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Danube Strategic Project Fund - Domenii de implicare

O atenie special trebuie acordat proiectelor care:

Au un impact strategic, n special n perspectiva extinderii i a politicilor de vecintate;
Au conexiuni i / sau efecte colaterale n teritoriul acoperit de Strategia UE pentru Marea
Adriatic i Ionic, cu cinci din opt ri participante ITS, de asemenea, fcnd parte din
Strategia UE pentru Regiunea Dunrii.
Include rile vecine (Moldova i Ucraina);
S includ msuri transversale i / sau orizontale, care acoper mai multe domenii prioritare
ale Strategiei;
Urmeaz o abordare bazat pe guvernana pe mai multe niveluri i implementare soluii
noi pentru administrarea expertizei prin intermediul unor platforme accesibile comune de
informare i de proiect, inclusiv construirea de reele;
Sprijinirea cooperrii economice i sociale;
Integrarea Foster i reconcilierea rilor dunrene, cu un accent deosebit pe formarea macro
tinerilor pentru o identitate regional comun.

DSPF suport proiectele care:

Rspund la nevoile actuale din regiunea Dunrii i au o valoare ridicat pentru SUERD;
Nu au primit fonduri pn n prezent (dubla finanare este exclus);
Nu se ncadreaz n nici un alt program naional i / UE;
Sunt durabile i au o strategie clar de follow-up (de investiii viitoare i / sau n perspectiv

Domenii de implicare / Idei:

Din ACTION PLAN Accompanying document to the COMMUNICATION FROM THE
THE REGIONS European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (exemple de proiecte):


- To continue boosting major investments in building and upgrading urban wastewater

treatment facilities across the Danube Basin, including measures to build capacity at the
regional and local level for the design of such infrastructure.
- To implement the Blue Danube cooperation project to exchange technologies,
experience and personnel in the field of urban waste water treatment.
- To establish buffer strips along the rivers to retain nutrients and to promote alternative
collection and treatment of waste in small rural settlements
- To foster and develop an active process of dialogue and cooperation between authorities
responsible for agriculture and environment to ensure that measures are taken to address
agricultural pollution.
- To legislate at the appropriate level to limit the presence of phosphates in detergents.
- To treat hazardous substances and contaminated sludge with the newest and best
available technology and to develop and promote remediation measures for hazardous
producing or abandoned industrial sites and waste deposits.
- To assure the proper control and progressive substitution of substances that are
considered problematic for Danube Region.
- To reduce existing water continuity interruption for fish migration in the Danube river
- To make the feasibility study for restoring continuity at the Iron Gates.
- To carry out an assessment for restoration of the sediment balance in the Danube.
- To examine biodiversity and environmental status of sediment, water and biota in the
Sava River Basin.
- To promote measures to limit water abstraction.
- To strengthen general awareness and facilitate exchange of good practice in integrated
water management issues in the Danube Basin among decision-makers at all levels and
among the population of the Region.
- To promote measures aimed at reducing knowledge deficits, developing and transferring
tools, methods and guidelines concerning the safeguarding of drinking water supply.
- To further strengthen Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime
Spatial Planning (MSP) practices on the Western shores of the Black Sea.
- To complete and make full use of the outputs of the DANUBE FLOODRISK project
currently underway (European Territorial Cooperation Programme South-East Europe).
- To promote transnational conservation of the remaining floodplains along the entire
length of the Danube by completing existing initiatives and promoting new ones,
including along tributaries.
- To deploy a set of sensors and actuators all along the river and network them through the
broadband infrastructure, allowing for events surveillance and risk prevention.
- To develop strategies for resilience of local communities to natural disasters through the
existing MONITOR II project currently underway (European Territorial Cooperation
Programme South-East Europe).
- To implement a comprehensive transboundary risk management project in the Danube
- To strengthen operational cooperation between the emergency response authorities in the
Danube countries and to improve the interoperability of the available assets in order to
reduce damages, protect citizens and ensure an appropriate response to emergencies.
- To foster transnational cooperation via ICPDR in order to develop a Climate Change
Adaptation Strategy for the Danube Region.
- To draft and implement a Water and Climate Adaptation Plan for the Sava River Basin
- To evaluate impacts of climate change on the availability and safety of public drinking
water supply through the existing CC-WaterS project currently underway (European
Territorial Cooperation Programme South-East Europe.
- To prepare and implement a Water Pollution Contingency Management Plan for the Sava
River Basin.
- To implement the Danube River Network of Protected Areas (DANUBEPARKS).
- To establish fully the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve.
- To provide expertise related to the Danube Delta and similar protected areas.
- To restore the natural environment, wildlife and vegetation along the Danube.
- To identify and protect old growth forests of the Danube basin.
- To promote the conservation of the genetic pool and gene bank cooperation along the
- To complete the Lower Danube Green Corridor.
- To develop the Alpine-Carpathian Corridor.
- To reduce the spread of invasive alien species (IAS).
- To remove safely obsolete pesticides and other obsolete chemicals in the area of Danube
- To ensure appropriate treatment of solid waste.
- To raise awareness about soil protection.
- To implement the strategy for soil protection.
- To connect people with the Danube.
- To build a network of Danube forest schools.
- To build capacities of local authorities in the environment-related matters.

