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Course Instructor: Dr Norlaili Amir

Lam Ooi Engineering is a local company specialized in importing AISI 316L steel plates
from China. Recently, the company appointed a group of experts to identify whether the
procured materials meet their specifications. This was due to various complaints the
company received in the last two months from different clients on their steel plate

You and your team are interns for a specialist materials engineer, whom are given a task
to determine the mechanical properties of the materials received. You have to identify a
minimum of two appropriate testing methods with relevant standards for the purpose.

This task is divided into three phases.

1. Phase 1: You need to submit the working plan for your proposed solutions
2. Phase 2: You have to perform the suggested testing to confirm the mechanical
properties of the samples and submit 10-15 pages Technical Report.
3. Phase 3: You need to present and defend your findings in the presence of a
Technical Committee.

You must attend a briefing by Lab Facilities Unit to get the overview on safety requirement
as well as the available lab facilities and services in Week 4.

You are required to collect the samples from the Materials Supply and Logistics
Department the during your lab session in Week 4.


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