an y Ag ing
1. First 4 weeks alled neonatal period (Figure 24-12) A. Senes en ethe pr ess degenerative aging
2. Ne nat l gymedi al and nursing spe ialty n- B. Me hanisms agingn t well underst d
erned with the diagn sis and treatment dis rders 1. Cellular me hanismlimited ell repr du ti n and
the newb rn ap pt sis ( ell death) als limits the li espan tissues
3. Many ardi vas ular hanges ur at the time and the wh le rganism; pr geria is a nditi n
birth; etus is t tally dependent n m ther, whereas rapid ell death that mimi s senes en e
the newb rn must immediately be me t tally sel - 2. Free-radi al the rythe number xygen ree radi-
supp rting (respirati n and ir ulati n) als in reases as ne ages, thus in reasing the rate
4. Respirat ry hanges at birth in lude a deep and r e- ellular damage
ul rst breath 3. O ther a t rs may play a r le: nutriti n, injury, disease,
5. Devel pmental hanges between the ne natal peri d envir nmental and geneti a t rs, viruses, and
and 18 m nths in lude: aut immunity
a. D ubling birth weight by 4 m nths and tripling C. E e ts aging
by 1 year 1. Integumentary system (skin)
b. Fi ty per ent in rease in b dy length by 12 m nths a. W ith age, skin sags and be mes thin, dry, and
. Devel pment n rmal spinal urvature by wrinkled ( r inelasti )
15 m nths (Figure 24-13) b. Pigmentati n pr blems are mm n
d. Ability t raise head by 3 m nths . Frequent thinning r l ss hair urs
e. Ability t rawl by 10 m nths 2. Skeletal system
. Ability t stand al ne by 12 m nths a. Aging auses hanges in the texture, al i ati n,
24 g. Ability t run by 18 m nths and shape b nes
F. Childh d b. B ne spurs devel p ar und j ints
1. Extends r m end in an y t puberty13 years in . B nes be me p r us and ra ture easily
girls and 15 in b ys d. Degenerative j int diseases su h as ste arthritis
2. O verall rate gr wth remains rapid but de elerates are mm n
3. C ntinuing devel pment m t r and rdinati n e. Physi al a tivity an redu e l ss b ne mass and
skills m bility
4. L ss de idu us r baby teeth and erupti n per- 3. Central nerv us system
manent teeth a. In reased risk dementia
G. Ad les en e b. Mature reas ning ability
1. Average age range ad les en e is r m 13 t 4. Spe ial senses
19 years a. All sense rgans sh w a gradual de line in per r-
2. Peri d rapid gr wth resulting in sexual maturity man e with age
(ad les en e) b. Eye lenses be me hard and ann t a mm date
3. Appearan e se ndary sex hara teristi s regulated r near visi n; result is arsightedness in many
by se reti n sex h rm nes pe ple by age 45 (presby pia)
4. Gr wth spurt typi al ad les en e; begins in girls at . L ss transparen y lens r rnea is mm n
ab ut 10 and in b ys at ab ut 12 (Figure 24-14) ( atara t)
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 675

d. Glau ma (in rease in pressure in eyeball) is ten b. Wasting respirat ry mus les de reases respira-
the ause blindness in lder adulth d t ry e ien y
e. L ss hair ells in inner ear pr du es requen y . Respirat ry membrane thi kens; m vement
dea ness in many lder pe ple xygen r m alve li t bl d is sl wed
. De reased transmissi n s und waves aused by 7. Urinary system
l ss elasti ity eardrum and xing the b ny a. Nephr n units de rease in number by 50% between
ear ssi les is mm n in lder adulth d ages 30 and 75
g. S me degree hearing impairment is universally b. Bl d f w t kidney, and there re ability t rm
present in the aged urine, de reases
h. Ability t smell and taste may be redu ed; nly . Bladder pr blems su h as inability t v id m-
ab ut 40% the taste buds present at age 30 pletely are aused by mus le wasting in the bladder
remain at age 75 wall
5. Cardi vas ular system 8. Repr du tive system
a. Degenerative heart and bl d vessel disease is a. Changes in the sexual resp nse
am ng the m st mm n and seri us e e ts (1) Menere ti n is m re di ult t a hieve and
aging maintain; urgen y r sex may de line due t
b. Fat dep sits in bl d vessels (ather s ler sis) de lining test ster ne
de rease bl d f w t the heart and may ause (2) W menlubri ati n during inter urse may
mplete bl kage the r nary arteries de rease
. H ardening arteries (arteri s ler sis) may result b. Changes in ertility
in rupture bl d vessels, espe ially in the brain (1) Menmay ntinue t be ertile thr ugh ut
(str ke) later adult years
d. H ypertensi n r high bl d pressure is mm n in (2) W menexperien e men pause ( essati n
lder adulth d repr du tive y ling) between the ages 45
6. Respirat ry system and 60
a. Cal i ati n stal artilages auses rib age t
remain in expanded p siti n, resulting in barrel

STUDY TIPS 3. Review the Language S ien e and Language Medi-
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in ine se ti ns r a better understanding the 24
m e e ting your le arning goals . termin l gy.
4. T e stages lab r, the imp rtant events in the p stnatal
Be ore s tudying this chapte r, quickly review the re productive peri ds, and the e e ts ld age n vari us rgan
s ys te m s in Chapte r 23. Als o review the s ynops is o all the systems als an be put n f ash ards t a ilitate
organ s ys te m s ound in Chapte r 5. learning.
5. Make a hart the dis rders pregnan y; rganize it by
1. Make f ash ards and he k nline res ur es t help y u me hanism r ause: implantati n dis rders, pree lamp-
learn the early devel pmental stages. It w uld be help ul sia, birth de e ts, and p stpartum dis rders.
t in lude the rder in whi h ea h devel pmental stage 6. In y ur study gr up, g ver the f ash ards the stages
urs. Remember t als in lude the un ti ns the devel pment, making sure y u kn w the pr per
amni n, h ri n, and pla enta. sequen e. G ver y ur hart and f ash ards r the
2. T e term germ in primary germ layer re ers t germinate. primary germ layers and what rgans me r m ea h
All the stru tures the b dy me r m ne the layer. Review the f ash ards r the stages lab r, the
primary germ layers. Ea h is named based n its l ati n p stnatal peri ds, and the e e ts aging, and review the
in the devel ping embry . Endoderm means inner skin, hart the dis rders. Review the questi ns at the end
mesoderm means middle skin, and ectoderm means uter the hapter and the hapter utline summary and dis uss
skin. Devel p a hart r f ash ards t help y u learn t p ssible test questi ns.
mat h up the primary germ layers and the stru tures that
devel p r m ea h layer.
676 CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Explain what urs between the time vulati n and 23. Explain the pr edure a physi ian might use i a n rmal
the implantati n the ertilized egg int the uterus. vaginal delivery w uld be danger us r the m ther r
2. Explain the un ti n the h ri n and pla enta. spring.
3. Explain the un ti n the y lk sa and amni ti avity. 24. W hy w uld y ur physi ian be relu tant t treat y ur
4. Name the three primary germ layers, and name three men pause-related sympt ms with h rm ne repla e-
stru tures that devel p r m ea h layer. ment therapy (H R )?
5. De ne hist genesis and rgan genesis. 25. Based up n what y u kn w, explain h w a s und exer-
6. Des ribe and give the appr ximate length ea h the ise pr gram an redu e s me the mm n e e ts
three stages lab r. aging.
7. Des ribe a bree h birth.
8. W hat is the di eren e between identi al and raternal
Chapte r Te s t
9. W hat is an e t pi pregnan y? W here is it m st likely A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by
t ur? re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m
10. W hat is pla enta previa? W hat is abrupti pla entae? w ithout looking up the ans we rs .
11. W hat is pree lampsia?
12. W hat is a terat gen? 1. T e s ien e the devel pment the spring be re
13. W hat is the stimulus r a babys rst breath? birth is alled ________.
14. Name three devel pmental hanges that ur during 2. ________ m st ten urs in the uter ne-third
in an y. the vidu t.
15. Brief y explain what bi l gi al devel pments ur 3. T e ertilized vum is alled a ________.
during hildh d. 4. A ter ab ut 3 days mit sis, the ertilized vum rms
16. Brief y explain what bi l gi al devel pments ur a s lid mass ells alled the ________.
during ad les en e. 5. Mit sis ntinues, and by the time the devel ping egg
17. Brief y explain what bi l gi al devel pments ur rea hes the uterus, it has be me a s lid ball ells
during adulth d. alled the ________.
18. W hat is pr geria? 6. At the very beginning the embry ni stage, all the
24 19. Explain the e e ts aging n the skeletal system. ells are ________.
20. Explain the e e ts aging n the respirat ry system. 7. T e ________ an h rs the devel ping etus t the
21. Explain the e e ts aging n the ardi vas ular uterus and pr vides a bridge r the ex hange sub-
system. stan es between the m ther and spring.
22. Explain the e e ts aging n visi n. 8. T e ________ peri d lasts ab ut 39 weeks and is
divided int trimesters.
9. T e three primary germ layers are the ________, the
________, and the ________.
10. ________ ells are unspe ialized ells that are apable
pr du ing many di erent kinds ells.
11. T e pr ess by whi h the primary germ layers devel p
int tissues is alled ________.
12. T e pr ess by whi h tissues devel p int rgans is
alled ________.
13. T e pr ess birth is alled ________.
CHAPTER 24 Growth, Development, and Aging 677

14. wins resulting r m tw di erent va being ertilized 20. ________ is a degenerative j int disease that is mm n
by tw di erent sperm are alled ________ twins. t lder adults.
15. wins resulting r m the splitting embry ni tissue 21. ________ means ld eye and auses lder adults t be
r m the same zyg te are alled ________ twins. arsighted.
16. Envir nmental agents that an disrupt n rmal hist gen- 22. I the lens the eye be mes l udy and impairs visi n,
esis and rgan genesis are alled ________. the nditi n is alled a ________.
17. A ter 20 weeks, delivery a li eless in ant is termed a 23. ________ is an ther name r hardening the
________. arteries.
18. T e rst 4 weeks in an y is re erred t as the 24. ________ are highly rea tive rms xygen that n r-
________ peri d. mally result r m ellular a tivities, but may damage the
19. ________ is a syndr me p stpartum m thers hara - ell.
terized by ba terial in e ti n that pr gresses t septi e-
mia and p ssibly death.

Match each term in Column A with its corresponding description in Column B.

Column A Column B
25. ________ in an y a. peri d during whi h the de idu us teeth are l st
26. ________ hildh d b. peri d during whi h l sure the b ne gr wth plates urs
27. ________ ad les en e . peri d that begins at birth
28. ________ adulth d d. senes en e
29. ________ lder adulth d e. peri d during whi h the se ndary sex hara teristi s usually begin t devel p

Match each disorder in Column A with its corresponding description or cause in Column B.

Column A Column B
30. ________ e t pi pregnan y a. a nditi n in whi h the blast yst implants t l se t the ervi al pening
31. ________ abrupti pla entae the uterus
32. ________ pla enta previa b. inf ammati n the breast
33. ________ pree lampsia . a p stpartum dis rder hara terized by a ba terial in e ti n that pr gresses t
34. ________ puerperal ever septi emia
35. ________ mastitis d. an inherited nditi n in whi h the pers n seems t age very rapidly
36. ________ pr geria e. separati n the pla enta r m the uterine wall in a pregnan y 20 weeks r
l nger
. a dis rder hara terized by a ute hypertensi n a ter 24 weeks pregnan y 24
g. the implantati n the blast yst utside the uterus

Cas e S tudie s ass iated with the m derate drinking d ne by Abes

To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to m ther during her pregnan y. Is Abes grandm ther
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- simply trying t justi y her meddling r uld his
book, and othe r re s ource s . m thers drinking have aused his pr blems?
3. La t se int leran e is s metimes treated by rem ving
1. Mary is pregnant with her rst hild and is t uring the la t se r m the diet. F r example, in ants with la t se
maternity f r a l al h spital in preparati n r the int leran e may be given a la t se- ree milk substitute t
up ming birth. She keeps asking ab ut their pre auti ns av id the indigesti n, diarrhea, abd minal dis m rt, and
regarding asepti te hnique in the h me-style birthing ther sympt ms this nditi n. O lder hildren and
r ms. She is n erned be ause her wn grandm ther adults with la t se int leran e may av id dairy pr du ts
died an in e ti n a ter delivering Marys m ther. W hy and ther ds high in la t se. Y ur riend Aileen, wh
sh uld Mary be n erned? W hat might happen i the has la t se int leran e, takes a tablet with her av rite i e
h spital d es n t en r e asepti te hnique in the birth- ream ( h late udge) that helps her av id any pr b-
ing r m? lems. W hat might this tablet ntain?
2. w -year- ld Abe has always been small r his age and
is n w diagn sed as having devel pmental disabilities. Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
Abes grandm ther believes that these disabilities are at
Genetics and Genetic Diseases
Scan this outline be ore you begin to read the
chapter, as a preview o how the concepts are

Genetics and Human Disease, 679

Chromosomes and Genes, 680
Mechanisms o Gene Function, 680
Human Genome, 680
Distribution o Chromosomes to O spring, 681
Gene Expression, 682
Hereditary Traits, 682
Sex-Linked Traits, 683
Genetic Mutations, 684
Genetic Diseases, 684
Mechanisms o Genetic Disease, 684
Single-Gene Diseases, 686
Epigenetic Conditions, 688
Chromosomal Diseases, 688
Prevention and Treatment o Genetic Diseases, 689
Genetic Counseling, 689
Treating Genetic Diseases, 692

Be ore reading the chapter, review these goals
or your learning.

A ter you have completed this chapter, you should be

able to:
1. Explain how genes can cause disease.
2. Distinguish between dominant and recessive genetic
3. Describe sex-linked inheritance and explain how
genetic mutations may occur.
4. Explain the mechanisms o genetic disease and list
some important inherited diseases.
5. Describe how nondisjunction can result in trisomy or
monosomy and list some disorders that result rom it.
6. List some tools used in genetic counseling and
explain how they are used to help clients.
7. Describe how genetic disorders can be treated.
It seems that t day we are hearing m re and m re ab ut LANGUAGE OF
the relati nship genetics, the s ienti study S C IEN C E
inheritan e, and human disease. P pular news
magazines are running st ry a ter st ry n the
Be o re re ading the
rev luti n in treating atal inherited dis rders
chapte r, s ay e ach o
by using s mething alled gene therapy. the s e te rm s o ut lo ud. This w ill
H ealth and s ien e bl gs keep us in rmed he lp yo u to avo id s tum bling ove r
the latest dis veries genes inv lved the m as yo u re ad.
with disease, human behavi r, and even
l ngevity. elevisi n pr grams utline the
pr gress the largest rdinated bi l gi- (AW-toh-sohm)
al quest that any ne an remember: map- [auto- sel , -som- body]
ping the entire human geneti de, listing carrier
all the pr teins en ded there, and w rking (KARE-ee-er)
ut h w genes are regulated. codominance
Clearly, a pers n ann t be in rmed [co- together, -domina- rule,
ab ut the me hanisms human disease -ance state]
t day with ut s me kn wledge basi crossing-over
geneti s. In this hapter, we brief y re- (KROS-ing OH-ver)
view the essential n epts geneti s dominant gene
and explain h w misin rmati n in the (DOM-ih-nant jeen)
geneti de an ause disease. [domina- rule, -ant state,
gen- produce]
G e n e t ic s a n d Hu m a n (ep-ih-jeh-NET-iks)
D is e a s e [epi- upon, gen- produce,
-ic relating to]
H ist ry sh ws that humans have been gamete
aware inheritan e r th usands (GAM-eet)
years; h wever, it was n t until [gamet- sexual union or marriage
the 1860s that the s ienti partner]
[gen- produce]
genetic mutation
(jeh-NET-ik myoo-TAY-shun)
[gene- produce, -ic relating to,
muta- change, -ation process]
[gen- produce, -ic relating to]
(J EE-nohm)
[gen- produce (gene), -ome entire

Continued on p. 694

680 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

study inheritan egenetics was b rn. At that time, a In 2003, the H uman Genome Project (H GP)a pub-
m nk living in what is n w part Cze hia dis vered the li ly unded, w rldwide llab rati n t map all the genes
basi me hanism by whi h traits are transmitted r m parents in the human gen mewas mpleted. T is landmark event
t spring. T at man, Greg r Mendel, dem nstrated that in ided exa tly with the tieth anniversary the dis v-
independent units (whi h we n w all genes) are resp nsible ery D NA. We n w kn w that the human gen me n-
r the inheritan e bi l gi al traits. tains nly ab ut 19,000 r s genes. T is is ar less than
T e s ien e geneti s devel ped r m Mendels quest t riginally estimated and am ng the smallest gen mes any
explain h w n rmal bi l gi al hara teristi s are inherited. As animal!
time went by, and m re geneti studies were d ne, it be ame We als kn w that less than 2% the DNA arries genes
lear that ertain diseases have a geneti basis. In Chapter 6, that de r pr teins. T e rest has been alled junk DNA,
y u learned that s me diseases are inherited dire tly. F r ex- r n n ding DNA, be ause it is n t used dire tly t make
ample, the bl d- l tting dis rder alled hemophilia is inher- pr teins.
ited by hildren r m a parent wh has the geneti de r A small p rti n this n n ding DNA seems t be made
hem philia. up br ken bits genes that are n l nger un ti nal
O ther diseases are nly partly determined by geneti s; that remnants ur ev luti nary past alled pseudogenes. A -
is, they inv lve geneti risk a t rs (see Chapter 6). F r ex- rding t the ng ing H GP sh t ENCODE (Encyclope-
ample, ertain rms skin an er are th ught t have a ge- dia o DNA Elements), h wever, ab ut 80% the n n ding
neti basis. A pers n wh inherits the geneti de ass iated DNA is made up regi ns that regulate the timely swit hing
with skin an er will devel p the disease nly i the skin is genes n and .
als heavily exp sed t the ultravi let radiati n in sunlight. T e urrent dra t the human gen me sh ws us that
m st ding genes tend t lie in lusters, separated by l ng
stret hes n n ding DNA. H undreds newly dis vered
C h ro m o s o m e s a n d G e n e s genes in the human gen me seem t be ba terial in rigin,
perhaps inserted there by ba teria in ur distant an est rs.
M e c h a n is m s o G e n e Fu n c t io n
Alth ugh we n w seem t have the verall pi ture the
Mendel pr p sed that the geneti de is transmitted t - details the human gen me, mu h w rk still lies ahead in
spring in dis rete, independent units that we n w all genes. the eld genomics, the analysis the gen mes de. Be-
In Chapter 3 we stated that ea h gene is a sequen e nu le - sides lling in the remaining details the r ugh dra t, we
tide bases in the de xyrib nu lei a id (DNA) m le ule (als have mu h w rk t d in dis vering all the p ssible muta-
see Chapter 2). Ea h gene ntains a geneti de that the ell ti ns that might exist (see the dis ussi n later in this hapter)
trans ribes t a messenger RNA (mRNA) m le ule. Ea h and all the pr teins en ded by the genes that make up the
mRNA m le ule m ves t a rib s me, where the de is human gen me.
translated t rm a spe i pr tein m le ule. T e quest t analyze the gen me has generated an ther
Many the pr tein m le ules thus rmed are enzymes, eld alled proteomics, the analysis the pr teins en ded
un ti nal pr teins that permit spe i bi hemi al rea ti ns by the gen me. T e entire gr up pr teins en ded by the
t ur (see Chapter 2). Be ause enzymes regulate the bi - human gen me is alled the human proteome. T e ultimate
hemistry the b dy, they regulate the entire stru ture and g al pr te mi s is t understand the r le ea h pr tein in
un ti n the b dy. T us genes determine the stru ture and the b dy. Understanding the r les every single pr tein in
un ti n the human b dy by pr du ing a set spe i the b dy will ertainly g a l ng way t ward impr ving ur
regulat ry enzymes. kn wledge the n rmal un ti n the b dy as well as the
As des ribed in Chapter 3, genes are simply segments a me hanisms r many diseases.
DNA m le ule. W hile the geneti des its genes are being In rmati n btained ab ut the human gen me an be
a tively trans ribed, the DNA is in a threadlike rm alled expressed in a variety ways. As y u an see in Figure 25-1, an
hr matin. D uring ell divisi n, ea h repli ated strand ideogram, r simple art n a hr m s me, is ten used
hr matin ils t rm a mpa t mass alled a hr m s me in gen mi s t sh w the verall physi al stru ture a hr -
(Figure 25-1). T us ea h DNA m le ule an be alled either a m s me. T e nstri ti n in the ide gram sh ws the relative
25 chromatin strand r a chromosome. Genes may be a tively tran- p siti n the hr m s mes entr mere. T e sh rter seg-
s ribed in the hr matin rm DNA but n t in the hr - ment the hr m s me is alled the p-arm and the l nger
m s me rm. make things easy, h wever, we will simply segment is alled the q-arm.
use the term chromosome r DNA and the term gene r ea h T e bands in an ide gram a hr m s me sh w stain-
distin t en ding segment within a DNA m le ule. ing landmarks and help identi y the regi ns the hr m -
s me. S metimes physi al maps genes will sh w exa t
p siti ns individual genes n the p-arm and q-arm a
Hu m a n G e n o m e hr m s me.
T e entire lle ti n geneti material in ea h typi al ell A m re detailed representati n a gene w uld sh w the
the human b dy is alled the genome. T e typi al human a tual sequen e nu le tide bases, abbreviated here a, c, g,
gen me in ludes 46 individual nu lear hr m s mes and ne and t r adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, as y u see in
mit h ndrial hr m s me. Figure 25-1.
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 681

Human cell

Mic ro g raph o f
c hro mo s o me s
1 2 3 4 5

Karyo type
6 7 8 9 10

Chromatin 11 12 13 14 15

16 Y
17 18

1 m
19 20 21 22

Ce ntro me re

Chromosome Ideogram Gene sequence

FIGURE 25-1 Human genome. A cell taken rom the body is stained and photographed. A digital micro-
graph o nuclear chromosomes is then processed, sorting the 46 chromosomes into numbered pairs o decreas-
ing size to orm a chart called the karyotype. Each chromosome is a coiled mass o chromatin (DNA). In this
gure, di erentially stained bands in each chromosome appear as di erent bright colors. Such bands are use ul
as re erence points when identi ying the locations o speci c genes within a chromosome. The staining bands
are also represented on an ideogram, or simple graph, o the chromosome as re erence points to locate speci c
genes. The genes themselves are usually represented as the actual sequence o nucleotide bases, abbreviated
here as a, c, g, and t. In this gure, the sequence o one exon (segment) o a gene called GPI rom chromosome
19 is shown. Each o these representations can be thought o as a type o genetic map.

D is t r ib u t io n o C h ro m o s o m e s chromosomes may n t mat h, but the remaining 22 pairs

t o O s p r in g autosomes always appear t be nearly identi al t ea h ther.
Ea h ell the human b dy ntains 46 hr m s mes. T e Be ause hal an springs hr m s mes are r m the 25
nly ex epti ns t this prin iple are the gametesmale m ther and hal are r m the ather, a unique blend inher-
spermatozoa and emale ova. Chapter 23 intr du ed a spe ial ited traits is rmed. A rding t prin iples rst dis vered
rm nu lear divisi n alled meiosis (Figure 25-2) that pr - by M endel, ea h hr m s me ass rts itsel independently
du es gametes with nly 23 hr m s mesexa tly hal the during mei sis (see Figure 25-2). T is means that as sperm are
usual number. rmed, hr m s me pairs separate and the maternal and
W hen a sperm (with its 23 hr m s mes) unites with an paternal hr m s mes get mixed up and redistribute them-
vum (with its 23 hr m s mes) at n epti n, a zygote with selves independently the ther hr m s me pairs. T us
46 hr m s mes is rmed. T us the zyg te has the same ea h sperm is likely t have a dif erent set 23 hr m -
number hr m s mes as ea h b dy ell in the parents. s mes. Be ause va are rmed in the same manner, ea h
As Figure 25-1 sh ws, the 46 human hr m s mes an be vum is likely t be geneti ally di erent r m the vum that
arranged in 23 pairs a rding t size. One pair alled the sex pre eded it.
682 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

Me io s is
(Chroma tin FIGURE 25-3 Crossing-over. Genes (or
Diploid pa re nt ce ll be ginning linked groups o genes) rom one chromo-
to conde ns e ) some are exchanged with matching genes
in the other chromosome o a pair during
(Chromos ome s
a ligne d a long
ce nte r of ce ll)

Meios is I

Me iosis II

Ha ploid
ga me te s

Othe r po s s ible alig nme nts

G e n e Ex p r e s s io n
He r e d it a ry Tr a it s
Me ios is I Me ios is I Me ios is I
G e n e P a ir s
Mendel dis vered that the geneti units we n w all genes
may be expressed di erently am ng individual spring. A -
Me ios is II Me ios is II Me ios is II ter rig r us experimentati n with pea plants, he dis vered
that ea h inherited trait is ntr lled by tw sets similar
genes, ne r m ea h parent.
FIGURE 25-2 Meiosis. In meiosis, a series o two divisions results in We n w kn w that ea h aut s me in a pair mat hes its
the production o gametes with hal the number o chromosomes o the
original parent cell. In this gure, the original cell has our chromosomes and partner in the type genes it ntains. In ther w rds, i ne
the gametes each have two chromosomes. During the rst division o meio- aut s me has a gene that inf uen es hair l r, its partner will
sis, pairs o similar chromosomes line up along the cells equator or even als have a gene that inf uen es hair l rin the same l a-
distribution to daughter cells. Because di erent pairs assort independently ti n n the aut s me. Alth ugh b th genes spe i y s mething
o each other, any o our (22) di erent combinations o chromosomes may ab ut hair l r, they may n t spe i y the same hair l r.
occur. Because human cells have 23 pairs o chromosomes, more than 8 mil-
lion (223) di erent combinations are possible.
D o m in a n c e a n d Re c e s s ive n e s s
Independent ass rtment hr m s mes ensures that ea h Mendel als dis vered that s me genes and the traits they
spring r m a single set parents is very likely t be geneti- ntr l are d minant and s me are re essive. A dominant
ally uniquea phen men n kn wn as genetic variation. gene is ne wh se e e ts are seen and that is apable mask-
T e principle o independent assortment als applies t ing the e e ts a recessive gene r the same trait.
individual genes r gr ups genes. D uring ne phase C nsider the example albinism, a la k melanin pig-
mei sis, pairs mat hing hr m s mes line up al ng the ment in the skin and eyes. Be ause they la k dark pigmenta-
equat r the ell and ex hange genes. T is pr ess is alled ti n, pe ple with this nditi n have di ulty with seeing
crossing-over be ause genes r m a parti ular l ati n r ss and pr te ting themselves r m burns in dire t sunlight. T e
ver t the same l ati n n the mat hing gene (Figure 25-3). genes that ause albinism are re essive; the genes that ause
S metimes a wh le gr up stays t gether and r sses ver as a n rmal melanin pr du ti n are d minant.
25 single unita phen men n alled gene linkage. Cr ssing- By nventi n, d minant genes are represented by upper-
ver intr du es additi nal p ssibilities r geneti variati n ase letters and re essive genes by l wer ase letters. One an
am ng spring a set parents. represent the gene r albinism as a and the gene r n rmal
skin pigmentati n as A. A pers n with the gene mbinati n
QUICK CHECK AA has tw d minant genesand s will exhibit a n rmal skin
l r. S me ne with the gene mbinati n Aa will als have
1. Ho w d o g e n e s p ro d u ce b io lo g ica l tra its ?
2. Wh o m ig h t b e co n s id e re d th e o u n d e r o th e s cie n tif c
n rmal skin l r be ause the n rmal gene A is d minant ver
s tu d y o g e n e tics ? the re essive albinism gene a. Only a pers n with the gene
3. Wh a t is th e d i e re n ce b e tw e e n a n a u to s o m e a n d a s e x mbinati n aa will have albinism be ause there is n d mi-
ch ro m o s o m e ? nant gene t mask the e e ts the tw re essive genes.
4. Lis t s o m e m e ch a n is m s th a t in cre a s e g e n e tic va ria tio n In the example albinism, a pers n with the gene mbi-
a m o n g h u m a n o s p rin g .
nati n Aa is said t be a geneti carrier albinism. T is
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 683

Mothe r Offs pring Fa the r

(ca rrie r) (ca rrie r)

Aa AA Aa
Norma l
pigme nta tion
Aa S pe rm

Norma l a
a pigme nta tion
(ca rrie r)
Ovum S pe rm
FIGURE 25-4 Inheritance o albinism.
Albinism is a recessive trait, producing abnormalities only in those Albinis m
with two recessive genes (a). Presence o the dominant gene (A)
prevents albinism.

means that the pers n an transmit the albinism gene, a, t T e larger sex hr m s me is alled the X chromosome, and the
spring. T us tw n rmal parents ea h having the gene smaller ne is alled the Y chromosome. T e X hr m s me is
mbinati n Aa an pr du e b th n rmal hildren and hil- s metimes alled the emale chromosome be ause it has genes
dren that have albinism (Figure 25-4). that determine emale sexual hara teristi s.
I a pers n has nly X hr m s mes, she is geneti ally a
C o d o m in a n c e emale. T e Y hr m s me is ten alled the male chromo-
W hat happens i tw di erent d minant genes ur t - some be ause any ne p ssessing a Y hr m s me is geneti-
gether? Supp se there is a gene A 1 r light skin and a gene ally a male. T us all n rmal emales have the sex hr m -
A 2 r dark skin. In a rm d minan e alled codominance, s me mbinati n XX and all n rmal males have the
they will simply have equal e e ts and a pers n with the gene mbinati n XY. Be ause men pr du e b th X-bearing and
mbinati n A 1A 2 will exhibit a skin l r that is s mething Y-bearing sperm, any tw parents an pr du e male r emale
between light and dark. hildren (Figure 25-5).
We stated in Chapter 13 that the genes r si kle ell ane- T e large X hr m s mes ntain many genes besides
mia behave this way. A pers n with tw si kle ell genes will th se needed r emale sexual traits. Genes r pr du ing
have sickle cell anemia, whereas a pers n with ne n rmal gene ertain l tting a t rs, the ph t pigments in the retina the
and ne si kle ell gene will have a mu h milder nditi n eye, and many ther pr teins are als und n the X hr m -
alled sickle cell trait. s me. T e tiny Y hr m s me, n the ther hand, ntains
ew genes ther than th se that determine the male sexual
hara teristi s.
S e x-Lin k e d Tr a it s Males and emales need at least ne n rmal X hr m -
We stated earlier that, in additi n t the 22 pairs aut s mes, s me therwise, the genes r l tting a t rs and ther es-
there is ne pair sex hr m s mes. N ti e in Figure 25-1 that sential pr teins w uld be missing. N nsexual traits arried n
the hr m s mes this pair d n t have mat hing stru tures. sex hr m s mes are alled sex-linked traits. M st sex-linked

Mothe r Offs pring Fa the r

Fe ma le XX X Ma le 25
X Fe ma le
S pe rm

Ovum XY S pe rm
Ma le

FIGURE 25-5 Sex determination. The presence o the Ychromosome speci es maleness. In the absence
o a Ychromosome, an individual develops into a emale.
684 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

Offs pring

Mothe r Fa the r
(ca rrie r) XX
Fe ma le
XX ca rrie r XY
X XY S pe rm

ma le

X XX S pe rm

Ovum Norma l fe ma le

XNorma l X chromos ome

XAbnorma l X chromos ome FIGURE 25-6 Sex-linked inheritance. Some
YNorma l Y chromos ome XY orms o color blindness involve recessive X-linked
genes. In this case, a emale carrier o the abnormal
Norma l ma le gene can produce male children who are color blind.

traits are alled X-linked traits be ause they are determined by mutati ns are believed t be aused by mutagensagents
the genes in the large X hr m s me. that ause mutati ns. Geneti mutagens in lude hemi als,
D minant X-linked traits appear in ea h pers n as ne s me rms radiati n, and even viruses. S me mutati ns
w uld expe t r any d minant trait. In emales, re essive inv lve a hange in the geneti de within a single gene,
X-linked genes are masked by d minant genes in the ther perhaps a slight rearrangement the nu le tide sequen e.
X hr m s me. Only emales with tw re essive X-linked O ther mutati ns inv lve damage t a p rti n a hr m -
genes an exhibit the re essive trait. s me r a wh le hr m s me. F r example, a p rti n a
Be ause males inherit nly ne X hr m s me ( r m the hr m s me may mpletely break away.
m ther), the presen e nly ne re essive X-linked gene is Bene ial mutati ns all w rganisms t adapt t their en-
en ugh t pr du e the re essive trait. In sh rt, in males, there vir nments. Be ause su h mutant genes bene t survival, they
are n mat hing genes in the Y hr m s me t mask re essive tend t spread thr ugh ut a p pulati n ver the urse
genes in the X hr m s me. F r this reas n, X-linked re essive several generati ns. H arm ul mutati ns inhibit survival, s
traits appear mu h m re mm nly in males than in emales. they are n t likely t spread thr ugh the p pulati n. M st
An example a re essive X-linked nditi n is red-green harm ul mutati ns kill the rganism in whi h they ur r
color blindness, whi h inv lves a de ien y ph t pigments at least prevent su ess ul repr du ti nand s are never
in the retina (see Chapter 11). In this nditi n, male hildren passed t spring. I a harm ul mutati n is nly mildly harm-
a parent wh arries the re essive abn rmal gene n an ul, it may persist in a p pulati n ver many generati ns.
X hr m s me may be l r blind (Figure 25-6). A emale an
inherit this rm l r blindness nly i her ather is l r QUICK CHECK
blind and her m ther is l r blind r is a l r blindness
25 arrier.
Wh a t is a d o m in a n t g e n e tic tra it? A re ce s s ive tra it?
Wh a t is co d o m in a n ce ?
T e X hr m s me has been studied in great detail by 3. Ho w ca n a m u ta n t g e n e b e n e f t a h u m a n p o p u la tio n ?
many resear hers, and general l ati ns r genes ausing at 4. Wh a t is X-lin ke d in h e rita n ce ?
least 59 distin t X-linked diseases have been identi ed.

G e n e t ic M u t a t io n s G e n e t ic D is e a s e s
M e c h a n is m s o G e n e t ic D is e a s e
T e term mutation simply means hange. A genetic
mutation is a hange in the geneti de. Ro le o G e n e s in D is e a s e
Mutati ns may ur sp ntane usly, with ut the inf uen e As s ien e writer Matt Ridley repeatedly and emphati ally
a t rs utside the DNA itsel . H wever, m st geneti states in his best-selling b k Genome: T e Autobiography o a
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 685

Species in 23 Chapters, GENES ARE NO H ERE O Ep ig e n e t ic s

CAUSE DISEASE. Epigenetics (imprinting) is the s ien e that des ribes h w
Alth ugh we ten hear new disease genes being dis- envir nmental and behavi ral a t rs may result in spring
vered and the pa e is rapidly in reasingthe un ti n with geneti traits that ann t be explained by genes al ne.
these genes is n t t ause disease any m re than the un ti n F r example, the diet parents r grandparents may pr -
an arm is t ause b ne ra tures. I y u break an arm, a vide hemi al gr ups t the hr m s mes that may swit h a
n rmal b ne is br ken and ails t serve its usual un ti n. In ertain gene n r . T us the genes may be imprinted r
geneti dis rders, a n rmal gene r hr m s me is br ken hemi ally marked, and ertain diseases may r may n t be
(mutated) and ails t serve its usual un ti n. Su h a gene is seen in the spring.
s metimes alled a disease gene be ause when it is br ken, it T ee et the envir nment n genes als explains why
is inv lved in the me hanism a parti ular disease. identi al twins may n t always share the same disease traits.
Keep this simplebut ten verl kedprin iple in Be ause they are n t s lely aused by geneti me hanisms, su h
mind as y u read the ll wing paragraphs. nditi ns are n t geneti diseases in the usual sense the
w rdthey are instead said t inv lve a genetic predisposition.
S in g le -G e n e M e c h a n is m s
As we just stated, geneti diseases are diseases pr du ed by an Learn more in the illustrated article Epigenetics at
abn rmality in the geneti de. Many geneti diseases are Connect It! at
aused by individual mutant genes that are passed r m ne
generati n t the next, making them single-gene diseases.
T e l ati ns s me the genes inv lved in sele ted C h ro m o s o m a l M e c h a n is m s
single-gene diseases are sh wn in Figure 25-7. In single-gene S me geneti diseases d n t result r m an abn rmality in a
diseases, the mutant gene may make an abn rmal pr du t that single gene. Instead, these diseases result r m hr m s me
auses disease, r it may ail t make a pr du t required r breakage r r m the abn rmal presen e r absen e entire
n rmal un ti n. S me disease nditi ns result r m the hr m s mes.
mbined e e ts inheritan e and envir nmental a t rs. F r example, a nditi n alled trisomy may ur in whi h
We expl re spe i examples single-gene diseases later. there is a triplet aut s mes rather than a pair. ris my


Mitochondria are tiny, bacteria-like organe lle s pre se nt in eve ry
ce ll o the body (se e Figure 3-2). Like a bacte rium, e ach mito-
Review the article In Vitro Fertilization at
chondrion has its ow n circular DNA m ole cule, some time s called Connect It! at
mito cho ndrial DNA (m DNA o r mtDNA). The f gure s how s an
ide ogram o the structure o a mitochondrial chrom os ome . Alzhe ime r dis e a s e Le be r he re dita ry
Inhe ritance o m DNA occurs only through ones m othe r Pa rkins on dis e a s e optic ne uropa thy
be caus e the ew m itochondria that a s pe rm m ay contribute to
the ovum during e rtilization do not s urvive . Be caus e m DNA
contains the only ge ne tic code or s eve ral im portant e nzym e s
involve d in the m e tabolic pathway that re charge s ade nos ine
Ma te rna lly
triphos phate (ATP) in our ce lls , it has the pote ntial or carrying inhe rite d
m utations that produce dis e as e . de a fne s s
Mitochondrial inhe ritance is now know n to trans m it ge ne s
or s eve ral de ge ne rative ne rve and m us cle dis orde rs . One Mitochondria l
s uch dis e as e is Le be r he re ditary o ptic ne uro pathy. In this e nce pha lopa thy
dis e as e , young adults be gin los ing the ir eye s ight as the optic la ctic a cidos is ;
s troke -like e pis ode s
ne rve de ge ne rate s re s ulting in total blindne s s by age 30.
Some me dical re se archers be lieve that at least some orms
o several othe r dise ase s are associated w ith m DNA m utations.
The se dise ase s include Parkinson dis ease , Alzheim e r dise ase
(AD), diabe te s me llitus (DM) w ith de a ne ss, and mate rnally in-
herite d orm s o de a ne ss , myopathy, and cardiomyopathy.
Re s e arche rs are deve loping expe rim e ntal protocols or in
Myoclonic e pile ps y; Ne uroge nic mus cle
vitro e rtilization (IVF) in w hich m itochondrial inhe ritance o ra gge d re d mus cle fibe rs we a kne s s
dis e as e m ay be avoide d by us ing an e gg donor w ith norm al
m itochondria but us ing the e gg nucle us rom a m othe r w ith Map o mitochondrial DNA. Ideogram showing locations o some
m utate d m tDNA. mtDNA genes associated with various diseases.
686 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

Huntington dis e a s e FIGURE 25-7 Location o genes involved in genetic dis-

Rh dis e a s e eases. The ideogram o each chromosome is labeled with the
S pinoce re be lla r
a ta xia , type 1 location o just one or two examples o the many genes associ-
Fa milia l ated with genetic disease.
colon ca nce r Achondropla s ia
Conge nita l a dre na l
Ga uche r hype rpla s ia
dis e a s e Usually tris my any aut s me pair is atal.
S pina l mus cula r H wever, i tris my urs in aut s me pair 13, 15,
Re tinitis a trophy II a nd III 18, 21, r 22, a pers n may survive r a time but n t
pigme ntos a
Fa milia l polypos is with ut pr und devel pmental de e ts.
of the colon Monosomy, the presen e nly ne aut s me
1 2 3 4 5 6 instead a pair, als may result r m n epti n in-
v lving a gamete pr du ed by n ndisjun ti n (see
Figure 25-8). Like tris my, m n s my may pr du e
li e-threatening abn rmalities.
S ickle ce ll dis e a s e
Be ause m st tris mi and m n s mi individuals
Ma ligna nt die be re they an repr du e, these nditi ns are
me la noma
n t usually passed r m generati n t generati n.
ris my and m n s my are ngenital nditi ns
Multiple e ndocrine
ne opla s ia , type 2 that are s metimes re erred t as chromosomal genetic
diseases. Spe i examples are dis ussed later.
Cys tic fibros is


Burkitt lymphoma Chronic mye loid 1. Ho w a re s in g le -g e n e d is e a s e s d i e re n t ro m ch ro -

le uke mia m o s o m a l co n d itio n s ?
7 8 9 10 11
2. What is no n d is ju nctio n? How ca n it caus e tris om y?

Polycys tic kidney

dis e a s e
S in g le -G e n e D is e a s e s
T ere are many single-gene diseases. Only a ew ex-
Re tinobla s toma Ma rfa n s yndrome amples are dis ussed here and summarized in Table 25-1.
Alzhe ime r Bre a s t ca nce r a nd
ova ria n ca nce r Cy s t ic Fib ro s is
dis e a s e
Tay-S a chs dis e a s e Cystic brosis (CF) is aused by a re essive gene in
P he nylke tonuria hr m s me 7 that des r a pr tein alled CF R
Ne urofibroma tos is
(CF transmembrane conductance regulator). CF R n r-
12 13 14 15 16 17 mally regulates the trans er s dium and hl ride
i ns a r ss ell membranes and serves as a hl ride
i n hannel.
Ade nos ine
de a mina s e W hen this gene is missing a single d n, the
de ficie ncy
Mus cula r dys trophy abn rmal versi n CF R auses impairment i n
transp rt a r ss ell membranes. Su h disrupti n
Fa milia l hype r-
chole s te role mia auses ex rine ells t se rete thi k mu us and sweat.
Adre nole uko-
dys trophy
T e thi kened mu us is espe ially tr ubles me in the
Amyloidos is
Amyotrophic la te ra l gastr intestinal and respirat ry tra ts, where it an
Pa ncre a tic ca nce r s cle ros is ause bstru ti n that leads t death.
25 Myotonic
Infe rtility A arrier nly ne abn rmal CF R gene, h w-
dys trophy
Ne urofibroma tos is, ever, may have impr ved resistan e t diarrheal dis-
type 2
eases su h as h lera.
18 19 20 21 22 XY He mophilia ,
type s A a nd B
Advan ed therapies r CF have greatly impr ved
quality and length li e, but it is still a very seri us
nditi n.
results r m a mistake in mei sis alled nondisjunction when
a pair hr m s mes ails t separate. T is pr du es a gamete P h e n y lk e t o n u r ia
with tw aut s mes that are stu k t gether instead the Phenylketonuria (PKU) is aused by a re essive gene that ails
usual ne. W hen this abn rmal gamete j ins with a n rmal t pr du e the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. T is enzyme is
gamete t rm a zyg te, the zyg te has a triplet aut s mes needed t nvert the amin a id phenylalanine int an ther
(Figure 25-8). amin a id, tyr sine. T us phenylalanine abs rbed r m ingested
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 687

Mothe r Fa the r

Offs pring


Tris omy
Nondis junction S pe rm


S pe rm
Monos omy

FIGURE 25-8 E ects o nondisjunction. Nondisjunction, ailure o a chromosome pair to separate during
gamete production, may result in trisomy or monosomy in the o spring.

d a umulates, resulting in the abn rmal presen e phenyl- diets l w in phenylalanine, thus av iding a t xi a umula-
ket ne in the urine (hen e the name phenylketonuria). ti n it.
A high n entrati n phenylalanine in the b dy de- Y u may be amiliar with the printed warning r phenyl-
str ys brain tissue, s babies b rn with this nditi n are at ket nuri s mm nly seen n pr du ts that ntain aspartame
risk pr gressive mental retardati n and perhaps death. (NutraSweet) r ther substan es made r m phenylalanine.
M any PKU patients are identi ed at birth by state- T e mutant PKU gene may have riginated am ng the
mandated tests. O n e identi ed, PKU vi tims are put n Celts in western Eur pe, where it ered pr te ti n against

TABLE 25-1 Examples o Single-Gene Disorders

He m ophilia (s om e orm s ) Re ce s s ive Group o blood-clotting dis orde rs caus e d by a ailure to orm clotting actors VIII, IX, or XI
(X-linke d)
Albinis m Re ce s s ive Lack o the dark-brow n pigm e nt m e lanin in the s kin and eye s , re s ulting in vis ion proble m s
and s us ce ptibility to s unburn and s kin cance r
Sickle ce ll ane m ia and Codom inant Blood dis orde r in w hich abnorm al he m oglobin is produce d, caus ing re d blood ce lls to
s ickle ce ll trait de orm into a s ickle s hape
Re d-gre e n color blindne s s Re ce s s ive Inability to dis tinguis h re d and gre e n light, re s ulting rom a de f cie ncy o photopigm e nts
(X-linke d) in the cone ce lls o the re tina
Cys tic f bros is (CF) Re ce s s ive Condition characte rize d by exce s s ive s e cre tion o thick m ucus and conce ntrate d s we at,
o te n caus ing obs truction o the gas trointe s tinal (GI) or re s piratory tracts
Phe nylke tonuria (PKU) Re ce s s ive Exce s s o phe nylke tone in the urine , w hich is caus e d by accum ulation o phe nylalanine in
the tis s ue s and m ay caus e brain injury and de ath
Tay-Sachs dis e as e Re ce s s ive Fatal condition in w hich abnorm al lipids accum ulate in the brain and caus e dam age that
le ads to de ath by age 4
Os te oge ne s is im pe r e cta Dom inant Group o conne ctive tis s ue dis orde rs characte rize d by im pe r e ct s ke le tal deve lopm e nt
that produce s brittle bone s
Multiple ne urof brom atos is Dom inant Dis orde r characte rize d by m ultiple , s om e tim e s dis f guring, be nign tum ors o the Schwann
ce lls (ne uroglia) that s urround ne rve f be rs
Duche nne m us cular dys - Re ce s s ive Mus cle dis orde r characte rize d by progre s s ive atrophy o s ke le tal m us cle w ithout ne rve
trophy (DMD) (X-linke d) involve m e nt; caus e d by lack o norm al dys trophin prote in that s upports m us cle f be r
s tructure
Hype rchole s te role m ia Dom inant High blood chole s te rol that m ay le ad to athe ros cle ros is and othe r cardiovas cular proble m s
Huntington dis e as e (HD) Dom inant De ge ne rative brain dis orde r characte rize d by chore a (purpos e le s s m ove m e nts ), progre s s -
ing to s eve re de m e ntia and de ath by age 55
Seve re com bine d im m une Re ce s s ive Failure o the lym phocyte s to deve lop prope rly, in turn caus ing ailure o the im m une s ys -
de f cie ncy (SCID) te m s de e ns e o the body; us ually caus e d by ade nos ine de am inas e (ADA) de f cie ncy
688 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

the t xi e e ts m lds gr wing n grains

st red in ld, damp limates.
Check out the article GENETIC BAS IS OF CANCER
Phenylketonuria at Connect It! You le arne d in Chapte r 6 that s om e orm s o cance r are thought to be caus e d,
at at le as t in part, by abnorm al ge ne s calle d o nco ge ne s .
One hypothe s is s tate s that m os t norm al ce lls contain s uch cance r-caus ing
ge ne s . Howeve r, it is unce rtain how the s e ge ne s be com e activate d and pro-
Ta y-S a c h s D is e a s e duce cance r. Pe rhaps oncoge ne s can trans orm a ce ll into a cance r ce ll only
ay-Sachs disease ( SD ) is a re essive n- w he n ce rtain e nvironm e ntal conditions occur.
diti n inv lving ailure t make a subunit Anothe r hypothe s is s tate s that norm al ce lls contain anothe r clas s o ge ne s ,
an essential lipid-pr essing enzyme, hexosa- s om e tim e s calle d tum o r s uppre s s o r ge ne s . According to this hypothe s is ,
s uch ge ne s re gulate ce ll divis ion s o that it proce e ds norm ally. Whe n a tum or
minidase. Abn rmal lipids a umulate in the
s uppre s s or ge ne is non unctional be caus e o a ge ne tic m utation or exce s s ive
brain tissue ay-Sa hs vi tims, ausing
m e thylation, it the n allow s ce lls to divide abnorm allypos s ibly producing can-
severe retardati n and death by 4 years age. ce r. I m ate rnal and pate rnal tum or s uppre s s or ge ne s are both a e cte d, the
T ere is urrently n spe i therapy r this cance r ris k would be m ore pronounce d.
nditi n. Anothe r pos s ible ge ne tic bas is or cance r re late s to the ge ne s that gove rn
SD is m st prevalent am ng ertain the ce lls ability to re pair dam age d DNA. As m e ntione d in Chapte r 7, a rare
Jewish p pulati ns. S me epidemi l gists ge ne tic dis orde r calle d xe ro de rm a pig m e nto s um is characte rize d by the in-
believe that this ethni distributi n is related ability o s kin ce lls to re pair ge ne tic dam age caus e d by ultraviole t radiation in
t the hyp thesis that heter zyg us arriers s unlight. Individuals w ith this condition alm os t always deve lop s kin cance r
the ay-Sa hs gene have a higher than w he n expos e d to dire ct s unlight. The ge ne tic abnorm ality doe s not caus e s kin
n rmal resistan e t tuber ul sis ( B)a cance r dire ctly but inhibits the ce lls cance r-preve nting m e chanis m s .
p tentially atal disease that n e killed mil-
li ns in the r wded Jewish ghett s many
large ities. Residents these B-in ested areas wh arried in the X hr m s me. M ethylati n may ur when a string
the ay-Sa hs gene apparently survived l ngerand repr - repeating gene mp nents, kn wn as CG G in the n r-
du ed m re requentlythan n n arriers. mal pr tein gene, gets t l ng. T e l nger length the
ay-Sa hs is als und in higher than average requen ies repeating CG G nu le tides results in a greater severity
in Fren h Canadians in s utheastern Q uebe and Cajun the syndr me.
Fren h amilies in s uthern L uisianapr bably due t the O vermethylati n this se ti n DNA turns the gene
genes presen e in several unders these amily gr ups, r a pr tein that n rmally prevents this geneti rm men-
rather than natural sele ti n by the threat B. tal retardati n.
FXS is m re mm n in males be ause they nly inherit
ne py the X hr m s me. Females may have a milder
Ep ig e n e t ic C o n d it io n s
rm be ause they may inherit a n rmal X hr m s me that
T e study h w envir nment and behavi r may inf uen e is able t make s me the n rmal pr tein.
the genes r b th health and disease is rapidly gr wing. S me ther epigeneti diseases may in lude type 2 diabe-
S me diseases are th ught t be the result epigeneti tes mellitus (DM) and ardi vas ular disease. Can er risk may
hanges in DNA that alter gene a tivity that auses dis rders. als have epigeneti mp nents. T e m re we understand
T e number epigeneti diseases may a tually be huge. ab ut the epigeneti basis disease, the m re likely it is that
S me an ers have been sh wn t be related t a redu ti n we will nd e e tive treatments r even ures.
in hemi al markers kn wn as methyl groups ( CH 3). O ther
an ers are ass iated with t mu h methylati n, whi h may
inhibit genes that n rmally prevent an er gr wth. reatment
C h ro m o s o m a l D is e a s e s
an ers with agents that either in rease r de rease meth- S me geneti dis rders are n t inherited but result instead
25 ylati n abn rmal ells is being resear hed. r m n ndisjun ti n during gamete rmati n. As Figure 25-8
H wever, n t all epigeneti nditi ns are ass iated with sh ws, n ndisjun ti n results in tris my r m n s my.
methylati n. Acetyl groups ( COCH 3) r ubiquitin pr tein
als may mark the DNA, while ther me hanisms inv lve the Tr is o m y 2 1
RNA m le ules that regulate the pr du ti n pr teins in T e m st well-kn wn hr m s mal dis rder is trisomy 21,
the ell. whi h pr du es a gr up sympt ms alled D own syndrome.
As sh wn in Figure 25-9, A, this nditi n is hara terized by
Review the article Epigenetics at Connect It! at a triplet hr m s me 21 rather than the usual pair. In the general p pulati n, tris my 21 urs in nly 1
every 600 r s live births. A ter age 35, h wever, a m thers
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a disease that is th ught t han es pr du ing a tris mi hild in rease dramati ally
be ass iated with vermethylati n a se ti n the DNA t as high as 1 in 80 births by age 40. D wn syndr me results
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 689

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 X Y


FIGURE 25-9 Down syn- A I

drome. A, Down syndrome is

usually associated with trisomy
o chromosome 21, as you can
see in this karyotype. B, A child
with Down syndrome. Notice 1 2 3 4 5
the distinctive anatomical ea-
tures: olds around the eyes,
X 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
f attened nose, round ace, and
B small hands with short ngers.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
r m tris my 21 and rarely r m ther geneti abn rmalities
(whi h an be inherited).
Y 21 22
D wn syndr me is hara terized by mental retardati n B
(ranging r m mild t severe) and multiple de e ts that in-
lude distin tive a ial appearan e (Figure 25-9, B), enlarged FIGURE 25-10 Kline elter syndrome. A, This young man exhibits
many o the characteristics o Kline elter syndrome: small testes, some de-
t ngue, sh rt hands and eet with stubby digits, ngenital velopment o the breasts, sparse body hair, and long limbs. B, This syn-
heart disease, and sus eptibility t a ute leukemia. Pe ple drome results rom the presence o two or more X chromosomes with a
with D wn syndr me have a sh rter-than-average li e expe - Ychromosome (genotypes XXYor XXXY, or example).
tan y but an survive t ld age.
urner syndr me an be redu ed by h rm ne therapy using
XXY estr gens and gr wth h rm ne. Cardi vas ular de e ts may
Kline elter syndrome is an ther geneti dis rder resulting be repaired surgi ally.
r m n ndisjun ti n hr m s mes (Figure 25-10, B). T is
dis rder urs in males with a Y hr m s me and at least QUICK CHECK
tw X hr m s mes, typi ally the XXY pattern. 1. Ho w d o e s a vo id a n ce o p h e nyla la n in e in th e d ie t re d u ce
Chara teristi s Kline elter syndr me may in lude l ng th e p ro b le m s a s s o cia te d w ith p h e nylke to n u ria (PKU)?
legs, enlarged breasts, learning di ulties, small testes, steril- 2. Wh a t is tris o m y 21?
3. Wh a t is a n e xa m p le o a e m a le ch ro m o s o m a l d is e a s e th a t
ity, and hr ni pulm nary disease (Figure 25-10, A). is ca u s e d b y th e m o n o s o m y co n d itio n XO?

urner syndrome, s metimes alled XO syndrome, urs in
emales with a single sex hr m s me, X. Like the nditi ns
P r e ve n t io n a n d Tr e a t m e n t
des ribed earlier, it results r m n ndisjun ti n during gamete o G e n e t ic D is e a s e s
rmati n (Figure 25-11, B).
G e n e t ic C o u n s e lin g
urner syndr me is hara terized by ailure the varies
and ther sex rgans t mature ( ausing sterility), ardi vas- T e term genetic counseling re ers t pr essi nal nsulta-
ular de e ts, dwar sm r sh rt stature, a webbed ne k, and ti ns with amilies regarding geneti diseases. rained geneti
p ssible learning dis rders (see Figure 25-11, A). Sympt ms unsel rs may help a amily determine the risk pr du ing
690 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

Ge ne ra tion



FIGURE 25-12 Pedigree. Pedigrees chart the genetic history o amily

lines. Squares represent males, and circles represent emales. Fully shaded
symbols indicate a ected individuals; partly shaded symbols indicate carri-
ers, and unshaded symbols indicate una ected noncarriers. Roman numer-
als indicate the order o generations. This pedigree reveals the presence o
an X-linked recessive trait.

symb ls represent carriers a re essive trait. A h riz ntal line

between symb ls designates a sexual relati nship that pr -
S du ed spring.
T e pedigree is use ul in determining the p ssibility
pr du ing spring with ertain geneti dis rders. It als may
I tell a pers n whether he r she might have a geneti dis rder
A that appears late in li e, su h as Huntington disease (HD). In
either ase, a amily an prepare em ti nally, nan ially, and
medi ally be re a risis urs.

1 2 3 4 5 Pu n n e tt S qu a re
T e Punnett square, named a ter the English geneti ist
Reginald Punnett, is a grid used t help determine the prob-
X 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ability inheriting geneti traits.
As Figure 25-13, A, sh ws, genes in the m thers gametes are
represented al ng ne axis the grid, and genes in the a-
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 thers gametes are al ng the ther axis. T e rati di erent
gene mbinati ns in the spring predi ts their pr bability
Y 21 22
urren e in the next generati n.
We an see in Figure 25-13, A, that spring pr du ed by
tw arriers PKU (a re essive dis rder) have a ne in ur
B (25%) han e inheriting this re essive nditi n. T ere is a
tw in ur (50%) han e that an individual hild pr du ed
FIGURE 25-11 Turner syndrome. A, This woman exhibits many o the will be a PKU arrier.
characteristics o Turner syndrome, including short stature, webbed neck, Figure 25-13, B, sh ws that spring between a arrier and
and sexual immaturity. B, As this karyotype shows, Turner syndrome results
rom monosomy o sex chromosomes (genotype XO). a n n arrier ann t inherit PKU. W hat is the han e an
individual spring being a PKU arrier in this ase?
hildren with geneti diseases. Parents with a high risk pr - Figure 25-13, C, sh ws the pr bability pr du ing an a e ted
du ing hildren with geneti dis rders may de ide t av id spring when a PKU patient and a PKU arrier have hil-
having hildren. Geneti unsel rs may als help evaluate dren. Figure 25-13, D, sh ws the geneti pr bability when a
whether any spring already b rn have a geneti dis rder and PKU patient and a n n arrier pr du e hildren.
er advi e n treatment r are. A gr wing list t ls is avail-
25 able t geneti unsel rs, s me whi h are des ribed bel w. Ka ryo t y p e
Dis rders that inv lve tris my (extra hr m s mes), m n -
P e d ig r e e s my (missing hr m s mes), and br ken hr m s mes an
A pedigree is a hart that illustrates geneti relati nships in a be dete ted a ter a karyotype is pr du ed.
amily ver several generati ns (Figure 25-12). Using medi al T e rst step in pr du ing a kary type is getting a sample
re rds and amily hist ries, the geneti unsel rs assemble ells r m the individual t be tested. T is an be d ne by
the hart, beginning with the lient and m ving ba kward s raping ells r m the lining the heek r r m a bl d
thr ugh as many generati ns as are kn wn. sample ntaining white bl d ells (W BCs).
Squares represent males; ir les represent emales. Fully Fetal tissue an be lle ted by amniocentesis, a pr edure
shaded symb ls represent a e ted individuals, whereas un- in whi h etal ells f ating in the amni ti f uid are lle ted
shaded symb ls represent n rmal individuals. Partially shaded with a syringe (Figure 25-14). Chorionic villus sampling is a
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 691


As a re s ult o the inte ns e e orts unde r way to m ap the e ntire The accuracy o DNA analys is us ing the s e te chnique s re lie s
hum an ge nom e , new te chnique s have be e n deve lope d to ana- on s eve ral im portant actors . For exam ple , contam ination o
lyze the ge ne tic m ake up o individuals . Autom ate d m achine s s am ple s m us t be avoide d by us ing ve ry s trict laboratory proto-
can now che m ically analyze chrom os om e s and re ad the ir cols . The num be r o di e re nt DNA s e que nce s analyze d, and
s e que nce o nucle otide s the ge ne tic code . the chrom os om al locations o thos e s e que nce s are als o im por-
One m e thod by w hich this is done is calle d e le ctro pho re s is , tant actors .
w hich m e ans e le ctric s e paration (A). In e le ctrophore s is , DNA
ragm e nts are che m ically proce s s e d, the n place d in a thick
uid or ge l. An e le ctric f e ld in the ge l caus e s the DNA rag-
m e nts to s e parate into groups according to the ir re lative s ize s .
The patte rn (B) that re s ults re pre s e nts the s e que nce o codons
in the DNA ragm e nt.
This proce ss is als o the bas is or so-calle d DNA
f nge rprinting . Like a f nge rprint pattern, e ach pers ons DNA
se quence is unique . A ter the exact se que nce s or spe cif c dis -
e ase s have bee n dis cove re d, gene tic couns e lors w ill be able to
provide more de tails about the ge netic m ake up o the ir clie nts.
This te chnique is als o use d in ore nsic scie nce to show that an
individual was at the scene o the crime and le t their DNA.

DNA fra gme nts

Ele ctric
curre nt
A ()

Ge l


pr edure in whi h ells r m h ri ni villi that surr und a ph t and pasted n a hart in pairs a rding t size, as in
y unger embry (see Chapter 24) are lle ted thr ugh the Figures 25-1 and 25-9, A. Geneti unsel rs then examine the 25
pening the ervix. kary type, l king r hr m s me abn rmalities. W hat
Newer, less invasive pr edures that use etal ells r etal hr m s me abn rmality is visible in Figure 25-9, A? Is this a
DNA re vered r m maternal bl d are in devel pment and male r emale kary type?
may s n be used widely. T e newer tests have very l w risks
r mpli ati ns mpared with amni entesis and h ri- QUICK CHECK
ni villus sampling. 1. Wh a t is g e n e tic co u n s e lin g ?
C lle ted etal ells are gr wn in a spe ial ulture medium 2. Ho w a re p e d ig re e s u s e d b y g e n e tic co u n s e lo rs ?
and all wed t repr du e. Cells in metaphase (when the hr - 3. Ho w is a Pu n n e tt s q u a re u s e d to p re d ict m a th e m a tica l
p ro b a b ilitie s o in h e ritin g s p e cif c g e n e s ?
m s mes are m st distin t) are stained and ph t graphed
4. Ho w is a ka ryo typ e p re p a re d ? Wh a t is its p u rp o s e ?
using a mi r s pe. T e hr m s mes are ut ut the
692 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

FIGURE 25-13 Punnett square. The Punnett square Mothe r

is a grid used to determine relative probabilities o pro- P P P P
ducing o spring with speci c gene combinations. Phenyl-
ketonuria (PKU) is a recessive disorder caused by the
gene p. P is the normal gene. A, Possible results o cross
Pp P PP PP p Pp Pp

between two PKU carriers. Because one in our o the

o spring represented in the grid has PKU, a genetic
counselor would predict a 25% chance that this couple p Pp Pp p Pp Pp
will produce a PKU baby at each birth. B, Cross between
a PKU carrier and a normal noncarrier. C, Cross between
a PKU patient and a PKU carrier. D, Cross between a PKU P p B D
patient and a normal noncarrier.

P p P p Pp ca rrie r

Fa the r
P PP Pp Pp pp
P p pp P KU
p p Pp pp p Pp pp PP Norma l


riti al stages devel pment, severe mpli ati ns an be

Tr e a t in g G e n e t ic D is e a s e s
av ided. In Kline elter and urner syndr mes, h rm ne therapy
Tr e a t in g S y m p t o m s and surgery an alleviate s me sympt ms. H wever, there are
Until this entury, the nly h pe treating any geneti disease n e e tive treatments r a vast maj rity geneti dis rders.
was t treat the sympt ms. In s me diseases, su h as PKU, this
w rks well. I th se a e ted by PKU simply av id large G e n e Th e r a p y
am unts phenylalanine in their diets, espe ially during Medi al s ien e n w ers us s me h pe treating geneti
dis rders bey nd just alleviating sympt msa newer ap-
pr a h alled gene therapy.
Gene Replacement
In a strategy s metimes alled gene replacement, genes that
P spe i y pr du ti n abn rmal, disease- ausing pr teins are
repla ed by n rmal r therapeuti genes. get the thera-
peuti genes t ells that need them, resear hers are using
geneti ally altered viruses as arriers. In Chapter 6, we men-
ti ned that viruses are easily apable inserting new genes
int the human gen me. I the therapeuti genes behave as
expe ted, a ure may result. T us the g al gene repla ement
therapy is t geneti ally alter existing b dy ells in the h pe
eliminating the ause a geneti disease.
Alth ugh alled gene repla ement, this therapy d es n t
a tually repla e the de e tive genesit instead inserts n rmal
genes s that n rmal pr teins an repla e abn rmal r miss-
25 ing pr teins in the b dys metab li pathways.

Gene Augmentation
In a therapy alled gene augmentation, n rmal genes are
intr du ed with the h pe that they will augment (add t ) the
pr du ti n the needed pr tein. In ne rm gene aug-
mentati n, virus-altered ells are inje ted int the bl d r
implanted under the skin a patient t pr du e adequate
FIGURE 25-14 Amniocentesis. In amniocentesis, a syringe is used to am unts the missing pr tein.
collect amniotic f uid. Ultrasound imaging is used to guide the tip o the
syringe needle to prevent damage to the placenta and etus (see box on An ther appr a h is t use ba terial DNA rings alled
p. 663). Fetal cells in the collected amniotic f uid can then be chemically plasmids that have been altered by re mbinant DNA te h-
tested or used to produce a karyotype o the developing o spring. niques t arry the therapeuti gene(s). A m re re ent
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 693

appr a h used the human engineered chromosome (H EC). As Figure 25-15 sh ws, white bl d ells r m ea h patient
In the H EC appr a h, a set therapeuti genes is in rp - were lle ted and in e ted with viruses arrying therapeuti
rated int a separate strand DNA that is inserted int a genes. A ter repr du ing 1000- ld, the geneti ally altered
ells nu leus, thus a ting like an extra, r rty-seventh, hr - white bl d ells were then inje ted int the patient. Be ause
m s me. Gene augmentati n attempts t add geneti ally al- this treatment augments ells already present with geneti ally
tered ells t the b dy, rather than t hange existing b dy altered ells, it is a rm gene augmentati n therapy.
ells as in gene repla ement therapy. Currently hundreds gene therapy trials r diverse ge-
neti dis rders, an er, and even aging are pr p sed r ng -
RNA Inter erence ing. T usands lab rat ry experiments in anti ipati n
RNA inter erence (RNAi) als may be me a weap n against human trials are als under way. H urdles t ver me be re
geneti dis rders in an appr a h alled RNAi therapy. RNAi we see widespread su ess gene therapies in lude ur la k
is a meth d silencing parti ular genes, thus rendering them detailed kn wledge many the disease genes and
unable t pr du e their en ded pr teins. W hen harnessed in h w multiple-gene diseases might be e e tively treated
the lab rat ry, RNAi an turn ne gene at a timegreatly n t t menti n the high sts and risks inv lved. It is t
in reasing the han es guring ut whi h pr tein is en- early t say r sure, but there may s n me a time when
ded by that gene and what the un ti n that pr tein is. many geneti diseases are treated r even uredwith
W hen used therapeuti ally, RNAi may be able t silen e gene therapy.
spe i genes inv lved in disease me hanisms.
To learn more about vector-mediated gene
Potential o Gene Therapy therapy, go to AnimationDirect online at
T e use geneti therapy began in 1990 with a gr up y ung
hildren having adenosine deaminase (ADA) de ciency. In
this rare re essive dis rder, the gene r pr du ing the enzyme
ADA is missing r m b th aut s mes in pair 20. De ien y
ADA results in severe combined immune de ciency 1. Ho w a re m o s t g e n e tic d is o rd e rs tre a te d to d a y?
2. Ho w d o e s g e n e re p la ce m e n t th e ra p y w o rk?
(SCID ), making its vi tims highly sus eptible t in e ti n (see
3. Wh a t is th e h u m a n e n g in e e re d ch ro m o s o m e (HEC)?
Chapter 16).

A 11 B
White blood ce lls (WBCs ) a re colle cte d
from the pa tie nt a nd a re culture d
The ra pe utic
ge ne is
s plice d into
a pla s mid
(DNA ring)

2 2
Virus e s ca rrying P la s mids
the the ra pe utic a re a llowe d
ge ne infe ct the to re produce

P la s mids ca rrying
4 the the ra pe utic
3 ge ne a re de live re d
Pe riodic infus ions
Gene tically a ltered cells are to the lungs by a
of ge ne tica lly
culture d until they have mis t inha ling device
a lte re d WBCs
multiplie d up to 1000-fold
a re give n

FIGURE 25-15 Gene therapy. A, This method o gene augmentation therapy was used to treat children
stricken with a orm o severe combined immune de ciency syndrome (SCID). White blood cells taken rom the
patient were in ected with viruses carrying the therapeutic gene. The altered cells were reproduced and in-
jected into the bloodstream, thereby reducing the immunity-inhibiting e ects o SCID. B, Gene augmentation
therapy in this example uses plasmids containing the therapeutic gene or cystic brosis (CF) and delivers them
to the lung tissues by means o a common inhaler.
694 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

The Moravian-Ge rm an Gre gor Me n- work pione e re d the s ys te m atic us e o m athe m atics , quantif e d
de l was born to pe as ant arm e rs m e as ure m e nts , and applie d s tatis tics in biological re s e arch.
w ho taught him how plants and ani- Today, m e dical re s e arche rs o te n e nlis t the he lp o s tatis ti-
m als are bre d or s pe cif c traits . cians , m athe m aticians , com pute r program m e rs , and othe rs in
Me nde ls acce ptance into a m onas - de s igning expe rim e nts , analyzing data, and inte rpre ting re -
te ry allowe d him to s tudy the s ci- s ults . In act a w hole f e ld, s om e tim e s calle d biom athe m atics ,
e nce that would late r he lp him has now e m e rge d to apply the principle s o m athe m atics to
unde rs tand the m e chanis m o in- biological s tudy.
he ritance o biological traits . Se cond, Me nde l was the f rs t to dis cove r how the biologi-
Convince d that particle s in cal m e chanis m s o inhe ritance worke d in living organis m s .
Gregor Mendel the ce lls o the pare nts we re re - This , o cours e , le d to the s cie nce o ge ne tics . Many dis ci-
(18221884) s pons ible or inhe ritance o traits , pline s have s ince grow n rom the s tudy and application o ge -
Me nde l carrie d out the now a- ne tics . For exam ple , ge ne tic co uns e lo rs us e principle s o
m ous expe rim e nts w ith s eve ral ge ne rations o pe a plants . In ge ne tics to advis e clie nts w ho w is h to produce o s pring but
his re port Expe rim e nts w ith Plant Hybrids , Me nde l outline d are worrie d about pos s ible ge ne tic dis orde rs . Agricultural s ci-
w hat has be com e the oundation o the s cie nce o ge ne tics . e ntis ts us e ge ne tic principle s in re f ning hybrid crop plants and
Not only did he reve al the pre s e nce o ge ne tic particle s (w hich live s tock. Ge ne tic e ng ine e rs deve lop ways to m anipulate the
are now calle d ge ne s ) and the bas ic patte rns o how they are ge ne tic code to produce a varie ty o the rapie s and e nhance d
trans m itte d to o s pring, he als o s e t in m otion two im portant biological characte ris tics o agricultural products . Ge nom ics
m ove m e nts in m ode rn biology. s cie ntis ts analyze the ge ne tic code s o organis m s to he lp us
Firs t, Me nde l was am ong the f rs t to us e m athe m atical be tte r unde rs tand s tructure and unction, w hich m ay le ad to
analys is to s upport his the ory about inhe ritance . Me nde ls be tte r tre atm e nts or ge ne tic dis orde rs .

LANGUAGE OF S C IEN C E (co n tin u e d ro m p . 679)

genomics p-arm pseudogene

(jeh-NOH-miks) (pee arm) (SOOD-oh-jeen)
[gen- produce (gene), -om- entire collection, [p petite (small)] [pseudo- alse, gen- produce]
-ic relating to] principle o independent assortment q-arm
meiosis (PRIN-suh-puhl ov in-dih-PEN-dent (kyoo arm)
(my-OH-sis) uh-SORT-ment ) [q ollows p in Roman alphabet]
[mei- smaller, -osis process] [princip- oundation, in- not, -de- upon, recessive gene
mitochondrial DNA (mDNA, mtDNA) -pend- hang, -ent state, assort- match into (ree-SES-iv jeen)
(my-toh-KON-dree-al dee en ay groups, -ment process] [recess- retreat, -ive relating to, gen- produce]
[em dee en ay, em tee dee en ay]) proteome sex chromosome
[mito- thread, -chondrion- granule, -al relating (PROH-tee-ohm) (seks KROH-moh-sohm)
to, DNA deoxyribonucleic acid] [prote- f rst rank (protein), -ome entire [chrom- color, -som- body]
nondisjunction collection] sex-linked trait
(non-dis-J UNK-shun) proteomics (seks-linked trayt)
[non- not, -dis- split in two, junc- join, (proh-tee-OH-miks)
25 -tion condition] [prote- f rst rank (protein), -om- entire
collection, -ic relating to]
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 695


adenosine deaminase (ADA) def ciency genetic counseling pedigree

(ah-DEN-oh-seen dee-AM-ih-nayse (jeh-NET-ik KOWN-sel-ing) (PED-ih-gree)
[ay dee ay] dee-FISH-en-see) [gene- produce, -ic relating to, counsel- consult, [ rom pied de grue cranes oot pattern]
[adenosine blend o adenine and ribose, -ing process] phenylketonuria (PKU)
de- remove, -amin- ammonia, -ase enzyme, genetic counselor ( en-il-kee-toh-NOO-ree-ah [pee kay yoo])
de- down, -f ci- per orm, -ency quality] (jeh-NET-ik KOWN-sel-er) [phen- shining (phenol), -yl- chemical,
albinism [gene- produce, -ic relating to, counsel- consult, -keton- acetone, -ur- urine, -ia condition]
(AL-bih-niz-em) -or agent] plasmid
[alb- white, -in- characterized by, -ism state] genetic engineer (PLAS-mid)
amniocentesis (jeh-NET-ik en-juh-NEER) [plasm- ormed substance, -id belonging to]
(am-nee-oh-sen-TEE-sis) [gene- produce, -ic relating to, engin- devise or Punnett square
[amnio- birth membrane, -cent- prick, design, -eer practitioner] (PUN-it skwayr)
-esis process] human engineered chromosome (HEC) [Reginald C. Punnett English geneticist]
chorionic villus sampling (HYOO-man en-juh-NEERD RNA inter erence (RNAi)
(koh-ree-ON-ik VIL-lus SAM-pling) KROH-meh-sohm [aych ee see]) (ar en ay in-ter-FEER-ens [ar en ay aye])
[chorion- skin, -ic relating to, villus shaggy hair] [engin- devise or design, -eer practitioner, [RNA ribonucleic acid, inter- between,
chromosomal genetic disease -ed state, chrom- color, -som- body] - ere- strike, -ence process]
(kroh-moh-SOH-mal jeh-NET-ik) Human Genome Project (HGP) RNAi therapy
[chrom- color, -soma- body, -al relating to, (HYOO-man J EE-nome PROJ -ekt (ar en ay aye THAYR-ah-pee)
gen- produce, -ic relating to, dis- opposite o , [aych jee pee]) [RNA- ribonucleic acid, -i inter erence,
-ease com ort] (gen- to produce, -om(e)- whole collection] therapy treatment]
cystic f brosis ideogram severe combined immune def ciency (SCID)
(SIS-tik ye-BROH-sis) (ID-ee-oh-gram) (seh-VEER kom-BYNED ih-MYOON
[cyst- sac, -ic relating to, f br- f ber, [ide- idea, -gram drawing] deh-FISH-en-see [skid])
-osis condition] karyotype [immun- ree (immunity), -def ci- ail, -y state]
DNA f ngerprinting (KAYR-ee-oh-type) single-gene disease
(dee en ay FING-ger-print-ing) [karyo- nucleus, -type kind] (SING-jul jeen dih-ZEEZ)
[DNA deoxyribonucleic acid] Kline elter syndrome [gen- produce or generate, dis- opposite o ,
Down syndrome (KLINE- el-ter SIN-drohm) -ease com ort]
(down SIN-drohm) [Harry F. Kline elter American physician, Tay-Sachs disease (TSD)
[J ohn L. Down English physician, syn- together, syn- together, -drome running or (race) (TAY-saks dih-ZEEZ [tee es dee])
-drome running or (race) course] course] [Warren Tay English ophthalmologist,
electrophoresis Leber hereditary optic neuropathy Bernard Sachs American neurologist,
(eh-lek-troh- oh-REE-sis) (LEE-ber heh-RED-ih-tayr-ee OP-tik dis- opposite o , -ease com ort]
[electro- electricity, -phor- carry, -esis process] noo-ROP-ah-thee) trisomy
ragile X syndrome (FXS) [Theodor von Leber German ophthalmologist, (TRY-soh-mee)
(FRAJ -il eks SIN-drohm [e ex es]) her- heir, -it(y) state, -ary relating to, [tri- three, -som- body (chromosome), -y state]
[ ragil- rail, X sex chromosome X, syn- together, opt- vision, -ic relating to, neuro- nerves, tumor suppressor gene
-drome running or (race) course] -path- disease, -y state] (TOOM-er suh-PRES-er jeen)
gene augmentation monosomy [tumor swelling, suppress- press down,
(jeen awg-men-TAY-shun) (MON-oh-soh-mee) -or agent, gen- produce or generate]
[gen- produce or generate, aug- increase, [mono- single, -som- body (chromosome), Turner syndrome
-ment- state, -ation process] -y state] (TUR-ner SIN-drohm)
gene linkage mutagen [Harry H. Turner American endocrinologist,
(jeen LINK-ej) (MYOO-tah-jen)
[muta- change, -gen produce]
syn- together, -drome running or (race) 25
[gen- produce or generate] course]
gene replacement oncogene xeroderma pigmentosum
(jeen ree-PLAYS-ment) (ON-koh-jeen) (zeer-oh-DER-mah pig-men-TOH-sum)
[gen- produce or generate] [onco- swelling or mass (cancer), -gen- produce [xero- dry, -derma skin, pigment- paint, -osum
or generate] characterized by]
gene therapy
(jeen THAYR-a-pee)
[gen- produce or generate, therapy treatment]
696 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

To dow nload a digital ve rs ion o the chapte r s um m ary 5. Geneti variati n am ng spring is in reased by:
or us e w ith your device , acce s s the Au d io Ch a p te r a. Independent ass rtment hr m s mes during
S u m m a rie s online at evolve .e ls evie . gamete rmati n (Figure 25-2)
b. Cr ssing- ver genes r linked gr ups genes
Scan this s um m ary a te r re ading the chapte r to between hr m s me partners during mei sis
he lp you re in orce the key conce pts . Late r, us e (Figure 25-3)
the s um m ary as a quick review be ore your clas s
or be ore a te s t.
Ge ne Expre s s io n
A. H ereditary traits
Ge ne tics and Hum an Dis e as e 1. D minant genes have e e ts that appear in the -
A. Geneti sthe s ienti study bi l gi al inheritan e spring (d minant rms a gene are ten repre-
B. Inherited traits an pr du e disease (see Chapter 6) sented by upper ase letters)
a. A geneti arrier is a pers n wh arries a re essive
gene but d es n t sh w its e e ts be ause
Chro m o s o m e s and Ge ne s masking e e t a d minant gene
A. Me hanisms gene un ti n b. C d minant genes are tw r m re genes that are
1. Geneindependent geneti units (DNA segments) all d minant and when they appear t gether
that arry the geneti de pr du e a mbined e e t in spring
2. Genes di tate the pr du ti n enzymes and ther 2. Re essive genes have e e ts that d n t appear in the
m le ules, whi h in turn di tate the stru ture and spring when they are masked by a d minant gene
un ti n a ell (re essive rms a gene are represented by l wer ase
3. Genes are a tive in the hr matin (strand) rm and letters)
ina tive when DNA is in the hr m s me ( mpa t) B. Sex-linked traits (Figures 24-5 and 24-6)
rm (Figure 25-1) 1. T e large X hr m s me ( emale hr m s me) n-
B. T e human gen me (Figure 25-1) tains genes r emale sexual hara teristi s and many
1. Gen meentire set human hr m s mes (46 in ther traits
nu leus ea h ell, 1 mit h ndrial hr m s me) 2. T e small Y hr m s me (male hr m s me) n-
a. Map the entire human gen me (nearly all nu le- tains nly genes r male sexual hara teristi s
tides in sequen e) was mpleted in 2003 3. N rmal males have XY as pair 23; n rmal emales
b. C ntains ab ut 19,000 r s genes and large have XX as pair 23
am unts n n ding DNA, in luding n n un - 4. N nsexual traits arried n sex hr m s mes are sex-
ti ning pseud genes linked traits; m st are X-linked traits
2. Gen mi sanalysis the sequen e ntained in the C. Geneti mutati ns
gen me 1. Can result in abn rmalities in the geneti de that
3. Pr te mi sanalysis the entire gr up pr teins ause disease
en ded by the gen me, alled the human proteome 2. M st believed t be aused by mutagens
4. Gen mi in rmati n an be expressed in vari us
a. Ide gram art n a hr m s me sh wing the
Ge ne tic Dis e as e s
entr mere as a nstri ti n and the sh rt segment A. Me hanisms geneti disease
(p-arm) and l ng segment (q-arm) 1. Genes are n t there t ause disease; mal un ti ns
25 b. Genes are ten represented as their a tual geneti de may ause disease
sequen e nu le tide bases expressed by the 2. Single-gene diseases result r m individual mutant
letters a, c, g, and t genes ( r gr ups genes) that are passed r m gener-
C. Distributi n hr m s mes t spring ati n t generati n (Figure 25-7)
1. Mei ti ell divisi n pr du es gametes with 23 hr - 3. Epigeneti s (imprinting) inv lves envir nmental
m s mes ea h (Figure 25-2) a t rs that may result in spring with geneti traits
2. At n epti n, tw gametes j in and pr du e a zyg te that ann t be explained by genes al ne; may inv lve
with 46 hr m s mesthe mplete human gen me geneti predisp siti n r disease
3. wenty-tw pairs hr m s mes are alled auto- 4. Chr m s mal diseases result r m hr m s me
somes; ea h member a pair resembles its partner breakage r r m n ndisjun ti n ( ailure a
4. T e hr m s mes in the remaining pair (pair 23) are
alled sex chromosomes
CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 697

hr m s me pair t separate during gamete rma- sex rgans (resulting in sterility), sh rt stature, webbed
ti n) (Figure 25-8) ne k, ardi vas ular de e ts, and learning dis rders
a. ris mya hr m s me triplet (instead the (Figure 25-11)
usual pair)
b. M n s mya single hr m s me (instead a pair) Pre ve ntio n and Tre atm e nt
B. Examples single-gene diseases (Table 25-1)
1. Cysti br sisre essive aut s mal nditi n hara -
o Ge ne tic Dis e as e s
terized by ex essive se reti n mu us and sweat, A. Geneti unselingpr essi nal nsultati ns with
ten ausing bstru ti n the gastr intestinal r amilies regarding geneti diseases
respirat ry tra ts 1. Pedigree hart illustrating geneti relati nships ver
2. Phenylket nuria (PKU)re essive aut s mal ndi- several generati ns (Figure 25-12)
ti n hara terized by ex ess phenylket ne in urine, 2. Punnett squaregrid used t determine the pr babil-
aused by a umulati n phenylalanine in tissues; ity inheriting geneti traits (Figure 25-13)
may ause brain injury and death 3. Kary typearrangement hr m s me ph t -
3. ay-Sa hs disease ( SD) is a re essive nditi n graphs used t dete t abn rmalities
inv lving ailure t make a subunit an essential a. Amni entesisinv lves lle ti n etal ells
lipid-pr essing enzyme f ating in the amni ti f uid (Figure 25-14)
C. Examples epigeneti nditi ns b. Ch ri ni villus samplinginv lves lle ti n
1. Result r m abn rmal additi n methyl gr ups, embry ni ells r m utside h ri ni tissue
a etyl gr ups, r ubiquitin pr teins that mark DNA B. reating geneti diseases
and a e t gene un ti n 1. M st urrent treatments r geneti diseases are based
2. Examples in lude ragile X syndr me (FXS), type 2 n relieving r av iding sympt ms rather than
diabetes mellitus (DM), and ardi vas ular disease attempting a ure
D. Examples hr m s mal diseases 2. Gene therapymanipulates genes t ure geneti
1. D wn syndr meusually aused by tris my hr - pr blems (Figure 25-15); m st rms gene therapy
m s me 21; hara terized by mental retardati n and have just begun in humans
multiple stru tural de e ts (Figure 25-9) a. Gene repla ement therapyabn rmal genes in
2. Kline elter syndr me aused by the presen e tw existing b dy ells are repla ed by therapeuti genes
r m re X hr m s mes in a male (usually tris my b. Gene augmentati n therapy ells arrying n rmal
XXY); hara terized by l ng legs, enlarged breasts, l w genes are intr du ed int the b dy t augment
intelligen e, small testes, sterility, hr ni pulm nary pr du ti n a needed pr tein
disease (Figure 25-10) . RNAi therapyRNA inter eren esilen es indi-
3. urner syndr me aused by m n s my the vidual genes that ause disease
X hr m s me (XO); hara terized by immaturity

STUDY TIPS 2. Make f ash ards t review the Language S ien e and
Cons ide r us ing the s e tips to achieve s ucce s s in the Language Medi ine se ti ns r the geneti terms.
m e e ting your le arning goals . Be sure t understand h w the geneti makeup the
parents determines the pr bability r traits in the -
This chapte r cove rs one o the m os t publicly dis cus s e d are as spring in b th aut s mal and sex-linked traits.
in biology. Storie s on DNA f nge rprinting, ge ne the rapy, and 3. T e use spe i terms t designate the geneti nsti-
ge ne tically e ngine e re d m e dications and oods are o te n in the tuti n r gene mbinati n n ne hand, and the appear- 25
m e dia. An unde rs tanding o the topics dis cus s e d in this chap- an e r expressi n that gene mbinati n in the
te r w ill allow you to be tte r evaluate w he the r the s torie s you individual n the ther, is ten n using. Repeated use
he ar and re ad are bas e d on good s cie nce . terms in the rre t ntext and in njun ti n with
written expressi n the appr priate gen type is help ul.
1. T e hapter requires an understanding DNA; a review T us, individuals with gen types r skin pigmentati n
the material in Chapter 3 may be help ul. It is imp r- AA and Aa have an identi al phen type (n rmal skin pig-
tant t understand h w DNA ntr ls the a tivity the mentati n), whereas a gen type aa pr du es a di erent
ell: phen type (albinism).
4. Make a hart the geneti dis rders and rganize them
DNA mRNA enzyme based n the me hanism r ause, single-gene r
bi hemi al rea ti ns in the ell. hr m s mal.
698 CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases

5. T ere are many nline tut rials that ver pedigrees, sequen e and the bi hemi al a tivity the ell. Q uiz
Punnett squares, and kary types. Y u will als nd several ea h ther n the pr bability vari us traits in the -
websites that pr vide geneti pr blems. C mpleting these spring, based n the parental genes. G ver the dis rders
pr blems will help y u determine relative pr babilities hart and the di eren e in the type in rmati n gained
pr du ing spring with spe i gene mbinati ns. by a pedigree, a Punnett square, and a kary type. G ver
6. Be able t di erentiate between gene repla ement and the questi ns at the end the hapter and the hapter
gene augmentati n therapy. utline summary and dis uss p ssible test questi ns.
7. In y ur study gr up, review the geneti terms using f ash
ards. Dis uss the relati nship between the DNA

Re vie w Que s tio ns Critical Thinking

Write out the ans we rs to the s e que s tions a te r A te r f nis hing the Review Que s tions , w rite out
re ading the chapte r and review ing the Chapte r the ans we rs to the s e m ore in-de pth que s tions to
Sum m ary. I you s im ply think through the ans we r he lp you apply your new know le dge . Go back to
w ithout w riting it dow n, you w ill not re tain m uch s e ctions o the chapte r that re late to conce pts
o your new le arning. that you f nd di f cult.

