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Lesson plan

Teacher: Mocanu Paula

School: Scoala Gimnaziala Sfanta Vineri
Date: 6th June 2017
Class: 8 th
Level: Intermediate
Unit 11: Entertainment
Textbook: Enterprise 4- Intermediate, Express Publishing
Type of lesson: Teaching vocabulary
Skills: speaking, writing, reading, listening
Methods: conversation, explanation, dialogue, exercise
Classroom interaction: individual work, pair - work
Teaching aids: blackboard, handouts, textbook
Time: 50 minutes

Lesson aims:
-To develop studentsspeaking skills
-To enrich students vocabulary related to the topic
-To provide opportunities for collaborative work
-To predict content from headings
-To read for specific information
-To match pictures with suitable headings

Main Objectives: By the end of the lesson,students will be able to:
- identify and name several phrasal verbs
-talk about activities related with entertainment

Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- distinguish main ideas from specific details
- develop reading speed
- work with the vocabulary of entertainment
-identify equivalances between words and phrasal verbs

Evaluation: - continue - through activities, observation, error correction

- final - through feed-back

-Blackboard, handouts, textbook

-Brainstorming, pair-work, converstion, observation, crossword puzzle

Anticipated language problems:

-Some children may have difficulty in solving the task, the teacher offers them linguistic props and assigns students into pairs
-The students do not seem to fully understand the instruction, the teacher checks the understanding of the instructions and where necessary she explains
again or makes a demonstration

Grouping and seating: whole-class teaching, individual, in pairs

Interactions: Teacher-students(T-Ss), teacher-pairs(T-P), students-teacher(Ss-T), student-student(S-S)


Stage of lesson/ Teachers activity Students activity Interacti Didactic Aims

Timing on strategies
Teacher enters in the class The students greet the teacher and
greets the students, and then tell the absentees if there are any. A - Speaking -to assure the
Organizing the teacher asks if there are any student writes the date on the T Ss introductive part
absentees. Then she asks one of blackboard and the others open their of the lesson.
the students to write the date on notebooks and write the date. - Questioning
2 min
the blackboard.

- to assure the
The teacher begins the lesson T Ss transition
Gain students
by asking the students what they between the
are planning to do in the
(Ice breaking summer holiday. She promotes Organizational
exercise) discussions by asking them if The students name some places they Ss-T Conversation Moment and the
they have ever been to a theme
park and whether they would would like to visit Introduction of
10 min
like to. the New Topic
She also asks the children what
they know about these parks:

Where we can find them

and what we can do Reflection
inside of them?
What types of parks are?
Are they considered a Brainstorming
source of entertainment? The students answer teachers
Can we find in Romania
any amusement parks? questions
What other forms of
entertainment can you
think of?
What is your favourite
form of entertainment
and why?
Before reading
The teacher starts the lesson by
asking students to work in pairs T P
in order to match some pictures The Students match the pictures -to inform Ss
Present the topic with their definitions. The with their definitions Communication about the topic
and explain the
objectives teacher gives the students some they are going to
worksheets. The students copy the date and the learn.

6 min The teacher writes the title of lesson title from the blackboard into Ss-Ss
the lesson on the blackboard: their note books.
Entertainment and informs
students that, by the end of the
lesson they should be able to
talk about this topic.

Using the new Reading - to enrich the Ss`

The first paragraph of the text
vocabulary -Ss look on their worksheets and Reading general
will be read by the teacher,
10 min followed by the students to read discuss with their pair mate. T Ss knowledge and
one by one paragraph.
make an
- Speaking interdisciplinary
After that, the students will have connection.
to solve the reading exercise
from page 133, where thy will
have to match the question with Then one student from each pair
the corresponding heading of
gives some answers. Pair
the paragraph. Students should
choose the headings for each work
part of the article with a partner.
5 min Ss fill in the blank spaces from the
The theme parks may be chosen
more than once. They should try exercise.
to explain how they chose their
- Writing -to facilitate the
answers. For example, we know
that the answers are as per the - Discussion acquisition of the
new vocabulary.
-0 with A Universal Studios,
-1 with E The Magic
-2 with A - Universal Studios,
-3 with B Sentosa,
-4 with C Legoland,
-5 with B Sentosa,
-6 with E The Magic
-7 with D Alton Towers,
-8 with E The Magic Kindom,
-9 with D Alton Towers,
-10 with B Sentosa.

Next the teacher will explain the
Vocabulary use of phrasal verbs and when - to consolidate
they can be used. Exercise 5 T Ss and use the new
from page 134 will be solved as The students copy the subtitle into acquired
7 min
per the below: their notebooks and write down the vocabulary
1- Out of, teachers explanation. -guided
2- Into, -discovery
3- Into, -explanation
4- Over down -discussion
5- Through. Ss-Ss

The teacher moves on with the -to check the Ss`

Ss` work individually. The first T Ss -writing
Production individual activity. She asks knowledge
them to complete on a handout, student, who will finish the -discussion -to consolidate
a crossword puzzle that will and use the new
6 min crossword puzzle, will read the text Ss alone
have on the main column the acquired
word HOW DO YOU SPEND aloud. vocabulary
them a limit time, monitors
discreetly and provides
-to increase Ss`
The Ss` are asked to write on a self-confidence
Students write the homework in - listening
post-it a feedback on the and encourage
teaching methods used by the their notebooks and asks for further - writing them in their
Feedback and teacher (Are you happy with study of English.
Homework information Ss-T -communication
my teaching today? happy / not
assignment happy). . The students also say Good-bye
to the teacher.
The teacher announces the
homework (exercises 2 and 3
from pag 134 Fill in the
4 min
correct word from the provided
list in the textbook and gives
instructions for the assignment.
She appreciates students
behaviour during the class.
The teacher gives students
thanks for their time and
attention and dismisses the

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