Din HOTRRE Nr. 694 din 04.08.2010 cu privire la aprobarea Contribuiei (propunerilor)
Republicii Moldova la Strategia Uniunii Europene pentru Regiunea Dunrii:
Prevenirea polurii bazinului dunrean/securitatea ecologic:
- inventarierea surselor de poluare acvatic;
- prevenirea hazardelor antropice;
- mbuntirea monitorizrii n bazinul dunrean prin implementarea sistemelor on-line de
transmitere a datelor;
- asigurarea monitorizrii calitii factorilor de mediu (aerului atmosferic, apelor de
suprafa transfrontaliere, depunerilor atmosferice, aluviunilor etc.), inclusiv n timp real,
i schimbul echivalent i operativ de informaie la nivel de bazin;
- reducerea tuturor deversrilor de ape uzate;
- mbuntirea managementului deeurilor solide;
- n comun cu Romnia i Ucraina, elaborarea planului de management al bazinului
hidrografic al rului Prut i lacurilor dunrene;

Prevenirea i reducerea consecinelor dezastrelor naturale:

- n comun cu Romnia, elaborarea planurilor de urgen n cazul dezastrelor naturale i modelelor
de gestionare a riscului de inundaii n bazinul rului Prut;
- creterea eficienei exploatrii nodului hidrotehnic CostetiStnca de pe rul Prut;

Protecia biodiversitii i a ariilor naturale transfrontaliere:

- crearea rezervaiilor biosferice; - protecia, conservarea i restabilirea ecosistemelor naturale, n

special a zonelor umede;
- crearea/restabilirea fiilor de protecie a rurilor din bazinul dunrean;
- ntocmirea cadastrului i monitorizarea speciilor rare, inclusiv a sturionilor;

Atenuarea consecinelor schimbrilor climatice:

- dezvoltarea cooperrii pentru aprofundarea transferului tehnologic n vederea atenurii

fenomenului schimbrilor climatice prin introducerea tehnologiilor prietenoase mediului i
reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de ser;
- promovarea surselor de energie regenerabil i a modelului de dezvoltare verde, ca un promotor
al creterii economice i dezvoltrii durabile a regiunii;

Crearea unui cadru legal unic de protecie a mediului i gestionare a resurselor de ap n bazinul
dunrean i consolidarea cooperrii transfrontaliere n domeniul mediului:

- unificarea standardelor de calitate;

- perfecionarea bazei juridice de colaborare bilateral;
- alinierea legislaiei naionale la Directivele Uniunii Europene de mediu;
- ratificarea de ctre rile dunrene a tratatelor multilaterale de mediu existente;
- colaborarea ntre organele de control i intervenie i schimbul reciproc de informaie despre toate
aciunile ntreprinse n domeniu.

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