1. Explain h w the DNA de is able t regulate the bi - 14. H w d es r ssing- ver ntribute t geneti variati n?
hemistry the ell. 15. Sin e all hildren inherit 50% their genes r m their
2. As they are used in this hapter, de ne chromosome and m ther and 50% their genes r m their ather, why
gene. d nt we all have hara teristi s hal way between th se
3. W hat is the human pr te me? ur m ther and th se ur ather?
4. W hat is meant by independent assortment? 16. W hy must a b y always inherit an X-linked gene su h
5. De ne r explain the terms dominant, recessive, and as l r blindness r m his m ther?
codominant in regard t geneti s. 17. W hi h type geneti mutati n has the greatest l ng-
6. W hat is a sex-linked trait? term impa t n the p pulati n, harm ul r bene ial?
7. De ne r explain the terms nondisjunction, trisomy, and Explain y ur answer.
monosomy. 18. I parents are n erned that their hild might be b rn
8. W hat is a pedigree hart? with D wn syndr me, what w uld be the best way t
9. W hat is a Punnett square? determine this: a pedigree, a Punnett square, r a kary -
10. W hat is a kary type? W hat are the tw meth ds used t type? Explain y ur answer.
harvest ells r a kary type? 19. Design a Punnett square r a m ther and ather wh
11. Explain the di eren e between gene augmentati n and are b th arriers r SCID. Use S r the n rmal gene
gene repla ement therapy. and s r the re essive gene.
12. Name and brief y des ribe the tw single-gene diseases 20. W hat is ele tr ph resis?
dis ussed in the hapter.
13. Name and brief y des ribe the three hr m s mal dis-
eases dis ussed in the hapter. Indi ate whether the dis-
eases are the result tris my r m n s my.

CHAPTER 25 Genetics and Genetic Diseases 699

Chapte r Te s t 8. N nsexual traits arried n the sex hr m s me are

alled ________ traits.
A te r s tudying the chapte r, te s t your m as te ry by 9. C l r blindness is arried n the X hr m s me. I the
re s ponding to the s e ite m s . Try to ans we r the m ather is l r blind and the m ther is n t a arrier, the
w ithout looking up the ans we rs . pr bability having a l r blind s n w uld be
1. ________ is the s ienti study inheritan e. 10. A hange in the geneti de is alled a ________.
2. T e end pr du t pr tein synthesis is requently an 11. A mistake in mei sis when a pair hr m s mes ails
________, whi h helps regulate the bi hemistry the t separate is alled ________.
b dy. 12. ________ is a nditi n in whi h there is a triplet
3. M st the ells the human b dy ntain ________ aut s mes rather than the n rmal pair.
hr m s mes, but gametes ntain ________ 13. ________ is a nditi n in whi h there is a single aut -
hr m s mes. s me rather than the n rmal pair.
4. A ________ gene is ne wh se e e ts are seen and is 14. A ________ is a hart that illustrates the geneti rela-
apable masking a ________ gene r the same trait. ti nship in a amily ver several generati ns.
F r questi ns 5, 6, and 7, let A stand r the d minant gene 15. A ________ is a grid used t determine the pr bability
r n rmal skin pigment and let a stand r the re essive gene inheriting a geneti trait.
r albinism. 16. A ________ is a ph t graph hr m s mes arranged
in pairs; amni entesis an supply the ells r this.
5. A ather with Aa and a m ther with AA have a 17. Can er is th ught t be aused, at least in part, by
________% pr bability r having a hild with albinism. abn rmal genes alled ________.
6. A ather with Aa and a m ther with Aa have a 18. An ________, r simple art n a hr m s me, is
________% pr bability r having a hild with albinism. ten used in gen mi s t sh w the verall physi al
7. A ather with Aa and a m ther with albinism have a stru ture a hr m s me.
________% pr bability r having a hild with albinism. 19. ________ is the s ien e that des ribes h w envir nmen-
tal and behavi ral a t rs may result in spring with
geneti traits that ant be explained by genes al ne.

Match each disorder in Column A with its corresponding cause or description in Column B.

Column A Column B
20. ________ ysti br sis a. a dis rder aused by tris my 21
21. ________ phenylket nuria b. a dis rder aused by a re essive gene that ails t pr du e the enzyme
22. ________ D wn syndr me phenylalanine hydr xylase
23. ________ Kline elter syndr me . a dis rder aused by the tris my nditi n XXY
24. ________ urner syndr me d. a nditi n aused by a re essive gene that auses an impairment in hl ride i n
25. ________ l r blindness transp rt a r ss the ell membrane
e. a sex-linked trait that inhibits the pr du ti n ertain ph t pigments
. a dis rder aused by the m n s my nditi n XO

Cas e S tudie s 2. A y ung in ant just b rn at Mem rial H spital has

To s olve a cas e s tudy, you m ay have to re e r to parents that b th rep rt a hist ry ay-Sa hs disease in
the glos s ary or index, othe r chapte rs in this text- their amilies. Assuming b th parents have the ay-Sa hs
book, and othe r re s ource s . gene, what is the pr bability that this in ant will devel p
this deadly disease? 25
1. Q uentins amily physi ian suspe ts that Q uentin may 3. Be ky and Elli tt have been t ld that Elli tt is a arrier
have Kline elter syndr me. Q uentins l ng limbs, small r PKU. Using p as the re essive gene and P as the
testes, and enlarged breasts seem t supp rt the diagn sis. n rmal gene, devel p a Punnett square that will predi t
W hat test might the physi ian rder t n rm the syn- the pr bability ne their hildren inheriting the
dr me? W hat test results w uld be expe ted? W hat geneti disease.
auses the geneti abn rmality that pr du es Kline elter
syndr me? Answers to Active Learning Questions can be ound online
This pa ge inte ntiona lly le ft bla nk
Ex a m p le s o P a t h o lo g ic a l able 5 C nditi ns Caused by Pr t z a
able 6 C nditi ns Caused by Path geni Animals
C o n d it io n s able 7 C nditi ns Caused by Physi al Agents
able 1 Leading H ealth Pr blems able 8 End rine C nditi ns
able 2 Viral C nditi ns able 9 Aut immune Diseases
able 3 Ba terial C nditi ns able 10 De ien y Diseases
able 4 My ti (Fungal) C nditi ns able 11 Geneti C nditi ns

TABLE 1 Leading Health Problems

Dis e as e s o the he art and blood ve s s e ls Chapte rs 14 and 15
Cance r Chapte r 6
Stroke Chapte r 10
Chronic lowe r re s piratory dis e as e s Chapte r 17
Accide nts Chapte r 6
Diabe te s m e llitus Chapte r 12
Alzhe im e r dis e as e (AD) Chapte r 10
Pne um onia and in ue nza Chapte rs 6 and 17
Kidney dis e as e Chapte r 20
Se ptice m ia Chapte rs 15, 16, and 24

TABLE 2 Viral Conditions

Acquire d im m unode f cie ncy Hum an im m unode f cie ncy HIV in e ction is trans m itte d by dire ct contact w ith body uids , pe rhaps w ithin
s yndrom e (AIDS) virus (HIV) w hite blood ce lls (WBCs ) in blood or s e m e n. It m ay progre s s to AIDS, w hich
is characte rize d by T-lym phocyte dam age , re s ulting in im m une dys unction.
De ath is pos s ible rom s e condary in e ctions or tum ors .
Acute T-ce ll lym phocytic Hum an T-lym photropic This orm o cance r in adults can be caus e d by the oncovirus ( cance r virus )
le uke m ia (ATLL) virus 1 (HTLV-1) HTLV-1. This dis e as e is one o m any orm s o le uke m ia and doe s not appe ar
until at le as t 30 ye ars a te r initial in e ction. HTLV-1 is trans m itte d in the s am e
m anne r as HIV.
Chicke npox (varice lla) and Varice lla zos te r virus (VZV) Chicke npox m os t o te n appe ars in unvaccinate d childre n, typically involving blis -
s hingle s (he rpe s zos te r) te rs and eve r. He rpe s zos te r, com m only know n as s hingle s , occurs late r (in
adulthood) in thos e w ho had the varice lla in e ction at an e arlie r age . Shingle s
o te n involve s a ras h along a s ingle de rm atom e on one s ide o the body and
is accom panie d by s eve re pain.
Com m on cold and uppe r Rhinovirus e s This m ild, contagious in e ction is characte rize d by nas al in am m ation, we ak-
re s piratory in e ctions ne s s , cough, and low-grade eve r. Doze ns o di e re nt rhinovirus e s have be e n
(URIs ) type d.
Feve r blis te rs and he rpe s He rpe s s im plex 1 and 2 This virus caus e s blis te rs on the hands or ace ( eve r blis te rs ) or ge nitals (ge nital
he rpe s ). The blis te rs m ay dis appe ar te m porarily but m ay re appe ar, e s pe cially
as a re s ult o s tre s s .
Hantavirus pulm onary Hantavirus This s e rious viral dis e as e is characte rize d by eve r and ulike s ym ptom s that
s yndrom e o te n progre s s to re s piratory ailure ; it is s pre ad by rode nt excre ta.
He patitis (in e ctious ) He patitis A virus The live r in am m ation caus e d by this virus is characte rize d by s low ons e t and
com ple te re cove ry. This virus is s pre ad by dire ct contact or contam inate d
ood or wate r.
He patitis (s e rum ) He patitis B virus This acute -ons e t live r in am m ation m ay deve lop into a s eve re chronic dis e as e ,
pe rhaps e nding in de ath.

e1 C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 2 Viral Conditionscontd

He patitis (non-A; non-B) He patitis C This viral live r in am m ation is trans m itte d by contam inate d blood; initially m ild
cas e s m ay be com e chronic and ove r long pe riods progre s s to cirrhos is and
live r ailure .
In e ctious m ononucle os is Eps te in-Barr virus (EBV) This acute in e ction is characte rize d by eve r; s ore throat; incre as e d count and
abnorm al s hape o lym phocyte s ; and live r, s ple e n, or lym ph node s we lling.
In ue nza In ue nza A, B, C, e tc. This highly contagious re s piratory in e ction is characte rize d by s ore throat, eve r,
cough, m us cle pain, and we akne s s . New s trains o virus e s A, B, and C
appe ar at inte rvals us ually originating in As ia.
Me as le s Morbillivirus This acute , contagious re s piratory in e ction is characte rize d by eve r, he adache ,
and the m e as le s ras h.
Mum ps Paramyxovirus This acute in e ction is characte rize d by s wolle n parotid s alivary glands ; eve r;
and in adult m ale s , s wolle n te s te s ; m um ps is m os t com m on in childre n but
can occur at any age .
Poliomye litis Poliovirus 1, 2, and 3 This acute in e ction has s eve ral di e re nt orm s (de pe nding on exte nt o in e c-
tion): as ym ptom atic, m ild, nonparalyzing, and paralyzing. It is no longe r
com m on in the Unite d State s be caus e o s ucce s s ul vaccination program s .
Rabie s Rabie s virus This atal in e ction o the ce ntral ne rvous s ys te m is us ually trans m itte d through
the bite s o in e cte d anim als .
Rube lla (Ge rm an m e as le s ) Rube lla virus This contagious in e ction is characte rize d by uppe r re s piratory in am m ation,
s wolle n lym ph node s , joint pain, and m e as le s -like ras h. In pre gnant wom e n, it
can s pre ad to the e tus and caus e conge nital de e cts .
Viral e nce phalitis (Many di e re nt virus e s ) Viral e nce phalitis is a ge ne ral te rm or any brain in am m ation caus e d by a virus .
Brain dam age m ay occur, pe rhaps caus ing de ath. Many di e re nt orm s exis t
be caus e m any di e re nt virus e s m ay in e ct the brain (e .g., St. Louis e nce phali-
tis , Cali ornia e nce phalitis , and e quine e nce phalitis ). Mos t e nce phalitis virus e s
are trans m itte d by m os quitoe s .
Warts , ge nital warts , and Hum an papillom avirus e s Warts are nipple like ne oplas m s o the s kin. Forty-s ix HPV type s have be e n ide n-
ce rvical cance r (HPV) tif e d. HPV type s 6 and 11 caus e ge nital warts , a com m on s exually trans m it-
te d dis e as e (STD).

TABLE 3 Bacterial Conditions

Acute bacte rial Staphylococcus , Hae m ophilus , This acute in am m ation o the conjunctiva cove ring the eye is characte rize d by a
conjunctivitis Prote us , and othe r organis m s dis charge o m ucous pus ; it is highly contagious (com pare w ith trachom a).
Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Us ually trans m itte d rom arm anim als , this in e ction is characte rize d by a re ddis h-
brow n s kin le s ion but can als o in e ct the re s piratory tract. It can be atal.
Botulis m Clos tridium botulinum (bacillus ) This is a pos s ibly atal ood pois oning re s ulting rom inge s tion o ood contam i-
nate d w ith toxins produce d by C. botulinum .
Bruce llos is Bruce lla s pe cie s (bacilli) Als o calle d undulant eve r, this bacte rial in e ction is trans m itte d rom arm anim als
and is characte rize d by chills , eve r, we ight los s , and we akne s s . Se rious com pli-
cations can occur i it is not tre ate d.
Chole ra Vibrio chole rae (curve d) This acute inte s tinal in e ction is characte rize d by diarrhe a, vom iting, cram ps , de hy-
dration, and e le ctrolyte im balance caus e d by bacte rial toxins . It can be atal i
untre ate d. It s pre ads through contam inate d ood or wate r.
De ntal carie s Stre ptococcus m utans (coccus ) Tooth de m ine ralization is caus e d by acids orm e d w he n nutrie nts on the tooths
and othe r organis m s s ur ace are m e tabolize d by bacte ria. It can progre s s to a bacte rial invas ion o
the tooths pulp cavity and beyond.
Diphthe ria Coryne bacte rium diphthe riae Diphthe ria is an acute , contagious dis e as e characte rize d by s ys te m ic pois oning by
(bacillus ) bacte rial toxins and deve lopm e nt o a als e m e m brane lining o the throat
that m ay obs truct bre athing. Untre ate d, it m ay be atal.
Epiglottitis Hae m ophilus in ue nzae Acute in am m ation o e piglottis is characte rize d by eve r, s ore throat, and s we ll-
ing (e m e rge ncy tre atm e nt to m aintain airway m ay be ne ce s s ary).
Continue d
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 3 Bacterial Conditionscont'd

Exte rnal otitis Ps e udom onas ae ruginos a, In am m ation o the exte rnal e ar canal is us ually caus e d by bacte ria but can als o
(s w im m e rs e ar) Staphylococcus aure us , re s ult rom he rpe s in e ctions , alle rgy, and othe r actors .
Stre ptococcus pyoge ne s , e tc.
Gas troe nte ritis (Many di e re nt bacte ria) Gas troe nte ritis is a ge ne ral te rm or any in am m ation o the gas trointe s tinal tract.
Many di e re nt bacte rial in e ctions can caus e this condition. (Se e
Salm one llos is .)
Gonorrhe a Ne is s e ria gonorrhoe ae (coccus ) This com m on STD in e cts prim arily the ge nital and urinary tracts but can a e ct
the throat, conjunctiva, or lowe r inte s tine s . It m ay progre s s to pe lvic in am m a-
tory dis e as e (s e e late r e ntry).
Le gionnaire s Le gione lla pne um ophila This is a type o pne um onia characte rize d by in ue nza-like s ym ptom s ollowe d by
dis e as e (bacillus ) high eve r, m us cle pain, and he adache pos s ibly progre s s ing to dry cough and
ple uris y. It is s pre ad by m ois t e nvironm e ntal s ource s (e .g., air conditioning
cooling units and s oil) rathe r than pe rs on-to-pe rs on contact.
Lym e dis e as e Borre lia burgdor e ri (s piroche te ) Although the f rs t cas e s we re know n only ne ar Lym e , Conne cticut, this tick-borne
dis e as e is now e nde m ic ove r m uch o the Unite d State s . It us ually f rs t pre -
s e nts as a bulls -eye ras h but late r m ay caus e chronic ne rve , he art, and joint
proble m s .
Lym phogranulom a Chlamydia trachom atis (s m all) This chronic STD is characte rize d by ge nital ulce rs , s wolle n lym ph node s , he ad-
ve ne re um (LGV) ache , eve r, and m us cle pain. C. trachom atis in e ction m ay caus e a varie ty o
othe r s yndrom e s , including conjunctivitis , uroge nital in e ctions , and s ys te m ic
in e ctions . C. trachom atis in e ctions cons titute the m os t com m on STD in the
Unite d State s .
Me ningitis Stre ptococcus pne um oniae , Me ningitis is any in am m ation o the m e ninge s cove ring the brain and s pinal
Ne is s e ria m e ningitidis , cord. Seve ral di e re nt bacte ria can in e ct the m e ninge s , as can s eve ral ungi;
Hae m ophilus in ue nzae , and the condition can be m ild, but i s eve re , it can caus e de ath.
othe r organis m s
Parrot eve r Chlamydia ps ittaci (s m all) Als o calle d ornithos is , this pne um onia-like in e ction is trans m itte d by parrots and
(ps ittacos is ) othe r birds . It is characte rize d by cough, eve r, los s o appe tite , and s eve re
he adache .
Pe lvic in am m atory Ne is s e ria gonorrhoe ae (coccus ), PID re e rs to any exte ns ive in am m ation o the e m ale pe lvic s tructure s . Chronic
dis e as e (PID) Mycoplas m a hom inis (s m all in am m ation as s ociate d w ith PID can caus e tis s ue dam age that le ads to
re e -living), and othe r s te rility.
organis m s
Pe rtus s is (w hooping Borde te lla pe rtus s is (bacillus ) Pe rtus s is is an acute , contagious in e ction o the re s piratory tract characte rize d by
cough) coughs that e nd w ith w hooping re s pirations .
Pne um onia Stre ptococcus pne um oniae An acute lung in e ction that com m only deve lops a te r the u or s om e othe r condi-
(coccus ) and othe r organis m s tion that preve nts cle arance o the lungs . It is characte rize d by blockage o the
pulm onary airways .
Q eve r Coxie lla burne tii (s m all) Q ( or que ry ) eve r us ually involve s re s piratory in e ction and is characte rize d by
eve r, he adache , and m us cle pain. Acute and chronic orm s m ay deve lop a te r
expos ure to in e cte d anim als or anim al products ; this is a ricke tts ial dis e as e .
Rhe um atic eve r Group A be ta-he m olytic s tre pto- This in am m atory dis e as e re s ults rom a de laye d re action to s tre p in e ction; it
cocci (cocci) m ay a e ct he art, brain, joints , or s kin.
Rocky Mountain Ricke tts ia ricke tts ii (s m all) This s om e tim e s atal, tick-borne dis e as e is characte rize d by eve r, chills , he ad-
s potte d eve r ache , m us cle pain, ras h, cons tipation, and he m orrhagic le s ions ; it m ay progre s s
(RMSF) to s hock and re nal ailure .
Salm one llos is Salm one lla s pe cie s (bacilli) This type o bacte rial gas troe nte ritis is caus e d by inge s tion o contam inate d ood.
Shige llos is (Shige lla Shige lla s pe cie s (bacilli) This com m on dis e as e is characte rize d by bloody, m ucous diarrhe a; cram ps ; eve r;
dys e nte ry and and atigue . It can caus e de hydration, e le ctrolyte im balance , and acidos is i not
bacillary tre ate d. Antibiotic-re s is tant s trains o Shige lla organis m s m ake this condition a
dys e nte ry) s e rious he alth thre ate s pe cially in are as w ith poor s anitation.
Staphylococcal Staphylococcus s pe cie s (cocci) The s e bacte rial in e ctions are characte rize d by abs ce s s e s ; one s uch in e ction is
in e ction s taphylococcal s calde d s kin s yndrom e (SSSS), a s kin dis orde r o in ants and
young childre n.

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 3 Bacterial Conditionscontd

Syphilis Tre pone m a pallidum This s exually trans m itte d dis e as e can a e ct any s ys te m . Prim ary s yphilis is char-
(s piroche te ) acte rize d by chancre s ore s on expos e d are as o the s kin. Untre ate d, s e condary
s yphilis m ay appe ar 2 m onths a te r chancre s dis appe ar. The s e condary s tage
occurs w he n the s piroche te has s pre ad throughout the body, pre s e nting a
varie ty o s ym ptom s , and is s till highly contagious eve n through kis s ing. Te r-
tiary s yphilis m ay occur ye ars late r, pos s ibly re s ulting in de ath.
Te tanus Clos tridium te tani (bacillus ) In this acute , s om e tim e s atal ce ntral ne rvous s ys te m in e ction, the bacte ria
us ually e nte r a wound and the n produce a toxin that caus e s he adache , eve r,
and pain ul m us cle s pas m s .
Toxic s hock s yn- Staphylococcus aure us s trains This acute , s eve re toxic in e ction is as s ociate d w ith the us e o highly abs orbe nt
drom e (TSS) (cocci) tam pons but can occur unde r a varie ty o circum s tance s . It be gins as a high
eve r, he adache , s ore throat, e tc., and m ay progre s s to re nal ailure , live r
ailure , and pos s ibly de ath.
Trachom a (chlamyd- Chlamydia trachom atis (s m all) This chronic in e ction o the conjunctiva cove ring the eye is characte rize d by
ial conjunctivitis ) pain ul in am m ation, photophobia (light s e ns itivity), and exce s s ive production
o te ars ; i untre ate d, it w ill progre s s to orm granular le s ions that eve ntually
a e ct the corne a and caus e blindne s s .
Tube rculos is Mycobacte rium tube rculos is This chronic in e ction us ually a e cts the lungs (pulm onary tube rculos is ) and is
characte rize d by atigue , dys pne a, and chronic cough and is trans m itte d by
inhalation or inge s tion o bacte ria.
Typhoid eve r Salm one lla typhi (bacillus ) Als o calle d e nte ric eve r, this condition is characte rize d by eve r, he adache , cough,
diarrhe a, and ras h; it is trans m itte d through contam inate d ood or wate r.

TABLE 4 Mycotic (Fungal) Conditions

As pe rgillos is As pe rgillus s pe cie s (m old) This uncom m on, opportunis tic m old in e ction by any o a num be r o di e re nt s pe cie s
has m any di e re nt orm s . It o te n a e cts the e ar but can a e ct any organ, w he re it
produce s characte ris tic ungus ball le s ions . I the in e ction be com e s w ide s pre ad,
it can be atal.
Blas tomycos is Blas tomyce s de rm atitidis As w ith his toplas m os is , m os t cas e s o blas tomycos is are as ym ptom atic. The m os t
(m old*) com m on s ym ptom atic orm s are s kin ulce rs and bone le s ions , but the in e ction m ay
s pre ad to the lungs , kidneys , or ne rvous s ys te m .
Candidias is Candida albicans and This opportunis tic ye as t in e ction is characte rize d by a w hite dis charge , pe e ling, and
othe r s pe cie s (ye as ts ) ble e ding; candidias is has s eve ral orm s , de pe nding on the s eve rity and w he re it
occurs : thrus h (s kin), diape r ras h (s kin), vaginitis , e ndocarditis , e tc. It can be trans -
m itte d s exually, m aking it a s exually trans m itte d in e ction (STI).
Coccidioidomycos is Coccidioide s im m itis Also calle d des e rt eve r, this condition is endem ic to dry regions o the s outhwes te rn
(San Joaquin eve r) (m old*) Unite d State s and Ce ntral and South Am e rica. It is characte rize d by cold- or in ue nza-
like s ym ptom s. A sm all num be r o case s deve lop into m ore se rious in e ction.
His toplas m os is His toplas m a caps ulatum His toplas m os is is a ungal in e ction m os t com m on in the Midwe s te rn Unite d State s ,
(m old*) w he re it is s pre ad through contam inate d s oil. In m os t cas e s , it is as ym ptom atic, but
acute pne um onia m ay deve lop in a ew cas e s .
Mycos is (Many type s ) Mycos is is a ge ne ral te rm us e d to de s cribe any dis e as e caus e d by ungi. Mycos e s is
the plural orm .
Tine a Epide rm ophyton, Micros - Exam ple s o opportunis tic cutane ous mycos e s include tine a pe dis (athle tes oot),
porum , and Trichophy- tine a cruris (jock itch), tine a corporis (body ringworm ), tine a capitis (s calp ringworm ),
ton s pe cie s (m olds ) and tine a unguium (nail ungus ). All are characte rize d by in am m ation accom panie d
by itching, s caling, and (occas ionally) pain ul le s ions .

* The s e m olds are norm ally m ultice llular but trans orm to a unice llular phas e w he n they in e ct hum ans .

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 5 Conditions Caused by Protozoa

Am e bias is and am e bic Entam oe ba his tolytica, Entam oe ba Us ually acquire d through contam inate d ood and wate r, this condition is an
dys e nte ry pole cki, and othe r organis m s am e bic in e ction o the inte s tine or live r. Mild cas e s are as ym ptom atic.
(am e ba) More s eve re orm s are characte rize d by diarrhe a, abdom inal pain, jaun-
dice , and we ight los s .
Balantidias is Balantidium coli (ciliate ) B. coli can be carrie d as ym ptom atically in the gas trointe s tinal tract. The
dis e as e is characte rize d by abdom inal pain, naus e a, and diarrhe a. It m ay
progre s s to inte s tinal ulce ration and s ubs e que nt s e condary in e ctions .
Giardias is (trave le rs Giardia lam blia ( age llate ) Inte s tinal in e ction is s pre ad through contam inate d ood or wate r or through
diarrhe a) pe rs on-to-pe rs on contact. Sym ptom s range rom m ild diarrhe a to m alab-
s orption s yndrom e , w ith about hal o all cas e s be ing as ym ptom atic.
Is os porias is Is os pora be lli (s porozoan) Trans m itte d through contam inate d ood or oral-anal s exual contact, is os poria-
s is is an inte s tinal in e ction that m ay be as ym ptom atic. Sym ptom atic m an-
i e s tations range rom m ild to s eve re , re s e m bling giardias is .
Malaria Plas m odium s pe cie s (s porozoa) This s e rious dis e as e is caus e d by blood-ce ll paras ite s that re quire two hos ts :
m os quitoe s and hum ans (or othe r anim als ). Malaria is characte rize d by
eve r, ane m ia, s wolle n s ple e n, and pos s ible re laps e m onths or ye ars late r.
Toxoplas m os is Toxoplas m a gondii (s porozoan) A com m on in e ction o blood and othe r tis s ue ce lls , this condition is o te n
as ym ptom atic. It is trans m itte d through cat e ce s and unde rcooke d m e at.
It is characte rize d by eve r, lym phatic involve m e nt, he adache , atigue ,
ne rvous dis orde rs , and he art proble m s . I trans m itte d rom m othe r to
e tus , it can caus e conge nital de e cts that o te n le ad to de ath.
Trichom onias is Trichom onas vaginalis ( age llate ) This uroge nital in e ction is as ym ptom atic in m os t e m ale patie nts and ne arly
all m ale patie nts . Vaginitis m ay occur, characte rize d by itching or burning
and a oul-s m e lling dis charge . It is us ually s pre ad through s exual contact.

TABLE 6 Conditions Caused by Pathogenic Animals

As carias is (roundworm As caris lum bricoide s (ne m atode ) This condition is trans m itte d through contam inate d ood or contact w ith con-
in e s tation) tam inate d s ur ace s (s uch as hands ). Eggs hatch in the s m all inte s tine , and
the larvae trave l to the lungs , w he re they caus e coughing and eve r. Inte s -
tinal and live r involve m e nt als o m ay be s e rious .
Bite s and s tings Arachnida and Ins e cta Sym ptom s o bite s and s tings us ually re s ult rom m e chanical injury and the
re le as e o toxins at the injury s ite . Som e individuals m ay be hype rs e ns i-
tive to ce rtain toxins and thus exhibit an alle rgic re action, pe rhaps eve n
anaphylaxis and de ath. Bite s and s tings als o m ay trans m it pathoge ns
w he n the culprit is a ve ctor.
Ente robias is (pinworm Ente robius ve rm icularis This is a com m on paras ite in e s tation in w hich e ggs can be trans m itte d by
in e s tation) (ne m atode ) contam inate d hands (a com m on caus e o re in e ction) or on inhale d dus t
particle s . The in e s tation is localize d in the large inte s tine . The adult e m ale
lays e ggs around the outs ide o the anus , caus ing itching and pos s ibly
ins om nia.
Fis h tapeworm Diphyllobothrium latum Spre ad by e ating unde rcooke d, contam inate d f s h, this condition is us ually
in e s tation (platyhe lm inth) as ym ptom atic but can caus e pe rnicious ane m ia i too m uch vitam in B12 is
abs orbe d rom the hos t.
Live r uke in e s tation Fas ciola he patica, Opis thorchis Trans m itte d through wate rcre s s contam inate d by in e cte d s nails , e s pe cially
s ine ns is , and othe r organis m s in s he e p-rais ing re gions ; this in e s tation caus e s in am m ation and s we lling
(platyhe lm inths ) o the live r. The s ym ptom s m ay progre s s to include he patitis , bile duct
obs truction, and s e condary in e ctions .
Pork and be e tapeworm Tae nia s olium (pork tapeworm ) This in e s tation is s pre ad by e ating unde rcooke d, contam inate d pork or be e .
in e s tation and Tae nia s aginata (be e Adult tapeworm s m ature in the gas trointe s tinal tract, us ually producing
tapeworm ) (platyhe lm inths ) m ild s ym ptom s o diarrhe a and we ight los s . Larvae m ay s pre ad to othe r
tis s ue , s om e tim e s caus ing s e rious in e ctions .

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 6 Conditions Caused by Pathogenic Animalscontd

Schis tos om ias is (s nail Schis tos om a m ans oni, This is a paras itic condition trans m itte d in the orm o s kin-pe ne trating para-
eve r) Schis tos om a japonicum , and s ite s re le as e d by re s hwate r s nails in wate r contam inate d by hum an
Schis tos om a hae m atobium e ce s . Characte ris tics o the dis e as e de pe nd on the organs involve d and
(platyhe lm inths ) the s pe cie s o uke .
Trichinos is (thre adworm Trichine lla s piralis (ne m atode ) This is an in e s tation characte rize d by diarrhe a, naus e a, and eve r, pos s ibly
in e s tation) progre s s ing to m us cle pain and atigue . In s eve re cas e s , the he art, lungs ,
and brain m ay be com e involve d, s om e tim e s re s ulting in de ath. The para-
s ite is trans m itte d through unde rcooke d pork, be ar, and othe r m e ats .

TABLE 7 Conditions Caused by Physical Agents

Bone racture Me chanical injury (e .g., inte ns e pre s s ure , Com ple te or incom ple te bre ak o hard bone tis s ue in one or m ore
blow to the body, and abnorm al turn localize d are as is o te n characte rize d by pain, s we lling, and
w hile be aring we ight) lim ite d m otion; com pound racture s bre ak the s kin and m ay
thus allow in e ction.
Burn Che m ical age nts (e .g., acids and bas e s ), This is an injury to tis s ue s caus e d by the actors lis te d in w hich
inte ns e he at, ionizing radiation (e .g., the exte nt o the injury is proportional to expos ure to the caus -
x-rays and gam m a rays ), non-ionizing ative age nt and pe rce nt o body are a a e cte d; it caus e s
radiation (e .g., ultraviole t), e le ctricity burning pain and re s ulting in am m ation re s pons e . Untre ate d
or s eve re burns m ay be com e in e cte d and m ay caus e s eve re
uid los s .
Cance r Me chanical injury, ionizing radiation (e .g., Malignant ne oplas m (abnorm al tis s ue grow th) is characte rize d by
x-rays and gam m a rays ), non-ionizing invas ion o s urrounding tis s ue and m e tas tas is (s pre ad) to othe r
radiation (e .g., ultraviole t), che m ical parts o the body; it o te n progre s s e s to de ath i not tre ate d.
age nts (e .g., irritants and carcinoge ns )
Chronic obs tructive pul- Che m ical pollutants (in air), airborne This group o dis orde rs is characte rize d by progre s s ive , irreve rs ible
m onary dis e as e (COPD) particulate s obs truction o air ow in the lungs . Two m ain orm s are : chronic
bronchitis , e m phys e m a. The incide nce in the U.S. population
has incre as e d w ith expos ure to air pollutants , including ciga-
re tte s m oke (prim ary and s e cond-hand).
Contus ion Me chanical injury (e .g., blow to the body A contus ion is a localize d tis s ue le s ion characte rize d by bre akage
and inte ns e pre s s ure ) o blood ve s s e ls and s urrounding tis s ue ce lls w ithout exte rnal
ble e ding; it is s om e tim e s calle d a bruis e .
Crus h s yndrom e Me chanical pre s s ure (inte ns e ) This s eve re , li e -thre ate ning condition is characte rize d by m as s ive
de s truction o m us cle and bone , he m orrhage , uid los s , hypo-
vole m ic s hock, he m aturia (bloody urine ), and kidney ailure
o te n progre s s ing to com a.
Diarrhe a Che m ical age nts (inge s te d), ionizing radi- Fre que nt pas s ing o loos e , wate ry e ce s (s tools ) re s ults rom
ation (e .g., x-rays and gam m a rays ) incre as e d pe ris tals is (m otility) o the colon, in this cas e re s ulting
rom irritation by phys ical age nts ; the re s ulting uid and e le ctro-
lyte im balance m ay caus e de hydration or anothe r li e -thre ate n-
ing condition.
He adache Me chanical injury (e .g., blow to the Pain in the he ad in this cas e re s ults rom injury by the age nts
he ad), che m ical pollutants (e .g., lis te d.
inhale d organic com pounds )
He aring im pairm e nt High-volum e (inte ns ity) s ound (e .g., Chronic expos ure to loud nois e caus e s he aring los s proportional to
nois e pollution) expos ure re s ulting rom dam age to the s piral organ (o Corti).
Hype rs e ns itivity re action Che m ical s ubs tance s in e nvironm e nt, Inappropriate , inte ns e im m une re action to othe rw is e harm le s s
and phys ical alle rgy light (as in photos e ns itivity), te m pe ra- phys ical age nts is characte rize d by urticaria (hive s ), e de m a, and
ture (as in cold or he at s e ns itivity) othe r alle rgy s ym ptom s ; s pe cif c antige ns are us ually as s oci-
ate d w ith the re action.
Lace ration Me chanical injury (s harp-e dge d obje ct) This is a m e chanical injury in w hich tis s ue is cut or torn, o te n
characte rize d by ble e ding; i untre ate d, it m ay be com e in e cte d.
Continue d
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 7 Conditions Caused by Physical Agentscontd

Naus e a Che m ical age nts (inge s te d), ionizing radi- This is an unple as ant s e ns ation o the gas trointe s tinal tract that
ation (e .g., x-rays and gam m a rays ) com m only pre ce de s the urge to vom it (that is , ups e t
s tom ach ).
Pne um onia Inhale d s ubs tance s This abnorm al condition is characte rize d by acute in am m ation o
the lungs (in this cas e , trigge re d by irritation caus e d by inhale d
s ubs tance ) in w hich alve oli and bronchial pas s age s be com e
plugge d w ith thick uid (exudate ).
Pois oning Naturally occurring toxins , s ynthe tic This condition re s ults rom expos ure to a pois on or toxina s ub-
toxins , drugs (e .g., abus e , ove rdos e , s tance that im pairs he alth or de s troys li e ; e e cts m ay be local
toxic inte raction), e nvironm e ntal pol- or s ys te m ic. Som e tim e s antidote s reve rs e toxicity, but s om e -
lutants (e .g., air, wate r) tim e s the condition is irreve rs ible . The toxin m ay be inge s te d,
inje cte d, inhale d, or abs orbe d through s kin or m ay e nte r the
body in s om e othe r way.
Radiation s ickne s s Ionizing radiation (e .g., x-rays and gam m a De pe nding on the le ngth, inte ns ity, and location o expos ure to
rays ) radiation, this condition m ay be m ild (he adache , naus e a, vom it-
ing, anorexia, and diarrhe a) to s eve re (s te rility, e tal injury,
cance r, alope cia, and cataracts ); exce s s ive radiation expos ure
m ay caus e de ath.
Vis ual im pairm e nt Me chanical injury (e .g., blow to the A blow to the he ad m ay caus e de tachm e nt o the re tina; inte ns e
he ad), inte ns e light (e .g., dire ct s un- light or othe r radiation m ay dam age re tinal tis s ue . Radiation als o
light and las e r), ionizing radiation (e .g., m ay cloud the le ns or corne a, producing cataracts .
x-rays and gam m a rays ), non-ionizing
radiation (e .g., ultraviole t)
Windburn and abras ion Abras ive s (e .g., w indblow n particle s and This injury is s im ilar to a he at or che m ical burn but is caus e d by
burn rough s ur ace s ) m e chanical abras ion o the s kin or othe r tis s ue s .

TABLE 8 Endocrine Conditions

Acrom e galy Hype rs e cre tion o grow th horm one This is a chronic m e tabolic dis orde r characte rize d by gradual e nlarge -
(GH) during adulthood m e nt or e longation o acial bone s and extre m itie s .
Addis on dis e as e Hypos e cre tion o adre nal cortical hor- Caus e d by tube rculos is , autoim m unity, or othe r actors , this li e -
m one s (adre nal cortical ins u f cie ncy) thre ate ning condition is characte rize d by we akne s s , anorexia,
we ight los s , naus e a, irritability, de cre as e d cold tole rance , de hydra-
tion, incre as e d s kin pigm e ntation, and e m otional dis turbance ; it
m ay le ad to an acute phas e (adre nal cris is ) characte rize d by circula-
tory s hock.
Aldos te ronis m Hype rs e cre tion o aldos te rone O te n caus e d by adre nal hype rplas ia, this condition is characte rize d by
s odium re te ntion and potas s ium los s producing Conn s yndrom e :
s eve re m us cle we akne s s , hype rte ns ion (high blood pre s s ure ),
kidney dys unction, and cardiac proble m s .
Cre tinis m Hypos e cre tion o thyroid horm one This conge nital condition is characte rize d by dwarf s m , re tarde d m e ntal
during e arly deve lopm e nt deve lopm e nt, acial pu f ne s s , dry s kin, um bilical he rnia, and lack o
m us cle coordination.
Cus hing dis e as e Hype rs e cre tion o adre nocorticotropic Caus e d by s e cre tory ade nom a o the ante rior pituitary; incre as e d
horm one (ACTH) ACTH caus e s hype rs e cre tion o adre nocortical horm one s , producing
Cus hing s yndrom e .
Cus hing s yndrom e Hype rs e cre tion (or inje ction) o This m e tabolic dis orde r is characte rize d by at de pos its on uppe r back,
glucocorticoids s triate d pad o at on che s t and abdom e n, rounde d m oon ace ,
m us cular atrophy, e de m a, hypokale m ia (low blood potas s ium ), and
pos s ible abnorm al s kin pigm e ntation; it occurs in thos e w ith
Cus hing dis e as e .
Diabe te s ins ipidus Hypos e cre tion o (or ins e ns itivity to) This m e tabolic dis orde r is characte rize d by extre m e polyuria (exce s s ive
antidiure tic horm one (ADH) urination) and polydips ia (exce s s ive thirs t) caus e d by a de cre as e in
the kidneys re te ntion o wate r.

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 8 Endocrine Conditionscontd

Ge s tational diabe te s Te m porary de cre as e in blood leve ls o This carbohydrate -m e tabolis m dis orde r occurs in s om e pre gnant
m e llitus (GDM) ins ulin during pre gnancy wom e n; it is characte rize d by polydips ia, polyuria, ove re ating, we ight
los s , atigue , and irritability.
Gigantis m Hype rs e cre tion o GH be ore age 25 This condition is characte rize d by extre m e s ke le tal s ize caus e d by
exce s s prote in anabolis m during s ke le tal deve lopm e nt.
Grave s dis e as e (GD) Hype rs e cre tion o thyroid horm one This inhe rite d, pos s ibly autoim m une dis e as e is characte rize d by
hype rthyroidis m .
Has him oto dis e as e Autoim m une dam age to thyroid caus ing Enlarge m e nt o thyroid (goite r) is s om e tim e s accom panie d by hypothy-
hypos e cre tion o thyroid horm one roidis m , typically occurring be twe e n age s 30 and 50; it is 20 tim e s
m ore com m on in e m ale s than in m ale s .
Hype rparathyroidis m Hype rs e cre tion o parathyroid horm one This condition is characte rize d by incre as e d re abs orption o calcium
(PTH) rom bone tis s ue and kidneys and incre as e d abs orption by the gas -
trointe s tinal tract; it produce s hype rcalce m ia, re s ulting in con us ion,
anorexia, abdom inal pain, m us cle pain, and atigue , pos s ibly pro-
gre s s ing to circulatory s hock, kidney ailure , and de ath.
Hype rthyroidis m (adult) Hype rs e cre tion o thyroid horm one This condition, characte rize d by ne rvous ne s s , exophthalm os (protrud-
ing eye s ), tre m or, we ight los s , exce s s ive hunge r, atigue , he at intol-
e rance , he art arrhythm ia, and diarrhe a, is caus e d by a ge ne ral
acce le ration o body unction.
Hypothyroidis m (adult) Hypos e cre tion o thyroid horm one This condition, characte rize d by s luggis hne s s , we ight gain, s kin
dryne s s , cons tipation, arthritis , and ge ne ral s low ing o body unc-
tion, m ay le ad to myxe de m a, com a, or de ath i untre ate d.
Ins ulin s hock Hype rs e cre tion (or ove rdos e inje ction) Hypoglyce m ic (low blood glucos e ) s hock is characte rize d by ne rvous -
o ins ulin, de cre as e d ood intake , and ne s s , s we ating and chills , irritability, hunge r, and pallorprogre s s ing
exce s s ive exe rcis e to convuls ion, com a, and de ath i untre ate d.
Myxe de m a Extre m e hypos e cre tion o thyroid This is a s eve re orm o adult hypothyroidis m characte rize d by e de m a
horm one during adulthood o the ace and extre m itie s , o te n progre s s ing to com a and de ath.
Os te oporos is Hypos e cre tion o e s troge n in pos t- This bone dis orde r is characte rize d by los s o m ine rals and collage n
m e nopaus al wom e n rom bone m atrix, producing hole s or poros itie s that we ake n the
s ke le ton.
Pituitary dwarf s m Hypos e cre tion o GH be ore age 25 This condition is characte rize d by re duce d s ke le tal s ize caus e d by
de cre as e d prote in anabolis m during s ke le tal deve lopm e nt.
Sim ple goite r Lack o iodine in die t Enlarge m e nt o thyroid tis s ue re s ults rom the inability o the thyroid
to m ake thyroid horm one be caus e o a lack o iodine ; a pos itive -
e e dback s ituation deve lops in w hich low thyroid horm one leve ls
trigge r hype rs e cre tion o thyroid-s tim ulating horm one (TSH) by the
pituitary, w hich s tim ulate s thyroid grow th.
Ste rility Hypos e cre tion o s ex horm one s This is a los s o re productive unction.
Type 1 diabe te s m e lli- Hypos e cre tion o ins ulin This inhe rite d condition w ith s udde n childhood ons e t is characte rize d
tus (type 1 DM) by polydips ia, polyuria, ove re ating, we ight los s , atigue , and irritabil-
ity re s ulting rom the inability o ce lls to s e cure and m e tabolize
carbohydrate s .
Type 2 diabe te s m e lli- Ins e ns itivity o targe t ce lls to ins ulin This carbohydrate -m e tabolis m dis orde r w ith s low adult ons e t is
tus (type 2 DM) thought to be caus e d by a com bination o ge ne tic and e nvironm e n-
tal actors that re duce ins ulin s e ns itivity and produce polydips ia,
polyuria, ove re ating, we ight los s , atigue , and/or irritability and othe r
s ym ptom s . High carbohydrate intake ove r s eve ral ye ars , producing
obe s ity, is a m ajor ris k actor.
Winte r (s e as onal a e c- Hype rs e cre tion o (or hype rs e ns itivity This abnorm al e m otional s tate is characte rize d by s adne s s and m e lan-
tive dis orde r [SAD]) to) m e latonin choly re s ulting rom exagge rate d m e latonin e e cts ; m e latonin leve ls
de pre s s ion are inhibite d by s unlight s o they incre as e w he n day le ngth
de cre as e s during w inte r.

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 9 Autoimmune Diseases

Addis on dis e as e Sur ace antige ns on adre nal ce lls Hypos e cre tion o adre nal horm one s re s ults in we akne s s , re duce d
blood glucos e , naus e a, los s o appe tite , and we ight los s .
Cardiomyopathy Cardiac m us cle Dis e as e o cardiac m us cle (that is , the myocardium ) re s ults in a
los s o pum ping e f cie ncy (he art ailure ).
Diabe te s m e llitus (type 1) Pancre atic is le t ce lls , ins ulin, and ins ulin Hypos e cre tion o ins ulin by the pancre as re s ults in extre m e ly e le -
re ce ptors vate d blood glucos e leve ls (in turn caus ing a hos t o m e tabolic
proble m s , eve n de ath i untre ate d).
Glom e rulone phritis Blood antige ns that orm im m une com - Dis e as e o the f ltration apparatus o the kidney (re nal corpus cle )
plexe s that are de pos ite d in kidney re s ults in uid and e le ctrolyte im balance and pos s ibly total
kidney ailure and de ath.
Grave s dis e as e (type o Thyroid-s tim ulating horm one (TSH) re ce p- Hype rs e cre tion o thyroid horm one re s ults in incre as e in m e ta-
hype rthyroidis m ) tors on thyroid ce lls bolic rate .
He m olytic ane m ia Sur ace antige ns on re d blood ce lls (RBCs ) Condition o low RBC count in the blood re s ults rom exce s s ive
de s truction o m ature RBCs (he m olys is ).
Multiple s cle ros is (MS) Antige ns in mye lin s he aths o ne rvous Progre s s ive de ge ne ration o mye lin s he aths re s ults in w ide s pre ad
tis s ue im pairm e nt o ne rve unction (e s pe cially m us cle control).
Myas the nia gravis Antige ns at ne urom us cular junction (NMJ ) Mus cle dis orde r is characte rize d by progre s s ive we akne s s and
chronic atigue .
Myxe de m a Antige ns in thyroid ce lls Hypos e cre tion o thyroid horm one in adulthood caus e s de cre as e d
m e tabolic rate ; it is characte rize d by re duce d m e ntal and phys i-
cal vigor, we ight gain, hair los s , and e de m a.
Pe rnicious ane m ia Antige ns on gas tric parie tal ce lls and Abnorm ally low RBC count re s ults rom the inability to abs orb
intrins ic actor vitam in B12 , a s ubs tance critical to RBC production.
Re productive in e rtility Antige ns on s pe rm or tis s ue s urrounding This is an inability to produce o s pring (in this cas e , re s ulting
ovum (e gg) rom de s truction o gam e te s ).
Rhe um atic eve r Cardiac ce ll m e m brane s (cros s re action This caus e s rhe um atic he art dis e as e and in am m atory cardiac
w ith group A s tre ptococcal antige n) dam age (e s pe cially to the e ndocardium or valve s ).
Rhe um atoid arthritis Collage n In am m atory joint dis e as e is characte rize d by s ynovial in am m a-
tion that s pre ads to othe r f brous tis s ue s .
Sys te m ic lupus Num e rous Chronic in am m atory dis e as e has w ide s pre ad e e cts and is char-
e rythe m atos us acte rize d by arthritis , a re d ras h on the ace , and othe r s igns .
Ulce rative colitis Mucous ce lls o colon Chronic in am m atory dis e as e o the colon is characte rize d by
wate ry diarrhe a containing blood, m ucus , and pus .

TABLE 10 Def ciency Diseases*

Avitam inos is K Vitam in K This occurs alm os t exclus ive ly in childre n and is characte rize d by an im paire d
blood-clotting ability.
Be ribe ri Vitam in B1 (thiam ine ) Pe riphe ral ne rve condition is characte rize d by diarrhe a, atigue , anorexia, e de m a,
he art ailure , and lim b paralys is le ading to m us cle atrophy.
Folate de f cie ncy Folic acid Blood dis orde r is characte rize d by a de cre as e in re d blood ce ll (RBC) count.
ane m ia
Iron de f cie ncy Iron (Fe ) Blood dis orde r is characte rize d by a de cre as e in s ize and pigm e ntation o RBCs
ane m ia that caus e s atigue and pallor.
Kwas hiorkor Prote in and calorie s This orm o prote in-calorie m alnutrition is characte rize d by was ting o m us cle and
s ubcutane ous tis s ue , de hydration, le thargy, e de m a and as cite s , and re tarde d
grow th; it is caus e d by de f cie ncy o prote ins in the pre s e nce o ade quate
caloric intake (s e e m aras m us ).
Maras m us Prote in and calorie s This orm o prote in-calorie m alnutrition is characte rize d by progre s s ive was ting o
m us cle and s ubcutane ous tis s ue accom panie d by uid and e le ctrolyte im bal-
ance s ; it is caus e d by de f cie ncy o both prote in and calorie s (s e e kwas hiorkor).

* De f cie ncy m ay be caus e d by die tary de f cie ncy or an inability to abs orb or che m ically proce s s the lis te d s ubs tance s .
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 10 Def ciency Diseasescontd

Night blindne s s Vitam in A Re lative inability to s e e in dim light re s ults rom ailure to produce s u f cie nt
(nyctalopia) photopigm e nt in the rods o the re tina.
Os te om alacia Vitam in D, calcium (Ca), and/or Adult orm o ricke ts is characte rize d by re duce d m ine ralization o bone tis s ue
phos phorus (P) accom panie d by we akne s s , pain, anorexia, and we ight los s .
Pe llagra Vitam in B3 (niacin) or trypto- Dis e as e is characte rize d by s un-s e ns itive s caly de rm atitis , in am m ation o m ucos a,
phan (an am ino acid) diarrhe a, con us ion, and de pre s s ion.
Pe rnicious ane m ia Vitam in B12 Blood dis orde r is characte rize d by a re duce d num be r o RBCs , caus ing we akne s s ,
pallor, tingling o the extre m itie s , and anorexia.
Prote in-calorie m al- Prote in and calorie s Abnorm al condition re s ulting rom die tary de f cie ncy o calorie s in ge ne ral and
nutrition (PCM) prote in in particular; its orm s include kwas hiorkor and m aras m us .
Ricke ts Vitam in D, calcium (Ca), and/or Juve nile orm o os te om alacia is characte rize d by we akne s s and abnorm al s ke le tal
phos phorus (P) orm ation re s ulting rom re duce d m ine ralization o bone tis s ue .
Scurvy Vitam in C Re duce d m anu acture and m ainte nance o collage n and othe r unctions re s ults in
we akne s s , ane m ia, and e de m a; we akne s s o gingiva and loos e ning o te e th;
and he m orrhaging (e s pe cially in s kin and m ucous m e m brane s ).
Sim ple goite r Iodine (I) Enlarge m e nt o thyroid tis s ue re s ults rom inability o thyroid to m ake thyroid
horm one be caus e o lack o iodine ; pos itive - e e dback s ituation deve lops : low
thyroid horm one leve ls trigge r hype rs e cre tion o thyroid-s tim ulating horm one
(TSH) by pituitary, w hich s tim ulate s thyroid grow th.
Zinc de f cie ncy Zinc (Zn) Condition is characte rize d by atigue , de cre as e d ale rtne s s , re tarde d grow th,
de cre as e d s m e ll and tas te s e ns itivity, and im paire d he aling and im m unity.

TABLE 11 Genetic Conditions

S ing le -Ge ne Inhe ritance (Nucle ar DNA)
Do m in a n t
7, 17 Os te oge ne s is im pe r e cta Group o conne ctive tis s ue dis orde rs is characte rize d by im pe r e ct s ke le tal deve lop-
m e nt that produce s brittle bone s .
17 Multiple ne urof brom atos is Dis orde r is characte rize d by m ultiple , s om e tim e s dis f guring be nign tum ors o the
Schwann ce lls (ne uroglia) that s urround ne rve f be rs .
5 Hype rchole s te role m ia High blood chole s te rol m ay le ad to athe ros cle ros is and othe r cardiovas cular proble m s .
4 Huntington dis e as e (HD) De ge ne rative brain dis orde r is characte rize d by chore a (purpos e le s s m ove m e nts ) pro-
gre s s ing to s eve re de m e ntia and de ath by age 55.
Co d o m in a n t
11 Sickle ce ll ane m ia Blood dis orde r in w hich abnorm al he m oglobin is produce d, caus ing re d blood ce lls
Sickle ce ll trait (RBCs ) to de orm into a s ickle s hape ; s ickle ce ll ane m ia is the s eve re orm , and
s ickle ce ll trait is the m ilde r orm .
11, 16 Thalas s e m ia Group o inhe rite d he m oglobin dis orde rs is characte rize d by production o hypochro-
m ic, abnorm al RBCs .
Re ce s s ive (Au to s o m a l)
7 Cys tic f bros is (CF) Condition is characte rize d by exce s s ive s e cre tion o thick m ucus and conce ntrate d
s we at, o te n caus ing obs truction o the gas trointe s tinal or re s piratory tracts .
15 Tay-Sachs dis e as e Fatal condition in w hich abnorm al lipids accum ulate in the brain and caus e tis s ue
dam age ; le ads to de ath by age 4.
12 Phe nylke tonuria (PKU) Exce s s o phe nylke tone in the urine is caus e d by accum ulation o phe nylalanine in the
tis s ue s ; it m ay caus e brain injury and de ath i phe nylalanine (am ino acid) intake is
not m anage d prope rly.
Continue d

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 11 Genetic Conditionscontd

S ing le -Ge ne Inhe ritance (Nucle ar DNA)co ntd
Re ce s s ive (Au to s o m a l)co n td
11 Albinis m (total) Lack o the dark brow n pigm e nt m e lanin in the s kin and eye s re s ults in vis ion prob-
le m s and s us ce ptibility to s unburn and s kin cance r.
20 Seve re com bine d im m une Failure o the lym phocyte s to deve lop prope rly caus e s ailure o the im m une s ys te m s
de f cie ncy (SCID) de e ns e o the body; it is us ually caus e d by ade nos ine de am inas e (ADA) de f cie ncy.
Re ce s s ive (X-Lin ke d )
23 (X) He m ophilia Group o blood clotting dis orde rs is caus e d by a ailure to orm clotting actors VIII, IX,
or XI.
23 (X) Duche nne m us cular dys - Mus cle dis orde r is characte rize d by progre s s ive atrophy o s ke le tal m us cle w ithout
trophy (DMD) ne rve involve m e nt caus e d by m utation o dys trophin ge ne .
23 (X) Re d-gre e n color blindne s s Inability to dis tinguis h re d and gre e n light re s ults rom a de f cie ncy o photopigm e nts
in the cone ce lls o the re tina.
23 (X) Fragile X s yndrom e Me ntal re tardation re s ults rom bre akage o X chrom os om e in m ale s .
23 (X) Ocular albinis m Form o albinis m in w hich the pigm e nte d laye rs o the eye ball lack m e lanin; re s ults in
hype rs e ns itivity to light and othe r proble m s .
23 (X) Androge n ins e ns itivity Inhe rite d ins e ns itivity to androge ns (s te roid s ex horm one s as s ociate d w ith m ale ne s s )
re s ults in re duce d e e cts o the s e horm one s .
23 (X) Cle t palate (X-linke d orm ) One orm o a conge nital de orm ity in w hich the s kull ails to deve lop prope rly; it is
characte rize d by a gap in the palate (plate s e parating m outh rom nas al cavity).
23 (X) Re tinitis pigm e ntos a Condition caus e s blindne s s , characte rize d by clum ps o m e lanin in re tina o eye s .
S ing le -Ge ne Inhe ritance (Mito cho ndrial DNA)
m DNA Le be r he re ditary optic Optic ne rve de ge ne ration in young adults re s ults in total blindne s s by age 30.
ne uropathy
m DNA Parkins on dis e as e Ne rvous dis orde r is characte rize d by involuntary tre m bling and m us cle rigidity.
Chro m o s o m al Abno rm alitie s
Tris o m y
21 Dow n s yndrom e Condition is characte rize d by m e ntal re tardation and m ultiple s tructural de e cts .
23 Kline e lte r s yndrom e Condition is caus e d by the pre s e nce o two or m ore X chrom os om e s in a m ale (XXY);
it is characte rize d by long le gs , e nlarge d bre as ts , low inte llige nce , s m all te s te s , s te -
rility, and chronic pulm onary dis e as e .
Mo n o s o m y
23 Turne r s yndrom e Condition is caus e d by m onos omy o the X chrom os om e (XO); it is characte rize d by
im m aturity o s ex organs (caus ing s te rility), we bbe d ne ck, cardiovas cular de e cts ,
and le arning dis orde rs .

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

English as well: the meaning sense hanges when we
M e d ic a l Te r m in o lo g y add the pre x non- t make the w rd nonsense.
able 1 W rd Parts C mm nly Used as Pre xes b. A su x is a w rd part that is added t the end an
able 2 W rd Parts C mm nly Used as Su xes existing w rd t alter its meaning. On e again, su xes
able 3 W rd Parts C mm nly Used as R ts are als s metimes used in English. F r example, the
meaning sense hanges when we add the su x -less t
I y u are un amiliar with it, medi al and s ienti termin l- make the w rd senseless. A mplex term an have a se-
gy an seem verwhelming. T e length and apparent m- ries su xes, a series pre xes, r b th. F r example,
plexity many medi al terms seem mpletely reign and the w rd senselessness has tw su xes: -less and -ness.
mysti ying t pe ple wh have n t had any training r pra - . A root is a w rd part that serves as the starting p int
ti e in s ienti termin l gy. Alth ugh kn wledge s me r rming a new term. In the previ us examples in
basi w rd parts and a ew rules r using them are required, English, the w rd sense was the r t t whi h was added
medi al termin l gy is n t as di ult as it seems. T is ap- a pre x r a su x. W rd parts mm nly used as r ts
pendix pr vides what y u need t get y u started n y ur way als an be used as su xes r pre xes in rming a new
t understanding medi al termin l gy. First, there are a hand- term. Als , several r ts are s metimes mbined t
ul hints t help y u learn and use medi al terms. Se nd, rm a larger r t t whi h su xes r pre xes an be
there are several tables ntaining many the m st m- added.
m nly used w rd parts and examples h w they are used. d. Combining vowels are v wels (a, e, i, o, u, y) that are
T is appendix d es n t attempt t tea h y u the entire eld used t link w rd parts ten t make pr nun iati n
medi al termin l gy, but with the in rmati n given here that new mbinati n w rd easier. F r example, t
and a little pra ti e, y u will s n be me m rtable with link the su x -tion t the r t sense, we must use the
the basi s. mbining v wel -a- t rm the new term sensation.
Using the -e r m the riginal r t w rd w uld make
the term di ult t pr n un e. A r t and a mbining
Hin t s o r Le a r n in g a n d U s in g v wel t gether, su h as sensa-, is ten alled the
combining orm the w rd part.
M e d ic a l Te r m s 3. An ther set rules r using Latin and Greek terms that
1. Many medi al terms are derived r m the Latin and Greek y u will nd use ul relate t pluralizati n. rm a plural
languages. T is is be ause many the anat mists, physi- in English, we ten simply add -s r -es t a w rd. F r
l gists, and physi ians ar und the w rld wh dis vered example, the plural r sense is senses. Be ause we have
the basi prin iples m dern li e s ien e used these lan- ad pted these medi al terms and br ught them int the
guages themselves s that they uld mmuni ate with English language, in many ases we simply use the plural-
ea h ther with ut having t learn d zens native lan- izati n rules English and add the -s r -es when multi-
guages. T us Latin and Greek have be me the universal ples are being dis ussed. O ten, h wever, y u will run
language s ienti termin l gy. N t nly many the a r ss a term that has been pluralized a rding t Latin
w rds but als s me the rules usage are derived r m r Greek rules. T is brie list will help y u distinguish be-
these lassi al languages. T e m re use ul th se rules are tween many plural and singular rms:
given later in this se ti n.
2. One set rules r using Latin and Greek is essential t S INGULAR PLURAL EXAMPLE
understanding medi al termin l gy. B th these lan- -a -ae Am pulla, am pullae
guages rely n the ability t mbine w rd parts t make -ax -ace s Thorax, thorace s
new w rds. T us alm st all medi al terms are nstru ted -e n -e na Lum e n, lum e na
by mbining smaller w rd elements t make a meaning ul -e n -ina Foram e n, oram ina
term. Be ause this mbining te hnique, many medi al
-ex -ice s Cortex, cortice s
terms appear at rst glan e t be l ng and mplex. H w-
-is -e s Ne uros is , ne uros e s
ever, i y u read a new term as a series w rd elements
rather than a single w rd, y u will nd it less imp sing. -ix -ice s Appe ndix, appe ndice s
One the easiest ways t learn medi al termin l gy is t -on -a Mitochondrion, m itochondria
devel p the ability t instantly analyze new terms t dis- -um -a Datum , data
ver the w rd parts that mp se them. W rd parts di er -ur -ora Fe m ur, e m ora
in terms exa tly h w they t t gether with ther w rd -us -I Villus , villi
parts t rm a mplete term.
-yx -yce s Calyx, calyce s
a. A pre x is a w rd part that is added t the beginning
an existing w rd t alter its meaning. We use pre xes in -m a -m ata Lym phom a, lym phom ata

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved. e 12


4. C rre t spelling medi al terms is essential t their as rre t spelling. Medi al terms an usually be pr -
meanings. T is is espe ially true terms that are very l se n un ed ph neti allyby s unding ut ea h letter s und
in spelling but very di erent in meaning. F r example, the ea h syllable. It is best t he k the pr nun iati n keys
perineum is the regi n the trunk ar und the genitals and given in ea h hapter and in the gl ssary i y u are un er-
anus, whereas the peritoneum is a membrane that lines the tain h w t pr n un e any w rd presented in this text.
abd minal avity and vers abd minal rgans. A mistake 6. As y u kn w, pra ti e makes per e t. Pra ti e using the
that inv lves just ne letter an hange the meaning a medi al terms in this r an ther b k until y u be me
w rd, as in the ase ilium (part the b ny pelvis) and m rtable with medi al termin l gy. It w nt take l ng
ileum (part the small intestine). and y ull pr bably have un d ing it.
5. C mmuni ating verbally is just as imp rtant as written
mmuni ati n, s rre t pr nun iati n is as imp rtant

TABLE 1 Word Parts Commonly Used as Pref xes

a- Without, not Apne a Ce s s ation o bre athing
ad-, a - Toward A e re nt Carrying toward
an- Without, not Anuria Abs e nce o urination
ante - Be ore Ante natal Be ore birth
anti- Agains t; re s is ting Antibody Unit that re s is ts ore ign s ubs tance s
auto- Se l Autoim m unity Se l -im m unity
bi- Two; double Bicus pid Two-pointe d
circum - Around Circum cis ion Cutting around
co-, con- With; toge the r Conge nital Born w ith
contra- Agains t Contrace ptive Agains t conce ption
de - Dow n rom , undoing De f brillation Stop f brillation
dia- Acros s ; through Diarrhe a Flow through (inte s tine s )
dipl- Two old, double Diploid Two s e ts o chrom os om e s
dys - Bad; dis orde re d; di f cult Dys plas ia Dis orde re d grow th
e ctop- Dis place d Ectopic pre gnancy Dis place d pre gnancy
e - Away rom E e re nt Carrying away rom
e m -, e n- In, into Encys t Enclos e in a cys t
e ndo- Within Endocarditis In am m ation o he art lining
e pi- Upon Epimys ium Cove ring o a m us cle
ex-, exo- Out o , out rom Exophthalm os Protruding eye s
extra- Outs ide o Extrape ritone al Outs ide the pe ritone um
e u- Good Eupne a Good (norm al) bre athing
hapl- Single Haploid Single s e t o chrom os om e s
he m -, he m at- Blood He m aturia Bloody urine
he m i- Hal He m iple gia Paralys is in hal the body
hom (e )o- Sam e ; e qual Hom e os tas is Staying the s am e
hype r- Ove r; above Hype rplas ia Exce s s ive grow th
hypo- Unde r; be low Hypode rm ic Be low the s kin
in ra- Be low, be ne ath In raorbital Be low the (eye ) orbit
inte r- Be twe e n Inte rve rte bral Be twe e n ve rte brae
intra- Within Intracranial Within the s kull
is o- Sam e , e qual Is om e tric Sam e le ngth
m acro- Large Macrophage Large e ate r (phagocyte )
m e ga- Large ; m illion(th) Me gakaryocyte Ce ll w ith large nucle us
mes- Middle Me s e nte ry Middle o inte s tine

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 1 Word Parts Commonly Used as Pref xescontd

m e ta- Beyond, a te r Me tatars al Beyond the tars als (ankle bone s )
m icro- Sm all; m illionth Microcytic Sm all-ce lle d
m illi- Thous andth Millilite r Thous andth o a lite r
m ono- One (s ingle ) Monos omy Single chrom os om e
ne o- New Ne oplas m New m atte r
non- Not Nondis junction Not dis joine d
oligo- Few, s canty Oliguria Scanty urination
ortho- Straight; corre ct, norm al Orthopne a Norm al bre athing
para- By the s ide o ; ne ar Parathyroid Ne ar the thyroid
pe r- Through Pe rm e able Able to go through
pe ri- Around; s urrounding Pe ricardium Cove ring o the he art
poly- Many Polycythe m ia Condition o having m any blood ce lls
pos t- A te r Pos tm orte m A te r de ath
pre - Be ore Pre m e ns trual Be ore m e ns truation
pro- Firs t; prom oting Proge s te rone Horm one that prom ote s pre gnancy
quadr- Four Quadriple gia Paralys is in our lim bs
re - Back again Re ux Back ow
re tro- Be hind Re trope ritone al Be hind the pe ritone um
s e m i- Hal Se m ilunar Hal -m oon
s ub- Unde r Subcutane ous Unde r the s kin
s upe r-, s upra- Ove r, above , exce s s ive Supe rior Above
trans - Acros s ; through Trans cutane ous Through the s kin
tri- Thre e ; triple Triple gia Paralys is o thre e lim bs

TABLE 2 Word Parts Commonly Used as Su f xes

-al, -ac Re lating to Inte s tinal Re lating to the inte s tine s
-algia Pain Ne uralgia Ne rve pain
-aps , -apt Fit; as te n Synaps e Fas te n toge the r
-arche Be ginning; origin Me narche Firs t m e ns truation
-as e Signif e s an e nzym e Lipas e Enzym e that acts on lipids
-blas t Sprout; m ake Os te oblas t Bone m ake r
-ce nte s is A pie rcing Am nioce nte s is Pie rcing the am niotic s ac
-cide To kill Fungicide Fungus kille r
-clas t Bre ak; de s troy Os te oclas t Bone bre ake r
-crine Re le as e ; s e cre te Endocrine Se cre te w ithin
-e ctomy A cutting out Appe nde ctomy Re m oval o the appe ndix
-e m ia Re e rs to blood condition Hype rchole s te role m ia High blood chole s te rol leve l
-e m e s is Vom iting He m ate m e s is Vom iting blood
- ux Flow Re ux Back ow
-ge n Cre ate s ; orm s Lactoge n Milk produce r
-ge ne s is Cre ation, production Ooge ne s is Egg production
-gram * Som e thing w ritte n Ele ctroe nce phalogram Re cord o brains e le ctrical activity
-graph(y)* To w rite , draw Ele ctrocardiograph Apparatus that re cords he arts e le ctrical activity
* A te rm e nding in -graph re e rs to an apparatus that re s ults in a vis ual and/or re corde d re pre s e ntation o biological phe nom e na, w he re as a te rm e nding in
-graphy is the te chnique or proce s s o us ing the apparatus . A te rm e nding in -gram is the re cord its e l . Exam ple : In e le ctrocardiography, an e le ctrocardiograph
is us e d in producing an e le ctrocardiogram . Continue d

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 2 Word Parts Commonly Used as Su f xescontd

-hydrate Containing H2 O (wate r) De hydration Los s o wate r
-ia, -s ia Condition; proce s s Arthralgia Condition o joint pain
-ias is Abnorm al condition Giardias is Giardia in e s tation
-ic, -ac Re lating to Cardiac Re lating to the he art
-in Signif e s a prote in Re nin Kidney prote in
-is m Signif e s condition o Gigantis m Condition o gigantic s ize
-itis Signif e s in am m ation o Gas tritis Stom ach in am m ation
-le m m a Rind; pe e l Ne urile m m a Cove ring o a ne rve f be r
-le ps y Se izure Epile ps y Se izure upon s e izure
-lith Stone ; rock Lithotrips y Stone -crus hing
-logy Study o Cardiology Study o the he art
-lunar Moon; m oonlike Se m ilunar Hal -m oon
-m alacia So te ning Os te om alacia Bone s o te ning
-m e galy Enlarge m e nt Sple nom e galy Sple e n e nlarge m e nt
-m e tric, -m e try Me as ure m e nt, le ngth Is om e tric Sam e le ngth
-oid Like ; in the s hape o Sigm oid S-s hape d
-om a Tum or Lipom a Fatty tum or
-opia Vis ion, vis ion condition Myopia Ne ars ighte dne s s
-os e Signif e s a carbohydrate Lactos e Milk s ugar (e s pe cially s ugar)
-os is Condition, proce s s De rm atos is Skin condition
-os copy View ing Laparos copy View ing the abdom inal cavity
-os tomy Form ation o an ope ning Trache os tomy Form ing an ope ning in the trache a
-otomy Cut Lobotomy Cut o a lobe
-philic Loving Hydrophilic Wate r-loving
-pe nia Lack Le ukope nia Lack o w hite (ce lls )
-phobic Fe aring Hydrophobic Wate r- e aring
-phragm Partition Diaphragm Partition s e parating thoracic and abdom inal cavitie s
-plas ia Grow th, orm ation Hype rplas ia Exce s s ive grow th
-plas m Subs tance , m atte r Ne oplas m New m atte r
-plas ty Shape ; m ake Rhinoplas ty Re s haping the nos e
-ple gia Paralys is Triple gia Paralys is in thre e lim bs
-pne a Bre ath, bre athing Apne a Ce s s ation o bre athing
-(r)rhage , -(r)rhagia Bre aking out, dis charge He m orrhage Blood dis charge
-(r)rhaphy Sew, s uture Me ninge orrhaphy Suturing o m e ninge s
-(r)rhe a Flow Diarrhe a Flow through (inte s tine s )
-s om e Body Chrom os om e Staine d body
-te ns in, -te ns ion Pre s s ure Hype rte ns ion High pre s s ure
-tonic Pre s s ure , te ns ion Is otonic Sam e pre s s ure
-trips y Crus hing Lithotrips y Stone -crus hing
-ule Sm all, little Tubule Sm all tube
-uria Re e rs to urine condition Prote inuria Prote in in the urine

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 3 Word Parts Commonly Used as Roots

-acro- Extre m ity Acrom e galy Enlarge m e nt o extre m itie s
-ade n- Gland Ade nom a Tum or o glandular tis s ue
-alve oli- Sm all hollow ; cavity Alve olus Sm all air s ac in the lung
-angi- Ve s s e l Angioplas ty Re s haping a ve s s e l
-arthr- Joint Arthritis Joint in am m ation
-as the n- We akne s s Myas the nia Condition o m us cle we akne s s
-bar- Pre s s ure Barore ce ptor Pre s s ure re ce ptor
-bili- Bile Bilirubin Orange -ye llow bile pigm e nt
-brachi- Arm Brachial Re lating to the arm
-brady- Slow Bradycardia Slow he art rate
-bronch- Air pas s age Bronchitis In am m ation o pulm onary pas s age s (bronchi)
-calc- Calcium ; lim e s tone Hypocalce m ia Low blood calcium leve l
-capn- Sm oke Hype rcapnia Elevate d blood CO 2 leve l
-carcin- Cance r Carcinoge n Cance r produce r
-card- He art Cardiology Study o the he art
-ce phal- He ad, brain Ence phalitis Brain in am m ation
-ce rv- Ne ck Ce rvicitis In am m ation o (ute rine ) ce rvix
-che m - Che m ical Che m othe rapy Che m ical tre atm e nt
-chol- Bile Chole cys te ctomy Re m oval o bile (gall) bladde r
-chondr- Cartilage Chondrom a Tum or o cartilage tis s ue
-chrom - Color Chrom os om e Staine d body
-corp- Body Corpus lute um Ye llow body
-cortico- Re lating to cortex Corticos te roid Ste roid s e cre te d by (adre nal) cortex
-crani- Skull Intracranial Within the s kull
-crypt- Hidde n Cryptorchidis m Unde s ce nde d te s tis
-cus p- Point Tricus pid Thre e -pointe d
-cut(an)- Skin Trans cutane ous Through the s kin
-cyan- Blue Cyanos is Condition o blue ne s s
-cys t- Bladde r Cys titis Bladde r in am m ation
-cyt- Ce ll Cytotoxin Ce ll pois on
-dactyl- Finge rs , toe s (digits ) Syndactyly Joine d digits
-de ndr- Tre e ; branche d Oligode ndrocyte Branche d ne rvous tis s ue ce ll
-de nt- Tooth De ntalgia Toothache
-de rm - Skin De rm atitis Skin in am m ation
-dias tol- Re lax; s tand apart Dias tole Re laxation phas e o he artbe at
-dips - Thirs t Polydips ia Exce s s ive thirs t
-e jacul- To throw out Ejaculation Expuls ion (o s e m e n)
-e le ctr- Ele ctrical Ele ctrocardiogram Re cord o e le ctrical activity o he art
-e nte r- Inte s tine Ente ritis Inte s tinal in am m ation
-e ryth(r)- Re d Erythrocyte Re d (blood) ce ll
-e s the - Se ns ation Ane s the s ia Condition o no s e ns ation
- e br- Feve r Fe brile Re lating to eve r
-gas tr- Stom ach Gas tritis Stom ach in am m ation
-ge s t- To be ar, carry Ge s tation Pre gnancy
-gingiv- Gum s Gingivitis Gum in am m ation
-glom e r- Wound into a ball Glom e rulus Rounde d tu t o ve s s e ls
Continue d

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 3 Word Parts Commonly Used as Rootscontd

-glos s - Tongue Hypoglos s al Unde r the tongue
-gluc- Glucos e , s ugar Glucos uria Glucos e in urine
-glutin- Glue Agglutination Sticking toge the r (o particle s )
-glyc- Sugar (carbohydrate ); glucos e Glycolipid Carbohydrate -lipid com bination
-he pat- Live r He patitis Live r in am m ation
-his t- Tis s ue His tology Study o tis s ue s
-hydro- Wate r Hydroce phalus Wate r on the brain
-hys te r- Ute rus Hys te re ctomy Re m oval o the ute rus
-iatr- Tre atm e nt Podiatry Foot tre atm e nt
-kal- Potas s ium Hype rkale m ia Elevate d blood potas s ium leve l
-kary- Nucle us Karyotype Array o chrom os om e s rom nucle us
-ke rat- Corne a Ke ratotomy Cutting o the corne a
-kin- To m ove ; divide Kine s the s ia Se ns ation o body m ove m e nt
-lact- Milk; m ilk production Lactos e Milk s ugar
-lapar- Abdom e n Laparos copy View ing the abdom inal cavity
-le uk- White Le ukorrhe a White ow (dis charge )
-lig- To tie , bind Ligam e nt Tis s ue that binds bone s
-lip- Lipid ( at) Lipom a Fatty tum or
-lys - Bre ak apart He m olys is Bre aking o blood ce lls
-m al- Bad Malabs orption Im prope r abs orption
-m e lan- Black Me lanin Black prote in
-m e n-, -m e ns -, (-m e ns tru-) Month (m onthly) Am e norrhe a Abs e nce o m onthly ow
-m e tr- Ute rus Endom e trium Ute rine lining
-m uta- Change Mutage n Change -m ake r
-my-, -myo- Mus cle Myopathy Mus cle dis e as e
-myc- Fungus Mycos is Fungal condition
-mye l- Marrow Mye lom a (Bone ) m arrow tum or
-myx- Mucus Myxe de m a Mucous e de m a
-nat- Birth Ne onatal Re lating to new borns (in ants )
-natr- Sodium Natriure s is Elevate d s odium in urine
-ne phr- Ne phron, kidney Ne phritis Kidney in am m ation
-ne ur- Ne rve Ne uralgia Ne rve pain
-noct-, -nyct- Night Nocturia Urination at night
-ocul- Eye Binocular Two-eye d
-odont- Tooth Pe riodontitis In am m ation (o tis s ue ) around the te e th
-onco- Cance r Oncoge ne Cance r ge ne
-ophthalm - Eye Ophthalm ology Study o the eye
-orchid- Te s tis Orchiditis Te s tis in am m ation
-os te o- Bone Os te om a Bone tum or
-oto- Ear Otos cle ros is Harde ning o e ar tis s ue
-ov-, -oo- Egg Ooge ne s is Egg production
-oxy- Oxyge n Oxyhe m oglobin Oxyge n-he m oglobin com bination
-path- Dis e as e Ne uropathy Ne rve dis e as e
-pe d- Childre n Pe diatric Re lating to tre atm e nt o childre n
-phag- Eat Phagocytos is Ce ll e ating
-pharm - Drug Pharm acology Study o drugs

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 3 Word Parts Commonly Used as Rootscontd

-phle b- Ve in Phle bitis Ve in in am m ation
-photo- Light Photopigm e nt Light-s e ns itive pigm e nt
-phys io- Nature ( unction) o Phys iology Study o biological unction
-pino- Drink Pinocytos is Ce ll drinking
-plex- Tw is te d; wove n Ne rve plexus Com plex o inte rwove n ne rve f be rs
-pne um o- Air, bre ath Pne um othorax Air in the thorax
-pne um on- Lung Pne um onia Lung condition
-pod- Foot Podocyte Ce ll w ith e e t
-poie - Make ; produce He m opoie s is Blood ce ll production
-pol- Axis , having pole s Bipolar Having two e nds
-pre s by- Old Pre s byopia Old vis ion
-proct- Re ctum Proctos cope Ins trum e nt or view ing the re ctum
-ps e ud- Fals e Ps e udopodia Fals e e e t
-ps ych- Mind Ps ychiatry Tre atm e nt o the m ind
-pye l- Pe lvis Pye logram Im age o the re nal pe lvis
-pyo- Pus Pyoge nic Pus -producing
-pyro- He at; eve r Pyroge n Feve r produce r
-re n- Kidney Re nocortical Re e rring to the cortex o the kidney
-rhino- Nos e Rhinoplas ty Re s haping the nos e
-rigor- Sti ne s s Rigor m ortis Sti ne s s o de ath
-s arco- Fle s h; m us cle Sarcole m m a Mus cle f be r m e m brane
-s cle r- Hard Scle rode rm a Hard s kin
-s e m e n-, -s e m in- Se e d; s pe rm Se m ini e rous tubule Spe rm -be aring tubule
-s e pt- Contam ination Se ptice m ia Contam ination o the blood
-s igm - Gre e k or Rom an S Sigm oid colon S-s hape d colon
-s in- Cavity; re ce s s Paranas al s inus Cavity ne ar the nas al cavity
-s on- Sound Sonography Im aging us ing s ound
-s piro-, -s pire Bre athe Spirom e te r Me as ure m e nt o bre athing
-s tat-, -s tas - A s tanding, s topping Hom e os tas is Staying the s am e
-s yn- Toge the r Syndrom e Signs appe aring toge the r
-s ys tol- Contract; s tand toge the r Sys tole Contraction phas e o the he artbe at
-tachy- Fas t Tachycardia Rapid he art rate
-the rm - He at The rm ore ce ptor He at re ce ptor
-throm b- Clot Throm bos is Condition o abnorm al blood clotting
-tom - A cut; a s lice Tom ography Im age o a s lice or s e ction
-tox- Pois on Cytotoxin Ce ll pois on
-troph- Grow ; nouris h Hype rtrophy Exce s s ive grow th
-tym pan- Drum Tym panum Eardrum
-varic- Enlarge d ve s s e l Varicos e ve in Enlarge d ve in
-vas - Ve s s e l, duct Vas ocons triction Ve s s e l narrow ing
-ve s ic- Bladde r; blis te r Ve s icle Blis te r
-vol- Volum e Hypovole m ic Characte rize d by low volum e

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


C lin ic a l a n d La b o r a t o ry Va lu e s C o n ve r s io n Fa c t o r s
H ere is a set data n substan es in the b dy that are m- t o In t e r n a t io n a l S y s t e m
m nly measured in lini al r resear h lab rat ries t assess
the h me stati balan e, and thus the general health,
o U n it s (S I U n it s )
individuals. Depending n the ntext, y u may see di erent ways re-
p rting the same values. In the table bel w are s me nver-
able 1 Bl d, Plasma, and Serum Values si n a t rs that help y u nvert mm n values r m the
able 2 Urine C mp nents ust mary manner rep rting t the Internati nal System
able 3 C nversi n Fa t rs (SI Units) (SI) r equivalent.

TABLE 1 Blood, Plasma, and Serum Values

Acid phos phatas e Wom e n: 0.01-0.56 s igm a units /m L in kidney dis e as e
Me n: 0.13-0.63 s igm a units /m L in pros tate cance r
a te r traum a and in eve r
Alkaline phos phatas e Adult: 13-39 IU/I in bone dis orde rs
Child: up to 104 IU/I in live r dis e as e
during pre gnancy
in hypothyroidis m
Bicarbonate 22-26 m Eq/L in m e tabolic alkalos is
in re s piratory alkalos is
in m e tabolic acidos is
in re s piratory acidos is
Blood ure a nitroge n (BUN) 5-25 m g/dL w ith incre as e d prote in intake
in kidney ailure
Blood volum e Wom e n: 65 m L/kg body we ight during he m orrhage
Me n: 69 m L/kg body we ight
Calcium 8.4-10.5 m g/dL in hype rvitam inos is D
in hype rparathyroidis m
in bone cance r and othe r bone dis e as e s
in s eve re diarrhe a
in hypoparathyroidis m
in avitam inos is D (ricke ts and os te om alacia)
Carbon dioxide conte nt 24-32 m Eq/L in s eve re vom iting
in re s piratory dis orde rs
in obs truction o inte s tine s
in acidos is
in s eve re diarrhe a
in kidney dis e as e
Chloride 96-107 m Eq/L in hype rve ntilation
in kidney dis e as e
in Cus hing s yndrom e
in diabe tic acidos is
in s eve re diarrhe a
in s eve re burns
in Addis on dis e as e
Clotting tim e 5-10 m inute s in he m ophilia
(occas ionally) in othe r clotting dis orde rs
Coppe r 100-200 m cg/dL in s om e live r dis orde rs

COPD, Chronic obs tructive pulm onary dis e as e ; IU, Inte rnational Unit; m cg, m icrogram ; m Eq, m illie quivale nt; m ol, m ole ; L, m icrolite r.
* Value s vary w ith the analys is m e thod us e d; 100 m L 1 dL.

e 19 C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 1 Blood, Plasma, and Serum Valuescontd

Cre atinine phos phokinas e (CPK) Wom e n: 5-35 m illiunits /m L in Duche nne m us cular dys trophy
Me n: 5-55 m illiunits /m L during myocardial in arction
in m us cle traum a
Cre atinine 0.6-1.5 m g/dL in s om e kidney dis orde rs
Glucos e 70-110 m g/dL ( as ting) in diabe te s m e llitus
in kidney dis e as e
in live r dis e as e
during pre gnancy
in hype rthyroidis m
in hypothyroidis m
in Addis on dis e as e
in hype rins ulinis m
He m atocrit (packe d ce ll volum e ) Wom e n: 38% -47% in polycythe m ia
Me n: 40% -54% in s eve re de hydration
in ane m ia
in le uke m ia
in hype rthyroidis m
in cirrhos is o live r
He m oglobin Wom e n: 12-16 g/dL in polycythe m ia
Me n: 13-18 g/dL in COPD
New born: 14-20 g/dL in conge s tive he art ailure
in ane m ia
in hype rthyroidis m
in cirrhos is o live r
He m oglobin A1c or glycos ylate d he m oglobin 5.0% -7.5% in diabe te s m e llitus
Hom ocys te ine 5-15 m ol/L in he art dis e as e
Iron 50-150 m cg/dL (can be highe r in in live r dis e as e
m e n) in ane m ia (s om e orm s )
in iron de f cie ncy ane m ia
Lactic de hydroge nas e (LDH) 60-120 units /m L during myocardial in arction
in ane m ia (s eve ral orm s )
in live r dis e as e
in acute le uke m ia and othe r cance rs
Lipids total 450-1000 m g/dL in diabe te s m e llitus
in kidney dis e as e
in hypothyroidis m
in hype rthyroidis m
in inhe rite d hype rchole s te role m ia
in chronic he patitis
in hype rthyroidis m
in athe ros cle ros is
in acute he patitis
in hypothyroidis m
High-de ns ity lipoprote in (HDL) 40 m g/dL w ith re gular exe rcis e
Low-de ns ity lipoprote in (LDL) 180 m g/dL w ith high- at die t
in diabe te s m e llitus
Triglyce ride s 40-150 m g/dL in cardiovas cular dis e as e
in diabe te s m e llitus
in hype rthyroidis m
w ith exe rcis e
Fatty acids 190-420 m g/dL
Phos pholipids 145-200 m g/dL
Continue d

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.


