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Introduction to Biostatistics | Research o Methods for testing hypotheses:

Notes from the lecture & orientations For comparison hypothesis

Etymology Searching for any
difference between the
bio life
data given
statistic collection, organization,
For relationship hypothesis
analyzation, interpretation of numerical data
Searching for any
possible association
Application of statistical methods to the
between the data given
health setting
Public Health Statistics
A value which remains the same from
Two types:
o Vital statistics
For vital events
o A week has seven (7) days
Number of births
o A dozen has twelve (12) units
Number of deaths
o or pi is always 3.14159265359
Number of marriages
Number of divorces (in other
countries) A value which cannot be predicted with
o Health statistics certainty
Morbidity Example:
Mortality o Weight may vary from time-to-time
Hospital and clinical statistics o Blood sugar may change
Service statistics The phenomenon of variation is what makes
Annual physical exams statistics important as it aims to make sense
Immunization of the uncertainty
Regulations for submission of statistics: Types of variables
o 1-month window for submission of o Qualitative
birth data One whose categories are
o 48-hour window for the registration of simply used as labels to
the dead with accompanying distinguish one group from
certificate by a physician another
o 3-month window before marriage for Example:
the registration of matrimony Gender
Branches of Statistics Place of residence
Descriptive statistics o Quantitative
o Summarizes and present the data Measure & ordered per
collected in manner which is easier quantity or amount
for analysis & interpretation Example:
o Example: Height
Bar graph Birth weight
Pie graph Types of Quantitative Variables
Pictograph Discrete variables
o Easier to interpret than raw data o Assumes only integral values or
Inferential statistics whole numbers
o Methods for making generalization o Example:
and conclusions on a target Number of eggs
population based on results from a Number of songs
sample Number of letters
o Types of parameter estimations: Cannot be or
Point estimate Continuous variables
Exact estimated o Variables which can attain any value
average is given including fractions or decimals
Interval estimate o Example:
An estimate is denoted Exact weight contains
as being between two decimals
given numbers Exact height
Scales of Measurement
o Label or categories
o Example:
Gender (male or female)
o Ranked or ordered
o Types of ordinality:
Few, moderate, many
1st, 2nd and 3rd
o Exact distance between two
categories wherein zero is arbitrary
o Example:
Temperature in Celsius
o Zero is fixed and no values go below
o Example:
Weight in kilogram
Height in centimeters
Application of Biostatistics
Information-based tool in decision-making
For clinical trials & evaluation of research
Problem identification


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