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Experiment 206 Archimedes Principle

Department of Physics, College, Mapua Institute of Technology

Keywords: Archimedes Principle, Specific Gravity, Density, Hydrometer, Buoyancy,

Buoyant Force
Abstract. This experiment aims to study and apply Archimedes Principle by determining the
density and specific gravity of solids and liquids by loss of weight method. In determining the
specific gravity of an unknown object that is heavier than water, both solid objects is first weighted
when suspended in air and then when in water. The specific gravity is solved by dividing the
objects weight in air by the difference of its weight in air and weight in water. On the second part of
the experiment an object is used where its weight in air, water and the unknown liquid are acquired
to determine the specific gravity of the unknown liquid. To solve the specific gravity of the liquid
the difference of the weight of the object suspended in air and the unknown liquid is divided to the
weight of the object in air and water. In order to check the accuracy of this method, a hydrometer is
used for the third part of the experiment where its density is easily acquired. For the last part of the
experiment where the specific gravity of an object lighter than water is determined the weight in air
of the cork, and the weight of cork in air and sinker in water are acquired which is then solved the
same as the first part. The results prove the accuracy of Archimedes principle in determining the
specific gravity of both unknown solid and liquid samples using the loss of weight method.

Archimedes principle, physical law of buoyancy, discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician
and inventor Archimedes, stating that any body completely or partially submerged in
a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest is acted upon by an upward, or buoyant, force the magnitude of which
is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
The volume of displaced fluid is equivalent to the volume of an object fully immersed in a fluid
or to that fraction of the volume below the surface for an object partially submerged in a liquid. The
weight of the displaced portion of the fluid is equivalent to the magnitude of the buoyant force. The
buoyant force on a body floating in a liquid or gas is also equivalent in magnitude to the weight of
the floating object and is opposite in direction; the object neither rises nor sinks.
For example, a ship that is launched sinks into the ocean until the weight of the water it displaces
is just equal to its own weight. As the ship is loaded, it sinks deeper, displacing more water, and so
the magnitude of the buoyant force continuously matches the weight of the ship and its cargo.
If the weight of an object is less than that of the displaced fluid, the object rises, as in the case of
a block of wood that is released beneath the surface of water or a helium-filled balloon that is let
loose in air. An object heavier than the amount of the fluid it displaces, though it sinks when
released, has an apparent weight loss equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. In fact, in some
accurate weightings, a correction must be made in order to compensate for the buoyancy effect of
the surrounding air.
The buoyant force, which always opposes gravity, is nevertheless caused by gravity. Fluid
pressure increases with depth because of the (gravitational) weight of the fluid above. This
increasing pressure applies a force on a submerged object that increases with depth. The result is

In this experiment, a digital balance is used instead of a platform balance for easier scaling. The
digital balance is a simple two-button operation with visual menu prompts that allow students to
begin weighing with minimal instruction. Along with the digital balance is a piece of hydrometer
which measures the specific gravity (relative density) of liquids; a set of weights, a 250 [ml]
graduated cylinder and beaker, cork, string, and two metal specimens.

In determining the specific gravity of unknown solid samples heavier than water, the first metal
specimen is weighted in the air by suspending it at the bottom of the digital balance. After recording
its weight in the air, W A , the suspended specimen is then submerged in a beaker of water where
its weight is recorded as W W .

The specific gravity of the metal specimen is then computed using the equation:

SG= (1)

The same procedures is done for the second metal specimen. After computing for both the
specimens specific gravity they are then identified where the experimental values and actual values
of the specific gravity is compared.

On the determination of specific gravity of unknown liquids a metal specimen is chosen to be

used as weights to be submerged in both liquids. Again the metal specimen is suspended under the
digital balance while kept submerged in water, its weight is recorded as W W . Next the specimen
is then submerged to the first liquid sample, its weight is recorded as W L .

Along with the acquired weight in air during the first part of the experiment, the specific gravity
of the unknown liquid is computed using the following equation:

SG= (2)

The same procedures is also done for the second liquid sample usaing the same metal specimen.
After computing for the specific gravity of both liquids, they are then identified where its
experimental specific gravity and actual specific gravity are compared.

For the third part of the experiment, the specific gravity of an unknown liquid is determined
using a Hydrometer. The liquid samples are placed in a separate graduated cylinder where the
hydrometer is placed in the liquid sample, letting it float on the surface. The reading on the liquid
sample is then recorded as its specific gravity. The same is then done on the second liquid sample.
Both liquid sample is again identified where its actual and experimental specific gravity is

In determining the specific gravity of an object lighter than water a metal specimen is chosen to
act as the sinker. The cork is first weighted by suspending it under the digital balance, which is
recorded as W A . The cork and the sinker is then tied and suspended under the digital balance
where only the sinker is submerged in water. Its weight is recorded as W CASW . The cork and the
sinker is then submerged in water where its recorded as W ( S+C ) W .
After acquiring the needed data the specific gravity for an object lighter then water is solved
using the following equation:

SG= (3)
W CASW W ( S +C ) W

Results and Discussion

On the first part of the experiment the specific gravity of the metal specimens are determined by
acquiring its weight in air and water. The computed experimental value is then compared to the
actual specific gravity of each metal specimen.