TABLE 1 Blood, Plasma, and Serum Valuescontd

Me an corpus cular volum e 82-98 L or in various orm s o ane m ia
Os m olality 285-295 m Os m /L or in uid and e le ctrolyte im balance s
P CO 2 35-43 m m Hg in s eve re vom iting
in re s piratory dis orde rs
in obs truction o inte s tine s
in acidos is
in s eve re diarrhe a
in kidney dis e as e
pH 7.35-7.45 during hype rve ntilation
in Cus hing s yndrom e
during hypove ntilation
in acidos is
in Addis on dis e as e
Phos phorus 2.5-4.5 m g/dL in hype rvitam inos is D
in kidney dis e as e
in hypoparathyroidis m
in acrom e galy
in hype rparathyroidis m
in hypovitam inos is D (ricke ts and os te om alacia)
Plas m a volum e Wom e n: 40 m L/kg body we ight or in uid and e le ctrolyte im balance s
Me n: 39 m L/kg body we ight during he m orrhage
Plate le t count 150,000-400,000/m m 3 in he art dis e as e
in cance r
in cirrhos is o live r
a te r traum a
in ane m ia (s om e orm s )
during che m othe rapy
in s om e alle rgie s
PO 2 75-100 m m Hg (bre athing s tandard in polycythe m ia
air) in ane m ia
Potas s ium 3.8-5.1 m Eq/L in hypoaldos te ronis m
in acute kidney ailure
in vom iting or diarrhe a
in s tarvation
Prote intotal 6-8.4 g/dL (total) in s eve re de hydration
Album in 3.5-5 g/dL (total) during he m orrhage
(total) in s tarvation
Globulin 2.3-3.5 g/dL
Re d blood ce ll (RBC) count Wom e n: 4.2-5.4 m illion/m m 3 in polycythe m ia
Me n: 4.5-6.2 m illion/m m 3 in de hydration
in ane m ia (s eve ral orm s )
in Addis on dis e as e
in s ys te m ic lupus e rythe m atos us
Re ticulocyte count 25,000-75,000/m m 3 (0.5% -1.5% o in he m olytic ane m ia
RBC count) in le uke m ia and m e tas tatic carcinom a
in pe rnicious ane m ia
in iron de f cie ncy ane m ia
during radiation the rapy
Sodium 136-145 m Eq/L in de hydration
in traum a or dis e as e o the ce ntral ne rvous
s ys te m
or in kidney dis orde rs
in exce s s ive s we ating, vom iting, diarrhe a
in burns (s odium s hi t into ce lls )
Spe cif c gravity 1.058 or in uid im balance s
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 1 Blood, Plasma, and Serum Valuescontd

Trans am inas e 10-40 units /m L during myocardial in arction
in live r dis e as e
Uric acid Wom e n: 2.5-7.5 m g/dL in gout
Me n: 3-9 m g/dL in toxe m ia o pre gnancy
during traum a
Vis cos ity 1.4-1.8 tim e s the vis cos ity o wate r in polycythe m ia
in de hydration
White Blo o d Ce ll Co unt
Total 4500-11,000/m m 3 (total) in acute in e ctions
(total) in traum a
(total) in s om e cance rs
(total) in ane m ia (s om e orm s )
(total) during che m othe rapy
Ne utrophils 60% -70% o total (ne utrophil) in acute in e ction
Eos inophils 2% -4% o total (e os inophil) in alle rgie s
Bas ophils 0.5% -1% o total (bas ophil) in s eve re alle rgie s
Lym phocyte s 20% -25% o total (lym phocyte ) during antibody re actions
Monocyte s 3% -8% o total (m onocyte ) in chronic in e ctions

TABLE 2 Urine Components

Ro utine Urinalys is
Ace tone and ace toace tate 0 during as ting
in diabe tic acidos is
Album in 0-trace in hype rte ns ion
in kidney dis e as e
a te r s tre nuous exe rcis e (te m porary)
Am m onia 20-70 m Eq/L in live r dis e as e
in diabe te s m e llitus
Bile and bilirubin during obs truction o the bile ducts
Calcium 150 m g/day in hype rparathyroidis m
in hypoparathyroidis m
Color Trans pare nt ye llow, s traw-colore d, or am be r Abnorm al color or cloudine s s m ay indicate blood in urine , bile ,
bacte ria, drugs , ood pigm e nts , or high s olute conce ntration
Nitrite Ne gative in bacte riuria
Odor Characte ris tic s light odor Ace tone odor in diabe te s m e llitus (diabe tic ke tos is )
Os m olality 500-800 m Os m /L in de hydration
in he art ailure
in diabe te s ins ipidus
in aldos te ronis m
pH 4.6-8.0 in alkalos is
during urinary in e ctions
in acidos is
in de hydration
in e m phys e m a
Potas s ium 25-100 m Eq/L in de hydration
in chronic kidney ailure
in diarrhe a or vom iting
in adre nal ins u f cie ncy
m Eq, Millie quivale nt; m Os m , m illios m ol.
* Value s vary w ith the analys is m e thod us e d. Continue d
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 2 Urine Componentscontd

Ro utine Urinalys is co ntd
Sodium 75-200 m g/day in s tarvation
in de hydration
in acute kidney ailure
in Cus hing s yndrom e
Cre atinine cle arance 100-140 m L/m in in kidney dis e as e
Cre atinine 1-2 g/day in in e ctions
in s om e kidney dis e as e s
in ane m ia (s om e orm s )
Glucos e 0 in diabe te s m e llitus
in hype rthyroidis m
in hype rs e cre tion o adre nal cortex
Ure a cle arance 40 m L blood cle are d pe r m inute in s om e kidney dis e as e s
Ure a 25-35 g/day in s om e live r dis e as e s
in he m olytic ane m ia
during obs truction o bile ducts
in s eve re diarrhe a
Uric acid 0.6-1.0 g/day in gout
in s om e kidney dis e as e s
Micro s co pic Exam inatio n
Bacte ria 10,000/m L during urinary in e ctions
Blood ce lls (RBC) 0-trace in pye lone phritis
rom dam age by calculi
in in e ction
in cance r
Blood ce lls (WBC) 0-trace in in e ctions
Blood ce ll cas ts (RBC) 0-trace in pye lone phritis
Blood ce ll cas ts (WBC) 0-trace in in e ction
Crys tals 0-trace in urinary re te ntion
Ve ry large crys talline m as s e s are calculi
Epithe lial cas ts 0-trace in s om e kidney dis orde rs
in he avy m e tal toxicity
Granular cas ts 0-trace in s om e kidney dis orde rs
Hyaline cas ts 0-trace in s om e kidney dis orde rs
in eve r

TABLE 3 Conversion Factors (SI Units)

(in units as (in S I units , m o le cular units ,
cus to m arily CONVERS ION Inte rnatio nal Units , o r
COMPONENT re po rte d) FACTOR de cim al ractio ns )
Bio che m ical Co m po ne nts o Blo o d*
Ace toace tic acid (s e rum [S]) 0.2-1.0 m g/dL 98 19.6-98.0 m ol/L
Ace tone (S) 0.3-2.0 m g/dL 172 51.6-344.0 m ol/L
Album in (S) 3.2-4.5 g/dL 10 32-45 g/L
Am m onia (plas m a [P]) 20-120 m cg/dL 0.588 11.7-70.5 m ol/L
Amylas e (S) 60-160 Som ogyi units /dL 1.85 111-296 units /L
Bas e , total (S) 145-160 m Eq/L 1 145-160 m m ol/L
L, Fe m tolite r; kPa, kilopas cal; m m ol, m illim ole ; m ol, m icrom ole ; ng, nanogram ; nm ol, nanom ole ; pm ol, picom ole ; pg, picogram .
* The Inte rnational Com m itte e or Standardization in He m atology re com m e nds that the num be rs re m ain the s am e but that the units change , s o that he m o-
globin is expre s s e d as gram s pe r de cilite r (g/dL) eve n though othe r m e as ure m e nts are expre s s e d as units pe r lite r (U/L).
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 3 Conversion Factors (SI Units)contd

(in units as (in S I units , m o le cular units ,
cus to m arily CONVERS ION Inte rnatio nal Units , o r
COMPONENT re po rte d) FACTOR de cim al ractio ns )
Bio che m ical Co m po ne nts o Blo o dco ntd
Bicarbonate (P) 21-28 m Eq/L 1 21-28 m m ol/L
Bile acids (S) 0.3-3.0 m g/dL 10 3-30 m g/L
2.547 0.8-7.6 m ol/L
Bilirubin, dire ct (S) Up to 0.3 m g/dL 17.1 Up to 5.1 m ol/L
Bilirubin, indire ct (S) 0.1-1.0 m g/dL 17.1 1.7-17.1 m ol/L
Blood gas e s (B)
P CO 2 arte rial 35-40 m m Hg 0.133 4.66-5.32 kPa
PO 2 arte rial 95-100 m m Hg 0.133 12.64-13.30 kPa
Calcium (S) 8.5-10.5 m g/dL 0.25 2.1-2.6 m m ol/L
Chloride (S) 95-103 m Eq/L 1 95-103 m m ol/L
Cre atine (S) 0.1-0.4 m g/dL 76.3 7.6-30.5 m ol/L
Cre atinine (S) 0.6-1.2 m g/dL 88.4 53-106 m ol/L
Cre atinine cle arance (P) 107-139 m L/m in 0.0167 1.78-2.32 m L/s e c
Fatty acids (total) (S) 8-20 m g/dL 0.01 0.08-2.00 m g/L
Fibrinoge n (P) 200-400 m g/dL 0.01 2.00-4.00 g/L
Gam m a globulin (S) 0.5-1.6 g/dL 10 5-16 g/L
Globulins (total) (S) 2.3-3.5 g/dL 10 23-35 g/L
Glucos e ( as ting) (S) 70-110 m g/dL 0.055 3.85-6.05 m m ol/L
Ins ulin (radioim m unoas s ay) (P) 4.24 IU/m L 0.0417 0.17-1.00 m cg/L
0.20-0.84 m cg/L 172.2 35-145 pm ol/L
Iodine , BEI (S) 3.5-6.5 m cg/dL 0.079 0.28-0.51 m ol/L
Iodine , PBI (S) 4.0-8.0 m cg/dL 0.079 0.32-0.63 m ol/L
Iron, total (S) 60-150 m cg/dL 0.179 11-27 m ol/L
Iron-binding capacity (S) 300-360 m cg/dL 0.179 54-64 m ol/L
17-Ke tos te roids (P) 25-125 m cg/dL 0.01 0.25-1.25 m g/L
Lactic de hydroge nas e (S) 80-120 units at 30 C 0.48 38-62 units /L at 30 C
Lactate pyruvate 100-190 units /L at 37 C 1 100-190 units /L at 37 C
Lipas e (S) Che rry-Crandall 278 0-417 units /L
0-1.5 units /m L
Lipids (total) (S) 400-800 m g/dL 0.01 4.00-8.00 g/L
Chole s te rol 150-250 m g/dL 0.026 3.9-6.5 m m ol/L
Triglyce ride s 75-165 m g/dL 0.0114 0.85-1.89 m m ol/L
Phos pholipids 150-380 m g/dL 0.01 1.50-380 g/L
Fre e atty acids 9.0-15.0 m M/L 1 9.0-15.0 m m ol/L
Nonprote in nitroge n (S) 20-35 m g/dL 0.714 14.3-25.0 m m ol/L
Phos phatas e (P)
Acid (units /dL) Che rry-Crandall 2.77 0-5.5 units /L
King-Arm s trong 1.77 0-5.5 units /L
Bodans ky 5.37 0-5.5 units /L
Alkaline (units /dL) King-Arm s trong 1.77 30-120 units /L
Bodans ky 5.37 30-120 units /L
Be s s ey-Low ry-Brock 16.67 30-120 units /L
Phos phorus , inorganic (S) 3.0-4.5 m g/dL 0.323 0.97-1.45 m m ol/L
Potas s ium (P) 3.8-5.0 m Eq/L 1 3.8-5.0 m m ol/L
Continue d
C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

TABLE 3 Conversion Factors (SI Units)contd

(in units as (in S I units , m o le cular units ,
cus to m arily CONVERS ION Inte rnatio nal Units , o r
COMPONENT re po rte d) FACTOR de cim al ractio ns )
Bio che m ical Co m po ne nts o Blo o dco ntd
Prote ins , total (S) 6.0-7.8 g/dL 10 60-78 g/L
Album in 3.2-4.5 g/dL 10 32-45 g/L
Globulin 2.3-3.5 g/dL 10 23-35 g/L
Sodium (P) 136-142 m Eq/L 1 136-142 m m ol/L
Te s tos te rone (S)
Male 300-1200 ng/dL 0.035 10.5-42.0 nm ol/L
Fe m ale 30-95 ng/dL 0.035 1.0-3.3 nm ol/L
Thyroid te s ts (S)
Thyroxine (T4 ) 4-11 m cg/dL 12.87 51-142 nm ol/L
T4 expre s s e d as iodine 3.2-7.2 m cg/dL 79.0 253-569 nm ol/L
T3 re s in uptake 25% -38% re lative uptake 0.01 0.25% -0.38% re lative uptake
TSH (thyroid-s tim ulating 0.5-2.0 IU/L 0.000001 0.5-20 10 6
Inte rnational Units /L
horm one ) (S)
Ure a nitroge n (S) 8-23 m g/dL 0.357 2.9-8.2 m m ol/L
Uric acid (S) 2-6 m g/dL 59.5 0.120-0.360 m m ol/L
Vitam in B12 (S) 160-195 pg/m L 0.74 118-703 pm ol/L
He m ato lo gy Value s *
Re d ce ll volum e (m ale ) 25-35 m L/kg body m as s 0.001 0.025-0.035 L/kg body m as s
Re d ce ll volum e ( e m ale ) 20-30 m L/kg body m as s 0.001 0.020-0.030 L/kg body m as s
He m atocrit 40% -50% 0.01 0.40-0.50
He m oglobin 13.5-18.0 g/dL 10 135-180 g/L
He m oglobin 13.5-18.0 g/dL 0.155 2.09-2.79 m m ol/L
RBC count 4.5-6.3 10 6 / L 1 4.6-6.3 1012 /L
WBC count 4.5-10.3 10 3 / L 1 4.5-10.3 10 9 /L
Me an corpus cular volum e 80-96 m3 1 80-96 L

C pyright 2018, Elsevier In . All rights reserved.

acidosis (as-ih-D OH -sis) nditi n in whi h there is an ex essive
abdomen (AB-d h-men) b dy area between the diaphragm and pr p rti n a id in the bl d and thus an abn rmally l w bl d
pelvis pH ; pp site alkalosis
abdominal (ab-DOM-ih-nal) relating t the abd men acne (AK-nee) a ba terial in e ti n the skin hara terized by red
abdominal cavity (ab-DOM-ih-nal KAV-ih-tee) the avity n- pustules rmed when hair lli les be me in e ted
taining the abd minal rgans acne vulgaris (AK-nee vul-GAR-is) inf ammat ry skin nditi n
abdominal muscles (ab-DOM-ih-nal MUS-els) mus les supp rt- a e ting seba e us gland du ts; see comedones
ing the anteri r aspe t the abd men acquired immunity (ah-KW YERD ih-MYO O -nih-tee) immunity
abdominal quadrants (ab-D OM-ih-nal KWOD-rants) ur t p - that is btained a ter birth thr ugh the use inje ti ns r exp -
graphi subdivisi ns the abd men determined by tw imagi- sure t a harm ul agent
nary lines dividing the b dy thr ugh the navel ne verti al, ne acquired immunode ciency syndrome (AID S) (ah-KW YERD
h riz ntal; health pr essi nals use these designati ns t help IM-y -n h-deh-FISH -en-see SIN-dr hm [aydz]) disease in
l ate spe i internal rgans whi h the human immun de ien y virus atta ks ells, thereby
abdominal regions (ab-DOM-ih-nal REE-juns) nine t p graphi mpr mising the b dys immune system
subdivisi ns the abd men determined by ur imaginary lines acromegaly (ak-r h-MEG-ah-lee) nditi n aused by hyperse re-
n gured in a ti -ta -t e pattern; anat mists use these named ti n gr wth h rm ne a ter puberty, resulting in enlargement
regi ns t identi y the l ati n internal rgans a ial eatures (e.g., jaw, n se), ngers, and t es
abdominal thrust (ab-DOM-ih-nal thrust) emergen y pr edure acrosome (AK-r h-s hm) spe ialized stru ture vering the sperm
in whi h sudden pressure n the abd men a pers n wh is head ntaining enzymes that break d wn the vering the
h king may disl dge material r m the airway; rmerly alled vum t all w entry
Heimlich maneuver actin (AK-tin) ntra tile pr tein und in the thin my laments
abdominopelvic cavity (ab-DOM-ih-n h-PEL-vik KAV-ih-tee) skeletal mus le
the single avity ntaining the abd minal and pelvi rgans action potential (AK-shun p h- EN-shal) nerve impulse
abdominopelvic quadrant (ab-D OM-ih-n h-PEL-vik KWOD- active transport (AK-tiv RANS-p rt) m vement a substan e
rant) any ur regi ns rmed by dividing the abd min pelvi int and ut a living ell requiring the use ellular energy
avity by an imaginary r ss rmed by a verti al and h riz ntal acute (ah-KYO O ) intense; rapid nset, sh rt in durati nas in
line a ute disease
abdominopelvic region (ab-D O M-ih-n h-PEL-vik REE-jun) acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) (ah-KYOO LIM- h-sit-ik
sur a e area the b dy related t the abd min pelvi avity l -KEE-mee-ah) type a ute (rapid nset and pr gressi n) bl d
abduct (ab-D UK ) t m ve away r m the midline the b dy ( r an er mm n in hildren 3 t 7 years age; hara terized by
regi n) an er us trans rmati n and in reased numbers B lymph ytes
abduction (ab-DUK-shun) m ving away r m the midline the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (ah-KYO O MY-eh-l yd l -
b dy ( r regi n); pp site m ti n adduction KEE-me-ah) type a ute (rapid nset and pr gressi n) bl d
ablation (ab-LAY-shun) destru ti n r utting; r example, the an er m st mm n in adults; hara terized by an er us trans-
intenti nal destru ti n atrial mus le tissue t treat atrial bril- rmati n and in reased numbers myel id pre urs r ells
lati n r atrial f utter adaptation (ad-ap- AY-shun) nditi n many sens ry re ept rs
ABO system (ay bee h SIS-tem) human bl d lassi ati n system in whi h the magnitude a re ept r p tential de reases ver a
based n RBC antigens (A, B, AB, and O ) and their rresp nd- peri d time in resp nse t a ntinu us stimulus
ing antib dies adaptive immunity (ah-DAP-tiv ih-MYO O -nih-tee) a system
abruptio placentae (ab-RUP-shee- h plah-SEN-tay) separati n immunity with mem ry a spe i antigen and the ability t
n rmally p siti ned pla enta r m the uterine wall; may result in resp nd t that antigen, in ntrast t the n nspe i nature
hem rrhage and death the etus and/ r m ther innate immunity; an ther name r speci c immunity
absorption (ab-SORP-shun) passage a substan e thr ugh a Addison disease (AD ) (AD-ih-s n dih-ZEEZ) disease the adre-
membrane, su h as skin r mu sa, int bl d nal gland resulting in l w bl d glu se, weight l ss, weakness,
accessory organ (ak-SES- h-ree OR-gan) an rgan that assists in rease in bl d s dium, and de rease in bl d p tassium
ther rgans in a mplishing their un ti ns adduct (ad-D UK ) t m ve t ward the midline the b dy ( r
acetabulum (as-eh- AB-y -lum) s ket in the hip b ne ( x xae regi n)
r inn minate b ne) int whi h the head the emur ts adduction (ad-D UK-shun) m ving t ward the midline the b dy
acetylcholine (ACh) (as-ee-til-KOH -leen) hemi al neur transmitter ( r regi n); pp site m ti n abduction
acid (AS-id) any substan e that, when diss lved in water, ntributes adductor muscle (ad-D UK-t r MUS-el) any several mus les that
t an ex ess H i ns (that is, a l w pH ) addu t a j int, m ving a b dy part in r m the side (lateral) and
acid-base balance (AS-id bays BAL-ans) maintaining the n en- thus t ward the midline (median r midsagittal plane) the
trati n hydr gen i ns in b dy f uids b dy r the b dy regi n; r example, the pe t ralis maj r and
acidic (ah-SID-ik) having the nature an a id (a pH l wer latissimus d rsi mus les ntra t t gether t pull the arm t ward
than 7.0) the trunk, thus adducting the sh ulder j int


adenine (ADD-eh-een) ne several nitr gen- ntaining bases af erent neuron (AF- er-ent NO O-r n) neur n that ndu ts im-
that make up nu le tides, whi h in turn make up nu lei a ids pulses t ward the entral nerv us system; generally a sens ry
su h as DNA and RNA; in the ell, it an hemi ally bind t neur n
an ther nitr gen us base, thymine ( r t) r ura il (U r u), t age (ayj) h w ld an rganism is, usually measured r m time
rm a m re mplex stru ture r in translating geneti des; birth, hat hing, r rmati n as an independent rganism
symb lized by the letter A r a; see also guanine, cytosine, age-related macular degeneration (AMD ) (MAK-y -lar dih-jen-
thymine, uracil uh-RAY-shun) pr gressive deteri rati n ma ula lutea retina
adenocarcinoma (ad-eh-n h-kar-sih-NO H -mah) an er glan- ausing l ss entral visual eld
dular epithelium agglutinate (ah-GLO O-tin-ayt) antib dies ausing antigens t
adeno bromas (ad-eh-n h- ye-BROH -mahs) benign ne plasms lump r sti k t gether
rmed in epithelial and nne tive tissues aging process (AYJ-ing PRAH -ses) the gradual degenerative
adenohypophysis (ad-eh-n h-hye-POF-ih-sis) anteri r pituitary hanges that ur a ter y ung adulth d as a pers n ages
gland, whi h has the stru ture an end rine gland agranular leukocyte (ah-GRAN-y -lar LO O-k h-syte) lass
adenoid (AD-eh-n yd) literally, glandlike; aden ids, r pharyngeal white bl d ell (leuk yte) that d es n t exhibit granules when
tonsils, are paired lymph id stru tures in the nas pharynx; see also stained; in ludes m n ytes and lymph ytes; als alled non-
tonsils granular leukocyte r agranulocyte
adenoma (ad-eh-NOH -mah) benign tum r glandular epithelium agricultural scientist (ag-rih-KUL- her-al SYE-en-tist) s ientist
adenosine deaminase (ADA) de ciency (ah-DEN- h-seen dee- wh studies the gr wing r ps
AM-ih-nayse dee-FISH -en-see) rare, inherited nditi n in AID S-related complex (ARC) (AYDS ree-LAY-ted KOM-pleks)
whi h pr du ti n the enzyme aden sine deaminase is de - early mani estati n AIDS that pr du es ever, weight l ss, and
ient, resulting in severe mbined immune de ien y (SCID); sw llen lymph n des in th se wh se immune systems are less
rst human dis rder treated by gene therapy de ient than th se with ull-bl wn AIDS
adenosine diphosphate (AD P) (ah-DEN- h-seen dye-FAH S- ayt) albinism (AL-bih-niz-em) re essive, inherited nditi n hara ter-
m le ule similar t aden sine triph sphate but ntaining nly ized by a la k the dark br wn pigment melanin in the skin and
tw ph sphate gr ups eyes, resulting in visi n pr blems and sus eptibility t sunburn
adenosine triphosphate (A P) (ah-DEN- h-seen try-FAH S- ayt) and skin an er; ular albinism is a la k pigment in the layers
hemi al mp und that pr vides energy r use by b dy ells the eyeball
adipose (AD-ih-p hs) at tissue; spe ialized tissue that st res lipids albumin (al-BYO O-min) ne several types pr teins n rmally
adolescence (ad- h-LES-ens) peri d li e between puberty and und in bl d plasma; it helps thi ken the bl d
adulth d aldosterone (al-DOS-ter- wn) h rm ne that stimulates the kidney
adrenal cortex (ah-DREE-nal KOR-teks) uter p rti n adrenal t retain s dium i ns and water
gland that se retes h rm nes alled corticoids alimentary canal (al-eh-MEN-tar-ee kah-NAL) prin ipal tubelike
adrenal gland (ah-DREE-nal) gland that rests n the t p the stru ture the digestive system extending r m m uth t anus
kidneys, made up the rtex and medulla s metimes alled the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
adrenal medulla (ah-DREE-nal meh-DUL-ah) inner p rti n alkaline (AL-kah-lin) base; any substan e that, when diss lved in
adrenal gland that se retes epinephrine and n repinephrine water, ntributes t an ex ess OH i ns (thus reating a high
adrenergic ber (ad-ren-ER-jik FYE-ber) any the ax ns wh se pH value)
terminals release n repinephrine and epinephrine alkaline phosphatase (AL-kah-lin FOS- ah-tays) enzyme present
adrenocorticotropic hormone (AC H) (ah-dree-n h-k r-teh- in bl d plasma in high n entrati n during ertain liver and
k h- RO H -pi H OR-m hn) h rm ne that stimulates the adre- malignant b ne marr w dis rders
nal rtex t se rete larger am unts h rm nes alkalosis (al-kah-LO H -sis) nditi n in whi h there is an
adult polycystic kidney disease (ah-D UL pah-lee-sis-ti KID-nee ex essive pr p rti n alkali (base) in the bl d; pp site
dih-ZEEZ) hereditary nditi n hara terized by devel pment acidosis
multiple ysti spa es in ne r b th kidneys that ten ll allergen (AL-er-jen) harmless envir nmental antigen that stimu-
with lear f uid r bl d lates an allergi rea ti n (hypersensitivity rea ti n) in a sus epti-
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARD S) (ah-D UL RES- ble, sensitized pers n
pih-rah-t r-ee dis- RES sin-dr hm) relative inability t allergy (AL-er-jee) hypersensitivity the immune system t rela-
inf ate alve li n rmally; aused by impairment r rem val tively harmless envir nmental antigens
sur a tant ll wing a idental inhalati n destru tive all or none (all r nun) prin iple that a pr ess will ur at its maxi-
substan es mum r n t at all, n e it begins
adulthood (ah-DUL -h d) peri d li e a ter ad les en e allied health pro essions (AL-ayed helth pr h-FESH -unz) elds
aerobic (ayr-OH -bik) requiring xygen health- are w rk su h as therapists, medi al assistants, te hni-
aerobic training (ayr-OH -bik RAYN-ing) ntinu us vig r us ians, and thers, wh are n t physi ians r nurses
exer ise requiring the b dy t in rease its nsumpti n xygen alloimmunity (al- h-ih-MYO O -nih-tee) ex essive rea ti n the
and devel p the mus les ability t sustain a tivity ver a l ng immune system t antigens r m a di erent individual the
peri d same spe ies; s metimes alled isoimmunity
af erent (AF- er-ent) arrying r nveying t ward the enter (e.g., alopecia (al- h-PEE-sha) lini al term re erring t hair l ss
an a erent neur n arries nerve impulses t ward the entral ner- alpha cell (AL- ah sel) pan reati ell that se retes glu ag n
v us system); pp site ef erent alveolar duct (al-VEE- h-lar dukt) airway that bran hes r m the
af erent lymphatic vessel (AF- er-ent lim-FA -ik VES-el) any smallest br n hi les; alve lar sa s arise r m alve lar du ts
small lymphati vessel that arries lymphati f uid t ward a alveolar sac (al-VEE- h-lar sak) sa s in the lungs that arise r m the
lymph n de; mpare t ef erent lymphatic vessel alve lar du ts and resemble a luster grapes

alveolus (al-VEE- h-lus) (pl., alve li) literally, a small avity; alve li arteriogram; in veins, a venogram r phlebogram; in lymphati ves-
lungs are mi r s pi sa like dilati ns terminal br n hi les sels, a lymphangiogram
Alzheimer disease (AD ) (AH LZ-hye-mer dih-ZEEZ) brain dis r- angioplasty (AN-jee- h-plas-tee) medi al pr edure in whi h ves-
der the middle and late adult years hara terized by l ss sels luded by arteri s ler sis are pened (i.e., the hannel r
mem ry and dementia bl d f w is widened)
amenorrhea (ah-men- h-REE-ah) absen e n rmal menstruati n Angstrom (ANG -strum) 0.1 mm (1/10,000,000,000 a meter r
amino acid (ah-MEE-n AS-id) stru tural units r m whi h pr - ab ut 1/250,000,000 an in h); abbreviated
teins are built anion (AN-aye- n) negatively harged parti le; a negative i n
amniocentesis (AM-nee- h-sen- EE-sis) pr edure in whi h a anorexia (an- h-REK-see-ah) l ss appetite (a sympt m, rather
sample amni ti f uid is rem ved with a syringe r use in than a distin t dis rder)
geneti testing, perhaps t pr du e a kary type the etus; m- anorexia nervosa (an- h-REK-see-ah ner-VO H -sah) behavi ral
pare with chorionic villus sampling eating dis rder hara terized by hr ni re usal t eat, ten re-
amniotic cavity (am-nee-O -ik KAV-ih-tee) avity within the lated t an abn rmal ear be ming bese
blast yst that will be me a f uid- lled sa in whi h the embry antagonist (an- AG- h-nist) any agent that has the pp site e e t
will f at during devel pment the agent t whi h it is mpared; r example, a h rm ne
ameba (ah-MEE-bah) (pl., amebas r amebae) pr t z an hang- antag nist pp ses the e e t the mpared h rm ne
ing shape apable ausing in e ti n antagonist muscle (an- AG- h-nist MUS-el) a mus le having p-
amphiarthrosis (am- ee-ar- H RO H -sis) slightly m vable j int p sing a ti ns t an ther mus le; r example, mus les that f ex
su h as the ne j ining the tw pubi b nes the arm are antag nists t mus les that extend it
amylase (AM-eh-lays) enzyme that digests arb hydrates; see also antebrachial (an-tee-BRAY-kee-al) relating t the rearm
salivary amylase antenatal medicine (an-tee-NAY-tal MED-ih-sin) prenatal medi ine
anabolic steroid (an-ah-BOL-ik S AYR- yd) a lipid m le ule anterior (an- EER-ee- r) r nt r ventral; pp site posterior r
the ster id variety that a ts as a h rm ne t stimulate anab lism dorsal
(spe i ally pr tein synthesis) in b dy tissues su h as mus le anthrax (AN-thraks) ba terial in e ti n aused by Bacillus anthracis,
(e.g., test ster ne) rdinarily a e ting herbiv res (sheep, attle, g ats, antel pe) and
anabolism (ah-NAB- h-liz-em) pr ess in whi h ells make m- ten killing them; rarely it urs in humans thr ugh a idental
plex m le ules (e.g., h rm nes) r m simpler mp unds (e.g., r intenti nal exp sure t ba terial sp res thr ugh inhalati n r
amin a ids); pp site catabolism skin nta t; inhalati n anthrax is li e-threatening but an be
anaerobic (an-aXyr-OH -bik) requiring n xygen treated su ess ully with medi ati n; utane us anthrax is less
anal canal (AY-nal kah-NAL) terminal p rti n the re tum seri us, hara terized by a reddish-br wn pat h n the skin that
anaphase (AN-ah- ayz) stage mit sis; dupli ate hr m s mes ul erates and then rms a dark, nearly bla k s ab, ll wed by
m ve t p les dividing ell mus le pain, internal hem rrhage (bleeding), heada he, ever,
anaphylactic shock (an-ah- h-LAK-tik sh k) ir ulat ry ailure nausea, and v miting
(sh k) aused by a type severe allergi rea ti n hara terized anthropology (an-thr h-PO L- h-jee) s ien e human rigins,
by bl d vessel dilati n; may be atal ulture, hara teristi s, s iety, and belie s
anaplasia (an-ah-PLAY-zhee-ah) gr wth abn rmal (undi eren- antibiotic (an-tih-by-O -ik) mp und usually pr du ed by living
tiated) ells, as in a tum r r ne plasm rganisms that destr ys r inhibits mi r bes
anatomical position (an-ah- O M-ih-kal p h-ZISH -un) the stan- antibody (AN-tih-b d-ee) substan e pr du ed by the b dy that
dard neutral re eren e p siti n r the b dy used t des ribe sites destr ys r ina tivates a spe i substan e (antigen) that has en-
r m ti ns vari us b dy parts; gives meaning t dire ti nal tered the b dy
terms antibody-mediated immunity (AN-tih-b d-ee MEE-dee-ayt-ed
anatomist (ah-NA - h-mist) pr essi nal engaged in the study ih-MYO O-nih-tee) immunity that is pr du ed when antib dies
the stru ture an rganism and the relati nships its parts make antigens unable t harm the b dy; als re erred t as hu-
anatomy (ah-NA - h-mee) the study the stru ture an rgan- moral immunity
ism and the relati nships its parts anticoagulant (an-tee-k h-AG-y -lant) agent that pp ses bl d
androgen (AN-dr h-jen) male sex h rm ne l tting
andropause (AN-dr h-pawz) essati n ertility in lder adult antidepressant (an-tee-deh-PRES-ant) drug that inhibits lini ally
males; n t well-de ned in humans signi ant eelings depressi n r sadness
anemia (ah-NEE-mee-ah) de ient number red bl d ells r antidiuretic hormone (AD H) (an-tee-dye-y -RE -ik H O R-
de ient hem gl bin m hn) h rm ne pr du ed in the p steri r pituitary gland t
anesthesia (an-es- H EE-zhah) l ss sensati n regulate the balan e water in the b dy by a elerating the re-
aneurysm (AN-y -riz-em) abn rmal widening the arterial wall; abs rpti n water
aneurysms pr m te the rmati n thr mbi and als tend t antigen (AN-tih-jen) substan e that, when intr du ed int the b dy,
burst auses rmati n antib dies against it
angina pectoris (an-JYE-nah PEK-t r-is) severe hest pain result- antigen-presenting cell (APC) (AN-tih-jen prih-ZEN -ing sel)
ing when the my ardium is deprived su ient xygen any a variety immune ells that present pr tein ragments
angiogram (AN-jee- h-gram) medi al image vessels pr du ed by (antigens) n their sur a e and thus all w re gniti n and rea -
angiography ti n by ther immune system ells; in lude ma r phages, den-
angiography (an-jee-AH -gra -ee) radi graphy in whi h radi paque driti ells (D Cs), and B ells
ntrast medium is inje ted int a vessel t make it m re visible antihistamine (an-tih-H IS-tah-meen) agent that inhibits histamine,
in a medi al image (angi gram); in arteries the image is alled an an inf ammati n agent

antioxidant (an-tee-O K-seh-dent) substan e su h as vitamin E that arch any stru ture resembling an ar h r ar , as in the ar hlike ar-
an inhibit ree radi als ( xidants), whi h are highly rea tive, rangement t supp rt stru tures; the pr ess rming an
ele tr n-seeking m le ules urring n rmally in ells but whi h ar h, as when f exing r extending the spine t rm an ar h
may damage ele tr n-dense m le ules su h as DNA r m le ules archaea (ark-EE-ah) type mi r be resembling ba teria but with
in ell membranes di erent hemi al makeup (espe ially in the ell wall) and di er-
antiplatelet agent (an-tee-PLAY -let) drug therapy that inhibits ent metab li pathways; ten apable thriving in very harsh
platelets envir nments (very h t, very a id, very salty, et .); n t kn wn t
antiviral drug (an-tee-VYE-ral [ r an-tih-VYE-ral] drug) thera- in e t humans
peuti agent that inhibits viral repli ati n in b dy ells areola (ah-REE- h-lah) (pl., are lae) small spa e; the pigmented
antrum (AN-trum) avity ring ar und the nipple
anuria (ah-NO O-ree-ah) absen e urine areolar connective tissue (ah-REE- h-lar k h-NEK-tiv ISH -
anus (AY-nus) distal end r utlet the re tum y ) a type nne tive tissue nsisting bers and a variety
aorta (ay-OR-tah) main and largest artery in the b dy ells embedded in a l se matrix s t, sti ky gel
aortic body (ay-OR-tik BOD-ee) small luster hem sensitive arrector pili (ah-REK-t r PYE-lye) sm th mus les the skin that
ells that resp nd t arb n di xide and xygen levels are atta hed t hair lli les; when ntra ti n urs, the hair
aortic semilunar valve (ay-OR-tik sem-ih-LO O-nar valv) valve stands up, resulting in g se f esh r g se bumps
between the a rta and le t ventri le that prevents bl d r m arrhythmia (ah-RI H -mee-ah) see dysrhythmia
f wing ba k int the ventri le arterial blood gas (ABG) (ar- EER-ee-al blud gas) any the
apex (AY-peks) p inted end a ni al stru ture bl d hara teristi s related t respirat ry gases n rmally mea-
Apgar score (AP-gar) system assessing general health newb rn sured in a lab analysis arterial bl d (Po 2, Pco 2, %SO 2, pH ,
in ant, in whi h heart rate, respirati n, mus le t ne, skin l r, [H CO 3 ])
and resp nse t stimuli are s red (a per e t t tal s re is 10); arteriole (ar- EER-ee- hl) small bran h an artery
named r the Ameri an physi ian Virginia Apgar arteriosclerosis (ar-tee-ree- h-skleh-ROH -sis) hardening arter-
apical (AY-pik-al) relating t the apex (tip) an rgan, ell, r ther ies; materials su h as lipids (as in ather s ler sis) a umulate in
stru ture; in a ell, ten re ers t the sur a e a ing the lumen arterial walls, ten be ming hardened via al i ati n
the rgan artery (AR-ter-ee) vessel arrying bl d away r m the heart
apical heart beat (AY-pik-al hart beet) heart s und dete ted ver the arthritis (ar- H RY-tis) inf ammat ry j int disease, hara terized by
hearts apex in the spa e between the th and sixth ribs n a line inf ammati n the syn vial membrane and a variety systemi
even with the midp int the le t lavi le signs r sympt ms
aplastic anemia (ay-PLAS-tik ah-NEE-mee-ah) bl d dis rder arthroplasty (AR-thr h-plas-tee) the t tal r partial repla ement
hara terized by a l w red bl d ell unt, aused by destru ti n a diseased j int with an arti ial devi e (pr sthesis)
myel id tissue in the b ne marr w arthropod (AR-thr h-p d) type animal apable in esting r
apnea (AP-nee-ah) temp rary essati n breathing parasitizing humans
apocrine (AP- h-krin) relating t a ateg ry ex rine gland that arthroscopy (ar- H RO S-skah-pee) pr ess viewing internal
pin hes at its api al tip t release its se reti n stru tures a j int apsule using a lighted s pe inserted
apocrine sweat gland (AP- h-krin swet gland) any the sweat thr ugh s t tissues
glands l ated in the axilla and genital regi ns; these glands en- articular cartilage (ar- IK-y -lar KAR-tih-lij) artilage vering
large and begin t un ti n at puberty the j int ends b nes
apoptosis (ap- h- OH -si r ap- p- OH -sis) pr grammed ell articulation (ar-tik-y -LAY-shun) pla e jun ti n between tw
death by means several bi hemi al pr esses built int ea h r m re b nes the skelet n; als alled a joint
ell; ap pt sis lears spa e r newer ells, as in early embry ni arti cial kidney (ar-tih-FISH -al KID-nee) me hani al devi e that
devel pment r in tissue repair rem ves wastes r m the bl d that w uld n rmally be rem ved
appendage (ah-PEN-dij) s mething that is atta hed; r example, by the kidney
an atta hed b dy part su h as an arm arti cial pacemaker (ar-tih-FISH -al PAYS-may-ker) an ele tri al
appendicitis (ah-pen-dih-SYE-tis) inf ammati n the vermi rm devi e that is implanted int the heart t treat a heart bl k
appendix ascending colon (ah-SEND-ing KOH -l n) p rti n the l n
appendicular (ah-pen-DIK-y -lar) relating t the upper and l wer extending r m the e um t the hepati f exure
extremities the b dy ascites (ah-SYE-tees) abn rmal a umulati n f uid in intraperi-
appendicular skeleton (ah-pen-DIK-y -lar SKEL-eh-t n) the t neal spa e
b nes the upper and l wer extremities the b dy aseptic technique (ay-SEP-tik tek-NEEK) appr a h t limiting the
appendix (ah-PEN-diks) see vermi orm appendix spread in e ti n by preventing r redu ing nta ts with n-
appetite center (AP-ah-tyte SEN-ter) luster neur ns in the taminated sur a es
hyp thalamus wh se impulses ause an in rease in appetite asexual (ay-SEKS-y -al) ne- elled plants and ba teria that d n t
aqueous (AY-kwee-us) liquid mixture in whi h water is the s lvent; pr du e spe ialized sex ells
r example, saltwater is an aque us s luti n be ause water is the aspiration biopsy cytology (as-pih-RAY-shun BYE- p-see sye-
s lvent OL- h-jee) pr edure that draws myel id tissue int a syringe;
aqueous humor (AY-kwee-us H YO O -m r) watery f uid that lls all ws r examinati n tissue t n rm r reje t diagn sis
the anteri r hamber the eye, in r nt the lens assimilation (ah-sim-ih-LAY-shun) takes pla e when nutrient m l-
aqueous solution (AY-kwee-us suh-LO O-shun) a mixture made up e ules enter the ell and underg hemi al hanges
m le ules diss lved in water assisted reproductive technology (AR ) (ah-SIS-ted ree-pr h-
arachnoid mater (ah-RAK-n yd MAH -ter) deli ate, weblike mid- D UK-tiv tek-NOL- h-jee) any several medi al te hniques
dle membrane vering the brain, the meninges used t enhan e ertility

association area (ah-s h-see-AY-shun AYR-ee-ah) regi n the autoimmunity (aw-t h-ih-MYO O -nih-tee) pr ess in whi h a
erebral rtex the brain that un ti ns t put t gether r as- pers ns immune system atta ks the pers ns wn b dy tissues
s iate in rmati n r m many parts the brain t help make the underlying ause several diseases
sense r analyze the in rmati n automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALK) (AW-t h-may-ted lah-
asthma (AZ-mah) bstru tive pulm nary dis rder hara terized by MEL-ahr kayr-A - h-plast-ee) type re ra t ry eye surgery
re urring spasms mus les in br n hial walls a mpanied by that empl ys a mi r kerat me t ut a ap rneal tissue,
edema and mu us pr du ti n, making breathing di ult whi h is repla ed a ter the underlying tissue is reshaped
astigmatic keratotomy (AK) (AY-stig-mat-i kayr-ah- O -ah- automatic external de brillator (AED ) (aw-t h-MA -ik eks-
mee) type re ra t ry eye surgery r treatment astigmatism ERN-al dee-FIB-rih-lay-t r) small, lightweight devi e that
that inv lves pla ement transverse uts a r ss the rneal sur- dete ts a pers ns heart rhythm using small ele tr de pads pla ed
a e t alter its shape n the t rs and, i ventri ular brillati n is dete ted, a n nmedi-
astigmatism (ah-S IG-mah-tiz-em) irregular urvature the rnea al res uer will be led thr ugh s me simple steps t de brillate
r lens that impairs re ra ti n a well- used image in the eye the vi tim by applying brie ele tr sh k t the heart
astrocyte (AS-tr h-syte) a neur glial ell autonomic ef ector (aw-t h-NOM-ik e -FEK-t r) tissues t whi h
atelectasis (at-eh-LEK-tay-sis) t tal r partial llapse the alve li aut n mi neur ns ndu t impulses
the lung autonomic nervous system (ANS) (aw-t h-NOM-ik NER-vus
atherosclerosis (ath-er- h-skleh-RO H -sis) type hardening SIS-tem) divisi n the human nerv us system that regulates
the arteries in whi h lipids and ther substan es build up n the inv luntary a ti ns
inside wall bl d vessels autonomic neuron (aw-t h-NOM-ik NO O-r n) m t r neur ns
athletic trainer (ath-LE -ik RAY-ner) health are pr essi nal that make up the aut n mi nerv us system
wh w rks with a physi ian and spe ializes in preventi n, diag- autopsy (AW-t p-see) systemati disse ti n and analysis a dead
n sis, and therapy sp rts-related injuries b dy, ten r the purp se dis vering the ause death and/
atlas (A -lis) an ther name r the rst ervi al vertebra (C1) r the presen e health nditi ns; als alled necropsy
atom (A - m) smallest parti le a pure substan e (element) that autosome (AW-t h-s hm) ne the 44 (22 pairs) hr m s mes in
still has the hemi al pr perties that substan e; mp sed the human gen me ther than the tw sex hr m s mes; means
pr t ns, ele tr ns, and neutr ns (subat mi parti les) same b dy, re erring t the a t that members a pair aut -
atomic mass (ah- AH -mik MAS) mbined t tal number pr - s mes mat h ea h ther in size and ther stru tural eatures
t ns and neutr ns in an at m AV bundle (AV BUN-dul) bers in the heart that relay a nerve
atomic number (ah- AH -mik NUM-ber) t tal number pr t ns impulse r m the AV n de t the ventri les; als kn wn as the
in an at ms nu leus; at ms ea h element have a hara teristi bundle o His
at mi number avitaminosis (ay-vye-tah-mih-NOH -sis) general name r any n-
atrial brillation (A- b or AF) (AY-tree-al b-ril-LAY-shun) re- diti n resulting r m a vitamin de ien y
quent, ha ti premature ntra ti ns the atrium avulsion racture (ah-VUL-shun FRAK- hur) ra ture urring
atrial utter (AFL) (AY-tree-al FLU -er) a rapid and irregular when a p wer ul mus le ntra ti n pulling n a ligament us r
atrial rhythm ten triggered by abn rmal ele tri al signals r m tendin us atta hment t a b ne r ibly pulls a ragment b ne
the nearby pulm nary veins ree r m underlying sse us tissue
atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) (AY-tree-al nay-tree-y -RE - axial (AK-see-al) relating t the entral axis the b dy: head, ne k,
ik H O R-m hn) h rm ne se reted by the heart ells that regu- and t rs r trunk
lates f uid and ele tr lyte h me stasis axial skeleton (AK-see-al SKEL-eh-t n) the b nes the head,
atrioventricular (AV) bundle (ay-tree- h-ven- RIK-y -lar BUN- ne k, and t rs
del) bundle rapidly ndu ting ardia mus le bers that ex- axilla (AK-sil-ah) relating t the armpit
tend r m the AV n de t the subend ardial bran hes (Purkinje axillary (AK-sih-layr-ee) relating t the area inside the sh ulder
bers); inv lved in rdinati n heart mus le ntra ti n; als j int r armpit
kn wn as bundle o His axon (AK-s n) nerve ell pr ess that transmits impulses away r m
atrioventricular (AV) node (ay-tree- h-ven- RIK-y -lar n hd) a the ell b dy
small mass spe ial impulse-generating ardia mus le tissue
near the jun ti n the le t atrium and ventri le; part the
ndu ti n system the heart
atrioventricular (AV) valve (ay-tree- h-ven- RIK-y -lar valv) B cell (bee sel) a lymph yte; a tivated B ells devel p int plasma
either tw valves that separate the atrial hambers r m the ells, whi h se rete antib dies int the bl d
ventri les B lymphocyte (bee LIM- h-syte) immune system ell that pr -
atrium (AY-tree-um) (pl., atria) hamber r avity; r example, du es antib dies against spe i antigens
atrium ea h side the heart bacillus (bah-SIL-us) (pl., ba illi) r d-shaped ba terium
atrophy (A -r h- ee) wasting away tissue; de rease in size a bacterium (bak- EER-ee-um) mi r be apable ausing disease; it is
part; s metimes re erred t as disuse atrophy a primitive, single- elled rganism with ut membran us rganelles
audiologist (aw-dee-OL-uh-jist) health- are pr essi nal wh Bard endoscopic suturing system (BARD en-d h-SKOP-ik SO O-
treats hearing dis rders hur-ing SIS-tem) use an end s pe t pla e sutures in the
auditory tube (AW-dih-t h-ree t b) tube extending r m inside l wer es phageal sphin ter t narr w the lumen
the middle ear t the thr at t equalize air pressure; als alled bariatrics (bayr-ee-A -riks) eld medi ine that deals with treat-
the eustachian tube ment besity
auricle (AW-rih-kul) part the ear atta hed t the side the head; Barrett esophagus (BAH R-ett ee-SOF-ah-gus) pre an er us n-
earlike appendage ea h atrium the heart diti n es phageal lining

Bartholin gland (BAR-t h-lin) ex rine mu us gland l ated n bilateral symmetry (bye-LA -er-al SIM-eh-tree) n ept the
either side the vaginal utlet; als kn wn as greater vestibular right and le t sides the b dy being appr ximate mirr r images
gland ea h ther
bartholinitis (bar-t h-lin-AYE-tis) inf ammati n the Barth lin bilayer (BYE-lay-er) d uble layer
glands, a ess ry rgans the emale repr du tive tra t bile (byle) substan e that redu es large at gl bules int smaller
basal cell carcinoma (BAY-sal sel ar-sih-NO H -mah) skin an- dr plets at that are m re easily br ken d wn
er, ten urring n upper a e, with l w p tential r bile duct (byle dukt) du t that drains bile int the small intestine and
metastasizing is rmed by the uni n the mm n hepati and ysti du ts
basal ganglia (BAY-sal GANG-glee-ah) see basal nuclei r cerebral biliary colic (BIL-yah-ree KOL-ik) pain that may ur when a
nuclei gallst ne bl ks the mm n bile du ta nditi n alled
basal metabolic rate (BMR) (BAY-sal met-ah-BAH L-ik rayt) choledocholithiasis
number al ries heat that must be pr du ed per h ur by biochemist (bye- h-KEM-ist) s ientist wh w rks primarily in the
atab lism t keep the b dy alive, awake, and m rtably warm eld bi hemistry; see biochemistry
basal nuclei (BAY-sal NO O -klee-aye) islands gray matter l ated biochemistry (bye- h-KEM-is-tree) s ien e hemistry living
in the erebral rtex that are resp nsible r aut mati m ve- rganisms
ments and p stures; als alled basal ganglia r cerebral nuclei biological ltration (bye-EH -lah-jih-kal l- RAY-shun) pr ess in
base 1. A hemi al that, when diss lved in water, redu es the relative whi h ells alter the ntents the ltered f uid
n entrati n H i ns in the wh le s luti n (s metimes by biomedical engineering (bye- h-MED-ik-al en-juh-NEER-ing)
adding O H i ns) 2. In the ntext nu lei a ids (DNA and eld ma hine design applied t therapeuti strategies; als
RNA), base r nitrogen base re ers t ne part a nu le tide alled bioengineering
(sugar, ph sphate, and base) that is the basi building bl k biopsy (BYE- p-see) pr edure in whi h living tissue is rem ved
nu lei a id m le ules; p ssible bases in lude adenine, thymine, r m a patient r lab rat ry examinati n, as in determining the
guanine, yt sine, and ura il presen e an er ells; see als needle biopsy
basement membrane (BAYS-ment MEM-brayn) the nne tive bioterrorism (bye- h- AYR- r-iz-em) unlaw ul release bi l gi-
tissue layer the ser us membrane that h lds and supp rts the al agents (t xins r path gens) r the purp se intimidati n
epithelial ells birth de ect (DEE- ekt) any abn rmality, whether aused by geneti
basophil (BAY-s h- l) white bl d ell that stains readily with basi r envir nmental a t rs, that exists at birth; see teratogen
dyes blackhead des ripti n sebum that a umulates, darkens, and en-
BBB see blood-brain barrier larges s me the du ts the seba e us glands; als alled a
Bell palsy (bell PAW L-zee) temp rary r permanent paralysis comedo
a ial eatures aused by damage t ranial nerve VII ( a ial bladder (BLAD-der) a sa , usually re erring t the urinary bladder
nerve) blastocyst (BLAS-t h-sist) p stm rula stage devel ping embry ;
benign (be-NYNE) re ers t a tum r r ne plasm that d es n t h ll w ball ells
metastasize r spread t di erent tissues blister (BLIS-ter) f uid- lled skin lesi n; see vesicle
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) (be-NYNE pr h-S A -ik blood (blud) type nne tive tissue hara terized by a watery
hye-PER-tr h- ee) benign enlargement the pr state, a ndi- liquid matrix (bl d plasma) and a variety m bile ells that
ti n mm n in lder males in lude red bl d ells, white bl d ells, and platelets
benign tumor (be-NYNE O O -mer) a n n an er us and generally blood-brain barrier (BBB) (blud brayn BAYR-ee-er) stru tural and
harmless ne plasm un ti nal barrier rmed by astr ytes and bl d vessel walls in
beta-adrenergic blocker (BAY-tahad-ren-ER-jik) drug that bl ks the brain; it prevents s me substan es r m di using r m the
beta-adrenergi re ept rs and there re prevents dilati n bl d bl d int brain tissue
vessels and in reased ntra ti n heart mus le; als alled beta blood doping (blud D O H -ping) a pra ti e used t impr ve athleti
blocker per rman e by rem ving red bl d ells weeks be re an event
beta cell (BAY-tah sel) pan reati islet ell that se retes insulin and then rein using them just be re mpetiti n t in rease the
bicarbonate ion (bye-KAR-b h-nayt EYE- n) negative i n m- xygen- arrying apa ity the bl d
m n in water s luti ns, in luding b dy f uids; H CO 3 ; ten a ts blood pressure (blud PRESH -ur) pressure bl d in the bl d
as a bu er t in rease pH (redu e a idity) a s luti n vessels, expressed as syst li pressure ver diast li pressure (e.g.,
bicarbonate loading (bye-KAR-b h-net LO H D-ing) ingesting 120/80 mm H g)
large am unts s dium bi arb nate t untera t the e e ts blood pressure gradient (blud PRESH -ur GRAY-dee-ent) the di -
la ti a id buildup, thereby redu ing atigue; h wever, there are eren e between any tw bl d pressures in the b dy; r exam-
p tentially danger us side e e ts ple, the pressure di eren e between the bl d in the le t ventri le
biceps brachii (BYE-seps BRAY-kee-aye) the primary f ex r the the heart and the bl d in the a rta is a pressure gradient
rearm blood types (blud) the di erent types bl d that are identi ed by
biceps emoris (BYE-seps FEM- h-ris) p wer ul f ex r the leg ertain antigens in red bl d ells (A, B, AB, O, and Rh-negative
biconcave (bye-KO N-kayv) depressed r aved in n tw sides, as r Rh-p sitive)
in the pin hed disk shape red bl d ells blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test (y -REE-ah NYE-tr h-jen) lin-
bicuspid (bye-KUS-pid) having tw p ints; bi uspid t th (als i al lab rat ry measurement the am unt nitr gen in urea
alled premolar) has a large f at sur a e and tw grinding usps; present in the bl d and used as a measure the e ien y the
see also bicuspid valve kidneys ability t lear urea r m the b dy
bicuspid valve (bye-KUS-pid valv) ne the tw AV valves, it is body (BOD-ee) uni ed and mplex assembly stru turally and
l ated between the le t atrium and ventri le; als alled the un ti nally intera tive mp nents (as in human body); the main
mitral valve r le t atrioventricular (AV) valve r entral part a stru ture (as in cell body r body o an organ)

body composition (BOD-ee m-p h-ZISH -un) assessment that lubri ate the terminal p rti n the urethra and ntribute less
identi es the per entage the b dy that is lean tissue and the than 5% the seminal f uid v lume; als kn wn as Cowper
per entage that is at gland
boil (BOY-el) see uruncle bulimarexia (b -lee-mah-REK-see-ah) nditi n in whi h pe ple
bolus (BOW-lus) a small, r unded mass masti ated d ready t purp sely indu e the v miting ref ex t purge themselves d
be swall wed they just ate; an eating dis rder
bond a hemi al b nd r uni n between tw r m re at ms t rm bulimia (b -LEE-mee-ah) behavi ral eating dis rder hara ter-
a m le ule; see ionic bond and covalent bond ized by an alternating pattern vereating ll wed by sel -
bone (b hn) highly spe ialized nne tive tissue wh se matrix is denial (and perhaps purging GI ntents)
hard and al i ed bundle o His (BUN-dul his) see AV bundle
bone marrow (b hn MAYR- h) s t material that lls avities burn (bern) an injury t tissues resulting r m nta t with heat,
the b nes; red b ne marr w is vital t bl d ell rmati n; yel- hemi als, ele tri ity, ri ti n, r radiant and ele tr magneti
l w b ne marr w is ina tive atty tissue energy; lassi ed int three ateg ries, depending n the number
bone marrow transplant (b hn MAYR- h RANS-plant) treat- tissue layers inv lved
ment in whi h healthy bl d- rming marr w tissue r m a d - bursa (BER-sah) (pl., bursae) small, ushi nlike sa s und between
n r is intraven usly intr du ed int a re ipient m ving b dy parts, whi h make m vement easier
bony labyrinth (BOH N-ee LAB-eh-rinth) the f uid- lled mplex bursitis (ber-SYE-tis) inf ammati n a bursa
maze three spa es (the vestibule, semi ir ular anals, and -
hlea) in the temp ral b ne
Bouchard node (b -SH AR n hd) any the abn rmal enlarge-
ments seen at the pr ximal interphalangeal j ints in pe ple with cachexia (kah-KEES-ee-ah) syndr me ass iated with an er and
ste arthritis ther hr ni diseases that inv lves l ss appetite, weight l ss,
bovine spongi orm encephalopathy (BSE) (BOH -vyne SPUN- and general weakness
jeh- rm en-se -uh-LO P-uh-thee) als kn wn as mad cow dis- calcaneus (kal-KAY-nee-us) heel b ne; largest tarsal in the t
ease; a degenerative disease the entral nerv us system aused calcitonin (C ) (kal-sih- OH -nin) a h rm ne se reted by the
by pri ns that nvert n rmal pr teins the nerv us system int thyr id gland that de reases al ium in the bl d
abn rmal pr teins, ausing l ss nerv us system un ti n; the calcium-channel blocker (KAL-see-um CH AN-al) drug that in-
abn rmal rm the pr tein als may be inherited; see also prion hibits the pening al ium hannels in ell membranes; r
Bowman capsule (BOH -men KAP-sul) the up-shaped beginning example, used t redu e heart mus le ntra ti ns
a nephr n that surr unds the gl merulus; als alled Bowmans calculi (KAL-ky -lye) hard, rystalline st nes that rm in the lu-
capsule r glomerular capsule men h ll w rgans su h as the gallbladder r liver (biliary
brachial (BRAY-kee-al) relating t the arm al uli) r renal passages (renal al uli)
brachialis (bray-kee-AL-is) skeletal mus le the arm that f exes callus (KAL-us) b ny tissue that rms a s rt llar ar und the
the rearm at the elb w br ken ends ra tured b ne during the healing pr ess
brachytherapy (brak-ih- H AYR-uh-pee) pla ement radi a tive calorie (c) (KAL- r-ee) heat unit; the am unt heat needed t
seeds in l se r dire t nta t with an er us tissue raise the temperature 1 g water 1 C
bradycardia (bray-dee-KAR-dee-ah) sl w heart rhythm (bel w Calorie (C) (KAL- r-ee) heat unit; kil al rie; the am unt heat
60 beats/minute) needed t raise the temperature 1 kil gram water 1 C
breast (brest) anteri r aspe t the hest; in emales, als an a es- calyx (KAY-liks) up-shaped divisi n the renal pelvis
s ry sex rgan canaliculi (kan-ah-LIK-y -lye) an extremely narr w tubular pas-
bronchiole (BRONG-kee- hl) small bran h a br n hus sage r hannel in mpa t b ne
bronchitis (br ng-KYE-tis) inf ammati n the br n hi the cancellous bone (KAN-seh-lus) b ne tissue ntaining tiny, bran h-
lungs, hara terized by edema and ex essive mu us pr du ti n ing trabe ulae; als kn wn as spongy bone r trabecular bone
that auses ughing and di ulty in breathing (espe ially expi- cancer (KAN-ser) tum r (ne plasm) apable metastasizing
rati n); i the tra hea is als inf amed, this nditi n may be re- (spreading) t ther parts the b dy
erred t as tracheobronchitis candidiasis (kan-dih-D YE-eh-sis) in e ti n aused by Candida
bronchus (BRONG-kus) (pl., br n hi) the bran hes the tra hea yeast
buccal (BUK-al) relating t the heek canine (KAY-nyne) relating t a d g, as in the canine tooth with the
buf er (BUF-er) mp und that mbines with an a id r with a base l ngest r wn and the l ngest r t, whi h is l ated lateral t
t rm a weaker a id r base, thereby lessening the hange in the se nd in is r that serves t pier e r tear d being eaten;
hydr gen-i n n entrati n that w uld ur with ut the bu er the anine t th is als alled a cuspid t th
buf er pair (BUF-er payr) tw kinds hemi al substan es that capillary (KAP-ih-layr-ee r kap-IL-ah-ree) tiny vessels that n-
t gether prevent a sharp hange in the pH a f uid; r example, ne t arteri les and venules
s dium bi arb nate (NaH CO 3) and arb ni a id (H 2CO 3) capillary blood pressure (KAP-ih-layr-ee blud PRESH -ur) the
buf y coat thin layer white bl d ells (W BCs) and platelets l - bl d pressure und in the apillary vessels
ated between red bl d ells (RBCs) and plasma in a entri- capsule (KAP-sul) h ll wed ut spa e und in diarthr ti j ints,
uged sample bl d h lds the b nes j ints t gether while still all wing m vement;
bulboid corpuscle (BUL-b yd KOH R-pus-ul) mu us membrane made br us nne tive tissue lined with a sm th, slippery
re ept r that dete ts sensati ns t u h and vibrati n; als syn vial membrane
kn wn as Krause end bulb carbaminohemoglobin (H bCO 2) (kar-bah-MEE-n h-hee-m h-
bulbourethral gland (BUL-b h-y -REE-thral) small glands l - G LOH -bin) mp und rmed by the uni n arb n di xide
ated just bel w the pr state gland wh se mu uslike se reti ns with hem gl bin

carbohydrate (kar-b h-H YE-drayt) rgani mp unds ntaining carotid body (kah-RO -id BOD-ee) hem re ept r l ated in the
arb n, hydr gen, and xygen in ertain spe i pr p rti ns (C, ar tid artery that dete ts hanges in xygen, arb n di xide, and
H , O in a 1:2:1 rati ); r example, sugars, star hes, and bl d a id levels
ellul se carpal (KAR-pul) relating t the wrist
carbohydrate loading (kar-b h-H YE-drayt LO H D-ing) a meth d carpal tunnel syndrome (KAR-pul UN-el SIN-dr hm) mus le
used by athletes t in rease the st res mus le gly gen, all w- weakness, pain, and tingling in the radial side (thumb side) the
ing m re sustained aer bi exer ise; als alled glycogen loading wrist, hand, and ngersperhaps radiating t the rearm and
carbon (KAR-bun) ne the hemi al elements und in great sh ulder; aused by mpressi n the median nerve within the
quantity in the human b dy and always und in rgani m- arpal tunnel (a passage al ng the ventral n avity the wrist)
p unds; symb lized by C, as in CO 2 ( arb n di xide) carrier (KAYR-ee-er) in geneti s, a pers n wh p ssesses the gene
carbon dioxide (KAR-bun dye-AH K-syde) m le ule made up r a re essive trait, but wh d es n t a tually exhibit the trait
ne arb n at m and tw xygen at ms; symb lized by the r- cartilage (KAR-tih-lij) a spe ialized, br us nne tive tissue that
mula CO 2; pr du ed by pr esses ellular respirati n as a waste has the nsisten y a rm plasti r gristlelike gel
pr du t that must be ex reted r m the b dy thr ugh the respira- catabolism (kah- AB- h-liz-em) breakd wn nutrient m-
t ry system p unds r yt plasm int simpler mp unds; pp site
carbonic anhydrase (CA) (kar-BO N-ik an-H YE-drays) the en- anabolism, the ther phase metab lism
zyme that nverts arb n di xide int arb ni a id catalyst (KA -ah-list) hemi al that speeds up rea ti ns with ut
carbuncle (KAR-bung-kul) a mass nne ted b ils, pus- lled being hanged itsel
lesi ns ass iated with hair lli le in e ti ns; see uruncle cataract (KA -ah-rakt) pa ity the lens the eye
carcinogen (kar-SIN- h-jen) substan e that pr m tes the devel p- catecholamine (kat-eh-KOH L-ah-meen) ateg ry signaling
ment an er m le ule that in ludes n repinephrine and epinephrine
carcinoma (kar-sih-NOH -mah) malignant tum r that arises r m catheterization (kath-eh-ter-ih-Z AY-shun) passage a f exible
epithelial tissue tube ( atheter) int the bladder thr ugh the urethra r the with-
cardiac (KAR-dee-ak) relating t the heart drawal urine (urinary atheterizati n)
cardiac arrest (KAR-dee-ak ar-RES ) abn rmal nditi n in cation (KA -aye- n) p sitively harged parti le; a p sitive i n
whi h the heart suddenly st ps pumping bl d, as a ter ventri u- cavity (KAV-ih-tee) h ll w pla e r spa e in a t th resulting r m
lar brillati n de ay; als re erred t as dental caries
cardiac cycle (KAR-dee-ak SYE-kul) ea h mplete heartbeat, in- cecum (SEE-kum) blind p u h; the p u h at the pr ximal end
luding ntra ti n and relaxati n the atria and ventri les the large intestine
cardiac muscle (KAR-dee-ak MUS-el) the inv luntary type cell (sel) the basi bi l gi al and stru tural unit the b dy nsist-
mus le tissue that makes up the heart wall ing a nu leus surr unded by yt plasm and en l sed by a
cardiac muscle tissue (KAR-dee-ak MUS-el ISH -y ) see cardiac membrane
muscle cell body (sel BOD-ee) the main part a neur n r m whi h the
cardiac output (CO) (KAR-dee-ak O U -put) v lume bl d dendrites and ax ns extend
pumped by ne ventri le per minute cell-mediated immunity (sel MEE-dee-ayt-ed ih-MYO O -nih-tee)
cardiac sphincter (KAR-dee-ak SFINGK-ter) a ring mus le be- resistan e t disease rganisms resulting r m the a ti ns ells;
tween the st ma h and es phagus that prevents d r m reen- hief y ells
tering the es phagus when the st ma h ntra ts cellular respiration (SEL-y -lar res-pih-RAY-shun) enzymes in
cardiac tamponade (KAR-dee-ak tam-p h-NO D) mpressi n the mit h ndrial wall and matrix using xygen t break d wn
the heart aused by f uid buildup in the peri ardial spa e, as in glu se and ther nutrients t release energy needed r ellular
peri arditis r me hani al damage t the peri ardium w rk
cardiac vein (KAR-dee-ak vayn) any vein that arries bl d r m cementum (see-MEN-tum) b nelike dental tissue vering the
the my ardial apillary beds t the r nary sinus and int the ne k and r t areas teeth
right ventri le centimeter (SEN-tih-mee-ter) 1100 a meter; appr ximately 2.5 m
cardiogenic shock (kar-dee- h-JEN-ik sh k) ir ulat ry ailure equal 1 in h
(sh k) aused by heart ailure; literally heart- aused sh k central canal (SEN-tral kah-NAL) l ngitudinal anal ntaining
cardiologist (kar-dee-AH -l h-jist) physi ian r resear her wh vas ular elements and nerv us tissue l ated in the enter an
spe ializes in the stru ture and un ti n the heart and ass i- ste n, r H aversian system; entral anal any stru ture
ated stru tures central nervous system (CNS) (SEN-tral NER-vus SIS-tem) the
cardiology (kar-dee-OL- h-jee) study and treatment the heart brain and spinal rd
and heart disease central venous pressure (SEN-tral VEE-nus PRESH -ur) ven us
cardiomyopathy (kar-dee- h-my-OP-ah-thee) general term r bl d pressure within the right atrium that inf uen es the pres-
disease the my ardium (heart mus le) sure in the large peripheral veins
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (kar-dee- h-PUL-m h- centriole (SEN-tree- hl) ne a pair tiny ylinders in the en-
nayr-ree ree-sus-ih- AY-shun) mbined external ardia (heart) tr s me a ell; believed t be inv lved with the spindle bers
massage and arti ial respirati n rmed during mit sis
cardiovascular (kar-dee- h-VAS-ky -lar) relating t the heart and centromere (SEN-tr h-meer) a beadlike stru ture that atta hes ne
bl d vessels hr matid t an ther during the early stages mit sis
cardiovascular system (kar-dee- h-VAS-ky -lar SIS-tem) the sys- centrosome (SEN-tr h-s hm) area the yt plasm near the nu-
tem that transp rts ells thr ugh ut the b dy by way bl d leus that rdinates the building and breaking up mi r tu-
vessels; s metimes als alled circulatory system bules in the ell
caries (KAYR-ees) de ay teeth r b ne; see cavity cephalic (seh-FAL-ik) relating t the head

cerebellum (sayr-eh-BEL-um) the se nd largest part the human cholecystectomy (k hl-eh-sis- EK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val
brain that plays an essential r le in the pr du ti n n rmal the gallbladder
m vements cholecystitis (k h-leh-sis- YE-tis) inf ammati n the gallbladder
cerebral cortex (seh-REE-bral KO R-teks) a thin layer gray mat- cholecystokinin (CCK) (k h-lee-sis-t h-KYE-nin) h rm ne se-
ter made up neur n dendrites and ell b dies that mp se the reted r m the intestinal mu sa the du denum that stimu-
sur a e the erebrum lates the ntra ti n the gallbladder, resulting in bile f wing
cerebral nuclei (seh-REE-bral NO O-klee-aye) islands gray matter int the du denum
l ated in the erebral rtex that are resp nsible r aut n mi choledocholithiasis (k h-LED-uh-k h-lih- H Y-ah-sis) nditi n
m vements and p stures; als alled basal nuclei r basal ganglia a gallst ne bl king the mm n bile du t; a type
cerebral palsy (CP) (seh-REE-bral PAWL-zee) abn rmal nditi n cholelithiasis
hara terized by permanent, n npr gressive paralysis (usually spas- cholelithiasis (k h-leh-lih- H EE-ah-sis) nditi n having gall-
ti paralysis) ne r m re extremities aused by damage t m t r st nes ( mp sed h lester l r bile salts), hard mineral de-
ntr l areas the brain be re, during, r sh rtly a ter birth p sits that may rm and lle t in the gallbladder
cerebrospinal uid (CSF) (seh-ree-br h-SPY-nal FLO O-id) f uid cholera (KAH L-er-ah) p tentially atal, in e ti us ba terial disease
that lls the subara hn id spa e in the brain and spinal rd and hara terized by severe diarrhea, v miting, ramps, dehydrati n;
in the erebral ventri les see also Appendix A, able 3
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (seh-ree-br h-VAS-ky -lar a i- cholesterol (k h-LES-ter- l) ster id lipid und in many b dy tis-
dent) a hem rrhage r essati n bl d f w thr ugh erebral sues and in animal at
bl d vessels resulting in destru ti n neur ns; mm nly cholinergic ber (k h-lin-NER-jik FYE-ber) ax n wh se terminals
alled a stroke release a etyl h line
cerebrum (SAYR-eh-brum) the largest and upperm st part the chondrocyte (KON-dr h-syte) artilage ell
human brain that ntr ls ns i usness, mem ry, sensati ns, chondroma (k n-DROH -mah) benign tum r artilage
em ti ns, and v luntary m vements chondrosarcoma (k n-dr h-sar-KOH -mah) an er artilage
cerumen (seh-RO O-men) ear wax tissue
ceruminous gland (seh-RO O-mih-nus) gland that pr du es a waxy chordae tendineae (KOR-dee ten-DIN-ee) stringlike stru tures
substan e alled cerumen (ear wax) that atta h the AV valves t the wall the heart
cervical (SER-vih-kal) relating t the ne k chorion (KO H -ree- n) stru ture that devel ps int an imp rtant
cervicitis (ser-vih-SYE-tis) inf ammati n the ervix the uterus etal membrane in the pla enta
cervix (SER-viks) ne k; any ne klike stru ture chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (k h-ree-O N-ik g h-nah-d h-
cesarean section (seh-SAYR-ee-an SEK-shun) surgi al rem val ROH -pin) any several h rm nes that are se reted as the
a etus, ten thr ugh an in isi n the skin and uterine wall; als uterus devel ps during pregnan y
alled C-section chorionic villi (k h-ree-ON-ik VIL-aye) stru tures that nne t
chemical level (KEM-ih-kal LEV-el) the level the b dys rgani- the bl d vessels the h ri n t the pla enta
zati n that in ludes at ms and m le ules; the hemi al sub- chorionic villus sampling (CVS) (k h-ree-ON-ik VIL-lus SAM-
stan es that make up the b dys stru ture pling) pr edure in whi h a tube is inserted thr ugh the (uterine)
chemoreceptor (kee-m h-ree-SEP-t r) any re ept r that resp nds ervi al pening and a sample the h ri ni tissue surr unding
t hemi al hanges; r example, re ept rs that dete t the a devel ping embry is rem ved r geneti testing; mpare with
hemi als taste and smell amniocentesis
chemore ex (kee-m h-REE-f eks) any rea ti n triggered by a choroid (KO H -r yd) middle layer the eyeball that ntains a dark
hemi al hange, as when the heart rate hanges in resp nse t pigment t prevent the s attering in ming light rays
shi t in xygen n entrati n in the bl d choroid plexus (KO H -r yd PLEK-sus) a netw rk brain apillar-
chemotaxis (kee-m h- AK-sis) pr ess in whi h white bl d ells ies that are inv lved with the pr du ti n erebr spinal f uid
m ve t ward the s ur e inf ammati n mediat rs chromatid (KRO H -mah-tid) ne a pair identi al strands
chemotherapy (kee-m h- H AYR-ah-pee) te hnique using within a repli ated hr m s me
hemi als t treat disease (e.g., in e ti ns, an er) chromatin granule (KROH -mah-tin GRAN-y -ul) deep-staining,
chest see thorax grainy-appearing substan e in the nu leus ells; ndenses int
Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR) ( hain-st kes res-pih-RAY- distin t hr m s mes during ell divisi n
shun) pattern breathing ass iated with riti al nditi ns chromosomal genetic disease (kr h-m h-SOH -mal jeh-NE -ik)
su h as brain injury r drug verd se and hara terized by y les disease that results r m hr m s mal breakage r r m abn r-
apnea and hyperventilati n mal presen e r absen e entire hr m s mes
childhood age peri d r m in an y t puberty chromosome (KROH -meh-s hm) DNA m le ule that has iled
chiropractic (kye-r h-PRAK-tik) system therapy based n the t rm a mpa t mass during mit sis r mei sis; ea h hr m -
prin iple that alignment the skelet n pr m tes healing s me is mp sed regi ns alled genes, ea h whi h transmits
chiropractor (KYE-r h-prak-ter) physi ian spe ializing in hir - hereditary in rmati n
pra ti therapy, whi h is based n the prin iple that alignment chronic (KRON-ik) l ng-lasting, as in hr ni disease
the skelet n pr m tes healing chronic bronchitis (KRO N-ik br ng-KYE-tis) hr ni inf amma-
Chlamydia (klah-MID-ee-ah) small ba terium that in e ts human ti n the br n hi and br n hi les. It is hara terized by
ells as an bligate parasite edema and ex essive mu us pr du ti n, whi h ten bl k air
cholangiography (k hl-an-jee-O G-rah- ee) spe ialized x-ray pr - passages
edure used t visualize the gallbladder and the maj r bile and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (KRON-ik LIM- h-sit-ik
pan reati du ts l -KEE-mee-ah) type hr ni (sl w nset and pr gressi n)

bl d an er m st mm n in lder adults; hara terized by an- cle t palate (kle t PAL-et) ngenital de e t resulting in a ssure
er us trans rmati n and in reased numbers B lymph ytes the palate in the r the m uth
chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) (KRON-ik MY-l yd l -KEE- clinical laboratory technician (KLIN-ih-kal LAB-rah-t r-ee tek-
mee-ah) type hr ni (sl w nset and pr gressi n) bl d NISH -en) health- are w rker wh lle ts samples and s ienti -
an er hara terized by an er us trans rmati n and in reased ally analyzes tissues, b dy f uids, and ther materials r medi al
numbers granul yti white bl d ells (W BCs) purp ses; als alled medi al lab rat ry te hn l gist r te hni ian
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ) (KRON-ik b- clitoris (KLI - h-ris) ere tile tissue l ated within the vestibule
S RUK-tiv PUL-m h-nayr-ee dih-ZEEZ) general term re er- the vagina
ring t a gr up dis rders hara terized by pr gressive, irrevers- clone (kl hn) any a amily many identi al ells des ended r m
ible bstru ti n air f w in the lungs; see bronchitis, emphysema a single parent ell
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (C E) (KRO N-ik traw-MA - closed racture (FRAK- hur) simple ra ture; a b ne ra ture in
ik en-se -al-O P-path-ee) brain dis rder resulting r m repeated whi h the skin is n t pier ed by b ne ragments
trauma t the brain that inv lves a umulati n abn rmal coccus (KOK-us) (pl., i) spheri al ba terial ell
pr teins and is hara terized by mem ry l ss and parkins nism cochlea (KO H K-lee-ah) snail shell r stru ture similar shape;
Chvostek sign (ke-VOSH -tek syne) abn rmal spasms a ial relates t a stru ture within the inner ear
mus les in hyp al emi patients in resp nse t light taps t cochlear duct (KOH K-lee-ar dukt) membran us tube within the
stimulate the a ial nerve (CN VII); named r Austrian surge n b ny hlea the inner ear
Franz Chv stek cochlear implant (KO H K-lee-ar IM-plant) arti ial hearing devi e
chyme (kyme) partially digested d mixture leaving the st ma h that uses ele tr ni ir uits t per rm the un ti ns the -
cilia (SIL-ee-ah) (sing., ilium) tiny, hairlike pr je ti ns ells that hlea the inner ear
dete t hanges utside the ell; s me ilia an m ve, pr pelling cochlear nerve (KOH K-lee-ar nerv) part vestibul hlear nerve
mu us al ng a sur a e ( ranial nerve VIII) atta hed t the hlea; sens ry nerve re-
ciliary escalator (SIL-ee-ayr-ee ES-kuh-lay-ter) pr ess ilia sp nsible r hearing
m ving mu us and entrapped parti les upward and ut the codominance (k h-D O M-ih-nan e) in geneti s, a rm d mi-
respirat ry tra t nan e in whi h tw d minant versi ns a trait are b th ex-
ciliary muscle (SIL-ee-ayr-ee MUS-el) sm th mus le in the iliary pressed in the same individual
b dy the eye that suspends the lens and un ti ns in a m- codon (KOH -d n) in RNA, a triplet three base pairs that des
m dati n us r near visi n r a parti ular amin a id
ciliate (SIL-ee-at) type pr t z an having ilia coenzyme (k h-EN-zyme) m le ule that assists an enzyme during
cilium (SIL-ee-um) see cilia metab lism, ten by arrying a m le ule ( r m le ule ragment)
circulatory shock (SER-ky -lah-t r-ee) ailure the ir ulat ry r m ne hemi al pathway t an ther
( ardi vas ular) system t deliver adequate xygen t the tissues colic exure (le t or right) (KO H L-ik FLEK-shur) bend the
the b dy l n; the le t colic exure is als alled the spleni f exure and the
circulatory system (SER-ky -lah-t r-ee SIS-tem) see cardio- right colic exure is als alled the hepatic exure
vascular system colitis (k h-LYE-tis) any inf ammat ry nditi n the l n and/
circumcision (ser-kum-SIH -zhun) surgi al rem val the reskin r re tum
r prepu e n the penis r lit ris collagen (KAH L-ah-jen) prin ipal rgani nstituent nne -
circumduct (ser-kum-D UK ) t m ve a part s its distal end m ves tive tissue
in a ir le collecting duct (CD ) (k h-LEK-ting dukt) a straight part a renal
circumduction (ser-kum-D UK-shun) m ving a part s its distal tubule rmed by distal tubules several nephr ns j ining t gether
end m ves in a ir le colloid (KO L- yd) diss lved parti les with diameters 1 t
circumvallate (ser-kum-VAL-ayt) re erring t anything en ir led 100 millimi r ns (1 millimi r n equals ab ut 1/25,000,000 in h)
with a ridge r m at colon (KOH -l n) see intestine
circumvallate papilla (ser-kum-VAL-ayt pah-PIL-ah) any the colonoscopy (k h-l n-AH -skah-pee) medi al pr edure in whi h
huge d melike bumps with entral p sts n the p steri r sur a e the lining the l n is he ked r l re tal an er r ther
the t ngue mu sa that rm a transverse r w; ea h ne n- abn rmalities by inserting a f exible s pe thr ugh the anus and
tains th usands taste buds int the l n
cirrhosis (sih-RO H -sis) degenerati n liver tissue hara terized by color blindness (KUL- r BLIND-nes) X-linked inherited ndi-
the repla ement damaged liver tissue with br us r atty n- ti n in whi h ne r m re ph t pigments in the nes the
ne tive tissue retina are abn rmal r missing
cisterna chyli (sis- ER-nah KYE-lee) an enlarged p u h n the colorectal cancer (k hl- h-REK-tal KAN-ser) mm n rm
th ra i du t that serves as a st rage area r lymph m ving t - an er, usually aden ar in ma, ass iated with advan ed age,
ward its p int entry int the ven us system l w- ber/high- at diet, and geneti predisp siti n
citric acid cycle (SI -rik AS-id SYE-kul) the se nd series colostomy (kah-LAH -st h-mee) surgi al pr edure in whi h an
hemi al rea ti ns in the pr ess glu se metab lism; it is an arti ial anus is reated n the abd minal wall by utting the
aer bi pr ess; als re erred t as the Krebs cycle l n and bringing the ut ends ut t the sur a e t rm an
clavicle (KLAV-ih-kul) llar b ne, nne ts the upper extremity t pening alled a stoma
the axial skelet n columnar (k h-LUM-nar) ell shape in whi h ells are higher than
cleavage urrow (KLEE-vij F UR- h) appears at the end ana- they are wide
phase and begins t divide the ell int tw daughter ells combining site (k m-BINE-ing syte) antigen-binding site; any the
cle t lip (kle t) ngenital de e t resulting in ne r m re le ts in antigen re ept r regi ns n an antib dy m le ule; shape ea h
the upper lip mbining site is mplementary t shape a spe i antigen

