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Academic and Resource Planning Division

To: Dean, ARP Division Date:04.05.2017

Through: _____________________

Form for changing the description of a course

1. Name of Department and campus proposing the change: Civil Engineering, Hyderabad, Pilani, and

2. Details of the course for which change in description (s) is (are) being sought:

S.NO. Course No. Name of Course L P U

CE F422 Urban Hydrology 2 1 3

3. Existing course description(write topics only):

Background of urban hydrology; urban flooding; description of hydrological and planning models such as
SWMM, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, EPANET, WEAP, SWAT; urban flood forecasting and mitigation strategies; Urban
flood planning in changing climate; description of general circulation models and downscaling approaches;
Management of Syphonic rainwater systems and detention facilities; sustainable urban drainage systems
(SUDS);case studies.

4. Proposed course description:

Urban hydrology; Hydrological and planning models, Urban flooding: Planning, forecasting and mitigation
strategies; General circulation models and downscaling approaches; Management of Syphonic rainwater
systems and detention facilities; sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS); Impact of anthropogenic activities,
case studies.

5. Justification for the change in course description:

Based on expert committee recommendations, syllabus was rewritten for better clarity and to make course

6. Have the proposed changes been discussed in Departmental committee on academics (DCA ) and the
cross campus Departmental Committee on Academics (CCDCA)?
Yes. Consensus reached.

Signature of Head of the department

[A signed hard copy of this form is to be submitted to campus Associate Dean, ARP for record. A
softcopy in MS word with file name as Department Name_Campus (eg. EEE_Pilani) to be sent

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