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Sociology - The study of society and the social interaction taking place within it

Why study Sociology

main reason to study is to accept and understand the culture of other people
OBJECTIVE UNDERSTANDING accept or understand the object base on itself
To obtain factual information about our society and the different aspects of life
It enables us to understand our society and to analyse the social factors causing problems and possibly some modes of thinking one
has to follow
Sociology relation to other sciences
The social sciences share common subject matters
Political science
Development of Sociology
August Comte-socius- social or being with others. Logos- study
Advocate the use of positivism or the empirical method for the studying society
Positive Philosophy- summarized the stages of development of all knowledge about humanity
Karl Marx
Evolution of society from capitalism, socialism to communism
Emile Durkheim
Social change and the division of labor produce strain in society which leads normlessness and loss of social control called ANOMIE.
Individuals are more the products rather than the creators of the society
Max Weber
Development of several social classes. Power and prestige as the major causes of inequality. Subjective meaning of a mans action
should be considered
The Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Structural-Functional Perspective
Conflict Perspective- society is studied through conflict and power struggle
Symbolic Interaction Perspective- communication aspect or language
Chapter 2
The Logic and Method of Sociological Inquiry and Research
Sociological Inquiry
It has goals to achieve, roles to follow and strategies to use in order to obtain a high probability of success
Goals of Sociological Research
To understand the observable world
Its main function is to test or verify hypothesis
Conducting Sociological Inquiry
Define the research problem and review of related literature
Formulate the hypothesis
Plan the research design- quantitative or qualitative
Gather the data
Analyse the data
Formulate the conclusion
Check or verify
Communicate the result to others
Methodological designs in sociology
Experimental Method
Survey Research
Field Research
Participatory Research
Investigate their problem
Techniques and tools
Historical Research
Life History
Case study
Content analysis
Use of film and tape recorders
Chapter 3
Culture the sum total of human creation
Is the aspect of our existence which is familiar to some people but different from others
Language and Culture
language is a part of culture
Language is the systemized usage of speech and hearing to convey communicate or express feelings and ideas

Characteristics of culture
Culture is learned
Social, collective and learned
Ideational- patterns of behaviour
Integrated whole
Components of Culture
Knowledge- what has been learned or perceived as true
Social Norms
A. folkways nakakatawa o nakakainis
B. mores- mainis
C. laws- to be penalized
Collective forms of behaviour- fashions, fads, crazes
Material culture and technology
Organization of culture
Culture Shock
Cultural relativism
Culture universal
Diversity of culture
Factors that promote cultural diversity
social categories
differing responses to the environment
Cultural Variability- cultures differ because of the great variety of solutions evolved by people from diff. society
Cultural integration- vary significantly in the consistency of their patterns of values, belief and behavior
Culture relativity- diff. in culture also rises from the relativity of the standards that society uphold
Chapter 4
Values- expresses the goals or purposes of social action
It should be cognitive affective behavioral
Filipino Values
Emotional closeness and security in a family
Approval from authority and of society
Economic and social betterment ,patience, endurance and suffering
Key values that dominate in the PHIL. Way of life
Non rationalism-rationalism
Personalism and impersonalism
Particularism and universalism
Filipino nationalism
Chapter 5
The Process of socialization
Human development- heredity and the sociocultural environment
Theories of personality development and the social self
Freuds Theory of Socialization
id makamundo
ego- maabuti
super ego magandang aspeto
Stages (according to freud)
Oral stage
Anal stage
Phallic stage
Latency stage
Genital stage (puberty)
Culture and Personality
Cultural determinism- cultural environment as main factor behavior.
Symbolic Interactionism- language is crucial in the development

Cooley and the Looking glass self-ability

Ability to visualize himself through the eyes of others. Imagination how we appear to other persons, imagination of the judgement
of that appearance sort of self-feeling
Mead and the development of the self
Role taking
Relating the idea of the self-concept to role taking.
He believed that the behaviour and perception held by individuals are influenced by the social groups of which they are members
Erving Goffman and the dramaturgical approach
Individuals are performing and acting in everyday life.
Agencies of socialization
Peer group
Mass media
Work place
Gender Socialization
an interaction with the family and other agencies of socialization
Chapter 6 Deviant Behaviour
Deviance is relative
Deviant behaviour may be tolerated approved or disapproved
Explanation to deviant behavior
Biological explanation (Cesare Lombroso)
Psychological approach- personality disorder or mal-adjustment
Sociological approaches to deviance
Functionalist perspective
Emile Durkheim- deviance as natural part of all societies and it promote social change
Robert Merton- deviance as result of anomie-inconsistencies
Walter reckless- deviance and conformity are both learned
Conflict Theory- struggle occurs between social classes
Symbolic Interactionism- cultural transmission theory states that deviant behaviour is learned
labelling theory- individuals labelled by official agencies.
Deviance as the result of the application of rules and sanctions
Feminist Approach- liberal deviance is a rational response to gender discrimination
DRUG ABUSE- sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, narcotics
Crime and its ethiology- family, school, peer group, mass media, community
Social Control and Mechanisms
Levelling technique
Curbing of antisocial attitudes
Chapter 7
Social group are essential to a persons existence
Concept of society- a geographical aggregate and has boundaries, as similar government and a common culture
Aggregates- cluster but do not interact
Social Category- never have met and do not interact but possess common identifying status
Collectively temporary and are not governed by norms
Social structure refers to the patterned social relationship
Social function- refers to the result of the action that occur in relation to a particular structure
Types of social groups
Primary and secondary group
Gemeinschaft and gesselschaft
In group and out group
Formal and informal
Reference Group
Social Institution- abstraction of an organized system of norms. Organization a social group formed deliberated
Common reciprocate in attitudes and their conventionalized behaviour patterns
cultural objects of symbolic value which represent social institution
Cultural objects possessing utilitarian value which satisfy the want of the individual
oral or written language democratic laissez faire
6. true
8. False
9 True
13. Culture is relative
15. use of symbols
16 informal social control
17. study of sociology
18 culture
19. Culture is social, collective, and learned
quiz 2

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