comedones (k m-eh-DOH NZ) (sing., med ) inf amed lesi ns concussion (k n-KUSH -in) type traumatic brain injury ( BI)
ass iated with early stages a ne rmed when seba e us gland resulting r m a j lt t the head that bends the brainstem and
du ts be me bl ked auses temp rary hemi al hanges in the brain, pr du ing any
comminuted racture (k m-ih-NO O -ted FRAK- hur) b ne ra - a variety un ti nal hanges
ture hara terized by many b ne ragments conduction (k n-D UK-shun) in regard t b dy temperature regula-
common bile duct (KOM- n byle dukt) du t r m the liver that ti n, trans er heat energy t the skin and then the external
empties int the du denum; made up the merging the he- envir nment
pati du t with the ysti du t conductive keratoplasty (CK) (k n-D UK-tiv ker-ah-t h-PLAS-
communicable (k h-MYO O-nih-kah-bil) able t spread r m ne tee) therapy using radi requen y (RF) energy t heat hair-thin
individual t an ther pr bes that are then used t hange the shape the rnea t
compact bone (k m-PAK ) see dense bone rre t visi n
compensated metabolic acidosis (KOM-pen-say-ted met-ah- condyloid joint (KON-dih-l yd j ynt) ellips idal j int in whi h an
BO L-ik as-ih-D OH -sis) the b dys su ess ul adjustment its val pr ess ts int an val s ket
b dy hemistry r the purp se returning the bl d pH value cone re ept r ell l ated in the retina that is stimulated by bright
t near n rmal levels a ter metab li a id sis has devel ped light; di erent types nes are stimulated by di erent ranges
compensation (k m-pen-SAY-shun) pr ess by whi h the b dy at- wavelengths ( l rs)
tempts t untera t a shi t away r m h me stati balan e, thus congenital (k n-JEN-ih-tall) term that re ers t a nditi n present
mpensating r the hange at birth; ngenital nditi ns may be inherited r may be a -
complement (KOM-pleh-ment) any several ina tive pr tein en- quired in the w mb r during delivery
zymes n rmally present in bl d that when a tivated kill reign congestive heart ailure (CHF) (k n-JES-tiv hart FAYL-y r) le t
ells by diss lving them heart ailure; inability the le t ventri le t pump e e tively,
complement-binding sites (KOM-pleh-ment BIND-ing) l ati ns resulting in ngesti n in the systemi and pulm nary
n an antib dy m le ule that be me available a ter exp sure t ir ulati ns
an antigen and that bind t mplement pr teins in the bl d conjunctiva (k n-junk- IH -vah) mu us membrane that lines the
plasma t trigger a mplement as ade (immune system re- eyelids and vers the s lera (white p rti n)
sp nse) that harms the antigen- ntaining ell conjunctivitis (k n-junk-tih-VYE-tis) inf ammati n the n-
complement cascade (KO M-pleh-ment kas-KAYD) rapid- re se- jun tiva, usually aused by irritati n, in e ti n, r allergy
ries hemi al rea ti ns inv lving pr teins alled complements connective tissue (k h-NEK-tiv ISH -y ) m st abundant and
(n rmally present in bl d plasma) triggered by ertain antib dy- widely distributed tissue in the b dy and has numer us
antigen rea ti ns (and ther stimuli) and resulting in the rma- un ti ns
ti n tiny pr tein rings that reate h les in a reign ell and connective tissue membrane (k h-NEK-tiv ISH -y MEM-
thus ause its destru ti n brane) ne the tw maj r types b dy membranes; mp sed
complementary base pairing (k m-pleh-MEN-tah-ree bays ex lusively vari us types nne tive tissue
PAYR-ing) b nding purines and pyrimidines in DNA; adenine constipation (k n-stih-PAY-shun) nditi n aused by de reased
always binds with thymine, and yt sine always binds with m tility the large intestine, resulting in the rmati n small,
guanine hard e es and di ulty in de e ati n
complete blood cell count (CBC) (k m-PLEE blud sel k wnt) contact dermatitis (KON-takt der-mah- YE-tis) a l al skin in-
lini al bl d test that usually in ludes standard red bl d ell, f ammati n that lasts a ew h urs r days and is initiated by the
white bl d ell, thr mb yte unts, the di erential white bl d skin being exp sed t an antigen
ell unt, hemat rit, and hem gl bin ntent continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD ) (k n- IN-
complete racture (k m-PLEE FRAK- hur) b ne ra ture har- y -us AM-by -lah-t r-ee payr-ih-t h-NEE-al dye-AL-ih-
a terized by mplete separati n b ne ragments sis) an alternative rm treatment r renal ailure that may be
compliance (k m-PLY-ans) the ease stret h a materialas in used instead the m re mplex and expensive hemodialysis
lung mplian e, the stret hability the lung tissues contraception (k n-trah-SEP-shun) repr du tive planning with a
compound (KOM-p und) substan e having m re than ne kind g al av iding pregnan y
element contractile unit (k n- RAK-til YO O-nit) the sar mere, the basi
computed tomography (C ) (k m-PYO O-ted t h-MO G-rah- un ti nal unit skeletal mus le
ee) radi graphi imaging te hnique in whi h a patient is s anned contractility (k n-trak- IL-ih-tee) ability t ntra t a mus le
with x-rays and a mputer nstru ts an image that appears t contraction (k n- RAK-shun) ability mus le ells t sh rten r
be a ut se ti n the pers ns b dy ntra t
concave (KON-kave) a r unded, s mewhat depressed sur a e control center (k n- RO H L SEN-ter) part a h me stati eed-
concave curvature (k n-KAYV KUR-vah- hur) inward r secondary ba k l p that integrates (puts t gether) set p int (prepr -
urvatures the adult vertebral lumn in the ervi al and lum- grammed) in rmati n with a tual sensed in rmati n ab ut a
bar regi ns physi l gi al variable and then p ssibly sends ut a signal t an
concentric contraction (k n-SEN -rik k n- RAK-shen) type e e t r t hange the variable
is t ni mus le ntra ti n in whi h a mus les length contusion (k n- O O -zhun) l al injury aused by me hani al
de reases trauma hara terized by limited hem rrhaging under the skin, as
concentric lamella (k n-SEN-trik lah-MEL-ah) ring al i ed in a mus le ntusi n r skin ntusi n aused by a bl w t the
matrix surr unding the entral (H aversian) anal b dy; a bruise
concha (KO NG -kah) (pl., n hae) shell-shaped stru ture; r convection (k n-VEK-shun) trans er heat energy t air that is
example, b ny pr je ti ns int the nasal avity; als alled f wing away r m the skin
turbinate convex (KON-veks) a r unded, s mewhat elevated sur a e

convex curvature (k n-VEKS KUR-vah- hur) the th ra i r sa ral corticoid (KOH R-tih-k yd) any the h rm nes se reted by the
utward urving the adult vertebral lumn; an in ant has three ell layers the adrenal rtex
single primary utward urvature the length its spine cortisol (KO H R-tih-s l) h rm ne se reted by the adrenal rtex t
cor pulmonale (k hr pul-mah-NAL-ee) ailure the right atrium stimulate the availability glu se in the bl d; in large
and ventri le t pump bl d e e tively, resulting r m bstru - am unts, rtis l an depress immune un ti ns, as when it is
ti n pulm nary bl d f w used as a drug treatment; see hydrocortisone
cornea (KO R-nee-ah) transparent, anteri r p rti n the s lera cosmetic surgery (k z-ME -ik SUR-jeh-ree) surgi al medi al spe-
corneal stem cell transplant (KOR-nee-al stem sel tranz-PLAN ) ialty used n impr ving nes appearan e
pr edure in whi h adult stem ells harvested r m adavers are cosmetician (k z-meh- ISH -un) w rker wh spe ializes in the
transplanted int and ar und the edges the rneas a re ipi- manu a ture, sale, r appli ati n makeup r ther pr du ts
ent t regr w a healthy rnea that a e t nes appearan e
coronal (k h-RO H -nal) literally like a r wn; a r nal plane di- cotransport (k h- RANZ-p rt) a tive transp rt pr ess in whi h
vides the b dy r an rgan int anteri r and p steri r regi ns tw substan es are m ved t gether a r ss a ell membrane; r
coronary angioplasty (KOH R- h-nayr-ee AN-jee- h-plas-tee) example, s dium and glu se may be transp rted t gether a r ss
medi al pr edure in whi h a devi e is inserted int a bl ked a membrane
r nary artery t r e pen a hannel r bl d f w thr ugh countercurrent mechanism (KO N-ter-ker-rent M EK-uh-niz-
the my ardium the heart em) system in whi h renal tubule ltrate f ws in pp site di-
coronary artery (KOH R- h-nayr-ee AR-ter-ee) the right and le t re ti ns, maintaining a hyper sm ti medulla; a ilitates urine
r nary arteries are the rst arteries t bran h the a rta; they n entrati n
supply bl d t the my ardium (heart mus le) covalent bond (k h-VAYL-ent) hemi al b nd rmed by tw at-
coronary bypass surgery (KO H R- h-nayr-ee BYE-pass SER- ms sharing ne r m re pairs ele tr ns
jer-ee) surgery t relieve severely restri ted r nary bl d f w; Cowper gland see bulbourethral gland
veins are taken r m ther parts the b dy and then reatta hed coxal bone (k k-SAL) the pelvi b ne r hipb ne (als kn wn as the
where needed t bypass the partial bl kage os coxae r the innominate bone); rmed by usi n three distin t
coronary circulation (KOH R- h-nayr-ee ser-ky -LAY-shun) de- b nes (ilium, is hium, and pubis) during skeletal devel pment
livery xygen and rem val waste pr du t r m the my ar- cramps (kramps) pain ul mus le spasms (inv luntary twit hes) that
dium (heart mus le) result r m irritating stimuli, as in mild inf ammati n, r r m i n
coronary embolism (KOH R- h-nayr-ee EM-b h-liz-em) bl king imbalan es
a r nary bl d vessel by a l t cranial (KRAY-nee-al) relating t ( r t ward) the head
coronary heart disease (KOH R- h-nayr-ee hart dih-ZEEZ) dis- cranial cavity (KRAY-nee-al KAV-ih-tee) spa e inside the skull that
ease (bl kage r ther de rmity) the vessels that supply the ntains the brain
my ardium (heart mus le); ne the leading auses death cranial nerve (CN) (KRAY-nee-al nerv) any 12 pairs nerves
am ng adults in the United States that atta h t the undersur a e the brain and ndu t impulses
coronary sinus (KOH R- h-nayr-ee SYE-nus) area that re eives between the brain and stru tures in the head, ne k, and th rax
de xygenated bl d r m the r nary veins and empties it int craniosacral (kray-nee- h-SAY-kral) relating t parasympatheti
the right atrium nerves
coronary thrombosis (KO H R- h-nayr-ee thr m-BO H -sis) rma- cranium (KRAY-nee-um) b ny vault made up eight b nes that
ti n a bl d l t in a r nary bl d vessel en ases the brain
coronary vein (KO H R- h-nayr-ee vane) any vein that arries bl d crenation (kreh-NAY-shun) abn rmal n t hing in an erythr yte
r m the my ardial apillary beds t the r nary sinus aused by shrinkage a ter suspensi n in a hypert ni s luti n
coronavirus (k h-ROH N-ah-vye-rus) ateg ry RNA- ntaining cretinism (KREE-tin-iz-em) dwar sm aused by hyp se reti n
viruses that in e t humans and ther vertebrate animals, s me- the thyr id gland
times ausing severe respirat ry in e ti ns (and s metimes intes- crista ampullaris (KRIS-tah am-py -LAYR-is) a spe ialized re-
tinal in e ti ns and neur l gi al syndr mes); r example, SARS ept r l ated within the semi ir ular anals that dete ts head
(severe acute respiratory syndrome) is aused by a type r - m vements
navirus, SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-C V) Crohn disease (kr hn dih-ZEEZ) hr ni inf ammat ry b wel
corpora cavernosa (KO H R-p hr-ah kav-er-NOH -sah) (sing., r- disease
pus avern sum) tw lumns ere tile tissue und in the sha t crossing-over (KROS-ing OH -ver) phen men n that urs dur-
the penis ing mei sis when pairs h m l g us hr m s mes synapse and
corpus callosum (KOH R-pus kah-LOH -sum) brain stru ture at ex hange genes
whi h the right and le t erebral hemispheres are j ined croup (kr p) n nli e-threatening type laryngitis generally seen
corpus luteum (KO H R-pus LO O -tee-um) a h rm ne-se reting in hildren less than 3 years age; hara terized by barklike
glandular stru ture that is trans rmed a ter vulati n r m a ugh and aused by parainf uenza viruses
ruptured lli le; it se retes hief y pr gester ne, with s me estr - crown (kr wn) t pm st part an rgan r ther stru ture, su h as
gen se reted as well a t th
corpus spongiosum (KOH R-pus spun-jee-OH -sum) a lumn cruciate ligament (KRU-shee-ayt LIG-uh-ment) either tw
ere tile tissue surr unding the urethra in the penis r ssed ligaments inside the knee j int avity that nne t the
cortex (KOH R-teks) uter part an internal rgan; r example, tibia t the emur; the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the
the uter part the erebrum and the kidneys posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
cortical nephron (KOH R-tih-kahl NEF-r n) mi r s pi unit crural (KRO OR-al) relating t the leg (s metimes the entire l wer
the kidney that makes up 85% all nephr n units in the kidney; extremity)
is l ated alm st entirely in the renal rtex crust (krust) s ab; area the skin vered by dried bl d r exudate

cryptorchidism (krip- O R-kih-diz-em) undes ended testi les decubitus ulcer (deh-KYO O -bih-tus UL-ser) pressure s re that
cubital (KYO O-bih-tall) relating t the elb w ten devel ps ver a b ny pr minen e, su h as the heel, when
cuboid (KYO O-b yd) resembling a ube lying in ne p siti n r pr l nged peri ds
cuboidal (KYO O-b yd-al) ell shape resembling a ube deep in anat my, a stru ture is deep t an ther stru ture when it is
culture (KUL - hur) gr wth mi r bes in a lab rat ry medium urther inside the b dy; pp site super cial
r the purp se is lating and identi ying path gens r m hu- de ecation (de -eh-KAY-shun) eliminati n e es
man b dy f uids de brillation (deh- b-rih-LAY-shun) ele tri al stimulati n the
cupula (KYO O -py -lah) the small up-shaped, f aplike stru ture at heart in rder t rest re n rmal heart rhythm (used when the
the base ea h semi ir ular anal the ear that bends during heart brillates, r gets ut rhythm); see ventricular brillation
m vement the head t a ilitate the sense dynami and automatic external de brillator
equilibrium degeneration (dih-jen-uh-RAY-shun) a bi l gi al pr ess, still
Cushing syndrome (KO OSH -ing SIN-dr hm) nditi n aused by s mewhat puzzling t s ientists, in whi h tissues break
the hyperse reti n glu rti ids r m the adrenal rtex d wn as a n rmal nsequen e aging; degenerati n ne
cuspid (KUS-pid) having usps r p ints; r example, the canine r m re tissues resulting r m disease, whi h an ur at any
tooth l ated lateral t the se nd in is r that serves t pier e r time
tear d being eaten is als alled a cuspid tooth deglutition (deg-l - ISH -un) swall wing
cutaneous (ky - AYN-ee-us) relating t the skin dehydration (dee-hye-DRAY-shun) lini al term that re ers t an
cutaneous membrane (ky - AYN-ee-us MEM-brane) primary abn rmal l ss f uid r m the b dys internal envir nment
rgan the integumentary system; the skin dehydration synthesis (dee-hye-DRAY-shun SIN-the-sis) hemi-
cuticle (KYO O -tih-kul) skin ld vering the r t the nail al rea ti n in whi h large m le ules are rmed by rem ving
cyanosis (sye-ah-NOH -sis) nditi n in whi h light-skinned indi- water r m smaller m le ules and j ining them t gether
viduals exhibit a bluish l rati n resulting r m relatively l w deltoid (DEL-t yd) having a triangular shape; r example, the
xygen ntent in the arterial bl d; literally blue nditi n delt id mus le
cyclic AMP (SIK-lik A M P) (aden sine m n ph sphate) ne dementia (deh-MEN-shah) syndr me brain abn rmalities that
several se nd messengers that delivers in rmati n inside the in ludes l ss mem ry, sh rtened attenti n span, pers nality
ell and thus regulates the ells a tivity hanges, redu ed intelle tual apa ity, and m t r dys un ti n
cystic duct (SIS-tik dukt) j ins with the mm n hepati du t t dendrite (DEN-dryte) bran hing r treelike; a nerve ell pr ess
rm the mm n bile du t that transmits impulses t ward the b dy
cystic brosis (CF) (SIS-tik ye-BROH -sis) inherited disease in- dendritic cell (D C) (DEN-drih-tik) phag yti ells the immune
v lving abn rmal hl ride i n (Cl ) transp rt; auses se reti n system
abn rmally thi k mu us and ther pr blems dengue (DENG-gay r DENG-gee) seri us viral in e ti n aused
cystitis (sis- YE-tis) inf ammati n r in e ti n the urinary bladder by a type f avivirus
cystoscope (SIS-t h-sk hp) h ll w instrument inserted thr ugh ure- dense bone b ne that has a hard, dense uter layer; als alled com-
thra int the bladder that permits passage a light s ur e and pact bone
surgi al instruments t be used r dire t examinati n, bi psy, surgi- dense brous connective tissue (dense FYE-brus k h-NEK-tiv
al rem val, r treatment bladder r ther urinary tra t lesi ns ISH -y ) nne tive tissue nsisting pr tein bers pa ked
cytokine (SYE-t h-kyne) hemi al released r m ells t trigger r densely in the matrix
regulate innate and adaptive immune resp nses dental caries (DEN -al KAYR-ees) see caries
cytokinesis (sye-t h-kin-EE-sis) pr ess by whi h a dividing ell dentin (DEN-tin) hie b nelike dental tissue vered by enamel in
splits its yt plasm and plasma membrane int tw distin t r wn and by ementum in ne k and r t areas t th
daughter ells; yt kinesis happens al ng with mit sis ( r mei - deoxyribonucleic acid (D NA) (dee- k-see-rye-b h-n k-LAY-ik
sis) during the ell divisi n pr ess AS-id) geneti material the ell that arries the hemi al
cytology (sye- O L- h-jee) study ells blueprint the b dy
cytologist (SYE- OL-uh-jist) s ientist wh studies ells depilatories (deh-PIL-ah-t h-rees) hair rem vers
cytoplasm (SYE-t h-plaz-em) the gel-like substan e a ell ex lu- depolarization (dee-p h-lar-ih-Z AY-shun) the ele tri al a tivity
sive the nu leus and ther rganelles that triggers a ntra ti n the heart mus le
cytosine (SYE-t h-seen) ne several nitr gen- ntaining bases dermal-epidermal junction (D EJ) (DER-malEP-ih-der-mal
that make up nu le tides, whi h in turn make up nu lei a ids JUNK-shun) jun ti n between the thin epidermal layer the
su h as DNA and RNA; in the ell, it an hemi ally bind t skin and the dermal layer; pr vides supp rt r the epidermis
an ther nitr gen us base, guanine (G r g), t rm a m re m- dermal papilla (DER-mal pah-PIL-ah) (pl., papillae) upper regi n
plex stru ture r in translating geneti des; symb lized by the the dermis that rms part the dermal-epidermal jun ti n
letter C r c; see also guanine, adenine, thymine, uracil and rms the ridges and gr ves ngerprints
cytoskeleton (sye-t h-SKEL-eh-t n) ells internal supp rting, dermatitis (der-mah- YE-tis) general term re erring t any inf am-
m ving ramew rk mati n the skin
cytotoxic cell (sye-t h- OK-sik) ell killing ell dermatome (DER-mah-t hm) skin sur a e area supplied by a single
spinal nerve
dermatosis (der-mah- O H -sis) general term meaning skin
nditi n
deciduous (deh-SID-y -us) temp rary; shedding stru tures at a dermis (DER-mis) the deeper the tw maj r layers the skin,
ertain stage gr wth; r example, deciduous teeth, whi h are mp sed dense br us nne tive tissue interspersed with
mm nly re erred t as baby teeth, are shed t make way r the glands, nerve endings, and bl d vessels; s metimes alled the
permanent adult teeth true skin

descending colon (dih-SEND-ing KOH -l n) p rti n the l n digestive system (dih-JES-tiv SIS-tem) rgans that w rk t gether
that lies in the verti al p siti n, n the le t side the abd men; t ensure pr per digesti n and abs rpti n nutrients
extends r m bel w the st ma h t the ilia rest digital (DIJ-ih-tal) in anat my, relating t ngers and t es
developmental process (dee-vel- p-MEN-tal PROS-es) hanges digitalis (dij-ih- AL-is) drug used t treat atrial brillati n; dig xin
and un ti ns urring during a humans early years as the b dy is an example a digitalis preparati n
be mes m re e ient and m re e e tive diploe (DIP-l h-EE) regi n an ell us (sp ngy) b ne within the
deviated septum (DEE-vee-ay-ted SEP-tum) abn rmal nditi n wall a f at b ne the ranium; als spelled diplo
in whi h the nasal septum (dividing wall between the tw nasal directional term any term used t give dire ti n in the b dy, su h as
air passages) is l ated ar r m its n rmal p siti n, p ssibly b- le t, right, anteri r, p steri r, superi r, in eri r, et .
stru ting n rmal nasal breathing disaccharide (dye-SAK-ah-ryde) d uble sugar, su h as su r se,
diabetes insipidus (dye-ah-BEE-teez in-SIP-ih-dus) nditi n re- malt se, r la t se; type arb hydrate made up tw sa ha-
sulting r m hyp se reti n ADH in whi h large v lumes ride gr ups (m n sa harides)
urine are rmed and, i le t untreated, may ause seri us health discharging chambers (dis-CH ARJ-ing CH AYM-bers) the tw
pr blems l wer hambers the heart alled ventricles
diabetes mellitus (dye-ah-BEE-teez mel-AYE-tus) a nditi n re- disease (dih-ZEEZ) any signi ant abn rmality in the b dys stru -
sulting when the pan reati islets se rete t little insulin, result- ture r un ti n that disrupts a pers ns vital un ti n r physi al,
ing in in reased levels bl d glu se mental, r s ial well-being
diabetic ketoacidosis (dye-ah-BE -ik kee-t h-as-ih-D O H -sis) dislocation (dis-l w-KAY-shun) abn rmal m vement b dy parts,
l w bl d pH resulting r m an a umulati n ket ne b dies in as in separati n b nes a j int; see subluxation
the bl d in diabetes mellitus dissection (dye-SEK-shun) utting te hnique used t separate b dy
diabetic retinopathy (dye-ah-BE -ik ret-in-AH -path-ee) gr wth parts r study
r hem rrhage bl d vessels aused by diabetes mellitus dissociate (dih-SOH -see-ayt) t break apart a mp und in s luti n
diagnostic medical sonographer (dye-ag-NOS-tik MED-ih-kul dissociation (dih-s h-see-AY-shun) separati n i ns as they dis-
s n-AH -gra -er) health pr essi nal wh uses s n graphy t ex- s lve in water
amine internal b dy stru tures as a medi al diagn sti strategy distal (DIS-tal) t ward the end a stru ture; pp site proximal
dialysis (dye-AL-ih-sis) separati n smaller (di usible) parti les distal convoluted tubule (D C ) (DIS-tal KON-v h-l -ted
r m larger (n ndi usible) parti les thr ugh a semipermeable O O-by l) the part the tubule distal t the as ending limb
membrane the nephr n l p in the kidney
diaphragm (DYE-ah- ram) membrane r partiti n that separates disuse atrophy (DIS-y s A -r h- ee) nditi n in whi h pr -
ne thing r m an ther; the f at mus ular sheet that separates the l nged ina tivity results in the mus les getting smaller in size; see
th rax and abd men and is a maj r mus le respirati n also atrophy
diaphysis (dye-AF-ih-sis) (pl., diaphyses) sha t a l ng b ne diuretic (dye-y -RE -ik) re erring t s mething that pr m tes
diarrhea (dye-ah-REE-ah) de e ati n liquid e es the pr du ti n urine
diarthrosis (dye-ar- H ROH -sis) (pl., diarthr ses) reely m vable diuretic drug (dye-y -RE -ik drug) therapeuti substan e that
j int pr m tes r stimulates the pr du ti n urine; diureti drugs are
diastole (dye-AS-t h-lee) relaxati n the heart, interp sed be- am ng the m st mm nly used drugs in medi ine
tween its ntra ti ns; pp site systole diverticulitis (dye-ver-tik-y -LYE-tis) inf ammati n diverti ula
diastolic blood pressure (dye-ah-S O L-ik blud PRESH -ur) bl d (abn rmal utp u hings) the large intestine, p ssibly ausing
pressure in arteries during diast le (relaxati n) the heart nstipati n
diencephalon (dye-en-SEF-ah-l n) between brain; parts the dizygotic twins (dye-zye-GO -ik twinz) see raternal twins
brain between the erebral hemispheres and the mesen ephal n D NA (dee en ay) see deoxyribonucleic acid
(midbrain) D NA ngerprinting (dee en ay FING-ger-print-ing) te hnique
dietitian (dye-eh- ISH -en) pers n wh w rks in nutriti n s ien e used t analyze the geneti makeup individuals; mpares
by devel ping health ul meals and dietary health strategies; als nu le tide sequen es using ele tr ph resis
dietician D NA replication (dee en ay rep-lih-KAY-shun) the unique ability
dif erential WBC count (di -er-EN-shal W BC k wnt) spe ial type DNA m le ules t make pies themselves
white bl d ell (W BC) unt in whi h pr p rti ns ea h dominant gene (D O M-ih-nant jeen) in geneti s, a dominant gene
type W BC are rep rted as per entages the t tal unt has e e ts that appear in the spring (d minant rms a gene
dif erentiate (di -er-EN-shee-ayt) t be me di erent in stru ture are ten represented by upper ase letters); mpare with
and un ti n, as when s me the riginal ells early devel p- recessive gene
mental stages di erentiate t be me mus le ells and ther ells dopamine (D O H -pah-meen) hemi al neur transmitter
be me nerve ells, et . doping (DOH -ping) the additi n bl d ( r bl d pr du ts),
dif erentiation (di -er-EN-shee-AY-shun) pr ess by whi h daugh- ster ids, r ther per rman e-enhan ing substan es t the
ter ells be me di erent in stru ture and un ti n (by using bl dstream, a pra ti e per rmed by s me athletes that an have
di erent genes r m the gen me, all ells the b dy share), as seri us (even atal) side e e ts and is utlawed w rldwide
when s me the riginal ells early devel pmental stages di - dorsal (D OR-sal) re erring t the ba k; pp site ventral; in hu-
erentiate t be me mus le ells and ther ells be me nerve mans, the p steri r is d rsal
ells, and s n dorsal body cavity (DOR-sal BOD-ee KAV-ih-tee) in ludes the
dif usion (dih-FYO O -zhen) spreading; r example, s attering ranial and spinal avities
diss lved parti les dorsal cavity see dorsal body cavity
digestion (dye-JES- hun) the breakd wn d materials either dorsal root ganglion (DOR-sal r t GANG-lee- n) gangli n
me hani ally (i.e., by hewing) r hemi ally (i.e., by a ti n the d rsal r t l ated near the spinal rd; where the neur n ell
digestive enzymes) b dy the dendrites the sens ry neur n is l ated

dorsi ex (d r-sih-FLEKS) t bend the t with the t es p inting eccrine (EK-rin) relating t an ex rine gland with se ret ry ells
upward that release se reti ns by ex yt sis, with ut l sing part the
dorsi exion (d r-sih-FLEK-shun) m vement in whi h the t p ell as in apocrine glands
the t is elevated (br ught t ward the r nt the leg) with the eccrine sweat gland (EK-rin swet gland) small sweat glands distrib-
t es p inting upward uted ver the t tal b dy sur a e
double helix (H EE-lix) shape DNA m le ules; a d uble spiral echocardiogram (ek- h-KAR-dee- h-gram) medi al image pr -
dowagers hump (D OW-ah-jerz) kyph sis (abn rmal ba kward du ed by a type s n graphy alled echocardiography
urvature th ra i spine) aused by vertebral mpressi n echocardiography (ek- h-kar-dee-O G-rah- ee) heart imaging
ra tures in ste p r sis te hnique in whi h ultras und waves e h ba k r m heart tis-
D own syndrome (SIN-dr hm) gr up sympt ms usually aused sues t rm a ntinu us re rding heart stru ture m vement
by tris my hr m s me 21; hara terized by mental retarda- during a series ardia y les
ti n and multiple stru tural de e ts, in luding a ial, skeletal, and eclampsia (eh-KLAMP-see-ah) p tentially atal nditi n ass iated
ardi vas ular abn rmalities with t xemia pregnan y; hara terized by nvulsi ns and ma
D uchenne muscular dystrophy (D MD ) (d -SH EN MUS-ky - ectoderm (EK-t h-derm) the innerm st the primary germ layers
lar DIS-tr h- ee) rm mus ular dystr phy (abn rmal mus le that devel ps early in the rst trimester pregnan y
devel pment in whi h n rmal mus le is repla ed with at and ectopic pregnancy (ek- O P-ik PREG-nan-see) a pregnan y in
br us tissue) inherited n the X hr m s me and hara terized whi h the ertilized vum implants s mepla e ther than in the
by mild leg mus le weakness that pr gresses rapidly t in lude uterus
the sh ulder mus les and eventually death r m ardia r respi- eczema (EK-zeh-mah) inf ammat ry skin nditi n ass iated with
rat ry mus le weakness; als alled pseudohypertrophy ( alse a variety diseases and hara terized by erythema, papules,
mus le gr wth) vesi les, and rusts
ductless gland (DUK -les) spe ialized gland that se retes h r- edema (eh-DEE-mah) a umulati n f uid in a tissue, as in in-
m nes dire tly int the bl d; end rine gland f ammati n; swelling
ductus arteriosus (D UK-tus ar-teer-ee-O H -sus) nne ts the a rta ef ector (e -FEK-t r) any rgan that has an e e t n the b dys in-
and the pulm nary artery, all wing m st bl d t bypass the e- ternal envir nment in resp nse t eedba k; r example, v lun-
tuss devel ping lungs tary and inv luntary mus le, the heart, and glands
ductus de erens (D UK-tus DEF-er-enz) a thi k, sm th, mus ular ef ector B cell (e -FEK-t r bee sel) ell that di erentiates r m a B
tube that all ws sperm t exit r m the epididymis and pass r m ell; synthesizes and se retes huge am unts antib dies
the s r tal sa int the abd minal avity; als kn wn as the vas ef ector cell (e -FEK-t r) any ell that has an e e t in the b dy; a
de erens ell that a ts as an e e t r; r example, the a tivated rms B
ductus venosus (D UK-tus veh-NOH -sus) a ntinuati n the ells and ells are alled ef ector cells
umbili al vein that shunts bl d returning r m the pla enta past ef ector cell (e -FEK-t r tee sel) ell that di erentiates r m a
the etuss devel ping liver dire tly int the in eri r vena ava ell; auses nta t killing a target ell
duodenal papillae (d - h-DEE-nal pah-PIL-ee) du ts l ated in ef erent (EF- er-ent) arrying r m, as in ef erent neurons that trans-
the middle third the du denum that empty pan reati diges- mit impulses r m the entral nerv us system t the periphery;
tive jui es and bile r m the liver int the small intestine; there pp site af erent
are tw du ts, the maj r du denal papilla and the min r papilla ef erent lymphatic vessel (EE- er-ent lim VES-el) any the small
duodenum (d - h-DEE-num r d -AH -deh-num) the rst subdi- lymphati vessels that arry lymphati f uid away r m a lymph
visi n the small intestine where m st hemi al digesti n urs n de; mpare t af erent lymphatic vessel
dura mater (D O O-rah MAH -ter) literally str ng r hard m ther; ef erent neuron (EF- er-ent NO O-r n) neur n that transmits im-
uterm st layer the meninges pulses away r m the entral nerv us system and t ward the pe-
dust cells ma r phages that ingest parti ulate matter in the small air riphery; generally a motor neuron; mpare t af erent neuron
sa s the lungs ehrlichiosis (ur-lik-ee-O H -sis) ba terial in e ti n transmitted by
dwar sm (dw r-FIZ-em) nditi n abn rmally small stature, ti ks and similar t Lyme disease
s metimes resulting r m hyp se reti n gr wth h rm ne ejaculation (ee-jak-y -LAY-shun) sudden dis harging semen
dysentery (DIS-en-tayr-ee) inf ammat ry nditi n l n har- r m the b dy
a terized by requent diarrhea that may ntain bl d r pus ejaculatory duct (ee-JAK-y -lah-t h-ree dukt) du t rmed by the
dys unctional uterine bleeding (D UB) (dis-F UNK-shun-al YO O- j ining the vas de erens and the du t r m the seminal vesi le
ter-in BLEED-ing) irregular r ex essive bleeding r m the that all ws sperm t enter the urethra
uterus resulting r m a h rm nal imbalan e elastin (e-LAS-tin) stret hy pr tein und in elasti ber
dysmenorrhea (dis-men- h-REE-ah) pain ul menstruati n electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) (eh-lek-tr h-KAR-dee- h-
dyspnea (DISP-nee-ah) di ult r lab red breathing gram) graphi re rd the hearts a ti n p tentials
dysrhythmia (dis-RI H -mee-ah) any abn rmality ardia electrocardiograph (e-lek-tr h-KAR-dee- h-gra ) ma hine that
rhythm pr du es ele tr ardi grams, graphi re rds the hearts ele -
dysuria (dis-YO O -ree-ah) pain ul, burning urinati n tri al a tivity (v ltage f u tuati ns)
electroencephalogram (EEG) (eh-lek-tr h-en-SEF-uh-l h-gram)
graphi representati n v ltage hanges in brain tissue used t
evaluate nerve tissue un ti n
eardrum (EAR-drum) the tympani membrane that separates the electrolyte (eh-LEK-tr h-lyte) substan e that diss iates int i ns
external ear and middle ear in s luti n, rendering the s luti n apable ndu ting an ele -
eccentric contraction (ek-SEN -rik k n- RAK-shun) type tri urrent
is t ni mus le ntra ti n in whi h a mus les length in reases electrolyte balance (eh-LEK-tr h-lyte BAL-ans) h me stasis
under a l ad ele tr lytes

electron (eh-LEK-tr n) small, negatively harged subat mi parti- endocrinologist (en-d h-krin-OL- h-jist) s ientist r physi ian
le und in the uter regi ns an at m spe ializing in endocrinology
electron microscope (eh-LEK-tr n MY-kr h-sk pe) a devi e that endocrinology (en-d h-krin-OL- h-jee) study end rine glands
pr du es a greatly enlarged image a tiny stru ture by using a and their un ti ns
beam ele tr ns used by magnets (rather than a beam endoderm (EN-d h-derm) the uterm st layer the primary germ
light used by glass lenses, as in a light mi r s pe) layers that devel ps early in the rst trimester pregnan y
electron transport system (E S) (eh-LEK-tr n RANZ-p rt endogenous in ection (en-D OJ-en-us in-FEK-shun) in e ti n
SIS-tem) ellular pr ess within mit h ndria that trans ers en- aused by path gens that n rmally inhabit the intestines, vulva,
ergy r m high-energy ele tr ns r m gly lysis and the itri r vagina
a id y le t A P m le ules s that the energy is available t d endolymph (EN-d h-lim ) lear p tassium-ri h f uid that lls the
w rk in the ell membran us labyrinth the inner ear
electrophoresis (eh-lek-tr h- h-REE-sis) lab rat ry pr edure in endometrial ablation (en-d h-MEE-tree-al ab-LAY-shun) thera-
whi h di erent types m le ules are separated a rding t peuti destru ti n end metrial tissue (the tissue that n rmally
m le ular weight by passing a weak ele tri urrent thr ugh their lines the uterus)
liquid medium endometriosis (en-d h-mee-tree-OH -sis) presen e un ti ning
element (EL-eh-ment) pure substan e, mp sed nly ne type end metrial tissue utside the uterus
at m endometrium (en-d h-MEE-tree-um) mu us membrane lining
elephantiasis (el-eh- an- YE-ah-sis) extreme lymphedema (swell- the uterus
ing due t lymphati bl kage) in the limbs aused by a parasiti endoneurium (en-d h-NO O -ree-um) the thin wrapping br us
w rm in estati n, s alled be ause the limbs swell t elephant nne tive tissue that surr unds ea h ax n in a nerve
pr p rti ns endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (en-d h-PLAZ-mik reh- IK-y -
elimination (eh-lim-uh-NAY-shun) m ving s mething ut the lum) netw rk tubules and vesi les in yt plasm; tw types:
b dy, as in de e ati n rough and smooth
embolism (EM-b h-liz-em) bstru ti n a bl d vessel by reign endorphin (en-D O R- n) hemi al in the entral nerv us system
matter arried in the bl dstream that inf uen es pain per epti n; a natural painkiller
embolus (EM-b h-lus) a bl d l t r ther substan e (su h as a endoscope (EN-d h-sk hp) f exible tube inserted thr ugh a small
bubble air) that is m ving in the bl d and may bl k a bl d in isi n in rder t view internal rgans and s metimes t pass
vessel medi al devi es int the b dy r rem ve tissue r m the b dy
embryo (EM-bree- h) animal in early stages intrauterine devel- endosteum (en-DOS-tee-um) a br us membrane that lines the
pment; in humans, the rst 3 m nths a ter n epti n medullary avity
embryology (em-bree-O L- h-gee) study the devel pment an endothelium (en-d h- H EE-lee-um) squam us epithelial ells
individual r m n epti n t birth that line the inner sur a e the entire ardi vas ular system and
embryonic phase (em-bree-O N-ik ayz) the peri d extending r m the vessels the lymphati system
ertilizati n until the end the eighth week gestati n; during endotracheal intubation (en-d h- RAY-kee-al in-t -BAY-
this phase the term embryo is used shun) medi al pr edure in whi h a tube is pla ed thr ugh the
emesis (EM-eh-sis) v miting m uth, pharynx, and larynx int the tra hea t ensure an pen
emphysema (em- h-SEE-mah) abn rmal nditi n hara terized airway
by trapping air in alve li the lung that auses them t rup- endurance training (en-D UR-an e RAYN-ing) ntinu us vig r-
ture and use t ther alve li us exer ise requiring the b dy t in rease its nsumpti n
emptying re ex (EMP-tee-ing REE-f eks) the ref ex that auses the xygen and devel p the mus les ability t sustain a tivity ver a
ntra ti n the bladder wall and relaxati n the internal pr l nged peri d time
sphin ter t all w urine t enter the urethra, whi h is ll wed by energy level limited regi n surr unding the nu leus an at m at a
urinati n i the external sphin ter is v luntarily relaxed ertain distan e ntaining ele tr ns; als alled a shell
emulsi y (eh-MUL-seh- ye) in digesti n, when bile breaks up ats enkephalin (en-KEF-ah-lin) peptide hemi al in the entral ner-
enamel (ih-NA-mel) hard, mineralized nne tive tissue, harder v us system that a ts as a natural painkiller
than b ne, rms hard vering exp sed t th sur a es; hardest enteritis (en-ter-AYE-tis) inf ammati n the small intestine
substan e in b dy enuresis (en-y -REE-sis) inv luntary urinati n
endemic (en-DEM-ik) re ers t a disease native t a l al regi n environmental health (en-VYE-r n-ment-al helth) eld publi
the w rld health that uses n the health e e ts ur surr undings
endocarditis (en-d h-kar-DYE-tis) inf ammati n the lining (natural and arti ial)
the heart enzyme (EN-zyme) bi hemi al atalyst all wing hemi al rea -
endocardium (en-d h-KAR-dee-um) thin layer very sm th tis- ti ns t take pla e in a suitable time rame
sue lining ea h hamber the heart eosinophil (ee- h-SIN- h- l) white bl d ell that is readily
endochondral ossi cation (en-d h-KON-dral s-ih- h-KAY-shun) stained by e sin
the pr ess in whi h m st b nes are rmed r m artilage m dels epicardium (ep-ih-KAR-dee-um) the inner layer the peri ardium
endocrine (EN-d h-krin) se reting int the bl d r tissue f uid that vers the sur a e the heart; it is als alled the visceral
rather than int a du t; pp site ex rine pericardium
endocrine gland (EN-d h-krin gland) any du tless gland that is epidemic (ep-ih-DEM-ik) re ers t a disease that urs in many
part the end rine system and se retes h rm nes int inter el- individuals at the same time
lular spa es and the bl d epidemiologist (ep-ih-dee-mee-O L-uh-jist) s ientist engaged in
endocrine system (EN-d h-krin SIS-tem) the series du tless the study, preventi n, and treatment the urren e, distribu-
glands that are und in the b dy ti n, and transmissi n diseases in human p pulati ns

epidemiology (EP-ih-dee-mee-O L- h-jee) study the urren e, erythema (er-ih- H EE-mah) redness r inf ammati n the skin
distributi n, and transmissi n diseases in human p pulati ns r mu us membranes
epidermis (ep-ih-DER-mis) alse skin; uterm st layer the skin erythroblastosis etalis (eh-rith-r h-blas- O H -sis et- AL-is)
epididymis (ep-ih-D ID -ih-mis) ne tw mma-shaped, nditi n a etus r in ant aused by the m thers Rh anti-
l ng, tightly iled tubes that arry sperm r m testes t vas b dies rea ting with the babys Rh-p sitive RBCs, hara ter-
de erens ized by massive agglutinati n the bl d and resulting in
epididymitis (ep-ih-did-ih-MY-tis) inf ammati n the epididymis li e-threatening ir ulat ry pr blems
epigastric region (ep-ih-GAS-trik) the superi r entral regi n erythrocyte (eh-RI H -r h-syte) red bl d ell; literally red ell
the abd min pelvi avity erythropoietin (EPO) (eh-RI H -r h-POY-eh-tin) gly pr tein
epigenetics (ep-ih-jeh-NE -iks) any pr ess inheritan e ther se reted t in rease red bl d ell pr du ti n in resp nse t xy-
than dire t DNA inheritan e, s metimes by adding a methyl gen de ien y
gr up ( r ther hemi al) t DNA, as in maternal/paternal im- esophagus (ee-SOF-ah-gus) the mus ular, mu us-lined tube that
printing genes nne ts the pharynx with the st ma h; als kn wn as the
epiglottis (ep-ih-GLO -is) lidlike artilage verhanging the en- oodpipe
tran e t the larynx essential reproductive organ (ee-SEN-shal ree-pr h-DUK-tiv
epiglottitis (EP-ih-gl t-aye-tis) li e-threatening type laryngitis OR-gan) repr du tive rgan that must be present r repr du -
generally seen in hildren 3 t 7 years age; hara terized by ti n t ur; als kn wn as gonad
laryngeal edema and high ever and aused by Haemophilus in u- estrogen (ES-tr h-jen) sex h rm ne se reted by the vary that
enzae virus auses the devel pment and maintenan e the emale se ndary
epilepsy (EP-ih-lep-see) a seizure dis rder hara terized by re ur- sex hara teristi s and stimulates gr wth the epithelial ells
ring seizures lining the uterus
epinephrine (Epi) (ep-ih-NEF-rin) adrenaline; h rm ne se reted etiology (ee-tee-OH L- h-jee) the ry, r study, the a t rs in-
by the adrenal medulla v lved in ausing a disease
epineurium (ep-ih-NO O-ree-um) a t ugh br us sheath that v- eupnea (YO O P-nee-ah) n rmal respirati n
ers the wh le nerve eustachian tube (y -S AY-shun t b) see auditory tube
epiphyseal racture (ep-ih-FEEZ-ee-al FRAK- hur) when the evaporation (ee-vap- h-RAY-shun) heat being l st r m the skin by
epiphyseal plate is separated r m the epiphysis r diaphysis; this sweat being vap rized
type ra ture an disrupt the n rmal gr wth the b ne eversion (ee-VER-zhun) m vement that turns a b dy part (su h as
epiphyseal line (ep-ih-FEEZ-ee-al lyne) p int usi n seen in a the t) utward
mature b ne that repla es the epiphyseal artilage r gr wth plate evert (ee-VER ) t turn utward
that n e separated the epiphysis and diaphysis a gr wing b ne excimer laser surgery (EK-zim-er LAY-zer SIR-jer-ee) re ra t ry
epiphyseal plate (ep-ih-FEEZ-ee-al) the artilage plate that is be- eye surgery that uses an ex imer r l laser t vap rize rneal
tween the epiphysis and the diaphysis and all ws gr wth t ur; tissue in treating mild t m derate nearsightedness; als alled
s metimes re erred t as a growth plate photore ractive keratectomy (PRK)
epiphysis (eh-PIF-ih-sis) (pl., epiphyses) end a l ng b ne excoriation (eks-k h-ree-AY-shun) skin lesi n in whi h epidermis
episiotomy (eh-piz-ee-O - h-mee) a surgi al pr edure used dur- has been rem ved, as in a s rat h w und
ing birth t prevent a la erati n the m thers perineum r the exercise physiologist (EK-ser-syze z-ee-O L-uh-jist) s ientist wh
vagina studies the pr ess mus ular exer ise and related phen mena
epispadias ngenital de e t in males hara terized by pening exhalation (eks-huh-LAY-shun) m ving air ut the lungs; p-
urethral meatus n d rsal (t p) sur a e glans r penile sha t p site inhalation, r inspiration; als kn wn as expiration
epistaxis (ep-ih-S AK-sis) lini al term re erring t a bl dy n se exocrine (EK-s h-krin) se reting int a du t; pp site end rine
epithelial membrane (ep-ih- H EE-lee-al MEM-brane) mem- exocrine gland (EK-s h-krin) glands that se rete their pr du ts int
brane mp sed epithelial tissue with an underlying layer du ts that empty nt a sur a e r int a avity; r example,
spe ialized nne tive tissue sweat glands
epithelial tissue (ep-ih- H EE-lee-al ISH -y ) vers the b dy exophthalmos (ek-s - H AL-mus) nditi n abn rmally pr -
and its parts; lines vari us parts the b dy; rms ntinu us truding eyeballs, urring in a rm hyperthyr idism alled
sheets that ntain n bl d vessels; lassi ed a rding t shape Graves disease; als alled exophthalmia
and arrangement experimental control (eks-payr-ih-MEN-tel k n- ROL) any pr -
equilibration (ee-kwi-lib-RAY-shun) the state r a t ming int edure within a s ienti experiment that ensures that the test
equilibrium r balan ed state situati n itsel is n t a e ting the ut me the experiment
equilibrium (ee-kwi-LIB-ree-um) a balan ed state; a state in whi h experimentation (eks-payr-ih-men- AY-shun) per rming an ex-
tw r m re parts a system remain in a relatively nstant periment, whi h is usually a test a tentative explanati n
pr p rti n t ea h ther nature alled a hypothesis
erectile dys unction (ED ) (ee-REK-tyl dis-F UNK-shun) dis r- expiration (eks-pih-RAY-shun) m ving air ut the lungs; pp -
der in whi h the penis ails t be me ere t during the male site inhalation, r inspiration; als kn wn as exhalation
sexual resp nse, usually due t a la k relaxati n in sm th expiratory muscle (eks-PYE-rah-t r-ee MUS-el) any the mus-
mus les in the wall bl d vessels in the penis; the drug Vi- les that all w m re r e ul expirati n t in rease the rate and
agra (sildena l) treats ED by pr m ting the same resp nse in depth ventilati n; the internal inter stals and the abd minal
the penis as NO (nitri a id), whi h relaxes sm th mus les in mus les
the vessel walls expiratory reserve volume (ERV) (eks-PYE-rah-t r-ee ree-ZERV
ergonomics (er-g h-NO M-iks) applied study w rkers and their VO L-y m) the am unt air that an be r ibly exhaled a ter
w rk envir nment expiring the tidal v lume ( V)

extend (ek-S END) t in rease the angle between tw b nes at a ertilization (FER-tih-lih-Z AY-shun) the a ti n that takes pla e at
j int; pp site ex the m ment the emales vum and the males sperm ell unite
extension (ek-S EN-shun) in reasing the angle between tw b nes etal alcohol syndrome (FAS) (FEE-tal AL-k h-h l SIN-dr hm) a
at a j int nditi n that may ause ngenital abn rmalities in a baby; it
external acoustic canal (eks- ER-nal ah-KO O -stik kah-NAL) a results r m a w man nsuming al h l during pregnan y
urved tube (appr ximately 2.5 m l ng) extending r m the etal phase (FEE-tal ayz) peri d extending r m the eighth t the
auri le the ear int the temp ral b ne, ending at the tympani thirty-ninth week gestati n; during this phase the term etus is
membrane; als external auditory canal used
external ear (eks- ER-nal) the uter part the ear that is made up etus (FEE-tus) unb rn y ung, espe ially in the later stages; in hu-
the auri le and the external audit ry anal man beings, r m the third m nth the intrauterine peri d until
external genitalia (eks- ER-nal jen-ih- AYL-yah) external repr - birth
du tive rgans; als alled genitals r simply genitalia ever (FEE-ver) elevated b dy temperature bey nd the n rmal set
external intercostals (eks- ER-nal in-ter-KO S-talls) inspirat ry p int; usually triggered by the immune system in resp nse t
mus les that enlarge the th rax, ausing the lungs t expand and in e ti n r injury
air t rush in ber (FYE-ber) threadlike stru ture; r example, nerve ber r l-
external nares (eks- ER-nal NAY-reez) (sing., naris) n strils lagen ber
external oblique (eks- ER-nal h-BLEEK) the uterm st layer brillation ( b-rih-LAY-shun) nditi n in whi h individual mus-
the anter lateral abd minal wall le bers, r small gr ups bers, ntra t asyn hr n usly ( ut
external otitis (eks- ER-nal h- YE-tis) a mm n in e ti n time) with ther mus le bers in an rgan, pr du ing n e e -
the external ear; als kn wn as swimmers ear tive m vement
external respiration (eks- ER-nal res-pih-RAY-shun) the ex- brin (FYE-brin) ins luble pr tein in l tted bl d
hange gases between air in the lungs and in the bl d brinogen ( ye-BRIN- h-jen) s luble bl d pr tein that is n-
external urinary meatus (eks- ER-nal YO O R-ih-nayr-ee mee- verted t ins luble brin during l tting
AY-tus) external pening the urinary tra t broid (FYE-br yd) see bromyoma
extracellular uid (ECF) (eks-trah-SEL-y -lar FLO O-id) the bromyoma ( ye-br h-my-O H -mah) benign tum r sm th
water und utside ells l ated in tw mpartments be- mus le and br us nne tive tissue mm nly urring in the
tween ells (interstitial f uid) and in the bl d (plasma) uterine wall, where it is ten alled a broid; see also myoma
bromyositis ( ye-br h-my- h-SYE-tis) inf ammati n mus le
tissue a mpanied by inf ammati n nearby tend n tissue
brosarcoma ( ye-br h-sar-KO H -mah) an er br us nne -
ace ( ays) anteri r aspe t the head r skull; any f at sur a e the tive tissue
external aspe t a stru ture brosis ( ye-BRO H -sis) nditi n in whi h br us tissue repla es
acial (FAY-shal) re erring t the a e damaged tissues
actor VIII (FAK-ter ayt) ne the bl d l tting a t rs ( agula- brous connective tissue (FYE-brus k h-NEK-tiv ISH -y )
ti n a t rs) str ng, n nstret hable, white llagen bers that mp se
allen arch nditi n in whi h the tend ns and ligaments the t tend ns
weaken, all wing the n rmally urved ar h t f atten ut bula (FIB-y -lah) the slender n nweight-bearing b ne l ated
allopian tube ( al-LO H -pee-an t b) see uterine tube n the lateral aspe t the leg
alse ribs the eighth, ninth, and tenth pairs ribs, whi h are atta hed bularis (muscle) group ( b-YO O-lay-ris [MUS-el] gr p) gr up
t the artilage the seventh ribs rather than the sternum lateral mus les the leg that a t t pr nate the t, r tating
ascia (FASH -ee-ah) general name r the br us nne tive tissue it t ward the midline, and plantar f ex the t, pulling it t es-
masses l ated thr ugh ut the b dy d wnward; als alled the peroneus group
ascicle (FAS-ih-kul) small bundle bers, as in a small bundle ght-or- ight response ( yte r f yte) the hanges pr du ed by in-
nerve bers r mus le bers reased sympatheti impulses all wing the b dy t deal with any
asciculus ( ah-SIC-y -lus) little bundle type stress
at ne the three basi nutrient types; primarily a s ur e ltration ( l- RAY-shun) m vement water and s lutes thr ugh
energy a membrane by a higher hydr stati pressure n ne side
atigue ( ah- EEG ) l ss mus le p wer; weakness; state ex- mbria (FIM-bree-ah) (sing., mbriae) ringelike pr je ti n
hausti n r tiredness rst-degree burn min r burn with nly minimal dis m rt and n
at tissue ( ISH -y ) see adipose blistering; epidermis may peel but n dermal injury urs; see also
atty acid (FA -tee AS-id) pr du t at digesti n; building bl k partial-thickness burn
at m le ules ssure (FISH -ur) el ngated break r gr ve
ebrile seizure (FEB-ril SEE-zhur) abn rmal brain a tivity aused agellate (FLAJ-eh-lat) pr t z an p ssessing f agella
by a ever agellum (f ah-JEL-um) (pl., f agella) single pr je ti n extending
eces (FEE-seez) waste material dis harged r m the intestines r m the ell sur a e; nly example in human is the tail the
eedback loop (FEED-bak l p) a highly mplex and integrated male sperm
mmuni ati n ntr l netw rk, lassi ed as negative r p sitive; at bone ne the ur types b ne; the r ntal b ne is an ex-
negative eedba k l ps are the m st imp rtant and numer us ample a f at b ne
h me stati ntr l me hanisms at eet nditi n in whi h the tend ns and ligaments the t are
emoral (FEM- r-al) re erring t the thigh weak, all wing the n rmally urved ar h t f atten ut
emur (FEE-mur) the thigh b ne, whi h is the l ngest b ne in the atulence (FLA -y -lens) presen e air r ther gases in the
b dy lumen the gastr intestinal tra t

avivirus (FLAV-ih-vye-rus) ateg ry RNA- ntaining viruses (dizyg ti ); als alled dizygotic twins; ntrast with identical
that typi ally require an inse t ve t r t transmit them t hu- (monozygotic) twins
mans; examples f avivirus in e ti ns in lude yell w ever, den- reckle (FREK-uhl) small br wn r red ma ules that are a mm n
gue, St. L uis en ephalitis, and West Nile virus (W NV) geneti variant n rmal skin pigmentati n
ex (f eks) t bend; r example, t de rease the angle between tw ree nerve ending (nerv END-ing) simple nerve re ept r in the skin
b nes at the j int that resp nds t pain
exion (FLEK-shun) a t bending; de reasing the angle between ree radical (RAD-ih-kal) highly rea tive, ele tr n-seeking m le-
tw b nes at the j int ules that ur n rmally in ells but may damage ele tr n-dense
oating ribs (FLOW-ting) the eleventh and twel th pairs ribs, m le ules su h as DNA r m le ules in ell membranes; ree
whi h are nly atta hed t the th ra i vertebrae radi als may be inhibited by anti xidants, su h as vitamin E
uid balance (FLO O -id BAL-ans) h me stasis f uids; the v l- renulum (FREN-y -lum) the thin membrane that atta hes the
umes interstitial f uid, intra ellular f uid, and plasma and t tal t ngue t the f r the m uth
v lume water remain relatively nstant rontal (FRON-tal) relating t the rehead r t the anteri r aspe t
uid compartment (FLO O-id k m-PAR -ment) any the areas a stru ture
in the b dy where the f uid is l ated; r example, interstitial f uid rontal bone rehead b ne
olate de ciency anemia (FOH -layt deh-FISH -en-see ah-NEE- rontal muscle (FRUN-tall MUS-el) ne the mus les a ial
mee-ah) bl d dis rder hara terized by a de rease in the red expressi n; it m ves the eyebr ws and urr ws the skin the
bl d ell unt, aused by a de ien y li a id in the diet (as rehead
in maln urished individuals) rontal plane (FRUN-tal playn) lengthwise plane running r m side
ollicle (FOL-lih-kul) a p ket r bubble; r example, the p ket t side, dividing the b dy int anteri r and p steri r p rti ns
skin r m whi h a hair gr ws rontal sinusitis (FRON-tall sye-ny -SYE-tis) inf ammati n in
ollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (FO L-lih-kul S IM-y - the r ntal sinus
lay-ting H OR-m hn) h rm ne present in males and emales; in rostbite (FRO S -byte) l al tissue damage aused by extreme ld
males, FSH stimulates the pr du ti n sperm; in emales, FSH ull-thickness burn burn that (1) destr ys epidermis, dermis, and
stimulates the varian lli les t mature and the lli le ells t sub utane us tissue (see third-degree burn); and (2) extends be-
se rete estr gen l w skin and sub utane us tissue t rea h mus le and b ne (see
ontanel (FON-tah-nel) any the s t sp ts n an in ants head; ourth-degree burn)
in mpletely ssi ed area in the in ant skull unctional protein (F UNK-shen-al PRO H -teen) pr tein that has
ood science ( d SYE-ens) study the hara teristi s d and the r le regulating hemi al rea ti ns in the b dy, su h as en-
e e ts st ring, handling, and preparing d zymes, s me neur transmitters, s me h rm nes; mpare t
oramen ( h-RAY-men) small pening; r example, the vertebral structural protein
ramen, whi h all ws the spinal rd t pass thr ugh the verte- undus (o stomach) (F UN-dus) enlarged p rti n t the le t and
bral anal ab ve the pening the es phagus int the st ma h
oramen ovale ( h-RAY-men h-VAL-ee) shunts bl d r m the undus (o uterus) (F UN-duss YO O -ter-us) bulging pr minen e
right atrium dire tly int the le t atrium all wing m st bl d t ab ve level where uterine tubes atta h t the b dy the uterus
bypass the babys devel ping lungs; either a pair small val ungus (F UNG-us) (pl., ungi) rganism similar t plants but la k-
penings r nerves in the sphen id b ne; literally oval hole ing hl r phyll and apable pr du ing my ti ( ungal)
orensic science ( h-REN-zik SYE-ens) eld s ienti investi- in e ti ns
gati n applied t legal questi ns, su h as ause death, rime uruncle (F UR-un-kul) b il; a pus- lled avity rmed by s me hair
s ene investigati n, and related matters lli le in e ti ns
oreskin (FORE-skin) a l se- tting, retra table asing l ated ver
the glans the penis; als kn wn as the prepuce
ormed elements ( rmd EL-eh-mentz) ellular (RBC, W BC, and
platelet) p rti n bl d bl d tissue, in ntrast t the un- G protein a pr tein m le ule usually embedded in a ells plasma
rmed (liquid) nature bl d plasma membrane that plays an imp rtant r le in getting a signal r m a
ormula (FO R-my -lah) sh rthand n tati n r a hemi al stru - re ept r (als in the plasma membrane) t the inside the ell
ture su h as an at m r m le ule, as in C r arb n and H 2O r galactose (gah-LAK-t hs) simple sugar (m n sa haride) und in
water la t se (milk sugar)
ourth-degree burn mplete destru ti n epidermis, dermis, and gallbladder (GAW L-blad-er) h ll w sa nne ted t the mm n
sub utane us tissue with additi nal damage bel w sub utane us bile du t and that st res and n entrates bile
tissue t mus le and b ne; see ull-thickness burn gallstone (GAW L-st hn) s lid n reti ns r st nes, ten m-
ovea centralis (FOH -vee-ah sen- RAL-is) small depressi n in the p sed h lester l r bile salts, und in the gallbladder; see also
ma ula lutea where nes are m st densely pa ked; visi n is cholelithiasis
sharpest where light rays us n the vea gamete (GAM-eet) either the tw sex ells, sperm (spermat z a)
ractal geometry (FRAK-tal jee-O M-eh-tree) the study sur a es and egg ( va), that have hal the usual number nu lear hr -
with a seemingly in nite area, su h as the lining the small m s mes (the hapl id number)
intestine ganglion (GANG-lee- n) (pl., ganglia) a regi n unmyelinated
ragile X syndrome (FXS) (FRAJ-il eks SIN-dr hm) nditi n in nerve tissue (usually this term is used nly r regi ns in the pe-
whi h mental retardati n results r m breakage X hr m - ripheral nerv us system [PNS])
s me in males ganglion cell (GANG-lee- n sel) ph t re ept r ell the eyes
raternal twins ( rah- ERN-al twinz) birth tw siblings at retina that d es n t help rm an image but instead helps dete t
the same time that have devel ped r m tw separate zyg tes hanges in envir nmental light t syn hr nize the b dys internal

l k t external daily, m nthly, and seas nal y les; mpare t genitalia (jen-ih- AYL-yah) repr du tive rgans; see external
rod and cone genitalia
gangrene (GANG-green) tissue death (ne r sis) that inv lves de ay genome ( JEE-n hm) entire set hr m s mes in a ell; the human
tissue genome re ers t the entire set human hr m s mes
gastric gland (G AS-trik) glands in st ma h lining that se rete en- genomics (jeh-NOH -miks) eld endeav r inv lving the analysis
zymes, mu us, r hydr hl ri a id the geneti de ntained in the human r ther spe iesgen me
gastritis (gas- RY-tis) inf ammati n the lining the st ma h geriatrics (jayr-ee-A -riks) medi al spe ialty that uses n treat-
gastrocnemius (GAS-tr k-NEE-mee-us) super ial mus le the ment the elderly
al the leg, nne ted (al ng with the s leus mus le) t the gerontology (jayr- n- O L- h-jee) study the aging pr ess
al aneus b ne the t by way the A hilles ( al aneal) ten- gestation (jes- AY-shun) pregnan y
d n; its a ti n is t d rsif ex the t, bending the t es upward gestation period (jes- AY-shun PEER-ee- d) the time length r
gastroenteritis (gas-tr h-en-ter-EYE-tis) inf ammati n the peri d pregnan y, appr ximately 9 m nths in humans
st ma h and intestines gestational diabetes mellitus (GD M) (jes- AY-shun-al dye-ah-
gastroenterology (gas-tr h-en-ter-AH L- h-jee) study and treat- BEE-teez MELL-ih-tus) nditi n hara terized by a temp -
ment diseases the gastr intestinal (GI) tra t rary de rease in bl d levels insulin during pregnan y
gastroesophageal re ux disease (GERD ) (gas-tr h-eh-s -eh- ghrelin (GRAY-lin) h rm ne se reted by epithelial ells lining the
JEE-al REE-f uks dih-ZEEZ [gerd]) a set sympt ms result- st ma h; ghrelin b sts appetite, sl ws metab lism, and redu es
ing r m a hiatal hernia that all ws st ma h (gastri ) ntents t at burning; may be inv lved in the devel pment besity
f w ba k (ref ux) int the es phagus; sympt ms in lude heart- gigantism (jye-G AN-tiz-em) a nditi n pr du ed by hyperse re-
burn r hest pain and ughing r h king during r just a ter a ti n gr wth h rm ne during the early years li e; results in a
meal; als kn wn as GERD hild wh gr ws t giganti size
gastroesophageal sphincter (gas-tr h-eh-s -eh-JEE-al SFINK- gingiva ( JIN-jih-vah) (pl., gingivae) gums ( the m uth)
ter) a ring sm th mus le ar und the pening the st ma h gingival ( JIN-jih-val) relating t the gums ( the m uth)
at the l wer end the es phagus that a ts as a valve t all w d gingivitis (jin-jih-VYE-tis) inf ammati n the gum (gingiva), -
t enter the st ma h but prevents st ma h ntents r m m ving ten as a result p r ral hygiene
ba k int the es phagus gland se reting stru ture
gastrointestinal (GI) tract (gas-tr h-in- ES-tih-nul trakt) tubelike glandular epithelium (GLAN-dy -lar ep-ih- H EE-lee-um) ells
stru ture the digestive system extending r m st ma h t that are spe ialized r se reting a tivity
anuss metimes meant t in lude the entire alimentary canal glans (glanz) the sensitive distal end the sha t the penis r
(m uth t anus) lit ris
gene (jeen) ne many segments a hr m s me (DNA m le- glaucoma (glaw-KOH -mah) dis rder hara terized by elevated
ule); ea h gene ntains the geneti de r synthesizing a pressure in the eye
pr tein m le ule su h as an enzyme r h rm ne glia (GLEE-ah) supp rting ells nerv us tissue; see neuroglia
gene linkage (jeen LINK-ej) phen men n that may ur during gliding joint (GLY-ding j ynt) type diarthr ti j int rmed by
crossing-over mei ti divisi n in whi h a wh le gr up genes f at sur a es that glide past ea h ther
stays t gether and r sses ver as a single unit glioma (glee-O H -mah) ne the m st mm n types brain
gene replacement therapeuti te hnique that repla es genes that tum rs
spe i y pr du ti n abn rmal pr teins with n rmal genes globulin (GLOB-y -lin) a type plasma pr tein that in ludes
gene therapy (jeen H AYR-ah-pee) manipulati n genes t ure antib dies
geneti pr blems; m st rms gene therapy have n t yet been glomerular capsule (gl h-MER-y -lar KAP-sul) see Bowman
pr ven e e tive in humans capsule
general senses ( JEN-er-al SEN-sez) senses dete ted by simple, glomerular ltrate (gl h-MER-y -lar l- RAY ) watery f uid
mi r s pi re ept rs widely distributed thr ugh ut the b dy ltered r m the plasma renal bl d apillaries int the gl -
(skin, mus les, tend ns, j ints, et .) inv lving m des pain, merular apsule the gl merulus
temperature, t u h, pressure, r b dy p siti n glomerular-capsular membrane (gl h-MER-y -lar KAP-s -
genetic (jeh-NE -ik) relating t the geneti de and bi l gi al lahr) membrane made up gl merular end thelium, basement
heredity; see als genetics membrane, and vis eral layer the gl merular (B wman) ap-
genetic counseling (jeh-NE -ik KOW N-se-ling) pra ti e n- sule; un ti n is ltrati n
sulting with amilies regarding geneti diseases glomerulonephritis (gl h-mer-y -l h-neh-FRY-tis) inf ammat ry
genetic counselor (jeh-NE -ik KOW N-se-l r) s ien e pr es- disease the gl merular- apsular membranes the kidney
si nal wh nsults with amilies regarding geneti diseases glomerulus (gl h-MAYR-y -lus) mpa t luster; r example,
genetic engineer (jeh-NE -ik en-juh-NEER) s me ne wh spe- apillaries in the kidneys
ializes in manipulating the geneti de glottis (GLO -is) the spa e between the v al rds
genetic mutation (jeh-NE -ik my - AY-shun) hange in the ge- glucagon (GLO O -kah-g n) h rm ne se reted by alpha ells the
neti material within a gen me; may ur sp ntane usly r as a pan reati islets
result mutagens glucocorticoid (GC) (gl -k h-KO R-tih-k yd) h rm ne that in-
genetics (jeh-NE -iks) s ienti study heredity and the geneti f uen es nutrient metab lism; se reted by the adrenal rtex
de gluconeogenesis (gl -k h-nee- h-JEN-eh-sis) rmulati n
genital see external genitalia glu se r gly gen r m pr tein r at mp unds
genital ducts (jen-ih-tall dukts) tubelike stru tures in the embry glucose (GLO O -k hs) m n sa haride r simple sugar; the prin i-
that devel p int repr du tive rgans; als applies t adult repr - pal bl d sugar
du tive du ts gluteal (GLO O -tee-al) r near the butt ks

gluteus maximus (GLO O-tee-us MAX-ih-mus) maj r extens r greater omentum (GRAY -er h-MEN-tum) a p u hlike exten-
the thigh and als supp rts the t rs in an ere t p siti n si n the vis eral perit neum
glycerol (GLIS-er- hl) pr du t at digesti n greater vestibular gland (ves- IB-y -lar gland) either the ex -
glycogen (GLYE-k h-jen) p lysa haride made up a hain rine mu us glands l ated n either side the vaginal utlet;
glu se (m n sa haride) m le ules; animal star h als kn wn as Bartholin gland; see also lesser vestibular gland
glycogen loading (GLYE-k h-jen LOH D-ing) see carbohydrate growth hormone (GH or hGH) (H OR-m hn) h rm ne se reted
loading by the anteri r pituitary gland that ntr ls the rate skeletal
glycogenesis (glye-k h-JEN-eh-sis) rmati n gly gen r m and vis eral gr wth
glu se r r m ther m n sa harides, ru t se, r gala t se guanine (GWAH -neen) ne several nitr gen- ntaining bases
glycogenolysis (glye-k h-jeh-NOL-ih-sis) hydr lysis gly gen that make up nu le tides, whi h in turn make up nu lei a ids
t glu se-6-ph sphate r t glu se su h as DNA and RNA; in the ell, it an hemi ally bind t
glycolysis (glye-KAH L-ih-sis) the rst series hemi al rea ti ns an ther nitr gen us base, yt sine (C r c), t rm a m re m-
in glu se metab lism; hanges glu se t pyruvi a id in a series plex stru ture r in translating geneti des; symb lized by the
anaer bi rea ti ns letter G r g; see also cytosine, adenine, thymine, uracil
glycosuria (glye-k h-SO O -ree-ah) glu se in the urine; a sign gustation (gus- AY-shun) the pr ess tasting
diabetes mellitus gustatory cell (GUS-tah-t r-ee sel) ells taste
goblet cell (GOB-let sel) any the spe ialized, g blet-shaped ells gynecologist (gye-neh-KO L-uh-jist) physi ian spe ializing in med-
und in simple lumnar epithelium that pr du e mu us i ine the emale repr du tive system
goiter (GO Y-ter) enlargement the thyr id gland gyrus ( JYE-rus) (pl., gyri) nv luted ridge und n the brains
Golgi apparatus (GOL-jee ap-ah-RA-tus) small sa s sta ked n sur a e
ne an ther near the nu leus that make arb hydrate m-
p unds, mbine them with pr tein m le ules, and pa kage the
pr du t in a gl bule
Golgi tendon receptors (GOL-jee EN-d n ree-SEP-t rs) sens rs hair ollicle (hayr FOL-ih-kul) a small tube where hair gr wth
that are resp nsible r pr pri epti n urs
gonad (GOH -nad) essential rgan repr du ti n that pr du es hair papilla (hayr pah-PIL-ah) a small, ap-shaped luster ells
gametes: testis in males; vary in emales l ated at the base the lli le where hair gr wth begins
gonadotropin (g h-nah-d h- ROH -pin) any the h rm nes hamstring muscle (H AM-string MUS-el) p wer ul f ex r the
(FSH and LSH ) pr du ed by the anteri r pituitary r embry ni hip made up the semimembran sus, semitendin sus, and bi-
tissue (hCG) that stimulate gr wth and maintenan e the testes eps em ris mus les
r varies Haversian canal (H AV-er-zhen r hah-VER-zhun kah-NAL) the
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (g h-nah-d h- ROH - entral anal in the ste n (H aversian system) that ntains a
pin ree-LEES-ing H O R-m hn) h rm ne released by the hyp - bl d vessel; named r English physi ian Cl pt n H avers; als
thalamus that stimulates the anteri r pituitary gland t release its alled central canal the ste n
g nad tr pin h rm nes Haversian system (H AV-er-zhen r hah-VER-zhun SIS-tem)
gout (g wt) abn rmal nditi n in whi h ex ess uri a id is dep s- stru tural unit mpa t b ne tissue made up n entri lay-
ited in j ints and ther tissues as s dium urate rystalsthe ers (lamellae) hard b ne matrix and b ne ells ( ste ytes);
rystals pr du e inf ammati n r gout arthritis named r English physi ian Cl pt n H avers; als alled osteon
gouty arthritis (g w- EE ar- H RY-tis) metab li dis rder in health (helth) physi al, mental, and s ial well-being; the absen e
whi h ex ess bl d levels uri a id are dep sited within the disease
syn vial f uid j ints and ther tissues heart block (hart bl k) a bl kage impulse ndu ti n r m atria
graa an ollicle (GRAH - ee-en FOL-ih-kul) sa the vary that t ventri les s that the heart beats at a sl wer rate than n rmal
ntains a mature vum heart disease (hart dih-ZEEZ) any a gr up ardia dis rders
gradient (GRAY-dee-ent) a sl pe r di eren e between tw levels; that t gether nstitute the leading ause death in the United
r example, bl d pressure gradient: a di eren e between the States
bl d pressure in tw di erent vessels heart ailure (hart FAYL-y r) inability the heart t pump re-
gram the unit measure in the metri system n whi h mass is turned bl d su iently
based (appr ximately 454 grams equals 1 p und) heart murmur (hart MUR-mur) abn rmal heart s und that may
Gram-staining technique (gram S AYN-ing tek-NEEK) pr ess indi ate valvular insu ien y (leaking) r sten sing (narr wing;
in mi r bi l gy in whi h a spe i mixture stains is used bl kage) the valve
t distinguish between di erent ateg ries ba teria (gram- heart rate (HR) (hart rayt) heart beats ( ardia y les) per unit
p sitive vs. gram-negative ba teria) time; usually expressed as beats/min (beats per minute)
granular leukocyte (GRAN-y -lar LO O-k h-syte) white bl d heartburn (H AR -burn) es phageal pain aused by ba kf w
ell (leuk yte) with granules visible in yt plasm when stained; st ma h a id int es phagus
als alled granulocyte heat exhaustion (heet eg-ZAWS- hun) nditi n aused by f uid
granulosa cell (gran-y -LOH -sah sel) ell layer surr unding the l ss resulting r m a tivity therm regulat ry me hanisms in a
yte warm external envir nment
Graves disease (gravz dih-ZEEZ) inherited, p ssibly immune en- heatstroke (heet str hk) li e-threatening nditi n hara terized by
d rine dis rder hara terized by hyperthyr idism a mpanied high b dy temperature; ailure therm regulat ry me hanisms
by ex phthalm s (pr truding eyes) t maintain h me stasis in a very warm external envir nment
gray matter (MA -er) tissue in the entral nerv us system made up Heberden node (H EB-er-den n hd) any the abn rmal enlarge-
ell b dies and unmyelinated ax ns and dendrites ments seen at the distal interphalangeal j ints in ste arthritis

Heimlich maneuver see abdominal thrust hepatic portal vein (heh-PA -ik PO R-tall vane) delivers bl d di-
Helicobacter pylori (H EEL-ih-k h-BAK-ter pye-LO H -ree) spiral- re tly r m the gastr intestinal tra t t the liver
shaped ba terium kn wn t be a maj r ause gastri and du - hepatitis (hep-ah- YE-tis) inf ammati n the liver due t viral r
denal ul ers ba terial in e ti n; injury; damage r m al h l, drugs, r ther
helix (H EE-lix) (pl., heli es) a spiral, as in the helix the ear (a ld t xins; r ther a t rs
that spirals ar und the external ear) hepatitis C virus (HCV) (hep-ah- YE-tis see VYE-rus) ne
helper cell ( H cell) immune system ells that help B ells di er- several types virus that auses liver inf ammati n and may
entiate int antib dy-se reting plasma ells; als help rdinate eventually lead t irrh sis r liver an er i n t treated
ellular immunity thr ugh dire t nta t with ther immune ells herniated (slipped) disk (H ER-nee-ayt-ed disk) rupture a -
hematocrit (Hct) (hee-MA - h-krit) v lume per ent bl d ells br artilage intervertebral disk that permits the pulpy re the
in wh le bl d disk t push against the spinal rd r spinal nerve r ts, ausing
hematology (hee-mah- O L- h-jee) study the bl d pain
hematopoiesis (hee-mah-t h-p y-EE-sis) bl d ell rmati n herpes zoster (H ER-peez ZOS-ter) viral in e ti n that a e ts the
hematopoietic tissue (hee-mah-t h-p y-E -ik ISH -y ) spe- skin a single dermat me; mm nly kn wn as shingles
ialized nne tive tissue that is resp nsible r the rmati n hiatal hernia (hye-AY-tal H ER-nee-ah) a bulging ut (hernia)
bl d ells and lymphati system ells; und in red b ne marr w, the st ma h thr ugh the pening (hiatus) the diaphragm
spleen, t nsils, and lymph n des thr ugh whi h the es phagus n rmally passes; this nditi n may
hematuria (hem-ah- O O-ree-ah) sympt m bl d in the urine, prevent the valve between the es phagus and st ma h r m l s-
ten the result a renal r urinary dis rder ing, thus all wing st ma h ntents t f w ba k int the es pha-
heme (heem) ir n- ntaining hemi al gr up und in hem gl bin gus; see also gastroesophageal re ux disease
hemiplegia (hem-ee-PLEE-jee-ah) paralysis (la k v luntary hiccup (H IK-up) inv luntary spasm di ntra ti n the
mus le ntr l) ne entire side the b dy (ex ept the a e) diaphragm
hemochromatosis (hee-m h-kr h-mah- O H -sis) nditi n har- hilum (H YE-lum) (pl., hila) small pening n the side an rgan
a terized by ex ess availability ir n in the bl d; als alled (lung, kidney, lymph n de) t all w vessels and nerves t enter/exit
iron storage disease hinge joint (hinj j ynt) type diarthr ti syn vial j int that all ws
hemodialysis (hee-m h-dye-AL-ih-sis) use dialysis t separate m vement ar und a single axis in the manner a hinge
waste pr du ts r m the bl d hip the j int nne ting the legs t the trunk
hemoglobin (H b) (hee-m h-GLOH -bin) ir n- ntaining pr tein histamine hemi al released by bas phils and mast ells in allergi
in red bl d ells and inf ammat ry rea ti ns; results in bl d vessel vas dilati n
hemolytic anemia (hee-m h-LI -ik ah-NEE-mee-ah) any a and br n h nstri ti n
gr up bl d dis rders hara terized by de ient r abn rmal histogenesis (his-t h-JEN-eh-sis) rmati n tissues r m pri-
hem gl bin that auses de rmati n and ragility red bl d mary germ layers embry
ells (e.g., si kle ell anemia, thalassemia) histologist (hih-S OL-uh-jist) s ientist that studies tissue stru ture
hemolytic disease o the newborn (H D N) (hee-m h-LI -ik dih- and un ti n
ZEEZ v thuh NO O -b rn) nditi n aused by bl d ABO r hives see urticaria
Rh a t r in mpatibility during pregnan y between devel ping Hodgkin disease (H OJ-kin dih-ZEEZ) type lymph ma (malig-
spring and m ther nant lymph tum r) hara terized by painless swelling lymph
hemophilia (hee-m h-FIL-ee-ah) any a gr up X-linked in- n des in the ne k, pr gressing t ther regi ns
herited bl d l tting dis rders aused by a ailure t rm l t- homeostasis (h h-mee- h-S AY-sis) relative uni rmity the
ting a t rs VIII, IX, r XI n rmal b dys internal envir nment
hemorrhagic anemia (H EM- h-raj-i k ah-NEE-mee-ah) gr up homeostatic mechanism (h h-mee- h-S A -ik MEK-ah-nih-
nditi ns hara terized by l w xygen- arrying apa ity zem) a system that maintains a nstant envir nment enabling
bl d; aused by de reased red bl d ell (RBC) li e span and/ r b dy ells t un ti n e e tively
in reased rate RBC destru ti n hormone (H OR-m hn) substan e se reted by an end rine gland
hemorrhoid (H EM-eh-r yd) vari se vein in the re tum; hem r- human engineered chromosome (HEC) (H YO O -man en-juh-
rh ids are als alled piles NEERD KROH -meh-s hm) gene augmentati n pr edure that
hemostasis (hee-m h-S AY-sis) st ppage bl d f w inserts therapeuti genes int a separate strand DNA that is
hemothorax (hee-m h- H OH -raks) abn rmal nditi n in whi h inserted int nu leus ell
bl d is present in the pleural spa e surr unding the lung, p s- Human Genome Project (HGP) (H YO O -man JEE-n me PRO J-
sibly ausing llapse the lung ekt) a w rldwide llab rative e rt s ientists and thers t
Henle loop (H EN-lee l p) extensi n the pr ximal tubule the map ut the entire human gen me and study the bi l gi al,
kidney; als alled nephron loop medi al, and ethi al aspe ts their dis veries; the H G P is
heparin (H EP-ah-rin) naturally urring substan e that inhibits largely unded by U.S. g vernment s ur es su h as the D OE
rmati n a bl d l t; has been used as a drug t inhibit (Department Energy) and the NIH (Nati nal Institutes
l tting H ealth); a urrently a tive H GP sh t is ENCODE (T e En-
hepatic duct (heh-PA -ik dukt) any the liver du ts that drain bile cyclopedia o DNA Elements); see genome, genomics
ut the liver human immunode ciency virus (HIV) (H YO O-man ih-my -
hepatic exure (heh-PA -ik FLEK-sher) the bend between the n h-deh-FISH -en-see VYE-rus) the retr virus that auses a -
as ending l n and the transverse l n; als alled hepatic colic quired immun de ien y syndr me (AIDS)
exure human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) (H YO O-man LIM- h-syte
hepatic portal circulation (heh-PA -ik POR-tall ser-ky -LAY- AN-tih-jen) type sel -antigen that the immune system uses t
shun) the r ute bl d f w thr ugh the liver distinguish nes wn tissue r m that a reign entity

humerus (H YO O -mer-us) the se nd l ngest b ne in the b dy; the hyperopia (hye-per-OH -pee-ah) re ra tive dis rder the eye
l ng b ne the arm aused by a sh rter than n rmal eyeball; arsightedness
humoral immunity (H YO O -m r-al ih-MYO O-nih-tee) see hyperosmotic (hye-per- s-MO -ik) relating t s luti ns that gen-
antibody-mediated immunity erally pr m te sm sis water (int them)
Huntington disease (H D ) (H UN-ting-t n dih-ZEEZ ) degenera- hyperplasia (hye-per-PLAY-zee-ah) gr wth an abn rmally large
tive, inherited brain dis rder hara terized by h rea (purp se- number ells at a l al site, as in a ne plasm r tum r
less m vements) pr gressing t severe dementia and death by hypersecretion (hye-per-seh-KREE-shun) t mu h a substan e
age 55 is being se reted
hyaline cartilage (H YE-ah-lin KAR-tih-lij) m st mm n type hypersensitivity (hye-per-SEN-sih-tiv-ih-tee) inappr priate r ex-
artilage; appears gelatin us and gl ssy essive resp nse the immune system
hybridoma (hye-brid-OH -mah) used r hybrid ells that ntinue hypertension (H N) (hye-per- EN-shun) abn rmally high bl d
t pr du e the same antib dy as the riginal lymph yte pressure
hydrocele (H YE-dr h-seel) abn rmal a umulati n watery f uid, hyperthyroidism (hye-per- H YE-r yd-iz-em) verse reti n
as an ur in the s r tum thyr id h rm nes, whi h in reases metab li rate resulting in l ss
hydrocephalus (hye-dr h-SEF-ah-lus) abn rmal a umulati n weight, in reased appetite, and nerv us irritability
erebr spinal f uid; water n the brain hypertonic (hye-per- ON-ik) a s luti n ntaining a higher level
hydrochloric acid (HCl) (hye-dr h-KLO R-ik AS-id) mp und salt (NaCl) than is und in a living red bl d ell (ab ve 0.9%
rmed by the hydr gen i n and hl ride i n, whi h releases the NaCl)
hydr gen i n in water t rm an a id; pr du ed in great quantity hypertrophy (hye-PER-tr h- ee) in reased size a part aused by
by gastri glands in the st ma h an in rease in the size its ells
hydrocortisone (hye-dr h-KO R-tih-z hn) a h rm ne rdinarily hyperventilation (hye-per-ven-tih-LAY-shun) very rapid, deep
se reted by the adrenal rtex as rtis l, but as hydr rtis l it is respirati ns
used as a drug t redu e inf ammati n r ther immune un - hypervitaminosis (hye-per-vye-tah-mih-NOH -sis) general name
ti ns; see cortisol r any nditi n resulting r m an abn rmally high intake
hydrogen (H YE-dr h-jen) ne the hemi al elements und in vitamins
great quantity in the human b dy; symb lized by H , as in H 2O hypoalbuminemia (hye-p h-al-by -min-EE-mee-ah) nditi n
(water); may rm i ns su h as H (hydr gen i n) r O H (hy- l w albumin (pr tein) in the bl d plasma; it ten results
dr xide i n) r m renal dis rders r malnutriti n; l ss plasma pr tein usu-
hydrogen bond (H YE-dr h-jen b nd) weak hemi al b nd that ally auses edema the tissue spa es
urs between the partial p sitive harge n a hydr gen at m hypocalcemia (hye-p h-kal-SEE-mee-ah) abn rmally l w bl d
valently b und t a nitr gen r xygen at m and the partial al ium level
negative harge an ther p lar m le ule hypochondriac region (hye-p h-KO N-dree-ak REE-jun) the le t
hydrogen ion (H YE-dr h-jen aye- n) und in water and water and right upper regi ns the abd min pelvi avity, just un-
s luti ns; pr du es an a idi s luti n; symb l is H der the l wer part the rib artilage and n either side the
hydrolysis (hye-DROH L-ih-sis) hemi al rea ti n in whi h water epigastri regi n; used when the abd min pelvi avity is visu-
is added t a large m le ule, ausing it t break apart int smaller alized as being subdivided int nine regi ns as in a ti -ta -t e
m le ules grid
hydronephrosis (hye-dr h-neh-FROH -sis) path l gi al swelling r hypodermis (hye-p h-DER-mis) the l se rdinary (are lar) tissue
enlargement renal pelvis r aly es aused by bl kage urine just under the layers skin and super ial t the mus les; made
utf w l se nne tive tissue and at; als alled subcutaneous tissue
hydrostatic pressure (hye-dr h-S A -ik PRESH -ur) the r e a r super cial ascia
f uid pushing against s me sur a e hypogastric region (hye-p h-G AS -rik REE-jun) the entral
hydroxide ion (hye-DROK-side aye- n) und in water and water l wer regi n the abd min pelvi avity, bel w the st ma h
s luti ns; pr du es an alkaline s luti n; symb l is O H and umbili us (navel) and between the le t and right ilia regi ns;
hydroxyurea (hye-DROK-see-y -REE-ah) an antine plasti (an- used when the abd min pelvi avity is visualized as being sub-
titum r) drug divided int nine regi ns as in a ti -ta -t e grid
hymen (H YE-men) G reek r membrane; mu us membrane that hypoglycemia (hye-p h-glye-SEE-mee-ah) l wer-than-n rmal
may partially r entirely lude the vaginal utlet bl d glu se n entrati n
hyoid bone (H YE- yd b hn) U-shaped b ne the ne k between hypokalemia (hye-p h-kal-EE-mee-ah) abn rmally l w bl d p -
the mandible and the larynx tassium level
hyperacidity (hye-per-ah-SID-ih-tee) ex essive se reti n a id; an hyponatremia (hye-p h-nah- REE-mee-ah) abn rmally l w bl d
imp rtant a t r in the rmati n ul ers s dium level
hypercalcemia (hye-per-kal-SEE-mee-ah) a nditi n in whi h hyposecretion (hye-p h-seh-KREE-shun) t little se reti n a
harm ul ex esses al ium are present in the bl d substan e
hypercholesterolemia (hye-per-k h-les-ter- hl-EE-mee-ah) n- hypospadias (hye-p h-SPAY-dee-us) ngenital de e t in males
diti n high bl d h lester l ntent hara terized by pening urethral meatus n underside the
hyperglycemia (hye-per-glye-SEE-mee-ah) higher than n rmal glans r penile sha t
bl d glu se n entrati n hypothalamus (hye-p h- H AL-ah-mus) p rti n the f r and
hyperkalemia (hy-per-kal-EE-mee-ah) abn rmally high bl d p - lateral wall the third ventri le the brain
tassium level hypothermia (hye-p h- H ER-mee-ah) ailure therm regulat ry
hypernatremia (hy-per-nah- REE-mee-ah) abn rmally high bl d me hanisms t maintain h me stasis in a very ld external
s dium level envir nment

