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When viewing git log: Press Q to get out

Cd /Z to go to the drive

Cd Rev hit tab to get to folder quicker

After going to the desired directory git clone /L/TTER to clone TTER from L drive to current directory

Git log to list version

When seeing Detached Head state, it indicates that old version, can only view, but cant do anything

Make changes, then commit then push. If someone is doing the same thing, will see error when trying to
push. Thus we have to pull (git pull) then git push again

Git commit m message

Git checkout - file to discard chances to that file

Git check out 12345 (first 5 characters) to look at the repository at that moment

After done looking at the moment. Use git checkout master to go back to the current stage

Unstage a staged file by git reset Head <filename>

Git log origin: only see commits after cloning

Use git fetch and git merge instead of git pull

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