As shown on the data gathered on Table 1, the acquired experimental value of the specific gravity
of the metal specimens is 9.05 and 2.72, respectively. On identifying the metal specimens, it is
confirmed to be copper and aluminum. On further analysis, it is found that while copper metal
sample is denser than the aluminum metal sample, the aluminum sample displaced a greater amount
of water than the copper sample. Comparing the actual and experimental values of each samples
specific gravity the computed percent difference is 1.80% for the copper sample and 0.74% for the
aluminum sample which is negligible, proving the data to be accurate.

In determining the specific gravity of unknown liquids, a metal sample is used to submerge in
each liquid sample to determine the specific gravity of the liquid sample. In this case the copper
sample is used to determine the specific gravity of the water while the aluminum sample is used to
determine the specific gravity of alcohol.

It is observed on the data gathered on Table 2 that the weight of the metal sample is greater than
the weight of the metal sample submerged in the liquid sample. It is determined that the reason for
this is the upward force the liquid sample creates called as the buoyant force. The volume of the
displaced liquid is equal to the loss of weight of the metal sample in liquid, where it is also observed
that the heavier sample received greater displaced liquid. The difference is; however, the copper
sample is submerged in water while the aluminum sample is submerged in alcohol. It can therefore
be concluded that the higher the density of the liquid sample the higher the buoyancy of the object.
It is within this reason that the buoyant force makes the tension due to weight of the metal sample
smaller. It is also found that the experimental value of the liquid samples is 1.00 and 0.83 which is
found to be water and alcohol, respectively. Comparing each of their actual and experimental values
the liquid samples, the computed percent difference is 0.00% for the water sample and 1.22% for
the alcohol sample which is within negligible range proving the data gathered accurate.

As an alternate method of acquiring the specific gravity of an unknown liquid sample, a

hydrometer can be used which directly gives the density of a liquid. The same percent difference is
acquired on both the liquid samples.

For the last part of the experiment the overall volume displaced by the cork and the sinker will be
the volume of the two components. Since mass and density of the sinker is known, one could easily
substitute the value for the determination of the density or specific gravity of the unknown. When
the weight of the cork in air, the weight of sinker alone and with the cork at water, we can compute
for the specific gravity of the cork. The loss of weight of cork is simply the buoyant force exerted by
the water to the cork.

Archimedes' principle states that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a
fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces
and acts in the upward direction at the center of mass of the displaced fluid. This principle is a law
that can be used to explain up thrust or buoyancy. Buoyant force is an up thrust or upward force
exerted by a fluid on an object immersed in the liquid resulting in the apparent loss of weight of the

In this experiment, the group determined the density and specific gravity of solids and liquids
following Archimedes principle. Density and specific gravity of materials are unique on each object
that allows for one to identify a metal apart from its color and surface. When an object is submerged
in liquid, there is a buoyant force present in water pushing up the object. This buoyant force causes
the object to lessen its weight. Furthermore, the buoyant force is also the weight of the liquid
displaced by the object. The weight loss of liquid is in equivalent magnitude to buoyant force. We
could derive for the formula on determining the specific gravity from buoyancy and the net force of
the system. By that method, the density of the object can be readily determined.

One of the main source of error in this experiment is the incorrect identification of the solid and
liquid sample. This mistake can cause a large percent error when one computes for the specific
gravity. Other sources of error include the incorrect use of unit on the digital balance or unit
conversion , incorrect set up, or simply human error.
[1] Beiser, Arthur. Physics, 5th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
[2] Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics, 9th edition.
[3] Archimedes Principle Information on
Data Sheet

TABLE 1. Determination of Specific Gravity of Unknown Solid Samples Heavier than


Sample 1 Sample 2

Weight in air, W A 19.9 [g] 32.9 [g]

Weight in water, W W 17.7 [g] 20.8 [g]

Specific Gravity,

WA 9.05 2.72

Name of Sample: copper aluminum

Percent Error 1.80% 0.74%

TABLE 2. Determination of Specific Gravity of Unknown Liquids

Sample 1 Sample 2

Weight in air, W A 19.9 [g] 32.9 [g]

Weight in water, W W 17.7 [g] 20.8 [g]

Weight in liquid, W L 17.7 [g] 22.9 [g]

Loss of Weight in Liquid,

W A W L 2.20 [g] 10 [g]

Specific Gravity,

WA 1.00 0.83

Name of Sample: water alcohol

Percent Error 0.00% 1.22%

TABLE 3. Determination of Specific Gravity of Unknown Liquids using Hydrometer

Sample 1 Sample 2

Specific Gravity 1.00 0.83

Name of Sample Water Alcohol

Percent Error 0.00 % 1.22%

TABLE 4. Determination of Specific Gravity of Solids Lighter than Water

Name of Sample: CORK

Weight of cork in air, W A 2.00 [g]

Weight of cork in air and sinker in water,

24.00 [g]

Weight of both sinker and cork in water,

17.70 [g]
W ( S+C ) W

Specific gravity, SG= 0.3125
W (CASW )W ( S+C ) W


Part 1: Determination of Specific Gravity of Unknown Solid Samples Heavier than Water
COPPER = 8.96/3

% = 9.058.96 8.96 =1.08%

=19.9g 19.9 17.7g

= 9.05

Part 2: Determination of Specific Gravity of Unknown Liquids

ALCOHOL = 0.7893 /3
% = 0.8300.7893 0.7893 =1.22%
=32.9g 32.9g 20.8g

Part 3: Determination of Specific Gravity of Unknown Liquids using Hydrometer

WATER = 1 /3
SG = 1 % = 11 1 =0%

Part 4: Determination of Specific Gravity of Solids Lighter than Water

=2g 24.1g 17.7g
= 0.3125

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