hypothesis (hye-PO H -eh-sis) (pl., hyp theses) a pr p sed expla- immunosuppressive drug (ih-my -n h-s -PRES-iv drug) m-
nati n an bserved phen men n p und that suppresses, r redu es, the apa ity the immune
hypothyroidism (hye-p h- H YE-r yd-iz-em) underse reti n system; su h drugs are s metimes used t prevent reje ti n
thyr id h rm nes; early in li e results in retinism; later in li e transplanted tissues
results in myxedema immunotherapy (ih-my -n h- H AYR-ah-pee) therapeuti te h-
hypotonic (hye-p h- ON-ik) a s luti n ntaining a l wer level nique that b lsters a pers ns immune system in an attempt t
salt (NaCl) than is und in a living red bl d ell (bel w 0.9% ntr l a disease
NaCl) impacted racture (im-PAK-ted FRAK- hur) ra ture in whi h
hypoventilation (hye-p h-ven-tih-LAY-shun) sl w and shall w b ne ragments are driven int ea h ther
respirati ns impetigo (im-peh- YE-g ) a highly ntagi us ba terial skin in e -
hypovitaminosis (hye-p h-VY E-ah-min- h-sis) nditi n ti n that urs m st ten in hildren
having t ew vitamin m le ules in the b dy r n rmal implantable cardioverter-de brillator (ICD ) (im-PLAN-tah-bel
un ti n KAR-dee- h-vert-er dee-FIB-rih-lay-t r) surgi ally implanted
hypovolemic shock (hye-p h-v h-LEE-mik) ir ulat ry ailure medi al devi e that aut mati ally m nit rs r brillati n, then
(sh k) aused by a dr p in bl d v lume that auses bl d pres- pr du es a de brillating sh k with ut any external
sure (and bl d f w) t dr p; literally l w v lume sh k interventi n.
hypoxia (hye-PO CK-see-ah) abn rmally l w n entrati n xy- implantation (im-plan- AY-shun) urs when a ertilized vum
gen in the bl d r tissue f uids implants in the uterus
hysterectomy (his-teh-REK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val the impotence (IM-p h-tense) ailure t a hieve ere ti n the penis
uterus results in an inability t repr du e; als alled erectile dys unction
inborn immunity (IN-b rn ih-MYO O -nih-tee) immunity t dis-
ease that is inherited
I & O measurement b th f uid intake and f uid utput (urine incisor (in-SYE-zer) any the r nt teeth, whi h are adapted r
v lume) ver a spe i ed peri d time; abbreviati n input utting
and utput incompetent (cardiac) valve (in-KO M-peh-tent [KAR-dee-ak]
identical (monozygotic) twins birth tw siblings at the same time valv) ardia valve that leaks, all wing s me bl d t f w ba k
that have devel ped r m a single zyg te that splits int tw int the hamber r m whi h it ame
spring early during devel pment; als alled monozygotic twins; incomplete racture (in-k m-PLEE FRAK- hur) b ne ra ture
ntrast with raternal (dizygotic) twins in whi h the b ne ragments remain partially j ined
ideogram (ID-ee- h-gram) a simple art n a hr m s me used incontinence (in-KON-tih-nens) nditi n in whi h an individual
in gen mi s t sh w the verall stru ture the hr m s me, v ids urine r e es inv luntarily
in luding staining landmarks and the relative p siti n the incubation (in-ky -BAY-shun) early, latent stage an in e ti n,
entr mere during whi h an in e ti n has begun but signs r sympt ms have
idiopathic (id-ee- h-PA H -ik) relating t a disease undeter- n t yet devel ped
mined ause incus (IN-kus) the anvil, the middle ear b ne that is shaped like an
ileocecal valve (il-ee- h-SEE-kal valv) the sphin terlike stru ture anvil
between the end the small intestine and the beginning the induced abortion (in-D O O S ah-BO R-shun) purp se ul termina-
large intestine ti n a pregnan y be re the etus is able t survive utside the
ileum (IL-ee-um) the distal p rti n the small intestine w mb
iliac crest (IL-ee-ak krest) the superi r edge the ilium in ancy (IN- an-see) the age range r m birth t ab ut 18 m nths
iliac region (IL-ee-ak REE-jun) the le t and right l wer regi ns age
the abd min pelvi avity, near the ilia regi n the pelvis and in ant respiratory distress syndrome (IRD S) (IN- ant RES-pih-
n either side the hyp gastri regi n; termin l gy used t rah-t h-ree dih-S RESS SIN-dr hm) leading ause death in
des ribe the abd min pelvi avity when it is visualized as being premature babies, aused by a la k sur a tant in the alve lar air
subdivided int nine regi ns as in a ti -ta -t e grid; als alled sa s
le t and right inguinal regions in ection control (in-FEK-shun KON-tr l) any pra ti e intended
iliopsoas (il-ee- h-SO H -as) a f ex r the thigh and an imp rtant t limit the spread in e ti n in a p pulati n
stabilizing mus le r p sture in ectious (in-FEK-shus) des ribes any nditi n r substan e that
ilium (IL-ee-um) ne the three separate b nes that use t rm an indu e an in e ti n r is hara terized by in e ti n by a
the s xae r hip b ne path gen
immune de ciency (ih-MYO O N deh-FISH -en-see) general term in ectious arthritis (in-FEK-shuss ar- H RY-tis) inf ammati n
r mplete r relative ailure the immune system t de end j int tissues aused by a variety path gens (e.g., Lyme
the internal envir nment the b dy arthritis)
immune system (ih-MYO ON SIS-tem) the b dys de ense system in ectious mononucleosis (in-FEK-shuss mah-n h-n -klee-O H -
against disease sis) a viral (n n an er us) white bl d ell (W BC) dis rder m-
immunization (ih-my -nih-Z AY-shun) deliberate arti ial exp - m n in y ung adults; hara terized by leuk yt sis atypi al
sure t disease t pr du e a quired immunity in the b dy lymph ytes and severe atigue
immunoglobulin (Ig) (ih-my -n h-GLOB-y -lin) antib dy in erior (in-FEER-ee- r) l wer; pp site superior
immunology (im-y -NO L- h-jee) study immune system un - in erior vena cava (in-FEER-ee- r VEE-nah KAY-vah) ne tw
ti ns and me hanisms large veins arrying bl d int the right atrium

in ertility (in- er- IL-ih-tee) l wer-than-n rmal ability t repr du e inter eron (IF) (in-ter-FEER- n) small pr teins pr du ed by the
in ammation (in-f ah-MAY-shun) gr up resp nses t a tissue immune system that inhibit virus multipli ati n
irritant marked by signs redness, heat, swelling, and pain interleukins (IL) (in-ter-LO O -kins) any several intra ellular
in ammation mediator (in-f ah-MAY-shun MEE-dee-ay-t r) signals ( yt kines) released by white bl d ells (leuk ytes), usu-
hemi al (e.g., pr staglandins, histamine, kinins) released by ir- ally inv lved in immune resp nses
ritated tissues that pr m tes the events the inf ammati n internal oblique muscle (in- ER-nal h-BLEEK MUS-el) mus le
resp nse rming part the middle layer the anter lateral abd minal
in ammatory (in-FLAM-ah-t h-ree) relating t inf ammati n, an walls
immune resp nse that ten pr du es heat, swelling, redness, and internal respiration (in- ER-nal res-pih-RAY-shun) the ex hange
pain gases that urs between the bl d and ells the b dy
in ammatory exudate (in-FLAM-ah-t h-ree EK-s -dayt) f uid international normalized ratio (INR) (in-ter-NASH -en-ul NO R-
that a umulates in inf amed tissues as a result in reased per- mah-lyzed RAY-shee- h) meth d expressing the prothrombin
meability bl d vessels time (time it takes r a bl d sample t l t a ter tissue thr m-
in ammatory response (in-FLAM-ah-t h-ree ree-SPONS) innate b plastin [pr thr mbin a tivat r] is added) based n interna-
(n nspe i ) immune pr ess pr du ed in resp nse t injury and ti nal standards
resulting in redness, pain, heat, and swelling and pr m ting interneuron (in-ter-NO O-r n) nerve that ndu ts impulses r m
m vement white bl d ells t the a e ted area a sens ry neur n t a m t r neur n
ingestion (in-JES- hun) taking in mplex ds, usually by interphalangeal joint (in-ter- ah-LAN-jee-al j ynt) arti ulati n
m uth that exists between the heads the phalanges and the bases
inguinal (ING-gwih-nal) the gr in the m re distal phalanges
inguinal hernia (ING-gwih-nal H ER-nee-ah) pr trusi n ab- interphase (IN-ter- ayz) the phase immediately be re the visible
d min pelvi rgans thr ugh the inguinal anal and int the stages ell divisi n when the DNA ea h hr m s me repli-
s r tum ates itsel
inhalation (in-hah-LAY-shun) breathing in; pp site exhalation, interstitial (in-ter-S ISH -al) in between; ten used t des ribe the
r expiration; als alled inspiration spa e r substan e between ells
inherited immunity (in-H AYR-ih-ted ih-MYO O -nih-tee) see interstitial cell (in-ter-S ISH -al sel) end rine ells in the testes
inborn immunity that se rete the male sex h rm ne, test ster ne
inhibiting hormone (IH) (in-H IB-ih-ting H OR-m hn) h rm ne interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) (in-ter-S ISH -al
pr du ed by the hyp thalamus that sl ws the release anteri r sel S IM-y -lay-ting H O R-m hn) the previ us name r lu-
pituitary h rm nes teinizing h rm ne in males; auses testes t devel p and se rete
innate immunity (in-AY ih-MYO ON-ih-tee) see n nspe i test ster ne
immunity interstitial cystitis (in-ter-S ISH -al sis- YE-tis) see overactive
inorganic compound (in- r-GAN-ik KOM-p wnd) mp und bladder
wh se m le ules d n t ntain arb n- arb n r arb n- interstitial uid (IF) (in-ter-S ISH -al FLO O-id) f uid l ated in
hydr gen b nds the mi r s pi spa es between the ells
INR a r nym r internati nal n rmalized rati intestinal gland (in- ES-tih-nal) th usands glands und in the
insertion (in-SER-shun) atta hment a mus le t the b ne that it mu us membrane the mu sa the small intestines; se rete
m ves when ntra ti n urs (as distinguished r m its intestinal digestive jui es
rigin) intestine (in- ES-tin) the part the digestive tra t thr ugh whi h
inspiration (in-spih-RAY-shun) m ving air int the lungs; d remains pass a ter leaving the st ma h; separated int tw
pp site exhalation r expiration; als re erred t as segments, the small and the large
inhalation intracellular uid (ICF) (in-trah-SEL-y -lar FLO O -id) f uid l -
inspiratory muscle (in-SPY-rah-t r-ee MUS-el) the mus les that ated within the ells; largest f uid mpartment
in rease the size the th rax, in luding the diaphragm and ex- intramembranous ossi cation (in-trah-MEM-brah-nus s-ih- h-
ternal inter stals, and all w air t rush int the lungs KAY-shun) pr ess by whi h m st f at b nes are rmed within
inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) (in-SPY-rah-t r-ee ree-ZERV nne tive tissue membranes
VOL-y m) the am unt air that an be r ibly inspired ver intramuscular injection (IM) (in-trah-MUS-ky -lar in-JEK-
and ab ve a n rmal respirati n shun) administrati n medi ati n int the mus le
insulin (IN-suh-lin) h rm ne se reted by the pan reati islets intraocular pressure (in-trah-OK-y -lar PRESH -ur) f uid pres-
integument (in- EG-y -ment) the skin sure within the eyeball
integumentary system (in-teg-y -M EN-tar-ee SIS-tem) the intravenous (IV) (in-trah-VEE-nus) within, r int , a vein
b dy system mprising nly the skin; the skin is an rgan intrinsic actor (in- RIN-sik FAK-ter) substan e that binds t m l-
and a system e ules vitamin B12, pr te ting them r m the a ids and enzymes
interarytenoid notch (IN-ter-ar-ih-tee-n yd n t h) V-shaped the st ma h; se reted by parietal ells gastri glands
gr ve between the aryten id artilages the larynx ten used inversion (in-VER-zhun) m vement that turns the s le the t
as a guide r inserting a tube sa ely int the airway inward, t ward the median
intercalated disk (in- ER-kah-lay-ted disk) any the gap-jun ti n invert (in-VER ) t m ve a part inward
nne ti ns that rm between ardia mus le bers, visible as in vitro (in VEE-tr h) urring in a test tube, dish, r ther lab ra-
thin dark bands in stained mi r s pi spe imens t ry apparatus
intercostal muscle (in-ter-KO S-tal MUS-el) the respirat ry mus- involuntary muscle (in-VOL-un-tayr-ee MUS-el) sm th mus le
les l ated between the ribs that is n t under ns i us ntr l and is und in rgans su h as

the st ma h and small intestine; ardia mus le is als an inv l- and hara terized by purplish sp ts n the skin; is mainly und
untary type mus le; see smooth muscle and cardiac muscle in ertain ethni gr ups and in th se with immune de ien ies
involution (in-v h-LO O-shun) return an rgan t its n rmal karyotype (KER-ee- h-type) rdered arrangement ph t graphs
size a ter an enlargement; als a ter retr grade r degenerative hr m s mes r m a single ell used in geneti unseling t
hange identi y hr m s mal dis rders su h as tris my r m n s my
ion (AYE- n) ele tri ally harged at m r gr up at ms keloid (KEE-l yd) an unusually thi k, irregularly shaped, pr gres-
ionic bond (aye-ON-ik) hemi al b nd rmed by the p sitive- sively enlarging br us s ar n the skin
negative attra ti n between tw i ns keratin (KAYR-ah-tin) pr tein substan e und in hair, nails, uter
iris (AYE-ris) ir ular, pigmented ring mus le tissue behind the skin ells, and h rny tissues
rnea; the enter the iris is per rated by the pupil ketoacidosis (kee-t h-as-ih-D O H -sis) a nditi n abn rmally
iron de ciency anemia (AYE-ern deh-FISH -en-see ah-NEE-mee- l w bl d pH (a idity) aused by the presen e an abn rmally
ah) nditi n in whi h there are inadequate levels ir n in the large number ket ne b dies r ket a ids that are pr du ed
diet ausing less hem gl bin t be pr du ed; results in extreme when ats are nverted t rms glu se t be used r el-
atigue lular respirati n; ten urs in th se with diabetes mellitus,
ischemia (is-KEE-mee-ah) redu ed f w bl d t tissue resulting when it is m re spe i ally alled diabetic ketoacidosis; see also
in impairment ell un ti n acidosis
ischium (IS-kee-um) ne three separate b nes that rms the s ketone body (KEE-t hn BO D-ee) a idi pr du t lipid metab -
xae lism; they may a umulate abn rmally in bl d individuals
islet o Langerhans see pancreatic islet with un ntr lled type 1 diabetes
isoimmunity (aye-s h-ih-MYO O-nih-tee) immune resp nse t kidney (KID-nee) rgan that leanses the bl d waste pr du ts
antigens an ther human, as in transplanted (gra ted) tissues; pr du ed ntinually by metab lism
als alled alloimmunity; in s me ases it is alled rejection kidney dialysis (KID-nee dye-AL-ih-sis) therapy r kidney ailure
syndrome in whi h ma hines pump bl d thr ugh permeable tubes in an
isometric contraction (aye-s h-ME -rik) type mus le ntra - external apparatus, all wing waste pr du ts t di use ut the
ti n in whi h mus le d es n t sh rten bl d and int a salt-water type ele tr lyte f uid that surr unds
isotonic (aye-s h- O N-ik) relating t equal r uni rm pressures r the semipermeable dialysis tubes.
tensi n kilocalorie (Kcal) (KIL- h-kal- h-ree) 1000 al ries
isotonic contraction (aye-s h- ON-ik) type mus le ntra ti n kinesthesia (kin-es- H EE-zee-ah) mus le sense; that is, sense
that maintains uni rm tensi n r pressure p siti n and m vement b dy parts
isotope (AYE-s h-t hp) at m with the same at mi number as Kline elter syndrome (KLINE- el-ter SIN-dr hm) geneti dis r-
an ther at m but with a di erent at mi weight (that is, with a der aused by the presen e tw r m re X hr m s mes in a
di erent number neutr ns in the nu leus the at m) male (typi ally tris my XXY); hara terized by l ng legs, en-
IV (intravenous) technician (aye-vee [in-trah-VEE-nus] tek- larged breasts, l w intelligen e, small testes, sterility, hr ni
NISH -en) health- are pr essi nal spe ializing in preparati n pulm nary disease
and administrati n therapeuti f uids and medi ines int veins Krause end bulb (kr ws) mu us membrane re ept r that dete ts
sensati ns t u h and vibrati n; als kn wn as bulboid
Krebs cycle see citric acid cycle
jaundice ( JAW N-dis) abn rmal yell wing skin, mu us mem- Kupf er cell (KO O P- er sel) phag yti ell und in spa es be-
branes, and white eyes tween liver ells
jejunum (jeh-JO O-num) the middle third the small intestine kwashiorkor (kwah-shee-O R-k r) nutriti nal dis rder that results
joint (j ynt) see articulation r m a pr tein de ien y in the presen e su ient al ries
joint capsule (j ynt CAP-s l) br us nne tive tissue sleeve, lined kyphosis (kye-FO H -sis) abn rmally exaggerated th ra i urvature
with syn vial membrane, that h lds t gether pp sing ends the vertebral lumn
arti ulating b nes in a syn vial j int
joule ( J or j) (j l) unit measuring energy; see calorie
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ( JRA) ( JO O -veh-naye-il RO O -
mah-t yd ar- H RY-tis) rm rheumat id arthritis a e ting labia majora (LAY-bee-ah mah-JO H -rah) large lips the vulva
pe ple under 16 years age; it may a e t b ne devel pment labia minora (LAY-bee-ah mih-NOH -rah) small lips the vulva
juxtaglomerular ( JG) apparatus (jux-tah-gl h-MER-y -lar ap- labor (LAY-ber) the pr ess that results in the birth the baby
ah-RA -us) mplex ells in nephr n near the gl merulus and laboratory technician (LAB-rah-t r-ee tek-NISH -en) a trained
adja ent t distal tubule and a erent arteri le; se retes enzyme assistant in a medi al r s ienti lab rat ry
(renin) imp rtant in regulati n bl d pressure lacrimal gland (LAK-rih-mal) gland that pr du es tears; ne gland
juxtamedullary nephron (jux-tah-MED- -lar-ee NEF-r n) l ated in the upper lateral p rti n ea h eye rbit
nephr n units with renal rpus les l ated near the jun ti n lacrimal sac (LAK-rih-mal sak) widened upper part nas la rimal
between rtex and medullary layers kidney; see also nephron du t that ndu ts tears r m the la rimal glands
lactase (LAK-tayse) enzyme that breaks d wn la t se
lacteal (LAK-tee-al) a lymphati vessel l ated in ea h villus the
intestine; serves t abs rb at materials r m the hyme passing
Kaposi sarcoma (KS) (KAH -p h-see sar-KOH -mah) a malignant thr ugh the small intestine
ne plasm ( an er) the skin aused by the Kap si sar ma lacti erous duct (lak- IF-er-us dukt) the du t that drains the grape-
related herpes virus (KSH V), r human herpes virus 8 (H H V8), like luster milk-se reting glands in the breast

lactogenic hormone (lak-t h-JEN-ik H O R-m hn) see prolactin utlet in w men; als kn wn as Skene gland; see also greater
lactose (LAK-t hs) disa haride sugar und in milk; als alled vestibular gland
milk sugar leukemia (l -KEE-mee-ah) bl d an er hara terized by an in-
lactose intolerance (LAK-t hs in- OL-er-ans) la k the enzyme rease in white bl d ells
la tase, resulting in an inability t digest la t se (a disa haride leukocyte (LO O-k h-syte) white bl d ells
present in milk and dairy pr du ts) leukocytosis (l -k h-SYE-t h-sis) abn rmally high white bl d
lacuna (lah-KO O-nah) (pl., la unae) spa e r avity; r example, ell numbers in the bl d
la unae in b ne ntain b ne ells leukopenia (l -k h-PEE-nee-ah) abn rmally l w white bl d ell
lambdoidal suture (LAM-d yd-al SO O- hur) the imm vable j int numbers in the bl d
rmed by the parietal and ipital b nes leukoplakia (l -k h-PLAY-kee-ah) white pat hes in the m uth,
lamella (lah-MEL-ah) (pl., lamellae) thin layer, as b ne mm nly seen in hr ni igarette sm kers; may lead t m uth
lamellar corpuscle (lah-MEL-ar KO R-pus-ul) sens ry re ept r an er
with a layered en apsulati n und deep in the dermis that de- leukorrhea (l -k h-REE-ah) whitish dis harge r m the ur geni-
te ts pressure n the skin sur a e; als kn wn as Pacini corpuscle tal tra t
lamina propria (LAM-in-ah PRO H -pree-ah) br us nne tive leukotriene (l -k h- RY-een) yt kine mp und that un ti ns
tissue underlying the epithelium in mu us membranes as an inf ammati n mediat r
lanugo (lah-NO O -g ) the extremely ne and s t hair und n a levels o organization (LEV-elz v r-gan-ih-ZAY-shun) gr up-
newb rn in ant ings stru tural mp nents r m mi r s pi t gr ss, used as
laparoscope (LAP-ah-r h-sk pe) spe ialized pti al viewing tube a manner rganizing n epts bi l gi al s ale
large intestine (in- ES-tin) part GI tra t that in ludes e um; levodopa (LEV- h-d h-pah) hemi al manu a tured by the brain
as ending, transverse, des ending and sigm id l ns; re tum; ells and then nverted int the neur transmitter d pamine; has
and anal anal been used t treat dis rders inv lving d pamine de ien ies su h
laryngeal cancer (lah-RIN-jee-al r lar-in-JEE-al KAN-ser) malig- as Parkins n disease; als alled L-dopa
nan y the v i eb x (larynx) li estyle (LYFE-style) the m de living a pers n, in luding eat-
laryngitis (lar-in-JYE-tis) inf ammati n the mu us tissues the ing habits, a tivity, and h i e envir nment, whi h may n t be
larynx (v i e b x) mpletely v luntary
laryngopharynx (lah-ring-g h-FAYR-inks) the l west part the ligament (LIG -ah-ment) b nd r band nne ting tw bje ts; in
pharynx anat my, a band white br us tissue nne ting b nes
larynx (LAYR-inks) the v i e b x l ated just bel w the pharynx; limbic system (LIM-bik) a lle ti n vari us small regi ns the
the largest pie e artilage making up the larynx is the thyr id brain that a t t gether t pr du e em ti n and em ti nal re-
artilage, mm nly kn wn as the Adams apple sp nse; s metimes alled the em ti nal brain
laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) (LAY-zer ah-SIS- linear racture (LIN-ee-ar FRAK- hur) b ne ra ture hara terized
ted in SYE-t kayr-at- h-mil-YO O-sis) re ra t ry eye surgery by a ra ture line that is parallel t the b nes l ng axis
using a mi r kerat me t ut a rneal ap, whi h is repla ed lingual tonsil (LING-gwal AH N-sil) t nsil l ated at the base
a ter an ex imer laser is used t vap rize and reshape underlying the t ngue
rneal tissue lipase (LYE-payse) at-digesting enzymes
laser therapy (LAY-zer H AYR-ah-pee) use laser (intense beams lipid (LIP-id) rgani m le ule usually mp sed gly er l and
light) t destr y a tum r, abn rmal tissue, damaged tissue, r atty a id units; types in lude trigly erides, ph sph lipids, and
s ars h lester l; a at, wax, r il
laser thermal keratoplasty (L K) (LAY-zer H ER-mull kayr-A - lipoma (lih-PO H -mah) benign tum r adip se ( at) tissue
h-plast-ee) re ra t ry eye surgery empl ying ultrash rt bursts lipoprotein (lip- h-PROH -teen) substan e that is part lipid and
(3 se nds) laser energy t reshape the rnea part pr tein; pr du ed mainly in the liver
lateral (LA -er-al) r t ward the side; pp site medial lithotripsy (lih-th h- RIP-see) use ultras und waves t break up
lateral longitudinal arch (LA -er-al lawnj-ih- O OD-in-al) uter kidney st nes with ut making an in isi n
lengthwise (anter p steri r) supp rt stru ture the t lithotriptor (LI H - h-trip-t r) a spe ialized ultras und generat r
latissimus dorsi (lah- IS-ih-mus D O R-sye) an extens r the arm that is used t pulverize kidney st nes
law a s ienti law is a the ry, r explanati n, a s ienti prin iple liver (LIV-er) large, multil bed ex rine gland in the right upper
that is based n experimentati n results and supp rted by s ien- abd minal quadrant, pr du ing bile and having many metab li
tists wh have an extra rdinarily high degree n den e in its un ti ns
validity liver glycogenolysis (LIV-er glye-k h-jeh-NOL-ih-sis) hemi al
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LEE-ber heh-RED-ih-tayr-ee pr ess by whi h liver gly gen is nverted t glu se
OP-tik n -RO P-ah-thee) inherited nditi n in whi h y ung lobectomy (l h-BEK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val a single l be
adults begin l sing their eyesight as the pti nerve degenerates an rgan, as in the rem val ne l be a lung
resulting in t tal blindness by age 30 lock-and-key model (l k and kee MAH D-el) n ept that explains
lens (lenz) the re ra ting me hanism the eye that is l ated di- h w m le ules rea t when they t t gether in a mplementary
re tly behind the pupil way in the same manner that a key ts int a l k t ause the
leptin (LEP-tin) h rm ne, se reted by at-st ring ells, that regu- l k t pen r l se; the anal gy is ten used t explain the
lates h w hungry r ull we eel and h w at is metab lized by the a ti n h rm nes, enzymes, and ther bi l gi al m le ules
b dy longitudinal arch (l n-jih- O O -dih-nal) tw ar hes, the medial
lesion (LEE-zhun) any bje tive abn rmality in a b dy stru ture and lateral, that extend lengthwise in the t
lesser vestibular gland (LES-er ves- IB-y -lar gland) either loop o Henle (l p H EN-lee) see Henle loop
the ex rine mu us glands l ated n the sides the urinary loose brous connective tissue see areolar tissue

lordosis (l r-DOH -sis) abn rmally exaggerated lumbar urvature and large m le ules r m the tissue spa es and at-related nutri-
the vertebral lumn; may als re er t n rmal n avity the ents r m the digestive system t the bl d
lumbar urvature lymphatic tissue (lim-FA -ik ISH -y ) see lymphoid tissue
lower esophageal sphincter (LES) (LOH -er eh-s -eh-JEE-al lymphatic vessel (lim-FA -ik VES-el) vessel that arries lymph t
SFINGK-ter) ring mus ular tissue (sphin ter) l ated be- its eventual return t the ardi vas ular system
tween terminal es phagus and st ma h lymphedema (lim- ah-DEE-mah) swelling (edema) tissues
lumbar (LUM-bar) l wer ba k, between the ribs and pelvis aused by partial r t tal bl kage the lymph vessels that drain
lumbar puncture (LUM-bar PUNK- hur) when s me erebr spi- the a e ted tissue
nal f uid is withdrawn r m the subara hn id spa e in the lumbar lymphocyte (LIM- h-syte) ne type white bl d ell
regi n the spinal rd lymphoid neoplasm (LIM- yd NEE- h-plaz-em) abn rmal pr -
lumbar region (LUM-bar REE-jun) the le t and right middle re- li erati n lymph id tissue r lymph id pre urs r ells ten
gi ns the abd min pelvi avity, near the lumbar area the ass iated with an er us trans rmati n
vertebral lumn and n either side the umbili al regi n; ter- lymphoid tissue (LIM- yd ISH -y ) tissue that is resp nsible r
min l gy used when the abd min pelvi avity is visualized as manu a turing lymph ytes and m n ytes; und m stly in the
being subdivided int nine regi ns as in a ti -ta -t e grid lymph n des, thymus, and spleen
lumen (LO O-men) (pl., lumina r lumens) the h ll w spa e within lymphoma (lim-FO H -mah) an er lymph id tissue
a tube lyse (lyze) disintegrati n a ell
lung rgan respirati n; the right lung has three l bes and the le t lysosome (LYE-s h-s hm) membran us rganelles ntaining vari-
lung has tw l bes us enzymes that an diss lve m st ellular mp unds; thus
lunula (LO O -ny -lah) res ent-shaped white area under the pr x- alled digestive bags r suicide bags ells
imal nail bed
luteinization (l -tee-in-ih-Z AY-shun) the pr ess devel pment
a rpus luteum (g lden b dy) in the vary a ter an vum is
released r m the lli le; stimulated by the a ti n luteinizing macronutrient (MAK-r h-NO O -tree-ent) nutrient needed in large
h rm ne (LH ) r m the anteri r pituitary am unts; arb hydrates, ats, and pr teins
luteinizing hormone (LH) (l -tee-in-AYE-zing H OR-m hn) an- macrophage (MAK-r h- ayj) phag yti ells in the immune
teri r pituitary h rm ne that stimulates the devel pment a system
rpus luteum (literally yell w b dy) that se retes h rm nes at macula (MAK-y -lah) (pl., ma ulae r ma ulas) strip sens ry
the sur a e the vary a ter a lli le has released its vum; a epithelium in the utri le and sa ule; pr vides in rmati n re-
tr pi h rm ne als kn wn as LH lated t head p siti n r a elerati n [macula sp t]
Lyme arthritis (lyme ar- H RY-tis) in e ti us rm j int inf am- macula lutea (MAK-y -lah LO O -tee-ah) (pl., ma ulae luteae)
mati n (arthritis) ass iated with Lyme disease; aused by a spi- yell wish area near enter retina lled with nes permitting
r hete ba terium arried by deer ti ks a ute image rmati n and l r visi n
lymph (lim ) spe ialized f uid rmed in the tissue spa es that re- macular degeneration see age-related macular degeneration (AMD )
turns ex ess f uid and pr tein m le ules t the bl d via lym- macule (MAK-y l) a f at skin lesi n distinguished r m the sur-
phati vessels r unding tissue by a di eren e in l rati n
lymph node (lim ) per rms bi l gi al ltrati n lymph n its way mad cow disease see bovine spongi orm encephalopathy
t the ardi vas ular system magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (mag-NE -ik REZ-ah-nans
lymph nodule (lim NO D-y l) is a mass lymph id tissue (devel- IM-ah-jing) s anning te hnique that uses a magneti eld t
ping white bl d ells) within a lymph n de r making up a indu e tissues t emit radi waves that an be used by mputer
pat h lymph n dules (as in the t nsils) t nstru t a se ti nal view a patients b dy
lymphadenitis (lim-FAD-in-aye-tis) inf ammati n a lymph major duodenal papilla (MAY-jer d - h-DEE-nul [ r d -AH -
n de, usually aused by a ba terial in e ti n r asi nally a de-nul] pah-PIL-ah) mus ular bump in lining du denum
ne plasm (benign r an er us), and hara terized by swelling where mm n bile du t enters; als alled greater duodenal
and tenderness papilla
lymphangiogram (lim-FAN-jee- h-gram) radi graph (x-ray) a malabsorption syndrome (mal-ab-SORP-shun SIN-dr hm) gr up
part the lymphati netw rk, whi h is pr du ed by inje ting a sympt ms ass iated with the ailure t abs rb nutrients pr p-
spe ial dye that is paque t x-rays int the s t tissues drained erly: an rexia, as ites, ramps, anemia, atigue
by the lymphati netw rk maldigestion (mal-dye-JES- hun) ailure t ully digest nutrients in
lymphangitis (lim- an-JYE-tis) inf ammati n lymph vessels, usu- the gut
ally aused by in e ti n, hara terized by ne red streaks extend- malignant (mah-LIG-nant) re erring t s mething harm ul
ing r m the site in e ti n; may pr gress t septi emia (bl d malignant hyperthermia (MH) (mah-LIG-nant hye-per- H ERM-
in e ti n) ee-ah) inherited nditi n hara terized by an abn rmally
lymphatic capillary (lim-FA -ik CAP-ih-layr-ee) any the tiny, in reased b dy temperature (hyperthermia) and mus le rigidity
blind-ended tubes r draining ex ess interstitial f uid distributed when a pers n is exp sed t ertain anestheti s (e.g.,
in the tissue spa es su inyl h line)
lymphatic duct (lim-FA -ik dukt) terminal vessel int whi h lym- malignant tumor (mah-LIG -nant O O-mer) a tum r r ne plasm
phati vessels empty lymph; the du t then empties the lymph int that is apable metastasizing r spreading t new tissues (i.e.,
the ardi vas ular system an er)
lymphatic system (lim-FA -ik SIS-tem) a system that plays a riti- malleus (MAL-ee-us) hammer; the tiny middle ear b ne that is
al r le in the un ti ning the immune system, m ves f uids shaped like a hammer

malnutrition (mal-n - RISH -un) insu ient r imbalan ed in- meiosis (my-OH -sis) nu lear divisi n in whi h the number hr -
take nutrients, ten ausing any a variety diseases m s mes are redu ed t hal their riginal number; pr du es
malocclusion (mal- h-CLEW-zhun) abn rmal nta t between gametes
the teeth the upper and l wer jaw Meissner corpuscle (MYZ-ner KOR-pus-ul) a sens ry re ept r
maltase (MAW L-tayz) enzyme that breaks apart malt se and l ated in the skin l se t the sur a e that dete ts light t u h;
thereby atalyzes the nal steps arb hydrate digesti n als kn wn as tactile corpuscle
maltose (MAW L-t hs) disa haride sugar rmed by the break- melanin (MEL-ah-nin) br wn skin pigment
d wn star h melanocyte (MEL-ah-n h-syte) spe ialized ells in the pigment
mammary (MAM-mah-ree) relating t the breasts r milk-pr du ing layer that pr du e melanin
glands within the breasts melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) (MEL-ah-n h-syte
mammary dysplasia (MAM-mah-ree dis-PLAY-zhah) gr up S IM-y -lay-ting H O R-m hn) resp nsible r a rapid in-
nditi ns hara terized by benign lumps in ne r b th breasts; rease in the synthesis and dispersi n melanin granules in
als alled brocystic disease spe ialized skin ells
mammary gland (MAM-mah-ree) milk-pr du ing ex rine gland melanoma (mel-ah-NO H -mah) a malignant ne plasm ( an er)
the breasts; un ti nally lassi ed as external a ess ry sex rgan in the pigment-pr du ing ells the skin (melan ytes); als alled
emales but is stru turally part the integumentary system malignant melanoma
marasmus (mah-RAZ-mus) rm pr tein- al rie malnutriti n; melatonin (mel-ah- O H -nin) imp rtant h rm ne pr du ed by the
results r m an verall la k al ries and pr tein pineal gland; believed t regulate the nset puberty and the
massage therapy (mah-SAH J H AYR-ah-pee) pressing, rubbing, menstrual y le; als re erred t as the third eye be ause it re-
r ther manipulati n mus le and ther s t tissue t prevent sp nds t levels light and is th ught t be inv lved with the
r treat a variety health nditi ns b dys internal l k
masseter (mah-SEE-ter) large mus le the heek, used t li t the membrane (MEM-brane) thin layer r sheet
l wer jaw (mandible) and thus pr vide hewing m vement membranous labyrinth (MEM-brah-nus LAB-eh-rinth) a mem-
mast cell immune system ell (related t the bas phil) that se retes bran us sa that ll ws the shape the b ny labyrinth and is
histamine and ther inf ammat ry hemi als lled with end lymph
mastectomy (mas- EK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val the breast memory cell (MEM- h-ree sel) ell that remains in reserve in the
mastication (mas-tih-KAY-shun) hewing lymph n des until its ability t se rete antib dies is needed
mastitis (mas- YE-tis) inf ammati n r in e ti n the breast menarche (meh-NAR-kee) beginnings the menstrual un ti n
mastoiditis (mas-t yd-AYE-tis) inf ammati n the air ells within Mnire disease (men-ee-AYR dih-ZEEZ) hr ni inner ear dis r-
the mast id p rti n the temp ral b ne; usually aused by der hara terized by tinnitus, pr gressive nerve dea ness, and
in e ti n vertig
matrix (MAY-triks) the intra ellular substan e a tissue; r ex- meninges (meh-NIN-jeez) (sing., meninx) f uid- ntaining mem-
ample, the matrix b ne is al i ed, whereas that bl d is branes surr unding the brain and spinal rd
liquid meningitis (men-in-JYE-tis) inf ammati n the meninges aused
matter any substan e that upies spa e and has mass by a variety a t rs in luding ba terial in e ti n, my sis, viral
mature ollicle (mah-CH UR FO L-lih-kul) see graa an ollicle in e ti n, and tum rs
maxilla (mak-SIH -lah) upper jaw b ne meniscus (meh-NIS-kus) (pl., menis i) arti ular artilage disk
maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2max) (MAX-ih-mum OKS- menopause (MEN- h-pawz) terminati n menstrual y les
ih-jen k n-SUMP-shun) the maximum am unt xygen taken menses (MEN-seez) menstrual f w
up by the lungs, transp rted t the tissues, and used t d w rk menstrual cramp (MEN-str -al kramp) pain ul ntra ti n the
mechanoreceptor (mek-an- h-ree-SEP-t r) re ept rs that are me- uterine mus le during menstruati n
hani al in nature; r example, equilibrium and balan e sens rs menstrual cycle (MEN-str -al SYE-kul) the y li al hanges in
in the ears the uterine lining
medial (MEE-dee-al) r t ward the middle; pp site lateral mesentery (MEZ-en-tayr-ee) a large d uble ld perit neal tissue
medial longitudinal arch (MEE-dee-al l n-jih- O O-dih-nal) in- that an h rs the l ps the digestive tra t t the p steri r wall
ner lengthwise (anter p steri r) supp rt stru ture the t the abd minal avity
mediastinum (MEE-dee-as- YE-num) a subdivisi n in the mid- mesoderm (MEZ- h-derm) the middle layer the primary germ
p rti n the th ra i avity layers
medic (MED-ik) member a military medi al rps messenger RNA (mRNA) (MES-en-jer R N A) a dupli ate py
medicine (MED-ih-sin) pra ti e applying s ienti prin iples t a gene sequen e n the DNA that passes r m the nu leus t the
the preventi n and treatment health nditi ns yt plasm
medulla (meh-D UL-ah) Latin r marr w; the inner p rti n an metabolic (met-ah-BOL-ik) related t metab lism, the hemi al
rgan in ntrast t the uter p rti n r rtex rea ti ns the b dy
medulla oblongata (meh-D UL-ah b-l ng-GAH -tah) the l west metabolic acidosis (met-ah-BOL-ik as-ih-DOH -sis) a disturban e
part the brainstem; an enlarged extensi n the spinal rd; a e ting the bi arb nate element the bi arb nate arb ni
the vital enters are l ated within this area a id bu er pair; bi arb nate de it
medullary cavity (med-O O -layr-ee KAV-ih-tee) h ll w area inside metabolic alkalosis (met-ah-BO L-ik al-kah-LO H -sis) disturban e
the diaphysis the b ne that ntains yell w b ne marr w a e ting the bi arb nate element the bi arb nate arb ni
meibomian gland (my-BOH -mee-an gland) any the small seba- a id bu er pair; bi arb nate ex ess
e us glands al ng the edge (tarsus) the eyelid; an be me metabolism (meh- AB- h-liz-em) mplex pr ess by whi h nu-
in e ted, resulting in a sty trients are used by a living rganism

metacarpal (met-ah-KAR-pal) the part the hand between the mitosis (my- OH -sis) indire t ell divisi n inv lving mplex
wrist and ngers hanges in the nu leus
metallic (meh- AL-ik) relating t metal, as in metallic taste mitral valve (MY-tral valv) heart valve l ated between the le t
metaphase (ME -ah- ayz) se nd stage mit sis, during whi h atrium and ventri le; als kn wn as the bicuspid valve
the nu lear membrane and nu le lus disappear mitral valve prolapse (MVP) (MY-tral valv PROH -laps) nditi n
metastasis (meh- AS-tah-sis) pr ess by whi h malignant tum r in whi h the bi uspid (mitral) valve extends int the le t atrium,
ells all a primary tum r, then migrate t a new tissue t l - ausing in mpeten e (leaking) the valve
nize a se ndary tum r mode (m hd) ateg ry sensati n dete ted by a sens ry re ept r;
metatarsal arch (met-ah- AR-sal) the ar h that extends a r ss the als alled modality
ball the t; als alled the transverse arch molar see tricuspid
metatarsals (met-ah- AR-salz) any the ve b nes that rm the mold large ungus ( mpared t a yeast, whi h is a small ungus)
t; arti ulate with tarsal b nes pr ximally and the rst r w molecule (MOL-eh-ky l) parti le matter mp sed ne r
t e phalanges distally m re smaller units alled atoms
metazoan (met-ah-ZO H -an) (pl., metaz a) animals (large multi el- monoclonal antibody (m n- h-KLO NE-al AN-tih-b d-ee) spe-
lular rganisms) that an s metimes ause r transmit disease i antib dy pr du ed r m a p pulati n identi al ells
meter (MEE-ter) a measure length in the metri system; equal t monocyte (MON- h-syte) largest type white bl d ell; a type
ab ut 39.5 in hes agranul yte; ten inv lved in phag yt sis abn rmal ells r
methylation (meth-il-AY-shun) hemi al pr ess in whi h a methyl parti les
gr up (CH 3) is added t a m le ule, as in adding methyl t DNA mononucleosis (MAH N- h-NO O -klee-OH -sis) nditi n har-
t regulate gene a tivity a terized by an in rease in the number m n nu lear leuk -
microbe (MY-kr be) any mi r s pi rganism ytes; an be aused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV); als m-
microbiologist (my-kr h-bye-O L-uh-jist) s ientist spe ializing in m nly alled mono
the study mi r rganisms su h as ba teria monosaccharide (m n- h-SAK-ah-ryde) a simple sugar m-
microbiome (my-kr h-BYE- hm) all the intera ting e systems p sed nly a single sa haride gr up (C 6H 12O 6); examples
mi r bes (ba teria, ungi, et .) that live n r in the human b dy; in lude glu se, ru t se, gala t se
als alled the human microbiome r human microbial system monosomy (MO N- h-s h-mee) abn rmal geneti nditi n in
microcephaly (my-kr h-SEF-ah-lee) a ngenital abn rmality in whi h ells have nly ne hr m s me where there sh uld be a
whi h an in ant is b rn with a small head pair; usually aused by n ndisjun ti n ( ailure hr m s me
microglia (my-KRO G-lee-ah) ne type nne tive tissue und pairs t separate) during gamete pr du ti n
in the brain and spinal rd monozygotic twins (mahn- h-zye-GO -ik twinz) twins that de-
micron (MY-kr n) measurement that equals 1/1000 millimeter; vel p r m a single zyg te that has split during early devel pment
1/25,000 in h int tw separate, but geneti ally identi al, spring; see also
micronutrient (MY-kr h-NO O-tree-ent) nutrient needed by the identical twins
b dy in very small quantity, su h as vitamins and minerals mons pubis (m nz PYO O -bis) skin- vered pad at ver the
microtubule (my-kr h- O O B-y l) thi k ell ber ( mpared t symphysis pubis in the emale
mi r lament); h ll w tube resp nsible r m vement sub- morbidity (m r-BID-ih-tee) illness r disease; the rate in iden e
stan es within the ell r m vement the ell itsel a spe i illness r disease in a spe i p pulati n
microvilli (my-kr h-VIL-ee) brushlike b rder made up epithelial mortality (m r- AL-ih-tee) death; the rate deaths aused by a
ells und n ea h villus in the small intestine and ther areas spe i disease within a spe i p pulati n
the b dy; in reases the sur a e area (as r abs rpti n nutrients) morula (MOR-y -lah) a s lid mass ells rmed by the divisi ns
micturition (mik-t -RISH -un) urinati n, v iding ( bladder) a ertilized egg
midbrain (MID-brayn) ne the three parts the brainstem motility (m h- IL-ih-tee) ability t m ve
middle ear (MID-ul eer) a tiny and very thin epithelium-lined av- motor neuron (MO H -ter NO O-r n) neur n that transmits nerve
ity in the temp ral b ne that h uses the ssi les; in the middle impulses r m the brain and spinal rd t mus les and glandular
ear, s und waves are ampli ed epithelial tissues
midsagittal plane (mid-SAJ-ih-tal) a ut r plane that divides the motor unit (MOH -ter YO O-nit) a single m t r neur n al ng with
b dy r any its parts int tw equal halves the mus le ells it innervates
mineral (M IN-er-al) in rgani element r salt und naturally in mouth (m wth) ral avity
the earth that may be vital t the pr per un ti ning the mucocutaneous junction (my -k h-ky - AY-nee-us JUNK-shun)
b dy the transiti nal area where the skin and mu us membrane meet
mineralocorticoid (MC) (min-er-al- h-KOR-tih-k yd) h rm ne mucosa (my -KOH -sah) mu us membrane
that inf uen es mineral salt metab lism; se reted by adrenal r- mucous membrane (MYO O -kus MEM-brane) epithelial mem-
tex; ald ster ne is the hie mineral rti id branes that line b dy sur a es pening dire tly t the exteri r and
minor duodenal papilla (MYE-ner d - h-DEE-nul [ r d -AH - se rete a thi k, slippery material alled mucus
de-nul] pah-PIL-ah) small mus ular bump in lining du de- mucus (MYO O -kus) thi k, slippery material that is se reted by the
num where the a ess ry pan reati du t enters mu us membrane and keeps the membrane m ist
mitochondria (my-t h-KON-dree-ah) plural rm mitochondrion multiple myeloma (MUL-tih-pul my-LO H -mah) an er plasma
mitochondrial D NA (my-t h-KO N-dree-al D N A) DNA l ated ells
in the mit h ndria ea h ell, nstituting a single hr m - multiple neuro bromatosis (MUL-tih-pul n -r h- ye-br h-
s me; als alled mtDNA r mDNA mah- OH -sis) dis rder hara terized by multiple, s metimes
mitochondrion (my-t h-KO N-dree- n) rganelle in whi h A P dis guring, benign tum rs the S hwann ells (neur glia) that
generati n urs; ten termed p werh use ell surr und nerve bers

multiple sclerosis (MS) (MUL-tih-pul skleh-ROH -sis) the m st myxedema (mik-seh-DEE-mah) nditi n aused by de ien y
mm n primary disease the entral nerv us system; a myelin thyr id h rm ne in adults
dis rder
muscle ber (MUS-el FYE-ber) the spe ialized ntra tile ells
mus le tissue that are gr uped t gether and arranged in a highly
rganized way nail body (BOD-ee) the visible part the nail
muscle strain (MUS-el strayn) mus le injury resulting r m verex- nail root the part the nail hidden by the uti le
erti n r trauma and inv lving verstret hing r tearing mus- nanometer (NAN- h-mee-ter) a measure length in the metri
le bers system; ne billi nth a meter
muscle tone (MUS-el t hn) t ni ntra ti n; hara teristi nares (NAY-reez) (sing., naris) n strils
mus le a n rmal individual wh is awake nasal (NAY-zal) relating t the n se
muscular dystrophy (MUS-ky -lar DIS-tr h- ee) a gr up mus- nasal cavity (NAY-zal KAV-ih-tee) the m ist, warm avities lined
le dis rders hara terized by atr phy skeletal mus le with ut by mu sa l ated just bey nd the n strils; l a t ry re ept rs are
nerve inv lvement; D u henne mus ular dystr phy (DMD) is the l ated in the mu sa
m st mm n type nasal polyp (NAY-zal PAH -lip) painless, n n an er us tissue
muscular system (MUS-ky -lar SIS-tem) the mus les the b dy gr wth that pr je ts r m nasal mu sa
muscularis (mus-ky -LAYR-is) tw layers mus le surr unding nasal septum (NAY-zal SEP-tum) a partiti n that separates the
the digestive tube that pr du e wavelike, rhythmi ntra ti ns right and le t nasal avities
alled peristalsis, whi h m ve d material nasopharynx (nay-z h-FAYR-inks) the upperm st p rti n the
musculotendinous unit (mus-ky -l h- EN-din-us YO O -nit) the tube just behind the nasal avities
un ti nal unit rmed by a skeletal mus les mus le tissue, ten- natural killer cell (NK cell) (NACH -er-ul KIL-er sel) type lym-
d n, and the jun ti n between the tw tissues ph yte that kills many types tum r ells
mutagen (MYO O-tah-jen) agent apable ausing mutati n (al- nausea (NAW-zee-ah) unpleasant sensati n the gastr intesti-
terati n) DNA nal tra t that mm nly pre edes the urge t v mit; upset
myalgia (my-AL-jee-ah) general term re erring t the sympt m st ma h
pain in mus le tissue neck (nek) the b dy regi n nne ting head t th rax; the narr w,
myasthenia gravis (my-es- H EE-nee-ah GRAH -vis) aut immune nne ting part a stru ture, as in the regi n the t th that
mus le dis rder hara terized by pr gressive weakness and j ins r wn t r t
hr ni atigue necrosis (neh-KRO H -sis) death ells in a tissue, ten resulting
mycotic in ection (my-KO -ik in-FEK-shun) ungal in e ti n r m is hemia (redu ed bl d f w)
myelin (MY-eh-lin) lip id substan e und in the myelin sheath needle biopsy (NEE-dil BYE- p-see) type bi psy in whi h a
ar und s me nerve bers spe imen is withdrawn r m the b dy thr ugh a h ll w needle;
myelinated ber (MY-eh-lih-nay-ted FYE-ber) ax ns utside the see biopsy
entral nerv us system that are surr unded by a segmented wrap- negative eedback (NEG-ah-tiv FEED-bak) h me stati ntr l
ping myelin system in whi h in rmati n eeding ba k t the ntr l enter
myeloid (MY-eh-l yd) relating t b ne marr w auses the level a variable t be hanged in the dire ti n p-
myeloid neoplasm (MY-eh-l yd NEE- h-plaz-em) abn rmal pr - p site t that the initial stimulus
li erati n myel id tissue r myel id pre urs r ells ten as- nematode (NEM-ah-t hd) r undw rmslarge parasites apable
s iated with an er us trans rmati n in esting humans
myeloid tissue (MY-eh-l yd ISH -y ) tissue that makes up b ne neonatal period (nee- h-NAY-tal PEER-ee-id) stage early hu-
marr w man devel pment that rresp nds t appr ximately the rst
myeloma (my-eh-LO H -mah) malignant tum r b ne marr w 4 weeks a ter birth
myocardial in arction (MI) (my- h-KAR-dee-al in-FARK-shun) neonate (NEE- h-nayt) an ther name r an in ant during the rst
death ardia mus le ells resulting r m inadequate bl d 4 weeks a ter birth; see neonatal period
supply, as in r nary thr mb sis neonatology (nee- h-nay- O L- h-jee) diagn sis and treatment
myocardium (my- h-KAR-dee-um) mus le the heart dis rders the newb rn in ant
myo lament (my- h-FIL-ah-ment) any the ultrami r s pi , neoplasm (NEE- h-plaz-em) an abn rmal mass pr li erating
threadlike stru tures und in my brils; tw types: thick and ells that may be either benign r malignant; a tum r
thin neoplastic (nee- h-PLAS-tik) relating t tum rs (ne plasms)
myoglobin (my- h-GLOH -bin) a red, xygen-st ring pr tein pig- nephritis (neh-FRY-tis) general term re erring t inf ammat ry r
ment similar t hem gl bin und in mus le bers in e ti us nditi ns renal (kidney) tissue
myoma (my-O H -mah) benign tum r sm th mus le mm nly nephron (NEF-r n) anat mi al and un ti nal unit the kidney,
urring in the uterine wall; see also bromyoma nsisting the renal rpus le and the renal tubule
myometrium (my- h-MEE-tree-um) mus le layer in the uterus nephron loop (NEF-r n l p) extensi n the pr ximal tubule
myopathy (my-OP-ah-thee) general term re erring t any mus le the kidney; als kn wn as loop o Henle r Henle loop
disease nephropathy (neh-FRO P-ah-thee) kidney disease
myopia (my-O H -pee-ah) re ra tive dis rder the eye aused by an nephrotic syndrome (neh-FRO -ik SIN-dr hm) gr up symp-
el ngated eyeball; nearsightedness t ms and signs that ten a mpany gl merular dis rders the
myosin (MY- h-sin) ntra tile pr tein und in the thi k my la- kidney: pr teinuria, hyp albuminemia, and edema
ments skeletal mus le nerve (nerv) lle ti n nerve bers
myositis (my- h-SYE-tis) general term re erring t mus le inf am- nerve impulse (nerv IM-puls) signals that arry in rmati n al ng
mati n, as in in e ti n r injury the nerves

nervous system (NER-vus SIS-tem) b dy system made up the nonelectrolyte (n n-ee-LEK-tr h-lyte) mp und that d es n t
brain, spinal rd, and nerves diss iate int i ns in s luti n; r example, glu se
nervous tissue (NER-vus ISH -y ) nsists neur ns and neu- non-Hodgkin lymphoma (n n-H O J-kin lim-FO H -mah) type
r glia and pr vides rapid mmuni ati n and ntr l b dy lymph ma (malignant lymph tum r) hara terized by swelling
un ti n lymph n des and pr gressing t ther areas
neuralgia (n -RAL-jee-ah) general term re erring t nerve pain nonspeci c immunity (n n-spih-SIH - k ih-MYO O N-ih-tee) the
neurilemma (n -rih-LEM-mah) nerve sheath pr te tive me hanisms that pr vide immediate, generi pr te -
neuritis (n -RYE-tis) general term re erring t nerve inf ammati n ti n against any ba teria, t xin, r ther injuri us parti le; als
neuroblastoma (n -r h-blas- OH -mah) malignant tum r alled innate immunity
sympatheti nerv us tissue, und mainly in y ung hildren nonsteroid hormone (n n-S AYR- yd H O R-m hn) general type
neurogenic bladder (n -r h-JEN-ik BLAD-der) nditi n in h rm ne that d es n t have the lipid ster id stru ture (derived
whi h the nerv us ntr l the urinary bladder is impaired, r m h lester l) but is instead a pr tein r pr tein derivative;
ausing abn rmal r bstru ted f w urine r m the b dy als s metimes alled protein hormone
neurogenic shock (n -r h-JEN-ik sh k) ir ulat ry ailure (sh k) norepinephrine (NE) (n r-ep-ih-NEF-rin) h rm ne se reted by
aused by a nerve nditi n that relaxes (dilates) bl d vessels adrenal medulla; released by sympatheti divisi n; als kn wn as
and thus redu es bl d f w; literally nerve- aused sh k noradrenaline
neuroglia (n -ROH -glee-ah) supp rting ells nerv us tissue; normal saline (SAY-leen) s dium hl ride s luti n is t ni with
als alled simply glia b dy f uids
neurohypophysis (n -r h-hye-POF-ih-sis) p steri r pituitary gland nose artilagin us respirat ry rgan the a e
neurologist (n -RO L-uh-jist) physi ian spe ializing in the treat- nosocomial in ection (n h-z h-KOH M-ee-al in-FEK-shun) in-
ment nerv us system dis rders e ti n that begins in the h spital r lini
neuroma (n -ROH -mah) general term r nerv us tissue tum rs NSAID (EN-sayd) a r nym r n nster idal anti-inf ammat ry
neuromuscular junction (NMJ) (n -r h-MUS-ky -lar JUNK- drug, the term is applied t aspirin, ibupr en, a etamin phen,
shun) the p int nta t between the nerve endings and mus le and many ther anti-inf ammat ry agents that d n t ntain
bers ster id h rm nes r their derivatives
neuron (NO O -r n) nerve ell, in luding its pr esses (ax ns and nuclear envelope (NO O -klee-ar AH N-vel- hp) the b undary a
dendrites) ells nu leus, made up a d uble layer ellular membrane
neuroscientist (n -r h-SYE-en-tist) s ientist spe ializing in re- nuclear medicine technologist (NO O -klee-ar MED-ih-sin tek-
sear h n erning the stru ture and un ti n the nerv us NOL-uh-jist) medi al pr essi nal wh prepares and administers
system radi a tive drugs r ther substan es
neurotransmitter (n -r h-trans-MI -ter) hemi als by whi h nuclear membrane (NO O-klee-ar MEM-brane) membrane that
neur ns mmuni ate surr unds the ell nu leus
neutral (NO O -truhl) 1. relating t a s luti n having a pH 7, be- nucleic acids (n -KLAY-ik AS-ids) the tw nu lei a ids are rib -
ing neither a id n r base; 2. having n ele tri al harge nu lei a id (RNA), und in the yt plasm, and de xyrib nu-
neutron (NO O-tr n) ele tri ally neutral parti le within the nu leus lei a id (DNA), und in the nu leus and mit h ndri n; made
an at m up units alled nucleotides that ea h in lude a ph sphate, a
neutrophil (NO O-tr h- l) white bl d ell that stains readily with ve- arb n sugar, and a nitr gen base
neutral dyes nucleolus (n -KLEE- h-lus) inter ellular stru ture riti al t pr -
nevus (NEE-vus) (pl., nevi) small, pigmented benign tum r the tein rmati n be ause it pr grams the rmati n rib s mes
skin (e.g., a m le) in the nu leus
nitric oxide (NO) (NYE-trik AW K-side) mp und mp sed nucleoplasm (NO O -klee- h-plaz-im) a spe ial type yt plasm
ne nitr gen and ne xygen at m in ea h m le ule, ten a ting und in the nu leus
as a small-m le ule neur transmitter nucleotide (NO O -klee- h-tyde) m le ule that nne ts t ther
nitrogen (NYE-tr h-jen) ne the hemi al elements und in nu le tides t rm a nu lei a id su h as DNA r RNA; ea h
great quantity in the human b dy, espe ially in nu lei a ids nu le tide has three parts: a ph sphate gr up, a sugar (rib se r
(DNA, RNA), pr teins, and amin a ids; symb lized by N, as in de xyrib se), and a nitr gen us base (adenine, thymine [ r ura-
NH 3 (amm nia) il], guanine, r yt sine)
nitroglycerin (nye-tr h-GLIS-eh-rin) heart medi ati n that dilates nucleus (NO O-klee-us) spheri al stru ture within a ell; a gr up
r nary bl d vessels thus impr ving supply xygen t neur n ell b dies in the brain r spinal rd; entral re the
my ardium at m, made up pr t ns and (s metimes) neutr ns
Nobel prize (n h-BEL) internati nal award reated by the late nurse (nurs) health- are pr essi nal trained t are r the si k and
Al red N bel and awarded ea h year t up t three re ipients in injured
ea h several ateg ries su h as hemistry, physi s, and medi- nursing assistant (NURS-ing ah-SIS-tent) health- are w rker un-
ine r physi l gy (ea h N bel laureate [prizewinner] re eives a der the supervisi n a nurse t are r patients nutrition (n -
dipl ma, a medal, and a ash prize at a erem ny in St kh lm, RIH -shun) d (nutrients), vitamins, and minerals that are
Sweden) ingested and assimilated int the b dy
nodes o Ranvier (rahn-vee-AY) indentati ns und between adja- nutritionist (n - RISH -en-ist) pr essi nal nsultant spe ializ-
ent S hwann ells ing in diet and d
nodule (NO D-y l) see lymph nodule nyctalopia (nik-tah-LOH -pee-ah) nditi n aused by retinal de-
nondisjunction (n n-dis-JUNK-shun) urs during mei sis when generati n r avitamin sis A and hara terized by the relative
a pair hr m s mes ails t separate inability t see in dim light; night blindness

oral (OR-al) relating t the m uth

oral candidiasis see thrush
obesity ( h-BEES-ih-tee) nditi n hara terized by abn rmally oral cavity (O R-al KAV-ih-tee) m uth
high pr p rti n b dy at oral rehydration therapy (OR ) treatment in ant diarrhea by the
oblique racture ( h-BLEEK FRAK- hur) b ne ra ture hara ter- administrati n a liberal d se sugar and salt s luti n
ized by a ra ture line that is diag nal t the l ng axis the orbicularis oculi ( r-bik-y -LAYR-is OK-y -lye) a ial mus le
br ken b ne that auses a squint
oblique plane ( h-BLEEK playn) imagined f at plane that runs di- orbicularis oris ( r-bik-y -LAYR-is O R-is) a ial mus le that
ag nally t an axis the b dy r ne its parts, pr du ing a pu kers the lips
slanted, blique se ti n r ut orbital (OR-bih-tal) relating t rbit the eye (s - alled eye
obstetric nurse ( b-S E -rik nurs) nurse spe ializing in pregnan y, s ket)
lab r, and delivery are orchitis ( r-KYE-tis) inf ammati n the testes, ten aused by
obstetrician ( b-steh- RISH -an) physi ian spe ializing in preg- in e ti n
nan y, lab r, and delivery are organ (OR-gan) gr up several tissue types that per rms a spe ial
occipital ( k-SIP-it-al) relating t the area at the ba k the l wer un ti n
skull organ o Corti (KOR-tee) see spiral organ; als Corti organ
occipital bone ( k-SIP-it-al b hn) p steri r and in eri r b ne organelle ( r-gah-NELL) inter ell rgan; r example, the
the skull rib s me
occupational therapist (ak-y -PAY-shun-al H AYR-ah-pist) organic compound ( r-GAN-ik KOM-p wnd) mp und wh se
health pr essi nal wh treats injuries r dis rders t devel p r large m le ules ntain arb n and that in lude C O C b nds
re ver everyday living skills and/ r C O H b nds
old age li e y le phase a ter early and middle adulth d; see senescence organism (OR-gah-niz-em) an individual living thing
older adulthood see old age and senescence organization ( r-gan-ih-Z AY-shun) the hara teristi the b dy
olecranal ( h-LEK-rah-nal) relating t le ran n (ba k elb w) being rganized, that is, stru tured in di erent levels m-
olecranon ( h-LEK-rah-n n) the large b ny pr ess the ulna; plexity and rdinated in un ti n; the human b dy is ten said
mm nly re erred t as the tip the elb w; s metimes alled t be rganized int di erent levels rganizati n: hemi al,
olecranon process ell, tissue, rgan, system, and b dy
olecranon ossa ( h-LEK-rah-n n FO S-ah) a large depressi n n organ o Corti (OR-gan v KOR-tee) the rgan hearing l ated
the p steri r sur a e the humerus in the hlea and lled with end lymph; als alled Corti organ
ol action ( hl-FAK-shun) sense smell r spiral organ
ol actory receptor ( hl-FAK-t r-ee ree-SEP-t r) hemi al re ep- organogenesis ( r-gah-n h-JEN-eh-sis) rmati n rgans r m
t rs resp nsible r the sense smell; l ated in the epithelial the primary germ layers the embry
tissue in the upper part the nasal avity origin (OR-ih-jin) the atta hment a mus le t the b ne, whi h
oligodendrocyte ( hl-ih-g h-DEN-dr h-syte) a ell that h lds d es n t m ve when ntra ti n urs, as distinguished r m
nerve bers t gether and pr du es the myelin sheath ar und ax- inserti n
ns in the CNS oropharynx ( r- h-FAYR-inks) the p rti n the pharynx that is
oligospermia ( hl-ih-g h-SPER-mee-ah) l w sperm pr du ti n l ated behind the m uth
oliguria ( hl-ih-GO O-ree-ah) s anty am unts urine orthodontics ( r-th h-D O N-tiks) dental spe ialty dealing with
oncogene (ON-k h-jeen) gene (DNA segment) th ught t be re- diagn sis and treatment mal lusi n the teeth
sp nsible r the devel pment a an er orthopedic surgeon ( r-th h-PEE-dik SUR-jen) physi ian trained
oncology ( ng-KOL- h-jee) study tum rs and an er; bran h the medi al spe ialty orthopedics, dealing with skeletal injury and
medi ine n erned with diagn sis and treatment an er disease
onycholysis (ahn-ik- h-LYE-sis) separati n nail r m the nail orthopnea ( r- H O P-nee-ah) dyspnea (di ulty in breathing) that
bed that begins at the distal r ree edge the a e ted nail is relieved a ter m ving int an upright r sitting p siti n
oocyte (O H - h-syte) immature stage the emale sex ell os coxae ( s KOK-see) hip b nes; see also coxal bone
oogenesis ( h- h-JEN-eh-sis) pr du ti n emale gametes osmosis ( s-MO H -sis) m vement a f uid thr ugh a semiperme-
oophorectomy ( h- -eh-REK-t h-mee) surgi al pr edure t re- able membrane
m ve the varies ossicle (OS-sih-kul) any the little b nes (malleus, in us, stapes)
oophoritis ( h- -eh-RYE-tis) inf ammati n the varies und in the ears
open racture (OH -pen FRAK- hur) mp und ra ture; b ne osteitis de ormans ( s-tee-AYE-tis deh-FO R-manz) see Paget
ra ture in whi h b ne ragments pier e the skin disease
ophthalmic ( - H AL-mik) relating t the eye osteoarthritis ( s-tee- h-ar- H RY-tis) degenerative j int disease; a
ophthalmologist ( -thal-MO L-eh-jist) physi ian spe ializing in n ninf ammat ry dis rder a j int hara terized by degenera-
treating dis rders the eye and visi n ti n arti ular artilage
ophthalmoscope ( - H AL-mah-sk hp) lighted instrument tted osteoblast (OS-tee- h-blast) b ne- rming ell
with pti al devi es t permit examinati n the retina and in- osteoclast (OS-tee- h-klast) b ne-abs rbing ell
ternal eye stru tures osteocyte (O S-tee- h-syte) b ne ell
opposition ( p- h-ZISH -un) m ving the thumb t t u h the tips osteogenesis imper ecta ( s-tee- h-JEN-eh-sis im-per-FEK-tah)
the ngers; the m vement used t h ld a pen il t write d minant, inherited dis rder nne tive tissue hara terized
optic disk (OP-tik disk) the area in the retina where the pti nerve by imper e t skeletal devel pment, resulting in brittle b nes
bers exit and there are n r ds r nes; als kn wn as a blind spot osteoma ( s-tee-O H -mah) benign b ne tum r

osteomalacia ( s-tee- h-mah-LAY-shah) b ne dis rder usually

aused by vitamin D de ien y and hara terized by l ss min-
eral in the b ne matrix; the adult rm ri kets P wave ele tr ardi gram def e ti n that represents dep larizati n
osteomyelitis ( s-tee- h-my-eh-LYE-tis) ba terial (usually staphy- the atria
l us) in e ti n b ne tissue p-arm (PEE-arm) the sh rt segment a hr m s me that is di-
osteon (AH S-tee- n) stru tural unit mpa t b ne tissue made vided int tw segments by a entr mere
up n entri layers (lamellae) hard b ne matrix and b ne pacemaker (PAYS-may-ker) see sinoatrial node
ells ( ste ytes); als alled Haversian system Pacini corpuscle (pah-CH EE-nee KOH R-pus-ul) a re ept r und
osteoporosis ( s-tee- h-p h-ROH -sis) b ne dis rder hara terized deep in the dermis that dete ts pressure n the skin sur a e; als
by l ss minerals and llagen r m b ne matrix, redu ing the alled pacinian corpuscle r lamellar corpuscle
v lume and strength skeletal b ne Paget disease (PAJ-et dih-ZEEZ) steitis de rmans; a mm n,
osteosarcoma ( s-tee- h-sar-KO H -mah) b ne an er ten mild b ne dis rder hara terized by repla ement n rmal
otitis ( h- YE-tis) general term re erring t inf ammati n r in e - sp ngy b ne with dis rganized b ne matrix
ti n the ear; titis media inv lves the middle ear pain receptor (payn ree-SEP-t r) sens ry neur n that dete ts pain-
otitis media ( h- YE-tis MEE-dee-ah) a middle ear in e ti n ul stimuli; als alled nociceptor
otologist ( h- OL-uh-jist) physi ian spe ializing in treating dis r- palate (PAL-let) the r the m uth; made up the hard (ante-
ders the ear ri r p rti n the m uth) and s t (p steri r p rti n the
otosclerosis ( h-t h-skleh-RO H -sis) inherited b ne dis rder in- m uth) palates
v lving stru tural irregularities the stapes in the middle ear and palatine tonsil see tonsil
hara terized by tinnitus pr gressing t dea ness paleontologist (pay-lee-un- O L-uh-jist) s ientist that studies r-
otoscope (OH -t h-sk hp) lighted devi e used t examine external ganisms that lived in the an ient past
ear anal and eardrum palmar (PAH L-mar) relating t the palm the hand
ova (O H -vah) (sing., vum) emale sex ells palpable (PAL-pah-bul) an be elt r t u hed
oval window (OH -val W IN-d h) a small, membrane- vered pen- palpebral ssure (PAL-peh-bral FISH -ur) pening between the
ing that separates the middle and inner ear tw eyelids
ovarian cyst ( h-VAYR-ee-an SIS ) sm th f uid- lled sa that pancreas (PAN-kree-as) end rine gland l ated in the abd minal
rms in varian tissue avity; ntains pan reati islets that se rete glu ag n and
ovarian ollicle ( h-VAYR-ee-an FO L-ih-kul) ea h ntains an insulin
yte pancreatic islet (pan-kree-A -ik eye-let) ne the mi r s pi ,
ovary (OH -var-ee) emale g nad that pr du es va ( emale sex is lated end rine p rti ns the pan reas; made up alpha and
ells) beta ells, am ng thers; als alled islet o Langerhans
overactive bladder (O H -ver-ak-tiv BLAD -der) nditi n pancreatitis (pan- ree-ah- YE-tis) inf ammati n the pan reas
requent urinati n hara terized by sensati n urgen y and pandemic (pan-DEM-ik) re ers t a disease that a e ts many pe -
pain ple w rldwide
overhydration ( h-ver-hye-DRAY-shun) t mu h f uid input in Papanicolaou test (pah-peh-nik- h-LAH - ) an er-s reening
the b dy, whi h an put a burden n the heart test in whi h ells brushed r m the lining the uterine
oviduct (OH -vih-dukt) als alled uterine tube r allopian tube; see ervix are smeared n a glass slide and examined r abn rmali-
uterine tube r de niti n ties; als alled Pap smear r Pap test
ovulation ( v-y -LAY-shun) release an vum r m the vary papilla (pah-PIL-ah) (pl., papillae) small, nipple-shaped elevati n
ovum (OH -vum) (pl., va) egg; emale sex ell ( emale gamete) papilloma (pap-ih-LO H -mah) benign skin tum r hara terized by
oxygen (O 2) (AH K-sih-jen) ne the hemi al elements und in ngerlike pr je ti ns (e.g., a wart)
great quantity in the human b dy; symb lized by O, as in H 2O papule (PAP-y l) raised, rm skin lesi n less than 1 m in
(water) r O 2 ( xygen gas) diameter
oxygen concentrator (AH K-sih-jen KON-sen-tray-t r) a devi e paracrine [agent or hormone] (PAYR-ah-krin [AY-jent r H O H R-
used in health are that in reases the pr p rti n xygen gas in m hn]) h rm ne that regulates a tivity in nearby ells within the
the air the r m in whi h it is pla ed; s metimes used in treat- same tissue as their s ur e
ment pers ns in respirat ry distress and in ther su h ndi- paralysis (pah-RAL-ih-sis) l ss the p wer m ti n, espe ially
ti ns that pr du e hyp xia (l w xygen n entrati n in the v luntary m ti n
bl d) paramedic (payr-ah-MED-ik) health- are w rker trained t assist a
oxygen debt (AH K-sih-jen det) ntinued in reased metab lism physi ian r t give are in the absen e a physi ian, ten as
that urs in a ell t rem ve ex ess la ti a id that resulted r m part a rst-resp nder team
exer ise paranasal sinus (payr-ah-NAY-zal SYE-nus) ur pairs sinuses
oxygen therapy (AH K-sih-jen) administrati n xygen gas t in- that have penings int the n se
dividuals su ering r m l w xygen n entrati n in the bl d paraphimosis (para- h-MOH -sis) nditi n in whi h the male
(hyp xia) reskin ann t be easily repla ed a ter being retra ted away r m
oxyhemoglobin (H bO 2) (ahk-see-hee-m h-G LOH -bin) hem gl - the glans penis
bin mbined with xygen paraplegia (payr-ah-PLEE-jee-ah) paralysis (l ss v luntary mus-
oxytocin (O ) (ahk-see- O H -sin) h rm ne se reted by the p ste- le ntr l) b th legs
ri r pituitary gland in a w man be re and a ter she has delivered parasite (PAYR-ah-syte) any rganism that lives in r n an ther
a baby; th ught t initiate and maintain lab r and als auses the rganism (a h st) t btain its nutrients; parasites may be harm-
release breast milk int the mammary du ts t pr vide n ur- less t the h st, r they may disrupt n rmal b dy un ti ns the
ishment r the baby h st and thus ause disease

parasympathetic division (payr-ah-sim-pah- H E -ik dih-VIZH - pathophysiology (path- h- z-ee-OL- h-jee) study the underly-
un) part the aut n mi nerv us system that ntr ls many ing physi l gi al aspe ts disease
vis eral e e t rs under n rmal maintenan e nditi ns; ganglia patient care technician (PAY-shent kayr tek-NISH -en) health- are
are nne ted t the brainstem and the sa ral segments the w rker wh pr vides pers nal are t patients under the supervi-
spinal rd ( rani sa ral segments) si n nurses, physi ians, and ther pr essi nals
parasympathetic postganglionic neuron (payr-ah-sim-pah- H E - pectoral girdle (PEK-t h-ral G IRD-el) sh ulder girdle; the s apula
ik p st-gang-glee-ON-ik NO O-r n) ANS neur n in whi h den- and lavi le, whi h nne t the upper extremities t the axial
drites and ell b dy are in a parasympatheti gangli n and ax n skelet n
travels t a variety vis eral e e t rs pectoralis major (pek-teh-RAH -liss MAY-j r) maj r f ex r the arm
parasympathetic preganglionic neuron (payr-ah-sim-pah- H E - pedal (PEED-al) relating t the t
ik pree-gang-glee-ON-ik NO O -r n) ANS neur n in whi h pedigree (PED-ih-gree) hart used in geneti unseling t illus-
dendrites and ell b dy are l ated in the gray matter the trate geneti relati nships ver several generati ns
brainstem and sa ral rd segments; ax n terminates in a para- pelvic (PEL-vik) relating t the pelvis r hip b nes, r t the nearby
sympatheti gangli n anat mi al regi n
parathyroid gland (payr-ah- H YE-r yd) set end rine glands pelvic cavity (PEL-vik KAV-ih-tee) the in eri r p rti n the ven-
l ated in the ne k n the p steri r aspe t the thyr id gland; tral avity kn wn as the abd min pelvi avity
se rete parathyr id h rm ne (P H ) pelvic girdle (PEL-vik GIRD-el) ring b ne rmed by the pelvi
parathyroid hormone (P H) (payr-ah- H YE-r yd H OR-m hn) b nes that nne t the l wer extremities t the axial skelet n
h rm ne released by the parathyr id gland that in reases the pelvic in ammatory disease (PID ) (PEL-vik in-FLAM-aht r-ee
n entrati n al ium in the bl d dih-ZEEZ) a ute inf ammat ry nditi n the uterus, all pian
parenteral (pah-REN-ter-al) utside the intestinal tra t; parenteral tubes, and/ r variesusually the result a sexually transmitted
therapy is administrati n nutrients, spe ial f uids, and/ r ele - in e ti n (S I)
tr lytes by inje ti nthus bypassing intestinal abs rpti n pelvis (PEL-vis) basin- r unnel-shaped stru ture
parietal (pah-RYE-ih-tal) the walls an rgan r avity penicillin (pen-ih-SIL-in) antibi ti derived r m pr du ts a spe-
parietal bone (pah-RYE-ih-tal) ranial b ne the t p and side i type m ld; dis vered in the lab Alexander Fleming
the ranium penis (PEE-nis) (pl., penes r penises) stru ture that rms part
parietal pericardium (pah-RYE-ih-tal payr-ih-KAR-dee-um) peri- the male genitalia; when sexually ar used, be mes sti t enable
ardium surr unding the heart like a l se- tting sa k t all w it t enter and dep sit sperm in the vagina
the heart en ugh r m t beat pepsin (PEP-sin) pr tein-digesting enzyme the st ma h
parietal peritoneum (pah-RYE-ih-tal payr-ih-t h-NEE-um) se- pepsinogen (pep-SIN- h-jen) mp nent gastri jui e that is
r us membrane that lines and is adherent t the wall the ab- nverted int pepsin by hydr hl ri a id
d minal avity peptidase (PEP-tyd-ayz) intestinal enzyme that breaks apart pep-
parietal pleura (pah-RYE-ih-tal PLO O -rah) ser us membrane that tide b nds in p lypeptide strands that remain r m pr tein
lines and is adherent t the wall the th ra i avities digesti n
parietal portion (pah-RYE-ih-tal POR-shun) ser us membrane peptide bond (PEP-tyde) valent b nd linking amin a ids within
that lines the walls a b dy avity a pr tein m le ule
Parkinson disease (PD ) (PARK-in-s n dih-ZEEZ) a hr ni dis- per use (per-FYO OZ) t f w thr ugh, as in f w bl d thr ugh
ease the nerv us system hara terized by a set signs alled a tissue
parkinsonism that results r m a de ien y the neur transmit- pericardial ef usion (pair-ih-KAR-dee-all e -FYO O -shen) a u-
ter d pamine in ertain regi ns the brain that n rmally inhibit mulati n peri ardial f uid, pus, r bl d in the spa e between
verstimulati n skeletal mus les; parkins nism is hara terized the tw peri ardial layers
by mus le rigidity and trembling the head and extremities, pericarditis (payr-ih-kar-DYE-tis) nditi n in whi h the peri ar-
rward tilt the b dy, and shu ing manner walking dium be mes inf amed
parotid duct (per-AH -tid dukt) either the du ts the par tid pericardium (payr-ih-KAR-dee-um) membrane that surr unds the
salivary glands; als kn wn as Stensen duct heart
parotid gland (per-AH -tid) paired salivary gland that lies just bel w perilymph (PAYR-ih-lim ) a watery f uid that lls the b ny laby-
and in r nt ea h ear at the angle the jaw rinth the ear
partial pressure (P) (PAR-shal) pressure exerted by any ne gas in a perinatal in ection (payr-ih-NAY-tal in-FEK-shun) in e ti n
mixture gases r in a liquid passed r m a m ther t an in ant during the time the birth
partial-thickness burn term used t des ribe b th min r burn in- pr ess
jury and m re severe burns that injure b th epidermis and dermis perineal (payr-ih-NEE-al) relating t the area between the anus and
(see rst-degree burn) (see second-degree burn) genitals (the perineum)
parturition (pahr-t -RIH -shun) a t giving birth perineum (payr-ih-NEE-um) the area between the anus and
passive transport ellular pr ess in whi h substan es m ve thr ugh genitals
a ellular membrane with the energy supplied dire tly by the ell perineurium (payr-ih-NO O-ree-um) nne tive tissue that en ir-
r its membrane les a bundle ( as i le) nerve bers within a nerve
patella (pah- EL-ah) small, shall w pan; the knee ap periodontal membrane (payr-ee- h-DON-tull MEM-brayn) -
pathogenesis (path- h-JEN-eh-sis) pattern a diseases br us tissue that lines ea h t th s ket and serves t atta h the
devel pment t th t underlying b ne
pathologist (pah- H OL-uh-jist) s ientist wh studies disease periodontitis (payr-ee- h-d n- YE-tis) inf ammati n the peri-
pr esses d ntal membrane (peri d ntal ligament) that an h rs teeth t
pathology (pah- H O L- h-jee) the s ienti study disease jaw b ne; mm n ause t th l ss am ng adults

periosteum (payr-ee-O S-tee-um) t ugh, nne tive tissue vering pharynx (FAYR-inks) rgan the digestive and respirat ry systems;
the b ne mm nly alled the throat
peripheral (peh-RIF-er-al) relating t an utside sur a e phenylketonuria (PKU) ( en-il-kee-t h-NO O-ree-ah) re essive,
peripheral nervous system (PNS) (peh-RIF-er-al NER-vus SIS- inherited nditi n hara terized by ex ess phenylket ne in
tem) the nerves nne ting the brain and spinal rd t ther the urine, aused by a umulati n phenylalanine (an amin
parts the b dy a id) in the tissues; may ause brain injury and death i phenylala-
peripheral resistance (PR) (peh-RIF-er-al) resistan e (bl ked e - nine intake is n t managed pr perly
rt) t bl d f w en untered in the peripheral arteries (arteries phimosis ( h-MOH -sis) abn rmal nditi n in whi h the prepu e
that bran h the a rta and pulm nary arteries) ( reskin) ts tightly ver the glans the penis
peristalsis (payr-ih-S AL-sis) wavelike, rhythmi ntra ti ns phlebitis (f eh-BYE-tis) inf ammati n a vein
the st ma h and intestines that m ve d material al ng the phlebotomist (f eh-BO - h-mist) health- are w rker spe ializing
digestive tra t in drawing bl d r m veins r lab rat ry analysis r d nati n
peritoneal space (payr-ih-t h-NEE-al) small, f uid- lled spa e be- phospholipid ( s- h-LIP-id) ph sphate- ntaining lipid ( at)
tween the vis eral and parietal layers that all ws the layers t slide m le ule
ver ea h ther reely in the abd min pelvi avity photodynamic therapy ( h-t h-dye-NAM-i ) use laser energy
peritoneum (payr-ih-t h-NEE-um) large, m ist, slippery sheet t trigger ph t sensitizing drugs in spe ialized treatment su-
ser us membrane that lines the abd min pelvi avity (parietal per ial an ers and wet age-related ma ular degenerati n
layer) and its rgans (vis eral layer) photopigments ( h-t h-PIG-ments) hemi als in retinal ells that
peritonitis (payr-ih-t h-NYE-tis) inf ammati n the ser us are sensitive t light
membranes in the abd min pelvi avity; s metimes a seri us photoreceptor (FOH -t h-ree-sep-t r) spe ialized nerve ell stimu-
mpli ati n an in e ted appendix lated by light
permanent teeth (PER-mah-nent teeth) set 32 teeth that re- photore ractive keratectomy (PRK) (FO H -t h-ree- rak-tiv kayr-
pla es de idu us teeth; als alled adult teeth ah- EK-t h-mee) re ra t ry eye surgery that uses an ex imer r
permeable membrane (PER-mee-ah-bul MEM-brayn) a mem- l laser t vap rize rneal tissue in treating mild t m derate
brane that all ws passage substan es nearsightedness; als alled excimer laser surgery
permease system (PER-mee-ayz SIS-tem) a spe ialized ellular phrenic nerve (FREN-ik nerv) the nerve that stimulates the dia-
mp nent that all ws a number a tive transp rt me hanisms phragm t ntra t
t ur physical education (FIS-ik-al ed-y -KAY-shun) tea hing dis i-
pernicious anemia (per-NISH -us ah-NEE-mee-ah) de ien y pline that uses n health, tness, and sp rts
red bl d ells aused by a la k vitamin B12 physical therapist (FIS-ik-al H AYR-ah-pist) health pr essi nal
peroneal muscles (per- h-NEE-al MUS-els) plantar f ex rs and wh helps patients impr ve b dy m vements and manage pain
evert rs the t; the per neus l ngus rms a supp rt ar h r physician ( h-ZISH -en) health- are pr essi nal, usually h lding a
the t; see peroneus (muscle) group d t rate in medi ine r related dis ipline, li ensed t pr vide
peroneus (muscle) group (per- n-EE-uss gr p) gr up lateral and supervise medi al are
mus les the leg that a t t pr nate the t, r tating it t ward physiology ( z-ee-O L- h-jee) the study b dy un ti n
the midline, and plantar f ex the t, pulling it t es-d wnward; pia mater (PEE-ah MAH -ter) the vas ular innerm st vering
als alled the bularis (muscle) group (meninx) the brain and spinal rd
perspiration (per-spih-RAY-shun) transparent, watery liquid re- pigment (PIG-ment) l red substan e
leased by glands in the skin that eliminates amm nia and uri pigment layer (PIG-ment LAY-er) the layer the epidermis that
a id and helps maintain b dy temperature; als mm nly ntains the melan ytes that pr du e melanin t give skin its
kn wn as sweat l r; stratum basale r basal layer
pH (p H ) mathemati al expressi n relative H n entrati n pineal gland (PIN-ee-al gland) end rine gland l ated in the third
(a idity); pH value higher than 7 is basi , pH value less than 7 is ventri le the brain; pr du es melat nin; als kn wn as pineal
a idi , pH value equal t 7 is neutral body
phagocyte (FAG- h-syte) white bl d ell that engul s mi r bes pinna (PIN-nah) f ap the external ear
and digests them pinocytosis (pin- h-sye- OH -sis) a tive transp rt me hanism used
phagocytosis ( ag- h-sye- OH -sis) ingesti n and digesti n par- t trans er f uids r diss lved substan es int ells
ti les by a ell pitting edema (pit-ing eh-DEE-mah) depressi ns in sw llen sub u-
phalanges ( ah-LAN-jeez) the b nes that make up the ngers and tane us tissue that d n t rapidly re ll a ter exerted pressure is
t es rem ved
pharmacist (FAR-mah-sist) health- are w rker trained t dispense pituitary gland (pih- O O-ih-tayr-ee) end rine gland l ated in the
drugs and edu ate patients in their pr per use skull; made up the aden hyp physis and the neur hyp physis
pharmacologist ( ar-mah-KAH L-uh-jist) s ientist spe ializing in pivot joint (PIV-it j ynt) type diarthr ti syn vial j int in whi h
the study drug a ti ns a pr je ti n r m ne b ne arti ulates with a ring r n t h in
pharmacology ( arm-ah-KAH L-ah-jee) study drugs and their an ther b ne, all wing r tati nal m vement
a ti ns in the b dy placenta (plah-SEN-tah) an h rs the devel ping etus t the uterus
pharmacy technician (FAR-mah-see tek-NISH -en) health- are and pr vides a bridge r the ex hange nutrients and waste
w rker trained t dispense drugs under the supervisi n a pr du ts between the m ther and devel ping baby
pharma ist placenta previa (plah-SEN-tah PREE-vee-ah) abn rmal nditi n
pharyngeal tonsil see adenoid in whi h a blast yst implants in the l wer uterus, devel ping a
pharyngitis ( ayr-in-JYE-tis) s re thr at; inf ammati n r in e ti n pla enta that appr a hes r vers the ervi al pening; pla enta
the pharynx previa inv lves the risk pla ental separati n and hem rrhage

plane (o body) (playn) any mpletely f at ut thr ugh the b dy r f uid- lled p kets ( ysts) devel p in the epithelium the kid-
any its parts; a b dy plane an be riented in any several ney tubules
dire ti ns (e.g., sagittal, midsagittal, r ntal [ r nal], transverse polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (pahl-ee-SIS-tik O H -var-ee
[h riz ntal]) and is used t visualize the b dy r m di erent SIN-dr hm) nditi n that is hara terized by varies usually
perspe tives; see also section (o body) twi e the n rmal size and that are studded with f uid- lled ysts
plantar (PLAN-tar) relating t the s le the t polycythemia (pahl-ee-sye- H EE-mee-ah) an ex essive number
plantar ex (PLAN-tar f eks) t m ve the ankle s that the b tt m red bl d ells
the t is dire ted in eri rly polydipsia (pahl-ee-DIP-see-ah) ex essive and ng ing thirst
plantar exion (PLAN-tar FLEK-shun) m vement in whi h the polyendocrine disorder (PAH L-ee-EN-d h-krin dis-OR-der) dis-
b tt m the t is dire ted d wnward; this m ti n all ws a rder aused by m re than ne end rine mal un ti n r inv lv-
pers n t stand n tipt e ing m re than ne h rm ne
plaque (plak) raised skin lesi n greater than 1 m in diameter polysaccharide (pahl-ee-SAK-ah-ryde) bi m le ule made up
plasma (PLAZ-mah) the liquid part the bl d many sa haride sugars (m n sa harides)
plasma cell (PLAZ-mah sel) ell that se retes pi us am unts polyuria (p l-ee-YO O -ree-ah) unusually large am unts urine
antib dy int the bl d; als alled ef ector cell pons (p nz) the part the brainstem between the medulla bl n-
plasma membrane (PLAZ-mah MEM-brayn) membrane that sep- gata and the midbrain
arates the ntents a ell r m the tissue f uid; en l ses the popliteal (p p-lih- EE-al) relating t the area behind the knee
yt plasm and rms the uter b undary the ell pore (p r) pinp int-size penings n the skin that are utlets
plasma protein (PLAZ-mah PRO H -teen) any several pr teins small du ts r m the e rine sweat glands
n rmally und in the plasma; in ludes albumins, gl bulins, and portal hypertension (POR -al hye-per- EN-shun) high bl d
brin gen pressure aused by bl kage bl d f w in the liver ( r m an-
plasmid (PLAS-mid) small ir ular ring ba terial DNA er r irrh sis)
platelet (PLAY -let) see thrombocyte port-wine stain pigmented, benign tum r the skin present at
platelet plug (PLAY -let) a temp rary a umulati n platelets birth and ranging in l r r m pale red t a deep reddish purple;
(thr mb ytes) at the site an injury; it pre edes the rmati n als alled nevus ammeus (see nevus)
a bl d l t positive eedback (POZ-it-iv FEED-bak) h me stati ntr l sys-
platyhelminth (plat-ih-H EL-minth) f atw rm r f ukeanimal tem in whi h in rmati n eeding ba k t the ntr l enter
parasite apable in esting humans auses the level a variable t be pushed arther in the dire ti n
pleura (PLO O R-ah) (pl., pleurae) the ser us membrane in the th - the riginal deviati n, ausing an ampli ati n the riginal
ra i avity stimulus; rdinarily this me hanism is used by the b dy t am-
pleural (PLO OR-al) relating t the pleura r t the side the pli y a pr ess and qui kly nish it, as in lab r ntra ti ns and
th rax bl d l tting
pleural cavity (PLO O R-al KAV-ih-tee) a lateral subdivisi n the posterior (p hs- EER-ee- r) l ated behind; pp site anterior
th rax; avity in whi h ea h lung is l ated posterior pituitary gland (p hs- EER-ee- r pih- O O-ih-tayr-ee)
pleural space (PLO O R-al) the spa e between the vis eral and pari- neur hyp physis; pr du es h rm nes ADH and xyt in
etal pleurae lled with just en ugh ser us (pleural) f uid t all w postganglionic neuron (p st-gang-glee-O N-ik NO O-r n) aut -
them t glide e rtlessly with ea h breath n mi neur n that ndu ts nerve impulses r m a gangli n t
pleurisy (PLO OR-ih-see) inf ammati n the pleura ardia r sm th mus le r glandular epithelial tissue
plexus (PLEK-sus) mplex netw rk rmed by nverging and postherpetic neuralgia (p st-her-PE -ik n -RAL-jee-ah) pain
diverging nerves, bl d vessels, r lymphati vessels ( ten severe) al ng nerve pathways previ usly a e ted by an
plica (PLYE-kah) (pl., pli ae) multiple ir ular lds utbreak shingles (herpes z ster)
pneumocystosis (n -m h-sis- OH -sis) a pr t z an in e ti n, postnatal period (PO S -nay-tal PEER-ee-id) the peri d begin-
m st likely t invade the b dy when the immune system has been ning a ter birth and ending at death
mpr mised postsynaptic neuron (p st-sih-NAP-tik NO O -r n) a neur n situ-
pneumonectomy (n -m h-NEK-t h-mee) surgi al pr edure in ated distal t a synapse
whi h an entire lung is rem ved posture (POS- hur) p siti n the b dy
pneumonia (n -MO H -nee-ah) abn rmal nditi n hara terized precapillary sphincter (pree-CAP-pih-layr-ee SFINGK-ter)
by a ute inf ammati n the lungs in whi h alve li and br n hial sm th mus le ells that guard the entran e t the apillary
passages be me plugged with thi k f uid (exudate) preeclampsia (pree-ee-KLAMP-see-ah) syndr me abn rmal
pneumothorax (n -m h- H OH -raks) abn rmal nditi n in nditi ns in pregnan y un ertain ause; syndr me in ludes
whi h air is present in the pleural spa e surr unding the lung, hypertensi n, pr teinuria, and edema; als alled toxemia o preg-
p ssibly ausing llapse the lung nancy, it may pr gress t e lampsiasevere t xemia that may
podiatrist (p h-DYE-uh-trist) physi ian wh spe ializes in health ause death
are the t, ankle, and leg preexisting condition (pree-ig-ZIS -ing k n-DISH -un) dis rder
polar body (POH -lar BOD-ee) small, n n un ti nal ell pr du ed r health state that has be me established be re an ther ndi-
during mei ti ell divisi ns (mei sis) in the rmati n emale ti n urs; als alled a primary nditi n
sex ells (gametes); in apable being ertilized preganglionic neurons (pree-gang-glee-ON-ik NO O-r ns) aut -
poliomyelitis (p l-ee- h-my-eh-LYE-tis) viral disease that dam- n mi neur ns that ndu t nerve impulses between the spinal
ages m t r nerves, ten pr gressing t paralysis skeletal rd and a gangli n
mus les premature (cardiac) contraction (pree-mah- UR [KAR-dee-ak]
polycystic kidney disease (PKD ) (pahl-ee-SIS-tik KID-nee dih- k n- RAK-shun) ntra ti ns the heart wall that ur be-
ZEEZ) m st mm n geneti dis rder in humans, in whi h large re expe ted; extrasyst les

premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (pree-MEN-str -al SIN-dr hm) and ankle (turning the t s t es p int utward and the medial
syndr me psy h l gi al hanges (su h as irritability) and edge the s le hits the gr und); pp site supinate
physi al hanges (l alized edema) that ur be re menstrua- pronation (PRO H -nay-shun) a ti n in whi h the rearm r leg
ti n in many w men and ankle pronates; pp site supination
premolar see bicuspid prone used t des ribe the b dy lying in a h riz ntal p siti n a ing
prenatal period (PREE-nay-tal PEER-ee-id) the peri d a ter n- d wnward
epti n until birth prophase (PRO H - ayz) rst stage mit sis during whi h hr m -
prepuce see oreskin s mes be me visible
presbycusis (pres-bih-KYO O -sis) pr gressive hearing l ss ass i- proprioceptor (pr h-pree- h-SEP-t r) stret h re ept r l ated in
ated with advan ed age the mus les, tend ns, and j ints; all ws the b dy t re gnize its
presbyopia (pres-bee-OH -pee-ah) arsightedness ass iated with p siti n
advan ing age prostaglandin (PG) (pr s-tah-GLAN-din) any a gr up natu-
presynaptic neuron (pree-sih-NAP-tik NO O-r n) a neur n situ- rally urring atty a ids that a e t many b dy un ti ns
ated pr ximal t a synapse prostatectomy (pr s-tah- EK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val part r
primary bronchi (PRYE-mayr-ee BRAH N-kye) (sing., br n hus) all the pr state gland
rst bran hes the tra hea (right and le t primary br n hi) prostate cancer (PROS-tayt KAN-ser) malignan y the pr state
primary ollicle (PRYE-mayr-ee FO L-ih-kul) varian lli le pres- gland
ent at puberty; lined with granul sa ells prostate gland (PROS-tayt) lies just bel w the bladder; se retes a
primary germ layer (PRYE-mayr-ee jerm LAY-er) any the three f uid that nstitutes ab ut 30% the seminal f uid v lume;
layers germ ells that give rise t de nite stru tures as the helps a tivate sperm and helps them maintain m tility; als
embry devel ps kn wn simply as the pr state
primary protein (PRYE-mayr-ee PROH -teen) the preliminary prostate-speci c antigen (PSA) (PRO S-taytspeh-SIF-ik AN-tih-
stru ture a pr tein: the sequen e amin a ids held t gether jen) a pr tein (antigen) pr du ed by pr state tissue that may be
with peptide b nds (this stru ture will then ld t be me the elevated in the bl d men with pr state an er
se ndary pr tein stru ture) prostatectomy (pr s-tah- EK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val all r
primary spermatocyte (SPER-mah-t h-syte) spe ialized ell that part the pr state gland
underg es mei sis t ultimately rm sperm prosthesis (pr s- H EE-sis) an arti ial b dy part r devi e that
prime mover the mus le resp nsible r pr du ing a parti ular assists the un ti ning a b dy part; used m re narr wly, the
m vement term applies nly t arti ial limbs r limb extensi ns
principle o independent assortment geneti prin iple that states as protease (PROH -tee-ayz) pr tein-digesting enzyme
hr m s me pairs separate, the maternal and paternal hr m - protein (PRO H -teen) ne the basi nutrients needed by the
s mes redistribute themselves independently the ther hr - b dy; a nitr gen- ntaining rgani mp und mp sed a
m s me pairs lded strand amin a ids
prion (PREE-ahn) sh rtened rm the term PRO teina e us protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) (PROH -teen-KAL- r-ee
IN e ti us parti le; path geni pr tein m le ule that nverts mal-n - RISH -un) abn rmal nditi n resulting r m a de -
n rmal pr teins the b dy int abn rmal pr teins, ausing ab- ien y al ries in general and pr tein in parti ular; likely t
n rmalities un ti n (the abn rmal rm the pr tein als result r m redu ed intake d but may als be aused by in-
may be inherited by spring an a e ted pers n); see also reased nutrient l ss r in reased use nutrients by the b dy
bovine spongi orm encephalopathy protein hormone (PRO H -teen H OR-m hn) a n nster id; see
product any substan e rmed as a result a hemi al rea ti n nonsteroid hormone
progeria (pr h-JEER-ee-ah) rare, geneti nditi n in whi h a per- proteinuria (pr h-teen-YO O-ree-ah) presen e abn rmally high
s n appears t age rapidly as a result abn rmal, widespread am unts plasma pr tein in the urine; usually an indi at r
degenerati n tissues; adult and hildh d rms exist, with the kidney disease
hildh d rm resulting in death by age 20 r s proteoglycan (PROH -tee- h-GLYE-kan) large m le ule made up
progesterone (pr h-JES-ter- hn) h rm ne pr du ed by the rpus a pr tein strand that rms a ba kb ne t whi h are atta hed
luteum; stimulates se reti n the uterine lining; with estr gen, many arb hydrate m le ules
helps t initiate the menstrual y le in girls entering puberty proteome (PRO H -tee- hm) the entire gr up pr teins en ded
prognosis (pr g-NOH -sis) in medi ine, the pr bable ut me a by the gen me; see genome
disease proteomics (pr h-tee-OH -miks) the endeav r that inv lves the
prolactin (PRL) (pr h-LAK-tin) h rm ne se reted by the anteri r analysis the pr teins en ded by the gen me, with the ultimate
pituitary gland during pregnan y t stimulate the breast devel p- g al understanding the r le ea h pr tein in the b dy
ment needed r la tati n; als alled lactogenic hormone prothrombin (pr h- H ROM-bin) a pr tein present in n rmal
prolactinoma (pr h-LAK-tih-n h-mah) benign aden ma (epithe- bl d that is required r bl d l tting
lial tum r) the anteri r pituitary, pr du ing hyperse reti n prothrombin activator (pr h- H ROM-bin AK-tih-vay-t r) m-
pr la tin (and exaggerated pr la tin e e ts); is usually small and binati n l tting a t rs and ir ulating plasma pr teins that
urs m st ten in emales initiates nversi n pr thr mbin t thr mbin in the l tting
proli erative phase (PROH -li -eh-rah-tiv aze) phase menstrual me hanism
y le that begins a ter the menstrual f w ends and lasts until prothrombin time (P ) (pr h- H ROM-bin tyme) time it takes r
vulati n a bl d sample t l t a ter tissue thr mb plastin (pr thr mbin
pronate (PRO H -nayt) t make a r tati nal m vement the re- a tivat r) is addeda way t assess e ien y a pers ns extrinsi
arm (turning the palm medially t a e ba kward) r the leg l tting me hanism; see also international normalized ratio (INR)

proton (PROH -t n) p sitively harged parti le within the nu leus pupil (PYO O-pill) the pening in the enter the iris that regu-
an at m lates the am unt light entering the eye
protozoan (pr h-t h-ZOH -an) (pl., pr t z a) single- elled rgan- Purkinje bers (pur-KIN-jee FYE-bers) spe ialized ells l ated in
isms with nu lei and ther membran us rganelles that an in- the walls the ventri les; relay nerve impulses r m the AV n de
e t humans t the ventri les, ausing them t ntra t
proximal (PROK-sih-mal) next r nearest; l ated nearest the en- purpura (PUR-pah-rah) nditi n in whi h small hem rrhages
ter the b dy r the p int atta hment a stru ture; pp site ause purplish dis l rati ns in the skin, mu us membranes,
distal and ther b dy sur a es
proximal convoluted tubule (PC ) (PRO K-sih-mal k n-v h- pus a umulati n white bl d ells, dead ba terial ells, and dam-
LO O-ted O OB-y l) the rst segment a renal tubule aged tissue ells at the site an in e ti n
pseudo (SO O-d h) alse pustule (PUS-ty l) small, raised skin lesi n lled with pus
pseudogene (SO OD- h-jeen) p ssibly n n un ti nal br ken ge- P wave def e ti n n an ECG that urs with dep larizati n the
neti de und in junk DNA l ated between the un ti ning, atria
ding genes a DNA m le ule pyelonephritis (pye-eh-l h-neh-FRY-tis) in e ti us nditi n
pseudohypertrophy (s -d h-hye-PER-tr h- ee) literally, alse hara terized by inf ammati n the renal pelvis and nne tive
mus le gr wth; an ther name r D uchenne muscular tissues the kidney
dystrophy (D MD ) pyloric sphincter (pye-LO R-ik SFING K-ter) sphin ter that pre-
pseudostrati ed epithelium (SO OD- h-S RA -ih- yde ep-ih- vents d r m leaving the st ma h and entering the
H EE-lee-um) type tissue similar t simple lumnar epithe- du denum
lium that rms a membrane made up a single layer ells pyloric stenosis (pye-LOR-ik steh-NO H -sis) anat mi al abn r-
that are tall and narr w but that are squeezed t gether in a way mality in whi h the pening thr ugh the pyl rus r pyl ri
that pushes the nu lei int tw layers and thus gives an initial sphin ter is unusually narr w
impressi n that it is strati ed (having m re than ne layer pylorospasm (pye-LO H R- h-spaz-um) spasm pyl ri sphin ter
ells); mpare t simple columnar epithelium st ma h
psoriasis (s h-RYE-ah-sis) hr ni , inf ammat ry skin dis rder pylorus (pye-LO R-us) the small narr w se ti n the st ma h that
hara terized by utane us inf ammati n and s aly plaques j ins the rst part the small intestine
psychiatrist (sye-KYE-uh-trist) physi ian spe ializing in mental pyramids (PEER-ah-mids) triangular-shaped divisi ns the me-
health dulla the kidney; see renal pyramid
psychogenic (sye-k h-JEN-ik) relating t anything aused by psy- pyrogen (PYE-r h-jen) any systemi inf ammat ry hemi al that
h l gi al me hanisms; r example, psy h geni dis rders are auses the therm stati ntr l enters the hyp thalamus t
ten aused by stress r ther psy h l gi al trauma pr du e a ever
psychologist (sye-KOL-uh-jist) s me ne wh studies mental pr - pyruvic acid (pye-RO O -vik AS-id) pr du t the gly lysis
esses r treats mental nditi ns thr ugh unseling r related glu se, an energy- ntaining m le ule that enters the mit -
therapies h ndri n r urther atab lism and generati n A P
puberty (PYO O-ber-tee) stage ad les en e in whi h a pers n
be mes sexually mature
pubis (PYO O -bis) j int in the midline between the tw pubi b nes
public health (PUB-lik helth) br ad, interdis iplinary eld aimed at q-arm (KYU-arm) the l ng segment a hr m s me that is di-
pr m ting health and wellness all pe ple vided int tw segments by a entr mere
puerperal ever (py -ER-per-al FEE-ver) nditi n aused by QRS complex (Q R S KOM-pleks) def e ti n n an ECG that -
ba terial in e ti n in a w man a ter delivery an in ant, p ssibly urs as a result dep larizati n the ventri les
pr gressing t septi emia and death; als alled childbed ever quadrant (KWO D-runt) see abdominal quadrants
pulmonary artery (PUL-m h-nayr-ee AR-ter-ee) artery that ar- quadriceps emoris (KWOD-reh-seps eh-MO R-is) extens r mus-
ries de xygenated bl d r m the right ventri le t the lungs le the leg
pulmonary circulation (PUL-m h-nayr-ee ser-ky -LAY-shun) quadriplegia (kw d-rih-PLEE-jee-ah) paralysis (l ss v luntary
ven us bl d f w r m the right atrium t the lung and then t mus le ntr l) in all ur limbs
the le t atrium quaternary protein (KWA -er-nayr-ee PROH -teen) the urth
pulmonary embolism (PUL-m h-nayr-ee EM-b h-liz-em) bl kage level stru ture in a pr tein rmed when tw r m re tertiary
the pulm nary ir ulati n by a thr mbus r ther matter; may (third-level) pr teins unite t rm a larger pr tein m le ule
lead t death i bl kage pulm nary bl d f w is signi ant quickening (KW IK-en-ing) when a pregnant w man rst eels
pulmonary semilunar valve (PUL-m h-nayr-ee sem-ih-LO O-nar re gnizable m vements the etus
valv) valve l ated at the beginning the pulm nary artery
pulmonary vein (PUL-m h-nayr-ee vayn) any vein that arries xy-
genated bl d r m the lungs t the le t atrium
pulmonary ventilation (PUL-m h-nayr-ee ven-tih-LAY-shun) radial keratotomy (RK) (RAY-dee-al KAR-ah-tah-t h-mee) surgi-
breathing; pr ess that m ves air in and ut the lungs al pla ement six r m re radial slits in a sp kelike pattern
pulse (puls) alternating expansi n and re il the arterial walls ar und the rnea; f attens rnea and impr ves us
pr du ed by the alternate ntra ti n and relaxati n the ven- radiation (ray-dee-AY-shun) f w heat waves away r m the
tri les; travels as a wave away r m the heart bl d
Punnett square (PUN-it skwayr) grid used in geneti unseling t radiation sickness (ray-dee-AY-shun SIK-nes) illness aused by ell
determine the pr bability inheriting geneti traits damage r m high levels radiati n; sympt ms may in lude

diarrhea, heada he, ever, dizziness, weakness, hair l ss; als alled regulator cell ( -reg) lymph yte the immune system that
radiation poisoning r acute radiation syndrome suppresses B- ell di erentiati n int plasma ells, all wing ne-
radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun H AYR-ah-pee) treatment tuning antib dy-mediated immune resp nses; als alled sup-
ten used r an er in whi h high-intensity radiati n is used t pressor cell
destr y an er ells; als alled radiotherapy rejection reaction (ree-JEK-shun re-AK-shun) immune resp nses
radical mastectomy (RAD-ih-kal mas- EK-t h-mee) surgi al pr - t a d nated r gra ted tissue r rgan; see also alloimmunity
edure in whi h a an er us breast is rem ved al ng with nearby releasing hormone (RH) (ree-LEE-sing H OR-m hn) h rm ne
mus le tissue and lymph n des pr du ed by the hyp thalamus gland that auses the anteri r
radioactive isotope (ray-dee- h-AK-tiv AYE-s h-t hp) rm an pituitary gland t release its h rm nes
element in whi h at ms have a unique at mi number and als remission (ree-MISH -un) stage a disease during whi h a temp -
release parti les r waves radiati n (see also isotope) rary re very r m sympt ms urs
radiography (ray-dee-O G-rah- ee) imaging te hnique using x-rays renal calculi (REE-nal KAL-ky -lye) kidney st nes
that pass thr ugh s me tissues m re easily than thers, all wing renal colic (REE-nal KO L-ik) pain aused by the passage a kid-
an image tissues t rm n a ph t graphi plate r ther ney st ne
sensitive sur a e; invented by W ilhelm Rntgen in 1895 renal column (REE-nal KOL-um) extensi n rti al tissue that
radiological technologist (ray-dee- h-LO J-ih-kul tek-NOL-uh- dips d wn int the medulla the kidney between the renal
jist) health- are w rker wh per rms diagn sti imaging pr e- pyramids
dures, su h as x-rays and C r MRI s ans renal corpuscle (REE-nal KOR-pus-ul) the part the nephr n
radiologist (ray-dee-AH L-uh-jist) physi ian wh spe ializes in di- l ated in the rtex the kidney and made up the gl merulus
agn sis using medi al imaging su h as x-rays and C r MRI and gl merular (B wman) apsule
s ans renal cortex (REE-nal KO R-teks) (pl., rti es) uter p rti n the
radius (RAY-dee-us) ne the tw b nes in the rearm; l ated kidney
n the thumb side the rearm renal ailure (REE-nal FAIL-y r) a ute r hr ni l ss kidney
Raynaud phenomenon (ray-NO h-NOM-eh-n hn) dis rder un ti n; a ute kidney ailure is ten reversible, but hr ni kid-
hara terized by sudden de reases in ir ulati n in the digits ney ailure sl wly pr gresses t t tal l ss renal un ti n (and
( ngers r t es), ten in resp nse t stress r temperature hange death i kidney un ti n is n t rest red thr ugh a kidney trans-
reabsorption (ree-ab-SORP-shun) pr ess abs rbing again that plant r use an arti ial kidney)
urs in the kidneys renal medulla (REE-nal meh-D UL-ah) (pl., medullae r medullas)
reactant (ree-AK-tant) any substan e entering (and being hanged inner p rti n the kidney
by) a hemi al rea ti n renal papilla (REE-nal pah-PIL-ah) (pl., papillae) nipplelike p int
receiving chambers (ree-SEE-ving CH AYM-bers) atria the a renal pyramid, r m whi h urine drips ut the kidney
heart; re eive bl d r m the superi r and in eri r venae avae tubules
receptor (ree-SEP-t r) peripheral beginning a sens ry neur ns renal pelvis (REE-nal PEL-vis) basinlike upper end the ureter
dendrite that is l ated inside the kidney
recessive (ree-SES-iv) in geneti s, the term recessive re ers t genes renal ptosis (REE-nal OH -sis) nditi n in whi h ne r b th
that have e e ts that d n t appear in the spring when they are kidneys des end, ten be ause l ss the at pad that sur-
masked by a d minant gene (re essive rms a gene are repre- r unds ea h kidney
sented by l wer ase letters); mpare with dominant renal pyramid (PIR-ah-mid) triangular-shaped divisi n the me-
reconstructive surgery (ree-k n-S RUK-tiv SUR-jeh-ree) any dulla the kidney
surgi al pr edure in whi h anat mi al stru tures are rebuilt t a renal threshold (REE-nal H RESH -h ld) when the am unt a
di erent rm substan e that is n rmally ully reabs rbed r m tubular f uid
rectum (REK-tum) distal p rti n the large intestine (su h as glu se) in reases ab ve this thresh ld level, the kidney
rectus abdominis (REK-tus ab-DOM-ih-nus) mus le that runs tubules are unable t reabs rb all it and the substan es spill
d wn the middle the abd men; pr te ts the abd minal vis era ver int the urine
and f exes the spinal lumn renal tubule (REE-nal O O B-y l) ne the tw prin ipal parts
red blood cell (RBC) see erythrocyte the nephr n
red bone marrow (red b hn MAR- h) b ne marr w (myel id tis- renin (REE-nin) enzyme pr du ed by the kidney that atalyzes the
sue) und in the ends l ng b nes and in f at b nes; un ti ns rmati n angi tensin, a substan e that in reases bl d
in the pr du ti n bl d ells pressure
re erred pain (re-FERD payn) pain that riginates in a di erent renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) (REE-ninan-jee-
l ati n in the b dy r m where it is per eived by the brain h- EN-sinal-DAH -stayr- hn SIS-tem) auses hanges in
re ex (REE-f eks) inv luntary a ti n bl d plasma v lume and bl d pressure mainly by ntr lling
re ex arc (REE-f eks ark) all ws an impulse t travel in nly ne ald ster ne se reti n
dire ti n repolarization (ree-p h-lah-rih-Z AY-shun) begins just be re the
re ux (REE-f uhks) ba kf w, as in f w st ma h ntents ba k relaxati n phase ardia mus le a tivity
int es phagus reproductive system (ree-pr h-DUK-tiv SIS-tem) pr du es h r-
re raction (ree-FRAK-shun) bending a ray light as it passes m nes that permit the devel pment sexual hara teristi s and
r m a medium ne density t ne a di erent density the pr pagati n the spe ies
regeneration (ree-jen-er-AY-shun) the pr ess repla ing missing residual volume (RV) (reh-ZID-y -al VO L-y m) the air that
tissue with new tissue by means ell divisi n remains in the lungs a ter the m st r e ul expirati n
regulation (reg-y -LAY-shun) pr ess ntr l b dy un ti ns respiration (res-pih-RAY-shun) breathing r pulm nary ventilati n

respiratory acidosis (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee as-ih-DOH -sis) a respi- Rh-negative (R H NEG-ah-tiv) red bl d ells that d n t ntain
rat ry disturban e that results in a arb ni a id ex ess the antigen alled Rh actor
respiratory alkalosis (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee al-kah-LOH -sis) a res- RhoGAM (RO H -gam) an inje ti n a spe ial pr tein given t an
pirat ry disturban e that results in a arb ni a id de it Rh-negative w man wh is pregnant t prevent her b dy r m
respiratory arrest (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee ah-RES ) essati n rming anti-Rh antib dies, whi h may harm an Rh-p sitive
breathing with ut resumpti n baby
respiratory control center (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee k n- RO L SEN- Rh-positive (R H POZ-ih-tiv) red bl d ells that ntain an anti-
ter) nerve regulat ry enter l ated in the medulla and p ns that gen alled Rh actor
stimulates the mus les respirati n rib (rib) any the 24 paired f at b nes rming part the rame-
respiratory distress syndrome (RD S) (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee dih- w rk the th ra i wall
S RESS SIN-dr hm) di ulty in breathing aused by absen e ribonucleic acid (RNA) (rye-b h-n -KLAY-ik AS-id) a nu lei
r ailure the sur a tant in f uid lining the alve li the lung; a id und in the yt plasm that is ru ial t pr tein synthesis
IRDS is in ant respirat ry distress syndr me; ARDS is adult ribosomal RNA (rye-b h-SO H M-al R-N-A) als alled rRNA, it
respirat ry distress syndr me is a rm RNA that makes up m st the stru tures (subunits)
respiratory membrane (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee MEM-brayn) the sin- the rib s me rganelle the ell
gle layer ells that makes up the wall the alve li ribosome (RYE-b h-s hm) rganelle in the yt plasm ells that
respiratory mucosa (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee my -KO H -sah) synthesizes pr teins; als kn wn as a protein actory
mu us- vered membrane that lines the tubes the respira- rickets (RIK-ets) hildh d rm ste mala ia, a b ne-s tening
t ry tree nditi n aused by vitamin D de ien y
respiratory muscle (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee MUS-el) any the mus- Rickettsia (rih-KE -see-ah) small ba terium that in e ts human
les resp nsible r the hanging shape the th ra i avity that ells as an bligate parasite
all ws air t m ve in and ut the lungs right lymphatic duct (lim-FA -ik) main lymphati du t that drains
respiratory system (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee SIS-tem) the rgans that lymph int the right sub lavian vein
all w the ex hange xygen r m the air with the arb n di x- rigor mortis (RIG- r MO R-tis) literally sti ness death, the
ide r m the bl d permanent ntra ti n mus le tissue a ter death aused by the
respiratory therapist (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee H AYR-ah-pist) health depleti n A P during the a tin-my sin rea ti npreventing
pr essi nal wh helps patients in rease respirat ry un ti n and/ my sin r m releasing a tin t all w relaxati n the mus le
r ver me r pe with the e e ts respirat ry nditi ns risk actor (FAK-t r) predisp sing nditi n; a t r that puts ne at
respiratory tract (RES-pih-rah-t r-ee trakt) the tw divisi ns the a higher than usual risk r devel ping a parti ular disease
respirat ry system are the upper and l wer respirat ry tra ts RNA (ar en ay) see ribonucleic acid
reticular ormation (reh- IK-y -lar r-MAY-shun) l ated in RNA inter erence (RNAi) (ar en ay in-ter-FEER-ens) a regulat ry
the medulla where bits gray and white matter mix intri ately pr ess the ell in whi h a small m le ule dsRNA (d uble-
reticular tissue (reh- IK-y -lar) meshw rk netlike tissue that stranded RNA) alled siRNA (small inter ering RNA) j ins with
rms the ramew rk the spleen, lymph n des, and b ne a RISC (RNA-indu ed silen ing mplex) pr tein stru ture t
marr w break d wn a spe i mRNA (messenger RNA) trans ript and
retina (RE -ih-nah) innerm st layer the eyeball; ntains r ds thus e e tively silen e the gene en ded by the mRNA; RNAi is
and nes and ntinues p steri rly with the pti nerve a natural regulat ry pr ess th ught t be inv lved with regulat-
retinal detachment (RE -ih-nal) nditi n that urs when part ing gene expressi n, as in inhibiting viral in e ti ns, but is als
the retina alls away r m the tissue supp rting it used as a resear h te hnique t study the human gen me (RNA
retrograde endoscopic cholangiography (RE -r h-grayd en-d h- rib nu lei a id)
SKAH P-ik k hl-an-jee-O G -rah- ee) x-ray imaging the bile RNAi therapy (ar en ay aye H AYR-ah-pee) any medi al pr edure
du t system using an end s pe threaded thr ugh the maj r du - in whi h RNAi te hniques are used t silen e (disable) the e e ts
denal papilla t inje t ntrast material a disease- ausing gene; see also RNA inter erence (RNAi)
retroperitoneal (reh-tr h-payr-ih-t h-NEE-al) area utside the rod type light re ept r l ated in the retina resp nsible r m n -
perit neum hr me, dim-light visi n
retrovirus (ret-r h-VYE-rus) ateg ry virus that uses its RNA t root blunt tip the t ngue; p rti n the t th that ts int the
trans ribe ba kward t pr du e the viruss primary geneti de s ket the alve lar pr ess either the upper r l wer jaw
and insert it int the h sts DNA gen me rotate (r h- AY ) m ve in a ir le ar und a entral p int
Rh system lassi ati n bl d based n the presen e (Rh ) r rotation (r h- AY-shun) m vement ar und a l ngitudinal axis; r
absen e (Rh ) a unique antigen n the sur a e RBCs example, shaking y ur head n
rhabdomyolysis (RAB-d h-mye-O L-ih-sis) seri us, a ute ndi- rugae (RO O-gee) (sing., ruga) wrinkles r lds
ti n resulting r m damaged mus le bers releasing their n- rule o nines a requently used meth d t determine the extent a
tents int the bl dstream burn injury; the b dy is divided int 11 areas 9% ea h t help
rheumatic heart disease (r -MA -ik hart dih-ZEEZ) ardia estimate the am unt skin sur a e burned in an adult
damage (espe ially t the end ardium, in luding the valves) re-
sulting r m a delayed inf ammat ry resp nse t strept al
in e ti n
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (RO O -mah-t yd ar- H RY-tis) an au- sacrum (SAY-krum) b ne the l wer vertebral lumn between
t immune inf ammat ry j int disease hara terized by syn vial the last lumbar vertebra and the yx, rmed by the usi n
inf ammati n that spreads t ther tissue ve sa ral vertebrae
rhinitis (rye-NYE-tis) inf ammati n the nasal mu sa ten saddle joint (SAD-el j ynt) type diarthr ti j int rmed by tw
aused by nasal in e ti ns saddle-shaped sur a es, all wing m vement in tw di erent axes

sagittal (SAJ-ih-tal) l ngitudinal; like an arr w in whi h a m le ule pr vides a mmuni ati n link within the
sagittal plane (SAJ-ih-tal playn) a l ngitudinal se ti n r f at ut target ell a hemi al signal su h as a h rm ne; r example,
extending r m r nt t ba k, dividing b dy r b dy part int y li AMP links the external signal (arrival the h rm ne r
right and le t subdivisi ns neur transmitter) t the internal ellular pr esses that pr du e
salivary amylase (SAL-ih-vayr-ee AM-ih-layz) digestive enzyme hanges in the target ell
und in the saliva that begins the hemi al digesti n arb hy- secondary bronchi (SEK-un-dayr-ee BRAH N-kye) (sing., br n-
drates (begins nversi n star h t smaller arb hydrate hus) smaller br n hial bran hes that result r m divisi n the
m le ules) primary br n hi
salpingitis (sal-pin-JYE-tis) inf ammati n the uterine ( all pian) secondary in ection (SEK- n-dayr-ee in-FEK-shun) in e ti n that
tubes urs as a nsequen e the weakened state the b dy r
salt mp und rmed when an a id and a base mbine; s metimes damage aused by a previ usly existing disease
spe i ally re ers t the mm n salt, s dium hl ride (NaCl) secondary protein (SEK- n-dayr-ee PRO H -teen) se nd level
saltatory conduction (SAL-tah-t r-ee k n-DUK-shun) when a pr tein stru ture rmed by the lding the primary pr -
nerve impulse en unters myelin and jumps r m ne n de tein (string amin a ids) int heli es (spirals) and pleated
Ranvier t the next lds
sarcoma (SAR-k h-mah) tum r mus le tissue secondary sex characteristic (SEK- n-dayr-ee seks kayr-ak-ter-IS-
sarcomere (SAR-k h-meer) ntra tile unit mus le; length a tik) any the external physi al hara teristi s sexual maturity
my bril between tw Z bands resulting r m the a ti n the sex h rm nes; r example,
SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (SARZ as-OH -see- gr wth male and emale patterns b dy hair and at distribu-
ayt-ed k h-ROH -nah-vye-rus [SARZ k h-VEE]) a type r - ti n, external genital stru tures
navirus sh wn t be the ause severe a ute respirat ry syndr me secretion (seh-KREE-shun) in kidney un ti n re ers t a tive
(SARS); see also severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and m vement substan es su h as ele tr lytes, waste pr du ts, r
coronavirus drugs thr ugh kidney tubule ells int the urine; in ells, se reti n
satiety center (sah- YE-eh-tee SEN-ter) luster ells in the hy- is the pr ess m ving a substan e ut the ell
p thalamus that send impulses t de rease appetite s that an secretory phase (SEEK-reh-t h-ree ayz) phase menstrual y le
individual eels satis ed that begins at vulati n and lasts until the next menses begins
scabies (SKAY-bees) ntagi us skin nditi n aused by the it h section (SEK-shun) a ut, rdinarily f at, thr ugh the b dy r any
mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) b dy part; see also plane (o body)
scapula (SKAP-y -lah) sh ulder blade segmentation (seg-men- AY-shun) urs when digestive ref exes
scar (skahr) thi kened mass tissue, usually br us nne tive tis- ause a rward-and-ba kward m vement within a single regi n
sue, that remains a ter a damaged tissue has been repaired the G I tra t
Schwann cell (shw n r shv n sel) large nu leated ell that rms seizure (SEE-zhur) sudden nset abn rmal b dy un ti n, as in a
myelin sheath ar und peripheral neur ns brain seizure when a sudden disrupti n in the n rmal ring
sciatica (sye-A -ih-kah) neuralgia (pain) the s iati nerve neur ns in the brain auses mild t severe neur l gi al sympt ms
scienti c method (sye-en- IF-ik ME H - dd) any l gi al and su h as inv luntary mus le spasms, hanges in ns i usness, r
systemati appr a h t dis vering prin iples nature, ten abn rmal sensati ns
inv lving testing tentative explanati ns alled hypotheses sella turcica (SEL-lah ER-sih-kah) small depressi n the sphe-
sclera (SKLEER-ah) white uter at the eyeball n id b ne that ntains the pituitary gland
scleroderma (skleer- h-DER-mah) rare dis rder a e ting the ves- semen (SEE-men) male repr du tive f uid r seminal uid
sels and nne tive tissue skin and ther tissues, hara terized semicircular canal (sem-ih-SIR-ky -lar kah-nal) any three
by tissue hardening membran us, f uid- lled, urved tubes l ated in the inner ear;
scoliosis (sk h-lee-OH -sis) abn rmal lateral (side-t -side) urva- ntains a sens ry re ept r alled crista ampullaris that generates
ture the vertebral lumn a nerve impulse n m vement the head
scotoma (sk h- O H -mah) l ss the entral visual eld aused by semilunar (SL) valve (sem-ih-LO O -nar valv) valve l ated between
nerve degenerati n, it s metimes urs with neuritis ass iated the tw ventri ular hambers and the large arteries that arries
with multiple s ler sis bl d away r m the heart; any the valves und in the veins r
scrotum (SKROH -tum) p u hlike sa that ntains the testes lymphati vessels
scurvy (SKER-vee) nditi n aused by avitamin sis C (la k vi- seminal uid (SEM-ih-nal FLO O -id) see semen
tamin C), whi h impairs the n rmal maintenan e llagen- seminal vesicle (SEM-ih-nal VES-ih-kul) paired, p u hlike glands
ntaining nne tive tissues, ausing bleeding and ul erati n that ntribute ab ut 60% the seminal f uid v lume; ri h in
the skin, gums, and ther tissues ru t se, whi h is a s ur e energy r sperm
sebaceous gland (seh-BAY-shus) il-pr du ing glands und in the semini erous tubule (seh-mih-NIF-er-us O OB-y l) l ng, iled
skin stru ture that rms the bulk the testi ular mass
sebum (SEE-bum) se reti n seba e us glands senescence (seh-NES-enz) phase human li e y le that nsti-
second-degree burn burn injury that is m re severe than a rst- tutes lder adulth d; pr ess aging
degree burn and ten inv lves damage t the dermis; see also sense organ (sens O R-gan) any stru ture that dete ts hanges in the
partial-thickness burn internal r external envir nment the b dy
second messenger (SEK-und MES-en-jer) m le ule that pr vides sensor (SEN-s r) part a h me stati eedba k l p that dete ts
mmuni ati n within the target ell a hemi al signal su h as (senses) hanges in the physi l gi al variable that is regulated by
a h rm ne; r example, y li AMP the eedba k l p
second-messenger mechanism (SEK-und MES-en-jer MEK-an- sensory neuron (SEN-s r-ee NO O-r n) neur n that transmits
iz-em) a system ellular mmuni ati n (signal transdu ti n) impulses t the spinal rd and brain r m any part the b dy

sensory receptor (SEN-s h-ree ree-sep-t hr) neur n in skin, inter- neur transmitter) t the inside a ell; in a way, signal transdu -
nal rgans, and mus les that all ws b dy t dete t vari us stimuli ti n is really signal translati n by the ell
( hanges) simple (SIM-pel) single, n t mplex
septic shock (SEP-tik sh k) ir ulat ry ailure (sh k) resulting simple columnar epithelium (SIM-pel k h-LUM-nar ep-ih-
r m mpli ati ns septi emia (t xins in bl d resulting r m H EE-lee-um) type tissue that rms a membrane made up
in e ti n) a single layer ells that are taller than they are wide
serosa (see-ROH -sah) uterm st vering the digestive tra t; simple cuboidal epithelium (SIM-pel KYO O -b yd-al ep-ih-
mp sed the parietal pleura in the abd minal avity H EE-lee-um) type tissue that rms a membrane made up
serotonin (sayr- h- OH -nin) a neur transmitter that bel ngs t a a single layer ubelike ells
gr up mp unds alled catecholamines simple goiter (SIM-pel GOY-ter) nditi n in whi h the thyr id
serous (SEE-rus) watery; re ers t lear ser us f uid r the type enlarges be ause i dine is la king in the diet
membrane that pr du es it simple squamous epithelium (SIM-pel SKWAY-mus ep-ih-
serous membrane (SEE-rus MEM-brayn) a tw -layer epithelial H EE-lee-um) type tissue that rms a membrane made up
membrane that lines b dy avities and vers the sur a es a single layer f attened ells
rgans single-gene disease disease aused by individual mutant genes in
serum (SEER-um) bl d plasma minus its l tting a t rs, still nu lear DNA that pass r m ne generati n t the next
ntains antib dies sinoatrial (SA) node (sye-n h-AY-tree-al) the hearts pa emaker;
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (seh-VEER ah- where the impulse ndu ti n the heart n rmally starts; l -
KYO O res-pir-ah- O R-ee SIN-dr hm [sarz]) viral in e ti n ated in the wall the right atrium near the pening the su-
hara terized by pneum nia and sympt ms ever, dry ugh, peri r vena ava
dyspnea (sh rtness breath), heada he, hyp xia (l w xygen sinus (SYE-nus) a spa e r avity inside s me stru tures the b dy,
n entrati n in the bl d), and s metimes pr gressing t death as inside the ranial b nes (paranasal sinuses) and inside a lymph
due t respirat ry ailure aused by damage t alve li the lungs n de; s me large veins are als alled sinuses
severe combined immune de ciency (SCID ) (seh-VEER k m- sinus dysrhythmia (SYE-nus dis-RI H -mee-ah) variati n in the
BYNED ih-MYO O N deh-FISH -en-see) nearly mplete ail- rhythm heart rate during the breathing y le (inspirati n and
ure the lymph ytes t devel p pr perly, in turn ausing ailure expirati n)
the immune systems de ense the b dy; very rare ngenital sinusitis (sye-ny -SYE-tis) sinus in e ti n
immune dis rder skeletal muscle (SKEL-et-tal MUS-el) mus le tissue under willed
sex chromosome (seks KROH -m h-s hm) either a pair hr - r v luntary ntr l; als kn wn as voluntary muscle
m s mes in the human gen me that determine gender; n rmal skeletal muscle tissue see skeletal muscle
males have ne X hr m s me and ne Y hr m s me (XY), skeletal system (SKEL-et-tal SIS-tem) the b nes, artilage, and
whereas n rmal emales have tw X hr m s mes (XX) ligaments that pr vide the b dy with a rigid ramew rk r sup-
sex hormone (seks H O R-m hn) any h rm ne that has a dire t e - p rt and pr te ti n
e t n sexual stru ture r un ti n, su h as test ster ne (male) Skene gland (skeen gland) see lesser vestibular gland
and estr gens ( emale) skin see cutaneous membrane
sex-linked trait (seks-linked trayt) n nsexual, inherited trait g v- skin gra t surgi al implantati n transplanted skin t repla e
erned by genes l ated in a sex hr m s me (X r Y); m st burned r therwise injured r rem ved skin
kn wn sex-linked traits are X-linked skull b ny stru ture the head
sexually transmitted disease (S D ) (SEKS-y -al-ee trans-MIH - sliding lament model (SLY-ding FIL-ah-ment MAH -del) n-
ted dih-ZEEZ) any mmuni able disease that is mm nly ept in mus le physi l gy des ribing the ntra ti n a mus le
transmitted thr ugh sexual nta t; mpare t sexually ber in terms the sliding mi r s pi pr tein laments past
transmitted in ection (S I) ea h ther within the my brils in a manner that sh rtens the
sexually transmitted in ection (S I) (SEKS-y -al-ee trans-MIH - my brils and thus the entire mus le
ted in-FEK-shun) any in e ti n that is mm nly transmitted small intestine (in- ES -in) part GI tra t that in ludes du de-
thr ugh sexual nta t and that may r may n t pr du e symp- num, jejunum, and ileum
t ms; a sexually transmitted in e ti n that pr du es sympt ms smooth muscle (MUS-el) mus le tissue that is n t under ns i us
(makes a pers n si k) may als be alled a sexually transmitted ntr l; als kn wn as involuntary r visceral muscle; rms the
disease (S D ) walls bl d vessels and h ll w rgans su h as the st ma h and
sha t see diaphysis small intestine
shingles (SH ING-guls) see herpes zoster smooth muscle tissue see smooth muscle
sickle cell anemia (SIK-ul sel ah-NEE-mee-ah) severe, p ssibly snuf dippers pouch pre an er us leuk plakia (white pat hes)
atal, hereditary disease aused by an abn rmal type in ld between heek and gum aused by use sm keless
hem gl bin t ba
sickle cell trait (SIK-ul sel trayt) nditi n in whi h nly ne de e - sodium-potassium pump (SOH -dee-um p h- AS-ee-um) a sys-
tive gene is inherited and nly a small am unt hem gl bin tem upled i n pumps that a tively transp rts s dium i ns
that is less s luble than usual is pr du ed ut a ell and p tassium i ns int the ell at the same time
sigmoid colon (SIG-m yd KOH -l n) S-shaped segment the und in all living ells
large intestine that terminates in the re tum so t palate (s t PAL-let) s t, mus ular p steri r p rti n the r
sign (syne) bje tive deviati n r m n rmal (per eived by an exam- the m uth
iner) that marks the presen e a disease solute (SO L- t) substan e that diss lves int an ther substan e;
signal transduction (tranz-DUK-shen) term that re ers t the r example, in saltwater the salt is the s lute diss lved in
wh le pr ess getting a hemi al signal (su h as a h rm ne r water

solution (suh-LO O -shun) liquid made up a mixture m le ule spontaneous abortion (sp n- AY-nee-us ah-BOR-shun) mis ar-
types, usually made s lutes (s lids) s attered in a s lvent (liq- riage; l ss an embry r etus be re the twentieth week
uid), su h as salt in water gestati n ( r etus under a weight 500 g)
solvent (SO L-vent) substan e in whi h ther substan es are spore (sp r) n nrepr du ing rm a ba terium that resists adverse
diss lved; r example, in saltwater the water is the s lvent r envir nmental nditi ns; sp res revert t the a tive multiplying
salt rm when nditi ns impr ve
somatic nervous system (s h-MAH -tik NER-vus SIS-tem) the sporozoan (sp r- h-ZOH -an) (pl., sp r z a) idia; parasiti
m t r neur ns that ntr l the v luntary a ti ns skeletal pr t z an that enters a h st ell during ne phase a tw -part
mus les li e y le
spastic paralysis (SPAS-tik pah-RAL-ih-sis) l ss v luntary mus- sprain (sprayn) an a ute injury t s t tissues surr unding a j int,
le ntr l hara terized by inv luntary ntra ti ns a e ted in luding mus le, tend n, and/ r ligament
mus les sputum (SPYO O-tum) material spit r ughed r m the m uth
special senses (SPESH -ul SEN-sez) senses dete ted by re ept rs in squamous (SKWAY-mus) s alelike
spe i l ati ns ass iated with mplex stru tures and inv lve squamous cell carcinoma (SKWAY-mus sel kar-sih-NO H -mah)
m des smell, taste, visi n, hearing, r equilibrium malignant tum r the epidermis; sl w-gr wing an er that is
speci c immunity (spih-SIH - k ih-MYO O -nih-tee) the pr te tive apable metastasizing; the m st mm n type skin an er
me hanisms that pr vide spe i pr te ti n against ertain types squamous suture (SKWAY-mus SO O- hur) the imm vable j int
ba teria r t xins between the temp ral b ne and the sphen id b ne
sperm (pl., sperms r sperm) the male spermat z n; sex ell stapes (S AY-peez) tiny, stirrup-shaped b ne in the middle ear
spermatid (SPER-mah-tid) resulting daughter ell r m the pri- staph (sta ) a sh rt w rd rm r Staphylococcus, a ateg ry ba -
mary spermat yte underg ing mei sis; a spermatid has nly hal teria that an in e t the skin and ther rgans, s metimes
the geneti material and hal the hr m s mes regular b dy seri usly
ells static equilibrium (S A -ik ee-kwih-LIB-ree-um) sense the
spermatogenesis (sper-mah-t h-JEN-eh-sis) pr du ti n sperm p siti n the b dy relative t gravity
ells statin (S A -in) ateg ry drugs that help ntr l bl d n en-
spermatogonia (sper-mah-t h-GOH -nee-ah) sperm pre urs r ells trati n h lester l
spermatozoon (sper-mah-tah-ZOH -an) (pl., spermat z a) sperm stem cell ell apable dividing t pr du e new ell types
ell r male sex ell (male gamete) stenosed valve (steh-NOSD valv) ardia valve that is narr wer than
sphenoid bone (SFEE-n yd b hn) entral keyst ne b ne the n rmal, sl wing bl d f w r m a heart hamber
f r the ranium; resembles a bat Stensen duct (S EN-sen dukt) a du t the par tid salivary glands;
sphincter (SFINGK-ter) ring-shaped mus le als kn wn as parotid duct
sphygmomanometer (s g-m h-mah-NOM-eh-ter) devi e r stent (stent) metal spring r mesh tube inserted int an a e ted ar-
measuring bl d pressure in the arteries a limb tery t keep it pen
spinal cavity (SPY-nal KAV-ih-tee) the spa e inside the spinal l- sterility (steh-RIL-ih-tee) as applied t humans, the inability t
umn thr ugh whi h the spinal rd passes repr du e
spinal nerve (SPY-nal nerv) any the nerves that nne t the spi- sternoclavicular joint (ster-n h-klah-VIK-y -lar j ynt) the dire t
nal rd t peripheral stru tures su h as the skin and skeletal p int atta hment between the b nes the upper extremity
mus les and the axial skelet n
spinal tract (SPY-nal trakt) any the white lumns the spinal sternocleidomastoid (stern- h-klye-d h-MAS-t yd) the diag nal
rd that pr vide tw -way ndu ti n paths t and r m the strap mus le l ated n the anteri r aspe t the ne k
brain; ascending tract arries in rmati n t the brain, whereas sternum (S ER-num) breastb ne
descending tracts ndu t impulses r m the brain steroid (S AYR- yd) any a lass lipids related t ster ls and
spindle ber (SPIN-dul FYE-ber) a netw rk mi r s pi tubules rming numer us repr du tive and adrenal h rm nes
rmed in the yt plasm between the entri les as they are m v- steroid hormone (S AYR- yd H O R-m hn) a type lipid-s luble
ing away r m ea h ther during mit sis h rm ne that passes inta t thr ugh the ell membrane the
spine (spyne) the vertebral lumn; a p inted ridge target ell and inf uen es ell a tivity by a ting n spe i genes
spiral organ (SPY-rel O R-gun) the rgan hearing l ated in the stillbirth (S IL-berth) delivery a dead etus (a ter twentieth
hlea with iliated sens ry re ept r ells; als alled organ o week gestati n; be re 20 weeks it is termed a spontaneous
Corti abortion)
spirometer (spye-ROM-eh-ter) an instrument used t measure the stimulus (S IM-y -lus) (pl., stimuli) agent that auses a hange in
am unt air ex hanged in breathing the a tivity a stru ture
spleen largest lymph id rgan; lters bl d, destr ys w rn- ut red stoma (S O H -mah) an pening, su h as the pening reated in a
bl d ells, salvages ir n r m hem gl bin, and serves as a bl d l st my pr edure
reserv ir stomach (S UM-uk) an expansi n the digestive tra t between
splenectomy (spleh-NEK-t h-mee) surgi al rem val the spleen the es phagus and small intestine
splenic exure (SPLEN-ik FLEK-shur) p int at whi h the de- stork bite (st rk byte) type birthmark
s ending l n turns d wnward n the le t side the abd men; strabismus (strah-BIS-mus) abn rmal nditi n in whi h la k
als alled splenic colic exure r le t colic exure rdinati n , r weakness in, the mus les that ntr l ne r
splenomegaly (spleh-n h-MEG-ah-lee) nditi n enlargement b th eyes ause impr per using images n the retina, thus
the spleen making depth per epti n di ult
spongy bone (SPUN-jee) p r us b ne in the end the l ng b ne, strain (strayn) injury inv lving any mp nent the mus ul ten-
whi h may be lled with marr w din us unit; alth ugh mus le is usually inv lved, the tend n, the

jun ti n between the tw , as well as their atta hments t b ne, sulcus (SUL-kus) (pl., sul i) urr w r gr ve
als may be inv lved super cial (s -per-FISH -al) near the b dy sur a e
strati ed (S RA -ih- yde) arranged in multiple layers super cial ascia (s -per-FISH -al FAH -shah) hyp dermis; sub u-
strati ed squamous epithelium (S RA -ih- yde SKWAY-mus ep- tane us layer beneath the dermis
ih- H EE-lee-um) type tissue that rms a membrane made superior (s -PEER-ee- r) higher; pp site in erior
up several layers ells, with f attened ells in the sur a e superior vena cava (s -PEER-ee- r VEE-nah KAY-vah) ne
layer(s) tw large veins returning de xygenated bl d t the right atrium
strati ed transitional epithelium (S RA -ih- yde tran-ZISH -en- supinate (s -pih-NAY ) t make a r tati nal m vement the
al ep-ih- H EE-lee-um) type tissue that rms a membrane rearm (turning the palm laterally t a e rward) r the leg
made up several layers ells that an stret h ut and f atten and ankle (turning the t s t es p int inward and the lateral
with ut breaking edge the s le hits the gr und); pp site pronate
stratum corneum (S RAH -tum KO R-nee-um) the t ugh uter supination (s -pih-NAY-shun) a ti n in whi h the rearm r leg
layer the epidermis; ells are lled with keratin and ankle supinates; pp site pronation
stratum germinativum (S RAH -tum jer-min-ah- IV-um) the in- supine (SO O -pyne) des ripti n the b dy lying in a h riz ntal
nerm st layer the tightly pa ked epithelial ells the epider- p siti n a ing upward
mis; ells in this layer are able t repr du e themselves supraclavicular (s -prah-klah-VIK-y -lar) area ab ve the lavi le
strawberry hemangioma (hem-an-jee-OH -mah) mm n pig- sur actant (sur-FAK-tant) a substan e vering the sur a e the
mented and generally transient birthmark aused by a lle ti n respirat ry membrane inside the alve lus; it redu es sur a e ten-
dilated bl d vessels si n and prevents the alve li r m llapsing
strength training (strengkth RAYN-ing) ntra ting mus les suture (SO O- hur) imm vable j int
against resistan e t enhan e mus le hypertr phy sweat (swet) see perspiration
stress (stres) a tual r per eived threat t h me stati balan e r the sweat gland (swet) see sudori erous gland
physi l gi al resp nses t su h threat; pressure r l ad (me hani- sympathetic division (sim-pah- H E -ik dih-VIZH -un) part
al stress) the aut n mi nerv us system; ganglia are nne ted t the th -
Stretta procedure (S RE -ah pr h-see-jur) pr edure using an ra i and lumbar regi ns the spinal rd; un ti ns as an emer-
end s pe t deliver radi requen y energy t burn, tighten, and gen y system
redu e the size the lumen the l wer es phageal sphin ter in sympathetic postganglionic neurons (sim-pah- H E -ik p st-
a pers n with gastr es phageal ref ux disease (GERD) gang-glee-O N-ik NO O -r ns) dendrites and ell b dies are in
striae (S RYE-ee) (sing., stria) stret h marks aused by stret hing sympatheti ganglia and ax ns travel t a variety vis eral
the skin bey nd its ability t reb und e e t rs
striated muscle (S RYE-ay-ted MUS-el) see skeletal muscle sympathetic preganglionic neuron (sim-pah- H E -ik pree-
stroke volume (SV) (str hk VO L-y m) the am unt bl d that gang-glee-O N-ik NO O -r n) nerve ell wh se dendrites and
is eje ted r m the ventri les the heart with ea h beat; ten ell b dies are l ated in the gray matter the th ra i and
expressed as mL/min (milliliters per minute) lumbar segments the spinal rd; leaves the rd thr ugh a
structural protein (S RUK-shur-al PRO H -teen) pr tein that has ventral r t a spinal nerve and terminates in a llateral
the r le building stru tures in the b dy, su h as llagen bers gangli n
r keratin bers; mpare t unctional protein symptom (SIMP-tum) subje tive deviati n r m n rmal that marks
subcutaneous injection (sub-ky - AY-nee-us in-JEK-shun) in- the presen e a disease (per eived by a patient)
je ti n liquid r pelleted material int the sp ngy and p r us synapse (SIN-aps) jun ti n between adja ent neur ns
sub utane us layer beneath the skin synaptic cle t (sin-AP-tik kle t) the spa e between a synapti kn b
subcutaneous tissue (sub-ky - AY-nee-us ISH -y ) see and the plasma membrane a p stsynapti neur n
hypodermis synaptic knob (sin-AP-tik n b) a tiny bulge at the end a terminal
subendocardial branch (sub-en-d h-KAR-dee-al bran h) see Pur- bran h a presynapti neur ns ax n that ntains vesi les with
kinje ber neur transmitters
sublingual gland (sub-LING-gwal gland) salivary gland that drains synarthrosis (sin-ar- H RO H -sis) a j int in whi h br us nne -
saliva int the f r the m uth tive tissue j ins b nes and h lds them t gether tightly; m-
subluxation (sub-luks-AY-shun) abn rmal, partial separati n the m nly alled sutures
b nes in a j int; als alled incomplete dislocation syndrome (SIN-dr hm) lle ti n signs r sympt ms, usually
submandibular gland (sub-man-DIB-y -lar gland) salivary glands with a mm n ause that de nes r gives a lear pi ture a
that drain saliva int the m uth n either side the lingual path l gi al nditi n
renulum synergist (SIN-er-jist) mus le that assists a prime m ver
submucosa (sub-my -KOH -sah) nne tive tissue layer ntain- synovial uid (sih-NOH -vee-al FLO O-id) the thi k, l rless lu-
ing bl d vessels and nerves in the wall the digestive tra t bri ating f uid se reted by the syn vial membrane
sucrase (s -krays) enzyme that atalyzes the hydr lysis su r se synovial membrane (sih-NOH -vee-al MEM-brayn) nne tive tis-
int glu se and ru t se; als alled invertase r saccharase sue membrane lining the spa es between b nes and j ints that
sucrose (SO O-kr hs) sugar made a d uble sa haride m le ule se retes syn vial f uid
made up a glu se unit and ru t se unit system (SIS-tem) gr up rgans arranged s that the gr up an
sudden in ant death syndrome (SID S) unexpe ted death un- per rm a m re mplex un ti n than any ne rgan an per-
kn wn rigin in apparently n rmal in ants; s metimes alled rm al ne
rib death systemic circulation (sis- EM-ik ser-ky -LAY-shun) bl d f w
sudori erous gland (s -d h-RIF-er-us) glands that se rete sweat; r m the le t ventri le t all parts the b dy and ba k t the
als re erred t as sweat glands right atrium

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (sis- EM-ik LO O-pus er- testosterone (tes- O S-teh-r hn) male sex h rm ne pr du ed by
ih-them-ah- O H -sus) hr ni inf ammat ry disease aused by the interstitial ells in the testes; the mas ulinizing h rm ne
widespread atta k sel -antigens by the immune system (aut - tetanic contraction (teh- AN-ik k n- RAK-shun) sustained n-
immunity); hara terized by a red rash n the a e and ther signs tra ti n mus le
systole (SIS-t h-lee) ntra ti n the heart mus le tetanus ( E -ah-nus) state sustained mus ular ntra ti n
systolic blood pressure (sis- OL-ik blud PRESH -ur) r e with thalamus ( H AL-ah-mus) l ated just ab ve the hyp thalamus; its
whi h bl d pushes against artery walls when ventri les ntra t un ti ns are t help pr du e sensati ns, ass iate sensati ns
with em ti ns, and play a part in the ar usal me hanism
thalassemia (thal-ah-SEE-mee-ah) any a gr up inherited he-
m gl bin dis rders hara terized by pr du ti n hyp hr mi ,
cell (tee sel) see lymphocyte abn rmal red bl d ells
lymphocyte (tee LIM - h-syte) ells the immune system theory ( H EE-ah-ree) an explanati n a s ienti prin iple that
that have underg ne maturati n in the thymus; pr du es ell- has been tested experimentally and und t be true; mpare t
mediated immunity hypothesis and law
wave ele tr ardi gram def e ti n that ref e ts the rep larizati n thermoreceptor (ther-m h-ree-SEP-t r) sens ry re ept r a tivated
the ventri les by heat r ld
tachycardia (tak-ih-KAR-dee-ah) rapid heart rhythm (greater than thermoregulation (ther-m h-reg-y -LAY-shun) maintaining h -
100 beats/minute) me stasis b dy temperature
tactile corpuscle ( AK-tyle KO R-pus-ul) a sens ry re ept r l - third-degree burn inv lves mplete destru ti n b th epidermis
ated in the skin l se t the sur a e that dete ts light t u h; als and dermis with injury extending int sub utane us tissue; see
kn wn as Meissner corpuscle ull-thickness burn
talus ( AY-lus) se nd largest tarsal (ankle) b ne and arti ulates thoracic (th h-RAS-ik) relating t the hest area the b dy (upper
with the tibia at the ankle j int trunk)
target cell ( AR-get sel) ell that is a ted n by a parti ular h r- thoracic cavity (th h-RAS-ik KAV-ih-tee) rgan- ntaining spa e
m ne ( r ther signaling m le ule) and then resp nds t it inside the rib age r hest the b dy that in ludes the medias-
target organ ( AR-get OR-gan) rgan ntaining target cells that tinum and le t and right pleural avities
are a ted n by a parti ular h rm ne ( r ther signaling m le- thoracic duct (th h-RAS-ik dukt) largest lymphati vessel in the
ule) and then resp nds t it b dy
tarsal ( AR-sal) relating t a f at plate r spe i ally t the heel; any thorax ( H O R-aks) b ny age the upper t rs rmed by 12
the seven b nes the heel and ba k part the t; the cal- pairs ribs, the sternum, and th ra i vertebrae; als alled the
caneus is the largest tarsal b ne chest
tarsal gland ( AR-sal gland) see meibomian gland threshold stimulus ( H RESH -h ld S IM-y -lus) minimal level
taste bud t ngue stru ture h using hemi al re ept rs that dete t stimulati n required t ause a mus le ber t ntra t
the sense taste thrombin ( H ROM-bin) pr tein imp rtant in bl d l tting
ay-Sachs disease ( AY-saks dih-ZEEZ) re essive, inherited n- thrombocyte ( H RO M-b h-syte) type bl d ell that plays a
diti n in whi h abn rmal lipids a umulate in the brain and r le in bl d l tting; als alled platelet
ause tissue damage that leads t death by age 4 thrombocytopenia (thr m-b h-sye-t h-PEE-nee-ah) general term
telemetry (tel-EM-eh-tree) te hn l gy by whi h data, su h as heart re erring t an abn rmally l w bl d platelet unt
a tivity m nit red by an ele tr ardi graph, an be sent t a re- thrombophlebitis (thr m-b h-f eh-BYE-tis) vein inf ammati n
m te l ati n thr ugh teleph ne wires, radi waves, r ther (phlebitis) a mpanied by l t rmati n
mmuni ati n pathway thrombosis (thr m-BO H -sis) rmati n a l t in a bl d vessel
telophase ( EL- h- ayz r EE-l h- ayz) last stage mit sis in thromboxane (thr m-BOKS-ayne) pr staglandin-like substan e in
whi h the ell divides platelets that plays a r le in hem stasis and bl d l tting
temporal ( EM-p h-ral) relating t time r t the side the head; thrombus ( H RO M-bus) stati nary bl d l t
mus le that assists the masseter in l sing the jaw thrush andidiasis m uth (m uth in e ti n) hara terized by
temporal bone ( EM-p h-ral b hn) ranial b ne l ated n l wer white, reamy pat hes exudate n inf amed ral mu sa and
side ranium and part its f r t ngue; aused by yeastlike ungal rganism
tendon ( EN-d n) band r rd br us nne tive tissue that thymine ( H YE-meen) ne several nitr gen- ntaining bases
atta hes a mus le t a b ne r ther stru ture that make up nu le tides, whi h in turn make up nu lei a ids
tendon sheath ( EN-d n sheeth) tube-shaped stru ture lined with su h as DNA (but n t RNA); in the ell, it an bind t an ther
syn vial membrane that en l ses ertain tend ns nitr gen us base, adenine (A r a), t rm a m re mplex stru -
tenosynovitis (ten- h-sin- h-VYE-tis) inf ammati n a tend n ture r in translating geneti des; symb lized by the letter r
sheath t; see also guanine, adenine, cytosine, uracil
teratogen ( ER-ah-t h-jen) any envir nmental a t r that auses a thymosin ( H Y-m h-sin) h rm ne pr du ed by the thymus that is
birth de e t (abn rmality present at birth); mm n terat gens vital t the devel pment and un ti ning the b dys immune
in lude radiati n (e.g., x-rays), hemi als (e.g., drugs, igarettes, system
r al h l), and in e ti ns in the m ther (e.g., herpes r rubella) thymus see thymus gland
tertiary protein ( ER-shee-ayr-ee PRO H -teen) third level pr - thymus gland ( H Y-mus) end rine gland l ated in the mediasti-
tein stru ture rmed by urther lding the se ndary pr tein num; vital part the b dys immune system; ten alled simply
stru ture the thymus
testis ( ES-tis) (pl., testes) male g nad resp nsible r pr du ti n thyroid ollicle ( H Y-r yd FO L-lih-kul) p ket thyr id ll id
male sex ells r gametes (sperm) and test ster ne (suspended, st red rm thyr id h rm ne) in the thyr id gland

thyroid gland ( H Y-r yd) end rine gland l ated in the ne k that tract (trakt) a single nerve pathway made up several bundles
st res its h rm nes until needed; thyr id h rm nes regulate el- ax ns and extending thr ugh the entral nerv us system; m-
lular metab lism pare t nerve
thyroid-stimulating hormone ( SH) ( H Y-r yd S IM-y -lay- tragus ( RAY-gus) pr minent bump skin- vered artilage the
ting H O R-m hn) a tr pi h rm ne se reted by the anteri r pi- auri le (external ear) that lies just anteri r the pening t the
tuitary gland that stimulates the thyr id gland t in rease its se- a usti anal (ear anal)
reti n thyr id h rm ne transaminase (trans-AM-ih-nayz) enzyme released r m damaged
thyroxine ( 4) (thy-RO K-sin) thyr id h rm ne that stimulates el- tissues; high bl d n entrati n may indi ate a heart atta k r
lular metab lism ther path l gi al event
tibia ( IB-ee-ah) shinb ne transcellular uid (tranz-SEL-y -lar FLO O -id) part the extra-
tibialis anterior (tib-ee-AL-is an- EER-ee- r) d rsif ex r the t ellular f uid that in ludes erebr spinal f uid (CSF), f uids the
tic douloureux (tik d -l -RO O ) see trigeminal neuralgia eyeball, and the syn vial j int f uids (but n t bl d plasma r
tidal volume ( V) ( YE-dal VOL-y m) am unt air breathed interstitial f uid)
in and ut with ea h breath transcription (trans-KRIP-shun) a ti n that urs when the d uble-
tinea ( IN-ee-ah) ungal in e ti n the skin stranded DNA m le ule unwinds and be mes a template t rm
tinea pedis ( IN-ee-ah PED-is) a ungal in e ti n the skin the mRNA, thus making a py a gene
t hara terized by redness and it hing; als alled athletes oot trans er RNA ( RANS- er R N A) type rib nu lei a id (RNA)
tinnitus (tih-NYE-tus r IN-it-us) abn rmal sensati n ringing that temp rarily binds t spe i amin a ids and trans ers them
r buzzing in the ear t spe i sequen es ( d ns) n a messenger RNA (mRNA)
tissue ( ISH -y ) gr up similar ells that per rm a mm n m le ule; als kn wn as tRNA
un ti n transitional (tranz-IH -shen-al) relating t a hange r s mething
tissue uid ( ISH -y FLO O-id) a dilute saltwater s luti n that apable hange, as in transitional epithelium (whi h an hange
bathes every ell in the b dy; als alled interstitial uid ell shape as the tissue stret hes)
tissue hormone ( ISH -y H O R-m hn) pr staglandins; pr du ed transitional epithelium (tranz-IH -shen-al ep-ih- H EE-lee-um)
in a tissue and di used nly a sh rt distan e t a t n ells within type epithelial tissue that rms membranes apable stret h-
the tissue ing with ut breaking, as in the urinary bladder; ells in this type
tissue plasminogen activator ( PA or tPA) ( ISH -y plaz-MIN- tissue an stret h r m a r ughly lumnar shape ut t a f at-
h-jen AK-tih-vay-t r) naturally urring substan e that a ti- tened (squam us) shape and ba k again with ut sustaining dam-
vates plasmin gen and nverts it t the a tive enzyme plasmin, age; als alled strati ed transitional epithelium
whi h in turn diss lves brin bl d l ts translation (trans-LAY-shun) the synthesis a pr tein by rib -
tissue typing ( ISH -y YE-ping) a pr edure used t identi y s mes (by translating geneti de)
tissue mpatibility be re an rgan transplant transplant (trans-PLAN ) tissue r rgan gra t; pr edure in whi h
lymphocytes ( LIM- h-sytes) ells that are riti al t the un - a tissue (e.g., skin, b ne marr w) r an rgan (su h as kidney,
ti n the immune system; pr du e ell-mediated immunity liver) r m a d n r is surgi ally implanted int a re ipient
tone (t hn) tensi n; baseline ntra ti n any mus le transport maximum ( max) ( RANZ-p rt MAKS-im-um) the
tonic contraction ( AH N-ik k n- RAK-shun) sustained, baseline largest am unt any substan e that an be m ved by a ellular
skeletal mus le ntra ti n used t maintain p sture transp rter (pump r arrier) at ne time, determined mainly by
tonsil ( AH N-sil) mass lymph id tissue; pr te ts against ba te- the number available transp rters that substan e
ria; three main sets: palatine t nsils, l ated n ea h side the transport process ( RANZ-p rt PRO H -ses) pr ess arrying
thr at; pharyngeal t nsils (aden ids), near the p steri r pening materials within the b dy, ten a r ss membranes and within
the nasal avity; and lingual t nsils, near the base the t ngue f uids
tonsillectomy (tahn-sih-LEK-t h-mee) surgi al pr edure used t transverse arch ( RANS-vers) see metatarsal arch
rem ve the t nsils transverse canal (tranz-VERS kah-NAL) mmuni ating anal
tonsillitis (tahn-sih-LYE-tis) inf ammati n the t nsils, usually between entral (H aversian) anals that ntains vessels t arry
aused by in e ti n bl d t the ste ns; als arries nerves and lymphati vessels;
tophus ( OH - us) (pl., t phi) st nelike gr wths r dep sits in tis- als alled Volkmann canal
sues r ar und j ints; may ntain urate rystals in patients with transverse colon (tranz-VERS KO H -len) divisi n the l n that
g ut passes h riz ntally a r ss the abd men
total metabolic rate ( MR) ( O H -tal met-ah-BOL-ik rayt) t tal transverse racture ( RANS-vers FRAK- hur) b ne ra ture har-
am unt energy used by the b dy per day a terized by a ra ture line that is at a right angle t the l ng axis
toxicologist (t k-sih-KOL-uh-jist) s ientist wh studies the e e ts, the b ne
treatments, and dete ti n p is ns transverse plane (tranz-VERS playn) a f at ut thr ugh the b dy ( r
trabecula (trah-BEK-y -lah) (pl., trabe ulae) bran hed, needlelike a b dy part) that is h riz ntal r r sswise and thus divides the
thread tissue ( r example, b ne) that rms a netw rk b dy ( r b dy part) int upper and l wer p rti ns; see also section
spa es (o body)
trachea ( RAY-kee-ah) the windpipe; the tube extending r m the transversus abdominis (trans-VER-sus ab-DAH -min-us) the in-
larynx t the br n hi nerm st layer the anter lateral abd minal wall
tracheostomy (tray-kee-O S-t h-mee) medi al pr edure inv lving trapezium (trah-PEE-zee-um) the arpal b ne the wrist that
the utting an pening int the tra hea rms the saddle j int that all ws the pp siti n the thumb
trachoma (trah-KOH -mah) hr ni in e ti n the njun tiva trapezius (trah-PEE-zee-us) triangular mus le in the ba k that el-
vering the eye aused by the ba terium Chlamydia trachomatis; evates the sh ulder and extends the head ba kward
als alled chlamydial conjunctivitis traumatic (truh-MA -ik) relating t injury (trauma)

triceps brachii ( RY-seps BRAY-kee-aye) extens r mus le the twitch a qui k, jerky resp nse t a single stimulus
elb w tympanic (tim-PAN-ik) drumlike
tricuspid (try-KUS-pid) des ribes anything having three angles r tympanic membrane (tim-PAN-ik MEM-brayn) eardrum; mem-
p ints ( usps) brane that separates external ear anal r m middle ear
tricuspid tooth (try-KUS-pid) t th with rather large f at sur a e type 1 diabetes mellitus (dye-ah-BEE-teez mel-AYE-tus) a ndi-
with tw r three grinding usps; als alled molar ti n in whi h the pan reati islets se rete t little insulin, result-
tricuspid valve (try-KUS-pid valv) the valve l ated between the ing in in reased levels bl d glu se; rmerly kn wn as
right atrium and ventri le juvenile-onset diabetes r insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
trigeminal neuralgia (try-JEM-ih-nal n -RAL-jee-ah) pain in ne type 2 diabetes mellitus (dye-ah-BEE-teez mel-AYE-tus) a ndi-
r m re ( three) bran hes the th ranial nerve (trigeminal ti n in whi h ells the b dy be me less sensitive t the h r-
nerve) that runs al ng the a e; als alled tic douloureux m ne insulin and perhaps the pan reati islets se rete t little
triglyceride (try-GLIH -ser-ayed) lipid that is synthesized r m insulin, resulting in in reased levels bl d glu se; rmerly
atty a ids and gly er l r r m ex ess glu se r amin a ids; kn wn as maturity-onset diabetes r noninsulin-dependent diabetes
st red mainly in adip se tissue ells mellitus
trigone ( RY-g n) triangular area n the wall the urinary
triiodothyronine ( 3) (try-aye- h-d h- H Y-r h-neen) thyr id
h rm ne that stimulates ellular metab lism ulcer (UL-ser) a ne r ti pen s re r lesi n
trimester three-m nth segments the gestati n peri d ulna (UL-nah) ne the tw rearm b nes; l ated n the little
(pregnan y) nger side
triple therapy ( RIP-pul H AYR-ah-pee) treatment ul ers us- ulnar deviation (UL-nur dee-vee-AY-shun) de rmity the hands
ing a mbinati n bismuth subsali ylate (Pept -Bism l) and as a result rheumat id arthritis
tw antibi ti s ultrasonogram (ul-trah-SO H N- h-gram) a re rd btained by us-
triplegia (try-PLEE-jee-ah) paralysis (l ss v luntary mus le n- ing s und t pr du e images
tr l) in three limbs, ten tw legs and ne arm ultrasonography (ul-trah-s n-O G-rah- ee) an imaging te hnique
trisomy ( RY-s h-mee) abn rmal geneti nditi n in whi h ells in whi h high- requen y s und waves are ref e ted tissue t
have three hr m s mes (a triplet) where there sh uld be a pair; rm an image
usually aused by n ndisjun ti n ( ailure hr m s me pairs t umami ( -MOM-ee) meaty r sav ry taste pr du ed by gluta-
separate) during gamete pr du ti n mati a id (an amin a id)
tropic hormone ( ROH -pik H O R-m hn) h rm ne that stimu- umbilical (um-BIL-ih-kul) relating t the navel r umbili us, a
lates an ther end rine gland t gr w and se rete its h rm nes stru ture made up bl d vessels nne ting the devel ping
true ribs the rst seven pairs ribs, whi h are atta hed t the etus t the pla enta
sternum umbilical artery (um-BIL-ih-kul AR-ter-ee) tw small arteries that
trypsin ( RIP-sin) pr tein-digesting enzyme (pr tease) arry xygen-p r bl d r m the devel ping etus t the pla enta
tubal pregnancy ( O O-bal PREG-nan-see) e t pi pregnan y that umbilical cord (um-BIL-ih-kul) f exible stru ture nne ting the
urs in a uterine ( all pian) tube etus t the pla enta, whi h all ws the umbili al arteries and vein
tuberculosis ( B) (t -ber-ky -LO H -sis) hr ni ba terial (ba il- t pass
lus) in e ti n the lungs r ther tissues aused by M ycobacte- umbilical region (um-BIL-ih-kul REE-jun) the very enter regi n
rium tuberculosis rganisms the abd min pelvi avity, near the umbili us (navel) and be-
tumor ( O O-mer) gr wth tissues in whi h ell pr li erati n is tween the le t and right lumbar regi ns; termin l gy used when
un ntr lled and pr gressive the abd min pelvi avity is visualized as being subdivided int
tumor suppressor gene gene that w rks against the devel pment nine regi ns as in a ti -ta -t e grid
an er us ells umbilical vein (um-BIL-ih-kul vayn) a large vein arrying xygen-
tunica albuginea ( O O -nih-kah al-by -JIN-ee-ah) a t ugh, ri h bl d r m the pla enta t the devel ping etus
whitish membrane that surr unds ea h testis and enters the gland universal donor blood bl d type O ( r O )
t divide it int l bules universal recipient blood bl d type AB ( r AB )
tunica externa ( O O-nih-kah eks- ER-nah) the uterm st layer upper esophageal sphincter (UES) (eh-s -eh-JEE-al SFING K-
und in bl d vessels ter) ring mus ular tissue (sphin ter) l ated between laryng -
tunica intima ( O O -nih-kah IN-tih-mah) end thelium that lines pharynx and pr ximal end es phagus
bl d vessels; als alled tunica interna upper GI (UGI) (upper jee aye) the st ma h and es phagus; an
tunica media ( O O -nih-kah MEE-dee-ah) the mus ular middle x-ray study the l wer es phagus, st ma h, and du denum,
layer und in bl d vessels; the tuni a media arteries is m re pr du ed with the aid a ntrast medium and used t dete t
mus ular than that veins ul erati ns, tum rs, inf ammati ns, r anat mi al malp siti ns
turbinate ( UR-bih-nayt) see concha su h as hiatal hernia
turgor ( UR-ger) resilien y r f uid pressure in the ells the skin, upper respiratory in ection (URI) (RES-pih-rah-t ree) in e ti n
ten l st during dehydrati n l alized in the mu sa the upper respirat ry tra t (primarily
urner syndrome ( UR-ner SIN-dr hm) geneti dis rder aused the n se, nasal sinuses, and/ r pharynx)
by m n s my the X hr m s me (XO ) in emales; hara ter- upper respiratory tract (UP-er res-PYE-rah-t r-ee trakt) divisi n
ized by immaturity sex rgans ( ausing sterility), webbed ne k, respirat ry tra t utside the th rax that is mp sed the
ardi vas ular de e ts, and learning dis rders n se, pharynx, and larynx
wave def e ti n n an ele tr ardi gram that urs with rep lar- uracil (YO O R-ah-sil) ne several nitr gen- ntaining bases that
izati n the ventri les make up nu le tides, whi h in turn make up nu lei a ids su h as

RNA (but n t DNA); in the ell, it an hemi ally bind t an- varicose vein (VAYR-ih-k hs vayn) enlarged vein in whi h bl d
ther nitr gen us base, adenine (A r a), t rm a m re mplex p ls; als alled varix
stru ture r in translating geneti des; symb lized by the letter varix (VAYR-iks) (pl., vari es) see varicose vein
U r u; see also guanine, adenine, thymine, cytosine vas de erens (vas DEF-er-enz) (pl., vasa de erentia) see ductus
urea (y -REE-ah) nitr gen- ntaining waste pr du t de erens
uremia (y -REE-mee-ah) nditi n in whi h bl d urea n en- vasectomy (va-SEK-t h-mee) surgi al severing the vas de erens
trati n is abn rmally elevated, expressed as a high BUN (bl d t render a male sterile
urea nitr gen) value; uremia is ten aused by renal ailure; als vasoconstriction (vay-s h-k n-S RIK-shun) redu ti n in vessel
alled uremic poisoning diameter aused by in reased ntra ti n the mus ular at
uremic poisoning (y -REE-mik POY-z n-ing) see uremia (sm th mus le)
ureter (YO O-reh-ter) mus ular tube that ndu ts urine r m the vasodilator (vay-s -DYE-lay-t r) lass drugs that trigger the
kidney t the urinary bladder sm th mus les arterial walls t relax, ausing the arteries t
urethra (y -REE-thrah) passageway r eliminati n urine; in dilate
males, als a ts as a genital du t that arries sperm t the exteri r vasomotor mechanism (vay-s h-MOH -t r MEK-ah-niz-em) a -
urethritis (y -reh- H RY-tis) inf ammati n r in e ti n the t rs that ntr l hanges in the diameter arteri les by hang-
urethra ing the tensi n sm th mus les in the vessel walls
urinalysis (y r-in-AL-is-is) lini al lab rat ry testing urine vastus (VAS-tus) wide; great size
samples vector (VEK-t r) arthr p d that arries an in e ti us path gen
urinary bladder (YO OR-ih-nayr-ee BLAD-er) llapsible sa like r m ne rganism t an ther
rgan that lle ts urine r m the kidneys and st res it be re vein (vayn) vessel arrying bl d t ward the heart
eliminati n r m the b dy venous return (VEE-nus) am unt bl d returned t the heart by
urinary incontinence (YO OR-ih-nayr-ee in-KON-tih-nens) n- the veins
diti n in whi h an individual v ids urine inv luntarily; mpare ventral (VEN-tral) r near the belly; in humans, r nt r
t incontinence anterior; pp site dorsal r posterior
urinary meatus (YO O R-ih-nayr-ee mee-AY-tus) external pening ventral body cavity (VEN-tral BO D -ee KAV-it-ee) rgan-
the urethra ntaining spa e in the anteri r trunk the b dy; r example,
urinary retention (YO OR-in-ayr-ee ree- EN-shun) nditi n in the th ra i and abd min pelvi avities; mpare with dorsal
whi h n urine is v ided body cavity
urinary suppression (YO O R-in-ayr-ee sup-PRESH -un) nditi n ventricle (VEN-trih-kul) any small avity r spa e
in whi h kidneys d n t pr du e urine ventricular brillation (VF or V- b) (ven- RIK-y -lar b-ril-
urinary system (YO OR-ih-nayr-ee SIS-tem) system resp nsible r LAY-shun) li e-threatening nditi n in whi h the la k ven-
ex reting liquid waste r m the b dy tri ular pumping suddenly st ps the f w bl d t vital tissues;
urinary tract in ection (U I) (YO OR-ih-nayr-ee trakt in-FEK- unless ventri ular brillati n is rre ted immediately by de bril-
shun) in e ti n the mu sa that lines the urinary tra t lati n r s me ther meth d, death may ur within minutes; see
urination (y r-ih-NAY-shun) passage urine r m the b dy; also automatic external de brillator
emptying the bladder venule (VEN-y l) small bl d vessels that lle t bl d r m the
urine (YO OR-in) f uid waste ex reted by the kidneys apillaries and j in t rm veins
urologist (y -ROL-uh-jist) s ientist r physi ian spe ializing in vermi orm appendix (VERM-ih- rm ah-PEN-diks) a tubular
urine and the ur genital tra t and its dis rders stru ture atta hed t the e um and mp sed lymph id
urticaria (er-tih-KAYR-ee-ah) an allergi r hypersensitivity re- tissue
sp nse hara terized by raised red lesi ns; als re erred t as hives vertebra (VER-teh-bra) (pl., vertebrae) any the b nes that make
uterine tube (YO O-ter-in t b) either a pair tubes that n- up the spinal (vertebral) lumn
du t the vum r m the vary t the uterus; als alled allopian vertebral column (ver- EE-bral KOL-um) the spinal lumn,
tube r oviduct made up a series separate vertebrae that rm a f exible,
uterus (YO O-ter-us) h ll w, mus ular rgan where a ertilized egg urved r d
implants and gr ws vertebroplasty (ver-tee-br h-PLAS-tee) rth pedi pr edure used
uvula (YO O-vy -lah) ne-shaped pr ess hanging d wn r m t treat the vertebral mpressi n ra tures that ur in ste p -
the s t palate that helps prevent d and liquid r m entering r sis; inv lves inje ting b ne ement, but with ut using a
the nasal avities ball n
vertigo (VER-tih-g ) abn rmal sensati n spinning; dizziness
vesicle (VES-ih-kul) a lini al term re erring t blisters, f uid- lled
skin lesi ns
vaccine (VAK-seen) appli ati n killed r attenuated (weakened) vestibular nerve (ves- IB-y -lar nerv) a divisi n the vestibul -
path gens ( r p rti ns path gens) t a patient t stimulate hlear nerve (the eighth ranial nerve)
immunity against that path gen vestibule (VES-tih-by l) l ated in the inner ear; the p rti n ad-
vagina (vah-JYE-nah) internal tube r m uterus t vulva ja ent t the val wind w between the semi ir ular anals and
vaginitis (vaj-ih-NYE-tis) inf ammati n the vagina the hlea
variant Creutz eldt-Jakob disease (vCJD ) (VAYR-ee-ant vestibule o the vulva (VES-tih-by l) the area between the labia
KROY S- elt YAH -k hb dih-ZEEZ) a degenerative disease min ra; the lit ris and the ri e the urethra are l ated in
the entral nerv us system aused by pri ns (pr teina e us in e - the vestibule
ti us parti les) that nvert n rmal pr teins the nerv us sys- villus (VIL-us) (pl., villi) any the s t, ngerlike pr je ti ns that
tem int abn rmal pr teins, ausing l ss un ti n; see prion ver the pli ae ( lds) the small intestine

Vincent in ection (VIN-sent in-FEK-shun) ba terial (spir hete) sudden nset ever and ten a mpanied by malaise, an-
in e ti n the gum, pr du ing gingivitis; als alled Vincent rexia, nausea/v miting, eye pain, heada he, myalgia (mus le
angina and trench mouth pain), rash, sw llen lymph n des, and s metimes pr gressing t
virilizing tumor (VEER-il-aye-zing O O M-er) ne plasm the severe neur l gi al disease
adrenal rtex that stimulates verpr du ti n test ster ne and wheal (weel) raised red skin lesi n ten ass iated with severe it h-
there re an in rease in mas ulinizati n, even w men ing, as in hives
virus (VYE-rus) mi r s pi , parasiti entity nsisting a nu lei white blood cell (WBC) see leukocyte
a id b und by a pr tein at and s metimes a lip pr tein envel pe white matter (MA -ter) tissue made up nerve tra ts vered with
visceral (VIS-er-al) relating t the vis era r internal rgans white myelin
visceral ef ector (VIS-er-al ee-FEK-t r) any mus le r gland (e e - withdrawal re ex (with-DRAW-al REE-f eks) a ref ex that m ves a
t r) und within the avities the b dy and ntr lled by the b dy part away r m an irritating stimulus
aut n mi nerv us system; examples in lude ardia mus le tis-
sue, sm th mus le tissue, and internal glands
visceral muscle (VIS-er-al MUS-el) see smooth muscle and
involuntary muscle xeroderma pigmentosum (zeer- h-DER-mah pig-men- OH -
visceral pericardium (VIS-er-al payr-ih-KAR-dee-um) the peri ar- sum) rare geneti dis rder hara terized by the inability skin
dium that vers the heart; als alled epicardium ells t repair geneti damage aused by the ultravi let (UV) ra-
visceral peritoneum (VIS-er-al payr-ih- OH N-ee um) ser us diati n in sunlight
membrane that vers and is adherent t the abd minal vis era
visceral pleura (VIS-er-al PLO O-rah) ser us membrane that vers
and is adherent t the sur a e the lungs
visceral portion (VIS-er-al PO R-shun) ser us membrane that v- yeast (yeest) single- elled ungus ( mpared t m ld, whi h is a
ers the sur a e rgans und in the b dy avity multi ellular ungus)
vital capacity (VC) (VYE-tal kah-PAS-ih-tee) largest am unt air yellow bone marrow (YEL- h b hn MAYR- h) atty tissue und
that an be m ved in and ut the lungs in ne inspirati n and inside the medullary avity a l ng b ne
expirati n yellow ever (YEL- h FEE-ver) viral illness aused by a type
vitamin (VYE-tah-min) rgani m le ule needed in small quanti- f avivirus (literally yell w virus) arried by m squit ve t rs and
ties t help enzymes perate e e tively r t therwise regulate hara terized by ever
metab lism in the b dy yolk sac (y hk sak) in humans, inv lved with the pr du ti n
vitiligo (vit-ih-LYE-g ) pat hy areas light skin aused by a - bl d ells in the devel ping embry
quired l ss epidermal melan ytes
vitreous humor (VI -ree-us H YO O -m r) the jellylike f uid und
in the eye, p steri r t the lens
vocal cords (VOH -kull k rds) bands tissue in larynx resp nsible Z disk disklike stru ture separating ne stru tural unit (sar mere)
r pr du ti n s und (spee h) the my bril r m the next unit the my bril, ten seen as
voiding (VO YD-ing) emptying the bladder a dark band (Z line) in mi r graphs the my brils skeletal
volar (VOH -lar) relating t the palm r s le mus le bers; als alled Z line
voluntary muscle (VO L-un-tayr-ee MUS-el) see skeletal muscle Z line see Z disk
vulva (VUL-vah) lds and ther stru tures that t gether make up Zika virus (ZEE-kah VYE-rus) viral illness aused by a type
the external genitals the emale f avivirus arried by m squit ve t rs r transmitted sexually and
vulvitis (vul-VYE-tis) inf ammati n the vulva (the external e- hara terized by ever; kn wn t ause birth de e ts su h as
male genitals) mi r ephaly
zona asciculata (ZO H -nah as-si -y -LAY-tah) middle z ne
the adrenal rtex that se retes glucocorticoids
zona glomerulosa (ZOH -nah gl h-mayr-y -LOH -sah) uter
wart raised bump that is a benign ne plasm (tum r) the skin z ne the adrenal rtex that se retes mineral rti ids
aused by viruses zona reticularis (ZOH -nah reh-tik-y -LAYR-is) inner z ne
water intoxication (WAH -ter in- OK-sih-kay-shen) p ssibly li e- the adrenal rtex that se retes small am unts sex h rm nes
threatening neur l gi al impairment aused by severe verhydra- zygomatic (zye-g h-MA -ik) heek b ne (malar b ne) r related t
ti n and a mpanying ele tr lyte imbalan e the heek b ne and nearby area
West Nile virus (WNV) (nyle VY-rus) s metimes atal viral in e - zygomaticus (zye-g h-MA -ik-us) mus le that elevates the rners
ti n aused by a type f avivirus transmitted t humans by an the m uth and lips; als kn wn as the smiling muscle
inse t ve t r su h as a m squit , sand f y, r ti k; hara terized by zygote (ZYE-g ht) a ertilized vum
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urnier I, et al: 3D Bi printing human h ndr ytes with 2004, M sby; 7-13: Fr m Callen JP, Paller AS, Greer KE, et al: Color
nan ellul se-alginate bi ink r artilage tissue engineering appli- atlas o dermatology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, Saunders; 7-15:
ati ns, Biomacromolecules 16:1489-96, 2015; S ien e Appli ati n H kenberry-W ils n: Wongs nursing care o in ants and children, ed 9,
b x (Radi graphy, drawing): J e Kulka; S ien e Appli ati n b x St L uis, 2013, M sby; 7-18: C urtesy Mi hael Pe k, MD, Univer-
(Radi graphy, x-ray lm): Ph t Resear hers, In . sity N rth Car lina Burn Center, Chapel H ill, In C pstead-
Kirkh rn L, Banasik J: Pathophysiology, ed 2, St L uis, 1999,
Ch a p t e r 6 Saunders; 7-20A: Fr m Em nd R D, Welsby PD, R wland H AK:
6-1, 6-3: Centers r Disease C ntr l and Preventi n, Atlanta, GA; Colour atlas o in ectious diseases, ed 3, L nd n, 1995, M sby;
6-4: Barbara C usins; 6-5A: Fr m ravis J: D rugs unter mad w 7-20C,D: C urtesy Jaime A s hen, MD, Department Derma-
agent in ells, Science News 160(7):100, 2001, Fred C hen; 6-5B: t l gy, Bayl r C llege Medi ine, H ust n, X; 7-21A: Fr m
Centers r Disease C ntr l and Preventi n/ eresa H ammett; 6-6, P tter P, Perry A: Fundamentals o nursing, ed 7, St L uis, 2009,
6-7A-B: David M Phillips/Visual Unlimited; 6-8: Fr m S huster M sby; 7-21C: Fr m H abi P: Clinical dermatology, ed 5, St L uis,
FL, Visvesvara GS: Free-living am ebae as pp rtunisti and n n- 2010, M sby; 7-20D: Fr m Kumar V, Abbas A, Faust N: Robbins
pp rtunisti path gens humans and animals, Int J Parasitol and Cotran pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010,
34(9):1001-1027, 2004; 6-9: Getty Images; 6-10, 6-11: R lin Saunders; 7-22A: Fr m G ldman L, S ha er AI: Goldmans Cecil
Graphi s; 6-12A: Fr m Le reut AL: M ammography, St L uis, 1991, medicine, ed 24, Philadelphia, 2012, Saunders; 7-22B: Fr m N ble J,
M sby; 6-12B: Fr m W illiams AL, H aught n VM: Cranial Greene H L: extbook o primary care medicine, St L uis, ed 3, M sby,

C-2 Illus tration/Photo Cre dits

2001; 7-22C: Fr m wnsend C, Beau hamp RD, Evers BM, diagnosis, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2007, M sby; 10-16: James King-
Matt x K: Sabiston textbook o surgery, ed 18, Philadelphia, 2008, H lmes and S ien e Ph t Library; 10-17A: Fr m Chipps EM,
Saunders; 7-22D: Fr m Rakel R: extbook o amily medicine, ed 7, Clanin NJ, Campbell VG: Neurologic disorders, St L uis, 1992,
Philadelphia, 2007, Saunders; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Se rets M sby; 10-26: Fr m H abi P: Clinical dermatology, ed 2, St L uis,
the Skin, art): J e Kulka; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Se rets the 1990, M sby; Clini al Appli ati n b x (T e Bl d-Brain Barrier,
Skin, ph t ): C urtesy Angies List, www.angieslist. m/arti les/ g): C urtesy J hn N lte, PhD, University Ariz na C llege
what-expe t-laser-tatt -rem val.htm. Medi ine; Clini al Appli ati n b x (Antidepressants, ph t ): C py-
right Adzi hi iek (st k ph t r m Shutterst k. m); Clini al
Ch a p t e r 8 Appli ati n b x (Lumbar Pun ture, g): Fr m F rbes CD, Ja ks n
8-4, 8-5: Dennis Strete; 8-6: Adapted r m M Can e K, H uether S: W D: Color atlas and text o clinical medicine, ed 3, L nd n, 2003,
Pathophysiology, ed 7, St L uis, 2014, M sby; 8-8: Netw rk Graph- M sby; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Neur s ien e, art): J e Kulka.
i s; 8-10B: Barbara C usins; 8-12: C urtesy D r. N. Blevins,
New England Medi al Center, B st n; 8-16: Adapted r m C h a p t e r 11
D rake R, V gl W, Mit hell AW M: Grays anatomy or students, ed 3, 11-4: Fr m Newell FW: Ophthalmology: principles and concepts, ed 7,
Philadelphia, 2015, Chur hill Livingst ne; 8-17: Fr m H kenberry St L uis, 1992, M sby; 11-5C: Fr m Swartz MH : extbook o physi-
MJ: Wongs essentials o pediatric nursing, ed 9, St L uis, 2013, M sby; cal diagnosis, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2014, Saunders; 11-8: Fr m Swartz
8-18D: Fr m Barkauskas V, Baumann L, St ltenberg-Allen K, MH : extbook o physical diagnosis, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2010,
Darling-Fisher C: Health and physical assessment, ed 2, St L uis, Saunders; 11-9: Fr m Newell FW: Ophthalmology: principles and
1998, M sby; 8-18E: C urtesy Nan y Lyn h; 8-20C,F, 8-21B, concepts, ed 8, St L uis, 1996, M sby; 11-10: Seidel H et al: M osbys
8-22B,D: Fr m Vidi B, Suarez FR: Photographic atlas o the human guide to physical examination, ed 3, St L uis, 2002, M sby; 11-11:
body, St L uis, 1984, M sby; 8-24: Yv nne Wylie Walst n; 8-30A,B: Fr m Ishiharas tests or colour de ciency, ky , Japan, 1973, Kanehara
Damjan v I, Linder J, Anders n WAD: Andersons pathology, ed 10, rading C , C pyright Isshinkai F undati n; 11-13A: Fr m Ball
St L uis, 1996, M sby; 8-31: Fr m Kumar V, Abbas A, Faust N: JW, Dains JE, Flynn JA: Seidels guide to physical examination, ed 8,
Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis o disease, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2005, St L uis, 2015, M sby; 11-13C,D: Fr m Bingham BJG, H awke M,
Saunders; 8-32, 8-35: Fr m Kumar V: Robbins basic pathology, ed 9, Kw k P: Atlas o clinical otolaryngology, St L uis, 1992, M sby-Year
Philadelphia, 2013, Saunders; 8-33: Fr m Br wner B, Jupiter J, B k; H ealth and Well-Being b x (Swimmers Ear, ph t ): Fr m
ra t n P: Skeletal trauma: basic science, management, and reconstruc- Z itelli, Davis: Atlas o pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 5, Philadelphia,
tion, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2003, Saunders; 8-34: Fr m Canale S : 2007, Elsevier, C urtesy Mi hael H awke, MD; S ien e Appli ati ns
Campbells operative orthopaedics, ed 9, St L uis, 1998, M sby; b x (Senses, art): J e Kulka.
8-38: Fr m Swartz MH : extb k physi al diagn sis, ed 6,
Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders; 8-39A: Fr m Callen JP, Paller AS, Ch a p t e r 1 2
Greer KE, et al: Color atlas o dermatology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, 12-5A: C urtesy R bert F Gagel, MD, and Ian M Cut he n, MD,
W B Saunders; 8-39B: Fr m H abi P: Clinical dermatology, ed 5, University exas M.D. Anders n Can er Center, H ust n, exas,
St L uis, 2010, M sby; Clini al Appli ati n b x ( tal H ip Re- In Bla k JM, H awks JH : M edical-surgical nursing: clinical manage-
pla ement, g): Fr m Canale S : Campbells operative orthopaedics, ed ment or positive outcomes, ed 8, St L uis, 2009, M sby; 12-5B, 12-11,
10, St L uis, 2003, M sby; H ealth and Well-Being b x (T e Knee 12-16: Fr m F rbes CD, Ja ks n W F: Color atlas and text o clinical
J int, Fig A): R lin Graphi s; S ien e Appli ati n b x (B nes and medicine, ed 3, Edinburgh, 2003, M sby; 12-9: Fr m Seidel NM,
J ints, art): J e Kulka; S ien e Appli ati n b x (B nes and J ints, Ball JW, Dains JE, Benedi t GW: M osbys guide to physical examina-
ph t ): Fr m Cummings N, Stanley-Green S, H iggs P: Perspectives tion, ed 4, St L uis, 1999; 12-10: Fr m Swartz MH : extbook o
in athletic training, St L uis, 2009, M sby; Clini al Appli ati n b x physical examination, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders; 12-15:
(Arthr s py, Fig A): Fr m Miller MD, H ward RF, Plan her KD: C urtesy G wer Medi al Publishers; Clini al Appli ati n b x (Syn-
Surgical atlas o sports medicine, Philadelphia, 2003, Saunders; Clini al theti H uman Insulin, ph t ): C urtesy Medtr ni , pl ; Clini al
Appli ati n b x (Arthr s py, Fig B): Fr m J hns n LL: Diagnostic Appli ati n b x (Syntheti H uman Insulin, art): Fr m C per K,
and surgical arthroscopy, ed 2, St L uis, 1981, M sby. G snell K: Adult H ealth Nursing, ed 7, St L uis, 2015, M sby; S i-
en e Appli ati ns b x (End rin l gy, art): J e Kulka.
Ch a p t e r 9
9-3C: C urtesy D r. H .E. H uxley; 9-5B: C urtesy D r. Paul C. Ch a p t e r 1 3
Let urneau, Department Anat my, Medi al S h l, University 13-1: Barbara C usins; 13-3A,B,C: Fr m Bevelander G , Ramalay
Minnes ta, MN; 9-10, 9-11, 9-12: J hn V. H agen; 9-13 (Ph t ): JA: Essentials o histology, ed 8, St L uis, 1979, M sby; 13-3D: Fr m
C urtesy Kellie W hite; 9-14: CD C: Publi H ealth Image Library: Z akus SM: Clinical procedures or medical assistants, ed 3, St L uis,
Image ID: 6373, http://phil. d .g v/phil/details.asp; S ien e 1995, M sby; 13-5: Fr m Carr J, R dak B: Clinical hematology atlas,
Appli ati n b x (Mus le Fun ti n, art): J e Kulka; Clini al Appli a- ed 2, St L uis, 2004, Elsevier; 13-6 (ph t s): Fr m Bel her AE:
ti n b x (Intramus ular Inje ti ns, ph t inset): Fr m Perry AG, Blood disorders, St L uis, 1993, M sby; 13-8: C urtesy D r. R bert
P tter PA, O stend r W R: Clinical nursing skills and techniques, ed 8, W. M Kenna, Department Path l gy, University exas S uth-
St L uis, 2014, M sby. western Medi al S h l, Dallas, X, In Kumar V, Abbas AK:
Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia,
Ch a p t e r 10 Saunders, 2010; 13-9: Dennis Strete; 13-12, 13-16: Fr m Kumar V:
10-2C: Dennis Strete; 10-5: Fr m Feldman M, Friedman L, Brandt Robbins basic pathology, ed 9, Philadelphia, 2013, Saunders; 13-13:
L: Sleisenger & Fordtrans gastrointestinal and liver disease, ed 8, C urtesy D r. JV Mel ; 13-14: C urtesy D r. R bert W M Kenna,
Philadelphia, 2006, Saunders; 10-13, 10-14 (ph t ): Fr m Vidi B, Department Path l gy, University exas S uthwestern Medi-
Suarez FR: Photographic atlas o the human body, St L uis, 1984, al S h l, Dallas, X, In Kumar V et al: Robbins basic pathology,
M sby; 10-15: Fr m Z itelli BJ, Davis H W: Atlas o pediatric physical ed 9, Philadelphia, 2013, Saunders; 13-15: Fr m H brand AV,
Illus tration/Photo Cre dits C-3

Pettit JE: Clinical haematology illustrated, Edinburgh/L nd n, 1987, Ch a p t e r 18

Chur hill Livingst ne/G wer Medi al Publisher; 13-17B: C py- 18-9A: Fr m Regezi JA, S iubba JJ, P grel MA: Atlas o oral and
right Dennis Kunkel Mi r s py, In ; 13-18: Fr m Kumar V, Abbas maxillo acial pathology, Philadelphia, 2000, Saunders; 18-9B: Fr m
AK, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Callen JP, Paller AS, Greer KE, et al: Color atlas o dermatology, ed 2,
Philadelphia, 2010, Elsevier; Clini al Appli ati n b x (Cardia Philadelphia, 2000, W B Saunders; 18-9C: Fr m Grundy JR, J nes
Bl d ests, g): Fr m Warek is R, R bins n R: Phlebotomy, ed 2, JG: A color atlas o clinical operative dentistry: crowns and bridges, ed 2,
St L uis, 2007, Saunders; S ien e Appli ati n b x (H emat l gy, L nd n, 1993, M sby-W l e; 18-9D: Fr m Christensen GJ: A con-
g): J e Kulka. sumers guide to dentistry, ed 2, St L uis, 2002, M sby; 18-9E: Fr m
Em nd R D, Welsby PD, R wland H AK: Colour atlas o in ectious
Ch a p t e r 14 diseases, ed 4, Edinburgh, 2003, M sby; 18-10A: Fr m W ils n SF,
14-4: Fr m Kumar V, Abbas AK, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran Giddens JF: Health assessment or nursing practice, ed 2, St L uis,
pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010, Elsevier; 14-12: 2001, M sby; 18-10B: Fr m Greig JD, Garden OJ: Color atlas o
Barbara C usins; 14-14: Fr m Libby P, B n w RO, Mann DL, surgical diagnosis, L nd n, 1996, imes Mirr r Internati nal Pub-
Z ipes DP: Braunwalds heart disease: a textbook o cardiovascular lishers; 18-13: C pyright Kevin Patt n, Li n Den In , Weld n
medicine, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2008, Saunders; 14-17: C urtesy Spring, MO ; 18-17B: Fr m Weir J, Abrahams PH , Spratt JD,
Patri ia Kane, Indiana University Medi al S h l; Clini al Appli a- Salk wski LR: Imaging atlas o human anatomy, ed 4, M sby Elsevier
ti n b x (E h ardi graphy, ph t ): Fr m F rbes, CD: Color atlas Ltd, 2011; 18-17C, 18-18 (x-ray nly): Fr m Abrahams PH , B n
and text o clinical medicine, ed 3, Edinburgh, 2003, M sby; Clini al JM, Spratt JD, et al: M cM inns color atlas o human anatomy, ed 6,
Appli ati n b x (Angi graphy, g): Fr m G ldman L, Ausiell D: Edinburgh, 2008, M sby; 18-19: C urtesy T mps n JM, W ils n
Cecil textbook o medicine, ed 23, Philadelphia, 2008, Saunders; SF: Health assessment or nursing practice, St L uis 1996, M sby;
S ien e Appli ati n b x (Cardi l gy, art): J e Kulka; Unn 18-20: Fr m Kumar V, Abbas AK, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran
14-3B:Fr m http://www.bls.g v/ h/health are/diagn sti -medi al- pathologic basis o disease, ed 6, Philadelphia, 1999, Elsevier; 18-21:
s n graphers.htm#tab-3. Fr m Vidi B, Suarez RF: Photographic atlas o the human body, St
L uis, 1984, M sby; 18-22B: Fr m Abrahams PH , B n JM, Spratt
Ch a p t e r 15 JD, et al: M cM inns color atlas o human anatomy, ed 6, Edinburgh,
Clini al Appli ati n b x (Raynaud Phen men n, ph t ): Fr m 2008, M sby; 18-22C: Fr m H euman DM, Mills AS, M G uire
Barkauskas VH , Baumann LC, Darling-Fisher CS: Health and H H : Gastroenterology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders; 18-22D:
physical assessment, ed 3, St L uis, 2002, M sby; S ien e Appli a- Fr m Z itelli BJ, Davis H W: Atlas o pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 3,
ti ns b x (Cir ulati n the Bl d, art): J e Kulka; S ien e Appli a- Philadelphia, 1997, M sby; 18-24 (ph t ): Fr m Swartz MH : ext-
ti ns b x (Cir ulati n the Bl d, ph t ): Fr m Warek is, R, book o physical diagnosis, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders; 18-25:
R bins n, R: Phlebotomy: worktext and procedures manual, ed 3, Barbara C usins; Clini al Appli ati n b x (Mumps, ph t ): C ur-
St L uis, 2012, Saunders. tesy GDW M Kendri k, In Zitelli BJ, Davis H W: Atlas o pediatric
physical diagnosis, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2007, M sby; Clini al Appli a-
Ch a p t e r 16 ti n b x (Upper Gastr intestinal X-ray Study, ph t ): Ph t
16-1, inset: D rake RL et al: Grays anatomy or students, ed 3, Resear hers, In .; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Gastr enter l gy, art):
Philadelphia, 2015, Chur hill-Livingst ne; 16-3: C urtesy Walter J e Kulka.
unnesen, MD, T e Ameri an B ard Pediatri s, Chapel H ill, NC;
16-4: Fr m Z itelli B, M Intire SC, N walk AJ: Atlas o pediatric Ch a p t e r 19
physical diagnosis, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2012, M sby; 16-5: Fr m 19-1: Fr m the U.S. Department Agri ulture, Center r
G ldstein B, edit r: Practical dermatology, ed 2, St L uis, 1997, Nutriti n P li y and Pr m ti n, USDAs MyPlate (website):
M sby; 16-7: Fr m Ballinger P, Frank E: M errills atlas o radio- www. h semyplate.g v, a essed August 29, 2016; 19-4: Adapted
graphic positions and radiologic procedures, v l 1, ed 11, St L uis, 2007, r m Carr ll R: Elseviers integrated physiology, Philadelphia, 2007,
M sby; 16-8: Fr m Ball JW, Dains JE, Flynn JA, et al: Seidels guide M sby; 19-6: Fr m M rgan SL, Weinsier RL: Fundamentals o
to physical examination, ed 8, St L uis, 2015, M sby; 16-14: C urtesy clinical nutrition, ed 2, St L uis, 1998, M sby; 19-8A: C urtesy
D r. Y-J Liu, MD, Anders n Can er Center, H ust n, X, In D r. J nathan Spe t r, B st n, MA, In Z itelli BJ, M Intire SC,
Abbas A, Li htman A: Cellular and molecular immunology, ed 8, N walk AJ: Z itelli and Davis atlas o pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 6,
Philadelphia, 2015, Saunders; 16-15: C pyright Dennis Kunkel Philadelphia, 2012, M sby; 19-8B: Fr m Z itelli BJ, M Intire SC,
Mi r s py In .; 16-19: Fr m Ceri R, Ja ks n W F: Colour atlas o N walk AJ: Z itelli and Davis atlas o pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 6,
allergic skin disorders, L nd n, 1992, M sby-W l e; 16-20: Fr m Philadelphia, 2012, M sby; H ealth and Well-Being b x (Carb hy-
H abi P: Clinical dermatology: a color guide to diagnosis and therapy, drate L ading, ph t ): i-st k; S ien e Appli ati n b x (F d
ed 3, St L uis, 1996, M sby; Clini al Appli ati n b x (Inter er n, S ien e, art): J e Kulka.
ph t s): Nati nal Can er Institute; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Va -
ines, art): J e Kulka. Ch a p t e r 2 0
20-1B: Fr m Abrahams P, H ut hings R , Marks SC: M cM inns color
Ch a p t e r 17 atlas o human anatomy, ed 5, St L uis, 2003, M sby; 20-2B: Fr m
17-1: Barbara C usins; 17-6C: Fr m C x JD: R adiation oncology, Abrahams P, Marks S, H ut hings R: M cM inns color atlas o human
ed 9, Philadelphia, 2010, M sby; 17-8: Netw rk Graphi s; 17-13: anatomy, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2008, M sby; 20-4: C urtesy Andrew P.
Fr m Kumar V, Abbas A, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran pathologic Evan, Indiana University S h l Medi ine; 20-10: Fr m elser A,
basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders; Clini al Appli a- Y ung J, Baldwin K: Elseviers integrated histology, Philadelphia, 2008,
ti n b x (Keeping the ra hea Open, gs): C urtesy Andrew P. M sby; 20-12: Fr m Kumar V, Abbas A, Faust N: Robbins and
Evan, Indiana University S h l Medi ine; S ien e Appli ati n Cotran pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders;
b x (Respirat ry Medi ine, art): J e Kulka. 20-13: C urtesy D r. E. M sher, Brigham and W mens H spital,
C-4 Illus tration/Photo Cre dits

B st n, MA, In Kumar V, Abbas AK, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010, Saunders; 23-17: C urtesy
pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010, Elsevier; 20-14B: D r. Edmund S Cibas, Department Path l gy, Brigham & W m-
C urtesy B. Bra ken, MD, Cin innati, Ohi , In Weiss MA, Mills ens H spital, B st n, In Kumar V, Abbas AK, Faust N: Robbins and
SE: Atlas o genitourinary tract disorders, Philadelphia, 1988, J.B. Cotran pathologic basis o disease, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2010, Elsevier;
Lippin tt/G wer Medi al Publishing; 20-15: Fr m Kumar V, S ien e Appli ati n b x (Repr du tive S ien es, art): J e Kulka.
Abbas AK, Faust N, Mit hell RN: Robbins basic pathology, ed 7,
Philadelphia, 2007, Saunders; able 20-2 (ph t ): Fr m B newit- Ch a p t e r 2 4
West K: Clinical procedures or medical assistants, ed 8, St L uis, 24-1B, 24-6: Lennart Nilss n, Albert B nniers F rlag AB,
Saunders, 2011; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Fighting In e ti n, art): St kh lm Sweden; 24-3: C urtesy Lu inda L Vee k, J nes Insti-
J e Kulka; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Fighting In e ti n, ph t ): tute r Repr du tive Medi ine, N r lk, VA; 24-5B: Fr m Kumar
C pyright M sbys Clini al Skills: Essentials C lle ti n. V, Abbas AK, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis o disease,
ed 7, Philadelphia, 2005, Elsevier; 24-12: C urtesy Karen urner;
Ch a p t e r 2 1 24-13A: Fr m H kenberry MJ, W ils n D: Wongs essentials o pedi-
21-6: C pyright Kevin Patt n, Li n Den In , Weld n Spring, MO ; atric nursing, ed 8, St L uis, 2009, M sby; 24-13B, Resear h, Issues,
21-8: Fr m Fritz S: M osbys undamentals o therapeutic massage, ed 5, and rends b x (Antenatal Diagn sis and reatment, gs A,B,C):
St L uis, 2013, M sby; 21-11: M di ed r m G ldman L, S ha er C pyright Kevin Patt n, Li n Den In , Weld n Spring, MO; 24-14:
AI: Goldmans Cecil medicine, ed 24, Philadelphia, 2012, Saunders; Fr m Mahan LK, Es tt-Stump S: Krauses ood & nutrition therapy,
Clini al Appli ati n b x (Edema, ph t ): Fr m Bl m A, Ireland J: ed 12, St L uis, 2008, Elsevier; Resear h, Issues, and rends b x
Color atlas o diabetes, ed 2, St L uis, 1992, M sby; S ien e Appli a- (Freezing Umbili al C rd Bl d, ph t ): C urtesy Craig B r k,
ti ns b x (T e C nstan y the B dy, art): J e Kulka; S ien e St Paul Pi neer Press; Resear h, Issues, and rends b x (Fetal
Appli ati ns b x (T e C nstan y the B dy, ph t ): C pyright Al h l, ph t ): C urtesy Claus Sim n/Mi hael Janner; Re-
M sbys Clini al Skills: Essentials C lle ti n. sear h, Issues, and rends b x (Pr geria, ph t ): C urtesy the
Pr geria Resear h F undati n; Peab dy, Massa husetts http://www
Ch a p t e r 2 2 .pr geriaresear h. rg; S ien e Appli ati n b x (Embry l gy, art):
S ien e Appli ati ns b x (T e B dy in Balan e, art): J e Kulka; J e Kulka.
S ien e Appli ati ns b x (T e B dy in Balan e, ph t ): US Navy, Ch a p t e r 2 5
Q u te (p. 685): Matt Ridley: Genome: the autobiography o a species in
Ch a p t e r 2 3 23 chapters; 25-9A: C urtesy L is M G avran, Denver Childrens
23-2A: Lennart Nilss n, Albert B nniers F rlag AB, St kh lm H spital; 25-9B: Fr m Z itelli BJ, Davis H W: Atlas o pediatric physi-
Sweden; 23-5A: Car lyn C ulam and J hn A M Intyre; 23-6: Fr m cal diagnosis, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2007, M sby; 25-10, 25-11B: C ur-
Abraham PH , B n JM, Spratt JD: M cM inns clinical atlas o human tesy Nan y S Wexler, PhD, C lumbia University; 25-11A: Fr m
anatomy, ed 6, Edinburgh, 2008, M sby; 23-7B: Fr m Vidi B, Llewellyn-J nes D, O ats J, Abraham S: Fundamentals o obstetrics and
Suarez FR: Photographic atlas o the human body, St L uis, 1984, gynaecology, ed 9, Edinburgh, 2010, M sby; S ien e Appli ati n b x
M sby; 23-8: Fr m Z itelli BJ, M Intire SC, N walk AJ: Atlas o (Geneti s and Gen mi s, art): J e Kulka.
pediatric diagnosis, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2012, M sby; 23-16: Fr m
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Faust N: Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis All hapter pening art used by permissi n Shutterst k. m.
A A r s me, 621 Age gr up, p pulati n pr je ti ns by, 665t
ABCDE rule, r malignant melan ma, 164t A ti n p tential, 256 Age-related ma ular degenerati n (AMD),
Abd men A tive immunity, 438 302
arteries in, 410t A tive transp rt pr esses, 5355, 54t Agglutinated bl d, 356
veins in, 411t A ute ba terial njun tivitis, 300 Aging, 667670
Abd minal a rta, 410 , 413 , 556 A ute br n hitis, 470471 e e ts , 668670
Abd minal regi n, 12t A ute gl merul nephritis, 570571 me hanisms , 667668
Abd minal thrusts, 467b A ute lymph yti leukemia, 363364, 364 Aging pr ess, 16
Abd min pelvi quadrants, 9, 10 A ute myel id leukemia, 364 Agranular leuk ytes, 361 , 362
Abd min pelvi regi ns, 10 A ute renal ailure, 571572 Air ex hange, in pulm nary v lume, 474
Abdu ens nerve (CN VI), 271t, 272 A ute - ell lymph yti leukemia Albinism, e10t, 150, 687t
Abdu ti n, 228 (A LL), e1t inheritan e , 682, 683
j int, 199t Adams apple, 464, 464 Albumin
Abdu t rs, 229t Adaptati n, 309 n rmal values, e19t
Abn rmal bl d l ts, 365 Adaptive immunity, 436t, 437438 as plasma v lume expander, 350
Abn rmal nail stru ture, 154 types , 438, 438t in urine, e22t
ABO system, 355356, 356 Addis n disease, 334, 334 Ald ster ne, 322323t, 332, 563, 587, 587
Ab rti n, sp ntane us, 662 as aut immune disease, e9t Ald ster nism, e7t
Abrasi n burn, e6t as end rine nditi ns, e7t Alkaline ph sphatase, n rmal values, e19t
Abrupti pla entae, 662, 662 Addu ti n, 228 Alkal sis, 31, 607
Abs rpti n, 494495, 495t, 519520 j int, 199t Allergy, 445
me hanisms , 519520, 519 Addu t r l ngus, 231 , 234t All immunity, 446447
in small intestine, 508 Addu t r magnus, 231 Al pe ia, 152
sur a e area and, 520 Addu t r mus les, 229t, 234, 234t Al pe ia areata (AA), 152
A ess ry nerve (CN XI), 271t, 272 Adenine, 35 Alpha ells (A ells), 334335, 335
A ess ry repr du tive rgans Aden ar in ma, 129, 512 Alve lar du t, 460
emale, 627t Aden br ma, 129 Alve lar sa , 467, 467
male, 618t Aden hyp physis, 326 Alve li, 460 , 467468, 467 , 468 , 631632,
A ess ry sex glands Aden ids, 435, 463 632
emale, 631632 Aden ma, 129 Alzheimer disease (AD), e1t, 265, 265
male, 623, 623 Aden sine deaminase (ADA) de ien y, 693 Amebas, 123
A idents, e1t Aden sine diph sphate (ADP), 35, 536 Amebiasis, e5t
A etabulum, 191193 Aden sine triph sphate (A P), 35, 35 , 47 Amebi dysentery, e5t
A et a etate, in urine, e22t aging and, 668 Amen rrhea, 635
A et ne, in urine, e22t in arb hydrate metab lism, 535536, 536 in emale athletes, 636b
A etyl C A, 535 heat pr du ti n and, 224 Amin a ids, 33, 538
A etyl gr ups, 688 mus le ntra ti n and, 222 Amm nia, in urine, e22t
A etyl h line (ACh), 257258 Aden virus, 118 Amni entesis, 690691, 692
A id-base balan e, 600615 Adip se tissue, 78, 78 , 79t Amni ti avity, 654656
bu ers, 603606 Ad les en e, gr wth and devel pment, 666 Amni ti sa , 660
pH in Adrenal rtex, 331333 Amphiarthr ses, 196197
b dy f uids, 601602 h rm nes , 322323t Ampulla, 306, 306
imbalan es , 607 Adrenal glands, 96 , 331334, 332 Anab li ster ids, 227, 325b
respirat ry me hanisms ntr l r, 606 h rm nes , 322323t Anab lism, 533
urinary me hanisms ntr l r, Adrenal medulla, 333334 glu se, 536
606607 Adrenal sex h rm nes, 333 Anaer bi ba teria, 120
A id ph sphatase, n rmal values, e19t Adrenergi bers, 278, 278 Anal anal, 512513
A idi hyme, 506 Adren rti tr pi h rm ne (AC H ), Anal sphin ter, 514
A idi ati n urine, 606 322323t, 326 Anaphase, 60
A id sis, 31, 607 Adult p ly ysti kidney disease, 573 Anaphyla ti sh k, 421
A ids, 30 Adult respirat ry distress syndr me (ARDS), Anaplasia, 61 , 61t, 62
indigesti n, 503 469 Anat mi al mpass r sette, 8
A ne, 155, 155 Adult stem ells, 61b Anat mi al dire ti ns, 78
A quired immune de ien y, 448 Adulth d, gr wth and devel pment, 666667 Anat mi al dis rders, upper respirat ry tra t,
A quired immun de ien y syndr me Aer bi ba teria, 120 465466
(AIDS), e1t, 640t A erent arteri le, 557, 558 Anat mi al p siti n, 7, 7
A r megaly, e7t, 327, 327 A erent lymphati vessel, 433, 433 Anat my, 3
Age m dern, 6b
and kidney un ti n, 560b Andr gen insensitivity, e10t
Page numbers ll wed by b, t, and indi ate as risk a t r r disease, 117 Andr gens, 322323t
b xes, tables, and gures, respe tively. r le in ausing an er, 130 Andr pause, 670

I-2 Index

Anemia, 358361 Ar h a rta, 380 , 410 Auri le, 302, 303

aplasti , 359 Ar haea, 122 atrial, 380 , 381
de ien y anemias, 359360 Ar hes, t, 194 Aut immunity, 116, 445446
hem lyti , 360361 Are la, 150, 632 Aut mati external de brillat rs (AEDs), 392
hem rrhagi , 358 Are lar nne tive tissue, 78, 78 Aut n mi ndu ti n paths, 276, 276
si kle ell, 360, 360 Are lar glands, 632 Aut n mi nerv us system, 274279
Aneurysm, 406407 Arm aut n mi ndu ti n paths, 276
Angina pe t ris, 386 arti ial, 103 aut n mi neur transmitters, 277278
Angi graphy, 386b, 386 mus les , gr uped a rding t un ti n, dis rders , 278279
Angi plasty, 406 229t un ti nal anat my, 275
ball n, 407 right, 191 parasympatheti divisi n, 277
Animal star h, 536 Arre t r pili mus le, 153 sympatheti divisi n, 276277
Ani ns, 589, 590 Arterial bl d gas analysis, 610b, 610t Aut psy, 12b
An rexia, 505 Arteries, 404 Aut s mes, 681
An rexia nerv sa, 543 dis rders , 406407 Avitamin sis, 539
Antebra hial regi n, 12t umbili al, 413 Avitamin sis K, e10t
Antenatal medi ine, 663b, 663 Arteri les, 405 Avulsi n ra tures, 196b, 196 , 205
Anteri r dire ti n b dy, 7, 8 a erent, 557, 558 Axial skelet n, 180189, 181t
Anteri r pituitary gland h rm nes, 326327, e erent, 557, 558 , 559 skull, 181185
328 pulm nary, 467 spine (vertebral lumn), 186189
Anteri r tibial artery, 410 Arteri s ler sis, 406, 407 , 669 th rax, 189
Anteri r tibial vein, 411 Arthritis Axillary artery, 410
Anthrax, e2t, 128b, 128 g uty, 206207 Axillary lymph n des, 430
Antibi ti drugs, 127128 in e ti us, 207 Axillary regi n, 12t
Antibi ti resistan e, 127 rheumat id, 205 Axillary vein, 411
Antib dies, 439440 types , 206 Axis, 186, 187
in bl d typing, 355, 358t Arthr p ds, 124, 124t Ax n, 83, 250, 253
de niti n , 439 Arthr s py, 208b, 208 demyelinated, 252
un ti ns , 439440, 439 Arti ular artilage, 177, 198
Antib dy-mediated immunity, 439 Arti ular pr esses, lumbar vertebra, 186 B
Antib dy titer, 447 Arti ulati ns. see J ints B ells, 442443
Anti agulant therapy, 365366 Arti ial rgans, 101104 devel pment , 442
Anti agulants, 394b Arti ial pa emaker, 390, 392 un ti n , 443
Anti nvulsive drugs, 266 As ariasis, e5t B- mplex vitamins, 540t
Antidepressants, 258b Ascaris rganisms, 124t B lymph ytes, 351t, 362
Antidiureti h rm ne (ADH ), 262, 322323t, As ending a rta, 380 , 413 Ba illi, 121, 121t
328, 563, 587 As ending l n, 412 , 512513 Ba teria
Antigen, 439 As ending tra ts, spinal rd, 267, 268 disease aused by, 120122, 121 , 121t,
in bl d typing, 355, 358t As ites, 517, 517 127t
Antigen-presenting ells (APCs), 441 As rbi a id, 540t in urine, e22t
Antiplatelet agents, 394b Aspergill sis, e4t Ba terial njun tivitis, a ute, e2t
Antisepsis, 125t Aspergillus rganisms, 123 , 123t Balan e
Antiviral drugs, 128 Aspirati n bi psy yt l gy (ABC), 352 a id-base. see A id-base balan e
Anuria, 563 Assimilati n, 533 b dy un ti ns, 1416
Anus, 99 , 619 , 628 Asthma, 472473 Balantidiasis, e5t
A rta, 97 , 104 Astigmatism, 299 Ball-and-s ket j ints, 198
abd minal, 410 , 556 Astr ytes, 251 Ball n angi plasty, 407
ar h , 380 Atele tasis, 470 Banting, Frederi k, 338
A rti semilunar valve, 381 , 383 Ather s ler sis, 33, 33b, 406, 407 , 669 Bariatri s, 510
Apex, ardia , 379380, 380 Athletes t, 158159t Barrett es phagus, 503
Apgar s re, 661 Atlas, 186, 187 Barth lin gland, 633
Api al heart beat, 380 At mi mass, 25 Basal ell ar in ma, 164, 164
Aplasti anemia, 359 At mi number, 25 Basal metab li rate (BMR), 541
Apnea, 478t At ms, 2526, 26 Basal nu lei, 262
Ap rine, 154 Atria, ardia , 380381, 381 Basement membrane, 146
Ap rine sweat glands, 154 Atrial ablati n, 392 veins, 404
Ap pt sis, 667 Atrial ntra ti n, 382 Bases, 30
Appendages, 145 premature, 390 Basili vein, 411
Appendi itis, 516 Atrial brillati n, 390, 391 Bas phils, 351t, 362
Appendi ular skelet n, 180, 181t, 190194 Atrial f utter (AFL), 392 n rmal values, e19t
upper extremity, 190191 Atrial natriureti h rm ne (ANH ), 322323t, Beaum nt, W illiam, 520
Appendix, 99 , 412 , 513 , 515516 339, 563, 587 Beds re, 158159t, 161162
Appetite, a t rs that inf uen e, 542t Atr phy, 13, 61, 61 , 61t Bee tapew rm in estati n, e5t
Aque us hum r, 296297 disuse, 228 Bell palsy, 273
Aque us s luti n, 29 skin, 158159t Benign pr stati hypertr phy (BPH ), 625
Arachnida rganisms, 124t Atta hments skeletal mus le, 221 Benign tum rs, 62
Ara hn id mater, 268, 269 Audit ry ass iati n area, 263 mpared with malignant tum rs, 128129,
Arb r vitae, 260, 261 Audit ry tube, 303 , 304 129t
Index I-3

Benign uterine tum rs, 637 red bl d ells (RBCs), 352358 B ne ement, in vertebr plasty, 188b
Beriberi, e10t white bl d ells (W BCs), 361362 B ne ra tures, e6t, 204
Bernard, Claude, 593 Bl d d ping, 354b repair , 205
Best, Charles, 338 Bl d f w types , 203204
Beta-adrenergi bl kers, 394b hanges in, during exer ise, 417b B ne marr w
Beta ells (B ells), 334335, 335 resistan e t , 416 red, 98 , 176, 352, 430
Bi arb nate, n rmal values, e19t thr ugh heart, 384385 transplant, 352
Bi arb nate i ns (H CO 3 ), 481 Bl d gases, h me stasis , 475 yell w, 176
Bi arb nate l ading, 606b Bl d plasma, 349, 350351 B ne tissue stru ture, 177
Bi eps bra hii mus le, 95 , 229t, 231 , 233t Bl d pressure B nes, 79t, 80, 80 , 208b, 208
Bi eps em ris, 231 , 234t apillary, 588, 590b arti ulati n , 196
Bi uspid valve, 381 , 383 de niti n , 414 devel pment , 177180
Bi uspids, 497 a t rs that inf uen e, 414416, 416 gr ss stru ture , 176177
Bilateral symmetry, 7 f u tuati ns in, 417418 in e ti n, 202
Bile readings, 418b, 418 making and rem deling, 177179
s dium- ntaining, 591 Bl d pressure gradient, 414 mi r s pi stru ture , 177, 178
in urine, e22t Bl d pr teins, 534 rem deling, 179
Biliary li , 510 Bl d serum, 351 skull, 181185, 183t
Bilirubin, in urine, e22t Bl d tests tum rs, 200, 200
Bi hemistry, 25, 36b r an er, 132133 vertebral lumn, 187t
Bi psy, 132 ardia , 351b B ny labyrinth, 304, 305
aspirati n bi psy yt l gy (ABC), 352 CBC, 353b B ny landmarks, palpable, 192b
r kidney, 569 WBC unt, 362 Borrelia burgdor eri, 127t
Bi terr rism, 128b Bl d tissue, 79t, 80, 81 B tulism, e2t
Bi tin, 540t Bl d types, 355358 B u hard n des, 205
Birth, 658661 ABO system, 355356, 356 B vine sp ngi rm en ephal pathy (BSE),
de e ts , 663 Rh system, 356 120
multiple, 661, 661 Bl d urea nitr gen (BUN) test, 572 B wman apsule, 557, 558
parturiti n, 658, 660 Bl d values, e19t Bra hial artery, 410 , 419
stages lab r, 660 , 661 Bl d vessels, 403406 Bra hial regi n, 12t
Birthmarks, 151 diseases , e1t Bra hial veins, 411
Bites, e5t dis rders , 406408 Bra hialis, 231 , 233t
Bladder arteries, 406407 Bra hi ephali artery, 410
neur geni , 566567 veins, 408 Bra hi ephali veins, 411
vera tive, 570 un ti ns , 405406 Bra hytherapy, 625
Bladder an er, 567, 570 heart, 380 Brady ardia, 390, 391
Blast yst, 654, 655 , 656 stru ture , 404405 Brain, 96 , 260264
Blast my sis, e4t types , 403404 verings and f uid spa es, 268270
Bleeding, dys un ti nal uterine, 635636 water utput, 586 divisi ns , 260
Blind sp t, nding, 297b, 297 Bl d v lume, 414415 Brain dis rders
Bl d, 348377 B dy, 223 destru ti n brain tissue, 264266
ir ulati n , 402427, 420b, 420 nstan y , 593b, 593 seizure dis rders, 266
etal, 412414, 413 rgan systems , 93100, 102103t Brainstem, 260, 264t
hepati p rtal, 409410, 412 st ma h, 504 respirat ry ntr l enters, 475
systemi and pulm nary, 408409, 409 uterus, 628 Breasts, 100 , 631632
disease, me hanisms , 352 as a wh le, 101 an er, 637638
ex hange b dy f uids by, 588 B dy avities, 911, 9 , 10t emale, 632
n rmal and agglutinated, 356 rgans , 11 lymphati drainage , 434
pH , 602 B dy f uids lymphedema a ter breast surgery, 434b
transp rtati n gases, 480481 mpartments, 584585 milk-se reting ells, 631632, 632
umbili al rd, reezing , 659b, 659 imp rtan e ele tr lytes, 589 Breathing
vis sity , 416 i ns in, 28t me hani s , 473474, 475
Bl d-brain barrier (BBB), 256b, 256 pH , 601602 patterns, 477478
Bl d asts, in urine, e22t ntr l me hanisms, 602603 Bree h birth, 658
Bl d l tting, 366 v lumes, 584, 584 Brittle b ne disease, 202
platelets and, 365 B dy membranes, 145147 Br a area, 263
in skin repair, 157 types , 146 Br n hi, 98
Bl d l tting dis rders, 365368 B dy pr p rti ns, devel pmental hanges in, primary, 460 , 466
abn rmal bl d l ts, 365 664665, 664 se ndary, 467
hem philia, 366368 B dy regi ns, 1113 Br n hial tree, 466467
thr mb yt penia, 368 B dy sur a e area, estimating, 161 Br n hi les, 460 , 467
vitamin K de ien y, 368 B dy temperature, 544546 Br n hitis
Bl d mp siti n, 349352 abn rmal, 545546 a ute, 470471
bl d tissue, 349350 range , 546 hr ni , 472, 472
lasses bl d ells, 351t therm regulati n in, 544545, 544 , 545 Br wn at, 79t
rmed elements, 349, 351 B hr, Christian, 482b, 482 Bru ell sis, e2t
lip pr teins, 33b B ils, 161 Bruising skin, 155
plasma, 349, 350351 B lus, 497, 502 Bu al regi n, 12t
I-4 Index

Bu ers, 31, 603606 Carb hydrate digesti n, 518 Cell-mediated immunity, 443
Bu y at, 353 Carb hydrate l ading, 536b Cell membranes, 5056
Bulb id rpus le (Krause rpus le), 292t Carb hydrate metab lism, 535537 a tive transp rt pr esses, 5355, 54t
Bulb urethral gland, 565 , 619 , 623 A P, 535536, 536 ell transp rt and disease, 5556
Bulb us rpus les (Ru ni rpus le), 292t glu se anab lism, 536 passive transp rt pr esses, 5153, 51t
Bulimarexia, 543 glu se atab lism, 535, 535 Cells, 4269
Bulimia, 543 regulati n , 536537, 537 mp siti n , 44
Burns, e6t Carb hydrates, 31, 31 des ripti n , 6
lassi ati n and severity, 157161 Carb n di xide, n rmal values, e19t un ti n and stru ture, 50
depth lassi ati n , 160 Carb n di xide (CO 2) immune system, 440443
Bursae, 147, 220 in bl d ir ulati n, 385 innate and adaptive immunity, 436t
Bursitis, 236 bl d transp rtati n , 481 nerv us system, 250253
in hem gl bin, 354 parts , 4450
C partial pressure, 478 size and shape, 4344
Ca hexia, 133 transp rt , 481 stru ture , 45
Cal aneus, 193 Carb ni a id, bu ering a ti n , 604 Census Bureau, p pulati n pr je ti ns, 665t
Cal i er l, 540t Carb ni anhydrase (CA), 602603 Centers r Disease C ntr l and Preventi n
Cal it nin (C ), 322323t, 329, 330331, Car in gens, r le in ausing an er, 130 (CD C), 114b
331 Cardia arrest, and respirat ry a id sis, 609b Central nerv us system (CNS), 95, 259270,
Cal ium, 541t Cardia dysrhythmia, 389392 260
imbalan e, 592593, 592t Cardia enzymes, 351b aging e e ts, 669
n rmal values, e19t Cardia mus le tissue, 82, 82t, 83 , 95, 220 Central sul us, 263
st rage in b nes, 176 Cardia utput, 392394, 393 Central ven us bl d pressure, 418
in urine, e22t Cardia tamp nade, 382 Centri les, 46t, 48
Cal ium- hannel bl kers, 394, 394b Cardia tr p nins, 351b Centr s me, 48
Cal ium i ns, thin laments and, 222 Cardia vein, 380 Cephali regi n, 12t
Cal uli Cardi geni sh k, 421 Cephali vein, 411
renal, 567, 569 Cardi l gy, 392b, 392 Cerebellum, 260261, 261 , 264t
Stagh rn, 567 Cardi my pathy, e9t, 394 Cerebral rtex, 261 , 262
Callus, 204, 205 Cardi pulm nary resus itati n (CPR), 380 ntr l respirati n, 476
Cal rie, 537b Cardi vas ular system, 9697, 97 Cerebral palsy, 264265, 265
Calyx, 557 aging e e ts in, 669 Cerebr spinal f uid spa es, 269270, 269 , 270
Canali uli, 177 bl d f w thr ugh, 385 , 409 Cerebr vas ular a ident (CVA), 264, 407
Can ell us b ne, 79t, 80, 177 Car tid artery, 419 Cerebrum, 262264, 263 , 264t
Can er, e1t, e6t, 62 , 637638 Car tid b dy re ept rs, 477 Cerumen, 303, 304
bladder, 567, 570 Carpal b nes, 94 , 190t Cerumin us glands, 303
breast, 637638 Carpal regi n, 12t Cervi al an er, e1t
auses , 130131 Carpal tunnel syndr me, 236 Cervi al lymph n des, 430
dete ting, 131133 Carrier, geneti , 682683 Cervi al regi n, 12t
rms , 130t Cartilage, 79t, 80, 80 Cervi al vertebrae, 182 , 267
geneti basis , 688b arti ular, 177 Cervix, 628 , 660
lung, 473 stal, 189 Cesarean se ti n, 658
in m uth, 499500 mi r s pi stru ture, 177 CF transmembrane ndu tan e regulat r
varian, 638 thyr id, 464 (CF R), 686
path genesis , 131134 tissue, 178 Chambers, heart, 380381
pr state, 625 stru ture, 177 Chan r id, 640t
s reening, 101b tum rs, 200201 Chemi al b nding, 2728
skin, 163165 Carver, Ge rge Washingt n, 539 valent b nds, 2728, 28
stages and grades , 133 Catab lism, 533 hydr gen b nds, 28, 29
st ma h, 506 glu se, 535 i ni b nds, 27, 28
testi ular, 625 nutrients, 538 Chemi al digesti n, 517, 518t
treatment, 133134 tissue, 586 Chemi al rmula, 27
Candida rganisms, 123t, 501 water rmed by, 586t Chemi al level rganizati n, 5
Candidiasis, e4t, 640t Catara ts, 300, 300 , 669 Chemi al rganizati nal levels, 2527
Canine teeth, 497 Cate h lamines, 257258 at ms, 2526
Cann n, Walter Brad rd, 603b, 603 Catheterizati n, urinary, 566b, 566 elements, m le ules and mp unds, 2627
Capillaries, 405 Cati ns, 589, 590 Chemi al rea ti ns, 29
lymphati , 431 Cavity, 500 Chemi als, innate and adaptive immunity,
neur glia and, 251 Ce um, 512 436t
peritubular, 559 Celia artery, 410 Chemistry
Capillary beds, 404 Cell bi l gy, 62b in rgani , 2931
Capillary bl d pressure, 588, 590b Cell b dy, 250, 251 li e, 2441
Capillary ex hange, 405406, 406 Cell divisi n, 60 rgani , 3135
Capitulum, 191 abn rmal, 130 Chem re ept rs, 292
Capsule Cell extensi ns, 4849, 49 inf uen ing respirati n, 476
gl merular, 557, 560 Cell gr wth, 5659 Chem ref exes, 476477
kidney, 557 hanges in, 6062, 61 Chem therapy, 133134
Carbamin hem gl bin (H bCO 2), 354, 481 Cell li e y le, 59, 60 r breast an er, 637
Index I-5

Cheyne-St kes respirati n (CSR), 478, 478t Cisterna hyli, 430 , 432 C nne tive tissue, 7681, 79t
Chi kenp x (vari ella), e1t Citri a id y le, 535 bl d tissue, 79t, 80, 81
Childbed ever, 663 Claude, Bernard, 593b b ne, 79t, 80, 80
Childh d, gr wth and devel pment, 666 Clavi le, 94 , 190, 190t artilage, 80, 80
Chlamydia, 640t Cle t lip, 501, 501 ells and matrix, 78
Chlamydia trachomatis, 300 Cle t palate, 501, 501 atty, in heart, 381
Chlamydial njun tivitis r tra h ma, 300 X-linked rm, e10t br us, 7880
Chl ride, n rmal values, e19t Clit ris, 628 , 633, 633 hemat p ieti tissue, 79t, 81
Chl ride i n, 27 Cl ne, 442 membranes, 146, 147
Chl rine (Cl), 541t Cl sed ra tures, 203 types , 78, 79t
Ch king, ve-and- ve res ue r, 467b, 467 Cl tting time, bl d, e19t C nstipati n, 514
Ch le yste t my, 510 C balt (C ), 541t C nta t dermatitis, 163, 163 , 446
Ch le ystitis, 509 C i, 121, 121 , 121t C ntinu us ambulat ry perit neal dialysis
Ch led h lithiasis, 510 Coccidioides rganisms, 123t (CAPD), 572b, 572
Ch lelithiasis, 509 C idi id my sis, e4t C ntra ti n
Ch lera, e2t, 56 C ygeal nerve, 267 atrial, 382
Ch lester l, 33, 44, 539b, 539 C yx, 186187, 267 heart, strength , 415
Ch linergi bers, 277278, 278 C hlea, 304, 305 mus le, 222 , 227
Ch ndr ytes, 177, 178 C hlear implant, 103 is metri , 226
Ch ndr ma, 129 C d minan e, 683 is t ni , 226
Ch ndr sar ma, 200201 C litis, 514 twit h and tetani , 225226
Ch rdae tendineae, 381 , 383 C llagen, 72 premature, 390
Ch ri n, 337 C lle ting du t (CD), 558, 559 , 560 ventri ular, 382 , 386
devel ping, 654655, 656 C ll id, 329 C ntr l enters, 14
Ch ri ni g nad tr pin, 322323t, 337 C l n, 512 respirat ry, 475, 477
Ch ri ni villi, 654655 C l r, urine, e22t, 568t C ntr l gr up, 4
Ch ri ni villus sampling, 690691 C l r blindness, 302, 302 C ntusi n, e6t, 235
Ch r id, 295 C l re tal an er, 515 C nve ti n, 544, 544
Ch r id plexus, 269 C l st my, 515b, 515 C nvergent squint, 301
Chr matids, 59 C lumnar epithelium tissues, 75, 75 C nversi n a t rs (SI units), e23t
Chr matin, 50 C mbined ABO -Rh system, 357358, 358t C nvex urvatures, 187188
Chr matin strand, 680 C mm n bile du t, 508 , 509 C pper (Cu), 541t
Chr m s mal geneti diseases, 686 C mm n ar tid artery, 410 n rmal values, e19t
Chr m s mes, 50, 680682 C mm n ld, e1t, 118 C r pulm nale, 394395, 394
distributi n t spring, 681682 C mm n ilia artery, 97 , 104 , 413 C rnea, 294 , 295
in human gen me, 681 C mm n ilia vein, 411 C r nal plane. see Fr ntal plane
Chr ni br n hitis, 472, 472 C mpa t b ne, 79t, 80, 177, 178 C r nal suture, 185, 197
Chr ni gl merul nephritis, 571 C mpensated metab li a id sis, 610 C r nary angi plasty, 386
Chr ni l wer respirat ry diseases, e1t C mplement-binding sites, 439440 C r nary arteries, 380 , 386
Chr ni lymph yti leukemia, 363, 363 C mplement as ade, 439440, 439 , 440 C r nary bypass surgery, 386, 387
Chr ni myel id leukemia, 364, 364 C mplement pr teins, 440 C r nary veins, 387
Chr ni bstru tive pulm nary disease C mplementary base pairing, 56 C r navirus (C V), 119, 119t
(CO PD), e6t, 471472 C mplete bl d ell unt, 353, 353b C r n id ssa, 191
Chr ni renal ailure, 572573 C mplete ra tures, 203 C rpus all sum, 261 , 262
stages , 573 C mp unds C rpus avern sum, 624
Chr ni traumati en ephal pathy (C E), 266 des ribed by hemi al rmula, 26 C rpus luteum, 336, 628, 634 , 655
Chv stek sign, 593 rgani , 3135, 31 , 32t C rpus sp ngi sum, 624
Cilia, 46t, 49, 49 urine, 568t C rti al nephr ns, 558559
Ciliary es alat r, 461 C mpressi n ra tures, 201 C rti ids, 332
Ciliary mus le, 294 , 295296 C mputed t m graphy (C ), 131, 131 C rtis l (hydr rtis ne), 322323t, 332333
Ciliates, 123, 123t C n ave urvatures, 187188 C stal artilage, 189
Cir ulati n, 402427 C n entri ntra ti n, 226 C st sternal arti ulati n, 189
etal, 412414, 413 C n entri lamella, 177 C unseling, geneti , 689691
hepati p rtal, 409410, 412 C n ha, nasal, 462 C valent b nds, 2728, 28
pH ntr l me hanisms and, 604 C n ussi n, 264 C wper gland, 619 , 623
pla ental, 656 C ndu ti n, 544, 544 C wp x, 118
pulm nary, 384, 385 C ndu ti n impairment, 307 C xal b ne, 191, 194t
r utes , 408414 C ndu ti n paths, aut n mi , 276 Cramps, 235
systemi , 384, 385 C ndu ti n system, heart, 388, 389 menstrual, 635
systemi and pulm nary, 408409, 409 C ndyl id j ints, 199 Cranial b nes, 183t
Cir ulat ry sh k, 421 C ndyl id pr ess mandible, 184 Cranial avity, 9, 463
Cir ulat ry system, 9697, 102103t C nes, 296 Cranial nerves, 96 , 270, 271t, 272
Cir um isi n, male, 624b C ngenital de e ts, in m uth, 501, 501 Cranial regi n, 12t
Cir umdu ti n, 228 C ngenital immune de ien y, 447448 Crani sa ral system. see Parasympatheti
j int, 199t C ngenital inguinal hernia, 626, 627 divisi n, aut n mi nerv us system
Cir umf ex artery, 380 C ngestive heart ailure (CH F), 395 Creatinine
Cir umvallate papillae, 307 C njun tiva, 295 n rmal values, e19t
Cirrh sis, 511, 511 C njun tivitis, 300, 300 in urine, e22t
I-6 Index

Creatinine learan e, urine, e22t Dehydrati n, 588 Digesti n, 494495, 495t, 517519, 519
Creatinine ph sph kinase (CPK), n rmal testing r, 589 arb hydrate, 518
values, e19t Dehydrati n synthesis, 29, 29 hemi al, 517, 518t
Crenati n, 53b Delt id mus le, 95 , 229t, 231 , 232, 233t end pr du ts , 519
Cretinism, e7t, 330 Dementia, 265, 669 lipid, 519
Creutz eldt-Jak b disease, variant, 120 Dendrites, 83, 250, 251 me hani al, 517
Cribri rm plate, 463 Dendriti ell (D C), 440, 441 verview , 517
Cri id artilage, 464 Dense br us nne tive tissue, 7980, 79 , pr tein, 518519
Crista ampullaris, 306, 306 79t in small intestine, 508
Cr hn disease, 514515 Dental applian es, 501 Digestive system, 9899, 99 , 492531, 494
Cr ssbridges, my sin-a tin, 223 Dental aries, e2t, 500 appendix, 515516
Cr ssing- ver, 682, 682 Dental nditi ns, 500501, 500 digestive tra t, wall , 495496, 495
Cr up, 465 De xyrib nu lei a id (DNA), 35, 35 , 35t, es phagus, 502503
Cr wn, t th, 498, 498 50, 5657 gallbladder, 509511
Crural regi n, 12t repli ati n, 59 large intestine, 512515, 513
Crus penis, 624 virus, 118 , 119t liver, 509511
Crush injury, 235 Dep larizati n, 256 rgans , 494t
Crush syndr me, e6t Depth lassi ati n burns, 157160 pan reas, 511512
Crushing injuries, skeletal tissue, 85 Dermal-epidermal jun ti n, 148 , 150 perit neum, 516517, 516
Crust, 158159t, 160 Dermal ridges, 150151 pharynx, 501502, 502
Crypt r hidism, 625 Dermat mes, 273, 274 primary me hanisms , 495t
Crystals, in urine, e22t Dermis, 150151 small intestine, 506509, 507
C ells, 330 Des ending a rta, 380 st ma h, 504506, 504
Cubital regi n, 12t Des ending l n, 412 , 512513 Digital regi n, 12t
Cub id b ne, 194 Des ending tra ts, spinal rd, 267, 268 Digital veins, 411
Cub idal epithelium, simple, 75 Devel pment, 652677 Digitalis, 394b
Cultures, 122b ad les en e, 666 Diphtheria, e2t
Cunei rm b nes, 194 adulth d, 666667 Dire ti nal terms, 7
Cupula, 306 aging, 667670 Disa harides, 31
Curvatures, spinal, 187189 birth, 658661 Disease
abn rmal, 188189, 189 hildh d, 666 av iding risk , 117
in in ant, 188 , 665, 666 dis rders pregnan y, 662664 ell transp rt and, 5556
Curved r spiral r ds, 121, 121t early stages , 655 mbined risk a t rs , 117
Cushing disease, e7t in an y, 665666 drug therapy r, 127128
Cushing syndr me, e7t, 334, 334 peri ds , 656 epidemi l gy, 114
Cuspids, 497 p stnatal peri d, 664667 geneti me hanisms , 116
Cutane us b dy regi n, 12t prenatal peri d, 654658 inf ammat ry, 135136
Cutane us membrane, 146. see also Skin Devel pmental pr esses, 16 me hanisms , 115117
Cuti le, 153 Deviated septum, 465 path geni rganisms and parti les in,
Cyan balamin, 540t Diabetes insipidus, e7t, 328 117124
Cyan sis, 149, 413 Diabetes mellitus (DM), e1t, 325 patterns , 114115
Cy li AMP (aden sine m n ph sphate), and bl d glu se levels, 562 preventi n and ntr l , 125128
321 signs and sympt ms , 337 preventi n and treatment strategies r,
Cysti br sis (CF), e10t, 55, 55 , 512, 686, Diabeti ket a id sis, 607b 126127
687t Diabeti retin pathy, 299 , 301 pr gressi n, 114
Cystitis, 565, 569570 Diagn sti imaging, r early signs an er, pr tein synthesis and, 5859
interstitial, 570 131132 risk a t rs r, 117
Cysts, varian, 637 Dialysis, 52, 53 sexually transmitted, 640t
Cyt kines, 438439 kidney, 103104 signs and sympt ms, 113114
Cyt kinesis, 60 Diaphragm, 98 , 233t, 380 , 473 spread , st pping, 115
Cyt plasm, 44, 4549 Diaphysis, 176, 179 stress-indu ed, 278279
Cyt sine, 35 Diarrhea, 514 studying, 113115
Cyt skelet n, 46 due t hemi al agents, e6t termin l gy, 113114
Cyt t xi ells, 443 in ant, 514b tra king, 114115
Diarthr ses, 197199 as weap n, 128b
D un ti n , 198199 Disin e ti n, 125t
Dantr lene, 545546 stru ture , 197198 Disse ti n, 3
Darwin tuber le, 303 Diarthr ti j int Diss lved CO 2, 481
De idu us teeth, 497, 666 stru ture, 198 Distal nv luted tubule (D C ), 558, 558 ,
De ubitus ul ers, 161162 types, 198 559 , 560 , 562t
Deep, de niti n , 7 Diast le, 383 Distal dire ti n b dy, 7, 8
Deep em ral artery, 410 Diast li bl d pressure, 418, 420 Distal phalanx, 194
De brillat rs, implantable ardi verter, 392 Dien ephal n, 261262, 264t Disuse atr phy, 228
De ien y anemias, 359360 Di erential W BC unt, 362 Diureti s, 591b
Degenerati n, tissues, 116117 Di usi n, 5152, 51 , 51t al h l as, 591b
Degenerative disease, 265266 ex hange gases by, 478 a eine as, 591b
Degenerative j int disease, 204205 m vement respirat ry gases by, 480 Divergent squint, 301
Deglutiti n, 502 thr ugh membrane, 52 Diverti ulitis, 514
Index I-7

Divisi ns skelet n, 180 Ele tr ardi gram (ECG), 388389, 390 Enteritis, 508
Dizyg ti twins, 661 dysrhythmia, 391 Enter biasis, e5t
DNA analysis, 691b, 691 e e ts hyp kalemia, 592 Enterobius rganisms, 124t
DNA ngerprinting, 691b Ele tr en ephal gram (EEG), 266, 266 Enuresis, 566
D minan e, 682683 Ele tr lytes, 27, 589 Envir nmental nta t, path gens spread by,
D minant gene, 682, 683 balan e, 583 125
D nated rgans and tissue, s reening , 81b in b dy f uids, imp rtan e , 589591 Envir nmental a t rs
D n rs bl d, 356 un ti ns , 589591 and disease risk, 117
D pamine, 257258 h me stasis , 591 r le in ausing an er, 130131
D rsal, de niti n , 7 imbalan es, 591593, 592t Enzyme a ti n, 34
D rsal b dy avities, 9 Ele tr n transp rt system, 535 Enzymes, 34, 34
D rsal regi n, 12t Ele tr ph resis, 691b, 691 ardia , 351b
D rsal respirat ry gr up (DRG), 475476 Elements, 2627, 27t hemi al digesti n and, 517518
D rsal r t gangli n, 254 , 268 Elephantiasis, 432, 432 E sin phils, 351t, 362
D rsalis pedis artery, 419 Eliminati n, 495, 495t n rmal values, e19t
D rsif exi n, 229, 230 Emb lism, pulm nary, 366 , 408 Epi ardium, 381, 381
D uble helix, 35 Emb lizati n, uterine artery, 637 Epidermis, 148, 149150
D wagers hump, 201 Embry , 656, 657 Epidermophyton rganisms, 123t
D wn syndr me, e10t, 688, 689 Embry l gy, 654, 670b Epididymis, 619 , 620 , 622
Drew, Charles Ri hard, 367 Embry ni phase, 656 Epigastri regi n, 10
Drugs, immun suppressive, 104105 Embry ni stem ells, 61b Epigeneti s, 685
D u henne mus ular dystr phy (DMD), e10t, Emesis, 505 nditi ns in, 688
236, 687t Emphysema, 472 Epigl ttis, 463 , 464
D u tus arteri sus, 413 Emptying ref ex, 566 Epigl ttitis, e2t, 465
D u tus ven sus, 412413, 413 En apsulated nerve endings, 292t Epilepsy, 266
D u denum, 412 , 506 End arditis, 381 Epinephrine (Epi), 322323t, 333
D ura mater, 268, 269 End ardium, 381, 381 Epineurium, 253
D war sm, 327 End h ndral ssi ati n, 179, 180 Epiphyseal ra tures, 196b, 196
pituitary, e7t End rine gland, 75 Epiphyseal line, 179
D ynami equilibrium, 306, 306 End rine system, 96, 96 , 318347 Epiphyseal plate, 179
D ys un ti nal uterine bleeding, 635636 adrenal glands, 331334, 332 Epiphyses, 177
D ysmen rrhea, 635 disease me hanisms, 322323t, 325 Epispadias, 626
D ysplasia, mammary, 632b un ti n , thr ugh ut the b dy, 338339 Epistaxis, 465466
D yspnea, 478 glands, 320, 320 , 322323t Epithelial asts, in urine, e22t
h rm ne se reti n regulati n, 324325 Epithelial membranes, 146147
E hyp thalamus, 320 , 328329 mu us, 147
Ear, 302304, 303 me hanisms h rm ne a ti n, 320321, types , 146
aging e e ts in, 669 321 Epithelial tissues, 7276, 72t
external, 302304, 303 pan reati islets, 334336, 335 arrangement ells, 73
inner, 303 , 304 parathyr id glands, 329 , 331 lassi ati n , 73
middle, 303 , 304 pineal gland, 338 lumnar epithelium, 75, 75
Ear b nes, 183t pituitary gland, 326328 ub idal epithelium, 74 , 75, 75
Eardrum, 303, 303 pla enta, 337338 pseud strati ed epithelium, 76, 77
Earwax, 303 pr staglandins, 325326 shape ells, 73
Eating dis rders, 543544 sex glands, 336 squam us epithelium, 7374, 74
E entri ntra ti n, 226 thymus, 320 , 337 transiti nal epithelium, 76
E rine sweat glands, 154 thyr id gland, 320 , 329331, 329 strati ed, 76, 77
E h ardi graphy, 384b, 384 End rin l gists, 325 transiti nal epithelium, ureteral, 564, 565
E lampsia, 662 End rin l gy, 325, 338b Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), e1t, 119t
E t derm, 657, 658t End derm, 657, 658t Equilibrati n, 52
E t pi pregnan y, 631b End lymph, 304, 305 Equilibrium, 52, 306307
E zema, 162163 End metrial ablati n, 636 dis rders, 307
Edema, 590, 590b End metri sis, 637 Ere tile dys un ti n, 626
ass iated with nephr ti syndr me, End metrium, 631 Ernest Everett Just, 62b, 62
570 End neurium, 253 Erythr blast sis etalis, 356, 357 , 361
pitting, 590b, 590 End plasmi reti ulum (ER), 46t, 47 Erythr ytes, 351t
E e t r, 14 mus le ell, 222 Erythr p ietin, 560
E e t r ells, 442443 End rphins, 258 Es phageal inf ammati n, 503
E erent arteri le, 557, 558 , 559 End s pe, 503 Es phagus, 99 , 463 , 502503
E erent lymphati vessels, 433, 433 End steum, 177 Essential amin a ids, 538, 538t
Ehrlichia ewingii, 127t End thelium Estr gens, 322323t, 629, 634
Ehrli hi sis, 207 ardi vas ular, 405 Ethm id air ells, 462
Einth ven, W illem, 392 lymphati , 431 Ethm id b nes, 183t, 184
Eja ulat ry du t, 619 , 623 End tra heal intubati n, 465b, 465 ribri rm plate , 463
Elasti artilage, 79t, 80 Enduran e training, 228 Eupnea, 478t
Elasti bers, 78 Energy, measuring, 537b Eusta hian tube, 303 , 304, 463
Elasti tissue, artery, 404 Energy levels rbitals, 2526 Evap rati n, 544, 544
Elastin, 72 Enkephalins, 258 Eversi n, 229, 230
I-8 Index

Ex ess p st-exer ise xygen nsumpti n, 225 Feedba k l p, 14 Flagellates, 123, 123t
Ex riati n, 158159t ald ster ne me hanism, 587 Flat b nes, 177
Ex reti n negative, 15, 15 stru ture , 177
by skin, 156 p sitive, 1516, 16 Flat t, 195
by sweat, 586 Female repr du tive system, 100, 100 , Flatulen e, 514
Exer ise 627635 Flatus, 514
hanges in bl d f w during, 417b breasts, 631632 Flavivirus, 119120, 119t
e e ts dis rders , 635639 Fleming, Alexander, 571b, 571
n immunity, 438b h rm nal and menstrual, 635636 Flexi n, 228
n skeletal mus le, 226228 in e ti n and inf ammati n, rearm, 229
f uid intake and, 509b 636637 j int, 198, 199t
pr teinuria a ter, 567b in ertility, 638639 Flex r retina ulum, 236
skin and, 156b, 156 tum rs and related nditi ns, Flex rs, 229t
type 1 diabetes mellitus and, 335b 637638 Fl ating ribs, 189
Ex rine glands, 75, 499 essential rgans, 627, 627t Fl ra, 513
Ex phthalm s, 330, 330 external genitals, 632633, 633 Fluid balan e, 582599, 584
Experimental ntr ls, 4 menstrual y le, 633635, 633 maintenan e , 585588
Experimentati n, 4 varies, 627628, 628 Fluid mpartments, 584585
Expirati n, 474 uterine tubes, 630, 630 ele tr lytes in, 590
Expirat ry reserve v lume (ERV), 475 uterus, 630631, 630 Fluid h me stasis, r le lymphati system
Extensi n, 228 vagina, 628 , 631 in, 431
rearm, 229 vestibular glands, 631632, 633 , 640t Fluid imbalan e, 588589
j int, 198, 199t Female skelet n, 194 dehydrati n, 588
Extens rs, 229t Fem ral artery, 97 , 410 , 419 verhydrati n, 589
External abd minal blique mus le, 95 , Fem ral regi n, 12t Fluid intake, regulati n, 587588
231 Fem ral vein, 97 , 411 Fluid utput
External ear, 302304, 303 Femur, 94 , 194t regulati n , 586587
External genitals Fertilizati n, 654, 654 , 655 r utes , 586587, 586t
emale, 632633 implantati n and, 654, 655 Fluid shi t, 588
male, 623624, 624 Fetal al h l syndr me, 664b Fluid uptake, exer ise and, 509b
External ilia vein, 411 Fetal ir ulati n, 412414 F late de ien y anemia, e10t, 359
External jugular vein, 411 Fetal death, 662 F li a id, 540t
External blique, 233 , 233t Fetal-maternal ABO in mpatibility, 361 F lli le, hair, 152
External respirati n, 478 Fetal phase, 656 F lli le-stimulating h rm ne (FSH ),
External urinary meatus, 619 , 624 Fetus, 656, 657 322323t, 326, 619, 635
Extra ellular f uid, 585, 585 , 585t, 587 Fever, 135136, 545 F lli ular ysts, 637
Extra ellular matrix, 72, 72 puerperal, 663 F ntanels, 179, 185
Eye, 96 Fever blisters, 118 F d guide, 533, 534
aging e e ts in, 669 herpes and, e1t F d intake, regulati n , 541
blind sp t, 297b Fibrillati n, 390392 F d s ien e, 539b
stru ture and un ti n , 294 , 295297 Fibrin, 365 F ds, water in, 586 , 586t
Fibrin mesh, 366 F t
F Fibrin gen, 365, 366 ar hes , 195
Fa e b nes, 183t Fibr artilage, 79t, 80 b nes , 193
Fa ial artery, 410 , 419 Fibr ysti disease, 632b mus les , gr uped a rding t un ti n,
Fa ial expressi n, mus les , 232 Fibr id, 637 229t
Fa ial nerve (CN VII), 271t, 272 Fibr sar ma, 129 right, 194
Fa ial regi n, 12t Fibr us layer, eye, 295 F t pr esses, neur glia and, 251
Fa ial vein, 411 Fibr us netw rk, 151 F ramen magnum, 260
Fa t r VIII, absen e , in hem philia A, Fibula, 94 , 191193, 194t F ramen vale, 413, 413
367 Fibular (per neal) vein, 411 F rearm, 191
Fall pian tubes, 628 , 630 Fibular vein, 411 f exi n and extensi n , 229
False ribs, 189, 190t Fibularis brevis, 229t, 231 F reskin
Farsightedness, 299, 300 Fibularis l ngus, 229t, 231 emale, 633
Fas ia, skeletal mus le, 221 Fibularis tertius, 229t male, 619
Fas i les Filtrati n, 51t, 53 F rmed elements, 349, 350 , 351
ax ns bundled int , 253 bi l gi al, by lymph n des, 433434 F vea entralis, 294 , 296
skeletal mus le, 221 urine, 560561 Fra tures
Fasciola rganisms, 124t Fimbriae, 630, 654, 655 b ne, 203204, 204
Fat First-degree burns, 157 mpressi n, 201
metab lism , 537538, 538 Fish tapew rm in estati n, e5t epiphyseal and avulsi n, 196b, 196
within nerve, 253 Fissures Fragile X syndr me (FXS), e10t, 688
Fat-st ring ells, h rm nes , 322323t erebrum, 262 Franklin, R salind, 36b, 36
Fatigue, mus le ntra ti n and, 224225 dermal, 158159t Fraternal twins, 661
Fatty a ids, n rmal values, e19t lungs, 469 Fre kles, 150, 158159t
Fatty tissue Fitness, tissues and, 84b, 84 Free edge nail, 153
nne tive, in heart, 381 Five-and- ve res ue r h king, 467b Free nerve endings, 292t
sub utane us, 148 Flagella, 46t, 49, 49 Free-radi al the ry aging, 668
Index I-9

Free radi als, 668 Geneti diseases, 684689 n rmal values, e19t
Frenulum, 497 hr m s mal, 688689 reabs rpti n , 562
Fri ti n ridges, 150 me hanisms , 684686 in tubule ltrate, 562
Fr nt teeth, 497 hr m s mal, 685686 in urine, e22t
Fr ntal b nes, 183t, 185 single-gene, 685 Gluteal regi n, 12t
Fr ntal l be, 263 preventi n , 689693 G luteus maximus, 229t, 231 , 234, 234t, 237
Fr ntal mus le, 232, 232 , 232t single-gene, 686688, 687t G luteus medius, 229t, 237
Fr ntal plane, 8 , 9 treating sympt ms , 692 G ly er l, 32
Fr ntal regi n, 12t treatment , 692693 Gly gen, 31, 536
Fr ntal sinus, 185 , 462 , 463 Geneti a t rs Gly gen l ading, 536b
Fr stbite, 546 r an er, 130 Gly genesis, 536
Full-thi kness burns, 160 r disease, 117 Gly gen lysis, 335, 536
Fun ti nal pr teins, 34 Geneti mutati ns, 684 G ly lysis, 535
Fundus Geneti predisp siti n, 685 G ly suria, 336, 562
st ma h, 504, 504 Geneti variati n, 682 G ly sylated hem gl bin, e19t
uterus, 628 , 630 Geneti s, 694b G blet ells, 75
Fungal in e ti ns, tinea, 161 human disease and, 679680 G iter
Fungi, path geni , 123, 123 , 123t Genital herpes, 640t as de ien y diseases, e10t
Furun les, 161 Genital warts, e1t, 640t as end rine nditi ns, e7t
Genitals, external G lgi apparatus, 46t, 47
G emale, 632633 G lgi tend n rgan, 292t
G pr tein, 320b, 321 male, 623624, 624 G nad tr pin-releasing h rm ne (GnRH ),
Gallbladder, 99 , 508 , 509511 Gen me, 59b 619, 635
Gallst nes, 509510, 510 human, 681 G nads, 618
Gametes, 681 Gen mi s, 680, 694b G n rrhea, e2t, 640t
Gangli n, 254 Germ layers, primary, 657, 658t G uty arthritis, 206207
sympatheti , 276 German measles. see Rubella G raa an lli le, 628
Gangli n ells, 296, 298 Ger nt l gy, 667 G ra ilis, 231
Gangrene, 406 Gestati n peri d, 656 G ra t-versus-h st reje ti n, 447
Gas ex hange, in lungs, 478481, 479 Gestati nal diabetes mellitus, e7t, 662 G ra ts, skin, 155, 155
Gastri jui e, pH , 602 Ghrelin, 322323t, 338339 G ram staining te hnique, 120121
Gastri se reti ns, s dium- ntaining, Giardiasis, e5t, 640t G ranular asts, in urine, e22t
591 Gigantism, e7t, 327, 327 G ranular leuk ytes, 361 , 362
Gastri ul er, 505506, 505 Gingiva, 498 G raves disease, 330
Gastri vein, 412 Gingivitis, 501 as aut immune diseases, e9t
Gastritis, 505 Glands, 75. see also speci c glands as end rine nditi ns, e7t
Gastr nemius, 229t, 231 , 234, 234t end rine, 322323t G ray matter, 253, 254 , 260, 268
Gastr enteritis, e2t sex Great ardia vein, 411
Gastr enter l gy, 505, 520b emale, 631632 Great saphen us vein, 411
Gastr epipl i vein, 412 male, 623, 623 G reater urvature, 504
Gastr es phageal ref ux disease (GERD), skin, 154155 Greater mentum, 516517
503 vis eral e e t rs, 277t G reater tr hanter, 193 , 237
Gastr intestinal (GI) tra t Glans penis, 624 G reater tuber le, 191
h rm nes , 322323t Glau ma, 296297, 301, 669 G reensti k ra tures, 203
upper x-ray study, 506b, 506 Glia, 250252 Gr wth, 652677
Gene, 56 entral, 250252, 251 ell, hanges in, 5659, 6062, 61
un ti ns , 56 un ti n , 250 Gr wth h rm ne (GH ), 322323t, 326327
Gene augmentati n, 692693 peripheral, 252 G uanine, 35
Gene expressi n, 682684 Gliding j ints, 199 G um, 498
hereditary traits, 682683 Gli ma, 250 G ustat ry ells, 307, 308
sex-linked traits, 683684 Gl bulins, 350 G yri, 262
Gene linkage, 682 n rmal values, e19t
Gene pairs, 682 Gl merular- apsular membrane, 560 H
Gene repla ement, 692 Gl merular apsule, 557, 560 , 562t H air, 151153
Gene therapy, 692693, 693 Gl merular ltrati n, 561 gr wth, 152
p tential , 693 Gl merular ltrati n rate (GFR), 573 l ati n , 151152
General senses, 291, 292t, 293294, 293 Gl merul nephritis, e9t, 570 l ss, 152153
dis rders inv lving, 294 a ute, 570571 H air lli le, 148
m des sensati n and, 293294 hr ni , 571 H amstrings, 229t, 231 , 234, 234t
re ept rs, distributi n , 293, 293 Gl merulus, 557, 558 , 559 , 560 , 562t H and
Genes, 680682 Gl ss pharyngeal nerve (CN IX), 271t, 272 arti ial, 103
human gen me, 680 Glu ag n, 322323t right and wrist, 192
l ati n , in disease, 685, 686 G lu rti ids (G Cs), 332 H antavirus, e1t
me hanisms gene un ti n, 680 Glu ne genesis, 332, 537538 H antavirus pulm nary syndr me, e1t
r le , in disease, 684685 G lu se H ard palate, 463 , 496497
Geneti basis an er, 688b anab lism, 536 H arvey, W illiam, 420, 420
Geneti de, 56 atab lism, 535 H ashim t disease, e7t
Geneti unseling, 689691 metab lism , 535 H aversian systems, 177, 178
I-10 Index

H ead H epatitis, 510511 H yaline asts, in urine, e22t

arteries in, 410t H epatitis A, 510 H ydr ephalus, 271
mus les , 232, 232 , 232t H epatitis A virus, e1t H ydr hl ri a id (H Cl), 505, 518
sagittal se ti n, 463 H epatitis B, 510 H ydr gen b nds, 28, 29
veins in, 411t H epatitis B virus, e1t H ydr gen i ns (H ), 601
H eada he, e6t H epatitis C, e1t, 511 H ydr lysis, 29, 517
H earing, 304306, 305 H epatitis viruses, 119t, 640t H ydr nephr sis, 567, 569
dis rders, 307 H ereditary traits, 682683 H ydr stati pressure, 53
H earing impairment, e6t H ernias, inguinal, ngenital, 626, 627 H ydr xide i ns (OH ), 601
H eart, 97 , 378401, 470 H erniated disk, 197, 197 H ymen, 633, 633
a ti n , 382 , 383 H erpes simplex 1, e1t H y id b ne, 183t, 185, 185 , 463
arti ial pumps, 103 H erpes simplex 2, e1t H yper al emia, 331, 592593
atria, h rm nes , 322323t H erpes simplex virus, 118 H yper h lester lemia, e10t, 539b, 687t
bl d f w thr ugh, 384385 genital, 640t H yper hr mi RBCs, 354, 355
ardia y le , 387, 388 H erpes z ster, e1t, 273, 274 . see also Shingles H ypergly emia, 327
ardia utput , 392394, 393 H ex saminidase, 688 H yperkalemia, 592
hambers , 380381 H iatal hernia, 503, 504 H ypernatremia, 592
ndu ti n system , 388, 389 H igh-density lip pr tein (H DL), 33 H yper pia, 299, 300
ardia dysrhythmia, 389392 n rmal values, e19t H yperparathyr idism, e7t
ele tr ardi graphy, 388389 H ilum, 556557, 557 H yperplasia, 61, 61 , 61t
r nary ir ulati n , 385 H inge j ints, 198 H yperse reti n, 325
verings , 381 H ip, 94 H ypersensitivity, immune system, 444447
diseases , e1t arti ial j int, 103 H ypersensitivity rea ti n, e6t
peri ardium , 381382 t tal hip repla ement, 200b H ypertensi n (H N), 419421, 669
strength , ntra ti n , 415 H ipp rates, 208 lassi ati n , 420
stress-indu ed disease and, 279 H ist genesis, 658 de niti n , 419420
valves , 383 Histoplasma rganisms, 123t risk a t rs , 420421
H eart bl k, 389390, 391 H ist plasm sis, e4t H yperthyr idism, e7t, 330, 330
H eart ailure, 394395 H ives, 162, 163 H ypert ni s luti n, 53b
H eart implants, 395 drug-sensitivity, 158159t H ypertr phy, 61, 61 , 61t
H eart murmurs, 384 H dgkin disease, 435 H yperventilati n, 477, 478t
H eart rate, 393, 415416 H me stasis, 14, 14 , 101, 603b, 603 H ypervitamin sis, 539
H eart s unds, 380, 384 disturban es , 115116, 116 H yp albuminemia, 570
H eart transplant, 395 f uid, r le lymphati system, 431 H yp al emia, 593
H eartbeat, 277t H m ysteine, n rmal values, e19t H yp hr mi RBCs, 354, 355
H eartburn, 503 H riz ntal ssure, 469 H yp gastri regi n, 10
H eat ramps, 546 H riz ntal plane. see ransverse plane H yp gl ssal nerve (CN XII), 271t, 272
H eat exhausti n, 546 H riz ntal se ti n, 6 H yp gly emia, 327
H eat pr du ti n, mus le ntra ti n and, 224 H rm ne repla ement therapy (H R ), 630b, H yp kalemia, 592
H eatstr ke, 546 670 H yp se reti n, 325
H eberden n des, 205 H rm nes, 320 H yp spadias, 625626
H eight, gr wth in, 666 a ti n, me hanism , 320321 H yp thalamus, 96 , 261262, 320 , 328329
H eimli h, H enry, 467 un ti n , 322323t h rm nes , 322323t
H eimli h maneuver, 467b se reti n, regulati n , 324325 r le in menstrual y le, 634
H elper ells, 443 H st-versus-gra t reje ti n, 447 H yp thermia, 546
H emangi ma, strawberry, 151, 151 H uman engineered hr m s me (H EC), H yp thesis, 4
H emat rit (H t), 353, 353 692693 H yp thyr idism, e7t, 330
in anemia, 359t H uman gen me, 59b, 680, 681 H yp t ni s luti n, 53b
n rmal values, e19t H uman Gen me Pr je t (H G P), 680 H yp ventilati n, 477, 478t
H emat l gy, 367b H uman granul yti ehrli hi sis, 127t H yp v lemi sh k, 421
H emat p iesis, 176, 352, 657, 659b H uman gr wth h rm ne (hGH ), 327 H yp xia, 472
H emat p ieti tissue, 79t, 81 H uman immun de ien y virus (H IV), H ystere t my, 631
H emiplegia, 265 118119, 118 , 119t, 448
H em dialysis, 572b, 572 dementia and, 266 I
H em dynami s, 414418 H uman lymph yte antigens (H LAs), 447 Identi al twins, 661
H em gl bin, e19t, 354, 354 H uman rganism, 6 Ide gram, 680, 681
in anemia, 359t H uman papill mavirus (H PV), e1t, 119t, 131, Ile e al valve, 512
H em gl bin A1 , e19t 638 Ilia rest, 237
H em lyti anemias, e9t, 360361 H uman skelet n, 182 Ili ps as, 229t, 231 , 234, 234t
H em philia, e10t, 366368, 687t H uman -lymph tr pi virus 1 (H LV-1), Ilium, 191
H em rrhagi anemia, 358 e1t Immune mem ry, 437
H em rrh ids, 408 H umerus, 94 , 190, 190t, 191 Immune system, 9798, 98 , 436438
H enle l p, 557558, 558 , 559 , 560 , 562t H um ral immunity, 439 adaptive immunity , 436t, 437438
H eparin, 362 H untingt n disease (H D), e10t, 266, 687t, antib dies in, 439440, 439
H epati f exure, 512513 690 ells , 440443
H epati p rtal ir ulati n, 409410, 511 H ut hins n-Gil rd pr geria syndr me, 667b mplement pr teins in, 440
H epati p rtal vein, 411 , 412 , 413 H uxley, Andrew, 223b, 223 de ien y , 447448
H epati veins, 411 , 412 H yaline artilage, 79t, 80, 466 un ti n , 436
Index I-11

hypersensitivity , 444447 Inguinal hernia, ngenital, 626, 627 Iris, 295

innate immunity , 436437, 436t Inguinal lymph n des, 430 Ir n de ien y anemia, e10t, 359360, 360
lymph ytes in, 441443, 442 Inguinal regi ns, 10, 10 , 12t Ir n (Fe)
m le ules , 438440 Inhibiting h rm nes (IH s), 322323t, in hem gl bin, 354
phag ytes in, 440441 328329 n rmal values, e19t
Immunizati n, 447b Inje ti ns Irritable b wel syndr me, 514515
Immun gl bulins (Igs), 439 intramus ular, 237b Is hemia, 406
Rh GAM, 356 sub utane us, 152b Is hium, 191
Immun l gi al tests, 122b Injuries Islets Langerhans, 334, 511
Immun suppressive drugs, 104105 knee j int, 206207b, 206 Is immunity, 446
Immun therapy, 134 mus le, 235 Is lati n, in disease preventi n, 125t
Impetig , 161 traumati Is metri ntra ti n, 226
Implantable ardi verter de brillat rs (ICDs), brain, 264 Is sp riasis, e5t
392 n ninf ammat ry j int pr blems due t , Is t ni ntra ti n, 226
Implantati n, 654 205 Is t ni s luti n, 53b
devel pment and, 656 Innate immunity, 436437, 436t, 437t Is t pes, 26b
dis rders, 662, 662 Inner ear, 303 , 304 It h mite, 161
ertilizati n and, 654, 655 Inner layer, eye, 296 IV te hni ians, 420
Implants, heart, 395 Innervati n, target rgans, by ANS, 275
Imprinting, 685 In rgani hemistry, 2931 J
In vitr ertilizati n (IVF), 657b, 685b Inse ta, 124t Jaundi e, 509510
In is rs, 497 Inserti n, mus le, 221 , 232t Jenner, Edward, 448b, 448
In mpetent valves, 383 Inspirati n, 473474 J hns n, Virginia, 639b, 639
In mplete ra tures, 203 Inspirat ry reserve v lume (IRV), 475 J ints, 197 , 208b, 208
In ntinen e, urinary, 566 Insulin, 322323t amphiarthr ses, 196197
In us, 183t, 304 in arb hydrate metab lism, 536537, 537 arthritis, 205
Independent ass rtment, prin iple , 682 Insulin in usi n devi e, 103 diarthr ses, 197199
In an y, gr wth and devel pment, 665666 Insulin sh k, e7t dis rders, 204207
In ant diarrhea, 514b Integument, 145 m vement types, 199t
In ant respirat ry distress syndr me (IRDS), Integumentary system, 9394, 94 , 145 n ninf ammat ry j int disease,
468469 Interaryten id n t h, 464 , 465b 204205
In e ti ns Inter alated disks, 82 synarthr ses, 196
b nes, 202 in ardia mus le ber, 220 J ule ( J), 537b
emale repr du tive tra t, 636 Inter stal mus les, 233 Just, Ernest Everett, 62b, 62
l wer respirat ry tra t, 470471 Inter er ns (IFs), 446b, 446 Juvenile rheumat id arthritis ( JRA), 205
m uth, 501 Interleukins, 438439 Juxtagl merular apparatus, 559560, 559
mus le, 235, 235 Internal ilia artery, 104 , 413 Juxtamedullary nephr n, 558559, 558
n s mial, 571b Internal ilia vein, 104 , 411
sexually transmitted, 640 Internal jugular vein, 411 K
skin, 161, 162 Internal blique, 233 , 233t Kap si sar ma, 164 , 165, 446
upper respirat ry tra t (URI), 460461, Internal respirati n, 480 Kary type, 681 , 690691
464465 Internati nal n rmalized rati (INR), 366 Kel id, 84, 84
In e ti us arthritis, 207 Interneur ns, 250 Keratin, 149
In e ti us me hanisms, disease, 116 Interpe t ral (R tter) n des, 434 Keratitis, 295
In e ti us m n nu le sis, e1t, 364, 364 Interphase, 59 Ket nuria, 607
In eri r dire ti n b dy, 7, 8 Interstitial ystitis, 570 Kidney dis rders/diseases, e1t
In eri r mesenteri artery, 410 , 412 Interstitial f uid, 430431 gl merular, 570571
In eri r mesenteri vein, 411 v lume values, 584 , 585t kidney ailure, 571572
In eri r nasal n ha, 183t Interstitial spa e, lung, 468 bstru tive, 567569
In eri r vena ava, 97 , 104 , 380 , 411 , 413 Interventri ular septum, 381 Kidney st nes, 567
In ertility, 638639 Intestinal glands, 508 Kidneys, 99 , 413 , 555, 556560
Inf ammati n, 134136 Intestinal se reti ns, s dium- ntaining, 591 arti ial, 572b, 572
a ute and hr ni , 136 Int xi ati n, water, 589 ntr l urine v lume and, 563
me hanisms , 134135 Intra ellular f uid, 585 dialysis, 103104
s iati nerve, 273 v lume values, 584 , 585t external anat my , 556557
systemi , 135 Intramembran us ssi ati n, 179180 un ti n , 559560
Inf ammati n mediat rs, 134 Intramus ular inje ti ns, 237b gr ss stru ture , 556557
Inf ammat ry nditi ns, in large intestine, Intrapleural spa e, 470 internal anat my , 557
514515 Intubati n, end tra heal, 465b, 465 l ati n , 556
Inf ammat ry j int disease, 205207 Inversi n, 229, 230 mi r s pi stru ture , 557559
Inf ammat ry me hanisms, disease, 116 Inv luti n, 435 pH ntr l me hanisms and, 604 , 606
Inf ammat ry resp nse, 134135, 134 , 135 , I dine (I), 541t reabs rpti n, 561562
436437, 437 I n pump, 54, 54t se reti n, 562
Inf ammat ry skin dis rders, 163 I ni b nds, 27, 28 transplantati n, 104
Inf uenza, e1t, e1t I ns water utput, 586
Inf uenza viruses, 119t in b dy f uids, 28t, 589 Kil al rie, 537b
Ingesti n, 494, 495t al ium, thin laments and, 222 Kline elter syndr me, e10t, 689, 689
Inguinal anal, 233 reabs rpti n, 561 Knee-jerk ref ex, 254
I-12 Index

Knee j int hr ni lymph yti , 363, 363 Lupus erythemat sus, 445, 446
b nes , 193 hr ni myel id, 364, 364 Luteal ysts, 637
injuries t , 206207b, 206 Leuk ytes, 350 Luteinizati n, 326
K h, R bert, 126 agranular, 362 Luteinizing h rm ne (LH ), 322323t, 326,
K r tk s unds, 418 granular, 362 619, 635
Krebs y le, 535 in human bl d smears, 361 Lyme disease, e2t, 127t, 207, 207
Kwashi rk r, e10t Leuk yt sis, 362 Lymph, 430431
Kyph sis, 188 Leuk penia, 362 Lymph n des, 98 , 433434, 433
Leuk plakia, 499500 Lymph spa e, 253
L Levels rganizati n, 46, 5 Lymph vessels, 98
Labia maj ra, 633 Levi-M ntal ini, Rita, 670b, 670 Lymphadenitis, 433
Labium majus, 628 Lev d pa, 259 Lymphangi gram, 433, 433
Labium minus, 628 Li e span, extending, 669b Lymphangitis, 432, 432
Lab r, stages , 660 , 661 Li estyle, as risk a t r r disease, 117 Lymphati du t, right, 98
Lab rat ry identi ati n path gens, 122b, Ligaments, 198 Lymphati system, 9798, 98 , 429436, 430
122 Limited- eld radiati n, 638 Lymphati venules, 431432
Lab rat ry tests Linear ra tures, 204 Lymphati vessels, 431432
results r types anemia, 359t Lingual t nsils, 435, 435 , 463 Lymphedema, 432, 432
urinalysis, 567 Lip an er, 500 Lymph ytes, 362, 441443, 442
La erati n, e6t Lipase, 518 n rmal values, e19t
La rimal b ne, 183t Lipids, 3233 Lymph granul ma venereum (LGV), e2t,
La rimal gland, 295 digesti n, 519 640t
La rimal sa , 185 , 462, 462 n rmal values, e19t Lymph id rgans, 432436
La teals, 432, 508 Lip ma, 129 Lymph id tissue, 352
La ti a id, 604, 605 Lip pr tein, 33b, 33 Lymph ma, 129, 435436
La ti dehydr genase (LDH ), n rmal values, Liquid ingesti n, 586 , 586t Lys s mes, 46t, 4748
e19t Lith tripsy, 569b
La ti er us du ts, 632 Lith tript r, 569b M
La t se int leran e, 518, 664 Liver, 99 , 412 , 509511 Ma r yti RBCs, 355
La una(e), 177, 178 metab li un ti n , 534 Ma r nutrients, 534538, 534t
Lambd idal suture, 184 , 185 Liver f uke in estati n, e5t arb hydrate metab lism in, 535537
Lamellar rpus le (Pa ini rpus le), 292t L bar pneum nia, 471, 471 at metab lism in, 537538, 538
Lamellar (Pa ini) rpus le, 154 L bes pr tein metab lism in, 538
Lapar s pe, 657b, 660 brain, 263 Ma r phages, 362, 440, 468
Large intestine, 99 , 512515 lung, 469 Ma ula, 306
dis rders , 514515 L k-and-key m del, 34, 320321 Ma ula lutea, 294 , 296
un ti n , 513514 L ewi, O tt , 279b, 279 Ma ule, 158159t
stru ture , 512513, 513 L ng b nes, 176 Mad w disease, 120
water utput, 586 stru ture , 176177 Magnesium (Mg), 541t
Laryngitis, 465 type b nes, 176 Magneti res nan e imaging (MRI), 131, 131
Laryng pharynx, 460 , 463 L ng th ra i vein, 411 Malabs rpti n syndr me, 509
Larynx, 98 , 460, 460 , 463 , 464, 464 L se br us nne tive tissue, 78, 78 , 79t Malaria, e5t
Laser therapy, 134 L rd sis, 188 Maldigesti n, 509
Lateral axillary (bra hial) n des, 434 L w- arb diets, 537b Male- emale skeletal di eren es, 194195
Lateral dire ti n b dy, 7, 8 L w-density lip pr tein (LDL), 33 Male repr du tive system, 100, 100 , 618624
Lateral epi ndyle, 191 , 193 n rmal values, e19t a ess ry rgans, 618619, 618t, 619
Lateral ssure, 263 L wer es phageal sphin ter (LES), 502 bulb urethral glands, 623
Latissimus d rsi, 229t, 232, 233 , 233t L wer extremity, 191194 dis rders, 624627
Leber hereditary pti neur pathy, e10t, arteries in, 410t in ertility and sterility, 624625
685b b nes, 191194, 194t penis and s r tum, 625627
Le t atri ventri ular valve, 381 mus les , 234, 234t pr state, 625
Le t heart ailure, 395 veins in, 411t testes, 625
Le t hyp h ndria regi n, 10 L wer respirat ry tra t, 460, 460 , 466473 essential rgans, 618, 618t
Le t ilia regi n, 10 in e ti n, 470471 external genitals, 623624, 624
Le t lumbar regi n, 10 lung an er, 473 pr state gland, 623
Le t ventri ular assist systems (LVAS), 104 bstru tive pulm nary dis rders, 471473 repr du tive tra t, 618
Leg restri tive pulm nary dis rders, 471 seminal vesi les, 619 , 623
b nes, 193 Lumbar pun ture, 272b, 273 testes, 619622
f exi n and extensi n , 229 Lumbar regi n, 12t, 17 Male skelet n, 194
mus les , gr uped a rding t un ti n, Lumbar vertebrae, 186 , 267 Malignant hyperthermia (MH ), 545546
229t Lumpe t my, 637 Malignant melan ma, 164, 164
Legi nnaires disease, e2t Lungs, 98 , 380 , 413 , 469, 469 warning signs, 164t
Lens, 294 , 295296 an er, 473 Malignant tum rs, 62
Leptin, 322323t, 339 ex hange gases in, 473 mpared with benign tum rs, 128129,
Lesser urvature, 504 pH ntr l me hanisms and, 604 129t
Leukemia, 363364 and pleurae, 469470 Malleus, 183t, 304
a ute lymph yti , 363364, 364 water utput, 586 Mal lusi n, 499b, 499
a ute myel id, 364 Lunula, 153 Mammary dysplasia, 632b
Index I-13

Mammary glands, 100 Mental ramen, 184 M ns pubis, 632

Mammary regi n, 12t Mesentery, 496, 516 M n a e, 334
Mandible, 94 , 183t Mes derm, 657, 658t M rbillivirus, e1t
Manganese (Mn), 541t Messenger RNA (mRNA), 35, 57t M rula, 654, 655
Manubrium, 189 Metab li a id sis, 607 M tility, 494, 495t
Marasmus, e10t Metab li alkal sis, 607 M tility dis rders, 514
Massage, mus le, 228b Metab li b ne diseases, 201202 M ti n si kness, 307
Masseter, 232 , 232t ste p r sis, 201 M t r neur ns, 225, 250, 254
Maste t mies, 434 Paget disease, 202, 202 s mati , 276
Master gland, 326 ri kets and ste mala ia, 201202 M t r unit, 225, 226
Masters, W illiam, 639b, 639 Metab li dis rders, 542544 M uth, 99 , 496501
Masti ati n, 497 Metab li imbalan es, 542543 dis rders , 499501, 500
mus les , 232 Metab li me hanisms, disease, 116 salivary glands in, 498499, 499
Mastitis, 663664 Metab li rates, 541542, 542 stru ture , 496497, 497
Mast id pr ess temp ral b ne, 184 Metab lism teeth in, 497498, 498
Mast iditis, 181, 185 arb hydrate, 535537 M vement
Matrix, 72 at, 537538 pr du ed by mus les, 223224
b ne, 179 nutriti n and, 532553 v luntary mus ular, 223
Matter, 25 pr tein, 538 Mu utane us jun ti n, 147
Maxilla, 94 , 183t Meta arpal b nes, 94 , 190191, 190t Mu sa
Maxillary sinus, 185 , 462 Metaphase, 5960 digestive tra t, 495 , 496
Maximum xygen nsumpti n (VO 2 max), Metastasis, 129, 130 respirat ry, 461, 461
480b, 480 Metatarsal b nes, 94 , 193, 194t, 195 Mu sal immunity, 445b
M Burney p int, 516 Metaz a, path geni , 124 Mu us membranes, 147
Mean rpus ular v lume, bl d, e19t Methyl gr ups, 688 urethral, 564
Measles, e1t Metri system, 4b Multiple births, 661, 661
Me hani al digesti n, 517 Mi r bi me, 513 Multiple myel ma, 363, 363
Me hanisms disease, 115117 Mi r ephaly, 664b Multiple neur br mat sis, e10t, 252 , 253,
Me han re ept rs, 292 Mi r yti RBCs, 355 687t
Medial dire ti n b dy, 7, 8 Mi r glia, 251252, 251 Multiple s ler sis (MS), e9t, 225, 252253,
Medial epi ndyle, 191 , 193 Mi r nutrients, 538541 252
Median ubital vein, 411 minerals in, 540541, 541t Mumps, e1t, 500b, 500
Median nerve, 236, 236 vitamins in, 538540, 540t Murmurs, heart, 384
Mediastinum, 9, 469 Mi r s pi stru ture Murray, J seph E, 165
Medi al imaging, b dy, 132 , 133b, 133 b nes, 177 Mus le bers
Medi al ma hines, r rgan repla ement, kidneys, 557559 ntra ti n , 222
103104 Mi r s py, 76b, 76 sl w and ast, 224b, 224
Medi al terms M icrosporum rganisms, 123t stru ture , 221222
mbining v wels in, e12 Mi r villi, 4849, 508 Mus le hypertr phy, 228
learning and using, e12, e12t Mi turiti n, 565566 Mus le spindle, 292t
pluralizati n , e12, e12t Midbrain, 261 , 264t Mus le stimulus, 225
pre x , e12, e13t Middle n ha ethm id, 184 Mus le tissue, 8183
r t , e12, e16t Middle ear, 303 , 304 ardia , 82, 82t, 83 , 220
su x , e12, e14t Middle phalanx, 192 skeletal, 8182, 82 , 82t, 220
Medulla, h rm nes , 322323t Midsagittal plane, 9 sm th, 8283, 82t, 83 , 220
Medulla bl ngata, 260, 261 , 264t Milliequivalent (mEq), 590 Mus le t ne, 222223, 224
Medullary avity, 177 Mineral rti ids (MCs), 332 Mus les, 9495
Medullary rhythmi ity area, 475476 Minerals, 540541, 541t un ti n , 223b
Mei sis, 681, 682 Mis arriage, 662 Mus ular dis rders, 235237
Melanin, 149, 295 Mit h ndria, 46t, 47 in e ti ns, 235
Melan ytes, 149 aging and, 668 injury, 235
Melan ma, 129, 164 Mit h ndrial DNA, 685b, 685 mus ular dystr phy, 236237
Melat nin, 262, 322323t, 338 Mit h ndrial inheritan e, 685b, 685 myasthenia gravis, 237
Membranes, 144173 Mit h ndri n, 251 Mus ular dystr phy (MD), 236237
b dy, 145147 Mit sis, 5960 Mus ular system, 9495, 95 , 218247
lassi ati n , 145146 Mitral valve Mus ularis, 495 , 496
Membran us labyrinth, 304, 305 pr lapse, 383, 383 Mutagens, 684
Mem ry, innate and adaptive immunity, 436t sten sis, 383 Mutati ns, geneti , 684
Mem ry ells, 442 , 444 M des sensati n, 293294 Myalgia, 235
Menar he, 633 M lars, 497 Myasthenia gravis (MG), e9t, 237
Mendel, Greg r, 694b, 694 M le ules, 2627 My sis, e4t
Mnire disease, 307 hydr gen, 28, 29 Myelin sheath, 251
Meninges, 268269 M n l nal antib dies, 440 Myel id tissue, 352
Meningitis, e2t, 269 M n ytes, 351t, 362 Myel ma, 129
Men pause, 631, 670 n rmal values, e19t My ardial in ar ti n, 406
Menstrual y le, 633635, 633 M n sa haride, 31 My ardium, 381, 381
ntr l , 634 , 635 M n s my, 686 My laments, thi k and thin, 221, 221
phases , 634, 634 M n zyg ti twins, 661 My metrium, uterus, 630631
I-14 Index

My pia, 299, 300 Neur mus ular jun ti n (NMJ), 225 O upati nal health pr blems, 236b
My sin-a tin r ssbridges, 223 Neur ns, 250 O ular albinism, e10t
My sitis, 235 aut n mi , 275 O ul m t r nerve (CN III), 271t, 272
Myxedema, 330, 330 stru ture , 250, 251 O d r, urine, e22t, 568t
as aut immune diseases, e9t types , 250 O spring, pr du ing, 617618
as end rine nditi ns, e7t Neur s ien e, 279b O lder adulth d, gr wth and devel pment,
Neur transmitters, 257258 667, 667
N aut n mi , 277278, 278 O le ranal regi n, 12t
Naegleria owleri, 124 Neutr phils, 351t, 362 O le ran n pr ess, 191
Nails, 153154 n rmal values, e19t O l a t ry nerve (CN I), 271t, 272
variati ns in, 153154, 153 Nevus, 129 O l a t ry re ept rs, 308, 308
Naris, 463 Newb rn O lig dendr ytes, 251 , 252
Nasal b ne, 183t, 184 , 463 b ne devel pment in, 180 O lig spermia, 625
Nasal avity, 98 , 460 hem lyti disease , 361 O liguria, 563
Nasal regi n, 12t Nia in, 540t O n genes, 130, 688b
Nasal septum, 462 Night blindness, e10t, 301 O ny h lysis, 153154, 154
Nas pharynx, 460 , 462, 463 Nitri xide (NO ), 258 O genesis, 628629, 629
Natural killer ells, 442 Nitrite, in urine, e22t O ph re t my, 629
Nausea, e6t, 505 Nitr gen base, 35 O pen ra tures, 203
Navi ular b ne, 194 Nitr gly erin, 394b O phthalmi regi n, 12t
Nearsightedness, 299, 300 N turnal enuresis, 567 O phthalm s pe, 296, 299
Ne k N de Ranvier, 251 O pp rtunisti invasi n, path gens spread by,
arteries in, 410t N n-genital herpes vesi les, 158159t 125
mus les , 232, 232 , 232t N n-H dgkin lymph ma, 435 O pti disk, 297, 299
sagittal se ti n, 463 N ndisjun ti n, 685686, 687 O pti nerve (CN II), 271t, 272
t th, 498, 498 N ninf ammat ry j int disease, 204205 O ral avity, 98 , 185 , 462 , 496497
Needle bi psy, r kidney, 569 N nspe i immunity, 436 O ral regi n, 12t
Negative eedba k, 15, 15 , 324, 324 N nster id h rm nes, 320321 O rbi ularis uli, 232 , 232t
Nemat des, 124t N nster idal antiinf ammat ry drugs O rbi ularis ris, 232, 232 , 232t
Ne natal devel pment, riti al peri ds , 659 (NSAIDs), r gastri ul er, 505 O rbital regi n, 12t
Ne natal peri d, 665, 665 N repinephrine (NE), 257258, 322323t, O rbitals, energy levels , 2526
Ne nat l gy, 665 333 O rgan C rti, 304, 305
Ne plasms, 62, 116 N rm yti RBCs, 354, 355 O rgan repla ement, 101105
benign and malignant, 128130, 129 N se, 462 arti ial rgans, 101104
Nephritis, 570 N s mial in e ti ns, 571b n nvital, 101103
Nephr n l p, 557558, 558 , 559 , 560 , 562t Nu lear envel pe, 50 vital, 103104
Nephr ns, 557, 558 Nu lear p res, 50 O rgan systems, 93100
and urine rmati n, 560, 560 , 562t Nu lei a ids, 35 applying n epts in, 101
Nephr ti syndr me, 570 Nu le lus, 46t, 50 ardi vas ular, 9697, 97
Nerve endings, 292t Nu le plasm, 50 digestive, 9899, 99
Nerve ber Nu le tides, 56 end rine, 96, 96
myelinated, 257 mp nents , 35t gr uping , 102103t
unmyelinated, 257 Nu leus, 25 integumentary, 9394, 94
Nerve gr wth a t r (NGF), dis very , ell, 46t, 4950, 251 lymphati and immune system, 9798,
670b Nutrients, dietary s ur es , 534535 98
Nerve impairment, 307 Nutriti n mus ular, 9495, 95
Nerve impulses, 255256, 255 de niti n , 533 nerv us, 95, 96
Nerve signals, 253259 metab lism and, 532553 repr du tive, 99100, 100
Nerves, 253 Ny tal pia, e10t, 301. see also Night blindness respirat ry, 98, 98
spinal, 267 skeletal, 94, 94
Nerv us system, 95, 96 , 248289 O urinary, 99, 99 , 554581
ells , 250253 O besity, 543 O rganelles, 44
nerve impulses, 255256 O bligate intra ellular parasites, 121 O rgani hemistry, 3135
rgans and divisi ns , 249250, 250 O blique earl be reases (Franks sign), 303 O rganism, 5
ref ex ar s, 253255 O blique ssure, 469 O rgan genesis, 658
synapses, 256259 O blique ra ture, 204 O rgans
Nerv us tissue, 82t, 83, 84 O blique planes, 9 des ripti n , 6
dis rders , 252253 O bstru tive kidney dis rders, 567569 engineered, 104, 104
regenerati n and, 85 renal al uli, 567, 569 innervati n , by ANS, 275
Neuralgia, trigeminal, 273 tum rs, 567569 maj r b dy avities, 11
Neurilemma, 251 O bstru tive pulm nary dis rders, 471473, male repr du tive, 618t
Neur blast ma, 279 472 sense. see Sense rgans
Neur end rine system, 102103t O ipital artery, 410 urinary system, 556
Neur geni sh k, 421 O ipital b ne, 94 , 183t, 184 , 185 vital/n nvital, 101
Neur glia, 250 O ipital l be, 263 O rigin mus le, 221 , 232t
Neur hyp physis, 326 O ipital regi n, 12t O r pharynx, 460 , 463
Neur ma, 253 O ipital vein, 411 O rth d nti s, 499b
Index I-15

Osm lality Pan reati veins, 412 Pelvi inf ammat ry disease (PID), e2t, 636,
bl d, e19t Pan reatitis, 511512 640t
urine, e22t Pant theni a id, 540t Pelvi regi n, 12t
Osm sis, 51t, 52, 52 Papani la u test, 132, 638, 638 Pelvis, male and emale, 194195, 195
Osm ti balan e, 52, 53b, 53 Papilla(e), 307, 497 Peni illin, 571b
Osm ti pressure, 52 ir umvallate, 307 Penis, 100 , 619 , 624
Ossi les, 304 dermal, 150 dis rders , 625626
Ossi ati n, end h ndral, 179, 180 du denal Pepsin, 518
Osteitis de rmans, 202 maj r, 506 Pepsin gen, 518
Oste arthritis, 204205, 206 min r, 506 Peptide b nds, 33
Oste blasts, 177179 renal, 557 Per rating bers, b ne, 178
Oste lasts, 177179 Papillary layer skin, 150151 Peri ardial e usi n, 382
Oste ytes, 179 Papillary mus le, 381 Peri ardial spa e, 381
Oste genesis imper e ta, e10t, 202, 203 , 687t Papill ma, 129 Peri arditis, 381382
Oste ma, 129 Papule, 155, 158159t Peri ardium, 381382
Oste mala ia, e10t, 201202 Para rine, 325 Perilymph, 304, 305
Oste myelitis, 202, 204 Paralysis, spasti , 265 Perineal regi n, 12t
Oste ns, 177, 178 Paramammary n des, 434 Perineum, 633, 633
Oste p r sis, e7t, 201, 201 Paramyx virus, e1t, 119t Perineurium, 253
Oste sar ma, 129, 200 Paranasal sinuses, 185 , 462, 462 Peri d ntal ligament, 501
O titis, external, e2t, 303b Paraphim sis, 624 Peri d ntal membrane, 498
O titis media, 304, 304 Paraplegia, 265 Peri d ntitis, 501
O t s ler sis, 307 Parasternal lymph n des, 430 Peri steum, 177
O t s pe, 303304, 304 Parasternal n des, 434 Peripheral nerve bers, 253
O va, 681 Parasympatheti divisi n, aut n mi Peripheral nerv us system (PNS), 95, 260 ,
O varian lli les, 336, 627 nerv us system, 277 270274
O varies, 96 , 100 , 320 , 655 Parathyr id glands, 329 , 331 ranial nerves, 270
an er, 637 Parathyr id h rm ne (P H ), 176, 322323t, dis rders , 273274
un ti ns , 628629 331, 331 spinal nerves, 270273
h rm nes , 322323t Parathyr ids, 96 Peristalsis, 496, 496
r le in menstrual y le, 634 Parietal b ne, 94 , 183t Perit neal spa e, 516
stru ture and l ati n , 627628, 628 Parietal l be, 263 Perit neum, 516517, 516
O vera tive bladder, 570 Parietal peri ardium, 381, 381 Perit nitis, 517
O verf w in ntinen e, 566 Parkins n disease, e10t, 259 Permanent teeth, 497, 666
O verhydrati n, 589 Parkins nism, 259, 259 Perni i us anemia, 359
O vulating h rm ne. see Luteinizing h rm ne Par tid glands, 499 as aut immune diseases, e9t
(LH ) Parr t ever, e2t as de ien y diseases, e10t
O vulati n, 634635, 634 , 655 Partial pressure (P), 478 Per neus brevis, 231
O vum, 655 Partial-thi kness burns, 160, 160 Per neus l ngus, 231
O xygen Parturiti n, 658, 660 Perpendi ular plate ethm id, 184
in bl d ir ulati n, 385 Passive immunity, 438 Pers n-t -pers n nta t, path gens spread
bl d transp rtati n , 481 Passive transp rt pr esses, 5153, 51t by, 125
O xygen debt, 225 di usi n, 5152, 51 , 51t Pertussis, e2t
O xyhem gl bin (H bO 2), 354 thr ugh membrane, 52 pH , 30
O xyt in (O ), 322323t, 328 ltrati n, 51t bl d, e19t
Pat h, dermal, 158159t b dy f uids, 601602
P Patella, 94 , 191193, 194t ntr l
P-arm, 680 Patellar ligament, 254 integrati n , 603
P wave, 389 Path geni rganisms and parti les, in disease, me hanisms r, 602603
Pa emaker, 103 117124 imbalan es , 607
Pa emaker, arti ial, 390, 392 ba teria, 120122, 121 , 121t mpensati n r, 609610
Pa ked- ell v lume (PCV) test, 353 ungi, 123, 123 , 123t unit, 602
Paget disease, 202, 202 path geni animals, 124, 124t, 125 urine, e22t, 568t
Pain re ept rs, 292 pri ns, 120, 120 pH s ale, 30
Palate, 435 pr t z a, 123124, 123t, 124 use , 601602, 602
hard, 463 viruses, 118120, 118 , 119t Phag ytes, 440441
s t, 463 Path l gy, 3 Phag yt sis, 5455, 54t, 55 , 362 , 439 , 441
Palatine b ne, 183t Path physi l gy, disease, 115117 Phalanges, 190t, 194t
Palatine t nsils, 435, 435 , 463, 463 Patterns disease, 114115 t, 193
Palmar regi n, 12t Pco 2, bl d, e19t hand, 94 , 190191
Palpable b ny landmarks, 192b Pe tineus, 231 Pharyngeal t nsils, 435, 435 , 463
Pan reas, 99 , 412 , 511512, 512 Pe t ralis maj r mus le, 95 , 229t, 231 , 232, Pharyngitis, 465
Pan reati islets, 96 , 334336, 335 , 511 233t Pharynx, 98 , 99 , 460, 460 , 462464, 501502
h rm nes , 322323t Pedal regi n, 12t un ti n , 502
Pan reati jui e, 511 Pedigree, 690, 690 stru ture , 501502, 502
Pan reati se reti ns, s dium- ntaining, Pellagra, e10t Phases menstrual y le, 634, 634
591 Pelvi girdle, 190 Phenylalanine hydr xylase, 686687
I-16 Index

Phenylket nuria (PKU), e10t, 686688, P ly ysti kidney disease (PKD), 572573, Presby usis, 307
687t 573 Presby pia, 299300, 669
Phim sis, 624 adult, 573 Pressure gradient, in bl d f w, 415
Phlebitis, 408 P ly ysti vary syndr me (PCOS), 637, 637 Pressure s re, 158159t
Phleb t mists, 420 P ly ythemia, 358, 416 Presynapti neur n, 256
Ph sphate, 32 P lydipsia, 562 Primary amen rrhea, 635
Ph sph lipid bilayer, 32, 33 P lyend rine dis rders, 325 Primary audit ry area, 263
Ph sph lipids, 44 P lyps, nasal, 462 Primary dysmen rrhea, 635
n rmal values, e19t P lysa harides, 31, 72 Primary germ layers, 657
Ph sph rus (P), 541t P lyuria, 563 Primary s mati sens ry area, 263
n rmal values, e19t P ns, 260, 261 Primary spermat yte, 620, 621
Ph t pigment, 301 respirat ry ntr l enters, 476 Primary taste area, 263
Ph t re ept r ells, 297, 298 P ntine respirat ry gr up (PRG), 476 Pri ns, 120, 120
Ph t re ept rs, 292 P pliteal artery, 97 , 410 , 419 Pr geria, 667, 667b, 667
Physi al allergy, e6t P pliteal lymph n des, 430 Pr gerin, 667b
Physi l gy, 3 P pliteal regi n, 12t Pr gester ne, 322323t, 629, 634
Pia mater, 268, 269 P pliteal vein, 411 Pr la tin (PRL r la t geni h rm ne),
Pigment layer skin, 155 P pulati n pr je ti ns, by age gr up, 665t 322323t, 327
Pineal gland, 96 , 261 , 262, 264t, 338 P rk tapew rm in estati n, e5t Pr la tin ma, 327
h rm nes , 322323t P rt-wine stain, 151 Pr lapse, mitral valve, 383, 383
Pinna, 302, 303 P rtal hypertensi n, 511 Pr nati n, 228, 230
Pin yt sis, 54t, 55 P sitive eedba k, 1516, 16 , 324 Pr ne, 7
Pinw rm in estati n. see Enter biasis P sitr n emissi n t m graphy (PE ) s an, 26 Pr phase, 59
Pitting edema, 590b, 590 P st n ussi n syndr me, 264 Pr pri ept rs, 293
Pituitary dwar sm, e7t P steri r dire ti n b dy, 7, 8 Pr staglandin therapy, 326b
Pituitary gland, 96 , 261 , 320 , 326328 P steri r pituitary gland h rm nes, 328, 328 Pr staglandins (PGs), 325326
h rm nes , 322323t P steri r tibial artery, 419 Pr state an er, 625
anteri r pituitary, 326327 P steri r tibial vein, 411 dete ting, 626b
p steri r pituitary, 328 P stgangli ni neur ns, 275 Pr state gland, 100 , 565 , 619 , 623
r le in menstrual y le, 634 P stnatal peri d, 664667 dis rders , 625
stru ture , 326 adulth d, 666667 Pr state t my, 625
Pituitary stalk, 326 hildh d, 666 Pr stati hypertr phy, benign, 625
Piv t j ints, 199 in an y, 665666 Pr stheses, 103
Pla enta, 337338, 654656, 656 , 660 lder adulth d, 667 Pr tein- al rie malnutriti n, e10t, 543544,
etal side , 413 P stpartum dis rders, 663664 543t, 544
h rm nes , 322323t P stsynapti neur n, 256 Pr tein exp rt system, 48
maternal side , 413 P sture, 224 Pr teins, 3334, 34
Pla enta previa, 662, 662 P tassium i ns, urine v lume, 562 bl d, 350
Planes b dy, 89, 8 P tassium (K), 541t mplement, 440
Plantar f exi n, 229, 230 imbalan e, 592, 592t digesti n , 518519
Plantar regi n, 12t n rmal values, e19t metab lism , 538, 538
Plaque, 406 in urine, e22t n rmal values, e19t
ather s ler ti , 407 , 539 Pre apillary sphin ters, 404 plasma membrane, 44
dermal, aused by ri ti n, 158159t Pre entral gyrus, 263 synthesis , 5759, 58
Plasma Pree lampsia, 662 disease and, 5859
antib dies, 356 Preexisting nditi ns, as risk a t r r Pr teinuria, 570
bl d, 349, 350351 disease, 117 a ter exer ise, 567b
v lume values, e19t, 584 , 585t Pre x, medi al terms, e12, e13t Pr te gly ans, 72
Plasma ells, 362, 442443 Pre r ntal ass iati n area, 263 Pr te me, 680
Plasma membrane, 4445, 44 , 46t Pregangli ni neur ns, 275 Pr te mi s, 680
sele tively permeable, 52 Pregnan y Pr thr mbin a tivat r, 365, 366
Plasma pr teins, 534, 588 antenatal diagn sis and treatment, 663b, Pr thr mbin time (P ), 366
Plasmids, 692693 663 Pr t z a, path geni , 123124, 123t, 124
Platelet unt, bl d, e19t dis rders , 662664 Pr ximal nv luted tubule (PC ), 557, 558 ,
Platelet plug, 365, 366 e t pi , 631b 559 , 560 , 562t
Platelets, 365 in rease in skin pigmentati n, 150 Pr ximal dire ti n b dy, 7, 8
Platyhelminths, 124, 124t, 125 length, 658b Pr ximal phalanx, 194
Pleura, lungs and, 469470 stages lab r, 660 , 661 Pseud genes, 680
Pleurisy, 146, 470 Premature ntra ti ns, 390 Pseud strati ed lumnar epithelium, 77
Pli ae, 508 Premenstrual syndr me (PMS), 636 Pseud strati ed epithelium, 76, 77
Pluralizati n, medi al terms, e12, e12t Prem lars, 497 iliated, 461
Pneum nia, e1t, e2t, e6t, 471 Prem t r area, 263 Psitta sis. see Parr t ever
Pneum th rax, 470, 470 Prenatal peri d, 654658 Ps riasis, 162
Po 2, bl d, e19t ertilizati n t implantati n, 654, 655 Pteryg id pr ess sphen id, 184
P is ning, e6t rmati n primary germ layers, 657 Pubi angle, 195
P larizati n, 255256 hist genesis and rgan genesis, 658 Pubi ( rab) li e, 640t
P li myelitis, e1t, 235 peri ds devel pment, 656 Pubis, 191
P li virus, 118 Prepu e, 619 Publi health, 126b
Index I-17

Puerperal ever, 663 hem gl bin, 354 external genitals, 632633, 633
Pulm nary arteries, 481 RBC unt, 353 all pian tubes, 630
Pulm nary artery, 97 , 380 , 381 , 410 n rmal values, e19t menstrual y le, 633635, 633
Pulm nary apa ities, 476t in urine, e22t varies, 627628, 628
Pulm nary ir ulati n, 384, 385 , 408409 stru ture and un ti n , 352353 stru tural plan, 627
Pulm nary emb lism, 366 , 408 Red bers, 224 uterus, 630631, 630
Pulm nary gas ex hange, 478479 Red-green l r blindness, e10t, 684, 687t vagina, 628 , 631
Pulm nary semilunar valve, 381 , 383 Re erred pain, 296297b, 296 Repr du tive system, male, 618624, 619
Pulm nary stret h ref exes, 477 Ref ex a ess ry glands, 623, 623
Pulm nary trunk, 413 , 470 emptying, 566 dis rders, 624627
Pulm nary veins, 380 , 381 , 411 , 470 , 479 knee-jerk, 254 in ertility and sterility, 624625
Pulm nary ventilati n, 473478 Ref ex ar s, 253255 penis and s r tum, 625627
v lumes, 476 Ref ex in ntinen e, 566567 pr state, 625
Pulm nary v lumes, 474475, 476t Ref ux, 503, 503 testes, 625
Pulse, 419, 419 Re ra ti n, 297, 300 eja ulat ry du t and urethra, 619 , 623,
Punnett square, 690, 692 Re ra ti n dis rders, 297301 623
Pupil, 295, 295 Regenerati n, tissue and, 8384 epididymis, 620 , 622
Pustule, 155, 158159t Regi ns b dy, 13 external genitals, 623624, 624
Pyel nephritis, 570 Regulati n, 495t, 502 stru tural plan , 618619
a ute, 570 Regulat ry ells, 443 testes, 619622
hr ni , 570 Reje ti n vas de erens, 619 , 622623
Pyl ri nditi ns, 505 gra ted tissues, 447 Residual v lume (RV), 475, 476
Pyl ri sphin ter, 504 , 505 immune, transplants, 104105 Resistan e
Pyl ri sten sis, 505 Reje ti n syndr me, 446447 antibi ti , 127
Pyl r spasm, 505 Relative nstan y, 14 t bl d f w, 416
Pyl rus, st ma h, 504, 504 Relaxati n, ventri ular, 386 Respirati n
Pyrid xine, 540t Releasing h rm nes (RH s), 322323t, brainstem ntr l , 475476
328329 breathing patterns, 477478
Q Renal artery, 104 , 410 , 559 ex hange gases, in lungs, 473
Q angle, 206207b, 206 Renal al uli, 567, 569 me hani s breathing, 473474
Q-arm, 680 Renal ell ar in mas, 567 verview , 474
Q ever, e2t Renal li , 567 regulati n , 477
QRS mplex, 389 Renal lumns, 557 r le in ntr lling pH , 606
Q uadri eps em ris mus le gr up, 229t, 231 , Renal rpus le, 557, 558 , 559 Respirat ry a id sis, 608
234, 234t Renal rtex, 557 and ardia arrest, 609b
Q uadri eps mus le, 254 Renal insu ien y, 573 Respirat ry alkal sis, 609
Q uadriplegia, 265 Renal medulla, 557 Respirat ry distress syndr me, 468469
Renal papilla, 557 Respirat ry medi ine, 482b
R Renal pelvis, 557 Respirat ry ref exes, 476477
Rabies, e1t Renal pyramids, 557 Respirat ry system, 98, 98 , 458491
Radial artery, 410 , 419 Renal sinuses, 557 aging e e ts in, 669670
Radial pulse, 419 Renal thresh ld, 562 alve li, 467468, 467 , 468
Radial tuber sity, 191 Renal tubule, 557558 bl d transp rtati n gases, 480
Radial vein, 411 Renal tum rs, 569 br n hi les, 467, 467
Radiati n, 544, 544 Renal vein, 104 , 411 , 556 , 559 larynx, 460, 460 , 463 , 464
Radiati n si kness, 26b, e6t, Renin-angi tensin-ald ster ne system lungs and pleura, 470
Radiati n therapy, 134 (RAAS), 563, 564 n se, 462
Radi a tive is t pes, 26b, 26 Rep larizati n, 256 pharynx, 462464
Radi requen y ablati n, 636 ventri ular, 389 respirat ry mu sa, 461, 461
Radi graphy, 105b, 131, 131 Repr du ti n, 99100 stru tural plan , 460461, 460
Radius, 94 , 190, 190t, 191 ellular, 5960 systemi gas ex hange, 480
Ramn y Cajal, Santiag , 309b, 309 hanges in, 6062, 61 tra hea, 466, 466
Rash, in SLE, 446 sexual, 617618 Respirat ry tra t, 460461
Rati nal drugs, 133134 Repr du tive du ts l wer, 460, 460
Raynaud phen men n, 414b, 414 emale, 630631 in e ti n, 470471
Reabs rpti n, in urine rmati n, 561562 male, 622623 lung an er, 473
Re ept rs, 258259 Repr du tive in ertility, e9t bstru tive pulm nary dis rders,
in skin, 151154 Repr du tive system, 99100, 100 , 616651 471473
Re essive gene, 682 aging e e ts in, 670 restri tive pulm nary dis rders, 471
Re essiveness, 682683 anal g us eatures , 639, 639t upper
Re tum, 99 , 512513, 619 , 628 Repr du tive system, emale, 627635, 628 anat mi al dis rders, 465466
Re tus abd minis mus le, 95 , 231 , 233 , 233t a ess ry glands, 627t, 628 , 631632 in e ti ns (URI), 460461, 464465
Re tus em ris mus le, 95 , 229t, 234t dis rders , 635639 Respirat ry virus, 118
Red bl d ells (RBCs), 352358, 352 h rm nal and menstrual, 635636 Restri tive pulm nary dis rders, 471
abn rmalities , 354355, 355 in e ti n and inf ammati n, 636637 Reti ular rmati n, 260, 261
dis rders , 358361 in ertility, 638639 Reti ular layer, skin, 151
anemia, 358361 tum rs and related nditi ns, Reti ular tissue, 78, 79 , 79t
p ly ythemia, 358 637638 Reti ul yte unt, bl d, e19t
I-18 Index

Retina, 296, 298 Salm nell sis, e2t Sens ry re ept rs, 291
dis rders , 301302 Saltat ry ndu ti n, 257 respirat ry ntr l enters, 476, 477
Retinal degenerati n, 301302 Salts, 31 skin, 154
Retinal deta hment, 299 , 301 San J aquin ever. see C idi id my sis types , 292293
Retinitis pigment sa, e10t Sar mas, 129 Septi sh k, 421
Retr perit neal l ati n Sar mere, 221222 Septi emia, e1t
de niti n , 516 SARS-ass iated r navirus (SARSC V), Ser sa, 495 , 496
kidneys, 556 119 Ser t nin, 257258
Rh in mpatibility, 361 Sart rius mus le, 95 , 229t, 231 , 234t Ser t nin-spe i reuptake inhibit rs (SSRIs),
Rh-negative bl d, 356 Saturated atty a ids, 32 258
Rh-p sitive bl d, 356 S ab, 158159t Ser us membranes, 146147, 147
Rh system, 356 S abies, 161, 640t Serum hepatitis, 510
Rheumati ever S apula, 94 , 190, 190t Serum values, e19t
as aut immune diseases, e9t S ars, 8384 Severe a ute respirat ry syndr me (SARS),
as ba terial nditi ns, e2t Schistosoma rganisms, 124t 119
as viral nditi ns, e1t S hist s miasis, e5t Severe mbined immune de ien y (SCID),
Rheumati heart disease, 383 S hwann ell, 226 , 250, 253 e10t, 447, 687t, 693
Rheumat id arthritis, e9t, 205 multiple tum rs , 252 Severity burns, 157, 161
Rhinitis, 464465 S iati nerve, 237 Sex hara teristi s, se ndary, 666
Rhin virus, e1t, 118 , 119t inf ammati n , 273 Sex hr m s mes, 681
Rib, 94 S ienti meth d, 4, 4 Sex determinati n, 683
Rib f avin, 540t S lera, 295 Sex glands, 336
Rib nu lei a id (RNA), 35, 35t, 57 S ler derma, 162 emale, 631632
regulat ry, 57 S li sis, 188 male, 623, 623
types , 57t S rat h, 158159t Sex h rm nes, 332
Rib nu lei a id (RNA) virus, 118 , 119t S reening, an er, 101b Sex-linked inheritan e, 684
Rib s mal RNA, 57t S r tum, 100 , 619, 619 Sex-linked traits, 683684
Rib s mes, 46t, 47 dis rders , 626627, 627 Sexual repr du ti n, 617618
Ribs, 189, 473474, 556 S urvy, e10t, 539, 540 Sexually transmitted diseases (S Ds), 640t
Ri kets, e10t, 201202, 201 Seas nal a e tive dis rder (SAD), 338 Sexually transmitted in e ti n (S I), 640
Rickettsia rickettsii, 127t Seba e us glands, 154155 Shape and size
Right atri ventri ular valve, 381 Sebum, 154 ba teria, 121
Right li f exure, 512513 Se nd-degree burns, 157160 ells, 4344
Right heart ailure, 394 Se nd-messenger systems, 320b Shigell sis, e2t
Right hyp h ndria regi n, 10 Se nd messengers, 321 Shingles, e1t, 273
Right ilia regi n, 10 me hanism, 320321 Sh k, ir ulat ry, 421
Right lumbar regi n, 10 Se ndary amen rrhea, 635 Si kle ell anemia, e10t, 360, 360 , 683, 687t
Rig r m rtis, 223b Se ndary dysmen rrhea, 635 Si kle ell trait, e10t, 360, 687t
Risk a t rs Se ndary sex hara teristi s, 666 Sigm id l n, 512513
r disease, 117 Se reti ns, 494495, 495t Signal transdu ti n, 320b
r hypertensi n, 420421 gastri , 591 Signs and sympt ms, ti k-b rne diseases,
RNA inter eren e, 693 intestinal, 591 127t
R ky M untain sp tted ever, e2t, 127t pan reati , 591 Silent gallst nes, 509
R ds in urine rmati n, 562 Simple lumnar epithelium, 75, 75
ba terial, 121t Segmentati n, 496, 496 Simple ub idal epithelium, 75, 75
ph t re ept rs, 296 Seizure dis rders, 266 Simple g iter, 330, 330
Rntgen, W ilhelm, 105 Sel -antigens, 445 Simple squam us epithelium, 73
R t Sel -examinati n, r early signs an er, Single-gene diseases, 685, 686688
medi al terms, e12, e16t 131 Sinus dysrhythmia, 390, 391
t ngue, 497 Sella tur i a, 326 Sinuses, 181185
t th, 498, 498 Semen, 336 paranasal, 185 , 462, 462
R tati n, 228 Semi ir ular anals, 304, 305 renal, 557
j int, 199, 199t Semimembran sus, 231 , 234t Sinusitis, 462
R ugh end plasmi reti ulum, 47 Seminal vesi le, 619 Skeletal mus le, 220
R undw rm in estati n. see As ariasis Semitendin sus, 231 , 234t ntra ti n
Rubella, e1t Senes en e, 667 is metri , 226
Rugae, 504, 565, 565 Sensati n is t ni , 226
Rules nines, 161, 161 m des , 293294 m vements pr du ed by, 228230
by skin, 156 twit h and tetani , 225226
S Sense rgans, aging e e ts in, 669 e e ts exer ise n, 226228
Sa rum, 186187, 267 Senses, 290317, 309b un ti n , 222225
Saddle j ints, 199 lassi ati n , 291293 atigue, 224225
Sagittal plane, 8 , 9 general, 291, 292t, 293294, 293 heat pr du ti n, 224
Saliva integrati n , 309 integrati n with ther b dy systems,
pH , 602 sens ry pathways and, 293 225
s dium- ntaining, 591 spe ial, 292, 293t, 294309 m vement, 223224
Salivary amylase, 499 Sens r, 14 p sture, 224
Salivary glands, 99 , 498499, 499 Sens ry neur ns, 250 m t r unit, 225
Index I-19

mus le stimulus, 225 S dium (Na), 541t Spleni vein, 411 , 412
stru ture imbalan e, 592, 592t Splen megaly, 435
mus le bers, 221222 internal se reti ns ntaining, 591 Sp ngy b ne, 80, 177, 178
mus le rgans, 220221 n rmal values, e19t Sp ntane us ab rti n, 662
Skeletal mus le tissue, 8182, 82 , 82t reabs rpti n , 561 Sp res, 122
Skeletal system, 94, 94 , 174217 in urine, e22t anthrax, 128b
age di eren es, 195 S dium bi arb nate, 499 Sp r z a, 123124
aging e e ts, 668 bu ering a ti n , 605 Sprain, 235
dis rders , 200207 S dium hl ride, 27, 28 Spread path gens
envir nmental a t rs, 195196 S dium-p tassium pump, 54, 54 envir nmental nta t, 125
un ti ns , 175176 S t palate, 463 , 496497 pp rtunisti invasi n, 125
j ints, 196199 S leus, 229t, 231 , 234t pers n-t -pers n nta t, 125
mi r s pi stru ture b nes, 177 S lutes, 29 transmissi n by ve t r, 126
m vement , 176 S luti ns, 29 Squam us ell ar in ma, 164, 164
pr te ti n , 176 S mati sens ry ass iati n area, 263 Squam us epithelium, 7374
st rage , 176 S unds simple squam us epithelium, 73
types b nes, 176 heart, 380, 384 strati ed, 461
Skeletal variati ns, 194196 K r tk , 418 strati ed squam us epithelium, 7374, 74
Skelet mus ular system, 102103t Spasti paralysis, 265 Squam us suture, 184 , 185
Skelet n, main parts , 181t Spe ial senses, 292, 293t, 294309 Stages hr ni renal ailure, 573
Skene glands, 631 hearing and equilibrium as, 302307 Stages lab r, 660 , 661
Skin, 144173, 165b, 165 smell as, 308309 Stagh rn al uli, 567
a ess ry stru tures taste as, 307308, 308 Staining pr perties, ba teria, 120121
hair, 151153 visi n as, 294297 Stapes, 183t, 304
nails, 151154 Spe i gravity Staphyl al in e ti n, e2t
re ept rs, 151154 n rmal values, e19t Star h, 31
aging e e ts, 668 urine, 568t Stati equilibrium, 306, 306
burns, 157161 Spe i immunity, 437 Statins, 539b
an er, 163165 Spe i ity, innate and adaptive immunity, Stem ells, 61b, 61 , 657
lesi ns, 164 436t r m rd bl d, 659b
l r hanges, 149150 Speed rea ti n, innate and adaptive in - ell devel pment, 444
dis rders , 156165 immunity, 436t Sten sed valves, 383
un ti ns , 155156 Sperm, 620621, 621 Sten sis, mitral valve, 383
in e ti ns, 161, 162 human, 622 Stents, 406
lesi ns, 156157, 158159t pr du ti n, redu ed, 625 Sterility, e7t
mi r s pi view , 148 Spermatids, 620 Sterilizati n, in disease preventi n, 125t
ph t mi r graph , 149 Spermat genesis, 619620, 621 Stern lavi ular j int, 190
pr te ti n in, 155 Spermat g nia, 619 Stern leid mast id mus le, 95 , 231 , 232,
re ept rs, 154 Spermat z a, 619, 655 , 681 232 , 232t
repair, 157 Sphen id b ne, 183t, 184 Sternum, 94 , 189, 190t, 470
seba e us glands, 154155 Sphen id sinus, 185 , 462 , 463 Ster id abuse, 325b
sense rgan a tivity, 155 Sphin ters, 502 Ster id h rm nes, 33, 321, 321
stru ture , 148155 anal, 514 Ster ids, 33, 33
sweat glands, 154 es phageal, 502 Stillbirth, 662
synthesis vitamin D, 156 pre apillary, 404 Stings, e5t
temperature regulati n, 155156 pyl ri , 504 , 505 St ma h, 99 , 412 , 504506, 504
thi k and thin, 151 urinary, 565, 565 an er, 506
turg r , 588 Sphygm man meter, 418 dis rders , 505506, 505
vas ular and inf ammat ry dis rders, Spinal avity, 9 un ti n , 505
161163 Spinal rd, 96 , 261 , 266268 stru ture , 504
water utput, 586 verings and f uid spa es, 268270, 269 Strabismus, 300301, 301
Skull, 181185, 184 , 261 un ti ns , 268 Strains
b nes , 183t stru ture , 266268, 267 , 268 mus le, 235, 235
regi ns , 181 Spinal nerves, 96 , 270273 mus ul tendin us unit, 205
Sliding lament m del, 222 Spinal tap, 272 Strati ed squam us epithelium, 7374, 74 ,
Small ba teria, 121, 121t Spindle bers, 59 461
Small ardia vein, 411 Spine, 186189 Strati ed transiti nal epithelium, 76, 77
Small intestine, 99 , 412 , 506509 Spin us pr ess Stratum rneum, 148 , 149
stru ture , 506508, 507 , 508 lumbar vertebra, 186 Stratum germinativum, 148 , 149
Smallp x, 115, 115 vertebral, 556 Strawberry hemangi ma, 151, 151
Sm th end plasmi reti ulum, 47 Spiral ra ture, 204 Strength, mus le, enhan ement , 227b
Sm th mus le, 220, 277t Spiral rgan, 304, 305 Stress, 332333, 333
tra healis, 466 Spir grams, 478t mus le tensi n indu ed by, 235
ureteral, 565 Spir meter, 474 as risk a t r r disease, 117
vein, 404 Spleen, 98 , 412 , 430 , 435 Stress ardi my pathy, 394
Sm th mus le tissue, 8283, 82t, 83 Splene t my, 435 Stress in ntinen e, 566
Snail ever. see S hist s miasis Spleni artery, 410 Stret h re ept r, 254
Snu dippers p u h, 499500 Spleni f exure, 512513 Stret h re ept r, pulm nary, 477
I-20 Index

Striae, skin, 158159t Systemi ir ulati n, 384, 385 T rax, 189

Striati ns Systemi gas ex hange, 480 arteries in, 410t
in ardia mus le ber, 220 Systemi inf ammati n, 135 b nes , 190t
in skeletal mus le ber, 220 Systemi lupus erythemat sus (SLE), e9t, 445 veins in, 411t
Str ke, e1t, 264, 407 Systems, des ripti n , 6 T readw rm in estati n. see ri hin sis
Str ke v lume, 393394 Syst le, 383 T ree-neur n ar s, 253254
Str ng a id, 3031 Syst li bl d pressure, 418, 420 T r mb yte, 351t, 365
Stru tural pr teins, 34 T r mb yt penia, 368
Stru ture- un ti n relati nships, ellular, 50 T T r mb phlebitis, 408
Stru ture skeletal mus le ells, 435, 443 T rush, 501
mus le bers, 221222 devel pment , 443, 444 T umb, m bility , 199
mus le rgans, 220221 un ti ns , 443 T ymine, 35
Stru ture skin, 148155 lymph yte, 351t, 362 T ym sin, 322323t, 337, 435
dermal-epidermal jun ti n, 148 , 150 wave, 389 T ymus gland, 96 , 98 , 320 , 337, 430 ,
dermis, 150151 a hy ardia, 390, 391 434435
epidermis, 149150 a tile rpus le (Meissner rpus le), 154, h rm ne un ti n and dys un ti n,
papillary layer, 150151 292t 322323t
pigment, 149150 alus, 194 T yr id artilage, 463 , 464
reti ular layer, 151 arget ell, 320 T yr id lli les, 329
stratum germinativum, 149 arget rgans, innervati n , by ANS, 275 T yr id gland, 96 , 320 , 329331, 329 , 464
sub utane us tissue, 151 arsal b nes, 94 , 194t h rm nes , 322323t, 329330
Styl id pr ess temp ral, 184 arsal regi n, 12t T yr id-stimulating h rm ne ( SH ),
Subat mi parti les, 25 aste buds, 307, 308 , 497 322323t, 326
Sub lavian arteries, 410 ay-Sa hs disease, e10t, 687t, 688 T yr xine ( 4), 321, 322323t
Sub lavian artery, 97 eeth, 497498, 498 ibia, 94 , 191193, 194t
Sub lavian vein, 411 , 430 typi al, 498, 498 ibial tuber sity, 193
Sub utane us tissue, 151 el phase, 60 ibialis anteri r mus le, 95 , 229t, 234, 234t
Sublingual glands, 499 emperature regulati n, by skin, 155156 i d ul ureux, 273
Submandibular glands, 499 emp ral b ne, 183t, 184 i k-b rne diseases, 127t
Submu sa emp ral l be, 263 idal v lume ( V), 474
digestive tra t, 495 , 496 emp ral mus le, 232 , 232t inea, e4t, 161
small intestine, 507 emp ral regi n, 12t issue h rm ne, 325
st ma h, 504 end n sheath, 220221 issue plasmin gen a tivat r ( PA r tPA),
Subs apular n des, 434 in arpal tunnel, 236 365, 394b
Sudden in ant death syndr me (SIDS), 478b end ns, 95, 95 , 220 issue typing, 45, 81b, 447
Sud ri er us glands, 154 extens rs ngers, 236 issues, 7091
Su x, medi al terms, e12, e14t en syn vitis, 236 bl d, 349350
Sunburn, and skin an er, 163b erat gens, 663 nne tive. see C nne tive tissue
Sunstr ke, 546 ermin l gy, disease, 113114 degenerati n , 116117
Super ial, de niti n , 7 est gr up, 4 des ripti n , 6
Super ial temp ral artery, 419 estes, 96 , 100 , 619622 elasti , 404
Superi r dire ti n b dy, 7, 8 dis rders , 625 engineered, 104, 104
Superi r mesenteri artery, 410 un ti ns , 619622 epithelial, 7276
Superi r mesenteri vein, 411 , 412 stru ture and l ati n , 619, 619 , 620 tness and, 84b, 84
Superi r vena ava, 97 , 380 , 381 , 411 , 413 esti ular an er, 625 maj r systemi arteries in, 410t
Supinati n, 228, 230 estis, h rm nes , 322323t maj r systemi veins in, 411t
Supine, 7 est ster ne, 227, 322323t, 336, 619 mus le, 8183, 220
Supplemental xygen, 462 pr du ti n , 621622 nerv us, 83
Supra lavi ular n des, 434 etani ntra ti ns, 225226 repair, 8385
Supra lavi ular regi n, 12t etanus, e2t pher l, 540t
Sur a e area, abs rpti n and, 520 T alamus, 262, 264t ngue, 99
Sur a tant-pr du ing ell, 468 T alassemia, e10t, 360361 base , 464
Surgery, r nary bypass, 386, 387 T erm re ept rs, 292 nsille t my, 463464
Sutures, 185 T erm regulati n, 544545, 544 nsillitis, 435, 463, 463
Sweat glands, 154 eedba k ntr l , 545 nsils, 98 , 430 , 435, 435 , 463
Swimmers ear, e2t, 303b. see also O titis, T iamine, 540t th de ay, 500
external T igh, mus les , gr uped a rding t phi, 303
Sympatheti divisi n, aut n mi nerv us un ti n, 229t tal lung apa ity, 476
system, 276277 T ird-degree burns, 160 tal metab li rate ( MR), 541, 542
Symphysis pubis, 196, 628 T irst, me hanism, 588 xi sh k syndr me, e2t, 421
Sympt mati gallst nes, 509 T ra i a rta, 410 xi l gists, 420
Synapses, 256259, 258 T ra i avity, ser us membranes , 146 x plasm sis, e5t
Synapti le t, 256 T ra i du t, 98 , 430 rabe ulae, 177, 178
Synapti kn b, 256 T ra i regi n, 12t ra hea, 98 , 380 , 460, 463 , 466, 466
Synarthr ses, 196 T ra i vertebrae, 186 , 187t, 189, 267 ra he br n hitis, 470471
Syn vial membranes, 147, 220 T ra lumbar system. see Sympatheti ra he st my, 465b, 465
Syntheti human insulin, 336b, 336 divisi n, aut n mi nerv us ra h ma, e2t
Syphilis, e2t, 640t system ra ts, 253
Index I-21

ragus, 303, 303 in nerv us system, 253 Urethra, 99 , 100 , 565

raits renal, 569 emale, 628
hereditary, 682683 testi ular, 625 male, 619 , 623
sex-linked, 683684 types , 129130 Urethral syndr me, 569570
ransaminase, n rmal values, e19t urinary system, 567569 Urethritis, 569
rans ellular f uid, 585, 585t virilizing, the adrenal rtex, 334 Urge in ntinen e, 566
rans ripti n, 57 uni a albuginea, 619, 620 Uri a id
rans er RNA, 5758, 57t uni a externa, 404, 404 n rmal values, e19t
ransiti nal epithelium, 76 uni a intima, 404405, 404 in urine, e22t
strati ed, 76, 77 uni a media, 404, 404 Urinalysis, 567
ureteral, 564, 565 urbinates, 462 Urinary bladder, 99 , 565, 619 , 628
ranslati n, 5758 urg r, skin, 588 Urinary in ntinen e, 566
ransmissi n, me hanisms , 125126 urner syndr me, e10t, 689, 690 Urinary retenti n, 566
ransplant winning, 661 Urinary suppressi n, 566
b ne marr w, 352 wit h, 225226 Urinary system, 99, 99 , 554581
heart, 395 w -p int dis riminati n, 293 aging e e ts in, 670
reje ti n syndr me, 446447 ympani membrane, 303, 303 anteri r view rgans, 556
ransp rt maximum, 562 ype 1 diabetes mellitus, 335 mi turiti n, 565566
ransverse ar h, 194 as aut immune diseases, e9t renal and urinary dis rders, 567573
ransverse l n, 512513 as end rine nditi ns, e7t Urinary tra t in e ti ns (U Is), 569570
ransverse ra tures, 204 exer ise and, 335b treatment , 571b, 571
ransverse plane, 8 , 9 ype 2 diabetes mellitus, e7t, 335 Urine
ransverse pr ess yph id ever, e2t a idi ati n , 606
lumbar, 187 hara teristi s , 568t
vertebrae, 267 U mp nents , e22t
ransversus abd minis, 233 , 233t Ubiquitin, 688 eliminati n , 564567
rapezius, 231 , 232, 232 , 232t, 237 Ul er rmati n , 560563, 560
raumati injury de ubitus, 161162 utput, abn rmalities , 566567
brain, 264 dermal, 158159t v lume
n ninf ammat ry j int pr blems due t , Ul erative litis, e9t, 514515 abn rmalities , 563
205 Ulna, 94 , 190, 190t ntr l , 563
raumati me hanisms, disease, 116 Ulnar artery, 410 Ur genital system, 102103t
ravelers diarrhea. see Giardiasis Ulnar deviati n, in rheumat id arthritis, Urs de xy h li a id (A tigall), 510
ri eps bra hii, 229t, 231 , 232, 233t 205 Urti aria, 162
richinella rganisms, 124t Ulnar vein, 411 Uterine artery emb lizati n, 637
ri hin sis, e5t Ultras n graphy, 132 Uterine tube, 100
ri h m niasis, e5t, 640t in antenatal medi ine, 663b, 663 Uterus, 100 , 630631, 630 , 660
ri uspid valve, 381 , 383 rem val kidney st nes using, 569b an er, 638
ri uspids, 497 Ultravi let radiati n, r le , 163 Uvula, 463 , 497
rigeminal nerve (CN V), 271t, 272 Umami, 308
rigeminal neuralgia, 273 Umbili al rd, 413 , 660 , 665 V
rigly erides, 32, 32 Umbili al rd bl d, reezing , 659b, 659 Va inati n, disease and, 126127
n rmal values, e19t Umbili al hernia, 663 Va ines, 447, 448b
rig ne, 565 Umbili al regi n, 10, 10 , 12t Va inia virus, 118
rii d thyr nine ( 3), 322323t Umbili al vein, 413 Vagina, 100 , 628 , 660
rimesters, 656 Umbili us, 233 Vaginitis, 637
riple therapy, 506 Un mpensated metab li a id sis, 610 Vagus nerve (CN X), 271t, 272
riplegia, 265 Universal d n r bl d, 357 Valves, heart, 383
ris my, 685686 Universal re ipient bl d, 357 van Leeuwenh ek, Ant nie, 76b, 76
ris my 21, 688689 Unsaturated atty a ids, 32 Variant Creutz eldt-Jak b disease (vCJD),
r hlear nerve (CN IV), 271t, 272 Upper es phageal sphin ter (UES), 502 120
r hlear n t h, 190 Upper extremity, 190191 Vari ella z ster virus (VZV), e1t
r ph blast, 656 arteries in, 410t Vari es, 408
r p nins test, 351b b ne, 190191, 190t Vari se veins, 408, 408
rue ribs, 190t mus les , 232, 233t Vas de erens, 100 , 619 , 622623
runk, mus les , 233, 233 veins in, 411t Vas ular layer, eye, 295296
rypsin, 518 Upper respirat ry in e ti ns (URIs), e1t Vase t my, 623b
uber ul sis ( B), e2t, 127, 471 Upper respirat ry tra t, 460 , 462466 Vas nstri ti n, 365
ubules, renal, 557558 anat mi al dis rders, 465466 Vas dilat rs, 406
um r suppress r genes, 688b in e ti n (URI), 460461, 464465 Vas m t r me hanism, 416, 417
um rs Urea, in urine, e22t Vastus intermedius, 234t
benign and malignant, 128129, 129t Urea learan e, urine, e22t Vastus lateralis, 231 , 234t
benign uterine, 637 Uremia, 555, 573 Vastus medialis, 231 , 234t
b ne, 200, 200 Uremi p is ning, 555 Ve t r, transmissi n by, path gens, 126,
and an er, 128134 Uremi syndr me, 573 127t
artilage, 200201 Ureters, 99 , 104 , 557 , 564565, 564 , 565 Veins, 404
emale repr du tive tra t, 637638 emale, 628 dis rders , 408
ne plasms, 128130 male, 619 Ven us valve un ti n, 405
I-22 Index

Ventilati n, regulati n , 475477 Visual a uity, 298b, 298 W heals, 158159t, 162
Ventral, de niti n , 7 Visual ass iati n area, 263 W hite bl d ells (W BCs), 361362
Ventral b dy avities, 9 Visual rtex, 263 agranular leuk ytes, 362
Ventral respirat ry gr up (VRG), 475476 Visual impairment, e6t dis rders , 363365
Ventri les, ardia , 380381, 380 , 381 Visual pathway, 297, 299 in e ti us m n nu le sis, 364, 364
Ventri ular ntra ti n, 382 , 386 Vital apa ity (VC), 475, 476 leukemia, 363364
premature, 390 Vitamin A, 540t multiple myel ma, 363, 363
Ventri ular brillati n, 390, 391 Vitamin B12, in anemia, 359t granular leuk ytes, 362
Ventri ular relaxati n, 386 Vitamin C, 540t phag yti , 440
Venule, pulm nary, 467 Vitamin D, 540t types , 362
Venules, 406 de ien y, 201 WBC unt, 362
Vermi rm appendix, 515 synthesis by skin, 156 n rmal values, e19t
Vertebra(e), 94 , 187 Vitamin E, 540t in urine, e22t
Vertebral lumn, 186189, 186 Vitamin H , 540t W hite at, 79t
b nes , 187t Vitamin K, 540t W hite bers, 224
Vertebral disk, herniated, 197 in bl d l tting, 365 W hite matter, 253, 260
Vertebral ramen, 187 de ien y, 368 W h ping ugh. see Pertussis
Vertebr plasty, 188b, 188 Vitamins, 538540, 540t W indburn, e6t
Vesalius, Andreas, 6b, 6 imbalan es in, 539540 W inter depressi n, e7t
Vesi le, 158159t Vitilig , 149, 150 , 158159t
n n-genital herpes, 158159t Vitre us hum r, 296297 X
Vesi le, seminal, 619 V al rds, 463 , 464 X-linked inherited dis rders, hem philia,
Vestibular glands, 631 V lar regi n, 12t 366367
Vestibular nerve, 306 V lkmann anals, 177 X-linked traits, 683684
Vestibule, 304, 305 , 633, 633 V mer, 183t, 184 X-ray study, upper gastr intestinal, 506b,
Vestibul hlear nerve (CN VIII), 272 , 306 V miting, 608b, 608 506
Villi, 508 V wels, mbining, in medi al terms, e12 Xer derma pigment sum, 688b
Viral en ephalitis, e1t Vulva, 100 Xiph id pr ess, 189 , 190t
Viral in e ti ns XO, 689
shingles, 273 W XXY, 689
warts, 161 Warning signs
Virilizing tum r, the adrenal rtex, 334 an er, 131t Y
Viruses malignant melan ma, 164t Yeast ells, 123
path geni , 118120, 118 , 119t Warts, e1t, 158159t, 161 Y lk sa , 654
r le in ausing an er, 131 genital, 640t
Vis eral e e t rs, aut n mi un ti ns , 277t Water, 2930 Z
Vis eral peri ardium, 381, 381 in b dy, 584 Z disk, 222
Vis eral perit neum, 496 utput by b dy, 589 Z lines, 221
Vis eral pleura, 470 reabs rpti n , 561 Z in (Zn), 541t
Vis sity Water-based hemistry, 29 de ien y, e10t
bl d, 416 Water int xi ati n, 589 Zyg mati b nes, 183t, 184
n rmal values, e19t Weak a id, 3031 Zyg mati regi n, 12t
Visi n, 294297 Werni ke area, 263 Zyg mati us, 232, 232 , 232t
dis rders , 297302 West Nile virus (W NV), 120 Zyg te, 618, 654, 655 , 656
Cle ar Vie w o the
Hum an Bo dy
Developed by
Illustrated by
Drago n y Me dia Gro up

In t ro d u c t io n Hin t s o r U s in g t h e C le a r Vie w
A mplete understanding human anat my and physi l gy
o t h e Bo d y
requires an appre iati n r h w stru tures within the b dy 1. Starting at the rst page the Clear View, sl wly li t the
relate t ne an ther. Su h appre iati n r anat mi al stru - page as y u l k at the anteri r view the male and e-
ture has be me espe ially imp rtant in the twenty- rst en- male b dies. Y u will see deeper stru tures appear, as i
tury with the expl si n in the use diverse meth ds medi- y u had disse ted the b dy. As y u li t ea h su essive
al imaging that rely n the ability t interpret se ti nal views layer images, y u will be l king at deeper and deeper
the human b dy. b dy stru tures. A key t the labels is und in the gray
T e best way t devel p y ur understanding verall ana- sidebar.
t mi al stru ture is t are ully disse t a large number male 2. Starting with the se nd se ti n the Clear View, n ti e
and emale human adaversthen have th se disse ted spe i- that y u are l king at the p steri r aspe t the male and
mens handy while reading and learning ab ut ea h system emale b dy. Li t ea h layer r m the edge t reveal b dy
the b dy. O bvi usly, su h multiple disse ti ns and nstant stru tures in su essive layers r m the ba k t the r nt.
a ess t spe imens are impra ti al r nearly every ne. H w- T is very unique view will help y u understand stru tural
ever, the experien e a simple disse ti n an be appr ximated relati nships even better.
by layering several partially transparent, tw -dimensi nal ana- 3. O n ea h page the Clear View, l k at the transverse se -
t mi al diagrams in a way that all ws a student t virtually ti n represented in the sidebar. T e se ti n y u are l king
disse t the human b dy simply by paging thr ugh the layers. at n any ne page is r m the l ati n sh wn in the larger
T is Clear View o the Human Body pr vides a handy diagram as a red line. In ther w rds, i y u ut the b dy at
t l r disse ting simulated male and emale b dies. It als the red line and tilted the upper part the b dy t ward
pr vides views several di erent parts the human b dy in y u, y u w uld see what is sh wn in the se ti n diagram.
a variety r ss se ti ns. T e many di erent anteri r and N ti e that ea h se ti n has its wn labeling system that is
p steri r views als give y u a perspe tive n b dy stru ture separate r m the labels used in the larger images.
that is n t available with rdinary anat mi al diagrams. T is
Clear View is an always-available t l t help y u learn the three-
dimensi nal stru ture the b dy in a way that all ws y u t
see h w they relate t ea h ther in a mplete b dy. It will
always be right here in y ur textb k, s pla e a b kmark
here and re er t the Clear View requently as y u study ea h
the systems the human b dy.

KEY 47. Peri ardium 95. Right lung 145. Fem ral artery and vein
48. Liver 96. Le t lung 146. Addu t r magnus m.
1. Epi ranius m. 49. Gallbladder 97. Pulm nary artery 147. Patella
2. emp ralis m. 50. St ma h 98. Right atrium 148. Fibula
3. O rbi ularis uli m. 51. ransverse l n 99. Right ventri le 149. ibia
4. Masseter m. 52. Small intestines 100. Le t atrium 150. Fibularis l ngus m.
5. O rbi ularis ris m. 53. Bi eps bra hii m. 101. Le t ventri le 151. Spinal rd
6. Pe t ralis maj r m. 54. Bra hi radialis m. 102. C ra bra hialis m. 152. Nerve r t
7. Serratus anteri r m. 55. Addu t r l ngus m. 103. In eri r vena ava 153. Platysma m.
8. Basili vein 56. Sart rius m. 104. Des ending a rta 154. Splenius apitis m.
9. Bra hial as ia 57. Q uadri eps em ris m. 105. Right kidney 155. Levat r s apulae m.
10. Cephali vein 58. Patellar ligament 106. Le t kidney 156. Rh mb ideus m.
11. Re tus sheath 59. ibialis anteri r m. 107. Right ureter 157. In raspinatus m.
12. Linea alba 60. Sup. extens r retina ulum 108. Re tum 158. eres maj r m.
13. Re tus abd minis m. 61. In . extens r retina ulum 109. Urinary bladder 159. Lumb d rsal as ia
14. Umbili us 62. Cerebrum brain 110. Pr state gland 160. Ere t r spinae m.
15. Abd minal blique m., 63. Cerebellum 111. Ilia artery and vein 161. Serratus p st. in . m.
external 64. Brainstem 112. Uterus 162. Latissimus d rsi m.
16. Abd minal blique m., 65. Maxillary sinus 113. Parietal b ne 163. Gluteus medius m.
internal 66. Nasal avity 114. Fr ntal sinus 164. Gluteus maximus m.
17. ransverse abd minis m. 67. ngue 115. Sphen idal sinus 165. Ili tibial tra t
18. Inguinal ring, external 68. T yr id gland 116. O ipital b ne 166. Flex r arpi ulnaris m.
19. F ssa valis 69. H eart 117. Palatine pr ess 167. Extens r arpi ulnaris m.
20. Fas ia the thigh 70. H epati veins 118. Cervi al vertebrae 168. Extens r digit rum m.
21. Great saphen us vein 71. Es phagus 119. C rpus all sum 169. Carpal ligament, d rsal
22. Parietal b ne 72. Spleen 120. T alamus 170. Inter sse us m.
23. Fr ntal b ne 73. Celia artery 121. rapezius m. 171. Gluteus minimus m.
24. emp ral b ne 74. P rtal vein 122. A r mi n pr ess 172. Piri rmis m.
25. Zyg mati b ne 75. D u denum 123. C ra id pr ess 173. Gemellus sup. m.
26. Maxilla 76. Pan reas 124. H umerus 174. O bturat r internus m.
27. Mandible 77. Mesenteri artery 125. Subs apularis m. 175. Gemellus in . m.
28. Stern leid mast id m. 78. As ending l n 126. Delt id m. ( ut) 176. Q uadratus em ris m.
29. Stern hy id mus le 79. ransverse l n 127. ri eps m. 177. Bi eps em ris m.
30. Om hy id mus le 80. Des ending l n 128. Bra hialis m. 178. Gastr nemius m.
31. Delt id m. 81. Sigm id l n 129. Bra hi radialis m. 179. Cal aneal (A hilles)
32. Pe t ralis min r m. 82. Mesentery 130. Radius tend n
33. Sternum 83. Appendix 131. Ulna 180. Cal aneus b ne
34. Rib ( stal) artilage 84. Inguinal ligament 132. Diaphragm 181. Sub utane us at
35. Rib 85. Pubi symphysis 133. T ra i du t 182. C rpus sp ngi sum
36. Greater mentum 86. Extens r arpi radialis m. 134. Q uadratus lumb rum m. 183. C rp ra avern sa
37. Fr ntal l be 87. Pr nat r teres m. 135. Ps as m. 184. Umbili al ligaments
38. Parietal l be 88. Flex r arpi radialis m. 136. Lumbar vertebrae 185. Epigastri artery and vein
39. emp ral l be 89. Flex r digit rum 137. Ilia us m. 186. Right testis
40. Cerebellum pr undus m. 138. Gluteus medius m. 187. ransverse th ra i m.
41. Nasal septum 90. Q uadri eps em ris m. 139. Ili em ral ligament 188. Parietal pleura
42. Bra hi ephali vein 91. Extens r digit rum 140. Sa ral nerves 189. C mm n bile du t
43. Superi r vena ava l ngus m. 141. Sa rum 190. Lesser mentum
44. T ymus gland 92. T yr id artilage 142. C yx 191. Flex r digit rum
45. Right lung 93. ra hea 143. Femur pr undus
46. Le t lung 94. A rti ar h 144. Vastus lateralis m. 192. Epigl ttis

He ad - Trans ve rs e S e c tio n

b B
a C

a D
d E

e F

g A. Vitreous body of eye
B. Ethmoidal cells
i i C. Temporalis m.
D. Optic nerve
n g E. Sphenoidal sinus
F. Brain

o j

Ante rio r Vie w

k a. Frontal region (forehead)
b. Cranial region (upper skull)
q p
l c. Facial region
l r
d. Pinna of ear
s e. Cervical (neck) region
m f. Axilla (armpit)
t g. Breast
S h. Nipple and areola
R L i. Brachial region (arm)
j. Antebrachial region (forearm)
k. Carpal region (wrist)
l. Palmar or volar region
m. Digital or phalangeal region
n. Abdomen
o. Umbilicus or navel
p. Pubic region with pubic hair
q. Penis (circumcised)
r. Scrotum
u s. Vulva
t. Femoral region (thigh)
u. Crural region (leg)
v. Tarsal region (ankle)

v v

Po s te rio r View
1. Epicranius m.
1 3
2. Temporalis m.
3. Orbicularis oculi m.
4. Masseter m. 3 5
5. Orbicularis oris m. 5 4
6. Pectoralis major m.
7. Serratus anterior m. 153
8. Basilic vein
11. Rectus sheath 153
12. Linea alba
13. Rectus abdominis m.
14. Umbilicus 6
15. Abdominal oblique m., external 6
17. Transverse abdominis m.
19. Fossa ovalis 8 8
21. Great saphenous vein 7
153. Platysma m. 7
181. Subcutaneous fat
182. Corpus spongiosum 12
183. Corpora cavernosa 12
184. Umbilical ligaments 15
185. Epigastric artery and vein
17 11 11 14
186. Right testis

184 185
13 19
185 183
19 181

181 186
21 21


Lung s /He art - Trans ve rs e S e c tio n

3 C

5 A
P Abdo me n - Trans ve rs e S e c tio n

6 6
9 M
9 7
12 2
155 133
A. Esophagus
111 166 111 15
13 . Descending aorta
14 17 166 C. Azygos vein
. Right lung
. Left lung
. Right atrium
1 . Right ventricle
H. Left atrium
I. Left ventricle
20 J. Liver
0 . Stomach
L. Pancreas
21 211 . Intervertebral disc
N. Left kidney
O. Spleen

Ante rio r Vie w

1. Epicranius m.
2. Temporalis m.
3. Orbicularis oculi m.
4. Masseter m.
5. Orbicularis oris m.
6. Pectoralis major m.
7. Serratus anterior m.
8. Basilic vein
9. Brachial fascia
10. Cephalic vein
11. Rectus sheath
12. Linea alba
13. Rectus abdominis m.
14. Umbilicus
15. Abdominal oblique m., external
16. Abdominal oblique m., internal
17. Transverse abdominis m.
18. Inguinal ring, external
19. Fossa ovalis
0. Fascia of the thigh
1. Great saphenous vein

This pa ge inte ntiona lly le ft bla nk
Male Pe lvis - Trans ve rs e S e c tio n



39 3 Fe male Pe lvis - Trans ve rs e S e c tio n
25 A
26 D B
29 A
43 300
311 P
32 . Pectineus m.
B. Obturator externus m.
455 46 . Pubic symphysis
47 3
4 5 D. Neck of femur
3 . Rectum
F. Gluteus maximus m.
G. Prostate gland
499 50 . Urinary bladder
I. Vagina

5 36 Ante rio r Vie w

22. Parietal bone

23. Frontal bone
24. Temporal bone
25. Zygomatic bone
26. Maxilla
27. Mandible
5 5 28. Sternocleidomastoid m.
56 29. Sternohyoid muscle
566 30. Omohyoid muscle
577 31. Deltoid m.
S 32. Pectoralis minor m.
R L 33. Sternum
I 34. Rib (costal) cartilage
35. Rib
36. Greater omentum
37. Frontal lobe
38. Parietal lobe
58 39. Temporal lobe
588 40. Cerebellum
41. Nasal septum
42. Brachiocephalic vein
599 43. Superior vena cava
44. Thymus gland
45. Right lung
46. Left lung
47. Pericardium
60 600 48. Liver
600 49. Gallbladder
50. Stomach
611 61
61 51. Transverse colon
52. Small intestines
53. Biceps brachii m.
54. Brachioradialis m.
55. Adductor longus m.
56. Sartorius m.
57. Quadriceps femoris m.
58. Patellar ligament
59. Tibialis anterior m.
60. Sup. extensor retinaculum
61. Inf. extensor retinaculum

This pa ge inte ntiona lly le ft bla nk
Ante rio r Vie w
3 64 66 2. erebrum of brain
3. erebellum
677 4. rainstem
677 5. axillary sinus
6. asal cavity
68 7. ongue

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